#jaykore talks
jaykore · 5 years
Hear me out- for JayTim size difference, Tim can still be a reasonably sized human if you make Jason absolutely MASSIVE. Even if Tim is like 5'6" (on the short side, but not that unusual) or so, next to Jason that's 6'5" (tall, but not unheard of) and jacked, he'd still be an itty bitty boi.
Hello yes. You had me at “ABSOLUTELY MASSIVE”. 
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tanekore · 5 years
Omg your art is so pretty! I love the way you draw Jason
Thank you so much!
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jaytheredbird · 4 years
✈️ & 🎠
✈️ A DC Elseworlds comic you wish was more explored upon?
Not an elseworld's title on it's own but I would definitely like earth 11 explored/elaborated on. While I know most of it is probably mirrored from New Earth continuity, I had seen that some things had been changed like Booster being killed in place of Blue Beetle II. I'd honestly be interested in how that plays out.
i don't read a lot of elseworlds, but of the ones i have read, i would love to see another take on the on Catwoman: Guardian of Gotham, maybe where Bruce isn't absolutely nuts, and we just get to enjoy Catwoman as a hero with Bruce as an eclectic thief lmao.
I really enjoy the setting of Gotham by Gaslight and would like to see the Victorian counterparts of more of the Rogues as well as the Batfams vigilante personas. There was also an unpublished Earth-2 Jason concept where he finds Bruce Wayne murdered and starts training himself to take his place which sounds like it could have potential!
I've always found Whatever Happened To The Man Of Tomorrow very interesting. The transition of a world in which superheroes are very much a thing to a world where they're not as prolific, not due to a public death but to age, is fascinating to me.
🎠 You can bring to life just one character. Who?
Ted Kord. I'd like both of Blue&Gold but if I had to choose one I'd choose the one with the doomed life span.
If I understand correctly, ha ha. Nightwing (!). Just cuz in the comic book "Injustice" he died too stupid death. (oops, sorry if it was a spoiler)/ Or if the question was about "in real life", it's still Nightwing haha
if u mean like, in the comics, then i'd have to go with alfred. if we're talking outside of comics, then the world could really use a wonderwoman right about now. 
Bring back Alfred! 🙁 if it’s IRL, Jason Todd 😝
If it's in the comics, the answer has to be Alfred. If it's real life, I've always been partial to my first Robin so the answer would be Dick Grayson ( and no, not as Ric. Never as Ric.)
I assume this means like, bring them into reality? It'd have to be someone who's very firmly a good guy, maybe a doctor or scientist so we can get some of those sweet sweet advances in tech and science that comics has .... Ted Kord? Ted Kord works.
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avanalae · 4 years
I was tagged by dear @miss-annthropy (rahndom) who seems to be bringing it back, which I'm fine with.
Nickname: Ava, Avana, other irl ones and a few that only my best friends can use because I love them and I find nicknames to be a great way of showing affection 😘
Zodiac: Capricorn ♑
Height: 5' 7" or 170 cm 🙆‍♀️
Hogwarts House: Ravenclaw, tho it's always been a close tie with Slytherin. So, Slytherclaw!🐍🦅
Last thing I googled: Uhhhh idk I dont have Google keep track of my search history. 🤷‍♀️
Song stuck in my head: None at the moment because I'm listening to music rn 🎧
Number of followers: I'm actually almost at 700, when I checked a few days ago. I was very surprised. 😳
Amount of sleep: Uhhh so my sleep has been so off recently due to my being so ill but normally I need 8-10 hours to function 😴
Lucky Number: 13 👀
Dream Job: Character designer - preferably involved in video games 🎮
Wearing: My purple Batman logo nightshirt. Its not 3 am idk what you're talking about 😰
Favorite song: I Miss the Misery by Halestorm rn but it changes literally every week or less. 🎵
Favorite Instrument: Timpani! 🥁 (<-- not timpani)
Favorite Author: Tamora Pierce 🙏 She is a true blessing.
Favorite Animal noise: KITTY PURRS 😍
Aesthetic: Uhh it varies but I tend to like more modern styles with some flair. Black and white with accent colors for furnishings and such. Uh, I really like swirls and subtle patterns in decor and such. I dress real casually usually, simple dresses with handkerchief skirts when I wear one (which is not often), dress shirts with patterns I like for nice stuff, etc. I like gothic and lolita stuff visually, along with other things like that that I can't think of at the mo due to my headache. 🛍
Random: Uhhh =__= Okay so I had to look up a list of random questions and decided to rant about where I live. For some reason.
As some of you may know, I live in the state of Arizona in the United states. It's (unfortunatly) commonly known for being a huge desert but it's not true! 😩 Arizona actually experiences almost, if not all, known biomes!! Though parts of 3 of the 4 North American deserts are in parts of the state so I guess I get the assumption. But in the arid areas, we actually have 5 seasons: spring, dry summer, wet summer, fall, winter.
I do live in a very arid part of the state, so rain is always a blessing and usually a fun experience. Children here usually cant focus in classes when it's raining. I know I couldn't. 😂 And the smell of creosote bushes during and after the rain... oh that smell means so much to me. I live for the smell of rain and the creosote, so heavy in the air that you can just breathe it in. The clouds so dark and dreary shading the land and refreshing it, giving way to a clear sky. 😌 Man, I just cannot wait for monsoon season.
Tl;dr - Arizona is awesome if you think otherwise I respect your opinion but will wonder if you've even been here and may suggest looking up some info. 🏜
I tag @heartslogos, @ailea, @jaykore, @bluethursday, @yufei, and, uh, anyone who wants to do it? And no one is under any obligation to. Thanks for reading!
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258-milkbags · 5 years
Just hear me out
I've been meaning to rewatch Treasure Planet ever since I saw the lovely art that @jaykore (which y'all should check it btw) drew of Jim Hawkins but I haven't had the time
I finally did have time yesterday to rewatch it but since I usually watch it in Spanish the songs are different from that of the English one, they're not translated literally so the meaning kinda of gets a little lost but it's still there, anywhores since I normally watch it in Spanish I didn't realize I was "missing out" in a way because the original is in English which I guess has more depth to it? not sure how to put it
And the song I'm Still Here reminded me a lot of Jason Todd. I felt like it was very fitting, now I don't know if other people have talked about it before or if they've thought about it but I'm just putting it out there just in case. And now that I think about it the Spanish translation can also be interpreted the same way but I wanna say it gives a different feeling than in English somehow (at least for me) but I'm going to be talking about the English one
I am a question to the world
not and answer to be Heard
or a moment that's held in your arms
and what do you think you'd ever say
I won't listen anyway
you don't know me
and I'll never be what you want me to be
The first verse I wanna say that (relating to) Jason I this part would be young Robin at this point, in the sense that he was questioning many things all while not having any answers from any people. You know how Jason wanted to actually punish the criminals instead of simply throwing them in jail so that they wouldn't commit the same crime over and over again. And how Jason sometimes wanted to do justice by his own hands rather than wait for the corrupt system to take it's course leading to him not listening to Batman's orders and then leading to part where it says "you don't know me and I'll never be what you want me to be" because that's what Jason actually feels. He feels as if Bruce will never understand because of his high morals and because of those same high morals Jason feels like he's never going to be enough for Bruce or how Bruce had "everything" in live compared to him
I'm a boy no, I'm a man
You can't take me and throw me away
And how can you learn what's never shown
Yeah you stand here on your own
They don't know me
Cause I'm not here
In verse 2 Jason would be older? I think, 'cause you know how he's from Crime Alley he's had to grow up really quickly, from having to help his mother to having to survive living on the streets, he would consider himself no longer a child but a man. And how he feels betrayed that Bruce did avenged him after the Joker killed/murdered him and simply "replaced" him with another kid smarter and better than him, yet again making him feel like he's not enough. The Batfam don't really know him nor really try to see pass the first year of him being Red Hood, all they see is a crazy psychopath who wants revenge and the death of many people, they don't see that Jason is still very much Jason but at the same time he's also very different from the boy who died in the explosion. Dick didn't really pay attention to him because he was to busy being pissed at Bruce to be an older brother to Jason even though he tried his best to live up to the mantle, Tim (I feel has the most understanding than most of the Batfam) was almost killed by Jason and have a rocky relationship, Damian let's just say not the best and leave it at that for now. I don't know enough about Cass or Steph to have a say in it but I feel like Babs somewhat understands where Jay is coming from since she was also a victim of the Joker. And I have no idea about Duke since I have read any comics in a while
And I want a moment to be real
Wanna touch things I don't feel
We want to hold on and feel I belong
And how can the world want me to change
They're the ones that stay the same
They don't know me
Cause I'm not here
Now the chorus I had a bit of trouble trying to put into words mostly because there's so much emotion to be interpreted, Jason always puts a hard mask on so that he doesn't get hurt by the people he loves and cares about but those same people have let him down more often than not, so I guess what I'm trying to say is he feels that every interaction has some sort of ultirermotive in a way. He so badly wants a loving caring family that trust him, he wants to belong and be loved in a healthy way. But how can he do that when there's some must suspicion and doubt with layers upon layers or trauma and angst. Bruce wants Jason to change his ways, wants him to be the boy he so much misses that he fails to see the grown man Jason's become, all the while not changing himself to accommodate others.
And you see the things they never see
All you wanted I could be
Now you know me and I'm not afraid
And I wanna tell you who I am
Can you help me be a man
They can't break me
As long as I know who I am
In verse 3 I want to say it could be Alfred in this since he seems to be the only to rightfully defend him without a second thought, Alfred sees Jason as the man he is today not the boy who died, not the madman he was but the present day Jason who's trying to be the best man he can, and Jason loves Alfred for who he is, he's the only one who Jason actually listens to even with all the selfdepracting things he does to himself. He wholeheartedly trust Alfred. And "They" being the batfam, can't break away from his goal. So long as he knows who he is and what's real and what's a hallucination he'll be able to do what he thinks is best for Gotham and the people who's life's have been lost or will be lost because of all the villians Batman refuses to take care of
They can't tell me who to be
Cause I'm not what they see
Yeah, the world is still sleeping
While I keep on dreaming for me
And their words are just whispers and lies
That I'll never believe
The bridge is Jason refusing to be like the rest of the bats, simply following orders to the T, him wanting to do what he thinks is best for Gotham and it's people for the smaller ones who aren't protected by Batman and Robin the ones who have been hurt by villians and avenged. And "They" being the Batfam again not seeing pass the old Jason and treating him like a wounded animal. He keeps trying to do the right thing, for the people for the ones whose lives have been lost by the hands of the Joker and will be lost if they don't put a stop to it permanently. "their words are just whispers and lies That I'll never believe" that could be Bruce trying to convince Jason that "we can fix this" all while Jason is like "You can't fix what's not broken" or "it's too late for that" and even though he wants to so badly believe what Bruce is saying is true he knows that's never going to happen because somewhere some god is playing and toying with his life like some sad sick joke that everything has to go to hell somehow. He feels like anything good he has in his life won't last since nothing has shown him to be the contrary which is why he has attachment issues and trust issues. So he already has that mentality that things just won't go his way and never will and that no one will ever pick him over someone else, that he's just a fuck up without a remedy and that'll always be the same because he's the [self proclaim] black sheep of the family.
I'll just leave that there....
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cinnamonskull · 8 years
Would you ever write an Arkham Knight Jason (or jaytim!) fic?
I never say never nonnie!
But … it’s a little dark for me and how I like to write JayTim. I have talked to @jaykore about doing a fic for her Jay!Bats and Robin!Tim redemption arc (found here please look at how amazing it is) .. which I see as kind of being a lot darker than I normally write. It’s hard to say no to a story that has Jason asking Tim to be his Robin….
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jaykore · 4 years
I agree with the previous anon. Those thighs are absolutely magical. Those thighs could crush my head into tiny little pieces and I'd say thank you. I am a hundred percent in love with Jason Todd's thighs.
LMAO anon. I couldn’t have said it better... Jason could absolutely crush me with his thighs and I too would thank him! lmao Thank you so much for giving me a good laugh <3
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jaykore · 4 years
Hi I just found your blog and wanted to say you’re so talented and that fanart of Jay in the red liner is immaculate 🥺
Thank you so much, I appreciate that! Jay in red liner was such a whim a couple pieces back, and people really seemed to love it so I guess it’s a thing now hahah! Glad you like it too! 🥰
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jaykore · 4 years
Sorry to ask because I remember someone else asking but I was wondering what drawing apps or of the like do you use? I love the way your art looks and I just got my first drawing tablet so I want to try different type to see what I like. ❤
Never apologise for asking questions! I absolutely don’t mind helping where I can and I love getting messages (though I’m notoriously bad at replying and hoard them like a dragon! Lol)
I shuffle between 3 programs - photoshop CS6, SAI and clipstudio paint, all for different reasons. I tend to do lineart and colours in SAI or CSPaint and save CS6 for things that need really crisp lines/angles with the pen tool. CS6 also has far more options for layer styles and brushes imo. Though admittedly I haven’t ventured too far into custom brushes for SAI or CS6.
If you’re just starting out I’d suggest trying to get a version of SAI or CSPaint on sale. They seem more intuitive and geared towards artwork. PS is a massive program with a lot of things you’ll likely never use. Plus it’s a monthly subscription now, which isn’t an exorbitant amount but I like being able to pay once and have my program. The downfall with my CS6 is that I no longer have PS support/updates.
There are also free programs you can download like Painter, Krita and Sketchbook which are excellent user friendly programs for someone just starting out who is not maybe not sure about digital mediums and not ready to commit a chunk of money to purchasing software without knowing if they like it ☺️
I hope that helps! Happy arting 😆
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jaykore · 4 years
Hey just wanted to say I love your blog and your artwork
Thank you so much! That’s very kind of you to say <3 (thanks for messaging too, it always makes my day!)
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jaykore · 5 years
hi im new to the whole batfamily and i read that one of the anons wrote jason and tim are brothers. i thought they arent related by blood or i thought wrong? sorry for the stupid question😅 btw im in love with your works❤️
Hi Nonnie! This isn’t a stupid question at all. DC’s canon is kind of all over the place.
First. Jason and Tim are not related by blood, at all. Never have been, probably never will unless their stories went through a huge retcon.
Second, Jason and Tim, prior to the ‘current timeline’ which we know as ‘DC Rebirth’ (and the New52 timeline) were both adopted by Bruce on different occasions. They have never co-habitated, and I would argue, never considered each other to be ‘family’. In the current timeline (Rebirth), which follows the massive retcon ‘New52′ in the early 2000s, Tim was never even formally adopted… so we have yet another degree of separation. 
Third, I would never argue that ‘adopted siblings aren’t siblings’… obviously that’s a ridiculous argument to make. However, Jason and Tims relationship, at least the way I have always read it, is not ‘brotherly’, and they haven’t spent any amount of time growing up together where they would develop familial bonds. 
Lastly, it’s a ship, about fictional characters - In real life I would probably not encourage someone dating their sibling with whom they grew and shared meals and memories etc, the same way I don’t support child soldiers… and yet how many animes/comics etc willingly send (and even encourage) children to battle… And that’s just the way I see it… Fiction is Fiction is Fiction. And you’re welcome to draw your own conclusions :) 
I hope that helps, and thank you for the compliment!
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jaykore · 5 years
Chanting* Viking au Viking au viking au *dies*
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jaykore · 5 years
Patreon Billings Paused
Due to the uncertainty of everything right now I have decided to pause billings indefinitely until things return to a sense of normalcy. At work they are trying to decrease the number of individuals who are present, as such, a number of us are taking on the workloads of multiple people. However, we are also limited in our time there meaning more work is being done in fewer days, and my own work is being done at home; a lot of it will be done in overtime, leaving little hours for anything else except decompressing, sadly. I also don't know what -your- financial, work or familial situations are... I appreciate that I still have a job to go to, and my health and the health of those around me... but a lot of people don't have that stability right now, and it just feels wrong? to be billing for anything at the moment. My plan is to post what I can, charge free for the foreseeable times, until (hopefully) everything returns back to... normal. As normal as it's going to be, and truth be told I'm usually not a worrier, but I -am- sincerely worried about the fallout from this.
I appreciate everyone, and hope you and your families are all pulling through this and will come out okay on the other side.  💕  💕  💕
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jaykore · 4 years
It’s said seeing Jaytim accounts getting bullied and not creating the content they want, then again I deleted my old account for that exact reason. I miss writing Jaytim but it’s not worth the stress of shitty keyboard warriors anymore. 🙃🤷🏻‍♀️
I’m sorry to hear that nonnie... I myself received a ton of flak at one point and it prevented me from drawing for months.Since then I’ve learned to use the ‘block’ button very liberally and it’s working okay for me!I hope you’ve still got a creative outlet that you can enjoy, even if it’s not writing JayTim anymore
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jaykore · 4 years
you're one of the people i keep chekcing on regularly hoping that u dont get driven away by harrassment. im kinds new to paying attention to comics fandom and it seems like a.. hostile environment at times. but uh, yeah, just wanted to tell you that you're one of my favourite artists and i truly enjoy your blog and getting to find new artists and writers int he fandom to keep an eye on thru it. so yeah! hope youre doing well and ty for sharing ur stuff
Thank you so much, that’s really thoughtful <3 Y’know, its really not too bad for the most part - especially if you find a really good pocket of people who support you and/or like the same things. Every once in a while things flare up, but its generally pretty chill! I’ve already been through the ringer a few years ago, with very targeted harassment/death threats etc. it would take a lot to drive me away from this fandom at this point. I’ve been very lucky to find people who I have made genuine friendships with, and I know that I can deal with anything if I have them to support me.  I’ve also learned to be very liberal with my block button, and turning off anon just affords me that extra wall of security... I come to tumblr and do what I do for fun/escapism. I don’t need negativity. It’s not that its going to drive me away, I just prefer not to see it and if I have a means to block it I’m going to use it moving forward. Thank you for your kind words @bluecamellia and for checking up on me! I promise I’m not going anywhere anytime soon.
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jaykore · 5 years
Tumblr media
@rpwithjayn I’m not sure if he does in the comic, but I’ve decided in my headcanons he does not b/c wowowow look at those teal eyes pop! @redhoodiejt​ Thank you so much! Glad you like it : 3
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