#it. it won't let me keep all this up for long and I'm absolutely terrified of how bad the fall will be and how much it'll affect how
gojos-thot-patrol · 1 year
I got an ask for a Bully Sukuna x Reader, and while I AM ACTIVELY WORKING ON IT its got me thinking so many thoughtsssss.
I'm thinking about Bully! Sukuna, that made thirteen years of your life miserable. Who had a habit of alway pushing you around, and calling you thr cruelest names, and scaring away any potential romantic partner you had ever had.
Bully Sukuna that you started to develop reluctant feelings for at some point. Wires crossing in your brain and finding some version of control in pretending he covted you- not hated you. You imagined what the world would be like of he used his natural charisma and imposing figure for good rather than evil. If his strong arms protected you rather than hurt you.
Bully Sukuna, who you're unbelievably relieved to get away from after graduation, and absolutely devastated to find at college.
He corners you at a party, drunkenly eyeing you up. "You look good for once." His words are terrifying- because he's never said anything that nice to you before.
"Thanks." You grumble, trying to leave only for him to hold out an arm and stop you. He takes a second to finish off his drink before continuing.
"Where do you think you're going, loser?" He scoffs, haphazardly throwing his empty plastic cup behind him. Which- disrespectful- but you expect nothing less from him.
"Back to my dorm?" You mumbled sheepishly.
"Why? You should just come back to mine instead."
I'm thinking about Bully!Sukuna who always had a desperate crush on you. Who found your charming smile and dazzling eyes irresistible. Who only bullied you because he had no idea how else to get your attention- and bad attention was better than nothing.
Bully Sukuna who made your eyes water, just so he could imagine them later when he was fucking his hands. In his fantasy, they're tears of pleasure- not pain.
Okay, maybe a little bit of pain.
Bully Sukuna who's already drunk when you get to the party, filter long since discarded. Who with the social lubricant of alcohol in his veins actually finds it in him to openly thirst over you. A part of you hates it. A part of you loves it.
A part of you uses this revelation to finally take some control in this dynamic.
You're in his dorm, but you're on top of him. You're riding him for all he's worth, finally using his stupidly sculpted body for your pleasure. And he's crumbling under you, feeling the total bliss that being enveloped in you brings. Your chest fills with pride as he begs you to let him cum. Finally, you have some power here.
Bully Sukuna who won't stop texting you after your little rendezvous. Who wants so desperately to meet back up. And you, dear reader, who reads his texts and never responds. Who gets a little shot of serotonin when you remember the power is finally in your court. You meet up every once in awhile- enough to keep him addicted. But never enough to fully satisfy his need to be with you.
You're starting to wonder who's really the Bully here
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bedoballoons · 1 year
Hello, could i request a Jealous! Lyney who has yet to confess to reader who receives gifts and letters during valentines day?
Awwwe valentines day!! One of my favourites because it's so lovely! Thank you so much for your request and I hope you enjoy <3
─⊰⁠⊹ฺ✿𝔾𝕖𝕟𝕤𝕙𝕚𝕟 ℍ𝕖𝕒𝕕𝕔𝕒𝕟𝕠𝕟𝕤⊰⁠⊹ฺ✿─
{༻~Valentines from all but him~༺}
CW: Lyney gets jealous! Confessions and reader is well liked by many!
You stood there in shock as the mailbox spilled its contents onto the ground, absolutely overflowing with candies, love letters and even a rose...which was more like a group of random petals after being crushed by everything else. By the looks of it you had probably received almost thirty confessions...maybe more and you took care picking each one up, even the petals despite the fact you'd most likely wouldn't reciprocate their feelings. The least you could do was be kind about it.
Meanwhile, Lyney stood next to you...doing his best to keep face while you smiled at all the cutesy letters and blushed at all of the gifts you'd received. If only he could have confessed before valentine's day...then you wouldn't have received any letters at all because the two of you would be dating, or at least he hoped you'd be dating. Currently he was just your friend, a friend who was so desperately in love with you that he got jealous from little love notes. "My you've sure got a lot of confessions, are you...interested in anyone in particular?"
You set all the mailboxes contents in your bag carefully and smiled at Lyney, if only he knew you were holding out hope that he might like you they do..."Oh, well I suppose there is one guy I like alot...." You blushed slightly, wondering if maybe it was a bit to forward...or maybe not forward enough?
"Who?" Lyney felt a little sick upon hearing you liked someone, it was like his chances were getting slimmer with every second, at least if he knew he could compare himself and see if he could win you over...maybe he could show you some of his prototype magic tricks he'd never shown anyone else or rearrange the stars, he knew whoever you liked couldn't possibly do that.
"I cant tell you that!" You panicked, you couldn't let him find out you liked him, it could ruin your friendship...and you'd loose one of the most incredible people you'd ever met. "I mean...sorry I'm just not ready to share that yet. I really want to know he likes me back first..."
Lyney bit his lip, this was truly a dilemma...you liked someone and he didn't know who, he had a confession all ready for you, but he didn't want to upset you by being to forward...but he also didn't want to never try, then his eyes meeting yours for a moment and he just...couldn't let someone else have you, "Please, don't hesitate to tell me no...but I...I have a gift for you as well."
"What?" You felt your heart skip a beat, the world was suddenly spinning...you had dreamt of this and yet it didn't feel real, no you should stay calm, what if it was a platonic gift, but then again who gives platonic gifts on valentine's day?! You felt like you could explode...
Lyney reached into his pocket and pulled out paper butterflies that flew all around you... sprinkling heart confetti everywhere until the biggest of them landed in your hands... unfolding to reveal a letter...
To my dearest,
I must admit...I've written this letter at least a hundred times and I've just never had the confidence to give you it till now...I know, hows that possible when you're able to put on shows in front of thousands of people and put yourself in crazy situations that could have dire consequences...
Well none of those things terrify me as much as the idea of loosing you as a friend...but keeping my feelings to myself...I can't do it anymore. Maybe this is selfish of me...maybe you won't want to ever speak to me again..but I'm hoping I can convince you...to feel the same...
In truth, I've loved you for so long that I don't know if I could ever truly not love you now, you're everything I could ever want and so much more. So beautiful...that even now as I write this I'm having to stop myself from getting lost in my thoughts about you...
I could go on forever, but this letter has already gotten rather long so...I'll just say what I've been meaning to..
I love you.
You'd never read anything like it, nothing had ever come close to having so many feelings behind written words and you had to reread it a few times to actually make yourself believe it was really for you...that Lyney had really written it. "Lyney...I don't even...know what to say. I don't think I've ever felt anything close to this before..."
"It's perfectly fine if you don't accept-"
You cut him off with a hug, tears rolling down your cheeks from all the wonderful emotions you just couldn't control..."I do accept! I accept your feelings with all my heart Lyney, archons I love you so much, i-im so happy!"
He didn't know how to respond to such good news...so he just hugged you back, letting what you had just said sink in. This was...everything he had wished! "I love you too"
ଘ(੭*ˊᵕˋ)੭* ੈ♡‧₊˚Have a nice day*⁠.⁠✧
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hairmetal666 · 1 year
Steddie She's All That au????
Steve pulls up to the Munson's trailer, a secondhand acoustic across the backseat. Can't believe he's here; that he's actually doing this. He shouldn't. Absolutely should not; knows he let his still-simmering animosity with Billy Hargrove push him to this, to trying to date Eddie Munson, to proving that he's still popular enough to win prom king with the Freak on his arm.
Munson doesn't deserve it, is the thing. For all his weirdness, his off-putting behavior, Steve thinks he might be nice. Or kind, maybe? Steve's noticed how he gathers the freshman who have no one else, gives them understanding, a place to belong. And those kids, they remind him of Dustin, Will, Mike, Lucas, and he can't help but feel something warm towards the Freak, some kind of kinship.
He puts the car in reverse, can't go through with pretending to like this guy who did nothing wrong but be too much himself.
Before he gets his foot on the gas a head pokes out the front door.
"You came," Eddie shouts.
"Said I was." Steve surrenders to his fate and puts the car in park. Eddie watches him as he grabs the guitar case, hauls it up the stairs, only moving to step out of the way.
Steve's eyes scan the living room and kitchen, something in his chest loosening as he does. There are mugs and hats covering the walls, a worn sofa, clutter on every surface. It's home in a way Steve has never experienced. He loves it.
"Alright, let it out, Harrington. I'm poor, etc."
"No!" Steve startles; hadn't realized he'd been staring so obviously. "I like it."
Eddie makes a face, but offers him a beer and guides him to sit on the couch.
"How much do you know?" Eddie asks without preamble.
He strums a couple of notes, things he picked up at summer camp ages ago. Munson nods. "Better than I expected."
Eddie runs through notes and chords, helps Steve get his fingering right. He's patient, almost kind, and he laughs softly as he gently corrects Steve's mistakes.
And Steve's fingers, they won't behave, keep slipping off the strings. Eddie arranges himself to drape around his shoulders, fits their hands together. He's warm, fingers long and callused, his rings slightly colder than Steve's skin.
"Like this, Harrington." And he and Steve strum in tandem, and Steve is caught by the light glinting in his curls, the softness of his dark brown eyes, the fullness of his pink lips. He wonders how soft they are, what they taste like, if Eddie would cling to him or take control.
"You with me, Steve?" Eddie asks, shocking him back to the present.
"Yeah, yes, right here. Sorry." He throws himself into learning, but can't stop stealing little looks at the man teaching him.
And Steve, he knows it's not a bet anymore. He'll tell Hagan and Hargrove he's out, take whatever shit they give him, and Eddie never has to know.
A month in, Steve walks into the trailer and sees those little figurines, like the kids have for their game, scattered on the coffee table; sheets of paper with scrawled writing and doodles lining the floor; one of those weird manual things that Dustin always lugs around sitting open on the couch.
"Fuck, Stevie, I'm sorry. Lost track of time." Eddie's face turns pink as he gathers the looseleaf and slams the book closed.
"You play that dragon game?" He asks. He picks up one of the figures, studies the meticulous paint. It does something weird to his heart.
"What did you think Hellfire--Wait." Eddie pauses. "Why do you--Steve Harrington--know about dnd?"
"The kids I babysit play."
Eddie stares at him openmouthed. "Shit, sweetheart. You've been holding out on me. You ever join them?"
"Nah. To tell you the truth, they're pretty intimidating about it."
Eddie laughs, drawing Steve's eyes to his slender neck. "You scared of children, Stevie?"
"You haven't met them, man. They're terrifying."
"You know," Eddie's eyelashes flicker. "I run a campaign with Hellfire after school every Friday. You could--if you wanted--you could come. You're probably busy, I know, but if you find some free time and you wan--
"Eddie!" Steve laughs. "I wouldn't miss it."
He shows up that first Friday to some mixed reactions from most of the Hellfire members, and Eddie's shy, pleased smile. They make eye contact and Steve's stomach swoops.
"You came," Eddie says when they get a second alone.
"I told you I would." Steve laughs.
"C'mon, you're going to tell me this isn't a hopelessly lame way for King Steve to spend a Friday night?"
"Maybe." Steve nudges Eddie's chest. "And maybe I wouldn't want to be anywhere else."
Steve watches them play and is transfixed. He's never seen Eddie totally in his element. His voice goes deep and rumbly, doing accents, shouting, jumping around, banging on the table. Steve can't pull his eyes away, doesn't want to, can't stop smiling.
"What'd you think?" Eddie asks when the session is over and they're alone. His hands shuffle through his notebook, eyes fixed firmly on the table.
Steve grabs his wrists, soft, careful. "Amazing, Eddie," he says. "You were amazing."
"Really?" Eddie's throat bobs. He finally looks up, meets Steve's eyes.
"Never seen anything like you." His eyes drift to Eddie's mouth. The space between them shrinks.
"Yeah?" his voice waivers.
"Can I kiss you?"
He thinks Eddie might pull away, freeze up, but instead his eyelashes flutter, his lips shaping into a gentle smile. "I'd be disappointed if you didn't."
Steve laughs, slips his fingers through Eddie's hair, closes the distance between them. It starts sweet and soft, until Eddie's tongue brushes his bottom lip and Steve opens for him, lets him take control, as easy as anything. For the first time, he lets someone else lead, sinks into it, into Eddie. It's perfect.
Prom court nominations come out with Steve number one on the ballot for king. The other nominees are Billy, Tommy, and some weirdo religious zealot junior Steve barely knows, Jason Carver.
He doesn't think much of it, having slipped so easily into a version of himself that sits at the Hellfire table at lunch, spends evenings at the Munson trailer and nights in Eddie's bed. Sure, he catches Hargrove glaring at him throughout the day, but pays it no mind. Billy Hargrove's always pissed about something, anyway.
So, he's unprepared when Hargrove and Hagan corner him that afternoon as he's waiting for Eddie to finish up a deal. There's a kick in his stomach, a swirl of nausea, at their presence. He didn't ever tell Eddie about the bet, figured it didn't matter since they were together, since they both started falling.
"Think you're hot shit, Harrington?" Hargrove asks. Hagan laughs like he's never heard a real joke before.
"I'm out," he says in way of answer. "Bet's over."
"Stevie-Boy, I don't think you understand," Hagan says.
"Nah, I'm not doing it." Worry prickles at his scalp. Eddie will be done soon, and he needs Billy and Tommy gone.
Hargrove pinches Steve's chin in his grip. "We made a bet, and you're seeing it through."
"Hey, hey, hey," the last voice Steve wants to hear right now shouts. "What the fuck is going on here? Get the fuck off him, Hargrove."
Billy's wrenched away, but he's laughing, and Steve is frozen at the train wreck unfolding in front of him.
"Harrington tell you about the bet?" Billy asks.
"Bet?" Eddie's nose wrinkles in the cute way Steve loves and he's terrified of what comes next.
"Uh-huh. Hagan and I bet Harrington here that he couldn't date the biggest dud in school and still wind up prom king. Little did we know, I guess."
Steve watches as the words hit Eddie, as he processes them, as his face falls. His gut twists as he watches his boyfriend go tense.
"What?" Eddie's eyes widen with panic.
Tommy's face contorts into a cruel smile."You didn't think Harrington was actually into you, did you?"
Eddie doesn't respond, won't look at any of them, draws into himself.
Hargrove snickers. "That's what I thought. Have a good night." He gives them a pageant queen wave as he walks away.
Steve's crosses to Eddie as soon as the other two are gone, but Eddie flinches, stopping him in his tracks.
"Was I bet, Steve?" He asks. His voice cracks.
"It wasn't like that, Ed, I swear. I swear." He grabs Eddie's shoulders, and again, he's pushed away.
"You didn't answer the question."
"It was real for me," Steve babbles. "It was all real for me. I promise."
"Answer me!" Tears limn his eyes. "Was I a bet?"
"It wasn't like--"
"Was I a fucking bet?" He yells and Steve can't take it. Can't take the hurt all over Eddie's face, the betrayal. Wants to erase it, to make everything okay, to get back to where they were last night, wrapped in Eddie's bedsheets, giggling.
"It started as a bet, okay? It did. I messed up by not telling you. I know I did. But I like you so much. I--I--" Steve loves him. He knows without any doubt, but he can't say it not now, not for this.
"Fuck you, Harrington," Eddie says. His voice is even but his face is a wreck.
"Please, Eddie." Steve begs. "Please. Give me a chance to explain. You're everything."
Eddie doesn't respond. He climbs into his van, drives away without a second glance.
He tries to apologize.
He tries to apologize, but Eddie isn't at school, not at first, and the death glare he gets from the Hellfire guys lets him know he's no longer welcome. When Eddie does come back he won't so much as look at Steve.
He goes to the trailer park where Wayne--Wayne who he watched sports with, Wayne who liked him--stands on the steps and says, "I don't think you have any business here anymore, kid. Not if you know what's good for you." And Steve nods and goes home and cries.
Steve stands on the stairs of the Munson trailer in his tux with a bouquet of flowers that are so purple they're almost black and a self-recorded tape in his hands. Prom is tonight but he has no interest in going to the dance that started all this bullshit.
Music pounds from inside; Judas Priest, he thinks. Eddie's van is in the driveway and Wayne's car is not.
The music quiets at his knock, and his heart pounds in the silence. Eddie frowns when he opens the door, but it morphs into something infinitely sadder when he sees Steve.
"Aren't you supposed to be at a dance?" Eddie asks.
"No, I--I didn't want to go. I wanted to say--Eddie, I'm sorry. I should've told you the truth from the beginning. I was afraid of losing you, and you learned the truth in the worst possible way."
Eddie doesn't speak or move, so Steve barrels on.
"I--uh--I ordered these for you. Before we broke up. And I just thought--you should still have them. That you would like them."
Eddie takes the flowers like he's in a daze.
"And uh, this too," Steve places the cassette in Eddie's hand. "It's um, stupid, probably? But I miss you and I'm sorry and just--take it."
Steve's been at the quarry for two hours, staring up at the stars from the hood of his car. He should go, probably. Eddie clearly isn't going to show. But he can't make himself. If he stays here, looking at the sky, losing Eddie won't be real.
He's dozing off, almost asleep, when the shine of headlights has him blinking alert. A familiar van trundles to a stop next to him, and Eddie climbs out. He's wearing a snug black button-down with a deep purple rose pinned to his chest, tight black jeans, and shining black boots.
"You came." Steve scrambles off his car, graceless in his relief, his gratitude.
Eddie nods. "Wasn't sure if I should but--" he shrugs.
"I'm glad you did. Thank you. I--" he swallows. "Eddie, I'm so sorry. I'll do anything, anything if it means you'll forgive me."
"Anything?" Eddie's mouth turns up at the corner.
Steve nods, firm. "I promise."
"You learned 'Rainbow in the Dark' for me."
"I did."
"That's a really hard song." Eddie smiles but tears track down his cheeks.
Steve laughs. "It's so hard."
Somehow, without Steve noticing, their fingers are entwined. Eddie lifts their joined hands, studying them. "Oh, baby, your calluses."
"Yeah." Steve blushes. "It was important I got it right."
Eddie's mouth drops as he stares, studying Steve's eyes.
"I know it took you a lot to trust me," Steve says. "And I know I broke that, but please, please try to believe me when I say that it was real for me. From the beginning. It was all real."
Eddie clears his throat. "When did you know?"
Steve's smile is soft. "That first guitar lesson. You arranged my fingers and you just--you were so beautiful."
"Oh," Eddie breathes.
"I was an idiot, Ed. I fell in love with you, and thought I could back out of the bet, that you never had to know. I never meant to hurt you."
"Wait...love me?"
Steve freezes. He hadn't meant to say that, not yet, not when things are so tenuous. "Yeah. I--yeah, I love you, Eddie."
"That's funny, sweetheart. Cause I love you too, and four hours ago I thought falling for you was the worst mistake I've ever made."
Steve's smile matches Eddie's now. "Dance with me?" he asks.
There's no music; just the whirr of early spring insects, the rustle of leaves, but Eddie still smirks, and pulls Steve close. They sway against each other, beaming, glowing, brighter than the stars.
"You're missing your prom, Stevie," Eddie says.
"Nah. I'm not missing anything. I have you."
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libraryofgage · 10 months
PJO Steddie Five
One | Two | Three | Four
Here it is! We learn El's parent in this one, and there's a wonderfully healthy dose of Steddie throughout the whole part.
There's a meme on this one, too lol
If you see any typos, no you didn't ^_^
It should not have taken five days to drive from Athens, Tennessee, to Camp Half-Blood in Long Island. Eddie wouldn't be surprised if Chrissy and his bandmates thought he'd died some horrible death while on this retrieval. But Eddie would love to meet the person who can tell Steve and a gaggle of demigod children to hurry up and get to camp already. They spent two days at Hearth and Home just for the pool, and various stops along the way followed that same pattern.
It was, in all honesty, the most relaxed retrieval mission Eddie has ever fucking experienced. Only one monster ever gave them trouble (another harpy--go figure--that Steve dispatched with ease and no injury) while the rest would sniff around and eventually have their eyes glaze over like they'd lost interest or encountered something familiar. They'd then move on, leaving the group to continue their meal in relative peace.
But for as relaxed as Eddie and the kids are, Steve is ramped to the absolute limit. His shoulders remain tense, his leg bounces whenever he sits still too long, his eyes constantly survey their surroundings, and he seems to have placed a distance between himself and Eddie. It hurts to see, especially considering the literal spark between them, but Eddie tells himself it's just until they get to camp and Steve sees for himself that they're safe.
And that moment is getting closer as they hike up Half-Blood Hill, Steve's car left at the foot until Eddie can convince Chiron and Mr. D to let him park it in the camp itself. "That big tree there is where the protective barrier starts," Eddie explains, pointing at Thalia's tree. "It used to be a girl, but there was a whole thing with the Golden Fleece, and long story short, she's running around with Artemis now."
"Can I run around with Artemis?" Max asks, her voice eager as she falls back to keep pace with Steve and Eddie.
Steve snorts, and Eddie notices the way his hand tightens on his bat. His knuckles turn white and the muscles in his forearm straining slightly and Eddie has to look away before his mouth gets too dry. "Maybe when you're older," Steve says, "After you can beat me in a spar."
Max groans, stomping her way back to Lucas with hunched shoulders and a quiet mutter that she won't be winning anytime soon.
They reach the top of the hill then, and Eddie watches as the group slows down. El in particular falls back until she's next to Steve and can grip his hand tightly. Her beanie seems to be squirming, but the movement is so subtle that Eddie thinks he's probably seeing the air ripples from the heat. He hurries to the front of the group and grins at them. "Okay! You ready to enter Camp Half-Blood, AKA the best place ever?" he asks.
"Just get on with it already," Mike says, crossing his arms as Erica nods in agreement.
Eddie, in an incredibly mature move, sticks out his tongue, and he's rewarded with a quiet laugh from Steve. "As I was saying, once you pass by the tree, I'll introduce you to Chiron, the activities director here. After that, we'll get cabin arrangements, measure you for armor and swords, and give a full tour. Of course, I'll be the one showing you around, which means you'll be getting the best possible version of the tour."
He waits for applause, but it never comes, and Eddie pouts at them. "Can't you be more excited? This is, like, the first time I've managed to bring back kids who aren't terrified."
"Oh boy," Dustin says, his voice high and fake, "I can't wait for Eddie to show us around Camp Half-Blood."
"Joke all you like, Henderson, I'm taking it as a compliment," Eddie says, darting forward and pushing down the bill of Dustin's cap. He moves back easily and claps his hands. "Okay! Step on through, please."
The kids all glance back at Steve, and he smiles encouragingly. As a group, they move past the perimeter of the tree until only Steve and El are left standing on the edge. Eddie flashes a reassuring smile. "Don't worry, it's gonna be great. El and the kids can meet more demigods their age, and you, Stevie, can relax since you won't have any monsters coming after you."
Steve nods and looks at El. "You ready?" he asks. She holds his hand even tighter--and Eddie is starting to worry about Steve's bones here--but nods.
Together, they step over the threshold.
Or, well, Steve does. El is stuck on the other side, Steve's hand still in hers but unable to pull her through. Her shoulders drop, and despite Steve's best efforts, she can't get an inch over the barrier that ripples between them. Resigned, she looks down at their hands, her grip starting to loosen some.
Eddie stares at this scene with wide eyes, and a few things suddenly make sense. No wonder Steve wouldn't say who El's godly parent is. She technically doesn't have one. The odd protectiveness makes a lot of sense now, too. And so does the way monsters would apparently move on like the gaggle of demigods was uninteresting.
"Well," Steve says, breaking Eddie out of his epiphany, "we gave it a shot."
With that, he steps back through the barrier, the rest of the kids quickly follow suit, and Eddie can feel them slipping through his fingers. "Wait!" he shouts, relieved when Steve looks up at him.
He's about to give El permission, to say everything is gonna be fine, to beg on his fucking knees if that will keep Steve--and the kids, of course--from walking away.
This is, of course, when the fucking armored and armed barrier patrol (a tradition that never really faded despite the camp's renewed safety) decides to show up.
Eddie just can't get a fucking break, huh?
The moment arrows, swords, and spears (among other weapons) are aimed at them, Steve shoves the kids behind him. El sticks the closest, practically hugging his back, but he knows she'll pull away if it comes down to a fight. Steve twirls his bat, his eyes narrowed as he takes stock of his potential opponents.
The barrier shimmers between the two groups, a slight haze in his vision, and Eddie stands in the middle, one foot on each side of the barrier, looking a little frazzled. That's when a girl comes forward, her blonde hair pulled in a ponytail, a bow in hand, and her quiver slung over her shoulder. She smiles at Eddie, bright like the sun, and Steve feels a familiar-but-not kind of buzzing under his skin.
"Eddie! You're okay!" she shouts, dashing forward and hugging him tightly.
Steve's throat feels tight as Eddie hugs her back, his grip on the bat straining until he hears the reinforced wood groan and forces himself to loosen up. "Eddie," he says, a huge part of him relieved when Eddie immediately looks at him.
The girl looks between the two of them, and her eyes widen, and she smiles excitedly, and Steve suddenly feels a little better.
"Hello, I'm Chrissy," she says, walking over to stand across the barrier from Steve. "We got an alert that a monster was trying to cross, so we came to offer help. Everything looks fine, though, so come on through."
Steve feels El tug on the back of his shirt as the kids shift nervously. "We're good, actually," Lucas blurts out, unable to handle the silence.
Chrissy blinks, her smile still present but her eyebrows furrowing in confusion. "You're...good?" she asks.
"Yeah," Steve says, licking his lips nervously, "I'm sure Camp Half-Blood is fun and all, but we can't stay."
"Why not? You'll be safer here."
Steve doesn't know how to answer that question, and El spares him the effort of trying to by saying, "I can't get through." He wants to spin around and grab her shoulders and ask what she's thinking, but it's El's choice to tell people, no matter how much Steve might disagree with her.
"Oh," Chrissy says, her smile dimming some before she brightens again. "Are you mortal? That's okay, we can just give you permission."
It's the perfect excuse, and Steve is ready to fucking run with it, but El shakes her head. "I'm not mortal," she says.
A heavy silence falls over the group on the other side of the barrier as the demigods understand what she means. "What kind of monster are you?" a boy asks, his hand twitching as though ready to reach for an arrow.
"Look, it doesn't matter," Steve says, a bad feeling forming in his gut. His nerves start buzzing on instinct, crackling and pulling at the clouds just a tiny bit. "We'll leave you alone and go our separate ways. You'll....you'll never see us again." And Steve can't help his voice softening, glancing at Eddie as he says that last part.
Because he wants to see Eddie again. He wants to learn about the literal spark they shared. He wants to know if Eddie's lips are soft or rough. But Steve always puts the kids first. Their safety comes before everything else, even himself.
"Wait! There's no need to go," Eddie says, holding his hands out to both sides but looking at Steve. "El isn't dangerous. We can still give her permission."
"Like Hades we are!" the same boy shouts.
"Jason!" Chrissy says, her tone hard as she whirls around.
Jason looks insulted and confused. "What are you yelling at me for? I'm not the one trying to bring a fucking monster into camp."
"She's not a monster! Stop saying that," Mike shouts, trying to push forward only for Steve to push him right back.
"Oh? Then what is she?" Jason asks.
"Her name is El," Steve says, his voice hard and unforgiving, "and she is my sister."
Several of the campers' eyes widen, and suddenly their bows are loaded and ready to shoot. "You brought two monsters to camp!" a girl shouts, glaring at Eddie.
Steve frowns, trying to control the building anger and wariness. Based on the slowly gathering clouds overhead, it's not working.
"Those things are dangerous," Jason says, his eyes narrowed. "I bet the rest are monsters in disguise, too."
"No!" Eddie shouts, "they got through the barrier."
"Oh? Prove it. Walk through right now."
The kids don't move an inch and neither does Steve. Chrissy turns back to them, an uncomfortable grimace tugging at her lips. "It would really help to diffuse things if you could just step over," she says softly.
"Not without El," Max says, glaring at the group.
"Or Steve," Lucas adds.
Despite everything, Steve can't help a wry smile and a joking, "Gee, thanks for thinking of me," thrown over his shoulder.
"Well, isn't that convenient," Jason sneers, "None of the monsters want to cross."
He pulls his bowstring back a little farther, and the clouds above them start to gather faster, tiny sparks jumping under Steve's hand on the bat. He grits his teeth, trying desperately to not get lost in anger, and takes a deep breath. "Listen, this obviously isn't going to work," he says, looking at Eddie. He smiles apologetically. "Thank you for trying, though. It was...a nice thought."
And then several things happen all at once.
Eddie's eyes widen, desperation seeps into them, and he shouts, "I give El permission to cross the barrier!"
El starts to move around Steve like she wants to talk to Chrissy herself, her beanie squirming obviously.
The rest of the kids behind Steve get caught up in El's movements and try to follow, pushing Steve forward a step and bumping El slightly to the side.
His annoyance flares, and dark clouds stretch above them with a quiet, nearly inaudible rumble of thunder.
Finally, an arrow is loosed from the group of demigods, and its path would have been true if not for the kids pushing Steve. Instead, it shoots El's beanie clear off her head and lands in the grass behind the kids, just barely missing Dustin and Will in the process.
Really, Steve can't be blamed for what happened next. Between El's snakes freaking out and the kids shouting and the arrow in the grass overpowering his vision, he really can't be blamed.
It's only understandable that he loses it, that his tenuous control fucking snaps.
A bellowing crack of thunder above them is the only warning the demigods get before a bolt of lightning strikes the ground right next to them. The sheer force of it creates a whole nearly two feet deep, knocking the demigods back a few feet as more bolts follow in its wake. Each one burns the ground where it strikes, and tiny fires feed on the grass.
Little arches of lightning jump across Steve's arms, his hair fluffing out slightly from the static. His chest is heaving from anger and electricity and the aftermath of so much tension finally breaking free as bolts corral the demigods into a tiny circle, striking all around them to prevent escape.
"Steve," El says, the sound of her grabbing his attention more than her words. But when Steve looks at her and sees the snakes on her head rubbing against each other and tasting the air and trying to stay as close to her scalp as possible, his anger flares again at the reminder of the arrow that could have killed his kids. Not only the arrow, but El's snakes could have hurt them, too. If not for the kids immediately squeezing their eyes shut, a few might be statues right now. Sure, it would wear off in a bit, and Steve is immune anyway since he's related to El, but it's fucking inconvenient and dangerous given the situation.
"Stay back," he growls, his words crackling with the lightning as he turns back to the demigods. They look scared shitless, and Steve hasn't even done anything yet. The only ones who haven't been corralled are Chrissy and Eddie, since neither of them actually did anything.
He steps forward, an arch of lightning stretching between his heel and the ground when he lifts his foot. The nails on his bat spark and glow red, looking nearly as angry as Steve feels. Steve crosses the barrier, feels it wash over him, and stops just on the other side. He smiles at the demigods, feral and unrestrained as a storm, and raises his hand to the sky.
Or he starts to only for his view to be blocked by brown hair in desperate need of a good shampoo and big brown eyes. Steve blinks, a tiny portion of his anger calming if only because he's looking at Eddie. "Move, Eds," he says.
"Stevie," Eddie whispers, his voice nearly drowned out by the rumbling thunder. So Steve pulls it back, forces it to quiet down so he can hear. "C’mon, sweetheart, there's no need to smite them. They've already peed themselves."
"They almost killed my kids," Steve says, his eyes narrowing slightly. "What would you do if you were me?"
"Well, I wouldn't look nearly as hot, for one," Eddie jokes, flashing a shaky smile.
"You're already plenty hot," Steve blurts, the shock of the words calming him down a tiny bit more. And, when he hears Lucas and Erica behind him complain as El thanks Will for retrieving her beanie, his anger finally soothes enough for lightning to stop striking the ground. The clouds are still hanging over them, though, and sparks still arch across his arms and through his hair.
Eddie's smile becomes a bit wider. "Seriously, sweetheart, there's no need," he promises. "I already gave El permission to enter. She can cross the barrier. Word will spread in camp that nobody can mess with her without getting their shit rocked by a very powerful son of Zeus. Don't you want to relax? Don't you want the kids to meet others like them? Don't you...don't you want to, you know, spend time together?"
Steve does want all of that. Especially that last one, because he's never been talked down from an unbridled, anger-fueled, lighting strike marathon this easily. Usually, the kids have to let him work through the anger and vent it all before he's back to normal.
He takes a deep breath, closing his eyes to focus on calming down. When Eddie hesitantly takes his hand, Steve calms down even faster, and the sparks that pass between their palms are harmless. "That's it, Stevie," Eddie whispers as Steve's shoulders relax. "Besides, you can always beat Jason's ass at capture the flag later."
Steve can't help laughing at that, and he opens his eyes to see Eddie's smile. "Looking forward to it," he says, squeezing Eddie's hand. Then he looks over his shoulder at the kids. "Is everyone okay?" he asks.
The kids are all gathered around El, who has secured her beanie over her head. Unfortunately, the arrow made a larger hole than expected, and two of her snakes are poking their heads out, tongues flicking as they taste the air. They aren't strong enough on their own to actually turn anyone to stone, so none of the kids avoid looking at them.
"We are fine," El says with a tiny smile as she steps forward. Steve is about to tell her to be careful when she walks through the barrier without a problem.
The other kids follow, sticking close to El and then orbiting toward Steve and Eddie. "That was awesome!" Dustin shouts, his eyes bright as he looks at the scorch marks that create a circle around the demigods that haven't moved an inch.
"Yes, it was awesome," a voice says, old and wise and belonging to a centaur that has trotted over from the camp gates and comes to a stop before them. "Though, probably not in the way you mean, young one."
"Chiron, hey, how's it going?" Eddie asks, rubbing the back of his neck as he shifts to stand in front of Steve. "This, uh, was all a misunderstanding, really."
Chiron raises an eyebrow at Eddie, but Steve can see the twinkle of amusement in his eyes. "I see. Is that so, Chrissy?" he asks.
"Yeah, it is," Chrissy says, nodding once as she glances at Jason, "because Jason was trigger-happy and wouldn't let anyone talk."
"I see," Chiron says again, looking back at Steve and the kids behind him. "Well, I look forward to hearing all about it and getting to know our potential campers at the Big House. Over some snacks, perhaps?"
He seems nice enough, and something about Chiron just makes Steve feel confident that nothing will happen to the kids. At least, not for the next hour or so, and that's good enough. Still, he can't help pushing just to see the extent of Chiron's patience. "Even if my sister's mother is a gorgon?" he asks, watching Chiron closely.
"Am I correct in assuming her mother is Medusa?" Chiron asks.
"Yes," El says, answering for Steve as the two snakes poking through rub their heads on Steve's arm. "She's very nice."
Chiron seems to be holding back an amused smile at that, and he nods. "I'm sure," he says, nodding once. "Yes, you are still welcome, my dear. After all, our very own Eddie Munson has vouched for you."
Steve can feel the kids behind him relaxing, and he glances at Eddie to see the relieved smile on his face. "Okay then," he says, looking back at Chiron, "lead the way."
Tag List
@mugloversonly, @mentallyundone, @hairdryerducks-blog, @carriethesaint, @lunabyrd, @weekend-dreamer7, @farfaras, @littlelady03, @my-tears-are-becoming-a-sea20, @mogami13, @a-little-unsteddie, @itsall-taken, @queenie-ofthe-void, @tinyplanet95, @littlebluejane, @hangoversandhandgrenades, @rabbitwhoeatsstars, @bisexualdisastersworld, @steddieinthesun,
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And now, the quality meme you've all been waiting for
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obae-me · 5 months
Omg Hi!!! It has been so long since I have seen you on my dash! How are you doing love? I hope you are doing super well ^.^ I recently saw your Mc with trauma post. I loved it so much, and it has also given me a lot to mull over the past few days lol.
Honestly I love the idea of a traumatized Mc and the brothers feeling like absolute shit for the way they treated them in the beginning... but yk another part of me wonders when I imagine my own traumas in that scenario... that for people (the bros- literal demons) who have faced so many things and traumas in their own lives, whether my feelings or pain is even comparable to that. Ik you can't compare things like that and the brothers would probably even be mad if I think of my feelings this way since it's the "Ohhhh someone always has it worse. It's not even that bad so just suck it up" self-deprecating part of me. Despite knowing ALL THAT I can't help but think that I am not traumatized enough to deserve empathy lmao (I realize how stupid it sounds saying it out loud).
So that is what REALLY got me thinking. What about an Mc that is genuinely terrified of scrutiny, being a nuisance and just basically inconveniencing anyone for things that are just basic needs. Idk if I am explaining it well enough oof and a mc like that (like me lmao) certainly won't bode well with Lucifer. Atleast not in the beginning. I could hate him (I could never but if I did) but still be terrified of disappointing him. This is what I mean when I say I love him but he reminds me too much of my father habits wise 🤢.
I am thinking a Mc who is afraid of asking even their basic needs at the beginning once Lucifer mumbled about them being too much trouble. Mc who feels so extremely guilty when the brothers get anything for them, cuz they feel like they have to work for it or they don't deserve it. Mc whose blood freezes over when they break something and try to replace it as quick as possible so no one blames them. Mc who never expresses their concerns so as to not add to the brothers' already full plates or worry them. It hurts to bottle it all up but seeing the brothers' concerned faces with so much PITY is a thousand times worse. Mc who never complains and adjusts to even unfair situations so as to not be a bother. Mc who just takes, takes and takes everything bad and doesn't say a word cuz they feel like they deserve it. Mc who tells little white lies to hide their flaws and be the perfect exchange student and avoid scoldings and criticisms ; only to stew in shame, disgust, self-loathing when someone eventually catches up on one of the lies (the person probably didn't even make a big deal of it/ was only mildly disappointed but Mc feels their heart breaking in two as they think they have broken their trust forever and would never be trusted again)
Gosh this got way longer than I was expecting >.< and a lot of signs like these aren't really obvious until you are close to that person. I think so many of us are so hard and rutheless to ourselves when sometimes the thing we need the most is a little compassion and understanding ;-;
Hi! I love seeing you in my inbox and thank you! I've been in recovery mode for the last few months but am finally coming back out of that cave and working on my hobbies again (seriously going too long without writing almost feels like going without food for me)! I hope you've been doing well too!
And oof, yes, I understand what you're saying completely. I'm like that too in a lot of ways, keeping certain details or complaints to myself because "Oh surely what I've been to is really nothing". And sometimes I let something slip and people get very concerned. Which is validating in a way, not that I need to be validated for it, everyone goes through their own pain and awful things SUCK no matter to what extent it is and I've had to learn that through my life.
(Wow that MC really is just me, huh? Calling me out are you? /j)
Honestly this type of MC is just canon to me. (I mean, the more pithy responses the MC has in original OM might just be due to writing but to me it just seems like the calm and general response of someone throwing out NPC answers as a survival tactic.)
They suck things up and soak up everything that's been said to them and work hard to remain a normal functioning being.
And of course Lucifer is an interesting character to think about with this MC because on one hand the human could absolutely despise him for the way he treats them. Or on the other hand (if you're like me I guess, which I realize is hella unhealthy, oops) the MC could look up to him and work extra hard to try to gain his validation, because getting praise from someone like that means you must not be a failure, right?
And just...the dynamic of that is so appealing to me, because Lucifer loves when people work hard and do what they're told, but then if he finally comes to the realization that they're burning out and actually almost putting themselves in more danger and harm because of HIM? And at the end of the day he's doing more damage than any of his chaotic brothers? (I like to have him spiral and be humbled just a bit)
Just all of the brothers doing some deep introspection once they come to care for MC and needing to sit down and realize that probably made their human feel so much worse and then spending the rest of eternity trying to fix that. And then the "I can fix him" mentality from MC turns into the "I can fix them" from every other character. A special Uno Reverse, if you will.
Oops, this turned into a fairly long ramble of my own...
Thanks for popping into my inbox with your thoughts! Traumatized MC deserves some extreme love
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icycoldninja · 5 months
Hello! Are You familiar with game of thrones? If not you can ignore this but if you do Can you write a dmc boys +v with a Daenerys like s/o? She has 3 dragons and is immune to fire plus she is an awesome badass queen, but in this case since the dmc world is more modern times she can just be a queen from a far kingdom that is also modern like and happened to meet the guy in her travels.
Sup? Hope you're well! No, I'm not familiar with Game of Thrones, but I can work with what you've given me. Hope you enjoy! 💜
Sparda boys + V x Daenerys-like!Reader headcannons
¤ Dante ¤
-So, you're a mighty queen from a distant kingdom? Dante never thought he'd be meeting royalty, but here he is.
-When he sees your dragons, he freaks. He didn't think those even existed, let alone be standing right in front of him. Then he remembers he and his brother are half demons with magic demon swords, so maybe it's not all that unusual.
-Thinks it's so cool that you're immune to fire--so is he! Now you have something in common.
-He'd love to visit your kingdom someday, if you're willing to take him.
-Bonus points if you let him ride one of your dragons; he's always wanted to soar through the air on a scaly dragon's back, even though he can fly on his own.
■ Vergil ■
-Vergil wasn't too impressed at first. So what if you're royalty? There's plenty of that around.
-Then he sees your three dragons and thinks to himself, damn, if she can tame three of those terrifying beasts, she must be full of POWER.
-After this, Vergil decides it may be in his best interest to get to know you a little more, and in the process, learns about your immunity to fire.
-Now, this is very good because it means you can help him beat up his literally fiery brother whenever the need arises.
-Also wants to visit your kingdom to see if there any ways to get POWER and MOTIVATION there.
-However, do not, under any circumstances, make him ride your dragon. He isn't too fond of riding on animals, and besides, he can fly on his own.
□ Nero □
-Nero is indifferent to your royal lineage, but he thinks it's great that you, as a queen, get time to travel. It seems he's under the impression that all kings and queens are confined to their kingdoms and never allowed to leave.
-He immediately hits it off with your dragons; for some reason, they like him, and for an even stranger reason, he likes them.
-Your fire immunity makes you the perfect person to call whenever he wants to have a barbecue. No one ever needs to worry about getting burnt by the fire because you're around to deal with it for them.
-Nero isn't too fond of travel, so it's highly unlikely he'll visit your kingdom, but if you ask nicely and maybe bribe him with affection, he'll give in.
-Loves riding your dragons for two reasons: 1), it's fun, and 2), it saves more time because unlike his father and uncle, he can't keep up his Devil Trigger for very long.
● V ●
-Is very surprised that a fair and beautiful queen such as yourself is wandering so far from home. Should you not be within your palace, governing your subjects?
-Your badass-ery soon answers his question. The way you command everyone's attention and generally just run the place is inspiring.
-That, added to your 3 awesome dragons, only serves to impress him further.
-V gets along very nicely with your dragons, as do his familiars, when they are around. He's an experienced pet owner himself (kinda) and is more than willing to trade tips and tricks with you.
-Would absolutely love to visit your kingdom someday; the scenery, regardless of what it may be, will surely inspire his writing spirit.
-Wants to ride your dragon too. He's used to riding Nightmare and Griffon, so it won't be much of an issue for him.
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dabiscarpet · 2 months
Smell you, scent you
fox! Natsuya x f! reader 🦊
A collab for into the omegaverse by the beautiful @goxjo (divider cr. to my lovely aki too)
Warnings: tw: sexual themes, blood, violence, human hybrids, p in v, unprotected, creampie, a lil bit of mean Natsuya (but not a lot), crying reader
word count: 3.1k
⚠️ mdni!!! ⚠️
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You can feel it, breathing almost on the back of your neck. You keep walking nonetheless, head up and tall, headphones in, but music lowered to the min, one hand in your pocket holding your phone, the other gripping hard the strap of the pretty pink purse your boyfriend gifted you month.
One block... Two blocks... Three blocks... Six.... Eight... Ten...a left and then another left, and another one... Still right behind you, hiding in the shadows, sun setting already and darkness becoming more predominant.
You try and keep your breathing steady. 1...2....3... Exhale. And again. You already lost track of the time. Where were you even going in the first place? Oh right, your boyfriend's house.
You were going to surprise him after a whole week of being completely absorbed by uni finals. He had reluctantly agreed to leaving you alone. You two loved each other so much, you were obsessed even with spending time together, so you had to take the very painful decision to ask him some time alone while you finished your semester. Now everything was over, and you couldn't think of anything else you but him once again.... Except for this moment, wondering if you'll even see him again at this point.
Gulping hard, some sort of sharpness was pressing around your neck, and a hairy hand was dragging you with extreme force into the alleyway. Before realizing it, you were pinned against the wall, bag long forgotten in the harsh pavement, scratching it, just like the wolf-like creature in front of your was scratching behind your ear.
"don't scream and it won't hurt as much" he leaned in to breath your scent, deep. You felt absolute disgust creeping through your every pore, but you laid immobilized, unable to fully understand how you got yourself into this.
Evoking your best memories with your boyfriend, his deep, rich caramel eyes is all you could see when you closed your eyes, prepared for the worst....
But it never came.
You heard an immediate thud and opened your eyes widely, a flash of brown and the strongest scent of cinnamon and spice the first things you noticed, the smell soon turning bitter and stronger.
The wolf-like man was thrown to the other side of the alley, and your boyfriend's imposing figure adorned by his majestic tail, now in a fighting stance, over the man. It took very little effort for your boyfriend to knock the other guy out, but his anger wouldn't go down.
He breathed strongly, almost as if it was hard for him, pupils dilated and full of fury, ears on top of his head thrown back, and his knuckles full for blood, a bit had already splashed onto his face. This made you finally react and reach out for him, trying to call out his name.
He stopped, ears perked up again, fist still in the air while he turned around to look you in the eyes. He quickly dropped the dude, left to his own fate in that cold cement floor, and jumped to hug you, wrapping you in his warm body, kissing endlessly the top of your head, wonderful tail shielding both of you from distancing. Then, in his arms, now safe, you finally break down in tears.
"Natsu... I don't know what was that... was so scared, terrified!!" You managed to let thru whimpers and cries, your body now shaking and Natsuya hugging you tighter.
"I'm so sorry my love, I was not faster" he sounded deeply regretful. "I hope that bastard didn't do anything to you, or I'll finish him right now-"
"No please stop, just please.... Stay with me" and you cling to his maroon shirt, tears staining down the front of it and wrinkling it between your fingers.
"I promise my love, I am really really sorry, this is all my fault" you didn't have the energy to fight him, to tell him he did nothing wrong, you just kept saying no, no, no constantly.
"I promise to never ever leave you alone. Absolutely not even one second" and he meant it.
"Come on, let's get you out of here. I'm sure this bastard must have some friends around" you just nodded and picked up your bag, hiding in your big boyfriend's shadow all the way back to his apartment.
All the way back to his apartment, Natsuya not only held your hand or your arm, his whole complexion was somehow around you. His arm around your shoulders, keeping you as close as possible, pretty ears standing up to identidy any sound, and his scent... oH GOD HIS SCENT
It wafted all around you too, like a invisible protective cloud, so powerfull it was almost making you dizzy, but his strong grip prevented you from fainting, weak legs being basically dragged by him. You felt it, still the bitterness overpowering the sweet in his usual smell. Natsu was angry, probably more than you had ever seen.
The image of him beating up the other guy flooding your mind again. You looked at his knuckles and stains of blood still remained there, and shyly peeked up to see fresh blood still on his face.
And that somehow turned you on. The twisted thought of violence, of him being so masculine, so strong, so overpowering that could easily break you with a hand, but instead he used that strenght to protect you... It was wicked, you know it, but a very small part in the back of your brain wished you had not stopped him so quick and just enjoy the sight a little bit more-
"What´s on your mind?" Wow you had not realized how many blocks away you were, how far you had gone to hide. Just now you see his apartment almost at the end of the street.
"Don´t lie to me"
"..." You took a deep breath, and as soon as you were in front of his door, you confessed. Natsu would always know if you lied anyway. "I kinda wish... to see you angry more..."
He swung the door open and pushed you inside with a little more force than necessary. In the dark, his expression was unreadable, but his tail wrapped around you and the still tight grip on your wrist giving the message.
"Well... as twisted as that sounds.... you can enjoy a little more" Natsu dragged you to the living room and only turned on the small lamp next to the couch. "I am angry right now, still furious... and partly because of you"
You were so shocked by his answer that you could not reply. Your mind started rushing, trying to figure out how and why would he want to take it out on you. Your sweet sweet Natsuya.
"Because you forced me to stay away so long, and I respected it because I love you-" He pulled you as close as possible, face coming down to your neck, breathing in fully "My scent has almost vanished from you completely. I do not like that at all"
You did not even have the time to feel relief, because his mouth attacked your neck with kisses and bites. Purse falling to the floor, you just opened up to him, using the hand that was still free from his grip to grab his soft hair, touch his soft years, and pull him closer. The intensity was as that of a feral animal, you could feel it, his primal instincts taking over quickly.
Soon, the victim was your mouth. His lips overpowered yours, just as you wanted, for Natsu to take complete control over you. You let his tongue to lick all inside you, your teeth to clash, for him to spit in your mouth, and literally bite your lips, the lower one until it started bleeding, and he licked it all.
Natsu was unusually rough, and you could be more excited, already dripping just from the thought. He pushed you against the couch, and started ripping off your clothes, examining every corner of your body to check that you were totally ok, while marking you all over, wherever his lips could reach. His smell of cinnamon and spice already imprinted all around the room, all over your clothes, your hair, your skin... but it was still not enough for him.
"I am gonna make sure to scent you so hard, from the inside out princess" He grabbed your face again as he said thosw words, kissing you deeply again. You reached out to swipe the blood from his face with your thumb, but he quickly pushed you down to your knees. "Lets start with your thoat and face beautiful" His smile was blinding, almost wicked looking.
You do not remember when he took off his pants, but now you were face to face with his clothed dick, underwear completely soaked.
"Don´t you dare tease me, I am warning you"
"Yes Natsu" You just innocently looked up as you ripped off the underwear, he was already standing tall and proud, dripping, red, needy.
You wasted no time to lick him up and down, savouring the unusual bitterness that stemmed from his mood. Licking up and down, he felt bigger than ever, not sure if it was because of how long it felt since you had touched him, or if it was truly like that. Long, thick, pretty just like everything about him is. His tail falling behinf him in relaxation as soon as you started sucking him, his expression softening as he let out a strangled sound.
While having him in your mouth, you needely grabbed onto one of his strong, big thighs, while the other tried to push up his shirt. He quickly understood, removing it in a swift motion and discarding it somewhere in the darkness. Natsu grabbed your hair in a ponytail after you started slurping and playing with your teeth aroun him, your hand now gripping hard and then soft at his base, playing with him.
"You are playing with fire, and you know it" He managed to let out, already sounding breathless. You just smiled, dripping spit and precum from the corners of your mouth, innocent eyes looking up again as you continued your vicious cycle, he was just so addicting- and something inside him unleashead at this.
The hold on your hair quickly became painful, and you lost control of your movements. He took the lead and started pushing in you mouth with more energy, making you gag quickly and slurp and drooleven more. His ears were thrown back and his brown tail stood up again, as he relentlessly pushed into your mouth. Natsuya was a man on a mission.
You just let it happen, the wicked thoughts completely taking over your brain, actually enjoying his more feral and violent side. You did not care he was hurting you scalp and irritating the back of your throat, you were just happy that his all was with you.
Harder, faster, deeper... If he was being this rough with your mouth, you could not wait until it was your pussy, dripping onto the floor right now. Natsu usually lasted long, but today it was obvious it was not going to be that way. His breathing was ragged, short, his movements impossible faster, close close.... You just did your best recieving everything he gave you, sucking in to make it even more addicting for him, already fallen into a trance of in, out, in, out, IN-
Hot, very hot, white cum painted the back of your throat, and more and more ropes kept coming out, mouth already overfilled, so he pulled out and continued in your face, splashes of milky white painted your features, and Natsuya thought he had never seen something more beautiful. You beamed at him, watching his pretty pointy ears twitching in the afterglow pleasure.
Natsuya made sure to empty himself, and kneeled down, face to face with you. He grabbed your neck and kissed you slowly, deeply once again, tasting himself in you, the thought of nastiness already turning him on again, standing hard and tall quickly. Your hand drifted down to stimulate him once again, and he bit your lip, making it bleed again.
"Gosh you're really trying to make it up to me, don't you?"
"... I'm sorry, this wouldn't have happened if I didn't ask you to stay away love..."
Natsuya's face softened, his worried nature coming back to him at this, but were enjoying his animalistic side too much to let it drop so quickly, so you squeezed down on him once again, making him grunt, darkness returning to his caramel eyes, now looking chocolate.
Natsuya stood up and dragged you up with him by the arms, inhuman force making you weak on the knees. He turned you around and you supported yourself on the back of the couch, hand digging the fabric. He wasted not a single second.
"You're right princess. This was all because of your disobedience" he played along, as he noticed how much turned on you were with his roughness.
Pussy dripping, clear liquid going down your legs like never before. Natsuya kneeled right behind to smell in deeply, which made you red in the face, but he just spread your legs more and gave a long lick, from front to back, dizzy in your natural scent.
"I can't wait, get ready" and he didn't even finish his words, as his hard member was already making it's way inside of you.
The strain was almost unbearable, Natsuya was too big, too much, he felt too hot and fat, but the juices flowing from your inside only made it easier for him to keep going in. A few tears quickly formed on your eyes and fell, but your not sure if because of the pain or the relief you were feeling at least.
He wasted no time in getting to move, each stroke making him go in a little bit more and more, soon pressing all the spots inside of your pussy, his tip abusing your cervix. He felt no remorse as the tears kept falling from your face, because the sounds leaving your mouth and the squelch of your pussy sucking him back in told him another story.
His pace was absolutely animalistic, his tail firm and tense from the concentration, just like his ears, grunts and growls leaving his throat as his natural scent boosted even more with his sweat. In, out, Natsu kept penetrating deeply, hard and fast, the couch already moving form it's position.
"aaaaaaah natsuuuuu" you looked back at him, drool falling from the corner of your mouth, and your face still covered in his cum. "i- i can't-"
"what- is- it- that- you- can't?" Each word punctuated by a hit to your cervix, and now his hand was hovering over your clit. He gave slight touches here and there, but he still wanted to see you cry some more.
"I -... I need it-" he slapped your clit, and your pussy clenched hard ".aaaaahh touch me pleaseeeee"
He decided to give to you, and your delicious pussy already had him drunk in the pleasure, he just wanted to come inside you again and again and again, and didn't care for anything else. The hand over your clit finally made full contact, and he started rubbing it slowly but pressing hard, and you didn't need much more to crumble.
With a loud "fuuuuuuckk" you came all around him, squelch getting even louder as juices overflowed your insides, you hole pressing more around him, suffocating his dick. His tail instinctively wrapped around your waist when he pulled your upper body to his, to kiss your neck and back as you were still enjoying the stimulation. His strokes never stopped, nor faltered in rhythm.
Your shaky hand reached back and up, soon finding his ears on top of his head. You rubbed on them as you knew he loved, he always melted in your touch with that, because you felt his intensity growing even more.
"I really hope you're not tired yet, because I'm not done with you until you're full of my cum, stuffed to the point it overflows, fucked out so bad you can't leave my side for days, and each day you ask me for more and more..." He kept whispering dirty things in your ear as he came closer once again "I'm gonna make sure my scent sticks to you, becomes one with you, making it clear to the whole world that you belong to me, princess"
The overestimation already feeling too good, but too much, you kept crying out in pleasure while tightening around him, you already felt another orgasm incoming "aaaaaaah natsuuuuu I'm closeeee but... Haaaaah .... You have .... Have to first" you were decided to give it to him before you came again
For Natsuya, you felt absolutely angelic, heaven on earth, as your soft insides welcomed him since the very beginning. The beautiful sound it made, the sweet juices covering his whole lower body at this point... You didn't know it, but it was equally important for him to smell of you, to have it impregnated on his skin.
His member felt like it was about to explode, his hips faltering and falling out of rhythm, but still at a speed no human could ever. He had you lifted from the waist, meeting his strokes midway. His eyes were closed, but he opened them once again to see his cum on your face had dripped down your chest and-
"SHIT-" Natsu stopped suddenly, blurred vision as he held you tight against his skin. His tail tensed completely around you two, and his ears because stiff, and he emptied all the pent up frustration in ropes of milky white cum, that soon we're dripping down your legs. At the feeling of complete fullness, you had also cummed again, swollled lip between your lips as you wrapped you arm back around his neck and he breathed hard.
More and more kept coming out, painting all the inside of your walls white, marking you, scenting you from the inside out.
You remained still for a few minutes, trying to recover your breath. Natsuya was kissing the back of your head and neck, never letting his dick free from your pussy. You tried turning your head sideways, and he immediately reached down to kiss you, this time softly.
"I love you Natsu, I'm so sorry this is really all my fault-"
"Stop" the command in his voice making you bite your tongue "I'm sorry for all the mean things I said... It's my fault after all... But I will keep my word, and I'll make sure my scent never leaves you, ever again"
"Really? And how can you do that?"
"By fucking it into you every day ;)"
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13 & 15 with David Please. ❤️ 💙
13. "It's only forever, love. Not long at all."
15. "You're my sun."
Thanks for requesting! I hope you'll like this!
Outside, a heavy storm was raging over the small coastal town. Inside, no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't seem to keep the candles burning. Every time I lit a knew one, the other would be blown out by a new gust of wind. I sighed, dropping the matches onto the fountain edge. Today had been a bad day. They just happen sometimes. You wake up, and you just feel off. Or sad. And you can ignore it for a while, but in the end, sometimes that sadness wins and all you really need is just a big hug and some nice warmth.
I blamed it on the stress from the last couple of days. David had told me that his sire, Max, had found out about my existence and that he demanded that I'd change. Then there was the time limit Max had set. I had to be a half vampire before the end of the week, or else he'd kill me. I had to admit that it frightened me. Of course, I knew David would protect me if he could, but he couldn't go against his sire. And even though I considered myself in the future to be one of the undead, I always thought it would happen in the far future. When I'd gotten a bit older, wiser, a bit more me.
Apparently, today, the lack of working candles had been the final straw. I'd dropped the matches and closed my eyes with a heavy sigh. Warmth flooded me when I felt two strong arms wrap themselves around me.
"I got you, kitten."
I leaned against him, smiling softly as I breathed in his smell. I didn't know if it was his mere presence or him using some of his hypnosis to calm me down, but I slowly felt my stress lessen.
"You're back early."
"I figured you didn't want to be alone." He looked at me, sighing softly. "I know this isn't what you wanted."
I nodded. He looked at me with a serious expression.
"If you don't do this, he is going to force me to kill you."
"What?" I looked at him, disbelieve written all over my face. "He- that absolute fucking-"
David chuckled, using one of the matches I'd dumped on the fountain edge to lit his cigarette.
"I'd rather die than do that to you."
I froze, warmth flooding my cheeks. I swallowed, looking at him with a small smile. "You really mean that, don't you?"
He sat there, next to me, looking uncharacteristically soft. Then, as if he had trouble admitting it, he looked at me like I was his whole world. At that moment I realised that maybe I was. It felt nice, realising by a mere expression that he possibly loved me as much as I loved him.
"You're my sun." He said softly. I took his hand in mine, squeezing it softly.
"I want you to change me. I don't want to leave you, and I don't want you to be forced to do what he forces you to."
"Kitten, you-"
"It needs to happen, and I mean - it does scare me, terrifies me, actually. But I can't let you get hurt because I'm scared."
My voice was a little shaky when I ended my sentence, and if it wasn't for the tender kiss I'd received afterwards, I'm pretty sure I would have broken down crying. But he was here, and he cared. He cared so much that he was even idiotic enough to be willing to die for me. That fool, as if I could live without him.
"You won't be alone, when you turn. I'll be with you."
"Every step of the way, right?" I asked, remembering how he had promised me that shortly after we'd discussed me changing for the first time.
"I love you, David."
"I know."
I laughed, stealing his cigarette from him. "I think it would be nice, spending immortality together."
"Yeah? Why?" He asked, in a way that made clear to me that he agreed.
"Well," I smiled at him, "it's only forever, love."
"Not long at all," he said softly, taking his cigarette back. "We'll just have to make the most of it."
"As if that's hard," I teased, sighing contendly as I leaned against him.
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kimbapisnotsushi · 1 month
hi! please share your headcanons about jay. thanks!
ooooooooh sure thing let's get it!!
(also please keep in mind that soke was literally my first time dipping back into dc after a LONG while, so i have a bit of catch-up to do in terms of characters and stories, and thus some of my knowledge might be outdated!!! also i love jay but i do consider myself still very new to understanding him and thus most of these will be silly fun :333)
damian makes fun of him for that all-black ninja-esque stealth suit he wore to sneak into star labs because there was literally NO POINT in jay trying to disguise himself like that when he didn't bother covering up his BRIGHT FUCKING PINK hair
yes i'm still mad about yes i would like to know his thought process
is it natural btw??? i've seen different takes around where people think it's dyed bc of his other version in aos:jk, but i feel like that's pretty unlikely considering it was shaved all the way down when he got taken prisoner and experimented on and it grew back exactly like that
for the record i'm not a hater i'm just saying 1) it made him a walking beacon and 2) it being natural is so fucking funny to me since he clearly didn't inherit it from his mom, which begs the question:
who the fuck is jay's dad
while jay does care for all of the revolutionaries as their ally and everyone at the truth as their boss, and as an overall friend, i think that wink and the aerie are especially close to him and they consider each other family. they were pretty much the closest thing to adult supervision jay had for a while, and he relied on them a lot when he was settling down in metropolis and figuring out how to live alone
this meant that he called them for stupid things like "if something explodes in your microwave do you call the fire department", and not-stupid things like "help me open a bank account because metropolis bank has laws that won't let me do it by myself as a minor"
they were also the first people he came out to
jay loves them even if they CAN be really annoying
jay: "are you—are you guys ACTUALLY planning on shovel-talking superman" wink: "technically, he's superman's son" the aerie: "and if he's late to the coffee shop, i'm taking points off"
i think jay would get along with tim actually
the dude is an underground hacktivist refugee, investigative journalist, and a former president's son. he's probably used to always looking over his shoulder, ready to be jumped at a moment's notice. he's got a plan for everything but the plans only exist inside his head because he can't risk hard copies being found or digital ones being hacked. he's memorized them all. they're either alphabetized or mentally color-coded. we're talking levels of elaborate just-in-case getaways and meticulously planned investigations that would get a normal reporter killed if they asked the wrong question. it's dedication to a terrifying degree
yeah tim would definitely rock with him
jay has this neat little trick where if he's in a situation in which someone's poisoned his food and he has to eat it/can't let them know he knows, he just partially phases his organs so that the food falls through his body a little bit at a time and never enters his digestive system
jon is HORRIFIED when he finds out. damian is really fucking impressed
does gamorra have its own language???? i feel like jay would be fluent in it if so. of course he would be. he'd do anything to keep part of home as close to his chest as possible
oh that's another thing i'll probs mess up on btw i am legit so confused on gamorra considering it's apparently in asia and i would assume has its own distinct culture? but jay's surname is japanese and that random kid on the boat has a japanese name so are they like. japanese-adjacent??? or is gamorra made up of multiple asian identities blended into one (read tags for clarification)
i should probably read absolute power shouldn't i
okay sorry that got WAY off topic but yeah jay is definitely someone who loved his home despite not being able to go back and did everything he could to maintain his ties
ALSO can we talk about jay being a student at metropolis college at seventeen???? did he skip a year of school when he got to the u.s.??? did he lie on forms or something??
like i don't think he's taking extra credit classes as a high school student because he was also advertising the media department when we saw him, and i don't think he'd be doing that if he was in high school
jon makes sense because he had a fake identity which COULD put him in college. but jay???
honestly lying on paper is such a jay nakamura thing to do if he doesn't want people tracking him down by cross-referencing his birthday with government records
jay nakamura's number-one tip of running an anonymous underground activist stream: hide all identifiable information from the government
(this does not work when you are widely recognized as superman's boyfriend)
also now that dick is backing the truth can we PLEASE get tim in on it. i think it'd be so fucking funny. i think he and jay would have a grand old time breaking into firewalls and digging through internet archives and exposing corrupt people
tim is like "FINALLY i have something fun to do at all those fucking galas bruce makes me go to" because jay needs some rich guy's vacation itinerary so he knows the prime time to break into his house and gather evidence for something
i just have so much appreciation for jay nakamura you guys i love him so much
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yuri-is-online · 8 months
This is probably going to be my last big ask for a while, so let’s make it count. What I really wanted to talk about is Yuu and disease. It’s probably just me, but while the cute caretaker sick fics are nice and all, I just sit there worrying about Yuu’s heath.
As a completely different world, realistically Twisted Wonderland would not have the same diseases as Earth. Poor Yuu must have gone down like a sack of bricks the first time they got sick, at the very least. I’m not exactly knowledgeable about the medical field or anything, but even babies have some kind of an immune system thanks to receiving temporary antibodies from their mothers that hold them over until they can receive vaccines. Yuu doesn’t have that.
To make this worse, Ramshackle is well… ramshackle. Before it got rebuilt I guarantee that building was having untold issues even after being cleaned up. I mean, I highly doubt Ramshackle is temperature regulated via magic like the rest of the school due to it being abandoned. Yuu spent all of fall and part of winter in a run-down dorm. And ‘part of winter’ thing is me being generous given the iffy timeline of the game’s story.
I know it’s a running joke to dunk on Crowley for being an irresponsible guardian, but this is a terrifying level of oversight if none of the adults considered this about Yuu’s medical vulnerability. Another strike in favor of Yuu just running away.
- 🦐
I am so sorry I took forever to get around to this my dear Shrimp, I'm also not a medical expert so I had to really think about this. Disease in worlds with magic tends to be an underdeveloped part of most settings world building.
... also if you saw me post this before I was done cooking no you didn't ¬o( ̄- ̄メ)
I want to start off by saying that I disagree about Ramshackle not being temperature regulated... sort of. Ramshackle is more or less a Victorian era mansion, so if we assume that it has the same general architecture then while it does lack a central heating system, it is more or less capable of maintaining heat in individual rooms. If you look at the in game artwork for the dorm, there are visible fireplaces in both of the main rooms where we spend time, the Lounge:
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And our room:
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As long as that fire is kept going, those individual rooms will have heat, and while that falls under the purview of the fire faeries that work for the school I can see Yuu being able to take care of themselves enough to keep their dorm warm. There is even a stack of wood next to the lounge fireplace, so we can assume they can get a fire going to heat the place. The real issues (from Grim's complaints) seems to be a lack of hot water and holes in the roof, both of which they would have had to live through most of winter with that could have caused things like a bad cold or pneumonia before we even get to potential magical diseases.
When it comes to magical diseases and vaccines... my understanding of disease is that a lot of them start in animal populations before they make their way into humans. So while Twisted Wonderland is a different world, the animals are more or less the same so I can see them having the same general diseases as our world... but as people use magic to treat the disease that introduces the potential exists for diseases to evolve to combat the magic treatments. I think it's those treatments Yuu would be more vulnerable to than the twst variants of the diseases they have back home; there's a whole host of new potential allergens in the potential cures they haven't been tested for and there is no guarantee using magic on Yuu won't hurt them.
If there are magic based diseases that come from the monster population, then Yuu would absolutely need vaccines for those but I could also see things like that as not being thought of as illnesses but rather a form of a curse, and therefore something that requires a different type of treatment. And I agree this does seem like a terrible level of negligence and oversight from the adults at NRC... but I can also see why it happens. Yuu shows no outward sign of being anything other than a normal, magicless human so I can see them sort of just assuming Yuu would function the same as anyone else and then go from there.
What really got me thinking in this ask was the potential for Yuu to need something like an inhaler, or an ssri, or hell even my iron supplements and how that would get handled. Especially ssris, I have a bit of experience with getting medicated and it can take forever to get on a combo that gives you your life back as opposed to fucking things up further. Getting snapped into another world without those meds and having to go through the process again in a world with a different concept of chemistry would suck so much. Poor neurodivergent Yuu's, as if life didn't suck enough already.
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mj-iza-writer · 9 months
Old leaves and twigs broke under Whumper's feet as they ran barefoot through the woods. He had no idea where he was running too, but anywhere was good as long he didn't catch them.
"Whumper you're just making this harder on yourself", Whumper heard through the trees. They sounded uncomfortably close.
Whumper stopped to get his barings, "that fucken caretaker, how was I even found. Whumpee wouldn't have known where this place was."
Whumper took off again, trying to change directions. He couldn't let Whumpee's caretaker find him. There's no telling what he'd do, especially out here with no witnesses.
Whumper accidentally rolled his ankle with a large stick that slid through the wet leaves. He slid along with it and fell into the muck of leaves.
"Shit", Whumper groaned.
"I heard that", Caretaker yelled, "that means I'm close to you.
The sound of a shotgun being pumped gave Whumper a boost of adrenaline.
"I can't run like this", Whumper tried to stand, but definitely had a bad sprain.
Whumper looked into the trees and found one that he could climb.
Once situated on the limb, he tried to catch his breath. He was sore all over. Caretaker had snuck onto the private property and knocked at his door. Whumper didn't even have a second before the door was kicked in. He dodged Caretaker and ran.
The sound of someone approaching sent chills down Whumper's back.
Caretaker examined the skid mark, "wow you must have gotten pretty hurt here, I bet you twisted maybe even sprained an ankle", Caretaker laughed, "definitely no way you kept running on that."
Whumper held onto the trunk of the tree, he was shaking uncontrollably.
Caretaker leaned against a different tree, pulled out a cigarette, and lit it. "I know you're close. I can wait as long as you need me too. I am very patient."
Whumper rolled his eyes, 'great', was his only thought.
He heard Caretaker laugh again.
"I had hoped to catch you off guard, I don't even think you had shoes on when you ran. Your feet are probably killing you from the forest floor", Caretaker blew out some smoke, "we can wait all night if you want, I'm dressed to be out here. I know you are going to have a rough time though."
Whumper looked down at his feet, sure enough they were a bloody mess. He groaned silently when he moved his ankle slightly.
"I want you to pay attention to the fear you feel right now. Knowing that I have the upper hand, and you are at my mercy. This is how you made Whumpee feel all day, every day", Caretaker continued, "you've done some twisted things to them, but don't worry, they are in good hands now."
Whumper looked down at Caretaker. This man was absolutely terrifying. It shook Whumper even more thinking about what Caretaker had planned.
"I know you're up in that tree", Caretaker stated ominously not even looking up.
Whumper's whole body jolted at the thought. Caretaker was aware of them being up there this whole time.
"Do I need to shoot you down, or are you going to get down here willingly and pay for what you've done to Whumpee?", Caretaker dropped the remaining part of the cigarette and stepped on it, "you get a minute before I start shooting, keep in mind I won't miss."
Whumper sighed.
"I can't get down. It was hard enough to get up here", Whumper called down.
Caretaker looked up, "and do you think I care?"
Whumper sighed, then moaned and groaned all the way down the tree.
Once low enough Caretaker yanked him off the tree and threw him to ground.
Whumper lay face down into the dirt. He didn't want to look up.
Caretaker circled, "you know Whumpee is an open book. They were so desperate for love and attention, once they got it, a wealth of knowledge. Get up and kneel."
Whumper groaned as they got up, kneeling made their ankle throb.
"Do I, do I have to kneel? My ankle..."
"You made Whumpee do stuff when they were in pain", Caretaker interrupted, "you didn't care, so why should I?"
Whumper looked down.
"I'm not sure what I want to do with you yet. I can't do something overly illegal, or I risk being taken from Whumpee's care team. I don't trust the justice system though, they won't give Whumpee closure. I think you deserve worse than jail honestly."
Whumper listened.
"Whumpee says to let you go, but I don't trust you. You'll probably go find someone else to hurt or come back for Whumpee. I'm not chancing it", Caretaker frowned.
"You'll never see or hear from me again I promise", Whumper pleaded, "just let me go."
Caretaker circled Whumper, "nice try but Whumpee wouldn't be completely free knowing you were out there, and what if you do strike again. I could be allowing you to go screw with another person's life."
Whumper begged, "no, please, I'm done I swear."
"Get up", Caretaker commanded.
Whumper stood as quickly as they could.
"What was that one thing you did to Whumpee, oh I remember", Caretaker smirked, "let's go back to your house and replicate it."
"Uh no please, just kill me if you must", Whumper fell back down to the ground, "I don't know what you are implying, but I don't want it."
"I'm sure Whumpee didn't want to do it either", Caretaker replied sharply, and pulled them back up, "I can't just kill you, they'd trace it back to me, I can cause an accident though."
"What?", Whumper stumbled as Caretaker shoved them.
"How many situations do you have coursing through your mind right now, hmm?", Caretaker pushed Whumper through the woods, "what exactly do you think I could do to you?"
"I don't want to find out", Whumper replied.
They finally made it back to Whumper's property.
"Let's go inside", Caretaker pushed them forward with his gun.
"I'm serious, can we not do this", Whumper turned toward Caretaker.
"How many times did Whumpee ask you for mercy. After they were found, you went into hiding. You hurt someone, and you don't want to deal with the repercussions", Caretaker frowned.
"I'm sorry, I'll do anything, just please don't do what you are planning", Whumper pleaded.
"Okay, you come back with us, confess to the court, and take whatever they give you. I'm sure you'll receive more mercy from them, then from me", Caretaker frowned, "unfortunately."
"Did you say us?", Whumper questioned.
A police siren sounded making Whumper jump.
"You tricked me", Whumper looked wide eyed at Caretaker, "you did all of this... and for what?"
"Satisfaction. Trust me, if I could have killed you, I would have, but like I said, I don't want to be taken from Whumpee's care team", Caretaker sighed and cleared the gun before handing it to the police, "I received permission to do this so you would confess, and give me some satisfaction. Plus, I was recording so Whumpee could watch you piss yourself", Caretaker grinned, "give them some justice."
Whumper's hands were pulled behind them, and cuffs were clicked tightly around their wrist.
Caretaker pulled out a cigarette box and lighter, and watched as Whumper was arrested.
A police officer stepped up beside them, "how hard was it to not pull the trigger. You had two bullets. I would have had a hard time."
"It was easy, I kept reminding myself that Whumpee was waiting for me. I have other responsibilities to attend to", Caretaker put the cigarette to his lips to light it, "I didn't have time to waste fighting the justice system. The same courts that will let them walk free, would put me in jail. That's why I requested the camera, in case things didn't go my way. Whumpee also begged me not to kill him. I keep my promises."
Caretaker walked into the house a while later, and was met by a curious Whumpee.
"Whumpee you shouldn't be out of bed", Caretaker kicked off his boots and frowned at the trail of my mud, "I thought I got it all off, I guess not."
"H-how did it go?", Whumpee poked their fingers together shyly.
"It went well, they are still alive if that's what you mean", Caretaker smiled, "I scared them, and they confessed. The police were able to arrest them."
Whumpee looked down.
"You seem unhappy", Caretaker knelt down in front of Whumpee, "why?"
"I'm sorry, I am happy, really. Thankyou for everything you've done for me", Whumpee faked a smile.
"But", Caretaker grinned, "you wanted something to happen, you wanted Whumper to have fought back a little, you wanted him to have experienced even a little of what he put you through."
Whumpee looked at Caretaker fearfully, but nodded, "am I bad for that?"
"No Whumpee, you're not", Caretaker ran his thumb across Whumpee's cheek to wipe a tear away, "you went through a lot. It's not wrong to wish that on the person who did it."
Whumpee whimpered as more tears started to fall.
"Aww Whumpee you've been holding in a lot of this, haven't you", Caretaker sighed, "it's okay, how about we go sit down. I do have a video of what happened if you want to watch that. I think it was really funny."
Whumpee nodded.
Caretaker wrapped a blanket around Whumpee and got the video started.
Caretaker smiled as Whumpee giggled at Whumper's begging.
Whumpee wiped some more tears away and looked at Caretaker, "they looked terrified."
"They were very scared", Caretaker nodded, "did that make you feel a little better?"
"A little", Whumpee grinned, "but what's going to happen now?"
"For right now, we have to wait. The lawyers and court will have to deal with it. Whumper didn't look good running away and hiding", Caretaker sighed, "you are under the protection of your care team so no matter what you will never go back to him again."
Whumpee nodded, "can I, can I watch it again?"
"Of course you can", Caretaker winked, "I'm going outside for a smoke while you watch it, okay?"
"Okay", Whumpee grinned at Whumper falling to the floor as they scurried out of the house, "thankyou Caretaker", Whumpee turned to them, "thankyou so much for doing this."
Caretaker winked, "you're welcome Whumpee", he grinned, "I'm glad I was able to do it."
I don't want to talk about how long this has sat in drafts. I hope you enjoyed. -MJ
Taglist. As always please let me know if you want to be added or taken off of the list. It's not a problem at all. @villainsandheroes @the-beasts-have-arrived @sacredwrath @porschethemermaid @monarchthefirst @generic-whumperz @bloodyandfrightened @freefallingup13 @notpeppermint @cyborg0109 @idontreallyexistyet
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rinthelonely · 2 months
At this point, Twilight was starting to get tired of Time's hovering. They have been on the road for a week now without any ambushes or coming across monster camps. Yes, it was weird but nice to not have an attack every day. But now Twilight wished that a group of monsters would attack just so he could get away from Time's watchful eye.
"Pup, where are you going?" Twilight cringed and took a few deep breaths. "Just gonna go wash myself, I saw a lake when checking the perimeter." Please, please, please, don't come, don't come, don't come. "I'm coming with you." Damn it! "No no no, you don't need to, it's not that far, y'all can hear me scream if monsters come!"
"Old man, let him go, he'll be fine." And Twilight's saving grace arrived in the form of Warriors. Maybe heavenly mercy does exist. "Absolutely not, I don't care if the lake is nearby, I won't allow anyone to go anywhere alone." Never mind, mercy doesn't exist.
"Time, listen, if it makes you feel better, I won't be gone for long. It's just going to be a quick wash." That should be enough of a reason for Time to let him leave. He could finally be alone for a while.
Instead, Time gave him The Look. "You have two options, pup. I will come with you to the lake or you will stay here where you are safe!" Twilight threw his hands up in frustration, when did Time decide what he can and can't do? "Fine! Come with then if it makes you feel better!"
Twilight stomped off with Time close on his heels. Time looked back at the camp for a brief moment to see Wars looking at him with the most disappointed face he's seen on him. It was a sure promise that they would talk after they get back.
As it turned out, the lake was not near the camp and Time wondered if this lake existed at all. "Pup, where is this lake that you supposedly saw?" Twilight took another deep breath, how many deep breaths had he taken today? "There's no lake, it was made up so that I could be alone for a while."
Twilight froze. Maybe he shouldn't have said the truth. "You wanted to be alone? In the forest!?" Perhaps he should have lied that the lake was farther than he thought. "I wouldn't have been out for long. I just wanted to have some space."
Time's hands on his shoulders and the speed that turned him around with almost made Twilight dizzy. "You were willingly going to throw yourself into danger at this time of day?" Twilight rolled his eyes and huffed. "No, I wasn't going to throw myself into danger. And even if something did try to attack I could protect myself easily. I can walk and I can run so I'd think that I'm well enough to fight."
"Pup, that is not the point. I can't just-" Twilight's patience was reaching its end and he could feel it in his words: "Then why do you keep on monitoring me like I'm still injured!? You haven't been watching anyone else in the way that you have been watching me!" The look in Time's eye showed that the old man was also reaching the end point. "I know that they can take care of them-" "Oh, they can take care of themselves and I'm apparently a new born foal who needs its mother!" "That's NOT what I'm saying-" "Then what are you trying to-" "For the love of God, let me finish!" "I'M ONLY ASKING THAT YOU WOULD LISTEN TO ME!!"
The shouting stopped just as quickly as it had begun. "Time, what a-are you not telling me?" Twilight felt tears starting to form in the corners of his eyes. He was frustrated, exhausted and in need of time for himself.
Time's hands carefully moved to Twilight's face, as if terrified of scaring Twilight off with any sudden movement. "Pup, I'm just worried about you, about everyone. We know that we can't fight the shadow one on one, not without the Master Sword." A thumb moved to wipe a falling tear. "But I also don't want to lose you."
Twilight wanted to believe Time's words, that it was just reasonable worry, but he was unable to believe those words. "It's not just that, is it? It goes deeper than that, doesn't it?"
Time considered his next words carefully, but he didn't want to say anything until he was completely sure that Twilight was his descendant. "Look, let's not focus on that right now. We had a long day, a long walk, I'm sure you're tired." He was. Twilight was tired. But not because he wanted to sleep.
"Let's go back, we've been gone for a while. The others are bound to get worried sooner or later." Twilight only nodded, and was then guided back by Time's hand. Time's hands were usually comforting and safe, but recently they started to suffocating and restricting.
And next week Twilight had the brilliant idea to go alone into the dark and was never seen again, ooOOOOoooooOOOOoooo...
Yes, Time is a bit of an asshole, but he has his reasons. He's a minor asshole.
Let this AU be known as the 'Twilight is OoT Dark's descendant' or something like that. Where Time is a minor asshole, Dink is a major asshole and Twi is confused and scared because no one gives him straight answers.
In this case, Dark and Dink are different people.
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ariundercovers · 7 months
It's Not You (Frankie "Catfish" Morales x Reader)
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Pairing: Frankie Morales x afab!bi/pan!reader (No use of y/n!)
Length: ~1.5k words
Summary: You accidentally start imagining a woman while Frankie's going down on you. Panic ensues.
Written a a first-go for the @triplefrontier-anniversary ! I hope this drabble doesn't totally suck, lol. I have another one in the works to keep the LGBT+ themes going!
As always, I'm super open to any and all (constructive) criticism. Let me know what you think, what you love, what you hate. I just like to hear from you!
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“Oh fuck, fuuuuck-”
Your eyes are squeezed closed, Frankie’s head tucked tightly between your thighs. This was always one of his favorite ways to be - right in the middle of you, tongue working all over your folds and clit like he were the originator of the very action itself.
He’s an expert - absolutely brilliant at it, and he can always get you off in record time, faster than anyone ever could before him. So, this time, when your orgasm completely eludes you, feels entirely too far away for too long, you start to question yourself. 
What is wrong with your body? 
That’s when you squeeze your eyes shut and try your best to picture something that’ll help get you there. 
The sloppy sounds coming from his mouth and between your legs fuel your visions as you’re picturing him on top of you, inside of you, between your legs, and then, suddenly… blonde. Blonde and curvy and boobs on top of you, smothering you. Your eyes jolt open, the image crashing over you like a bucket of ice water, and then you reach down, tugging at his oily curls and pulling him up toward you the best you can manage.
“Fuck, baby, baby, stop, please.” You hate to even ask him something like this. You hate to lose the feeling of it, because it’s still good, even if it’s not quite getting you there right now. He stops immediately - you know he always would - and you whine as you roll your head and look down at him. “It’s not gonna work this time, I don’t think.”
His brows raise at you, confused, and then his face shifts to one of concern as he gets to all fours and closes your legs, shifting them off to the side so he can climb back up the bed and envelop you in his arms.
“What’s wrong, amorcita?” You sigh, closing your eyes and tucking yourself tightly into his chest, trying to figure out how to explain.
“I, uh… shit. It’s… I don’t-” He cuts you off, then, your inability to tell him what’s going on makes him even more nervous.
“What did I do? Tell me, please, so I don’t do it again. I’m sorry, sweetheart, I didn’t mean to, whatever it is.” You pull back from him just enough to look up at his face, eyes widening as you realize that he thinks this is his fault.
“Oh, Frankie… No. No no no no. It wasn’t… it could never be you. Hell, you’re the fucking best I think in the whole damn world, honestly. It’s not you. I promise.” You can see the visible shift, the sigh of relief he offers you as he settles against the pillows, tension evaporating out of his chest and shoulders.
“Okay. Then what is it?” Your teeth worry at your lower lip, unsure how to broach it. You’ve never been forward with him about any of this - about your sexuality, about the things you’d probably, ideally, want to be able to explore with him. You’re pretty sure he won't react poorly, but the truth is that you just don’t know.
You’re terrified to lose him.
Taking a deep breath, you shift away from him further so you can get a proper look at him, meet him eye to eye, and get a sense of the expression on his face, you gulp down the worry that’s lodged in the back of your throat.
“I, um… It was taking a long time, so I thought maybe if I closed my eyes and focused on the feeling it would help move things along, you know? But then I couldn’t stop thinking, and it was all you at first, but then suddenly it wasn’t and I, uh… I panicked. It was like instantly I couldn’t handle it anymore.” His face is still concerned as he reaches out to brush his hand along your bare arm, bringing your knuckles up to his lips and pressing a kiss there.
“What do you mean by ‘it wasn’t’?” His voice is soft, gentle. Like a feather brushing across your cheek or… something like that, at least. You do your best to answer.
“I, um… started picturing a… girl?” His eyes widen at you slightly and he tilts his head in your direction.
“Okay?” He responds. You blink back at him for a long while, trying to read his expression the best you can. You’re not getting much out of it, though, and you scrunch your brows in confusion.
“Okay?” He stares at you for a moment before his lips turn up in a slight smirk, shaking his head incredulously when he realizes you’re shocked by his response.
“Are you expecting me to be upset that you were thinking about someone else, or were you expecting that I’d be upset that it was a girl?”
“I, well…” You cut yourself off before you can blabber yourself too deeply into a hole. It sounds much stupider when he says it out loud, as it happens. You mentally smack yourself for a moment before you let out a deep breath and an uncomfortable laugh. “That sounds really dumb when you say it out loud.” 
He chuckles and brushes his fingers across your temple, then down to cup your cheek in his hand.
“Amor… You’re not going to scare me away just because you’re what… bi? Pan? Some other word that probably exists but I don’t totally understand? It doesn’t matter to me. I love you. As you are. Always.” You can feel yourself getting a little choked up at his admission, the honesty of it all really getting to you. You can feel the intensity of his love for you beaming from his face, right into your chest where your heart beats so fast and so loudly that you can practically hear it in your ears.
How in the world did you end up with the most perfect human on the planet? You can’t possibly even imagine another one better than this, more pure, more kind… it’s not possible. The very earth itself would shatter if such a person existed, you think.
Your own self-doubt creeps in and begs for validation once more, even though you know deep down that yes, of course he’s telling the truth. Of course. 
“Really? You mean that?” He just smiles back at you and shifts closer so he can lean forward and press his lips ever so gently against your forehead, one hand cupping the back of your neck as he does.
“Of course I do, baby. Come on. And for what it's worth, I’m not upset that you started thinking about someone else, either. Maybe it’s something we should talk about. Bringing in a third? If that’s something you think you need, that is.”
“What? You’d just… be okay with something like that?” He only smiles back at you, genuine and earnest.
“For you? Anything.” You shake your head in disbelief, sighing out a massive breath you hadn’t realized you’d been holding.
“I don’t deserve you, Frankie.” He huffs and shifts forward, caging you in with his arms on either side of your body. He looks down at you, head cocked to the side, before he leans down, lips attaching gently to your collarbone. He presses little kisses all the way up it, across to your shoulder, along the upper ridge of your collar and to the base of your neck. Then, his kisses turn to little licks and nibbles as he works his way up your neck and to your jaw, biting lightly right at the tip of your chin.
“You’re right. You deserve more than I can give you. I suppose I’ll just have to spend my life making up for that, won’t I?” His teasing tone is apparent as his lips continue their trek, up your cheek, across your cheekbone, your nose, and finally to your own lips. Your arms wrap around his upper body and pull him down onto you with force, needing to feel him pressed along your body.
“It really doesn’t bother you? Not at all?”  He shakes his head ‘no’ and then nuzzles his face into your chest, between your breasts, hands pushing them together toward his cheeks as he hums into your skin. He resurfaces just long enough to answer.
“Not even an ounce. I fucking love you, just like this.” You smile and close your eyes, reveling in his affections.
“Thank you, Frankie. I don’t even… I’m not sure what to say.” He keeps kissing you, all across your chest and breasts, hands massaging the tender flesh softly.
“Wanna let me try again?” You look down at him with a smile and a laugh, fingers reaching up to tug at his curls, pressing your fingertips into his scalp. You pull him up to you again, pressing your lips together for a long, hard moment.
“Absolutely, I do.”
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fluidthoughts · 2 years
König general/random headcanons
This is my first time literally ever doing this, so if it sucks I'm really sorry. This also took me freaking forever to put together cause my brains a mess, and even now I'm feeling like it isn't finished, even though it'd already SO LONG IM SORRY LOL. But it'll do for now. I'm also thinking about making a separate post for relationship and NSFW headcanons soon. I just uh. Haven't begun to really jot those thoughts down yet, eheh.
- despite his incredibly large size, if he doesn't want to be seen or noticed, he won't be. A good part of it due to his anxiety that brings a strong desire to avoid being the center of attention. Soft silent footsteps, slinking himself right into the most unnoticed parts of a place, encompassed in the shadows until by some chance, you catch a glimmer of those intense, unwavering, piercing eyes.
- those damn eyes, always scanning, observing, calculating. Staring right through your very soul. It'd be absolutely frightening if it weren't for his inability to not fidget slightly as he stared.
- not a man of many words either. Mostly made up of silent nods and gestures. Chit chat doesn't come easily to someone like him, so when he does speak, he speaks honest and direct. At times taken by others as too blunt or abrasive, contrary to his intentions.
- and of course once he's set loose on the battlefield, that quiet unnerving focus he exudes changes into something entirely different. Something *terrifying*. The embodiment of primal power, pure adrenaline, and even what may be a grotesque sense of humor and pleasure as he tears his way through the enemy
- part of it could be due to this sense of despair in his fellow man, maybe even humankind he feels. He knows too well of the evils that exist in this world, (and maybe the next he fears, for he is just as washed in blood)
- he admires his team a lot though, for their lack of judgement with him, and how they all work together so well, makes him appreciate their dynamics such as he appreciates pack animals in the wild.
- he deeply adores and respects nature and animals. And being the giant muscled athlete he is, lots of outdoor activities are very much to his liking. Hiking, rafting, climbing, etc. When in nature, he feels envy for the innocence and beauty he sees around him. As well as feeling a sense of relatability to the primal instincts and violence and death.
- because of the bullying he endured throughout his life, and because of his size, he would get into fights. A lot. To this day, it still happens actually. Usually ending up in bar fights. As much as he tries to keep himself from it, the habit is there, and he's never one to let rowdy douches in the bars get away with their nasty jabs and comments. He's also been known to get into some of these fights defending someone else. Can't stand to see bullying happen in front of him. But there's also this part of him that thinks he still goes out and gets into these fights because maybe deep down he enjoys it.
- can play the mouth harp. No I will not elaborate. Other than his deep love for music and desire to play instruments, but he always had a hard time being able to focus his hands. Often thought to himself his hands were only good for killing. Turns out he had a knack for the mouth harp though.
- I wouldn't go as far to say he's a religious or overly spiritual man, but he's very enthralled by things like old folklore, tales and stories of things in the wilderness that are best left unknown to man. Hes definitely experienced some things himself that he cant quite explain. One could say it's the cause of his respect and carefulness for the wild parts of the world around him. One could also say its just superstition. He's also very into learning about and hearing stories about such legends of other places, the countries his teammates are from, locals when he's traveling in an unfamiliar place, etc.
- if he is comfortable enough, like he is with his team, he's witty and snarky as fuck. He loves to banter and tell dry jokes and just being a little menace overall. Especially if he's enjoying some drinks and feeling loosened up.
- he has a soft side, and deep down is even a hopeless romantic, but even in his own mind, he's more monster than man. His gentleness is buried deep, except for his interactions with animals. He has always wanted a pet of his own, but knows with his way of life, it wouldn't be for the best. And something like a relationship, he doesn't even get any hopes up for.
- is also a bit of a pyromaniac.
- also a very prideful man. Which makes him competitive, and all the more reluctant to really open himself up. He hates feeling like anyone might be pitying him, and is forever in a mindset of proving himself, pushing himself, and becoming more and more stoic. The type to be most adamant about refusing help from someone.
- he's got an insanely quick wit, but also just incredibly smart and able to learn and pick up on things almost immediately. He's especially handy with things that are of the "take apart and put back together" variety. Hence why he was always fond of firearms.
- he knows women notice him, he notices them too. He knows he's attractive as well. But ever since a cruel joke played on him in his teen years, he finds it all the more difficult to trust women in any sort of romantic or intimate way. "Brawls with other men at least bring total honesty with them" he thinks. And all the better to keep him less distracted from work anyways, right?
- Roze basically forced him (and the whole squad) to learn how to braid to help her and Calisto before missions. König's actually pretty good at it too for it being a hand based task.
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horizon-verizon · 4 months
There is an enduring sense in the fandom that if you cannot structurally change the entire or major parts of an oppressive status quo, it's somehow better that one does absolutely nothing. Bc you're "messing up the stability of an already stable social order, which proved itself to be the best or most reliable bc it's endured for so long".
And I despise it. Because it essentially means that any effort except a huge, topsy-turvy one where the whole system gets upended or severely so doesn't matter. (At the very least those that don't seem like it.)
It's a perfect partner to racism, sexism, homophobia, etc. & people use it not just against Rhaenyra but Dany, Rhaenys, & Alysanne!!! Any Targ woman, really. Aegon V, if one mentions his laws. Ironic, bc Jaehaerys had progressive laws for peasants ONLY bc of Alysanne, but it's obvious why they prefer the female-heir denying Jaehaerys over Aegon V!!!
Coupled with this sense, some say that these women are totally complicit in those systems bc use they happen to be born into royalty or aristocracy, actively use their privileges at times for their own ends instead of ALWAYS to create or influence others for groundbreaking policies & laws, or manage to just escape certain abuses other women face bc they were reserved for the specific task of having children for their male spouses.
Daenerys was a bridal slave, for example. She doesn't face SA from random men every other night, but that doesn't stop the risk of her facing that fate if she were to ever fall out of her husband-owner, Drogo, favor. That doesn't stop her haters from arguing that she should have done more for Mirri & those Lhazareen women, that she even profits from slave labor when she clearly is allocating and directing funds from taxes to the city of Meereen! From ignoring how all those she freed are not still slaves, that the slave masters time and time again have said, point blank, that she is a danger to their enterprise CONTINENT-WIDE!!! She makes mistakes and the biggest one compromising too much with the slave owners of Meereen, yeah, bc she is in the beginning of her leadership journey, and still she manages to inspire loyalty, faith, and hope in many of her followers and she also still manages to keep most people alive w/o actually giving all the way in and that terrifies the slaveowners! For good reason. Read the last few pages of the last book and tell me that she won't come for their necks, either literally or figuratively idc. She's obviously not fucking up so bad or has totally failed in her role as a protector, and she will make mistakes as other leaders before her and after her will! Why this level of negative & bad faith scrutiny?!
And let's go to Rhaenys the Conqueror. She created the rule of thumb & the rule of six, where no man could legally beat their wives to death when she decreed that the rod could not be thicker than the husband's thumb and he could not whack her more than 7 times. Some argue why didn't she outlaw wife-beating entirely if she and her siblings conquered Westeros. First of all, these are the very same people who bleat abt how the Targaryens destroyed and colonized Andal culture without bothering to offer material evidence of such. If Rhaenys & her siblings actually have "colonized" the Andal-FM lords, & it was Andal custom for men to beat their wives indiscriminately…then the Targs couldn't have actually destroyed any part of Andal "culture" and replaced it entirely with Valyrian ones where seemingly men could not beat their wives at all! If you can even consider this "destroying culture", as I'm sure a few would argue. If anything, this was a cultural compromise, and it obviously functioned and was intended as a form of protection for women when before there was absolutely none! Aside from male relatives, but that's not system-wide, makes such cases seem not serious enough or that people across communities shouldn't care too much about others when you personalize it, AND that just reinforces the idea that only men have a property claim over women, be they biologically family or by marriage. Secondly, if you argue that Viserys should have obeyed the "laws" of male primogeniture bc he is a feudal king--the "Protector" of their customs and interests--that is only supported by the swords & loyalty of lords, that the GC of 101 proves that (as if Jaehaerys also didn't use that to enact his own will passively for a male heir), then why is it that Rhaenys seems to do something along those lines and WORK with the current Andal customs, her efforts--which actually are protective to those who needed protecting!!! Rhaenys & her siblings were new monarchs of a newly unified-ish realm, & as unifying conquerors tend to do, they opted for the strategy that would keep them seated bc it made "the lords" comfortable that they would not force them to change the bulk of their religious and cultural practices. Not only did Visenya & Rhaenys arrange strategic marriages that both benefited them and those married (their families), but Aegon made it a point to go on progresses and hear various lords and peasants' issues to arbitrate. Which made it so that these lords felt they would not be led by a leader who'd enforce his laws willy-nilly without considering his subject's conditions or desires. It is in this context that Rhaenys, we could see and assume, was taking a bit of a risk with not one but 2 new laws against men's "rights" over their wives' bodies!
There's Alysanne, who took it a step further in her women's courts, and the right of first nigh abolishment, her attempts at the Citadel, & the Widow's Law. Again, if not for her, Westeros and KL would be 3 steps behind in infrastructure and women's protection. Alysanne was a Queen Consort who had even less power on her own than Rhaenys & Visenya and we see that she had to convince Jaehaerys to implement his laws; it took Septon Barth's interference/support for Jaehaerys to even go along with the abolishment of the right of first night! Later with Viserra, I believe that she arranged the much older Theomore to Viserra bc it coincided with Jaehaerys' plans for that marriage alliance between the Manderlys and the royal house. And to please or to go along with some of her husband's plans was to also add onto her own power…bc a royal Consort only has power by their monarch spouse gives them license to influence and status! Was it clumsy writing? Of course, it was pretty bizarre and partly due to how F&B is written as a historical document despite how this portion of history is better documented than others. Did Alysanne indirectly cause Viserra's death in her refusal to relent from her suspicion that Viserra was trying to become queen, as she interpreted it? Arguably. and I think that GRRM was telling us that over time and over the disappointments w/Jaehaerys, she slowly got more determined to retain any sense control…and where does her control end up coming from? Yeah, GRRM is showing that tightrope, I think.
Rhaenyra was not actively progressive in policy nor direct action as all the prior 3, but to argue that she should be feminist so that the usurpation and the femicide done against her becomes unjustified is absurd! Oh, she wasn't a feminist at all or progressive, she didn't implement any sort of law at all for women or smallfolk [did Aegon?! or Alicent?! or Aemond? Daeron, Otto?! so why are they better?!!!], so that's why she shouldn't be queen even though by the very "law of the land", she is by right the heir to this throne that never actually was about who would make a good, consummate ruler in the first place. 🙄.
So there is a vague & un-discernable, forever shifting, & impossible goal-post-level of feminist activity or "being" that these nihilistic or conservative naysayers use against women being leaders or even passively having positions of power that may still benefit the women of Westeros through setting a precedent &/or actions of necessary intervals that build on the past ones under conditions that are already limiting how much they can do or say in order to be able to put forth those feminist (really proto feminist), anti-slavery, etc., progressive steps--on a damn psychological and psychosocial level that:
diminishes how much brain power and time a woman can put to policy or things outside of the "house" because their power depends on the husband's regard towards them
makes it much harder for women to really commit themselves or fully expect to implement their goals & dreams for any sort of change (or even dream of any) when there's such subtle and unsubtle obstacles in their way: Rhaenyra, her stepmother an siblings plotting against her and then the usurpation, that we see in the microcosm of how the treasury stolen from her and the crown led to the smallfolk turning against her at KL AND the ongoing war, thus preventing her from really establishing herself as Queen/ruling at all; Alysanne, I described with Jaehaerys; Rhaenys, Andal patriarchy; much less, in Rhaena the Black Bride's case, find just actual happiness and plain old security against male aggression!
provides a setting where women become more compelled to compromise with some patriarchal ideas/practices to maintain a certain level of power or defense (there's a thing line to measure and transgress the "right way" and without other's judgement and impatience or lack of faith adds an additional pressure of, outside of fiction but applicable)
leads up to Daenerys having to have the strength to pursue her goals on with her own instincts and compassion and wit, work harder than most men would face in her position...not that any could since men cannot and have not largely had the bridal slave’s experience!
Anyway, all of it ignores or tries to hide the fact that it is exactly that undisrupted male authority over female (of any class or wealth) & under-classed people that is the true destabilizer and destroyer of lives. That there is still so much meaning and real impact in what people like Alysanne and Rhaenys did/do and huge upheavals or entire sweeps of structural change like Dany does takes measured steps!
That through multiple Targ women dying form childbirth, raped, murdered, or sidelined and critically limited in political authority or agency, this becomes so obvious! you cannot oppress half of your population, reduce them to sex-giving broodmares who you can kill if you think they have a male heir on the way or have cheated on you and call yourself progressive! You're actually 10 steps behind where you're supposed to be because half of you is not involved enough in the development of your society!
We wanna be all "feudalism is bad", "blood purity is bad", "the Targs didn't end feudalism so they are the most evil and responsible for all evil in Westeros" but when they see someone either passively or actively seem to make any progress to mitigate the pressures and power of patriarchal boundaries or concepts or whatever....they go screaming "not feminist enough" or "they're actually just like everyone else"! And some of us will also try to say that Daenerys is either entirely too much like her colonist ancestors or she will end up that way as D&D published because she is Targaryen (a bio-essentialist argument) to argue about why SLAVEOWNERS should stay in power!
And it all is very anti-intellectualism, anti-critical thought or introspection and examination...because on closer look and investigation, you will see how F&B is a text that was always anti-misogyny on GRRM's part (attemptively) even as it is misogynist as an-in world text! And it's on purpose--both the writing and how people wax "it's a dragon show, nothing at all to do with misogyny or wokeness!"
Because then you are not challenging the status quo...because you can't reason through it or against it and when it happens in seemingly harmless manifestations people will think it innocuous.
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dootznbootz · 5 months
Hey you might’ve said something on this before, what are your thoughts on Odysseus staying on circes Island for a whole year?
Behold! What I consider to be my greatest achievement!
(It's in my bio but I'll make it bigger. I need this to be seen lol)
If you mean for fic stuff, that's something different lol
The Odyssey only explicitly says that Circe and Odysseus have sex only ONCE. That's what I'm going with. There's a reason why she only wants him once and it's not because of him. To not spoil, she basically sees mortals as really gross but extremely fascinated and endeared to them.
She's huge into studying the behaviors of animals and humans. Honestly that whole "gain trust" was just a ploy as she heard from Hermes about his weird great grandson "who only craves one drink" (AKA Water Wife) and she wants to "Study" him. He's also a fucking pretty boy lol
There's more to it but I gotta keep some secrets.
She takes on the form of Penelope when she realizes her "subject of study" isn't applying himself to her "experiment". (not gonna write out how she takes on the form because it's long but know she does)
Once Odysseus wakes up, he realizes that wasn't "his Penelope" at all and is basically shellshocked until his men get turned back and he just breaks down.
After that he absolutely avoids her. at least avoids being one on one with her. He's terrified of her. He doesn't want that to happen again.
She's intrigued by his behavior not only because of how he treated "Penelope" but also "why are you scared of me? What did I do?"
Idk Snippet:
"My lady, are you not going to help him?" "He didn't ask me so I shall not do anything. If he wants something he needs to ask." Circe looked down on the water, into the light rippling upon it. Helios' child privilege She watched as he ran off into a nook of the room where the men all slept, frantically pulling off his tunic. He felt around his shoulder where she had just touched him, patting at it as though he was looking for a wound. (she did not grab too hard, did she?) He breathed hard, both hands reaching up to clutch the opposite shoulder as he bent forward and shook some more. Circe tilted her head. "I've never seen a man act like this before… I mean he knows I will not harm him. Why does he avoid me?"
Yes, he still dances and feasts with his men but he has nightmares about "wrong Penelope" and also is just walking on eggshells all the time.
When his men finally ask him to leave, he also definitely does but...He wants to go on his own to see her. He doesn't want to have another "exchange" in order to leave. He'll walk to Circe's door, freeze, only to turn around and be like "I'll wait until she's in a good mood."
Eventually Polites and Eurylochus find out he hasn't even TRIED to ask her and get frustrated and while they're understanding, they're also fed up.
For Circe, it's like a comparison of idk, watching a little hamster in a hamster cage and the hamster is terrified of you. Anytime you open the door and reach your hand in (aka try to talk to him), he freezes and lets you pet him a little but scared out of his little mind. You wanna see if he wants to come to the door but nope, he just runs away from you. As soon as she closes the cage after petting him, little dude goes to hide and cry in his little plastic dome lol. Circe's also observing him the entire time and studying him in a way.
She's also very much doing a "fine. I won't do anything unless you ASK. Where's the bravery you are so well-known for, Sacker of Troy?"
I wanna play with the idea of his guilt and shame in how it wasn't like Calypso where he literally couldn't move and became her doll essentially. He still consented to Circe but wasn't enthusiastic until she was "Penelope". And he should've known it was all wrong. but magic and herbs muddles the mind.
He has more trauma from Calypso clearly but so much shame from Circe. He also constantly wants to make sure Penelope is the REAL Penelope when he comes home. asking her specific questions and stuff.
Another half-assed Snippet of wip:
“And because of how you treated he-me,” Penelope corrected, stroking his cheek. “Because of how you treated me, she turned our men back to humans?” He nodded blankly, his beard rubbing against her legs with the motion.  His face twisted up as a sob wrenched out. “It was never for her!” Penelope kept her hand still against his cheek. She blinked back her own tears. “Odysseus, you didn’t know. She took-” “I still gave!” “To me!” Penelope cried.  Odysseus blinked and lifted his head to look at her. “You thought you were with me. You gave to me.” Penelope took a deep and shaky breath, and held his gaze. “Odysseus, the Sorceress had to appear as me to even get you to do as she wished. Not only that but addled your mind with whatever that... dust was, yes?”  She traced along the beautiful silver hairs that rested on his temples, watching as his thoughts raced just underneath. She guided his gaze back to herself. “She used your adoration for me against you. Are you ashamed of how you feel for me?”
I want to make it clear that while what Circe did is bad, it's not what happened to Calypso. It's very fucking clear that he does not love Circe or "just wanted to get laid until his men spoke up." but she's morally gray in her own way.
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