#jim x ariel
punktaquito · 3 months
finally writing that Jim x Ariel "Enchanted" fanfic
hello it is I, rising from the ashes as I usually do every 2 to 4 months. Here to tell you all that I finally posted the first chapter to this. I was originally planning to write it as a one shot but then decided it had to be a multiple chapter fic, probably a short one. So if any of you is interested in a high class Ariel x waiter Jim Hawkins au inspired by Taylor Swift's "Enchanted" you're more than welcome to check it out :))
I'm also already working on the first chapter to this idea too. Mind you I've been trying to post the first chapter to both of these for like four months so wish me luck and may the force be with me
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doverstar · 15 days
would like to personally thank @iesnoth for over a decade of watching The Little Mermaid (1989) and being unable to ship Ariel with Eric because obviously she’s already with Jim Hawkins. you know. from Treasure Planet (2002)
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maddiehamarts · 1 year
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Haven’t posted in forever, but somehow made time to contribute to this silly meme 👇👇👇
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jarielhaven · 2 years
🐠So I’ve been playing Dreamlight Valley lately, and in the midst of simply enjoying the game I can’t help but have my crossover shipping urges provoked. 🪐 Like, imagine if you will…Ariel and Jim living in a village together.
🐠Don’t get me wrong, shipping tendencies aside, I desperately want Treasure Planet to be incorporated into this game. It’s my favorite Disney movie, and I’m tired of it’s existence being completely ignored.
🪐But just like imagine the Jariel capabilities …we’d have Ariel and Jim Hawkins canonically existing in the same universe!
🐠Like, imagine them visiting at the pond. Jim originally going to fish in the peace and quiet, but got distracted by the curious mermaid in the water, pestering him with questions about his home world and his voyages into space.
🪐Imagine them both being equally fond of WALL-E. Jim relating to technological side (and being a bit of loner himself) and Ariel having an equal curiosity and fondness of collecting things most would call mundane.
🐠Imagine WALL-E being the bridge to the two of them. Imagine going on a quest with WALL-E to set the two of them up. (Listen WALL-E’s a hopeless romantic, he’d know what’s up!)
🪐The only problem is that, you know…Eric’s already there, so…
🐠But eh, that’s the curse of being a crossover shipper…Even when their worlds finally connect, canon will stick to it’s guns when it comes romance.
🪐Not gonna stop me from dreaming, though! 😎
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bluebomber182 · 2 years
I used beta.elevenlabs.io to make a AI dub of a fan art comic drawn by maddiehamarts
Original Link here
If you want to play around with the characters' voices in elevenlabs. You can use these files linked below. You should set clarity + similarity to 95% for accuracy. This will cause the audio files to be noisy, so you have to use a denoiser and volume limiter program like kdenlive.
Jim Hawkins https://files.catbox.moe/h0aix3.ogg
Ariel https://files.catbox.moe/kiao6n.ogg
Aladdin https://files.catbox.moe/squson.ogg
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fallencrossovers · 2 years
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New cover, see? New chapter HERE!
As always click on the image for better quality
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emuanon34 · 10 months
Happy Anniversary!
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jazmine-here · 2 months
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Just separating all of my old pre-Covid artwork of them from the bunch.
The second Disney crossover batch is here.
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papersniffer · 7 months
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It was Calypso's birthday, and the fireworks were booming away in the night sky. They were so bright and loud that even under the ocean, they caught the attention of the mermaid Ariel. Her father, King Stede, thought she was home working on homework, but she had snuck out of her room to treasure hunt.
When she surfaced and saw the massive pirate ship, Ariel was intrigued and went to investigate. What she saw onboard was a whole bunch of joyous people loving life and each other.
She was watching them dance when her friend, Buttons the Seagull, came to say hello. She tried to make him go away so he wouldn't alert the pirates of her presence, but he didn't listen…like usual. As they watched the party continue, a very handsome bearded man started to sing.
Now, even the mermaids knew about Blackbeard, so as the lovely song filled the sea air, Ariel recognized him leaning against the railing. Seconds later, she watched as he went to move but slipped and tumbled backward into the ocean.
Ariel went to rescue him but found her dad had gotten there first. Guess he had figured out that she wasn't at home doing her schoolwork and had come to find her. Hmm…her dad and Blackbeard were staring at each other rather oddly.
And then Ariel watched as her dad transformed into a human and went with the pirate onto the ship. Blackbeard found some clothes for Stede, and Ariel smiled as the besotted man introduced her dad to the crew.
Her attention turned upward then as a new set of fireworks started. It wasn't until the last sizzle of color faded from the night sky that she noticed her dad and Blackbeard were not on deck. Wanting to be sure the dreaded pirate didn't hurt her dad, Ariel swam around and looked in all the windows for them.
OHHHH F#ck!!! She shouldn't have looked in that window! As happy as she was for her dad, that was definitely not the image she wanted to have burned into her brain!
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punktaquito · 2 years
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I know I know, I’ve been gone AGAIN. I’m so sorry 😂 had a MAJOR art block and life decided it was a good moment to get complicated. But in compensation for my absence I bring to you this Jimriel waiter AU that had been sitting untouched on procreate FOR AGES until I finally had time and motivation to finish it.
I had a whole story planned, I swear I almost opened ao3 and got to writing a long one shot bc ayo. But basically I thought Ariel (being royalty course) is attending this very important party for very fancy people and oh surprise surprise, Eric aka THE prince is there. They already know each other, Triton tries to set them up, she’s not really interested. Jim happens to be working as a waiter at the party and ends up taking Ariel’s table and that’s how they meet for the first time.
The only reason I came up with this was because I was listening to this absolute bop
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iesnoth · 5 months
Hi so recently I've become a huge jariel shipper thanks to your content and literally have looked at everything by you. Your art, your fic Landlocked, even Ocean's aria! I was wondering if by any chance there were any other fics/comics you'd recommend because i literally don't know where else to look! Love your work by the way!
Ahhhh yes welcome to our very very small club, yes.
Ocean's Aria is a deep cut. I still love the concept.
I don't know where else to look either! I'm very picky about fanfic (a me problem), and I haven't seen any comics of them. I'm always been more of an amv person. It's how I got started on Jariel, all those years ago...
So here's my Jariel playlist. It's incomplete, but I've opened it to collaborators so you can add your favorites. there are some really good ones on there! Broken Road is the very first one I saw, and I think it set some standards for Ariel/Jim edits back in the day.
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airasora · 2 months
I'm not sure if you've ever clarified this before, I checked your tag and found nothing so in your Ariel/Jim/Jane ship are the girls also dating or are they both dating Jim while being platonic with each other? I know not every poly relationship is the same so I'm curious how you imagine their dynamic.
They're all exclusively dating each other! I know my shipname for them "Jariel + Porkins" implies Jane and Ariel are dating Jim, but not each other, and that's purely because I have yet to think up a proper OT3 name for them. So, if you or anyone else have any ship name ideas for Jim x Jane x Ariel, let me know! I would LOVE to give them a proper shipping name anyway.
But, yes, they are all dating each other. Exclusively. And by that I mean, they don't go on dates, have sexual relations etc. with other people but just them three.
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They exist (mainly) in the Hollina high school spin-off AU since 2022 as shown above. Jane is a tutor at their high school, and she's a senior, while Jim and Ariel are freshmen/sophmore/whatever (I haven't decided that yet, but they are not seniors which is why Jane, as a senior, became a tutor for them both, but there isn't a significant age difference is what I'm trying to get at)
Since Jim and Ariel struggle with the same subjects in school, they wind up getting tutored at the same time by Jane and that's how it all begins. Slowly. It takes them all a long time to get to where they wind up, but yeah, that's the gist of it!
Again, if anyone have ship name ideas... lemme know!
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bluebomber182 · 1 year
I used elevenlabs to make an AI Dub of Jim Hawkins and Ariel Fan Comics. The fan comics are drawn by iesnoth and morloth88
If you want to play around with the characters' voices in elevenlabs, you can use these files linked below. You should set clarity + similarity to 95% for accuracy.
To have the voices emote, follow this video guide.
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princess-ibri · 1 year
Are there any crossover ships you like?
Well, as a kiddo I was really into Ariel/Jim Hawkins xD As a fair percentage of 2000s online Disney fan kiddos seemed to be 😅
At one point I stort of crack shipped John Smith and Charlotte Labouff as they both end up alone 😅
And not really a ship but love whenever people make Rapunzel and Quasimodo friends.
Other then that not really, I tend now a days to mostly stick to the 'canon' timeline I've created for my DisneyVerse so characters don't really cross over unless their time periods are close, so that's mostly more the rewritten Descendants kids.
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astriddestelle · 2 years
Guys just imagine if Stranger Things had taken place a few years later, four years to be exact. The Little Mermaid would’ve came out.
Guys imagine the possibilities. Regardless of ship. I can just picture Kiss The Girl being sang.
Dustin singing it around Robin and Steve (before he knows)
Max, Lucas and Dustin singing it around Mike and El
The whole group singing it around Mike and Will (kiss the boy)
Steve and Robin singing it around Jonathan and Nancy
Hell Steve singing it around Vickie and Robin
Jonathan and Will singing it around Joyce and Hopper
Like guys the possibilities are endless someone write this with me.
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