#its my brainrot and i get to choose the headcanons
d33zn33tz · 2 years
My WTTT / WTTSH headcanons because I'm mentally ill...
Florida is part alligator. Not a lot, only a small percentage, but still. He's got small patches of scales on places like his ribs, his hips, shoulders, shoulder blades, and his tail bone (haha). His teeth are also sharper than normal, but not noticeably so.
New York is a trans guy. That's it. He's a trans guy. <3
California has BPD. This is just me projecting, but whatever. His fear of abandonment is made worse by the fact literally nobody likes him. But that's fine, because I like him. He's my babygirl <3
Texas loves teaching people about cowboy hat etiquette, but he's talked about it so much that nobody wants to hear about it anymore. He loves his cowboy hat and cowboy hat etiquette <3
Cal used to steal Texas's cowboy hat and wear it, and Texas flusters every single time. He doesn't know if Cal knows the rule or not, and he doesn't want to tell him.
(Cal absolutely knows the rule)
Florida also steals and wears Texas's cowboy hat. He makes it clear he knows the rule. Texas repeatedly rejects him because he thinks it's funny. No harm done.
California has little bear ears under his beanie!! They're adorable!! He's adorable!! I adore him!!! <3
Florida has a crush on Texas
Florida has a crush on Louisiana
Florida has a crush on California
Florida has a crush on Alaska
Florida has a crush on New York
Florida had a crush on Hawai'i. She rejected him and they both moved on.
Florida has an Alligator stuffed animal.
Alaska is part moose and has the little ears and horns under his hat! He's also got the tail! He's precious! And such a bitch! <3
Texas is short, but buff. It's one of the things Alaska makes fun of him one. He's the second biggest state (land-wise and muscle-wise) but he's SHORT! He's 5'6 and will kick anyone's ass.
Would it be cruel of me to make New York part rat...?
Fuck it, I'm doing it. New York is part rat. He's got the tiny ears, his eyes are red, he's got a tail, his nails are more like claws, etc etc.
That's all I have for now. If y'all wanna add to this, feel free! :D
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playasmo · 1 year
how would they name their children???😩😩😩
how the obey me brothers would name their children
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disclaimer; these are my personal headcanons, feel free to tell which names you liked the most!
edit;;i posted the side characters version too! go check it out if you want <//3
genre; fluff
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lucifer would either name the baby with a variation of his name, or homage somebody or something dear to him
if it’s a boy, lucian or lucius. both names means light, if it’s a girl, he would call her lilith. danica is a second option: the name means morning star.
he would either name his baby after something expensive. another option is mashing up your names together
if it’s a boy he would go for midas, which means touch of gold, or straight up fortune,
if its a girl, esmeralda which means emerald. or diamond, the name speak for itself.
definitely name his baby to reference something he likes. some people may think he would name his children after an anime character he likes, but that is not the case
if it’s a boy, henry without a doubt, the name means house ruler. he would also like christopher, to simeon’s joy, which means bearing christ. very very ironic.
if its a girl, mira, which means ocean. he also likes umiko, a japanese name that means child of the sea.
he takes inspiration from human literature and would name his baby after a character or author he particularly likes.
if it’s a boy, william which means protection and desire. he chose it because of william sherlock scott holmes, probably the most famous fictional detective in the history of literature, it’s also a reference to shakespeare. another boy name is dante which means everlasting, after the italian poet dante alighieri, that wrote “the divine comedy”, which is set in heaven, purgatory and then hell.
if it’s a girl he would name her juliet which means youthful, another tribute to shakespearen literature. emma, after jane austen’s book, is also a name he likes, it’s means whole or universal.
he only choose the name if it’s pretty. often goes for floral and fancy names that sound aesthetically pleasing to him.
if it’s a boy, narciso which means of narcissus, named after the myth.
he briefly considered cupid but he threw away the idea and choose a simple but pretty name like prince, which means royal son.
if it’s a girl, regina which means queen, or bellerose which means beautiful rose.
he is a family-oriented person, and will try to pass his values to his children.
if it’s a boy, titan which means defender. despite being the name of a fruit, he also likes açaí which means weeping fruit.
if it’s a girl, ohana which means family in hawaiian, another name he consider is belarmina which means beautiful armor, he choose it because it’s starts with ‘bel’, just like his and belphegor’s name.
big fan of space-related names, it’s even easier for him since there are a lot of stars and constellations he can get his inspiration from. like lucifer, he would also try to pay homage to lilith.
if it’s a boy, sirius which means glowing, named after the brightest star in the earth’s night sky. he also likes badar which means full moon.
if it’s a girl, a name variation of lilith, something like lilithe or just lili. he also likes alrisha, one of the brightest star of the pisces constellation, since pisces is his and beelzebub’s zodiacal sign.
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apollothesunrat · 3 months
That moment when after weeks of TMNT brainrot, you get hit with sudden Percy Jackson/Heroes of Olympus brainrot and now your thoughts are genderfluid Percy and nonbinary Nico and a hell of a lot of headcanons. Now I'm sharing some.
Thats all my mind is now. Along with gnc Leo who will wear literally anything, Percabeth wearinf matching dresses, Piper and Nico friendship. Percy steals Annabeth's clothes cause they're similar in height and stature due to training. Piper lends Nico some of her clothes wgen Nico first comes out cause Nico is wary about buying their own fem-type clothes at first due to internalized transphobia(this is helped by Will and their friends supporting them unconditionally).
Its all demigods. And Zeus bein a dick, and only calling Percy and Nico he/him. But hey, at least Poseidon and Hades are trying!
Another headcanon, despite Triton claiming to hate his half-sibling he always seems to have a sense as to what pronouns Percy is using whenever he visits Atlantis and he always gets Percy's pronouns right. And whenever Percy switches midday, Amphitrite makes a point to make sure Poseidon knows and doesn't fuck it up. (we need more of Percy getting along with his seafam. Give me nice step-mother Amphitrite and protective half-brother Triton)
I have so many things to say.
Percy, Nico, and Thalia go thrifting together to get new clothes. They choose thrifting cause: 1.None of them like Hot Topic or Spencer's prices or stuff, it just isn't exactly what they like, 2.Thrifting allowing them to also pick up stuff for their friends as well, 3.It's easier to find actual vintage type clothes when thrifting and easier to diy some other clothes they find. All in all, the three of them just find a lot more when thrifting than compared to anywhere else.
Sally hosts monthly Big Three Kid sleepovers and monthly "The Seven + others" sleepovers. She and Paul love having demigods over and have given both of their phone numbers and the home phone number to Chiron incase any Campers(especially Percy's friends)need a quiet/safe space. She sends containers of blue cookies to all of Percy's closest friends on their birthdays.
Clarisse and Percy friendship!! They respect eachother and have friendly spars often. And if they send eachother Birthday and Christmas gifts? No one has to know, it would ruin their rivalry setup! Except everyone knows they do respect eachother.
This is all for now. Might post more headcanons and maybe even drawing later on.
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we had a chef MC headcanon, now how about M6 when MC made them a meal but it tasted just downright horrible and MC is just kinda oblivious to it, asking M6 with the brightest, most innocent smile "Do you like it?"
i hope you have fun writing this if you do choose this humble request
- 🌼
The Arcana HCs: When MC is a terrible chef
~ this reminds me of the time when teenaged me combined old rice, hot dog chunks, cold broccoli, and buffalo sauce (in one bowl!) for a late-night snack. thank you for the giggles this gave me, yellow flower friend, let's hope I pay them forward! - brainrot ~
-- to set the scene --
Somehow it's been one of those weeks when everything in your food supply begins to reach its end or expiration date at the same time. You know your regular grocery shopping is tomorrow, and you have an extensive list prepared, but dinner is up to you tonight and you don't have anything comprehensive planned. It looks like it's time for your famous "everything but the kitchen sink" stew. You've only made this in the past when it was just you in the shop and you were still figuring out how to cook, but you remember it being fairly edible.
(Continued below the cut)
You get some beans boiling (there hasn't been time to soak them), add a cup or two of vinegar to soften them faster, dice the not-molded parts of a tomato and onion you found at the bottom of a sack, and rinse the slime off of some wilted greens before throwing them in. You're craving something spicy, so you dump in the rest of your chili sauce, but when the steam makes you tear up you scrape out the rest of the mayonnaise to even it out. It was starting to smell funky anyways. Your hand slips when you add the salt, so you pour in some honey to counteract it, and in a final burst of inspiration, you plop in two bananas that have gotten too mushy to eat. The signature suspicious scum of your original dish is just floating to the top of your soup when your beloved returns, hungry from a day of work.
Too happy to see you to notice the poison on the stove at first
The words die in his throat when he does. Tell him it's a potion. Tell him it's a curse. Tell him it's a prank. Don't tell him, don't tell him it's ... it's dinner, isn't it?
He watches you happily ladle a generous scoop of your curdled concoction into his bowl and gulps. He loves you. He's got this. He will eat your food, he will tell you it's delicious, or he will die trying
He's starting to get caught up in the poetry of it as he sits down across from you. Like a lamb to the slaughter, accepting the sweet taste of death from his beloved's cruel hand - stew isn't supposed to be sweet, oh god why is it sweet
But for his darling's delight, he will overcome -
"Julian, is everything alright? You look like you're about to go on stage."
"Oh, is ah - is that what I look like, my dear?" He's pale and sweating at this point, poorly disguising the tremble in his hand as he brings his second glass of water to his lips
"It's my stew, isn't it?" you dolefully lift a gelatinous spoonful and watch it fall back into your bowl with a sickening squelch. "I remember it tasting weird, but not this weird ..."
"No, no!" His voice cracks against his will as he sees your sadness as proof of his failure. "It's delightful, delicious - worthy of the gods, even." You hear him mumble a prayer for forgiveness under his breath and drop your spoon
"I know when you're acting, Julian."
"Ah, so I - so I am. You know -" he stands abruptly, his chair falling behind him in his haste. "I just remembered that Pasha invited us for dinner tonight. Shall we?"
He's never been so happy to see you walk out his front door
They can smell it as soon as they walk into the shop and are immediately concerned. That is the smell of death. Why is the smell of death in your shop oh no - "MC? MC, where are you?"
"I'm upstairs!" Thank the patrons, you're okay
Then again, maybe you're not, considering how perfectly comfortable you seem standing over whatever monstrosity is releasing toxic vapors into the atmosphere. Is that ... soup?
Color him intrigued. He's doing his best to hide a laugh and find a way to ask what enabled you to create something so terrifying out of simple kitchen ingredients without insulting you
"So, is this recipe an MC original?"
"Yep!" You smile at him cheerfully, seemingly oblivious to the stomach-churning way that the chunks plop from the soup spoon into their bowl. "I always make this when we're running low."
"You've made this before?" They're starting to get concerned again
"Just a few times, when you were on a trip. Do you like it?"
He takes a bite, so intrigued by the way it seems to wriggle down his throat that he tries a second. "I've never had anything like it."
"What do you think of the mayonnaise? It smelled a little funky ..."
We have mayonnaise? They wonder, but on the outside they're still smiling. "It certainly adds to the experience. Is this ... banana?"
"Yeah, it seemed too mushy to eat on its own, so ..."
Asra sets down his miraculously empty bowl with a loving smile. "MC, you shouldn't have to do the cooking so often. Let me help out more often."
She doesn't know how it's come to this. Nobody knows how it's come to this, when the Palace kitchen is kept fully stocked and there are chefs available at all hours
But you had said that you missed your home cooking, and she had given you full access to the backup kitchen to do as you pleased, and - ah, the only things kept in there are leftovers
That would explain the stench
Speaking of, her respect for your resilience has reached new heights. How you've been able to survive on your own is a mystery to her. Please tell her this isn't how you ate for three years -
But you seem as deathly serious as the radioactive sludge that's churning in her fine china like a lava lamp, and she realizes that this is going to be a labor of love. She must eat her fill and do so with elegance
You watch her bring the daintiest (read: tiniest) spoon of slime to her lips, pausing to test the aroma before setting her jaw and putting it in her mouth
Oh, look at that, she's already eaten her fill
"MC, my darling, what do you say to an evening walk? It seems I haven't the appetite to dine at this moment, how about a stroll around the palace gardens? The night is still young."
She's relieved at how easily you agree, deeply concerned by the fact that you've already finished half of your bowl, and eager to get you out of the palace so that the maids can make dinner disappear
She's going to lose sleep for the next three months about whether or not she should be honest about what happened to your soup
There's now a bald patch in the grass behind the kitchen that hasn't been able to grow anything in three years. There's a rumor that stepping on it will release a stench so foul that you won't be able to eat for twenty-four hours afterwards
He's not too worried. He used to eat spoiled food out of the trash heaps all the time as a kid, he's sure he remembers how
But he's a little surprised that said rotting food is being actively cooked. By you. Seemingly in a choice made of your own free will
He wasn't expecting ... this, but a quick glance around the hut makes it clear to him that nothing terrible has happened, that you seem perfectly sane, and that you don't think anything's wrong
Well, you seem to trust your cooking, and he certainly trusts you, so ...
He side eyes Inanna's dramatic performance of whimpering and pawing at her nose, eventually turning to let her back out of the hut as you serve your bowls with a smile
He takes a glance at his serving as you dig in. Asra still talks about the time he ate a whole chili pepper without flinching - he can do this. He picks up his spoon, scoops up a jiggling chunk, and eats
You're a little surprised at how quickly his bowl disappears. You're not really enjoying your food yourself, but you're not going to judge his strange enthusiasm
"Muriel? If you're still hungry, there's more on the fire ..."
"I'm fine." He's getting out of his habit of depriving food of himself, but in this case, refusing to eat is a personal kindness
He drinks several glasses of water while you finish your dinner, asking you about your day and trying not to grimace at every silent burp that pulls the aftertaste back into his mouth
Inanna buries the rest after the two of you go to bed. Nobody knows how she managed it without opposable thumbs, but everything is possible for a wolf desperate to preserve her nose
Her brother might be an award-winning actor, but her flair for the dramatic only goes as far as silly little bits designed to make people laugh and pretending that she isn't about to punch somebody
She is a woman who knows her mind, her heart, her strength, and her limits. This is a limit, and she is doing her best to pass it
You can tell right away that she doesn't want to eat what you've made. You've never seen her smile look so uncomfortably tight, and you certainly didn't miss the way her stomach heaved when she leaned over the pot to take a closer look at your creation
But she's insistent on going through with your evening, even steering you towards the kitchen table and serving the bowls herself. She tries so very hard to mask the look of revulsion on her face when different chunks of stew jiggle at different frequencies
She places your bowls on the table and lifts her spoon, waiting for you to take the first bite in the hopes that your eyes will be opened and you'll insist on eating something else
No such luck. You're two spoonfuls in, so in the spirit of keeping an open mind, she loads up her utensil and shoves it in her mouth
You weren't expecting to be sprayed by the choke that seizes her, but sitting across from her puts you in the splatter zone and you're quick to give her your napkin and ask if she's okay
She nods weakly, looking slightly green. "MC," she says, "you are definitely stronger than I imagined." She takes another look at the gelatinous blobs on her table. "Stronger than you need to be."
She dusts off her hands and practically drags you out of the cottage. "Let's eat out tonight! My treat. And I just had the best idea for our next date night - we should take cooking lessons together!"
He notices Mercedes and Melchior acting up on the way back to your campsite, but doesn't have any idea why until he gets a whiff and - oh, that is nasty
Some kind of skunk jacked up on magic must have done that, never fear, MC! He's here to save the day now - what do you mean that's dinner? That is not dinner. Dinner is not supposed to smell like that
He's not sparing a second to consider manners or acting. Lucio calls it like he sees it, and all he sees is poison
"MC, do we have to? It smells so bad, look at it MC, just loo - bleugh - no I'm not being dramatic! The smell made me gag for real, watch!"
And he leans over the pot again, just to take a deep lungful and subsequently let out the most visceral gagging belch you've ever witnessed
"See? It's bad, it's really bad, and I don't want to eat it! Why are you being so mean to me, MC?"
To be honest, you're not particularly excited to eat it either, but it's all you've got until you make it to the next town tomorrow, so you tell him as much as his pout slowly deepens
"Fine, I'll do it. I guess it can't be that bad if you made it -" He watches the way it slops into his bowl and gulps. "I take it back."
Sure it's a little spicier and clumpier and saltier and sickly sweeter than you planned, but you're able to stomach it just fine
And to your surprise, Lucio can too. He complains loudly the whole time, but his whining somehow grants him the ability to eat three full bowls
"See, you ate so much of it!"
"Well of course!" he puffs out his chest proudly. "I'm the best. At least it's not as bad as what we had in the army. But - MC?" he looks at you with pleading eyes, "please don't make that again."
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sharkl-e · 3 months
MK1xF1 AU – by Shark :3
alright alright it is FINALLY HERE but before we get started in this big ass post, just a few silly disclaimers !!
expect some MAJOR inaccuracies (this is mostly for my diehard f1 fans hello :3),, i am by no means an expert, in fact i got into f1 VERY recently so pls bare with me
lets understand that, from a physique standpoint, tomas and kuai WOULD NOT REALISTICALLY BE IN F1– however we choose to ignore that for the sake of the brainrot teehee
not every character will be included, so pls don't get mad at me if your fav is not in this AU– its a working AU and these are all coming off the top of my head
anyways, enjoy me yapping!
just a few definitions to understand the positions and other terms i'll be using throughout this post :'D
Team Principal – basically owns the team, kind of self explanatory HAHA Race Engineer – these are the people that speak to the drivers while they're racing! now, realistically speaking, every driver gets their own race engineer, but in this case i haven't done that bc,,, well there's only so many characters :') Pit Lead – another self explanatory position, but this is the lead/manager of the pit crew! (is this an actual position ?? idk but we're going with it) Formula Series – so Formula 1 isn't the only race in the series, there's also F2 and F3– these are the races you basically go through before you get into F1! there's other races in the series, but these are the ones i'll focus on. Drive to Survive/DTS – this is a netflix series revolving around F1 and i will say its the most dramatic depiction of the sport + all the fake hate between racers shown ?? and using clips and such out of context ?? yeah you get the picture.
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Team Principal : Hanzo Hasashi (i know it says mk1 but shhhh) Race Engineers : Bihan Pit Lead : Syzoth Racers : Kuai Liang and Tomas Vrbada
Mercedes comes up as a long time rival to Oracle Red Bull Racing and Ferrari Scuderia– expecially with such a close bond between the brothers. Bihan started off as the team's strategist before his farther stepped down as race engineer, thus banding the baton to Bihan and making him the youngest race engineer on the grid. Tomas and Kuai are steady but strongly defensive racers, Tomas joining in a bit later in the game starting as a rookie reserve driver for Mercedes in the first half of the previous seasons. Now they fight on together in the world of F1 side by side as a strong unit.
extra! - i remember reading someone's headcanon abt kuai liang being taiwanese,,, so im gonna say bihan and kuai liang are half chinese half taiwanese (chinese dad, taiwanese mom), and so in this case, kuai liang would represent the taiwanese flag while tomas ofc represents the czech republic flag!
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Team Principal : Jackson "Jax" Briggs Racers : Johnny Cage and Kenshi Takahashi
Before Oracle Red Bull Racing's renaissance in the new generation of F!, Ferrari Scuderia was at the top of their game for years and years. With Johnny and Kenshi being in the sport much longer than the newcomers, it's no denying that they are the winning classics of every race season– many looking forward to their assertion in the races. Johnny drives more aggressively, though with a lighter bounce in his step, a bit of bantering almost while he's racing wheel to wheel. Kenshi, on the other hand, is smooth and sly in the way he overtakes every racer, always sidling just behind a racer's line. Although they've raced for much longer, they still hold true as being one of the big three amongst Mercedes and Red Bull Racing.
extra! - 100000% johnny and kenshi do not work well at first when they become team mates, and people honestly would've preferred them as rivals in opposing teams– but over time they'd put aside their differences and slowly find out that they actually work really well together, despite their opposites in driving style and personality.
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Team Principal : Geras Race Engineer : Liu Kang Racers : Raiden and Kung Lao
Oracle Red Bull Racing saw its first golden age with now race engineer Liu Kang, setting the standard for F1 in his time and winning world championship after world championship, dominating each race until his retirement as a racer. Today, Raiden now follows in his footsteps, and alongside him his childhood best friend, Kung Lao. Starting out, they weren't actually in the same team– opting to race against each other in opposing teams to keep their rivalry alive once joining F1. Over time, and after many second driver switches, Kung Lao finally joins Raiden in Oracle Red Bull Racing, making them THE golden boys of this generation's Red Bull racing team– an absolute killer duo to fight against long standing Mercedes and Ferrari.
extra! - irl, red bull is NOTORIOUS for constantly switching out second drivers, and so kung lao would get a lot of flack– and his first year in red bull would not be as great until around the second half of the season :'))
here, i'll be explaining the timeline of each of the racers' moves throughout the teams– this is going from 2020-2024 (and to preface, whenever i do talk abt mk1xf1 stuff, assume its all taking place in 2024 unless told otherwise). im gonna pray all of this makes sense HAHA
*also there's usually two drivers per team ofc, but i cannot be bothered to do any placeholder drivers for each team, so the second driver can be up to your interpretation!
kuai and kenshi in aston martin (have been since 2019 as well, maybe 2018 i havent fully decided)
johnny has been in RB toro rosso for a year since 2019 (technically speaking its called visa cashapp rb now but like,,,, you guys that name is so awful LMAO)
raiden and tomas enter into their first year in F1 in williams
kung lao enters his first year in haas
TEAMS Aston Martin : kuai liang and kenshi takahashi RB Toro Rosso : johnny cage Haas : kung lao Williams : raiden and tomas vrbada
kuai and kenshi stay in aston martin
johnny stays in toro rosso, and tomas makes the move to toro rosso
raiden moves to mclaren
kung lao stays in haas
TEAMS Aston Martin : kuai liang and kenshi takahashi RB Toro Rosso : johnny cage and tomas vrbada Mclaren : raiden Haas : kung lao
kuai makes the move to oracle red bull racing (BY THIS TIME liu kang is actually still racing, and retires by the end of the 2022 season)
kenshi makes the move to williams, alongside kung lao
tomas and johnny stay in toro rosso
raiden stays in mclaren
TEAMS Oracle RB : kuai liang and liu kang Williams : kenshi takahashi and kung lao RB Toro Rosso : johnny cage and tomas vrbada Mclaren : raiden
raiden moves to oracle RB after liu kang retires, kuai stays in oracle RB
kenshi stays in williams
kung lao moves to RB toro rosso to replace johnny, tomas stays in RB toro rosso
johnny goes to mercedes
TEAMS Oracle RB : kuai liang and raiden RB Toro Rosso : kung lao and tomas vrbada Williams : kenshi takahashi Mercedes : johnny cage
mid 2023 – 2024 (current)
johnny signs into ferrari in the middle of the '23 season
kuai liang signs into mercedes in the middle of the '23 season
kung lao signs into oracle RB, raiden stays in the same team
kenshi then signs into ferrari by the end of the '23 season
tomas signs into mercedes for the '24 season
TEAMS Oracle RB : raiden and kung lao Ferrari Scuderia : johnny cage and kenshi takahashi Mercedes : kuai liang and tomas vrbada
Misc. Stuff :D
this is where it gets super fun bc now i yap EVEN MORE abt the extra shit in this AU
the ages✨ bc i assume everyones curious abt this perhaps HAHA and this is in conjunction with being in the current year 2024 and these are all ranges bc,,,, im indecisive and dont know what age to actually make them
liu kang and geras : late 30s, very early 40s (maybe like,,, 37-41 ??)
hanzo hasashi and jax briggs : early 40s perhaps
kuai liang and johnny cage : late 20s, early 30s (so kuai around 27-29 and johnny 29-32)
kenshi takahashi and bihan : early 30s (maybe a year older than johnny ? like if johnny is perhaps 30 then kenshi would be 31– then bihan is liiike idk 32-33)
kung lao, raiden, and tomas vrbada : early-mid 20s
the rookie trio !!! lets get into it :333
raiden, kung lao, and tomas all entered into F3 around the same time! they moved up in the series and all entered F1 the same time as well (for my F1 fans, think of them as lando, george and alex)
as ages go, raiden is the oldest, then tomas, then kung lao being the youngest of the three :3 and for laughs– tomas 10000% holds it over lao's head that hes older than him (probably only by a few months too HAHA)
this isn't specific to the rookies, but theres a "twitch quartet" (twitch streaming btw) in the irl world of F1 (lando, george, alex and charles), and so in this AU, the twitch quartet would be the rookies + johnny cage bc i think that dynamic is absolutely hilarious HAHA
these three would be considered the new era of F1, whereas kuai, johnny and kenshi are considered the older bunch teehee
liu kang as a racer oooohhhh AUUUUGHFDK
liu kang would've been absolutely ICONIC during his time, think sebastian vettel– that's his kind of notoriety
so when he announced his retirement, it would've absolutely devastated the F1 community, even if you weren't a liu kang or red bull fan, it would still hit you where it hurts
he'd truly set the bar standard for what an F1 driver should be like idc idc
but when he announced his return as a race engineer for the oracle RB team, everyone cheered :3
the controversial era that is 2023-2024 + the hit netflix series Drive to Survive
i know for an absolute FACT that when kuai and tomas signed into mercedes there was a lot and i mean A LOOOOTTT of speculation and hate for them bc of the familial ties
and perhaps a similar issue with johnny joining ferrari bc i headcanon him to have some italian roots (so people would speculate that he had someone in the inside idfk LMAO)
but this would be CAAAANDY for the show Drive to Survive bro it would be HAVOC
speaking of DTS– once kung lao signed into Oracle RB, they 100000% villainized him and even made it seem as though he wanted to take raiden's spotlight as the first driver (which is not the case holy hell HAHA)
but with that, a lot of fans that came from DTS despised kung lao, and probably still do– they just refuse to see that they're literally childhood friends LMAO
some dynamics stuff and jumping between eras and whatnot bro this is getting way too long HAHA
at the beginnings of his F1 career, tomas would be EXTREMELY tense and even tone down his playful personality to come off as more "serious" and professional– but when he joins RB toro rosso with johnny, he aaaaabsolutely helps him out of his shell and proves to him that you don't have to be so serious in the sport. it would just be a lot of pressure on tomas' part to prove himself, esp with being in kuai's shadow :')
and in a similar note, when kung lao joins williams with kenshi, he kinda learns a bit of humility from kenshi and brings down his rowdiness, actually hone it to be a better driver in the long run. AUGHGHKDFJ dude kenshi and johnny as mentors heals my soul idc
kuai and kenshi in aston martin would have been KIIIILLLEERRR they would've put aston martin as actual competitors in the constructor's championship LIIKEKEK so iconic + they'd be the heartbreakers of their time with the two being at their prime and much younger UGH
LAST THING I PROMISE this is just a bunch of extra tidbits if you care to read– and if you've actually made it this far uhhh,,,, congratulations BAHAH
kenshi has sensitive eyes, so he has his helmet visor specifically tinted for that + does wear shades inside and ykw its a godsend the Ferrari is sponsored by Raybans HAHA
to tie to that, johnny just has AT LEAST two extra pairs of glasses on him, and he says its for himself but really its just in case kenshi somehow forgets his own shades somewhere or his own pair broke (ya gotta love them)
raiden and lao's rivalry is IIINNNSSAAANNEEE haters can hate all they want, but their on track fights are so incredible to watch and people think its a miracle that they're still as close as ever
ALSO BRO madam bo would have 10000000% funded their karting career SHES THEIR NUMBER ONE SUPPORTER IDC WHAT ANYONE SAYS !!!!!!! she sponsors them too, is always in whatever commercials they do and theyre your typical cheesy but memorable asian commercials
random but with raiden and kung lao both being chinese, they both represent the chinese flag, and so did liu kang !!! you'd catch them all in cantonese– though unfortunately cannot speak much with kuai since he speaks mandarin HAHA
during their time in williams, lao and kenshi definitely taught each other their own language just a bit, but lao definitely learned most of the "bad" words in japanese LMAOF
johnny italian yes (cmon just look at his nose) ??? and he's fluent case closed– but also its funny to see his onboard videos of him gesturing to other drivers when he's angry
bihan has the same notoriety as toto wolff– he's the one mf everyone simps for and ISN'T AN F1 DRIVER
this has already gone for a long time LMAOKSJDFH but if you have any other questions or would like me to make some comparisons of the actual drivers vs. the characters, my ask box is open !!! anyways thank you for reading this LOOOOONNNGGGG post and i hope to make more mk1xf1 content :'))))
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danyvhell-writes · 1 year
Hi hi hi !! Idk if ur TS headcanons asks are still open (I am, so so sorry if not) but if they are I was wondering if you could do some Pirate Ais Au? >:3 I saw that idea in one of ur other posts and i think the idea is just MUAH MUAH
It could just be general Ais headcanons or X Mc :0 anything with him just being a pirate because bro I just love pirates so much 😭 they are SO COOL and Ais as a pirate captain is just ??? Even better ???
Anyway, I hope you have the best rlly good day 🫶
Pirate Ais AU 🏴‍☠️ Touchstarved
GN reader - no warnings | Yes my asks are still open !!! So happy you liked my idea :') OMG OMG OMG WHERE DO I EVEN START ?!!!!? The brainrot is real and fueling eachother with ideas like that is making it even better (or worse u choose uefgzifguz). As a kid who was obsessed with pirates and a current One Piece fan, your ask is exactly what I needed, thank you so much ♥ This AU is more joyful than what's seen of his canon life so yeah, hope you'll like it ! Okay, ready to sail ? Let's go !
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• First : the ✨fashion✨. Ais could be at sea for weeks but would still make sure to look good, real good. I mean look at him ! He even has a pretty hat he wears on special occasions ✧.
• In this AU, Ais has his crew but is still affiliated to Ocudeus. Instead of being the spirit of the Seaspring, Ocudeus is literally the incarnation of the sea depths, a whole big Kraken ! Its energy, force and magic are linked to the abyss.
↑ Ais powers manifest differently here. Instead of seeing through the eyes of others, Ocudeus gave him some sort of marine omniscience. He can use the kraken's senses to a certain limit, a real advantage for navigation. Bro can literally listen through the sea itself if he wills enough :') He must have seen a lot...
• Ocudeus isn't the only spirit of his kind but is genuinely intrigued by mortals. It's not his first time forming a pact with 'lower beings' but Ais is actually one of his favourite holders/vessels so far lmaoezoihf. He kinda cares about the pirate, who's the closest thing he has to a friend.
• His ship is his second home, he takes absolute care of it. If his whole crew has to stay up all night to tidy & wash everything from top to bottom, they will ! And of course, the ship has a japanese name ! Ais named it "Hayai" [速] cause she's the fastest boat you'll ever see (his words not mine). First time you hear him talk about her you're like "...Wait who's Hayai ?" "This big girl over here >:)" and he shows you his amazing ship with a proud smile, which you really weren't expecting !
• Loves, loves, loves to travel ! Any new destination in his adventures is a reason to explore more, search for information and mysteries. He's just so curious about everything :')
• He picks up expressions, phrases and languages from his previous trips ! If he can remember as much as possible, he'll note everything in his log.
→ After every daily island/town tour, he makes sure to write a little about what happened so far. How much they traveled, how much they visited, how much they learned from passengers and citizens.
• Ais originally comes from a village on a small island, lots of yokais live in there as a community.
• He moves a lot but always comes back to his hometown when he can ! He's someone who gets attached and I just know he'd never abandon his little village.
• As a captain, his main role is to make sure everyone's fine. He checks up on his mates whenever he feels something might be wrong. He's got a sort of sixth sense for that... wonder how he got it hm 👀
→ Being the big softie he is, he actually really likes sleeping in the same room as his whole crew instead of his own cabin, he knows they're safe with him so he feels way less stressed. (Would 100% read bedtime stories to the youngest members.)
• His goal isn't even to find treasures or anything, he simply enjoys the freedom of being a pirate, the message behind it and especially the sailor fights !
• Knows how to sword fight and is pretty talented at it ! If you want to learn one or two tricks, he'll teach you >:)
• That man already had the smell of blood, smoke and metal well... in this AU it's even worse ! His smell is so distinctive and strong, anyone could recognize it from miles away.
• Our boy enjoys a good drink, we know that. Almost every night all his gang gather around and share some booze together in a comforting atmosphere, around a small fire. They enjoy the night together while chatting, playing games and much more !
→ Of course they also share tea in daytime when they're not busy navigating or whatsoever.
• Could also fit in general hcs but, his tattoos move or/and glow at specific moments. Sometimes it's like he's bioluminescent, when he goes in water at night, completely in the dark, his skin starts to glow under the moonlight. First time it happened he was so confused zegbkzuhf.
• After his pact with Ocudeus, he started to feel even more at peace when closer to the ocean. If he stays away from shores or marine areas for too long, little oni starts feeling homesick.
• He really appreciates collecting small objects from his travels. His room is full of souvenirs, strange artefacts found in the sand, small treasures, sea shells, cards from around the lands, old books in foreign languages, cultural jewelries offered by locals etc...
• Never really sets up a specific destination, except if he needs to. He loves the adrenaline of finding new places by complete hazard.
• Ais being a pirate who doesn't like seafood, the most accessible food at seas, is well... ironic.
• The sound of seagull chants and waves soothes him. He usually falls asleep on the deck, sunshine on his skin with the sea rocking him gently.
• First time you come to see him, it's one of his crewmate that tells you about him but you don't even know he's a captain ! You see him for the first time and you're just "Helloooo sailor ! How can I join your pirate gang handsome?"🥴
• Every single member is attractive. That's it. It's not the biggest crew really (around 20 people) but the diversity is here. Young ones, old ones, skinny ones, fat ones, pale skin, dark skin, humans, monsters, all the types really. And yes, some tried to woo you (how could they not, MC is 10/10).
• Kids on the ship view you as the cool unty (is that the gn term ?). Ais thinks it's cute except when you start spending more time with them when he originally invited you over…
• And yes, Princess & all his other soulless are here !!! Now they're more some sorta semi marine creatures. They really like to swim and it's the cutest thing :') Like, Ais and his pets swimming in the sea while some are playing in the sand ??? Too cute for me I-
• Talking about our favourite girl, she's the mascot of the crew ! Everyone is so in love with her, she's everyone's precious lil baby (even tho she can and will bite). They'll sometimes try to dress her up to fit their aesthetic and surprisingly she doesn't seem to mind. Also, the sounds she makes are…a mystery !
• Okay but just picture it : Ais hair flowing into the wind while he's watching the horizon, hues of the sea reflecting on his skin looking so peaceful.
• Thinking about his jolly roger, it would be a oni skull surrounded by red eyes with two teal sabers behind (I did a lil sketch hehe) :
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• His favourite thing to find are old maps ! Especially if they lead to ancient locations with unchanged names. He has a lot of them and it also might be why he gets into a lot of fights (maps are a treasure themselves so of course people are gonna take risks).
• Even if he's young, he has a big reputation among other pirates. Rule number one : Don't mess with him or his crew. Number two : If you want information there's always a price to pay ! He's nice and generous but hey you know : don't except mercy.
→ Known for his loyalty tho ! If you show that you're worthy of his trust, he'll be your best ally for the rest of your life. He's intimidating but full of qualities.
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non-bee-knees · 2 years
I've got ScarVi brainrot so here's a list of headcanons that live rent free: (a lot of it is Larry and Giacomo based (my beloveds) )
Nemona is autistic
Penny is trans (mtf)
Arven has dsylexia (formed off of that one moment at the end where he forgets the name of something, paired with his apparent bad grades)
Arven's mother/father (Vi or Scar dependent) 'died' when he was young - they got caught up in their studies and the time machine went all fucky and POOF no more parent. Back then the technology wasn't advanced enough to make an AI version ((for example, I played Scarlet, so this headcannon applies to Turo getting sucked into the future, make sense?)) Arven was only young when this happened
Larry is Asexual Biromantic (fight me)
Giacomo lives with Larry- his uncle.
Giacomo is actually Unovian - his mother was from there (his father was Paldaen), and he grew up there. Something happened to his parents (they died??) and he moved to Paldea to stay with his uncle. This was all about 3 years before the story of ScarVi. ((this entire headcannon changes location if we get an Italy region because i said so))
Larry smokes; he almost always refuses to smoke at work, whether is his salary job, his gym work or at the Elite Four Tower - the one time he smoked at work was at the Elite Four Tower, ( it was a hard day) and he almost instantly got caught by Hassel
For as emotional and as sweet as he is, Hassel is the most passive agressive man alive; case and point - he will bring up Larry's smoking any chance they're alone, hoping to subtly annoy him into quitting ( this does not work)
Giacomo and Arven become good friends once Giacomo starts going to school more often (Arven has a Mabosschiff, you know Giacomo is gonna be all over that)
Giacomo has ADHD (chaotic music child my beloved)
Atticus is Autistic ( BECAUSE JUST LOOK AT HIM)
The Gym Leaders in order of age are: Larry/Brassius, Ryme, Kofu, Tulip, Katy, Iono and then Grusha (who's in his early 20's)
In terms of including the Elite Four: Hassle is the absolute oldest, Rika is a bit older than Grusha, and Poppy is obviously the youngest. Geeta falls between Kofu and Tulip.
Geeta absolutely drags everyone away on a fully funded week-long vacay every year - that one random episode of Brooklyn 99 style
Larry is just as bright and interesting as the rest of his coworkers, he's just awkward about it.
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xxneilserr · 10 months
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Im really brainrotting my fnaf AU that takes place in the fnaf 2 pizzeria! My headcanons so far!!;
Toy bonnie and Bonnie are together, start out not on good terms but eventually learn they have a lot in common and really like each other.
Toy bonnie and Toy freddy are exes, it was mutual but toy freddy still has some unrequited feelings for BonBon.
Toy freddy is a TERRIBLE singer, like truly awful. Bonbon was meant to be the singer but management thought it would be too confusing for customers. Toy freddys Singing Voicebank is muted during preforming hours.
The withered animatronics are kept as mentors and used for parts and really nothing more. They start out dispising the toy animatronics for this. Eventually, BonBon asks management to allow them to roam the building as long as they keep it quiet and dont disturb anybody.
The Withered animatronics are not on very good terms, they will tolerate each other but if they dont have to talk to one another they won’t. They may have small talk but that’s it.
Toy bonnie and Toy Chica are BESTIES.
Foxy and Balloon Boy have a Father-Son/Guardian-Child dynamic.
Mangle chooses to be a puzzle for the kids and enjoys the creativity and attention.
The puppet is very quiet and doesn’t get along with anyone really. They are most friendly to children and human staff but that’s about it.
Withered Bonnie was somewhat a player at their old location, thus why the withereds can’t get along very well. He has since tried to make ammends to no avail.
This isnt everything but its everything i could think off the top of my head!
In my AU, none of the animatronics are possessed and are simply sentient robots. When i reference characters I find attractive or mention dynamics, i will NEVER be referencing the Canon storyline. I will always be referring to collective au’s and animatronic personalities developed by the fandom, NEVER the canon. Thank you! 🩵💜
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lilac-dawn-103 · 1 year
Draco Malfoy Headcanons
(Because it's time for the revival of my Harry Potter phase)
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Hey so,, Hi. This blog has been sat postless for too long so to hell with waiting to think of aesthetic things to post. Have some Draco headcanons because I've been having crazy brainrot recently. Hope you enjoy~
(this is assuming he isn't an absolute prick like he was intended to be in the books.)
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- Dimples. He has the cutest damn dimples anyone has ever seen. People don't often see them because he doesn't smile quite bright enough, but they're there and it's vv cute.
- Silver jewelry. Mostly rings. There's a couple that he never takes off but then he has afew that he switches out depending on what he's wearing.
- Speaking of clothes,, bro has a stupidly good sense of fashion. If you want an honest opinion on an outfit, go to this man. As for himself, he takes forever in the morning to choose the perfect outfit, and he always looks good.
- Has a thing for glasses, inexplicably so. He just finds them generally adorable. For some reason though, he does find thick-rimmed glasses much cuter.
^^ To follow up on that, he also does random things for his partner if they have glasses like pushing them up or randomly taking the glasses and cleaning them.
- With his partner, his arm always manages to find its way around their waist. He finds it very comforting to keep them so close, plus it's a sort of instinct. It's very cute if he's just with his partner in the library looking for books and his arm snakes its way around them.
- If, miraculously, he knows any Muggle music, it's definitely stuff from the 60s and 70s. Probably jazz in particular. He just gives those vibes.
^^ Favourites are probably Frank Sinatra and maybe Elvis??
- Building upon him knowing about Muggle stuff, I feel like he'd really enjoy slushies?? Maybe it's in a streak of rebellion against his father's perfect vision for Draco, but he loves a slushie. His favourite is probably blue raspberry, though he hates that it makes his tongue bright blue.
- Since Narcissa is probably quite busy alot (rich people things idk-), so when he was younger Draco learnt how to style hair. He does his mother's hair pretty often and he's actually very good at doing it. His speciality is probably braids; quite easy to learn at a young age and you can do lots with them.
^^ Because of this, if you have long hair and you're a close friend of his, you best believe he'll style your hair for you if you ask. He even carries around a couple of hair bands in case.
If his partner has long hair, he loves to just play with it and run his hands through their hair to relax. He also randomly does little braids in their hair, and finds it quite theraputic.
- Poor thing probably has some kind of anxiety. I think it gets worsened by the pressure his dad most definitely puts on him. Draco always seems abit fidgety when it gets close to the Christmas and Summer holidays because he has to go back to such high expectations n such. (Poor boy :((( )
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And that is all! Probably could think of loads more but I need time for my brain juices to start working more. Anyways, hope you enjoyed! :))
Edit: forgot to tag @sugarschnaps since they came up with some of these headcanons, so... Ty bestie love u mwah
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echoesofaheart · 27 days
mind for the character ask game!!
yippeee mind my beloved
First impression -> ok so hes the protective type. type of guy to villainise himself because he views it as the only way to move forward
Impression now -> chews on him. he is so so so stressed. all of the time. he needs a nap. he needs to transition. hes convinced that heart and soul would kill themselves the second he took a break
Favorite moment -> storm and a spring, specifically the part where he sings with heart. aka the musical panic attack
Idea for a story -> i have so many. you don't understand. but uhhh. mind and soul playing dressup. doing each others makeup. having a sleepover
Unpopular opinion -> uhhhhh. i don't really keep up with popular opinions but. idk. i think he can be a lot softer than some people portray him, but he needs to show that softness through several layers of plausible deniability
Favorite relationship -> you can't make me choose /silly. however. i feel obligated to choose mind and soul. given i accidentally plagued a friend with mindsoul brainrot
Favorite headcanon -> whyyy do i have to choose. okay. i'm just going to put a few here: mind frequently finds himself getting up in the middle of the night to make sure heart and soul haven't relapsed. mind loves digging, its fun for him. he swaps clothes with soul sometimes. hes fascinated by heart's wings
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d33zn33tz · 2 years
Thaddeus Thawne headcanons because the brainrot still hasn't gone away.
-His favorite colours are green and purple
-He had a crush on Tim, and has a crush on Kon.
-He might've had a crush on Cassie too but was honestly too scared of her to explore the idea any further.
-He's transmasc and bisexual
-He learned to skateboard by watch Bart and Tim, but was actually good at it (unlike someone *cough Bart cough*)
-He hates shirts with sleeves and wear exclusively tank tops.
-In addition to this, if he ever acquires a shirt with sleeves, he will simply cut the sleeves off. No matter what, he will cut the sleeves off.
-He listens to Insane Clown Posse and his favorite songs are Chop Chop Slide and To Catch A Predator
-He also likes Fuck The Police by Kottonmouth Kings featuring ICP
-He and Kon bond over ICP and other bands they like (Kon's favorite ICP song is In My Room and I Want My Shit)
-He refers to Bart as his twin sibling/brother, and anytime someone tries to "correct" him he gets really really upset because "GOD DAMNIT, THEY'RE MY BROTHER! HE'S MY SIBLING, HE SAID SO HIMSELF! THEY REFER TO ME AS THEIR BROTHER, WHY DON'T I GET TO DO THE SAME!?"
-He adores animals a lot, but doesn't want any pets because he doesn't think he could take care of one.
-On that note, he loves the song Cops / Dogs by Destructo Disk
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adaptacy · 1 year
Survivor!Leland Headcanons
AKA: Post-TCSM Leland
Cw: Angst, wound scars, injuries, trauma, death, self-damaging behaviors, mention of s/h & sewer slidal thoughts
the brainrot is real and im sorry lee but you are my angst voodoo doll, luv ya bb :(
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Important Notes:
I h/c that only he and Connie survived because they're the ones who escape in most of my games, but honestly most of these can go along with whoever you h/c survived- unless you h/c that Leland died... uhm... but then idk why you're here so.. gonna pretend that's not a thing
Also h/c that him and Sonny were definitely dating... you can't convince me otherwise. the whole relationship with Ana was totes a cover up cause it was the 70s but he was still close with all of them, ofc.
~ ~ ~
Leland was strung up by his ankles for ~2 days in that basement. He still has bouts of dizziness for years after, and he can't go on rides that go upside down because a) trauma and b) he gets really really sick and really dizzy easily. He also has motion sickness as a result of this.
He has trouble smelling things sometimes- like, most of the time, it's fine, but if its something a little faint, he can't smell it. He was surrounded by such a thick stench of rotting meat and death for a while, and it ruined his sense of smell. He also gets nauseous easily when there is a very strong smell, especially if its something like roadkill or even just the smell of meat, like if someone is cooking and the smell is too strong.
He was a vegan for like 4-6 months after the incident because he could not eat meat without thinking about the family, what happened to his friends-- what they became. It made him horribly sick, and he refused to eat meat ever again, but it didn't last.
See, even though he was taking iron supplements to make up for the lack of meat, he was having more trouble exercising. and he was exercising a lot. He didn't ever wanna be weak again. He didn't ever want to be unable to defend his friends, to save them, to fight back. So he worked, and worked, and worked. Punching bags were his go-to. Leland is not an angry or violent person, but he wanted to hone his technique just in case. He couldn't risk letting anyone of his friends/family be in danger again.
However, due to his vegan diet, he didn't have the energy required for how much he was straining himself. And he'd get sick because he wasn't eating filling enough meals for all the calories he was burning.
Eventually, choosing that his strength was more important, he started eating meat again, but it took a long time before he was able to eat it without reminders bubbling up. Like... a year and a half. And even then, it happens sometimes. When he bites into something that isn't cooked all the way through- he can't eat boiled chicken, or meat stews because the meat is too soft. Before the incident, he loved medium rare steak, but now he has to eat it well-done because seeing the pink, or worse, seeing the red juice leak out whenever he bites into it immediately sends him back to watching as the family ate human meat.
Physical Scars:
He has scars from the wounds he suffered. Two long ones on his back, from where Johnny sliced him, as well as a smaller one on his right chest from sissy, who also gave him one above his right eyebrow, and one on his left hip from Nubbins. And while he also had other smaller cuts and wounds, those were the ones that were large enough to actually leave scars.
However, he's dumb and will not let them heal. His doctors warn him that he needs to take it easy so his body can repair the damage, but he can't risk letting his strength suffer. So, he works out, far too hard, and every time that his scars get anywhere in the healing process, he'll end up accidentally tearing them open again when he punches too hard, or stretches too far, etc. In the first two months, there were a few occasions where he'd be at the gym, working out as per usual, and he'd feel the wounds rip a little, and then someone else would come up to him to let him know that he's bleeding. For a while, he had to pack extra shirts to change into because his blood would soak through his shirt and he'd need to change it.
Fortunately, after enough time, they stopped bleeding when he irritated them. But constantly opening them back up led to them being a bit larger than they would've been, and far more coarse. As well as sensitive- and not in a good way. It genuinely hurts if too much pressure is applied, plus feeling the pain in that exact area puts him right back in the emotional state he was in when they were dealt.
Sometimes, if he's in a really bad depressive episode, he'll push on his scars and irritate them just to be reminded of everything he went through. To remind himself that it was real. Sometimes to remind himself he'll never be the same. That he'll never be anything more than a survivor, than a victim.
Mental Scars:
Surprisingly, he doesn't develop anger issues. He develops a lot of other problems, and he'll have 'fits', but he doesn't get angry, or violent. He'll kind of just shut down, but its easy to see the way he goes from super friendly and grinning to leaning back in his chair, his eyes somewhat dark, staring off into the distance. It's easy to bring him back by just saying him name, or tapping him on the shoulder, but it does happen.
He's put on a lot of medications, mostly for his injuries, but the only ones that stick past the first year are anti-depressants, anti-anxiety meds, and meds to help him sleep. He also meets with a therapist- he's cycled through a few of them, and he started out meeting with them twice a week, but after 3-ish years, he only meets with them once a month. Not because he doesn't need the help- but because he doesn't like revisiting the topic so often, he's trying his best to move on with his life.
He has really bad nightmares, as is to be expected. He'll wake up in cold sweats, and thoroughly believe the sweat is blood, that he's back in the basement, covered in a mix of his own blood and the blood of his friends, and he'll rush into the bathroom, taking off his shirt to check his scars, but they're still just scars. He has to check every single one of them to make sure they're not bleeding, even when they haven't bled in years.
The survivor's guilt is real with this one. He'll see something that reminds him of one of them, and for a while, he'd even go to call them whenever something happened, his hand barely even touching the mounted phone before he remembers. Remembers that they're gone. That they're not coming back. And he wishes it were him. He wishes he'd died instead of them, even if it just brought one of them back.
When he was still trying out different medications, he suffered from a lot of suicidal ideations. He's normally a really cheery guy, and he felt like it was wrong to feel bad- he felt like he wasn't being the person he was supposed to be when he was sad. And that made him feel like a failure. And he didn't want to keep letting people down. Fortunately, he never tried anything, but it happened sometimes when he really missed them, too. He just wanted to see his friends again. Wanted to be with them again. But he'd gently remind himself he survived for a reason, even if he didn't know what that reason was all the time. Sometimes he lived because he needed to carry on their memory. Sometimes he lived because he needed to protect others like them. Sometimes he lived because he knew they would want him to. No matter what the reason, he survived. And he knew he needed to keep surviving.
He spends a lot of time volunteering at an animal shelter. He doesn't really talk about it to anyone, it's just something he does. He originally started it because his first therapist recommended that he find a hobby that gives back to the community so he can feel like he's doing good, and volunteering at an animal shelter was one of his options. He figured he liked dogs, so he agreed to volunteer for a month just so his therapist would shut up about it.
Well, even after he stopped going to that therapist, and cycled through three others, he still volunteers there. He originally only wanted to work with the dogs- maybe take them out on walks, help feed them, etc. But he really enjoys playing with the cats, too. He finds it way more therapeutic than he originally expected, and he does like that he's helping animals who need his help.
He ended up adopting a 3-legged rescue mutt, and he named it Jacs. Most people assume that it's spelled Jax, but it's not. It's named after his friends- and while its bittersweet, the dog picked up on the name and responded to it near immediately, so it stuck. He brings Jacs everywhere that he can, even brings him to the shelter sometimes and the other volunteers absolutely love him.
Going along with the h/c that he and Connie were the only survivors, but this can be made to fit whatever your head canons are. He and Connie, for a while, stayed pretty close, and helped one another get through all of the lasting effects. But, after a while, the relationship faded. They still meet up, but its rare, and its usually a somewhat tense encounter.
When they were all teenagers, heading off to different colleges, they promised to stay friends forever. And it worked- they stayed friends throughout college, meeting up during holidays, and even had their college graduation party together. And they stayed close friends until the end.
Leland feels guilty. He feels like he's not honoring their promise, and sometimes, he wonders if Connie even remembers. He can't blame her if she doesn't, it was a long time ago, and a lot has happened since then. And he doesn't want to make her uncomfortable. But Connie is the only living reminder of the group, and she just keeps drifting. She has a life for herself, and she's clearly moved on, or at least is trying to. Leland isn't as good at it as her. He constantly misses his friends, and wishes he could've done something different. Leland feels like he's stuck in the past, and everyone else keeps moving forward. And the one person he can talk to about it who really understands is falling through his fingers.
He has trouble building relationships with people. There's always that knowledge that he'll never love, understand, or know anyone else like he knew Jules, Sonny, and Ana. He has friends, of course, but romantic relationships are practically nonexistent for him. He's tried- he's dated here and there, but he feels like any partner he gets will always deserve better. Deserve someone who doesn't have so much baggage, who isn't hung up on the past, who isn't wrecked by anxiety like he is. Because of that, he can't commit to relationships.
It sucks, cause he always wanted a family. When he was younger, if you would've asked him what he wanted to be when he was older, his first answer would've been 'football player', and then it would've been 'dad'. He loves kids, and he loves the idea of settling down, but it feels impossible for him to do.
So, for the time being, he has Jacs, and that's enough for him.
The Notes:
He'll write notes to his friends sometimes. Especially to Sonny. He'll tell them about how his life is going, and how Jacs is doing, or tell them about a new restaurant that they'd love, promising to take them someday. And when he's done, he puts them in a box under the bed. At the end of every month, he burns all of them. It doesn't change anything, but it makes him feel better. Makes him feel like they're still friends.
He always burns them in his fireplace. He'll sit on the carpet in front of it, and Jacs will lay next to him, resting his head in his lap. And Leland will sort the letters out depending on who they're addressed to, and then he'll burn them in batches. He even writes them to Connie sometimes, telling her that he misses her and wishes they were still close like they were in college. He'll even fall asleep on his living room floor as the fire eases into ash and sparks.
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stars-tonight · 27 days
-long, romantic match up please!
-my pronouns are she/they, and id prefer to be paired with a male
-ideal: someone whos really outgoing/chatterbox who also enjoys listening to you but like also the type to tease u as a joke. I LOVE when their love language is also acts of service or words of affirmation. Absolutely love when they remember things about you even if its the little small details.
-im like lowkey an introvert when you first meet me but i get loud and rowdy with u the more we talk. I’m a pretty blunt person, i say whats on my mind a lot and just love to talk (i cant deal w awkward silence or ill leave the room 😭). i ALSO LITERALLY WOULD MESSAGE U BACK SO FAST BC IM CHRONICALLY ONLINE HELP. I WOULD SEND U MY WHOLE TIKTOK FYP OR INSTAGRAM REELS.
-hobbies: listening to music/making new playlists, writing and drawing, lounging watching a show
-love languages: quality time (receiving), acts of service (giving)
-ideal date: having a cute picnic on the beach
-other inclusions: i sometimes wear glasses! , i enjoy small forms of physical attention like holding hands, i love cooking and baking and eating… a lot, i am a Sagittarius, my favorite genre to listen to would be a mix of everything (currently like hype/rave/techno music!!)
I choose 🐈‍⬛ for my anon emoji!
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🥛 tendō enjoys a bit of fun teasing with his friends and opponents
🥛 but he's also a really good friend, as seen with ushijima
🥛 he's more than willing to carry the conversation but also happy to listen to you
🥛 i think tendō just doesn't like awkward silence (he doesn't like people feeling uncomfortable if that makes sense) or overly emotional scenes
🥛 he'll definitely try to lighten the mood
🥛 you can't tell me he doesn't also spend an absurd amount of time online
🥛 brainrot ☠️😭
🥛 while tendō has a lot of energy, i feel like on a day to day basis he'd prefer to stay inside
🥛 like if you're not actively going on a date, he likes staying in with you and chilling
🥛 watching movies with popcorn (he pours melted chocolate over it and it's really good)
🥛 you'd make the craziest playlists with the most random songs and it's so fun
🥛 like that one spotify playlist that makes up an entire mcdnoald's order??? right up tendō's alley
🥛 but on dates he likes to be active like an amusement park or going to the beach
🥛 the picnic idea is so cute!
🥛 tendō doesn't strike me as someone big on physical touch so small gestures like holding hands are what he prefers
🥛 it's great that you love baking because he can teach you his favorite recipes!
🥛 you can also experiment together with some of the chocolate he makes
🥛 and you'll always be the first to try a new chocolate he makes
runner up for you was bokuto kōtarō!
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yuukei-yikes · 1 year
Do you have any headcanons regarding Seto and Shintaro's relationship? Mine is that Shintaro actively looks up to Seto as a great guy an friend and someone who inspires him to grow as better person (definitely not me projecting lmaoo) and Seto notices it even if Shintaro doesn't says anything about it, and tries to encourage him to hang out with the gang more and be less of a shut in antissocial. Our Honey Choice from the Sweet Anthology gave me brainrot regarding their friendship and Seto doing his best to help Shintaro improve is too sweet for me and i can see it happening in my delusional mind (i want to dream)
YESSS YESSSS UR SO RIGHT!!!! ive never given their relationship much thought but ur SO right. i think seto is the chatacter with the least exploration in general and ofc his relationships as well. its strange because he's one of the very main characters (HE DESERVED A BACKSTORY NOVEL LIKE KANO AND KIDO😒😒😒😒😒😒😒)
I think anthologies are where seto gets the most love honestly. i love how everyone's always gushing over him!! our honey choice is a great example (also awesum shinene moment where shintaro says "im indebted to her" i always thought he was gonna say he'd like to buy her something...but whatever sniff sniff)(sorry if i dont mention ene i die) and also the great white day strategy where shintaro follows seto around while he gives back for white day!! and idr the name of this one, but it's one where the dan is all choosing what they'd be in a videogame setting. and they all say seto would be the prince/knight LOL
ANYWAYS SETO AND SHINTARO yeah!!!i agree, shintaro would look up to seto. even in the novels he comments something about seto being really normal LOL i think shintaro wants to identify so hard with being an unemployed idiot loser and he sees seto, Prince Like, Buff, Employed, Handsome, Naturally Just Really Nice and shintaro's like AUUYHGHFJFHH but i think if they ever have a heart to heart abt it seto would be like Comparing yourself is violent... you don't need to try to be like someone else just be comfortable in ur skin.... just fucking dazzling him and shintaro's like Oh my god.
there's a drawing (or writing) prompt in here i think. i think seto should take shintaro to the gym. im putting it out there
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pizzapasta23045 · 2 years
Okay okay okay hello
I would like to say something about this here post from late January about Kaeya choosing between Khaenri'ah and Mondstadt.
Kaeya is an extremely complex character with and extremely complex past and a turbulent relationship with loyalties. We all know this.
While some people do want to see him become a villain, and others want him to be one of the heroes, I am here to tell you that no matter which nation he chooses, he will be both.
Khaenri'ah shows up, knocking on Mondstadt's front gates, and Kaeya oh so kindly opens them for them - he's a traitor to Mondstadt, it's archon, it's people, yes. But he's also a hero to his birth nation. He is simply doing his job, fulfilling his destiny, being loyal to the people he came from.
Alternatively, Khaenri'ah comes knocking and Kaeya chooses to put his sword against them, slaughtering any abyss creature who tries to harm Mondstadt - Kaeya's seen as a hero to Mond, staying loyal to the people who took him in as one of their own, his family, their archon. But he's a traitor and a villain to his birth nation. As many headcanons as there are, none of us can actually know whether the people of his motherland were cruel and heartless to him or if they were warm and loving. If they were the latter, just imagine how harsh that would be - to love someone and place all your hope in them, only to have them turn against you mercilessly.
I would also like to point out that Khaenri'ah and the abyss aren't really enemies of Mondstadt. Yes, they attack the people, but they attack the people all across teyvat. They're not necessarily planning on overthrowing the city, but instead aim to target Celestia. Archons, on behalf of Celestia, destroyed the nation of Khaenri'ah, killed all its people and cursed the rest. If Khaenri'ah comes knocking, they won't be targeting Mondstadt, or Liyue, or Inazuma or any other nation for that matter - they will be targeting the archons and Celestia itself.
I believe that Kaeya would not step in to stop them here. If the people of Khaenri'ah target Celestia, Kaeya will not intervene, because, like it or not, those are still his people who witnessed the cataclysm and lifetimes of cursed suffering.
I do however believe that he would intervene if Khaenri'ah decided to target the people as means to attract Celestia's attention. Kaeya has deep bonds with the people of Mondstadt. He loves Diluc, his brother adopted or not, even if they can't show it because they still grew up together. He loves Klee, would do anything for the innocent little child to prevent her from finding out the harsh realities of the world. He loves Jean, and Rosaria, and Fischl, and Bennett and he loves the elderly, who all love him in return! They are his people, whether by birth or otherwise, they are his. And I believe that he will protect them if he has to.
Will Kaeya protect Venti? No. Hear me out, they may be drinking buddies and get along very well, but Venti is still an archon. Barbados is not Kaeya's god. And in the situation where Khaenri'ah is attacking, Barbados is who Kaeya would be looking at, not Venti the bard. This does not, however, mean that he would attack him either. I believe Kaeya would just stand back, observe how his two identities fight against eachother, and hurt and feel victorious simultaneously no matter what the outcome is.
Because that's who Kaeya is - both a traitor and a hero no matter who wins and who loses.
Thank you for reading my brainrot, I'm sorry it turned out to be this long, I lost myself in the writing.
Yours sincerely,
- 🌙
Yeahhhhhhhhhhhh! Exactly!
Like... It's not simply a black (khaenri'ah) and white (mondstadt) choice, it's a complex moral issue, there's a reason he was very apprehensive in choosing and agonized over the decision for years! It's not just like "Oh ok I'll choose Mond because they're my real family and shit."
It's soooooooo annoying because a lot writers remove all the moral aspect from it and don't even, you know?, consider that maybe a child of nation whom was (most likely unjustly) destroyed by celestia would want to... you know? Try and oppose them? Like mah dudes... mah bros you can't just say oh yeah but they raised you, it's not that simple.
Also, Khaenri'ah's plan doesn't HAVE to include destroying Mondstadt, nor the rest of Teyvat for that matter. Like, most Khaneri'ahns don't seem to want that and I legit can't find a logical reason they would destroy Mondstadt according to current lore.
So yeah, if Khaenri'ah were to try and destroy Mond i feel like he'd at least try and stop them but otherwise... I just don't see him choosing mond I'm sorry...
He does care for Khanenri'ah to some extent, that's the whole point of his character, that he is divided between two different sides of himself and shit.
Wether or not Kaeya's father was abusive (and he is, at the very least, lackluster as a parent (mostly because of the leaving the child in an active storm when he could've died, you know?) and we can argue about how bad he was all day) this is still very much a moral choice.
Like, I always think "Dude? If you had a bad parent, abusive, absent whatever, and they were a very well known climate activist would you become a climate change denier?" because even if he doesn't do it for his father, Kaeya could do it for all the innocent people in Khaneri'ah, you know? the ones that are slowly dying a slow and painful death while forgetting who they are, he can have his own deeply personal reasons to support Khaneri'ah.
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thorin-baby-bear · 2 years
pssspss can i request any IT character agere headcanons? Its ok if u dont wanna do this rn because ik people are requesting a lot of DPS i just have brainrot
Also- Hearts for you 💗💕💕🖤💖❤️‍🩹💛💗💕🖤🧡💕💗💛❤️‍🩹💛💗🤍🤍 - 📔 anon
Yes I love IT so much, I am always happy to write for it :D
I decided for the character I would pick the character I stole my name from, so here it is:
Eddie Kaspbrak Agere Headcannons!!
He 🤌 is 🤌 a 🤌 BRAT
My guy needs all of the attention ALL THE TIME
He "forgets" that he has to play nice with others
Especially when it comes to sharing
But he can also be very caring when he wants to be
He's always there to help if a friend has a booboo, emotional or physical
He has lots of bandaids, all different themes based off of things his friends enjoy
He has specific ones for each Loser
Ben has Scooby-Doo themed
Beverly has butterflies
Richie has Sesame Street
Stan has birds (of course)
Mike has farm animals
And Bill chooses whichever one he wants
He's not as afraid of sickness and getting dirty as when he's big, but he still dislikes mud and muck
Which is a shame because Richie is one of the messiest littles ever and when they play of course Eddie gets dragged into it
Stan usually has to stop Eddie from jumping on Richie after one of Richie's messier pranks
Eddie loves playing with all the Losers, but his favorite playmates are Richie, Bev, and Ben
Playdates would be more often, but Eddie usually needs a few days to recharge before more playing
Stan and Mike usually end up watching the little ones
Eddie and Richie are also both flips
But Eddie usually leans more towards little than caregiver
He loves to watch the Muppets and cuddle with Richie
He's an absolute cuddle bug when regressed
He also babbles a lot to get attention
Depending on how little he feels, he'll cry to relieve stress
Long day at work? Has a good long cry
Playing too rough and got hurt? Nothing a good cry can't fix
Not enough attention? Hey, maybe crying will make Richie pick him up!
He felt really shy and uncomfortable having other people around while regressing for a long time
Then the others came forward with their regression and he felt more comfortable
Group cuddle sessions are a must
Great stress reliever
Bath time is best time for Eddie
Bath toys galore
Fun smelling shampoos
Richie likes to surprise him with new epsom salts and bath bombs a lot
He also will not go to bed unless he is read a story
Richie always does the best voices
Even if Eddie is put to bed in his own special bed (which he rarely ever is), he always ends up in the master bed cuddling with Richie and the other never complaines
It's a perfect way to end their day :33
📔 anon thank you you are throwing me back into my fixations and I'm loving every second of it 🤌🧡
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