#ive been a good boy i promise🥺
gay-trashcan-cat · 10 months
Heya pals!!!😃😁 I jwust discovered a new and wevowutionary way to make pasta!!! wags fake tail aggressively at the speed of sound shit flies out of hole and is propelled in the air everywhere by the tail wags staining the wall behind a dark greenish-brown I CAN'T WAIT TO SHOW Y'ALL!!!! Owo uWu Howls so loud in excitement and blows out all the windows and kills all of the closest passerbys😊😊😊 Instwead of using boring and smwelly overpriced old spaghetti that we have to buy at a crummy store, we could use the free products that come from within us… TAPEWORMS!!!!!!!! OWo >W< Or any other booty worms are just fine too!🤤😊🤤
It's very simple, eat some uncooked meat like pork and wait awhile! :p ^o^ Once you start feeling itchy n scritchy and your waist line is slimmer you'll know it's ready! my "chocolate milkshake brings all the boys to the yard😊"~ Once your little wormy is ripe and ready, drink some pepto bismol and some dewormers! You can flavor the pepto bismol with some blended up cockroaches to improve it's taste!!! It's SOO good trust me uwu!!!!!! tee hee heesnort~ ^W^
Once it's finally out you may have to pull it all the way out manually or have a friend help you teamwork makes the dreamwork!🥰 just strain it from the diahrrea save the diahrrea for later! and place it aside! See how long plump and plentiful it is 😍😍😍 Twake your time to run your fwingers through your new beatiful creation, feel the slime trickiling through your fingers and admire it… Next cut it up into how long you'd like, you may also notice chwunks of poop and corn stuck to them It's SOOOO YUMMY Uwu 🤤, those will be the meatballs!!!
OOOOOH and make sure not to cook your little booty worms as to not kill them so they can live again and you can have free fwesh pasta! It would SUCK if they all died >~< cries and has explosive diahrrea on motheroh sorry uwu tee hee~ oh gee golly gosh~ Get the diahrrea from earlier and boil it down a bit since it'll be watery from the toilet and cook it down slightly until your preferred consistency! Howls and licks out extra from the toilet like a cat licking churu Now pour it on your tapeworms and poopy corn balls!
Be sure to eat onions before the clean out if you want any bits of onions in your sauce! Popcorn if you want any kernel shells for added texture. If you're lucky and have pin worms you can use them as parmesan and sprinkle them on top of your dish! If you don't have any pin worms on hand scratching off some dandruff onto the food has the same effect! pants and helocopter farts in nearby cat's face One last thing you can add is a sprinkle of pee pee poo poo dust as just a little enhancer!☺️Tee hee~ Bone apple feet!
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not the salt mines 😥
(referring to this post )
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lordacne · 9 months
but….but……ive waited patiently for more soapy tits😔
I’ve been a good boy, i promise 🥺👉👈
good boys get soapy tits those are the rules
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ive been ever so sneakily updating the playlist on yt, mostly for lucio my beloathed and im here to share
BUT ALSO i went to look at lucios official playlist to check for repeats and was appalled to find that it was like half comprised of julian songs istg. im kidding of course its subjective but still the bidding?? THE fucking Bidding???? THE most julianest song ive ever heard and its on Morgassons playlist. i simply cannot even with this.
and so to start this off im giving the floor to julian with the entirety of Tally Halls The Bidding! *polite applause*
I've been sleeping in a cardboard box, Spending every dollar at the liquor shop/ (yeah this ones obvious) And even though I know I haven't got a lot I'll try to give you lovin' til the day you drop/ 🥺🥺(wait i just remembered mc technically has dropped one time already on his watch but i suppose hes learned his lesson bhjzdljzg)
I've been training like a Pavlov dog, Let my independence out to take a hike/(😩😩🙄🥵😤😤🥺come ON this is the most julian line ever) All you're gonna have to do is ring my bell/ (ok confession time i edited this line because this is the first time im actually reading it and im sorry but it looks so wrong who tf says Activate my Bell what in the hell) And I'll fetch you anything you like/ (in summary: heeeere subbysubbysubbysubby)
Going once, going twice, Every man here has a price/ (i highkey Love this one so much in relation to the game in general because boY DO THEY fucking EVER have a PRICE THEY GOT ME CRAWLING BACK EVERY DAY GRINDING FOR THESE DAMN COINS) Over where? Over there, sold To not a single lady in here
I've been here like a thousand times, Dated every woman in the atmosphere. I've been to every continent, Broken all the hearts in every hemisphere/ (mmm yaass we love a well travelled king. also yeah i can see that other bit being accurate, he is a catch) And if I'm not the type of guy you like to circumvent, Just remember not to love me when I disappear/ (yeah that sounds like him alright)
I graduated at the top/ (Mmmm we LOVE a medical degree king slay) I like to take advantage of the bourgeoisie/ (maybe not exactly how it happened i mean he worked for him for the most part but i count it as a lucio reference lmao) So if you have a fantasy of being a queen, Maybe you should blow a couple bucks on me/😏😏
Going once, going twice! Won't these gentlemen suffice?/ (*brain animatic director voice* pan over to the rest of the lads standing at their respective game show-y podium stands; a somewhat disgruntled asra, lucio preening for anybody paying attention, muriel's left already) Any here? Any there? Any motions anywhere? Going twice, going thrice, Guess this means we'll go four times a lady
I promise I'll be all you'll need, ever need You'll never have to shop around (don't shop around) And I'll give you all you'll ever need, ever need, Don't worry I will never let you down, let you down- Don't worry I will never let you down/ (admittedly this doesn't sounds exactly like something he'd say, the insecure avoidant wretch of a boy kjbdfkjadf maybe a bit later, god knows hes trying bless his little heart)
So many ladies are wanting for mates, And the prospects are good but the date's never great- Over here, over there, over where? Anywhere! They're too busy with winning the bidding to care! And he's sold!/ (*film director voice* the gavel bangs one last time, the doctor & mc pushed into each others embrace laugh together before going in for a kiss; curtains fall; brain animatic over, credits roll kbhsrjkdgh)
Alright lets get the lucio show on the road number one: Central Cee Retail Therapy which ive been obsessively listening to basically every day now for some reason but also im skipping like half the song literally only because i genuinely could not understand wtf hes talking about in there lmao
Fly uptown when I'm feelin' down I wanna do retail therapy/ (only kind of therapy i can imagine him pursuing) Been with the gang all week I need some female energy/ (ok tbh i dont remember how it went with him and nadia before they got together but this line just has me picturing him in his soldier mercenary days, back home from whatever job, done with boys nights, lookin to get bizzayyy) Sucked my soul, I lost my breath She got me breathin' heavy, Toxic relationship with my queen But me and the T got chemistry/ (ok im just now learning T means trap house but imma pretend i didnt see that gjhfhkgk)
Told her that I'm a Gemini Now she on Google checkin' the compatibility, She wanna see if I got the agility She wanna see if I got the ability/ (this bit may be silly but the first time i heard this while thinking about lucio i just instantly went "omg itd be funny if hes actually a gemini and it fits" and i checked, hes not, of course hes capricorn lol (but also wasnt there that one time when they gave him two birthdays on accident jgxgnvgs that just makes this even more in character bear w me) and after i learned that i just instantly reasoned that, at least to me, him lying about his star sign to get with nadia totally sounds like something he would do xD im not sure i can see him putting in the effort of actually researching which sign is compatible with nadia, but i mean hey he wants to bag a whole princess hes got a lot riding on this he might as well memorise some charts dgkhgj/ ok update i did in fact google the compatibility for cancer/gemini and its utter shit😂😭 she actually supposedly is more compatible with his actual sign but also, like. come on. look at them. if any relationship can be used to prove that thats all kinda bullshit or bad writing for a game about all this astral stuff? its probably them lmao
I went 'round three, she want round four- she killin' me, ADHD, my trigger finger fidgety
Walk in- Walk-in wardrobe look like the stockroom - Mum said I'm materialistic/ (literally canonically them fr shes such a hater bmvxhkhx) When you're the boss, that shit will cost, I'm buying my mumzy a crib for Christmas I'm livin' a movie, but it ain't scripted/ (oh honey if you knew how scripted your life is) God is my witness, get out my business, Back in the day I had one pair of trainers I wore that shit 'til it gave me blisters/ (also pretty canonically accurate sentiment i reckon with the living in a hardcore arctic hunter tribe situation n whatnot)
numba tew: Panic at The Disco's Emperors new clothes~ the music video for this one kinda fits the vibe for his storyline too a little bit at least aesthetically lol
Welcome to the end of eras, Ice has melted back to life - Done my time and served my sentence, Dress me up and watch me die - If it feels good, tastes good, It muuuust be mine~ Dynasty decapitated, You just might see a ghost tonight/ (kinda could describe his debut as a ghoast (ghost goat?)?)
And if you don't know now you know
I'm taking back the crown/ I'm all dressed up and naked/ (naked ghoast ass mf) I see what's mine and take it (Finders keepers, losers weepers) oooOOOh yeeeah, the crown/ So close I can taste it, I see what's mine and take it (Finders keepers, losers weepers)/ (yeah this bit speaks for itself i think, pretty biblically accurate lucio characterisation)
Sycophants on velvet sofas, Lavish mansions, vintage wine~ I am so much more than royal/ (i mean. mister I Deserve Everything. cmon) Snatch your chain and mace your eyes/ (man i dont know something something devil deal chains😭)
If it feels good, tastes good, It must be mine/ Heroes always get remembered/ But you know legends never die/ (yeeesss YYYEEEEESSSS UGH the auDACITY)
number 3: Nick Lutsko's Sometimes!
Swinging for the fences, Hanging from the moon, I cut my tongue on the rust of a silver spoon, I bet my billionth bottom dollar on a hopeless case-/ (i like those two lines for him being a nepo baby theyre so nice and evocative) And now the devil on my shoulder has a knife to my face/ (obvious allusion is obviousing)
Racing toward the mailbox With a letter in your hand But the postman's gone away, and you begin to understand- That you're no hero to this story, You're just another wretched pawn, Who bought his tickets to the sideshow And then slept through the alarm/ (UGH this song is just good i dont even have anything to say about that little blond bitch anymore htkjyufh no theres something in there i swear. about him taking on this bigger than life endeavour to acquire all this unimaginable power and dealing literal demons and barely even taking it seriously sometimes and not realising how played hes getting)
Sometimes the short end of the stick is the sharpest/ Sometimes the only road to take is the darkest/ Sometimes all you gotta say is "mommy make it go away"/ Sometimes the only way out is as a carcass💀
Sometimes you gotta finish what you shouldn't have started/ Sometimes you gotta shoot before you see the target/ Sometimes mommy's gonna say, "You're not worth the price to pay" Sometimes the tunnel only leads to darkness/ (this is where im cornered into admitting i only associate this song with lucio cause of the mommy issues. yippee)
im not saying anything but if you havent heard these songs before theyre reeeally fun to listen to and worth checking out i prommy👀 i enjoyed thinking through this so much im not great at Lucio so the details might be iffy i hope it made any sense thank you bye goonight🥰🥰
@tetsuoooooooooo HII!
Ugh I can't begin to say how much fun it was to read all of this, thank you!!! I always love how you unpack the lyrics for different characters ^.^
I've just added all of your suggestions to the playlist and I'll put them on the tag too. (Istg I will never be able to listen to The Bidding the same way again, you've effectively Julian'ed it for me XD)
Cheers friend!
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girlbreeder-bunnygirl · 11 months
ive been scrolling through your profile and my pussy is so drippy for you, can you pleaseplease pleaseeee breed my boycunt 🥺 i promise i’ll be a good boy for you mistress <3
Aww good boy <3 Keep getting wet while thinking about me <3 That makes me so horny <3
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moonlightretriever · 5 months
good morning, i wanna fill you with my cum and then flood your womb with my piss to stuff you even fuller. for Christmas obviously
PLEASEpleaseplease that would be the best christmas gift ever!!!!?!/?!?! i guess ive been a REALLY good boy this year... <3 u gotta promise to fuck it into me when ur done ok 🥺
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weebsinstash · 1 year
Consider reading Steel Under Silk and The Ghost's Nocturne. Both are BL manhwa. Both are kinda similar to Painter of the Night (on the pairing being a Huge Strong Guy With Issues and a Massive Dick X Petite Man) and yet completeley different. Both have noncon. Both are available on bato. to! Steel Under Silk is legit so good, I dont even wanna pitch it to you. The ML is *MWHAH* chefs kiss. You just have to read it and see for yourself. The art style on both are TOP TIER.
Man so like I was kind of indulging in this conversation with someone else earlier but, you know how there was like that cultural movement in like the 2000s onward where a lot of young women were uncritically consuming yaoi content and yeah there were definitely a lot of people being homophobic and fetishistic about it (legit I think the whole "yaoi is fine but yuri is gross" that was common for a lot of young girls was just internalized misogyny bc I was one of those kids and now I'm literally a queer person with a gender identity of Girl But Also Who Gives a Fuck) but like at the core of it it was younger folks being completely unbothered by queer media and even seeking it out, and then there was this reverse whiplash of "oh no only gay men can read these, if you read these you are gross/homophobic/racist" and it's like. I literally turned 26 the other week and even sometimes when im in YouTube shorts watching manhwa clips (believe it or not this can actually be a really good way to find more stories, some people make very high quality edits or clip and the algorithm will just eventually feed you manhwa shit nonstop) and whenever a BL story comes up, there's like, a sense of shame in my heart, like I gotta look away? "Like oh, better avoid that, consuming this media with gay men in it surely makes me fetishistic and creepy" and it's like, the queer community has not clawed its way to having some rights for us to pull this kinds inter-group othering like this 🤦‍♀️ im a fucking adult and im going to read these stories where dudes are gonna fuck and it doesn't mean a damn thing besides me wanting to see people getting Freak Nasty
But anyways yeah I will definitely add those to my recommended 👀 I think one thing I've been having to watch out for is that I will see a series and then I'll read the comments and it might be something like "dont read this, its extremely unhappy, the mc suffers constantly and the ending is sad" and its like. Yeah I like dark content but I have to be careful when it comes to stories that are kind of just straight up tragedy porn? Idk. Like. When I write dark content its kind of contained into like a one-shot or a story with a few chapters, it isn't extremely drawn out to the extent ive seen with a lot of manhwa. I had my eyes on "Broken Promise: Married Man" or whatever the fuck its called bwcause it looked like it had some kinky stuff in it and then I look into it a little and almost everyone was saying "oh no dude don't read this unless you have a strong heart, bad shit CONSTANTLY happens, this man SUFFERS"
Idk its just, sometimes it can be hard to find my personal limits with that kind of thing 🥺 I don't think I've ever dropped anything for messing me up or anything but there are times I've read fanfictions and it made me like depressed the whole day 😅 the hunt for good stories constantly continues!
Also. It isn't a BL but ive heard Finding Camelia is good? It's a manhwa about a girl who is forced to live as a boy because she's the only heir to her family or something and she has to go through a journey of self growth and learn to feel good as herself and a girl again? I dunno, i don't know many details about it but ive seen a lot of people recommend it. Honestly I'm trying not to start too many stories at once but like I can't stop, I find a good story, start reading, oh wait it isn't complete, better find a another story, oh wait it isn't complete, wash rinse repeat ykwim
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My Stadium Tour Experience
I finally saw the Stadium Tour after so long(I was 14 when I bought the tickets and I’m 17 next week so…). Anyway, here’s the quick summary
So I arrived like right when it started so I didn’t see Classless Act much, only one and half songs :/
Joan Jett
Ageless queen
Seriously she looks amazing for someone with her style and her age
And her voice….memorizing
I want to be Joan Jett when I get older
I sadly can’t recall the first song she played but the second one was Cherry Bomb and the stadium went wild
For an act that was 45 minutes it was so fun and I wish she had longer
So bands will play songs before they start to get the crowd hyped…they chose Welcome to the Jungle
Bret Michaels came run out onto the stage and went wild
I loved his energy so much
“Pretty Shiny boy Bret Michaels”-The ladies behind us
Y’all he had a harmonica solo and it went harder than it should have
C.C DeVille got his solo and the stadium was chanting his name
Did I know there was chance he would play Eruption and lead into Fallen Angel? Yes. Was I still prepared when it happened? Not at all
Every time you blink Bret Michaels has a different hat on
Something to Believe In *Mwah*
What was really cool was how Bret interacted with the fans. He let them touch his guitar and waved to them, and when he was driving back into the stadium, he stopped the golf cart and went and gave a few fans high fives
Mötley Crüe:
I saw tits
Okay yes I don’t like the Crüe much themselves but they know how to put on a show
That magic was kind of lost once the giant statues of women appeared and the focus was on the dancers….first portion was just pure rock and I loved that
There were two people dressed like 80’s rock stars, like, Party City kind of costumes and I thought it was funny
Nikki Sixx’s daughter was there and they showed him playing while engaging with her and yes, it was cute and every woman over forty went “awwww”
Nikki Sixx:* Talking to the crowd and has a towel* “Want this towel? Here, it’s like the one I gave your mom in 1986…that’s probably true actually*
Back to the tits, yes it was even Tommy was speaking and they were shown on the screen
“Three pairs of titties in Houston of all places…oh there we go.”
That was kind of funny because he looked like he had just been released into society after being locked up
In other news the guy next to us was a little too drunk….his friend were literally dragging him
I know Vince Neil can’t sing but…oh it was bad…The backing vocals and the crowd saved him
MICK MARS MY MAN! He was just rocking in his corner and I love him for that
Def Leppard
There was a timer and that was the longest ten minutes of my life
They started with Take What You Want and I would have sang along if I didn’t become paralyzed in awe and excitement
It never felt real. The whole thing was like the best dream of my life
Sav*does the thing* Me: HE DID THE THING
Joe Elliott I luv u 🥺
Sav wasn’t shown enough on the screens :(
They started playing Armageddon It and I went ballistic
*This Guitar* My mom: this is so good why haven’t you play me this song :(
I will mom I will I promise you
I did not expect Promises for some reason so I was shocked when they played it but it was BEAUTIFUL
Y’all Hysteria had clips of them ove the years and newspaper headings on how awesome they were and I got teary eye
Two Steps Behind>>> And when it was just Joe at the end oml he’s an Angel the lighting his voice amdbaldnalshwpdbd
They love each other so much it’s adorable I want that kind of bond and I hope I have it with my friends
Rick walking around with his little maraca ❤️❤️
“From my head to my…” I got that on video fyi
“Rick has something to say” “Gunter Glieben Glauchen Globen” *Chaotic screaming*
There were two drunk girls dancing in front of us and they weee just having the time of our life and it was cool to see
Did not expect them to end with Photograph…but it was an amazing ending
They could have gone on for hours and I would have enjoyed every single moment
They played Kings Of The World on the speakers when it was all over so it was a giant stadium just singing along…beautiful
I could go on and on but I won’t I might upload some photos and videos
In all, the best concert I’ve ever to. The crowd was much fun and you can tell everyone wanted to be there. I didn’t know if I wanted to be a rockstar or a middle age woman reliving her youth with her friends. Seeing Def Leppard was so surreal and unbelievable, and everyone was amazing(Vince…Vince tries. He tries).11/10 experience
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rillils · 1 year
i am typing this with tears running down my eyes excuse me
also, lets go back a few episodes
id say more things but im too busy crying to even make my brain work
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SWEETHEART 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 I feel for you, I really do, honey 🥺🥺😭😭 I remember all too well what a trainwreck of emotions season 2 was!!! The episode with Morgause, when Merlin amd Arthur shared their memories of the parents they had lost, and it was such a beautiful and soft moment 🥺🥺 And then Merlin sacrificing his chance to have a normal life and not having to hide his magic anymore, because he cared too much about Arthur and he didn't want Arthur to have his own father's blood on his hands 😭😭😭😭😭😭 AND LATER, ARTHUR THANKING HIM FOR MAKING HIM SEE THAT MAGIC IS EVIL AND DANGEROUS 😭😭😭😭😭 I'M CONVINCED NOW, OUR BOY MERLIN JUST KEEPS PULLING STUNTS LIKE THIS BC HE LOVES TO MAKE US CRY 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
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THE KNIGHTS!!!!!!!! The knights being 10000000000% ready to die by Arthur's side because they're so fucking loyal and they love him so much 😭😭😭
AND AND AND Merlin's dad??!?!?!?? The fact that they were robbed, YET AGAIN, of the time they could have had together, it just breaks my heart 😭😭 And I think- it's been a while since I rewatched the show, but I think this was also when Arthur was trying to comfort Merlin in his own way, and told Merlin that "no man is worth your tears" while Merlin was helping him put his armour on?? Without realizing that the man in question was Merlin's dad and that Merlin had had to watch him die 😭😭😭😭😭😭 THIS SHOW, I FJUKCNIG SWEAR AJFHSKHFKDLJDK
Baby I'm just, just sending you all the hugs in the entire world, okay, all of them 💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕 Please be strong, sweetie 🥺😘😘😘💖💖💖💖💖
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sunlightsshadow · 1 year
Heal What Has Been Hurt Liveblog
hello and welcome to the first of 5 initial (but probably not Only) posts recounting my liveblogging of Heal What Has Been Hurt by @sunlitmcgee
ch1: and the universe said "I Love You"
c! tech did one (1) good thing and it was burning the egg
gogy mention/pos
its only ch1 and they've already gone DadMode. hasnt even even , talked to the boy yet/lh
ch2:Flower Gleam and Glow
"weirdo mother hen guardian angel nanny thing." hehehe
moths moths moths moths moths
Clara :D
ch3: I've Been Ghosting Your Dreams
i wonder how tommy feels about warm rain
my browser crashed god dad is too powerful/j
ghostbur :DDD
oh i have so many feelings about ghobur
ch4:Come, My Child
not lots of thoughts just enjoying the domesticity of the bois
did enjoy the star freckles tho
ch5:Like A Busy Bee Taking Flight
"large purple man" thanos/neg
compass compass compass compass (im wearing my Your Tommy compass my bf bought me <3)
heheh dad said pogchamp
ch6:Flying Like a Bee, Black and Yellow Energy
hehe derivikat lyrics
xd dad god. why is that form even still in your rotation/lh
ranboo/pos. i love all Ranboos
hehehe time to sin!
c! techno/neg
xd having several children who are gods and can take care of themselves and having to focus your attention on the whole of creation is different than abandoning your litteral tiny children to go adventuring w a gladiator who hears voices
xd you could have shifted forms dont yell at them/lh
ch7:Cold. Why You Gotta Treat Me So Cold?
weird schlatt tubbo/neg nightmare tubbo/neg
GOD I hate exile
I am so emotional over them GODS
I need someone to be proud of me like xd is proud of tommy
I want a god dad. the yearning is strong
ch8: sweet like honey
any time someone writes tommy saying the phrase "ill be good" istg i feel my heart break
back sore, clue #1
micha 🥺
ch9: I Think You're All Insane
_beloved family/pos
every time i manage to forget the captain is dreams mom someone reminds me :/(/hj/nm/lh)
no more memory broke :D
am i using that emoji to much? i do not care<3
god enderman lore/pos
ch10: Deep In The Meadow
i also feel Okay. this is a good place to be
there is something so personal about tommy wanting to end the cycle of abuse and worrying he'll end up like the people who hurt him
good people have intrusive thoughts tommy:(
ch11:Here it's Safe, and Here it's Warm
hehehehe Wings also toms XD would never leave you :(
"you'll instinctively know" its not instincts if it hurts Philza
god i fucking love the personification of instincts. so much. its such a cool thing
ch12:Why, Tell Me, Father?
tommy has a perfect comfy bed and doesnt wanna move. mood
tommy is starting to heal and i love that for him/gen
how DID xd figure that out?
ive just decided just now while rereading that xd was too nice to phil
"you're still here" im gonna SOB
heal! emerald duo/neg
I wanna hug tommy :(
ch13:It's a Promise for Life Between Father and Child
what if i just [takes a white out pen to tommys trauma] look now hes just a lil guy! (someone do this to me)
[beats the doomsday bitches over the head with a stick] i will actually never be normal abt c!tommy
mmmm i should play omori
tinyboo. itty bitty
i dont wana read the interaction w technoooo [reads it anyways] its important
Ghobur! he back!
i think more people should let ghostbur get angry
ch14:How Would You Know?
idk how phil cant sense the Pissed Off aura xd must be giving off rn
in which xd is my spirit animal
i like his hat :(
somebody please do this w my dad
ch15: Remember to be Patient
i am obsessed w instinct stuff. lil baby birb go peep peep
i was so lost in the euphoria of birb i forgot to have thoughts
ch16:Fold Up Your Wings, Close Your Eyes
"it's beautiful… except of course for the unholy screams"
xd " claws" and " adorable" are not generally words that go together
he is SAD the baby is SAD :(
what would xd do if tommy turned into an actual baby?
"its me?" AWWWW🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
hes a baby
i will kill any god for him
baby boy
oh boo even *mentions* agere how did I miss that the first time? tommy is simply baby
ch17: See the Sunset
cant see glass<3
i want a cool space blanket (I have a non-binary flag space blanket tho :3)
I also like when things make click clack noises… am i birb?
I love hiiiiimmmmm
ch18:Nothing Could Tear Us Apart
they can both be clingy it's okay
i almost forgot to open my document when I started reading again
[wilbur voice] quackityyyyy
hes not even actually here but I'm lobe himb
hehehe lovey dovey qpps/pos
i adore my qpps and my bf
GOD i am not NORMAL about platonic soulmate clingyduo there is nothing normal abt my mind state towards them!
"You were worth more than L'manburg ever was…" grrrrrr growl hiss its so GOOD
more baby birb🥺
ch19:Come out and Play
is he a demigod now?
bird time again!
i love instinct shit have i mentioned that?/hj
baby baby boy/pos
i was reading this the first time and I was just like. hes so small
i fuckin love my comfort chara using my coping mechanisms
And with that it's back to reading<3
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actualbird · 2 years
Now I really am back to reading your fics like a morning newspaper dgkdkg at this rate I should come up with a name for this fanfic paper....
Super Attorney dfjzhf is it Ace Attorney but a TV show? Honestly good taste mc.
Man, I really feel the not apologising thing. I mean, I apologise to friends and acquaintances of course but it's a family thing? I guess? I'm pretty sure this is a kind of common thing too. I'd probably have the same reaction as Giann if someone from my family actually apologised.
I love how Giann's first reaction when someone finds out something he doesn't want to is think Luke told them dgidig Luke will forever be thought of as a snitch now.
Giann nearly falling on his broken leg trying to see Neil right after admitting he hasn't been focusing on recovery is hilarious chkck he just went from not focusing to nearly actively fucking it up by accident poor Marius. First him leaving the room and going to the rooftop and now this.
Congratulations Neil you get to do shovel talks now! Start with Marius, he's right there and also it's his turn to get one now.
Looking at the end notes: Marbles von Hagen.....he'd be that marble that rolls away everytime you take them out of their bag or something. What troubles will he get into as a sphere....
And with that, that's the final chapter of this fic and my thoughts on it! As always, excellent chapter! This fic ended perfectly, and I'm definitely going to revisit it from time to time. Particularly when canon Giann and Neil come out, gotta see how similar they are to this fic. Thank you for writing this!!! It was a joy to read and I adored it so, so much.
waaaaahh, gmorning milkyway!! i hope u enjoyed today's morning paper written by zak who isnt telling you the news and is just making fic where characters get all emo and stuff, HAHA
JHSVKFJHSDK super attorney is a show mentioned in Artem SR Focus Fire. in terms of content, all we know is that it's a legal drama. but the Big Data Lab entry has this hilarious detail "It is supposedly inspired by real cases, but a certain anonymous critic has criticized the series as being overly dramatic and not reflective of reality." oh artem....KJHVFJAHSFJ
hoo boy yea the not apologizing thing was deffo inspired as a family thing. ive got 3 siblings and i love them very much and i'd consider all of us very close. but when any of us fight, we rarely apologize with like, the actual words. when it does happen tho, that when the situation is like Big
if im ranking the new team in terms of first impressions: luke honestly landed in last place due to sheer strangeness, giving giann a heartattack, and also snitching JHVSKJHDFKSDJ sorry dude
vjhKJHVKJH P MUCH, i just think itd be funny if giann didnt have a braincell sometimes, especially when it comes to people he cares about. it be like...
marius: i need u to recover so i can feel a bit more sane giann: okay i promise to focus on that :( //proceeds to nearly re-break his leg
neil wants to cause CHAOS. i assume part of why artem's deadpan expression these days is so good is because neil hume was his mentor and neil was a rascal
NEIL'S TURN TO SPEEDRUN!!! artem arrives at the room and neil is like "YOU OVERACHIEVER??? GO BIG OR GO HOME, HUH???" and artem is so confused
hjhJKHVKJHVKJ SPHERICAL NUISANCE!!! i figure thatd be austin and giann's rationale later on, but it did mostly start out from like "marius" -> "mar/marmar" -> "marbles"
when i pitched this hc on my priv twt, someone suggested "marmite" as a nickname and i lost my mind JHSJHFSKJDHF
thank YOU so so much for this lovely comment, milkyway :((( and for reading every chapter and commenting on each one, pls, every single one always made my morning and just made me rlly happy 🥺
now that this fic is over, it is time for me to look upon my horrid gdrive folder and see what ridiculous feels i will inflict upon you all next :DDD
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daffodil-69 · 1 year
good boy!! where are we at on the scale now angel?
only a 1 right now :( but i promise ive been drinking lots!!! just needs a lil time. i peed so much when i wet the first time 🥺🥺
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writer-in-theory · 2 years
i know pretty. just couldn’t help it could you?
how about this, when mistress gets home tonight, i’ll think about making you cum. okay baby boy? be good for me, yeah?
no i couldn’t help it, mistress, i’m just your dumb puppy. i’ll try to be good, but that sounds soo far away and i really need it. ive been all fuzzy thinking about it, it’s been since thursday since ive cum i need it. i’ll be a good boy for you, i promise 🥺
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moonbcrry · 2 years
heyyyy for jamie’s birthday ive got a bit of smut 😋😋 anyway imagine jamie making himself cum in his pants in class and when he goes to get punished he’s just like “mommy please i was desperate i’m a good boy i promise🥺🥺” then it’s basically just jamie being a bratty sun :)
hope ur having a good day love <3
i haven't written dom!reader since - well, since the james fic so, have fun!
"mommy," his cries roll down to his cheeks along with his tears as he watchs you get off with your dildo. "mommy please," he grips the ropes who were attaching him to the bedframe, yet his attempts are useless. "let me touch you."
you moan loudly to the way his cock twichs around nothing, the dildo hitting the spots where you exactly needed it. "this could've been you, jamie," you breath, "you could've been the one who makes me feel good -- oh fuck! james, this feels so good!" your audibly moans torture james as he struggles and pulls the ropes hopelessly.
"what a shame you've been a bad boy, isn't it? now you get to watch mommy get off on her own." you look at him as you hear him sniff. "you made me do this jamie," a pout falls to your lips, voice filled with fake concern. "i would love to feel your thick cock filling me, twitching inside me but -- we can't let bad boys get what they want, do we?"
he sniffs again, another tear finding its way down. "we can't mommy,"
happy birthday James Potter!
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notjohnlegere · 2 years
ive been listening to ‘manhattan’ by sara bareilles and the line “you can have manhattan cause i cant have you” and i thought you’re the perfect writer to write an angst about this!!! 🥺🥺
This is one of my all time favorite songs. I was actually already writing a fic inspired by it when you sent in this ask! What a coincidence! I listen to this song on repeat in the wintertime.
Because the fic was already basically done when you sent this, it does have a happy ending. So it’s not full angst.
He’s My Home
He’s My Home
Timothée Chalamet x Reader
timmy and reader have a complicated relationship. angst transpires, but in the end, it’s meant to be. part two here.
*obligatory mobile formatting apology*
You stood on the sidewalk in front of your apartment building. Your, now, old apartment building. It was a bittersweet moment. So many memories and good times came from that apartment. Now those memories seemed too distant. They no longer made you feel warm inside, now they hurt.
You remembered the first time you visited this city with your then boyfriend. You were from a small town, you had always dreamed about seeing the hustle and bustle of the big city, and he had promised to take you. As soon as you set foot on the pavement, you felt at home. You felt so alone, yet so connected. Everything was larger than life, yet perfectly sized to your heart. It took your breath away. You had spent that entire vacation week with him and New York City. She and he had both taken your heart quicker than you’d ever be willing to admit. He showed you everything. The touristy side of things, of course, but he also showed you all of his favorite places. His sneaky hideaway spots. He showed you New York through his eyes, which only made it that much better. You had been there for 3 days when you finally had opened up to him.
“I want to move here.” You had said, lying on your back in his bed. His apartment. His building. His city.
“Really?” He replied. His hand was in yours and his fingers rubbed lazy circles on your knuckles.
“Yeah.” You said. “I feel like this—I feel like this is what my heart has been missing.”
“Are you sure your heart hasn’t been missing me?”
That was also the first night you had made love to him. It had been magical and everything felt right. You moved to town not even 2 months later and your relationship with him and the city blossomed beyond what you ever imagined. Although, as life would have it, all good things must come to an end.
When you first saw him with her, you thought nothing of it. He was yours, you were his, that was that. You had no reason to not be trusting of his brand new costar. You were going to be seeing a lot of her, and you wanted to get along with her.
You invited her shopping with you, bought her lunch, tried your best to have a good time with her. You didn’t click, though. She was so catty, so rude to you. So you stayed away. You put space between the two of you, and you silently hoped the rest of your boy’s filming would go by fast. Every chance he got he was home in your arms, you had no doubts about him. Her, on the other hand, you had your doubts about.
Vicious messages, dirty looks from across the room, even sabotaging your dress you wanted to wear to the cast’s dinner event to support Timmy. She was pure evil to you. You kept your mouth shut as long as you possibly could, you wanted so badly to not cause any trouble, but when you saw your gorgeous gown destroyed—that was the last straw. It was his favorite color, you had bought it months ago and had it tailored to fit your every curve, you were so excited for him to see it. And because of her all of that had been shot to hell.
My god how you hated her. Hate was something you reserved for special occasions, you never held hate in your heart, but this was different. She was so much better than you in every way and she knew that. She knew exactly how to get to you. She knew exactly how to get to Timmy. Your Timmy.
It was an innocent dance at the cast’s dinner event. They weren’t even close. Timothée had agreed when he was asked because he was such a gentleman, you knew that. But that didn’t make it sting less. The smirk she had shot your way when she noticed you looking at the two of them—it made you sick. You had already felt terribly ugly in your last minute dress, and when you saw how beautiful she looked in his favorite color, you had started to cry.
You had run out, hoping no one saw, but everyone saw. Your boy chased after you and he stopped you in the hallway, only to not believe a word you said.
“Surely she wouldn’t do that, baby. I’m sure it’s a misunderstanding.”
“It’s not a misunderstanding! She hates me! She ruined my dress!”
“She didn’t even have access to our wardrobe, you’re just all worked up. I’m sure she doesn’t hate you.”
“She’s been texting me vile things all week, Timothée!”
“That’s not even her number. I don’t know who’s doing that-“
“I’m not crazy! Why are you defending her?!”
“I didn’t say you were crazy. And I’m saying this because she’s my friend. I don’t want-“
“And I’m your girlfriend, Timothée! Or is she?!”
You had run out and that was the last time you saw or spoke to him. You had texted him that night never to speak to you again and immediately regretted it, but you knew it was for the best. He could go be with her and be happy. He wouldn’t have you holding him back anymore.
Now, here you were, two weeks later, leaving your city and your boy behind. You couldn’t bear to stay here without him. It felt too empty, even on the most crowded streets. This was his city. It had never belonged to you, you were simply a wanderer. And now it was your turn to wander on. You can keep your fucking city, Chalamet. I don’t want it anymore.
You took one last look at your building before turning away. You got in a yellow cab, and it drove you away one last time. This was it. Goodbye New York City. Goodbye Timothée Hal Chalamet.
Six months went by fast. You were settling in to your new job nicely. You were in a small town again, much resembling the one you were from, although it didn’t feel like home. You had gotten a small rental home and a roommate. You made it work, even if it wasn’t ideal for you.
He was everywhere. On tv, on magazine covers, on your social media. His life was booming beyond belief, and yours had slowed down nearly to a halt. He was thriving, you were withering. You braced yourself for the day you would have to see him with another woman. The thought made you sick to your stomach.
“Hey!” Your coworker shouted your name across the room. “Come here for a second!”
“Hm?” You hummed. You got up from your desk and walked over to your coworker, Naomi’s, desk. “Where the hell did you find that?”
“Is it actually you?” She sounded surprised. “I didn’t know if it was or not. But he just posted it. Like 20 minutes ago.”
“Look.” She showed you her phone. You felt lightheaded. “Are you okay?”
“I- uh- excuse me.” You said and went back to your desk. You picked up your phone and opened Instagram. Surely it’s some cruel joke. You thought.
But no, there it was. Right there. Posted 21 minutes ago on his Instagram account. A photo of him holding you while you were asleep. You were hiding your face in the crook of his neck. He didn’t post a caption, he rarely did anymore. But he didn’t need a caption. You knew exactly what he meant.
You excused yourself to take your lunch break early and ran outside. You called him.
“Hello?” He answered on the first ring. He was waiting on your call.
“Come home.” Was the only phrase he uttered, barely above a whisper. You put him on speaker. You were already looking up flights on your phone.
“I’m on my fucking way.”
ao3 is johnlegere, find my fics there too. requests are open, send one in my ask box! hope you enjoyed :)!
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kouyurii · 2 years
Hi Ann! Youre so nice and sweet. I love how you ramble in the tags about fics you love. Just a question, Do you have any favourite authors? I dont mean authors you live above everyone, but auhtors who you love virtually anything they write?
hello sweet anon im terribly sorry i did not mean to ramble but (⇀‸↼‶)
okay so number 1 on this list has to go to @amjustagirl my queen of imagery literally all her metaphors are SO well thought out im in awe everytime i read something of hers 🥺 if i had even a smidge of her talent i promise you i'd be looking for a career in creative writing by now
a very close number 2 would be my beloved @ufo-ikawa i havent read her recent fics but i can tell you now without hesitation that if you have the time & capacity to be flooded with emotions (unlike me </3) i would recommend them to you with my whole heart (for lovers who hesitate, commas of care, this summer i..., the world starts and ends with you!)
spot number 3 goes to the one and only @sakusins who had me reading fics for characters i didnt even know like no joke shes insane she singlehandedly got me to watch & read tr and she's the only person i'd ever read hanma & gyutaro from
number 4 is none other than @heich0e i got pulled in by her haikyuu fics but i learned she's also crazy good at writing aot and has an aot longfic in the works so i read the few snippets of it that she posts and suddenly im at s3 in just 5 days🧎🏻‍♀️
fifth is shared by @sourstars bc if nikki jie was brilliant at weaving imagery throughout her multichapter fics, pandora is incredible at jampacking her metaphors into shorter pieces without losing any of the emotional impact
and also @chimielie bc i love the way lia writes reader and how lovesick the boys always are and she has such a unique writing style that i do not have the vocabulary to describe but i would bet that if you let me read one of her fics without showing me her url i would probably be able to tell it's her
and because i am literally incapable of shutting up here are other writers whose masterlists i havent gotten the chance to go through but you can bet your life savings ill be spamming them with rbs if i survive the semester
@eightonenine's osamu and omi pieces have my heart in a vice grip but i also would read tsukki and hirugami just for her
@sunkeiji sayu has stopped writing but as long as she doesnt suddenly delete her writing blog impulsively i WILL go through the rest of her works bc theyre always so sweet :(
@shinunaki has me reading for characters ive never even simped for before (kagami, goshiki,, aran,,,,and i have a feeling shion soon teehee) and now im at least a litol bit in love with them after reading just one fic from him
@augustinewrites she writes such a wide variety of fics and every single one of them is so cute and unique and appeals to my tiny lil heart one day ill sit down and read her entire masterlist in one go dont even try me
@kentoangel roma's fics are always so full of love it is impossible to read her pieces and not be buzzing with serotonin in my veins by the end of it
@nakizumie cant wait to read her older works bc ive only read her newer ones and i just know all her stuff is gonna be so good i can feel it in my bones
@aominology has these really long bulleted fics and other long fics that ive been dying to read bc her drabbles are already have me clutching at my heart
@kairakeiji bc she is a master at switching povs so subtly and the boys are pining SO hard it makes me yearn but also reader loves them just as much which makes it so sweet :(
@duino is another underrated longfic writer she includes so many subtle details that all add up to just fill my whole being with happiness and love by the end of it
@luvbub you know how when reading hcs you might just skip to your faves and ignore those you dont simp for? yeah that's impossible when it's bub's hcs i literally cannot resist i end up reading every single character
@yurens bc she weaves words together so beautifully and her works are on the longer side too so i have to save them for when i can appreciate them properly (my beloved yurens if you dont want to be tagged pls let me know sobs)
@arhvste i think she went on a hiatus but then she came back and posted banger after banger like it was nothing she has the sweetest ways of showing love
@peachysamu i wanna read the stuff shes been posting on her new blog but also i am panic binge reading her whole masterlist on here in case she decides to delete this blog sobs
@ryesei bc everytime they repost an old work they're like 'oh this sucks' even though it does not, in fact, suck and i am eagerly awaiting the rest so i can finally (re)read them
and theres also @mysterystarz and @shoyotime bc ive read way too few of their works it is very upsetting that uni work dares keep me away from them >:(
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v-hope · 2 years
i am. in literal. shambles.
just a heads up, many typos comin thru.
n e ways. i LOVE u omg im not kidding. pls marry me.
HOW DID U EVEN COME UP W THE IDEA OF BELONG?!?!? LIKE- sis udek how attached i am to this fic!!
as ive said many times before i relate w yn sO SO MUCH... so reading belong gives me so much hope that one day ill have everyth figured out in my life too.. dk how.. but i will.. just like belong!yn
and this fic is so so wholesome... a guy who hated yn's entire existence ended up falling so so hard that he ends up having a family w her i mean????? i dont have words to express how much i love this
its the first series i got into, the first smau i ever read bc for THE LOVE OF GOD i couldnt find a good smau before this?!?! and as ive said this multiple times, i love how positive yo blog is, i love how u share lil things w us :D and how are aLL yo fics just super great maAM😭💕💕i love reading anyth signed by v-hope😌
but anyways. epilogue. 2.0. i still remember how i had a dream once of belong couple having a baby and i told u and i was like i needit so i mean.. i cred myself for this baby part kudos✌
and CAN I JUST TAKE A MOMENT TO APPRECIATE HOW CUTE HYESEONGIE'S NAME IS??! how do u find such classy korean names bc i cant ever (even lee sungjin is like whew a classy man comin thru) but yea i. loved the name. kim hyeseongie. wow.
okay and from what i get yoon and miyoung are living together and my heart went💖💗💕💞💓💜❤💝🧡 bc 🥺🥺🥺🥺 [i think bc he said "she's actually crying" like he wouldnt know otherwise??]
but wait in one update yn said that jk is her fav boy but that changed to tae after that and now hyeseongie.. so he's no. 3 now??🥺🥺
and the pics u used just gave me a bigger baby fever like duDE I HAVE A CARRER TO MAKE STOBBIT.. esp the one where hyeseongie is sleeping w a bear... HE LOOKS SO CUDDLY ALEX
and when seokjin said "as his godmother everyone would expect you to" bITCH IM THREWW😂😂
tae teaching hyeseongie art---😃🔫🔫🔫 [dont ask me to not bc HOW CAN I NOT?!?!] and im w namjoon on that. it really is sO DADDY🥵 "come collect yo thot" yea good think is i am your thot kim tae😏
yn. van. gogh. could. never. yn how could u even think the other way round- ion geddit??
but yes. with that. its officially over. not met crying, nope. literal months of screaming and refreshing yo archive around the time u usually post whenever id be up and crying and going like :O after the angsts... ill miss this era :(( but also, its has been an abso pleasure to be on this journey w you so thank you miss alex to take out time and give us this fic from your "somehow sweetheart brain" bc wow ive never felt so attached to a fic. im :D rn.
i promise to stick around and read anyth that u post bc u are fuCKING AMAZING😍😍
woah this became too soft nsbjwjfb okay imma sign off before i kiss u thru the screen mskwbkjf
loads of love and well wishes to you. sorry this got super weird and long🤧 and all the best for yo finals💕💕
ily uwu🥰 (🧚‍♀️)
i think i am the one in shambles bc of this ask oh my god 😭😭😭😭💕
idek how i came up with it, i just remember staying over at my best friend’s one night and then the next morning on my way back home my mind just went !!!!!!!!!!! although the story was quite different at the beginning lol.
aw, i’m glad you can relate to her and i reallyyyyy hope you get to figure your life out as well. no rush tho<3
for real tho, if you told taehyung at the beginning of the story that he’d end up married to y/n he would’ve 🤢🤮 but look at him now. in love as fuck, married and with a babie 😭
i didn’t know this was the first smau series you got involved into and i am so honored wtf 🥺 ahhhh, thank you so much for appreciating my writing, it means so much to me 😭💕
omg yess, i remember your dream! back then i already knew i would give them a baby in the end so i was like 👀 don’t spoil aNYTHING ALEX
you have no idea how happy you appreciating the name hyeseong made me ksñslsñs. i looked through so many names and i wanted one that sounded kinda elegant (?) but with a cute meaning and one of the meanings for hyeseong was ‘blessing’ and i was like yup. this is it. bc that’s what he is to y/n and tae 🥺
miyoung and yoongi have not moved in together yet but they are very serious and stay over at each other’s pretty much all the time so. they kinda live together anyway lmao
don’t worry about gukie, he met baby bear later that same day and was there to support his pretty mermaid like the ride or die he is 😌 and lmao i mean tae and hyeseong are y/n’s entire world like she said so 😬 (but shh, don’t tell jk)
ksñsksñsks sorry about the baby fever, if it makes you feel any better i gave myself some baby fever while looking for pictures to use 😹
tae is so excited over having a lil one to teach art to 😭 and babie already loves watching him paint so that can only make him happier. and wbk joon won’t let him live with all the daddy jokes he’d been saving for this exact moment in life 🥵
van gogh could truly never, no one could ever compare with tae’s family 😔
ahhhh, honestly i don’t even know what to answer to the last part bc i’m just so emo over it 😭😭😭 i’ve said it a million times but thank you SOSOSOSOSO MUCH for sticking around and always sending me this kind of long detailed asks because they make me the happiest istg 😭
so yeah, thank you so much :( honestly :( 💕
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