#johnny's little poems
irritablepoe · 6 months
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~by me
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~by me
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g3othermal3scapism · 1 year
js read the outsiders for the first time… ponyboy and johnny takinf up a lot of brain room rm
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behidethetrees · 11 months
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Mike schmidt as your boyfriend hcs ꩜
Pairing: mike schmidt x fem! Reader
Contents: slight angst if u squint, Fnaf mention, Reader and mike are sooo cute hehe
.❀。• *₊°。 ❀°。 .❀。• *₊°。 ❀°。
-You and Mike met in 1983 when you were 15. Mike was smart in the things you werent, So you two made a deal that you could copy off of him . One day when you were walking down the halls you saw the meanest boy in school Trying to bully mike and it pissed you off.
-You pulled the boy off of mike and punched him with no hesitation, Mike was so sure there were hearts in his vision. You were brave and fearless, But you were also gentle and caring when you offered help if he was hurt, He wasnt but He had never wished he was more than on that day.
-Thats when you two started becoming close. At first it was small talk or friendly banter but it slowly turned into never being seen anywhere without each other.
- One lucky day in december of senior year he decided to tell you how he felt in the garden you had showed him. Mike was never romantic, He didnt know what to do or say, So he did whatever guys did in the movies he’d seen. He handpicked you some beautiful pink flowers and wrote you a cute but short letter and handed it to you.
-You accepted his feelings and looked at those puppy dog eyes that crinkled as he smiled.
-Mike is very loyal. He has your initial around his neck and he talks about you almost all the time. (Abby tells you all about it) He has even gotten into a few fights for you, He always defends you even if you aren’t there.
-As mike got older, He starting learning the old way of love. He opens all doors for you, The occasional flowers and cute poems he writes for you, the sidewalk rule, He really knows how to treat his lady.
-Mikes Love Language is definitely quality time. Youre the love of his life and he wants to be with you always! There are alot of times where mike doesnt know what to say or show you how much he loves you. But you know he does by the way he follows and takes you everywhere. How he offers to spend time with you when he gets off of that strange nighshift where he works, Even if it means he gets no sleep.
-Mike is a family man. He loves his little sister and you love her too. You and Abby have a bond that was fun and ‘girly’, in mikes words. (Mike wears bracelets you and abby make for him) When Mike opened up to you about his brother and his parents one day, You just put your head on his shoulder, letting him talk and not mentioning how his voice would wobble and crack every once an awhile.
-Mike struggles with his emotions and mental health. When he feels like its getting bad, He tends to distance himself but you reassure him you are there for him no matter what. You hold mike whether hes crying or not and whisper sweet words into his short curly hair.
-Mike is very jealous and protective. He tries to not to show it but its obvious. His arm slinged over your shoulder everywhere, Making sure everyone knew you were his. Even when you talked to people, He subconsciously glared at the people taking your attention away from him. Mike eyes, that could be so welcoming, were cold.
-Mike loves the date nights you plan for the two of you. Whether it was going out or staying in, He loves being in your presence.
-Mikes favorite part of everyday is at night when you two would cuddle while talking about your future together. He wants to spend the rest of his life with you and hes thrilled someone like you wants that with him too.
A/N!!!: happy halloween!! What are u guys going as? Me and my bf are going as mavis and johnny :3
Hope you enjoyed!
Taglist: @nowitsmissing
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hottpinkpenguin · 3 months
Letting Someone Go - Part 1
Benny Cross X Reader A/n: saw Bikeriders yesterday, needless to say I have a new Austin Butler character to obsess over <3 no better soundtrack to Benny Cross breakin' hearts than Zach Bryan. *the poem in this is lyrics from his song 'Letting Someone Go' Word Count: 2253 Warnings: cursing, alcohol use, Benny breaking hearts, angst, unhappy ending
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What you had done to deserve Benny was beyond you. After all, you’d always tried to be a good person. Tried to do the right thing, to treat other people well. So who had you wronged so mightily as to deserve the torture that was Benny Cross?
“Hey. Hey! I’m talkin’ here!”
Sheila snapped at you, wrenching you out of your own miserable head. You dragged your gaze off of Benny, playing pool in the corner, and back to your friend. 
“Sorry, Sheils,” you mumbled. She rolled her eyes at you as you took a deep gulp from your Budweiser. 
“You’re still draggin’ ass about that man, aren’t ya?” She nodded unabashedly towards Benny, raising an eyebrow at you in question. You wanted to sink into the dirty floorboards beneath you, just get swept away in the sewer pipes or water table or whatever the fuck was below this personal hell you’d found yourself in. 
You shrugged, gulping down more beer in the hopes that it might dull the ache in your chest. 
“He ain’t worth it, hunnie.” 
You fixed Sheila with a hard stare. She shook off your glare, lighting her cigarette and blowing a plume of smoke up into the rafters. 
“I’m just sayin’, there’s plenty of guys ‘round here for you to shack up with. Benny’s just a loose cannon is all, who cares if he’s off ya.” 
You drank until your beer was empty. Your head was beginning to swim, but unfortunately the booze wasn’t touching the sadness that had sent you to the bottle in the first place. You stood up from your chair, pushing back from the table with a loud and clumsy clatter. No one really noticed over the thumping bass of the jukebox or the din of the crowd. You walked over to the bar, trading in your two empty bottles for two fresh ones. Zipco eyed you curiously from his usual seat at the back corner of the bar, but you refused to acknowledge him. Last thing you needed was another friend trying to cajole you out of your heartbreak. 
By the time you came back to Sheila, Wahoo and Corky had plunked down on either side of her. Probably trying to get her into bed, you thought darkly. And they’d likely succeed, based on how she was batting her eyes up at them. Usually, you welcomed the company of the Vandals, but tonight you found you could hardly stand them. Not necessarily that you wanted to be alone, just left alone. Sitting by yourself and knocking back an obscene amount of beer as you stared daggers into the back of Benny’s head was all you were really game for tonight. 
Rather than join the others, you swerved and walked towards the back of the bar, past where Johnny was sitting with Brucie, Gail, and Cal. The light was broken back here, and the shadows suited your dark mood quite nicely. You settled into a chair, tucking your legs up underneath you as you cracked open one of the new bottles and gulped down another greedy mouthful. Finally by yourself for the moment, you let your mind run wild over the last few weeks.
Where had it gone wrong? What did she have that you didn’t? And why the hell did you care so much, while Benny clearly cared so little? 
After all, it’s not like you and Benny were anything. You’d been sleeping together for a couple months, sure; but that was just the lifestyle. You’d been raised up on the back of your daddy’s bike. He was a founding member of the Red Devils of Hamilton, Ontario; so that made you practically royalty in the MC world. You knew what it was to be a Vandal before they’d even existed as an idea in Johnny Davis’ head. Hell, you practically taught Johnny everything you knew about how to run a successful club. 
That was probably why Benny hurt so damn much, you realized. You’d never admit it out loud, but this whole thing was ass backwards. You were the one that was supposed to run around and break the biker boys’ hearts. You were the one that wasn’t supposed to get attached, the one who would cut bait and run at the first sign of feelings. You were definitely not the kind of girl who’d get hung up on some loser just because he rode a nice chopper. 
But instead, Benny Cross had gone and played you at your own game. When you’d come back to Chicago to check on Johnny Davis’ pet project, you hadn’t planned to stay more than a few days, maybe a week. You had your sights set on California, on a small rancher high up in the mountains outside Crescent City. 
But then you’d met Benny. Benny with those piercing blue eyes, that gentle pillow talky voice, and the most gorgeous set of lips you’d ever kissed. He’d had you panting after him like a puppy dog within three days. A few days had turned into a few weeks, which had stretched into a few months. Now, you were still here, looking to spend your second Christmas in the cold. And unlike the last one, this Christmas would be a lonely one.
You’d been tangled up in Benny for the better part of a year now. He still drove you just as wild as that first time you’d seen him. Even from this far away, you could hardly stand to look at him without squirming. 
The first eight or nine months had been good. Maybe not great, but damn good. You’d wanted it to be fucking terrific, Lord knows you wanted that more than anything. But something in Benny just wouldn’t thaw for you. He was exactly the type of man that every other hard biker tried to be. He didn’t care about much, except his club. Didn’t show feelings for the simple fact that he didn’t have many, at least not the deep kind that you were desperate for. He was a detached, unbothered person. At first, you’d mistaken that for easy-going. It certainly made getting to know him nice and easy. But after nine or ten months, the edges of your relationship had started to turn brittle. While you were lying awake at night, daydreaming about getting a house together and getting married and maybe a baby or two, Benny was out doing the same old shit. Drinking, fighting. Generally avoiding anything that required commitment or persistence. Just livin’ life in the breeze.
But things had really taken a turn when she showed up. You could remember the night so clearly. It had been late fall, maybe two months ago. She’d come in looking like a misfit, all prim and proper in her white jeans and pink sweater, with her hair done up like Jackie Kennedy and her perfect eyeliner. Way too shiny and sweet for this kind of crowd. The guys had, predictably, gobbled her up with their eyes. No one more so than Benny.
The moment was seared in your memory: she was looking at the door, Benny was looking at her, and you were looking at Benny. Next thing you knew, Benny was gone, racing after her into the November air. You’d watched from the foggy window as she’d climbed on the back of his bike and they’d rode off down the street, all the while the club was cheering like it was fucking homecoming or something. Never mind that you were literally gutted, your heart trampled and lying like a used up bag on the floor of the bar. 
Benny had come back the next night, all hang-dog and apologies. All “I’m sorry baby, that was wrong” and “I dunno what came over me” and “I promise, it was nothing”. Both of you knew those were all lies, but only one of you really wanted to believe them. You were clinging on tight to the fading dream that was Benjamin Cross, meanwhile he was racing headfirst into the future that was Kathy Bauer. 
She kept coming around after that. That’s how you really knew that you were going to lose him. If that pretty little minx had kept her distance, then maybe Benny would have really been able to close that door. But she couldn’t. And, as much as you hated her for it, you couldn’t blame her. She wasn’t blind. She saw the same things in Benny that you did, you could tell just from looking at her expression when he was around. She had stars in her eyes, same as you. 
At first, Benny had put on a pretty good show of sticking by you. Even though the two of you weren’t officially anything, there was a code in the club. Fellas stuck by their gals, and vice versa. And, just by virtue of how long you and Benny had been, well, how long you’d been you and Benny, you were owed some measure of loyalty. 
But after a week or two, Benny was straying. Kathy would come into the bar and Benny would get this tiny smile. He’d find excuses to sit near her. Then it turned into talking to her. Then it turned into talking with her alone. 
Then he’d finally said the words you’d been dreading. 
“Baby, we gotta talk.”
No no no no no, you were screaming inside as you calmly sat down at the kitchen table of the small apartment you'd set yourself up in. Your hands were shaking, so you’d played with the nearest coffee mug until you’d chipped your nails. 
“Listen, darlin’, I… well, I’m not too good at this sorta thing.”
One tear had slipped out. You’d practically smacked yourself in a hurry to get rid of it. You couldn’t stand how upset he had you. 
“Just say it, Benny.”
Benny had tried to grab your hands from across the table - for what purpose, you couldn’t imagine. But you’d pulled away from him, your eyes burning. 
“I didn’t… I wasn’t trying to find someone else, baby. I swear. I just… it just… happened.”
Too many tears to wipe away now. You were squeezing the coffee mug so tightly in your palms that it was a wonder it didn’t shatter.
“It’s Kathy, isn’t it?”
Benny hadn’t said anything, just nodded. 
“And you’re moving in with her, aren’t ya?” 
To add insult to injury, before Benny even had the guts to properly break things off with you, he’d adopted a bad habit of sleeping on the back of his bike in front of her house. At least, that was what Cal told you. After you’d practically threatened to cut his throat with your blade. Not that you were much of a threat, but Cal had a soft spot for you and you knew it. You weren’t afraid to press on the soft spots when needed. 
Another single nod from Benny. You couldn’t tell if he was looking at you or not.
“So… you’re done with me then, yea? Is that what you’re saying?”
Another. Fucking. Nod.
And so, that was the end of it. A fitting ending, all things considered. Benny, quiet as the grave, just nodding away the entire future you’d dreamt up for yourself at his side. 
Unable to figure out what to say or how to feel, you just shrugged and let the tears slip off your jaw and plunk down onto the plastic checkerboard tablecloth. 
“Aight then, Benny, you best get your stuff and get out, then.”
You wished you’d have added some harsher words at the end, leave a little sting on him, but you didn’t trust your voice not to crack. So it had been your turn to stay quiet while Benny packed up his things - a shockingly small amount, you realized, as it took him less than three minutes to shove them all into a pillowcase. 
The final dagger had been when he’d hesitated at the door, looking back over his shoulder at you. You were exactly where he’d left you: sitting at the kitchen table, crying, that coffee mug turning over and over in your shaking palms. He’d turned back and walked over to lay a soft, sweet kiss on your forehead. The most affection that man had ever shown you had been in the goodbye that he’d made you say for him. It was an irony that you didn’t think you’d ever get over. 
As you sat in that dark, lightless corner of the bar, watching Benny shoot pool with Big Jack and Cockroach, Kathy leaning against a high-top table a few feet away and beaming at him, you thought about some ridiculous poem you’d heard once. If someone had put a pistol to your head, you wouldn’t have been able to tell them where you heard it or who wrote it or even what the rest of the poem was about. Just one line came floating back to you out of the back of your mind:
One thing I’ve come to know, nothing kills you slower than letting someone go.
**Read part 2 here! **Let me know if you want to be tagged in future chapters!
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winstonsns · 3 months
Hii I was wondering if you’d write gang when it’s your birthday? I think it’s be really cool since my birthdays the 27th!! (your inbetween pony and Johnny age wise)
the gang on your birthday (request)
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pairings: ponyboy x reader, johnny x reader, sodapop x reader, darry x reader, dally x reader, two-bit x reader, steve x reader (separate platonic)
warnings: cussing
authors note: i won’t be posting anything friday to monday, im going camping! sorry about that, happy birthday! i hope you enjoy 💗
word count: 0.8k
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pony looks up to you because you’re a bit older than him and probably the best role model out of the gang
as he can’t get you much because he doesn’t have a job and he doesn’t have money, he’ll somehow get you a book and write you a poem or letter
writing things is like his love language, if he gives you a note or writes a poem or a letter for you, he wrote it with his whole heart
he doesn’t really think much about getting you food or bringing you somewhere, it’s more about giving you something he took time to make
johnny can’t give you much because he doesn’t have money, will probably steal something from a store or restaurant for you
but he’ll talk with you late at night at the lot, feeling sorry he can’t get you much
you appreciate that he risks getting in trouble just so the two of you can talk for longer, doesn’t necessarily do much for your birthday though
instead of giving you a lot of items and money for your birthday, he talks to you a lot throughout the day about how old you are
on your birthday, soda gives you a cute letter and bakes you cupcakes or a small cake only for you
probably arrives at your house and wakes you up just to say happy birthday, a rainbow party hat on his head and a party horn
makes it everyone’s deal that it’s your birthday, takes you to do crazy stuff in restaurants and gets you food for free because ‘it’s your fucking birthday’
also makes you feel like you’re the most special person in the whole world on your birthday, basically gives you nearly everything you want because it’s your day
darry probably makes you chocolate cake or cupcakes with his ingredients, although whenever you come over, you have chocolate cake, it feels special when you have it on your birthday
because you’re young, he’ll rant about how you should cherish your days, it won’t be soon before all your time is gone and to take advantage of being young and having fun
sometimes his family would go out and get food for him and his brothers birthdays, so he gets you food or a little snack
he’ll get you a letter too, it says something like how you’re a good kid and and you can come to him if you ever need to
dally hardly even celebrates his birthday, so if he gets you something or remembers, you’re lucky
he probably swipes you a gift from your favorite shop, he doesn’t care enough to pay for it and is more focused on getting to you than how he got the item
he might get you a letter if your relationship is truly important to him, writing only a few words, believing it’s the thought that matters
tells you that you better appreciate it, if you voice that you don’t, he’ll say something about his parents never getting him anything for his birthdays
two-bit tries to make you as annoyed but as happy as you can on your birthday, also making it everyone’s business
tries to get you as much as you can just by telling people ‘oh, yeah, it’s her birthday. how old are you turning again? wow you’re super old!’ even though he’s older than the seniors as a junior
swipes you a ton of random shit, brings you to the drive in just to mess around with some socs
he either babies you or treats you like an adult just to make you annoyed, he’ll do whichever one gets you ticked off, telling you, “soon enough, you’ll be able to drink beer! man, i’m gettin’ old.”
steve gives you some money so you can get something you want for your birthday
doesn’t really do much for your birthday, he might give you a letter or a note of some sort but very few words
at most, he’ll take the day off to hang out with you on your birthday
or if you really want to you could hang out with him at the DX and take a lot of free stuff, he lets you because it’s your birthday
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ghostedbunnie · 3 months
Johnny leaves you little messages on the fogged up mirrors when you’re taking a shower (it takes a lot for him not to join you cuz if you’re naked so is he lmao) but instead of cute little heart or sweet poem it’s a dick, balls and boobs doodles
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thisisnotthenerd · 9 months
and now the best battles of the intrepid heroes go head to head
feel free to give reasoning/propaganda as you like!
the sidequest poll
quick episode descriptions:
arcade ambush: fighting biz in the arcade. the failed perception checks. getting sucked in and out of the games. riz in the palimpsest. beating a nat 20 in the box of doom. shooting off biz's fingers on the count of three.
broadway brawl: the show must go on. misty having the performance of a lifetime. queen titania. i may be little but i am fierce. esther in the rafters. don confetti. ricky, naked, bodyrolling on misty. stephen sondheim riding a bear. subduing titania with a waist trainer.
blast from the passed: after the trial for gorthalax. completely indecipherable battle. bill seacaster kills gilear. johnny spells can't get a word in edgewise. statistically i have just a good a chance at rolling good as any of you. toxic masculinity is dead, i dance now! riz is blasted off the ship into the iron city of dis.
boys' night (Roll20Con): just the lads, going to a party, where they are supremely uncool. extorting gilear for alcohol [uncle pappy's dag nasty rocket hooch] emergency poem for ragh and corey. stealth mode down the highway. chungledown bim is back. fabian falling under the car with the liquor. warping space time and going to the lan party.
deep bleu sea: peppermint batman is invisible in the darkness. primsy is attacked. jet sends stilton to the bottom of the ocean. shenanigan time. the boats sinking and shifting. cumulous appears. throwing the cheese marauders to induce a dexterity check. can i use swirlwarden to get back into the boat. annabelle in the yogurt
treachery at gramercy: fighting around the umbral engine. ricky's bat counterspell. pete surges twice. cody is a mounted combatant who read dante's inferno. tony simos is a crazy level 20 open hand monk. pete has subtle spell. ricky says tony get fucked and does 90 damage. kingston's spirits of the city. sofia stunning everyone. cody meets lucifer and makes a new contract. sofia pulls dale out of the past and into the present.
battle of the brands: the gang buys truly so much stuff. you are required to do a certain amount of drugs. barry is the angel of mercy. the sisters of the cosmic veil having a bikini party. taking kublacaine. we are the ball. barry taking brutus to the finals on a nat 20. nat 20 death save from aurora nebbins. margaret speaks to the plinth and then is down to 1 hit point. skip crits on the plinth. free teleportation shenanigans are not allowed. gunnie casts explosion. barry rapid shots the plinth and does product placement. operation slippery puppet. am i getting ocean's'd 11'd on my own fucking show? what the fuck is happening? a real son of a bitch is no more. sundry sidney has saved the dog!
terror on toy island: a soft little touch. mer-king's insect plague. no daddy. pib getting the little guys. i'm so fucking scared! the water surges around the mer-king. the terrible dogfish is here. daddy-meter is spinning. pinocchio crits to figure it out. pinocchio screaming to wake the dead. it has asthma! and another thing, with the eyes! you were about to instantly die. gerard is wearing full chain mail in the ocean.. rosamund & ylfa are swallowed. the sea witch shows up. murph causes a nat 20. call of destiny. rosamund gets the eye with a seven. i'm a lion in the water. pib's acrobatic crit. one v. one.
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shangsclaws · 11 months
Congrats on 1k! How about M and X for Raiden?
thank you anon :) also can i just say? i fucking adore this gif look at his little smirk y'all
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M - Moans: How vocal are they in bed?
Elder gods bless his soul.
He’s not loud, but certainly not quiet either, and not because he’s trying to please his partner when he turns into a mess — it’s just too damn good to keep quiet. He's awfully embarrassed by his sensitivity, laughing at himself after the deed every time, but convince him enough that you enjoy hearing his sounds of pleasure, and he’ll gladly be singing in your ear the next time you get to it.
He starts off in low groans and hitched breaths, quiet enough to perhaps go unnoticed. But bring him closer to his peak and his groans become whimpers, your name scattered few and far between such gentle noises, especially for a man who’s been chosen to fight Outworld’s deadliest warriors.
X - Wild card: I write a random hc I have abt the kharacter :)
Raiden is the biggest, sappiest, corniest, most hopeless romantic of them all. Late night serenades? Hand picking flowers everyday on his way home from working the fields? Proudly reciting self-made love poems at sunset? Even Johnny himself thinks it’s over the top, but the thunder champion could care less. He’s a sap and he flaunts it. All for you.
“Look,” said Earthrealm’s champion, holding his hat against his chest in one hand, and a humble assortment of flowers, wild wheat, and blades of grass in the other. “It’s not much compared to yesterday,” he admits sheepishly, “but my heart is still there.”
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irritablepoe · 7 months
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~by me
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~ by me
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cranberrv · 11 months
⪩⪨ dating johnny cade headcanons
a/n : i hate this, i’m so sorry this took me all of 15 minutes but i needed to post something !!!!! maybe ill make a better version sometime, stay tuned <3 requests open btw (not proofread not proofread ignore any mistakes lovely)
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- you’re his saviour
- you know the saying, ‘when you’re lost in the darkness, look for the light?’
- you’re his light
- if he’s having a bad day or his parents have kicked him out again, guess who he’s going to?
- not even to talk about it, just to be surrounded by this warmth that makes him forget about all his problems
- unlike dallas, he loves hugs and cuddling all. the. time.
- well, that’s a bit of an exaggeration. he hates cuddling in front of the gang. the gang will just tease him but his relationship with you is something he doesn’t wanna be teased about
- he doesn’t like big gestures
- he’s not the type to write you a poem (ponyboy cough cough) and he’s not the type to buy you cliche gifts like chocolate and flowers
- he does things that mean something, like a necklace with your favourite flower on it, a shirt of a band you two like listening to together
- one of his favourite pastimes is listening to music w you actually!
- i like to think johnny really likes music, like elvis and van morrison
- he’ll always buy new cassettes to listen to with you
- he wishes he could take you to concerts, but he’s too broke for that :(
- ugh i should probably move on but imagine spooning with johnny on your bed listening to music that’s adorable
- if he sees you laughing with a guy he doesn’t know or trust, he’ll feel a mix of jealous and insecure
- he doesn’t act on his jealousy, he just patiently waits until it’s his turn to talk to you
- if you bring up that he’s acting up, he’s not gonna talk about it, denying it
- “nah man idk what you mean, im fine”
- you guys argue occasionally, but only about things that really matter
- he doesn’t want you talking to socs, or you don’t want him to live with his parents anymore
- it’s a reasonable and patient conversation over an argument in his mind
- he has never made you cry and never will, or else he’ll cry
- sitting in the lot gazing up at the stars is his idea of a date. pointing out the moon and making a wish on the first star. smoking cigarettes and sitting back on the cheap fabric of some old thrown-out furniture
- him wrapping his arm around your shoulder and pulling you closer to him, the two of you falling asleep under the stars
- sometimes you’ll catch him just staring at you. not in a creepy or weird way, just admiring.
- noticing his shoulders relax when he’s in a poor mood but then suddenly you come around is your favourite feeling
- he makes you feel so special, like you’re worth a million bucks
- he practically worships the ground you walk on (and vice versa!)
- puppy love
- you two like each other soooo much and it’s so obvious
- sometimes he gets a little insecure around the gang or socs, not being all mushy (not like he usually is anyway)
- he’s usually more reserved, saving the cuddling and gifts for alone time
- anyway you two are in love probably and it’s really cute
- sorry lovely this was rly rushed :( ill post a better version soon 💋
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claritys-silly-things · 3 months
Ponyboy hcs I have in my ramblings:
- (modern) Everyone except for Johnny (mostly) and Darry makes fun of ponyboy for vaping (flavoured air smh)
- pony is scarily good at coming up with poems or lyrics within like 5 minutes (let him cook)
- Ponyboy is so goddamn clingy it’s insane. Not even a foot of space between him and the person he’s with
- Ponyboy wakes up in the morning and writes down whatever he can remember from his dreams. He was encouraged to start doing this because of his nightmares (which he still never remembered) and it just became habit. It’s usually a bunch of nonsense he can’t explain to soda and Darry when they ask, but he remembers what he meant by it when he wrote it down
- Ponyboy is so autistic *ahem* I mean he’s such a picky eater. Darry and soda will try making something new and he’ll just stare at the plate. It’s gotten a little better as he’s grown up, but a lot of the time soda and Darry don’t bother and will just make him something else to eat (chicken nuggets and Mac & cheese 😔😔) when they have a fancier meal so they don’t waste food
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babydollitzel · 1 month
can you do ponyboy x reader headcanons!
𝐏𝐨𝐧𝐲𝐛𝐨𝐲 𝐂𝐮𝐫𝐭𝐢𝐬 𝐝𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐡𝐜’𝐬
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𝐏𝐨𝐧𝐲𝐛𝐨𝐲 𝐂𝐮𝐫𝐭𝐢𝐬 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
warnings/extra; nothing bad really just metions of making out and ‘the talk’
˗ˏˋ ꒰ a/n ꒱ ˎˊ˗ I tried making this long since my last couple of posts have been pretty short so yeah I’ll try to make my next posts longer!
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𐙚 he’s lowkey so sassy
𐙚 but other than that he always walks you home just in case some socs try to mess with you, even though he’s worried himself that they’ll come for him
𐙚 but besides his worries, when you guys walk you hold hands and swing them back and forth
𐙚 I feel like he gets jealous sometimes so if someone’s checking you out he’ll just hold your hand or have an arm around your shoulder to show that you’re dating
𐙚 writes you little poems and notes about how much he loves and appreciates you
𐙚 you guys going to the drive in, but hardly watch the movie. You mainly spend the time eating popcorn, drinking cokes, and just talking
𐙚 you guys hang out at your house a lot since Pony shares a room with Soda
𐙚 like you guys are just laying on your bed, your head in Pony’s lap while he reads some book to you
𐙚 you guys study together sometimes, but sometimes they end up in small make outs, I mean, it’s what most teenagers do after all
𐙚 but you guys don’t do anything further than making out, after Darry had given you both a very uncomfortable ‘talk’
𐙚 as for cuddling I feel like sometimes he likes being the one being held
𐙚 like he’d be laying on your chest while you run your fingers through his hair because when his hair’s not greased, it’s so very soft
𐙚 if you guys argue they’re just over petty things because Pony’s lowkey stubborn, never wants to admit he’s wrong
𐙚 but fortunately in the end you guys always make up
𐙚 when you guys hang out Johnny’s there 70% of the time, sometimes you wonder if Johnny’s the third wheel or if you are
𐙚 but you don’t mind because Johnny’s your friend too
𐙚 whenever he has a track meet you always make sure to sit at the bleachers, sitting at the row that’d be closest to Pony, that way he can hear you cheer for him extra loudly to embarrass him
𐙚 One part of him is appreciative that you’re cheering for him but the other part is just feeling embarrassed as heck.
𐙚 Like he’ll just side eyes you and motion for you to stop but that’s how you know it’s working!
𐙚 but anyway your parents think he’s a pretty good kid too, he’s pretty normal besides being named ‘Ponyboy🤓’ but that’s alright
𐙚 As for Pony’s brothers, Darry knew you were a nice girl, but wasn’t sure about you guys dating. He’d rather have Pony focus on his studies.
𐙚 Once he saw you and Pony studying together, he knew that you were good for him and his schoolwork
𐙚 Soda thinks you’re a nice girl too, but do expect him, Steve, and Two-bit to tease you and Pony
𐙚 Overall he’s a real good boyfriend ♡
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glitter-stained · 3 months
Let's build Jason a bookshelf !
Pride and Prejudice - homeboy is an Austen fan canonically, we need at least this one.
Hamlet -do I need to say more? Do I?
Water for the elephants: He won't admit it, but the book reminds him of Dick, and he reads it any time he misses him. It's angsty enough to maintain a front while actually being a romance with a satisfying ending.
The Outsiders: It's not just that the story is relatable and really well written; it's the themes of loyalty, grief and heroism, and the imagery and hopefulness shining through, and it's the way Johnny reminds him of Roy and sometimes, after Roy's death, he will close his eyes and picture the two of them together in an abandoned church, in that quiet space safe from the war raging outside, reading Gone With the Wind while Roy provides uncharitable commentary about the characters' decisions.
Under The Whispering Door (TJ Klune): This one was gifted to him by Tim because "the main character is an asshole ghost, I thought you might relate." Of course, these idiots could talk to eachother about emotions and go to therapy, but why do that when you can bait your brother into reading a story that will help him process a bit of his relationship with his own death and the family? The worst part is, it worked great, and Jason is so upset that it became one of his favourite books. (The part about the stages of grief is scientifically inaccurate, though. He would know.)
A compilation of TS Eliot's works: Maybe it's because I'm a big fan of TS Eliot and Jason, but every time I reread one of his poems, I think about Jason and I'm sad. The Hollow Men, in particular about the fallen soldiers from WWI, hits so hard as a Jason poem, especially when you consider he lived through the explosion but died of smoke inhalation.
Flowers for Algernon: After losing Bizarro, Jason rereads it often, sitting on rooftops, every time the sky is bright enough to see the stars. He reads it out loud, and the words burn his tongue and taste bitter every time every time, but he likes to pretend his friend is listening, and feels a little less alone.
The Oresteia: This one belongs to the list Jason has read many times and should probably read less, because he projects the tragedy onto his real life and it's a bad influence that comforts him in the idea that he was doomed from the start and might as well burn the remains of the bridges with his family. Good luck trying to pry it out of his hands though! He also loves the idea of being seen at his worst, in the midst of all his hopelessness, and being loved anyway, cradled with unwavering devotion.
Frankenstein : He's a huge Mary Shelley fan, both as a person and a writer. As for Hamlet and the Oresteia, he definitely projects maybe a little too much of some of the characters, but hey, not everybody can brag that they relate to the Creature on such a visceral level.
What else would you guys add?
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Purly/Papercut headcanons cuz I love themmm
if curly tries to talk to pony while he's reading he will be ignored or hit with pony's book
Curly's water bottle is full of either a) water, b) vodka, or c) vinegar
Pony no longer drinks from curly's water bottle
soda and darry were the last ppl that found out about purly
It was Steve , Johnny, Dally, two-bit, then darry and Soda
they mostly sleepover/hang out at the Shepard house because the Curtis House always has someone there
They both have their ear pierced, Curly wears gold and pony wears silver
pony writes little poems/notes for curly and curly puts them in a memory box or if he really likes it he puts it on his wall
Pony sometimes reads to curly so he knows some book facts and will surprise everyone when he says smth about a book
"Frankenstein was actually the scientist, not the monster." And everyone is like how tf do you know that??
angela paints curly's nails and then curly paints pony's so they're matching
Pony has a whole ass sketchbook with JUST drawing of Curly
I love them sooooo much
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