#its why shes been able to manipulate him in the past lol
everytsukauchi · 1 year
i have to combat the nsfw and ask you whats a soft headcanon you have either on its own or with your oc
Okay so a big thing is I don't want to talk about ocs and stuff on here because this is supposed to be a canon blog in a sense. Again, again and again I have a main blog if you're interested in talking about ocs with me there or even nsfw stuff.
A soft headcanon I have for Naomasa is that he still calls Makoto every week and has done so since she left for the States. They might be siblings and they like to fight, but their relationship with one another is very important to both parties. I think when he first came to Tokyo he use to call her every week then too. Just to check up on her and make sure she's okay.
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weixuldo · 10 months
Allow me// ch 10
Vader x Reader
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a/n: so in this Vader is just a lil delulu… he still thinks Padme didn’t love him fully, but its only cause he’s been under the manipulation of the emperor for so many years. also ngl this ch is a lil disorganized at the beginning oops: just lots of vader overthinking
Slight NSFW
warnings: cursing, kissing, grinding, premature ejaculation lol
Vader found that the longer he held his position- the more trivial certain matters became.
For years he had been hearing the same complaints and issues circulate through the ranks in different forms. It was old. 
He often let his mind wander during the frequent “highly classified” meetings; nowadays the main thing he would think about was you. He just couldn’t get you off of his mind, ever since that night when he showed you his face. 
He hadn’t removed his helmet since then but he still saw you as much as he could. Of course he already had an inclination towards you even before the reveal, but your reaction to him just kept looping in his head. 
You weren’t scared or disgusted, you didn’t ogle him as if he were some horrible specimen from another system. 
No. you continued to look upon him with the very same expression that you always had- you accepted all of his flaws… you accepted him.
Never in his time as Vader had he yearned for the attention of another being, but you were special. 
He knew the interest was obviously reciprocated but he couldn't tell to what extent. No matter how much you said you cared- how much of that was true?
It pained him to dig up memories of the past, but they were still a part of him- of Anakin…
He believed wholeheartedly that Padme loved him unconditionally and yet she still denied him. In the end her promise of everlasting love was just an empty one. 
But you seemed to care for him regardless of what he did- there was no hiding what he had done as Darth Vader, everyone in the galaxy knew his infamous name.
But even with all his controversial history, your eyes still lit up when he would walk by, your force signature still felt refreshing and flowery, you still found time to ask him how he was doing, you still invited him into your room…
He wouldn’t be able to bring himself to ask you the extent of your feelings until he was more certain of the answer, but of what he could see; it seemed that you were offering him unconditional admiration- something he had chased after all his life. 
Of course a while back you told him that you were his, but he couldn’t help but over analyze that phrase; did you mean you were his in the sense of his personal mechanic; professionally (and sometimes flirtatious sense)? Or in the way that you were really his?
And were you just saying that because you feared denial? No. You were more authentic than that.
So why could he not shake the feeling of worry that washed over him when he would imagine asking you how you saw the dynamic?
You entered his private sector with a warm signature; even inside of his chamber he could feel your electrifying presence. 
As soon as he finished his thought he motioned for the capsule to open so he could meet you halfway. He stepped over the mechanical barrier and straightened his cape before strutting towards the door that you were behind.
You reached for the button to open the only obstacle between you and the man you so desperately wanted to see. 
He slid the door open before you could, making you jump. 
“V!” you smiled, walking past him into the room he occupied. 
His watchful eyes trailed all the way down your body before responding.
“Y/N, how are you today, my dear?”
“I’m good, I got all of the work done so now I'm here to bug my favorite man in the galaxy”.
You and Vader had been exchanging more playful banter (flirtatious, even) and Vader felt like his awkward 19 year old self trying not to blush when you would say things like that.
“Ahh, I see, you just want to distract me from my duties- like running the empire…You must be a rebel spy, my darling” he quipped back. 
Your cheeks warmed at his playfulness; it was a rare thing to have Darth Vader sharing jokes with you. 
“Oh no, my dear” you taunted back using the name he often called you.
“I wouldn’t dream of attempting to infiltrate the almighty Darth Vader’s fortress of a mind…” you said with doe eyes and a stupid half smile. 
He stepped closer and tilted your chin to look into his lenses, “what if I told you that you already have”.
In a moment of pure need, you stepped closer to him and pulled his helmet down to face you and kissed him over the grated mouthpiece. 
You heard the familiar sound of his respirator work a little harder to keep up with his quickened breathing. 
A few weeks ago or even days, you would have completely freaked out and done damage control immediately.
You would’ve tossed out every apology in the book and asked if that was alright; but now you didn’t need to – you could feel his desire lurking in the force around you. 
He stood stunned for a moment before picking you up and carrying you towards his meditation chamber. 
“V, what are you-”
“If you want to kiss me, I should at-least give you a proper one” his deep voice boomed as the top of the chamber descended. 
Soon the air tight seal was in action and a claw-like mechanism from the ceiling came down to remove the helmet. It was only the second time you were seeing his naked face and you were even more excited than the last time.
When his face was finally revealed he blinked a few times, trying to get accustomed to the brightness, before his cerulean blue eyes honed in on you; your hair, your brows, your eyes, your nose, your lips…
“May I?” he asked, waiting for the signal to capture you in a deep kiss.
You nodded furiously and draped your arms around his armored shoulders, before his lips met yours.
Sparks flew.
Sure, the first kiss was a lil too soft and a lil odd, but after you figured out a groove with each other, the kisses became ravenous. 
When was the last time he had felt the sensation of another’s lips on his own? 
He couldnt help but rake his gloved hands up and down your back, pulling you closer to him. He was in heaven, nothing could beat this feeling. 
His insatiable need for you made your core ache for him. Maker, how you wanted to fuck him so badly. Your thoughts raced through your mind and you let a small moan slip against his mouth. 
Vader felt his pants grow tighter and his dick throb. You were so enticing. It had been so long… so long. He felt like he would combust at any moment. 
He broke away from the kiss to keep himself at bay as he let the building sensation of an orgasm subside. Of course he was embarrassed that he almost got to that point by simply kissing; but to be fair, he had gone from no skin to skin contact in years, to…this.
You, on the other hand, had more experience with this thing than he did.
You placed a gentle hand on the side of his face and breathlessly asked, “Why’d ya stop?”. 
His eyes faded into the beautiful blue you had seen the other day before he attempted to answer; he was cut off by you starting to grind your hips into his, as you dragged your core against his codpiece. 
Vader’s eyes momentarily rolled back and an exquisite noise escaped him before he gripped your thighs tightly and began to kiss your neck.
“Oh, Vader- that feels so-”
Before you could finish your sentence he clawed his hands down your back (not hard enough to hurt) and plunged his face into the crook of your neck as his body jerked forward. Much to his chagrin, he couldn’t hold out any longer, not with you in his lap. 
He came. Hard.
He didn’t even know he still could; it felt weird… the burns of Mustafar made the familiar sensation feel a twinge different. It wasn’t bad by any means, just…new.
After the overwhelming feeling passed he exhaled sharply before tapping your thigh twice. 
You had no idea what just happened and if he was ok or not, so when he tapped your thigh you took that as a sign to get up. 
“Are you alright? Did I do something wrong?” you asked, genuinely worried. 
“No, I-I mean yes! Well no, you didn’t do anything wrong and yes I'm alright. I just remembered I was supposed to discuss a new tactical plan with one of the Moffs. My apologies my dear.” 
and without another word, he left as quickly as he could. 
Only you remained in the meditation chamber, feeling confused and a little sad. 
You worried you had been too forward and upset him- but he assured you nothing was wrong… So you ended up chalking it up to a loss and going back to your quarters with a walk of overthinking.
Did he not like you being like that with him? He didn’t stop it before though…
When you got back you decided just to go to bed- it was pretty late anyways.
Vader forcefully slid the heavy door to his private room closed and marched up to the platform where he dressed and undressed. 
He called upon the droids to begin undressing him and stood in shame as they disassembled him. 
When they removed the codpiece there was a damp spot on his pants. Great. 
He was glad the droids couldn’t talk (to him at least, they probably exchanged quips about him all the time). 
Since it was late and his duties were fulfilled for the day he opted for a bacta soak- he needed to get clean and to think (as if he weren’t already torturing himself with his thoughts). 
The droids strapped him into his harness and soon his body was submerged in the soothing bacta; the most relieving feeling.
He took a deep breath through the large oxygen mask covering most of his face; what the fuck just happened?
Obviously he knew he came- that was pretty damn evident. But why? (also evident).
He cringed again at the image of him cumming from kissing… was he really that pathetically desperate? 
You probably went back to your room laughing at him. Fuck. What if you thought it was gross?
He groaned and thrashed in his tank at the embarrassing scenes. 
Should he address it to you? Or just act like it didn't happen? Would you bring it up?
He attempted to enjoy the rest of his soak; it wasn’t successful. 
You woke up to your details for today; it was an uncharacteristically complex task.
Of course you didn’t mind the difficulty, but what bothered you was that it wasn’t even one of Vader’s machines. In fact it was a totally different department deep down in the belly of the ship… probably the furthest from him. 
You thanked the messenger droid and got ready to go. Unfortunately, you couldn’t stop the intrusive thoughts from barging in; he must really be mad at you to not want you near him.
Did he think you were gross or shameless for what you did?
All you did was kiss… and he was the one who brought you into his chamber. 
He promised you that he wouldn’t let any harm come your way, so you weren't worried for your life; you were worried for your position.
Would he send you back to your own system or transfer you to another unit far, far away from him? 
Maker, what was going on.
a/n: ahhh yes, the ever loved miscommunication trope- both y/n and vader need to stop overthinking (also the way they’re both thinking the other thinks they’re gross lmfaoo). i was gonna make this ch longer but then i thought it was alr a little long 😳 ty for ur support and the patience for my shitty upload schedule!
taglist: @vadersassistant @sxoulohvn @khaleesihavilliard @kashasenpai @darling-murdock @beautifulbearpolice @salvatoresister1 @lune-de-miel-au-paradis @blueninjablade3 @jujuba096 @missmannequin @jellydodger @mirastark @wyvernthekriger @duckyhowls @monada43 @lauriidoesstuff @vienettacream @ray-rook @itswhatever06 @ilovenielperry
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rilakeila · 2 years
when an almost ending happens... pt. 1
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word count 3.1k| pairing tyler galpin x fem!she/her!addams sister!reader | show wednesday (netflix) | warnings someone gets stabbed, someone dies, and someone, well yeah someone. do lmk any more, manipulation | author’s note a detour from the actual show bc for obvious reasons, but we are stopping laurel. additionally this is a request, which is why the relationship between tyler and y/n are very touchy, feely.
request — “Hello! I love your writing it’s helping to feed my current obsession with Tyler lol, can you do a one shot where Laurel awakens Tyler’s Hyde but doesn’t manage to get him to listen to her and Tyler instead submits to his girlfriend(the reader who’s an Addams). Can it be fluff and Tyler’s relationship with the reader is like Gomez and Morticia’s from the 90s movies! Thank you in advance!! <3 also no pressure you don’t have to do this!”
request note — i turned it into a two part series! it is supposed to be cheesy and whatnots due to the nature of the request
— FRUSTRATED through the endless mysteries from familial past to the on-going monster hunt, nothing seems to be connecting. luckily, you and your sister, wednesday, were able to solve the criminal investigation that involved your dad. a nice break from the monster hunt, which was rather ice cold. no leads and everything just went on as normal. additionally, eugene thankfully was stable in the hospital. though, from what you had thought was a break, you were left in the dark about how your sister was able to snag your boyfriend, tyler to investigate the gates mansion alongside enid. 
though, you were very much annoyed at your sister for continuing to investigate despite the losses of her friends for manipulation. much more annoyed at how each of them would rant to you as if you were some sort of therapist, wondering how kinbott can keep such an upbeat attitude with having to bear the dead weight of others’ thoughts and feelings. even if she is dead now. 
“wednesday, the investigation has already concluded. xavier has been put behind bars, kinbott is dead. you found the hyde and its master. can we just be done? and i don’t know, celebrate in our own ways,” you stretched, climbing off her bed. watching your phone vibrate, the message notification lit up, knowing it was tyler asking you to come to weathervane as he closed. 
“if celebrating means making out with your boyfriend in a crypt, then i would not like to celebrate,” not once does she turn around from her typewriter as she pointed out the one time she had caught you both during a movie night.
 you huffed in annoyance while adjusting your jacket. marching to her closet, you grabbed her jacket and chucked it at her, “come on, we’re going to weathervane. and don’t bother saying anything, tyler made your drink just as you like it.”
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“you should start considering locking the doors behind you, maybe a monster is still lurking around,” you jokingly had said as you entered the café your boyfriend worked in who was sweeping. wednesday walking behind you, her glare intensified as you knew she felt that she was being taken away from her ‘precious’ writing time.
“and i thought you guys solved the mystery,” tyler set his broom, propping it against the chair. you happily embraced him, a kiss shared between you both. his hands travelling to your waist, holding you tighter. 
“you two make me nauseous,” wednesday complained interrupting the kiss before it would begin to become much more passionate.  your sister may have known where things would start leading if you and tyler were left alone. it also may be due to your parents also having such a touchy and expressive sort of relationship, just as she had to interrupt them in one of the many times such as on the ride to the first day of nevermore. 
to avoid sending your eyes into the back of your sockets, you just sighed, “wednesday. you would be the same if you know the feeling, only maybe if your little admirer wasn’t a psychokiller. what about enid? your roommate is the only one that you show interest to.”
“our relationship is too much to handle for her. she wouldn’t be able to withstand such feeling. our love is different,” tyler’s eyes never left your face. 
smiling as your hands travelled up to shoulders and then wrapping it around behind his neck. though there was a small mark, hole, if you will, a fresh one. sitting next to another one that you noticed that was there a week prior, but they were usually consistent, the same mark in the same place. you may have been just overthinking it after the stress of the finale of the investigation. grazing over it, you simply nodded, “you are correct, mi amore.”
sharing a smile as the both of you ever so leaning in, lips barely grazing. the little space teasing you both, enjoying the minor torture. before being able to connect, wednesday continues to interrupt with her annoyance, “i can’t believe i have to witness my sister partake in the same sort of relationship our parents have despite saying she would never would.”
you snapped to your sister, “why are you even here?”
“you brought me here.”
“i asked her to, wednesday, since i know you don’t celebrate victories or birthdays, here,” tyler pecked your cheek as he left your embrace. your arm delicately extended out as his arm, the last touch. in less than a second, he was back, filling the space. though in his one hand, he handed your sister her celebratory coffee, which she immediately took. the quickness of her taking it was a thanks of its own. you were too preoccupied in staring into his eyes until you see wednesday drop the cup. a thud sounded; you were about to nag at her for wasting tyler’s energy. grabbing her hand, you felt the electricity, knowing that you were about to be sent to some sort of vision with her.
for some reason, you could never initiate the vision when it happens, just wednesday. though, all you had to do was touch her and the vision would be shared. not only the vision would be shared, but your minds were connected. it was rather helpful being able to have some sort of commentary as you watch events unfold together.
the vision of kinbott screaming. a flash followed with her lying on the ground, slashes throughout her body, and laying in her own pool of blood. another flash showing the hyde. flash. tyler. your tyler. blood on his mouth, naked. 
“your boyfriend is the psychopath who kills people.”
“oh my, wednesday. isn’t this exciting?
the vision shot you both out to return you to the present, eyes wide open. tyler’s eyes were the first thing you saw, concern written all over his face. you were unsure what you were supposed to be feeling regarding about your boyfriend. a psychokiller. in what way after all of this, you doubt that he would be walking out as a freeman. his dad would surely put him behind bars. immediately sitting up straight, your head turned to your sister. her eyes screamed let’s go behind that monotone demeanor, which you nodded. 
“tyler, amore. me and wednesday are going to back to nevermore. we just had a vision of thing being in danger,” the nervousness while getting up, you needed to rush out of there immediately. you gave him a quick peck on his cheek before your jacket was tugged by wednesday, practically dragging you out of there. the one time she has ever done that. and not once did you turn back to him.
“so. our investigation ends up continuing with someone wrongfully behind bars. my boyfriend proves to not be a normie. so, where does this put us in our investigation?” your chin was propped in the palm of your hand as you sat at wednesday’s desk as she stood in front of you. you avoided long text conversations with tyler, mostly texting to make sure he does not get suspicious that you and your sister know. you also did not want to know what she was going to do. she was surely scheming as she was glaring even harder at wall, there is definitely something going on in the dark brain of hers, “no torturing, wednesday. you’re not trying to get expelled, worse for you, if you fail at attempting murder.”
“you assume the worst of me. i won’t fail this time, though. we need to get the nightshades together and single out your boyfriend. no questions, just get him to the crackstone crypt tomorrow night,” wednesday demands as she usually does, always using everyone around her. though, you obliged to text tyler. you saw the vision, and there was no escaping the fact that he’s a killer. additionally, hurting eugene was a big no for you. 
“well, i am going to assume the worst for you. but, you saw what i saw. i saw what you saw. but you have to think about it, it’s exciting that my boyfriend is some sort of villain. it’s rather exhilarating,” you swiped to look at the text notification, seeing that he responded almost immediately with a kissy emoji and an “ok.” you grinned, sending him similar emojis. without looking up, you verbalized his agreement to coming to the set plans tomorrow while still texting him, “he said yeah.”
“snap out of it, (y/n). he might be just deceiving you, which he already has. he also is responsible for hurting eugene,” wednesday snapped her fingers in front of your face. you swatted her hand from your face, setting your phone down with a huff.
since that night of her asking you to send him to crypt, that was the last thing that you have completed in your sister’s investigation. you decided to not tag along with her and the nightshades as you did not want to witness the torturing of your boyfriend. for some reason, you did not hear anything that has happened that night or anything, not even the following morning after wednesday’s plans. weems practically kept you trapped at nevermore, and your phone seemed to not work correctly with the internet, as well as the cellular data. you figured they were getting it fixed, oddly enough, weems made you much busier the entirety of the day with unusual tasks that you were not usually prompted to do. retiring for the rest of the day after completing the last bits of the final task, you walked into your room, seeing thing. you rushed over, watching his sign ever so carefully.
“where have you been? weems keept me busy the last two days. wednesday? what, expelled? of course, she did, i’m not surprised. yes, yes. i know, go find tyler? of course, oh. what, ms. thornhill is a bad guy? she did what to him? what a psycho, she’ll pay for that. interesting. thank you for telling me, thing. you go what you need to do with enid, i’ll go save wednesday,” understanding the plan with thing, you ended with the secret handshake between you both. 
there was no time to waste, except the time you wasted changing out of your uniform. the rush to the crypt felt long, sprinting was not the best idea, but your sister was in danger. heaving as you held onto the tree for support, trying to catch your breath as you walked to the entrance of the crypt.  the door barely open and smelling the candles. what truly an awful scent, you would think resurrecting a cursed soul would enable better candle scents. sliding past the front, you see your sister hanging from the ceiling. what did she get herself into this time? 
carefully but rushing towards her, you looked around, making sure that no one was watching her. grabbing the pins located in your jacket and the stool underneath the table, you mounted yourself on the stool to comfortably unlock wednesday from her shackles. catching your unconscious sister, you made sure to hook her arm around your shoulder to leave the premise as quiet as possible. damn, why is this so hard? practically dead weight.
“uh-uh, ms. addams, what are you doing?” thornhill questioned in a teasing tone. from the guess of how much she had to raise her voice, you were sure she was much farther.
not wanting to risk whether she was right there, you kept walking. it was the smartest decision you were having the entire of the night, keep the distance. not turning around, you still answered, making sure to leave with the last words, “not wanting to mess with you, laurel gates.”
“tyler, baby, go make mama proud and retrieve one of them for me. either girl works for me, they’re both part of the addams bloodline, anyways,” laurel demanded. just like magic, tyler appeared in front of you, making the easy exit to be a fraud just as you thought. 
you eyed him, shaking your head no, “tyler, move out of the way.”
remembering that the master controls the hyde, he was going to do anything laurel demanded him to do. you were not sure if he was able to disobey and control his own. halting in your movement with the proximity, tyler eyed you, wrapping his hands around your shoulders, which is when you realized that through his eyes, that he was trying to tell you something. squeezing your shoulders, until laurel barked at him to hurry. with the force he had, he ripped wednesday off your shoulders, causing her to lay on the ground, and he dragged you to laurel. too shocked and confused to not know what to say, you were kneeled in front of laurel with tyler’s grip now on the collar of your jacket. 
“good job, baby. aww.. you believed that he actually loved you. he used you, just like i asked him to,” laurel placed her hand on tyler’s cheek in a motherly way, voice mocking you.
“are you that self-loathing for you to wait that long to initiate this plan?” you questioned her. 
“patience is key. it’s all worth it, the pleasure of winning after the waiting game feels so good especially when we get rid all of you outcasts,” she chained your hands together, taking you out of tyler’s grip and dragging you to the sarcophagus. it felt as if everything went by so fast, the palm of your hand sliced open and it felt like a magnet as you latched onto the blood lock. trying to get your hand off to prevent unlocking the blood seal, but you couldn’t. all was done. she snapped again to tyler after hooking your chains to the wall, “dinner time, tyler, honey. you can get rid of both of them now.”
“tyler, no, stop her, please,” you winced, unsealing the blood lock took much out of you. you could not do anything, energy levels at zero. you felt like your body was going limp as you sat against the wall. watching tyler sinisterly walking towards you, you knew this was it. there was no way that you were going to survive what was about to happen. the zero amount of emotion shown on your boyfriend’s face secured the deal that you were going to be dead in any moment. he was about to be the ugliest monster out here. kneeling in front of you and hands on either side of your head, his face inching closer to yours. he was going to transform. for the first time in your life, perhaps a couple of times, you were absolutely terrified, close to shitting yourself. face turning to the side, eyes closed shut, you did not want your last memory of him to be the ugly monster. until you felt the softest pair of lips placed onto your own. stunned but the familiarity, you adjusted your head to give a better angle in being able to deepen the kiss.
“you really think i was going to kill you, my love?” tyler pulled away, placing his forehead against yours. he was able to promptly unlock your shackles.
you grinned, shaking your head, “of course not, why would you?”
he grabbed your hand, kissing your knuckles. you giggled, as he helped you up, supporting your weak body from the unlocking of the blood seal. though, your smitten reunion was cut short, as thornhill screeched. oh, your poor ears. that was the worst villain scream you have heard. you were sure wednesday would have awoken from that. with the help of tyler, you leaned into his side as you stood together, “looks like your plans are going to be stopped, thornhill. i’m going to assume that you were never tyler’s master in the first place. you made him succumb to your side through wrongful attempts such as manipulation.”
“i am his master, he has been submitting to me. i showed him what he needed, a mother’s love,” she tossed goody’s book aside onto the table.
“you still used him. i notice the fresh syringe marks that he would have every so often, so you could keep him loyal to you,” you implied, but you were sure those were the marks. the connection of when wednesday had told you about what she found in faulkner’s diary of the hydes, chemical inducement or hypnosis would work to awaken the hyde. 
“you noticed those, my love?” tyler questioned.
“of course i did, but i didn’t want to assume anything, though,” you placed your hand on his cheek, caressing it.
“oh god. get on with it, what are you trying to get at?” laurel questioned.
“what i’m trying to get at is,” there was one hypothesis that you could test. wavering a little bit, perhaps tyler also knew that laurel’s attempts were not working anymore. you squeezed his hand three times, a signal of distraught or something was to come, doubling as an ‘i love you.’ knowing that those three words were quite foreign to you during your relationship due to the nature of your family, he introduced the action during a minor stress session when you learned that your sister was soon attending nevermore due to a mishap with ‘attempted murder,’ which you thought her actions were much justified when finding out that she targeted pugsley’s bullies.
but, it was your turn to do the same, this time not with an attempted. yours was going to complete the job, “tyler, get her.”
feeling his lips press your temple, you gave him space, allowing him to transform. as much as you enjoyed a gruesome show, witnessing your boyfriend do your bidding, even for a rather good reason, was not on your list. though, what you were not expecting was the sarcophagus and its body parts lighting up. eyes travelling back and forth between your boyfriend about to slash through laurel and the black smoke flooding the crypt. coughing through it and trying to walk through, you tried to not lose sight of laurel and tyler. events were spiralling a little too quickly for your liking, not enough time. what do i do? the quick assumption that the prophetic drawing was still going but at what cost?
“you’re a little too late, addams,” laurel says, laughing manically, only to be silenced as tyler slashes through her body. shit.
hearing wednesday groggily calling your name, though the same tone when she calls for help. one that is not frequently used, only heard once and an almost ending had occurred. what seemed like a blur, last seeing your boyfriend in his hyde form, blood around his lips and claws, and the feeling of something piercing your insides, and it turned, being much more painful. tyler’s eyes turned into much worry, even as a monster. trying to make a sound, yet you felt silenced, something holding your tongue back. here was another ending, one you did not know if it was another almost.
“thou shalt be silenced for your crimes of witchcraft, addams.”
part one, i may delete due to me not liking it and redo it.
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riddlerosehearts · 1 month
all right so, some more thoughts on act 2 of baldur's gate 3 now that i finally replaced my hard drive and have been able to play again! this is basically all about like the very end of act 2 because i enjoyed it but just didn't really write things down for most of it.
so first of all i actually kind of love ketheric thorm and the tragedy of his character. i love villains who are willing to destroy themselves and the world for the sake of their family 💖
however i wish that if you talked to him about his wife and passed the checks to try persuading him to repent you could actually change the outcome of things. like what if you could save him and recruit him.... i honestly really think my tav would've felt a bit of empathy toward his situation and wanted to save him if they could, and also personally i just find him more interesting than halsin or even jaheira asdkjfghsdf
i'm sure jaheira is a lot cooler to people who know her from previous baldur's gate games but having 2 druids feels a bit redundant when there are so many other classes and she and halsin both become recruitable a little too late imo, especially given that halsin kind of has nothing to do after he finally joins you. ketheric would be an even later addition but sorry i just think he's so cool and that making one of the villains redeemable + recruitable would've been neat!
ANYWAY i also love the fact that even though i was spoiled on a lot of random bits and pieces about the different companions' personal stories before i started, i was not really spoiled at all on the actual main plot of this game lol. it just makes it that much more exciting getting to see how it all unfolds.
i also wasn't spoiled on the details of wyll's pact and now that he's finally talked about it, i love his character even more!! he's literally like if a disney prince loved his home and its people so much that he sold his soul to save them. i wish we could've had a full flashback when he agreed to show us what happened like the ones we get when we see into shadowheart's past.
i also wish he got more appreciation from fans and had a more complete romance but we all know why he doesn't 😔
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i think this is literally the first "stereotypical horny bard" dialogue i've come across omg 😭 didn't actually pick this because it would've been ooc for elenion to say but i will say i think it would've been really funny if there was like. romance-specific dialogue here because you have such insane first meetings with every companion. i'm just imagining elenion going "love at first sight? i suppose so, although for me it was more like love at first hand" and leaving isobel wondering wtf that's supposed to mean
all of this confusion and going back and forth about whether to trust the dream guardian... and they were a mind flayer the whole time!! tbh that actually does not make elenion automatically stop trusting them because we've met omeluum and he didn't seem bad, but what does kind of make them lose trust in the emperor is the whole "encouraging you to turn into a mind flayer" thing... yeah, not doing that.
actually though i found out a while ago that something was up with the dream guardian but like. i was expecting them to turn out to just be fully evil and wanting to try and manipulate us more directly after the reveal, not for them to be acting like a nice friendly heroic mind flayer, so that does come as a surprise!
i wish i had thought to take lae'zel with me to the astral plane in case she would've had anything to say about orpheus while we were there... but oh well, i didn't really have her on my team during act 2 and she wasn't relevant to basically any of its story so i missed her a lot and i am so proud of her now for how she told off vlaakith.
??? halsin just tried to confess his love to elenion and said he thinks they feel the same way and i mean... at least he was very kind and understanding when they rejected him but i am baffled because i haven't really had him in the party at all and. like. when he asked them to tell him a secret they even said they didn't feel like there was anything to tell because they didn't wanna open up to him too deeply (well, and also because for some reason the only other option is to say you're afraid of krakens), but now he thinks they're in love with him? 😭 i've heard that it used to be extremely easy to accidentally romance gale but i do not understand how this happened with halsin. oh well.
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oh yeah also i got this dialogue from wyll and i wish there was an option to say that you're anxious about being back or something. because elenion has been sort of avoiding visiting home and only going back very infrequently for a very long time and he and wyll are close so i imagine that wyll knows why that is. but i ended up just picking the first option and imagining that wyll is too polite to question it.
anyway, i've stepped into rivington and am ready to start exploring it but i'm going to end this post here for now!
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sensitiveheartless · 2 years
*bird nerd activates*
Thinks about birds, you say? Go on...
Anyway! That fic was basically an excuse to write Chuuya being introspective—he's using various things about birds as metaphors to help work through some shit. Here, I wrote the beginning of it— (putting it under the cut because a little lengthy for people to scroll past lol)
Chuuya breathed.
Despite being in the center of Yokohama, the air was fairly clear around him. Perhaps it was the sheer height of the Port Mafia towers that kept the wind whipping at his coat and hat so untainted, flavored with the distant scent of the sea.
That sea breeze was quite strong that day. But no matter how much it pulled and tugged at Chuuya’s clothes, he remained entirely unmoved, steady. His hat and coat were weighted down by gravity, kept firmly pinned to his head and shoulders, just as Chuuya himself was weighed down against the rooftop, pinned in place. A use of his ability that had become instinctive, at this point.
Chuuya swung his legs out over the edge of the rooftop, gazing out across the city. It was a long, long way down beneath his feet, the base of the Port Mafia headquarters blurry with distance, but he felt no thrill of danger at the sight. He could walk vertically across the side of the building he felt like it, without leaving a single scratch on the endless smooth planes of glass windows. Hell, he could jump all the way down and land light as a feather—had done just that many times, in fact.
The service door creaked open behind him. He didn’t turn to look—he could recognize the footsteps, so he let them approach, remaining relaxed.
A flutter of pink and white robes settled beside him slowly, the swirl of fabric catching the corner of his eye. Kouyou knelt with as much elegance as ever, even on the rather grubby rooftop. She must be very concerned, to ignore the potential damage to her clothes.
“Lad,” she said, quiet but just loud enough to be heard over the wind. “Are you alright?”
What an open question. What did it really mean, to be alright?
Chuuya tipped his head back to look up at the blue skies overhead, and shrugged. “I think so,” he said. “Why?”
“You’ve been up here a long time,” Kouyou said cautiously. “Your subordinates informed me you were acting oddly today. And you aren’t smoking, or drinking.”
Chuuya snorted. “And that’s a bad thing?” he asked.
“Unusual,” Kouyou corrected. “That’s what you usually do up here, is it not?”
“Fair enough,” Chuuya said, still gazing up into the blue. “I suppose I’m just thinking.”
“Oh?” Kouyou said, a light, curious prompt. Not an interrogation, but audibly perplexed.
Chuuya leant back on his palms and watched a gull circle overhead, following its circuitous path with his gaze.
Fascinating creatures, birds. Chuuya could fly as well, in a way, but there was something in the way birds went about it, the way they soared. Much as Chuuya might try, the open sky never truly felt like his domain. He couldn’t ride the air currents, glide about; he had to direct his every movement, consciously manipulate his own gravity to go where he wished.
He wondered what it would feel like to be able to let go like that, to entrust himself to the swirling embrace of thin air with nothing more than a couple of feathered wings to keep him aloft. The closest Chuuya ever got to that kind of blind faith was when he gave himself over to Corruption, and that could hardly be called a gentle experience.
Except…sometimes, there were those moments in the aftermath that could almost come close. Moments as he drifted in and out of consciousness, feeling bandaged hands holding him up, supporting him. A feeling of lightness, of trust, of the stomach-dropping surprise of being caught when he was mid-freefall.
A light cough reminded Chuuya that Kouyou was still beside him, awaiting an answer. Right, he must be worrying her, staying quiet so long. “Just thinking about birds,” Chuuya said. “They’re fuckin’ flighty as hell, aren’t they? Really makes you think.”
Then, that vague thought communicated, he subsided back into silence.
There was a long pause, filled with nothing except the steady howl of wind around them.
“I…see,” Kouyou said dubiously. “...Are you sure you’re well, lad?”
“Oh, probably,” Chuuya laughed, a little wildly, meeting her narrow gaze ever so briefly before looking back at the shimmering sea. He grinned, without quite knowing how it would settle on his features. His face felt a little odd and unpredictable in the face of the stinging breeze. For all he knew, it looked more like a grimace.
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I almost forgot—I made a small doodle for this back when I was first working on it, so here’s that as well!
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thedawningofthehour · 10 months
Fuck you, Draxum. FUCK YOU!!
The most painful part of Draxum's speech, its that its true. For the most part.
It really is tragic and painful, the fact that Draxum hates Leo so much to the point of almost ripping his arm off knowing that they are a happy family in canon.
And oh my god! Draxum is about to become the epitome of Mansplain manipulate manwhore.
He really is so adultcentric that he can't conceive that the fact that Bella hates him now has nothing to do with his own actions, but is Leo's fault! Jesus.
He's really reaching Gabriel Agreste levels here.
If you don't know who Gabriel motherfucker aggreste is. Google it.
Now who will have to explain to Splinter why he can't go on a hunt to kill Draxum as soon as he sees leo's condition?
His arm's fine, Draxum just kind of dangled him a little. That is absolutely not his main concern here lol.
The thing is, I don't think Draxum is an innate narcissist or anything-he does hit a lot of the criteria for NPD, but other than 'a demonstration of arrogant and haughty behaviors' they're all stuff that's developed over the past few decades as a direct result of Events and Situations. He's developed a lot of narcissistic traits pretty much as a coping mechanism and as a way of justifying his own actions.
And I forget what exactly it's called, but isn't there some phenomenon with narcissists where they see their friends and family members as having no agency of their own? And therefore could never have turned against the narc themselves, so it had to be the fault of their new friend/partner/other estranged family member?
Logically, Draxum knows that Leo didn't turn Bella against him. They had been fighting for years, their relationship was already very strained and he purposely hid Galois's existence from her because he knew she'd be angry with him. But it's easier to tell himself that she's only responding like this because she was on the turtles' side when it all started. If he had been the one to tell her, she wouldn't be so mad. If he had been able to explain his side, she would have taken it better. He doesn't know if that's true, it will never come to pass, but the thing about things that will never come to pass-they can never prove you wrong.
I did have to look that one up and my first thought was "yeah he looks appropriately gay and evil."
Then I delved deeper and apparently he has a wife?? Who is actually part of the plot??? Dude, you can't be a fashion designing supervillain and be STRAIGHT, what the fuck.
Splints kind of has other priorities right now. Like his injured son.
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heleizition · 5 months
holding cain gently in my hands. do ya got a jive on what happenes plotwise? like a timeline and shit. does cain die. does cain kill able. who takes eden by the hand and shoves love down his throat? whats up with able caring for nell in a sibling capacity and whys that not happening with cain. whats their p a s t why are they so fucked.
ok so . plot wise . it's messy and not very good ngl but the rundown is as follow. its long and BAD im . but its my thing and i have strong feelings about.
Nell and vik meet as angel & demon and cooperate on a thing . which they're not allowed to bc angel and demons have been at wars for Ever and no one really remembers why.
when he comes back to th demon realm nell is subjected to torture as a punishment from the demon council or something . abel doesnt like that and he's been trying to find a way to fuck up the demon realm for a while anyway so he takes nell and runs away with him in "purgatory" which is the vast land between angel and demon reals. his team follows (titania and jasper) (the four of them are basically demon . soldiers.)
cain stains behind and acts as abel's ears in the demon realm as he's high ranked.
anyway in the meantime cody's angel team finds abel's team in the purgatory bc they were just Out There doing Stuff. at this point abel and cody, both high ranking, have know each other for a long time and have been forming a sort of understanding that they're both pretty tired of this endless war.
anyway somehow all of them decide to team up. dont ask me why. im not a good writer.
we learn that things have been shitty bc god decided to communicate for the first time in for Ever to the angel & demon leader that They sent someone down there with part of Their power to shake things up. because god is a Bored CHILD
the whole story revolves around trying to find out who's god's soldier.
several things happen including discovering that vik is under noah's (angel chief) orders (but like its bc he had zero memories of his past life and died a child and was easily manipulated and had no idea what was going on for a while and oh man . he's at the center of this now), vik getting thrown into angel jail, getting jailbreaked by those who are mad but not THAT mad at him, eden gets snatched and his head explodes, he survives
theres like a whole thing about past lives and memories btw. its kinda boring lmao but its a thing.
jasper learns that actually he was created in this realm and never had a past life to begin with and he's an experimentation from a rogue demon council guy that abel & cain killed, thats when abel took jasper under his wing . he had no idea lol poor guy!!!!!!!!!
um things accelerate . its time for the final showdown ! we still dont know who's god's guy. if i were actually drawing/writing this id give every character their focus time to throw readers. like heheheh who is it >:) ?
ok final showdown everyone fights someone that is meaningful to them bc of the story yeehaw . cain is here.
cain what are you doing here (atop of the battlefield) and not on the battlefield
cain . cain why are you fighting nell
flashback time ! abel & cain only ever had each other in their past life and this one and cain is basically a "i'll do it all for you" guy bc he has no chill except the demon council manipulated him into thinking that abel is pushing him aside because he's weak or not good enough and that nell is the actual family he needs yada yada
cain why are you leaving nell with his guts open on the field
oh man . nell is dying . vik is holding his almost lifeless body . oh no
cain is behind abel and oh man isn't it weird that i'm thinking abt the first murder in pseudo history rn . wild
so cain stabs abel in the back who had absolutely no idea of the turmoil his brother was in . cody is here . cody and abel love each other in a ay that goes beyond memory beyong tragedies beyond universes. cody can't go on without abel thats how it's written (?).
cody is god's soldier. she didn't know. she couldn't have. she unleashes the power. this world is dead.
god is looking at this. looking at them. realises they're fond of that part of them they sent in this endless war. that she made a family out of the people she met and . that it'd be nice if she could have that for real, right ? after all, god can feel her feelings. and it's warm and love and ugly and fury and god had forgotten about all that.
epilogue. cody wakes up. it's april. a sunday. the sun is out. she has to get up because she's meeting up with friends. we follow her and her routine. we see the friends. we know the friends.
the end
OK for the other questions : cain was manipulated, a pawn in this universe, he has serious abandonment issues that ARE worked on post story once they are "revived" lol. he's a bit of a cold guy but he's doing his best. he does actually like nell in this "universe", but it takes a while.
eden was surrounded by lovely people by chance and by force. thats their difference lol
it's not that abel does not care about cain, he does, but it's always hard when someone comes around and can replace you. ofc thats not what abel is doing, he cares about nell a lot and he can't help it, but it makes cain just,,, rage on . idk how to explain it. you know when you're not doing great and your friend who you cling a bit to has other friends ? and you think oh . oh they don't..... care about me as much as i care about them (which is wrong btw) ? yeah thats a feeling i had a lot when i was younger and that i still have sometimes but that i know how to beat down now hehe but . some people are more vulnerable to it, especially when the support they need isn't there at the right moment. i feel for cain. he's jst, not doing great emotionally.
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iturbide · 2 years
Oh I don't doubt edelgard believes her cause is just. The thing with her is it doesnt stop with her reforms and her toppling of the church. Thats how we know her goal is conquest.
In 3 hopes she had her reforms made WHILE rhea was in power. And Even with Rhea dead and the central church dissolved she doesnt stop her war. At this point it is no longer about removing the church to make way for reforms. Because she accomplished both of those things and she's still not done.
Why isn't she done? Because thats not her ultimate goal. She wants all of fodlan under her control. Funnily enough, Claude says it too. His reason for killing rhea was because he foolishly believed that would remove edelgards reason for war. ( it doesn't).
He also said that if she doesn't stop her war, then that means her war is just blatant aggression. In their supports he calls it Conquest and edelgard doesn't deny it, she knows what this is ( shes much more honest about it in 3 hopes) and she actually tells him she wants the kingdom gone, not just the church.
villains don't need to be like "tee hee mass murder , war , conquest! Yay!" realistic villains are those who truly believe in their cause and theyll say this is for the good of all. what makes them a villain is how they will do absolutely anything to achieve their aims no matter how much blood is spilled and how much suffering it causes. No "sacrifice" is too great for Emperor Edelgard von Hresvelg.
this is how they justify conquest irl no? Western imperalism 101. We say It's for a just cause. We say Its for their own good. We say our way is the superior way and they will see that (or die) . Truth is we can make up any reason for it , the end is the same and they still hate us for it. And i can't say I blame them for feeling that way lol
I was never trying to refute that Edelgard is an imperialist. She's absolutely an imperialist. There's really no getting around that. But I'm pretty alarmed by this take, because it discounts a lot of things about her and her character in favor of a read that her goals are motivated solely by selfishness.
And this is coming from someone who has an entire tag devoted to Edelgard criticism.
It bears repeating out the gate: I haven't played Three Hopes yet. I don't imagine I will for a while yet, and news on Edelgard's route has been sparse coming to my inbox, so I'm not able to speak on Scarlet Blaze in any real capacity (not that I take it as any sort of canon, myself, though that's neither here nor there). But I can speak on Three Houses, since I have played through three of the four routes in their entirety, including Edelgard's -- Verdant Wind, Silver Snow, and Crimson Flower are complete; I've stalled halfway through Azure Moon. And in the case of Three Houses, while Edelgard is definitely chasing an image of the past now lost in the form of a Fodlan united under the Imperial banner, I don't think it's fair to say that she's only after that.
The fact is, she's not wrong that the Crest System is bad and needs to be reformed. She lays the blame on the wrong target, through a combination of misinformation and only partial understanding of the larger situation (likely for a number of reasons, including the unavoidable evolution of House Hresvelg's "true" history of Fodlan passed to its heirs, potentially influence from the Agarthans in manipulating information for their own purposes), but she's not wrong about the fact that the system is toxic and something needs to be done. And that system doesn't exist only in the Empire: its influence extends throughout all of Fodlan. So she sets her sights on tearing it out wherever it's taken root.
From a character and narrative standpoint, it does actually make sense that she'd target the Church of Seiros: the faith of the land gave rise to the System, even if Seiros herself had no hand in it, and so the only way to change the system is to raze the faith of the land and bring about something new. And because the Church has footholds in the Kingdom and Leicester -- both of which also suffer from a system that overvalues Crests -- she takes her campaign across those borders. Yes, she also believes that the Church was responsible for breaking up the Empire into the Kingdom and later the Alliance, thinking that it was a means of creating artificial divisions between people to keep them in conflict and unable to turn on the Church and its inhuman arbiters -- but ultimately her goal was to free all of Fodlan from the Crest System, rather than only Adrestia.
I don't say any of this to discount that she does horrible things. Because she does. There's a reason I will never play Crimson Flower again. But to flatly vilify her rather than acknowledging her as a complex character with justifiable goals is something I can't accept. Making the situation out to be a black-and-white, good-and-evil dichotomy flattens what makes Edelgard interesting and compelling as a character in favor of presenting her as Lady Walhart but with enough sense to not broadcast her intentions. And that's not fair to her, because there's a lot more to her, her situation, and her character overall than what your message implies.
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yellingintovoid · 6 months
Merry Christmas am I right? The reason I'm even writing all this is because its bothering me so much I can't focus on work. But anyway.
I hung out with my family, so parents and sibling, but I was expecting to hang out with just my sibling. That would have been nice, I like hanging out with them and just them because idk, we get each other. I mean we were raised by the same people. And I can see it, when my parents are around, they pretty much shut down but when it's just us, they're so much more full of life... Idk I thought it would be nice.
My parents were suppose to go to that bitch's house. I will keep referring to her as such, she is going to be that bitch. Anyway, they were going to go there first, and then spend time with us. Which I mean, when I think about it, is kinda fucked up because like, you'd rather spend time with that bitch than your own daughters if given the choice but whatever. Maybe I'm being bitter? Idk, they sure seem to think I am.
Before I get too sidetracked, my mom then starts going on about how they had a nice Christmas dinner with the family the day before and that I was the only one missing. And she goes on to say that everyone was there, my aunts and uncles, my cousins and their kids, everyone. Of course it's at that bitch's house. It also just occurred to me that I wasn't invited at all, btw. I didn't even get the chance to refuse or accept, I just wasn't invited at all. But anyway.
So everyone was there, mind you it's people I haven't seen in years which I guess would have been nice to see, idk. But she goes on to say how everyone was asking about be and where I was and how they haven't seen me and wanted to see me and it would have been nice if I was there, but they kept asking, and it's not like they knew what happened between me, my husband, and that bitch, and yeah.
I just told her that it sounded nice, and maybe I'd be able to see them all again if they came over to my house instead, or literally if it was anywhere else other than that bitch's house and as long as she wasn't there. And of course, what do I hear?
Don't be like that, it was in the past, she's family now too, the usual.
By the way, if anyone else does stumble across and wants some context into someone else's (mine lol) family drama and why I hate that bitch, look here.
But anyway, yeah I got the usual. I told her that if they wanted me there so bad she shouldn't have treated my husband like shit but she still was like, that was a long time ago, everyone takes out their anger on other people and it doesn't mean anything.
Like what? Did my mom forget how much bullshit that bitch put us through? How she treated my husband? He LITERALLY gets anxcious just driving by her street. He LITERALLY is having mental health issues because of that bitch that he's still trying to work on. And I'm suppose to pretend that didn't happen? And go to that bitch's house and act like I like her or don't remember what she did to him? And that's not including the shit that bitch did to me.
All the anxiety and guilt and manipulation she used to keep us there and keep me there working for her, doing her job and my own, making me feel like I had to compete for my own parent's attention with her because that bitch's mom is also a bitch (wonder where she got it from?) and her dad is dead... Like yeah let me just pretend I'm also not in therapy trying to work on the depression and anxiety that 5 years of abuse caused! Let me pretend that for me, instead of getting anxiety when I go by her street, I don't just get full of rage.
But of course, I can't tell my mom all that, at least I feel I can't. I told her the part that the bitch should not have treated m husband like shit, and my mom came back with, we all do that when we're mad and stress and not everyone can be like me where I don't do that (???) and I just need to let go. She even goes on to say she does it too, and yeah I didn't say anything, but I was thinking, yeah I know. s the eldest child, I got the worst of it from you, mom.
But that's another story of my mom just conveniently forgetting that she was cruel to me.
Anyway, the conversation ended there because my dad got off the phone and basically announced that that bitch was not going to do anything after all because her and my uncle decided to get a new car instead and it was taking a while to get the paperwork done. And that's why it was the whole family instead of just my sibling.
The rest of the night was fine, we ate food (which me and my husband cooked), and watched movies and talked and joked around. It was nice. Does tumblr have a word/character limit? Cuz I sure hope not lol.
But then they left and I've been left with this, idk... These feelings and doubts?
Like is my mom right? Should I just let go or stop being so angry and bitter about it? My husband says he will never forgive that bitch, and I don't blame him, he got the worst of the abuse, and I don't want to force him to see her again either.
But like my mom says, no one else knows why I don't want to see that bitch, so I'm like, what is it just a horrible secret my mom doesn't want to tell anyone? I don't care. If I did see the rest of my family, I'll tell them why I don't go to the gatherings or whatever when that bitch is there, I really don't give a shit.
But is this all worth it when I'm being estranged from my family because of this bitch?
And then I'm like, what do I care? I HATED going to family gatherings when I was still living with my parents. I get along with them all, but I don't really talk to them. They may sit down next to me and ask me things or drag me along to do things, but I don't have the same interests as them, I don't have kids, I just never have had much in common with my cousins other than one, who my uncle left for that bitch so I won't be seeing him at these things either.
So like why do I care? When I was younger, I'd either sit alone in the living room watching TV when everyone else was talking in another room, or I'd sit in the corner and play a handheld video game. Not that I found them annoying. I just didn't like to talk if I didn't have anything to say. I'm still like that actually.
If I feel I'm going to bore you or that you don't care about my interests, I'd rather just not talk or listen to you talk. If I was watching a movie, and then everyone decided to join in and they were talking and joking and stuff, I didn't mind I ilked to listen to it and even join in on occasion.
But that didn't stop me from not liking it because I just always felt so awkward.
So why do I care now? I'm so upset that I wasn't even invited but people were asking about me. That I can't go to these things anymore because that bitch is now always going to be there.
Is it because my mom seems to think it's some sort of secret that she can't tell anyone that that bitch basically abused me and my husband? What is she ashamed that it happened? Is she trying to defend that bitch?
Or is she worried about backlash. Is that it? That everyone will wonder why my mom and dad are still so close to that bitch even though they know how I feel and what she did to me?
I don't know. And I just don't know how to talk to my mom about it because lately she keeps turning it around on me. And how I'm the one being unreasonable and that I should let it go and be a part of all these gatherings. Never anything about how that bitch should apologize or even that she invites us or asks for us to be invited. I'M the one that has to be the bigger person here.
But is it so wrong to, idk, want to protect my husband and myself? I want to protect my mental health just as much as I want to protect his.
Part of what my mom always says to me is that I need to stop being so bitter because it's bad for my soul or whatever. But I'm not. I don't care if that bitch is doing well or not, I hope she is. I hope she's successful, I just don't want to be a part of it.
My mental health and my "soul" is fine and happy without that bitch in my life. The only time it seems to suffer is when my mom brings her up and then tries to guilt me into seeing her.
Idk, at this point, I just want to focus on work and I hope being able to get this OUT somewhere and somehow will help.
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piecksz · 3 years
forget me too. | (m)
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pairing: modern punk!bakugo x fem!reader 
warnings: nsfw, angst, cheating, oral sex, penetrative sex, angry sex, choking, fingering, exes with benefits, mentions of breeding, hair pulling, explicit language, toxic relationship, manipulation, reader just being a lovesick puppy but wouldn’t we all be if it came to bakugo
summary: it’s been a year since you broke up with bakugo after you found him cheating on you, and you swore you’d moved on from him, but when you run into him again at a record shop, you fall back into a dangerous cycle of love and hate
words: 9,800+
a/n: so i gave in and watched downfalls high, and i’m not gonna lie, it wasn’t the best piece of media i’ve ever consumed, but mgk’s feature track with halsey kind of ate (AND IT LITERALLY INSPIRED SO MANY ANGSTY IDEAS I WAS ITCHINGGG). therefore, this is said angsty idea. you can listen to the song forget me too by machine gun kelly (feat. halsey) while reading, that’s if you’re really daring. good luck lol 
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If there was one thing in the world you couldn’t fully understand, it was the type of girls who hated their ex-boyfriends, twirling their hair flirtatiously and giggling at all their pitiful punchlines one week, and the next, hatching bogus rumors to discourage other girls from seeking them out romantically, letting them know that their charm came at a price.
Until it was Bakugo.
You genuinely didn’t see it coming. You weren’t even able to recognize the severity of the situation until you were convulsing with the gravity of your sobs, shrieking at him in front of his apartment. Bakugo had called you earlier that evening to reschedule your previously-arranged dinner date since his friend Kirishima was in town, and he wanted to dedicate the rest of the night to catching up with his old schoolmate. You happily forfeited your own plans and instead opted to rendezvous with your boyfriend and his familiar later in the week, but as the night hauled on your favorite TV show no longer satiated your boredom.
Shuffling into the kitchen and scouring your cabinet for ingredients, you drew up the idea to bake some sweets for Bakugo and Kirishima because you figured it would be a nice surprise, however once you arrived at Bakugo’s place you deduced quickly that his friend wasn’t over. It should have been notably clear that something was unusual by the way he was hesitant to let you in.
He poked his head out from behind the privacy of his front door, definitely surprised to see you, but not in the way you had hoped.
“Y/N,” he greeted you with a tight-lipped expression, eyes dropping to the tub of sugar cookies in your hands. “What are you doing here? Why didn’t you call me to let me know you were coming over?”
You hummed after detecting a subtle edge in his voice. “I wanted to surprise you.” You rose to your toes to look past his head. “I thought you said your friend was coming over.”
Bakugo nodded, and once he extended his hand to accept your treats you could see that his torso was bare. “Idiot had to cancel at the last minute. School shit. He said he’ll be here tomorrow.”
Your grip tightened on the container. 
If his friend couldn’t make it then why didn’t he let you know? The two of you still could have made it to your dinner reservations.
And in that moment, you swore your internal monologue was loud enough to hear, because you immediately received your answer when you heard a soft, feminine voice come from inside his apartment.
“Who the fuck is that?” you barked, trying to outbalance Bakugo’s weight on the door. “Bakugo you little fucking shit--let me in.” It was a moment-long game between the two of you until Bakugo gave in, accepting the reality that he’d already been caught. You stumbled into the door as it swung open, revealing his company.
She was petite with short blonde hair, wearing a panicked expression that matched Bakugo’s oversized flannel on her naked body almost impeccably. You stared at each other until you broke the tense silence with a quiet holy shit.
“Holy shit,” you repeated louder, blinking as fast as you could to hold back the salty tears that were beginning to cloud your vision. “You fucking dick!” You didn’t notice how forceful your voice had gotten until you were shouting at him, the immense pressure building in your chest making your voice crack. You hurled every vulgar name in the book at Bakugo who couldn’t even look you in the eye while you cried in front of him.
This couldn’t have been the same man you once saw your future playing out with. The hell unfolding in front of you was exactly what your friends, Momo and Ochako, had predicted once you disclosed your interest in Bakugo. They warned you that he had a record on campus, with multiple girls, and yet somehow when he wooed you with sweet words and thoughtful gifts, just like they said he would, you still thought you were different. The worst part of it all was that he wasn’t a terrible guy by any means. He was a little rough around the edges with a temper, but he was hilarious and passionate, all while being profound and smart.
In your fantasies the two of you were married, and then came babies with tufts of your tresses and the mischief of his ruby eyes. He would have been a winner, if he wasn’t so emotionally incompetent. Perhaps you were naive to assume what you and Bakugo had was love just because he said so.
Your quivering fingers worked unsteadily against the lid of the tupperware. You tossed it aside before dumping the container’s contents on the floor of his apartment and hurled the empty food saver at him.
“Come fucking on Y/N,” he said wearily. The fucking nerve he had to act tired.
“Enjoy your cookies,” you responded venomously, leaving quickly before another set of tears came surging.
The next several months were excruciating, and the pain you experienced was nothing compared to its onset. If you weren’t spending days cocooned in bed to sleep off the fatigue of your endless crying, then you were on your couch, staring unamused while Blair Waldorf waltzed across your TV screen. 
At least she got her happy fucking ending. Good for her. 
You couldn’t even find the energy to eat, and ice cream was not the cure-all for heartbreaks like everyone lied and said it was.
Every so often Momo and Ochako would pay you a visit. For the first few weeks they let you mourn, consoling you and cleaning up the litter of crumpled tissues around your apartment. After the first month, they suggested that maybe meeting someone new would be the best way to help you forget about your break up, but you didn’t want to meet someone new. You just wanted to know if Bakugo missed you too.
Once your grades started slipping, you used that as an excuse to turn to isolation and lose yourself in your schoolwork. The distraction left you with no leisure time to scroll through old photos of you and Bakugo in your phone, and within a couple months, you swore that you’d finally moved on from him.
But it seemed all of that was forgotten the moment you recognized his head of spiky blonde hair from the next aisle over in the record shop, and you silently cursed the universe’s cruel way of working, that all-knowing bitch.
You kept your head down, pretending to be overtly interested in the Kendrick Lamar vinyl you held in your hands, but you couldn’t stop peeking over the shelf to see if Bakugo had moved from his spot.
You could hear him shuffling, and every time you looked up, he was a step closer to the end of the aisle, meaning that your game plan was to move in the opposite direction, so you could slip past him without being detected.
You continued to move one step to the left every time Bakugo moved another step to the right, surely securing your elusive escape, but when you glanced up again, he had disappeared from your line of surveillance. Shit.
Slowly, you pivoted in the direction of your name only to gawk, horrified, as your ex-boyfriend strolled up to you casually, like he had never ripped your heart out and trampled all over it.
Once he got closer, you realized how generous the year between your break up and now had been to him. His yellow flannel was useless tied around his waist when it should have been on his shoulders instead, covering the way his black Led Zeppelin shirt clung to the impressive build of his upper body.  
“Holy fuck, it is you,” Bakugo said, incredulously. You swore he had grown taller now that he was standing in front of you because you couldn’t remember if he had always towered over you.
“Small world,” you said, distastefully.
“Not really,” Bakugo shrugged. “This is just where I come to slave away for minimum wage.”
You simply blinked at him with a placid expression, unable to decide which of your emotions was best considering the circumstances.
“I almost didn’t recognize you,” he chuckled. “Did you cut your hair?”
You raised an eyebrow plainly. “No.” If anything your hair had grown a few inches longer.
“Shit seriously?” Bakugo cast his eyes downwards and then back up, sizing up your figure. “Well you look good.”
You could only offer up a dry laugh in response while shaking your head at the peculiarity of the situation.  
“What is wrong with you?” you jeered.  
You couldn’t believe the ease with which he approached you after not seeing you for twelve whole months, especially when six and a half of those months were spent bawling your eyes out over him and trying to repair the heart he broke carelessly.
Bakugo’s blithe expression withered. The look left behind was one of bashful remorse, as if he was embarrassed by the person he was a year ago.
You weren’t even sure if he had really changed since you’d gone out of your way to avoid hearing or seeing anything about him after you claimed to have gotten over him. The real reason was that you felt you couldn’t trust yourself. You feared that if you came across anything having to do with him, you’d descend into another self-destructive, heartache-driven spiral.
“I tried calling to apologize, but you blocked my number. And then blocked me on everything else,” Bakugo explained.
You shifted uncomfortably.
“I never saw you around campus, and when I showed up to your apartment you weren’t home. I felt like horse shit, seriously, but after a while I just gave up, I guess.”
You pursed your lips together at the mention of his attempts to remedy your breakup, specifically because this whole time you could have sworn he didn’t care to fix things with you.
Bakugo leaned in, and you surprised yourself by making no effort to create more distance between the both of you.
“I’m really fucking sorry, Y/N,” he said softly, for once without the gruffness of his usual tone.
If he made the effort to apologize even after a year, that must have meant that he still had some feelings left over for you, right? Did that mean he still loved you? The suspicion made your heart squeeze with expectation.
“Are you sorry that you hurt me, or are you sorry that you got caught?” You questioned.
“Both,” Bakugo snickered tactlessly.
You swore you could have punched his lights out then and there, but he must have noticed the way you tensed up because he looped his arm around you, pulling you in until you nestled into his larger frame.
“I fucking missed you, dumbass.”
Your stomach dropped at the very mention of the words you were longing to hear after your split, and you knew that you weren’t over him. Not even close. Even when you had caught another girl with her hands on him.
Your first mistake was unblocking Bakugo’s number that night, and your second was sending him a text. You stood in the bathroom, dumbfounded by your own actions while you clutched your phone nervously. Thank god he didn’t have his read receipts on. The last thing you needed to know was if he decided to leave you on read after you had just stroked his monumental ego.
You sat your phone aside and proceeded brushing your teeth until you were interrupted by a shrill ding from beside you. You grabbed your phone much too quickly and slid the screen up to be met with a reply from Bakugo.
9:32 PM
bakugo: so i’m still in your phone huh?
9:32 PM:
bakugo: lmao
9:33 PM:
bakugo: thinking about me even after bitching about how much you hate me?
9:34 PM:
bakugo: especially at night that’s hot
You scowled at the messages before putting your phone back down. Using the time it took you to finish brushing your teeth and washing your face, you recited your responses over and over again because as much as you wanted to, you knew it wouldn’t be smart to jump back into your relationship that fast. You still held negative sentiments about what he had done to you, but the pleasure of having him back was slowly beginning to outweigh your earlier feelings.
While shuffling into your bedroom, you kept your eyes glued to your phone screen, typing, deleting, and retyping messages, worried that they would sound too needy.
9:50 PM:
you: so i see you still have a head so big that it could block out the sun
9:53 PM:
bakugo: fuck off you little shit
9:53 PM:
bakugo: no classes tmrw and i’m off work at 12
9:54 PM:
you: ok? do i look like your fucking secretary?
10:00 PM:
bakugo: no im just letting you know in case you’re planning on stalking me again :^(
10:01 PM
bakugo: obviously i wanna see you tomorrow dipshit
Warmth spread across your cheeks until it deepened into a dangerous heat, and the happy memories of you and Bakugo a year ago resurfaced as deja vu. Everything was scarily reminiscent of the way he asked you out the first time, back when your opinions about him were much more straightforward.
You rolled over to the other side of your bed and squealed, flustered by how to-the-point he was about his desire to reconcile things with you.
“Get it together, honestly,” you reprimanded yourself, jabbing a finger against your temple in an effort to drill the mantra into your head.
You responded back to accept Bakugo’s invitation, being mindful not to sound too excited, but you couldn’t deny that you slept better than usual that night.
The next day when you met up with Bakugo after his shift at the record shop ended, the two of you settled on getting coffee from one of the restaurants on campus. Well, you got a coffee, but Bakugo went for an iced tea instead because he insisted that coffee tasted like “dog shit”.
Regardless of your staggering difference of opinion in beverages, you guys hit it off again, laughing and joking around like there had never been a rift between you two in the first place. You were taken aback by how comfortable you still felt around him and how much he still seemed to adore you.
Two weeks after your reunion, you and Bakugo were already falling back into the routine of going on dates like you’d done before, snickering in the back of crowded movie theaters and demolishing each other in multiple rounds of mini golf. You even kept the photo booth picture that was printed for you at the aquarium in your wallet, just so you could peek at it every now and then.
Three weeks after your reunion, you concluded that you were pretty much together. Bakugo had never made it official, and neither had you, but you trusted the way you felt, and it seemed clear that he felt the same way.
Your friends however, weren’t as happy to hear the news of you and Bakugo seeing each other again.
Momo’s eyes widened as she leaned over the table and thrusted her mechanical pencil in your direction.
“Y/N, please tell me you’re joking.” She turned to Ochako who looked at you with a troubled expression. “Uraraka, please tell me she’s joking.”
Ochako pressed her lips into a thin line, shaking her head in utter disbelief. She said nothing. Rather she looked to you for an answer, wanting you to explain the situation before she scolded you for being so forgiving toward someone who didn’t deserve it.  
“He apologized okay? And it really seemed like he meant it, I’m not just saying that. You guys know I can’t hold grudges. I’m soft.”
Momo huffed.
“We started talking, and he told me that he tried to apologize but he never got the chance.”
Your friends were still quiet, waiting for the punchline, but once they realized that there was no hidden gag to the story, they leaned back in exhaustion, disappointed that you’d gotten yourself into another wearisome situation because of your thoughtlessness.
“And he said he missed me. After an entire year, he still misses me.”
“This wouldn’t have happened if we had found you someone else, you know. Someone nice. Better than Bakugo, so you don’t feel like you have to settle,” Momo countered.
“I didn’t need to date someone else,” you chided her. “I’m not one of those people that need to be in a relationship to feel fulfilled, plus I’ve been swamped with assignments.” You knew you were just trying to save face. You knew the real reason why you turned down all your prospective blind dates, and your friends knew it too. You couldn’t see yourself with anyone other than Bakugo, and you meant it when you said you didn’t need love to feel like you had purpose, but when it came to the blonde, it appeared that none of those principles applied.
“You’re lying,” Ochako sighed, tucking her hair behind her ear before clicking her pen and returning to her research paper.
“I’m not settling!” you declared, earning a few scattered glances from the other students in the library. You smiled at them ruefully, mouthing an apology, and ducked your head back into your college textbook.
You decided to drop the conversation, concluding that your friends just wouldn’t understand. They didn’t know your relationship with Bakugo like you did so how could they have understood?
Later that night however, you couldn’t help but chew over your friends’ reactions. There was clearly a reason why they felt the way they did, but you just couldn’t bring yourself to see their concern. You didn’t need to be chastised every time you did something they didn’t agree with, because you reminded yourself you were a grown ass woman. You treasured Momo and Ochako, but you were absolutely capable of looking out of yourself.
“Why do girls watch this shit?” Bakugo muttered from beside you, uninterested in the movie playing on the Macbook propped up in your lap. “It’s just dresses and sideburns, where the fuck are the fist fights?”
“It’s Pride and Prejudice, stupid. Not Deadpool,” you retorted, giggling slightly once Bakugo decided the skin of your neck was more interesting than Kiera Knightley. He released a throaty chuckle while attaching his lips to the base of your jaw and continued kissing until he stopped where your neck met your shoulders.
“Stop, I’m trying to watch the movie,” you complained tenderly with absolutely no intent to make Bakugo stop.
Bakugo sat up, grabbing your laptop off the sheets and closing it briskly. “Fuck the movie, I have a better idea,” he suggested. Your eyebrows furrowed, watching as he tossed the device onto the chair beside your closet.
“Hey, what are you doing, you dick?” you protested.
Within seconds Bakugo was on top of you with arms on either side of your head, effectively caging you in beneath him.
“Yeah?” he whispered provocatively, like he was making sure he had your permission first. He spoke under his breath, just loud enough for you to hear.
You didn’t know what sensation you registered first: the warmth now spreading quickly across your cheeks, down to your chest, or the pronounced throbbing between your thighs.
You nodded, softly responding with a “yeah” in return, and Bakugo didn’t waste a second before pressing his mouth to yours enthusiastically. You were surprised how quickly you re-familiarized yourself with the curve of his lips and the way they moved steadily against yours. Acting with fervor, he used his hand to grip your chin, forcing your mouth to open wider so he could slip his tongue past your teeth.
Bakugo used his free hand to grab your breast under your sweatshirt, and you relished in the feeling of his warm palm against your skin while he ran his fingertips against the silky fabric of your lace bra.
“Lace? You dirty bitch,” he teased, breaking contact. “There’s no way you could have known we were gonna fuck.”
You laughed, appreciating how seductive Bakugo looked. His sandy hair was tousled from your impatient hands in his locks, skin feverishly tinged with a dusty pink hue, and lips swollen from the force of his kiss.
“I didn’t know, but I was hoping we would,” you answered honestly. “I guess I got lucky.”
Bakugo snickered, clearly pleased with the response he received. His scarlet eyes flickered lustfully, and he hastily returned to working on your body. He pulled your sweatshirt up and off, tossing it over his shoulder before working swiftly against the clasp of your bra, which he skillfully managed to break with just one hand.
Must have had a lot of practice with that.
But your cynical thoughts were soon forgotten the moment Bakugo’s tongue curled around your nipple, enjoying the way his saliva made your skin glisten under the dim lamp light. He hummed loudly every time you jolted and whimpered, your back arching in tandem. He closed his lips around the delicate nub, sucking harshly while making no attempts to hide his sly smile. He was enjoying himself far too much.
He made sure he put his other hand to work, rolling your other nipple between his fingers, pinching roughly while tugging on it absentmindedly. Once he grew bored of your innocent mewls, he thirsted for something filthier.
Bakugo tantalizingly slid his hand down your stomach until his fingers curled around the waistband of your volleyball shorts. He stretched the Spandex material until when he released it, it snapped painfully against your skin, his cock throbbing at the exposure of your earthy groan.
He slipped off your shorts, and the sight before him was enough to elicit a long, drawn-out “Jesus fucking Christ”.
You didn’t realize you were so aroused that your underwear was soaking wet, your pussy now visible through the thin sheer fabric. Bakugo swallowed hard, palming himself to relieve some of the unbearable pressure he was feeling. He could feel his cock straining against his underwear, and he wanted to stick his dick inside you and fuck you until your eyes rolled back into your head, but the only thing he wanted more than that was to taste you.
“These are mine,” Bakugo insisted. He pulled your panties off, chuckling dryly at the wet stain on the fabric before tucking them into his pocket.
You tilted your head at him.
“What? I’m keeping them as a souvenir,” he replied.
But that’s not what you were concerned with. You were more humiliated than anything that this was your first time having sex with him in a year, and you’d been horny for him since you opened the door. You might as well have just written Bakugo’s Whore on your head in thick permanent marker, but you kept your suggestion to yourself knowing that Bakugo would have liked the idea way too much.
Bakugo reached down to pull his shirt over his head and threw it aside, unveiling his impressive physique. After you guys had broken up, he began finding himself in the gym more frequently, placating his regret and anger through physical exertion, and although he used weightlifting to cope, it left him with an incredible build.
Sweet lord, you thought, please fucking break me.
Bakugo wrapped his arms around your thighs, pulling you forcibly toward him. You propped yourself up on your elbows to get a good look as his face disappeared between your legs. You couldn’t see much past his hair, but you felt a long wet lick up your folds, and your arms immediately gave out, causing you to fall back onto the bed while your hips bucked upward.
You let out an obscene cry, but that only encouraged Bakugo more. He parted your lips with his tongue, licking another stripe up to your clit before sucking it into his mouth, all while peering up at you to see the way you writhed under his touch. You gripped the sheets, and your breathing grew increasingly labored as Bakugo swirled the tip of his tongue against the tender bud, slowly in one direction, and then the opposite. You continued to grind yourself against his mouth while your desire became insatiable. You felt like your hunger was completely justified, because you hadn’t been spoiled in a long fucking time.
You completely unraveled once you glanced down just in time to see Bakugo spit on your parted folds before using his fingers to coat your pussy in his saliva. His slick fingers rubbed your clit, taunting you for just a while longer, and then he dipped his fingers inside of you. He started with two fingers, slipping them in and out with ease until his spit mixed with your arousal created a vile lubricant.
With the way Bakugo’s lips were slightly parted and his eyebrows were knitted in the center, you could tell he was concentrating dangerously, observing how desperately you swallowed his fingers every time he pushed them in.
Your vision erupted into white heat when he bent down to take your clit back into his mouth while pumping in and out of you with an added finger. The symphony that filled the space of your room was absolutely foul. Your intense cries bounced off the walls, while Bakugo panted heavily at the messy sound of his fingers thrusting in and out of you. And neither of you cared if your neighbors could hear.
“Bakugo--,” you started, but your broken plea wasn’t nearly enough to get his attention.
“Bakugo,” you cried louder, your body beginning to shake with the onset of your orgasm.
“Are you gonna cum?” He asked, his voice slightly higher than you were used to, almost like he was whining.
You could only give a weak nod in response.
“Be a good little bitch and cum for me,” Bakugo coaxed, as you yielded to the intensity of your orgasm. He quickened his pace just to see you convulse as you reached your high, but then slowed down until he was ready to pull his fingers out of you.
The sight was enough to make Bakugo cum untouched. You were finger-fucked out, eyes shut as your chest heaved up and down while you tried to catch your breath. Your arousal was smeared on the inside of your thighs and your bedsheet was damp where you released.
Bakugo wanted to ask you if you were alright, but the aching pain in his pants took priority. He reached into his underwear, freeing his swollen cock from the confines of his boxers. He bit down on his bottom lip so hard he almost drew blood as he pumped himself gingerly, hissing at the feeling. His tip was raw and flushed, leaking precum in shameless amounts.
He hoisted your legs on either shoulder and positioned himself at your entrance, looking at you for confirmation, and you nodded feebly. He sunk his entire length into you, and you covered your mouth with your hand to stifle a shrill scream. Your walls were already sore, and the sting of Bakugo’s large cock inside of you was a painful bliss. Tears came quickly, and they rolled down your cheeks while Bakugo rocked his hips into you slowly. He was waiting for his aching to subside before speeding up his rhythm, and once it did he was taken over by an unappeasable greed.
“You’re so fucking tight,” he groaned, thrusting himself in and out of you. “If you keep squeezing me like that I’m gonna cum inside you and get you fucking pregnant.” Bakugo had one hand on your headboard, his grip so firm that his knuckles had turned white.
You sobbed underneath him, withstanding your own pain until it subdued into pleasure. You shifted your legs until they wrapped around Bakugo’s strong torso, unable to get enough of him.
Bakugo rammed into you, and your headboard hitting your wall furiously set the tempo until he fell into a staggered cadence.
“I’m gonna cum,” he choked out. “Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck--.” Your name was the last thing Bakugo could get out before he broke free of your hold, pulling himself out of you so he could release. He cummed on your stomach, generously shooting out hot spurts of white until he was soft and you were covered in his seed.
Bakugo leaned over and collapsed beside you, short of breath. He was drenched in sweat and his blonde hair stuck to his forehead with perspiration. He chuckled after a few silent minutes.
“What the fuck was that? Were you trying to get me to nut in you?” Bakugo asked, turning to face you.
You didn’t know what he was talking about until you remembered the way you wrapped him up in your legs while he was inside you.
You snorted, erupting into a fit of sheepish laughter. “Yeah.”
Bakugo raised an eyebrow, bewildered. “Crazy bitch.”
He pulled his sweatpants up and rolled out of your bed. “I’m not ready to be a dad yet,” he voiced, before shuffling lazily out of the room to find something he could clean you up with and smoke a cigarette on the fire escape.
The next morning you found yourself alone, Bakugo nowhere to be found despite you falling asleep with his arms around your waist. You raised a sleepy eyebrow at the empty space next to you that was still sunken from his weight. Okay good, so you didn’t hallucinate last night. You figured Bakugo had early duties to attend to, so you simply grumbled before turning over to get more sleep.
Following that day, every time Bakugo came over to your place, or you found yourself at his, the routine was simple: have breathtaking sex and then pass out.
You grew used to expecting it from him whenever the two of you spent any time alone, and the night before always consumed your thoughts the morning after. You’d squeeze your thighs together during your lecture hall while your professor yammered on about early psychology. The memory of Bakugo’s hand around your throat as he fucked you from behind prompted a surge of heat to your core.
Even when the two of you couldn’t see each other because neither of your schedules coincided, you found a way to make things work, whether it was over the phone, through text, or over Facetime.
Occasionally, you’d ring up Bakugo while he was closing up the shop to taunt him, touching yourself on the other line while he’d grow painfully hard and couldn’t relieve himself until he got home.
“You little fucking shit.” You loved the way his low growls sounded over the phone. “Let’s see how bold you are when I come over and turn your thighs into earmuffs.”
And occasionally, he’d send you videos of himself in bed while you were at the library late cramming for your exams the next morning, touching his cock with haste before cumming on his hands as he groaned your name loudly.
Not an ounce of passion was lost between you two, and if anything you’d only grown closer together from the time spent apart. You had your love back, and everything in your life was ideal.
Of course, that was all before the party.
The party at Sero’s house that you’d caught wind of once you joined Momo, Ochako, and your other friend Mina for lunch.
“You know I don’t like going to parties thrown by frats,” Ochako muttered, ripping off small bites of her chicken wrap.
“Why not? There’ll be plenty of guys there for you to talk to, your phone has been a little dry lately,” Mina responded, laughing silently.
Ochako squinted at her jest before playfully rolling her eyes herself. “That’s exactly why. You know what happened last time I went to a frat party. The hangover isn’t worth it.”
Mina exhaled heavily and turned to you with a hopeful look.
“Y/N, you’ll go with us right? Me and Momo?”
You squeezed your water bottle wearily. “I don’t know. I’m not a fan of frat parties either.” You didn’t know what answer to give her, she looked extremely optimistic, and you hated to rain on Mina’s Friday night plans, but you didn’t want to spend the rest of the evening crammed in a frat house with a crowd of strangers.
Mina stuck out her bottom lip and reached to grab your hand from across the table. “Please? Please? There’s no guarantee Momo won’t ditch me at the party for Todoroki.”
Momo murmured inaudibly beside her.
You sighed, however you relented, giving into the arrangements Mina had made for you, but you regretted your decision far too late.
You showed up to the gathering with Mina and Momo dressed modestly. Unlike your friends and many of the other girls there, you already had someone that you were seeing, and you wanted to look as reserved as you could so there was no confusion around whether or not you were off the market.
Bakugo was possessive, and he preferred to keep his possessions close. There was no telling what he would do or how he’d react if he learned of another man trying to make a move on you.
You took small sips out of your cup while you followed quietly behind Momo and Mina as they moved from person to person, greeting friends you were unfamiliar with. You feigned a cheery smile when you were introduced to them, but overall you were bored with the party scene. You weren’t really a frat party girl.
You yelled over to Momo that you needed another drink and shook your head when she asked you if you needed her to come with you. She looked far too engrossed in her conversation with Todoroki, and you didn’t want to just whisk her away while they were talking. In fact, you were the chairman of the Anti-Cockblock Committee.
You sauntered into the kitchen, sliding in next to the counter once the guests who were there first left. You started grabbing bottles to inspect the labels because to be honest, you weren’t sure what half of these brands were. As a broke college student, you bought your own drinks, which were mainly $20 cases of hard lemonade and cheap raspberry Smirnoff vodka from the liquor store. Clearly Sero had selective taste in high quality shit.
You poured yourself a small sip of Patron, tasting the clear liquid, and tried not to gag at the oaky taste as it burned your throat going down.
You felt someone ease in beside you. “Hey, bartender.”
You glanced at the guest next to you, their familiar visage coming into view. You recognized his distinctive green head of hair and innocent freckles peppered across his cheeks, it was the same face you saw every day in your sociology class.
What was his name? Ku--something. Zu…?
You remembered your professor referred to him by his nickname, Deku, and once you said his name as convincingly as you could, you gathered by his boyish grin that you were right.
“I’m surprised you remembered,” he laughed, and adjusted his circle-rimmed glasses while his emerald eyes swelled into crescents.
“I didn’t really take you for a partier,” you observed. Deku was incredibly smart from what you’d seen in class. He knew the answers before your professor could even finish their questions, and when you’d ask him if he could repeat what the teacher said for your notes, he explained the material even better than the person who was an expert in the subject for a living.
“I’m not,” he replied. “But you know, the college experience and all that.”
You scoffed and nodded, knowingly. “Melt your brain studying for 25 hours a day, 8 days a week, and then get shitfaced whenever you can. Yeah, that’s definitely the college experience,” you joked, pouring yourself a couple shots of vodka and mixed it with orange soda.
“I was meaning to ask you,” Deku started. “I mean--Yeah--I was meaning to ask you for your number in class earlier this week.”
You stirred your drink with a finger before stealing a taste. “Of course,” you agreed happily.
Deku’s face deepened into a rosy bloom once he took out his phone, typing in your contact while you recited the numbers.
“I’m not asking for a weird reason or anything like that. Just so we can help each other out with homework and stuff.”
You nodded, already acknowledging that Deku was a sweet kid, at least as far as you knew. You didn’t expect him to have any promiscuous intentions.
“Yeah, but I don’t think I’ll be as much help to you as you’ll be to me,” you teased, and Deku chuckled nervously still trying to shake the blush off his cheeks. “I’m free on Monday, I can meet up with you after class if you want.”
Deku buried his face into his cup, his shallow breathing causing his glasses to fog up. “Yeah, that sounds great,” he mumbled bashfully.
“Text me the deets,” you grinned, before wandering off back to your friends.
On the way back to the stairwell where Momo and Mina were still standing, your attention was drawn by a large crowd around the living room that erupted into jovial squeals and cheers every few seconds. You gravitated toward the mass of guests, standing on your toes to get a better look, but when that didn’t work you gently made your way through the throng of people, issuing soft “sorry, excuse me’s” and “thank you’s” to the people that didn’t mind letting you slip past them.
You had no knowledge that he was going to be here. He never told you what his plans for the night were, but this was the last place you were expecting Bakugo to be.
Playing a game of “Kiss and Blow” on a crowded couch with someone who wasn’t you. When it reached his turn, you could see his shallow inhale and how he put in no effort to keep the card against his mouth. It fell between the cushions, and the crowd erupted into another rally.
Bakugo grinned artfully and hooked his arm around the eager brunette before smothering her giggles with a deep tongue-filled kiss.
At first, the cogs in your brain couldn’t turn fast enough to register what was happening, and your thought process stuttered for a moment while your eyes took in more than you expected. Your body remained immobile, giving your thoughts a few seconds to catch up. Maybe for those few seconds, your anguish was suspended, and your shock was simply a cushion until you fell apart.
You couldn’t make your way out of the party fast enough, and you didn’t even think to let Momo and Mina know that you were leaving. Everything around you sounded warbled, like you were underwater, as your leaden legs carried you out, past the front lawn, and across the street until you were far away that you could no longer hear the music of the party. It was then that you pulled out your phone to text Mina claiming that you didn’t feel well and called an Uber to take you home.
The following morning you ignored all of Bakugo’s texts. He sent one at 10 AM, asking you if you were down to get breakfast, and then another at noon suggesting lunch since you didn’t respond to his text about breakfast. He texted you again, and again, and again, and you continued to disregard him.
You didn’t cry this time around. No. You were filled with a foreign anger. It was strange and new, and it burned nothing like the rage you’d felt in all your years of living. You didn’t know whether you were angry at him for putting you through this again or if you were angry at yourself for really believing that he’d changed. You really wanted to confront Bakugo in person, but you were afraid of your unpredictability. You didn’t know what you would do if you saw him--roundhouse kick him in the throat most likely.
Bakugo’s relentless attempts to get in contact with you didn’t let up, even late into the night. He sent another text threatening to show up at your apartment if you didn’t answer him, and then he called yet again.
Angrily, you reached out to answer your phone, but once you held it to your ear all the fury you’d been bearing throughout the day emerged.
“Can you fuck off?” You hissed.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa,” Bakugo responded, taken off guard by your greeting. “What the fuck?”
“If you were so hellbent on seeing me today, you should have thought about that before you decided to be a hypocritical little bastard! Again!” You shook with anger, unable to effectively piece together all the profane names you wanted to call him.
Bakugo was still while you put him on blast.
“Do you not have anything to say to me, you fuckwit?”
“No, because I don’t even know why you’re going full bitch right now!” Bakugo defended himself. You sat back at his reply, confused at why he was guarded. You knew that when Bakugo was aware he was in the wrong he always remained quiet and pensive.
“Last night?” you clarified. “Does last night not ring a bell to you?”
He let out a small grunt of recollection. “I was at a party last night, what are you talking about?”
“No shit, Bakugo! I saw you swallowing another girl whole!”
The other line erupted into laughter, and a large knot settled in your throat.
“Am I not allowed to kiss other girls now?” he asked.
Had he been hit by a semi-truck? Did he need a swift lobotomy?
“Why would you kiss another girl if you have a girlfriend?”
Bakugo muttered a quiet “what”, and then the lightbulb clicked.
“Holy shit, Y/N, did you think we were back together?”
“When did we ever say that we were together?” he questioned lightly, finding your misunderstanding comical.
“I thought we were just fucking around, you know? I never mentioned getting back together, and you didn’t either, so I just assumed we were just fucking.”
You didn’t say a word. As angry as you wanted to be and as angry as you already were, he was right. You had only assumed that you two were back together, but neither of you agreed on it explicitly.
“Our dates...” you countered listlessly.
“Two people hanging out together isn’t always a date.” Bakugo shifted on the other end and then grunted again to occupy the tense silence. “Shitting me, I didn’t know that’s what you were thinking.”
Realization of how foolish you made yourself look set in, and you hoped the awkwardness that hung in the air was fleeting. You swallow heavily, unable to digest defeat.
“Okay,” you murmured, before hanging up and flinging your phone aside.
You and Bakugo didn’t speak for the rest of the night into next morning, and by midday Monday when your study session with Deku rolled around, you were more than reluctant to go. You knew the frustration of someone cancelling last minute, but you were unsure whether you could bring a positive spirit to your meetup, and the last thing you wanted to do was put kind-hearted Deku through your bad mood.
As the time drew closer, you were considering texting him to rain check, letting him know you were feeling under the weather, when he sent you a picture at the coffee shop. Deku had ordered you lunch, mentioning that you must’ve been hungry after classes all day. He explained that he didn’t know what you liked so he just bought for you what he usually got for himself.
After that, you couldn’t have possibly turned him down, so you showed up anyway. Before you knew it, the clock already approached 9 PM, and the coffee shop was about to close for the night. Time had flown by while you were getting lost in upbeat conversation with Deku, and the two of you laughed and joked around more than you’d done your assignment, but you didn’t mind since it gave you another excuse to meet up with him. You didn’t expect him to be as naturally humorous as he was, nor did you guess you’d have as much in common with him as you did, but you’d forgotten about your own heartache during the time you spent in his company. Not to mention, he was very easy on the eyes, but that was just an additional plus.
However, when you finally returned home to your empty apartment that night, all your feelings came flooding back.
“Right,” you muttered to yourself, setting your backpack down by the door, and throwing your keys onto the kitchen counter. “Back to square one.”
Normally, you’d invite Bakugo over, but you had no desire to be anywhere within a three mile radius of him at the moment, so you quickly got ready for bed, figuring that the more time you spent asleep meant less time that you’d have to dwell over the all-too-familiar pain in your chest.
You continued to spend more and more time with Deku even though most of your plans were organized around schoolwork, even if it was studying for a test or just practicing terminology flashcards. Eventually, you’d gotten close enough that you didn’t mind inviting him over since your apartment was much quieter than the dorm he shared with his roommate, Kaminari.
You were both sat on your couch, and you took turns quizzing each other on general knowledge sociology questions. You flipped through the flashcards, Deku answering every question with impressive ease, until you had grown tired.
“Deku, this isn’t fun. You know every term,” you sighed, shuffling through the stack.
“Studying isn’t supposed to be fun, that’s why it’s called studying and not having fun,” he joked lamely, extending his hands to take his flashcards back.
You giggled silently at his flat humor and leaned back against the armrest to put your knees up. “Okay, well what do you like to do when you’re not studying?”
Deku slipped his flashcards into the pocket of his backpack. “Between classes, studying, and wrestling, I don’t really have much time for anything else.”
You gaped. “You wrestle? No fucking way.”
Deku raised an eyebrow at you, amused and unsure of the reason for your stupefaction. “Why do you think I’m a loser or something?”
“I don’t think you’re a loser,” you explained. “I just wouldn’t have guessed.” You took note of his lean stature. He did look like he worked out, but you never considered his pastime was something as brutish as wrestling. You figured his interests would explain the scars that decorated both of his hands.
“Okay then,” you began, hopping up and throwing the blanket you were wrapped in on the couch. “Teach me something.”
Deku stared at you, uncertain whether you were serious. “I don’t wanna hurt you,” he said, timidly.
“Oh man up, you baby,” you joked while wrapping your hands around his wrists, urging him to stand up. “Who’s to say I won’t hurt you?”
Deku chuckled nervously before following you over to the open space between your living room and kitchen. He stood for a second, thinking of the easiest moves to show you, and then he nodded, like he had fully decided.
“Okay, come here.”
You did as you were told, letting Deku guide you into the correct position. You cleared your throat, unnerved by the way his chest pressed up against your back, and his strong hands looped around your arms to lock them behind your head.
“This is a full nelson,” he instructed. “It’s a submission hold. It’s not allowed in our matches, but feel free to use it if you ever find some creep following you home.” You could feel his chest rumble with laughter between your shoulder blades.  
You nodded, feeling flustered. “Mhm.”
The next demonstration had the two of you on the floor with your arm twisted at an uncomfortable angle while Deku’s arm was situated over your rib cage. You could feel his staggered breathing across the shell of your ear, and you looked over your shoulder expectantly, waiting for him to explain the move.
Deku must have realized how close your faces were to each other because he absolutely lost his cool. He began stammering, unable to get his words out. “And this one is called the--um...sorry it’s called the--,” he breathed. “I’m sorry, I’m--I just wanna kiss you so bad right now.” His body tensed with his confession, but you were the one who made the first move.
Once Deku’s hold loosened, you leaned into him, allowing your lips to collide with his. Your mouths moved against each other fervently, and the two of you rolled over until you were on top of him with your legs on either side of his waist. Ever since a few nights before you’d blown up on Bakugo, you hadn’t been touched. Not even by yourself. You tried, but your fingers came nothing close to competing with his. You were so incredibly needy that you had to forcefully stop yourself from gyrating your hips on Deku’s crotch. He was already red in the face, and you were afraid he might collapse if you worked your ass against the growing bulge in his jeans.
You broke your kiss to take Deku’s hands, and you rested them on your chest. With Bakugo, he would have immediately taken control, driving you into ecstasy, but with Deku it was different. It was as if he had never touched a pair of breasts before. His breathing grew even more shallow as his body became rigid.
You tilted your head, slightly irritated from the lack of action, but you were more concerned about Deku’s wellbeing.
“Are you okay?” you asked, tongue in cheek.
Deku nodded anxiously. “Yup, yup, yup, I’m great. I’m good.”
But something was off, and you knew you weren’t enjoying yourself like you typically would even with days of pent up libido. You closed your eyes tiredly and released an exasperated sigh, slowly pulling yourself off of him. “I’m sorry, I can’t do this right now--we shouldn’t--.”
Deku opened his mouth to contest, but you cut him off.
“It’s getting late, you should go. I’ll see you around.” You buried your face in your hands, embarrassed at your desperation. “I’m so sorry,” you apologized again.
Deku adjusted his glasses and murmured a small “It’s fine, Y/N.” He helped you up after he pulled himself off of the floor and gathered his belongings before heading out quickly, eager to flee the tension.
Fuck, you thought. How did things get so complicated? Deku was a sweet kid, genuinely pure at heart, and you knew he wanted you from the way his emerald eyes were glued to your frame, even while you were fully-clothed. Yet he wasn’t Bakugo. He didn’t know how to work you like Bakugo did, and you felt shamefaced for thinking about your ex-boyfriend again. You mulled it over and began to question why you were stopping yourself from having your cake and eating it too.
Bakugo didn’t intend on getting back together with you, but he enjoyed the phenomenal sex, and so did you. You held so much contempt for him now, but there was no reason why you couldn’t just agree to the terms of his compact.
Exes with benefits, only now with a few additions of your own.
No dates, no flirty chatter outside of your arrangements, nothing that could potentially steer you the wrong way towards forgiving him yet again, because like you told your friends: you were a pushover, and Bakugo was a sweet talker. That was a combination destined for hell.
Your revelation was exactly how you ended up sleeping with Bakugo again. Your sex life was practically a Dr. Seuss book. The two of you would have sex in his car, in the bathroom at a bar, and you’d have sex here, there, and pretty much anywhere.
When you first called him up, he answered almost immediately, somewhat excited to see your contact after going without speaking to each other for nearly a week. After you acceded, he snorted, wondering if you were conspiring.
“Are you fucking scheming something? Cooking up some devious shit to get me alone so you can kill me? Suffocate me while I’m sleeping? You’re goddamn insane.”
You rolled your eyes aggravated. “No. Are you down, or do you wanna pussy out now?”
Bakugo agreed, and both of you managed to keep things fairly cordial. Well, as cordial as they could possibly be, given your shared history. You couldn’t care less about the differences and arguments you had when you guys were in bed. If anything, you preferred it when Bakugo was angry at you, pissed at something you had said or just releasing pent up stress that built up over the week. That only made the sex filthier.
Although Bakugo wasn’t yours, and you weren’t his, that didn’t mean he didn’t hold some affection for you, and perhaps still even vice versa. He was possessive over you regardless, even if it meant coming dangerously close to breaching the contract. Especially when he caught you one night with Deku at an on-campus movie screening in the park.
After the fiasco at your apartment with you and Deku, you apologized sincerely to him a couple of days later in class. Deku took no hard feelings to your blunder, and he nodded at the mild rejection when you clarified that things would be best if the two of you stayed friends. He reassured you that he was fine, and he was far too occupied for a relationship of any sort anyway.
But Bakugo wasn’t aware that you two had already tested the waters and decided it was sink rather than swim.
When he spotted you alone sitting on a blanket, he strolled over, wearing a sardonic grin. He struck up a superficial conversation that quickly dissipated once Deku returned with the snacks you two planned on sharing.
Your grin when Deku arrived didn’t compare to the indifferent smile you gave Bakugo when he approached you, and he noticed. His eyes narrowed at your green-haired friend as burning rage coursed through his veins.
“Deku, this is Bakugo,” you said, uninterested in Bakugo’s presence while you took the bag of sour candy Deku offered to you.
Deku smiled at Bakugo, extending his hand to exchange a handshake, but Bakugo simply slapped his hand away dismissively.
“Whatever,” Bakugo jeered, his jaw rooted, before he diverted his attention back to you. “See you later, dumbass.”
He left without a fight, but you knew he wouldn’t put the memory past him, and the following night, all of Bakugo’s anger came bubbling out. The way his brain operated was fascinating, especially since he knew that you two had no romantic commitments to each other, that’s what you agreed on, but finally seeing you over him with someone who he assumed was your new interest turned him crazed.
Bakugo held a painful fistful of your hair, pushing your face into the mattress while he wrecked you. He forced himself into you from behind, muffling your screams with the pillow while he rammed into you relentlessly. Every thrust was vicious, exhibiting the full height of his temper.
“You’re mine, do you understand that? You’re mine to touch, mine to ruin. If anyone else puts their hands on you, I swear I’ll beat them within an inch of their life.”
Bakugo hated to admit it, especially since he knew admitting it turned him into the hypocritical dick of the year, but he enjoyed having you chase after him like a lovelorn puppy. You clung to his side, and you were there at his beck and call. He’d always hated being emotionally tied down, hence his apprehension toward serious relationships, but the way you took advantage of the freedom to see other men made him livid.
“Maybe if I really did put a baby in you other people wouldn’t be such a fucking pain. What do you think?”
Bakugo’s pace didn’t let up as his grip on your hair tightened, and he pulled you upright until your head rested back on his shoulder.
“Answer me,” he demanded, dangerously.
All you could muster were broken sobs. You had never seen Bakugo like this, and you were willing to avow that after discounting your fear and pain, it was hot, and you were slightly intrigued.
Bakugo secured his hand around your neck, allowing his fingers to dig into the side of your throat, and you could feel his cock throbbing inside you which let you know he was close, but he wasn’t making any efforts to slow down any time soon.
“The thought of you with him makes me want to fucking vomit. You know he’ll never be able to make you feel like I do,” he snarled against your ear. “No one will.”
You choked out a meager “I know” while your vision grew blurrier from the lack of oxygen to your head.
You came first and then Bakugo came shortly after, claiming you by pumping you full with his hot seed until you collapsed on the bed from overexhaustion.
You realized then, through the cloudiness of your thoughts came a single conviction: that your relationship with Bakugo was an endless cycle. You’d taken every romantic risk for Bakugo while he risked nothing. That’s how you remained foolish for so long, so naive. You refused to learn over and over again, and you sacrificed yourself in the process. 
Once Bakugo threw you modest praise and disappeared into the bathroom, you gave way to the enormity of your despair. Your tears were silent and persistent until your breathing turned ragged while humiliation and resentment burned just beneath your skin.
You were smitten with someone who was bad at romance. Your love was a fairytale, but not everyone believed in fairytales, meaning that was both the birth and death of your chronicle. Fairytales were only real if you believed they were.
Bakugo continued to give you reasons to leave and seek out the love you deserved, but you took momentary bliss as your excuse for staying, like a lovesick fool or like an addict dying from overdose. You wish he would at least give you something to hold onto, like false hope or a pretty lie, but you knew that’s all you’d ever be able to do: wish that things were different so you two could have grown into something beautiful.
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neko-rogers · 4 years
hey!! I’m not sure if your inbox is still open but I thought I’d send this just in case! what would you think abt a dark!peter who’s obsessed w s/o and offers to have her stay with him during like the stay-at-home pet of covid so she’s not alone then when it’s lifted he’s like lol you’re not leaving. sorry that’s kinda long and super specific. i absolutely love your writing though!!💗
Jamie All Over
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words: 2,040 (no, i should be sorry bc this was chaotic)
tags: didn’t expect it to be this LONG, manipulative!peter parker, grooming, overprotectiveness, slight mentions of sex, don’t expect too much lmao its a headcanon
a/n: hi babe! i wasn’t entirely sure if you wanted this as a one shot (but if u do let me know!)
so you’re pretty unaware of every move peter is trying to do with you, you know? you were not really sure if it was a kind gesture, as the gentleman he seemed to be, or was it just a special treatment
ever since second year and until now as both of you were on your fourth year, he was consistent with his efforts
these moves were moments like when he would carry your books to your next class or confidently invite you to a study ‘date’ at the library after – often times he tells that his friends were invited, but would never show up later on
sometimes he would bring you lunch. you tried to turn it down kindly, but he insists that it was purposely packed as an extra for when he stays late around the university.
it was a lie though. anyone could tell by the way it was prepared looking very appetizing and tasted just as amazing at it was presented. 
and as peter had mentioned that he lived alone, you also assumed he was the one to make his meals. you were so sure he doesn’t pack for an extra and intentionally wants to impress you with his skills.
“hey, y/n!,” he calls, “look this eggroll has a cute design!”
he honestly was an epitome of a walking sunshine. his smile seemed so pure and you never felt any ill-intent for every gesture he had done for you
his friends seemed very welcoming the moment he introduced you to his group
you got along with ned who seemed to be just as joyful and funny as peter. meanwhile mj was a bit more of a tough cookie, nevertheless you both eventually got a long better than you expected
however, it came to one point wherein your own group of friends started being disheartened with your lack of communication
“you’ve been spending more time with that parker boy, huh?” “yeah, kinda?” “are you two like... dating?” “oh no! no... no... nooo!”
the moment they frowned at you was then that you realized and felt a little more guilty. you always remembered that friends were supposed to be friends despite the lack of time and effort, right?
somehow you tried to compensate for the lack of time with your friends. but every minute you spend felt more awkward than before
they weren’t sharing the same vibe with you and you were starting to question if it had been always like it – were you only adjusting to them?
you reached out for peter, considering that he became one of the closest and trusted people around the university. plus, he seemed to have genuinely great friends
“do you feel happy when you’re spending time with them?”
“well i used to but recently–”
“then you should stop being friends with them.”
you were upset for a second. the way he instantly told you that cutting ties with them would be the (only) option
he sounded serious on the other end of the line and you were just speechless for a moment. the dead air between lines was evident, but you didn’t know what to say
“sorry,” peter makes up, “i didn’t mean to sound too serious. i just don’t like people who are rude, especially to you.”
“oh, it’s fine. i totally get it.” you felt a batch of butterflies around your stomach. someone actually cared for you!!!
the moment you didn’t hesitate on losing your friendship with your past friends and moved on with joining peter’s group, things felt lighter.
somehow you felt more expressive than you realized. they were open to your ideas and thoughts, just as you were with them. you felt super comfortable and realized that you weren’t holding back on anything anymore
that’s why you had expected your winter break to be better than your past ones
everyone agreed to skate around the ice rink in rockefeller for christmas. along with it, also spending new year’s eve at the time square
news flash: you finally had the cliche new year’s eve kiss, with none other than peter parker!!! hooray!!!
for anyone who had common sense, your feelings for peter had accentuated. you weren’t denying it either, and the boy wasn’t oblivious to it too
he was just so irresistible and kind to you, like, all the time – to surreal, honestly
you felt and KNEW you were spoiled with peter (and his friends, who liked to spend time with you outside too, just not as much as him)
just as you were planning your spring break activities, it had to be postponed for another time
a lockdown had to be implemented around the country as it was under the state of a pandemic
mj and ned told the group that they’ll be with their families since lectures had to be concluded for the mean time
you planned to do the same, but you expected that this situation wouldn’t last long. so you chose to stay in your dorm rather than return to your hometown
completely sucks since you not only don’t get to hang out with your friends, but you weren’t able to see anyone in person...
until you got a text from peter
he was literally inviting you over his apartment since he explained that he wasn’t returning home either
you practically rushed to pack a small amount of clothes for a sleepover whilst not forgetting to wear a mask (bc it’s fucking important ok)
you arrived at his address and a big warm hug ensues 
his unit was so tidy and you were convinced he did it to impress you
peter was so happy to see you, acknowledging that you’re also spending a few nights with him
the nights mostly consisted of eating snacks and binge watching movies
however during one of those nights, both of you got a bonus – making out on his couch and further, completely forgetting the television
making out with peter wasn’t awkward at all. most of the time he was the one in control, which you didn’t mind
his hands treated you so gently but the way he teased you made you crave for more than what he was offering
a lot of whining, swearing, and begging – you weren’t aware but he was enjoying it a lot
on his side, he did praise you from time to time, but most of it consisted of raw tension and actions. the room was full of grunts and short breaths 
just want to include how sexy peter would be while he moans all over you. like his whole sunshine personality just drained away the moment he places his hands on either sides of your waist
the next day you felt like a princess even though you know it shouldn’t be???
apparently peter prepared breakfast for you and you felt embarrassed walking around his place only in the shirt you wore yesterday and underwear
just when you thought the extra lunch he packs for you was already amazing, the breakfast he prepared whilst being fresh and hot was just incredible
“you really like it?”
“of course! you really have to teach me to cook sometimes”
peter laughs and jokes, “yeah, don’t worry. i feel like we’ve got a lot of time ahead.”
ok fast forward to a few more days when you were beginning to feel like a freeloader. he lets you borrow a few of his clothes as yours were in the laundry
by the time you wanted to stop by your place, peter started to be more... clingy
at first he didn’t want you to go but after a few more debates, he felt defeated and instead insisted on going with you
eventually you caved and let him. it wasn’t that bad either, he talked to you about a lot of things on the way leaving you entertained the whole walk without realizing how far it had been
he helped you ‘pack’ more stuff so you wouldn’t be going back and forth from his place and yours. you felt like you were going out of town for a month with the amount of clothes and products
both of you returned to his place around late afternoon. you felt pretty tired and didn’t hesitate to pass out on the living room couch
when you woke up you sensed that you were in peter’s bedroom, meaning he carried and tucked you during the night
plus! an arm was wrapped around your midriff and you could feel peter’s breathing against your side
you closed your eyes and appreciated the moment. it was cute and made butterflies flutter around your stomach, and you tried not to move much to not wake him up
anyways apparently the pandemic lasted longer, and more serious, than expected (fuck the government and their incompetency) 
you spent more time with peter and was thankful that you didn’t spend this quarantine alone
within a blink of an eye, a month and a half already had passed. you couldn’t deny that most, or all, days have been unproductive
eat, cook, watch tv, cuddle, fuck, repeatedly get spoiled??? yeah sounds like the dream
weird though because you haven’t completely brought up to peter if you’re actually in a relationship with him. oh no were you just friends with (a lot) of benefits??
but you also felt like it wasn’t the time to bring it up. neither of you were saying anything so it was best to let it be for the fear that things might go downhill from there
anyways this continued for more weeks, especially since the ‘stay-at-home’ policy was deemed necessary
you started to help him do errands around the apartment just to feel like you weren’t an actual freeloader – but it wasn’t a surprise when he kept insisting that you should relax
more cute moments
more sexy times
and more cuddles during night (peter’s grip became tighter every night, but you shrugged it off assuming that it was just you getting homesick and overthinking)
ok but when you brought up being homesick and mentioned that you planned peter wasn’t entirely happy about it
the way he acted wasn’t just clingy. he insisted that he’d be the one to go and that you were staying
“ok but i’m not a dog, peter?” “i know, honey, but it’s too dangerous outside. i wouldn’t want you to be at risk.” “i wear a mask?? i follow health protocols?? i’ll be fine??” “you don’t understand–”
oh god he was becoming controlling
you tried not to argue anymore, rather ignoring and pushing past him to proceed to the door
and peter instinctively wrapped an arm around your waist and prevented you from walking further
there was a lot of struggling, but you didn’t know he was this strong. literally what the hell.
you tried to scream too but he pretty much threatened you to your core
“let’s talk this out,” he grunts as he secures his grip around you
“the hell? let me go!”
things got more complicated. he did convince you to talk with him (by means of tying your arms and legs to incapacitate you from running and righting)
it was a nightmare. he was really soft and sweet with you, even getting teary eyed after stating, “i only want what’s best for you... for us”
however you could sense the manipulativeness through it despite being making everything else look convincing
“trust me, sweetie, i wouldn’t want to hurt you. it would crush me” “please don’t cry. i’m only protecting you” “people are disgusting, they don’t deserve an angel like you” “don’t worry, i can protect you”
it terrified you to your nerves, sending shivers across your spine
at first you didn’t realize it, but eventually after days of being trapped, you figured he had been grooming you the whole time
he tried to make you dependent of him and somehow he did a fine job. just not enough to completely exploit you
though, it made you question what would have been better in your situation: being conscious of his sly nature with the hope of escaping or being unaware and completely wrapped around his finger whereas letting him continue how greatly he had been caring for you?
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entishramblings · 4 years
The Restricted Section [Legolas X Reader]
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A.N: hey guys! sO I ended up getting like super into this one-shot and it got a little off track but I feel as if it still matches up to the request! Also I do lowkey mention some “first age lore” but I pulled it out of my ass.....just go with it tho it’s fanfiction lol
Request: Anon — I've been seeing your AMAZING writing pop up on my dash and I love it!!!! If you're not too busy (and no pressure at all to write this in a timely manner), could you possibly write a short one-shot of Legolas' reaction to unexpectedly finding someone sketching him? Bonus points if the sketch is really good, and EXTRA bonus points (and digital cookies!!) if he secretly has a crush on the person sketching? Again, no pressure!!!
Pairing: Legolas X Reader
Summary: (Y/N) is Greenwood’s library archivist. Legolas comes to do some research. goddamn why does this summary sound dirty??
Word Count: 2,840
Warnings: none
(gif not mine)
Being Greenwood’s Archivist for the thousands upon thousands of treasured papers, scrolls, and books did have its perks one could say. (Y/N) not only wanted to be immersed in the secrets and stories of the world, but she was required to. She spent much of her time reading and cataloguing—not that she minded considering the knowledge she had obtained was vast and fruitful. Furthermore, she was basically permitted to do whatever she wished given that she only had to give reports to the King every couple of weeks. This left her with much appreciated free time.
Currently, the Greenwood castle was hushed as every elf was sound asleep, basking in their own dreams and memories, well...almost every elf. (Y/N) was wide awake. Her favorite time of the solar cycle was the silent hours of the night; because, here in the darkness of the sky, there was nothing more enticing than being alone in the vast silence of written secrets—especially when no one was around to catch you sneaking a peek in the restricted section.
(Y/N)’s preferred spot in the library was a very specific little nook for a handful of reasons. First of all, it was lined with tall shelves filled with different volumes and ledgers that created a private and secluded feeling. Furthermore, the lucky position of these paper-filled towers allowed for a clear eye-line to the main area of the library—an eye-line that could not be seen from outside the special little cranny. This, of course, was perfect for handling prohibited materials. Lastly, she was adjacent to a large stone fireplace where light and warmth were compelled to pour into her form. (Y/N) appreciated this, especially during the coldness of the winter months.
So here Greenwood’s Archivist sat, curled into a dark cushioned armchair within a shrouded crevice of the Library, sketching the forbidden monsters from first age lore.
The faint scrapping sound of charcoal against yellowing paper faded into the crackling of the flames while (Y/N) skillfully manipulated the material in her small, leather-bound, sketchbook. Every so often, she would pause to take a sip from the tea cup that she placed on one of bookshelves. The flavor of the warm liquid melded into the woman’s mouth; the taste of ginger and cloves folded around her tongue and initiated a warm sensation throughout her body. She really did feel at peace in this moment, cloaked in the secrets of the night.
However, that tranquility was reshaped into alarm at the sound of the large wooden doors creaking open. (Y/N) stopped her sketching and cautiously peeked through the shelves. Her lips parted and her brows furrowed when her eyes rested on the intruder.
What could the Prince of Greenwood want from the library at this hour?
(Y/N)’s eyes widened when yet another thought crossed her mind.
What would the Prince of Greenwood do if he saw a book—a restricted book—in her grasp?
Quietly, the archivist tucked the dusty green volume under the armchair and turned her sketchbook to an unmarked page. But, before she started sketching something new, her curiousness compelled her to watch the Prince.
(Y/N) smiled softly as Legolas’s calloused hand gently stroked the leather spins of every book as he strolled through the aisles. His brilliant blue eyes wandered across each title, clearly searching for something. His dark brows furrowed when he reached the end of the shelf, apparently not finding what he had been looking for. The Prince continued weaving his way between stacks of books until he was directly on the other side of (Y/N)’s shelf.
The young woman held her breath as her heart pounded.
What if he caught her in here?
She inwardly chided herself. Why would she—the archivist—get in trouble for being in the library? This was her domain, her job. Her anxieties were completely unrational.
(Y/N)’s frantic thoughts froze when one of the books began to slide away.
Still unaware of her presence, Legolas opened it to read the text on the first page. It seemed that he was content with his selection for he turned on his heal. The Prince made his was to the center of the library and sat down at one of the tables that was lit with candlelight.
After a couple moments, (Y/N) quietly stood up and walked towards the shelf. She laid her hand on the now spacious gap. The young woman frowned. He had taken a book on forestry—the sickness index. Was there something going on within the trees of her home?
Deciding to push her concerns aside, for now that is, she snuggled back into the comfort of the armchair.
From her position she was able to see the elvish prince clearly.
A little grin stretched across (Y/N)’s lips. She picked up her charcoal once more and began to sketch the outline of his form. As time went on, she shaded in the curves of his jaw, the bend of his lip, and the scowl upon his brow. It was coming together quite nicely.
She did not know how much time had past, but when she looked up from her sketch Legolas was gone. (Y/N) tilted her head slightly in confusion.
She was just looking at him.
He wouldn’t leave a burning candle and opened book unattended, would he?
The sound of paper-filled leather sliding from the shelf behind her made the archivist turn quickly. The person on the other side had sensed her movement and peaked through the hole where the book had previously rested.
“My apologies, Archivist (Y/N). I knew not that you were here.”
The young woman stuttered out a response, “Oh um, it is alright, My Prince. I....I...was just—
A smirk pulled at his pink lips when his gaze landed on her open sketchbook. “Is that me?” He questioned.
(Y/N) cheeks began to heat as she slammed the sketchbook closed, “No.”
He raised an eyebrow before walking around the tower of books that was between them.
When he entered the tiny nook he looked around at her set up—stacks of many books and ledgers piled high upon the floor, a thick blanket dangling off the armchair, and a hot cup of tea upon one of the shelves.
“I almost forgot about this space. It’s quite cozy with the fire, is it not?” He said.
Legolas made his was towards her and gently held out his hand. Nodding at the leather-bound sketchbook, he spoke, “May I?”
She couldn’t exactly refuse the Prince, now could she?
Wordlessly she passed it to him.
Ever so carefully he began to flip through the pages—birds, horses, forestry, flowers, creeks, pillars, stones, and, of course, people. There were a handful of sketches of elves that he recognized as maids and servants—likely her friends, he guessed. Additionally, there was a fair amount of pictures of the guards and even one of his father. The coroner of his lip pulled upwards again when he found one of himself, and another, and another. His expression then changed to surprised amusement at what looked to be a demon. Strange. He shot her a playful look and by her reaction he was sure she knew which sketch he was looking at. Legolas continued studying the charcoal art pieces until he turned to last marked page—to the one she had just completed: him.
“These are quite good, (Y/N). Have you ever considered abandoning the library for art?”
“Well, no. It is just a hobby of mine, I suppose.”
He nodded and handed the sketchbook back to her, “And the demon?”
“Ahh yes....um, well....”
She glanced down at the floor as she stuttered. Anxiety flashed across her eyes at the sight of the corner of the green volume peaking out. She kicked it under the chair quickly.
However, her action did not escape the observation of the Prince. Yet again, he raised a brow.
Legolas knelt down and tugged the book out. He read the title aloud, “First Age Index, Volume IV. Morgoth’s Experimentation.” A deep chuckle escaped Legolas’s chest, which of course was not the reaction (Y/N) had been expecting. The Prince spoke again, clearly entertained by the situation. “Let me guess—from the restricted section.”
“Of course not!”
Legolas stifled a laugh. “(Y/N)?”
“Hmm?” She responded while avoiding his gaze.
“You are a terrible liar.”
The young woman looked up at him, “I—I am not!”
Legolas rolled his eyes. However, the playful expression faltered and his face instantly melted into what looked to be a sudden realization.
He swiftly stood up and tapped his palm against the cover of the book. “Does the restricted section have lore on earth sickness and forest disease from the first and second age?”
“I—erm...I haven’t been in the restricted section, My Lord,” she stammered.
He shook his head, “Again, (Y/N). You are a terrible liar.”
She sighed in defeat before speaking reluctantly, “It does.”
“Take me to it.”
The Archivist led him towards the gated shadow-ridden corridor and stood still.
Legolas offered her a sideways glance.
She sighed; now her days of browsing the forbidden knowledge were over.
(Y/N) pressed her finger against the lock and slammed a closed fist on the latch. It instantly creaked open.
The Prince’s eyes shown with amusement but she just shrugged and stepped through the gate.
He was enjoying this way too much.
They walked into the circular room; light poured in from a high window, showing the dust dancing through the stale air. (Y/N) led him straight to the section he had requested. She then began to pull out books, ledgers, and scrolls; placing them in Legolas’s arms until they were piled high to his chin.
The two then exited the restricted section and (Y/N) locked up the gate once more.
Legolas then followed the young elven woman towards the table he had previous occupied. The Prince carefully set the overflowing stack of knowledge down. He opened one of the books and skimmed the beginning index before speaking.
“Ada (father) did not believe me when I said something has been stirring in our forest. My senses pick up a darkness nearing for the trees have gone silent and the animals run west. Yet, the insects increase—specifically the spiders.”
She frowned.
Interesting. Interesting indeed.
The archivist rocked on her heals for a moment, contemplating asking the question that persisted in her mind. “So, does this mean I am not in trouble for reading the restricted section?”
Legolas shrugged, “What Ada (father) doesn’t know, can’t make him angry. Besides, this is too important.”
(Y/N) hopped up onto the table and sat with her legs dangling over the edge. She grabbed a book from the pile and began reading.
What was making their forest sick?
Legolas and many members of the guard had just arrived back in Greenwood after patrolling the east end of the forest. The Prince sat in the armory ridding himself of the countless weapons that clung to his body. He let his thoughts wander as he did so.
Two months had past since he had come across (Y/N) sketching in the library; and ever since, the two elves had met every night—well every night that Legolas was not on patrol. They had moved from researching at the table to scrutinizing in the comfort of (Y/N)’s favorite crevice of the library. The archivist sat in her leather armchair while the prince rested on the floor, leaning against a bookcase. The space was quite cramped, but he didn’t mind. Besides, it allowed him to study (Y/N) as she sketched and read. He would be lying if he said his heart did not yearn for her.
Additionally, the formality of titles between them was left behind as the two had become quite close. Legolas appreciated this; often many treated him differently because of his royalty, but not (Y/N). Furthermore, no longer was she concerned about the repercussions of reading material from the restricted section. Besides, if Thranduil somehow found out and was to punish her for it, he would have to punish his son.
“Prince Legolas!”
He looked up as his name was called. Legolas offered a warm smile to the guard who spoke. “Meludir, I trust patrol went well for you?”
The dark hair ellon nodded in response. “Are you going to the library after this?”
Legolas shrugged, “Perhaps.”
A light laugh fell from Meludir’s lips, “To see (Y/N)?”
The Prince’s brows furrowed. “Well, she is helping me with some research.”
Meludir smirked, “Research hmm? You are aware there has been some whispers flying around?”
Legolas tilted his head in confusion.
“Well, you spend much time with her. Enough to end up in her sketchbook—on multiple pages.”
The blonde elf bit back a smile. Of course Legolas was aware that during their research (Y/N) would put down the scrolls and ledgers and pick up charcoal and paper; and, quite frankly, he did not mind. But he was unaware of how Meludir knew if this so he opted to ask. “How do you know of her sketches?”
Meludir grinned, “I may have stumbled across it in the library very late one night.” He paused, “You can imagine my surprise when I went to find light reading material but came across the Prince and the Archivist throwing books at each other’s heads.”
Legolas looked down at his dirt ridden boots to hide the smiled that surfaced from that memory.
This of course did not escape Meludir’s gaze. The young ellon chuckled at his superior’s behavior and clapped him on the shoulder. “Best you head over there then.”
The sun had set and the moon had taken its place. Legolas strutted into the library after he had washed up and changed into fresh clothes. He quickly made his way to the little nook filled with all their research.
“(Y/N)?” He questioned when he came to an empty space.
“Over here!”
He whipped his head around to see the young archivist thirty feet up a ladder; she was reaching for a book that rested near the rafters.
She called out to him again, “Come catch this!”
He walked towards her until he stood at the foot of the ladder. (Y/N) then let the heavy book fall through the still air; it landed perfectly in the prince’s waiting hands.
The archivist grasped onto two more books before gracefully climbing down. “Come on then, we must get reading. The sun won’t stop rising for us.”
She plopped down in her armchair and Legolas sat in his usual spot across from her. After a couple hours of endless reading and research, (Y/N) gasped.
“Legolas! I have found it!”
His head shot up, “What?”
“The—the sickness...the darkness. What you have described to me is exactly what a scribe wrote in an old Quenya dialect: Telerin. I’ve been translating it.” She stated as she moved the position of one of the three books in her lap. “It says it right here. Before the rise of Sauron.....animals fleeing, insect population stirring, trees going silent—“ (Y/N) stood up in excitement. “I found it, Legolas! I found it!”
The Prince leapt to his feet. Full of emotion, he wrapped his arms around her and lifted her form up. He spun around quickly as little laughs left the woman’s lips.
Legolas set her down, but did not remove his arms from around her waist. “After all this time of researching....you—you did it!” He paused, “You are very brilliant, you know that (Y/N)?”
She shrugged, “Well, I don’t—“
He interrupted her, “You are, (Y/N). You are. You know this library as I know the woods. You were able to make connections between books and scrolls that I never would have seen. You were able to analyze data and translate languages with no trouble. You are incredibly intelligent....and I admire that.”
The young woman’s eyes drew to the floor and her cheeks heated.
“(Y/N)...” Legolas whispered while cupping her chin.
He lifted her face and the air seemed to still between them as their eyes locked.
“Legolas, I—“ She whispered.
He did not let her finish. He gently pressed his pink lips against hers and (Y/N) instantly responded. The earthy smell of dirt and trees filled the archivist’s nostrils as paper and fire filled the prince’s. It was almost hypnotic. As the two let their mouths dance against each other slowly, reality melted away. Legolas pulled her form closer and she obliged. (Y/N) snaked her arms around his neck and tangled her fingers in his loose blonde locks. The Prince let his hands wander down her back and across her hips, feeling every curve. The young woman could not help but feel a wave of warmth wash over her for she had craved this. The kiss was calm, gentle, and full of innocent love.
When the two reluctantly pulled away for air, (Y/N) rested her head in the crook of his neck.
“Do you know what this means, Legolas?” She whispered.
“You heart craves mine as much as mine craves yours?” He responded quietly.
“Well yes, but no....I meant about the forest. The sickness—it’s darkness. Sauron’s darkness. He is returning.”
Everything Tag: @sokkasdarling @scxundress @quilledinkpen @hufflepuffinblr @lea----b @aredhel-of-gondolin @princecami @the-fandoms-georgie @jazziwritestolkienprimary
Legolas Tag: @dark-angel-is-back
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sunaswife · 3 years
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𝕻𝖗𝖔𝖌𝖗𝖆𝖒𝖒𝖊𝖉 𝖋𝖔𝖗 𝖍𝖎𝖒
Shigaraki X f! Reader
Warnings: 18+, NSFW, brainwashed/ programmed reader, implied kidnapping, Dom/sub, use of the word ‘pet’ and ‘master’, first time sex, uh..does this count as yandere..? Idk lol
🔪: this is like my second time writing smut so I’m sorry if it’s bad 🙇‍♀️ plz don’t spank me. N E Wayz I dedicate this fic to @aoi-turtle 🖤 and Any other shiggy whores out there
Edit: I FORGOT TO TAG @dinablossom and @toworuu IM SO SORRY BSVAKAGSJA
Summary: Imagine being programmed to be the leagues healer but also Shigaraki’s little cum bucket
“Master what is the meaning of this.” Shigaraki looked at the television screen as he scratched his neck. “I took her quirk and made it a thousand times better.” He said simply. “Tomura shigaraki where should I place her?” Kurogiri asked. “Anywhere. I don’t care. I just don’t understand why you brought a stupid hero here.” He said annoyed.
“Now now—“ “Shut up and put her somewhere out of my sight!” Tomura demanded and Kurogiri sighed and carried your body to the spare room by shigaraki’s private quarters. You looked dead, you were exhausted, traumatized, in shock.
You were frozen. Your eyes stayed open, unblinking as you stared at the ceiling. It looked as if you were dead. But your body is warm and you were breathing, you’re alive and you’ll recover quick. Thanks to the quirk All for One fixed for you.
Dabi smirked at your ruined form. Spinner hid his rosy cheeks, you were a cute one. Toga was excited to have another girl in the league she talked with Twice about all the fun things you two could do together. Whether it be painting your nails, doing your hair, torturing someone, or making them bleed. She was excited.
“What’s so good about her quirk that you needed it.” Shigaraki asked. “It’s come to my attention that the league has been missing an important puzzle piece.” He started off. “Yeah? What’s that?” The light blue haired man asked. He was beyond ticked off to have a hero here. “She’s not a hero. She was training under UA’s school nurse. But she fell into the hero course for recovery and first aid training.” He said and everyone stayed silent and patiently listened to the brain behind the league.
“Her quirk is pyrokinetic regeneration. She manipulates fire with the energy of the person who needs healing and together she heals with so called fire. Her quirk was small, only a few cuts a bruises here and there could she heal. But I added cell regeneration so she can even fix up deep wounds that could need surgery in a matter of days instead of months.”
“Sounds amazing! No she could use her fire against us!” Twice said and Toga nodded. “She won’t. Her fire doesn’t burn unless you’re hurt.” Kurogiri returned. “But she’s still a hero brat so wouldn’t she try to resist?” Dabi asked. “I don’t know but let me try and see!” Toga giggled and pulled out a knife she easily slit her wrist and skipped her way to your new room.
Out of curiosity the other members followed suit. Shigaraki first, he wanted to see if you were truly useful if not then he’d disintegrate you right here and now. “Hi hi new friend! My name is Toga!” The psychotic girl giggle as her blood dripped all over the floor. You looked up slowly from your spot on the bed. “H-hi...T-toga..” your voice was low. “Kurogiri Can you bring her some water?” Toga asked and he left and came back in the blink of an eye.
Your hands were shaking for the cup of water but Toga held it back, away from you. “If you want the water then heal my wrist first.” She said sweetly with a giggle. “Heal your wrist?” You whispered and she nodded. “O-okay..” you stuttered and you slowly removed the blanket from your lap. You stood up with wobbly legs to go to the girl but you fell. The chain on your ankle pulled you back. You winced and looked at her, pleading for her to come to you. She asked if you were okay and when you responded she shoved her bloody arm to your face. “Take a deep breath. This may sting...” you started and a small green flame came upon your hand. You rubbed the flame over both of your hands like you were putting on lotion, finally when the flames covered both hands you pressed hard on her wrist. She winced, “ow ow ow.” She whimpered, you removed your hands and everyone stared at the flame around her whole wrist. “Give it thirty seconds....or not...” you said as you stared wide eyed at her already healed cut. It was barley a touch and it’s gone now. “Wow. No scar!” She giggled and turned to show the guys. “Wow stab me next, please don’t or else I’ll bite ya!” Twice said and you reached for the water. “Interesting.” Shigaraki mumbled with a small squint. Kurogiri looked over and hoped he wouldn’t do anything bad to you.
“Shows over. She needs her rest.” Kurogiri said and everyone left one by one. Toga gave her a hug and wished for you both to be the best of friends and she skipped away. “Tomura Shigaraki. What are you thinking?” Kurogiri asked as Shigaraki began to walk into your room. “Nothing that concerns you.” He spat and slammed the door. Kurogiri sighed but returned to the bar nonetheless.
“Do you know who I am?” Shigaraki asked, “Yes you’re the leader of the league of villains, You’re name is Tomura Shigaraki and your quirk is decay—“ “that’s enough!” He raised his voice and looked at you with wide eyes.
You looked so sad and you glanced down at your cup. “Mr. shigaraki I know I don’t usually talk this much. I’ve always been the quiet type. I think whoever kidnapped me gave me a huge sense of knowledge. I know the league is bad but I don’t care about the heroes anymore and I don’t know why. I know everything about you guys, your true identity, your quirks, your past. And when I see you I—“ you quickly stopped yourself.
Shigaraki raised a brow. “You what?” He asked curiously. “N-nothing. Just forget it.” You answered and he growled. “Answer me now before I kill you.” He said and your legs subconsciously clenched together. You stayed quiet and your chest rose and fell a little more quickly. Why was this feeling in your chest when this killer, this man child looked at you? What exactly did the man he calls master do to you?
Before you knew it he gripped your chin and lifted it harshly so you could look at his wrinkly red eyes. Even though he looks like a bum he smelled nice and clean. A hand was covering his face and you slowly lifted your hand to touch it and his other hand grabbed your wrist. “What the fuck are you doing? Do you have a death wish you fucking idiot?” He growled and you gulped. “C-can i see your face?” You asked and he tilted his head confused.
“No. Answer my question-“ before you both knew it, as if your body had a mind of its own you tackled shigaraki down and you snatched the hand off his face. His hand quickly wrapped around your neck and arm and you pressed your lips against his. He halted his finger from pressing against your neck. He was beyond confused.
“If only tomura finished listening to what i had to say.” All for one chuckled loudly. You both were able to faintly hear the television from down the hall. “He would know that I managed to change y/N’s desires and whole way of thinking. She’s now with the league of Villains and she’s in love with its leader, Tomura Shigaraki. Consider it a present and motivation for the future of the league.” You both heard and you pulled away from him. “I’m sorry. I should have asked.” You said lowly. He stood there stunned and silent.
He slowly sat up and looked at your figure. “So you were brainwashed like my Nomu.” He hummed and took a few steps back. He noticed how you crawled closer to him but the chain was keeping you away.
“Who do you love?”
“Who do you belong to?”
“Who’s your master?”
“Tomura Shigaraki.”
You said and he smirked. He was gonna have fun with you. “At least master was kind enough to give me a beauty.” He said as he held on to the chains. “Don’t freak out.” He warned and you nodded. He disintegrated the chain around your ankle and he pulled you by the arm. You were wearing an ugly hospital gown and you were barefoot. You couldn’t help but shiver. He went next door to his room and he shoved you in and slammed the door. You nearly tripped over the mess and you turned to look at shiggy. “Why are you just standing there?” He asked, “You haven’t given me orders.” You deadpanned. “You can’t think for yourself?” He questioned. “No i can but I Don’t want to upset you.” You replied.
“Fine then clean this shit up.” He referred to his very very messy room. You nodded and began to lift up a piece of trash but he pulled you away. “Change first.” He said and handed you a black hoodie. “Do you have a bathroom?” You asked. “No change here.” He said and you nodded. You turned so your back was facing him and carefully began to take off the gown, leaving you completely bare and Shigaraki couldn’t help but look.
Your skin was so beautiful and looked so soft. He saw as you carefully put on his hoodie and it completely engulfed you. It reached to your mid thigh. You slowly turned to look at him with rosy cheeks. The hoodie smelled just like him. “Tomura—“ “It’s master to you.” He Interrupted and you nodded, subconsciously squeezing your thighs together once more. “Sorry...m-master.” You said and played with the hem of his hoodie.
“Master..can I have some underwear too...? I feel weird, when I’m bare underneath..” you asked. “No, continue cleaning my room.” He answered coldly and sat on his gaming chair. He turned on his console and began playing whatever game he had.
You sighed and you couldn’t help but admire his gorgeous yet scarred face and his beautiful long fingers. In an instant he can kill you, but if you’re good..then he might even reward you. If you were to die, I’d rather be in the hands of your master than anyone else.
You quickly began you pick up the instant ramen bowls and bags of chips. You separated recycling and trash. You even managed to pick up all his dirty clothes and put it in the hamper in less than an hour. Tomura was stunned, one minute he can barley walk in, the next It’s almost spotless. He saw you from the corner of his eye, you were folding his clothes that practically had the same color scheme.
“Can i go through your drawers to put your clothes away..?” You finally spoke up. “Yeah it’s whatever. I don’t care.” He mumbled and returned to the screen. “Ugh stupid game!” He huffed and began pressing the controller more furiously. You chuckled and thought that it was so cute and adorable when he was frustrated.
You went to his California king sized bed and began to fix the sheets and make his bed. Since it was so huge, you had to climb on to properly fix it. You were completely in your own world when Shigaraki turned and saw your wet cunt on display in all it’s glory. Ever since he saw you he couldn’t help but feel that urge to take you. His resistance was getting to him and now he wanted to give in to his urges even more. He was too distracted that he lost the fucking game and he growled and disintegrated the controller. That was his own form of rage quitting.
You heard his sound of frustration so when you turned you expected him to be in the same chair uttering bullshit, but you were shocked when you felt your hips being pulled back. Your cunt was touching his pants, but you can feel his bulge. “Um..master..I—“
“Shut up.” He said and reached for your neck. He pulled you back to him and wrapped his other arm around your waist, hovering your aching clit. “This is whats gonna happen.” He started off and you nodded. “I’m going to fuck you. And you’re going to like it. Okay?”
“I understand.” You said softly, you felt his hands slowly lift up the hoodie just a bit to get a better view of your ass. You couldn’t help but feel slightly embarrassed. “I know I’m probably not your dream girl but I promise to be a good girl, master..” your voice shook. He tilted his head, were you getting insecure?
“No pet, you’re perfect to me.” He assured and you could hear his belt jingle as he took it off. “You seem pretty wet already, pet. Since how long have you been like this?” He asked as he got out of his jeans. He slowly open your cheeks to reveal your little pussy clenching around nothing, how cute. “Since I saw you..” you mumbled. He smirked and leaned down. He immediately began to eat out your cunt causing you to gasp in shock and grip the sheets. Your chest layed roughly against the bed as your ass stood proud in the air for the leader of the league of villains to enjoy.
“Fuck—“ you moaned and you felt a slap on your ass. You slightly jumped released a small yelp. “Watch your language.” He growled from your pussy. “Yes master.” You whimpered and he slowly began to rub his thumb on your other hole. Your small moans filled the room and he easily slipped his middle finger in you. You squeezed around him so deliciously, he couldn’t help but wished his cock was inside.
This has never happened to him before, this feeling in his chest. Someone that loves him and will obey his every command. You’re so beautiful as well, and your sounds. Your moans and whimpers, in all honesty he jut wanted to get himself off. But after hearing you and seeing you. He wants to make sure you have pleasure as well.
He continued pumping his finger in and out of your slick walls and your voice started getting slightly higher. “Master...I—I’m gonna cum...”you panted and your toes began to curl. “It’s okay, cum for me, pet. You’ve been a good girl.” He said softly and he felt you clench around his finger. When you came he slowly removed his finger and examined it. You must be new to is if you could get off with just one of his long fingers.
You layed on the bed a bit tired, not paying attention to your master who had tasted your cum on his finger. It was delicious and he wanted another taste. When you felt a lick on your cunt again you immediately shivered and clenched your thighs. “Hold still I just wanna taste some cum.” Shigaraki huffed and he pulled your thighs apart. You were pretty sensitive but you obeyed nonetheless.
You moans began to fill the room once more and before you could finish and cum again he pulled away. You automatically whimpered and turned to give your master puppy dog eyes. “I would let you cum again, but my cock is so fucking hard I don’t think I can wait another minute.” he said and began to pull down his boxers.
Before you could get back in position, which freaking hurt, he flipped you over on your back and you made a small oof noise. You looked up to See shigaraki focused on his cock, he was rubbing himself up and down your slit to use your cum as lube. “Alright I’m going in.” He announced and slowly pushed his rather large member inside your tint cunt. You immediately yelped and held on to his biceps. “M-master wait—it hurts..” you pleaded and Tomura finally looked up at your face.
He loves inflicting pain, he loves watching people’s painful expressions when they’re hurt or when they’re gonna die. Chisaki’s face was so amusing. But when he saw yours, his heart shattered and he didn’t want to hurt you at all. You’ve been nothing but good to him, he doesn’t want to hurt his little toy. “I’m sorry.” He apologized, “it’s okay..” you sniffled. After a minute of him being patient you gave him a nod and he continued to slowly bottom out.
You both released a moan when he was all the way in. You both have never felt anything like this before. “Can I start moving?” Shigaraki asked you as he brushed way the hair from your face. You nodded and he pulled almost all the way out and he slammed back in. Your little gasps and moans came back which made shigaraki feel at ease. You can clearly hear your slick with every thrust and it was music to his ears.
“I’ve been neglecting these.” He grunted and lifted his hoodie over your chest. Finally he was able to see your beautiful soft breasts bouncing with each thrust. “Fuck you’re so beautiful.” He moaned and immediately lowered his mouth to one of your nipples. You squealed and your back arched and he pushed you down. “Master...” you moaned softly. His tongue swirled around your hardened bud and your fingers tangled in his light blue hair. Two of his fingers pinched your other nipple and he lightly bit the nipple in his mouth.
“I think I-I’m close—“ you gasped and he removed his mouth. His thrusts decreased in speed but they became harder. He had a stupid smirk on his face and your eyes widened when he wrapped his hand around your throat. “Hold it until I say so.” He demanded and you muttered a weak yes. He felt how your gummy walls squeezed against his large dick, he was getting close too. “Fuck Fuck Fuck.” He groaned with his head tilted back and your mouth watered at the sight. Why is he so fucking handsome?
He could feel himself getting closer to his climax so he rubbed his thumb on you clit while increasing his pace once more, causing you to be even louder than before. Everyone in the bar could hear and a certain fire villian grumbled in annoyance. “Master I can’t hold it anymore!” You screamed. “Then cum my stupid little pet. Cum all over my cock like a good girl.” He grunted and bit his lip at the sight of your sweaty body. Your bouncing breasts, crazy hair, your adorable ahego face, your twitching legs and finally your grip on his biceps. You were so prefect and so good to him and only him.
When you came you felt his cum shoot inside you as well causing you to gasp at the delicious feeling. Tomura rested his head on your shoulder and tried catching his breath. You couldn’t help but smile and blush at the closeness. You slowly wrapped your arms around him and you gave his shoulder a kiss causing him to freeze. “I love you master, thank you for making me feel good.” You said softly. He chuckled and pulled you closer, “I love you too.”
I wanna write a part 2 of Shiggy finding out his little toy is being used by a certain fire boy 👀
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shima-draws · 4 years
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Aww yeahhh time for Kiyo to make his entrance!
I wrote an entire essay about him (again whoops) so it’s very long and under the cut for your viewing pleasure ;)
Age: 29
Hair color: Green
Eye color: Brown
Element: Stars
Kiyo, the Guildmaster of the Asterstone Guild! He only took up the position recently and has had the Guildmaster title for about a year and a half. He was the previous record holder for youngest Guildmaster until that title was stolen by Taku. (Kiyo holds a grudge about it but it’s playful.) 
Kiyo, just like lots of other characters in ATS, was taken in by the Asterstone Guild at a young age. He’s similar to Shima in that he has no previous memories before showing up outside the guild one day, battered and bruised. (That marks three characters in this series with amnesia now! Wrow) He grew up under the watchful eye and tutelage of the previous Guildmaster, and because of how attached to him she’d gotten, it wasn’t long before he began to express desires to take over the guild once she retired. After a lot of thought and contemplation she eventually handed over the position to him. This initially resulted in a lot of outrage from the guild members because they did not think Kiyo was suited to be the Guildmaster, but he eventually proved them wrong once he stepped up to the plate and showed them he could act like a true leader!
They did have good reason to be nervous about that, though, as Kiyo is normally a very laid-back and carefree person and is strictly non-violent. This has lead into lots of situations where he’s opted out of fighting, leading his guildmates into lots of trouble when they needed a hand, and they labeled him as both a coward for avoiding necessary battles on missions (which is practically a requirement for a guild member going out on dangerous quests, you sort of have to have a battle prowess to take on any foes) and lazy for not participating when he should. Initially this bothered Kiyo a great deal, but the previous guildmaster assured him that not everybody is suited for battling others, and that he can still pave his own way to success in a non-violent manner. While Kiyo may not have a liking for fighting, he has an extremely smooth tongue and is very capable of talking himself out of sticky situations (mostly by bribing. He is VERY good at that lmao). He has a talent for manipulating others into doing what he wants them to, though he rarely uses this on people he considers friends. When Kiyo’s able to complete a mission and win the day without resorting to using their elemental powers in a fight, his guild members have to stop and think for a second like. Hold on. He just did that so easily, he made it look so simple, we really need to stop underestimating him and calling him totally useless (Kiyo: Hey. HEY).
Kiyo’s pretty close to all of his guildmates despite their constant ribbing—the one person he’s close to that adores him completely is Lacie, because he was the person to bring her into the guild (she was around 10, he was 17), and being the first person to genuinely show her kindness that wasn’t for ulterior motives, Lacie became very attached to him. Kiyo acts like an older brother to her, and Lacie supports him in whatever he does. She was thrilled when he took on the Guildmaster position, and he has a very soft spot for her :’) She always sings his praises to anybody outside who will listen, and gets angry at Emrys the one time he called Kiyo incompetent.
After becoming the guildmaster, Kiyo actually does a good job at taking charge despite the general opinions that he wouldn’t. He’s still very casual about it though and is a bit more flexible with how the guild is run, preferring to let the guild members do things their own way and be less strict about the overall rules. He’s basically got the “Do whatever you want!” and “Just wing it!” outlook, and while a lot of the members don’t like this attitude, a lot of them do. At the end of the day they all do respect him, though! While he isn’t a fighter he’s very good at giving orders and keeping things in check around Asterstone lol
Despite Kiyo’s insistence on staying out of battles, he’s actually an extremely skilled fighter, and is probably the strongest and most dangerous person in the entire guild. The issue with this, though, is that whenever he gets into a fight, he tends to get too “serious” and starts going off the walls, treating the battle as a game and something fun and entertaining. This leads into him not knowing when to stop, and nobody else being able to stop him, so he’s seriously injured other people without meaning to—revealing that he’s actually terrified of violence because he loses himself in it, and why he prefers to stay on the sidelines. It’s only when Kiyo gets really serious in battles that a darker side comes out, and where the star mark in his eye appears. It’s only been seen a few rare times throughout his life at the guild, so nobody really thinks much of it or notices it. It’s only after the star mark appears that Kiyo passes out afterwards, having exerted a lot of power and extremely skilled battle prowess nobody has ever seen before. However, after a grand guild tournament where Kiyo faces off against Taku and gets too into it, revealing his star mark and almost slicing Taku’s head clean off, one of Kiyo’s advisors at the guild starts to look into it out of concern for both Kiyo’s safety and that of others.
In the middle of all this mess, Kiyo meets Toru, and after nearly forcing him to join Asterstone, the two start growing closer 👀 Toru joins the squad of not putting up with Kiyo’s bullshit, but that’s only after he gets over his starstruck fanboy phase. Because Toru is newer to the guild and because he’s a non-elemental not suited for fighting, Kiyo instantly becomes attached to him, finding similarities in their preferences and backgrounds. While Toru does think Kiyo’s an idiot sometimes he treats him very kindly, and is usually the first to defend him when the other members playfully tease him, so Kiyo’s just like you are an angel sent from heaven just for me and I adore you. Still though with Toru being a non-elemental Kiyo stresses about his safety CONSTANTLY, even after Toru gets official training in self defense. If Toru’s in danger Kiyo will blow off literally everything else to go rescue him first, which the other members have to get used to as it happens more often than they’d like akdasbmlads
Later down the line the guild is caught up in something terrible, and find themselves being targeted by a descendant of a great inventor and sorcerer (not Elymas this time tho lol). She’s apparently seeking what’s known as the Velle Nova, and has reason to believe Asterstone is in possession of it. After Kiyo’s forced to fight and unleashes the power behind his star mark, the descendant reveals that Kiyo has the Velle Nova, and then the truth finally comes out…
Kiyo remembers everything about his past. Years ago, his town had been caught up in a great disaster, and he was the only survivor. He was forcibly taken in by several scientists, one of them being the ancestor of the girl descendant. They were attempting to recreate the Velle Nova, one of the great sorcerer Elymas’ inventions, which is said to grant any sort of wish imaginable. They wanted to claim that power for themselves and possess the powers of the universe itself. However every attempt had failed, and without the real Velle Nova they couldn’t achieve what they were after. So they decided to pour all of their research into Kiyo instead, and try to create the weapon inside of a human being. This ended up making a twisted, broken version of what should have been the Velle Nova. But Kiyo couldn’t contain its power—it was going to unravel the universe itself and either destroy everything or alter it tragically into something unimaginable. One of the scientists working with the group realized how awful their experiment was and, being a Time elemental, decided to erase Kiyo’s memories (with some help) and send him centuries into the future so that the rest of the group couldn’t get their hands on him. Hence Kiyo winding up outside of Asterstone with no memories, and the truth behind his star mark. It had been granting Kiyo his wish the whole time—the longing to protect the things he cares about by being able to defeat any threat in his way. Of course with the unstable power that he can’t control, it usually leads into disaster;;
Kiyo, now having recovered his memories, realizes that the same thing is going to happen again, and decides to seal himself off to protect Asterstone and the world before the universe unravels. Cue an epic PMD-esque goodbye scene where he bids farewell to Toru, gives him his trademark scarf, and vanishes, escaping into a dimension between time and space where his power can be contained. *Starts playing I Don’t Want To Say Goodbye*
Toru, absolutely devastated by Kiyo’s farewell, decides he’s going to break time and space to save his man, except there’s one small issue...nobody else remembers that Kiyo even existed, and Toru only managed to by some miracle (and also maybe bc Kiyo handed him his scarf idk some magic soul connection thing). But after a while...a long while, maybe like a year or more...they finally unlock the key to finding Kiyo!!
Toru and Kiyo share a tearful reunion, and Kiyo cries a lot because it had been so lonely sitting in that black hole all by himself for so long. Toru begs Kiyo to come back, and suggests that Kiyo separate himself from the Vella Nova in order to live a normal life, but Kiyo informs him that he and the Vella Nova...are the same. They’re the same combined entity! Kiyo says that if he tries to unfuse, he’ll just end up destroying himself, because there’s nothing to separate, being one singular existence. So Toru points out uh hey since you’re the same thing, don’t you get a say on how your power is used? “It’s your power, Kiyo” yes we’re referencing Tododeku here we go
Kiyo’s like hmm uh yeah I guess you have a point;; so we went through all that for nothing huh. And Toru tells him you’re a fucking moron and Kiyo’s like ahh yes but you loved this moron enough to come rescue him from the void ;) And they kinda sorta confess but not really? Kiyo’s too nervous and Toru’s too distracted trying to figure out how to get them out of there but no worries they sort it out later. Kiyo tells him that hey I’m still dangerous and I could lose control at any given moment and Toru’s just like well I guess we’ll just have to stop you and bring you back to yourself. So with the knowledge that he’s got a whole guild of awesome people backing him up and a boy who broke the laws of the universe to save his ass, Kiyo and Toru escape the rift and finally return home together 💕 And that’s pretty much how their arc ends!
Extra personality traits
-He has a really short attention span so this makes things painfully hard on mission briefings, which leads to Kiyo usually screwing up the mission one way or another
-He often charges ahead without thinking and is the first one to become a target in a bad situation. Nobody really feels bad for him though because most of the time it’s his fault for walking right into it LMAO
-He can be very childish sometimes and most of the time he does it on purpose. His guildmates complain that their leader is a whiny, immature brat
-He is an expert on how to annoy people do not test him oh my god
-He can be incredibly selfish;; He’s gotten better with it during recent years, but he got scorned for it a lot when he was younger. He’s also very emotional, and you can read what he’s thinking like an open book! When his friends can’t read him that’s when they start getting worried.
-He has no experience in romance whatsoever and it’s the one (1) thing that can get him flustered. Nobody at the guild has ever seen Kiyo get mildly embarrassed or caught off guard, so they begin to think it’s impossible to make him blush. Then Toru shows up and ruins everything lmao
-He has a great sense of humor and can always make others laugh! He’s also very mischievous and sometimes plays pranks on other members of his guild.
-He’s very stubborn when he wants something and not in a good way. He also pouts a lot when he gets like this
-He loves his guild and his guild members man :'( If any of them are ever in any real danger he's quick to offer himself up first as a target. He's protective of his friends and will do anything to keep them safe!
-A very very affectionate person. He mostly shows this through physical acts like hugging and generally touching other people. In return he also craves affection and gets very soft when it’s given back to him. I’d probably say he’s a little touch starved despite being in close contact with others all the time lol
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thelazyhermits · 3 years
I just had a cute/amusing TABF scenario idea that I felt I should share.
Once again, it’s a villain attack gone wrong where someone gets affected by a villain’s Quirk. This time it’s the Quirk of a female villain who is able to make anyone fall in love with whoever they think is the most beautiful person. Normally, it’s her because she’s a very beautiful woman who takes very good of her appearance because she enjoys using her Quirk to manipulate people.
Unfortunately for her, her plan ends up backfiring since, while she’s successful in using her Quirk on Todoroki, it doesn’t make him fall in love with her. Instead, he falls in love with Fortune since he considers Fortune more beautiful, much to the villain’s outrage and disbelief lol
As a result, Todoroki has no trouble defeating the villain. So it doesn’t take long to place her in police custody. 
The only issue is that the effects of the villain’s Quirk can’t be negated once it’s successfully used on someone. So, for 24 hours, Todoroki is stuck under its influence.
This is worrisome since, according to Tsukauchi who’s able to provide more information about the villain’s Quirk when Fortune asks him about it after the villain has been arrested, it can sometimes cause those affected by it to be pretty drastic when it comes to earning love/attention from the person they’re in love with.
That’s why he’s surprised by how calm Todoroki has been acting. Sure, he has been sticking close to Fortune ever since the battle concluded, but other than ask to hold her hand, he hasn’t made any outrageous requests. He seems content to remain by her side.
Fortune personally thinks it’s adorable how Todoroki acts when he’s in love. She honestly expected something like this since he doesn’t seem like the type to ever go overboard with his affections. 
However, one thing that Tsukauchi was worried about that comes true is that, like all others affected by the villain’s Quirk, Todoroki gets protective/posessive of Fortune when other males get too close to her. 
He doesn’t do anything extreme, though. It’s just obvious that Todoroki doesn’t like anyone but him being close to her.
When asked why he isn’t acting like how others affected by the villain’s Quirk have acted in the past, Todoroki says that he doesn’t want to do anything that would upset Fortune. That’s why he’s doing his best not to do anything whenever other males get too close to her.
That’s the reason Todoroki is overall handling himself so well. Because he’s such a kind boy, who doesn’t want to do anything that would upset or hurt Fortune, he witholds the urge to do anything extreme to win her affections and does his best to be satisfied with just being close to her.
Fortune’s admiration for him greatly increases after hearing this since Todoroki is working so hard for her sake and doing his best to be considerate of her and put her feelings first.
That’s why she doesn’t make any complaints about Todoroki always wanting to be with her at all hours during the next 24 hours. She makes sure to dote on him as much as she can to reward him for his impressive self-restraint.
I just think the idea of smitten Todoroki is very adorable, so I had to share this haha
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angelicmichael · 3 years
Oohh, could you please write the nonsexual prompt sharing a dessert for Outpost Michael and reader? Who wouldn't want to share a dessert with him? Thank you so much. You really are an angel 😇
A/N: anon you are too fucking sweet omg 🥺💖 I hope I didnt dissapoint with this, I'm sorry it's so late and unnecessarily long!! Lmfao. The dessert eating is at the end if anyone wants to just skip to that part hehe. I wanted to write some mutual pining so.. that's why this fic is so fucking long lol
Warnings: eating, food, lil bit of sexual tension, very brief mentions of Millory and also Gallant x Michael 👉🏻👈🏻
Living in Outpost three was beyond miserable. Constantly being treated as a second class citizen, as a gray, was definetly doing its number on you.. Every day that you continued to stay alive in this hellhole you swore you slowly descended further and further into madness. Eating gelatin cubes.. being around the same exact people, day in and day out.. with nothing else to do but to clean, with no end in sight was only a recipe for disaster.
And disaster seemed to come with a name; Langdon.
You didnt believe him when he announced that he was going to pick a select few to take with him to the sanctuary; you knew that was fucking bullshit.. but you had to admit - it was amusing watching the other outpost residents finally get a spark of excitament in their eyes. A reason to be alive.
You watched him take interest in mainly Gallant and Mallory; and that's when you felt something.. distant yet familar. Yearning; attraction, and maybe even jealousy.
It reminded and made you nostalgic of old emotions that you used to feel regularly; which now only visited you vaguely whenever you caught Michael stare for a second too long at either of them.. but it wasnt your job to monitor the relationships that were allegedly occurring.
You kept your head down until you begrudgingly got an interview; honestly surprised at first that Langdon seemed to be giving you a shot at salvation at all.
You were even more surprised at how the actual interview seemed to unfold; how disgustingly touch starved you were and the way in which you reacted to him. You were praying that Langdon didnt notice how your entire body was littered with goosebumps the second he touched you - a harmless gesture with his hand lightly touching your back when he walked by. Or the pure exhilaration you felt when he brushed a tear away from your cheek.. It was honestly embarrassing.
Even more embarrassing was how much you craved to see Langdon again as soon as you left the first interview.
The days following the first initial interview were torturous for you. Your days and even nights became infested with thoughts of Langdon; his blonde locks and light blue eyes even started to follow you and become familar in dreams..
You couldnt stop thinking about him.
You knew it was stupid to crave romance; it was utterly irrational. For one, if Venable were to even catch you looking at Langdon for a couple seconds too long - you knew she would want your head on a stick. That's not even to mention how jealous Gallant and the other residents would possibly be, if anything were to happen.
These thoughts were not realistic though  because you knew Langdon never viewed you like that. He treated you just as he did anyone else.. maybe even worse. He always kept his words short with you and rarely made eye contact most days.
For those reasons; you wrote off your newfound romantic thoughts about Langdon as nothing more but dumb daydreams. Just something to keep you occupied in the day while you tried to make the outpost look spotless. You figured it was a result of being beyond bored; your mind trying to find something to make life interesting once more. Anything. 
That was.. until Langdon invited you for another interview. One interview quickly turned into another.. and another.. and another until seeing Langdon privately was nearly the new normal.
The more you two continued to meet; the more your feelings for him only grew but you still chose to conceal them - well, to the best of your abilities anyway.. there was only much you could hide. However; if you didnt know Langdon prematurely, you wouldve thought he was a idiot or just purely naive for not picking up on the obvious crush you had.
It had been a couple nights now since you had last seen him.. And yet here you were; having another sleepless night that consisted of thinking of dumbass Langdon.
You stayed awake sleepless in your bed. Or.. the bed that was meant to be yours anyway. Nothing like felt home or like it was truly yours at Outpost Three though. You stared at the ceiling hopelessly; wishing you would be so lucky to feel a wave of drowsiness that could hit you and carry you off to your dreams.
You immeadietly sat up and nearly jolted out of bed when you heard three loud knocks rattle your door. The sound was distinct but haunting.. your immediate thought was Venable.. you could only help but to think what the fuck you had recently done to piss her off.
You swiftly walked through the nearly pitch black room and opened the door absentmindedly; trying to not let your paranoid thoughts control your actions and let you hesitate.. just in case it happened to be Langdon.
You would be lying if you were to say that you werent dissapointed when you found no one there; only a letter lay folded neatly on the floor.. directly in front of you.
Snatching it and opening it within the safety of your room; you had to hold back laughter when it was from Langdon - another invitation to go see him.. but it was marked urgent.
You nearly dropped the letter on the floor immeadietly; it wasnt as if you had anything else to do - you already knew you werent going to be able to sleep tonight anyway. You immeadietly took off, albeit as quietly as possible, off to Langdons office. Trying to keep your thoughts of what the hell he wanted to see you so badly for, at bay.
When you reached his room, you didnt bother knocking. You slipped right inside - knowing that knocking would only possibly wake Venable up or alert other residents of your whereabouts. Shutting the door behind you, you slowly approached him.
He sat at his desk; quickly turning around to face you as you entered. His light, ocean colored eyes were wide in what you could only guess was surprise that you came so soon. His mouth was slightly curved into a subtle smile.
"Hi". You uttered with a airy, soft laugh.
You first stood, knowing he would most likely want you to take a seat but you would rather wait for instructions than to just.. assume. You knew Michael had little to no tolerance but surely enough, he nodded at the seat that was directly across from his at the desk.
"Sit". Michael instructed, his gaze followed you as you steadfastly did as you were told.
You realized how carefully Michael was studying you as you walked over and took your seat.. and maybe it was because of the absolutely horrible lighting but you could swear you could almost see blood rushing to his cheeks..
Was he.. blushing??
You sat, completely puzzled as you watched Michael suddenly act flustered.. His motions changing from smooth and calculated to nearly awkward.. and.. just rather odd in a instant. He looked as if he wanted to say something but no words were spoken, that is - until you made the first move.
"Is something.. wrong"? You asked, trying your hardest to bite back laughter.
Seeing Langdon act so.. not like himself was basically pure comedy to you.  Although you would never admit that outloud of course.
He now looked uncomfortable; licking his lips and clasping his hands together at the table before speaking.
"(Y/n), I have to talk to you about something". Michael admitted.
His expression changed from looking rather nervous to serious again; his mouth in a straight line and the muscles in his face relaxed.
You were quite literally sitting on the edge of your seat, your stomach started to do somersaults as you desperately tried to rationally think of what he wanted to say..
"Yeah, of course. What's wrong"? You prompted, your voice coming across as unsteady.
You tried your hardest to not let your voice shake as you spoke, although you were more than certain it showcased exactly how you felt.
Langdon unfolded his hands; appearing to study his rings momentarily before his blue eyes pierced yours - looking as if they were staring right past you.. Not necessarily at you at all.
"Look; theres nothing wrong. You just need to know that theres no need to be nervous around me anymore". Langdon stated matter of factly.
He maintained eye contact with you; diligently waiting for a response as you actually tried to comprehend what he was saying.. Was he implying that you were going to the sanctuary?? Or.. possibly even something else?? Something more?
Your confusion must've been apparent on your face because before you could say anything, Langdon cut in.
"That's not why I asked you to be here with me tonight though. I wanted to.. reward you". He said.
You felt as if your heart had skipped a beat; nearly feeling woozy as your cheeks heated up. A reward?? Saying you felt speechless was a incredible understatement.
"A reward"?? You echoed your thoughts aloud.
Your words came out slow and strained with pure anticipation for what was to perhaps happen. You thought for a split second this had to be some kind of sick joke, or some kind of sick manipulation game. You wouldnt really be surprised; you overheard from the others he was famous for pulling that kind of shit.
"Yes, For giving me company. Close your eyes". Michael answered.
You immeadietly, and dumbly followed orders. However; as soon as you closed your eyes you felt fear pierce your heart. The uncertainty and possibilities of what could happen was jarring - but you had to admit it was also thrilling.
The past few months had been so fucking predictable and boring, a bit of excitement was well over due and actually.. probably healthy. Even if it was fucking terrifying.
You could hear him moving, and then something being placed on his desk in front of you. You first felt your eyebrows furrow as you opened your eyes unwillingly. Pure surprise forcing you to do so and to disobey Langdon.. oh fuck.
You opened your mouth to utter an apology but.. your gaze first caught onto the object in front of you.. leaving you speechless and with your mouth agape.
You marveled at the small slice of cheesecake was that put in front of you.. It looked entirely to good to be true; this had to be a dream.. or maybe a nightmare??
This last time you had eaten anything with any kind of remote flavour had been eons ago. Those memories served you well and made your horrifically boring days a little less painful.
You continued to blankly stare at it; not daring to move, or breathe but.. to just enjoy the view. You were half expecting for this to be some of torture again; for him to rip it away from you but a part of you reassured you that.. this was different. This was him trying, and being genuine.
You looked up to meet Langdons eyes as they intently studied you. A faint smile gracing the corner of his lips. A beautiful sight you rarely got the priviledge of admiring.
"Have some". Michael said, nodding down in direction of the dessert. "I thought you would appreciate the gesture. I cant imagine the shit Venable gives you is enjoyable". Michael sneered with a hint of laughter.
You couldnt help but to let out a giggle as well, looking down once more and noticing that the plate was also embellished with two forks.
"Thank you, Michael. You should have some too though, I dont want to be selfish-" You started, unfolding your hands from your lap and beginning to push the plate towards him.
He quickly stood up and walked up to you, stopping until he was beside you. He grabbed your wrist, tight enough to make you wince but not enough to cause any actual pain - making eye contact again.
"No.. I want to watch you have the first bite". Langdon said.
In a split second, the chair that was once behind his desk materialized right next to you, directly behind him. He sat down, watching you intently as you started to feel stupidly nervous again.
Your hands trembled a bit as you reached to grab the fork, swiftly taking a piece and then  quickly consuming it. You figured the faster you took the first bite - the less nervous you would be.. but his gaze continued to linger on you; intensely watching.
The pleasure you were momentarily wrapped in was insurmountable to anything you had previously felt in months. You had to ground yourself in order to not let a moan escape your mouth.. The rich flavor tasting so unreal; almost too good to be true.
To be completely honest, you forgot that Langdon was there at all until you noticed him grab a fork as well. Also taking a bite and continuing to watch you - clearly amused with your reaction.
You two continued to eat in silence; meanwhile you momentarily began to get lost in your own thoughts yet again. You knew he didnt have to do this; he very well could've just.. had the dessert with someone else, like Mallory, or even enjoyed it by himself, but he purposefully chose you...
Your cheeks grew hot at the thought of how he seemed to subtly state that he returned your affection. You knew there was no way that he didnt know that you harbored feelings for him; the way in which you acted flustered in his prescience had to be a dead give away.
An hour or so later you walked back to your room; the night slowly cutting into the early hours of the morning but you really couldnt care less. You really didnt care about anything, even if Venable found you. The last thought you had before you took a very shortlived nap, was how much of a sneaky bastard Langdon truly was.
Taglist: @mina672 @michaellangdonstanaccount @langdonsexual @jimmason @blakewaterxx @dark-mei-rose @9layerdevilfoodcake @prophecy-is-inevitable @matildaofoz @beautyiswithinchaos @frenchlangdon @beyond-repentance
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