#jaylos fanfiction
actually-phoenix · 3 months
Every ship needs an imagine about their tongues changing color with candy or slushes for the culture it never gets old
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Running Wild
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Fandom: Descendants
Pairing: Jay/Carlos de Vil
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warning/Tag(s): Graphic Description of Violence, Forbidden Love
Summary: What if Carlos had never been taken in by the core four, instead left to squalor for a few years longer before Uma discovered him? Taken in by the pirates of the Isle, chains of events are altered and certain VKs are left to run wild for a few years unaffiliated before being swooped up and shipped over to Auradon. In saying this, certain friendships--maybe even relationships--are left forbidden.
Event(s): @fandom-free-bingo with 'mutual pining' | @multifandom-flash with Beehive: 'forbidden friendship' and Double Flash with 'after action patch-up' | @eclipsingbingo with 'slammed into a wall'
Can be read here
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Carlos whirled through the streets of the Isle, never trying to stay in one spot for too long. If living on the Isle had taught him one thing, it was either stand out and make sure everyone knew you were there so they would cower, or blend into the crowd as much as you possibly could until you could get back to your crew and have safety in numbers. 
So that was exactly what Carlos was doing, hiding within the crowd as he made his way from his mother’s manor to the other side of the Isle with hurried steps so no one had the chance to recognise him where Ursula’s fish and chip store was located. 
Though his name held weight with it, both from the insanity his mother had dissolved into and the recent growth in Uma’s name, and therefore his own. Though it had never been on his list of goals to be a recognisable figure on the Isle, rather sticking to the shadows as much as possible as he got by, he couldn’t say it was terrible to have an extra few seconds of hesitation when people ran into him and realised who he was. That didn’t mean he liked to hang around when he didn’t have the comfort of his allies. 
He had become quite skilled at avoiding unwanted eyes even though everything about his presence seemed to scream for them. From his pearly white hair to the red, black and white leather jacket he wore, in most cases, you would expect Carlos to stick out, but when on an Isle where almost every second person was wearing something similar it became easier. 
So Carlos believed that the surprise he felt as he was yanked from the street by the scruff of his jacket and pulled into one of the many backstreets was warranted, as well as the humiliating yelp that he let slip. Blind as to who had grabbed onto him, Carlos flailed his limbs around, trying to both hit his attacker and dislodge himself from their grip at the same time. It seemed nothing Carlos did work though as he was pulled further into the alleyway with only a grunt being pulled from the person who had dragged him.
It was only when a wickedly familiar laugh ran out around him, bouncing off the walls as Carlos was flipped around, his eyes landing on Harry Hook moments before he was slammed back, going crashing into the wall behind him as the air was knocked out of him and his vision went foggy for a few short moments. 
“What the hell, Harry?” Carlos spluttered once he was able to suck a proper breath of air into his lungs, his brows narrowing down into a glare as he did so. In the few years that Carlos had been aligned with Harry, he had become accustomed to his out-of-pocket actions, all of which were rough and without much warning, but that didn’t mean he favoured any of them. 
“Don’t act so surprised, Pup,” The nickname was whipped at him with a hiss, making him flinch back at the words. His reaction seemed to pull another laugh from Harry’s lips, knowing all the right ways on how to get under Carlos’ skin. Pulling Carlos from the wall and tucking him into his side with an arm hooked over his shoulders, Harry began to lead them in a new direction, helping them weave their way to whatever end destination Harry had in mind. “Uma wanted yer now and yer were takin’ too long to get yer boney arse over to the fish an’ chip shop. Someone had to come and get yer.”
“I was literally five minutes away. You’ve probably wasted more time going out of your way to do all this,” Carlos bit out, trying and failing to shoulder his side into Harry’s, the taller and bulkier simply smiling sharkishly down at him for his attempt. Though the two of them had come to tolerate one another, it didn’t mean Carlos could put up with him most days. “What’s so important anyway? Normally Uma would just scoff at me if I was late.”
“She wants the lot of us to go onto little ol’ Mal’s territory and stir up some trouble,” A bark of laughter shot out of Harry, echoing off the walls as if he were a hyena. It only worsened when he got a glance at Carlos’ face. “Don’t give me that look. We aren’t goin’ to kill anyone, just lightly wound. Besides, you’ll hopefully get to just sit pretty for us since Jay will be there.”
“What does Jay have anything to do with me being there,” Carlos grumbled, already feeling his face heat.
“Because that boy seems to be infatuated with yer,” There was an obvious amount of disgust in Harry’s words as he spoke, the ‘infatuation’ between the two bringing up vile into the back of Harry’s throat, the very idea of it being almost blasphemous. “Yer just have to bat yer eye and he’ll be rendered useless for a few minutes. Now come on, Gil and the others are goin’ to meet us there.”
Carlos wanted to say more, object to his words about Jay and even his presence at whatever this clash was meant to be, but instead swallowed his words and allowed Harry to pull him along. The best-case scenario was they didn’t run into Mal and her crew, or he was able to slip away when they did, hopefully, if Harry’s words were true, Jay would let him do so easily. Worst-case scenario Carlos was forced to fight and hopefully not get his arse kicked too much.
The closer the two of them got, the more Carlos doubted anything good would come from this. When they met up with Gil and some more of Uma’s crew it only solidified Carlos’ worse hopes. 
It didn’t take long to locate Mal, Jay and Evie, the three of them with some kids their age that Carlos hadn’t seen before, a rare occasion due to how small the Isle was. He was sure if he had learnt their names he would recognise them more easily. 
He didn’t pay attention to the words spoken between the two groups, his focus set on slipping away until his eyes landed on Jay. It seemed he had been staring at him since Carlos had first arrived since he seemed shocked that their eyes had finally met, his widening a little bit more. Taking him in quickly, Carlos seemed to notice every minor detail that made Jay up, seemed to not be able to pull his eyes away until someone’s fist came knocking into his arm, telling him to get ready.
That easily tore his eyes away, sending Carlos whirling back as he got prepared to back away. He didn’t mind if Jay noticed since he seemed to always have his eyes on him. It was the rest of the people he was met with that mattered. If someone on Mal’s side noticed him trying to dip out then they would surely point him out or try to go after him. If Harry or someone in Uma’s crew noticed they would either pull him back in or would make him pay for it later. Sneaking away had started to become more of a challenge than it had once been.
But as the VKs started getting fired up, each side only taunting the other more and getting ready to bring the worst out of one another, Carlos used this opportunity to slip away, making his moves quick and dashing as he slunk back, disappearing just before everything had gone to shit. 
Slipping in between buildings and reaching for a fire escape that was haphazardly attached to the brick wall, Carlos had all of seventeen seconds before two large hands were gripping his shoulders. A hiss was the first thing that escaped his lips as he tried craning his shoulder away from the hold as fingers dug into some newly arising bruises thanks to Harry. It only occurred to him that he should try and figure out who had grabbed him when both hands had quickly vanished, reattaching themselves lower and around his waist. 
“What are you-” Carlos cut himself off as he turned around, his eyes meeting with Jay’s almost instantly. Having to crane his neck back to meet his face, Carlos couldn’t help but stare as he felt the warmth from Jay’s hands spread across his midsection, almost burning. In a breathless whisper, Carlos said, “Jay.”
“Carlos,” Jay greeted with a nod. It looked as if his lips wanted to curve upwards but Jay had to stop himself. His hands didn’t leave their perch even as Carlos stared at him with questioning eyes. Jay should be worried that he was this close to Carlos since he was part of Uma’s crew, but he couldn’t help but not feel the slightest bit threatened as he stared into Carlos’ eyes. “Funny seeing you here. I thought you tended to keep your nose out of turf wars.”
“Normally I would,” Carlos agreed, his voice slightly spooked from the proximity, though he did nothing to change it. “You just happened to catch me at a bad time.”
“Really?” Jay asked, earning a hum in return. The white-haired boy seemed to almost lean into him as they stood close, breathing in each other's space. 
Jay had so much he wanted to say, words waiting to spill out of him as they burst at the seams. For someone he should’ve hated, Jay couldn’t help but be interested in the shorter stray. At every opportunity he would steal glances at him in the crowd, would purposely not start anything just so he could attempt to steal some moments with him, most of which didn’t work out.
He wanted to say more to Carlos but didn’t have the opportunity as some imploding voices rang out around them, silencing him.
“Where’s Carlos?”
“He must have gone after Jay since that meathead went missing.”
“If that’s the case then I’m sure we’re going to hear some very entertainin’ stories from the Pup when he gets back.”
Harry’s voice was easily recognisable, making Jay’s teeth grind together. They seemed to have a similar effect on Carlos as he took some hurried steps back, both hiding from the voice even though they were out of sight and dislodging him from Jay’s light hold. 
“I have to go,” The words rushed out of Carlos as he began looking for an escape room. Jay couldn’t help but wish he would stay longer. Once his eyes locked on a way out, he almost began running immediately, though he took a few seconds to turn to Jay, a half smile that looked both a little too strained but genuine. Carlos said before racing off, not waiting for Jay’s response, “I’ll see you around Jay. It was nice seeing you.”
“Bye Carlos,” Jay couldn’t help but whisper, a smile splitting across his face as he did so.
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zuzufromtheafterlife · 4 months
Calming Slams
Carlos stormed through the Isle of the Lost, heading from his mother's manor to the VKs hangout. It wasn't often that he got worked up into a mood such as this and as he slammed the door to the hideout behind him, Jay realised he must've had a bad fight with his mother for it to get like this. He was lucky the girls weren't yet at the hideout or Carlos would have a different situation on his hands for causing such a ruckus.
"Carlos," Jay called out, a warning to the smaller boy as he headed to his corner of the room, digging through his items in search of something and throwing everything else in a random direction. Watching the destruction begin, Jay pushed himself over to try and sort this out. Grabbing onto one of Carlos' arms, Jay tried to speak, "You need to calm down."
"Oh yeah?" Carlos stood quickly, whirling around on Jay and pushing him back, breaking the contact between them. "Make me."
Jay wasn't normally the one rising to bait, often setting it the challenge to people like Harry, but he wasn't ever one to back down from a challenge. Grabbing Carlos by the front of his shirt and dragging him back, Jay thrusts him down onto the ratty old couch that they had, holding him there with a heavy hand on his chest as he attempted to get up, trying to pull Jay's hand away.
Jay stayed put, waiting Carlos out as the bot continued to struggle for a few moments before finally giving up, heaving breaths leaving him as he stared up with defiant eyes. "Are you finally done?"
"Get off of me," Carlos instead said, pushing himself up in a hurry when Jay did so. A glare steeled its way onto Carlos' face as he shot it Jay's way. "What was that?"
"I was calming you down," Jay defended himself, taking a heavy seat next to Carlos as he fell into it. Carlos tried pushing himself away from Jay but the larger boy had other plans as he wrapped an arm around his neck, pulling him in close and trapping him at his side. Carlos couldn't tell if he was still attempting to calm him down or anger him more. "You're the one who told me to."
"Not like that," Carlos groaned, a hand slapping Jay as he was wrestled forward.
Read here on ao3 @eclipsingbingo
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vidoesthings · 1 month
First and final. (jaylos angst)
rating: teen and up
warning: major character death, no happy ending
summary: Jay struggling in the aftermath of Carlos's death
first and final. - Chapter 1 - viarcham - Descendants (Disney Movies) [Archive of Our Own]
(full work below)
It had never meant to end like this. As Jay stared down at the polished coffin, all he could think was that it wasn't meant to end like this. Not at 19, due to what the doctor had clinically lectured was ‘a sudden spike of abnormal electrical activity in the patient's brain.’ No matter how many times they would explain it to Jay, it would never make sense.
They had made it, away from the Isle: made it over countless miles, a fathomless sea and an impenetrable barrier, ran so far it no longer loomed over them like a death knell.
Jay had always thought that of the four of them, he would cross the final divide first; in his quietest moments, he had entertained childish fantasies of martyring himself in their pursuit of greatness-maybe his still warm corpse languished on the ground, the only thing that had stopped the bullet from driving into his allies’ side. Maybe Mal would declare him her greatest knight, while Evie mercifully drove the blade into his carotids, Carlos’s last desperate kiss bruising Jay’s lips, as Jay let himself sink into the welcoming grasp of oblivion.
Mal hadn't been able to stomach the funeral. Evie had scrubbed furiously at her shining eyes, then swiftly disappeared, her mascara and facade already replaced so perfectly that no outward sign of grief remained.
Jay didn't blame them.
Everyone had already left.
Despite the flood of remembrance cards that taunted Jay from his doorstop, there had been few attending the funeral. The weather had been too pleasant for the occasion, and Jay had watched as the beaming sun lowered and the mourners drifted away. Now, he was the only alive soul remaining. He hadn't been able to leave.
It was too mimetic of the way the world would keep on spinning without Carlos. The world would keep on spinning, and the boy Jay had once been intertwined with would keep on being 19, as time tore them further apart, and soon Jay would be 21, 22, 35, still reeling from the absence of his first ally, his first friend, his first love...his first and final everything, until Carlos was just a wispy shadow of a faint memory, fainter and fainter as time roared on, the ghost that jay knew would always haunt him.
Soon the boy would be nothing more than a tragic footnote in the history of Aurodan. Forgotten. Earlier that morning, Jay had opened his front door to yet another remembrance card. Gaudy saccharine kittens in bows danced along the card edge. It sickened Jay. Inside, it was stuffed with feeble, cloying blandishments that said ultimately nothing but left him even more numb.
Then it referenced ‘the three original Vks’ and Jay had promptly puked. What little breakfast he had kept down splattered all over the card and his front doorstep. Brownish orange. Dimly, as he continued to stand there, helpless, Jay had thought that Carlos would have detested its colour.
The same nausea clawed at his throat now as his eyes bored into the lacquered pine.
The funeral itself had been quiet: the shocked, detached, pall-like kind of silence that clung to its mourners. Jay hadn't been able to stop himself thinking that if Diego wasn't still trapped on the isle, maybe there would at least be a semblance of humanity. Even just a dirge. Anything to acknowledge the gaping hole left.
The coffin wood was cold and smooth and impersonal underneath Jay’s fingers. A flimsy shield.
Jay been able to shield him from gunfights, bullies- heck even Carlos’s own psycho of a mother- but had been passively unaware of that tiny, almost insubstantial electrical signal. Maybe if they had been together, Jay would have noticed something. Anything. Maybe was better than that cold certainty of a corpse.
Over a decade ago, he had pledged everything he was to give Carlos protection. Their splattered blood embodying the oath with a purposeful weight, the knife grip too oversized for younger Jay’s grasping fingers. Carlos’s small grin had electrified him. Jay then had known he would give his life to see it again. He still would now...more than anything. The corners of his mouth were involuntarily tugged up, but it didn't reach his glassy eyes.
All of Jay’s protection was rendered useless in the end.
Just another moment.
Just a bit longer.
If he stayed, he could force the world to mourn for another moment. Jay wouldn't have to face the blistering apathy of this world as his own universe laid, unresponsive and unreachable, inside the casket. Jay let his emotions fracture and engulf him in a suffocating chasm of grief.
It wasn't meant to end like this.
(end of work authors notes: Hi. I went to a funeral this week, and decided the best way to process that was to write a fic that hurts descendants characters (and my beta writer, sorry darling <3) I have not seen rise of red yet so may not be totally canon accurate.
Please feel free to point out any grammatical errors I missed, and constructive criticism is will always be appreciated- and even if its just a keyboard smash or emoji or kudos on ao3 :))
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bunny-lou · 1 year
Hey! I have another prompt because I love you're writing so so much. Carlos is an omega but Omegas are almost always female. So thats how people treat him and it causes him dysphoria and he really is a guy god damn it. So Jay (alpha or beta) helps him reaffirm that he is male no matter his status. I hope this prompt is ok! Thanks for your time and the awesome works you make!
This has been sitting in my ask box for three years, I hope it's worth the wait @darkprinceofdarkness! One of my recent favorite things about ABO fics are exploring the gender dynamics with alphas/omega and what it means to be a dominant/aggressive girl or a submissive/dainty guy. I think there's a lot to explore about the intersectionality of what it means to be a boy/girl with what it means to be an alpha/omega, so enjoy!
Carlos doesn't consider himself to be any of those things. Not just because he's from the Isle either. (Though Evie is somehow all of those things despite the Isle shaping her into one of the most vicious girls Carlos has ever met.)
But he's a boy. Carlos doesn't want to be those things, he isn't those things. But that's what omegas are supposed to be.
That's what they are in the magazines and in the movies and in the textbooks. They're portrayed like girls.
And it shouldn't bother Carlos, he knows Auradon is weird about gender norms, it's a conversation he's had many times with Lonnie and even a few times with Chad. It's so heavily enforced by the older heroes, those who are so afraid of change, but there is a new generation in Auradon Prep who know that boys can be feminine and girls can be masculine and those who aren't quite boy or girl can be anything in between.
It's one of the few things Carlos feels superior to Auradon for - his open mindedness.
It shouldn't upset him that Auradon wants him to be...girly. But the few strides Auradon has made with breaking down gender stereotypes haven't even touched the stereotypes with someone's role, their secondary gender. Even Chad, an omega boy with lip gloss and manicured nails, still quirks a brow at Carlos' callouses and grease stained shirts.
Carlos fits sometimes - his love for fashion, his adoration for small dogs, his dark eyes that seem just too wide when compared to other omegas - but he doesn't fit at the same time. He's got more muscles than any omega he knows, he flinches when people try to do his hair, his skin is marked with scars and imperfections, a history of a hard life that most omegas don't have.
"C? You good?" Jay calls from his bed. "You've been in your own head for a while now."
Carlos looks past his own reflection - he's been standing at the vanity for far too long - to meet Jay's eyes in the mirror. "I think so?"
Jay tilts his head, but doesn't move. He waits for Carlos to continue, gives him time and space to form his own thoughts.
"I don't understand why Auradon wants me to be..." It shouldn't upset him that Auradon is okay for a boy to be like a girl, but it pisses him off that Auradon expects an omega to be like a girl. And it shouldn't piss him off either because Carlos has never cared what Auradon thought of him, never cared what anyone thought of him, not anyone who wasn't Jay or Evie or Mal.
But Jay understands the words Carlos can't say. "Ah, like how Fairy Godmother keeps trying to tell me that long hair isn't appropriate for a boy?" He smirks because of course Jay isn't bothered by disapproval from authority, he thrives on it.
"It's not being a boy, it's..."
"Being an omega?"
Carlos finally pulls away from the vanity and collapses into bed next to Jay. "Their open-mindedness is really just another form of closed-mindedness. How can I argue that an omegas shouldn't be feminized without saying boys shouldn't be allowed to be feminine?"
Jay nuzzles his shoulder. "That's a big question that I don't have an answer to, C."
"It's not your job to have a solution," Carlos sighs and nuzzles right back into Jay's chest. "I just want to be me, you know?" He wants to be Carlos, who likes fashion because he just does, who likes mechanical engineering because he just does, who likes dance because he just does.
"So then be you."
Which is such simple advice and if Carlos could do that, he would already be doing that!
Jay seems to since his irritation with that answer because he huffs. "Fuck them. People give me shit for being an alpha and a boy with long hair and earrings and fucked up nail polish." Jay flexes his fingers in front of them chipped red polish that Evie did just yesterday. "There are so many things Auradon hates about us, we really can't fix all of them."
It's so much easier said than done though, especially with so much of Auradon expecting him to be the random things they say an omega should be.
His silence prompts Jay to continue. "You know I talk about you at R.O.A.R. practice sometimes, to younger Freshmen omegas, guys and girls who are worried people will give them shit for playing such a rough sport."
Carlos blinks at him. He doesn't understand how he would ever come up at R.O.A.R. practice since he quit last year.
"I tell them that you're an omega and you played for a year and that you did tourney for a year."
"Only because you were there."
"Dude, you helped score so many goals in tourney though. You were faster than half the players, you set up so many shots." Jay flicks his ear. "I tell them about how much ass you kicked, then Lonnie tells them you stayed as long as you did just to give a metaphorical middle finger to anyone who said you shouldn't. It makes them feel better, C. Like they're not weirdos for wanting to play sports."
"Are you just saying that to make me feel better?"
"No way, I never lie about R.O.A.R." Jay says soberly. "Or to you. I never lie to you."
Carlos punches his chest and Jay punches right back, not treating him like he's some delicate creature who needs to be handled with care.
"I know it's not a solution, but this fuck all attitude you have, that we all have, I think it's helping some of the kids here. Think of all those baby faced omegas who will look at you and want to be like you."
Carlos flushes. No one has ever wanted to be like him.
"Just be you, dude. Everyone will think you're just as cool as I do."
Ahhh, I'm so rusty!! I have to work on re-learning their voices. I think the discussion of gender norms is too complicated to be explored in a one-shot, especially when used in an ABO setting, but I hope I did it some justice.
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wordsimnormalabt · 2 years
“The first time Jay killed Carlos, they were sitting in the foyer of Hell Hall and Carlos was worried about the blood on the floor.
Killing for mercy isn’t as easy as it sounds.”
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sparrowmoth · 1 year
hi there! i know you're not much of a descendants blog right now, but i was wondering if you could recommend me some fics that look into the magic on the isle? specifically the barrier and not being able to die on the isle - i remember reading some really cool fics about that a while ago, but haven't been able to find them since. no worries if you don't want to answer this, and thanks!
Hi Anon! No worries at all, I'm never not going to be a Descendants blog, so you're always welcome to ask me about stuff like this! <3 And indeed, I'm sure I can think of some fics to rec you! Been a while since I read a couple of the ones that come to mind, though, so let me do some digging through my AO3 bookmarks...
Strawberry Split Lip (Rotten OT4)
till death do us part (Jaylos)
Maybe together we can get somewhere (Jaylos)
Redemption (Multi-ship)*
*This one's incomplete at 31 chaps and hasn't been updated in 2+ years, so fair warning. It's been a long time since I read it and I can't really remember much except that dragon!Mal rescues Carlos at one point, which I thought was fun as hell, so I'mma rec it 'cause the plot has to do with the barrier (not "no death" though, I don't think).
And finally, there's the two I've written myself, which are...
Written in the Scars (Marlos-centric, Rotten OT4)
Red Days, Blue Nights (Carvie)
Hmmm, I'm sure there's more fics out there about this stuff, but the way people tag for it is pretty inconsistent so I might be forgetting some things. Descendants fam, did I miss any fics? If y'all have recs for Anon, please feel free to reblog or comment with links! <3
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I'm debating if I want to work on one of my old Descendant's fics between chapters of High Rolling, but the fic I want to work on is 1) not Friday's Child (I tried to write more but I just can't get into it, I might have to do a full re-read of my own series before I do that) and 2) One I don't even know if people will want me to continue it because I don't get a lot of interactions on it tbh. (It's Rivals, https://archiveofourown.org/works/13401540/chapters/30701448 btw)
So the question is....do people in the Descendant's fandom want to read my writing any more? (if you ever read it to begin with, I don't think I was that popular of a writer anyways but I don't want to put effort into a fic no one has an interest in reading anymore)
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cottagefroggg · 1 year
List of Fandoms I will write Fanfiction for! Will write things other than ship stuff!
1. BBC Merlin (T Arthur x B Merlin only)
2. Blue Exorcist (If a ship prompt only RinBon)
3. Naruto! (T Sasuke x B Naruto only)
4. Danny Phantom
5. Descendants (Preferably Jaylos, but is open to others)
6. The Owl House
7. Legend of Zelda
8. Voltron (only Klance)
9. Hannibal
10. Sisters Grimm
11. Teen Wolf (Stiles x Derek)
I will do things other than ship stuff if you would like! I love Hurt/Comfort or Angst with Happy Endings as well.
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New and FINAL list of ship weeks for 2023!
Each week will have different prompts for each day, for fanfictions, fanarts, edits, headcanons, ect.
To participate, just tag your posts with the corresponding tags!
April 23-29th - Bevie (Ben x Evie)
May 7-13th - Jonnie (Jay x Lonnie)
May 21-27th - Jarlos (Jane x Carlos)
June 4-10th - Gal (Gil x Mal)
June 11-17th - Huma (Harry x Uma)
June 23-29th - Core4 (Mal x Evie x Jay x Carlos)
July 5-11th - Benry (Ben x Harry)
July 16-22nd - Janvie (Jane x Evie)
July 26 - August 1st - Bil (Ben x Gil)
August 6-12th - Maudrey (Mal x Audrey)
August 20-26th - Eviette (Evie x Harriet)
Sep 3-9th - Jaylos (Jay x Carlos)   
Sep 17-23rd - Haudrey (Audrey x Harry)
Oct 1-7th - Malvie (Mal x Evie)
Oct 10-16th - Bane (Ben x Jane)
Oct 18-24th - Sea3 (Uma x Harry x Gil)
Nov 5-11th - Chevie (Evie x Chad)
Nov 16-22nd - Carvie (Carlos x Evie)
Nov 25 - Dec 2nd - Power Team (Gil x Jane x Doug) 
Dec 3-9th - Baudrey (Ben x Audrey)
If I missed any, I'm sorry! Let me know and I'll try to add it to a 2024 list! And as always, any prompt suggestions would be lovely!
Looking forward to seeing everybody's works!
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woah if any of you sillies wanna check out my shitty jaylos fanfiction my ao3 is marzinthestarz wowie!
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Hi! Welcome to my Descendants sideblog! I go by Prismatic Flare here on Tumblr but you can feel free to call me whatever (I don’t really have a nickname for my alias.) I go by both they/them and he/him but prefer they/them, and I’m a neurodivergent, queer fanfic writer / fandom lover / general content creator.
This is my Descendants side-blog, where I post and repost Descendants based content. As far as my thoughts on Descendants, to summarize, Carlos is my favorite character, I don’t really have any major ships, although I do enjoy reading Jaylos even though I don’t really ship them, I think Li Lonnie deserved better, and I love torturing these characters because I feed off of angst. Unmarked spoilers will be here unless it is a brand-new movie, which I will mark, so be weary!
Feel free to send requests / asks in, as I LOVE answering questions and just talking in general lol, but do try to keep it on the correct page. If you have a question about a fandom I have a side-blog for, I’d appreciate if you send it there :)
Please be respectful on this page! I’m not going to list a long set of rules, just try to use common sense and be respectful.
If you would like to read some of my fanfiction, here is a list of some of my favorite fics and fan-favorite fics or you can find me on AO3, Fanfiction.net and Wattpad under PrismaticFlare!
Blogs –
Main - @prismaticflare
Descendants - @evieljaydedandmalicious
Ninjago - @soralymystaken
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I posted 2,211 times in 2022
26 posts created (1%)
2,185 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 220 of my posts in 2022
#dc posting - 23 posts
#descendants - 13 posts
#carlos de vil - 13 posts
#descendants fanfiction - 9 posts
#jaylos - 8 posts
#my writing - 7 posts
#jay son of jafar - 6 posts
#descendants 2 - 4 posts
#fanfic - 4 posts
#evie vibes - 4 posts
Longest Tag: 136 characters
#jus that concept of being so supported for so long bad not realizing that isn't true everywhere else etc built that character angle well
My Top Posts in 2022:
After the move to Auradon, Carlos is having a hard time adjusting, especially after being abandoned by his boyfriend, Jay. The obvious way to get his revenge is to go back to his roots, and well, he's rotten to the core, right?
Thanks to @hersilentlanguage for helping me figure out the middle bit of this fic so I could finally write it!
16 notes - Posted February 7, 2022
rewatching D1, again, and of looks like Jay has red tips in his hair ???
17 notes - Posted April 24, 2022
Someone please tell me what R. O. A. R. stands for ... I know it's sports in Auradon but. What is it. Please.
18 notes - Posted June 27, 2022
Halloween Special Fic (To be Titled)
“You did that?” Jay’s jaw is on the floor. “The barrier hole? The one that sent the Good-damned Royal Guard over to check on us for the first time since the Isle was created? That hole?”
“The one that gave Mal and I a magic migraine? Because we suddenly knew what we were being kept away from?” Evie has one hand over her mouth and the other over her heart in shock. “You did that to us?”
Carlos shifts uncomfortably. He was the one responsible, and he really hadn’t thought through all of the consequences of poking an itty-bitty hole in the barrier that kept them trapped on the Isle, the barrier that kept modern convinces like technology and electricity to the utmost minimum, the one that suppressed all magic just enough to keep its users alive without any way to actually use it.
Yeah. He poked a hole in it so his Mother could get access to the mainland fashion television channels. And here he was, nearly a year later, still dealing with the consequences.
“He did. Which is why he’s here,” Mal’s firm voice brought Carlos back to the moment. “He was the one who reminded us that we’re villains, the one who can give us a chance to prove it to the world. And I want to give him what deserves."
35 notes - Posted October 20, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
lil jaylos drabble, for @hersilentlanguage, based on this most excellent meme:
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“Hey, Carlos?”
“What?” Carlos responds absently.
“What d’ya think I taste like?”
Jay has his full attention now. Carlos taps his chin thoughtfully, a mischievous glint in his eyes. Jay freezes in anticipation for a kiss, closing his eyes to wait for Carlos’ soft lips to meet his own.
Jay’s fantasy falls apart as Carlos digs his teeth into Jay’s bare bicep. Carlos doesn’t remove his teeth at Jay’s protest, just swirls his tongue across the skin he’s captured in his mouth.
“What was that!”
Carlos gives Jay a pleased grin as he leans back and licks his lips.
49 notes - Posted August 26, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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bunny-lou · 2 years
Hi! I was looking for someone who could write a story where Carlos has Tourettes? I don’t really mind what happens tbh, but I’d prefer it if it was Jaylos :) if u can’t that’s okay, could u recommend anyone else? :)
Hello @jatpanddescendantsfanartdump, I am so sorry it has taken me this long (over 2.5 years) to fulfil this request, I hope it is worth the wait!
As someone who does not have tourette syndrome, I did some research before writing. I used the Mayo Clinic, the CDC and some interviews with Billie Eilish speaking about her experience with this disorder. If anything about this is inaccurate, please reach out to me!
Auradon probably has a name for whatever Carlos does. They have names for lots of things, Evie has read about some of them in the medical books her mother keeps (which aren't used for medicine of course, but for the description of drugs for the skin, what could work for crow's feet and smile lines and age spots), things like Down Syndrome or Anxiety (which Evie thinks she may have, but a prince wouldn't want that, so no she doesn't).
But those don't describe Carlos. It's not anything that keeps him from being a clever little mad scientist or keep him from running faster than Junior and Third can keep up with. But it's something Carlos does that gets him into trouble sometimes.
Not in Weird Science though.
"-and that's how carbon is recycled from the atmosphere to the biosphere!" Yen Sid announces as he puts down his chalk. "Any questions?"
"That's how carbon is recycled from the atmosphere to the biosphere." Carlos mutters in his seat. It's soft enough that no one outside of their little table hears it.
Evie had thought it strange at first, but now it's less strange and more...Carlos. It's just something he does. He even does it to her sometimes and even at the beginning, Evie hadn't thought he was mocking her. She thought he was repeating her words to remember them, but it's not to remember. Carlos hasn't taken a single note this entire class, he probably has the whole textbook memorized, so it's not to retain the information. It's just...Carlos.
Yen Sid seems to understand it in the way Evie does, maybe even more. He never has gotten angry at Carlos for repeating him or interrupting class like the other teachers. Usually, Yen Sid doesn't react to it at all unless it's with a small smile at Carlos, sometimes a head tilt.
Auradon must have a word for what Carlos does and Yen Sid must be aware of it, Evie is certain of it.
Class is dismissed and students scatter like bugs, jumping from their seats to be the first out the door. Evie and Carlos wait for most of the class to clear out before rising from their seats.
"What's for lunch today?" Evie asks as she gathers her books. Of course, she doesn't plan on eating much of anything beside the wilted celery in her bag.
"Rancid spaghetti," Carlos tells her.
The repetition isn't all the time, either. It's often random and sporadic, unless Carlos is on edge, like when the bullies are more aggressive or Cruella is in a mood. It's worsened by anxiety.
(Which princesses absolutely do not have.)
(But Carlos might, but also maybe not. It fits somedays, but not on others, not in this specific question.)
They take their seats in the cafeteria, right next to Mal and Jay. It's still a new thing, the four of them being not friends, but something of a gang. Evie is tentative around them, still trying to learn what her place is and where the lines are, but Carlos seems to fit a little better, but he's known them longer.
"Look at the haul!" Jay counts his stolen trinkets on their table, in plain sight of the original owners. He has watches and earrings and wallets spread out.
"Look at the haul," Carlos says quietly, but a smile plays on his lips.
Mal twirls her spaghetti before eating it, speaking despite the food in her mouth. "Where's your food?"
Evie pointedly eyes her celery and Mal frowns. It's a thing of tension between them, but neither of them is familiar enough with their little gang to say something directly.
Evie is both dreading and eagerly awaiting the day Mal asks.
Carlos has no food in front of him, so Mal carelessly slides her tray and fork in front of him. He blinks at it, then at her.
"Eat, runt."
He grins before picking up the fork and taking a bite.
"Dad is gonna be stoked!" Jay picks up a scratched diamond from his pile. "The shelves have been a little empty lately. This ring will sell for so much."
"This ring will sell for so much." Carlos says. "And Maddie is going to hunt you down to get it back."
"It is very pretty," Evie eyes it fondly. She'll have jewelry like that some day, shiny and expensive and for everyone to see.
"Yeah?" Jay spins it between his fingers. "You want it, princess?"
Before Evie can answer, Jay is slipping the ring onto her middle finger. It's a little big for her bony hands, but Evie still gasps in delight anyway. "Oh, thank you, Jay!"
"Thank you, Jay." Carlos says next to her, much quieter than before.
"Are you sure though?" Evie looks at the jewel. "What about the shop?"
Jay shrugs. "I've got plenty for dad to sort through and the day's only half way over."
"The day is only-," Carlos snaps his mouth shut midway through and they all turn to him. His mouth opens and closes for several moments, hands spasming on the table, before his quirk wins, "-half way over."
It's rare for Carlos to be bothered by his unusual behavior, he makes no effort to hide it from Evie or their classmates, but something about Jay, and maybe even Mal, has him trying to control something that he can't.
But Jay, ever the smooth talker, breezes right past it. "How was Weird Science? Were you upstaging all those idiots with your genius?"
Carlos blinks and looks away. "Yes. I mean fine. I mean fine and then yes. We learnt about carbon transfers." He takes another bite quickly before passing the tray back to Mal.
"Ah, so you can tutor me when I fail again?"
"You won't fail. I'll help you study this term."
"Ugh, that sounds so boring," Jay groans, loud and dramatic and completely pathetic. "I mean, the tutoring part. Hanging out with you is never boring." He grins and winks at Carlos.
"Hanging out with you is never boring." Carlos says back and this one doesn't seem like he's just repeating Jay's words back.
Mal nudges Evie's foot under the table. "How long until they need a room to themselves?"
Evie doesn't quite understand what that means, but Mal's voice isn't malicious, so she just giggles before taking a bite of her celery.
"I'll let you have some of my spaghetti if I can have some of your celery?" Mal offers, but her tone has a little more bite to it, a tone that Evie isn't supposed to refuse.
Still, she hesitates. The spaghetti, even old and slightly bitter, smells so much better than her sad celery, a dull shade of green. Surely, a little bite won't hurt.
They swap foods, Mal immediately munching on the veggies as Evie twirls the smallest bit of noodles onto her fork. She takes her first bite, warm and heavy, and tunes back into Carlos at her side.
"-so then plants take that carbon and use it during photosynthesis-"
"That's how plants make food, right?"
"-that's how plants make food, right. But then that carbon gets transferred to the animals that eat that plant, then carbon is transferred to whatever eats that animal, so it goes on forever, getting recycled again and again."
Evie will one day learn that special, hidden word that Auradon would have for Carlos. Maybe she'll share it with him, maybe she won't. Whatever it is, having a name for it wouldn't change Carlos.
She takes another bite of spaghetti as Carlos continues explaining science, occasionally repeating himself, and she smiles.
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losfacedevil · 4 years
Almost Sweet Music // Jaylos PT 3
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a/n~ Yes this took me fucking 4 months to finally finish - depression is a bitch. BUT it’s finally here and I think @telli1206​ is going to lose her fucking mind over it! I hope you guys enjoy this! As always feedback is always welcome!
Part 1 // Part 2
He hadn’t seen the younger boy since they arrived in Auradon.
Jay had hurriedly introduced Carlos to Doug, mentioning that he would show the younger boy to his room as he ran off towards the field. The younger boy had sighed, watching as who he had hoped would be his mentor jog off. Doug had shot him a sad smile, nodding in the direction they needed to go.
The older boy had looked for Carlos every day since, his spirit bruised by having to run off as soon as they had gotten into Auradon. Jay hadn’t caught a glimpse of the salt and pepper haired boy, didn’t think he had enrolled in his classes either. He snooped around campus, trying to hear if anyone had befriended the boy, made him feel less like an outcast when he spotted him. 
Carlos was leaned up against a tree, hands stuffed in his pockets as his eyes shifted across campus. Jay could tell by the boys stance he was itching to do something as he let his body slide down the trunk of the tree. Pulling his bag around in front of him the freckled boy pulled out the broken camera, a soft frown caressing his lips as he fiddled with the broken piece of technology. 
Pulling a deep breath in through his nose, Jay puffed out his chest as he made his way over to where Carlos sat. The younger boy huffed, popping open the battery compartment and shaking out the batteries along with random broken plastic bits. Jay cleared his throat as to not startle Carlos as he kneeled down in front of him.
“No luck piecing it back together?” Jay asked, a smile caressing his lips as the younger boy glanced up. Carlos shook his head, a sigh escaping him as he popped the batteries back into the camera.  “I think it’s done for good. FG said she might be able to find me one to use for class.” Carlos shrugged, shoving the useless camera back into his pocket.  “That’s great, have you chosen your classes yet?” Jay was curious to see if they’d end up in any of the same classes. The younger boy shook his head, eyes darting to the side as he became distracted with something. A soft smile caressed his lips as he waved.  “Hi Eves! Sorry, no I haven’t chosen yet, there’s way too many to research and choose from.” He chuckled, shrugging his shoulders.  “FGs gonna let you get away with not choosing classes right away?” Jay questioned, eyebrows raised at the thought of Fairy Godmother being soft on the younger boy. Another chuckle slipped past Carlos lips as his shook his head once more.  “Not exactly, I have until the beginning of the week to pick or she’s going to pick for me. I’ll probably just take whatever Dougs taking so I’ll have a friend in the classes at least.” Carlos’ eyes were downcast, unsure of where he and Jay stood.  “Well if you need help or anything you know where to find me.” A smile pulled at the corners of Jays lips as he tapped the younger boys knee. Carlos nodded as he watched Jay stand, a quick wave in Carlos direction as he took off towards one of his team mates. 
“Yo, Chad, you got the stuff?” Jay kept his voice low, shooting a look over his shoulder at Carlos. Chad nodded, pulling a brand new camera box out of his backpack.
“What do you even need a camera for?” Chad questioned, eyebrows raised as Jays eyes widened, quickly putting his finger to his lips in a ‘shhhing’ motion. 
“Don’t worry about what I need it for, thank you for getting it though. I owe you big time.” Chad chuckled, watching as Jay quickly shoved the box into his backpack. 
“Just get me a date with Audrey and we’ll be even.” Chad whispered, eyes glued to Audrey as he reached up to fix his hair just in case she looked his way. 
Carlos shielded his eyes from the sun as Evie made her way over to where he sat, reaching out a dainty hand to help him stand. The younger boy chuckled as he batted her hand away, standing to his full height. Putting her hands on his cheeks she tilted his face upwards to meet her gaze. 
“I saw that.” She cooed, a knowing smile spreading across her face. A soft blush caressed the boys freckle splattered cheeks as he directed his gaze elsewhere.  “Jay finally spoke to me.” A telling smile spread across his face. Evie giggled, fixing the small strands of hair that had fallen across Carlos’ forehead. “See, told you it just takes him a while to warm up. I’m sure you two will be the best of friends soon.” Carlos shook his head as Evie dropped her hands, snaking her arm around the younger boys shoulders as she nodded in the direction of the dorms.  “I was gonna go meet Doug to get some lunch, wanna tag along? I think he has some of the paperwork you need for your classes.” Carlos nodded eagerly, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips. “Yeah! Lemme just go drop my bag in my room before I lose it. I’ll meet you over there?” Evie smiled, ruffling the younger boys hair. “You got it, Los.” 
Carlos sighed as he dug through his backpack for his room key, almost fully certain that he had locked it in his room once again. The younger boys attention was focused solely on his bag as he brushed again another student, a huff escaping him as a mumbled ‘sorry’ slipped passed his lips; the other boy sucking his teeth as he moved faster. 
Jay took off at a run, couldn’t believe he hadn’t just gotten caught as he brushed past Carlos in the hall.  Looking over his shoulder he watched as the younger boy kneeled down, full attention on emptying out the bag that now sat on the floor in front of him. A sly smile spread across the older boys face as he pulled Carlos’ keychain out of his pocket, guaranteeing himself access to the younger boys room. 
He knew he had a very short window of time before Carlos realized his key was missing and he’d have to break into his own room. Moving quickly Jay let himself into the younger boys room, making a mental note of how clean the younger boy kept his room. 
“Alright, de Vil. Seems Cruellas ways have made it to Auradon.” Jay mumbled, quickly making his way over to Carlos’ desk. The younger boy didn’t have much to his name, making it easy to stack everything on one corner of the desk. Jay sighed, placing the brand new camera down, making sure the bow Chad had provided him with wasn’t crushed before quickly sneaking back out of the room.
Carlos had just stood, swinging his bag back over his shoulder as Jay clicked the door shut softly. The older boy watched for a second as Carlos made his way down the hallway, hands stuffed in his pants pockets as the gears in his head turned trying to figure out how he was going to get into his room this time. Jay couldn’t help but look Carlos up and down, a chuckle escaping him as he turned on his heel and jogged off in the opposite direction. 
The younger boy sighed as he glanced up, catching the ends of someone’s hair trailing behind them as they turned the corner. Scrunching up his nose he cocked his head to the side, almost fully sure none of the boys in his dorm had long hair. It was then that Carlos noticed his room key dangling from the doorknob to his room. 
“Am I really that dense today?” He chuckled, quickly unlocking his door and stepping inside. 
Carlos knew instantly something was off about his room; a lingering scent in the air that he knew wasn’t his own. He glanced around the room, fearing someone may be hiding and waiting to hurt him when he spotted it; the brand new absolutely perfect camera sitting on his desk. Carlos’ hands shot up to cover his face as his jaw dropped. 
“This has to be a joke.” He mumbled, making his way over to his desk. He cradled the camera in his hands gently, afraid of breaking something as nice as this. His hands shook as he sighed, quickly sticking the camera in his bag, his original plan of leaving it behind long forgotten about as he made his way out of his room.
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villainouskid · 6 years
Jaylos prompt! Carlos uses one of Jay's old shirt to sleep in and Jay sees it amd becomes very flustered at the cuteness. Thank you!
AHH thanks for the prompt!! This idea is just toooo cute!!
(Also I’m starting to use the “read more” option so I don’t spam people’s feed if they don’t wanna read this stuff!) :)
Carlos leaned back in his desk chair and stretched, letting out an enormous yawn. He’d been studying all night, slouched over his textbook. Normally, he wouldn’t be able to study in his room, since Jay always distracted him, always trying to win his attention over his studies. However, due to an overnight tourney retreat, De Vil had the room to himself.
Glancing at the clock, Carlos realized he had been studying for nearly 5 hours straight. It was nearly 1am, and he was absolutely exhausted. He pulled off his clothes, throwing them in a precariously high pile in his hamper. As he walked to the shower, he made a mental note to do his laundry as soon as possible.
After drying off, wrapped in a towel, Carlos searched for a pair of clean pajamas to wear to bed. He dug through piles of neatly folded, stylish shirts-but nothing comfortable.
Cruella was always more worried about Carlos looking like a fashionable accessory rather than his comfort. On the Isle, he often slept in jeans and his leather jacket, on the ground of Cruella’s closet. But here, he just wanted a cozy shirt at the very least, so he could climb into bed and pass out.
Looking over at Jay’s side of the room, Carlos had an idea. He figured his own boyfriend wouldn’t mind if he took a shirt to sleep in, just for the night. Plus, he liked the thought of Jay seeing him, cuddled up in his clothes.
Reaching towards the back of Jay’s mess of a closet, Carlos found an old, very soft, mustard yellow tshirt. Carlos pulled the shirt over his head, looked in the mirror-and laughed at himself. The shirt fell far past his hips, nearly to his kneecaps, and his collarbones were well visible. Shrugging, he flopped onto his bed, pulled up the covers, and breathed in the sweet scent of Jay’s shirt as he fell asleep.
Carlos, being a light sleeper, awoke to the sound of Jay walking into the room the next day, at around 8am. Rubbing the sleep from his eyes, Carlos sat up in his bed and called to the tall boy, who was closing the door behind him. 
“Jayyyyy~” Carlos croaked, his arms stretched out for a hug, “c’mere, I missed youuu!”
Jay chuckled softy at the sight of the freckled boy, his brown eyes still heavy with sleep. “I’ve been gone for less than a day, pup-hey, is that my…?”
Carlos looked down at the yellow shirt and smiled, “yep! I found it in your closet, I hope that’s alright?” Carlos looked back up, noticing that Jay didn’t say anything. “Jay? Are you okay?”
Jay nodded his head softly as he placed his duffel bag down. “Yeah, it’s just-”
“Oh I’m sorry Jay, I should have asked before taking it” Carlos pouted faintly, truly sorry for taking the old shirt.
Jay’s eyes widened-“no no no, it’s not that! It’s just that…well…” Jay began to blush, “you look too…dang…cute!” On the last word, Jay leapt onto the bed, enveloping Carlos in a huge bear hug. Jay began kissing all over Carlos’ face, as if he was trying to kiss every single freckle. De Vil couldn’t help but to giggle endlessly, filling the room with a pure and joyful sound.
Once Jay settled down, he pulled Carlos close, cuddling him. “I love you so much” Jay whispered into Carlos’ hair as they held each other. Carlos smiled, a goofy and beautiful sight.
“I love you too, Jay.”
“Keep the shirt.” Carlos smiled and nuzzled into Jay’s chest, this time falling asleep to the sound of his heartbeat.
AH okie dokie I think I’m done! This was so so fun to write since it was just so cute to visualize, I hope this is what you were hoping for!!
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