#jane everlasting headcanons
creepy-spooghetti · 2 years
hey! love your work its super cool. i was wondering if you could do a werewolf gn reader with toby, ej, or jane as how they would react to figureing out MC is a werewolf and how it would affect how they care for you???
(if not this is completely okay i just cant find anything like this) 🐺
This is certainly an interesting prompt!
I went ahead and did headcanons so I could add each character, instead of a scenario for a single one. Hope that’s okay :D
Toby was mostly just kinda...”eh?” Like he knew there had to be an explanation for why you acted the way you did, and your behavior, and your strange habits. Why you’d disappear seemingly without a rhyme or reason every time there was a full moon.
He certainly didn’t expect you being a werewolf was the sole cause, but the more he contemplated it, the more it made sense.
He has been very desensitized to the supernatural and otherworldly creatures, thanks to his duty as a ‘proxy’ of Slenderman, so he wasn’t all that shocked - not by normal human standards, anyway.
He was quick to accept you and your ways and made an effort to learn as much about your kind as he could, and each time he had a question, he would ask you to make sure his facts lined up. Not so surprisingly, what society called a ‘werewolf’ was vastly different from what they actually were, and he was learning this more and more every day.
Overall, he still treats you the same, with the exception of ensuring he isn’t around the nights that you transform. He still views you as the same person he fell in love with, no fear or hesitation whatsoever.
Immediate gasp. “I knew it!!”
Jane is a very smart girl, so she had taken your actions and personality traits and started wondering if there was something more to you than she initially thought. When she did some research regarding cursed and legendary creatures, she was quick to figure it out, and outright questioned you about it one day.
You were straightforward with your answer and she got the proudest grin on her face.
Very curious about your diet, your abilities, etc, but doesn’t go overboard with her inquiries. She doesn’t brag about you being a werewolf to other people, either; it’s simply a detail that’s brought up on occasion in casual conversation.
She wishes there was a way to cuddle with you when you’re in your other form, because she thinks you’d be super comfortable and fluffy.
If there’s one person that would absolutely not judge you for something you can’t even control, it’s this guy.
Being an unwilling, organ-eating demon himself, he certainly understands the internal struggle you can go through, being half human and half a monster, and will be right by your side when you may feel a trace of guilt or otherwise about it.
 In fact, if anything, it further increases your bond, as the two of you can connect on a more personal level than anybody else could.
He doesn’t assume anything about your species, nor does he pry needlessly into your life. He doesn’t like talking about what he does, why would he expect you to be any different?
The two of you together make a supernatural power couple and whenever someone hits a nerve, the other is there to defend them.
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spiderprincess-suffet · 5 months
Wouldn't it be silly if Jane took in the ghosts of Randy Keith and Troy and they all try killing Jeff together as a little murder family lol
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crushedsweets · 5 months
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Girls and things and whatnots
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thediaryofaurora · 2 months
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General HCs
Bloody Painter/Helen Otis
This bad boy is LONNGG, I included a lot of his backstory in this. Writers block is beating my ass. 💔
- Twenty one!
- 6’1. When I say this dudes lanky, I mean LANKY. Slim and naturally toned, his main exercise comes from chasing or climbing stairs.
- Both of his parents are Korean, but he was raised in Pennsylvania.
- His parents struggled with getting pregnant, most ending is miscarriages. His mom was completely batshit, so when the pregnancy stuck she swore she had some divine intuition that made her believed he’d be a girl. She didn’t even bother having an ultrasound, so when he was born and she saw that he was a boy she thought him being a girl was some sort of prophecy she needed to fulfill.
- His whole life she had always told him he was meant to be a girl and he would be going against ‘God’s will’ if he didn’t follow through. He was always dressed in feminine clothing and had an extremely girly room. His mother didn’t put him in school until he was about thirteen, since she thought the kids would taint his mind and make him think he’s a boy.
- When he was put in school he got bullied RELENTLESSLY. His name, the way he dressed, everything. After meeting Tom he slowly started to realize that all the shit he grew up with wasn’t normal and his mom was psycho, so he started borrowing his clothes and changing in the school bathrooms so he could feel less weird. Once Tom admitted to planting Judy’s watch in Helen’s bag, they argued on the roof while getting slightly physical. Tom had slipped off the edge, but Helen managed to grab him. Of course, a middle schooler isn’t necessarily strong enough to hold another off a building without going down with them, so Tom let go to save Helen. Rumors spread that Helen had pushed him, but no one cared enough to investigate.
- After that school year was over he started to dress more androgynous/ masculine and ignored his mom’s pressure, which lead to her abusing him both physically and mentally. Eventually, with his ignored mental issues and the abuse he completely snapped, killing his mom and several of his bullies right before a Halloween party. He was sent to a psychiatric hospital that Slender ended up taking him from.
- VERY polite and proper. He’s pretty soft spoken and his grammar is like never flawed, big word user. 1000% the type of guy to kiss your hand as a greeting. The most he’ll do if he doesn’t like you is give you the silent treatment or a dirty look.
- Weird little detail, but his fingers and SLIM and LONG. His nails are neatly kept. He likes to pamper himself.
- He does botany in his free time! Any flower arrangements in the mansion and the gardens outside are his doing. There’s a few residents that he brings bouquets to every other week so they can have something nice. EJ, Sally, and Jane are his usual market. Also does flower pressing.
- Used to do ballet when he was about 4-7.
- Definitely the safest driver, but that makes him a pain as a get away driver. Always goes the exact speed limit and follows every possible law.
- Mainly listens to classical music. However, he does like Billy Joel, Fleetwood Mac, David Bowie, even a little bit of Queen.
- His room is SO nice and very big. Long sheer curtains, velvet & silk bedding, a grand piano, flowers, tall bookshelves, chairs, a large bed with a canopy, big windows, and lots of sculptures and framed paintings done by him. He’s really into elegant things and floral patterns. Has a mural on his ceiling!
- Hangs out with EJ, Liu, Puppeteer, and Jane. Rarely does he talk to any of the proxies or any creeps he’s not close with. Awfully reserved.
- Loves the fine arts. Painting, writing, music, sculpting, all that jazz. Occasionally does poetry! Him and Liu both like to write, so sometimes they’ll get together and talk about it. He mostly reads old classic books & poetry.
- Jane has taught him how to sew, although he doesn’t find much use for it.
- He has a white persian cat named Juliette in his room no one knows about other than his close friends. She never leaves the room, but she’s content; it has enough room to have lots of things just for her. He has a MASSIVE painting of her renaissance style by her bed. (He got her one of those fancy cat beds that look like a tiny rich person couch.) Pampers her to death.
- I know in his canon design he has that denim kinda jacket on with the pin, but in my HC he wouldn’t be caught dead wearing that. Usually wears jeans and baggy button ups while he’s painting, but his day to day outfits are well put together. Rich person style in clothes — turtle necks, slacks, dress shoes, almost kind of dark academia.
- Super high standards in general, but especially when it comes to food. Fine dining for sure. Usually buys only enough ingredients for a serving just for him so he doesn’t have to leave them in the fridge. He doesn’t trust the other residents at ALL.
- This guy is ROLLING in it. He has so much loose cash from victims he can do whatever the hell he wants, big reason why his cat is living like royalty.
- Drinks at least one glass of wine a day. He has an entire rack in his room of old, fine wines. A lot of them are from Europe.
- For whatever reason, he’s an amazing masseuse.
- All of his candles and soaps are very high quality and expensive. He won’t settle for anything less.
- Can play the piano and the violin! He would kill to have a harpsichord, he might.
- He’s not big on history, but he could talk for hours about the titanic. He’s done paintings of it and has watched every possible documentary on it. Thinks the movie is a work of art.
I hope you all liked this! I love this fine man.
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roachrotting · 6 days
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Jane! Man, I would really love to share my headcanons around this awesome lady, but doing so would spoil a BUNCH of stuff I have planned, so...I guess you are going to have to trust me when I say that Jane the Killer is cool as hell in this universe.
One thing I feel obligated to mention - she uses a whip laced with barbed wire and razorblades now. No knives in sight. You think she'd choose a close-combat weapon to take on Jeff, a proficient close-combat fighter? Think again.
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reniiiwhite · 20 days
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Nurse Ann as I did during the art block
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ask-spooky-manor · 3 months
Friendship Headcanons
Cause I’m feeling the wholesome vibes
I’m gonna talk about the friendships that have yet to be shown on the blog just so it doesn’t feel like I’m retreading familiar waters.
- Jane and Tim are very close. The lesbian and gay friends who constantly get mistaken for a couple kind of close. She’s the reason Tim’s wardrobe is actually cool and stylish and not him wearing flannel and jeans all the damn time. They also love to gossip together. Really it’s Jane doing all the gossiping and Tim is just listening and compiling a mental binder of dirt he has on everyone.
- Brian and EJ are best friends weirdly enough despite EJ being someone who tends to get annoyed easily and Brian is kinda sorta “too much” sometimes. Their back and forth banter makes it seem like they dislike each other, but it’s all in good fun. They actually care deeply for one another and are like the definition of ride or die.
- Because Nina is the only teenager, most of the others tend to baby her much to her annoyance. The only people who don’t really do that are Jane and Nat. They do their best to make Nina feel included without coming off as condescending. They also like to have girls night together.
- Nina and EJ have formed a rather close bond. It started when Nina finally accepted the fact she’s aromantic and looked to EJ for support as he’s also aromantic. He helped show her that being aromantic isn’t bad at all and that romance really isn’t the be all end all.
- Brian and Ben are also close friends. Again, rather odd when Ben gets overwhelmed easily and Brian is Brian. They’re actually gaming buddies and most of their time spent together is over voice chat as they play video games.
- Slender and Tim had a rather complicated dynamic at first. It really rattled Tim to learn that, while extremely distant, there is a familial tie between him and Slender. That being said, over time they have formed a connection that is basically like a father/son dynamic though Tim would rather relive the events of Marble Hornets than ever admit that
- Jeff and Sally are also in a similar boat. Sally is Jeff’s great aunt but obviously Jeff is the one who takes care of her. He is her main babysitter after all. Jeff subconsciously sees Sally as this second chance to actually be a good brother to someone.
- Toby and Brian are good buddies cause they can match each other’s energy. While most of the other manor residents prefer to have a night in, Brian and Toby will be out in the clubs and bars having a good time and making sure the other doesn’t die.
- A pair that surprised everyone but makes a lot of sense in hindsight is Slender and Jane. They have tea every other day and are part of a two person book club where they read the same book and discuss their opinions on it. Jeff desperately wants to be in the club, but he knows Jane will find a way to permanently kill him if he tries to worm his way in.
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scary-lasagna · 1 year
Ben, nervous: Well?? What do the cards say?
Jane: The cards say you a BITCH.
Ben: Damn. What else?
Jane: You also have childhood trauma that stems into your adult life that prevents you from trusting others as well as yourself. Change isn’t coming, you must seek it out yourself. A relationship with someone is also shocking to an end unless you stop being so self-absorbed.
Ben, in tears:
Ben: I liked the first answer more.
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shrimplymoray · 10 months
After a while of trying, I ended up uninstalling Twitter again. That app is not for me lmao.
On the other hand, though, I am feeling quirky and want to make a new HCs post of creepypasta. So...
Creepypasta characters soft spots*
Featuring: Jeff the Killer, Jane Everlasting, Nina the Killer, Homicidal Liu, Sully, BEN, Eyeless Jack, Laughing Jack, Laughing Jill, Candy Pop, Jason the Toymaker
* bear in mind I make them a tad bit fucked up in the head, so beware (though it IS Creepypasta)
Tw: slightly graphic canibalism description, mentions of abandonment trauma, canon like control freakiness on Jason's part
Jeff The Killer - expressiveness and not being easily intimidated
Jeff is a pretty... Expressive guy, to not say a huge asshole with a big ego. And even though he might not say it, he does admire someone being expressive. It took him a long time (and a mental breakdown) to start expressing himself how he wanted to. If he meets someone that is expressive be it verbally or physically, he will end up circling around them more often than others.
Hand in hand with that, if the person is not easily intimidated and has the courage to talk him out of his mean comments, he might as well ask to be friends with them. As much as he denies it, he enjoys not scaring someone by being himself from time to time.
Jane Everlasting - housekeeping skills and good music taste
Jane is not the easiest person to get along with. However, if you know how to work a stove, and knows that x product is better at cleaning windows than y, she finds than entertaining. She misses Mary so much, and having someone that reminds her of Mary, it warms her on the inside.
This is more of her being a bit of a nitpick, but she despises having to deal with screamo or those techno songs. She deals with it too much from the others, so having the chance to listen to classic romantic ballads, or some soft Jazz while reading a book, by her fave person's side, and not having a complaint at all? That's a dream. One that seems so far away to her reality, being near so many emos
Nina the Killer - foot on earth and alternative fashion
If you stayed even 5 minutes with Nina, you would understand why she appreciates someone hard on reality. Nina is easily enthusiastic and also impulsive as fuck. So having someone to keep her from breaking the whole house down, or to make sure she doesn't throw someone out of the second floor window, it really helps her out in the end, and she knows it.
Nina, although she is slowly getting better at keeping this down, is still a bit obsessed with Jeff, so alternative styles like emo and her beloved Scene style, it makes her feel like she is right up her alley. She would pick matching fits for you two, and also make a whole blog just for pictures of you two with very 2000s core stuff. Plus: hot topic dates.
Homicidal Liu - respectfulness and good cooking skills
Liu has gone through a lot of traumatic events, all his life. Some he holds the memories, after alter fusion, and others... Not so much. But what he does know is that disrespect towards his person, and what he has gone through, is something he doesn't want to go through never again. So being respectful, in the sense of not narrowing him to DID guy, or to murderer, it makes him genuinely happy.
Liu misses his family, even though it wasn't the best family. It's been 11 years since he lost all his family, so sometimes he will try cooking food that his parents used to make. However he... Is not the best cook. He tries, he really does, but it's not his thing. So having someone put the time and effort to do this small act, of cooking him the food that he misses since a teen, it makes him have butterflies. Plus, seeing his lover in an apron sounds cute in his mind.
Sully - strong morals and dark humor
Sully may share a body with Liu, but he is still his own person, as an alter. And most importantly he is the system protector. It is his role to make sure no more trauma is suffered. So, having a lover that understand that and agrees with him, it is a sight to behold to him. And most importantly, having someone that understands and respects the boundaries he puts, which are many, is important for him.
Now... The system is rather small, and so Sully is a trauma holder alter. But... His method of coping with that trauma is mostly through dark humor. Jokes about his trauma done by him or the body, is the way he knows how to cope and, in his eyes, not turn into a monster like Jeff, which he despises. Having someone letting him indulge in his not healthy but necessary coping mechanism, and even joking around with their own problems, it ends up in a great pair for him.
B.E.N._drowned - Sass, nerdiness and night owl
BEN is not really a human, and although he sometimes can be very human like due to the Moonchildren Souls, the one in control is still the Behavioral Environment Network. So he has the power to be as mean as he wants and not feel remorse. Though as a behavioral AI, he can react in many ways depending what his code finds most fitting. He didn't start liking sass, but after being around Jeff and collecting data to act based on that, besides the souls, he ended up sassy, and enjoys now having sass thrown back at him. It is a familiar environment, which is something he sometimes need.
He is based around on TLOZ, and his souls had that common interest besides other games, so of course he wants a gamer to fit with him. He doesn't sleep, so having someone also be a night owl and stay the whole night spending time with him, letting him learn their functions and behavior, it makes him enthusiastic, as much as malevolent code can be.
Eyeless Jack - Patience and a hard stomach
Jack, different than a lot of the others, didn't want to be here at first. And as such he isn't the easiest to approach, sometimes being plainly reclusive, and others being aggressive. Having patience but still perseverance to approach him at his own time, and let things go in his time, it makes him trust you even more.
Jack, as we all know, is a human eating being. Not sure cannibal is the right term since he isn't a human anymore, but I'll use it for now. As a cannibal, it is not easy to be around him sometimes. He is not afraid to eat in front of others if needed, or to harvest organs out of a human carcass. If you can endure at least the putrid smell of organs and blood, than you will find EJ to not be he worst to be around.
Laughing Jack - playfulness and clingyness
LJ is, as we all know I assume, a clown! So what would I clown like to be around? People who know how to have fun, of course! Playful battering, joking around, a good sense for a performance, this are all things that, summed by playfulness, make Jack feel alive. The feeling of succeeding at making his lover laugh till their cheeks turn red, it is a sight to behold to him, so having a good sense of playfulness makes things a lot easier.
On the other hand, Jack was once abandoned for years in his toy box. He grew to feel lonely, sometimes even around others. Having someone being close to him, even when not the best option to do so, and the feeling of being wanted all times. It does magic to the clown.
Laughing Jill - good sense of humor and optimism
Jill, like Jack, is a big clown lady and as such, she loves to make people laugh and have fun! She isn't the fondest of the more mean plays, but she does love striking jokes around, so having a good sense of humor is the best option of a pair for her!
Although she was made to be happy and make others happy, she can have negative emotions too. But having someone that will make sure to let her know that there is light at the end of the tunnel, and give her the care she gives to others, it is truly special for her.
Candy Pop - chaotic nature and being laid back
Candy is to an extent a genie like entity. And as such, they love to bring chaos, and distort stuff to their amusement. And as such, having someone that matches their personality is what they want. C'mon, who doesn't want to see what can happen if they inflate their head like a balloon? I do.
As such, someone strict to the rules, and someone that wants them to be in line at all times bore them if not anger them. They need some semblance of freedom. Being laid back, doing your stuff when they do theirs, and uniting forces to end get out of trouble, that's love to them.
Jason the Toymaker - size difference and art appreciation
Jason is someone that likes to feel in control of any and all situation. He is a manipulators, so making sure he is the one up top, it's what he wants ever and ever. Having someone smaller than him, it gives him a semblance of control, even if only illusory. It plays in his control freakiness.
As a toymaker, he is an artisan. He loves to create intricate toys, which are pieces of art in itself. Having someone that appreciates it and praises him for it, it boosts his already inflated ego. He might plainly squeeze you for your praises, as a thank you.
That's all I got for now, might do some others plus the proxies on another post.
Reminder that it is cool if you don't agree or like these, y'all can have your own opinions and it is very valid! This is how I like the characters (aka sick in the head).
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seireitonin · 10 months
Some Jane hcs?
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🖤Yes :3 luv her 🖤 (will be going off Jane R, the canon one not Jane A. I love the lesbian representation Jane R is! :) Also some of these are gonna be canon)
Jane was a woman with a normal life
The two suburban parents, normal school life, normal love life
Just normal and happy
Her and Mary met in high school
Mary was a cheerleader and Jane being her best friend at the time watched and supported her
Jane didn’t realize she was a lesbian till she saw Mary with a boyfriend in high school and got extremely jealous and didn’t understand why
And Jane never liked a boy before but she knew she felt something for Mary
When Mary and her boyfriend broke up Jane and her cuddled as Jane comforted her and they shared their first kiss
They stayed together ever since then
Even though it was the 90s/ 2000s when they started dating most people accepted them
Jane’s parents included
They got married as soon as they were able to
Jane’s normal life continued with Mary until her parents were killed by an at the time 19 year old Jeff
Jane was absolutely devastated and wracked with grief
She stayed in bed not moving for months
Some days she just cried and screamed and nothing else
She also got paranoid
What if he tried to hurt Mary next?
How could Jane let that happen?
She couldn’t
So she did research on Jeff like crazy
It was really unhealthy
Also took self defense classes and made Mary take some too
But with all Jane read about this guy, she knew that still wouldn’t be enough
She wanted to avenge her parents, the police were useless in helping
She wanted to protect Mary, Jane can’t bare to loose the love of her life
So what’s the answer to those problems?
Take a risky government observed and produced experimental drug called Liquid Hate of course!
She went into the facility blank faced, telling them they could experiment on her
Inject her with as much as they needed
Make her stronger and she would do anything for them
She was willing to throw away her old life completely for revenge
Jane didn’t care. In her mind any chance she had at a “normal life” died with her parents
She would be too afraid, too full of grief and pain and paranoia to live a normal life and move on
So she would become a weapon to protect the one person that matters to her. Mary.
It’s all she could do
And that’s exactly what happened
Her transformation was slow and painful
Pre transition she had dark hazel eyes and really dark brown hair
Now she has all black eyes and lips, pale skin and black hair
When she was injected with it it’s like all her anger came out full force for 2 minutes and she lost all control of herself
She destroyed everything in the room, lashed out at the scientists, injuring a lot of them
They had to sedate her and strap her down
When she came to, she apologized and is more or less acts like her normal self
She looked in the mirror
Her old life was truly gone
They told Jane all about her new powers which include
Enhanced strength and speed, vocal mimicking, shape shifting, healing, regeneration and regeneration of limbs, drug and alcohol tolerance and almost infinite stamina (this is canon btw)
Jane was now an assassin for the CIA and FBIs Justice Department (also canon)
And she didn’t even tell Mary
Jane went home and Mary screamed until Jane calmed her down
“Mary, it’s me! I-“
“What the fuck did you do?!”
“What I had to do to keep you safe.”
“And that is?!”
Jane explained everything
“I know it’s jarring okay? But it’s still…me. I understand if you can’t love me because I look like this. I understand if you want to go. But just know I truly did do this for you and for myself. I have to protect you and avenge my parents.”
“You are so impulsive and stupid! But you’re still as beautiful as ever. You know I’m never going anywhere.”
They shared a kiss in the kitchen
Jane was so lucky to have Mary
Jane takes out any criminal asked of her and ones not asked of her too
Rapists, serial killers, p3d0s, abusers
Anyone that society doesn’t need
But her ultimate goal is to kill the man that killed her parents
Jeff the killer
She won’t stop until that happens
Jane doesn’t kill or hurt innocent people
She wouldn’t dream of it
Why be like the man she hates?
Jane’s actually really nice despite everything
She can be very sarcastic and snarky too though but can you blame her?
She’s still violent towards criminals though
Like extremely violent
They remind her of Jeff and she calls it “practice” for when she finally gets her hands on him
His death will be slow and painful
Jane has a sister and other surviving family members that she hasn’t seen in a while (how could she even begin to explain her life now)
Jane is 38 years old
Born September 1st 1985
Jane is Wasian (white and Asian, Japanese specifically) but looks more Japanese
She kinda looks like a type of vengeful Japanese spirit called the Onryō and has come to like it
people think she is one sometimes
Especially when she makes weird ass noises to freak out her victims/ mess with them
Jane really relates to Onryō due to the stuff that happened in her life
Her mother would often tell her stories about the Onryō especially around Halloween
Jane finds it ironic that she kinda looks like one with her pale skin, tall stature and long black hair
Especially when she wears white since Onryō are often depicted in white burial kimonos
She especially feels like one when she comes out of the darkness, quietly and slowly as if she’s floating her black eyes looking at her victim through the dark
She specifically relates to some parts of the story of Lady Owia. A man ruining Jane’s life, “killing” her old self and the life she knew, making her a vengeful person and leaving her “disfigured” and looking like an Onryō
Sometimes she still gets upset and will scream and cry at night in the middle of nowhere, making her look and sound like a spirit in pain
Despite the fact she’s still alive she sometimes feels like she died with her parents
Maybe she is just an Onryō in a humans body
She can speak fluent Japanese thanks to her mom
Jane understands Kagekao fully
Both of them being gay Japanese people who have pale skin and are good fighters is really coincidental
Kagekao thought Jane was a spirit or something supernatural due to the grief and vengeance coming off her
But to his disappointment she’s just a cool looking human
Jane really doesn’t like him
He’s a serial killer who kills people for shits and giggles like Jeff and she can’t stand that
Jane knows he’s a demon because he told her and Kagekao thought Jane wouldn’t understand him
They both also have voice mimicking powers and they use it against each other all the time
Jane is jealous of his parkour skills though, she wants to get better at it
When Jane is in a violent mood or in a fight black veins will appear all over her body, but it’s most noticeable oh her face and especially on her temples and forehead leading into her eyes as the veins pump and bulge with blood. Very unsettling to look at.
Jane is usually 5’10 but if she wants to look more intimidating in a fight she will make herself taller like 6’3-6’5
Jane is romantic/ trad goth and listens to the music since she was born in the 80s and grew up in the 90s it’s nostalgic for her
Jane wears black everyday because she thinks all other colors look bad on her
She wears white to sleep though
Jane’s eyes are pitch black so you have no idea where she’s looking or what she’s looking at
It’s kinda scary when she looks at you especially if it’s dark
But she’s pretty so it’s okay
Loves Japanese comfort foods and will cook them a lot like really good ramen, mochi ice cream, udon, kastu curry, tempura and hot pot
It reminds her of her mom
Jane’s kinda happy that she has long shiny black hair like her mom now
If you were ever gonna run into a Creepypasta and live, Jane’s definitely your best bet
Likes to shapeshift to look normal to take Mary on dates
Wears black dresses when she’s not fighting but when she is, jeans and a sweater all black of course
Sounds like Amy Lee from Evanescence when she sings
A smooth soothing voice when she talks
Lived with Mary in their home till she got roped in with all the other pastas (but that’s a completely different hc list completely)
Since Jane works for the government she’s rich. Like really rich
So she’s always clean and put together
Can walk in heels like a pro
Jane’s a queen and I love her
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This isn’t proofread I made this at 3 am sorry lol
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unknownvirus21 · 3 months
Country Jane Everlasting because she looked like a different character I cuntry-fied
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Close ups
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thecryingcl0wn · 2 months
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Drawing of Jane Everlasting for @patamon0001's DTIYS!! This was Soo fun to do cuz I love Jane smm ⁠(⁠ ⁠•w•⁠ ⁠)
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spiderprincess-suffet · 4 months
HEADCANNON: Nurse Ann HATES bugs but because she’s basically a walking corpse they’re just naturally attracted to her.
HEADCANNON: Nina’s constantly changing her hair to the point other creepypastas try to bet on how it’s gonna look by the next week.
HEADCANNON: Sally sees Masky as more of a father figure than Slender.
HEADCANNON: Toby isn’t some Waffles loving guy but he is the guy you’d most likely find working at a Waffle House restaurant.
HEADCANNON: Nurse Ann Jane and Clockwork are friends and they pass time by talking shit about other Creepypastas lol.
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crushedsweets · 8 months
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Beautiful girl
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creepywrites · 1 year
Real names
Jeff the Killer- Jeffrey woods
Liu- Liu Woods
Ben- Ben Lawman
Sally Dawn- Sally Dawn (formerly Williams)
Sam Williams- Sam Williams
Milo the Electrocuted- Milo Moretti
Lulu- Lucille Greatfield
Clockwork- Natalie Rogers (formerly Quellette)
Zero- Zero
Jane the killer- Jane Vaughn Richardson (formerly Richardson)
Mary Vaughn- Mary Vaughn
Jane Everlasting- Jane Arkensaw
Vailly Evans- Vailly Evans
Nathan the nobody- Nathan Lux
Crystal the Hidden- Crystal Lux
Eyeless Jack- Jack Nyras
Kate the chaser- Kate Hayes
Rouge- Heather Marshall
Wilson the basher- Wilson Marshall (formerly Warren)
X-virus- Cody Rogers
Lazari- Lazari Swann
Stripes- Eloise Bellarose
Kaidy- Kaidy Zalgo
Senora Zalleen- Pandora Zalleen s.
Rasika- Rasika
Nina the killer- Nina Hopkins
Puppeteer- Puppeteer (formerly Johnathan Blake)
Zachary- Zachary Gibson
Emra- Emra Aldrige
Bloody painter- Helen Otis
Suicide Sadie- Sadie nanook (formerly Bennett)
Roadwalker- Zayner Nanook
Judge angel- Dina Angela-Otis (formerly Clark)
Nurse Ann- Ann Mia
Randy- Randy Harrison
Sully- Sully Harrison
Keith- Keith Davis
Troy- Troy Green
Dollmaker- Vaughn Volikov
Svetlana- Svetlana Volikov
Vicky genocidal- Victoria Ross
Hannah the killer- Hannah Jackson
Lily Kennett-Lily Kennett
Hung iris- Iris Illman
Lifeless Lucy- Lucy Jones
Asylum Nancy- Nancy Adams
Chris the Revenant- Chris Myers
Monday Child- Christabel Smith
Laughing Jill- Laughing Jill
Laughing Jack- Laughing Jack
Toby- Tobias Rogers
Lurking Lyra- Lyra Rogers
Killing Kate- Katherine  Knight
Lost Silver- Lost Silver (formerly Hibiki)
Cata the Killer- Cata Blackwood
Rotten Abigail- Abigail Walker
The Hare- Lin Wang
The Doll- Andrea Stevens
Raven- Manon Plume
Anna Schurks- Anna Schurk
Weeping forest- Jenifer Rhynes
Nightmare Ally- Adeline Abendroth
Red Death- Sifreid Gadriel
Gas mask maid- Marion Gadriel
Tim- Timothy Wright
Jessica- Jessica Locke
Taylor- Taylor Locke
Ellie- Ellie Aimoto
Labrador- Dean Lupei
Moth boy- Benjamin Miller
Starved angel- Lyet (formerly Matthew Lyet Campbell)
Sketcher- Sakura Aki
Sarah Erickson- Sarah Erickson
Hannya- Momoko Yamashita
Rosie- Dorothy Wilder
Hunter the proxy- Ethan Wilder
Doctor Irina- Irina Kennett
Deborah- Deborah Robison
Lucy the cannibal- Lucille Johnson
Andie Rosslyn- Andie Rosslyn
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sharp-silver4795 · 1 day
Jane the Killer HCs
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Mommy- sorry. (x6)
We love her so much.
She’s a mom to the babies.
She makes grown men feel inferior.
79kg and 182cm- this woman is a beast.
Honestly tho, she’s a sweetheart. She won’t be mean to you if you aren’t mean to her.
If anything, she’ll spoil you.
Cool (but wholesome) Aunt vibes
Nina is the one that gives you weed
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In the Mansion:
She is a giant tank.
She is just used to raise hell and she is really fucking good at it.
She’s not big on stealth, not because of skill or anything- she definitely could, it’s really just not her style.
Truly, a lot of non-proxies are naturally really well rounded. However, they’re given specific jobs/missions depending on their strengths.
Jane’s strength is “tracking.”
She’s really fucking smart and can put pieces together pretty easily.
She mainly goes on partner missions (usually with Clockwork) where Natalie is usually getting the person “trapped” and Jane- having more muscle- grabs them from behind.
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Relationships, Partners, Etc.
She’s besties with Clockwork.
They complain about men a lot.
Nina is…. Complicated…
They bond over their hatred for Jeff, but she doesn’t like to hang out with Nina’s friends.
Nina does not realize that 85% of her friends are toxic as hell, and Jane doesn’t want that negativity.
Jane is our fav lesbian~
Clockwork and her have occasional benefits…
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Like is said, a lot of non proxies are well rounded and Jane is no exception
Her outfit is very similar to Nina’s due to the fact that they both do similar movements when they fight/work.
However, she doesn’t have random blades hiding in her clothes…
Instead she has 5 belts that have knives, blades, g^ns, and more.
She is another one that I wanna draw so so bad.
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Divider Credits: Sister Lucifer
Header Creds: Dumpitos
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