#jack watches supernatural
mishaesque · 2 months
my issue is that just rewatching Supernatural isn’t enough. It takes too long. I want it all at once. I need a room covered in 327 monitors that feed me every single episode at the same time. I need the DVDs melted down and put into an IV drip. I want every single minute of the show tattooed on the inside of my eyelids. I need to live inside its flesh.
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mischieviem · 4 months
Happy pride to them 🥰🥰
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winchestergifs · 3 months
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14.9 The Spear Written by Bob Berens Directed by Amyn Kaderali Original Air Date: December 13, 2018
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soullessjack · 2 months
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this is literally how y’all are about jack
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castiels-undercoat · 16 days
Thinking abt Jack bringing Cas back but making him fully powered +some so Cas is just at the bunker fully mojoed out, and Dean really really forgot how hot Cas being scary and all powerful was.
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"Dean didn't love Cas," "It was platonic," fuck off, when Cas died, he handled his loss the exact same way John did when he lost Mary. It's not even subtext, it's in the dialogue. Sam points it out, loud and clear. That's literally what the narrative was conveying.
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"He's not just grieving about Cas, he lost Mary too." Yeah, but even when he's hellbent on blaming all of their loss on Jack, even he could see that Mary made her choice.
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But to him, Cas didn't. To Dean, Cas was manipulated—deceived by some idea of "paradise," and it's easier to swallow that than to consider that Cas up and left them to protect Lucifer's child.
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And you wanna know the cherry on top of all this??? Castiel's paradise consisted of them, together. Happy. Alive. Together. Castiel may have run away with Kelly to fulfill her wish for Jack, (to let him keep his powers where the Winchesters wanted to turn him human), but he only did so for that promise. In the end, he ran away so he could give them this.
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this pic is all silly goofy haha angel getting drunk until you remember the reason he’s drinking is because he just lost his kid after tfw tried so hard to save him but were let down over and over again until all they could do was watch him die, helpless to do anything to stop it, so the only thing left to do is try to numb the pain.
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annmariethrush · 6 months
Dean being the one to point the gun at Jack. Being the Abraham father figure???? Insane. Cas loved him no matter what. Sam always saw him as useful. But Dean saw himself being in the position John was in when he told Dean to kill Sam if he turned evil. Genuinely thinking that your son, whom you love so much, has truly turned dark side. Killed your mother in seeming cold blood. And then to stand there, have him look you in the face and submit as you point a gun at his head, knowing it will physically kill you too. God it’s so fucked. And if Jack had tried to fight him, he would have killed him too. But he didn’t and Dean couldn’t look Jack in the eyes and see the evil he had conjured up in his mind cause it wasn’t there, it was just the little kid in big kid clothing that he had grown to love. Fucking hell
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waywardvamp · 1 year
I love you, Sam Winchester, and your tendency to adopt weird little kids. You should have stayed a psychic the entire show.
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worstversionofme · 2 years
After spending so much time watching dimension 20 I seriously don’t think I’ll ever be able to tolerate regular tv. My little gay heart has never seen this kind of queer representation in tv and it is nourishing my soul. And queerness is never the butt of any joke and the characters experiencing and figuring out their sexualities isn’t always sad and dramatic.
I have never related to something so much. This silly show of just a bunch of cool actor friends playing D&D has probably changed my life: I feel like I know who I am better now???
I am eternally grateful to Brennan Lee Mulligan and literally every person involved in Dimension 20 for giving us this show and this outlet to figure ourselves out. Also gonna be eternally annoyed with Dimension 20 every time I have to watch a straight romcom - give me gay wizards and fairies and candy people any day
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soullessjack · 4 months
the inner machinations of my mind are an enigma
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emo-protagonist · 2 months
imagine full house but it’s just sam, dean and cas trying to raise jack.
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sukijan-leti · 10 months
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perfectthewayyouare · 2 months
supernatural fic rec
I know I'm about four years late to this, but after much grieving and healing* I fINALLY got around to reading the spn fic The Goldenrod Revisions by @remythologise (previously thylaa)
This rewrite fic is everything I could have wanted and more for these beloved characters final journey. This is the ending they deserved, it is the ending WE deserved!
*so turns out I wasn't healed... and this fic broke me again, but it healed me also
I cannot recommend it enough, especially for anyone who still feels betrayed by a show so close to their heart
@remythologise held the characters so dearly in this rewrite fic, I honestly could see any one of the chapters, if not all, being on our screens. Perhaps they did... somewhere... in an alternate universe... good for them <3
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insanesonofabitch · 8 months
You know what would be fucking awesome? If they reuse Cas’ (and Mary’s) “watch over you” line, but use it to refer to God instead of Cas, kind of like how Chuck already quoted Cas’ “gripped you tight and raised you from perdition” and Naomi’s “came off the line with a crack in your chassis”.
“Watching over you” and not in a wholesome comforting angelic protector Cas way, but in a horrifying still-stuck-in-the-narrative omnipresent god Chuck way.
They could have Dean say it, or God say it, but I think the one that would be best to say it is a random devout religious person with absolutely zero intention of harm or malice. Just good intentions and a given purpose from the One above.
“God is watching over you.”
Well that, or Jack.
“I’ll watch over you.”
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beatsheetromanroy · 5 months
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What Is and What Should Never Be // Late Seasons
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