#its ✨exam season ✨
threewishgoldfish · 5 months
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Opal, Twice-Crowned champion of Lolth
Not super happy with it, but sometimes you just gotta leave it as it is. An Opal deserves a drawing!
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soleillunne · 1 year
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that caption explains how i feel perfectly i think lmao
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kuoster · 4 months
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managed to finish this before exam season :p
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honeytonedhottie · 4 months
exam prep⋆.ೃ࿔*:・🗒️
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ik that its exam season and a lot of us girlies have exams coming up (me included) so i made a plan for how to prepare so that u all can SLAY your exams, so lets lock in 🎀
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look at ur exam schedule and the exam that u have to take the soonest is the exam that u should be studying for the most. when ur doing exam day study sessions, study for all ur exams but give urself extra time to study for the ones that u have the soonest.
put ur phone on do not disturb and lock IN. try and find a different place to sit and study because a change of scenery helps so much, plus ur like a billion times more productive when ur not studying in ur bed yk? find a place like a coffee shop to have a study session.
use bright colors to distinguish between topics and the main thing to remember when studying is what do i know already? what do i still not know?
study in specific time intervals (30 minutes of studying -> 20 minutes of downtime) that way ur not burning urself out too much. i have countless resources and posts about how to study, study methods etc on my blog so check those out if u dont know where to start.
when i find myself getting side-tracked and not being able to focus on my studying i make one of those sped-up study videos because i love to watch them. whenever i watch them i feel so motivated to study so to make my own forces me to lock in.
studying does not have to be boring! sometimes when im forcing myself to study i'll imagine that studying is a job and im working agreed hours. that gives me something to occupy myself with while i study.
lastly, if ur stressed about exams coming up just remind urself that you've GOT this and you're going to do amazing because you are smart and talented and absolutely glamorous! ✨🎀
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luxxuriantt · 2 years
Little details about your future lover/spouse ✨
So i know that most of the community here is curious and loves FS readings, and i love dragon ball, so i figured lets make another short PAC before my exam season starts lol. Choose your fave gif
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Pile one- Vegeta and Bulma ( 3 of swords, the 9of pentacles, 2 of cups, the chariot)
This connection may form when one of you( more so you) feels hopeless and disappointed and is kinda done with love, or is struggling in some area in their life
The relationship itself will be healing and this person will be of major help
Confident, financially stable, knows how to style themselves
This person is charismatic, the way they enter a room is captivating
Grounded, practical, veryy ambitious and hard working but also visionary
They have a healthy expression of their masculine side, a good leader who is also very humble
Most likely taller then you, or on the taller side
Lighter features
Very open minded
Has a big circle and is lowkey famous
Pile two-Goku and ChiChi ( the queen of swords, the 4 of pentacles, the page of cups and the hierophant)
Has a cold facade/bad boy attitude
Looks like a hard cookie, is a fruit cake underneath lmao
They are very smart and good with their words, i feel like they excel academically or in their job
Reads people easily, is very honest and does not take bullshit
It takes time for them to open up, but once they do, they are like a little kid
Hopeless romantic
Very loyal
Most likely you will marry this person and might start the family you desire
I feel like they dream for the traditional, house with a white fence, kids and pets, Sunday barbecues
For most of you, its someone older, with slender built and dark hair or eyes
Pile three - Gohan and Videl( the six of cups, the fool, the five of wands, 3of cups)
This has heavy friends to lovers vibe, or it is someone you know/ was your friend but you lost touch and for some of you it could be a previous lover
If you believe in past lives , this is it :)
Omg they are so fuuun, gonna tease you a lot and make your stomach hurt
A jack of all trades, brave, spontaneous, goes with the flow
This person know how to blend in, can mix with all folks, yet is somehow noticed and stands out
Curious, witty, unconventional
Life of the party
Around your age
I feel this person has a nice smile, their style can go thru changes but they seem to have a nice voice and are very charismatics
They will always stick by you tho, gonna make you feel like an equal, partner in crimes type of connection
Well that was it, thank you for your attention and support, much love to you all! 💖
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jm-2406 · 5 months
I was wondering if I could make a request for a matt murdock x reader idea. You could make it into a headcannon or a dribble I dont mind ✨.
Basically I’ve always found interesting the idea of matt either loosing his powers or his hearing senses (like in season 3)
So id think about something like that happening to him and the reader helping him found himself in his new routine without his vigilante identity.
(insecure and « in need of love » matt is my weakness jsjs)
Lots of angst but a happy ending if possible
(Also its preferable if reader is just a civilian too)
Thanks 🦋
Love me tender.
Summary - an unfortunate accident almost cost your boyfriend's life but you are there to help him recover, even if he gets emotional and says stupid things.
Pairing - Matt Murdock x teacher!reader.
Word count - 855.
Note - I'm sorry for being so late in delivering this, I got my exam results and it was not good. I was upset, so I couldn't get anything done.
Warnings - rushed ending, mentions of accident/injury, Matt and reader having a heart to heart.
Requests - open || find my work - here.
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It came as a shock to you when a phone call disturbed your sleep at 3 a.m. informing you about your boyfriend's accident. You were the only person on his emergency contact and the hospital staff were quick to inform you. When you reached the hospital gates, a fear gripped your heart. You were not sure what happened with Matt exactly but you could make out that it was something very serious from the nurse’s words.
“[Y/N] [Y/L/N], I am here to visit Matt Murdock.” You informed the receptionist. She typed something on her computer and directed you towards the ward. That night, you had the biggest shock of your life as you waited for the doctors and nurses treating Matt.
“It was quite a fatal accident, Miss [Y/L/N]. We're lucky that he survived but he might take some time to recover and from what we have gathered, he might have some problems with his external auditory canal.”
“But… he'll be okay, right? He will recover, right?” You asked him. The doctor nodded his head and left because of another case. It was all up to you now, to let him know. You knew how upset he felt if treated with sympathy, you felt like that too. You just wanted him to recover completely before taking any risks with his life.
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A few days later, when you were sitting quietly in the living room and grading the test papers, you heard a cracking sound. Rushing to the kitchen, you saw your boyfriend standing and in front of him, a broken glass. “Are you okay? And what are you doing here?” You carefully reached him and brought him back to your room.
Before you could scold him for being so careless and not resting enough, you saw him sitting quietly, too quietly like a statue. He was holding his mask in his hand. It was high time now, you needed to talk. You placed your hand on his shoulder and got his attention. Matt was still quiet.
“You can't carry on like this, Matt.” You said after a moment of silence.
“I don't know what to do. I'm lost, okay. This feeling… the feeling of being helpless and staying at home all day… it kills me. I feel like I failed.”
“No matt. Please don't say things like that.” Your voice was thick with emotions. “We can go through anything if we are together. Please don't shut me out.”
Matt gave you a sad little smile and you knew that you had a long road ahead of you.
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A few days passed with you and Matt adjusting to the new life without his vigilante identity. It was a struggle in the beginning but slowly, he recovered… at least physically.
One evening, you were sitting on the couch, watching one of your favourite films when you noticed Matt standing in the corner, lost in his thoughts. “What happened, babe? You alright?” You rushed to him and to your surprise he jerked your hands off him. That had never happened before.
“I think we should take a break.”
“What?” To say you were shocked would be an understatement. You didn't know what came over him suddenly.
“Yes, [Y/N]… we should.” He sounded serious.
“But, at this point? I don't understand Matt. What happened?”
“Because I can't give you a normal life, [Y/N]. Why is it so difficult for you to understand that? You were sitting there, all peacefully, watching a move. We couldn't do that together, or anything normal couples do. How many times we had to cancel our plans because of me being daredevil and trying to save the city. You don't need to go through all of this. You deserve better, [Y/N].” He breathed hard after his confession, sightless eyes following where your figure should be.
“Leave it to me to decide what and who I deserve. I love you, Matt. I know that I never said it before, I didn't want to push you away. I don't want ‘normal’, I just want you.” By the end of it, you had wrapped your arms around his neck and forced him to sit down. It was one of the few raw moments you shared.
“I'm sorry.” He said after a few minutes of silence. “Promise me, you won't do anything stupid like this again.” You asked, gently massaging his scalp. Matt just nodded his head. You knew that you had a long road ahead of you but you were satisfied with the journey. In the end it's just you two, together.
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fandomwritingbit · 1 year
I don't know about you, but tests and all that scary stuff is coming around for me next week, and all year I've been having horrible little thoughts about William lately.
So get this, lets say you actually study for that type of stuff (i know i don't) and you just can't get the information to stick in your head!
✨Magically!✨ You or Will, idrc comes up with the bright idea on how to get it to stick in your head by sitting on his dick and reading or going over whatever you've gotta remember
i might've read this somewhere butttttt, i'm a needy little whore at 1 am lets goooo
Before I forget, I love your fics and I have never submitted one before so...! As usual, drink your water, eat some food, and remember to get rest! unlike some of us Lastly, don't forget to sexualize your favorite old man/woman/other
Hi, thanks for the request, this one was an absolute joy to recieve, I love all your little asides lol. Please feel free to send others!
Exams season is a killer and I really hope you get what you want out of it, just remember that tests and numbers and shit don't define you as a person Xx
That being said, whilst this may not be the most optimal way to study, its certainly the most enjoyable...
william afton x (gn)reader
A/N- Reader's between 18 and early 20s. William is a neighbour, for my plot convenience lmao.
You're sitting at the kitchen table to do some studying today, rather than barricaded in your room as usual. You'd read something online about a change of scenery being good for remembering stuff and because your parents were out it seemed a good opportunity.
With each passing minute, you dawned to the conclusion that that post was bollocks because it wasn't working.
You had your laptop open in front of you, surrounded by a frankly obnoxious amount of papers, trying to wrap your head around content for an exam tomorrow. But each time you wrote a line it was like your mind was rubbed blank, Men in Black style. It was so frustrating, and you knew you should have done it earlier but, good god, why was it so hard to remember anything?
So engrossed in feeling inadequate, you flip the laptop shut angrily, tilting your head back so it touched the chair in anguish. Defeated. It was as you did this that you clocked a figure in the kitchen doorway, making your body jerk up-right and turn round in one fluid moment.
Keep reading
"Mr Afton, how long hav- what are you doing here?" you blurt out, quick to try and compose yourself, you weren't physically or mentally ready for guests, especially ones you'd been casually hooking up with since you moved back home.
"Just dropping this off for your dad. I didn't want to interrupt cos you seem to be... trying not to cry?" 
He laughed as he said the last part, moving over towards you and helping himself to a chair. Pushing all your papers to the side without asking. "What's wrong then, been missing me?"
Usually you'd laugh at that but you just shrug at him, half angry at his expression and half at your situation. "You know, I could fucking cry." You do manage a laugh, but its shaky, "Because I'm going to fucking fail this fucking exam because I can't drill any of this shit through my fucking thick fucking skull." You rattle off quickly, each use of 'fucking' harsher than the last.
You hadn't really meant to let any of that out. But frustration had taken hold a bit too strongly there.
Afton just stared at you for a few seconds, his lips pressed into a hard line and you could tell he was trying not to laugh at you. You were a bit unsure how you'd react if he did.
After a few moments of silence you place your forehead in your hands and mutter 'sorry'.
"You're alright. Though you shouldn't be studying whilst you're upset, no wonder nothings going in."
"...If you tell me to calm down, I'll lose it." you say, head still in hands, laughing a bit at how much this was bothering you, it was an exam, a booklet of paper, what kind of melt would be this upset. Literally everyone else, you suppose. You take a deep breath.
"Right. Uh when's the test?" he asks you, half looking at a sheet of notes, his interest quickly peaked.
You laugh shortly. "9am."
"Then you've got... What, 20 hours? You've got time to calm down and revise." He put his hand on your shoulder, "You, sweetheart, need to relax."
You swat his hand away, laughing at his cockiness you could tell where this was going, "That's why you came over then? Heard dad's car door shut and your shoes were half-on I'll bet?"
He flashed you a smarmy grin, "You're not far wrong." You shake your head, messing about with this prick was the last thing you should be doing, but the first thing you needed.
"You know, if this type of revision isn't working for you... I heard that associating information with a sense can help you remember things."
You could hardly believe him, seeing you upset and still vying for what he came for. A risky move, Really. You suppose it took cojones, could have made you want to grab a hold of his, or squash them under your shoe.
"Oh yeah?" you ask sarcastically, "What are you suggesting?"
You're not sure how long it took for fresh marks to appear on your neck and your pants to be around your ankles, but you quickly find yourself sitting on his lap and letting his cock slip inside you.
As familiar as the low grunt from behind your ear was becoming, the feeling of him stretching you open always surprised you.
You raise your hips up and press back down again, moaning slightly, he let you slowly ride him for a few moments before, just as your rhythm increased, he grabbed your hips.
"Easy," his voice was thick, brushing against your neck, "You're supposed to be fucking studying."
You groan your protest, a hair away from booing him. "What is it you study again?" His question makes you laugh and you lean back against him with your back arching, causing him to grunt. He gripped your hips harder now forcing you still.
"Fuck 's sake. History."
He hummed in your ear, thinking for a minute, whilst your body throbbed around him desperate for some kind of stimulation. "And what's this on?" He could tell you were aching for something so he pushed you forwards, dragging you back, the angle allowing him to press so fucking deep.
"Come on, sweetheart."
"Civil war. Spanish."
Your gruff answer mirrored his growing frustrations.
"And uh... I don't- who won that?" The fact he couldn't move inside your tight hole was making him white-knuckled with restraint.
With your one word answer that was enough studying for the both of you. He started to move your hips along him, letting your eager pace take over.
You knew that you were going to be up all night doing this now, but you didn't really mind.
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fan-a-tink · 6 months
Young Royals S3 thoughts
Even just hearing this scene’s echo was horrific. It must have been so much worse to actually go through it. 
It must be so hard for Wille to reconcile how he knows Erik which what he now knows about him. And he is not here anymore to defend himself. Uuuurgghhhhh!
Please talk to Simon. Please talk to him. Shutting him out will not make anything better.
Sara and Felice doing desserts together, that’s the best idea anyone has ever had :) A chance for them to talk, yay!
This Micke is starting to be a dad too good to be true. This is sketchy behaviour. He is too happy, this is going to spiral out of his control. Oh Sara I am worried for you….
Ok, I am just going to say it (even 2021 me would judge me so hard for this) but August „redemption arc“ is working. Like I honestly believe that he is trying to be a little bit better as a person. I want him to be alright. And yes, I am shocked that I think this. 
Whose locker is number 60? Is that Sara’s? 
Wille once more calling his parents because he needs support. And his dad once more not stepping up. Nobody is perfect, not even Kronprins Erik….!
Edvin Ryding, the actor you are…
This episode it’s Wille’s turn to look as if his soul has left him. 
Oh shit this will be the music room fight. I am not ready. I am not ready. No no no no no noooooooo.
RIP Wille in the choir. Those scenes in episode two were worth it though :)) 
It is so typical for Simon to think that he has done something wrong. Simon, my love, you are not ‚difficult‘ for asking questions!! You are wonderful. 
Wille, those are your thoughts, not Simons. They are your fears, your doubts, your anxieties. And they are completely valid. But please don’t put words in Simon’s mouth and push him away like that. „Maybe he gave in to peer pressure. What do you know?“ Like, Simon is trying to help you here, he’s trying to talk it through with you and help you out. Nooo, don’t walk out on him?!!!
Simon being left behind in the music room is just as devastating as Wille being in there after their fight last season. I am done with this music room. 
The 36 on Simon’s locker is now always going to remind me of that fan exam :)) I was sooo unsure about that question haha
So she takes the letter, but is she reading it? Should we assume she read it? Or is she just not going to read it? I am confused…
Oh no. Micke has forgotten. The hope and desperation in her voice that she’s trying to conceal while leaving these voice messages for her dad is killing me. Also, ruuuuuun! You can still make it :) 
Why is Wille only ever with Felice when he’s had a fight or something with Simon? Like, when they’re good, he never hangs out with her. 
I also do believe he would have accepted and embraced Wille’s queerness. But I guess it’s the fact that we’ll never know that is so hard to deal with.
Purple nail polish ✨ slay :)
Sara made it :) But also, it’s stressing me out that she just puts her id back into her bag and doesn’t close it properly. It could fall out!
That is so heartbreaking seeing that Micke is falling back into the habit of drinking with his friends. And the worst possible moment for Sara to find out, mid-driving test, in the middle of the road. 
Linda giving Simon the long overdue hug and telling him he’s not doing anything wrong. YES!
„Love shouldn’t be this difficult“ - Linda, I trusted you!!! Don’t give Simon ideas.. 
Sara turning up at the house, breaking down. Simon hugging her. Forgiving her. I am in actual tears now. Can’t handle it. I’m sooo glad he is forgiving her. This was soooo necessary. Finally some healing…. 
That’s a decent apology text, Wille, I’m proud of you :)
The nail polish looks sooo good!!
And its off 😂 That was shorter than Wille’s career in the choir..
The Happy Birthday Song Scene will forever be my favourite Wilson scene. I am crying my eyes out because I know it’s all going to go wrong soon, and this might be one of the last moments of happiness. And it is SO BEAUTIFUL!!!!! 
Also I am sooo glad the ‚Is everything ok between us?‘ line happened here and now was immediately answered with a ‚yes‘ - that takes away one of my biggest fears from the trailer… 
Also, he made him a sandwich? Asjdnä oajbef lskdfb .sjdnfsldnf lsdn 💜
I like Farima. Also her green suit is gorgeous :) 
They are holding hands in the car !!!!
„Maybe it was stupid to tell you that thing about Erik. I get that it must’ve been tough to hear.“ Yeah, no shit, August.
Simon is just chilling, living his best life eating cake :) 
„Cause there’s a risk of poisoning.“ Oooff. Simon’s expression is golden :))
I think Simon will never get used to having staff to take care of everything. And to Wille being absolutely ok with that and not even noticing it. 
Spotted Lisa Ambjörn, hihiiiii :))
Please make Simon feel welcome. Please. 
Why are they all pretending like everyone’s happy and fine? 
August is just so happy to be near Sara, it is actually adorable. 
Felice and Sara working side by side. I have so much hope that they can find their friendship again. Like, they are both loving being in each other’s company..! And Felice wanting to be a chef? I am here for it!!!! That whole little scene was beautiful :))
That is the most awkward dinner conversation ever. Poor Simon. Poor Wille. And they really don’t make it easy for anyone just bringing everything back to Erik. Like, that just adds so much pressure on Wille, and also this is such a vulnerable topic for him right now… 
Class Bad Boy. Lol
I love that he hates the title. Like, season 1 August would have loved it! That is GROWTH, ladies and gentlemen!
„It’s not very long. I’ll read it to you“ - dude, she can read, she just didn’t want to! 
His voice breaking up a little while he reads the letter. Malte is really on the next level this season…
The way he leans his head into that hug…! I have so much hope for them…. Please, please, please!
Yes, I can see that from Frederike’s point of view this looks bad. But you don’t know anything about the situation. And you’re just going to cause problems. But of corse she runs straight to Felice. Uuughhh, and things were just starting to look like they could be friends again someday. 
Wille playing a bit of the school song. Is that the only thing he remembers how to play, because he taught it to Simon? 
Wille, you’re being unfair. Yes, it’s hard for you. But Simon is also allowed to find it hard. And he is only trying to support you.
I’m sorry, but Wille’s parents could not be more useless right now. I am so glad Wille is finally speaking his mind. Maybe the delivery is not the most productive, constructive, diplomatic, but a child should not have to beg for his parents to be there for him. And they should not just leave the room when he does. Like, I understand that you are ill and struggling and that it must be absolutely terrible to deal with your eldest son dying tragically in a car crash, but Wille is right, you still have a son, and he needs you!!! 
The way Simon looks horrified and genuinely scared when Wille smashes the gifts. Like, he looks kind of scared of Wille. I bet he witnessed these kind of violent outbursts from his dad when he was younger. Oh Simon….
There it is: „Love shouldn’t be this hard.“ And it hurts just as much as I thought it would. 
Wille’s cheek is so wet, he must have been crying a lot already. 
Simon’s voice cracking when he says „Maybe it just can’t work.“ - he is breaking his own heart admitting this. 
The lyrics just before the cut „I got addicted to a losing game“ - KILL ME NOW!
I am in tears. Like, I knew they were going to come to a point like this, but that doesn’t mean it’s ok!!!
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eremikas-bby · 7 months
AOT Freshman Year Headcanons✨
(as collective, chaotic things I've witnessed)
Eren- He offered the door to his crush but got nervous and annoyed of the butterflies, so he slammed the door in front of them.
Mikasa- Arrived at school at 5AM, just to satisfy her habit of reading in the dark. Let's say she did achieve her very-dream of being a gothic princess as screams echoed the room when opened. [Let's be real, who wouldnt be creeped tf out with someone with pale skin, black clothes, dead eyes, and a cold voice in a dark, suffocating, traumatic classroom? Our girl became an epitome of a white lady.]
Armin- Cried for having an 95%, like bro bffr he's the highest of the batch, but just because of the singular item on how he wasn't able to apply the Proportional Congruence Postulate thoroughly, he'll whine about it for the rest of the week.
Sasha- Prepares a full-course meal to school in the morning and at the same time, begs people for food, possibly asking money to splurge it on more snacks.
Connie- Hacked into the principal's computer to help Jean with the stalking cuz his beloved friend wont stfu about a certain someone. (Spoiler alert, didn't get caught.)
Jean- fell in love with a caring ass teacher after seeing her dolled up for an event after school.
Ymir- Was advised by a morality teacher to go to Confession, read the Bible everyday, pray the Rosary after every meal, and seek mental help LMFAO
Historia- Volunteered to clean the dishes after cooking class.
Reiner- Had a mental, spiritual, identity, sexuality, and a mid-life crisis amidst a career talk.
Pieck- Slept through 3 periods without getting caught.
Hange-Explained Covalent, Ionic, and Metallic Bonds using formulas at a class discussion. They explained it so passionately and excitedly that no one, not even the teacher understood because bestie was just that advanced 💀 HELP
Erwin- Listened to podcasts to apply to a planned and perfected presentation.
Levi- Didn't sleep at an exam week with the help of 5 literal Liters of Coffee just to prove Hange's scientific theories on the negative effects of sleep deprivation wrong.
Yelena- Joined the basketball varsity team without knowing anything a single bit about basketball to impress a crush and actually passed. (Just bc of bro’s height privileges)
A/N: I miss aot so much. Even if the seasons have changed, I'm still in disbelief that its over. To feed in my delusions, this is how I cope with the grief.)
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strawurberries · 1 year
Hoi-hoi ✨ my lovely! Tis I! 🍰-anon! I had to join your event and give you some love!
Your awesome and well done getting though exam season (it's always awful), you've done brilliantly.
May I request 2 + 13 from the cherry section for either Vash or Knives, please?
Whichever one your comfortable writing for
Knives: "Obey"
Authors note: Cake anon! I missed you :( Thank you so much!! I'm so glad for exams to finally be over. I hope you enjoy this drabble :)
Warnings: Explicit sexual content
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“Open your mouth,” he tugged on their hair, making them lean forward a little too far, back arched and knees red from kneeling on the ground for so long. They whined and shifted, trying to take the weight off their cold, bruised legs. He sneered and tugged harder, “did I say you could move?”
“No,” they huffed, “but it hurts.” Through half-lidded eyes they peered up, pupils dilated so thickly it seemed as if they had nothing but desire in their poor, primitive, little mind. So easily pleased and so easily handled—he couldn’t ask for anything better. . . well, perhaps, he would like them to listen like the good little doll they were supposed to be. But, on the other hand, all the fun was in making them listen. 
“I don’t care.” He raised their head up, neck stretching deliciously, revealing red hickeys and fading bruises in the shape of his hand. The sight almost made him grin—almost. He had tried to pace himself this time, taking his time as he explored and kneaded their body. They could wait for their pleasure until he was satisfied with his. “You can take it.”
They whined, a high pitched sound leaving their swollen lips. “Please~ I’m tired.” They wiggled again, chest rising and falling heavily. “Jus’ let me sit. . . my knees hurt.”
“Obey,” he roughly grabbed their chin, tilting their head as he inspected them, “and I’ll think about it.” For as wretched as humans are, this one, he thought, wasn’t a terrible sight to look at—especially when they were on their knees, begging and crying for release. Oh. . . that view? It made him feel so erratically twisted. A small idea started to form in his mind.
They hummed and leaned into his rough touch, any sensation better than the throbbing ache of their stiff body. “I will.”
He scoffed, “you know what to say.”
“I’ll obey, Master.”
He tugged them forward, nose pressed against the delicious tightness of his pants, “then Open. Your. Mouth.”
They pouted but complied, slowly separating their lips as they held eye contact. They stuck their tongue out, drool dripping down their chin. With both hands bound behind their back they had no way of cleaning themselves, having to submit to the humiliation. 
“Disgusting,” he muttered, his hand finding its way back to their hair. “You’re filthy, a whore.” The other hand went to quickly unbuckle his pants, mind finally deciding on a proper punishment for his toy’s little banter of disobedience. 
They nodded, chest starting to rise frantically as they rubbed their legs together to get any sense of friction. A buck of their hips and they were silenced, his cock shoved into their mouth quicker than they could process. Trained on what to do, his pleasure the first and only thing of importance, they hollowed their cheeks and tried their best not to gag. 
He gave a small smile at the sight of them trying their best to be a good little cocksleeve, but he wasn’t going to let this be that easy. “Stop.”
They paused and looked up, jaw already starting to ache. A questioning look in their eyes gave away every little desire that they harbored.
“I want to sit here for a while,” he tugged on their hair, “teach you a lesson about talking back.” A warm, pleasurable throb ached in the pit of his belly but that could wait. The one thing that was better than using his toy however he pleased, was watching as his plaything slowly devolved and begged to be used.
Their eyes widened and they tried to complain but gagged. The noise that echoed up their throat made him clench his jaw, pulling their hair once more. He gave a condescending smile, “that was another minute right there. Silent and still, or else I’ll make you kneel there all day.”
They shuffled and pressed their legs together at the idea of his threat.
“Revolting,” his other hand trailed down to their neck, pressing lightly on the point of skin where he could feel their pulse. “You liked that?”
They whined, tears starting to prick at the corner of their eyes.  “Another minute,” he mused, “you must really be enjoying this. Pathetic.”
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canaidliafail · 1 year
streamer ellie Williams x dancer reader 🌿
Id call this an excessively long shitpost. It is in the same timeline with staygrounded but I wrote it down for self indulgent reasons such as -to no ones surprise- venting. It ain’t good btw but its getting better I think.
CW: first of all, reader is a dancer/ dance teacher || short mention of self harm || MDI: there are sexual themes if I remember correctly || Ellie being very gay
If you by any chance do enjoy this concept I don’t mind writing a part 2 tho. Requests are open ✨
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“you blame it on the drugs I dont give a fuck cause the damage is done,
and you talk about suicide, its the way you manipulate”
1:35 ───ㅇ───── 3:47 ↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺
gossip, rumors, spreading a false narrative and falling in love with being a victim of life and most importantly a victim of you.
So many things that could have been said about her. So many and yet all sat stale at the tip of your tongue. You wanted to rip her to shreds, put a curse on her and considered spending life in prison for premeditated murder. Then you cried and just prayed she would leave you alone and that she would find happiness and that you would never hear anything about it. You scratched your arms, the stitches holding your flesh together getting irritably itchier day by day. flesh that you so willingly sliced a week ago and regretted right after.
It was fucking embarrassing to fall to such depths of despair and misery cause of love. In life we allow things to happen to us. Saying that was comfort of some sorts. It gave you control over a situation that you were dragged around like a puppet.
Could truly another person's venom poison you this irreversibly?
And while you did crave love and attention you refused to humiliate yourself by asking for it,let alone admit to it.
“she didn’t love you, she loved the idea of being with you. You have to realize it baby, You are a known figure now…People will do that to you. This is a whole new world you just entered”
You shook your head and dully stared at the screen playing lo-fi on loop
“New world ? Feels like I'm back in high school”
You sat on the other end of the couch numb and mute. It had been a week since you spoke to your roommate and two since you last saw your whole friend group. You warned them
“I can’t talk but I really need you”
and they came and would chime in to whatever little but you were willing to share that night.
You all woke up around the same time the next day, exam season not really willing to cooperate with your mental breakdown and started getting ready. You had already failed 2 subjects. shit was not going your way so on the fourth day you just gave up and decided to go with the flow
“how bad can it get”
bit of advice fellas, never fucking say that cause it CAN get worse.
While initially you were well prepared for exams, You mixed up the days when you were supposed to submit assignments and the days when you were taking a written exam.
2 failed subjects, 4 more to go.
4 failed subjects… 2 more to go
Hot girl summer just doesn’t feel the same once you hit your 20s it seems.
_________________ 𓆩♡𓆪 _________________
You were aimlessly watching one story after the other,barely there and hardly caring what exactly you were looking at. Abby had just posted one cryptic photo with a girl you saw around in the community and smiled. You could tell something was going on with her and that other streamer girl and you smiled. You thought they were a good match and quite frankly you were just glad to see that some people were doing better in their love life than you ever could. It gave you hope that things like that still existed even if you weren't meant to experience them. Ellie had also just posted and you took a minute longer to appreciate her slender form dressed in tights and a top while horse riding. She was hot and she knew it and you liked that attitude of hers. You checked the next story which was a black screen with a text
*I fell off my horse two minutes after taking that pic*
And chuckled. Your eyes drifted off to the green square mark and cocked a brow
So you were in her close friends ?
You sat up
“Wait since when has she-” You asked yourself out loud and noticed that indeed she was following you. In the midst of working on new content and getting out of your depressive slump you started checking your social less and less too busy with dance practice and trying to enjoy life and it seemed like in the middle of your subtle break things…. Happened
Maybe a few months ago when you were down bad for her this would’ve affected you but now you just shrugged and closed your phone. You need to get back to practicing a new dance combo for a video and you couldn’t be bothered. Your ex had scared you off from dating public figures for good. Dating was a strong word…You hardly wanted even a fling at this point.
You got dressed up and put on a wig, fixing your makeup in place and making a movement test before you went to the studio to record the new choreo so that you could only worry about the variation and not have any unnecessary technical issues. The studio was a few minutes away from your place by bus and you put on the songs you planned on rehearsing to get in the mood on your way there humming softly and tuning out any other thought polluting your mind.
There's was a text notification from the user
Which you forced yourself to ignore refusing to entertain whatever she could have texted you. If this was a month ago maybe you would have but now you didnt want to.
_________________ 𓆩♡𓆪 _________________
Ignoring her was your plan until you posted the new video of your dance which admittedly you did look good and may have been one of your best videos up to date. Ellie Was the third like on that post and she had shamelessly double texted you. You chewed on your lip nervous and uncertain
“She texted me again”
Ophelia, your roommate, peeked her head from her iPad and looked at you curious
“ELLIE?! WAIT THE ELLIE?!” She jumped up and for a moment you for sure she came for your throat but instead clutched the blankets on your couch
“And what do you mean again ?! When did all of this happen ?”
“Relax it all started today and you know I wanted to tell you once we had time to properly hang out” You said fighting back a smile knowing that this was a victory. Ophelia had suffered you for months crying over your ex, then thirsting over Ellie and then back to square one. You owed her an update on your emotional affairs which you swore that they would stay stagnant.
“So what did she say ?”
You opened the Direct messages
Elliefuckingwilliams: Hey I have a question
Elliefuckingwilliams: Is your studio in Seattle ?
Elliefuckingwilliams: I have a project and am looking for a dance instructor. Let me know if you would be interested in a collab
“Ah. Just work stuff it seems”
“You are shameless”
You stared at each other with a smirk fighting to break through, wanting to seem equally serious despite the ridiculous situation.
“She does not”
“She does. I’m betting 50 dollars”
Oh fuck off ill just roll you a blunt”
“A WIN IS A WIN” she said with her hands in the air “No come on! Respond already you are driving me crazy”
You rolled your eyes and considered her offer. You were taken aback cause Ellie didn’t seem like she would do anything with…dancing. However you weren’t new to influencers trying new things to get back on the algorithms favor so you brushed it off as her chasing new heights to her already growing fame.
-Hey, I’m not sure where you are exactly and it isn’t my studio. I am just renting the space but I could give you a lesson or two
Elliefuckingwilliams: Sweet! When are you available ? I have a gap next week otherwise it can be next month
You stared at her immediate response and quirked your brow in approval. Professional and straight to the point. You could respect that. Not what you were aiming for. You tried to ignore the previous conversations you two had that showed above her new messages. Your fruitless attempts at getting her attention in the most stupid of ways. Can’t blame a girl for trying. Shoot for the stars they say. You’ll land on dirt but hey, at least you gave it a fair shot and therefore no one could blame you for trying.
-This week is good. Say Friday ?
Elliefuckingwilliams: Yeah yeah cool! I'll text you the day before so that you can tell me your location and everything
You pursed your lips and turned to look at Ophelia who was on all fours on your couch desperately trying to steal a glance at your phone screen. You tossed it on one of the floor cushions
“Not a date. I’m just gonna be her dance instructor so looks like you owe me that blunt”
“Nu-uh. Bet you’ll be raw dogging in the studio. We will see who wins on Friday”
_________________ 𓆩♡𓆪 _________________
“And the dance floor is filling up with blood, But oh, Lord you’ve never been so in love”
Ellie was convinced that God had specifically hand crafted her body to be incapable of dancing. She had no coordination and perhaps was even tone deaf which was ridiculous for someone who played the guitar and sang. Not that she was a pro at that either but who creates a musician who doesn’t understand how to step on notes in any way other than with an instrument ? So now that she had texted you she was frantic, bouncing her leg up and down and chewing on the flesh around her fingernails.
“What's gotten into you?”
Dina asked while folding clothes. She was at her and Jesse's apartment for the night and she had yet to tell them about her new crush and her impatient attempt at getting to see you as soon as possible. Ellie was aware of you as a creator. Be it from a post-share on her friends stories or you falling on her timeline she would see you here and there. She vividly remembered a month where you peaked and she went from seeing you once every two months at best to seeing you every week. And she was curious as to why was everyone going crazy over you and your content. You seemed to interact mostly with Abby’s girl.
That’s how Ellie referred to the girl Abby seemed to be crushing on. In a game of broken telephone and who told what, Ellie planned on seeing how close Abby was with her girl and if that was close enough for her to ask if she could…well ask her about you and then somehow for that information to get back to you.
But all that plan failed the second Ellie asked
“So is Cotton dating anyone?”
And Abby took that horribly wrong and now was set on gatekeeping her. Ellie was awkward and a mess and couldn’t communicate properly what she wanted because to her, what she asked was obvious and had no hidden meaning or intention but the world around her didn’t work like that and she struggled so fucking hard with it.
Ellie’s second grant failure was when she followed you back. She was sure that you wouldn’t have missed it. But the silence was so loud it was deafening. You were still posting but you were otherwise quiet everywhere else. You rarely even watched her stories at this point so Ellie decided to grow a backbone and some balls and directly message you.
She flinched at the dry responses she gave you to your previous interactions which back then seemed professional but now they seemed…So distant.
Finally, she texted you.
and you responded.
“Dina I did a stupid thing”
Dina tossed the clothes in the wardrobe and kicked close giving up on tidying Jesse’s shit
“Ok, stupid how? Like speaking money or-”
“I texted my crush-”
“You have a crush?”
“Yes and so I texted her and-”
“Who is she ?”
“A content creator, anyways so I texted her”
“Dina can you let me talk?!” she said frustrated and Dina grinned. She went to the kitchen aisle to grab a bottle of water and tossed another one Ellie’s way. She leaned against the counter listening to her friend endless yawping about this new crush. she called her twice a day until Friday, and would recite every move and gesture she planned on using to seduce you. Dina would turn each one down by saying
“You do realize that when you see her you will just shit your pants from excitement and won't say anything right?”
So ellie would hang up and call a few hours later with a new plan that aligned more with how she typically acted.
When Friday came she showered twice and changed outfits over and over again, as a result she was late. She was proud of her fit since the sleeveless turtleneck did a nice job at hugging her slim, well built frame and showed off her toned arms that took years of calisthenics to build and paired with a baggy pair of sweatpants she felt like she had the biggest dick in the city.
But once she parked outside of the studio you mentioned cold sweat ran down her spine and her hands felt clammy and sticky from anxiety.
what the hell am I doing
she questioned and rested her head against the steering wheel. She drummed her fingers on the soft leather and hummed a melody to ease her nerves till she heard light tapping on the window. She lifted her head and looked up and there you were. hair loose, shorts and a baggy graphic T that had a faded graffiti-like artwork of spiderman.
She hated how much she loved the sight in front of her.
she opened her door and slid out trying to gather her stuff in a hurry
“Hi sorry, were you waiting long? I missed the bus and had to wait a bit until the next one came…”
“no no! Its cool I was just, ugh trying to calm down cause I'm nervous”
you smiled and lowered your brows in empathy
“I assumed you would. You don't have experience in dancing right? Or at least you haven’t mentioned it anywhere”
She winced at how obvious her lie was and she didn’t know how to answer to that
I don’t dance but If that’s what it takes to fuck you then sure I can learn how to do a Ronde de Jambe
“ah yeah you got me there, I’ve never danced before”
“That’s cool with me. Just curious on what piqued your interest to start now. New hobby or…?”
“yeah new hobby!” she hurried to answer, glad that you inspired her on what lie to use for the day.
You nodded while checking her out head to toe and before she had time to boost her ego and assume that you did because you found her hot you said-
“Hm. I will need you to wear tighter pants next time so that I can see what you are doing with your legs. But for today it's fine”
and took the keys out of your duffel bag
“Well. Ellie williams. Ready to start?”
“ah yeah just, be gentle…? I've never done anything remotely close to dancing with my body and I might be pretty stiff”
“Don’t worry about it. I've had every type of student and all of them managed to pull a few cool moves in their second month. If there’s a will there’s a way”
she smiled more nervous than before. You were formal and professional leaving little close to no space for her to get flirty and she was at a loss. She should’ve done more research on dancer etiquette so that she wouldn’t have looked like such an uneducated swine but there was no point in getting angry over that now.
“We will start with basic breathing exercises and a warm up just to get you in the swing of things. We will start with body isolations”
Ellie stared at you from the mirror as you showed her the first few basic motions
“Alright so for the warmup just follow my lead”
you grabbed the remote and put on “never ending song” by Conan Grey which had a pretty standard rhythm and was easy to dance along to. Ellie was in awe with the plasticity of your body, every move being a continuation of the previous one all like a rolling tide of emotions complimenting the beat and the beat complimenting you.
On the other end, Ellie was too embarrassed to look at her own reflection
“alright so first to isolate your hips from your chest” you said and let the next song play. You laid your palm flat on her back and pointed a bit below her collarbones holding your fist in the air
“move with me, breathe in” you said and she tried to copy your move watching your chest rise. You shook your head
“no, I need only your chest to move. Relax your shoulders love” you teased with an easy smile and Ellie by now was a mess, from the proximity and from the simple exercise of trying to move your breathing pattern
You were oblivious to it all going from one body part to another occasionally fixing up her posture and tapping the part that she had to focus on, but all hell broke loose in your brain when you laid your hand on her stomach asking her to clench and unclench her core hunching within herself.
“You were so dramatic before, look at you Els. You just needed a little basic guidance “ you encouraged and she smiled and looked at you in excitement, oblivious to the fact that when she turned her head she was a breath away from accidentally kissing you
“ah! I-“
you smirked and pulled away
“I've been rehearsing this one choreo, best way to understand these exercises is through a dance routine. How do you feel about that?”
Ellie agreed and while dancing she kept being thrown off balance at the sharp turns that she had to take which in return slowed her down and she would miss a few steps. You let the music play in the background and let out an awkward chuckle
“Fuck ok this is my fault see I forgot to tell you about spotting”
You nodded and you pushed her back by her shoulder freeing up a line for you
“See when we turn, we always have a spot” You said and stepped into the appropriate preparation to do 8 simple turns, your head always snapping the back to the invisible mark you held with your eyes
Ellie pursed her lips. Seemed like such an obvious trick but one that went completely over her head
“Now I see that you struggle to look at yourself in the mirror, Which is fine. I’m sure you'll get used to it eventually, so instead try taking a few turns while holding eye contact with me, yeah ?”
You offered and she took a couple steps back
“Ugh…what were all those moves you made before spinning?”
“Oh don’t worry about that,thats ballet stuff. Just spin. Bent your elbows and hold your arms against your chest if it helps”
Ellie started off slow, picking up the pace as she neared you, eventually losing sight of what was in front of her
“Wow-wow-wowwww I got you” you said and steadied her by her shoulders and held her in place. She looked up at you taking in deep breaths, cheeks flushed and eyes wide open with her lips parted in a soft smile
“That went well, How do you feel?”
You said and you gently rubbed your thumb against the naked skin of her biceps.
“Great, I… I liked this it makes more sense now”
She said filled with excitement
_________________ 𓆩♡𓆪 _________________
Every time Ellie liked your story you felt your heart skip a few beats. You were in the studio for your solo dancing practice and kept bouncing from one leg to the other to keep your muscles warm while you scrolled through your phone to find some inspiration or a pic that you could post and in return give Ellie an opening to respond to. The image of her timidly trying to follow along through your every move, her flushed cheeks and her voice shaking did things to your brain chemistry, re-wiring its entire structure and flow. Every time she posted a story with a smug smile and pants lower than her boxer briefs you just laughed remembering what a shy and soft mess of words the girl was and felt an unhealthy amount of endearment. A spark re-ignited in your dead heart and you liked it. You liked ellie when you didn’t know her, and you liked her even more now that you did.
By now it had been…a good two weeks that consisted of 4 dance practices that you had with her. The first time you saw her up close all you thought was a “huh”
And then a “she is shorter than me-“ which for you was dangerous. You had an incredibly soft spot for masc lesbians who were shorter than you. Unfortunately they were never attracted to you though. You had always attracted the exact opposite of what you wanted and you blamed that on your overly dominant attitude.
On the second day you both had the same idea of treating each other to a coffee and so you ended up with 4 paper cups of iced almond milk lattes which you laughed about for a good 10 minutes
“We are so in sync!” You commented and she nodded excitedly, blushing all the way to her ears.
On the third dance practice you purposely pretended to assist her and correct her to find an excuse to touch her and when you saw how positively she reacted to it you pushed on the advantage that you had, heavily , which made you believe that maybe there really was some kind of ulterior motive as to why Ellie was so set on having you as a dancing coach.
On the fourth day there was a shift in the tide and something was in the waters. Ellie had her hair gathered and decided to wear the sluttiest outfit on earth ( aka a white top and grey sweatpants )
She went to greet you with a hug and you noticed her perfume, subtle but there to make you lust after it. She asked if she could record the Dance you were rehearsing for a post and you felt alright with that. And she excelled. She was a fast learner and her body had a good flow. It did need polishing but she wasn’t half as bad as she claimed to be. The fifth video take was close to perfection and in her excitement she yanked you towards her and wrapped you in a tight hug which you immediately reciprocated eager for the contact with the sex God standing before you. You took in the blended smell of her perfume and her sweat which had you feel insufferable discomfort with how tight your pants were. Something about her raw scent had you horny like a dog and you had to clench your jaw in patience not to act out of instinct and try to get closer than needed.
You both laughed and she yelled in excitement “I fucking did it”
And then your voice followed, a bit quieter “I told you, you could do it” she pulled back her arm still on your waist, her thumb caressing the skin as she watched the video a second time in excitement. You took the chance to stand a bit closer to her while she in sync wrapped her whole arm around you and leaned her head against your chest enjoying the dance and pointing out things that you could do differently next time, all in the comfort of each other’s embrace.
She posted the video and in the daze of the excitement of seeing what you two looked like next to each other you forgot to worry about the fact that you were yet again getting entangled with a public figure. An actually big one. While your previous relationship was just your ex leeching off of you and your success, this one…it had to be different. Ellie had nothing to gain from you and you put your trust in that and in the fact that the two of you seemed to genuinely get along
You decided to text her first
“You impatient fuck. We could’ve filmed a better take tomorrow”
“You are such an ass, let me enjoy my accomplishments”
You started tidying up the studio and decided to leave your bag with your ballet clothes and pointe there since you would come tomorrow for Ellie’s lessons anyways. You chatted back and forth all the way back and you almost tripped on your staircase too busy typing a response. You banged your head against your door though thinking you had unlocked it to find that you didn’t. Ophelia opened it for you
You looked at each other and you immediately broke into a smile the split your lips
“Ellie posted our video. And she left in the part where she hugged me”
“Oh-hooooo” she exclaimed and rushed you in. She tossed the mop on the side of the wall and nudged you to the couch abandoning whatever housework she was in the middle of to listen to you
“Aaaand we are still talking” You said smiling and Ophelia clapped cheering for you while you swung your way inside the house and fell dramatically on the couch.
“Oh my, I’m so glad the Gods heard our prayers cause I was sure I was about to send you off to priesthood”
“It wasn’t that bad”
You said with an offended gasp and she scoffed
“Honey, one more month and you were about to grow back your virginity. I’m just happy to see you back out there and not just with anyone but with The Ellie fucking williams!” She said getting louder with every word. You joined her cheerful demeanor hopping on the couch and you both started bouncing on it like kids in a playground
“I can’t believe this. I wanna wear something good for our practice tomorrow”
“Shorts and that nice red bodysuit!”
“No buts! I know it’s uncomfortable but she will see you and rip it off right away so how much will you really suffer, you know?”
Ophelia coming through with the obvious answer to any and every world known issue was exactly what you needed to finish off your day. Though to be fair, if there was anything you should have listened to regarding -making a move on your crush- that would have to be her. She had a banging record of pulling every single guy she set her eyes on and one night standing them for her own satisfaction. Of course now she had her sights on someone specific but that didn’t change or erase all previously acquired skills in the flirting department. Despite all of that, You ended up rejecting the bodysuit idea because that would be a hassle to actually get off if things would go anywhere and even if they wouldn't, anything that tight during summer was a nightmare in general.
“Hey can I borrow that white top you have?”
“Borrow whatever you want and do whatever you want just never let me know about it”
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on the day that you fully planned on making a move a couple things went wrong. First and foremost well, It decided to rain down which meant you had to run all the way from the bus stop to the studio in a hopeless attempt to preserve your hair and outfit. It didn’t do much since you ended up like a drenched cat either way but you refused to let your mood falter.
You tried texting Ellie to ask if she could bring coffee for you two.
Few minutes later she came in with two iced coffees, not a drop of rain on her which you were awfully jealous of. Her cropped hair was once again all gathered in a short ponytail and she wore two sports wristbands around her arms which did unimaginable things to you. It was good sight with her sleeveless baggy tshirt. Ellie just knew how to dress plain and attractive.
“Looking good” she teased when she found you furiously trying to dry the ends of your hair with a towel
“Shut up. Please shut up”
“So sensitive” she said and rolled her eyes making her way to you and taking the towel from your hands
“Let me help” it wasn’t so much of a request as it was a demand when she pulled the towel out of your hands and moved behind you, wrapping your hair in it and squeezing it to get most of the water out. You felt your body temperature rise at the awfully tender gesture and unsure of what to do you just fidgeted with your hands looking at the floor
“ I can drive you back to your place if you want”
“No, it's fine. Ill wait it out”
“No no, I insist. Let me drive you back and look cool while doing so”
A soft chuckle escaped your lips as she rounded you up to give you the towel with a small shy smile, her cheeks a shade of pink now.
Practice was good if you were to ignore that Ellie seemed a lot more focused on your assets rather than the moves you were showing. You knew the biker shorts you were gave her a 4K view of your ass but you didn't expect her to be this obvious about it. You stepped back after a moment and just watched as she rehearsed the dance on her own and you were in awe on how much more comfortable she seemed with her body now
“Good. This one was very good. Want me to film you so that you look at yourself?”
you asked and she shook her head satisfied with the progress. You slouched on the ground, legs spread and ankles on your knees wiping the sweat of your brow carefully as not wipe your brow completely off with it and looked at the time
“Well we are pretty much done then for today. Unless there’s anything you wanted to ask me or anything else you wanna try doing?” you asked and Ellie followed your lead walking over to you across the room and crouching down on her knees in front of you
“Oh yeah I did wanna ask something”
“go ahead then” you said dreading having to get up. You didn’t have to though
“Can I take you out on a date ? for coffee perhaps?”
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cafffeineconnoisseur · 3 months
(hi, remember that if you guys have any ideas for questions I can use, you all can feel free to drop them in my box! not running out of inspiration yet, but its cool to have a wide variety of questions that I might not think of otherwise!)
~season edition~
what season are you living in right now?
what do you like most about it?
what do you like least about it?
what is your favorite season and why? (if it isn't the one you're already living in now lol)
what is your least favorite season and why? (if it isn't the one you're already living in now lol)
if there was one thing you could add/take away/change about 1 season of the year, what would it be and why?
and finally, what are some of your favorite local plants that go with each season? (example: spring-daffodils, summer-roses, fall-sunflowers, winter-evergreen) (can be any plants too, not just flowers)
I am so glad you're asking this so I can rant about the weather haha
what season are you living in right now? Summer or may I say ✨intense✨ summer with a side of random weather thanks to climate change lol
what do you like most about it? Mangoes, watermelons, lychees, icecreams, swimming and random holidays cuz of the heatwave lol
what do you like least about it? The crazy temperatures which almost touch 50°C. The constant dehydration, heat strokes, sun burns, fainting etc.
what is your favorite season and why? Winters sjskskks cuz it's very festive haha and my birthday is in winter. Also you get these array of fresh veggies, warm blankets and beverages and just comfort.
what is your least favorite season and why? Summers cuz of the intense heat and all the reasons I listed above lol.
if there was one thing you could add/take away/change about 1 season of the year, what would it be and why? I would actually enjoy summer if it wasn't soooo hot lol or winter if it wasn't exam season 💀
and finally, what are some of your favorite local plants that go with each season? This reminds me of my childhood home where my grandpa had made this huge beautiful garden with so many different kinda of plants and flowers omg I miss it.
Summers - I love Jasmine (mogra) during this season, we had lots of bushes of them. They are white really small flowers and smell really good. Often they are woven into a garland and worn in the hair during festivals. It is called gajra and I love it omg. Here's the gajra I had worn few weeks ago sjsksks
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Autumn/ spring - definately roses. I remember as a kid having roses of all the colours in our garden and often giving a rose to my teachers or my friends. They are just so pretty.
Random- appreciation for the money plant on my desk, it grows so well and looks so pretty and aesthetic lol
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I'm open for name suggestions for this plant baby sjskskks
Thanks a lot for the ask, I had a great time answering this~~~
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simp4konig · 11 months
okay, a couple questions
1: favourite song?
2: favourite movie/show?
3: idk anything else you want me to know-
Okay 😋😋 saw this immediately but didnt have time in the morjning to respond ☹️ SORRY !!!!
1. I have more than one 🥵
I dont expect you to listen to all of these btw !! 😰😰Dont waste your time if you dont ijow tjem, 😭🙏 :
So yeah, basically I play all these songs^^^ on repeat 💀☠️☠️ Drift Phonk is SO good 💯💯😎even tjo its bass boosted cowbells with some. Percussion 🤓🤓☝️ i think its rlly good lol
Also have some rap/pop songs that are in Polish that im NOT gonna include here bc its not like youll understand a word of whay theure saying 😱😱😱
2. LOVEEEEE "Money Heist/La Casa de Papel " it's made me cry twice🥰💔💔om the fifth episode of the last season because my favourite character died😞
I watch True Crime documentaries and just documentaries abt the internet😇😇 My favs for each category respectively: "Don't F**k With Cats" + "The Most Hated Man on The Internet (i think its called anyeays lmaoo)
Also like watching classic films. Idk, i dont like tje stuff that comes out nowadays 🤕 so any blockbusters from the 80s–10s i LOVE 🤩🤩
3. Random information:
Natural blonde, with GRAY-blue eyes (because my eyesight is bad so the colour in my eyes has faded, 🥲 — so obv. I wear glasses😔its sad bc my eyes were ocrsn blue and now look metallic 🤖)
My handwriting is god-awfulm, like ILLEGIBLE😭😭😭 its sn insult to the paper honestly 💀💀you should see ky school books my notes are so messy ajd sll over the place i feel bad for the teachers that mark my exams/assessments😰
Currently reading the Harry Potter books (up to the fifth film, but i thought i should also read the books to compare😊), and im on the fourth novel — Its so THICK and im svared bc my good friend that's lendijg me these said that the next one is the longest 🤯 i might just kms 🙂🔫
I have a cat figurine collection 😱😱 I visit charity shops with my mum (mostly outvof obligation 😵), but we sometimes get lucky and founf ones out of porcelain, glass/crystal, carved in wood, etc 😽🐈🐈‍⬛😺
You know old ladies that wear flower patterns🌸🌺🌷 and middle-aged moms in their late 30s/40s tjay wear cheetsh /leopard print🐆🐆 ? Well im that but as a Gen z girl with an obsession with camo print LMAO,, I have a camo backpack, cargo camo print pants, camo leggings, camo tshirt, camo hat, even fuckijg csmo pencil case LMAO💀💀💀 I WOULD have had a camo phne case too but there wasnt the one i wanted for ky phone...💔💔So Idk i rock (horribly😵) an army fit so whem i CAN i go out in combat boots, cargoes+belt, black or darkgrey tshirt/turtleneck tucked into my cargos, fingerless gloves etc. 😙✌️✨✨✨
If you would like to leanr more, check out this post !!☺️✨✨(well reblog actuslly hahaha)
Tried to include new informwtion aboit myself here so i didjt repeat anytjing 😇, Hope i didnt bore you😰😰😰
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oddinary4bts · 3 months
I think my obsession with cc is getting a little unhealthy cause why the fuck do i be checking for updates every other hour🤨 am i lonely? Do i not have anything else to indulge in? Its literally exam season god help me
OH NO AM SO SORRY😭😭 good luck with your exams bby✨✨ I’m happy you love cc so much🥹
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seoafin · 10 months
imo priest geto would work better, mans is literally a cult leader its practically the same thing if its from him
and seeing that ripmc is canonically no braincelled, i can imagine the corruption arc being...interesting...... ^///v///^
anyway, LUFF YOU MORGAN IM ALWAYS LURKING AND SLURPING YOUR POSTS LIKE NOODLES THEYRE SAVING ME FROM EXAM SEASON pls also make sure to treat yourself to smth nice or yummy once in a while bc without you there is no light in this world 💕✨💕✨💕✨
hehe lovely eru <3333 I'm getting free sushi today bc one of the managers at a place I used to work at quit and opened up a sushi place and I got invited for dinner so free sushi is always great!!!
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sk8termikey · 4 months
Chapter 27 of 21 Questions
better interface on wattpad (more to come either here or on wattpad its kinda exam season (I really should be studying))
west coast VS east coast (gc)
Imma need to know what y’all are feeding chris
What did I do??
Ik what this is ab
Say it bro
Your tiktok chris
This one
You’re so
That’s it christopher
That’s her sentence
And how do we know what’s coming after?
You don’t
You don’t
Figure it out
Ik the others understand
The switch up is insane tho
2 days ago i’m the one being complimented and now it’s chris
Which brother are you after
Tbh I’m after nick
If only I could😔
But you look like him so I have to settle for the copies
I’m flattered but yeah sorry you have to go for the look alike
Can’t have the real deal
Such a shame
Back to what matthew said
I’ve never seen lily complimenting you🤨
I can see that only christopher deserves public comments lmao
That was in a private convo
Glad to know i’m more worthy
It’s less embarrassing to publicly admit that i’m the better looking
Calm your horses tho
I see y’all the same
Don’t worry, we know
It’s the first time we had this convo so how would you
I have literal proof
You’re very funny in our comments lily
Especially under matt’s
Forgot ab those
She never lied tho
And y’all should see me under my fav singers’ posts also
Which comments?
Think I missed a chap
Nate hi<3
Hi lily!
Lemme find them
I thank matt for noticing, it was hilarious to read some of them on old posts
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We never understood what you said on the last one btw
She called him handsome in french
That’s the truth so
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And those from the group acc
It reminds me of what nate comments sometimes
Thanks, I take that as a compliment
And I take that as a compliment
Nate my bestie now fr
After you ofc
Matt bro where did you go
Are y’all not together?
Ye like you’re in the same house right?
Yes, but each in our own room
Makes sense
While Alex, Chris, Nick and Nate kept talking on their groupchat about how thousands of miles were separating them since the triplets went back to Los Angeles, Lily was thinking about Matt. He had disappeared from the conversation as quick as he had appeared and she couldn’t help but worry. Therefore, she decided to switch to their private texts and send him a message.
Hey, everything good?
We miss you in the gc
All good don’t worry!
I was just organising some stuff so I left my phone for a while
Ok ok
Thought the convo was annoying you
Sorry if my comments are weird
Stop worrying about things like that lily
Nick is right, it was funny when I first saw it on my latest post
And you decided to explore every other one😭
Technically nick did
I had just sent them the one you wrote ab switching teams and they ran with it
Glad I make THE sturniolo triplets laugh
 We don’t need much tbh
I truly hope it’s no problem tho
It’s not, get that idea out of your mind
And like alex said, it’s all true so I acc appreciate it
Cool cool cool
Also enjoy your concert tomorrow
Hope y’all have fun
Thank you :)
I’ll text you later
Yepp, ok :))
Although Matt was nothing but reassuring towards her, Lily was an overthinker at her core. She knew that she shouldn’t analyse their texts when they looked absolutely normal, but Lily couldn’t help but feel insecure. She decided that she’d see how it goes the next time Matt posts and she comments, so that she could be sure that her being a bit bold on his account was definitely not a problem. It was definitely not a problem as Matt did appreciate the compliments and found it funny how Lily seemed to dramatise them – she didn’t, she meant every single word and would keep thinking that about him.
Thank you for reading. Votes and comments are always appreciated if you like this story :) The story is co-written w @/little_grapejuice on wattpad
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