#its not for anything bad its just i realized ill get super overwhelmed and it would suck the fun out of it lol
strangeauthor · 4 months
idk if i want to do art fight anymore. i feel a little bad for saying that lol
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cleoirvine · 3 years
♡It was his arrogance. The way he spoke with a slight drawl, his words dripping with narcissism. It was how he walked, his back straight from years of holding himself upright, believing he was better than everyone else. Or maybe it was the way his eyes glistened with unbridled determination, the want, no, the need, to be the best. He was selfish, manipulative, and quite frankly, had his head shoved so far up his own ass that you-
“Maybe you should take a picture, it would last longer.”
Atsumu looked at you with a slight smirk, a volleyball tucked beneath his arm, a bag slung across his shoulder.
“Maybe you should try a different hair color, that way people won’t call you piss boy behind your back.” You said with a snort, averting your gaze elsewhere.
He had half a brain to spike that ball right at your face. But he simply rolled his eyes and brushed past you, making his way into the gym where the rest of his teammates sat stretching. Slipped between the clasp of your hands was a clipboard, the stats of each player displayed on clean even lines. Your notes took up the margins of the pages, your job as manager for the boys volleyball team becoming more of a hassle with every snarky comment that left the older twins mouth.
“If you’re going to be manager, then ya should at least pretend to make yourself useful.” Atsumu had said halfway into practice. As you passed around water bottles and reviewed upcoming plays, he had snatched the clipboard from beneath your elbow and dangled it above your head.
“Are you a 12 or something?” You retorted, crossing your arms over your chest. The blonde had grinned, a devilish smile laced with ill intent rolled over his features.
“Come on, manager. All ya gotta do is reach. Not up for a little fun?”
“Keep it. I have everything on there memorized anyways.”
But Atsumu was never one to give in easily. Golden boy, whether that name was a play on his hair color or not, was a powerhouse of a player; he was loved by many, adored by more, and envied by most. He was capable, and overwhelmingly diligent in his plays and his teasing mannerisms, and so what if his manager of all people didn’t give him the time of day? Why should he care that you were able to shut him down so easily, with the wave of your hand, the roll of your eyes, the quirk of your eyebrow. There were hundreds of other people who would love to be in your position. Thousands of people who would love to be acknowledged by someone like him.
“So ya wouldn’t mind if I ripped it up? Or maybe if I poured water all over it? How about that?”
Your movements were deliberate. The way you stood with one hip jutted out just slightly, the tilt of your head and the crease in your eyes to signify your annoyance. You tapped your foot on the hardwood floor of the gymnasium, the sound echoing off the walls around you. In your head, you weighed your options. 1) You could give in, beg him to hand back the clipboard, and return to your seat like a humiliated dog with its tail between its legs. No, you couldn’t give him the satisfaction. 2) You could get the coach involved. There’s no way Atsumu wouldn’t give it back then. But did you want to risk sounding like a cry baby? Like a snitch, even? 3) You could do the only reasonable thing you could think of- treat him like the child he is.
“I’m going to count to 5, Miya. And by the time I’m done, that clipboard better be back in my hands, or else.” You extended a hand, fingers firmly stuck together, face stoic and void of anything other than impatience. Like a mother with her toddler in a grocery store, you waited for him to stomp his feet and curl his hands into fists as he always did when he was embarrassed.
“Or else what?”
You paused. You hadn’t thought that far ahead. Atsumu sucked in a breath and gripped the notes a little tighter. He knew he had you cornered.
“Or else I’ll quit. And you can find yourself a new manager. How would your team feel, knowing that you’re the reason they no longer have me around?”
“Why should I care? Leave if ya want, no one’s stopping ya. Door’s wide open, sweetheart.”
You felt your heart beat erratically in your chest. Were you really going to quit over something as stupid as a clipboard? But if you stayed, Atsumu would win, would he not? Was winning and losing all that really mattered at the moment? No, your pride was on the line. Your dignity. Maybe, you had just as much of an ego as him. You couldn’t stand to see that smug look on his face for just one more second. You hated the way he laughed, as if he knew how much the bickering truly got to you. As if he could hear you physically swallow each time he called you sweetheart or when your shoulders brushed against each other on the way to practice. You feared the way his eyes watched your every movement, as if predicting and calculating exactly what you were going to do next.
But right now, Atsumu sat still, arm extended above both your heads, contemplating what exactly was going on inside your mind. Would you actually leave right now? Walk out that door, turn in your resignation letter and never return? He tried to picture it without you- the bus rides void of your terrible singing, the benches empty of your presence. You wouldn’t be there to comfort him after a loss, or praise him after a win-them, he thinks. The team, not just him. But god does he want it to be him. So bad. He knew you hated him. He knew you despised him down to the very atom. And maybe this was the only way he could get you to look at him, even if it was for only a second.
“Is that what you want?” You ask, voice uncharacteristically quiet. Your eyes drop from his for just a second, and you feel yourself inching towards the door. Atsumu doesn’t even take a moment to think before replying.
“No. Not at all. I want you to stay right where you are.” His mind is yet to catch up with his mouth, and his hands are moving before he can process it. He tosses you the clipboard, and dips beneath the net to prepare for another practice round. It’s only moments later does his face begin to grow red from embarrassment, with the realization of his actions settling on him fully.
He waits for you outside the gym doors. Kita helps you put away any stray balls and stacks the chairs against the back wall for you, before making his way into the late afternoon. As you find yourself stepping out as well, Atsumu’s hand grips at the junction of your wrist, his touch light, desperate, far from his usual demanding demeanor. He pauses, scratching at the back of his neck and running his hands through his hair as he glances at your shoes merely inches apart.
“I’m sorry-about today. I got a little carried away.” His voice is small, and you can see the apples of his cheeks glow pink in the fading sunlight.
“It would really suck if ya quit on us. Not for me-but for the team, ya know.” The silence between you is deafening, and you feel your heart hammer against your rib cage as you watch him remove his hand from where it was positioned on your arm. The loss of touch has you chasing him back, gripping his hand tightly in your own, before entwining your fingers together.
“I’ll stay for you too- I-I’m staying for you, I mean.” He looks up at you then, eyes wide in shock, before they turn to amusement.
“Oh really? Good to know-” You retract your hand from his, moving to walk ahead of him up the street.
“Nevermind, I take it back.”
“Noooo where are ya going? We were making progress!” His hands slip around your sides as he twirls you back towards him, his grip on the front of your backpack straps keeping you secured in place.
“Does this mean you like me, manager?” He asks with a playful lilt to his voice.
“I mean I don’t hate you-”
“Aw come on, can’t ya just say it? For me?”
You pretend to act oblivious, struggling against his hold.
“I haven’t a clue what you’re talking about-”
“I like you, ya know.”
You stop then.
“I tease ya because I think your reactions are cute. Especially when you go from slightly annoyed to angry, cause then you look super hot-”
“Miya-!” “Astumu. Please call me Atsumu from now on.”
He releases his hands from around your bag, and turns you back towards the road. In front of you, you watch as it forks down the middle, Atsumu usually taking the right to get home. But as you hurry on, you feel his presence behind you. “Your house is that way.”
“I know, I’m walking ya home.” There’s a beat of silence before he speaks again.
“At least tell me you like me a little bit. Come on, it ain’t fair to leave a guy hanging-”
“And what if you’re lying. What if tomorrow you don’t feel the way you do now?”
Atsumu shook his head with a laugh.
“I liked you yesterday. And the day before that, and the day before that. Trust me, I can’t get rid of ya even if I tried. Not that I would want that, though.”
You stop, and in the dimness of a dying sun, you catch his stare, eyes holding yours with careful assurance.
“I like you, Atsumu.”
He moves quickly, wrapping his arms around you, pulling you tight against his chest as your voice is muffled in his shirt.
“But I swear to god if you ever try that with me again-”
“We were having such a good moment, why’d ya have to go and say that!” there's a pout on his lips as he pulls away for just a moment.
“But you look really pretty right now, so I’ll forgive you.” You can’t help the smile that spills over your features. You clutch him close to you- the boy who’s overwhelming arrogance caught your attention. The boy who teased you too much, pushed not just the right buttons, but all your buttons, until his presence was nearly impossible to ignore. He was yours, and only yours. His image was shared with hundreds, but you were the only one who could hold him in such a way, the only one to see him crumble beneath your touch. He was yours, and yours only.
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heysatori · 4 years
Can you write about the Bakusquad, you know each of them, where y/n has been through a lot of heartbreaks and is unsure about relationships, but they reassure y/n that they won't do that and everything will be fine? And maybe a little fluff in the end for good measure.
Bakusquad reacting to y/n being scared of getting into a relationship genre: fluff, angst pairings: Bakugou x reader, Kirishima x reader, Sero x reader, Kaminari x reader, Ashido x reader a/n: sorry i responded to this a little late! all ive been doing is watching minecraft streams, watching anime and sleeping while balancing school work ehe (⌒_⌒;) but thank u sm for the request ! i hope this satisfies ur request ! disclaimer that the pictures im using arent mine ! they are from heroacacaps ! so credits to them ! if u guys want to scream at me u can dm me here or on my twitter ! @kodzusan (´。• ᵕ •。`) ♡ im still accepting requests
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Bakugou Katsuki
both you and bakugou were scared of relationships for different reasons
bakugou was scared because he knew how rough he was around the edges, if he was even fit to be in nice relationship 
you on the other hand were scared of relationships because of the amount of heartbreaks youve been through 
you were cheated on, broken up with, ghosted, and just left hanging 
after all those mistakes you learned ur lesson ! 
so after having bakugou come up to you, courting you in the nicest way possible (giving you a bowl of your favorite food), you didnt know how to react 
on surface level, katsuki had quite a few red flags here and there 
but since you had gotten to know the boy a little better over the course of time, you learned to understand why he is the way he is 
you trusted bakugou 
so having him court you was surprising 
although u had the fattest crush on him, you still didnt know what to do
so instead of refusing him with no reason, you explained your past to him (parts of which he already knew) 
he understood completely, all he wanted was to treat you right and make you happy !! 
“listen y/n, i know im a little rough around the edges, but i promise you that i wont do any of that stupid shit to you! all of your exes are absolute fuckin’ dumbasses for doing that to you and im here to treat you right and make you the happiest youve ever been! if you’ll let me” 
ヽ( `д´*)ノ <- he blushes a little at the end
although wary, u trust him 1000% !! 
so you accept his offer !! 
hes pretty shocked that you accepted and instantly pulls you in a hug ! 
“thank you, i promise you fucking wont regret this”
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Kirishima Eijirou 
you had honestly fallen for eijirou the moment you met him 
but with your considerable bad love life you decided against pursuing after him 
but u couldnt help but feel urself get drawn towards him ! 
and surprise surprise ! you two become great friends ! 
but as time passes by, ur feelings for him become stronger, which is the total opposite of what u wanted  (╯︵╰,)
so its an even bigger surprise when kirishima comes up to you with your favorite flower, asking you to be his significant other 
he was so sweet but u were too scared to get into another relationship ! 
even though u and ur exes were in middle school at that time, those things still hurt you 
you explain all of this carefully to the redhead, not wanting to hurt his feelings 
he feels tears spring to his eyes as you tell him about your past 
he just wants to make you happy ! 
so without thinking, he pulls you into a hug 
“im so sorry that happened to you! you dont have to get with me if your scared! but just know that i wont ever, ever do those things to you! all i want is to make you happy, but its alright if you say no, ill still be here for you no matter what” 
overwhelmed with emotions, you end up tearing up as well, melting in his bear hug 
not wanting to make such a rash decision in the height of your emotions you tell the red head you’ll think about it (strongly hinting that you want to say yes)
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Sero Hanta 
sero is a very chill man so your attraction to him was a little unexpected 
but you admire him a lot for a lot of things that he does !
u keep ur attraction to him on the down low though 
it felt a little one sided for a while
you two barely interacted and he didnt even look at you most of the time 
but your relationship with him took a sudden turn and u two became close friends !
you two bonded over mangas that you both read, occasionally spending time in his room to read the latest releases together !
one day, sero invited you to his room to read a romance manga he found out about a few days prior 
you come over and end up sharing the book since you didnt have ur own copy 
when you and sero reach a panel where the main characters aka the lovebirds finally kissed for the first time, the tall boy looked over to you 
“wish i could do this with you” he said gently 
NOTHING could explain how surprised u were !! 
“are you serious?” 
“of course i am” 
at this you explain to sero that although you reciprocate the feelings, relationships are a little rocky for you considering your past relationships 
sero wraps an arm around you and pulls you to his side, burying his nose in the side of your head 
“thats fine, you dont have to say yes, just you knowing that i like you is good enough for me, just know that i wouldnt ever think about doing those stupid things to you, but if i can make you happy now, then im already doing a great job” 
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Kaminari Denki 
kaminari was a very sociable boy !! so it was impossible that you two werent friends after a few months you start to notice the way your cheeks tend to heat up when ur around the blond 
other people were also very aware at how when you and kaminari were together, both of you became blushing messes 
they didnt talk about it though 
they wanted the two oblivious dumbasses to figure it out themselves - ehem bakugou 
one day though, kaminari comes knocking at your door, looking ridiculously shy 
“uhm hi! i uh, i was, uhm, wondering if you maybe wanted to date me?” 
before you could even process what he said, he immediately took it back 
“wait no! uhm well i mean i like you a lot, thats why im asking! like a lot alot! i love your smile and your laugh and everything and i just, like making you happy, it makes me super duper ultra happy!”
although u want to accept denkis offer, your horrible dating life was looming over you
with this, you quietly tell denki that you dont think relationships are your thing 
he doesnt hesitate to ask you why !
you unwillingly tell him about your stupid relationships and hes quick to retaliate your self degrading words 
“hey! you arent stupid alright? you were young, things have changed! you’ve changed! i dont wanna force you into anything but just know, even if im a dumbass i wont treat you like that, ever! in fact, ill even be the best relationship youve ever had!” 
he pulls you into a hug not long after, squeezing you tight against his chest
“i trust you, sure, ill date you” (*˘︶˘*).。.:*♡
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Ashido Mina 
mina is a very determined person !
so when she wants something, she’ll get it one way or another 
so when she realized her big fat crush on you, she knew immediately that she wanted to date you 
and it wasnt just something about you, it was everything about you!
the way you stand, laugh, smile, talk, even if ur just sitting at your desk nodding off into sleep, she still thinks your the most amazing person ever ( ̄ε ̄@)
she doesnt hesitate to approach you after she is absolutely SURE about her feelings towards you
youre shocked of course, but you couldnt deny that you harbored feelings towards mina either 
you reluctantly tell her that although the feelings were mutual, you were still scared of getting into a relationship 
she listens carefully as u tell her about your past, rubbing your arm as comfort as you reveal a few of your insecurities 
“you didnt deserve any of that, i hope you know that! you dont have to say yes or anything, i dont want you to feel forced or pity, but i can treat you so much better that all of those jackasses! but we dont have to date for that, i can still do those things as a loving and good friend!” 
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getofy · 4 years
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as you are loved by another
genre: angst; tsukishima x gn!reader | wc: 1.2k
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—a/n: hello! this is long overdue but tysm for 100 followers aaa. it means a lot that people enjoy my stupid headcanons/word-vomits. as a gift i offer you: this angsty kei fic that i wrote in the wee hours of the morning. is it good? questionable. am i happy with it? not necessarily. however, posting this seemed better than scrapping so here we are </3. enjoy!
cw: brief mentions of death/funerals; self pity/deprecation; no spoilers; one-sided pining; hurt/no comfort
—synopsis: in which tsukishima’s not sure who he hates more: your new boyfriend or himself.
edit: i made it so when tsukki refers to ur boyfriend, it’s in italics. im so sorry i forgot to do that before.
—Tsukishima had never considered himself to be a hateful person, and yet, here he was: laying in bed on a Friday night, thinking about you with him, and allowing levels of unprecedented envy to bubble up in his chest.
This was not how he had expected his night to turn out.
One moment, he had been doing homework at his desk, and the next, his mind was wandering to today at lunch when you giggled after receiving a text message from your insufferable boyfriend. The memory lasted for only a short moment, but it was all it took to make his head spiral. He had tried to control it, but once his brain got going, it was hard to get it to stop; eventually, he had to retire from being productive to rotting on his mattress.
Generally, Tsukishima was good at keeping sentiments such as these at bay. But it’s been getting harder to do that now, especially since you and him have been so affectionate together recently.
The cruelty of it all leaves him feeling burned by the fire of his jealousy, and a natural disaster of his own making plays out in the depths of his heart as he studies the intricacies of his bare, white ceiling. A song by some band he couldn’t bother to remember the name of emits itself loudly from his phone speakers while the middle blocker desperately tries to stop his train of toxic thinking. He rolls from his back to his side and lowers the annoying music’s volume; not even the most incredible lyrical masterpiece could pull him from the devastation the conflagration of his emotions had been causing him as of late.
And, besides, the sound was giving him a headache. He preferred to brood in silence.
The intensity of his feelings irritates him. Despite his outwardly antagonistic exterior, Tsukishima had always believed his tendency for total apathy would take precedent over any other negative emotion—including jealously.
Tonight, however, was proving this preconceived notion of his character completely wrong.
This wasn’t the first time he’d wasted his night thinking about you and him. Ever since the day you had giddily announced your new relationship, Tsukishima had been allowing himself to become more acquainted with the green-eyed monster, and this evening, he relishes in its company more than usual.
Pity parties like this—which was shaping up to be the worst one to date—had been happening to him more frequently. Feelings of contempt had become his newfound obsession in the sense that they consumed his very being. Hating him was easier than hating himself, and he enjoyed it. The only downside towards living so sullenly was that it made him realize that, more often than not, guilt was a close companion of unwarranted negativity.
Tsukishima knew better than anyone else how outrageous his feelings were. And feeling this way did trouble him, but then again, how could he not be envious?
Seeing the way his hand wrapped around your waist. Recalling the way his fingers traced little shapes into your hands. Remembering the way his eyes followed you as you walked out of the room—as if Kei’s hadn’t been the ones that did that first. It was all just too much for him to bear. Knowing that he made you happy in a way that he could not.
The overwhelming knowledge of his inadequacy makes the middle blocker want to double over in anguish, but he won’t, not yet. He is much too proud to allow himself to display such sorrow, so he’ll settle for feeling hatred tonight instead.
Of course, he knows that he’s in no position to be feeling this way. You were never his, and he had never shown interest in changing that. It was only a matter of time before someone swept you off your feet and gave you the affection he had neglected to provide you with. This whole situation was very obviously his fault. If he had been brave enough to confess before he had, maybe he’d be the one you loved instead. Or maybe not. Your new boyfriend was absolutely perfect for you, and Kei was anything but.
This was so tirelessly aggravating. Why did you have to be stupid and date somebody he could never compete with?
White-hot resentment flows through his veins, and he’s not sure if it’s directed at you, himself, or the man you love. Regardless, one more second of this suffocation, and he thinks it’s likely he’ll die by the morning time. The thought of it makes him laugh, and it temporarily lifts the burden on his heart.
Maybe his funeral would be green-themed. That wouldn’t be so bad—he quite likes the color. Or maybe his tombstone would say something like: ‘Tsukishima Kei: A son, a friend, and someone left gasping for air after being smothered to death by the tight grip of unjustifiable envy.’
Wouldn’t that be something?
Tsukishimas mind betrays the light-heartedness of the moment ruined when, bitterly, it wonders how much you’d care if his death—albeit a metaphorical one—actually did happen.
You probably wouldn’t be too concerned, especially now that you’ve got...someone who isn’t himself who would happily help to console you as you grieve. You were always gushing about how your new boyfriend was such a good listener. One kiss from that guy would probably make any pain you felt about his own fictional death go away in an instant.
Not that he would blame you. Tsukishima thought himself to be pretty forgettable. And he was anything but.
Why reminisce on the underwhelming memory of his own life when you had someone who shone so much brighter than he ever could to focus on instead?
He hates this—the way he let it get this bad. What was wrong with him? He was acting like an entitled child watching other kids play with a toy he wanted to play with. And he hated himself for it. You were a person, not a possession. And even if you were, you were still not his to have.
No, you belonged to someone infinitely better.
Someone who made you smile bigger than he ever could. Someone who made you laugh harder than he ever would. Someone who he despised—second only to himself—more than anyone else in the world.
As he rests in the still of his room, evaluating how intelligent he could possibly be after doing something as stupid as falling for one of his best friends, Tsukishima Kei decides that while he may hate your lover, he hates himself more.
A strange melancholy replaces his previous feelings of jealousy, and his typical level of self-loathing cranks it’s way up to 100. There’s a growing ache in place of where his heart should be, and Kei shakily brings his hand to clench at it. When the pain does not subside, he deduces that his current level of grief was inconsolable. Wearily, the middle blocker shuts his eyes close and allows himself to escape to the bliss of sleep.
Maybe, he’d be able to outrun the misery of loving you as you are loved by someone else in the world of dreams.
He hopes he can.
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*do not repost my work without proper credit and my explicit permission.
a/n: again, i apologize for not being super active (mental illness goes hard), but i’ve been feeling better so hopefully that changes! likes + reblogs are always appreciated and feel free to give me constructive criticism (i know i need it lol). i hope you enjoyed.
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yoshichao · 3 years
the Smashers and their Host - Chapter ??? Preview
Series: Super Smash Bros.
Characters: Reader, Literally Everyone In Super Smash Bros Ultimate
Summary:  You’re an inter-dimensional being that owns a huge estate situated on the cusp of spacetime. You’ve been asked to rent out your mansion for the upcoming Super Smash Bros. tournament. What could possibly go wrong?
Tags: Reader-Insert, Romantic & Platonic Harem, Comedy, Fluff, No Smut
Read the fic here!
[hi a year ago i was writing a chapter about characters getting sick but then a pandemic happened, making this no longer as fun to write. as a result i’m not going to be posting this one for awhile... but i’m going to share the beginning portion of it anyways. hope you enjoy?]
"Room service!" you call out, peeking into the room with a friendly smile and a tray in your hands. Upon your arrival, Marth sits up in his bed and tries to offer a smile in return... but it is visibly weak, marred by puffy eyes and a flushed face.
"Well this is a pleasant surprise." The Altean prince's voice sounds different from what you're used to. It sounds like he has a stuffed nose... which he does, of course. "If anyone was to be bringing me soup, I would have expected it to be Peach."
You step fully into the room, nudging the door shut behind you with your hip before making your way over to the bed where the prince lies. "It was Peach's idea to make soup for everyone," you confirm, "but after we started delivering it to people, I think the full brunt of the illness hit her too and I told her to go lay down."
Upon discovering that over half the Smashers residing in your mansion had come down with a cold, you took it upon yourself to be a good host and play a part in helping everyone make a full recovery. Of course, having lived alone and illness-free for god-knows-how-long, you were a bit at a loss at what to do... and thankfully Peach was all-too-happy to lend a hand. You recall she seemed tired from the beginning but did her very best to hide it, and an hour and a cauldron of hot soup later, the exhaustion seemed to hit the princess all at once. It took some doing, but you eventually managed to convince her that you and the rest of the team could take it from there. She (and Samus, who was rooming with her while mansion repairs were still being done) was one of the first people you delivered to, and her warm, grateful smile was enough to convince you that you could do this. You can trek across the mansion for hours to deliver supplies to forty or so different people all day.
Even with your handy "shortcuts", it's more draining than you thought.
"Oh dear." Marth chuckles weakly at your explanation. "Thinking about it... for as long as we've been in Smash together, I don't think I've ever seen her fall ill before... I suppose I didn't even imagine it happening to her."
You have a feeling that Peach has gotten sick in the past - she is just very good at hiding it and powering through it. You're certain she would have continued doing that this time as well had you not convinced her otherwise. However, instead of saying any of this, you simply shrug while placing the tray on the bedside table.
"Well, she is a princess. You can't have royalty looking all unkempt and snotty - that wouldn't be right at all."
Marth needs a moment before he realizes… you are making a jab at him. The prince is flustered for a moment before he lets out a laugh, which you respond in turn with a cheeky grin.
“Do I look that bad?”
He is visibly unwell, but you feel inclined to soften the blow to his vanity. “Nah, I’m just teasing. Anything else you need before I go?” You can’t help but glance around Marth’s room under the guise of checking if anything in particular is missing. You respect your guests’ privacy, so you haven’t been in many of their rooms after the move-in - including Marth’s. His room is fairly plain and orderly - the only thing that really screams “Marth” in here is the mannequin that is adorned with his familiar Smash garb. Said mannequin also holds his sword, Falchion. You suppose storing an outfit with armour on it in this fashion is easier than trying to keep it in the closet or in a drawer. Though considering you don’t see any other articles of clothing lying about, perhaps the closet is just full?
...How many clothes does this guy have?
You’re curious now, but decide not to pry.
“Thank you, but I should be fine,” Marth replies, bringing your attention back to him. “You’ve done enough already. Merely visiting me was plenty - you’ve certainly been a sight for sore eyes.”
For a moment, you’re flustered… but then you remember this man is currently sick in bed. His thoughts are probably a bit jumbled and unfiltered. And really, who wouldn’t feel better knowing there was someone bringing them soup? Beauty comes from kindness and within, et cetera et cetera. All these excuses and more fill your head as you effortlessly wave away Marth’s silly words - you, a sight?! Ha ha! Why, isn’t that saying often used platonically as well? Yes? Maybe? You are drawing a blank.
You’re so lost in denial that you forget to respond aloud. Marth seems to take your silence and (unbeknownst to you) goofy smile the wrong(?) way and starts stammering out an apology, possibly growing even more embarrassed than you are.
“I-I didn’t mean… What I meant by that was… Well, it’s not that I didn’t mean it, but I mean, I find you… quite… um…”
“If you want a sight, next time you need something I’ll be sure to send in the cutest maid we have on staff,” you joke, easily shifting the conversation to more comfortable territory. Marth relaxes at the topic shift and chuckles lightly, still looking a bit embarrassed.
“I’ll never live that moment down, will I?”
“Nope!” Your first embarrassing encounter with any of the Smashers has been so diluted by increasingly hectic and bizarre moments that you find it more funny than embarrassing these days. Well, you say “these days” like it wasn’t just a couple weeks ago that that happened… So much has happened since then that it feels like it has almost been two whole years! Really, it feels like the tournament should have started by now. Crazy how time works like that, huh? Ha ha.
“Anyways,” you say aloud, not sure where that oddly guilty train of thought came from. It was almost like someone was trying to speak through you to express their feelings. But that’s ridiculous! Best not to think about it anymore. “I’ve got more soup deliveries to make, so if you need anything, just…”
Oh. Oh wait you don’t have a system in place for this, do you? And you’re pretty sure most of the Smashers don’t have cell phones… Gah, you knew you should have implemented an internal phone line! Maybe you can ask Master Hand to sneak it in there while doing mansion renovations for future needs. If you do it, you’d have to do it in every single room one by one, which sounds exhausting. You already have a lot on your plate today!
“Don’t worry,” Marth says, “it’s only a cold. If I need anything, I have enough strength to get it myself.”
You open your mouth to protest but… actually, he has a point. It’s not like anyone seems to be sick with the flu or anything. And most of the Smashers are adults - they are all perfectly capable of getting up and retrieving anything they may need or want. Well, R.I.P. to anyone staying on the top floor because you still don’t have an elevator, but… they can at least leave a message on the door or something. Whatever.
This is already proving to be a very good learning experience at how unsuitable your mansion is in its current state for hosting this many people. You’ll have enough experience and knowledge by the end of this that you could run a rental business in your realm if you wanted.
“Well, if anything changes and you start having trouble, just leave a note outside the door,” you decide definitively. Going door-to-door to check on people would be tiring (and you’d also risk disturbing people who are sleeping) - but taking a walk through the halls every couple hours to check for notes or whatever? Easy. Even your shortcut-less partners could manage that.
Speaking of your partners, you should really be getting a move on.
“I’ll keep that in mind,” Marth replies, wordlessly giving you the go ahead to skedaddle on outta here. “Thank you again for this.”
And he gives you such a kind and warm smile despite his ailment that you are practically stumbling out of the door, unable to figure out why it feels like there are butterflies inside you.
...Helping people out is good. That’s all.
Shaking away the strange feelings this encounter brought, you pop yourself back into the kitchen, where you are instantly greeted with the smell of hot soup. The room is warm thanks to the literal cauldron y’all made a day’s worth of soup in with Peach’s help, which remains on perpetual heat. There are only two Smashers in the room right now: femme Robin, who is using a laddle to scoop the soup into bowls and prepare the trays for delivery, and R.O.B., who is just on his way out with a tray balanced on his metallic arms. He stops when he sees you appear from nothingness, staring silently at you for a moment before turning his head back to a neutral position and rolling out of the room. Shrugging off the encounter, you approach Robin and the table of food trays.
“A couple more down - how many are left?” You spot the stack of trays that haven’t been prepared yet, each with a Smasher’s name stickied onto them. “Oh. That’s how many…”
“You work a lot faster than the boys do,” Robin chuckles, her voice notably different-sounding than usual. You’re pretty sure she’s sick too, but unlike Peach, she hasn’t been overwhelmed by it yet and waves away any concerns you’ve thrown her way. “R.O.B. can only carry one order at a time, and the Pikmin keep spilling or dropping things… or eating it. Shulk is… well, I think the stairs are too much for him.”
“That’s understandable,” you chuckle. Yeah, your team is not the greatest for this job. But you’re still thankful for the help. “You are giving him orders for people on the lower floors though, right?”
Robin gives you A Look before gesturing to the soup and the pile of crackers and bread… among other world-specific foods that are apparently good to eat when sick. “Hey, I’m busy putting everything together here! I don’t have time to tell everyone where to go! Just pick up a tray and go, that’s what I’ve been saying.”
Oh geez, not even you’re completely familiar with the rooms that the Smashers chose for themselves. You can imagine Shulk having to search every floor just to find the name he’s been looking for is on the top… Thankfully Peach managed to round up any and all roommate scenarios before leaving to rest, or else this could be even more hectic.
“Fair enough,” you relent, unable to stop yourself from smiling at the others’ hardships. It is admittedly funny to think about, but you intend to work hard enough so no one tires themselves out at what would otherwise be an endless task. You’re hoping that after this first round, you’ll all have a break when you only have to deal with specific orders… until dinner time, of course. Then this chaos will begin again.
“Ugh, and no one has even delivered food to my poor, sweet Lucy yet!” Robin groans dramatically, hand to her head like she’s acting in a movie. “Here I am, selflessly toiling away for the sake of everyone else, while my only daughter continues to suffer! Oh, won’t somebody deliver this soup to her in my stead?”
“Uh… Yeah, sure, I could do that. Or if you’d want I could stay here while you--”
“Oh you will?!” Robin cuts you off before you can finish, grinning as she scoops up the tray with Lucina’s name taped onto it and forces it into your arms. “You’re a lifesaver! A knight in shining armour! I’m sure she will be SO happy to know someone as sweet as you is looking out for her…”
With an awkward (but amused) hum, you accept the tray and adjust it so you’ll be able to grab a couple more. Before you can start browsing the selection though, Robin starts coughing - first soft, but then she’s leaning over and hacking into her arm. Uh oh. “Robin, why don’t you go lie down? I think the rest of us can take care of things from here.”
“No no, I’m fine. Really,” she says, considerably less bombastic than before as she manages a smile. You can tell that it’s forced. “Someone has to prepare all this food and look after the kitchen!”
She’s… not exaggerating. Olimar’s Pikmin tend to sample the selection any time they’re in here to pick up another delivery. And then there was the one time Kirby came in today…
...Best not to think about that nightmare.
“Well… maybe you can at least take a break?” you suggest, not wanting her condition to get any worse via pushing herself too hard. You all may need the help, but… you’re sure you can manage! “There aren’t too many trays left to prepare--” Ten isn’t much, right? How much work could it possibly be to put food on a tray? “--and we could just have Shulk or R.O.B. watch the kitchen.” You’d volunteer yourself, but like Robin said, you kind of are the most efficient person on hand right now. Even Palutena has this cold - there’s no one with teleportation powers well enough to lend a hand.
Robin puts a hand to her face, clearly considering your offer. You notice how tired she looks now that she’s not overcompensating her energy to hide it. “Oh, but…”
“You could bring a tray with you,” you tempt. “Go lie down, eat, maybe read or watch a movie? Then maybe in an hour if you feel alright you can come back…?”
The tactician is silent, envisioning the possibilities you are proposing. Finally, she nods and steals a random tray, ripping off the name and sticking it on one of the empty ones. “Alright, you got me. I’m convinced. Say hi to Lucy for me, okay?!”
With a cheeky grin, she leaves the room with food in tow. Briefly you wonder if she had been looking for an excuse to go sit down for a while now…
After Robin is gone, you start browsing the trays so you can deliver more than one order in a single trip. Should you try for a bunch on the same floor as Lucina, or should you grab some for higher floors instead so your partners can catch a break? Just as you think you’ve made a decision, a certain Monado Boy enters the room with an empty food trolley.
“I ran into Robin on the way here,” Shulk says in lieu of a greeting. He looks tired, but devoid of any cold symptoms that everyone else seems to have. “She said she was taking a break but seemed rather… excited about it. I don’t suppose that means we’re down another member?”
“I guess we’ll find out if she comes back or not,” you chuckle. You’re pretty sure Robin is a fairly reliable person but… she can be rather sneaky about her true intentions. “Either way, I think we’ll be fine! We can do this!”
Your positivity is infectious; Shulk returns the smile, albeit weaker than yours. While you’re certain he’s probably just tired from running around so much to help people, you can’t help but ask him again:
“Hey, are you sure you’re feeling okay? You’re not sick too or anything?”
Shulk shakes his head. “I told you before, I don’t seem to have it. Really, I don’t feel sick at all.”
When you asked him earlier, he told you that he had a weird history of never getting sick at the same time as his friends. He just never seemed to catch the same bugs as them. His explanation for it was as good as yours - which was no explanation, because he doesn’t know how it happens either. Just luck and coincidence, probably. When you try to imagine Smashers with strong immune systems, Shulk would have never been at the top of the list. He just… he looks so frail! But you can’t fight the facts: he’s one of the only human Smashers who is still perfectly healthy right now.
“How about you?” Shulk asks, returning the question. “You haven’t started feeling sick, right?”
He must be worried that you are going to ditch him too. “Nope! Like I said earlier: I don’t get sick. Like, at all.” You honestly can’t remember the last time you had gotten sick. Certainly not since you “moved into” this world, which was… well, it’s been awhile! Assumedly, it’s just one of the many perks of who you are and the realm you live in. Regardless, it’s been long enough that you’re convinced that “virus immunity” is one of your many undefined abilities.
Unfortunately for you, “not being a clumsy fool” is not one of your cool superpowers.
“Oh no!” You let down your guard for just a moment and accidentally let the trays in your hands tip, dumping all the food and utensils onto the ground. Man, you’ve been doing so good today! Shulk helps you clean it up, but a certain issue remains.
"Ugh, what if specific foods were on those?" you bemoan aloud. "I can't remember what came from each tray…" And you don't know anyone's tastes well enough to remake them. Though you suppose you could just leave the soup plain… put a bit of everything on the side…
"Who were they for?"
"Lucina, Yoshi, and Villager."
"In that case, I think…" Shulk picks up a blue-and-white bag among the mess. "...this is for Villager."
This makes perfect sense. "Now for Yoshi… probably all the fruit?”
Shulk ponders for a second, then nods. This also makes perfect sense. The two of you put all the bananas, berries, and peppers onto Yoshi’s tray.
“That just leaves the soup for Lucina!” You grin and rush over to the still-warm soup pot and fill a new bowl. “That was easier than I thought.” You are pretty sure you didn’t make any mistakes whatsoever. Except… wait a minute.
“Didn’t I deliver this earlier?” At your query, Shulk glances over to the particular tray you’re pointing at. It’s labelled for Peach and Samus, but you’re certain that this was one of the first deliveries you made!
...Wasn’t it?
“Um.” Shulk seems just as puzzled as you were. “Honestly, I’m not sure…”
You try to reach further back into your memory, but it seems to get further and further the more you try. Today’s events have been a blur of chaos and confusion. “...I guess I’ll just do it again??” It doesn’t matter if you can’t remember doing it, if the tray is here then that means you have to deliver it! You pick up the tray and put it on your trolley, then start loading the trolley up with more and more trays until it’s full.
“Oops, I almost forgot…” You turn and look at Shulk, who is also loading up a trolley. “Shulk, can you take Lucina’s? Robin asked me to, but I’m out of space.”
The two of them seem like good friends anyways, you’re sure Lucina will be more happy to see Shulk than to see you.
“Sure thing.”
Not wanting to waste anymore time, you start pushing your food trolley out of the room. As soon as you’ve exited the kitchen, you warp to the second floor of the mansion. Static dances on your skin from the instant transmission, but you ignore it as you approach Peach’s room.
[hello again its me, this is the end of the preview. there wasn’t much to it and it ends on such a Nothing note but i hope you liked it regardless. one day this will end up in the fic, but not anytime soon i think lol. i hope you have a good day/night.]
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stones-x-bones · 3 years
What A Doll || Rio and Bex
TIMING: Current PARTIES: @3starsquinn and @inbextween SUMMARY: Bex and Rio have a chance meeting outside the local co-op. Only, something else meets them there, too. CONTENT: One wasted sandwich 😔
It was strange, being back in the world, so soon after something that should have made her give more pause. It was even stranger being out without someone tirelessly following behind her, making sure she was okay, that she was being safe, that she was taking care of herself. It was...a little overwhelming at times. Suffocating. Maybe not in the same way as being back home, but it still made her antsy. It was just one little trip to the store down the street for groceries. With Morgan still dealing with the anniversary of her death, and Mina bruised and broken, someone had to do it. Honestly, she’d forgotten what she originally had come to the store for, but the walk had already exhausted her. And so Bex sank onto the bench outside, instead, and leaned back, rubbing her chest, wincing with pain. The scabs were still fresh, and she always had to be so careful not to tear them open. Healing slow was literally the worst. Rubbing her eyes, she tried to motivate herself to stand back up and head into the store, but something out of the corner of her eye caught her attention instead. There was a strange doll-- rather frightening looking, actually (but then again all dolls were frightening to Bex, it was the empty eyes, probably)-- all by itself on the bench next to her. Had that always been there? It was possible, she wasn’t exactly the most attentive right now. Glancing around, all she saw was one other person loitering around. “Excuse me?” she called out to him. A rather scrawny looking boy. She didn’t judge. “Is this yours?”
Instead of buying anything resembling a responsible, normal adult at the store, Orion left the place with a bag full of snack foods and shoveling a deli sandwich in his mouth. Of course he had enough manners to refrain from eating the sub inside of the place, but out on the sidewalk anything was fair game. He had taken a pause, hooking the bags of junk food under his arm to free it enough to take bites from the food. A drink was stuffed under his arm, but he wouldn’t be able to gracefully get to it until he finished the whole sandwich. He knew he wasn’t coordinated enough to switch things around without risking dropping everything. The only people around were a girl and a creepy looking doll sitting on the bench beside her. Rio had moved away from the bench when the girl had come to sit down, it hadn’t seemed super polite to continue eating his food while hovering near her. He had just assumed she had been here before and left the doll behind. That, or a kid had forgotten it and left it behind. Either way, Rio didn’t like making eye contact with it. Instead, he mostly ate his sandwich while staring at the brick wall side of the building. That is, until the girl on the bench started talking to him. “Huh?” Rio asked on instinct, mouth still full of food. He blushed and quickly looked away to finish chewing. “Sorry uh- that was rude.” He finally swallowed the last bit and turned back towards her, “The doll thing? No uh- definitely not. It’s not yours?”
Bex frowned as she watched the boy swallow the bite of sandwich. At least he had the decency to stand away from her while he shoveled it into his mouth. But she was more perturbed by his answer. If it wasn’t his doll, and it wasn’t hers, someone must have left it behind. She scooted away from it and looked back at him. “No,” she answered back, “it’s not mine.” That meant it had to be someone else’s around, right? “Maybe it’s someone’s inside?” she asked, standing up stiffly to look around, squinting into the store. “I was supposed to pick up food for dinner, anyway, I guess I could go check around inside.” But, what if whoever’s doll it was came back and it was gone? Would they be mad at her? For taking it? But if she left it here, what if someone else came by and stole it? “Or, do you think we should just wait here to see if someone comes back for it?” The words were out of her mouth before she even realized. She didn’t even know this boy, and yet she was signing him up for doll duty. “I-- I mean, you don’t have to stay. I didn’t mean to imply that you had to! I just am, you know, worried. What if some child left it behind?” She went to look back down at the doll, but it was gone. For a moment, she just stared, not believing. Blinked slowly as if that would make it magically reappear. “Wh...where did it-- Oh god!” she jumped when she looked up, because the doll was now sitting on the windowsill next to the boy. “How’d it get over there?” 
Though a doll shouldn’t be particularly frightening, Orion didn’t like learning that it didn’t belong to the girl on the bench. There was certainly a normal and reasonable explanation. This was just any other doll, left behind by a distracted kid. That made sense. Automatically jumping to the theory that this was somehow ill intentioned or supernatural was probably a stretch. Right? Regardless, Rio’s mouth settled into a worried line as he stared at the thing and the girl spoke. Soon she had basically suggested that the two foster the thing until its owner came back around. “Oh no! It’s fine. I don’t mind it’s just- do you really think that anybody is going to come back for that thing?” Rio asked, pointing at the thing and cringing at it. It wasn’t particularly well kept. It seemed like something that a parent wouldn’t exactly cry at the idea of losing. And if they were anything like his parents, they probably would have refused to go back for it anyways. For many reasons, Rio hoped that there weren’t many parents in the world like his. Not that it mattered, Rio had always hated dolls growing up. He didn’t like waking up and making eye contact with them. In spite of having no real reason to stay, Rio had his sandwich to finish anyways. He might as well hang around while he finished his lunch. He glanced down at the sandwich to take another bite, only looking back up when he heard the girl freaking out. “Wha-” Rio started to question, freezing mid chew when he realized that the doll wasn’t there anymore. How had she moved it so quickly? He had only been looking down for a second. His head swiveled when he saw what the girl was looking at, jumping when he realized how close the doll sat near him. The drink slipped from his arm and hit the ground, as did a chunk of the lettuce from his sub. But Rio was already jumping backward and sliding closer to the bench and farther from the doll. “Um- so uh- I really don’t like that Is this a bad time to mention I never liked dolls?”
“Oh, yeah, m-me neither,” Bex said, backing away as well. All she’d wanted to do was go to the store on her own for once, and of course White Crest was pulling out some stupid, strange, weird bullshit. She should’ve stayed home. But Mina was hurt as well, and Morgan was being-- well, not Morgan, and Deirdre was at work, and Bex wanted to just be able to do something for them. Like pick up damn groceries. She shook her head, glancing sideways at the boy again as he shoveled more sandwich into his mouth. How could he eat at a time like this? “Well, what should we do with it? Just leave it? What if it--” But when Bex turned to look back at the doll again, it was gone. Her eyes searched frantically until she saw it sitting behind the window of the store. It’s creaky head turned to look at the two of them and one of its little wooden hands raised up in a wave. Bex jumped, stumbling into the boy. “Did you see that? Did that thing just-- you saw that, right? I’m not going crazy, right?”
He shouldn’t have even been surprised that haunted dolls were added to the long list of horrible things that happened in this town. Despite how unsettled and afraid he was of a teleporting doll that had chosen a spot next to him to land, Rio found it oddly calming to keep himself busy by slowly taking bites from his sub. Something about still moving his hands kept him grounded from spiraling completely. The girl asked exactly what he was wondering. Did they leave the thing? The obvious answer was yes, they absolutely turned and ran for the hills and hoped that the thing lost interest in them. But the part of him that clung onto the idea of being a scribe hesitated. Perhaps Rio didn’t know what to do about this, but didn’t his basic knowledge of the supernatural make him uniquely qualified to try to help? That tiny bit of confidence he had was tested even further when the thing disappeared again, reappearing behind a window seconds later and turning to make eye contact with them. To prove that it definitely wasn’t a misunderstanding, the arm began an almost mechanical wave at them. “Definitely saw that. Definitely hate that.” The girl stumbled into him and he just caught himself before steadying the two of them. With no other ideas, Rio raised his arm in a small wave back to the doll. He looked back over to the girl and shrugged, “I didn’t know what else to do. Maybe it’s a… friendly creepy doll?”
The nonchalance with which this boy was regarding the situation was stressing Bex out. Maybe she was just overreacting. If he wasn’t so worried, then she didn’t need to be either. But how was she supposed to not be? The doll was moving on its own! And smiling! And waving! She grabbed his arm when he went to wave back at it. “Don’t do that! What if you make it mad? What if it notices us?” Well, that was silly-- it had clearly already noticed them, hence the waving. She backed away a little further. “Maybe we should just...leave? We should just leave. It was really nice meeting you, I-- I think. But we should just g--” she started, but a thumping stopped her. She looked back at the window and watched as the doll smashed its head against the glass. The window cracked, Bex jumped. “It-- what is it doing?” It smacked its head against the glass again and Bex jumped, again. She moved behind the boy. “D-do something! Make it stop! O-or--” she looked left, right-- no one. When had the street gotten so deserted? “Make it go away!”
Orion wasn’t sure if it was because this girl was freaking out that Rio was forcing himself to maintain some semblance of calm or if this creepy doll had finally been his breaking point. He always figured he would stop being surprised by the crazy things in this town eventually. He just figured it would be… bigger. “Sorry! I just thought maybe not waving would make it mad too!” He wasn’t up to date on the morality and ethics of possessed dolls. Finally, the girl suggested the same thing that Rio had been considering. Leaving. Of course it was the most logical thing to do in this situation, if Rio wasn’t so dead set on making sure nobody else got hurt by this thing either. Though a quick glance around showed him that besides the two of them the area was mostly deserted. That helped ease Rio’s conscience at least a fraction. “Yeah uh, maybe you’re right.” Rio agreed, still not taking his eyes off the doll as he answered the girl. As he was watching, the waving arm froze in place. Rio tilted his head, wondering what had caused it to stop, only to let out a scream when the thing twitched back alive and started slamming its head against the glass over and over again. Apparently that had been the breaking point for Rio, who began jumping back and forth from one foot to the other as he muttered, “Oh god! Oh god! Oh god!” over and over again. “I-I don’t know what to do! I have no idea what it's doing!” Or why it hadn’t just teleported again. Clearly it had a flare for dramatics. The window gave out eventually, shattering as the doll paused from the victory before slowly tipping forward to stand up right between the broken glass. “I’ve decided that waving at it was definitely the wrong choice. I think it hates us.”
The glass shattered and Bex leapt a few feet in the air, scrambling behind the boy. Her chest was pounding and she was ready to simply turn around and go home, no groceries in hand. But then the doll was standing up and looking straight at them-- perhaps through them?-- and she tapped urgently on the boy’s shoulder as he began jumping from foot to foot. “D-do something!” she said, “can’t you do something? What-- where’s the shop owner!?” The alarm began to blare and someone inside began shouting. They ran towards the front and saw the shattered window, glaring the two of them down. “I-it wasn’t us! It was the doll! It was--” she pointed urgently at where the doll was, except...it wasn’t there anymore. “What? No. No! It wasn’t--” but the man didn’t believe them, simply yelled at them to stay put as he went to grab the phone to call the police. Oh no. Bex could not get in trouble with the cops. Her parents would be notified, then. She couldn’t let that happen. She yanked on the boy’s arm. “We have to go!” she said, dragging him away from the bench and down the street. Taking an alley would’ve been the ideal thing to do, but as soon as Bex’s eyes scanned the entrance, she saw the illusion of a wolf standing there, hunched back, eager to pounce. She blinked it away and turned to look back at the other boy. “Hide, we need to hide!” she announced, shoving him towards an abandoned building just as she heard the store manager shouting. She turned to look back at him once they were inside and said, “We’ll be safe in--” but shrieked once again as the doll came into view, hovering behind the boy’s shoulder. “Watch out!”
Of course the store manager wouldn’t believe their story about an evil doll breaking the glass. The doll sure knew when to disappear, but Orion wasn’t as convinced until the girl was physically pulling him away from the bench and away from the store. Added onto being haunted by a doll, now he was a suspected criminal. Though he supposed a broken window wasn’t exactly the worst crime he had committed. He let the girl lead the way, jogging along behind her as she pulled him down the sidewalk. She turned towards the alley, but cut away from it quickly and opted to hide out in an abandoned building instead. Odd choice. He wasn’t sure what about this scenario screamed safe to her, but if they could at least get away from the deal he supposed he could worry about getting an updated tetanus shot later. “Why is this thing so interested in us?” Rio questioned, bending over to catch his breath. He didn’t consider himself special enough for evil dolls to take a liking to him. The girls warning made him jump and spin around. The doll had abandoned physics altogether at this point, floating above the ground at eye level with Rio just feet away from him. Rio fell backwards, his back smacking against the dirty concrete floor as he tried to slide away from the thing. “Please don’t hurt us. I have no beef with dolls!”
The boy tripped and fell over almost the instant he turned to see the floating doll. Bex didn’t know what kind of magic or other was responsible for a floating doll that was stalking them, but she wasn’t about to let it kill them and steal their souls, or whatever possessed dolls did. So she took her purse and swung it as hard as she could, strangely reminding herself of the first time she’d met Mina, whacking the cockatrice her purse then as well. The doll went careening away and slammed into a wall, flopping to the ground. She turned and yanked the boy up. “C’mon, move!” she said, shoving him yet again towards the back of the house now. Floorboards creaked beneath their feet as they ran but Bex was pretty sure they’d managed to escape the thing for now. The back of the house was eerie and cold and she shivered, rubbing her chest as it gave a throb of pain. “D-do dolls usually get possessed here? What do you think we d-did to it?” She couldn’t think of anything. A sudden thumping sounded and she jumped again, slapping a hand over her mouth to not make so much noise. She motioned for the boy to shush himself too if he needed to, backing them up against the wall. God, what would she tell Morgan and Mina if she came home all gashed up from a doll? She wasn’t going to let that happen. She could be strong, right? She could be strong. She gave him the hush motion before leaning to peak around the corner. 
Bad idea. The doll appeared right in front of her and Bex screamed again, leaping back as it flew straight at her. She tumbled to the ground, landing hard on her back, bones rattling as she did. The doll turned and flashed red eyes at the two of them, before its jaw dropped open like a nutcracker and it bellowed a screech. “YOU SAT ON MY BENCH! YOU GOT CRUMBS ON MY BENCH!”
Orion had no idea what this doll was actually capable of, but he took the opportunity that the girl gave when she whacked the thing across the room. Rio scurried to his feet and followed her again, this day turning into more of a scooby doo chase scene than Rio had originally intended. “I can’t say that I’ve ever seen a possessed doll.” Rio shrugged, but he couldn’t say that it didn’t happen either. A lot happened in this town that he didn’t know about. 
The two stayed there for just a moment before the girl peaked around the corner and was assaulted by the doll. When the thing screamed, Rio could do nothing but cover his ears and flinch in pain. It had been so loud and guttural, sending shivers down Rio’s body. “You’re mad about the bench?!” Rio questioned when he could finally force himself to speak, “Can’t we just clean the bench?” But the doll didn’t seem like the particularly forgiving type. He owed it to the girl to help her out the same way that she had helped him. He used the only weapon that he had, the remaining bit of his sandwich and chucked the thing at the doll with as much force as he could. The sandwich could never do much damage, but the hunter strength at least added a bit of power behind it. The sandwich exploded on contact with the doll, sending lettuce, deli meat and bread flying all over the place and sending the doll flying back. Rio bent down to pull the girl onto her feet and did a quick once over to make sure she was fine. “Don’t think that’s going to keep her occupied for long. You got any ideas?”
Bex had never expected a deli sandwich to work as a weapon, but she’d also never expected to be chased by a haunted doll into an abandoned house on the side of the street-- so, really, that was her bad. Anything was possible in this place, wasn’t it? Bex had an idea. She watched the doll careen back to the floor as sandwich garnishes exploded all over. She bit her lip and struggled to her feet, looking at the boy. Make sure you trust someone before you expose yourself. Morgan had warned her very specifically, and so had Nell, but she didn’t much think the doll was going to stop chasing them, and she had to do something. “Can-- can you hold it still for a second? I just n-need a few seconds!” she said to him, looking him in the eyes for the first time. God, he was scrawny. He had bright blue eyes, shaggy hair. She was pretty sure she had more muscle than him. This wasn’t going to end well, was it? “Just a few seconds. Trust me, okay?” The doll was groaning with its effort to stand back up, wooden limbs creaking like the floorboards had under their feet. Bex  scooted behind him and put a broken piece of wall between her and the doll before closing her eyes and gathering her energy in the pit of her stomach. If she could make birds and pots explode, she could make dolls explode, too.
“Hold it still. Got it.” Orion gave the girl a thumbs up, but he was anything except confident. He had absolutely no interest in getting close enough to that thing to keep it still, less than no interest actually. A negative interest. But, perhaps if this girl had an idea than it was worth taking a risk. With a sigh, Rio glanced back at the doll, creaking its creepy little doll body as he twisted and turned to get itself back up. “I just wanted a sandwich” Rio mumbled to himself, shrugging off his denim jacket. He was thankful that he had worn a long sleeve under it today. He crossed over to the thing with an equal sense of purpose and apprehension, haphazardly tossing the jacket out toward the thing. The doll did not like that. As soon as it landed on top of her, the thing lifted into the air. Rio jumped forward, grabbing onto the sleeves of the jacket and slamming it back into the ground, wrapping it up and weighing it down. “Got it!” Rio yelled at the girl, who was now out of view. If he couldn’t hear her he would be afraid she had left him. Though the doll wasn’t particularly strong, it was tenacious and loud. The thing continued to scream as it bounced back and forth under his jacket. Rio wished that he could cover his ears, but instead squeezed his eyes shut and tried to focus on other noises to drown out the sound. Whatever idea this girl had, he hoped that she was almost ready.
Concentrate. She needed to focus. She needed to gather all her energy in one place and then focus on what she wanted to do. And what she wanted to do was destroy that doll. If it was in pieces, it couldn’t hurt them, right? Bex opened her eyes and turned around the corner sharply when she heard the other boy yelling that he had it. It was struggling mercilessly under his jacket. She tried to remember what it looked like under there, sending the energy in her stomach out. She thought about the bird exploding and the pot smashing and the sidewalk groaning under Mina’s feet. She thought about the grass she’d decayed and the windows she’d shattered in her own home. The doll began to howl, screaming as if in pain. For a moment, she wondered if she should stop. Could ghosts feel pain? But then it burst from the boys jacket, fissures of cracks all along its wooden body. It was working. Bex bit down on her tongue so hard she felt it splitting. The doll screamed and thrashed, banging into beams, knocking through walls. With one final push, Bex threw everything she had at the doll-- and watched as it shattered into a million little wooden splinters. But so did the beam beside it, and the ceiling and the stairs collapsed. The house groaned around them. Bex fell to her knees, suddenly weak and exhausted. She looked at the boy. A piece of ceiling collapsed between them. “We have to--” she tried to say, her voice horse, “--get o-out of he--” The walls buckled. The house was caving in. Bex shoved herself up and ran towards the boy, grabbing onto him, tripping over pieces of wood, just as the walls came down, and everything else in the house with it.
The first tearing noise was only slightly worrisome. Orion didn’t start actually freaking out into he saw the seam of his jacket pulling from each other. “Uh- Might want to hurry it up there” Rio called out, but he wasn’t sure if he could be heard over the angry doll. He fell backwards when the seam finally split entirely and the doll flew up into the air. “Crap, crap, crap.” Rio repeated quietly to himself as he crawled across the floor on his back and looked up at the thing. It was all cracked. How had that happened under his jacket? He didn’t have much chance to think about it before the doll exploded entirely, along with some other parts of the house. The force pushed Rio back further, hitting a wall with a groan. He could hear everything in the place shifting. Drywall was cracking and the entire foundation shook. He pushed himself up just in time for the girl to run over and grab a hold of him so they could rush to get out. They were so close to the door, but Rio knew that time was running out. If they could get close enough, they might be able to minimize the damage. “Hold still!” Rio yelled, knowing that running at this point might actually be more dangerous. He grabbed the girl and pushed them both onto the floor, flinging himself on top of her and trying to cover as much as he could. Then he tucked his head under his hands and hoped that they had gotten clear of most of the damage. 
It was so loud. Bex didn’t really expect it to be so loud, though, as it all came crashing down on them, she figured that she should’ve expected it to be. The weight on top of her pressed her into the floor-- it was the boy, shielding her from the falling debris-- and she felt her breath wheeze out of her. Black ate at her vision, and then bits of rubble filled the rest of it. Wood and brick and dry wall collapsed on top of them and Bex let out a scream, pain erupting in her body. Her chest was killing her, the world was spinning. She tucked her head in as much as possible and waited. 
She wasn’t sure if she’d passed out, but when her eyes finally opened again, it was dark. She coughed. Dust coated her face, her body, sticking to the blood that was sticky on her forehead. The crushing weight of the was making it harder to breath. She turned as much as she could to try and see where the boy was, make sure he was okay. “We have to...move…” she groaned, shaking his shoulder gently. “Help me...move this…” It was just a doll, she’d just destroyed the doll. Why had the whole house come down? Had she done that? She pushed against the pile of rubble on top of her and heard it shift, felt the strain in her arms, and the pain in her side. Oh, that wasn’t good, was it? She turned to look. It was bleeding. Her eyes went back to the boy. It dawned on her what she had done. She had intentionally used magic and it had worked. Sure, a house had collapsed on them, but she’d done it. She’d used magic. She couldn’t help the grin that spread on her face, despite the weariness in her body. “C’mon,” she said again, shoving against the piece of wall that was blocking them, “let’s get out here.”
As far as crumbling buildings went, Orion was pretty sure that they got lucky with this house. It had clearly been abandoned for a while, no furniture or other added heavy objects to add to the debris. That didn’t stop the pain as each pieces struck his back and legs. He could feel himself being crushed further and further into the girl beneath him. But he kept his knees firmly against the ground and his back arched to try to give her some breathing room. When the sounds finally stopped, Rio let out the breath he hadn’t known he had been holding the entire time. His entire body screamed at him. His head felt like it was swimming and he found it increasingly hard to focus on the pile of debris resting on top of him. But the girl finally shook him back to reality. He tried to ignore the pain and instead pushed upward, lifting remnants of the house with him. “You’re bleeding. Crap” Rio noticed it quickly, the smell adding to the mixture of nausea that he was starting to feel. But it helped motivate him more, pushing his strength into shoving larger pieces away. The girl was working on a piece of drywall and Rio shifted his direction to add his strength, pushing the piece aside and finally opening up a path for them to get out. “Yeah. Getting out of here is good. Do you need a hospital?” Rio asked, slowly pulling himself onto his feet and offering a hand to her. He wasn’t quite ready to take stock of his own injuries yet.
Bex shook her head furiously. Bad idea, though. The world tilted on its side and she felt a wave of nausea take over her. She clutched her head, holding still for a moment. A path finally broke open and she crawled out, taking his hand. Her legs shook visibly as she stood, but she was still smiling. Blood smeared across the side of her face, her hair sticking to it. “Did you see that?” she said in an exasperated voice. “I did that! I did it!” she turned to look back at the collapsed bit of the house. In the distance, she heard sirens wailing. Someone must’ve called 911 when they heard the noise. She pushed against him again. “Crap, we gotta go--” she started, but her voice, and her legs, gave out mid sentence as she fell against him, gripping tightly to not fall all the way down. They were both covered in soot and bits of dry wall debris, they looked a mess, they couldn’t be caught like this. “I’m sorry. Sorry. I’m a little-- tired.” Exhausted. She’d used too much energy. “My name’s Bexley, by the way,” she muttered, trying to stand herself back up. She felt like she could sleep for a million years. She really wanted to shower. “What’s yours?”
The house caving in had almost distracted Orion from the fact that the house hadn't just fallen randomly. It had been blown to pieces beforehand. Before he thought it had was an aftereffect of whatever the doll had been doing, but the girl made him slowly realize that it hadn’t been the doll at all. She actually had had a plan when she told him to hold it still. “Wait- that was you?” Rio asked, abandoning the exhaustion and pain to actually laugh. “Holy crap!” Magic. He wasn’t sure what exactly, but some kind of spell. The sound of sirens only momentarily distracted him before turning back to her. “Besides a building falling on us, that was so freaking cool!” He was almost excited enough to forget how sore his body was. But he was reminded when the girl practically fell into him, sending a whole new wave of pain cascading throughout his body when he caught her. He resituated her, wrapping her arm around his shoulder to try to give her some support. It would be fine as long as he could keep his own footing. “Orion. Or Rio, really. Most people call me Rio. It’s nice to meet you.”
Bex laughed, too. It hurt, but she laughed. Mina was gonna be so mad. Morgan, too. She’d collapsed a house on herself and she felt as if she’d been wrung through a steamroller, but she laughed. And it felt-- good? It felt strange. It felt new. And exciting. Her entire body was still buzzing with the after effects of the magic. Was this what Nell meant? When she said it made her feel connected? Bex looked over at the boy as they started limping their way out of the alley and away from the building-- and the store. And the bench. The stupid bench that had gotten them into this whole mess. Because of a haunted doll. Bex laughed again. “It’s nice to meet you, too.” She leaned into him enough to support herself, but he looked just as banged up as her, and the back of his shirt was bloody with cuts from using his own body to protect her. “You were pretty good back there, too, you know,” she told him, giving a crooked smile, “are you-- do you like, know about all the weird stuff here, too?”
Orion really wanted a shower, but he would focus on making sure that Bexley was safe first. She hadn’t taken to the idea of a hospital, so he supposed he’d have to settle on taking her home instead. He couldn’t exactly argue against it when he had no intentions of going to the hospital himself. There was no point in him getting checked out for wounds that would heal in a couple of weeks anyways. In the meantime, he would just be a bit sore. “I mostly just screamed and lost my sandwich.” Rio shrugged, uncomfortable with taking credit for any part in the eradication of that terrifying, bench loving doll. There was probably more that he could have done. “Yeah I uh- I’m familiar. A bit.” A bit of an understatement, but right now it was a start.
Bex hung on Rio like a lifeline. She was really grateful for him. Honest. She’d probably be a lot more banged up right now if he hadn’t blocked most of the rubble. “No, no. You helped a lot, trust me,” she said with a nod. “Thank you.” And she meant it. It was strange, though. Most of her experiences in White Crest so far had been horrifying. The vampire, the wolf, her own magic. But that-- well, that had felt different. Had been different. She’d been able to do something. To fight back. She didn’t know how, but she’d done it. She’d blown up the doll just like the cockatrice and she’d helped someone. Saved someone. Maybe that meant she could save Mina, too. Next time, she could do something for her. She pressed her hand to her chest and felt the bandages rub on something wet. “Fuck,” she muttered, looking down. Red stains were dripping through her blue-- now brown and black and red-- dress. She frowned and looked over at Rio. “Yeah,” she chuckled softly, “me, too.”
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purplesurveys · 3 years
Are you and the last person you kissed in a relationship or just friends?  I don’t keep contact.
Has anyone ever pointed out that your laugh was unusual?  Hmmmm, I don’t think so. I feel like that would be the type of comment that would get to me so I definitely would’ve remembered it.
Would you get a lip piercing?  I don’t plan on getting any piercings.
Nose piercing?  Nopes.
What are you currently waiting for?  For this fucking day to end so I can be closer to Thursday and to the weekend.
Do you have feelings for anyone?  Nah.
Have you ever run over an animal?  Nope. I’ve had extremely close calls with animals who suddenly dart into the road, but fortunately these have all been situations wherein I got to hit the brakes with nobody behind me.
Have you chewed gum after someone else already has?  That’s disgusting, no.
When people sneeze do you say ‘bless you’?  Sure, out of habit and just to be polite.
When was the last time you were on a bouncy castle?  I don’t think I’ve ever been on a bouncy castle, but I’ve been on a lot of bouncy other things haha, like inflatable slides, soccer balls, Anpanmans, etc. The last time would probably be a nearly a decade ago; I definitely haven’t been near one in a while.
Have you ever went on a bouncy castle whilst drunk?  Well no, because the ones I’ve been on were situated in school fairs, which is the last place I would want to be drunk in.
Have you ever entered an art competition?  No, I have no justification to join one haha.
What is one thing you will never do? Try hardcore drugs. < Same. 
What is one food that you detest?  Pineapples.
Did you have a rebellious phase growing up?  Yeah I was a bit of a handful to raise, but I’m in firm in my stance that it had a lot to do with the way I was raised. I grew up mostly without a father figure because my dad worked abroad and I felt neglected by my mom who had her own shit to deal with. There was no stable support system to lean on, so I ended up lashing out a lot in my puberty years. Unfortunately everyone else just saw a rebellious child and not a plea for help.
These days when I show off my achievements on social media, I’ll see congratulatory comments from my mom’s friends and she’ll usually go on about some “late bloomers grow with time” narrative and it pisses me off because nobody knows how much I’ve had to grow and mature and learn how to be happier all by myself, all from scratch. If I had just received the proper care and attention early on, I wouldn’t have had to do any catching up to begin with.
What religion were you brought up with? Roman Catholic.
Are you still that religion?  Jesus no. I darted out of there as soon as I gained the consciousness to think about these sorts of things.
Do you often find yourself questioning your future?  Sometimes, but I do my best to not let it get to me.
How many friends do you have on Facebook?  Over 670.
What sort of music did you listen to when you were in high school?  I started with punk rock in the first half of high school, so I had my Rancids, H2Os, Against Me!s, Cro-Mags, etc on my iPod. It evolved a little bit towards more indie, folksy sounds towards the latter half - Banks, alt-J, Hozier, Twenty One Pilots - which I largely attribute to the crowd I was part of at the time.
What pet names do you use with your significant other?  I’m pretty straightforward so baby works out for me. Other, more specific pet names just grow naturally with the relationship, I think.
What’s the name of the store you usually get your groceries?  S&R.
Have you ever seen a theatre show?  Yeah. Most of them have been required.
What’s your favourite vegetable?  Broccoli or bell peppers.
Have you ever missed a flight?  Never. I’ve experienced several delayed flights, though, which is always such a hassle especially if the delays happen in provincial airports since they never have any recreational offers to keep passengers from getting bored other than TVs that run the same damn five ads.
Do your neighbours have any pets? Have you ever met them?  Yeah, a lot of have dogs. I’ve met some.
What color is your bedroom door?  Brown.
If you were ever to become famous, would you grow annoyed at fans?  Only towards obsessive ones who wouldn’t give me time to breathe or would go so far so as to stalk me or my loved ones. But I am a fan too, so I imagine I would actually be understanding of those who would ask for pictures or whatever as long as they were polite and not at all intrusive.
Have you ever met your favourite band/singer?  Nah. I am terrified of meeting celebrities HAHA so I’ve always shut down the chance. I’m pretty sure I would actually turn down the chance to meet BTS if I hypothetically suddenly got the magic keys to that door.
Are you embarrassed by any of the songs/singers/bands you like?  No. I feel like that sort of thing just happens in like high school, when your friends are still a bit judgmental. Nowadays I don’t see why I should be embarrassed of anything I like, especially if it’s not hurting anyone.
Have you ever written a story?  I’ve made attempts but was always terrible.
Think of the last poem you wrote: What inspired you to write it?  My homework that required me to write said poem hahaha.
Do you have a chance with the person you like right now? 
What’s the weirdest thing you were scared of as a child?  Watching commercials at night. It’s still a slight fear of mine but it’s mostly dissipated now.
Are there any embarrassing stories your family tells about you?  About me? No. I don’t have a lot of those since I was a really shy kid who barely moved a finger anyway.
In your opinion, what is the funniest TV show?  I have a *really* soft spot for Perfect Strangers, which I actually revisited yesterday :) The show was never super popular so it’s near impossible to find clips online, but when I checked YouTube I did see a slight increase in short snippets from the show so I had a really fun time binge-watching yesterday.
What is the maximum number of children you’d ever have?  Three, but that’s pushing it. Ideally, I’d have two so my first would have company.
Have you ever been concerned you had a serious illness?  Mental ones, yes.
Are you comfortable with who you are?  For the most part, yes.
Would you date someone even if you knew you’d get made fun of for it?  No. Why would it be any of their business?
Does popularity matter to you at all?  I mean, yeah in the sense that I honestly aspire to be well-liked by as many people as possible. But I don’t necessarily want to rub shoulders with popular kids.
Would you ever consider homeschooling your children?  Continued from sometime this week ider. No. I don’t think I’m capable of teaching, and generally I’d want them to be able to learn in a more open environment where they can have regular contact with different kinds of people.
Who told you about the band/singer you are currently listening to?  Well Angela got into them first and since we’re best friends, there was a certain point where she just decided to loop me into conversations that involved them. I was impossible to sway for a long time, but then one day a video compilation of them showed up on my feed, and for some reason I actually watched it, and I watched all the way through, and I was immediately intrigued – particularly by J-Hope haha. I then asked Angela to tell me more about them and the rest was...financially irresponsible history HAHAHAHA
Do you ever read fanfiction?  OMG yes. Funny you should mention that because my favorite author uploaded a brand new fic this morning, which I obviously couldn’t get to all day because I had to go to work. I’ll be reading it in all its 44,000-word glory tonight :D
Would you rather die in a plane crash, ship wreck or fire?  Plane crash. Instant and mostly painless.
What are your top five favourite TV shows?  Breaking Bad, BoJack Horseman, Friends, The Crown even though I was never able to continue it since...andddd that’s all I got.
What is your favorite superhero movie?  Not a fan of superhero movies.
If you died next week, what would be the cause of death?  Stress from overworking. I’ve FINALLY started to consider taking a leave for the first time this year because I’ve just realized just how fucking exhausted, burned out, and overwhelmed I actually already am from having no rest at all in the last 13 months.
Have you ever taken a break from Facebook or other social media? Why?  Yes, I do mass deactivations when I’m severely depressed. These days I can’t really afford to that anymore, though, since my work is closely tied to social media.
Who is the most talented person you know?  Probably Andi.
Are you currently platonic friends with anyone you’ve had sex with?  No.
Where did you and your current interest go on your first date? 
Have you ever experienced two people fighting over you (physically or mentally)? What happened?  Nah. I’ve had two people like me at the same time, but there was never any tension to watch out for since they mostly didn’t know each other.
Have your parents ever thought you were gay? What happened?  I think they know I dated Gabie and that we broke up because they’ve stopped asking about her. Everyone knew we were best friends, so the fact that they’ve avoided her as a topic for a whole year is able to tell me something.
Are your parents more liberal or conservative?  Dad’s on the liberal side, mom dances around on the spectrum a little bit. I know she’s fine with things like tattoos and having LGBTQ+ co-workers, but she’s also conservative especially towards matters like religion.
What year are you going into at the beginning of the next academic year?  No longer in school.
How far away does your closest family member live?  A few footsteps away.
If you’ve seen both, did you prefer the Disney version or the Tim Burton version of Alice in Wonderland?  It’s not my type of movie/genre to begin with.
Would you have sex before marriage? Why or why not?  Yes. I don’t see the big deal; I’ve already done it anyway.
Are you more liberal or conservative?  Liberal.
Who is your favorite Harry Potter character?  Ooh not sure. I haven’t gone back to the books in a while, so I don’t remember if there was anyone I had an attachment to.
What’s the worst that could come out of letting gays marry?  Nothing.
What’s the most sexual thing you’ve done?  Had sex...I guess? And a bunch of stuff that comes with it.
Name something that you are against.  Racial discrimination.
Why are you against it?  Because it is infuriating to see, and it shows me the very same treatment can happen to me or my family as well and that scares me, especially since some people turn particularly violent towards people of color.
Have you ever played the Tomb Raider games?  No.
Do you like it or hate it when your partner is clingy?  I imagine I wouldn’t enjoy it if I’m not as into whoever my next partner would be.
Beatles or Rolling Stones?  I don’t listen to either.
When was the last time you changed your opinion on somebody?  Not so sure about a whole change in opinion because that hasn’t happened in a while, but I grew more grateful for my manager today because I finally mustered the strength to tell her that I’m begin to struggle mentally with work and she not only encouraged (read: begged) me to file a damn leave for once, but she also got sushi delivered to my place.
What was the last thing that made you feel proud and why?  Andi was telling me about their day today and how they handled being misgendered by a prof, who then proceeded to throw a fit when he got corrected, and how they, again, maturely handled said fit. I was proud of them because there are a million ways that incident could’ve turned out, but they dealt with it in an extremely mature and calm manner considering they were the one who was wronged.
Do you feel uncomfortable when people you hardly know confide in you?  If it was about an extremely personal problem I would probably be taken aback at first, but I still would definitely make some time for them and help in however way I can, since they apparently trust me enough to confide.
What was the last thing to fascinate you?  The music video for My Universe! Super cool to watch and I love that they made a short film out of it too.
Is there a certain noise/sound which scares you?  Doors being slammed shut, because that’s what my mom does when she’s furious. She did that when I was a kid and she does it to this day, so I get extremely nervous when I hear the sound, even if it happens by accident.
Do you have a favourite microorganism? Nope.
Out of the people you know, whose birthday is next?  My cousin Bree.
If you have pet fish do you bother to name them?  I did when I had them as a kid.
Do you keep your eggs in the fridge?  Yes?
Have you ever owned chickens?  Nope.
When did you last listen to music?  Like five minutes ago. I tried to have a jazz playlist on but I realized I wasn’t in the mood for music so I changed my background noise to have a random VLive on instead. 
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cozycornerwritings · 4 years
hi!! for the match up thing i’m indian-american, 5’6”-5’8” naturally rapunzel-length, wavy hair (brownish), glasses, brown eyes, corner dimples, aquarius, i’m an ambivert, i love video games, editing, reading, writing, sleeping lol, and i’m not good at drawing but i like doodles and coloring. i love k-pop (casual listener) and some non-kpop songs & i love watching a lot of anime & reading BL 🕴🏻 & manga. i get closed off in groups because i get anxious and i get negative thoughts and how i’m probably not even wanted there bc of bad experiences. in public i can get suuuper anxious because i’m rlly sheltered bc of my parents and i get all shaky. same like in public w/o my parents like i get shaky and an anxiety / panic attack and want to cry. ive never experienced things bc of my family like ‘normal’ stuff like the beach, traveling, ice skating, movie theaters and stuff. i hate it and i dont have the best relationship with my family they can be really toxic sometimes and the whole anxiety thing and that makes me feel really depressive and su*cidal sometimes for a while. i love physical affection and being shown that or told words affirmation. but irl i get awkward and shy w physical affection bc ive never experienced it and idk how to do it. im good thru text, irl i can keep a convo going. thru calls i get shy and nervous, especially if it’s the opposite gender. my face gets red easily like i blush a lot and it’s not hard to make me flustered lol. when i get like that or don’t know how to respond i just giggle bc idk what to do or say. if im sad and going thru it i make jokes to cover it up and laugh it off, one time someone just asked ‘are you ok’ after i did and my voice cracked ‘no not really’ and i started crying 😃 i keep stuff to myself (unless i trust that person to tell them stuff nd open up to them) i do have trust issues and i’ve never rlly had friends irl my parents are strict and never let me go out. online i dont rly have much friends either. im rlly observant, and like descriptive / detailed as u can tell 😭 kinda sucks thoo because a lot of people don’t read what i say bc they said they cant b bothered n it’s too long but i just get rlly engrossed into things & dont half-ass stuff and just wanna explain everything properly 😭 i can be sassy and give attitude, and i can be mean. BUT i never do that to someone unless they did me dirty. i dont like arguing. that side of me can be shown thru arguments but only again like if the other person is doing the same and is being mean and disrespectful to me first. i do have a lot of patience and endure things until it’s become like a problem? i make sure to communicate. i never ignore people, i’m not petty unless i have a good reason if they did something to me. i’m really funny i swear 😭 and i can be emotional / sensitive depending on what it is but i know when someone is joking but i know when things are taken too far and i have boundaries. i take caution when meeting people bc trust issues so i’m not that clingy unless i 100% like can count on them and comfortable with them trust them etc. i like teasing friends but just for fun and won’t take it far and make them upset or anything. if i ever hurt someone which i make sure not to i feel super bad and apologize a lot and make sure to never do it again. i try to keep my cool to refrain keeping myself from getting mad but the times i have gotten mad are reasonable and it has to be something super upsetting for me, i dont get mad w/o reason though and i start to angry-cry and yell but i try not to say anything that ill regret and make sure to think of what im saying. i love memes, idk how to describe my humor tho 😭, i’m diligent and considerate! i try to show i care thru actions and words of affirmation and quality time etc. i make sure to remember important stuff someone tells me abt themselves. i have a really good memory i don’t forget things that easily. i care for others a lot and im trying to take care of myself more now too but it can be hard. i’m not a liar i can be really blunt and honest. SORRY ITS LONG 😭
I match you with..
I’m a firm believer that understanding opposites can bring out the best in each other. Mirio helps you come out of your shell. He loves to stroke your hair, and sometimes playfully pulls it. He is your partner and your best friend, so doing thinks like Pictionary or playing games today are a common occurrence. Joking and cuddling turns into a must for the two of you and you discover how much you love your head pet. His dependable personality provides a safe place for you, and you get the chance to trust in someone fully.
He appreciates how you are careful to watch how you act when you are upset, but loves how full of emotion you are. Seeing you cry breaks him on the inside and he just wants to scoop you up into hugs. Knowing that you have that big goof there helps you with your social anxiety. If someone is talking too much to you and he sees you getting overwhelmed, he will skillfully direct conversation away from you. Mirio gets very protective of you around your family. He constantly holds your hand and you two have established a safe word in case you want to leave. Mirio is more than happy to scoop you into his arms and run away with you. He is so emotionally intelligent and sensitive with you that you feel so safe and secure. If you could use one word to describe him it would be ‘home’. For the first time in a long time you begin to realize what family is, it’s mirio.
Knowing that you haven’t tried many things, you two make an effort to try new experiences together. He often flirts with you, despite the fact you two are together. He brings out the more sexual side of you. You compliment him and flatter him. He loves how much you appreciate him. You two take care of each other and your time is full of laughs.
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annazverina · 4 years
2020 Letter to the World
In 2015, I began writing annual Letters to the World to reflect on what I learned during the year. I shared my first one publicly in 2018, and since then I discuss certain topics that were relevant during the year and what they taught me. Enjoy.
I typically don’t start writing my annual Letter to the World until October or November at the earliest, but this year has already been a huge whirlwind for the entire world. I started writing this in April and edited it until the day it was posted. At that point, we had been in isolation for a month. A few weeks later, yet another revolution sparked within the United States. As soon as the riots and protests started, I knew this would be the hardest letter I’ve ever written. 
This year I will discuss coronavirus, racism, social media, and the importance of face to face communication. 
Around the time I finished writing last year’s letter, a new illness was taking over Wuhan, China. This new, mysterious strain of coronavirus was infecting people left and right. But like any other American, I didn’t worry about it, though I kept track of it on Twitter. I remember the time when there were only 600 cases, and it hadn’t spread outside of Wuhan yet. Man, those were the days. It’s amazing how much the world changed within a month, a week, and a few days. 
A month before isolation, my friends and I drove down to San Antonio for the TMEA convention. Tens of thousands of music educators in the same building. At that same time, San Antonio had its first cases of COVID-19. Less than a month later, SXSW was cancelled. That’s when I realized that this was becoming a big deal. The same day the WHO declared the pandemic, my university announced it was moving to online instruction for what would eventually be the rest 2020. My first day of quarantine was 14 March. I began vlogging occasionally to document the experience. 
I barely left the house during quarantine. For the first five months, the only reasons I left were to go walking, move out of the dorm, or to pick up food. My family took a trip to Colorado right before I left for school, which was our first time eating at a restaurant in 150 days. None of my family or our friends officially tested positive. At school, my roommate did, which led to a two week isolation for me. It really bothered me that those who could stay home weren’t. I get that the United States was founded with freedom in mind (even though we’re not free yet), but I don’t understand why people weren’t willing to give up a little bit of freedom and wear a piece of cloth on their face. Sometimes, you have to give up freedom for the sake of the big picture. I learned that many Americans don’t understand that. The United States shut down too late and reopened too early. Those above us care too much about money. The economy is important, but so are people. Human lives matter, including Black lives.
We all know what happened.
Every January in elementary school, we learned about the Civil Rights Movement. However, they did not mention that racism was still an ongoing problem. They implied that it was a thing of the past. God, I wish it was. I don’t think it ever will be, but the things we can do to eliminate it as much as possible are promoting anti-racism and teaching those who come after us that no matter where someone comes from, they can’t form any opinions about them until they know what’s in their heart. 
That entire week after the murder was very overwhelming. It made me wonder what kind of families racist people grew up in to think that it’s okay to not be good to everyone. I live my life with one thing in mind all the time: be good to myself and others. And I think everyone else, regardless of socioeconomic background, race, religion, whatever, should do the same. And we must teach those who come after to follow those footsteps.
There was never a class in school dedicated to being good citizens. They just yelled at the students doing bad things to stop, but never explained why it was bad, nor did they tell them how to be better. Common human decency is something that should be taught K-12, and I honestly think it’s more important than STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math). We cannot force the students to rely on their parents for something like this, because some parents are uneducated, some are not good people, some suck at parenting, and way too many children in the world don’t even have parents. Schools are the ones that need to teach kids how to be good… all the way through. 
WE MUST BE THE CHANGE. Those currently in power appear to not be doing anything, so those who want change must RISE UP. For us civilians, signing petitions and donating is great, and being good, like I mentioned above, is also something we should do. We must change our behavior for the better. We cannot rely on other people to do stuff for us. We must do it ourselves. Change is not a process that can happen over night. So far it’s taken decades/centuries of work, but someday we will be there. Even if we don’t live to see it, the work we do now will help our future descendants. 
After George Floyd’s murder and the explosion of social media, I was super overwhelmed with everything I was reading. I decided to take the month of June off of Twitter, and man, I’m glad I did. Social media in general is a toxic place to be, and cutting out Twitter and Facebook was healthy for me. In terms of toxicity, Twitter and Facebook, in my opinion, are the worst platforms. On Twitter, it’s hard to control what you see in your feed. Most of the tweets in my feed are from people I don’t follow. They’re tweets I never signed up to see, and they flood my feed with posts that sometimes feel like propaganda. Sometimes I feel like celebrities are worshipped like a deity. I often feel like I’m not allowed to have my own personal beliefs on Twitter, rather I have to conform to what the loudmouthed users believe. If I don’t, I’m racist, misogynistic, homophobic, etc. Facebook is similar, but most of the people I follow are my friends or family, so I can’t unfollow them.
Surprisingly, I like Instagram. Reposting is very uncommon, and posting more than once a day is unofficially considered spam, therefore people have to put all their politics into one single post, which I can scroll past and never see again. You never see posts from people you don’t follow, (except for the occasional advert) and overall I think people use it mostly to share photos of their lives. Most of the flaws that come from Instagram are the people who use it, but it’s easy to avoid them. 
My brother shared some statistics with me recently. Only about 10 percent of Twitter users tweet on a normal basis. About 40 percent of people in the United States have a Twitter account. With that in mind, theoretically, the loud mouthed Twitter users only make up about 4 percent of the U.S. population. Or… something like that. I don’t know how accurate these statistics are, nor do I know where my brother got them from. Regardless, social media does not represent everyone in the world. Not even close.
The nice thing about living in a world of social media is being able to keep in touch with friends and family while quarantined. This whole quarantine process made me ever so grateful for face to face meetings. Some people believe no one will ever want to work again once everything ends. That’s not true. I think most people like working. Being able to leave the house every day and do something, even if it’s something you don’t like, is what keeps us sane. When it came time to return to school, I was initially really mad due to COVID. I ended up being okay with it. My school did a fantastic job at keeping COVID cases down for the entire semester (we only had an average of 20 cases a week, compared to some schools who had hundreds). Not only that, but I was able to see my family away from home again. Even though we wore masks and social distanced most of the time, things felt somewhat normal. 
If you are the kind of person who could care less if you see your friends and coworkers in person, don’t forget that most people don’t feel that way. It’s hard to have group conversations on Zoom. You certainly can’t have a party where multiple conversations happen. Don’t assume everyone feels the same way about something. Let people have their social gatherings when it’s acceptable again, and don’t belittle people who feel different from you.
Everyone must do the right thing… all the time. Even when no one is watching. It’s our job to develop the habit of being good to ourselves and to others regardless. If we do that, we’ll be able to go back to a normal-ish life sooner. Lin-Manuel Miranda called America a “great unfinished symphony” in Hamilton. America, you great unfinished symphony, we still have unfinished business to take care of. The change we need won’t come tomorrow. The amount of work we have before we reach the double bar line will take generations to get to. We cannot allow a repeat sign. We must start today. May 2021 be a year of healing.
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platinummice · 4 years
This was a lot more that i thought for some reason, the answers are pretty short and to the point so if you want me to elaborate on something a bit more feel free to ask :)
What of the Meyers-Briggs personality types they most fit into? INFP, ENFT, et cetera…
Did a take a test to figure this out? Why yes, yes I did. ISFP-T, or Adventurer is what I got for Archer.
Do they have any emotional or psychological conditions? Are they aware of it? Do they try to treat it?
He sure does, but he doesn’t really know what it is. He mostly just thinks he’s going literally insane. It’s a pretty big reason for him not sticking around people very much even though he craves affection.
Are they good at handling change in their life?
No not really, Archer has a hard time, now more than ever trying to keep his simple life together, he’d prefer it not change as much as possible.
Is your OC a martyr?
He tries pretty hard not to be, or at least to not show that he is. He sees the truth though.
Does your OC make a lot of excuses? For themselves? Others?
Archer is pretty straight forward, if he fucked up he’ll say something. But he’ll make things up for others if he like them enough.
Does your OC compromise easily? Too easily?
I guess it depends? If its not something that matters very much, compromise will be easier, but if he thinks it’s important then he’s going to be harder to bargain with.
Does your OC put others’ needs before their own?
Only his dogs and his friends needs get put before his own. Anyone else? so sorry.
Does your OC have any addictions? If so and problematic, have they admitted it to themselves?
He’s addicted to taking in animals? Seems harmless, but in truth he does it so he has a reason to keep living, which isn’t healthy. I can’t say he’d still be alive if he hadn’t taken Ranger and Fletcher with him the day those raiders killed the rest of his dogs. 
Does your OC have any phobias? If so, where did they come from?
He’s terrified of needles. Thanks mom and dad.
Is your character empathetic?
He is, but that doesn’t mean he’s going to care.
Is your character observant?
Yes, very. Probably because he works with animals a lot, and its very important to notice their body language, so he can read people and situations pretty well. Plus he’s more of a sniper so being observant is important.
What’s one of your OC’s proudest moments of themselves?
He was really proud when he finished building his house, and all the furniture for it.  
Do they get jealous easily? Do they feel bad if they do?
He doesn’t get jealous very easily, but even when he does he doesn’t bring it up. He’ll sulk around a bit, and when asked he’ll say he fine. He wont really feel bad about if? Its just an emotion, it happens sometimes.
What instantly irritates them or puts them in a bad mood?
Seeing people hurt animals for no reason. He will throw down. Might not win, but its the thought that counts.
Are they harsh on themselves?
Do they make excuses often?
Nah he’s pretty fast to admit when he’s doing something wrong.
Is your OC intended to be found generally attractive? Unattractive? Average? Is there a reason why?
I mean i didn’t make him like super ugly? But i wasn’t going for amazingly attractive either, so average i guess?
Does your OC place much importance on their appearance? Do they feel confident in it?
He wears a mask all the time so he really doesn’t care. I mean at one point he had tore most of his hair out and just had a few scattered clumps clinging to his head, but people couldn’t see his face so it didn’t matter to him.
What are some of your OC’s biggest personal obstacles? This could be emotional, physical, social… Are they aware of it? Are they trying to overcome it?
He got some damn big emotional problems, and he recognizes some, like his slowly diminishing will to live. But things like his urge to have someone else control his entire existence he doesn’t really realize are problems. 
Do they believe you have to give respect to get it, or get respect to give it?
Everyone starts off with a set amount of respect. You either get more or have it taken away depending on your actions.
Is your OC considered funny? Do they believe they’re funny?
Arch can be pretty funny, if he has anything its a sense of humor.
Does your OC find any “bad” or “mean” humor funny? Do they wish they didn’t?
Yeah he does, what can you do. No guilt will stop him.
Do they have a large or small group of friends?
He has two dogs and sometimes he works with a stinky man. He thinks Gage is a friend but does Gage think he is a friend? Who knows if Gage will ever tell him.
Do they have people they are genuinely honest with about themselves?
....His dogs?
Does your OC enjoy social events, such as parties, clubs, et cetera..?
He likes talking to people, but if there are too many people around he gets overwhelmed pretty fast.
Does your OC like to be the center of attention or more in the mix?
More in the mix, he gets anxious.
Do they consider themselves superior or more important than anyone else? Lesser?
Arch considers himself less important then most people, thats mental illness babey. 
Do your OC’s morals and rules of common decency go out the window when it comes to those they don’t like, or when it’s inconvenient? Aka, are their morals situational?
He’d throw everything to the wind for his dogs. Sorry friends, but they’ve helped him through too much.
Do they believe people change over time? If so, is it a natural process or does it take effort?
Well he knows that he has changed a lot, so why not other people too?
How religious is your OC? What do they practice, if anything? If they don’t associate with any religion, what do they think of religion in general?
When he was in the Mojave, Joshua taught him about Mormonism, but he didn’t really understand. He remembers some stuff, but after he left he didn’t try to keep up with practicing it. 
Do they believe in an afterlife?
It’s not something he takes time to think about really. That kid of a ‘ill cross that bridge when i get there’ type thing
Would they like to be immortal? Why, why not? If they are immortal, would they rather not be?
He would definitely not like that. He can barely manage his mental health as it is.
Would you say that your OC is intelligent? In what ways? Would your OC agree?
Smart when it comes to plants and animals, just about everything else? Not so smart.
How many languages do they speak?
Speaks exactly one(1) language.
Do they enjoy learning? Do they actively seek out sources of self-education?
He likes learning things, its just getting that knowledge to stick in his head that’s a problem. He doesn’t really seak out knowledge but if he has the chance to ask about things he will.
What sort of home do they live in now, if at all? How did they end up there?
Its just a little shack like building, but he built it and he’s proud.
What’s their ideal home look like? Where is it?
A big ol’ farm house, lots of room for lots of dogs/friends
Could they ever live in a “tiny home”?
I dont think so, but it’d be funny as hell.
How handy are they? Can they fix appliances, cars, cabinets, et cetera?
He can fix simple things, cabinets, chairs, dressers. Nothing too much more advanced than that.
How much do they work? What do they do? Do they enjoy it?
He works really all the time. From when he wakes up to when he goes to bed. He basically runs a mini zoo by himself, its a lot of work but he loves it.
How often are they home?
Pretty often, he has animals to take care of.
Are they homebodies and enjoy being home?
Not really, he likes being out and about.
Do they engage in any of the arts? How good do you intend them to be? Would they agree they are?
Archer is actually pretty musically inclined, he’d never admit it though. You might be able to catch him singing to his dogs, if you're lucky.
Would they enjoy a theme park?
Maybe if he could somehow go when there aren’t any people there. That might sill be pushing it. He gets overwhelmed easily.
Is your OC close to their family?
Who makes up your OC’s family, at least the more important members to them?
He only ever knew his mom and his dad. If there was anyone else in his family he never met them.
Does your OC find their family supportive? If not, what would be an example why not?
Nah he really doesn’t think they’re supportive of him. They definitely wanted him dead.
What kind of childhood did your OC have?
Did they go through any typical phases growing up?
He went through a lot of things, but never got the chance to be emo.
What is your OC’s orientation, romantic and/or sexual? Has it ever been a source of stress for them? Have they always been pretty sure of their orientation?
I know i said he was strictly gay yesterday but im thinking he’d actually probably be Pan and he’d just lean towards more masculine partners. He hasn’t really thought about his sexuality so he’s never had a reason to be stressed over it.
Is your OC a thoughtful partner, in whatever aspect of that you want to cover?
Any space in his mind that was supposed to be used for math and literacy etc. is now storage space for little facts about the people he cares about. He will remember. Oh you said you thought this flower was pretty six an half years ago in passing and i found one so i thought id bring it back for you.
Does your OC believe there’s only one ideal partner (or multiple ideal if not monogamous) for everyone, or that there are many people who could be right?
Probably that there are multiple people who could be right.
Does your OC believe in love in first sight?
He barely even knows what love is, really.
Does your OC believe in marriage (or their culture’s equivalent)?
He doesn’t really understand the point of it but if his S/O wanted it, he’d agree.
Has your OC ever cheated on anyone or been cheated on?
Nope :)
What’s your OC’s idea of a perfect date?
Climb to a really high place, lil picnic, watch the sun set, (maybe hold hands?) look at the stars.
What are some things that your OC finds to be an instant turn-off in potential partners?
Not liking animals. They’re literally his entire life, you cant be with him and not like animals.
What are their favorite kinds of flavors– Sweet, salty, sour, spicy, creamy, et cetera?
Umami. But he’ll literally eat anything, especially if he’s desperate.
Are they vegan/vegetarian (if their overall culture/species generally aren’t)? If so, why? Do they think animal products are wrong in all circumstances?
He doesn’t really eat a lot of meat cause he wants to hurt as few animals as possible. He uses most of the meat he hunts for his animals, and only eats it when there is nothing else, or if there’s the possibility of it going to waste.
How often do they cook? Do they order out a lot?
He cooks pretty often, that being said do NOT eat what he makes! I dont know how he is still alive!
Could they eat the same thing they enjoy over and over and not get bored of it quickly?
Yep, in fact that's basically what he does already. Food is food babey.
Did you create the character to be like yourself, did they end up being like yourself, or are they very different from you?
Archer wasn’t ever supposed to be like me, and he’s not really, which i think is a good thing?
Would you hang out with your OC if you could?
Yes he needs hugs and I will provide.
What’s the longest you’ve had an OC for?
I’ve technically had Archer for 5 years thats a long time :)
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burnedbyshoto · 5 years
Passion, Passion, and More Passion
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yoarashi inasa x reader
warning: fluff
a/n: i combined these two, if you’re anon and would like it to be separate just let me know, ill definitely fix it for you :)
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Before friendship:
you’re a quiet person, you had always been that way since getting your quirk. it was Alternate Reality. you could change the reality of the area around you for five minutes before it changed back
and people were fearful of you because of that
no one trusted you and because of that your personality faded away, instead you put up walls that kept everyone out. no one trusted you to begin with, why did they deserve you?
so when you meet inasa in middle school, youre immediately drawn to him. his inability to be fearful because he just loved everything so much
but you didn’t change yourself, he would eventually turn on you, right?
he doesn’t stop bugging you, claiming that your power is something special and you should be super passionate for it, but you scoff and leave him every time only for the large boy to follow you while citing off his top 1000 list of Pro-Heroes to which he couldn’t actually list off because they were all just so passionate!
expect to be bugged constantly with everything that Inasa can think of
because he can see the passion in your eyes
no matter how much you scoff at him
or snap at him
he won’t leave
then it happens one day in class, p.e. when the two of you are put up against each other for a competition, and its the slight fire in your eyes and the way you take off with victory on your mind that makes inasa step back and realize there only one thing that would make him happier than he already was. being friends with you.
expect constant declarations of his love for your passion for you as his friend
he loves you (platonically at this point) and your quirk
he won’t shut up about your quirk ever
showing another group of girls a cockroach he found
“This is AMAZING! you know what’s even better--y/l/n-chan’s quirk!”
you do take awhile for your walls to fall down, but you’re happy it was him who gets it down because he is supportive
expect him to bring you the most insane presents
a stick because it reminded him of the one time you two got into a screaming competition, don’t ask how, you still didn’t understand
he just loves you so much
competitions made out of literally anything and the most important competition between you two comes days before results of high school enrollment begins
“I BET I CAN BEAT YOU IN A TREE CLIMBING COMPETITION!” Inasa hollers as the two of you stare at the large, very compelling tree in front of you. 
you smirk at him and nod, “ready?”
Inasa shakes his head excitedly, dropping his backpack on the ground as he stares up and he screams when you disappear from view
his eyes look up to see you already nearing the top, and with a spurt of his quirk he rockets up, catching up easily.
with another warp of reality, he comes crashing into tree branches and you laugh as he is disorientated as you implement a ladder into the tree climbing up and winning
“Take THAT Yoarashi-kun!”
it had to be the way you sat in the tree with the wind blowing through your hair, your eyes filled with excitement and joy of winning, and the grin on your face that he had longed for so long to see months ago
and a blush over comes him as his heart begins thumping in a passionate way thats... foreign and yet calming
the tree branches you made disappear and he topples towards the ground with a load groan
inasa blinks looking up at the sky as your head peers into your vision, worry and concern on your face
“Are you hurt?! Why didn’t you use your quirk, Yoarashi-kun?!?! Are you okay?!” you say as you try tending to any injury of his
“haha, im very sorry for scaring you, I just slipped!”
“if you say so...”
if you thought your best friend was overbearing and invasive, you took it all back now
the two of you were going to Shiketsu Academy after Inasa said he would not be able to go to U.A. which was both of your dream school
but above anything your dream of being a pro-hero meant staying with inasa, so you followed him despite being offered a seat as well
but right now he was sort of avoiding you, only talking about you to other people in your class, but he refused to have a conversation outside of a generic one
as if you two weren’t best friends
and it pisses you off because you were in love with that babbling baffoon but he was suddenly giving you a distant shoulder? that wasn’t the passionate overbearing person you knew him to be
it takes you a bit to gather your wits, but you finally confront him one day when you are able to get him trapped within your quirk
“what the FUCK is wrong with you Yoarashi?!” you seethe as you shove him against the wall you manifested. “you can’t go from being over the top to ignoring me every second of the day?! you’re my best friend and i can’t have you doing this to me without an explanation!” you sob
and inasa breaks, the passion you had for the two of you was too much
and he does his trademark apology, slamming his bleeding forehead into the ground as he seeks your forgiveness
and you give it to him without hesitation
inasa then tries to woo you with overwhelming love and attention, something you find to be,,,, real nice
he’s just pure energy and charm and he’s oh so pretty
inasa’s over one day to study, the two of you are up in your room
it was a hot and sticky day
and you’re in a tank and shorts and inasa is having a hard time not staring at you
“what did you get for number 47?” you ask gazing up to your best friend who was now caught in the middle of oogling at your chest
and you shriek embarrassed
when you calm down, the two of you are unable to focus as the two of you keep stammering out sentences and blushing ridiculous amounts
“Y/l/n-chan,” Inasa speaks over you, his large hand on yours, and you freeze as you watch as he shifts towards you leaning in closely. “I have feelings for you, and I want to confess them to you right now, if you will let me.”
you nod dumbly as Inasa rises from your bed and comes to tower over where you stood. you were short already, but next to your best friend you felt almost childish
you shrieked as Inasa sank to his knees in front of you
“I like you, a lot, will you be my girlfriend?”
You shake slightly as you take in that sentence, the worry in his eyes as you remain silent for too long, but the crushing, passionate kiss you place on his lips answers the question for him as he quickly returns the passion to the tenth degree
“of course i will be...”
you think he was overbearing before, guess what
his hands are always in yours
he won’t do much more than hold you hand for PDA because he’s too polite and formal but he will always hold your hand
you will whisk him away into an empty classroom to kiss him until his too flustered to speak and walk away without a care in the world
walking to and from school his arm is slung across your shoulder as long as there aren’t too many eyes
he always does spontaneous dates
“Y/l/n-chan, lets go rock picking to express our passionate feelings for each other!”
“Y/l/n-chan, I heard the shelter got new puppies! let’s get some dinner and head over and look at them together!!”
“Y/l/n-chan, your favorite passionate hero is out the corner, leT’S GO AND ASK FOR THEIR BLESSING!”
he will spoil you with his love
duh what else would he do with those overflowing feelings
making out in your room instead of studying 
kissing him in public as he would have to bury his face into your neck because your passion was way too bright for him to handle
using his quirk to cool you down, or to lift you up when you needed to grab something from a tall cabinet
making out on the couch while his family made dinner because it made him feel like he was going to implode
freshly picked flowers
making out
you get the point
How he falls in love, and how he confesses:
it’s nearing the final year of your education at Shiketsu, and the two of you are the school’s powercouple.
it’s rumored you two could take on the entire hero course of U.A. and win (inasa spread that rumor so that todoroki and bakugou would reach out and speak with him)
the two of you are making out on your desk because walking two meters to your bed was too much work, and then you pull away panting and instead of going back in for a kiss you wrap him in a hug
and this flusters inasa as you place your head on his chest, listening to the thundering heartbeat in his chest
“a-are you okay?” he would stutter out as he was unsure if his new kissing technique was bad, damn he knew he shouldn’t had listened to camie about the tongue sucking technique!!!
he knew it was weird!!!
but she had used the words passionate and he bought it
the small nod against his bare chest brings him to reality and you look up and smile at him, “I’m just so grateful for you, inasa...”
his name leaving your lips just feels so passionate, so loving
he envelopes you into a crushing hug and the rest of the night the two of you cuddle in bed
its when you fall asleep on his chest, your finger still tracing blobs and shapes onto his stomach is when it hits him, he’s in love
he loves you with more passion then he has ever felt in his life
and he smiles softly as he kisses the top of your forehead falling asleep himself
he’s not ready to tell you yet, he was waiting for your two year anniversary to announce his love for you when you get him too excited during a particularly intense makeout session and the words tumble out of his mouth
“i love you... so much, y/n.” he gasps out as his lips attack your neck, he obviously being unaware of the words that came out of his mouth
you freeze and shove him away
a light whine escaping his lips as he tries to reattach himself onto you
“You love me?!” you pant as a blush overcomes both your cheeks
and the passion in inasa’s being inhibits him from speaking as he nods
“I-i, I love you too, inasa-chan, so much.” You whisper as both your eyes search others and laughter escapes your lips as you pull him back onto you, ready to show him how much you love him
it was a night filled with passion, passion, and more passion
and both of you knew that there was no one else in the world they wanted
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kayliemusing · 4 years
1. Is there something you have been trying to learn lately?  - There’s kind of a few, because I feel like they all tie into one. Self acceptance is a big one, self-discipline, productivity, and trusting in God (which has proven to be the hardest thing. It hurts to trust in something you don’t see the outcome of, but it hurts too much not to trust in God.)
2. If you ever feel like you are different from your extended family, in which ways is this?  - My dad/s side of the family is really toxic. There’s a lot of hypocrisy, drama, mental illness, drug addictions, and religiousness on that side (and when I say religious, I mean shame-y religion which I don’t agree with at all.) But my dad was really different from them. He was very kind, open to council, very steady and stable despite coming from such a dysfunctional background, and he loved God so truly that a lot of that pure ‘religion’ that exists within his family was broken off of him, and then I have my mom too, who is very fun, kind, caring, etc, so I grew up around more normalcy than my cousins did. My parents just parented me well and they talked about God to me and my sister a lot in such a good way that I never grew up around pure, shame-y, rule-bound religion which I think is the explanation why I (and my sister) are very different from our extended family. My dad died when I was fifteen so I don’t see that side very often, especially because they’re just entirely chaotic and dysfunctional so when I am around them it’s way more noticeable how different we are. (Sorry for big explanation. I’m in a super reflective mood lol.)
3. When you think about your future career, do you envision yourself becoming the head honcho or CEO? If not, why not?  - I’ve always kind of wanted to have this leader-esque feeling to my career, but no, I don’t see myself being a CEO. I really just want to be an author so I guess I would have some level of being a leader to my own business, but not quite on a CEO type level. Right now, I’m trying to focus on fiction but I’m easily overwhelmed by it so I have been considering other mediums of writing. I just don’t know what that is or what fits right.
4. Is there something that you are sort of weird about talking about? Like, a thing that other people find casual, but you feel uncomfortable when the subject comes up? - Sex, is the first thing that comes to mind, but not sex in general. More like the conversations that are too much, you know? Lol. Some people go really into detail or can be graphic about their sex lives and I’m just like, please don’t. I don’t mind generically talking about it, but there’s a line.   5. Can you think of a time when you seriously misjudged a music artist based on their name?  - I don’t think so. 
6. Do you ever make negative comments about other body types? How does it make you feel when you see or hear negative comments about your body type, or a physical trait that you have (even when it’s not directed at you)?  - Sometimes I have the tendency to judge other body types (i.e. I really don’t like the thigh gap look), but it’s never malicious and I’m always trying to be aware that others can’t help what they look like and if they’re happy in their body, that’s what matters. I struggle with disordered eating and kind of sit on that line between having an eating disorder and not having one so I’m very sensitive about my body and its type. I have a chubby tummy and I’m so insecure that it’s not flat that when I hear anyone say anything negative about not having a flat stomach it’ll ruin my day or I’ll just feel really ashamed.
7. If you are in a situation where you feel like you are being attacked or not respected, how easy or difficult is it for you to stay and keep your head rather than leave in a huff?  - I’ll usually leave the conversation. Maybe slam a door lol. I’ll usually stand my ground until I finally feel like I’m not heard or no one cares and then I’m out.
9. When you think about how attractive you feel and your favorite features, are you comparing yourself to a societal ideal?  - Yes. I happen to be well-acquainted with the comparison game.
10. If you have a favorite song right now: What is it? How did you first hear it? Why do you like it so much?  - My favourite song is probably Coney Island by Taylor Swift right now. It’s from Taylor’s new album Evermore, but I have a couple on that album that tie for my favourite song right now (Honorable mentions: Willow, Cowboy Like Me, Tis The Damn Season). I absolutely love how poetic this song is and I think one of my all time favourite lyrics she has ever written is in that song: “If I can’t relate to you anymore then who am I related to?” This song for me just feels like I’m reading a poem and I just sink right into the story she’s telling. 
11. Have you ever had someone that has been your friend for a while come to you and tell you they had romantic feelings for you? How did you respond, and did the friendship survive?  - I did have a friend of mine tell me they had feelings for me. We had become friends in the eighth grade and then he confessed his feelings for me in the ninth grade, I told him I didn’t feel the same way but we stayed friends and it didn’t ruin anything, and then he confessed again in the eleventh grade and I said no to him again. After that final rejection, we never really made it back to being friends for a few reasons a) We stopped being in the same classes, b) I think he was really hurt and c) his friend (who is most dramatic than a girl by the way, and ironically dating one of my friends at the time) stuck his nose where it didn’t belong and gave his two cents and that was kind of when it fell apart. I didn’t really know his friend so it was weird that he had this narrative of me that he said “was leading X on” when I was just trying to be his friend but it’s whatever now. That was when I was like sixteen lol. 
12. Hypothetically speaking, if Hillary Clinton were running for President as a democrat against Chris Christie as a republican in 2016, who do you predict would win the election?  - Well, since it’s 2021 now, I would predict that Trump would win and divide America. 
13. When you are getting to know someone new online (particularly someone male), how cautious are you of the possibility that they are serial killer/kidnapper? - I honestly never think of this, mostly because we live in such an online world now and I’m an adult. I don’t really know how much of this still happens, but you just don’t hear about it anymore. Not to mention, if it is a male, it’s most likely a pedophile (which is still gross) rather than a killer or kidnapper.
14. If you are talking to someone that you want to get to know, what are your go-to conversation topics? What subject makes you disappointed when another person isn’t interested in or knowledgable about it? - Tbh I feel like I’m really bad at conversations and I don’t know how to lead them because I’m quiet and scared of looking stupid. I know I really like deep conversations more than basic questions. However, it’s very important that I know their opinion on Taylor Swift because if there’s a chance they don’t like Taylor Swift, I already know that the person is probably not worth my time. For real though, if I’m having a conversation with someone, I usually get disappointed if I find out they’re a partier or drink a lot, because I’m really not into any of that stuff so it’s immediately like playing the Sims and having the minus sign appear above my head.
15. Say you have a lot of free time and want to join a club or class. You are browsing postings on local bulletin boards and online. What sort of group would you be interested in joining (e.g., book club, game group, crafts, golf lessons, etc.)? - A romance-only book club, DIY club.
16. Have you ever kissed someone that you didn’t really want to kiss (not assault, just indifference)? Why did you go along with it and how did you feel after?  - Nah I’ve never been kissed
17. Have you recently learned anything about your personality? If not, have you ever consciously tried to change your personality? - Sort of recently, it was something I discovered last year which is that I’m a neurotic perfectionist and what I mean by that is I’m a perfectionist in a very self destructive way. I’ve always known I was ‘particular’ or others would say ‘has high-standards/expectations’ but I realized that it’s literally just perfectionism.
18. Are you or any of your friends in a sorority or fraternity? Would you be interested in belonging to one?  - No and I don’t really understand what they are or why they’re a thing.
19. Can you recall a recent time that you were surprised, but in a bad way? - Yes. When my job eluded that they thought I was stealing from the registers. This happened around September 2020? Basically they didn’t flat out say that’s what they thought, but they made comments that the tills were either short or over at the ends of the night whenever I would be working and dead ass said “it looks suspicious”. I think it was surprising because I’ve worked there was two years and really felt like they should have known my character. (I literally am afraid of getting in trouble for the smallest things and they seriously thought I was capable of stealing from them lmao)
20. Do you feel uncomfortable when you receive praise for doing certain things? If so, does this make you less likely to do those things?  - No totally the opposite. I really struggle with validation and I never feel good enough, which is something I’m working on, but it feels almost like I thrive on praise. Maybe it’s because my love language is words of affirmation?? I just always like/need to know when I’m doing a good job so when I don’t get praise or validation my self esteem plummets. 
21. Do you make spontaneous purchases often or rarely? When you are upset does it make you temporarily happier to buy yourself something new?  - Spontaneous purchases, often because I have no self control lol, but lately I’ve been working hard to try to save more. And yes when I’m upset, it does make me feel better to buy things.
22. If you have to wake up early for something, what time is just TOO early for you to be there and be presentable and sentient? Have you ever had to be somewhere that early?  - 5 am. I think I can manage 6 am, but anything before that is a no from me. I used to work at 5 am when I worked at Chapters, but it was a nice shift because I finished work at 10 am and then went home and napped for two hours and then had literally the entire day.
23. Have the majority of your romantic relationships started with a physical attraction or a deeper connection? - I’ve never had a romantic relationship oops. But at least I read romance novels every day (and I write romance too!) I’ll try to answer this based on what I think would happen. I think it would start as a physical attraction and I think a lot of relationships start that way but they become something when you have a real connection. I think there are relationships that can start the other way though too, but I’d say for me it’ll probably be physical attraction first. 
24. Do you ever catch any of those conspiracy shows on Animal Planet, like Bigfoot hunting or proof of Mermaids? Do those shows make your more or less likely to believe in the existence of such creatures?  - No, but I DO watch ghost conspiracy theories/”REAL GHOST CAUGHT ON CAMERA” videos on Youtube for fun. But no I don’t believe in any of that stuff. 
25. Did you ever write a fan letter to a celebrity? How about submit something to a magazine? - I’ve never technically written a fan letter to a celebrity but I wrote a post on tumblr to Taylor Swift a couple years ago that she’ll never see lol. And I’ve never submitted anything to a magazine, but I’d like to one day. 
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thdorkmagnet · 4 years
Light of the Sun and Stars Chapter 40: Mewberty
A/N: It’s also Light of the Sun and Stars three year anniversary today, yay!
Summary: His whole life Marco Diaz has been raised by monsters, living under the cruel rule of their leader, Toffee. But one day Marco escapes into Mewni where he meets a magical princess and Mewman like himself, who begins teaching him all about her world. Together they will learn about life, love, and the lights within each of them, as they change their world forever.
Chapter Synopsis: Marco isn’t feeling well and has no idea why he’s feeling extra clingy toward Star or his body is suddenly so itchy and uncomfortable among other sudden changes. He doesn’t want to worry his friends but the longer he waits the worse his condition seems to get. Can Star and the others figure out what’s wrong or will Butterfly Castle suffer from Marco’s unexpected transformation?
Check out my other stuff on Fanfiction!
Disclaimer: Star vs and all its characters are owned by Daron Nefcy and Disney. All rights go to them. 
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Marco wasn't feeling well. This shouldn't really be too surprising since it wasn't like he had never been sick before. He used to get a fever or a cough here and there growing up, causing every Monster in the castle to go into panic mode, rushing around like crazed maniacs trying to find a way to cure him of his illness, bringing him soup and medicine and hot water and basically anything the boy was in need of. Even the normally calm Buff Frog would be on edge during this time, flinching every time the boy coughed or sneezed and refused to leave his son's side for even a moment until Marco was completely one-hundred percent cured. And even after Marco had gotten over his initial aliment the Monsters still insisted he stay in bed an extra day, just to be sure he was okay (which Marco always thought was a bit excessive but figured his dad and the Monsters knew best).
Toffee was the only one who seemed to not be affected by the boy's condition. He usually just watched the boy from afar, his blank stare burning into Marco's skin, the boy easily picking up on his aggression in those moments, knowing that the lizard was angry with him for halting missions with his weak immune system but knew better than to say anything with the other Monsters around. But it was ironically due to Toffee's rule of not being allowed to leave the castle or his room most of the time that Marco was spared from suffering any major illnesses or diseases that most Mewmans have. But it was also due to this horrible rule that Marco had zero idea what it was he was sick with now, his very limited knowledge of Mewman illnesses doing nothing to help him determine what exactly he had.
This was the first time he had been sick since moving to Butterfly Castle, after all. Which meant he was completely lost on what exactly it was making him feel so weird today.
Since the moment he woke up that morning, something had felt off to Marco. His body felt strangely floaty and his arms and legs almost felt numb, like they weren't attached to him or something. And yet at the same time, he was aware of every sensation in his body at once and all of them were almost supercharged. His rumbling stomach felt like it was trying to cause an earthquake, his eyelids still heavy from just waking up felt like they were made of bricks, and his back felt super itchy for some reason.
But most of all, he couldn't stop thinking about Star.
This shouldn't be too unusual, I mean most of his thoughts revolved around her, but today it was to the absolute most extreme it had ever been. From the second he opened his eyes, the first thing that popped in his head was I need to see Star.
Once he climbed out of bed and started to change into his hoodie and jeans he couldn't stop thinking about going to see Star, her smile, her laugh, her eyes, all of it circling in his head so much he couldn't hardly focus and he almost ended up putting his hoodie on backward.
When he went downstairs, he ran into Jackie and Janna in the hallway and nearly groaned in disappointment that Star wasn't amongst them. He didn't hear a word they said to him the rest of the way to the dining room, the only thought in his head being a constant chant of: Star. Star. Star. Need to see her. Need to see Star.
And the moment he did see her, he had been so elated he had practically leapt into her arms, much to her surprise, the girl barely even having time to let out a simple greeting before being tackled to the floor. Jackie, Janna, Moon, River, and Lily had all stared dumbfounded as Marco clung tightly to his bestie, saying over and over again how happy he was to see her. Star, for the most part, didn't show too much concern, though she did flush in embarrassment from their audience, telling the boy she was happy to see him and gently hugged him back. After a few minutes though, Marco hadn't even lessened his grip, content to just lay on the dining room floor all day if need be, but when Star had asked to please be let up, the boy had reacted instantly, standing straight up, almost robotically.
This had also seemed to concern the others, but they said nothing of it, trying to ignore the awkward moment, all sitting down to eat their breakfast like nothing had happened. Star, however, turned to Marco and asked, "What was that about anyway?"
The boy shrugged, replying honestly, "I just missed you is all."
Star giggled, saying teasingly, "Seriously. But we just had date night like... last night. We went to the Dimension of a Thousand Sunsets, remember?"
"Yes, but that was hours ago," Marco said, a cute little pout on his face as he clung to his bestie's arm. "I had to go all night without seeing you."
Star seemed shocked by this for a second, but it quickly melted into a loving smile as she gave him a quick peck on the cheek. "Aw, Marco, you're adorable!" she gushed.
The two had quickly joined the others for breakfast, only Marco barely ate, all his attention focused on Star to the point he couldn't keep his eyes off her. Not to mention every time he did take a bite of his breakfast a wave of nausea overwhelmed him and he soon realized he didn't have the stomach for cereal at the moment, simply setting his spoon down next to his bowl.
Moon seemed to notice this, asking him, "Marco, are you feeling okay? You've hardly touched your breakfast."
"Uh, I'm not in the mood for this today," the hooded teen said with a shrug.
"But it's Captain Blanches Sugar Seeds," Jackie pointed out, looking at him incredulously. "Your favorite."
"Guess I'm just not hungry right now," Marco replied shyly.
Star frowned at that, but said nothing, though Marco saw her casting worried glances his way every so often.
After breakfast, the itching set in.
What had originally started in just his back, soon began to spread to his arms, legs, neck, everything, until an hour and a half later his whole body was annoyingly itchy. Marco squirmed in his seat the whole time Skullnick gave him, Star, and Jackie the knight's report about Monster and Mewman incidents all across Mewni (which always sounded more like she was lecturing them like school children than simply briefing) while the hooded teen fought the urge to scratch every inch of his irritated skin. For the most part, he managed to remain still, though he never heard a word the general said, and he did occasionally use his chair as a back scratch whenever nobody was looking. Or so he thought, a pair of keen blue eyes watching him out of the corner of his eye every time he moved so much as an inch.
And if that hadn't been enough to distract him, there was the fact that his chair was right next to Star's and Marco could almost sense her presence next to him, completely aware of her form mere inches away from him. As the meeting ran on, Marco found himself seeking her touch more and more, his fingers twitching in anticipation for her warm palm in his. Eventually, the desire grew too strong for him and he slowly reached out a hand, gently grabbing Star's from underneath the table and the blond smiled to herself, before giving it a quick squeeze.
But then a weird sensation spread through Marco's hand, a tingling and burning feeling that caused Marco to literally cry out in surprise, startling everyone in the meeting room and making Star instantly let go. Soon, all eyes were on him and the hooded teen felt his cheeks flush in embarrassment, which felt like his cheeks were literally on fire with his heightened senses. "S-Sorry," he managed to stammer out, wanting nothing more than to dive under the table and out of sight.
Star, immediately picking up on her boyfriend's distress, took charge of the situation and turning to the knights said in the most regal tone she had, "Can you guys give us a minute?"
Everyone except Jackie immediately left the room, giving the princess and her boyfriend their privacy, though Skullnick looked none too happy about it, frowning and grumbling under her breath the whole way.
Once the doors were shut, Star turned to her boyfriend with a concerned look and asked, "Are you okay, Marco? You've been acting strange all morning."
The boy nodded shyly, before muttering out, "Yeah, I guess I just feel weird today."
"Are you getting sick?" Jackie asked looking equally worried.
"Maybe," Marco replied, scratching at his arm now that nobody was around to notice it. "But I'm not really sure. I didn't get sick a whole lot with Buff Frog and everybody."
Star watched this for a moment before asking, "Are you feeling itchy?"
Marco nodded, admitting, "Yeah." He scratched his arm a bit more before moving to his neck. "It wasn't that bad before but now it's starting to feel real bad."
"And I'm guessing you being sick is why you didn't feel like eating anything this morning," Jackie observed.
Star pressed a hand to the boy's forehead, which caused him to immediately flush bright red against his will, his whole face tingling from her touch. "Hmmm, feels like you might be running a fever too."
"Sounds to me like the chickenpox?" Jackie suggested and Star nodded in agreement.
"That's what I was thinking," Star said.
Marco looked between the two with wide eyes, asking nervously, "Am I... gonna turn into a chicken?"
The two girls laughed, Jackie shaking her head. "No, Marco, you aren't gonna turn into a chicken," the skater girl reassured him and the boy breathed a sigh of relief.
"But you should probably lay down for a while," Star said and the boy instantly frowned at the idea of leaving Star's side, giving his girlfriend a hurt look.
"But what about your meeting later with Mayor Butch and the other Monster leaders?" Marco pointed out sadly. "Don't you need me there to help. "
"Wellll," Star began, thinking her words over carefully. She knew how much that meeting had meant to him, Marco had been the one to help set it up in the first place. "It would be nice sure but I'm more concerned about you getting better. Your health comes first, Marco."
The boy let out a long sigh, before muttering softly, "Yeah I guess."
Star, seeing her boyfriend's downtrodden face, felt her will break and added hesitantly, "Hey, if you really want, I could cancel the meeting for today-"
"No, you don't need to do that," the hooded teen said, shaking his head, despite wanting so badly to say otherwise. He didn't want Star to leave, could barely stand the idea of her being away from him for more than a few minutes, but some sane, more rational part of his brain was able to remind himself what was at stake. "You should go. Just because I have to stay home doesn't mean you need to."
"Yeah but," Star muttered worriedly, biting her lip. She stared deep into her boyfriend's eyes before asking softly, "Are you sure you'll be okay?"
"I'll be fine," Marco reassured her, giving her what he hoped was a lighthearted grin. "I just need some sleep like you said."
Star nodded slowly, looking on the verge of changing her mind but finally agreed, saying, "Okay, but if you need me for anything, anything at all, just call me and I'll come right back." Marco felt his heart begin to pound with some powerful emotion as his girlfriend's beautiful face lit up with a mind-numbing smile.
"Sounds good to me," Marco said returning the grin with one of his own, while his mind was screaming, Star don't go! He did his best to ignore his inner thoughts as he stood up from his chair, reluctantly saying, "Well I should probably go lay down before I get any worse."
"I'll go with you," Star said, standing herself, and Marco's face lit up knowing he would have Star by his side a little longer, his heart practically leaping for joy, fighting to free itself from his chest. The blond royal turned to Jackie and said, "Tell everyone I'll be back soon, okay?"
"No problem," the skater responded immediately. The two had only taken a step before she added, "Oh do you also want me to call Buff Frog and tell him Marco isn't feeling well?"
"No you better let me do that," Marco replied instantly. "Dad gets crazy overprotective whenever I get sick and the others just kinda lose it, I don't want them to freak out too much."
Star giggled at that, before commenting, "So guess we can be expecting a visit from your family later?"
"If they don't take me home with them where they can watch me morning, day and night," Marco replied with an exhausted sigh.
"Not gonna lie, Buff Frog losing it is hard to imagine," Jackie said with a playful grin. The other two teens giggled in agreement, before heading out the door again, the skater waving the two off.
As Star walked Marco to his room, the young couple spent a few moments in blissful silence, no words needed as they just enjoyed each others presence in the quiet hallway. Marco couldn't stop himself from continually casting glances in his girlfriend's direction, trying to ignore the tingling that seemed to be spreading through his whole nervous system, making him jittery and hyper. He felt alert to Star's every movement, the way she walked, the way her face lit up every time she glanced his way, the way her hair bounced with every step. Everything. It wasn't the first time he had noticed these things about Star, the simple act of her breathing enough to capture his interest and attention, but it felt different now.
Star was his whole world sure, but now she was the world. Nothing else mattered. Just Star. Just being near Star. Just seeing Star. Just smiling at Star. Just touching Star. Just kissing Star. Just holding Star's hand. Just-
"Marco!" Star screamed, finally managing to capture the boy's attention as he reeled back in shock.
"Huh?" he asked numbly, blinking a few times at his girlfriend in confusion.
"I said we're here," Star explained patiently, gesturing over to Marco's door.
The boy turned in that direction, before his cheeks flushed in embarrassment, muttering, "Oh. Guess we are." He began scratching at his cheeks, giving his bestie a sheepish look as he chuckled awkwardly. "I, uh, I didn't notice."
Star just laughed. "I kinda figured," she replied with a wink.
A silence settled over the two again, Star and Marco shifting uncomfortably on their feet, neither teen quite ready to say goodbye yet. The hooded boy bit his lip in the cutest way, Star nervously playing with a strand of hair as they just stared at the floor. But after another minute of the awkward silence, Marco cleared his throat, before saying softly, "Well I guess I should probably..." He pointed over at his door, still fighting the inner voice in his head that was begging Star to stay with him.
"Yeah, I guess you should," Star agreed, her sad face a perfect match to how Marco currently felt.
"So yeah," the boy said awkwardly, stalling the conversation for as long as he could. "Uhhh, I guess I'll let you go back to the meeting and I'll just, y'know, sleep for a while."
Star nodded. "Okay, I'll call a doctor soon, have him take a look at you just so we know for sure what we're dealing with," the blond said. "Don't want it getting any worse."
"Cool, cool," Marco agreed with a nod of his head. He paused for a moment, clapping his hands together as he shot the girl a grin. "Well then..." And in a last desperate attempt to drag things out with Star a little longer, he reached slowly over toward his doorknob, speaking in a deliberately drawn-out manner, making sure to pause on each word for as long as possible, "I'lllll juuussttt gooooo."
Star just smiled at her boyfriend's precious attempts to stall, moving at the speed of a sloth, and she couldn't help but lean over and plant a loving kiss to his cheek, causing the boy to instantly freeze up. Star took advantage of this as she opened the door for him, helping him inside as his limbs suddenly felt like pudding, the blond royal practically dragging Marco into his own room. "Sleep tight, Marco, I'll come check on you later," she whispered, giving him a quick hug that made Marco's whole body heat up and start tingling again, the weird feeling returning tenfold.
"Uh-huh," he somehow managed to get out, a goofy grin on his face as he watched Star blow him one last kiss from the doorway before waving to him and closing the door, the beautiful smile on her face ingrained permanently into Marco's memory.
The moment she was gone the boy collapsed to the ground with a love-sick sigh, the brightest smile imaginable on his face as his mind replayed the moment he had just shared with his beautiful bestie. And for a moment, the fact that he was alone didn't matter, the pull at his heartstrings and the voice at the back of his mind whining about Star being gone didn't bother Marco in the slightest. The only thing the boy could focus on right then was the tingling sensation in his cheek from where Star had kissed him, gently rubbing it as he felt his heart float around in his chest.
But as Marco pulled his hand away he felt something stick to his fingertips. He sat up, staring down at his palm in confusion, only to see a small orange sun just like his cheekmark laying in his hand. "Huh, that's new," the boy muttered softly, absentmindedly scratching at his arm with his free hand.
After a moment or two though, Marco's curiosity made him pull back the sleeve on his hood only to gasp in surprise as even more of the 'sunspots' covered his skin, running all up and down his arm, all identical to his sun cheekmarks save for hue. The boy blinked a few times, before frowning. He had heard of Mewnian acne before but he had never had it himself. "Maybe this is a symptom of chickenpox?" he concluded, pulling his sleeve back up, before pulling himself into bed. "I'll ask Star when she gets back," he muttered tiredly before closing his eyes tight.
Soon Marco was asleep, snoring softly in the safety and comfort of his room, dreaming of Star and her bright smile. For a few minutes, nothing happened, but soon another sunspot appeared on his skin, then another and another and another until his whole body was covered in them. But they didn't stop there, soon they were piling up all over the bed and floor, Marco remaining oblivious to it all in his unconscious state. Soon an orange cocoon had formed around the hooded teen. And from within this large cocoon, Marco's body slowly began to change.
Later that afternoon, after Star had already left for her meeting, Jackie and Janna decided to stop by Marco's room to check up on him, carrying get well gifts for their sick friend, a stuffed bunny that said 'Get well soon' on its chest from Jackie and a new book for Marco to read while stuck in bed from Janna. The two had both promised Star to keep an eye on the boy since the doctor would be running late with another more serious case, apparently one of Pony Head's sisters Teta coming down with an emergency case of what he referred to as 'horn-itis' (but according to Pony Head was just another scheme by her sisters to take her throne) and neither had heard a word from Buff Frog or the other Monsters. That left Marco in the care of Jackie and Janna, both of which were confident they could look after the boy and help him with whatever he needed to get better. After all, it was just the chickenpox.
"You think we should have brought him some soup or something?" Jackie suddenly asked her friend.
Janna shrugged. "I don't really see how it would do much good since he didn't really seem to have much of an appetite before," the creepy teen pointed out. "What we should have brought him was that healing potion I was telling you about."
"Uhh, pass," Jackie replied, with a roll of her eyes. "Marco needs medicine, not some weird goop you heard about from who knows where."
"It was Violet for the record and it's not poison if that's what you're worried about."
"It wasn't. I'm just saying we aren't giving Marco any strange liquids, poisonous or otherwise."
Janna let out a dejected sigh, grumbling, "Fine, have it your way."
The two stopped as they reached the door to Marco's room, Jackie raising a hand to knock, turning to Janna to say something. But whatever thought she had died on her lips as her hand hit the door frame, a cascade of tiny suns raining down around them through the cracks in the door. The skater let out a startled gasp, shuffling away from the door as quickly as she could, the two staring at the pile of orange shapes on the ground before sharing a concerned look.
"You don't think," Jackie began but Janna was quick to nod.
"Oh, I think," the beanie-wearing girl replied.
The skater bit her lip before slowly approaching the door again, grabbing firmly onto the doorknob, sucking in a deep breath in anticipation before pulling the door open. She stood behind the door, watching as a mountain of suns filled the hallway, Janna having to take a step back to avoid getting any on her. Once the sunspots seemed to have settled, the skater peeked around the door, looking into Marco's room with wide eyes. At least she would have if there wasn't another massive pile of sunspots blocking the entire entrance.
Jackie gave Janna a startled look, the teen just shrugging in response, silently conveying her own loss at what to do. The skater just held in a breath as she took a risky step closer to Marco's room, saying in a soft tone, "Marco. Are you in there?" Then, in an even greater risk, she slowly and steadily raised a hand and placed it on the sticky pile of sunspots, her body tensing up in fear.
For a few seconds, nothing happened and Jackie slowly began to relax, letting out a breath of relief, that was until she heard a voice say, "Starrrrr..."
And then in a flash, a hand emerged from the pile Jackie just barely managing to pull her own hand away in time to avoid getting grabbed. But the movement had been so quick and sudden that she stumbling back and into Janna, the two collapsing onto the floor in a heap. The two watched wide-eyed as a body slowly began to rise from within the mountain of sunspots, the new form of Marco now hovering in the air above them.
His skin had turned a light orange color, his hoodie now a bright, almost blinding, red, large clumps of red sunspots clearly seen decorating the soft cloth. His jeans were now orange, tinged with yellow at the ends and his shoes were bright red. His hair was flatter than usual, lacking its typical bounce or spikes, instead it all hung loosely over his eyes. It was also now red with streaks of yellow in it. His eyes were devoid of pupils, instead just two glowing white dots that matched the burning glow of his cheekmarks. His mole now stood out much more on his orange-tinted face, looking like the only thing that hadn't been transformed with the rest of him.
But the changes to his appearance didn't stop there, he was now also sporting an extra pair of arms that seemed to have ripped out from the sides of his hoodie, more red suns clinging to the soft skin, gleaming in the light of the hallway. And to top it off, he now had a pair of light red, almost translucent, wings that flapped lazily behind him, the same sun designs that dotted his arms and hoodie seen on them as well.
The two girls stared at their friend for a few seconds before Janna said in a deadpan, "Yep, it's Mewberty."
"Definitely Mewberty," the skater instantly agreed with a quick nod.
The two stood, walking slowly and steadily over to their floating friend, Jackie keeping her hands raised to show him she meant no harm. Marco, meanwhile, was too busy scanning the bright hallway to notice them, his glowing eyes in search of something, his wings fluttering behind him in almost anxiety. "Hey Marco," Jackie greeted softly and the boy's eyes flicked over to her, his head cocking to the side as he observed the two familiar forms. "That's right, it's just me and Janna. You remember us, right?"
The boy's head cocked to the other side. "You remember that we're your friends, don't you?" Jackie asked, smiling at the boy with her typical cool radiance.
The boy leaned a little closer, his face still blank, as he raised a hand and Jackie instinctively flinched but didn't dare take a step away. But she blinked in surprise as Marco began poking her speckled cheek with his finger. "Uh, Marco what are you doing?"
The boy simply smiled, recognition flashing across his features, as he droned out, "Frienndd."
"Yeah, Marco that's right, we're your friends," Jackie said in slight relief. This was going better than expected.
But suddenly, the boy's smile vanished as he droned out the word, "Sttttaaarrr."
"Uh Star's not here right now," Jackie said in a soft tone. "She went to that meeting with the Monsters, remember?"
"Staarrrr," the boy continued, his head flicking from left to right in search of his mate.
"Yeah, I don't think he remembers, Jacks," Janna spoke up.
"Okay Marco, we'll bring you Star, don't worry," Jackie reassured the hooded teen, before turning to Janna, speaking in a low whisper. "Jan, what is going on? How is he going through Mewberty right now?"
"Well when a Mewman reaches a certain age their body begins changing in many ways-" the creepy teen began in her typical sarcastic tone.
"I know why it's happening!" the skater hissed, glaring at her roommate. "I mean how come he didn't go through this sooner, Star's Mewberty was like three years ago."
Janna shrugged. "Star was an exception. Most Mewmans go through Mewberty at fourteen or fifteen," the girl explained.
Jackie let out a sigh, but didn't question it any further, returning her focus to the task at hand, as she said, "Okay well, firsts things first, we need to get Marco somewhere safe before something bad happens."
"Uhhh, yeah I think that's gonna be kinda a problem," Janna said, her eyes widening some.
"What? Why?" Jackie asked in confusion.
"Because he already flew away," the creepy teen deadpanned, Jackie turning on her heels only to see Marco was missing. But a loud shattering of glass a few seconds later alerted them to his new location farther down the hall. "Oh no," Jackie muttered before running after the boy, Janna close on her heels.
When they reached the next hall they quickly spotted Marco, who was zipping around the hallway clearly in search of something, picking up priceless vases from their mantels before tossing them unwanted to the floor, opening doors (sometimes even ripping them off their hinges if they were locked) and scanning the rooms before moving on to the next one. "What is he doing?" Jackie asked after a moment of watching their friend's odd behavior.
"I think he's still looking for Star," Janna said, though she looked slightly unnerved by the boy's actions.
At the mention of Star, Marco turned to face the two, his glowing orbs almost piercing through them as they jumped in surprise. "Starrrr?" the boy questioned, cocking his head to the side again.
"We already told you, Marco," Jackie began, keeping her voice low and quiet. "Star's not here right now, remember?"
"Staaaarrrrrrr," the boy muttered nervously, his wings flapping a bit irregularly than before, clearly growing agitated.
"But we can take you to her," Jackie continued, taking a risky step forward, holding out a hand to the boy. "Just trust us. Please."
Marco eyed the hand cautiously for a few seconds, making no move closer and the two girls held their breath in anticipation. Finally, the boy seemed to overcome his safety instincts and slowly reached out toward his friend's waiting palm and Jackie and Janna silently sighed in relief.
That was until a loud voice yelled out through the hallways, the clear voice of Skullnick barking orders to her knights drawing Marco's attention away from his friend and onto the new sound. Jackie could see a new decision flashing across her friend's neutral face and quickly said, "Marco, no. That's not Star. Don't-"
But her words fell of deaf ears as the boy took off down the hallway at an incredible speed, the burst of wind startling the girls as they were left blinking in shock for a few seconds, the boy vanishing from sight. "Whoa, wasn't expecting that," Janna commented.
"Come on, we gotta catch him!" Jackie exclaimed before chasing after the boy again, hoping he didn't get into too much trouble. If it was anything like Star's Mewberty than the entire castle could be at risk. Star had nearly destroyed the castle in her emotional and magical outburst, and Jackie remembered that as one of the most intense seven hours of her life as they all did their best to wait out her transformation. She had basically gone on a rampage, attacking anything she considered hostile, and the only reason they had calmed her down long enough to give her some medicine to weaken the effect was because they had used Oskar as bait to draw her out.
And even then it had taken several, long hours for her to turn back to normal. And Queen Moon had even said that sometimes Mewmans could go even longer depending on their magical level or emotional state. Meaning who knew how long Marco would be stuck this way. Jackie forced herself to push these thoughts aside for the moment, focusing all her energy and thought process into finding her friend. She could worry about the rest later.
Meanwhile, in another wing of the castle, the fully transformed Marco was still desperately searching for his missing mate, the sound of voices echoing, confusing the Mewman's fuzzy brain, putting him even more on edge. Marco, in his scared primal state, didn't quite understand what was happening to him, all he knew was his desire to find Star. Nothing else mattered. He needed Star. He had to find her. Find Star. Find Star. And with that single-minded goal in mind the boy pressed on, flying further and deeper into the castle, his glowing eyes constantly scanning his surroundings for both threats and for Star.
The boy paused though as he heard voices coming from within one of the rooms and Marco practically lunged for the door in his haste to open it, his brain momentarily convinced he had found his mate. But instead, he saw the forms of Daisy and Violet who sat around the former's tea table, both too engrossed in watching their pet snake devouring a ruby crystal to notice the boy. "Aww Edith's so cute when she eats," Violet commented.
"She'd be even cuter if you let me put that dress on her," Daisy replied.
"No way! Edith is too cool to wear pink," Violet argued.
"Then what about blue?" Daisy suggested hopefully, even holding up a tiny blue dress to show her twin.
Violet gagged. "Uh uh, not gonna happen."
Marco, the whole time this was going on, just floated there stunned before finally recovering enough to ask the question, "Stttaarrr?"
Neither twin even bothered to look up as Violet said with a quick wave, "Oh hey, Big Brother."
"Star's not here," Daisy added, never taking her eyes off of Edith as she pointed behind her. "You should check the meeting room. She's always in there."
Marco looked over in that direction, continuing to mutter, "Staarr." But he turned back to the girls for just a second as he added, "Thaannks."
"Yep, no problem, Big Brother," Violet said, doing a short wave goodbye.
"Good luck!" Daisy added just as the door slammed shut.
After a moment, Daisy looked up at her sister asking, "Did Big Brother seem weird to you?"
Violet shrugged. "Not really."
A few seconds later the door flew open again as a panting Jackie asked, "Have you girls seen Marco?"
"Yeah, he was headed to the meeting room," Daisy explained, pointing in that direction again.
"Okay thanks," Jackie replied with slight relief, but she added quickly, "Oh, and don't leave your room for a little while. It's not safe."
"Okay," Violet said, still distracted by Edith.
The door closed again and the two sisters shared a look. "What was that about?" Daisy asked.
"No idea," Violet replied. "Probably just some dumb grown-up stuff."
There was a pause before Daisy added, "What about a skirt?"
"We aren't playing dress-up with Edith!" Violet shouted.
Skullnick paced in front of the line of knights before her, staring each of them down with a hard, dissatisfied glare as she got ready to berate them as she had done many times before. The group was standing in the general's own personal war room as she called it when really it was more of a large office. "I can't believe you imbeciles!" she shouted, causing everyone present except Higgs to flinch. "How hard is it to find one stinking Monster?! You've had all this time to track him down and we are no closer to finding him than we were months ago! We are supposed to be the best of the best, but thanks to your incompetence we're now the laughingstock of Mewni!"
"Um, but ma'am nobody even knows about that-" one of the shaking knights began only to be immediately shot down as Skullnick snapped, "Well I know and I'm saying it's inexcusable!"
The knight whimpered before stuttering, "Y-Yes ma'am! S-So sorry, ma'am!"
"As far as I'm concerned the only one here with half a brain cell is Higgs!" Skullnick gesturing over to the girl who stood just a little bit taller, a smug look on her face as the general addressed her. "At least she has been pulling her weight around here, instead of slacking off!"
"Thank you general," the redhead replied, saluting her superior.
Jak and Dex who had stood silently on the sidelines this whole time, couldn't help but praise the girl's success, Jak shouting in support, "Whoo-hoo you go Higgs!" Both of the lowly guards began clapping and smiling goofily at the girl's success, but this only caused the young knight to flush, completely humiliated by her dad and his friend. But thankfully it didn't last long as one stern glare from Skullnick instantly stopped the two guards' celebration, dropping their hands and standing at attention.
"And you two, how many times do I have to tell you to stay at your post!" Skullnick screamed and the two cringed openly.
"But we just wanted to see-" Jak began, only for the general to point a viscous finger at the door, screaming, "Get going!"
The two jumped to fulfill the orders, running from the room as fast as they could, Higgs face-palming at her dad's stupidity, doing her best to ignore the judging stares from the other knights.
Jak and Dex both breathed a sigh of relief once out of the large office, both visibly shaken by the general's harsh attitude, leaning against the wall for support as their bodies shook with fear. "Man Skullsy gets scarier and scarier every day," Jak commented and Dex silently nodded.
"Come on, we should get going before she starts screaming at us again," Dex said, the two about to head down the hallway when a shadow fell over them and the two looked up startled only to scream in fright at what they saw. Jackie and Janna heard the terrified shrieks from farther down the hall and both shared concerned looks, not having to guess to know the source of those screams. Oh no, the two girls thought as one, quickening their pace.
Marco, meanwhile, just stared down at Jak and Dex curiously, watching as the two scrambled to get back into Skullnick's office, the two pushing each other out of the way as they both fumbled with the doorknob. Finally, the two managed to get the door open, rushing inside before slamming the door shut behind them.
Skullnick and the other knights all stared at them with a mixture of shock and annoyance, Higgs looking like she wanted the ground underneath her to open up and swallow her whole. None of them seemed even slightly concerned at the two men's panic, the troll general barking out, "What is it now?!"
The two stuttered out an explanation, pointing behind them as they tried to convey their frantic message but their words turned into a jumbled and indecipherable mess, which only seemed to humiliate Higgs more and more, the girl's face nearly redder than her hair color at this point. The general also seemed unamused with their pointless ramblings, rolling her eyes and snapping, "Jak! Dex!"
The two froze in place at the raised tone, turning to statues before Skullnick's eyes, completely petrified and afraid to so much as blink, and sensing her opening said, "Could one of you please explain to me why you interrupted my meeting... again!"
"It's a Code Purple ma'am!!" Jak managed to scream and the other knights all gasped in fright. Code Purple. That could only mean one thing. Mewberty.
"What? Who?" was all Skullnick managed to get out before the door to the room was pulled off the hinges, every knight staring in shock and disbelief as the transformed Marco flew into the large office, his eyes gazing around intently. "Marco?" Higgs whispered under her breath.
The boy looked around for a few seconds more before flying out of the room. There was a beat of silence before the knights all reacted, at once Skullnick shouting to her lackeys, "Code Purple! We have a Code Purple! Put the castle on lockdown! And secure the target! We have a fully-mutated Mewberty case here!"
The other knights all jumped into action after that, some running from the office to try and warn the other guards, while others headed after Marco, who seemed oblivious to the panicked atmosphere he was causing, still too busy searching for Star to care about anything else. Jackie and Janna finally caught up to their friend and seeing the knights chasing after him, they both quickly ran to his side, holding up their arms and blocking the knights off from getting any closer to Marco. "Wait, stop. Stay away from him!" Jackie screamed.
"We can't do that," Skullnick proclaimed, crossing her arms in front of her chest. "Marco's in full Mewberty, he needs to be secured."
"But Marco's not going to hurt anyone, he's just confused," Jackie argued desperately, gesturing behind her to where the boy hovered, looking around at the Mewmans that now surrounded him in confusion. "We need to take him to Star." Marco's head snapped over to Jackie at the mention of his mate's name, his wings now fluttering eagerly.
But Skullnick didn't seem convinced, shaking her head and saying firmly, "No way! Orders are orders and I was told that any of the castle staff who suffer from Mewberty must be contained immediately."
"But he recognized me, he's not mindless like Star was," Jackie tried but her words now fell on deaf ears as Skullnick took a determined step closer, the other knights shuffling closer as well.
"Doesn't matter, that's a risk I'm not going to take," the general declared, her eyes digging into Jackie's skin. Her gaze darkened as she added, "Now stand aside so that I can do my job."
Jackie shook her head, saying with determination she didn't feel, "No way!"
"Then we'll have no choice but to place you both in temporary confinement," Skullnick replied snapping her fingers and signaling her men to move in, two knights sauntering purposefully over to the two girls.
Jackie looked desperately around for some help as the knights descended upon her and Janna, her eyes finally falling on Higgs, who had yet to move an inch, and she shouted, "Higgs, come on, tell them to stop! You know as well as I do that Marco wouldn't hurt anyone."
Higgs looked over at Skullnick than back to her friend and shrugged. "Yeah, I know but with Mewberty we can't take any chances."
Jackie let out a frustrated huff before one of the knights grabbed her arm and Jackie instantly struggled, trying to pull her arm free from the tight grip. "Hey, stop it!"
Another knight did the same to Janna, the half-Monster fighting back her instincts and forced herself to to be dragged away from Marco, shouting in her defense, "Knock it off! Let go!"
Marco watched numbly as the two strange men grabbed onto his friends' arms and instantly a powerful emotion overcame him, a burning rage and protective instinct flooding his chest. And as soon as his friends' struggles and desperate cries reached Marco's ears, the boy lashed out, thick webs of sunspots flying from his hands and striking the two men who held his friends against their wills. The two men cried out in surprise as they were yanked backward, away from his friends and flung across the room with one flick of Marco's wrist, the pair rolling to a painful stop a few feet away. They moaned in pain but Marco felt no regrets for the necessary action, his protective nature outweighing any guilt he might harbor at the moment.
The room had gone dead quiet at Marco's sudden action, the boy's instincts picking up on the dread that now lingered in the air but he paid it no mind, his glowing eyes instead moving to examine his friends, checking to be sure they were unharmed. He stared into their shocked and gawking faces for a second before concluding they were okay and turned to go back to his previous search for Star.
But the sudden movement set off one of the jittery and unnerved knights, the man suddenly springing into action by lunging toward the boy with a loud shout. Marco was startled to say the least as one of his legs was roughly grabbed by said knight and Marco's instincts took over again as he shot out more sticky webs, coating his attacker and gluing him to the floor, where he lay unmoving.
After that, it was pure chaos, suddenly all the knights swarmed Marco. The boy, frightened by the angry and loud crowd of strangers, began firing webs at them, desperately fluttering around in a desperate attempt to avoid getting hurt.
"Wait, stop!" Jackie screamed pointlessly to the knights. The skater turned to the general, who stood unflinchingly during all this chaos, and shouted, "Skullnick, please. You have to get them to stop! They're making it worse!"
"No can do! I told you Marco was a danger in this state," Skullnick argued, her mind already made up.
"Only because you guys are scaring him," Janna pointed out but this still didn't seem to sway Skullnick's resolve as she ignored the two taking a step forward and shouting orders to her men. Jackie and Janna let out frustrated groans watching as Marco continued plastering knights to the walls and floor. Suddenly a voice said beside them, "So now what are you gonna do." The two looked over to see Higgs observing the scene with a bored expression.
"Oh nice of you to actually listen to us," Janna commented bitterly.
Higgs shrugged. "Hey I can't ignore a direct order from the general." She smirked mischievously as she added, "But you can. So what's the plan?"
"Okay well, I guess our best bet is to get Marco out of the castle," Jackie replied thoughtfully.
"You really think that's gonna help?" Higgs asked with disbelief.
"Well it's better than him staying here," Jackie said, gesturing to the warzone taking place in front of them, a knight flying over them with a loud scream.
"Good point," Higgs agreed with a quick nod. "So how are you planning on doing that?"
Before Jackie could answer, Janna held up Star's devil-horned headband, saying in a smooth tone, "With this."
"Janna! Where did you get that? No, when did you get that?" Jackie asked in shock and slight concern.
"What? Star didn't need it today so I thought I'd bring it to Marco to cheer him up," Janna said with a shrug.
Higgs rolled her eyes, muttering, "Likely story."
Jackie wanted to comment further but knew she had more important things to worry about at the moment, letting the subject drop for now as she grabbed the headband from her friend's grip, her eyes slowly drifting over to the startled Marco.
Marco was afraid. He didn't like the way these strange people kept trying to grab him, tried to restrict his movement and keep him from Star. He especially didn't like that. He wanted to find Star but he couldn't do that if these strange people didn't stop attacking him. Were they trying to keep her from him? At that, anger pooled in Marco's chest and he held out all four hands, coating a new person in the webby substance. No one was keeping him from his Star.
Suddenly, Marco heard a shrill sound, like a whistle, and he turned to see the light-haired girl (Jackie, his inner voice corrected) holding up a headband. Star's headband. Marco felt a powerful emotion flow through him, all the fight leaving him at once as he stared at the sole reminder of his missing mate. "Hey Marco, look what I got," she said to him in a sing-song voice and Marco flew a little closer to her. He needed that. He needed it to find Star. "Starrrr..." the boy droned, hands reaching out to take the object.
Jackie smiled, glad to know her plan was working. "That's right, dude," she said encouragingly, stepping on her skateboard, checking to make sure the strap on her helmet was adjusted correctly. "You can have it, all you have to do is follow me." After that, she pushed off, skating smoothly down the hall.
Marco groaned in despair as the headband suddenly grew further away from him. He needed that. He chased after his friend without a second thought, his eyes never once leaving the sight of the red hairpiece.
Skullnick spotted the boy leaving, as well as Higgs and Janna chasing after, and quickly shouted, "Stop him! He can't get away!" But looking around she saw all her other knights were incapacitated, groaning in heaps on the floor, most unable to move due to the sticky sunspots that coated them. The general growled under her breath at her men's incompetence before her eyes landed on Jak and Dex who stood awkwardly on the sidelines. "You too!" Both guards jumped at being suddenly addressed. "We're going after Marco! Let's move!" With that Skullnick started stomping down the hallway but Jak and Dex hesitated, sharing concerned glances. But another shout from Skullnick got them moving. "I said 'Let's move!'"
"Y-Yes General S-Skullnick!" the two shouted in reply, running to try and catch up to the troll general's quick pace.
Farther down the hall, Jackie was doing her best to keep ahead of Marco but the boy was much faster than normal, even the speed on Jackie's prized skateboard no match for the boy's swift flying prowess. And his single-minded desire to get a hold of the headband was proving to be difficult to counter. Marco lunged, his hands reaching to snatch the headband out of Jackie's grip but the skater sensed the movement at the last second, holding her arm up at the last second and she shifted her position on the skateboard so that it would maneuver to the other side of the hall.
But this didn't halt Marco's efforts in the slightest, the boy reaching out a hand and shooting sticky webs at the headband, hoping to retrieve it that way. Again, Jackie managed to see the movement out of the corner of her eye and her feet instinctively shifted to the back of the board, the skater bending her knees and pressing down on the tail of the board with her back foot. The result was instant as her board left the ground, jumping over the string of webs, Jackie guiding the motion until the wheels met hard ground once more. After taking a second to recover from the jump Jackie took a risky glance back, only to see Marco was on her tail once more, his glowing pupils fixated on nothing but the headband.
The skater, shifted her attention back to what lay ahead only to nearly scream in surprise as she spotted Moon and River coming towards her, chatting happily, their attention too focused on one another to notice anything else. "Your Majesties, look out!" she screamed to them in warning.
The two royals looked over to her in surprise. "Jackie?" the queen said quizzically.
"Move out of the way, it's an emergency!" the skater replied, fear lodging into her throat.
"Moonpie, I think we might want to do as she says," River said as his eyes landed on Marco, grabbing his bewildered wife's arm and dragging her out of the way, just as Jackie sailed past them.
"What on Mewni-" Moon started to say in annoyance, only to gasp in fright as Marco flew past the pair. "Marco?" the queen muttered in disbelief.
"Sorry, I'll explain later," Jackie shouted back.
Moon was stunned as she watched the two disappear around the corner, turning to her husband with a look of pure disbelief. Suddenly though, Janna and Higgs ran past, the girls huffing and puffing as they struggled to catch up to their friend. "Janna! What is going on here?" the queen asked in a demanding tone.
"Mewberty," was all the two girls said before they too vanished around the corner.
"Hmm, well it would seem young Marco has finally reached the age of Mewberty," River commented.
"After them!" a booming voice cried and the royal couple once more looked down the opposite hall as Skullnick and two guards ran toward them, the guards looking close to collapsing from the swift jog. "Don't let them escape!"
"Yes ma'am!" the two guards replied tiredly.
"General Skullnick just what exactly is going on here?" Moon began but the general simply ran past her monarch, saying, "No time, I'll give you my report later!"
Moon could only gap in shock as the troll ignored her, opening her mouth to argue when Jak and Dex ran by, saying in a panted breath, "Queen Moon, King River."
River and Moon could only watch stunned as the final three in the cat-and-mouse chase through the castle vanished from sight, before sharing a look.
"My, my things certainly are exciting today, Moonpie," River said, a look of joy flashing across his face.
"Yes it would seem so," Moon said softly, before she came to a decision, starting after the group as she told her husband, "Come, River, we should make sure no one gets hurt."
"Oh, what fun!" River replied, happily, easily following after his wife. "A hunt through Butterfly Castle! Just like we used to do when we were teenagers!"
"River, I think you and I remember our teenage years very differently," Moon deadpanned.
"Oh come on, Moonpie," River responded immediately. "I remember when you went through Mewberty. Haha, you gave me a run for my money that day!"
Moon smiled softly at her husband. "I remember yours as well," the queen whispered, her tone almost flirty now. "I had to kiss you just to get you to stop."
River sighed at the memory. "Our first kiss," he muttered, getting teary-eyed at the wonderful memory of their youth.
Jackie nearly had Marco out of the castle now, the last obstacle in her way was the staircase, Jackie seeing her hurtle up ahead. But luckily, the skater girl already had the perfect way to get down. She once again, positioned her body for a jump, waiting until just the right second to make her board airborne, quickly turning the board to its side in mid-air, before it landed with a loud screech on the stair railing. Jackie glided smoothly down the stair rail, looking behind her to see Marco had stopped. Even with his pupil-less eyes, the skater could still tell her friend was in awe at the stunt. Jackie smiled, before facing forward, needing to be ready to stick the landing.
Marco shook his head, his fuzzy brain pushing aside all thoughts except Star's headband, before descending after the girl, flying easily over the staircase. Jackie finally reached the bottom of the stairs, maneuvering her body at the last second so that her board was now facing forward, just barely missing getting hit with more of Marco's sticky webs.
The girl saw the doors to the castle were closed tight and cupped a hand over her mouth, shouting to the two guards, "Hey, open up! It's an emergency!"
The two guards lazily caught her eye, one of them saying harshly, "Yeah right, Skullnick ordered the castle on lockdown and we ain't openin' these doors up for nobody!"
"Well if you don't then you'll have to deal with that," Jackie replied, pointing behind her to the fast-approaching Marco, determination fueling his movements his glowing eyes flashing sinisterly.
The two guards shared a nervous look, before throwing open the doors to the castle, Jackie skating past them and Marco zooming by a second later. The moment Jackie was outside she threw the headband at her friend, the boy snatching it up out of mid-air, hugging the object to his chest and purring loudly. Jackie brought her skateboard to a stop, pulling off her helmet as she watched her friend fawning over the object and couldn't help but grin at the boy's cuteness. Even in this state, he was still Marco.
Higgs and Janna showed up a few seconds later, breathing heavily as they too just studied their lovestruck friend, still purring like a cat as he rubbed his cheek against the headband. "Okay, well that is one of the weirdest things I've ever seen," Higgs commented.
Janna just scoffed, nonchalantly telling the young knight, "If you think that's strange you haven't been around us for nearly long enough."
Higgs decided it best to ignore that, instead turning to Jackie and asking, "So we got him outside, now what?" The group made sure to keep a close eye on Marco out of the corner of her eye even as they talked.
"Now we call Star," Jackie said, pulling out her phone. "She'll know what to do from here."
"There he is!" Skullnick's booming voice interrupted the moment, as she, Jak, and Dex came charging out of the castle, now carrying thick lengths of rope. Marco, recognizing the voice even in his primal state, started to panic, fluttering in nervous circles, his eyes looking around for an escape and his hands clenching the headband just a little tighter against his chest.
The three girls noticed this and Jackie shouted to the general, "Skullnick, stop! You're scaring him!"
But the general ignored the girls, instead throwing the rope she had fashioned into a lasso at the unsuspecting boy. The length of rope caught on one of his hands and the boy instinctively began fighting against it, making terrified groans and unintelligible pleas as he fought to free his appendage. "Got you now!" Skullnick roared in victory, giving a sharp tug, which pulled the boy closer to her and Marco dropped the headband in his fright. But with his hands both free, he held them out shooting sunspots as the general's body but the troll expertly jumped out of the way, before giving another tug on the rope. "Jak! Dex! Restrain the rest of his arms!" Skullnick cried to her two comrades.
"Yes General Skullnick!" they shouted, before lassoing the boy's other hands, only one now left free. Marco at this point was in a state of pure panic, fighting against the ropes with every fiber of his being, flying back in forth in hopes of dislodging them while the general pulled him in, inch by inch.
"Dad, what are you doing?!" Higgs screamed at Dex.
"Oh hey, honey!" Dex said, shooting his daughter with one of his goofy smiles. "Don't worry, we've got everything under control!"
"That's not what I mean!" Higgs retorted in a vicious shout.
"Please, General Skullnick, you need to let Marco go!" Jackie screamed, watching as her friend panicked more and more. Who knew what he would do if Skullnick pushed him much further and Jackie would really rather not find out.
The general firmly shook her head saying, "No way! I've got this!"
"Higgs do something," Janna said to the young knight who shot her an annoyed glare.
"Like what? Attack the general and my dad?" Higgs snapped.
"Uh or try and talk some sense into them," Janna shot back.
"General, please, I think we should call Star," Jackie tried.
But Skullnick stayed as stubborn as ever, letting out an over-the-top sigh before saying sharply, "For the last time, we don't need Star! I've got everything under control!"
"What is going on out here?!" Moon exclaimed the second she and River stepped outside, taking in the scene before them.
"Queen Moon," Jak and Dex said as one, their attention snapping away from their target and onto the monarch and their hands for just a second slipping on the ropes.
"No, you idiots!" Skullnick shouted to them in frustration. "Don't-"
But it was too late, the minor slip-up was all Marco needed as he pulled his arms free of the heavy ropes, shooting two streams of webs at the unsuspecting guards, coating them and pinning them to the ground in half a second. The boy then grabbed onto the end of the remaining rope with all three hands and pulled on it with all his might, his wings straining as he lifted Skullnick off the ground. Everyone watched in disbelief as the puny and delicate form of Marco flung the tough, muscled form of Skullnick over his head like a ragdoll. The troll general could only screamed as her weightless body soared through the air, before crashing hard to the ground.
Jackie, Janna, Higgs, Moon, and River gaped openly at the sight of the general slowly rising to her hands and knees, groaning in pain. But the skater's attention returned to Marco as she saw his gaze shift off into the distant woods, his wings fluttering as he seemed ready to take off. Jackie, ran toward him in a panic, shouting, "Marco wai-" But the boy was gone in a burst of speed, the sudden rush of air, knocking Jackie back and kicking dirt up into her eyes and the skater had no choice but to stand there and shield her face with her hands.
Finally, once the wind had died down enough, she could only stare helplessly at Marco, who was now no more than a red dot in the distance. Defeat filled Jackie's chest as she just stared longingly toward her friend, helpless to reach him in his time of need, her entire being shaking with worry for her confused, frightened friend. She was so lost in despair she didn't even notice that the general was now standing next to her, also looking off in the direction Marco had vanished. After a few seconds, Skullnick finally let out a deep sigh, before admitting bitterly, "Okay fine. Call Star."
Star smiled as she sat amongst the group of Monster leaders, listening to them freely voicing their opinions on the problems they had been facing. The meeting was going really well and Star felt they had made some significant progress into building a trusting relationship with their Monster allies. At first, it had been awkward and uncomfortable, none of the Monsters willing to say a word in the presence of the future ruler of Mewni but, luckily, Butch had been the one to get the ball rolling, freely discussing the positive change he had seen in the attitude for Hydra's Point since Star and her friend had helped. This had been enough to get the Monsters to slowly open up to her, the blond royal making sure to give them all positive and encouraging smiles whenever they did so, until the whole group was chatting happily. The plan was going perfectly, Star easily winning the Monsters to her side even without the aide of Marco.
At the thought of Marco, Star bit her lip, her fingers itching to pull her phone out of her purse. She really wanted to call and check up on him but she also didn't want to risk waking him from some much-needed sleep. Maybe she should call Jackie instead? Or text the doctor again to see if he was ready to see Marco yet. Or maybe she was just being too overprotective, Marco was fine, it was just the chickenpox. Star tried to relax but her mind felt like it was running a million miles an hour, her heart hammering away in her chest. What was going on?
Then with stark realization, Star's eyes widened as it finally hit her, her heart wasn't what was racing. It was Marco's. She was feeling Marco's heartbeat in her chest and it would seem he was panicking over something. Then Star felt a creeping, unfamiliar fear and longing jump up her spine and Star could resist it no longer, she stood up and quickly excused herself, moving away from the group as she pulled out her phone, ready to call and check up on boyfriend. But before Star could do so, her phone rang, the word "Jackie" appearing on the screen and Star swallowed thickly as she put the phone up to her ear. "Hey, Jacks, what's up?" Star asked, trying to keep her voice calm despite the anxiety she could still feel bubbling up in her chest.
"Star, we have a problem!" Jackie exclaimed, Star nearly flinching at the change in her friends' normally calm, laid back tone. She sounded stressed. If Star was nervous before, she was downright terrified now. What on Mewni could cause the levelheaded Jackie to freak out?
"Why? What's going on? Is Marco okay?" Star asked, worriedly, now holding the mirror phone in a death grip.
"We were wrong, Star," Jackie replied, her voice nearly quivering. "It's not the chickenpox. It's Mewberty."
Star froze up at the word, staring unblinkingly ahead as her mind fought to process that. "What?!" Star exclaimed, not caring as every single Monster was now looking in her direction with befuddled frowns. "Mewberty! A-Are you sure?" the girl asked, a tight knot forming in her stomach. That couldn't be good. No wonder Marco was so scared, he probably had no idea what was happening to him and Star instantly began beating herself up for leaving Marco alone.
"Yeah, pretty sure," Jackie said and Star could tell she was cringing. "And there's another thing."
"What is it?" Star asked, her own voice now shaking with worry and guilt. What more could possibly be wrong?
"I did my best but he got scared and flew off," Jackie replied hesitantly. She paused before adding, "We have no idea where he is."
Star felt her heart come to a crashing halt and she muttered into the phone in a remarkably calm voice, "I'm coming back."
Star ran all the way through town, not stopping for anyone or anything, ignoring the friendly smiles and waves of the townsfolk, her thoughts only on Marco. And thanks to the stupid anti-portal generators she had plenty of time to do so. How had she not thought of this sooner? Of course, Marco would be going through Mewberty, he was fourteen after all, the proper age for such things. Sure hers had been a few years early but Marco's was happening right on time. They should have been prepared for something like this happening. Got him some pills to help dull the effect or even just talk to him about it, knowing Marco he probably didn't even know what Mewberty was.
It hasn't even occurred to Star when Marco had said he was sick, hadn't even crossed her mind that his overly clingy nature that morning was a result of Mewberty. Marco was just always so innocent and naïve that it was hard to imagine him going through such a thing. But he was still a teenager and it seemed his body was changing to try and deal with his magical and emotional growth just like everyone else's. She should have stayed with him, canceled the meeting and stayed by her friend's side maybe then Marco wouldn't be missing.
After what felt like a lifetime Star finally reached Butterfly Castle, the gates for once opened wide, probably in anticipation for her. The moment she entered the courtyard though, the blond royal froze in her tracks, doing a double-take. There were tiny sunspots scattered everywhere, littering the ground and even places where clumps of them stuck to the ground. But what really caught her off guard was the large crater in the ground, a massive crack no doubt caused by someone and she felt boiling anger in fear that it had been her poor, fragile Marco who had taken the impact. And if that hadn't been enough than her keen eyes didn't miss the ropes laying in the middle of the courtyard either, and her fury doubled. It was clear what had happened, they had been trying to tie up her boyfriend!
No one had noticed her presence just yet, Jackie pacing while Higgs and Janna just sat on the ground, staring off into space, lost in their own thoughts. Jak and Dex stood at attention around them, sad and sorry look on their faces, and Star noticed the clumps of the sunspots stuck to random parts of their body. Her mom and dad stood worriedly off to the side, Skullnick standing rigidly next to them, showing zero emotion, though her tightly clenched fists told a different story.
Jackie suddenly noticed Star and shouted her name, running over to greet her, Janna, Higgs, Jak, and Dex right behind her, with even Star's parents and Skullnick trailing behind. The moment Jackie was in range, she threw her arms around Star in a relieved hug, saying, "Thank goodness you're back!"
Despite the intense situation and worry she was feeling, Star returned the hug wholeheartedly, giving the skater a reassuring squeeze, needing this comfort just as much as her friend did. "I'm here, everything's going to be okay now," she told her friend, Star's voice confident and strong, despite feeling the opposite and she silently thanked her years of royalty training.
"I'm so sorry, I tried to keep him here but-"
"It's fine Jackie, I know you did your best," Star said in reassurance. "We'll get him back."
As the two pulled out of the hug, Star, not wanting to waste so much as a second, asked, "Okay but first things first, tell me what happened? Why'd Marco run off?"
"Well for starters, Skullnick and the other knights attacked him and kept trying to capture him," Jackie explained quickly, uncharacteristic bitterness in her tone.
Star gasped, before turning to glare in the general's direction, the other girls doing the same. "I thought so! You attacked Marco!" she hissed, staring daggers into Skullnick's soul.
Jak and Dex both hung their heads in shame, looking embarrassingly at the ground, but Skullnick showed no signs of regret, instead stating stubbornly, "It's my job to keep the castle safe! I was just following orders!"
"Who told you it was okay to attack Marco?!" Star shouted, her body practically shaking with mirth.
"Actually Star, I'm afraid Skullnick isn't to blame, your father and I are the ones at fault here," Moon admitted.
"Your mother's right, we were the ones who gave the general permission to act in such a way I'm sad to say," River muttered, a guilty frown on his face as he slowly stroked his beard.
Star stared at her mom and dad in shock, saying with disbelief and surprise, "Mom! Dad! How could you?"
"It wasn't our intention for things to go this far," Moon explained, giving her daughter an apologetic gaze. "But after your Mewberty transformation, we realized we needed more appropriate safety measures to protect the castle. With so many of your orphan friends staying in the castle at the time we had to make sure what happened with you didn't happen again."
Star was blushing bright red at this point, fighting the urge to hide her face in shame of her actions all those years ago. She had done a number on the castle and the staff with her wildly out-of-control magic and as much as Star hated to admit it, she understood their reasoning. But that didn't mean she had to like it. "Well was trying to tie Marco up still necessary?" Star questioned, gesturing over to the pile of discarded rope laying off to the side.
"I agree, Star, that was a bit excessive if you ask me," River spoke up.
"Yes, I'm afraid maybe the general got a bit carried away with our orders," Moon agreed, shooting Skullnick a sideways glare. “Which we will be discussing at length later.”
Skullnick realizing she was being accused quickly jumped on the defensive, exclaiming, "Your Majesty I had too! Marco was dangerous in that state! He attacked me and my men!"
"Only because you scared him!" Jackie shouted. "I told you he wasn't dangerous but you didn't listen to me."
"Hey I don't need some kid telling me how to do my job," Skullnick barked back.
"Well if you had listened to us in the first place Marco wouldn't be missing right now!"
"Or maybe if Higgs had actually done something to help instead of just standing there," Janna muttered, burying her hands into her pockets and the young redhead whipped her head around to glare at the creepy teen.
"Hey, I didn't see you jumping in to stop them!" Higgs argued loudly. "This is just as much your fault as it is anyone else's!" The girl crossed her arms before adding bitterly, "But given your track record that isn't surprising."
"Well I'm not the highly trained knight here," Janna pointed out, her voice calm but her tone full of repressed anger. "What's your excuse?"
"We're so sorry Princess Star!" Jak suddenly shouted, tears streaming down his and his partner's face. "It's all our fault!"
"If we hadn't gotten distracted Marco wouldn't have left!" Dex sobbed, burying his head into his hands to cry.
Star just stared numbly as everyone around her continued to loudly argue or apologize, their voices blending together until they were an incoherent mess. The blond covered her ears as the noise grew unbearable, making it impossible for Star to even think, and the rapid heartbeat drumming against her chest made her more and more flustered. Until finally, Star could take no more and she shouted at the top of her lungs, "Enough!"
Everyone froze, staring at the blond in disbelief. "I don't care what happened or who's responsible for what! All I care about is finding Marco and I can't do that if you're all too busy fighting! And unless you have a way to track Marco than I don't want to hear it!" Star screamed, staring long and hard at each person before her, making sure they would stay quiet. The blond royal took in a deep breath, before saying a bit more calmly, "So, now then, can we please just focus on what's important, we can deal with all the rest latee."
Everyone nodded slowly, Star's parents staring proudly at their daughter for taking charge like that, and the blond smiled confidently. "Good. So then, any ideas?"
"Actually I think I already know a way," Janna spoke up, a smug smile on her face, her hands buried in her pockets.
"Well then let's hear it," Star said, nodding her head in acknowledgment.
That seemed to be all the creepy teen needed as she suddenly out a small black device, saying, "I just so happen to have a way to track our dear Marco down, ready to go."
"Seriously, how?" Star exclaimed, grabbing the device out of her friend's hand. Her heart leapt for joy as she saw a red dot with the name 'Marco' dispalyed above it, feeling infinitly better knowing where her friend was at.
"Easy, I just put a tracking device on him, no big," the creepy teen admitted with a shrug.
"Wait, you bugged Marco?" Jackie said in a scolding tone.
"Uh yeah, I have one on all of you for just such an occasion," Janna replied like it was no big deal.
"What?!" Jackie screamed.
"We'll deal with that later, right now let's get Marco back," Star said, already heading in the direction the device was telling her, only to be cut off by Higgs.
"Wait, you're actually going to go with Janna on this?" Higgs said skeptically, jabbing a thumb in the creepy teen's direction. "She just admitted to bugging you! How do you even know you can trust her?"
"Because she's my friend and because nobody else has any better ideas," Star replied calmly. "But if you don't think it's safe than your welcome to stay behind," the blond added, before pushing past the girl, her eyes now on the screen and her Marco's location.
"Ugh, okay fine!" Higgs shouted in annoyance. "But I'm keeping my eye on you." She stabbed the creepy teen once in the chest, who simply smiled smugly in reply. "Fine by me."
"I'll come with you, in case you need back-up," Skullnick started to stay, only for Star to turn to her with a glare.
"I think you've helped enough," Star bitterly snapped.
The general didn't know what to say to that, though the look of anger in her eyes was clear. Seeing this, Moon told the troll, "I agree with Star, General Skullnick. I think it would be best if you stayed behind. Otherwise, you might end up frightening Marco again."
Skullnick looked like she wanted to argue with that, before sighing in defeat, crossing her arms and saying, "Fine but if you need help, don't hesitate to call."
"I think we'll be fine," Jackie responded, sharing a look with Star, who nodded.
The blond turned her attention onto her parents as she asked, "Hey can you guys do me a favor and call Buff Frog? Let him know what's happening. Something tells me Marco forgot to do that."
"Well he was a little distracted," Janna said jokingly.
"Of course, Star," Moon said, giving her daughter a loving smile. "Be careful, Mewberty is unpredictable."
"I will, mom," Star replied with a nod. "But I doubt Marco's going to try and hurt me."
"I do too, but you can never be too careful," Moon agreed.
"If need be just stare into his eyes to break his spirit," River suggested.
Star gave her dad a quizzical look before saying hesitantly, "Uh right. I'll... keep that in mind, dad."
"Good, that's my girl," River said, a proud smile on his face.
The group started off for the woods when something latched onto to Star's ankle and she turned to see Jak and Dex clinging to her leg, sad looks on their faces, their eyes pouring tears, as they stared up at her. "Please takes us with you!" Dex begged brokenly.
"We just want to make it up to Marco for acting like total jerks!" Jak added, sobbing loudly.
"Ugh, dad would you please get off the floor?" Higgs muttered in embarrassment, burying her face in her hands.
Star gave the two guards sympathetic looks, seeing that their hearts were genuine, before saying, "You know what, sure. You can come."
"Yes!" the two shouted, while Higgs screamed, "No!"
"Oh thank you, princess! Thank you!" Jak said hugging the blond royal tightly. "We promise we won't be in the way!"
"Hear that sweetie, it's our first mission together!" Dex proclaimed, hugging his daughter, who immediately struggled to get free.
"Yeah, I heard dad," the redhead replied. "Now please stop embarrassing me!"
Star and the others hid their smiles at the father-daughter moment before the blond loudly cleared her throat to gain everyone's attention. She waited until all eyes fell on her (Dex never once loosening his grip on Higgs as he turned in the princess's direction) before she smiled confidently, saying in a firm, determined tone, "Come on, guys! Let's go bring back Marco!"
Star led the group as they trudged through the thick vegetation of the Forest of Certain Death, the blond never taking her eyes off the tracker pad in her hands. She stared at the object intensely, watching the small dot for any changes in position even to the slightest degree, her knuckles white as she held the device in an iron grip. She was terrified for her boyfriend, though the second heartbeat had soothed some, not beating nearly as hard and fast, the fact that she could still feel it meant that he had to be in some form of distress, which caused her own heart to race in response. She had to find him and quick, for his safety and her own sanity. She wasn't sure how much longer she could wait. Luckily, it didn't look like she'd have to, the dot nearing more and more with every step.
Star sucked in a deep breath, trying to calm her nerves, before turning to the others and saying, "Okay guys, we're getting close. Marco should be just up ahead."
"Ugh, thank goodness," Higgs replied with a roll of her eyes. "I'm not sure how much more of this I can take."
"We haven't been walking that long Higgs," Jackie pointed out, giving the redhead a confused look.
"I'm not talking about the walking," the young knight mumbled. "I'm talking about that!" The redhead pointed a finger in the direction of her father, who was smiling ear to ear and humming a tune, Jak doing the same beside him.
"Isn't this so exciting Higgs?!" Dex exclaimed, hugging his daughter from behind. "I mean the two of us on a mission with Princess Star! How cool is that?!"
"This is no time for goofing off, dad!" Higgs said, pulling out of her dad's grip. "Marco is in danger, remember?"
"Oh of course I do," Dex said immediately, still as gleeful as ever, not even his daughter's sharp tone or gaze enough to lessen his spirits. "And once everyone hears how Jak and I helped rescue the princess's boyfriend, they'll be so impressed!"
"We might even get a parade in our honor," Jak spoke up, staring dreamily off into the distance.
"Yeah, the king and queen might even knight you," Janna added nonchalantly.
The two guards gasped, but Higgs just shot the creepy teen a glare. "Don't encourage them," she hissed, but Janna just smiled smugly and shrugged. "What?" she asked innocently, causing the redhead's glare to only increase in intensity.
"You really think that could happen?" Jak asked the creepy teen, hopefully.
"You never know," Janna replied calmly. "Heck, Star's a princess, she could make you knights just like that." The girl snapped her fingers for emphasis.
"Do you hear that Higgs?!" Dex shouted excitedly over to his daughter. "We could be knights! Just like you and your mom!"
"Yeah, I heard," the young knight grumbled bitterly.
"Uh Janna I don't think that's something Star can do," Jackie pointed out to her friend.
"She's a princess, Jacks, she can do whatever she wants," Janna replied, patting her friend on the shoulder.
"That doesn't mean she's going to," Jackie deadpanned.
"Guys!" Star suddenly called from up ahead, everyone immediately returning their focus to their leader, who was giving them a look that was a mix between shock and concern, her hand parting a large bush that blocked the rest off from whatever sight had caught her eye. "You're gonna wanna see this," she muttered breathlessly.
The group quickly ran over to join the princess, peeling back the shrubbery so they too could see whatever it was that had caught the princess so off-guard. Everyone gasped in disbelief, no one prepared for the breathtaking sight that lay before them. A large orange structure stood in the middle of the forest, its bright colors making a stark contrast to the dark greens and shadows of the rest of the woods. The thing almost resembling a house of some sort, but it was in the shape of a deformed, lopsided heart. It had to be at least two stories tall and just looking at it almost hurt, Star and the others having to shield their eyes to avoid going blind. The blond royal could see the whole thing was made of thousands of tiny sun shapes, crudely and almost haphazardly stuck together, a gust of wind causing the sunspots to scatter all around the clearing. Spots of red dotted the mostly orange structure and Star's heart pounded at the perfect match to her boyfriend's cheekmarks. "Marco," she breathed, her eyes shining in wonder.
"Whoooaaa" Janna muttered, for once in her life rendered completely speechless.
"Did Marco do all that?" Jackie asked, looking equally as flabbergasted as her roommate.
"I think he did," Star replied, though she sounded like she didn't believe what she was seeing.
The three girls entered through the bushes, Jak, Dex, and Higgs doing the same a second later, all of them staring up at the structure completely dumbstruck. "So is Marco in there?" Jak suddenly asked.
Dex and Higgs face-palmed. "Yes, Jak, I think that's a pretty safe bet," Higgs stated, while sarcastically rolling her eyes.
"What is this, anyways?" Jackie asked, still staring up at the structure in disbelief.
"It's a nest," Janna explained, finally recovering enough from her shock to hide her own bewilderment behind a calm facade. "Mewmans in Mewberty will sometimes make them when they feel threatened."
"Aw, poor Marco," Star whispered to herself, her face now drooping with sadness.
"But why is it so big?" Jackie questioned.
Janna shrugged. "The body produces sticky spots in reaction to emotional states. The more out of control your emotions are, the more spots are made."
"Wow, Marco must be a really emotional kid then," Dex commented.
"You have no idea," Higgs responded with a shake of her head.
"We gotta find him and fast," Star said, out of nowhere, her voice tight with worry. "Before he gets any worse." With that Star headed for the entrance inside, the others following after her, though much more hesitantly.
Inside Marco's nest, it was almost pitch black, the sunspots completely blocking out the sun's rays, leaving everything within covered in inky shadows. Jak and Dex seemed unnerved by this, clinging to each other and casting longing glances back at the entrance but Star was undeterred, merely holding up her wand and using it to light the area around her. "Marco!" Star called out, as she gazed around for any sign of her boyfriend. "Marco are you in here?!"
Silence was the only reply Star received and after an uncomfortable few seconds, Jak quickly said, "Whelp, he's not here! Let's try somewhere else!"
The inexperienced guard turned to leave, only to be cut off by Higgs, who said in a scolding tone, "No way! You two promised to help Star find Marco and I'm not letting you get out of it that easily!"
"But what if he's not here," Jak suggested, his voice shaking in obvious fear. "Maybe this is another Mewman's emotional nest."
"Well, the tracker pad says he's in here," Star pointed out and the guard gulped, his face turning paler by the second.
"Oh right, forgot about that," the guard muttered quietly under his breath as the rest of the group continued deeper into the cave, only Jak's partner staying behind.
"Relax, Jak, it's just Marco," Dex reassured him, before following after the others, Jak reluctantly doing the same, thinking about the future parade that would be thrown in his honor as a distraction from his current predicament.
As the group continued deeper into the large structure, the random sounds of rustling could be heard all around them, completely unnerving the party, all except Star who stared forward with unwavering courage. Jackie clung close to her royal friend, practically stepping on her heels, while the other two girls did their best to hide their own fears, almost shoulder to shoulder, all previous antagonisms forgotten as they pressed on through the dark nest. Jak and Dex, however, were very obviously terrified, shaking in their boots and jumping at every noise they heard, looking ready to dart outside at any second. But to their credit, the guards stayed with the group of girls, forcing themselves to follow along deeper inside.
Star tried to reach him with their bond, honing in on his feelings, reaching through their sacred connection in an attempt to pinpoint his location in the darkness around her. It was a long shot, she knew, but she had to try. But it seemed it was a dead end, she couldn't feel him at all, the boy had hidden himself deep in his self-made nest.
There was another loud shuffling, before a pile of sunspots fell in the path in front of them, causing Jackie to scream in surprise, gripping Star's shoulders tightly for support and comfort. Star didn't even register the jump scare though, cause her ears had just picked up on a very small and subtle voice in the tunnel up ahead. One she would recognize anywhere, even in the weird tone her Marco was clearly speaking in.
"I hear him!" Star shouted in joy, her eyes lighting up with relief and warmth. She turned back to the group, telling them all quickly, "He's up ahead, come on!" The blond didn't wait for the others as she ran forward through the dark, hurrying over to her friend in need. She heard the others call out to her but ultimately ignored them, her only thoughts on Marco. As she drew closer, she could feel a warmth in her chest, his heartbeat heating up, as if guiding her right to him. She could see a light up ahead and in a matter of seconds, she was in the very heart of Marco's giant nest. Star had to shield her eyes from the sudden sunlight peering in through a large opening at the top of the structure, the blond blinking as her eyes struggled to adjust. The whole area was glowing due to the rays of light bouncing off their shimmery surface, warm colors of red and orange made the place feel safe and secure and Star was awestruck by it's unexpected beauty.
However, something else caught Star's eye, one that made her heart pound in delight and surprise and her cheeks flush as red as the room around her. All around the center of the nest were crudely-shaped hearts just like the shape of the nest itself, all of them made with bright red suns and molded by hand. And the longer Star looked at them, the more she realized that they were supposed to be her cheekmarks, and she pressed a hand to her warm cheek, completely speechless but flattered none the less.
As Star's shimmering blue gaze panned across the room, looking at each of the pretty hand-crafted hearts, her eyes froze on the form of Marco, his bright red hoodie blending in perfectly with the rest of the room, camouflaging him well. His back was to her, his hands fiddling with something (probably making another heart shape) and had clearly yet to notice her there, but Star didn't care. She was just thrilled to have found her bestie and she called out to him, "Marco!"
The boy flinched, his wings fluttering in alarm as he quickly turned around to see the intruder to his sanctuary. Star was taken aback by Marco's Mewberty form for a few seconds but immediately bypassed that at the sheer joy of seeing her Marco again and she took a step closer to him. "Marco, it's really you! I'm so glad I found you! I was so worried!"
Marco stared blankly down at his beautiful mate for a few seconds, before a smile slowly formed on his face and he muttered in a delighted tone, "Starrrr!"
Star squeaked as Marco crashed into her form, pulling her into an extra tight hug, all four of his limbs wrapping around her and bringing him closer to her, his translucent wings fluttering happily behind him. The blond royal laughed and hugged her Marco back, saying sweetly, "Its good to see you too, Marco!" The boy's grip on her remained as tight as ever as he held her against him to an almost painful degree as if he was afraid if he let her go she would disappear on him forever and Star felt a lump form in her throat for worrying him so much.
Star was about to voice this apology when Marco let out an unexpected hiss, moving the two of them a little farther back. The blond was confused by this action until she heard the voice of Jak call, "Oh hey, Star. You found him!" Star turned her head as best she could still being held in Marco's protective grip, spotting the others standing in the doorway, grinning in relief.
The group took a step closer and the reaction from Marco was instant, his two extra limbs leaving Star's sides and raised so they were aimed and level with the intruders of his nest. Jackie and the others took a fearful step back seeing their friend ready to attack them but Star did her best to diffuse the situation before it got out of hand, letting out a gentle shhh and saying in the softest tone she could, "Marco, it's okay, they aren't going to hurt you."
The boy wasn't convinced, his pupil-less eyes steadying on Jak and Dex, watching them closely for any sudden movements, his fuzzy brain remembering the discomfort and fear at having his limbs restricted by the two and the loud, angry one. He didn't want them anywhere near him and especially Star. "Baadd," he hissed in a low tone so that only Star could hear.
"I know," Star said sympathetically. "They scared you earlier but they're sorry about that." She turned to Jak and Dex and said in a hinting tone, "Aren't you, guys?"
The two nodded quickly, trying to hide their anxious faces as Dex told the boy, "Yeah, we're really sorry, Marco. We didn't mean to scare you."
"We shouldn't have listened to Skullnick," Jak blurted out.
"We won't ever do it again, promise," Dex finished, flashing the boy what he hoped was a non-threatening smile.
"See, Marco, they're our friends," Star said as she turned back to the boy, keeping her voice light and cheerful. "They aren't going to hurt you. Everything's okay, you can relax now."
Marco's arms slowly lowered to his sides, no longer on the defensive and ready to attack anything that moves, and Star took that as a positive sign to continue. "See. There's nothing to worry about. You're safe now." The boy said nothing, but as his glowing orbs turned to face her, no words were needed, his eyes speaking to Star in a way only she could understand, reading her Marco's expression easily.
She gestured for the others to come closer, saying softly, "Okay guys, it's safe, you can come over."
The group seemed apprehensive at first, but it was Jackie who broke the uncomfortable tension, walking slowly over to the two, keeping an eye on Marco for any changes in his demeanor as she did so. Once she was finally beside her two friends, she smiled at Marco, saying in a gentle tone, "Hey dude, you doing okay?"
Marco cocked his head to the side, before reaching up with one of his free arms and poking her cheek. "Friend," he replied vaguely.
Jackie just rubbed her cheek and said calmly, "Yep, that's right, we're friends." Inwardly though, she was more confused why Mewberty Marco kept poking her. Seriously what was that about?
Marco turned his attention next to Janna, saying in a more friendly tone, "Friend."
"Yep, that's right bud," Janna replied, burying her hands in her pockets. "Glad to see you didn't get eaten by anything."
Marco looked over to Higgs, Jak, and Dex, who were all watching him wearily, the young redhead's body tensed and ready for anything. There were a few seconds of silence that was nearly unbearable to the group, Jak and Dex sweating profusely out of fear of what Marco might do to them, but when Marco did finally speak it was in the same pleasant tone as earlier. "Friends."
The group let out a simultaneous breath of relief, Dex saying, "Uh-huh, that's right, Marco. We won't ever scare you like that again, promise."
Marco nodded slowly and Star, seeing all that was finally settled, seized the opportunity to continue with her earlier conversation, turning to the others and telling them, "Can you give us a minute?"
The group nodded, before moving to the other side of the room to give the two lovebirds their space, making sure to keep their backs to them. Once they were (relatively) alone, Star pushed Marco out of their hug, and instead intertwined her hands with his, looking up into his eyes since he was still hovering a few inches off the ground. "Marco I just wanted to say that I'm really, really sorry."
Marco cocked his head to the side but allowed his mate to continue her apology. "I shouldn't have left you. If I hadn't then you wouldn't have gotten so scared or acted the way you did. And I know what you're thinking, 'Well you had no way of knowing.' But that doesn't matter. You didn't want me to go, did you? You spent all that time looking for me and I didn't even realize how badly you wanted me to stay. You were just being the same selfless boy you always are, giving up the things you want for others. And I should have known that. So I'm sorry."
Once the blond was finally done, the two stared at each other for a few seconds, Star's eyes shining with guilt and remorse, Marco's just devoid of emotion. "Can you ever forgive me?" Star asked softly, feeling her heart clench at the brokenness in her own tone.
Marco's reaction to that was almost instant, as he suddenly began cuddling into her neck out of nowhere and the blond giggled at the unexpected action, all previous self-loathing and shame vanishing in a heartbeat, her world consumed by Marco's sweet display of affection. "Okay, okay I get it, you forgive me," Star said in a near laugh, running a hand through Marco's soft hair. She nearly cooed as the boy suddenly started to purr in response to her touch and her heart felt like it was floating around in her chest. How could Marco get any more adorable? "Starrrr," he purred, still nuzzling her neck, proving her previous thought wrong.
So cute, she thought, her cheeks flushing some as her world finally righted itself, Marco, her sweet, adorable bestie was back safe in her arms.
The others were doing their best not to interrupt the sweet moment, struggling to keep their attention on literally anything else as they heard the quiet murmuring of Star behind them. Jak focused his attention on one of the heart piles Marco had made, examining it closely before slowly reaching out to touch it. "It's gonna fall over if you do that," Dex told his friend.
Jak hesitated for a moment, before touching it anyways. It collapsed instantly, the guard jerking back with a surprised squeak. "I told you that would happen," Dex told his partner, who gave a sheepish look in reply.
The three girls, just stood in awkward silence for a moment, Jackie standing between the two feuding girls, both of whom were purposefully avoiding eye contact. Finally, the skater had had enough of the uncomfortable tension and said via whisper, "Okay enough. This has gone on long enough. You two need to make up."
"Uhh, actually we really don't," Higgs commented.
"Yeah, Jacks, this is a classic rivalry thing," Janna explained to her friend. "The two enemies destined to hate each other, those don't typically resolve easily."
Jackie let out an annoyed sigh, running her hands down her face, before regaining her composure saying in her cool, radiant tone, "Okay look, whatever you are, you're both my friends and I'm not putting up with this for the rest of my life. So you're just gonna have to make up, whether you want to or not." She fixed the two with scolding glares and the two shifted uncomfortably under the look.
Still, the two stayed stubbornly silent for a few seconds before Janna finally spoke, staring up at the ceiling as she muttered, "So I didn't really mean what I said. It wasn't your fault that Marco flew off. I've just been... going through some stuff lately."
"And maybe I judged you a bit harshly," Higgs said, keeping her eyes on the ground instead of the beanie-wearing teen. "You may be a troublemaker but at the very least you do seem to care about your friends." The two finally made eye contact, the young knight finishing by saying, "And that counts for something."
The two, for the very first time, shared a smile, a small, almost professional grin but a smile none the less and Jackie took that as a victory. However as soon as it came, it was gone again, Higgs' grin replaced with a scowl as she added bitterly, "But I still don't trust you."
"That's fair," Janna said, shrugging.
"Aww look at my daughter making new friends!" Dex suddenly exclaimed, running over and pulling his daughter into a hug.
"Ahhh! Dad, let go! You're embarrassing me!" Higgs shouted, her face turning redder than her hair color as her father continued showering her with unwanted affection.
Star and Marco, meanwhile, finally pulled away from each other smiling as they stared lovingly into each others eyes, their hands intertwined as they let a relative peace settle over them. Finally, Star broke the silence of the moment, saying to her boyfriend in a soft whisper, "Okay, Marco. So I think it's best if we head back to the castle. I know you probably want to stay here but I promise nothing is going to hurt yo-" Star was cut off as Marco suddenly wrapped his extra limbs around her slender frame, holding her against his chest and she flushed with surprise. "Marco, what are you doing?"
Instead of answering, the boy lifted Star off the ground and the blond gasped in fright, putting her arms around Marco's neck and the boy's other arms securely circled Star. Once the two were airborne the boy met her eye and Star instantly understood what Marco was about to do.
"Oh Marco, that's okay we can walk," Star started to tell him, but it was too late, the boy had already taken off in a burst of wind and speed, exiting through the hole in the ceiling. The others turned and stared up at the skylight for a few seconds before Dex said, "Huh, wasn't expecting them to do that."
"They must really be in a hurry to get out of here," Jak pointed out.
"Can't say I blame them," Higgs responded, flashing the nauseating bright area around her a dirty look.
"Or maybe they just wanted some alone time," Janna said in a hinting tone, arching her eyebrows playfully.
"No," was all Jackie said to her creepy friend, giving her a scolding look for good measure.
Suddenly, a thought hit Jak and he gasped in shock, asking in a panicked tone, "Wait, so how are we getting out of here?!"
"I guess we'll just have to go back the way we came," Jackie replied with a shrug.
Jak let out a strangled groan but kept his comment to himself.
Star gasped as cold air rushed around her, her hair blowing freely in the breeze and the swirl of wind in her ears making it difficult to hear anything. Her stomach was doing flips at the feeling of weightlessness and she had to breathe slowly to try and calm down her shocked system. Star risked a look over her shoulder to see how high up they were and immediately regretted this decision, the long drop below causing her to let out a chocked scream, the treetops of the Forest of Certain Death looking even more menacing than usual. Her grip on the back of Marco's neck tightened, fearful of losing her grip. Star wasn't typically afraid of heights but she also usually had the luxury of both feet planted on the ground not dangling thousands of feet in the air, with only four thin arms keeping her from plummeting to her certain death and this has pushed her completely out of her comfort zone. She pressed her head into Marco's chest, trying to calm herself down, focusing on the rapid pulse of Marco's heartbeat pounding against her temple.
Marco noticed his mate's discomfort, casting her a worried glance as she shook in his arms and the boy tried to think up some way to ease her mind. Thinking fast, he slowed their speed and flipped them over, so that Star was no longer the one dangling in mid-air, effectively shielding her from the danger of terminal velocity should something happen, but he made sure to keep his grip tight all the same. Marco felt Star's own grip relax some after that, the death grip she had previously had on his neck loosened, her body no longer trembling in fear and she even looked up from the safety of his chest to meet his eye. Marco gave his mate what he hoped was a reassuring smile and his heart hammered away in his chest as the girl returned the smile, her face lighting up in the most beautiful way that only Star's could. Her eyes were so startlingly blue it was almost painful and the way her golden hair danced in the breeze was simply breathtaking. How one person could be so beautiful was a mystery to Marco but he was beyond happy that such a person existed and that she was currently being held in his arms.
Now that her initial fear began to wear off thanks to Marco's efforts, Star began to grow more confident, openly scanning the skyline. She didn't think she had ever been this high up before even the few times she had ridden Cloudy and the view was breathtaking. She could see almost all of Mewni from this height, the pink hills and lush green countryside blending together into perfect harmony, the wildlife mere shifting dots on the world below. She could see the huge pink cloud that was the Kingdom of the Pony Heads off to her side, as well as the shape of the massive castle that rested atop it. She could see the massive lakes and rivers that the river folk of Mewni dwelled in, she even thought she could see the curve of mountains way off in the distance. And the longer Star looked the more entranced by her beautiful home she became. She had never realized just how gorgeous Mewni truly was.
She looked up at Marco who was watching her closely, not even looking where he was flying, keeping his speed slow and steady, his wings beating at a rapid pace to keep them airborne. Star smiled at her transformed boyfriend, telling him softly, "Hey, I'm okay now, you can carry me like before."
Marco made no movement to do so, clearly torn on keeping Star calm and doing as she said, but the blond gave him an encouraging smile. "I know you won't let me go," she said and this seemed to be all Marco needed to hear, flipping them around again so that Star was once more beneath him, though he shifted her in his four arms so that she was no longer facing him, holding her firmly but gently against his chest, allowing her to freely survey the countryside.
The blond giggled as Marco picked up speed again, now enjoying the wind as it tickled her face, smiling ear to ear as she observed her beautiful Mewni. Marco seemed to tense at first, worried he was scaring her but soon he too was smiling as his girlfriend's cheerful laughter reached his ears. This encouraged him to try and make her laugh more, doing loop-de-loops in the air, causing her to laugh and scream in delight. Under her encouragement, the two began dipping and diving toward the treetops, Star trying to reach out and touch one of the branches before they pulled up again. They flew past a flock of eagles that all looked completely dumbstruck by the two air-born Mewmans. Soon the sky was alive with Star's laughter and Marco felt his heart warm at the wondrous sound.
Finally, the two were both thrown off guard as the sun peaked out from behind a cloud, the two gasping as the most colorful and stunning sunset the two had ever laid eyes on filled the sky, colors Star and Marco had only ever dreamed of invaded their senses and the two stared misty-eyed at the wonderful sight.
But the moment came to an unfortunate end as they had, at last, reached Butterfly Castle the hooded teen guiding him and his blond passenger into a safe landing on the soft grass just inside the courtyard. Star took a few deep breaths as her feet finally touched ground once more, her legs wobbly and her heart pounding but the look of delight couldn't be erased from her face. She turned and smiled at Marco who was hovering over her, his glowing orbs clearly examining her closely. "Thanks for that, Marco," Star said in a loving tone, holding out a hand for him to take, which he eagerly did. "That was... magical." The girl giggled and Marco smiled, pressing his forehead to hers.
"Hey, they're back!" a voice suddenly screamed, interrupting the moment for the two teens, who looked over to see Skullnick, along with several knights and guards rushing toward them. Marco reacted immediately, grabbing Star's wrist and pulling his blond mate closer, wrapping his arms protectively around her. The group all stopped, watching the boy wearily as he kept a suspicious gaze leveled at them all, keeping Star close to letting everyone know she was under his protection. But when no one seemed to get the message, Marco raised a threatening hand up in warning and the others all took a reluctant step back.
The knights slowly reached for their swords and crossbows, but Star quickly shouted, "Wait, everyone stay calm! You're all freaking him out! Just give Marco some space!"
No party made any move to back down, Marco and the knights now in a tense stand-off, all of them waiting for one to make a move. Star was quick to quell this though, as she put a comforting hand on Marco's arm, saying in the lighthearted tone, "Marco, it's okay. They aren't going to hurt you." The boy blinked once, his face otherwise remaining blank, but he allowed Star to lower his arm back to his side.
Star then turned to the knights, who's hands still hovered over their weapons, itching to pull them out in defense and the blond shot a pleading look at Skullnick. The troll general stood there rigidly for a moment before letting out a defeated sigh. "You heard the princess! Stand down, all of you!" Skullnick barked and the knights were quick to obey their order, their postures relaxing though their faces still filled with uncertainty. And after a few seconds, Marco seemed to do the same.
"All right, everyone move along! The princess has this under control! No one goes near Marco without the princess's say by order of King and Queen Butterfly!" Skullnick continued, virtually ignoring the two teens as she glared down her men, forcing them to reluctantly disperse.
Star mentally breathed in relief, while grinning smugly over at the general. It would seem Skullnick had had a complete turn-around from earlier, no doubt her parents had reprimanded her for her previous actions and had given her new orders on how to handle such situations. Skullnick must have noticed Star staring at her because she turned in her direction, staring at the blond royal blankly.
Star gave the general a slight nod of appreciation for her help but nothing else but the general didn't return the gesture, continuing to just stare unflinchingly at the two teens. Marco seemed to be growing uncomfortable from the look, shifting next to Star, but the blond made sure to hold the general's gaze. Finally, the general said in a grunt, "Well it seems for once I was in the wrong here. Just do me a favor and try and not let your boyfriend destroy the whole castle." Star was so shocked to hear Skullnick admit to being wrong that she almost didn't register the last comment, not that she had a chance to comment on it as Skullnick suddenly turned on her heels and marching away, her stance as strong and determined as ever.
Star frowned as she watched the general storm away, unsure how to feel about the apology, on one hand, it was unheard of for Skullnick to admit to making any form of mistake but on the other hand, it had felt very halfhearted and Star couldn't help but wonder if her parents had put the troll up to it. But finally, Star decided she would take what she was given, that was the closest she would probably ever come to having the general admit defeat and that small victory was enough for Star, besides she had more important matters at hand.
As if on cue, the doors of the castle were brutally slammed open and Star flinched in surprise, Marco clutching the girl's arm fearfully. Star watching in disbelief as the entrance to her home was almost destroyed, the doors practically ripped off their hinges and the wall behind them cracking from the sheer force of the violent and careless action. A second later, the flustered forms of both River and Buff Frog emerged from the castle, the later looking like he was having some sort of breakdown, his yellow eyes darting from left to right as he panted heavily, sweat dripping from his face. "Where is my baby?!" the frog Monster practically screamed.
"Hmmm, I don't see them anywhere," River said in his big, bombastic voice, gazing around the courtyard in search of something. "Perhaps they aren't back yet." He turned to a very nervous looking guard and shouted, "I thought you said they had returned!"
"Um, um, th-that's what I was told Y-Your Majesty," the guard said, doing a nervous salute.
Moon appeared behind her husband, saying in an almost exhausted tone, "River, Buff Frog, please. You're both making a scene."
"Hey guys! Over here!" Star shouted over to her parents, causing Marco to jump at the sudden loud noise.
All three adults turned to see the two teens, Buff Frog's body visibly sagging in relief, while the Butterfly couple just smiled at their daughter. The frog quickly ran over to the pair of teens at record speed, before throwing his beefy arms around his son, pulling him in close as he muttered, "Oh my baby! I so glad you safe!" Marco's arms flailed for a moment in an attempt to escape his father's crushing hug, clearly unsure about what was going on and he gazed over at his mate for assistance. But the frog father didn't seem to notice this, continuing to voice his thoughts out loud to his young son, "Thank corn you okay, Marco! When Butterflies tell me what happened I so worried. I feared you'd never come back." Slowly the boy stopped struggling as he recognized his adopted dad's voice, instead pulling into the hug.
The Butterflies watched father and son reunite for a moment, trying to hold back their smiles as Moon said to the Monster, "There now, see Buff Frog. I told you there was nothing to worry about. Star had everything under control."
Buff Frog gave said teen a grateful smile, while still holding his son close to his chest, "I cannot thank you enough for saving my son, Star!"
"Of course, I'd never let anything bad happen to Marco," Star replied pleasantly.
As Buff Frog continued showering his son with affection, Moon looked around the courtyard quizzically before leaning closer to her daughter's ear and whispering, "Star, where are the others that came with you?"
Star gasped, face-palming as she shouted, "Oh right, I totally forgot! Marco sorta flew off with me and we ended up leaving them back at the nest."
"Nest?" Moon asked quizzically.
"It's a long story," Star explained quickly while pulling out her wand from her cloud purse. She held the wand out and loudly chanted, "Summoning Cloudy Charm!" A second later a smiling pink cloud appeared in front of her, greeting her in a sing-song voice, "Hey there, Star!"
"Hey Cloudy," the girl greeted back with a smile of her own. "Think you could do me a favor and go pick up my friends? I accidentally left them back in the Forest of Certain Death." The blond gestured behind her so Cloudy knew the general direction to go.
"Sure thing, Star!" the cloud replied before floating off to go fetch his master's friends.
"Very clever spell, my darling," Moon complimented her daughter, watching the cloud flying off into the darkening sky.
"Thanks, mom," the girl said, proudly resting her hands on her hips.
"Only I have one question for you," Moon said hesitantly.
"What's that?" Star asked, raising an eyebrow in confusion.
"How does he know where they are?"
Star paused at that question, before replying with a halfhearted shrug, "Uhh, he's magic. I'm sure he can figure it out."
A sudden gasp from Buff Frog brought Star and Moon's attention back over to father and son, the frog now holding the boy at arm's length, taking in his son's new form, muttering in concern and fear, "Look at you, my son! I have heard of Mewberty before, but never seen up close!" He tutted to himself for a few seconds before adding, "Hopefully you not in any pain. Does anything hurt, Marco? Do you need me get you medicine or something?"
Star tried to hold back her laughter, as she watched Buff Frog doting over his son, worriedly examining him from head to toe, while the boy hovered there in confusion. Marco wasn't kidding before, Buff Frog really did get overprotective of Marco when he was sick and seeing the normally calm and confident Monster turn into this flustered mess was so jarring to Star she couldn't help but chuckle, clapping a hand over her mouth to muffle the sound.
"Now there's no need to worry yourself, Buff Frog," River cut in, giving the Monster dad a knowing look, understanding Buff Frog's situation quite well himself. "Marco is perfectly fine. Right, my dear?"
"Yes, it's a perfectly normal thing for boys Marco's age to go through," Moon said. "And I can assure you he is in no form of pain, whatsoever."
"Oh thank corn," Buff Frog said, letting out another relieved breath.
"But y'know, right now he almost looks like he could pass for a Monster, don't you think?" Star pointed out, smiling brightly at her boyfriend.
"Da, but I happy with old son," Buff Frog agreed, a smile slowly spreading across his features. He paused for a moment, giving his son a thoughtful expression, before turning to the three royals with a quizzical frown, asking, "How much longer till he turns back?"
The three Butterflies all exchanged glances at that, Star biting her lip as she struggled to answer that question herself. "Honestly, I'm not sure," the blond replied. "He was alone in his room for a while so I have no idea how long he's been like this. It could still be hours before he changes back."
The frog Monster nodded, staring down at the ground in intense thought, before saying almost sadly, "Then it would be best if he stayed here, till he gets better. As much as want to take him home, you know more about how help him, Star." Buff Frog finally released his grip on his son and the boy instantly flew to Star's side, grabbing on tightly to her arm and nuzzling her neck while purring loudly. Buff Frog's eyes widened in shock for a second, before he said almost jokingly, "Besides, it seems he prefer to be with you."
Star flushed in embarrassment from the comment, while her heart swelled at her boyfriend's show of affection, and she gave the frog an apologetic grin, "Yeah, that's probably a good idea. Especially since me not being here is what made him freak out in the first place." She ran a hand lovingly through Marco's hair, before returning her focus to the frog, adding pleasantly, "But you're welcome to stay, Buff Frog! I'm sure Marco will be much happier having you here too."
"Oh, wasn't planning on leaving anytime soon," Buff Frog replied cheerfully, though he did cross his arms in front of his chest in determination. "After all, Marco may be older but he is still my baby."
"Oh yes, I know how that is," River said, nodding in understanding. "Star is still my baby girl no matter how old she gets."
"Aww dad," Star cooed, shooting her dad a grin, though her cheeks turned the slightest tinge of pink.
"Now then, the big question is where Marco is going to stay?" Moon spoke up, her voice full of regal authority. A habit she didn't seem to be able to break no matter what the situation. "I don't think the castle staff would be too happy having him inside, shedding everywhere."
The group all looked down to see small orange sunspots drifting off of Marco's body and landing on the ground below his feet. "Yeah, your right mom," Star agreed, tapping a finger to her chin in thought.
The blond royal frowned as she brainstormed on where to keep her boyfriend until his Mewberty experience was over with. It would have to be outside somewhere, preferably away from people, where it could just be Marco and his friends and family, no chances of any intruders frightening him and setting him off. But it would also have to be within the castle boundary, Star didn't want to risk moving him anywhere where he might be tempted to fly off again. What Star really needed was a place within the castle grounds that people rarely ever visited. And that's when it struck her, Star smiling ear to ear, as an idea popped into her head. She turned to her parents and Buff Frog, telling them in a proud, confident tone, "I think I know just the place."
The castle garden was peaceful and calm as Star and the others entered into it, stars beginning to blink into existence above them as another night on Mewni began. A gentle breeze danced through the flowers and vegetation, making them sway in the wind, creating an even more beautiful scene. And thousands of fireflies circled the air around them, creating a simply breathtaking sight for everyone present to witness.
Marco was clinging to his girlfriend's arm tightly as she led him into the tranquil garden, confusion shimmering in his glowing orbs, but the moment he saw where Star had taken him his wings fluttered in excitement, a smile slowly appearing on his face. He started to let go of Star to go explore the area but quickly looked over at her, waiting for permission to leave her side, like a child would to their parent. Star nodded and smiled, telling the boy softly, "Go on, Marco. It's okay, I'll be right here if you need me."
The boy nodded once before zipping over to the nearest firefly, staring at it unblinkingly for a few seconds, completely mesmerized by the tiny light. He slowly reached out towards it with his four hands before quickly clapping them together around the unknowing bug. He paused before gazing into his hands, a smile slowly stretching across his face before it vanished as he saw nothing in his palms. But a blinking light right in front of his face caused him to rear back in surprise, almost sent tumbling through the air as his wings struggled to balance himself again. Once he had, he looked around for another light, before trying to snatch that one up instead, only to once more come up empty-handed.
From there the boy began chasing lightning bugs all around the garden, his four hands constantly outstretched as he tried to grab at them, while his entire being seemed to be radiating pure joy and happiness at the fun game he had discovered. Buff Frog, Star, and her parents all couldn't help but laugh at the cute sight, watching the boy zooming around playfully. "What a brilliant idea, Star," Moon complimented her daughter proudly.
"Thanks," Star replied with a grin.
Her dad putting a loving hand on her shoulder before adding, "That's my daughter for you, as clever as her old man!"
"River you once thought it was a good idea to eat a map while on one of your camping trips," Moon pointed out.
"In nature, everything is food!" River exclaimed dramatically.
"You were lost for four days," the blue-haired woman sighed, massaging her temple with her fingertips.
"Out in the woods, anything goes," River continued, his voice intense, and Moon just rolled her eyes.
Star and Buff Frog slowly shuffled away from the pair, leaving them alone to their devices and instead going over to join Marco, who was now crouched low to the ground, staring down one of the fireflies intensely, his eyebrows furrowed in concentration. His hands slowly cupped around the bug, not taking his eyes off it for even a second, before closing his fists around it. He held his hand up to his face, slowly opening his palm in concentration before his head lowered in defeat, making a low groaning noise.
Star and Buff Frog shared a smile, before the girl sat down on her knees beside her boyfriend, telling him softly, "Here, Marco, let me help." As Buff Frog sat down on Marco's other side, while Star slowly reached out a finger toward the lightning bug, pausing just inches short of it before waiting. A few seconds passed, Marco watching with such childlike curiosity that Star's heart almost melted right there, before the tiny bug landed on her fingertip, lighting up a few times calmly.
Marco gasped, leaning in closer to the girl, who had to hold him back by placing a hand on his chest. She giggled before saying sweetly, "Calm down, Marco. Your gonna scare it away."
Marco instantly relaxed, though his eyes never left the firefly, sitting down in the grass next to her. He scooted as close to her and the firefly as he possibly could and the girl smiled before grabbing his hand. She brought it slowly over to her own, before touching the tips together softly and the two watched as the lightning bug slowly crawled over to Marco's own finger, before flashing once.
The boy's mouth made a cute 'O' shape as he held the bug up to his face, watching it blink in pure delight and both Star and Buff Frog couldn't help but both inwardly coo at the hooded teen. Star leaned over and placed her head on his shoulder, while Buff Frog hugged his son's right side, though the boy noticed neither, his attention still completely on the firefly.
However, when a loud voice called from above, it immediately drew everyone's attention. "Hey there Star! We're hooommee!" came the cheerful call and everyone looked up to see Cloudy descending toward them, carrying a group of passengers in its fluff.
"Thanks, Cloudy!" Star called out to her spell, raising her head off the boy's shoulder but not moving from her spot at her boyfriend's side. "Hey guys, glad to see you back!"
Her smile vanished though as she took in the sight of her friends, who were all covered in leaves and twigs, their hair and clothes now badly disheveled (their clothes even torn in a few places) and they stared down at the girl with either annoyed or impassive looks. "What happened?" the blond asked quizzically.
"Well it seems your spell decided it would be a good idea to fly through every single tree on the way back," Janna explained, while angrily untangling twigs from her messy hair.
"Yeah thanks for the ride, Star, but I think next time we'll just walk," Jackie commented as she slid off the cloud and back onto solid ground once more.
Star chuckled awkwardly while scratching at her blushing cheeks as she muttered out, "Sorry."
"Well, I had a great time!" Cloudy suddenly said, doing spins in the air. "I loved getting to fly through all those bushes, it was so much fun!"
It wouldn't have been so bad if dad and Jak didn't insist on singing road trip songs the whole way back," Higgs muttered.
Jak and Dex quickly put their arms around the redhead's shoulders, Dex said excitedly, "Oh come on Higgs, you used to love those!"
"Well, I don't now!" Higgs snapped angrily, pulling out of the two guard's grip.
"Oh good your all back safe," Moon suddenly spoke up behind them, and the three all turned on their heels, Jak and Dex gaping openly at the two royals standing in front of them.
"Your Majesties!" the two exclaimed before dropping into low bows.
"Thank you so much for your help in assisting my daughter," Moon said, her voice kind but regal as she addressed her two subjects.
"The pleasure was all ours, Your Highness!" Dex said, the two looking up so they could smile to their queen.
"And for your great effort," Moon continued and the two guards held in their squeals of delight. Here it came, the queen was about to knight them. "You have my gratitude," the royal finished and the two's faces fell.
"What that's it?" Jak blurted out, only to be violently elbowed by his partner.
"I beg your pardon," Moon said, an eyebrow slowly rising.
"What Jak means to say is that your gratitude is all we needed to hear," Dex replied, giving the queen a nervous smile, Higgs face-palming and shaking her head in disbelief.
"Now if you'll excuse us, we should be going," Dex continued as he pushed his partner away, still smiling at the queen, who stared at the two quizzically. The moment they were out of earshot, Dex whispered, "We'll be knighted next time for sure."
"Well that was utterly embarrassing," Higgs commented. She rolled her eyes before saying in exasperation. "Now can we please go home."
The two guards shared a look before Dex said, "Sure thing, sweetie." Then, the two began loudly singing one of their corny road trip songs, bellowing it out at the top of their lungs, Cloudy soon joining in. Marco happily bopped his head along to the song, not sure what the catchy noise was but loving every second of it.
Higgs pressed her hands over her ears tightly before letting out an annoyed shout, storming away from the two, who followed after her, still singing.
Once that was all over, Star pulled out her wand and said decisively, "Okay Cloudy I think it's time for you to go home."
"Aww, but I was just starting to have fun-" the spell began, only to vanish as Star undid her magic, before tucking the wand away inside her purse again.
"So I see Marco's still not back to normal," Janna commented, casting the boy a glance as she tucked her hands into her pockets.
"Yep, but until he turns back, me and Buff Frog figured it'd be best to keep him in here and away from everyone else," Star explained, the boy purring as the blond brushed his bangs out of his eyes.
"Sounds good to me," Janna said before her and Jackie sat down in the grass.
"Mind if we join you?" Jackie asked with one of her cool grins.
Star looked over to Marco, who showed no signs of discomfort or fear and shrugged, telling her friends pleasantly, "Sure, why not?"
An hour passed as the group all sat in the grass, talking and laughing as they waited for their friend to turn back. Buff Frog, stayed pretty much silent through it all, never moving more than a few inches away from his son, staying close in case Marco needed him for any reason at all. The hooded teen for the most part stayed by Star, occasionally holding her hand or snuggling into her side, where the girl would either hug him back or plant a loving kiss on his cheek. At one point he curled up into her lap, where Star gently played with his hair as he purred with affection. There were a few times that the boy grew bored of laying around and would fly around the garden trying to play with the fireflies or sniffing the large selection of flowers the expansive garden had. But he would soon tire himself out and return to Star's side, seeking her attention which she was happy to give.
After a while though, the group grew too tired after the long day and one by one drifted off to sleep. Jackie and Janna lay side by side on the ticklish grass, breathing gently in the comfort of their dreams. Buff Frog's body was slumped forward as he slumbered peacefully, his exhaustion for once more powerful than his protective nature. And finally, Marco rested happily on top of Star, who lay on her back running her hands up and down his back in a soothing manner, being careful to avoid his wings. Only Star remained awake, though she too was slowly starting to drift in and out of consciousness, yawning quietly every few seconds.
But still, somehow the girl managed to stay awake, despite her body and mind's attempts to thwart this, because she had Marco and that was all that mattered. She kept casting the boy long, tender looks as she stared at his sleeping face, his body still in stuck in its Mewberty state. Even though a part of her missed Marco's old look she couldn't help but admire his new form, he looked as cute as ever, with his bangs so long they lay in his face, which blew around with every breath Marco took. His glowing cheek marks actually blinked in time to his even breathing. Just like a firefly, Star thought with a smile. And Marco's wings continued to flutter every so often in reaction to whatever he was dreaming about, though not enough to lift him off the ground.
Star sighed dreamily as she stared into Marco's adorable face, her cheek marks turning white as she examined every inch of his features, admiring her boyfriend with every ounce of her being. She gently leaned over and planted a kiss to his forehead, the boy smiled before shifting a bit in his sleep which made Star's pupils dance, her heart beating at a mile per hour at this point. "Oh Marco," Star cooed, as she touched the end of her nose to his, unable to help herself as she wrapped her arms around him in a warm, affectionate hug. Then, without even thinking, she breathed out in a voice just barely above a whisper, "I love you so much."
The blond froze, her cheeks turning bright red as she realized what she had just said. It had just slipped out, she hadn't meant to say something like that to her snoozing boyfriend. The girl quickly looked around to make sure no one had heard her and breathed a sigh of relief when she found everyone still asleep and oblivious to her unintentional confession. After a moment, she willed her cheeks back to a normal hue and lay back, hoping after some sleep she could forget she had just said that.
But the moment she closed her eyes, a bright flashing light invaded her senses, as well as a loud shuffling sound. Her eyes flew open as she looked up to see Marco's whole body now glowing and the girl let out a startled squeak. But a smile widened on her face as she recognized the final stage of Mewberty and turned to her friends shouting, "Guys, wake up!"
Jackie and Janna groaned, the two sitting up and rubbing their eyes. "What? What's happening?" Jackie asked groggily.
Buff Frog, however, was instantly awake and alert, showing no signs of having been asleep mere seconds earlier, as he jumped up and rushed over to his son, saying in panic, "Oh no is he okay? Is normal for him to glow like that? Should we do something?"
Star just shook her head, telling the frog father simply, "Nope, Marco's just fine. He's about to turn back."
"Oh," was all Buff Frog said in reply, his nervous eyes never leaving his son.
The boy slowly lifted off the ground his wings guiding him gently up as they flapped for the last few times of their existence. Sunspots began appearing all over his body, his face, chest, arms, legs, everywhere, quickly spreading and surrounding the boy in a make-shift cocoon. Soon the boy was completely out of sight, only a large orange shape hovering in the air over their heads remained. For a few seconds, nothing happened, the group staring up at Marco's cocoon intensely. Then, all of sudden, there was a bright flash of light from within the object, the outline of Marco's form appearing within, not that the group could tell having to block their eyes from the blinding light.
Once the glow ceased the others all looked up at the cocoon with bated breath waiting for what happened next. Slowly sunspots began peeling off the cocoon, fluttering to the ground below, but as the seconds ticked by more and more followed until it was practically raining small orange suns, the garden soon coated in them. Then, Marco form suddenly dropped from the sky, and Star lunged forward to catch him. He landed safely in Star's arms, although the momentum caused her to fall to the ground and the breath was temporarily knocked out of her lungs. The girl recovered quickly though, shifting her grip on Marco so that Marco was laying in her lap. "Marco?" the girl whispered, trying to keep the anxiety out of her tone.
The boy groaned, turning his head to the side before his eyes slowly peeked open. He blinked a few times, clearly trying to get his barrings, before letting out a tired yawn, stretching his arms over his head as he sat up some. "Aw man, Star you wouldn't believe the dream I just had, it was crazy," the boy began in his typical cheeriness, though his eyes still drooped some with exhaustion. "I was flying and I think I was looking for something and there were these little blinking lights-" Marco paused mid-explanation as suddenly become aware where he was, looking up at the faces of Buff Frog, Jackie, and Janna, before turning to Star with a quizzical look. "Um, Star, what are we doing out here?"
The others all exchanged looks, clearly trying to think of the best way to explain it to Marco, before finally Star said, "It's a long story."
"Let's just say your dream wasn't actually a dream," Janna added cryptically.
"Wait you mean that really happened?" Marco exclaimed jumping up, the shock on his face clear as day. "I really was flying!"
"Yep, you just went through something called 'Mewberty'," Jackie explained.
"Mewberty?" Marco repeated, cocking his head to the side, confusion pinching his brows.
"That's right, it's a normal thing teenage Mewmans go through to adjust to their magic," Star explained.
"Oh, okay," the boy said, nodding his head some in understanding, his eyes shining with curiosity. "So does that mean I don't have the chickenpox?"
The group all shook their heads.
"So then everything in my dream really happened?!" Marco exclaimed in total disbelief.
"Da, everything," Buff Frog said wisely.
"Even the part where you all turned into giant marshmallows?" Marco asked, giving them all a confused frown.
The group paused, looking between one another before Jackie corrected, "Okay, so not everything in your dream really happened."
The boy sat down cross-legged, resting his head in his hands as he asked, "So did Skullnick and the other knights really attack me?"
"Yes, as sad as it is they did," Jackie muttered angrily.
"They what?!" Buff Frog exclaimed.
"Apparently my mom and dad gave them orders to detain anyone going through Mewberty but Skullnick took it a bit too far," Star explained.
"And did I... throw her like in my dream," Marco asked, a guilty look in his eye.
Jackie and Janna both nodded, the latter saying, "Yeah but you didn't really have much of a choice." She paused before adding, "Plus, it looked pretty cool."
The boy looked sadly at the ground before turning to Star and asking in a nervous stutter, "And did we... I mean, in my dream there was like this beautiful sunset and I was wondering if-"
"Mm-hmm, that part was real," Star replied, scooting closer to the boy and putting a hand on his back.
Marco smiled, clearly reminiscing the fuzzy memory, before he said bashfully, "That was my favorite part."
"Mine too," Star agreed, leaning over and kissing his forehead.
Suddenly though a thought occurred to Marco and he gasped, looking around fearfully at each of his friends and dad and asked, "Oh no, the meeting! What happened?!"
"I left early to come find you," Star explained and the boy's face fell.
"I'm sorry for causing so much trouble for everyone," the boy muttered, the guilt evident on his face, tears forming at the corners of his eyes.
The group all shared a concerned look, before Star said softly, "Marco, you didn't do anything wrong."
"But the meeting," Marco sniffed, giving his girlfriend a sad, apologetic look that melted the girl's heart.
"That wasn't your fault and the other Monsters completely understood," Star said, cupping his head in her hands, staring deep into his chocolate brown orbs, giving him a warm, loving smile. "Besides, your more important to me than some meeting."
The boy didn't seem convinced though, his eyes still full of regret as he muttered, "But I-I hurt Skullnick and the other knights and-and-"
"Marco," Star interrupted, giving him a compassionate grin, hoping to silently convey her message. "It's okay," she whispered.
"Look, dude, you weren't thinking straight. That's all," Jackie spoke up in a soft, comforting tone and the boy looked over at her hopefully.
"Yeah and I mean, it was really more of Skullnick's fault for antagonizing you, she brought it on herself," Janna added, crossing her arms in front of her chest.
"I still worried all of you," the boy muttered sadly, looking down at the ground.
The group shared a look before Janna blurted, "Well duh, of course, you did."
"Huh?" Marco asked in confusion.
Jackie sat down next to the boy and told him much more gently, "What Janna means to say is that we're your friends and we care about you. So when something is upsetting or scaring you of course we're going to worry a little."
"We know you don't mean anything by it," Buff Frog added, putting a comforting hand on his son's shoulders. "We just happy you safe."
"The important thing is you're okay," Star finished, giving him a kind smile. "So you don't have to feel bad, we never mind looking out for you."
Marco returned the smile with one of his own, before leaping forward into his girlfriend's arms, hugging her tightly and the girl quickly squeezed him back. The others soon joined all in the group hug, all comforting and supporting their friend, who was sniffing again as tears ran down his cheeks.
After a moment the group pulled apart, Marco swiping at his eyes with his hoodie sleeve before he gave each of his friends and family a grateful smile. "Thanks, guys. You're the best!" He paused, rubbing the back of his neck as he added a bit bashfully, "But I still can't believe how my Mewberty made me act."
"Eh, still wasn't as bad as Star's," Janna commented, jabbing a finger in said girl's direction.
Star gave her creepy friend an annoyed glare, snapping, "Okay I really wish you'd all stop bringing that up now."
"Was yours really that bad, Star?" Marco asked, his eyes shining with intrigue.
"She almost destroyed the entire castle," Janna explained quickly before Star could answer, and the blond royal growled under her breath.
"I was 11 and going through some stuff, okay! Give me a break!" Star shouted, throwing her hands up into the air in exasperation. The girl let out a deep sigh, burying her head in her hands, saying with a muffled cry, "I'm never going to live that down, am I?"
"Not as long as I'm around," Janna replied with a mischievous grin, elbowing her friend in the ribs and Star promptly looked up from her hands to glare in the creepy teen's direction.
"So what was your Mewberty like Janna?" Marco asked, hoping to change the subject off his clearly uncomfortable girlfriend.
The beanie-wearing girl shrugged, before casually explaining, "Actually I haven't had one yet."
"Oh," the boy said simply. He paused before asking, "Well when do you think it'll happen?"
"Hopefully not anytime soon," Jackie commented, a tired look on her face. "I'm not sure I can handle another Mewberty, especially Janna's. Something tells me it's gonna get way weird."
Janna shrugged, before commenting, "Relax, Jacks, I'm sure mine won't be for a long whi-" The girl suddenly stopped mid-sentence, her eyes going blank and her mouth hanging open dumbly. The others all froze in place, Marco watching with nervous curiosity, while the others grew tense as their friend continued staring off into space. Finally, the girl's head slowly lowered so her eyes were hidden behind her bangs as she said in a low, creepy tone, "Toooommmm."
"Oh no," Star muttered worriedly, slowly reaching for her purse and subsequently her wand, while Buff Frog pushed Marco behind him for protection.
But a second later, Janna lifted her head, a smug smile on her lips, back to her normal creepy self once more as she said with a teasing wink, "Nah, I'm just kidding."
"JANNA!" everyone shouted angrily and the girl just laughed at her successful prank.
While the girl celebrated her victory and received a scolding lecture from Jackie, Marco turned to Star asking one last pestering question that had been on his mind since waking up, "So, um, Star I was wondering, just before my dream ended- or I guess I changed back- I thought I heard you say something to me?"
Star's face instantly flushing bright red, embarrassment and fear causing her brain to go haywire. Her heart began hammering away in her chest as her boyfriend's quizzical, chocolate brown orbs rested on her hot face and she quickly averted her eyes, trying desperately to think up some kind of answer. Any and all words froze on her tongue though and she coughed to clear her tight throat, before playing with a loose strand of blond hair. But she could feel Marco growing concerned by her lack of response and she blurted out the first possible thing she could think of. "Oh, uhhh, n-no, I can't think of anything I would have said to you," she stammered, still not meeting Marco's eye as her cheeks turned a dark shade of crimson. "It must have been part of your dream."
Marco nodded, a thoughtful look on his face for a second before he smiled with his typical cheeriness and exclaimed, "Yeah, I guess that's all it was!" He chuckled to himself, rubbing at the back of his neck in that cute way he always did and Star grinned at her boyfriend, a wave of relief washing through her, glad her secret was still safe. She did like Marco a lot, but she wasn't sure if she was ready for such big words like that just yet and decided it would be best to keep her earlier confession to herself... at least for now.
But unbeknownst to Star, someone else had been listening in and knew exactly how the princess felt about her hoodie-wearing friend.
It had been a total accident on Buff Frog's part, using an old trick he had learned spying for Toffee to appear asleep when he secretly wasn't, relaxing down his muscles and body while simultaneously keeping his mind awake and alert for any potential threats. And with his sensitive hearing, well, it hadn't been difficult to pick up on Star's hushed tone.
Not that Buff Frog would ever say anything to Star or Marco about it. No, he knew better than to meddle in Marco's love life, it was best to let their relationship happen naturally. For now, it would just be his little secret. And as the amphibian watched the pair closely, picking up on every loving look and heartfelt smile that passed between the two, he couldn't help but grin knowing to himself. Give it time, he thought to himself. They'll get there someday.
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silvanable · 4 years
Photogenic - V ( REWRITE )
an old one shot i decided to rewrite. this was actually my first attempt at an x reader back in the day ( 2016 to be exact ) loooooong before V’s route was ever even considered.
i thought reviving and revamping a relic would be good, plus i still love it. so have version 2.0, new and improved.
original that’s super old & has horrible grammar that might send you to the grave can be found here.
✦ ✧ ✦ ✧ ✦
   ✒ warnings: n/a
   ✒ tags: fluff, gender neutral reader, i’m yeeting canon thanks, we’re calling this an au & v is losing his eyesight to an undisclosed illness/injury reader doesn’t know about
✏ Word Count : 3629
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It was a beautiful and pleasant day. It had served you the perfect opportunity to take a long hike and indulge yourself in your favorite pastime. Photography.
By now the day had passed and was winding down to its end. You still were having your fun. You had found a particularly nice spot where you had the perfect view of the horizon. More specifically, you had the best position to get that one perfect photo of the sunset, even if you had to sit here until dusk to get it.
Luckily for you, you did not wait long for your perfect masterpiece.
The sky was darkening in its beautiful palette of oranges, pinks, and reds. The fading sunlight shone through the autumn trees and glowed through them like a halo. Below was the expanse down the trails into the woods and rolling hills, blanketed in soft shadows. It looked like a mystical, foreign land out of a fairytale.
It was exactly what you had waited for.
You lifted the camera up, leveling it with your eyes as you stared through the lens. Your index finger found its familiar resting place atop the button. The smallest amount of pressure on the button was awarded by a familiar click of a shutter and a brief pass of darkness in front of your eye.
You repeated the action several times, just for precautions. While one photo might suffice, you preferred to be prepared with a selection to pick your prize from.
After you were done, you lowered the camera from your face. Your fingers nimbly found their way to the buttons beside the screen to review your reward of patience.
A smile pulled at the corner of your lips as you reviewed the captures of the day on your camera. You did well if you did say so yourself and had plenty more to add to your collection, specifically the one for this particular trail.
You turned on your heel, aimlessly wandering back down the familiar trail to get back to your car before dark. While you practically knew these hiking paths like the back of your hand, you were not willing to risk stumbling in the dark and tripping onto your camera. This elegant piece of machinery was your most prized possession and arguably tied to your soul. If anything were to happen to it, you would most certainly cry. It could be replaced but still would feel like losing your first love.
Your eyes glued to the camera in your hands, your feet led you without visual guidance, and straight into a solid force.
A squeak, yes, an unmistakable squeak left your lips as your body tumbled back. Your hands clenched tightly around the camera in your grasp and you squeezed your eyes shut.
The only thing running through your mind was, Oh, how the universe had a cruel sense of humor.
You landed with a thud into the beaten dirt. A soft groan leaving your throat at the unpleasant throb of your rear from landing so hard. There was one good thing, though.
You opened your eyes to see the camera still safely in your hands, unharmed. A sigh of relief left you as your body relaxed.
Next was the matter of what you had walked into.
Your eyes rose up, only to find it was not what you had walked into but who.
“I am so sorry,” You blurted out quickly upon seeing a blue-haired individual in front of you.
“No, it’s alright. It was my accident.” He murmured gently in response. A pale hand extended down towards you.
You wasted no time in accepting the offer. Your hand clasped around his and with a little effort from you both, you found yourself back on your feet again.
The momentary stun you suffered from seemed to melt away from you, now that you were closer to this man. You did not mean to stare, but there was something ethereal about him. His hair was a light blue, like a summer sky on a clear day. His skin was ghostly, not in a way that showed illness, but glowed with youthfulness and livelihood. His eyes, though, were what drew you in, clearer than a freshwater spring or a lake frozen in winter but guarded and mysterious as they met your gaze.
You believed the eyes were the windows to someone’s soul. His eyes, however, were guarded and any secrets sealed away. It only intrigued you more. You found yourself wanting to know this stranger and why his eyes allured you so. You wanted to know that unheard story deep in his heart.
“Are you alright?” His gentle tone broke you from your trace.
“O-oh?” The stutter left you before you realized it. You were staring. How rude could you be? “Yes… I’m sorry, though. I didn’t mean to walk into you. I guess I wasn’t paying attention, too busy staring at my camera,” You wiggled the object in question in your hands, “And you would think I would be paying more attention because of it.” A nervous chuckle escaped you.
“You enjoy photography?” He asked.
You nodded shortly in response. “Yes! I mean, I dabble. It’s something I enjoy doing a lot but it is really just a hobby right now.” Your words grew to a soft murmur at the end.
You loved what you did but wished you could do more. It was not exactly easy for you though. There were some issues with confidence and the opportunities that you seemed to need to wildly chase. If you had the chance to do this as a profession, as your living, you most certainly would jump at the chance.
“Is that so? I’m sort of a professional, but it’s really just a passion of mine.” He said, “I could give you a few tips if you are interested.”
Your eyes lifted to his again, a smile stretched over your lips. “That would be great, it means a lot to learn from someone else who has the same passion.” You drew the camera close to your person. “And I’m absolutely forgetting my manners,” You said, introducing yourself as you held out your hand to him.
He hesitated for a moment before taking your hand, “My friends call me V.” A gentle smile graced his lips.
Your heart seemed to betray you at that moment with a harder than usual beat. And since when did the cool autumn air feel so warm? That might be the blush that crept over your face.
“Well, V,” You cleared your throat to try and get your bearings, “Can I treat you to dinner?” You asked, “As pre-payment for helping me out, you know?” You added quickly, “That is if you aren’t busy.” You had to fight the urge to awkwardly squirm in place.
You suddenly felt like a schoolgirl. How embarrassing this was. More concerning was the fact you had so quickly asked him out. Apparently your heart had forcibly taken the wheel and your mind was tied up and thrown to the back of the bus.
“I’m free tomorrow night,” The soft chuckle that left V’s lips was a sweet sound to your years. “Let me give you my number. We can discuss the details later.”
Much time has passed since then…
There was a gentle laugh in the air that traveled through the park. It had fallen from your lips as you twirled in place. One of your hands folded over your decorative hat to prevent it from blowing off as you moved. Your white spring attire flowed in the breeze with you.
Much quieter than your laughter, there were several familiar clicks, the sound of a shutter closing. Behind the camera was a familiar blue-haired man, wearing a smile that was contagious to you.
Your laughter continued as you turned to the camera, making childish faces or striking elegant poses.
For quite some time you two had spent time together. Ever since the two of you met, you had grown ever closer. You often made brunch or the occasional dinner plan. Sometimes it was a professional matter that involved photography and others were for leisure as the two of you would go out on strolls or to the movies.
You know that you had grown attached to V. You admired him maybe a bit too much and often found yourself lost in thought with him on your mind. You tried to deny that the connection was anything more than friends, but your heart since the very first day liked to remind you that you were absolutely smitten. You were in denial, actively in a way, despite the thrum of your heart.
The feeling was foreign but warm and welcoming, just like the smile you were being given from V. The more you thought about it, the more you felt as if you had fallen. You had not fallen into some darkness but a place of warmth and brightness. The feeling was foreign but warm and welcoming, just like the smile you were being given from V.
The sweet smile you received only served to make your heart swell more. It was a collision of feelings that made you feel so many things you doubted you could untangle them without being overwhelmed first, both good and bad.
While you adored V, there was also still so much you did not know about him. He was still a mystery, one you had yet to find the hidden story about. You learned about him but he was so reserved and what you found out only served to create an even bigger mystery.
It all had something to do with those shaded glasses that covered his eyes and the red striped cane he had begun to carry with him more frequently.
“Don’t you have enough already?” You called out teasingly to V.
He shook his head, that grin ever-present. “I need a few more.”
You shook your head in response, “Alright, you have enough! It’s my turn and I want to see!” You rushed over to him, reaching out to take the camera from his hands.
He rose his arms over his head, the camera just out of your reach.
“That’s not fair, V! I can’t reach!” You protested.
“That’s the point,” He laughed.
Even stretched up on the tips of your toes he was able to keep the camera just from your fingertips. You were relentless, though, and would not give up the fight as you puffed and tried to stretch further.
You came to the conclusion during your stretching and huffing that there was no way you could reach the camera. So you had to find another way to get what you wanted.
There was a list running through your mind and allowed you to contemplate all your options quickly. There was nothing that seemed quite right.
You looked up towards the man and an idea popped into your mind. Without thinking, you took action.
“I will take these then!” You said and took several steps back to create distance between you both.
Your lips twisted into a defiant pout as your eyes flickered down to the stolen item in your hands. Your fingers delicately curled around thick, black sunglasses.
Your mind registered what you held and what you had just done.
Panic surged up through you faster than your body could comprehend the emotion. Your expression contorted with regret and your eyes reflected your internal panic.
“I‒” The words got stuck in your throat as you tried to force them out. 
You knew very little behind the injury that had cost V his eyesight. He was going blind, a slow process that would take his vision from him. It happened long before you met him or you had assumed so at least, as you learned about it sometime after meeting him. Though one thing you knew very plainly was how insecure he was about the loss of his eyes. It was a very sensitive topic that he often avoided and respected his wishes not to push for answers.
“I’m so sorry, V‒” Your voice left you broken and shaken.
You wanted to say more but found you swallowed your own voice again as your eyes met with the man just out of arm's reach from you.
V looked stunned. As if he was still processing what had happened.
Your eyes met his expectantly, waiting for the worst.
Even in your fright, though, you found yourself admiring his eyes. It had been such a long time since you had seen them as he wore the glasses more frequently as time carried on. You had missed them, their pale, clear color, and the look of fondness they held in them for you when he looked at you.
From where you stood, he was set against the cloudless sky and bright, renewing green plant-life of the spring. A gentle breeze seemed to hair his pale blue locks and small dandelion seeds danced around him. His black sweater and jeans contrasted with the brightness around him. His expression seemed calm to you almost and he held the camera in his hands just so perfectly… He was a masterpiece of perfection and beauty to your eyes.
Something overtook you in that moment as you scurried towards where you had dropped your bag. You wear almost spastic as you searched for your own camera and rushed back to where you had been standing a moment before. Then proceeded to throw yourself to the ground for the perfect photo.
V’s eyes had followed you the entire way. A small smile began to pull at the corner of his mouth. You had not even noticed that he had broken from his trance only to be enthralled by you.
There was a familiar click of camera shutters again. You were absolutely dismissive of everything around you as you fiddled with the camera.
V’s smile only grew.
It was adorable to watch as you so intently focused, barely aware he was watching you as you took pictures of him.
It was a childish and rash decision of yours, but you would never forgive yourself for letting that masterpiece of him go in the moment. The beauty that had unfolded before you was not something you could easily pass up, not when you could cherish the look in his eyes and that smile forever with a photograph.
Your finger stopped short of fully applying pressure to the camera’s button. You finally realized that his stare was not distant but fixed on your through the lens of your camera. Your finger came down against the button, the shutter sound louder in your ears than it was a moment before.
You were rooted in the shot you had crouched in, camera grasped in your hand, and V’s glasses hooked in your fingers. You dared not lower the camera and further embarrass yourself.
“Am I that photogenic to you?” V asked, a sweet curiosity in his voice. He was in front of you in just a few steps, staring down at you.
Reality hit you and reality hit hard.
A shameful sound left your lips, one you dared not to call a squeak despite it being exactly that, as he leaned down into your face.
He wore a coy expression and you found yourself mesmerized by clarity in those icy orbs of his. There was no coldness despite the pale color of his eyes, instead, there was a warmth and love you hoped you were not mistaken for in them.
Your intent gaze, searching so deep inside of his own glassy one, had taken him back. Everything reflected in your eyes, the admiration, and the fixation as if you had found something strange, new, and deeply terrifying.
“Gorgeous…” The word left your lips in awe and caressed his own lips with your warm breath.
You were too much for him. The look on your face is far too pure with admiration and the soft sound of your voice all too much for him to take. You were captivated, the dazed look on your face said enough that you were mesmerized by his beauty, and that alone made his heart swell. He had never seen a look so honest, so clear, and so full of love than the one you gave him.
It was in that moment, with each gentle beat of your heart in your chest, those words you refused to admit were clear to you in your mind. You had fallen for him, for his kindness and compassion, and for his beauty without and within.
You believed deep down, at this moment, you saw who he was. There were no barriers, no resistance, nothing clouding his soul to you. You could see a man, who was so full of love and passion but suffered. The pain and sorrow swam in his eyes but mingled with it you could see curiosity, love, and selflessness hidden deep inside. You could see the understanding and trust, but it was held back by fear and loss that threatened to bloom and consume him, so he hid with the intent to do good in the favor of another’s well being.
There was no saying how true anything you saw was but you believed it all to be as it was given to you. You believed in that moment V had opened up and revealed himself to you. One thing you knew, was that he was genuine, and the soft, loving look he gave you was not something you dreamed up. It was real.
“V…” His name left your lips like a whispered prayer.
He replied quietly with your own name as if that was all that was keeping him from unraveling at that very moment.
A smile graced your lips. A sort of trance fell over you both as a daze seemed to overtake you both. Time seemed to slow down as you stared at one another, waiting with bated breath for the other to dare and break the strange but welcoming atmosphere around you.
His hands came to wrap gently around your hands. Your heart quickened and pounded violently against your chest. You were frozen as his fingers softly caressed your cheek as he cupped your chin.
His lips brushed against your lips, so close but as if chasm was still between you. You tried to force yourself to speak, to break away from your thoughts and shatter this illusion your mind gave you before you were too deeply invested.
No sound left your lips, though, instead your mouth was covered by V’s own. The gentle sensation against your lips surprised you, almost as if you were dreaming. Your daring prince, however, intended to break that spell from you with this very kiss. It woke you from the trance you believed yourself to be trapped in, taking the fire in your heart from a lump of smoldering coal to a raging flame.
You threw your arms around his shoulders in response to pull him closer. The two of you tumbled back into the grass but the kiss was not broken.
His lips moved slowly against your own, soft and passionate, conveying all the affections he had held for you and you returned all of those you had tried to ignore. With this kiss alone, you felt as if you could melt into him, and you wished that this moment would never end.
Sadly your lungs demanded air and you two had to part. Emerging from the oceans of your affections with a deep inhale.
V’s breath was as uneven as your own as the two of you sat there in silence, gazing at each other, and listening to the sound of each breath you took. His forehead came to rest gently against your own, another contagious smile on his lips that infected your own. Neither of you spoke, just held each other close as you lied there in the midst of the park.
“Did you drop the camera?” A sudden panic hit you with the realization and you tried to sit up.
V held you in place, the smile still present on his lips. “No, I put it down before you dragged me to the ground.”
“I did not‒”
“Did you drop my glasses?” He cut you off.
Your panic shifted as you wiggled your fingers. His glasses tapped gently against his shoulder, still safely hooked in your fingers.
“Nope,” You let out a breath of relief, “I would never dare,” You added quickly, trying to hide your momentary panic of possibly ruining his glasses in your forgetfulness.
“Though…” Your voice was quiet as you trailed off, a sudden seriousness in your tone.
V rose a brow at you, his eyes still fixed on your face, taking in your concerned features as whatever thought ate away at you. “What is it?”
“I was just… just wondering if there was something we could do for your eyes…” Your fingers gently trailed over the corner of his eye. “I don’t know if you looked into it, but it’s a shame to lose this part of you.”
“I never really bothered me,” His tone was forlorn, “I came to terms with losing my sight until I met you.” He placed a soft kiss on your forehead and murmured your name, “I don’t think I can bear not to see your smile light up my every day now though.”
A gentle smile found its way onto your lips. Your eyes closed to relish in the sweet kiss as you tried to imprint the feeling in your mind forever.
“I love you,” You said softly.
“I love you too,” V whispered back.
You leaned up, pressing your lips gingerly against his own in another kiss.
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ghostsofmemories · 4 years
Problems I’ve Been Having With Writing // How I Plan To Fix Them
Before reading this post, consider checking out the Teespring Shop with designs by myself and my friend Alexx, where 100% of the proceeds are donated to the Black Lives Matter organization.
It’s no secret that lately, working on my novel has been a struggle. I used to be able to write entire books with 80k+ words at 14, and now I’m struggling just to hit 10k in a project I’ve been working on for 3 months.
Some of this could be attributed to COVID-19, my crazy school schedule (with thankfully is over now), and my job. However, my main issues are with motivation, self-confidence, and remembering how prose works after over a year of writing only poetry. I did this under a cut because, well, it’s long.
Problem 1 - Motivation, Mental Illness, & Activism
Finding motivation these days is more than just difficult. As someone with chronic illness and also OCD, the urge to do things only when I’m feeling up to them and the desire to have a daily schedule (with writing included) are always at war, and neither of them winning. It’s impossible for me to do the same amount of work every day or week, but also hard to cope with the lack of stability.
On top of that, I’ve been trying using my platforms on social media to promote, donate to, and educate myself on the Black Lives Matter movement. As someone who uses social media (especially Tumblr, with its tagging system) to organize my thoughts on, and hold myself accountable for my writing, it becomes really difficult to manage both activism and writing on my social media - especially when the movements going on are more significant than what I have to say about my WIP. 
The solution to both of these problems, as difficult as they are to manage, is finding balance. For OCD and chronic illness, I’m trying to figure out which parts of the day I’m feeling the most energized and motivated so I can schedule my writing around those chunks of time - which I think fall between 10am and 12pm.
For balancing activism and personal social media stuff, it’s a little more difficult. So far, I’m thinking the best way to deal with it is to link my main contribution to the movement so far (mine and Alexx’s Teespring shop) to all the posts that might lean on the personal/writing side, and continuing to uplift Black voices when they come across my dash, and actively seek them out when I have the energy to do so.
By no means will these completely solve the problems, but hopefully they’ll help me find time and energy to write when I can.
Problem 2 - Self-Confidence
Every writer has issues with not believing in themselves from time to time, but lately mine have become overwhelming. This could have something to do with the fact that I can hardly get words down in the first place. My mind has been very stubborn in allowing me to come up with words that flow in a narrative way, and I usually spend a lot longer on one or two sentences than I’d like to. 
Similar with that issue, almost all of the writing I read is by, well, adults. Many of the writers I follow on Tumblr are also adults. I’m a month from seventeen, but I’ve always been told that I act or present as a lot older, so I guess I always expected my fiction writing would be as aged and confident as posts like this, my essays for school, and the research I put together for my own purposes. While my writing quality might read as a little older or more skilled than a sixteen year old, it still feels like it’s lacking in quality and like I haven’t progressed at all since my last novel (which directly ties into the next point, but I’ll get there in a minute).
The only way to get over this issue is to write and not stop because I think it’s bad. I know that. It���s easier said than done, of course, but I think that with time and a lot of forcing myself through is going to help. 
Problem 3 - The Super Long Break I Took/Poetry
The last time I finished a novel was in December of 2018, so I’ve taken a break that lasted well over a year. I was still writing during this time, but it was pretty much all poetry, besides a few attempts that never got past a few pages and a WIP intro post (sorry about that, everyone). 
Basically, I’ve forgotten how to write prose and storylines. That can be re-learned, though, which is why I’m sticking to OITW even though I’m beginning to realize I don’t love writing fantasy as much as I used to (I will still very gladly read it, though).
There’s another problem that came with that one, though, which sort of ties into my issues with confidence in my writing:
Poetry comes easily to me. I hear some novelists talking about their short ventures into poetry and how they would spend forever on a poem and how difficult it was, but that’s not what poetry is like for me. I grew up with my mom, my aunt, and for a short time my great grandma who were all poets. I was always exposed to poetry and felt a deep connection to it, which makes it simple (most of the time) to write.
Plus, due to the internet and me being me, I was exposed to the art of slam poetry when I was 13 (it’s something I daydream about, but my insecurities surrounding my stammer kind of stop me there. Plus I live in the middle of nowhere). Poetry is everything to me.
So you can imagine it’s a little frustrating that I can bust out a contest-winning poem in three minutes but struggle to write 200 words a week when I’ve been writing novels longer. This has honestly been one of the hardest parts of writing OITW - it’s harder than I expected it to be. The words don’t flow like they used to.
Combating this issue, while it’s taken a blow to my confidence, has actually been a little easier than I thought. I have to make myself write, of course, that one’s kind of obvious. But the one that I missed for so long was reading.
I’ve been reading almost nothing for the past year, minus a book I got for Christmas that, surprise surprise, got me inspired to write again. My best friend talked me into reading Carry On by Rainbow Rowell and not only is it awesome, I read the 500+ page book in under 48 hours. I can’t remember the last time I read a book that quick.
I’ve also been slowly making my way through A History Of Wolves by Emily Fridlund, but I think I need to re-start it because when I first started reading it, I was working a full time job, doing 5 classes for school, and struggling with my physical health (more than I usually am).
Reading isn’t going to make my prose read like water or anything, and neither are any of these other “solutions”. However, despite being a lot more easily said than done, I feel like they’re going to help. And let’s be real, I need all the help I can get.
Want to check out that shop but don’t want to scroll for a million years to get to it? Here it is again! We’ve raised over $100 for BLM and plan to continue selling these designs for donation indefinitely, unless we specifically take them down (though I can’t think of any reason we’d do that).
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ladylyra · 5 years
I adore your Pokémon gijinkas! In fact you inspired me to draw some of my team lol, but what I came here to ask is do you have any backstory/summary about your swsh team like the one you gave to another person about your bw nuzlocke teammates?
ill be honest i dont have super detailed backstories for them but i definitely have character summaries!
kyle: you could say his “thing” is that he is really dumb but he certainly means well. hes always trying to make other people happy and wants nothing more than to have fun! he’s always looking onto the bright side of things and what he lacks in planning/forethought he makes up for with strength. i think he trusts others a bit too much, accepting Mura’s word with little question. he doesn’t hold back anything that is on his mind. felix is like his dad and when fleur entered the team last he was the first to try to include her because she was so shy, didn’t catch on that she liked him until a...while later. missy is his childhood friend but heidi is his best friend! his ‘dumbness’ is mostly just his impulsive tendencies combined with his optimism/unwavering trust. he will remember anything you tell him.
felix: the ‘team dad’ as i have appointed him. he spent a lot of time reigning in kyle and missy when they were younger and rlly does love them. as missy has grown up they spend a lot of time together and have tea a lot. hes more like her mentor now, always giving her advice and teaching her things, stuff like that. he gets annoyed pretty easily but he doesn’t, like, snap. i will jokingly call him a boomer bc he is a bit older and doesn’t keep in with the times or trends, and he can usually count on heidi to try to tell him about things (he’ll just nod along so he doesnt discourage her but he still doesnt understand honestly) i imagined he was a bit of a rebel in his nickit days before he had to wise up with two BABIES around and here he is now.
missy: she has a pretty stoic and femme persona, generally well liked by most who look at her, but she can be very callous and brash if she feels close enough to you. she likes to shame mura for causing drama but really she can be just as bad, just that nobody ever suspects her of anything. she’s not shy to the caliber of fleur, more bold even if shes reserved in her speech. the ‘mature one’ of her and kyle when they grew up, but would just observe his nonsense rather than stop him (this changing eventually as they got older.) she takes after felix a bit from observing him and being partially raised by him, although being an adult now she wishes to be viewed more as an equal than as a kid (luckily, he does!) she and heidi have a close relationship; missy originally felt heidi was someone she could be her ‘true self’ with until she realized heidi was looking for someone she could drop the punk vibes around, so basically the complete opposite for the both of them. theres a happy medium in there somewhere.
mura: you basically know mura the moment you look at mura. he likes to cause trouble and be a general hindrance to normal life for anyone around him with few to no exceptions. felix hates him but hes too valuable a power to the team to ever make leave. one of his favorite hobbies is telling kyle false facts that he will then spread. theres little that can bother him, besides heidi. they both have the incredible skill of being the only people that can trouble the other. it’s kind of a love/hate relationship and a months long game that neither will give up on. the only person he cant fool is missy and the only person he wont try to mess with is fleur because despite his love of antagonizing others, theres no real joy in making someone cry (at least not fleur.) he likes to act like hes bothered by her friendliness toward him but its kind of...nice. it makes him ALMOST feel bad he messes with kyle daily.
heidi: kind of what you’d expect of a toxtricity; punk rock, loves loud noise, always trying to have fun (like kyle! they became fast friends.) the only difference is that she really isn’t all this. she feels kind of embarrassed that she can be just as traditionally ‘girly’ despite her aesthetic, and isn’t as forthcoming with these traits. she hides her love of cute things and is sad that fleur seems to be scared of her at times (they’re working on it.) and as of now missy is the only one she can be slightly open with. her back and forth relationship with mura is of note, and while it does involve a lot of teasing, i think by this point there is some understanding that there’s more than that. they work incredibly well together in battle and when times get tough they would consider eachother allies. there’s some very evident flirting at times, but neither are into something serious. heidi seems to attract admirers wherever she goes (to which she happily accepts them.)
fleur: oh fleur. just a little baby. she was the last to join the team and found it very hard to find a place for herself, so she opted for not merging at all. she mostly just admired the synergy of everyone else and kept to herself. it wasn’t like she didn’t want to find friends, but she could never push herself into the spotlight. one individual she admired as well as began crushing on rather severely was kyle; i jokingly call her a morosexual but really she really values his optimism and spirit, since she lacks both of those things, in her opinion. for a while all she did was kind of observe him from afar because she didn’t know how to approach him, but he eventually caught on and began including her himself. it’s a bit overwhelming at times, but he did help her a lot in blending in better with the team--now its kind of like hes the one observing her, making sure she’s comfortable and alright. heidi tried a similar approach and being friendly with her, but fleur is admittedly intimidated by heidi much to the girl’s disappointment. she’s warming up to mura, using what little optimism she’s learning to have to help improve her relationships. missy and her get along pretty well; missy is trying to get her out of her shell by slowly but surely sharing her troublemaking tendencies with her.
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