rafaelmaxlove · 8 months
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I try to draw to focus, to deal with life anxieties. I love pencil at the moment.
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fitnesscat22 · 2 years
When one faces gluten intolerance, testing out options is a huge part of life... I know I can handle gluten in small amounts or every now and again... however trouble strikes... so my pondering on America's farming practices came into question; is it truly the gluten? Or, is it the way that the wheat is processed? Almost all wheat has been bleached or ground up with additional ingredients to keep breads or pastries fresh. It seems extreme to grow my own wheat just because I miss desserts, but once a pastry chef, always a pastry chef... truly testing my limits on this one, I've not gardened my own Wheat before... so far so good... and after two hours of threashing, I have around 1/4 cup of Wheat Berries... which will probably translate to about 2 tablespoons of flour... so at this rate... patience is a viture. Only about 9 to 13 hours left of threashing depending on how many times I drop a few or berrie harvest per Wheatgrass. Then... I have to grind it into flour! Yay! ^_^ #Wheat #Gluten #Test #Testing #GlutenFree #IWillTry #Harvest #RedWheat #WheatBerries #WheatGrass #LetItGrow #Nutritious #Love #Growth #Patience #GodMadeThis #DontStompOnYourFresh https://www.instagram.com/p/CgSl7b0FTHG/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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momomechanicus · 4 years
New hardware incoming!  Day 26
Daily sport-exercises:
still some shoulder pain on the right, so i took it easy:
STATIONARY RUN 1.5 minutes
this was pretty hard with the shoulder pain, but i got through without quitting ^^
Working on my education:
Todays TryHackMe Rank : 7270
Owasp Top 10, nice stuff... i did go thorough some challenges with no problems, they were pretty easy to be honest. But learing is learning, even if i know that “admin” and “ admin” can be the same, the spacebar in the beginning... sometimes i ask myself: Why and how!?  :D
 writing it down: Today i was overly comfy at the beginning of the day and at the end, bought a new laptop for my work, finally a new product in years that i could afford. I have been putting money aside for a very long time for this purpose!  blood sweat and tears were necessary to get to this point
I Honor my past self to endure this long way.
What would I have liked to have done differently today?
Coffee, fuck! I never get rid of it...
To celebrate i got with my mates to KFC, i ate way to much!
choclate oh man, why on earth! I resisted the muffin at luchn but then, choclate on the way back! >___>
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denycelawton · 7 years
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#FirstPost #FirstPostOf2018 #Mood . . A lot of people & posts crapped on 2017 & although there were a couple of downers, they definitely didn’t overpower or overshadow all of the amazing things and people who happened in 2017!! I LOVE, embrace, and am grateful for what & WHO were added and removed from my life! Genuine Love, Family, Friendships, Bonds, Experiences & Life Lessons ... it’s all that matters to me! The reconnection, the bonds that were created & those that were made stronger supersede any revelation of the ones that had to be cut! 2017 Made a lot of room for GREATNESS in 2018 & I’m pumped! 😜🤞🏽🙌🏾🙏🏾😘💋 Happy New Year Everyone! Claiming PROSPERITY to you and for you all! I pray for those who I loved that passed away in 2017 and know that their legacy will go on and pray that you all take better care of yourselves ! 🙏🏾😇 #TheySayIShouldPostMore #HeresMore #IWillDoBetter #IWillTry lol
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breakingfreee-blog1 · 4 years
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It’s really hard to stand up sometimes. I stay quiet because I give up. I keep it all to my self to just let it go. I try to forget about. It’s hard. It’s hard to stand up.
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star-kovs · 5 years
Got any Cloak and Dagger headcanons??
Anyways, here are a few headcanons for tyrondy post s2:
Tandy gets hungry and they get off the bus and go to a diner near one of the bus stops. It’s the middle of the night, a little after 10pm and not very busy, but it’s still cozy. Tandy orders waffles, of course, and Ty orders scrambled eggs and grits: a comfort breakfast since it was a staple his mom used to cook that for him since he was little. Tandy drowns her waffles in maple syrup, and Ty questions her choices. Tandy’s annoyed but deep down she knows its because he really cares.
Hunger sated and bellies full, the two make their way back to the bus stop. The chilly early morning air hits them. Tandy realizes she left her jacket on the last bus, just great, and rubs her arms trying to ward off the chill. Ty sees this and he gives her a hug. Tandy hugs him right back and he wraps her in his jacket. Ty is nice and warm, and a good hugger too. He tells her they can get her another jacket, but she almost forgot about that because of how warm and comfortable she is in his arms.
The bus finally arrives. Ty and Tandy take their seats, Tandy once again by the window. Normally, she likes to watch the lights go by but right now, she can hardly hold her eyes open. Still chilly and jacket-less, she leans toward Ty for warmth. Tyrone wraps his arm around her, and she lays her head on his shoulder. In the darkness of the early morning, time begins to run together. In a matter of minutes, Tandy is out. She shifts, and Ty looks down at her fondly as she rests. While their time knowing each other hasn’t exactly been easy, he wouldn’t change a thing. This once wallet thief has come to mean a lot to him, now his partner in crime, forever connected by this force neither of them really understand. Ty’s breaths begin to slow as he too drifts off, leaning his head on the soft blonde hair resting on his shoulder, as the bus rolls off toward its next destination.
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babymagnet1-blog · 8 years
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chappelroans · 5 years
happy national girlfriend day to the bestest cutest girlfriend there is, so thankful for you 💕 i’m feeling extra soft today and needed to tell you how much i love you again sooooo
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rain-fairy · 8 years
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Happy 12th debut anniversary, @kimheenim! 🎈🎉 오빠야, 데뷔 진짜 축하해용! #김희철_데뷔12주년_축하해 #고마워 #그냥 #^^ #elfselcaday #you #have #no #idea #how #sentimental #and #emotional #im #today #ㅠㅠ #elf #polishelf #petal #tururu #iwilltry #tobe #a #better #person #just #like #you #try #to ;; // #me #selca #selfie #redhair #체리오빠 #체리나 #ㅋㅋㅋ #specs #cute //
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It’s your birthday?! HAPPY HAPPY (BELATED?) BIRTHDAY 🎁🎉🎊🎈🎂 I hope it was a lovely day filled with all the best things!!!
It was my birthday on the 28th! But I haven’t been online properly for like a monthish... Thank you!!
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hedaalicia · 6 years
Top 5 singers and/or bands?
at the moment
1. PVRIS2. Twenty One Pilots3. Dodie4. Christine and the queens5. Billie Eilish
🌸 ask me my “TOP 5/TOP 10” anything 🌸
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If you could reboot any show, what would it be and why?
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34 for the kiss prompt, Flynn/Lucy ;)
Returned from the dead kiss
This cannot be happening again.
Garcia Flynn has buried one wife already - well, that’s a bit of a technicality, but he first took on the unfortunate label of “widower” several years ago. Going through that hell a second time, at a similar set of hands, is unthinkable. Yet here he is anyways, kneeling beside the woman he loves and praying to gods he doesn’t believe in and hoping desperately that Lucy will come through.
She’s almost bled out, though the wound has been closed and bandaged, and her eyes are closed and her pulse is faint. Whatever consciousness is still in there could be damaged, but he doesn’t care. As long as something of her survives, he will stay. As long as-
Her eyes shock open, and she takes several frantic breaths. She’s visibly in pain and he puts a hand on her shoulder to steady her, worried she’ll do too much too soon. Such a fighter, even half-dead and disoriented, and he has never loved her more than he does now.
“Slow,” he murmurs, pulling her into his arms. She can rest her head just as easily on his lap, perhaps more comfortably than the cold concrete floor beneath them, and it’ll be easier to monitor her vitals in this position. “Stay with me, Lucy.”
She whimpers, uninjured hand drifting to the center of the burn on her hip. There will be scars from this and they will not be pretty, and she’s lucky he found her when she did. If he’d been thirty seconds later, it could’ve been worse and-
“I love you. I love you, I love you, I love you.”
He leans down and presses his lips to her forehead, tastes the blood and ash that he will wipe from her skin once the rest of the team finds them, and holds her close. So help him, he will not outlive another wife.
kiss prompts.
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ghostshaarkmoved · 6 years
If you were a ghost, who would you wanna haunt first??
@hallowsedenmcspooks for all her nonsense
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clarkgriffon · 6 years
The 100 for tv series ask :) or The Good Place, if you’ve seen it!!
The Good Place
my all-time ultimate fave character: Chidi Anagonyea character I didn’t used to like but now do: Tahani Al-Jamil (only disliked her for like an episode or two though)a character I used to like but now don’t: The only thing I can think is Real Eleanor/Vicky, but honestly I love Vicky so that’s not even relevant.a character I’m indifferent about: Mindy St. Clairea character who deserved better: I mean reasonably all of the core 4 because they’re all trapped in the bad place, but also Janet who gets her heart broken and is rebooted like a million times while she thinks she’s helping in the good place when she’s really in the bad placea ship I’ve never been able to get into: Jason x Tahania ship I’ve never been able to get over: Cheleanor, Janet x Jasona cute, low-key ship: Tahani x Eleanoran unpopular ship but I still enjoyed it: Honestly I’m not sure what ships are unpopular in this fandom, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯a ship that was totally wrong and never should have happened: N/A, I didn’t love Jason x Tahani but I can’t say it never should have happened.my favourite storyline/moment: The “this is the bad place” montage in 2x01, and the reveal of Jason Mendoza in Season 1a storyline that never should have been written: Not exactly a storyline, but I feel like there were a good amount of filler episodes in season 2 where the crew spent full episodes in the house debating on what to do, and I could’ve done without that much standing around and talking.my first thoughts on the show: This premise is hilarious, an afterlife comedy but Eleanor is in hiding because she wasn’t actually a good person? Comedy gold. Kristin Bell is an amazing actress and I love seeing her in a lead role, amazing flashbacks, all the main characters are totally compellingmy thoughts now: The End of Season 1 reveal is still one of the biggest things that shook me to my core, I’m in love with pretty much all the characters, I’d date them all. Also Janet is so fucking funny. They really hit the mark with the comedy in this show. I’m slightly wary of how long it can go because I’ve been thinking about it recently and Season 2 has multiple resets, and Season 3 will also start with a reset, so how long can they keep this plot rolling, what happens if they eventually get into the good place?
(send me a tv series!)
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sunshinechay · 6 years
Poppy, sun kissed, roses!
poppy - favorite pastel color?
I would say that it’s either blue or green depending on the exact shade of pastel that I’m looking at. Though I lean more towards green. (in fact, my bedroom walls are green haha)
sunkissed - autumn or spring?
Honestly? Both cause both are each awesome in their own way. Like Spring is when the snow starts to melt and it starts to get warmer again so the flowers start growing and the trees get their leaves back. And Autumn is for Halloween and Thanksgiving and everything that that means. Leaves turn cool colours and it’s sweater weather lol. I have a lot of feelings about both of them 
roses - what flower do you find most beautiful?
I’m not a huge flower person but I really like peonies (and most widely flowering flowers) and tulips. Tulips are because my capital city tries to plan as many of them as they can every year in spring for a tulip festival which started partly with my countries relationship with The Netherlands and as a history major I always loved that story lol. Plus if you want to see something really cool about Tulips, google Canada’s 150 tulip. It’s so beautiful.
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