#its been a year since we saw him wtf
boredfaneliza · 2 months
akademyia student: whoa, hat guy is so focused on the exam! I wonder what he's thinking about?
scara's thoughts: If I go another day without seeing heizou's pretty, dumb face. I'm going to end up on the news.
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bkglovergirl · 2 months
Hi there! So I was wondering if you could make a fic about bakugou x reader, where she and bakugou were childhood friends similar to him and deku, but the reader has been obvious about her crush on him, always complimenting him, telling him she likes him, even going to UA with him.
He would always straight up rejects her but lowkey likes her, (moving forward to kats arc where hes being a better person lol) the reader still makes him bentos from time to time, always follows him but it doesn't seem to 'irritate' him as much (hes just so happy with her always taking his side), patching him up ect. you get the picture
that is until a girl from class B started taking a liking to bakugou as well and theres a senario where reader gets the wrong idea and think that they're dating class B bitch who always tries to get on her nerves, but in reality bakugou straight up rejects her
reader changing bla bla bla, bakugou being like "WHYD YOU STOP BABYING ME STUPID ASS??!"
readers like "wtf?" bakugous like, "if you we have a problem talk to me, im your bf after all"
sorry if its long. i had a wonderful dream id like to relive ❤️
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ Bakugou X Reader
Childhood friends to lovers
I love the miscommunication trope, the ending is a little bit different.
Word Count: 2.3k
Ever since you could remember and much to Bakugou’s dismay you, Deku, and him have been childhood best friends. One thing is very well known between the trio. You have the biggest crush on Katsuki Bakugou. You make sure it’s known. The first time you realized you liked him, you told him almost right away. You both were around the age of seven and were at a playground fooling around. Neither of you guys had gotten your quirks and you “trained” at this particular playground every day whenever you could. You were running chasing the “villain” Deku around and around. Both your faces had dirt covered and you knew with how your clothes looked your mom was gonna be upset at you but who cares? You didn't.
“I’m gonna get you!”
“Nuh-uh!” Deku runs behind the slide and you follow after. 
“Boo! Huh?” He had disappeared, quickly you looked around and saw him running up onto the base of the playhouse and into one of the small tunnels that connect the two. You run after. Not paying attention you miss one of the steps on the stairs and fall. Bakugou close behind went to go catch you and it was right then and there his quirk manifested and burned your arm as he grabbed you. “Ow! Ow!” You whined looking up at Bakugou. 
“Are you okay?!” Deku comes running back down towards you both and you are slightly dazed so Bakugou asks again, “Are you okay!”
“Your quirk! Bakugou your quirk!!” 
“I KNOW STUPID BUT ARE YOU OKAY?” You and Deku both give each other a look before looking at Bakugou. 
“Yes, I’m okay!” you lied. “Bakugou, your quirk!” He smiled, and it was almost like you watched his ego form right then and there. 
‘Hell yeah, I got my quirk before you two!' He turns and puts his arm out away from you guys and gives a small blast. “Look how cool it is!” After some of the excitement dies down, you manage to beg Bakugou to give you a piggyback as he walks you home after you both drop off Deku. “I don’t see the point in this.” He adjusts you on his back a bit to make it more comfortable for himself.
“Think of this as payback.” You giggle as you hear him groan. “Hey Bakugou?”
“I like you.”
Years later you guys got into UA together and lucky for you and Izuku, in the same classroom as well. Confessing to Katsuki happens at least every other week, and him rejecting you happens every time. You both have gotten into a schedule. You’d walk to school and on certain days bring him a Bento box. You’d go to class and try and do everything with him if Mr Aizawa allows it. At the end of the day, Katsuki always walks you to your dorm before walking to his. 
You knock on Katsuki's door and hear some grumbling before he answers the door, “Why can’t I get you at your dorm? Why do you always come to mine?” You shrug and hand him the Bento box you made him. “You gotta stop making these.”
“You say that, but you love it!” he rolls his eyes and takes it out of your hands. You both start walking to class together. “So I was thinking you and I could pair up because I heard Izuku and Todoroki are gonna pair up.” 
“Why do you always wanna pair up together.” “To save you from the embarrassment of not getting picked.”
“I would get picked!”
“Absolutely not.” You go to open the door to the classroom but Katsuki quickly opens it for you, you smile and walk in. 
You follow him to lunch and sit next to him. He grumbles his small complaint but quickly eats the food he complained about. He never says thank you or compliments the food, but you know he appreciates it by how empty he leaves the bento once he’s done. “It’s cold.”
“Stop complaining, maybe you should have brought your jacket.”
“Alright asshole my fault I forgot it!” The bickering goes back a forth a bit before you stand up, “Walk without me I need to talk to Denki about something.”
You switch the song on your phone before putting it in your skirt pocket and walk to class. You smile seeing Katsuki ahead of you and run to catch up but stop quickly. Katsuki is handing a girl his jacket and she’s smiling at him. Your heart sinks and you feel nauseous as you watch him open the door for the girl. You look at his face. ‘Is he blushing?!’ you bite the inside of your cheek and walk into the classroom. You hear Katsuki call after you but you ignore him. The small banter between you two is non-existent and the whole class quickly takes notice because you are uncomfortably quiet. The notes Katsuki passes to you go unread and you push them off your desk. Katsuki is panicking in his head, he is going through every single thing he’s done today and he can’t think of anything he has done wrong. You were fine at lunch and if anything happened you wouldn't ignore him, if anything you'd whine and complain to him about it. To Katsuki’s surprise, he’s really annoyed you aren't complaining to him. The bell rings and you quickly stuff your bag with all your things and speed walk to the door. “Hi is Katsu there?!” of course, you would run into her and Katsu?! Who the fuck does she think she is? Everyone is staring at the two of you, you step to the side to let the girl in and she runs up to Katsuki. “Katsu!” Your classmate's eyes follow the girl and look at you thinking the same exact thing you are. You shrug and walk out.
The next morning you walk to the classroom by yourself. Denki and Izuku come to check on you but you wave them off saying you are okay. Before they both walk away you quickly ask Denki to be partners in training. He gives a look to Izuku before agreeing. Katsuki walks in minutes later, late. He tries to talk to you but Aizawa tells him to get into his seat and he obeys. 
Training starts a couple of hours later, and just like you guessed, no one wants to partner with Katsuki. He watched as you walked over to Denki when Aizawa announced that you all should grab partners. He’s crushed but shakes it off. His pride stops him from walking up to you. Kirishima takes one for the team and partners up with Katsuki. The training goes well, and surprisingly, you and Denki are a great team.
“I think we should be a team more often, Y/N!” You smile, agreeing with him. The next set of teams that are put against each other are You and Denki vs. Kirishima and Katsuki. During the whole fucking battle you manage to avoid Katsuki, you don’t know how you manage to pull that off and neither does he because he tried so hard to come after you specifically. By the end of the battle you and Denki come out victorious and Katsuki is pissed. Katsuki rips off his gauntlet looking at you and Denki walking off together and talking.
“Denki I-”
“Kaminari.” he corrects.
“Kaminari.” You smile. “I just don’t get it. Who the fuck is that girl?! Where did she come from? I’m with Katsuki so much how did I not notice there was another girl.”
“Doesn't he reject you all the time?”
“A part of me doesn't like it’s a rejection. He likes the things I do for him, but his rejection seems like a wait, not a no.” you put your hands up to your face, “I’ve liked him since we were little. The memory of me first liking him is imprinted into my body! How do you just get over that? How do you get over Katsuki Bakugou.” Kaminari puts his hand out to stop you from walking into a wall. You look at him and his face is looking at you with confusion.
“What do you mean by imprinted?” You roll up your sleeve and show him the big scar that was left on your body. 
“This happened when his quirk first manifested. It was by accident and instead of celebrating his quirk he made sure I was okay first.”
“That doesn't sound like Bakugou.”
“I KNOW!” You rest your back against the wall, and Kaminari leans against it facing you. You don’t know how long you talked, but at some point, the talking turned into scheming. Katsuki comes walking up and the girl is right next to him talking away and honestly, he’s annoyed. It takes everything in him not to scream in her face. He sees you first. Then he sees Kaminari leaning against the wall next to you. At the same time, you see him first. Then the girl walking next to him. He takes note that he’s changed and cleaned up after training, you guys aren't even changed out of your hero outfits and are still all messy. The training ended an hour ago. He stops walking which the girl next to him takes as a green light to wrap her arms around his arm. Kaminari notices and quickly stands in front of you to block your line of view.
“Don’t look it’s only gonna hurt more.”
“Come to my dorm.”
“Come to my dorm right now.” You grab his arm and drag him away aggressively. Kaminari has to stop himself from complaining your grip hurts.
Katsuki got up early enough to get to your dorm room. He knows this is the time you leave, he knows your exact schedule to the T. He knows your whole life and who you're close with so he’s honestly so fucking confused why you walk out of your dorm room and run up to Denki fucking Kaminari. On top of that, you hand him a bento box. His fucking Bento box. He’s stunned and stands there like a dumb ass watching as you walk away with him.
Class is giving him a headache. He just feels the need to take as many pain pills as he can. You and Denki have been joking around non-stop and it doesn't help that you sit in front of Katsuki and Denki sits in front of you. The class feels like forever. There is no training today so it is just class and he doesn't know how long he can just sit here and watch as you painfully ignore him. He concludes he’ll talk to you before lunch but that plan is quickly foiled as the girl from class 1B comes barging into the classroom like she owns the place and attaches herself to him. Katsuki watches as you stare a second before Kaminari puts an arm around your shoulder and walks you out of the room as quickly as he can. He makes a new plan that he’ll talk to you at lunch but that plan is also quickly ruined as the girl blocks him at his table so he can’t get up and go to you. So as your plan goes perfectly, he gets a perfect view of you and Kaminari sitting and having lunch together. He then makes plan number three, he’ll follow you around until he gets the perfect moment to yell at you. It’s perfect. He follows you to class with the annoying girl talking away. He sits in pain the whole rest of class as he watches you and Kaminari fool around the whole time.
“Why are you following me around.” You turn to look at him. You landed at your childhood park once you realized Katsuki was following you around. It’s cold and you hug yourself.
“So she speaks.”
“Don’t be an ass Bakugou. Why are you following me?” Katsuki’s stomach sinks. At least he knows how you feel now.
“Bakugou?! What the fuck is wrong with you?!”
“What’s wrong with me?”
‘Don’t act fucking stupid.” He takes off his jacket and gets closer to you, You take a step back. “See what I mean?! I’m trying to give you my jacket and you step away from me! What the fuck Y/N!”
“Sorry, I don’t want what another girl got.”
“What are you- oh…”
“Yeah oh! Kaminari told me I wasn't being stupid but maybe I am! Maybe I should have stopped liking you when you rejected me the first time! BUT NO!” you get closer grabbing his shirt, “You make it so fucking difficult to not be in love with you!” He stares at you and leans down, as much as you don’t want to, you push him away. “No this had gotta stop. I’m not gonna let you keep toying with me and I gotta stop being so delusional.”
“You aren't being delusional.”
“Really because that girl has gotten more attention than I have gotten from you in years. Every time I confess since we were kids you act like I didn't say anything!”
“I just wasn't ready for things to change.” you scoff at him.
“It was always going to change! Did you like dragging me along? Where did that other girl come from?” you sit down on one of the swings and kick some wood chips. Putting your hands on the chain.
“I just wanted to make sure I liked you and I wasn't just… I don't fucking know! You're the only girl who has been in my life that wasn't my mom!” you glare at him.
“Listen Y/N, I know it was stupid but I just needed to know before our relationship changed and I fucked everything up.” “So what was this conclusion from your stupid fucking experiment?” Katsuki takes this as a green light to come closer to you. You don’t say anything.
“That no girl compares.”
“Wow, Romeo it took you that long?” Katsuki stands in front of you and puts his hand on top of yours. You look up at him.
“Yeah, I know.”
“I’m not confessing again.”
“I know.” He leans down and kisses you. 
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cocogum · 4 months
My honest reactions of episodes 5 and 6 (part 1)
We obviously start with the ✨sadidas✨ Armand and Amalia (as we should 💕) coming back from the assembly meeting with the Eliatrope goddess.
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Okay so were starting off pretty strong lol
I LOVE how Armand thinks about the Eliatrope goddess cuz yeah we were pretty much thinking the same thing (about how she’ll pretty much stalk them and will put her children in their world) and I just absolutely LOVE how he’s keeping his guard because of her and has become even more doubtful of Yugo. (Just look at his eyes as he stares at Amalia!!)
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Because yeah, even though he wasn’t as wary of Yugo before, some hints were still shown in the OVAs when he called him “a king without his people is unheard of” but Yugo shrugged his comment off.
BUT NOW WE GET TO SEE MORE OF ARMAND SLANDERING YUGO and basically exposing Amalia acting “not rational” when she talks about Yugo.
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Armand, my man, your sister’s clearly in love with Yugo OF COURSE SHE WOULDN’T BE RATIONAL WITH HIM (you should’ve seen how she kissed Oropo tho you would’ve lost your shit lo)
I just ADORE Az and his family playing on their tree Tofu tower they look so adorable ☺️✨💖 I already made a headcanon that Yugo and Alibert built it (while Chibi and Grougal just watched).
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Look at these two not doing anything and just being lazy bums 😭😭🥰💕💕
Also I need a gif of Yugo and Alibert hugging with Az and his kids in the background asap ✨
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But all cuteness aside, in all my years of being a Wakfu fan, I literally never saw Yugo make that face before. Like it was so uncalled for that my heart literally dropped when I saw him like that. I never thought that the face of terror and shock (combined with the booming sound in the background) could go so well on him and now I wanna see it more!! I HOPE YOU TORTURE HIM ANKAMA!!
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Btw the Eliatrope goddess is such a fraud and can’t think for herself even though she said she wants to rule a freaking planet but okay (u fucked up the first time by default when ur kids had one planet for themselves but ur already messing up ur second time cuz ur running away from ur problems when U AND NORA WERE THE REASON WHY THE NECROMES GOT OUT ARE U KIDDING ME- YOU DIDN’T CHECK?!!!???!)
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Armand’s really trying hard not to say something racist right now.
Dude can’t even look him in the eyes while saying hi lol
Also can we talk about what Armand told Yugo??? :
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No because im legitimately scared that something bad will happen to her, why else would Armand say these kinds of things to YUGO of all people????
I swear I will actually cry if this ended up being foreshadowing cuz honestly wtf…why did Amalia ever do to you people….My fear for Amalia was already there even before Season 4 so why do you gotta make my paranoia resurface like that??? Why do u gotta do me like that???? 😭😭😭
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This is the guy who started a genocide against his own people and has more common sense than the GODDESS right in front of him. I get that she’s traumatized cuz of what happened to her but you gotta realize that they’ll always run after you if you just keep running, so the least you can do is throw your kids to fight for you. I just love how the only reason why Qilby is saying any of this is because for once, he’s not the one in control of the fate of the world and can’t redirect the signal or stop it himself lol
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its-your-mind · 29 days
okay well I know I said I wasn’t watching tonight and I’m STILL NOT but ALSO I did see pics of the new art and 1. I love it all so much they are all. Very pretty. Ashton and Dorian specifically did make me briefly black out. Friends you are going into the snow wtf are you doing but also don’t stop doing it holy SHIT I bet Orym just got a nosebleed as soon as he saw both of them anyways speaking of Orym 2. ORYM. MY BBY MY BOY. Two things. First I love the bluebells he’s growing bc that’s his DORIAN flower and that’s cute as fuck but SECOND AND MORE IMPORTANTLY he is growing!! His!! Hair!! Out!!!!!! Do you understand me???? It’s long enough to curl! It’s got enough weight to it to hang down over his face!!
(and you KNOW this was an intentional decision on the part of Liam “Caleb shaved his beard as soon as they got to xhorhas but let his red hair grow long and started to take care of it” O’Brien. He knows what he’s doing.)
I have been having so fucking many thoughts about Orym and his responsibility to his husband and dad and keyleth and his people and the hells and dorian and and and and. and I’m Not gonna be able to get them all into one post I think but Y’ALL. He is Intentionally ditching the military haircut. That’s the kinda haircut you gotta Maintain, ESPECIALLY if your hair curls (trust me — my undercut is on a Strict Schedule bc if I don’t shave it back every month or so it just becomes a field of curly-cues beneath my long hair). My boy Orym keep that cut Sharp and Precise for five years of wandering mostly alone. There hasn’t been any commanding officer telling him to cut it since he left home. But he kept doing it!!
I’m sure it was part routine, but it was absolutely also a connection to home and to the responsibility he had taken on, which we KNOW at its core was a responsibility to his husband and father. They were soldiers. So was he. They wouldn’t stop fighting. Neither would he.
And the Hells found the killer! Found out why the attack had happened! Reported it all back to keyleth, even! Orym did his duty - he hasn’t been an active air ashari soldier for a while now, even if his five years away counted as official business.
But he kept the military cut.
Until now.
Until after he had finally helped to kill the woman who had struck down the man he loved and the man who raised him.
Until after Dorian came back, only one day after Orym begged him, not because Orym needed his help, just because Orym needed him.
And so Orym wears his Ashari armor, is working to advance the world-preserving efforts of the Tempest, but he also lets his hair grow out, and he adorns himself in bluebells.
When Orym died on the end of Otohan’s blade, Will sent him back. Told him he wasn’t done.
Will wasn’t talking about a mission from the Tempest, or his own need to be avenged. Orym knew that then. He knows that now.
But Orym did still feel the responsibility to his family and to his people, to end the threat. And even though it was only a small part of a greater danger, it is still a threat neutralized. Now, there’s this freedom, this world of possibility that wasn’t there while Otohan was still alive.
And yes, things are horrible. They’ve all just lost a dear friend. It’s causing internal ruptures and dangers and it’s still possible the world will end soon. He’s made a lifelong deal with an Archhag. He’s still not sure what his responsibility is to the Tempest.
But Dorian’s here, now. Back by his side.
And Orym decides to let his hair grow out. Just this once. What the hells, right? Everything is changing. The world might end. Might as well see what kind of person he can grow into before he’s done.
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been a while since i posted anything on here so let me give u guys a lil recap of my life and this little boy i met.
so on august 30th 2023 i apologized for being so inactive because i got a boyfriend (let me tell u im still shocked i made it that far into my teenage years). boy oh boy let me tell you alllll about him.
i met him july 21st 2023 and he asked me to be his gf in the night of august 19th 2023.
we were both dancing and laughing and drinking with our friends and it was the best night of all summer breaks ive ever had. i still cherish these memories and i wish nothing more than to go back and relive it one more time.
ive been together with this boy for about 3 months now and these months have been very much the happiest months of my life. i love him so much, so so much, so much that it scares me sometimes because hes become such a big part of my routine that its impossible for me to imagine not having him with me at all times so either hes gonna be my husband and we´ll say the most beautiful, maybe goofy but still cute vows at the day of our wedding or hes gonna be the biggest, down to earth shattering heartbreak of my entire life.
and i know some of you might say "gosh, chill out.. its ONLY 3 months, wtf are u on, boys come and go bla bla" and yeah maybe ur right but honestly, never in my life have been treated THIS good in just 3 months that it shocks me sometimes because it just feels like weve known each other since wayyyy longer.
the first time i saw him, when i took him into my sight, it just clicked.
like a ching *hotel transylvanian reference*
hes my first love and i am his. he has beautiful hair, such beautiful, gorgeous curly hair and its so soft, every time i run my fingers through his hair it feels like i have arrived in heaven, like silk between my fingers. his eyes are the most beautiful, bright eyes i have ever seen in this whole, wideee universe and i can still see them even though hes 6 feet tall and im just 5`3 (but thats not the point ok im still very tall yall). he claims theyre brown but theyre greenish brownish actually and i know that because ive stared into this mans eyes for longer than i can count.
and i could go on and on but i think u get my point..
i love him and i never felt this way about anyone. hes the one that brought my spark back and hes the one and only reason for me to keep going, hes my first thought in the morning when i wake up and my last thought at night when i go to sleep to see him in my dreams, my dreamy, wonderful, wonderful boy.
anyways, before i yap wayyyyy to much for ur guys liking that was it and if youre struggling with love at the moment, dont lose hope, the only thing u need is patience.
love, d.
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reblogandlikes · 3 months
Question, but what's the actual timeline prior acotar?
Sure, the war ended 500 years ago, but when did it start? How long did it last? Which Court fought for and against human slavery particularly in Prythian and beyond it? Was there in-fighting between the courts prior across boarders and causing political rifts between each High Lord and other nations? Which court did this main war take place? And who used the Cauldron to construct the wall in the first place?
Another question in relation to the characters.
Mor, how does her character work in the context of the book? She was known as The Morrigon, meaning she fought in war. Was cannon that she was there that even the human queens know of her, but why would she be there in the first place when she's Kiers daughter and its told that CoN is pretty misogynistic, so I'm sure there's no way in hell he'd allow his daughter to be a warrior. He still scares her in the present day, so why would he agree for her to join a war rather than staying back with the other women trapped in CoN where she can remain monitored?
Also, randomly, wtf if her power? I don't understand what "Truth" means or how it manifests and displays itself into something concrete/physical or mental.
Moving on...
We're told Tamlin betrayed Rhysand (we don't have Tamlin’s back story yet from his perspective) and that he used the information Rhysand had given due to them being friends at the time. Now, how on earth did this friendship begin? How long were they even friends for for Rhysand to have supposedly taught him about women and how to fight? How solid had the friendship been?
Speaking of these two, when exactly did they become High Lords of their courts? It can't have been for 500 years because that was the end of the first war, and Tamlin was still a child at the time. Has it only been 200 years...300...400 in actuality? 🤔
And then there’s Lucien’s timeline. How old is he? How long has it been since he was basically granted asylum in Spring? Seeming he was banished and would be hunted if he stepped foot back in the Autumn Court, did that mean Tamlin used someone else as emissary if he ever had to deal with Baron? Who is this person? Where are all the other offical delegates and Lords and those who hold some standing in any of the courts?
Speaking of missing people, who is this other daemati? Where is this other daemati? Did he, she, it even exist? Can anyone else, Jurian, for example, point them out seeming he had been attached to Amarantha's finger for centuries and saw/heard everything?
How and when did Amren escape the prison. How did Rhysand come across her? Why did she bother staying in Prythian and not go back to where she originally came from? Is she stuck? Wtf even is she if we now know she's not Asteri?
Wtf is now happening with Hybern? The King's is dead now...so? You're telling me he didn't have a council or others there ready to take over? Is there currently a power struggle? Are they potentially a threat in the future?
Why do so many characters lack surnames and other family members don't exist?
In this world, there's now been 4.5 books. Further world building could have easily been implentated to close a few gaps.
Lots of questions. I don’t care if you're pro or anti for this post. Someone, please provide me with something or theory, because I'm left filling in the gaps. I feel like I'm thinking too hard with these books when I really shouldn't take anything seriously.
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polyhexian · 12 days
Collected thoughts on the Grimwalker Ghost Zone:
Poor Caleb's experience as a dead person is just. Not normal.
Most dead people are gonna keep an eye on their friends, their kids, their grandkids, and MAYBE their great-grandkids. And then there's no direct ties left to worry so much about the living anymore and you can get on with your afterlife.
And then we have Caleb.
So it's like. The average dead person keeps an eye on the living for 100 years after their death, at most. Caleb Wittebane, who's been cloned 200 times in the last four centuries and feels personally responsible for his still-living brother trying to enact a genocide--
In undefined characters-watching-from-the-afterlife scenarios I usually default the watching happening via TV unless stated otherwise. But it's TOH so I'm imagining Caleb slouched on the couch in front of a big crystal ball. He's not alone of course, Evelyn is there, she checks on him often like, uh. hey sweetie. you doing okay?
Caleb: Evie, meet Virtue! HE ONLY LASTED 11 MONTHS
Evelyn: …you know you COULD stop paying attention to--
Caleb: NO I CAN'T
Evelyn: *sigh* No, you can't.
And of course all the Grimwalkers are there, cuz, like. Where else are they gonna go? They barely had lives, wtf are they gonna do with their afterlives? Might as well wait for Belos to croak, they'll figure out what to do next AFTER they've gotten some closure.
So they're all just in this house together. It's the afterlife, stuff just gets provided, and the afterlife saw fit to provide them with a big stupid house. There's plenty of space and the crystal ball somehow gets repaired every time it suffers an anger-induced shattering and the liquor cabinet is always well-stocked.
Caleb's watching the living with the same energy as someone who's been watching a show since its premiere, but then the writing started going downhill and the plot jumped the shark and now they can't STOP watching because they intend to see this through to the bitter and disappointing end. When he first died he was so upset he refused to even THINK about Philip for a decade and just paid attention to his wife and kid. At some point he checked on Philip out of morbid curiosity, which led to morbid realization, which led to him thinking he should check on Philip more. And then there's clones and this Collector kid and Philip is obviously planning SOMETHING and then Evelyn dies of old age but Philip apparently has no intentions of dying anytime soon and then Caleb's KID is dead and Philip is still alive and Caleb's GRANDKIDS are dead but Philip isn't and there's been 20 Grimwalkers so far and Philip shows no signs of stopping either living OR making and killing Grimwalkers and OH MY GOD WHAT IS HAPPENING??
When Evelyn dies she's so ready for her reunion with Caleb. "I'm so glad I can finally rest in peace with my beloved--Caleb what are you doing?"
He's standing in front of a conspiracy board like "Philip's spent the last few decades cloning me and killing the clones and I don't like where it's going."
Evelyn: What. WHAT? Philip's ALIVE? I haven't seen him since he killed you, how the fuck has nothing eaten him??
Caleb: Btw meet Caleb 2, Hunter, Hunter 2, Hunter 3, and Nameless Vivisection Experiment (he's working on a name).
Assorted Grimwalkers: *awkward wave?*
Caleb's just like, Evie, you have no idea how glad I am you fell off Philip's radar, we're lucky all he did was steal my corpse. I'm being completely serious, unfortunately.
And then the Grimwalkers start coming and they don't stop coming, and they're just stuck in this together because what ELSE are they gonna do? Caleb staring at the crystal ball like "This is Hell. The Puritans were right. Hell exists, and this is it." Evelyn's like "Hell isn't a place, dear. It's just a situation. Our neighbors are resting in so much peace, they'd probably think they're in your Heaven if they knew what that was!"
Everyone isn't watching at all times, cuz that'd be ridiculous. It's kinda like when you're having a party for a sports game, not everyone's paying attention to the TV. You'll have people hanging out chatting and eating and chilling and then there are the people who are intensely paying attention to the game.
Caleb's the one intensely paying attention. Everyone else kinda pops up like "so is he dead yet? is he close to being dead yet? no? bummer. who's this? nice to meet you Virtue. 11 months? yikes"
And it's not like it's just them! It's the afterlife, everyone else who's ever died is perfectly capable of dropping by for a visit. Not that many people do, because the Grimwalker Ghost Zone has a bit of a…reputation. Like. Those people are NOT having a normal afterlife. Let's just. Leave them be.
Sometimes the Witteclaw kid comes to visit. Hi Mom! Hi various tragic brother/uncles (brouncles?) who are literally and figuratively younger than me! Oh, hey new guy, welcome! 11 months? Yikes. Hope you're settling in alright! Mom, what state should I expect Dad to be in when I go say hi? Last time he was manically planning which part of his brother he was going to punch first upon arrival. Ah, depressive episode? Got it, I'll be gentle.
Evelyn's family come to visit like yeesh you and Caleb are still paying attention to the living? It's been like. 400 years. No one stays this invested this long.
Relatives: Okay but have you considered, like. getting over it.
They're not even wrong. Continuing to watch the living for this long is, like, the same energy as keeping tabs on your high school friends that you haven't spoken to in 30 years. This isn't healthy. You need better hobbies. Okay it's KIND OF understandable since Caleb's brother and clones are involved, but like. You realize this is entirely optional, right?
Evelyn: Caleb, honey, please, you PROMISED we could have dinner with my parents tonight.
Evelyn: We've all killed birds with our bare hands, darling. Come put your shoes on.
When Tell pops up he turns out to be just as invested as Caleb is, on account of the wife and kid situation. So Caleb actually has consistent company for 15 years while they both basically live through the same hell.
Tell walks into the kitchen for a beer and finds Caleb face-down on the floor and Tell's like "what's up man" and Caleb's like "Virtue died" and Tell is like "isn't he like eleven months" and Caleb just nods and Tell's like "cool I'm gonna go meet him" and just leaves Caleb on the floor. Caleb's like "wait didn't you hate him" and Tell's like "yeah but I mean. he doesn't know that."
At some point someone tells Virtue "Y'know Tell literally hated you" (Miles? my money's on Miles) and it starts a whole sibling fight that Evelyn has to break up.
"I didn't hate you I just hated the idea of you! It wasn't personal!"
"Yeah he was always really smug when another Grimwalker would rot in the ground."
Caitlyn and Dust die and Dust is like "what is WRONG with your daughter?" and Tell is like "ouch, but fair" and Virtue's like "she probably gets her penchant for not caring about Grimwalkers FROM HER DAD" and Tell is like "HEY." At this rate Caleb's gonna be the first dead person to have an aneurysm.
Evelyn's just glad to have Caitlyn around. Sure, she's dealing with the shock of her death after over a decade of dissociating, but Evelyn's just like FINALLY, someone who isn't a Grimwalker, and she's family to boot!
Caitlyn: Wait, family? I guess you look like a Clawthorne but I've never heard of you. How are we related?
Evelyn: Haha well I'm your many-great-grandma who Belos had very personal beef with 400 years ago and I may or may not be the reason why he decided to enact his sick game of house with you. I would say I'm sorry but literally none of this is my fault.
Caitlyn: Oh my god.
Evelyn: Haha yeah watching you and Enoch over the last 12 years has been extremely horrifying on a deeply personal level. What's your favorite alcohol? I promise we have it.
When Enoch dies Tell's like "well it was nice hanging out Caleb, thanks for all the screaming sessions, I'm gonna go get some quality time with my dead family now, peace" and Caleb's just like haha cool. fine. GLAD YOU CAN FINALLY REST IN PEACE, TELL. how many of my bones are left? there's no way this can continue after they're all used up, right? They're down to a ribcage and he's counting down the ribs.
Jasper dies and gets greeted by Tell who's like "howdy, normally our ortet would greet you but he's a little busy dealing with emotions right now"--*muffled screaming down the hall*--"so it was decided I'd be the best one to explain things since we've got some things in common." Jasper's kinda dazed like "uh…I didn't really think anyone was gonna greet me" and Tell's like "HAHA YEAH none of us ever do."
Jasper becomes just as invested as Caleb is and Tell used to be, because Hunter. So Caleb has a new bingewatching buddy! Yay?
Belos: *about to punish Hunter*
Caleb: *dragging Jasper away* Y'know what, you don't need to see this, let's go outside and get some air or something--
At some point Manny Noceda shows up, all cheerful and polite on the doorstep like "Hi! I heard there might be some people here who're watching someone who's involved in my daughter's life? She kinda stumbled into your world, see, and I was thinking--"
Evelyn's just blocking the doorway staring at him like "Listen. Before I let you in here. I NEED to make sure you understand the centuries of bullshit you're about to step into."
"Haha yeah I get it, family drama sure is--"
Manny thinks he understands what he's getting into. Manny does NOT understand what he's getting into. Manny takes it in stride and enjoys these people's company anyway. Evelyn is happy to have another person around who she can count on to not be a constant mess. Manny/Evelyn BFFs 4afterlyfe.
Of course Manny also now has a VERY in-depth understanding of the 4-century clusterfuck Luz has gotten tangled up in and that is. Kinda anxiety-inducing. But like, he's pretty sure she's got this! That's his daughter! She's genre savvy, she'll be alright! Even if this situation is…way more horrifying than he realized at first.
His own dead relatives call him up like "Hey Manny! How's the watch party going? Luz still in that weird fantasy world she discovered? She having fun living out her own personal adventure story?"
Manny thinks about that time last week when Caleb and several Grimwalkers got drunk and tried to make a definitive list of the Top 5 Worst Things Belos Has Done and half of the entries were 3-way ties and there were WAY too many Honorary Mentions, and he just forces a grin and goes "Yep! Luz is doing great! She's having a blast! My new friends are super cool!"
"Oh, that's great! Could we meet th--"
Manny tries to find things to do with his weird new friends but like. He's a 21st century sci-fi nerd. He has no idea how to relate to 400-year-old witches. But he thinks, well, I lived in New England, and Caleb lived in New England. So he's like "hey do you guys wanna do Thanksgiving together?"
Thanksgiving wasn't an official holiday until the 1800s, but Caleb knows what a feast of thanksgiving is, it's even a Puritan-approved party (ie the Pilgrims) that they'd do when they wanted to show God their gratitude! So he's just like, Manny. WTF. This is NOT the time.
Manny: Well, I mean, we're halfway through October so now's the time to start planning--
Caleb, gesturing to Belos gooping on various woodland critters: YOU THINK THIS IS WORTHY OF GIVING THANKS FOR???
By the time Luz becomes relevant, EVERYONE has started watching religiously. This is like. The final minutes of the big sports game. The series finale of their lives. But after Belos is dead (and summarily punched by everyone) most of the Grimwalkers stop paying any attention to the CB at all. Like. There's nothing else tying them to the living now. Whew. Cool. Vengeance is had! No need to pay attention to the living world ever again!
Except Jasper, of course, who figures he's just gonna watch Hunter by himself.
And then Caleb collapses next to him on the couch with snacks like "sup" and Jasper's like "oh, you uh, you wanna keep watching with me?" and Caleb's like "I suffered through four centuries of this, what's one more? and after watching every season of my brother's bullshit Grimwalker Trauma And Murder Show, I deserve to watch one of you live a decent life in the infinitely happier sequel series"
Manny's like "Yeah I'll stick around too, it looks like Luz is gonna be spending a LOT of time in your world and I'm really gonna need people to explain things to me. Anyway, I know this is a little late, but things have calmed down now and we have time since it's still just the START of November, so…Thanksgiving?"
And Caleb looks at Hunter, alive and free on the CB, and then glances out the window where Enoch is kicking the shit out of Belos in the backyard, and says, "Alright, yes, a celebration is in order. This is indeed worthy of thanksgiving."
"Oh, awesome! Uh…important question, what kind of cranberry sauce do you like?"
"What the fuck is cranberry sauce?"
I feel like miles is back there too if only because he and Enoch are nasty little rude children and friends because of it.
Also don't forget flapjack AND hawk hunter are there. Flapjack sitting on Caleb's head and pulling his hair until he passes him a piece of popcorn or a peanut. All of them going completely apeshit for hunters first kiss. Camila appreciation club. Jasper and Manny both delighted by the fact Camila being mother to their child makes them like. Fathers in law? Mutuals? Proxy???? Something. there's a kinship there and it's funny. Hunter carves waffles and flapjack gets so excited he flies into the TV and knocks himself out
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dylansslutt · 1 year
timing/ a.b
Austin butler
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 summary: you have been the right person wrong timing for too long
warnings: just slight pda,
this man is so fine also this was a request, i hope you enjoy xx. ALL WORK IS MINE, DO NOT COPY!
 walking out the set for the final film day of season 6 as of right now, we come back in about 6 weeks. yellowstone has been amazing to come in and join, especially being from the south yourself.
 yawning as you pop your neck, pulling your phone out your back pocket. the phone lights up, notifications from your social media and text cross your eyes. clicking on your best friend texts she sent
sel bestie boo
 did you see the interview
 he said u were his celebrity crush
 whabdjgrjgn the fuckkkk i told you this years ago!!!!
 my eyes widen in confusion as my hands hit the link to the youtube video, hands opening the door of my trailer stepping inside. austin butler’s face appears on my screen.
 the two of you have been friends for years, starring in carrie diaries together as well as disney back in the day. haven’t really talked much this past year though, “so austin tell me...”
 the interviewer goes on to question him, as you pull your pants down sitting on the toilet. his voice fills the room listening to the interviewer talking about his new film. “yea, it’s been real fun... amazing honestly.”
 “so tell me since the carrie diaries, do you still speak to y/n?” your eyes widen hurrying to hop off the toilet. hands wrap around the phone watching him rub his neck with a chuckle, a smile makes way onto your face for a moment.
 “not as much as i’d like...” the blush was apparent making the interviewer call it out, “she for sure was one of the best people to work with, i mean she’s absolutely stunning and a dedicated worker...”
 that’s not calling me his crush but it definitely sparked something inside you. pulling up your messages instead, texting back your best friend.
 wtf do i even do??
 nd he did not say that he said i was fun to work with
 well stunnin :)
  you knew his movie elvis was about to come out, only a few weeks before the new season of your show you’ve been working on. thinking long and hard, you decide to text him.
  hey austin, its y/n/n
 and that was sent, a knock on your trailer door made your head snap in that direction. it was ian “oh hey ian.”
 he smiles at me, “we all are gonna go out for drinks, ya’ coming?” you smile back nodding, “yea i’ll be right there!”
  pushing the little infatuation that clouds your mind for a second away, standing up and grabbing the bag on the chair. stuffing your phone and necessities in it as well before heading out.
 everyone was already a bit drunk, celebrating the new season to come out as we finally get a break before our interviews. the guys were throwing darts or playing pool as us girls sat taking shots.
  laughing at kelly’s face, you almost slip out the chair. your shot spills across the table making you squeal softly, “no!”
kelsey grabs onto you steadying you as your giggle, “i spilled the shot!” she laughs and calls over to the bartender for another shot as the jennifer cleans the mess up.
 reaching for my buzzing phone, my eyes light up at the sight of austin’s text back.
 hey! i was actually just thinking ab you
 seeing that you glance back up at the girls, “hey im gonna step outside for a second.” you mutter before walking off. clicking his number as you hit the door, the phone rings as you dig for a cigarette.
 “hey, y/n...” his voice rang out from the other side, you smile to yourself as you spoke. “hey austin, how are you?”
 “im doing good, how are you? it’s been a minute.” you nod as if he could see you, “im good too, it has been a minute...”
 “i saw your interview and it made me think about you...” he chuckles from the other side, “i figured you probably did, are you in cali?”
 “yea, i actually just got done filming today. we are out drinking right now.” shuffling was heard from the other side, a girls voice was heard before austin muttered something.
 “well that’s cool, i’ll text you and maybe we could grab lunch or something?”
 “yea, sure. it was good to hear from you...” you facepalm yourself from those words, but his response made your stomach flip.
 “i wasn’t lying, your still one of the best people to work with.” you roll your eyes but say your goodbyes. heading back inside to happily cheer for yourself.
 days have passed and your were back in your flat in la, scrolling through tiktok deciding to shut your phone off instead. it was only 11 am, so you decide to start getting ready for the day.
 before you could get off the couch, your phone rang leaving you to flip it over. austins name popped up across making you sit up straighter. “hello?”
 “hey, y/n/n!” his voice was cheerful, you lean back as he goes to speak again. “Are ya’ busy today?”
 “no, im not doing much. why?” you bit your lip hoping maybe a part of him actually wanted to see you again. the memories of the two of you sitting together in your trailers talking for hours on night, or the secret kisses you shared off screen.
 after carrie diaries you got a role as a lead character in the 100 series, along with filming a couple of movies. timing and being apart lead to things not working and he got in a relationship with vanessa for a period.
 “well, would ya’ like to go to lunch with me?” your eyes widen for a moment before you lick your lips, “yea sure, im just gonna shower first but text me the place and ill meet you there.”
  arriving at the spot, noticing its small diner and many people weren’t here. stepping out of your car, you go to pull your phone out to text austin but he walks over to you.
 “hey there shortie.” he jokes about your height before pulling you into a hug. “hey...” your arms wrap around your waist before pulling back. he stares down at you and you notice the dark brown hair he has.
 “you look good as a brunnett.” he smiles for a moment, “elvis presley, ironic.” as you only lived about a hour away from memphis before moving. the two of you make way inside, sitting down in the booth across from each other.
 the two of you caught up like time never passed, eating and laughing. you notice how he complimented you a lot, or the way he stared at you. ignoring it as you took the last bite, “this place is actually really good, where’d you find it?”
 “a few years ago, i passed by it and ate. been coming here for privacy ever since.” you nod as he explains before you push the plate away. “well im so full.”
 “hey what are you doing today?” he just shrugs, “im free today and tomorrow, so not much really.”
 you smirk slightly, “good, im holding you hostage for the day.” his eyebrows raise for a moment, “oh really now?”
 “yes now come on we are gonna do something we haven’t done in years.” you grab his hand pulling him up and out the seat. “oh lord, i don’t even know what you are thinking.”
  the both of you ended back at your place, unlocking the door as you step inside. he follows in behind you and you sigh before twirling back at him. “we both are so busy, when was the last time you sat down and watched movies?”
 he tries to think before shrugging, “it’s been a minute.” you point at him, “exactly why we are gonna be lazy and have a movie marathon.”
  he laughs, “sounds good to me.” thankfully he was dressed casual so he would be comfortable to chill out, but you tell him to look through as you change out your jeans.
 settling on some shorts, leaving your shirt alone you head into the living room. “what ya’ find.”
 “the avengers?” you nod in agreement before grabbing a blanket and settle down beside him. he lifts his arm up so you could get comfortable, you relax your head against him.
 the movie plays and you dont notice much, until his fingers start trailing up and down your arm. glancing up slightly his attention was focused on the movies, glancing back you ignore the feeling that over came you.
 you shift up making him glance at you, “you okay.” you nod, “yea my arm went asleep.”
  he nods looking back at the movie, you study his features for a moment before he looks back over at you. looking at the tv fast you glance back seeing him looking at you.
 “what?” he shakes his head before his eyes flicker on your lips for a moment, yours flicker to his before his hand cups your cheek. lips on yours his tongue brushes against yours, as his free hand grasp your waist.
 your hands were ontop of his shoulders, you could feel him hardening under you. you pull away for a moment, eyes landing on yours. he pushes your free strands of hair back, making you close your eyes for a second.
 “i’ve missed ya’...” he nips at your neck, a smile coys your lips at the comment. “i missed you too, austin,” he pulls you down into a hug making your heart jump for a moment.
 “what are you thinking?” you mutter softly after a few minutes of silence, just cuddling and the movie in the background. he leans back slightly as you look at him.
 “do you wanna go on a date sometime.” you stare at him for a moment, “no.”
 his face drops for a moment before you laugh, “im just kidding, of course i’d love too.” he pushes you softly before laughing, “you know what his feels like?”
 “years back filming together?”
 “like this has been right person wrong timing, for far too long.” your eyes widen at his words, surprised at the fact you both felt the same way the entire time. you lean in closely, “far too long.” you reply before kissing him again.
 you fall back on the couch as he hovers over you, “so we’re ordering pizza and havign a sleepover?” his eyes stare into yours as his kisses your forehead. “whatever you want baby.”
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k-chips · 1 year
Late ask, but just wtf is Sanremo? All I can tell it's something Catholic and has to do with a Saint, but based on the chaos I saw in your reblogs, it also isn't?? The Italian part of me needs to know, mainly because it makes sense for a festival about a Saint to be insane, seeing as many stories about them are pretty insane (read in a children's book on St. Francis of Aussi that when he accepted God's call he stripped naked and strolled out of town, while heard St. Patrick once cursed a group of people being jerks to be werewolves (he asked God to help him out and God was like "Yeah I'll grant you a solid my dude")
So, what is Sanremo??
Oh my gosh. What did you ask. You opened Hell.
(Sorry, this is a bit long but it's funny af)
Nono it's not something Catholic, it's called Sanremo because it takes place in Sanremo, a city in Liguria.
Sanremo it's the "Festival of the italian song" (people can only sing in Italian, that's one of the rules)
[[Before this edition of Sanremo started I found a very cool, funny and useful guide for non italians that explained what is Sanremo and how it works, you can find it here]]
[[since that's for last year, here's also the thread for this year edition, just to see what changed]]
But, basically, it's a musical competition where we decide who's gonna represent Italy in Eurovision. Sanremo is way older than Eurovision toh, at first it was just a competition on its own but then they decided to use it for Eurovision too.
The reason why it looks so chaotic it's because IT IS CHAOTIC XD at least it has been for the past 4 years, it became so much fun to watch. So many funny things happened.
We once had this guy, Morgan, who changed his lyric to insult the guy who was gonna sing with him, Bugo. And this poor guy just straight up left the stage and DISAPPEARED for the rest of the night 💀
This was the host's reaction
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(I love this guy lol he's so funny)
Or every time someone does something very homoerotic on stage, just because. Especially the two hosts we had for the past 3 years, the ones in the pic above. (we ship them so much. FOR FUN, shipping real people is gross)
Here they were dancing... :'D
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Here with some cool wigs
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They're so silly lol
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There are a lot of other things, some scandals here and there (mostly right wing italians being scandalized), cool songs, a bit of sexism (we're working on it), some good feminism and LGBT+ and some more funny moments, like the host (the guy with the blonde wig) that this year started using Instagram to be "Less boomer" and was doing live streams during the festival (hilariously and adorably cringe) but I don't want to bore you ahah
Anyway, the links I left here are very funny threads on Twitter if you want to read something faster and more funny
(SORRY FOR MY BAD ENGLISH. I was on the train and to walk home so I didn't have time to check everything I wrote)
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know-the-way · 1 year
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Miss Fisher and the Crypt of Tears Discourse(?)(maybe idk?)
So… at this point I’ve watched the entire 3 series and film. Twice. I was going to post episode reactions for series 2 and 3, but I really need to skip ahead to Crypt of Tears because I have… questions. If anyone knows the answer or potential answer to any of them, please weigh in because I am just… struggling to understand some of the narrative decisions they made here.
(Btw, overall I enjoyed it, so I don’t want it to seem like I’m coming from a solely negative perspective - obviously, the last 5 minutes in particular… talented, brilliant, incredible, amazing, show stopping, spectacular, never the same, etc etc. I may do a separate ‘things I enjoyed’ post. I just needed to talk this out. lol)
****Full warning, this is a very long post, I am so sorry in advance.****
1. Alright, first things first - wtf do you mean it’s been a YEAR since she left Melbourne?! What was she doing that whole time? Like obviously, you could infer that she got caught up in local shenanigans and hadn’t seen everything to a satisfactory end yet, but I feel it would’ve taken maybe 1-2 minutes to just briefly explain that for the audience’s sake.
I also totally understand that they were attempting to make a stand alone project that could be independent of the series, so referencing where the series left off would be antithetical to that. HOWEVER, I think at the point where fans of the series invested $1 million… that should have maybe made tying up loose ends from the series a bit more of a priority?
I also saw that they hoped to garner new audiences from the film. And maybe it’s just me, idk, but - I’m a new audience and the only thing that brought me to the film was the knowledge that I had 3 seasons worth of backstory to immerse myself in beforehand. There are very few scenarios in my mind that would’ve had me watching just the film and nothing else. So… help.
2. Similar to question 1 - SIX WEEKS?! Where was she for six whole weeks? How did she escape the train? Was it like a Bear Grylls situation out in the desert for a while or did she have to barter with local villages or something? Just again… 1-2 lines of dialogue and I’d be good. Instead, I’m just sitting here confused like, “okay cool, I’m super glad you’re alive and stuff, but um… HOW?!”**
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(**acutely aware that this is how Jack must feel all the time) (and he deserves a pint from the pub for his troubles ‘cause omg)
3. SPEAKING OF JACK - *r2d2 screech* This poor man. Jesus. How many times does he have to grieve the love of his life? It’s kinda rude at this point.
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I’ve read articles with the writers where they talked about wanting Phryne to be strong and independent without emasculating Jack as a character. And I remember thinking, “Yes! They do such an excellent job of finding that balance in the show and it’s really satisfying. It’s one of the things I love most about their dynamic - the freedom to be themselves while still having this very strong collaborative connection.”
^These scenes, though? Whaaaatttt happened? 🫠 I don’t think it emasculated him, but Phryne’s almost non-reaction to him being there… grieving her... it comes off kind of insensitive and perplexing at its bare bones, to me.
Upon a few rewatches of that scene, I’ve been able to slowly formulate potential justifications for her behavior - i.e. she did tell him to come after her and he didn’t, so maybe she lost hope on her end and dove into the first perilous mystery she could find to help herself get over him. Thus, when she finds out he’s there for her memorial service, I could see her inwardly going, “Okay wow, it took me dying for you to make any moves whatsoever. Cool. Good to know I’m only worth the trip if I’m not here anymore. (Hence, the ‘And I’m very sorry that I’m not dead!’ line later.)”
Which would be a fair point, imo, and they do have a track record of just… infuriating miscommunication, but ultimately… it’s all still hypothetical. We aren’t given any actual, spoken insight into her motivations or feelings in regards to Jack (the smallest glimpse we get is her teary eyes outside the door at his guesthouse along with the “damn it, Jack” line). So, without any further follow-up clarification in the film - at face value, that scene is harsh and almost callous imo. And, despite their many conflicts in the show, there was never once where I felt they weren’t at least making an effort to understand each other. Like there is never a point in the film where they take a moment to acknowledge the time lost between them. They don’t get to have that (necessary) release of emotion and mutual understanding (there’s no nightcap moment), so it just feels incomplete.
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4. I promise not to make all of these redundant, but the quicksand scene. Obviously, I love it ~*for reasons*~, but I found myself once again choosing a side (Jack’s)???? Which, throughout the entirety of the tv series, I never chose a side between them ‘cause I could always understand both of their perspectives. In this scene and the reunion scene, I’m left confused both times about Phryne’s perspective. Maybe because Mac isn’t there to pull the full truth out of her just afterwards? That’s probably it.
But her lumping Jack in with “any other man” she doesn’t need to explain herself to - either that was a fear response or a flat out dishonest one. Girl quit playin’… we all know he’s not just any other man and we all know he has never tried to change you or take charge of you. Please, the bottom-leaning switch vibes that come off that man… he LIVES for you telling him what to do. He doesn’t want to control you, he just wANTS TO BE BESIDE YOU. GOD.
I so didn’t want to be frustrated with Phryne (I love her**) and I was honestly upset that I was, but there was just something… missing in both these instances for me (vulnerability maybe? idk) and I can’t quite get it to add up. It really probably was a lack of Mac, though.
(**again, Me 🤝 Jack, complicated feelings for a complex modern woman, we’ll both be at the bar if you need us)
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5. Last one - “Is this your idea of sweet nothings?” “I thought they were out of the question?” “They are. Continue.”
Did I miss a scene where they laid ground rules for their partnership going forward in Shirin’s case? Or was that something that was cut/not included? Because… if there was a scene of them discussing that before Jack agreed to stay… that would have taken care of most of what I said above in and of itself.
(But no fr… did I miss a scene? Is my copy broken? Help?)
Gonna Leave on a Positive Note, because if you asked me if the below scene made it all worth it, I’d have to say yes:
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bloodsoaked-gown · 1 year
pt 11? wahhhhh wtf lol
Saturday night- her pov
I am sitting on my bed, watching my closet that I have organized halfway till now, and other half of clothes piled up in boxes tucked beneath, better than being on floor. I should have been stressing about all of the mess I have to clean on Sunday but I don't, I have a date tomorrow with my closest friend tomorrow. I have been smiling since we kissed, if someone saw me they will call me an IDIOT. But I can't stop thinking about him. He looks so pretty when he is shy, he kisses me with such a softness and tender, even our 1st kiss was strong but tender. He is so smart and perfect, he is caring and always honest. I don't have to pretend around him being fine. We share same level of dark humor and random bad flirts, it has been going on. For last 3 years I have know him, somewhere in between the lines from hating him to liking him as a person blurred into loving him for who he is, but now that he loves, no he said maybe, he maybe loves me too, I don't know. I am scared what if I hurt him too, what if my sadness becomes too much for him, he doesn't know how to deal with it. He needs to know about all the therapy sees ions I have taken and my past, that I... I.. killed..someone. My hands are shaking again just with the thought of having to tell him everything. How will he react, will he understand it wasn't my intention? HE will hate me? leave me.. but if that's the right thing okay. I will tell him all of them later today before he makes up his mind about me. I shouldn't keep him in dark now that we.. might become something more than friends. I take in a few breathes calm down Payu your life is better now, you aren't your past and problems you will be fine, you have Luv and Ayan and other friends counting on you. Your brother is depending on you, your family needs you, you have to try harder. I put in my earphones and let songs fill my head letting go of all the thoughts. I am numb.
I didn't knew that I fell asleep, I woke up a while ago to use washroom and now, I am hungry lying on bed. 'aaaaaah' I sigh. I haven't decided what I am gonna wear tomorrow, oh my Goddd I also forgot to ask what time we are meeting from Ayan. I search for my phone.
its 2.56 am and I have a few missed calls from Luv and a lot of texts. I open to check and its Luv, being Luv. First she simps a bit about her partner then she has sent me pics of Mitsy, her cat and then to quote her "for god sake don't wear something all black tomorrow" "and if he tries anything you don't like, feel free to kill him!!!!! I will help to dispose shrimp's body B)" ''and where are u guys going???'' ''do u need me to come over to help u?'' ''yk whut I am still coming, I don't trust you'' ''text me the time asap babe or me will be invading your house tomorrow'' ''night love :3'' I am laughing reading her texts and the way she is more excited for my date than me, but I know why she is. I see Ayan has texted me too, 'I will be at your home till 10 am, wear something comfortable and also pack a set of simple clothes. I wont tell you details yet but I can assure this will be one of your best if not the best XD' I am all shy with the first thought that popped up in my mind what a trash.
I go to kitchen and put water to boil, text Luv to come at my house at till 8 am, after her gym and and set alarm for waking up early. I am too lazy to work now I will just have some instant noodle. and sleep.
*ding dong ding dong ding dong*
'oh my God Luv learn patience' I rush to open the door. 'hiiiiiiiiiiiiiii' she squeals, she has a bubbly personality for most parts, or else murderer, and she is in her gym clothes itself ' and you haven't even showered yet have you??' ' oh you are definitely my babe' she makes a finger heart towards me 'You know me so well meri jaan' I roll my eyes at her 'tch, are you hungry?' 'what have you cooked? and who am I to say no to food??' 'nothing much just a shortcut pasta' 'damnnnn pastaaaa!'she is such a kid 'just give me 10 mins i will take a showers asap' 'NO!' I shout 'not asap' 'ok miss always paranoid' I glare at her as she mocks me with showing her tongue. And she disappears to bath with the same speed she came inside.
She is sitting on the sofa while I have been modeling clothes for her approval, its been 15 mins and whatever I wear, she hates all of them.
'how is this?' 'are you going to give a presentation?' 'ok this?' 'you are kidding me.' ' this?' ' you look like a teacher tired of life in all of them' 'I am tired, if you have a problem in all of them? then why don't you get up and help me out ' and I drag her to my room.
15 mins later, we come to conclusion of me wearing a denim wrap up dress with a black tank inside. I would have not choose it but Luv wont let me wear anything like a set of top and bottoms.
'Payu, can you not wear black one day?' she says in a pleading way ' you know why, and it's barely visible and it works well' 'oh god girl' she says in a dramatic tone and come towards me 'and why are you not showing your sexy assets' she says doing that weird thing with her hands. 'LUV.' I am judging her hard, not really If I was her I would be saying same thing to her. 'you know I don't like it, I am conscious about it too much' 'Its not like he hasn't seen them, infact he was the one losing consciousness, his mind and his sleep over it' she winks at me and I give an angry look to her to shut up. 'Fine miss never break any rule, but he is gonna see them when you are alone' she can't have her mouth shut can she? 'Don't tell me you are gonna stop him if he tries to lay you down if you know what I mean' she is smirking at me, I am blushing and she knows she got me. 'I clearly know what you mean' not that I didn't think about it but now that she said it seems more real what if we.. we do the things today no, no, we can't, its too early and i- i- 'what are you thinking, don't tell me you are already dreaming about things you will do on here' she is sitting on my bed and touching it and damn this girl is really weird, why is she my friend. I am shaking my head in disbelief 'Luv fuck you, and I hate you. I am not thinking anything' but I know my face says a different story than my mouth. 'I will be fucked later for sure' she giggles 'but you are gonna be today.' 'oh my god!!!' I throw a pillow at her 'hahaha you are red like a tomato' 'just go I hate you' she is giggle more and more 'oh you don't I am amazing' and she is right about this 'whatever.' I storm off in bathroom to get my makeup done.
'so how do I look?' I ask her 'very fuckable' she says with mouth full of pasta 'LUV.' 'ok ok, your outfit, its nice and little makeup you did is suitable for this weather, since it rains usually every evening, but ummm something is missing' 'what?' 'wait' she is searching up in my not so secret secret storage mirror damn I love this it was such a rare find. She pulls out the mauve wine lipstick, the one I rarely wear because it stands out too much but I love it. 'you need a darker shade of lipstick you know' 'I don't like to wear dark shades.' I give her a look 'but you still keep buying this' 'yeah because I love how it looks' I am objecting. 'so wear it. don't give me any look, wear it.' I give in her choice because I did thought to wear that shade today but then I didn't maybe I just needed a reassurance, and Luv was right, it was the missing thing. I love how I look. I hope he likes seeing me like this too, even if he has seen me as a mess too.
9.50 AM
'OHHOOOO ''incoming call from KALYANAM<3"' Luv shouts from living room.
'yeah coming' I grab my purse and give me a last look in front of mirror, I FEEL PRETTY.
I pick up the call ignoring the sly smile Luv was throwing at me with making a heart
'He-Hello' I am already smiling 'hii, I am downstairs' He is smiling too 'yeah give me 5 mins coming' I am nervous
tagging @hell-lit011019 @vellibandi @damnn-dorothea @pheonix-thefirebird
(bhaiiiii i didnt thought i would write today but here it comes ahaha next whole date will be from ayan ka pov :D or maybe will jump between both of them)
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who-is-shades · 7 months
raz dnd 26
rick introduces himself to parsley. they shake hands nice. he looks at the ruins and says it was his prior target. guess were going in. he wants to see what his target was before finding a new purpose. its badly damaged since its been 900 years.
he has a zoom feature xD wheatley checks if he does lol. many of his features have been forgotten. wheatley zooms in on parsleys face lol. crumbled walls block the path. parsley flies over it. ricky fucking springs up the ledge wtf. of course wheatley wanna does that. he fails. senna helps him up. teya uses the broom and it smacks her. senna says she will help her but the broom suddenly shoots straight up!
ricky just goes to scout ahead. wheatley grabs the edge nice. the broom stops midair and goes into freefall. parsley goes to catch her but the broom moves to the side and keeps falling the asshole. parsley manages to catch the broom and he goes for a ride xD parsley threatens to put it in the token. it starts spinning fucking hell toward the ground. it stops fucker. talk about whiplash. at least their in the city.
senna zen and android get up somehow lol. parsley is just laughing on the ground and teya just weakly thumbs up. senna tells teya to compliment it. teya is just pissed. we dont see ricky. wheatley pings and hears one in the distance so we follow.
its barely a city now its all just rubble. some of the buildings have scorched stones and are blackened. wheatley comments he doesnt like that. android said it might not be just time that took the city down. senna rubs the stone to check how old it is. pretty freakin old. teya finally catches up. she scolds the broom and it shoves her lol. as soon as teya takes out the token it begins zooming around. it jabs her in the back lol. the broom got a 1 in the token it goes!
parsley asks where things go in the tokens. zen says its stored like bags of holding, connected to the domain. if the tokens get full it just wont let stuff in. its got a big limit. zen says not to put people in there they wont have air. wheatley could do it tho lol.
wheatley keeps pinging. we hear a ping but its rapid fire! run! wheatley pulls out his gun! zen and android fucking zoom off too. we make it to ricky, hes surrounded by more bots! one of them charges ricky and he dodges it. wheatley shoots one and it drops dead, the others have red eyes! they divide heading to wheatley and ricky! wheatly shocking graps one the fucking moron. thankfully he kills it but the other bots surround him and place the things on him! wheatley resists thank god. zen punches off a bot and android begins shooting!
parsley arrives! he tries to turn off a bot. he failed and hit it head first. senna and teya arrive! teya fireballs near rick. he keeps trying to dodge. senna scorch rays them and uses sanctuary on rick. wheatley sprints to rick. rick is doing a great job avoiding since senna sanctuary'd him. wheatley uses his handaxe on the nearest bot and kills it. zen crushes his bot and android stabs his. parsley stabs it in the eye with his dagger. ricky grabs the remaining bot and bashes his knee in his eye.
wheatley checks for any other dangers then tackles and hugs rick lol. good job ricky. wheatley says we should get him a ward but zen thought they were sending him to gods, but its fine. he gives ricky his :( senna puts her foot down and says no, she will keep ricky warded as much as possible. ricky has found a symbol he recognizes. carved into the wall. The Noble Ember.
yep weve seen that before. ricky has old files about them. Enemy of the god of constructs and novis. wheatley says we saw it in the fish villiage. teya says they werent with the times its ancient lol. the carving dates about 890 years. teya says it cant be relevant anymore. ricky isnt up to date lol. parsley asks why they keep coming up.
ricky pulls files. A Radical group lead by Lazris, God of Ash and Souls. Lead a mighty army to attack places that worshipped other gods. wheatley hates this lol. thats all the info he has access too rn. The noble ember is the reason they got built, at least at first. A defense.
rick got what he came here to do. time for him to go. wheatley tells him to look for lil bro if he needs a guide. rick salutes and zen pulls out a portal for him. bye ricky! parsley wanders off then comes back eating moss lol.
(moss stole kay's wife btw)
android asks if parsley just puts anything in his mouth. parsley laughs so hard he chokes. wheatley says he thinks he knows what it is and parsley laughs harder. android just stares at wheatley lol and scoffs. teya side eyes wheatley lol. parsley asks wheatley where he learned that. 'your mom!' then says hes been around at bars and armies lol. parsley laughs even more.
senna is tracing the wall symbol. zen goes over and asks if shes ok. she just turns around and walks away. android fucking follows her wtf why. senna goes about picking up pebbles. "you seem to be quite familiar with this symbol." she nods and says her lady told her a lot about them. her goddess, Izaris. he says hes never heard of her. she says their main task is to help. his god wouldve known. shes been in there for about 300 years she doesnt know how old the religion is. The goddess of Hope. senna continues to pick up pebbles.
he says no new gods have risen in that time. senna isnt an official acolyte so she doesnt know. hes gonna ask his god about this. senna says she hasnt spoken to her lately, she might be mad at her for working with another god. he wants her to call her god. she gets into her usual meditative stance, then her head slumps forward. she hears nothing and sighs and gets up. senna goes back to getting pebbles.
meanwhile parsley and wheatley are wrestling lol.
he asks if her god is usually this silent. usually no, but the last couple of months its been less and less. perhaps her god is losing power. senna fills with despair. 'that means something happaned, right?' he didnt mean to say that outloud. senna does appreciate that honesty though. or her god is too busy could be that. senna just holds her hands together, bothered. he sighs and manages to ask her whats wrong lol. she opens her mouth to say something but shuts up and says its probably nothing.
he sighs (in relief the asshole) and drops it. senna offers to play shogi with android. yay he agrees! shes gonna teach him nice. she learned it from her grandfather who got it from overseas. she looks forward to it as he goes back to zen. wheatley is currently suplexing parsley. parsley kicks him in the head xD
time to continue! they keep wrestling lol xD parsley is playing dead pft. wheatley hits him with a brick. no response. wheatley asks senna to fix him and senna is like wtf did you do. android fucking kicks him xD hes alive! parsley kicks him in the knee but it hurts. wheatley says android learned how to roughhouse lol.
wheatley asks senna where she went but she just waves him off cause its time to go. over the walls and onto the path. senna writes shogi rules in the meantime. time for camp! soup!
senna has a spot in the dirt. she seperated the pebbles into black and white, then draws a board in the dirt. she ripes out some pages and sets them out for android. wheatley is tinkering with SP near teya. teya is napping cause shes exhausted lol. zen says she cant sleep yet she needs soup! senna wiped the floor with android.
wheatley yells at senna to go easy on him and senna snaps out of it. she wasnt trained to go easy. she awkwardly says she wasnt allowed to play as a kid, and wasnt allowed to lose. shogi was for planning battle strategies. wheatley asks when he can kill them. 'i think you missed your chance for that.' 'well i hope your doing better now.'
senna apologizes for fucking stomping android but he demands she doesnt. hes gonna get her back. finally some competition! she beats him easily again. hes so mad how did she do that xD again!
SP is poking teya with a stick lol. an hour passes and senna pauses the game for her dragon meditation. they shake hands, good opponents. she leaves the stuff out so he can continue to practice. he calls her a wall lol. wheatley says senna should give him some strategies. senna says she can, but shes gonna knock them over lol. she goes to meditate.
SP throws the stick and tells teya to fetch. SP says parsley taught him lol. wheatley doesnt understand the implication. teya awkwardly plays along and uses mage hand. SP stops and says ispy! parsley guesses the stick. parsley sees something shiny and feeds rouge. wheatley finishes tinkering with sp and sp goes to stare at the dirt board.
android is chilling against a tree thinking. parsley approaches and android fucking grimaces lol. hes fidgeting nervously wtf he wants to speak to him? android looks at him like wtf? he rolls his eyes and says what. parsley wants to talk about ricky numbers xD android is being difficult lol. parsley groans in frustration. he says he also changed his name, says he doesnt care what android does, but he gave away his name and no one can misname him. he offers the option to him if he wants. android is like what. he fucking glares at him he wants the motive. parsley says its just an option so he wont get deadnamed. android is so confused. no. declined. parsley nods and says thats fine and he walks off. android is so lost lol.
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ok lets get started
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ok so starting off, something that i've been wondering since suletta tested out calibarn, why did lfrith have these layers but not calibarn? i'm guessing maybe that has something to do with calibarn having no filter or maybe the layers kept you at a lower permet score since elnora asks dr. cardo to raise the score and dr. cardo scolds her about it. like yea the scenes are supposed to be be parallels to each other but the way calibarn works when hooked up to someone is so different it seems
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who'd have thought on first watch everything this little gremlin would get up to
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the samaya sisters sure do love fucking spanking people wtf
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honestly really love nyla and wendy. i'm so happy we got to see them one last time in episode 24
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i know the actual earthian vs spacian subplot of the series bores some people, but i do wish they'd gone into it more than they did. like i remember when i first saw this shot and was wondering if they'd get more into class issues but they really didnt at all. i know expecting radical politics from a mainstream series is kind of setting yourself up for disappointment, but at the time it seemed promising
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i wonder if the light novels or anything will ever go into elnora's past. she claims here that dr. cardo saved her life and that without her gund prosthetics she'd be dead and i've gotta wonder if maybe she wasn't lying about the mining accident she brings up in episode 2, or if she really was the daughter of mercurian miners
also worth noting that elnora's voice as she speaks to eri here uses the same loving tone of voice she uses with suletta over so many of their phone calls later on. i know a lot of people hate on prospera but its so hard for me to dislike her at all. she went through so much and lost basically everything.
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has anyone ever caught this before? so nadim helped to get ochs earth to invest into the vanadis institute?
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look at her stupid little faces
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so like we can just safely assume this was probably belmeria, right?
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little brat. really though, i hope suletta and miorine start celebrating her birthday at some point
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nadim's reaction to both elnora and eri missing from their living quarters is honestly heartbreaking once you know what's about to happen. did he have any idea what was about to transpire in the next few minutes?
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like he had to have known he wasn't coming back once he got into that lfrith
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the pre-production lfrith bits remind me so much of the pharact's bits. *screams in el5n*
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yes, yes, i know the main theme of the series was forgiveness but goddamn i wanted this stupid asshole dead
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sarius' face here as he's likely being told about the folkvangr massacre really is something. gotta wonder what it was like for him those 20+ years having to work with delling. i wonder if the grassley orphanages came to be because of this tbh
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the birth of milfchar
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there is absolutely nothing that can do this scene justice if you're not just watching it. the music, elnora's horrified look at realizing eri is the one to synchronize with the lfrith.
i've rewatched the prologue probably a handful of times over the last like half year or so and this scene just always gives me goosebumps lol
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just awful shit lol
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so back in early december or so, when i finally decided to check gwitch out, i watched the prologue while i was really fucking high and i cannot tell you how much this scene fucking wrecked me lmao
i reached image limit for this post but god i hope hearing people sing happy birthday just fucking haunts rajan for the rest of his life
man, i still remember watching the prologue for the first time and really just not knowing what i was getting myself into since i had never watched a gundam series before, but like even as a standalone watch, the prologue fuckin delivers
ok onto episode 1
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bananafleshgirl · 4 months
So. You seem to know quite a bit about Norse magical traditions, and I'm wondering your opinion on something. On the seidr wiki, I came across the mention of seidr being a practice of 'shamanic trembling' and autohypnosis via hyperventilation. While I think this definitely fits the scene from Fargo, I saw other sources saying they don't put stock in the trembling/seething hypothesis. What do you think? I know mostly about low magic (i.e. immediately understood the sin eating scene, did not know wtf to think of the goat ritual), so I'm a bit 🙃🤷‍♀️
Historically speaking, there is very little knowledge about actual historical practice, anything you can find will fill in the gaps if you are currently practicing it or make a minimally close representation of what would happen during the act. The reality is that literally no one does it, no one knows how it was practiced or what it was for, we have about 2 sentences in the Erik the Red saga that are incredibly vague and that's what we should do, any seidr you see now will be entirely manufactured by whoever is preaching it. no one knows the "real" seidr, it is entirely guesswork and varies greatly from person to person. I recommend you check out The Viking Way and Children of Ash and Elm, both by Neil Price, they are robust books, but they are good starting points to pick up on the few vague suggestions that have survived, from there, using these details you can create your own modern interpretation of seidr... Unfortunately this is all that is known, the information I have was taken from sources like this, vague and not very exact, the issue of gender is well addressed because it was something seen as feminine but odin practiced it, so the from there came several elaborations, etc.
The ancient pagan meaning of “animal sacrifice” was to prepare dinner. It is a way of honoring the animal that dies so that we can eat and live. This is the only type of animal sacrifice that any Wiccan tradition teaches. Goats have been raised and then sacrificed as human food for thousands of years. I'm not sure what Ole did in that scene, but it reminded me a lot of rites that were done by some warrior tribes in the mountains who had the custom of “bleeding” a new generation of soldiers by cutting a goat and using its blood to mark the young men, on certain festive occasions. The goat then becomes part of the party, which makes sense since Ole is apparently preparing for combat, he didn't ingest any part of the goat, I believe that perhaps Ole was preparing for combat, especially considering some things he says in Latin that seem to be from the Latin Vulgate Bible: "Cumque portaverit hircus omnes iniquitates eorum in terram solitariam, et dimissus fuerit in desert". [Omnes iniquitates] filiorum Israhel, et universa delicta atque peccat[a eorum...] The first sentence is Leviticus 16:22: "And the goat will bear all their iniquities into a land not inhabited; and he will release the goat into the wilderness." It's about the sacrificial goat of Yom Kippur that absorbs the sins of penitents and absolves them by proxy. The next phrase, which the series distorts a little (and is also somewhat omitted), is merely providing an explanatory phrase for the immediately preceding verse: "[... All the iniquities] of the children of Israel, and all their transgressions in all their sins..." (in the show this is distorted to something like: With all the chivalry of those who were in solidarity with him (repeated twice ). He marched into the wilderness of Israel and everything was conquered.)
I'm not really sure, but here's my two cents.
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juni-ravenhall · 6 months
we were out for 1 hour looking for a missing 3-4 year old in our neighbourhood, i saw the mom screaming when i was coming back from the store, several of us out there joined in to search. everything covered in thick snow and getting darker.
police showed up, we ask them if the kids found yet and if theres any more information what to do because the mom was obviously panicked and all of us barely got anything out of her so we just took off searching. we asked if theres anywhere we should go search.
police lady, in flat dead voice: "well, its nice you all are searching but no we cant say anything else. its a 3 year old [the mom told me 4] in a black overall [the mom told me blue jacket and not enough winter clothes]." i asked "will there be any search leader or anything?! we dont know what to do or how to know when he's been found." police says "no not for now."
so we just went uh ok???? and kept searching. i called the news and asked if they would put it on local news so we can hear when the child has been found or not, since nobody is telling us anything, there is no search leader or anything. i called my mom and asked her to keep an eye on news and call me if they say anything so we know if the child was found.
i went into the library in the neighbourhood, made sure the librarians knew and in there were also more ppl id met while searching who asked me "did they find him yet?" i told them police said no but also gave us no more info. went back out and kept searching.
on and off i run into the others that ive met who are also searching, we all ask each other if theres any news or just more info, nobody has anything. we do see that there are more police cars coming around.
eventually i see one of the police again so i go up to them to ask, at this point its been 1 hour of searching where the police gave no help to all of us (they were searching yes, but no help to give us accurate information or guidance, for this 3-4 year old who couldve died in the snow if not found)
this police smiles and says "yes we have just now found him!" i say oh thats great, ok, we can go home. "yes, merry christmas!" merry christmas.
on the one hand ofc we are very relieved now that the kid is safe. its getting dark and below 0 celsius. but wtf man, i cant believe how disconnected the police were when all of us were trying to search, and this was a time sensitive thing. they couldve at least put out a person as a search leader to ask for info or told us and let us pass it around or anything. but at least they did bring in more cars so they did do something.
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cookingforsatoru · 1 year
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Mitsuya Takashi x F!reader
Warnings: Angst ? financial problems, kinda not angst, it turned out to be slightly funny
summary; Mitsuya and her Wife dreamt of having a child and being successful in their business. Not knowing Takashi has some secrets to hide from her wife that made the company lose money. it even made their relationship in a worst-case scenario.
inspo; second chance - filipino movie
"so Mr. and Mrs. Mitsuya, this is an interview and we're gonna ask questions about what happened to you both for the past 6 years of marriage, okay?"
-6 years earlier-
"I always knew you'd be the one for me, yn. through my ups and downs, you're the one who's there for me baby. I can't imagine doing anything without your support and love. I always think of you as my wife nowadays. I want to make it true, princess."
as he touched your cheeks softly he slowly bend down on his one knee
" I'm asking this with no pressure, love. will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?"
as tears went down your cheeks, you know what you want to answer to that question.
"yes, love!" chuckled and sniffed as you said
your heart is too happy you cried for more than a minute.
after the marriage, it's already been 6 years
you and Takashi are handling a business of your own. it's about sewing of course.
you were the designer and he's the tailor.
but since you just had a miscarriage he wants you to just rest, he was so busy. he just leave you at home with nothing to do.
he didn't get to tell you his problems, he started to be so irritated all the time you cant even talk to him properly.
as days passed, you didn't know how to keep yourself busy, and its sunday so why not check on your husband in his office? i mean its not going to be a long ride, just maybe 10minutes far from your house soo...
"Good Afternoon, Ma'am Y/n! It's nice to see you back!"
the guard greeted you with a big smile, the staff in your office surely missed you since you've been gone for months.
"Good Afternoon, too"
you went inside and looked for takashi, you saw him talking to his phone in his office room, so you went in.
"hey, Love! I bought Lunch!"
he hangs up and looked really irritated...
"wtf yn, what are you doing here?"
"visiting you and our office... what else?"
"i told you to stay at home, didn't I?"
"yeah but it's so boring there, what's wrong? i just visited"
"yeah, go home now. don't want you here. you'll get tired"
"go home."
after what happened you always overthink about why did he asked you to leave?
i mean everytime you ask him 'how's his work?' he always says 'good' or it's fine but really he looks so problematic. as his wife you want to help but he don't open to you anymore.
so he has this trip to another town so you decided to do a little visit the office...
you went to the office and first thing is ask the financier hows the money?
"um ma'am we're very low on budget. sir told me to not tell you this but we're really bankrupt. he accepts all projects and does not finnish it so the clients/customers cancel their appointments. but sir is really trying hard. and almost half of our staff's are resigning because we have no money to pay them anymore and plus we have so many debts. it's almost 3million."
you left cause how come your husband didn't told you any of this?
this is fucked up.
really. he isn't the takashi you used to know.
you were heartbroken but tried to understand him cause you know he needs you, to calm yourself down you went shopping.
you bought a lot! it made you happy, really! new plates new cups, new home decorations, etc etc.
he came home very late, then saw the new things you bought.
"oh takashi, hey"
"why tf did you shop? where'd you get the money?"
"uh i have my own money, why?"
"you just waisted tons of money, yn"
"what's your problem? you've been acting so strange lately"
he looked really mad, then threw the new plates on the floor
you threw the plates and the cups and all the things near you on the floor.
he gave you nothing but a silent treatment.
after the fight you went to your friend's house, emma sano.
emma really comforted you. after a few weeks you went to your house again...
found nothin' but a girl in bed
his ex?
but where's takashi?
the girl woke up then saw you, and cover her top since she was naked.
"oh- are you his girlfriend"
you were about to cry but really you didn't. you're a badbitch.
"wife. his wife, bitch"
"get tf out of my fuckin' house, whore"
you tried to control your temper.
she left the house.
but still figuring out where tf is takashi
he deff cheated...
you fixed the house again.
waited for him to come home.
and remembered his vows he gave you
"With this hand I will lift your sorrows. Your cup will never empty, for I will be your wine. With this candle, I will light your way in darkness. With this ring, I ask you to be mine".
it actually hurts seeing your relationship like this. it sucks
he used to be so sweet. what happened? you really missed him.
you cried praying, hoping he'll come back.
the man who promised you you'd have kids, that you'd wake up everyday with a smile and by his side, the man who promised to never treat you bad, to never cheat, to be there when you need him
the man who is very careful with his words, very responsible with his words. the man who will keep his promises.
nevertheless, he's like that you still love him, you're just really hurt.
-------------------------------- 5 years--------------------------------
"Yah! Takashi can you carry your daughter! I'm still doing my makeup"
"sorry babe, I was cooking but sure"
10 mins... at the interview
"so it's been 5 years already, Mr. & Mrs. Mitsuya"
"yeah, time flies so fast"
"How are you guys? well you two seem pretty happy today"
"well of course, we'd get to share our journey with some people. first, we had financial problems, cheating problems, trusting problems, all that we almost got out divorced. but as for me, as the wife. of course, I love to spend my life with my husband though I was hurt. I'd still love to understand him, I wanted to know the reason why he cheated, wanted to know the reason why he didn't trust me? cause I know myself takashi isn't like that so I knew that there was something wrong. I talked to him the night he cheated. he ranted for the first time in our 6 years."
"as the husband who did all that, I figured my wife's the most understanding woman I've ever met. though I wasn't ready to break up I knew she'd break up with me. but didn't. she fixed all my problems, she was there for me. always."
"so I guess everybody deserves a second chance? Based on your experience Mr. & Mrs. Mitsuya"
"no, but if you still see that the person is trying and see them struggling to get you back, try to understand them, even if they cheated on you once, twice, or more than. we should forgive them cause we're not the ones who will punish them for their sins, God will. especially when God knows that you did nothing wrong, figured that prayers work." -Mitsuya, Takashi
Taglist: @omakeomuomuu @thisbiccc @galactict3a @rgtgt @chuuberrysworld @todorokistoyaa @penguinlovestowrite-blog @ddeadcalm @obeymesimp111 @ashwasherelol @oikawascutie @pinksilk @staymoarmyzen @leilalago @winterv-blackk @bobateasilverpearlrl @jcrml @abellaheart-blogg @gayforyuzuha @supernaturaldreamergirl1130l1130 @kittimacataclysm @sapphire-gemm @layla0mitsuya @rindousfavoritewifefe @mrssano04 @kzuyii @dr4kenlvrr @softbajisbajis @tokyo-daaaamn-ji-gangn-ji-ganggang @magxnoriaoriarvtales @mimeeneneen @valhomassallaxzz @akira-kurususushindou @beebeedibapbeedibooppksydh @bontensbabygirll @wintercher0303 @fueledbysanono @chuunayoshiro
just message me if you guys want to be tagged :DD or if you are disturbed by my random taggings, please message me!!
finally finished, just rushed this but took this 3 days to write, sorry!
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