#its about grown men who love eachother
deoidesign · 4 months
something that makes me sad is when people tell me the healthy communication in my writing is "unrealistic."
like guys this is how me and my partner talk with eachother... I'm writing from personal experience...
#like it's sad both on the front of 'dehumanizing my real life'#but also on the front of 'you deserve to have healthy communication in your life'#like if you think this is unrealistic it means more than likely you havent experienced someone being patient and understanding with you#and that makes me very very sad#I'm sorry#also it's just rude to tell me my writing is unrealistic LOL like hey#real people talk all kinds of ways. shut up#I've been told it's also in part cause they always understand their own feelings when theyre talking#but I'm like...#theyre like mid 30-early 40 and theyre immortal and theyre going through a lot of shit#I feel like theyve thought about it a lot#also the comic takes place over the course of a year so far#we're seeing the big moments and the fun mysteries#so#its about grown men who love eachother#sorry that they think about what they want to say before they say it#also as if adam isnt constantly wrong and steve isnt constantly pushing shit down#he's only JUST RECENTLY starting to share his emotions as they come up#instead of pretending theyre not there and letting things boil over#I think people just THINK theyre communicating way too clearly because their partner#who loves them#is listening and responding with kindness#like..#idk I have a lot of thoughts about this#would LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE for this to spark a discussion#and especially for it to cause people to reread a little more critically#and perhaps even introspect on their own ideas of communication standards#I've been with my partner for 10 years. this is how we talk to eachother
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lasdelaintuicionn · 23 days
btw any lower iq than a pig male who has ever said anything similar to butterface or "paper bag face" or whatever dehumanizing porn rotten misogyistic term they've come up with SHOULD be killed on sight ❤️🥰
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whoops-im-obsessed · 1 month
Everything I remember from mischief movie night last night!!
Last night (13/8/24) was 'In-Tents Love' a rom-com set in a summer camp for troubled youths featuring a Parisian anime scene. Because.. of course.
Henry Lewis Oscar!! Bro was having so much fun with this, he was just grinning at his castmates the whole time
Cast was Shields, Josh, Niall, Bryony, Susan and Ellie!
Started with someone suggesting Hull as a location which got a round of applause and Henry Lewis to say 'we never should have written that fucking line'
Whole cast were very scared by the anime suggestion
The movie started with a song which started with Niall singing 'IM TROUBLED' and everyone sung about what they'd done to end up here and that there's gonna be troubleeee for me! And troubleeee for you!
Shout out to the late comers in the front row who got pointed at and told there would be trouble for them
Niall (Bobby) hugs things so hard they die
Bryony (Mary Sue) sets stuff on fire and lives alone in a tent
Josh (Tommy) I actually don't remember
Susan (Sue?? Was referred mostly to as mystery girl) seemed to be there for no reason
And Ellie (token Penelope) stole 1000 bees
Shields (Richard) was in charge of the camp
After the song Bobby and Tommy had a conversation and it was implied that they would be the love interests until it was revealed that Bobby killed Tommy's dog by hugging it too hard, still were potential love interests until Bobby said 'how's dad?' And Oscar had to call a pause and yell 'THEYRE BROTHERS'
The other characters are getting to know each other by the river, Mary Sue sets a fire and Mystery girl (who maybe had a name by now idk) doesn't know what it is and kept touching it (fire admirably played by Niall and the blue cloth)
Its revealed that Penelope has a crush on Tommy! The others tell her she needs to go for it. She decides she's gonna give him a dead bee.
It is revealed in this scene that mystery girl is here for a reason and its actually because she has loads of underage sex
Cue Josh joined quickly by Shields and Niall chanting 'sex~' while doing a camp little dance
Cut to a directors (Josh) interview where he was asked why he decided to have 3 grown men chanting sex in the back of this scene and he said he went to an all boys boarding school and that's just what they did there. He was promptly arrested.
The girls sing a song about the birds and the bees which turned into a sing along chorus where we all had to go 'what about beeees? What about beeees? What about bees? And Birds!'
Bobby and Tommy are about to have a breakthrough and say they love eachother when Penelope goes along and interrupts the brotherly bonding by giving Tommy a dead bee on a piece of string as a ring. He is disgusted and then into it and they go on a date.
Bobby is heartbroken bc he has a crush on Penelope and Richard gives him some advice - you miss all the shots you don't take. During this they were playing basketball and Richard was very good and didn't let anyone else have a turn. When Bobby did have a turn he missed.
It turns out Richard read Bobby's diary to learn about his crush and the Parisian anime scene is him trying to find it - cue Shields doing dramatic moves and a strong French accent trying to find 'La Diary!!!' When he found it, it granted him 'POWER'
The bee was apparently 'Einstein's bee' and when asked to explain, the director said he sneezed on the keyboard and kept it in, he was then asked where the bodies were.
The next scene started with Tommy doing an odd ballet dance which Oscar promptly paused
Tommy and Penelope were on their date on a boat, during the set up for this scene Bryony whacked Ellie in the head with a walking stick (oops)
Penelope only knows how to row in circles
The two talk and Penelope is too eager, telling Tommy she loves him, he doesn't like this and jumps off the boat and swims away. Penelope gets stuck going in circles.
Cut to Bobby and Mary Sue having a nice chat, they decide to be friends and sing a song about how amazing it is to be friends! This is interrupted by Tommy who asks Mary Sue on a date and Bobby is broken hearted a second time
Neither Josh nor Susan remembered Mary Sue's name and tried several ways to get around it, interrupted by Oscar, until they ended up saying she had 'Marie energy'
Mary Sue and Tommy go on a fishing date where Mary Sue throws rocks into the river to kill the fish. Tommy says how much he likes her and She doesn't like it and runs away.
Penelope is distraught and goes to Richard for advice, she's upset that everyone is pairing off and she doesn't have anyone. There's an interlude where Richard is met by Lord Gerald who runs all of the summer camps and wanted to check up on him. It seems there may be something there until the police arrive questioning Richard's intentions - Oscar interrupts this so it doesn't descend into madness and the scene continues with Gerald repeating Richard's name several times, as up until this point he didn't have one.
When Gerald leaves, Penelope is upset because Richard was supposed to be giving her advice! He gives her the same advice as he gave Bobby and its a sweet scene until she eats the bee and spits it back out. She takes a shot with the basketball and also misses.
The girls meet up by the river again and agree that boys are bad. The mystery girl introduces the concept of lesbianism and Mary Sue has a bit of a realisation - this looks like it might turn into another song until Bobby interrupts to say Tommy is hanging off the balcony
Tommy is upset and claims the balcony is his safe space - everyone agrees this is not a very safe space actually.
They try to calm him down and Bobby eventually tells Tommy he loves him, they get Tommy down and they have a hug, which doesn't kill anything this time.
Its revealed that Richard has actually been reading everyone's diaries and was trying to get them all to have sex the whole time. He learns about the concept of familial love and decides to turn himself in
The kids decide they aren't gonna go back to their horrible home lives and that they're just gonna stay at camp actually, they learn they can choose their own family and its very sweet
It ends with a song about the birds and the bees again, which goes 'the birds and the bees, the bees and the bees! What ever you please at summer camp!'
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tired-parrot · 2 years
I think the reason why Buddy Daddies gets me so emotional is the fact it's a family where each party came from rough backgrounds. It was purely accidental, and at first it didn't seem like it'd work out. But over time they've all grown to love eachother and actually be a family. The thing is, there are people who don't want them to be family. People who are against what you are, simply just by existing. It reflects real life too, two men rasing a child? Some people are against that notion. Just fuck man, this anime hits me in my heart, people who just want to be a family. I cried the past two episodes because I see how much Rei wants this family, I see Kazuki working so damn hard to be a good parent. I see Miri happy that she has people in her life that care about her as much she does them. I hope they have a happy ending, they deserve to be happy, to live their life as a family. I thought this would be a silly show I'd laugh at but I've genuinely grown attached to them, this anime has captured my soul.
Its not a perfect anime, it's not the best anime I've seen, but this anime has heart. It has love, and it shows that family can be built from the weirdest of ways. I wish it got more time to explore the ideas it had, I hope we get to see more content of them when it's over. I love this silly anime, and man I hope, I hope so much that they all get to stay as a family.
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little-lovett · 9 months
sweeney todd backstory hc’s 🖤🥧🔪
- benjamin barker was a surprise child!!! his older sister and brother were already 11 and 13 years old when he was born. his father was distant and rarely home, and was far from thrilled about another baby, another mouth to feed, a boy to raise. so he just ran from his responsibilities for benjamin. ben always knew he had rejected him, yet still fought for his affection to no avail. picture a little cat bringing dead mice to his owner to please him, and only getting scolded. that was ben. always trying to be a good boy.
- soo he was a total mommy’s boy. and she adored him back, being the baby and an arguably perfect child. he was intelligent, compassionate, gentle, mature, and SO polite. his mother loved him dearly and doted on him until she passed away from illness when he was a teenager. he was devastated. it was his first experience with profound loss. AND DEFINITELY NOT HIS LAST (edit: him being a mommy’s boy and having a bad father is Very Important bc he loves women and hates men once he becomes sweeney)
- once he was grown and met lucy, she turned his whole world upside down in the best way. she was the first person to show him what love could be after his mother. they were dizzy for eachother, and once the initial high of infatuation had worn off, they had just begun settling into the comfortable domestic bond of marriage & parenthood. (then turpin ruined it Lol.)
- when lucy told ben she was pregnant, he internally vowed to be the father he always needed. to protect and love and be there. he hated himself beyond words for breaking his promise to his girl and believed he had failed in the most unforgivable way possible.
- tobias reminds sweeney of young benjamin barker. his innocence, his bright eyes, being glued to his mom’s hip. he always keeps his distance from toby because its just too distressing to remember what he used to be.
- nellie was 20 when she married albert, who was almost forty. they met through him butchering the meat for her pie shop, which she had been running since she was 17. he was not at all what she imagined for a husband, but he had the money and good standing in town for them to get by.
- she had to marry the first stable man she could find just to survive, with no family she knew of left. she loved him — kind of in the way you love an uncle. familiar and warm, but nowhere near the passionate relationship she longed for.
- she always felt like her young womanhood had been stolen from her by her bleak situation. she knew she was beautiful and charming, and she always wondered how marriage would’ve turned out if she hadn’t been so desperate.
- and then there was benjamin barker, her secret dream. he was a few years older than her, dark and handsome and kind, with strong features but the softest eyes she’d ever seen. though she was confined to her marriage, she never stopped herself from indulging in fantasies of the man.
- since he had moved his new barbershop into the space above her, they had been cordial. benjamin thought mrs. lovett generous, pretty, and friendly. that was about it. he was pretty clueless to her feelings about him. besides, she was a married woman.
- lucy came along, and the wedding, and the baby. nellie was terribly jealous and dissatisfied with her life as she watched another woman, a woman with the privilege of settling with a man who had practically nothing, live out her desires. she felt equally guilty for her dark envy of a happy little family who only treated her with kindness and respect.
- when benjamin barker was sent away she fell into pieces. that was when she realized just how terribly she loved him, how deep in over her head she was with her obsession. that impossible ember of hope that one day ben would be hers was the only thing motivating her.
- when turpin ruined lucy and stole johanna, mrs. lovett was not at all happy. it was a heartbreaking situation she tried to not get involved in for her own sake. yet, a rotten tendril of content would worm into her chest sometimes, reveling in what had happened as some sort of rotten justice for all the pleasures lucy had enjoyed in her life. especially the perfect husband she never knew she stole. nellie used to hate that evil, selfish part of herself.
- a couple years after ben was sent away, albert died. then it was just her and her pies and some loyal customers. gradually, even they stopped coming, and business came to a screeching halt. she had hit rock bottom— no money, friends, or family.
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offorestsongs · 2 months
lilyarrow headcanons: phones edition
more Rook/Lysander rambles because this has been plaguing my brain. enjoy!
they don't actually text eachother much - they're joined by hip for one and also they're sappy old men at heart writting eachother letters by hand <3
also usually when they want to talk but can't be together in person, they much prefer calling
they like hearing eachother's voice!! also Lysander most of the time doesn't feel comfortable texting people in general because it's hard for him to read the tone and he keeps overthinking every message and ends up way too stressed than it's worth it sjjfjghj
their phone calls are so ungodly long oh god i'm almost embarassed for them
sometimes Lysander just asks Rook to tell him about something then puts him on speaker and just goes about his housework - his private boyfriend podcast <3
they also often stay on the line as they fall asleep. listening to eachother's breaths, half-asleep "i love you"s,,, it's actually very good for Lysander's insomnia
actually when he can't sleep, he sometimes calls Rook just to fall asleep listening to his voice/breathing. he sometimes feels guilty for not letting Rook sleep in peace but Rook always reassures him that he would rather sacrifice his own sleep for Lysander's comfort (Lysander still feels bad but at least he knows his boyfriend is a sweetheart)
(i hope Lysander is making Crowley pay his horrendously high fantasy phone bills LMAO)
when they do text eachother, it's mostly just [photo of a rabbit running thru a meadow] [photo of Grim sleeping on the windowsill] [a slightly blurry photo of Vil and Epel doing something] [photo of a pile of chopped vegetables]
they're both the type of person who wants to know every smallest thing about the other's day, no mater how mundane it is, so they like giving eachother little updates on what they're doing at the moment
they also like sending eachother photos of the stuff the other may find interesting, like a cat bringing its owner a dead mouse
so. many. selfies
they miss eachother's faces when they're apart for longer than five seconds alright :(( (i hate them sm)
and yes they do both save all of the selfies they get into a special folder in their gallery so they can look thru them and wistfully marvel on how gorgeous their boyfriend is
Cater teaches Lysander only the most chronically online flirting techniques which means that Lysander is now sending Rook a bunch of photos of two animals or flowers or whatever else he finds captioned "this is us <3"
Rook's response is, always, without a doubt, something along the lines of "but of course mon cheri, you are SO right, we ARE two carrots who have grown together, what a beautiful metaphor you have crafted"
no matter the time of day or night, Rook is always responding to Lysander's messages in about five seconds time. always. the only other person he does that with is Vil
Lysander has Rook saved as "beloved <3"
Rook has Lysander saved as "mon mari" [insert five different heart emojis]
and YES they both have eachother as their phone wallpaper
Lysander has a selfie Rook took after his archery practice; his hair is tied in a low ponytail, he's smiling, his face is slightly flushed and sweaty and the top two buttons of his shirt are undone and the first time Lysander saw it, he almost dropped his phone into a pot of boiling soup
Rook has a photo of Lysander asleep, wearing his silly vintage nightgown, his hair strewn all over his pillows, his face finally looking calm and peaceful, Grim snuggled to his chest
the photo may or may not have been taken when Rook was sitting on the tree outside Lysander's bedroom
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not-goldy · 2 months
I might be the only one but I don’t want to see any other duo do a travel show or have a focus on them, it seems childish to me and these are grown men were talking about. When they come back I want to see grown up things and more mature content, not nonsense shipping, pure ot7, yes to a bv5/its3 but nothing with duos.
This shit has gotten really old, and by that I mean the shipping and fans pitting members against one another. We need to be respectful of them all and say enough.
There is a reason why Jimin and JK have done what they have done with the travel show, almost like any other YouTubers vlog, albeit on Disney, but their bond and chemistry is unique to them, and them alone. They are grown ups in a relationship who wanted to spend time together as all normal couples do. Heck travel its what I love for, but I wouldn’t want to go with anyone with my husband when time is so precious. It can be their thing to do a further show if they want, but it doesn’t need ot7fying.
One day you will wake up and realize vminkook is a ship. Ot7 equally is a ship and that there are people who legitimately believe all 7 boys are in a 7 way relationship with eachother.
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sickknotdoom · 8 months
Someone should tell Eve that squeak doesn't get to decide how we feel about squeak's characters.
REAL. this is definitely gonna set some people off, but the whole "cuddles is the only real villain in the entire story and all the other staff are actually innocent" narrative is bullshit. nearly everyone that works at that hospital tortures and permanently detriments innocent lives if not ending them entirely in brutal ways, and were supposed to just forgive every single one just because "theyre being forced to do so"?
also, the "one true villain" being the only cishet and likely only neurotypical in the comic really rubs me the wrong way. apparently the reason sparklecare even got rebooted was because kneeby thought having evil characters also be queer was "bad representation". i am not a fan of the "queer people can do no wrong" approach. as someone whos gay and under the trans umbrella, id like to point you towards dahmer and chris chan.
jeffrey dahmer was a gay man who cannibalized other gay men. christine chandler is a transgender woman who committed incest. those traits are not mutually exclusive in the real world. they are taken simultaneously, unrelated to eachother unless you go out of your way to relate them. and i think its safe to say that nobody would try and link dahmers sexuality with his actions unless theyre homophobic.
just because one figure within a minority is fucked up, does not mean the rest of the minority is fucked up by association. if that was the case, then id be associated with edp445 and h/tler due to the fact im black and suffer from autism. but thats not the case at all, so why are the clowns so afraid of letting queer characters be antagonists, or vice versa?
all the nurses are treated like theyre completely innocent just because of their identities and/or them being possibly coded as neurodivergent. it seriously comes across as infantilizing queer and/or autistic people, which as someone whos both, i do not like. especially nurse puppy. i do not like the way puppy is written.
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puppy is, in my opinion, the most explicitly autistic coded character in the comic (not including characters that are confirmed to be). lo is also the most babied by both the clowns and the fandom. loves whole premise is that cuddles brainwashed lov into seeing loves job (murdering and torturing innocent civilians) as a fun game. lo is canonically 30 years old, by the way.
speaking from experience, us autists are relatively easy to take advantage of when were younger, due to our difficulty grasping social cues. ive been taken advantage of by so many people in just fourteen years of being on this earth. ive been groomed, sextorted by someone who i saught out comfort from after said grooming, painted as a predator by the very person who sextorted me, and then propped by my only remaining "friend" group who would bring all that shit up just to milk my reaction and use it to further damage my reputation.
almost all these people were also queer and autistic, and coincidentally also liked sparklecare, my sextorter being the one who initially got me into it, since he had a uni pfp one time. theyre also victims of similar shit themselves. does that mean all queers/autists/sparklecare fans/abuse victims are like them? no. but does being any of those things excuse the torment they put me through? no the fuck it does not. you cannot give me the excuse of them "not knowing" or being "brainwashed", theyre all at least two years older than me, some being legal adults as im writing. you cannot convince me they didnt intend to fuck me up.
so it reasonably infuriates me to see a Grown Ass 30 Year Old Adult That Murders People For Fun And Listens To Them Scream In Misery With A Smile On Loves Face given the excuse of "lo doesnt know!!!! blame cuddles not lov!!!!" and the fandom just not questioning that at all. imagine watching your lover or best friend get murdered by someone breaking into their house and chucking a toaster into their bath while theyre taking a shower, and the cops* tell you to sue the manufacturers of the toaster. see how fucked that logic is? thats basically sparklecare.
*not like you should trust american cops but i needed an example ok
one of these people i described earlier happens to kin puppy, what a surprise. maybe im just projecting, but the most explicitly autistic coded character (also the only character so far that uses neopronouns/identifies as a xenogender) being treated this way is revolting to say the least, and i feel like lo is made immune to criticism by the clowns because lo just so happens to be those things. if this character werent queer, they would give no chances.* i will gladly allow puppy to exist as is, same personality, everything, i dont mind. its the constant infantilization and justification of loves abhorrent actions that upsets me.
*and this applies to all the other nurses in the comic, except maybe nurse snare since shes practically nonexistant after volume one. but in volume one we are shown barry being tortured and injured by, as far as i can tell, every nurse thats been introduced so far. barry, one of the fandoms most beloved characters, is put through excruciating pain and trauma on screen (with a million trigger warnings before each page, in typical clowns fashion) and nobody gives a fuck once its over, just because everyones queer except cuddles, and cuddles is the Only One To Blame For Anything At All Times.
the cycle of abuse is extremely common. an abuser being a victim does not cancel out them being an abuser, and if theyre not actively seeking help theyre a bad person, regardless of what minorities they belong to. but that does not mean everybody within that minority is a bad person. sparklecares creators and fandom cant seem to grasp that. kneeby cannot erase my opinions on the way the staff is portrayed.
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parkminijiminie · 2 months
Idt he's got crush on jk or anything and the whole time he was hanging out with jk he literally had a girlfriend by his side no matter how many ppl wants to not see it. Then there's ppl who believe tae is more obsessed with jm than jk and i mean sometimes when u see these three in a room together vmin can gang up on jk. Sometimes when jm is there tae can forget about jk too but since their rs has progressed very much since the time they had the ITS talk i think he wants to show ppl that they're back to how they used to. As their ITS conversation happened in a show and has seen by all army even though there wasn't any need for us to see that but now as it has progressed he wants to show that as well just like he showed ITS.
I want ppl here to remember this one thing is that even though the Fandom won't accept it, TKKRS will never talk about it but the fact doens't change and it's that the whole time last year taehyung was dating Jennie. The times he was spending with jungkook he had his girlfriend by his side. So from outside for us it look all shippy nd this that when off cam they're two frnds how's hanging out together and one of them has a whole girlfriend. If y'all have seen clips from friendification then all those grown man were also sleeping while cuddling eachother. Heck taehyung even gave a kiss on cheek to one of his wooga guy just after he woke up. but are we shipping them together? No. Y'all have seen him posting those pic where he's half naked in bed nd all those men over him. Why I'm telling this is since we see everything from shipping pov many things irks and looks bad when in reality and behind that cam it's a very different story. Taehyung is so clingy with his squad. Especially his bestie from wooga. Idk his name now, but it's wooshik ig. So just like how they are to him, jm-jk or other members are just like that to him. I have seen hobi straight up lie just like that on taehyung, lying as in face to face like whole body when he went to wake up taehyung in ITS. So what things we see as different are very common within them.
No matter what Fandom says, no matter what tkkrs says. No matter how many times they make jm a thirdwheel, no matter how much likes their mistranslation and interpretation of making jm the bad guy and making TK look like a couple the reality of taehyung dating Jennie doens't change. Just because some posts has high engagement doens't mean it's true. I know it feels very bad and sad that the ship you love is not loved by the majority of Fandom and they ship members of ur ship with others it doens't change the fact what the final result is gonna be. Look at Larries so many of their tweets till this date gets thousands of engagement like it baffles me how even a wife, a baby and the ppl involved in the said ship cannot change what their shippers think. Louis has addressed it soooo many times yet these loosers quote him saying "oh but i didn't say that which mean u wanted to talk about ship and him hmmm" and I'm like how can someone have this level of mental illness. like the man involved in the ship itself telling u, there's a whole family of his that exists yet he's getting shipped to someone who's dating since forever. And Tkkrs are larries 2.0. the whole stan twitter was laughing at them when that paris video was dropped yet it didn't stop these loosers to get hit tweets calling it cosplayers. Mind u even non kpopies were saying that taennie should do hard launch during met gala and those tweets had 100k likes because we all saw that video and we all collectively know it's true yet the loosers don't want to believe it. it's not us who's beliveing false news of taennie cause everyone witnessed it and was talking about it so it's not like our eyes were deceiving us or anything.
You can come back here after 10 yrs nd Tkkrs still be loosing their shit over A single TK pictures calling it couple. They ain't going anywhere. It's a bitter truth.
I know the comparisons btw tkk and jkk gonna hurt but isn't it good that rather than keep believing they're real this that we get all our confirmation or not from this show so ppl can easily move forward with what they wanna do? There's no point in living in false hope. Sometimes you need truth to get over something even if the truth is bitter and hurts. Rather than living under a rock it's good to see whatever they have earlier and move ahead. And if you want to noy feel more miserable don't go on twitter.
People just want to pretend like Jennie didn't exist, but that Paris walk and that trip to Jeju were very much real.
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miiilowo · 1 year
okey so now that we all agree that william is a queer, let's talk about william and henry
their relationship before the murder of charlie is never fully explained, except for the one line in the books that literally says that william is obsessed with him (be it jealousy or admiration), so these are mostly headcanons but i don't care, i think they're 10 times more interesting than just "they're friends"
the first one would be william being in love with henry, but never telling him because to be fully honest, he isnt even sure of how love feels, this explains why his writings about him feel more like mad ramblings. he hates the fact that he has a family, because he wants him for himself, this is what leads him to killing charlie
now the second one is this but in reverse, henry being deeply in love with william to the point that he ignores all red flags, this is the one i think is the most common in fanfics from what i have seen, where william is either clueless or straight up uses henry's feelings to his advantage
there is also the option of these 2 happening at the same time, which i think is neat, love to see two grown men who love eachother but can't even express it because of their internalized homophobia
now a last one which is my personal favorite is them actually dating in secret, normally when i see it in fanfics its william the one who is most concerned about keeping it a secret, but i personally think it would be henry, trying to appear "normal" so bad he doesn't realize how he's hurting his lover (not an excuse for william to kill charlie, but a reason)
i bet there's many more interpretations of them, i hope to see them
side note: there's no way henry isnt at least a bit in love with william, bro spent decades doing nothing even when it was obvious that it was him who killed his daughter, there's no way he actually didnt even suspect
i cant say im a huge willry shipper at all, but having william be obsessed with henry in a bit of a gay way particularly adds some more punch to the story and their dynamic as a result. they are like a toxic codependent homoerotic highschool girl friendship to me
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' big hat... i need your wisdom. where would ya bring a royal family member for dinner ?! '
How did he always manage to end up around such important and famous people? He barely even remembered how he ended up in Noxus, and speaking to the famed Reckoner, Draven™. The mage sighed and lowered his head over his patient, cutting the bandage and sticking it into place, as he listened to the inquiries beind thrown his way. Although behind all of that bravado Robin could sense the underlying layer of dread and worry, he could recognize that tone anywhere; he'd run a foul of that which vexes all men. His mind wandered to his own curse, how he looked in the sunlight...how he wondered when he'd see him again with all of this magical "now youre in Noxus" "now you're in Ionia!" bullshit that seemed to be happening recently.
"Again, Robin." He corrected him and if he could roll his eyes--he would roll them so hard his retina would break but alas, life was cruel in that way. However he could show his annoyance in his sighs and the way he tugged off his leather gloves, ready to snap before he took a moment to breathe. And he softened entirely, lowering his guard before he turned to the Reckoner and began to clean up, trying to not give him too much attention, god forbid he think Robin actually has grown fond of him--the horror. "I've never dined with royalty before but I think its important to remember that they are just people like the rest of us." Generally shitty people--but he'd keep his own opinions about politics set aside for now.
"I think...maybe show her into your world a little, this is about the Ixaocan Princess, Miss Qiyana, correct?" Robin remarked how clean the water felt on his hands as he washed them and ran a cloth over them, his ever-open owl eyes meeting Draven once more as he mused, "Your worlds are so different from eachother, perhaps it would not be a bad idea to explore how the two of you mesh in a normal setting. Hell, she might even like the ability to have some fun and not have the responsibilities of being a princess. Even just for a night." He chuckled and mused with a smile, easily getting caught up in the romance of it all.
"Take her to one of those fun seafood joints by the ports, the one with loud music so you can dance with her, and she can step on your toes while you hold her hands and spin her around." He caught himself sighing dreamily at the thought before waving it away to continue with his work, so what if Draven's eager behavior reminded him of his own when he was harboring a crush for his love? Well...rich people and poor people all have dreams after all, who was he to stomp out that little flicker of excitement? And so he began to clean his tools, "Did you have any other ideas for the evening? I take it she likes wine, bring that."
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computerpeople · 1 year
i wish i could figure out how to put how i feel about misogyny into words. i think a lot about it's role in my existence as a transman and i wish it was easier to talk about. i hate all the arguments about "all men includes trans men" or "but but but but transmen are except from hating men right?!" or whatever because thats never been an issue for me i guess. if someone hates all men im either included or unincluded depending on their definition, and im fine with that, i don't really care. as a transmasc, i am both able to perpetuate misogyny and also be a victim of it.
my issue is that everything i have ever done and will do will be wrapped in a blanket of misogyny. growing up i was a tomboy, and an ugly girl. i knew those things abouyt myself from the get go, probably because i was put into ballet at a very very young age (1-2 years old) and that taught me many things about myself, mosrly about how i don't fit in with other girls. i was assumed to be a lesbian by my parents, and confirmed this after i started dating my now ex boyfriend, who was also openly a lesbian at the time. and that followed me for years. no one around me cared that we were two transmascs, that we used boy names and he/him pronouns and were more openly transgender than anything else. we were the middleschools raging bulldyke couple. we were called carpet munchers and dykes and forced to sit apart from eachother in classes because us being next to eachother caused too much upheaval in OTHER students. he was able to transition easily, with social support, because he had money, he had loving parents, and most importantly: he was skinny and attractive. when people began to take his identity more seriously, they didn't spare me the same grace. i was still seen as an ugly, fat girl dating a guy out of my league, i had people tell me he only dated me because id accept his gender, that i was a fujo for wanting to date him, etc etc. all while i was also openly trans. i got misgendered, i was the ugly girl. he got to be a boy.
nothings changed. im 22 years old, im on testosterone, and i am still treated like an inconvenient, shitty, loud tomboyish ugly girl. i am constantly sexually harrassed by people who think it is attractive that i am openly an ugly girl. they ask me to have sex with them, to see if they "like men" but i know what they want. theyh want to bang me as a woman. they want to use me as a woman. they comment on me when i get on my knees, saying thats where i belong and where i should remember my place is. they slap me on the ass to get a feel and tell me its because thats what "boys" do to eachother. they call me ugly, they say every single unadulterated thing they ever want to say to a woman to me, because its cool right? im just one of the boys? so that gives them free reign to say all that shit to me? to cop a feel? bros just hug eachother all the time, i swear im not trying to feel where your nipples are in your binder. ignore me shifting you around, its unrelated. i am seen as stupid, i am seen as lesser, and i am seen as a sex toy. an ugly girl who thinks shes "strong" enough to handle the boys, andf theyll make sure i learn how stupid and ugly i am for thinking that. theyll make sure i get put back in my place.
i am not seen as a guy. i don't think that'll ever be my truth. i am seen as an ugly girl, and it will continue to follow me for the rest of my life. i wish that testosterone was not seen as this magic, amazing drug that makes everyone pass. i have been on it. ive grown my facial hair. ive deepened my voice. but i am seen as nothing but an ugly girl who forgot to shave. an ugly girl who needs to be reminded who i am.
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oldmanaemon · 1 year
Terracotta King and the Moon
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Kilik often found himself staring out the window of his room. He lived in an old dilapidated hut and sometimes he could hear the creaking in the wood beneath his feet and cracking of the foundations. Especially when it was raining outside he could hear water finding its way in but he could never find where the dripping sound was coming from. He sometimes wondered how it felt to run in the rain, play in the mud and jump in a puddle or two and make a mess. He imagined how it would be like when he got home and his parents would tell him off but still give him a clean pair of clothes after and some warm food.
He didn't have any of those things. He never knew his parents. He lived with his grandpa who was strict and swore him off from going outside most of the time, let alone to go out and play. "You are a man grown, you don't need live in your own head like those good for nothing street urchins!", his grandpa would often yell, "when I was your age I was a captain in the grand imperial army of his Majesty, Chin the Conqueror. He was the mightiest of men and brought the world justice and peace, until that accursed and painted outlaw avatar deceived him with an offer to duel and then buried him alive after crippling him. May she forever rot!"
"But grandpa, the stories say he died due to his own hubris. He-"
"Have you been speaking to the ealderman again? He's a Beifong. Do you know what the Beifongs are? They come from an ancient line of tyrants. Everything they have in wealth they stole from the people of the earth kingdom. All of it!, " his grandpa rebuffed. Kilik did not want to anger his grandfather so he stayed silent. The ealderman would often come by to bring them food since what he made at the tea house was never enough to feed both him and his grandfather and Oak Beifong saw how skinny he had gotten at the teahouse and how he barely fit into his clothes since he spent his allowance to feed his grandfather.
"You don't have to choose. I'll speak to the owner and I'll make an extra allowance for you as well. I knew your parents and they'd never forgive me if I watched their only child starve while his stubborn and wretched grandfather cursed them in their graves." Oak tried to be considerate but Kilik loved his grandpa and didn't like people talking about him irreverently. Even Oak's late father called him General Beila until his passing despite the two never liking eachother.
"I shouldn't. My grandpa would object-"
"Fine, how about I hire you for a few quick deliveries every week and you can tell him it's from work. I'm sure your grandpa wouldn't deny your work ethic or the rewards from your own hard work, even if it's from a Beifong."
"I'll discuss it with him. Thank you."
"No need to thank me, it's my duty to look after everyone as Ealderman. Especially Alia and Othek's kid. Here's a retainer fee, as proof I'm serious about hiring you and something to show your grandpop. Tell him I have his favorite mix of dried cocoa leaf and tobacco chew again. I'm sure he'll get a kick out of that since the fire nation blockade recently ended and cocoa shipments have resumed again after 10 years." Oak bowed and left the teahouse in a hurry. Kilik didn't know what reception awaited him with this news. He appreciated the extra allowance all the same but Kilik kept thinking about Yun and if she ate yesterday. He ran to her house after work and brought her some bread and her favorite jelly treats. Both of them lost their parents but unlike him, she had no older family left and had to help feed and raise all her siblings in an old shack alot worse off then his. She almost never ate herself, making sure every bread crumb was saved for them. Kilik wanted to give a few loaves but after seeing her give almost everything to her siblings he pulled her outside of the house and secretly handed her his loaf of bread and jelly tart.
"Please.." He started trying his best not to cry, "you need to eat if you're gonna take care of them, Yun. Please eat.."
She stared into his teary eyes, her expression tired and stiff. Where Kilik used to find joy and curiosity, the eyes that met him were empty and void. They both cried and she ate as he watched and he mustered a smile to let her know it'll be alright.
"I know, Ealderman Beifong gave you this money" she finally started. 'You don't have to explain it. He probably knew you'd help us since I denied his offer of help. Our families don't like the Beifongs but I'm glad you're able to put that blood fued aside." She smiled and Kilik could have sworn no sight, not even that of a full moon on a clear night was more pleasant.
" You know the Beifongs were royalty, once?" Yun began. "They ruled the earth kingdom as elder kings in the old times, at least that's why father would say. They were called the Terracotta lineage. The last king unified the earth kingdom's many peoples but to do this he shed too much blood. And for this his subjects hated him. But in his old age, this battle hardened and undefeated conqueror king lost something dearer to him than even his unified kingdom. He lost his wife to childbirth and nearly lost his only child in the process. The child was a girl he named Cira Luna. He loved his daughter so much he vacated his seat as king to a viceroy so he could attend to his sickly daughters every need. His court found his new obsession and abandonment of his throne a betrayal and sought to force the return their war hungry general and king as they feared the newly unified fire nation would come to invade them at the first sign of weakness. They weren't going to let him walk away." She stopped, looking at the few bites on the loaf of bread Kilik gave her. She barely ate anything.
"You can do both you know. I'm not going anywhere.."
"But your grandfather? Won't he.."
"Don't worry about it. I'll be fine. I want to hear the rest of the story. But first, eat up."
They shared a few laughs and she took a few big mouthfuls of bread and continued with her story: "it's said that they called her Cira, the Moonstone princess and so enamored was she with the moon that her father, one of the greatest earthbenders that ever lived would bend the very earth and moon so that the full moon would last nearly a month. It was said that only under the light of the full moon, her illness would wane and regress but after great exertion her father would fall ill himseld and would not be seen for days and even weeks. These months came to be called blood moon months, and among with iymt camr a great number of disasters. The oceans would swallow entire islands and coastal towns disappeared overnight. But this did not hinder the great Terracotta king. He would repeat this for two years until one day, his daughter suddenly passed away in her sleep. So distraught was he that he swore the bring down the very moon to revive his daughter instead of observe her funeral rites and as it's said, his court nobles who very well might have poisoned his daughter to end his distractions and ruin of the kingdom with his lunar machinery, they were powerless to stop him from destroying the earth from the grief of this father over his beloved daughters death. And he was almost successful. Before he died of terrible exertion, it is said the moon grew so close to the earth that it set the sky on fire. Being old and having exerted himself too many times to give his daughter so many full moons in her short years of life, he had a heart attack and died shortly after.
The immediate Beifong line ended there and the other line of Beifongs were immediately exiled with whatever wealth they already had but all of their history would be expunged and erased, lest the Terracottas return and destroy the earth kingdom and the very world with it."
Yun smiled and they laughed at the thought of someone bending the moon. "You think that's possible? Could a fire bender one day bend the sun as well?" She asked as she ate the jelly tart.
"Who knows. Someone once said the air nomads used to bend tornados, typhoons and hurricanes. If that was possible why couldn't a water bender bend oceans or even someone's blood?"
They looked at eachother in amusement and laughed at the suggestion. "Like bloodbending!" Yun cried out, "Someone should write a horror play about a bloodbender and breathbender, can you imagine?!"
"A breathbender? Like an airbender that can bend the air in your lungs? What a scary thought? We should write it! We'd be rich!' Kilik exclaimed and they joked the night away, suggesting more and more outlandish bending abilities.
It was a night to remember.
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elysiuminfra · 2 years
Alright tell me your complaints about the Jekyll and Hyde fanbase, because if you don't my brain is going to subconsciously project mine on you since you mentioned you had them, and that's not very nice. I want to hear your actual thoughts
OH BOY i have a lot of them. i dont think they're necessarily controversial tbh but i do have quite a bit.
my biggest complaint is the woobification of hyde. he's a grown man. he's a grown man that murders someone, and feels good about it. he drinks and has sex (probably) and does all sorts of things. he's not a baby, he's not a chaotic gremlin, he's a grown ass man!!! i also dont like it when ppl liken him to a child/give him child-like characteristics/make him too short. its weird imo. i dont like it. i think ppl should treat hyde like an adult with agency who's responsible for his own terrible actions instead of going oh woe is hyde / he's just a baby or whatever (and tbh i blame tgs a lot for this. no hate towards sabrina i just dont like that hyde is seen as "cutesy" in canon. i think that man doesnt shave his [censored])
the insistence that jekyll and hyde is about good/evil, or that jekyll is secretly bad and hyde is good/vice versa. jekyll sucks, but hyde isn't any better, the end. i don't think jekyll is a good person but he's not like, irredeemable i guess. he just sucks. he just uses hyde as an excuse to kill a guy. fuck alot. do cocaine. i mean who doesn't wanna go nuts sometimes. he can be self destructive as a treat if he wants
that jekyll and hyde are completely separate people. once again i blame tgs for this (sorry sabrina) which is like. its not the point of the story i guess. im a strickler for keeping the original themes, though, so that's just me. but also what comes with that is ppl shipping the two which i just. nope. nope!! i cant do it. in my mind's eye jekyll and hyde, though there is a degree of separation at the end of the story, are the same person. its weird and i dont like it. its only made worse when ppl woobify hyde/make him much younger. it genuinely makes me gag like stop that!!! stop it!!! :(
i dont like the musical. i just dont. im sorry to musical fans everywhere but i dont like it. :( please dont get mad at me for this. i will give them this bring on the men does go hard as fuck though (also anthony warlow's voice. hot damn)
i also dont like tgs as much. i just have issues with the writing (bc once again i love the original book too much) and also utterson isnt even there :( this also brings me into my next point is that UTTERSON!!!! he's funny and lovable and not enough ppl like him and just ignore him in favor of jekyll/hyde or lanyon (once again tgs) and im like :( no.... please....... he's funny and i like him
i think tgs is a fine enough story on its own, putting it nicely at least, but i dont like that it's greatly influenced a lot of ppl's perception of the original story. and this is coming from a former fan. it's led a lot of ppl to woobify hyde/ignore utterson/act like jekyll and hyde are separate/etc etc. just a lot of stuff that goes against the original.
idk what else to put here tbh i probably have more but cant think of any rn. i just think that we need more nuance in our discussions of these characters, shouldn't ignore certain unfavorable facets, and be open to criticism of media we enjoy. and we should also treat grown men like grown men. and be nice to eachother i guess. peace and love.
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ohdeersthings · 3 years
Bakugou Katsuki x Reader
Warnings: none, some flirting, little bit of cocky Katsuki
Summary: You remind Katsuki that not everyone falls in awe of a Pro Hero.
*Inspired by Disney's Hercules. We love Meg 👀❤*
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It's safe to say that Bakugou has grown since his days at U.A. Well, more or less.
Some days he gets lost in thought of saving people, hypnotized by the way men and women alike cheer and praise him. Chanting out his hero name, Ground Zero, and fawning over him when he's close by.
Children staring in awe at the tall, proud standing male. Some begging for a picture or autograph, which he does more from his Brand Team reminding him to grin and bear it for the polls and such.
Which he did with no problem, his smirks and boastful personality made him a magnet for egotistical labels but he ignored them, cause to him they were wrong.
He knows there's more to being a Hero than just photos and such, yet he can get swept away in the frenzie and lose the sight of that.
Until he met you, that is.
It was another day of simple patrols. Acknowledging a few fans and even stopping to take a picture with a young boy who tried to wear his hair spiked just like his "Favorite Hero". The gel in the child's hair making Bakugou smirk and mutter a "nice try brat,"
Yes it was a simple day.
He thought it'd be an easy shift ending, except for when a loud rumbling from down the street started to set off car alarms, citizens yelling out in alarm and fear.
A large villan stepped out from behind a building, the guys build like that of a giant Minatour.
It stood at atleast a good fifteen feet tall, large muscles covered in dark colored hair or fur, hard to tell from afar. Two large bull horns protruded from his cow shaped head, a long snout ending in a classic septum bull ring.
Of course in its hands, he held you.
Now most people would be screaming or pleading for their life but you simply sat in his hands, a bored look graced your features.
Bakugou instantly launched into an attack, explosions trying to blind the Minatour dude but he got smacked away like a fly. This caused him to fly into a fruit stand, teeth gritting as he stood back up, a strawberry stuck to his face before he pulled it off, a snarl present on his lips.
"Alright you sack of meat, now I'm pissed," Bakugou called out, him and the Minatour glaring at eachother when you spoke up,
"Uh hi, you maybe wanna leave Blast Boy?"
It was like a scene straight from a movie. Everyone, including the Villian, gaped at you like you were speaking in tongues.
"EH!? What the hell are you talking about?! You're the one currently suck in the Heifers grip but you're telling ME to leave?!"
Bakugou couldn't believe his ears, maybe he finally did blast his ear drums out.
"Yeah, no offense but do you see Damsel In Distress or Distressed Dude taped to my forehead? I'm perfectly fine getting my self out of here,"
Bakugou looked like a fish out of water with the way his mouth opened and closed, eyes white in anger and annoyance.
You leaned on the Bulls hand, an arm crossed under your chest as your left hands palm held your cheek up, flashing Ground Zero a sensual smile, "Have a nice day~"
Ears flushing from the sound of your voice and gleam in your eye. He went to retort, only you turned toward the Villian who was dumb enough to stop his rampage and watch the scene unfold.
"I'll give you three seconds to put me down before I make you,"
The Villian let out a booming laugh, a few citizens also murmuring in questioning tones.
You were a regular citizen like them, what exactly could you do if you had allowed yourself to get captured in the first place.
Before you could finish Bakugou had let a giant blast against the Minatours face making him yell in pain, his grip loosening for a second but that's all Bakugou needed to grab you and move out of the way.
This had angered the Minatour who shook his head free of ash and smoke. His red eyes locking on Bakugous who held you bridal style.
"You're welcome shitty person, next time don't try acting like a Pro and let the real Heros handle it,"
You scoffed, throwing yourself to your feet as you smoothed out your outfit, "Please, you're more of a Pro Jackass than a Pro Hero,"
The Minatour began his charge, large hoof feet sprinting at you and Bakugou.
"Get back!" Bakugou ordered, going to throw his hands out to produce his quirk but found you walking toward the Minatour instead.
He could only see your backside, but from the front your eyes turned a bright mix of red, pink and purple swirls.
"Excuse me~" your sultry voice filled the air causing many to freeze, almost as if you had taken control of them. The tone was like honey, thick but sweet. It made many develop a set of shivers, some letting their minds wander.
Your voice and loving eyes with you had caused the Minatour to cease his running, he ended up tripping on the road and skidded close you, his eyes now matching yours as your lips pulled into a seductive smile, your cupids bow lips plump and luscious.
"Thank you, are you ready to listen~?" The Minatour could only nod before you suddenly raised your leg up, dropping your heel on his head, knocking him out efficiently.
You turned back to Bakugou who just stared.
Wide, red eyes just staring. You couldn't tell if he was pissed or what, but the Villan was delt with and that's all that matters.
"Thanks for letting me play, it's been a real treat," you winked, walking off past Bakugou who turned and caught your arm, stopping you from moving.
The press and media, who appeared out of the shadows, took this opportunity and began to captures photos, videos, quotes, anything their greedy hands could get.
"Excuse us! What's your quirk?!"
"Are you a new Pro Hero!?"
"Do you have a Working Quirk License!?"
"How do you feel about getting up close and personal with Ground Zero himself!?"
You rolled your eyes at the last question, pulling your arm away from Bakugou as you shot him a sideways look, "Yeah cause a model who role plays as a Pro Hero for pictures and is a jerk about saving people, is someone I wanna get personal with,"
"Oi! You could be a little more grateful I got you out of his grip there Hippie Eyes!" Bakugou growled, his face showing aggravation but his mind was racing with questions about you.
'Who are you?'
'What is your quirk?'
'Are you a Pro?'
'You wanna go out sometime'
He shook that last thought from his head, eyes locking with yours as you just smirked,
"Yeah, next time I wanna be man handled for telling a guy no I'll call you,"
With that you turned and walked off, waving a hand without looking back, "See ya Blast Boy,"
Yoohoo, here you go my lovelies 😘 let me know what you think
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anythingwriter · 3 years
Tommy Shelby x reader
Warnings: language, men being sexest, brief mention of death, a little bit of a slow burn
Word Count: 3,900 of pure trash:)
Requested by: @imthebadguyyy
Summary: Thomas Shelby has been expanding his business for years, making deals with other gangs all the time. But the Vipers, they were a different story. They’re crazy and dangerous, and they are not willing to share their land, so Tommy sets up a meeting with their leader. It was not who he expected.
a/n: Dudley is a city in England kind of close to Birmingham, just so y’all know.
Polly was minding her business, walking around the shop straightening up here and there. It was just her and Esme at the moment, the betting shop had not yet opened. There was supposed to be a family meeting in about ten minutes, but by the looks of it Tommy was going to be late as perusal.
Ada had just walked in, shortly followed by John and Arthur. Finn stayed with Isaiah, Tommy had told him not to come because it was an “adult” meeting. They all sat around, conversing and just having small talk and after twenty minutes of waiting for Tommy, Polly was fed up.
“Where the bloody hell is that brother of yours?”
John and Arthur looked at eachother wearily, should they tell her?
Their looks didn’t go unnoticed by any of the women. Ada was getting frustrated too, Tommy called the damn meeting so where the hell was he?
“C’mon boys, Polly and I want to know.”
Arthur sighed, rubbing a hand down his face and itching his mustache, “so you see ladies, he-”
Arthur was interrupted by the door to the shop slamming open and banging against the wall, Tommy coming in with literal blood on his hands.
“What the fuck Thomas? Where in the bloody hell have you been? An- and is that blood?! Christ Tommy!” Polly was so confused, her nephew came into his own meeting late, with blood on his hands?
Tommy ignored his aunts questions and walked around the table, lit a cigarette and poured himself a glass of whiskey, Irish of course. He grabbed a cloth and began to wipe the blood off of his hands, all while being silent. Everyone else had grown quiet too, waiting for Tommy to speak, or at least acknowledge them.
He drank his whiskey in one gulp and poured another. He then finally looked up at his family, now clean from the blood on his hands. Well, at least the blood that you could see.
“I’ve been trying to make new...acquaintances you could say,” he took a long drag of his cig, “and people were not happy about it.”
The three women looked at Tommy, waiting for him to explain more. John and Arthur already knew everything, they were just sitting there, waiting for their aunt's reaction to what Tommys was about to say. He quickly drank his second glass. Polly copied his actions, bringing her drink to her lips as well.
“As you all know, our business is expanding everyday. We’ve already reached London, and now, now I’m trying to get to Dudley.”
Ada's eyes widened and Esme immediately got up to leave. Polly began to ferociously cough on her drink, not expecting to hear such news. Arthur leaned over in his seat and aggressively started to smack his aunt’s back, trying to help ease her drink down. Tommy sat there just watching everything with a stoic face.
Polly began to swat at Arthurs hands, and he pulled them back raised in the air defensively, not wanting to get hit by his aunt.
She rose from her seat, a look of disbelief on her face and pointed her manicured finger in Tommy's face, “Are you MAD Thomas?! You have no business being on their land! Now you've done dragged us all into this! Thomas, what in the blo-”
“Hear me out Pol, I’ve al-” Polly cut him off like he did her, she was furious. He was going to get them all killed!
“No Thomas, you listen to me. You go on their land and expect to make a peace treaty with them? They’re so good at what they do no one’s ever seen their faces Tom! Just you wait, this is all going to come back and bite you in your ass!” Polly stormed out of the shop and into their house, slamming the doors behind her.
They all sat in silence for a few seconds before John decided to break it, “well, that went better than I thought it would.” Arthur snorted at that, raising his drink to cover the sound.
“Whose blood was on your hands, Tommy?” For the first time the whole meeting, Ada had finally spoken.
“Some man came up to me and told me to leave, saying they didn’t want the devil to walk among their streets. He pulled a knife on me, so I shot him. Simple as that.”
“Simple as that? Simple as that Tommy? You’ve shot one of her men! This is war now Tommy.”
Arthur looked up from his drink and made eye contact with Ada, “Her? Who in the bloody hell said anything about it being a woman, Ada? You really think the leader of The Vipers is a woman?”
“Haven’t you lot heard? There's been rumors for months about the WHOLE gang being run by women.”
John and Arthur both barked out laughter, women? Why would women be running a gang, let alone one as dangerous as The Vipers.
Ada’s face turned red, cursing her sexest brothers. Stupid men and their cocks.
Tommy sat there reclined in his seat, lost in his own thought. It couldn’t be women, could it?
His sister stood up from her seat, yelling at her brothers before leaving the room in the same fashion Polly had, even slamming the door a little harder.
Arthur smacked his hand against the table, breaking Tommy out of his trance. Him and John were still laughing their asses off.
“Women? Can you bloody believe that Tom? A bloody woman!” John doubled back over in laughter again at Arthurs words. Tommy still just sat there, watching his brothers laugh. He got up to leave the shop, heading to London to see a certain Solomons.
“Tommy, what can I do for you mate?” Alfie was loud, as usual.
Tommy sat in front of Alfie, preparing himself for the conversation ahead of him. “There’s word going around, Alfie, that you are the only ally of The Vipers, is that true?”
Alfie stared blankly ahead of himself before letting out a loud boisterous laugh that had Ollie wincing in the corner. He looked at Tommy and immediately stopped when he saw Tommy was serious.
“Oh, oh you’re serious?” What business could you possibly want with The Vipers Tommy?”
“Is that a yes or no, Alfie? Are you allies with them?”
Alfie eyeballed Tommy before sighing and nodding his head. Tommy smirked at his small victory. “I’m wanting to do business with him, Alfie. I want to expand and put some of my men in Dudley. But, I need help. I’ve heard they’re unpredictable, especially their leader. Would you care to tell me his name, Alf?”
Again, Alfie laughed. He stood up with the help of his cane and leaned on his large desk closer to Tommy, “right, there's two things you need to know Tom. First of all, they are unpredictable and they wouldn’t hesitate to bite your head off if you backstabbed them, yeah.” He paused for a second, debating if he should tell Tommy the second part.
Tommy nodded, waiting for Alfie to continue, but he didn’t.
“What’s the second thing?”
Alfie just smirked down at the brummie, “That's for me to know and for you to find out.”
Three days later it was Friday evening and Tommy had invited everyone for a family dinner, it was all Polly’s idea. They were all gathered around the unnecessary large dining table at Arrow house. Charlie sat next to Tommy, Esme and John were next to each other, their hundreds of kids all at home with a sitter, along with Karl. Polly and Ada were sat side by side and Arthur was in the corner of the room pouring himself a drink. It was getting late, everyone had already ate their dinner and dessert.
“Mary, could you take Charlie up to bed? It’s getting late.”
She quickly walked around the table nodding her head, “Yes, Mr.Shelby.”
Everyone had migrated to the living room now, for once not talking about business. Their laughing was interrupted when there was a knock on the door, they all stood up.
“Who could that possibly be this late at night?” The loud knock had put all of them on edge.
The men all drew their guns, walking to the door, telling the woman to stay put. Naturally none of them listened and they all followed behind the boys.
Tommy swung the door open with his gun pointed out, ready to shoot whoever was there. They were all confused when they didn’t see anybody, but they were even more confused when they looked down to see a box with Tommy’s name on it.
Polly smacked Tommy on the back of his head, “Don't just stand there you idiot, bring the box in!” She reached down and grabbed the box, bringing it in and sitting it on the living room table.
John was a little hesitant, why was there a box? Who had dropped it off?
Tommy inspected the box, it didn’t seem harmful, but that didn’t stop his nerves. He wouldn’t admit it to anyone, but he was a little freaked out at the package too. He slowly reached for the box and ever so slowly opened it.
Everyone was screaming and panicking, Tommy had jumped back and almost tripped over his feet, the women had all run to the next room and the men had drawn their guns once again.
Lunging out of the box was a bright green fluorescent Viper, hungry for blood. It striked again, almost catching Esme by the arm as she ran by it. It slithered out the box, its fangs out waiting to catch someone. Arthur began shooting at the floor, steadily putting holes in it. Tommy had finally stood back up, and John reached for Esme to check her for injuries. Arthur kept shooting, still putting bullet holes in Tommy's wooden floors.
A loud bang echoed through the house, and it wasn’t Arthur because he had run out of ammo. There stood Ada with a small revolver in her had, and a bullet lodged in the snakes head. Everyone stopped to stare at her, eyes wide in shock.
“Guess chasing rats finally paid off, huh?”
Polly had walked back in the room and bent down to inspect the green snake before standing up to look Tommy in the eyes.
John hugged Esme to his chest and turned towards his brother, “What in the bloody hell is this Tom?”
Tommy looked at John blankly, he himself didn’t even know. He went to make something up but Pol had beaten him to it.
“This, John,” she reached down and picked up the dead but still squirming snake, “is what you call a Viper.” And with that she flung the snake at Tommy who jumped back in disgust.
Adas head perked up at that, “A viper? But how, they're not native.”
Everyone thought about it a moment, before they put the pieces together. Polly began to laugh maniacally and everyone averted their gaze to her, had she gone mad?
“I told you Thomas! I told you this was going to come back and bite you in your ass!”
Tommy sighed and ran a hand down his sweating face before peering in the box again. Inside was a note and he reached in to grab it and he read it aloud, “Stay off our land Shelby.”
Everyone began to fret again. They were running around like a chicken that got its head cut off, screaming about how Tommy never should have stepped foot in Dudley.
Tommy sat down on his couch, thinking about what to do. What if Charlie had been downstairs? The snake surely would have gotten to him, after all he is just a child. He needed a smoke and a drink as soon as possible, he stood up and marched up to his office to make a phone call, completely ignoring his family's calls of his name
Two weeks after the snake incident, Tommy had managed to get a meeting with you, thanks to the one and only Alfie Solomons. When Tommy had told him what had happened that night he shook his head and chucked, telling Tommy you had done the same thing to him all those years ago. But Tommy still didn’t know who you were.
The three eldest Shelby’s stepped out of Tommy's car and landed on the Dudely turf, they all felt a little uneasy about the situation. They began to follow the directions Alfie had given them, the area getting more and more sketchier as they went.
Dudley was very dull, the sky was always grey and the streets were always muddy. The air was foggy like Birmingham, maybe even worse. They were getting looks everywhere they turned, none of them being used to it considering their name.
A loud clang of metal caught their attention and they all turned to look. All three of them pulled their guns when they saw a scruffy man charging them with a knife. Right when Arthur was about to pull the trigger, they all four stopped when someone yell.
Another man came running towards them, screaming at the man that was attacking them.
“Stop Marc! They’re here because Yilan has agreed to meet with them!”
The man stopped what he was doing immediately, turning as pale as a ghost and dropped his weapon to the ground. He turned back around to the Shleby’s and apologized profusely before running off.
The three brothers looked at each other in confusion.
“What the fuck was that about? Who the hell is Yilan?” John was asking too many questions and Tommy didn’t have the answers to them.
“I don’t fucking know John, now shut the hell up!”
(a/n: Yilan means snake in Turkish [which is my family’s native language])
The man who had stopped the other walked up to the brothers.
“I am sorry, sirs. Yilan is what we call the leader of the Vipers.”
Tommy nodded a thanks to the man, asking him if he could take them to their headquarters. The man reluctantly agreed, not wanting to get on anyones bad side.
After around twenty more minutes of walking they stopped in front of a worn down brick building. It had vines growing up the whole thing and two very, very large men were guarding the door. Their escort had scurried off as soon as they got there, Tommy not even being able to thank the man.
The brothers began to walk towards the door and Arthur leaned down to whisper, “Ha, and Ada said they were run by women!”
John chuckled, he couldn’t wait to tell Ada she was wrong. Tommy hushed the two before speaking to the men guarding the door.
They both stared at the brothers, almost as if they were staring into their souls. They didn’t speak, waiting for one of the others to.
Tommy cleared his throat, “We’re here to see your boss. We have a meeting, Thomas Shelby.”
The larger out of the two opened the door, “Third floor straight down the hallway.” Tommy nodded his head before heading in, the two brothers following his lead.
The inside of the building was loud with music and the walls were all painted bright green. Tommy guessed for a viper. They all walked in a little further and stopped in their tracks, shock registering through their veins.
There was not one man inside. The room was full of women from every race you could imagine. Some had a tattoo here and there, some were covered in them. There was women with red curly hair, others with black straight. Any type of woman you could imagine, from short to tall and thin to curvy, was there. And they were all staring at them.
Arthur gulped and John smirked but then quickly frowned when he realised that his sister was right, this whole gang was women. He did have to admit though, it was a little sexy, even though he knew half of them could probably kick his ass.
Tommy cleared his throat before walking ahead, not making eye contact with any of the women. He walked towards the stairs and climbed them until he got to the third floor and walked straight down the hallway. When they reached the door Tommy hesitated for a moment before knocking. A faint “come in” was heard, and they all walked in.
Sitting behind a large oak desk was you, relaxing in your chair with a wicked smile on your face. You were so ready to finally meet the man who wanted your land.
Not making any effort to sit up in a more presentable position, you gestured to the three chairs in front of you, telling them to take a seat.
Tommy and John did but Arthur was still hesitant. What had they walked into?
“No offense ma’am, I think I would rather stand,” he was fidgeting the whole time and you could smell his nervousness. Tommy looked up and glared at his older brother.
You leaned forward in your chair and rested your arms on your desk and sat your chin on your hands. “Please, Arthur, take a seat before I shoot both your knee caps and make you sit.” You pulled a gun and sat it on your desk, smiling up at Arthur.
John was a nervous wreck and Arthur visibly gulped and sat down with shaky legs. Tommy kept staring at you though, he thought you were beautiful, but psycho. You intrigued him.
You leaned back in your chair again, leaving the gun on the desk. “Mr.Shelby, I do really hope you enjoyed my gift the other day. Alfie told me it brought… excitement to your family.”
God you were definitely psycho.
Tommy cleared his throat, “Ms.Yilan I-”
You sat back up again, “No no no, Mr.Shelby, that is not my name. Please, call me y/n.”
For a brief moment there, you almost seemed normal. It scared the brothers how easily your emotions changed.
“Right, okay. Let's not even talk about that, okay? Let's just get straight to business. And please, call me Tommy”
“I like the way you think, Tommy.”
And boy did you like the way he looked too.
“First of all Tommy, I do NOT like you coming on to MY land and shooting MY people.” You were getting angry, your eyes were ablaze and your jaw was clenched.
“That man you shot, Tommy, had a family. He had a wife and two daughters, and now I have to spend MY money on them because YOU shot their caretaker. I could be doing so much more with that money.”
Tommy was taken aback with your forwardness, those were not the words he was expecting to hear.
“He charged me with a knife, it was self de-”
“Nonsense Tommy! You could have simply knocked him out, anything but shoot him! He was an innocent man Thomas!”
Tommy sighed, he knew there was no winning this. “You’re right, and I apologize for my mistake.”
John and Arthur looked at each other with wide eyes, Tommy apologized?
“Thank you, but your apology is not accepted, but I do believe we're even.”
Tommy’s brows furrowed, even? How were you even?
This caught Johns interest too, “Even? How do you mean?”
You smirked at all of them and they became concerned, what had you done?
“On your way here, hope you all had a nice trip by the way, I sent two of my women to your town. I told them to do exactly as you did, but add some Viper charm to it. They took my beloved snake Ebony with them, and they allowed her to pick an innocent man, like you had.”
Tommy was definitely confused now, where was this going?
“She did amazing, really. She struck an innocent man in the streets. And I would say that right about now,” you checked your watch, “her venom is kicking in, and he is dying a slow and painful death.” You looked up at the three, flashing them an innocent smile.
“You fucking crazy bitch! What the bloody hell is wrong with you?!” Arthur lunged for you across your desk, Tommy and John trying to stop him.
He grabbed your gun that you left on the table and pointed it straight to your face. All you did was smirk at him.
Tommy pleadingly begged Arthur to put the gun down, but you held up your hand to stop him. He looked at you like you were crazy. Which to be fair, you were.
“Go on Arthur,” you pressed your head closer to the barrel, “I know you want to. Why don’t you pull it, huh? Do the world a favor and get rid of a crazy bitch like me.”
Arthur stared in your eyes, looking for any sign of fear. He found none. He thought about it for a moment, should he do it? After all, the world would be a better place.
He smiled, and pulled the trigger.
But nothing happened, his smile fell when he heard you laughing. He opened the barrel to the gun and found that there were no bullets, you had played him. He backed away and fell back in his chair when you got up. You pulled a gun from the waistband of your trousers and pointed it towards him, shooting a shot that whizzed by his head so he knew this one was full. John flinched, and Tommy reached for his own gun.
You pointed your gun at John and then back at Arthur, “You two, get out. I want to speak to Thomas. Alone.”
They both got up and scurried out the door like a dog with its tail tucked between its legs. You put your gun away which was a sign for Tommy too as well, and you both sat down.
“Now Thomas, lets talk about business, yeah?”
Almost an hour later you and Tommy had finally come to terms and made a small business deal. It wasn’t anything big, but it was a start. Tommy still sat in front of you, drinking his whiskey that you had poured him. Oddly enough he had grown to like you.
Strangely, so had you.
Tommy put out his cigarette and pointed his drink in your direction, “What’re you doing this Friday y/n?”
You pretended to check your agenda, and smiled at Tommy. “Well, hopefully I’ll being going on a date with a very handsome man.”
He smiled up at you “He must be quite handsome for you to agree.”
“That he is Tommy. How about you?”
He smirked at you through the rim of his drink, “Oh you know, I’m going on a date with one crazy bitch.”
I hope you like it @imthebadguyyy !! Although, I low key hated it😂😂
Have a great day darlings!!❤️❤️❤️
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@nothingleftthaticando @shadowfoxey
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