#jigokuraku fanfic
breaking denials, taking steps (jigokuraku)
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pairing: gabimaru x yui
themes: mentions of sex (bcos more non-explicit nsfw in future chaps) with fluff
a/n: I will publish the full fic on ao3 tho but might as well publish the tidbits here on tumblr (expect sequels and stuff)
part 2 || part 3 || part 4
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Hearts don't break that easily.
It was a phrase Yui has repeated in her head multiple times, reminding her of her dream to live a normal life. After all, she was more than just a vessel for children. She is a woman, a wife, and she's capable of many things beyond that. However, there are times when her devotion has been tested and she will find herself questioning her next move.
And today was no exception.
Earlier, her father inquired about her marriage life with Gabimaru, which made her wary at some point. As she went on and on about living their life and doing her duties as his wife, Osa asked her about the topic she seemingly wanted to avoid.
Now, don't get her wrong. Yui is aware that one way or another, she will bear a child from Gabimaru, and this child (as much as she wanted a different future for them) will either go next in line to their father or become like her one day.
And to make matters worse, he pressured Yui to bear a child as soon as possible, making her clutch her stomach, imagining a life force in it.
Gabimaru will not agree.
Of course, it was a given. Her husband, as much of a killer he is, will never impregnate her. It wasn't like they never did the act. They did it on the first night, and it wasn't something they liked. It was more of a command and if they were to turn back time, maybe they could have done things differently.
Yui instantly blushed at the thought, stopping momentarily from chopping the vegetables for their stew. Just imagining Gabimaru and her kissing senseless as their fingers drag on each other's skin is enough to make her lose focus.
"I'm home," a masculine voice greeted from behind her.
Yui almost jumped at that, composing herself before turning around to greet her husband. And thankfully, he wasn't stained with any blood. She might not be scared but it still rises some emotions she didn't know she had.
"You're back early today, dear."
Gabimaru blinked at that. "... I told you I don't have any late missions today."
"A-Ah! Must've slipped my mind."
And then she went back to cooking.
That was a close call.
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But Gabimaru wasn't an idiot. He may have not spent a lifetime with Yui, but he knows if there's something bugging her. Like for instance, every time they eat, she would describe the taste of the food and hold up signs on whether they are sweet, salty, savory, or unpleasant in general.
But not today, though. All Yui has done is nibble on her meal, brows furrowed in deep thought as she continued to sigh in between bites. And it was odd, considering how Yui is a calm and collected person, someone who can solve any problem despite the struggle.
Gabimaru put down his bowl and chopsticks. "Did something happen while I was gone?" he asked, staring at her warily to see any faint of suspicion.
Yui shook her head furiously, red staining her cheeks as she waved off her worries. "N-Nothing happened, dear." Oh, no. He'll find out. "L-Let's just eat, okay?"
But Gabimaru won't be having any of her pathetic excuses, scooting closer until he is almost face to face with her.
"Did someone come here to threaten your life?" he asked, aura murderous as he glares at the mere idea of some random stranger trying to harm his precious Yui.
I will kill them all if they touch even a single strand of her hair.
Yui was touched by his hidden gesture, but was also flustered at the idea of him killing. "N-No! No one did!" she assured him. "I just... had a talk with Father. That's all."
Yui was hesitant. Her father's proposal was supreme, nonetheless. After all, as long as they're under his reign, there won't be a chance for their freedom. Worse, they'll end up like Gabimaru's parents who clung to their sentiments and wishes of a normal life.
"Father..." she wasn't ready for this conversation, "he inquired about... children."
Gabimaru was only calm, his eyes narrowing in frustration. He knew Osa had been keen on wanting the couple to have kids that will someday become shinobi. Of course, his and Yui's decision about the matter will never waver.
Unless he made a threat.
"Did he say something else?"
Yui shook her head, setting aside her own thoughts about the matter. "I handled it properly, so there's no need for you to worry."
And so Yui ate again, making a facade so her husband wouldn't think about it too much. However, Gabimaru only stared at her. Hard. Like he was analyzing every moment.
"... E-Er... dear?" She was uncomfortable under his gaze. "Aren't you going to eat?"
He shrugged, sighing, "I don't know. It's like there's something you want to tell me."
Yui flinched in surprise, failing to hide her blush, making Gabimaru's eyes widen at that.
"A-Am I that easy to read?"
She was fidgeting, trying to think of things to stall him or bury the subject under the covers. However, there's a part of her that secretly wanted this topic out in the open and get done.
"I... I was thinking that... maybe we should try?"
"Hm?" Now his interest was piqued. "Try what?"
"Y-You know..." She didn't want to say it, so she was hoping he would get the hint. "The thing we did on the first night."
It took Gabimaru a few seconds before realizing what she meant, eyes widening and his cheeks blushing as he imagined Yui and him skin to skin with arms wrapped around each other in heat. And because of his reaction, Yui blushed even further, stammering a few incoherent words as she feels the steam go up in her entire body.
"I-It's not like we'll do that r-right now!" she exclaimed, her heart unprepared for the matter. "I... I just wanted to try... but slowly. Slowly until we get there."
"O-Oh." That made him sigh in relief. "Okay."
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It was a rough, heart-racing night as Gabimaru lies on his side of bed even though he can't sleep most of the time. Yui was still washing herself and judging by how long she was spending her time in the bath, he guessed she must've used some of her sister's luxury bathing products. And the mere thought of her smelling like flowers all night long was enough to pique his curiosity.
The doors have slid open, her footsteps gentle and yet with a bit of haste until she sat on her side of bed. "Umm... do you want me to move first?" she asked.
Gabimaru nodded, his back on her as he felt her fingers tracing patterns on his skin and ever so slowly, Yui slid her hand inside his kimono, feeling the bare skin on his chest, which was enough for his breath to hitch in pleasure. If it was a random kunoichi, they wouldn't get past his wrath. But not her. Yui was different.
And before she could go further, he sat up, facing her with an embarrassed yet determined look that says, "C-Can I try?"
Yui was startled at that, but nonetheless, she nodded and let him do what he wanted to do. To be honest, Gabimaru had no slightest idea on where to start or what the best route for this situation is. After all, he was a shinobi, not a normal man who's about to hold a woman in his arms under the moonlight.
He held her hand, inching closer until his forehead was leaning towards hers, eyes observing how she couldn't keep her gaze on him. And when he looked down on her lips, perfectly fine and yet slightly chapped, he swallowed nervously.
I want a taste.
And this was ironic, considering how he couldn't even distinguish something edible from something hideous. In one swift move, his lips touched hers, like feathers on skin. But it wasn't enough, so he did it again. And again. And again. Again and again and again and again and aga—
Yui pulled away, touching her lips to savor the moment. "D-Dear?"
"I'm sorry." He looked away in embarrassment. "I didn't know it was too much."
"E-Eh? But... it wasn't though."
He felt relieved at that. "R-Really?"
Yui nodded. "I... I liked it."
"... Okay."
There was an awkward silence, which Yui decided to break by tugging on his clothes and patting his side of the bed.
"It's already late. And I think we have done enough for the evening."
"... Oh." He didn't hide his disappointment at that, though. He thought Yui would still want to continue.
"Let's call it a day and see what we can do next time."
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"Hey, have you seen my book?" a kunoichi asked, braiding her hair in a way that will accentuate her facial features.
The other kunoichi looked up from her mirror, almost done with her makeup. "Eh? What book?"
"Ya know, the one about pleasuring people and stuff."
"Nah, ain't seen that one."
From afar, Gabimaru sat on a tree branch as he held a book with a title "The Art of Attaining Pleasure and Reaching Heaven," skimming through each page to see what he could find for his wife. Seduction wasn't his forte, so might as well learn a thing or two from people who know it best.
And then he found an interesting section, something that he could use later.
Yui, I wonder what you will think of this one.
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asymmetryestablished · 4 months
I wrote a Hell's Paradise fic! Gantetsusai x Jikka, just under 4k of PWP. spoilers right up to the end of the manga
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yup-thats-me · 10 months
all for you • Gabimaru.
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pairing: Gabimaru x wife!reader
synopsis: his wife has given him the best gift of all. a baby ; the reader is pregnant.
warning: pregnancy.
note: I'm delulu I know but I can't help it. let me be delulu in peace 😌
"y/n, let's take you to the village doctor, yeah?" Gabimaru said, stroking the back of his wife lovingly as she threw up.
this was the fourth time this week and it was making Gabi worry about his wife. obviously she's his the only reason to stay alive. it was for her that he made it out alive from Shinsenkyo alive, no matter the dangerous situations he faced. it was all for her. now that she's unwell made his insides churn in fear. if anything happens to her, maybe he'll burn down the entire country.
however, y/n partially knew what the problem was, just a little uncertain.
"Okay...", she spoke slowly, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand. she slowly drank the water Gabi gave her. by the help of her husband, she stood up slowly, walking back inside the house to get dressed to visit the doctor.
"do you want me to help you change, y/n?" Gabimaru offered.
it won't be the first time that he'd help his wife get dressed. he had done it a number of times, but this time, y/n turned down his offer.
she smiled at him softly, "I'm quite alright. just be outside ill come in a bit, okay?" She kissed him on the cheek.
Gabi nodded, waiting outside the room, pacing I'm anticipation.
inside the room on the other hand, y/n was already dressed. she stood in front of the mirror, caressing her stomach deliberately. "can it really be true?" She wishpered.
when she came out, Gabi put his hand around her waist, walking slowly. y/n felt weak. every now and then, she held Gabi more tighter as the two walked. finally, the two reached the doctor's place.
"how many days has it been?" the doctor, an elderly woman asked the couple.
the two looked at each other for a second. "this has been going on for more than a week," Gabi replied for y/n.
the woman nodded. "can I talk to y/n alone for a moment?"
Gabimaru shot the woman a suspicious look but nevertheless agreed when y/n squeezed his hand, silently telling him that its alright. again, Gabi stepped out from the room and sat outside.
so many thoughts ran amok his head. what if y/n is terminally ill? or some incurable disease that will take her from him? no. he won't let that happen. even if it was an incurable disease, he'll die with her. no questions asked. and if the disease was curable, he'll do everything in his power to cure back his y/n. he made so many assumptions about y/n's hypothetical diseases, never for once did he think she might be pregnant. he's that thick skinned when it comes to y/n. he forgets to think anything logical when it comes to her.
few minutes later, the two women stepped out the house. Gabi ran to y/n. seeing her smiling made him relax just a bit.
"well? what is it?"
the woman giggled. "I'll leave you two to it. Best of luck", she said going back inside the room leaving the couple alone.
y/n seemed to be avoiding any eye contact with Gabi. "y/n you're making me nervous again. tell me what the problem is!"
"Gabi...you're going to be a father", Y/n replied slowly. she laughed internally as the look on Gabi's face changed from anxious to a confused one. "...huh?"
y/n blushed. "Gabimaru, I am pregnant, woth your child." She spoke nervously. she knew Gabi won't be angry at the news but still she was hesitant.
Gabi stood in his spot not miving even an inch. "Oh my god," He said sitting on the ground. He was too happy to speak. Y/n smiled, kneeling down beside him. "shh...its okay." She hugged her husband as her husband broke down in her hold.
she made Gabi face her, wiping his tears away. "are you okay?"
Gabi smiled at her, hugging her close. "Okay? I'm far more than okay! you've made me the happiest man alive, Y/n!" He laughed, kissing her shortly.
the two also went to the market on their way back,buying sweets and Y/n watched with a smile as her husband gave the sweets tk everyone for the good news. he even fed the stray dogs. he was happy, he wanted the world to celebrate too!
when the two reached home, Y/n was about to enter the kitchen to prepare the dinner, when Gabi stopped her. "And what do you think you're doing?"
Y/n looked at him confused. "We have to have dinner too. you know," She giggled, making Gabi's face tinted with bright red. "Of course I know. but I won't allow you to cook. I'll do it." He said.
"Why, darling? you want to eat something different? tell me and I'll make it. why should you make dinner?"
"No. from now onwards, you can't cook, clean, or do any work. I'll do it all. You and our baby need rest," He said, scratching the back of his head. his statement made y/n giggle. "But anat, I'm just two weeks in. I can still work."
Gabimaru shook his head. "No. I said I'll do all the work. all you have to do is rest. I can't have you working in this condition. I want both my baby and my wife to be healthy," He said caressing your belly. You smiled at him, knowing there's no way of changing his mind now. so you gave up.
as Gabimaru prepared the dinner, so many thoughts came to his mind. family. a family. it was always had been just a word for Gabimaru. he believed he'd never be able to have a family, not a person like him. he was a monster. how can a monster have a family? but then you came along. you healed his scars, made him look at the world differently. it was yiu who taught him that this world is a beautiful place if one knew how to look at it. he is forever greatful to you. he always will be. he prays now, something he'd never ever done. he prays to the Almighty that you'll always stay with him. he promises to love you endlessly, and now that he's soon going to have a baby, he wishes to become the best father that there ever is. he wants to become perfect for you. all for you.
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reblogs and feedbacks are appreciated!!
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lovelyangelxxx · 1 year
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kalon | various hells paradise characters x reader
kalon; (adj.) possessing a beauty that is more than skin deep
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
→ when you make a comment about their scars
→ fluff? g/n reader
→ yamada asaemon shion, aza chobe, aza toma (after chapter 56)
yamada asaemon shion ♡
~shion was taken aback when you stated that his scars were beautiful. you state that they are simple reminders that he has survived and endured so much pain. you kiss his scars and flash him your signature precious smile. he believes that intimate moments like these are ethereal. he wishes he could love and protect you forever, to protect someone who gazed at him with such affection and tenderness, no matter his past or appearance. to protect someone who held him with such delicacy and sincerity despite his horrid scars. and to be with someone who loves him just as much as he does is pure bliss.
“you’re absolutely divine my love, scars and all.”
aza chobe ♡
~when you touched the scars on his face, chobe backed away from your hand. however, you said that you love his scars, that it makes him even more beautiful in your eyes. you believed that there is more to him than his somewhat ghastly appearance, and that he should cherish himself just as much as you do. you mouthed words of reassurance and love, constantly reminding him that he’s the only person in your heart, no matter what he looks like. you kissed his scars and held him close while he gazed at you as if you were the most angelic and heavenly being on earth.
“i appreciate your beauty, whether it be your appearance or your heart.”
aza toma ♡
~you ran your finger across the scar along his nose and smiled at him. you remind him that he’s strong and that you’re proud of everything he’s ever accomplished. you whisper words of praise and encouragement, telling him you will always be with him each step along the way. toma has always felt a bit inferior to his brother whom he sees as an idol, however he genuinely appreciates the love and comfort you give him. 
“you’re always enough and you’re always shining in my eyes.”
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sincerelyakilljoy · 2 months
HELL'S PARADISE/JIGOKURAKU the mirror has found a reflection…
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TIED - summary: you thought your husband was an easy and simple man, even in bed. You were awfully wrong...
it seems the mirror has not found a reflection for this one yet...
it seems the mirror has not found a reflection for this one yet...
it seems the mirror has not found a reflection for this one yet...
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ellisons-dread · 9 months
A few Jigokuraku fic ideas
Cuz I love "what if this instead" fics:
What if Hourubou jumped Moro Makiya at the start of the expedition, instead of Choubei? The Apostate would probably have died at the hands of the serial killer monk, and then Yuzuriha would not have Makiya to experiment on - she'd need to use someone else, instead...
What if Akaginu had been paired with Genji initially?
What if Zhu Jin had interrupted Rokurota's attack on Eizen?
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the-rebellious-gege · 11 months
I’m so happy it’s finally done. This fic was a long time coming. I really wanted some good platonic hurt/comfort between Sagiri and Gabimaru. I’m considering adding more chapters depending on the response. Write what you want to read they say, so that’s what I did.
I Have to Look Up, Just to See Hell
Fandom: Hell’s Paradise
Genre: Hurt/Comfort
Relationship: Gabimaru & Sagiri (platonic), Gabimaru/Yui
Rating: Mature
CW: Detailed descriptions of violence, blood and injury.
“It's dead.” He assures her, resting a hand on the Asaemon's shoulder.
She’s paler than before, the hands clutching at her sodden clothes are shaking. None of which is good. But she smiles up at him wistfully despite their dire circumstances.
“Good…” She breathes out the word, one of her arms reaches up and clutches the front of his robes, “Now go.”
He blinks down at her like an owl. It shouldn’t be surprising, she assumes he still possesses the fortitude to leave her behind. He had only recently tried to kill her. But if he was going to leave, he could have left her to the fish-monster earlier. Once the shinobi makes a decision, nothing can sway him from that decision. And he wouldn’t be leaving.
Gabimaru isn't quick enough to kill the doshi, and Sagiri get badly injured. Both thinking they want the other party dead, neither is sure how to navigate the situation. Gabimaru finds his feelings, and Sagiri learns to trust. This is purely hurt/comfort for my own benefit guys.
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winterluna81 · 11 months
A Love Beyond Time-Chapter 5: The Foxes and the Valley
Dinner was a homely and sumptuous affair held at the clearing next to the waterfalls Sagiri had chanced upon earlier. A large pot of stew, filled with vegetables and herbs, simmered over a steady flame. Another slightly smaller pot held fragrant rice with adzuki beans, and a platter piled with ripened peaches and pears completed the menu. The crisp evening air, initially cool due to the setting sun, was now warm and spiced with the rich scents of a freshly cooked meal.
The large group of allies, existing and new, humans and foxes, gathered around the fire. No words were exchanged as they focused on filling their empty stomachs. Only when the sharp edges of hunger were soothed did Nurugai break the silence with a satisfied belch.
“That was a really delicious meal! I haven’t eaten so well for a very long time. Since….” The young Sankar girl trailed off, remembering her slain tribespeople and her beloved grandfather. How they had their evening meals around fires like this, eating and drinking and chatting. How those happy moments were instantly and cruelly wiped out forever by a group of devious samurais. By her own naivety.
A warm, slightly callous hand closed over hers and squeezed lightly. Nurugai looked up to see Shion’s soft smile of comfort and empathy. Of course, her new Sensei would understand because he, too, was nursing a heart shattered by loss and tragedy. Nurugai leaned into the older man, whispering her thanks for his thoughtful gesture.
Right opposite Shion, Seimei studied their exchange with an inscrutable expression. He raised his cup to his lips and drank absent-mindedly, seeming lost in thoughts.
"So, now that we have sated our tummies, can we sate our curiosities now? Who are you? Where are we? Why do you help us? Do you know anything about the Tensens and the Elixir?" Gabimaru, in his usual blunt and single-minded manner, fired off a quick succession of questions like arrows from a tightly drawn bow.
“Allow me to introduce ourselves. We are foxes, and we came to Nihon from the Middle Kingdom 500 years ago. Some people call us fox spirits, fox fairies, or fox demons. We can gain 1 tail after every century of cultivating our life forces. Each tail contains different powers and denotes our age. The ultimate number of tails is 9-hence, the nine-tail fox is extremely powerful,” Harumi paused and glanced lovingly at Asahi. “My mate here, Asahi, is a nine-tail fox. He got his last tail about half a century ago. My twin sister, Keiko, and I have eight tails each.”
“Fox Spirits? So are you now completely human or half of each?” Fuchi queried, his round eyes gleaming with inquisitiveness and something else, which Sagiri dreaded thinking about. She knew her comrade’s obsession with medicine and science. And dissection.
“We are born as foxes. Sometimes, perhaps due to affinity with religious philosophies and teachings, we gain the ability to practice them. We can obtain a human form after 50 years of practice. However, our true form is still the fox, so if we lose our powers, we revert to our original state. Not all foxes have this special religious affinity, though. And every century, a calamity will befall us just when we are about to gain our new tail. It’s like a test from the Celestial Kingdom, albeit perilous. Once we pull through it, we get a tail and increased powers.”
“Are there many nine-tail foxes around?” Nurugai wondered. Asahi shook his head.
“No. Sadly, many foxes fail to withstand the tests and lose all their powers, even their lives, when they are only 300 years old or so."
“Your explanation only covers the three of you, right?” Gabimaru drew a circle around Asahi and the twins with a pointing finger. “What about him?” The shinobi jutted his chin in Seimei’s direction.
 Eleven pairs of eyes swiveled to the silent figure in white. Seimei cocked a dark brow and sighed slightly.
“I, too, have nine-tails. But I am different from Asahi. I am a Celestial Fox and am much older than him.”
“What’s the difference?” Ganetetsusai frowned in confusion.
“It means Seimei is a Deity." Seeing that their Chief did not want to elaborate, Keiko chimed in on his behalf. “People in the Northeastern regions of the Middle Kingdom worship him. He’s one of the most popular deities in their folk religions.” Ignoring Seimei’s glower, she continued proudly. “He’s a very powerful and benevolent deity.” It was obvious that the young vixen greatly admired the Celestial Fox.
An audible gasp sounded as everyone fixed their attention on Seimei. A deity? On this island?
“Is that true? You are really a deity?” Nurugai asked excitedly.
“That was in the past. Yes, I had worshippers and temples dedicated to me,” Seimei’s beautiful face hardened in contempt. “But those mean nothing to me. Now, I am just an immortal with some powers. End of story. Let’s move on to other questions you may have.”
Seimei’s harsh words and apparent disdain for his status as a deity cast an uneasiness over the group. Keiko lowered her eyes and laced her fingers together, biting her lips. Hoping to salvage the situation, Sagiri cleared her throat. “The valley is absolutely breathtaking. Is it a part of Shinsenkyo? Or is it another realm?”
“Both," Seimei recalled. “I found this island more than 2,000 years ago while exploring the Mortal Realm. I liked it a lot-it was very peaceful and had valleys, mountains, lakes, and this waterfall. A perfect place for foxes.”
“But when I returned later, a group of humans from the Middle Kingdom had landed and established a village on the island. At that time, I was in poor form. Also, Asahi, Harumi, and Keiko were still too young. We couldn’t afford to expose ourselves or engage in a battle against the humans. So, I carved up a sizeable portion of Shinsenkyo to form another realm, which I hid and protected with enchantments. This became the valley. The four of us stayed here and continued to cultivate our life forces. I thought we could maintain the status quo. Until the humans started experimenting-first on their fellow countrymen and the island’s wildlife, then the lured outsiders-turning this place into a massive laboratory.”
“It doesn’t explain why you decided to interfere only now. Why didn’t you step in when the humans started their experiments or lured other humans to Shinsenkyo?” Gabimaru questioned.
“Like Seimei said earlier, we were not strong enough to stand up to them initially. It would have been foolhardy and fatal. Later, we didn’t try to rescue the lured humans because they weren’t worth saving, to be honest. All of them were greedy, malicious, and incredibly stupid. Why should we risk exposing our existence and sacrifice ourselves to help them?” Asahi interjected.
“But why rescue us then? What made us so different from the others?” Gabimaru persisted, his eyes trained keenly on the Fox Chief.
“Because all of you are stronger and far more intelligent than the previous ‘victims.' And you have valid reasons to survive this ordeal and return home. Personal reasons and convictions that motivate you to continue fighting. That moved me, so I wish to help. Besides, we no longer want to stand by and watch the experimenters continue with their atrocities and cruelties,” Seimei stated.
The truth is, there is a reason among you why I must step in now. My only reason. He mused quietly to himself.
Sagiri studied Seimei as he spoke. She had noticed him looking intently at Shion since they sat down for dinner. Though his face was a mask of serenity and his posture relaxed, the female Asaemon could sense some inner turmoil within the immortal being.
Does Seimei know Sir Shion? Why does he keep looking at him?
Images, dozens of them, clear as day, assailed Shion's mind as they sat around the fire, listening to Seimei. He gasped quietly, helpless to stop them.
…There was a temple-it was not exactly large, but beautiful and well-maintained. He could even smell the incense and the offerings, hear the prayers uttered by the worshippers…
…A large statue of Hu-Xian Ye* was placed on the altar, lifelike and beautiful. Large plates of fruits and eggs were placed on the table as offerings, where an elaborately decorated incense holder stood in the middle, holding hundreds of smoldering joss sticks…
…He was standing behind a pillar, well hidden from view, watching the tall figure in white as it glided gracefully among the crowd with an amused expression. Once, the figure went to the altar and grabbed a peach, biting into it while scrutinizing the statue of the Celestial Fox with an amused expression. As he watched him, his heart felt full and throbbed with an intense emotion….
What is this feeling?
Why do I feel this way about the figure in white?
Who is he?
And…why do I feel so hot and dizzy? Why do I feel as though my body’s on fire?
Nurugai glanced at Shion when he gave a low moan. Puzzlement turned to worry and worry to shock when she noticed his paleness and the sickly sheen of perspiration dotting his forehead. Before she could utter a word, he collapsed to his side.
Quick as a bolt of lightning, Seimei appeared beside Shion. He cradled the moaning blind samurai in his lap carefully and took his pulse. Seimei frowned and, in one fluid motion, removed the silver belt and lowered the top part of the robe to Shion’s waist. What was revealed had the Celestial Fox cursing viciously and the rest of the group swallowing hard in dismal.
Most of the wounds that Shion had sustained had healed nicely and turned a light pink. Except one on his right torso-it was large and a raw, angry red, oozing blood and a pale greenish liquid.
Seimei touched the festering wound gingerly. Though his fingertips barely grazed the surface, Shion writhed and arched his back with an agonized cry. Nurugai rushed toward her Sensei with a distressed cry, only to be held firmly back by Harumi. Seimei tightened his grip around the injured man, murmuring words of comfort in a language foreign to the gathering humans.
“There is some residual venom in his system that infected this wound. We need to purge it immediately.”
As the Celestial Fox spoke, his eyes glowed as if lit from deep within. A sharp talon grew from his left index finger, and he ran it over the lesion, scoring the inflamed flesh. Blood, a dark sinister green, spurted from the cut and ran in rivulets down Shion’s mid-section, pooling near his belly button.
Shion could hear them, the muffled voices. He could not make out what they were saying, but the sounds were enough to tell him he was still alive. The pain spoke to him as well, letting him know that he was clearly not out of the woods. Yet.
“Little Dragon, it’s all right. You’ve been so brave, so strong. Just be brave for a little while more. For me, please. It will be over soon, I promise.”
A murmur cut through the voices and the pain-soothing and achingly familiar. It made his heart quiver again with that strange, intense feeling, and his throat constricted with unshed tears. Who's talking to him? And why does he feel like crying?
Then he felt something slide over him, like silk. Just a flutter over his skin, under it, then deeper, deeper still to where the pain was clenched in fists. Then the silk heated, then it burned. Oh, God. And the fire of it forced those fists open until the pain spread and broke into a thousand jagged pieces.
In his head, the silver-haired samurai screamed foul curses and obscenities that would turn the air blue and thoroughly shatter his reputation as a well-respected Sensei of the Yamada Asaemon clan. But all that passed through his chalk-white lips were inaudible croaks and groans. He sucked in air and trembled as a fistful of fresh pain exploded. But it slowly ebbed away and became a steady throb that finally receded as a cool wave washed over him.
Nurugai choked on a sob as she watched Shion tremble and convulse in Seimei’s arms, the pool of infected blood growing. Harumi squeezed the young girl’s shoulders in a reassuring hug and met Sagiri’s tear-streaked face. She reached a hand out to the female samurai, who took it in gratitude.
“Don’t worry. Shion will be fine. Trust me, and trust Seimei,” she reassured. Sagiri shook her head tearfully.
“How long more must it take? I can’t bear it…”
As if on cue, the blood, which now flowed a healthy crimson, slowed to a mere trickle and stopped completely. At almost the exact moment, the glow in Seimei's eyes faded, and he sat back, arms still around Shion.
“He’s all right now. I have purged the venom completely. All he needs is a good rest.”
Everyone looked in disbelief as the wound, festering and raw and bleeding mere seconds ago, began to heal, knitting close as though sewn together by an invisible hand. Soon all that remained was a palm-sized jagged circle, tenderly pink. They googled even more when Seimei conjured a small crystal bottle out of nothing, and the pool of tainted blood, glistening dully with an oily sheen on Shion’s pale flesh, flowed in a graceful arc towards the bottle and into it. Once the blood was collected, the Celestial Fox capped the bottle, and it vanished with a flick of his hand.
“Why did you collect Shion’s infected blood?” Fuchi questioned when he found his voice.
Seimei looked up at the yellow-haired Asaemon after popping a pill into Shion’s mouth.
"I want to examine the blood, see if I can identify the venoms. I plan to create an antidote. In any case, I enjoy studying things, making my own potions and salves. Basically, medical and healing-related stuff."
Unsurprisingly, Fuchi’s eyes sparkled with interest and excitement at the word medical. “Can I see how you work? I want to learn more about the Tensen too! And I love medicines and…”
“To dissect things to know how their internals look like," Seimei finished drily before flashing a sharp smile at Fuchi, which had the latter shivering slightly. "I know what you're fantasizing about, my boy. But I'll allow you to work with me and Keiko on some healing stuff. Just don’t push your luck too far. And…don’t act on your thoughts. Or I’ll toss you over the cliffs.”
Sagiri noted that Shion was still reclining in Seimei’s lap, with the Celestial Fox’s arms wrapped snugly around the blind samurai’s waist while speaking to Fuchi. As the platinum-haired man muttered and shifted restlessly, Seimei moved his left hand and cupped his cheek tenderly, almost lovingly. Much to Sagiri's astonishment, Shion snuggled closer to the immortal at the intimate contact and sighed contently.
They look like a pair of cuddling lovers...Anyway, I never knew that Sir Shion had this vulnerable, childlike side to him. He's always so strong and confident.
The young samurai looked away to see Yuzuriha and Nurugai also looking at the two males with interest and curiosity. Just then, Keiko hurried to Seimei’s side and knelt.
“Seimei, I’m so sorry. I didn’t detect the venom earlier…it was my fault that Shion got so sick. I’m really sorry….” Keiko broke off and bowed her head, weeping brokenly. She had grown extremely fond of the silver-haired man and was wrecked with guilt about what just happened.
Seimei smiled and placed a hand on the young vixen’s chin to lift her head up.
“It’s not your fault, little one. The amount of residual venom was too minuscule to be detected easily. You have already done an excellent job.” So saying, the Celestial Fox got to his feet with Shion in his arms.
“I think we should call this a night. We have enough adventure and information for the day. Let’s continue our conversation tomorrow morning. I want to speak to you about our battle plans. Have a good rest, everyone.”
With that, Seimei strode off briskly, leaving the humans behind with questions and intrigue buzzing through their minds. The trio of foxes stared after their Chief’s departing figure, a heavy uneasiness and despair weighing upon them as the final piece of the puzzle clicked into place, and their doubts were confirmed.
Shion was the one that Seimei had been waiting for. And that could only mean one thing….
*Hu-Xian Ye (狐仙爷): The Celestial Fox Fairy (male)
*The nine-tail fox is one of the most well-known and, sadly, controversial mythological figures in Chinese and East Asian legends. The earliest historical records of the mythical creature first appeared in the Shanhaijing (Classic of Mountains and Seas), compiled from the Warring States period to the Western Han period (circa fourth to circa first century BC). Initially, it was depicted as a benevolent creature. However, later Chinese dynasties turned the nine-tail fox into an evil demon that often took on the form of a beautiful seductress who would bewitch men to kill and eat them.
*According to Taoist records, the fox fairy is a deity worshipped by people in North and Northeastern China. The deity can be represented as either male or female, whose animal form is a nine-tailed fox. It is the Chinese equivalent of the Japanese Shintō cult of Inari Ōkami, both god(desses) of the foxes or collective representations of the fox spirits.
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renaceky · 3 months
I was supposed to write a oneshot but ended up writing a series.
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Helloo! hope you're doing well, can I request a Gabimaru x Yui fanfic? where it's them reunited with each other and spending quality time with each other. (please include kissing and stuff if that's okay)
this is how I imagined it anon
the peek at the return (based on ending)
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pairing: gabimaru x yui
summary: "we'll be taking two beds" a phrase that frustrated yui since their reunion
theme: mentions of sex but more on fluff
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They were together, finally. After everything they've been through, from the awkward stage of their arranged marriage to the undeniable blooming love between them (plus the whole Shinsenkyo journey just so he can return to her as a free man), this was the moment they've been waiting for.
Gabimaru ran towards her, and with full speed at that, tears streaming down his face as he was filled with excitement because Yui was there. Yui is real. Yui existed and she was faring well despite their brief separation. And she wasted no time embracing him in her arms because she missed him so much, crying to each other because everything, everything was all worth it.
However, their reunion was met by a reality. Because despite Yui's wisdom and encouragement, Gabimaru is aware that she has never set foot outside Iwagakure, confided in her own home like it's a prison. Hence her obvious actions of being delighted at things she had never seen before. And it wasn't like she was as dumb as a rock (it was a lie he told Sagiri during his execution), it was just simply her being unaware of the world outside.
And so, Gabimaru would be so protective of her, narrowing his eyes in suspicion whenever a stranger approaches her to buy their goods or they simply want to know about the scar. Like seriously, while some of them have good intentions, he could clearly sense a few who wanted to take advantage of her innocence, probably trying to scam her with a poisonous wine or thinking she was some kind of lost damsel in distress that they need to help.
Yui was oblivious about these details though, despite being the wisest person he knew. After all, she was so lost in the idea of finally spending time alone with Gabimaru that the idea of bad people coming onto them hasn't crossed her mind for a bit (well, for now since everything was getting too good to be true.)
They enjoyed their little time outdoors, discovering new things and having their own "date" as what most people would like to call it... until they had to book an inn before setting foot to travel again. And it might seem unnatural, but Yui blushed at the mention of the word "inn" that she couldn't contain herself.
It wasn't like the two of them hadn't done it. They already did... well, like two to three times. Most of the time, they would be stealing glances and kissing each other in secret. Sometimes, they would just sit in the backyard, admiring the sky while holding hands and smiling at each other because silence between them was so comfortable they could only wish time would stop so they can always be that way.
But now, it was different, for Yui at least. She only knew about inns based on a couple of books she had read at her home or how some ninjas would mention about staying in an inn and sometimes having sex with prostitutes or some random paramour they met. And only thinking about what a man and a woman alone in a room could be doing sends her in a haze of embarrassment and confusion.
Of course, it was inevitable that sooner or later, they will do the deed. After all, it has been so long since they have done it. She's not sure if she can "serve" him as well as she did the night where they shared passion and heat together.
And so when they entered the nearby inn, the old lady was already talking to Gabimaru as Yui shyly held onto his arm. Her husband noted her behavior, wondering the reason behind the sudden shift of her mood.
"How many beds?" the lady asked nicely.
Gabimaru was about to say something, but given Yui's actions, he seemed to change his mind.
"We'll be taking two beds."
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Yui has never felt the urge to slap herself. Never. But she sure is now as she hugs her pillow to herself in frustration, frowning over the fact that her dear husband decided to take a room with two separate beds. Like what the hell, right? They're a couple. He should've just stuck with a room with a bed perfect for two people. But no. Gabimaru began being so nice he thought he was just being a gentleman.
And then she sighed. It's not like she can take it all out on him. It's her fault to begin with. She should've just insisted on one bed instead of being silent and moping like some kind of kid who didn't get their candy.
The door slid open and Gabimaru placed a tray of food on the near table.
"We should eat first before taking a bath."
Now Yui was startled at that.
"Did you just say 'bath'?"
Gabimaru was confused at her reaction. He thought she would be glad that he's inviting her. Well, there's still a reluctant part of him that doesn't want to dip in the warm water and feel his body relax. However, things are different now. No one's going to come after them so he can take all the time in the world to relax and spend his days loving Yui.
"Umm... you don't want to?"
Now that brought Yui a bit of joy. The worries and frustrations she's been having died down and were replaced by a genuine smile.
"I want to."
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When bath time came, Gabimaru thought Yui would be far more ecstatic since she always had a hard time coaxing him to bathe together. Like he imagined her to be overjoyed, probably rejoicing at the fact that he was now taking a dip in the water with her. But it wasn't the case.
It's like we're two strangers bathing separately, he thought while watching her clean up before taking a dip after him.
There is a sudden shift in Yui's mood that he couldn't pinpoint, and he knew it all started when they entered this place. All Gabimaru could think of was maybe she was sensing something bad in here or... hmm... he couldn't think of anything else, to be honest.
So he scooted closer to her, his breath warm on her exposed skin as he spoke.
"We can go find a new place if you want."
Yui shrieked at that, eyes wide with cheeks blushing as she turned to him in surprise. And it didn't help the fact that her husband was looking every bit of the man he is now that his hair was shorter and he was glistening from the bath. Plus, they were both naked bathing together.
That only made her blush even further, but the realization of his words had her going back to reality.
"W-What do you mean, dear?" she asked in confusion.
"You've been acting odd since we came here," he pointed out, a concern showing in his expression. "If this place makes you uncomfortable, we can find somewhere else, you know."
"A-Ah, i-it's not l-l-like that!" She was nervous as hell. Yui didn't know how to tell him that since they reunited, it didn't occur to her the fact that they might be doing some lovemaking afterwards.
Don't get her wrong. She's not particularly opposed to it. It's more like she was nervous if she'd do well.
"I know it felt like years since we got separated due to... circumstances," Yui preferred not to mention her father in this case, "and I completely wanted to be with you. I... I am just not prepared if we ever go further than... y-you know..."
Gabimaru only stared at her blankly, taking in her words into consideration because he only wanted to make her happy as always. If he was being honest, he wanted to go further than just hugging and kissing. The moment he was trudging towards the nunnery he was already anticipating the fact that he would be touching her in places no one would see and kissing every inch of her like there's no tomorrow.
He missed her so bad. So bad that he wanted to consume her despite the overwhelming emotions and his slight nervousness. After all, they weren't still used to this. They're both young, and they still have a lot more to go.
And so Gabimaru trapped her, caging her in his arms as her back hit the end of the tub. Yui's heartbeat was louder at each second, gulping as she waited for him to speak.
"Yui, I can still control myself at this phase," he told her, but for some reason, it was like a warning. The way he was staring intently at her hazel eyes down to her lips until he was making out her form underwater was making her warm. "So if you're not ready, I'm not going to force you. Is that okay with you?"
But he still wasn't budging from his spot. He was still staring at her as if to say he wasn't done.
"My limit's short, in case you don't know. So if you show me a bit of interest, you'll know what's coming for you."
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His last words were making it difficult for Yui to sleep in her own bed. It was getting harder and harder to breathe because she kept repeating them in her head. And the fact that he was just sleeping in his own bed with no care wasn't helping.
S-Should I move?
Yui wanted it to happen so badly, but her doubts kept getting the best out of her.
I want to touch my husband.
She dared a move from her bed.
And so she moved out of her bed as quietly as possible, though it was futile. Gabimaru's a talented ninja. As if he wouldn't sense someone walking around the room or breaking in while asleep. And ever so slowly, she sat on his bed, almost touching his hair if it weren't for him reaching out a hand and grabbing her wrist.
"Yui..." his deep voice sounded like he really needed that sleep, making her feel a bit guilty for waking him up, "I thought you were asleep."
Gabimaru still had his eyes closed, preserving sleep as much as he could because all those years of training deprived him of such peace. But his wife needed him at this moment. Maybe he could forgo it for now.
"I... I actually wanted to..." Yui closed her eyes in embarrassment, afraid of the reaction she might see. "I wanted to touch you."
Gabimaru opened his eyes and sat up, yawning to remove any trace of sleep. He looked at his wife, noticing how she was waiting nervously for his response, fisting on the fabric of her night kimono tightly while staring down in embarrassment. After a few seconds, he leaned closer, his forehead touching hers before going in for a surprise kiss, something that she accepted despite the initial shock.
His face was still close to hers when he said, "I still hold what I said earlier."
Yui nodded, her heart beating loudly despite telling herself she was mentally prepared for this.
He caressed her cheek with one hand and smiled softly. Yui would have to forgive him for being so greedy because he had wanted to embrace her so bad since meeting her at the nunnery.
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teatreeoilll · 5 months
𝐓𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐨𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐥'𝐬 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
You can call me Ri ⟡ please be nice ⟡ please MDNI with everything tagged as such ⟡ you can ask to be tagged in anything ⟡ please only follow if 18 + ⟡ DMs open ⟡ I tag spoilers as (show name) spoilers ⟡ I take fic reqs based on personal preferences, but I'll answer and let you know anyway ⟡ Fanfic requests: closed
𝐉𝐮𝐣𝐮𝐭𝐬𝐮 𝐊𝐚𝐢𝐬𝐞𝐧 𝐋𝐢𝐬𝐭:
Gojo Satoru X Reader - Crush | Selfish | Blind | Temptation | Nuisance | Sundown | Missions | Movie Night | Give it Back | Kiss (drabble) | Hollow (Part I) | Goodbye Kiss (drabble) | That's the Spot (MDNI) | Quickie (MDNI) | Childhood (drabble) | Friendly (MDNI) Geto Suguru X Reader - Flustered | ChildhoodFriend!Geto drabble | Say the Words (drabble) | Watch (drabble) (MDNI) | To Err Is Divine (MDNI) | Friendly (MDNI) Yuji Itadori X Reader - Laundry | Tutoring Yuji (drabble) | Happy Birthday! | the Day After (drabble) | Drummer Boy (drabble)| Habits (drabble) Toji Fushiguro X Reader - Pot Luck (MDNI) Choso Kamo X Reader - Good Boy (MDNI) Ryomen Sukuna X Reader - Roommate!Sukuna drabble | Retribution (MDNI!) | ChildhoodFriend!Sukuna (Heian-era) | Roommate!Sukuna drabble (2) | ChildhoodFriend!Sukuna part 2 | Rommate!sukuna drabble (3)
Megumi Fushiguro X Reader - ViolinProdigy!Megumi (drabble) Yuta Okkotsu X Reader - Touch (drabble) Higuruma Hiromi - And Then You Didn't (MDNI) | Neighborly Dispute (MDNI) | Objection (MDNI)
𝐒𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐨𝐮 𝐧𝐨 𝐅𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐧 𝐋𝐢𝐬𝐭:
Sein X Reader - Tender
Currently fixated on writing for JJK, but I do watch and might write for other animes; 𝐀𝐧𝐢𝐦𝐞 𝐋𝐢𝐬𝐭 - (or, the latest fixations I might write for) - Attack on Titan, Tokyo Revengers, Spy X Family, The Apothecary Diaries, Durarara, Bungou Stray Dogs, Chainsaw Man, Jigokuraku, Vinland Saga, Oshi no Ko, Sousou no Frieren, Blue Lock
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isagiwife · 1 year
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I'll have everything down here to learn about me and my dos and donts when it comes to my writing! I hope we can have a nice time here and just brain-rot to the max.
Info about me:
• I'm 20 years old and my birthday is June 12th, making me a Gemini if those who are into signs!
• I enjoy reading manga or watching anything anime honestly, my current favorite so are Blue Lock (Obv), Jujustu Kaisen, Demon slayer, Jigokuraku and more if you ask.
• In college and in my free time, I'm either reading or drawing no in between but side note, I would appreciate it if you guys could you tone tags with me, I have trouble sometimes so bare with me!
• Taken but isagi anons are more than welcome to hit my line <3/hj
My dos:
• Fluff, Angst, Smut, you name it! I'll happily do them!
• I'm pretty much going to be on the darker side of fanfics so please if these tags like (Stepcest, plain incest, kidnapping/snuff, etc) then either scroll or block me if you will!
• I don't mind any kind of Aus or scenarios so don't be shy!
• OC x Canon, Canon x Canon, or even Reader x Canon, I will don't mind doing anything!
My donts:
• I'm not a fan of scat, intense vomiting, hyperkinks and anything too fetishy so sorry if that's disappoint some of you.
• No crossovers (for now) I wanna focus on blue lock more than ever but when that times comes, I'll make sure to tell you guys!
• No Kaiser requests/j
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kaxuchi · 1 year
Hello... i am a danganronpa fanfic creator on Ao3 and here too... although i ran out of ideas when i make more chapters.... so can you um... give me some ideas.... pls
My fav anime :
Hunter x hunter
Jujutsu kaisen
Chainsaw man
Dragonball series
One piece
Blue lock
Tokyo ghoul
Demon slayer
Tomodachi game
Blacl clover
And other shonen animes/mangas....
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luffythinker · 2 years
so is there a ship name for toma and fuchi from jigokuraku there's absolutely NO fanfiction of them on ao3 (there's actually only 42 jigokuraku fics there by the time of this post!!!!)
I need to know their ship name or tag to look for arts I just finished the manga and I'm obsessed with them
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ellisons-dread · 8 months
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the-rebellious-gege · 11 months
Hells Paradise wip fanfic snippet—
“The shinobi can’t tell if it's pragmatism, or actual concern which pushes him off the monster’s shoulders, launching him toward the mauve creature. But even hurtling at the speed of an arrow, he knows it’s not going to be fast enough.
Not like this, it can’t all end like this.
Unblinking, Gabimaru’s eyes catch the razor sharp talons glint in the afternoon sun, as they plunge down at the Asaemon. Sagiri raises her sword to block, but the arm breaks through her guard like still water. The hand cleaves into her chest, forcing her down to the ground with a deceptively soft thump.
And then he’s in front of her, slicing through the purple arm, and it drops to the forest floor, still writhing and pumping blood out onto the grass. Without a hint of hesitation, and a good measure of rage, Gabimaru beheads the monster, hands cutting through its neck like fine steel. He lets the body carry him back to the ground, as it crumples lifelessly beneath him.”
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