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inky-duchess · 11 months
WorldBuilding Ask Game
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Here is a little ask game for WorldBuilding in your WIP to pad out one country or all of them! Use it for yourself or ask a friend and spread some love. Focus on a particular section and have fun!
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What does your world look like? What's the biome? Are there different ones?
Are there any oceans? If so, are they accessible? Are they a reliable source of travel and food?
Are there any rivers in your world? Any lakes? What's the longest river? Deepest lake?
Is there a safe supply of drinking water? If not, why not?
Are there mountains in your world? What's the highest one?
What is the weather like? How does this effect life?
What animals inhabit the world? What animals are indigenous or considered exotic?
What are some natural features your world is famous for? Is your world considered beautiful?
How many countries in your world?
How are countries divided? By natural lines or by agreements?
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What's the population like? Is it large or sparse?
Is there any factors in population density? Do more people live in a certain area more than elsewhere? Why is that?
Are there different peoples living in your world? If so, how do they get on?
How important is nationality? Are foreigners tolerated? Or are they unwelcome?
What countries get on? What countries hate one another?
Are there any important cities? Why are they important?
What's the architecture like? Are there any outside influences?
What's a typical building material? What's considered an expensive feature to include?
What is infrastructure like? Are roads and railways in good condition?
Is there public transport? Is it reliable?
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What system of government does your world adhere to? Is it popular?
Where is the seat of government?
Are there different governmental agencies?
Are there political parties? If so, what are their goals?
How much control does the government have over the average person?
Can your people vote? If not, why not? If so, who has/hasn't the right to?
Are there any parties or organisations that oppose the government?
How does the government crack down on sedition?
Are people allowed to criticise the government? If so, how? If not, how do they get around it?
How are laws made? Who makes them?
Is there any odd laws in your world?
What are some punishments to crime? Are they considered fair?
What crimes are unfathomable for the people?
Who handles justice? Is justice obtainable for all?
Are there any police? What's their reputation?
What role does the military play in your world?
Who controls the army? Head of state or government as a whole?
Is it considered a good career path?
Who can join the army? Are there any restrictions?
What is your world's stance on war? Are there any neutral parties? Or particularly warlike ones?
Commerce and Trade
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How is trade done?
Is currency universal or dictated by region?
How is your economy going? What effects it?
What trade is your world known for?
What are some exports? What must your world import?
Are any goods considered luxurious?
What services are available in your world? What services are niche?
What sort of work is common? Is work readily available?
Who is expected to work?
Are workers treated fairly or unfairly?
Are there any ways workers are protected? If not, what are some consequences?
Is your world more reliant on technology or on labour?
Is agriculture possible in your world? If so what can your people grow?
How big is industry? What goods can your people make?
What resources can your country exploit?
What are some barriers to trade and commerce?
Is your nation known for quality? Or Quantity?
Who does your country trade with most often? Who do they boycott?
Are there any major ports in your country?
Are there any banned goods? If so, is there a black market for their purchase?
How society expect one to behave in public? Are there different expectations for different people/genders/ranks?
Is there a social order? Can one move up the ranks?
Is there any considerations made on account of rank, gender, age or position?
What is considered a social faux pas?
Are there any gestures or actions that are considered rude or socially unforgivable?
What would utterly shock somebody to see somebody do?
What are some opinions that are normal for your world but can be considered subversive in real life?
How can one rise up the status ladder? Is there much trouble to do so?
What denotes a person's place in society?
How is life different in cities compared to life in the countryside?
Daily life
Where would someone go to buy their weekly shop? Is food easy to come by?
What would be the daily routine of the wealthy? The common man?
How is hygiene handled in your world? Where does one go to spruce up?
What would be some day to day tasks one might face?
What is the favoured means of travel?
Are there any problems in your world that could effect a daily routine? Potholes? Gigantic spiders? Acid rain?
What ammenties would an average person expect to have access to?
Where would one go if they are injured or ill? What's healthcare like?
Do people feel safe where they live? Are there any places somebody might face danger?
How do people communicate? Is it difficult? Why?
What do people do for fun? What's considered normal fun versus hedonistic?
What pastimes are common? What kind aren't?
Is education valued?
Is there access to education? If so, for who?
Are the population educated? If so to what extent?
Family Life
What is the typical family set up?
Is extended family important?
Who can be considered family? Who can't be?
Is marriage considered a duty? Or is it more of a personal choice?
Is divorce possible?
Can people adopt children?
What happens to orphaned children?
Are children important? If not, why not? If so, why?
What are some typical toys children play with?
What are some games children play with one another?
How is in charge of household chores?
Is there a hierarchy in families?
Are children expected to take on certain roles?
What is the living situation like between the different ranks? Are the roles different?
What's considered the proper way to raise a child?
Culture and Languages
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Are there multiple cultures in your world? How do they differ? Do they mesh well together?
How are cultures similar? How are they different?
Are there any traditions in your world? How important is tradition?
What are some rituals your culture undertakes?
Are there any special days? Events?
What are some traditional values in your world? Does it effect daily life?
Are there traditional clothes for your world? Are they something somebody wears on a daily basis or just on occasion?
Are there any rules around what people can wear?
What would be considered formal dress? Casual dress?
What would happen if somebody wore the wrong clothes to an event?
What languages are spoken in your world? If so, how do they sound?
Are there any dialects? If so, how do they sound?
Are most people monolingual? Or bilingual? Or multilingual?
Are there any languages that are closely related?
What is considered a universal language?
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Is religion a thing in your world?
Is religion a staple of life or just a small part?
Does religion affect politics, personal lives and affiliations?
Is your world sectarian? Or ruled by religion?
What are some influences religion has on daily life?
What sort of religion is it? Monotheistic? Polytheistic?
What are some myths your people believe in?
What common rituals does one undertake on a day to day basis?
How does one please a deity?
Where do your people pray? How do they?
What symbols would denote a follower of a certain belief system to a stranger?
What places or objects are considered sacred?
Are there religious orders? If so, who can join?
Is there tolerance or violence over religion? If so, between which faiths?
Food and Drink
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What are some traditional dishes in your world?
What would be a basic diet for the common man?
What's considered a delicacy?
Is there a societal difference in diet? What are the factors that effect diet between classes?
Is there any influence from other cuisines? If not, why not? If so, to what extent?
What would a typical breakfast contain?
What would lunch be?
What would be a typical dinner?
What meals are served during the day?
What's considered a comfort food or drink?
Are there any restrictions on who can eat what or when?
Are there any banned foods?
What stance does your world take on alcohol? Is it legal? Can anybody consume it?
Are there any dining customs? Are traditions?
Is there a difference in formal meals or casual meals? If so, what's involved?
Are there any gestures or actions unacceptable at the dinner table?
How are guests treated at meals? If they are given deference, how so?
Are there certain rules about how one can prepare food?
Are there any restrictions on eating with certain people?
How is food generally prepared by?
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Who are some notable figures from history?
Who founded the country?
Is history looked back on with fondness? Or do your people rather forget?
Are there any heroes in history? Any villains?
What are some highpoints in the history of your land?
What are some points of history nobody likes to speak about?
Does history effect your land, people, culture, language in the present? If so in what ways?
What historic monuments are still around in the present day? What has been lost?
How do people learn about history? Do they learn the truth? Or just an abridged version?
What's a historical event that is important to the story?
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theladyofbloodshed · 23 days
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@nerisweek Day 6 - Future
His hands are cool, calming the heat that burns in hers. His eyes - liquid amber - see all the parts that she tries to hide. And when it snaps, it is his body that holds her up, keeps her spinning to the crescendo of the music, feral delight glowing in his gaze. 
And when he lets go, Nesta feels adrift.
She limply holds the hands that interrupt, the once familiar callouses making her want to pull away. They are rough and unforgiving, the work of years of training. Her own are showing the same signs but they no longer feel like hers. They are someone else’s, trained to be what they want her to be. 
We’ll play later, Nesta Archeron. 
The words echo in her head as she greets a new partner. His hands carry scars, but they hold her just as tight as if he senses the need to wrench them free and run. 
When the siren call of Velaris rings in her ears, Nesta watches him. His red hair falls like a sheet of silk, soft and luxurious. The pointed ends of his ears are everything she should hate but Nesta cannot look away. Her heart tells her to commit him to memory in case they never see him again - and her mind argues they will. That she will find a way to see him. 
Nesta sits at a borrowed mirror on a stool that isn’t hers in a room she doesn’t belong in. It is Eris she thinks of. The sheer delight that flared in his gaze as they danced. The willingness to let her shine and bask in the glow rather than being equal. It is his touch she thinks of as Cassian reaches for her. 
Nesta cannot bring herself to pretend, even if only for one night. His touch is too forceful, too determined. The body that covers hers night after night is hot and heavy - and when he leaves, because he always does, Nesta is left hollowed out a little more. So that night, she says no. The hurt is quickly replaced with bravado as Cassian shrugs. 
‘Be that way,’ he says, with an easy smile. ‘I have a snowball match to be rested for anyway.’
A lie wrapped up in carelessness to make them both feel better. It is their currency; little lies that that are traded often.
She hears his steps move along the corridor but instead of stopping at the room he has been assigned beside hers, Cassian continues down the stairs to join the others with their late night festivities. 
The night is long. She tosses and turns, thrashing in the sheets even as the house grows quiet. Nesta needs the cold hands of Eris Vanserra to ease the burn in her chest. What has he done to her, she wonders. What spell has he cast? It should have been Cassian. It was always meant to be Cassian. It had been a matter of time until it snapped for them, everybody knew it. But it wasn’t him. It was Eris.
With the dawn comes more frustrations. She feels him like an itch that cannot be soothed. Eris Vanserra burrows beneath her skin until he consumes her every thought. The bruised purple sky matches the bags beneath her eyes from a night spent unrested. 
The house is quiet. Only Morrigan stirs, her footsteps sure and direct as she approaches Nesta in the lounge overlooking the Sidra River.
‘Eris is in the Hewn City again,’ she says, eyes noticing every detail from her tired expression to her restless state. ‘He would like to speak to you. I told him to go to hell.’
Her heart begins to pound, not entirely from fear. 
‘Something about Made objects. I can’t get hold of the others but Cassian would-’
‘I’ll speak to him,’ Nesta replies, too eager to take back. 
The high lord’s cousin is sceptical, but permits it. She questions Nesta’s choice of clothing - a plain gown that she wears often and a simple pin-up of her hair. 
Make him crawl, she had said, but Nesta had been the one to leave the Hewn City dizzy and unbalanced. 
The sight of him that morning, red hair slicked back, the rich hues of the Autumn Court making his eyes look like pooled gold, does nothing to steady Nesta. Like the roots of a tree, she stands firm rather than reaching for him. She did not miss the black attire from last night; he was better when Autumn bit its teeth into him.
He bows low, a smirk upon his lips as though he knows a joke that nobody else does.
‘Do you not tire of your little games, Eris?’
Eris smiles again to Mor, and Nesta imagines a row of pointed teeth ready to cleave flesh like a true fae from the stories. ‘Not when so many still want to play with me.’
His eyes snap to Nesta as his top lip curls. ‘A knife or a wife. What a choice your high lord presented to me, Morrigan. He is more like your father than we realised.’
She says nothing, but her eyes speak of pain – her own.
‘Let us hope the Night Court will always have pretty brides to offer.’
Mor straightens. ‘I’ll be back in an hour.’
The moment that the door closes, a different male stands before her. Not the cruel-faced faerie who looks as though he peels the wings from insects for fun, but one who looks at her with reverence. His golden eyes remind Nesta of the sun kissing her skin, of warm fires in the depths of winter.
‘Do you feel it?’ Eris all but whispers the words, his hand covering his heart.
Nesta does not know why she has come here. She is with Cassian. For many months, she has done this dance with the lord of bloodshed; the will-they-won’t-they that has been a whisper on everybody’s lips. It is Cassian’s body that has moved within her own and yet she cannot think of him at all. Cannot think of his calloused hands or heavy body with any sort of desire when she has felt aflame all night with the longing to have Eris’ hands trace her skin.
He steps closer, lips parting as he examines her face.
‘I suspected it long ago. I have burned for you since the first I met you – when you spoke to my father and moved him.’
Nesta wishes that he will break the spell. That he will stop looking at her with such a hunger. He is a predator moving in for the kill. A wicked faerie who rots all he touches.
And as he reaches for her, Nesta tips forwards, part of his orbit now and unable to move away.
He kisses her and it as if every star in the sky stops to watch. Nesta can think of only him. The way his body feels beside hers, like the missing piece of her has been found, or how he’s gentle when she is used to roughness.
Then the temperature becomes cooler. A wind whispers through her hair. Birdsong fills the trees that are streaked with amber and russet.
Nesta pushes him away. ‘You have stolen me.’
‘I have taken what is mine,’ he counters, every inch the court trained, silver-tongued lord.
‘You have stolen me,’ she repeats, unsure if it makes her angry or shocked or delighted.
Eris cocks his head. ‘Because you are mine. This is where you belong. We are mates.’
‘No,’ declares Nesta as if her body has not been pining for him since their dance was interrupted.
When Eris speaks, it is not with possession. He does not say those words to lay a claim on Nesta. No, he states only the facts and they are spoken with such hope, with disbelief that his dreams have come to fruition.
The heir of the Autumn Court goes to his knees before her as the forest leans in to watch. He presses a dagger into her hands – her Made dagger that was offered to him by Rhysand.
‘Cut my heart from my chest because it belongs to you. And if you do not want it, feed it to the wolves.’
Nesta can think of nothing to say, other than, ‘Are you always so dramatic?’
A smile curves his lips. ‘Only when it comes to love.’
‘It isn’t love,’ she says. ‘You do not know me.’
His fingers curl around hers that still hold the knife. ‘Then I have the rest of my life to know you.’
It has to be a trick, some sort of faerie magic that makes Eris behave this way. He is cool and aloof. A master of webs and deception. Not gently spoken with eyes that beg her to see him clearly.
‘We are mates,’ he murmurs, a thumb stroking her pale skin. ‘Equals.’
‘I am nothing like you.’
When he rises, the knife is still pressed to his chest. He still holds her hand. The warmth of his fingers is a prelude to the blood that will cover them when she finds the strength to push the blade into his skin. He would deserve it, wouldn’t he? This male has a thousand stories whispered of him. The same cruelty of his father. A conscience that left him long ago.
‘Aren’t you?’ Eris asks. ‘Eldest child. The power of fire. A mother’s expectations on our shoulders. A father’s affection far removed.’
‘Our crimes are everlasting, Nesta, no matter the deeds we do.’
He presses closer, the blade surely nipping at his skin now.
‘We both wear masks. Yours dropped when we danced. I had never seen you smile before.’
‘You don’t know me,’ she hisses, because she should push this male away. All that she knows of Eris is not good. He cannot be like her because that would mean she’s as rotten as he is.
‘And do you smile often in Cassian’s arms?’
That gives her pause. No, she does not smile with Cassian. She rages and she growls like a sour-tempered cat. He never tries to make her smile; he only fans the flames of her frustration purposefully. The others, they do not try to make her smile either. Only perhaps her two friends.
‘I would have you smile every day,’ Eris says, eyes closing as the sun breaks through the canopy and bathes him in golden light. ‘Your joy would be mine to tend to and I should like to see my mate laugh. I should like to see her without the mask. I would see her-’
‘Enough.’ The blade catches the light. Her magic within the metal sings. ‘It would bring me joy to press this into your flesh.’
‘Do it then,’ goads Eris. ‘I wear no armour with my mate. She can take my heart and do to it as she wishes.’ His knuckles graze her cheek. ‘Either she is as wicked as I am or I am as good as her. What will it be, Nesta?’
The knife is buried in the undergrowth as Nesta releases it. Her hands are upon Eris. Instead of something new, he feels like returning to a memory. His body isn’t foreign to her. It’s familiar like she has known him before, like they are finding each other again. The embroidered jacket he wears hits the forest floor then she turns, presenting her back to him to release her from the small buttons that line the back of her dress. Her clothes are shed as quickly as his own until they are as bare as the day they came into the world. Eris lays her upon them then presses himself inside of her. She is eager to have him all. She must have him all. Amongst the fugue of kissing and touching, there is little talk.
There is no talking at all even as their bare bodies are curled together. Nesta allows her eyes to close as the dappled sunlight bathes her. Her mate’s breathing is slow and heavy behind her. His arms capture her like an oyster clutching its pearl.
A part of her knows what she did was wrong. To shed one’s clothes in a forest with a male she doesn’t know is wrong. It is not proper. She is reminded of Cassian who might have returned to Velaris, expecting to see her. But she cannot feel guilty. She has been told that mates are special. To have one is rare. Surely – if he cares anything for her – he will be happy that she has found her equal, even if it isn’t him.
Eris’ voice is husky as he clambers out of his drowsiness. ‘Do you like dogs?’  
‘I have twelve.’
For some absurd reason that she cannot name, Nesta laughs and laughs. Twelve dogs. Not a failed betrothal or a cruel father. Not an Illyrian general who could come here demanding a blood duel. But dogs are the pressing thought on Eris’ mind.
‘I like dogs,’ she confesses.
When Eris smiles, he looks like a boy. A trickster. One made of magic.
‘They sleep on the bed.’
‘It doesn’t sound like you have room for another there,’ she says, trying to sit up, but her mate’s arms are quicker and they drag her back down to their blanket of clothes.
‘You must sleep on top of me,’ he says, kissing the curve of her neck in a way that makes her shiver.
She understands now. She understands the way her sister fell so deeply in love. The force of the bond is compelling. And she does not want to fight it. Nesta isn’t sure if she can. She cannot think of a future without Eris. Already, he is weaving into her life. She imagines the Autumn Court opening its jaws wide to swallow her whole. She would not mind. Autumn has always been favourite season.
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nem0-kn0ws-n0t · 7 months
Hermit Permits- or Hermitconomics101
I would just like to start off by saying I adore the concept. It's perfect. But also, I'm a massive nerd and I wanna talk about it.This is such a fascinating little economic model. Like, the usual hermitcraft economy is already so fascinating.
Warning-Long post! Also might Slightly skew your perspective of the Gimmick.
At first Glance, the Hermitcraft economy is the epitome of a Perfect Market economy -the basic selling/buying market you think of when thinking of markets-which has a few requirements
1. Homogenous products: gunpowder from Doc's shop is the same gunpowder from Tango's or Iskall or whoever sells it
2. No barriers to entry and exit: anyone can decide to sell. The technology's there. Any hermit can decide to make a farm or manually harvest something, set up shop and sell
3. Sellers are Price takers: If say, X and False are both selling copper ingots (for example), and X prices his higher than False (and they both keep their shops stocked), Hermits will buy from False. So X has to price the same (or lower but shhhh) than False.
4. Product Transparency: If you pay 1 diamond for a stack of iron blocks, you know you're getting 1 stack of iron. (usually) no shenanigans involved
And now the interesting point->
5. Many sellers- In a perfect competition market, the market is usually saturated with sellers, to the point that everyone needs to price the same, or at exactly the cost of production (or whatever needs to be to have the last seller joining the market to have economic profit of 0 but that's real hard to count in diamonds). Usually, this is done by having many firms coming in (free market remember) and undercutting each other until it's at the point where Supply is equal to Demand (yes, exactly the graph you're thinking of). In hermits' case, rarely is there more than one shop for an item unless there is an obnoxious amount of demand for it, and often, they'll buddy up in the same shop and split the profits and the work (I'm thinking of all the wood groups) for the highly in demand items. (More on that later).
So the sellers aren't usually competing with other hermits to sell resources- they're competing with the hermits' other way of procuring resources- The Endless Grind
Think about it- The rule of thumb for establishing the scope of a market (and its competition) is to ask yourself- where do I go if the shop becomes too expensive? In our real-life situation, we go to other shops- hermits just roll up their pixilated sleeves and get to work themselves. They are the alternative. (or Lag but stealing throws off all economic models so we're assuming it doesn't exist.)
A hermit shop, to have sales, needs to price its resources low enough that other hermits will see it as a better (cheaper) alternative than acquiring it themselves.
But Nemo, I hear you ask, isn't it always going to be cheaper to collect the material themselves? All the hermits already have all the tools/technology they'd need to get the resources they'd want, so shops wouldn't work.
But they do work, every season hermits "get rich" which implies there's something "wrong" with my model, which there is.
It's Time. That's the main currency in Hermitcraft.
Any hermits can decide to get any amount of resources with no real limit except Time. Sure, some hermits are more likely to build farms and have it done quicker than others, but all of them can decide to pick up a tool and just grind away (which they do, often). The point of the shops is to be convenient. You could spend 3 hours getting 15 stacks of oak wood, but you could also drop 30 diamonds at Ren's shop and get that done in less than a minute. Which, when you're a content creator on a tight deadline, already spending hours upon hours just building and editing and living outside of work, time is precious. So Time is the real trading currency on HC.
And so there comes a wrench in the plan as you have 2 "types" of goods- you have the Sellers' resources (that cost you diamonds but less time) and your own resources (which cost you Time but fewer diamonds)
Which invalidates point 3. Price Takers- There are 2 very different prices, which you are willing to pay at different times to different degrees. Somedays, they grind somedays they pay.
And thus, there goes the perfect competition model-
~~And in comes Monopolistic competition.
Now, listen to me, this is crucial ish- this is not the same as a Monopoly.
Monopolies imply there is 1 seller. 1. there is 1 way of acquiring the good (at this point in time) (everything is taken as if time is held constant). YouTube has a monopoly on hermitcraft videos (kind of). You can't watch Hermitcraft videos anywhere else, as the hermits don't upload their videos on other websites. If YouTube started charging 10000$ per video watched, you probably wouldn't watch hermit videos anymore. That's a monopoly.
Monopolistic competition is when a few firms sell slightly different products. Think Pepsi and Coca-Cola. They're functionally the same thing (don't @/me for this), but they both still work as companies, because people tend to prefer one over the other.
And thus our model. A monopolistic competitive market.
The real competition was not store vs store (unless for the bit), it was Sellers vs the Grind.
(There are also sunk cost fallacies exhibited, when hermits make their own farms for materials they know they'll need a lot of, which then reduces the time spent, especially with AFK'ing, thus the active time spent being reduced but server time still fluctuating but that can be hermitconomics 102 lmao)
But Back to this season-
With the introduction of Hermit Permits (which, is such a fun term, I wouldn't be surprised if they came up with that first before the concept) they are forcing there to be a single official seller. But hermits are still able to collect their own resources and make their own farms. So the market stays the same.
Which is probably not what you were expecting was it. All this fanfare but theoretically, the model doesn't change. It might change the point at which a hermits decides it's better to grind it out instead of spending diamonds, but not the theory.
But here's the second hole in this theory.
One of the first assumptions one makes about any market model is that everyone involved wants to maximize profits. (which irl, is making the most money).
But the same was as the real currency is Time, the real Profit for Hermits is Content (and engagement, and a whole bunch of parasocial scales to do with audience retention but I'm an economic major, not a sociology or business student damn it, we'll stick with Content) .
Theoretically, nothing changes in the economic model, but the result changes. The potential to change things up is massive, simply because they at least superficially changed something. Rebranding something, in a way that shakes up previously established norms- That's what they're getting out of it. Forcing people to do content about things they normally wouldn't even touch, which inspires viewers to be invested, so see our favourite blorbos overcome the challenge. It's a narrative device.
(If anything, I'd expect this to actually "promote the economy" as hermits would be motivated to stock up their shops, thus making more farms/farm building episodes, or the competition occurring from additional permits being circulated.)
So yeah. Hermitconomics 101- The not-so-perfect competition. Sorry If I burst some bubbles, I just think it's fascinating.
Thanks for reading to the bottom!
TL:DR :This is gonna be so fun, and the hermit economy makes economists everywhere cry
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sluttywonwoo · 1 year
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instead of you [part twenty-two] || l.mh
pairing: [best friend’s brother] lee minho x college!reader ft. han jisung
summary: you didn’t expect to spend your summer pretending to be your best friend’s girlfriend- then again, you didn’t expect to fall for your best friend’s brother, either. 
warnings: swearing, alcohol consumption, mentions of sex (mdni)
word count: 3.8k
a/n: revamped my tom holland series from my main blog ( @wazzupmrstark ) to try and motivate myself to finish it!!
series masterlist | early access to the next chapter on ko-fi
Shanghai was only an hour behind Tokyo so you were able to hit the ground running as soon as you landed. Unlike Japan, the itinerary didn’t allow for a day to rest and reset. Check-in at the new hotel wasn’t until later in the afternoon, but they let you drop off your luggage with them so you wouldn’t have to lug it around the city with you.
You passed your bags off to a woman who promised you they’d be safe in the closet behind the desk- not that you were too worried about your collection of t-shirts and Vera Bradley duffle bag that was nearly two decades old- before joining the Hans by the seating area a few paces away. The lobby was dressed with dark woods and jade tiles, accented with plush white furniture and expensive-looking plants. It was easily the most sophisticated place you’d ever been, and that was saying something considering you’d been on a fucking yacht a few weeks ago.
You felt extremely out of place in your travel sweats and beat-up sneakers. Even looking at the crystal chandelier hanging from the ceiling made you feel like you didn’t belong. You knew the Hans had a reservation under their names, you knew that you were being paid for, but you still felt like you could get kicked out for loitering at any minute.
“First things first we need to find a currency exchange place and then we can grab a bite to eat,” Dom explained. You tried not to wince as his voice echoed around the room. You were still getting used to these ‘family meetings’. “Are you guys hungry?”
There was a collective nod and then you all followed Mr. Han out of the hotel onto the bustling street. He used his phone’s GPS to navigate through the twists and turns of the city. Jisung grabbed your hand instinctively, rubbing his thumb over your knuckles like he always did.
Guilt bubbled up in your chest as soon as the warmth from his palm spread to yours. You hated the way you couldn’t even enjoy a simple gesture, something that was so commonplace for your friendship, without feeling like your stomach was turning itself inside out.
Jisung noticed, of course he did, your hand tensed as soon as he took it and even if it was barely perceptible he was too observant, too in tune with you to miss it.
“You okay?” he asked, eyebrows creasing together in worry.
“Just feeling a little sick is all,” you replied. It wasn’t a lie, you did feel nauseous. You just hoped Jisung couldn’t tell there was something else you were holding back.
“Do you need to sit? We can stop for a bit and meet the others later.”
“No, I’ll be fine,” you assured him. “I don’t want to get lost.”
“We have our phones, we won’t lose them,” he pressed.
“I probably just need something to eat, and we’re stopping for lunch soon. I’m ok, I promise.”
He looked like he didn’t quite believe you, but dropped it anyway.
You waited in line behind the rest of Jisung’s family at the currency exchange place where you traded your yen for yuan. You didn’t have much on you, since most travel sites warned against carrying a lot of cash on your person when in a new place. The Hans always insisted on paying for you too so it wasn’t like you needed it either.
After everyone had gone through the queue, you stopped for lunch in a square with about a dozen street vendors peddling different kinds of food. They were all swamped with customers, businessmen and women dressed in suits waiting to get their meals before inevitably having to return to the office. There were families wandering around too. Mothers struggled to wrangle their small children in strollers or their arms as they stood in line at the various stalls, calling for the older kids who were playing in the fountain.
You and Jisung chose a kabob cart to try while the other members of his family split off to get their own thing. You let your best friend order for the both of you as always while you scouted a spot to sit. The square was full of tables and benches scattered about. Some were shaded by trees, others offered unobstructed views of the skyline across the water. You opted for one that was surrounded by a couple of other close tables so everyone could sit somewhat together.
“Thanks for finding a place to sit, y/n!” Dom exclaimed as he approached you with Minho right on his heels. “Perfect amount of shade and sun.”
“I had to fight off some pigeons for it,” you joked, earning a laugh from the older man.
“I commend you for your bravery, pigeons can be quite brutal.”
“Especially city pigeons,” Minho added, coughing awkwardly when you made eye contact with him.
“Minho was attacked by pigeons once,” Dom said suddenly. You didn’t have time to ask any further questions before Jisung was returning with your food, giving you an apologetic look. 
“You weren’t boring her, were you?” He shot an accusatory glance at his father.
“No more than you usually do,” Minho answered smugly.
“Minho, please don’t start. We just got here, and since we’ll all be staying together I’d rather not have to listen to the three of you bickering all week.”
“What do you mean we’ll be staying together?” your best friend asked worriedly, voicing exactly what you were thinking. “Did you mess up the reservations again?”
Minho’s smile had also fallen and he was wearing an expression of concern similar to his brother’s. Dom sighed, running a hand across his forehead.
“I was going to wait until your mother returned with Felix to explain, but no. We’re all staying together in the penthouse of the hotel for the week. You all will get your own rooms and such, but we figured that since we’re on a family vacation we should spend time together as a family. We can have meals together, we can cook- or rather, Jisung can cook for us, and we’ll all be sleeping under the same roof.”
The two boys nodded in understanding, though neither looked thrilled. You knew that if Felix were around he’d have some smart comment to make, but since he wasn’t, there was just silence.
“Don’t look so thrilled,” Dom chided. “Minho, you’ll get your own room and so will Felix. That should be exciting to you at the very least.”
“Wait, really?” he asked, eyes much brighter than they had been a moment earlier.
His father nodded with a hum, just as Felix walked back up to your group with Nikki trailing a few paces behind him. Both of them had their hands full of food that they dumped on one of the empty tables and started dividing between each other.
Felix looked up when he noticed the silence and tilted his head in confusion. “What’d I miss?”
After lunch, you traveled together to the Oriental Pearl Tower. The number of fucking landmark towers in the world was… too goddamn many in your opinion. There seemed to be one in every city you’d been to, and you thought it was a little excessive.
You debated going to the top of this one just so you wouldn’t be a downer, but both Jisung and Minho were quick to shut it down.
“I don’t think that’s a good idea,” Minho grumbled under his breath, still loud enough for everyone to hear.
“He’s right,” Jisung agreed. “It’s not worth it to make yourself miserable. I’ll stay down here with you, baby.”
You pouted, but didn’t put up much of a fight. You knew Jisung didn’t give a fuck about the tower so you let him keep you company at the bottom.
“We should stay in tonight,” he suggested, twirling a strand of your hair around his finger. “Since you’re not feeling well and everything. I can cook you dinner back at the apartment and we can watch a movie or something.”
“Do we not have plans tonight?”
“Do you ever look at the itinerary?”
“I think you already know the answer to that,” you replied, rolling your eyes.
Jisung just chuckled. “Brat. But no, we don’t really have plans. They’re kind of up in the air. Everyone can do their own thing if they want to. I think I heard Felix and Minho talk about going out, but I don’t think we should.”
“If you want to, you should!” you urged. “Don’t stay in because of me.”
“How many times do I have to tell you that I’d much rather spend time with you than those idiots?”
You crossed your arms over your chest. “Ji...”
“I’m just being honest! We can go out with them tomorrow night, or the night after that! I just don’t want you to overdo it. Especially since we’re going to be out all day tomorrow.”
“Fine, you win,” you gave in. “Promise you’re not just staying in because you feel like you have to?”
“I promise.” He held out his pinky as if to seal it. You looped your own pinky with his despite the gesture being a dramatic formality and grinned. “I don’t really feel like being a wingman anyway.”
You raised an eyebrow. “Oh, they’re trying to pick up girls tonight?”
“Emphasis on the word ‘trying’,” Jisung scoffed.
“Come on, they’re handsome guys,” you said, though you didn’t quite know why you were defending them.
“Sure, but it’s their personalities that are their downfalls.”
“You’re so mean!”
“You’ve met them!”
You opened your mouth to respond but came up short. Jisung smirked knowingly and you both burst into laughter.
“Well, what are your parents doing tonight?” you asked once you caught your breath. “Are they also going out on the town?”
“I don’t know. Maybe I can cook dinner for the four of us if they decide to stay in.”
“That sounds nice,” you mused, leaning to rest your head on his shoulder.
“It could be… my mom would love the opportunity to get us alone. I’m sure she has loads of questions for you.”
“You say that like it’s a bad thing!”
“It is a bad thing! It’s embarrassing.”
“No, it’s not. My mom would do the same thing if the roles were switched.”
“Okay, but that’d be easy. Your mum already knows me and she loves me.”
“She wouldn’t if we were dating.”
“What? Why not?”
“Because she knows you’re a whore.”
“What the fuck? No, I’m not.” You gave him a look. “Okay, well does she know her own daughter is a whore too? Arguably a bigger one than me.”
“Weird way to say I get more bitches than you, but alright.” Jisung rolled his eyes at you and gave you the finger, but you just laughed. “I don’t think she knows that I’m a little slutty-”
“A little!?”
You ignored him. “But even if she did, she still wouldn’t like me dating you. She’s very protective of me.”
Your best friend stuck his bottom lip out in a pout. “I feel kind of betrayed. I thought your mom and I were pals.”
“You are. As long as you keep it in your pants around me.”
The penthouse at the hotel you were staying at was even bigger than you imagined it would be. There were four bedrooms, the primary and three guest rooms on the other side of the apartment. Your luggage was already waiting for you in the foyer along with some toiletries and towels.
“Y/n and Jisung should have to stay in the middle room,” Felix had exclaimed as he claimed the room at the very end of the hallway.
“What, why?” Jisung demanded.
“Because it wouldn’t be fair if only one of us had to share a wall with the two of you, that’s why.”
Jisung clenched his jaw and took a deep breath. His parents were right across the living room and they could probably hear every word. Not for the first time, you were mortified by Felix’s inability to keep his mouth shut.
“What the fuck, bro,” Jisung muttered.
“You asked.”
You and Jisung did end up taking the middle room. It turned out to be the biggest of the three so you lucked out. You’d still have to share a bathroom between the four of you, but it was nice to have your own space to get away. It wouldn’t be like Tokyo where you could never let your guard down.
Jisung took you with him to the market to shop for ingredients for dinner. The market was overwhelming but beautiful. It was full of life and vibrant color. The stalls were pushed so closely together under an array of tents that it was difficult to tell who was selling what, but somehow Jisung figured it out. He led you by the hand through the crowd, being sure not to lose you. Watching him speak to the vendors, asking questions about the cuts of the meats and getting advice on what was in season… watching his fingers linger over the different fruits and vegetables, trying to gauge which was the ripest and best for the dish he was planning in his head. It was refreshing to see your best friend in his element. He hadn’t had the chance to cook in forever, and you could tell he was excited to.
It was a chance to show off in front of his parents too, you realized. You could tell he wanted to impress them. He’d cooked for you at least a hundred times, but this was an opportunity to show his parents everything he’d learned in school and prove to them that the degree they were paying for was worth it.
By the time you got back to the hotel, Minho and Felix had already gone out for the night. You had no idea when they’d be back, but that was the least of your worries right now. You were much more concerned about the questions from Nikki that Jisung had warned you about.
Should you study? You still had the stack of flashcards in your backpack. You might be able to squeeze in some last-minute cramming before dinner.
“She’s not going to quiz you,” Jisung said in the elevator on the way up to the room as if he could read your mind.
“How’d you-”
“You’re biting your lip like you do when you get nervous.”
“Oh, sorry.”
“Why are you sorry? You don’t have anything to apologize for.”
You shrugged. “I just don’t want you to be worrying about me when you’re trying to focus on dinner.”
“I always worry about you,” he said casually. “But I know how to multitask.”
You helped Jisung carry the groceries inside and put them away. He’d gotten a lot of food for the rest of the week in addition to what he needed for the night.
“Do you need help cooking?” you asked, suppressing a smile.
Jisung whipped his head in your direction, panic in his eyes, before realizing you were joking. “Hilarious.”
“Who said I wasn’t serious? I could be your sous chef!”
Aware of his parents in the next room over, Jisung smiled weakly and shook his head at you. “You’re very cute, but we both know you’d set this kitchen on fire.”
“Whatever, I’ll just sit over here and watch.”
You seated yourself at one of the barstools tucked underneath the island and rested your head in your palms, watching Jisung do his thing.
He finished sorting the groceries and then washed his hands before searching the kitchen for a cutting board and various cooking utensils that he’d need. Back at home, your best friend had a collection of ridiculous aprons that he’d don as he cooked. Your favorite was one that you’d gotten him for his birthday one year. It had your face on it and said “she loves my meat”. One of his roommates had spit his drink all over their rug when Jisung opened it at his party, and you considered that a job well done. It was the apron Jisung wore the most, and you knew it was secretly his favorite, even though he’d never admit it.
He hadn’t packed any aprons for this trip, though, so he was stuck with the t-shirt he was wearing with nothing to protect it- not that he’d need one. He wasn’t very messy in the kitchen. The aprons were more for show than anything else.
Jisung filled a pot with water and set it on the stove to boil while he chopped vegetables. He was so fast that you could barely see the blade moving.
He’d whipped up a meal in under an hour and served it to you and his parents like you were in a restaurant. He circled the table with a bottle of wine, offering it to each of you as if he were your server.
“How about a nice red for you, miss,” he suggested, holding the bottle out to you so that you could read the label.
You giggled. “Do you recommend it?”
“I’ve never had it,” he admitted, not breaking character. “But the chef says that it pairs perfectly with beef.”
“The chef that looks just like you?”
Jisung winked. “That’s the one.”
“Well, in that case, I trust his judgment. I’ll take a glass.”
“Excellent choice.”
“I’ll have what she’s having,” Nikki said once he’d poured you a glass. She was smiling warmly at her son, completely enamored with you and Jisung’s little display. Your heart swelled with pride at the realization. Maybe you weren’t so bad at acting.
“Excellent choice,” Jisung repeated as he filled his mother’s glass. “And for you, sir?” he asked, addressing his father.
“Do you have whiskey?”
“I believe I do,” he answered thoughtfully. “Let me go check.”
You already knew he did. He’d stopped in a liquor store on the way back to pick some bourbons that he thought his dad and brother would like.
You watched him disappear back into the kitchen and went back to your meal, smiling to yourself in satisfaction.
“I know I’ve mentioned this before,” Nikki whispered quietly, “but I’m so glad you were able to join us on this trip. It’s been so lovely to get to  know you, and I’ve never seen Jisung so happy.”
Your cheeks grew warm at her comment. The feeling of pride in your chest threatened to be replaced with guilt as it bubbled up in your stomach, but you pushed it down.
“Thank you for inviting me,” was all you could muster.
“We’re happy to have you,” she assured you, grabbing your hand firmly.
“What are we talking about?” Jisung asked loudly as he reentered the room, handing his father a glass of whiskey, neat.
He shot you a look that asked if you were ok and you nodded minutely.
“We were just talking about your wonderful girlfriend,” Nikki explained, “and how happy we are to have her with us on vacation!”
“Mom,” Jisung groaned.
“She didn’t embarrass you entirely,” Dom interjected, coming to the defense of his wife. “She didn’t even mention airplane stickers!”
“Wha- airplane stickers?” You looked to your best friend for an explanation, but he had his head in his hands.
“I cook you all a nice dinner and this is how you repay me!” he cried.
“I’m sorry, I’m confused. What are airplane stickers?”
“They’re what Jisung thought menstrual pads were when he was little.” Dom clapped his son on the back affectionately as Jisung groaned even louder.
You brought your hand to your mouth. “You didn’t.”
“I’d never seen one before!”
“We came home and there were ‘airplane stickers’ all over our windows,” his father continued.
“Aw, babe,” you rubbed his thigh comfortingly, but you knew he didn’t miss the devilish glint in your eye that told him you’d never be letting this go. “That’s kind of cute.”
“It’s kind of humiliating,” he corrected you.
“That too, but you didn’t know any better. I’m sure lots of kids do that.”
Jisung ignored you and stood from the table, collecting your plate along with his. “Anyway, I’m going to start the dishes. Does anyone have any for me to take?”
Jisung’s parents invited you to watch a movie with them after dinner, but you politely declined, retiring to your bedroom instead. Jisung flopped on the bed as soon as the door was shut behind you and screamed into a pillow.
You chuckled as you unclipped your bra and pulled it off from beneath your shirt, joining him on the bed moments later.
“And they wonder why I never bring anyone home!” he hissed.
You rubbed his back soothingly. “It could’ve been worse.”
You paused. “I don’t know.”
“Oh my god.”
“Come on, it’s not so bad. I could’ve told one of my stories about you.”
“Half of those are illegal.”
You managed to coax your fake boyfriend out of sulking and took turns getting ready for bed and showering in the bathroom before settling in your room together for the night. You flipped through channels on the tv together, but nothing good was on, so you decided to spend time reading your books instead.
You didn’t even realize how late it had gotten until you heard the front door open, signaling Minho and Felix’s return. You traded looks with Jisung who then checked the time on his phone and showed you that it was past one a.m.
His parents had likely gone to bed hours ago, but you could still hear them talking like everyone wasn’t trying to sleep.
They’re drunk, you and Jisung mouthed at each other at the same time. He rolled his eyes but you just smirked.
“That’s gonna bite them in the ass come morning.”
“Yeah, and we’re going to have to be the ones to deal with it,” he muttered.
He had a point. You hadn’t thought about that. And you didn’t think a hungover Minho or Felix would be pleasant to deal with.
You tried going back to the page you were on in your book, but were distracted again when you heard their voices approaching. They were in the hallway now, saying goodnight to each other.
Then, you finally thought it had gone quiet when you heard a third voice. A female voice. You couldn’t make out what she was saying but you could tell immediately who responded.
“Yeah, this is my room.”
It was Minho. He’d brought a girl home with him.
“No fucking way,” Jisung whispered, verbalizing what you both had to be thinking. “He actually did it.”
lmk what you think i always appreciate feedback!!
iou tags: @gimmeurtmi @phobia0325 @fwess @hipsdofafangirl @galaxleeknow @urmomma0324 @bangmechanpls @102598s @farfromsugafanfic @ritzy-roo @dimpledsatan @bvslines @wonderfulshinee @imwithurmother @smollquokka @rosexjimin @skizzel @endzii23 @lady-lena @kwanisms @ch4nniebang @lilramennoodle @babyphotos0325 @dearalice @sojohns @mistlitmoonlight @yoontaethings @babebatter @mal-lunar-28 @shy-kisu @zerefdragn33l @downbadreading @sana-within-you @sasquso @bunnispaces @reianagarcia @hyunehans @imtooyoungforthishit @i8rsie @honeslykindahorny @214racha @hgema @chillllli @vixensss @smhlino @feiyaa @borahae-reads @bigbearenergy @hoodiesandicedcoffee @darkacademic2512 @y00nzin0 @i8yul @shinypieceofgarbage @woozarts @just-a-little-delulu @djeniryuu @hbzzzbork000 @mimzibee @sofiaslayed @kangyounghyunhands @lexxxs-things @baejinswrld @gaysontheprince @emogril @ngengngeng @tenshimara @stopeatread @seungminiesgf @lydatataylorsversion
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ayeforscotland · 2 years
Is it weird to say I think your grievances are correct but your solutions aren't?
Like agreed the UK is a shithole and getting shitholier by the day in a menagerie of ways but I don't think independence would fix any of that? For Scotland anyway.
Like Scotland is probably one of the best places to be in the UK rn but once it's out of the UK it won't be able to keep doing the things that achieve that (currency trade fiscal deficit etc). Plus you have the Maastricht issue.
Its a weird place to be. Objectively better than the UK at large but only so far as it's a part of it.
Idk why I'm sending this to a Scottish independence blog like this is going to radically shift your perception of the world but eh.
I hope you know how weird you sound claiming that Scotland is uniquely incapable of being an independent country when there are successfully countries out there with less population and less resources.
You can’t just rhyme off ‘Currency, trade, fiscal deficit’ as if those problems aren’t what every other country faces.
Will we have a currency? Yes. We’ll need an independent currency. Whether or not we join the Euro will be dictated by whether or not we choose to meet the requirements of ERM II. If we want to delay joining the Euro we can simply fail to meet the requirements.
Will we trade? Yes. Rejoining the EU will give us access to the largest trading bloc on the planet. Our ability to trade is currently hampered in the UK.
Will we have a huge fiscal deficit? The UK government would certainly like to think that, but this really all comes down to negotiation. Currently, Scotland is *assigned* a proportion of debt the UK Government borrows. It’s not an indication of the economic decisions of an independent Scottish government.
If the UK does want to Scotland to take on its share of UK national debt, then Scotland will be entitled to its share of UK national assets.
I’ve been doing this a long time. Your points aren’t new, it’s what unionists were saying back in 2014 and since then the UK government has committed economic and social vandalism on communities with Scotland spending hundreds of millions to mitigate bad UK government policy like the Bedroom Tax.
Yes, there’s a lot of facets to independence but the most important thing for me is having the responsibility to make decisions for ourselves.
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missdirection26 · 4 months
I saw this and spouted a couple of thousand words.
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Summary: You’re the person in control of Jackson’s alcohol production and distribution.
You’ve been trying not to crush on Joel Miller, and having some time away to focus on producing some drinks for the winter dance in 2038 gives you some much needed time apart.
Until you see his beautifully outgrown hair…
Word count: 2.1k
Rating: Mature (just for swearing and drinking)
Tags: Jackson!Joel, Fluff, Angst with a happy ending, Romance, First Kiss
Chapter One (Chapter two - here)
Joel Miller’s hair was going to be the death of you.
As the person with control over the alcohol distribution in Jackson, you were one of the only people allowed in Joel’s small circle of trust. Years ago when he’d joined the community with his sort-of daughter, he sought you out. You, who’d grown up working in your families distillery Before. You who were strong-willed enough to manage the most popular non-essential resource in town, and the arguments that came along with it. Joel, however, was ever the Southern gentleman.
“Excuse me ma’am, sorry to bother ya, but my brother, Tommy…he said you’re the lady I need to come to to barter for more than my assigned ration of whiskey?”
Despite his size, he seemed small in that moment. Nervous. Perhaps even shy?
“Tommy knows better than to call me a lady, ain’t ever been one of those. But he’s right about how I got the hookup. I got a distillery system set up here, raided the Jackson Hole Still Works south of here a few years back for the equipment, but production is still limited. How much you looking for?”
He stood before you, rubbing the back of his neck and pointedly avoiding contact with your eyes. You figured out later that it was lucky on your end he did that, as your usually steely will had a kryptonite in his baby brown eyes.
“Double the ration amount ongoing? I ain’t got nothing physical to trade yet, but I’ll be a full-time patroller soon if ya need somethin’. Or I’m good with my hands”
You smirked and giggled at him then, secretly knowing what he meant (Tommy had been raving on around town about his brothers contracting skills the months he’d been gone in preparation for his return), but you loved messing with guys. And watching his sun-kissed cheeks redden slightly as he realised what he’d said sent a small thrill of power down your spine.
“I…I meant buildin’. Woodwork and shit, can figure my way around a pipe too if need be. I just…” he trailed off.
That was the moment you think it all started, this stupid schoolgirl crush on a 50 odd year old man. Seeing him try not to be vulnerable with a stranger, in a strange town, in a shit world. So you take pity on him.
“Glass bottles. People are suppose to return them, but accidents happen and we have less and less all the time. They’re also heavy so patrollers don’t like to carry them back, but thats usually the currency I have with the others. Lets say average one bottle a patrol, and I get you on retainer for repairs or building work I need, and you got a deal” you stated confidently, stepping closer and held a hand out to seal the deal. Little would you know, this moment would become your undoing.
For years, you two circled around each other, waltzing around the energy you emitted. He’d come to the small distillery you ran out of an old restaurant every week, with a few precious glass bottles, and had a small stilted conversation as you updated your logs with the exchange. You learned he had a dry sense of humour like yours, that you could make the corners of his lips turn upward with a bit of town gossip, and that he’d set up a woodworking room in his house when Ellie move out to the garage. The last one came along with the first of many gifts he started giving you. Tiny little creatures he’d began whittling after the endless downtime of town living had started grating on him. On the house he’d say every time you offered a bottle of beer in exchange, giving you lip on not understanding the concept of a gift.
For years, you danced. You knew Joel didn’t feel anything like that towards you, he’d been very clear about that. A couple of years back, Tommy set him up on a date with the lady who ran the greenhouse - Esther you think? She wasn’t one for drinking so you had no clue about her really - and Joel spent a good portion of your weekly chat groaning on about the upcoming thing. You bantered back like always, but tiny pinpricks hit your heart at how adamant he was about not needing a partner like that. And honestly, it’s not something you’d ever wanted either, especially after losing Talia sometime before Joel even joined Jackson. You thought you’d had your one love, and the pain of losing another had you bat off any attention with your wit and sass, sticking to harmless flirting. But Joel had somehow nudged his way in. You resolved to start building the walls back up.
It had been easier recently. With the winter being so harsh, socialising as a town had reduced, and the council were worried about morale. Ergo - The Winter Dance.
Social events were regular in Jackson, but the council were determined to go all out with this one, wanting to coax as many residents out and having fun as possible. So for the first time, they wanted a full open bar. Usually there was a limit to keep the town from running totally dry, but some sweet talking from Maria and a promise of another raid of Jackson Hole Still Works had you agreeing to overproduce for a month before the dance to create enough supply. This meaning you and a few trusted ‘employees’ were basically living at your makeshift distillery, no time for any sort-of flirting with a certain bearded Texan.
What this also meant was that after a whole month of not laying eyes on the man, you were not prepared for the fact that he’d somehow decided to grow his hair out a bit for the winter. So when you enter the Church where the dance is being held, and you see the man leaning against the makeshift bar, you’re not prepared at all, and with the exhaustion reducing your self control, the walls came tumbling down.
Thankfully, he didn’t spot you as you entered or you knew your face would have given you away, so focussed on something in the crowd. Your eyes followed what he was looking at, and a small smile upturned the corners of your lips. Out on the dance floor was your old lover's sister Dina (who you also thought of as a sister), with her arms around Joel's now grown kid, Ellie. You hadn’t spoken much to Dina recently, after her turning 18 and joining the full-time patrol team keeping her busy, but after her on-off with Jesse the past few years, you were just glad she seemed to be moving on.
You were so focussed on the young girls, you hadn’t realised you had company.
“So you are alive. Still not used to trustin’ people, so I’m mighty glad to see ya hear tonight to prove ‘em right”
Fuck. That stupid goddamn Texan drawl. You had enough self-restraint to not look over to him, knowing that either his baby brown eyes or the new hair growth so perfect for running your hands through would be your undoing.
“Well, the Council thought it would be good for the town if everyone could get white girl wasted, so who am I to deny that request?”
You heard him snort gently next to you. The next few seconds passed in agonising silence (for you at least) before the man consuming your soul made a sound.
“So does she partake in her own goods?”
You whip your head round to look at him, confusion masked on your face, forgetting about the incandescent curls you were about to see.
He’s attuned to your facial expressions by now.
“I mean, can I get you a drink?” he mumbles, gesturing weakly to the bar in the corner where all your hard work for the past month resides.
If you had to stand there any longer, you knew you wouldn’t be able to resist grabbing those goddamn curls, so without warning, your legs took off, striding you fast and efficiently towards your goal - some fucking liquid courage.
Jeff - one of the bartenders who drew the short straw to work the dance - knew you well enough to have a double whiskey neat, ready for you to slam back the moment you were close enough.
“So you ain’t a nurse your drink kind of gal, good to know”
The fucking Texan drawl had followed you. Of course, he had longer (and so sexy and thick) legs that’d easily keep up with your small stature.
You shoved your glass back toward Jeff, before taking a deep breath and steeling your resolve as you looked back to Joel. Fuck he looks so fucking hot. You can do this, it’s just one night.
“I’ve just spent the past month pouring my blood, sweat, and tears into all this. Think I deserve to drink it however I please thank you!”
Phew. Not awful. Not as witty as you might usually be, but given the fucking hair situation, you were doing your goddamn best,
The heat emanating off him as he scooched closer to you wasn’t helping though.
“Well, I’m grateful for your effort ma’am, this is a mighty fine batch you made”
You couldn’t help but smile at that. With resources slimmer as the years go by, the quality of the alcohol you distilled varied. Joel was always an honest judge, something you’d grown to respect over the years. You knew his words were true, and fuck if it didn’t worsen your resolve.
But he wasn’t interested in you like that - in anyone. So you used the remainder of your self-control to change the subject.
“Didn’t peg you to be a community event attendee Miller, thought this was all a bunch of communist bullshit last I heard?”
He snorted a bit louder this time, somehow still ridiculously attractive.
“I was threatened from multiple angles. Ellie and Tommy together could arguably be more formidable than FEDRA when it comes to forcing me to do shit I don’t wanna do”
Inwardly, you sighed. It was nice that Joel had people who cared about him like this of course, but it just reminded you of what you didn’t have. Dina checked in occasionally, feeling a bit responsible for the woman her sister loved, and although you were friendly with most of Jackson given your role, no one cared enough about your wellbeing to force you to do something you didn’t want to do but would be good for you. Totally your fault of course, you didn’t let many people close enough for that. Still…it ached.
“Woah, hey there girlie, you with me? You started drinkin’ before you got here maybe?”
Fuck. SHIT. You got stuck in your head, and now your stupid hot crush was having to guide you gently out of the church as you slowly came back to your senses.
It was only once you’d turned a corner and were alone with him that you returned fully to your body - realising his large, calloused hand was gently gripping your upper arm.
“Fuck, I’m so sorry Joel, that hasn’t happened in a really long time. I think I’m just tired, with all the extra work and all-”
He quickly interrupted you by turning to face you head on.
“Girlie, you don’t gotta apologise, it’s kinda nice to see you be a bit human for once”
And as you looked up at his face, you saw the softest and kindest expression you’d ever seen on the survivors face, some of his previously slicked back curls popping out in the cold, forming a slightly wild halo to frame him. He was the most beautiful creature you’d ever seen, and you physically couldn’t stop yourself from stepping into his space, and reaching up a hand to gently run through his curls.
Those baby brown eyes widened slightly in shock, but otherwise he didn’t move for what felt like eternity as your fingers were buried and surrounded by his brown and grey locks, pushing through them reverently.
Slowly, one of his hands found your waist and gently tugged you forward as his other hand found your cheek, his thumb caressing your cheek. You were totally aware of your body, every feeling, but you no longer had control. And as his head tilted down to meet yours, his lips grazing on yours, you never wanted control of your body again if it meant depriving you of this feeling. You could feel him moving out of pure instinct like yourself, and despite it just being a kiss, you realised deep in your gut, that this was the start of something physically and spiritually breathtaking
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salt-volk · 2 months
I want to preface this by saying that I've been on DV since August of 2020, so I've been here throughout so many of the changes that this site has gone through.
Though I very much appreciate the fact that the dailies aren't nearly as mind-numbingly awful as they used to be and are way quicker, I still can't overlook my lack of excitement towards the game.
I used to be active on an actual pet site (I really wouldn't call DV a pet sim site because the pet aspect is far less involved than the avatar dressup) which barely ever updated and yet DV in comparison feels... hollow? Perhaps it's because I'm an adult now with less free time to be involved with the community or consistently do dailies, but the fact that so much of the assets being downright unattainable is what bothers me the most.
I'm not saying that as a player, I'm entitled to everything that I want in the game— I'm not saying that at all. I don't have a problem with earning whatever I have my eyes on, whether that be through daily quests, art commissions, or even purchasing premium currency with my own money.
What I *am* saying is that players are given way too much control over site assets and what I'm referring to is the shoddy customs system.
I know there are plenty of kind and generous custom owners that have come up with creative events and are kind when it comes to the price point of the customs that they distribute and I appreciate them immensely for sharing the fun and helping to make the game a more enjoyable experience for everyone. Without them, I would've decisively quit a long, long time ago. I've actually even purchased copies of several customs over the years as well.
However, I ultimately don't understand why the customs weren't limited to being an item/pet that anyone can purchase from an NPC shop rather than from the custom 'owner'— in my eyes, these would better incentivize players to continue playing the game because these things would not seem as impossible to earn.
Keep in mind that the people who use these custom creator items do not personally own these site assets as they still belong to DV.
The first word that came to my mind when I heard that a custom owner who quit is still willing to trade copies of the custom for the site currency of a completely different game is... 'stupid'. If you're not playing this game, it feels scummy to try to still benefit from access to this unlimited site asset. 
There's nothing wrong with trading assets that you have between games, but the fact that this player is trading their unlimited access to an 'infinite money printing machine' (which seemingly doesn't cost them anything assuming that the player that's willing to initiate a trade is required to provide the custom mirrors while the other party only offers a grant) for something that actually is limited in quantity leaves such a sour taste in my mouth.
I've scrolled this blog and found it interesting how people have joined FR to grind for things to trade on DV— because most off-site trades are for FR assets after all— and have unintentionally found it to be a better and more rewarding game than DV. In all honesty, this game is a wonderful advertisement for FR.
In my opinion, customs should have either been relegated to NPC shop items/pets or they should have existed as just one copy for the custom maker-rolled player to use. 
And when I continue thinking about the customs system in general, my mind can't help but wander over to the site's other flaws.
When the custom maker drop rates were announced, the makers stopped dropping only a few minutes after each rollover: this was deliberate and not a coincidence. They changed the rates after they were announced.
Agnes is said to occasionally give out items from previous limited monthly sets, but it's been a few years... is that still being implemented? Otherwise, new players will find it hair-pullingly frustrating to try to acquire any past monthlies and to earn entire  sets is something completely unfeasible.
Why is adventuring still so bad?
What about housing?
As I mentioned before, the site has its good qualities such as the frequent updates, charming characters, and the stunning artwork. I didn't even mind the missed deadlines when it came to updates and events— like how DV skipped over the second summer event entirely.
Truth be told though, the artwork was the only thing that was tethering me to this game. Not the gameplay, not the story, and certainly not the exclusivity that the customs system brought— without mincing words, that ruined the game for me.
Despite having bought some of my own custom copies, it felt like a chore to keep chasing after these custom copies, knowing that I had such a minuscule chance of ever attaining rights to a custom of my own and believe me, I've played for a few years and tried. 
Every time I see a customs topic on the forums where the owner is only willing to trade other custom owners for a copy, it feels like I'm completely being shut out from a part of the game with no ability to access it. I understand why they do it since they want to enhance their own gameplay experience by receiving these special site assets, but it's just another thing that someone without their own custom rights can't set a goal towards and achieve.
At the end of the day, I'm more far more upset at the poor admin decisions than the players themselves.
And hey, I'm actually glad that the site implemented a 'potato sink', because I was able to quickly and efficiently throw away all my potatoes, knowing that I can't afford anything worthwhile with what I have now.
I knew that I was done with the game when I stopped opening the monthly chests that I've collected since October 2023 (and I've collected each chest since January 2021), but I felt like I had to continue doing it since FOMO wouldn't leave me alone.
I really didn't have much more of a reason to keep logging on so I leave you all with this vent and airing out my grievances towards DV.
Now that I've got basically no potatoes, here's to hoping that I hop off this site for good!
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bloodlegacies · 3 months
Hello, what is the currency like in Petrus, they use gold or some other type of coin with established value? How many soldiers soldiers does the kingdom have and how many of those is from Darian? How strong is Petrus economically and millitary compared to the other kingdoms?
Gold, silver, and copper are common currencies in almost all the kingdoms of El-Lar (including Darian and Petrus). However, bartering, valuable objects, and useful items are also commonly used for trade. I cannot give an exact number, but there is a large quantity, more in Darian than in Petrus. Militarily and economically, Darian is more powerful than Petrus, although Petrus is also strong. Darian is stronger because of its past. Since the defeat of Norton (the MC's ancestor) and the kingdom of Darian being forced to join Petrus as a vassal territory, the Darian people, including the MC's family, had to rebuild and strengthen themselves again after the war. This resulted in Darian becoming stronger than before.
Petrus is economically and militarily stronger than Suron and (slightly) Akalis, but inferior to Darian, Devorn, and Valian, as well as Rhiriam (which is more of a continent rather than a specific kingdom).
There is only a very small number of Darian soldiers in the Petrus army, as Darian deals with most of the invasions and enemies. Additionally, most Darian people prefer to be in the army to protect and fight for their own people. Of course, the king and queen can summon the armies in Darian if they wish,Or require more Darian soldiers in their ranks.
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mapsontheweb · 1 year
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Mitteleuropäische Bund: Imaginary Post-WW1 Europe, 1930.
by u/Ben1152000
After World War I, instead of a crippled Weimar Republic, Germany is kept largely strong throughout the interwar years and forms a stable democratic federation of states, incorporating the "core" states of Northern Germany, and Bavaria, Baden-Wurttemberg, Silesia, Prussia, and the Free City of Danzig. Austria, having lost its empire after the war, joins the federation, bringing two new states of Tirol and Austria Proper. Finally, Bohemia and Moravia, newly independent from the War, also join the federation to get access to Western European trade and greater lines of credit. The stability of the Middle European Federation prevents the rise of Fascist governments in neighboring nations, especially in Italy, which, with the help of the newly-formed union, peacefully reclaims the traditional Italian lands of Corsica, Nicce, and Malta from France and Britain respectively. Facing threats from both the Soviet Union and their larger neighbors, Hungary, Slovakia, Bulgaria, and Albania all establish alliances with the MEC, forming a new 'Central European' power bloc to rival the influence of the Western Allies of Britain and France, and the Soviet Union.
Currency: European Mark
Official Language: Standard German
Regional Languages: Czech, Austro-Bavarian, Low German, Polish
Capital: Frankfurt
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camp-mithril-lake · 6 months
IDW Timeline - Part 1: Pre-War "Modern Times"
I am organizing the comics in chronological order because I have a lot of ideas centered pre-war and needed some reference. Plus I am planning to make a more comprehensive overview one day. I listed dates when I found them and the comic it is in and event notes.
Ex-RID #17: “Shockwaves”
Shockwave choosing a Prime and planting a “seed” in the ruins of Crystal City.
Shockwave became a senator in the wake of Jhiaxus and the others departing. He opens his school at this time.
Reveals Proteus was the one who assassinated Nominus to make Sentinel Prime.
More Than Meets The Eye #38
1st Cycle, 012, Megatron is born in Con Facility 113, the Silver Harvest of Tarn as a miner.
Transformers (v2) #22-23
Megatron may be working at the mine under Nova Point at this point in time in Iacon.
4th Cycle, 499, Megatron is assaulted by Whirl in jail after being arrested in a bar fight. He meets Captain Orion Pax.
There was an attempted assassination attempt on Nominus Prime in the news by a bomber. Orion Pax, Captain of the Dead End area of Rodion. A few hours after Orion arrests Whirl and releases Megatron, Whirl’s friends fight him and Orion Pax pushes his way into the Senate and meets Shockwave.
The Senate is voting on the Clampdown.
Shockwave decides to make Orion the Prime he chose.
More Than Meets the Eye #34
Megatron has been sent to Messatine, partially due to Orion Pax name dropping him in the Senate, and Trepan prepares to Shadowplay him as things have been escalating. He has befriended Terminus who has been smuggling out his writings. Terminus vanishes (saved by Necrobot) and Megatron is racked with guilt about taking his writings instead. He internalizes this later. Terminus was the one pushing for Megatron to be a center figure while Megatron was more for group/community involvement.
51st Cycle, 500
More Than Meets The Eye #9-11: Shadowplay | More Than Meets The Eye #37
“Iacon, 4th Cycle 501-Pre-War. A few cycles earlier, the word ‘Decepticon’ first appeared in connection to the samizdat writings credited to a certain miner from Tarn. Nominus Prime hasn’t been seen since the assassination attempt, and the Clampdown is in full force. Proteus and the increasingly factionalized Senate are struggling to manage a population demanding greater influence over decisions taken in its name. The shanix is trading poorly against the galactic currencies. The Primal Guard is embroiled in the Phobos Controversy. And in sports news, Blurr has won the Ibex Cup for the tenth cycle running.” - Rewind
1st Chord, 4th Cycle, 501
In the news at the time a ex-military former Primal Vanguard member burst into a Relinquishment Clinic and started shooting donors.
Prowl and Chromedome were working in Iacon/Rodion at this point. Macadam’s was in their precinct.
Drift and Ratchet meet in Ratchet's Dead End clinic. Ratchet and Orion are already friends.
Orion and the Outliers steal the fake Matrix and in doing so anger the government.
Senator Shockwave is shadowplayed. Orion Pax goes on the run.
More Than Meets The Eyes #36 | Megatron Origin #1
Orion Pax and the Outliers are on the run and defending the sparks in Alyon.
1st Cycle, 502, for several subcycles has been on the run from Sentinel. Meets Zeta of Sistex he contacts Shockwave’s old allies and outliers and went underground. Orion is delighted to talk to Megatron and invites him to join them. Orion mentions Megatron is older than him but still young.
1st Cycle, 502, having been transferred to Croteus-12 (Mining Outpost C-12) Megatron has been seething since the lose of Terminus and the assault by Trepan. Decimus will be closing them down. Megatron kills this day.
Sentinel orders Prowl to investigate the attack on Decimus because he doesn’t want to.
Megatron Origin #2
Time Skip for Megatron to establish himself.
Prowl has been investigating and uncovered the arena and Megatron. They are moving in on him at the same time Soundwave is meeting him for the first time.
Drit #2 & 3
Megatron recruits and renames Drift at a Decepticon Rally. He is named Deadlock and already has a reputation as a killer.
Ex-RID #17: “Shockwaves”
Megatron recruits Shockwave via Starscream after the Senate meeting about the Energon Crisis. This is during Megatron Origins.
Orion reunites with him on the streets the day before the Senate assassination.
Shockwave visits Dai Atlus to injury him and prevent him from being caught in the destruction.
Megatron Origin #3 & 4
Has Constructicons and Combaticons and the deal with Soundwave in place. Megatron begins moving against the government.
Recruits Starscream and others.
Funeral for the cops.
Seekers attack Decimus’s “recognition of service”. Kidnap the Senator as part of the trap and the cops arrest them all.
Kaon take over. Prowl after seeing Sentinel fall makes executive decision to pullout forces and the Iacon backup turns into evac team.
Additional Notes (Exact Dates Uncertain):
Ratchet and Drift are born before Orion (a little after Megatron) and Megatron (5 million years ago)
Orion is born in Iacon
Rodimus is born half a million years after Megatron
Thunderclash knew Ratchet and helped him when he was studying. They both attended the Iaconian Academy of Science and Technology. Ratchet was attending medical school there and Orion Pax was there and they became friends
Prowl is brought online as a Cold Construct and serves in Petrex, a very prejudice town, where he learns how to get around rules. He eventually gets transferred to Iacon, around Rodion but not Orion's precinct. By the time of Croteus-12 he has transferred to Kaon under Sentinel directly, and seemingly fairly high up given his interactions, ability to give orders, and the presentations he gives.
Following Kaon, Zeta becomes Prime raising a New Senate and the Decepticons begin occupying more territory.
Dominus and Rewind leave Cybertron before war breaks out to pursue Luna-1.
Declaration Day presumably happens following Kaon being taken over and Sentinel being killed.
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dailyanarchistposts · 3 months
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J.5.8 What would a modern system of mutual banking look like?
One scenario for an updated system of mutual banking would be for a community to begin issuing an alternative currency accepted as money by all individuals within it. Let us call this currency-issuing association a “mutual barter clearinghouse,” or just “clearinghouse” for short.
The clearinghouse would have a twofold mandate: first, to extend credit at cost to members; second, to manage the circulation of credit-money within the system, charging only a small service fee (one percent or less) sufficient to cover its costs of operation, including labour costs involved in issuing credit and keeping track of transactions, insuring itself against losses from uncollectable debts, and so forth. Some current experiments in community money use labour time worked as their basis (thus notes would be marked one-hour) while others have notes tied to the value of the state currency (thus, say, a Scottish town would issue pounds assumed to be the same as a British pound note).
The clearinghouse would be organised and function as follows. People could join the clearinghouse by pledging a certain amount of property (including savings) as collateral. On the basis of this pledge, an account would be opened for the new member and credited with a sum of mutual pounds equivalent to some fraction of the assessed value of the property pledged. The new member would agree to repay this amount plus the service fee into their account by a certain date. The mutual pounds could then be transferred through the clearinghouse to the accounts of other members, who have agreed to receive mutual money in payment for all debts or work done.
The opening of this sort of account is, of course, the same as taking out a “loan” in the sense that a commercial bank “lends” by extending credit to a borrower in return for a signed note pledging a certain amount of property as security. The crucial difference is that the clearinghouse does not purport to be “lending” a sum of money that it already has, as is fraudulently claimed by commercial banks. Instead it honestly admits that it is creating new money in the form of credit. New accounts can also be opened simply by telling the clearinghouse that one wants an account and then arranging with other people who already have balances to transfer mutual money into one’s account in exchange for goods or services.
Another form of mutual credit are LETS systems. In this a number of people get together to form an association. They create a unit of exchange (which is equal in value to a unit of the national currency usually), choose a name for it and offer each other goods and services priced in these units. These offers and wants are listed in a directory which is circulated periodically to members. Members decide who they wish to trade with and how much trading they wish to do. When a transaction is completed, this is acknowledged with a “cheque” made out by the buyer and given to the seller. These are passed on to the system accounts administration which keeps a record of all transactions and periodically sends members a statement of their accounts. The accounts administration is elected by, and accountable to, the membership and information about balances is available to all members.
Unlike the first system described, members do not have to present property as collateral. Members of a LETS scheme can go into “debt” without it, although “debt” is the wrong word as members are not so much going into debt as committing themselves to do some work within the system in the future and by so doing they are creating spending power. The willingness of members to incur such a commitment could be described as a service to the community as others are free to use the units so created to trade themselves. Indeed, the number of units in existence exactly matches the amount of real wealth being exchanged. The system only works if members are willing to spend. It runs on trust and builds up trust as the system is used.
It is likely that a fully functioning mutual banking system would incorporate aspects of both these systems. The need for collateral may be used when members require very large loans while the LETS system of negative credit as a commitment to future work would be the normal function of the system. If the mutual bank agrees a maximum limit for negative balances, it may agree to take collateral for transactions that exceed this limit. However, it is obvious that any mutual banking system will find the best means of working in the circumstances it finds itself.
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banyanas · 1 year
Okay there is no Way this is gonna fit in the fic wordcount limit (and a lot of it is background understanding to all my other fics too lmao) so who wants to talk about fiddly somewhat mundane toad-centric worldbuilding in regards to Imperial Amphibia -> Caste System Implementation time period??? And even if you don't want to I'm showing it to you anyway.
The 4 tower lords (Cardinal Lords used as an older title when I write) as participants and vassals to the Newtopian military is... pretty new. Especially because toad clans didn't really have a formal military in the first place (and still don't- toad army we see is an arm/branch of the overall Newtopian/specifically Leviathan-ruled Amphibian military). Previously, of course everyone paid fealty (and taxes but we will get to those) to the crown, expected to follow the laws of the united empire under the Leviathan dynasty, but toad clanheads and lords acting in a formal military position in direct vassalage to another army is... definitely new. As far as 'new' goes for a place with an implied-lengthy history as Amphibia does.
Nowadays becoming a Cardinal Lord means becoming an officer- if said lord wasn't already one in the first place. It's a more concrete requirement in the modern era, but before that, hey, remember what I said about taxes? It's relevant just stick with me a bit pls.
So, with the Me-Brand toadbuilding, toads were traditionally nomadic, and likely a more pastoralist society (tarantula cheese...). This did include very few permanent communities toad caravans cycled through, usually as a place of trade/commerce and cultural significance (specifically cairns and mass gravesites) for individual and allied clans. And from there, the majority of toads split into a bunch of much smaller semi-mobile camps that joined and split, in accordance to whatever understanding or trade agreement or alliance or rivalry their clan might have with other clans. These towns are still around despite how vastly different they are, and three of them are in the territory of a Tower- South Tower is the exception to this, since the southern toad population used to be so heavily intermixed with frogs they lived pretty equally spread inside the same township. Which oof, way to show how things change for the worst in a thousand years.
Pre-Andrias, taxes could be paid in both currency and bulk goods or productions- and they could make that work, because of the seemingly-infinite power source music box battery maintaining all their tech and infrastructure. Frequently, this was how toads paid their taxes- a bit harder to do pure currency payments, as well as y'know not rlly paying property taxes due to not privately owning much land.
(It was also, I want to note, supplemented by raiding rival or enemy clans, because they’re still a martial society- they aren’t peaceful nomads before Andrias fucked up everything, they’re violent and there’s inherent problems with gatekeeping someone from community aspects on the basis of whether or not they've killed something/own a weapon. Which we will get to the owning a weapon thing Also in a bit).
Buttttt after the box was stolen, there were a few policy changes. Taxes were required as coppers- ostensibly to bolster restructuring efforts now that the Calamity tech that was the fulcrum for their ENTIRE INFRASTRUCTURE was burglarized. Coppers hich they don’t have much use for and thus don't have much circulating… yeah. But hey, specifically military service can be offered instead of coppers for taxes, at least for toads and some newts. Doesn't hurt that offering an out from taxes via military enlistment keeps toads and some newts from kicking up a very bloody, very messy fuss while the whole 'I invented speciesism and an oppressive caste system because I'm mad at my girlfriend and boyfriend' thing was being pushed through to law. Between breaking the law with all the severe risk of a nasty punishment/heavy fine that entails, or military service with some Perks of Power for an already highly combative culture? Yeah, no-brainer for why we barely see any non-military toads on screen. (This entire thing is a pretty damn slick move when it comes to enforcing ranks and systems. And admittedly less hamfisted than what we see in modern canon because frankly I think Andrias stopped caring about being careful with his enforcement of it once it became more self-sustaining)
The very messy, very bloody messes did happen, btw. After the last rebellion early into Andrias's reign (mostly made up of toads and frogs working together. Man this just makes it even more depressing to see the state of things in modern eras), only toads that were either in training, currently enlisted, or veterans were allowed to own and carry weapons. Which, beyond the practical problems of 'Amphibia is a dangerous place with lots of things that want to kill, eat, and/or poison you', when toad rites of passage and traditions, up to and including standards for being considered and allowed to act as a legal adult, rely on the use, ownership, or exchange of weaponry and blades... hm. Oh dear.
It's even worse for the frogs btw. Unless a frog somehow ended up actively serving a military term (which they are discouraged to), frogs were disallowed weapons at all. Because de-fanging and controlling who is allowed to be armed is kinda one of the first steps to suppressing and controlling groups of people, with one of the OTHER steps being financially suppressing and controlling (see the taxes thing, upward movement being nearly impossible for frogs and toads). Also contributes to casualties for frogs being way higher than they used to, since if they're a law-abiding citizen and get caught by a hungry predator, or bandits on the road, or any number of things they cant just drive off with pitchforks and slingshots, they're kinda screwed! It's messed up! And it's usually disregarded by newts and toads, because frogs are light on their feet, quite springy, they can just run, yeah?
Fun fact tho, this makes the Plantar basement stash SUPER illegal for some spicy revolutionary reasons. Hell yes good for them.
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marciiarts · 1 year
Since Lorwolf has been out for a couple months now have a Lorwolf Guide/Review as a seasoned Flight Rising player
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Breeding mechanics:
- Seems to be very similar to FR. Wolves have different genes like accents and under coats that can be passed down to offspring via a rarity system.
- You can preview possible offspring when choosing which wolves to pair.
- There are 6 different breeds with different rarities including a Kickstarter breed. They look like various types of canines plus a bat-wolf hybrid breed called Volmyr that I am personally a big fan of.
- Eye color is another color value just like fur color. You can breed for specific eye colors and if you don't like an eye color you can buy an eye color scatter for just scattering eye color!
- Scrying dream wolves is possible using the Demo feature and fantastic.net also has a Lorwolf color predictor.
- Wolves have a breeding period of 3 days then you send the pregnant wolf to your nest to give birth in another 24 hours. Meaning you don't have to check in everyday to nest your pair. Breeding cool down varies by species.
- An interesting feature that Lorwolf has is studding out male wolves. It uses the same mechanics of selling wolves on the flea market to other users, but instead purchased wolves are used for breeding and are always in the possession of the wolf's owner. So you can breed with other users and still keep your wolf, though the offspring will belong to whomever purchased the wolf stud service.
- This is like FR coliseum. But the battles are auto-fought. No way to manually fight. Also levels your wolf.
- Only way, other than player trading, to get Wild Wolves (WW) which are similar to FR eggs, except they are fully grown and you can see their colors right away.
- Even if you come across a WW encounter, it is very unlikely they will want to join your pack. But even if they don't they will drop a token. 50 tokens can be used to make one WW.
- Trading 50 tokens is similar to trading eggs in that the colors have yet to be generated.
- Also includes a story mode!
- I don't find any of the activities to be the most enjoyable but they aren't annoying to do daily either and can be completed in a minute or less. All unlock more features as you gain experience for doing the activity. And most require an assigned wolf and an energy cost from that wolf.
- As of now, there are 6 different ones but the devs plan on adding more. They are:
- Fishing: a tap/click game with a minute timer. Rewards fish, and occasionally other materials.
- Crafting: sole method of getting apparel currently, aside from buying from other players.
- Mining: my current favorite. Involves clicking on a place to mine, waiting for your wolf to mine, then clicking your furnace to melt the ores and getting back a bar for every 5 one kind of ore you found.
- Cooking: you learn recipes by trying things to see if they are cook-able. Some items can only be cooked in combo with others. There are guides on what items can be cooked in what combos.
- Farming: you buy seeds, collect water and compost, then wait the time it takes for those crops to grow, then harvest. You don't need to do anything once they have started growing but adding more water and compost when the bar starts to get empty will yield more crops based on the amount you were able to add.
- Hunting: this is basically sending your wolf out on a hunt that will complete in a set time and then getting a mix of material and other rewards when the timer completes. There are more requirements then just energy cost the higher the hunt level is, but also better rewards.
- Also while not an "Activity" there is also a weekly pageant that lets you enter one wolf per week then the day after you enter a wolf, you can vote on a wolf once per day. Winners get currency and a medal apparel based on what rank you won, 1st, 2nd or 3rd.
- Similar to FR familiars. One companion per wolf and they can be leveled up.
- Different in that if you have multiple of one companion, you can have multiple wolves with the same companion.
- They can also be leveled faster since you can bond with them on a timer basis depending on their rarity with the lowest being every hour. And they can be leveled by exploring with them like a wolf would gain levels.
Tabs and slots
- Start off with 1 tab and 20 slots then you can purchase more tabs, each tab starting at 20 slots, using the premium currency similar to FR gems.
- On each tab, you can purchase more slots for an increasing amount of regular currency.
- Official apparel is limited and mainly gained by crafting and trading with other players.
- But there is a lot of customization in player made custom apparel. Unlike FR, this is not limited by the line work, meaning custom apparel can be a hat or a dog or a background that is not part of the wolf itself.
Final thoughts
- Wolves do not go hungry over time! Hunger bar is really an energy bar that is replenished with time or instantly with food, and used when performing actions like exploring and activities.
- Naming does not cost anything no matter how many times you rename. Happy no stress naming!
- Studding your wolves out is a very interesting feature that allows you to breed with other players while keeping your wolves.
- Nice to not have to check in everyday to progress getting offspring from a pair.
- Biggest issue is that content a bit limited since it is so new. Not many breeds, genes, apparel, or activities. And forums are not as active as FR forums.
- Devs are pretty good about communicating updates and plans for the future. They also have occasional polls to vote on the next thing they'll work on adding to Lorwolf.
- Also, my Lorwolf user is Vamp, friend me! Plus a referral link to get 100 x moonwater (a type of food) and a dog companion (once your total companion level hits 50) if you are interested in joining Lorwolf: https://www.lorwolf.com/Refer/6048
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thesoftestbloom · 3 months
Idk, I wanna talk about a character of mine from a D&D campaign that fell through and I never got to sew her story through.
I have an Air Genasi Circle of Dreams Druid, her name is Iatha Maraas and she comes from a nomadic community who has no concept of currency or nobility. She was the team heart and something I learned during the campaign from another player was that all the other characters were only seeing it through because of their shared love of her.
She had just had her ceremonial entrance into adulthood in her people's culture, set off from the fertile valleys and Plains her people roamed to seek out the strange world around her. Her elders taught her to respect a person on the fact that they lice and breathe, to give freedom to whomever asked for it and to never let anyone fall behind. Her elders taught her to share essentials and never hoard beyond need.
She loves embroidery, her otherwise simple white linen dress adorned with colourful stitches around the hem, thread is far easier to transport than bolts of fabric on the move. She loves music, dance, poetry, stories. Her people have strong oral tradition, every story passed down from one generation to the next.
They worship the seasons and the elements, her cousin clans following different seasons and elements. Her clan, the Maraas Clan, the Wind Folk, the Disciples of Spring, open to whomever wished to join, they visit small towns and villages, exchanging trinkets and labour to the townsfolk. Every Maraasi child learns the value of honest work and fair trade.
She is gentle, vibrant, excitable, naive, passionate and caring. She has no malice and wants no more than she already has, greed is not just a foreign concept to her, but an alien one. Yet she is vengeful and explosive, her intense care matched by her intense rage.
Her story would be about potential, her Tarot card is the Fool, taking her first steps into the great unknown, she has great power to heal and restore, but also the power of the storms, soil, seas and inferno.
I miss her a lot, I wish I had a sorry I could bring my sweet Iatha into, I hate seeing her stuck in limbo. There is so much more to her and her people and her culture and her cousin clans but I have nowhere for any of it to go other than my own head.
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mooniebunny · 1 year
Here I tried to translate to English all Cellbit's plan he showed on stream for people who don't understand Portuguese. I apologize if there's any misspelling i tried my best and English is not my first language :)
The trial was on Wednesday, 05/24. Cucurucho has no interest on the creative blocks and revealed that without even thinking twice during Bobby's negotiating.
They (Cucurucho) will not accept trade the blocks for the armor and any information we try to get in exchange for the block won't be a serious one and it will be useless for us.
But if we have a new surprise that even our side isn't waiting for maybe things will change. Cucurucho was the wrong one in the middle of the chaos. Maybe that's the secret.
The plan is to try use Forever rule break as a currency trading to make a direct conflict between FOREVER and ME, surprising Forever and Cucurucho in the negotiation and asking for Richarlyson custody as a way of "cheating" showing that I am willing to join the Federation and I don't have problems at antagonize my friends to protect Richarlyson and have him only for me.
Later, the idea of isolating myself from everybody for a day, create a castle of the evil darkness far from everyone only to see Cucurucho/Federation reaction, the codes and any possible impostor between us.
If anyone decided to ally with me it can be a suspect or someone who can't be trusted in the Order.
Update - Trial Day
Things got a little bit different than I have planned but the main plan worked. Instead of surprising with a betrayal during the trial, I used as an excuse the fact that they lied to me and tried to blackmailed me with the "Vivo" meme just to make a scene.
I took the opportunity to change my skin of defense lawyer to a district attorney to add more drama
It's a positive point because make it seem like i genuinely have a motivation/grudge with my friends and makes the Federation/Cucurucho less suspicious with my intentions, it doesn't look like i betrayed them "out of nowhere".
Considering that maybe the Federation watches the streams canonically to get the informations, i think that it was the best choice to do a narrative arc to have a big twist later.
As a prove that the plan wasn't a lie, I left a signed book for Richarlyson revealing my plan and i didn't risk to show it on stream.
Still very risky, considering that the Federation may have access to the items from the eggs but honestly it broke my heart see him (Richarlyson) sad and disappointed. I hope I don't regret this.
I also blocked people's access to Sofia to see how Max would react. I don't wanna suspect I suspect him but everything regarding her is very weird.
I will avoid mentioning her existence for the Federation and if they talk about this subject I'll try to avoid.
Important - The Codes
THE CODES attacked me a little after I "join" the Federation.
"01000011" - C
A code made exclusively to kill me? Practically ignore Richarlyson.
It strengthens the theory that the codes kill the ones who want people to stay in the island.
Final Plan
Luckily the federal will also wake me up in the hospital Max woke up. I'll try to persuade the best i can to get new informations.
Keep the conflict with the members of the Ordem and try to please to other members of the island with explanations on how I noticed life and the people on the island are better than the ones i had before and i don't wanna lose it. (They won't need to get involved into this.)
Use the event of the Richarlyson trial where maybe everybody will be there watching to reveal all the informations that I gathered from the Federation in from of all.
There, if they kill/arrest me I'll become I will become a martyr and all present will see the truth about the Federation.
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