#its never going to happen but i want to meet keanu in person and tell him how much he's made my life better
itwoodbeprefect · 3 years
Hi! Since youre into sga again how do you think mcshep would be in a h50 au or as steve and danny?
fjdkfd honestly, i think merging those two that way around (transplanting john and rodney into the h50 universe, rather than steve and danny into the sga one) would be a lot harder than it sounds. the h50 world is... fairly nondescript? its big draw as a show was undeniably the characters, so swapping those out changes a lot of the details that actually made the show what it is.
if we are going for it, however, i think the obvious choice would be to try a john-as-steve and rodney-as-danny approach, except john wouldn't be john if he were a highly decorated superseal with a spotless record and rodney wouldn't be rodney if he had a kid to care about and prove from the getgo that he's not as selfish as he appears, so... we could hide that, for a little? or, and bear with me here! we could do something a little unorthodox and make it rodney-as-steve and john-as-danny instead, which i think would overall be a MUCH better fit.
like, rodney is a brilliant scientist who returns to the island where he grew up after many years because his father was killed; john is an unwilling transplant cop from the mainland who followed his ex-wife (which he canonically has!) and their little daughter (which he doesn't, but if he DID, you can't tell me he wouldn't blow up his own life and move to a place he hates to try to stick close to her). i think that particularly for john this works a lot better: his captain and the other detectives don't think much of him (like colonel sumner), he hates hawaii and how sweaty and crowded by tourists every single bit of honolulu is (remember that he LIKED antarctica), and he lives in really awful one room apartments because the divorce, custody proceedings and move across the country ate up all of his savings, but he DOES still own a very expensive very pretty very fast car, because of course he does.
rodney is maybe a little more tricky, but i think we could make it work, especially if we draw a little vegas!rodney into it, perhaps. he's done well for himself, he has a bunch of awards and hops from place to place working on very secret projects (for the us military, potentially, if we want to keep that aspect), and then he hears his dad with whom he has a very complicated relationship is dead, so he returns to oahu where the governor personally greets him and is like, hey, you have a very unique skillset, want a job on my new special taskforce fighting major crime? and he goes nope, and then he runs into john in his father's garage, makes a call while john is pulling strange annoyed faces in the background, and suddenly they're putting together a team. rodney doesn't know chin from their football days, but from chin playing in the school band (which he did, iirc!); chin can still draw in kono, etc. obviously jeannie is mary, but i think jeannie could still bring the same chaos while nonetheless being married and having a kid (there HAS to be a scene in which she and john bond over Being Parents and she HAS to be surprised when she sees rodney be very gentle and sweet with john's kid), and i feel like it's important to note that catherine's role does NOT go to sam (because that would be weird and would only happen if rodney were the one writing this au), but to jennifer, who also gets a little of her vegas personality probably. especially the bit where in that episode she acts as an ME, because that would work very well for what is now essentially a cop au - she's the person that gets called in if they have a very weird body.
and yeah, uh. there's probably more "borrowing" of kamekona's helicopter in this version, because john can never resist. it's a little less clear who's actually leading this taskforce, because officially it's rodney but he definitely needs john to reign him in sometimes, which honestly, might just be another way this configuration fits the steve-and-danny dynamic well. i realize that i kept chin and kono and then replaced the other characters with faces from sga, so if we want to fill out the cast: i propose another swap from the first thing you'd think of if you had to put ronon and teyla into those two positions. teyla is chin, wise and ruthless and devastatingly beautiful, and ronon is kono, the looks-like-an-actual-model newbie who used to be a professional surfer and stuck with teyla when she was accused of corruption and all of her family (the athosians!) turned on her. (they still meet him on the beach as he punches a guy for stealing his wave, and john still has his mouth hanging open a little.) also! carson is max, of course. instead of dressing up as keanu reeves characters for halloween he dresses up as scottish folk heroes.
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fortheloveoffanfic · 3 years
Behind Closed Doors
Keanu Reeves x OFC (Emma Mathers)
Masterlist Prologue
Warnings- Tiny, tiny bits of angst, but not a lot.
Chapter 1 The Pancake Disaster
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2 Months later
The mattress dipped gently, though, it was a small body flinging itself on top of hers that awoke her, just past seven am. A tiny, though excitable voice shrieking, “Emma!” Right into her ear was enough to finish the job, and with a suppressed groan, she turned onto her back, careful not to let Matt fall off her, even if he’d really only be hitting the memory foam.
Groggily, Emma wiped the sleep out of her eyes, coming to her senses. Stretching and yawning, she found it hard not to return Matt’s little smile, "Good morning,” she smacked her lips, trying to wake herself up some more, totally not prepared for him to leap back into her lap, “What’s up kiddo?” It wasn’t like the twins hadn’t woken her early in the morning before, she’d been living with the Reeves’ for going on two months and she’d found that kids seemed to enjoy awaking with the sun. Though, it was odd for Matt to bound into her room with such urgency, with his teeth already brushed and without his sister.
“Daddy’s making pancakes,” he jumped up excitedly in her lap, and Emma had to hold him at the hips to ensure he didn’t toss himself off the bed by accident, “But he’s terrible at it!” Crawling out from the safety of her embrace, Matt crept to the edge of her bed, nearer to her side, jumping off and proceeding to tug on her hand encouragingly, “You need to come help him, or its gonna be a disaster!”
Chuckling quietly, Emma shook her head, running her free hand through her caramel highlighted hair, kicking off the sheets. Swinging her bare, tan legs out of bed, it was almost a struggle to keep up with Matt without stumbling over her fluffy slippers, “Slow down Matty, I still have to brush my teeth.”
“Ugh,” Matt pouted deeply, as if she’d just ended his world. Though, his expression perked up soon after and he let her hand go, “Okay! But you have to come soon, before daddy burns the kitchen down,” he made a few explosive noises gesturing wildly with his tiny arms, and Emma couldn’t help the splitting grin that painted her features. They’d come a long way since that first meeting; Matt had been the first to warm up to her, and now, there was very little that he didn’t want Emma around for. And Poppy, while it had taken her a couple weeks, she’d more or less broken out of her shell, probably finding it nice to have someone to do her hair and who’d let her paint their nails. By then, it went without saying that the children absolutely adored Emma, and she’d be lying if she said that she didn’t feel the same. Matt and Poppy had filled a void that Emma didn’t even know was there until they’d made her laugh. Time spent with them was incomparable, and every time she’d though she couldn’t be amazed by them, they'd do something so beautiful that she couldn’t help but adore them even more.
And then, there was Keanu. Like his children, he had a colorful personality, never ceasing to amaze her. Though, the affections she’d grown for him……they were different. In quiet moments, Emma had found that she’d lost an hour or two just thinking about him; how bright his smile was, how his deep, rumbling chuckle warmed her heart and how even the slightest of touches could make her stomach flutter, and when he was around, watching him with his kids was almost enough to make her heart burst. He wasn’t around very often, owning a successful company and being a movie sensation did eat up a lot of his time, but when Keanu was there, he was always putting out his best for those two.
“Emma!” Matt broke her thoughts, and Emma hadn’t realized that she’d just been lingering near the door of the adjoining bathroom. Her bedroom at Keanu’s house was near triple the one she grew up in back in Nevada, and the one in her old apartment might have been a matchbox compared to it. The room was beautifully decorated too, modern minimalism matching the rest of the house.
“Yeah,” she shook off her thoughts, “Sorry hun. Why don’t you go wait in the kitchen and I’ll be out in a few.” With a quick, purposeful nod, Matt ran out of the room, his light footsteps barely audible. Shaking her head, Emma just chortled softly at his behavior, eccentric, much like his father’s.
In the bathroom, she made short work of quickly freshening up, deciding that she’d head out in her pajamas, an oversized cable knit sweater and a pair of shorts, and shower after she’d been covered in flour, batter, syrup and whatever else they’d decided to get into in the kitchen. Grabbing a hair tie off the counter, Emma maintained eye contact with her reflection on the awning mirror over the sink as she piled her hair into a messy bun at top her head, tendrils carelessly curtaining the sides of her face and the little diamond studs adorning her ears twinkling lowly. Free of the moisturizer she'd worn to bed, Emma dabbed a nearby hand towel below her eyes and on her cheeks, soaking up whatever water had remained after she’d rinsed her face, and finally, when she was finished, she headed out, intent on the kitchen downstairs.
Downstairs, Emma was almost stunned by what she’d walked into. The typically blindingly white and ever spotless kitchen was far different that it had ever been since she’d moved in. Clutter adorned the counter tops and the marble island, while there was a growing mountain of dishes in the deep farm sink. There was a spill on the floor too and all in all, the kitchen looked as if a small tornado had wreaked havoc on the room. And something was definitely burning. After the initial shock had passed, Emma rediscovered her voice, though her tone was still laced with an air of confusion, “What is happening in here?”
As if caught in the act of doing something insanely criminal, Matt, Poppy and Keanu all looked up at her from where they’d gathered around the island. Keanu was at the electric stove, a frying pan on one of the flat burners, while the twins were a safe distance away from the action, attempting to help by taking turns stirring the batter and both perched on the counter. Their printed pjs, Poppy’s with Disney princesses and Matt’s with race cars, were messed up with flour, and Keanu’s face was the same.
“We’re making you breakfast.” Surprisingly, it was Keanu who’d spoken up, looking bewildered and far out of his element. Then, smiling sheepishly, he cast his head down, “But I guess we’re just giving you more work, aren’t we?” He sighed, clearly embarrassed that his sweet gesture had gone awry, “I’m sorry-”
“No,” Emma blushed, she couldn’t believe that he’d thought of her, gone out of his way to try to make her breakfast for no foreseeable reason. “Its okay,” she reassured, cautiously approaching them, “I am so, so grateful that you thought of me, and tried to do something so sweet, really,” gently, she touched Matt and Poppy’s faces, quickly pecking them on the foreheads, “But maybe I could help too?” And by help, Emma actually meant take over so she could do some damage control and save Zelda, the housekeeper, the task of a huge clean up.
Before Keanu could oblige or protest, Poppy spoke up, telling the whole truth as children usually did, “It was daddy’s idea Emma! You should thank him!” She beamed, all but hopping onto Emma’s waist.
“I…..” Keanu stuttered, visible parts of his cheeks going tomato red, “I just- it’s just…..You know, you do so much for us. You’re up early every morning, making us breakfast. You take care of us, I just thought that we should do something nice for you,” he rambled on, avoiding her gaze. It was true though, while Emma had been hired to care for the children, preparing their meals, getting them ready for the day, watching them when they weren’t with their tutors and everything in between, she'd started picking up after him too. Tossing his laundry in with the kids' and making him meals so Zelda wouldn't have too. “Maybe we should have just taken you out,” he finally concluded with a quiet laugh, "Would have saved you the trouble of having to come in here and dealing with this disaster."
"Its okay," tentatively, Emma squeezed Keanu's surprisingly firm bicep reassuringly, and when he glanced at her, the moment feeling more intimate then she'd intended, her breath hitched. Still, her hand lingered, and Keanu didn't seem bothered enough to pull away. Emma held his gaze, her heart jumping after he turned a bit more, the space between them almost becoming mute and his chest close to her face, his stare penetrating. "Um," she cleared her throat quietly, knowing that the kids were watching and that their behavior was borderline inappropriate. They were too close, she was holding on for too long. But getting lost in his eyes seemed so much easier than letting go.
“It’s okay,” Emma repeated, trying to shake off the feeling that came with being in close proximity to her boss, “Why don’t I finish this, and you can……”
“Make coffee,” Keanu interjected when Emma trailed off, “And start cleaning up. I can do that without,” he gestured widely with his hands, the way Matt often did when he was flustered or excited, “Burning it.”
Smiling giddily at his erratic behavior, almost mesmerized by Keanu, Emma nodded stiffly, “That’s uh…..” Emma laughed breathlessly, vaguely aware of Matt striking up some harmless mischief off to their sides, but knowing that they only had a matter of minutes before……
A distressed scream erupted, followed by Poppy’s despondence, “Daddy! Emma! Matt put pancake batter in my hair.” When they turned, lo and behold, Poppy’s dark strands were streaked with the batter, some of it already on her pajamas and in her hands, while she was on the verge of tears.
“Matt!” Emma and Keanu scolded in unison, and immediately, she slipped past Keanu, scooping Poppy up on her hip, walking over the sink to start washing the sticky batter off before Poppy could really start crying. “Why’d you do that, Matty?” Keanu continued behind them, his stern side coming out. “You need to apologize to you sister,” he explained, lifting Matt off the counter, setting him on the floor, “We’re not supposed to pull mean pranks on each other, remember.”
“Yeah,” dejected, Matt dragged himself over to where Emma had just set Poppy down, parts of her hair still wet and a frown still painting her face. “I’m sorry Pop,” as she leaned on the sink Emma folded her arms, watching with a soft smile as the siblings made up, the sweet moment between them making her wish she had a sibling, and worse yet, making her want kids of her own. It wasn’t quite in the cards for her just yet though, Keanu paid well, but not that well, she lived in his house and it would be exceptionally hard to raise a kid when most of your time was spent taking care of someone else’s.
Still, for as long as it lasted, Emma could make do with doting on Matt and Poppy, feeling a swell of pride when they did something so magical that it reminded her of the purity of children, like when the two decided to hug it out, quickly forgetting how upset they both were. That was one of the greatest things about kids; they were so innocent that the notion of holding grudges was completely foreign to them. It was so…….untainted.
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As he wiped down the counter, trying to clear a decent work station, Keanu found himself occasionally stealing glances at Emma, leant on the sink with her arms folded. She looked beautiful, almost ethereal, with her hair up in a bun, wispy honey hued strands curtaining her flawless features, oversized beige sweater guarding her perfect curves, and tiny shorts that boasted her smooth, tanned legs, the light sheen of lotion still present. Keanu thought that he'd ever met a woman quite so naturally stunning.
She's too young for you, was what the voice in the back of his mind protested, along with several other valid arguments. But for some reason, tearing his gaze away had continuously proven to be a trying task. Keanu didn't want to look away, as corrupted as it was, he wanted to hold Emma; trace his thumb over her pink, plump lips, feel her hot breath fan his cheek, know what it was like to have her satiny skin brush against his.
He wondered if she knew her effect, what it did to him when she swayed her hips as she walked, or gnawed on her lower lip between thoughts. Keanu wondered sometimes, how easy it would be in another situation, to have her all spread out under him. Or simply, to just have her company, listen to Emma talk about whatever she wanted, be the man she went to for the most intimate of reasons, a shoulder to cry on, when she wanted someone to make her laugh.
A crush.
That's what he might have called it twenty something odd years ago. But at his age, Keanu thought of it as more of a fantasy. A very cliché one at that; lusting over the nanny. Maybe if she wasn't the nanny………. Oh, but she was. The one that his children, the apples of his eyes, his pride and joy, the two best people in life, adored to death. Keanu wasn't sure if they knew it themselves, but he could tell; Poppy and Matt were growing affections for Emma that ran past likenesses, they loved her.
The relationship that Emma had grown to share with his children was one of the more unadulterated things that had fueled his ridiculous attraction to her. They adored her, and she them, and it was warming to see her laugh with them, care for them, the way a mother might. Still, there was so, so much more than Keanu liked; her laugh, that little half smile she’d offer him when they bumped into each other in passing, the way having her around felt. Like she made their home more complete, the one missing jigsaw piece that was so satisfying when it was slipped into place.
Hoping she wouldn’t notice his lingering stare, Keanu carried on with clean up, a grin ever present on his rugged features as Emma continued without much concern; getting the kids to help set the table without fuss and finishing the pancakes while she was at it. It felt so normal, so domestic, Keanu was usually so busy getting ready to leave that he was often left grabbing what she’d carved out the time to pack for him, kissing Matt and Poppy just as he left. But that Saturday morning, he got the chance to live almost the way he’d hoped to with Diane; the twins’ mother, before she walked out on them.
Before the painful memories could wash over him, Emma was calling everyone to sit for breakfast and Keanu once again sank into the present. Laughing when Matt and Poppy did something cute, smiling brightly when Emma doted on them and eventually, when it was over and they’d hurried off to the TV room, feeling a sense of giddiness that accompanied being alone with her. “Did you do this a lot when you were a kid?” Keanu probed as he and Emma finished up in the kitchen.
She was busy clearing the table, collecting the jug of orange juice to be returned to the fridge, “I guess,” Emma shrugged dismissively, her expression troubled, and Keanu was worried that his seemingly innocent question had struck a nerve, “My parents weren’t around a lot when I was a kid.” Swallowing thickly, she continued shuffling around the large kitchen, “Making ends meet wasn’t always easy for them, you know?” Gathering the plates, she moved over to the sink, “My mom stayed home to take care of me, and the house, and my dad worked two jobs. He worked really hard for us, and….”
“Em,” Keanu frowned, noting her tormented expression as she dumped leftovers from the children and packed the dishwasher, “If it's too hard to talk about, you don’t have to tell me. And I didn’t mean to upset you, if I’d known-”
“It’s not your fault,” she turned towards him, straightening up and smiling faintly so he could be reassured, “And it’s fine really. It's just hard to talk about, but I don’t mind telling you,” moistening her lips, “I was around six, when my dad died, he was at work; fell off a scaffolding and had a heart attack on the way to the hospital,” it was easy to tell how hard she was fighting the wave of emotion, the way she struggled to contain tears while biting her lower lip. But still, he was grateful that she felt comfortable enough to open up, it felt like they were closer. “After that, funeral expenses blew our savings, and my mom had to work. She hated leaving me with my grandmother, but she had to.”
Slumping his shoulders, Keanu yearned to reach out, pull her into a hug and let Emma know that she was always welcome to find comfort in him, but seeing her the way he did was already crossing so many lines, he didn’t think he could trust himself to take her into his arms. “That must have been hard,” he sympathized instead, “And you were just a kid.”
“Yeah,” she forced a watery smile, probably hoping to ease his worrying, “But life’s like that right? He left us way sooner than anyone would have liked, but I’m glad to have had him when I did. Both my parents, they taught me that sometimes you’ve gotta bust your ass for the good life, but that just makes it even better when you get it,” she sighed quietly, “I wish he could have been here for the big things, birthdays and graduations,” she sniffled, “But I’m thankful for what I did have, and I hope one day, I can be that kind of parent for someone else.”
“That’s beautiful,” Keanu hummed with a soft smile. It couldn’t have been easy growing up without her father, but Emma still seemed so content with what she’d gotten. Grief, it hurt people, it could change them too, and he knew that all too well, but Emma had been so young that it had shaped her instead. Molded her into the kind of person that was caring, kind and driven. Someone you wanted to trust and whose presence emanated warmth. “You-” Keanu leaned back, expecting to brace his hands on the counter, though swearing loudly when his left hand landed on the top of the stove. “What the fuck?”
In an instant, Emma was at his side, weaning Keanu’s hand out of his own grasp, hissing empathically at how the base of his palm had taken on an angry red tint, “Shit,” her hands were so soft and smooth, her touch soothing, “We need to get some ice on this,” when she moved away, grabbing a dish towel as she headed to the fridge, Keanu’s face fell further, already missing her touch. Though, when Emma returned, a couple blocks of ice wrapped up in the patterned fabric, pressing it to his hand as she held it up between them, Keanu’s eyes fell on her once again. With her head downcast, it was hard to decipher her expression, though, he could see her brows knitted in worry, “Does it hurt like this?”
When she glanced up briefly, their eyes meeting, Keanu stumbled on his words. He wasn’t expecting to be that close to her that morning, or, well, at any given point. He liked it though, maybe too much. “A little, but it's no big deal,” he shook his head slightly, his gruff voice low, “Thanks Em.”
“Of course,” she swirled it ice around a bit more, “You know, the kids love having their boo boos kissed,” Emma teased lightly, not thinking too much of it, “Think they get that from you?”
Chuckling quietly, Keanu replied, also without much of a protesting thought, “Maybe.” And just like that, the moment unfolded, so quickly that it felt completely natural, like her soft, supple lips were meant to touch him. They weren’t too warm on his skin, and could hardly be considered medicinal, but Keanu swore his hand felt ten times better when Emma pulled away, once again laying the ice on top of the burn. Simultaneously, they raised their heads, that time, their jaws slackened as their eyes met. “Em….” he groaned quietly, knowing that if he leaned in any closer they’d be no point of return, yet Keanu ached to. He wanted to kiss her, feel her mouth respond against his. But he couldn’t, and more importantly, he shouldn’t.
At the very last minute, right when Keanu swore that Emma was leaning up to meet him halfway, her pupils dilated, her breath slow and ragged and his chest just and inches away from hers, he rediscovered his self restraint, abruptly turning his head away. Clearing his throat, Keanu shoved his feelings down, irrationally disappointed when Emma stepped back, easily reading the shift of the moment, “Matt has swim practice today right?” It was honestly just a ploy to make professional conversation, change the topic so they wouldn’t need to have an uncomfortable conversation.
“Uh,” flustered, Emma seemed unsure of what to do with herself, and if Keanu wasn’t mistaken, there was a disappointed glint in her dark eyes, “Yeah, at three.” Gnawing on her lip, she fiddled with her fingers, “I should go see if his bag is ready, I can't remember if I packed it or not.” Keanu knew it was a lie; Emma didn’t forget things like that, and worst yet, he was almost sure that he’d hurt her. Yet, she didn’t give him a minute to apologize, or say anything really, hurrying out of the room with nothing more, leaving him tormented and feeling more guilty than ever.
Tagging- @harrisongslimited @magnificentclodpiebanana @keandrews @greenmanalishi @rdjloverxxx @danceoftwowolves @planetkt @wheretheriversrunintothesea
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idjitlili · 4 years
Legolas x reader
I am so tired I stayed up till 5 am last night reading so sorry if this shit. It is shit, Idont know what happened
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Imagine somehow being teleported into Tolkien’s ,the hobbit, and you end up meeting legolas and Thranduil. In which you insult thranduil, Thorin is sorta your daddy.
You have been travelling with the company since the trolls tried to eat everyone. You had quite literally came out of a floating , flame coloured line. Only to walk into the tree. A troll had picked you up and attempted to eat you as-well , but you really didn’t care, as you was focusing how your head hurt from the tree.
After explaining your situation to Gandalf , which he ended up believing that you weren’t from here, due to your clothing, and strange sayings. Plus the evidence that all the dwarves and a Hobbit had seen you magically appear.
Thorin didn’t like having a teenage girl , with barely any self defence skills , to come with on their adventure, mission, thing. Yet he felt like he had to protect you from harm, surprisingly since you saw how he treated Bilbo. Uh basically he’s your dad.
The first night with the company , they had all offered you blankets , food (lucky Bombur makes a lot.) , the princes had given you some of their extra tunics. Which they had a lot because dwarves likes to wear layers. Too bad they weren’t green.
Dori acted like a mother to you , he would make sure you ate , and even got Ori to make you knitted goods. The dwarves thought you you would freeze to death , as dwarves didn’t get as cold as humans. Something to do with their build or something, you recall Balin telling you.
You became quick friends with Bilbo, he was interested in where you were from, and what it was like there.
Kili and fili teased you for your weird obsession with potatoes, as you mostly ate them, and you even had gone far enough to make a potato ring. (I actually did)
Now you and the company are In Mirkwood forest , unaware to what is going to strike, soon.
Kili and fili ,stood either side of you in a protective manner. For hours the company had been walking through Mirkwood, Thorin denying any assumptions that they were lost.
You grunt , at the blisters that are forming on your feet , that are sweating in your trainers.
“My legs hurt.” You moan , quietly dragging out hurt.
Kili scoffs at you , “your legs are longer , imagine how mine feel.”
You look at Bilbo who is lagging behind,
“Well you can’t say anything , Bilbos legs are as long as my dick.”
“OI y/n, i dont have no legs.”
“I never said that , my dick is hugeeeeee.”
“You don’t have a dick .” Bofur responds loudly , with annoyed tone.
“How would you know if she had a dick. You haven’t seen it.” Kili responds sending you a wink.
“Yeah thank you , my dick is in my head.”
“How would it fit though?” Fili inquires , with a confused facial expression.
“I meant my personality you jensen Ackles , and John travolta blend!” You reply smirking to yourself .’Boom roasted’ not that he would get the joke.
Unknown the rest of the company Bilbo had climbed up a tree to look for a way out of mirkwood. The air felt limited in the poisoned forest , you felt chills go up your back, shivering slightly.
“Thorin...” you speak slowly, as you spot a eight legged spider, approach in the distance. It was bigger than a sheep, teeth like knives, beads for eyes.
Thorin grabs you and makes sure you are behind him, before you know it , all the dwarves plus you are surrounded. You unarmed, stay close with thorin , so you don’t die.
Suddenly the spiders are everything, no escape, the spiders are travelling down by webs and pulling up the dwarves , who don’t see it coming because they are too busy fighting the ones on the ground. When they are pulled up , they are wrapped into a webbed cocoon.
Thorin grabs a hold of you and pulls you into his jacket , then you are both slung up into the air, you become dizzy from being wrapped up in the webbing. Then you and thorin are in just stuck. For what it seems like forever.
Until , you feel yourself falling down slowly from the trees, the cocoon is ripped open by thorin. You get up looking around there are several, other cocoons with dwarves crawling out of them. You look around to see there are still spiders everywhere, you look to the floor and see thorins swords , picking up quickly you pass it to him. he nods with appreciation and passes you a dagger.
I guess you have no chance but try to help , otherwise the others will die because you were too scared to take a chance.
‘You miss 100% the shots you don’t take -Wayne Gretzky-Michael Scott -y/n l/n’
Before you can even look around for a target , you are rugby tackled to the ground, by a disgusting excuse of one of Morgan freeman’s creations.(I think he’s god uh)
You pull your arm out of its grasp, with your ,sorry thorins dagger in hand , before the poison from the spider can be injected. You stab it the face , its body goes stiff around you curling. You push it off gagging at its texture, you pull yourself off the floor only to be tackled again.
This time the dagger had been knocked out of your gasp , desperately you try to reach it buts in use, the creature pushes you down hard. You pull up your leg and kick as hard as you can, it lands on the left of you. You finally able to grab the dagger going to kill the spider, but someone beats you to it , FIring an arrow through its head.
You look up to see a blonde dude, why is he wearing leggings. Weirdo, your brother accidentally put your leggings on ,once and ripped the crotch how he didn’t notice
he doesn’t own leggings. I do not know.
Snapping you out of your thoughts , you are dragged up, dagger snatched out of your hand, and you are roughly pushed towards the group.
“Don’t you touch her again , or I’ll make sure your everlasting life does t last.” Thorin snaps at the ginger elf that had man handled you. What a bitch.
“Oh is this human your girlfriend?awwe.” The blond elf snickers at Thorin, kili and fili gag at the thought of their uncle being in a relationship.
“Uh princess , yeah you with the dance pants. Treat the king of erebor with a little respect. Assbutt.” You glare at the blond, who tended at your words. Haha loser.
“There is no king under the mountain not will there ever be.” He replies , scowling at you.
“Yes , there will be , princess.” He scoffs.
The blonde elf that you soon discover his name is legolas ,and he is the kings sOn.
Bilbo was missing , aand the company were led to the woodland realm. You could only hope that he would find a way for us to escape.
You and Thorin were spilt from the other dwarves, we were brought to the king. He stuck a deal with Thorin who declined. This king was as dickhead , and narcissistic. Legolas is stood next to you just in case you tried anything .
“Take him alway, ill take to his girlfriend now.” The woodland king states to his guard smoothly.
You scoff.
“ I am literally 18, you perv.”
You feel his ice eyes , stare at you , judging , your whole life, your clothing.
“You are not from here are you,child?” He must of noticed your keanu reeves shirt.
“tell me why you travel with these dwarves.”
“Why, I like them.”
He scoffs “they are scum, pigs , thieves.” He growls at you , circling you.
“Oi princess , this is your daddy?” You ask legolas who refuses to meet your eye.
“ all I can say is, at least thorin actually loves me and he’s not even my real dad.” Thranduils jaw clenched so hard that he probably could bite your head off.
“We are NOT talking about my son we are talking a bout you.”
“ okay listen here you self obsessed prick, I don’t give a shit about what you want, so cut the shit and get to the point.”
“ I want you to get my the gems of starlight,Thorin won’t expect it from you, I’ll let you all go.”
You feel bad for legolas his dad is soulless, makes him do everything while , he sits on his throne , acting like Gaston.
“No, I am not doing that to my friends, If you wasnt such an asshole and helped Thorin when Azog attacked them he probably would’ve given them to you. But you didn’t. So you suck”
Thranduils faces fled with red , he was angry he whipped his head to towards you.
“Get her to her cell now, legolas.”
“Just saying who risks their own sons life on a forest that clearly can’t be saved,”
“My sons well being doesn’t concern you. Human.”
“You clearly haven’t got love with son. You need to get yourself a girl mat-“
you are interrupted by a slap in the face.
“Well that was a girly move, who slaps , go punch me instead.”
Legolas pulls you out of the rooms quickly, not allowing things to worsen, walking you towards the cells.
“You shouldn’t have done that.”
He stops and looks at you,” because he will probably execute your friends.”
“Doubt it , he wants them gems , then he needs someone to kill the dragon.” You speak carefully walking down the stairs.
He hummed in response.
After you walked into your cell,you turned and smiled at him. You knew he wasn’t as mean as he portrayed himself as.
“Uh sorry for making fun of your trousers ,” you whispered so thorin didn’t hear , he would skin him.
He smiled lightly “sorry my Ada slapped you.”
“It was a bitch move not going to lie. “ you reach up to my face that still stung, You grin.
“I have no doubt you are going to escape.” He whispers.
“Yes sir. Stay safe princess,savvy?”
“Ahhhhhhhhhhhh” you let out , as the water in the river splashed you hard in the face.
“Why is this so fun, yet we are still being hunted.” You throw up arms like you are on a ride in a theme park, until an arrow flies at yodu and almost hits you.
You turn to see legolas , you wave to him. He just keeps running after you and the dwarves , saying our butts , see he was a good dude.
Because of you distracting legolas , he couldn’t see an orc going to hit Tauriel. She got punched square in the nose , falling into legolas , whodidn’t see it coming and fell in the water.
For elves being graceful, that wasn’t ,but fortunately he landing in the water right near you. You reach in the water and some how pull him up so he’s holding onto the barrel. You lean back so it doesn’t tip his way. Still does. He’s stuck in the water with you. You offer him a smile.
“How was your fall?” You ask him.
“Into the water ? Amazing.” He replies grunting.
‘No falling from heaven”
“Oh.” He blushes
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omg-imagine · 4 years
⊱ Forget Me Not (6/15) ⊰
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Pairing: Keanu Reeves x Reader
Summary: After you wake up from a coma and realize that your memories from the last five years have been erased, Keanu works to bring back what you have lost.
Words: 3.1k
Warning: none 
A/N: Sorry for the late post but it’s still Sunday so I made it 😎. As always, hope you enjoy!!
Part 5
Trudging down the silent street at a sedate pace, you swore that you had been walking in circles for the last hour and a half. Your steps echoed throughout the desolate road, the early morning sun kissing your skin lightly as it rose, filling up the empty skies above with its gentle glow of light. Wrapping your arms tightly around your frame, you reached the end of the block but were unsure what direction to take next.
If only you had charged your phone before going to sleep last night, you wouldn’t be wandering aimlessly right now.
You knew that Keanu would wake up soon, and you needed to come home before then. You had woken up at dawn and couldn’t go back to sleep, so you decided to go for a quick stroll outside. You didn’t expect to forget your way back, and the phone you had brought with you was useless now that it was dead. The last thing you wanted was Keanu to worry about your sudden disappearance. You didn’t want to add any more stress to the poor man.
Turning right, you were met with another long row of mansions, each one separated by large and gated yards. You had never seen such luxurious homes before, and you couldn’t help but feel out of place. The last apartment you rented back in New York had barely enough space for one person, let alone two. The ceilings were always leaking, and the paint on the walls was chipping off. It was certainly not worth the amount of money you were paying every month.
Now, you were much better off. Never would you have imagined living in such an upscale neighborhood. Though a week has passed since your discharge from the hospital, you still felt like you were stuck in a dream. Maybe one day, you would wake up in the same familiar bed at the house you grew up in and realize that this was nothing but a figment of your imagination.
You didn’t want that to be the case, however. You couldn’t imagine yourself returning to the dreary life you had left behind. You wanted this one— the one where you seemed to be the happiest you had ever been. The one with Keanu.
At the mere thought of him, you noticed the small smile instantly forming on your face. These last seven days showed you how greatly Keanu cared about you. There was no doubt that you were important to him, and he loved you very much. You could see the pain in his eyes every time you glanced his way, no matter how hard he tried to mask it. It broke your heart seeing him look at you as if you were the ghost of the woman he loved.
But despite all, Keanu was patient with you. He has done everything he could to make you feel comfortable around him and in your home. Truth be told, you found yourself being naturally drawn to Keanu, unafraid to put your guard down when it came to him unlike with others. You believed it was merely because you were attracted to him, but it had to be so much more.
Perhaps your heart remembered him while your mind couldn’t, and that was why you easily connected with Keanu.
You suddenly heard a voice calling out your name, and you turned your head to see a blonde lady jogging up to you from behind. She was around your age and beyond gorgeous. You were quick to take note of the recognition on her face as she stood there before you with a huge smile. 
“I’m so sorry but—”
“Oh, shoot, I forgot you don’t remember,” the woman shook her head, slightly frowning. “I’m Molly. My husband Will and I live a few doors down from you and Keanu. He told us that you were in an accident a couple of weeks ago, and you’re suffering from amnesia.”
“Umm, yeah,” you replied, nodding. “I think Keanu might have mentioned you two before.”
“I would hope so. We’re all good friends,” she chuckled. “But how are you doing? Is everything okay? This must be a lot for you to take in.”
“It is, but I’m managing. I’ve been home for a week now, trying to settle back into my normal life and hoping that it’ll somehow trigger my memories.”
Molly sighed softly. “Wow, I can’t even imagine what you’re going through. Five years of your life just gone all of a sudden? So much has happened during that time, and I was totally a different person back then. I don’t know how I can handle all of that.”
“It does feel like I’m starting over, but Keanu’s been amazing. He’s doing his best to help me recover what I’ve lost.”
“Well, I’m glad,” she added with a smile. “Both of you are strong and wonderful people. As far as I know, there hasn’t been a problem you guys were unable to overcome. I’m sure things will work out.”
“Thank you, Molly,” you returned. “Listen, I’m a bit lost right now, and I want to get home before Keanu wakes up since I didn’t tell him I was going out. Can you show me the way back?”
“Of course! Just to give you a heads up, it’s quite a walk. You surely did wander out far, and it’s a good thing I caught you on my run.”
Smiling, you walked alongside Molly as she started to share more about herself. You learned that she worked as a model, and her husband Will was a businessman who often went on motorcycle rides with Keanu. Based on first impressions, you liked Molly. She was delightful and easy-going. You found out the two of you had become close friends after moving into the neighborhood. She even helped you with getting the job that you currently have.
By the time you reached your house, you and Molly were cracking up over the stories she had told. She was definitely the type of friend you would love to have a drink with and guaranteed a fun time. You had even made plans to come over her house for a cup of tea soon and reintroduce you to the close circle of friends you were a part of.
“If you need anything, give me a call, alright?” Molly spoke as she lingered by the front yard. “I’m that friend you usually bothered late at night just to rant or ask for advice. I want you to understand that you can still do that. I’ll be happy to pick up the phone at two in the morning and listen to what you have to say.”
“Okay,” you responded softly. “Thanks again, Molly. I’ll keep in touch!”
You waved goodbye with one hand as you took your keys out of your pocket using the other. Turning around, you were about to insert the key into the lock when the door swung open without warning, revealing Keanu, who stood in front of you, his eyes showing pure relief.
“I was out for a walk and got lost—”
You weren’t able to finish your explanation when Keanu’s arms suddenly wrapped around you, pulling you close, and it caught you by surprise. He buried her face in your neck, feeling the warmth of his breath fluttering against your skin. You heard him sigh deeply when you wound your arms around his neck, your fingers playing with the soft hair at his nape. The seconds that passed felt like minutes as he cradled you, allowing him to find comfort in your touch.
When Keanu finally stepped back, releasing you, you glanced up to his weary face, your eyes locking with his in an instant. “I’m really sorry. I didn’t mean to worry you. My phone died, and I couldn’t ask for directions since no one was out there yet.”
“It’s okay,” he assured, his gaze falling as he swallowed thickly before speaking. “I was scared that something happened to you. I tried knocking on your door this morning, and when I didn’t get an answer, I checked inside only to see you gone.”
“Hey,” you breathed out, placing a hand under his chin and tilting it upwards. “I’m here, and I’m not going anywhere, Ke.”
You watched silently as Keanu grasped your hand and lifted it up to his lips, pressing a gentle kiss on your inner wrist. You could see him relax a little, the tension in his face easing away as a tiny smile played at the corners of his mouth.
Stepping to the side, Keanu let you enter the house, shutting the door behind you close. “Next time, just leave a note. I was about to go out there and start a search party for you.”
“A note would have been smart,” you laughed. “I was up really early and didn’t want to disturb your sleep. Which reminds me, how did it go last night?”
“Slept like a baby,” Keanu answered, smiling. “I almost didn’t hear my alarm going off beside me.”
“That’s good,” you said, squeezing his hand.
For the past couple of nights, you and Keanu would start a movie in his room and cuddle in bed until he falls asleep. Somehow, spending that extra hour or two with him in the evening truly helped with his sleep. Once he was unconscious, you would slide out of his arms and tiptoe back to your room across the hall. There were times when you wondered what would happen if you didn’t leave, deciding to just stay there for the whole night. It was tempting, to say the least, but you still wanted to take things slow.
“How did you find your way back?” He questioned.
“I ran into Molly, or rather, she ran into me. Anyways, she introduced herself and later walked me home.”
“Molly?” Keanu repeated her name a bit reluctantly. “Uhh, it’s great that you got to meet her again.”
“Yup, she’s lovely. She also said it’s been a while since we went to dinner with her and Will. We should do that when everyone’s free.”
“Y-Yeah,” he stuttered, and you picked up the slight hesitation in his voice. “We should plan for one in the future.”
“I guess we’ll let them know,” you replied as a brief silence fell between the two of you, only breaking when Keanu spoke again.
“You have that neurologist appointment today,” he reminded you, and you had almost forgotten about it. “We should leave in an hour if we want to make it on time. It’s the middle of rush hour, and the traffic’s horrendous.”
“Oh, I’ll go shower and get ready, then.”
“No problem. You do that, and I’ll make us breakfast to take on the road.”
Grinning at you, Keanu then put a hand on one side of your face, slowly craning his head down. He was about to brush a kiss to your lips when he swiftly shifted away and planted on your cheek instead. You felt the heat rising to your face after realizing what he had almost done.
“Sorry, it’s a habit,” he apologized, his skin flushed with slight embarrassment.
Shaking your head, you flashed him a reassuring smile before leaning up and kissing his cheek. “No need to apologize, Ke.”
You ran your fingers through Keanu’s locks as you stood there for a few more moments, gazing into his deep brown eyes. There was still plenty to uncover about you and him, and as much as you wanted to know all of it right away, you needed to be patient like Keanu has been with you.
The neurologist appointment took up almost half of the day, and at some point, Keanu had taken a nap at the waiting room while the doctor ran tests on you. He could have dropped you off at the facility and gone home so that he wouldn’t be stuck doing nothing for hours, but he couldn’t bear leaving you alone. You had been quite nervous on the way there, afraid that they were going to find something wrong during the examination.
Fortunately, there was no need for you and Keanu to worry. The doctor assured that besides the amnesia, your brain was nearly healed from the trauma sustained from the crash. Despite seeming like an excellent sign of recovery, they still weren’t sure if or when your memories would return. Not wanting to give you any false hope, your doctor only instructed you to continue what you were doing— taking each day as it came.
As Keanu drove down the freeway with you in the passenger seat, he couldn’t stop thinking about what happened earlier that morning. His heart pounded wildly in his chest as he looked everywhere in the house for you. He had tried calling you several times, only to reach your voicemail after every attempt. Immediately, he thought of the worse. He was led to believe that you remembered everything again and left him as a result.
Keanu couldn’t even describe the immense relief he experienced when he heard the sound of your voice coming from outside. He had almost lost his composure after opening the door and seeing you standing there. He had just enough self-control to stop himself from kissing you, opting to hold you in his arms instead.
God, he didn’t want to let you go. He could never let you go.
“I’m in the mood for some coffee,” you blurted out as you stared at the scenery passing by.
“Coffee can trigger migraines,” Keanu revealed with a small smile. “You haven’t had one in days, but I don’t think that means you can go back to drinking cups of it.”
“Fine,” you pouted, turning your head to the side to look at him. “I’m in the mood for some blueberry scones then. Can we stop by Starbucks?”
Keanu chuckled as he glanced at you, meeting your eyes. “I’ve got a better place in mind that sells the best blueberry scones.”
The café was a short ten-minute drive from where you were on the freeway, and luckily, Keanu found a parking spot right in front of the building.
“This is Emily’s,” he pointed as he shut off the car engine. “It’s where we met up for our first unofficial date.”
“It looks lovely,” you commented, a soft smile appearing on your lips.
“It’s our favorite coffee shop in all of LA,” Keanu revealed before clicking his seatbelt off and getting out of the car. Quickly, he dashed to your side of the vehicle and opened your door, extending a hand to help you out of your seat.
As the two of you entered the café, you were immediately greeted by the scent of freshly ground beans. The interior was warm and welcoming, decorated with string lights and chestnut-colored furniture. Vintage photographs were framed around the wall as faint jazz music played in the background, overlapping with the hushed chatters of customers and the whirring of the coffee machine.
After ordering your drinks and pastries, you and Keanu sat in one corner of the room, your knees almost touching underneath the table. The entire sight and sounds reminded him of the same exact moment that happened nearly five years ago. It felt as though he were reliving the morning he spent with you weeks after your initial meeting. He could vividly recall how nervous he was on that day since that was the first time in a while he was interested in someone.
“You’re right,” you giggled, brushing away the crumbs off your face. “These scones are fantastic, and I love their chamomile tea.”
“I told you it was the best,” Keanu grinned, taking a sip of his black coffee. “I found this gem while I was filming a movie years before we met.”
“Well, I think I found my new favorite coffee spot,” you said before emptying your cup with one last sip. “Speaking of, do you have any exciting projects lined up?”
“Actually, I don’t. I, uh, decided to take a year off.”
You raised a brow at him. “Oh, why? I thought you enjoyed working?”
“I do, but I just completed a film months ago, and I feel like I need a break.”
“This doesn’t have anything to do with me, right?” You asked tentatively.
Keanu remained quiet as you stared at him. The truth was he did sign on for a movie shooting in late October but dropped out of it recently. Aside from that, he canceled other engagements in the upcoming months, wanting to put all of his time and focus on you.
It’s the least he could do after everything.
“Ke?” You uttered his name softly.
He released a heavy sigh. “I think it’s better if I stay home for now, you know? I want to be there to make sure that you’re doing okay.”
“You don’t have to stop your life for me, Keanu,” you stated. “I know how passionate you are about acting. We have to go back to our normal routine, and that includes you, too.”
“But I have Arch to keep me busy,” he countered. “I just don’t want to take a job where I have to be away for more than a week.”
Licking his lips, Keanu’s eyes then dropped to the ground. If only you knew the last time he was gone for so long. What the distance did to you and him…
“It’ll be difficult if I’m away,” he spoke honestly. “It took you a while to get used to me being gone all the time.”
“Well, it’s better if I start getting used to it now than later. Ke, I promise you that I’ll be fine. I know you want to take care of me, but I can handle myself. I want things to be as normal as they once were, no matter how challenging it was before.”
Keanu flickered his eyes up to yours, noticing the pleading look you gave him, and it was something he could never say no to. With a sigh, he nodded his head despite being unsure of his own response.
“Okay. I’ll see what my agent has,” he answered, smiling to convince you that he would.
“Good,” you replied. “We have to move on with our lives whether or not I get my memories back. I don’t want us to be stuck in the past when there’s an entire future ahead.”
Keanu hummed as he watched you happily take another bite out of your scone, letting your words sink in for a minute.
Once again, you were right, but was he ready to risk it all?
Part 7
Tags: @penwieldingdreamer​ @fanficsrusz​ @toomanystoriessolittletime​ @awessomness​ @meetmeinthematinee​ @ringa-starr​ @ficsnroses​ @iworshipkeanureeves​
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penwieldingdreamer · 4 years
My best friend, naughty lover and partner for life
Here it is, a new update for you. Thank you all for the amazing feedback on the last part. Unfortunately I forgot to tag you guys, but I updated the last chapters so you can reread them and get back on track. Let me know what you think. Happy reading and have fun.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
Warnings: angsty, fluff
Words: 1863
Part 5
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Sitting on the examination bed you fiddled with the top you wore, thinking back to the hour before. Keanu had only given you one good look, before he asked Gard for his keys to the truck and ushered you in.
“I'm going to take you to the hospital and we'll make sure that everything is alright.” He pulled you in tightly against his chest when he saw your eyes filling with tears. The need to protect you overpowered his senses and he needed to make sure you wouldn't get hurt by people like Tommy.
The whole drive to the hospital the actor laid his hand over to yours, hoping you hoping to give you some of his strength for you and not be sucked into this dark hole. You felt some pain in your lower stomach before you left the shop, not much but enough to scare you. At the hospital Keanu registered you and one of the nurses there showed you to a exam room and told you to sit on the bed inside. Never once did he leave you alone for long, sitting on the hard chair next to the exam table the actor held tightly onto the hand that wasn't nervously playing with the top.
“Are you scared?”
A shrug was the only answer you could muster while still thinking about every possible outcome of the exam. “I don't really know exactly what I am. Relieved that Tommy kind of got what he asked for and scared for my baby.” You turned to Keanu, willing the tears to stay at bay. He leaned closer to you, his forehead against yours and his molten brown eyes watching you.
“This baby is going to be perfectly fine. She's got an incredible mother and she is strong enough to handle anything.” He tried to reassure you, probably scared out of his mind, but he was a great actor
One lone tear rolling down your cheek, you chuckled at his comment. “I really wish I had your confidence, Ke. Maybe then I would have left him a long time ago.”
“But we never would have met, this is all part of our fate, you know.” he told you, brushing the tear tracks from your face. “I want you to come with me to New York.”
Shocked by his soft command, you pulled away from him. What had brought this on? You couldn't just go with him. There was your work at ARCH, you liked it there. And the apartment you were currently living at, how were you going to pay rent if you didn't have any money to do so. “Ke, I can't just”
Just then the door opened and a middle aged female doctor moved inside the room. She smiled at both of you, taking a seat behind her desk. “So Mr. and Mrs. Reeves, you'd like to know if your baby is okay, right?”
“We're not” you started, but Keanu interrupted you, squeezing your hand to shut you up. “Yes, we had a stressful situation and, well, you know.”
Nodding her head, the doctor walked over to the examination bed and told you to lie down. With experienced movements you pulled the blouse up over your round belly, the actor watching you closely. He had only ever seen your clothed stomach, but now the actor could watch the movement of your baby and remember the time he was going to be a father, too.
“Alright, it's going to be a bit cold.” the doctor warned you, but no matter how often someone told you the coldness was still something to get used to. “Let's see what your baby is up to.” She moved the wand over your belly, pressing against the skin to find your daughter. It didn't take too long until the doctor found her and a sense of calmness filled you, hearing the strong heartbeat echoing around the room. Keanu breathed deeply as he listened to the sound, his eyes moistening. You reached out and stroked the back of his hand, his fist leaning against his chin.
“Are you okay?” you whispered, watching the actor closely as he followed he movement on the screen. He nodded his head and leaned closer, trying to make out the shape of the baby.
The female doctor smiled at both of you. “Look here.” she pointed at curled up baby on the screen. “That's your baby, the heartbeat's strong and she's measuring like she should.
Keanu perked up, pinning the doctor with an inquiring look. “Are you sure everything's fine. Y/N was stressed out before, she said there was some pain and I know it's not good for the baby.”
She gave him a reassuring smile. With a slight nod she continued moving the wand over your exposed stomach. “Your daughter is perfectly healthy, believe me.”
Breathing a sigh of relief, the actor leaned back again and grabbed your hand, giving it a tight squeeze. You knew he had a hard time accepting it, his past experience having left its traces on him. The doctor reached over to the table, passing you some paper towels to wipe away the goo on your belly.
“Nonetheless, you need to be careful, Mrs. Reeves.” she admonished sitting on her rolling chair, looking pointedly at Keanu and you. “Your baby is fine and can take the stress to some point, but too much and there will be problems.”
You nodded your head, turning to the man besides you. The baby was the utmost importance to you and you wouldn’t risk its health. Keanu had a point, wanting you to move with him, the only question you needed to ask yourself was:
He had been your rock the last few months, listening to your complains, even going so far that he went shopping with you looking for everything you needed for the baby. 
You had been so wrapped up in your thoughts, not even acknowledging  the doctor leaving the actor and you behind. He was fidgeting, his fingers playing around with the magazine that laid on a table in the corner. With a sigh he turned back to the opposite of you sitting on the bed. 
“I-uh-I want you to come to New York, with me.” he mumbled, his longer tresses falling into his eyes, obscuring your view of his gentle eyes.
You stared blankly at the dark haired actor before you, his hands leaned against the counter of the office. "What did you say?" 
"I want you" his chocolate eyes turned on you, strands of his hair falling across his forehead. "to come to New York with me." 
Shaking your head, you fidgeted in your seat. "I told you, I can't." Your lips trembled, not able to cope with all that was happening right now. "There's Arch and Gard, a-and Laura. I-ugh-I can't just leave." 
"Fuck Gard." Keanu bellowed, his fist hitting the counter top with a loud clap. "And fuck ARCH. I want you safe." He slowly moved towards you, knowing he had frightened you with his outburst. "I just want you safe and with Tommy out there" the actor broke off, his eyes glistening in the light of the office. Inch by inch his hand reached for you, finally resting on your own, protectively holding your bump. His fingers caressed the skin on the back, like he wasn't sure what to do. 
Should he rub your belly? Lay his hand on the bump to feel the baby move? 
Keanu stared at you, leaning in and gently resting his forehead against yours. The gesture confused you, had you only ever been friends and nothing more. He was cautious, never once showing signs that there could be more than a friendship between you. "I couldn't bare if something happened to you or the bean." Taking a deep breath and closing his eyes, knowing you could see the tears he refused to let fall. "I went through this once." His hands moved to your neck, thumbs stroking along the skin of your cheeks. "I-I can't do it again, not with you." 
Your hands moved around his wrists, anchoring both, Keanu and you. 
"You won't have to." you tried to reassure him, the warmth of your fingers seeping into his skin. "No matter what." 
Slightly pulling away from you, he shook his head. “Who’s to say it won’t happen again. My lucky streak seems to be nonexistent.”
Your hands moved along his arms, the goosebumps raising on his skin as your fingers glided over his forearms. Feeling your eyes sting from the raw emotion his voice carried, you blinked several times to keep the tears at bay.
Fucking hormones.
“Your lucky streak is there, you just never saw it.” you pointed out, the tips of your fingers brushing along his cheek and over his beard, his incredibly soft beard to be honest. “Despite everything that’s happened to you, you’ve still stayed down to earth.” Gently raising his chin so you could look at him. “You have a wonderful personality, putting a smile on every person you meet and imprint the way you live on them by just being you. I-I think I’ve never heard of a more gracious, awe-inspiring Hollywood actor than you.” If you didn’t know better, you’d say his cheeks turned a soft hue of pink, listening to you ramble and brushing his own fingers over your cheeks, the tears now rolling freely over your skin. “Y-You stayed true to yourself, never letting anyone push you into a direction you didn’t want to go, you-uh-your family is wonderful, everyone supports you in what you do.”
“Stop it, Y/N, I get where you’re going with that.” he said, pulling you closer to his body. “Back to the important matter, are you going to come with me?”
Tilting your head to the side, you watched Keanu closely trying to determine where he was going with this. Biting your lips, your thumbs brushed over his cheekbones. “I guess the more pressing question would be how this would change between us.”
Shaking his head, the actor gave you a confused look. “Nothing, nothing would change.” You saw his Adam’s apple bob as he swallowed, nervousness moving over his features. “Why would you think that?”
“Because you’re acting strange, Keanu.” you confessed exasperatedly. “You’re doing all these things for me.” he opened his mouth, trying to reason. “And don’t tell me you’re just doing that because we’re such good friends. W-Why didn’t you correct that doctor when she thought we were married?”
“I wouldn’t have been able to come with you.” he insisted, shrugging his shoulders.
Raising your eyebrow, you shook your head. “And why do you want me to come with you so desperately?”
His larger hands squeezed your shoulders, holding onto you. “Because I need you, because I need to know you’re both alright and because” he broke off, swallowing around the lump in his throat.
“Because?” you inquired, turning your eyes on his chocolate browns.
One hand scratched along his bearded cheek, like so many times before when he was thinking very hard. “Because” he paused, his eyes boring into yours. “Because I love you.”
Part 6
@meetmeinthematinee @ladyreapermc @axshadows @a-really-bi-girl @fanficsrusz @ficsnroses @toomanystoriessolittletime @fortheloveoffanfic @pinkzsugar @lunaeminxxx​ @momorix3​ @sallyp-53​ @keanureeefs​ @baphometwolf666 ​ @mrspeacem1nusone​ @random806​ ​
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falling-pages · 4 years
The blessing: Tamaki Suoh
Inspired by a post by @ohshcscenerios
Tamaki couldn’t lie: he was impressed when his daughter’s boyfriend showed up for dinner.
The young man sported a well-fitted dress shirt tucked into his pants with slicked-back black hair. Under the collar of the dress shirt peeked a shell necklace, beautiful white shells with ridges etched into the bottoms. Although any other necklace would have clashed with the dressy garb, the young man exhibited a manner of excellence and relaxation that just tied everything in together. He could probably wear the most outlandish outfit and with that smile and charisma pull it off.
Puka shells. That’s what Yua had told him. The necklace was made of puka shells. Her boyfriend’s family moved to Japan from Hawaii, so he always wore the necklace to honor his place of birth. When Tamaki remembered that, he felt even more impressed. He knew a thing or two about missing his home country.
Yua laughed at a joke, pulling her father back into the present. She was giving him some serious side-eye, prompting him to pay attention. She was too much like her mother, always knowing when he slipped into a reverie.
Tamaki straightened up, putting his fork down to avoid absentmindedly pushing around more vegetables. A bubble welled inside his stomach. Nothing was going wrong, exactly. The dinner was excellent, but he couldn’t find the motivation to eat it. The occasion to eat with his 25-year-old daughter rarely came since she had moved out, and bringing along her boyfriend Keanu was supposed to be an extra treat. But when Keanu had shaken his hand and come inside, he had this special look in his eye and a weight in his grip that set off Tamaki’s instincts. Not necessarily bad instincts. But he could tell there was something this young suitor was planning.
“Isn’t that just so funny, Papa?” Yua said, lightly nudging her father under the table.
Tamaki perked up to meet his daughter’s eyes. With her light brown eyes and dark blonde hair, she was perfect blend of himself and Haruhi. She looked good with Keanu; they coordinated well. 
“Oh, yes! What a delightful joke!” Tamaki said, raising his glass. “Your sense of humor never disappoints!”
Keanu shifted in his seat, hands kept below the table. “Thank you, Mr. Suoh. You are an easy man to bond with.”
Excellent Japanese grammar. Another reason he liked him. “I wish all my children’s suitors were as easy to like as you,” Tamaki said. Yua rolled her eyes, knowing what was about to come next. “If Hina’s scruffy boyfriend turns up around here one more time Haruhi is going to beat him out with a stick.”
Yua laughed and pressed her hand to Keanu’s leg, whispering something to him.
“Oh, I completely understand that, sir,” he said, taking a sip of water. “My mother hates my sister-in-law. You might want to join Mrs. Suoh and run that boy out before he joins your family.”
A family man. Bonus points.
After a bit more chit-chat, Yua got up to bring in another bottle of wine. In her absence, Tamaki let his eyes scan the younger man. He quietly jerked back when their eyes met. 
“Sir,” Keanu whispered, leaning forward. “May I talk to you after dinner? In private?”
Tamaki’s blood pressure spiked, but he agreed. Don’t let it be what I think it is. Don’t let it be what I think it is. 
One glass later, and the maids were cleaning up the dishes while the family continued to chat. Tamaki realized how empty it was in the house. His younger daughter was staying the night at a friend’s house, and Haruhi had gotten called into an emergency meeting at the firm. With her he may have the strength to listen to the conversation he knew was coming. But without her, he wasn’t sure if he was capable.
“I’m going to freshen up for the remainder of the evening,” Yua announced, rising from the table. She dragged Keanu’s hand until distance forced her to let go, and then she pecked her father’s cheek. Before she slid out of the room, Tamaki caught a wink from her. 
She probably knew what was coming, too. She took after her mother in her uncanny ability to figure out situations before all the cards were dealt.
As soon as she was gone Keanu leapt into action, flipping into a whole new personality. His hands began to shake as he sent a questioning look to Tamaki, who nodded and led him from the dining room into his office. 
He waited a moment, prompting the young man to speak, while also trying to ready himself for the question about to change his life.
“Sir,” Keanu began, running his hands over the cloth on the back of the chairs. “I love your daughter very much. More than anyone in the entire world. And I can’t see my future without her.” He sighed, closing his eyes. That dinner charisma must have been all for a show, because now he had transformed into a nervous, quiet man. “When I wake up in the morning, she is the first thing I think about. She is the first person I tell when I receive good news, and she’s the first person I run to when something bad happens. I’ve changed so much over the last two years, changed into a better person. And it’s all because of her.”
Keanu took one last deep breath before pushing the question out. “Sir, can I have your blessing to ask Yua to marry me?”
Though he was expecting it, Tamaki felt himself fall back onto his desk, shifting to even out his weight on each foot. Even when he saw it coming the question still hit him like a blow to the chest: this man was trying to take away his little girl?
“Where do you plan on living full-time?” he asked, swallowing the thick emotion. 
“I don’t know, sir,” Keanu answered, his voice leveling back to its deep tone. “I would like to go back to Hawaii, but if she wants to stay in Japan, I’d be more than willing to stay.”
Tamaki felt his lips arch, remembering the events of his own engagement. His second one, not the one that Haruhi broke up. “You know I was born in France,” he begins, watching as the young man nods. “And when I graduated high school I really wanted to go back. I wanted to take care of my mother and be back at home.” He traced the wood patterns on his desk, feeling everything wash over him again. All the pain, the grief. All the happiness. The love. “But then I started dating my wife, and I soon realized that home was wherever she was. I think you feel the same way.”
Keanu eagerly nodded. “Yes!”
“I like you,” Tamaki finally admitted. “And I believe your love is true. I believe Yua loves you, too. You make her happy. So as long as you promise to make her happy for the rest of her life, you have my blessing.”
“Sir!” Keanu lunged forward, almost throwing his arms around Tamaki, before coming to his senses and stopping. He bowed sheepishly, trying to hide the grin but failing. “Thank you. I promise.”
Tamaki smiled and stepped forward, hugging the young man, who instantly complied with relief. It all became clear: Tamaki wasn’t losing a daughter. He was gaining a son.
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aion-rsa · 3 years
Best Romantic Movies on Netflix
Romance movies are not that different from horror movies. Both are incredibly hard to pull off, are heavily watched during a cold time of year, and hopefully end with every character covered in blood.
With that in mind we present to you a list of the best romantic movies on Netflix. Because romance deserves it, damn it. Virtually every song ever written is a love song but poor romance can’t get a fair shake at the movies. Whether it be a rom-com or just a straight-up soul-enlightening/crushing romance, our list of the best romantic movies on Netflix will get you back in touch with your cold, dead heart.
Set It Up
Set It Up is Netflix’s most accomplished original romantic comedy yet.
Zoey Deutch and Glen Powell star as overworked assistants Harper and Charlie. Harper is an assistant to Kirsten (Lucy Liu) the woman behind a sports media empire. Charlie works for finance maven Rick (Taye Diggs). Harper and Charlie realize that their respective workloads might lesson if their bosses were more focused on their love life and less focused on work. So they…set them up.
Set It Up is a fun, novel high-concept romance movie positively filled with chemistry on all sides.
Outside In
We embrace every kind of love on our list of the best romance movies. Sometimes that includes some questionable, and some would say “icky” kind of love. So…Outside In is a teacher-student romance. But don’t panic! It’s ok.
Jay Duplas stars as Chris, a man who was wrongly imprisoned at age 18 and who is relased at age 38. When Chris is released, he immediately meets up with his old high school teacher, Carol (Edie Falco), who was his penpal when he was in prison. He wastes little time before he declares his love for her.
Despite its subject matter, Outside In is a mature, well-handled exploration of love and what it means to love someone for themselves as opposed to what they do for us.
The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society
With a name as long as The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society, the movie better be good to justify how many times we poor cultural commenters must type it out. Thankfully Guernsey is quite good!
Based on a book by the same name, Guernsey is a historical love story set in 1946. Lily James stars as British writer Juliet Ashton. Juliet begins exchanging letters with residents of the islands of Guernsey, which was under German occupation in WWII (so like two years before the movie starts). While there she meets the dashing Dawsey Adams (Michael Huisman) and romance begins to blossom.
The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society is an excellent, watchable classical romance
To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before
Oh hey! Another Netflix original with a long title based on a book. Like the Potato Peel Pie Society, To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before is another effortlessly enjoyable romantic romp – this time of the teen variety.
Lara Jean Song Covey (Laura Condor) experiences every young person’s nightmare when private love letters to five boys she has or has had crushes on suddenly and mysteriously become public. But fear not. This is a romance movie, not a horror movie. So this sudden reveal has to go well for Lara Jean, right? RIGHT?!?
To All the Boys P.S. I Still Love You
The To All the Boys team returns for a sequel that teaches kids the harsh lesson that there’s no such thing as happily ever after! OK, so that’s a bit harsh, but To All the Boys P.S. I Still Love You does bring back its characters for another round of romantic angst.
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To All the Boys: P.S. I Still Love You Review
By Delia Harrington
To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before Review: A Pleasurable Netflix Rom-Com
By Delia Harrington
Lara Jean (Lana Condor) is now officially Peter’s (Noah Centineo) girlfriend. But before they can relax and enjoy their lives together, an old flame of Lara Jean enters the frame. That’s right, John Ambrose (Jordan Fisher) is here and he wants to steal your girl, Noah Centineo.
The Danish Girl
2015’s The Danish Girl tells the story of a kind of love nearly unprecedented for its early 20th century time. Eddie Redmayne stars as artist Lili Elbe, who was born Einar Wegener and is believed to be one of the first individuals to receive sexual reassignment surgery. The film follows Lili’s journey and her love with wife Gerda Wegener (Alicia Vikander).
When Gerda asks her husband to stand in for a female subject in her painting, Einar does so and quickly comes to terms with the gender identity he’s been suppressing. The newly confirmed Lili and Gerda navigate this new dimension of their relationship and Lili continues her work as a subject for Gerda’s now very much in demand paintings. 
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Beauty and the Beast
2017’s live-action version of Beauty and the Beast isn’t the best depiction of the classic fairy tale ever but that’s ok. It doesn’t have to be. All Bill Condon’s Beauty and the Beast really needed to be was a fun little dip into nostalgia with sumptuous visuals and a believable romance. On that front, everything goes according to plan.
Read more
Emma Watson on Beauty and the Beast: ‘I’m Very Grateful That This Character Exists’
By Don Kaye
Beauty and the Beast Disney+ Prequel Series Set with Luke Evans and Josh Gad
By Joseph Baxter
Emma Watson stars as Belle and Dan Stevens is her beast. Belle heads off from her small French town to the Beast’s castle to rescue her father. What follows is Stockholm Syndrome: The Movie. But sexier. Beauty and the Beast really does look good and Watson and Stevens have just enough chemistry to make this a worthwhile romantic experience.
50 First Dates
50 First Dates has a somewhat disappointing Rotten Tomatoes score. Ignore that. It’s probably partially due to many critics’ distaste for at least one of the actors in the above screengrab. Not that they can be blamed. The presence of Adam Sandler or Rob Schneider in any comedy is rarely a good sign. In 50 First Dates‘, however, it’s not an issue at all. 
50 First Dates is a legitimately funny and romantic romantic comedy. Drew Barrymore stars as Lucy Whitmore, a woman with short-term memory loss. Due to a car accident, every day she wakes up believing it is October 13, 2002. Sandler’s character Henry Roth meets her in Hawaii and the two must overcome this bizarre condition to establish a lasting relationship.
Todd Haynes, director of Carol and Far From Heaven knows longing. And if there’s an element that makes for an excellent romantic movie experience its longing. That desperate sense is baked into nearly every frame of Carol. Based on a 1950s romance novel, Carol is the story of a young photographer (Rooney Mara) and an older woman going through a divorce (Cate Blanchette) undertaking a forbidden affair.
Forbidden because, you know, ’50s. And that’s where the longing comes in. Nothing is more romantic or sexier than a forbidden romance. Carol channels that romantic energy into something mature, fascinating and heartbreaking.
Silver Linings Playbook
Silver Linings Playbook is all about how generally terrible it is to be a Philadelphia Eagles fan. OK, fine – it’s only a little bit about that. This star-studded 2012 film from David O. Russell is more about the challenges in finding love when one isn’t sure they even love themselves.
Bradley Cooper stars as Pat Solitano Jr., a young man with bipolar disorder living with his parents after being released from a psychiatric hospital. Pat is determined to win back his ex-wife and to that end enlists the help of young widower Tiffany Maxwell (Jennifer Lawrence). The two become closer as they train for an upcoming dance competition and share their respective damages with one another.
Silver Linings Playbook works because Lawrence and Cooper have a real crackling chemistry. And they both just happen to be devastatingly, almost supernaturally attractive.
Runaway Bride
From stars Richard Gere and Julia Roberts to director Garry Marshall to conspicuous usage of enormous cell phones – Runaway Bride is an intensely ’90s film. And to the rightly organized mind, that just makes it the platonic ideal of a low-stress romantic comedy.
Roberts stars as Maggie Carpenter, an alluring young woman who has made a habit of leaving multiple fiancé’s at the altar. Gere is Ike Graham, a New York columnist seeking to tell the definitive story of this “runaway bride.” Runaway Bride is a charming experience that will make you think long and hard about how you really like your eggs prepared.
It feels reductive to call Loving a “romance” movie, as its more of a historical exploration of the very real, very tragic legacy of American racism. At its center, however, the film is about love.
Loving tells the story of Richard (Joel Edgerton) and Mildred Loving (Ruth Negga), a mixed-race Virginia couple challenging their state’s law against interracial marriage in the Supreme Court. The details of the Lovings struggle for basic human rights are astonishing. Edgerton and Negga’s empathetic performances make sure the film never loses sight of the humanity at play amid all the legal drama.
Always Be My Maybe
Everyone always talks about “the one who got away”, but what about “the one who was always kind of around”? 2019’s Always Be My Maybe tells of one such story.
Ali Wong (who wrote the film) stars as Sasha Tran and Randall Park stars as Marcus Kim. Marcus and Sasha grew up next door to each other and also embarked on a brief, ill-fated relationship in their teenage years. When Sasha returns to San Francisco to open a restaurant, she discovers that romantic energy remains between her and Marcus. But is that enough to spark love in the busy, chaotic adult world?
Always Be My Maybe has a lot to say about family and growth. It also features a truly winning performance from Keanu Reeves playing…Keanu Reeves.
The Kissing Booth
There’s an interesting dynamic at play in teenage romantic comedies. Oftentimes, the worse they are, the more watchable (and rewatchable) they become. The Kissing Booth is a prime example. Based on a book by the same name from Beth Reekles, The Kissing Booth isn’t exactly celebrated for its realistic portrayal of American teenagers.
Thanks to charming lead performances from Joey King, Jacob Elordi, and Joel Courtney, however, that doesn’t really matter. The Kissing Booth is all about how one girl’s first kiss turns into an emotional minefield of teen angst. That alone is enough to support 105 minutes of pure high school drama…and two sequels!
The post Best Romantic Movies on Netflix appeared first on Den of Geek.
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allie1804-fan · 4 years
New Beginnings (Chapter 8)
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New Beginnings Baby Drabble
New Beginnings Baby Drabble No2
A couple of hours later they were back at home, lying on their bed staring at the ceiling lightly holding hands.
Keanu spoke first
“Is it OK with you that I’m more terrified than happy” he said turning to look at her.
“Thank god you said that first” she sighed “because that’s exactly how I feel. Like we’ve been sent back in time to possibly let fate have another go at beating us up!
“Come ‘ere” He wrapped his arms around her and held her tight against his chest.
“Well at least we’re on the same page!” he chuckled lightly “I know we saw it, in the right place and everything but about 5 minutes after we left I didn’t feel reassured anymore!”
“me neither!”
When Emily spoke again her voice was choked with tears
“It’s not fair is it, we should be thrilled and excited but that’s all been stolen from us”
“mmmmm but maybe that’s up to us? You know what’s that poem?”
“oh Kipling you mean? She recited ‘If you can meet with Triumph and Disaster   And treat those two impostors just the same’”
“Yes that one, maybe we just try and remember that and take it one day at a time. I know it’s easy to think that expecting the worst makes it easier to face the worst but it probably doesn’t. I mean we’re not going to blindly assume it’s all gonna be a piece of cake, obviously but maybe we need to let ourselves be just a little hopeful?”
With that he leaned over and lifted her shirt, pressing his lips to her belly
“Hey little one, please just stay put do you hear? And grow big and strong and come out screaming your lungs out, OK? Because we really, really want you, OK?”
He came back up then to kiss Emily, stroking her hair then kissing at the tears that had leaked out while he said his piece to the baby.
“I love you, more than anything or anyone ever and I know there are no guarantees but let’s just let ourselves imagine that next summer we get to meet this little person we’ve made and love them and see them grow up OK?”
She nodded, still too choked to speak.
The next week they had two important appointments. The first was with the obstetrician for another scan. The peanut was still there, heart beating away and they guessed that by now Emily was between 7 and 8 weeks along. They offered to repeat the weekly scans through the first trimester given their high levels of anxiety.
The next day they saw the counsellor.
Once they had explained the situation she asked Emily first how she was feeling.
“well I guess we just feel”
“let me just stop you there, you don’t have to speak for Keanu. He might very well feel many of the  same things, but speak for yourself first – you might have some different worries”
“Well, I guess I was surprised how the news made me feel.  Disappointed is not it exactly but we went to that appointment feeling, you know, purposeful and in control and when we left I felt” she paused “all at sea all over again and that made me” she paused again feeling ashamed at the next word she wanted to say
“that’s not surprising – and how do you feel now?”
“well, still out of control - and the relief from the scan yesterday seemed to last about 3 hours before I started thinking maybe it’s already gone wrong!, but I’m trying, really trying to have a little hope, but I’m struggling if I’m honest’
“and you Keanu?”
“much the same”
“You are?! I thought you were getting hopeful, talking to my belly and everything”
“That’s just me trying to control my fear sweetheart, I’m as scared as you are!”
Emily’s shoulders relaxed from the tensed up state they’d been in until now and she took his hand and squeezed it tight.
The counsellor asked a few more questions and let them voice their worries. Her main advice was to keep busy, keep talking and listening to each other and take one day at a time. She also reminded them that whatever happened, their thoughts weren’t going to change the outcome. Stress was to be avoided of course but thinking it might all go wrong or all go right for that matter wasn’t going to make it come true or make it easier to deal with either outcome.
Back at home Emily told him how relieved she was that he still felt the same fears as her. She’d started to feel like she was ‘letting the side down’ by not voicing more positivity.
The following week, both Keanu and Emily got back to work having taken the previous week to acclimate themselves to the news.  Keanu was busy training at 87/11 for an action movie as well as checking in with Arch and Emily was in the writers’ room for a new TV show.
The next scan came and went, with another short window of elation and reassurance following it.
Emily hadn’t got many typical symptoms but the sickness had just started to kick in and she needed to eat to keep it at bay. Jane, one of her fellow writers spotted that Emily, who never normally indulged in biscuits, was powering through them during the writers’ room sessions as well as bumping into her splashing her face in the bathroom after being sick.
 “You OK?”
 “Yeah, yeah just been burning the candle at both ends” she lied.
Emily had never been an adept liar and felt like her lie was written all over her face and that the  cat could be out of the bag. Jane was married to a presenter on Entertainment Tonight and she could just imagine her passing on what she’d seen to him and if anyone had spotted them at the hospital visits as well, the game would certainly be up!
At that week’s counselling session, the focus was all on people finding out, both those close to them  and the wider public. They hadn’t told a soul so far.
“so” the counsellor asked Emily, “can you tell me what it is in particular about people finding out that bothers you so much?”
“well if people know then it’s more real and then if it goes wrong ……” she trailed off
“if it goes wrong and people know, is it more real than if they didn’t?”
Emily smiled realising she’d had her so called defence strategy unpicked.
“No, of course not, I guess it’s all just another way my stupid brain is trying to protect me huh?”
“It’s not stupid but you’re right, it’s a coping strategy. Let’s turn the idea on its head. If you lost your baby and no-one knew, how would that be?           “
“Well I guess we could more easily pretend it never happened!” she said, giving Keanu a knowing look since he had confessed before that he’d done exactly that after Ava.
“but it would be pretty lonely too”
They talked some more about the potential value of support - regardless of the success or not of the pregnancy and they made the decision to tell close friends and family.
They also talked about what to do in case anything leaked to the press.
They had never released a statement about the ectopic (one had been ready in case a member of staff had  leaked it or if a member of public had seen them at the hospital) but no one had fortunately. They would need to talk to Cheryl given the frequency of their visits to the Obstetrics Wing of the hospital.   Keanu recalled that even in 1999 pre the days of social media, news of Jennifer’s pregnancy had got out when she was around 4 months along and they’d had to release a statement. Their chances of keeping it under the radar in today’s 24 hour news circus were slim.
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New Beginnings Baby Drabble
New Beginnings Baby Drabble No2
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ladyreapermc · 4 years
Fic: Catching Feelings 5/? (Keanu x OFC)
Summary: AU in which Keanu is down on his luck after he comes to  Hollywood   trying to be an actor. To earn some money, he joins this app for   escorts and meets Steph, a rising star who hires him to try to forget   her ex. Neither of them are expecting to fall in love and all the   problems it brings.  (Previous parts: 1 2 3 4)
Author’s notes: For the first time in this series a smut free chapter. Hope you guys enjoy it and as always, feedback is appreciated.
Wordcount: 3880
Warnings: mentions of alcohol and inebriation; hangover
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Steph bit her thumb as she surveyed the mess of clothes on top of her bed. Her flight was tomorrow night and as usual, she left packing for the last possible minute since she absolutely hated doing it. Especially for long trips because she never knew what to take with her and she would be spending two months in France.
Should she take that new gown in case she had to a gala to attend to? Or that grey pencil skirt in case she gets called to an interview? How many sweaters were enough? Should she take that faux fur coat?
It was her personal nightmare and that was why she recruited Gwen's help, but her friend hadn’t arrived just yet, leaving Steph to contemplate her mess and the empty suitcase.
Well, not really empty. There was one item of clothing that made its way into the bag before any other. That one shirt Keanu left behind. It was grey and had the logo for the bike custom shop he worked for, Arch motorcycle. Steph wasn’t proud to admit that she had worn often in the last month. It was her way to keep herself close to him.
Everything was going so well; she was loving the time she spent with Keanu and that night she had been so happy that he was the one she was celebrating this new accomplishment in her career. Of course, it had to be Kevin to ruin everything.
He caught her dancing when Keanu excused himself to go to the restroom and the only reason Steph agreed to go to the VIP lounge was to avoid making a scene in front of everyone. But she came to regret that decision because from afar it looked like she and Kevin were having an intimate moment, maybe even getting back together, which was exactly how the tabloids published the pictures and what Keanu had thought.
From afar no one could see the way Steph rolled her eyes at Kevin's weak attempts of seduction. She even wondered what she had seen in him in the first place. He was all talk, no action. A leech. She could tell right away that he somehow found out she was gonna be in the next Fincher movie and he wanted in.
Unfortunately, by the time Steph managed to tell Kevin to go fuck himself, Keanu had already seen everything and jumped to the wrong conclusion. He left her alone at the club and ignored her requests at Mars and Venus. Steph never hated the fact that she never bothered to get his number as much as at that moment.
She hated herself even more for thinking she could keep things casual when Keanu was such an amazing guy. At some point, something changed and Steph really started to care for Keanu. It hurt that he didn’t want to see or talk to her, but she needed to respect his choice.
Instead, she turned her focus on returning the bike to him. She knew how important it was to Keanu. That was the only reason she tracked down the shop he worked for. She really didn’t expect the way they desperately fucked that night, but it had given her a glimpse of hope that maybe they could fix this.
Until he mentioned his client and Steph nearly threw up right then. She had been stupid to let herself get involved. He was an escort, not her boyfriend. He stayed because she paid him to, not because he loved or something stupid like that.
Those words were supposed to be the wakeup call Steph needed to shake herself out of this. Focus on her career. And for the most part, she managed to do just that. She didn’t send Keanu any more requests and resisted the urge to drive by the bike shop like a crazy stalker.
At most she googled his band, finding out their website and YouTube channel. Steph watched a few of their videos, really enjoying their sound and not just because it was Keanu’s band. That was why she sent their channel to Mike; he was a music producer married to one of Steph's friends.
She only asked him to check them out. It was his own idea to go to one of Dogstar's live performances. According to him, any garage band could make themselves sound good on video. A live performance was harder to fake.
The sound of the intercom started Steph from her thoughts and she moved to get the gate and door open for Gwen, who had brought along a bottle of that cheap wine they used to drink in college when they were too broke to buy anything else. After an hour, Steph was tipsy, laughing and joking with Gwen and zero progress had been made on her packing endeavor.
“How about this?” Gwen asked, showing her a skimpy set of lingerie that still had the tags on.
“And when exactly do you think I’m gonna wear that?” Steph asked with an arched eyebrow and Gwen shrugged, sipping her wine.
“Maybe you’ll meet a hot French man?”
“It’s a work trip, Gwen,” she said with an eye roll and her friend shrugged.
“You never know. Your co-star is pretty hot. Maybe...”
“Noooo! No way!” Steph said shaking her head. “I’m not dating another actor ever again. Learned my lesson with Kevin.”
“No slutty lingerie for you then,” Gwen said, putting it aside and Steph chuckled, reaching for her phone when Mike’s name flashed across the screen.
“You were right, they’re good,” Mike said as soon as she answered. “A little rough around the edges, but nothing I can’t work with. I gave them my card.”
“You didn’t mention me, did you?” Steph asked, heart on her throat.
“No. Should I have?” Mike asked with hesitation and she breathed a sigh of relief.
“No, no. I’m glad it worked out,” she said with a smile. “Thanks, Mike.”
“No, thank you.”
They said their goodbyes and Steph hung up with another sigh. She was happy Mike liked them. Maybe Dogstar could grow as it deserved. Like Keanu deserved.
“Mike, music producer, Mike?” Gwen asked an eyebrow raised. Steph just nodded. “Did you asked him to sign up with your hooker boyfriend band?”
“What? No!” she glared at her friend. “One, I would never do that and two, Keanu is not my hooker boyfriend.”
Gwen was the only person that Steph had trusted enough to tell about everything that happened. She didn’t judge Steph, but she wasn’t above making mean jokes.
“You miss him, don’t you?” Gwen said with a smirk. “Bet you keep checking up his profile on M&V.”
“I deleted the app actually,” Steph confessed. She wanted to avoid temptation.
“Well, if you want to know, he upped his price again,” Gwen said, glancing down at her own phone. As the owner of the company that made the app, she had access to all information on clients and workers. “7K. And he’s still getting requests every day. The guy is good.”
Steph only hummed noncommittally. She didn’t want to think about how good Keanu was and how she knew a night with him was worth every cent of those 7 thousand dollars.
“And he changed his profile picture. Looking good with the short hair.”
“What?” Steph couldn’t help the shock in her voice as she all but yanked the phone out of Gwen’s hand.
The new profile showed him with shorter hair, pushed to the side, longish dark locks falling over his eyes; his jaw showing a faint stubble. He still looked amazing. He always looked amazing, but Steph really liked the longer hair and she knew he loved it too. She wondered why he did it.
“Oh, honey…” Gwen sighed, giving Steph a sympathetic look as she handed the phone back. “You really liked him, don’t you?” she just nodded, the lump on her throat preventing her from speaking. “Then call him.”
“I don’t have his number,” Steph said, shifting her attention to her open suitcase, the real reason she called Gwen here.
“I’ll get it for you,” her friend replied with a snort, but Steph just shook her head.
“And then what, Gwen? We go out on dates that I’m paying for?” she asked with a snort of her own. “I can’t, ok? If the press got a word of what he does…”
“So what? It’s legal now,” Gwen pointed out. It was the whole reason she made the app in the first place and why it was so popular. Solicitation was no longer a crime. “It’s just a job like any other.”
“Tell that to the rest of the world!” Steph rolled her eyes. “It would ruin my career. Studios and directors wouldn’t touch me with a ten-foot pole. Let’s just drop this, please? I really need to get this suitcase ready.”
She saw the way Gwen hesitated, but in the end, she just nodded, lips pressed together in a displeased line.
“I will just say one last thing,” she started giving Steph time to protest, but she didn’t. “Do you really want to work with studios and directors who judge an actress not by her talent or work ethics, but by who she sleeps with?”
Steph didn’t have an answer to that, and Gwen knew it of course. That was why she said it. The conversation died as the two friends turned their focus on the task at hand, opening a new bottle of wine.
When Steph woke up the next day, her head was pounding in that way only cheap wine could do. Her suitcase was all packed and ready to go, Gwen was nowhere in sight, but there was a slip of paper under her cellphone with Keanu’s name and phone number.  Steph stared at it for a long time in consideration, before pocking it and heading off to the airport.
Steph didn’t expect to enjoy her time in France this much. It wasn’t her first time in the country, but it was her first time spending this long in Europe. At first, they only stayed a week in Paris, getting everything already before the entire cast and crew traveled together to the countryside. Most of the movie would take place at the lovely town of Cluny and Steph was in love with the beautiful architecture and the abbey where the story would take place.
Caught in the process of the movie, time seemed to fly, and Steph managed to push away all the troubles of her personal life to a secure corner of her mind. It was one of the things she loved the most about being an actress: the way she could immerse herself in character, feel like a completely different person for a few months.
So, when Steph saw the news of Kevin’s engagement she wasn’t sure if the strange detachment she felt over it was due to her character usually frosty demeanor or her own indifference. She still called Gwen to talk about it, trying to sort out her feelings. It was strange to realize, after weeks of hurting over him, that she barely cared that he was getting married to a woman he met only three months ago.
She hated the way everyone in the crew seemed to walk on eggshells around her when the news broke as if they expected Steph to break down at any second. The only one that seemed to be acting pretty much the same was her co-star Vincent and Steph started to gravitate towards him more and more just to catch a break from the stares and whispers.
They were staying at the same inn, rooms right next to each other and they would have breakfast together every morning, chatting up about everything and nothing. Then they would drive to the set together, singing obnoxiously loud to pop songs. When they finished filming for the day, they would stop by this little bistro for dinner, which was quickly becoming their favorite, before heading back to the inn to call it a night.
Steph knew more than a few pictures of them had hit the press already, wondering if the onscreen chemistry and romance had been transferred offscreen. She wouldn’t mind if that had happened because Vincent was great. He was also gay and in a happy and committed relationship with his publicist. Since he wasn’t out yet, he didn’t mind the rumors any more than Steph care about playing his beard for a couple of months.
One particular weekend his boyfriend came to visit and he, Vincent and Steph went out to dinner. It was the most fun Steph had in a while. They were hilarious and snarky and absolutely smitten for one another. Seeing them together made her heart clench with jealousy. She wanted what they had, the easy banter and silent conversations with one single look and sheer happiness of having someone that just got you and loved you not despite your imperfections, but because of them.
Maybe it was that nagging jealousy that made Steph drink way more than she should during dinner, especially considering she was such a lightweight. Fortunately, they were perfect gentlemen and took her back to the inn, all but tuck her in bed, a glass of water and a couple of aspirins on the table for her when she woke up.
She cuddled with her pillow, squeezing her eyes shut to fight the queasiness on her stomach. All Steph wanted was for the pillow to magically changed into something else. Someone else.
She missed Keanu so much. His cheeky grin and cute little laughter that he always seemed to hide behind his hand whenever he was embarrassed. The twinkle in his eye whenever he talked about something he was passionate about and his exaggerated hand gestures… The way his hands could cover most of her hips; how he could lift her up like she weighed nothing, pin her against the wall an do the most wicked things to her. The taste of his mouth, with that lingering hint of nicotine underlying everything or how he always seemed to smell like leather and steel.
It felt almost like Steph was watching from out of her body as she kicked the covers off herself and dug her coat pockets until she found that slip of paper. She punched in his number, saving it on her phone before she made the call, which went straight to voice mail. Steph felt like crying at the sound of his deep voice asking her to leave a message.
“I know I shouldn’t be calling. I know you don’t wanna see me or hear from me, but fuck I miss you, Ke. Like crazy,” she slurred, flopping back in bed. “I wish you were here with me or that I was there. And I don’t even care anymore if you’re a hooker and you’re sleeping with half of LA. I want you so much. Shit. I’m gonna throw up…”
When Steph woke up the next day she really thought the pounding she was hearing was just the throbbing headache making her dizzy and nauseous. It took her a moment to realize it was the knocking on her door and she had to all but dragged herself out of bed to pull the door open, wincing against the light of the hall.
“You’re alive, good!” Vincent joked, pushing his way inside and all Steph managed was a weak groan as she closed the door as quietly as she could and staggered after him, every step making her stomach churn.
“What time is it?” she croaked, walking to the bathroom to wash her mouth, trying to make the foul taste on her tongue disappear.
“A little after 10,” he called out and Steph flinched at the loud tone of his voice. “We were supposed to go shopping but I take you’re not up for it?”
“You think?” she deadpanned, downing the aspirin she forgot to take last night and crawling under the covers again as Vincent dropped beside her. “I just want to sleep.”
“I bet,” he chuckled, “you were downing that wine like it was water.”
“I’m never drinking again,” she groaned, burying her head under the pillow, faintly hearing her phone beeping, but decided to ignore it. Whatever it was it could wait until tomorrow.
“This Ke person really wants to talk to you,” Vincent commented, and Steph’s eyes snapped open. Fuck! She didn’t dream that?
She snatched the phone out of his hand, squinting at the screen. Even that amount of light was jarring against her eyes. There were five missed calls and fifteen text messages from Keanu, the level of panic in his words increasing at each one, wondering if she was alright?
Steph, please call me or I’m gonna start sending ambulances to every hotel in Paris!
“Oh shit!” she mumbled, hitting redial. Keanu picked up at the first ring.
“Thank fuck! Are you ok?” he asked with a sigh of obvious relief and Steph’s heart did an acrobatic flip in her chest at the same time her cheeks burned.
“Yeah, yeah. I’m fine. Just hungover. I’m so sorry I called you,” she rubbed her forehead, grimacing at her own pathetic drunk self.
“It’s just your message cut out all of a sudden and you weren’t picking up and…” he let out a heavy sigh. “I was worried.”
“I know. Thank you,” she couldn’t help but smile despite everything. Keanu really was such a good guy. “And I really am sorry.”
“It’s ok. Get some rest.”
“I will,” Steph sighed. “Bye, Ke.” She hung up before she could say anything else that would embarrass the hell out of her and dropped her phone to the side, covering her face and groaning.
“Ke, huh?” Vincent asked, his tone curious and Steph could almost picture the smirk on his face. “Did you drunk-dialed your ex?”
“Worse,” she moaned, pulling her hands away and looking at her friend. “I drunk-dialed the escort I’ve been fucking to get over my ex.”
“Whoa!” both his eyes and smirk widened. “Tell me more!”
And because Steph didn’t have any sense of self-preservation, that was exactly what she did. She told Vincent everything. The sudden and messy breakup with Kevin, his dick move of letting himself be photographed with a lingerie model a day before her new movie’s premiere; getting drunk and requesting a night with Keanu and everything else. She only spared the sex details because well, even Steph wasn’t that crazy, but all else hung in the open, including her unrequited feelings for him.
“Steph, doll, if they were really unrequited, he wouldn’t have called back…” Vincent checked her phone, “five times. This guy is clearly into you too.”
“He’s not. He’s just that nice,” she sighed, staring at the ceiling once again. “It’s one of the reasons I like him.”
Steph could still see the disbelief in Vincent’s eyes, but he didn’t argue anymore, which she was grateful for. She also felt a little better for getting it off her chest. Lighter.
“Do you wanna see a picture of him?” she offered and Vincent grinned.
“Hell yes!” She opened her favorites and pulled up Dogstar’s website, handing the phone to Vincent.
“He’s the one on the left,” she pointed out and he whistled.
“Damn! He’s hot! Like seriously hot. Like should’ve been a model hot,” Vincent said, handing the phone back. “No wonder you’re hooked. It almost sounds like Pretty Woman, only you’re Richard Gere and he’s Julia Roberts. Uhh! We should watch it.”
“You know what? Why not?” Steph shrugged, grabbing the remote and flickering the TV on. It wasn’t like she was planning on getting out of bed anyway. Watching some stupid rom-com with a friend sounded like a perfect way to deal with her hungover.
They ordered all junk food they could get from room service and just spent the entire day in bed, watching movies and laughing together. By the time Vincent said his goodbyes and head out to his own room, her headache was gone and her heartache had been dulled a little. The only thing missing was a nice warm bath to make her feel human again.
As Steph soaked in the tub, Hozier playing on her iPod, she nearly jumped at the sound of her phone, Keanu’s name flashing across the screen for a facetime call. Taking a deep breath and making sure nothing too compromising was showing, she accepted his call, breath catching on her throat when his face appeared.
“Hey,” he greeted, the sound of his baritone making her shiver.
There was a moment of awkward silence in which they only stared at each other. Steph noticed the shorter hair really suited Keanu, but it was hard not to miss the long locks that framed his face so well.
“How are you feeling?” he asked.
“Better, thanks,” Steph managed with a small smile. “I-uh liked the new hair.”
“Thanks,” Keanu chuckled, combing his fingers through it. “I was babysitting Gard’s kid and she wanted to play hairdresser. I had no idea she would use actual scissors.”
A bubble of laughter escaped Steph’s lips as she watched his embarrassed little shrug. Keanu laughed too, that cute little chuckle, hand covering his mouth and she grinned.
“Well, she did a really good job,” she joked. “Maybe I should make an appointment when I get back to LA.”
“She does nails too,” Keanu said, wiggling his fingers in front of the camera to display his black nail polish, making Steph chuckle. She missed this. Missed him. “I saw the news on Kevin’s engagement. How are you?”
“I wish him all the happiness,” she said with a shrug. “I’m over him. Really.”
“Good.” He ducked his head a little and Steph recognized that gesture. When Keanu had longer hair he would often do it to hide behind his dark mane, but with the shorter locks, his eyes remained in full display and what she thought she saw on them made her heart skip a beat. “I missed you.”
“Me too,” she whispered, squeezing the phone a little tighter so her shaky hand wouldn’t drop it. Keanu flashed her that cheeky grin Steph had come to love.
“Oh, I know,” he drawled, leaning back and she noticed he was in bed. “You said on your voicemail. Along with something about wanting me…”
“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” Steph declared, her cheeks burning red.
“Really?” he smirked. “It was between not caring if I was sleeping with half of LA and you announcing you were gonna throw up.”
“Oh my God!” she covered her face, splashing bubbles over the camera. She had forgotten about that, but Steph really wished she could forget everything.
“I’m not, you know?” Keanu said, his expression turning serious. “Sleeping with anyone. I’ve only ever slept with you.”
“Oh.” Steph didn’t really know what to say to that and again they just stared at each other, the silence hanging between them heavy, full of unspoken feelings.
“I have to get ready for work,” he said, clearing his throat. “Talk to you later?” his smile was hesitant, hopeful.
“Yeah,” she smiled and nodded. “I’d like that.”
xxx (tbc) xxx
go to part 6
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pkg4mumtown · 5 years
Waiting for Love (request)
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Summary: See photo
A/N: I’m low key in love with Keanu’s short hair and leather jacket combo from a few years back, so forgive me ahead of time. I left some room to continue this just in case because I kinda fell in love with it, even if it took me forever to get rolling. Might be boring but I’m taking it slow for once, okay? (lol)
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Warning: Extreme adorable-ness from Keanu. Slow burn., female reader
I groaned as my alarm blared, telling me to get my ass up and ready for one of the biggest art shows I’ve ever done. It wasn’t big in terms of the quantity of work I was presenting, but big in the sense that this was a more ‘esteemed’ show. Not to mention, the other artists showing their work had been established longer than I have. I befriended one of the artists, Becca, while setting up for this show. She took me under her wing and helped me get over my fears of today, as she had done this show a few times before.
“Y/N, you can’t freak out too much. You deserve to be in this show. Some of the people attending this are just rich assholes who’ll be drunk and staring at pieces, so don’t be intimidated by them. You’ll know when a fellow creative mind shows up, I promise, some will show up.”
You can say I was overjoyed when I found out her exhibition would be next to mine but separated by dividers like everyone was. Something about having someone familiar around eased my nerves slightly.
I reluctantly got out of bed, showered, changed, and readied myself face today. I ate something small to hold me over until I could find food at the show, knowing my stomach wouldn’t enjoy being full while nervous. I leant down in front of my cat’s food bowl, shaking it so it filled up. The noise summoned him, the cat rubbing up against my pant leg and leaving a trail of gray fur. I brushed it off as best as I could before scratching his head.
“I’ll be back later, Sage,” I cooed at him, my nerves easing slightly as I watched him push his face into my hand.
I reluctantly got up, straightening the pantsuit I decided to wear. I was nervous enough about the show, I wasn’t going to make it worse by wearing a dress and fighting with it all day. I got an Uber to the show, slightly bummed that I couldn’t ride my motorcycle to the show because of my attire but I didn’t want to look like a hot mess when I got there.
I arrived extra early, like all the artists were supposed to so that we could make sure everything was in order. I killed time by sitting at the small table in my exhibit, where we had business cards and other takeaways set up. As I scrolled through my phone, I heard the soft click of heels as Becca rounded the divider and entered my exhibit. I stood up to greet her, smiling at her bubbly, excited expression.
“Very professional,” she greeted, admiring the pantsuit.
“I didn’t want to sweat through a dress and risk being uncomfortable,” I sighed.
“It wasn’t a knock, Y/N, you wear it well,” she smiled comfortingly. “Is there anyone you know coming to the show?”
“I invited a few family members, but I won’t hold my breath,” I shrugged.
“Well, I have a friend coming that I have to introduce you to. I think your work and his tastes align perfectly,” she stressed with a flash of her hands.
“He, huh?” I questioned, raising an eyebrow.
“Hey, he’s a great guy but I’m taken,” she brought her left hand up to point at her wedding ring. “You could definitely give it a shot, though,” she winked.
“I think I’ll pass,” I blushed.
“You won’t be thinking that when you see him, promise,” Becca laughed behind her hand.
“I’m already not looking forward to it,” I shook my head at her.
“Trust me, I know he’ll love your work. He’s coming by around one I think. If you need food or something, I’ll send my assistant out to get you whatever you need,” she offered, knowing we couldn’t really leave our exhibits and that I didn’t have an assistant.
An hour later, the event opened, and people poured in. I watched these well-dressed people as they passed me, some bouncing aimlessly between exhibits and some following a strict order. I placed myself near the entrance of my exhibit, greeting people as they entered and viewed my work, but the exchange never lasted for more than that. Becca was right, either a lot of these people stared and pretended to enjoy themselves or they simply came for the works more than the artists. I didn’t mind, since I didn’t have to talk much, and the show would still look good for my experience.
Two hours later, I was growing increasingly bored as I had only found one person interested enough in my work to strike up a conversation. While it only lasted about five minutes, it still gave me a bit of confidence that someone had enjoyed themselves. I checked my phone, sighing when I realized I still had six hours left here. I secretly hoped Becca’s friend would be as interested as she said he’d be. I heard low volume screeching from Becca’s exhibit, before realizing it was Becca, herself, making the noise.
“I’m so glad you could make it!” I heard Becca shout excitedly.
“Of course, how could I miss it?” a deep voice responded, which I assumed belonged to her friend.
I tuned out the rest of the conversation to ease my nervousness about meeting this mysterious friend of hers. Her voice pulled me back out of my head again as she increased volume.
“Dude, I have to introduce you to Y/N! You’re gonna love her work!” she told him.
“So, you keep saying, but I haven’t even seen yours yet, Becca,” the voice chuckled.
“Please, Charlie, you know what my art looks like,” she huffed, grabbing his arm and tugging him out of the exhibit.
“I honestly regret telling you that I had a friend who called me Charles,” he sighed.
I had turned around as I heard their footsteps rounding the divider, making myself look busy.
My head shot up as Becca shouted my name. My eyes flicked over her excited face before landing on the tall man next to her. I recognized him immediately. He was dressed simply unlike many people here, donning a well-worn leather jacket, a V-neck t-shirt, jeans, and brown boots. His dark hair was on the short side, but long enough to tell he hadn’t done anything to tame it after taking his helmet off, the one he currently held in his hand. His facial hair was grown enough to look as equally as scruffy as the hair on his head after a run in with the helmet. This was one of the biggest names in Hollywood showing up to a prestigious art show in plain clothes, and he couldn’t look any more endearing. I blushed as I realized I had been silently staring at the pair.
“Keanu,” his face broke out into a shy smile and stuck his hand out, “it’s nice to finally meet you. Becca has been talking about you non-stop for weeks.”
“Y/N,” I responded, shaking his hand. My blush deepened at his words, “It’s uh, it’s an honor to meet you Mr. Reeves.”
“Please, Keanu is perfectly fine,” he corrected.
Yes, he is.
“I’ve gotta get back to my side, so have fun you two,” Becca announced her exit and left.
I cleared my throat as she disappeared, “Um, so, Becca didn’t tell me her friend was famous.”
“Sometimes it’s better that way,” he smiled almost sadly. “Tell me about yourself,” he requested and stepped closer to the hung artwork.
“I think I can tell you that through the art, might make it more interesting,” I answered, motioning him over to the first artwork on the wall.
Keanu squinted as he took the painting in, his eyes flicking over the title, Freedom, and back to the painting. A smile formed on his face, as he deciphered the swift strokes and textured landscape. I nervously wrung my fingers together before speaking.
“The landscape is actually—” I started.
“PCH,” he finished, finally looking back at me. “You ride, don’t you?”
I nodded, “I do. It’s just so freeing and liberating, hence the title.”
“I completely agree,” he agreed, his eyes lighting up as he held his helmet up. “I ride on PCH often when I’m home.”
From there, conversation flowed easily as we made our way through the rest of the works. Keanu insisted on going through every work I displayed, the delight evident on his face. I knew, then, what Becca had meant about knowing when someone genuinely loved your work. After what felt like no time at all, but what was actually almost two hours, we approached the last work I had displayed.
“Ah, yes,” he sighed happily as he took the painting in. “This captures the true essence of our modern society. We are always so concerned with watching the bustling of others from behind all types of barriers. Meanwhile, we sit alone and in silence as our existence becomes meaningless,” he blurted out with his voice filled with mock amazement. A grin appearing on his face and his hand, naturally, came up to hide it from view.
I laughed along with him, “Oh, yea, totally. Exactly what I was going for, Keanu.”
“Or, you know, it’s just a cat staring out of a window,” he chuckled and brought his hands up to gesture to the painting.
“Your interpretation was way better than my intention,” I was smiling so widely that my cheeks burned in embarrassment.
“Nah, I was just joking,” he waved his hand, his smile never fading.
“Art is meant to be interpreted by the viewer, no?” I asked, raising my eyebrows.
“I can’t argue with that,” he nodded, “So, what’s its name? I assume the cat is yours?”
I nodded, “His name is Sage, I rescued him from a kill shelter a few years ago.”
“That’s admirable.”
“It broke my heart to see that he was scheduled to be put down. I had to take him, and he’s been a blessing in my life,” I continued, staring fondly at the painting.
“Do you prefer cats?” he asked curiously.
“I love both cats and dogs, cats just happened to fit my lifestyle better,” I clarified. “You?”
“I think I’m more partial to dogs, but I love both, too,” he answered, his voice cracking slightly as we’d talked for so long.
“Would you like a water?” I offered and pointed to the small table I had been at earlier. I walked slowly over to it as I continued talking, seeing him follow me.
“I can grab us a couple drinks from…” he trailed off as he pointed into the walkways, where every other aisle of exhibits had its own bartender. Unlike a lot of characters he played, his voice and eyes contained hints of emotion.  
I understood what he meant but declined anyway, “These are free,” I nodded my head towards the water, biting back a smile. “Plus, I don’t think the artists are allowed to drink.”
“Right, of course,” he mumbled, his eyes dropping slightly out of embarrassment as I grabbed two water bottles. He didn’t let his body language show it, but his slightly crestfallen expression said enough.
“I’ll let you buy me one later, though,” I spoke cautiously as I handed a bottle to him, hoping I had read the situation correctly. His eyes snapped back up, meeting mine while taking the bottle from me. His fingers brushed mine, sending tingles up my hand and causing me to retract my hand quickly.
“I’d like that,” he answered softly, a blush creeping up to his cheeks but hidden partially by his beard. The corners of his mouth lifted as he brought the bottle to his lips, forcing me to tear my eyes away from the way his lips wrapped around the plastic. “We should ride some time,” he spoke again after pulling the bottle away from his mouth.
My throat hitched at his choice of words, making me cough as I drank my water. Luckily, I didn’t make a fool of myself and spray it everywhere, solving the problem with a simple clearing of my throat.
“Motorcycles. We should ride our motorcycles together, some time,” he clarified, the hint of a smirk from before more prominent now.
“Yea, yea that’d be awesome,” I nodded, flustered that he caught on to the reason I choked.
“Maybe after this?” he gestured to the art around him.
“Uh, it ends at seven, but I’d have to go home and change,” I waved my hand down across the pant suit and heels.
“That’s not a problem, I’ve got time,” he shrugged. “You don’t have to take your stuff down?”
“Nah, the show is on for the whole weekend,” I flapped my hand dismissively at the hung art.
“Well, I’d be happy to take you home afterwards,” he offered.
“No, no I can’t ask you to do that! I can take an Uber home,” I held my hands up, trying to quell any urge he had to help me.
“I mean, you’re not asking; I’m offering. Plus, unlike the Uber…I’m free,” he placed his hand on his chest, looking at me with raised eyebrows. His eyes were playful as he used my earlier excuse against me.
I took a deep breath through my nose, my mouth betraying me and curling into a smile as I released my breath, “Okay.” My voice was softer than intended, but I continued anyway, “I appreciate it, Keanu.”
He laughed, waving his hand at me, “I’m being selfish, honestly.”
“Yea, okay,” I snorted. “You should definitely check out the rest of the show, though. They have Rembrandts over there,” I directed, pointing to the other side of the building.
He feigned hurt, gasping dramatically, “Are you getting rid of me?”
“Yes, actually. There are a lot of great works here, too many to waste all of your time in my little exhibit,” I waved my hand out to the rest of the building.
“Oh, please,” he huffed, now understanding how other people feel when he deflects compliments onto other people. “The art isn’t what’s keeping me here, now.”
My face heated up fast under his gaze, but the blush quickly turned into a deep red out of embarrassment as my stomach growled loudly in the mild silence. My lips retracted into my mouth, hoping that he hadn’t heard it, or that he didn’t think it was something else.
“Hungry?” he questioned, trying to hold back a chuckle but failing.
“I’m fine, really.”
Keanu gave me the sassiest, most done look I’ve ever seen. He snatched my phone off the table, handing it to me, “Unlock it.” I hesitated. “Please,” he urged.
I did as he asked, then felt him slide the phone out of my fingers. I watched him type briefly, then bring the phone to his face and stick his tongue flat out of his mouth. He tapped on the phone again a few times before handing it back to me.
“I’ll go look at everything else, only if you promise to text me whatever you want me to pick up for you,” he stated smugly.
“Fine,” I half-groaned. This man and his kindness were going to be the death of me.
“Excellent,” he laughed, his adorable grin plastering his face again. This time, he didn’t hide his smile behind his hand and I was able to admire it, before he caught on and closed his lips while blushing at the appreciation. “Keep an eye on this for me, yea?” he asked, setting his helmet on the small table.
“Sure,” I nodded, placing my hand on top of the helmet in confirmation.
“Thanks,” he expressed as he moved to place his hand on the helmet, too, but stopped as he felt my hand under his. His hand lingered for a second, but it was withdrawn as he began stepping away, out of the exhibit. “You better text me,” he pointed my way, “or no drinks for you!”
Keanu disappeared around the divider and I heard him speak briefly to Becca. He must have told her about the potential drinks later because she gasped loudly and squealed at whatever he said. I bit my lip, smiling at the thought of what was to come. I hadn’t been out in a while, let alone on a date—if that’s what this even was. I just hoped that I wouldn’t do anything dumb or anything that would be unpleasant to him. I glanced down at my phone, unlocking it and seeing his contact as simply, Keanu, with the ridiculous picture he had taken. My fingers hovered over the screen before finally typing and sending an order.
“You got it,” was his only response before I made myself busy with the people around me.
I slid my phone in my pocket and waited patiently for him to come back, whenever he was done. These next four hours couldn’t go fast enough.
@cuttlefishcatfish @anita-e-taylor @samanthagraceg @futuristic-imbecile @beyondantares
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White Lies (Pt. 14 of 21)
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Pairing: Keanu Reeves X Reader
Word count: 2.1 K
Summary: Keanu found the girl almost dead, in the wrecks of what was once her car. While she was in surgery, stuck in a coma, he gathered the best doctors of New York to attend to her. They told him she is likely to have some kind of brain damage, what may lead to memory loss. And this possibility added up wit the fact that she's pregnant, made the council come up with an odd idea. They asked Keanu to pretend to be her husband, since the stress of finding out everything that happened could put the baby in danger. He reluctantly agreed, but only if she does has some kind of memory loss. He still goes she'll wake up soon, with her memories intact.
But when you finally wake up, there's nothing inside. You're quick to find your head is empty, void, like a blank canvas. The only thing that brings you some relief, that makes you feel less lonely is the mention of a husband. And you can't wait to meet him, because you know you can't deal with this by yourself.
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{Keanu Reeves Masterlist}
{John Wick Masterlist}
The Truth Always Finds A Way
“It's absolutely beautiful. I love it.” Laura says as you walk with her back to the living room. You just showed her Liam's bedroom, which is finally ready.
It's your fault it took so long though because there were a lot of things you couldn't decide on. But now it's ready, right on time thankfully, because it's the beginning of week 39, and you and Keanu are on full alert because it can happen anytime.
“Thanks. We have everything in place.” Gesturing at the door, Laura easily spots the bag lying on the floor. “That's the bag with everything I'll need in case we have to run.”
“So Keanu convinced you on a natural labor then.”
“Google convinced me.” Slowly, you drop to the couch, sighing. “Sweetie, you're making mommy so heavy.” You whisper to the baby, putting your feet up on the coffee table.
“You're almost here, little one.” Laura lowers her head near your belly. “Aunt Laura will spoil you so bad your mom will hate me.” She fell into his aunt role, but you don't mind. Since you don't have any siblings, you're happy Liam will have an aunt on Laura. “We'll pair up to prank your parents, right?”
“God help me.” You dramatically moan, eyes rolling.
“Planning on having more kids?” She asks, a hand caressing your belly.
“Yes. We have spoken about it and we'll have at least one more.” Smiling, you play with the tips of your hair. “Maybe Sophie will come, but if it's another boy it'll be Ethan.”
“I like it.” She says. “Oh, I have to ask. What was it yesterday? Lucia came over?”
“Yes, she did.” Not even on the last days of your pregnancy that woman leaves you alone. “It was fine until Keanu kissed me. Then it became a fight again. She just can't accept Keanu and I are fine. I don't remember him, but I fell for him again. I don't get what's the big deal.” When you look up at Laura, she has a weird expression on her face. “What is it?”
“N-nothing. Nothing.” She stutters, clearing her throat. “That's odd.”
“It is...” Furrowing your eyebrows, you're just about to say something when her phone starts ringing. “That's my alarm. I'll have to go.” She gets up, offering you a hand to pull you up. “But I can call later if you want to talk.”
“Sure, thank you.” Hugging her the best you can, you walk her to the front door, locking it after she leaves.
There isn't much going on today, so you head upstairs to your bedroom, smiling to hear the shower on. Tiptoeing into the bathroom, you see Keanu inside the box, so you silently take your clothes off before sliding the glass open.
That's when he notices you, turning around and smiling. “Is Laura gone?”
“Yeah.” Holding onto his arm, you step inside, feeling the warm water on your skin. “Heard the shower and thought I could join you.” Wrapping your arms around his neck, you kiss him, slow and passionately. In moments like this, the whole world disappears. New York is gone, the busy streets and its people... There's nobody else, no worries, just you and him.
“You know we can't...” He whispers, pulling away from a little.
“I know. I just wanna shower, I promise.” You didn't have any ideas, but now you do. But still, you have to stick with showering only. “Help me, Ke.”
“You're such a teaser.” But despite the dramatic eye roll, Keanu grabs the body wash and starts rubbing it through your body.
Much to your dismay, Keanu has become a master of self-control, and once you're done, you have no choice but to leave, dry, and dress yourself as you wait for him. Back in the bedroom, his phone starts beeping, as many messages come through.
“Ke, your phone is beeping like crazy.” You tell him, raising your voice a little as you finish brushing your hair.
“Can you check if it's Robert?”
“Sure.” Walking around the bed, you sit down as you take his phone, your eyes taking in the notifications.
But it isn't Robert, it's Lucia. Pinching your eyebrows together, you start getting angry. Whatever reasons she's texting Keanu, it's probably not good. Unlocking his phone, you quickly find the messages app, opening it, and reading the texts.
‘You can't possibly think this will go on after the birth.’
‘I will tell her myself.’
‘You're disgusting. Lying to her like that, while she's vulnerable.’
Your heart starts beating so fast it drums in your ears. Her words are a mystery, and you're struggling to bring sense into it.
‘(Y/N) has the right to know about Daniel.’
‘My son. My dead son, her true husband.’
The messages keep coming and you start crying, a hand on your mouth to cover the sobs.
This can't be right. What is she saying? There's a sudden, pounding pain on your head, as your eyes go through the new texts.
‘You can tell yourself whatever you want, but this is all on you.’
‘You're lucky I'm not the type of person to expose celebrities, or else I'm sure your career would be over.’
‘You can't just keep lying to (Y/N) like this, it's not fair to her.’
‘This child isn't yours, it will never be.’
‘You can say this is for her own good, but I don't believe this bullshit.’
Standing up to your feet, you throw the phone away, further into the bed, too far for you to reach. You can't read it anymore. Is she lying?
No. Lucia mentioned Daniel as if he meant something to you. Michael did the same. He didn't seem to understand how you were with Keanu, since you were with Daniel...
Too many things come flooding back. Keanu's first distance, some weird expressions you couldn't read when you made certain questions... But still, you can't bring yourself to believe it. Maybe Lucia just wants to ruin your marriage.
When you hear the bathroom door closing, you turn around, not even trying to hide your tears. Keanu gets worried the moment he looks at you.
“(Y/N)? What happened?”
“Why is Lucia saying Daniel was my true husband?” You burst out, both hands clenched into fists. “That this kid isn't yours, that you're lying to me.” Pointing at the phone, you wipe off some tears. “It was her, not Robert.”
Keanu's face drops, and his whole posture changes. That's how you know it. That's when you realize Lucia is telling the truth.
“No...” You mutter, heart breaking as you bring both hands to cover your face. This can't be real, but his silence, his inability to answer proves your otherwise. “Please, Keanu, say something!” You yell, bending over a little when a sharp pain spreads through your hips. With a hand on the bed, you sustain your weight, standing up straight again.
“I'm so sorry, (Y/N), I–”
“My God.” Cutting him off, you pace around, a lump in your throat. You can only feel, and watch, as your whole world comes crashing down. It feels like you're in a nightmare, under torture, with a knife being put through your heart. “How could you...” It comes out a whisper, so you repeat, yelling this time. “How could you do that?!”
“(Y/N), please listen–” He comes forward, making his way around the bed, but you step back, hands raised.
“I don't wanna listen!” You snap, eager to put some distance between you and him. “I don't wanna listen! We... We slept together!” The memory comes back like a wrecking ball, and you feel violated, betrayed. “I–... I gave myself to you because I thought you were my husband. I–” The wave of pain cuts you short again, and you gasp, using the wall to sustain your weight.
“(Y/N), what are you–”
“Stay away from me!” Shouting, you find the closet door, rushing inside and locking yourself inside.
You're moving even before you notice, grabbing the first baggage you find and searching for your clothes, messily shoving it inside the box. Keanu is saying something, knocking, pleading, but you don't want to hear.
He was everything, and now, you just want him to be nothing.
Your head feels like it could explode as you remember all the moments you shared since you first saw him, in the hospital room. Like an idiot, you felt secure back then to know there was someone to look after you, to guide you in a life you didn't know anything about. When he told you about the pregnancy, you thanked the heavens for having a husband by your side. You were scared, terrified, empty... Just as you are now.
Keanu is nothing to you. The happy, wonderful marriage is just a lie. Your life, the man you love... “Go away!” You shout at him, making a damn mess on his closet, but you don't care. You don't want to love him, not anymore.
With whatever is left of your strength and dignity, you close the baggage and leave, pushing Keanu out of your way, sight blurry with tears. “Siri, call me a cab.” You tell as you walk past Keanu's phone, the change of lighting on the screen showing you it got your command.
“(Y/N), please don't leave.”
“Do you really expect me to stay?” Struggling on the stairs with the baggage and your huge belly, you hold tightly on the railing until you're safe on the floor. “A-after you... Damn it! I don't even know why you did this!” You're yelling again, moving to the front door, hoping the cab will get here soon. “What kind of man are you? What kind of person does this?”
“Let me explain, please. I found you after you crashed the car and–”
“And you decided to take me?! Is that it? You thought I was pretty, and I was in the perfect position for you to take me and play couple?!” A horn makes you sigh, and part of you is relieved that you'll go away from the man, the part that's burning with anger.
But there's another side, probably your heart, that hurts, aches for him. This is what's making you cry, and it yells for you to stay. To listen.
But despite his begging, you leave, pulling the door open and running to the cab.
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Keanu isn't the one to cry often. He does feel sad, but tears are something rare.
But today, they come rolling down, like a flood.
How could it be any different? After everything he has done, how could he expect this to have a different end? This is what he deserves.
Pacing around the house, lost, he finds himself in the kitchen. Looking at the table, he sees her there, in her pale blue sweater, beautiful, smiling, putting a strand of hair behind her ear. He can't even count how many meals they had here, instead of using the dining room, because (Y/N) felt it was more intimate. Averting his eyes, he stares at the fridge, and there she is again, in her pink lace gown pajamas, stretching out on her swollen belly, marking down the weeks.
(Y/N) will haunt him for the rest of his life.
Slamming his hands on the island, he takes the small flower pot and throws it across the room, giving vent to his anger. Anger at himself for doing this. He could've said no. He could've told her he truth, that he found her, and that he would stand by her side for as long as she needed him.
But he decided on the lie.
Making his way upstairs, his phone's screen is on. Taking it from the bed, he finds the app tracking where the cab is going. Where she is going... But he closes it, going to the gallery instead, where he starts skipping through the photos they took.
Keanu is heartbroken for the first time in his life. On every photo, it hurts more and more, until he can't take it anymore. The tears are blinding him, so he lies down on his back, eyes on the ceiling. The house feels empty already, cold... But that's good. Because it suits him perfectly, that's exactly how he feels.
@multific @inumorph @aestheticallywinchester @bvbwestfall @liviiii98 @allie1804-fan @gian-giannina @playboygeniusphilanthropist @partypoison00 @mariafetamina @fortheloveoffanfic @trin303
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fortheloveoffanfic · 4 years
Family Matters More
Keanu Reeves x reader. Requested. (A/n- So, because I’m terrible at staying organized, I have all of my requests, but not who they were requested by, so, when I write and post and you aren’t tagged even if you didn’t request on anon, I am very, very sorry, it’s no one’s fault but my own.)
Warnings- Pregnancy, Angst (it’s fine at the end though.)
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Dropping the phone to the dark veined, marble kitchen counter, Y/n sighed heavily, raking her nails through her hair. Tears prickled at her eyes, making them glassy and ready to overflow. It had been coming, her entire family knew it, but Y/n still couldn’t believe the news she’d just heard from her mother; her uncle, who she’d grown up extremely close to, had died, from lung cancer. He’d been suffering for almost two years, aggressive chemo had only worked the first time, but when another cluster of tumors had shown up in a follow up PET scan, nothing had worked and her family’s only option had been to make his last days comfortable. Unfortunately, his ‘last days’ had turned out to be thirteen grueling months. 
Uncle Kenny had wilted away like flowers at the beginning of winter, growing duller as the days dragged on. The last time Y/n had seen him was months ago, she’d wanted to visit him at the hospice, but collectively, her parents and husband had urged her to keep their interactions restricted to over the phone, not wanting to stress her out too much. It had frustrated her at first, Uncle Kenny was her favorite uncle, always able to put a smile on her face when she was a kid and had taught her so much about the great outdoors while her parents were too busy climbing the corporate ladder to do it themselves. But though it was hard, eventually, Y/n had relented, but only after her uncle had personally requested that she stay away. That had come after she’d told him that she and Keanu were expecting. He loved her, and his unborn grand niece, which was why he couldn't risk something happening to Y/n or the baby because of added stress.
Hanging her head in her hands, Y/n tried to quell the stinging in her eyes, but her efforts were fruitless and before long, hot tears were falling freely, punctuated by soft sobs racking her body. It wasn’t supposed to hurt that much, Y/n knew that it was inevitable, and it should have comforted her that he’d gone in his sleep, but really, it didn’t. If only he hadn’t been such an avid smoker, then maybe he’d still be there, hopefully to teach her daughter the things he’d taught Y/n when she was a kid.
“So, babe I-” Keanu cut himself off as he entered the kitchen. Worry immediately swelling in his chest at the sight of his wife in tears, “Hey,” he cooed, immediately going over to where she sat at the counter, pulling her flush against his chest and smoothing his hands over her hair, “Shh,” he kissed the top of her head, “What’s wrong baby?”
It took a while, Y/n was blubbering so intense that she couldn’t speak, but after about fifteen minutes spent in Keanu’s comforting embrace, she settled enough to form words, “He’s gone Ke,” she sobbed, burrowing into his chest, “Uncle Kenny’s gone.”
Right there, Keanu’s heart broke for her. Of course, everyone knew that the moment was coming, but still his wife had lost someone dear to her, and in such a painful way. All he wanted was to take the hurt away, she was supposed to be enjoying the path to motherhood, not breaking down because she’d lost a loved one. “I’m sorry baby,” Keanu kissed the top of Y/n’s head again. “Come on,” he eventually urged her off of the barstool, hugging her close as he led them to the living room, cuddling her as they sank onto the sofa. “Can I get you anything? Water or tea?” Even if he couldn’t fix her heartbreak, Keanu could still take care of her, and their baby.
“No,” she shook her head, staring forward blankly, her fingers absently tracing circles on her growing bump, too upset to notice the fluttering kicks against her stomach. Why couldn’t he have just stuck around for three more months? If not to see her grow up, just to meet her, at least once. 
“Do you want to talk about it?” Keanu probed, wishing that he could offer more than just a listening ear and a hug.
Y/n shook her head again, “Not really,” her words were soft and broken, “Can we just sit here for a bit?” 
“Of course sweetheart.”
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Funerals were always emotionally draining, but it was especially so when you were six months pregnant and your emotions were working in overtime. Huffing as she entered their bedroom, Y/n winced as she stationed a weary hand at her aching back. The lengthy service had been held at a church in the city, Uncle Kenny just had to be a devout Catholic in his final days, and the old, worn, wooden pews hadn’t been very kind. Worse yet, the kitten heels she’d opted to wear didn’t provide much support when she’d had to spend nearly two hours on her feet, standing at the entrance with her parents as they thanked everyone as they trickled out of the cathedral. 
With a pained groan, half from her back, half from the headache she’d acquired at some point throughout the day, Y/n slowly sank into the armchair, intent on starting to remove her shoes. Just as Y/n had lifted one swollen ankle onto her other knee, Keanu came into the bedroom, tugging at the neck of his black tie, his longish dark strands brushing his shoulders, the salt in his beard signalling that he hadn’t gone for a trim in a while. “Let me do that,” he offered, coming to kneel in front of her. 
“No,” Y/n flinched away, “I’ll do it.” She was upset with him, though, she hadn’t let him know yet. Y/n had spent the last week or so in deep, deep thought; her uncle had been a smoker, which had led to lung cancer and, ultimately, death. Keanu was a smoker too, and Y/n couldn’t help but worry that she’d lose him like that or to some other type of ill health. 
Furrowing his brows, Keanu tilted his head to the side. Y/n had been cold with him all day, holding his hand, but only reluctantly so, and barely saying a word to him on the drive back to their house. He understood that she was hurting, but he didn’t want her to shut him out because of it. “What’s wrong?”
“We just came back from a funeral, what do you think’s wrong?” Y/n grumbled, struggling to take her shoes off, eventually submitting to his help. “Excuse me,” she pushed off the arm chair, shrugging off the black blazer that she’d worn over her smock dress, letting her hair down afterwards. 
“Y/n,” Keanu sighed her name quietly, “Please, just talk to me. I know this is hard for you but-”
“I want you to stop smoking,” the admission just tumbled out of her mouth, with barely any warning. She’d had it; watching her uncle wither away was hard enough, Y/n was sure that she couldn’t survive watching Keanu being broken down like that. And worse yet, raise their child on her own, what was she supposed to tell their daughter? That her father puffed his life away even though he knew she’d need him?
“What?” Keanu slipped his hands into the pockets of his black slacks, taken aback by her harsh request.
“I want you to stop smoking,” Y/n repeated firmly, “I don’t want to lose you like that. And even if its not cancer, there’s a whole bunch of other stuff that it could cause. I couldn’t stand it if something happened to you, you know that.”
Keanu chuckled humorlessly, hoping to lighten the moment. Y/n had never had a problem with his nasty vice before, they’d been together for years, and now, out of the blue she wanted him to stop? “Honey,” he chuckled again, “Don’t be ridiculous.” In retrospect, accusing his pregnant wife of being ridiculous may not have been his best move.
“Ridiculous?” Y/n repeated incredulously, “You think I’m being ridiculous for wanting you to be healthy? Well maybe I’m being ridiculous for having a baby with a man who’s not taking care of himself, who probably doesn’t even care if he lives long enough to walk his daughter down the aisle one day.”
“What the hell are you talking about?” He scoffed, already exasperated, “I’m fine Y/n, healthy and right here.” He loved his wife, but like almost every other husband in the world Keanu didn’t want to be wrong. Besides, he was stuck in his ways; old habits die hard. And above all, he was scared, Keanu didn’t want to think about missing one of the most important days of his daughter’s life, no father did. Unfortunately though, instead of his inner turmoil encouraging him to be sympathetic to Y/n's cause, it just fanned Keanu’s flame, rousing the worst reaction, “And you know what? If having a baby with me is so fucking ridiculous, maybe we shouldn’t have kept it! Hell, I’m older than you anyway, maybe I’ll just die, have you thought of that?” 
Y/n’s lips quivered, frightened at his tone and at a complete loss for words. How could he say those things? “I…..” Nothing would come, and suddenly, Y/n wanted to be far away from Keanu. That wasn’t the gentle, sweet man she married. Her husband was loving and sensitive, he was overjoyed when they’d found out that they were having a baby and ordinarily would have never said something so cruel. Y/n didn’t know what had prompted the seemingly overnight change, but she did know that if Keanu was going to be like that, she didn’t want to be in the same house with him.
Seeing the tears in her eyes and the slight shake in her form, Keanu swore under his breath, “Fuck.” He couldn’t believe that he’d let fear and anger get the better of him like that. He stood; wooden and glued to the floor as Y/n suddenly started moving around in as much of a haste as her condition would afford her, grabbing a large bag from their closet and packing some of her stuff into it, “I’m- shit,” he mumbled when she wouldn’t stop to hear him, “Y/n,” he pleaded, reached out to grab her arm, huffing in defeat when she pulled away, “I’m so sorry, I shouldn’t have said that.”
“Yeah, well you did.” Zipping the top up, Y/n swung her bag over her shoulders, too enraged to take the time to put her shoes back on, so instead shoving her tired feet into the nearest pair of flip flops, a fluffy set that she usually wore after getting into her pajamas. Without another word, she was leaving the bedroom, headed towards the stairs.
“Where are you going?” Keanu followed Y/n down the steps, and able to move a little faster than her, he easily blocked her way at the bottom.
Her cheeks were tear stained and Y/n’s eyes were already red, one hand gripped the strap of the bag tightly while the other was placed protectively over her bump. Keanu hated seeing her cry, yet, that night, he’d been the one bringing tears to her eyes. “Home,” was all she offered, trying to squeeze through the space between his larger body and the railing.
“You are home,” he countered, folding his arms.
“I meant home, to my parents,” she clarified, not even sure why she’d bothered to tell him. At the side door to the garage, Y/n grabbed her car keys off the little brass hook, singling out the remote for her car alarm and then hitting the button at the top to unlock it.
“At least let me drive you,” he didn’t want Y/n to leave like that, distraught and past dark. Even in the security of her car, anything could happen, and above all, her safety came first, triumphing any amount of anger over their spat.
“No,” Y/n was getting into her car, clumsily sliding into the driver’s seat, “I just…...I don’t want to be around you right now, okay?” 
The harshness in her tone coupled with her actual words stung like a snake bite to the chest, though Keanu was well aware that he’d said much worse not too long ago. He should have been reasonable instead of acting like an insensitive jerk. He should have heard her out and talked things through with Y/n instead of spewing battery acid.
The garage door reeled open and Y/n started backing her car out, not paying Keanu any mind as he called after her. Desperately, he followed on his feet for as far as he could, though, as usual, he was reminded that his knees weren't what they used to be and before long, Y/n's car was far beyond his reach, his wife and child, who he was  absolutely terrified to lose, gone, and he'd had no clue when, or if, they'd ever be back.
Sleep had been hard to come by that night, so hard that it never really came. Keanu's mind was constantly bombarded with anxious thoughts of Y/n. She hadn't answered her phone when he called, probably two dozen times, and when he'd tried her parents place, they'd both rattled off cheap, continuous excuses; she wasn't there yet, she was sleeping or even the age old "she's busy." 
All night, he'd worried about her, even between his fruitless phone calls. Was she sleeping okay? Was she well? How was the baby? For a brief moment, at around two am, Keanu had all but actually made it to his car, still dressed from the funeral, ready to head to his in-laws and mend things with his love, but in the end, fear and reason had stopped him. Y/n needed time to cool off, especially after what he'd said, a mere few hours definitely weren't going to cut it.
And then, slumping into one of the sitting room's sofas, Keanu finally took a minute to think about exactly what had gone down. Her plea had been reasonable; if it had been the other way around, he'd have wanted her to stop a lifetime ago, expect her to do anything that would prolong their time together. But there he'd stood, trying to make Y/n the fool for asking the same of him. 
Maybe I'll just die. Those were his words.
Keanu had never been one to let himself be preoccupied with thoughts of his own death, it was frivolous after all, it wasn't like he could change it. One day, it was going to happen, one day, he was going to leave people behind. And it never bothered him, that was, until he met her. So innocently, not looking to fall in love, but just a month later, doing it anyway. Almost four years ago, Y/n had brought a new vibrancy to his life, and now, they were creating one together. And with every cell in his being, Keanu didn't want to miss a moment of it.
Quitting was hard, he'd tried before. But arguably, before, there wasn't so much at stake. Just like that, with reinvigorated energy, Keanu pushed off the couch, fishing a half empty pack of smokes from his pocket, tossing it to the kitchen counter, only to head to the little draw in the kitchen where he usually kept some more on hand. Even if it wasn't going to be easy, even if the stories he'd heard about withdrawal and the side effects of going cold turkey were terrifying, Keanu knew that he had to. For his wife, for his child. For himself. 
For the rest of the night, knowing full and well that sleeping with her spot vacant would be a daunting task, Keanu disregarded the need for rest, instead opting to sweep the house for any trace of a cigarette; getting rid of everything from stray smokes and glass ashtrays to expensive cigars. If he was going to do it, he was going to do it right. 
By dawn, everything indicating that a smoker resided at their cushy house in the hills had been tossed; dumped in the appropriate bin at the curb, and then, unable to hold out any longer, Keanu finally got in his car, started it up and backed out into the street, headed to bring his family home.
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Her eyes burned, half from crying all night and half from just not sleeping at all. Though she'd tried, pillows tucked around her, Y/n still hadn't managed to catch a wink all night, and as the light of dawn split the darkness, she'd found herself queasy with homesickness. It wasn't like she hadn't ever spent a night away from her place with Keanu, but the feeling of being at odds with him like that, knowing she'd actively left so abruptly and so distraught, had made her literally sick. 
Needless to say, things had gone far awry from what Y/n had expected. Of course, he was allowed to be upset, she was asking him to give up something he'd been doing for more than twenty years, smoking, as terrible as it was, was ingrained in his routine. Habitual. And trying to take it away so sudden would be like ripping away someone's security blanket. So really, she had no intention of hurting him.
Yet still, he'd hurt her  
That morning, and the painful memory continued to rack her frame with soft sobs, eventually interrupted by her mother, features pinched with worry, knocking on her ajar door as she poked her head in, "Y/n," she probed tentatively, "Sweetheart, Keanu wants to know if you'd be okay with talking to him now. Please, he's worried about you."
"I don't wanna talk to him," Y/n shifted beneath the mass of covers, swiping away some tears from her reddened cheeks, "Just tell him to leave me alone." She knew, full and well, that she sounded like a melodramatic teenager going through a lover's spat with her high school boyfriend, but Y/n didn't care. 
"Dear," her mother sighed heavily, pinching the bridge of her nose, "I know you two had a fight last night, but he's your husband. Besides, he's already downstairs."
Struggling to turn towards the door and sit up, Y/n couldn't decide if she was infuriated or touched, "What?" Sniffing loudly, she reached for a tissue from the box at her bedside, "Why?"
"Because, he's worried and he loves you," when Y/n didn't look particularly moved, her mother, as adamant on having them resolve their issues as she was, continued, "And he know he's said some stupid things, but he doesn't want to keep things this way. Everyone makes mistakes Y/n. Please just talk to him, he's here and he's as much of a mess as you are. And we both know that all this stress isn't good for the baby, I'm sure she misses her daddy."
Hesitating for a moment, Y/n eventually nodded, absently caressing her bump as she finally permitted, "Okay, fine. Tell him I'll be right down."
Smiling faintly, Y/n's mother thought on it for a minute, before suggesting; "Even better; why don't I ask him up here? That way you two can shut the door and have some privacy."
"Yeah, okay," wiping her reddened nose with the crumpled tissue, trying not to cry again, "He can come up." Mouthing an okay, Y/n’s mother pushed the door back in, walking off without another word, and just as she did, Y/n shoved off the covers, scooting to the edge of the bed and slowly standing. Taking a minute to go over to the full length mirror, passing a brush from the top of the dresser through her bed head and then attempting to straighten her mismatched pajamas, she was just about to go over to the window, to see if Keanu's car was really parked out front, when her door creaked open, the sudden sound making her jump and gasp. 
"Hey," Keanu didn't hold her gaze for longer than a minute handful of seconds before letting his whiskey orbs fall to the hardwood floor, strands from his untamed mane curtaining his tired features. Cautiously, as if he were afraid of upsetting her, Keanu inched into Y/n's childhood bedroom. They both knew the room well, and she remembered the first time she'd brought him to it, the night he'd met her parents for the first time. They'd been skeptical at first, he was older, and Hollywood had given most of their men a bad rep, but by the end of dinner, her mother was smitten and her father…...well, he could tolerate him. They'd brought their desert up there and had it by the window, just before Y/n had showed him around. Their current situation felt far different; void of the warmth of new love replaced by the stifling fear that their marriage was hanging in the balance. 
"Hi," meekly, Y/n replied, swallowing thickly and not knowing how they should have continued. She didn't like how it felt; to be so flustered in his company. They were each other's safe places, refuge after a long, hard day, their first phone calls when something good happened and everything in between. Around Keanu, silence was comfortable and usually, breaking long stretches without words exchanged was easy. But that morning, she didn't have the slightest clue on what to say, on how to begin to bridge the gap that had grown overnight. 
Putting a fist to his lips, Keanu raised his head again, tentatively looking around first to the unmade bed and then to Y/n standing near the closed window as he cleared his throat, primarily to break the tense silence. "I'm sorry," just as she had the night before, Y/n flinched when Keanu reached for her, that time though, it was more out of hurt than anger. She could see that her actions had stung him by the pained look that crossed his face, but he'd done his own share  of damage the night before, and even if she could be talked into forgiving, Y/n wasn't just yet ready to forget. "What I said-"
"Was pretty damn fucked up," the break in her voice brought with it a new wave of quiet tears and Y/n could swear she felt her heart start breaking at his words replaying in her mind. Maybe we shouldn’t have kept it. Maybe I’ll just die. “You talked about aborting our child Keanu! What, were you just lying every time you said you wanted a family with me?”
“No, no, of course not,” scouring his brain for the right words, Keanu’s chest felt tight. He really had messed things up, with the best person in his life, and he wasn’t sure he could fix it. But he had to give it his best. He didn’t think he could stand to leave without his wife. “I just,” hitting his thigh with his fist and shaking his head, Y/n could see him fighting tears, “I got defensive, I don't want to think about not being there for the both of you, it’s scary.”
“Then talk to me about it, try to understand where I’m coming from when I ask you to try to quit,” Y/n’s arms fell to her sides in defeat, “Don’t…..” When she couldn’t finish, Keanu approached her again, and that time, she let him wrap her in his strong arms. It had just been one night, but she’d missed their comfort dearly, there was absolutely nothing that could compare to his embrace.
“I’m so, so sorry sweetheart,” his husky, pained voice was barely a whisper and he followed up his words with a chaste kiss on the crown of her head, breathing in the scent of her shampoo. It felt so good to have her tucked against his chest again, their heartbeats in sync. “I never, ever want to hurt you like this again,” Keanu rubbed her back soothingly, one hand toying with the ends of her freed tresses, “And I want to be with you, both of you, for as long as I can be. So I’m quitting, I’m done with that.”
With tear stained cheeks and glassy eyes, Y/n reared back slightly to meet his equally blurry gaze, “I’m sorry I picked a fight about that,” Y/n sighed quietly, and as much as she’d wanted him to quit smoking, she didn’t want to push him too hard, “And you know, if its too hard then-”
“No,” Keanu swallowed thickly, “It’s not. I don’t care about that, our family matters more to me, and you two are gonna be stuck with me for a very, very long time.”
Through her tears, a glimmer of a smile broke through, brightening her sorrow, and without warning Y/n’s arms around Keanu’s middle tightened and she laid her head on his chest, “Good,” she grinned softly, standing on her tiptoes to kiss him sweetly, “Cause we wouldn’t have it any other way.”
Tagging- @harrisongslimited @magnificentclodpiebanana   @keandrews @greenmanalishi  @rdjloverxxx​  @danceoftwowolves​
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keanuquotes · 4 years
Mike Pondsmith recalls how he learned that Keanu Reeves was in Cyberpunk 2077
Gamelab 2020 is up and running, although because of coronavirus, this year's event is taking place digitally. As a media partner, Gamereactor has been able to catch up with some of this year's notable attendees, and that included Mike Pondsmith, the game designer who created Cyberpunk 2020, the futuristic setting that inspired CD Projekt Red's upcoming sci-fi RPG, Cyberpunk 2077.
During our interview, we discussed the universe he created (including the upcoming Cyberpunk Red), its timeline, as well as the connection between tabletop role-playing and video game RPG concepts. However, while you'll discover that and more in the interview above, we thought we'd highlight a little anecdote that Pondsmith shared with us near the end of our discussion, where he recalled the story of how his wife guessed that Keanu Reeves was going to star in the game.
"I've been interested and amused by some of the castings so far. Keanu Reeves, for example, wasn't what I originally envisioned for Johnny, but I kind of cracked up when we figured it out because he fit. It was just... "I can see that.""
Pondsmith then proceeded to tell us what happened and how he found out that Hollywood royalty would be appearing in his game:
"They didn't want to tell us immediately and they were kinda worried that I was going to be upset, so they were going to announce it to us. So we go into the office that next day, but evening, earlier, [he and his wife] had been sitting around the hotel, eating dinner, talking, and she finally looked up and says: "Ok, so.... plays guitar in real life... it's Keanu Reeves."
I looked at her and said: "What? No, he would never do that. That's, like, beyond our pay grade, he'd never do that. Besides, it's a Cyberpunk thing, how much cyberpunk does he do?"
So, we go into the meeting the next day and we're like all set-up and Lilayah, basically, the person from CDPR who handles all this press stuff is going: "So, do you want to take a guess before we tell you?"
And I'm going: "I'm kinda, you know... I'll see what we get."
And Lisa says from the back: "It's Keanu Reeves, isn't it?"
And Lilayah's face fell, you know, and I said: "Her mind powers are immense," as she just ticked off the reasons [why she thought it was him] and they kinda went [pulls a shocked face].
And I went: "She was right! Ok, I'm not messing with her. She's going to come with me when we go gambling. She's obviously very good!"
Cyberpunk 2077 is heading to PC, PS4, and Xbox One on November 19, and if you stay tuned to Gamereactor we'll have in-depth hands-on impressions and another Cyberpunk-themed interview landing tonight (June 25) at 17.30 BST.
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reallylonglies · 5 years
Taylor Swift - Demon Hunter : Part 4
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Blake was exhausted. She had work. She had kids to chase around. She had a husband. She didn’t have time to pass messages between a demon and a lightning rod like they were in a really messed up fifth grade class. 
She stomped down the stairs to Taylor’s gym. It was quiet there when Taylor was touring and she needed some time to get a little work done. She found a semi-comfortable seat and began to leaf through a script she’d been sent. It was quiet and cool in the gym, and the script was actually good enough that she found herself engrossed. An hour passed before she realised she wasn’t alone. 
There was a faint hum in the air and a warm, spiced scent. She slipped the script into her bag, took off her earrings and readied herself for a fight. Only two people had the combination code for the door, but all that meant was that whatever was in here definitely wasn’t a person. Tucking her hair into a neat ponytail, she called into the darkness.
“You can come out now, she’s not here. Just little old me,” her voice echoed, the comfortable cool of the gym had become spine-tingling chill. She felt the air moving around her. 
“A breeze in a basement,” she muttered to herself, “Happy Tuesday to me.” 
Suddenly, it was in front of her. She sensed it before she saw it. Every inch of her body told her to run and never look back. From experience, she knew that this was the most important time to stay completely still and focussed. The discomfort she was feeling began to take shape in front of her. Despite her thudding heart, she found herself rolling her eyes at the over-dramatic process of manifestation. She really didn’t have time for this shit, even if it was scaring the living daylights out of her. She needed those living daylights to get through the rest of her busy life. 
After a minute or so of overdramatic swirling, the spirit manifested in front of her. She’d never seen anything like it. Except she had, she’d seen something exactly like it, but she’d never seen that thing manifest in front of her. Taylor usually just entered the room through a door, not as a swirling cloud of vapour.
“If you’re trying to convince me you’re my friend, you’ve already made several mistakes,” she said, sounding nonchalant is second nature when you’ve spent as many years in teen dramas as Blake had. 
“I’m not trying to trick you,” it said, it’s voice was not right either. Taylor had a human voice, this was a low growl with a rasping quality that made Blake want to dive for a packet of vocal zones. 
“What do you want?” Blake asked, slowly moving her hand up her back, between her shoulder blades. She grasped the handle of the small dagger she kept there, and silently thanked Gal Gadot for inspiring this little trick. 
With unseeing eyes, the spirit tilted its head at her. The eyes roamed up and down Blake’s whole body as if they had never been set on a human being before. 
“She took my friend, put her in a song,” the figure circled Blake, Blake concealed the dagger behind her wrist. 
“What are you doing?” she asked it as it passed behind her, when it stood in front of her, she took a sharp breath. 
“Learning,” the word escaped from Blake’s lips in Blake’s voice. Staring in horror at the uncanny figure before her, the real Blake stifled a scream. She slashed with the dagger at the demon, who dodged, then looked down at her own right hand. It revealed its identical dagger. The stifled scream became a roar of frustration. Blake threw herself into battle for the first time in over a decade. 
I don’t attend awards ceremonies as a rule. There’s enough awful people there, I don’t need to add any more malice to the mix. I once had to find one of my old apprentices at the Oscars, the stench in that room… it was like garbage, emotional garbage. Everyone in there has so much hanging on a little golden statue. And people mock me for my crucifix intolerance. 
I sensed almost instantly that something bad had happened to Blake. I don’t know what gave it away. Was it something she said? Something she did? The fact that she had obviously been replaced by a powerful fallen angel out for vengeance? 
One of those things definitely set my alarm bells ringing when I went to her with a message for Taylor. Fallen angels are honestly the worst because if you bump into one unprepared they can do a lot of damage. They can stop you manifesting, give you a headache or in this case they can force you to possess the husband of a good friend against your will. 
She gestured to him, cowering gently in a corner. 
“Get in,” she said, she’d really nailed the voice. 
I have to tell you inhabiting a human host is gross enough but this guy had only recently been exorcised and whatever slovenly spirit he’d been possessed by did not clean up after itself. Anxieties everywhere. Nightmares left unfinished. The guy even left an existential crisis just lying around for me to trip up on. What a hack.  
We so rarely talk about what it feels like to possess someone, allow me to describe it. It’s a little like tapping into a phone line except the phone line is the person’s physical presence in the mortal dimension. Unfortunately, the host is still using the phone line so you get a live feed of all their thoughts, and this guy was a big thinker. A lot going on in his mind. Gave me a migraine almost instantly. 
Walking the red carpet, I saw Taylor at a distance. Unfortunately there was no way for me to signal to her in front of that many photographers. I didn’t want to risk the exposure of the entire demon realm over something so small as a potential apocalypse. Also, any time that a person is working hard to perform the act of “being myself” it is actually surprisingly difficult for an incumbent Demon to take over. They’re too conscious of everything, all their boundaries are up. It’s sticky and gross and I hate it. 
Fallen angels love, love having their pictures taken. Ever seen those old-timey exorcism pictures? All that ectoplasm shit? Fallen angels, they love to showboat. As soon as they get in front of a camera they have to show off. If you look at any pictures of Blake from this awards ceremony, you might be able to see the image warping a little at the edges, or get a chill when you look at her eyes. 
So anyway, the red carpet probably was simultaneously the best and worst place to attract Taylor’s attention. Demon Blake was distracted having her picture taken. Great. Stupid human host Ryan was on his best “being myself” behaviour. Not great. 
As luck would have it, my host needed the bathroom. Admittedly, I had spent the entire afternoon making him thirsty in the hope that this would give me the out I needed. Slipping through the crowd, he passed Taylor and I pushed myself to the top of his psyche so that she couldn’t fail to hear my tune blaring out over the shouts of journalists and photographers. 
Her eye met Ryan’s and she filled with fiery rage. I fist bumped, there was no way she could ignore this. 
She stormed into the bathroom while my host was washing his hands. Another insignificant human squealed at her, she swore at him and he left in a panic. It wasn’t classy. I loved it. 
“You,” she fixed me with her hardest stare, “get out.” 
“You’re blocking the door. I’m also really not sure you’re meant to be in here. This is the men’s room and you’re not a men,” Ryan’s babbling continued until he looked in the mirror above the sink and saw my face beaming back at him, “Oh God, not again, how does this keep happening to me? Do I have a possess me sign on my back?” 
He was still chattering as I drifted gently away from his feeble human body and manifested next to him.
“Wait why is he wearing a tux, do demons wear tuxes?” he asked. 
“No,” I said, “It’s a special occasion I wanted to look nice. Do you always wear a tux, dumbass?” 
“No,” he asked, “Why do you look like John Mulaney?”
“It’s a passing resemblance, why do you look like Picasso’s biggest mistake?” 
Taylor interrupted our vocal sparring by aggressively grabbing me by my bowtie. I had manifested too solidly for that not to hurt. 
“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” she asked, twisting the bowtie tighter. 
I made some garbled gasping sounds, she relented and loosened her grip. 
“Blake… fallen angel… very bad… big event… tonnes of demons…” partly I was getting my breath back, partly I preferred talking in bullet points. 
“How many?” she asked, taking a series of silver rings out of her garter and slipping them onto her fingers. 
“Sevent…” I deliberately mumbled the second half of the word. 
“Seventeen? That’s not so many,” she shrugged, I made a guilty face “Oh, seventy, that’s many, a lot of many. Is there anyone we can call?” 
Zendaya was out on a film shoot somewhere. Aniston was retired. Dunst had a lifetime ban because of the Bettany fiasco. I racked my brains. 
The door opened. Two figures in black suits appeared. 
“Miss Swift, pleased to meet you, we’ve heard a lot about you,” the one that spoke had a gentle accent and dreamy eyes, the other one was Keanu Reeves. 
“It seems you have a bit of a situation on your hands,” Reeves answered, “How can we be of service?” 
Taylor looked taken aback. I looked taken aback. Ryan looked deeply confused. 
“What the hell is going on? Why is Neo here with this tennis player? Are we giving Golden Globes to tennis players now?” these were all logical questions. 
“This must be confusing for you,” with perfectly applied pressure from his palm, Reeves gently put Ryan to sleep. The other guy caught the body and slid it under the sink, where they kept the hand towels and soap refills. Watching these two work together, stirred a memory in me, something from an impossibly long time ago. 
“Holy shit,” I said, “You’re Reeves and Federer.”
“Who else would we be?” Federer asked as he arranged some hand towels under Ryan’s head to make him more comfortable. 
“Wait, the Reeves and Federer?” Taylor chimed in, “I thought they were from like, the 18th century.”
“We are,” they answered in unison. 
Reeves and Federer: immortal vampires. I couldn’t believe they were still around, which in hindsight felt particularly foolish. They were immortal vampires, of course they were still around. 
“Alright,” Taylor and I didn’t have time to fangirl the way I wanted to over these two absolute heroes of the dark world, “I have a plan for this but it’s going to take a lot of work. What weapons are we working with?” 
Reeves and Federer opened their jackets. I gasped audibly. 
“What do you need?”
Blake woke in the gym, her hands were tied to a leg press machine. She rolled her eyes, and without even flinching, dislocated her thumb to break out of her bonds. She sighed, popped her thumb back in and straightened her dress. 
“Fallen angels,” she muttered, collecting her handbag, “Amateurs.” 
Demon Blake waited for the ceremony to begin before starting her big show. The sound system began to crackle and pop like a nervous bowl of rice krispies. The host apologised for technical difficulties. The technical team shook their heads in confusion. 
The lights went out. A room full of expensive people gasped expensively in shock. 
“Silence,” a voice throbbed from the center of the room. Blake had risen to her feat and was glowing blue in the darkness, “Stand.” 
A bunch of bozos in suits stood up. Taylor sighed, we were concealed behind a thick velvet curtain. 
“There are so many,” she whispered, “Reeves and Federer had better remember the plan. Are you ready for it?” 
“I was hewn ready,” I replied. It was a lie, if I was physically capable of wetting myself I would have done. 
“Ew, that’s gross,” she answered as we watched Demon Blake rise into the centre of the room. I get telepathic when I get nervous. 
There was a shuffling sound behind us, Taylor turned, instantly ready for a fight. Blake, the real one, not the floating ball of demonic rage, appeared from the shadows. 
“Hey,” she smiled, “What did I miss?” 
“Oh, nothing, just that your demon twin is trying to take over the world,” Taylor answered as Blake rummaged in her handbag and changed her heels for comfortable pumps. 
“So, just another Tuesday then,” she answered, “Where do you want me?” 
“The tech desk, I need you to raise the curtain when Reeves and Federer give the signal,” Taylor kept her eyes pinned on demon Blake, who was now floating through the audience monologuing about mortals heeding her will or something. Typical fallen angel garbage, these guys are 80% propaganda.
“Wait,” Blake paused on her way to the tech desk which was hidden at the back of the room, “The Reeves and Federer? I thought they were a myth.” 
“Yeah, me too. Now it makes sense that John Wick looks so fighting fit at fifty,” Taylor gestured that Blake should hurry, the possessed hordes were beginning to bar the doors. 
Just as the tension in the room mounted to a peak, there was a loud shout from a balcony above the stage. 
“Hey, crazy demon!” the words were less than poetry, but they sounded so good in a swiss accent, “Possess this!”
He threw what looked like, but certainly wasn’t a tennis ball into the air, jumped and served. The point blank blow knocked demon Blake out of the air, she crashed dramatically into a table surrounded by influential aged filmmakers.
It occurred to me suddenly that I had no idea where he’d been hiding that tennis racket.
Taylor was still biding her time, she made her way towards the center of the stage, behind the curtain. 
Reeves had made his way to the middle of the room, gently bringing protective posessees to their knees on the way. It was good that he was used to hurting people without actually hurting people, that was working in our favour. 
Demon Blake saw him coming and aimed a bolt of lightning squarely at his chest. He dodged it, letting Quentin Tarantino take the hit. Boy howdy he was going to have a headache when he woke up. 
Federer had climbed athletically down from the balcony and was approaching Demon Blake from behind, apologising courteously as he elbowed his way through the crowd. 
Reeves cricked his neck as Demon Blake moved towards him, real fire blazing in her eyes. 
I’ve rarely engaged in hand to hand combat with a fallen angel. In fact, I would go so far as to say I have never in fact engaged in hand to hand combat with a fallen angel. It’s risky, and hard, plus in high stress situations I have a habit of turning into a cloud of greasy smoke so it’s difficult to keep up with the “hand to hand” thing. With that for context, let me tell you that I was impressed with how long Reeves held out. 
First she came for him with a left hook. 
He caught her fist in his and forced her backwards. 
She burst into flames and he was almost incinerated. 
Stumbling backwards, he pulled a chair out from under a possessed Jude Law and shattered it. 
He struck out with a chair leg and clocked her across the face. 
At this point she lost control and contorted briefly into her true shape, horns, wings and all. 
Taylor motioned to me to move to the orchestra pit. My part of the plan was, though I say myself, a big challenge. I was being very brave. Landing in the pit I centred myself and extended a telepathic field across all of the musicians. 
Just as I got the last flautist under control, I heard Reeves and Federer give the signal. It was meant to be “now” but it came as a slightly garbled scream somewhere in the vicinity of now. 
Luckily Blake got the message and the curtain on the stage rose. I connected myself with Taylor, a conduit for her to control the orchestra. She let out a single, incredible note. Demon Blake turned, dropping both Reeves and Federer to the floor. 
“You,” the Demon floated towards Taylor at an alarming pace. 
Taylor replied with a low hum, the orchestra started up, perfectly in tune under her control. 
“You hid my friend in that stupid song,” the demon had dropped its Blake disguise in its fury. Fallen angels, not pretty. Would not recommend this as a Halloween costume. 
Taylor started the song, the orchestra was building with her. I’d never heard this one before, it was incredible. 
The angel was uncomfortable, its tune was hiding under the verses, woven tightly into the chorus, but it fought back. Blue lightning flew out of its hands towards Taylor. She dodged, rolled and didn’t miss a line of her song. 
The Angel looked upwards as it began to weaken under the intensity of the music. Taylor nodded at me, as we had planned, I extended the telepathic field to include everyone in the room. Hundreds of voices raised in unison and the fallen angel writhed and glowed with pale fire. 
Reeves and Federer gazed up at the demon, Blake’s eyes were fixed on Taylor as she fought her greatest battle. In an explosion of fire and fury the fallen angel dissolved. The song came to an end, Taylor fell to her knees on the stage. Silence fell across the room, followed by a low whooshing sound as if a gale was blowing through the building. Seventy demons evacuated their influential hosts, eager to escape the wrath of the most powerful lightning rod they had ever seen. 
More silence, then Reeves clapping, Federer joining him, Blake whooping - the whole room erupted with applause. 
She stood, shakily. Smiled the same smile she had on her face the first time she vanquished a level five fire demon, and bowed.
As the applause died down, and I began gently wiping the memories of everyone in attendance. Taylor had a sudden flash of memory, she turned to Federer, who was folding napkins and straightening cutlery. 
“Did you leave Ryan locked in an under-sink cupboard?” 
“Oh, shit, yes,” he looked at Blake with panic in his eye. She was tucking into a tray of canapes. 
“Leave him there, it’ll be good for him,” she said, through a mouthful of salmon puffs, “I’ll get him out in an hour.” 
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hagiographically · 7 years
Actually I have some thoughts about to the bone (better 3 weeks late than never?)
- “it has representation! POC, binge eating, and LGBT” it doesn’t count if it’s all one person pushed to the fucking background :) to make more room for the white straight anorexics :) :) intersectionality exists and is important - I’m a POC with bulimia and I don’t identify as straight - but combining all of these minorities into one person and then barely addressing her is like they only included her for representative credit and don’t actually care about the minutiae of those stories but ANYWAY
- the fucking love story. Do you know how toxic it is to include a love story IN AN EATING DISORDER NARRATIVE lmao not like a lot of us are trying to lose weight in order to feel attractive/beautiful…..and then the main character is the thinnest one and is the only one to get romantic attention…..not like this would motivate people to lose weight at all!
- Gay men are much more likely to have eating disorders but LETS MAKE LUKE STRAIGHT FOR A LOVE STORY (why was he straight?????)
- romantic relationships are banned in treatment FOR THIS REASON BC ITS LIKELY YALL ARE GONNA TRIGGER AND HURT EACH OTHER it happens all the time lmao fuck off with your love story this shit unrealistic and damaging as hell
- their love story was super toxic tbh
- ED sufferers need to know more than anyone that we have to heal ourselves. We WANT people to save us. We wait for it. And we wait forever. Some of us even die waiting.
- literally the only good/helpful part was the Keanu speech where he basically tells her to get over it
- weirdly romanticized EDs and treatment as a Fun Quirky place like lol no
- what treatment place says you can eat as much as you want?? what???? Que??? That’s the reason they’re in this GD situation
I repressed most of the movie so I don’t remember anything else but it gets no points for representation cuz I’m a salty queer bulimic of color and if I wanted to see skinny white anorexics I would go back into treatment myself….because treatment centers are full of them not because they’re the only people with EDs but they’re the only people that are told they’re “deserving” of getting help and this movie does nothing to dispel that notion! Cool
And what kind of fantasy wish fulfillment bullshit that when you go into ED treatment you’ll meet a cute straight British guy who’s super interested in you…….. lmao O K
(I liked that their relationship was acknowledged as unhealthy but I felt like her fantasy at the end was pro-Luke and I was not about that)
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mf-reviews-blog · 7 years
To The Bone - Film Review
Description: To the Bone (2017) is an American dram film that focuses on the struggles of anorexia. It stars celebrities such as Lily Collins and Keanu Reeves and was directed and written by Marti Noxon. (Both Marti and Lily have struggled with anorexia). 
The film follows Ellen (Collins) a young 20 year old woman who has struggled with anorexia for a long time and has made no progress, despite going through inpatient programs. Her step mother convinces her to meet with specialist Dr. William Beckham (Reeves) and soon she joins his inpatient program and lives with 6 other patients that struggle with eating disorders. 1 of which is a male ballet dancer name Luke.
Review: Words cannot express how much I love this film. First of all, I need to praise the writing. This movie was very well written and there were rarely any moment when I disliked the film or felt bored while watching it. My favorite thing about the writing is that although the topic is very sensitive, it still had its comedic moments and the humor fits perfectly and wasn’t too forced and none of the jokes are in bad taste.
Next, I would love to praise Lily Collins for her performance in this. To be honest, I never thought much of Collins, to me, she was just another pretty actress with mediocre skills. But, after seeing her in To the Bone, my thoughts about her have completely changed. Her performance was absolutely wonderful and I’m so proud of her for taking on such a difficult role (especially considering her past issues with anorexia) and I’m even more proud of her for totally nailing the role and doing justice to her character. She played Ellen perfectly and I couldn’t imagine a more perfect person for the role. Lily truly amazed me and I’m so excited to see her work in more mature roles like this one because I think that she can really pull it off. I wouldn’t be surprised if she gets nominated for an Oscar in a few years.
Now, like I said before, this movie was so great. It really opened up my eyes and helped me understand eating disorders a bit better and it left me wanting to research it and learn more about it. I think that the topic of this movie was very necessary and although the film has received backlash for glamorizing anorexia (which is completely false) I think that after people see this film, they’ll have a better understanding of eating disorders. The main thing that I learned was that it’s not about telling someone to “eat more” or “eat less” it’s way deeper than that. It’s much more than just wanting to lose a few extra pounds, or than doing some “harmless” binging. There is a reason behind every illness and you have to help the person instead of just telling them to do something that you know they can’t do. The solution is not simple. There needs to be more awareness and hopefully this film will start a conversation, kind of like how 13 Reasons Why brought attention to and started a conversation about suicide.
There was only one part of the film that I disliked (which I will talk about in my “least favorite scene” part of the review) but, other than that, the film was perfect.
Favorite scene: I actually have two favorite scenes. The first is when Megan, one of the other patients who is pregnant, talks about her child, I can’t remember the exact quote but she when she was talking about anorexia and (I believe) she was explaining how she was able to eat, she said that her baby was someone to care about. So, basically, she said that she was going to stop thinking about herself and start thinking/caring about her unborn baby, which motivated her to eat properly.
My other favorite scene is when Ellen is with her biological mother and her mother suggests feeding her, like a baby, because one of her friends said it might help. After her mother has a small break down (which I won’t spoil and you guys can watch for yourselves), Ellen agrees. Her mother cradles her and then feeds her with a baby bottle. Some may see this weird, but I saw this as a heartbreaking scene between a mother and daughter and mother who’s trying her best to help her daughter. This is, in my opinion, the best part of the film.
Least Favorite Scene: My least favorite scene was when Ellen was dreaming and walking around, and then for some reason Luke was there too. I kind of understand why that scene was written, but I think it was little odd and out of place in the film. I think the scene could have been written much more differently and still would have sent the same message. If this scene hadn’t happened, the film for sure would have been a 5/5.
Final Review: 4.5/5
Last Few Comments: watch this ASAP. (but, if you get easily triggered by anorexia or other eating disorders, then I’d recommend to not watch it)
Recommendation: I’m not very sure which other films are similar to this. The closest thing I can recommend is the tv show 13 Reasons Why.
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