#its messy but i made the post it was making me too crazy
hazardousbiproduct · 2 years
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The Wake, Neil Gaiman 1996// Afterimage, René Echevarria 1998
Bonus: the kindly ones/rejoined
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gncrezan · 11 months
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some old @chrysanthemumgames hermes-seph sketches!!! some of it is established-relationship daydreaming but also a peek at my dark and twisted mind (sprawling intricate spidey au)
#colored that top left one for my sidebar. lol.#a/tsv release made me so sick about spider-man you had to be there. im still on my bullshit but its a little more maintained#mostly bc a/tsv actually came out and i was attacked by every terrible take ever. some of u should not consume media#i know its rich coming from the IF player who enjoys romance but not everything is about romance or self insertion or ocs#miguel tag was UNUSABLE. IM TRYING TO BLOG ABOUT HIS HYPOCRISY AND SEE FANART. NOT SEE FANFICTION!!!!!!#also coming out as the biggest raimispidey2 mj speech enjoyer. im sorry. raimi trilogy is a bit messy to me BUT#if u take the mj speech at the end of 2 then it is. SO SO SO CUTE TO ME. (ignore the context its in pls)#also how her first comic appearance was IN HIS DOORWAY TOO!!!!#of course it was quite easy to project that onto sephmes from my brain so. here we are#talking mostly about raimipetermj rn. but hermes is simply not a Nerd like maguire's pete. so some insp from 616#but comics p/etermj is its own can of worms. i am taking bits and pieces of spideymedia i like and making my own sandcastle ok#sorry for spidey meta in the foa post i will shut up nyeow#fields of asphodel#foa#hermes#seph#and also i think hermes would make a crazy mj (the association with red and how intensely similar they are with how they present themselves#but the fact is . i really really love drop dead gorgeous seph who is wanted by everyone. its true. im one of them#<- i say this like the s in seph doesn't stand for s/pider-man. i have plenty of spideyseph doodles in the archive
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lambertdiary · 10 months
FAKE DATING WITH MIKE PLEASE IM BEGGING YOU the plot can be whatever you want but please
A/N: The 'fake dating' trope is genuinely one of my favourites so it's safe to say I had a lot of fun coming up with the plot for this one. I'll post a part two if you guys enjoy this one, so please let me know what you think!!
Word Count: 3.5k+
Warnings: language and I guess that's it
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This Love Is Just For Show
It was a slow day at your job. Even though it was a Thursday morning and it was usually really busy at this time, the number of customers coming through the door was significantly lower than any other morning, but you were thankful that you didn’t have to do a million things at the time this early.
You worked at a coffee shop and have worked there for a while, so you were used to the crazy job and by this point, you remembered most of the recurring customers, but you always waited for one in particular.
You heard the little bell that indicated that a customer had entered the coffee shop, so you quickly finished arranging the coffee cups behind the counter before turning to greet your customer. You fought the smile that threatened to creep its way onto your face when you saw who it was, and gave him a nonchalant expression instead.
“Hey Mike”
“Hi” He greeted you back with a smile.
“You want your usual, right?”
“So no small talk today, I suppose” Mike leant his forearms on the counter.
“Sorry, it’s kinda busy back here”
He looked around at the almost empty café “I’m not gonna steal more of your time then. I’ll have my usual”
You took a medium cup and used it to cover your smile, marking up his exact coffee order and writing his name at the bottom.
“You know, my offer to go out for coffee still stands. Maybe at a place you don’t have to make it”
You giggle as you put down the cup, typing a few words into the computer in front of you “You’re very sweet Mike but we’ve been through this, I don’t-”
“Date customers, I know” He finished your sentence.
“Look at that, you do remember. And yet, you keep on asking”
“Just hoping you’ll change your mind, I guess”
You shook your head “Not gonna happen”
“Alright, I’ll stop” He took out his wallet and paid for his drink “I’ll just try again in a month or two. Thanks”
He immediately walked to the other end of the counter to wait for his drink, constantly eying you while you took someone else’s order. You were looking his way too, but way more discreetly than he was.
When he finally got his coffee, he thanked your coworker and walked towards the door, turning his head around for a moment to face you “Bye, I’ll see you tomorrow”
Your eyes lingered on the glass doors after he left. You thought he was attractive, sweet, funny and just nice to have around, but you didn’t know whether you liked him like that or not but sometimes you thought you’d like to find out and go out with him, but you couldn’t do it. The real reason you had rejected every single one of his invitations wasn’t the one you gave him every time he asked, it was because you got out of a messy relationship 6 months ago and you weren’t ready to commit to anything, not yet.
Hours later your shift finally came to an end and you were ready to get out of there, you had a lot to do after all. You were in a hurry, so after taking all of your things you made your way to your car and drove to the grocery store.
After finding a parking spot you entered the massive building, guiding the shopping cart in front of you. You were so wrapped up in your thoughts looking down at your phone as you checked your shopping list, you didn’t notice the familiar face quickly approaching you.
“Y/N?” Your head snapped up as you immediately recognised the voice. You forced a smile while trying really hard to keep your eyes from widening.
“Nick, hi” The shock of seeing your ex-boyfriend for the first time since the breakup was more evident than you had intended.
“It’s been so long, how have you been?”
“Good, things are good” An awkward silence took over your conversation as quickly as it had started. The two of you smiled at each other politely, discomfort present in both of your eyes “How about you?”
“Amazing, actually” You nodded at him in response, unsure of what to say next. Thankfully, someone else joined the conversation. A girl you recognised as one of Nick’s friends from when you were dating him.
“Y/N! It’s been so long” She approached you for a hug, which you politely accepted.
“You remember Emily” Nick said as you pulled away.
“Of course, hi!”
“This is so funny, we were just talking about you last night” Emily said, standing closer to Nick and slowly wrapping her arm around him.
“You were? Why’s that?”
“She suggested we invite you to our engagement party this weekend”
“Oh my god, you guys are engaged” If you weren’t in shock before, you certainly were now “That’s amazing!” You wrapped your arms around them and pulled both of them into a hug, hoping this would prove to him that you really were happy for them. Even though that was far from the truth.
You pulled away after a few seconds, building up the perfect fake smile “I know it’s a bit of a shocker since Nick and I were just friends when you guys were dating, but I hope it’s not weird or anything”
“Please, not at all. I- I’m really happy for you guys”
“Thank you” Emily held your hand momentarily before dropping it and taking it back to her financé’s arm “So, are you coming?”
You thought about it for a moment. You really didn’t wanna go, but you thought that if you showed up you would show them how okay you were with their engagement. Even though you weren’t, since you broke up with Nick just six months ago and out of nowhere he’s engaged now, and you… you hadn’t even gone on a single date since then.
“Of course I’ll be there”
“Great! Should we save an extra seat for a special someone?” Emily asked with a wink.
You could feel your face burn as you thought of the lack of a love life, but your mouth was faster than your brain “Yes, I’ll bring my boyfriend with me”
“Oh” You hear Nick whisper.
“I mean I’ll ask him if he can make it, but you know, he gets really busy sometimes, so-”
“Okay, well I’ll have Nick text you the details later but I guess I’ll see you on Saturday!” Emily pulled you in for another hug, and Nick just waved at you as the both walked away from you.
You were left standing there alone, feeling like a complete loser. You didn’t have feelings for him or anything, and you wished you didn’t care about his engagement but you just couldn't help it.
Your relationship with him was complicated, and your breakup was so messy it took a while to pick up the pieces, and the main reason for that was because he swore he would never want to get married. After being together for a couple of years you moved in together for a few months, leading you to think he’d propose eventually, but he said that was the most you’d get from him. Now six months later he’s engaged to one of his friends…
You barely had the energy to finish with your grocery shopping. You were cursing yourself for saying you would go to their engagement party and on top of everything making up a fake boyfriend. Why couldn’t you just say you were busy? Any other answer would have been better than that.
You went home with a lot on your mind, and Nick’s text with all the details for Saturday just made it worse. You let out a loud sigh as you collapsed on your bed, going through your contacts list to see if you could find someone who would be willing to be your fake boyfriend for a night.
You quickly gave up as you realised how crazy it would be to make such a request, so maybe it would be better if you came up with an excuse and said you wouldn’t be able to make it.
You typed Mike’s name on your contacts, hoping you’d find his number there. He gave it to you a couple of months ago, written on a napkin after going to the coffee shop for a week straight. You were almost crossing your fingers, urging that your past self saved it, but you assumed you got rid of it since it wasn’t on your phone.
You sigh again, too tired to think of more solutions.
⋆ ★ ⋆ ★
The next day wasn’t any better. The party that was taking place the next day was flooding your mind and unfortunately for you, the possibilities of ending up looking like a loser in front of everyone were high.
Everyone around you seemed to notice something was off, but with the busy morning that kept everyone doing something they didn’t have time to ask you the reason. That was definitely a relief, you would hate to admit what your current problem was.
Customers kept coming and that almost made you forget about the whole fake boyfriend thing, until you saw Mike approach the counter with a big smile.
“Hi” You shyly smile back at him.
“Hi, I’ll just have my usual”
You nodded as you grabbed a medium cup. You were debating in your mind whether or not it would be a good idea to ask him for help, but the simple thought of those words leaving your mouth made your face turn a bright red.
“And I’ll also have a cupcake”
You looked at him with furrowed brows. He had been going there every day for at least a couple of months and he never tried something new, so him making an addition to his order took you by surprise “Oh, what’s the occasion?”
“Buying a few extra seconds, I guess” He replied like it was no big deal. He took out his wallet ready to pay for his order, smiling when he noticed your blushed face.
If he was willing to buy a cupcake just to talk to you for a little longer, maybe he would be down to go to a party with you and pretend to be your boyfriend for a night. After all, he had been begging you for a date nearly everyday since the day you met him, and that would count as one, right?
You looked at the cupcake tray that was sitting next to you, naming the cupcake flavours while you kept a collected expression despite the heat rushing to your cheeks as you wrote your phone number down on his cup, right next to his name.
“Uh- we have vanilla, chocolate, blueberry-”
“Which one is your favourite?” He interrupted you.
“Red velvet with cream cheese frosting”
“I’ll have that one”
You tried to suppress your smile as you reached for the cupcake, blushing a little harder when your hand brushed his “Enjoy it”
“I will, or I guess I’ll let you know what I think on Monday” You looked down and grabbed his receipt, keeping your eyes fixated on the screen in front of you when you handed it to him “Thanks” Mike said, and you panicked when he started to walk away, and once again your mouth acted on instinct.
“I get off at 4” You spit out, making him stop and take a step back as you cursed yourself for how pathetic you sounded.
“Today, I- I get off at 4” You repeated, thinking of something else to say “You can call me and- and maybe I’ll see you later”
A smile appeared on his face “Yeah, sure. I’ll give you a call” He nodded quickly, but stopped when he realised “I’d love to have your number, though”
“On your cup”
His smile grew bigger, and you could almost notice his tinted cheeks “I’ll talk to you later, then”
You nodded as he walked away, pushing away your embarrassment as you fixed your face to attend a new customer. You tried to stay focused on the order, but the cheeky smile from your coworker made you blush again.
“Shut up” You said, rolling your eyes at her.
The rest of the day went by painfully slowly. You were dying to check your phone to see if he had called you or at least texted you, but it was so busy that you didn’t have the time for that.
At the same time you were hoping he’d take his time reaching out to you. You felt guilty dragging him into your little show and you knew if you went out with him you wouldn’t be able to stop yourself from asking him.
When your lunch break came you literally ran to the back to get your phone, your heart skipping a beat when you read the last notification.
Unknown: Hey, it’s Mike
You saved his contact right away, and then took a little too long to think of a response, writing and deleting the message a few times before finally sending one back.
You: This is Y/N!
You rolled your eyes at your own message, and only a few seconds later your phone started ringing, his name showing on the tiny screen. You froze for a moment, but rushed to answer when it rang for the second time.
“Hi” You said in a shy tone.
“Hi. Sorry for calling but it’s way easier than texting”
“Don’t worry, I agree” You let out a little giggle before continuing “I guess I should apologise for earlier today”
“What do you mean?”
“You know, writing my number on your cup-”
“No need to apologise” He interrupted you “I’ve been meaning to ask you, what changed?”
‘I ran into my now engaged ex boyfriend and made up a fake boyfriend so I desperately need your help’ you thought to yourself, but of course you couldn’t say that, not yet anyway.
“I, uh- I thought about your offer, and coffee sounds nice”
“Well… I know a place, they have the best red velvet cupcakes-”
“Definitely not here” You stop him before you let out another laugh, even though you knew he was joking “We can meet somewhere else, what time do you get off?”
“Oh, so you really did mean tonight” Mike sighs loudly, taking a hand to his hair as he tries to think of someone who could babysit his sister.
You squeeze your eyes shut, trying to bury your embarrassment at how desperate you sounded “Sorry, we can try some other time-”
“No” He’s quick to cut you off “I just need to find a babysitter for Abby-”
“Who’s Abby?”
“My little sister, but the babysitter leaves at 6”
“Right, I understand” You try to think of a solution without sounding more desperate than you already were, but maybe it was for the best if you didn’t see him tonight.
“I’m gonna call her and ask if she can stay with Abby for a little longer tonight”
That makes you feel bad, thinking about his little sister stuck with the babysitter just because of your big mouth. You start to come to your senses, there was no way you could lead him on like that.
You let out a loud breath before saying “Mike, actually I think it’s better if we leave it for another time”
He stays silent for a moment, but then finally replies “Uh- yeah, that’s okay”
“Sorry, it’s just-” You stop when the clock on the wall tells you your lunchtime is over “I have to go but I’ll see you on Monday”
You hand up the phone immediately, the guilt coming back to you for a different reason.
You spend the rest of your shift thinking of excuses for your absence to the party, knowing that that’s what you should have done from the beginning. When you leave you’re so caught up on your thoughts you almost don’t recognise the person waiting for you outside.
“Hi, yeah- uh sorry” He put his hands on his pockets, looking down at the ground “You sounded a little weird on the phone earlier”
“I had to go back to work, sorry”
“Right, I know… so, about the coffee-”
“Y/N!” Mike is interrupted by a voice you hated to recognize. You closed your eyes momentarily as you let out a breath, mentally preparing yourself to talk to her again “We have to stop running into each other like this”
“Emily, so nice to see you again” You say with a convincing smile.
“You too” She inspects your outfit and the building behind you, a smirk appearing on her face when her eyes landed on you again “I see you’re still working at the café”
You don’t say anything but your blood starts to boil, but at the same time you’re trying hard to hide your embarrassment.
Mike looked at you as soon as those words left her mouth, trying to read your expression, but when you didn’t say anything he decided to jump in “Hi, I’m Mike”
“Oh hi, I’m Emily” They shook hands and she carefully examined him almost entirely, and Mike dropped it after just a moment “I used to be friends with Y/N. Well, with her ex boyfriend, but he’s now my fiancé” She said as she showed off her ring, and the two of you simply nodded “Oh… you must be Y/N’s boyfriend”
Emily’s eyes fixated on you, giving you the same intimidating look she always gave you, making you break and fall into a moment of weakness “Yes” You replied, and she immediately turned to Mike to give him a hug.
“You should’ve said that before, she was telling us about you last night”
He was looking at you with a million questions as his eyes gave you the most confused look you had ever seen on anyone. You mouthed the word ‘Sorry’ as they pulled away.
“You guys are coming to the party tomorrow, right?”
“We can’t make it, sorry” You grabbed Mike’s arm and pulled him closer to you, giving him an apologetic smile.
“Oh well that’s a shame”
“You never said anything about a party, baby” He looked at you, amusement building in his face.
You were sure your face has never been more red than it is right now, you truly didn’t know what to say to that “Uh I- I’m sorry, I guess I forgot”
“We’ll be there”
“Mike, what are you doing?” You whisper to him.
“Great! I can’t wait to see you guys tomorrow”
She starts to walk away as she waves you goodbye, and as soon as she leaves you turn to face Mike, your apology already leaving your mouth “I’m sorry, Mike I’m so sorry, I don’t know what got into me-”
“Who was that?” He interrupted you “And most importantly, why did you say I was your boyfriend”
“That was my… I used to know her when I was dating my ex boyfriend” You explained, scratching your head as you tried to think of the answer to his next question “I don’t know why I said that. I panicked but of course that’s no excuse, I shouldn't have said that, I’m so sorry”
“What did she mean you told them about me last night?”
“I didn’t, I swear I didn’t” You simply reply, but he urges you to continue “I ran into them and they invited me to their engagement party, which already was so crazy cause I didn’t think Nick would ever get married, but he would give that to Emily I guess” You start to ramble, but stop when you realise you’ve said too much “She asked me if I would bring someone with me and I don’t know why but I said yes”
“Does that have anything to do with you giving me your number today?”
“No, of course not” You rushed to reply “Look, I’m sorry I got you into this. It’s stupid and it’s immature, you don’t have to worry about her thinking you’re my boyfriend, I promise I’ll call her”
You stared for a moment, waiting for him to accept your apology, although you’d understand if he didn’t.
“I can come to the party with you”
“I mean she’s not very nice, why give her the satisfaction? Plus, I already promised we’d be there”
“No, Mike you don’t have to do that-”
“I tried asking you on a date for weeks, I’m not gonna let it go to waste now, even if it’s not real”
You stop to think for a little too long. If he was down then what was the problem? Asking him to do that for you did cross your mind anyway, so now that he was volunteering himself you shouldn't feel as guilty, right?
“It’s just going to be for one night, and knowing Emily there will be so much free food and drinks, you just need to stay with me and maybe hold my hand a few times”
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Thank you so much for reading! Please let me know what you think, likes and reblogs are highly appreciated!!
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hellsburners · 1 year
stumblin' back to bed
summary: peter's partner is very drunk and very clingy pairing: tasm!peter parker x gender neutral reader word count: 1.2k warnings: alcohol consumption, drunk reader, some kissing, mentions of sex, slight smut a/n: from another lovely request! (btw this is a scheduled post im on a semi-hiatus rn bcs life)
masterlist | more peter parker
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Peter kisses you with your back against the door. His hands cupped your face as you cling on his shirt. His lightly stubbled face pricks your cheeks while his warm lips weave into yours, tongues dipping into each other—the hallway filled with the sound of sloppy kisses, some whimpering as your centers rub. 
“Let’s get in first,” he said, fumbling for his house keys. 
You stood beside him, the floor spinning around, your head confused. The alcohol had done its magic, your gait was funny, your joints loose, and you almost fell before entering his apartment. 
“Woah, those tequila shots were something—,” you slurred, Peter held onto you for stability. 
You grabbed him by his belt loops for another kiss, like your own personal bottle of liquor, you took Peter Parker’s lips like the freshest glass of tequila, bitter and addicting. You stumbled to his kitchen counter, he lifted you so you were sitting on it, your legs on his hips. 
“I need some water,” he said in between kisses. He pulls away, much to your dismay, to grab a glass. “Want some?” you shook your head, your head still spinning. 
He comes back to you, his head mounted on your neck, sucking and kissing, leaving marks. His hands roam your back, large hands warm on your cold skin. Your hands roam his torso, feeling his muscled abdomen until you reach the barrier between his skin and underwear. Later, your touch fell to his growing hardness. 
“Woah—baby,” he moaned. 
“Fuck, Peter it’s so hard,” you ached. 
“Only for you—” he whimpered, nibbling on your neck. His hands came to cup your ass, pulling you in so your crotch rubbed on his. He started to hump in between your legs, using the friction for pleasure. Your fingers trail through his soft brown hair taking in his scent, a mix of alcohol and musk. 
“The room is spinning like crazy,” you said. You felt yourself become more sensitive, the hairs on your skin erecting, his mere touch made you shudder. 
“We can stop,” he lets out. 
“No. Don’t stop—,” you gasped, his hand going underneath your underwear to touch your sex. You moaned from his fingers, moving so gracefully to pleasure you. He pulls back but you wrap your legs around him pulling him in. Your hands find his neck, pulling him from there as well. 
“Let’s take this to the couch—more comfy.”
You move on his couch, straddling him. The two of you are in the middle of a heated make-out session before you feel your stomach turn, and bile rising to your throat. You suddenly pulled back, covering your mouth. Peter sat there confused. Your body shuddered as you made a gagging sound. 
“Oh god, let’s get you to the toilet,” he said. You refused, waving your hands. 
“I’m fine.”
“Water then? Let me get you a glass,” he said. You later took the drink, downing the water alleviating some of the dizziness and the gagging. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah, I promise babe I’m good.”
“Let’s go to bed then,” he pleads. 
“I’m fine!” your words start to slur again. He pulls you to the bedroom, the sudden change in speed almost made you throw up. He sits you down on the bed to get you a change of clothes.
He kisses you again, “I’m not fucking you like this, too messy.” 
He hands you a cold glass of water. You chug on the liquid like a parched dog, the cooling sensation tracing down your warm throat. 
He takes the empty glass, your body swaying loosely. You look up at him, lips pouting. He looks down on you with a smile, stroking your hair before your body betrays you, eyes going dark as you fall back on the soft sheets. 
You wake up to the smell of bacon. You check to see your clothes changed to a pair of trainer shorts and a Star Wars graphic tee. Your breath reeked of alcohol as you let out a yawn. 
You check to see Peter standing near the stove, his torso bare with only his boxers on. His hands skillfully flipping bacon and eggs on a greasy pan. 
“Hey handsome,” you called out. 
He turns around, a smile plastered on his face. His arms spread wide to take you in his arms. His skin was warm against yours, your cheek flush against his chest. 
“You slept well?” he asked. “You were knocked out good.” 
“Oh god, that bad huh?” you gasped. He places a kiss on your forehead, hands through your hair again patting it over and over. 
“Yeah, you said something about how madly and deeply in love you are with me and how you wanted me to and I quote stuff you up.”
“I did not!” you hit his chest with the base of your fist. He laughs hysterically. 
Smoke started to gather behind him, and the smell of charred meat started to fill the room. The two of you checked to see the bacon starting to turn black. “Shit. shit. shit!”
Breakfast was spoiled. Peter tried to salvage it but those were the last pieces. He tried to look for anything in his cupboard to eat but he found nothing. 
“It’s alright Pete,” you coo, smoothing his back
“It was supposed to be a perfect breakfast!” 
“Well, we could have something else,” your hand traced down his spine, teasing the edge of his boxers. 
“Oh,” you pin his back on the kitchen counter, pulling his underwear after. His hard cock springs free, aching red. 
You look up at him with the same pleading gaze from last night, slowly inching your lips closer to his tip. You gave it a few licks, your wet tongue dragging on his frenulum, Peter’s body heaved from the pleasure. 
His grip on your head was getting tighter, guiding your mouth as it bobbed on his cock. The thick shaft rubbed smoothly on the flat of your tongue, the head barely hitting the roof of your mouth. 
You hollow your cheeks to create more suction, Peter lets out a groan, his head falling back. You held onto his thighs, your neck pulling back to suck up to his sensitive tip. A string of clear liquid connects your lips to his sex. 
“You’re so good, baby,” he moaned. “Taking me so well.” 
Sweat trickles down from his forehead to his toned abdomen, your fingers tracing the lines to his sparse hair near his belly leading to his crotch. 
Your other hand went to stroke the remaining length of his cock, the combined sensation led Peter to the edge. He was a panting mess, chest heaving, toes curling, his long fingers digging into your scalp.
“I’m gonna—“ he gasps, cum shooting down your throat. His body convulsed as you held your stance, tears forming in your eyes as he fucked into your mouth. 
You stood up to wipe the spit all over your lips and pecked Peter’s lips. “So what’s good food around here?” 
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dedfly · 6 months
Hello dear, random idea just came up from my mind..what if..Shadow Milk x Faerie reader but with a slight little mermaid storyline? Basically the reader want to explore around the earthbread (and is fallen for certain Cookie?) but the reader is unable to leave the beast yeast because the reader had to guard the silver tree, on one night Shadow Milk try to communicate with reader through the dream and offering the reader to become 'common (normal) cookie' with one condition..(and is up to you-)
(Take ur time dear :> )
This is a great idea and wow, it's crazy
Shadow Milk cookie x reader
† This is justa blessing for him
† A whole guardian with big dreams and a love interest who most likely won't reciprocate theirfeelings because he will never notice a some guardian. P e r f e c t
† You always wanted something more and what’s wrong with having some dreams? however, you begin to realize that your usual dreams have begun to become a whole daydreaming
As if your imagination was literally pushing you to change, to escape, but how? You are just one of those guardians who invest their whole lives in the Great Goal. But just standing and protecting the tree is not for you and you know it. You want something more, this world full of adventures
And this mysterious voice in your dreams thinks so too
You haven't shared your dreams and plans with anyone else. For what? They won't understand.
But oh, this gentle voice understands, how good it is that your "subconscious" helps you at least in your dreams. Supports and guides.
† Imagine certain cookie what readerloves is Pure Vanilla or Elder fairy cookie. Yeah what would be messy
† And fun. Come on Shadow milk cookie would try not to gag while trying to manipulate you into doing what he wants using your love for them
† He's just being dramatic but yeah he's not happy about it. Not because he felt bad but because he is concerned about your "unique taste"
† bro is a hater
† Shadow Milk cookie made sure to help you, to keep you on his side. "Listen to me little fairy, you have a grand future waiting"
Unfortunately, most of your colleagues were not present on security for some reason, which is why you were put on post longer than expected. You lack of sleep and energy, you have become more irritable and honestly you would just like to finish this unbearable work, just run away or cut down this damn tree. Wait. It was clear as day, no tree, no problem. You will finally live the life you want.
† As if all the danger that will come from cutting down this tree has faded into the background, a voice gently whispers to you, encouraging you to get rid of the tree
† But the voice in your head offered you a perfect idea, just gave up your wings (Or rather your fairy magic) and chop down the tree and he would make sure to help you out
†Just a little tiny crack would be enough
†Just chop here and there use your spear or whatever weapon just make some damage and your problems would disappear
†No, this is wrong, you managed to catch yourself in these terrible thoughts and you nipped them in the bud
†You are scared and confused, as soon as you told your colleague about this you were immediately kicked out of the guard, or rather you were transferred to another department and given the day off
† Yes yes it is anticlimactic but come on look at fairies they are more gentle with that, especially with dealing with beasts
† if you already fall under the influence of one of the beasts, you will simply be moved away from the tree. Most likely to some kind of reconnaissance detachments
† so you safe, until Shadow Milk actually break free
† and I assure you he would be pissed what he didn't get his way, especially what he wasted so much time with you
† And if it's something more romantic he would also be pissed what he was there for you and you just "betrayed" him
† But come on its not like he really would help you. You want to see the world not destroyed dessert, you want to see civilizations at peace not wars
Actually I thought at first with whole little mermaid thing. Like reader giving up their wings for something but eh it was a bit raw for me :p but I tried my best
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mindmeltonabun-blog · 8 months
My Demon: Inspiration or Plagiarism?
Guardian Goblin...Guardian Mountain God...Guardian Demon
In the latest drama, "My Demon," we're introduced to a guardian demon. However, as I delved into the series, a sense of déjà vu crept in. Was this guardian demon truly distinct, or did he bear striking similarities to others we've seen before?
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Questions about plagiarism first emerged when Gu Won's death scene in "My Demon" closely resembled that of Kim Shin's death scene in "Goblin". Many dismissed the notion that the writer had plagiarized the scene, citing the cinematographer had worked on both "Goblin" and "My Demon".
However, I believe the issue of plagiarism extended beyond cinematography; from the characterization of the male lead to the overall concepts, "My Demon" seemed almost identical to well-known fantasy kdramas, echoing themes, lines, and scenes from its predecessors. The writer, Choi Ah Il, appeared to borrow extensively from existing works, crossing the line between inspiration and outright plagiarism.
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Gu Won, the guardian demon, was a mishmash of characters from various supernatural dramas. His personality, appearance, and even punishment seemed like something taken right out of "Goblin", "Tale of the Nine-Tailed", and "Doom at Your Service." Beyond his Thanos-like finger snap and cross tattoo, there was very little that made him unique.
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For a writer who criticized goblins, nail-tailed foxes, grim reapers, and vampires, Choi Ah Il failed to differentiate her demon. Gu Won could've been a distinctive supernatural character with his own unique backstory or even a different style, but instead, he felt like a Frankenstein creation of well-established supernatural creatures. Ultimately, I was left to wonder if the writer or even Gu Won himself knew who he really was.
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In my field, we constantly aim to create innovative and original ideas. Therefore, I understand the fear that can come with breaking new ground. For Choi Ah Il's first fantasy drama, the fear of her original ideas not being good enough might have led her to heavily rely on existing works.
My advice to Choi Ah Il is to have more confidence in both herself and her ideas. When we put our entire heart and soul into our work, our sincerity and passion will shine through, making them more likely to be appreciated by others. We should embrace all of our "crazy" ideas instead of plagiarizing others' work. Even if our idea doesn't work out, at least we know we gave it our all. And this, to me, is infinitely more fulfilling than imitating others.
So in conclusion, "My Demon" had the potential to be a great fantasy drama, but it seemed to copy too much from others' works. Whether it's an issue of inspiration or outright plagiarism, the drama left me wondering what ideas truly belonged to Choi Ah Il. As viewers, we deserve to experience a writer's unique voice, not a patchwork of borrowed elements hastily stitched together. Going forward, I'll probably give this writer one more chance to improve her scriptwriting. I must add that if it weren't for the great cast and their impeccable acting and adlibs, this drama would've been doomed due to its messy plot and lack of true originality.
Below are some scenes and concepts from other shows and movies that are nearly identical to the ones in "My Demon". I'll let you decide for yourself if you think the writer of "My Demon" was inspired by other's works or simply plagiarized them.
(Note: I might add more later, but it's a lot of work to go through each show and screenshot everything and then compile them in a collage)
p.s. I'll post my review, thoughts, and analysis for Eps 15-16 in a few days!
Goblin The Great and Lonely God
Hooded supernatural
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2. Objects that represent the end of a human's journey...clocks instead of tea cups
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3. The mother has complications with her daughter's birth and is saved by a supernatural being
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4. In the past, the FL dies, ML kills a bunch of people, and ML ends his life. ML has memories of his past sins erased. As punishment, ML is turned into a grim reaper character.
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The quote Madam Ju said in Ep 3 about plants and seeds was similar to the one said by Ji Tak in "Goblin": Humans have four lives. A life of planting seeds, a life of watering seeds, a life of harvesting, and a life of using the harvests.
The ML's had blamed God for all the obstacles in their lives and when they finally got a chance to talk to God, God told them they didn't have all the anwers to their questions and that they didn't know everything similar to God in MD.
The FL dies at the peak of her happiness similar to how in MD, the FL's parents died at the peak of her happiness.
The FL in "Goblin" was the key to ending the ML's life as an immortal just like how in MD, the FL was the key to making the ML human.
Tale of the Nine Tailed
Supernatural ML has an obsession with desserts
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2. FL died in the past to save the ML
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3. FL's parents is involved in a car accident on FL's birthday (9th birthday in TOTNT and 10th birthday in MD)
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4. Wishes Granted By The Devils
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5. Wishes and Exploiting Other's Misfortunes to Survive
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6. FL wears object and remembers tragic past life
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7. Personal Hell is being in a world without the FL
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8. Working for the Divine as Their Best Performer
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9. Mother-like Figure is a Goddess
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10. Wearing Two Wedding Rings
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In "Tale of the Nine Tailed," The Almighty granted Nine-Tailed Foxes or Gumihos various powers, but they were bound by one rule: they must fulfill their end of the deal/contract with humans or face death. This rule aimed to prevent Gumihos from murdering humankind. Similarly, in "My Demon," Gu Won faced a similar fate. If he didn't make deals with humans, he would die. Additionally, if Gu Won murdered humans, he would also face death. In both cases, rules and contracts were established to prevent supernatural beings endowed with god-like powers from killing humans.
The concept of wanting to live or die together in TOTNT was also present in MD
In TOTNT, the FL tried to protect the ML, but ended up dying. In the present, the ML made it a mission to protect the FL to prevent the same tragic fate from happening. ML ended up saving the FL in present but died in the process...and then ML came back to life just like in MD.
ML in TOTNT came back to life/was reincarnated as a mortal human with Gumiho powers similar to how after Gu Won came back to life, he was a human with demon powers.
Supernatural leaves human because they hates their monstrous nature
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2. Supernatural watches their human sleep
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3. Human is kidnapped to draw out supernatural ML
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4. Human gets a leg injury during kidnapping
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Gu Won played "Clair de lune" just like Edward did in Twilight
Doom At Your Service
Listening to others' wishes and meeting a wisher that would change their fate
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2. Beginning of a new journey filled with hand-holding, bubbles, and water
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3. Necessaity of holding hands/wrist to recharge
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4. Creating a dream of the FL's deepest desire
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5. Celebrating a supernatural's birthday
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One of the major themes in DAYS was choices just like in MD
Hotel Del Luna
Fireflies by the lake
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FL's name was Man Wol (means "Full Moon") in HDL and FL's name in MD was Wol Sim (means "Moon Heart")
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bookbitchx · 3 months
Hello hello here's a lil rant about SJMs writing of Rhys and it driving me crazy :) (CC3 spoilers, ACOTAR spoilers, minor TOG spoilers)
I agree with your post that questions whether or not SJM was being purposeful when she created the dynamics of the IC and their allies. I personally think in order to determine if SJM is doing this purposefully its important to take all her books into account (especially with the crossover in CC3 😭 And because SJM's only finished series currently is TOG, most of my comparisons will involve that series)
I suspect that the IC's emotional journeys are still very far from over. Especially Rhys and Feyre since they have been arguing off page (which is understandable given it wasnt their POVs) and SJM purposefully included Ember Quinlan defending Nesta in the bonus chapter. Now each of these characters have VERY strong personalities, but Ember in particular comparing rhys to someone who abused her is EXTREMELY important for us as readers to note for future books. And i really hope that its because SJM is finally gonna let him be held accountable for being an ass towards his mate's sister and for meddling so much in their relationship.
Rhysand in particular out of all of the IC has probably the most potential for a good redemption arc. Hes traumatized by his families deaths and UTM in canon and it would be safe to assume his childhood in Windhaven wasn't exactly pleasant. So giving us the Archeron POVs to unpack these centuries old characters is bound to get messy due to their own lack of experience, (but it makes for good fan interaction, i see you sjm).
Rhys definitely has better intentions than the Highlords before him did, but he still has some iffy behavior that stems from needing to have control over his surroundings likely due to traumatic events where he felt powerless to save those he cares for. But that doesn't excuse the fact that he has (accidentally) hurt more people while trying to keep control. He withheld life saving info from his mate bc he didnt want her to worry, he threatened and chased Nesta from the city because she shared the info he was hiding, he stole the book from Tarquin despite the fact that he likely would have helped rhys anyway, he locked his IC in Velaris to protect them (when Amren could've solo'd anyone in UTM 🤫). All of which to me sounds like could be control issues.
Now for who I think is the closest character we have to really compare to Rhys, the MC of TOG also struggled with control issues throughout the series. And her own trauma also mirrors Rhys' to an extent, especially her family life and the fact she was also stuck without fresh air while she was in Endovier. She made bad choices throughout her story, ones that affected the people she loved directly. But when her arc concluded, she was able to make healthier decisions for herself and loved ones despite that.
If SJM truly loves rhys as much as she claims, I don't think she wouldn't give him an opportunity to heal like the one she gave to Aelin. Especially after she hinted in CC3 that things are NOT always all fine and dandy in Feysand's relationship, Feyre herself said she was furious with the IC in acosf, and the two of them have yet to discuss how Rhys' actions utm affected her.
Realistically, I don't the highest hopes for Rhys' character arc unfortunately, but a girl can dream of a better ACOTAR 😂 I wanna believe that it'll be a great series when it concludes but im hesitant in putting my faith into SJM tbh 😔 Anyway, I hope you have a wonderful rest of ur day/ night and im so excited to hear your thoughts!
I hope you're having a good day/night too!
You definitely make some good points.
I can kind of see similarities between Rhysand and Aelin, but at the same time, I don't.
Aelin, for all her faults and mistakes, had at least tried to do the right thing, no matter how misguided it was. She was selfish and reckless and ended up hurting people close to her, but she owned up to it. She was also young. She was, what like 19-20? Not an excuse, but a factor.
Rhysand, on the other hand... God, where do I even start?
It's weird because ACOTAR is so different from TOG in terms of writing, and I'm just talking about first person/third person POVs.
I honestly believe that SJM tried to make the series black and white. Tamlin Bad, Rhysand good. Eris bad, Mor good. Nesta bad, Feyre good... and accidentally ended up with a controversial mess.
I mean good for her. Publicity is publicity no matter if it's positive or negative (here we are talking about it), but yeah.
Rhysand was supposed to be this morally grey character, but she ended up making him a self praising, self-proclaimed king of feminism, most powerful High Lord with nothing to back it up.
○ He gives Feyre 'choices' only when the outcome is in his favor.
○ He claims he's all for women's freedom to choose whatever they want... yet he lets those Illyrian camps keep women as glorified slaves and praises the leaders for giving them 2 hours of training.
○ He's 'the most powerful High Lord' yet he can't control the HC, and the camp leaders barely respond to him.
○ He, Feyre, and the IC feel entitled to information that affects the whole of Prythian... for what I don't know.
○ I'm not even going to get into the acts he commits against his 'family' bc I would be here for a while.
○ He encouraged his mate to take her petty revenge on Tamlin, destroying his entire court in the process, innocent lives and homes, not to mention making Prythian more vulnerable to Hybern.
○ He got mad at Nesta for giving the mask to Bryce... isn't that what he did with the book? Except he stole it and destroyed Summer Court property while Nesta controls the mask.
You're right about his control issues, though, as was seen with Nesta every time she didn't listen to him. I can see how that would relate to the lack of control he felt UTM, but...
Did 50 years UTM getting SA affect him? Obviously. I don't disregard the trauma he went through, but I also don't turn a blind eye to the things he did UTM.
He assaulted his mate with no excuse. He could've easily left her in that cell instead of making her wear a napkin and get drunk against her will. Amarantha didn't even care when he paraded her around and only got mad when she saw them kissing.
The children of the Winter Court that were killed, I don't know why it was brushed off with no consequences because who else would have done it? Daematis are extremely rare, and somehow, there was another one powerful trapped under the mountain, but he doesn't know who? Another Daemati who was working for Amarantha and didn't call out Rhysand on the Claire Beddor lie?
God, this turned into a rant, I know, and I'm sorry, lol.
I personally don't see a redemption arc satisfying enough happening or at all really. I read somewhere that Rhysand was created after SJM's husband Josh... yk where I'm going with this.
Anyway, if you sat through this, thanks!
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sliipppy · 4 months
Warning this is a mindelsss rant and its all my thoughts slabbed into a post bc I've been re-reading the holy trinity (Batman and Robin 2009, Red Robin 2009, and Batgirl 2009)
2009 is actually the best era of batman comics for me. Like batman 2009, red Robin 2009, and Batgirl 2009 are all such bangers and it's crazy to me that it took Bruce dying for the batfamily to truly flourish but hell it WORKS. Like they're not perfect, and I have my gripes with grant morrision but I feel that comics were just really good and it will forever make me sad that these comics (especially red robin) ended so terribly because of n52. Dick and Damian make such a good batman and robin. It's fresh, it's interesting, and I loved watching their relationship grow. They even got some good Jason stuff in there. Red Robin 2009 is phenomenal and just a great character study of Tim. Batgirl 2009 introduced Steph as Batgirl and is probably my favorite DC series ever. Ironically, I think these series suffer a bit when it's revealed Bruce is alive and comes back and what not (I'm not too big a fan of batman inc but idk if that's just me.)
So dc. What I propose is that you kill off Bruce. Again. Since apparently it works really well.
kidding. That would be redundant considering he just died. Basically I'm asking for more batfamily centered stories that show that they are messy. I feel like the batfamily is too perfect nowadays. They aren't flawed. They don't fight. 2009 showed just how fucked up and mentally ill these characters were like they were oftentimes shitty to eachother but they still loved eachother ITS WHAT MADE THEM SO GOOD
I miss it sm n52 I'll forever hate you
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angelmalocaris · 5 months
Hello NEN Tumblr! Tumblr NEN fans! NENblr! Whatever you are!
There are like 5 of you at most, even when rounded up, but I have a confession to post.
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This shrine, you see this “shrine” right here? From the NEN website? (CONT. under cut)
That is MY shrine. I made that. Those objects are in my possession.
This image is sort of old. I haven’t cleaned my bedroom in awhile so I will hold off on taking new ones for the time being, but here are my Emery related trinkets I have and projects I have worked on. This is not a complete list by any means, mostly just my biggest or most well known ones.
Lets get the big stuffy fluff-filled elephant out of the room, the pillow. Yes that is an Emery body pillow! (Or dakimakura I suppose.)
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YES it is hand made! YES I do sleep with it every night! and YES my mom did help me make it! While it has become SIGNIFICANTLY more faded over time, it is well loved. That is my wifey! Of course I take care of her!
It's almost completely homemade, my mom prints t-shirt so we just printed on some fabric. There is a heart-shaped button and a few feathers in the stuffing, think like a BaB plushie.
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Enough of that, time for a walk. Here’s the Emery engraved collar!
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Real metal! After saving a bit of money and walking and hour or so, I purchased this at a store to be made by an engraving machine. Why? Because I can! And have you seen Emery? That’s definitely a critter.
I'm hungry... so hungry I could eat... an Emery!!!
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Here are three separate Emery cakes I made! Left to right in order. They're all box mix but I baked them and frosted them on my own.
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My grandma made this one. Goo Goo Gah Gah...
By now, all the cakes are long gone.
First Cake Death
Second Cake Death (My favorite!)*
Third Cake Death
*(also a remake of the first.)
Quick time event!!! Here's some Emeries I made in video games.
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Note, while I did not make the Emery Mii (Hal did) I am including it here because I think it's notable that I got to marry Emery in the game.
I have lost my membership in this time so the full outfit is not possible for me anymore, but feel free to recreate it. Its simple and the items shouldn't be too hard to acquire.
It's just 1, the Square Glasses (members only) from Jam Mart Clothing in green for 350 gems 2, the tie from Jam Mart Clothing in red for 100 gems, and the Rare Crimson Topcoat (members only). While the topcoat is marked "Rare" its quite common for a rare item and IIRC I may(?) even have more than one.
I want to update the Petz 4 Emery. I could probably make it better now and I want him to be a dog when I decide to remake it.
I have lost my old save for tomodachi life but someday I will get married to him again... just you wait!!!
You know what games are made of? Code. So are webbed sites... Usually not the same code, but you get the idea.
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This is my Emery web shrine! I will not link to it because its very old and not very good by my current standards. You can see its age by Emery being called "Telly" and some of the older artwork ( being by Hal of course.) Someday it will be made better and strong...
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and yes. I did help with some (a lot) of the code on the NEN site. I'm blaming any of the messy stuff in there on Hal though because she's the one doing most updates. Sorry Hal! Maybe learn more than some HTML and I won't throw you under the bus. I need to log on and fix up some of that in a bit. I am sure it looks like a tornado hit it from the inside.
I have been at this for months, even years now. Longer than the NEN official site even existed. A lot of this is hand made and if not that, completely out of my own pockets. I plan to continue being crazy even if my pockets are reduced to nothing but lint and moths (they have, more than once.) I love Emery Phone.
Peace and Love (except for the french, that being Emery. I will get you Emery.)
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Tschüss! Buh-Bye! Until next time! Au revoir! (Eww... French...)
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quicksilverster · 1 year
[😇] crashing ❈ yoon jeonghan
⋆⑅˚₊✎ prompt(s): crashing by illenium, bahari
⋆⑅˚₊✎ genres: a whole lotta fluff, a bit of angst, acquaintances-to-lovers!au, college!au, roommate!au.
⋆⑅˚₊✎ description: Five times Jeonghan crashes at Yejin’s apartment, and the one time she crashes at his.
⋆⑅˚₊✎ warning(s): mentions of alcohol
⋆⑅˚₊✎ pairing(s): yoon jeonghan x kang yejin
⋆⑅˚₊✎ word count: 3.4k words
⋆⑅˚₊✎ a/n: A fic I turned into a short story and into a fic again because I recently got back into SEVENTEEN. This is old, 2021-early 2022 writing, but I’m going to post it anyway because it wasn’t that bad (IMO) + I like this story. (i also apologize for the banner quality cuz it's been literal years since i made one for a kpop dude)
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The first time Jeonghan crashed at her place, Yejin was alone in her apartment, working on her essay.
Her roommate Aera wasn’t home; she was at a party or club somewhere, getting drunk and dancing her limbs off. Yejin could practically see her limping the next morning, the product of a crushed foot. She was alone in her room, sipping from a mug of warm tea as she added words in Times New Romans font onto her document. The only source of light in the room made its presence known through the glaring screen in front of her, illuminating her worn face. Melodies from her Spotify window and the clacking noise from her fingers drumming the keys were the only sounds in the room, accompanied by Yejin’s tired breathing. She leaned against the back of her chair with exhaustion, her brain fried like a skillet.
Yejin was jolted out of her reverie when the sharp rapping of knuckles against her front door resonated into her ears. Aera usually arrived home after 2 a.m. during one of these crazy social events, meaning the person at the door could not be her. The knocks were rather composed, too, given by one with a sober mind. Begrudgingly peeling her eyes away from the screen, Yejin slid her arctic feet into her fluffy slippers and headed to the front door. Gripping the door handle tightly, she swung it open to meet a familiar face, a smile frozen across his face as a result of the wintry atmosphere outside.
“It’s 11 p.m., why are you still awake?” Jeonghan bustled into the apartment chattering like a mother hen. He scrutinized her fluffy lavender pajamas and wide eyes behind her glinting spectacles. “I understand that you have work and stuff, but sleep is important as well.”
Yejin blinked blankly, watching Jeonghan tut over her apartment with a watchful eye, and dropped an overnight bag on her couch. “Um,” she managed after a few flummoxed seconds. “Uh, what are you doing here?”
“Aera sent me here,” he shrugged, carding his messy locks back. “She wanted me to make sure you’re doing your essay diligently instead of scrolling through Instagram or whatnot.”
“So you’re sleeping over?” Yejin raised a doubtful eyebrow.
Jeonghan scratched the back of his head. “Well, Aera said she might not be back until tomorrow morning, so she wants me to keep you company.”
Aera was currently dating Jeonghan’s best friend and roommate Seungcheol, so she was well acquainted with the young man in front of her. However, that didn’t mean she was entirely comfortable with the idea of him sleeping over in her apartment.
Jeonghan seemed to comprehend Yejin’s indecisive expression, for he placed his hands in the air. “I won’t do anything suspicious, I promise. Aera just doesn’t want you to be alone here.”
“Okay,” Yejin said, slipping her earbud into her ear as she continued her assignment. “Make yourself at home, I guess.”
Jeonghan grinned a broad, boyish smile, before plopping onto the couch and pulling his phone out to play a mobile game. Within a few minutes, he had fallen asleep. His snores accompanied the already existing sounds in the room.
Yejin eyed him from her workstation, her lips punctured as she wondered what her roommate was up to.
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“I’m perfectly fine being by myself,” Yejin said with as much patience (which isn’t much) as she could summon from the inner depths of her heart. However, her roommate was making it particularly difficult to be nice.
“I told you a hundred times, you need human interaction!” Aera said as she shoved her feet into a pair of heels, ready for yet another party.
“Easy for you to say, you social butterfly.”
Aera grinned proudly at the nickname she was bestowed with. “Thank you!” She said, bowing for extra effect.
Yejin fought the urge to roll her eyes. “Jeonghan hardly counts as human interaction.” She poked the yogurt cup in her hand with her spoon, denting the fragile base of the plastic. “Whenever he comes here, he only lounges over our couch, steals our snacks, and plays with his phone.”
“It’d be nice if you both become friends.”
“Doesn’t Jeonghan have a girlfriend? Are you sure it’s wise for him to be here?”
Aera fidgeted in the spot, her eyes ricocheting from the door and to her roommate. “If you put it like that, probably not.”
“You just want me to interact with him because he’s your boyfriend’s roommate.”
“And he’s a nice person, and you need his company,” Aera added hurriedly. “Now can I go? I’m going to be late.”
“Fine,” Yejin said. Aera bolted as soon as the words left her roommate’s mouth. Yejin shook her head almost endearingly as the front door slammed shut.
Half an hour later, Jeonghan materialized in her doorway with a messy hairdo and a plastic bag filled with boxes of food. The former was the result of the displeased weather outside, but Yejin couldn’t think of a special occasion that would warrant takeout.
“I heard you have an exam coming up,” Jeonghan placed the plastic bag down in front of her laptop, the smell of it tantalizing Yejin’s stomach to growl. “So I got you this.”
Yejin eyed the plastic bag, her fingers tingling to reach out and devour whatever was inside in a single gulp. She glanced upward and stared into Jeonghan’s eyes. It was difficult to maintain contact; his eyes were obsidian in color, as dark as black holes. If Yejin stared for too long, she’d get sucked in.
“What are you getting out of this?” Yejin asked as politely as she could, though a trained ear could detect the venom hiding within.
Jeonghan leaned in, his disorganized chestnut side-swept hair falling over his eyes. He fixed the navy blue backpack strap hanging from the side of his shoulder as he bent down to stare into her eyes. Yejin held her breath, intimidated by the sudden change of atmosphere.
“Your friendship,” Jeonghan ended cheekily, a boyish smile curling on the corners of his lips.
“Ha,” Yejin muttered weakly, running her hand through her long hair.
“You’re a very smart student, Yejin,” Jeonghan reached out to fidget with her laptop screen, pushing it close before pulling it up again before it could involuntarily shut down. “But it’s okay to take a break sometimes, you know. When you’re done with that assignment of yours, let’s play Monopoly.”
“Monopoly?” Yejin frowned. “We don’t have Monopoly here.”
“I noticed,” Jeonghan commented in a pained tone. “How can you not have a Monopoly board in this apartment? You and Aera are disappointments. Here,” he dropped his backpack on the floor and pulled out a Monopoly board.
Yejin raised a brow. “You brought a whole Monopoly board with you?”
“Yes, for this very special occasion,” Jeonghan said proudly. “Eat your food, and then tell me when you’re finished with your work. I’ll wait for you.”
Despite her protests, Yejin’s heart fluttered a little at his words.
“Okay,” she mumbled.
Jeonghan smiled and threw his body over the couch, unaware that he left a certain girl’s heart hammering violently against her sternum.
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A knock dragged Yejin’s attention away from her book and towards the door. Setting the paperback page down on the coffee table, Yejin stretched her sore back as her guest knocked on her door again.
“Coming,” she said, peeking through the eyehole to check. Her eyes widened a little when she recognized the mop of brown hair and swung the door wide open without hesitation. Jeonghan fell forward like a piece of domino, but luckily, Yejin caught his shoulders before he could collide with the ground.
“Get up, you’re heavy,” Yejin inhaled, catching a whiff of alcohol. She coughed, startled. “Oh, crap. Have you been drinking?”
“It was Aera,” he mumbled, his legs flailing behind him. He groaned as his palm flew to his temple. Yejin laid him gently on the couch and rummaged through her drawers for painkillers.
“What were you doing with Aera?” Yejin asked as she placed a glass of water and some tablets on the coffee table. She peered down at Jeonghan’s head from the side of the couch as his body took up the rest of the comfy furniture. From her vantage point, she could see the elegant curves and slopes that made up Jeonghan’s face. He was, indeed, handsome. She threw her gaze away in case he saw her staring, but he was too drunk to care.
“Some party,” Jeonghan said, his voice so soft that Yejin had to guess what he said through his closed lips. He had an arm over his eyes, and his voice sounded strained. Yejin raised an eyebrow.
“Okay,” she pulled at his arm to get him to sit up. “Come on, you need to drink this.”
“I don’t have a headache yet,” his words were slurred as Yejin attempted to yank him to his feet.
“You look like you have a headache. Trust me, Aera’s my roommate.”
“Can I confess something?” Jeonghan swiftly rolled over onto his stomach as he shot Yejin a smile. Or a smirk, more like, judging from the lopsided curve on the right side of his mouth.
“Okay?” Yejin gulped, feeling her cheeks pinking at the casual smile he offered.
“I actually like you,” he laughed, a bubbly note ringing through the silent air of the apartment.
Yejin froze. “What?”
“It was two years ago. I saw you at orientation and developed a crush on you. Surprising, eh? And I only saw you once but I fell deep. In love, I mean. I forgot about you, sort of, when I didn’t see you again for a very long time. And then a few months ago I saw you in the library and learned you were my roommate’s girlfriend’s roommate. You can imagine my shock.”
“Jeonghan, you have a girlfriend,” Yejin reminded him, feeling a stinging in her eye sockets.
“Yeah, I know,” Jeonghan laughed, his eyelids closing halfway through. “Funny. If only I went out more, socialized more, you know. Maybe I would’ve met you. Maybe I would’ve been dating you right now.”
“You sound so confident,” Yejin said, reaching out to press her palm against Jeonghan’s cheek. Just this once. One time, then I’m never going to do this again.
“I mean, maybe. I don’t know,” Jeonghan leaned into her hand and his lips brushed the heel of her palm. Her breath hitched and she swallowed. “Do you like me?”
Yejin grimaced, her lips embracing her teeth. “I don’t know.”
Jeonghan kept his firm gaze on her eyes, but she looked away within seconds. A sigh escaped his mouth and he leaned against the couch.
“Of course, you don’t.” He peeled Yejin’s hand from his cheek. “I’m sorry for coming here.”
“It’s alright,” Yejin said, running her fingers through his hair. “I don’t mind at all.”
“I really like you,” Jeonghan repeated, his voice fading into a soft laugh. “I just…”
A snore left his throat, and a tear escaped her eyelids.
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“I want you to be gentle with Jeonghan,” Aera said as she shoved her heels into her shoes.
“What do you mean?” Yejin asked as soon as she pulled the pen from between her teeth. Normally, she’d tuck the piece of stationary behind her ear, but that space was currently occupied by her black-rimmed glasses.
“Something happened,” Aera answered vaguely, averting her gaze from Yejin’s scrutiny.
“To him?”
“You’ll see for yourself.��
When Jeonghan came along, Yejin immediately understood what Aera meant. His fluffy swept hair was even more disgruntled than usual, vaguely reminding Yejin of a thornbush. There were dark circles under his eyes that were almost the shade of his onyx eyes and his lips were chapped and scarlet in some places, but Yejin glanced away before he could catch her staring. Despite how exhausted he looked, he still managed to smile at her.
“I’ve never seen you wear glasses before,” he said.
Yejin tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, swallowing nervously. “Yeah, well, I usually prefer my lenses.”
Jeonghan exhaled, a rough, guttural sound that shattered Yejin’s glass heart into a thousand fragments. “I broke up with Stacey.”
“Oh,” Yejin closed her eyes, squeezing them tightly. “I’m so sorry.”
“It’s okay,” Jeonghan laughed, an empty sound that undulated as he flopped face-first onto the couch. “I’m sorry about last time and for… for being here. I don’t know who else to go to.”
Yejin pursed her lips, wondering if Jeonghan still remembered his confession. Did he remember that he told her he liked her? Did he remember how she placed her palm on his cheek? Did he remember the sound of her heartbeat and the warm emotions thumping in rhythm with her blood?
“Do you want a hug?” she asked, surprising herself.
Jeonghan watched her, a small smile materializing on his face. “Yeah. I’d like that.”
Yejin accompanied Jeonghan on the couch and allowed him to sink his head into the dip of her shoulder. They stayed that way for a while as Yejin allowed Jeonghan to take the warm comfort she offered him.
“I saw her,” he mumbled into the collar of Yejin’s sweater, “with another guy. It’s only been a week since we broke up and there she is. Dating again.”
“Maybe… that’s her way of recovering?” Yejin asked meekly.
“Maybe,” Jeonghan exhaled and Yejin could feel his breath on her neck. “But it still hurts so much, you know.”
“Yeah,” Yejin stared out at the dark sky. “I know.”
“Can I…” Jeonghan shifted to a more comfortable position, keeping his head on Yejin’s shoulder and his arms around her torso. “Can I stay here tonight?”
“Sure.” Yejin pulled away to grab a cushion on the floor and positioned it under Jeonghan’s head. “Not a problem at all.”
Jeonghan looped his fingers through Yejin’s hand, and she didn’t pull away. Instead, she rested her head against the couch and watched his chest rise and fall.
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“What’s he doing here?” Aera frowned.
“No, the question is, why are you still here?” Yejin responded.
“I live here!” Aera threw her hands into the air incredulously.
“She’s kicking you out,” Jeonghan snickered. “She wants full ownership of the apartment and the cat and the refrigerator full of your delicious food.”
“We don’t have a cat.”
“He’s the cat,” Yejin jabbed her finger in Jeonghan's direction.
“Ouch,” Jeonghan used his hand that wasn’t occupied with holding a yogurt cup to slam the right side of his chest. “That smarts, Yejin.”
Even the way he said her name made her stomach soar.
“It’s true!” She argued, hoping that her cheeks remained their normal hue. “All you do here is sleep and eat our food. Just like a cat.”
“I meant,” Aera began, flapping the air when Jeonghan opened his mouth to argue, “that I haven’t even left and yet you’re already here. You usually come after I’m gone.”
“We’re having a movie marathon today,” Yejin said. “We’re binging the Larry Hatter movies.”
“Ah, that’s a classic. Have fun, you two.”
“Do you have the popcorn?” Yejin asked as the front door slammed shut.
Jeonghan snorted. “Of course I brought the popcorn. And the candy. What’s a movie marathon without candy?” He grabbed the tubs of popcorn and the colorful plastic bag and plopped onto the couch next to Yejin with a huff.
Larry Hatter and the Thaumaturge’s Rock flashed across the screen in front of them, but Yejin could only focus on the side of Jeonghan’s face. She watched the colors dance over the soft angles of his cheeks, garnering a blush on Yejin’s cheeks. Suddenly, he was watching her, but she didn’t look away.
“Is my face much more interesting than the movie?” Jeonghan laughed, a smirk dancing over his lips. Yejin fought the urge to slap it off his face.
“Why do you like coming over here?” Yejin answered with a question, her head slightly tilted to the side.
Jeonghan paused, watching her as Persephone scolded Roland for pronouncing a spell wrong on screen. Yejin watched the emotions swirl behind his irises, unable to discern any of them.
“Because you’re here,” he said.
Yejin nodded, trying not to smile at the vague answer. “Mhm.”
“Don’t make fun of me.”
“I’m not making fun of you.”
“You’re smiling,” he poked her cheek and Yejin fought the urge to lean into his hand.
Remember, he just got out of a relationship. Don’t do this to him.
“So what, you’ve taken away my right to smile now?” Yejin huffed.
“No,” Jeonghan assured, throwing his head back in a laugh. “It’s just that I can’t control myself when you smile.”
“Okay,” Yejin shrugged. She tightened her grip on her bowl of popcorn and kept a steel gaze on the movie, making sure to ignore Jeonghan’s stares and his hands.
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+ one.
One bad thing kept happening after the other.
Earlier that day, someone knocked into Yejin while she was going up the stairs and she fell, scraping her knees against the pavement. They burned like an inferno and Yejin had to bite her lip to prevent herself from crying. The person who shoved her didn’t even spare a second glance her way; she walked home limping. When she arrived home, she checked her phone and discovered that she attained a superbly low grade for one of her essays. She also received a message from one of her friends that his dog ripped apart a book that she lent him. To make matters worse, it was one of her favorite books; a book her mother had given her on her fifteenth birthday.
It was too much for Yejin to handle.
Aera wasn’t home—where was comfort when you needed it—and no one from her family was picking up. Yejin’s face was buried deep into her right palm as another hand pressed her phone against her ear.
Please, Yejin thought as the phone continued to ring in her ear.
Yejin’s balloon heart sagged in relief.
“Hi,” she swallowed. “Can I come over?”
Jeonghan’s response was immediate. “Yes.”
That was how Yejin found herself in Jeonghan’s apartment, snuggled against him on the couch with a warm mug of hot chocolate. He was playing a game on his PS5, but his arms were around Yejin like a large, comfy teddy bear. She leaned against his chest, hearing his heartbeat in sync with hers.
“Thanks,” she mumbled to him, and she could feel his heart pump faster.
“Any time,” he answered, pulling her closer to his chest.
Yejin continued to watch the characters and graphics flash across the screen. She sipped her hot chocolate as she placed her hands on one of Jeonghan’s hands, momentarily distracting him from his game. He recovered quickly and twisted his thumb so that he was caressing her palm.
He hummed in response.
“I think I like you.”
Jeonghan froze and his character died. He turned to her, ignoring the flashing message on the screen that spelled GAME OVER in red capital letters.
“You think?” he asked, voice cracking at the end.
Yejin shook her head quickly. “No, no. Not think. I do like you.”
She squirmed nervously; he was still at a loss for words. She vaguely watched his throat gulp as he swallowed.
“Really?” he asked, his voice raw and vulnerable.
Yejin understood why he was so hesitant. He had recently gotten out of a relationship—he didn’t know if he was ready to give his heart to someone else after losing it not too long ago.
“You don’t have to give me an answer right now,” Yejin assured, squeezing his wrist. “I’ll wait—”
Yejin glanced at Jeonghan’s serious expression; his jawline is firm and stiff and his eyebrows are slightly wrinkled. He stared at her for a while, deep in thought, before he leaned in to kiss her.
Her eyes fluttered shut in response. Jeonghan’s lips were slightly chapped but soft and gentle. She was frozen for a while, her mind unable to process what was happening at first. Then Jeonghan pulled away, and she grabbed his collar to pull him into her.
“Yejin,” Jeonghan said breathlessly, his hair tousled as he held Yejin in his arms. “I don’t want you to think I’m only using you as a rebound; I like you, from the bottom of my heart. Can I be your boyfriend?”
Yejin laughed at the innocent question and reached up to tuck one of his curls behind his ear. She leaned up to peck him again.
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© silver newton┊ ༑ ࿐ྂ。
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bunkernine · 4 months
hi pls ignore this if i have mistaken you for someone else and am making a fool out of myself but are you the person who wrote isosceles?? because that fic altered my brain on an abnormal and chemical level way back when and i just remembered it the other day and binged it all again and i feel like i remember there being a few other fics in that universe (one from travis’s pov iirc) and i wanted to know where they are. of course if you are not the person who wrote isosceles i am a fool and feel free to ignore this ❤️
I did, yeah.
I wrote it when i was 14 so at a certain point i didn't want to be associated with it because it didn't reflect me as much anymore. It was my big baby at the time!!! But i divorced from that a few years ago. As for the other universe fics, if i remember correctly: connor, drew, a vers where jason admits to liking him back (some point isos implied that jason DID like leo back but was too confused to do anything).... But i deleted those first because they just weren't as fun, and my own friend group was falling apart so it felt too close.
But yes, you have found me LOLOL. Isos is orphaned, but unfortunately the other fics are deleted fr. Sorry :( but thanks for enjoying it!!! 💖
(ramblings under the cut)
The reason why i didnt delete isos too was because so many people were saying what you are now. If i could, id rewrite it (both with style and plot differences) and do a whole new remastered version. Im not sure why i decided to write his senior year when i was a freshman/sophomore LOL so I always figured I would've came back to it when I was older.... Clearly I did not.
I WAS miserable in high school, at least socially. So Leo was a little TOO personal and it made me mad when i basically did what he did towards the end. I spent some time just doing some random apolleo fics. Capolleo series, so my name should've been capolleon by then? LOLOLOL i had been majorly influenced by some now-deleted fic which is why apollo is even there 💀 but now im apollos age in the fic and im like 'hmm. Yeah maybe not...'
Then there was a fic that was coming out towards the end of isos that i felt was copying me 😭😭😭 ← 14/15 yr old feelings. Who cares! But i would update and then they would update and i was so paranoid 😭😭😭 honestly, the vibe in general for valgrace in 2018 is much different than right now, and it was much more open and varied in topics. This is not to discredit the current valgrace leaders or whatever the fuck, but the vibe is just ... Pretty different.
But yeah. Im sort of using this ask as an excuse to talk about it, but isos was SO big and what i was known for within the small vg circle (outside of the text fic at the same time 💀) so i was constantly reminded of it. And dont get me wrong, i ADORED that fic when i was writing it. I was upset whenever my life was too messy for me to drop the chapter of the month. Double updates felt so ... Um. Mature and awesome, like i was a professional 💀 i wrote leo as bisexual but he had a pretty strong inclination to men because i was figuring I'm out that I wasn't bisexual but a lesbian, but I couldn't really articulate that, especially as I was dating a guy through that fic. That was some cute little endpoint i was gonna have but its reality frightened me so it was dropped... The complexities of piperleojason were insane to think about when i was like, crying at lunch in my bf's car 😭 When it was posting, i left some really crazy A/N's showing how volatile i was at the time, that i eventually deleted. But i was so proud of it and it was a comfort to write. I think the drafts were a lot more raw but people loved it anyway.
Anyway. It's been a while since I've been able to talk about this fic. People have left the most loving comments in the world and it connected with a lot of readers. Its also my only fic that had fanart and playlists and such made for it! I was so proud of that! I dont think people understand how incredible that is and it truly is the dream for fic writers!!! I have other fics that inspired ppl, but isos was the one ppl constantly flocked to or appreciated :)
I used to cry writing some parts of it and now it just feels like an old diary entry. I haven't read it in a while and thought about remaking it (probs... As college kids though) but haven't bothered. Technical-wise, theres so many things that are dropped or forgotten or are just clumsy but thats really just a maturity thing.
Anyway THANK YOU FOR ASKING!!!!!!!!! Ppl dont ask me about my fics like they used to which was the whole reason why i made this account :(((( among other things, lack of interactions in fandom have decreased so much :((((
Love love love uuuuuuuuu
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swaggypsyduck · 2 years
dyabala posted this w that emoji of mbappe getting past like 4 of their players...
like bro delete this. not only is it racist (intentional or otherwise), how are u not embarrassed posting that when mbappe nearly beat ur whole team single handedly??
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im a france hater to my core but the way so many argentinian players and fans celebrated the wc makes me wish france won it instead. the racism was so rampant it made me sick. that doesn't even account for the racism the french nt players were getting from their own people too. no offense to messi (he will never see this post), but his team fucking sucks lol. like other than di maria and him I didn't like nor care for any of the other members and especially not after those racist celebrations. not only that but the way fans were like "its fair bc of what mbappe said about south american football"... u mean the statement u misinterpreted bc u couldn't think critically for 1 sec??? like bffr. they way that those fans first instinct was to volley racism back is crazy. and ik it's not all argentina nt fans but its enough where PLAYERS feel comfortable posting captions like that and the video getting 4.6M likes...
anyways thats my hot take of the day.
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cherries-in-wine · 6 months
My thoughts on 'the cursed heart' book 1
hii I just remembered this book exists and I'd like to share some opinions. Just a warning this post contains spoilers and my writing is messy af as this is more of a rant so i apologise in advance lol. I haven't read the second book yet just fyi.
Seeing the shit everyone said about this book I was honestly expecting another smutty trash like the nanny affair but they don't even kiss until chapter 9. I think the slowburn and the sexual tension was done decently well. I thought this was a sex slave kind of situation the way everyone was talking about it but its more of a "I saved your life so you'll work for me to repay your debts" situation. doesn't really make it any better but I guess its not as bad as sex slave. The whole BDSM shit was...questionable. I don't know what's so hard to understand about the fact that BDSM IS CONSENSUAL. IF YOU GUYS DON'T TALK ABOUT IT AND ESTABLISH BOUNDARIES BEFOREHAND ITS NOT BDSM ITS ABUSE. Just fyi these options are avoidable but I just think its inappropriate to call this BDSM.
The art is GORGEOUS and I love the little story book sequences you have for the character's background information. I ADORE the side characters like longclaw and sir monty have my heart. The idea for the book was definitely interesting. I liked the sun and moon court concept and the fae. It had potential but just like all the books choices has been putting out it just sort of fell flat. I really like the names too. I know they might be little too JK-Rowling-Cho-chang-ass-names but idk I find it cute how the sun court members are radiance, lustre,blaze,gleam etc. the book has a really nice aesthetic and fae are beautiful. The outfits are stunning as well. LEAF IS THE BEST PART OF THIS BOOK.
Kieran is honestly pretty mid. I don't find them that interesting I think they're just bland. I guess that could've been on purpose because they don't have a heart and stuff but I believe they could've done so much better.
I don't like how the fae are mostly left unnamed. That just made the sun court's betrayal fall flat because I don't even know these bitches so why would it hurt that they betrayed me? like first of all that shit was so predictable and second of all when you write a betrayal you'd want it to come from a character the reader really likes and is attached to so when they betray us it will hurt and just make you feel things but because we knew very little about about them I was just like "woahhhh womp womp I'm so hurt totallyyyyy didn't see this coming you got me dude" *pretends to be shocked*.
I think the it would've been much better if they pulled a prince Aerin from BOLAS kinda route with Radiance like maybe he and the other fae sneak in at night to visit mc, they grow close and he's treated as a love interest THEN he betrays mc. That would've made much more of an impact and then it would've made sense as to why mc was so trusting when they handed him their protection charm thingy to him. Honestly I find radiance much more interesting than Kieran.
Mc is.....a dumbass to put it lightly. I'm sorry but they're so stupid and they don't even have any growth by the end. I hate the "this character's only trait is being kind so they're dumb" trope. like first of all being kind isn't a fucking personality and idk crazy thought but maybe just maybe you can be kind and rational?? like why is every kind mc so dumb and lacks critical thinking skills. yea so didn't love mc either they were just bland.
My thoughts are kind of all over the place right now (they always are) so maybe ill add more stuff later but that's all for now. Thank you so much for reading my rant <33
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streaminn · 1 year
this is chaotic sorry in advanced.
Twin anon here! I made notes while reading on my catch-up venture
Oh my god the idea that a bunch of people have to sign a contract saying wednesday can attack them if she feels threatened is so funny. Like- something had to have happened to lead to this, right? Her team realized it was the best option so Wednesday doesn’t get jailed or bad publicity but her fans just go feral anyway anytime Wednesday puts a knife to someone’s throat
Monster fucker Wednesday confirmed !!! I mean hey was it ever really doubted…
Reached monster fucker anon and that made me laugh. From a pr perspective I honestly think with what Wednesday writes her being a monster fucker would be good. I mean- that’s who she writes for, if you really think about it. Her audience is full of monsterfuckers from the normie x monster shit she writes. Sure, she has horror and what not but the base of it is still that. The question isn’t whether she’s a monster fucker it is what monster she wants to fuck her !!!
Oh my god! I got to the stalker lore stuff and I love it!!! I’m very happy to read more of it and now I have such a better understanding. I knew enid went feral but damn !!! There is no getting in the way of Wednesday and Enid. It makes me happy though that they were able to get past all of this trauma to end up in a much better place where they both can physically be together and love each other. It really speaks to how strong their relationship is like there is absolutely nothing that could ever break the two of them apart.
I have to wonder if anyone at nevermore or hell even in Jericho remember Wednesday (she’s hard to forget) and see her as this celebrity figure. Do they talk about it? Do they bring it up? Do they try to say what happened at nevermore? Are the whispers just brushed away as an old classmate wanting to hate on them? Just rumors bubbled up to ruin Wednesdays image? Or, really, would it not even be blinked at because this is Wednesday Addams after all? (some nevermore students and people of Jericho definitely have a “Wednesday Addams traumatized me” therapy group) OH or does everyone think all the old Jericho people are crazy because wednesday turned her school years into books (unknown to the public) so it just looks like they are taking what she’s written wayyy to seriously
Oh my god the short of enid in jail was heartbreaking. It cements even more how much they deserve. Like- Enid in her life has reached a state where she is so overly loved. She can play video games, laugh, smile, be jump scared and run into the arms of her *wife* at the end of it all. You did a fantastic job writing it!!!
I caught up! Only took me three hours :D
Shout out to writer anon! They’re amazing. I don’t know who you are but all the little shorts were beautiful and really well written. It’s so nice that so many people come together for fics/fandom things.
Back on my twin Enid agenda. I think my twin enid ways is just shit posting at this point. It’ll be so clear there is only one Enid and here I am in my corner tangled around in red string doubling down as if Wednesday Addams herself did not just finally announce that yes, she is married to the one and only endespair. When the Clark Kentification goes to hard smh. Doubling down by saying, you know what, actually, there is a twin and it’s just a messy triangle- No a square, because Wednesday now also has a twin. Case closed. Twin anon staying strong.
Anyway! Away from that stupidity lmao!!! Streamer enid au stays being one of my favorites! Your ideas are always so fantastic and I love thinking about these two so much. I hope you’ve been doing well!
i deadass thought i ran you off with how i spiralled the twin spin off into its whole thing
also no worries :) nothing wrong with some chaotic rambling so lemme read whatchu got for me
but yeah, there was definitely a scene during wednesday's early years where a fan got too overzealous and a contract had to be made bc she nearly stabbed someone
now its just normal to have these contracts if you ever want wednesday addams in your event
also clearly the monster she wants to fuck her is enid a werewolf, like cmon. Its not even a joke, the amount of wolf imagery is rampant in all her works
glad people like the stalker lore, it wont come up alot bc adult wenclair has moved past it but i wanted to use it to explain why enid is so easily strict on her boundaries esp with chat
as for if jericho and nevermore remembering wednesday? yeah no they definitely know her, with the amount of shit wenclair get up too its hard to forget the werewolf and its master staining their monuments red
they do crow abt it at times but they're so secluded its not really that noticeable. There are the occasional post from a disgruntled adult of long before but that's about it. Definitely looks like an in universe viper roleplayer though!
glad you like my short on jail enid, she's a little crazy but who wouldn't if you gone through what she did in that cell? luckily she got way better, so everything is much tolerable now :)
(also damn, you went through all that content in 3 hours?? i didn't think there was that much. Thank you so much for spending time to do so bc holyshit)
it was really fun :^D
ah yes, wednesday addams and her twin Viper addams. She totally has a sister who's the actor and her the author
thank you again for liking the streamer enid au so much, it was genuinely so fun building it and ot think it took like two-three months to fully build it is mindboggling!!
i'll be doing better nowadays mate, hope you have a good day aswell
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I’ve seen one half of the fandom divided between those who love Yog Sothoth (to be fair he’s the vampire version of Francis and who doesn’t look the goth vampire look? Personally, I think vampires are overrated but they can be cool sometimes, especially when I first saw Yog. I was like, “damn. They made the milkman look hotter. I like him more now”) on the other spectrum, I’ve seen fans who hate Yog’s design because he looked too ‘emo teen who’s going through a phase’.
In my opinion, I personally love Yog’s design. Mainly because I’m a goth myself and I love his goth look but compared to the other nightmares residents, Yog seemed too ‘ordinary’ out of them. He looks less of a monster than the others which is why I can find some redesigns of him. But maybe that’s the point. I feel like Francis prides himself into to keeping things simple so that’s why Yog looks more ‘human’ among the monsters.
I actually came up with some redesign ideas myself. I just prefer not to post it here cuz I’m not comfortable posting my art on tumblr anymore. My version of Yog is that he has more of a trad goth look with black messy hair, longer and sharper incisors with a white ruffled top and black pants with blood dripping down his chin onto his shirt. He has bigger pointer ears but with more spiked studs and red irises.
Another idea I have is to give Yog more batlike qualities such as a bat’s nose, bat wings and bat ears (his bat ears perk up when he’s excited about something).
Another idea I have is to let Yog keep his human trad goth/vampire appearance when he’s not hunting. When he’s out for blood, he’ll transform into this monstrous bat like demon with the wings, sharp teeth, talons with lots of black fluff.
I'll be honest, anon. I'm one of the people who don't like his design. It just feels so out of place and I don't even think it fits him. I know he looks like that because of fanservice but IMO you can have fanservice AND still make his design fit the monster theme better. Look at how many people simp for Abducius. Also, I just don't think its hot. Not a huge fan of goth/emo style, at least for Francis. The only thing I like about his design is that it matches with Steven's nightmare form and my little Milkplane heart will take whatever that connects them together.
I want to redesign him too. Nothing crazy, but I just want him to look like an actual vampire and not a literal eboy lmao.
If you want to share your redesign privately, can you dm me? I'd be interested to see but I understand if you don't want to.
I like the bat-like idea for him! That sounds so cute tbh.
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My thoughts on Russian Doll: Rewatch Edition [Part 1]
I had forgotten how unexpected and jumpscare-y the first time Nadia dies is.
I could be at the best party of my life, surrounded by the people I love and who love me, and yet I would spiral into a sadness dissociation. Nadia is just like me fr. (I know the trauma was very recent but you get what I'm saying)
I love that homeless guy so much you don't understand. I don't care about the ex though.
Nadia, why are you sitting in such a vulnerable position when you've already died once?
It's actually so much interesting to see the people around Nadia slowly lose their sentience as the universe continues collapsing their reality. A great example of it is Maxine. You can see how much this timeloop affects everyone, best through her. There's subtle changes (maybe this needs a post of its own)
Love that she still thinks it's the drugs and not just the misfortune of being the victims of universe's educating spree.
I think something worse than dying again and again is dying in the same way multiple times. These goddam stairs.
Imagine being Maxine and your friend is just acting full on CRAZY crazy.
Giving new meaning to "It's my party, and I'll cry if I want to"
Going to the Rabbi. I think I would start going to priests/pandits/any other terminology used for them, if I was going this insane as well. I can't figure out if she's Jewish me or not though. As much as I can remember from my first watch, she's not. (I don't want to repeat the part.)
My favourite thing about Nadia, as a protagonist, is that she's not a saint, she's not likeable all the time. She has a lot of fuck ups, even if she's suffering at the whims of the universe. Normally, female characters aren't allowed to be raw and messy and human is such manner. Really shows you the difference in a show made by a woman and a show made by a man.
MY MAN IS HERE. Boy, you have a lot of loser energy but I love that so come here, baby.
"Like, if you weren't paying me, I never would've spoken to you" Wow. That wasn't even said to me and it stung so bad.
He has this deep sadness in him. An aching to keep his life in control, to be understood, to keep things as they are. It's an impossible thing to do, to accept that you can't avoid change.
"You fucked the gingerbread man?!" "Don't call him that." "YOU CALL HIM THAT." BAHAHAHA
Love the way Nadia finds Alan's name. Just based on the fact that he's uptight and way too routine oriented.
Death by electrocution. Jesus fucking Christ. That's horrible.
YES, MY BOY. Go completely unhinged. [<- Just threw his stuff like a normal person instead of rearranging it like a serial killer]
"Okay, check it out. I gave everybody here an opportunity to tell me I'm a bad person. Nobody did it because I fucking rule, so... there goes your theory." This is going to be my mindset for the rest of my life. Impostor syndrome who?
I love the little details since Ep1 of how this loop is affecting the real world. The people disappearing, the food rotting, the animals disappearing.
Going the route of making the main male and female characters a Weirdo duo >>>>>>>>>>
"I don't know who the fuck you are, I don't know what's going on here, but either you two suck each other's dicks or get the fuck out of my apartment." MAXINE THE QUEEN YOU ARE.
"Nobody chooses me. I'm the hole where a choice should be." This hurt me. Hit too close to home.
The way Nadia is slowly being consumed by the grief of this reality of hers. Seeing John have his heartbroken again and again. It's just. Your grief just doesn't affect you, it affects everyone, it consumes everything around you. (I wish I could articulate my thoughts and feelings better. I struggle to even form coherent sentences these days)
"You created an impossible game with a single character who has to solve everything entirely on her own. That's stupid." "Watch and learn, baby face." This is what we call foreshadowing.
"I can fuck you better than Mike" My boy you need to be awake first.
It's about community and love and connections. And how we as social beings need other people to survive and thrive and be safe. In every way, the physical, emotional, we need people. We cannot be loners. That's not a viable way of living. The moral of the story is let others help you, believe that the world is a better place because you're in it.
Not just that but a sub plot (the building block to the major plot in S2) that no matter how much you suppress your inner child, no matter how much you try to forget them, they're still within you. You cannot take care of your present self or improve things for your future self until you acknowledge the child.
It's just, how beautifully it is shown the importance of human connection, loving and caring for others, why it is the utmost responsibility as humans to keep each other safe and well. Humans didn't come all this way without that love and compassion, and this recent trend of hyper-individuality has really fucked us over.
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