#its so much nicer than it used to be hehe
daydreambonsai · 1 year
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HELLOOOO!! HERE IS A REDRAW OF AN OLDER ARISA PIECE I DID HEHE - i loved the idea but HATED how it looked so i MADE IT AGAIN NYEHEHE anyway kasumi was very obviously blown away after seeing this BEAUTY with her little STAR SKIRT 🥺
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aroace-poly-show · 2 months
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ok here’s my hammer tier list. my thoughts under the read more
ball peen: s tier. funny name. made me laugh really hard. what more do you need. ok actual description its used for metal working in the peening (hehe) process (surface hardening through impact). its got a rounded head on one side and the other side has a flat side thats sometimes used for chiseling or striking punches (making a hole through a hard thing). but it is in s tier bc of the name.
___ hammer or as i dub it maraca hammer: s tier. maraca hammer. not all of them have the loose steel shot inside tho some are just made of a different material (rubber or durable plastic) that helps like. dampen the force of a hit so it doesn’t bounce back as much. its good for working in tight spaces + preventing accidental damage. would be a tier but the fact theres the maraca version with the beads inside (that serve the purpose of like spreading out the energy of the force of the hit) that you can hear gives it s tier to me
framing hammer: b tier. fine hammer. a type of claw hammer its got like a little bumpy grid on the head that helps it keep a grip while its hitting but it also leaves a mark on the wood it hits. the woods is usually a part of the frame of the structure (as said in the name)and theres a different type (a finishing hammer) to make wood that goes on the outside look nicer so it doesn’t really matter. gets the job done solid hammer
claw hammer: a tier. like the most basic hammer. the kind of hammer you think of when you think of a hammer (unless you think of a mallet). used for wood working mostly bc its not suited for metal stuff, but its got other general uses. a classic. where would we be without you claw hammer
( ‼️ animal death mention ‼️) cow hammer: e tier. can’t find a picture. used for animal slaughter. fallen out of use bc of animal welfare objections. probably kind of cruel way to do that. also just seems really inefficient. makes me sad.
drilling hammer/lump hammer: b tier. a smaller kind of sledgehammer. more light weight with a smaller handle. useful in light demolition work or like cutting stuff with a chisel. also used in scouts stuff!! for like tent stakes and similar things.
gavel: s tier. i think we all know what a gavel is. judges use in it court its the little hammer they bang for stuff. s tier bc i’d have a lot of fun with it if i had it
geologist’s hammer: a tier. its in the name, geologists used it to open up specimens and shit.finds pretty rocks so thats why its a tier. wooo
warrington hammer: s tier. its a kind of cross peen hammer. giggling. fun name unlike the ball peen tho its used for wood working. thin side sets a nail flat side drives it in. can be used for other stuff like fixing a bent nail. more precise than a claw hammer
mallet: b tier. rubber roundish head. bunch of different kinds. didn’t feel like reading every single time since i’m already doing that for the hammers so. b tier
rock climbing hammer: a tier. the wiki page for this is very barren but not much explanation needed i think. its for rock climbing, specifically aid climbing, for putting in and taking out pitons and the like. useful for Not Falling and Dying. but also it looks like a plague doctor mask and its silly and i like it
sledgehammer: a tier. BIG HAMMER!!! also distributes force over a bigger area. but BIG HAMMER!!!!
soft faced hammer: b tier. like dead hammer its for not causing as much damage as normal hammers. but no maraca. no fun colors like it either.
spiking hammer/spiking maul: b tier. used for striking nails into the railroads. cool! idk i dont have a lot of feelings on it and i dont know how much more i can fit in a tier lmao
splitting maul: c tier. more of an ax than a hammer tbh. used for splitting wood.
stone mason’s hammer: b tier. one side has a little thinish part part and the other part is flat. can be used to cut bricks and stones and stuff and chisel without an actual chisel. also used by geologists!
upholstery hammer: b tier. its in the name. used for upholstery. often has a magnetic side for picking up tacks. has kinda been replaced by the staple gun though
hammer drill: c tier. more of a drill but behaves enough like a hammer for me to allow it i guess. im less interested in the mechanically powered ones ngl
jackhammer: a tier. very cool actually. combines a hammer and a chisel. not fun if its nearby bc its loud and annoying but cool if i’m just passing by. used to break up rock and concret and shit. brrrrrrrrrrrr
steam hammer: a tier. now that is a solid mechanical hammer i think. actually hammery. used for shaping forgings and driving piles.
trip hammer: S TIER. I LIED THIS ONE IS A GOOD MECHANICAL HAMMER. variety of uses like for processing grain in agriculture crushing metal ores in mining and in forges formaking iron into workable iron bars. old as fuck too. unfortunately replaced by the power hammer. 
power hammer: a tier. extremely similar to the steam hammer. replaced the trip hammer which makes me sad. but its still cool
nail gun: d tier. that is a gun.
staple gun: d tier. that is also a gun.
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object-vault-9 · 10 days
Question I have about the vault itself, do you have an idea of what it looks like? The whole interior layout and everything? I've been wondering for some time now...
Ohh I should really sit down in a map maker and put it together ! A lot of the inspiration for the layout comes from Vault 101 and Vault 76 in the fallout games, plus a huge agricultural inspiration is from Vault 33 This is gonna be long and have pictures from the games/show/my comic/etc so it'll be under a break, might include some rambling about the way the vault used to operate too ! Very rambly/unorganized for now
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Vault 9 is built into a cliff face, and behind it is a mountain range.
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The vault was built for much more people that currently live there, and large portions of it are ominously empty. You can genuinely get lost in there, even Timer/Shovel/Mousetrap can even get turned around in there and they were born and raised there. Had Car Key survived he was intended to be the one that knew the layout almost perfectly, being the head security officer (and lone survivor of the security teams prior to the opening of the vault). If I were to draw less visited parts of the vault, portions of it would be roped off. The largest open areas in the vault are the farm (above) and the cafeteria
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Vault 9's structure and culture when established was less individual, there were not a lot of rec rooms, rooms were all bunks to hold multiple people, etc. A lot of stuff involves some degree of depersonalization, etc. So thats why despite there being so many empty rooms presumably, most characters are shown to share rooms when their rooms are shown. Lcukily, especially with a colorful cast of characters from different backgrounds and over a century past its establishment, people are more encouraged to be themselves here There's a few rooms set aside for professions, there's the clinic, plus a larger room beside it for long term patients, though with the small population Mousetrap keeps people close to better monitor them There are classrooms, pretty much always empty, Spade/Shovel/Timer/etc are among the last to "graduate", and school years were not hosted every year due to the diminishing amount of people being born. So while Timer is a little older than Spade and Shovel, and Push Pin was a little younger, they likely all attended the same "grades/classes" together. Usually the family will teach basics (basic math/reading/writing) before the official vault curriculum, with classes starting for older students (like 10+) instead of starting at kindergarten
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The intention of Vault 9 was mostly on self sustaining populations, so most people were intended to be involved with the care of the farm over anything else. Other roles were security/education/medical/culinary/etc, as well as leadership roles like a peoples court and the overseer The armory is very small and depleted/half destroyed, and there is only one or two quarantine/prison rooms
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The floor structure is built in a way that the further down you go, the less likely you need to be there, this is my vague idea of it but with floor plans some things might be rearranged The surface level is only the door, airlock and door controls. Some storage is kept up there too Second floor down/B2 is the largest area. Farm, cafeteria, public rooms, clinic, classrooms, etc. There's a small library Third floor/B3 down are the living quarters, as well as the overseers office, peoples court, and locker rooms for showering and stuff. The overseers office is the best furnished room in the vault, and it had personal living quarters for the overseers family that were nicer too Fourth floor/B4 are guard armory/small training room/most storage/certain aspects of vault maint, etc. Fifth/B5 is storage and machinery for the most part. The boiler/furnace/etc, there's also a work shop down there and where Hehe/Apricot/CoG hang out. There's also the columbarium and morgue down there
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Lowest level, heavy clearance, is where the power is. It's still nuclear power, the intention is to keep it buried so a failure might destroy the vault but cause less damage on the surface
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I'll revisit this soon and have drawings and floorplans hopefully
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bubblepopsims · 7 months
To whom it may concern,
This pains me...
I know a lot of posts have been floating around the whole "system" of Tumblr.. i.e. the reblogs, likes, shares blah blah numbers. yeah.
And to start this off with, I don't care if you like my posts or reblog them.. this is not about me... I am saying this for the people that put a lot of time and effort into their content.. the people that push through this shit with blood, sweat, and tears... out of excitement to share their vision with people. the ones who are now feeling burnt out, overwhelmed, and defeated from the lack of support that is given on this SOCIAL MEDIA platform, the ones who face dms of people attempting to control what they post, and how they post it.
first of all.... who the fuck are you to go into anybody's DMS and think that it's alright for you to BELIEVE you have any power here?
If you don't like something... move. on. Don't follow them. Don't interact with them. that's it!... the audacity, the fucking ego trips some of these people are on, it's unbelievable... get a life, read a book, drink some tea, masturbate... do something other than genuinely making someone feel like shit on a daily bases...
I am not saying you have to be a kiss-ass to everyone... a matter of fact. DO NOT. don't be fake. but if you like something why not tell them? SHARE IT! In this day and age when everyone has so much to say about everything else... you have nothing to say for someone who shares a common interest with you? when did everyone forget to support each other? has the world made you that cold?
I am beginning to see many content creators that I adore so much... drop off all social media (slow down, quiet down.. fade off) platforms due to the lack of support and the hate.... the hate... Stealing from each other, not just content but ideas too... belittling each other, asking people for stuff and not even having the common decency to say thank you or share what you have been gifted by another creator... talking behind each other backs, the envy, the stupid made up rule of "if you like and share one of my posts I'll do the same hehe" *rolling my eyes* This is called a community for a reason... but by the looks of it we are more divided than together... The fact that I read posts of people talking about how "stressed the fuck out" over this they are, or "Am I the problem?" is upsetting...
This is supposed to be fun... and for those of you who say "Well, they are just insecure, don't worry about the numbers, it's about you" go fuck yourself. because you probably get the likes and reblogs, who don't give to their community at all.. just shove that up your ass. respectfully -clears throat- excuse me that was rude... but I meant it. But it's supposed to be fun... there should be no malicious intent here... no undermining, no masterminding the system. what the fuck even? anyway... there should be none of that. Nobody should have to feel like that... ESPACIALLY HERE. did you all forget that we are a bunch of fucking NERDS! cool nerds. But A bunch of fucking nerds playing dress up and storytellers and builders and photographers in a goddamn video game. so what about someone is better than you. and? Did you forget that's how you get better?
[Yeah yeah fight me, bite me, whatever me about the whole nerds shit. It's a compliment in my eyes. I love being a fucking nerd.]
being prideful has its perks but it can also turn ugly real quick if used wrong...
I posted this for a reason so if you have words you want to say to me or just in general by all means.
if you disliked my post and feel icky by me now.. you can unfollow me.. because I will not ever NOT speak my mind, and this generally hurts me... because these people I see fading away... are fucking great people. These genuine people just want to play a game, share the content of that game, and tell you about themselves... Just. like. you.
I just wish people were nicer to each other...
some hippy dippy shit but I am one.
peace and love
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creatively-cosmic · 6 months
What up, Starry—You already know who it is! B)
Sorry about Tumblr being a buggy mess and crashing halfway through! I’ve experienced the frustration of losing writing due to crashes and it always sucks. But thank you for continuing to answer these questions and satiate my curiosity! Learning more about Missing Numbers is like reading a book that just keeps getting better and better and better with every new chapter. Also: don’t worry about the delays or how long responding takes! You come first and foremost. Your health/work/school/whatever it is ya got going on in your personal life, is infinitely more important than me getting an answer to a question. So please, take your time, as much as you need—I will wait.
(Also, young Red being just as much of a little shit as Blue was is surprisingly wholesome and I love that. And after seeing their heights I realized I’m the same height as Blue! That detail is not important in the slightest, I just thought it was funny.)
Anywho, let’s get into the meat and potatoes, shall we?
First things first: Y’all mentioned biology mechanics and the nature of Glitches? 👀 Well, guess what? I love that kinda stuff! My curiosity is piqued—please explain.
Second question though: What is Leaf’s Duty? What does she do and how do her powers(?) work? Are her abilities like how the move Imprison was in Fallen Leaf?
And third: What’s the relationship/dynamic between Leaf and Red? That comic y’all posted has me wondering what Leaf is warning others about.
That’s all for now though! Please take care of yourself. Have a good day/afternoon/night!
Ahh, thank you so much for your patience! its really appreciated,, im glad youve still been enjoying things- your comments (and your FANART OH MY GOD??) have still been giving us LIFE i truly cannot thank you enough!
Red and Blue’s childhood friendship and rivalry has always been something we’ve wanted to come off as just plain silly and enjoyable- I’m glad we’ve been succeeding in that, hehe. And Blue was actually originally going to be shorter (our height, actually), we just added a few inches to be nicer to him lol
Per usual now, we’ll keep the big stuff under the cut! It’s another long one: Consider this Leaf Lore Part Two.
For the Glitch stuff, we’ve been thinking and might make a BIG formal post going over all of Professor Maple’s speculation and studies, to make it a good access point for the worldbuilding of Missing Numbers. I can’t promise it’ll come soon, but! As a starting point, I do have a pre-written thing with information on different classifications of Glitch that should clear up a good bit to start with. 
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Unless we get any sudden further realizations, every Glitch, Corruption, and Anomaly in Missing Numbers (and arguably in Pokemon as a whole) can fall under these five classifications.
Leaf’s duty is the main aspect of what we failed to touch on in your previous question. So, I’ll finish that part of the story. :) 
To answer your questions, we first have to establish how she got her powers. When Leaf died, she did not get to rest peacefully. Most who die in this world don’t. The afterlife for the fallen and forgotten is not pretty. It is not merciful. There is no heaven for the ones who do not matter to God. 
The Distortion exists in layers. At it’s lowest, the farthest from contact with the main reality, is a void of unused, scrapped, and null data. A graveyard, or worse yet, a dump where things that can no longer exist in the surface world go to rot. Unused data. Scrapped NPCs. Removed characters, Pokemon, items. 
Assets of old games that never carried over.
Leaf's soul was discarded here when she was erased from existence at the end of Abandoned Loneliness. Left to rot with the unborn Ghosts that had haunted them both with the intent to drag someone of significance down with them. Hoping they too might escape. That they might receive mercy through her. 
Unfortunately, Leaf was the unloved child. So instead she fell to their ranks, swallowed up by the abyss that was their resting place- thrust as far from reality, from her home, from her friends, from her purpose as feasibly possible. Still conscious. Still aware. Still suffering.
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… Leaf was not one to accept things lying down. Leaf was a fighter. She hated injustice, unfairness. She wouldn’t stand for this. She wouldn’t lie down and give up. No matter how suffocating the darkness was. No matter how the bloodied hands tried to drag her further down. No matter how the chaos and corruption tried to break and dismantle her. 
No. Matter. What.
Where there’s a will, there’s a way. And if there was one thing that defined Leaf even more than her bleeding heart, it was that her will was unbreakable.
So she climbed. Climbing over the damned- the forgotten- the spiteful- the vengeful- everything trying to hurt her and pull her down. Focused solely on escaping, on going up. Until things began to become more tangible. Until she could see more than black and red. Until there was light, and color. Until data became form- albeit still broken, chaotic. Numbers. Misplaced bricks. Impossible plants. Incomprehensible collision. 
Glitch City.
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She broke through the floor of the second lowest layer of the Distortion, and though the surface’s light was still so far… She’d found solid footing. 
And here, though it may have been quieter… She wasn’t so alone.
The City had the odd few inhabitants. But the first that she met was a strangely familiar boy, a teenager that reminded her of someone she knew, but wrong. With a cocky, lopsided grin, unruly black hair, and bright red eyes. 
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Someone who wanted out just as badly as she did.
Leaf and Red never knew each other outside of Glitch City. But during their time trapped there together as children, they were friends. Leaf wasn’t the first person Red befriended there… 
But she was significant. They were allies with a shared goal, after all, and if one of them could find a way out, they could get out together! They worked in tandem to find hope, grasp at an escape. Everything they could, as a possibility. They were friends, after all. Right?
… Leaf didn’t wholly trust Red. It wasn’t personal, but there were things that were risky. She could see the instability of corruption plaguing him, and she wanted to ensure her loved ones’ safety more than she wanted to escape. The greater picture was something that she could wrap her head around, even if it was hard to grasp.
Red was not the same. Laser focused on his goal and uncaring of the consequences, it was a factor that, over time, divided them more and more as Leaf realized the severity of Red’s condition, and began to think…
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Maybe he was here for a reason. … Still, she tried to turn a blind eye. Let herself hope things weren’t that bad. 
The growing obviousness for his resentment towards Fire, though Red tried to hide it, didn’t help- her distrust towards him only grew, further clouded by her personal fears and dedication to protecting her loved ones.
And one day, while discussing a possible window for escape… She let a thought she’d been hiding slip. The final nail in the coffin.
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Afraid for her brother’s life, and angry seeing how Red reveled in the idea of hurting him, she left him behind and didn’t look back.
From there, we aren’t sure of the exact details of how she escaped. But we know she had help on the surface- from someone a little too curious about the nature of the Anomalous, who was all too eager to free a willing entity. Professor Ace Maple (specializing in “anomalies”, and original to the Missing Numbers story!) helped free her soul. 
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Of course, releasing a long-buried corrupted entity wouldn’t go unnoticed by the higher power that had put her there. But… It saw how careful she was. How she was now completely wary of all glitches. How she’d come to understand the dangers they posed to the world and the people in it.
So, the Almighty came to her in a Golden light. Extending an offer to her.
… Of course she accepted the bargain. It was all beneficial in her eyes. Her complete freedom, and the ability to protect those she loved most in ways she never could have before. What happened in their childhood would never happen again now.
Thus, Leaf was blessed with her body yet again. Rightfully hers, and aged to grow with her. Though she’d never again be a Vessel, that was okay. She was something far greater now. 
The chains could Imprison any code they touched, and they were completely under her control. With these, she could fight and restrain any anomalies necessary. She was also given the one-of-a-kind ability to freely move between the Main world, and the Distortion… To ensure that no activity occurred in either that could allow the escape of something catastrophic.
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Of course, things weren’t perfect. The world and the people in it had changed since she’d been gone. It had been years. People would be different.
Blue, for one. It was hard to face him again. Tensions never stopped being high between them. They both remembered, after all.
She mostly just cared about her brother, now. It took her a bit to find him, idle at the top of Mount Silver. 
It was heartbreaking to see the emptiness in his eyes. Him barely acknowledging her. The realization that he’d never… He’d never looked for her. Never tried to free her. 
Never even mourned. 
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She still loved him. She always would. He was her family. He was the only one who’d been anything like her.
It was okay that he got everything she had. It was okay that he’d completely replaced her. It was okay that he now had everything she ever wanted. It was okay that he wasn’t the one who looked for, found, freed her, instead of a complete stranger. It was okay that when he spoke it was soulless and objective and only reminding her of her duties. it was okay. it was okay. 
It was okay that he didn’t care. 
It was okay that he was living the life she should’ve wanted DESERVED that he was destined to.
It was okay that she had to protect him. It was part of her duty, after all.
She wasn’t bitter. She wasn’t mad. She loved him.
… And then there was Red- “Glitchy,” as she now called him, unwilling to give him the name that belonged to her brother. He never did give up on her. He was PISSED, mind you, that somehow she had escaped and left him and the others stuck down there behind- but he still refused to back down.
They were enemies now, though. As he grew more restless- and more powerful, much to Leaf’s horror- his imprisonment became a direct responsibility of hers. And as Professor Maple grew more curious about glitches, unknowingly bringing him closer and closer to true freedom, even though she felt indebted to them, she had to resist their studies. Warn them of everything- especially him.
“I thought you hated injustice. Don’t you think this is unfair?”
Still, she had to face him often. And even in his madness, and even in chains, Red could speak so… Persuasively. 
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“If you could escape, why shouldn’t I? You have the ability to free me.”
“And I know you’re hiding me from the others. Don’t they deserve to know?”
“You knew as a KID that Blue was looking for me. Doesn’t HE deserve it?”
“I think you know this isn’t the right thing to do.”
“You’re making a mistake.”
“But it’s okay. I’m not mad. I can be patient.”
“I’m sure you’ll come around.”
“After all, you’re just like me and you know it.”
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wraithsoutlaws · 4 months
🚨☎️✂️🎒? >:)
🚨 (siren) - What’s your character’s relationship with the law? Have they ever been arrested? What for? What are their opinions on law enforcement?
Well, it's not good kfdslajfkdsalj He's openly wanted in NC and several other cities and states though he tends to avoid most of those places anyway. He was arrested a few times when he was younger, but never did any prolonged jail time, although he had been in and out of a handful of different lockups for smaller things like vandalism, pissing in cop car gas tank, drunk/disorderly, fights, etc. He was successful smuggler for a few years and got very good at outrunning them or bribing them. He hates all cops and finds them to be weak, pathetic bootlickers without any spine and believes ""law enforcement"" to be a political joke. Sometime in the mid-late 80's he gets picked up by a bounty hunter and ends up taking a deal that leaves him in an in-patient facility in lieu of hardcore jail time (though not really jail time because they would have essentially just killed him had he not gotten that deal).
☎️ (telephone) - Does your character know anyone’s phone number by heart? Do they prefer calling or texting? Who’s their favorite person to call/text? Do they have any typing quirks?
He's pretty good with remembering numbers and that's because he spends as little time on the phone as possible. Hes much more old school in that regard, prefers a solid landline to anything else. He'd rather call than text. It's more straightforward and he's not very good with texting and he likes to hear the other person's voice because he can gain more information from that than the dissonance of text. If he's on the phone it's likely something important, some kind of biz, and he finds it easier to conduct that way. But he also hates when his phone is blown up with calls so either way he can't win. The only person he'll probably text or call just to talk is Dum Dum, especially if he's in the badlands. He'll have him on call all night if he can even if its just silence. If you do get texts from him, they'll probably be riddled with mistakes (he doesn't have the patience to fix them) and depending on how close he is with someone there might be a lot of emojis, most of which probably only make sense to him. And he won't explain them either :3
✂️ (scissors) - Has your character ever cut their own hair? What about someone else’s? How did it turn out?
Dagger has only ever cut his own hair, even when he was a kid. He's always just been self-reliant with that kind of stuff and he doesn't really care much how it looks. Sometimes at the Wraith camp he'll let Lilith (other wraith oc) give him a nicer trim, but usually he'll just hack away with a knife. Shaves with one too. He used to cut his brother's hair when they were younger, and his brother didn't mind when it looked bad either because he just liked to spend time with him.
🎒 (backpack) - What items does your oc usually carry? Do they have a bag or just keep everything in their pockets? Do they carry a lot or a little?
Dagger keeps all sorts of random things with him. He's always pulling shit off bodies or picking up things he finds that he thinks will be useful (nomadcore hehe). Everything he MIGHT need he likes to keep on hand or close by. He almost never has an actual bag (his car is a nightmare mess), but keeps his pockets full (and he also sews a lot of customized interior pockets into his clothes for extra stuff). He will have probably at least 7-10 knives on him at any time, cigarettes, lighter, playing cards, small mirror, safety pins, sewing needle and thread, some cash, drugs, phone (cracked and dented), gum, the paint he uses for his eyemakeup, and probably either some kind of bandaging or duct tape as well as one of those utility pocket knives.
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traynslations · 2 years
Ogami Banri “The Best Present” RabbitTV Part 2 - Obsessed with Clownfish?
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Part 1 | Part 3
Banri: Waa…look! The sea is beautiful!
Tsumugi: Amazing, it’s emerald green…! You can even see the fish swimming!
Shiro: That’s right. The water is so clear that you can see them even at this distance…
Rinto: I’m glad that we were blessed with good weather! It seems that it was raining until yesterday.
Kaoru: There was a forecast that a typhoon was going to come, but it missed us. I’m glad, since today is the perfect day for traveling.
Rinto: Fufufu, it might be all thanks to Momo-kun and Yuki-kun’s magic! Yesterday, they were doing a fascinating spell.
Kaoru: Fascinating huh… It looks like you’re having fun as always. Gaku gave me the stamp of approval that I’m fine because I’m a sunny woman, so maybe it’s because of that, you know?
Tsumugi: Everyone in IDOLiSH7 made a teru teru bozu!*
Banri: Yes. It was displayed in the office, and I think that power was used! After all, it was made by seven people.
Shiro: I see, each group has its own personality. I had four types of rain gear on my desk because my group assumed it would rain.
Kaoru: 4 types… Are there that many different types of rain gear? Your bag was really big because of all of them.
Shiro: Since everyone went through the trouble of getting all of that, I thought I’d bring them all.
Shiro: ...Ah, I can see the cottage.
Kaoru: Wow, so nice! Look at that white building…! It’s nicer than I expected!
Rinto: Amazing…! There’s also a pool, and even a splendid terrace…!
Banri: Oh my god, the tension is rising…
Tsumugi: I informed the owner of our arrival time, so let’s first go say hello…
Cottage owner: Everyone, we have been waiting for you!
Banri: Ah, could that be the owner of this place…!?
Cottage owner: Yes, that’s right. Thank you very much for coming all the way here!
Tsumugi: Hello there, thank you for inviting us! I’m sorry that my father couldn’t come…
Cottage owner: It’s fine! It’s an honor to meet you. Everyone, if you don’t mind, leave your luggage there and come with me!
Kaoru: Thank you for your help. …First things first, if you go sightseeing, the first thing you should go to is an aquarium, right?
Shiro: Sounds good. This place is where I put a sticky note on the magazine.
Rinto: W-wow, that’s an amazing amount of sticky notes… When you think of Okinawa, you think of this!
Banri: Let’s go! I want to see a clownfish.
Rinto: Clownfish…!? Not dolphins or penguins?
Kaoru: Man, you are quite different.
Shiro: Clownfish are cute, aren’t they? I want to meet a grouper fish too.
Rinto: Grouper…what?
Tsumugi: Hehe. Well then, let’s head to the aquarium first…!
Everyone: Yeah…!
Banri: Everyone, looks like there’s a whale shark over there! Let’s go look for a minute, come on.
Banri: …Oh, it’s dark in here. Be careful not to fall.
Rinto: …Hey, I’m used to it…
Kaoru: I’m used to escorts…
Shiro: Ogami-san, are you the kind of person who always fascinates people unconsciously like that?
Tsumugi: U-um…?
Kaoru: A little while ago, he was having a blast playing with the clownfish and thought they were cute. …As expected, he’s not an ordinary person.
Banri: ……? Everyone, is there something wrong?
Shiro: Ah, no. You know about the location in advance from the pamphlet, and you don’t have to worry about where to go, since you’re used to it here, so Ogami-san, tell me how you know this place.
Banri: U-used to the aquarium…!? Maybe it seems that way because I went to a different aquarium for work with MEZZO”...
Rinto: Certainly, most people come to date spots for work.
Kaoru: It’s the same with popular tourist spots and popular shops.
Tsumugi: That’s for manager business, right?
Banri: That’s right! Thanks to that, I feel like I’ve become more aware of the trends. Tamaki-kun also teaches me a lot.
Shiro: Since I’ve started working as ŹOOĻ’s manager, I’ve also started to care about them. Back in the day, I wasn’t interested in fashion at all.
Kaoru: …Utsugi-san is the type of person who unconsciously hurts and makes women cry…
Rinto: Eh, we’re just talking about trends, don’t you know?
Kaoru: I know. I can see the shadows of many women he has made cry…
Shiro: Ah, yeah. During this time, I drank warabi mochi latte* for the first time because of Isumi-san’s recommendation.
Tsumugi: Waa~! Sounds good! I want to drink that, but I don’t have time to stop by…
Banri: Drinks are becoming sweeter and sweeter. You will be amazed by the many ideas!
Shiro: Well, it was delicious, but I wanted to have them both separately.
Rinto: Ah, there are many such things. Understood.
Kaoru: That’s what you guys are saying…
Kaoru: …Okay. Let’s go around with only us girls, Takanashi-san.
Kaoru: Let’s go to the jellyfish corner over there!
Tsumugi: Jellyfish! It’s soothing, I want to see them…!
Rinto: Ah! If it’s jellyfish, then I’ll escort you!
Banri: Are you familiar with it?
Rinto: When Momo-kun and Yuki-kun decided to live on that uninhabited island, I heard that jellyfish were quite dangerous despite their appearance. So I researched and studied what kind of jellyfish there were.
Tsumugi: It’s true, they look cute, so I might let my guard down a bit…
Rinto: Yes. As for the dangerous sea creatures and plants, I told them to be extra careful.
Kaoru: It’s a dangerous job… It’s only reasonable.
Rinto: In the end, Yuki-kun was the most excited.
Shiro: That’s surprising…
Shiro: …Wah! Wow, look! It’s a sea cucumber, it looks like you can touch it.
Tsumugi: It’s true! Cute…!
Kaoru: C-cute…is it really…!?
Banri: Utsugi-san, would you like to touch it?
Shiro: …… …Yes, I’ll touch it and you watch.
Banri: W-well, if you say so, but…
Shiro: Everyone in ŹOOĻ is also taking on many dangerous projects without hesitation. I have to do my best too…!
Kaoru: You’re just touching a sea cucumber…
Shiro: …… Now!
Rinto: …H-how is it…?
Shiro: ...It’s harder than I thought…
Shiro: Haa… With this, like everyone in ŹOOĻ, I think I was able to raise my masculinity.
Kaoru: Oh, you can’t lose if you’re manly. My group also caught tuna that put fishermen to shame on a program.
Kaoru: …Right… Ah! It was just as big as the tuna swimming over there!
Tsumugi: That’s amazing…! You caught such a big tuna!?
Kaoru: Well, we also had Ryuu. The sea was on our side too, I’m sure.
Rinto: As expected of TRIGGER! You look good no matter what you do.
Banri: Uh, we can’t lose either! We all made the dolphin show a success!
Tsumugi: Y-yes! I was very impressed with how beautifully the 7 dolphins jumped in succession…!
Kaoru: …Wait, just thinking about it makes me want to cry. I’m weak when it comes to warm conversations with animals…
Banri: Ahaha. Even when we come to an aquarium, we just end up talking about the kids.
Tsumugi: Is that so… The days with you all have become quite ordinary, rather, I can’t help but continue talking…
Shiro: My life with the four of them has become the center of my life.
Shiro: …However, all of them sent us out here to the aquarium. Let’s enjoy it more.
Banri: Alright! Let’s hurry up and go see the whale sharks! And the dolphin show too!
Tsumugi: It seems that there are also events where you can interact with penguins!
Kaoru: If it happens, let’s go to them all! So that our kids’ feelings won’t go to waste!
Rinto: If you decide to do so, get all the schedules of the aquarium into your heads and let’s move on!
Banri: Ahaha! That’s our area of expertise! Alright, let’s go!
End of part 2
TL notes:
teru teru bozu: A doll that is made and hung in the window to wish for nice weather
warabi mochi latte: What it sounds like; it’s warabi mochi but drinkable (click here for visuals)
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blackberrybrambles · 2 years
Oh, I see!
So to Sun and Moon, they are applying a punishment equivalent to the crime. (And to the following you don't need to answer because you've said you want the Blackberries stuff written as a story post but I'm just gonna give some thoughts hehe). So the punishment is one year per Berry, and it involves taking care of the forest, so I'm just wondering if it has to do with the well-being of the nature around them in general, at least what consists of the fae territory. Hmmm, I really wonder about the loss of identity part, and if that serves it's purpose or if that is just the part to pay for the offense and anger caused towards the two fae for getting them in trouble.
And since this is still a x reader story I'm very curious on how the relationships will advance! I'm guessing at first "Briar" will just feel... very hated XD The coldness of the hosts seem to make that clear, even if they are supposed to care for the snatched human now. And if that grab from Sun earlier really did bruise them, they will feel very unsafe for a good while. And lonely. Very lonely.
Also, I do wonder if they will come to regret that pain, or if because they are following their ways as fae, it's just something they will remain firm about. I can see "Briar" growing used to their new life, only for a couple of years to have how much they truly lost sinking in once again and cause them a good bit of grief. I don't know if forgetting about other things like it happened with their name is something that might occur, but the knowledge that they forgot must also be really painful.
So I do wonder how that might go, when some care has been established between the three of them and old pain resurfaces with a vengeance.
Oh, and I'm so curious about Eclipse! Since he comes in after a good while of Briar having been there, and is polite enough to Moon, could he turn into a potential friend for Briar if the relationship with Sun and Moon is just polite still? He wouldn't have a motive to be mad at the reader right? Unless blackberries are so important that all fae would be mad about that regardless XD
More fun questions!
You're right on the money in guessing that the berries, by and large, play part in keeping the Fae territory safe!
As for taking the reader's name (Aka, her identity); that's actually the main part of how they trap her in the Fae Realm. By taking her name and giving her a new one, they basically put an enchantment upon "Briar", assuring that she'll remain trapped in their realm. If she should ever manage to get her name back, she can escape.
And you're right to assume that there's a fair amount of negativity in the relationship, at the start. Particularly from Moon (who we've already seen is quicker to fly off the handle than Sun, who did his best to remain kind and polite all the way up until the Reader attempted to disobey and leave). The way its mapped out, Sun is generally nicer while not hiding the fact that he is angry. But as Briar has already been given their punishment, he is doing his best to keep from being any more cruel than he already has by trapping her in the Fae Realm and forcing her to work. Moon is the one more prone to losing his temper flat out, but outside of some verbal abuse and generally being scary, he never seriously hurts Briar (and if he does do physical harm, its largely unintentional). By and large, it takes YEARS for the anger to soften and for Briar and the Fae to start developing a positive relationship (which is why Blackberry Brambles isn't meant to follow a set linear story, but would, ideally, just consists of stories of them in the realm throughout various points in time). Once that positive relationship starts to develop, everything softens. And she starts to learn things about the Fae that largely wouldn't be made obvious otherwise.
There are definitely moments where Briar will be faced with the fact that she's trapped in this place and the world she once knew is moving on without her. The people she once knew are growing older, or even dying. No one knows where she went. And by the time she's set free, there won't be anyone left who will know her. The instant that she set foot in the Fae Realm, her life was gone. And that's a painful thing to think about.
But once the group are on more positive terms, they do show genuine care for Briar. This isn't to say that they wouldn't have tried to protect her from the start, but the closer they grow emotionally, the more meaningful it is to be comforted.
And Eclipse, by and large, is free game to be befriended or made into a lover. He has no reason to view the Reader in a negative light, and by the time he turns up, its established that she's under protection of Sun and Moon. So even if he had some sort of problem with her (and he doesn't) he'd know better than to act upon his negative feelings. By and large, Eclipse will turn up and be a tense acquaintance for a while before eventually establishing himself as a trustworthy ally.
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hongcherry · 9 months
feedback form reply
to 🐈‍⬛:
awh your long review made my week! thank you so much for taking the time to write it! i smiled knowing it made you happy and that your experience reading it was so positive! i'm going to reply in the same format you used to make it easier c:
i'm glad you felt the tension of the fight! when i was first brainstorming, i just had some sporadic ideas and random dialogue lines. one of those original lines was from the fight: “I can’t stay any longer. My one o’clock fuck is waiting for me.”
to say "pretty please (stay with me)" might be your fave cheol fic is so kind of you! also, i loved that you were so invested in it and finished it in two days!!! D: that's so skfjds MY HEART.
i'm glad you could relate to the mc! she's refreshing to write since most of my mcs tend to be more... nicer? lol. i think cherry is still nice, but you just gotta get used to her! someone had said she was a tsundere, and i think that sums her up pretty well lol
scoups as a model would've been a hit! i actually have an idea about this that i may turn into a drabble or one shot hehe. i like how they met too! their relationship felt very organic in that it was gradual in its development c:
im happy you liked the storyline!. i really just wanted a reader x cheol fic where both characters are very different from each other (and that had lots of angst haha). my long (10-15k) one-shot idea turned into so much more.
i agree; it was satisfying to write heh! and then if you cut them off, you'd have to see them a lot since you'd both be in a lot of the same classes due to the same major. plus, things are always easier said than done.
usually, i wouldn't have the mc be the one to initiate violence, but i reminded myself that cherry is NOT like my other mcs so instead of hajun slapping cherry; cherry slapped her.
tbh, i didn't anticipate for hajun and hana to be so mean LMAO. like i wanted them mean, but not necessarily meaner than cherry, but oh well. i think they can all be mean in their own ways.
thank you again for being so kind and sending me your thoughts and reactions. i absolutely love seeing people's thoughts about my work! we all have different POVs, so it's nice to see other's thoughts.
this really made me happy 🥰
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i love this hc that steve joins the police. he's a protector, a big brother, a mom and he loves his kids. they should always feel safe in hawkins and he loves to help people.
and he is also someone who likes to turn a blind eye. many eyes. he's the one who keeps catching mike and el somewhere. be it in the quarry, at lover's lake or anywhere else.
there are harmless moments when mike and el just talk, but also moments when they are very inappropriate and and he will tells mike to drive her home (if they really always go straight home is another story) and threatens to tell hopper, which he won't do.
steve knows very well that hopper might or might not kill wheeler. hehe.
and steve likes to make fun of mike and tease him while giving el enough privacy to get dressed and tells her to bring memory next time she shows up again to the police station. they always play for the last dount during his break.
Oh my gosh, yes!!! I absolutely love this headcanon as well. I'm actually currently reading this AU where Steve is a police officer and him and El became friends after she met him at the police station when meeting up with Hopper, and one day while talking to him at his desk, she asks him what made him decide to become a police officer and he says something along the lines of, "Well actually, when I was a little younger, I ended up saving the younger brother of my girlfriend at the time along with some of his friends from something and it really made me realize some things. I mean, I'm not exactly the smartest guy, alright? In any area. But saving people? Protecting? Being the good guy? Now that's something I'm good at. That's something I can do. So now, here I am. An official police officer for the Hawkins PD and all its glory."
I probably got that last part totally wrong, but whatever, it's all close enough to what he said, lmao. So yeah, lines right up with our actual canon Steve, tbh. I would really love it if there was even just some tiny mention of it in season 5, tbh.
And oh my gosh, YES!!! Whenever he ends up finding Mike and El making out somewhere, he just walks up to them quietly and then suddenly very loudly says something like, "You know, I used to come here when I was younger, too." And then Mike and El both jump five feet in the air and Steve just starts laughing about it 😂😂
Yes, Steve very much likes to remind them everytime that they better be glad it was him that found them, not Hopper, stating that he likes Mike "just a little bit more than Hopper does, enough not to kill you, so you keep that in mind, Wheeler, you got it?" And then Mike is just vigorously nodding his head in agreement and sometimes, when he's in a particularly snarky or sarcastic mood, he'll mock salute Steve as well and then Steve just narrows his eyes at him and gives him a look that's like "I'm watching you, Wheeler", lmao
And yes, once El's fully decent, if she wasn't before, then she comes right up to them both and just cheerily asks what they're talking about and then Steve is just like, "Just giving the reminder of how Hop would react if he was the one that found you guys, just in case you forgot." And then yes, he would definitely remind El to bring memory, and he would be much nicer with her than with Mike, obviously, and then he sends them on their way and it's wonderful 😌😌😌
Thank you for sharing this awesome headcanon with me!!!! I absolutely love it!!!! And it's very much appreciated!!!! Hope you're having a great day/night!!!!! 💜💜💜
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ijwrsmff · 3 years
Hello there
This one is a bit lengthy but can i please get headcanons of the straw hats reaction to an admiral reader(gender neutral please) who quits the marine to join them, and is at first is distrusted but does something to gain theirs trust
I hope it's not too much trouble
It's no trouble at all! I really like this idea, it was a ton of fun to write! I hope you enjoy it ^^
He found you during a fight with the marines
He noticed...you were so much stronger than the marines you were fighting with
Maybe not strong in comparison to Luffy...but he was extremely powerful so comparing to him isn’t fair
He saw you deal what should have been a finishing blow to his crewmates…
But for some reason you never hit them hard enough to kill them
Down them, sure...but never kill
He makes quick work of the other marines, and approaches you with a smile
“Join my crew!”
You looked at him baffled
“Quit the marines and throw away all my hard work to become an admiral because some...kid thinks I would be a good match for his crew? No thanks.”
Luffy left it at that, but knew he’d see you again soon
You encountered him once more at a nearby island
“Is...is that offer still on the table?”
He grinned wide and pulled you by your hand to his ship
He couldn’t put his finger on it...but something was special about you
He just knew the crew would love you
After they get over their initial distrust that is
But Luffy? He trusted you already
No hesitation, he knew you had a good heart and that’s what really mattered
He didn’t trust you...at all
He would go silent when you talked to him, giving you the silent treatment
He didn’t trust the marines...how was he supposed to know you weren’t there as a spy?
You tried to talk to him a couple times...but he just pretended he was sleeping
One day, he was up in the crow’s nest training and you walked in
“Mind if we spar? It’s been a while since I was able to.”
Since you left the marines
He huffed but gave a firm “sure”
He didn’t go easy on you, which surprised him when you handled yourself fairly well
You parried his attacks, and gave a few good jabs of your own
He respected your strength
He still won...but he expected to beat you within seconds
Not minutes, nearly half an hour of sparring
From then on, he’ll make small talk with you
Every once in a while he’ll go to take a nap and he’ll pull you down to lay beside him
He also sits next to you at the dinner table, even helping you fend off Luffy when he tries to steal your food
Overall...he respected strength. And if Luffy chose you...you were here to stay
Once he starts to trust you, he’ll protect you at all costs
She trusts Luffy’s decision...but that doesn't mean she has to trust YOU
She won’t go out of her way to be mean...but she won’t help you if it means bending over backwards
She interrogates you, wanting to know why Luffy had chosen you
After days of interrogation on and off...she thinks she sees why
You were unhappy in the marines
Sure...you managed to become an admiral...but the happiness you had hoped to feel just wasn’t there
She discovered that in the short time you’ve been on this ship, you’ve felt happier than you ever did in the marines
She’ll be nicer after that, slowly building up her trust in you
“Want me to show you how I chart the islands we go to?”
Even if cartography wasn’t your thing, you figured it would help get you closer to Nami
After that, you would spend hours upon hours with Nami
She can be very...very protective
So once she trusts you, any comments about you that weren’t warranted she’d defend you
She wants to get closer to you, and spends the majority of her time with you
Either sitting on the deck or working on her maps
She even tells Sanji off if he starts to bother you, making the hearts in his eyes break
She’ll protect you...and she knows in her heart you’d protect her too
He is so...so scared of you at first
You were an ADMIRAL
How could you just give up that position to join a crew?
Doesn’t trust you for a good long while
He’s convinced you’re a spy
He lets his imagination get to him, and that drives a wedge between you two
You don’t blame him...the situation is sketchy, but you were genuine
You would spend all the time needed to get the crew to trust you
After only being with them a short period of time...you trusted them with your life
And that’s never happened before
In the marines...people wouldn’t go out of their way to save another if it meant getting hurt in the process
During battle, you stepped in front of Usopp and took a harsh blow, forming a long slash across your chest
After that...he’s significantly nicer to you
He visits you in the infirmary and looks...troubled
“What’s wrong Usopp?” You give him a concerned look
“Why what?”
“Why did you save me...you’re hurt now. Because of me.”
You smiled at him...so he did care
This was a good first step
Maybe eventually you can become even closer
He’s reluctant to trust you at first, but Luffy seems to see something in you…
Just like he saw something in him
So he tries to get closer to you, even going so far as to not flirt with you
Not until he got to know you better
The first time he really began to see the trust between you building was a regular day
Nothing particularly special about it, except you went into the kitchen while he was cooking
“Mind if I help?” It was your attempt to get closer to him
“Of course! Here, I need this mixed.”
You cooked together in relative silence, small talking every once in a while
Overall it was...nice
It was a bonding experience and he cherished it
That day, he sat next to you at the dinner table
You gave him a wide smile, which he returned
He would defend you to anyone who spoke ill of you after that
He could be quite protective, and it showed
Especially to Zoro, who made comments about your being a spy (which only made Usopp and Chopper panic more about the situation)
“Hey marimo! They don’t deserve the bullshit you’re throwing at them. Back off.”
“What are you gonna do about it, shitty cook?” A smirk formed on Zoro’s face
Oh dear...it looks like they’re fighting again
You went to speak up, but Nami stopped you
“They get like this sometimes. Though it’s impressive how quick Sanji was to take the bait this time...I think he likes you.” She gives you a wink and your face flushes
Who knows what the future will bring...all you know? Is that you made the right choice to join this crew
He wants to trust you...he really does
But the nagging fear of you hurting his crew is at the back of him mind
He avoids you, not wanting to risk getting hurt
Once you get injured in battle...he realizes how unfair it was that he did so
“I’m sorry y/n...you’re hurt. Please follow me to the infirmary.”
He keeps it relatively formal, only talking when he needed to do something to check on you
“Would you...come back in a couple days so I can check on the wound and how it’s healing?”
You gave him a smile “yes doctor! Thank you!”
“Hehe you don’t have to thank me I don’t deserve your thanks I was just doing what I’d do for any of our crew!” He swayed back and forth, his paws on his face as he smiled
You could swear you saw flowers around him…
After that, he invited you to play games with him, Usopp, and Luffy
While Usopp was still reluctant, Luffy was 100% on board
“Come on y/n! Play with us!” Chopper smiled up at you and...well...there’s no way you could say no to his adorable face
So you joined in
It was fun...more fun than you thought possible to have
You laughed as Chopper tagged you, and you spun around picking him up in a hug
“Chopper...thank you.”
He smiled and laughed, “for what? Tagging you?”
You shook your head, putting him down
“No...for being a good friend.”
And he was, he was your best friend. You grew closer to him in the days following and you were certain you made the right decision
She knows what it’s like to not be trusted by the crew initially...but at least with her it was one pirate to another
You were a marine
And not just a marine...but an admiral
She is reluctant to trust you, but will give you the benefit of the doubt
She spends a lot of time with you, gauging if you’re a threat to her crew or not
She would sacrifice herself for any one of them...you’re no exception
She almost thinks its her JOB to determine if you’re a threat or not
It wasn’t until your first battle together that she finds she trusts you
You give her a look, and she knows to use her devil’s fruit
You both coordinate perfectly together, and it shows your trust
She has only battled so flawlessly with her crew...which means you’re entirely one of them now
She will defend you from that fight forward, and stands up for you when the others express their doubts
“Y/n? Would you like to read with me?” She pats the spot next to her and smiled at you
“Of course! What are we reading today?”
The two of you grow closer and closer, spending hours upon hours just...enjoying each other’s company
She looks at your smile and knows...she would do anything to keep that happy smile on your face
He doesn’t trust you...but he doesn’t...NOT trust you
He’s reluctant to get close, but finds it’s really easy with you
He’s newer to the crew, but he trusts Luffy’s judgement
So he doesn’t have any reason not to give you a chance
He’ll spend time with you, requesting you sit in his workroom as he works on a specialized weapon for you
Over that time, you make a lot of small talk
It brings you closer together
“Y/n! What do you think?” He’ll say holding up your now finished weapon “Pretty super, right? Don’t you just love it?” He has a look of pride on his face that makes you grin
You take the weapon into your hands and feel the weight is perfect
Not light, but not overly heavy either
“Thank you Franky!” You jump up to hug him and miss seeing his face turn a dark crimson
“O-of course! Anything for a crewmate!” He hugs you back, lightly as if he’s afraid he’ll break you
This makes you laugh, “Franky...I was an admiral remember? I won’t break from a hug!”
“Well then...take this!” He lifts you up, spinning you around in circles
You both laugh, pulling each other closer and closer
Once he sets you down you see the fleeting color of pink on his cheeks
You were sure your face mirrored the same color
He knows in that moment he would protect you
Even if you didn’t need it
Maybe...protect isn’t the right word
It sounds so...one sided
“I’ll protect you...will you protect me?” He looks sheepish, almost as if he hated asking
You lean up and kiss his cheek
“I’ll protect you Franky. I’ll protect all of us...this crew...it’s special.”
He nods, knowing exactly what you meant
“Then we’ll protect each other.”
And it was settled
As soon as you stepped onto the ship he approached you
“Your name is y/n...correct?”
“Yup! That’s me!”
He leaned down so your…”eyes” were level with each other
“Can I see your panties?”
“...is that a no?”
It’s safe to assume...he doesn’t judge you for being an admirable
Though seeing some of the crew be distant from you...it only motivates him to speak to you more
You looked tired after playing with the crew on deck, so he approached you
“Would you like me to play you a song to help you sleep?”
You stared wide eyed, not knowing he was the musician on the ship
“Sure! Would you...maybe be able to teach me how to play an instrument?”
“Which instrument would you like to learn?”
You hummed, “I’m not sure. I’ll get back to you on that.”
And so he played you a song
It put not only you, but Luffy, Usopp, and Chopper to sleep
He would have grinned if he could, and looked over his crewmates with love
As he finished the song he looked at you once again
“Sleep well y/n...I’ll see you tomorrow.”
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abyssmalice · 2 years
Voicelines / The Fatui Harbingers:
Tumblr media
About Pierro: Ugh, the old man... What am I supposed to say about him? That I hate his guts? That his loyalty to this cause sickens me? That, in spite of all that, he still tries to care for me? Not just as a mentor either. He—I wouldn’t say he confuses me, but it’s complicated between us. The best I can explain is that he’s like the Tsaritsa - good intentions, but their dedication to this righteousness has its problems. I can’t accept it, no matter what. So I won’t accept him, either.
About Il Dottore: —No. No. Don’t say another word, because I won’t. If you want an answer that badly, ask anyone else. And if you absolutely have to know something from me, it’s that he’s a mad man and a madder scientist. I... I just wish he would disappear...
About Columbina: She’s... nice, with me at least. Really nice, but also distant - in the sense that you can tell she’s not looking at the world in the same way as others, and I’m not saying that in a good way. Honestly, she reminds me of my mentor - who can be a nice person, but if you spend enough time with her, you can tell she’s completely whack in the head. So—she’s nice, but I wouldn’t let my guard down around her.
About Capitano: The only thing I bother remembering about him is that he’s supposed to have a face behind that helmet of a mask. Which means, every time we have to gather, I always try to find an opportunity to ruin his day by destroying it. ...Not that I’ve been successful at it yet, but I will! I will!
About Pulcinella: After the first and last time I tried to pull on his nose, he’s kept his distance. He definitely doesn’t like me, but not in a super mad way - more like everyone else when I pull a prank and they see how much they have to clean up after me. Hehe, the face he makes after I mess something up for him is hilarious, and he knows I know this. Hehehe.
About Scaramouche: We never got along. His attitude to me could be worse than mine to everyone else, and he always doubted my place among the Harbingers. Not that I care about the latter bit, but it’s still infuriating! Hearing him snark about children being in the Fatui when he’s practically as tall as me! And the only thing I could snark back at him is his stupid hat being stupid. Grrrr.
About Arlecchino: I don’t like her. Oh, she’s nice and respectful, but that’s just a polite front. Her real personality is obvious if you look at her orphanages - treating children the way she does, like with carrots and sticks but worse... It sickens me, really.
About La Signora: We were as professional as can be. I say that, because I didn’t like how loyal she was to the Tsaritsa’s cause, and she didn’t like me for dyeing her dresses with turmeric and anything else I would pull on her. That said, she was still arguably one of the nicer Harbingers with me - though, maybe she was just being diplomatic about it?
About Pantalone: I remember how he tried to teach me economics, once. I didn’t understand a thing, and I think he understood that, because he doesn’t blink an eye when I make purchases that look huge and outrageous even to me. Or at least I think he doesn’t. I don’t really get what’s going on in his head, really, but whatever. He gives me the money to buy cakes, so I’m not complaining.
About Sandrone: Hmm.. to be honest, we haven’t talked much. We don’t see each other much, and she’s not that talkative either. We’re like acquaintances at best. To me anyway. I can tell she doesn’t like me as much, especially after I went about wrecking her machines once. I actually felt a bit bad about it afterwards—until I remembered that she’s a Harbinger. None of us deserve nice things.
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Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Yuma Maniac [09]
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ー The scene starts in the dungeon
Yuma: ...Nn...
( ...Where am I? It looks like...a prison cell... )
Fuck! Mertz set us up after all! I bet that bastard snuck somethin’ in our food...!
Right! Where is Yui...!?
( ...She’s not here...Did they take her somewhere else? )
Damnit! Now isn’t the time to sit still. I gotta get outta here and look for Yui...!
ー Shin walks up to the cell
Shin: Haha! You honestly look like a gorilla in its cage right now!
Yuma: Shin...!!
Yuma: I see. So ya were workin’ together with that Mertz guy, huh...?
Oi, where did ya take Yui!? Ya brought her here together with me, didn’t ya!?
Shin: She’s with Nii-san.
Yuma: Nii-san? Are ya talkin’ ‘bout Carla?
Shin: Excuse me? I’d appreciate it if a gorilla like yourself wouldn’t just casually say Nii-san’s name like that. It’s very upsetting.
Yuma: What didya just say!?
Shin: Wow...What a brute you are. I’m honestly starting to pity that woman for having to submit to a guy like you. 
Yuma: That’s not the case...!
Shin: Then what? Are you trying to say she’s your girlfriend instead? 
Hehe, let me teach you something nice then. 
Yuma: What...?
Shin: I’m pretty sure that as we’re speaking...Nii-san is making that woman his.
I’m sure he’ll treat her so much nicer than you ever could, so she’ll completely surrender to him in no time, don’t you think? 
Both her body, and her heart, that is.
Yuma: Wha...!? 
Shin: Haha! Your current expression is priceless! Like you’ve hit rock bottom? 
However...This isn’t the end yet.. I still have to ‘return’ the favor you did me the other day.
Because of you, I fell in disgrace with Nii-san. All because you ran away with that woman...
Nii-san told me to get rid of you, but I’ll keep you alive just a little longer. 
I’ll take my sweet time, slowly torturing you to death.
Yuma: Tsk...I stay quiet for two seconds and ya go runnin’ yer mouth like that...!!
Yuma: Ya little...! ...!
Shin: Oh dear, you’re bleeding, see? Maybe it’s time to stop? 
Yuma: Shut up!!
Shin: That’s what I get for trying to be kind, huh...?
Oh well, whatever. Just wait there in frustration. As that woman slowly falls in Nii-san’s hands. 
Yuma: ...Fuck..!!
ー The scene shifts to one of the bedrooms
Yui: ...Uu...
Yui: Huh...Where...?
( It seems like a manor but who does it belong to...? Also, who put me in bed? )
( If I recall correctly, Mertz-san was showing us the way, right? )
( Then midway through, I was suddenly hit by an intense dizzy spell... )
Right, where is Yuma-kun...!? 
Yui: ...He’s not here...Why...? We should have been together though...
( Not only do I have no idea where I am, but Yuma-kun isn’t even with me either. How on earth did this happen? )
( Anyway, I gotta look for Yuma-kun... )
ー She walks towards the door
Yui: Eh? ...The door is locked...
*Clunk clunk*
Yui: ( No way...It won’t open...Have I been locked in? )
Right, the window...!
ー Yui runs over to the window
Yui: ( Thank god, the window is open...! )
( But it’s too high...I doubt I’ll be able to get out from here... )
ー Carla enters the room
Carla: ...What is the plan?
Yui: ...!!
Are you perhaps the one who brought me here...?
Carla: If I am, what will you do? 
ー Carla approaches her
Yui: ...Stay away! If you take one step closer, I’ll jump out of the window!
Carla: It is not my intention to kill you. No need to be so alert.
Yui: I can’t trust you on your word. 
...More importantly, answer my question. 
→ Where is Mertz-san? 
Yui: Where is Mertz-san?
Carla: Why would you care about the man who lured you straight into a trap? 
Yui: ...Then, the person who put me to sleep...?
Carla: Exactly. It was Mertz. He brought you here upon my order.
Yui: ( Yuma-kun was right all along... )
( I thought Mertz-san was a nice guy too... )
Carla: Is that your only question?
Yui: Wait. Where is Yuma-kun...? What happened to him?
→ Where is Yuma-kun? (♡)
Yui: Where is Yuma-kun!?
Carla: He is locked up inside a prison cell. His corpse, that is.
Yui: ...Eh? 
Carla: Mukami Yuma was killed. 
Yui: Uu...
( What is...he saying...? Killed...? )
Yui: No way...You’re lying...
Carla: I am not. I ordered Shin to chop off his head.
Yui: Stop spouting nonsense!! Yuma-kun wouldn’t die...
He’d never let himself get killed by you two...!
Carla: ...You are such a troublesome woman.
Yui: ...What is this...?
Carla: A lock of his hair. 
Yui: ...!!
Carla: You will believe me now, will you not? He...Mukami Yuma is dead. 
Yui: ( No way...Yuma-kun is... )
( Yuma-kun has...died...? )
ーー I was shot down by Carla-san’s words,
as I fell to my knees. 
Yuma-kun has died...
I simply could not accept that. 
However, there is proof (証拠) right in front of my eyes. 
ーー Yuma-kun’s hair which I had touched so many times before. 
It feels like just yesterday when I ran my fingers through it as his head rested on my lap.
While looking at the lock of hair he threw my way,
I could literally hear the sound of despair (絶望) as it approaches... 
<-[ Maniac 08 ] [ Maniac 10 ] ->
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tender-rosiey · 3 years
(birthday anon again btw)
you're honestly so sweet holy HDKXFJSJD
please don't do this request if you're busy/don't have time/don't want to BUT SINCE YOU OFFERED IT AHEM -
atsushi helping the agency celebrate (non-binary) reader's birthday ✨✨
I APPRECIATE YOU MORE THAN WORDS CAN DESCRIBE LIKEAAAAA!!! i honestly haven't celebrated my birthday properly in YEARS so now that i'm turning 16 i thought i'd be nicer to myself as a "heck yeah you survived 16 years you deserve this" and it's been great so far, honestly hehe
you're such a hecking sweetheart GIMME A HUG (♥´∀`)/
thank you for everythingtisndkksdk
❥ Celebrating your bday with Atsushi + ADA
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Birthday posts are sure coming like a train these days huh
Happy birthday to anyone whose birthday is when you read this shiz
I think atsushi would go to a very extra for your birthday, he wants you to know how much you mean to him
And he will start the day ever so excitedly with you
You will wake up to a cute Atsushi with the biggest smile on his face with a huge bouquet of flowers in his hands or a bouquet of chicken nuggets if you are allergic to flowers <3
You will tour the entire city, even if you don’t want to
Everything at the agency is ready actually, they prepared for it pretty early
Atsushi just wants to appreciate you and have some alone time with you
how lovey dovey
He is internally fangirling at every single thing you do
Like when that cute and beautiful blue butterfly landed on your hair looking like a graceful hair clip
Or when you got cream on your lips as you were eating the crepe
Dang it I am craving crepe now >:(
Anyways, he will take you to the date spots you always talk about
I feel like he is really attentive and remembers everything you say, more specifically the things you said you like
Remember that one shirt from 2 years that you said you wanted so so badly?
It’s in the big ass box he hid under the table
The one everyone is holding dazai back from opening
oh wait yosano said she will cut off his arms if he gets near it again, lovely
Back to you love birds
I feel like he would give you the gift you wanted for a long time now in front of the same river he met dazai on
“Since this place started the life that lead me to you, I was thinking that maybe…I could give you your birthday gift on it, y/n!”
a smile never fading from his face
And please his eyes would hold so much passion and truthful love, and a soft pink hue painting his cheeks because despite all the times you have spent together he still can’t manage to keep his cool around you
“It’s a call! It’s a call! Oi Atsushi! It’s a call! It’s a call!”
“when did he manage to change the ringtone, what the—“
“Just answer it before I beat him up for interrupting us.”
He quickly hung up on his mentor before holding your hands tugging them to his face passionately
He got shy at the end though aw
you fluster him, what should he do ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
After that you guys were running and laughing in the streets so you can get back to agency
You were met with confetti popping out from everywhere in the office, slowly cascading revealing your workmates, no, friends that spent the time out of their day to surprise you with this
(In dazai’s post I forgot what confetti was pls)
“Happy Birthday Y/N!”
And so each one of them took their turn in giving you the gift they got
Dazai, a lovers’ shirt so you both can match (they look a bit cringey but he tried)
Kunikida, a calendar and notebook so you can organize your day and dates
Ranpo, a respectful amount of candy that he might or might’ve not eaten some of it, just a little
Yosano, multiple outfits you liked when going shopping with her
Tanizaki and Naomi, a collection of manga, you decide the genre :)
Kenji, a bottle fresh cow’s milk because that’s healthier and tastier and you should appreciate it
Fukuzawa, a fatherly pat on the head to which I envy you for btw with a side of a day off tomorrow
Then finally, everyone was dancing around, laughing, joking, having food wars and trying to prevent dazai from eating the purple cucumber he found on the ground on his way back, normal birthday stuff yk yk
It’s all cool
You had already opened Atsushi’s gift and found multiple things you said had caught your interest which you appreciated cause it proved he indeed listened to you
Beside them was a photo of your first date and alongside it trinkets and memorable items from each date you guys had
While your eyes were starting to tear up at the thoughtful gift, on the other side of the room was your lover who was just admiring you from afar
A grateful and loving smile plastered on his face, never seeming to fade even for the tiniest moment
“Someone looks like he is head over heels~” dazai sang interrupting atsushi’s dream to Loveland
The grey haired boy looked up giggling before resting his cheek on his hand and saying “Looks like it.”
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copyright © 2020 tender-rosiey
do not copy or plagiarize or you will be reported
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plant-flwrs · 4 years
Can I request a ilvermorny transfer x one of the twins? I think it'll be cool if she wore roller skates to school (charmed by yours truly) since it's the 90s and she's cool but super sweet and caring - maybe when they invite her over to the burrow for the summer or their birthday she can give them a pair? Thanks ily!!!
roller skates // fred weasley 
a/n: ok i always feel bad when my fics take so long to set up and theres barely any like actual romance and i am trying to work on it. i think its hard for me to go into a fic where a relationship is already established, so i like writing them coming together and the immersion of it. but i hate reading fics where it takes forever to get to the good parts so just know that i will be trying to work on that flaw in my writing! thanks so much for reading! (i made the reader from florida just because my mind blanked on any other places that don’t have snow lol, but it’s not really relevant in any other situations so ignore it if u please) also just realizing all of my summaries sound scary and ominous also just realizing how i say way too much in these author notes im so sorry bye
summary: The American transfer student draws attention to herself with her accent, but Fred is drawn to something else about her.
(10.4k hehe sorry :D)
Looking around at the students bustling past you, the only word you could think of was “proper”.
Looking down at your muggle clothes, loose and mismatched, your hair resting naturally, the only word you could think to describe yourself with was “improper”.
A boy with a permanent scowl and striking blond hair glanced your way, and the taller adults behind him followed his eye line. The three of them looked you up and down and their mouths all distorted into nasty grimaces. You felt your father’s comforting hand clasp over your shoulder, trying to help you remember everything he had said to you before arriving at King Cross Station.
“They aren’t that different from us,” he repeated, and you could tell he was doubting himself as he glanced at the uptight children and their matching parents.
He guided you forwards, and you pushed your large cart in front of you, navigating through the crowd. It started to separate around you, and even more odd glances were thrown your way. You supposed you should have felt a little insecure- you looked quite out of place- but the feeling could not overwhelm the excitement you felt. You had read all about Hogwarts, its history, its architecture, and you even picked up a few books about muggle London.
You were stood in your father's embrace, about to board. Your things were stored away, and you heard the train roaring louder and louder. You glanced around, the fathers in their dress shirts and ties, mothers in long skirts and blouses. Their children wore sweaters and jeans, or suit jackets and dress pants.
Something caught your eyes, though; a few feet away there was a large family, mingling in embraces. They all had flaming red hair, and their clothes looked like yours. In fact, your clothes resembled the oldest woman’s clothes, mismatched and colorful. Her eyes watered, and she smoothed down the hair on a fidgeting boy.
“Ronald, hold still!” she shouted at him, and he reluctantly allowed his mother to soothe his red hair down into a part on the side.
Once the woman had moved onto another child, Ronald roughed his hair back to the mess it was before. The woman now clutched a smaller boy, who looked like he was Ronald’s age, by the shoulders. She moved a hand to soothe his unruly hair off his forehead. Your eyes widened when you saw the lightning bolt on his forehead.
The books you had bought about the English Wizarding World did not neglect to mention the boy who lived. Elbowing your father, you both cast glances at the family. Your father nodded his head, looking impressed at the sight of Harry Potter.
“Thanks again Mrs. Weasley,” Harry said, and it sounded like he had said it millions of times before.
Mrs. Weasley waved off the two boys, who went to gather a girl with large bushy hair.
“Come on ‘Mione! We’ve got to get a good compartment,” Ronald said impatiently, tugging the girl's arm onto the train.
Mrs. Weasley was left with four other children. One of them looked like all the other proper British people you had seen at the station, a permanent sneer on his face. He shook his head stiffly at his mother and shook his father’s hand. You thought it was quite odd, and two identical boys standing with the family couldn’t contain their laughter.
“Yes,” one of them started, doubling over in a bow, “good day, mother,” he said pompously, imitating his brother.
“May you have a wonderful few months,” the other started, moving to shake his father’s hand as his brother had moments ago, “I’ll be looking for your owl,” he said, sounding incredibly posh.
The younger girl, with the same fiery hair, began to giggle, earning a scowl from the eldest brother as he boarded the train.
The girl pulled her mother in for a hug, and then her father, and waved to them fervently as she followed after her brother.
“You boys, stay out of trouble!” Mrs. Weasley said to the remaining twins, waving a finger at them.
“We always do, mum,” one said, and it was obvious by his tone that they didn’t often stay out of trouble.
They waved to their parents at the same time, stepping onto the train with a certain enthusiasm.
You averted your gaze, looking anywhere but at the family you had been staring at. You looked up at your father, hugging him one last time. When you pulled back, you heard his name being called.
“Mr. Y/n?” the voice called out, approaching the two of you.
It was Mr. and Mrs. Weasley, and Mr. Weasley already had his hand stuck out to your father.
“I’m Arthur Weasley, I’ve been the one to hire you at the Misuse of Muggle Artefacts Office at the Ministry. This is my wife, Molly. Funny to meet you here,” he said politely, looking at you and your father in a nicer way than any other wizard had during your time at the station. His eyes didn’t wander down to your brightly colored shoes, or your patterned pants, and he didn’t even cast a second glance at your oversized, offensively colored sweater. You beamed at him.
“Oh! Yes, it’s great to meet you,” your father said, shaking his hand. He squeezed your shoulder, jostling you a bit, “This is my daughter, Y/n.”
“Oh, would you hear that accent, Arthur!” Molly gasped, smiling as if she was astonished. Your father chuckled at her reaction. You supposed it would happen to you a lot at Hogwarts.
They both smiled at you, and Arthur offered you his hand to shake. You held your hand out, but the sleeve of your sweater swallowed the limb. You shook the extra clothing away, and Molly chuckled. Finally shaking his hand, you held it out to Molly. She bypassed your hand and began to roll up the sleeves of your sweater.
“Thank you,” you said, and she nodded, accomplished, at you.
“Better get her going,” your father said, and the Weasleys nodded at you.
“Have a good term, dear,” Molly said to you, patting your shoulders the way she had done to Harry.
“Thank you,” you repeated, moving past them and heading onto the train.
You waved one last time at your father, and the door closed behind you.
You wandered down the isles, looking for an empty place to sit. You pretended to look like you knew where you were going, hoping fewer people would stare at you if you did. Your plan didn’t work, and you caught the eyes of almost everyone you passed.
You had made it to the end of the train, and your eyes peered into the last cabin. It was empty except for a girl and a boy. They seemed friendly enough, so you slid open the door.
“Mind if I sit with you guys?” you asked, and the boy looked at you quizzically when he heard your voice.
“Not at all,” the girl said.
She had strikingly blonde hair and gray eyes that poured deeply into you. She had a faint smile on her lips, and her head was cocked to the side.
“I’m Luna Lovegood,” she said, and her voice was light and airy, “This is Neville Longbottom.”
The boy shifted in his seat, casting a shy glance at you. He raised a shaky hand and gave you a curt wave.
You smiled widely at the two of them, glad you seemed to have picked the right place to sit.
The train ride went fast enough. Luna asked you all sorts of questions about America, and you asked her all sorts of questions about England. When Neville warmed up to you, he asked some questions about Ilvermorny. They asked what house you had been in there, and you told him you were a Thunderbird, the soul of the witch.
“Where do you reckon she’ll be sorted into here?” Neville asked Luna. You leaned forwards, curious for the answer.
“Oh, I don’t know,” she said, peering into a magazine she had balanced into her lap, “but if I’m lucky, it’ll be Ravenclaw.”
“Which one is Ravenclaw?” you asked, trying to remember what you had read.
“The wise and witty,” Luna said, moving her robes to show the crest on it. It was blue with a bird over it.
“A raven, clever,” you said, looking closer at Neville’s red-trimmed robes.
“You’d think,” he said, “but it’s an eagle. I’m a Gryffindor, we’re meant to be brave but,” he trailed off, and Luna placed a comforting hand on his arm.
“Oh, stop it, Neville,” she said gently, her gaze back onto you, “there's Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin.”
You nodded, recalling what little you read.
“My dad said he figured I would be a Hufflepuff. The Ministry told him he was a Ravenclaw, he had to do the silly sorting hat and everything,” you said, and Neville smiled at you.
“Hufflepuff? They’re quite nice, I suppose,” he said, sounding disappointed that you weren’t in Gryffindor or Ravenclaw.
“Well, we won’t know for sure,” Luna said, closing her magazine, “until-” but the train’s brakes began to screech.
Her smiled widened, and you looked down at your robes you had changed into. Maybe now people would be less inclined to stare, you thought.
You were right, but only briefly. Once you had gotten to the Great Hall, you were shuffled in with the first years. Your face burned a slight red the whole time, your larger and older stature standing out amongst the sea of younger students. Your name was called, and you heard a faint whooping coming from the table of red.
You glanced at it, seeing Neville lowering a cheering fist from the air. He looked around nervously, and you saw one of the Weasley twins glancing at his quizzically. You smiled at Neville’s support and sat in the stool.
An old and tattered hat was lowered onto your head, and suddenly it began speaking in your ear.
“Hm, very interesting. You’re not from here, that’s obvious,” it spoke quickly, echoing in your skull, “but I think the choice is simple. I’d say,”
Suddenly the voice left your skull and boomed into the room, for everyone to hear.
Cheers from a table full of yellow sounded off, some raising from their seats and clapping for you. You beamed, moving off the stool and skipping cheerfully towards the table. You walked down the aisle between the red and yellow, and Neville’s hand stuck out at you.
“Congratulations!” he said excitedly, holding his hand up for a high five.
You hit his hand, and he waved you off.
A girl with a yellow tie and dark hair waved you over. She inched over, giving you room to sit with her.
“I’m Sarah, happy to have you in Hufflepuff!” she beamed, and you didn’t think you would ever get used to the British accents.
“It’s nice to meet you,” you watched her eyes widen at the sound of your voice, “I’m Y/n.”
“You’re American! You must have come from that American school, what’s it called, Ilmorny?” she asked, ducking her head and whispering as the sorting continued.
“Ilvemorny,” you corrected her, still smiling.
Sarah asked you a lot of the same questions Neville and Luna had asked, but you didn’t mind answering them. She had even offered to give you a tour of the school tomorrow, with the promise that you would choose the bed next to her’s in the dorm.
Sarah had lived up to her promise. You walked with your head permanently tilted upwards, admiring the greatness of the castle. Sarah ate with you at every meal and even insisted on walking you to your classes until you knew the way on your own. She had been so nice to you, and when Luna told you about the upcoming Hogsmeade trip, you knew you had to ask her to go with you.
The two of you walked through the snow, wrapped up in matching yellow and black scarves. She had linked her arm with yours and pulled along to all her favorite shops.
The two of you ducked into The Three Broomsticks, sick of the ice sticking to your face.
You saw a red scarf and a blue scarf sitting at a table, and when you saw the flow of blonde hair peeking from the blue one, you knew who it was. You pulled Sarah over to Luna and Neville, and Neville told you to pull up two chairs. You introduced Sarah to Luna and Neville.
“We’re just waiting for Harry, Ron, and Hermione to meet us,” Neville said, smiling cheerfully.
“Oh, should we go?” you asked, offering to free up your chair.
“No, no, stay,” Luna urged you, pulling your arm back down, “I’ll introduce you.”
This was how you were going to meet Harry Potter, you thought, huddled up at a small table, drinking a foamy beverage that left a little white mustache on your upper lip.
Harry was just like every other kid, and he was with the people you had seen at the station that day.
“What did you say your last name was?” Ron asked, leaning over the table so you could hear him.
“Y/l/n,” you said.
“Does your dad work for the Ministry?” he asked, and you nodded, “Our dads work together!” he said, elbowing Harry.
“Her dad is the bloke my dad was raving about all summer, the guy from America,” Ron said to Harry, and Harry nodded at you.
“What a coincidence,” you said, dipping your head to take another sip of the drink Sarah had ordered you.
You all fell into a natural conversation, and Hermione asked to switch seats with Sarah at one point. Sarah had no protests, filing easily into the seat next to Harry, glancing at him dreamily.
“Will you tell me about America? I’ve been to other parts of Europe for holidays, but never America. What’s it like? How different are the wizards?" Hermione sounded off questions like she had them rehearsed, but you were happy to answer them.
You and she were in a fit of laughter after she had told you about her parents’ reaction to her letter. Your eyes were shut, brimming with tears, as Hermione recounted her mother’s jumping up and down.
You were so involved with your conversation with Hermione, you hadn’t noticed Ron’s brothers come into the restaurant.
“Hello, Ickle Ronniekins,” one of them teased, messing a hand through Ron’s overgrown hair, “when are you gettin’ a hair cut?”
“Mum’s gonna cut it all off the second you get home,” the other said, pulling a chair in between Luna and Ron. The other pulled a chair in between Harry and Sarah, and you didn’t miss Sarah’s annoyed sigh at the interruption.
You and Hermione were recovering from your laughter, clutching your stomachs and breathing heavily.
“What’s so funny ladies?” one of them said, shoving Ron aside so he could rest his elbows on the table.
“Just telling Y/n about how my parents reacted to my letter from Hogwarts,” Hermione sighed, wiping a tear from the corner of her eye.
“You’re the famous Y/n?”
“The American?”
Ron elbowed each of his brothers in their sides, frowning at them.
“That’s me,” you answered cheerfully, smiling at them, “Are you Ron’s brothers?”
“More like,” one of them started.
“Best friends,” the other finished.
“He really would be nowhere if it weren’t for us,” they said at the same time.
A smile slid across your face; it was easy to smile around your new friends, you found.
Hogwarts was better than you could have ever hoped. You wrote to your father nearly every week, recounting the amazing things you had done with Sarah, Luna, Neville, Harry, Hermione, and Ron. The seven of you were becoming inseparable.
Luna’s blue tie dangled over your face as you lay on her lap, she was trying this odd head charm she had read about in the Quibbler. Your head rested in between her legs, back on the ground. Her skinny fingers were pressed to your temple, and they hesitantly pressed into your skin.
“Is that right?” she asked, consulting the cartoon pictures that moved on the Quibbler laying next to her.
“I don’t reckon, it doesn’t feel like anything’s happening,” you said, sitting up and rubbing where Luna’s fingers had been.
“Neville,” Luna said, motioning him over. His face grew white as she pulled him into him, moving to where you had been. Luna’s fingers pressed against Neville’s head, and his eyes fluttered closed. Luna began to hum to herself, and Neville smiled.
You crawled over to sit by Ron under the tree. Sarah was talking to Harry, her eyes dazed over as he gently brushed off a leaf that had fallen on her shoulder. Hermione was near, her head resting on her bag, laying on her back with his legs crossed. She was deep into a muggle book you recognized, and you couldn’t blame her for not wanting to put it down.
“Hi, Ron,” you snapped him out of his thoughts, ending his obvious staring at Hermione, “enjoying the weather?”
“Yeah, it’s just about my favorite time of year,” he said, twisting a blade of grass in his fingers.
The snow had melted, winter break had ended. Ron was able to shed his mother's heavy knitted sweaters and wear some of his more comfortable shirts.
“I quite liked the winter,” you said, your head leaning against the tree, “it was my first time seeing snow.”
“Are you serious? Why didn’t you tell us that?” Ron asked, seeming bewildered.
“Don’t know,” you shrugged, smiling at him.
“Hermione! Oi, Hermione! Y/n had never seen snow before she came here,” Ron said, calling out to Hermione.
“I know, she’s from Florida,” Hermione said, uninterested, head still buried in her book.
“Florida? Why didn’t I know that?” Ron asked, feeling out of the loop.
“Don’t know,” you repeated, shrugging again.
“Because you don’t ask, Ron,” Hermione said, sounding unpleased with Ron’s loud volume.
You stifled a laugh, but Ron looked at you, feeling guilty.
“Hermione’s right, I guess,” Ron said, casting a sad glance at you.
“It’s alight, Ron, I won’t hold it against you,” you reassured, and Ron perked up a little.
“Tell me one thing no one else here knows about you,” Ron said urgently. To this, Hermione closed her book and lay it on her chest, interested in what you were going to say.
You thought about it. You didn’t have anything to hide from your friends, but you felt yourself blanking on even the littlest fact about yourself. You tried to think of any special abilities you had, besides being a wizard, or any life events that were significant. The only thing you thought of was the hesitance you had when packing your trunk for school, debating on whether or not to bring your roller skates with you. Ilvermorny had allowed them, and you skated to nearly all your classes. The school's cold granite floors were just begging to be skated across, you had thought, and it was ten times faster than walking.
You thought about your skates, you missed them more than you thought you would. The white boots with slick, black wheels and rainbow laces were one of your most prized possessions. You wondered now, again, if you would have gotten in trouble for bringing your roller skates to school.
“Oh, alright, I’ve thought of something,” you began, and Hermione sat up a little, resting on her elbows.
“I really like to roller skate,” you said proudly.
“Roller skate?” Hermione and Ron repeated at the same time. Ron sounded confused, but Hermione sounded entertained.
“Like from the 80′s?” Hermione asked, still sounding entertained.
“They’re making a comeback,” you defended.
“What’s roller skate?” Ron asked, looking between you and Hermione.
“It’s like shoes with wheels on them,” Hermione said, used to having to explain muggle inventions her friend, “You tie them up and you skate around.”
“What do you do that for? Do they go really fast?” Ron asked.
“They can,” you said, “but it’s really just for fun. I used to take them with me to Ilvermorny and go to my classes on them, but I didn't know if Hogwarts allowed them.”
“Why wouldn’t they?” Ron asked, “Are they dangerous?”
“They're not dangerous, I suppose you could fall on them, but it’s not as bad as that Quidditch game you guys play,” you explained, “I just didn’t know if Hogwarts allowed those kinds of muggle things.”
Ron and Hermione nodded, and Hermione looked to be in deep thought.
“I’m sure they would,” she said, returning back to her book.
“What do you reckon they’re doing down there?” Fred asked, looming over George’s shoulder as he held the Marauder’s Map in his hands.
“Do you think Ron’s finally gonna get a girlfriend?” George teased, looking at you and Ron sitting together under the tree.
Fred sneered at his brother. Ever since he had told George he thought you were cute, it seemed George wanted to push his buttons any way he could. He would make jokes about you and Ron flirting, and for some reason it made his blood boil. He hadn’t even spoken to you on more instances than he could count on a hand, but he was enticed by you.
Your eyes were always moving, and they were always wide with excitement. He thought you were beautiful, you were always wearing your muggle clothes when you didn’t have to wear your uniform. You dressed kind of like his mum, he realized one day, but in a cooler way. That’s the word, cool, he thought you were cool. You fit in easily with Ron’s friends, you could talk about anything, and you were always so sweet.
“Where are they going now?” George wondered out loud, watching the names on the map begin to move.
You got up and dusted off your pants, feeling the baggy jean material under your fingers. You helped Ron up, offering him a hand and pulling him off the ground. You, Ron, and Hermione trailed after Harry and Sarah, who trailed after Neville and Luna. You had all been feeling a bit warm outside, so you decided to go to the Gryffindor common room for the rest of the afternoon. You and Sarah were always excited to go to the Gryffindor common room, feeling it was a nice change from yours in the basement.
Fred’s eyes watched as you, Ron, and Hermione walked together towards the Gryffindor common room. He suddenly felt nervous, even though he was up in his dorm with George. He stood, and looked at himself in the mirror. He pulled down at the bottom of his shirt, tugging uncomfortably at the way it clung to his arms. He hadn’t been dressed to impress, and he usually didn’t, but at the sight of your name getting closer to his on the map, he ignored George’s torments and changed into nicer pants and a more flattering shirt.
Harry stepped passed Neville, who had forgotten the password, and held open the portrait for everyone as they stepped through. You, Sarah, Luna, and Hermione occupied the biggest couch in front of the fire, and Neville and Ron took the armchairs on either side of you. Harry sat on the floor in between Ron’s chair and where Sarah had sunk into the corner of the couch.
Sarah beamed at you, taking notice of the small action, and you wiggled your eyebrows back at her. She blushed and leaned over the side of the couch, resting her chin in her hand and starting a conversation with Harry.
Hermione pulled her book from her bag again, reading the pages eagerly. You and Luna sat shoulder to shoulder as Luna began to tell you about her plans for the summer.
“I think I’ll try to learn French,” she said, toying with some sunglasses she pulled from her pocket.
“You’re going to learn French?” you repeated, a smile pulling up your lips.
“I think so, might also help my dad with his plums,” Luna said, turning to you as she slipped on the sunglasses. They overcame her face, entirely oversized and wonderful. They were bright green and had purple lenses that were reflective. You could see your wide and amused smile in them.
“Your father grows plums?” you inquired, always enjoying conversation with Luna.
“Yes, they’re Dirigible Plums.”
“What are those?”
Luna pulled her hair back and showed you a pair of earrings she wore. They looked like little orange balloons, but leaves hung from them.
“Oh, those are very pretty, Luna,” you said, admiring them.
“My dad says they make you wiser,” she explained, “so he grows them in his garden.”
“And you wear them as earrings,” you said, smiling at her.
“Yes,” she nodded and gave you a crooked grin.
“What are your plans for the summer?” Luna asked.
“Oh, I don’t know. My father will be working, so I’ll probably be home all day,” you said, feeling a little lonely already, “I’ll have my roller skates though.”
Luna looked at you, confused, but you were more talking to Ron anyways, who you noticed was listening to your conversation.
“You should come to the Burrow this summer! Everyone does, even for just for a week,” Ron said, standing and moving over to sit on the coffee table in front of you.
“That sounds cool, I’d love to,” you said, grinning at Ron.
You looked around you and felt so lucky, lucky to have found such kind and accepting people at your new school.
Pacing upstairs, Fred smoothed down his hair before ruffling it again and then smoothing it. He knew you were downstairs, and he knew he wanted to talk to you, but you just made him so nervous. He never gets nervous.
George sat with his elbows on his knees, eyebrows raised, watching his brother obviously losing his mind.
“Just go down and talk to her,” he said, a little afraid his brother might explode, “you’re gonna wear a hole in the ground.”
Fred stopped where he stood, near the door. He sighed heavily and nodded.
“Yeah,” he said, swallowing hard, “I’ll just go talk to her.”
Fred recalled the day he had formally met you at the Three Broomsticks. He was smooth, able to mask the way your curious gaze had made his stomach flutter. He couldn’t very well go down there and make a fool of himself, could he?
“Oi Fred!” he heard Lee call from where he stood near Harry, which was also near you, “Come over here a minute.”
Fred sauntered over, forcing himself not to stare at you.
Hermione had put down her book, and Luna had left to go to her own common room to do some homework. You and Hermione sat cross-legged facing each other, playing a muggle card game.
“Yeah?” he asked, stuffing his hands in his pockets and leaning against the banister of the fireplace.
Harry and Lee sat at two wooden chairs near the fireplace, only a few feet away from the couch you were on. This angle allowed him to watch you as your head threw back in laughter as Hermione scowled at her losing the game. His eyes easily flickered back to Lee, who pulled him into the conversation he and Harry were having about Quidditch.
Ginny walked through the portrait hole, returning from some Quidditch training she had been doing. Ginny was taking Quidditch very seriously this year and had taken to exercising on the pitch with Angelina every weekend.
“Ginny!” Ron called out to her, putting down the newspaper he was reading. He waved her over with a hurried hand.
“What?” she said, plopping down on the empty space next to Hermione, “What game are you guys playing?”
You looked up from the deck of cards you had begun to shuffle as Hermione told her.
“Ginny,” Ron said again, pulling his sister’s attention back to him.
“Hm?” she said, and it was very obvious she was tired from her day's activities.
“Have you asked anyone over for the summer yet?” Ron asked, and his eyes flicked to you, “I just invited Y/n, so I don’t want it getting too crowded.”
Ginny looked over to you, her gaze becoming analytical. You raised a hand to wave and cast her a kind smile, and she returned it.
“I don’t have anything planned, it should be fine,” Ginny turned away from Ron and back towards you and Hermione, “When are you lot coming? At the same time?”
You looked towards Hermione, not knowing the answer.
“Oh, I didn’t have any specific ideas yet, Ron’s just asked me. Still have to write to my dad,” you said, and Hermione nodded.
“Yeah, I’m sure it’ll be the usual time for me, though,” Hermione said, and Ginny smiled.
“What’s the usual time?” you asked, beginning to deal the cards to you and Hermione.
“A few weeks before school starts, Mrs. Weasley takes us all to Diagon Alley for our school things,” Hermione said, speaking fondly of the memory.
“Should I ask my dad to come then, when Hermione does?” you looked towards Ron, “Unless I should come at a different time,” you said, not trying to intrude.
“That would be perfect! Harry comes ‘round that time too, so we’ll all see each other,” Ron said.
He looked over at Harry, and upon seeing his brother, he called Fred over the way he had done to Ginny.
“Fred, have you invited anyone home for summer yet?”
Fred’s gaze immediately went to you, and he found you looking at him too.
“Yeah,” he said, pushing himself off the wall and over to Ron.
“Who?” Ron said, curious because his brothers usually didn’t have people over to the Burrow during holidays.
“George,” he said, smirking.
“Git,” Ron mumbled under his breath.
“Why do you ask, Ickle Ronniekins?”
“I just wanted to make sure it wouldn’t get too crowded when Hermione, Harry, and Y/n come ‘round,” Ron said, squirming as Fred forced himself into Ron’s seat that was only big enough for one of them.
Fred’s cool demeanor dropped for a moment, his eyes widening. He quickly recovered, wrapping an arm around Ron.
“How considerate of you,” he said, giving his brother an unwanted side hug.
Ron got up from his seat, leaving Fred to sit by himself. He watched you with unblinking eyes as you listened to Ginny talk about her time with Angelina on the pitch.
Looking down at your packed to the brim suitcase, you glance to the corner of your room. Your pristine roller skates sat there, one on their side. They looked sad and forgotten, but you knew that wasn’t true. Ever since you had gotten home from Hogwarts, you had taken to skating around ‘muggle’ London. You had also just gotten used to saying ‘muggle’.
Your father left early and got home late, and part of you was jealous that he got to see a Weasley every day and you didn’t. To ease your envy, you took to your skates.
You weren’t sure if you should pack them with you for Ron’s house. You were leaving when your father got home for work, the two of you setting off just before dark. You shoved a sweater deeper into your bag, making room for the skates.
Your father was to eat dinner with the Weasleys, sleep on the couch, and set off with Mr. Weasley for work in the morning. No point in two trips, they figured.
You were traveling by Flu powder, and your father went first. He heaved your bag into the fireplace with him and erupted in green flames. You carried a backpack on your shoulder, filled with little things that couldn’t fit in your suitcase.
Fred was more nervous and excited than he had ever felt in his whole life. He was determined to chat you up this summer, at least do something to make sure you knew he existed. He had been pacing in he and George’s shared room, but George pulled him down to the kitchen and made him drink some tea, hoping to calm him down.
You twisted your fingers, looking nervously into the fireplace. You were extremely excited to spend the remaining weeks of your summer with the Weasleys, but a small part of you was scared. You were nervous that Ron’s parents wouldn’t like you as much as they did at the train station. You were nervous that Ron, and his siblings, would get sick of having you around. You were nervous that you would become a burden.
You had been writing with Hermione, and she ensured you of how kind the Weasleys were. She told you that you had nothing to worry about, and you felt a little relieved.
You had visited Sarah a couple of times during the summer. She lived fairly close, close enough for you to take muggle transportation. Her family was welcoming and all had wide eyes at your accent. Thinking of their kindness, you felt confident enough to finally step into the fireplace.
Green flames surrounded you, and within seconds, you were stood in a different fireplace. It was a little shorter, and you were glad you had hunched over a little. Mr. Weasley and your father were shaking hands off to the side, over by a large couch. Mrs. Weasley was looking into the fireplace and waving you out. Ron was trudging your suitcase upstairs already, and Hermione and Ginny stood by Mrs. Weasley smiling widely. You noticed Fred and George sat at a large wooden table near the kitchen both drinking some tea and eating.
You took a step from the fireplace, making sure to wipe off any ash that may have stained your clothes, and allowed Mrs. Weasley to pull you into a hug.
“Oh, so good to see you again, dear!” she said, rocking you back and forth in the suffocating hug.
You didn’t care if you couldn’t breathe, you decided at that moment that Molly Weasley gave the absolute best hugs. She released you, patting your shoulders and running a loving hand through your hair, tucking it behind your ear. You beamed at her, and she smiled back at you.
When she moved away, Hermione quickly replaced her. Hermione’s arms pulled you close, wrapping around your backpack.
“I missed you!” she said, smiling at you.
“I missed you too!” you said, nearly ‘awing’ at everyone’s kindness.
Ginny hugged you too, and when you stepped away, Ron had come back downstairs. You hugged him, and then Harry, and finally you were left to be able to breathe your own air.
The house around you was adorable. It was better than you could have ever imagined. Magic was everywhere, and everything just felt like home.
“You’ll be staying with me and Ginny,” Hermione said to you from her spot next to you at the table.
“Perfect,” you replied, the same awestruck smile plastered on your face since you had arrived.
Fred looked at you from across the table. He felt like his dinner was moving in his stomach, and his hands were sweating. He’d nearly dropped his fork three times. He breathed deep, and when the conversation lulled, he took his chance.
“How has your summer been, Y/n?” he asked, and you looked up from your plate to him.
He nearly died, your happy eyes looking at him.
“Great!” you said, wiping your hands on your napkin in your lap, “I’m glad to finally be here.”
He smiled back at you, and it took him a moment to realize he’d been staring for a little too long, and that you had asked him a question.
“My summer? Oh, my summer’s been good too,” he replied, nodding.
You looked to George, who was next to him and raised your eyebrows, inviting his answer.
“It’s been good,” he said casually, and then an evil grin spread across his face, “but I think Fred’s just about worn my ear off talking about you.”
Fred coughed, choking on his mashed potatoes. His face went red, and he looked at his twin with an anger George had never seen before. Fred quickly looked back at you, as if to gauge your reaction. Your head was tilted down, but a shy smile was on your face and a blush crept on your cheeks.
Fred’s anger subsided at the sight of it, but when George kicked him from under the table, he was reminded.
“What is wrong with you?” Fred asked, nearly yelling at his brother in the privacy of their own room.
“I gave you a push,” George answered, not looking up from the Zonko’s catalog in his hands.
Fred simmered, coming to the realization that George was right. He fell onto his bed, thinking back to the pink on your cheeks and the bashful curl of your lips.
He didn’t know how he was meant to sleep, painfully aware of the fact that you were asleep just a room away.
“Did you hear what George said to Y/n at dinner?” Hermione asked, pulling Ginny into the argument you were having once she got out of the shower.
Ginny shook her head, removing the towel from her hair, “No, what’d he say?”
You rolled your eyes at Hermione as she divulged into every little detail of what George had said.
“And Fred could not stop staring!” she finished, and you let out an exaggerated breath.
“He was not staring!”
“Yes, he was,” Ginny said cheekily, sitting down on her bed.
“Ginny!” you said, giving up hope of having her on your side.
“He totally fancies you,” Hermione said.
Your face twisted for two reasons: the word ‘fancies’, and the fact that she thought Fred Weasley might fancy you.
“He does not!”
Ginny sat on her bed, listening to you and Hermione go back and forth. She knew Fred fancied you, he had since they had been at school. She saw his longing looks, the way he looked at you first after he told a joke, and the pure admiration he had in his eyes any time he looked at you. It especially convinced her when Fred had been talking about you all summer. She came to a decision.
“He does,” she said, watching Hermione’s face change into the proud one she wore when she answered a question right in class. Your mouth hung open.
“What?” Hermione’s gaze turned towards you, and she smiled widely. You liked to think it was her infectious smile that made your mouth turn up, and not the idea of Fred liking you.
“He has been talking about you all summer, I’m surprised Ron didn’t tell you earlier,” Ginny said, bringing the towel to her hair again to catch some dripping water.
“He probably hasn’t even noticed,” Hermione said, the tone of annoyance dripping off her tongue.
Ginny flashed her a sympathetic look, but Hermione ignored it, continuing.
“Do you like him?” she pried, and the whole room felt like it was frozen.
They both looked at you expectantly, waiting for your answer.
You didn’t know. Fred was handsome, and funny, and clever, but you hardly knew him. You knew he was mischievous, and that he tormented Ron, but other than that you might as well have been strangers. You could not deny, however, that he was attractive.
“I don’t know,” you said, honestly.
“You don’t know?” Ginny repeated, confused.
“Yeah, I mean, I barely know him,” you answered, the obvious energy in the room shifting to something of deep thought.
“Do you fancy him, though?” Hermione asked, her eyebrows raised.
“I think he’s cute, yeah, but how can he fancy me? We’ve barely spoken to each other. Are you sure Ginny?” you asked again, still doubtful.
“I’m sure he’s noticed the little things more than you think he would, Fred can be pretty considerate when he wants to be,” Ginny said, and you breathed out loudly. You flopped on your back, the mound of blankets around you and Hermione soothing your landing.
“See? I wouldn’t know that!” you said.
You knew it was a little silly, to focus on something like this. You had an older, attractive, popular boy head over heels for you, but you were harping on the fact that you didn’t know whether or not he was considerate.
“You’re being ridiculous,” Hermione said harshly, “I mean it’s not like you’re forced to marry him. You go on dates with people to get to know them, after all.”
You were nearly offended by Hermione’s tone, but you figured she was just getting irritated on the subject of crushes.
“I know, ‘Mione, I’m just confused by it,” you reassured her.
“Well, test the waters tomorrow,” Ginny said suggestively, wiggling her eyebrows.
You cringed away from her, and swells of giggles were coming from Ginny’s room nearly all night.
The three of you slept late into the morning. The Burrow’s eventful noises were nothing compared to the sounds of muggle London, so you slept peacefully. It wasn’t until something began tapping on Ginny’s window, did the three of you wake up.
“What the-?” Ginny started but soon fell silent at the sound of a loud crashing noise. Shards of glass scattered around the room and Hermione was lucky that she had rolled away from the window in her sleep. You put your hand up, flinching at the noise, and when you dropped it, the warm summer air flooded into the room.
A small golden snitch was soaring around the room, averting every swipe of Ginny’s hands, and ducking behind her dresser.
Ginny slipped on some shoes, and carefully navigated through the glass. She leaned cautiously out of the window, and that's when the screaming started.
“Harry! Are you mental?! What on Earth-” her screams divulged into threats and insults, and you looked over her shoulder, watching Harry hover many feet away on his broom, his face looking quite guilty.
You found your shoes and moved over to the window. You then realized that Fred and George were hovering closer to Ginny’s window, silencing the snickers and amazed faces they wore. At the sight of Fred, your eyes widened, and his eyes met yours. He smiled kindly at you, and before you knew what you were doing, you ducked behind the window, crouching by Ginny’s feet.
You heard George’s laughter, and Ginny’s ramblings stilled.
“What are you doing on the floor?” she asked you, lowering herself to crouch with you.
“I don’t know,” you answered, whispering. Your cheeks were red and your eyes were wide. Ginny’s threatening look turned into a smile.
She began to giggle, and soon enough, Fred and George hovered just above the window, peering into Ginny’s room.
“What are you girls doing down there?” George asked, resting a hand on the part of the windowsill with no glass on it, peering into the room.
Ginny looked at you, her smile wide. You looked around and began to pick up large shards of glass.
“Cleaning up the glass,” you said casually, although you could still feel the distinct burn of blush on your cheeks.
You could only safely pick up two large shards of glass without cutting your hands, so you raised yourself from the ground, meeting Fred and George’s eyes. Ginny followed you, crossing her arms and smirking.
The boys wore their practice robes, their names and numbers on the backs. They both had discarded goggles hanging from their necks, and their hair was wild. You looked between the both of them, swallowing thickly.
“Could you keep it down?” Ginny finally said, trying to ease the situation, “We’re trying to sleep.”
George removed a hand from his broom and glanced at his watch, “It’s nearly 12 in the afternoon,” he said sarcastically.
“Really? Well, we need our beauty sleep,” Ginny said, and you noticed she nearly reached out to close the window.
George rolled his eyes and zipped away on his broom, leaving Fred.
“I’m gonna go get a broom, clean this up,” Ginny said, huffing as she navigated her way back through the glass on the floor.
You and Fred were left there, staring at anything but each other. Fred moved slightly up and down on his broom as he hovered. He finally cleared his throat and looked at you.
“Sleep well?” he asked, eyebrows raised.
You nodded and smiled, rocking back and forth on your feet, “You?”
He nodded too and looked away quickly.
“Oh, I think George, is calling me,” he said, and it was obvious George was not calling him. He flew away on his broom, and you closed your eyes, letting out a restrained breath.
You groaned and threw yourself on Ginny’s bed. Hermione rolled over, a large and entertained grin on her face. You covered your face with a pillow and ignored Ginny and Hermione’s imitations of the incident while they swept up the glass.
Mrs. Weasley was furious to see Ginny’s window. She had come in later in the day, a basket full of laundry on her hip.
“Hello girls,” she said pleasantly, “Do you have- what the bloody hell is that?”
Ginny’s eyes widened at the sound of her mother’s deep and serious tone.
“Mum! It wasn’t us,” Ginny leaped from her bed and ran to her dresser, she quickly caught the snitch from where it had been hiding behind her dresser, “It came through the window this morning when the boys were playing.”
Mrs. Weasley looked at you and Hermione, and you both nodded your heads furiously. She huffed out a breath and pinched the bridge of her nose with her fingers.
Finally looking up, she set the laundry down and stood in Ginny’s doorway.
“BOYS!” she shouted, and you heard the sudden halting of George and Fred’s laughter, and Harry and Ron’s footsteps upstairs silenced.
The sound of four hesitant feet walking to Ginny’s room was the last thing you heard before Mrs. Weasley’s screams burst your eardrums.
The Burrow was crowded now that the boys had been banned from leaving the house. They had only briefly been allowed out of the house to de-gnome the garden, but Mrs. Weasley stood at the door, making sure they had absolutely no fun.
Your suitcase lay open in Ginny’s room, the three of you dressed and having absolutely no ideas as to what to do. You had all already ran through your spending money going to Diagon Alley on your first days there, and without the boys offering some entertainment, the three of you were idle.
Ginny paced, looking through her own things with interest. She twisted her broom in her hands, offering the idea of Quidditch, but Hermione wasn’t interested. Ginny was scanning her room, and her eyes fell on your bag. A pair of white shoes with wheels on them lay tucked away in the bag. She walked over to them and pulled them out hesitantly.
“What the bloody hell are those?” George said from the doorway.
The three of you girls turned, looking to the door. The four boys crowded in the hall, all peering into the room with interest. It seemed they were bored too.
“Are those the roll skates?” Ron asked, mispronouncing the word and shoving past George and taking the roller skate from Ginny.
“Yeah,” you said, your eyes flicking up over the top of your magazine.
The rest of the boys filed into the tiny room, nearly all of them shoulder to shoulder. Hermione rose from her spot next to you, picking up the other one from your bag.
“I remember seeing commercials for these things when I was a kid,” Hermione said, spinning the wheel in her hand.
“Commercials? What are you on about?” Ron said, and Harry caught your baffled look and smiled.
“What are they?” Fred asked, taking Hermione’s seat next to you on Ginny’s bed.
You lowered your magazine and looked at him, only to find him already looking at you. He gave you a crooked smile and nodded in greeting. You successfully fought a blush and smiled back at him.
“They’re roller skates. They’re like shoes with wheels,” you explained, taking the skate from Ron.
You rolled up your jeans a little and slipped on the skate. Fred watched your delicate fingers lacing up the shoe, noticing the way your hair fell into your face as you looked down at them.
Hermione handed you the other one, and you did the same to the other foot. You stood easily from the bed and nearly lost your balance. It was lucky that Fred’s strong shoulder was there for your hand to clasp onto, or else your feet would have slipped from under you.
You looked down at your hand still on Fred’s shoulder, even though you were standing fine. He slipped your hand off but kept it in his hand. You then became aware that you were just holding hands at this point. He stood with you and turned to face you. He pulled your other hand into his, and pushed you away from him, smiling widely as you rolled easily on the hardwood floors.
Everyone knew then that they had found their entertainment for the day.
The sound of joyful laughter flooded your ears as Fred pulled you around the limited space in Ginny’s room. Your hands fit together perfectly, and he walked backward as he pulled you, keeping his smiling eyes on you the whole time. Soon he was pulling you into the hallway, and everyone trailed after. You felt Ginny’s small hands pushing your back, and you began to gain speed. Fred hadn’t caught up, and you were coming closer and closer to him. You looked down but didn’t want to put your toes down to brake, in fear of scuffing up the floor. So, you let yourself fall into Fred’s arms.
The two of you stayed upright, but his long arms were wrapped around your waist. Your hands fell to his chest, and his chin pressed against his neck as he looked down at you. His hair fell into his eyes, and yours fell gracefully in its natural place. You smiled, and he smiled, and soon you erupted into giggles at the silence behind you. George catcalled, and you stuffed your giggles into Fred’s chest, tucking your head under his chin. You felt him take a sharp inhale, and his arms became a little tighter around you.
When Mr. Weasley got home, he was accosted by his children.
“Dad!” They said in unison, all waiting for him by the door.
He jumped at the sight of them all, then began taking off his coat.
“Look at these!” Ginny said, pointing to your feet.
You did a little spin, careful not to make any marks on the floor. Fred watched you spin elegantly, your arms coming out a little like a ballerina.
“Remarkable!” Mr. Wealsey cried, moving to look at them.
Questions came from his mouth faster then you could answer them, and you slid the wheels against the floor under the table while you ate dinner.
“We had an idea, Dad,” Fred said, looking at you proudly.
“Yeah, think you’ll like it,” George added, glancing at you with a smirk and then looking back at his dad.
“We need you to conjure some sort of track outside,” Ron finished, talking with his mouth full.
“A track! That’s brilliant!” Mr. Weasley exclaimed, missing the worried look from his wife.
“It was Y/n’s idea, she’s brilliant,” Fred said, looking across the table at you.
You giggled as George made a gagging noise.
“With what? Stone?” Mrs. Weasley inquired, placing a hand on her hip.
“Oh no, they’re usually made of wood or asphalt,” you explained, “they have a whole building of them in the muggle world. People rent the skates and pay to skate on a big rink.”
Mr. Weasley's eyes widened with excitement, and Mrs. Weasley’s worry tamed.
“Let’s do it tonight.”
The eight of you walked to a clearing on the side of the house. It was where the boys usually played Quidditch, but it hadn’t been in use for days. Mrs. Weasley hadn’t stopped the boys from helping with the track, and you were grateful.
“Hold it higher, Ron!” Mr. Weasley called out, and Ron raised his father's wand with a bright orb of light coming from it.
The track was nearly done. It was huge, a large hoop secured to the ground. There was an enchanted orb of light in the center of the circle, and it illuminated the entire rink.
Your friends watched you blaze around the track, your hair whipping around behind your face, the sides of your cardigan flapping in the wind. You heard loud cheers when you successfully began skating backward.
The rest of your trip to The Burrow was spent out there. The boys were lifted from their punishments, and the rink became the one place you all went to when you woke up, and the last place you were before bed. Soon enough, though, your father appeared in the fireplace with your school trunk by his side. He quickly took back the bag you had been keeping at the Weasley's, and you went through your trunk one last time, making sure you had everything.
This year, walking through the train station, you were still stared at. But you didn’t care because an entire family surrounding you, and they all looked like you.
Your father gave you a lasting embrace before Fred followed you onto the train. He had waited for you, watching as you hugged your dad. He waved to your father, and his hand grazed your lower back as he walked behind you. The two of you found the compartment that had to be the most crowded of the lot.
Lee, Luna, Neville, Harry, Hermione, Ron, Sarah, George, and now you and Fred, packed into a compartment, the entire room filled with busy conversation the entire ride.
It was weird to be in the Hufflepuff common room, your bedroom devoid of Ginny’s huffs as she rolled over to get comfortable, or Hermione’s anxious mumbles she said in her sleep. You pulled your blankets off of you, your legs feeling sore from the constant skating you had been doing for weeks.
Speaking of, you had made the decision to bring your skates to Hogwarts. You slipped them on, tightening the rainbow laces. You pointed your wand at the wheels and cast a silencing charm, so the turn of the wheels would be silent.
You carefully climbed the stairs from the Hufflepuff basement and looked both ways before you skated towards your destination.
Fred had been sitting under his covers, looking over the map as he usually did before he snuck to the kitchens. Out of habit, he looked at the Hufflepuff common room for your familiar name. He was shocked to see you across the castle, in a long-abandoned classroom. He suddenly lost his appetite and slid into some slippers.
He rested his forearm in the crook of the door, leaning against it. He watched you illuminated by the candles lit on the wall. You easily glided between the desks, twisting and turning, spinning, and navigating between them. His eyes followed you, your body moving naturally. He watched the sway of your hips as your wait transferred from foot to foot, the skates rolling against the smooth stone. You moved to the open space in the room, skating backward, your back to him. You turned just a few feet in front of him, and when you saw Fred, your surprise ran through your body. Your feet faltered and you bumped into a desk, making a loud crash.
He jumped from his spot in the doorway, closing the door behind him. He moved to you in two long strides, crouching to reach you on the floor.
“Are you alright?”
“You scared the shit out of me, Fred!” you said, smiling up at him.
“Couldn’t help it, I had to come see you,” he said smoothly, bringing the map from his back pocket.
“What? How did you know I was here?”
He unfolded a piece of paper and held it out to you. You took it in your hands and realized what it was. Before you could look at it for long, Fred took it back, a worried expression on his face.
“Filch is coming, he must have heard the noise,” Fred folded the map and put it back in his pocket.
Suddenly, his hands were on your waist, and he was guiding you to your feet. He looked around the room and saw the door to the supply closet.
With a wave of his wand, the flames of the candles were extinguished and he was pulling your gliding figure to the closet. The door closed just in time, and Filch burst in. You and Fred were pressed together, his hands still on your waist. You opened your mouth to ask him about the map, and one of his hands covered your mouth. He felt your soft lips, and his eyes locked onto yours. You heard Filch’s heavy feet stomping around the room and the screech of the desk against the floor.
Your mind was occupied by the lack of space between you, your back pressed to the door, and Fred’s warm hand on your face. He looked deeply at you, and his face was inches from yours.
You thought back to the day Ginny told you about how Fred felt, and you realized that you no longer had any hesitations about Fred. Standing this close to him, his leg slid between yours, his chest against yours, you felt what he felt. You fancied Fred.
Fred felt your lips curl into a smile beneath his hand. It was dark, so he couldn’t see your face, but he wished more than anything that he could. He heard the door close, and Filch was gone, but neither of you moved. Fred’s hand retracted from your mouth, moving to your neck. His fingers slipped under your hair, and his thumb rested in your jaw.
“Why did you come here?” you whispered.
“I like to watch you skate,” he answered, his voice devoid of any laughter.
“You’ve watched me skate for weeks,” you said quickly, inching your face closer to his, craning your neck to look up at him.
“I like to watch you,” he said without thinking, “I like you.”
You closed the space between you two. His lips were slow, and so were yours. You arched your back against the door, anything to get closer to him. His face was warm, and yours was cold. His lips pressed hard against yours, and the kiss held everything he had felt since he talked to you in the Three Broomsticks. It was all the nights he had ranted to George about you, all the times he had mentioned what little time it was until you’d finally be at The Burrow, all the times he looked at the map just to see your name, all the times his stomach had flipped just at the thought of you.
You pulled away, breathless, and he lowered his head to rest on your shoulder. His breathing was heavy, and your eyes had fluttered closed. He reached for his wand and said “Lumos,” just so he could see your pretty face and swollen lips.
He walked you back to the basement, and you shared another slow kiss. He had almost followed you down the stairs, watching you leave with your skates hanging from around your neck.
The next morning in the courtyard, Ginny was the first to notice.
“What happened?” she said, skeptical of your dazed face and the constant flush you had from just being near Fred.
He sat a few feet away in his own world, avoiding George and Lee’s conversation about the upcoming Hogsmeade trip.
You smiled at Ginny, and she furrowed her brows at you. You were about to tell her, but Ron fell with a thud onto the ground next to you.
“It’s been three bloody weeks and Snape’s already assigned 100 pages of reading,” Ron groaned, pulling a heavy textbook from under his arm. Hermione and Harry trailed behind him, sitting with much more grace than Ron had.
Hermione also noticed your at peace look and looked at you analytically.
You were finally able to tell them in the hall, during an extended period between classes.
“He kissed me last night,” you said with a blush.
“I told you!”
You hushed them, a bashful smile coming to your lips. Fred passed the three of you, his eyes locked on yours as he walked. Over his shoulder, he sent you a flirty wink. You felt weak at the knees and was glad that you were leaning against a wall.
“Maybe he’ll ask you to Hogsmeade,” Hermione said, tugging you off the wall and in the opposite way Fred was walking. You looked over your shoulder to see him walking backward, watching you walk away.
“Knowing Fred, he’ll probably pull some elaborate prank or get fireworks to spell your name out,” Ginny said, watching you look at her brother.
Fred did something like that, the two of you in the courtyard, laying in the grass. He had pulled you from dinner just after you were dismissed, and he led you to the courtyard. You both stared at the sky, and he looked at you. You met his gaze and then he pointed at the sky.
In huge, shining, red words read “Y/n, Hogsmeade this weekend?”.
You smiled at him and nodded. His hand snaked to cup your cheek still laying down. He pulled you towards him, and you moved to look down at him, propped up on your elbow. His lips met yours, and the sound of more bursting fireworks flooded the air around you.
It was nearly Christmas now. You and Fred have been dating for a few weeks, and he invited you back to the Burrow for the holidays.
You accepted, and you trudged your heavy bag into the fireplace. It was filled with gifts for the Weasley’s, and you were feeling quite confident about it.
Ron, Harry, and Hermione stayed at school for the holidays, leaving you, George, Fred, and Mr. and Mrs. Weasley sat in front of a fire on Christmas eve.
You had called your father on your flip phone he had given you as an early Christmas present. He was coming over tomorrow for Christmas morning, and you felt incredibly content.
Coming back to the couch, tucking your phone into your pocket, you slipped back under Fred’s arm, curling into his side. Mr. Wealsey had already had a go at the device, and he just watched amazed at it fitting into your pocket so easily.
The next morning you were woken up by the sound of your father’s booming voice downstairs. You sat up, stretching, and looked over to Ginny’s bed. It was empty, the covers were thrown aside. You slipped on a large cardigan, pulling it around your cold arms and going downstairs.
You were met with what felt like a dream. All the Weasley’s sat around the table, eating a huge Christmas breakfast and drinking tea. They each wore matching sweaters with their initials on them, and your father was standing with Mr. Weasley by the couch.
“Happy Christmas!” they all beamed at you.
Ginny tugged you over to the couch, sitting on one side of you while Fred sat on the other. Your father stood behind you on the couch, and a pile of presents were stacked in the room. You had brought your presents for the Weasley’s down last night, and you saw them on the ground.
Wrapping paper was everywhere, and the sound of happiness flooded the room. It finally came time for everyone to open what you had gotten them, and Fred went first. He tore away the red paper and held the plain box in his hands. He shook it, holding it up to his ear and smiling at you.
“Careful!” you told him, and he tore away the tape holding the box shut.
Inside, a brand new pair of garnet roller skates. He gasped, his large hands holding a skate up.
“Oh, my-” Mrs. Weasley said, already thinking of the awful thing he and George could do with those.
“It’s amazing!” he exclaimed, wrapping his arms around you.
You returned the hug, and whispered in his ear, “Merry Christmas, Fred.”
Soon, all the Weasley’s were holding different colored skates, even Mr. and Mrs. Weasley.
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restlessfandoming · 4 years
“the president and the troublemaker” (part 1) (chilumi fic)
“Lumine is the student council president and Childe is the school’s number one troublemaker. They cross paths more than they’d like. Especially when Childe finds out Lumine’s big secret. Highschool AU à la Kaichou wa Maid-sama.”
if anyone has seen maid-sama, Lumine and Childe sometimes reminded me of Misaki and Usui so i had to write it hehe :3 if you haven’t seen it, i highly suggest it, its a very cute anime and if you like chilumi, you’ll definitely like the main couple in it! its on netflix! :D
[Fic Masterlist] // [AO3 Link]
* * *
“the president and the troublemaker” (part 1)
“Childe, for the last time, earrings are against the school uniform code,” Lumine said to him, eyes narrowing at the red jewelry dangling from his ear. He may have towered over her, but she was the student council president—she had to enforce the rules no matter what. 
Childe tilted his head, fingers grazing over his earring. “A tiny thing like this? Surely you can let me off the hook, Madame President?” 
“No exceptions. Remove it now or I will forcibly confiscate it from you.” 
He scoffed, turning away. “I’d like to see you try.”
Lumine clenched her jaw, watching his back retreat down the hallway. Oh, she could easily take it from him. But this wasn’t the place to use brute force. As much as he boiled her blood, she wouldn’t dare reveal her secret here. 
Childe, the school’s number one troublemaker: always getting into fights, never listening to authorities, doing whatever he pleased. And the worst part? He always got away with it. 
The girls of the school fawned over his good looks, the boys envied his strength, and the elders fell victim to his charisma. 
Not Lumine though. She refused to be influenced by him. Maybe that’s why he always seemed so annoyed by her. Good. 
She ripped out a page of her student council notebook, scribbling out Childe’s name and dress code violation, pocketing it to turn in later. 
She practically stomped her way into the student council room, earning a glance from the Vice President—her twin brother Aether. 
“Childe?” he asked, going back to typing on his laptop. 
Lumine slumped in her chair. “Yes,” she nearly growled. “How did you know?”
“Because he always puts you in the worst of moods,” her brother answered. “Maybe it wouldn’t hurt to put him in his place.”
“And get kicked out of school for murder? No thank you; I’m not ruining an absolutely clean record for the likes of someone like Childe.” She flipped through her notebook, seeing all her citations on said troublemaker. “Soon enough, that boy is going to get expelled, mark my words.”
Suddenly, the door burst open, and the student council reporter—a student named Bennett—dashed in, holding the side of his face.
“Madame President!” he announced. “There’s a fight breaking out in the hallway!”
Both Aether and Lumine stood. “What happened to your face, Bennett?” Aether asked. 
The reporter let out a sheepish laugh. “I, uh, tried to break up the fight but ended up getting punched in the face.”
“Okay, c’mon, let’s get you to the nurse,” Aether said, walking Bennett out the door. 
Lumine quickly walked out after them, hearing the commotion down the hallway. As she turned the corner, there was a crowd of students circled around the tussle. 
“Out of the way!” Lumine shouted. 
At the sound of her voice, many students scattered back to their classrooms, leaving only the perpetrators still fighting: a short boy with cropped blue hair and—Childe.
“Hey!” she yelled. “Break. It. Up! Or it’s suspension for the both of you!” 
The short boy gave Childe a harsh shove, adjusting his odd cap with tassels on the sides. “You don’t have to fight me every time you see me, you brute,” the boy hissed. 
Childe laughed. “C’mon, Scaramouche, don’t be like that,” the ginger said. “We were just having some fun, Madame President; no need to make a big fuss out of it.” 
Lumine glared at him. “Why are you always at the center of trouble?” 
Childe shrugged. “Life’s too boring.” 
Taking out her notebook, she scoffed. “Well, it’s about to get a whole lot more boring for you. Detention. After school. Both of you.” 
“It was just some play fighting between friends, Pres,” Childe insisted. “Don’t be so stuck-up.” 
“Not play fighting when one of my council members gets hit in the face,” she retorted angrily. 
“Can I at least be let off the hook?” Scaramouche interjected. “He was the one who attacked me.” 
The blonde sighed. “Fine. This was your first offense anyways.” 
“Today’s his first day after all,” Childe supplied. 
“It’s his first day and you welcomed him by attacking him?” Lumine asked, crossing her arms. 
He smiled. “What can I say? We know each other.” 
I want to punch that smile off his face. “Scaramouche, go back to class. Childe, you’re coming with me to in-school suspension.” 
Scaramouche muttered something under his breath and walked away, while Childe cheerfully waved goodbye to him. 
Lumine started walking down the other way, towards the ISS room, Childe’s footsteps falling in behind her. Most of the way was done in silence. Until—
“Say, Pres, why are you so stuck-up?” Childe asked. 
Lumine grit her teeth. “Have you ever thought maybe I’m not stuck-up, and maybe you’re just a troublemaker?” 
“Hey, at least I make your life a little more interesting, don’t I?”
“Not interesting. So much more unbearable.” 
“Maybe you should loosen up. Being like this won’t make you many friends.” 
“And fighting people will?” 
“Fighting is fun. You’re telling me you’ve never watched a fight and found it entertaining?”
Lumine stopped in her tracks. “Of course not. You only do it when something’s seriously on the line. Not for fun.” 
“Uh-uhm, excuse me,” a timid voice said. 
Lumine turned to find a girl, she looked young, probably a freshman, clutching a card. “Can I help you?” the president asked.
“A-actually,” the girl responded, “can I t-talk to Ch-Childe? A-Alone?” 
The blonde glanced at Childe, who shrugged back at her. Letting out a sigh, she said, “Yes, go ahead.” She was doing this for the girl. Not Childe. 
She walked ahead and turned the corner until she was out of sight and unable to hear. After a minute or so, the freshman girl ran past her, hysterically crying. Brows furrowed, she went back to Childe. 
“So, where are we going?” he asked nonchalantly. 
Asshole. “What the hell did you do to her?” Lumine asked. “Do I really need to write you up again?”  
“What? All I did was reject her confession.”
A glare at him. “Be nicer. Don’t make girls cry.” She continued walking. 
“Or maybe she should just be stronger.” 
“Don’t you dare insult a girl’s strength in front of me.” 
“I’m not insulting the strength of a woman. I’m just saying people in general could do better if only they were stronger.” His strides quickened, and soon he was in front of her. He flicked the earring dangling from his ear. “For instance, if you had the strength, you could easily rip this from my ear, and you could stop stacking up those useless dress code citations for me.” 
Lumine had to clench her teeth to stop herself from murdering him on the spot. “I’m your student council president. I don’t solve things through violence. Which is why you and I are different.” Lie, her gut hissed. 
She stopped, throwing open the door to her left, gesturing into the room. “You’ll spend the rest of the school day here.” She turned in, looking at the teacher. “Mr. Diluc, you have a student here for in-school suspension for the rest of the day.” 
Mr. Diluc glanced up from his book, expressionless. “Childe. Back so soon?” 
Childe sauntered in, taking a seat. “You know our Pres. Always working on cleaning up the school from scum like me.” 
“Good for her,” Diluc said. “Thank you, Lumine.”
Lumine nodded and closed the door behind her. Finally.
At least Childe wouldn’t be causing anymore trouble today. 
* * *
Lumine shivered as the chilling locker room hit her bare skin. Shedding her hoodie, she donned a simple black sports tank top and shorts. 
“Are they ever going to get heaters for these locker rooms?” she muttered. 
“It’s an underground fighting ring,” Aether said, “You think they can afford state-of-the-art locker rooms?” He tossed her a roll of hand wraps. 
She caught it, unraveling it, and started to wrap them around her knuckles. “You’re right. As long as they pay me, I shouldn’t be complaining.” 
Aether nodded, taking her gloves out from her gym bag. “Are you ever going to tell Mom how you get all this cash?”
“Never. She’d probably die of a heart attack.” 
“And your injuries?” 
“I try not to get any,” she said with a smirk. “If I do, then, hey, the restaurant business can be dangerous...and I can be clumsy.” 
And that was her big secret. 
In the night, Lumine was a top tier fighter in Teyvat’s underground fighting ring. She was known as “The Outlander.” 
After their father had walked out on them years ago, Lumine, Aether, and their mother were left with a huge amount of his debt to pay off. Their mother took on two jobs to support them, leaving her exhausted, sickly, and barely home. Lumine and Aether couldn’t find decent paying jobs at their age, so Lumine took matters into her own hands. 
Through her tenacity, she trained hard and started showing up to the underground fights, learning her way through the system, and eventually began fighting herself. Sure, it was illegal due to the violence and betting system, but it made good money—fast. Enough money to support their family, pay off the debt, and save some aside for her and Aether’s future.
Aether of course still worked as a cashier at a local grocery store (next to the restaurant Lumine claimed she worked at); Lumine would never let her dear brother participate in her line of work. He was only allowed to come along to cheer her on.   
She was also good at it. After some training, her instructors all praised her natural fighting instincts. In a matter of months, she had become one of the top fighters in her area. 
It was out of necessity. They needed the money. 
Of course, no one knew who she really was. She always fought with a mask on—she couldn’t let her identity be compromised. A high school student beating up all these grown adults? A chance she could be recognized and reported to authorities? No. Way. Plus, people liked the mysterious Outlander figure. Might as well milk it. 
The cheers above her swelled, and Lumine did her final stretches and prepped to go out on stage. 
“You ready to fight tonight?” Aether asked. 
Lumine slipped her mask on. “Always.” 
She made her way up the staircase, and the buzzing crowd grew louder and louder, until she entered the arena, and the cheers became deafening. 
The arena was probably around the size of her school gym, maybe smaller, but packed to the brim with cheering fans and a boxing cage in the middle. 
She made her way up to the cage, chants of “Outlander” swirling around her, and took her walk around the area, getting a feel for the night. Eventually, her mind blurred out the crowd, focusing on becoming in tune with her body. 
Tonight, her opponent was another member of the Hilichurl gang: a gang notorious for entering lots of members into these types of fights, even if they weren’t good, as a way to try and earn any kind of money for their gang. It was an easy win. Lumine barely got hit. (The Hilichurl on the other hand ended the night sobbing his heart out on stage. Lumine felt kind of bad. Kind of.)
Soon enough, she and Aether were on their way home with a fresh wad of cash in their bag, practically skipping their way past the dim street lights. As they made their way towards their bus home, Lumine rifled through her bag, realizing she had left one of her textbooks in the locker room from when she had been studying before the fight. 
She cursed. Now she had to go all the way back to the arena. “Aether, you need to get home—the next bus won’t be here for another hour.” 
“Lumine, I am not leaving you alone in this sketchy part of town.” 
“And you have to be there when Mom gets back, otherwise she’ll get suspicious.” Lumine was already turning around. “Tell her I had to stay behind at the restaurant to help clean up.” 
Her brother pursed his lips. 
“Aether. I’ll be fine. Did you seriously forget what I did to get that stack of cash?” she reassured. 
He sighed. “Fine, fine. You’re right.” He hugged his sister. “Still. Be careful, please.” 
She held up her fist which was still wrapped in the fighter’s tape. “Of course. See you back home.” 
With that, the twins went separate ways. 
Now maskless, Lumine went the back ways to the arena, entering through a side door, avoiding the still rowdy crowd of spectators gathered for the late night fights. She successfully grabbed her textbook, and walked back out the side door. Straight into somebody. 
Shit. “Excuse me,” she mumbled, keeping her head down, hoping they wouldn’t ask why some little high school girl was sneaking around the underground fighting arena. 
But then the person spoke. 
“Wow,” a familiar voice said. 
Lumine looked up, wide eyed. Shitshitshitshit—
“This is a surprise,” Childe said, “Madame President.”
* * *
[part 2]
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