#it's too bad you can't see his stupid little horns
livelaughlovesubs · 4 months
Nini I want to fuck a demon boy so bad I can't. I'm so sleep deprived and this is the only thing on my mind. The idea of this powerful demon who's not used to being challenged, just ending up ass up face down on the floor, bed WHEREVER. It's not important. Ending up like that is just peak. Also I like to think they'd have sensitive tails. So. Like. I totally.
Wanna make them fuck themselves with their own tail. I think that'd be great. I think it would be awesome.
I want them to get so flustered at the idea of doing it, but do it anyway just coz I told them to. I can almost imagine them finding their own prostate with their tail, and really they can't decide which sensation to focus on. Feeling themselves clench around their own tail, or the way the slightly pointed end slams into their prostate. And bonus points if they cum and you overstim them by grabbing their tail and fucking them so much harder than they could themselves. Hooray, now they've got
your hand around their already much too sensitive tail
said sensitive tail is being slammed into their ass
it's gotta feel so good, they'd probably be so tight around themselves
your hand is gonna slip a few times, which is gonna end up in stroking their tail, which has got to feel like heaven for them
not to forget that you're thrusting their tails directly onto their prostate without letting them breathe
I just. I don't know. I think they'd look so pretty, flushed and begging to stop, even though it's them that keeps weakly trying to thrust their tail back into themselves. Also, they'd look so pathetic, sobbing from the overstimulation. I'm a sucker for tears trailing down their faces, eyes red and a little puffy. It'd almost make you wanna be nice to them. Almost.
But yknow, a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do. And sometimes what a girl's gotta do is fuck a demon stupid with their own tail. (I don't have the same way with words as some people, but like do you see the vision)
~a sleep deprived,🧁anon
You are so smart holy shit. You don’t give yourself enough credit. Fucking a demon with their own tail? Why didn’t I think of something as great as this??! Lemme write down my thoughts for a sec- (btw I thought you are like, very religious?)
Dom!reader x sub!character
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You had a long day behind you, and there was nothing sweeter than the thought of finally getting some sleep. All you wanted was to have a good rest, but to your demise you woke up in the middle of the night with something heavy on top of you. “Ops, I didn’t mean to wake you up. Oh well this will do too.” What the hell? It was a fucking person?? First thing you did was push him off of you and turning on the lights, then you thought this was some kind of weird joke. He had two horns growing out of his forehead, as well as a super long tail with a heart shaped tip. Not to mention the pink, glowing tattoo on his pelvis. When he opened his mouth again, you thought you didn’t hear right. “I’m an incubus, pleasant to meet you~ now let me feast on you, pretty please?”
An incubus, so, in other words a demon. What in the- never mind. He said he wanted to feast on you? Heck no, he woke you up in the middle of the night and is expecting you to have the energy to fuck him? As soon as he got up to try make a move on you, you flipped him over and tangled your hand in his hair, then pressed his face into your pillow. “If you are that desperate do it yourself.” Of course that little slut was into that.
He reached for his dick, but you slapped his hand away and instead grabbed his tail. “MhMngh- aaAAHhnn~!” A surprised yet blissful moan escaped him, face all red as lust fills their already sinful body. Anticipation swelling inside them at the thought of what you might do with them. That’s when they felt their own tail poking against their butt… wait wha? In the mean time you stroked it gently while whispering, “I want to watch you fuck yourself, who knows, I might reward you afterwards.” Suddenly all their previous confidence vanished as embarrassment took over. With their own tail..?? How did you even get that idea! Not even something as perverted as them had such outrageous ideas..!
In the end they could only obey without protesting, trusting their already super sensitive tail into their tight, wet hole. Each time they accidentally hit their prostate, they’d yelp and whimpers. Pretty tears are already rolling down their even prettier faces. Eyes half lidded as they whine, “mhm! Ah-ahhHh.. nghHnn~!!” All while their poor, useless dick is twitching around on its own, making a mess everywhere <3
Gojo, Sukuna, Dazai, Fyodor, Nikolai, jouno, Scaramouch, Kaeya, lyney, Ayato, Aventurine, Sampo, Jing Yuan (?), Douma - your favourites
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this is really specific but imagine being a Farmer and taking in a Minotaur who was abused and used for fighting. And like he’s bred to be a absolute f**cking tank. im talking like 8’6, scars and muscles, massive strong horns, callused hands etc. Because of the abuse and the fighting he was forced Into all his life he hates all humans, but for some reason he doesn’t want to hurt you. And as the months slowly rolls by he starts to warm up to you to the point he lets you touch him…Just for a little bit though
He is always surprised by your kindness. He's known many humans, and none have ever smiled at him like you do. Or ask him how his day has been. What surprises him most is how you always look him in the eyes when you talk to him. You never bark orders while absentmindedly checking your phone or blatantly examining his muscles while asking him to do labor. You always look him in the eye, or at least you look up. Sometimes it's hard to meet his gaze, especially if the sun is in your eyes and you can't quite make out where his head is. But that little act of respect almost always surprises him. It's almost like you see him as an equal.
You always say please and thank you. Even when he's just doing his job, work is the only reason he's here, yet you act like he's done you a huge favor when he does something as simple as refilling the watering cans. He almost never responds either, He just grunts dismissively. That never seems to bother you. No, nothing as shallow as a bad attitude would darken your sunshine.
It's funny. He's never really "liked" something about a human before. He's respected some of them. He's admired the bravery of the ones stupid enough to step in the ring with him. But he actually likes your positive attitude, and how nice you are... and your smile.
He likes the sunshine. On sunny days when there isn't much work left, you'll often find him lying in the middle of the field, enjoying the sun. He doesn't mind talking about his scars if you want to ask. Though, to be honest. He doesn't remember the details of most of them. It's all the same story anyway. A fight. A lance to the side before the fight to make him mad. A beating after he lost a fight. The individual scars all seem to blur together.
You show him a few of your scars, and you seem to remember the stories better. There's a web of scaring over the back of your hand he's noticed before but never asked about. You tell him you were stringing up a barbed wire fence, and the wire cut your knuckles. It bothers him for some reason. You're so sweet, never having been in a fight, and still you have scars. He doesn't like the idea of you being hurt. He tells you if the fence ever needs repairs he'll do it for you.
You're always careful not to touch him. He flinches if you so much as move too fast, and well... he is an animal, a reactive one at that. You're right to be cautious around him. It doesn't hurt his feelings. He respects you for the space you give him. He does have a sneaking suspicion that you want to touch him.
When he tells you about his past, you'll reach for his hand before pulling away and telling him how sorry you are to hear that. Or when he hands you something, you'll brush your fingers against his, even when you're normally so cautious to not let that happen.
Your eyes land on a piece of hay striking out of his messy hair right by his ear. You point it out but, he can't seem to find it himself. He always just barely misses it. Eventually, he crouches and bows his head low enough for you to reach the top of his head.
"Can you uhm, will you get it for me?" he asks shyly. You nod and easily pull out the hay. you pull away but he stops you.
"Wait- just check for anything else stuck in my hair, please?" he asks. you comply, running your fingers through his hair and checking for any more hay.
He still doesn't like being touched, but it's nice to know that your hands are soft and your touch is as kind and gentle as everything else about you. He wonders if touch could feel good and if you'd be willing to show him.
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dotster001 · 1 year
Can I request overblot crew + malmal (idk if he's gonna be the one who does it so) w a mc who has the uncontrollable impulse to just. Touch things they deem pretty/cute/whatever? Like malmals horns, leonas ears and tail, idias hair, jamils little coin things in his hair, vils crown, etc?
Or funnier, things they're supposed to not touch bc common sense? Like the boiling hot liquid in the alchemy cauldron, the fireplace, broken glass, basically anything someone would have to rip their hands away from lol
A/N: I did a mix of things. As someone who wants to put dungeons and dragons dice right into my mouth, I had a lot of fun with this one 😂 I want to put my hands in jamil and Azul's hair so bad 😭
CW: injury in Azul and Idia's parts, self inflicted, cause obviously 😂
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No one was allowed to touch the roses. Well, no one but you. You like to run your fingers on the petals, tracing any visible veins, touching paint spots, and booping him on the nose if the rose hasn't dried yet.
So sweet, so soft, so innocent. He only wished that…
No matter how many times he reminded you not to, you always poked the thorns.
"Y/N," he said sternly, "the entire point of thorns on roses is that they hurt.  They are intended to protect the rose!"
"But if not for touch, why touch shaped?" You pouted.
You sighed, and stared at the rose with a sharp glare, before turning back to him with a mischievous grin. 
"If I can't play with the roses, can I play with your scepter staff thing?"
He should have known. You'd been asking to "play with it" for weeks now. And every time he'd clutched it tighter, and taken a step back. He loved you! But he didn't trust whatever it was you wanted to do with his staff.
"Please, my rose?" You gently traced the collar of his dorm uniform, pressing your free hand to his chest and  giving him the sweetest puppy dog eyes.
He sighed, and placed his scepter in your hand, and was given immediate whiplash as you started swinging it through the air like a baseball bat.
"What are you doing?!?"
"Fighting crime!"
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He felt a ticklish feeling in his half awake state. Assuming it was a fly of some sort, he flicked his ears, and attempted to drift back off. But the ticklish feeling was insistent. He opened one eye to see you scratching his ears. He groaned. He should have known. This was a common occurrence.
"Oy, Herbivore!"
Your eyes widened, and flickered to his.
"Oh! You're awake!"
"Yeah, cause there's a fly buzzing by my ear."
You looked down at your hands then pulled them away.
"Oh, sorry."
You reached out to fiddle with one of his braids, your fingers doing what he could only describe as kneading the plaits.
He gripped your wrist, and pulled you down to his level, pressing you into his chest.
"If you're gonna mess with my hair, then, quid pro quo, you should expect there to be a price."
You nuzzled into his chest and nodded, your hand snaking back into his hair as he drifted off to your gentle fingers.
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This was exactly why he had the Leech twins watch you. You always complained you didn't need a babysitter, but when left to your own devices…
"As your partner, I shouldn't have to sign a contract or pay a price for a healing potion!" You cried, clutching your burnt hand.
What had you done?
You'd touched a stove seconds after the burner was turned off.
Call it stupid curiosity.
"If there's no price, how can I ensure you won't keep making these decisions!" Azul cried, finishing the final touches of the contract he was writing.
"Decision implies I thought about it. I can't stress enough that there was no thought involved."
He glared at you, before pushing the contract over to you.
"Sign it, and I'll fix your hand."
"My hand hurts too much," you whined.
"Your non-dominant hand is the one you burned. Sign it."
You looked at the fine print before grimacing.
"This says I can't touch anything if it's an impulse touch. What about you?"
"What about me?"
"That means I can't just touch your hair anymore? I can't just come up and kiss you anymore?"
Azul groaned a massaged his temples. 
"This is a punishment. You get those privileges back in two weeks. Sign the damn contract."
You intended to glare at him, but a wave of pain hit your hand and you quickly signed it in shaky script.
"There," he pulled out a potion and gently took your hand. "Hopefully you learn something."
"I probably won't," you muttered bitterly.
"I know," he lamented.
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His heart couldn't handle it. Even asking you out had nearly sent him into the recesses of his hood for eternity. 
But ever since then, whenever you got the chance, your hands were in his hair. Usually playing with the gold medallions in his hair. But if he happened to have worn his hair down that day….oh sevens.
You'd somehow snuck up on him, and snuck your way into his lap, cupping his face and running your hands through his hair.
You were technically looking at his face, but he knew you weren't actually seeing him. You were seeing his hair.
"Y/N," he muttered, feeling his face burn, "I have to finish this homework."
"Mhmm," you muttered, as dazed as if he'd charmed you.
"Y/N!" He whines, unable to stop himself from leaning into your touch, just a little.
"Mhmm," you hummed, before unexpectedly pressing his face to your chest to allow yourself more space to play with his long hair.
He thought about speaking up. But you couldn't see his increasingly flustered expression with his face pressed to your chest. And you were warm and comforting. And your hands in his hair didn't feel too bad. Maybe he could indulge. Just for a moment.
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Vil groaned, and left the bathroom he'd been doing his makeup in, watching you stare at a shattered bottle. Was it potion, perfume, or lotion? Even you probably didn't know. You just saw a shiny, pretty bottle, and had to touch.
"I'll pay for it!" You shouted, eyes wide with fear.
He sighed, flicked his pen at the broom he'd bought not long after dating you, and watched as it magically swept up the pink shards and goop on the floor.
He then half heartedly glared at you, lazily pointing his pen in your direction.
"Don't touch another one."
You aggressively nodded, and he returned to the bathroom to finish his look.
Ten minutes later, he heard it.
He covered his mouth to hide his quiet laughter. He truly couldn't leave you alone for ten minutes. It was endearing truly. He heard the broom fall as you, he assumed, hastily moved to sweep it up, and he couldn't hold back anymore, allowing himself to release a full, joyous laugh.
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"Hold that," Idia said excitedly as he passed you the scissors he'd just been using. His new game system was here! And he'd bundled it so that it came with Star Rogue 2, which had only just come out! 
He slowly pulled it out of the box, holding his breath from excitement, and,
He turned to look at you, and your thumb was in your mouth.
"What's wrong?" 
You pulled your thumb out, showing a cut on the finger pad. 
"Ortho!" Idia called in a panic, holding your hand and staring at the cut. In his panic, he stuck your thumb in his own mouth.
"Ew, Idia," you said, face full of disgust at your boyfriend's spit on your hand.
Ortho came over before he could respond, and pulled your hand from Idia's mouth. He immediately got to work on the cut, seeming to have been aware of the problem immediately.
"How did you do this?" Idia asked, rocking back and forth to get rid of his nervous energy.
You looked up at Ortho, then back at Idia, then back to Ortho.
"I'm embarrassed to say it when Ortho is here. He'll just give me a speech."
"I only give speeches when you need them!" Ortho said defensively.
"Which is everytime," you muttered bitterly.
"Y/N, please, I'm scared. Tell me what happened!" Idia cried, beginning to pace as Ortho wrapped a bandage around your thumb.
You stared at the floor. "Well, you handed me the scissors, and I was curious how sharp they are, so…"
Idia groaned, and Ortho immediately began his speech about scissors.
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Malleus knew he was tall, especially compared to humans. So he'd never thought much about how insistently stared up at him, eyes full of expectation.
It wasn't until he watched your cat creature's eyes do the same thing as he tied a shoelace, one day, that he realized that you wanted something. And it wasn't hard to figure out what it was.
"Are you looking at my horns? If you're so curious, you can touch them freely. But only if you are ready to see what will happen afterwards."
Little did he know that he had stumbled upon a rare breed of human, one that was unafraid of him, but to an unrealistic extent.
It was visible today, while you were on a walk together, and then you stopped walking. He paused to look back at you, but it was too late. You were climbing his body like a koala, all to reach his horns.
"If you simply asked me, I would let you touch them."
"So shiny! Must touch!"
He laughed lightly as you reached his horns, and heard you attempt to knock against them. They didn't have feeling, but he could guess from previous times this had happened that you were poking the points with a finger and running your hands up and down them.
He felt a pull on his head as your lower half lost its grip, and you helplessly dangled while holding his horns.
"Oh, my silly child of man," he laughed. "What am I going to do with you?" He flicked his pen and helped you float down, then turned to you. You were sitting in the grass and pouting.
"I wasn't done," you muttered.
He knelt in the grass with you, then lay his head on your lap, laughing again as you excitedly traced his horns, allowing himself to relax under your care.
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pomogando · 2 months
Heeeyyyy! Im hear to request hope you dont mind :33
Maybe phighters reacting to platonic child!reader who is a troublemaker and likes to annoy people?
(fluff) and some headcannons about em?
Take the time you need by the way!I won't force ya!
Phighters x Troublemaker Child!reader
Platonic, no warnings, I choose some random characters, if you want others just ask!
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You have probably been seen wandering around matches before. You usually messed with anyone who was preparing for their debut. Though a game warden would routinely kick you out, you always managed to sneak back in somehow. You just wanted to have some fun, and that fun might make other people annoyed.
Katana is the most patient with you out of all of the phighters. He gives you one word responses and doesn't usually entertain your nonsense. Something that annoyed you pretty bad
You tried to test your luck by quietly pulling his mask off from behind but he quickly grabbed your hands without looking. He gave you a glare from behind his mask as you scattered.
.. needless to say, it scared you badly. You took him off your list of targets, not wanting to push your luck. You gave a nervous apology which he only nodded at making you huff, but maybe you deserved it.
After a while of keeping your distance you started to slowly pester him with questions. Without you realizing your conversations became more genuine. He was an old guy, sure, but he was more interesting than you expected. You wouldn't even notice when you started coming by just to talk to him instead of messing with your other targets.
"It would be best for you to simmer down, not everyone is as patient as I am."
Subspace can't tolerate you for a single second. He's never been a fan of kids, and you're solidifying that belief for him.
It's not like you're making it easy for him, you poke fun at everything he does. He's the easiest to rile up and that keeps you coming back. He's especially annoyed when you try to mess with his Biografts. (which he'll claim you were trying to break for the record!!!) If it's not that you're making fun of his gas mask, his horns, his gear, his specially tailored outfit, (that you can't afford mind you) he can't stand it.
He's always the first to report you to the game hosts and/or Banhammer. Banhammer thinks it's hilarious, but you have to be careful if the hosts actually pay attention to his constant complaints for once.
"How DARE you- Hasn't anyone ever taught you little BRAT to respect your elders?!?"
Rocket, considering his background, is by all accounts a hypocrite. He was probably worse than you at your age if we're being honest.
He'd probably start off incredibly annoyed by you, then he's tolerating, then you're both inseparable. His favorite thing to do is give you someone to mess with, laughing audibly after they scold you or stomp off in anger.
It turns into a symbiotic relationship, you bother whoever he wants, and in turn he gives you snacks and other treats. It's beneficial for both of you.
When you're not working together, he may talk to you before a match starts, cleaning his weapon while telling you the latest gossip. He'd never admit that he got attached to you, slowly seeing you as a younger sibling.
"Hey, you see that guy over there with the stupid blue headband? Ruin his day and i have 20 buxs with your name on it..."
Sword doesn't mind you too much at first. Sure, it's annoying when you mess with him, but it's not something he can't handle. Though, when you move on to other people is when he steps in. Being raised by Venomshank left him with a strict moral code, whether you listen or not is up for debate, but you're usually too annoyed at the end of his speeches to bother anyone else.
He ends up following you around and preventing you from getting into trouble the best he can.. which isn't amazing. Usually apologizing to whoever you manage to piss off. Rocket thinks it's hilarious. He's your unofficial babysitter.
"H-hey! Get back here! You're gonna get yourself hurt!"
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unrefinedmusings · 1 year
no outbreak!joel miller x f!reader headcanons
warnings: 18+ MDNI, smut, nasty situations, age gaps, dirty talk, strip clubs, threesome, mentions of infidelity, sexually forward behavior?, not proofread very well
a/n: blaming this one on ovulation and listening to hot stuff by donna summer on repeat. only one of the scenarios is told in second perspective, but feel free to think of all of them as you.
currently obsessing over a joel miller slut era
the outbreak never happened and sarah is off at college. being a father has been his greatest joy. he would not trade a second of his time with sarah for a more rebellious youth. but when joel is almost 45 and living in an empty house, he gets lonely. and bored. that's when he starts to notice. the fleeting glances. the overt stares. he never realized how much attention he got. so he lets his dick do the thinking for a while. who could blame him? people were throwing themselves at his feet. who could blame them?
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some standout moments:
while shopping for a birthday present for sarah, joel walks into a boutique at the mall. it's a small store and a slow day. the girl at the counter perks up at the sight of him. she's not subtle, nearly salivating when he walks over to ask for help. she touches him way more than what is appropriate while giving an opinion on earrings. all he does is lick his lips in her direction before she's locking the front door and turning the shop sign to closed. he drags her into a changing room despite her suggestion of the back office. joel doesn't mind the size of the stall when it means he can watch her face while he pounds her from behind. when he finishes, he kneels to make her finish one more time on his tongue. "make sure to watch yourself, honey. look so pretty when you cum."
joel miller is neither stupid nor cruel enough to get involved in someone else's marriage...but that doesn't mean he can't have some fun. since entering the business, he's found that every bored housewife loves to flirt with the contractor. now he just lets himself flirt back. watch their cheeks flush when he winks across the room. see them turn their weddings rings around, as if not seeing a diamond will make him forget their husbands hired him. it gives him an ego boost knowing they'll think of him in their marital beds that night.
hank, one of the younger guys on his crew, is engaged and invites joel to his bachelor party. tommy insists he go, at the least so as to not come off as an unfriendly boss. the strip club is loud, and his beer is overpriced and watered down. none of that matters when he sees the little devil come out on stage. she's wearing a lacy red corset that's pried open, letting her tits bounce free. he palms his cock under the table when she spreads her legs wide for the audience, and chuckles when her horns don't fall off even when she's upside down. joel had always been impressed by the fancy spins and twirls, but what he loved most was watching a woman make love to the pole. she's gyrating against it like a cat in heat, even turning around and letting the smooth metal slide between her asscheeks. she saunters over after her show, slides into his lap and offers him a dance in a private room. the horns fall off while she's bouncing on his cock, chasing her orgasm as his fingers work her clit.
the one he should probably feel the worst about it is the least his fault. those girls were so eager. they zeroed in on him before he realized. joel wanted to get a beer after work, the two seniors from Texas A&M wanted to sow their wild oats. joel knew they were a little too young for him, but they insisted since neither had been with an older man or had a threesome before. both girls sidled up on either side of him at the bar, each slipping a hand onto his thighs. he can't feel that bad when he remembers what having two pretty young things kissing on his cock was like. what it was like lying in his bed, one on his cock and one sitting on his face. hard to feel bad about that.
his favorite occasion is the night he meets you. it's late. he's had an awful day. two guys on his crew called in sick and he had no time to eat. he stops at an old school drive in for a couple burgers. in his side mirror he sees you, sees your uniform: cropped white tee, short black skirt, and, oh fuck him, rollerskates. your tits jiggle as you come to a stop by the driver's side window of his truck. you catch him staring. he can't muster the energy to be inconspicuous. joel's gaze lifts to meet yours and sees the flirtatious smile you've got on. leaning against the door, you ask to take his order. "I'll get two burgers, some fries, and two shakes if you've got time, sweetheart. Only one if you got somewhere else to be." You take your break in his back seat sipping on a vanilla shake with his head between your legs. After you cum, he lifts your shirt up and jacks off on your tits. He makes sure to grab the panties hooked on your skates and tuck them into his jeans. When you ask for them back, he spanks your ass. "I'm coming back for another pair. When's your next shift?"
Thanks for reading!
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So I went hiking yesterday and climbed on some old lime factory ruins and saw some graffiti. (Lots of it actually.)
So here's what I think the redacted characters would graffiti (if anything):
David: No. He wouldn't graffiti. Man prolly believes in the sanctity of nature and leaving things either as or better than he found it
Angel: Cock and balls.
Asher: Jigglypuff. He wants everyone to behold the splendor.
Baabe: honestly, despite the fact I hc them as an art nerd, I don't think they would graffiti. Maybe with chalk so that way it's temporary. But idk what they would say.
Milo: either "Milo was here" or "Shut up Asher"
Sweetheart: doesn't matter. It's a mess. Because "Art is abstract, Milo. Besides, it kind of looks like that time Aggro spooked you and you shifted and made a mess in our old apartment"
Sam: he wouldn't. He's on the same wavelength as David.
Darlin: some kind of inside joke so that way everyone in the pack (and clan) knows they were there.
Vincent: a purposefully cheesy inspirational quote in the shittiest lettering you've ever seen.
Lovely: a smiley face because they just want their life to calm down so they can enjoy immortality with their stupid boyfriend.
Porter: he wouldn't, but not because he cares about sanctity or whatever. He just doesn't see the point.
Treasure: nah. They don't see the point either. They also don't have a marker or spray paint or anything with them. Porter just kinda zipped them into the middle of fucking nowhere all of the sudden. Somehow they lost a shoe on the way.
Elliot: yes. Boy is making a whole landscape because it's in his DNA and his inner Bob Ross is screaming at him that there's no mistakes, only happy little accidents
Sunshine: they put a sun and a little river for Brachium since he can't deface property with them :(
Blake: he's bringing a powerwasher to destroy all the graffiti
Bestie: they weren't aware it was an option because Blake is sheltering them from the existence of graffiti to keep them pure.
Aaron: no. He doesn't have the time
Smartass: they're busy too.
Ollie: no. He'd rather be inside playing board games
Baby: no, they're inside watching Ollie explain a board game for three hours
Ivan: yeah. Idk what, but he is
(I'm not doing Ivan's listeners)
Guy: it's just memes. There pepe the frog. There's rainbows and telling people that "they're putting chemicals in the water to turn all the frogs gay"
Honey: they put Guy's phone number so he gets spammed because his graffiti tastes are as good as his humor. Make of that what you will.
Geordi: no. He's too anxious about getting in trouble to even think about it.
Cutie: yes. They're putting passing people's thoughts on the wall.
Camelopardalis: no.
(He has too many listeners and I isn't remember them and they dint have enough personality for me to be able to tell)
Vega: no. It's too human.
Warden: once. They felt bad and tried to get rid of it afterwards. It was just a stick figure with horns.
Hush: yes. He saw it once and wanted to try it. Now he's wanted in twelve states for defacing government property. He just copies what he's seen.
Doc: nope. They never understood the draw.
Damien: nope. He's a rule follower
Lasko: no. He's too anxious
Dear: yes. But it's just dad jokes.
Huxley: once. He felt bad about it but it was certainly an experience. It was a tree and a stick dude.
Gavin: absolutely. It's hilarious. It ranges from just crude jokes to just random circles. No one knows the meeting, but it's becoming like a mini legend in Dahlia. If you find the holy circle (because it's a perfect circle. He has good wrist control) you have to leave an offering. He's making a cult by accident but he still finds it funny
Freelancer: yes, but only because Caelum saw Gavin doing it and thought it looked like fun and he wanted Freelancer's help.
Caelum: he drew a bunch of shaky smiley faces to "brighten peoples day. Because when they see all these smiles, they'll want to smile too, and that will make them feel good. Which makes me feel good. Which helps me make others feel good. Which makes me feel goo-"
Morgan: no.
Seer obscura: no. But they were tempted to give vague warnings to people to try to help them
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sphylor · 7 months
Mountain with chronic joint pain. Most days it's manageable but sometimes the pain is so bad he can't drum or work in the greenhouse or really do anything he enjoys. On these days (if the weather permits) he'll manage to pull himself out of bed and get outside where he'll just lay on the ground, digging his aching fingers into the dirt to try and seek comfort from the earth. The pain gets particularly bad in the winter which doesn't help seeing that the weather is never good enough to be able to go out. And Mountain learned the hard way that it's just not worth it.
There was a snowstorm in the forecast that morning and both Cirrus and Cumulus told them all they could feel it coming. But the pain was just too much. Mountain Needed to get outside. He managed to get to the flower gardens and tried to dig his fingers into the dirt but the ground was too frozen to make more than just a scratch at the surface. He led there crying for a while, desperately dragging his fingers against the ground, begging to feel the earth’s heartbeat, its warm embrace. And then the snow started and he realised he couldn't get back up. Dew had to melt him out of the snow that had piled on him by the time they had found him and supported him back up to the abbey. The earth ghoul waited to be told how stupid he was for doing that, that he of all people should know better. Those words never came. Dew just stared straight ahead with a slight pinch between his eyebrows as he wrapped his arm around Mountain's waist and let the earth ghoul lean on him as much as he could. He took him back to his room and helped him change his clothes and get warmed up. They crawled into bed together and stayed there in silence for a while. The guilt building in Mountain was threatening to bubble over and spill like a pot of boiling water until Dew took his aching, red hands in his own warm ones and brought them up to his lips to kiss them.
"It's okay. I understand."
"But it was a stupid thing to do." Mountain countered.
"Maybe,” Dew agreed. “But we all do stupid things when we're hurting. remember when Aether had to fish me out of the lake in the middle of february?"
Mountain cast his mind back and laughed a little. "The ice had just melted and you were desperate to get back in."
"I knew it would still be freezing cold but… I just had to go. Every part of me was screaming for the water." Dew wrapped himself around Mountain. "But after Ifrit had managed to warm me up, Terzo said I could use the special baths in the basement while it was still too cold for the lake and it helped. The feeling didn't fully go away but it soothed it."
Mountain buried his face into the top of Dew's head and hummed, the warmth from Dew's body easing the pain in his joints. Combined with the smell of cinnamon and honey that was Dewdrop, it made him comfortably sleepy.
"What I’m trying to say is just come to me the next time things get that bad. You know I can help with the pain and keep you warm when you’re outside. And we can all try and think of ways to help when the weather is shit."
"I know…" Mountain mumbled. "I'm sorry."
"You've got nothing to be sorry for, love. Just no more hiding in the flowerbeds during a snowstorm, okay?"
Mountain pressed a kiss to each of Dew's blunt horns "Okay. Thank you. I love you."
"I love you too."
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whatitshouldvebeen · 9 months
Speaking of asks though I’d love to request a Johnny fic where the reader is completely aware that she’s being manipulated, and that nothing but bad will come of associating with Johnny. Except her saviour complex gets the better of her, and not wanting to waste the amount of effort she’s already put into the relationship, she pushes on with the mindset that she can be the one to change something inside him, only to be completely wrong and at his mercy, regretting the fact she ever thought of this man as fixable.
Johnny is of course making fun of her the entire time, finding her perception of him completely out of touch and naive, shaming and humiliating her. You can definitely make it smutty too should you want. 😳
Curiosity Killed the Bunny
Johnny Slaughter x you
Contains: degradation, no y/n, gaslighting
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Sorry for taking so long on this one, I had an idea for it forever ago but I had to wait for them to release Johnny's Shack so I didn't get to it until now, I hope it was worth the wait 😈
“Always knew you were a lil ditzy. Didn't think you were full-on stupid, though,” Johnny teased, grinning down at you. Your wrists were in one of his hands as he pressed you against the beverage fridge in the ‘Last Chance’ gas station. Drayton Sawyer cleaned the countertop, trying his best not to look curious.
“I just wanted to see where you worked!” You protested, trying to keep your voice low to keep from drawing attention. You had secretly followed Johnny here after he'd spent the night at your place.
But the moment you walked into the gas station, Johnny cornered you, as if he’d known you were following him all along.
“Told ya not to worry about my job, sugar,” he leaned in, his lips inches from yours. “Now you're really in for it.”
“Johnny,” you breathed in his exhale, cigarettes and iron. “Is something wrong? Let me help you.”
You knew there were plenty of things wrong with Johnny; how manipulative he was, his secretive nature, and that he was struggling to commit. But something told you not to give up. Someday, there would be a breakthrough.
You could still save him.
Johnny had left your house this morning with his mind elsewhere. He barely kissed you before he left to who knows where. You'd had enough with the secrets.
“Dumb little bunny. You can't do shit to help me. Best you manage is addin’ to my problems,” he said, sneering.
Your brow furrowed, the urge to protest growing stronger. “You've barely tried to trust me! Six months and I've never even seen where you live!”
A trucker stared at you two from across the gas station, quickly averting his eyes when Johnny glared over his shoulder.
Johnny turned back to you, drawing even closer, his grip on your wrists tightening. “You wanna see where I live, hm? Well, I guess I don't got a choice but to show you now, do I?”
Your next batch of complaints died in your throat. “W-wait, you mean it? I can see your home?”
“Now that Uncle Drayton has seen you, he'd think it were improper if I didn't.” He tilted his head, his smirk growing.
You wondered why Drayton would want you to go home with Johnny, but you were too elated to worry about logistics.
Johnny released your sore wrists and took you by the waist, leading you back to his truck.
Finally! Was this the breakthrough you'd been waiting for? Was Johnny finally opening up? You didn't want to get too ahead of yourself, but you felt proud as you hopped in his truck, and he took off down the dirt road.
It only took fifteen minutes before you pulled up the long gated driveway lined with sunflowers toward a beautiful home.
“Wow, Johnny! Your home is beautiful,” you said cheerily, holding his hand over the console.
He mumbled a response and continued down the drive, stopping outside of a brown shed with bull horns hung over the doorway.
Johnny turned the truck, which rumbled to a standstill, and then opened your passenger door, helping you down to the gravel.
Much to your surprise, he headed for the shed and opened the door, waiting for you.
“Oh,” you tried to hide your flustered expression, feeling stupid. Johnny laughed and smacked your ass as you entered his shed.
“Thought my ma's place was mine? Ya really are a dumb little bunny, ain't you?” He chided.
“Sorry, I just-” you trailed off, your eyes flitting around the shed. A ratty couch covered in beer bottles and empty cigarette boxes, a kitchen piled high with unwashed dishes, and far too many freezers greeted you.
Johnny's fingers caught your chin, pulling your attention to him.
“You’ll have plenty of time to look around later.” His hand trailed down your chin to your neck with a loose grip. He kept drinking you in, an inkling of regret in his eyes.
“You just had to stick your nose where it don't belong,” he said under his breath, his dark gaze intense.
“I just wanna help you, Johnny. If you'd let me see your place earlier, I coulda kept it clean for you.”
“You will, Bunny. You'll keep it nice and clean for me. And you'll make my dinner. And clean my clothes,” he said, smiling. But his smile was… off.
“Do you want me to move in?” You asked.
“In a sense,” he said.
“Why are you lookin’ at me like that, Johnny?” You asked nervously.
“Cause I'm tryin’ to figure how you stay alive with so little brain function.”
You flushed with embarrassment. “You don't need to be so rude,” you said, averting your eyes.
“Will it make things more clear if I do this?” Johnny let go of your chin and walked over to the front door. He proceeded to lock three locks, and then padlock the final one, draping the key around his neck by a silver chain.
“Is there something dangerous outside?” You asked, your eyes growing large.
Johnny barked a laugh. “Sort of. You see, my uncle Drayton don't take well to me keeping girls around. My ma neither.”
He saunters back over to you. “I was doing well keepin’ you a secret, but well, now that Drayton has seen me with you, he'll be wanting meat.”
“What?” You asked, your throat running dry.
“My uncle Drayton is famous for his BBQ. And for good reason. After all, he uses the freshest meat,” he said, coming to a stop in front of you. You were still standing by the wall beside the front door, which he pressed you against.
“What does that have to do with me?” You asked anxiously.
“Young, supple little bunnies got the most tender, sweet meat,” Johnny purred. “Just can't get enough of it. I keep hunting down naïve little rabbits, and he cooks ‘em up and sells ‘em at the station.”
“Rabbits? You're talking about rabbits, right?” You asked.
“Ditzy little bunny. I could scoop out half your brain and you might be better off.” He gripped your ass, pulling you against him. “You're the meat. Or you should be. I tried to keep you out of it honey, but you just had to get curious.”
“Drayton eats people?” You squeaked, horrified. “Wait, he feeds people to people?!”
“Mmhm. I catch ‘em, we butcher ‘em, Drayton cooks ‘em. Nice lil system we got goin’. And you should be next on the table.”
You gasped, all the blood draining from your face.
“But don't worry, sugar. Johnny won't let that happen. The moment you walked into the gas station, I hid your face from Drayton. All’s I gotta do is find another girl who looks like you to take your place.”
“This can't be happening,” you groaned, feeling sick to your stomach.
“Hey, hey now,” Johnny soothed, caressing your clammy cheek. “I got you, bunny. As long as you stay nice n’ quiet and don't leave home, I can keep you alive.”
“I c-can't leave?” You asked, your lip trembling.
“If my ma sees you, she'll kill ya herself. Na, it's better ‘f you stay right here.”
“I'm gonna be sick,” you said, pushing him aside and running to the sink. Your vomit coated the old pots and dishes, adding to the already rancid smell.
“Now, bunny,” Johnny said as he placed his hands on your hips, “remember this is all because you didn't listen to Johnny. Because you thought your dumb little fantasy of saving the bad boy was gonna come true.”
You whimpered, your entire body trembling as you dry heaved again.
“Now, I'm gonna be the one saving you, baby girl. All you gotta do is behave, and be a good girl for me. Can you do that?”
You stared at the vomit-coated sink and wondered if the rancid meat in the pan swarmed with maggots was human.
Johnny spun you around, pressing you against the disgusting sink.
“I said, can you be good for me?”
You shook in place, terrified and frozen.
Johnny slapped the dumb expression off your face, replacing it with one of anguish as you fell to the floor, hitting your head on one of the cabinet knobs beneath the sink.
“Answer me, dumb little bunny,” he snarled, kneeling down and forcing your gaze up to his by gripping your hair.
“Yes! I c-c-can! Please stop!” You sobbed, cradling your cheek.
A malicious smile unfurled on Johnny's face.
“I Caught and killed plenty of pets before, but never kept one,” he said. “I promise I'll try my best to take care of you, baby. Keep you bright-eyed and bushy-tailed,” he said happily.
You couldn't hear him, your ears were ringing so loudly. And still somewhere in your dumb little bunny brain, a little voice shouted- “I can still fix him!”
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6okuto · 1 year
Listen… you said we could ask for more hcs pt.2…………………….
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gn!reader | (part 1) anon you GET ME! BUAAAAHHH AND OMGG THANK U... that's so crazy actually i hope u guys think about me today i will b thinking about all of u😙🫶🧡 YIPPEE!
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so stupid /affectionate. takes photos of you and says "now a silly one." or starts taking selfies without telling you
will do cheesy romantic things with you because you ask. he can tease you all he wants, and he wonders how he's found himself swaying to a song with you in the kitchen,, but then you hold him a little tighter and he's like ah. that's why
tells you to be careful with his horns. not in a they're sensitive way but in a please do not get in a position where he could poke your eye out way. rest your chin in between them if you want though
asks you to pay for lunch. when it's actually time to pay he's like "what the hell are they doing over there?" so he can pay first. you guys fight to pay semi-regularly. You are the people who made me want to scream and cry when i worked retail.
do his make-up. i dare you. what. you don't want to stand in between his legs with his hands on your hips while you try to do eyeliner Be serious. he'll be your test subject for new looks
or let him do your make-up. you can match w some red eyeliner :)
doesn't do any little video trends with you without being a little annoying/difficult but he Will do them and do them extremely well in the end. everyone's jealous of your relationship
if you're having trouble sleeping and try to not move around a lot in case you wake ais up,, it's too late. bro is awake. he sighs and nuzzles into you before being like,, "if you can't sleep, you can wake me up you know." or "how long were you going to go before waking me up?"
^ late night snack runs.. he'll stay up as long as you do. hanging out in a mcdonalds parking lot at 2am eating chicken nuggets who gets me
pulls your head to lay on his shoulder if he sees you getting sleepy. rests his head on top of yours
silently comes and lies down with you if he's in a bad mood. you don't have to talk or really do anything, just being around you helps him feel better. he won't complain if you coddle him a little though :) you offer to get him some snacks or cuddle him and he smiles against your skin. "i'm starting to think you have a crush on me or something." you roll your eyes and flick his forehead but he just lets out a breathy laugh. "yes please."
cannot fucking play horror games/movies around this guy like why are YOU jumpscaring me Where is my safe space. he relishes in you clinging onto him / holding you from behind, but he also respects you scaring him back if you're more immune to horror
don't start a prank war with this guy because that shit isn't ending. he excels in annoyingly inconvenient pranks Don't Do It.
tells you about the dogs(/animals) he saw while out during the day. modern au he sends you pics either wordlessly or guessing their names. "meet nacho cheese" "why would u say that" "that's obviously his name? have some respect"
ohh. people watching...this sounds silly. but like i'm thinking about how he doesn't like being lonely/isolated but Is and how he has to watch others enjoy themselves and stuff. so you hanging out together and talking and guessing random people's life stories is just like. a casual thing but reminds him He Has Somebody to do that with now
why'd i say that
you know how he was in the rafters at the beginning. yeah he's asking if you wanna join him up there. you're like You do that Regularly? not just trying to intimidate me? and he's like 🤷‍♂️ it's comfortable enough.
promises he won't let you fall and keeps a steady hold. See? it isn't so bad.
modern au tattoo artist ais who gets me. anyone. anybody. helloooo? guys please i'm gonna pee my pants
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🏷 | @lost-lonnie @screaming-wea-sel @dreamtydraw @respitable @semifilms @hexcoeur
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eldritch-spouse · 1 year
Perhaps, if the two of you had ever consummated your attractions, things would be much different.
How much different? How bad would it be?
[Bad enough that I didn't want to include it in the original ask.]
TW: Physical abuse; Verbal abuse; Noncon; Gore.
Livius will request the two of you have a "special night" together where he expresses wanting to try something new. Nothing crazy, he assures.
You're cuffed to the bed. He makes a show of placing the key somewhere safe so that he can easily reach for it if you become uncomfortable, showering you in praise for agreeing to do this with him, for trusting him.
He leaves, promising to be right back, and as you lay there naked, strange noises can be heard from beyond the door.
Livius will cherish the way the color drains from your face when you watch your silly little lover stumble in, his sockets vacant and bloodied, not even the eyelids were left behind in Livius' deliberately clumsy clawing. Your lover hiccups and sobs and trips over their own feet. Their horns have been torn in chunks, bleeding from the roots where the demonlord physically tore or cracked them. They have no teeth in their maw, only a stump of a tongue, their forearms ending in a gnarled mess patched just enough that they don't bleed out and die too soon. What's left of their cracked and twisted tail tries to curl protectively between their naked and carved thighs.
Livius smiles silently as if nothing were wrong while you likely shriek and wail and call him every name under the sun for what he dared do. Your lover can still hear you through all the cranial damage they've endured, and they probably try to console you, or call out for your help, it's very unclear. Nevertheless, the King coos about your "excitement". Come on, it's that one demon you used to get so so cheeky with- Don't you like them? Don't you love them?! Isn't this hot for you, you filthy cheating whore?
Aren't you wet, you stupid slut?
He's so glad you're enjoying yourself, because things have only just began.
Livius rummages through a cabinet with his hand wrapped tight around your lover's throat, fetching a regal-looking vial with a tantalizing pastel pink liquid within it. Something that could only be from the likes of Lust. The substance is poured down the mangled demon's throat, and Livius makes sure they don't get the chance to spit or vomit it back out before it takes effect. Far too quickly, the one you love starts getting visibly aroused, a fever they can't deny no matter how battered and frail their body has become.
Look, they missed you so much, haven't they? Why don't you two embrace each other the way you love to, hm? Oh no, don't mind Livius, he's just sooo glad the two of you have found happiness, it's a beautiful thing to see, really.
Who is he to get between you two love birds?
When your lover is beside themselves with desire, all the Icon has to do is place them on the bed, let them feel you, just enough that they instinctively can perform the rest.
Livius looms behind the mangled husk of his traitor, holding your legs up and watching, unmoving, unblinking, as you get savagely violated by the demon you found safety and love with.
No amount of begging, shrieking, wailing or intimidation can make Livius react. He doesn't move a muscle until you're too broken to make sounds, until you lie there looking closer to death than your maimed beloved. Once the potion-fueled demon can no longer perform, a gnarly pool of seed and blood caking the sheets, Livius lets them collapse on top of you, dropping your legs.
The first hints of a brand new smile chip at the demonlord's deadpan when he grabs the half-conscious demon by the head, buries his fingers in their sockets and audibly cracks their skull enough to garishly deform their face, biological matter pelting your vastly despondent form as you're forced to watch and feel your lover's pitiful death rattles. It's remarkably like the twists and turns of an animal that's been runover, clinging desperately to its last vestiges of life- Clawing at you to help them.
Perhaps blaming you for all this in their last few seconds alive.
Once it's all over, and a deafening, lethal silence settles over the room, Livius throws the corpse off your body, making it tumble loudly to the ground as he unties your cuffs. With a saccharine tone, he thanks you so much for humoring his little game, plants a kiss on your static lips and leaves the room.
It could have been ten minutes.
It could have been a day.
But you eventually register the sight of Flints looking down upon your frozen form, shaking his head silently.
He starts dragging the cadaver away, humming some sort of tune under his breath.
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@dujour13 very kindly tagged me in the Companion First Impressions tag game! Check out her answers for the magnificent Siavash here.
I have not officially completed the game yet though I've been spoiled on a lot of the ending haaa... so just treat this as Zell's thoughts after your average Azata ending, and I'll come back later once I've gone mad with power.
Tagging @rlainarin Give your KC’s first impression and final opinion of each of their companions!
First Impressions:
Seelah: You seem... charmingly sincere for Iomedae's lot. And I owe you for getting Terendelev so quickly... I guess we'll see how getting out of here goes, yeah?
Camellia: I don't even know you, and already I know it's gonna be you or me. I can smell the old blood under your nails... I wonder whose it is?
Lann: Wow buddy, how'd you get your head so far up your ass with that horn? Impressive.
Wenduag: Normally I don't appreciate strangers telling me what to do, but you aren't nearly as threatening as you think you are… and you're right about Lann being reckless.
Woljif: You've got the air of ehh... talented grifter who blows his winnings like a pimp, no wonder you got nailed. Anyway, want to go scandalize the neighbors with me?
Ember: Little one, I absolutely agree that they were just scared stupid men in a crisis, but you don't want to smack 'em around even a little bit? All right... we do it your way for now. I guess we'll see about next time too. And the time after that...
Daeran: Hnh, you were the single voice of reason back in the square yet play an imbecile party boy in your own home... So what should I know about you, Count? Whatever you're hiding smells like bad blood.
Nenio: Normally I'd be more wary about someone wanting to do 'experiments' on people a goofiness about you that I respect. I want to see where you're going with all this.
Galfrey: I love how you think you're being cute and clever but you have 'I am in a crisis because nobody is acknowledging me' disease and I can smell it from here.
Sosiel: You seem. Nice. I'm sure we'll get along fine, you just remind me of someone I'd rather not be thinking about just now.
Regill: Oh a Godclaw? The Hellknight mental gymnastics champions? Color me intrigued. Don't tell anyone, but I'm glad someone else around here isn't squeamish about making hard decisions in a bad situation.
Arueshalae: Never once have I imagined I'd meet a demon who would change my life for the better, but... strange things keep happening. We both strive for the impossible, ey? Perhaps we strive together.
Greybor: Weird how I'm two for two on a stranger giving me orders and me being okay with it, but I have been bewitched by your weirdly paternal swagger.
Ulbrig: BRO YOU'RE HUGE. AND ON TOP OF ME. BUY A MAN DINNER FIRST, DAMN. My fuckin *ribs* guy....
Trevor: Ah shit, man. Let's get you home.
Parting thoughts (Normal Azata Ending Edition):
Seelah: Stay questioning, my friend. A life full of joy doesn't mean a life of easy answers, you know? You keep your heart open, and I'll always be keeping an eye out.
Camellia: You just had to keep on lying.
Lann: You are like a brother to me (but sometimes I still want to commit fratricide you SHITHEAD. I love you.)
Wenduag: Is there no world in which you find your peace in life? I know I could have done more, but I don't know what that was supposed to be. I failed you just as much as you failed yourself.
Woljif: Tch, I can't wait to watch you turn into a rich, fat, happy old ram. Maybe cool it on the securities fraud for a little bit, I can't be breaking you out of prison. I mean I will but I don't wanna.
Ember: Kindness really is infectious, yeah? You helped me be a kinder version of myself. I'm so glad to know you.
Daeran: Ah, my best friend; love of my life. What an unexpected surprise, to feel so cherished... I wish you'd let the rest of the world see you the way I do. I never could have done this without you.
Nenio: Well, Professor? What new experiments shall we try next? Your loyal assistant is ever ready!
Galfrey: I'd pity you if I felt like that would fix anything. Everything that wasn't your fault was made your problem; I hope you can find it in your heart to rest from that someday.
Sosiel: Ah I guess you aren't so bad... Nah get back here and hug me, fool. I will see you at Harvest, make sure you're drawing silly things to stay loose.
Regill: Master Derenge, it has been an honor. I will always hold your memory in esteem.
Arueshalae: Hey, keep your chin up, recovering from your old life is going to take time. You know I'll be around, yeah? Always at your back, sister.
Greybor: Don't look at me like that, I'm not being smug at all. Anyway tell your family hi from me, hm? You'll be seeing fruit and flowers from me soon enough.
Ulbrig: I guess... I suppose we'll see each other again sometime, somewhere. Good luck to you, my friend.
Trevor: Give yourself the grace of patience, my friend. I will come to you when you need.
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moonlight-tmd · 11 months
how would the cons, bots, and elite bots react to the fact bee's parents are basically their gods
how would sari react too????
I love this au so much <3333 (it's funny af and has great potential for chaos)
Well, the others wouldn't really know they are gods since Primus and Unicron are not allowed to reveal themselves- hence the disguises and alias'. Bee knows they're gods but he's not allowed to speak about it either, he only refers to them as Sire and Papa anyway.
While Prisma and Unis know they are the gods, they speak about their god-names as if they were separate beings(mostly when they're arguing) to keep their covers- religion is a minority on Cybertron since the war began so it's rare to see someone speak about the gods so much. They are seen as religious to say the least.
When Unis shows up in earth he's wrecking shit up for fun and the autobots come to stop him- he does his gig with "you have no chance against me! I will destroy you!" before he notices the tiny yellow bot standing in the group and changes his attitude to happy-go-lucky, The others are very confused and alarmed when Bee runs towards te colossus, even more so but add shocked when he picks Bee up and starts baby-talking to him and Bee yells; "Meet my Creator!"
They are sceptical and wary of Unis cuz this mech just threatened to kill them and now he's acting all friendly and good. He straight up says he was gonna destroy the planet for fun but he can't do that since his beloved sparkling (and his friends) live here.
And so Unis is a "guest" in the plant for few weeks. He's like gremlin-mode Bumblebee but worse- he dubbed Sari an abomination when Bee introduced her to him, Unis was quick to clarify he likes her very much and insults are his way of showing affection(in a way). She was hurt at first but quickly got used ot this weird affection Bee's dad gave her. She likes to go messing around with them in the middle of nowhere sometimes.
He doesn'd do shit when there's something bad happening and the team has to go take care of it. In fact, half of the calls happen cuz he's causing trouble. He's also encouraging Bee causing mischieft and doing pranks and saying he's "going in his Creator's pedesteps".
Unis had bragged about being the strongest warrior in the entire reality known, he's detroyed planets single-handedly and wrecked thousands of soldiers that happened to get in his way. Team Prime has a reason to be wary of him, not just because he's a giant.
The Decepticons straight up skidaddle on the sight of him- he's triple the size of Blitzwing AND wielding a giant double-sided axe. One time Megatron got his servos on Bee and threatened the other Autobots that he'll hurt him, Unis seemed to just materialize out of thin air behind him and politely got his attention before he suplexed him with one servo. The 'cons are straight up avoiding the yellow mini now in both fear of what other fucked up abilities he has and because they don't wanna be pavement on the courtesy of his apparently Creator.
Sentinel is giving Bee all the respect and praise he "held back on" the moment Unis approaches him from behind while Sentinel is trash-talking Bee and excuses them both so they can go on the promised treasure hunt.
While Unis does seem like the strongest in the universe, he's not on either side of the war. He calls it stupid and says that he "spreads the chaos equally".
Then Prisma shows up. He drops from the sky and seizes Unis by his horn. He says few things to his "little sunray" and promises to visit soon before leaving thru a "space bridge" with his husband.
Bee then tells them that was his Sire.
If Ratchet was questioning how this colossus Unis managed to take care of such tiny Sparkling like Bee then now he's questioning how the frag Bee is so small if he got 2 literal giants for Creators- and he doesn't look like he was adopted by them.
And yeah, Prisma does show up unexpectedly like a week later- they find him sitting in the main room with Bee, he was recovering from an injury so they left him in base for the call and when they come back- oop, there's a fucking huge airplane just sitting in the plant. How did he fit in the room? None of them know!
Surprisingly, Prisma is very likeable and they actually get to be kinda friends with him instead of being afraid- well, they're still scared cuz he does clarify he'll send Unis to wreck chaos if something happened to Bee but he's not as aggressive as Unis. He's not even violent- physically at least. He's also on neither side of the war- he says it's a pointless tragedy and he's giving help to anyone in need.
Prisma is similar to Prowl actually, he's calm, respectful and the responsible parent- he doesn't let Bee cause any trouble (most of the time). He actually made Bee apologize when he called Prowl's documentaries boring; "Just because his interests don't align with yours, it doesn't mean they are any less than what you enjoy." He has said.
Now, the 'cons and Elite Guard are still scared shitless from Unis' visit so they also avoid him. Bee and Sari have the fun flying together in his cockpit and seeing stars and galaxies from the "projector"- it's like they were actually in space!
Prisma leaves and things have quieted down. But all of the eath transformers were traumatized enough to treat Bee with respect. His team still bosses him around a bit cuz he is a teammate but they certainly are worried of what might happen if they so much as insulted him. But the tension shrinks the further Bee's parents' visits were in the calendar.
Now i have few funny ideas with BlitzBee and "meeting the in-laws" that i vaguely mentioned in this post. But i also think ProwlBee would fit. Feel free to send questions about whichever you want.
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pancake-breakfast · 1 year
The problem with being on Volume 9 is that means we're on the last buffer before Volume 10, and I am Not Ready. None of us are.
Stream-of-consciousness thoughts for TriMax Vol. 9, Chapters 1-2 below.
TriMax Volume 9 Covers
Ugh, we just have to start with a Vashwood cover, don't we? I have too many Vashwood feels right now. I can't handle this.
Ah, the return of the blow-up doll. Is... is she jealous of whatever the hell is going on with Vash and Wolfwood here? (Honestly, I have no idea what's going on with them here, and I wouldn't be surprised if Nightow doesn't know, either.)
Back cover Liviooooooo.... Oh, shit, he's not wearing his skull there.
Ahahahahahaha, that's a no-face reference on the back there. Looks like he's got some dolls of his own. I... I don't know what to think about that. I'm just not going to lest it make my brain hurt.
What kind of chapter/volume name is "LR"??
Someone take down the Kuroneko-sama. I'm pretty sure she's dry.
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Chapter 1: Home
In Stampede, "Home" was a reference to the place where Luida and them live. Here, it seems to refer to the orphanage.
Baby Livio! Baby Nico!!!
Wolfwood, feeding the forlorn. Of course.
Ah, I see he's been reunited with Angelina II. Get yourself reunited with Vash, you idiot.
Aaaand he's going against the caravan for some reason.
LOL, he is DETERMINED to get through going the wrong way. And quickly. This feels like a bit of overkill for a simple gate.
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Heh, even as a child, he still has so many Wolfwood mannerisms.
Oh, shit. He's going back for Livio, isn't he?
He really loved his life at the orphanage....
Goshdarn puppies getting in stupid places.
Yeah! Go, baby Livio! Do good things!
Oh, Livio, honey.... If you thought you getting dumped here was because you didn't do something--whatever that might be--to make yourself lovable, you are dead wrong. I don't have to know any more about where you came from to know that.
Baby Wolfwood is such a big brother to everyone here.
Something wrong with his eyes...? Is that...?
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Did he ("he") kill the puppy because it put someone else in danger?
Hahahahaha, no secrets between siblings. And an orphanage has a LOT of siblings.
Oh, no. Poor baby Livio. He's just... got a lot going on, I'm sure. But it might be easier with friends.
Hey, is this round guy the kid Wolfwood used to walk to the bathroom?
Hahahaha, yeah, it's him. He doesn't recognize his big bro, of course. Wolfwood's been through a lot.
Twelve, huh? Why's it always gotta be twelve? Something something religious imagery, I know.
Ohhhh, nooooo. Livio, this isn't where you should be....
He's helped set a trap for Wolfwood? My dude, no.
Also, goshdarn, why's he gotta be good-looking?? There are some grumbling about his looks in Stampede, but both versions of him are freaking dorito chips with long hair and goth aesthetic, so I'm not complaining.
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Yeah, Wolfwood definitely sucks at cutting ties to people he cares about. I'm not sure if Knives really succeeded or really fucked up by ordering him to escort Vash, 'cause there was no way in hell Wolfwood wasn't gonna get attached to Vash.
Wait, did Livio do something to get on the Eye of Michael's bad side? Also, just how big is their cult? I thought a good chunk of it got wiped out a few volumes ago by that horn-headed guy and the weird CLAMP bishounen. Also also, wasn't Chapel bragging to Wolfwood about how Livio was basically like a better version of him... but Livio got kicked out??? Questions.
Dude, is this little Cactus kid gonna try and take on Eye of Michael by himself?? Dang, no wonder they recruit from this orphanage. These kids got guts.
Side note, I love how Wolfwood's chillin' here, loading up his gun, but also his whole demeanor is like he's just one of the kids.
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Oh, I guess these guys aren't true EoM. They're... like... mercenaries or some such.
"Once this ark scare is over...." HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA hoo boy, who's gonna tell him?
Welp, this guy is trash. He needs a name. I'm gonna call him... Cable-Face.
Seriously?? He wants interesting reactions from the child he's tormenting and likely to kill?? This guy needs new hobbies.
As someone who worked in dentistry, I like the implication that nearly every one of Cable-Face's teeth are fake. AND he still managed to chip TWO. This kid's life might be worthless, but so is your dental hygiene, Cable-Face.
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Oh, I guess Cable-Face was very cyborg. Whatever, he may not have needed to be if he had taken better care of himself. And Livio's right; he was pretty annoying.
Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go simp for Livio for a bit.
*This space reserved for Livio simping*
(Crap, I just put two and two together and I think I know what "LR" stands for now. MOVING ON!!!)
Chapter 2: Tempest
Aw, man. Them kids are putting two and two together about their good friend Wolfwood. Let us all shed a tear for Wolfwood's lost youth.
Welp, that's two "alarms" down.
G'night, Burnsie! All y'all are in for a baaaaad day for pissin' off my guy Wolfwood.
OMG he didn't kill Burnsie. And he's trying to negotiate these guys out of dying, too. He's literally fighting for the thing that matters most to him, and he's trying to do it Vash's way.
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Great camaraderie amongst these mercs, I see. /s
Ultimate tiger family?? Ugh, sure, yeah, whatever, man.
HAHAHAHAHA, Wolfwood with the backwards shooting. Get wrecked, tiger man.
Badass Wolfwood poses.
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"Keep your eyes on him!" *friend gets smacked in the face* LOL
Badass. Wolfwood. Poses.
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DAMMIT, I just remembered *redacted redacted redacted* Ugh, they really gotta do this, don't they???
Wolfwood and his kid self....
@sweetpotoooooooos noted Kid Wolfwood training with Eye of Michael looks like Megumi from JJK is cosplaying as Lara Croft and now I can't unsee it. (I think Megumi is angrier, though, and has a LOT more chill.)
Getting worse? How?? Because he doubts his right to take another's life??? Screw you, Old Man. Like, seriously. You talk like what he's doing now takes less courage and less calculation and less skill, and that's absolute bullshit.
LOL, Chapel is SO MAD! Good, be mad and dumb. Also, he's really rocking that dramatic cult leader garb today.
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*COUGH* Sorry, I had to many words and they got stuck.
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UGH, I dun want them to fight! They should be brothers!!
Duuuuuuude, something something Stampede! I can feel the influence here. Also, I'm not ready for this.
LOL, Chekov's rocket. Wolfwood sure has fun with these things.
Looks like everyone's in a lot of pain... but they're alive. And also...
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May the humiliation all these mercs faced here today inspire them to rethink their lives. Maybe make a change in their career paths.
Heh. He knows Livio is here, and he's calling him for help.
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Ok, I need to focus on this pose for just a moment. Because this is first time I've seen anything... anything resembling actual will and determination in Livio's face. And it's just for a second, a single panel, before we pull out too much to get a clear read on him again. All the rest of the time, his face is either hidden in shadows or he just looks resigned, depressed, and/or detached. But this panel? There's life in his face here.
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Haaaahahahaha, their greeting to each other is such... brothers. Sibling energy. I submit that they are both dumbasses.
One step closer....
Trigun Vol. 1: Covers + 1-3, 4, 5-6, 7-8, 9-10 || Vol. 2: Covers + Extras, 1, 2-4, 5-6, 7-8
TriMax Vol. 1: Covers + 1-2, 3-4, 5-6 || Vol. 2: Covers + 1, 2-4, 5, 6-7 || Vol. 3: Covers + 1-3, 4-5, 6-7 || Vol. 4: Covers + 1-2, 3-5, 6-7 || Vol. 5: Covers + 1-2, 3-4, 5-6 || Vol. 6: Covers + 1-2, 3-4, 5-6 || Vol. 7: Covers + 1-2, 3-4, 5-6 || Vol. 8: Covers + 1-2, 3-4, 5 + Bonus
Extra Credit: Trigun Vol. 1: Nebraska vs. Vash's Motivations, Vash's Loneliness, Vash's Depression (pt 2 of post), Soupy Brains || Vol. 2: Coin Factoids || TriMax Vol. 1: Lina, Vash, and a Haircut || Meryl, Vash, and the Pursuit of Happiness || Vol. 5: Knives, Vash, and Hatred for Humanity || Vol. 6: Coping Series: Wolfwood, Meryl, Vash || Vol. 8: The Uncoordinated Counterattack
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sunshinebarbarian · 29 days
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Chapter 12 - The Pale Elf
All Chapters <3
As they walked, they heard a man's voice. He seemed to be calling out for help, but they couldn't see him. They followed the sound of his voice.
"You there! Come here, I need help." - as soon as the man came into view, he immediately addressed them. He had a pleading look in his face.
"Did he know we were coming? How?" - Sol whispered to Shadowheart, not taking her eyes off him. She could sense she was wary too.
"Please? Please come and help me?" - the man wore fancy clothes, embroidered with gold thread. Sol assumed he was a nobleman that had been abducted, and had had the misfortune of surviving the alien ship just to land in a different kind of alien environment. Sol approached slowly.
"Hurry, I've got one of those brain things cornered." - he motioned to it with a dagger. - "There, in the grass. You can kill it, can't you? Like you killed the others?"
"Uhm.. how did you..?" - Sol was interrupted by some movement in the bushes. - "Yeah I guess. Stand back."
A frightened boar ran off squealing down the path. Sol was about to turn around to tell the elf off for wasting her time , but she felt the sharpness of a blade on her neck. She berated herself for letting her guard down and being so stupid. He pushed her backwards, down on the floor, his dagger never leaving her neck. His legs pinned hers.
"Shh. Not a sound. Not if you want to keep that darling neck of yours." - Sol's eyes met his. She was already having a bad day. Being made a fool by this elf was not making it better. She wanted to wring him like a towel. - "And you" - he addressed Shadowheart. - "Keep your distance. No need for this to get messy."
"I need her alive." - Shadowheart retorted, her hand on her mace. - "Stow that blade or I'll show you just how messy things can get."
"Promises, promises." - The elf redirected his attention to Sol. - "But I have other business, I'm afraid." - His face was so close to hers, she could see every detail of it. His skin was deathly white, his eyes blood red. She was briefly confused by the lack of a warm breath, but she quickly got over it due to more pressing matters - his blade, on her throat.
"Now, I saw you on the ship, didn't I? Nod." - he demanded an answer. He made the mistake of giving her a little leeway with the knife so she could nod. She headbutted him, the base of her horns colliding with his pretty little nose. - "Argh! You wretched little.." - he did not get to finish his insult. Sol freed her legs and pushed him off her.
He scrambled to get to his feet at the same time as her. As they stood, Sol's vision darkened, her mind twisted. The worm's familiar touch showed her visions from unfamiliar eyes, prowling dark, busy streets.
"What was that? What's going on?" - despite having clearly suffered the same dizzying worm connection, the elf still kept his dagger ready.
"It's the mind flayer's worm." - Sol explained. - "It's connected us."
"The worm. Of course. That explains things.. somewhat." - he sheathed his dagger. - "And to think, I was ready to decorate the ground with your innards. Apologies." - he offered a smile that reminded Sol of a dog caught red handed doing something it shouldn't, lowering it's ears and thumping its tail.
"Apologies accepted. I might have done the same were the roles reversed." - Sol smiled at him, showing all her teeth. She intended it as an animal would - a threat.
"Ah, a kindred spirit." - he chuckled, but he looked slightly nervous. He recomposed himself. - "My name's Astarion. I was in Baldur's Gate when those beasts snatched me."
"I'm Sol. I was in Baldur's Gate too. That's Shadowheart." - Shadowheart glared at Astarion.
"Is that so? We clearly move in different circles." - Astarion really nailed the nobleman act. Sol wouldn't fall for that one again. She raised an eyebrow at him.
"So, do you know anything about these worms?" - he changed the subject.
Sol grimaced. - "Yes, unfortunately. They'll turn us into mind flayers."
Astarion's eyes widened. - "Turn us into... HAH" - he started laughing mid sentence, but there was no humour in his laugh. - "HAHAHA! Of course it'll turn me into a monster. What else did I expect?" - for a second, his mask fell. He seemed to be experiencing too many emotions to contain himself; but his walls came back up just as quickly as they went down, leaving Sol wondering if she had imagined the anguish on his face.
"Although... it hasn't happened yet..." - his tone grew hopeful. - "If we can find an expert, someone that can control these things - there might still be time."
"You should travel with me." - Sol offered. - "Our odds are better together."
"You know.. I was ready to go this alone. But maybe sticking with the herd isn't such a bad idea." - he considered it, then opened his arms and bowed slightly, as if conceding defeat - "Alright, I accept. Lead on."
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limpfisted · 1 year
stand close to me. let me look into a human eye.
The terms of their potential agreeement were better than any human could hope for, with a devil-‐-even that of a cambion, like Rapahel.
(If they hadn't been, would Wyll still be here, he wonders? Without powers of his own, without so much as the tadpole, Wyll was weaker than he'd ever been. Even now, all but begging Raphael for his gifts, he felt like a mewling, sickly kitten unable to latch, kneading the ground pathetically in front of its Mother instead, blind with both eyes squeezed shut.)
A devil is a devil. And this is far too good to be true. And yet, Raphael had helped Astarion for such a simple price. Take out an enemy here, Raphael had said, bring to me a contract here, and you can choose which contracts. Choices, choices, choices. Rapahel giving him the power to consent, to choose his own marks?
He would never have to kill a Karlach ever again. Never have to feel the guilt of the--- Never have to shed human skin like a snake's as if burned to crisp and ash behind him, dead, his new flesh reduced to a tar black ooze until it cooked in hellfire, dragged through the river Styx and made new. He smelled of Asphalt, he smelled of sulfur. Every time he sweats through his cologne, it reminds him of the pain of burning through his bones, his soul bursting and being un-birthed and made new and cold and twisted.
Any price he would have to pay Raphael in turn would be a pittance.
Besides, he wants to make sure if he takes out this eye and tosses it into The Sea of Fallen Stars where it belongs----
A bloodstone meteor, crashing to the bottom of the ocean. It killed the dinosaurs, ripped their horns from their heads, crushed their scales underfoot. A part of Wyll is worried for the fish.
---There will not be any more demonic residue than Mizora's brand in the socket.
Wyll almost flinches as Rapahel touches him, but he stays strong. The trauma can't hurt him, now. Still, perhaps he's a little too stiff. His hand is on the hilt of his blade by his side. At any moment he could strike.
It would be a fool's choice. He's too weak to even put up a fight.
Wyll tilts his chin up, and finally removes the eyepatch. He opens his eye, revealing the goat's eye heart-shaped pupil.
"How bad is it?" Wyll's lip wobbles despite himself, overwhelmed, anxious, embarrassed. "If I take it out---is it safe?"
The question is nonsensical, a seventeen year old asking their Dad for a hug and kiss goodbye like a child far younger. (How young do you have to be to need that? How young is too young to say Goodbye?) Despite its magic Wyll does not need the eye. It only existed to let Mizora see where Wyll was at all times, to see through his eye, spy on him, communicate with him, intimidate him from literally within his own eye, and whisper to him the sweetest promises of powers and gifts and tablescraps from Hell.
And yet. The last time he took out his eye without Mizora's permission, he was punished. Will he---will he be punished again? Can she punish again? Is he truly rid of her? (Does he even want to be, considering how long he's kept this stupid eye still lodged in his burnt out socket?)
And of course, the most obvious of all the questions: are you going to help me, really---like she helped me?
I need the power to keep others safe. But I can't do it... by myself. I need you. You... or someone worse.
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fashionablyenigmatic · 10 months
Cadmus Christmas Carol Pt.2
"So, you are the ghost of Christmas past, right?"
"Yule past."
"SAME THING." Cadmus barked, still a little miffed about the ghost's appearance by his bedside, looking like a child who came into their parents' room to report they'd thrown up. "Look, I'm sorry, but I'm in no need for whatever this is going to be. So, if you wouldn't mind leaving me alone and finding an actual evil billionaire to mess with, that would be awesome. I heard Elon Musk recently kicked a puppy, so if you would please go-"
"I'm not going anywhere, and for someone who can read minds, you are quite oblivious. Do I not look familiar at all to you?" The ghost of Yule past said, glaring at Cadmus with bright green eyes.
"Yeah, a little. You look like Shirley Temple. I don't know who told you curls were in, but they-."
"I'M YOU, IDIOT!" The ghost interrupted, now agitated.
"I...Uh...oh, forces..." Cadmus sat down on the side of his bed. "I completely forgot how stupid I used to look... Thank God Dad never made me learn tap dancing like he did with Bennie. I would have never lived it down," he added, giving the ghost a look of disdain.
"Is this how you should treat your four-year-old self? Tying them to a lamp and mocking them?" The ghost asked, holding up the magical bonds, still waiting to be freed.
"Well, yeah, as a matter of fact, I do," Cadmus replied, tipping his wand in a downward motion and releasing the binding spell.
Cadmus found himself in a familiar place, and the first thing that hit him was the smell of hot, greasy food under heat lamps. He opened his eyes and realized he was in an Uncle Jeffy's. What surprised him even more was his attire—he was still in his black silk pajamas but now sported a nightcap instead of his usual horns. "What the-" He waved a hand over his head and tried to pull off the cap, only to yelp in pain. "OW! Where are my horns?"
"Oh, those were ugly, so I turned them into a cap," the ghost stated simply.
Cadmus went to reach for his wand, but it, too, was gone. "Where's my wand now!?"
The ghost smiled mischievously. "Ohh, that old thing? You must have left it behind in your opulent cave. Oops! Now, pay attention. Where are we?"
Cadmus glared at the ghost. "Uncle Jeffy's Buffet. A cheap place, but they had good food. Stan used to take me here a lot when I was young, usually when I had a bad day," he explained with a hint of nostalgia.
He immediately looked over to the booth at the far end of the restaurant. It was nearly evening, and the parking lot outside had a fading blue hue. Stan had often chosen this corner booth because it allowed him to keep an eye on anyone entering, and it was an added bonus that the self-serve coffee machine was close by. But what caught Little Cadmus's attention was a particular tree just outside the window behind Stan. It was gnarled and strange-looking.
"Here they come," came the voice of the younger Cadmus as he saw two fat vultures swoop down from the high power lines to land among the gnarled branches, scattering the smaller birds that called the tree home. The four-year-old let out a high-pitched laugh, breaking Stan from his thousand-yard stare. Stan turned to look at Cadmus and gave a small smile before turning his head to see the vultures. "They must like you," he said gruffly.
"Yeah!! They come here every time I'm here!" Little Cad giggled in response, to which Stan nodded. Stan was wearing his Chief of Police uniform, which looked a bit wrinkled and had some small blood stains. It was evident that the day had been rough on him, and this observation wasn't missed by the small child.
"Did you have a bad day, Stan?" Little Cad asked with genuine concern.
"Well, my line of work is tough, Cadmus, but there's nothing I can't handle," Stan replied, though it was clear that he was downplaying the challenges he faced. The four-year-old understood this and wisely chose not to push further.
"My day was rough too," the boy commented, steering the conversation toward the reason Stan had brought Cadmus to Uncle Jeffy's in the first place. "My friend Marcus lied to me a lot today. He kept saying one thing but thinking another." Cadmus poked at his mac 'n' cheese thoughtfully. "I know Dad told me to try and block out the thoughts of others, but it's hard. I need to know! And I know the teachers don't like me because they are scared of me. Anyway, that's why I was crying when you picked me up from preschool," the boy explained, his pout conveying his frustration.
Stan listened attentively, his expression filled with understanding as Little Cad continued sharing his concerns.
Stan understood where Cadmus was coming from, given his own ability to detect lies. He took a moment to digest his thoughts before offering some sage advice. "Sometimes you gotta let someone lie, though, kid. You can't always call them out. But never doubt your gut, and don't let them pull the wool over your eyes," Stan said simply. "I think you'll figure out soon when a lie is meant to be harmful, like with Marcus, for instance. When he lied to you, what was he lying about?" he asked.
This was when little Cadmus brightened a little. "I said I wanted to play Legos, and he said he did too, but he really wanted to play Nintendo," he replied.
Stan smiled a little. "Well, he may have been thinking he wanted to play Nintendo, but I think more so that he wanted to hang out with you. Otherwise, why play Legos at all?"
Little Cadmus smiled and took another bite of his mac 'n' cheese, seemingly satisfied with Stan's response. The two of them enjoyed their meal together, the past echoing with moments of warmth and understanding.
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