#its a girl who was dead for ages and a guy who could hear the voices of the soon to be dead
insufferablemod · 25 days
hmm realizing that the ship i like properly Ship the most is probably arasol...
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tteokdoroki · 24 days
tw ! slight age gap, reader is older, cheating, fingering, smut.
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hello going on a business trip or to a conference, escaping your mundane life and the marriage that brings you nothing.
you’ve really gone on this trip to get away from your dead bedroom and the spouse that treats you like nothing more than a money maker.
which leads you to having a chance encounter with bakugou at the bar of the hotel your conference is at. you remember him from one of the panels — he’s young for this field of work but incredibly handsome, has brilliant red eyes that draw you in like magnetising poles, he makes you laugh and from your belly too. he’s everything your current spouse is not, there’s a spark inside you that you haven’t felt in years and bakugou knows it too. he makes you feel beautiful and seen and all he’s done is buy you a drink with a sour olive in it.
you find yourself stumbling behind him after one too many drinks, katsuki guiding you back to your hotel room — the good man that he is. you’ve both got panels to attend tomorrow morning at 9am sharp. it wouldn’t be wise to spend the rest of the night basking in booze and one another’s company. but when you get the door, failing to slip your key card into the slot — the blonde’s hand touches yours to help you get it in and all sense of logic is lost.
you no longer feel drained by mundane life waiting for you back home, you no longer think of your boring spouse in currently sleeping in your marital bed where they fail to make you feel loved. from the moment katsuki’s hand had touched yours, all you could feel was electricity, the longing and the wanting you’ve been desperately craving.
his lips drag sweep across your skin in heated motions and they find pleasure spots you’re not sure you even knew existed. bakugou’s fingers map out every inch of your body as though he may never touch you again, they dip past the forbidden band of your a-line skirt and write secret promises of pleasure against your clit because you’re married and the both of you know this is wrong.
one touch turns into another, dull and thick fingers stretch you open and graze your g-spot with an ease your spouse could never find. you e never felt this good, your lashes flutter against katsuki’s neck as he holds you to his chest and finger fucks you to the high heavens…because you’re just a hardworking woman who hasn’t had her pussy ruined in a long time, not like you deserve. he grins when you cream on just two of his fingers, such a good girl, so easy to please.
“such a pretty girl… such a hard worker ‘n no one to take care of you,” the blonde purrs into your ear before pushing you into the plush pillows and blankets below. there’s a gravel in his voice that raises at the heartbeat between your legs, not to mention the perfect view of him loosening his shirt and tie above you. “s’that why you’ve fallen into bed with the youngest guy here. ‘cause i got what it takes t’keep up with ya, yeah? make you feel better than that poor excuse of a fuck you got back home?”
bakugou grins slow and sexy when your hips rise from the bed on instinct at his words and he kisses you just to reward you, a poor touch starved little thing. its hungry and sloppy and messy and somewhere in the mix of his tongue wrapped around yours and your hands in his hair — the blonde has ripped through your stockings and slipped his aching, dripping slick cock past your quivering entrance.
he feels like home inside you, feels you up to the brim and sends your eyes rolling back into the depths of your skull. every stroke is calculated, every piston of katsuki’s meaty girth purposive and intentional — crafted to make you see stars with every jolt of your body up the bed. you can’t go back to regular old life after tonight, you won’t be able to go back to the way things were without picturing bakugou’s tie hanging loosely above you and hearing his deep moans echo throughout your mind.
that night you leave marks on one another that you’ll be hiding for weeks, smiling at when no one is looking, reminiscing the sinful experience shared in this very hotel room. there’s too much passion in the room for this to just remain a one time thing, too much emotion behind the act saliva swept lip lock or love bite left below the line of future clothes to be worn.
you know that you won’t give katsuki up especially when he kisses you as you cum together, thick white seeping between your swollen and ravaged folds.
you’ll do anything to be underneath bakugou like this again, even if it means planning fake business trips every other weekend to get away from your spouse and get fucked to the high heavens by your young hot colleague.
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꒰ end. — all rights reserved © tteokdoroki 2024. do not copy, repost, translate, feed into ai & recommend elsewhere.
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wynnyfryd · 7 months
Trailer park Steve AU part 24
part 1 | part 23 | ao3
cw: alcohol, throwing up, brief reference to canonical character death
"Oh, my god!" Robin barks, nearly throwing herself off-balance again with the force of her laugh. "This is too good, man. You truly cannot escape your babysitting duties."
"Can I help you?" Max seethes.
Help him? Help him? "What the fuck are you doing here?"
"What does it look like I'm doing?" She gestures to the guy she's holding onto, some fluffy-haired kid with a cut-off vest covered in safety pins that Steve sort of vaguely recognizes as one of Eddie's friends. Oh, shit. Is Eddie here finally? Has he seen him?
"Wait, where's Lucas?" Steve asks.
"Who cares?" she bites back.
The guy gives a nervous chuckle and loosens his grip on her waist. "Uh-h. Did you say babysitter?"
"He's not actually, Jesus. I'm fourteen; I don't need a babysitter. And he was just leaving, anyway, right?"
Her glare feels like a slap. Girl's got daggers in her eyes, holy shit. It's like she's hoping some of El's powers magically transferred to her; like she's picturing him flying ten feet into the air and landing with a splat on the far side of the concrete, and he doesn't need this. He did not come out tonight to be bullied by a teenager. "Okay, that's it, I'm taking—"
"—me to the punch bowl!" Robin interrupts, putting her hands on Steve's chest to stop him from grabbing Max and hauling her back to the car.
"Robin, what—?"
"Yep!" She shoves him hard, pushing him to the edge of the dance floor. "Silly me, just dying of thirst, ha ha. Okay, cool, see you both later!"
"What the hell was that?" Steve demands when they're safely on the far side of the pavilion.
"An intervention."
Oh, my god. May he never hear the word 'intervention' again in his life.
"Un-ruffle your Mother Hen feathers for two seconds and think, would you? One: it would look really, really, seriously weird for you to be seen dragging a dead jock's kid sister kicking and screaming to your car."
A dead jock’s kid sister. Jesus, tipsy Robin has no tact.
"Two: you said we were going to go out and have fun and get, and I quote, 'very drunk.' Take your babysitter hat off for one night. She's a high schooler, and this is a high school party."
"Yeah, I know," he sulks. Doesn't need the reminder that he's technically past the age limit.
"Okay, so then let her have fun! It's not like you weren't out drinking and smoking by her age."
'I'm always so right about everything. I'm, like, cosmically correct.' Goddammit. Steve needs another drink. "I just don't want her to do anything dumb and get hurt."
"She won't. We can just, like, keep an eye on her from a distance, right? Let her come to us if she needs anything."
"So we should just act like your parents?" Steve snorts.
"My parents are amazing, thank you!"
"Your mom offered me mushroom tea once."
"Like I said: amazing."
Steve huffs a laugh, flips his hair out of his eyes and snags a handful of tortilla chips. "Okay," he says around a crunchy bite, "so what's the third thing?"
"Third thing?" Robin asks. She’s not even looking at him anymore, her eyes eager and distracted as she scans the crowd.
"You're biting your lip weird, there's clearly a third thing."
She turns to him, and the smile springs free from its containment, spreading all over her flushed, ecstatic face. "Vickie just showed up."
Steve’s hammered.
Didn’t mean to do it; feels a little bad about it as he tips his head up to the sky and all the stars go raining in bright streaks across his vision. Reminds him of the ceiling at Starcourt, nauseous and spinning under a swirl of bright fluorescence. He hopes Rob’s flirting is going well.
He meant to get politely drunk.
A socially appropriate amount.
But then Robin ran off to flirt with Vickie, and Steve was doing his best to just lay low, steer clear of Max and maybe find a way to casually run into Eddie if he could find him, when he spotted the girl he went on that disaster of a date with instead and realized his options were either: stay there by the beer coolers while she came over with her new date and subjected him to the most painful small talk of his life, or retreat to the dark edges of the party with as much booze as he could carry, so.
He's slumped on top of a picnic bench downwind of the bonfire, bad ear ringing, belly full to bursting, trying to remember when one beer became… more than one beer.
Six, maybe?
“‘M gonna puke,” he confesses to the splintered wood beneath his feet; to the pine bough overhead, the smoky fire at his back.
“Wow,” someone says, an amused lilt to their tone, and Steve knows that voice, he—
Oh, no.
Ohhhh, no.
Now? Really?
Steve whips his head around, opens his mouth to ask ‘Eddie?’ and barfs all over his shoes.
part 25
tag list part 1 below the cut, let me know if you want me to add you tomorrow (21+ only, please confirm your age if you're asking to be tagged)
@a-little-unsteddie @ahsokatanoss @aliea82 @alyelf @anne-bennett-cosplayer @aol19 @awolfstudio @bambibiest @bananahoneycomb @bookbinderbitch @bronwenmarie @cheonsazu @cinnamon-mushroomabomination @courtjestermunson @cuips-not-cute @dauntlessdiva @dawners @dontwasteyourchances @eddie-munsons-missing-nipple @eriquin @estrellami-1 @fandomfix8 @gregre369 @griefabyss69 @grtwdsmwhr @hallucinatedjosten @hellion-child @hiimlevi @honoragreyskull @hotluncheddie @jackiemonroe5512 @kas-eddie-munson @kingelyx @lifeisacrisis @littlebluejane @marvel-ous-m @melonmochi @messrs-weasley @milklechee @mrsjellymunson @mugloversonly @munsonslure @nburkhardt @nerdyglassescheeseychick @notsopersonalcharlie @novelnovella @nuggies4life @phoenixtheone @questionablequeeries @runninriot
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I made a tier list...
please make your own!! I need to see boomer nations opinions on our man!!!! I know the tiers are actually so vile so change them if you desire :)))
OK so my quick blurb on why they are their!! (working worst to best)
28. Identity Crisis #5 - HE WOULD KILL ME FOR THE FUN OF IT. It did bring about the most random rivalry between Tim drake’s fandom and boomer's which is very funny
27. Black Lantern - Oh no… he's back… like a boomerang. Ate his own son... RIP…. L skill issue
26. Sliver Age - Would actually call me a slur and say that I don't deserve rights. He would hate crime me and then solicit me for sex. He looks like he's wearing a dress… what a pretty lady.
25. Flash TV Show - EWWWWWWWW, he though he ate...
24. DC Online - He looks like he would punch me in face at a NYC bus stop
23. White Lantern - Don't look at me like that… stop. He's back from the dead like a boomerang?? Something about most of the New 52 boomerangs don't hit the same. the bride all in white :’)
22. Young Justice - Gave me the ick. You might be thinking... he looks identical to SS hell to pay, why is he down here?? Great question… HE WAS SO CREEPY TO ONE OF THE GIRLS IN YOUNG JUSTICE….. WHO IS A MINOR!
21. Injustice Movie - Just because your in the background… doesn't save you from this list!!!
20. New 52 - Ok he's kinda hot if you look through your peripherals…Why are you wearing skinny jeans… you millennial
19. Harley Quinn TV Show - He's fine… just fine. “We’ll stack out bingo… Boomer loves an older woman” NO HE MUST LOVE ME! I AM VERY VERY MATURE FOR MY AGE
18. Flash: Sins of the Father - Can you please stop talking in the 3rd person… you are starting to sound crazy.
17. Most Wanted - I know jack shit about him. That's probably because he is barely in a comic issues THATS NAMED AFTER HIM!
16. Flash Point Paradox - His fight scene actually ate. I'm a sucker for Boomer being with the Rogues. If cyborg can take his belt off… so can I
15. Suicide Squad 2021 - Wow they somehow gave him even less lines than his first movie. 1. He doesnt look like boomer. 2. His accent is so bad… and hes AUSTRALIAN 3. His acting low key kinda mid 4. They killed off two of the only OG suicide squad members they had on the cast 5. He dies in the first 20min and in the most disrespectful way
14. Suicide Squad 2016 - The only good thing to come from this man is the fanfiction he brought. THIS FUCKING MOVIE MADE HIM A CANON BRONY WHICH I CAN NOT FORGIVE. GET THIS OUT OF MY SMUT BEFORE FREAK THE FUCK OUT >:( Fuck him and pinky too, you son of a bitch!!!! (its not that serious lol... i just want him to stop fucking a toy horse... please guys)
13. This Goober Alien Guy - I know nothing. He just kinda showed up… and I'm not mad just a little confused. He looks like he needs a hot chocolate and a hug :)))) 
12. Lego Batman Movie - Low key an icon. What I would do to get my hands on one of these sets… I would come close to killing someone for it
11. DC Lego Super Villains - If he wasn't Lego I would propose (Shane Dawson style) Once again what I would do for the very discontinued Lego set tie in…
10. Batman: Brave and The Bold - Those cheekbones could cut someone. Why are you wear a mini skirt… take it off ;)
9. Suicide Squad (comic) - Yes I know he was drinking and driving but he's not real so it doesn't count!!! The beginning of the Boomer Mobile! THE GAP TOOTH DUDE!
8. Justice League Unlimited S1 - AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! Ok the hairline is… bad…. But so is mine twin!! I LOVE THAT THEY GAVE HIM PROPER CLOTHES AND NOT RAGS DUDE
7. Agent of Oz - is this picture is my school profile pic...yes… and??HE'S COVERED IN BLOOD AND IM GIGGLING!!!!!!!!!!!
6. Stjepan Sejic's Boomer - Choke hold and choke me...  I want to hear his voice but he can't break his mewing streak…The ungodly things I would let him do to me
5. Dark: Apocalypse War - Constantine! Boomer! GIRLS! GIRLS!! ILL SLEEP WITH BOTH OF YOU!!! I was not expecting him in this movie so I started to freak out when he showed up DUDE. PLEASE LET ME SIT ON IT
4. Suicide Squad: Hell to Pay - I'm a ride he wouldn't survive… I DONT HAVE WORDS TO DECRIBE HOW I FEEL DUDE… I WOULD DO ANYTHING HE ASKED FOR NO JOKE. Dead on the floor
3. Justice League Unlimited S2 - The glow up in REAL... had me on my hands and knees as a 3rd grader… and still on my knees today. I have never wanted someone to fuck me in the back alleyway of a shit bar so bad in my life
2. Batman: Assault on Arkham - The one that started it all… he is the reason I am this way. no lube, no protection, all night, all day, from the kitchen floor to the toilet seat, from the dining table to the bedroom BUT GREG ELLIS IS PUBLIC ENIME NUMDER ONE. YOU KNOW WHAT YOU DID!!!!
1. Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League - I AM GNAWING ON THE IRON BARS OF MY ENCLOSURE!!!!!! He has it all, the face, the VOICE, the look, the character!!!!! It is hands down the most consistently good representation of captain boomerang out their… and its canon that's he has a big dick :D I would sell my first born to get one night…
Thank you all for reading this word vom, I am sick in the head <3
if any of the comic issues are off or something please let me know :)
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE make your our and tag me!! i need to see them <3<3<3
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strongheartneteyam · 2 months
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I wet you like water but she stained you like blood.
Pairing: widowed!dilf!jake sully x younger!female!human!reader
CW: slight sexual language, can be triggering to some, heartbreak, age gap kink, hurt/no comfort, age gap relationship problems, angst, reader reminiscing (pls tell me if I missed anything) 
So, yeah... I never know when I'm gonna come back with another writing. My hiatus n working periods are all a bit unpredictable lol sorry. Anyways... I literally spent the whole night awake n I was struck by a sudden lightning of creativity early in the morning and I edited this chapter n wrote a bit more, but I still haven't slept at all, so, I apologize if some parts of this make no sense at all. I'll fix it when I can. Hope you guys like it <3 ily guys a whole lot :)) obs: this chapter is a shorter one.
Slightly proofread.
Chapter 4 𓆩♡𓆪
They say all's well that ends well
But I'm in a new hell every time you double-cross my mind
You said if we had been closer in age maybe it would've been fine
And that made me want to die
The idea you had of me, who was she?
A never-needy, ever-lovely jewel whose shine reflects on you
All Too Well - 10 minutes Version (Taylor Swift)
It had been 1 year since the last time you saw Jacob Sully. Or Jakey, like you used to call him. The wound never healed. It still throbbed and bled every time you remembered the words he told you that dreadful day. "I think we should stop seeing each other." It felt like you would never get over him. How can one get over such an overpowering, raw feeling? He marked you forever, like a bruise that seemed to never disappear from your skin.
The flashback came like thunder in a storm, haunting your thoughts with a loud pain that echoed through your mind. What you told Jake that night.
“The truth is I love you. The truth is I can't take this anymore. I'm giving you my everything but you don't seem to be doing the same. You're still guarded.” There was a tense period of silence “Jake… I love you. But I don't think you feel the same.”
Maybe you shouldn't have said anything. Maybe if you had kept your mouth shut, he would still be with you.
Ugh!! Stop that, now, (y/n)! Some self love, please? You're better than this. You deserve better.
You tried to convince yourself of that, at least.
The pain was unbearable at times and almost easy to conceal at other times. It depended on how distracted with work or your studies you were. These days you ran to any distraction that could ease the perpetual angst that squeezed your heart inside its hands all the fucking time. It had been like that ever since Jake left you. What were you expecting anyway? You should have known you were never truly loved by Jake. The love of his life was Neytiri and it would always be, alive and walking through Pandora or dead and with Eywa.
It felt beyond weird to have to hear people talking about Jake and have to pretend he was a stranger to you, someone you barely knew, when he had actually left a mark so strong on you, a memory ingrained in your brain, a feeling, a pain buried inside your heart that made you want to scream and hit your head against a wall. That's how much it hurt.
You would never have his body against yours again, warming you up when it was cold, after you spent the whole day in that damn lab, studying Pandoran plants but all you could really concentrate on was how much you missed his reassuring, protective presence. He made you feel safe for the first time in your life. But now he is gone. Just like every single good thing you ever had in your life. But you know what? Maybe your mother was right, maybe love wasn't really something that could ever last forever.
Did Jake ever really make a real effort to be with you? Thinking back, it was extremely easy for him to just come to you and fuck you anytime he felt sad and lonely. What if you had just been a naive, dumb girl all this time? Were you mourning a love that never actually 
existed? It was always so hard to talk to him about his feelings for you, he never actually let you in, to be honest. All the time you two spent together, you were never able to know if he ever saw you as a partner or just a fuck buddy. 
Oh, but the high… it was worth all the lows. The butterflies in your stomach every time you guys were almost caught fucking in the back of your work room by Norm. Eventually you guys had to tell him about your situationship because, oh well… he already knew what was going on, really. Norm is not a fool or a child. He could add 2 plus 2.
The adrenaline was worth all the tears. And, fuck… you would do it all over again in a heartbeat.
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paintedstories · 1 year
♥ song of the story OWN MY MIND -maneskin
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gif from @yonglixx ⚠: mentions of zombies: mentions of blood and death; mentions of Felix killing zombies; mentions of his family being dead(I'm sorry 🙏 its for the plot); mentions of readers family being dead(sorry again) ⚠: can be considered a fluff story if you don't mind the theme ⚠: Survivor Lee Felix x Survivor fem reader (she/her) ⚠: In this AU skz doesn't exist, meaning, that Felix doesn't know any of the members.
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panting could be heard from the girl hidden in a long ago abandoned house.
"ahh, shit-" she breathed under her breath, exhausted from running, punching, and killing all day. She started searching carefully throughout the house, carefully to not make too much noise, walking and finding things that might be helpful. After putting all the things she found in the middle of the room, things such as cans of fruits and food, screwdrivers, knives, soap, and ladies' necessities, she decided to choose what she exactly needed and go on a run outside, maybe find some abandoned shops or hopefully a pharmacy, as she was in a new city.
while walking she stumbled across an alley and decided to go in it to rest, as she did not see or hear any of those horrifyingly disgusting creatures she sat down close to one of the big metal trash bins, fortunately for her, it did not smell that bad, as it has had not been used for at least 5 months. while she carefully opened one of the food cans she found, she suddenly heard something, or rather someone walking. Scared she rapidly put the can down and got up with her knife to kill who was coming next.
"hey- woah, woah, mate slow down, I'm peaceful!" he whisper shouted while putting his hands up making her put the knife down and look at him with a serious face. "I'm warning you if you try stealing from me, I won't hesitate to murder you," she said sternly while sitting down and starting to eat from the can. But he continued staying on guard next to her. "what are you doing?" she looked at him weirdly but he doesn't say anything, only smiles and sits next to her, after approximately 2 minutes the hands him the other half of the can that she didn't finish intentionally. "eat" she said not looking at him. "woh thanks!" he exclaimed and smiled brightly "didn't eat something non expired in ages haha" her face fell after hearing that. How, how, what happened here. she thought while slowly peeking to look at his shadowed dirty face. poor guy was all she could muster in her thoughts. "want more?" she looked at him while handing him another can, now with a different type of food. " no, no, I can't, it would be too much! I don't have anything in return!" he said while shaking his hands showing that he meant it. "No, really take it, I have more, found a house, 30 minutes away, very quiet no monsters, and it has a lot of food. maybe you would want to come with me, you know, two is better than one," she said while scratching her back of the neck.
"Really?- are you joking with me? because if not I'm coming!" he smiled while sitting up and holding his hand to her. As she took it, first time making skin-to-skin contact with the stranger she felt a spark in her heart and worms in her stomach, no she felt butterflies, she shacked her head gently and started to walk a little bit in front of him to lead the way.
On their way to the house, they chatted and found out that his name was Lee Felix, an Australian. They encountered 3 zombies too but decided to just run off, as it was night time and they wouldn't be seen.
Arrived at the house she shows him around, and he helps her to patch the broken windows and unnecessary rooms.
While searching for a good room Felix found a basement, the basement of the said house, deciding to investigate right then, as it was night and the zombies were mostly asleep and easier to kill. Big luck for them was that inside was only one, a guy, the owner of the house they declared. After y/n killed it and Felix helped by dragging it outside the house in front of the yard and throwing it on the fence, as protection from other fellow zombies, because if they smelled the blood of the said zombie on the fence they would pass the house and not get in even if heard any sounds from inside. Of course, it would smell bad but good thing that the smell didn't get too close to the house.
After rearranging the whole basement, meaning, getting all the things in the living room, then putting on a big bed for two inside the room, of course, cleaning it very well. They might have been in the apocalypse but to be clean still helps. good thing the basement was as big as the house, large enough to put some of the kitchen and bedroom furniture down, creating a little house, sadly inside the basement was only the installation for water, not the toilet too, so the bathroom remained inside the house. Not too big of a problem as the house looked like it never been touched by the filthy hands of those zombies.
"few, we're finally done!" Felix said happily while slumping on the bed."ey get your dirty butt off the bed, you need to change and shower....." she realized that the water from the bathroom didn't work anymore, only the one in the basement, the reason being that the installation was made so that water will work even without electricity, but that only in the basement. " haha shit, we got to wash with cold water" she sighed as she plopped next to the bed resting her back on the bed leg next to a now floor sitting Felix. "haha jokes on you, not washing with cold water" he laughed "then sleep on the floor"
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hey, hey, hey! my cherry's hope you liked this story if you want part two ✌ tell me master list 📃 feel free to request your deepest desires!
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erisenyo · 9 months
idk if you’ve done this already bc it fits so well but if you haven’t: “you were dead, i saw you die” for jetko?
For this prompt game! (And also this one!)
The attack when it comes descends on Zuko’s carriage from both sides with near-perfect coordination. And from above, judging by the weight landing on the carriage roof, a distinct thump amid the sudden clamor of shouting and weaponry as Zuko whips his dao from beneath the carriage seat, silently cursing the current fashion for floating, flowing layers as he gets his swords into his hands, the familiar hilts welcome and nearly foreign in his grip after so long wielding inkbrush and paper instead and Agni’s tits, has it really been that long since his last real vacation?
Zuko strains his ears, tracking the rapid sounds of the fight, his instinct to hurl himself into battle biting up against Captain Rin Mai’s constant admonishment for Zuko to please stay in one place, Your Majesty, so we can protect you.
Though judging by noise suddenly replacing the woodland quiet of the North Omashu-Chu road—
“Great hit!”
“Get ‘em, Hands!”
—it’s not Zuko who might need protecting today.
Zuko breathes up his inner flame, letting it shiver in his veins and pool in his hands as he hears Private Wang let out a low grunt and drop to the ground. He eyes the carriage door and its flimsy lock, mind flicking between a fire blast or just launching himself bodily through it and holding his fire in reserve, estimating just how much force he could barrel out with if he—
“Aw, fuck,” a clear, high voice suddenly says, “Look at ‘em, these aren’t the right guys!”
“Shit, what?”
“The uniforms are all wrong,” the voice grumbles, disgusted. “We’re gonna have to cut them loose and hope they don’t cockroach rat.”
“Are you sure?” someone else asks, doubtful. “It could be a ruse.”
“We can't be positive without an interro—”
“We are not,” a new voice cuts in, low and exasperated like he says it often and tickling the back of Zuko's brain, “Going to interrogate—”
“Because this,” the woman snaps over top as she rips open the carriage door, skipping back when Zuko whips his dao into a ready position and keeping a wary eye on him as she shouts to her companions and Agni's balls this is a girl, Zuko reazlies, looking beneath the dirt and bright streaks of paint, “Is definitely the wrong target.”
“Oh yeah?” that new voice drawls, even more familiar now in a way that has Zuko's adrenaline wanting to spike against well-worn thoughts like ‘betrayal ’ and ‘assassination' even though the context— “What makes you so sure, Greenie. I believe you, but lay it out for the rest of us.”
“Well,” the girl—Greenie?—says, sarcastic, “He is Fire, for start.”
“Oh, well then,” Jet says, stepping around the open carriage door, “You know what we do with Fire around these parts,” he continues, eyes landing on Zuko and flaring wide a bare second before his expression closes into something aloof and watchful and deceptively amused.
Zuko can only gape back, stunned, barely keeping the tips of his dao from sagging and aware his usual court-trained neutrality is nowhere to be found as Jet slowly drags his eyes over Zuko from head to toe. Maybe, Zuko thinks wildly as he takes in the slashing eyebrows and shaggy hair and age-sharpened face, the attack was actually successful and this is all some kind of dream, his mind struggling its way back to consciousness. Or maybe Zuko actually did get assassinated this time, which is going to make things unfortunately difficult for a number of people, but Zuko doesn’t know how to explain the fact that he's seeing a ghost.
“You’re not going to ask?” Jet finally prods, tone low, dangerous, hook swords dangerously easy in his hands, "What we do?"
And Zuko doesn't know that he does want to ask, that he wants to know, but even if he did he doesn't have the words, couldn't speak if he did with how dry his mouth is as his eyes bounce across the familiar breadth of filled-out-now shoulders and the hodge-podge of armor that actually fits and that knowing, would-know-it-anywhere smirk that tils Jet's lips at the silence.
“Tell ‘im, Greenie,” Jet orders, soft, eyes half-lidded and intent and so familiar, too, never wavering from Zuko’s face in a way that makes Zuko's heart trip in his throat and that’s familiar, too, and—
“We tell ‘em,” Greenie says, drawing herself up and clearly imitating Jet’s drawl and slouching ease and somehow managing the bravado to pull it off in her small frame, “That we’ll get a Fire Nation audit set on their ass unless they clear out.”  
Zuko jolts, blinking over at her in surprise, knocked out of his stupor with pure shock and gaping for an entirely different reason now as he stares at the girl, then finally back at Jet.
“We hear around here," Jet says like he was waiting for Zuko's attention, "That the Fire Lord is very strict when it comes to audits and impropriety among his ‘citizens living under Earth Kingdom jurisdiction’ these days." Jet's tone is sarcastic and mocking and laughing, his eyes sharp as they slide pointedly to Zuko’s headpiece.
“You were dead,” Zuko finally manages, shock sending the words tripping out of him, the only ones that currently matter. “I saw you die, you were dead.”
“What?” Jet frowns, taken aback enough to actually show it before he pulls his smirk back into place. “When, you weren’t there,” he says, nearly accusing.
“It was in a play,” Zuko says, numb, struggling with the wherewithal to explain right now that he was there, kind of, just early, or maybe late, depending on how you’re measuring it, “You—you got brainwashed and crushed and—” Zuko cuts off hard, gulping back the rest of the words at the way Jet’s hands tighten around his swords, corded muscle shifting along his forearms, Zuko's eyes flicking down and then catching at the faint patchwork of lines against tan skin, an array that could just be dust and dirt and the scars of living or could be—
“So the Fire Lord is getting his information from musical theater, in the new administration?” Jet finally asks, mockery back in his tone like Zuko can’t see the guarded wariness in his eyes, the ready anger, Jet’s gaze still staying fixed on Zuko even as Greenie jolts, her eyes flying wide, mouth forming a nearly comical oh of realization. "Is that an official policy? Part of the 'new era of peace and cooperation?'"
“It wasn’t—” Zuko snaps, hot and feeling himself flushing as he immediately cuts off, because…there might have been a song or two, actually. And Zuko wouldn’t say that puts the entire work into the musical theater category, but he knows that Earth Kingdom plays are generally so low on lyrical music that Jet might consider—
Jet raises his eyebrows, amused, and Zuko corrals his wayward thoughts as Jet crosses his arms, swords loose again in his hands. “Was I at least hot in it?”
“…Uh,” Zuko says, no part of him prepared to articulate ‘yes but not as hot as the actual you.’
But apparently he doesn’t have to articulate it with the way Jet’s smirk curls wide again, with the way Jet gives Zuko a smoldering, lazy once over that’s exactly the same as nine years ago on that boat in Serpent’s Pass, and Zuko swallows hard as his stomach swoops and flutters in answer like he’s sixteen again with that, too.
“We’re heading to rob a corrupt tax official, you know,” Jet suddenly says, tilting his head toward the line of curious eyes peeking around the carriage door, his eyes laughing when Zuko startles like he knows Zuko is only just noticing them. “Not Fire,” Jet smirks, amused and completely insincere as he adds with a casual wave toward Zuko’s unconscious guards, “Sorry.”
“Oh,” Zuko says, blank, rote. “Okay.” If the official isn’t Fire then Zuko can just…not care about it, for now. It’s Bumi’s problem, or—no, this far north it’s probably Lady Tang’s problem, actually, which under the treaty agreements eventually would make it Zuko's but either way, it’s not Zuko’s right now, and that’s what matters. His mind is currently otherwise occupied.
Mostly with the way Jet is watching him, eyes laughing and familiar and here.
“I hear,” Jet says, tucking a stalk of wheatgrass into his mouth and Agni, the way Zuko's stomach swoops seeing it, like in the nine years since he hasn't— “That the guy’s eating like a king, while the rest of his province has to feed off his scraps.”
Zuko stills. His breath catches, inner flame flaring into the gap in anticipation and then in answer as Jet smirks like he knows it, both of them locking eyes and ignoring the whispering behind the carriage door of, "Wait, I thought it was a lady, not—" "Shut up, idiot, do you want them to—"
“That doesn’t seem fair, does it?” Jet drawls, gazee half-lidded and intent, and Zuko licks his lips, hesitating, because the next line isn’t his. Except Jet seems to know it, too, and also the girls, because Jet nudges her without looking and she obediently, immediately pipes up, “What sort of king is sh—he eating like?”  
“The fat, happy kind,” Jet purrs, like an invitation, like a seduction, like a challenge, and Zuko is suddenly too impatient to wait for the question, exhilaration and a fuck-the-consequences kind of thrill he hasn’t been able to indulge in years flaring in his chest as he grabs the headpiece out of his hair, tucking it into his belt as he shrugs off his impractical outer robes to reveal the black, utilitarian, close-fitting garments underneath.
“I’m in,” Zuko rasps, familiar words and familiar excitement in his chest, and the feral smile on his lips familiar, too, and just like the one curling Jet’s lips in answer.
(If you'd like to imagine a grown-up Jet, my I direct you to this marvel)
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yanderecrazysie · 10 months
I remember that your one post about a reader who's willing to hide a body for her psycho lover. and all i can think of now is:
desperate for love reader x yandere abandonment issues kageyama
two lonely souls who only want someone to stay by their side, and when they did find each other. lets just say its a beautiful twisted mess.
Omigosh I love it- this is so beautifully twisted relationship-wise. I feel like this oneshot turned out kind of weirdly cheesy but I wasn’t sure how else to write it.
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Title: Desperation
Pairings: Kageyama Tobio x Reader
WARNINGS: Yandere themes, parental abandonment, referenced cheating (not on you), swearing, murder, reader’s kinda lowkey messed up
Summary: You’re just as desperate for love as Kageyama is for yours.
a state of despair, typically one which results in rash or extreme behavior:
Kageyama wasn’t sure what caused his tendency to latch onto others.
Perhaps it was his mother leaving him when he was just seven years old- walking out the door, never to return. He couldn’t comprehend that fact at that age and his father was too distraught to explain it well. So maybe it started then.
Or maybe it started when his first girlfriend cheated on him. Someone he was supposed to trust stabbing him in the back could be the cause of his clinginess, right?
Whatever it was, he couldn’t help but latch onto the girl he liked at the time. When you came along, it only got worse.
He went from liking a girl to loving her, and, when it came to you, he fell headfirst into the deep end.
He was afraid to ask you out, even if he had the feeling you might accept, because you might say no. And he couldn’t stand even the thought of losing you.
He did everything he could to keep you nearby- carrying your books for you, sitting near you, eating lunch with you, walking you home… and you accepted it all with a happy smile and light flush to your cheeks.
He was glad you accepted those offers because, if you didn’t, he might just lose it.
He wasn’t happy with being “just friends”, but he was terrified of scaring you away. He’d keep on being friends for eternity if that’s what it meant.
But then, you did the unthinkable.
You said “yes” to the first guy who asked you out. You barely even knew him!
Kageyama cursed himself for not asking you out sooner, he cursed you for saying “yes”, and, most of all, he cursed that wretched bastard for daring to take you away.
It wasn’t fair that you turned your sweet smiles and blushes to anyone but him.
Maybe that’s why he couldn’t stop himself when he got the guy alone.
A crime of passion, they might say. Too sweet a phrase for bashing a guy’s head in and planning to bury him on the school grounds with a rusty old shovel. 
The gym door creaked open behind him and his body went stiff. Would he have to kill an innocent person just to keep his secret? Would he even be able to catch them in time?
His heart sunk when he realized who had caught him. Of everyone in the school, why you?
You’d come looking for your boyfriend, and now you stopped dead in your tracks, blood draining from your face.
“Why?” you asked, so quietly Kageyama almost couldn’t hear you.
It was best to be honest, right?
“I love you,” he admitted, rather bluntly for a murderer, he thought. 
He didn’t deserve your love at all, not after what he just did. He didn’t deserve anyone’s love.
And yet, you smiled at him as though all of your prayers had been answered. As though you’d never been told you were loved, and maybe you hadn’t.
“I- I love you too!” You were dripping with eagerness, your voice breathless from the confession, giddy with excitement because somebody loved you enough to kill for you.
Kageyama was surprised by how genuine you sounded. You didn’t seem to be lying to him to stay alive. But he wasn’t complaining.
He decided to test your honesty a little more.
“Can you carry the shovel then? It’s hard to carry his body and the shovel at the same time.”
“Of-of course!” You said, just as breathlessly as before, “Where are we going?”
“To bury his body in the woods behind the school,” Kageyama replied bluntly, sure that this is where you would back out.
“Okay!” You said, as happily as if he’d asked you on a date. You practically skipped with the shovel and smiled the whole time you watched him bury your boyfriend’s body.
He never told me he loved me, and Kageyama did. That’s all I’ve ever wanted to hear.
Kageyama reached a dirt-covered hand out to you and you took it immediately. A small smile spread across his face.
“Will you do me the honor of being my girlfriend?”
“Yes!” you squealed happily.
It was like a dream to him, walking hand-in-hand with you back up to the school to wash up. To you, it was a dream just to be loved.
After all, it’s not like you truly cared for either of them.
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mcverse · 1 year
Hi can i ask a scenario wherein how would the sakamaki brothers react to a guy asking yui for a date and she says yes *bcs a sakamaki × yui were having an arguement*.
Oh look, there’s one of my vitals organs on the floor… I guess I laughed too much???
Yui! Reader dead.
The person she dared to even accept is dead.
It’s not meant to be funny but I can’t help it !!! You know what they are and what they can do. 🙃🙃
Okay but maybe I’m being to quick to assume, it could be plausible it’s anything but death… for some! Let’s see how this plays out cuz idon even know yet
Reminder: The boys (+ Mukami bros) are cute ngl and have moments of genuine affection and adoration toward reader (not really Yui! Reader — same difference tho) but they are very deadly, and that’s what I based this post off. Actually, it’s what I base all my dialovers posts off.
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Pairing: Yui! Reader x a Sakamaki Brother
Type: Scenario
Word count: 3.2K
Warning: Death, Jealousy, Possessive, Insecurities, Yandere-ish??, Yui! Reader being self sabotage maybe, torture, not spell checked
Side bar: If you can’t tell, I love dark humor. You’ve been warned. Also this is definitely a x reader blog only, so I made the post to represent that. I didn’t want to not do the post cause the ask was really good! Some are longer than others, I got way ahead of myself. Subaru is kinda shorter cuz it’s hard to write him :/
Like always, characters are aged up appropriately!
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Yui! Reader dating anyone but a Sakamki brother
Shu Sakamaki
You were a nuisance. A tiny, insignificant spec inside his world all because of that man couldn’t stop scheming. The existence of you has caused so much trouble—so many anomalies—he lost count after a while.
A human girl who couldn’t leave well enough alone. One that couldn’t obey, know right from wrong despite knowing all the facts and yet still being clueless. You made his life very difficult. He proved it to you time and time again.
Yet here he was, very out of character as he stood over your broken body. The feeling from earlier upon hearing the rumor of you leaving for someone else only now left his body. He felt like he wasn’t in control of his body during what he was doing to you.
He felt every emotion under the sun screaming at him loudly, blocking the noise of his music through his headphone. It was infuriating; he just wanted to relax. Do nothing and relax… Not break your fucking legs.
But what’s done is done.
He no longer felt this unwelcome discomfort in his chest when he saw you standing near another. It wasn’t him then. He was someone else, someone mad, someone crazy infatuated.
Shu has never been one to like someone.
So where did he fuck up?
Why did he fuck up?
He was always calm, calculated. The man he was today was driven by pure rage. Your screams in agony were music to his ears, better than any of the songs he enjoyed. Your pain, your scrunched up face and screaming, it was because of him. All because of his touch.
That thought alone satisfied him as he came down from his high, expression back to its blank slate, unreadable. He scuffs as your sound turns to whimpers and at your weak attempts to crawl away. It was almost cute… almost.
Bending down, he grips one of you legs causing a whale to leave you. Your hand instantly goes to his arm to stop him. He shakes it off him effortlessly, starring intensely at your face as he yanks you to him, you are now face to face.
With a tilt of his head, he smirks, “This is your mistake. For meddling in my life… take responsibility as I drain you of everything.” He grabs your hair, yanking back your head, “The only thought in your head should be giving yourself to me.” he finishes with the sinking of his teeth in your throat.
Reiji Sakamaki
Honestly, he thought he kneeded you into the perfect pet. At this point you should know better. His teachings should have gotten you into shape, but here you are once again being disobedient. Oh, how he detested that part of you. This hurts you more than him.. perhaps you like it?
Without missing a beat, when you arrive home he calls you to his office. This insolence has to be put to rest. You have soiled his family name, much less his pride though he would never tell.
This rumor, even though it was just that, was disgraceful. And it spread, reaching his ears. As if you would be with the trash that litter these halls. Who did they think they were compared to him. They were nothing, that’s what. You knew this. So why would you think it was okay?
Yes, it brings him great satisfaction when he saw you close in on yourself under his gaze, body trembling in fear. At least your body knows his touch, your mind still seemed to show some resistance. No worries, Reiji considers himself a excellent teacher. He was never one to give up, no matter the challenge.
“I don’t wanna hear your excuses…” he starts, getting up from his seat. On his way over to you, he grabs a cup filled with liquid and stands in front of you, pushing it towards you, “Drink this.”
Scared, you shake your head already knowing it’s something bad. You remember the last time he gave you something, the nightmares are everlasting.
Reiji inhales deeply, frowning down at you, “Drink it or I’ll shove it down your throat. I’ll be anything but gentle.” Again he pushes it to you, this time settling it in your hands after his threat weighed heavy in the air.
Cautiously you take a sip, tasting a honey dew hibiscus blend before swallowing the rest. You hand him the empty cup after, noticing no effect. It confused you, was that simply tea?
You’re question was answered shortly after when your eyes felt heavy and your body light as air. You stumbled into Reiji’s arms loosely, looking at him through blurry vision. The last thing you see is him smiling.
When you came to, you found you were strapped to a chair, in what looked to be the dungeon. How could you forget? You had the worst happen to you here, a shiver travels down your spine when you think about it.
“You’re up.” Reiji, a voice you’ll never forget, spoke behind you. You tried to turn to see him, but it was difficult. He chuckles are you attempt, walking around you to face you. Your eyes immediately notice a cloth bag in his gloved hands, the bottom cut open.
“What’s that for?” You squeeze out, heartbeat picking up.
“A lesson.” was all he said when he forces it over your head till it hang around your neck. He pulls away to walk around you again, making noise behind you. Then you heard a squeak. Your breath stills.
Please tell me that’s not a—
Reiji comes back into view, holding a rat in front of your face. It was mid size, black and ugly. You were going to cry, already feel the tears pool at your eyes.
“Reiji, please!” You shake your head, thrashing around in the chair.
He clicks his tongue, “Bad girls get punished.” He holds the bag in one hand and the rat in the holder. Inch by inch the rat gets closer to your face, thrashing in Reiji hand not liking the harsh treatment just like you.
A scream rips from your throat when he drops it on your head and quickly ties the bag.
You had to learn your place one way or another.
Ayato Sakamaki
Ayato had to have heard wrong because there was no fucking way that you chose someone other then him. Especially knowing that you were his and his alone. This rumor had to be just that, false information spreading around the school.
He knew he didn’t have anything to worry about, it was him for crying out loud. No one can compete… but he still needed to hear how wrong everyone was from the source.
He found you easily in the girls bathroom, locking the door to avoid any interruptions. It was a miracle he was thinking clearly, usually it was so unlike him. And that’s why it was scary.
His stare was intense and focused, it made you squirm under the heat of it. He taunts you with slow forward steps, making you take steps back until your back was flush against one of the walls. He caged you in between his arms immediately, decreasing your chances to escape. As if you had any to begin with..
“Ore-sama’s been hearing some things he shouldn’t, Chichinashi.” He begin, his left hand sliding down to grip one of your shoulder, “It’s not true right? You wouldn’t dare go against Ore-sama?”
“A-Ayato.” Your mouth felt dry all of a sudden. You knew what he was talking about. After having a disagreement once again between you both, you foolishly accepted a date with another. You thought it would come to nothing, little did you know that the person would spread the news like a wild fire.
His grip tightens, nails digging through your uniform into your skin, drawing blood from you. The smell was intoxicating as always to Ayato, but he was to busy seething inside to notice completely.
“It was a mistake! I didn’t mean it, I was upset. Forgive me.” You plea body trembling in both pain and fear.
A scowl stretches onto his face, his hand long left your shoulder the minute those words left your lips. Instead, they wrap around your throat, tightening as he processes your words. It came to the point, you were clawing at his hand, letting out choked gasps.
Ayato couldn’t think straight. All he can think about is you being with someone that’s not him. How dare you? Ayato should be your whole world, your first thought when you wake up and your last thought when you sleep. You should feel suffocated by his presence, otherwise he wasn’t doing his job.
Slowly he loosens his hold on you, leaving you chugging down air desperately. A few minutes pass before you glance at him, body going still when you see the huge sinister grin on his face.
“Ore-sama’s just gonna have to remind you who you belong to,” he suddenly grabs your hair and throws you on top of the faucets counter, “No matter how long it takes, everyone will know you belong to Ore-sama.” He finishes before sinking his sharp teeth into your neck with purpose.
Kanato Sakamaki
If it was any normal person, they would be heart broken and move on. But Kanato was anything but normal.
First he lets you get away with talking back to him in your argument yesterday, chosen to forgive you after you reluctantly make him snacks and now.. you had the audacity to cheat on him.
You filthy, untrustworthy mortal.
He was aware all woman were the same. Hell, he constantly reminded him despite the kind attention you gave him. He always assumed your kindness had ulterior motives. Why else would someone be kind to him? He knew he was a handful. He just didn’t care.
Now it was clear how you felt about him, there was no hiding it. There was no hiding from him. This time, you actions are unforgivable. You thought you can toy with his feelings… You’ll pay in the worst way.
When he invited you to his room, you didn’t think much of it. Somehow you were completely oblivious to the news spread throughout the school. In fact, the situation with the date was so far in the back of your head, you have forgotten it had happened. You were just upset in the moment. It was never more than just a sway of words.
That’s why after entering his room to see the person who asked lying lifeless in a pool of blood a few feet away from Kanato, were you shocked. Just a few hours ago, he was alive. Guilt quickly creeped up on you but it was shortly lived when Kanato called for your attention.
“So glad you’re here. Good to know you’re still a little obedient,” he smiles but it doesn’t reach his eyes. He points to the dead on his floor, “Remember them?” he laughs, “Of course they do! Right teddy?” he turns to the bear in his hand.
You remain still, time ticking like a bomb about to go off. Which in all honestly it could, Kanato was unpredictable and if he found out about that and this was the outcome, imagine what he would do to you.
How do you get out of this situation?
“Look at her, teddy. She’s planning something… whatever it is won’t work. No. I don’t like it.” he shakes his head, “I’d much rather your expression be twisted in pain than whatever this is…” he walks towards you, face twisting from one emotion to another before settling into a deep frown. He stops a feet away from you, your back against the door before she even realizes it.
“I do enjoy your terrified expression too, it’s adorable.” he mumbles. It felt like time froze with how long you both been staring at each other. Kanato hold on his bear tights as he stares numbly at you. It was too much, you had to say something.
“Kanato—“ your voice trails off because in a split second, a knife was lunged into your abdomen. It hurt so much, it pulsed with heat. Your mind couldn’t wrap around what was happening. Gripping the arm it was attached to, you looked the culprit in his crazed eyes, “Kan-ato..”
He sneered twisting it harshly, “Did you think you can get away with using me?! I told you I’d break you. Down to your last breath.” he yanks it out, watching your body drop to the floor, struggling to inhale.
“You’re lucky you’re pretty enough to be added to my collection,” he bends down to stab you again in your shoulder. He smiles when you haller out in pain, “To stay with me forever… you should be grateful.” he stabs your leg.
“That’s right.. look at me like that.” he repeatedly stabs you over and over until the life drifts from your eyes to nothing, “You’ll never leave me. Will you?”
Laito Sakamaki
What was this? Is his hearing finally going, has he finally reached that age? No, that can’t be it. So whst exactly was happening?
His little bitch going on a date with some that’s not him? How outrageous. Not possible. He’s the only one who can take you out on sexy rendezvous and risky trips. You liked it better when it was him. He knew that.
So why is it that hearing the rumor stirs something unsettling in him. It tugs at his undead heart and gnaws at his brilliant brain. Before he could do anything, it seeped through the cracks, drowning him.
Every memory with his mother, with every woman he encountered, every person who he thought he loved—who he thought showed him love and every betrayal he assumed or saw came full surface.
It hurt so much. He swore to never feel like this again. And it ate at his mind. If he had a breath to give, it would be ripped right out of him. He didn’t like this. He wasn’t the one in control, he wasn’t the one getting your love. He wasn’t the one playing the game. He felt like the game played… him.
When Laito found you, he all but dragged you to the roof top. A place where terrifying, haunting memories were held. The same ones that kept you on your toes, but failed you every time.
Laito was uncharacteristically quiet, his back turned to you as he stared out into the open planes. It could have been a pleasant sight if you didn’t know what kind of monster he really was.
“Y’know, little bitch.” he starts, taking his hat off to run his free hand through his hair, “There was only one other time I truly loved someone to the point of hate. All the others… they weren’t real.”
Hearing where this conversation was heading, you reach back to grip the handle when a gasp leaves you. No longer were you standing in front of the door, instead Laito has you dangling off the rails of the school on your toes. His right hand was twisted into your uniform shirt, the only thing keeping you from falling.
Quickly, you grab his arm, tears swelling in your eyes as you see the sad expression on his face. It squeezed at you heart, but maybe that was actually the fear of falling.
“Lait-o please!” You lean forward into his touch.
He clicks his tongue, shaking his head at your attempt to sway him. He knew this scene all too well. The first was hard on him, he drowned himself in body after body. No doubt this would be the same. It didn’t bring him the same joy as his usual actions did. This time he truly felt torn.
“Little bitch,” he draws in your attention and you lock eyes, “It doesn’t bring me joy from this. I would have rather spent the rest of our lives together… exploring each other but I can’t tolerate the betrayal.”
It only dawned on you what he was talking about. From the start of this interaction you thought he was being moody but you should have known; play your cards just a little better but it was too late. With a easy unraveling, he lets you go with a gentle push and watches as you descends to the floor.
So many emotions raved through him as he did. He wanted to grab you back and tell you it was a joke. But he stays in place when he hears a loud splat and a pierced scream.
He couldn’t even bring himself to peek before he left. You brought up to many bad memories, how could he forgive you?
Subaru Sakamaki
Subaru really couldn’t stand you. From the moment you entered their home and disrupted his peace. It was always something with you. Always needing saving from someone or something, always needing to be reminded that you were beneath him and everyone in this house.
Yet you seem to not understand it or that you do but you completely throw it to the wind, whatever the reason it pissed him off. All your stupid attempts to get close to him, to try and understand him… to get him to open up.
Then, despite his constant attacks on you, he actually grew some form of attachment. The thought of you sicken him, but the thought of you gone made him mad more. You disgusting, weak human did something to him.
So when he heard the rumor of you agreeing to date someone else. It was like… something broke in him. All his thoughts consumed him, he was a monster. Less than trash. His mother didn’t want him nor his father. Why would you?
He didn’t even like himself sometimes. It’s no surprise the time you have another argument, you agree to date someone else. If he was in your position, he’d run to. Run so far, the chances of anyone catching him was slim to none. But you weren’t that good at running… actually, you couldn’t really run after he caught you.
There was a permanent snarl on his face as he stares down at you. A chained collar secured tightly around your neck, identical to the ones around your wrist. If Subaru wasn’t so aggravated, he could have enjoyed seeing you ruined.
He grips the knife in his left hand, which drips of your blood, “Shut up!” he shouts, listening to your whimpers, “You brought this on yourself. Stupid.. You just don’t learn.”
He moves to crouch in front of you, lifting your head up by the chin, “I told you you’ll die if you stay here.” His left hand raises as he speaks and makes another slash across your skin.
You groan loudly with shut eyes, shaking as he does it again… and again, and again till more and the same wounds bleed profoundly. It was agonizing, with how many hours he’s been at it. It felt like he was never going to lighten up his assaults.
But a miracle shines on you when he pulls away and drops the knife. He stands over you for minutes, chest heaving up and down. You never understood why they pretended to breathe, but you weren’t in the position to question.
There you laid out like a doll. So broken, bruised and bloody. Almost beyond repair. Subaru smiles at that acknowledgment. As much as he was tempted to tear your throat out, the smell of your blood begging him to drain you dry till you were foaming at the mouth; this would have to do.
”I told you… you’ll die.” was the last thing he said before leaving the dungeon, locking it on the way out.
Fuck he hated you.
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DL Masterlist
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sensei-venus · 1 year
That alpha Miguel post was great 🤤
It made me think of alpha hawk who just wants a mate so bad but he hasn't found the right omega yet which bums him our bc he wants a pretty omega and some pups already 😓
And then one day he's hanging out with hks friends at thenmall or smtg and he sees chubby omega reader walking in a pretty sundress and he thinks she has the most perfect breeding hips and her scent is so nice and he just fucking bails on his friends to go talk to her bc that's her, that's his omega
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(Unedited) (This isn’t really NSFW-ish,sorry)
“So how's the work at the dojo going? Miguel was telling me about it earlier on the phone.”
Sam said picking at her tray of mall fries, Miguel was busy trying to shove a hand-sized pretzel down his throat next to her. Demetri was busy meaning around on his phone, and Robby was chowing down on a thing of noodles next to him. Hawk rolled his eyes as he sat back in the mall's hard metal chair. He huffed as he looked at the shorter girl.
“It's going pretty good actually. Besides doing classes, Johnny and Daniel put me and Miguel on doing the summer camp this year. Whole shebang, Daniel even updated the campground and everything at the cabins.” Hawk preened a little at the success. Its been over two years of working at the dojo and three years out of highschool. He was proud of how far he had come.
Sam smiled at him saying “That’s great! I knew you guys where going to move up. I know you guys did camps last year how was that? You guys started doing elementary school classes too right?” Haw nodded at her. His mind flashed back to the previous year at the summer camp.
Hawk had been a bit nervous at the idea of taking on such young pups. They were so small and balls of energy at that age too. That energy was used well during classes, he thought it was funny to see a room full of tiny pups do two hours of karate before basically passing out on the mats for a long overdue nap.
“You know since we are on the topic-”
“If you bring up pups I'm not going to hear it.”
Sam pouted as Hawk shut her down. He didn't want to hear about how she and her wife were trying to have pups. They started trying about a month ago with IVF stuff, sadly both of them were omegas so they had to find other options to start their family.
Sam also knew Hawks luck with omega’s. After his failed relationship with Moon back in high school he didn't have much luck after that. He also realized Moon was never his mate, at least not his true one. Moon was pretty and nice and a great omega but she was missing something that not even Hawk could pinpoint. They both knew it and went their separate ways on food terms. But after that Hawk didn't have much of a dating life after that, a few one-night stands but nothing official.
Deep down it upset him and even made him a little bit depressed to be alone like that. Not not have someone by his side to love, the alpha instinct to have a mate and protect them. It eat away at him and he used anger as a way to deflect outsides like Sam.
Miguel spoke up saying “Me and my wife where thinking about having some soon, we just moved into the new house so there is room now. We haven’t really decided, we are thinking about just letting it happen? Not really fully planning for it I guess.” He shrugged. Hawk rolled his eyes as he looked at Demetri who was finally off his phone for a moment.
“Don't ask me-”
“I'm not in this discussion either, leave me out of it.” Robby side-eyed the group as he finished his noodles. Both Demetri and him where a dead end on the idea of pups in the first place. Both of them are not really interested in the idea at the moment. No one blamed them, Demetri was in his own little world with his girlfriend and Robby had no clue about small pups in the first place.
Hawk huffed as they sat at the table for a while, more small talk going on but Hawk choose to tone them out.
The group later got up and left the courtyard to explore the great of the mall. Hawk was just happy that they could get passed the conversation on mates and pups.
His mind was focused on following the group as they walked around the slightly busy mall. But something made him start looking around frantically. He stopped mid-step before looking around the area, the rest of the group not noticing and continued walking. Leaving the alpha behind.
He turned up his nose as he sniffed the air. There where hundreds of different scents that filled the air but one was making his head spin and pulling him. It filled his nose and made his heart thump harder in his chest. It was sweet and warm, it almost felt like it could coat his lungs like warm soft butter. It was like a sweet cream almost. His eyes looked around as he sniffed harder, trying to find the source of the scent.
Finally, he locked onto the omega that was steadily pumping out the scent.
She probably didn't even know she was doing it. She definitely didn't smell like she was on any one of suppresents with how thick her scent was.
He really couldn't help the way he was checking her out from afar. She was breathtaking, she had on a frilly sun dress that fit her perfectly and moved and swayed with the slightest movement.
Shit and her hips, wide and filling out the dress perfectly so he could see all of her. Hips thick and filling, he could practically already feel the way they molded under his hands as he felt her up. From the view he had her ass matched her hips, big and fat. His mouth watered not only from her scent but the view he had of her. He couldn't help but cut across the open mall area, passing and bumping into people as he jogged over to her.
Her sweet scent only got stronger the closer he got to her.
She finally turned around a bit more so he could see her fully. She was thick and wide all over. Fluffy stomach and thick arms, round cheeks, and full lips that were turned up in a small smile as she looked around. Her eyes seemed to almost glimmer as she looked at the mall's shops.
Suddenly he felt too close.
Maybe because he was less than a foot away from her now and her scent was making his mouth water.
“I uh think you dropped this.”
Her voice was like sugar as it filled his head.
“Oh yeah thanks, didn't even notice I dropped it. The names Hawk by the way.”
“I'm guessing it's because-”
“Yep it's the hair.”
She giggles as he points the his short mohawk that he was still rocking from highschool.
Their talk was long and they ended up walking around the mall with one another. He found out she was new to the area and was trying to get acclimated to the new place. The mall seemed to be the perfect place to explore first.
Hawk couldn’t take his eyes off of her the whole time. It was like she was pulling him in with every second he spent talking to her, standing next to her. She was so nice it was hard not to just look away for a split second.
It wasn’t until over two hours later when he felt his phone vibrate in his pocket. He quickly pulled it out and checked his messages. There where about five or so texts in the group chat he was in with everyone.
“Hey where did you go?”
“Dude you did not ditch us.”
“Was this because of the whole pup conversation? It’s stupid you would just leave because of that.”
He could only smirk as he spared a glance over at the chatty happy omega that was walking next to him. He moved a bit closer to her, their shoulders brushing together.
She didn’t move away from the action.
He smirked back down at his phone as he started texting back.
“That might not be a issue soon enough. I ditched you guys for better stuff. Talk to y’all later.”
He shoved his phone back into his pocket after he sent the text.
He ignored the new frantic vibration’s of his phone as he leaned in closer to the Omega for the time being.
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insertyourselfhere · 1 year
Body Swap Part 3
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AN: Sorry for taking so damn long, there's a bit of a gap here in the story as it doesn't follow their whole journey, just because its almost filler like if I want to later ill do some in-between bits as one shots but I know we want to actually see Gwen and Y/N Interacting so I'm trying to get us to that point which I did! Also the timing in this fic from ITSV and ATSV are off but meh.
Description: It was starting to get tedious now, it had been a few months at least of you swapping with Gwen, being able to talk to her in your mind and nothing else developing. You and Gwen had tried on a number of occasions to work out what your existential crisis was that was stopping you both from moving on with your lives. Gwen had told you her tragic story and you had told her yours, about your parents, your uncle, even your Aunt was involved trying to help both of you out. It was hard to admit at first but you had grown some sort of feelings towards the girl, its hard not too when she’s in your head almost all the time. Thankfully you hadn’t thought that out loud to her just yet but there had been a couple times that you were almost caught slipping. You’ve had to lie a few times saying its about a girl in your dimension but played it off and changed the subject. Everything was continuing like normal, or so you thought.
It was the day before you guys swapped bodies on your usual rotation, you laid in bed ready for the next day to come when you swapped over with Gwen. You reflected a little about what you and Gwen had been talking about, what has happened over the last few months and there were no changes. You rolled onto your back staring at your ceiling.
‘Can’t sleep?’ You heard in the back of your mind, seems like you weren’t the only one.
‘Not really I’m just confused’
‘Same’ She said softly.
‘Okay well how about this, lets kill the time, I know all about the tragic backstory that is Gwen Stacy and I know I’ve lived as you as well but in your own words tell me about you. What makes you tick, what are your favorite things to do’
(A/N: This might get a little OC here cause Ive never read any of the Gwen Stacy comics so I don’t know much about actual Gwen so this will be just from what I think she would like)
‘Okay sure lets do that! At a super young age I did gymnastics, dad taught me and got me involved when I was 4, I also was heavily involved in ballet too. I always wanted to be a ballerina when I was growing up but who didn’t at such a young age’
‘I still want to be a ballerina those moves you can pull off are out of this world’ You said and you heard her chuckle.
‘I guess it goes with my fighting style though I would love to teach you one day’ She said, you smiled at those words hoping they would come true.
‘Please do, if that means I get to actually see you and not me you, you get me?’ She laughed again and you wouldn’t get sick of hearing that ever.
‘So because I started growing up, managed to get some teen angst going I wanted to do something different, my whole attitude on life changed, I got these powers, I didn’t know how to deal with all this added pressure so I joined a band’
‘Ah yes the Mary Janes! I was wondering how that came about, you just needed a distraction’ You asked knowing full well what that meant, that’s why you joined the football team, You needed a distraction yourself.
‘Yeah actually, I was struggling with who I was, being Spider-Woman and Gwen Stacy’
‘It is a lot of pressure but I can tell you with all my heart that you are killing it’
‘Thanks Y/N I needed to hear that’ The line went quiet and you could feel yourself slowing starting to fall asleep.
‘Hey I got a spider emergency! I gotta go but get some rest okay’
‘Be safe Gwen, Don’t rough them up too much’ She chuckled and it went dead silent.
You managed to stay awake for a couple minutes before Your eye lids grew heavy and you succumb to sleep.
The next morning you woke up only to notice you were still in your bed. You woke up startled throwing your legs off your bed and walking towards your bedroom door opening it and looking at your Aunt.
“Morning Gwen” She said so used to this charade you 2 had, you gulped knowing it was the next day, you saw the date on your phone and looked back at your Aunt.
“Not Gwen” You said and her head shot up. It has been more than 6 months at this point that you had started swapping with Gwen, nothing seemed to stop it, nothing seemed to hint towards it ever slowing down and then one day it just stopped.
“Not Gwen?” She asked walking towards you with her hand out, you grabbed it nodding saying it was you and you didn’t know how to feel.
“Amazing it’s finally stopped! Now you can go back to living your normal spidey life” She said with a little hooray and then a sip of her drink, Your Aunt turned around towards the kitchen table where you could see a 2nd coffee cup laid out.
She picked it up ready to pour out the drink and you could see her hand shaking, you quickly ran over to her to help with the cup and she let out a small sob.
“I am so happy for you that you don’t have to go through this anymore but she was around so often it’s like she was apart of our little family you know” You slowly shook your head and hugged your aunt.
“I’m not happy” You said quietly in your Aunts shoulder, you both pulled away and you had small tears in your eyes. “Neither am I” She finally admitted to you. You slumped in the chair in the kitchen and looked at your Aunt. You were devastated. “Have your little telepathic abilities stopped working too?” You shrugged your shoulders but focused on trying to reach out to her.
‘Gwen can you hear me?’ You asked, your face concentrating to push your sub consciousness out there hoping to get a response. After a few minutes of silence nothing came back. You stood up with a frustrating sigh and leaned over the kitchen counter.
“Nothing?” Your aunt asked rubbing your back, you shook your head. You didn’t know what else to do, you couldn’t even think straight, your alarm started going off symbolising you had to go to school but you just didn’t have the heart to get up. It’s almost like you had genuinely lost a part of yourself, it had felt very unfinished.
“We are taking the rest of the day off today, you and me I think we need this…”
“What if something happened?” You ask out loud cutting off your aunt. “What if something’s happened and she needs me?” You said looking at your aunt.
“There’s nothing you can….”
“Don’t finish that sentence, there’s something I can do I am a Spider, I have all these powers I have to be able to do something” Your aunt could see the hurt in your eyes, the panic, every emotion flashing through you all at once worried that the absolute worst thing happened.
“Y/N look, I don’t understand your situation at all, I honestly couldn’t think of anyone in the entire world could really to relate to your feelings but all I can tell you is that Gwen is one of the toughest girls I have ever met. She is fine, maybe you figured out whatever the universe was telling you or your no longer needed to heal her very broken heart.” You Aunt said smiling softly.
“But mines broken now…” You said quietly. Your aunt gave you a look and you shuffled your feet. “Okay she’s fine, we did what we needed to do, whatever that was and she’s safe in her dimension.” Your aunt nodded and you smiled a little.
“I’m gunna get ready and go to school. Just to distract myself a bit today” You said, your aunt nodded. “I will be mourning the loss of a daughter so I’ll be here quietly sobbing over the cup I bought her” You giggled a little knowing your aunt was joking but only a tiny bit, you could see she was just as hurt as well so you hugged her again.
“She’s fine, she doesn’t need us anymore we fixed her broken heart” You both smiled and walked away doing your own things. You headed to school getting ready for your first class pulling out the books you needed. You saw the drawings, pictures, difference in handwriting even in all your books and smiled. As you went through wondering from class to class you failed to notice an unwanted guest appear out of nowhere.
As you were heading towards gym you heard commotion coming from some other students. “quick everybody evacuate theres a guy in a rhino suit running rampant around the school!” As students began to pile out of the gym and into the hallways running towards safety you ran around a corner and did the opposite trying to find your stashed suit. You ran into the bathroom, lift up one of the tiles on the roof and promptly changed into your suit.
“A man in a Rhino suit? We don’t have that here we have a lady who’s half rhino half human.” You managed to find all the commotion and saw a couple of kids in the way.
“Quick get out of here!”
“Spidey thank you!” They all ran out, you could feel the building shaking and hear walls crumbling.
“Hello tiny spider” He said as he walked around the corner, and sure enough it was a big buff dude in a rhino suit.
“Look I don’t know what your doing here, but I need to get to gym and your in my way” You got into your signature pose.
“Get out of the way tiny spider, I need to go home!” You looked confused for a split second but immediately knew what the issue was. ‘He’s not from this dimension, Im gunna have to lock him up tight and stop him from hurting anyone’ You thought quietly to yourself. A tiny part of you was hoping you would hear Gwen voice in your head again but it was no where to be found. Rhino charged towards you, without missing a beat you punched him clean in the jaw and he was knocked out cold.
“Wow that was….NO don’t say that, it never works out well when you put things like that into the universe.” You webbed up Rhino and dragged him outside, as you got outside a hexagon shaped portal opened up in front of you, you let go of Rhino and folded your arms only to be met with a lady who had a motorbike and an afro.
“Oh hello! You must be the Spider of this dimension” You unfolded your arms feeling the tingle as soon as you saw her.
“I am! The names Y/N” She walked up and shook your hand. “Nice to meet you Im Jessica Drew, I see you caught the guy I’m here for, relatively easy it seems to” You gave a modest look but shrugged your shoulders.
“It was nothing” You said with a small smile under your mask.
“Look, Miguel is totally going to hate me but I think you should come with me” She said gesturing to the portal behind her, you looked in and saw nothing but a tube looking thing.
“In there? That looks like death?” You said pointing at the portal. “I promise it’s not, I’ll explain once we get there but I think you should come with me” She said, you shook your head knowing you shouldn’t follow strangers into very suspicious portals but all that was going through your head was Gwen.
“This might be my only chance to find her” You said out loud. “Find who?” She asked and you coughed and walked into the portal not realising you were talking out loud. As soon as you stepped in you were teleported to a new world.
Once you landed Jessica following behind you, your face dropped, you took your mask off staring at the Nueva York. It was so futuristic and chrome, very shiny, everything was shiny it was burning your retina’s.
“Come on I want you to come meet Miguel” You follow Jessica until you came to a high tech room in a dark looking alley. He even looked like a bad guy, his aura oozed “I am a villain” but even you were slightly jealous of his gym regime whatever it was cause dude looked good.
“Jessica what did you do?” You blocked out their argument taking in the sights and sounds around you. They started bickering and you felt a little awkward to be standing there, it was like you were a child getting scolded from your parents for ditching school.
“Look they’re here and I know Y/N will do a fantastic job, plus with the large amount of animalities running around thanks to 1610 we need all the help we can get”
“We have over 1500 different peters you think this other variant will help out”
“They’re a lot stronger than most of the others Peter’s surprisingly took down Rhino with a swift punch”
Your feet shuffled and you looked down taking in the compliments Jessica was throwing your way. Miguel looked at you and threw up his hands.
“Whatever, kid heres your watch go hang around I’ll call you if I need anything” Jessica smiled and you looked at the watch in your hand, you put it on and started walking out hearing Jessica and Miguel start up again.
You made your way out and went to sit at the top of the tower which seemed to be everyone’s favourite spot it seems. You met a couple of the other Spider, a few peter parkers…a lot of peter parkers actually, your favourite though had to be the T-rex running around.
Your world was 1405 as deemed by the I guess lords of the multi-verse, you weren’t too sure how it worked but you kinda just rolled with it, you wanted to make sure Gwen was okay but deep down you knew she was, for now you would go about your business and hopefully save some other worlds, who can put that on their resume.
“Alright Y/N ready for your first mission” You looked at your watch and saw Jessica on the other end of it.
“As ready as I’ll ever be” you said holding the watch up.
“Alright this one’s easy so I’ll be going with you but mostly to observe” She said with a small smile, you nodded your head and typed in the co-ordinates she sent you.
15 minutes later
You and Jessica were standing next to each other back in the Spider Society, you had your web wrapped around the prisoner and she stood next to you with the biggest surprise look on her face.
“Okay that was very quick, you are very efficient” She said and you just stood there nodding holding onto your villain. He started to groan and you knocked him out again with a swift punch.
“Alright well um go hang around, catch more sights and I’ll get back to you with another mission” You could tell she was still stunned, she didn’t really know what to do but walked away with your prisoner attached. You made your way back up to the top of the building again however instead of sitting you made the rounds, getting to know other people and know who all the different Spiders you could. After a couple hours of wondering around, getting lost and meeting MORE people you finally got another call but it wasn’t from Jessica. It was from Miguel’s Ai friend LYLA.
“Hey could you go help Miguel over on world 65 please” You were shocked at first to hear that you were going to help Miguel but You didn’t even hesitate you immediately input that number and jumped straight into the portal. As you exited the portal you went straight towards the parchment vulture in front of you and punched him square in the jaw.
“Nice!” You said, Miguel got up from his rubble and walked over to you, “Good punch rook alright lets take this guy down” You got your fist’s ready to fight with Miguel not taking in your surroundings fully (You should really work on this btw) when a quiet familiar voice hit your ears.
“Y/N” Your head whipped around so quickly but before you could say anything vulture had punched you right back sending you into a pillar.
“That wasn’t nice, okay rook new plan” Miguel said as he shot you with one of his webs and flung you towards vulture, you managed to clock him again but this time he was ready, he grabbed your arm and readied one of his wings, but before he sliced you with it you saw a web holding it back and Gwen had kicked him in the back of his head causing him to go crashing in the ground.
“Your moves are so much better when you do it” You said towards Gwen, she gave you a quick fist bump and you both propelled down.
“Do you 2 know each other” Miguel said pointing at both of you “It’s a long story we’ll explain later but right now he needs to go back” You said pointing at vulture.
“So whats this guys deal anyway” Gwen said asking you, you managed to talk while fighting and dodging all the vultures attacks.
“Well he’s made of parchment so you can assume he doesn’t belong here.” Gwen rolled her eyes “I gathered that much this isn’t my first run in with the multi-verse” She said kicking a few rocks towards the vulture who dodged all but 1.
“This isn’t your first run in?” You asked, she gave you a look and you nodded your head. “Oh right yes us” She webbed towards the vulture holding his wings down and punched him again, he broke free clambering up the pillar up into the night sky, Miguel went after him attacking him leaving you and Gwen alone.
“So crazy that we didn’t swap bodies right?” You said looking at her. “I actually have an excuse for that” She said and you looked at her intently.
“The night before we usually swap I was out fighting one of my villains when a portal opened up and sucked me in, I was blown into another dimension that had this really cool Spider-Man named Miles” You looked shocked, so because she wasn’t in her universe you couldn’t swap. Makes sense.
“I’ll tell you the rest of the story later” she said as she webbed away, you looked up to see a helicopter flying down towards you, both Miguel and Gwen had managed to get their webs under it to slow it down you jumped on a rock that was sticking up and stood waiting for the impact of the helicopter when its nose reached the palm of your hands you used your strength to push against it and put a stop to it. Everyone started cheering, Miguel grabbed vulture and you were both getting ready to leave, you wanted Gwen to come with so you asked Miguel to wait. When you looked up though you couldn’t see her anymore but you could hear shouting.
 “She needs to come with us she’d be an asset to the team” You said to Miguel, he looked at you and grunted before jumping up there, you followed after him witnessing Miguel throwing one of his barriers on the ground and tying up George Stacy. You walked over to Gwen who looked frightened and grabbed her shoulders gently.
Miguel opened a portal and threw vulture in it, he turned around to you and Gwen and asked. “So what’s it going to be kid?” He said, she nodded, Miguel gave her a watch and jumped in the portal. You followed after him but looked back at Gwen and George, your heart breaking for both of them.
As soon as both you and Gwen got back to universe 928 she let out a big sigh of relief and her legs collapsed under her. She was on the verge of tears but you could see that she was fighting the urge to let them fall.
“Hey” You said.
“Hey yourself” She said wiping away her tears, you couldn’t believe that you had managed to find her. You were so relieved but you could see all the mending you guys had down over the last few months was slowly starting to break all because her dad found out who she was.
She pulled off her mask and you saw half her head was shaved.
“Whoa! That’s new!” You said looking at her new haircut, she looked at it and rolled her eyes.
“It’s a long story but I had to shave it”
“I like it, it suits you” You said looking at her hair, she tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and looked away, she coughed and turn back to you.
“Thank you, I think we owe each other an explanation” She said trying to change the subject, but you being dense didn’t notice.
“Y/N Show the newbie around Ill put our prisoner away, you owe me an explanation for how you 2 know each other by the way.” He started walking away and you looked back at Gwen.
“Come follow me Ill introduce you to everyone!” You grabbed Gwen’s hand and pulled her towards everyone.
“Hey Y/N!” You walked pass a group of Peters and waved towards them. “Hey Peter this is Gwen!” They all waved and went back into their groups.
“Wow there sure a lot of Peter’s”
“Yeah Peter seems to be the most common canon, there are a very rare amount of us that aren’t Peters but I guess there’s almost an infinite amount of universes so there’s infinite possibilities” you replied looking back at Gwen who was taking everything in
“This place is so big” she said in awe watching all the other spiders running around
“This is the lobby” You replied whispering in her ear.
“Your kidding” She said turning back to you with her eyes wide.
“Not even in the slightest, here Ill show you where I like to hang out!”
You took her to the tallest building and hung out at the top looking down at Nueva York. You didn’t know how you felt about the whole situation but was surprised about how the whole situation went down, you had a crazy 48 hours that’s for sure. Shoot you didn’t check in with your Aunt. You both sat down over the edge of the tower, she looked down at her watch and then looked back at you.
“I guess I owe you an explanation it seems” You looked back at her and then back to the view.
“Nah, you’re safe that’s all I care about” You said looking away, she smiled and hit your shoulder gently.
“I’m so happy I can finally do that as me and not looking at you in the mirror” She said looking out towards the skyline again, she tucked her leg up towards her face and leant on it.
“It’s weird, I’ve seen you so much the past few months but not like this, its nice” You replied smiling.
“I know you said I don’t owe you an explanation but I have to tell you what happened it was crazy!” You folded your legs and shuffled so you were looking at Gwen as she told you all about her trip to 1610. She told you about Miles, about how what happened to her hair, you couldn’t help but laugh at that part knowing full well how hard it was to control your powers when you first got them.
She told you about Peter B Parker, Penni, Spider-Ham and Spider-Noir, You could see how happy she was about her little band of misfits. Maybe you and your Aunt had managed to heal her enough that she let herself open to gain other friends.
She told you about the collider, how Miles came through and gained the ability to somewhat control his powers, she showed you a photo of him on her phone and she was smiling.
“Gwen that sounds like a long week you had” She giggled and then an idea formed.
“Hey can we take a photo” You looked shocked but you nodded. You got ready but she leaned into your side and smiled, you followed suit as she took the picture.
“Thank you” She said looking down at her phone “So what happened to you” You laughed and looked ack at her “Oh nothing, an anomaly came through while I was at school, I knocked him out, Jessica saw my potential and I got recruited. That’s about it” She laughed hearing how easy your time was compared to hers.
“Y/N, Gwen theres a couple of people I need you to come meet” Miguel said over the watch, you both got up and headed towards his Spider-Cave, his fortress off Spidertude, his lair? And were met with what seems like a familiar face to gwen but someone knew.
“Y/N This is Hobie Brown! You’ll be working with him in the upcoming missions. This Spider over here is Peter B Parker” You saw Gwen hugging the other Peter who was surprised to see him so soon.
“Gwen when did you get here!”
“Today actually Y/N came and helped me”
“Is this the famous Y/N I’ve heard so much about hey! The one you’ve been swapping bodies with” You looked shocked that Gwen told someone that and she was blushing furiously.
“Shut it Parker” He laughed and swung towards you.
“Nice to meet you buddy I’m Peter”
“Y/N” You said shaking his hand, You shook a little too hard and he winced.
“Strong grip I like it, you were right they are very…” Before Peter could finish what he was saying Gwen webbed his mouth and he glared at her.
“Anyway cute reunion, Gwen you’ll stay here and train with Jessica, Y/N you’ll head out with Hobie, theres a Kraven In the wrong universe I need you guys to go get” You nodded and started walking with Hobie, you looked back and saw Gwen, she gave you a small wave and you waved back. With an extra hop in your step you turned towards Hobie.
“Dude love your hair”
“Thanks its natural”
“How does that fit under your…”
“Hammer Space” He said and you shook it off, you both input the co-ordinates and were off to another dimension.
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prettyboy-like-you · 2 years
2276 words, EXPLICIT, POV billy, period-typical homophobia/slurs, past promiscuity, angst, emotional hurt/comfort, car sex, billy hargrove cries during sex, steve harrington is a sweetheart, boys in love.
written as a gift for lyd my beloved <3 @stevewhoreington
Running never made a lick of difference. It was still there, looming. Biding its time. Always lurking like a trench coat-creeper just around the next corner, no matter how far he ran. Breathing heavy, waiting. Because unlike Billy, it could be patient. So very patient. It was his personal stalker, The Longing. The murderous type. Some sorta desire cannibal—and Billy was its prey. No matter what, it always came looking. Would seek Billy out, no matter where he hid or however many times he would run from it, it followed. Hunted Billy down for sport, it seemed
Billy Boy Blue, dirty little fag, sweet-still-not-sixteen and always wanting what you shouldn't.
So, Billy The Wretch, he played his part in the stomach-turning game and he ran. Sprinted so fast he could've won a damn medal. Oh, because Billy, he wanted what The Longing had on offer. Wanted it more than 'most anything. Billy wanted so much it hurt his insides. Like chewing and trying to digest crystalline glass. Like if he could just breathe in deep enough he'd be able to smell its heady scent, if he only licked his lips X amount of times he'd taste it pricking like spice on the tip of his tongue. Didn't even know why he wanted so bad, not really. Why it was he craved that kind of touch, why he needed the way he did. Only knew it was the same sort of deal as his body needing food or water or oxygen; a biology that just was.
Girls didn't take the edge off. Nowhere close. It was wild. And it got so much, being taunted, being wanted by The Longing, too much, an angry need, and Billy just couldn't take it any longer, having only the emptiness to keep him company every minute of every hour of every day. The nothingness being the only one to ever wrap arms around him. Ghost-dead arms. He just got so fucking tired of it. So, so much more tired than any kid should be, so tired that in the end he caved, giving in to it just to fucking survive.
Billy knew a lot about survival. 
When he slowed down enough to allow that fucker to find him, is when Billy had the revelation: there'd never really been a thing as hopeful as choice, not for him. And in knowing he hadn't had a chance, never granted so much as a fair crack at a game he'd never even asked to play, Billy then swan-dived into it so drastically that the thing was forced to consume him fully, absolutely. It chugged him down and swallowed him whole—and Billy was gonna make sure it fucking choked on him. Billy Hargrove was nothing if not flush with spite. 
That's how he found himself wide open and hiding in plain sight in the not-so-loving arms of those hot, hot Cali nights; shirtless and high and strung out like filthy ripped-denim bunting strewn around the streets of downtown San Diego. Ushered into a lonely playpark after sundown. Shushed and pushed down dirty alleyways. In the shadows, that's where he’d wait for them; Men. Never other boys. Never anyone his own age. Nobody who would want anything more. No, he'd wait for men twice his age, thrice his size and almost as desperate as he was, just as his queerboy nature had waited for Billy Boy Blue to succumb to it. And those men—so many men—they always came for Billy. 
These days when he hears the siren song Billy answers without quite so much thought. Call and response. Day-O. Not that there ain't still a fight just underneath the surface of his skin. There's always that. But as much as it might surprise him, and it does, maybe it was inevitable, him clinging to this. To being wanted by other guys—no. No, being used, is what it is. Honestly. It's being used up and spat back out. No change given, no receipt.
And at once, in the here and now, it's dawning on Billy like dead flowers in the morning sun: if ever he'd taken the time to look at the thing, to really look at it, he'd have seen he knew the truth all along.
There is nothing else for him.
Now here he is in Hicksville, Indiana, not-quite eighteen and knowing his garbage existence is spiralling even further down Life-with-a-capital-L's disposal drain. So. The things Billy finds himself clinging to even tighter than the things he's not supposed to want? Pain. Rage. As if they're gonna be the knights in shining armour to save his damsel-ass in this shitty story of his that no self-respecting cunt would wanna read. From all of this. From himself.
Billy has always been a coward. Ever since—ever since Her. Since she did the double-up on him. Since she switched off and let her light go out of his life forever by taking off and leaving Billy Boy Blue's sorry ass behind. 
Harrington doesn’t know any of this though. Nobody does. Nobody will. And nobody should anyways because Billy, he shouldn't be so pathetic. He’s supposed to suck it up and shut the fuck up not moon over it, not be a little pussy while he's getting his boy-pussy railed. And he certainly shouldn't be moaning through this feral fucking need of his like some frilly pink-pantied cheerleader, hell.
Never did know what was good for you, boy.
But Steve, he’s gripping Billy’s hips like sex is going out of fashion, fingers bruising into Billy’s freckled flesh as his own hips snap forward again, stuffing Billy full of long, thick cock. His tongue, it's in Billy’s ear, licking it out, fucking it and sucking it into his warm, wet mouth.
“You like that, huh baby?” he mumbles around a mouthful of lobe, saying shit he shouldn't be saying.
You love it, whore.
Breaks the spell.  
Billy reaches behind himself and, finding what he’s feeling around for, shoves three fingers into Steve’s runaway mouth until the King is almost gagging on them.
“Shut up and fuck me, Harrington. And not the way you fucked her, neither. Fuck me like a goddamn man.” As if this is the first time they’ve screwed around, ha. The King and Wheeler have been split for half the school year now.
There you go again.
As if Steve and Billy are anything like Steve and Nancy. As if. There is no Steve and Billy. 
Then Steve's man-handling him, all tough-guy and that's—that's absolutely not what Billy was expecting.
Shoving Billy down, rough, Steve pulls out of him abruptly and before Billy can even begin to mourn the sudden emptiness of his gaping asshole he’s being flipped over, bare shoulder blades hitting the expensive blood-red leather seats of Steve’s Beamer with a loud slap. Billy loves it, actually, because of course he does—dick leaping and leaking for it—yet he also instantly regrets asking for it because now flat on his back they’re face-to-face and. Yeah, no. Billy’s not ready for that. Will never be ready for that. But roomy as the backseat is, Billy is still wedged in pretty tight between that and the front seats; having Steve’s full weight now bearing down on him means there’s no real means of escape. 
Like you really want one.
“Wanna turn back over,” Billy lies.
“No. You don’t,” Steve informs him and why the fuck does fucking Harrington have to know exactly what it is Billy wants?
Billy can’t deal with this. He struggles to move, but Steve. He knows Billy's heart isn’t in it.
Because the boy above you is holding your glass heart oh-so-gently in his pretty cupped hands like it's something precious, even as it pumps away uselessly.
Steve says, “You wanted me to fuck you like a man, you said so. So, missionary it is,” and then Steve’s pressing his lips together and sliding home again and Billy, instead of fighting like he should, he's opening his legs wide as the space he’s crammed into will allow and gasping loudly as his body goes slack, that frilly pink whore once again.
Now it’s his own mouth he’s shoving fingers into. Ramming his whole fucking fist in there. Fists are all Billy deserves. Not this. 
Fucking coward.
Steve, bolstering himself with one hand by holding the headrest of the driver's seat, takes his other hand and reaches down and then Billy’s actually fucking letting him remove that fist from where it's trying to silence his pathetic grateful moans. Gripping at Billy’s wrist, Steve now stretches their arms above the both of them as his cock stretches out Billy’s ass again, and then he’s pinning Billy’s hand to the bodyheat-wet window underneath his own. Spreads and links their fingers like he's hoping they'll draw heart shapes in the condensation, like Billy's his fucking girl or some shit.
“Fuck you,” Billy snarls, even as he’s nestling a thumb into to the gorgeous cavern below one of Steve’s hip bones.
“No, actually. I’m gonna love you, Billy. Because it’s what you want.”
Before Viper Billy can spit his self-hatred and shame at Mr and Mrs Harrington's perfect little rich-boy, Steve steadies himself as he lowers his top-half, hand leaving the headrest and snaking around the back of Billy’s neck until it’s cradling his thick skull, long fingers threading through the damp curls and fisting a handful. Pulling, just enough.
Billy shivers as his chin is forced upwards and feels his eyes pricking with salt, and ohhhh. He’s going to wail on Harrington for this. Going to fucking kill him for it.
Later. He will. Later. 
Later because right now, Steve is doing things Billy wants too, too much. Off-limit things that are off-limit for good fucking reason. Things the guy should not be doing because Billy told him no right from the start. Because they're the things Billy’s not allowed. Things dirty little sluts like Billy Hargrove should never even dream of wanting.
Liar. Coward.
Steve is running the tip of his nose along Billy’s jaw, under his chin, while fucking into Billy but going slow—so, so slow—inching into him, carefully, as if Billy’s really something to be taken care of.
Billy squirms some more. Roars. Aches so good. Squeezes his eyes shut tight and winces at that pacific seawater gathering in the corners. 
“Fuck you,” he breathes again but it’s a whisper now. A plea, this time.
Don’t let me go.
Steve hears it. He leans in even closer, filling Billy to the very hilt, trapping Billy’s dick between them both and it’s now not just leaking but practically gushing with pre-come, exquisitely swollen.
Steve’s plush lips are then feathery against Billy’s as he says, “I want you, Billy.”
Billy arches up violently, the angle nudging Steve’s cock into that sweet-spot. He calls out as the tears threaten to fall from his stupid, stupid eyes, fucking traitors.
“Hold me down.” Billy begs.
Don’t let me go.
And Steve is there.
Leaning heavy on the arm where a hand is wrapped around the back of Billy’s neck, Steve releases his grip on his other hand, the one linked with Billy's. Then he lays that arm parallel to the other with his weight on both forearms and, using his elbows for leverage, his hands are now free to frame Billy’s face and they do, thumbs finding cheekbones and stroking softly. So soft Billy wants to scream.
Rocking in and out of Billy, still so slow, he says, “I’m going to kiss you.”
Love me, love me, love me.
And then Billy is being kissed by a boy and he isn't hiding from it. He's being kissed by Steve Harrington and he's kissing Steve Harrington back so needy and with such urgency it should hurt but it doesn't and he's not a coward or a liar anymore because Billy wants this boy who’s kissing him, and this boy wants Billy back.
“Hey, open your eyes, Billy,” and he’s kissing the words right into Billy’s mouth.
Billy dares himself. “Steve.” He utters it, a tiny one-word prayer as he sees, that briney water now escaping his eyes and streaming down his temples and Steve must know it’s the first time—probably the first time a boy’s kissed Billy, definitely the first time Billy’s called Steve Steve outloud, and honestly the first time Billy has let go.
Shit, and Steve’s fucking Billy like… like…
“I love you, Billy.”
…like that.
They're staring at each other and Billy’s gonna come. He’s gonna come and he knows that Steve can feel it and so Steve’s then telling Billy he’s gonna come too and yeah. Billy knows that because Billy, he can feel everything.
And Steve, he gets it. What Billy wants. Knows what Billy needs.
So he tells Billy he loves him again. Tells him again and again till Billy is crying and spilling all those old tears, new tears, and his milky come all over the both of them while Steve smiles and groans and comes too, filling Billy up to the brim and right fucking over it with that sweet, sweet love of his.
A little later, when all they can hear are the cricket calls reverberating off the quarry walls and each other's slowing breaths and heartbeats, Steve says, “I know what’s good for you, Bills. Even if you wanna pretend to the both of us that you don’t," and, "It'll be okay," and, "I got you." 
Hold me down among the hounds of love.
And yeah. Billy might not be able to say it, not yet, but he knows he's done running.
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aluveras · 1 year
Not too much fun!
Peter parker x Female reader
A/n: I wanna clarify that all my female reader fics and male reader (if i make them) are trans friendly since i see =trans people as the gender they identify as, if its not trans friendly (use of genitilia for example but you can just imagine you had ur surgery) i'll say it in the fic.
Warnings: suggestive content, fluff, may being a character i enjoy way too much.
Word count: 1.2k
‘’Can you be any more obsessed bro?’’
Pete whips his head over to Ned. He could barely hear him over the crowd of people in the cafeteria.
‘’What? I’m not obsessed what are you talking about?’’
‘’Hey, it’s fine I get it. She’s absolutely gorgeous.’’
‘’Tell me something new’’ Peter answers dreamily while his chin rests on his hand.
‘’You guys are weirdos.’’ MJ says out of nowhere
‘’Yeah, well you sit with weirdos.’’ Peter says back immediately.
It was silent for a few seconds.
‘’That sounded a lot less pathetic when I thought of it...’’
‘’Yeah that’s with most of what you say I think.’’ Ned answers
‘’Ned come on dude, you’re supposed to be on my side.’’
Too focused on the conversation Peter all of a sudden felt his peter ting-  Spider sense, sensing in a very weird way.
‘’Hey Peter.’’
There you were. The most beautiful, drop dead gorgeous, jaw dropping girl he had ever seen.
Ned shoved him to say something.
‘’H-hey Y-Y/n’’ You giggle at his stutter and he swears he is ascending into heaven hearing that sound.
‘’I was wondering if you could help me with the decathlon practice,  I don’t really know anyone on the team and you seem nice. And I’ve seen you in class you’re in incredibly smart. So could you help me?’’
This is a dream. It has to be, he thinks.
‘’If you don’t want to you can say so, it’s okay. ‘’ you say because of his silence.  A hint of disappointment in your voice
‘’No! I would love to!’’ Peter squeaked, immediately cringing at how he said it.
Ned and even MJ can’t help but chuckle a little, neither can you.
‘’Okay great! At your place after school today?’’
‘’Yeah, I’ll walk with you to my place if you don’t mind?’’
‘’That would be great! Thank you.’’
You walk away with a big smile and so does peter as he watches you until you’re out of frame.
- after school –
You walk up to Peter at the entrance of the school.
He feels you coming and turns around quickly, his cheeks already starting to blush                                                    at seeing how beautiful you look.
‘’Hey Pete! Ready to go?’’ if he wasn’t blushing already he sure as hell was now that you used a nickname for him.
‘’Yeah just follow me!’’
-After walking for a bit you arrived at his apartment-
As he allowed you to step in you immediately saw and smelled a cloud of smoke and a middle aged woman cooking…or at least trying to. As she turned around you made eye contact and her face immediately lit up.
‘’Peter! Who is this beautiful young lady?!’’
‘’May, this is Y/n, Y/n this is my aunt May.’’ He said happily finally getting to introduce you to his aunt who he has been ranting about you to.
‘’Hello miss Parker, it’s nice to meet you!’’
‘’It’s May to you sweetie and it is lovely meeting you! I’ve been waiting for this ever since peter couldn’t stop talking about you.’’
‘’She’s joking!’’ Peter says quickly
‘’I don’t talk about you at all! Well that’s not true, I don’t never mention you or pretend you don’t exist or something I just-‘’
Peter was cut off by your laugh, he wish he could have that his alarm in the morning. That would make him wake up and make sure he hears it again. (he means the waking up part in a good way)
‘’It’s okay Peter, if it makes you feel better I talk a lot about you too’’ You smirk.
Peter starts blushing like crazy as he clears his throat and says,
‘’So we’re gonna go study together in my room, if that’s okay?’’
‘’Yes of course, have fun…’’
You and Peter walk to his room and just before he closes his door you hear May say,
‘’But not too much fun!’’
‘’May! Really?!’’ Peter whines
‘’Sorry, I had to!’’
As you sit by Peters bed and he sits next to you, you finally start to realize what you’re gonna do.
You’ve been having this crush on Peter for a while now, you kept seeing him stare and somewhere along the way when he wasn’t staring at you, you would stare at him.                                                             You waited for him to do something but he just never did, just kept staring and never doing anything.
So one day when you had enough of the waiting you decided to form a plan.                                               You didn’t even need help for school, it was just a perfect plan to hang out with Peter and tell him how you feel. Though when you sat there, you couldn’t even think about actually doing it.
There were times while working you two looked into each other eyes and didn’t even say anything, it would feel like the time stopped and all that there was Peter and this feeling. This feeling. A feeling that is hard to describe but so pleasing.
A warmth in your chest, a smile that you can’t hide because it’s just so strong. Your heart going faster than ever and your hands shaking like crazy. Your brain could barely focus on anything other than his eyes.
‘’Y/n?’’ Peter says softly.
‘’Hm?’’ you hum also softly.
Then Peters body works faster than his brain and he just leans in. And you meet him halfway.
As your lips softly meet, the feeling is stronger than it’s ever been. As you depart you are both blushing insanely.
‘’Thank you.’’ Peter says
‘’Thank you?’’ You giggle
‘’For letting me kiss you! And not getting mad that I didn’t ask before.’’
‘’Peter, I wanted to kiss you and you gave me enough time to pull away, don’t worry.’’
You start to full on laugh now.
‘’Hey! Don’t laugh I was really nervous.’’
‘’I know, so was i!’’
‘’What! Why? I’m just Peter, a lonely nerd.’’
‘’You’re not lonely! You have Ned and MJ plus I like that your nerdy, I want a hot nerdy boyfriend!’’
You immediately regretted saying that.
‘’Not that I expected you to now immediately be my boyfriend! If you don’t want that then that’s fine.’’ You just wanted to disappear. (Like peter did in infinity way)
‘’I would actually…love to be your boyfriend…’’ Peter says softly
‘’Well then…’’ there was a silence which you expected to be awkward, but you just stared into each other eyes comfortably.
‘’Can I-‘’ He clears his throat before speaking again. ‘’Maybe kiss you again?’’
You giggle.
‘’We’re together now Pete, you don’t have to ask.’’ You laugh
And by that Peter (surprisingly easy to you) lifts you up a bit and makes sure you straddle him comfortably.
‘’Wow, who knew Peter had such mo-‘’ and before you could finish your lips were in a heated make out sesh with peters.
Just as he slips in his tongue into your mouth and he leaves a long groan, the door swings open.
And there stands a shocked and happy May.
‘’You got the girl!..’’ and quickly after that she says ‘’but I meant the not too much fun part not until your further into the relationship!’’
You laugh as Peter whines again ‘’May!’’
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winniethewife · 7 months
Jewels made of stardust  
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(Poe Dameron x OC! Rhoswen Jewelace.)
Chapter 2: We were young and so inspired
Last chapter ~ Next chapter
Words: 922
~Three years before.~
Poe and Rhoswen sat on the cliff side looking out on the ocean and into the stars. They sat almost close enough to touch but they weren’t. He looked over at her, her red hair pulled back into a ponytail, her Emerald eyes sparkling in the moon light, her lips parted ever so slightly in awe of it all. She was so damn pretty, but she was his new generals adopted daughter and somehow that felt off limits.
“Do you ever think about what you’ll do when this is done?” Rhoswen asks as she continues to look out at the stars.
“Uh…no, not really… I’m a here and now kinda guy.” He admits as he looks away from her and out on the water. She laughs at his response.
“Yeah, I get that…I donno, I know my mom wants me to lead, do something maybe with politics, y’know become a senator or something.” She runs her fingers along her arm as she speaks
“But what do you want to do?”  Poe asks with curiosity in his voice, He looks back at her. He would never understand what it’s like to carry the burden of being part of a family with a heritage and lineage like hers, even if she was adopted into the family, it was a pretty big deal to be the child of heroes, probably a lot of pressure.
“Me? I just…I want to see everything the galaxy has to offer, I want to see it all…” She looks over at him surprised to see him watching her, a smirk appears on her face.
“That sounds…perfect.” Poe says quietly
“Well, I could use a co-pilot…”
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~current day~
Poe sat with Finn in the mess hall as he pushes his food around.
“You’ve gotta eat.” Finn chided Him as he looked at his food like a sad little mastiff
“I’m not a child Finn…I can figure it out.”
“figure out how to eat? I donno how you’re alive if you haven’t figured that out.”
“Oh ha-ha very funny Finn.” Poe glares at his friend.
“What? I’m just trying to help.” Finn says defensively. Poe sighed and set his fork down.
“I’m sorry, it’s really not you. I just…” His sentence trails off as he sees a red haired woman walk by…its not her and he doesn’t hide his disappointment.
“Its like you want her to walk in here and keep fighting.” Finn chuckles as he sees where Poe was looking.
“Look if we’re fighting we’re talking and that’s better than nothing.” Poe remembers when she wouldn’t even look at him after their big blow out, he felt like he was drowning, at least if they fight, he feels like there’s a chance to survive. Finn shakes his head at his friend and focuses back on his food. Poe knows he doesn’t get it. No one does. Poe gives up on food and leaves the mess hall to try and clear his head. He knows he’ll probably fall back into his normal routine, the only thing that keeps his mind off…everything… Do his reports, go to the cantina, pick up some girl or guy, sleep with them, leave by morning. The Dameron special.
Rhoswen sat on her bed her head in her hands, she was so done with today. So done with everything. Nothing made sense anymore. Every damn day in the galaxy made less and less sense. Her father was dead, her brother killed him, and since then she pushed everyone as far away as possible. She couldn’t lose anyone else. It was too much a risk. Then hearing a light knock on the doorframe she looks up. General Leia Organa, Or as Rhoswen knew her…
“Mom… I’m really not in the headspace for another lecture.”
“I’m not here to lecture. This time.” Leia says as she comes to sit by her daughter.
“I’m not sure I’m in the mood for motherly advice either…” She mutters. Leia laughs.
“Well, which would you rather get, a lecture or motherly advice?” Leia asks with her signature smile on her face. Rhoswen sighs.
“I guess I’ll take the motherly advice, Just don’t count on me putting it to use.” she replied with a grimace as she looked at the woman who had taken her in at a young age, and had become her mother.
“I wasn’t counting on it. You were always stubborn, you learned from the best.” Leia says as she put a hand on her thigh. “You don’t have to fight him every step of the way you know? You two used to be close, you practically begged to be on Black Squadron-” Leia was trying her best before she was interrupted
“That was before Starkilller…”
“I understand that…”
“Look Mom, I understand your concern, but I just… after that big fight we had, we both said things that we can’t take back… I don’t think Poe and I will ever recover from that, but that’s for the best, I’m much more Solo than Organa, I do better alone.” She says as she gives Leia a sad smile.
“That’s the thing, Solo’s were never actually very good at being alone, they were just very good at pretending they were.” Leia squeezes her thigh slightly as she returns the smile.
“Well, I’m gonna keep pretending for now…but thanks.”
“Any time…” Leia stands up and starts to walk to the door before turning to her daughter. “Poe…he reminds you of him doesn’t he?”
“With every breath.” She admits
“Me too.”
Tag: @femmeanonymelives
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ilikelookingatthings · 9 months
Hello! anyone else watching the live action onepiece? I've got questions
So for context me and my siblings grew up watching the 4kids dub version of one piece and then a bit of the funimation dub of the cloud island arc.
What I have questions on is Zolo/Zoro's backstory.
From what I remember Zoro was a student in a dojo..he kept getting beat by a girl and was annoyed either about getting beat or by getting beat by a girl specifically who did beat up all the other guys as well...I remember them not being allowed to train with metal swords...just the kendo stick I believe after they were scolded by the dad of the girl/the dojo master when Zoro/Zolo proclaimed if he had a real sword he could beat her....He went out training...lifting giant rocks and I'm assuming a waterfall but I remember the rocks...maybe him lifting buckets of water?
The childhood friend was confident but then overheard her father saying the remarks about how as a girl she would lose out in strength naturally to the guys as they all aged up...and Zolo/Zora lost again and they had that promise and they had that talk about he rbeing his goal and not giving up.
I remember then that she ends up cornered by the other boys she beat in the class who ganged up on her with real swords...or they brought in some other ruffians to do thie rdirty work, or it was rival group...I'm pretty sure it was the guys in her class who she beat like Zolo but they were more bitter than him.
and I remember it being kindof vague but them implying that she was injured badly so wouldn't be able to use the sword again but I THINK she lived or they were vague about it more than Jet in Avatar the Last Airbender.
Now I AM aware that 4kids tended to change things up and censor some aspects...mostly blood but also other details. so I COULD understand if 4kids deliberately made it a bit vague so they could keep her Alive and just have her injured unable to continue her promise with Zolo/Zoro(which helped some of our confusion when Zoro/Zolo met the Swordlady who looked like her later).
So I can completely understand if in the real unedited version she ended up dying from those jealous dudes sabotaging her due to pride by ganging up on her.
But in the new live action one piece we see it mainly focused just on Zoro being upset..we don't see the other kids upset at being beaten...blah blah blah...complains about how he'd get stronger than her by virtue of being a guy...blah blah bah..they makeup and make the vow... but then after the promise we just see her dad? the dojo instructer? go up to Zoro and tell him that his friend has been in a accident where we then cut strait to her funeral with a picture...no body but pretty clear that she is dead...but we don't know what killed her in this one...
but everyone keeps saying on the internet that she fell down some stairs?
so....did she? did I remember her backstory wrong? or do you think we'll discover the details about that later where its still accurate to our version but zoro/zolo doesn't know yet by that point in time?
Since we are going from a limited perspective with the flashbacks rather than a full seeing completely from the outside perspective we got in the anime.
is his backstory just done? she just got into a normal tradgic accident like Terabithia? was her backstory at all about being ganged up on by some jealous guys she had beaten? or am I remembering wrong? did she die in the original or not? We know she seems firmly dead in the liveaction one now...but I don't want to look deeper incase I get spoiled about other stuff.
Also while your at it interenet fandom...was that Navy leader with the dog hat guy always his grandpa? was that revealed that early? I hear 4kids cut alot of content to speed run to the marketable chopper so its possible we just never saw it...or was it just a addition to this live actions one...like how Toby seemed to be included more often.
I also lowkey wish we saw Usops vegtable fruit pirate squad of kids...someone to hang with the poor rich sick heir since literally everyone she was close to died, betrayed her and tried to kill her over years and Usop was leaving...feels a bit lonely even if they had her say she was going to try to become a doctor so she'd be preoccupied outside of the shipyard...Merry died(I could have sworn he lived but was injured in the original but I could be wrong and he strait up died like in the live actions). I remember cliffs and a pirate ship and more of the cat crew in the anime and getting to see more of usops marksmen skills... but the locked house drama was really interesting.
I miss sanji's eyebrow but they did him REALLY well...especially how they handled the backstory andhow they couldn't show a body hidden under the cloak being basically wasted away to the nth degree like they did in the anime but we got a better focus on his leg.
Also.....did the boss shark show up to the restaurant in the original anime like he did in live action? I feel like he hadn't since I remember being shocked at his reveal/what he looked like back at Nami's island before the ubber knife/the name stabbed her hand to be convincing scene....but I could be wrong...
also...wasn't the restaurant cut in half in the original?
its fascinating to try to remember details when a character come up familiar somehow.
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sassycheesecake · 1 year
This story will include murder, eventual smut, cursing and torture. This is a mafia fic ya’ll, it ain’t always rainbows and smiles in there.
Feedback appreciated! Enjoy!
Chapter 2 “What I Am”
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~ Before Officer Sawamura arrives at the scene ~
“Would it kill that old geezer to let me have a fucking break for at least 24 hours? No of course not, ‘(Y/N) do this, (Y/N) kill that person’. I am overdue for a fucking vacation.“ You mimic Manjiro’s voice, you mutter angrily while assembling your sniper rifle together.
It’s pitch-black outside and the cold wind of Natori blowing in your face on the roof of the high apartment building that you are currently located at, makes you shiver. The only noises are the distant sound of mild traffic and the clicking noises of the connecting parts of your rifle.
Right across from the building that you are on, your target, a man in his mid-forties, has not been paying back his debt for two months now. The waiting is getting on Manjiro’s last nerves, which is where you are playing your part.
As the new hitman or actually hitwoman of Manjiro, it’s your job to eliminate the targets he sends you, no matter who or what time it is.
The last time you disobeyed his orders, meaning you rather slept than killed the next victim, Kyōtani gave you a surprise visit. And a not so friendly one at that.
You may be a woman but the yakuza doesn’t care about gender. Meaning, you will get the treatment like everybody else who disobeyed orders from the boss.
Luckily for you though, Manjiro has a small liking towards you, even though you’ve only been working for him for about 3 months now.
After the previous hitman Yahaba got shot down by the police, Manjiro needed a new puppet.
Before you became a part of the yakuza, you were a local weapon safety instructor for a small gun range. One day, someone tried to rob your store while it was just you and two guys about your age. One of them had milk chocolate colored fluffy hair, along with beautiful hazelnut-colored eyes, that shined with mischief and arrogance. The other one had dark, spiked-up hair and when you had a peek into his eyes, it was like staring into a dark mysterious forest. Both men had a tall and muscular stature and were competing with their shooting and it certainly didn’t look like they did that for the first time.
The way the green-eyed guy was always hitting bullseye was kind of hot to be honest.
The two of them were just practicing their shots when all of sudden someone slammed the front door open from the gun range and was armed with a gun. It was a younger guy, perhaps in his early twenties, with dark blue hair and uneven bangs. He was almost shaking with fear when he was holding a small gun in his hand. Before anyone could react though, you always have your rifle underneath the desk for safety reasons and it just took one second for you to get a clean shot right through his heart. It was like your brain automated its action by itself.
Your customers didn’t even flinch or look disgusted by the dead body that was now pooling blood on the gray carpet in the entrance hall.
The steam of your rifle was visible to the eye and the two men just looked at each other with undefined looks. The one with the dark brown spiky hair stepped over the body and turned the corpse on its back with his boot.
“Goshiki.“ He says without looking up at his friend.
“Well. At least that’s one problem less on our list.“ The other one replies with a click on his tongue.
Both of them turn to look at each other and then turn back to you.
Their dangerous glints in their eyes are making you uncomfortable and you try to reach again for your rifle, only to stop in your tracks after hearing their words.
“Say pretty girl… you’re an amazing shot. Probably better than Iwa-chan right here.“
“Screw you, Shitty-kawa.“ The dark brunette snarls at him.
Ignoring his friend‘s words, he continues to stare at you with a flirty smile.
“So listen. Here’s the deal. That kid you just killed is one of our rival‘s gang members. Since you basically saved our lives and took away some of our work, I want to make you a deal.“
You squint your eyes at him in suspicion but listen to what he is offering.
“Go on.“
“Technically we can’t let you stay alive. Yannow, the whole ‘no witnesses’ and shit. Soooo. Since I am so generous and a great handsome looking guy who has a weakness for beautiful ladies who can handle guns really well-“
“Stop beating around the bush and just get out with it!” The guy named ‘Iwa-chan’ yells at him.
“As I was saying. We could use a new member of our ‘family’. Our recent sniper was shot down by those cop pigs and our boss has been dying to find someone new to take care of people that piss him off. So what do you say? You get to live and work for us and we spare your life.”
After hearing his words, you begin to think. On one hand, you have nothing to lose and you cherish your life. On the other hand, as soon as you join them, you will be constantly on the run, no more living your normal life in safety and comfort.
Out of the corner of your eye, you see the less friendly brunette slowly reach for his gun in his holster, in case you decide not to join them and to stick with the ‘no witnesses’.
Taking a deep breath in, you look at them with a serious look.
“Fine. I’ll join.”
@rukia-uchiha-98 @nerd-of-karasuno
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