#jojo's bizzare adventure matchups
lady-of-endless · 1 month
thank you also for the trade!! i’m so excited for it!! <3
okay so my name is anayeli but i also go by sora, im 16 and im hispanic! my pronouns are she/her, but my gender is unlabeled. my sign is aquarius and my personality type is INFP.
i’d like to be perceived as a stand user also, and i love animals sm (even if im allergic to them) iggy is one of my favs. im honestly pretty introverted and i usually only talk to people if they talk to me first, i like to stay indoors a lot but once im outside it’s hard to get me back inside. im honestly just like a big nerd and i have many childish interests and im really bad at hiding it. i tend to get burnt out a lot if im consistently socializing and i sleep a lot because of it LOL, but usually that’s enough to recharge my battery. i’m definitely a night owl and i love staying up until the sun rises, mornings are not for me i dread them the most. even still my makeup and hair is always done and i like to dress in like a y2k mcbling-ish style. i have a huge fear of driving for some reason im a designated passenger princess LOL. i don’t really play any sports but i do occasionally hit the gym. i’m honestly kind of a negative person i usually only speak badly of myself rather than highly. i listen to all kinds of weird music, ill literally listen to anything besides like normal mainstream, i cant function without it. i’m a big fan of video games even though i don’t get the chance to play them often. i’m honestly more book smart than street smart, im really slow and honestly kinda like dumb LOL. making decisions and pressure is not my thing. my love language is gift giving and physical touch, im not very good with words and get flustered easily 😭 but i also have a very sensitive temper when it comes to defending the people i love, and i also have enough self respect to defend myself, whether it be verbally or physically
tysm for reading!! i really hope it wasn’t too much 😭💞
Author's Note: My God, this was a hard one. Why? Because you seem such a nice and complex person. Again, I'm sorry for not being able to make up my mind and choosing two charters. Hope you'll enjoy this, thank you again for this trade! GIFs are not mine, I'm thanking the creators for them.
I match you with...
Muhammad Avdol
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- He is also more of a mediator in general and this will make you two get along well right from the start. Plus, as much as he tries to act as the voice of reason for the group he too has a sensitive temper sometimes.
- He is drawn to you because of your uniqueness and realness. He admires how in tune you are with your feelings. He understands when you need to take a step back and recharge your social batteries.
- I feel like you two would work surprisingly well. Despite him looking rather serious, he too likes to have a good laugh and engage in childish antics when he's in a good mood.
- Iggy admits that he only finds you and him the most pleasant to hang out with in the group, so when he notices the spark between you and Avdol, he's pleased.
- If Avdol finds you asleep, don't worry, NO ONE will get to disturb or wake you up because he'll make sure of that. Both he and Magician's Red who becomes very protective of you.
- As a professional fortune-teller, of course he'll ask the cards about how your dynamic will change in the future once he realizes that he's falling for you. Joseph catches him while doing that and it's game over for him. Poor Avdol won't be able to look at you affectionately from afar without Joseph winking at him and teasing him about his crush.
- Avdol doesn't mind the fact that decision-making is not your thing but the fact that you speak badly of yourself saddens him. He wishes to understand the reason why but won't be too demanding as he doesn't want you to feel pressured.
- He would find your style very unique and he'll be curious about that weird music you mentioned. He's curious and open-minded, of course, he wants to know more. Side by side, you two would make an interesting contrast. He'll even gift you one of his bracelets!
- He doesn't mind that you prefer not to drive. You'll be his passenger princess. He'll always keep your seat warm with Magician's Red ability.
And because I couldn't decide...
I also match you with...
Kakyoin Noriaki
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- If you and Avdol would work because of the contrast, you and Kakyoin would work because of some similarities you two have.
- He notices you because of how you defend the ones you care about and also yourself, despite having an introverted nature. It's something he admires.
- He's also introverted so it will take a lot for you too to warm up to each other. But once you do, everything gets so much fun.
- He too recharges his social batteries by sleeping so this will earn some playful teasing from the other crusaders about you two. Joseph, wanting to be the mature one, but failing, will make you two share a room when they make stops on the journey. Why? Because you both sleep a lot, no other reason, nope. Not because Joseph secretly wants to be a matchmaker, nooo.
- It hurts him to hear you speak badly of yourself when in his eyes, you're more than worthy of praise. He takes this matter into his hands and showers you with encouragement, compliments, and so on.
- Hierophant Green is very curious of you, don't be scared if you notice him staring at you or floating over your shoulder when Kakyoin lets him out.
- Aesthetically wise, he's such a big fan of Y2K style. Your outfits will make him feel butterflies in his stomach. Eventually, he wants to match your style somehow.
- The only drawback is that you'll have to fight for the title of passenger princess because he doesn't really like driving.
- You're enjoying video games and also being a night owl? You two will definitely spend so many nights playing video games together
And a random choice: N'Doul - he would meet you during that fight in the desert and he thinks you're different from the aggressiveness of the other crusaders. You spark his interest.
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starry-snippets · 1 year
ash + salt.
um. in a mood for angst. tw breakups <3  based off of autoheart’s “no beat to my heart” 
anyway jotaro x gender neutral reader angst 
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“I’m breaking up with you.” 
You’re on the rooftop, enjoying lunch together like you have since high school started. His chopsticks are still in your bento box after you both ate the one his mother prepared. A hand in his lap and his elbow resting on his thigh while he holds the cigarette he was smoking, he stares right into your eyes with an expression you can’t read. Jotaro isn’t scowling; his face is actually free from any emotion. Doesn’t make his gaze any less intense. 
You hate yourself for chuckling in shock, but with the influx of emotions you need some way to get it out before you break down sobbing. Feeling your lip quiver, you realize that weak laugh wouldn’t prevent you from breaking down on the rooftop where you were just laughing — just telling each other how much you loved them. Well, you said it first after he reached to hold your hands, not fighting the way you love to intertwine them. He nodded and clenched your hand which is normally his way of saying “I love you too.” 
“I don’t love you anymore.” 
Before he’s finished his words you’re tearing up. Nothing escapes your waterline, the little water you’ve had today rendering you unable to express how painful his words are. Jotaro stares deep into your eyes with his vibrant blue ones, that look along with his words piercing through your heart. He watches intently as your hands shake as your hold the bento box on your lap, and how his chopsticks have now rolled onto the floor. 
“It’s over.” 
Jotaro concludes before standing up, dropping the butt of his cigarette, and crushing it with the heel of his foot. You watch as the smoke diminishes, how the ashes leave a nasty smudge on the roof. He hasn’t left yet despite destroying his cigarette, so you stare at him with teary eyes and a blank expression. 
“I hate how you smoke. You’ll kill yourself.” 
You say as a, perhaps petty, confession to… maybe retaliate against him breaking up with you. Jotaro mutters his catchline in a tone you’ve never heard him use towards you. The same tone he uses whenever his groupies are trying to cling to his side, trying to convince him to date them. You watch with glossy eyes as Jotaro heads back inside.
Leaving you with the smell of cigarette smoke and an unbearable burn spreading from your chest to your face. 
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strawmariee · 2 months
Oi! Vi que esta tendo um machup event e quis participar, peço alguém de jjba porfavor
Eu tenho cabelo marrom com raccoon stripes (tipo os pelos de um guaxinim, meu cabelo é marrom e tem essas mechas laranjas :p) meus olhos são cor de mel, eu tenho sardas e tenho uma cicatriz na parte de cima do meu lábio esquerdo :p meus dentes são amarelos (uma insegurança minha tbm)
Eu sou bem agitada, tenho hiperatividade e ansiedade, as vezes me controlo por causa de remédio, mas enfim
Sou bisexual!
Gosto muito de jogos, metal, rock, anime, RPG, marvel, dc :D
Eu sou mestre em um RPG, e sou programadora :D
Se não quiser responder tudo bem :D
Oláaa anon, você foi a primeira a contratar meus serviços de cupido! Lendo suas características eu confesso que ao todo pensei em 4 combinações. No entanto, em minha opinião, a melhor escolha foi...
Joseph Joestar!!
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Ele foi a minha segunda escolha para seu par, no entanto, depois de ler suas características eu tinha que escolher ele!
Ele com certeza te chamaria de guaxinim por causa do seu cabelo e, em qualquer momento que pudesse, ele ficaria enrolando sua mecha em seu dedo!
Não estranhe se algum dia você acordar com uma máscara preta em seus olhos e ver Joseph te encarando com um sorrisinho diabólico e segurando uma câmera.
Ele com certeza faz isso pra te provocar, mas essa é apenas a linguagem de amor dele.
Isso é segredo mas ele guardaria essa foto na carteira dele para ele sempre ver seu rostinho quando sentisse sua falta—
Se caso algum dia você falasse pra ele sobre a sua insegurança com seus dentes, ele apenas te responderia com algum elogio, sabe? Esse foi o diálogo que pensei: "Sabe Jojo, eu não gosto dos meus dentes, eles são tão feios e—" "E daí? Você ainda continua sendo uma puta de uma gostosa, minha tchutchuquinha." "...Por que eu ainda conto essas coisas pra você?"
Mas apesar de ele ser um completo idiota de 1,95 cm, ele também pode ser sério quando precisa ser.
Um exemplo é nos momentos em que você se sentir mal ou ansiosa. Eu imagino que ele ficaria preocupado e tentaria fazer alguma palhaçada pra você rir ou se animar um pouco.
Mas caso isso não resolvesse, ele apenas te abraçaria e te aqueceria entre os braços dele, como se os usasse de escudo pra te proteger das crueldades do mundo.
Acho que seria um dos poucos momentos em que ele ficaria quieto, para caso você quisesse desabafar com ele. Mas se você não quisesse, ele só ficaria acariciando seus cabelos enquanto apoia o queixo no topo de sua cabeça.
Em uma modern AU, você dois veriam filmes ou leriam quadrinhos da DC ou Marvel juntos, afinal, ele também tem esse lado nerd e ele adoraria o fato de você ter também!
Pros eventos de animes vocês iriam com fantasias dos seus heróis favoritos, e nada me tira da cabeça que ele iria ou de Super-Homem ou Homem de Ferro!
Ele com certeza também gostaria de ouvir rock com você! (Só cuidado se tocar alguma música da banda ACDC ou The Cars)
Você é uma mestre no RPG? Joseph com certeza burlaria isso! Sabemos que ele tem algumas cartas nas mangas quando luta com inimigos, e isso não é diferente nos jogos!
Ele com certeza esconderia peças, cartas e manipularia o jogo ao favor dele, e com certeza ele teria um sorriso do tipo "Haha, esse jogo já está no papo."
E quando ele descobrisse que você é programadora, ele com certeza se aproveitaria disso. Como? Ele te pediria pra programar alguma coisa no computador do Caesar, algo pra zoar com a cara dele.
Eu não sei se isso é possível pois meu conhecimento pra programação é nulo, mas só imaginei em um belo dia o Caesar indo abrir seu notebook pra fazer algum trabalho e no momento que o computador liga uma voz diz "IH, alá o gay!!".
A cara do Caesar seria impagável, e se Joseph visse ele com certeza já estaria montando o casamento de vocês porque, a partir daquele momento, você já foi considerada sua parceira de crime pelo resto da vida.
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toyafreethoughts · 8 months
Hello again! I am here for the match up trade we spoke about; the fandoms I would like to be romantically matched up in are HXH(no Hisoka!!!!), black butler, jjba(part 4), One piece, Oran high school host club, danganronpa 2, final fantasy 7, devil man cry baby, demon slayer(I would love a demon), and blue lock. 
I am panromantic with a male lean, I don’t really care for pronouns(but I mainly use she/her), and I’m an ISTP Aquarius.
I have chin length curly blonde hair with green eyes and ivory skin tone; I’m extremely insecure about my face and body. I’m 5’5” with a mixed grunge aesthetic. I’m built strong and stocky with longer legs. I have scars on my shoulders and back that I’m not a fan of showing to people.
I am relatively an introvert and tend to keep to myself and the people I care for, I enjoy having my time alone but I enjoy having verbal and physical connectings with others. I am quite nice and enjoyable to be around but if you start off or get off on the wrong foot with me at any time it is very hard to change that. I do have a slight bit of anger issues and will lash out at those who tick me off. I protective over those I care for and will do anything to make sure they are happy, even if it means I’m not. I can also be pretty chaotic and have surges of energy; but those drop quickly
I enjoy music like grunge, rock, indie and alternative, but I will listen to most others if I’m introduced to it. I enjoy drawing both digitally and on paper along with story writing and making characters. I enjoy nature and bug anatomy(but I love staying inside all warm and comfortable on my couch). I love cooking and baking by myself and with other people and I enjoy just talking with others about what we like to each other
I dislike red meats, people who are full of themselves or wanting to be topic of conversation always, people who are loud and noise for no reason at all. I dislike being out in public for long periods of time and I dislike disloyalty in relationships.
If I were to think of my ideal partner, I want someone who is loyal to me, who will always be there for me when I need them. I want to be able to be both best friends with them and partners with them. I want someone who can keep up with me but also just cuddle with me and be there. I want someone who won’t right away trust me, but I want someone who once they will, they will be open with me so I can help them with what ever they need help with. 
Have a good day/night and just text me if you need anything!!
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Ladies, Gentleman, and Non-Bianary Pals we interrupt your day with a special trade matchup for @therapy-ghost !!
A/N: thank you so much for your patience Ms. Ghost :) i hope you enjoy all your matchups as much as possible—! Let’s start this.
Songs I was listening to: Mind Brand - Maretu, Dispair Incident - Sumia, every pill - kets4eki, asteria and pedro, Tricky House - Xikers, CAKE - Itzy, Vegas - Doja Cat, STAR WALKIN’ - Lil Nas X, Congratulations - Post Malone
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Your HXH partner will be…
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In my opinion, i think the two of you would just vibe together you two got along together pretty quickly, you guys would have a lot of conversations on anything important or not they were always the best.
He can also stand your chaotic energy, though it would probably tire him out.
Even though he sees his victims as puppets he would never think that way with you at all, you made him feel something he never felt for ages, I don’t think he would do any PDA but when y’all are in a private area he will be very, very affectionate with you.
He would also listen to anything your listening to such as rock, indie, alternative music, whatever it is and even if it isn’t to his tastes he would say anything and just relax with you.
Your Black Butler partner is no other than…
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While he is a eccentric and enigmatic person while you are a nice and somewhat chaotic person you’d both be perfect for each other!
He will always giggle whenever you guys are having conversations, he’s not like laughing at you of course, it just means he enjoys having chats with you.
You guys will always be a chaotic pair, sometimes you even prank people (mostly ciel) and you guys will be laughing your asses off! There’s no doubt that this is probably his first romantic relationship he will always stay loyal to you, why wouldn’t you think he wouldn’t? There’s no other person out there like you—!
He would also admire you drawing, cooking, baking and etc, he would love to taste test with whatever you cooked! Or if you drew something and gave it to him he’ll forever treasure it and protect it with his life.
Your JJBA partner is…
Josuke Higashikata!
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This was a little bit hard for me but after some thinking I thought Josuke would be a good match for you! You guys didn’t really start off bad in my opinion, i think that he was very respecting of your angerness and decided to say hi to you and have a conversation and then it went on from there!
I think you both are very protective of each other, i also think that if he see’s anyone trying to flirt with you he’ll be boiling with jealousy, but I think you would comfort him anyways and he’ll be okay for the rest of the day :)
You guys are like the best friends to lovers troupe lol, he started falling more in love with you when he would always have conversations with you and also because of your fascinating personality.
If you’ve been out in public for to long and you ask your boyfriend, josuke, if you can go home he’ll be taking you back home without a word or complaint.
Your One Piece partner is…
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Honestly, I feel like he’s a great match for you, he’s super friendly and charismatic towards you, but by 20x more times :) he enjoys having a lot of connecting conversations with you, its probably the king enjoyable part about his day to just be able to talk to his loved one.
He is very caring towards you, you say you wanna go home? Right away!, To many people? He’ll take you to a more quieter place then! He can also vibe with your chaotic aura, he’ll probably join you if he’s in the mood.
He would also love taking you on walks through a forest to see your face light up with excitement when you see a beautiful view in nature.
He super appreciative of your caring attitude, he’s forever grateful when he’s in the arms of your care and he’ll be happy to do the same in return for all your love.
Your Ouran High School Host Club Sweetheart is…
Kyoya Ootori
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Your so lucky to have this man holy moly, super okay with your anger issues, if you even get mad at tamaki he wouldn’t complain at all.
Whenever he’s on break and everything, he loves having his conversations with you, you were also his favorite customer and somehow you started dating him?!?! what did he ever do to deserve such a caring girlfriend like you… anyways, he’s like the mother figure to the club and since your also a card taker the entire club will be begging for both of your help.
He’s someone who will be there with you no matter what happens, if something bad ever happens he’ll tell you who hurted you and will have a nice little “chat” with them :) if that’s not the case and you don’t feel like talking if that happens he’ll go and get some tea and cookies for you both pull you into a hug and let you cry on his shoulder until your ready to talk.
Your Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair Partner is…
Gundham Tanaka!
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This was a little hard but I also thought of Kazuichi for you but I wasn’t sure if it was the best choice so it’ll go in my little round-ups when you finish this, but honestly, you both seem to be chill with each other!
He honestly enjoys having conversations with you! But also, he also loves your creativity for your art! He also loves your story writing to and he also hopes you enjoy his creativity as well since I know that he would want someone who appreciates his creativity, also he’s a gentleman, there will never be a time he’s disloyal to you, that’s a nono.
He also loves your appearance, he doesn’t see a reason why you would dislike the way you look, he’ll be happy to show you that your beautiful no matter what, he’ll show you in many ways.
He’s not someone who shows any affection in public, but in private he’ll show you a lot but he’ll be super flustered and hide his face in his magenta/purple-ish scarf, also he only trusts you with his pets! thats how much he loves you :)
Your Final Fantasy 7 partner is…
Cloud Strife!
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In my opinion, it just made sense to me, let me explain why, with your polite demeanor it’ll make him slowly come out of his shell a little, not fully but a little! It’s a good process, when you also start holding conversations, he probably won’t talk a lot but if you keep doing it more he’ll start talking and then he’ll be able to have his trust with you.
Even though you both have very different personality’s it doesn’t change the fact how well you guys get along, after a lot of his tragic pasts he wasn’t really the same, but since you came along you’ve been making things a lot better for him, you would always comfort him anyway possible and he’s beyond also grateful, even if he doesn’t talk a lot or show much emotions he wants you to know that he’s always there for you, he’s also very protective of you and make sure nothing will happen.
He would also love your cooking too, honestly make him anything and when you look away the food is already gone, no he did not throw it away, he ate it like it was his last meal.
Your Devilman Crybaby partner is…
Akira Fudo!
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Honestly, I think he needed someone like you in his life, he was bullied for being a “crybaby” a lot, he would cry on anyone’s behalf, including yours, you were concerned and you wanted to help of course, he appreciates it a lot but it wouldn’t stop, but you’ll always be there for him. :)
He’s super happy that he has someone who cares for him like he would do for you to! (sometimes in questionable ways, but not all the time for you!), after some time he feels a strong sense of loyalty towards you and decides to keep it that way for you!
I think he would also like listening to rock music (he gives me the vibes kinda), so I think when you guys are hanging out there’ll be some rock music being played softly in the background while you guys are handing around.
As soon as you guys get into a romantic relationship he’ll trust you with all of his life after that, he now thinks that there’s no one else for him then you now and will make sure to keep you with him forever <3
Your Demon Slayer Matchup is…
I also thought of Douma but he does make others feel uncomfortable about themselves so I didn’t think that was a good option so I thought that Enmu would be a good match for you! Even with his sadistic behaviors, if your a demon he’ll be sure to respect you if you tell him so otherwise.
He’s absolutely in love with your appearance, he always kisses your face whenever your near him, he also loves your personality as well! it’s very dominating so I think it’s another reason why I paired you with him.
Since he’s your boyfriend, if you ever have any bad dreams he’ll always chase them away and promise you good and happy dreams whenever you have them, and thats a promise he’ll never break towards you, that’s his way of comforting you.
And lastly, Your Blue Lock Partner is no other then…
Yoichi Isagi!
His cheerful and easygoing personality was good enough to know that he would be your beloved boyfriend ^-^ his innocent habits probably don’t get on your nerves but mostly on other people, he’s also very loyal to you as well.
He will also love being your best friend too! Another best friends to lovers troupe here lol, he also loves watching you do draw, cook and anything really, he enjoys rambling about anything to you, mostly about his soccer games.
He also loves if you drive him to his games and listen to any music on the way there, and maybe you guys go get something to drink, either from a coffee shop or gas station, and y’all would just have a lot of fun anyways!
Round-ups: Gon (Hunter X Hunter), William T. Spears (Black Butler), Tamaki Suoh (Ouran High School Host Club), Aerith Gainsborough (Final Fantasy 7), Douma (Demon Slayer).
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smashingdollz · 8 months
Can I ask for a match up (adult man) from JJBA Part 5 & Pokémon Sword and Shield pls? I'm a straight female. I'm shy, timid, quiet & polite to strangers. With people I'm comfortable with, I'm loud, outgoing, playful, mature, responsible, motherly(to naughty friends), childlike(to mature friends/family) and sarcastic (unintentionally). I'm kinda tomboyish as I wear over-sized t-shirts, baggy pants, sneakers but don't play sports or video games. I'm kinda perverted which contrasts my innocent & baby face. I keep it to myself though. I'm a slow learner, not smart, not strong, and not talented. I'm pretty dense, straightforward and naive too. I get confused or misunderstand what people mean easily so it's best if you tell me straight to my face so I can't be mistaken. I'm also touch starved as I love giving & receiving affection but I only can hug one person and even then, I do my best to not overdo it. I'm a hopeless romantic, sensitive, & overthink often. I work as hard as I can & try my best & be careful as I can to everything I do, as I'm pretty clumsy & makes mistakes more often than most people. I try to help my family and friends as they've helped me & cared for me dearly. I don't believe in compliments I get occasionally or why my family & friends care for me because I don't see good things in myself only bad things. My hobbies are drawing, reading manga, fanfics, and watching anime, movies, & cartoons. Please & thank you! - 🌠 anon
hi hi! hope you like who i matched you up with! I added the Spiderman ATSV/ITSV like you asked
let’s start off with…
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𝐁𝐫𝐮𝐧𝐨 𝐁𝐮𝐜𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐢 !
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-Bruno absolutely loves the way you act like a mother to your misbehaving friends, he finds it very relatable. but he also enjoys and doesn't mind your childlike side, i mean he basically takes care of grown children everyday. but with you he doesn't mind it at all, in fact he finds it quite cute.
-He honestly doesn't mind what you wear, bit considering that he has lots of money he'd get you some nice clothing and stuff, but if you don't want to wear it he wont force you too. if anyone were to give a negative comment on what you're wearing he'd glare at them and tell them to back off.
-I believe that Bruno is a very patient and straightforward person. for you he would say what he needs to say even if it sounds a bit harsh, but he'd say it in a nice way, if that makes any sense.
-Bruno would absolutely kill for your affection, he doesn't care if you overdue it and just cling onto him all day. but he does understand if you don't want to overdue your affection and will respect your boundaries. The two of you could both be hopeless romantics together. he'd communicate a lot with you to make sure you don't overthink anything or get the wrong idea whenever he says anything that can be taken out of context.
-he gets the feeling of self doubt and not feeling like you're enough and that all the positive things and words in your life is not genuine, but he hates it when other people feel the same way, especially when you feel like that. he would compliment you all the time, even for the most smallest hings, and he's genuine about them too. he hopes that you soon find your worth and believe that everything hes saying about you he means in the most genuine loving way possible. he wants you to see the good in yourself, he wants you to see what he sees.
𝐏𝐢𝐞𝐫𝐬 !
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-I feel like the two of you have a somewhat "don't care" attitude. he'd laugh and snicker at how sarcastic and straightforward you are. well maybe not laugh at you exactly but to whoever you might be talking to
-he'd admire your clothes, even if they're the most simplest plain pieces of clothing ever, he'd say something like, "simple is best, i like simple" he'd also draw on random small designs on random places of your pants or shirt, if you're comfortable with it of course, and it always with something that can be washed off.
-I feel like Piers isn't too much of a touchy person when it comes for showing affection. he'd rather gift you something, whether it be bought or found, he'd say "this really reminded me of you, so i got it for you" or "i know you like stuff like this. but he would absolutely never miss out on a hug from you.
-he'd love doing any of your hobbies with you, if you want him too of course. while you're reading manga or drawing he'd just give you your space and look over your shoulder from time to time to see what progress you made, this would go on until you tell him he could sit down next to you.
-I feel as if Piers is somewhat pretty straightforward person, he would say what he needs to say but in a nice way, like if he needs to hold back on saying something he will. but he would never need to hold back anything from you, he would talk to you with the upmost respect, while also being as straightforward as possible to avoid any miscommunication.
𝐏𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐁. 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐤𝐞𝐫 !
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-he honestly doesn't care what you wear, because the two of you would most likely be wearing the exact same thing, but i feel like his would be a bit more torn and messy...
-he would absolutely love doing nothing with you, just sitting there watching movies and stuff, because you just being there is enough for him. he would love watching you draw, he'd just silently watch your hands and fingers as they grip the pencil and slide across the paper. while drawing he would say "wow you're so good, i can barley draw stick figures" and while you're reading mange he would be like "so its like a comic book but backwards?"
-he also feels the same way when it comes to compliments and not being able to see the good things in himself, i mean his flashback in the movie says it all. but he doesn't want you to feel the same way too. that being said, he would always try to find a way to compliment you or anything you do, even if its the most simple thing like you combing your hair, he's say "you're hair looks beautiful today, well actually it does everyday-" and hes 100% genuine about it. he just wants you to see the good in yourself the same way he does.
-one complication i can see from him is that he is not a straightforward person at all, he's the type to accept a wrong order than to tell the waiter his order is wrong (me too though). he'd kinda stir away from what he needs to say which will lead to another topic. so he wont be upset with you for being confused or anything because he know that the miscommunication comes from him.
-he admires how you work hard and do your best. and that you always try you best to help out the ones who are close to you. even if you're clumsy and make mistakes. he'll always reassure you that the people you help out are grateful for all that you do and he says that sometimes all you can do for someone is be there for them and do your best to help them out.
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thank you for putting in a request for the matchup! i had lots of fun doing this, i hope you enjoyed it as much as i did!
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dilfartist · 2 years
Hello! Just call me Yuyuko. Now, for the Yangame… I’ll admit, I’m childish and a little selfish, but I still have empathy and common sense. I am overly energetic, and it annoys people a lot, but I can’t help it! I am struggling to find who I really am. I am just barely an adult, I turned 18 a few weeks ago! As for who I like… someone who can handle me, and will accept that I just want to be alone sometimes. And I have breakdowns sometimes too. And the AU? Voice in head. Ok bye!
“Your soulmate is...” the fortune-teller stops mid-sentence. A piece of paper is pushed out of a small slit next to the palm reader.
Guido Mista
The first time you ever spoke to your soulmate was a moment you could never forget. When the clock struck twelve and you finally turned fourteen, your head was flooded with excited rambling from what sounded like a boy your age. The boy had a very whiny voice and you heard his voice crack ever so often. The most noticeable feature of his voice was his thick accent. You asked him about it and he also told you he noticed you had an accent as well. Mista, your soulmate, explained when your soulmate speaks a different language your brain will translate the language into your own; unfortunately, it won't work when you meet. Mista then promised before you both met he’d learn your language. You and Mista grew up together. You both were practically inseparable. Well, that's what you thought. When Mista and you hit the age of seventeen, Mista became distant, till one day he stopped talking to you completely. A day turned into days, days turned into months, and months turned into a year. You had gotten over the pain of your soulmate ghosting you and couldn't care much about his existence.
“Yuyuko!” you heard someone greet. You felt butterflies. You knew that voice from anywhere. “...Mista?” you reluctantly answered back, unsure if your mind was playing tricks on you. “Yuyuko, it's me! I had the time off for once and I decided to talk to you!”
You and Mista conversed for a long time. “Why are you just now, out of blue, talking to me after a year of no communication?” Mista grew silent. Mista’s tone softens, “well, a lot of bizarre events have happened over the year. Now things have calmed down, I want to finally see you! We’re both eighteen and I'll be able to purchase us a fancy house. So, I sent you plane tickets to Naples. When you leave the plane I'll be waiting for you; we’ll go out to eat at the most beautiful restaurant in Naples! Then you can meet my friend-” you cut Mista off before he went on a rant. “I’m not going.” Mista stopped talking, “what?” “You can't just expect me to go with you after you abandoned me, Mista! I wanted us to be together and do all of those things, but you ruined it for both of us. I don't want you in my life. I've already gotten over you.”
“Who said you had a choice? Don't make me send someone to make sure you get on the plane. A friend of mine can make it happen if needed.”
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abellaheart-blog · 2 years
A fine day or night to you, Abella! I found your matchmaking offer, and it piqued my interest so much that I wanted to give it a try!
Well then, for the deals you kindly offer, I'll pick...
Tea Reading
My favorite tea is a lukewarm cup of rose tea.
Animal? A norwegian forest cat! I do have soft spots for fluffy animals other than cats however.
The third question... I would say future.
Good Luck Charm
I choose the hair clip. The style is a ribbon hair clip made from silk or satin, preferably the ribbon's length is medium or long.
Love Fortune
I'm curious of what will the crystal show...
And-- oh! I see you also have some matchup questions for me, let's see...
I am a she/her
My hair is black, and my eyes are also black (very dark brown). And my height is 155cm.
I'd prefer to be matched with a male, thank you very much! I'm demisexual and demiromantic.
I'm in my late teen years.
I'd like empathy in a person, even a little bit is fine. I found it attractive if a person is caring or having wit and intelligence, but those specific traits aren't too necessary to make me fall in love as long as they have other positive traits, and they are accepting or affectionate toward me, those three traits are just a bonus. Oh! And I am attracted to a pair of pretty eyes!
Hydrangea is my favorite, especially blue ones.
Hmm... good question. While I don't mind to be matched with someone cold-hearted or cruel, I don't like someone who likes to hurt or torture others, more so for fun, you can take Cioccolata or J. Geil for example.
An antagonist? I don't mind!
Lastly, if you would be so kind, then Golden Wind/Vento Aureo it is!
Thank you for your kind services, Abella! I'm looking forward for your fortune-telling~♡
Fortune Teller Match Maker 🔮 Anime Matchups 💘
I’m glad I caught your interest in my anime Matchups. It’s nice seeing you in my Matchups. I look forward to writing this. I hope you like your matchup/fic 💗 Your very welcome 😌 you have a fine day/night as well.
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Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure Golden Wind
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Upon your first request Abella’s eyes light up. A love fortune will certainly be romantic. To have a potential future lover revealed to you is truly exciting. She has you take a seat on a stack of square shaped cushions in front of her round purple table near the center of the tent. She clears the items on her table by waving her hand above it, causing pink smoke to clear the area. When the pink smoke disappears all that is left behind is a hot pink crystal ball.
Your brown eyes widen at the display but Abella pays no mind to your reaction. She seats herself across on you a orange round stool. She explains how the reading is more accurate if you hold her hand. She also explains she can simply place her hand on top of your own if it makes you more comfortable. Once you hold her hand she places her other hand on the crystal ball so she can begin the love fortune.
"To find your true love we'll need to find out who the lucky man is."
She closes her eyes focusing on your love fortune. The hearts across her face light up a pink color as does the rose symbol on the ground. You realize your short dark locks are floating in the air. Abella's curls surround her floating effortlessly. You feel a tug at your soul and possibly your stand as well. There’s no danger but you feel as though letting go of Abella's hand would lead to danger somehow.
“I see... you it true love is a not what I expected until his personality was revealed. He’s a mafioso but more importantly he’s a man with all the qualities you’re looking for.”
You look at the crystal ball to see an image of a young man with shoulder length strawberry blonde hair. His eyes are a bright amethyst with long lashes. His expression is serious but his whole appearance is more formal. He wears a green suit with holes and a strawberry tie.
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“His name is Fugo Panacotta. He’s an intellectual man and a gentleman. Though I see a bit of darkness in his soul it stems from a harsh upbringing. I do believe he’d be caring and affectionate once he gets over his shyness. He will be caring and loving towards you.”
You take in all her words thinking he sounds like a good match so far. Abella removes her hand from the crystal ball and it’s no longer glowing. The rose symbol on the floor is gone. She opens her eyes looking over to you, the hearts on her face no longer glowing.
“Though your true love I still have a bit of a warning. He may have an explosive anger but it truly stems from his sadness. He wouldn’t direct it toward you. He’s a soul with plenty of love, yes but he needs time to heal from his past. I think with you at his side he would be able to move on. It won’t be easy for him but once he heals his heart will be in your hands.”
Abella gives you another moment to take in all her words. She snaps her fingers causing the crystal ball to disappear in a puff of smoke. She asks you of your next request to which you ask for a tea reading. Her eyes light up, looking forward to what your reading could possibly be. She asks you what tea you’d like.
“Rose tea? An excellent choice. Red roses are oh so romantic. I have the perfect batch of loose rose petal tea.”
She snaps her fingers again and this time you notice several items on her table. A white teapot with red and pink hearts, a pink teacup with several designs in its interior, and a container for loose leaves rose tea. She pours the tea leaves in the teacup and begins her instructions.
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"Once your tea is at the perfect temperature to drink, I'll need you to ponder a question for this tea reading. Do not share it with me. I'll need you to think of the question and to pick one before you finish drinking. Leave about a tablespoon of tea left behind in the cup." She then looks over to you remembering an important detail. "Do remember this reading will be about romance, a question leading to romance sounds most appropriate since its why you're here."
The hearts on her face are glowing while her eyes are closed. She is reflecting on her intentions and begins transferring her energy into the tea leaves. She then looks over to you while setting down the teacup in front of you. You drink your tea once she hands you the saucer and cup. You leave a tablespoon of liquid in the cup while thinking of your question.
"Can I know what type of relationship I'll have in the future?" You finally decide on this question in your thoughts.
Abella gently picks up the teacup and saucer. She uses her left hand to swirl the tea left to right three times. Slowly the fortune teller carefully inverts the cup over the pink saucer. She closes her eyes for one minute, you notice the hearts on her face are glowing so it was intentional. Once she opens her eyes she rotates the cup three times again. She turns the cup upright, positioning the handle south. 
She obverses remains of the tea leaves inside the cup. The aroma was very pleasant it smells of a rose garden and the tea is a calming brew to smell. She reveals an image of cat however it's similar to a norwegian forest cat. The tea leaves appear to be at the center of the cup. Your brown eyes look over the leaves at the cute image of the feline. Abella is also smiling, hoping you'll like her reading.
"This means you are honest about your feelings and opinions. Sometimes people are taken aback by what you say. In love this will be very good for you as honesty will lead to good communication. A good relationship is ahead of you because of this."
You take in her words with a smile. The hearts on her face are no longer glowing. She then asks you of your next request. When you ask her of your next request her eyes light up. She immediately runs over to the other part of her tent where you see shelves of stacked goods. She grabs wooden boxes from the shelves. Three small wooden boxes are set down on the table in front of you.
"This will be so exciting. I have various kinds of good luck charms that will be of help to you."
She sits across you and begins to help you choose. She waves her hand over the boxes. You notice the rose symbol on the ground again and her hearts across her face glowing the same color. The boxes also glow and they're a purple color. You're unsure of what she did but you wait until her instructions.
"Choose from these boxes. Be sure to pick one that feels right to you. Once you're done I can tell you how it will help you in getting true love."
You feel a wave come over you when your hand is hovering over each box. You feel a sense of vulnerability and warmth when you touch one of the boxes. You choose this box and Abella gestures you to open it. She waves her hand and the other boxes disappear in a puff of pink smoke.
"It's a hair clip?" You question, observing the purple box.
"Yes you should wear it." Abella reassures you.
The hair clip is a light blue silk bow with a few tassels on it. The white and light blue ribbons are long meanwhile the bow has white floral details. Abella knows why you're given such a good luck charm, for it means you will promote feelings of tranquility. The color is peaceful and calming therefore others around you will most likely seek such peace. It will also make a good impression.
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"This good luck charm will help you in your pursuit for love. It seems your true love faces a lot of darkness and this ribbon will aid both of you. Your true love will requires a peaceful environment which will be necessary for him to realize his feelings for you."
You put the hair clip on while listening to her words. She then guides you to the center of the tent once you're done. She thinks it goes well with the dress you wear. The rose symbol on the ground appears again and the hearts across her cheeks glow. This time you see a white portal at the center.
"This will lead you to your true love. I must warn you to remember about the darkness in his life and to remember there must be a lot of trust and understanding for him to realize his feelings for you. If today doesn't work out don't be disheartened. I wish you the best."
You give her your thanks before entering the portal. When you open your eyes you're back in the streets of Naples. It's still day time out so you decide to wander around. You turn a corner bumping into Fugo. He looks surprised and gently apologizes. You didn't think you would see him so soon. Your brown eyes are wide seeing the real deal. He seems to look troubled. You notice his cheek is bleeding.
"Your bleeding. Are you okay?"
You gasp when he passes out. You hear a bunch of men not too far away looking for him. You remember Abella mentioning he is a mafioso. Your short self goes behind him lifting him by the arms to drag him to an alley to hide. Thankfully the men pass by running the other direction. It was nerve wracking since they looked so dangerous. You're sure you saw at least four out of the five men holding a gun.
You look back to Fugo who is bleeding at his abdomen. It was a stab wound. His cheek and wrist are also bleeding. You use your handkerchief to dab the blood off his face and wrist. You rip the bottom of your skirt to use for his wound. This wasn't the encounter you expected to have with him at all. You remember the good luck charm you're wearing, thankful for its luck.
It wasn't long until he woke up. He is confused until he remembers everything. He's looking around but as he does so his purple eyes look back over to you. He remembers you as well. You begin to explain all that happened after he passed out. He looks to his bandaged up wounds in appreciation.
"I apologize for causing you so much trouble. Thank you for treating my wounds."
"Your welcome."
As he is about to leave two men confront him. Thankfully it was only the two but they look as surprised as he is they found him. He summons his stand since they draw their guns. Purple haze unleashes several attacks. His stand disappears but it was a bit crazy seeing another persons stand in action. Fugo looks back over to you so he can check if you're uninjured. You reassure him you're not hurt.
"I'm okay, thanks."
Fugo looks back to his abdomen thankful you dressed his wounds. He realizes your skirt is ripped when he looks over to his abdomen noticing it is also the same color as the wrapping around him.
"You used your skirt for my wound.."
"Don't worry about it. I couldn't let you bleed out."
He smiled in gratitude. His phone beeps indicating text messages. In them he receives word from the rest of his team. They took care of the other mafioso. He informs them he did the same and they explain how the mission is complete, they can head back. Fugo looks over to you pondering for a moment. He sends one last text before grabbing your attention.
"I'm very thankful for your help.. would you care for some gelato or a pastry..?" He looked so nervous asking.
You don't miss the shy blush across his face. You humbly accept as long as his injuries aren't too bad. He removes the wrapping and its shown he is no longer bleeding. You grab your handkerchief from your pocket offering it to him so he can wipe off the blood. He thanks you, wiping off the blood.
After grabbing a treat of your choice you two are walking along the streets of Naples. You found Fugo to be a pleasant date. He's intellectual and empathetic he felt horrible for putting you in such a dangerous situation. He also apologized about your lovely dress. He went as far as complimenting your dress. You kept telling him it was fine and he made up for all of it by being an excellent date to which he became bashful about.
He was thankful he got to go on a date with you. He had such a rough day since todays tasks were grueling. He was happy getting to relax. While enjoying the treat he got you he thought about how gorgeous you look. He admired your brown eyes and locks of dark hair. He thought your beauty mark also added to your lovely appearance. He enjoyed talking to you as well. You're a wonderful date he hopes to impressive.
After chatting together for a couple hours he asks to walk you back. You accept and while doing so he nervously asks you if you'd like to join him on another date. You giggled at how cute he is and agreed. When you got to your destination your short self had to step on your tiptoes since he's a bit out of your reach to be able to give his cheek a kiss. You made sure to remind him how nice the date was as you walked off, leaving him stunned but he was smiling not minding the lip print on his face.
You head toward Abella's tent since you desired to thank her. You're beyond happy about the date with Fugo. When you arrive at her tent she is happy to see you. She greets you and asks how your evening went. You tell her about the date which she was excited to hear about. After you're done chatting she goes over to her planter pick a flower. She goes over to you offering you a blue hydrangea.
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"This is for you, friend. May your days be filled with joy and you find the path to true love soon."
You accept the flower thanking her. You keep in mind all Abella has told you about Fugo before leaving. Abella knew the relationship you'll have with Fugo would go well. Blue hydrangeas have many meanings but she gave it to you for it's gratitude, grace, and beauty. She knows you'll soon reach the path of love with Fugo.
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Welcome to Tournament of the Twinks!
Characters included in the bracket
Round 1 A & B has ended
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Round 1 C & D has ended
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Round 1 E is up! & F is up!
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Round 1 G & H tba
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Links to polls under the cut
Round 1E
Matchup 1: Noise from Roleslaying with Roman vs Yukito from Cardcaptor Sakura
Matchup 2: Al Leon from Appare-Ranman! vs Ingo from Pokemon
Matchup 3: Oscar from Tea for Two vs Kajiyama Fuuta from MILGRAM
Matchup 4: Damien from Dream Daddy vs Marvin the Magnificent from Jacksepticeye
Matchup 5: Tamaki Suoh from Ouran High School Host Club vs Daniel from Camp Camp
Matchup 6: Mike from Roleslaying with Roman vs Gowther from Seven Deadly Sins
Matchup 7: Felix Escellun from Last Legacy vs Anasui from Jojo's Bizzare Adventure: Stone Ocean
Matchup 8: Bailin from Bailin and Li Yun vs Hatori Sohma from Fruits Basket
Round 1F
Matchup 1: Diego the Squire from Nimona vs Keith Kogane from Voltron
Matchup 2: N from Pokemon vs Lilia Vanrouge from Twisted Wonderland
Matchup 3: Twink from Q-Force vs Chuuya from Bungou Stray Dogs
Matchup 4: Asra from The Arcana vs Tobias from Faroff
Matchup 5: Jermey Heere from Be More Chill vs Nico di Angelo from PJO
Matchup 6: Ennon from Good Omens vs Sigma from Bungo Stray Dogs
Matchup 7: Yule from Wild Beast Forest House vs Errol from Tea for Two
Matchup 8: Shang Qinghua from The Scum Villian’s Self Saving System vs Akito Sohma from Fruits Basket
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Here it is, the long awaited ARGENTINIAN CHARACTER TOURNAMENT BRACKET!!! (more info on that at the bottom of the page).
Participants were assigned randomly to their brackets, consisting on the following matchups:
Maria Elena from Casados con Hijos VS Palermo from La Casa de Papel
Mama Corra from Esperando a la Carroza VS Susanita from Mafalda
Emilio Raverna from Los Simuladores VS Mafalda from Mafalda
Alejandro "Sandy" Stern from Presumed Innocent VS Pablo Lamponne from Los Simuladores
Violetta from Violetta VS Adrian Seidelman from Cybersix
The Narcoleptic Argentinian from Moulin Rouge! VS Karl Lykos from Marvel Comics
Oikawa Tooru from Haikyu!! VS Zamba from El asombroso mundo de Zamba
Gabriel Medina from Los Simuladores VS Miss Argentina from Beetlejuice
El ingeniero Bombita from Relatos Salvajes VS Felipe from Mafalda
Martos Santos from Los Simuladores VS Ace Visconti from Dead by Daylight
Manuelita from Manuelita la Tortuga VS Mion Takamine from Pretty Rythm Aurora Dream
Los Rayados from Metegol VS Gaturro from Gaturro
Lucas Amato from Cybersix VS Carmen Sandiego from Carmen Sandiego
Eva "Evita" Péron from Evita VS Julio Renato from Gundam Build Fighters
Mario Renato from Gundam Build Fighters VS Clemente from Clemente
Dardo from Casados con Hijos VS.... versus who?
Versus Headcannon round winner. Indeed, 3 characters not canonically argentinian, but who got enough submissions to qualify to the bracket, will fight to get honorary argentinian privileges. These charachters are:
Diego "Armando" Godot from Ace Attorney
Dio Brando from JoJo's Bizzare Adventure
Figaro Garcia from Mahoyaku/Promise of Wizard
The Preliminary poll will be up for 24 hours starting tomorrow, and the rest of the polls will be up for a week. All poll posts for this round will be tagged #poll round 1 , to make them easier to find.
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greengirlfight · 9 months
That was some fierce competition last round, there were quite a few polls that nearly tied! Congrats to the winners of round 2, here are the green girls that will be moving on to round 3!
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List of matchups under the cut! 💚
Elphaba/Wicked Witch of the West (Wicked/Wizard of Oz) VS Emira Blight (The Owl House)
Uzura (Princess Tutu) VS Saria (Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time)
Avatar Kyoshi (Avatar The Last Airbender) VS Frankie Stein (Monster High)
Cure Oasis (Tropical Rogue Precure) VS Mew Lettuce (Tokyo Mew Mew)
Aisha (Winx Club) VS Illusen (Neopets)
Kuki Sanban/Number 3 (Codename: Kids Next Door) VS Tiana (Princess and the Frog)
Sailor Pluto (Sailor Moon) VS Gwen Mortia (Sleepless Domain)
Buttercup (Powerpuff Girls) VS Peridot (Steven Universe)
Peridot (Cucumber Quest) VS Minty (My Little Pony G3)
Artemis (Hades) VS Fearne Calloway (Critical Role)
Honey Swamp (Monster High) VS Jolyne Cujoh (Jojo's Bizzare Adventure)
Fiona (Shrek) VS Flayn (Fire Emblem Three Houses)
Sailor Jupiter (Sailor Moon) VS Gavial (Arknights)
Marina (Splatoon) VS Toph Beifong (Avatar The Last Airbender)
Tekno the Canary (Sonic) VS Shego (Kim Possible)
Rika (Pokémon Scarlet & Violet) VS Surge the Tenrec (Sonic)
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Overworked Blorbo Battle Round 3!
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Round 3 will be split into 2 waves of 8 week long polls with each wave being posted 24 hours after the previous begins. The first wave will start on Tuesday the 19th of September at 3pm BST
The matchups are listed under the readmore
Wave 1:
The Manager (The Hotel Podcast) Vs Adam Parrish (The Raven Cycle)
Hera (Wolf 359) Vs Anthy Himemiya (Revolutionary Girl Utena)
Gregor Samsa (The Metamorphosis) Vs Harrowhark Nonagesimus (The Locked Tomb)
Pandemonica (Helltaker) Vs Squidward Tentacles (SpongeBob SquarePants)
Gilgamesh Wulfenbach (Girl Genius) Vs Vera Oberlin (Monster Prom)
Ponder Stibbons (Discworld) Vs Luisa Madrigal (Encanto)
Jonathan Sims (The Magnus Archives) Vs Jotaro Kujo (JoJo’s Bizzare Adventure)
Lisa Wilbourn (Worm) Vs Buffy Summers (Buffy The Vampire Slayer)
Wave 2:
Lucifer (Obey Me!) Vs Lisa Cuddy (House MD)
Dick Gumshoe (Ace Attorney) Vs Riza Hawkeye (Fullmetal Alchemist) Vs Lucretia (The Adventure Zone)
Susan Taxpayer (Susan Taxpayer) Vs Molly Blyndeff (Epithet Erased)
Ja’far (Twisted: The Untold Story Of A Royal Vizier) Vs Alfred Pennyworth (Batman)
Olruggio (Witch Hat Atelier) Vs Hawkeye Pierce (MASH)
The Captain (BBC Ghosts) Vs Burgerpants (Undertale)
Loid Forger (Spy X Family) Vs The Cabbage Merchant (Avatar: The Last Airbender)
Peregrine Mendicant (Homestuck) Vs Reagan Ridley (Inside Job)
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starry-snippets · 1 year
Masterlist ☆☆ 
☆ headcanons ☆ 
- ☆ jolyne + fashion headcanons → sfw, romantic or platonic 
- ☆ how part 3-6 jotaro would kiss you headcanons → sfw but suggestive, romantic 
- ☆ avdol pda headcanons → sfw, romantic 
- ☆ polnareff pda headcanons → sfw, romantic 
- ☆ kakyoin pda headcanons → sfw, romantic 
- ☆ jotaro pda headcanons → sfw, romantic 
- ☆ sleepover with the crusaders! (all + individual headcanons) → sfw, romantic or platonic 
- ☆ touch starved s/o (mista, josuke, kakyoin)  → sfw, romantic 
- ☆ what makes them smile (like a dork) with the crusaders  → sfw, platonic or romantic 
- ☆ college (kakyoin and josuke, together and individual)  → sfw, platonic or romantic 
- ☆ father figure! avdol reuniting with you  → sfw, platonic 
☆ snippets ☆
- ☆ jotaro quitting smoking snippet → sfw, read tws 
- ☆ cuddling star platinum snippet → sfw
- ☆ cuddling + playing with jotaro's hair snippet → sfw, suggestive 
- ☆ aesthetics (jotaro, kakyoin, avdol, josuke, rohan, giorno, bruno, abbacchio, trish, mista, narancia)  → sfw, romantic or platonic 
 ☆ jotaro + anxiety attack (he has one)  → sfw, read tws 
- ☆ dad bod jotaro  → sfw, read tws 
- ☆ giorno and gold experience + picnic  → sfw, romantic 
- ☆ josuke + (you have a) bad day  → sfw, romantic or platonic 
- ☆ basically. jotaro is demisexual  → sfw 
☆ fics ☆
- ☆ stronger together (jotaro x bullied! reader) → angst + fluff, read tws
-   ☆ wake up (jotaro x reader)  → angst, hurt/comfort, read tws
wanna request? 
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krokrux · 4 days
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Multi-fandom blog dedicated to delivering fan-fiction as well as a side of OC content. ——————————————————————————
Requests: OPEN
Ask Count: N/A
Trades: CLOSED
Matchups: CLOSED
*asks are always open!
I encourage you to interact with this blog! You’re presence is appreciated! Here is what I will be writing for…
Bungo Stray Dogs
Call of Duty
Genshin Impact
Hazbin Hotel 
Helluva Boss
Honkai Star Rail
JoJo’s Bizzare Adventure
League of Legends
My Hero Academia 
Obey me
Riot Records
Undertale + AUs
Wuthering Waves
Zenless Zone Zero
*If there are more I can add them but only if requested
*Ageless and Minor friendly until NSFW posts start.
Show support by reblogging/liking <3
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toyafreethoughts · 8 months
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Ladies, Gentlemen and Non-Binary Pals we interrupt your time on here with a special matchup trade with @everlastlady !!
A/N: Thank you so much again for doing a trade matchup with me (: it means a whole lot, coming from my heart ❤️ I’m also sorry if this is short! I did the best I could now, commençons!
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For your Hazbin Hotel Matchup you’ll be with…
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Now, I can see something between you two, let’s say it, I think he would like you being heated when your boundaries or whatever are being pushed to far and honestly good for you! he would like someone like that in a partner, someone who can stand up for themselves.
I also saw you like drinking wine, while husker likes drinking (pretty much anything ?) you guys can become drinking partners! he would also enjoy someone being able to take care of him, something he’s never had for so long.
Since you don’t like arguing I don’t think he would wanna argue either, it’s a waste of time anyways, he is sarcastic though so if it goes to far you may wanna say it and he’ll tone it down but I’m sure he’s gonna be soft around you anyways.
Bars are loud, maybe you can enjoy going to a bar but if you wanna just relax some place quieter then husker will be happy to do so! anything for his beloved anyways, he hopes that you guys won’t break up for a long time (or forever).
For your Black Butler Matchup you’ll be with…
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I can see some potential in you both! In fact I’d like to think he’d enjoy a partner like you, I mean your kind hearted and energetic! It’s perfect! He appreciates having conversations with you and he also enjoys your laughter too.
He would love drinking with you! Whatever it is coffee, tea, wine, etc it wouldn’t matter, I think you guys would have tea party dates and they would be romantical (but not overly-romantic if you prefer that.) he would love seeing you in dresses as well he loves to just dance with you and just compliment how good you look in whatever dress.
He would be a little concerned if you have a seizure around him, actually he’d be super worried he’ll probably make you rest while he’ll take care of you for the rest of the day (or make any of the butlers do it💀), anyways, he kind of teases you since your shorter then him, not in a bad way! he likes having a short partner, he won’t tease you for long with that anyways so no worries!
I don’t think he argues with people, actually no one, he’s a pretty chill dude so honestly I don’t see any arguing going on, unless if it’s really, REALLY bad but other then that I can barely see that happening, if a room is to loud (maybe parties or balls) then he’ll just take off for the night with you and just enjoy your company.
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Anime/Manga Matchups!
For your Neon Genesis Evangelion Matchup you’ll be with… Rei Ayanami
For your Bungo Stray Dogs Matchup you’ll be with… Doppo Kunikida
For your Demon Slayer matchup you’ll be with… Kyōjurō Rengoku
For your Tokyo Revengers Matchup you’ll be with… Izana Kurokawa
For your Toilet Bound Hanako Kun Matchup you’ll be with… Sakura Nanamine
For your Blue Lock Matchup you’ll be with… Seishiro Nagi
For Kuroko’s Basketball Matchup you’ll be with… Kazunari Takao
For your Promised Neverland Matchup you’ll be with… Isabella
For your Chainsaw Man Matchup you’ll be with… Aki Hayakawa
For your Heavens Offical Blessing Matchup you’ll be with… Lang Qianqiu
For your Death Note Matchup you’ll be with… Light Yagami
For your Spy X Family Matchup you’ll be with… Yuri Briar
For your Study Case Of Vanitas Matchup you’ll be with… Noé Archiviste
For your Haikyuu!! Matchup you’ll be with… Kōshi Sugawara
For your Buddy Daddies Matchup you’ll be with… Kazuki Kurusu
For your Jujustu Kaisen Matchup you’ll be with… Kento Nanami
For your Free! Matchup you’ll be with… Ikuya Kirishima
For your Hunter X Hunter Matchup you’ll be with… Jed
For your Oshi No Ko Matchup you’ll be with… Ai Hoshino
For your Assassination Classroom Matchup you’ll be with… Nagisa Shiota
For your Jojos Bizzare Adventure Matchup you’ll be with… Johnny Joestar
For your Saiki K Matchup you’ll be with… Kusuo Saiki
For your Fruits Basket Matchup you’ll be with… Saki Hanajima
For Your Lie In April Matchup you’ll be with… Kaori Miyazono
For your Toradora Matchup you’ll be with Ryuji Takasu
For your Violet Evergarden Matchup you’ll be with… Violet Evergarden
For your Kakeguri Matchup you’ll be with… Ririka Momobami
For your Devilman Crybaby Matchup you’ll be with… Miki Makimura
For your Banana Fish Matchup you’ll be with… Ash Lynx
For your Sasaki To Miyano Matchup you’ll be with… Hanzawa Masato
For your Yuri On Ice!! Matchup you’ll be with… Seung Gil Lee
For Your Name Matchup you’ll be with… Mitsuha Miyamizu
For your Silent Voice Matchup you’ll be with… Kazuki Shimada
For your Horimiya Matchup you’ll be with… Izumi Miyamura
For your Stars Align Matchup you’ll be with… Ryoma Shinjo
For your Attack On Titan Matchup you’ll be with… Armin Arlert
For your Akudama Drive Matchup you’ll be with… Courier
For your Sk8 The Infinity Matchup you’ll be with… Langa Hasegawa
For your Land Of Lustrous Matchup you’ll be with… Phosphophyllite
For your Iruma Kun! Welcome To Demon School Matchup you’ll be with… Demon King Derkila
For your One Piece Matchup you’ll be with… Nami
For your BNHA Matchup you’ll be with… Ochaco Uraraka
For your Tokyo Ghoul Matchup you’ll be with… Juuzou Suzuya
For your Bleach Matchup you’ll be with… Ichigo Kurosaki
For Your Soul Eater Matchup you’ll be with… Franken Stein
For your Monster Matchup you’ll be with… Johan Liebert
For your Serial Experiments Lain Matchup you’ll be with… Lain Iwakura
For your Food Wars! Matchup you’ll be with… Soma Yukihira
For your Gitatama Matchup you’ll be with… Leukocyte King
For your Fairy Tail Matchup you’ll be with… Jellal Fernandes
For your Nana Matchup you’ll be with… Reira Serizawa
For your Magical Girl: Madoka you’ll be with… Madoka Kaname
For your Hellsing Matchup you’ll be with… Sir Integral Fairbrook Wingates Hellsing
For your Zom100 Matchup you’ll be with… Akira Tendou
For your No Game No Life Matchup you’ll be with… Sora
For your Kamisama Kiss Matchup you’ll be with… Mizuki
For your Seraph Of The End Matchup you’ll be with… Guren Ichinose
For your Fire Force Matchup you’ll be with… Iris
For your Ouran High School Host Club Matchup you’ll be with… Takashi Morinozuka
For your Charlotte Matchup you’ll be with… Nao Tomori
For your Erased Matchup you’ll be with… Satoru Fujinuma
For your Moriarty The Patriots Matchup you’ll be with… Louis James Moriarty
For your Wonder Egg Priority Matchup you’ll be with… Rika Kawai
For your Lucky Star Matchup you’ll be with… Akira Kogami
For your Rascal Does Not Dream Of Bunny Girl Senpai Matchup you’ll be with… Sakuta Azusagawa
For your Rent A Girlfriend Matchup you’ll be with… Chizuru Ichinose
For your Quintessential Quintuplets Matchup you’ll be with… Yotsuba Nakano
For your Mushoku Teisei: Jobless Reincarnation Matchup you’ll be with… Rudeus Greyrat
For your Rising Of The Shield Hero Matchup you’ll be with… Naofumi Iwatani
For your Girl From The Other Side Matchup you’ll be with… Sensei
For your School Days Matchup you’ll be with… Makoto Itou
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For your Turn To Die Matchup you’ll be with… Shin Tsukimi
For your Danganronpa Matchup you’ll be with… Leon Kuwata
For your Persona Matchup you’ll be with… Haru Okumura
For your Genshin Impact Matchup you’ll be with… Xiao
For your Omori Matchup you’ll be with… Hero
For your Bayonetta Matchup you’ll be with… Balder
For your Honkai Star Rail Matchup you’ll be with… Gepard
For your FNAF Matchup you’ll be with… Micheal Afton
For your Obey Me Matchup you’ll be with… Simeon
For your Mystic Messenger Matchup you’ll be with… V
For your Resident Evil Matchup you’ll be with… Leon Kennedy
For your Honkai Impact 3rd Matchup you’ll be with… Kiana Kaslana
For your Tears Of Themis Matchup you’ll be with… Vyn Richter
For your Twisted Wonderland Matchup you’ll be with… Kalim Al-Asim
For your Hypnosis Mic Matchup you’ll be with… Jakurai Jinguji
For your Needy Streamer Girl Overdose Matchup you’ll be with… KAngel
For your Cookie Run Kingdom Matchup you’ll be with… Pure Vanilla Cookie
For your Ensemble Stars Matchup you’ll be with… Chiaki Morisawa
For your Project Sekai: Colorful Stage Matchup you’ll be with… Rui Kamishiro
For your BanG Dream Matchup you’ll be with… Kanon Matsubara
For your Identity V Matchup you’ll be with… Fiona
For your Final Fantasy 7 Matchup you’ll be with… Sephiroth
For your Quarry Matchup you’ll be with… Nicholas (Nick) Furcillo
For your NieR:Automata Matchup you’ll be with… Kainé
For your Drakengard Matchup you’ll be with… Zero
For Your Boyfriend Matchup you’ll be with… TK
For your Doki Doki Literature Club Matchup you’ll be with… Monika
For your Deltarune Matchup you’ll be with… Kris
For your Sally Face Matchup you’ll be with… Larry Johnson
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For your Inside Job Matchup you’ll be with… Brett Hand
For your TAWOG Matchup you’ll be with… Richard Watterson
For your Gravity Falls Matchup you’ll be with… Wendy
For your Owl House Matchup you’ll be with… Lilith Clawthorne
For your Steven Universe Matchup you’ll be with… Lapis Lazuli
For your Clone High Matchup you’ll be with… Joan of Arc
For your Total Drama Llama Matchup you’ll be with… Chris
For your South Park Matchup you’ll be with… Heidi Turner (Platonic)
For your Family Guy Matchup you’ll be with… Megg Griffin
For your BoJack Horseman Matchup you’ll be with… Sarah Lynn
For your Big Mouth Matchup you’ll be with… Val Bilzerian
For your Amphibia Matchup you’ll be with… Sasha Waybright
For your Adventure Time Matchup you’ll be with… Marshall Lee
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For your Vocaloid/UTAU Matchup you’ll be with… Meiko
For your Breaking Bad Matchup you’ll be with… Jesse Pinkman
For your Stranger Things Matchup you’ll be with… Nancy Wheeler
For your AlRawabi School For Girls Matchup you’ll be with… Mariam
For your Marvel Matchup you’ll be with… Black Panther
For your Girl From Nowhere Matchup you’ll be with… Yuri
For your Eddsworld Matchup you’ll be with… Edd
For your Homestuck Matchup you’ll be with… Meulin Leijon
For your Creepypasta Matchup you’ll be with… Ani The Wight
For your Marble Hornets Matchup you’ll be with… Jay Merrick
For your K-pop Group Matchup you’ll be with… Hwang Hyunjin from Stray Kids
For your Vkei Group Matchup you’ll be with… i (哀) from Gulu Gulu
For your Walten Files Matchup you’ll be with… Sophie Walten
For your Evillious Chronicles Matchup you’ll be with… Eve Moonlit
For your Helluva Boss Matchup you’ll be with… Stolas Goetia
For your Murder Drones Matchup you’ll be with… Uzi Doorman
For your Mandela Catalogue Matchup you’ll be with… Toonbriel
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The bracket is up!
(i apologize for inconsistencies in the names and their order as well as how generally poorly they are placed. i rushed this in ibis paint x.)
ROUND 1 Matchups are as follows:
Left side:
Meowlody and Purrsephone (Monster High G3) vs Kanatsune Ame (Entropic Float)
Oikawa Tooru (Haikyuu!!) vs Junpei Tenmyouji (Zero Escape)
Kagami Kawaiine (fanloid) vs The Sixth Doctor (Doctor Who)
Lulu (Final Fantasy X) vs Old Man Owl (Sonic the Hedgehog OVA)
Anasui Narciso (JoJo's Bizzare Adventure) vs Rio Ranger (Your Turn To Die)
Harrier Du Bois (Disco Elysium) vs Teruki Hanazawa (Mob Psycho 100)
Amitie (Puyo Puyo) vs Rui Kamishiro (Project Sekai)
Uttakatta (Magical Girl Raising Project: JOKERS) vs Mephisto Pheles (Blue Exorcist)
Right side:
Sumire Yoshizawa (Persona 5 Royal) vs Cruella De Vil (101 Dalmatians)
Young Phoenix Wright (Phoenix Wright: Trials and Tribulations) vs Teotorrata (100% Orange Juice)
Sora (Kingdom Hearts 1) vs Sanji Vinsmoke (One Piece)
Kazuichi Souda (Danganronpa: Goodbye Despair) vs Miyama Kei (Paradox Live)
Gabriel Agreste (Miraculous Ladybug) vs Triki (Dislyte)
Hunter (The Owl House) vs Saiki Kusuo (The Disastrous Life of Saiki K.)
Fuuta Kajiyama (MILGRAM) vs Satan (Obey Me!)
Koji Koda (My Hero Academia) vs Ashiya Douman (Grand Fate Order)
ROUND 1 Voting will begin tonight (4/10/23) at 4pm EST!
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ROUND TWO MATCHUP FOUR: witty title goes here part 2
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