#its an instinct to find any crying baby and instantly try to help it
martyrbat · 1 year
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faces – batman: legends of the dark knight #29
[ID: a three panel sequence of Batman. In all of them, he's drawn in very low detail with none of his features showing. In the first photo he's hunkered down in surprise at the sound of a loud wail. He thinks, bewildered, ‘A... Baby?!!’ In the second photo he's quickly approaching the supposed infant and in the third he's starting to reach out to comfort the crying child. END ID]
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lethalchiralium · 1 year
hi! i love your writing and was wondering if you could do a könig x reader where the reader is giving birth to their baby but it’s a hard birth and könig pushes his anxiety away to help coach her through it?❤️
So This Is Love | König x Wife!AFAB!Reader
a/n: you know me. i was literally thinking about writing something about könig and a baby. nonnie i’ll love you forever. i’ll write a family fic for könig too if people want it 😭 i love him so much. (thank you @as-is-above-so-below for the baby name, you are amazing)
warnings: Childbirth, pregnancy, a lot of anxiety.
summary: It’s time for you and your husband, König, to meet your new baby. It’s just that you are panicking, and König needs to keep you calm.
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König stirred awake to a dark bedroom, eyes blinking to adjust to the darkness. He turned to look at the digital clock on his nightstand, its red numbers blinking 01:56 AM. He rolled back over, hand reaching for you on the right side of the bed, but found only warm sheets. His eyes really opened then, he sat up quickly and reached backwards for the lamp. It clicked on, illuminating the bedroom and your empty side of the bed. He saw a large wet spot just a few inches from his hand, he moved quickly off the bed as he called your name. It couldn’t be time, you weren’t due for another couple of weeks - his heart began to race even as he heard your voice from the bathroom.
He made it in four strides, almost slamming his head on the door frame when he darted into the bathroom. The panic in chest only increased as he found you sitting on the floor, back against the tub with a towel underneath you. He was instantly beside you, kneeling and placing one of his hands on your swollen belly. “What happened?”
The tears that ran down your face only made his entire body grow dizzy, your hand rested on his as you whispered, “My water broke.”
König felt his resolve crumble under his skin, panic bells ringing in his ear as he spoke, “You’re not-“
“Due for a couple of weeks, I know,” You winced, eyes fluttered shut as you let out a breathy groan. “Tell your baby to stop hitting my ribs.”
His blue eyes flickered down to your belly, only taking just a moment to collect himself before he leaned closer, saying, “Du tust deiner Mutter weh, du wirst uns bald treffen, mein Baby.” He pressed a kiss to your belly, eyes looking back up to you. He flexed his other hand into a fist, trying to get his focus off of his racing heartbeat. “Do we need to go to the hospital?”
You shook your head, letting out a loud groan and taking his hand into your own. “F-Fuck-“ You panted out, your other hand instinctively reached for his other as well. He immediately gave it to you. “Yeah. Yeah, yeah, let’s go.”
König’s entire body was on emergency mode, he could barely even breathe the whole time you had been in labor. Catering to your every need no matter how small helped a little, but the intense pain you were in because of his child made him almost vomit.
36 hours of labor have come and gone, spent sitting on a exercise ball and watching TV, or eating crisps on your hospital bed while he massaged your feet. The baby in your belly seemed content in causing you pain, kicking your kidneys whenever you had a contraction. The sweetheart you were, you never told him that it was his fault that you were this way - but boy was he thinking it. Every tiny discomfort almost had him crying out of anxiety; he had spent countless years in battle and has seen people in pain, but he never wanted to hear moans of agony come from your lips.
He hadn’t even settled on a name yet. You were so patient, you didn’t want to name this baby a name that he didn’t like. He begged for your suggestions, but you refused - saying, “Any name I say you’ll just agree with. Find your own.”
He sat with you now, he felt it was getting closer to meeting his first child. The nurse was fluttering about, a sweet young woman who didn’t ease his nerves at all. It may have been the thousandth baby she’s delivered, but this is his first child and the first she would be delivering with you. He had already chewed down his nails, he had to force himself to stop before he made himself bleed.
“Baby,” You murmured your warm bed, he was sat right behind you, his head right next to your arm as your hand reached for his head. “Baby.”
“Yes?” He whispered, moving his hand to intercept yours, holding it before you squeezed his hand.
“I need you.”
He’s spent months and months thinking of all the terrible things that could go wrong with you and the baby, he was still uncharacteristically calm. He wanted to be at the hospital with you, but you were against it - he did as you said. So here you were in a hospital bed, hooked up to an IV and monitors. He was quick to stand, help you move forwards so he could sit behind you. The mattress was almost soft, he noted, and he felt upset that he even suggested coming to the hospital. He wasn’t used to any of this, the clench of his lungs in his chest made him nauseous. Your back curled into his chest, his hands immediately settled on your pregnant belly. He could immediately feel his baby respond to his touch, kicking and making you grunt in pain. Your hands then moved to on top of his, squeezing them.
“It hurts, König,” Your words stung him like a wasp, infecting his skin and blood with red hot venom. He pressed kisses to your hair that was thrown up messily before leaning forwards, moving his hands so your palms met.
“It’s okay, my love,” He murmured, squeezing your hands as you squeezed back, letting out a loud whine of pain. “Breathe for me, Schatzi. Come on.”
“I can’t.” You groaned out, head thrown back into his shoulder as you squeezed his hands so hard. The nurse moved towards the bed, one hand on one of your knees.
“I’m gonna see if I can feel the head, okay?” She spoke calmly, all you could do was nod and the soldier stared at the woman as she reached down between your legs. Your hands moved to bring his arms around your chest, eyes also glancing down at the woman before she moved back, a smile on her face. “You’re going to need to start pushing soon. Not right now, so prepare yourself.”
“I don’t know if I can do this.” Your small voice broke König’s heart. He tightened his arms around your chest, your hands gripped his forearms.
He swallowed, fending off his anxiety from swelling his throat as he spoke, “You can, Liebling. And I’ll be right here, I won’t let you go. Squeeze me as hard as you need.”
There was a knock on the door and it opened, revealing your short doctor with a mask on her face and hair pulled into a fabric surgical cap. Behind her were two more nurses, both in pink scrubs and wheeling in a bassinet. He felt like everything in his body was going to explode.
This was really happening. Soon, he was going to be a father to a little girl or a little boy - and he hadn’t even told you the names he liked.
“Let’s have a baby! How are you doing?” Your doctor was as happy as ever, something König wasn’t always fond of.
Your hands squeezed his forearms, a grunt escaped from between your gritted teeth.“Like I’m pushing a baby out of my vagina.”
“Always the chipper one, then?” The doctor smirked, commenting, “I’m gonna check and see where the little one is, okay?” She lifted the paper blanket and then looked back to her nurses, then to König. She nodded curtly before looking to you, saying, “It’s go time. I can see the baby’s head.”
König physically felt you freeze for a moment, he was stunned himself and he felt his diaphragm squeeze. This was the last time König would ever be just someone - soon, he would be someone’s father. And he would do better than his own, better than the man who abandoned his family and ruined his only son.
You let out a yelp, hands still holding onto his forearms as the doctor spoke, “Alright, let’s push.”
“No, no no! I’m not- Ready-“ Your chest curled forwards, a loud whine of pain as you dragged your husband forward by his arms secured around you. “I want-“
“It’s too late for any pain meds, I’m sorry.” Your doctor gave you a sympathetic gaze before looking back between your legs. Another jolt of pain had you screaming out, the doctor telling you to push but all you did was let out a cry of pain. “C’mon, sweetheart. Your baby’s almost here, you can do it.”
“I can’t!” You shouted back, voice laced with agony as you collapsed backwards into your husband, sobs racking your entire chest as you squeezed his arms. “Fuck, König, please- Please make it stop.”
You were always the strong one in the relationship, level headed and wise; something König admired and those traits helped keep him grounded when he was getting into one of his attacks. But now, it was like the roles reversed - you were panicking, in pain, wanting to stop but he knew you couldn’t. He pressed his forehead to the crown of your head, speaking over your loud moans and the doctor’s commands. “You’re going to give us the best thing we’ve ever been given, our child. I’m going to hold them and think about how strong you were for creating a little life with me. You’re going to be in so much pain for me, I’m sorry, my Schatzi. But you have always been strong, always held your head in the face of danger. Just a little longer.”
“Ah-fuck! Fuck, fuck- No, no, no I can’t- I can’t-“ Your nails dug into his skin, your torso shot forwards as you let out a loud cry of pain. He followed suit, letting your nails draw blood from his arm.
He pressed a kiss to your messy hair, it was almost matted. “You can, Schatzi. Und das wirst du.” He made a note to help you brush your hair when you were resting, but now all he could do was watch the doctor and nurses await the arrival of his child.
“One more push, Y/N.” Your doctor’s voice was calm, the nurses waiting beside her with supplies that König didn’t care to look at. He kept his hold, letting you squeeze his arms around you as you cried.
“I can’t- I can’t anymore.”
“Yes, you can.” He spoke, his voice echoed over your grunts, the loud pants from your mouth almost drowned out him saying, “You’re strong, Schatzi. Stark. We’re doing this together, always.”
It was only a moment longer, a last scream of pain and nails digging into skin, crescent moons tattooed his arms. There was a moment, just a moment where your open backed hospital gown hit his grey undershirt, your nails no longer going for blood. In that moment, his lips pressed against the shell of your ear with a bated breath, arms looser around you while your arms went slack and your head rolled back into König’s shoulder.
A shrill sound. Sighs of relief from everyone in the room as the recognizable sound of a baby crying filled the silence, the doctor happily chirping as the nurses began to help your baby. Your eyes felt so heavy, it was hard to keep them somewhat open but you still did it, the sheer adrenaline of wanting to see the baby you’ve been humming to for nine months. You wanted to see the creature who liked to kick you in your sleep at the exact same time of night, the baby who liked to move whenever your husband placed his hand upon the swell of your stomach.
The nurses moved away as your doctor held up the little baby with both hands, “It’s a girl!”
“Do you want to cut the cord, Dad?” One of the nurses asked, König pressed the side of his head to your head. He could feel just how tired you were, he wouldn���t leave you now.
He met the gaze of the nurse, saying, “No. My wife still needs me here.” You let out a noise of gratitude, heavy pants still escaping your lips. The parents watched the cord be snipped, the little girl be wiped down a little before wrapped in a soft pink blanket - the nurse who had been with you almost the whole time had come forward with the little creature, helping you move down your hospital gown so your baby could rest on your skin and help bonding.
The little girl let out tiny shrieks with all of her breath, face becoming shades darker as your weak hands came to cradle your daughter. She had your beautiful skin tone, a small little thing that would’ve fit in the palms of König’s hands. You tried to hush the baby, calm her, but she kept crying. It wasn’t until he spoke only a few words, “Hello, my little bird.”
She squealed out another cry, her eyes blinking open to display eyes that looked exactly like his. Beautiful gray eyes that would follow him for years, little hands that he would hold for years to come. The baby began to calm down as soon as her eyes opened, blinking slowly up to look at König before her gaze landed on you.
Her little hand moved towards your head, but it didn’t raise from your sweaty skin. Her eyes watched you as a small yet exhausted smile appeared on your lips, one that König wouldn’t see until later when one of the nurses shows him the picture. All he would know of was the little coo his daughter made as you whispered, “Hello, sweetheart.”
“Sie ist schön, just like her mama.” He murmured, keeping his hands on your sides. He felt that he was almost too big to touch the baby on his wife’s chest - she was a normal sized baby, but he was still so overly conscious of his size. He didn’t ever want to hurt the little creature he met only moments ago.
“What did you name her, my love?” He was brought out of his head by the sound of your voice, the little girl’s eyes never moved from your face.
He pressed his lips to your hair. “Avis.”
“And her middle name will be Amelia.”
“Meine Omas Namen?” He chuckled, his hands gently rubbing your sides. “Oh, how no one would ever love me like you.”
Little Avis agreed by letting out a little yawn, eyes fluttered closed. Your head moved to the side, he could clearly see the tears that had fallen since your child had been placed in your grasp. His hand came to your cheeks, a kiss from his lips was planted on your nose.
“We did it.” The breath you were holding escaped your lungs, crystal tears filled your eyes. “Avis Amelia.”
“Look at our daughter. Unsere Tochter.” You gazed back at your beautiful daughter, sniffling before König’s familiar fingers brought your face to look back at his. “You did so well, do not cry these tears, your beautiful face doesn’t need to be tearful.” His thumb traced a tear away from your cheek, gray eyes flickering to meet yours before closing. He leaned forwards to meet his forehead with yours, still brushing away tears. “I will cry them for you.”
Copyright © 2023 lethalchiralium. All rights reserved.
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omiscurls · 3 years
hi! (this request is heavily inspired by a kdrama i just watched called sweet home lmao) could i request a childe x gn reader fic where childe and the reader r both severely injured and the reader had to kill someone for self defense and as theyre running away the reader feeling super guilty is like “i’m so terrible i killed someone” and childe is trying to comfort them and they find a place to rest while being both on the verge of death and the reader is like “i killed someone, i’m so scared that it’ll be my last memory”and the childe is like “try to forget abt it it’s ok” and the reader is like “u don’t think abt either too” (yk implying like oh don’t think abt the ppl you’ve killed before childe, bc im assuming he’s killed a lot of ppl) and he’s like ok with a sad smile and they die together in each other’s arms holding hands?)/?:))2 help this is wayyy to detailed i’m sry but if u want the reference scene it’s from this video , they show the specific scene in time stamps 0:57-2:56 again i’m so sorry if this is too detailed or if u don’t wanna write it!!! tysm <3
a/n oh my god that is just my kind of angst, thanks for the request and i hope you'll enjoy!!
prompt: honestly? dying with tartaglia (that sounds like a creepy tv show's title and i'm proud of it)
contains: tartaglia
warnings: angst, death, blood, major character death, self-blame, murder, more blood, really a lot of dying and bleeding, please do not proceed if you're not comfortable with the topics
adrenaline was probably the last string that had your body moving and functioning in any way. the blood in your veins made you deaf, only capable of noticing the sounds of it pumping behind your ears, head pulsing like a bomb about to explode.
your whole body shook, and you felt a metallic taste on your tongue, covering your mouth with your hand to prevent throwing up, which you predicted would happen in a matter of seconds.
"hey!" you finally heard childe yell, sounding distant even still, when you lifted your gaze away from the body before you and noticed he was standing fairly close. "come on, move, or his buddies" he said pointing to the lifeless man beneath you "might just come to get revenge"
with that he took your arm by the waist and pulled you along with him.
you stumbled over your own feet, and almost fell down every couple of minutes. your lungs started to burn after mere seconds, and you couldn't even find breath to tell him to slow down. you also knew he couldn't, having better self-preservation instincts than you, he understood the situation you two were in better.
you looked behind you, to the spot where blood painted the grass red under a pile of dead bodies, some of your allies, some of your foes, but from this kind of distance, you couldn't even make out which one was which. your gaze fell down to your hands, covered in sticky redness as well.
you just killed somebody.
it wasn't even the consequences that frightened you, it was the sheer act of life leaving his eyes before he fell down, of his pupils staring at you in one last beg for mercy before freezing like that for the eternity ahead, for how his body seemed to have gained weight in a matter of seconds, almost pulling you down with him. the ringing in your head got more intense as you choked on a strained sob.
"they're dead" you breathed out, making your partner laugh sarcastically.
"good guess" he answered, his grip on your arm loosening as the both of you climbed up a hill.
"no, you don't understand, they're- dead dead! i- i didn't think i-" you stumbled over your words, panic settling in your eyes as you tried to comprehend the situation.
"what, you didn't think that if you pierce a person through with a blade they're gonna die?" he asked rhetorically, back almost slamming against a tree, sliding down to the ground with a breath of relief. "fuck, looks like i got pierced, too" he noticed, looking down onto his side, the grey material of his uniform getting dark and sticky. he hissed, trying to lift it up, and gave up on his attempts, instead opting to look at you.
you didn't sit down, but kept staring forward with the most frightened expression he had ever seen you wear. eyes wide open as you searched for answers in thin air, hands shaking, moving up to cover your mouth.
“hey” he whispered way gentler than before, urging you to sit down in front of him “it’s okay, it was only self-defense. you did kill them, but you didn’t murder them or anything, it was kill or be killed”
his words held so much confidence in what he was saying, you almost felt comforted. he really did master the art of bending the truth to his liking, didn’t he?
“i did it, what if he was someone’s father, or brother, or whoever else, what if i just destroyed someone’s world? he was a human being just as much as i am, i had no right-“ you started relapsing into panic, hands gripping on your hair, head moving down to hide between your legs.
only then did tartaglia notice the huge wound right across the back of your thigh, and several others. fuck, he instantly thought, whoever did it knew what he was doing, cut you in a very specific place, with intent to kill.
he couldn’t even fight back the wave of anger coming crushing at him, but bit his lip instead of saying anything. there was no way the both of you could get to a safe place in time.
he used to be so passionate about continuing to live, normally he would’ve just throw you over his shoulder and run, until his legs gave out, but now, he didn’t even have the energy to stand up. he barely could move his hand, and the more he tried to fight it, the more tired he became.
the feeling of helplessness was eating him alive, both from not having any way of providing you safety, and for not protecting you earlier, not to mention how he couldn’t find the right words to say to you now.
“listen” he started carefully, waiting for you to stop sobbing. “it’s painful, killing someone. it leaves a hole inside you that you don’t know how to cover. it makes your thoughts twist and fight back against you, it makes you want to leave your own head for how bad you feel. it sucks, believe me, i know. you didn’t deserve to have to feel this shitty. i’m- i’m sorry. for not shielding you well enough.” he said bluntly, not a hint of comfort or the usual beating around the bush that he used every time he intended to coax you. just pure, brutal truth. for once.
“it’s okay” you mumbled quietly. your head felt heavy on your shoulders, and you felt how it started to fall off its support. the numbness in your legs, this sort of stressful feeling of being constantly out of air- “i don’t want to die, though”
the sentence felt like a whimper, a cry of help, but tartaglia knew there was exactly nothing he could do.
“am i gonna die?” your voice felt a little stronger, laced with fear, and you lifted your eyes back onto him, in search of a “no” that you knew you wouldn’t find. “i’m gonna leave this world with killing a man as my last memory” you laughed bitterly, before laugh became a cry, and tears mixed with sweat on the surface of your cheeks. “that’s the worst fucking death i could ever imagine”
“baby, look at me” he asked calmly “come here”
when you moved to sit on his side, his hand, sticky from blood, intertwined its fingers with yours, and squeezed tightly.
“look. we’re sitting on a hill, under a tree, the sun is high up in the sky, a meadow below us, it’s a perfect date!” he laughed so authentically, you almost believed it was true. “we’re on a dream date, isn’t that amazing? and look.”
with that, he tilted your head towards his, and kissed you softly and shortly.
“i love you.” he said in the calmest manner he could force out “is that a better memory?”
you placed your head on his side, attempting to hug him even a little bit, tears staining his uniform even more.
“i don’t want to leave you.”
“i’ll be right behind you. guarding your back, like i always do. after all, i promised to always protect you, right? death won’t change my plans.”
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fruitcoops · 3 years
I was wondering if I could request something? Maybe Sirius' first night at the Dumais' place and Dumo can straight away tell that somethings wrong. Sirius makes polite conversation and it all looks so painful until he retires for the night and Dumo passes by his room and he hears Sirius crying maybe? Because of what his mother said, and maybe because he has trouble adjusting to new situations? Just an idea that popped into my head :) Only if you want to write it <3 Thank you
Yes, I can! I love writing Dumo, but for some reason I don't do it that often--his and Sirius' dynamic is just so wholesome and wonderful. SW credit goes to @lumosinlove!
TW for implied child abuse and broken glass (no injury)
The first thing Pascal Dumais noticed about Sirius Black was how quiet he was. At only eighteen years old, Sirius was taller than most of the other Lions, with broad shoulders and gangly limbs. Yet he moved almost silently, padding along the wood floors in his socks and speaking only when spoken to. It was…honestly, a bit unsettling.
Dumo had expected a rambunctious teenage boy, still high on the thrill of being drafted to the NHL—instead, he found himself the guardian-slash-landlord of a ghost. Sirius unloaded his meager belongings with little fuss and accepted no help, his pale eyes never lingering on either of them for too long.
Celeste poked her head into the living room in the early afternoon when they returned from the grocery store; Sirius was sitting ramrod straight in the smallest chair they had with a thick book in his hands. She knocked gently on the doorframe, and he jumped. “Sirius, would you like some lunch?”
“I don’t want to be any trouble,” he said in that unusually soft voice.
“It’s no trouble,” she assured him.
“I can make myself a sandwich if you have other things to do. Really, I’m alright.”
“When was the last time you ate?”
Sirius blinked, as if he hadn’t expected her to ask, then glanced at the clock on the wall. “I had breakfast at seven and a granola bar on the plane.”
“Sirius, it’s almost two.”
“Is it?”
“Come with me for a moment, oui?” She ushered him into the kitchen; Dumo wasn’t sure he would ever get used to seeing someone so physically imposing walk so small.
“Papa?” Someone tugged on the hem of his shirt and he snapped out of his daze, leaning down to lift Adele into his arms with a smile.
“Bonjour, mon chou! Did you have fun outside?” She nodded, wiggling a little in her excitement, and put her hands on either side of his face. Dumo’s stomach sank. “Why are your hands wet?”
“I washed them!”
“Because we played with chalk!”
Both the boys were at day camp, and Katie was down for her afternoon nap. Dumo wracked his brain. “Who were you playing with?”
“Sirius!” she giggled, then held the front of her shirt out. Wasn’t she wearing a different one this morning?“An’ he said chalk stains, so he lifted me up so I could wash my hands and helped me get my new shirt on when it got stuck and let me braid his hair! Can we keep him? Please, Papa, I wanna keep him forever!”
Dumo kissed her forehead as a wave of emotion tickled the back of his throat. Less than six hours in their home, and Sirius was already connecting with his children. “Oui, we can. Did you say thank you?”
Adele bit her lower lip. “I don’t remember.”
“Sirius?” Dumo called. The clanking in the kitchen stopped. “Can you come here for a moment?”
There was a beat of silence before he appeared in the doorway, looking paler than before as he walked over to them. This boy needs to eat more, the parental part of Dumo’s brain thought instantly. Slate-grey eyes flickered between them. “She—she had chalk on her shirt. I’m sorry, I should have asked.”
“It’s alright. What do you say?” Dumo asked, turning to Adele.
She turned a beaming smile on Sirius. “Thank you!”
His whole face softened in the blink of an eye and he smiled back, giving her a light fist bump. “Pas de problem, petit papillon.”
Sirius opened up a bit over lunch; Adele perched herself right in his lap with her peanut butter sandwich to his clear astonishment, but his smiles came easier after that and Dumo treasured each one. He was already grateful that Sirius did not seem like the type of asshole player that Dumo remembered from his high school years.
Marc and Louis returned to the house just as they finished, and though Sirius offered to help wash the dishes—the boy was a blessing, really—they shooed him off to play with the kids for a while. It would do them all some good to get out in the sun.
“Quiet, isn’t he?” Celeste remarked as they stood side-by-side at the sink. Her tone was casual, but Dumo saw the worry in her eyes.
He hummed in agreement. “He’s probably just nervous, mon amour. They can take a while to warm up.”
“Pascal, I don’t think—”
The sound of shattering glass echoed from the other room. The house held its breath. “Is everyone alright?” Dumo called, drying his hands on the nearest towel as his pulse picked up. “What happened?”
Hushed whispers floated out, followed by the pitter-patter of little feet. He hurried down the hall with Celeste hot on his heels. “I’m so sorry,” Sirius said as they entered the room. He was kneeling on the wood floor, gathering fragments of a small water glass in one palm. “It was my fault. I hit it with my elbow.”
Celeste frowned. “Boys? Adele? I know you were here.”
Dumo didn’t miss Sirius’ hard swallow, nor the sudden nervousness—no, that was fear—on his face as the three kids crept out from around the corner, looking guiltier than anything. Adele stepped forward, but Sirius stood in a smooth, instinctive motion, keeping her behind him. “It was my fault,” he repeated. Dumo’s heart sank.
“Adele, is that true?”
She looked up toward Sirius, who kept his broad hand ever so slightly in front of her shoulder. Celeste raised an eyebrow. “Adele Marie, tell the truth.”
“No,” she said.
“Come here, please.” Dumo watched Sirius’ breaths go shallow as Celeste beckoned to Adele, but confusion took its place when she crouched to her level. “Thank you. What Sirius did was very nice, but we don’t let other people take the fall for our mistakes in this house, Adele. We accept responsibility. Who broke the cup?”
“I was chasing Marc and we both bumped into the table,” Adele confessed, toying with the hem of her butterfly-patterned shirt. “It was an accident, I promise.”
“Did anyone get hit by the glass?” Dumo asked. All three shook their heads. “Sirius?”
He cleared his throat. “No, Mr. Dumais.”
“Marc, Adele, I want you to find the broom and dustpan so your mother and I can clean this up. Thank you for being honest. Sirius, there’s a trash can in the kitchen, but be careful of the sharp edges. And please, call me Pascal or Dumo.”
But he didn’t stop thinking about the visible alarm on Sirius’ face when Celeste brought Adele forward all afternoon. Something was not right.
If it wasn’t for the baby, Dumo would not have heard it.
Katie woke around midnight with a quiet whine, which devolved into whimpering, and finally into full-out sobbing for over half an hour. He carried her downstairs so she wouldn’t wake the others and gently rocked her, humming lullabies under his breath until his throat was dry and her tears abated. “There’s my good girl,” he murmured, drying her pudgy cheeks with his sleeve.
The last bits of sleep faded away as he set her down in her crib again, and he sighed. The season didn’t start for more than a month, but he had been looking forward to a few consecutive nights of solid rest before then.
May as well check on the others, he thought, wandering down the hallway in his thickest socks and bathrobe to stave off the nighttime chill. Marc and Louis were each out cold; he took the open book splayed across Marc’s bed and set it on his dresser, turning the lamp off as he left. Adele was curled into a tight ball around no less than four of her precious stuffed animals and he tucked the blankets back over her shoulder.
Dumo’s feet carried him down the stairs before his brain fully caught up, and he paused—Sirius had been in their house for a single day, and already he had the urge to look out for him. The thought should have made him feel silly, but instead he felt…peaceful. He felt right. There was a lost and near-silent boy in his home, who protected his kids within hours of knowing them. Of course Dumo was going to make sure he was alright.
Summer wind rushed past the wide windows as he headed toward the basement. It was warmer there, and he took a moment to mentally pat himself on the back for remodeling two years prior. Hopefully, Sirius would be comfortable.
A soft sound broke through his thoughts. Dumo stopped on the last step.
There was a harsh breath, then a sniffle, as if the person inside was trying and failing to keep their tears in past the point of no return. He heard a few shaky, weak inhales, then a choked noise that cut off abruptly with a gulp.
Dumo closed his eyes to hold back tears of his own and knocked lightly on the bedroom door.
Everything went silent with a rustle.
“Sirius?” he whispered, raising his voice just enough to be heard through the door. “Are you awake?”
There was no answer.
“Can I come in?” he ventured.
An unsteady voice answered. “Ouais.”
The door creaked a little as he opened it and stepped into the dark room. Sirius was nothing more than a clump of shadows on the far side of the bed, squished tight against the wall with all his blankets wrapped around him. “What happened?”
“Nothing. Je vais bien.”
“Can I sit?” Dumo fully expected Sirius to tell him ‘no’, to make an excuse, to pull some arrogant teenager nonsense.
Instead, he tucked his legs up and made room near the foot of the bed with another sniffle. “Did I wake you?”
“Non. Katie was crying, and I thought I’d check on everyone.” He settled down and scooted until his back was against the wall as well—Sirius was still hiding in a cocoon of his duvet, but his hand came up to wipe his face. “Do you want to talk?”
“About what?”
“You seem upset. I know the homesickness is hard for the first few days, but—”
“No.” The vehemence of Sirius’ answer shocked him into silence. “No. I’m not homesick. I just—so much has happened, and I—it’s—this is everything I wanted, right here, and—”
He broke off with a wounded noise that broke Dumo’s poor heart right down the middle. He moved closer until their shoulders touched; to his surprise, Sirius leaned on him and shivered. “How can I help you?” Dumo asked quietly.
“Your family…” Sirius shook his head and drew the covers tighter. “You have a beautiful family. You should be proud of them.”
“I am, every day.”
“Your kids love you so much.” It was barely more than a whisper.
Dumo sighed through his nose. “I know.”
“No, you don’t, they—you’re their hero. And not because of hockey.”
That was Dumo’s dream, laid out right in front of him. If someone he hardly knew could see that, then it must be true. The impact was greater than he ever could have imagined; his lungs felt tight. “Thank you. Is it alright if I ask you something?”
Sirius stiffened slightly.
“You’re not in trouble, and you don’t have to answer if you don’t want to. I’m just…worried.”
He felt Sirius shift. “This is about the glass.” It wasn’t a question.
“Oui.” Dumo searched for the words and scrounged up any sliver of tact he could find. “Sirius, do you—what happens when you break a glass at your house?”
Sirius’ breath rushed from his lungs in a near-silent sob. Dumo gathered him close in his arms and held him, letting tears dampen his shoulder as he murmured soft reassurances in French. “I’m sorry,” Sirius croaked, though he did not move away. “I’m sorry for—for intruding, and for ruining your shirt—”
“You have nothing to be sorry for.” Dumo gave him a light squeeze of comfort and felt him go a bit boneless. “And you are not intruding. We love having you here with us.”
He sounded so unsure. So young. Dumo wished he could take away whatever horrible things had been said to ever make someone so kind feel so small. “Yes. Adele, especially.”
“She’s so…colorful.” Fondness dripped from every word.
“She is,” Dumo agreed. “She came running up to me, and went ‘papa, papa, can we keep him?’”
Sirius laughed a little at his imitation and straightened up, drying his eyes on his hoodie sleeve. They sat quietly for a while until the shaking stopped and his death grip on the comforter loosened. “Thank you, Mr. Dumais.”
“Call me Pascal, or Dumo if you like. ‘Mr. Dumais’ makes me sound like a grandfather.” They laughed together, then fell silent once more. “And you’re welcome. Any time you need help, you can come to me. I might not be your father, but—”
“You’re better,” Sirius interrupted, wiping his nose. His shadow turned to face Dumo in the dark, and though he couldn’t see his face, he could picture the earnest expression. “In every way. Please don’t tell anyone about this, though.”
“It never even crossed my mind,” Dumo answered honestly. “I should let you sleep now. We have some busy weeks ahead of us, eh?”
“Bonne nuit, M—Dumo.” The name carried new weight and he let it sink in as Sirius laid back down and kicked his blankets back into place. Something told him this was the beginning of a very interesting story.
“Bonne nuit, Sirius. Welcome to our home.”
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deexchanel · 3 years
little girl in a box.
word count:
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x BlackFem!Reader
Warning: Swearing, mention of killing😬.
Summary: Bucky and Y/N comes home from their date to find a sweetheart in a box.
A/N: this haven't been my week so im using fanfiction to be a distraction.
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Y/N and Bucky walked up the stairs to their apartment in Bucharest. They were holding hands, engaged in a conversation.
"I was thinking, what if I made shrimp alfredo?" Y/N asked as their hands sway back and forth. Bucky looked at her confused.
"What's alfredo?"
"Oh my god, you never had it before?"
"I mean in the army they boiled everything. It wasn't really lavish."
"Everything boiled sound so nasty."
"I know right but I managed. What's going to be in it?"
"Shrimp and pasta with Alfredo sauce. I think you're going to love it!"
"That's fine with me babe, as long as it isn't soup."
"Same." Y/N laughed letting go of his hand so she could unlock the door. Normally they would go through the window. But just for one night, they didn't want to be paranoid. Just to have one normal night.
Bucky stopped in his tracks staring at a medium size box that had big holes poked in it. "Y/N were you expecting something?"
"No." Y/N with hesitation getting worried that this might a setup. Bucky pulled her behind him protectively then proceeded to nudge open the box. The box top fell off and a pair of brown doe eyes stared back at them. Bucky hardened face expression soften as he saw a beautiful little girl in the box.
Whoever left this beautiful child in the box was a horrible person in general. The little girl sat up looking at the couple nervously. Bucky squat down so they could be eye level.
"Hi princess... I'm Bucky and that's my girlfriend Y/N. Would you like to tell me your name?" Bucky said softly then pointed at Y/N who waved giving a toothless smile. It was like Bucky's dad instincts kicked in as he felt the need to protect the little girl any way he could.
She shook her head as a way of saying she didn't want to talk. Her body was skinny seeming that she haven't ate in a couple of days. She looked no older then 4. Y/N squat down to help ease her nerves.
"How about we go in and get you something to eat?"
The little girl looked at Y/N scaredly and instantly held her arms out for Bucky. Y/N sigh knowing that whatever happened in this girl past, she was scared of women she didn't trust. Bucky picked her up gently not wanted to hurt her with his arm.
They walked into the apartment and Y/N quickly started to prepare dinner. Bucky sat on the bed while the little girl sat on the side of them. He tries to start conversation again with her.
"Can you tell me your name now?"
The little girl looked around before speaking softly,"Melanie.."
The pair looked at each otherin shock, he got her to talk. There wasn't any technology in the room so they best way to stay entertained was to have conversation.
"Well Melanie how old are you?" Bucky questioned.
"Five." She said but held up three fingers making Bucky smile in amusement. He helped her by raising up another finger.
"How old are you?"
Y/N giggled while fixing their bowls. Nobody have ever asked him that. Bucky laughed since its been a long time since someone asked him that.
"Well doll, I'm 106."
Melanie made a funny face turning her head to the side. Y/N came over with three bowls in her hands. Bucky grabbed the bowls passing one to Melanie, while holding the other ones as Y/N sat down so she wouldn't spill it.
"Can I eat all of it? I've been good all week." Melanie moved some of her hair from her face with a a sadden expression. Y/N felt so bad for her, this wasn't right.
"Baby you can eat all it. I can make more if you want some okay?"
"Okay." Melanie smiled digging in her food. Bucky and Y/N shared a look. He was angry that she went through horrible things at a young age.
After dinner, Bucky washed and put the dishes away while Y/N laid down on the mattress. Melanie kept picking her head up to see if Bucky was coming.
"He's coming honey, he's washing dishes."Y/N laughed softly realizing what she was doing. "You tired?"
Melanie shook her head, rubbing her eyes,"No."
"Yes you are. Come here?" Y/N asked nicely but Melanie poked out her lip. She was sitting in the middle of the mattress near Y/N's knees.
"Noo, I'm waiting on Bucky."
"Here I am princess." Bucky grunt getting on his knees behind her. Melanie looked happy as he picked her up, walking on his knees to get to this spot on the mattress. Y/N laid on her side, watching them in admiration. 
Melanie was very brave and didn't take long getting used to the couple. Food was a way to her heart so the trust came quickly. She was snuggled between Bucky and Y/N while they cuddled her enjoying their sleep.
2:48 a.m.
People smashing through the apartment windows starled them awoke. Before Bucky could reach for his gun, a man punched him in the face. Y/N quickly grabbed Melanie holding her into her chest then gets up grabbing the emergency bookbag.
The couple agreed that if this was to happen then find the best way out possible. They would find each other no matter how far away they was. Bucky did one on one combat with the man that broke in.
"GO Y/N!"
She nodded rushing to the door making sure to keep a good grip on Melanie. When she opened the door a man stood their with a gun pointed directly at her head. Melanie start to cry with all the commotion going on. Tears start to fall out of Y/N's eyes, thinking this was it.
"Go back in now or I won't hesitate putting one between your eyes." The man sneered putting the cold gun on her forehead. Y/N turned around going back into the apartment. Bucky closed his eyes trying not to lose it as he saw his family being held at gun point.  He was being held at gun point as well but he was hoping that his girls was able to get away.
"So Winter Soldier, you really thought you could get away." A man laughed turning on a light revealing his face. It was Rumlow holding Bucky at gun point and the man that held Y/N at gun point was Pierce. Bucky chest heaved up and down as he was getting angrier.
Melanie little face was turning red from how hard she was crying. Pierce rapidly pointed another gun in his other hand at Melanie's little forehead.
"NO!"Bucky jumped forward but Rumlow put the gun on his forehead making him stop. Pierce took the gun off safety pressing it harder on Melanie's forehead which makes Y/N sob harder.
"Shut the little brat up!"
"Melanie baby, stop... stop crying we're okay. Bucky's okay." Y/N lied hoping she was to stop crying. Melanie cries turns into sniffles looking at Y/N hopefully.
Y/N nod her head crying,"We're okay baby."
Bucky felt like he let his girls down. He was so angry that he wanted to kill both of them but he couldn't move. "I'll go back and do whatever. Just p-please leave my family out of this."
"That's what I wanted to hear! Cuff him!" Pierce exclaimed letting the guns drop from Y/N and Melanie. Y/N shook her head not wanting Bucky to leave and endure all the things they worked so hard for him to forget.
"Bucky no!”
"Shut it bitch!" Pierce snapped at her holding the gun to her head again making her jump. It was killing Bucky for not being able to help.
"I'm sorry Y/N. I love you." Bucky sigh putting his arms behind his back so Rumlow could cuff him. As Rumlow did, Redwing flew in dropping a disk on Pierce's forehead electrocuting him. Sending him unconscious.
Bucky ducked as Rumlow shot the gun towards him making the girls scream. Sam flew in the window taking out the extra gaurd that stood by the refrigerator. Bucky stood up swiftly so he could take out Rumlow.
He smirked aiming the gun towards the girls," I guess nobody's getting what they want." Rumlow shot the gun at the girls. Y/N used her body to shield Melanie. Bucky stared in horror as he tried to get to them but Steve's shield covered them from the bullets.
Bucky turned around angrily at Rumlow pulling out the secret gun that was in his  waist holster. With no hesitation, Bucky shoots him between the eyes. Rumlow body fell to the ground.
Y/N came from behind Steve's large frame. She walked over to Bucky and pulled him into a hug without crushing Melanie's little body. Bucky rubbed his hand through Y/N hair and kissed Melanie's forehead. They didn't have anything to say, they were just grateful to all be alive.
"I'm so sorry to ruin this moment guys but we need to go. Their supposed to be bringing in reinforcements any second." Steve said placing his shield on his back.
"F.R.I.D.A.Y. bring the jet back around." Sam pressed his finger on the com.
On the jet, it was quiet but peaceful time for them to rejuvenate. Bucky couldn't sleep so he watched over his girls who were sleeping.
Melanie slept on his chest with his metal arm holding her up so her face could implant into his neck. Y/N was cuddled up with his arm wrapped around her. He kissed their foreheads every other second for his comfort.
"Thank you guys." Bucky said to Sam and Steve who were sitting in the in the front seats of quinjet.
"Just gald you guys are safe." Steve pat his hand on Bucky's shoulder.
"Plus we were able to kill two birds with one stone. Bonus but glad we could help."Sam said making Bucky smiled. He looked at his girls, very content with life.
horrible writing.
I wrote this bout a year ago. I don't like it, but i just needed it as a distraction.
stay slutty my friends
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Hello! Could i please have some good good pregnancy and parenting headcanons with a fem!s/o for Law, Eustass, and Zoro please? Thank you so much and have an awesome day!
Oof pregnancy and parenting headcanon make me so soft, thank you very much for this sweet request🥺! I focussed a bit more on the pregnancy part rather than the parenting tho since I've written something similiar for Kid and Law already😅 Hope what I came up with suits you, and sorry for the long wait!
How they deal with a pregnant gf and having a baby headcanon
Trafalgar Law
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because of his medical knowledge and observant nature, Law actually noticed the first signs of your pregnancy even before you did
so when you finally realize that you're pregnant and go to confront him with your discovery, he's anything but surprised
"Law, I need to tell you something. I'm-"
"Pregnant? Yeah, I thought so."
he looks pretty unbothered and composed, almost as if this isn't anything new to him, but on the inside he is completely tense and filled with anxiety. A baby just doesn't fit into your pirate lives. At all. However he doesn't want to show his true feelings and possibly cause you to panic. You already got enough on your plate with all the new physical and hormonal changes you're about to go through
personally Law didn't plan on having kids, ever, but what's done is done. To make sure that this is really what you want he'd still offer you the option of an abortion, but when you decline and tell him that you want to keep the child, he accepts your decision
"Alright (Y/N), brace yourself then. A few major changes are upon us..."
everything from the beginning of your pregnancy to the date of birth is planned out by him. Law doesn't want anything to go wrong and refuses to take risks. That means you'll spend most of your time either stuck by his side or in the proximity of another member of the Heart Pirates
Bepo, Penguin and Shachi are super excited for the kid and to be uncles. They all come up with their own ideas on what they'll do with the baby once it's born, and their enthusiasm sort of puts Law at ease. This means he and you at least won't have to deal with everything by yourselves
when you actually go into labour, Law's composed facade drops for a moment and he reveals just how stressed he's been up until now
in order to properly assist you and be there for you while you're giving birth, he forces himself to imagine that this is just an ordinary operation. It's not his girlfriend having his baby, he's not about to be a father in a few minutes-
all the stress and anxiety instantly falls off of him when he first holds the new life you two created.
the first time Law looks down at his baby he's absolutely mesmerized. Sure it's still bloody and screeching its lungs out, but despite all odds it's looking completely healthy and is actually,,,, really adorable? Holy shit, how did he manage to make something so pure-looking-
after cleaning the baby and introducing it to its mother, he brings the little human over to Bepo and lets it rest in the bear's soft fur instead of wrapping it up in a blanket. Not only should that be far more comfortable for the tiny thing, but it's also the first bonding experience with uncle Bepo. And while the baby is sleeping, Law walks over to check in on you and tells you how great you did
as far as being a dad goes, Law belongs to the supportive but distant type. Whenever he's got the chance he'll try to spend time with his kid, but there are often other, more important things he has to take care of
however he's still a proud parent and lowkey hopes that the child will take an interest in his work when it gets older. It shouldn't come as a surprise that one of the first things your kid will be taught by Papa Law is how to dissect a frog
Eustass Kid
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his immediate thought when you let him know that you're pregnant is "how can I make this unhappen"
look at him, Kid is not ready to be a dad. Especially when it comes to his level of maturity he's basically still a child himself-
no one on the Victoria Punk is prepared for the big news. Their captain made a baby. There will be a kid running around the ship. Oh shit, everyone better start learning to limit their use of profanities already-
initially Kid acts pretty grumpy throughout your pregnancy. He didn't want this, but it's still happening. And he can't do anything against it. He's almost acting like a pregnant woman himself-
can not and will not handle your cravings/mood swings. Whenever you start acting up he just gets completely irritated and quickly peaces out when he can't come up with a way to deal with you
but what started out as regret turns into excitement when he thinks about how awesome his kid would be. With him as dad and you as mom it's only natural that the result will be amazing
and thus he starts to be a bit more open-minded towards the whole situation. Heck, he even gets lowkey excited and starts building a few baby cribs and closets for the child!
unfortunately tho Kid is anything but compassionate during your pregnancy, and it gets especially bad when you start showing. His immature nature shines through and he makes quite a few indecent comments on how you look a balloon,,,
for some reason he also tends to be more horny than usual. Hey, you already got a bun in the oven, so there isn't anything else you need to worry about, right?
in contrast to how he treated you during your pregnancy, he's actually very supporting and motivating during birth
lmao but that's mostly because he's eagerly waiting between your legs for the kid to plop out and right into his arm like a Christmas present
it's almost like a lottery to him and he's super excited what the brat will look like
however nothing could have prepared Kid for the moment when he gets to hold the baby for the first time. The young man basically beams with pride and grins from one ear to the other while the baby cries like an alarm clock
Kid's first time holding the newborn in a nutshell:
"Hehe, it looks like we got a girl here, ey (Y/N)?"
"Kid... that's the baby's ass. You're holding it the wrong way around."
he definitely comes up with ridiculous names for the child, such as: "Eustass Explosion", "Eustass Chainsaw" and his personal favorite- "Eustass the Destroyer"
putting his excitement aside, the young pirate captain definitely has to grow into the role of a father. At first he almost treats the kid like some sort of new toy or pet
you'll never catch him changing even a single diaper. Most of the time Kid tells Killer to man up, cover the holes in his mask, and take care of it by himself if he really wants to be considered 'the best uncle'
despite his rowdy behaviour he is aware that the child is 'fragile' and usually makes sure to keep it away from any dangerous stuff, meaning that the workshop is off-limits for the little one. Kid also never uses his metal arm when he's playing with or holding the baby; instead he build a more authentic prosthetic that'll allow him to hold the child more properly
Roronoa Zoro
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his eye almost pops out of its socket when you tell him
holy shit! Zoro of course knew that sex makes babies, but what are the odds of this happening to you?! Besides he always considered himself to be too controlled and restrained for that to work?! Damn?!?!
despite the initial shock he wants to do his best to help you through the pregnancy. After all he basically caused this-
however Zoro can't even find the way to the grocery store to get some diapers
someone send him help. And by help, I mean Chopper
the reindeer himself doesn't know too much about pregnancies, but he's more than happy to collect some first-hand experience and teaches Zoro all about how to be a dad and what's going on with your body
whenever you're near he keeps his swords sheathed and tucked away from you. Once your stomach starts popping he's wary that if he comes too close to you with a sharp thing you might burst or something
at night he keeps watch like a guard dog, his overprotectiveness shines through and he often refuses to go to sleep before you
you probably go into labour while he's out getting lost or fighting some marines, but once Zoro gets the news he almost drops his sword and hurries back to be with you
but he arrives almost an hour later because he got so excited that he forgot the way back to the Sunny
Zoro really wants to help you and Chopper deliver the baby. He's constantly repeating what the reindeer doc says to you and at some point, when your pain reaches its peak, he even suggets reaching down and pulling the baby out of you with his own two hands lol
but once the first cries fill the rooms, he freezes up. It's done. Those nine months of worry, mood swings, suffering and cravings are finally over. A wave of relief washes over him as he smirks down at you, quietly saying how proud he is
however Zoro strongly refuses to hold his baby at first. He's genuinely scared he might drop it or accidentally crush it.
you and Chopper basically have to yell at him to get him out of his trance and convince the new father to take a look at his child
"Zoro, I did not go through hours of pain just so you can say no to holding our baby. For crying out loud, take your child!"
the second you put the baby into his arms Zoro's protective dad instincts kick in and now he refuses to let the child go again lmao
he's mustering the little one's face like some abstract oil painting, unable to tear his gaze from it and proudly recognizing all the similarities between the baby and its parents
luckily Zoro got some natural dad skills under his belt, and you both share the responsibilities evenly
he's never opposed to changing diapers or feeding the baby, even if the first annoys him sometimes. He also keeps the baby around himself 24/7- during workouts he puts it onto his back, when he wanders around the little one sits on his shoulders, and when he takes a nap on the desk the baby lies on his chest
all of the other Strawhats are more than welcome to take care of the baby from time to time and bond with the newest family crewmember to their heart's content. Well, that goes for everyone except Sanji. You better not let Zoro catch him handling the baby or a fight will break out-
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solarwonux · 3 years
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6. “Feel free to admire me.”
19.  “Give me a kiss please.”
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non!idol taehyung x f!reader
warnings:  angst if you squint, slight mentions of going crazy, a teeny tiny bit suggestive, minimal editing, 
note: helloooo, thank you for reading, I hope you enjoy this one, and if it’s bad I apologize from the bottom of my heart, it’s my first time writing anything but academic papers in like 3 months. And it’s my first time writing for bts, so i’m dusting off the cobwebs. Either way thank you for reading it means the world to me.xx
masterlist || drabble game 
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You were acting strange
Taehyung noted as he watched you scramble around the apartment, running a frustrated hand through your hair, mumbling underneath your breath as you tore the apartment apart looking for your glasses.
You had been doing that a lot. Living up in the clouds, distracted. Your mind racing to the point you would forget what you were saying mid-sentence or misplacing things you had just been using in obvious places. He knew something was bothering you, keeping you from grounding yourself back down to Earth, and he so badly wanted to know. But after almost being together for almost a decade he knew that asking you what was happening would only frustrate you and keep you from coming back down to Earth. To him.
So he sat back, a small smiling forming against his face. He cradled his almost empty wine glass between his index and middle fingers, the setting sun reflecting off your glasses on the coffee table. The same place you had left them earlier before walking to the bathroom to wash your face. He could tell you, to stop your endless pacing and ease your mind a little. But he was oddly amused as you made your way around the living room, retracing your steps, endlessly.
The movie the two of you had been watching, paused. The wine bottle you had refused to share with him was reaching its wilts end as he kept refilling it every time you sat down next to him silently looking around for a few minutes and then getting up again to make your way around the living for the umpteenth time.
“I’m going crazy Tae.” You blew out a raspberry, blowing away the few strands of hair that had escaped your ponytail. “How can my glasses just disappear, I was literally just wearing them.” You threw your hands up in the air as you made your way into the kitchen. Lifting up the stacks of manila folders you had brought home from work to peacefully look over throughout the long weekend.
“Have you checked the bathroom?” He said, hiding his smirk behind his glass of wine taking the last sip. You scoffed, throwing your arms up in the air before walking down the hallway to the bathroom.
Taehyung shook his head reaching for the wine bottle on the coffee table. “Your eyesight isn’t even that bad, you don’t need your glasses to watch the movie.” He said emptying the rest of the wine into his glass and sat back on the couch, tilting his head to the side as you stomped your way back into the living room.
You gave him a pointed look before rounding the corner of the couch and sitting down next to him again. “Babe, I’m sorry.” You exclaimed dramatically, hiding your face into the side of his body, making him laugh softly. “I’m going insane and now you’re stuck with me till death do us apart.” You whined, huffing out a loud sigh. His soft boyish laugh ringing in your ears. The slight irritation you had gained during your impossible quest, bubbling in the pit of your stomach.
“Sounds like a dream.” The sarcasm burning brightly in his vocal chord and you could almost feel him rolling his eyes. “Now, give me a kiss please.” He placed his fingers underneath your chin lifting your face up gently as he puckered his lips drastically.
Annoyed you pushed his face away, crossing your arms in front of you and pouting your lips. Mock hurt evident in his features. “You don’t deserve one all you did was watch me as I slowly lost my mind.”
“I can’t admire my beautiful wife now?”
“I mean...feel free to admire me, but not when I’m one step away from being admitted into a psych ward.” You leaned over, taking his wine glass out of his hand, bringing it up to your lips. A drink is what you needed. A small sip to calm down your racing thoughts, before you got up to look for your glasses again.
You threw your head back, waiting for the red liquid to reach your lips, savoring the taste before it even reached your mouth or your taste. And when it did, when it coated your lips enough for a drop to enter your mouth, your eyes grew wide in panic, remembering why you had been refused to drink with Taehyung tonight and why you had been so up in your head lately.
Taehyung watched as the scene unfolds in front of him. Instantly he had felt your rush of panic and his worries got the best of him. Acting on his fight or flight instincts he immediately took the glass from your hand, setting it down on the coffee table next to your forgotten glasses. “What’s wrong? I didn’t want to ask, but now you’re worrying me.” He placed his hands on your shoulders shaking you slightly, bringing you back to him.
Your eyes were glossy and distant as you breathed out a sigh looking into his eyes for a slight second before planting your gaze on the beige throw pillow you had been hugging earlier. It had helped ease your nerves before and now with Taeyhyungs piercing stare, burning holes into the top of your head. It was failing to do what you had wanted it to do. Comfort you.“I don’t know if I’m ready to tell you.” You whispered, playing with the little tassel on one of the four ends. “I mean I want to tell you, but I don’t know why I am so scared.”
“Is it something bad?” He said carefully. He could feel the air getting caught in the back of his throat as he tried to keep himself from thinking of every possible scenario, good or bad, to have you acting the way you were.
You lifted your head, chewing on your bottom lip. “It depends.” You shrugged slightly avoiding his eyes and settling upon the tv screen. The paused movie nowhere to be seen as it was now asking you if you wanted to keep watching.
“Depends on what? You’re scaring me.” The softens of his voice faltering as his grip on your arms got tighter, trying to keep himself from breaking down.
“On your reaction. I thought I would have more time to come to terms with it but I don’t think I can hold it in any longer,” you said in a haste. Your words combining with one another as Taehyung tried to keep up with your fever.
“Just say it...please. I can feel my heart trying to leave my body.”
“Taehyung,” you took a deep breath, digging your nails into the pillow, and turned to face the only man you had ever loved. “I’m pregnant.” You whispered with wide eyes. Maybe you weren’t going crazy but after finding out three weeks ago that you were with child, the thought of telling your husband the news was driving you to the point of no return.
It wasn’t like you and Taehyung didn’t want kids, the two of you had been trying for more than a year with little to no success. But the second you saw the little positive symbol on the pink and white stick, you couldn’t believe it. So you took another and another and another until you had about ten positive pregnancy tests staring back at you, mocking you. All you could do was cry.
Taehyung’s eyes sparkled with tears as he threw the pillow you were holding to the side and hugged you tightly. He buried his face into the crock of your neck leaving behind a trail of loving kissing trying to comfort your shaking form.
His biggest wish had finally come true.
“Why didn’t you tell me earlier you big idiot?” He raised his head. His hands trailed up your spine until they reached your head. His thumbs swiping underneath your eyes taking your falling tears with him. “Why were you scared?”
“I just...it finally happened and I couldn’t believe it. I thought that if I said it outloud I would wake up from a dream or something.” You hiccuped.
Taehyung shook his head in disbelief a slight chuckle falling out of his lips as he leaned over and kissed your cheek. “That head of yours is your biggest enemy. No wonder you were in such a dreamlike daze the last two weeks.”
“Are you happy?” You pouted slightly, holding his arms gently, scared he would let you go.
“I’m more than happy, I’m so excited. I could literally run down the street naked, waking up the whole neighborhood, risking a public offense violation, just to let the whole world know that I am finally going to be a dad”
You laughed, throwing your arms around his neck and bringing him closer to you. “I’m starting to regret ever saying anything, I should’ve just kept it a secret for the next eight months.”
“Hmm, and here I was thinking that I should probably tell you where you left your glasses. Now I think I’m going to keep it a secret for the next eight months.” Teahyung stuck out his tongue at you before settling into the couch and bringing you along with him, making you whine in annoyance.
“I knew you knew where they were.” You grumbled crossing your arms in front of your chest. “I’ll let you decide on the first letter of your childs name if you tell me.” You sang, poking his side gently, making him yelp out in pain.
He turned to you, pouting, rubbing his side in pain, “first letter and their first outfit when we leave the hospital.” He challenged, sticking his hand out for you to shake.
“Kim Taehyung, it looks like you got yourself a solid deal.” You said, encasing your hand in his, giving it a firm shake before pulling you into his side. His arm entrapping you to keep you from moving and placed a loving kiss against your forehead.
“You left them on the coffee table.” He pulled away, presenting your clear framed glasses to you. You let out a sigh of relief, quickly grabbing them, slippin them on and cuddling into his side.
“You could’ve told me earlier, I really thought I was losing my mind for a second  back there.”
“If I didn’t would I have found out about our lovely baby bean?” He grabbed the remote, pressing the ‘continue watching’ button on the t.v. and unpaused the movie.
“I see your point.” You settled further into the side, finally letting yourself enjoy the movie. Earlier you had been ansty, pushing his hands away as they kept  traveling to your lower belly. Though, his intentions were far naughtier then what was playing in your mind. But you were afraid he would finally figure it out.
Five minutes
Five minutes was all it took before Tayhung paused the movie again and sat up in panic. “Oh my god,” He mumbled before turning to face you, eyes wide in horror and shook. “Babe I’m going to be a dad.”
You laughed, squishing his cheeks in between the palm of your hands. “Yeah I know, I thought I made that pretty clear a few minutes ago.” You teased as his eyes raced from your face and down to your midsection.
“I know but I was thinking about how we had sex last night and now I’m scared. Like what if we hurt the baby, what if I hurt the baby.”
“I don’t think that’s possible. You’re fine Tae, just play the movie.” You patted his cheeks lightly before getting up and walking into the kitchen, “do you want popcorn?”
He stood up and quickly made his way to the kitchen, leaning his forearms against the counter, watching as you placed the bag of popcorn into the microwave. “How can you be so calm about this, how do we know the babies okay? We need to call the doctor now and book an appointment.”
“Stop worrying, I’m sure baby is fine, but you can ask the doctor in a week during my first ultrasound.”
“Are you sure?”
“Positive, now do you want popcorn or not?”
“That’s a stupid question, I always want popcorn.”
202 notes · View notes
1987vampire · 4 years
All Yours | Tomura Shigaraki
Fandom: My Hero Academia | Boku No Hero Academia Word Count: 5k Warnings: Smut. Kinks include: A/B/O (Omega!Shigaraki x Alpha!Reader), FemDom, Mommy Kink, Bratty Shigaraki (in the beginning), light bondage, face riding, spit kink, cockrings, praise kink, light degrading kink, choking, pegging, crying kink, overstimulation, etc. Request: I just really wanted to write a Shigaraki fic. A/N: This is just me being horny on main. I love this lil dude, and there are not enough Sub!Shigaraki fics around here.  Extra: @babayaga67​ and @imuziawi​ asked me to tag!
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I almost hadn’t recognized the smell as I turned onto my street. At first, I wasn’t quite sure where it was coming from, and I thought I might have just been delusional. After all, he had disappeared for quite a bit, but he had a distinct smell, a mix of citrus – the scent of his body wash -, smoky ash – a side effect of his quirk -, and vanilla cake - a sweetness that came with every omega in heat. I was surprised that there weren’t alphas lined around the block with how loud the smell was, but I was certainly glad I wouldn’t have to fight anybody off to get home.  
I fumbled with my keys for a few moments once I reached the door, mixing up and trying to unlock it with the wrong key multiple times. Once I finally opened the door, though, I was hit harder than I had anticipated, his pheromones coating every inch of my apartment. Hell, I thought walking here was terrible, but this was on an entirely different level.
Had he stopped taking his blockers? Being a villain and omega at the same time was certainly not a great mix, especially when he was the leader of a significant group, so he had taken to blocking off any indicators of his status, claiming to be a beta whenever someone asked. Something must have changed if it got this bad.
I closed the door and locked it in a fluid motion, dropping my keys and bag on the floor right after. I shuffled through the house, trying to figure out where he had holed himself up. I assumed he had made a nest somewhere, but I wasn’t sure where. He never kept it in the same spot, claiming it got uncomfortable being in one place for too long, and he always chose the strangest places. Once I had found him and half of my closet in one of the lower cabinets in the kitchen because ‘everywhere else was too goddamn loud.’
I looked through each room thoroughly, and after a few minutes of not finding him, I entered my bedroom. I was surprised at how much louder the smell had gotten. It wasn’t normal for him to choose such a basic place. My bed was missing half of its usual blankets and pillows. My clothes were strewn across the floor, ones he had ditched after not liking them enough, I guessed. I checked around the dirty area for a moment before approaching my closet.
I knocked quietly on the door, listening intently. A quiet groan met my ears, and I dropped to my knees in front of the door. He was in there. There was no doubt about it. “Tomura,” I called out quietly, not wanting to hurt him if he had a headache. He usually did during this time. “Tomura, may I come in?”
There was the sound of him shuffling and pushing a few things around before he made a noise of affirmation and pushed the door open a bit. I opened it the rest of the way and let out a sigh at the sight of him. He looked worse than usual, new scabs over the already scarred skin of his neck. Something had been stressing him out immensely.
Still, he looked pretty, his eyes half-lidded from being tired but still bright as ever, and his ordinarily messy hair even worse than usual. He wasn’t wearing much besides a pair of sweatpants, his chest bare and sweaty, new scratch marks crawling down from his neck. He was panting, practically drooling, but his lips still quirked up into the smallest of smiles when he locked eyes with me.
I hesitantly placed a hand inside his nest, afraid he would kick me out at the movement, but he stayed still, almost coaxing me into his area. So, I continued, crawling in slowly, trying not to mess up any of his work. He had to have been here for a while by how it looked. I wasn’t sure when he had gotten here, but I had been at work for ten hours before coming home, so there was no telling.
Tomura curled up to me almost instantly, letting out a low whine as he pushed his face into my chest. His arms wrapped around my hips, pulling me closer. I instinctively wrapped mine around his head, leaning down to press a kiss to his matted hair. I had almost gotten comfortable, ready to just sleep it off with him – after all, that’s what he seemed to want to do – but the thought was interrupted by him opening his mouth, pressing his rough flattened tongue between my breasts, and licking a fat stripe up to my neck.
The change in my mood was instantaneous, and I switched our position from both of us laying sideways to me kneeled above his chest. He moved to try and pull me down onto him, but I grabbed his hands and held them above his head, grinning as he let out a loud whine, his eyes growing wider as he stared up at me.
“You do know that it’s rude to do that without asking, right,” I mused. His face flushed red, and he turned it to the side, avoiding eye contact. Oh god, when was the last time he had acted like this. I was getting excited at just the thought. “Now, why would you do that without permission. Did you miss me that much?” When he didn’t move to answer, I chuckled and grabbed his face with one of my hands, pulling it to look at me. “Come on, babydoll. I need your words. Talk to me.”
He huffed loudly but complied. “You weren’t doing anything, so I had to.”
I tutted and shook my head. “You can’t just get things without asking. You have to tell me what you want. Staying silent gets you nowhere. You know that; we’ve talked about it, baby.” He stared up at me, biting back words. I sighed. “Well, if you don’t want to talk, then I’ll just let you take care of yourself.” I let go of him and began to lift myself off of him, but he moved faster and gripped my thighs, pulling me back onto him harshly. For someone as skinny as he was, he could sure be strong at moments. His nails dug into my skin harshly, and I couldn’t help but laugh. “You’re needy today, aren’t you.” I quirked an eyebrow and leaned down so we were face to face. “Come on, Tomura, tell me what you want.”
He took a shaky breath before replying. “I want you to make me cum,” he grumbled, blinking up at me. “I hate being like this, but nothing I do helps it.”
I shook my head. “And what have you done to deserve me giving you that pleasure? You’ve disappeared for the past two months – I only knew you were alive because they talk about you on the news – but because you hit your heat, suddenly you’re running back with your tail between your legs. Hell, I should leave you to take care of yourself - you obviously don’t need me.”
“I didn’t come back just to listen to you bitch.” His words were bitter, and I could tell he regretted them as soon as they slipped past his lips, but the damage was already done. His eyes widened, and he scrambled to try and escape from underneath me. I let him climb to his feet before pushing his knees out from under him as he tried to run out of the room. He stumbled and fell face-first onto the floor, groaning loudly.
“Are you serious,” I yelled, standing over him. He flipped onto his back, and I pushed my foot onto his chest, holding him steady. “Are you seriously trying to piss me off, you asshole?”
He grinned up at me. “And what if I am? What are you going to do about it?”
I pulled off of him, practically shaking from anger. “Get up.”
“Or what?”
I let out a deep snarl. “Tomura, get your ass off of the fucking floor before I turn it beet red.”
He licked his teeth suggestively and stood slowly, taking as much time as he could. Once he was up, a grabbed his shoulders roughly and pushed him onto the bed. He let out a loud laugh as he fell back, propping himself up on his elbows and watching me as I rolled my eyes. I moved towards my dresser, opening it and moving aside clothes covering what I needed. Ropes were the easiest thing to find considering how many I had, but the other toys took a bit of digging.
Once I was satisfied with my finds, I moved back to the bed and straddled him, grabbing the rough skin of his wrists and pulling them up to the headboard. There was a small hook drilled right above it precisely for this. I wrapped the rope around his hands, knowing the knots like the back of my hand from how often I had done it.
When our relationship first started, Tomura wasn’t too keen on bondage or not being in control, but once I had convinced him to try it, he had never wanted anything else. I knew he found some comfort mixed with the anxiety of being completely at my mercy, and I certainly enjoyed it. I could sit and stare at him in this position for hours, hands bound above him, eyes looking at me with apprehension but excitement, pants already straining even though I hadn’t done anything. It was a beautiful sight.
He tugged gently on the restraints, testing them, and he let out a shuddering sigh once they didn’t budge, settling into the bed. I picked myself off of him and stood to the side, humming lowly as I tried to figure out where to start. Then, he spoke up. “Well, are you going to do anything?”
“Not if you keep up that attitude, I won’t,” I snapped back. “You sure do love using your mouth tonight, might as well put it to use.”
He furrowed his brows in confusion only to perk up as I began to shed my shirt, popping button after button of my blouse until I was able to throw it onto the floor, adding to the mess he had already created. Then came my shoes, which I kicked off to the side, followed by my pants, leaving me in only underwear. Then, I climbed onto the bed again and grabbed his face harshly, squeezing his cheeks so his lips were puckered. His eyes widened with excitement, and it made me chuckle a bit.
“You’re certainly eager tonight, even with that mouth of yours,” I said, placing a kiss to his lips, “miss mommy that much?” A high-pitched chirp passed his lips, and I grinned. “Now, are you going to work for your reward, or are you going to make this hard?” When he stayed silent, I continued, my voice low as I moved to kiss the rough skin of his throat. “Are you gonna let mommy ride your face?”
Tomura nodded, and it was much more excited than I’m sure he intended it to be. I moved and placed my knees on either side of his head, and I had barely had enough time to run my fingers through his hair before he lunged forward, licking a stripe up my clothed pussy. I let out a shuddering sigh of content followed by a low, deep moan when he did it again. When was the last time he had helped me get off instead of my own hands and toys? He was so warm underneath me, his cheeks flushed and breathing heavy enough to send heat up to me.
Before he could move forward again, I grabbed fistfuls of his hair and pushed him down into the bed. He whined, but I ignored it. “Give me a second, baby. Just one second.”
He stayed still, and I let go of him. I then reached down and pushed my panties to the side, giving him new skin to touch. He loved it when I still wore underwear when we fucked, saying it ‘just added something to it.’ I certainly didn’t mind the extra coverage, even if it wasn’t anything sexy considering I had been at work.
Once I was comfortable, I grabbed his hair again, softer this time, and lowered myself onto his mouth. He stayed still, knowing not to move, and when I mumbled to go, he wasted no time in getting to work. His tongue found my clit almost immediately, circling it at an excruciating pace that made me groan quietly. I should have known he would try something like this, I thought as he moved down, pressing a flat tongue against my opening before dipping into it slowly. The wet sounds that came from the action made things so much better, but I could already feel myself getting fed up. I didn’t want to wait, I wanted him to work, so I vocalized it. “Tomura, baby, if you don’t go faster, you’re not cumming tonight.”
He chirped in distress and pushed farther up, lapping at me like he was a starving man and I was the only meal in sight, and when he began to get tired, I ground against his face, making him moan onto me, a deep groan that sent sparks through my stomach.  When we had first started, he was completely inexperienced, only knowing the basics from the porn he watched, but porn was nothing like real life, and I was there to teach him that. Luckily for me, Tomura was always up for eating me out whenever given the opportunity, he loved to serve me as much as he loved to take, and he showed his devotion like this. He took his time, but moved quickly, pressing all the right spots. He had my body memorized at this point, and when I came, he didn’t let up until I pulled away, making sure I reached the utmost pleasure.
When I finally did pull away, the sight was something worthwhile. He laid gasping up at me, his face thoroughly flushed a pale red that crawled down his chest. His lips, chin, and nose were covered in a thin layer of my fluids mixed with his spit. His eyes pled for me to praise him, tell him that he was doing good, and I was happy to oblige.
“You look so pretty like this, doll,” I said, pressing a kiss to his cheek as I traced my hand along his bulge. “Are you all worked up just for me?” Tomura nodded hastily, letting out a sigh of content as I rubbed him softly. “You’re mommy’s little boy, aren’t you, Tomu?” He nodded again and kissed back feverishly when I pressed my lips to his. “Say it, then. Say it for me, baby.”
“I’m your little boy, mommy,” he cried out, letting out a high-pitched moan as I drew him out of his pants, my fingers dancing along the head of his dick. “I’m all yours, I promise.”
I laughed. “All mine? Really?”
He nodded, his breath hitching as I moved down and took him into my mouth. “All yours- ah- ahh-“ He pulled at his restraints and let out a chirp as I pressed forward until my nose touched his hipbone. He bucked up to match my movement, but I grabbed his hips and pushed him down.
I pulled off of him with a pop. “Stay still,” I growled and moved back down. He let out a full-body shudder, and when I looked up at him, his eyes were rolled back, lips parted in a silent moan, and his arms pulling against his ropes to no avail.
“Please, I just-“ he bucked his hips again, and I growled lowly with his cock still in my mouth, making him cry out in ecstasy only to whine when I let go of him.
“I told you to stay still,” I grumbled as I reached for one of the toys I had brought out. He stiffened at the sound of something vibrating and watched me as I slid a pretty, pink cockring down to the base of his cock. He tensed and then let out the prettiest sound, throwing his head back at the stimulation.
I grabbed his face and forced him to look at me. He panted, his tongue lolling out of his mouth as he stared up at me. I pressed my thumb against his jaw and opened his mouth a bit more. He blinked blearily, confused, and then let out a surprised chirp when I spit directly into his mouth.
“Swallow it.” He complied, making a show of closing his mouth and swallowing loudly. He looked away out of embarrassment, making me chuckle. “You said you were all mine, babydoll. Are you going to listen to me now?”
“Yes, ma’am.”
“Good boy,” I cooed. He preened at the statement, arching his back up towards me. I slid my hands up his chest to his throat and held the sides, restricting his blood flow as I pressed another kiss to his lips. He hummed lowly, a low whine of need. “Alright, you get to choose now. Do you want me to ride you or fuck you, Tomu?”
I let go of his throat so he could speak easier, but he didn’t respond, merely staring at me, conflicted. “I- I don’t know-“ he choked out. “I-“
A plan set itself in my head, and I gave him a devious smirk. “Do you want both? Do you not want to choose?” He stuttered, not knowing what to say. “Just a yes or no, baby.” He paused before nodding. “I need words.” I dragged my thumb across his bottom lip, pulling it down and watching it pop back into place.
“Yes, please, mommy, both.”
I grinned and pulled away, climbing off the bed. My strapon was a thick, blue one that I had finally decided to buy after eyeing it for a few days. I never really used it on myself, preferring to make Shiggy a sobbing mess underneath me with it. Once I had even convinced him to ride it; the images still sit in the back of my mind every time I grab it, his soft whines as he rode slowly only to yelp when I bucked up into him at a pace faster than he would have been able to handle.
After stepping in and strapping it to myself tightly, I pulled Tomura’s pants off completely, letting them fall to the already dirty floor with a soft thump. Then, I moved back to my dresser to grab a bottle of lube, flipping it a few times as I watched him. He was panting as his bright red eyes met mine. He was trembling faintly, tugging lightly at the restraints as his cock twitched at the stimulation from the vibrations.
I walked over and climbed between his legs, grinning as I spread them to fit me. He was already leaking slick – something I had forgotten he produced during this time. I didn’t even have to lube my fingers before pressing at his entrance. He moaned lowly and then shut his mouth, looking away as I pushed a finger in. The warmth he provided was incredible, practically inviting me in. It made a loud, wet sound when I pulled out, and I watched him for his reaction.
He let out a shuddering breath but refused to meet my eyes, his face flushing even deeper with embarrassment.
“What’s wrong,” I mused, dipping into him again but this time with a second finger. “What are you embarrassed about?”
He didn’t answer, so I slapped his outer thigh with my free hand. “I- I don’t know,” he grumbled, glancing at me before looking away again.
I raised my body, moving my face towards his while pushing my fingers in until I was knuckle-deep, pushing slick out as I went in. “Look at me, baby.”
He hummed out an ‘uh-uh.’ I curled my fingers, and he let out a moan, his mouth still shut.
“Look at me, baby,” I purred. When he still refused to look, I took to grabbing his face again, forcing him to look at me. My fingers began to move at a steady pace, pumping in and out of him. “Do we need to do the mirror exercise again, or are you going to look at mommy while she fucks you?”
The mirror exercise in question was an exercise in self-confidence that he was subjected to quite often. I would set us in front of a floor-length mirror and fuck him while forcing him to watch so he could see how pretty he looked like this. I was quite a fan of it; he was not so much.
He shook his head. “I don’t want to.” Insecurity laced his voice, and I paused my movements, leaning down and pressing a kiss to his cheek, followed by his forehead, nose, and then mouth.
“Please, bub,” I whispered, pressing another kiss to his jaw. “Let me see your pretty, red eyes. Be a good, little boy for mommy.”
His eyes flickered to mine and then away a few times before he huffed and nodded. “I’ll be your good boy.”
I grinned, moving back down. “Then, let me see those eyes, and let me hear your moans, babydoll.”
I surged my fingers forward, and he let out a loud moan at the action. I sucked a hickey onto his inner thigh as I added a third finger, prepping him fully. When I pulled out, noticing how close he looked to cumming, he followed my moves, silently pleading with me to go back, to let him finish. In response, I lined up my cock to him.
My soaked hand crawled up him and pressed against his lips, slowly forcing their way inside. “Open up,” I said, and he did, opening his mouth wide. I pushed my fingers in, curling them around his bottom teeth before letting go. “Suck.” He complied, and I watched, mesmerized as he pulled them farther into his mouth, sucking slowly and running his tongue along my fingers. “Good boy,” I cooed.
He chirped before mumbling something against my fingers. I pulled them out, grinning at the pop they made. He mumbled something again, but I still couldn’t hear.
“What do you need, doll?”
He hesitated before responding in a quiet voice. “Can you spit in my mouth again?”
My brain took a few moments before what he said registered fully. I let out a loud laugh and nodded enthusiastically. “Open your mouth, then.”
He paused and then opened wide, encouraged by my thumb helping drag it open. My other hand gripped his throat as I made him wait in anticipation. He looked like he didn’t believe I would do it before I raised myself off of him a bit and spit, smiling when I watched it hit the back of his throat.
He instinctively shut his mouth and swallowed, a small smile climbing on his face that was quickly replaced with a lewd look as I pushed the tip of my cock into him. He cried out and pulled roughly on the ropes. I almost wanted to take them off, wanting to feel his nails dig into my back, but this sight was nearly as good.
I braced his hips with one hand, the other still pressing against his throat, and then I snapped into him completely. He let out a broken moan followed by a sob, and tears gathered in his eyes at the feeling of being so full so fast. I pulled out slowly and then snapped in again, receiving the same reaction.
Then, I paused, waiting until he sighed, telling me that he was ready, and then, I set at a brutal pace, plunging into him again and again, reveling in the sounds he made. His cock twitched and twitched, and so I wrapped my hand right above the ring and stroked him to the pace of my thrusts.
“Aghh- ahh- mommy-“ he mewled, “please, please, please, let me cum, mommy, please. I’ll do anything! I’ll be your good little boy, please.” I put my fingers in his mouth again, holding his jaw open as I slammed into him again. He cried against my fingers but kept his eyes open, though they kept fluttering between open and closed. Then, I hit something inside of him that made him throw his head back, clenching his fingers into fists as he yelled. “Please,” he whined against my fingers, “please, mommy, please.”
I hummed and chuckled lowly, leaning forward to nip against his jaw. “Go ahead, doll. Cum for mommy.”
The reaction as instantaneous. He violently shook as he came, spurting strips of cum onto both of our stomachs as a chorus of ‘thank you’s were yelled against my hand. I didn’t stop fucking him though. If anything, I picked up the pace a bit, hitting that little spot in him again and again if his reaction was anything to go by.
Tears began to gather in his eyes, and he shimmied his hips, trying to get me out, but I persisted. He cried out again as I started stroking his cock again, his recovery period nowhere near done, but he still hardened after a few moments, though tears began to stream down his face at the same time. I mumbled praises against his neck as I went, sucking hickeys into the scarred skin. “You’re doing so well for me, baby. So, so good.”
He sobbed loudly and thanked me again, closing his eyes as more tears fell.
“You’re mommy’s good boy, right, baby? You’re all mine?”
“Ye-e-es, mommy,” he whined against my fingers.
“Are you going to let mommy ride your cock?”
He chirped and shook his head. “It’s too much. I can’t take it.”
“Yes, you can,” I purred, pulling out of him slowly. “I know you can, darling, because you’ve missed me so much. When’s the last time you’ve been inside me? I know you’ve missed it.”
He choked out another sob and nodded. “Anything for you, mommy. I’m all yours.”
I switched the cockring to a higher vibration setting, and he tensed his entire body. “You look so pretty like this, Tomu. You’re such a pretty crier.” He shook his head at the statement and sniffled. “Yes, you are, so pretty, and all for me.” The strapon was easy to slip off, and the thud it made against the floor alerted him of what was next. I straddled him effortlessly and lined him up to my entrance, rubbing him gently against my lips. “Such a little whore. Mommy’s little whore.” He preened at the name and sucked in a deep breath as I sunk onto him. “Let me see your eyes, baby.”
His eyes fluttered open and practically rolled into the back of his head as I began to ride him. It wasn’t a fast pace, relatively slow compared to the last activity, but he came in only a few seconds without warning, yelling apologies as he did so. I only laughed in response and then moaned as the vibrating cockring hit my clit in a delicious way.
Tomura was shaking his head again, crying as I rode him and tugging on the restraints to no avail, but he hadn’t said our safeword, so I knew he was fine. “I can’t take anymore, mommy. I can’t do it.”
“Yes, you can, doll,” I replied, gripping his throat again. “I just need you to cum one more time for me. Just one more.” He shook his head, but I nodded, picking up speed. He felt so fucking good inside of me, and the vibrations added just the right amount of pressure to where I knew I wouldn’t last long. I was just waiting for him. “You feel so good in me, baby. Do you like how I feel? Do you like being my little whore? My cumslut?”
He nodded. “I do! I do!”
I leaned down and kissed him forcefully, pushing my tongue against his and moaning around his mouth. He chirped loudly and pulsed, and I could tell that the wet sounds we were making were getting to him. “Are you going to cum in me? Going to let me cum around your cock?” He nodded quickly and chased my lips when I pulled away. Strings of saliva connected the two of us, and the sight of it made me even more excited. “Let me feel you, Tomu. Cum for me, baby.”
He yelled out, shook forcefully, and then came, and the feeling of him filling me, the warmth of it all, sent me overboard. I was cumming, too, clenching around him and sucking him dry as my face dropped quickly, and I bit him on the juncture between his neck and shoulders where his scent glands were, sealing that he was mine. My property. He sobbed loudly but smiled into me when I pulled up and kissed him again, biting his bottom lip as I pulled away. My hips finally came to a stop, and when I pulled off of him, fluids dripped out of me and onto his pale skin quickly. Then, I turned off the ring and pulled it off of him, much to his relief.
Tomura sucked in a few deep breaths and closed his eyes, sniffling every now and then as I moved to clean the both of us up. I dragged a towel against his skin gently first and then wiped myself off. Next, I reached over and untied the ropes around his wrists. His arms dropped limply once freed, and he didn’t move them. I had almost believed he was asleep for a few moments, but then, his red eyes peered open and met mine.
“Thank you,” he croaked, reaching his hand out to mine. I took it and pressed a kiss to his knuckles.
“Come on, do you want a shower? It’ll make you feel better.”
He nodded and lifted himself slowly, groaning at the feeling. “Can you help me,” he whimpered.
I wrapped my arm around his waist and led him up. “I certainly could have gone nicer on you.”
He chuckled, and I did too. “No, I enjoyed it. Thank you.”
I rolled my eyes and kissed his shoulder, leading him to the bathroom. “Maybe a bath would be more relaxing.”
“Either way, I think you fucked my heat right out of me.”
“I wouldn’t be so sure.”
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heyitsyn · 4 years
Manager!Seijoh Part 9
a/n: hehehe this was inspired by that iconic picture in pinterest of akaashi turning into a child
summary: you signed up to take care of grown teenagers who are capable of taking care of themselves-not children
for more seijoh content, check this masterlist out!
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so like,,,, you were at a complete loss
this was literally the last thing youd ever think of and you didnt even think it was possible for this to happen!
but before that
get in losers we’re going on a flashback
it was a wednesday so duh practice was normal after school
but you read on your weather app that it would be thunderstorming so you were worried on how the others would walk home and even texted oikawa if he could cancel the after-practice practice
but since the spring competitions were getting close, he wanted to get as much practice as possible, even sometimes doing monday practices, and the coaches were usually out the door once mandatory practice hours were over, letting the boys do more practice with no worry since you were there to handle it
the boys were in the gym practicing and stuff but you could hear the thunderstorms from the distance, the smell of rain already filling the gym
and you knew none of these boys owned or carried an umbrella with them so you were going to go and buy umbrellas for when they go home
‘you guys, ill be right back. im going to go to the store down the street, okay?’
the look you gave to iwa made him nod, knowing he was the one really in charged, since oikawa wasn’t really capable of handling everyone
‘i want to come’
kyo said but you stopped him, placing a comforting hand on his arm
‘ill be really quick so dont miss me too much’
‘come back soon, y/n-chan!’
‘be safe!’
iwa made sure you were bundled up with a raincoat and had your umbrella on hand before you went on your journey
ugh team moms have my heart
thankfully, the store had more than enough for the boys and you were trying to hurry because it was now raining heavily and you wanted to run back so they wouldnt worry
the cashier rang up your total and you were just giving her your card when a VERY BRIGHT LIGHTNING striked from the sky and a VERY LOUD thunderstorm rang in the distance
your heart thumped and it mightve just been your managerial instincts but you knew something was wrong
oh god oikawa must be freaking out right now since he absolutely hates thunderstorms
your worries were evident on your face so the cashier hurriedly handed you your bag full of umbrellas so you were able to sprint out of the door and too much in a hurry to even open your umbrella
the run to the school felt like it was a 10-mile run and when you finally ran towards the gym doors, you slowed to a speed-walk
but you froze
the lights were off and you could hear the screams of a child
well,,,,, more like, children
you entered the gym and fell on your butt in surprise
in front of you, were 9 toddlers who were thankfully covered by the now too-big clothing
they couldnt be over 3 and a half feet tall and looked like they were around 3 or 4 
you stuttered and reached a hand forward towards the baby with the black spiky hair but he cried louder, clutching on to the brunette baby
‘oh god’
you were finally starting to realize this situation
‘oh my god, what do i do’
you mumbled, standing up and panicked eyes wandering over each child
they were chibis
3 chibis were sleeping and you could tell each boy by their hairstyle
kunimi, yahaba, and mattsun were sleeping on top of the blue shirts and white shorts
kindaichi was hiccuping, seemingly done with his crying, while oikawa was bawling and screaming with iwaizumi holding on to his hand tightly, eyes also teary
makki was bleary-eyed and watari was just sitting there, eyes wide and lips parted but kyo, with hair turned to his original color yet the same sharp yellow eyes, looked on the verge of crying, hands reaching out to you
you immediately grabbed ahold of oikawa and you were thankful that their shirts were still over their tiny body
‘its okay, oikawa-san, its okay’
thunder rumbled again and this time, woke up the others in fright causing them to also start crying then the others started their own crying because everyone else was crying
you kept oikawa on your arms but ran to check on individual player
‘no,no,no! its okay! look! ball!’
you presented the stray volleyball next to iwaizumi and you guessed he was holding it before he transformed into this child form
kindaichi shouted while sobbing and his loud voice startled yahaba even more and got him to cry harder making the others follow suit as well
‘oh no’
you whined and was slowly going crazy by the crying noises
you dont have any siblings so you never got the experience of having to take care of be around a toddler
maybe you should calm each child individually
that would work, right?
you remembered the method you used on oikawa once during training camp and you were hoping that his child self would still use the same calming routine
the speed you had to find your headphones and plug them in to your phone then his ears and playing the ‘big bang theory’ theme song was A S T R O N O M I C A L
you placed him in front of you and wiped the tears that trailed down his chubby cheeks while his little hands held on to your shirt
his cries started to slow down until it was just whimpers and you placed a kiss on his forehead when he finally quieted down
but while you were taking care of their captain, kyo was yelling at yahaba and making him more upset and cry even harder
yahaba shouted and tried to hit kyotani but he hit him back
you pushed both children away and sat them down on their beehinds in front of you
‘no. we dont hit, yahaba-san, and we dont make fun, kyotani-san. time out for you two’
yahaba glared at the floor with tears pricking his eyes but one look from you made him hold it in and bite his lip
iwaizumi looked like he was finally getting ahold of himself as he was calmly sitting down with makki and mattsun by his side
you chortled when mattsun still possessed the same teasing smirk as he did when he was a teenager and his red eyes were now filled with mischief along with makki
iwa looked up at you with bright eyes, as if waiting for a reward or a compliment, and you swallowed your squeal before crouching across him and caressing his cheek
‘good job, iwa-san. iwa-san is a good boy’
he smiled, a smile youve never seen before, then snuggled closer to your palm
the only one really crying was kindaichi while kunimi and watari were also just sitting down
kindaichi’s sobs echoed throughout the gym and as you walked closer, you heard his stomach growl and you instantly knew how to calm him down
the sausage you picked up to feed the strays with kyo later was still in your bag so you peeled the wrapper about halfway and handed it to him
kindaichi stared at it and you had to guide it in his mouth to start eating just to ensure him it was safe and he could eat
the thunder seemed to have died down and all that remained was rain
the boys were starting to shiver from the cold and you were sure the heat in the gym was working before you left but now it wasnt because of the power shutting down
it wouldnt be good if they remained in this cold environemnt and you suddenly remembered that you were still soaked from the rain and was getting colder by the second
maybe it was the panic that shot up your adrenaline and didnt let you realize your own situation
each boy had their jackets thrown to the side but you quickly put it on them so you could bundle them up as best as you can
their shoes were too large for them so you ran to the storage room where there were plastic bags that you used to tie around their feet with their socks
iwa noticed your trembling body and he shakily stood up and ran over to you
you finished tying kindaichi’s bag when you noticed iwa standing there with his arms stretched towards you
he squeaked and you sniffled before wrapping him in your arms and holding him close to you
it seems iwa still possessed his protective instincts from before
by the time all the boys were ready, the rain thankfully reduced to simple sprinkles and you made everyone hold hands
the boys stood on a row in front of you and you seriously talked to them
‘no matter what, never let go of your friend, okay? even you yahaba, kyotani’
the two gave each other a glare but they still clenched each other’s hands
you grasped oikawa and iwa’s hands and the others formed a chain with mattsun holding iwa’s and makki holding oikawa’s and so forth
you figured you could just leave their bags in the gym so you were walking as fast as you could towards home where it would be warm and a safe place to figure out a plan
natsu has seen a lot in his years of living and from being in nekoma in general
but he has been shocked to see this
it was already late and your parents were both at some business trip and he knew you were supposed to be home already but you werent
he was about to call you when the doorbell rang and he figured it was just some person convincing him to be christian
he opened the door, exasperated and irritated
‘listen, im the biggest sinner that has ever-Y/N!’
he shouted in surprise 
there, you stood, shaking and red with a bunch of toddlers
what in the world
‘natsu. m-move’
you stuttered out and he couldnt help but do what you said and he made way for you and the little ducklings
the little boy from the back, the one with yellow eyes, glared at him as he walked past and natsu shook his head in disbelief
you ran to the temp screen button thing bro i dont know what it is but i have something like an echobee thats like that to turn up the temperature in the house
the boys were still excitedly babbling on about some movie and they were singing songs 
poor natsu just stood at the archway by the living room
‘oi, y/n. please tell me you didnt kidnap a bunch of kids’
there was no teasing tone, just pure confusion
you didnt look up from the temp thing and you configured it to rest at 75 degrees fahrenheit fyi
‘something happened. something weird and bad happened. it shouldnt even be possible but it did and im so confused and i dont know what to do’
you rambled and you turned to look at the kids
natsu noticed your frazzled form and he gently grabbed a blanket to drape over you so you could get warm and led you to sit on the couch
‘just tell me, babes. we’ll figure it out’
he reassured and you sighed
‘i-i,,, was g-going to the-the convience store to-uh-get some umbrelllas for the boys but,,, when i was there,, there was a big thunder and boomed and lightining and i knew,,,,i knew there was something wrong and something had happened so i ran back and then bam! i saw them as kids!’
natsu trailed over from your face to the boys and he started to piece together that yes, this was your team
the brunette boy he messed around with and the one with the adorable eyebrows
‘y/n,, babes,, did you dabble with voodoo? bad juju?’
he whispered and you almost cried
‘no! why would i?!’
‘what are we going to tell their parents?!’
‘that their kids turned to babies?!’
‘yea right! might as well tell them the earth is flat!’
you both went silent for a bit before natsu sighed then turned to you
‘babes, go and shower. go and get warm while i take care of the kids. youre soaked and youre freezing and you’ll get sick. besides, they shouldnt be that bad, right?’
not even caring to answer that question and completely not hearing it, you nodded and groggily went to go bath
the boys saw you leave and they looked at natsu with either wide scared eyes or glaring eyes
especially the boy with the yellow eyes
natsu smirked
‘i know you. what was it? dog? crazy dog?’
there was clear offense in kyo’s face and he easily jumped to natsu’s lap and grabbed his hair to tug on it
‘yey! play time!’
oikawa shrieked and everyone shouted in agreement before joining kyo
natsu screamed as they punched his stomach and pulled his hair
you were in the middle of rinsing your hair when you heard the screams and you thought it was the boys but you recognized them as natsu’s
you continued showering
the boys were having fun beating up your cousin and natsu seriously wondered if you were taking your sweet time just to let them have their fun
‘oi! if you dont stop! i wont let you play mario kart!’
the boy with a middle part stopped tugging his hair followed by the one with the spiky turnip looking hair
‘maiyo,,,, kat?’
natsu saw them both stop and he excitedly sat up
‘yea! mario kart! you want to play mario kart?! oh my! its so much more fun than playing with natsu-nii!’
he didnt care what they wanted to do as long as it didnt involve him being getting beaten up so he quickly assembled the console and they all rallied around natsu as he set up the game
‘okay. we can play with 4 players at a time. who’s going first?’
there was a bit of hostility among the children as they turned their former soft gazes to hard and competitive looks
‘i wanna!’
‘stop it kawa-chan!’
‘iwa-chan ow!’
there was great uproar while natsu sighed in relief and leaned against the back of the couch, watching in amusement
there were punches thrown, some shoves, but they ultimately decided on players
begrudgingly it was kyo, kindaichi, mattsun, and watari
the others stayed behind with a pout on their lips and sulked
but as soon as they started playing, those sad looks disappeared and they scooted closer to watch it with interest
the only one who wasn’t so in to it was the one with the spiky black hair and green eyes
‘hey, kid, what’s wrong?’
natsu asked and he didnt answer but just looked at him before turning to watch the tv silently
he was about to ask again when you appeared and the boys cheered at your arrival before turning back on the game
you were refreshed and you sat on the loveseat next to natsu’s place on the couch
‘they seem to be having fun’
you smiled but natsu crinkled his eyebrows then pointed to a figure behind the rest
‘the kid’s just been sitting there. i dont know if hes just like that or what but hes not really doing anything’
‘oh, thats just iwa-san. hes normally like that. look. iwa-san! can you please come here?’
at the call for his name, the boy perked up and he excitedly clambered over to sit on your lap
he leaned his back against your chest and you ran your fingers through his hair
‘why are you just sitting there, hm? do you not want to play?’
you spoke softly and he shook his head, eyes still on the match
‘friends are happy when playing. i like my friends. im okay’
despite the very child-like voice, there was a sense of maturity in there and you weren’t sure if they still carried the same memories as they had back when they were already teenagers
‘iwa-san, do you know me?’
you asked and he looked up to look at your face
then he shook his head
you blanched
and so did natsu
‘so let me get this straight, kid. you let some random stranger take you to their house?’
iwa shrugged
‘she help me and friends. she nice’
you almost squealed but held back and you tightened your arms around him
‘youre sweet, iwa-san’
‘y/n, you could literally be charged of kidnapping right now’
natsu ruined the moment and you glared at him
‘im just trying out a way to help them. and besides, they couldve screamed and cried and ran out but they didnt so i didnt take them against their will’
natsu rolled his eyes before standing up
‘well, im hungry. and these kids cant exactly have take-out. imma go see if we have any food left’
he left you alone with the kids and you encouraged the others to win by cheering for them and smiling at the way they were laughing
man, no matter what age, you still love them
natsu peaked his head out from the doorway
‘we got dino nugggets’
you nodded
‘those should be good’
natsu returned to his spot on the couch and you stared at him
‘what? im too scared to do anything to the oven. remember when i broke the other one?’
you sighed and shook your head
iwa noticed you needing to get up so he was about to move when you placed him on natsu’s lap
‘iwa-san, natsu-kun will take care of you for now, okay?’
iwa didnt object but he didnt like it either
you were pressing the timer on the oven and you opened it to change the racks when you noticed a small figure and hands and feet trying to climb in
in shock, you dropped the rack and grabbed kunimi’s small body
‘kunimi akira! what were you thinking?!’
the baby’s eyes were half-lidded and he looked really tired and the oven was radiating warmth and he thought he could climb in it and sleep
but you knew that he would literally DIE 
you ran him back to the living room and natsu was shocked to hear of what happened
‘yea. so try and make sure none of them does something dangerous’
you pleaded and he nodded before taking kunimi’s hand and urging the kid to sleep on his lap instead
you were finally cooking the nuggets and while it cooked, you were grabbing any leftovers for you and natsu to eat
there was little bit of rice and some tonkatsu left so you heated that up and continued to cook until everything was finished
‘boys! natsu! dinner!’
at the mention of food, the kids dropped the controllers and raced to go to the kitchen
natsu trailed behind with a half-asleep kunimi in his arms and iwa who held his hand
kindaichi and oikawa shrieked
you gave each boy their own portion of food and you gave natsu his dinner
‘to be honest, i was surprised we had enough nuggets’
natsu was surprised at the nuggets you still had in the freezer
you shrugged
‘at this point, im not even surprised at anything anymore. i think im just in a dream and im controlling it and somehow, the universe is bending itself to help me’
natsu stared at you as if you grew three heads before chuckling and returning to his food
there was no such thing as peaceful dinner with the boys
yahaba was crying that kyo took some of his nuggies
kunimi tried to have one bite of his chicken before toppling over to the side and falling asleep
mattsun was tricking makki by pointing somewhere and when the brownette turns, he would take a nugget
oikawa tried it and iwa almost fell for it but he caught his best friend in time resulting him to hit the choco-hair boy and making tooru cry from the booboo
you sighed, rubbing your temples
‘i swear. my head’
you whined and natsu patted your back before he disappeared somewhere, presumably his room, to get away from the madness
your temper was rising and with how exhausted youve been and the incoming cold you feel is making you irritated
of course they stopped as they got scared by your tone and if they were teenagers, they would have the same reaction because youve never used this tone on them
‘kindaichi, wake up kunimi. kyotani, matsukawa, eat your own nuggets. yahaba, oikawa, stop crying. kyotani apologize to yahaba for eating his nuggets and hug him. you too, iwaizumi apologize to tooru for hitting him and hug him’
the boys started but you shot them a look
they mumbled and they looked at you before going to give the other a hug
iwaizumi mumbled and tooru was about to cry but you scolded iwaizumi again
‘iwa, we don’t call people stupid’
he stared at you then turned away, an obvious pout on his lips and pushed his plate away to sulk
is parenting this hard?
watari calmly ate his food and you smiled
you scooped him in your arms and you held him close
‘come on, everyone. when youre done eating, how about we watch ponyo? hm?’
as if they werent just sulking, they all cheered and abandoned their food to go running to the living room where you put the movie on
halfway through the movie, someone wanted something sweet
you had iwa on your right, mattsun on your left, watari on your lap and oikawa by your feet so you werent exactly at the position to make something
‘nee-chan, i want choco’
makki asked and you sucked in a sharp breath to calm yourself from how cute he was
you gently asked the others to move so you could go but they held on to a part of you
mattsun and iwa with your arms, watari holding your shirt, oikawa holding your leg
‘come on, guys.do you want choco?’
oikawa blubbered
‘please dont go’
mattsun pleaded quietly
‘ill be back! i swear! please?’
begrudgingly, they let go and you stretched out your legs when you stood up then walked to the kitchen
as you opened the door, you were looking through something when you saw a reflection from the glass of a face
you shrieked and looked behind you, expecting some murderer but it was actually a line of the boys
it was like they followed you into the kitchen like ducklings following their mama duck
you wheezed, seeing it was his face that you saw with those beautiful eyes
‘we missed you, nee-chan’
kindaichi whined with a small voice
you noticed that kunimi wasnt with the group so you assumed he was asleep on the couch
‘you scared nee-chan, boys. but it’s okay’
their puppy eyes made you cry inside but you ushered them to go to the dining room so they could wait there for their drinks
you poured chocolate milk for everyone except for tooru as he was lactose intolerant so you gave him chocolate oat milk
they brought the glass to their lips as you drank coffee and they lit up at the delicious taste
they giggled and you chuckled before reaching over to wipe makki’s top lip
‘thank you nee-chan!’
oikawa grinned and they all agreed
‘youre welcome. nee-chan will take care of you when you need it’
by the time midnight struck, you were already in a cuddle pile with the boys
they all fell asleep and you were being laid on by the others
natsu came down for water and saw you being smothered by bodies but he thought it was cute so he took a picture for you to see in the morning
he found the remote and turned off the movie and tv before wishing a whisper of a good night then headed back to his room
the room was filled with snores and you were dead asleep
but you couldnt help but squeeze back the tiny hand that gripped yours
mrs l/n and mr. l/n groggily made their way up to the front door
‘god, its so late. im so tired. i want to sleep’
mrs l/n complained
mr l/n immediately fished out his keys and he turned the door to enter their home
it was very quiet and dark so they figured that both you and natsu already went to bed
they dumped their luggage at the entrance, bothering to unpack tomorrow and were making their way to the kitchen for a water 
mrs l/n was making her way to the bathroom when she heard a groan from the living room
her eyes shot wide open and she thought she was so tired that she was hallucinating
but nope
her eyes transfixed itself on a figure that was standing at the middle of the living room
with a shaking hand, she reached over to flicker the lights on and she shrieked at the sight of a naked man
tooru felt sleep immediately leave him at the sound of the woman’s shriek and his eyes fell on someone by the doorway and she was not staring at his face
down there
he followed her sight and my god
oikawa screamed
a/n: hehehe happy new years!!! well,, belated new years!! but we really starting the new year with a buck naked oikawa and a traumatized mom aren’t we? but i hope everyone had a great holiday and im so excited for the start of the new year and what it has in store for us!!! sending much love!!!
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98prilla · 4 years
Thomas decides to see what all the Side’s animal forms would be. It does not go so well for Anxiety. 
This is set pre accepting anxiety, and diverges a little from the cannon of that episode, fair warning.
He is terrified. His heart is pounding as he pulls further back into the shadows, hiding under the couch. He can hear the others out there, talking, laughing, having fun. This isn’t fun.
“An owl? Really, Thomas, owls aren’t even actually smart, their eyes take up much of their cranial cavity.”
“Come on, kiddo, they are symbols of wisdom. And those wings sure must be nifty! I’m having a pawsome time myself!” A groan at the pun.
“I always thought Logan was a bit bird brained.” Roman mutters. “But seriously, a dragon? While the scales are quite flattering, it is a bit strange, considering I usually fight them.”
“I don’t know, Roman, I guess cause you’re always talking about questing I just settled on a fantasy creature. It is pretty cool." He rolls his eyes at the huff of pride he can hear as Roman no doubt puffs up his chest, flares his wings.
“Speaking of strange, where's anxiety?” his ears flatten against his head, pulse picking up again. They’re talking about him.  
“He should be here. I did summon him.” Thomas, confused. He curses his inability to sink out in this form.
“Perhaps he has taken the form of a smaller animal and is hiding.” He almost hisses, could Logic shut up for once?
“Aw, maybe we should look for him! He’ll probably be so cute!”
“Please. That weirdo is probably a venomous spider or a little parasite. Who cares, where he is?” yes, thank you Roman, for once being not a moron.
“Patton, if you’re worried perhaps you can sniff him out. You are a cat, after all.” No. Nonono. Logic, shut it!
“Good idea, Logan. Give it a try!” and he is outta here before he even knows what he’s doing.  
His terror skyrockets and he shoots out from under the couch to the startled yelps of everyone else. Everything is big, huge, compared to him, the living room seems endless.
The stairs, he just needs to get to the stairs and he'll be able to physically enter the mindscape, he’s so close-
Then there is the flap of wings, a victorious shriek, and talons are digging into his shoulders pinning him down.
“Well, what have we here?” He shoves aside his fear, proud as his voice comes out just as scathing and steady as ever.
“Get off, you overgrown lizard.” He bites out, Roman’s scaled head coming into view. He glares at Roman’s laughter.
“Anxiety, kiddo? Is that you?”
“No, its Joan, yes it’s me, Patton, now get off, Roman!” His heart is beating fast, too fast, and his words are wavering. He is afraid, afraid, afraid. He hates this, hates it, he just wants this to be over.
“Hmm. I don’t think I will. Think about it, Thomas. We have the opportunity here to get anxiety out of our way for good.” His stomach drops, his blood goes cold, he is shaking.
“Roman, what are you suggesting?” Logan, he can’t be considering this, please no, please!
“I mean, we don’t need to vanquish him. We can keep him like this. Put him in a cage, or something.”
“I'm not a pet, you idiot, and you can’t keep me like this forever.” He hisses out.
“Oh contraire, little mouse, we can keep you weak enough you don’t have any choice.” His heart lurches as he is lifted up, Roman's wings buffeting him, they are in the air.
“Roman, put me down! I… please! Pleasepleaseplease…” he is crying now, begging, because he can’t, this can’t be happening, they can’t actually intend to keep him locked in this form, weak and powerless, in a cage.  
The floor seems so far away, and he feels sick, from the altitude shift or what is happening or both, he can’t tell. The anguished terror is filling him and he lets out a broken, choked sob.  
This is what he gets, for thinking he could ever be accepted, for thinking he could ever be tolerated, much less liked. All he’d ever done was his job, and this is his reward.
“Logan, what-" he lets out a squeak despite himself as a blur of gray rams into Roman, sending him spiraling off balance.
Then he feels the talon’s grip slip, and he screams. He is falling, flipping through the air. From this height in this form his bones will break, shatter, with his luck his neck will snap. He has time to cry for help, before he impacts.
“Gotcha!” The halt is jarring, and he is shaking, instinctively flattening himself to make as small a target as possible as he tries to get ahold of himself. He realizes it’s soft, the ground.
He looks up and nearly screams again, instead flattening further. Patton has caught him, sitting on his back haunches, he is caught in Patton's front paws.
“p-p-put me d-down. Please.” His voice is a whisper, trembles making him stutter, but Patton instantly complies, much to his relief.
He hears a shriek and looks up, just in time to see silver talons coming right at him, then they crash into him and he feels a ripping pain in his shoulder.  
He can hear Patton yelling, Logan screeching, Roman growling, and it is loud so loud and all he can think is he is about to die-
“Enough!” Thomas yells, and suddenly the ground isn’t so close, suddenly he is stumbling to his feet, lunging for his normal spot on the stairs, reaching it in two strides. He lets out a relieved sob as he clutches the bannister, looking back at the others.
Logan has landed in a heap on the couch. Patton and Roman are tangled around each other on the floor. Patton's gaze meets his, worried.
“kiddo, you’re bleeding.” He lifts his hand numbly to his shoulder, mildly surprised as it comes away sticky and red. He lets out a broken, bitter laugh.
“Gee, wonder how that happened. Not like someone was trying to kill me, or worse hold me captive and torture me for my whole existence." His voice is raw and instead of biting sarcasm, it comes out as an almost whisper, red rimmed eyes glaring at the floor as he shakes, from latent fear and pulsing anger.
“Anxiety-" he half successfully chokes back another sob, harsh laughter tearing at his lungs.
“no, know what, it’s fine. It’s fine, Thomas. I always knew I wasn’t wanted. I was an idiot to hope you might… might ever actually change, actually want me around. Hell, even care about me like I care about you and keeping you safe.” He can barely stand, he doesn’t know if it’s from the pain and blood loss or the adrenaline fading or the panic attack he can feel pressing against him, tightening his chest.
“Kiddo…” he shakes his head.
“Y'know, if you really wanted me dead, all you had to do was ask. I would’ve done it myself.” He doesn’t look up. Doesn’t see the pained shock on Patton's face, the suspicious surprise on Roman's, the horror on Logan’s. The pain on Thomas's. Instead, he flips up his hood, hugging himself as he wordlessly sinks out.
He managed to lock the door before he collapses to the floor. His chest feels like it's being squeezed by a boa constrictor, his ribs crushed and all the air shoved out of his lungs. His vision narrows to a dark pinprick, gaze unseeing as he sees Roman's talons again and again, falling and splattering against the floor, bones shattered, bars, a cage, closing in, pressing him tight, he can’t breathe, he’s choking, he’s dying, god, he’s going to die here. Why not? He laughs hysterically, that’s what they want, may as well give it to ‘em.
“virgil, no. It’s not what we all want. Come back to me, stormy. Focus on my voice. You can do it, Virgil.” Virgil. None of them know his name. Only, only…
“Dee?” he chokes out, blurry vision focusing enough to see Deceit, holding his hands in his lap, rubbing circles on his knuckles.
“There we are. Hello, dearest.” Deceit reaches up, softly wiping away his tears, brushing back his hair.
“I’m an idiot. I’m a stupid idiot.” He mutters.
“No. Virgil, you’re not. It’s ok.” He hisses in a breath of pain as Dee places a hand on his shoulder, vision going speckly at the slight contact. Dee pulls away, eyes wide, face darkening to fury.
“You’re hurt. Vee, you’re bleeding" he just shrugs, another sob clawing its way out of his throat.
“Doesn’t matter.” He whispers. Deceit hisses, and pulls him onto his lap.
“It does. Even if they don’t care, even if they don’t love you, I do. It matters to me. You will always matter to me. You’re my baby, Virg. Even if you’ve left the nest, you’re still my little rain storm. Got it?” He feels Dee's extra arms removing his hoodie, then all six are cradling him against Dee's chest, holding him tight and safe and secure, letting him relax and melt into the touch, knowing Dee will never let anything hurt him. He feels Dee press a kiss to his head.
“you’ve wiped yourself out, love. I'll take care of that nasty shoulder gash. Get some sleep, dearest.” Weakly, he clings to Dee's shirt. He doesn’t want him to let go, he doesn’t feel safe, if Dee lets go.
“I’m staying, darling. I’ll stay as long as you want.”
“can rain down all the hell he wants. Until you’re better, they deserve it.” He finds he can’t argue with that. He falls asleep to Dee humming softly, stroking his forehead and holding his hand, his other arms working to gently bandage his shoulder.
Deceit sighs as he hears a crash. Looking up, he sees Remus kick in the door, eyes aflame.
“who hurt him? Who’s ass do I gotta beat until it falls off?”  
“hush. I just got him settled.” Dee replies. In three strides, Remus is beside him, head cocked unnaturally far to the side, like a snapped neck.
“He’s ok?” Remus asks, neck snapping back to a normal position with an audible click.
“yes. Keep an eye on him, please?”
“What? Where're you going?” Remus asks. Deceit’s eyes flash.
“I am going to go see what exactly those half-witted buffoons did to send him spiraling. Then I am going to determine whom it is I need to beat the shit out of.” Deceit growled, stepping away from the bed.
“Boo, you never let me have any fun.” Remus pouts. He instantly stops as Virgil lets out a small sound, immediately climbing into the bed with him and spooning around him. Virgil curls against him immediately, stilling as he clings onto Remus.
“Thank you.” Deceit murmurs from the doorway. Remus nods.
“I'll take care of our little stormy night. You go teach ‘em a lesson, Dee.” Remus replies, relishing the sharp fanged smile Deceit flashes him, before sinking out. As an afterthought, he snaps, replacing the door, before turning his attention to Virgil, trying to mentally send him all of his love. Virgil is more of a brother to him  than Roman has ever been, and he hates seeing him hurt.
“hang in there, vee. Dee'll fix everything.”
“I highly doubt he wants to be called right now.”
“But he was so scared! We have to help!”
“I don’t know Pat, seeing us might make it worse.” He clears his throat. He meets three sets of surprised eyes with steel. Thomas yelps and falls backwards, catching himself on the wall.
“Who is that?!”  
“Deceit, you scurrilous snake, what are you doing here?” his eyes narrow at that.
“Oh, I’m sorry, Roman, was I not wanted here at this exact moment?” his voice is a perfect mimicry of Virgil's, and to his satisfaction it makes Roman flinch.
“Thomas. This is Deceit. He is responsible for the lies you tell not only others, but yourself. I am puzzled as to why you have appeared now. To my knowledge, no lies have been spoken.” Logan explains, and his hands ball into fists.
“Oh, truly, why ever would I be here? It'ssss not like Anxiety returned bloody and injured, in the midsssst of a panic attack, talking about how nobody wantssss him and it doessssn't matter. I’m sure that hassss nothing to do with it, Logic.” He hisses out, spitting Logan's title like it burns his tongue.
He can see Patton's guilty face out of the corner of his eye, knows whatever happened, it wasn’t him. But Roman… yes.
“So Thomas, dear, care to explain what happened?” He asks, sickly sweet, turning his gaze to Thomas, who has a slight frown on his face. As an afterthought, he notes that Thomas isn’t afraid of him, despite his scales and sharp fangs. Interesting.
“I thought it would be cool to see what everyone’s animal forms would be. Logan was an owl, Pat was a persian cat, and Roman was a dragon. But we didn’t see anxiety anywhere so we thought he was small and hiding and maybe too scared to move. Pat was gonna find him, then a mouse shot out from under the couch and Roman…” Thomas trails off, eyes shifting away, but it’s enough to confirm his suspicions.
“Roman. Care to continue?” Roman meets his ice cold gaze imperiously.  
“gladly. I captured the fiend in my claws. Hurting him was an accident. I merely meant to catch him while he was small and couldn’t hurt us and contain him. Keep him small, so he’d stop bothering Thomas. It’s not like we need him, anyways.” Roman scoffs.
Rage is filling him. Because Roman truly thinks he is in the right, truly thinks he didn’t do anything wrong, and his voice is proud as he speaks about traumatizing Virgil, who is the youngest, the smallest, the most vulnerable to start with. How dare he?
Before he can think, he has crossed the room, he rears his hand back and slaps Roman hard enough to send him reeling backwards.
“You are a heartless, soulless bastard. I told him not to come, I told him he’d get hurt but he didn’t listen. You know why? It’s certainly not because he wants to be included, he doesn’t yearn for your acceptance, it doesn’t break him a little more each time you all dismiss and send him away unwanted. He definitely doesn’t just want to be liked! He never has a hard enough time just being himself, being afraid, all the fucking time, and you have certainly helped make him feel right at home.” He hisses, ignoring the tears stinging at his eyes as he whips around, facing the rest of them.
“And you’re no better. How do you think it feels, knowing the person who conjured you doesn’t even want you? How terrified would you be, surrounded by people who have never showed you kindness, who have admitted their distaste, small and defenseless, being threatened to be put in a cage? His worst fear is something happening to Thomas and being unable to reach him, to react and help. It’s his job to protect Thomas, and you were threatening to keep him away, to put Thomas’s own safety at risk for your own stupid biases! You were threatening to make his nightmare real, and not a single fucking one of you said otherwise, did you?!” He yells, slowly looking at each of them in turn. No one will meet his eyes now, not even Roman.
“you don’t deserve him. You don’t deserve his name. No wonder he hasn’t told you. You’re a bunch of ignorant bullies. And you’d say I’m the bad guy. You all picked out the most vulnerable and pounced.” He shifts his head, turning to Thomas, a curling, empty smile on his face.
“It was a fucking pleasure, Thomas. I’ll be taking my leave.” The lie is bitter and acrid on his tongue, tasting of ash as he sinks out.
He returns to Virgil's room, immediately hurrying to his bedside, because he is crying, despite Remus's attempts to soothe him.
“Vee, what’s wrong?” he asks. Virgil glares at him through his tears.
“you said you were gonna stay!” he lets out a soft breath, sitting on the edge of the bed.
“I know. I just had to check on something. But you know Remus would never let anything hurt you, right?” Virgil nods, leaning back into Remus's arms.
“That’s right, starshine. You’re safe.” Remus whispers, rocking Virgil gently, who responds by pressing his face into Remus's chest.
“You’re staying now, right?” Virgil mumbles. He smiles, slipping under the covers.
“I am. No lies this time.” He murmurs as Virgil lays down, curling into him. He reaches out with all six arms, pulling Remus closer, hugging both of them and sandwiching Virgil in warmth and safety.
“What was it?” Remus asks lowly, once Virgil is out again. He sighs.
“Shapeshifting, animal forms. He was a mouse. Roman was a dragon. Threatened to keep him locked up. It got physical.”
“You mean Roman was a bitch and attacked Virgil unprovoked.” Remus's voice is flat, and he shoots him a soft look, one of his hands slipping into Remus's.
“I’m going to kill him.” He squeezes Remus's hand.
“Later. We can work on murder plans later. Right now Vee needs us.”
“Anxiety, it’s dinner time!” Patton's voice trills. He opens his eyes with a groan, freezing instantly.
This… isn’t his room. It isn’t even the commons. He’s laying in soft bedding. He realizes he’s in a little plastic hut. His heart speeds. He looks down at himself, human, good.
He flinches as the house is lifted up, leaving him exposed. His breath catches in his lungs, Patton is looming over him, he is giant. He skitters back, realizing his back is pressing against metal wire. Cage, he is in a cage, he is tiny, in a cage.
He scrambles, trying to claw his way out, trying to bend the wire enough to wriggle out.
“hey, now. None of that kiddo.” His stomach flips as hands squeaze around his waist and he is lifted into the air. He is barely as tall as Patton's ring finger, he is so high in the air as Patton places him down on his palm.
“patton please, please, just let me go, please!” he begs, feeling tears slipping down his face.
“Aw, I know kiddo. But this is better for everyone. This way you’re still around but don’t bother Thomas.” He stumbles as Patton places him back in the cage, doubling over and choking on sobs as a small food dish is placed inside, the shadows of bars shading his face.
He is still begging, pleading, screaming, for Patton, for anyone, to let him out, let him go, but he knows no one is coming, and the bars are pressing in, and soon there won’t be any more space, any more air.  
“hush, stormy, shhh. It’s ok. It’s ok, lovely.” His eyes fly open, and he clings to Dee, feeling all of his arms cradling him tight as he sniffles into his shoulder, sobs shaking his thin frame.
“Just a dream, Vee." He feels Remus's hand on his, feels the terror and residual fear draining out of him as the nightmare is removed from his mind. The pros of dark creativity. Remus can steal other people’s bad thoughts, bad dreams, but then he experiences whatever the thoughts were. He hears Remus's sharp inhale as he sees it, feels his hand tighten it’s grip.
“thanks ree.” He manages, his voice hoarse and sore.
“Virgil, love, we should talk about it. I only got minor details from them.”
“what’s to say? They were going to keep me in a cage, they d-didn't want me.” Dee draws back a tad, looking down at Virgil's face, eyes hidden behind his bangs.
“did anyone help? Surely not all of them went along with this.” He shrugs, taking a deep breath.
“R-roman g-g-rabbed me in his talons and st-started flying. But he yelled… I think L-Logan tried to stop him. He was an o-o-owl. I think he rammed Roman and made him drop me. P-p-patton c-caught me. And… and he put me down, right away, when I asked. I… I don't think they woulda let Roman k-keep me.” He mumbles out, shaking. Dee feels his heart breaking, can feel the murder on Remus's face.
“That's good, Virge. They were trying to defend you.” Virgil shakes his head.
“but they didn’t. Only p-patton even cared I was h-hurt. Thomas… Thomas didn't say a-anything.”
“but he changed you back.” His brow creases as he looks out from Dee's arms at Remus's words. “if he agrees with Roman, he wouldn’t have changed you back.”  
“He's right, lovely. Thomas doesn’t hate you. I know that. That is fact.” He sighs.
“Doesn’t feel like it right now.” He mumbles.
“I know. And that’s ok, Virge.” Dee kisses his head softly. He startles at a knock on the door.  
“Remus, see who it is?”
“If it’s princey stab him for me.” Virgil mumbles, making Remus chuckle and ruffle his hair.
“Gladly, stormy.”  
He throws open the door, leaning in the doorway with a cocky grin, teeth sharp and eyes glinting.
“Well, well, hello there Daddy. Have I been naughty?” he teases, moving to block Patton's view of the room.
“Remus… what… what are you doing here?” Patton asks nervously.  
“Apparently playing the butler. Y'know, Patton, in the movies the butler is always guilty of murder.” He tilts his head slowly, relishing the fear that races across Patton's face. “Now, what are you doing here, daddio?” Patton fiddles with his sweater sleeves, a frown settling on his face.
“I just… I know he probably doesn’t want to see us right now, heck, maybe ever, and I don’t fault him for it. Today… today was bad. Really, really bad. I just want to make sure he's ok. And apologize. We… we chewed out Roman. His actions were unacceptable. Just… I would never let that happen. He’s not… he’s a person, and I don’t always agree with him, but that doesn’t give anyone the right to take away his voice or opinion. Can you just… pass that on, for me? Please?”  
Remus looks back at the bed, softening as he sees Virgil uncurling from Dee, sitting with his knees pulled to his chest, leaning against Dee, who has an arm around his shoulders. Virgil looks up at Dee, a silent question.  
“No lies.” Dee murmurs, and Virgil bites his lip. “You wanna let him in?” He asks softly. Virgil hesitates, but nods.  
“If he means it... yeah.” Virgil mumbles.  
“He does. Remus, stop playing. V- Anxiety says he can come in.” He calls, catching himself before using Virgil’s actual name. Remus sighs, but steps aside.  
“Well? Come in then.”  
Hesitantly, Patton steps inside the dark room, taking in the soft, dark carpet, the dark to light purple gradient painted on the walls. There are also posters for bands carefully hung in frames, and a few posters for movies that Anxiety must like. He sees fairy lights strung across the ceiling that sparkle like stars without the main lights turned on.  
He lets out a soft noise of hurt as he takes in Anxiety, knees pulled to his chest, his shoulders hunched. His eyeshadow is smeared all over his face, his eyes red and puffy. He glances at Deceit, not as surprised to see him here, tilting his head. Deceit nods minutely, and he sits down next to Anxiety, legs dangling over the edge of the bed, careful not to touch him, to give him space.  
“hey kiddo. How’s your shoulder?” He asks.  
“better. Dee helped. It still... still hurts.” His voice is quiet and unsure and hoarse.  
“Yeah. I think it would be pretty strange if it didn’t. I’m glad you’re going to be ok, though. Even if it hurts now, it’ll feel better eventually.”  
“will it?” He is surprised as Patton pulls him into a hug, startled, but after a moment he leans into it, tucking his chin against Patton’s shoulder.  
“I have never wanted you to die. I have never wanted you to leave. You’re one of my kiddos, kiddo, and that means I stand up for you when something hurts you, no matter who or what it is.”
“i’m scared. I hate... I hate being small... I hate... it’s so big, everything... I could drown, in a puddle, I could be crushed by a book, I could be stepped on, I could be crushed, I could get hurt and no one would know, no one would realize or find me. I could be caged...” He chokes out, fear flooding through him again. “I could be caged and my influence squashed, and then no one would protect Thomas, look out for dangers, keep him... keep him on task, keep him motivated to d-do better. I c-can't... trapped, and b-bars and it-it's too much... too small...” He is shaking again, on the edge of hysteria, but Patton is rocking him, holding him.  
“Oh honey... I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. We didn’t know you were gonna be that little. I’m sorry we didn’t ask permission first, we weren’t thinking. I promise, promise,” he pulled back so Anxiety could see his eyes, tears spilling down his own cheeks, “that I will physically fight anyone who suggests we do that again, who even dares to mention putting you in a cage. I nearly did fight Roman, Logan had to hold me back.” That gets a weak laugh out of Anxiety, imagining Logan holding back a kicking and spitting furious Patton. “I love you, kiddo. I really, really do, and if anyone has a problem with that, has a problem with you, they’ll have to go through me first.” Patton’s voice is fierce, and he doesn’t have to look at Dee to know that he isn’t lying.  
“Is worried about you, kiddo. I came to check on you cause he wanted to make sure you were gonna be ok. What you said... really, really scared us, but we didn’t wanna summon you, because we knew you probably didn’t want to be summoned. He’s sorry, too. We all are.”  
“Even Roman?” He asks, bitterness in his voice. Patton hesitates, sighing.  
“I don’t know. I think... I think he’s sorry he got yelled at, sorry he got in trouble, sorry we didn’t agree with him. But I don’t think he’s sorry for what he actually did to you, said to you. Which makes me angry, because he should be sorry, but he isn’t, and if he isn’t, I can’t change that. What I can do is make sure you are going to be alright. I can learn what else we shouldn’t do without asking your permission. I can be better at speaking up when Roman threatens or takes jabs at you, and eventually, hopefully, his attitude will change as he learns none of us are going to enable him anymore. I’m sorry it went this far.” He blinks, surprised. He didn’t expect Patton to acknowledge Roman’s inability to see his own wrongdoings. He didn’t expect Patton to admit to his own shortcomings. He didn’t expect Patton to be... honest.  
“What would you like us to do for now, Anxiety? Clearly, you have two people who love you very much helping your right now, so I feel ok leaving, if you like. I just didn’t want you to be alone, when you were so upset. Thomas... all of us, want to speak with you about what happened, to try and make ammends, but we’ll do that on your terms, so there’s no rush. Just, whenever you’re ready to talk, we’re ready to listen.  If you like, I can bring you meals, if you don’t wanna leave your room for a while. I wanna keep you healthy, and I know if I leave you to your own devices it’ll be chips and soda for every meal.” He lets out a little snort at that, because Patton is right, of course, and he’s already calmed down so much because Patton is being so nice, and he knows Dee would have told him if Patton had lied.  
“that all sounds good, yeah.” He mumbles, shifting out of Patton’s hug, pulling his knees to his chest once again.  
“ok. Is there anything else you need, or would like me to do?” He bites his lip, thinking.  
“Just... just let them know I’m ok? If they’re really that worried about me.” Patton squeezes his non injured shoulder once as he stands, smiling gently.  
“Will do, kiddo. If you ever need anything, or just want some company, don’t be afraid to call me up.”  
“I... might.” Patton smiles again, soft and warm.  
“I love you, Anxiety.” Patton turns away, but before he sinks out, Virgil steels his courage.  
“Virgil!” He shouts, and the room seems to freeze. Remus is staring at him in wide eyed surprise. Deceit has stopped rubbing his back, and Patton falters mid step, before turning to face him, something akin to awe on his face. “That’s... my name. My name is Virgil.” A huge smile blooms across Patton’s face, his eyes light up with tender joy, and he sniffles, wiping away tears.  
“Virgil. I think that’s a lovely name, Virgil. I know I'm usually a blabber mouth, but it when it counts, I can keep a secret.” Patton winks, sending a smile flashing across his own face as warmth blooms in his chest. With a wave, Patton sinks out, and he collapses back against Deceit with a long, low sigh.  
“You sure about that, Virg?” Remus asks, from where he’s leaning against the wall, having simply observed everything.  
“yeah. Yeah I... think I am.” He feels Dee press another soft kiss to the top of his head.  
“Proud of you, lovely.” He smiles, closing his eyes as he feels Remus settle on the other side of him. He is still scared and afraid and knows the nightmares won’t leave him alone for ages, now. But he also knows that at least Patton is on his side. And Patton is almost more of a mama bear than Deceit. If the two of them are looking out for him, he knows nothing will hurt him like this ever again.
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natashacoco · 4 years
When A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words
Lewis Tan x Black Reader
Warnings: mentions of (filthy) sex (18+), smut, nude photography, fingering (female receiving), oral sex (male and female receiving) swearing, female penetration, praise kink, size kink, cream pie (facial)/cum play, mentions of naked bodies
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Everyone who knows Lewis knows him as the martial artist, but some people had no idea that his love for film, either with photography or with a camera, was equally matched. He was an artist through and through, whether it was with martial arts, filming, or photography. That’s one of the many things you loved about him. 
That’s how the day started, Lewis wanted to take you out to lunch to a new little hole in the wall spot that he had discovered. He’d packed his favorite cameras and various amounts of films for the day. From the house all the way to the restaurant, every now and then you’d hear the click of his camera going off followed by the crank of the film advance levers. You’d laugh and told him not to waste all his film on you, but he assured you that he couldn’t think of a better use for it. 
The entire day was as perfect as perfect could be. Sometimes it was hard on your relationship, him being away filming for weeks or months on end. You were busy as ever yourself, filling your days with new hobbies, working towards a much deserved work promotion, and catching up with girlfriends. The two of you may be together, but that didn’t mean that you couldn’t have your own separate identity apart from him. 
As the day continued, the two of you couldn’t seem to keep your eyes, or hands, off one another. By the time the two of you reached the flat, you’re surprised he hasn’t ripped any of your clothing off like he’s known to do in the past. 
The both of you somehow end up having your clothes scattered this and that way, a breadcrumb trail leading straight to the bedroom, leaving the both of you in only your underwear. He bites and nips at your skin playfully, all the while your hands made their way to his hair. He picked you up, your legs instinctively wrapped around his waist and you couldn’t help but to let out a squeal, still amazed at how easily he could pick you up with his strength. 
He places you in the center of the bed, the lust etched on his face makes goosebumps form on your skin as he continues to worship your body. He licks your neck and blows air on it, causing a noise so foreign to yourself, yet Lewis smirked because he knew exactly what to do to your body. He’s had you countless times yet each time still feels like he’s exploring your body for the very first time. 
He makes his way further down your body until he reaches the apex of your thighs, gently pulling your panties down and prying them apart with his calloused hands, his arms wrapping around your legs to pin down your hips. Your face flushes, the air suddenly making you cognizant of how wet you’ve grown from him, how the simplest touch from him can make your body feel like it’s on fire. 
Without wasting a second, his skilled lips are lapping at your folds, suckling your clit between his lips and your hands automatically find themselves in his hair, tugging on it as your body arches off the bed. He’s ruthless, licking, biting, sucking, at your core, his thick fingers stretching you as he uses them to break you down until you’re a babbling, crying mess, your voice hoarse from screaming his name. 
By the time you orgasm, your body is slick with sweat and your chest is heaving heavily, trying to catch your breath from panting so hard. He nuzzles the inside of your thighs and playfully nips at one of them. When you catch your breath, you push yourself off the bed, unhooking your bra and throwing it off to the side. 
Lewis untangles himself from you and stands up straight, unabashedly looking at him. He goes to pull off his underwear but you stop him with the click of your teeth. “Here, Lew” you tell him, your voice coming out in a breathy moan as you make your way to him. “Let me” you whisper, “take care of you” as you kiss your favorite tattoo of his below his navel. You slip your hands below the elastic of his underwear, the material doing little to conceal the heat and hardness of his erection. When you release him, his cock springs free and your mouth is instantly on him, sucking on his tip and savoring the taste of his precum. He grunts deep in the back of his throat and it spurs you to take him deeper in your mouth, his hands cup your face and he’s thrusting into your mouth. You fondle his balls and you swear his knees buckle slightly. 
In an instant he’s pulling you off of him and steps back, his chest rising and falling in rapid quick breaths that has you whining like a child deprived of its favorite thing. 
“Shhh baby, don’t worry, I’ll have my cock back into that pretty little mouth of yours soon enough, just give me a few minutes.” You roll your eyes and pout before he gives you a quick kiss on your lips before he leaves the room. You catch a glimpse of yourself in the window, the sun setting in the horizon: lips swollen, cheeks flushed, the taste of Lewis still on your tongue, pussy wet and achy, waiting for his return. 
You hear Lewis’s footsteps retreat into some part of the flat, an occasional clicking noise can be heard before you hear him make his way back to you in the bedroom. When he comes back, you notice one of his camera bags slung over his shoulder. 
“What have we got here?” You ask, point with your head to the bag. 
“Something about you right now, in this light, I don’t know. It just, I need to capture it. I need it on film” he replies, setting his bag down before pulling out his camera and what appears to be a few cases of film and setting them on the nightstand. This is new, he’s only ever taken photos of you fully clothed, maybe an occasional one of you partially nude from the waist up. 
“Do you intend to use all of that film tonight Mr. Tan?” You tease, watching him take a couple of test shots with his camera to gauge the lighting and focus on a random object.
“With you as my model babe, never. But it’s a start...for now.” He replies back, that smirk you love so much forming on his face. When he’s satisfied with the camera settings, he saunters back to you and the bed. 
With one hand he places his thumb in your mouth and you suck on it gently, tonguing the rough pad of his finger. You moan loudly, tasting his sweat on your tongue. He lifts your head slightly up when your eyes meet the camera and you hear the click of the photograph being taken. He adds one finger, then another to your mouth, the click of the camera going off between each picture. 
He pulls his fingers out of your mouth and travels down the side of your face and eventually on your breast. He pays close attention to your erect nipples, cupping them in his hand and pinching at them before giving each one a kiss. CLICK sounds his camera, he angles it in different positions until he’s satisfied he’s got the desired final image and steps back. 
Your attention returns back to his navel tattoo, running your tongue along the Chinese Hanzi. This one was one of your favorites on him, you loved the way he’d shudder when your fingertips brushed along it, or how you’d trace it with your tongue and watch the way his abdomen would contract before dipping your tongue in his belly button. You place a quick kiss to it, your mind so far gone as Lewis continues to snap pics of you. 
Remembering how you were disrupted, you take Lewis back into your mouth and close your eyes, savoring the heaviness of it in your mouth. As much as you loved the way you and Lewis fucked, you couldn’t lie that you loved to suck him off. It was this power you held, the simplest touch that can unravel the man standing before you. You work him deeper into your mouth, applying the right pressure he loves. 
His hands eventually fall to his sides and you grab the camera before replacing your mouth with your hand. You bring the camera up to your eye and aim it at Lewis, the way his head is tilted to the ceiling, the way his Adam Apple bobs with every pump of your fist. You bring the viewfinder up to your eye, looking for the green light to indicate that the picture is focused and you snap the picture. You bring the camera to the side of your face, sucking on his tip and do your best to continue to take pictures. 
Lewis brings his hands to the side of your face as he starts to thrust harshly into your mouth, groaning and whimpering as you use your hands, mouth and tongue to bring him to the edge before slowing down. You take him deeper and deeper until he pulls out, tapping your tongue with his tip several times until he spurts hot, silky ropes of semen onto your tongue as his cock pulses and throbs in your mouth. He tastes a little salty, a little musky, the combination making your head swim. 
“Let me see, baby, open wide for me,” Lewis says, forcing your head back as you show Lewis the remnants of his essence on your tongue. You open your mouth wide and giggle as he compliments you on taking him, even as a few drops of his cum drop to the top of your breasts. Lewis grabs the back of your neck and pulls you in for a kiss, tasting himself on your lips. 
He gets Grabbing another roll of film, Lewis carefully extracts the roll from the camera without exposing it and replaces it with a fresh one, he connects one of his wireless Bluetooth remotes and adjusts the settings before he’s satisfied it’s working. 
He returns to the bed, his body covering yours before he turns both your faces to the camera and uses the remote to continue taking shots. He reaches between both of your bodies and grips his cock, using it run his cock through your slick folds. Looking steadily into your eyes, he begins to push his cock into your opening, slowly working it in inch by slow inch. 
“Fuck,” he said hoarsely, emphasizing on the k and you scream as he pushes forward in one smooth motion, sheathing his cock to the hilt. He pulls out slowly, and you’re unable to hold back a deep groan as the motion causes his cock to rub against your clit. He keeps moving, slowly retreating from your body and penetrating you again, and the ancient rhythm somehow ignites a small spark inside you.
He brings both of your hands above your head, holding them there as his thrusts pin you to the mattress. You scream out his name, choking on a sob as the pressure soon mounts deep within your core. He grips one of your legs and brings it over his hip, allowing him to hit deeper. 
Sensing it, he gradually picked up the pace and changed his angle slightly, so that the broad head of his shaft nudged some sensitive spot deep inside. His arm returned between you, knowing fingers unerringly finding your clitoris, and he pressed lightly, keeping the pressure steady and letting his strokes move you against his hand. You found yourself starting to pant, echoing his heavy breathing, and the tension inside you became nearly unbearable, every thrust of his cock bringing you closer and closer to the edge without sending you over. 
He groans, his hips now hammering at you, and you screamed in frustration, needing something, anything to trigger your orgasm and send you over the edge. And suddenly it was too much. You felt him swell up even more, and then he’s coming inside you with one final deep thrust that sends you over the edge, his pelvis grinding against your sex as your entire body seems to explode with an orgasm so powerful that you’re literally seeing stars. 
The both of you lay there afterwards, feeling his cock still twitching inside you even as it became softer and smaller. His shoulders and back were slick with sweat, your body sore and achy and both your breathing sounded like you’d just run a marathon, his body lying heavily on top of you. 
Your own limbs were shaking slightly, and your heart was pounding as though from a physical exertion.
He pulled out then, and you felt the loss of heat from his body, a strange inner coldness taking its place. You feel his semen start to slip out from your pussy and instinctively your hand migrates down to swipe your fingers through the mixture of your slick and his semen.  
“Be a good girl and spread your legs” he demands. “We can’t have this now can we?” He says matter of factly, swiping some of his cum that’s leaked out of you and pushing it back into your cunt with his finger, fingering you ever so slightly. The camera you’d forgotten was in his hand again, this time pointed at your sore cunt, a rapid quick succession of clicks come from it as you hear a masculine purr come from Lewis’s lips. He loved this, the way your body sucked in his fingers, the way it hugged his cock as he slipped inside you, the tight wetness he craved time and time again. 
All too soon, he’s flipping you onto your knees. He takes you several more times throughout the night, his body driving into you over and over. By the time both of you are spent, your bodies are covered in sweat, various bruises, scratches, and bite marks adorn your skin. 
You run your hands over your body, his cum painted across your skin. You feel his cum on your breasts, your stomach, sticky and flaky all along your folds and thighs, your ass. Every drop, splatter, and mark is documented in various poses at the touch of button. 
“I’ve always known you’re gorgeous honey, but my god, do you look stunning with my cum on your skin.” he whispers, his lips brushing against your stomach after an especially demanding romp between the sheets. 
He gets out of bed and you hear him walk down the hall, open what sounds like a door and running water not too long after. He returns to you quickly, using a warm washcloth to gently wash your body, both of you too tired to do much of anything else. He turns off the bedroom lights, pulling you close to his body as the spoons you from behind, the warmth of his body lulling you to sleep. 
You were sitting in the living room in your favorite loveseat, mindlessly scrolling through your phone when you heard the front door to your shared flat open and close. Your name is called shortly and you yell your location. 
Footsteps approach and you turn your head to your boyfriend, Lewis. He’s dressed casually but still an air of elegance envelops him. You don’t call him Mr. Boujee for nothing. He bends his head down and captures your mouth in a searing kiss that leaves you breathless when he pulls away. 
“What was that for?” You question, loving the taste of him still on your lips. 
“Can’t I give my girlfriend a kiss?” He remarks, tilting his head and giving you one of his mischievous smirks that makes his dimples appear. 
“Of course you can”. Running your thumb across your favorite dimple, you bring him back down for another kiss. 
“Or it could be because of these” he replies, pulling a manila envelope out from his jacket. “I finally got to developing the pictures I took of us from a couple of weeks ago.” Your face gets suddenly warm in remembrance of the risqué photo shoot the two of you did a few weeks prior.
Opening the folder, you let out a small gasp at what you find. There are dozens upon dozens of black and white photographs of the two of you. Your eyes can’t seem to focus on what to look at first, the various photos showing the two engaged in coital bliss.
“Lewis, these are beautiful” you say. looking at some of the photos a little longer than the others, Lewis’s artistic eye evidently coming through in the shots. You run your fingers over some of the photos, your cheeks flushing at the memories of what led to some of the positions you see before you. 
“So you like them then?” He questions, gauging your face as he looks over the pictures as well. 
“Like them? Lew, these are--I really have no words to describe how much I love them” you reply. Your eyes finally land on one of the pictures you took, kissing his tattoo before flipping it to the one of his dick down your throat. You continue going through the stack, the images turning more and more erotic as you go through it, pictures of you on your back, legs held wide as Lewis thrusted into you, the sheets clenched tight in your hands with your back arched, Lewis’s head thrown back as you rode him. Various other positions you hadn’t remembered but certainly felt the following days after. 
“Since you love them this much, I was thinking maybe we should try using one of the other cameras for another collection, what do you think?” He asks, raising an eyebrow at you in question. 
“I guess the only question is what camera to use then?”
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lahyene · 4 years
Slave for You. | Part 1
Pairing: dark!ransom drysdale x reader
Summary: You never thought you’d actually enjoy being Ransom Drysdale’s little pet after he abducted you and has kept you for himself as his little toy.
Themes: abduction, mentions of bondage, daddy kink, stockholm syndrome, choking, overstimulation, breeding kink
Word count: 1780
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You can’t believe what you’ve become.
The girl who was once fearful, shy, innocent, and pure-- terrified for her life upon being abducted by a rich brat who had never worked a day in his life-- now submissive and even shameless, waiting for the very same man at the stairs, wearing nothing but skimpy lingerie he had picked out himself.
It’s been three months since you’ve been brought to the basement of Ransom’s incredibly isolated mountain cabin. You’ve known him as a family friend your entire life, your mothers having been best friends since college. When your parents had to move away for work in the beginning of the year, the Drysdales suggested you move in with them so you wouldn’t have to stay in your parents’ big house all by yourself. You agreed, and oddly enough, Ransom decided he would move back to his family’s house. You hadn’t thought much of it at the time. When he first brought you to the house, you wish you had. Now?
Now, you want nothing but to please him. In fact, you think you might love him.
“Yeah, Mom, everything’s fine here.” You hear Ransom’s voice along with the front door opening upstairs, immediately making your eyes brighten as you straighten up. ‘Come downstairs first, come on, let me out, I want to see you.’ You plead in your mind, staring at the closed door as if that will bore a hole through it. He used to tie you to the bed whenever he left, but now, he’s decided he trusts you enough to let you have free reign of the basement. 
“Do you want to talk to her?” he asks in a somewhat sassy tone, and you figure his mother must be a little skeptical about his cover story. “I told you, she really enjoyed our trip here when I brought her for the week, and she wants to stay here. She said she can focus on her online classes better since it’s so peaceful.”
This is a lie. You were forced to drop out of your online classes. He didn’t want you using any electronics. At first, this upset you greatly. You valued education and wanted nothing but to be successful in your own career rather than use your parents' money.
But now? You would do anything to please him.
“Alright, yeah. I just got back home. Think she’s taking a nap or something. I’ll call you later.” You hear him end the call and you continue staring at the door, biting on your lip desperately wanting to call out to him, but knowing you need to be patient. “Baby girl,” his deep voice gets slightly louder as he approaches the shut door, knocking on it rather tauntingly. “You’re waiting for me like the good girl you are, aren’t you?”
“Yes! Yes, I’m right here-- please, please open the door!” you immediately reply, practically bouncing in place. You love when he comes home. You love being able to see his handsome face, his perfectly groomed hair, his stylish clothing, even that cocky smirk- you don’t know how you’ve fallen so hard for your literal kidnapper, but you don’t want to question it. You just want to savor every moment with him.
The key twists in the lock, the doorknob turning. You’re met with his subtle, devious smile from the other side, his blue eyes focused on nothing but you, taking in the sight of you in the outfit he demanded you wear for him today. “You’re such a good girl for me.” He mutters, stepping aside and nodding for you to come up the stairs. “Did you miss me?” You immediately nod, practically bounding up and slipping out the door, eyes lit up. 
“I did, so much! Are you going to stay home for the rest of the day?” you ask hopefully, and he smirks slightly, nodding his head. 
“That’s the plan, doll, unless you piss me off.” He grabs the back of your neck, leaning in and growling, “Because in that case, I’ll leave you tied up downstairs with nothing on but a blindfold, gag, and a cute little butt plug while I go out with the guys, got it?” 
You widen your eyes but nod quickly, barely whimpering from his tight grip but looking at him with complete compliance.”Yes, sir! I’ll be good, I promise.”
His smirk grows slightly wider. “Then kiss me.” He practically snarls huskily against your lips, and you immediately obey, leaning in and kissing him desperate and hungry. He kisses back with his natural roughness, hand still gripping the back of your neck tightly while his other one grabs your waist, moving to give your ass a bold squeeze before smacking it. “Good girl.” He mumbles after a few moments of intense kissing, pulling back breathlessly and tugging on his lower lip with his teeth. “Now make me some lunch, sweetheart, Daddy’s fucking hungry.” He gives your ass another rough smack towards the kitchen and you squeal slightly, though giggle-- however, you suddenly turn around, taking a hold of his arm. You know there’s a chance you could get in trouble for disobeying, but you need to at least offer the option.
“What if you eat something that’s not from the kitchen?”
“Oh?” Ransom slowly smirks, eyes studying you intensely. “And what did you have in mind, pretty girl?”
You can’t help but feel arousal and excitement already, keeping eye contact as you slowly pull down your lacy panties. “You like how I taste, don’t you, Daddy?” You slowly step back, sitting on the couch and spreading your legs. “Can’t you have me for lunch?”
He chuckles deeply, his blue hues filled with lust as he steps closer. “I should be punishing you for speaking out against me, but you know, I think that sounds like a good idea.” He kneels down and grips your legs tightly, looking up at you almost dangerously. “But you aren’t going to defy me like this ever again, are you, baby girl?” 
You whimper softly from the pressure and quickly shake your head. “No, sir, I promise!” 
He smirks pleased and rubs your inner thighs slowly, leaning down and running his tongue along your wet folds. “Mm. You’ve been a good girl for me these past few days, so I suppose you deserve a reward. And I get something delicious out of it, so why not?” 
You gasp as he flicks at your clit with his tongue, his lips pursing around it as he playfully nibbles. His eyes are focused on your expression, loving how you look when he’s driving you crazy. When he pushes his tongue inside your wet entrance, spreading your legs apart even wider, you can’t help but moan. “Daddy…”
“Mmm… yes, baby?” he growls with a cocky smirk, broad fingers gripping your thighs hard as he skillfully moves his tongue around, one hand traveling up to your torso to squeeze your breasts roughly through the matching bra he bought you. “Tell Daddy how good he makes you feel…”
“O-oh…! So good!” you whine in pleasure, reaching down to grip his hair as you arch your back. “Thank you, Daddy, thank you… so much…!” 
He growls in approval as he pushes his tongue in deeper, fingers slipping up under your bra to find your nipple and pinch slightly. “Mmn… you taste… so fucking good, sweetheart.” He mumbles, his tone hungry, his tongue almost instantly returning to its adept actions. As he teases your sensitive body, you feel yourself getting closer, your moans louder and whinier. 
“Daddy… o-oh, oh my God, I’m going to…”
“Not yet.” He commands, pulling back with a devious smirk, wiping his lips breathlessly. “As delicious as you are, I want you to cum all over my dick. Think you can do that?” 
You watch with wide eyes and impatience as he removes his pants and underwear, his erection hard and ready. “Y-yes, yes, please fuck me,” you breathe out desperately, and he chuckles darkly, leaning down and gripping your neck. 
“That’s my good girl, using her manners.” He thrusts into you roughly, fingers squeezing around your throat- you gasp but moan in delight, eyes shutting as his thick length spreads your tight walls. 
“Aah… that feels… that feels so good....!” you whimper loudly, your body rocked back and forth ruthlessly as he continues thrusting into you, his hips bucking forward hard. 
“God damn. Your pussy feels so fucking good, you know that?” he groans in pleasure, jawline clenched as he squeezes your neck harder, the other hand placed atop the back part of the couch. “So tight… and so fucking soaked, just for me, isn’t that right?”
“Yes, sir!” you cry out happily, your hand instinctively flying up to hold his wrist, though not trying to stop him. Your mind already feels hazy, your eyes rolling back as he keeps fucking you, the couch even shifting slightly from how rough he naturally is. “I need to… I need to cum, please!” you beg, and he smirks weakly, nodding his head as he keeps thrusting into you. 
“Go ahead, baby doll. Just know we’re nowhere near done yet,” he growls; you gasp when you release, head tilting back, but he’s not about to let you relax just yet. Before you know it, he’s pushing you on your back on the couch entirely, grabbing your legs and pushing them up so your feet are all the way back by your head, thrusting into you again with just as much vigor as before. “Fuck, baby,” he groans, watching you with heavy breaths, “How many times are you going to cum for me today, hm? You just fucking love Daddy’s big dick, huh?”
By the time the two of you are finally done, you’ve cum around ten times. You’re exhausted, breathless, and completely sore  as you lay on the couch, chest heaving as you stare up at the ceiling with wide eyes. Ransom’s still inside you, catching his breath before he finally pulls out, watching his cum drip from your aching pussy. “You know, sweetheart,” he breathes out huskily, leaning down to press a surprisingly chaste kiss to your forehead, “I’ve never even remotely wanted a baby before, but I have to say, you’d look sexy as fuck carrying my child.” He smirks thoughtfully, clearly finding amusement in your shocked expression. “I want you to stop taking your birth control. I’m throwing it all out. Do you understand?”
You look up at him, still panting but nod your head immediately, eyes filled with desperation from the urge to please him. “Yes, sir. I want to have your baby, please, please let me have your baby…”
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smarchit · 4 years
Look Around, Look Around pt 6
Summary: You escaped an abusive marriage, pregnant with your husband’s child. He sends a bounty hunter after you to bring you back. Everything changes. Din Djarin/pregnant!reader, no use of y/n
Word count: 2.9k
Warnings: Pregnancy/related topics, implied/referenced rape, mentions of abuse, blood, labor
Notes: Blown away by Tumblr’s response to this tbh. I’m absolutely overwhelmed by all the kind comments <3
He was supposed to take you back to Sorgan after that job. Supposed to take you back and let you spend the last few weeks of your pregnancy in comfort, let you give birth there in safety.
You managed to convince him to take you to a few more planets under the guise of wanting to see if there were any cities with salt baths that would help your swollen feet and legs. He knew you were lying through your teeth, but he never said anything one way or the other.
Now at a little over eight months pregnant and with your own gravitational pull, you walked through a vibrant market place of a large, exotic city during the height of their local fertility festival. You had been given baskets laden with blankets, food, and natural home remedies for easing the pain of birth.
People threw colorful powders and fragrant flowers in the streets at one another and it was extremely difficult not to get caught in their crossfire. You were certain that you were covered in vibrant color - you may have even been the target on more than one occasion because of your pregnancy. Not that you minded. You were having too much fun.
The little one was captivated by brightly colored dancers that spit fire in brilliant arcs across the path. The bells on their ankles caught his attention more and whenever one would cartwheel in front of his pod, he would make a grab for them, despite the gentle scolds from Mando.
You currently were sitting at a round patio table at an outdoor café. Lively music from a nearby band was muffled slightly by the crowd enough that you could speak without losing your voice.
"This is amazing!" you said to Mando, who looked incredibly out of place amidst bright colors and bare skin of the locals. He shifted in his seat and you knew he was scanning the crowd for potential threats. It wasn't personal, and it wasn't anything against the planet or its inhabitants, but more just who Mando was as a person.
Good gods, did the man ever relax?
Mando had ordered a cup of soup for the child, and expressed his displeasure for you turning down food.
"You need to eat something," he said firmly, straightening his back.
"I'm not hungry," you sighed. "The moon is currently displacing my vital organs."
"Your moon is exactly why you have to try to eat something," he said with a sigh. He shook his head and looked back over at the child, who was glancing between the two of you. When Mando looked at him, he smiled and babbled.
"She's moving around a lot in there today," you groaned, rubbing one side of your belly. "Take it easy, little moon. We're not going anywhere."
"Must be getting cramped in there," Mando hummed without looking back at you. He did another once over of the crowd and then sighed.
"What's wrong?" you asked.
He shrugged. "Just too crowded."
"Not a people-person, Mando?" you hummed. 
"You wouldn't be either if you were me."
You supposed that was true. Even a few months ago you wouldn't have come to a place like this where bodies touched and jostled on either side of you. You got comfortable, but you imagined if you were in his boots, you would hate places like this. Too much chaos. Too many things that could go wrong.
"We should go," he said after a moment. He grabbed a basket and helped you to your feet before guiding you through a dip in the crowd.
It took a while to reach the hangar where the Crest was located due to the throng of bodies in your way.
Once you arrived back, Mando handed you a towel to wipe powder from your hair and clothes.
"The puck got activated," he said grimly as he locked the hatch.
You were shaking flower petals from your hair and the smile instantly dropped from your face.
Mando turned to you. "I knew it was too easy. He let you go too easily for that to be the end of it."
You walked backwards until you found a seat and lowered yourself into it. Your heart pounded in your ears and you barely registered his words.
Your husband knows exactly where you are.
He knew what you were doing, where you were going, he might even know where you planned on giving birth. Would he attack then? When you were raw and vulnerable, bed soaked in your blood and eyes wild with instinct?
Like a caged animal. Though injured animals will do anything to protect themselves.
"Hey, hey, don't give out on me," Mando said loud enough to draw you from your fear. He grabbed your shoulders and shook you gently so you would look at him. "You're safe with me, okay? I'm not going to let him take you." 
"Why is he-- Why is he doing this?" you whispered as you felt tears start to fall. You could barely speak. The thought of him finding you touching you, putting his hands on you... On your baby. It made you sick. It made you scared. It made you angry.
"Because he's a coward," Mando said softly, guiding your face back to look at him when you glanced away. "He's small; he has to hurt others to feel better. You are safe. You and your moon." He placed a warm hand on your belly. The baby flip flopped in response.
"Please don't let him get me," you begged. "Promise me. Not me. Not my baby."
Mando looked at you and nodded. "I promise." He leaned up on his knees and pressed his forehead to yours. He held the position for a moment before he got to his feet.
"We're leaving this planet right now," he said. He picked up the baby and set him back in his pod and turned to set coordinates.
"Where will we go?" you asked, suddenly feeling like the smallest person in the galaxy. "Where will we go that he can't find us?"
"I have a few places in mind," he said as the ship dragged itself out of the planet's atmosphere. "Safe places."
"Sorgan?" you asked hopefully.
He paused for a minute. "Sorgan isn't safe. If he knows you were there he'll have people there waiting."
You held on tight as he punched in the coordinates for some unknown planet in on the pad. 
What would you do if it came down to capture and return?
You couldn't help but cry. You looked down at your stomach and cupped both hands around it.
"I'm so sorry, little one," you whispered.
A few hours later, Mando dropped the ship out of hyperspace. A planet lay before you, dark and unfriendly looking in the blackness of space. There were a few lights from cities spread out in the far reaches of the large sprawling continent, but beyond that, you could see nothing.
"What is this place?" you asked.
"Arvala-7," he replied. "I had a... Friend who lived here. Worked on a moisture farm. Helped me with the kid."
"He doesn't live here anymore?" you asked, forcing yourself out of your seat with difficulty. You ignored the pain in your belly and back - normal for this late in your pregnancy. False labor couldn't detract from your fears right now.
"He died," Mando said softly.
"I'm sorry."
He didn't reply and started the deceleration to land in a remote section of desert.
"You should be safe here," he said as he lowered the hatch for the two of you to step out.
"Should be?"
He nodded. "Should be."
"How could he find me?" you asked softly as Mando set about shouldering open the long-locked front door.
"Tracking pucks," he grunted, throwing his whole body against the door. He let out a rather undignified cry as he fell inside when the lock finally gave way and the door banged open. When he stood he fished one out of his pocket and held it out in his palm to you. It flashed a rapid red as it neared you. "That's how."
"Why now?" you asked. Rage welled up in your heart at the thought of this vile man getting a hold of you again.
"Probably just wants to scare you," he said as he set about tidying the little house up. "Knows that baby is coming soon. Just wants to stress you out more."
As if on cue, a particularly rough false contraction hit and you vaulted forward to grip the edge of the table. You arched your back, hoping to alleviate some of the pressure.
"Oh, kriff," you gasped, gritting your teeth. You squeezed your eyes shut and took a few deep breaths in and out. "Maker, I don't want to know how bad the real thing is gonna be."
"You won't be alone," Mando said softly as he placed a hand on your back.
"Yeah, well," you gasped, "No offense, but have you ever delivered a baby?"
Mando was quiet. 
"Yeah, didn't think so."
"You'll be fine," he assured. "Sit. I'm gonna go look around, see what we can salvage and use."
You sighed and nodded. "If you need help, let me know. Sometimes walking helps with the pain."
He looked around at the state of the main living room. "Okay. Here, I'm gonna fix the bed. You go and get the blankets from the ship. Take a few trips if they're heavy."
You took the key from him and started back towards the ship, a hand grasping your belly. It's okay, my moon.
As you boarded the ship and headed towards the bedroom, you heard what sounded like voices from the cockpit. Taunting voices drifted down the ladder and through the corridor to you, though you couldn't make out what was being said. As your heart hammered away in your chest, you tiptoed to the ladder to ascend to the cockpit. 
It became obvious to you as soon as you breached the top of the ladder that the voices were on a recording, an old transmission that must've automatically started playing when the ship picked up a bio feedback on board.
"...don't worry, Mando. We just want the little whore you been travelling with. Not that ugly kid," a low voice growled up at you from the holopad. A thin blue image of a burly, bald man was staring up at you and illuminating the otherwise dark cockpit. "Ain't got nothin' to worry about with us. In and out, like always. She got a good price out on her, and with that baby intact, there's a double offer on 'em. So we call it even, got it? Besides, Xi'an misses you."
Your heart was pounding in your throat as you sank into the pilot's chair. Mando was right. People were looking for you.
A chilling thought entered your mind and no matter how much you tried, you couldn't shake it.
Did Mando turn you in?
You broke out in a cold sweat as you glanced around the cockpit for something that could be used as a weapon. If he knew that you saw this message...
Maybe he didn't have to know you saw it. After all, he just sent you in here to get the bedding. He wouldn't know... You hit delete, hoping maybe he wouldn't find out about it.
You quickly descended the ladder and retrieved some of the bedding and carried it down the ramp of the ship.
Mando was tending to the moisture tanks a little way away from the house and you eyed him warily. It was the first time in six months you had not trusted him. 
Why would he wait until now? Were he and his friends waiting to literally snatch the baby from between your legs and drag you by your hair, kicking and screaming to your ex-husband, a bloody trail dragging behind you?
Mando wouldn't do that. You knew he wouldn't. So why now were you so afraid? Was it just the mounting anxiety of new motherhood catching up to you?
You busied yourself as best you could while you waited for him to come back to the house, both by trying to clean up all the dust that gathered and by watching the baby.
He had been uneasy the last few days, especially around you. He would babble softly and reach for you to pick him up, which you had been having trouble doing due to the fact that you could barely bend over. 
One time he cried so hard and so loud that Mando ended up taking him for a walk off the ship until he fell asleep so your breasts would stop leaking and soaking through your shirt.
The lights came on automatically a few hours later and were droning steadily for half an hour by the time Mando came back inside
"So bad news," he said with a tired sigh as he dropped into a chair at the rickety kitchen table. "Moisture tanks are busted to hell. Looks like Jawas scavved the machinery. I tried to salvage what I could but no luck."
"What are we going to do?" you asked softly.
Mando shrugged. "Gonna have to go find somewhere. We're gonna need a lot of it, especially when that baby decides to make an appearance."
"Should I come with y--"
"No. You're gonna stay here," he said firmly. "I'll leave my gun and a knife for you."
"You're going to leave?" you asked, heart racing.
"I'll only be gone a couple of hours," he said, getting to his feet. He unholstered his blaster and took a knife from his sheath. "Safety is off on that. Use it like I taught you if something happens, okay?"
He handed them both to you and picked up the baby. "I'll leave the ship. If anyone comes, you go inside and you lock that door. Nothing on this planet will get inside. I'll be back by morning."
Mando came over to you and cupped his hand around the back of your head and pulled you close to press his forehead against yours. Second time he's done that...
He seemed hesitant to pull away from you. He placed the baby in his pod and looked back at you, his shoulders tense and squared.
"You'll be safe here. I promise," he said as he opened the door. "I'm gonna take the kid with me. You need to take it easy and he'll just be upset the whole time."
You looked at him, eyes wide with fear as you watched him leave.
For a moment, you debated telling him about the message on his ship. But you knew then he wouldn't leave - and you needed water. Washing, cleaning, sanitation, drinking. A lot of water was necessary, especially if you were going to be here for a while.
He shut the door behind him and you waited a few minutes before you got up and shoved a broom through the door handle, effectively locking it from the inside. If you needed to escape out the back door, it would buy you a moment of time.
He knows where I am. He knows I'm with the Mandalorian... He knows that I am alone.
You had to do something to keep your mind busy and off of the thought of being taken back to evil himself. It wasn't easy, and you desperately wished that he left the baby. He was right though. You needed to rest and sleep as much as you possibly could.
You also wished that you brought something to do to distract you from the excruciating pain that was now tearing itself through your lower body. As quickly as you could, you ran to the section of the abandoned homestead that had once been used to repair the moisture tanks, both now stripped bare of essentials. A passing knowledge of some of how some of this stuff works comes in handy every now and then. You had a timer fastened together in no time, set to beep once a minute. It would keep you alert, at least.
As you made your way back to the main part of the house, the pain subsided. You allowed yourself to eat part of the food that Mando had brought in, hoping that would quell the gnawing feeling in your stomach.
The baby turned and shifted as the night went on, even as you bedded down to for the evening. 
Sleep didn't come easy that night for you and as you lay awake in the darkness of Arvala-7. All you could do was hope that you wouldn't be alone when the baby came.
Mando wasn't back the next morning. He wasn't there to help you out of bed, or to call you me'suum. The Crest was still there though, which brought a little comfort to you that he hadn't simply abandoned you on this desert planet to die of thirst.
He didn't come back by lunchtime.
Or dinner.
Or long after the lights came on.
You found a small leather skin under the bed that had about a day's worth of water in it. It was warm and had a bit of a sandy grit to it, but you drank deeply from it all the same.
That night, in the early hours of the morning, your waters broke.
And you were utterly alone.
TAGLIST (let me know if you want to be added!):
@miscellaneous-mando @lestrange2703 @someplace-darker @letsgetfuckingsuperwholocked @poeticparker @blackbird337 @the-last-twin-of-krypton @divineangelix @c1996 @mell-bell @qhbr2013 @bookszazzy @marvelbros-oneshots @cuteboyking @boomtownboy @connor-challoner @fandom-lover-4 @itsmysticalmystery @love-struck-aries
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florencwrites · 3 years
prisoner 〚dreamwastaken〛
in which [reader] will always wait for him, in which dream is no longer dream
(!) blood, torture, emotional trauma (!)
If there's one thing that Dream had taught me; it was that persistence is key. "Stubbornness gets you places." He had always told me, laying in the grass against that same scratchy birch tree several times a week. He'd lay his head in my lap and hum songs while I played with his hair. He'd often pluck the grass and drop it on my knees, or draw little smiley faces on my skin.
He'd never meant for this to happen, for it all to happen. All along, all he had wanted was to be one big happy family, to give all his friends that exact feeling he had never gotten. He'd go out of his way to make people smile. Make them live in harmony, helping with crops and mining, even going as far as spending hours trying to find traces of ancient debris; all to make his friends content. He never wavered in his goals, always trying to convince people to see the best in everyone. Hoping that if he just kept smiling, one day, everyone would be smiling right back at him.
However, lately, his smile had rarely been genuine, really, the only time I ever saw the true glint of faith in his pupils was when we laid against that tree, humming songs and basking in the sun. He was having trouble keeping up his positive outlook, everywhere he looked there were pets dying and friendships breaking up. Houses being destroyed and families torn apart because of stupid things. Items that held no worth, that could never hold any worth as important as family or friends did.
"Stubbornness gets you places." He'd always say when I scolded him for acting like a brat. Unfortunately, the only place it had gotten him so far was in prison. I was reminded of this fact daily, returning to the impenetrable walls every minute I wasn't spending eating, at all hours of the day and night. My sobs echoed through the obsidian, mimicking the wails of the many ghasts that had tried to pass through generations of the dark purple stone. The block seemed to have created itself a connection to grief, mourning even. I pounded on the wall, to no avail I'd realized quite quickly on, until both my knuckles and palms were bloody and bruised, and I did it every single fucking day. I'd do everything to have him back in my arms, anything.
On the lonely nights, the residing heat in the obsidian often brought me warmth. The bubbles in the stone leaving marks on my shoulders. Often the warmth reminded me of him, of his chest pressing against my back. I could feel the ghost of his fingertips scour my arms, the glow of the obsidian on my neck making it almost appear as if he really was right there behind me, softly breathing into my skin. The lonely nights were good.
Because the nights where I wasn't alone, were nights I spent listening to his agonizing screams from deep within the fortress. Nights where the obsidian worked his torturous wonders and elated itself on the reminders of the excruciating pain that was put onto him. The nights where I couldn't physically bring myself to leave until his squeals had subsided, where I choked on my own tears until I could finally hear him sob again. Sobbing was good, sobbing meant that they had left him to be on his own at last, because sobbing meant that he was weak enough to them, and finally; sobbing meant no more torture.
Sam's shoes had been loud against the obsidian tiling, almost loud enough to distract me from the muffled growls that came from underneath them. Bubbling snarls that indicated that no man would be left alive, not when they breach these walls and definitely not when their body touches the water that surrounds it. He had caved, at last. He'd hastily ushered me inside late at night in the hopes of no person seeing the enormous gates open for the first time in weeks. I had clung to his waist, my knees failing me when he told me I was allowed one visit. No talking about it ever, or I'd see the same fate as my 'little boyfriend'.
He turned another corner as I cursed myself for not remembering the path we took, nor the redstone mechanisms he used to get me through the many disappearing doors. "There'll be a change of guards in 30 minutes, I need you outside in 20, got it?" His face was tense, eyes set sternly onto mine. I nodded, my head felt woozy from all the emotions swirling around it during these past few months, along with the lack of sleep, dehydration, and now adding to the list; the thought of finally seeing him again.
The umpteenth contraption boomed from beneath our feet, an almost rhythmic banging from right beneath our feet, slowly making it towards the wall in front of us. Slowly but surely the barricade was lifted, an immediate cry escaping from my lips as I saw the state of him. He was surrounded by iron bars in a cage in the immediate center of the room, the walls surrounding it bearing enough obsidian to guarantee his permanent stay.
My heart ached physically at the sight of him, my body moving itself to press against the bars hard enough to leave bruises on my ribs, dropping to my knees instantly. I reached my arms through the gaps of the confinement, barely not being able to reach where he laid curled up on the floor. He was facing me, however, his arms were shielding his features from me entirely. Tears upon tears flooded from my face as I screamed for him to look at me. He shot up, his pupils wearing nothing but complete and utter terror. He let out a loud shout, telling me to 'please, don't, please'. I wrapped one hand around the iron bars, steadying myself as I softened my voice, "Dream, it's me, baby, it's me."
He was on one knee, leaning his entire body against the barrier on the other side of the room he had fled to on instinct. His head rested on the metal for a second before instantly shooting up to look at where the voice came from. "Don't do this again, please." He pleaded, his voice was desperate, hopeless. "Anyone's voice but hers."
"Dream?" My voice was as gentle and soft as I could possibly make it while also sounding urgent enough for him to realize I wasn't fake, I wasn't some recording they played to demoralize him. "Dream, please."
His body froze at the sound once again, however, this time he turned his body into the bars. His back.
Oh, god, his back. The white tee he had been wearing the day they took him away was barely existing on his back at this point. The fabric was torn all over, showing the dozens of deep gashes beneath. His skin was practically rotting away from the outside, however, some were new. I had heard him, yesterday, I had heard his agonizing cries for release, which is exactly why I was so adamant about staying by the walls all day today. I had heard them do this to him, and there hadn't been a single thing I did or could've done about it. A sudden, almost traumatizingly powerful scream entered the small room we were in, the obsidian jumping at the opportunity of echoing; anything to prolong our agony. "PLEASE, I'M BEGGING, LET IT STOP."
My body choked up at his words, entirely shaking as his misery took its place again in my heart. I sat down, leaning my head against the metal bars as I let myself sob with him. I glanced up at where he sat on the other side of the cell, his hands pressing against his ears hard enough he could pop an eardrum, his body trembling with utter horror, slowly swaying from side to side. His back was on full display as he sat hunched over, some of the gashes tearing open again at the tension of his skin. Trails of blood soaked whatever was left of his shirt, and I couldn't help but wail out again, my heart physically feeling like it was imploding. "What are they doing to you, baby."
His movements stilled, a good few seconds passed. His arms slowly rose to get a grip on the barricade. As soon as he established the anchor, he pulled himself from the floor, slowly turning to look into my dark corner again. "Dream, it's me, please, c'mere." I pleaded, hope filling my eyes that even after three entire months of mental and physical torture, he would trust me. I reached my arms through the gaps, reaching for him as he came into grasping distance. He stood an inch from my extending fingers, almost gazing down at them tauntingly. He hadn't looked me in the eye yet, keeping his focus completely trained on my hands.
Slowly, he lifted his eyes from my begging hands and looked up at me. "It's you."
"Yes! Yes! It's me, baby!" I almost cheered, my face pressing painfully hard against the bars, my entire body bruising at the constant impact.
His face was completely frozen, utter shock coursing through his features as he tried to figure out what was happening. "They did this to me."
"I know baby, I know." I nodded, confirming his words for him. Rationalizing that he was okay to not trust me, knowing his friends had betrayed him ultimately. "Please, let me touch you, I need to touch you."
He fell to his knees, ushering his arms through the barms to hug me through them. he held my body tightly as his body silently shook with sobs. "They did this to me." I hummed into his ear in response, knowing how lonely he must've felt, how worthless and discouraged. I felt my hands get coated in his blood as I clung to him tightly, crying together in utter misery. "I just wanted to keep it all safe."
I spoke carefully, my voice barely over a whisper, "What do you mean, Dream?" I rested my forehead against the same cross he did, the gaps between the bars barely not big enough to fit my entire head through. They were just there for decoration, really, the thousands of blocks of obsidian and the torture was what really kept him in place.
I watched him sniffle softly, his eyes squeezed closed almost painfully so, the raspy sounds that left his torn throat were a mere ghost of his normally smooth and silky voice. "I just wanted to keep it all safe," A shuddered breath interrupted him. I was clinging to his words, desperately wanting to hear what no one else had dared explain to me; why he was here. "I just wanted to make them happy, keep them safe." He gripped my shirt as he pulled me closer into his body, the warmth I radiated probably being the first source of heat he'd felt in months, besides from the occasional glow of obsidian. "The things they cared about, keep them safe."
A shaky sob left my lips as I let his words sink into my brain, only now realizing what he had done. His trembling voice made the hairs on my neck stand up, goosebumps appearing on my arms.
"All I wanted was to keep them safe and happy," He paused as a sob left his lips again. "One big happy family."
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serpentinesarang · 4 years
Drunk In Love
pairing: mingyu (kim mingyu) x femme reader
genre: second-person POV, relationship!AU, fluff, smut
word count: 1175
content warnings: mild drunk behavior (really not that bad tbh), risky driving, swearing, brief cum-eating
summary: you’re designated-driver for your drunk boyfriend mingyu who’s so desperate for you that he fingers you and confesses his love after leaving the club.
requested by: anon who asked for 7 and 8 from my prompt list ♡
korean key:
⦿ soju (소주) = clear, Korean grain alcohol; pronounced as it looks
⦿ jagi (자기) = informal version of babe; pronounced “jog-ee”
⦿ oppa (오빠) = older male/brother, boyfriend depending on context; pronounced “ohp-bah”
⦿ ne (네) = most common form of yes; pronounced “neh”
⦿ gwaenchana (괜찮아) = it’s okay; pronounced “kwen-cha-na”
Your car growls to life, and you throw it in drive to get away from that crowded club, onto the highway, into your garage, and in bed. Somebody in the passenger seat has been whispering plenty of sweet nothings in your ear all night long, and his behavior had only grown bolder with each drink he inhaled. Luckily, he’s had more than his fair share of beer and soju in the past two and a half hours, so it can’t get any worse than this.
“Jagi, are we home yet?” Mingyu whines, his head leaned back and turned all the way to face you in the driver’s seat. Apparently, he’d haphazardly shucked off his light blazer after you’d fastened him in his seat, and it was now lying at his feet.
Keeping your sober eyes glued to the road, you reply with a chuckle, “Not even close, oppa.”
In your peripheral vision, Mingyu begins unbuttoning his dress shirt, stopping about halfway down. He sighs dramatically and throws his arm over the center console, onto your exposed thigh, just above the edge of your tight red dress. “It’s so hot in here,” he declares while gently squeezing your flesh.
“I’ll crack the windows for you then, baby,” you say, lowering both of your windows several inches. Poor thing is so drunk he’s trying to strip right here, right now, you think with a smirk on your face.
At last, you’ve merged onto the wide-open highway. Four spacious lanes at quarter to one in the morning are a supremely peaceful feeling. According to the car’s built-in GPS that automatically recognized the route you were taking, it showed on screen that you’d have to take this stretch for a good 20 miles or so before your next exit. So how to deal with an adorably inebriated boyfriend?
You turn up the stereo volume a bit, and your Bluetooth-connected phone had just switched from the previous song that’d been muted to NCT U’s “The 7th Sense,” a beautifully erotic song that will surely pique Mingyu’s horny interest even more.
“Y/N,” Mingyu says, now stroking your inner thigh.
“Ne, baby?”
“I know you’re not wearing panties,” he breathes out, immediately ceasing his thigh stroking.
This isn’t news to you, obviously, because going to the club without constrictive undies just feels so much better—and less sweaty. But you can’t help yourself when your eyes instinctively widen and your hands grip the wheel harder.
Mingyu’s hand starts traveling upward and with so little pressure against your skin that it causes goosebumps. “So,” he murmurs in a velvety tone, “I’m gonna—” hiccup, “—gonna do a thing.”
He’d turned his palm to face your core, and his warm fingertips finally found your smooth labia.
“You shaved,” he gushes in a thrilled whisper. “S—” hiccup, “so sexy.”
You giggle at your sweet boyfriend in the throes of his drunken arousal before glancing at the GPS again: 18 miles left with hardly any other traffic at this hour. Fuck it.
As Mingyu delicately pushes your lips open with his fingers, you press the cruise control button right as the speedometer drifts back to the posted speed limit (because fuck cops who prowl late at night), and then you spread your knees as wide as the driver’s side allows. Thankfully this dress is forgiving enough to ride up on its own.
Glancing over and into his hungry eyes illuminated by the console’s technology, you command in a provocative tone, “Do the thing, oppa.”
One side of his lips jerk up in the most devilish smirk you’ve yet seen from him this evening, so you turn your attention back to the road and keeping the car in its current lane. That’s all you had to do—
—besides take a fingering.
Mingyu uses two fingertips to dip down to your oozing hole, quickly collecting your fluid before massaging small circles on your clit. He knows this is how you like it, and he’s certainly learned from enough practice runs to not need your direction anymore.
“Is this from me dirty talking all night, you beautiful creature?” he murmurs lazily while leaning closer over the center armrest.
You let out a breathy ne in response, placing your right hand on his forearm as he traces harder, faster figure-eights against your hardened clit. It’s a good thing this car is outfitted in leather so you can easily clean up the hot fluid dripping into your ass and onto the seat.
“Good. This is foreplay part two, by the way,” he slurs before rubbing in a sloppy up-and-down motion against your sticky entrance.
You throw your head back and bust into an amused laugh. “I kinda figured that, baby. Please finger me?” You shoot a half-lidded glance his way to further make your case, and Mingyu obliges, sliding those two fingers in you up to the knuckles.
“I really wanna fuck you instead, jagi,” he replies, his voice almost ragged with delight. He suddenly curls his fingers in a “come here” motion, instantly activating your G-spot.
Bless those big fucking hands of his.
“I wanna make love to you—” hiccup, “jagi,” he continues, slowing his speech purposefully, languidly, sexily. You couldn’t look at him much, but goddamn, his voice alone has never had such an effect on you like it does now. “I love you.”
And with that, Mingyu curls his fingers at a more breakneck speed while also thrusting his fingers with a ravenous force. The squelching sounds coming from your soaked pussy are disgustingly enticing, and you find yourself yearning for a third finger to make it feel more like his enormous penis. You know what they say about tall guys.
You gasp, both at his confession and the abrupt change of pace. Struggling to keep your eyes open, your chest lurches forward in response to his unrelenting fingerfucking. “The 7th Sense” had ended long ago, and you’re so into Mingyu’s hand that you can’t even discern what’s playing now.
“Fuck, Mingyu—fuck!” you cry out, approaching your orgasm. You throw your head his way, saying, “I love you so much, oppa.”
Mingyu’s own eyes are slightly drooped from the alcohol’s influence, but he’s still keen enough to tip your chin back toward the road. He hiccups extra loudly this time. “I wanted to tell you sooner… I really did.”
You snake your right hand on his arm up to his face, cupping his hot cheek in your hand. “Gwaenchana, baby.”
Without warning, your body snaps into its climax, and you have to put both hands on the wheel to prevent the car from fully entering a neighboring lane. Your hips lift off your seat in an uncontrollable, random pattern, and the searing hot sensation of euphoria causes you to open your mouth and shriek out an uncharacteristically pornographic moan.
After you’ve calmed down, Mingyu removes his fingers and immediately sheaths them in his mouth. Groaning in what sounds like sweet relief, he swirls his tongue over your cum. “I love everything about you, Y/N.”
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mypoisonedvine · 4 years
Deliverance (Demon!August Walker x Angel!Reader)
for the shared prompt also being filled by: @penwieldingdreamer @ladyreapermc @hnryycvll @toomanystoriessolittletime @yoursecretsmutblog @onceiwasanun​
Word Count: 4.4k
Rating: Explicit
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You were never very good at reading people's intentions.  You had always been taught to see the good in people-- wasn't that supposed to be your job?
Well, perhaps it wasn't anymore.  You'd given everything you had to become a guardian angel and you'd lost it all.  Your assigned mortal had trusted the wrong person, so you trusted him, too.  You knew he was troubled but she always went back to him and you gave him the benefit of the doubt because it was easier and it seemed like the heavenly thing to do, at the time.
"Protecting people is not so simple," Mīkhāʼēl explained.  "It requires a discerning instinct."
"But I was just trying to be good!  I wanted to trust him, and believe he could change!"
He sighed and crossed his arms.  "Some people can't be trusted, and certainly can't be changed."
"I thought that second chances were integral to our philosophy," you defended.  "Forgiveness.  Sympathy.  Turning the other cheek."
"And how many times did she turn her cheek before he killed her, huh?  How many chances did she give him?" he barked.  You slumped into your chair in humiliation.  You'd let her die, it was your fault.  "What do you think it is we do here, Angel?  What do you think your role is in all this?"
You shrugged nervously.
"You don't know?"
You looked down.  This was humiliating, and Mīkhāʼēl had always scared you a bit.
"Allow me to make it abundantly clear," he frowned.  "We are at war.  What we do is warfare.  Heaven is not operating against a neutral landscape.  We are fighting, daily, against the forces of Hell.  It is an active, not passive, duty to protect and guide humanity.  It requires the use of force, even violence."
You jumped up in protest.  "Violence?!  But… but that's evil--!"
He grabbed you suddenly, and your words stopped with a yelp.  "Don't you understand?" he hissed. "Good is weak, it is defenseless.  Evil is the only way to protect what is good."
That was how you ended up suspended and stuck in the human world for a week as punishment.  You weren’t sure if you would still be a guardian angel when you got back, but at this point you were just focused on getting back, regardless of what would be waiting for you there.  Being mortal felt very uncomfortable.
“What’s wrong, sweetheart?” a deep and velvety voice asked from behind you.  You turned with a gasp to see a striking man-- tall, muscular, unnervingly handsome-- looking at you with confusion and sympathy.
“Oh, it’s-- it’s nothing,” you stammered, looking away.
“Well, when I see a beautiful woman crying all alone at night, it’s hardly nothing to me,” he replied, sitting down next to you.  You smiled and rubbed the back of your neck.  
“Oh, well I--” you began, but he interrupted you.
“What’s your name, darling?”
For the first time in a while, you had no idea how to answer.  You figured that he wouldn’t respond well to an ancient name, in a language that didn’t exist-- in a language that never existed.
“Uh…” you mumbled. “Angel.  My name is Angel.” He grinned.  “That’s perfect.”
How you ended up in his apartment, leaning against his wall and waiting for him to brew you a coffee, you couldn’t really remember.  Well, you could remember-- he asked you, you said yes, he drove you in an automobile-- but the reasoning behind the actions was impossible to explain.  On every level, this seemed like a bad idea.  And yet, your instincts told you to trust him, that he was safe.  His eyes were so kind, and his touch was gentle and occasional.
You told him you were crying because you’d lost your job but you left it at that.  Somehow he knew the perfect thing to say, exactly how to comfort you.  His hand rubbed your arm and you felt comforted, but you also knew there was more to this than just a stranger being friendly.
“Let me know if there’s anything I could do to help,” he smiled sweetly, looking at you with those eyes that made your whole body hypersensitive.
You found your gaze trailing his body, appreciating one of God’s finer creations.  When it met his eyes again, he was looking at you a little differently, a little more hunger in his expression.
“Is there… something I can do for you?” he asked, his voice a little lower.  He stepped closer, making you feel cornered against the wall, but your heart fluttered.
“Yes,” you answered quietly.
“What is it?”
Sex was a tricky one.  Something so pure, so inherently good in its nature, one of the most beautiful parts of creation… and somehow it seemed to be involved in so many varieties of sin.  You shivered to imagine something precious being corrupted by evil.
“I can’t say,” you murmured.
“Just ask,” he cooed.  “If you want something from me, all you have to do is ask.”
“August,” you sighed, giving in to your primal urge, “touch me, please.”
He smiled.  “You are so beautiful,” he cooed as his fingers slipped down your stomach and lifted the hem of your dress.
“Oh, I--”
“Shh,” he soothed, “this will feel good, I promise.”
“I’ve never--”
“I know,” he smiled, “it’s alright.”
His warm fingers delicately traced a line over your underwear and you shivered.  Such a simple touch and you were already melting into him,
“O-oh my,” you gasped.  He hummed lowly and slipped the fabric aside, finding your lips wet and warm.
Instantly his fingers found a spot that made your knees shake and your mouth fall slack.  He smiled and pressed against it harder; your hands flew up to grasp his shoulders.
Just as you felt a mysterious pressure building in your gut, you felt him moving and opened your eyes to see him drop to his knees in front of you.  Before you could ask what he was doing, he was pulling down your underwear to your thighs, slipping his head under your skirt, and licking a stripe right through your folds.
“Ohhh,” you groaned, your head falling back against the wall
"You taste like heaven," he praised as he popped up from between your legs.  
"You have no idea," you sighed as he got back to work.
His tongue did incredible things to you, while his hands roamed your legs and thighs and ass with patience yet insistence.
“Oh, August, r-right there,” you instructed, a hand grabbing his hair and pulling unintentionally.  He moaned against you, sucking harder on your bud until you were sure you were going to reach this clandestine peak any moment now--
He stood up suddenly, pulling you into a deep kiss.  You tasted yourself on him and it made you feel a little dizzy.
He stepped back and you found yourself leaning in to chase the kiss, and you blushed when you realized how needy you had become.  He watched you with heavy eyes as he unclasped his belt and opened his trousers.
"Oh!" you gasped when you saw his cock.  It was… more than you'd bargained for, to say the least.
"I know," he grinned.  "What can I say?  I'm blessed."
You fought the urge to correct him.  That was not the sort of blessing your department provided.
He guided your hand to the member and you wondered why you weren’t trying to pull away.  Your delicate fingers wrapped around him and he gasped a bit, as did you.  It was so hard, and yet it was smooth and soft and hot in your hands.
He moved you by your wrist so your hand massaged his length, his head falling back a bit as his hips began to thrust into your grip.  
“Yeah, stroke it, just like that,” he praised, moving against you a bit faster.
“Is… is it good?” you asked nervously.
“Yes,” he sighed, “so good-- you’re doing so good for me, Angel.”
His eyes shot open suddenly, and he leaned in, caging you against the wall, his lips ghosting over your ear.
“I want to be inside you,” he whispered.  “I need to be inside you.”
You gasped, feeling arousal surge into your core.
“I… I don’t think it’ll fit,” you admitted.  He chuckled.
“I’ll make it fit,” he soothed, his voice making the hairs on the back of your neck stand alert.
He carried you to his bed, laying you down after removing your dress delicately, like he was revealing a classical painting from behind a curtain.
His own clothes were shed so quickly that you barely had time to register the perfectly chiseled form of his chest before he was hovering over you, his limbs caging you in, his hips dangerously close to yours.
“You are so perfect,” he sighed.
“I… I doubt that,” you deflected.
His hands ran all over your body, taking a little extra time at your breasts and thighs, the latter of which he spread apart, staring at your sex as he grasped his cock and began to move forward to plunge into you.
“August!” you protested, though you weren’t sure what exactly you would say if he stopped.  It didn’t matter, because he didn’t, roughly pressing the head of his cock into you.  There was a burn, a sting, and you yelped.
“Damn,” he grinned, “so tight.  Fuck.  Really, really fuckin’ tight.”
“August, it’s-- hnng-- it’s too big,” you whimpered.
“You can take it,” he encouraged.  “You’re such a good girl.  Be a good girl and take it.”
He pushed further in and you winced as your body stretched beyond what you thought was possible.  You were so wet, so eager, and yet there was resistance.
“S-slow down,” you begged.
“You’ve almost got it, baby, you’ve almost got all of me.  Fuck, you feel so good.”
He felt good, too, and his words of praise certainly encouraged your body and mind as he pressed the last inch in and buried himself completely.
"Oh god," he groaned as he bottomed out inside you, and you really hated that.
“August,” you mewled.
“Say my name again,” he demanded.
“A-august,” you stuttered.  He moaned and pulled back-- you sighed at the relief, only for him to slam back into you.  You choked and nearly screamed as he did it again, and again, and again.
“So perfect,” he cooed, “so good for me.”
“It hurts,” you whined, your fingers digging into the skin of his shoulders.
“It’s gonna feel good, baby, it’s gonna feel so good, just hold on a little longer--”
His hand slipped down and massaged that little bud between your legs again, and your back arched.  The pleasure mixed with the pain and suddenly the two became indistinguishable.
“Oh, oh August,” you moaned.  He laughed a little, darkly, looking down at you.
“Feels good now, doesn’t it?”
“Y-yes,” you admitted, feeling a little guilty as heat burned your cheeks.
“Fuck,” he moaned, “gonna make you feel so good, Angel.”
His cock was pressing against every part of your insides, stretching you in a way that you could finally appreciate-- so fulfilling, so powerful.  He reached deeper into you than you knew you could go, and it nearly hurt but mainly you were focused on the pleasure, on the way you couldn’t help but clench and tighten around him.
“God, baby,” he sighed, “that’s amazing.  You’re amazing.”
All too quickly, that pressure was building again.  You just knew that if he kept going, you could glimpse something so powerful, something that would change everything.
“Yes, yes, oh--” you gasped, “don’t stop, August.”
“I won’t, Angel,” he cooed, “I won’t stop, I promise.”
“I’m gonna-- oh--”
“Go ahead,” he encouraged, “let go.  Come for me.”
Your eyes screwed shut as your back arched; your whole body was alight with a crackling energy that emanated from where your bodies were connected and shot all the way to your fingers and toes, which curled and tightened.
How could this be wrong, when it felt so wonderfully right?  How could this be anything but good?
“How was your time on Earth?” Mīkhāʼēl asked.
“Uh, enlightening,” you chuckled.
“Yes, mortality can be quite taxing,” he nodded.  “But hopefully you’ve learned your lesson.  You’re holy again, but you’re on probation.  You need to learn to appreciate your place in all this.”
“And what, exactly, is my place in all this?”
“A pawn.”
You slumped into your seat.  “Right.”
“It’s warfare.  I’m not sure what you thought it was we did here, but you’re about to find it abundantly clear.”
Your eyes went wide.  “How so?”
“We recently captured a demon-- an enemy of God and all that is good in His world.  We need information from him in order to prevent more destruction and corruption.”
“So, an interview?”
He laughed a little, his head dropping into his hands.  “Oh, you really don’t understand the enemy at all.  But you will.”  Mīkhāʼēl looked up and glared at you.  “You’re going to interrogate him.”
“Wha-- me?”
“It’s the safest way for you to see one up close.  He’s restrained, he can’t hurt you unless you let him out.  Uh, don’t do that, obviously.”
“Of course.”
“You need to appreciate how evil they are.  You need to see what we’re up against.”
Mīkhāʼēl led you to a level of the heavens you’d never seen before-- a dungeon.  It was dark and damp in a way totally opposite to the rest of this place you’d always called home.  It disturbed you that this even existed.
He took you down a hallway only to shove you into a room, slamming the big stone door behind you.  It was dark, lit only by torch sconces, and you could only barely make out the shape of a chained creature against the wall.
“Angel,” he greeted with a low and gravelly voice.  You froze.  
“One of a few names of mine, yes,” he answered.
You turned, and gasped when you saw him.  He had been tortured thoroughly, it seemed.  Chains wrapped around his body and held him back against the wall where his hulking form cast a shadow over blood-spattered stone.  Cuts and burns littered his skin, and even with a blackened eye and a swollen lip, he looked as beautiful as ever.  He looked less human than before, though.  You couldn’t tell if his skin was redder and darker in this form, or if it was just the dim lighting and blood.  
He looked at you and gave you a weak but devilish smile… literally.  “Fancy seeing you here.”
“Oh my god,” you groaned, crushed under the weight of what you had done.  Of course it would come back to bite you.
“You’re allowed to say that?” 
You winced.  “I’m not supposed to, no.”
“You’re learning how fun it is to break the rules.”
You looked away, rubbing your arm nervously.  “When we met before,” you awkwardly recalled, “did you… know?”
“Know you were an Angel?  No,” he answered.  “I sensed your purity; I came, I saw, I conquered-- it’s sort of my modus operandi.”
You shuddered.
“This,” he grinned, “is a lovely surprise.  The wings suit you, by the way.”
“You looked better before,” you grimaced.  
“Don’t care for the horns?” “I meant that you’re beaten and bloodied and bound.”
“Oh, so you do care for the horns,” he winked.  “They always do.”
They.  How terrible.  You were such a fool to think that there was anything special or meaningful about what had happened in the human world that day.  
“So,” he started, “you’re here to torture me, yeah?”
“I… suppose so, yes,” you shifted nervously.
“So, what’s the plan?  They’ve got a whole menagerie of toys over there,” he motioned with his head.  You didn’t even want to look at the bloodied tools.
“I want to bless you,” you offered instead.  He hissed.
“Sounds painful.”
“It will be, at first,” you admitted, “but maybe you can be saved.”
He laughed a little at that, but his exhaustion was apparent.
“Or,” you proposed instead, “I could just carve the tetragrammaton into your chest.”
“Ooh, creative,” he sighed. “I’ll take the blessing, thank you.”
As you stepped closer, you could see that he was breathing quickly.  He looked afraid.  Perhaps others enjoyed this feeling of invoking fear in others, but you did not.  
A phial of holy water was tied to the cords at your waist, and he squirmed against the chains as he watched you untie and uncork it.
“In the name of the Father,” you began; each droplet of water instantly steamed as it hit his skin, and you watched his face as each impact brought a strong initial reaction but the pain faded quickly. “And the Son,” another flick of water, “and the Holy Spirit,” one final spray.
He grunted a little but shut his eyes as he fought the pain.
“Still a demon?” you asked nervously.  His eyes were still shut but he laughed a little. 
“That was nothing,” he chuckled.  “The real torture is seeing you right there and being chained up.  The things I would do to be able to touch you right now.”
“You can’t seriously tell me that you got off on being burned with holy water.”
“Got off?  Not even close,” he frowned.  “But there was certainly a physical reaction.  Look for yourself.”
He moved his hips a little and you caught the shape of his erection against his trousers in the corner of your eye before you looked away.
“Aw, don’t be shy,” he smiled, “you’ve seen it before.”
“Don’t remind me,” you shuddered.
His gaze made your whole body feel warm, and tingly, and a bit nauseous.
“I can smell your doubt,” August cooed, “among other things.” “Doubt is a natural step on the journey of faith,” you answered clinically. 
“Yes, it’s certainly my favorite,” he grinned.
“Exploiting people at their most vulnerable-- how twisted,” you shook your head.
“Darling, that’s what you people do,” he grimaced.  “My job has always been to help people do what’s good for them.” “At the cost of what’s good for others,” you added.  He shrugged with a half-smile.  
“If everyone looks out for themselves, they put each other in their place.”
“Please stop trying to explain your Satanic philosophy as if it is logical or right in any way,” you frowned.
“Okay, but tell me this: how does me, chained to a wall and tortured, fit into your Heavenly philosophy?”
You considered that, looking away and trying not to notice him staring at you.  You weren’t sure what inspired you to do it, but you stepped forward and loosened his chains until he was able to let his arms rest at his sides again.  He sighed with relief, and looked down at you.  You realized you were standing too close to him, but you were unable to step away.
He hummed as he scanned your body with his gaze.  “I know exactly what you’re going through,” he purred, reaching out to you.  “You’re beginning to wonder how the proprietors of ‘good’ can do things that are so evil,” he continued, his fingers beginning to trail down your stomach, “and how something so evil,” his fingers reached between your legs, “can feel so good.”
Your head fell back with a gasp as he did that thing with his fingers that made your body melt into his touch.
“You can’t… we can’t…” you mumbled, but couldn’t finish the thought.
“What’s your plan to stop me, Angel?  Will you smite me back to Hell?”
“N-no,” you answered, “then you’d be free.”
“Ah, can’t pull the wool over your eyes,” he praised.  
Like all sin, you weren’t sure how you ended up in the thick of it, but suddenly your ears were filled with the sound of jingling chains as you were straddling his lap, your robe tattered and tossed aside, riding him while he growled and pulled you closer.
“God, you are perfect,” he groaned.
All you could do was moan and throw your head back as his length speared you so perfectly.
When you heard the shifting of metal, at first you assumed it was his chains, or maybe a sconce falling off the wall from the force of him fucking you so brutally.  It wasn’t until it was far too late that you realized it was the opening of the door as Mīkhāʼēl re-entered. 
You tried to jump up and run away, as if there was any chance at plausible deniability at this point, but August held you tighter, wrapping his arm around your neck until you were nearly choking.
Mīkhāʼēl’s look of shock quickly morphed to disgust, contempt, and rage.
“You defile an angel, demon!” he bellowed.  August just grinned, black eyes sparkling in the firelight.
“This isn’t-- I didn’t mean-- he made me--”
Instantly, Mīkhāʼēl’s hand was around your throat, and his eyes burned through you with a hot white heat.
“Do not bear false witness, Angel,” he growled, his voice echoing across the stone.  The place where his skin was on yours started to crackle and sizzle as you felt the holy fire of judgment consume you.
“No, please!” you begged, reaching for him, but it was too late: you were already falling, already tumbling into nothingness, already feeling the emptiness overtake you as you were plunged from grace, to mortality, to exile.
You came to against a stone floor, aware only of the darkness that surrounded you and the ache on your back where you were hypersensitive to your lack of wings.  This was much worse than your time as a mortal in the human world.  You must have still had some holiness at that point-- maybe just the inherent holiness that came with being a part of God’s creation rather than stranded outside of it-- because now you were sore and aching and your sense of balance was all wrong as you tried to stand up.  
“Hello?” you called into the darkness, immediately hating how weak you sounded.
Suddenly the darkness shifted, and there was August, no longer chained, still horned and black-eyed, bearing little burns on his chest from where you had hit him with the holy water.
“Come with me,” he offered, extending a hand to you.  You shied away but he grabbed you and pulled you into him.  
“Are you going to hurt me?”
“When have I ever done that?” he asked, and you were too busy being dragged forward to answer.
Suddenly there was a door, and he was opening it, and you were in some sort of hallway.  The smell of brimstone hit you first, then the heat.  Hungry eyes devoured you from every direction, and you shivered under their glares.
You forced your eyes closed as you stepped forward and repeated a prayer quietly to yourself.  “Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of Death, I shall fear no evil, for Thou art with me.”
"Your god can't reach this place," August informed you.  You opened your eyes, your mantra interrupted.  
"He can do anything," you frowned.  "He could retrieve me if He wanted."
"Well, then he must not want to."
You looked away and crossed your arms.
At the end of a hall was a door, and August motioned to it: “this is my bedroom.  Dinner is in an hour,” he explained coolly.  “Your clothes are laid out for you on our bed.” “You can’t dress me up,” you frowned, “and you can’t make me share a bed with you.”
“We’ll discuss this after we eat,” he replied sharply, 
The dress was… not the sort of thing you were used to wearing.  Black, revealing, heavy with beading and other vain decorations.
You were just thankful it covered the new scars on your back.
August was waiting for you in the dining room.  His table was overflowing with more food than you’d seen perhaps in all your life combined.  Fruits, meats, enough cakes and desserts to kill a grown man.  All this abundance made even more unavoidable the fact that it was just you and him alone in the room.
"The Lord sets a table before me in the presence of mine enemies," you smirked.
“I’m not your enemy,” he corrected. “I’m the only person sticking up for you right now.”
“You’re holding me captive.”
“You have nowhere else to go.  You know I didn’t bring you here, right?  You were cast down.  If it weren’t for me, you’d be up to your eyes in the ‘weeping and gnashing of teeth’ stuff right now.”
“So I’m supposed to just ignore what you are?” 
He stood up and pulled you into him, forcing you to look into his eyes.
“And what am I, exactly?”
"You're an incubus.  You seduce people, feed on their sin.  It's filthy, it's… awful."
"Aww, Angel, are you jealous?” he purred as he leaned down to ghost his lips over your neck. “You shouldn't be.  You're more than enough to sustain me.  Just say the word and I'm yours-- I'll never seduce another.  You're all I need, Angel, you're all I want."  
"Lead me not into temptation," you whispered to yourself as your eyes fluttered shut.
"Stop praying," he murmured against your skin, "He can't hear you.  He's not here.  I'm here."
You felt the heavy fabric of your dress being lifted as the skirt ran up your legs.  And there he was, running his fingers over your slit, gasping at the wetness he found there.
“Oh, Angel,” he moaned right beside your ear.
“I… I have a name, you know,” you pointed out.
“I’d rather not burn my tongue on your language, but thank you for the heads up.”
“You just like reminding yourself that I’m an angel,” you frowned.
“I like reminding myself that you used to be an angel,” he hissed.
Your gut twisted and you felt your eyes start to burn with tears.  You had lost everything for this.  For him.  And of course it was a mistake, the worst mistake you would ever make, but now that the deed was done, you only had two options: keep the thing you’d given up your spot in Heaven for, or run away and be left with well and truly nothing.
The choice, while cruel, was obvious.
“August,” you whimpered.
“Yes, Angel?” he answered with an expectant look.
“Make love to me,” you requested in a weak voice.
“Oh, darling,” he grinned, his teeth sharp and glistening in the light of the fire, "I'm not going to make love to you.  I'm going to devour you."
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