#it's ugly but hey shocked pikachu
fujunfuren · 1 year
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Worship me.
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sadlynotthevoid · 3 months
I'm not sure if I told you guys about the time I dreamed that 20ish Jason Todd died yet again and Death was pissed off because "really? Again? Wtf Batman. The universe doesn't keep reviving your son just so you can see how much he lasts!" And "He has a work to do you know?!". Besides, she's fond of the bright young soul.
So, she calls her uncle to help him. And what you know? Her uncle is the God of Death (because yes, my brain is like that sometimes). They sit to talk and come up with a solution.
First, taking advantage of the effects still present of the last time-space crisis and the spirits protecting the soul, they regress the time of this universe to when Jay had just left All Caste, way before he had came back to Gotham.
Then, Death places Red Hood!Jason's memories on the soul of his younger self. Not too harsh to force his soul to crack, but not too light to let them fall. Just deep enough so he finds them when he meditates.
And by last, God of Death tells the spirits where they should guide the boy to. The perfect place for him.
Where is the best place for a soul who craves for home and safety? Of course, that's with someone who has the heart to care and accept a new loved one and the determination to protect them.
That's how Jason Todd, teenage assassin in an existential crisis, ends up waking up in the softest bed he has ever been in some foreign country. At his side there's a redhead teen sitting in a sofa, a book in his hands and other boy— this one with black hair and pajamas— lying on his lap.
The redhead— Cale, as he presents himself— is mysterious but kind hearted guy. He also knows things. So much so that if he weren't as he is, Jason would suspect. As things are, he knows he's just used to collect information. A bit like a bat, but not quite. A bat would plan how to use it against the possible enemy. Cale? Well, he doesn't even bother to hide what he realized about him. He's also ridiculously casual about it.
Who offers an assassin if they want their hidden weapons back? This guy, apparently.
Jason only knows he's not totally unconscious because at one point an old guy entered with tea and pastries for the three and Cale, the little shit, choose that moment to reassure Jason.
"Don't worry. My butler is an assassin too and we don't treat him different for it."
The old geezer almost let got the porcelain teapot to the floor. Though, points for him for recovering so fast.
"Young master? May this Ron know who you would be talking about?"
"Hm? Who do you think? Hans? The only thing he can kill is Rok Soo's humor. It's you, obviously."
Rok Soo, the sleeping beauty complex guy pretending to be asleep on Cale's lap, was sweating badly. If everyone in the room weren't already aware he was clearly pretending, someone may had thought he was ill.
Later on, he realizes there was a reason Cale had said that at that moment.
He's looking at the butler subtly terrorize the boys to behave, treating the siblings like two particularly mischievous puppies. Then he turns around and uses the same tune to advise him to be careful with his wounds. And that's when he thinks 'Oh. He doesn't see me as a menace'.
Of course he doesn't. His employer just confirmed he's aware of his identity— at least partially— and his own nature. The biggest advantage of an assassin is their secrecy. After their identity is exposed, the only reason they won't attack is if the assassin believes the risk is worthy. Telling the assassin he knows he's an assassin was his way to show Jason's own intentions: none.
Jason didn't intend to end up in that field where these teens find him. He didn't intend to be brought in their vacation house. He definitely didn't plan that the people to found him passed out would be whoever these rich guys were.
But he didn't have anything against all of this either.
Well, maybe the wound. He could make it without the blood loose and the soon-to-be scar to add to his collection.
Either way, at least he had a safe place to stay and think. Just think. Because, the memories he saw— what is he supposed to do now that he has his answer?
His da— Bruce. Bruce didn't care for him as much as Jason does for Bruce. Bruce obviously didn't love him as he thought. And certainly, Bruce was way more willingly to harm him than he believed.
And Jason— well, Jason couldn't waste a second life on a man who didn't put hin even at the same level than the Joker of all people. But maybe his expectatives were too high? He hadn't planned what to do if his life was meaningless to him.
So, Jason needed time. Time to ponder and heal. Those things are better done in a safe place.
That's what Jason has in mind when Cale offers him to stay with them.
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caleism-1 · 2 years
*Kdj and Yjh are both drunk*
Cale: I’ve always knew the squid was a light weight, but I didn’t know it was the same for the sunfish bastard too…
Yujin: To be far… The sunfish did drink 4 whole bottles of alcohol.
Cale: *nods* True
C & Y: … ‘Should we stop him?’
Yjh: ‘This fool looks ugly when crying…’
C & Y: *sees Yjh slowly leaning in to kiss kdj* ‘Wait…-’
Yujin: ‘-is he about to’
Cale: ‘-What is he doing? Is he actually going to…’
*Yjh suddenly kisses kdj and kdj makes a shocked Pikachu eye look*
C & Y: ….(ㅇ-ㅇ)
Yujin: Hey Cale, do you have-
Cale: Of course I do, and you? *takes phone out*
Yujin: Mhm… *Also takes phone out*
C & Y: *Silently takes pictures for blackmail(?)*
Based off of this pic
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kohakhearts · 1 year
biodad Giovanni-Ash content please! 🥺🥺
wc: 3 905 read on ao3
That kid is here again.
Normally, the boss encourages customers keeping their Pokémon out of their balls in the store. It makes them easier to steal, not that much of that happens these days anyway. It’s above their paygrade, James is always saying; Jessie knows he’s right, but sometimes she thinks the thrill of it alone might be enough to get her out of the slog of retail. At least for a little while.
The kid with the Pikachu on his shoulder, though—he’s a close second. He’s a nuisance, sure, but he makes their jobs…not fun, exactly, but different.
With one eye on him as he disappears into the kitchen department, Jessie presses down on her radio and mutters, “Twerp spotted in aisle fifty-one.”
The channel is tuned only to James and Meowth, even if it does sometimes get them in trouble for not hearing whatever stupid Cassidy with her stupid supervisor tag is ordering them to do. The kid and his dodgy little mouse are Jessie, James, and Meowth’s project; if Cassidy or Butch caught wind of it, they’d take away the only exciting thing that’s walked into Rocket’s Department Store in years. Jessie would sooner lose a limb.
Static fills her ear, followed by Meowth’s voice: “Locked on to target, meow.”
Shortly after comes a crash from aisle fifty-one.
Jessie switches her radio channel over just in time to hear Cassidy shriek, “Someone had better be cleaning that up!”
“Oh, happily,” she bites back into the radio. “Shall I polish your ugly shoes while I’m at it?”
Cassidy laughs in that way she does that makes Jessie wish she were close enough to punch in the face. “Of course, you are the authority on all things ugly, hmm?”
Jessie simmers. With rage tamping down her tongue, she can do nothing more than switch the channel back and stomp off to today’s crime scene. Surrounded by broken plates stands James, making a valiant effort to wrangle their energetic Pikachu pal before more damage can be done.
“Hey!” the kid shouts. “How many times do I hafta tell ya to keep your hands off my Pikachu?!”
He shoves James back against the aisle where the single glasses and mugs are lined up. Jessie leaps forward to catch Pikachu just as James’s shelf-stocking reflexes overpower him and he frees his hands to stop the wobbling before anything more can be added to the shards of colourful porcelain scattered across the floor.
With the ease of practice, Jessie grabs Pikachu around the waist with both hands and holds him up high as the kid tries to jump and retrieve his volatile partner.
He’s too short, though, and Pikachu hasn’t shocked her yet. She glances down at him with a raised eyebrow.
“You gonna clean this up, kid?”
“Why should I?” he demands. Apparently having realized his hopping’s not getting him anywhere, he finally plants his feet on the ground in order to glare up at her properly with all his ten-year-old might. “What’re gonna do about it, call your boss?”
The spark of hope in his eyes as he says it is what makes this kid so damn interesting. Clearly, he thinks he has some kind of business with the boss, but Jessie’s no idiot: she knows calling Giovanni for anything that happens around the store is as good as cashing in on a death wish, and as bad as this job can be, she’s not quite there yet.
“The boss don’t care about some broken plates, meow.” Meowth is standing back, away from the carnage, but close enough that the kid, if the way his eyes widen then narrow with outrage and thinly veiled disappointment is anything to go by, hears him loud and clear. “Gotta do betta than that, kid.”
It’s the same thing every day.
Pikachu squirms in Jessie’s hands, but she just holds on tighter.
“You’re not going anywhere,” she snaps. “What were you trying to do this time, twerp? Climb up to the rafters?”
Even as his trainer defiantly crosses his arms over his chest, Pikachu deflates slightly. Perhaps the Pokémon is fed up with this routine too.
“No,” the kid mutters. “Just tryna get a better view.”
He nods his head in Jessie’s direction. She doesn’t need to glance back to know he’s gesturing toward the window from Giovanni’s office that overlooks the store. It’s anyone’s guess how the kid even figured out that’s what’s on the other side; they’re tinted so customers can’t figure that out.
“And this is the aisle you chose?” James sounds nearly as snappish as he does confused. He’s a bit protective of the kitchenware; it is his department, after all.
The kid glares at him. “Well, yeah. Makes the most sense, doesn’t it?”
“Not when you’re the one who has to sweep all this up,” James grumbles. “Hold on, Jess, I’ll go get the broom.”
He heaves a huge sigh, then tiptoes around all the broken china. As he turns his back on them, Jessie squints at the kid.
“You can have this destructive rodent back after you’ve swept this up, twerp. That seems fair, doesn’t it?”
Pikachu struggles against her hold. When it’s managed to turn around and look at her, it growls.
“Don’t take that tone with me,” she snaps. “I don’t get paid enough for this shit. If you’re so upset, why don’t you make yourself useful and help out?”
She didn’t know Pikachus could glare, but this one’s expression is just pure loathing. Jessie thinks that’s pretty unreasonable, all things considered; she’s really doing the brat and his rat a favour.
“Pikachu—,” the boy starts, but Jessie pulls Pikachu against her chest and frees one hand so she can put up a silencing finger.
“Not so fast. You’re not allowed to use Pokémon moves in here, or did you forget what the signs outside say?”
It’s true, too; though the signs welcome Pokémon, they’re also very clear that battling will not be tolerated within the store. Besides, it’s bad manners to use moves on people, not that anyone seems to have taught the kid that.
She can see the cogs in his head turning, however slowly that may be. Just when she thinks maybe she’s made a mistake—that he’s realized she can’t kick him out without the boss on her side—footsteps approaching from behind her have all four of them turning to look. Jessie’s relief is short-lived when she sees not James but Butch on the other end of the aisle.
“Uh-oh,” says Meowth.
Butch takes in the scene with narrowed eyes, which lastly land on Jessie. “What’s going on here?”
“Oh, mind your own business.” Jessie sniffs disdainfully. “It’s under control, Botch, so back off.”
“It’s Butch!”
“Yeah, yeah, just get out of our hair, would you? We don’t need your big stupid nose getting in the way of our jobs.”
His cheeks redden at her dismissal, but he doesn’t get a chance to say anything before James turns the corner back into the aisle. He freezes, broom gripped tightly in both hands. Butch whirls around to face him with an almighty scowl.
“You two have made one too many messes on my floor,” Butch growls. “You think you can just clean this up and move on? Who’s gonna pay for all this, huh? I don’t know why the boss keeps you around.”
James swallows visibly. He grips the broom even tighter. “Erm…”
“Don’t be ridiculous,” Jessie fumes. “The store can afford a few—”
But she’s cut off by the boy, loudly declaring, “It’s not their fault, it’s mine.” She glances back at him just in time to see him squinting at Butch’s nametag as he turns back around. “Er, Mr. Bunch, sir. I tripped and my Pikachu got a little freaked out and, well…” He gestures around them. “So I’ll help clean it up, and if I need to pay for anything, I will.”
Butch’s face ripples with conflict, and then crumples. “Fine,” he snaps, “but make it quick and then get out of here, or you’ll be sorry, kid.”
With that, he shuffles off, presumably back to wherever Cassidy is so they can gossip about what losers Jessie and James are.
James relaxes ever-so-slightly. “Huh. The twerp’s got a conscience, after all.”
“It is my fault,” the kid points out. “‘Sides, you’re not very nice, but I don’t wanna get you fired.”
Gingerly, James picks away across the floor until he is close enough to pass the broom off to the twerp. He chews on this for a beat, and then remarks, “You could have fooled us.”
At this point, Pikachu seems to have accepted its fate and is curled up against Jessie’s chest. The kid eyes them briefly, then accepts the broom with a short sigh.
“I don’t even know who you are,” he mutters. “Why would I wanna get you fired?”
“So you could make a direct complaint about us to the boss.” Jessie leans against the aisle, just out of the way of the ceramic warzone. “Isn’t that right?”
He pauses, surprised. “Would that work?”
“No,” she says, quickly, before he can get any crazy ideas. “He wouldn’t fire us, anyway. Though it may not seem like it, we are his best employees.”
“Not according to that stuck-up Persian, meow,” Meowth says mournfully. “But he just don’t know what’s good for him, that’s all.”
The kid sweeps a couple pieces up, then stops. His nose scrunches up. “He’s got a Persian?”
“My thoughts, exactly, meow.”
“What’s it matter to you?” Jessie tries to keep her tone casual despite the gnawing curiosity at her; from the way he glances up at her, she’s pretty sure she fails. “You talk like you know the guy or something.”
He sweeps once, twice, then shrugs. “Not exactly.”
James watches him, disdainful, then surges forward and snatches the broom from him. In no time at all, the ceramic shards have been swept away; the kid remains where he was, shoulders slumping.
“You’d think you’ve never done household chores before.” James stands back and admires his effortless work. “Spotless, isn’t it? That’s how it’s done, kid.”
“Uh…okay. Thanks. Anyway, I’d better—”
“Not so fast.” Jessie reaches an arm out to stop him before he can get close enough to grab Pikachu from her. Predictably, he shoots her a dirty look, which she steadfastly ignores. “Look, kid, you’ve obviously got something to say to our boss, so just spit it out already and we’ll decide if it’s worth the trouble, all right?”
He blinks. “Really?” Just as quickly, his lips turn down in a suspicious frown. “What’s it matter to you, though? Do I really have to pay for all this?”
James grimaces at that. It’s far from the first time the kid has broken merchandise, and he’s gotten away with it every other time.
“No,” Jessie says, a little impatiently. “Who cares? With how little we’re paid around here, I know they can afford to replace it. That’s not the point. You saved our necks from Bitch”—“Jess, it’s Butch,” James whispers, which she waves off with a roll of the eyes—“this time, so now we owe you one. You don’t even want to know the kind of ridiculous talking-tos he and stupid Cassidy try to give us all the time. I’d rather die than have to sit through another one.”
He considers this for a moment. “And you can take me to meet your boss? For real?”
“If you give us a good reason,” Jessie corrects, although she can’t imagine any reason good enough to disturb Giovanni.
And then the kid gives her one: “I’ve been tryna find my dad and your boss is the only one who can help me. I’ve never met him and this is my only shot.”
Jessie looks back on most of her childhood bitterly, but she remembers perfectly well what it was like waiting around for a parent who just couldn’t show up. And, dammit, if she doesn’t kind of sympathize with the brat.
“How can you be so sure?” James prods. “There’s no one else at all?”
He shakes his head. “I’ve done lots of research. My mom doesn’t talk much about my dad, so I had to take things into my own hands, and this is all I’ve got. So you see why it’s important? I’ve gotta talk to him.”
“Wow, kid.” Meowth sniffles. “That’s touching, meow. But the boss ain’t so friendly to strangers, meow. Might not be such a good idea.”
“I have to meet him,” the kid insists. “He’ll definitely want to talk to me if you just give me a chance to try.”
Jessie exchanges a look with James, who shrugs helplessly at her. She turns back to the kid.
“How do we know you’ll behave yourself?” she asks. “And your little friend here?”
“We promise, right, Pikachu?”
Pikachu stirs in Jessie’s arms, gives an affirmative but somewhat slurred “Pika” in response, then settles back down to doze off again.
She sighs. “Fine, then. We’ll take you to him, but don’t make me regret it.”
The kid grins. “Awesome! Thanks, uh, Jessie. And James.”
James blanches. “Now you’re on our side? After months of torment?”
“If I’d known I just needed to ask real nice, I would’ve tried that sooner.” His smile turns sheepish. “I thought you’d take me to him if I caused enough trouble, though.”
“The boss considers things that go on down here trivial matters,” Jessie tells him. “What’s your name, kid? He’ll want to know who he’s talking to.”
“My name’s Ash,” he says. “Ash Ketchum, from Pallet Town.”
Pallet Town? That little dump? It must be important to him if he’s coming all the way to Viridian City every day just to trash their store. Come to think of it, Jessie’s never even seen him buy anything here. Maybe she ought to rethink that payment offer.
But this too, she figures, is above her paygrade. So she keeps her mouth shut and waves their entourage forward. As she punches in her code to the staff door, she wills her legs to steady themselves, though to little avail. Few things truly terrify her, but Giovanni easily tops the list.
They are silent as they march up the stairs to his office, in a way that Jessie tries not to think is awfully reminiscent of a funeral procession. She doesn’t allow herself to think twice before knocking, and even manages to muster up an authentic-looking smile when the door opens ominously before her.
Giovanni sits ahead of her, not having moved an inch. How he opened the door, she has no idea; she can only assume it’s magic, which of course he of all people would surely possess in spades.
“What do you want?” he demands.
“Why, you have a visitor, sir! I know you don’t like to be interrupted when you’re working, but he assured us you wouldn’t mind this one time and, well, so we brought him up to see you and—”
“You were wrong,” he says coldly. “Leave at once, before you regret it. Don’t think a measly little Pikachu will change my mind.”
Jessie starts; she nearly forgot about Pikachu, still nestled in her arms. She hastens to give it back to Ash, telling Giovanni, “Oh, no, no, we wouldn’t bring you such a wimpy Pokémon, sir! This Pikachu belongs to the boy—your visitor—Ash Ketchum!”
Pikachu becomes alert right along with Giovanni. As Giovanni’s eyes flick over to Ash, Pikachu seems to raise its hackles. Its cheeks begin to spark.
“Ketchum,” Giovanni repeats. “Now there’s a name I’ve not heard in quite some time.”
Ash steps into the room, leaving Jessie, James, and Meowth in the doorway. Persian circles out from behind the desk, cold eyes surveying the boy and his Pikachu. James grabs on to Jessie’s arm for support and she is too stunned by the scene before them to tell him off for his strength of his grip.
“So it’s true,” Ash says. “You do know my mom.”
“Delia?” His lips twitch. “Oh, yes. We have quite the history, but it sounds like you know all about that now, don’t you?”
With his chest puffed out like that, Ash looks a lot less like the mischievous little kid Jessie and James have been cleaning up after for weeks now and more like a seasoned trainer about to prove his title and his worth. Suddenly, Jessie’s not so sure her earlier evaluation of Pikachu was all that accurate.
“I talked to lots of people, but I figured it out.” There’s a note of pride in his tone, which seems to amuse Giovanni, though Jessie can’t possibly imagine how. “There’s just one thing I still haven’t got.”
“And what is that?”
“She always told me my dad left to go on a Pokémon journey. Is that true?”
Giovanni pauses. If anything, he just looks more amused by this. He says, “I suppose, in a sense.”
Ash jerks his head toward Persian. “This is your Pokémon, isn’t it?”
“Yes. One of many others, but by far my most loyal companion.”
“Ouch,” mumbles Meowth, “that’s real low, meow.”
“There, there, old chum,” James soothes. “He doesn’t truly mean it.”
Jessie doubts that, but whatever helps Meowth fall asleep at night, she supposes.
“But I checked the registry,” Ash goes on, “and I never saw your name anywhere.”
Giovanni watches him for a long moment, stock-still. Ash doesn’t so much as waver under the intensity of his gaze.
At last, he relaxes, just a bit. “You’ll find,” he says slowly, “some things are better left forgotten about. Now, I’m sure the last thing you want is a job at this store. It might do you well to forget a few things yourself, if you truly care for your Pokémon.”
“Whaddya mean by that?” Ash asks indignantly. “I’ve been looking for you my whole life and I thought—”
“Then, you thought wrong,” Giovanni says smoothly. “You’ve got your own journey ahead of you, haven’t you?”
“Well, sure, but—”
“Then, forget about Rocket’s and get on with it. There are better things to waste your time with.”
Jessie’s jaw is beginning to ache from the way it’s hanging open, but she just can’t bring herself to clamp it shut; a glance over at James confirms he’s thinking the same thing she is:
What the hell has gotten into him?
“What’s so bad about this place?” Ash presses. “That Punch guy seems a little rude, but—”
“Don’t mistake that for an invitation,” Giovanni warns. “You will leave here and forget about it. Your mother did not tell you the whole truth, Ash Ketchum, or I’m sure she would have made sure you never got this far. I imagine she has her reasons. Me, I’m simply trying to…manage my business, as you can see. I haven’t the time for you.”
Ash’s mouth slams closed. He grinds his teeth together, obviously frustrated.
“Go on, then. Leave now, and I’ll forgot all your little transgressions in my store. Don’t think I haven’t noticed all the stock going down with no sales to account for it.”
Jessie shuffles on her feet, uncomfortably aware of how pointed those words are. She mentally begs the kid to just drop it and go.
No such thing happens.
“That’s not fair! Won’t you even try? I’m your son!”
James’s hold on Jessie tightens. She hisses and swats at him until he loosens up again, though he still looks like he’s seen a ghost, which…she can kind of get, actually.
“I’m hearin’ things,” Meowth’s whispers. “Tell me I’m hearin’ things, meow.”
“You’re hearing things,” James whispers back, dazed.
In their shock, they’ve missed Giovanni’s response, but it is enough to have Ash turning on his heel and storming out of the office. He pushes past the three of them without so much as a “Pardon me.” In his absence, Giovanni’s eyes lock on to them.
Jessie gulps.
“You’d best forget about this whole thing too,” he says darkly. “Keep an eye out for the kid if he comes back, because I’m sure he will, but whatever you think you heard here, you didn’t. Understood?”
“Y-yes, sir!” they all chorus.
“Good. Now, get out of here.”
They don’t need to be told twice; they scurry back down the stairs, only able to breathe once there are three doors between them and Giovanni and his wicked Persian.
To Jessie’s surprise, Ash is still hanging around near the staff door, and he looks up at them with an expression Jessie knows all too well.
“What a jerk,” he bites out. “I can’t believe you guys work for someone like that.”
“Hey,” James protests, “it’s not the best job in the world, but it pays the bills. Sometimes.”
“Not exactly daddy material, though,” Jessie allows. “Look, twerp, he may seem like a jerk, but he’s got the right idea. In his own way, it sounds like he’s trying to protect you. Some of his business is a little, well…”
“Shady,” Meowth supplies.
“I know that,” Ash says. “I really did talk to lots of people to find him, and most of ‘em didn’t have much nice to say, but I was hopin’ he’d prove ‘em wrong. Guess I shouldn’t’ve.”
“Pi-ka,” Pikachu puts in, with the tone of someone saying I told you so.
Ash scowls. “Yeah, whatever. Hey, I was wondering something.”
Jessie raises an eyebrow at that. “And you think we know the answer?”
“I don’t see why you wouldn’t.”
“Well…okay, then. Shoot.”
“Just how much stuff would I have to break before it started causin’ issues?”
James winces. “I don’t like the sounds of that. Too much sweeping makes my back ache, you know.”
Jessie hums in thought, though. “Well, kitchenware is expensive, but electronics are even more expensive, you know, and that’s not either of our departments, so no one could really blame us for anything bad that might happen there.”
Ash’s eyes light up. “Electronics, huh? Well, all right. Why don’t we go check it out, Pikachu?”
Pikachu perks up at that. Jessie has started to get the sense that, as cute as it looks, the little rat really does enjoy destroying things for the sake of it.
“Awesome, let’s go!” Ash turns around, then stops. Glances back at Jessie, James, and Meowth. “Hey, uh…thanks a lot. I know I’ve been a nuisance, but you were a real help today. I really didn’t mean to bother all of ya so much.”
“No harm done,” Jessie says cheerfully. “See you around, twerp.”
With her blessing, he races off. He’s making a beeline straight for Cassidy’s department.
“All’s well that ends well, I suppose, meow.”
Before either Jessie or James can respond, Cassidy’s shrill voice comes in over the radio:
“We’ve got an electric Pokémon loose here! Someone deal with it before it causes real damage!”
Jessie giggles. “Like music to my ears.” Into the radio, she says, “Sorry, but I’ve got my own department to look after. Surely you can handle one scrawny little rat?”
There’s no reply, which is the best outcome Jessie could have asked for. Maybe things will be a little different without the twerp around making things interesting for them, but she gets the sense things are going to be a lot more fun around here for a while.
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Frist | Next
Damian: just stay calm, you already have everything you need to beat it.
Jon, temporarily powerless and panicking: the power to believe in myself?!
Damian: Noo, my sword. Stab it!!
Jason: there, was that so hard? fucking drama queen.
Jason: Dickie, Dickie, Dickie. Look, ok? I get it. you had a really bad day! You’re stressed out, 7 people died-
Dick: 12 PEOPLE!
Jason: Not the point. Look, they’re dead now, and really, whose fault is that?
Dick: YOURS!!
Jason: That’s right, no ones’.
Tim: Oh spare me, ‘wonder woman’, you’re only doing this to prove I was wrong.
Steph: Hey, at least I pretend to be nice to people!
Tim: yeah whatever- wait ‘pretend’?
Dick, about to duke it out with Bruce in the cave: here Duke, you take it.
Duke, when he finally starts to show Batfam Dark Humor: ah, handing the black man the murder weapon, tale as old as time.
Jason: Uugghh!!! fine, B, I’ll humor you. Damian, why would your evil clone have wanted to make sweet love your friends’ chest with the business end of a broadsword?
Everyone: *shocked pikachu face*
Steph: Jesus Christ Jason.
Steph with Black Mask’s knife to her throat: Enjoy this while you can, it’s the deepest you’ll ever be in a woman.
Bruce, every time he meets a sad dark haired orphan that probably has blue eyes: I WOULD LIKE TO BUY ONE CHILD PLEASE!
Tim, trying to get Bart to calm down after a late night horror movie: I think we can safely assume, that a ghost was not the culprit here. Right Nightwing?
Dick, a chaotic little shit who loves drama: Of course not! obviously it was a hit by the mermaid mafia paid in leprechaun gold. But who was the puppet master? The Unicorns? No, they’ve had a fued going on with the Mermaids for years.
Tim, now barely staying upright with a trembling Bart holding onto him: DAMMIT NIGHTWING THIS IS SERIOUS!!
Jason, running towards an Untitled: alright ugly, let me teach you why they call me the legendary- *gets hit out of the way immediately* -fUCK!
Dick: Because I’ve got a date with destiny!
Steph: yeah, i don’t need to know the name of your preferred cam-girl bro.
*while calling Bruce to get him out of a meeting, all background voices with the sound effects by Jason and Damian after Dick dropped the phone*
Tim: oh god!
Steph: it’s spreading!
Duke: grab the women and children!
Dick: yeah, we’ll use them as shields!
Damian: Thomas.
Duke: yeah? 
Damian: If if doesn’t cause you much trouble, tell Drake I did not actually call it ‘the piece of shit’.
Duke: . . . kayy, i’m gonna need a little more info to go on there-
Damian: and Todd-
Duke: oh ok, i guess we’re just done here.
Dick, narrating to Jason what Bruce was like when he died like the over-dramatic circus brat he is: And so they say, Batman’s heart grew three sizes that day. And then immediately shrank 6, imploding into a black hole from which no love could escape.
Cass, protecting a hurt Damian who missed her ballet recital because they kidnapped him and is very pissed: you see, there’s no need to wonder where your god is. Because she’s right here, and she’s fresh out of mercy.
Damian: *thoroughly impressed*
Criminals: *pissing their pants at the fact the tiny twice as scary batman with a stitched face creepier than Scarecrow can talk*
Dick: hey I hear those air quotes, you son of a bitch.
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simstakay · 3 years
Tumblr media
~ Family Matters ~
"Chilling with Caleb in the afternoon sun and we ended up on the topic of family and the past. We had a good long vent about the people in our lives and the drama we always have to deal with."
Some backstory under the cut:
Author's note: I mostly let the story run itself and whichever npc come into Faith's life I just let it happen and give them cc makeovers 😂
Faith and Caleb are cousins, their mums are twins and are both extreamly famous in their own right (Erica is a Rockstar and Caleb's mum, Cierra, is an Actor).
Because they're all so famous, they went to highschool together and once upon a time they were a part of the popular group. Caleb was the captain of the bball team (cliche I know) and Faith was dating one of the other players (Rico) and all was going well in the fab teen life.
Hot boyfriend (who had all the firsts), popular friends and expensive mansions.
Till one day... just before their junior year grad, Rico cheats on Faith with Caleb's younger sister. *shocked pikachu face* (Her name, I shit you not, is Aurora, a sohpmore).
Before you know it, a big fight happens with the family and Aurora is never invited to another family gathering again. Caleb and Faith somehow managed to stay good friends (Caleb graduated HS abd left their house mansion to go to uni and be away from the fame and drama)
On the HS side of things, most of the guys sided with Rico and the girls ditched her anyways. So Faith cut her hair, moved schools and went on her own way (like almost full emo...).
Not long after, on a late fall afternoon, she took Nathaniel (her younger brother, when he was still a child) to a nearby park to hang with his friends. This is where she met Jakob, Nathaniel's friend's older brother (mouthful I know).
And it turns out right he goes to the school Faith is at now. He's essentially that mysterious bad boy trope.
It was so cute though, she was like subtly crying on the bench and he comes up to her and just starts chatting (as they do in sims). So I imagine he just came over and was like "Hey. You look really ugly when you cry" or some soppy rom com kdrama shit like that. 😂
You know what I mean though? They had a really cute bantery friendship before it just naturally blossomed into something more. They helped each other through all the HS and family and drama. (Literally stumbled upon a goldmine of families with multiple kids from multiple people lol)
They pushed each other through to grad until they had a big fight about doing long distance because they were accepted into different universities.
With a heavy heart, they broke up and went their seperate ways. 💔
aaaand thats pretty much where I started my tumblr sooo if you made it this far thanks for reading my simblr story heh ✨💖
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nxrthmizu · 4 years
| when the days are cold | Tsukishima Kei
song | Demons - Imagine Dragons 
pairing | Tsukishima Kei x Reader
words | 1.2k
warning(s) | mentions of abuse 
author’s note | HELLO FELLOW BEANPOLE LOVERS ARE YOU READY TO BE SAD? HELL YEAH LETS GO on another note I think I’ve mentioned this already I’m in tag jail so it would be very very very helpful if you could reblog my posts! I don’t think people will see this on their dashboard otherwise. Thank you! :3 
He remembered. 
He remembered all the ‘what if’s and the ‘I’ll never be good enough for her’s that plagued him from the very moment Yamaguchi got tired of his best friend’s hopelessness in the progress of his love life. 
When the days are cold and the cards all fold 
“He likes you.” Yamaguchi pointed blatantly at the blonde, all of his shyness having fled after the freckled teen went through three years of high school and was named the captain of the volleyball club. Yamaguchi Tadashi had become a fully-fledged crow, standing tall and proud in all his fresh-university-graduate glory. “Has liked you for a while now and is too much of an idiot to ask you out. Can you go out with him?” 
And the saints we see are all made of gold
If he was given a palette with all the shades of red known to men, he would be able to pinpoint the exact colour your cheeks turned in the cold of the white backdrop Miyagi’s early winter provided. 
“Yamaguchi, shut-” 
“Sure.” You were fidgeting with the frilly strands of your scarf, your eyes shying away from his. “I’d love to go out with you, Tsukishima.” 
Yamaguchi had to resist the urge to close Tsukishima’s gaping jaw as he stared at you in shock, taking a moment to recompose himself. “You do know you don’t have to, right?” The blonde eyed you carefully. “I’d be a terrible boyfriend. You know me. Heck, I’m a terrible friend.” 
“O- Only you think that.” You mumbled, fiddling with a strand of your hand now. “You’re nicer than you think.” 
He would be lying if he said that dating you wasn’t the best thing to ever happen to his life. You were always there, whether he was dealing with the unfamiliarities of his new museum job, or when Sendai Frogs had a match with EJP Raijin (And you were there when they lost, too). 
When your dreams all fail and the ones we hail
Looking up to see your eyes after just having his spike blocked by a smirking Suna Rintarou was comforting, to say the least. Pride shone in your eyes, despite the fact the thirty-minute deuce between Sendai Frogs and EJP Raijin was ended by Tsukishima’s shut-down spike. 
“You did great out there.” Your voice flowed into his aching muscles like warm honey, soothing the soreness away and oxidising the lingering acid. “I didn’t dare to blink.” 
“Then you would’ve seen that pathetic spike, huh.” He replied bitterly, looking down and backing away from your touch. 
You gasped, sounding offended and exaggerating your movements. “How dare you say that about my boyfriend!” You scowled, jabbing a finger at his chest. “I won’t tolerate anyone talking shit about him. I’ll have you know he drags himself to practice even after he’s had a tiring day at his day job, and I’ll have you know that he trains very hard, thank you very much.”
Are the worst of all and the blood's run stale
You were there, when lightning flashed across the sky and you learned that Tsukishima Kei was scared of thunderstorms. You were there, when his mother fell sick and things weren’t looking particularly good. You were there, when cutting remarks shot out from his mouth like a barrage of arrows because the monster inside him was howling, scratching, and tearing from inside his rib cage. 
But it wasn’t as if you didn’t have monsters of your own, either. 
I want to hide the truth, I want to shelter you
“Heads up!” You grinned, taking Tsukishima by surprise as you whacked him with a pillow, bursting into a fit of intoxicating giggles when he responded with a surprised Pikachu face. 
“Oh, you’re going to regret that.” He wore a sly smirk, picking up his own pillow and setting down his phone on the bedside table. The bed sunk where he pushed himself up, curving downwards like a vortex. A predatorial grin decorated his lips as he crawled towards you, moving suddenly to raise the pillow. 
You flinched visibly, panic flitting across your eyes, your hands extending in front of you in a defensive position until you realised what you had just done. 
“K- Kei, it’s not what it looks like...” You shivered, seeing realisation dawn into his hazel-gold eyes. 
But with the beast inside, there's nowhere we can hide
“That bastard... Your ex... He hurt you, didn’t he?” The growl rumbled in his throat, anger flashing in his eyes until he saw the fear reflected in your eyes. “Shortcake, I’m so sorry...” 
Shaking your head furiously, you reached forward the wipe the apologetic expression off his features. “It’s not your fault.” You said firmly, trying not to let your voice shake. 
“I should’ve known.” He argued, setting down the pillow to diligently wrap his arms around your waist. “I shouldn’t have moved towards you like that.” 
“There was no way you could’ve known.” You refuted quietly, bringing your fingers up to caress his face. “I didn’t... I didn’t want you to know this side of me.” You admitted guiltily. 
No matter what we breed, we still are made of greed
He stared at you, befuddled. “Shortcake... I would never judge you for it. You know that.” 
This is my kingdom come, this is my kingdom come
“I know, I just...” 
When you feel my heat, look into my eyes
“Look at me.” He gently cradled your face in his hands, fingers caressing your skin as if it were the most precious thing in the world. “I have my own demons, too, Y/N.” 
“You don’t understand.” You cried softly. “He left scars, Kei.” 
It was only then it dawned on him why the two of you never bathed together. If the two of you got home from work at the same time, you would always let him bath first. He had thought it was because he was the one who had volleyball practice and probably smelt worse- But now he realised it was because you didn’t want him to see what you deemed as the ‘ugly’ side of you. 
It's where my demons hide, it's where my demons hide
“Hold on,” He frowned, scrunching up his nose. “You’re telling me that this whole time, you’ve refused to let me see you naked- Is because of your scars? That’s stupid.” 
You sniffled, feeling tears prick the edge of your eyes. “B- But it’s... It’s such an ugly side of me.” 
Don't get too close, it's dark inside
“And?” Demanded Kei, his hazel-gold eyes piercing into your soul. “So what if you think it’s ugly? I couldn’t care less. If anything, I think it’s proof that you were brave enough to leave him.” 
It's where my demons hide, it's where my demons hide
“You... Think I’m brave?”
“I think you’re the bravest person ever.” He said firmly, pleased as your tears started drying and your smile reformed. “There we go.” His voice was soft, the two of you sitting in each other’s embrace for a moment longer, the pillow fight forgotten. “Do you want to move onto the bed? It’s much more comfortable for cuddling.” 
taglist. @mrs-kuroojinguji @procrastination-lady @drippinginhoneyandgold @shoyosun@aka-a-shii @shibayamasbae @churochuu @seijohlogy @tsumuseum-deactivated20201211
send an ask to either @owlywrites or @cadenceh2o to be added to Cadowly’s Songfic December taglist! 
also sorry that I posted this late lol, I just finished writing it :P
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catfe-overlord · 4 years
Part 1
A whumpy, angsty, probably (in the next chapters) going to be pretty fluffy KiriBaku fanfic by me !
::In which Bakugou is hit by a quirk that makes him go straight beast mode, and Kirishima is the only one who can even hope to protect his friend from himself::
“Oi! Don’t fuckin’ shove me, Shitty Hair!”
Kirishima only brightened at the way Bakugou acknowledged him. He found it to be endearing. Early in their friendship, Kirishima would’ve thought his friend meant it, but by now he knew perfectly well that it was all part of Bakugou’s personality. He said all these shitty things but he didn’t mean it, not really.
“We don’t want to keep the others waiting!” the red-haired hero-in-training complained. “And here I thought you were the most punctual guy I knew.”
“Tch, I’m on time when I wanna be,” Bakugou muttered. He slung his shopping bag over his shoulder and straightened as Kirishima continued to pull on his free arm in a poor attempt to get the boy to move faster.
The two boys had come to the mall with a few other classmates for a little therapeutic shopping to get their minds off the recent battle. Bakugou originally said no, but after Kirishima asked him to tag along, the explosive boy grumpily agreed. Everyone split up into smaller groups after agreeing to meet up for lunch at noon, leaving the two alone to do their own window shopping.
Kirishima bought a cool red sweatshirt and a new pair of crocs since his old ones were getting pretty worn out. He stocked up on hair dye and his favorite gel too. Bakugou bought a new pair of sound-dampening headphones, saying something like I have to drown out all the stupid noise you idiots make all the damn time.
The restaurant was a short walk from the mall, only a couple blocks south. It was everyone’s favorite curry restaurant, the one they almost regularly met up at. The door jingled as they entered, and Uraraka waved from a big round table in the back corner.
“Hey, guys!” Iida said pleasantly as they approached, then stood to greet the two. “Glad you could join us for a meal. We’ve taken the liberty of ordering your drinks. I hope neither of you mind.”
“Kacchan, I ordered you a chai tea,” said Midoriya shyly. “I-I remember you liked those in middle school.”
Kirishima knew this was true. Bakugou almost always ordered chai tea with his lunch when they went out. Bakugou didn’t thank the green-haired boy though, which was to be expected. The blond made a sound from the back of his throat similar to a growl before taking one of the two open seats beside Uraraka, leaving the one beside Ashido open for Kirishima.
Ashido was twirling her fingers through her pink hair. “I ordered you a coffee, Eijiro. Black, like you like it.”
Kirishima beamed. “Thanks, Mina!”
Everyone talked about school and their families, no one mentioning the recent fight against Shigarake. It was too soon, and everyone still had wounds left to heal, whether physical or mental. Bakugou was mostly quiet, which was to be expected, other than the occasional SHUT UP, DEKU, YOU DAMN NERD! or MIND YOUR FUCKING BUSINESS, PIKACHU. When the server took everyone’s orders, he’d said, “I want the spiciest curry you have.” Kirishima winced.
They left the restaurant satisfied, bellies full of their favorite curry, and everyone headed back to their dorms together. Bakugou and Kirishima followed from the back of the group, listening to the chatter of their classmates.
When Kirishima noticed the scowl on Bakugou’s face was deeper than usual, he elbowed his friend’s side. “Hey, something up, man? You don’t seem like yourself.”
Bakugou glared, red eyes meeting crimson. “OF COURSE I SEEM LIKE MYSELF, WHO ELSE WOULD I SEEM LIKE?!”
Kirishima chuckled. “No, I mean you just seem a little lost in your own head. Something on your mind?”
Bakugou looked ahead and stuffed his hands in his pockets. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
Kirishima rushed a few feet ahead and turned in a one-eighty, walking backwards so Bakugou would have no choice but to look at the red-head. “I get it if you don’t want to talk right now. Just know I’m always here to listen, alright? If something’s bothering you and you need to get it off your chest, I’m around.”
Bakugou pursed his lips. He knew Kirishima was a persistent bastard and wasn’t going to back down until he was satisfied, so Bakugou offered him a small nod. Whether he’d take him up on his offer, Kirishima wasn’t sure. Probably not, but even he could appreciate the gesture.
Suddenly, there was a loud cry for help from somewhere ahead. Everyone was on red alert, ready to leap into action, with or without their hero costumes and support items.
They raced ahead two blocks, only to find absolute chaos around the corner. Vehicles were crashed and left abandoned as people swarmed, everyone running for their lives but no one seemed to know which way to go. Kirishima couldn’t figure out what was causing the commotion.
Midoriya and Uraraka started corralling people, slowing them down just long enough to get the scoop on the situation. Iida was contacting the authorities while Ashido called Aizawa for backup. Bakugou shook himself out of his stupor before Kirishima managed it, pulling him forward to do their part and help out the scene before them.
“They’re crazy!” Kirishima overhead a man explaining to Midoriya. “That woman leapt onto my car and started smashing in my windshield. She would’ve killed me!”
“—He was a monster,” a woman was saying to Uraraka. Her voice was shaky, maybe in shock. “H-he was like a feral beast.”
“Do you know which way the villains went?” Midoriya asked. The man pointed down the street.
That was enough answer for Bakugou. He blasted off in that direction, leaving Kirishima to catch up. He wasn’t nearly as fast as the blond, but Kirishima was a pretty good runner. He wasn’t too far behind Bakugou when he finally reached his classmate.
Bakugou was standing in front of a woman, a wild look in her eyes. She looked terrified for her life. Her blouse was torn, but she didn’t seem to be hurt. She was attempting to explain what happened.
Then her eyes caught Kirishima, and her posture changed. She looked angry. In hardly a split second, she pecked a kiss on Bakugou’s cheek and moved to take off like a bullet. Bakugou was fast though, and he managed to catch her by the elbow before she could manage her escape.
But he stiffened then. Kirishima couldn’t see his face, but even from behind it looked as though something passed through him. The woman slipped out of his grasp and was gone.
“Bakugou!” Kirishima cried, knowing something was definitely off by the strange posture. “Bakugou, what’s wrong?”
Kirishima finally reached him, grabbing him by the shoulders and spinning him around. Bakugou swayed in his grasp but managed to stay on his feet. His eyes met Kirishima’s, and the red-head immediately noticed the size of his pupils—they were so dilated Kirishima could barely see the red of his irises. He blinked a few times, seemingly unable to focus on Kirishima.
“Bakugou? Can you hear me?” Kirishima tried, panic sending a shiver up his spine.
He gave no sign he heard his classmate. Instead, he slumped forward, crashing into Kirishima’s chest and clutching at his head like it was about to burst.
“Bakugou, please—please talk to me,” Kirishima begged.
A low growl resonated from somewhere deep in his chest. He looked up at Kirishima, his lip curled up in a snarl and brows knit, making him look angrier than Kirishima had ever seen him. That was saying something, because Bakugou was always angry. His eyes were focused now, but they weren’t his. The pupils were slit like a cat’s.
This wasn’t the Bakugou he had befriended and cared for.
Bakugou suddenly swiped his hand across Kirishima’s face, who barely managed to activate his quirk in time. His nails glanced off Kirishima’s skin, and the red head realized they weren’t just nails—they were claws. His hands had turned completely black, fingernails elongated into razor-sharp claws, and his teeth were sharpened into fangs, almost as sharp as Kirishima’s.
That woman before, the one Bakugou had been talking to—this must have been her quirk. She’d kissed his cheek, and then it was goodbye Bakugou.
H-he was like a feral beast.
Nausea tugged at Kirishima’s stomach, the curry threatening to make a reappearance. How the hell was he supposed to get Bakugou back from this? He doubted Bakugou could even understand what he was saying.
“Bakugou, please!” he tried anyway, jumping back and hardening on instinct as the explosive boy made another swipe. “It’s me, Kirishima! Your friend!”
Bakugou lunged, raking his new claws across Kirishima’s favorite shirt. Kirishima might’ve whimpered, but he couldn’t afford to care about a stupid shirt right now. He needed to help Bakugou before the boy hurt someone who didn’t have a protective hardening quirk.
Kirishima made his first advance: he threw a rock-solid fist into Bakugou’s jaw, and it collided with an ugly sound. Bakugou stumbled, but he regained his composure in mere seconds. Another growl reverberated from his throat, and Kirishima swallowed. He didn’t want to hurt his friend, but he had a feeling Bakugou wouldn’t stop until he physically couldn’t fight anymore.
“Kirishima! Bakugou!” called Iida, racing toward them from behind. “Have you apprehended any of the perpetrators yet?”
“Iida, stay back!” Kirishima cried, forcing the young Ingenium to halt in confusion. “Bakugou’s been hit by a weird quirk. He’s not himself!” He ducked out of the way of another swipe. “He’s gone feral!”
Iida moved to help, but Kirishima held up a hand to hold him back. “Let me help!”
“No!” Kirishima argued. “I can handle Bakugou. You go help the others. I’m sure Bakugou’s not the only one.”
Iida didn’t look happy about it, but he nodded and raced off toward the commotion yet ahead.
“Alright, Bakugou,” Kirishima said casually, putting his fists up like he did before all their spars. “It’s just you and me. Let’s not drag anyone else into this.”
Bakugou leapt forward, swiping those damn claws across Kirishima’s chest. His shirt was in tatters, practically falling off. His entire midsection was uncovered.
Kirishima sent another fist at his friend, but Bakugou dodged it swiftly, ducking below the swing and popping up again to wrap his hands around Kirishima’s neck.
Kirishima panicked, grasping for air and letting his guard down. His hardening faltered and Bakugou noticed. He slashed across his chest again, droplets of blood splattering on the pavement.
Kirishima cried out before he could bite his tongue. Bakugou hissed and raised his claws once more, but it was Ashido who tackled him before he could tear Kirishima open some more.
The two rolled as they hit the ground. Bakugou landed first, his head and shoulder colliding with the ground hard, but he still found the strength to get back up. Ashido gave Kirishima a hand and asked, “What the hell happened to him?”
“Some lady’s quirk,” he explained. “She’s making people into monsters. I’m not sure why, but I get the feeling it’s probably a distraction. It wouldn’t be the first time a villain caused a commotion to distract the heroes while they’re off robbing a bank or something.”
“Aizawa’s almost here,” she stated. “We’ll need to catch this lady if we want to get Bakugou back, right? Aizawa will have to use his Erasure on her, and Bakugou should go back to normal again, don’t you think?”
Kirishima hadn’t thought about that. “Yeah, Mina, I think you’re right. You go ahead and find her! I can hold Bakugou off.”
She glanced at his chest, at the blood leaking down his stomach, and a look of concern passed over her features.
“I won’t let my guard down again,” he urged. “I won’t. This isn’t the Bakugou we know. He’s sloppy. It’s like he’s in some kind of, uh, animalistic rage? Yeah, he’s not thinking or calculating any of his movements, he’s just attacking. I can beat him now.”
She swallowed, but finally nodded just as Bakugou advanced again. Kirishima hardened and blocked before Ashido could get hurt. “Go! Find her!” he yelled.
“I don’t even know what she looks like!” Ashido called back.
Kirishima threw a leg up into Bakugou’s side, who didn’t see it coming. He stumbled, but it wouldn’t hold him off long. “She was maybe in her late twenties? Shoulder length brown hair, business casual clothes, and she had this wild look in her eyes. Trust me, you’ll recognize it when you see it.”
“Right! I’m on it,” Ashido shouted and ran off toward Uraraka and Midoriya, probably to fill them in on the situation.
Bakugou leapt with both claws outstretched, going in for another attempt to strangle him, but Kirishima saw it coming this time. He caught Bakugou by the wrists and swung him around into a wall hard. He felt bad doing this to his pal, who truly wasn’t in control of his actions, but he couldn’t just stand there as Bakugou’s personal punching bag until Aizawa showed up. A real hero would subdue Bakugou before helping the others. If Kirishima could at least hold him off long enough for the others to find the perp, he’d have done his part.
“Bakugou, listen,” Kirishima tried again, knowing it was no use. “Don’t do this. You’re the strongest guy I know, and I know you can fight this! Come back to me, man.”
He had Bakugou’s back pinned to the wall, holding him down by his wrists. Bakugou hissed, totally unlike himself. He snapped his sharp teeth at Kirishima, who bared his own.
“Bakugou, listen to me!” he said in his harshest tone, staring into the boy’s slit eyes. “You’re making a fool out of yourself. Fight this! You want to be the number one hero, don’t you? Then beat this!”
Bakugou slammed his eyes shut, and a jolt passed through his body. For a few short seconds, he didn’t fight Kirishima’s hold on him. The moment didn’t last long.
Bakugou lifted his legs and threw his feet against Kirishima’s chest, kicking him with enough force that the red-head went sailing into the street. He shot out of the way just in time to avoid being hit by a bus.
“Jeez, Bakugou! Harsh much?”
He jumped at Kirishima, who recognized the move all too well. He grabbed hold of Bakugou’s arm and elbow, then threw him over his shoulder and slammed him into the ground—a move Midoriya was well-known for.
Bakugou rolled onto his hands and knees, and Kirishima could see he was shaking, though he wasn’t sure if it was from pain or if maybe the boy was fighting the quirk. Kirishima’s heart sank a little when he climbed back to his feet, but Bakugou was visibly slower than a few moments ago.
“Ki—Kiri… gah,” Bakugou managed.
Kirishima smiled. He knew Bakugou was a fighter. “You can do it, dude! You’re the strongest guy I know. Keep fighting it!”
The blond took a hesitant step toward Kirishima, who didn’t back away. He was giving Bakugou the chance to restrain himself.
With his second step, his legs buckled and he fell to his knees. “Kirishima!” he gasped, clutching at his skull. “I—I can’t... It hurts, dammit!”
Kirishima couldn’t bare to watch his best friend suffer through this any longer. He hardened and rushed forward, sinking to Bakugou’s level and pulling him into a tight embrace.
“I’m here, Katsuki,” Kirishima whispered into his shoulder. “We can get through this.”
Kirishima felt a sob wrack Bakugou’s body, but the boy refused to let any tears fall. He wasn’t one to show weakness in front of his peers. Kirishima wasn’t an exception, but he would keep trying to get his closest friend to open up. Baby steps.
“Aizawa and the others are looking for the woman who did this to you right now,” Kirishima kept talking, thinking maybe that would help to calm Bakugou further. “He’ll use Erasure on her and you’ll be good as new. I promise.”
Kirishima wasn’t sure how long they sat like that, Bakugou trembling in his arms. He hoped his blond friend wouldn’t remember any of this. Bakugou would be so embarrassed. If there was anything the boy hated, it was showing weakness. Kirishima prayed Aizawa would manage to catch the woman who did this before the media found them. Bakugou had quite the reputation at this point, and he definitely wouldn’t want to be on the news looking like this.
“Awh! Look at you two lovebirds,” came Kaminari’s voice. Sero chuckled beside him. “Finally admitting your love for one another?”
“I hate to break up the bonding moment,” came Sero’s voice then, “but you know there’s a villain we’re after, right?”
Kirishima cringed when he felt Bakugou tense. He could only tighten his hold, hoping it would be enough to keep him at bay.
It wasn’t.
Bakugou shot out of his grip, Kirishima’s words lost to him. He raised his claws at the two boys, who’s faces dropped with realization.
Kirishima jumped onto Bakugou, wrapping his arms around him once more. He couldn’t let him hurt their friends. One wrong move on their part and he could actually kill them.
Kaminari must have panicked, because the next thing Kirishima knew, his entire body was filled with electricity. He could barely register the pain as the darkness creeping into his vision quickly swallowed him whole.
Part 1 of 5 ?? Not sure yet but I’ll be quick with the updates eh
Read part 2 here
Read part 3 here
Read part 4 here
Read part 5 here
Read part 6 here
Thanks for reading ! Hope you enjoyed<3
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idylliceden · 5 years
Hi. Can I ask for another scenario about Kirisaki (each guy separately, as in the previous answer)? The doctor prescribed his girlfriend glasses, and she is worried that because of the glasses will become less attractive to him. Please and forgive me for bothering you.)
Kirisaki Daiichi: their s/o feels insecure about their glasses:
He noticed you didn’t see too well and told you to get your eyes checked
You knew you had trouble with your eyesight but you were too anxious about wearing glasses
You tried on a few pairs previously and you hated it , obscured your face too much, made your eyes look small and it affected your confidence
Hanamiya is persistent though so he practically drags you to get glasses
He notices the frown on your face as you try on more pairs
“ what’s wrong y/n?” “ i hate them makoto” “then try another one” “ no i hate them all “
It clicked to him instantly
He pulls off the glasses and kisses you softly
“Okay how about this then , you can wear lenses and get the least ugly pair for when you’re home and as a precaution.. okay?”
You nod at him and he smiles at you before flicking your forehead and helping you pick
He was actually good friends with your parents
Your mom asked him to accompany you to get glasses and he enthusiastically agreed
He managed to distract you in the way with his humour and cheery personality
But as soon as you entered the shop he was so distracted with all the frames
Was playfully trying them on
“ ohoho i look so smart , don’t i-...y/n? Baby what’s wrong”
“It’s nothing kazu, let’s just pick any pair and go”
“Woah woah bub, you’re gonna be wearing these for a while so let’s take our time and pick something”
“ kazu they all look horrible, got me out here looking like chicken little “
He couldn’t help but snort but quickly recovered
“ try these for me baby okay “ he hands you a pair and you frown at hin but give in
“ WOAH” “ WHAT what????” “ YOU LOOK SO SEXY” “ KAZU YOU ASS !!! You scared me !!” “ sorry but for real you look like a hot teacher”
You slowly smile at him and he leans in and whispers against your ear “ can’t wait to fuck you in these”
You came to school wearing your glasses and he was NOT expecting this sudden change
“ what’s with the glasses y/n” “ .. i’m fucking blind kouji”
He kept staring at you the whole time and you started getting irritated
“ kouji, i know they look ugly, please stop looking at me” “ actually you look cute “
Well that made you stop
“ cute?” “ adorable even” he smiled at you brushing your hair behind your ear and leaning down to plant a kiss on your lips
“ you really think so kouji ?” “ no doubt in my mind , you still look as beautiful as ever ... and if someone says otherwise i’ll plant my fist in their as-“ “ okay no.”
His eyes squinted as he saw you coming towards him
Is that my girlfriend??
He saw the pout on your lips as you were walking to him
“Awwn what’s wrong babygirl? Who upset you ?” “ these glasses “
He chuckles softly and brings you on his lap “ and what about them?”
“ they make me look like a damn loser”.
“ how can a queen be a loser thought y/n” cue shocked pikachu face from you
“Kentarou!! You can’t sugar coat how horrible they look “ “ i’m serious, i like them. You look real hot in them”
He softly rocks you on his lap “ are you sure you didn’t figure out my kink and got them to tease me ?” “ kentarou...”
He engulfed you in a hug at the school entrance as usual
«  hm?? Cute glasses » «  are you teasing hiro? »
He shakes his head at you but notices how you’re looking down
“ hey love? You know you’re still beautiful right?” “ you’re only saying that cause you love me hiro “
“Not really? I feel like i’m falling all over again for you”
He smiled at you so softly you melted
He leans in to kiss your forehead
“ and i’ll make sure to remind you of how beautiful you are every morning” “ you don’t have to hiro” “ i want to”
And He follows up with that promise
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djinmer4 · 3 years
MDZS Dream
SCRevenge scenario
Cloud Recesses burns, Lotus Pier dies as in canon, the Jin side with the Wens.  JC gets his core melted and gets released by WN, but the Jiangs never meet up again so WWX has no opportunity to give his core to JC.  JYL gets captured and forcibly married to JZX, to give the Jins some claim over Lotus Pier (a bribe from the Wens).  NMJ goes underground fighting against the Wens, ends up killing Wen Xu at some point.  Rather than focus on NMJ, WRH decides to attack the Unclean Realm, reasoning that NMJ will have to give up once he has NHS.
Except it doesn’t actually work that way and NHS proves way more competent at defensive strategy than anyone ever expects.  In the end, WRH has to reverse strategies, catching NMJ (with some assistance from MY) and using that to have NHS surrender.
Of course, despite having essentially conquered the entire cultivator area, doesn’t mean it’s all smooth sailing for WRH.  For one, despite being the largest cultivator sect, the Wens have vastly overextended themselves.  They can’t actually afford to replace all of the current administration, especially with people like LXC and WWX running a resistance against them.  So NHS rules Qinghe Nie as the Wens viceroy, with the threat that if anything happens, NMJ will be the one to suffer for it.
That doesn’t stop him from coordinating with JYL and LXC, and becoming the mastermind behind the resistance (he even eventually gets WQ and WN on board), but there’s nothing WRH can actually trace back to him.  Indeed, NHS sets it up so that WRH starts suspecting the Jins are behind the rebellion rather than anyone else, and JGS’s blatant power plays don’t help his cause.
At least part of this is due to getting MY to help the cause.  NHS doesn’t fully trust MY since he betrayed NMJ (NHS gets at least one other spy, SMY maybe, into Nightless City.), but if MY protects NMJ from any permanent damage in the Fire Palace, NHS will force JGS to acknowledge MY at the end of the war.  Except as time goes on, MY actually does get disillusioned and goes from wanting JGS approval to wanting him humiliated.
NHS meets JC along the way (although my dream didn’t tell me how).  JC ends up splitting his time working as an assassin for NHS (swords yes, but also demonic cultivation) or as his bodyguard.  They start a relationship along the way.  JC really isn’t the leader of Yunmeng Jiang at this point (JYL has been recruiting like mad, and the survivors reluctantly admit that for a cultivation clan they’d rather have a weak cultivating woman for a leader rather than a non-cultivator man), so they actually make plans that if they both survive, JC will marry into the Nie Sect.  A little something to look forward to.
Endgame starts with NHS going to visit WC.  He brings JC with him (so that JC can scout out Nightless City), and it was a pretty funny scene because NHS dresses up JC as his female concubine.  WC *squints* “You’re concubine looks an awful lot like the Violet Spider.”
NHS *breezily*: “She’s from Meishan Yu.  With Yunmeng Jiang gone they’re kind of desperate for an ally.  The Lans don’t do arranged marriages or concubines, everyone knows JGS has no problem abandoning his sex toys and there’s no way your father would you to have a potential assassin as a concubine.  I think they’re hoping I marry her” *leers at JC* “Besides, whatever Madame Yu’s faults, no one ever said she was ugly.”
WC: “That’s true.  Hey mind if I try her out for myself?”
NHS *shocked noises*: “WC, I’ve barely had a chance to taste her at all!  Save me some face and at least wait a few months before asking.  Besides, don’t your tastes usually run towards?” *makes hourglass gesture with his hands*
WLJ: “Exactly!  No one that flat could compare to me!” *starts making out with WC to prove that point*
JC *extremely petty, also starts making out with NHS because he’s like that*
NHS *Pikachu face because he was absolutely not expecting to get any on this trip*
Opening move of the endgame was actually killing JGS, then puppeteering his body (JC’s demonic cultivation) to have the Jin sect attack the Wens.  Stuff happens, JZX (both of them) die because unlike canon JYL never warms up to him again and has no problem with WWX offing her husband.  Besides, she already has JL by this point and she’s going to keep him to be Yunmeng Jiang’s heir.
The rebellion wins, pretty much the same way with MY offing WRH form behind.  Aftermath: WQ becomes new sect head (backed up by Qinghe Nie).  However the Wens lose a lot of money and territory and are no longer a Great Sect.  YJL takes JL back with her to Lotus Pier and she and WWX (assisted by LWJ) start rebuilding Lotus Pier.  NMJ finally gets released from prison and goes back to the Unclean Realm, but he’s in no condition to take up a leadership role right away (MY might have arranged so NMJ never got permanently maimed or his core melted, but NMJ spent a great deal of time getting tortured), so NHS is stuck with it for now.  Cloud Recesses also gets rebuilt (LXC and MY aren’t friends in this because NMJ was tortured for years by MY, and LXC can’t forgive that).
The Jins are the big problem.  NHS has JGS legitimize MY as Jin Ziyao before the he ‘conveniently dies of a stress heart attack’ and now there’s a succession crisis on whether the next head should be JL or JZY.  NHS backs JZY because he was helpful during the war, even though NHS is pretty sure this is going to be a problem along the line.  Yunmeng Jiang (all three of them) also backs this decision because they really don’t want JL growing up in Koi Tower.  This wasn’t resolved by the end of the dream.
Final plot point in the dream, as part of the reparations, WQ is offering to transfer the golden cores of the surviving Wen Sect cultivators (barring her and her brother) to anyone who got their core melted (no 50/50 here, WQ has had years to perfect the procedure and she’s going to be doing it in the best equipped room in the Fire Palace rather than some Supervisory Office in the middle of nowhere).  Starting with Wen Zhuliu, who somehow survived all the way through the war but is now going to be executed.  Dream ended with NHS encouraging JC to go through the procedure, even if it would mean that that would make JC the Yunmeng Jiang sect leader again and leave NHS alone.
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mx-shigaraki · 5 years
48 and 49? Kiribakukami?
"Keep your voice down."
"Stop jumping around, you are being to hyper."
I hope this works for you angel!
word count : 1.8k
Energy || kiribakukami
Is there anything more stressful then oversleeping on a cold Monday morning before school? Yes, oversleeping on a cold Monday morning with an angry explosive boyfriend. Kaminari hadn't woken up to the loud ringing of his alarm. Nope, he had awoken to an angry Bakugou yelling in his face and setting off explosions. "Oi! Fuck face! Wake up!" He yelled, tapping Kaminari on the cheek before his eyes fluttered open. It was in the same way the pretty Disney princess did! Except Kaminari wasn't exactly a Disney princess. He was more a... pillow princess. "Morning bakubabe-" Denki yawned, rubbing his eyes in attempts to wake himself up. He didn't really have much energy right now. Which wasn't a bad thing, but it wasn't a good thing either. "Come on, get up. We have school to get to. You missed homeroom plus Mic's English lesson!" Kirishima seemed to of been there too, which made Kaminari jump. He didn't know how he missed Kirishima, Eijirou had bright red hair after all.
"I did?" Denki groaned. Climbing out of bed and beginning to strip out of his clothes. Bakugou had gotten out his uniform ready for him, they were wasting their break to come and get Kaminari. Bakugou wasn't concerned as to where he was or anything. Not at all.  Bakugou doesn't care about anyone or anything. Once Kaminari had finally finished getting ready, making sure he looked good. No matter how he was feeling, he could always rely on the mirror to boost his confidence. Bakugou was admiring his boyfriends as he walked behind him and Kirishima. He did love his boyfriends, even if he struggled to show it. He would be damned if he ever let anything happen to them. Only he could touch them. That was it. Nobody was allowed to inflict pain on them any kind. Only he was, maybe Kirishima, if it was in the bedroom! He was soon snapped out of his little daze when Kaminari began to get loud, taking the charger out of his mouth. They now knew he was fully charged and ready for his day. But that might not be as good as it seems. This means they would have too keep an eye on him. Just to keep him calm and collected.
They were now sat in Ectoplasms classroom. Everybody talking amongst themselves as they waited for smart hero. Kaminari couldn't keep still he was jumping from desk to desk, Aoyama and Mina cheering him on and Iida scolding him. That caught Bakugous attention, he had been talking to Kirishima and Sero about what movie they wanted to watch for bakusquad movie night on Saturday, so he didn't notice his energetic boyfriend improving his parkour until he had heard Iida scolding him. "Pikachu! Come here." Bakugou yelled. Denki grinned at him, jumping his way over to Bakugou. "Yeah babe?"  Denki asked before letting out a small whine what Bakugou picked him up and off of the table. "Awww babe! But I am bored." Denki pouted, crossing his arms. "Did you bring your fidget cube?" Kirishima asked, to which Denki shook his head. Earning a disapproving sigh from Bakugou. "Go on your phone or something." Bakugou grunted. "I don't want to." Denki huffed. "Now put me down! I was actually having fun for once!" Bakugou only respond with a shake of the head, his spikey blonde hair shaking slightly. Making Denki giggle quietly. "How about my phone?" Kirishima asked, confused when Kaminari instantly nodded his head. He didn't want to go on his own phone, but he would gladly take Kirishimas? Kirishima didn't question it, before loading up candy crush on his phone and handing it to Denki who had been sat on the desk next to Bakugou. They knew they just had to keep Denki busy and quiet for the time being, knowing better then letting him go wild.
Ectoplasm had entered. Which means Denki had to give Kirishima his phone back, which Kirishima then gave him a piece of paper to scribble and doodle on instead. "Hey sir, do girls still sit on your face with your ugly ass mouth?" Denki blurted out. Ectoplasm glared, not answering. Letting this one slide. Kirishima looked at Kaminari worriedly, knowing he was going to get himself into some tricky trouble. The redhead kicked his boyfriends chair, making him turn around. "Yeah babeeeeeee-" Kaminari yelled, at the top of his lungs. "Kaminari, see me after class." Ectoplasm ordered the boy. "Denki, stop talking. Seriously love , I will buy you a cookie later if you shush." Kirishima bribed. Not wanting him to get into too much trouble.
Kaminaris eyes literally lit up a mention of a cookie. Denki loved cookies! Usually that meant he would have to do his homework. But this time he just had to stay quiet and focused for another 20 minutes. He could do that! Or could he? He was beginning to doubt himself, but he thought of the godly cookie he could have if he just stayed quiet, maybe he could manage it? Potentially. And if he does it will be so worth it! But he decided he didn't wanna stay after class. So he stayed as quiet as he could. Just the odd snippet of him entertaining himself, and mumbling quietly to himself. Which wasn't disruptive, so it was given a pass by the teacher and by the red boyfriend.
Just another 15 minutes. A long 15 minutes this will be, this will be tiring for him. He has so much energy he isn't allowed to use! He couldn't hold it in anymore. He just wanted to do something. With his boyfriends or without them. He began to try create a line of electricity between his left hand and his right hand. He was struggling to focus still. Looking at the clock. 7 minutes, 7 minutes to pass. He should be able to do that! But he had his own doubts, and his mind was being drowned in thoughts. What if Aizawa erased Hagakures quirk? Why is bubblegum a flavour, if bubblegum is flavoured? Did anybody water George W. Bush? Humans know more about space, which is never ending, then the ocean which is ending. "Ok. Class dismissed." Ectoplasm spoke, then looking at Kaminari "Not you Kam-" He was cut off by Denki standing up and just running out of the door.
Now it was lunch and Denki just couldn't stay calm, he was jumping in his seat. Which just caused the entire table shake. Mina and Sero sighing. "God damn it, sparky. Stop jumping around. You are way too hyper right now." Bakugou grunted, grabbing Denkis hand. Only to receive a small shock from Denki. Kaminari had way too much energy just radiating off of him. That's what happens when he gets overcharged. Bakugou hissed slightly before grabbing his hand again. Kissing his cheek gently, "Just take a deep breath and calm yourself." Smoothing his knuckles gently with his thumb. Denki was slightly pink at the affection Bakugou was showing him. Not used to it.  
"I can't!" Kaminari whined, his signature pout resting on his face. "I have tooooo much energy!" He was being very loud. Earning him a kiss on the lips. Which made him squeal, hiding his face. He leaned in Bakugou,  hiding his face in his shirt. "Good job, shitty hair." Bakugou chuckled. playing with Denkis hair. At least they gotten him to chill out a little bit. Which was a good thing, as now when they are sparring he has some energy to use. While Bakugou was playing with his hair and holding him close. Kaminari had ended up on his lap at some point, he didn't know when, neither did Denki. But it seemed to have gotten the boy to calm down, he was no longer creating electricity. Katsuki smiled down at his boyfriend. Who was taking a bite out of his favourite food, a hamburger. Sero and Mina was shocked to see him smile, it isn't like he never smiles! He does smile, just not very often. He couldn't help but smile at the cute sight that just warmed his heart.
"Did you know that if we removed laws... the crime rate would be zero!" Kaminari yelled, as if he just had that realisation. "Baby, shhh. You are being too loud." Kirishima chuckled. Placing a finger on his lips. "Yeah, keep you're voice down bro." Sero shook his head. The room was loud enough as it is, didn't need the loud energetic blonde adding to the horrible cluster of noise. It was giving Mina a headache.  So they were encouraging Denki, the slowest eater of the group, to hurry up so they could leave. Which took around another 5 minutes, but it was finished none the less. Now both the boyfriends of the Pikachu had to hold his hands. Denki had a happy hop in his step and a bright smile on his face. His pearly white teeth looked extra shiny in the sunlight as the went out and sat on a bench. Denki had to sit on Kirishimas lap so all five members of the Bakusquad could fit on one bench.  Kirishima kissing his cheek before relaxing. "We should go shopping!" Mina squealed. "Pinky, we still have things to do." Bakugou growled, shaking his head. 
Now it was time for sparring. "Ooo! Sir! Mr marmite!" Kaminari yelled jumping up and down. All Might raised an eyebrow, "Yes? Young Kaminari." That received a hugeeeee grin from Denki. "I wanna spare with you!" Denki challenged the large man. Earning a sharp glance from his class. "Aha, maybe one day! The pairings have already been picked!" Kaminari then walked over to Kirishama with a pout. "Here are the pairings... Aoyama and Sero, Ashido and Hagakure, Sato and Kirishima, Todoroki and IIda, Midoryia and Shoji, Bakugou and Tokoyami, Kaminari and Ojiro, Asui and Uraraka, Koda and Mineta, Momo and Jirou. Try not to send each other to hospital." Was all their tired homeroom teacher said to them. Before sitting down in his sleeping bag.  Leaving his class to go fight each other. He would wake up when one of them needs to be taken to recovery girl. Or when Denki has gone into whey mode. Which was always a fun experience for his class when they have to babysit him for the time he is like that. Depending on how bad he fries his brain. 
Turns out, Denki hadn't fried his brain, and he won his match. The proud smile on his boyfriends faces made him even more proud of himself. "I actually won... and I didn't fry my brain!" Denki grinned, ear-to-ear. He looked so fucking happy, Katsuki had to take a photo of it. Kirishima had just gone out to get 4 cookies, Denki was getting two cookies because obviously did his boyfriends proud. Very very proud. And he did as Eijirou said.
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ktliterary · 4 years
What I'm Looking For: Aida Z. Lilly
I’m excited to be open to queries for speculative fiction in upper middle grade, YA, and adult; in YA and upper MG contemporary, I am exclusively looking for stories from LGBTQIA+, BIPOC, and other marginalized groups; graphic novels for upper middle grade, YA, and adult from author-illustrators with a unique story; fresh, modern, and original contemporary adult fiction that fits in with my wishlist; and narrative non-fiction (but no true crime).
Across all genres, the writing, voice, and characters have to hook me and make me feel something. I want stories about the good, bad, and ugly of sex, drugs, and rock and roll. I’m also interested in cults, the occult, mental health, and magic. I’m looking for the kind-of-weird and completely amazing! Good writing is the most important aspect for me. I love great ideas, but I really need the execution of those ideas to be brilliant. I want to be drawn in within the first few pages, and I’m okay with not having all the answers (at first anyway). I want to read the story only you can tell. I want to accidentally learn things only you can teach me.
I love all things speculative—well, except horror (touches of it in other spec fiction are fine though). What really catches my eye is SFF with real issues tackled in thought-provoking ways, like Grossman’s MAGICIANS series (and show). This shouldn’t be super shocking since I grew up loving the ANIMORPHS series. I like a big, diverse cast with love in their hearts and problems in their lives. Even though these kids had to save the world, they still dealt with familial strife, romantic problems, the failings of adults, and the emotions that accompanied the war and the “normal” lives they had to lead. So give me ANIMORPHS for adults with even more diversity.
On that note, I want feminist projects (especially where feminism is unexpected) and books written by and about people from marginalized communities. As a first-gen Middle Eastern American, I enjoy hearing other people’s immigration tales. If you have written the next KIM’S CONVENIENCE, EMAIL ME RIGHT THIS SECOND BECAUSE I LOVE YOU.
I want ALLLLLLL the queer SFF please! There is so little of it, and it is so needed!
I like mythology (especially when it’s written as beautifully as Madeline Miller does it), music (Juliet, Naked and Daisy Jones & The Six are some of my faves), unreliable narrators, multiple viewpoints, stories that take place at college/grad school, flawed characters, a sense of humor, friendships (complicated ones, too), L.A. stories, tales of NYC, puzzles (think more Dan Brown, less National Treasure), and the atmosphere of Carnivàle, Darren Shan’s CIRQUE DU FREAK, Euphoria, and New Orleans. Magic and superheroes are some of my favorite things, especially when those characters act in a very human way and have very human problems (The Boys, Hancock, Super Ex-Girlfriend). I love a good origin story (even if I’ve seen Peter Parker have three of them onscreen…)
My taste veers from AMERICAN PSYCHO to HOWL’S MOVING CASTLE (and lots in between). Engage me enough to make me laugh AND cry. Give me humor and heart (like Handler’s LIFE WILL BE THE DEATH OF ME); give me a character like Dr. Cox from Scrubs or someone Gordon Ramsay-esque, who secretly has a soft center. Conversely, I also want ALL THE DARKNESS. Because while I love the cuteness of Detective Pikachu, I also live for authors like Leïla Slimani, Bret Easton Ellis and Chuck Palahniuk, who capture the ugly sides of human nature in sharp, acerbic light. I won’t shy away from your THREE WOMEN, TWEAK, EDUCATED, or MY DARK VANESSA.
Shows and movies I love: ALL THINGS STUDIO GHIBLI, Kim’s Convenience, Pose, American Horror Story: Coven, The L Word (both), Big Love, Fresh off the Boat (the book and show), Guardians of the Galaxy (and the entire Marvel Cinematic Universe), Supernatural, Lost, Modern Family, anything Mindy Kaling touches (books and shows), Workin’ Moms, Abrams’s Star Trek reboot, The Affair, South Park, Dexter (the books and show), Broad City, The Last Man on Earth (I nearly cried when they canceled this), Diary of a Mad Black Woman, Crash, What Dreams May Come, Interview with the Vampire, Queen of the Damned, Death Note, Straight Outta Compton, Monsters University, The Sopranos, How to Get Away with Murder, Stepbrothers, Zoolander, The Boondocks, Little Nemo, Selena, Shin Chan, Rent, Sweeney Todd, Dope, The Halloween Tree (the book and the movie), The Office, American Housewife, For Colored Girls, LotR, Mad Men, Mystery Men, Sons of Anarchy, Fringe, The King of Queens, Cloverfield, Super 8, Blade Runner 2049, Good Will Hunting, Adventure Time, Detective Pikachu, Good Boys
Books and authors I love: The Awkward Thoughts of W. Kamau Bell (and his standup), Mira Jacob, Daisy Jones and the Six, There There, Eat a Peach, Convenience Store Woman, Double Cup Love, Tweak: Growing up on Methamphetamines, Born a Crime (and Noah’s standup), Tranny, The Hate U Give, Warcross duology, Leïla Slimani, Rainbow Rowell, The Heart’s Invisible Furies, The Time Traveler’s Wife, I Am Legend (the movie, too), The Amory Wars (and the music about them), Saga, Deadendia, The Devil Is a Part-Timer, Chuck Palahniuk, Kid Gloves, Zatanna and the House of Secrets, Sing, Unburied, Sing, The Wheel of Time series, Hyperbole and a Half, Bret Easton Ellis, Harry Potter (but not Rowling), Artemis Fowl, Riordan and friends, Life Will Be the Death of Me, The Interestings, Station Eleven, Laura Dean Keeps Breaking up with Me, Hey Kiddo, The New Kid, Furious Thing, Number One Chinese Restaurant, The Girls at 17 Swann Street, Ready Player One (and the movie), Wildwood, Red at the Bone, Juliet, Naked, The Misadventures of Awkward Black Girl, Fun Home, American Housewife, Madeline Miller, Gaiman, Christopher Moore, Haruki Murakami, Patrick Rothfuss, The Goldfinch, Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine, Kevin Kwan, Dave Eggers, My Dark Vanessa, All of us with Wings, Graveyard Shift, Life of Pi, The Brief and Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao, America for Beginners, The Storyteller’s Secret, Never Let Me Go, Priestdaddy, Educated, Three Women, Augusten Burroughs, Furiously Happy, Okay, Fine, Whatever, Fights: One Boy’s Triumph over Violence, The Usual Suspects (Maurice Broaddus), V.E. Schwab, The Silent Patient, Uprooted, Pierce Brown, The Enderverse, Blake Crouch, The Hunger Games, John Dies at the End
Maybe not the best fit for: Political thriller Gross out Horror (some touches are okay in SFF) Picture books Chapter books Animal protagonists Flowery language in fantasy Very technical or math-heavy sci-fi Historical fiction WW2 or cops or Civil War/antebellum “Inspirational”
What I’m Looking For: Aida Z. Lilly was originally published on kt literary
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