#janice cord
wanderingmind867 · 4 months
Some of the earliest comics characters to die for Marvel, I think: George Stacy & Gwen Stacy, Janice Cord, Lady Dorma. I think there's more, but I'm blanking on them. Oh, yeah. They killed off an X-Man character named Mimic for a while too, I think. Point is: I hate this. I don't read comics to hear about people dying. I read them to escape from reality. If you think I want to hear about people dying in my fiction, then you're severely misunderstood what I use fiction for. In a nutshell: being these characters back. They didn't deserve this. Captain Marvel (the first one) didn't deserve to die of cancer in 1982. You killed him just because. That's sick. What about his fans? Oh, I guess they just don't matter. I hate it.
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daydreamerdrew · 1 year
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Iron Man (1968) #23
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the--blackdahlia · 1 month
Split Chapter 1
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Split Chapter 1
Summary: Lucy Blair met FBI Agent Scott Hall one fateful day at her work. After hitting it off, pretty quickly, Lucy and Scott fell in love. But then Lucy meets Razor Ramon. Is Scott undercover? Or is something more at play, something that will drag her into a dangerous world of the war of drug lords in 1980's Florida?
Warnings: Language, violence, drug use, more to be added as the fic goes on
AN: Hey guys! I'm testing the waters with this one. Please let me know what you think!
The sun was slowly covering Florida when Lucy Blair finally decided it was time to get out of bed. Somedays, it still threw her for a loop, hearing the sounds of the coast when she was used to farmland for as far as the eye could see. It was her day off, and she hadn’t planned on getting up early, but here she was. That’s when the ringing of the phone told her why she had been woken up at her normal wake-up time. Just ignore it and it will go away. She thought to herself. But eventually, that phone grated on her nerves. With a groan, she rolled over and snagged the phone.
“Somebody better be dead, or something’s on fire?” Lucy mumbled as she answered the phone.
“Well, no death. But Lori is bringing life into the world early,” Dr. Carol Pierce, Lucy’s boss, was on the other end of the line. Lucy groaned a little. Why didn’t she just let the machine get it?
“Carol, it’s my day off…”
“I know, I know. And I’m really sorry, but Lori went on maternity leave early, and Kelly has school today. Please?” Lucy signed and threw the blankets off of her. It was such a beautiful day in Clearwater, and Lucy had wanted to spend her day at the beach. “What if I buy you lunch?”
“Anything I want?”
“Anything you want. I promise. And you can have Monday off. Kelly doesn’t have school.”
“Okay. Fine. I’ll be in.”
“Lucy, I owe you big time. You are a lifesaver.”
“Yeah, yeah.” Lucy laughed. “See you in a few.”
Lucy hung up the phone and stared at the ceiling. Why didn’t she just screen her calls? She finally got up and got ready, pulling on her uniform before heading out to her Jeep. The sun was going to mock her today, but something in the air felt like there was a change coming.
Lucy walked into the office, smiling at her friend Janice as she settled down behind the receptionist's desk. Janice was looking over a chart for the first patient of the day.
“Can’t believe they dragged you in here,” Janice laughed.
“Carol promised me lunch,” Lucy settled in her chair. “Been busy yet?”
“Nope. Strangely quiet. Which means we’ll get hit hard.”
“Lucy, you are a saint,” Carol came from the back of the office.
“Remember that when raise time comes around,” Lucy gave her a cheeky grin.
“I will, believe me,” Carol looked at her watch. “There is a detective that is going to be stopping by sometime this morning. When he gets here, let me know. I need to talk to him about the files I’m giving him.”
“Aye aye Captain,” Lucy saluted. Carol rolled her eyes, but smiled before she headed back into her office. Janice leaned against the receptionist's desk.
“Did you hear what happened?” She asked.
“No, what?” “Girl, you’ve got to start watching the news,” Janice laughed as she sat down the file she was holding. “I guess there was an explosion in the USSR. In the Ukraine area.” “Yeah? I mean, we have been at war with them since before I was born.” “I don’t think it was us. The explosion was at a nuclear power plant. Like, they had to evacuate a whole city and everything. And the Reds are actually admitting to it, so you know it’s bad.”
“Nuclear power. It’s a brilliant device. Too bad we’re all too stupid to know how to properly use it.” Lucy picked up the handset on her phone to untangle the cord. Lori always left it tangled when she left for the day, and Lucy was convinced she did it just to annoy her. “And just so you know, I do watch the news sometimes.” “MTV news doesn’t count,” Janice shook her head. “Okay, yes, I mainly watch MTV. But, I did hear about rich kid from Canada.” “Oh yeah! The Hart kid. Dad is like, what, a Prime Minister or something, right?”
“Hell if I know. I just know that one of the kids, Bret I think, got arrested for streaking during the President’s speech a few years ago. At the reflecting pool.”
“God, I should really get into politics.” Janice sighed dreamily, thinking of watching a drunk Canadian running through the shallow water buck naked.
“They tried to say he was protesting to get disarmament. But just like, based on the mugshot, I really think he was just drunk as fuck.” “Sometimes drunk idiots are political. That’s why our country is the pits at times,” Janice watched Lucy get her work computer set up. Lucy had helped Carol upgrade her office, starting to move towards a digital world where there would be no need for all the paper they went through. “You know, I think you’re wasting your talents trying to go to nursing school. Take it from me, a nurse.” “What do you mean?”
“Lucy, I mean this in the nicest way possible, but you are a nerd,” Janice gave her a smile. “And you should embrace the nerdiness and go work for Apple or something. While the medical field would love to have you, I think you could do great things on the tech end.”
“Well if you ask my mother, I should be married with at least one kid by now.”
That’s when the door chimed, signaling someone had come in. Lucy and Janice looked up, both shocked as they saw a man in a suit walk in.
“Is that Tom Selleck?” Janice whispered. The man flashed both ladies a smile, but his eyes seemed drawn to Lucy.
“Hey there,” He said, leaning on the counter in front of Lucy. “I’m Agent Scott Hall.” He pulled out his badge to show her, but she couldn’t stop staring at him. A gorgeous smile nestled under a thick mustache, thick brown hair that curled and framed his head, and piercing deep brown eyes and Lucy swore looked right into her soul. Thankfully, Janice pulled her attention back to the here-and-now.
“Oh, yes. I’ll let Dr. Pierce know you’re here,” Lucy could feel that her cheeks were pink as she picked up the phone and called back to Carol. “Dr. Pierce, your appointment is here.” Lucy was trying to sound as professional as she could in front of the agent. “She’ll be here shortly.” “Thanks, uh…” “Lucy! I mean, uh, my name’s Lucy.” “Nice to meet you, Lucy.” The smile that he gave her made her heart race. She felt like a teenager meeting her celebrity crush. Thankfully, she didn’t have to talk anymore, because Carol came to save the day. He gave Lucy a wink as he followed Carol back to her office, allowing Lucy to finally breathe.
“Thanks for meeting with me Dr. Pierce,” Scott settled down in the chair across from Carol’s.
“Please, call me Carol,” She opened her filing cabinet and pulled four files out of the cabinet. “I’m just glad I can maybe help with this drug problem. It’s getting really bad.”
“So these are the autopsy files, right?” Scott picked up the stack of files Carol had set on her desk.
“Yeah. Three were strictly drug overdoses that stand out among the others we’ve had. The fourth died of a gunshot wound to the gut but also had high amounts of drugs in their system.”
“This looks different than the stuff we’ve been seeing in the lab,” Scott commented, flipping through the pages.
“It’s different than I’ve seen before,” Carol commented. “I almost feel like it’s a new type of cocaine. It’s not quite crack, but it sure as hell isn’t what we’re used to seeing. More and more of these cases popping up not just in Pinellas County, but all over Florida.” “It’s not just Florida, but we think that it’s originating from here.” Scott closed the files. “Are these my copies?” “Yes, I just need you to sign a release form. And can you leave your card with Lucy, so if I find any more weird things I can give you a call?” She slid the release to him, and he scribbled his signature on it.
“No problem,” He shook her hand and headed back out the way he came. Lucy was checking in an elderly couple for their appointment while Janice pulled their file. Once the couple sat down, Scott approached the desk.
“Hey again,” He smiled at Lucy, and she felt her cheeks lighting up again.
“Hey. Did you get everything you need?” “Well, almost. I just need your number.” Scott chuckled a little when Lucy squeaked.
“Here you go,” Lucy wrote her number on a sticky note, and against her common sense, drew a little heart on it as well. Scott smiled as he took the note, sliding her his card.
“This is for Dr. Pierce, but feel free to call for anything. And I mean anything.” He left then and Janice quickly made her way back over to Lucy.
“Girl!” She was practically bouncing. “He’s just your type and you barely had to say anything! Tell me your secret!” “He’s not my type. I don’t have a type.”
“Oh yes, you do. You love Magnum PI.”
“Well, that’s Tom Selleck. Everyone loves Tom Selleck,” Lucy shrugged.
“What’s that other detective show? The brothers? Oh! Rick Simon. You love him.” Lucy glared at Janice. “I’m right, aren’t I?”
“Don’t you have nurse things to do?” Lucy asked. Janice just laughed before heading to get a room set up for the first patients of the day, while Lucy looked at the business card she had been given.
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xhannahbananax03 · 2 years
Slip Away
Pairing: Austin x Reader
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Words: 2k
Warnings: Slow burn, some angst
Her hands rose up towards the stage as a look of confused pleasure took over her face. She watched Elvis Presley move across the platform in the center of the recording studio as he sung his heart out, body clad in a leather suit, hair sticking to his forehead with sweat.
Y/n was unsure how to feel. She knew she felt incredibly aroused watching him up close like this, her thighs pressing tighter and tighter together confirmed that for her, but her face spoke otherwise. She was screaming and practically crying with the other women surrounding her as everyone sat and watched the performance, but every few seconds you could see her take a moment to really think about how appropriate her feelings were, before her expression went back to excitement and you could tell she stopped caring once more.
"Aaaaaand... Cut!" Baz shouted out with the clicking clapperboard as a few studio bells rang and everyone gave Austin a loud cheer, Baz walking up onto the stage to talk to the young man about the scene.
Y/n rose with the rest of the crowd and straightened out her costume dress as she went to the Craft Service Table to grab a cup of water, knowing that her vocal cords were going to be needing it for all the screaming she'd have to do as an audience extra.
"Hey honey," She heard Austin creep up behind her, grabbing a water for himself as a lady from makeup dabbed some of the sweat away from his forehead quickly, "What d'ya think?" He asked smiling down at her as she shook her head up at him in amazement like she always did.
"You've once again blown me away," She shrugged honestly and his smile became brighter making her smile in return.
"Mr. Butler! If you don't mind taking a seat over here for a moment so we can do touch ups?" An on set hairstylist shouted out, motioning towards a chair a few feet away and Austin looked at Y/n to which she nodded and followed him over.
"How are ya today, Janice?" Austin asked politely, taking a seat in front of the woman her smiled down at him.
"I'm doin' just fine, Elvis," She mocked his accent in a teasing tone as she usually did and he blushed lightly while looking to the ground as Janice started her work.
Ever since Y/n and Austin stared working together on set about a year ago they became fast friends. She was only an extra for a few scenes, while Austin was the star, but he still took notice to her.
He doubted he'd ever have the gall to admit it out loud, but he found her just stunning. She was charming too and everyday he found himself trying to get closer and closer to her, "So," Austin cleared his throat, looking at Y/n who was staring back, "What're ya doing later after work, Y/n?".
"Oh probably same old, same old," She shrugged, "Just gonna go home and order some takeout," He also loved that about her. Y/n was never ashamed of being human like a lot of people were in this industry, like how Austin was at times.
"Well mind if I join ya?" He asked curiously, a little blush taking over his cheeks as he looked at her hopefully.
"Sure," She shrugged nonchalant and Austin's heart dropped a little at how little she seemed to care, "It's a date," She smiled at him kindly before turning around and making her way back to Baz as he called in the extras to speak to them.
With her back turned to Austin, she let out a shaky breath, hoping he didn't notice the excitement in her tone. They had hung out a few times outside of work but usually in a public setting or with other cast mates around so it never felt really private.
She'd be lying if she said she didn't have a massive crush on Austin. He's the whole movie she auditioned for this movie in the first place, she grew up watching him on T.V and had just developed this liking for him and the more she got to know him the more she realized she much preferred who he was off-screen.
They ran the scene a few more times along with a few other ones that Y/n wasn't in so she just waited outside the studio, talking with a few of the other extras about how they were sad that this was their last day. Luckily, it wouldn't be hers, she had one more scene that was for the end of the movie and then she'd be done.
When Austin finally made his way outside, Y/n could see the almost craze in the other women's eyes as he approached with that dazzling smile everyone became accustomed to, "Hi ladies," He smiled and a few of the women blushed while giving a small wave or little 'hello' in return, "Ya wouldn't mind if I stole this pretty little thing from y'all, now would ya?" He practically flirted with the women, throwing his arm over Y/n's shoulder and she shook her head lightly, grabbing onto the tips of his fingers. He knew what he was doing.
"Not at all," One of the women shook her head waving to the pair as she led the group away, "Call me sometime, Y/n!" She called over her shoulder before Y/n said she would and turned to walk towards the car with Austin.
He had a personal driver so thankfully she wouldn't have to call a cab tonight, most nights she didn't anyway, Austin offering to drop her off at her apartment on his way home.
"You're cruel," Y/n jokingly told him, shoving his arm away from her as the pair chuckled and Austin threw his arm back around her, squeezing her close and making her heart flutter, "Leading those ladies on like that," Y/n tsked and shook her head at him in a scolding manner.
"Oh please, like you're not jus' as bad," He scoffed out as he opened the back door of the black SUV for her, "Ya act like ya don' have every guy in that damn studio's attention," He scowled a little, not letting her see but his bitter tone uncontrollably slipped through his words.
"Well it's hard to notice anything when you're in the room, Aus," She said with a little laugh but meant every word and the look he gave her showed that she wasn't doing a good job of hiding the truth from him, so with a deep blush, she sat down and scooted across the bench seat to the other side of the SUV, allowing Austin to get in behind her.
The rest of the ride was spent in semi-awkward silence after her little comment and she found herself beating herself up over it. How could she be so stupid? If the silence didn't confirm Austin's discomfort with her flirting, she didn't know what did.
"Here we are," She mumbled with a tight lipped smile, walking up to her ground floor apartment door and grabbing her keys out of her bag to unlock it, "I'm sorry about the mess," She apologized as she opened the door and stepped inside, Austin following her close behind.
"If ya think this is a mess, ya should see my place," He chuckled softly, looking around at the relatively clean apartment, just a few things scattered about, as he tried his hardest to get the mood back to where it was before he went all quiet in the car.
He didn't mean to, he just wasn't used to her flirting with him. He was usually the one to do that and they just kind of chalked it up to that being his 'Elvis' persona poking through, trying their hardest to avoid what was going on between them, but when she finally flirted back, he was in shock. This confirmed something for him, he just wasn't sure what and didn't want to jump to the conclusion of her reciprocating his feelings and scaring her off.
"So what do you want to order for dinner?" She asked, pulling out a few menus and tossing them on the island of her kitchen as Austin removed his shoes and coat by the door, "I've got one for Chinese, one for pizza and one for a Mexican place. Or we could just order McDonald's or something," She shrugged, dropping her purse on the counter and looking over at him, a small blush still on her cheeks and he smiled.
"I'm down for whatever ya want, sweetheart," He grinned at her, his flirtatious manner coming back tenfold and she nodded her head, grabbing one of the menus and her cellphone.
He looked around her apartment as she made the call and took his time to look over some photos of her, one in particular caught his attention and he picked up the frame. Inside was Y/n, in a wedding dress, standing across from a man as they smiled at each other.
Austin looked at it awhile longer, confusion evident in his face. Y/n had never mentioned a partner, let alone a husband. Why wouldn't she think to bring that up?
"That's Nate," Y/n told him, surprising him and making him jump a little, he didn't mean to snoop like he had and he quickly sat the photo back down before looking to her and seeing a sad smile on her face, "He was my husband," She explained, wanting him to know that they were no longer together.
"Was?" He asked curiously but not wanting to sound judge-y, he knew he'd still like her no matter what.
"Mhm," She nodded taking the photo from the stand where it sat, "We got married, like, super young," She chuckled, looking at the picture of her wedding day with a fond expression, "He was in the military and was killed," She finally let out, not really having talked to anyone about it in a long time.
It had happened over 10 years ago, so she had had plenty of time to mourn, but when she moved away from their shared home, she lost contact with his family and just kinda stopped talking about it. She did, however, keep this one simple photo of them together, "I hope you don't mind," She looked up to Austin, still holding the picture in her hands.
He looked at her for a moment with a sad expression, before gently taking the photo from her hands and setting it down and bring her into his arms to hold her tightly, "I'm so sorry, Y/n," He told her honestly, kissing the top of her head and now he found himself being upset that he had even thought about feeling jealous, "I'm sure he was a great man,"And Austin was sure he was, judging by the photo alone, Y/n looked extremely happy.
The sweet moment was broken up by a knock on the door and the pair pulled apart, "I've got it, honey," He told her, squeezing her arm before going to answer the door and grab their food, "Wanna eat in the living room? Maybe watch a movie?" He suggested, carrying a bag of food towards where they were in the living, but before he could even get a few steps away from the door, he was met with her standing directly in front of him and he smiled down at her, waiting for her answer.
Y/n stared up at him with a nearly blank face as she reached out and took the food from his hands, setting it on the floor by their feet and he looked at her confused, "Wha-" His words were quickly cut off by the feeling of her lips pressing against his firmly.
It took Austin only a second before he was holding onto her and kissing her back just as passionately. He had no idea where this was coming from, but now that he had her, really had her, he wasn't about to let her slip away.
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justforbooks · 1 year
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In a brief biographical sketch, the crime writer Christopher Fowler, who has died aged 69, claimed he had achieved several of his “pathetic schoolboy fantasies”: releasing an “appalling” Christmas pop single; working as a male model; posing as the villain in a Batman graphic novel; running a Soho night club; appearing in The Pan Book of Horror series; and standing in for James Bond. Rather than examples of Fowler’s wicked sense of humour, all these claims were true. Time Out, meanwhile, called him “an award-winning novelist who would make a good serial killer”.
He was best known for his Bryant & May thrillers, featuring the elderly, venerable detectives Arthur Bryant and John May, who head up the Peculiar Crimes Unit, a department of the London police set up during the second world war to investigate cases that might cause a national scandal or public unrest. The pair had made appearances in some of Fowler’s early novels – Rune (1990), Darkest Day (1993) and Soho Black (1998) – before breaking out into their own long-running series, starting with Full Dark House in 2003.
Bryant, an irascible technophobe, and May, more accepting of the ways of modern life, have been partners for more than 60 years, having first teamed up in 1940 when they were 23 and 19 respectively. The first novel begins with the death by explosion of Bryant; while May investigates, he discovers connections with the pair’s very first case, the killing of a dancer during the blitz, which is told in flashback.
The Gothic air and clashing personalities continued into sequels, each intended to explore a different sub-genre of crime fiction, described by Fowler as “all the devices of classic murder mysteries, including disguised identities, locked room puzzles, surprise ending and nick-of-time rescues”.
The intended one-off novel became six books, then 12 and eventually 20, including two collections of short stories. Central to the series – and many of his other works – was Fowler’s love of London. He found the city endlessly fascinating and delighted in discovering its odder corners and the strangeness of its inhabitants, past and present. “The most bizarre facts in this book are the truest,” he noted in the acknowledgments of The Water Room, the second in the series, published in 2004.
Fowler began writing books alongside a career in the film industry, having co-founded the film promotion agency the Creative Partnership while in his 20s. This gave him the freedom to write what he liked, which made him a publisher’s nightmare: the unclassifiable author. After producing two novels that failed to launch and publishing two humorous titles, How to Impersonate Famous People (1984) and The Ultimate Party Book (1985), Fowler sold two collections of horror stories – City Jitters (1986) and More City Jitters (1988) – to the publisher of his near-neighbour, the novelist and playwright Clive Barker.
He followed this with Roofworld (1988), an urban fantasy novel about battling gangs and secret occult societies who use zipwires and bungee cords to travel above the city – inspired by the interconnected rooftops of London’s densely packed streets and his knowledge of how burglars would break into buildings through the top floor.
Roofworld established some of Fowler’s common themes – warfare between classes, battling evil corporations, and secret worlds existing within touching distance of unsuspecting Londoners – and introduced recurring characters, including DS Janice Longbright, who later served in the Peculiar Crimes Unit.
The real myths and mysteries of London held more interest to him than the supernatural horror of his earlier novels, although that did not stop him writing disturbing and blackly humorous takes on old themes: Rune’s subliminal messages echo MR James’ Casting the Runes; in Red Bride (1992) an ordinary man is seduced by a succubus; and in Spanky (1994) the hero engages in a Faustian pact with a demon.
The family at the heart of Psychoville (1995) are driven out of the suburbs by its change-resistant middle-class community; Disturbia (1996) has its hero uncover the machinations of a secret society; Hell Train (2011) is a homage to Hammer Films; Nyctophobia (2014) is a haunted house story; Little Boy Found (2017, as LK Fox) a psychological thriller; and Hot Water (2022) a murder mystery.
Fowler’s influences included Mervyn Peake’s Gormenghast trilogy (which he called “powerful, black and funny”), John Dickson Carr’s The Hollow Man (“the ultimate in sleight-of-hand”) and JG Ballard (“his ‘five minutes into the future’ books were startling in their prescience”), the latter strongly influencing The Sand Men (2015).
His short story Left Hand Drive was filmed in 1993, and The Master Builder was made into the TV movie Through the Eyes of a Killer (1992), with Tippi Hedren. He won five British Fantasy awards, including for Full Dark House. Other Bryant & May novels won prizes and he was awarded the 2015 Crime Writers’ Association Dagger in the Library award for his body of work. His memoir Paperboy (2009) won the inaugural Green Carnation award.
Fowler was born in Greenwich, south-east London, the son of Lilian (nee Upton), a legal secretary, and William Fowler, a glass-blower and designer of scientific instruments with whom Fowler had a troubled relationship. He grew up reading fantasy, horror and science fiction, graduating from Superman comics to Tolkien and Ballard in his teens.
He was educated at Colfe’s grammar school in Lee before enrolling to study art at Goldsmiths College in 1972, although he left to take up work as a copywriter in various advertising agencies. At the age of 26 he set up the Creative Partnership with the producer Jim Sturgeon to market films, becoming a one-stop shop producing trailers, posters and commercials for radio and TV.
The company worked on campaigns for Bernardo Bertolucci, Peter Greenaway, Ridley Scott, Quentin Tarantino, David Cronenberg, Mike Leigh and many others, on movies ranging from Alien – they were paid £20 for the line “In space no one can hear you scream” – and The Cook, the Thief, His Wife and Her Lover, to GoldenEye and Reservoir Dogs.
The Creative Partnership opened an office in Beverley Hills and Fowler spent the early 80s in the US, but could find only badly paid, uncreative work. With time on his hands he began writing, finding success after returning to London. He was able to maintain a steady output, including a graphic novel (Menz Insana, 1997), a stage play (Celebrity, produced at the Phoenix, London, in 2010), and the War of the Worlds video game (2011) for Paramount.
He also wrote a 319-episode series of short essays on forgotten authors for the Independent on Sunday, partly collected as Invisible Ink (2012) and The Book of Forgotten Authors (2017). Essay 319 featured Christopher Fowler, described as “a typical example of the late 20th-century midlist author ... [whose] ability of turning his hand to most literary forms granted him the honorary title of ‘Wordslut’”.
Fowler was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer in March 2020. He worked on his 20th Bryant & May novel, London Bridge is Falling Down (2021), while undergoing chemotherapy in hospital, and the following year published Bryant & May’s Peculiar London, in which his characters explore the true life eccentricities and elusive byways of the city. His third volume of memoirs, Word Monkey (following Paperboy and Film Freak, 2013), is due out in August.
Fowler formed a civil partnership in 2007 with the TV executive Peter Chapman, and 10 years later they married. Peter survives him, along with his younger brother, Steven.
🔔 Christopher Robert Fowler, author and screenwriter, born 26 March 1953; died 2 March 2023
Daily inspiration. Discover more photos at http://justforbooks.tumblr.com
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u-mspcoll · 2 years
New Exhibit! A Perfect Pairing of Books and Dinnerware
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Children’s toy plastic American Modern dinnerware, mid-1950s by Ideal Toy Company, designer Russel Wright, with Betty Crocker’s Cook Book for Boys and Girls (1957).
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John Meir and Son, Greengates Pottery, Tunstall, Staffordshire, England (1837–1897). Ironstone dinnerware, Kyber pattern, circa 1838. Ironstone china, glazed, with decals. IMoDD 2017.82. Gift of Russell and Sheila Stevens.
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Lydia Maria Child. The American Frugal Housewife: Dedicated to Those Who Are Not Ashamed of Economy. 22nd Edition. New York: Samuel S. & William Wood, 1838. The Janice Bluestein Longone Culinary Archive.
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Robeson Rochester Corp., Rochester, New York; and Fraunfelter China, Zanesville, Ohio, 1923–1939. Art Deco Royal Rochester Modernistic syrup, batter bowl, and waffle iron with cord, ca. 1928. China, hand-painted, and chrome. IMoDD 2018.64. Gift of Judith and Martin Schwartz (syrup); 2019.182 (batter bowl); and 2018.86 (waffle iron). Museum Purchases.
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Alice Bradley. Breakfast to Midnight, Recipes with Pabst-ett. Milwaukee, Wisconsin: Pabst Corp., 1929. The Janice Bluestein Longone Culinary Archive. Gift of Janice Bluestein Longone.
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Glidden Pottery, Alfred, New York (1940–1957). June Chisolm, decorator. Chi-Chi Poodle shirred egg server, squared cup and saucer, salt & pepper shakers, 1951–55. Earthenware, glazed, hand-decorated. IMoDD 2016.131. Museum Purchase (shirred egg server); 2013.68 Gift of D. Philip Baker and Julie Baker Boyer from the Collection of Mildred Higgins Baker (cup and saucer); 2014.193 Museum Purchase (salt & pepper).
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Lucy’s Notebook!: With Inside Secrets on Favorite Menus, Recipes, and Good Entertaining by the Star of “I Love Lucy.” [New York?]: Philip Morris, [1950?]. The Janice Bluestein Longone Culinary Archive. Gift of Janice Bluestein Longone.
We’re pleased to announce a new exhibit, A Perfect Pairing, on display in the Audubon Room from July 7, 2022 to September 29, 2022! An online version of A Perfect Pairing is available on the website of the International Museum of Dinnerware Design. Come check it out --- in person or online!
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mckiwi · 2 years
Whumptober 2022 Day 12: Sensory Overload
Characters: Stephen Strange
Summary: He's just going on a walk around the block. What could go wrong?
Smiling in satisfaction, Stephen inspected his newly repaired watch. Perfect. He put it away in a drawer for the day and made his way toward the front door. He didn't care how long he was out. Kamar-Taj was being repaired. America was making friends and starting her lessons. He and Wong were going to a concert in less than a week. And now his watch was finally fixed after all this time. Things were finally starting to look good for Stephen. To celebrate, he was rewarding himself with a walk around the block. What could go wrong?
He winced a bit from a rather loud horn, followed by some very aggressive guitar chords. Stephen blinked rapidly as the sun seemed far too bright all of the sudden. Who was screeching their tires?
It felt as if someone stabbed him in the back of his eyes with a hot ice pick. The pain flared so intensely that Stephen lost his footing for a moment, swaying and covering his eyes with his hand. Why was it so bright! Would they please stop with that stupid guitar!
Stephen's knees buckled and he hit the pavement with a jolt, sending a sledgehammer of pain to his brain. He dug his fingernails into his face. He wanted to climb into his skull and sever his spinal cord if that meant the pain would stop. He couldn't move his hands from his face to cover his ears. A hundred conversations all at once. "Janice was saying that Denice" - "me of being pregnant! The nerve" - "I didn't know that it was" - "chica, estoy listo para ir a casa" - "why is the Statue of Liberty green if it's made of copper" - "is that dude ok?"
Toomuchtoomuchtoomuchtooloudtoobrighttoomuch, he doubled over, crapcrapcrapcrapcrapCRACK
Stephen howled in pure agony as his skull split open. New smells filled his nose. Nonexistent fire and a thousand tiny needles prickled along his skin. He nearly choked on the taste of metallic. He couldn't hear his own thoughts. Colors he couldn't even begin to name invaded his vision. The only one he could name was black as the darkness swarmed over him. He lost consciousness before his head ever hit the ground.
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WTNV Quick Rundown - Live Show - Condos
Our first live show(also technically like, episode 40.5)! I'm doing it here because it was first performed around this time, though in terms of NV events, I can't say where it fits. This one features the guest voices of Dylan Marron as Carlos, Mara Wilson as the Faceless Old Woman and Jackson Publick as Hiram McDaniels.
At last, we are alone. At last we are, all of us, alone together. At last, every human, alone together, on this earth. Welcome to Night Vale.
Condos are for sale in NV. Several characters are very excited to buy a condo despite the fact that nobody seems to know what a condo is or what it looks like. This includes Leann Hart, Janice Rio (from down the street), the Glow Cloud and Carlos. A man called Roger Singh is present and wants to know if he can buy one with the spine he is holding in his hands.
The Faceless Old Woman tries to warn Cecil about the condos. The 'Condos' are featureless black cubes, emitting low levels of radiation and pulsing energy. Touching them causes people to have visions of other places all of which have huge emotional consequences for those who view them. Janice Rio, Roger Singh and a resident called Samantha Guzman are the first to do so, closely followed by others.
A second touch of the cube sucks the person inside, where they go limp and float within it's semi-translucent interior. Cecil advises people to now NOT buy condos until they are fully understood.
He becomes worried when Carlos, who earlier revealed he was looking at buying a condo and also explained his voice change by saying he gave himself surgery on his vocal cords, reveals he did indeed by a condo for the two of them and had a scientifically-themed vision which he views as perfect and feels compelled to go and touch the condo again. Cecil goes to try and save him (during which time, the weather plays and the FOW tells us a story of somebody whose house she lived in).
“Remember Us“ by Gabriel Royal
Cecil did manage to rescue Carlos, but not without having a vision of the dark planet lit by no sun and feeling the allure of perfection, by resisting and clinging to the idea of the importance and reality of imperfection, beautiful imperfection. He carries Carlos out and reveals he always has his microphone with him, so records everything Carlos says.
Carlos starts by talking about obscure things, then gets shy as he admits he wants them to live together.
This is the first time we hear Cecil confirm that he and Carlos are 'boyfriends' too. Carlos suggests that Cecil not tell the whole town everything they do, so we don't learn what kind of home they plan to get together yet (or at all). The condos sink into the earth, taking those within them away to wherever it is they're going.
Hiram McDaniels appears due to feeling that giving airtime to the FOW was unfair, and he as another mayoral candidate should also get airtime. Each head speaks in a different voice and tone.
Dark Owl Records is having an 'everything must go' sale in which they say music is meaningless and you should eat it.
There is a new Unlearning Wing at the Museum of Forbidden Technology. Kids will be randomly chosen to attend whilst they're sleeping and then wake up there to unlearn things.
The NV PTA is holding a raffle and the winner (as usual) will never be seen again.
Monday has been rescheduled to Wednesday and Wednesday has been doubled.
Goodnight, all of you here, goodnight, all of you listeners, and goodnight, Night Vale. Goodnight.
Today’s proverb: All tattoos are temporary tattoos.
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oluka · 2 years
Girl the way I sighed in relief when she said no asgflkj Tho I did get kinda bitter at the "only YOU have ever anchored me!" bit... What is it with modern IM writers erasing every important woman in Tony's life to prop their faves up? Uh sir you better go apologize to Janice Cord, Bethany Cabe, Rumiko Fujikawa, etc. right now!
The whole proposal was so stupid. Why do it over a letter?? Why make her read it in front of you? Why now?
Apparently Patsy is the only woman who's ever been in Tony's life, and also the only person he can rely on. Can't believe all his other friends don't exist anymore.
Have you seen how when Patsy tries to make a decision about accepting or rejecting the marriage proposal, she casually wonders if she even loves him or if she just loves fixing him? yikes.
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wanderingmind867 · 19 days
I hate when minor villains or supporting characters die in comics. I mean, sometimes I'll try and deal, but I never like it. Some examples of this: Janice Cord in Iron Man (I think I can deal with her death, but I still hate it for happening), George Stacy and Gwen Stacy in Spiderman (I can't forgive either of their deaths), I think Glenn Talbot in The Hulk, Lady Dorma in Namor, etc. And then for minor villains, there's so many examples. The Eel, The Ox, The Melter, The Black Knight/Nathan Garret (although at least his death gave us Dane Whitman), etc. I hate it when characters are killed off like this! Hate it, hate it, hate it! So if it's possible for me to do so, I'm always going to try and retcon or ignore all these deaths whenever I think about comics.
PS: Oh, and the obligatory Fuck you to Jim Starlin for killing Captain Mar-Vell. Yeah, I bet it was "cheaper than going to a shrink". You asshole, Jim Starlin. Captain Mar-Vell and Jason Todd both deserved better!
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daydreamerdrew · 1 year
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Iron Man (1968) #13
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nightmaremp · 2 months
Weremayhem: Song of Beasts. Ch 22: The Bloody Back of the Wolf
It was just like yesterday when it happened. It was a dark, cold night in New Orleans. Floyd was in his werewolf form. He remembered how it was a year after meeting Teeth at the music shop. The werewolf was walking through the woods, he just wandered around at night. 
Suddenly a body dropped from the trees above. Floyd Pepper stops and looks down in shock and horror. It was a wolf’s dead body. The neck had been torn out, the vocal cords were hanging out. Half of its skull was missing. The stomach was torn to pieces, the only thing left was the bone. 
The wolf’s body looks like it has been thrown around, beaten with a large amount of force, and then has a kill bite to the throat. He looked up at the trees but he didn’t see anything. Floyd slowly bent down and sniffed the dead body. He could smell that a type of feline had killed the caine. “Feline” he thought to himself. 
Suddenly the werewolf heard a stick from up above snap. Floyd Pepper quickly looked up and his heart dropped. 
There was a pair of gold yellow eyes looking down at him from the trees. There was no body for the eyes. He felt the urge, the need to run away to live. Without thinking for another second, the wolf ran for his life. His heart beats faster and faster as he hears footsteps following him. 
A blood cruising scream filled the air and it was from behind him. The scream sounds like a woman getting attacked but also a cat from the deepest pits of Hell. 
Suddenly, Floyd got force to the ground with a huge amount of force. He turned his head to look at the beast that attacked him. 
It was a huge werecheshirecat. She had him pin down and was hissing at him. Her face was covered in blood and a small bit of flesh from the dead caine. The pink fur werewolf tried to kick the large feline off of him but failed. 
She starts to dig into his back. He could feel the fur and skin of his back being tore off, piece by piece. The pain was unbearable. Floyd would rather die right now than to deal with this pain. The wolf let out howls of pain as the cheshire cat dug into his back. 
Suddenly it all stopped. Floyd Pepper could finally breathe, his whole body is shaking from pain and fear. He slowly turns his head. The werecheshirecat that was attacking him was gone. Disappeared out of thin air he thought. 
The werewolf slowly got up from the bloody ground. Floyd could see pieces of his fur and skin everywhere around him. The grass was painted with his own blood. He tries to get his breathing down.
“Floyd!” yelled a voice from a far. It was his mother. She walk over and her face filled with horror as she saw her son hurt.  
Kimmy is a werewolf herself. Her fur was pink like her son. She had an orange nose like him too. A scar covers her left eye. Another on the right side of her side and one on her left arm. Kimmy Pepper have a tattoo of a rose with vines that are covered in thorns on her right hip and thigh. 
“What happened!?” Kimmy asked in a worried tone as she gently helped her son up from the bloody ground. 
“A werefeline had attacked me!” replied Floyd with a whimper of pain. 
Suddenly, a voice broke the flashback for the red haired male. “Floyd!” yelled Janice as she shook him like a bag of chips. 
“Yes?” replied Floyd Pepper as the blonde female stopped shaking him. 
“Floyd, you, like, stop answering us and wouldn’t move when Animal try to, like, move you” she replied with some tears in her eyes. 
“Sorry for the scare, guys.” replied the red haired male with a soft chuckle. Janice hugs him which he hugs back. 
Floyd noticed that Teeth’s parents were gone. Teeth were being pamper by Lips who was petting the oversized feline’s head. 
“This is a wild night” groans Nora. 
“Maybe tomorrow will be better?” replied Hannah. 
In the morning, Everything was oddly quiet. It was too quiet. Label Lady looks around the Shack until she stops in the living room. Lips was reading a book and Teeth came up to him. The blonde haired male looks over to the ginger haired male. 
The doc slowly gets on to one knee. Nora’s eyes get wide as she realizes this was the romantic impulsivity. 
“Lips, my love, the news I bring trumps all” the good doctor starts to say as he slowly pulls out a small black box. He opens the box to reveal an engagement ring. It was beautiful. The diamonds on top shine brightly in the light. Lips gasp and his cheeks go red as cherries. 
“Would you do me the honor of being my law-riffically wedded husband?” asked Dr. Teeth with a big smile on his face. 
“For all eternity” he added. 
“Stop! Don’t answer it, Lips. Remember his parents are in town. This is a part of one of his phases.” said Nora quickly. 
The blonde male face palms himself. He did forget that. Lips get up but not before giving the band leader a small peck on the lips. He walked out of the living room. Now, it is just Label Lady and Teeth. 
“Look, Teeth. I know things are complicated with your mom, okay? Trust me, I get it” said the black haired female. 
“But at the end of the day, you have to stand up for your own dreams, okay? Not theirs.” she added. The ginger haired male shook his head as he got up from his knees. 
“But…” he started to say but stopped to think a bit. “But, how?” Teeth asked. 
“By putting an end to this whole process and finally showing your parents that you already are a doctor” replied Nora. 
“A doctor of the heart and soul.” she added. 
“Heart and soul, indeed” replied Dr. Teeth. “Much obliged, Label Lady” he added as they hug. 
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obscuremarvelmuses · 11 months
Darkstar Reread Iron Man #109
Longtime no see! With the 1975 Champions over, Laynia’s next appearance is in Iron Man #109! The cover indicates she and her brother Vanguard will be fighting him, and I believe this is the first appearance of the latter! Some guy in a crowd at the beginning mentions that Tony Stark developed the “electro-therapy” that helped him walk again. Wonder why Charles never got that. Like, it’s not that I want disabled characters to be “cured” but it’s also frequently weird to me how/why they’re NOT in a world with this kind of tech. Yeah, you’ve got ones like Makkari years later who chooses to stay Deaf, but Charles does NOT seem to WANT to stay paraplegic. I know the actual reason is “because the writers want him to, except when they don’t” so I’ll stop now, but yeah. Same for cancer and stuff. Anyway— Without getting into a bunch of Darkstar-irrelevant plot, this took place when it still wasn’t known that Tony Star was Iron Man, and Tony cleverly uses a life model decoy (basically, an android that looks indistinguishable from a living person and acts as such) to make it seem like “Tony” and Iron Man were in the same place at the same time, witnessed by a crowd of people. Which is pretty clever/nifty. Though according to Tony, one DID once try to kill him and take over his identity. Finally getting into the parts of the story relevant to Darkstar, Iron Man and Jack of Hearts go to the moon for REASONS and are shocked to find not only is there breathable air, there’s RUSSIANS! The Crimson Dynamo attacks Jack immediately, bowling him over with bravado, while Darkstar asks him to stay the “melodrama” right now. Jack asks why they attacked him and Tony’s spaceship, CD replies that it was THEM who attacked the Russian’s ship and shot it down from orbit. He believes that Jack and Tony are now here to commence a second attack. CD and Jack start arguing, Jack asks who attacked the US ship if the US ship is truly the one who attacked the Russians,  Darkstar concludes that they were BOTH attacked at the SAME TIME most likely by the same thing they were both sent to investigate, “the source of the mysterious signals detected on earth” which is why they’re there btw. And that source, is “that!” which Laynia points to. It’s basically a super ginormous silver metal egg on its side. Jack asks what it is, and now Vanguard joins the scene, grabbing Jack by the collar and saying maybe it’s a bomb the Americans lost and sent Jack to recover. Where is Tony? Did he get knocked out or thrown or something? I wasn’t paying attention, I was just looking for Laynia. Once again, she intervenes with peace and sense, saying how that’s illogical and why would the Americans turn such a weapon on their own kind. Vanguard hotly replies she can tell him, since she lived among them, and that “I cannot understand them—but I can destroy them!” while Jack asks Laynia to tell him to back off. I get the feeling that is probably her job. This is why I write her as thinking men are overly-aggro as a whole. Is she right to stereotype and generalize based on her own limited experiences? No, but I think she would. Anyway, Tony wakes up, blasts Vanguard away from Jack, and once again Darkstar tries to bring peace but Tony’s not having it, saying all he knows about her is that she was a defector who’s gone back to Moscow and joined up with”some second-rate Thor” (Vanguard wields a hammer) and with “that murderous scum, the Crimson Dynamo” who killed a woman named Janice Cord that Tony loved and “if that’s not reason to attack, I don’t know what is!” Wow, so guilty by association, huh? Darkstar cries out “No! You’re making a terrible mistake!” as she dodges a second blast from Tony, while Jack proclaims “I’m making it with him, beautiful!” and joins Tony fighting CD and Van while Darkstar continues trying to de-escalate things. What is her life. Laynia loses her patience and proclaims “Lenin’s ghost, MEN! Always pretending they know what is right, what is best!” and I think this is the issue where I got the headcanon/observation that she does generalize men like this out of exasperation, because I knew I remembered her saying something like that. Also, anyone else find it kinda funny how it’s almost always MALE writers having women go the “UGH MEN” route? Because I swear it is. Anyway, she reminds him how they allied together to fight MODOK “yet you would forget a trust forged in the fires of battle and instead let your rage blind you to the truth!” I also head the headcanon that Darkstar considers anyone she’s fought alongside to be a friend, even if they don’t really know each other or see her the same way, since that’s pretty much what friendship IS in her life, and I think this is also the issue I got that from. She seizes Tony in Darkforce, squeezing him, and CD says to hold him while he finishes him off. But Laynia won’t have this either, telling CD that she wishes to reason with him, not kill him. I love her. Tony’s suit reverses its magnetic field which repels the Darkforce, causing Laynia to pass out due to her mental link with it. I think that’s a pretty neat weakness, and a good drawback to what’s a very potent power. CD and Tony are now ready to fight to the death, while Van and Jack go at it too. We find out that in addition to a hammer, Van wields a sickle. Because of course. Darkstar regains consciousness and asks Iron Man what was the name of the Crimson Dynamo that he hated, Tony gives it. The current CD removes his helmet, and Tony doesn’t recognize him. It’s a different guy in the same suit and codename, and Darkstar explains that the armor and name belong to the State, given to those deemed worthy, and that the one Tony wants disappeared awhile ago. She also says “you were misinformed about me as well. I was never a defector—your government simply allowed me to stay on with the Champions! Thanks to the Black Widow and Col. Fury!” Whatever you have to tell yourself to sleep at night, Laynia. Like, I do not doubt that Russia probably does not TECHNICALLY count her as a defector or she’d have been executed, and since they don’t want to lose her powers—-which can’t be passed to another as easily as a suit, though that changes decades later—they just went “oh no you never defected so we don’t need to punish you hon just come on back like a good girl :) “ and she was like oh thank god I’m not a defector, I’m not! Like, it’s a cope on both ends, big time, in my opinion. Vanguard finally says “We waste time with fools such as these, Laynia” AS IF THAT’S NOT HIS OWN FREAKING FAULT and goes to examine the egg. Jack and Tony realize it’s making the same strange sounds that it did before attacking the space ships, and rush inside first. At first, CD thinks they’re just trying to be first and “I knew they couldn’t be trusted!” but then the egg appears to disintegrate them once they’re inside and seals shut after them, leaving the Russian squad outside, and Laynia, ever the perceptive one of the lot, observes “He sensed the menace of the egg, and sacrificed himself to save us!” Vanguard wonders aloud why an American would do such a thing for a Russian, and CD answers “Perhaps because the word “hero” is separate from nationality, my comrade!” Because of course, we could never have a story where that went the other way around, right? With a brave selfless non-American helping an American? Look, I’m just saying— Anyway, tune in next time! Whenever that is!
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ainews · 1 year
Residents of Lyman, Mississippi were both surprised and delighted to discover a unique new pet in town – an electric kitten.
The electric kitten, aptly named “Tesla” after the pioneering inventor, was recently adopted from a local animal shelter by a Lyman woman. Tesla is no ordinary kitten – instead of meowing and purring, it moves around silently and has a penchant for playing with electronics.
Tesla’s new owner, Janice Williams, has been delighted by the electric kitten’s antics. “Tesla loves playing with my phone and laptop,” she told a local newspaper. “She’ll crawl around my desk and try to grab the cords, or she’ll press the buttons on my phone. It’s really quite amusing.”
Tesla’s presence in Lyman has sparked a lot of interest in the small town. “People have been coming from all over to meet her and take pictures,” said Williams. “It’s amazing how something so small can have such a big impact on our town.”
It’s clear that Tesla has become a beloved member of the Lyman community. With her curious antics and unique features, she has sparked an animated interest in a town that was previously known mostly for its quiet, rural atmosphere.
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rastamanbourgeois · 2 years
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Une boîte à onguent en ivoire portant les cartouches de Ramsès II et Nefertari
Cette boîte à onguent, ronde, en ivoire d'hippopotame et bois de rose, a un diamètre qui varie de 5 à 6,4 cm. Elle est composée de trois parties : le couvercle, le contenant avec un léger "débord", et un élégant piédouche central sur lequel repose le tout.
Elle est munie, de deux "appendices" qui rompent temporairement sa forme circulaire : plats et rectangulaires, ils se répondent "exactement" sur le couvercle et le contenant. Ils servent notamment à accueillir les "mécanismes" d'ouverture et de fermeture.
L'un d'eux, placé sur le contenant, est muni en son extrémité d'un petit "bouton" de bois sombre : il va de pair avec un autre, plus petit, situé sur le couvercle. Une cordelette, entourée autour des deux, assurait la fermeture de la boîte.
L'autre appendice est percé de part en part : une cheville en bois traversante permet de faire pivoter la partie supérieure afin d'accéder au précieux onguent.
Le couvercle est orné, sur l'ensemble de son pourtour, appendices compris, de petits cercles, disposés à intervalles rapprochés. Leur centre est matérialisé par un point. Ces décorations sombres se détachent très bien sur l'ivoire, même s'il s'est, au fil du temps, patiné, voire bruni, en certains endroits.
Du côté où pivote le couvercle se trouve un petit hérisson, au corps menu et allongé, dont les piquants sont rendus par des stries croisées.
Dans la catalogue de l'exposition "Des Animaux et des Pharaons", Marc Etienne présente ainsi ce petit insectivore : "Le hérisson chasse les serpents la nuit pour s'en nourrir. De ce fait, ce prédateur efficace a été quelquefois représenté sur des objets de petite taille servant d'amulettes. Un élément réel du comportement de l'animal représenté est ainsi rapproché d'une fonction de protection magique de l'individu propriétaire de l'objet".
Dans "L'Egypte ancienne et ses dieux", Jean-Pierre Cortegianni note bien l'existence d'une déesse hérisson, "Abaset", mais son culte a été peu attesté.
Le museau effilé du petit mammifère arrive au niveau d'un double cartouche, maladroitement gravé, aux noms de Ramsès II et de sa grande épouse royale, Nefertari.
Janice Kamrin, conservatrice au Metropolitan Museum of Art de New York où est exposé cet objet, livre cette interprétation : "Unique dans le répertoire égyptien, cette boîte miniature en ivoire et ébène est ornée de cercles incisés et de la minuscule silhouette d'un hérisson. Le corps est lenticulaire, avec une épaule bien définie et un pied cylindrique. Le couvercle est plat et légèrement trop petit pour le récipient, ce qui suggère qu'ils ne vont peut-être pas ensemble à l'origine. Le type semble appartenir à la tradition nord-syrienne et est similaire aux exemples d'Ugarit".
Cependant, aucune indication ne précise sa provenance "antique".
Il semble difficile d'imaginer qu'il puisse avoir appartenu au trésor funéraire de la grande reine dont la tombe, violée et saccagée à la fin de l'époque ramesside, a été découverte en 1904, par la Mission Archéologique du Musée de Turin, dirigée par Ernesto Schiaparelli et Francesco Ballerini.
Les pilleurs n'avaient en effet laissé que "des scarabées, des fragments du couvercle du sarcophage en granit, et des fragments d'un couvercle de cercueil en bois doré. Une trentaine de "chaouabtis", de nombreux tessons de poterie… un pilier-djed en bois cloisonné avec incrustation de pâte de verre … inscrit au nom de la reine Nefertari… une paire de sandales en corde…".
Se pourrait-il qu'il s'agisse là d'un objet "commémoratif" en référence au couple royal ? On trouve, par exemple, au Louvre des boîtes à onguent portant les cartouches de la reine Tiyi et d'Amenhotep IV…
Cet artefact ré-apparaît en 1922, sous le n° 26 du "Catalogue of an Exhibition of Ancient Egyptian Art, London, 1922" : "Boîte de toilette, ivoire, avec chevilles en ébène. Couvercle orné d'une rangée de cercles concentriques autour de la surface supérieure et à l'arrière, près de la cheville pivot, est un petit animal sculpté en ivoire. Devant ce petit animal sont incisés les cartouches de Ramsès II et de la Reine Nefretari Mer-en-Mut. Contenant de forme circulaire et pied saillant à tige courte. Sur le devant du couvercle et en dessous sur le contenant, se trouvent des chevilles en ébène. La boîte contient de la pâte non onctueuse. XIXe dynastie".
Il est indiqué qu'il s'agit là d'un prêt de Lord Carnarvon, qui, en novembre de la même année, grâce à ses subsides et à la ténacité d'Howard Carter, découvrira, la tombe de Toutankhamon.
Il décèdera, quelques mois plus tard, au Caire, le 5 avril 1923. Dans un codicille à son testament, destiné à son épouse Lady Almina, il avait exprimé ses suggestions sur le devenir de sa collection au cas où elle serait amenée à s'en séparer. Ce qu'elle fera, Howard Carter étant alors chargé des négociations...
Grâce à la générosité d'Edward S. Harkness, le Metropolitan Museum of Art de New York s'en portera acquéreur pour la somme de $ 145.000. C'est ainsi que cet objet est entré dans ses collections, en 1926, sous la référence 26.7.1291.
marie grillot
Illustration : Boîte à onguent portant les cartouches de Ramsès II et Nefertari - ivoire d'hippopotame et bois de rose - Nouvel Empire - Période Ramesside - 1279-1213 av. J.-C. - provenance antique inconnue - entrée au Metropolitan Museum of Art de New York (réf. 26.7.1291) en 1926 par l'acquisition de la Collection de Lord Carnarvon
sources de l'article et illustrations complémentaires sur égyptophile
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yetanothercomicbook · 2 years
The Coming of the Controller
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Iron Man #12
Terrific comic, with some really strong storytelling.
Tony is suspicious of Janice Cord’s lawyer.
First third takes care of the previous issue’s cliffhanger. And does so in fine style, with an intelligent take on the LMD. Limitations are established and it’s stated that Stark won’t/can’t use such a device ever again. The middle third gives us the origin of a brand new villain. And it feels like a real story is being told. Which I love. The final third finds Tony and Janice is a town of (what are basically) zombies! Very creepy. It’s a strong ending to a very good read.
On Sale Date: January 2, 1969.
Archie Goodwin (15 of 31).
George Tuska (8 of 18).
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