#john is a big troll she loves teasing dave
agender-john · 1 year
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Sorry dave you can't no homo your way out of this
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gyroshrike · 3 years
Tell me why you love Gamtav; give me a whole rambling essay if you can. I like seeing people excited over the things and ships they like!
Oh, are you sure you want this? Do you really want to open Pandora's Box? Are you ready for the amount of rambling I can do about GamTav? How much time do you have? Because this is going to be a doozy. I haven't even started writing it and I can tell.
And before I get into it, people gotta know that most of this is based off of pre-murderstuck Gamzee
What do I like about GamTav? What do I like about GamTav??? One of the things that plays into me loving this ship so much is how much I love Gamzee and Tavros as individuals. Whenever I start reading a new piece of media, without question my favorite characters are almost always the really, really nice ones. Boku no Hero Academia? Kirishima. Anohana? Poppo. Legend of Korra? Bolin. And in the beginning of Homestuck, Gamzee and Tavros are just really, really NICE.
Oh, well, Gamzee is really, really nice. When we first see Tavros, he’s being a little shit to the kids, but that's because he was intentionally trying to troll. But once we get into Act 5 and we see Tavros interact with his friends, we realize he's generally a really kind person. His conversations with Nepeta, Gamzee and Aradia are all really sweet. His pesterlog with Vriska, which is the first one we get to see after he is revealed to us as a character, immediately paints a picture of him as someone struggling with his self-esteem and someone who is trying really hard to build himself up as a person. Way to fuckin’ endear me to a character IMMEDIATELY.
For most of the early comic until Act 5, we see all the trolls trolling the kids and even talking shit back and forth to each other. Gamzee was one of the first trolls who we see be purely sweet and supportive to his friends. His first pesterlog after we’re introduced to him is with Karkat and Karkat does nothing but talk shit. xD He does his usual song and dance of saying just the absolute worst things possible in that Karkat way of his and Gamzee just laughs and nods and basically says, “Yeah brother, you go, I love you, you're my best friend.”
We see Gamzee talk with Equius and we already know at this point that Equius is weird, but Gamzee is so jazzed to be talkin’ with his friend. He's just so supportive of Equius and even when Equius tells Gamzee that he must stop doing soper, Gamzee just says, “Okay, sure, you got it, I trust what you're telling me because you're my friend.” Now Equius is not actually ready for Gamzee to listen to him and backtracks and is like, “Wait, no, you don't have to listen to me, let's roleplay instead,” and Gamzee's like, “I don't know how to roleplay, but I'll try for you bro.” He’s just really fucking cute???
Short version: When we meet them, Tavros is someone you want to root for and Gamzee is just the nicest guy on the planet.
Gamzee loves his friends so much and from early on it's made apparent that he wants to love and support them, and would honestly do a lot for them even if he doesn't know what he's doing.
Also along with just being a generally sweet guy Tavros is the nerd archetype I love? He loves the troll equivalent of Pokemon and card games and other things like that. Also he just really loves animals? And I always love the characters who love animals. It's a really big weakness I have. Not to mention, talking with them? That's so COOL? So badass??? Like, UM???? He could control them, but he doesn't like forcing them to do bad things against their will. (Going off of how when suggested he control the imps to defeat them, but feels like that would be unfair/mean.)
SPEAKING OF THE IMPS. Of the twelve trolls, Tavros and Gamzee are the two of them who BEFRIENDED their imps. Isn't that so fucking rad????? They both started off fighting them at first, but then they both later mention that they are able to chill with their imps instead. Gamzee shares pie with them and Tavros communicates with them using his powers. I freaking LOVE that parallel. When I first noticed it I almost keeled over. See, I'm also a sucker for characters who like to attempt peace before conflict, so of course I'm going to love that both of them made friends instead of enemies.
So Act 5 Homestuck has already set me up to basically completely love these two characters. Now, I am a really big shipper. In almost every piece of media I go into I generally come out with ships and that's a big way that I engage with fandom. Now Homestuck, I actually didn't ship that much at first when I first started reading, which is pretty strange for me. I think I just kind of let the ships fall into my lap up until that point. I know my brain had really enjoyed the ideas of Karkat and Terezi, Dave and Terezi, and had even teased inklings of "What if?" and "Oh, I like them," about Rose and Kanaya. But for the most part I wasn't really into Homestuck for shipping at first.
The concept of GamTav, or PBJ as it was more commonly referred to then, was introduced to me by my friends. I had two irl friends who were reading the comic with me and they were ahead of me by some decent amount of pages at the time. At one point they started making references to PBJ and really liking PBJ and I was a little confused because I didn't quite know what they were referring to at first. I learned pretty soon that PBJ was Gamzee and Tavros and I remember being really excited for the ship because it was the first time I'd seen my friends get that excited for a ship. Which is really funny because now in the twilight years of the Homestuck fandom, of the three of us, I'm the only one gripping white-knuckled onto GamTav and breathing it like my life depends on it, while the other two have moved on to much different things. If I'm being honest, I'm pretty sure one of them doesn't even really like Gamzee that much anymore, but respects how much I love him and lets me rant and rave to her about him whenever I want.
It wasn't long after that that I finally got to the infamous "Make out a little" conversation between Gamzee and Tavros. I read the pesterlog and suddenly everything I had seen and heard from my friends made sense. I mean, not that I'm saying that's the ONLY reason GamTav makes sense. I just mean I understood what my friends specifically were talking about. Of the pesterlogs we've seen between them before that, Gamzee and Tavros obviously had a decent friendship. I'm pretty sure in the comic Gamzee was the first person to have a pesterlog with Tavros who is genuinely nice to him. (And this is conversation happens directly after Tavros’ conversation with Vriska, so it’s a wild contrast.) So as a friendship, I was already super down with Gamzee and Tavros-- you know what? Now that I think about it, I feel like I remember in [S] Make Her Pay being disappointed that Gamzee and Tavros were fighting alone and not with each other. Because a lot of the other trolls had paired up to be cool duos, you know? We had Karkat and Terezi, Feferi and Sollux, Nepeta and Equius, and I think I remember being bummed that Gamzee and Tavros weren't paired up. So I, at the very least, think I wanted things for these two even if I hadn't stepped into the realm of actually shipping them yet. I don't remember, this was YEARS ago.
Anyway, the infamous makeout conversation happens, and I'm sold hard for life. I have a lot of other Homestuck ships that I'm into and I enjoy, but none have ever, ever, ever, ever come close to GamTav.
I realize that I've written so much and I still haven't gotten to the meat of why I like them.
So I like ships where the parties involved are best friends. I love it when the characters in a ship are bros who love hanging out, who love doing silly things together. That awesome video "What your favorite Homestuck ship says about you" had me dead to rights. Called me out so hard. My ideal ship dynamic is "being stupid together"? Way to come for the throat. That's exactly it. At their core, Gamzee and Tavros are one of the funnest bro combinations I have ever seen. And what makes them so fun is both of them are huge dorks. HUGE dorks.
When we first meet Gamzee, he stares off into the colors of his miracle modus while making the most ridiculous face, tries to unicycle but just fuckin' pieruettes right off if it because his legs are too short, and just straight up reaches into his modus with his bare hands. Don't even get me started on how he scares himself with his own horns. That shit kills me.
We've already talked about how Tavros is a huge nerd, so that's covered. But like… have you heard him rap? This guy just gets so into it and has so much fun while simultaneously sounding so silly. He's flirty and awkward and ridiculous and has this shit eating grin on all the time.
They are those two friends who get up to shenanigans where everyone else around them just kind of shakes their head and thinks that they're so dumb (in an affectionate way), but they don't care because all they DO care about is how much fun they're having together.
One of my favorite things about Homestuck in general is it lets its characters be bad at things. John and Karkat suck at coding. Gamzee, Tavros, and Dave are bad at rapping. Rose becomes a prolific author, but I would argue she's bad at writing when she's 13 because, wow is it a slog to get through her wizard fanfiction LMAO.
And GamTav is a perfect example of two people who just have fun together being bad at things together. There's no pretense of needing to be cool or needing to be good at something or any type of shame or embarrassment. They're just so silly and they don't mind being silly around each other and they never make the other person ashamed of who they are. We even see some of that last bit in the comic. Gamzee never puts Tavros down. In one conversation, he acknowledges Tavros' disability, but doesn't taunt Tavros for it, doesn't make it a joke, or make him feel bad. It's just acknowledged and then they move on. Then Tavros mentions that while he doesn't share Gamzee's religious or spiritual views, he is supportive of them. I am such a sucker for shit like that.
In every way, shape, and form, Gamzee and Tavros are supportive of each other and just and totally uplift the other person. Both of these characters go through so much verbally (both jokingly and maliciously) at the hands of their peers for being who they are that Gamzee and Tavros' conversations were so refreshing to just see them be unabashedly themselves with another person.
And they make each other happy! Tavros' first conversation with Gamzee was the first time we see where Tavros is purely elated to be talking to the person he is talking to. And Tavros obviously makes Gamzee really happy. They just make each other so happy! And I love that shit!
Gamzee is, without restraint, supportive of everything that is Tavros. Gamzee is the type of person who would look at anything Tavros wants to do or is trying to do and put his whole heart in supporting Tavros and telling him, "Yeah bro, you can do this, you're amazing, I love you, go get 'em, you're the best, you can do anything you put your mind to,” and I love that for Tavros.
Gamzee was the friend I spent all of Homestuck wishing Tavros had. Tavros spent so much time talking to Vriska, interacting with Vriska, adventuring with Vriska. And that entire time I was just wishing that Gamzee was there instead, just so Tavros would have someone to be nice to him.
After murderstuck, I spent years waiting for Gamzee and Tavros to meet in a dream bubble. That was all I wanted. I wanted Gamzee to have to look Tavros in the eye and face what he had done, own up to everything to the person he loved most in the world. But of course, post murderstuck, Gamzee gets everything stripped away from him that made him the character he was in the beginning. It wasn't even a satisfying villain arc! It was just confusing! I feel like I could have dealt with it if Gamzee was a well-rounded villain. But instead his entire villain shtick was just surrounded by a bunch of question marks! I spent all of Homestuck waiting to learn what exactly was going on with Gamzee and then we never got that and that fucked me up.
And of course, oh, of course, up until the very end of the series, in the very, very, very last animation we ever see, Homestuck Act 7, Tavros is standing by Vriska's side, as he has had to do since the very beginning.
I haven't read the epilogues or Homestuck 2, so I'm not going to touch on anything that happens in those series and I would appreciate it if no one responded to this with spoilers. Don't even tell me things like, "Oh, you'll like Gamzee," or "Oh, you'll hate Gamzee," or anything like that. I don't want any hints. I already got enough. I want to form my own opinion when I finally get the energy to go in.
Nowadays, I stick almost exclusively to humanstuck AU's for my GamTav. Because even if canon GamTav wasn't so sad and depressing, there are other things that make me way too sad to think about. As a bronze blood, Tavros's lifespan is going to be significantly shorter than Gamzee's. No matter the good or bad context surrounding their relationship. Even if they were the perfect, fluffy, happy couple in canon, I can't deal with that lifespan difference. It breaks my goddamn heart.
I live in a world where I can rewrite the circumstances surrounding these characters and make it play out in a way that is much more to my liking. Writing them in humanstuck AU's lets me take away all of the things that make my heart hurt and instead repurpose them for really meaningful, emotional character building arcs and that's my main focus when it comes to GamTav.
Something I'm also really picky with when it comes to this ship is that I need the core of Gamzee and Tavros' character growth to happen apart from each other. I have found that I don't like stories that center Gamzee and Tavros or their relationship as the pivotal point of their development. I don't like when Gamzee is the pillar of Tavros' confidence. I do like when Gamzee helps out building Tavros' confidence by being supportive and saying nice things and encouraging him, but I don't like it when he is the main source. I don't want Tavros' growth to be hinged on Gamzee being in his life.
The same goes for Gamzee. I don't like stories where Tavros is the one thing keeping Gamzee from doing bad things. I don't like when their relationship is framed as being the one thing keeping Gamzee from going murder mode all over his friends again. I've read fics where Gamzee struggles either with murderous instincts as a troll or mental health as a human and Tavros is one of the only things that keeps him from going off the deep end. I don't like that. I want Gamzee's growth to be primarily on his own or at the very least not supported by his romantic partner. Of course, I love it when Tavros is there when he needs him to hold him or soothe him or say kind things or help him through his struggles. I'm not saying I don't want Tavros to comfort him at all or ever, I just don't want Tavros to be his sole anchor.
I just love idiot best friends in love.
Oh, OH! ALSO. Gamzee doesn’t give a FUCK about the hemospectrum. One of the first things he says to Equius is how he doesn’t get it, how he’s not better than anyone else, how he doesn’t even know how to ACT better than anyone else. How am I not supposed to love that?
Opposite sides of the hemospecturm relationships are so fun. I love the idea of Gamzee entering a room full of strangers and them being like “Oh no! :O !!!! Scary subjuggulator!!” and Tavros comes rushing over all happy and excited and they just snuggle all cute and gross and everyone watching’s jaw just drops.
This might sound weird, but I also think one of the things that endear me to characters is them getting misinterpreted and then me having fun drawing them more ‘accurately’? Tavros is so often depicted as uwu soft weepy boi and I love drawing him with a mischievous grin just as ready to do something stupid and get himself into trouble as Gamzee is. Equius TOLD Tavros not to go near the stairs with his new robo legs. What is one of the things Tavros does immediately? Go try the fuckin’ stairs. And he KEEPS DOING IT.
*lays down on the floor* I just… I just want domestic GamTav where they move into a nice wheelchair accessible home (modified in a similar way to Tavros' hive in Pesterquest) and Gamzee massages Tav's back when it aches and tells him he's the light of his life and in turn Tavros holds Gamzee close on his darker days and Tavros kisses his hands and brushes his hair out of his eyes and boops his nose and they laugh so hard together that they cry.
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luminescentlyricist · 4 years
⚙️ Whirlwinds ༄
( Meat timeline w/ Candy elements )
( CW: Depression )
John was feeling lonely. Ever since the the session had begun, he had steadily become quieter and quieter. It was nothing out of the ordinary, really, but he wasn't talking to any of his friends as much, and found himself taking comfort in any silence he could. Not even Casey was cheering him up, regardless of how many bright blue bubbles she blew or adorable noises she teased him with. So, strangely, he sought comfort in Dave.
His keyboard had begun gathering dust, as he'd returned to his old house with the intent to actually talk to people face-to-face and maybe invite them over. But now, after what felt like years of isolation, he blew off the grey motes. Coughing, John placed his fingers on the keys as it began to boot up. This bought a soft sort of half-smile to his face. Pesterchum seemed like ancient technology, but they - all of his friends from both sessions, as well as the trolls with Trollian - insisted on keeping the chat clients alive.
There were a few moments of inescapable lag as his desktop exploded with notifications. His friends loved him that much. Scrolling through his contact list, he noted that 'CarcinoGeneticist' had been the source of a lot of the notifications. Karkat and Dave shared one thing in common: they never shut up, and that was exactly what John liked about them.
Well, he normally did.
Due to their mostly well-meaning spam of messages, the two collectively succeeded in causing his screen to freeze for a solid ten minutes, during which time John lamented not having the grist at hand to alchemise a new one. Regardless, he sat in front of it, mostly unmoving apart from the habitual tapping of his feet against the floor. The wind moved against him so tightly it felt as if it were trying to crush him into an anxious mess.
Everything became a few shades brighter when the screen finally decided to work, and the Heir himself seemed to brighten, if only for a moment. He sat up a little straighter, fixing his glasses that had been knocked askew. The wind also began to disperse, leaving a gentle breeze that helped to melt the ever-mounting tension in his shoulders. Dave had messaged him a moment earlier.
The message - of a picture - was also attached to a link, an audio clip. John missed Dave and his voice. He hadn't left the house in a long time, not since he came back to it. His friends used to try and visit, but they stopped trying three months ago when he didn't respond. Perplexed, John fumbled for his earbuds and plugged them into his laptop. The cool kid's warm tone graced his ears, bringing with it a sense of comfort.
"Hey, John. I know you probably won't hear this, but I just wanted to let you know that you're the coolest kid I've ever met. We're talking smuppet levels of cool."
John paused the video. Was that supposed to be a compliment? He couldn't tell.
"You're so cool you put arctic freezes to shame. Anyway, I know you're all down in the dumps right now, and that's a completely valid response. We've been through some mad shit lately. But you can come and talk to me whenever you need me, okay? Point is, I want you to come and hang when you're finished being a hermit. Come outta your shell, dude. Find a new home, 'cause this one's all up in the clouds."
When the clip ended, John's smile fell and the giddy warmth faded from his body. It was suddenly very cold in the house. As much as he liked Dave, his energy had begun to wane. Soon, though, another ping sounded from his laptop. There was the photo that he'd forgotten. Clicking on that file, he realised it was akin to a new face reveal. He'd not seen Dave in so long. Too long. He could barely remember the faces of his friends.
Even though Rose was a Seer of Light, dealing with knowledge and such, John couldn't help but feel that she wasn't the one to help him with his terrible memory. There were some problems that even God Tier couldn't fix, which was one of the things he realised when he returned home after so long. Sometimes, John didn't even get out of bed in the morning.
Usually, Casey would meet him at his bedside at nine in the morning - though she often got the simplistic schedule confused, and John had to get her instead - so that they could go check on the Salamander Village in the Consort Kingdom together. But, that morning, she went alone. John enjoyed the little task that he did with his daughter above all else, and it had simply become *draining*. He never wanted it to be.
His eyelids drooped as he stared at the screen in front of him, the display having dimmed in preparation to go to sleep. John dragged his finger across the trackpad, squinting against the bright lights. There he was: Dave, in all his coolness. The teen was lying on his back, faking sleep, and his crocodile consorts had laid a blanket over him, photo-bombing the picture he had attempted to take due to the unusually endearing scene.
It was a soft moment, perfectly captured in time.
Things like those were exactly what John missed about hanging out with his friends. Shutting the lid to his laptop with a small sigh, the heir wondered if he'd ever go out to see them all. He hadn't even responded to any of Karkat's messages.
"Gee, John. You're really slipping today."
He murmured this to the empty house, voice seeming too quiet compared to the otherwise vast space that was his. John was so tired. He had no energy whatsoever, but the sun remained high in the sky. The day was certainly dragging on regardless of the fact that he'd only been awake for a few hours. Taking off the iconic blue-rimmed glasses that he wore and setting them on the desk, John waited for something - anything - to rouse him.
Around him, the naturally warm breezes that he seemed to generate had stilled, causing a gentle shudder to ripple down his spine. John stood, picking up his glasses and perching them on the end of his nose. It wasn't that he needed the lenses to see; he was fairly sure going God Tier had given him 20-20 vision, but they were as important to him as Dave's shades were to the other.
Glancing towards a dusty photograph on the mantle, he directed a swift breeze to wipe the dust away. It was an old picture of he and his dad, with John himself only about five. Walking to pick it up, he studied it in a silence that had since become comfortable. Sure, he missed his dad, but memories were more than enough, even though his vision blurred with tears. Unlike a Strider, he had never been good at masking his emotions.
As a droplet ran down the glass, the boy traced around his face in the picture. As far back as he could remember,  he'd always had the same style of glasses. The first time his dad let him pick the rims he wanted, he'd simply chosen the same ones as his dad had picked for him. Dark blue and obnoxiously rectangular, just as he'd worn before and since.
They helped him remember how much he was loved, in a way,  so he didn't want to forget them. That was why it had hurt so much the time they were sucked mercilessly into the void. Just as soon as the first had transpired, another shudder ran through him. Bad memories were threatening to resurface, memories of what had happened before. He groaned aloud, trying to block them out with the noise.
He had been tempted to talk to Rose for another reason: despite the fact that there weren't exactly any functioning universities in Earth C to give her the appropriate qualifications, everyone considered her a good therapist. She'd seen and experienced her fair share of horrors since her stint in Grimdarkness. Maybe she would understand how... depressed he felt. John felt awful for always burdening Dave with the information, even though the group's resident coolkid always seemed so open to it all, even in the times he was sure no one would listen.
After so long in the house, alone, John had acquired a lot of time to think. Some of it was a negative thing, but he'd recently come to terms with a big part of himself that he'd buried around everyone. Since Kanaya and Rose had established that they were together, he'd been ruminating about his own sexuality. It felt a little safer.
There was a more inclusive crowd in Earth C than he and his friends had ever anticipated, so that nobody felt left out. Alienated. There were so many different choices he was able to make, and no legislations in place would exclude him. Being a god had its perks, though that hardly mattered. He had a truth to consider.
He was a homosexual, and he'd caught feelings for his best friend.  
Even though it was a lot to process, he was working through it slowly. Dave had once felt like someone so above him, to put on a pedestal and almost glorify. But through the session, and their chilling times on Earth C together, that had dissolved. They had a lot more in common than he had previously thought, but that did nothing to calm the jitters enveloping his entire body at the mere prospect of meeting with the other boy after so long.
At that moment, the doorbell rang out with a discordant attempt at a tune. John mentally reminded himself to fix that later. He was jolted away from his thoughts, and called out to his visitor tiredly.
"Hold on a minute..."
Dragging his feet, the boy headed to his old room. He'd since relocated some of his dad's ties to the cupboard there, unwilling to part with that aspect of himself and move into the other, bigger space. He discovered that his fingers were shaking despite his prior lethargy, which meant he couldn't tie the knot on the one he'd picked out properly. He was still only 23, but wearing them made him feel a little more mature.
Draping it over one of his shoulders like a dish-towel, the boy headed out to open the door. He was relieved to see that his daughter hadn't completely abandoned him, but the small yellow salamander had someone else in tow, dragging them inside the house while bubbling excitedly.
Dave's greeting was relaxed, almost to the point of nonchalance, but the other knew him well enough that he wasn't offended by it. The cooler of the two's lips twitched up into a smile upon seeing his friend's shocked expression, and he laughed quietly.
"What's up, Egbert? Have you been rendered speechless by the Strider Charm emanating from my every pore?"
The man noted, clearly recognising that he needed to stay something familiar to relax John.
Still silent, John nodded sheepishly before posing his own greeting.
"Hi, Dave! I haven't seen you in ages. Whatcha been up to?"
He asked only when he'd cleared his head, but it didn't do much to prevent his voice from squeaking. He wasn't sure how to answer his buddy's question, so he'd swung it back to Dave, whose brows crinkled thoughtfully beneath his shades.
"Not much, really. Chillin', helpin' my bro with his projects. He told me he wanted to dismantle Sawtooth and Squarewave to do something new."
John's face brightened slightly to match the Strider's smile, but it was all he could do to ignore the lethargy that had crept back into his body.
"Woah... That must be hard work. I'm glad you're getting along with him, though!"
Instead of rising in tandem with his excited statement, the young man's voice fell flat. It wasn't that he meant to sound unenthusiastic, he'd just completely zoned out. Standing in dazed silence for a moment, he was only snapped back to reality by Dave's worried questioning.
"Hey, bro, you alright?"
John had no idea how to reply, instead shrugging dumbly. Sure, he wasn't going to die because he hadn't slept for the past few nights, but his limbs felt weighed down by lead. He stared blankly towards the wall behind his friend,  whole body beginning to lightly tremble.
"I think I'm fine, yeah... Don't worry about me, 'kay?"
The man's words slurred, and he laughed shakily. He braced himself against the near doorframe, exhaling as the world spun and lurched around his head. Thanks to the ever-increasing list of God Tier benefits, there was no need for him to sleep. Evidently, he should have. He'd not let himself have any relief from his steadily darkening thoughts for weeks.
Dave's hand lightly brushed John's shoulder, causing him to flinch and nearly fall over. He'd retrieved the tie, and was going to ask about whether or not John wanted help tying it, but did something else entirely when he felt the young man sway beneath his touch. While Casey freaked out a little, scampering away from the two to hide, Dave wrapped his arms securely around John's torso to steady him.
"I hate to tell you this, John, but what you're feeling right now is the exact opposite of fine. C'mon, dude. I can take care of you for a bit. Think of it as bro-to-bro bonding."
Dave held his position there, not speaking, until he felt the other's shaking slow down. He kept a hand on John's shoulder to steady him after the awkward embrace, slowly walking with the trembling man beside him until they reached a little further into the house. Gently, Dave guided his friend to sit down, and then called for Casey.
"C'mere, Case. Your dad needs some serious salamander love."
He never called the yellow salamander 'Casey', preferring 'Case'. She still responded to it, so he didn't see the point in changing his ways. John's adopted daughter peeked her head out from where she was hidden, blowing a bright blue bubble towards the coolkid. She made her way towards him, although she was obviously more concerned about reaching her dad.
Dave lifted Casey up into his arms and carried her to where John was on the couch. Before placing her down, he whistled and made an explosion noise upon 'impact'. She immediately hugged John's chest, walking across his legs and torso to get to that part of him. He smiled tiredly down at her.
John's eyes were drooping again, and that caused Dave - who was watching over the scene carefully - to frown.
"I can take Casey out of the room if you need some privacy, dude. You seem pretty tired."
His voice was softer than usual, but still held that certain suave that the other regarded as oddly calming. Casey bubbled in protest - or so Dave thought, since salamanders were pretty dim most of the time - and made an indignant noise.
"I think I just... I need to sleep, 'cause I've been awake for a while. But it's nice having you two here."
The man wearily smiled a little more, as if to reassure the two that nothing was wrong. It never reached his eyes.
Nodding, Dave walked to the kitchen. He retrieved a glass of water for his best friend, making sure it was cold to the touch but not icy enough to cause a headache. He returned to the living room to find John softly humming a familiar tune to Casey. It was 'Pipeorgankind', the same dramatic melody that he had once used to clear the skies of his land. A grin split Dave's features moments after.
"Aw, man... Didn't you invite me to the party? Cold."
As always, the Strider's voice held a lilt, nuanced enough that those who knew him well enough could tell whether or not he was joking around. He set the water down, clearing his throat.
"If you need a DJ, I can assure you that my beats are fresher than a cake straight outta the oven."
John stopped humming for a minute, looking towards Dave, who had fallen otherwise silent. He wasn't sure how to respond, but Dave never really expected a response in the first place.
He sat on the couch next to the other, hoisting Casey into his lap with a lop-sided grin. The salamander bubbled again, and he reached out a tentative finger. Ever since he started visiting LOWAS, Dave had never been sure whether or not the large blue objects in the salamander's mouths were their tongues. To his surprise, Casey stayed there. As soon as Dave's finger made contact, however,  the salamander licked him, bright blue liquid coating his entire hand.
This pulled a soft laugh from the boy next to him, due to the fact that the Strider's otherwise perfect hair was sticking up at the front, and he never seemed to notice. Reaching out with his powers, John directed his natural drafts - weaker than usual - to dry and swiftly redirect his hairdo.
Even though he was still incredibly tired, the blue boy was glad for the company. It didn't matter as much that Dave was obnoxious sometimes; he'd always had a keen sense of how others were feeling regardless of his own emotional confusion. As such, the Strider kept his arm around John, the small gesture providing a modicum of comfort more than his natural presence could.
The simple action was enough for the first tear to spill down John's cheek. He had adjusted himself to the feeling of crying alone, and there was a degree of embarrassment associated with anyone seeing him. But the Knight had always made him feel safer, and made it known that he'd always have a shoulder to cry on if he needed one.
Casey had situated herself on the other cushion, having moved from Dave's lap. She was keeping herself as close to her dad as possible.
Sometimes, John felt.... numb. In a way, he was jealous of the Striders' unique ability to lock away emotions, to not feel at all. He was shaken away from this mindset when Dave began gently wiping his tears away with a tissue. This particular Strider was one of the most empathetic people he knew.
Although doubts were racing through the man's mind, he was doing his best to make John feel safer.
"Let it out, man. It's... It's good for you to cry. You've bottled up so much shit I'm glad you're finding release. Just keep fighting, 'kay? I'm proud of you, John. You're one of the strongest people I know, but..."
Dave broke off as his normally suave, constrained tone wobbled, taking a deep breath before continuing.
"It's okay to break sometimes."
Dave's voice was barely more than a whisper, but it was all he could do not to start crying himself. Feeling John's panicked, shaking gasps slowing down gradually - With the other man pressed firmly against his chest in an awkward embrace - was a relief. It allowed him to let out the breath he had no idea he was holding.
He knew that his friend was sleeping, the soft breezes he emanated having tightened to curl almost protectively around his body. Gently, he eased his way out of John's lax arms. He stood, walking to the man's old bedroom and retrieving a blanket. He frowned when he saw how thin it was, though.
Taking off his thick hoodie, he draped it over John's body and scrawled something onto a sticky note: "Keep it. ~D." After attaching the note to the jacket, he bent over and pressed a soft - clearly hesitant - kiss on the other's forehead. Taking off his shades to look at John properly, his expression lifted into a smile.
Even though he knew John wouldn't hear him, Dave spoke as he left.
"I love you, dude. Good luck."
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purrfectstrangers · 4 years
A Humble Request
You've wanted this ever sense you first laid eyes on Karkat Vantas.
It was a thought that had been clawing at you for months. He had a presence to him, a certain dominating air that gripped every room he entered. He was shorter than most trolls, but for his presence, he might as well have been twenty feet tall. His voice dominated nearly every conversation he entered, his eyes pierced you with a critical glare that seemed to read into your very soul.
It wasn't as if Karkat hadn't though about it. You saw the way he looked at you whenever you entered the room, the way his nose twitched and reacted to your scent. His inhuman sense of smell picking up on you long before you entered his line of sight. Hell, you'd even once heard his stomach growl as he was looking at you, causing Karkat to abruptly turn away in embarrassment.
You were positive Karkat wanted this as much as you did. Even now though, with the idea hanging out in the open, he didn't easily show it. "YOU WANT ME.... TO EAT YOU." His default snarl didn't leave his face, although you could detect the faint scent of amusement under his tone. You confirmed enthusiastically, a little shyer this time now that his attention was on you fully. His eyes scanned over you, in a way they never had before. A half smirk flashed acrossed his face for an instant before going back too his snarl. 
"YOU KNOW YOU WON'T BE COMING BACK, RIGHT?" His hand slid down too his gut unconsciously, rubbing over it as it poked out from beneath his sweater. It could almost be mistaken for fat, but the occasional sloshing and gurgling suggested otherwise. He'd eaten recently.
Karkat leaned into your face, nose twitching as your scent filled his senses. Just as you could feel his breath on your face, he forced up a slow burp. The smell was at first indescribable, but recognition came in spurts. The freshest smelled like a cool morning breeze, with a hint of gushers and cake. Beneath that, you could smell stale AJ and sweat. John and Dave. 
"THOSE GUYS WERE GOD-TIERS. AND MY DIGESTIVE SYSTEM TURNED THEM INTO SLOP. IMAGINE WHAT IT WILL DO TOO YOU." You could easily imagine it. Quite vividly. The very thought of it had you weak at the knees now. He was looking at you hungrily now. Even with your face, your taste, so close, he wanted you to know exactly what you were getting into. All you could do was nod meekly.
He leaned back, arms still crossed. You saw him smirk before he unhinged his jaws, his drool already dripping between his teeth. His thick, sharp chompers dripped with red saliva like the fangs of a hungry shark. His tongue rolled out like a welcome matt, twitching eagerly to taste you. The message was clear: "GET IN".
You slid your hand in between his jaws, his tongue already lavishing you eagerly. His indifferent persona was breaking down, you could see his arms clench as he contained his excitement. Chills ran down your spine as your hand was occasionally pushed up against his teeth. Slowly, you slip you other hand in. His cheeks bulge out briefly before he unhinges his jaws more and you savour the feeling of part of his body tightly clamped onto part of you while you can.
Karkat's hands clamp onto your shoulders. Now that he had your taste, he was impatient to enjoy it. With one quick shove, his throat bulged out. His eyes rested inches away from yours as your arms vanished from sight. Earlier, he behaved like an impatient lover. Now, he looked at you like a starving predator. His jaws extended and his stomach growled. With a grip around your waist, he shoveled your head in.
His tongue lavished your face like an angry tentacle, his teeth clamped on to your neck. You could feel your hands pop into his comparatively spacious stomach. One more swallow sent them into the slop that used to his friends. His tongue scoured your stomach as his teeth teased your flesh. Your head was being compressed from all angles by hot red flesh. You faintly kick your legs as you writhe in his grasp, pleading for him too swallow you more.
Another gluttonous gulp squeezed your head into his gullet, with sudden powerful scents overwhelming your nostrils. The scent of John and Dave plummed off the colorless soup that they had melted into, the gut gurgling eagerly around the new meal that had been deposited into it. Gurgles and heartbeats filled your ears as the red gut pulsed around you. The stimulus overload almost kept you from noticing how Karkat teased your ass, licking and chewing it as your flavour flooded his mouth. It was nervana.
You soon feel Karkat's head tilt back as he finishes his meal. Your face is dropped unceremoniously into the mixture of Strider and Egbert soup as your thighs enter his throat. You're barely given time to adjust before he begins slurping your legs down like noodles. You're quickly balled up inside the smaller troll's gut, leaving a nice outline in his stomach beneath his sweater. The walls pulse and tighten as Karkat lets out a genuine belch, you swear you can feel someone's glasses crack against you. You feel his hand rub against your head. "THERE. HAPPY?" 
Every word punctuates just what it was you'd gotten yourself into. Even gods, beings with power you couldn't begin too comprehend, were nothing but nutrients and padding when put up against Karkat's appetite. You couldn't help it, you moaned. And while you couldn't see it, Karkat had a big wide grin spread across his face. "I'LL GIVE YOU CREDIT, AT LEAST YOU KNOW WHERE YOU BELONG. EVEN IF IT'S ONLY BECAUSE OF YOUR SICK KINK."
A wet belch rings out, tightening his gut around you eveb further. Karkat pats his belly contentedly. "DON'T DIGEST TOO QUCKLY. I DIDN'T ORDER A LIGHT SNACK."
For anyone else, the long digestion would've been agony. For you, it was heaven. While Karkat would've grown bored with berating you at all hours of the day, he was more than happy to show you off too his friends. Underneath his disinterested act, he loved turning the conversation back too you. Between detailing your taste to Gamzee as if you weren't even there to egging Vriska on as she mocked you. Besides, it would remind him too check your progress when he was alone, groping your ass through his stomach walls to see how much your form would give.
But, all good things must come to an end. You don't know how long it took. Maybe hours, maybe minutes. But little by little, your squirms began too wain. Your strength continued too melt, the acids continued too rise. The loud stomach gurgles would occasionally drown out his insults and tirades. Soon it was almost time.
You skin could feel nothing. The acids were up too your neck. The goopy remains had been absorbed long ago. His stomach walls held you tight enough to keep you still. Karkat shook his stomach lightly. "ARE YOU ABOUT DONE IN THERE?" You knew you wouldn't be heard if you spoke, so you limply kicked. He snorted at the attempt, seeing as he barely felt it. "WELL, I GUESS THAT'S IT. THANKS FOR THE FOOD. I HAD FUN." He sounded... earnest. Completely earnest, with nothing hidden behind his sour disposition. The last thing you hear as the lights fade and the acids rise is a loud burp.
Karkat examined his new physique in the mirror, kneading his claws into his ass. While part of him was annoyed, he'd inevitably get several 'Vant-ass' quips again, he was quite proud of the way he'd managed to stretch his jeans. "WELL, STRIDER. YOU'LL ALWAYS BE A PAIN IN MY ASS NOW. SAME GOES TOO YOU EGBERT." His thoughts wandered too whether they'd come back. In some timelines, God-Tiers simply resurrected after getting eaten, but in others they got... stuck. The image of squishing John every time he sat down amused him. He'd look into the possibility if he didn't see them for awhile.
Karkat flopped back into his chair, letting his belly full of You-soup slosh around as he did so. He picked up a paper titled Human Menu on it and read through it.
Jade Harley
Rose Lalonde
John Egbert
Dave Strider
Karkat bolded the last three names on the list to signify completion and leaned back, already imagining how he'd eat up the Alpha Kids. If their Beta counterparts were now sealed inside his ass, they'd probably appreciate the company.
His stomach gurgled around your soupy form, and he rubbed it absentmindedly. Once he'd filled out the list, he'd probably ask Feferi for a favor. Let her revive you. After all, who says you can only enjoy a good meal once?
(I had a Karkat itch that needed scratching and, sense I know you're crushing on him too, I figured I'd share it with you. Grumpy krab makes the best pred.)
//Oh my fucking god, anon. Oh my god. This is divine, thank you so much for sending this my way~♡ I wish I could credit you properly, but suffice it to say that I adore this~♡
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wepreeshjohnegbert · 4 years
The Fiendish Friend Firmament
Okay, so, here are all the Evil BFFs that have joined Lord Egbert’s posse. Also some headcanons with them.
Dark Dave
This Dave comes from a timeline where all the other Beta kids died during the final battle against Lord English. This results in him not bonding with Dirk as he did in our timeline, as he shut himself off from everyone to mourn for awhile. Dave tries to move on by happily marrying Karkat and he becomes much closer to Kanaya thanks to both mourning Rose. The problem is, they’re both mortal. Dave insists on trying to de-age them forever with his time powers, but Karkat shuts him down. His last wish is for Dave to try to move on from everyone’s deaths and keep living a happy life.
Dave tries to do just that. The problem is that he avoids making any sort of connection to the Alpha Kids. Jake looks uncomfortably like John, and Dirk exists, which shuts down any interest Dave has in getting to know them and their social group. Combine that with him not even being able to find the Troll God Tiers after all these years, and he has no fellow immortals to relate too. Because of that, Dave gets himself caught in an unending cycle of finding a new mortal love, spending their life with them, outliving them and feeling that pain and heartbreak all over again. He ends up going into each relationship increasingly aware of just how mortal his new beloved is, but he keeps throwing himself into these relationships in an effort to move on like Karkat would’ve wanted him too.
It finally escalates to the point where he tries using his time powers to keep his latest loved one alive forever against their will, causing them to abandoned him in shock and disgust once they find out. After that, he finds himself tearfully spilling his heart out to Karkat’s grave. Then Lord Egbert shows up and Dave nearly bowls him over with a hug. Lord Egbert tells him about his idea to give everyone a happy ending by taking over the narrative, and Dave buys into it wholesale.  He’s just a heartbroken mess who wants to see his friends and loved ones again at this point.
The name “Dark Dave” was given to him by Lord Egbert. Dave thinks it’s cheesy and stupid, but he refuses to change it because it sounds like a name his universe’s John would give him.
The other members of the Fiendish Friend Firmament always call him Dork Dave when they want to tease him.
Kinda unintentionally serves as the heart of the group. If the team ever gets morally hung up about their actions, they just remember a story Dave told them about one of his past lovers and decide to keep going. 
Lady Lalonde
This Rose comes from a universe where she never went grimdark, as she ended up losing the crystal ball early on. As such, she has no reason to distrust the Horrorterrors. So, when Kanaya dies of old age after the game, the Horrorterrors offer to resurrect her, in exchange for Rose summoning them into her universe. Rose does so, and the Horrorterrors hold true to their word. They then proceed to devour all life in the universe, leaving only Rose and Kanaya alive.
Rose is completely devastated with guilt and she quickly sets too work with Kanaya to undo her mistake. Their attempts to recreate life fall flat, as without a matriorb, that’s simply outside their realm of expertise. Nevermind how the presence of the horrorterrors has warped the laws of nature, making new life potentially impossible regardless. Their attempts to destroy the horrorterrors directly are similarly met with failure. They’re simply too powerful for a single Seer of Light to vanquish on her own.
After decades of failed attempts and false starts, Lord Egbert shows up with Dark Dave. Working together, the four of them manage to wipe out the Horrorterrors. John makes his offer afterwards, stating that he can undo her mistake once he gains narrative control. Kanaya is hesitant, as it was Rose bargaining with powerful forces to revive a loved one that got them into this mess to begin with, but the two eventually agree. After a group hug. 
Rose chose her villain name herself, after finding out that Dave and John were doing it. She was originally going to go with something more meaningful, like Complacency or Lovecraft, but Kanaya talked her down. Kanaya does not have a villain name, as she finds the concept rather silly. (“Why Are We Calling Ourselves Villains At All? We’re Trying To Fix The Multiverse.” “Acting like supervillains helps us get the angst out of our system. Also, it’s fun and sounds cool.”)
Kanaya still totally calls her Lady Lalonde though. And Lord Egbert never stops trying to get her to accept the name Mad Madame Maryam or something. She’s not about to accept a nickname from someone called Lord Egbert.
Rose is the recruiter whenever John can’t step up to task. She knows exactly what buttons to push to get people on their side. 
She tries to dissect John and Dave’s psyche past their “dramatic supervillain” act, but finds imagining her friends having their lives slowly fall apart to be too difficult to think about. So she joins them in their tongue in cheek supervillain act. It makes it easier to disassociate with their actions.
This Jade is from a timeline pretty similar to ours, with one key difference. The fight against Lord English was going terribly. The trolls had already been completely wiped out and the humans weren’t fairing much better. In an act of desperation, Jade combines her powers with that of a dying Calliope to trap herself in a black hole with Lord English. Jade has the ring of life on to keep English from simply killing her, and Calliope’s last act is too give Jade her powers in order to keep English contained forever.
Lord English kills Jade repeatedly, slaughtering her in every creative way he can imagine. But Jade refuses to budge, heroically meeting him with a smile each time, knowing her friends are now safe. So, LE switches tactics. He begins attacking her mentally, telling her in detail how her sacrifice has effected her friends. 
He brutally describes how miserable her friends are in the new world, how badly they miss her and how their grief tears them apart. He describes John’s isolation and downfall into depression. He describes how Rose and Dave tinker with the dark arts in an attempt to get her back, despite knowing the dangers of it. Sure, part of that has to do with the deaths of the trolls, but English puts it all on her. He gloats how it’s her fault Rose summons the horrorterrors and their friends get butchered because of it.
Just as Jade is about to give up, Lord Egbert and his posse arrive. They kick English’s ass and John absorbs his powers. John makes the same offer to Jade and Jade accepts. Yet again, cue group hug.
Jade is the one too suggest the name Fiendish Friend Firmament to the group. John loves it, Dave thinks it’s lame and “ironically” votes in it’s favor, and Rose and Kanaya think it’s silly but still choose to support it.
Jade is a Stepford Smiler, full stop. She masks her guilt complex by acting extra helpful and nice and is actually the most ruthless of the team. She’s desperate to undo “her” mistakes, despite never being able to stop those tragedies from happening. And, sense John will just fix everything in the end anyway, she thinks any actions she takes to that  point are justified. Prepare to witness a lot of atrocities done on the face of a barely upheld cherry facade.
She also made costumes for everyone. Luckily, Kanaya revised them to look less garish. 
General Headcanons
As the leader, John makes it his responsibility to try to help everyone cope with their trauma in the interim between world domination plans. So, he has everyone dive wholesale into the supervillain act to try to keep their minds off of everything. He writes everyone villain songs and even gets them to all sing one together at one point. I can totally see them singing Ways To Be Wicked by the Descendants or I’m The Boss by Big Bad Bosses. 
There are times where these four just… stop to play video games. They drop all the world domination talk, crash on the couch, and pop in a movie or a game. Kanaya snuggles with Rose when she joins them, while joining Rose in criticizing the plot of whatever they’re watching or playing. Dave keeps a running, ironic commentary going, Jade joking chastises them for ruining the fun, and John sushes everyone because he’s unironically into it and loves whatever they’re watching. Then everyone falls asleep on the couch after a few hours of just… being normal kids.
…Well, this got way more angsty than expected. 
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dahniwitchoflight · 5 years
Candy 18-21
oh, oh no
I’ve heard things about Jane x Gamzee
now I get to experience them, oh boy...
Gamzee gets, strangely serious about stuff for once, huh, who would have thunk it
yeah, It’s clear Jane’s political stuff seem to stem from some kind of fear that one day humanity won’t exist on Earth C for whatever reason
that over time, the population of trolls versus humans will eventually skew so much that there won’t be any adam and eve left to match up with each other
in her mind she really doesn’t hate trolls, cuz its not really about the trolls, not at all, but obviously her actions are equivalent to someone who does hate them and she just doesn’t get that
and like, yeah if you just left them to their own devices, maybe that would happen, but then (and I can’t believe I’m saying this) Gamzee has an extremely good point that they already did that when they plopped all the ectokids down and called it a day for a 1000 years, like, they managed to figure it out on their own just fine
and also
ectobiology will literally never stop being a thing so like, as long as some of the god kids stick around, eventually you can just make more humans it’s no big deal to restart the human gene pool since it will be identical to the first time they started it
there’s no reason to make sure this system runs smoothly the “natural way” it won’t, this situation is unnatural for both species
Jane’s just gotta realize that if she wants humans to keep sticking around, she just has to keep supporting the human population, that’s it, whatever trolls do or don’t do doesn’t matter for that goal
course it doesn’t help to compare trolls to animals when talking about their breeding rate and how it naturally evolved over time unlike the apparently non animal humans Janey
Also Alternian society is def not how troll society naturally is but like how could she know that? And how could any troll near her really explain that? 
aaaand I got so up in taking this seriously I forget who was talking
Jane’s into troll blackrom though that’s interesting and unexpected 
oh wow, Jake was there the whole time
Did they really name Jake and Jane’s baby Tavros??? oh jeesus
Yeah Kinda figured the Jane x Jake thing wasn’t gonna actually be happy
I’m really surprised Jane’s version of happiness apparently involves boinking a weird funny man I mean, she canonically likes clowns and jokes, so at the same time I’m not surprised, I mean, she WAS raised by the condesce, it’s just weird how that influence comes out in her sometimes versus how it doesn’t come out in her
literal Jake nightmare scenario though I think lol
really hammering home how the passions of youth don’t really translate well to happy adult relationships
Oh, so there’s the part where Jade reveals she has Bec biology, considering the fandom reaction you’d think we were gonna get some kind of gross M rated sex scene where she pegs Karkat or something
but all she does is talk about how she’d love a normal family and home life and lament that her circumstances ended up not really allowing that and giving enough hints that we can figure out why that would be
it’s not handled grossly at all, even if the subject matter is odd and it doesn’t come off as some sort of character sabotage
this whole time what we’ve known all Jade was that she was lonely and just wanted a family, not that hard to figure out why, girl’s got the same complex as Joey Claire about her family situation, but she’s more reserved about her feelings since she didn’t get to have a comparison of role models like Joey did with her babysitter and also Jade’s food and shelter needs were somewhat taken care by a planet guardian so the affect was somewhat lessened on the outside, she just didnt get the same chances as Joey to be able to articulate her emotional turmoil about it
aww Jade’s not happy either, well, that’s how it goes when you make relationship decisions based on flimsy passions that are more about fulfilling the needs of the self than about actually wanting good things for a partner
More like Jade’s sort of realized that Karkat and Dave don’t have a genuine romantic interest in her and she’s the only one keeping this ship afloat
oh shit, a dead younger jade, oh damn wait she’s the one from Meat that was trapped in the house juju and then immediately died from space razors
Yeah’s she’s a bloody symbol of meat that’s for sure, theyre making that pretty clear
“Her eyes go wide and she feels the breath go out of her for a moment. She looks directly upward. Where did this body come from?”
Again, if we take that symbolism circle of Breath = Sugar = Drugged up High =  Breath
This little dash of meat falling into wonderland would break the breathy haze for a bit wouldn’t it?
So if this kind of thing can happen to others besides John, there’s hope yet for something of value to come from Candy
“ There’s a peaked skylight at the top of the foyer that splits the morning sun like a prism, spilling multicolored dots across every surface below. Amongst those dots are drips of teen-Jade’s blood. It’s so dark on the spotless tile that it looks nearly black. “
I wish I could draw things, I’d love to draw this exact scene here, it’s pretty and morbid
Yeah, the relationship theme of Candy seems to be that everyone’s jumping into Kismesis plus Matesprite threesomes, that seem to be neither of what anyone actually wants in totality
There’s some realization that their Candy filled atmosphere is actually more a drug or a poison, teen jade can’t be revived, and it’s not because of what happened to her, but more because of the environment she is in now
Ah Roxy, ever the social chameleon people pleaser, not working this time though
Jade’s is easily explained already as she has the social graces of an elephant
It is kinda sad tho to see most of the human characters actually aren’t that good at being cool about troll stuff
“CALLIOPE: pUrple roses traditionally represent love at first sight, however these roses are actUally red roses that we prepared Using a blUe dye.CALLIOPE: the blUe rose is the most elUsive and mysterioUs of all flowers.CALLIOPE: the combination of red and blUe in this context is meant to evoke the dUal natUre of death, in that there is nothing more mysterioUs and impossible to comprehend than the vast void of the afterlife, bUt also there is nothing that makes Us appreciate the life and and love that we already have than the mystery of death.CALLIOPE: while death is terrifying, there is always joy to be foUnd among the sorrow. each time we witness death, we fall in love with the important people in oUr lives all over again.“
Why do I get the feeling Calliope is talking about actual rose here somehow?
Is it because she started off with “here’s the symbolism of Purple Roses”?
a Red Rose dyed Blue
Now if Cascade taught us anything Blue and Red certainly represent a mutual destruction of opposites coming together to create a third new thing in the blaze of the aftermath, but that thing was a Green Sun, not something purple, so why bring Rose into mind for all of this?
We have been seeing the effects of what happens when people in candyland awaken from their drug haze with a smattering of blood, but in that case why not make the symbolism more clear by saying a Blue Candied Rose dyed Red as if with Bloodied Meat?
is it more to mean that the correct path lies NOT in Candy being dyed Red, but in Meat being dyed Raspberry Blue?
I Mean, Candy!Rose certainly seems shaken here, having gotten jolted out of her drugged haze at some point, but unable to See, and she’s actually starting to be concerned about that and Meat!Rose is kind of out of commission at this point, So I guess to get things back on track, Candy!Rose would have to go back to the Meat somehow, or might be the influence needed to snap Meat Rose out of her daze
Though I don’t like how this is taking place in the context of a funeral, specifically bringing to mind how Dirk did the same thing using the vessel of Death, I hope Candy Rose doesn’t try to just, off herself
with Dirk taking control of Rose’s ultimate self in Meat, Candy!Rose might be the only true Rose left to take heroic action
Aww, Callie is still head over heels for Roxy, I’m really surprised with this theme of threesomes that nothing ever came of a John x Roxy x Callie, but then again all the threesomes so far have been painted Black and Red, and unless John or Roxy was to form a Kismesis with Callie, I don’t see it happening at all
Damn, Sollux and Aradia are here
Karkat don’t tease me about Nepeta but also again WHY is actual Jesus here.
Is Roxy a christian in this timeline? Was she legit just praying to actual Human Jesus? That’s so, weird, especially for Roxy to do, what the fuck in Roxy’s upbringing on an apocalypse earth would make her want to worship Jesus?
Oh wait, that’s obviously what she thinks that every other human sincerely does, since she only had human media to go off of, and like, technically no human has ever said they DONT worship christian gods to her.
“GAMZEE: wHeN tHe DoOr Of ThAt FrIdGe pOpPeD oPeN iT wAs LikE i Be AlL sEeIn ThE lIgHt AnD sHiT.
SOLLUX: well yeah
SOLLUX: that’s what happens when s0me0ne 0pens a d00r t0 a t0tally dark encl0sure.“
Gamzee has had a weirdly meta understanding of what’s going on so far, for some reason, I can’t fathom what could be the Lighty influence that he’s gotten
Dirk really IS starting to subsume Ultimate Rose, and that’s bleeding over to every Ultimate self connected to Dirk
the more Gamzee knows meta shit and says oddly correct things, the more we know Dirk is “winning” over Rose
Oh, that’s why Gamzee is really here isn’t he? I mean, storywise? He’s a Dirk thermometer/gauge/thing, he’s our way of measuring how far Dirk’s influences are going in Meat
“ARADIA: its so nice that you believe all that gamzee
ARADIA: i think i can honestly say
ARADIA: im reasonably happy for you?“
“blue smoke”
You don’t really tend to describe Smoke as being Blue right? At least, I don’t think that’s usual
But if we’re straight up associating Candy with Blue  to complement Meat with Red now, it’s just making the whole Sugar = Breath thing that much stronger
and I mean, what is Breath but a weird bluey smoke?
Roxy just wants to be happy with all her friends, that’s all
It is a good shake at trying to explain the nature of infinite possibility, that in reality, there isn’t really more weight put into one possibility over others, that’s how it works in real life anyway
unfortunately a storyline of canon is going to favor some version of events over others, and people make choices because they have preferences for that choice over other choices, something that seems kind of lost on Candy!Roxy who seems to just be okay with going along with anything because everything has an equal chance for having happytimes in this place
Roxy may be starting to lose her sense of self as well, and with her knowledge on things and how’s she’s been described as immutable so far, I wouldn’t be surprised at her having easily and subtly slipped into Ultimate Self hood herself and just being really okay with the idea that there is no one true Roxy, that she is just one piece of many, and not like, needing to delve into that further, not needing to connect with all her alternate selves, happy just being singular but at the same time completely malleable
Oh! Baby time.
Oh fuck, Al!Calliope in Jade time.
Why is Callie so afraid of Alt!Callie? That didn’t come across in their meetings in Homestuck as much, so why is that different here?
Is it because of Jade’s earlier comment of “there can only be one instance of a person here” and Callie doesn’t think she can win against Alltie?
Also, all these instances of Alltie appearing in Jade’s body is making me worried Alltie is doing something to both of their Ultimate Selves, like she’s subsuming Jade somehow like Dirk is subsuming Rose
I mean, they are fighting one another, so if Dirk’s doing something she has to keep pace right? In her mind, it’s probably totally justified
this is getting long enough for this post though, off we go again but I’m still reading
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What about ASPECT trollswaps? So Rose Serket, John Nitram, Dave Megido, and Jade Maryam *Jade Maryam the Jade blood wow*
Heehee! Jade Jade sounds fun ^_^
Rose Serket, raised with moderate wealth and a piece of shit spider lusus. I think Rose would start out killing other trolls for her, but hate it, and would resent being forced into doing someone else’s dirty work. I think it would… probably eventually result in Rose killing her lusus, to be entirely honest. She can kill people on her own just fine, she doesn’t need Spidermom to protect her, she doesn’t want Spidermom around telling her what to do and forcing her to kill people who she doesn’t know and who very very likely don’t deserve to die just to feed some lazy spider who’s too awful to go get her own food. Definitely a traumatized girl, as it goes. Angry, resentful of the world and life in general, puts out a “cool n deadly” persona that is also “i’m smarter than you, I’m tougher than you, I’m cold and aloof and untouchable, don’t fuck with me” when in reality it’s mostly just constructed out of her trying to find a sense of control in the world, and not wanting to have to deal with people being mean to her. She’s moirails with Jade, who tries her hardest to gentle Rose down and remind her that she’s just a kid, that life’s not fair and that cruelty should never be the norm. Rose starts out resenting her, resenting her “help” that Rose is certain Jade is giving with disdain, but Jade is no quitter and Rose wants to be loved, wants that assurance that she’s valuable and there is kindness in this life for her, and the two of them end up with an incredibly strong moirallegiance in which they help and love each other, despite a hard and rocky start. They tell stories of how it was difficult, but worth it. She’s still the Seer of Light, so her role is still to foresee the most fortuitous outcome, which she throws herself into full-throttle, converting her anger and resentment with the world to the relentless pursuit of the Light, of making things go RIGHT for once, seizing the control that her role allows and delighting in the way that she can now affect her reality, things are no longer being done to her, but she’s got the power to change the timeline with her sight and her actions and her words. Probably wants to solve all the puzzles and treasure maps on her own, and grows frustrated when she can’t just magically foresee the solution. The solution is “ask your friends for help you dumbass” and so she must begrudgingly ring up John or Jade or Dave to come help her with this goddamned treasure map, pirates are stupid anyways, who came up with the theme for this planet it’s dumb why are there compasses in the sky that doesn’t even make sense grumble grumble. A pissy, ready-to-stab-things-with-needles kind of girl, a bit of a know it all and a bit of a showoff, untrusting of other people’s intentions but ultimately brought around by the love of her sweet moirail and eventual-alien-soulmate-Kanaya. So, pretty close to canon Rose, just angrier and with a different origin story.
John Nitram, a soft, relatively poor boy with a lusus who thinks the world of him and encourages him to do his best, but be careful around danger. John’s probably gonna end up a little more skittish than we know him to be, less likely to walk into situations assuming they’ll all work out. His lusus has always loved and taken care of him, but Fairybulldad is a prey animal and that means you don’t really fight your way out of things, you either run or you bring the situation down away from danger. He jokes around, compliments people easily, is quick to laugh, just in general he likes it when the air around him is kept light and friendly, and will work to keep it that way with his own breezy and friendly demeanor. He and Dave are the greatest bros to ever bro, and everyone keeps wondering when the two of them are finally going to just GO PALE already, it’s so obvious to everyone except the two of them. Mutual pale pining? Mutual pale pining. Defo. John probably gets a huge kick out of being able to commune with animals, and will DEFINITELY make them do stupid shit for kicks. Dave has had so many birds fly in through his window at random, inconvenient times. So many. Curse you Nitram!! John laughs it off and to be fair, Dave does really like birds. John also has like, a million friends that he can just sorta cuddle with at any given time. All the meowbeasts and barkbeasts love him. All of them. Is very likely scared of Rose, who is a very cold midblood and like, constantly furious. Danger that way lies. Jade keeps telling him she’s actually a sweetie deep down and John isn’t quite sure if he believes her, so he and Rose have a relatively distant friendship until the Game happens and John gets to interact with her regularly and he finds out that yeah, she is really cool, and she’s FIERCELY loving of her friends, she’s just really really really fucking intense basically all the time always. The two end up hitting it off, just, later in their lives than they did in canon. As Heir of Breath, his role is still one who must embody freedom, freedom from the shackles of their old society, freedom from the restrictions placed on the various castes, and freedom from his own neuroses, which are as multitudinous as ever. Naturally, he cannot accomplish this when acting on his own, and the four of them must still work together to bring out their own best qualities, and each others’.
Dave Megido, lowest financial station but with a cool Kangaramdad who does, by all known accounts, love his child. Probably has a sort of “time is money” kind of outlook and a “spend it while you have it” motto for finances, the fanciest thing he owns is his camera and he loves it to bits and pieces and he takes pictures of everything, starts up a whole series that’s just about documenting beauty in the day to day life of himself and his neighbors. He’s got a HUGE warmblood following, people like him who enjoy seeing great things in little moments that he’s somehow managed to capture on film. He loves it because Dave, as always, Craves That Mineral Validation, and also it’s his own way of fighting back against the system. He doesn’t really think there’s a whole lot he can do, but he CAN do this, and it’s what he likes and it’s how he does it. Has a super big fucking huge giant pale crush on John who always takes the time out of his night to make Dave smile and remind him of how important his friendship is to John and Dave looooooves him he’s the beeeeeeest. The two of them grow up not too far from each other so they hang out regularly and play around and are children together and Kangaramdad and Fairbulldad get along well and it’s GREAT. Dave has a somewhat-normal childhood, as much as “normal” can possibly be on a planet that repeatedly and constantly tells you that your life means nothing and you’re going to die soon anyway. Probably maintains his fascination with death and dead things, probably still has a “dead things in jars” collection, and it’s very likely because he lives in a society that really requires Dave to reconcile with the concept of death and think about it often. It’s always right there, looming behind the corner, and he can ignore it and be scared of it or he, being a child, can engage with it in a frankly weird, but ultimately progressive way. As Knight of Time, his job is to protect the alpha timeline and foster its happening, so he still winds up seeing his own dead body a lot and he still has to be VERY METICULOUS in the time loops he creates, and it’s nasty and awful but he has John around. Tbeh, I think Dave might just forgo his planet’s quest entirely and hang out on John’s planet. Do some puzzles, crack some jokes, like they usually do, only this time in a weird magic Game that is apparently birthing a new universe. He and Rose very likely poke a lot of fun at each other, sorta nudging at “how far can I push” but also “ahaha, I am aloof and unbothered, you cannot rattle MY bones” so it’s just this weird, vaguely antagonistic friendship where they both REALLY like each other and are glad to be friends but sometimes they just can’t resist being little shits. He and Jade are also good friends, Jade making sure Dave is okay and checking in pretty regularly and Dave sending her things he knows will brighten her day and making sure she feels like one of the cool kids too, because she is cool, he thinks she’s so cool and really looks up to her as a person and as a friend and is really glad that he knows her. Eventually Dave meets a surly alien named Karkat and falls ass over heels in love with him and it’s DUMB and JOHN HELP WHAT SHOULD HE DO and oh god is he pitch for Karkat??? Flush???? Should someone come mediate them??? Is he pale for Karkat??? What’s going on he’s feeling so many things for this awful, stupid, beautiful dumb hilarious compassionate-yet-selfish boy John help Dave’s going to die of alien-gay. John pats his shoulder and smirks at him, and then proceeds to relentlessly tease him for his crush on an alien.
Jade Maryam, raised middle class out in the middle of FUCKING NOWHERE (again), with a lusus who loves her. Probably ends up pretty well adjusted, all things considered. She has to fight off zombies, so that’s something, but she gardens and she does her sciency stuff and she’s awake on Prospit and friends with the chess people, so really her upbringing is nigh-identical to that of canon, but this time with a guardian of pretty high intelligence, compared to all her friends’ custodians, instead of a magic dog. The violence of Alternian society probably makes her a little more prone to physical violence as a response to her anger, and she likely has like a million and five rifles, but ultimately I can’t see a whole hell of a lot of difference between Jade Maryam and Jade Harley. Still the Witch of Space, whose job is to bring about the new world and alter the whole of the universe for the good of the people residing within it. Good pals with her friends, dating Rose in pale and acting as something of an anchor for them all, the reliable, solid member that they can all fall back on. Idk if I’ve talked about this often but I associate all of the kids with certain elements and I’ve always pegged Jade for earth. She’s grounded, solid, and focused on growth, and I love her
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ectoflowermaid · 7 years
Rainy Days Homestuck Headcanons
John: of course whips out every single goddamn one of his favorite movies who are y'all kidding!! The trolls haven’t seen them, he has to enlighten them. Karkat leaves the room the second John says, “hey guys! What if we-” because he knows what’s coming and he will not be here for it no sir. For reasons beyond any and all comprehension, Terezi becomes absolutely obsessed with the Ghostbusters. Whether she likes the way they handle “ghost justice” or she just likes licking the screen when the ghostly baddies show up, even John regrets showing them to her and everyone admits that it was a grave mistake.
Jade: on her island she used to like going out into the puddles and hunting for frogs. Um. She doesn’t want to do that anymore or possibly ever again. She still likes to take a rain slicker and some boots and go for walks in the rain tho, she’ll find a nice place to sit and be alone with her thoughts. Sometimes Jake will go with her and they’ll sit and listen to the wind in the trees and the roar of the rain together, but more often than not she makes the trek alone. Once Jane realizes this, Jade always comes home to a nice cup of hot cocoa waiting for her on the counter. She warms right up before even taking a sip because this, this is what having a family is supposed to feel like. Not some taxidermic guardian staring her down.
Dave: Uses the time to work on his sick beats which have, surprisingly for everyone but him, become extremely popular with the citizens of Earth C. They don’t know what the mysterious “Obama” creature is that the Knight of Time references so often, and conspiracy theories grow by the thousands. Was he an ancient deity? A fallen ally? A worthy foe? Entire websites are dedicated to putting the pieces together. Dave will also build blanket forts with Karkat in which they watch only the worst and cheesiest of romcoms, no one else is allowed in. Except the Mayor. Cuddles may or may not ensue.
Rose: knits way too many scarves in an attempt not to think about the rain because she is 1000% Done With Rain. She has zero good memories associated with this goddamn precipitation. It reminds her of her drunken mother and of the unfinished quest that still haunts her. To keep her mind off things, she spends rainy days obsessively poring over ancient tomes, writing drafts for “Complacency of the Learned”, and more often than she would care to admit, reading Roxy’s wizard fan fiction. It’s very good and she’s extremely proud. When the power goes out and Rose can no longer see the pages, Kanaya is always there, ready to light the room with her skin and her smile.
Kanaya: shares a similar aversion to frogs as Jade, but can’t help but be fascinated by the rain because she’s never seen it before. Rain on Alternia was extremely rare, even more so for her because she lived in a desert region. It takes her a very long time to get used to thunder, and the first time she heard it her chainsaw was out in record time and she was running around trying to figure out just what the fuck was happening. Once it had been explained to her by a patient, trying her best not to break down into hysterical laughter Rose, Kanaya felt pretty embarrassed but admitted that her reaction had been funny. She loves seeing lightning in the distance, and sometimes tries to light up at the same time.
Karkat: Dave and Roxy show him earth musicals and boy howdy does he fucking love musicals. He was very skeptical at first, but after being assured of romantic content succumbs to the intense peer pressure. Dave’s favorite is Hamilton because anything that can combine rap and history (aka dead things and presidents) is truly the highest form of art. He may or may not know every word to every rap. Karkat, however, latches on to Wicked and does. Not. Let. Go. He relates immensely to the off-color mutant human who stands up for what they believe in and faces incredible odds to become the best!! And she gets a love interest in the end! Karkat argues the entire time that Elphaba and Glinda had a million times more chemistry than Fiyerwho Gives A Fuck, but still cries every time at the end because he’s so happy that Elphaba is happy. Dave often catches him humming the soundtrack and teases him mercilessly for it, but is secretly glad that he helped Karkat find something he cares so much about.
Terezi: Thanks to John, now screams “WHO YA GONNA CALL” every time a ‘crime’ is committed and Justice™ needs to be served. John accuses her of debasing a classic, to which she responds by licking his face and telling him that nobody listens to losers who taste like blueberries. Likes to catch raindrops in her mouth and LOVES the sound of thunder, sounds like sweet, sweet music to her ears. Loves “watching” (smelling) the humans trip all over when the lights go out because cmon just smell your way through it! Trolls have night vision and do not trip, which Terezi finds massively disappointing.
Jane: Cooks the entire time. Raining out? Guess we’re having more cake, everyone! She tries a new flavor combination every time, so far the favorite is lemon cake with raspberry frosting, and the least favorite was carrot cake with mint frosting. Not a good time. She also likes to try out Alternian recipes for the challenge, not to mention because the troll kids are a little sick of human food. After a few months Jane manages to produce a close approximation of grubloaf and it was the happiest cry Karkat had since the time Dave told him they should probably date or something.
Jake: watches the storm through the window, sometimes goes and sits by the ocean to watch the wind stir up the waves. Something about growing up on the island makes Jake and Jade more in tune with the weather, they can feel it deep in their bones whenever a big storm is coming. It also gives them a strange sense of melancholy. Dirk tries to comfort him but there’s something ancient in Jake’s eyes whenever the clouds roll in. Sometimes it’s best when they sit quietly, watching the storm together.
Roxy: makes her own blanket fort suck a dick, Dave!! No boys allowed!! She and Callie built it using a combination of blankets that Rose has knitted for her and generic objects used as building blocks. No Dave, that’s not cheating, maybe if you could make building blocks out of your time powers you wouldn’t feel so inferior to us and our amazing blanket fort which is better than yours. Knows every word to every musical (she had a lot of spare time before the game) and Karkat vaguely idolizes her. Teach me your ways, oh great musical goddess. Watches movies with John and they weave in their own witty commentary, she helps slowly rebuild John’s faith in his shitty, shitty movies.
Callie: has lived underground her entire life and doesn’t know what rain is? Why is water falling from the sky I don’t understand? Also, still getting used to actually being able to see the sky. Finds thunderstorms therapeutic, she likes the constant thrum of the rain, the deep boom of thunder, and the sharp crackle of lightning in the distance. Her favorite place to be is snuggled up in blankets between Roxy, Jane, and Jade, all doing various things but it doesn’t matter because they’re together.
Dirk: will sometimes sit with Jake during his Rain Moods™, other times will watch Hamilton with Dave and they rap along to the entire thing. A lot of the time it will devolve into a rap battle and everyone chooses sides, bets pass along boonbucks like it’s the goddamn horse races up in here. There’s never a real actual set of guidelines that decide who the winner is, the only judge is the Mayor and he is a righteous and fair judge, Dirk and Dave both win equal amounts and no one (mostly) goes deep into debt. Dirk also likes to go running in the rain, he’s never had so much space to just *move* before, and rain was scarce down in post-apocalyptic Texas, so it’s like killing two birds with one stone.
Sollux: The static in the air from lightning messes with his psiionics and it makes for some sicknasty hijinks. Think of a balloon when there’s enough static, every time it thunders Sollux’s hair starts standing on end and if he’s too close to a wall he gets sucked in and stuck. The Great Storm Disaster ensued one day when Sollux decided to rub his feet along the carpet and shock the next person he saw which was, unfortunately, John. It was unfortunate because John, in an attempt to up his pranksters gambit, had a buzzer on his hand. No witness can accurately describe what happened on that horrible, horrible day, only that the blast of cheap buzzing, static electricity, and wackass psiionics threw Sollux and John in opposite directions where they got stuck to the walls and couldn’t move until the storm was over. It also singed John’s eyebrows off. Dave wouldn’t let it go for months.
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attempted-writing · 7 years
a day well spent
fandom: Homestuck setting: Earth C summary: Dave and Karkat spend the day together warnings: food, under age drinkin(?), a tonne of fluff pairings: davekat word counter: 3715 author notes: my second fic, sorry it took so long. korina is a kind of wood and i thought it would fit as a name for a background character. also, thanks to @ejusticeonthenet for helping me name the story
A gentle voice softly sounded in the bedroom as Dave woke up his boyfriend. Karkat slowly opened an eye as he saw sunlight drip though the crack between the curtains before burying his head in the fluff of the bed again. “MORNIN DAVE” a dry voice came from somewhere between the sheets. “mornin? Dude, its 1:35” the troll now sat up in bed and got distracted for a moment. He knew his boyfriend sat next to him on the bed but he didn’t count on him being that close to him and it left him flustered for a moment. After feeling himself go red in the face he said “SO? ITS NOT LIKE THER’S SOMETHING HAPPENING TODAY” Dave looked at him with a sly grin after seeing him blush like that. “eh, I thought “the weather ‘s awesome, let’s go have fun time with the dude I love most” but if you’re not up for it I just might have to ask Dirk” Karkat sighed and as he turned to his side he answered “5 more minutes” “heh, sure, but don’t forget that I’m knight of time” the only answer he got was a murmur from the sheets that sounded a bit like fuck off strider. “I’ll have your “breakfast” ready in a bit” Dave responded teasingly.
True to his word the sleepy troll came down the stairs a couple of minutes later. The smell of freshly fried egg wafted from the kitchen to the living room. Dave had started to learn how to cook after the dust settled. He had asked john for lessons who taught him how to make a couple of dishes, one of which was how to fry an egg. After that he and Karkat ate eggs for breakfast for a week straight because “he needed to practice”. Truth be told, he did get quite good at it. With a little smile Karkat walked into the kitchen “SMELLS GOOD, MAN” Dave looked up from the pan and said “thanks, honey”. Karkat quietly giggled “HEH, YOU NEVER CALL ME HONEY”. “oh no, I just needed the honey for a sec” Dave said with a teasing smirk “NICE SAFE… HONEY”.
After a healthy breakfast the two left their house and headed for the park in the centre of town. As they walked they talked, about the house, about their friends, the party Rose and Kanaya are throwing next week and other small talk until they arrived at a bench in the park. The bench was in a beautiful spot, under the canopy of a big old oak tree that stood behind it and with a view of a small river that slowly flowed between the fields and tree clusters. it was busy with a lot of people swimming, sun-bathing, children playing and couples picnicking. “WHY IS IT SO FUCKING HOT” Karkat said as he wiped the sweat of his forehead “ITS ALMOST LIKE IM BACK ON ALTERNIA” Dave looked at him through his old and trusty pair of shades. Ever since they arrived on earth C he had been taking them off more often. When that started happening Rose praised him to high heavens for gaining enough confidence to do so, but on an day as sunny as this one he gladly made an exception. “well it’s a good thing I talked you out of wearing that thick fucking sweater you initially insisted on wearing” he said without a hint of seriousness “HEY, THAT THING WAS VERRY COMFY ON THAT GODAMND SPACE ROCK, OK. WE CANT ALL-…” Karkat had started yelling like he usually did until he looked at Dave who just stared at him with an expression that told Karkat “it’s a joke, fucking chill”. To give his boyfriend this look Dave had taken of his sunglasses and was now holding them in his hand. “OK, OK, ILL CALM DOWN” “thanks dude, people were staring for a sec” embarrass Karkat looked around and saw no one even glancing there way. “OK, HAHA, VERRY FUNNY” the troll said looking at his boyfriend with a face of annoyance as he playfully punched him in the shoulder, who only reacted by giving him a playful and teasing giggle. Dave was still holding his shades in his hand and Karkat noticed that. “HE DAVE, CAN I ASK YOU SOMETHING?” he asked, Dave looked at him with a questioning look “yeah sure dude, what’s up?” “WELL… I WAS… WONDERING…” he started and Dave interrupted him as he stopped after one word for three times in a row “dude, whatever it is, it won’t be awkward unless you make it” Karkat looked at the ground for a sec, looked his boyfriend straight in the eye and asked “CAN I TRY ON YOUR SUNGLASSES”. Dave fell into a fit of laughter leaving Karkat as awkward as he made it “hehe, sure man, but hehe, why was that such a weird question” Dave asked still a bit shaky with giggles as he hands him the sunglasses. “WELL, I KNOW HOW IMPORTAND THEY ARE TO YOU, WITH THEM BEING A GIFT FROM JOHN AND HAVING WORN THEM THROUGHOUT THE GAME AND STUFF” he said as he put the glasses on his nose. Dave looked at Karkat and something was off. “THIS IS WONDERFULL, NOW I GET WHY YOU USED TO WEAR EM ALL THE DAMNED TIME” Karkat said with glee on his face… “wait, you’ve never worn sunglasses?” “EEH… NO… IT WAS THE TYPE OF STUFF ONLY BLUEBLOODS COULD AFFORD AND DURING THE THREE YEARS ON THE METEOR YOU ALWAYS WORE YOURS AND EQUIUS’ ARE ALL GROSS AND SWEATY AND BROKEN AND AFTER THAT I DIDN’T DARE PUT YOURS ON WHEN YOU WERNT LOOKING…” “aww babe” Dave said and Karkat looked at him with annoyance (Dave knew babe was his least favourite thing to be called and thus he called him that occasionally to “get his goat” as Rose put it). “Can I have em back now?” Dave asked after letting Karkat enjoy the thing for a bit. “SURE” Karkat answered with a smile and proceeded to not give the glasses back… “so, will you give em now” Dave said with an acted tone of losing patience in his voice “OH, FINE” Karkat answered annoyed as he handed the pair back to Dave “they didn’t really suit you anyway” Dave said when cleaning the lenses on his shirt “BULLSHIT, I LOOKED WONDERFULL” “no, not really”. Now properly annoyed with his companion Karkat raised his voice and said “FINE, LET ME TAKE A SLEFIE WITH THE THINGS ON AND SEND IT TO KANAYA, SHE’LL BACK ME UP ON THIS” Dave saw how determent he was and said “fine, but I keep em until she answers, if she agrees with you, they’re yours for the rest of the day” Karkat looked kind of shocked at Dave almost like he didn’t expect it to be this easy, or him to let him have something that was so valuable to him even if it was only for a certain amount of time. He eventually muttered something that sounded agreeing enough and Dave gave him the glasses. Karkat quickly ran his fingers through his hair in an attempt to make it look a bit better, put the glasses on his nose and took a selfie. “good, can I have em back now” Dave asked. “HMM, NO THAT’S NO GOOD” Karkat said to himself loud enough for Dave to understand, and he snapped another selfie, and then another, and another and that went on for a couple minutes. “do you need me to take a pic?” Dave said annoyed at this point. “OH FINE, THIS ONE WILL HAVE TO DO” Karkat said to himself, send the pic to Kanaya and as he went to give Dave the glasses his phone buzzed. It was the reaction from their fashion savvy friend. “Oh Dear Lord, No, The Shape Of Those Glasses Don’t Fit Your Face At All. With Your Face Shape You Would Be Better Off With Something More Square” those were the first sentences from the message but Kanaya didn’t stop there, she went on about, colour and materials and a whole heap of fashion related info. Karkat was kind of taken aback by it. Sure, he liked clear answers that didn’t beat around the bush and that this pair wasn’t the ideal fit for him but it still left him with a bit disappointed, and Dave saw that. “guess she said no?” “YEAH… HERE ARE YOUR GLASSES BACK” Dave took the aviators and put them back were they always had been. After a bit of silence he asked “what did she write” Karkat took his phone back out and started reading the message Kanaya had sent. “ok, let’s go” Dave said as he got up from the bench. “GO WHERE” Karkat asked as his boyfriend took two steps towards the main path. The boy turned around and with a smile so cute Karkat’s heart skipped a beat answered “to get you a bitchin pair of shades, of course”.
The two walked hand in hand to the end of the park were they found a small shop selling news papers, ice creams, sun-block and other things one might want for a relaxing time at the park. The two stood in front of one of the racks with sunglasses and started looking for something that would fit Kanaya’s description. After a minute or so they narrowed it down to three. A pair of fake black wayfarers, a pair that was half plastic with a faux tortoise shell look and half metal, and a pair of rectangular see-through with mirroring glasses. “WHICH DO YOU LIKE” the crabby boy asked and his companion answered “well not those, that’s for damn sure” he spoke as he pointed at the see through  with mirroring glasses. “WHY NOT THOSE?” “Couse every time I look at you I don’t wanna be reminded of my own fuckin face. I’ve seen enough Daves for a lifetime” he added with a grin. “WELL OK, NOT THOSE I GUESS” “how about those” Dave said wile pointing at the half plastic model. Karkat put them on and looked at Dave “they work I guess” he said with a tone in his voice that sounded like he wasn’t sold on the them. Karkat looked at the little mirror above the rack. “OH HELL NO, I LOOK LIKE A FUCKING TOOL” Karkat said maybe just a little bit too loud. “guess that only leaves one, huh” “YEAH, I GUESS” the two agreed. Karkat put the wayfarer copy on his nose and looked at the mirror and then at Dave and they both agreed  again and went to the checkout. “these please” Dave said handing the shop keep the glasses. “ah, yes, these sell like hot cakes” the man said to just start some banter with customers “they sell so well, a new shipping arrived this morning”. “oh ok, anything interesting with that shipment?” Dave asked politely. He was still kind of new to the “polite banter at the till” thing due to bro’s lousy attempt at raising a kid. After they arrived on earth C Rose and Kanaya had taken him clothing shopping a couple of times and after he was very rude to the personnel in the first shop they went to, the two girls gave him the speech of a lifetime. “oh yes, of course” the man answered enthusiastically “you see, the colours are always the first to go, so that’s what the biggest part of it is” now Dave moved closer to the man behind the counter and whispered something to him and the man nodded “yes I have those, I’ll be right back sir” and he walked off through a door. “WHAT DID YOU ASK” Karkat said to Dave who with a tease in his voice answered “you’ll see”. After a moment the man came back “sorry it took so long, they were all the way at the bottom of the box” he said as he put a pair of sunnies on the counter similar to those Dave just gave him but this one had a bright red frame. Karkat looked at the glasses and then to Dave… and back to the glasses and now to the shop keep. “just out of curiosity, how often do you sell this color to trolls” Dave asked while looking at Karkat “oh very often, in fact I think they are a lot more popular with trolls than with humans… is there a problem, sirs?” Karkat looked at the thing and back to Dave until eventually “SIGH, OK”. Dave looked at him with an adoring smile as he gave the man the boon dollars asked for the thing. With a grin on their faces and a greetings from the shop keep the two walked back into the park.
The two walked in a comfortable silence until they reached a fountain where Dave said “oh dude, this is the perfect spot” Karkat, kicked from his thoughts asked “FOR WHAT?” “a picture of course, we’re gonna need to show Kan we put her advice to good use”. It might have been a hobby of Dave’s years ago but he still took photography very serious. Karkat had never seen Dave quite this exited. He watched as his boyfriend walk around checking the lighting and walking back and forth between a couple of places ‘hey Karkat, mind getting over there for a sec?’ Dave spoke kicking Karkat from his adoring daydream. ‘OH, SURE’ he quickly answered trying to act as natural as he could and failing. He walked over to the spot that was pointed out and Dave started messing about with the phone until he said “ok, smile”. Karkat was rather uncomfortable. It just felt strange, this whole situation. He thought it would just be a simple picture with a simple phone and Dave was treating it as high art or something. While Karkat was zoning out again Dave had gotten up, drew a line in the dirt path were he had first been and walked over to him. Karkat snapped out of thought as Dave wrapped his arms around him. He started blushing a bit and a moment later asked in a hushed voice “eeh, Dave, why?” “Couse you were somewhere else” Dave said as he lifted his head from Karkat’s shoulder and looked him straight in the face as he felt his face go red. “will you now smile for the camera?” Dave asked still hugging the troll “…yeah …sure” he eventually replied. Dave walked back to the place he had marked, got on one knee and took a picture of the awkwardly smiling Karkat. After a couple of pictures Dave asked him to strike a pose. Karkat made a flexing pose as awkward as his smile. “next pose” Dave said and Karkat struck a new pose a bit more confident this time and his confidence grew every time Dave had asked for a new pose. This continued for a while until Dave said all t the good lighting was gone. That made Karkat look up and only then noticed the sun had crept behind the tall trees surrounding the fountain.
They walked to the exit of the park and talked about what to do next. “I was thinking we could go to a restaurant and score some food n’ drinks n’ stuff” “NAH, I DON’T REALY FEEL LIKE IT… THER’S A MOVIE ON LATER TONIGHT I’D LIKE TO SEE”. Dave looks at his boyfriend a bit disappointed “aww dude, I was looking forward to taking you out to dinner” Karkat sighs “OK, HOW BOUT THIS. WE STEAL TEREZI’S THING AND FLIP A COIN”. Dave agrees with a nod and hands Karkat a coin. Karkat flips the coin and as the piece of metal twirls through the air Dave says heads. Karkat catches the thing and shows the result, it came up heads. The two walk to the centre of town. Dave noticed that Karkat was deep in thought again “how bout you pick the place” the troll boy looked up at his matesprit and with a friendly smile he answered “SURE”. They strolled through a street filled with shops, cafés and restaurants and people looking through the store windows, having drinks right outside café’s and people having a good time in general. The pair walked until Karkat stopped in front of a sign that read
“Tony’s Italian cuisine
- Pizza 10$
- Spaghetti 8 $
- Lasagne 12:50
Bar open after 7 o’clock
No reservation needed”
Karkat looked at Dave and before he could get a word out Dave said “looks good to me”. The two enter the restaurant and took a place. “WHAT IS LASADGNEY?” Karkat asked Dave who looked up with a smirk and answered “Dunno, but lasagne is a pile of dough leaves separated with tomato sauce”. Karkat question wasn’t really answered by this but at least he now had some idea of what he could get himself into. A waitress appeared, introduced herself as Korina and asked for their orders. Dave decided on pizza right away, it’s one of his favourite dishes but Karkat hesitated for a moment until he asked her the same question he asked Dave. After an explanation that was a bit more in depth Karkat’s decision was made, he was having lasagne. The waitress asked “would you like a drink while you wait?” Dave looked at the menu one more time and said “I’ll have a beer” Karkat looked at Dave and said “I’m having what he’s having” a moment later she returned with two cold beers, foaming white on top and a pale yellow shining through the fogged up glass. The two talked a bit till the drink was half gone and the waitress returned with the food and after having warned Karkat that not just his dinner but also the bowl it was served in was hot, the two dug in.
After the plates were cleaned the two had desert with ice cream and when all the food was gone it was about 7:30. “wanna move to the bar” Karkat’s eyes shot up from the table straight to Dave’s eye’s. Dave had taken his sunglasses off right when they walked through the door of the restaurant and after having peeked into the red eyes of his boyfriend for a moment he answered “SURE”. The two did just that and sat at the end of the bar with Dave between Karkat and the wall which was adorned with beautiful pictures of the Italian country side. A waiter came over to them and took the order of two more beer. They talked about this and that until a couple of glasses were emptied and the two started to feel the effects of the drink. Karkat once again was lost in thought and Dave was just about done with that. “ok dude… you’f been, zoning out all vucking day… what’s up” Dave said as Karkat slowly turned his head to try and keep it from spinning. Trolls react differently to alcohol than humans, it effects the balancing organs earlier but on the other hand they don’t feel “drunk” quite as quick. Karkat sighed and with the same motion closed his eyes. “IT’Z NO USE SAYING IT’Z NOTHIN RIGHT?” a little smile played around Dave’s mouth when he answered “nope” “SIGH… FINE, FINE.” The crabby boy muttered “DO YOU… D’YOU EVER WONDER HOW ZHE VUCK YOU GOT WERE YOU ARE IN LIFE…” Dave looked at Karkat with a raised eyebrow but Karkat continues “AND WHEN YOU LOOK AT THE PEOPLE YOU’RE WIV… AND JUST… YOU JUST” Dave started tapping his fingers with annoyance but still Karkat hasn’t shut up. “AND THE THINGS YOU DO TOGETHER AND… THE LOOK ON THEYRE FACE WHEN… WHEN…” Dave has had enough of this useless muttering “spit it out Vantas”. Karkat tore his eyes from his boyfriends and looked at the 2/3s gone glass of beer in front of him “SIGH… HOW DID AN ASSHOLE LIKE ME GET THIS CLOSE TO AN AMAZING PERSON LIKE YOU” he spoke as his eyes started getting teary. Dave just sat there. Looking at Karkat with a happy, tender and intoxicated smile. Till one word escaped his lips “dude”. Karkat looked him straight in the eye and made Dave tear up as well. The two without saying one more word got up at exactly the same moment and hugged like they rarely did before. With this face buried in Dave’s shirt Karkat whispered “I just love you so vucking much” and Dave answered with a similar, shaky and tear riddled voice “I love you too man”. Some other patrons saw the hug and looked on endeared. The two employers who happened to be at the other end of the bar whispered to each other “oh that’s cute… we’re going to have to stop serving em aren’t we?”
But it wasn’t necessary to stop serving them because after the two had finished their glasses, payed the tab and left with their arms around each other’s shoulders. When they got home it was just passed 10 o clock. “it’z a bit early to go to bed isn’t it” Karkat looked up from taking off his shoes “WELL, ZHERE IS THIS ROMCOM I WANTED TO SEE… WE COULD WATCH THAT” “you know what, sure”. they sat themselves down on the couch with some snacks and something to drink that wasn’t alcoholic and when they got to the channel that broadcasted the movie they found it had only just begun. It was a troll movie so it was all new to Dave but Karkat had seen it 10 times already but it’s one of his favourites, so he wanted to see it again. the two fell asleep during one of the commercial breaks with Dave resting his head on Karkat’s lap and Karkat with his arm across Dave’s chest. Dave woke up in the dead of night. The movie was long over and the channel was now broadcasting infomercials. He looked at Karkat who was in a deep sleep. He turned the tv off, lifted Karkat off the couch and put him in bed, got in next to him and fell in a deep and dreamless sleep.
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gyroshrike · 2 years
for send me a character and i'll tell you meme: hmmmmmmmmm -eyes recent reblogs of a certain bronze troll-....terezi! -runs away trollishly laughing-
For the “Send me a character and I’ll tell you…” ask game
My NOTP for them - Flushed Tavrisk! Flushed Tavrisk! FLUSHED TAVRISK! I have honestly never had an stronger notp than this one right here (not including ships that squick me out of course). You know it’s this singular ship that’s keeping me from reading The Serendipity Gospels? I want to read it SO BAD! BUT I CANNOT GET MYSELF TO DO IT. I CANNOT.
My BROTP for them - This might go Nepeta and Tavros. I LOVE those two. They didn’t talk much, but Nepeta was very nice to Tavros and I don’t think that was an off shoot thing. (A pattern I have noticed on how I judge characters a lot is How Nice They Were to Tavros.)
I’m always a huge sucker for characters who love animals and THEY BOTH LOVE ANIMALS. They’re two big sweetie hearts that love animals and playing games and silly artsy-fartsy stuff. Tavros would probably think the fact that Nepeta draws is super cool. They would never make each other feel embarrassed or criticized for any of their interests or idiosyncrasies.
Tavros roleplays with her, even if he’s awkward at it, without any comments or other jabs about it. He expresses genuine disappointment when she can’t be on the red team with him, but he’s also kind and understanding about it.
My OTP for them - Looks up from where I'm buried under a pile of pbj sandwiches. Don't mess with me, flushed Gamzee♥️Tavros is my Homestuck otp of otps.
My second choice pairing for them - Hmm, this might be pitch Equius♠️Tavros, but I'm going to save that one for another answer. So, this one will probably go to DaveTav. I enjoy both pitch and pale, but I think I like pale Dave♦️Tavros better. The idea of Tavros and Dave each thinking the other is the Coolest person, while simultaneously trying to play off that they're cool, is just an absolute favorite of mine.
Imagine if Dave secretly loves and admires that Tavros is wholeheartedly passionate about things, even 'nerdy' or 'cringey' things by Dave’s definition. He is sometimes a little envious that Tavros can just just... not care about irony or pretending something that is cool is uncool because it being uncool makes it cool yadda yadda. He feels like Tavros is so genuine (it’s kind of the same reason why he’s drawn to John).
Then Tavros canonly went on about just how ridiculously cool he thinks Dave is. And I feel like we never get to see Tavros get that hyped up about another person? Aradia said he’d wanted to meet Dave so bad. It’s just insanely cute how much Tavros values Dave, even though all he silly trolling they’ve done to each other, Tavros adores hanging out with Dave? And they really enjoy rapping to together? It’s cute as fuck, man.
Then the two of them both realizing the other has low self-esteem? But I feel like their doubts they have in themselves are different enough that they won’t feed into each other. Dave would have the bravado Tavros needs to shrug off hurtful comments and Tavros is soft and genuine in an unironic way that he would give the kind of reassurance that Dave really thrive under.
Moirails really help each other grow and it’s interesting watching how Tavros wants to rise up and meet Dave’s challenge. He doesn’t seem hurt or scared by the words or teasing Dave does. Flustered and nervous in the moment for sure! But it Tavros goes out of his way to prepare for his conversations with Dave. He’s dedicated to figuring out how to best interact with him (even if most of his motivations are to troll.) But Tavros reaches out to both Rose and Aradia to try and facilitate interactions with Dave.
Dave makes Tavros want to show off his ability as a peer, not as a hero or savior like he wanted to do for Jade.
All this is kind of why I think they’d be great in most quadrants, flushed, pitch, or pale.
My fluffy pairing for them - Not exactly a pairing, but I love how Kanaya seemed to be someone who really stood up for and looked out for Tavros, even so much to harass Vriska, her crush, into being nice to him. Kanaya was the one who told Tavros to name his self-confidence and to not hurt "his" feelings. ;0; I'm really into humanstuck AU's where the Maryam family is really close to the Nitram family. Pesterquest also solidified this with the role Kanaya played in Tavros' route. In my AU, Kanaya's family reached out and helped Tavros' family financially after Tavros' accident.
My angsty pairing for them - Angsty pairing? Oh, hmmmm... I suppose post canon things (no epilogues or hs2) with Gamzee and Gctavrosprite tend to make me very sad. :( Definitely a very angsty iteration of the ship. It has to be done very particularly for me to like it. I also suppose anything that includes Gamzee meeting either dead Tavros or any other timeline Tavros in bubble fucks me uuuuup. Can you imagine Gamzee meeting a Tavros from a timeline where he and Tavros had been matesprits?
Oh! There's also that fan theory that the horrorterrors are eons old, long mutated Gamzee's, and I make myself sad over the idea of a horrorterror meeting Tavros who doesn't really have any memories of being a troll left, but knows instinctively upon seeing Tavros that Tavros was something important. And it's just this massive monster entity that Tavros can hear the dark whispers of like "whoareyouwhowareyouwhoareyou don'tremembercan'tremember buthappyhappytoseeyouseeyouseeyouseeyou"
Now for the last two questions, I'm going to rearrange them because my weirdest ship for them kind of feeds into my favorite polyship for them.
My weirdest pairing for them - I suppose EquiTav isn't THAT weird of a ship, but it felt weird to me for a long while because I just couldn't wrap my head around the possibly of it. But recently, I've really sat down and thought about it. It started with the idea of pitch Gamzee♠️Equius. And I love that ship, but sometimes I get all sad over thinking about Gamzee hating, being annoyed with, or being mean back to Equius.
Then I realized... actually, I could see Tavros getting really annoyed with Equius and the things he does and says. Equius has a bigoted view of the hemospectrum, so check, that's going to be obnoxious. And Tavros does in most cases try to stand up for himself when he's being pushed around (Vriska just doesn't listen and is better at shutting him down.) But I think Equius would be a bit quicker to back down when challenged in a way that would put him and Tavros on a bit more equal footing. (We already know that Equius likes being order around by lowbloods because of the social inappropriateness of it. Also, Equius is stubborn, but he's not... a bully. He's also not violent or dangerous to other trolls that we see.
And something about pitch rivalry is the push to make the other reach their potential. Equius is pretty caught up in bloodcolor, but he also has a few moments where it implies that it's much more of a taught belief than one he genuinely wants to keep feeling. He tells Vriska "EQUIUS: D --> I would very much like to honor my position on the hemospectrum and mistreat those beneath me, and yet..." And we all know he would DIE for Nepeta. So that can be part of his growth with Tavros! Having multiple low quadrants challenges his stances and beliefs. Tavros is also really nice. I feel like having a rivalry with someone so nice (as well as a moiraillegience) could challenge him to perhaps see how to be nicer.
And Tavros would have someone frustrating and stubborn to work on his self-confidence with who doesn't actually put his emotional or physical well-being at risk when he stands up to them. (Well, not intentionally, Equius is very STRONG after all.)
Tavros and Equius have this very interesting specific angle for me of either becoming unintentionally closer because Equius had to learn intimate things about Tavros' body to make him a new pelvis and new legs. They end up spending extended amounts of time together to help Tavros adjust to his robo-legs, be that asking questions, helping him stretch, fixing things that aren't right, adding new features. (There's no way Equius wouldn't give Tavros a nook and bulge, sorry, not with his dedication to quality and also being as lewd as he is LOL.)
Also they'd bond over animals! Tavros having a bunch of horses come and say hello to Equius? Or any other small cute animals? Equius would be so thrilled and happy! Ahhhhhhh
My humanstuck AU, Reunionstuck, has Tavros acting as Equius' dom for a while, as a friends with benefits kind of thing. They end up bonding over bringing their career fields together, Tavros' veterinary focus being disabled animals and Equius' focus being engineering and prosthetics. They work together on professional projects find that they have a very good working relationship, even if Equius is frustrating as heck to work with sometimes.
My favorite poly ship for them - Probably some mixture of Gamzee/Tavros/Equius with some potential mixture of flushed and pitch.
Pasting from my Gamzee ask: Oooh, ho ho ho, love me some Gam♥️Equius♥️/♠️Tavros. Gamzee adores Equius so much tbh. Gamzee was just a huge sweetheart to Equius pre-game and just loved talking to him. Equius seemed pretty pitch towards him, but I think I like the idea of Equius letting himself be loved and recieve soft red affection from Gamzee is so cute.
In my AU, Gamzee and Tavros end up in a romantic relationship, but Equius maintains a close relationship with the two of them. Equius was very attracted to Gamzee back in high school and of course Equius and Tavros now have their shared experiences together. So now Equius joins them in the bedroom every once in a while and the three of them are very affectionate towards each other.
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