#joker / oc fanfiction
cherrycocaineee · 1 month
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41. Happy Birthday, Slut - Joker
*Synopsis: It’s Athena’s 19th birthday, it’s also been a complete year since she ran away with the Joker after he killed her abusive father. The Joker wants to make the day special for Athena, wants her to have a good birthday since it’s been awhile. And her birthday present…he’s got something special planned for that.*
*Warning: nsfw, 18+, dumbification, degradation, praising, rough sex, choking, restraints, legal age gap, daddy kink, semi-public sex, whatever else you wanna consider a warning lol.*
*A/N: just a reminder that I’ve changed the character name to Athena bc I had my daughter five months ago and named her Paisley.*
*Athena’s p.o.v*
Rays of sunlight pierced through a crack in the black curtains that covered the large panel glass windows in the room. I groaned, stretching my bed over the black, silk sheets. The Joker wasn’t lying beside me but that was normal most days, he was probably down in his study or something. I sat up, rubbing the sleep from my eyes before throwing my legs over the side of the bed. I flinched when I touched the cold floor. The floor was always so cold, I really needed to get some slippers.
   I push myself up and head to the master bathroom, turning the light on. I turned on the hot water before slipping out of my silk nightgown. It slipped off my body with ease, then I took off my underwear and climbed inside. Hot water cascaded down my small frame, soaking my hair as I rinsed off. I grabbed my loofah and washed my body, then moved on to washing my hair. After my shower, I turned off the water and grabbed my towel, dried off then wrapped it around me before grabbing another towel to dry my hair.
As I walked out, I noticed the bed was remade and there was an outfit sitting out on the comforter. I looked around the room but didn’t see anyone. Either Mister J or one of his henchmen, Frost, did this. I walked over to the outfit and looked at it. It was a short sleeve, red dress with white polka dots and a low v-neck; it was also thigh high and I was sure if I bent over it would live zero to the imagination. There were a pair of white platform pumps that were absolutely gorgeous, a pair of ruby red earrings, and a small white handbag. It was a lovely outfit. I threw it on before going back into the bathroom where I straightened my hair and did my makeup.
   My heels clicked against the marbled floor of the house as I walked down the stairs and headed towards Mister J’s study. Frost was just coming out when I arrived.
 “Good morning, Frost.”
He looked at me and smiled. “Good morning, Athena.”
  “Is Mister J in?”
He nodded his head before opening the door and letting me inside. I thanked him as he closed the door. Sitting behind his desk, Mister J was scribbling some stuff down on some papers; he looked up when he heard my heels. A grin stretched across his painted red lips.
  “Ah, good morning, darling.”
  He stood up from his chair and approached me, his tattooed hands immediately finding my hips. I smiled at him.
 “Good morning, Mister J.”
Mister J leaned down and pressed a sweet kiss against my lips.
 “Happy birthday,” he added against my lips.
 My eyes widened, I couldn’t believe I had forgotten my own birthday. I giggled and touched his chest, my fingertips grazing over the opening of his blood red, button up shirt as well as the ink on his pale skin. He watched me.
  “I’d completely forgotten,” I laughed.
  Mister J laughed too, his fingers touching my face before his fingers gripped my chin and he crammed his lips onto mine. He kissed me for what felt like forever but when he pulled away it felt like the kiss had barely been there.
  “Have you had breakfast yet, birthday girl?”
 I shook my head “no.” He took my hand in his and led me out of the study down to the kitchen. I smiled as he looked at me.
 “You look stunning in your new outfit, darling.” Mister J said.
 “Thank you.”
In the kitchen, Mister J gestured for me to sit down on the barstool before he started making me breakfast. I watched him cook, it was rare for him to be in the kitchen making our own meals. He’d normally tell one of the cooks to do it.
  “Well, aren’t I special,” I giggled
  “You are special, darlin’.” He grinned.
When breakfast was cooked, Mister J placed my plate in front of me and stood behind me with his arms around my waist and his head on my shoulder. The food looked amazing. He had made me waffles with fresh blueberries and strawberries on them, scrambled eggs because he knows I hate runny yolk, and some breakfast sausage. It was absolutely perfect.
 “You aren’t going to eat?” I asked him, shoving a bite of egg in my mouth.
He grinned and shook his head, “no, I’ll be saving my appetite for later this evening.”
I was about to ask him what he meant but then his hands squeezed my exposed thighs. I knew exactly what he wanted, it’s what I’ve been wanting too. Mister J and I hadn’t had sex the entire time we were together and that was because he had been so busy with so many things that he was tired. That and I was a virgin, so the thought of having sex immediately after we just got together didn’t seem appealing to me. I had been afraid that after I gave him what he wanted, he’d leave. But after awhile, I longed for him to touch every part of my body, to feel his cock inside my cunt, and the sounds he would make while he was fucking me.
  Mister J tapped on my head. I hadn’t realized I had froze in deep thought.
“What’s running through that pretty, little head of yours, Athena?” He grinned.
I chewed the remainder of the egg in my mouth before swallowing it. I turned and looked at him, our blue eyes staring into each other. God, he was handsome, no one could convince me otherwise.
  “Do you think that we could…uhm…” God this was embarrassing to ask for.
Mister J watched me intently, waiting for me to say what I was gonna say. I gulped, feeling my cheeks turn red.
  “Come on, sweetheart,” Mister J teased, “Can’t give you what you want if you don’t use those pretty words of yours.”
A tease. He was a ginormous tease. He knew exactly what I wanted.
  “Can we…can we please…please don’t make me say it.”
 “Oh, well then you must not really want it.”
Mister J kissed my neck and I shivered as I felt him move along my neck. His hands squeezed my thighs and I moaned. He chuckled.
 “Mister J,” I whimpered, “I need you.”
 “Need me to what, darlin’?”
 “N-need you to fuck me.”
He grinned wider than I have ever seen. He was waiting for this day just as much as I was. I bit my bottom lip and he stared longingly. He chuckled and looked at me.
 “I sure can, but you’ll have to wait for tonight after all the fun birthday things we do. Now eat your breakfast, you’ll need the energy for what I have in store for you.”
  Mister J walked away from me and headed off probably back to his office. I huffed. He was really making me wait until the end of the day, that was totally rude. I sighed and started finishing my breakfast. After I was done eating, I cleaned my dishes even though the cook insisted that she would do it. I shooed her away, telling her she does enough for me already. When I was finished cleaning my dishes, I headed to a different part of the house but was stopped by Frost.
 “Miss Athena,” he said, “Mister J has asked me to tell you to go out to the car, he’ll be waiting for you there.”
 “Oh? Are we going to his club?” I asked.
 “No, he has something different planned.”
  Frost didn’t say another word to me, he just walked away. I tilted my head and went outside to find Mister J waiting in his purple lamborghini. I approached the car, Mister J pushed the passenger’s side open for me like normal and I climbed in, closing the door.
 “Ready, princess?”
 “Where are we going?” I asked, curiously.
 “Thought you might like to go shopping, get yourself whatever you want. You don’t really spend a lot of my money, so I figured this might be a treat. I’ll go with you so I can make sure you’re actually spending a lot.”
 “You want me to spend a lot?” I asked, with wide eyes.
 “Sweetheart, if it doesn’t say you spent the length of a phone number, I’ll be quite annoyed.”
My eyes widened. He wanted me to spend that much money. I did the math in my head and gasped.
 “But the size of a phone number is like a billion dollars.”
  Mister J started driving towards Gotham. He asked which store I’d like to go to first. I looked down at my phone wondering how the hell I was going to spend a billion dollars or if he was just exaggerating and I didn’t actually have to spend a billion. I perked up. This phone was the same phone I had since I moved to Gotham, Frost had picked it up when he went to get my belongings and kidnap my dad.
 “I would like a new phone, if that’s okay.”
 “‘Course it’s okay!” He laughed before driving me to a phone store.
People in Gotham didn’t really pay any attention to anyone unless they were being robbed or some other criminal act was being performed, mainly violence. So I wasn’t shocked when Mister J walked around the phone store with me, our hands clasped together, and no one jumped to call the police. I was looking at all the phones that they had on the floor while the Joker watched me. Finally I picked an Iphone 13 in a pink color. The Joker paid for it and we headed back to his lamborghini. For the remainder of the day, Mister J took me shopping at various different stores before taking me out to dinner later that evening. The restaurant he took me to was absolutely stunning. There was a chandelier directly above the entire restaurant that illuminated a soft glow over all the tables. Mister J and I were escorted to a VIP section so that neither one of us could be bothered. I was staring at all of the beautifully, expensive art that hung on the walls, the mahogany brown color that mixed with the egg shell white. The restaurant was gorgeous. We sat down and the waitress came in to take our order. Mister J ordered himself a large steak and I ordered myself a grilled chicken salad. I looked at Mister J.
 “Thank you, for all of this today.”
 “You’re welcome but the day’s not over and I’ve got one more thing for you.”
  He had a mischievous grin on his face and I felt my heart rate speed up. He knew what he was doing, that asshole. Our food came and we started eating while chatting about random things. I couldn’t keep my eyes from staring at him. He was handsome. From his green hair, to his ruby red lips, to his tattoos, and his muscular body. God, he wasn’t just handsome, he was sexy. I slowly chewed my food, it tasted good but I didn’t want it right now. Mister J looked up from his steak.
 “You alright, darling?” He asked, grinning.
 I didn’t answer him, I just stood up and walked over to him. I climbed into his lap and he looked at me, a grin stretched across his ruby red lips. I smiled back.
 “Someone couldn’t wait, hm? Impatient little thing.”
“How can I wait when you’re sitting across from me looking so good,” I point out.
 “Well who can argue there, doll?” He laughed, his hands moving to my hips, rubbing small circles against my exposed skin, “I can’t keep my eyes off you either.”
 “Then why are we waiting?” I whispered seductively in his ear.
Mister J ran his hands down my hips to my exposed thighs. I shivered from his touch, my eyes wandering down his exposed chest. He always wore his shirts slightly unbuttoned, giving me a perfect view of his pretty, tattooed chest. I was getting so tired of fantasizing about him fucking his cock into me while I touched myself, I needed it. I ran my fingers down his chest before I started unbuttoning his shirt exposing more of his skin. I sighed softly as I leaned down and peppered his tattooed chest with kisses, leaving behind a trail of dusky rose lipstick against his pale skin. Mister J groaned. That sent a shiver up my spine. I loved how deep his groans were even if I’ve only ever heard them when he was frustrated with his work or someone was pissing him off. This was different, this was a groan of pleasure that I was giving him.
 “Like that?” I asked, my eyelashes fluttering as I looked up at him.
 His hand went to my throat while his other stayed on my thigh. I grin as he moves closer to me.
 “You know I do, doll.”
His grip on my thigh and my throat tighten just a little bit; not enough to hurt me but enough so he was holding me tight. I could feel my cunt practically drooling. Mister J slammed his lips against mine and we kissed feverishly. I wrapped my arms around his neck and deepened the kiss. He wrapped his arms around my waist and I moaned, his tongue running over my bottom lip before slipping it into my mouth. He tasted like steak, obviously, but I could also taste expensive scotch, smoke from his cigars, and just…him. I moaned as I grinded my hips against him, my aching cunt desperate for some type of friction. I was sure I was leaving behind a wet spot on his pants but he didn’t seem to mind. He moved his lips from mine and started kissing and sucking on my neck. I moaned again, my movements becoming rougher as I felt his hard cock through his pants.
  “So pretty,” he whispered before he lifted my dress revealing my black, lacy panties. He grinned softly. “Look at you. All ready, wrapping yourself all pretty for me.”
 I moaned at his words. He grinned and pushed my dress up more until it was completely off of my body. My black, lacy bra being revealed. He growled, his eyes darkening in desire and lust. He pulled me closer to him, his lips attaching to my own. His tongue ran over my mouth and he groaned. I gasped as he squeezed my breast, my eyes rolling back as I filled his bulge pressed against my cunt.
 “Mister J…”
 “Ah,” he interrupted, “what’s my name?”
 “Daddy,” I corrected; his grin stretching further across his face.
 “What can daddy do for you?”
 “Fuck me.”
A low chuckle rumbles from his chest as he grips my breast again and I moan. He held me close to his body, his piercing blue eyes staring into my lust filled eyes.
  “Such a dirty slut wanting me to fuck you in this restaurant,” he grinned, “you like the idea of the waiter coming back in here seeing me stuff your sweet little pussy, huh?”
 His words made my cunt even more wet. I moaned and nodded my head. Whatever got me railed sooner. Mister J pulled me off his lap, making me stand up. He got to his feet too, unclipping my bra with one hand, my breast fully exposed as he tied my wrist behind me back with my bra. The fabric was tight against my skin but I liked it. Once my hands were secured behind my back, Mister J pushed me down to my knees. His shirt was still unbuttoned, but not completely off; he unbuckles his belt and pulls it off before setting it down on his seat. I watched him with doe eyes as he undoes his pants and pulls out his cock. It’s already hard and standing at attention, the tip of his cock already leaking with precum. Drool slips past my lips and he grins.
  “Open wide for daddy, baby.”
  I don’t even hesitate or think about it, I just open my mouth. He guides his cock into my mouth and I moan as he fills my mouth. He moves his hips slowly, his cock moving in and out of my mouth each thrust getting rougher and rougher as the tip of his cock hits the back of my throat. Mister J groans as he grabs my head pushing himself deeper into my mouth. I felt tears prick at the corner of my eyes, my hands struggling in the restraints he had me in. It was my bra so you’d think the fabric would be easily tearable but not for me. Mister J growled.
 “That’s it, baby, suck daddy’s cock.”
 The back of my throat made squelching noises as he fucked my face. I felt tears stream down my face but I was enjoying every moment of it. I ran my tongue over every inch of his cock, groaning as I felt every vein that decorated his cock.
  “Fuck, you’re so good at this.”
I moaned around him. Mister J grunted before pulling me off his dick, I started gasping for air. He turns me around and pushes the food onto the floor before pushing me down on the table, my back facing him but my ass out. He grabs the fabric of my panties and rips them off, tearing the fabric easily. I moan. He kneeled down and pulled my ass cheeks apart, my eyes rolling back as he gave himself a perfect view of both my cunt and my asshole. Mister J spits on my pussy before devouring it, his tongue and mouth slurping and licking at my soaked cunt. I moaned, pressing my head against the table as he ate me out. My eyes rolled to the back of my head as he nipped my clit.
 “Oh fucking god,” I moan out, I grip the side of the table.
  Mister J keeps eating me out, his tongue pushing into my cunt. I tighten around his tongue and he growls. I try to move my hands but can’t. My legs started shaking and I knew I was about to cum.
 “Daddy,” I moaned out, “I’m gonna c-cum.”
 Mister J moved his mouth from my cunt, his chin dripping with my juices. He rubbed my clit harshly, the sound of my arousal echoing in the room mixing with both our heavy breathing. I moaned more as he looked up at me, grinning.
  “Come on, baby, cum for daddy.”
 “Oh fuck, cumming, daddy.”
  My knees buckled as I came hard, my eyes rolling back as a silent scream left my lungs. When I was done cumming, Mister J stood up and picked me up and placed me on the table, spreading my legs. I was still panting from the previous orgasm. Mister J spit on his cock before rubbing it over it and positioning himself in front of my pussy. I propped myself up the best I could so I could see him shove his cock inside me. I moaned as he pushed himself inside me, his cock stretching me out to his width. Mister J groaned.
  “Such a tight, fucking pussy, doll.”
 “Yeah, daddy?” I moan, he nods his head as he starts moving his hips faster and harder. I groan as he pounds into my cunt. Mister J reached his hand up and grabbed my throat and squeezed tightly as he fucked me. His hips moved at an animalistic speed, the table shaking back and forth, his hand on my throat was the only thing that kept me on the table.
 “Holy shit,” I moaned, “you’re so f-fucking deep.”
 Mister J grinned as he continued to fuck himself into me. I fall back on the table, my hands still secured behind my back. With each thrust, my breast bounced. Mister J leaned down and sucked on one of my nipples, the speed of his hips never faltering.
“Such a stupid whore,” Mister J growled roughly, sweat collecting on his body. My own body glistened with a small film of sweat. Mister J grabbed one of my legs and threw it over his shoulder allowing him to go deeper. My eyes rolled back and drool started spilling from my lips and collecting on the table I was one. Mister J watched me, a grin on his face as he continued to move his hips roughly. My heart was hammering inside my chest as adrenaline and pleasure soaked every inch of my nerves. I couldn’t focus on anything else, just the way he cock stretched me out and the sounds coming from my wet cunt each time he drilled himself into me.
  “Look at that,” Mister J grinned, “now we’re getting somewhere.”
 My entire body was buzzing and I was approaching my climax once again. I moaned and arched my back the best I could with my hands behind my back. The fabric of my bra rubbed my wrist raw but I didn’t care.
 “G-gonna cum,” I managed to pant out.
 “Panting?” The Joker laughed, “like a bitch in heat. You wanna cum, doll, beg me for it.”
  His words were so lewd, it was only gonna get more intense from here. I moaned and looked up at Mister J the best I could through teary eyes. I wasn’t crying from pain, but from pleasure.
 “Please, daddy, wanna cum.” I whimper.
He laughs. “You can do better than that, baby. Beg daddy and I’ll let you make a pretty mess on my cock.”
  “Daddy!” I moaned louder as he rubbed my clit at the same time as he fucked me, “f-fuck, please, please let me cum. Need it, need it so fucking bad. Wanna cum, please, please.” I didn’t care if the words made sense or anything, I just needed to cum. Mister J reached down and grabbed by my neck with his free hand and yanked me closer to him, his cock still working its magic. I moaned again.
 “Cum.” It was an order. Either I cum now or not at all. So I came hard all over his cock, my legs shaking and my eyes rolling back. I might have looked like the main character from the exorcist. A scream was ripped from my lungs as my juices coated every inch of his cock, my pussy squeezing around him. He groaned too but didn’t stop. Instead, he pulled me up and sat down on his seat.
  “Ride me.”
  “Don’t think so, doll, you wanted to be an impatient brat, ride me.”
I moved myself up and down on his cock. His hands were on my hips as I bounced up and down. My hair bounced with the movement. My sweaty skin caused some strands to stick to me.
 “That’s it. Ride daddy.”
 “L-legs getting tired, daddy.”
  Mister J looked up at me and smacked my face, not enough to physically cause me pain but enough to tell me that he didn’t care. He was right, I wanted this now and was too impatient to wait when I got home. There was a knock on the door and I covered my mouth. Mister J laughed and pulled my hand down.
 “What is it?” He laughed.
The door opened and the waiter walked in. His eyes practically popped out of his head when he saw me riding the Joker’s cock. Mister J pulled me off of him and bent me over the table.
  “W-was just coming to check on you two,” the waiter stuttered out, I could see the growing tent in his pants.
 “Hold on a second, kid,” Mister J said, he removed one of his golden chains and wrapped it around my neck before pulling on it. Not tight but enough for the cool metal to dig into my hot skin. He slammed himself in from behind and I moaned out again. By now I knew, without actually seeing, that I was completely fucked out. The waiter’s eyes met mine, which were teary eyed and my eyeliner and mascara probably smudged to hell. 
  “See that, kid. This dumb whore likes that you’re watching her get fucked. Her pussy is practically suffocating my cock.”
 The waiter couldn’t move or say anything, he just stood there and watched; his mouth slightly open.
 “Oh my fucking…” I couldn’t even finish my sentence.
 “What a dumb slut,” Mister J laughed, “gonna cum on my dick again in front of this man?”
 “Yes daddy.”
 “Then let’s see it baby. Give this man a show.”
I moaned louder this time as I came hard on his cock for the second time, this being a total of three orgasms in I don’t know how long. Were we here for an hour, two, maybe it was closing time and that’s why the waiter came to check on us. Mister J rubbed my clit quickly and I felt a different type of pressure before I released and ended up squirting for the first time.
 “Ohhh, fuck,” I cry out.
  In front of me, the waiter now had a wet spot on his pants meaning he probably came too. Mister J smacked my ass roughly before grabbing it and continued to fuck himself into me.
 “Gonna breed this cunt, baby, ready?”
 I nod vigorously, still moaning and panting. Mister J fucked himself into my cunt a few more times before he growled and released his cum into my pussy. My eyes rolled back as I felt his entire seed push all the way inside me, deep. Mister J rutted against me, groaning as he watched my greedy pussy take all his cum before he pulled out. He zips himself back up and looks at the waiter.
 “Bring the check.”
 “Y-yes sir.” The waiter ran off and Mister J helped me to my feet.
He untied my hands from my bra and grinned down at me.
  “Get dressed doll, sorry about your panties and bra. Looks like you’ll have to walk out of here with my cum running down your leg.”
 He wasn’t actually sorry but I didn’t mind. In fact, I moaned at the thought. He wrapped his arms around me.
 “Happy birthday, sweetheart. Let’s get home so I can rough you up some more.”
 I giggled and nodded as I got dressed. Mister J paid for the food that we didn’t eat, the waiter refused to make eye contact with either one of us, and we left. I was excited to see what more he had in store for me when we got home.
Tags: @w4nt-h1s-d1ck
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bqu1nns · 5 months
intermittently - brian q.
my first fan fic ever!! [clap] [clap] in this fanfic, brian is a minor, 16-17 years old???? and the reader is a minor as well so no freaky stuff!!! leave comments on how i can improve PLEASEEE i love ya bye bye !
word count : 713
january 29th 1992
“i think i love you”, brian says to you, as the confession echoes through the late winter air. his words are pouring out more than he would have hoped. his gaze remained focused on your eyes only, observing your reaction with a mixture of embarrassment and uncertainty. 
he is certainly not the type of highschool teenager to get all shy and nervous around other people but whenever he was around you, brian's demeanor shifted in your presence. he became a gentle and caring soul, a stark contrast to his usual self. from the first day you stepped into high school, he took it upon himself to ensure your well-being, guiding you through the hallways and making sure you found your classes.
the place of confession, in all honesty, isn't ideal. but, it does hold sentimental value – just right outside the back doors of your highschool that had witnessed countless moments between the two of you. from accidental hand touches in the cafeteria line, exchanging silly faces in the hallway and sharing lunches by the football field, this place held a trove of shared memories.
 you always thought to yourself that it was impossible to ever get bored of him. brian had a knack of turning uncomfortable moments into wholesome jokes, gently caressing your shoulder in hopes of making you feel better. everytime he leaves those innocent touches against your skin, you can't help but blush, trying to change the subject as quickly as possible. 
with the help of the cold january breeze nipping against your neck, you snap back to reality. the very boy that you've liked for a year just said the words that you've spent nights fantasizing and giggling against your pillow about. the soft wind tousled his soft brown hair, revealing his furrowed eyebrows, still awaiting for an answer while you were daydreaming.  
a subtle tension lingers in the air between the two of you, like a red string tied to the both of you. brian senses that you felt contemplated in the moment, took a step back, and let you figure out what you were going to say next. he places his hands over his face in complete embarrassment, letting out a nervous laugh and says, “look, i didn't mean to put you on the spot or anything. i just wanted to let you know how i feel for you since i've been sensing some things have changed between the two of us.” 
god! hes sickeningly sweet.
“i.. i never would have expected this,” you say, trying to control your heart from jumping out of your chest. you finally look up to brian to see how beautiful he looks. the winter sun had casted a soft glow on his face, accentuating the sincerity of his brown eyes. 
i wanna kiss him. badly. 
brian, who can't stop smiling, stood in front of you, softly brushing the hair from your face with his fingers. his hands then moved down to your jacket, anxiously playing with the zipper. the awkward silence was filled with unspoken emotions. 
“you know, brian,” you begin softly, “this might sound crazy but, i've been trying to muster those words for the longest time myself.” his lips part gently, waiting to hear what you’ll say next. 
“i love you,” you confessed. his eyes, wide with surprise and joy, met yours, and the entire atmosphere shifted. brian’s mittens, warm against your gentle skin, cupped your cheek. “i've been waiting to hear those words for so long,” brian whispered against your forehead, pressing a kiss against it. 
a moment of hesitation flows through the both of you as your bodies are close against one another. everything is silent except for the sound of the two sounds of breathing and giggles leaving the both of you. he leans in closer to your face, merely inches away. without any needed words, both of your lips met in a kiss. 
you finally feel the lips you've been wanting to kiss ever since the day he lended you his coat when you were feeling a “bit cold”. since the day he held you gently in his arms as you cried in his arms. since the day he “accidentally” kissed your cheek when you accomplished something that you've been wanting. 
since forever. 
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duckyhowls · 10 months
(Part 1/8) The Joker - "Our Cell"
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WARNINGS: None THEMES: False Imprisonment, Innocent Cohabitation, Mafia/Gangster, Criminally Insane, Belated Love Epiphany, Protective Joker, Possessive Joker, and "Sunny vs Dark" Pairing. CHARACTERS: OC, Warden Jones, Officer Hans, The Joker, and Bruce Wayne (mentioned). SYPNOSIS: An innocent woman was in the wrong place at the wrong time and was framed for murder and thrown into Arkham. What makes it worse is that the asylum is experiencing an overflow of patients and Esme has to room with the Joker. How will an innocent girl survive in this place if she was stuck bunking with the most criminally insane guy around?
“Wait, no…” Esme began, staring right at the document on the old desk in front of her, her pale green eyes wild with shock as she read the words printed in black-and-white. “You can’t be serious!”
The man seated across from her in an expensive looking leather seat pressed his hands together neatly. Warden Jones was a thin man, nothing really special about him other than the one missing finger on his right hand. His pinkie, to be precise. Ever since Esme had met the man a few minutes ago, ‘how’ he had lost it had been on her mind. That was until she was given the document to see.
“I am extremely serious.” Warden Jones readjusted his reading glasses and pointed to the section at the bottom which had been signed. “It was approved by the Wayne Health Department of Gotham. With the way the cells are overflowing with sick patients, there is nowhere else to put you but with him.”
“Surely, not…” Esme wasn’t stupid. Sure, she was small and looked easy to be considered passable to bend under authority, but she wasn’t brain dead. There was definitely reasons why the Joker himself didn’t have a cellmate yet, and the thought of being next made goosebumps rise on the back of her neck and arms.
“I’m afraid I have no choice,” Warden Jones sighed, though he didn’t sound regretful. “The CEO of the entire company, Bruce Wayne, himself, signed on it. It is out of my hands.”
“But this isn’t right!” Esme shouted, beginning to panic now. “I’m a woman. You can’t room me up with some guy. Plus, you’ve heard the stories – hell, you probably have seen them with your own eyes! Warden Jones, the guy is one of the most criminally insane-”
“And you’re not?” The wardens eyes were narrowed dangerously. “The same girl who blew all those kids up down south?”
“I told the judge and I’ve told everyone else!” Esme hissed, her throat closing up at the horrible memories of nobody believing her in that courtroom. “I wasn’t apart of anything. I was in the wrong place at the wrong time! Framed!”
Warden Jones pressed his fingers to the bridge of his nose and let out a breath of exasperation. “Even if that were true, it is as I said. It’s out of my hands, Ms. Rye. The guards will escort you to the cell now.”
“But this is-”
“The sooner you meet him, the sooner this gets over with Ms. Rye.”
You mean the sooner I get put out of my misery! Esme thought bitterly.
Behind her, Officer Hans, a plain, shortish man with reddish-brown stubble and brown eyes, grabbed her upper arm to pull her up to her feet. Esme didn’t care he was touching her, though. Out of all the patients she could have been paired with, it just had to be the most dangerous man in Gotham City – The Joker.
From what Esme had heard from her peers and the chaos she had seen on the TV; the guy was one of the craziest to exist in the city, maybe even the world. The Joker was described by many as an unpredictable terrorist, that the Joker was a psychopathic criminal and was extremely volatile, especially when it came to conducting his illegal business.
Though, Esme herself had never met the man or even seen him up close, it was definitely someone she really didn’t want to meet. Esme preferred to steer clear from all the risky stuff, thanks. Though, even her cautiousness couldn’t protect her from getting framed for murder and ending up in Arkham.
The warden barely even wished her luck as Officer Hans escorted her out of the office and down the steps to a long hallway which led in the E-BLOCK district. This was where they held the most dangerous of patients such as Jervis Tetch and Jonathan Crane. It’s where they held the Joker. And it was when they neared her new cell that Esme realised that this was actually happening, and that it all started because she decided to go out for once in her life and take a fucking walk.
Esme flinched out of her anxious train of thoughts by the sound of Officer Hans’ jingling keys unlocking the cell door and opening it with a loud, whiny creak. He then shoved Esme forward harshly, almost making her lose her footing and fall to the cold concrete ground.
“Have fun in there girlie.” Officer Hans gave her one last sneer before locking the door closed again and the sounds of his fading footsteps tapping against the laminate flooring in the hall disappeared with him.
Esme’s heart was beating so fast, and her blood felt hot under her skin the longer the eerie silence went on in this dark room.
In the dimly lit shadows of the cell, there was a flash of fluoro green that glinted in the small dapple of light coming from the door, and Esme froze. He was there, at the back of the cell, watching her. She could see him now that her eyes adjusted to the change of lighting. He was sitting on the bottom bunk, leaning forward to eagerly look at her. He was wearing the typical orange scrubs Arkham made all the patients wear, and his pale complexion contrasted vastly against the dark tone of the cell.
The quietness between them frightened her. Esme found that she could barely move as she watched him like some deer in headlights.
Then, a wide, red smile grew on his face, and the light glinted against his broken teeth which had been fixed and filled in with silver replacements. Creepy, yet, startingly nice looking at the same time. Like Esme had noticed, the Joker stood out against the dark vibes of their shared cell, and it was now that he stood up and slowly stepped closer that she could see the various scars and tattoos littered here and there on his face and arms. Despite that strange uniqueness, he was sort of nice looking…
“And who are you?” He purred, cocking his head to the side a little.
Esme bit her lip and closed her eyes as her anxiety flooded through her chest. She was desperately hoping that he wouldn’t just buzz out and try and kill her.
When she opened her eyes, Esme was startled when he was now only a few inches in front of her. The Joker’s grin, if it were even possible, just got even wider at the way she flinched.
“I think I’m gonna like you.” He grinned.
Well, that’s concerning.
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thesandsofelsweyr · 9 months
For the guessing game: blood, pet, and/or collar
(from Fanfiction WIP Guessing Game)
These three are excerpts from early drafts of fics in My Arkhamverse series 🙃
The room is filled with sunlight. He’s still lying on a cold, hard floor. But it isn’t the filthy floorboards of his cell. There’s a pillow under his head and a blanket draped across him. As the fog of unconsciousness lifts, his mind starts to clear as he takes in his surroundings. He’s lying in front of a toilet. Remembers trying to eat some food, real food—how much it had hurt to chew with broken and missing teeth—and immediately puking then passing out. That’s when the fever took him. He doesn’t know how long he was out of it. Tries to sit up too fast. Head is spinning, throbbing, and he winces as a piercing ringing noise fills his ears, drowning out all other sounds. His hand immediately slides into his hair, over the scar where the bullet grazed his skull. He applies pressure, breathing shallow until the ringing and pain both subside. Terrible memories flood over him. He fights the instinct to crawl in a corner and hide, breathing deep, reminding himself that his tormentor is thousands of miles away, that he has finally escaped. But as always, thinking of escape brings back Joker’s terrifying warning of the consequences he’d face, the mutilation he’d suffer. Panic starts to creep in again, illogical panic fueled by the months he spent as a prisoner. Joker had beaten it into his head—physically and mentally, literally and metaphorically—that he was an object, not a human being. That Jason was his pet: his puppy, his “little bird”...
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⚠️ cw: smut, mild dubcon (⚤)
Aww, that’s adorable, little bird. You think she actually cares about you.  It’s not the Clown speaking. It’s his voice. It’s him.  A part of him. The part that crawled out of the pit, not the one who fell in. He sounds so much like the psycho who tortured him for over a year of his life. Who taught him everything there is to know about pain. Who taught him how to hate.  She’s using you. Oh God but it feels so fucking good.  Taking what she wants from you. She’ll leave you all alone. Broken. And you’ll just let her do it because you’re too weak to say no.  It was always easier to submit, to obey.  Look at her. She’s beautiful. And what are you? Just a miserable failure covered in scars. She knows it too. She knows you’ll follow her around like the pitiful little puppy you are.  The dog he trained me to be. He even gave me my own leather collar!  The memory makes him burn with rage. He digs his short, ragged fingernails into her flesh. Look at how little she is. How easy it would be to overpower her.  You could make her do whatever you want. She’ll be helpless to stop you. You remember what that feels like.  No one’s going to want me… Hurt her like she’ll hurt you—you know this will never last. Take what you want before she abandons you. Just like everyone else. 
“Are you okay?” That voice again. Softer. Concerned.  The Clown is there, doubled over in a fit of raucous laughter. “Leave me alone!” He shouts, voice dripping with anger, hatred, pain. At the Clown. At her.  “Please, let me help you…” “GO AWAY!” He roars He still can’t breathe. Can’t catch his breath. Vise is still firmly locked around his skull. The invisible hand is still cranking it, tighter and tighter.  He runs a trembling hand through his wet hair, feeling for the scar, the bullet hole, feeling for but not finding fresh blood. He’s desperate to escape this misery.  The agony is weighing his body down so much he can’t even crawl. He’s dragging his body across the floor, pulling himself with his hand. Where? Somewhere, anywhere, to escape the pain.  “Oh, little bird, this is too much! Even I couldn’t couldn’t come up with comedy as good as this!” “Someone actually wanted you and you’re screaming at her to leave!” “A beautiful broad pops your cherry, and here you are, curled up on the floor, boo-hoo-ing like she hit you with my crowbar.”  “Comedy GOLD I tell ya!”
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Becoming Mrs. Wayne [The Dark Knight] Thirteen
Pairing: Christian Bale!Bruce Wayne x OC
Summary: Demetria Gallagher knew her cozy life would change the second she became engaged to Bruce Wayne. But what she doesn’t know is she’s getting more than what she agreed to. (I am trash at summaries.)
Warnings: Panic attack symptoms. Angst. Everyone’s fucked up. Well, almost everyone.
Taglist: dragonballluver, disgraceful-marvel-trash, barikawho, claudiahxrdy , @christianbalefanatic, @librarianafterdark​,  @rosegxoxo​, @lilizia​, @t0uch-starved-h0e​, @barikawho​
Author’s Note: I apologize for the long wait. 
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Never in a million years did Demetria ever think she would wind up in this situation.
She stared at the suitcase, rubbing her chest and silently begging her body to give her a break tonight. She cursed herself for not locking Bruce out of his own room and instead choosing one of the guest rooms. 
A million different scenarios played in her head. All contained the same concerns, Bruce, her mom and brother’s safety, and her own safety. 
He should’ve ran after her and promised her everything was ok even though she knew it wouldn’t be. But he didn’t. He left her and her overwhelmed state to fend for themselves. 
“Care for some company?” 
Demetria turned her head to see Rachel poking her head in, a sympathetic smile on her face. She nodded her head as the brunette closed the door behind her. 
“What’s on your mind?” she asked.
Demetria snorted. “That’s a loaded question.”
“I’ve got all night.” She eyed the suitcase. “I don’t know your timeline though.” 
“A moment of weakness. No matter how many times I try, I can’t seem to go through with it.” She glanced up at Rachel. “You’re the sane one in this situation. What should I do?” 
Rachel cracked a tiny smile. “What do you want to do?” 
“I want him to realize he’s not doing anyone any favors by revealing himself, but you and I both know he’s not going to listen either one of us.” 
“He’s stubborn that way.” 
Demetria eyed her engagement ring, twisting it. “Makes me question a lot of things.” 
“Such as?” 
Tears began to pool in Demetria’s eyes as she realized what it was she was about to say. It was the question that plagued her mind throughout their relationship and into their engagement, but had continuously pushed back as far as she could. 
“Why ask me to marry him?” she finally said. 
Rachel folded her arms across her chest. “There’s something you need to know. Long before you came, Bruce wanted him and I to be together.”
Demetria couldn’t move. A calm confession had managed to knock the absolute shit out of her.
“I told him I couldn’t because of Batman, but that when the city no longer needed him that maybe we could,” Rachel continued. 
Demetria blinked and somewhere in the silence that fell between the two women, realized it was her turn to say something and that Rachel had been waiting on baited breath for some sort of reaction. 
So, she started with a deep breath. “Wow, ok. This…explains a lot.” She glanced up. “I’m not mad. Not that I would have any right to be. I just…I’m processing a lot of information right now and I...” 
Maybe this why Bruce went after her. She was Harvey’s best friend and he must’ve assumed something romantic was going on. Maybe that was why he went to lengths to keep their relationship quiet. Maybe he wanted to show-
“Its been over since he met you,” Rachel said. “After that lunch, he asked me about you. I told him you were off limits. I said that if he messed with you, Harvey would ruin him. That’s how he figured out you were at Harvey’s fundraiser. He came for you.” 
She ran her hand through her hair. “How do I not know he wasn’t with me to try to-.” 
“I told him I was in love with Harvey and that nothing was gonna change my mind and that if that was a problem, he needed to deal with it alone without hurting you.” She paused, smiling a bit. “Then he said he was outside your apartment, making sure you were ok. I realized he took time out of his Batman patrol to check in on you. He also said that if I ever hurt you he’d let me kill him myself.” 
A tiny smile played out on Demetria’s lips. “Time to make good on your promise then,” she said, motioning to the door. 
“He loves you so much that losing you scares him an when he’s scared, he pushes away,” Rachel assured. “He knows you can do better. But I know you’re exactly what he needs.” 
Demetria opened her mouth when Rachel cut her off again. “If he goes through with it, I will take care of you and your family’s protection. I know a lot of people who owe me favors. Just promise me you won’t leave him. You’re his one hope for a normal life.” 
Demetria shut her eyes, letting the tears fall. “Ok.” 
Rachel put a gentle hand on Demetria’s forearm. “Go to him, ok?” 
She went to leave when Demetria said, “Rachel?”
The brunette turned to see Demetria smiling at her. “Thank you.” She wrapped her arms around her. “If Harvey hurts you, just know I’ll murder him.” 
Rachel laughed. “I’ll hold to you it.” 
After wiping her tears, Demetria made her way to their bedroom where Bruce stood, looking out the window. 
The sound of the door closing behind her grabbed his attention. He turned to her, their eyes meeting for a moment before she made her way to her nightstand. 
Her throat started locking in when she grabbed her medicine and opened the cap. She popped the pill in her mouth and made her way to the bathroom, filling up a crystal glass with water from the sink and then taking a large sip. 
Setting the glass back down, she closed the bathroom door and went back to her nightstand where she pulled out her notebook and a pen. 
“Ok, I need you to tell me what areas need to be cleared out in this apartment so Alfred and I can take care of it,” she said. 
Bruce just stared at her. Demetria exhaled softly. “Babe, we have so many goddamn rooms and only so little time so please, for once tonight, help me out here.” 
“What’re you doing?” he asked. 
“What does it look like I’m doing?” She looked down at the notebook. “Ok, so guest room four is clear. I know that after-.” 
Bruce then took the notebook and pen from her, throwing it off to the side. He gently grabbed her forearms. “I need you to leave in the morning.” 
“I don’t want you here while this goes down.” 
She tilted her head, glaring at him. “So now I’m being considered?” 
His face softened. “What?”
“Why didn’t you consider me in this decision?”
“I told you I did.”
“Don’t lie to me. Why didn’t you consider me in this decision?”
“You considered what you were gonna do with me. What you didn’t consider is how this would impact me.”
“Rachel knows people who are gonna protect you.”
“Lawyers can protect in a court. What about outside of that?”
She took another step. “What about my mom and my brother? You don’t think people are gonna come after them?”
The silence was deafening.
“There are a lot of people who want to kill you for what you’ve done,” she went on. “A handful of those people think that killing you won’t be enough and that’s when they’ll come after everyone associated with you.”
“You don’t think I didn’t think about that?” Bruce retorted. “You don’t think that haunts me?” 
“I don’t because you won’t talk to me!” she told him. “You just keep pushing me away.”
She wiped the tears away. “You want to make this easy on me? Tell me you don’t love me. Say it and I’ll go. I’ll leave and when I’m asked why, I’ll tell them you said it.” 
Bruce’s blank expression made her wonder if he was contemplating. She pulled her lips back, nodding her head. “Go ahead. Say it. Say it.”
Bruce took a step forward to her. She didn’t move. “Say it, Bruce.” 
He held her face in his hands as she closed her eyes, mentally preparing herself to lose him, her whole heart. The world, the future she had romanticized because of him, ready to leave in flash. 
“I love you, Demetria.” 
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teejaywyatt1 · 7 months
✨Chapter 7 of Heat of the Moment will drop on Thursday, November 9th at 2:30PM EST.✨
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virtualtrashcollector · 5 months
🌼 Kisses & Brownies
Joker x Female (Dark Knight Joker) 18+ only
Summary: As a young kinky British woman working as a mechanic in Gotham for the Joker, one night you see him looking rough after a fight. You decide to invite him into your office to patch him up.
Warnings: 18+ VERY EXPLICIT. This story features lots of dirty words and situations! Reader discretion is STRONGLY advised. No minors please. Enjoy!!
Word count: 7,198
Note #1: I will post each chapter separately as some are quite long. 6 chapters in total.
Note #2: This story takes place between 'Joker Comes for a Sleepover' and 'Meeting the Joker'.
Note #3: My OC has several body mods, including a split tongue, a pierced septum, and pierced naughty bits.
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Chapter 1:
It was a cold and windy Thursday night in downtown Gotham as the three of you worked away in the garage. Richie and Michael were in the machine shop while you toiled away in your office. It was a smallish room tucked in the upper left hand corner of the shop. Thinking you heard your name, you approached the door and pushed it open slightly. Standing quietly in the doorway you listened in. A grin slowly spread across your face as you overheard the two men talking to one another.
"Daisy's way hotter than that other chick was." Michael said while tightening the bolts on a large tire.
"I'm not arguin' that with you, just saying she had a bigger rack that's all." Richie exclaimed as he rifled through a large metal toolbox.
"That she did, those tits were huge." Michael responded as he finished the tire he was working on.
"Haven't you two talked enough about tits for one day?" You inquired stepping out into the shop. Both men stopped what they were doing and turned to look at you. Richie smiled and replied,
"Don't think so. Maybe you would care to join in, ya know? Maybe a little show and tell?" His Italian accent was very strong and you had always found it very sexy. He had dark brown hair, brown eyes, and an incredibly sweet smile. Both men were wearing dirty shop coveralls and were stained head to toe with grease. You wore the same coveralls as they did, along with your regular steel toed beige colored workboots. The shop smelled like sweat, gasoline, and balls.
"I'm good thanks, maybe later. That is if you two get all of your repairs done." You teased making your way over to the counter for the blueprint you needed. Snatching it up, you started back to your office as they resumed their work.
"Now that's what I call incentive." Michael exclaimed while rolling another tire over to his station. You made eye contact with the buff heavily tattooed man, and held it for a moment. Damn he looked good tonight. You just might have a little fun with these two later.
"And someone please turn on the fan, it smells like sweat and ballsack in here." You said while waving your hand in front of your nose. As you approached your office the backdoor next to you opened, and in stepped J.
He seemed to notice you at the same time you noticed him. The other two men seen as well but quickly looked away once he glanced in their direction. He looked roughed up, almost as though he had just been in a nasty fight. His long green hair was a mess and his suit was dirtier than usual. Approaching him you inquired quietly,
"Everything alright sir?" He was slightly out of breath and was gripping a small black knife in his right hand. He was also hunched over a little more than usual.
"It is now." He replied closing the knife and putting it back inside his coat pocket.
"Just had to deal with a couple of...... disturbances." As he said this he stepped closer allowing you to get a proper look at him. Inspecting his jacket it didn't take long before you noticed the red stain underneath.
"You're bleeding." You said lifting the fabric to see a sizable crimson spot. J looked down.
"We'll...... what do ya know." He licked his lips and continued.
"Thought maybe one of those assholes got me, but I wasn't sure." You found yourself feeling genuine concern for your new boss. The thought of him being hurt very much made you want to care for him.
"I've got a first aid kit in my office, I'll get you fixed up good as new." You said gesturing towards the door. He grinned and quickly headed inside.
Luckily Richie and Michael hadn't noticed J slip into your office. Inside the steel room was a desk, a mini fridge, a coffeemaker, a few filing cabinets, and a couple of chairs. A large mural was stamped onto the metal wall behind your desk, and a ceiling fan spun perpetually above. There was also a metal shuttered window that opened up right into the shop, should you choose to have it open. You had placed a few plants around the room to make the place feel a little nicer. It was relatively dimly lit. The only lights were a floor lamp, a table lamp, and a candle.
"Didn't know you had an office." He remarked clicking his tongue. You shut the heavy door and locked it behind you. Approaching your desk, you removed your laptop and set it off to the side on the concrete floor.
"Have a seat." You encouraged him while gently patting the desk.
"Yes ma'am." He said hopping up on the dusty surface. Grabbing the nearby first aid kit you opened it up on the desk beside him. His legs were parted slightly allowing you to easily slip between them. His feet dangled freely in the air. J slid his tongue over his lip as you moved in close. You were now virtually eye to eye with one another.
"I like this....." He said reaching out and touching your large steel septum ring.
"Thank you sir." You responded softly with a grin. Carefully you removed his heavy purple suit coats. He watched closely as you peeled off layer after soiled layer. Now down to his dirty dress shirt, you untied his tie, slid off his suspenders, and unbuttoned his shirt.
The faint sound of an air compressor leaked through the thin walls of the otherwise quiet room. J was now shirtless allowing you to instantly spot the wound he had obtained earlier. Right at the base of his ribs on his left side, there was a painful looking gash most likely caused by the tip of a blade. Reaching for the gauze and disinfectant, you dabbed a little on the material and poised to press it onto his skin.
"This is going to hurt love." You warned him softly while placing your free hand on his thigh. He nodded his head slightly and took in a breath. Making contact with his soft tan flesh he barely even flinched. Thankfully the laceration didn't look deep enough to require stitches. After sufficiently cleaning the area you put on a fresh bandage, making sure to secure it good and tight. It took a few minutes to clean up some other minor cuts and scrapes on him as well.
"There we are." You said packing up the first aid supplies.
"Thanks doll." J said with a crooked smile. With the supplies away, you used your fingers to lightly touch a blackish bruise on his muscular bicep. There were at least a half a dozen more bruises you could see scattered about his arms and torso. He also had a number of scars in an assortment of sizes and shapes. Standing close to him, you could feel the heat coming off of his body. His dark eyes seemed to observe you hungrily. He smelled like sweat and dried blood.
He seemed to notice your left hand for the first time. You had lost your middle finger a few years ago.
"Never noticed this before." He said gently gripping your hand and observing your wound. He looked sympathetically at you with a questioning expression.
"Nothing too strange, I simply flipped the bird to the wrong person. Before I knew it my finger was on the floor. Learned my lesson that day." You answered him. He felt the nub where your middle finger should have been.
"Damn. This makes my injuries seem..........trivial." He exclaimed with a soft chuckle.
"Not trivial. Just not so severe." You told him with a small grin.
"Unfortunately I can't really do anything for these." You said tracing his various bruises with your fingertips.
"But there is one thing I can think of that might make you feel a little better....." As you said this you trailed off purposely. Your lips were nearly touching his as you felt his hands slip around your waist, pulling you closer still.
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vanezzky · 1 year
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                  Rick Sánchez x Reader
Owned by Sánchez :
          Prólogo .   / Aesthetic 
  : ¿ Hogar dulce hogar ?
: Ponme al día.
Estás obsesionado, déjame ir.      
En el fondo de mi mente.
Con mis brazos alrededor de mi cuello.
Colocado de tí.
Reacción química provocada por la oxitocina.
Mi tipo es...
El principio del abismo.
Ella es MÍA.
Falling in reverse.
Fantasmas del pasado, presente y futuro.
Vuelta al principio.
Dispara al diablo.
Viejos enemigos.
Palabras como golpes.
Hablando claro, tengo un problema.
No debía pasar.
Apocalypse    (En proceso )
        Prólogo / Aesthetic.
One shots :
                  -Científco, playboy y ¿Peluquero? [ Rick x Kat]
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The Joker x Reader 
Sanity Mask 
  Prólogo  / Aesthetic
 La curiosidad mató...
 Detenida pero no presa.
Bienvenida a Arkham.
Pacto con el diablo.
La ruleta rusa, sin pistola 
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coolcataetheryte · 2 months
Title: Say You Love Me (2, 3, 4, 5)
Pairing: Joker(mWoL)xThancred
Word count: 2,824
TW: brief sexual assault (non graphic but you have been warned)
Summary: Thancred and Joker have a misunderstanding. When Joker goes out to find Thancred and apologize, he has a run in with an unsavory stranger! Will Thancred save him?
Tags: vierapril prompt 11: longing, like so much longing, mutual pining, gonna go with hurt/comfort, angst, boys being oblivious idiots. I may do a part 2, i should just start writing dollar store romance novels
Background info: This is part of my Magical Heroes AU in which the WoL and scions are all magical boys/girls. It’s not about that, but it is mentioned. I imagine events happen a bit differently, but again not super important to this story. I think enough context is given, but if you’re confused, sorry about that lol. This is set right after the end of ARR soon after Lahabrea was exorcized purged from Thancred’s body. PS Joker is kind of a big crybaby like Sailor Moon. PPS I have no clue where they’re staying, so just use your imagination. Fancy inn somewhere I guess.
“You’ve been crying.”
Joker jumped at Thancred’s words.
“Should you be up?,” he asked, hurrying to his side.
Thancred gave him chuckle, “I'm perfectly fine to walk around.”
Joker’s hands hovered just inches from Thancred’s arm. He lowered them, and took an awkward step back. “That’s good then..”
“I wish you wouldn’t worry so much,” said Thancred. “None of it was your fault.”
“I know but,” Joker fought back the tears threatening to fall once more, to no avail. “I should've noticed. I should’ve known you were possessed and helped you sooner. I-”
“It isn’t your fault,” Thancred interrupted. “Please, Joker.. I hate to see you so distraught over me.”
Joker tried to take some calming breaths but he couldn’t stop the tears. What if he had lost him? The thought of losing any of his friends was awful, but losing Thancred? That would be unbearable.
“Did you mean it?,” Thancred asked suddenly.
Joker looked at him in confusion, rubbing his eye.
“Did you mean it,” he repeated. “What you said before. The thing that brought me to my senses and allowed you all to banish Lahabrea from my body.”
Joker was thankful his skin was dark enough to mostly hide the blush creeping into his cheeks. The shock that Thancred remembered stopped the tears.
“I.. well.. yeah,” he hesitated. “I love all my friends.”
He averted his gaze as he said it, hoping the explanation would be enough for Thancred to drop it.
“I see,” Thancred said after a beat. “Of course.”
The Viera refused to believe there was disappointment in his friend’s voice. He was probably relieved more than anything.
“Yeah, so,” Joker laughed awkwardly. “That’s what I meant. I hope I didn't make you uncomfortable.”
Thancred shook his head and forced a smile. “I’m lucky to have a good friend like you.”
The words struck Joker right in the heart.
“I don’t suppose you’d say it again,” Thancred asked. “I don’t often hear it.”
Joker blinked at him.
“Say you love me,” he clarified, hiding his own pain behind a teasing smirk.
“Uh, sure. I mean.. if you want me to," Joker hoped he hid his embarrassment well. "Um.. I love you.”
He was getting hot. He needed to get away from Thancred right now, before he did anything that would ruin their friendship. He didn’t know where to look and he worried he seemed insincere. He rubbed the hem of his shorts between his fingers, hoping he’d leave on his own now.
Thancred's smirk had changed to a sad smile, but Joker was too preoccupied to see. “Thank you, my friend.”
Joker’s heart was beating hard and fast. He desperately wished to hear his friend say the same words back to him in a different context. But that was it, they were friends. There wouldn’t be more.
“I hope you’ll be able to stop crying for me soon,” said Thancred as he turned to leave.
It had come out louder than he meant it to, but Thancred didn’t seem bothered when he turned back to face him. A moment ago, all he could think about was putting a bit of distance between them, yet now, suddenly, he couldn’t bear the thought of being apart.
“I, um,” Joker stammered, now messing with the hem of his top. “I think I'd like it if you kept me company. I don’t really like to be alone, but the others aren’t really around or they’re busy so..”
Thancred nodded. “I’d like that, too.”
They stood awkwardly for a moment, Joker still working the fabric between his fingers. His face grew hot again when he felt Thancred’s hand over his.
“You’ll rub your fingers raw like that,” he said softly, pulling Joker’s hand away from the material.
“Nervous habit, I guess.”
“Nervous? About what? Me?”
“Only because I still worry about your condition.”
“My condition is fine. Promise. Now don’t make me worry about yours.”
He placed a gentle kiss on Joker’s hand before letting go. Joker almost felt his soul leave his body. He tried to hide how his heart soared in that tiny moment, but it was pounding so hard he felt faint. He swayed just enough that Thancred instinctively reached out to steady him. The places his hands grabbed Joker’s shoulders felt like electricity, which in turn, made him even more faint. His knees gave out, Thancred’s arms the only thing keeping his knees from hitting the ground harshly.
“What is it,” Thancred asked urgently. “Are you feeling ill?”
“I’m just tired,” he half lied, trying not to panic while being so close to him. “I guess I have been worrying too much.”
“We better get you in bed. I think you should lie down. Your pulse is very hectic. I’ll have someone look at you.”
Arguing would only make it seem suspicious, so Joker didn’t. Instead, allowing Thancred to help him to his room. But the prolonged contact was only making him more dizzy. He was completely, undeniably lovesick for this man. The entire situation was utterly embarrassing. He closed his eyes.
Thancred laid him in bed, fighting the urge to stroke a soft, blue ear. He studied his friend’s face closely. It had bee a long time since he'd seen him untransformed. He had forgotten the makeup was not part of his magical warrior glamour. The pink around his eyes was his own doing, as were the indigo lips. It all simply became more defined when he invoked his transformation, enhancing his beauty even more. The nails, however, he’d noticed were decidedly not raspberry colored.
So that is part of the glamour, he thought to himself. He realized the moment Joker’s condition took a sudden turn was when he’d kissed those lovely fingers. Joker’s face was completely flushed, and his breathing was still rather heavy.
“I hope I'm not somehow still under some kind of corruption,” he said. “Or having some kind of lasting effect that could hurt you. I’m sorry. Perhaps I shouldn't have touched you.”
Joker opened his eyes, cheeks burning. “No. No, it isn’t that. I promise."
“I should have someone check. You rest for now.”
A hand gripped Thancred’s sleeve.
“Please,” Joker cried. “Don’t leave. I’m really fine. I’m just.. I'm just being ridiculous.”
“I don’t know what you mean,” Thancred tried to search Joker’s eyes but he kept them downcast. “I need to understand so that I may help you.”
Joker finally met his gaze. Seeing the worry, he realized he should hide it no longer.
“I..,” he began. “I get like this any time I’m close to you. My entire body starts to burn up, and I feel out of breath because my heart races so fast it could run away entirely.”
Thancred thought was beginning to understand, but he needed actual confirmation of his theory. He needed to hear Joker say it in no uncertain terms. He didn’t dare assume. Not with him.
“Why?,” he prodded. “Do I make you uncomfortable? When did this start? When I obtained the necklace? It could be your light warning you that something is still wrong.”
“No, it’s not that,” Joker’s voice was becoming more desperate as he forced himself to sit up.
“Then what is it? Please.”
Thancred had already moved a bit closer. He glanced at his lips, trampling the urge to kiss him. He was yearning for Joker to simply say what he so eagerly hoped his trouble was. He watched the purple eyes grow wide, then dart away as Joker pulled back.
Thancred felt a twinge of pain in his chest. He was wrong then. The hand holding his sleeve had slipped away.
“It’s all right,” he said softly. “I’ll let you rest.. And keep my distance.”
With that, he left swiftly, barely even giving Joker time to process his words. Joker hated himself for losing his nerve. Now he had hurt his friend. He must have thought he hated him or was afraid. He sighed sharply and dropped back onto the bed and covered his face.
“I’m such a coward,” he spat to himself.
Hours had passed while Joker simply stared at the ceiling, willing himself to get up, find his friend, and make things right. They were warriors. This should be nothing compared to what they’ve faced, but telling Thancred his feelings was more frightening than any monster. However, losing Thancred as a friend was a fate far worse than death in his mind. At this rate, he was going to lose him whether he told him or not. He finally dragged himself out of bed. It was late, but he knew Thancred would be up. Especially if he was upset.
He tried Thancred’s room, but it was empty. He searched all over the inn for him but found no trace. He wouldn’t have decided to put so much distance that he’d leave, would he? Joker hurried outside. It was quieter, but it wasn’t so late that the streets had fully died down. He closed his eyes and listened, his ears fully alert atop his head. He caught the sound of his friend’s voice; he knew it anywhere. He hurried toward the bustling tavern. As he approached, he heard another voice alongside Thancred’s. One he didn’t recognize. He stopped when he came into view. He was flirting with a woman. She was awfully pretty and was giggling at something he’d said. Joker’s heart sank. His eyes burned with fresh tears threatening to fall. There was a painful lump in his throat, and he was gripping his own shirt tightly.
Of course, he thought. This was Thancred’s nature. He could have anyone he wanted. He was a natural flirt and not once had he flirted with Joker. Telling him the truth would only make it awkward. If Thancred had wanted him, he would make it clear. Right?
He’d backed himself into the alley. It didn’t seem like Thancred saw him. He was thankful for that.
Suddenly, he felt his collar yanked harshly. His yelp was lost under a sudden burst of laughter from a group of patrons. A large man threw him against the wall, pinning him. He was much taller than him and broad. Not like a Roegadyn, but likely someone who did very heavy labor for a living.
“What’s the matter, little bunny?,” the man slurred. “Someone stand you up? Don’t worry, I'll keep you company tonight.”
Joker’s head was reeling from hitting the wall. His reaction time was slowed, but the feeling of the man’s tongue sliding along his throat and up to his chin, plus one of the man's legs groping between his own was enough to bring it back. He shoved the man hard, making him stumble back and knock against the wall opposite of him. He was stronger than average, but without transforming he was still at a disadvantage if the man grew angry. Luckily, it was enough to send the man running.
Somehow, no one seemed to be wise of what almost happened. Thancred included, still flirting away.
Standing next to a large crate for cover, he pressed his back against the hard, stone wall and slid to the ground slowly, not caring at all about how his clothes drifted up and the likely scratches he’d have because of it. He slumped into his knees and sobbed. One hand rubbing frantically where the disgusting man’s tongue had been. It took everything in him to keep his crying relatively quiet. The last thing he wanted was to draw attention, but there was no way he could just walk away right now. His legs felt like jelly, and the rest of him was numb. He didn’t notice the streets quieting further as the night grew later.
His ears perked at approaching footsteps. He curled further against the crate and wall, covering his nose and mouth to quiet his breathing. He wished he was invisible, or that at the very least the person passing by would be oblivious. He couldn’t be caught in such an embarrassing position.
To his horror, the boots stopped directly in front of him. Even worse, Thancred’s face came into view as he quickly knelt down to his level. Joker wanted nothing more than to be swallowed up by the ground.
“Joker, what happened?,” there was distress in his voice. “Did someone attack you? Who was it? I swear on the twelve I'll find them and make them pay! Are you hurt?”
That valor was one of the reasons Joker had fallen for him in the first place. And for him to be so observant and caring after Joker had made it seem he didn’t want to be near him just hours ago. Without a thought, he threw himself into Thancred’s arms, who immediately held him protectively as he scanned the area for any predators.
“Come, let's hurry back to the inn,” Thancred urged, standing them and keeping him close when he began to walk. “They could still be-”
“Say you love me,” Joker breathed into his ear, stopping him in his tracks. "I.. don't often hear it.. and I think I need to right now.."
His voice was shaking. His heart was still gripped with pain and fear, but with Thancred acting so dauntless, he couldn’t help asking for it. Maybe he was taking advantage of the situation, and he’d feel guilty for it later, but right now all he wanted was to pretend they could have more than friendship.
Thancred pulled back just enough to look at him. “What was that?”
“Please,” Joker gasped, his eyes glancing at Thancred, then looking away. “Please.. s-say you love me..”
A warm palm held Joker’s cheek as Thancred hesitated.
“Thancred,” Joker pleaded, his voice breaking.
The slightly taller man brought Joker’s head to his shoulder, holding him closer than before.
“I love you,” it was nearly a whisper.
Joker sobbed. “Again.. please.”
It was louder this time. “I love you.”
Thancred’s hand stroked the blue locks soothingly as Joker continued to cry. He could feel his friend trembling. Rage was building within him. He swore he’d find the one that had hurt the one he cared for most.
“Yes, what is it? What do you need?”
“Don’t let go.”
He kept his arm around Joker possessively as they made their way back to the inn. Thancred’s eyes were like daggers. Anyone still walking the street practically leapt out of their way. No one dared approach them in the lobby; even the other scions steered clear. They’d get the story later, when the murderous energy was no longer radiating off of Thancred.
He helped Joker to his room for the second time that night. He sat with him on the bed. He smelled a faint waft of alcohol on Joker instead of the usual, pleasant, berry pie aroma that was his signature. The flames of rage ignited even stronger.
“Tell me who did it,” his voice had a bit of a growl to it. “Describe him. I’m sure I'll find him if I transform and hurry after him, right now.”
Joker shook his head. “Please don’t leave. Don’t let go.”
He truly was scared. He truly didn’t want Thancred to leave him alone. His usual emotions when Thancred was near were muted by the fear. He leaned against him.
“Alright,” Thancred relented, hugging him close again. “I won’t let go. I’m here. I’ll keep you safe, my light.”
Thancred slumped back to lay on the bed, bringing Joker with him.
“Say you love me,” Joker whispered.
“I love you,” there was no hesitation this time. “Until the end of the world.”
Joker lifted his head to look at him, trying not to seem too hopeful. Thancred’s eyes met his with resolution.
“I love you,” Thancred said again.
Joker breathed a quivering sigh and laid back down on Thancred’s chest. His arms were trembling as he squeezed tight, but Thancred’s were unwavering around him.
“I love you,” Joker sniffled.
Thancred rubbed Joker’s back and said it again. They lay there repeating the words to each other until Joker finally passed out.
Joker awoke with a start the next morning. Thancred’s arms instinctively clutched him tighter, though he was still asleep.
The previous night’s incidents came rushing back and Joker felt the embarrassment and guilt tenfold. He attempted to pry himself away but Thancred’s hold was solid. The struggle caused him to stir awake.
“Sorry,” he said, releasing him. “Did I hurt you?”
“I’m ok,” Joker’s voice was hoarse.
He finally moved away from Thancred, too embarrassed to look at him.
Thancred watched him carefully. “Still a bit shaken?”
“A little,” it wasn’t a lie.
Thancred took a deep breath, the rage building again.
“Did you mean it?,” the question left Joker’s mouth before it even registered in his mind.
The same question Thancred had asked him last night, before this whole thing began. He looked at him, wide eyed and unsure, and instantly, Thancred’s rage melted away.
He pulled Joker closer gently. “Yes.”
Joker’s heart once again beat loud in his chest.
“Say you love me.”
Thancred kissed his lips like he'd been aching to since the previous night.
“I love you.”
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Me: “Don’t you care about yourself? Find a nice guy. Someone who cares. Someone who doesn’t have a corpse in the trunk of their car.”
Also Me: *watches the Joker blow up a hospital in The Dark Knight* “I just want him to fuck me till I’m delirious. Till I black out. Maybe we could even rob a bank together. That would be romantic af.” 😇
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gothamxwattpad · 8 months
I’m going to leave three OC’s listed below.
My goal is to focus on ONE of them.
Their backstory, any notes, any scene ideas and dialogue- anything that could be useful for the actual writing process.
But I don’t know who to pick, so, I’m going to ask you, my moots and anyone else to help me pick one.
And if you’re interested, I’ll fill you in. Ask questions. Please. Anything to help me through my writers block.
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cherrycocaineee · 6 months
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38. Joker - A Love Story For The Books
* Warning: powers/abilities, murder, torture, kind of follows the storyline of Harley Quinn. *
* Synopsis: Even with your telekinetic powers, you’ve always wanted to remain normal to the world and what better way to be normal than to become a psychiatrist like your older sister, Harleen Quinzel. What you didn’t expect was to ever sit in on one of her sessions with the Joker, and neither did Harleen who had done everything in her power to keep you and him away from each other for your own safety. With your new found infatuation with the criminal clown and his amusing interest in you, what could possibly go wrong? Or right, in your opinion. *
Harleen’s dull gray heels drummed against the cold concrete that the two of you were currently walking on. The sound of her heels were accompanied by her flipping through pages on her clipboard. It had been almost thirty minutes since your older sister had spoken a single word to you but you could hear the slow huffs of her breathing as she grumbled in frustration. Harleen wasn’t angry with you, no, in fact she was more worried about you than anything; instead, she was pissed off at her boss who assigned you to her side today knowing that she was working with the Joker. Even though Harleen was seething with frustration, worry, and anger, you were ecstatic. You were tired of the same old same old everyday and you swore if you had to listen to another person talk about something that lacked any real interest again, you might actually blow your own head up. Of course you understood that not every crazy case was going to be off the walls in terms of interest but because of Harleen’s persistent worry for you in this field of work, she’d made it her life’s mission to keep you with all the snooze fest patients.
You were so lost in your rambling thoughts you hadn’t noticed Harleen had stopped until you smacked right into her. A yelp left your dusty rose lips as you quickly drew your hand up to your nose that was now throbbing in pain.
“A warning next time would be great,” you grumbled.
“Sorry,” she replied shortly, “Now listen up, okay. Whatever he says in there, you can’t listen to him. He’s going to make up some sad story about his childhood, it’s fake so don’t fall for it.”
Your eyebrow arched up quizzically, “Then why do you let him tell you something if you know it’s false?”
“Because you learn more from the patients who lie.”
Harleen didn’t say another word before placing her keycard against the lock. There was a quiet chime before the red light switched to a green light, then the sound of metal scraping against metal abused your ears as the lock came undone. The noise was so loud, you almost flinched. When the noise subsided, Harleen pulled the door open and walked inside, leaving the door open so that you could go inside too.
On the inside of this cell it was like any other cell here; there was a single bed sitting in the corner of the room with a thin mattress that didn’t even have a sheet on it; a small, paper thin blanket for them to cover up with laid folded at the end of it as if it had never been used before; in the opposite corner was a desk attached to the wall with a singular, shitty chair for sitting at. Other than those things, the room was pretty bare but most of them were. Occasionally there would be a few patients who had wall art hanging up from their family members or from themselves but it was rare.
As Harleen made her way to the rickety chair in the corner to sit down at, you finished closing the door, waiting for the lock to click. Through the window there were two guards standing at their post which was protocol when a psychiatrist entered a room with any of the patients; they were all criminally insane and at any point in time they could do something to cause harm.
There wasn’t another chair for you to sit in, so you ended up standing beside Harleen. Your eyes had been so busy everywhere else you’d failed to see the Joker sitting at the edge of his bed completely swaddled in a straight jacket. His icy blue eyes pierced right through you causing you to swallow hard on the build up of saliva collecting in your mouth. Harleen’s pen clicking was what helped you to switch your gaze away from him but you could still feel him looking at you.
“Dr. Quinzel,” the Joker purred, “I’ve been looking forward to seeing you. And I see you’ve brought a lovely guest. What’s your name, doll?”
You didn’t get a chance to answer because your sister did for you.
“You’ll address her by Dr. Quinzel too, Joker,” Harleen stated promptly, not even looking up from her clipboard.
“Two Dr. Quinzels!” He hollered delightfully, “Aren’t I the lucky one?”
When Harleen didn’t reply to his outburst, you gave him a small smile.
“I’m her younger sister,” you added, “Y/N.”
“Y/N Quinzel,” he mulled over, a grin plastered on his painted lips, “I like the sound of that.”
You couldn’t help but smile at his compliment, at least that’s what you thought it was.
“That’s enough,” Harleen said, “it’s time to get started.”
You couldn’t blame Harleen for trying to stick to her questions, she had always wanted to be a psychiatrist and she took her work incredibly serious. You pulled out the copy of questions your sister gave you and readied yourself to follow along with the conversation. You didn’t need to write anything down, that was Harleen’s job, all you needed to do was listen in and learn. It was a practice run so that eventually you could start talking to patients by yourself.
“Now, Joker,” Harleen started, “why don’t we start where we left off.”
“Right,” he chuckled, “where did we leave off, Dr. Quinzel?”
Turns out they left off talking about the Joker’s father. Like Harleen had told you, the story was sad and in your opinion, it was overly sad. And he kept changing things, making it almost impossible for you to keep up with the conversation. What you did notice was the way his eyes watched you. You weren’t sure if you should say anything, your sister’s head buried in her papers where she couldn’t see anything. Maybe that was her way of keeping things professional, she didn’t stare at her patients too long or at all. The Joker didn’t seem to mind her not paying attention to him, his gaze was fixed on you and he had no intention of looking anywhere else for the entire session. It was weird to you because even though his eyes should have been making you squirm where you were standing, it wasn’t; in fact, they felt nice. There was no other way to describe it because it was nothing you’d experienced before. It was almost predatory like but there was a hint of possessiveness. Now there was no way you were paying attention to the actual reason you were here and judging by the smirk on his ruby stained lips, he knew it too.
Before you knew it, the session was over and Harleen was thanking the Joker for his time; something she did with all her patients. She was also the first to leave the room, leaving you behind which worked out perfectly for you. You stole another glance back at the Joker, his eyes still resting on you. You swallowed hard, turning on your heel to leave, the door closing behind you. It was odd, once the door closed and locked you found yourself missing his presence. Sighing heavily, you shook your head and ran after Harleen, grateful that you had worn converse instead of heels like she did.
For the next couple of weeks you joined Harleen in her sessions with the Joker; after about the fifth session, you’d been upgraded to a chair which worked for your aching feet. Harleen was gathering her belongings when the Joker decided to press his luck in having an actual conversation with you.
“How are you liking your chair?” He questioned, “I’ve noticed you swaying on the balls of your heels for the last couple of sessions. Couldn’t see you in any pain any longer so I asked one of the guards to bring you your own chair.”
You hadn’t noticed before but you had even started massaging your ankles trying to remove some of the swollenness, even now you were doing it even though you’d been sitting. Though sitting in this chair for a mere hour didn’t compare to the rest of the day when you were on your feet.
“Oh,” you said, meeting his eyes and pulling your hand away from your ankle, “thank you, that was very kind. It actually feels nice to get off of my feet for even just an hour.”
“That’s so good to hear.”
Harleen’s voice sliced through your conversation like a freshly sharpened knife causing you to flinch.
“It’s time to go.”
She was holding her notes against her chest, staring at you knowingly.
“Right!” You said, hopping out of your seat, “right. Let’s get moving then.”
Before you and Harleen had left the room, the head doctor, Dr. Louis, poked his head in. There were two guards accompanying him for his own protection; a lot of these psychotic criminals would enjoy getting their hands on him so he needed to be watched over constantly.
“Ah, I thought I’d find the two of you here. I just wanted to let you guys know that from now on Y/N will be taking the Joker as her patient. Harleen, you’ll be seeing after our newest patient.”
“What?” Harleen and I said at the same time.
It wasn’t in the same tone: Harleen’s was more disbelieving while yours was more exciting. You had started working here a year ago but had never been allowed to take on patients by yourself. You always accompanied another doctor with their patient which is why you were so damn bored with it. Unless you were a high level doctor like Harleen or Dr. Louis, you didn’t get to see the incredibly dangerous criminal patients that they harbored here at Arkham. It astonished you that Dr. Louis was trusting you with the most dangerous patient here. Of course it might have something to do with your telekinesis, you could easily apprehend the Joker with your mind if you wanted to.
“We have a new patient coming in, she’ll need a lot of your attention, Harleen. I’m sure with Y/N’s skills, she’ll be able to handle this clown with ease.”
You stole a glance at the Joker who was now laying back on his bed with an amused look on his face, unbothered by Dr. Louis’ choice of words.
“You hear me, Joker,” Dr. Louis added, “your new doctor will now be Y/N Quinzel, so get use to seeing her face.”
He grinned wickedly, “I look forward to a fresh, new, beautiful face.”
Dr. Louis left the cell with Harleen running after him in protest, leaving you alone with the Joker for the first time. You turned to the table where Harleen had thrown her things down at the sudden news. All of the papers were scattered now, some even littering the floor, making you huff.
“My,” the Joker chuckled, “she’s trying so hard to keep you away from me.”
“Don’t pay her any mind,” you said, kneeling down to pick up her discarded papers, “she’s just protective of her little sister, is all.”
He didn’t say anything and the silence between the two of you was peaceful. You finished gathering all of Harleen’s papers before standing up and turning to him.
“Guess I’ll see you tomorrow,” you state.
“Guess so,” he sang, still grinning from ear to ear.
For the first time since you’ve been sitting in on these sessions, you smiled back. The way you went about things was completely different from your sisters: whereas she was cold and distant, you felt that it made things easier to be friendly towards the patients, it helped them trust you just a bit more. Without another word, you gave a slight wave and left the room, listening as the doors locked behind you.
The next day you were over the moon since it was your first day being alone with the patient. The night before you stayed up planning every question you could possibly think to ask. You had to ignore Harleen’s countless calls because you knew she was only calling to warn you once again about the Joker’s routine antics. It felt like she didn’t think you could do this but it was ridiculous because you knew you were more prepared than anyone could be.
Pulling an all nighter was probably the worst thing you could have done, on top of the two large coffees that you had plus a third. All of that caffeine was making your heart beat fast but you ignored it, not wanting to be sent home or to the ER on your first day. Like usual, you entered the Joker’s cell, this time alone, and saw the shadow of two guards outside the door. The Joker was sitting in his bed in an upright position as if he had been waiting for you for hours, though you knew that wasn’t true.
“Good morning, Dr. Quinzel,” he greeted.
“Good morning, Joker,” you returned, “and please, just call me Y/N. I’m not really into formalities.”
“Then it’s only fair that you call me Mister J,” he smiled, “it’s what all my friends call me.”
You smiled. “Then let’s get started, Mister J.”
Your first therapy session with the Joker went as well as you expected, of course you didn’t think anything he said was the truth but it amazed you that he could come up with so many different ways to lie about his family life. You didn’t mind the lies, it kind of felt like a new story being read to you everyday which is what you wanted in the beginning.
As you were writing down what the Joker said, you noticed the Joker squirming around his spot.
“Everything okay?” You asked, folding your writing hand over your clipboard.
“Sitting like this for so long makes you kind of stiff,” he grumbled.
His discomfort seemed genuine and you hated it when people were uncomfortable.
“Is your…your jacket too tight?” You asked.
“A bit. But nothing I can’t handle, doll. Now where were we?”
You took a deep breath, thinking of probably the stupidest thing you’ve ever thought of. Only the guards had the keys to the most dangerous criminals white jackets but with your telekinesis you could easily undo it and give him a bit of freedom.
“I could help you.”
He brought his icy blue eyes up to meet your gaze.
“And how could you do that?” He questioned curiously.
“I could remove your jacket. Just until our session is over, then it’ll have to go back on.”
He didn’t seem to understand, everyone knew doctors didn’t carry keys to undo the jackets as well as they didn’t care if the patient was uncomfortable. The question for him was how were you planning to remove the jacket without a key and why would you do something like that?
The Joker watched your eyes flutter shut before he realized that his white jacket was starting to undo itself. There was the soft clinking of the locks before they clattered to the floor, the fabric started to untangle itself too, giving the Joker some room to even just wiggle around. That left another question in his head: were you doing this with your mind?
Soon the entire jacket had been removed from his body leaving him shirtless; the jacket was now neatly folded and sitting beside him on his bed. For the first time in months, the Joker was able to move his arms. Standing to his feet, the Joker stretched his arms and popped his back. By then, you had opened your eyes again and were watching his every single move. Not because you didn’t trust him but because it fascinated you to see even someone like the Joker finding satisfaction in being able to stretch his arms out. You honestly didn’t think anything bothered him but clearly you were wrong.
“Feeling better?” You quizzed, pulling yourself up from your chair.
It had been awhile since you had used your telekinesis so it made you dizzy to stand up so fast. You swayed a bit on your feet before tumbling forward, only to be caught by the Joker with his newly free hands. It was the least he could do since you took his chains off.
“I feel fantastic, doll,” he hummed, grinning from ear to ear, “how are you feeling?”
“I’m feeling fine,” you muttered, steadying yourself on your feet, “I haven’t done that in awhile.”
“And what exactly was that that you did?”
“I used my telekinesis to remove your jacket. And later, I’ll use it again to put the jacket back on you.”
Finally you were able to stand on your own so you released the Joker’s broad arms, smiling a thank you to him.
“We have twenty-five minutes left until our session is over, so you have that long to get in as much exercise as you need. We can talk while you do so, it won’t bother me.”
So that’s what the Joker did. As the two of you spoke about his falsified childhood while he did whatever exercise he needed to do. When those twenty-five minutes were up, you quickly put on his jacket before the guards came to escort you out like they did at the end of every session.
“I’ll see you tomorrow, Mister J.”
“See you tomorrow, Y/N.”
And that’s how it went for the next couple of months. You would sit with the Joker and discuss a new family situation, never really getting anywhere new, while he was able to freely roam around in his cell while working out his arms from all the knots that were in them. What you weren’t expecting was to fall in love with him. He was kind, sweet, and always asked how your day was going like he actually cared. You didn’t know if he truly did or not but the interest in his voice was much needed, especially lately.
“Oh, kitten,” the Joker purred, getting closer to you, “you seem in a foul mood today. Is everything okay?”
You tore your eyes away from your papers, there weren’t many questions today and it seemed like the questions list was dwindling more and more everyday.
“Uhm,” you cleared your throat, “I’m fine. There’s just a lot going on at home.”
Despite how hard you had been working, you never seemed to meet your parents’ expectations and their expectations were high considering they wanted you to be exactly like Harleen. And more frequently you’d been going over there with Harleen to have family dinners and somehow you never seemed to get the same praise you felt you deserved. Instead, your parents were always finding ways to critique your work, never seeming to understand that you had earned your patient’s trust rather than ignoring their basic needs as human beings. They had said on countless occasions that they wished you were more like your older sister, and you’d be lying if you didn’t say it hurt your self esteem a bit.
“No need to worry yourself about my home troubles, Mister J. Tell me-”
“Ah, ah,” he said, his fingers gripping your chin so you couldn’t look away, “I’m more interested in what you have to say. You can tell me.”
For some reason it really felt like you could tell him. So all of a sudden you found yourself crying out your complaints to the Joker as he consoled you; it was like he was the therapist and you were the criminal in need of some real mental help. And the way he soothed you made you fall in love with him more and more. He patted your back while you wiped away a few tears; you were grateful that you skipped wearing any makeup today even if you looked like you hadn’t slept in weeks. The Joker had his hooks in you and he knew it. By the next session, you’d be ready to give him anything he asked for and he knew just what he needed to make his escape.
The next session, you felt better than before and you had a little more pep in your step too. You were clenching your notepad in your arms as you sped off towards the Joker’s cell. You couldn’t help the feeling in your chest that made you excited to see him and honestly you hoped that he felt the same way. Today you brought him a present, something to brighten up his little area and hopefully make him smile some more. Once again you heard the slow, loud clicking of the metal locks before you pushed the door open. As routine, the door closed behind you and the guards stood outside ready for whatever. However, the inside of the room was just a bit different. There was a table now in the center of the room with two chairs sitting on either side of it. It was a new accessory that was a bit different then what you were use to. The Joker was already sitting patiently at one end of the table, a grin plastered over his painted lips.
“Dr. Quinzel,” he said, “my favorite part of the day.”
“We’ve been over this, Mister J,” you laughed, “just call me Y/N.”
That made his smile wider.
You took your seat across from him, your notepad finding its permanent spot in front of you on the table.
“I got you something,” you said happily.
“What have you got?” He purred.
“Got you a kitty.” You pulled out the stuffed cat and started playing with its little paws.
“So thoughtful.”
As usual, you used your telekinesis to undo his jacket giving him free range to move around. However, he didn’t get up and move around like usual, instead, he sat in front of you just eyeing your every move. You felt nervous under his gaze, a light blush sketching into your cheeks as you tried to look away. You finally built up the confidence to make eye contact with the Joker.
This therapy session wasn’t going anywhere near how they normally went. He was much more flirtatious than usual and you found yourself watching him with eyes filled with admiration, care, and love. You were so lost in his eyes and words that you didn’t realize how close the two of you had gotten, your face merely inches away from his own. You don’t know how it happened but you had fallen in love with him, and despite your brain telling you how stupid it was to be in love with him, your heart yearned for him. There was nothing you wouldn’t do for him and he knew it.
“Should we get started?” You asked, trying to put some space between the two of you.
“Actually Doctor,” the Joker hummed, “there’s something you can do for me.”
“Anything,” you said a bit too excitedly before correcting your tone, “I mean, yeah, of course.”
He shifted. “I need a machine gun.”
The request caught you off guard and your head was screaming at you to stop listening to him like your sister had told you to.
“A machine gun?”
A big, toothy grin stretched from ear to ear.
You knew you shouldn’t do it. That you should warn the guards about his plans. But the way he stared at you, you felt intoxicated and ignored every rational sense you had.
You just weren’t expecting what came next.
You had used your telekinesis to sneak the Joker a machine gun late in the evening, as well as distorting the cameras so you didn’t get caught. You figured he just needed the machine gun to escape, go back to his busy life causing chaos in Gotham. But he had other plans before he went back to his normal shenanigans.
Before you knew it, gunshots were flying through the halls of Arkham as people dressed in animal costumes. Guards were falling down as more and more bullets pierced their skin; you ran, trying to find some coverage while you repeatedly asked yourself what you had done. This wasn’t what you wanted, not even in the slightest. You tried to sneak away, but in the end you were snatched up by some guy in a suit and another guy in a costume. You screamed, thrashing yourself around trying to loosen their grip but they were too strong for you physically. You don’t know why it didn’t come to you, your mind running so fast that you completely overlooked your telekinesis.
The two men strapped you down to what you think was a gurney.
“Get off me!” You snapped through gritted teeth, trying with all your might to push them off.
But in the end, they got the best of you and were able to strap you down. It was only then did you remember your telekinesis, however, the Joker made an appearance distracting you entirely.
“What do we have here?” He grinned, waving his hands around.
He positioned the light above the gurney in front of your face causing you to squint momentarily.
“I did everything you said,” you rasped, “I helped you.”
The Joker just watched you for a second before laughing quietly, anger prominent in his voice as he spoke.
“You helped me by erasing my mind? What few…faded memories…I had left!”
With each word, he slammed his fist against the cushioned gurney. You’d have flinched if you hadn’t loved him so much. You watched him run a hand through his messy green hair.
“Oh. You left me in a black hole of rage and confusion. Is that the medicine you practice, Dr. Quinzel?” He snapped his purple glove.
You shook your head.
“What are you gonna do? You gonna kill me, Mister J?” You asked.
He reached beside you, taking hold of the equipment that some doctors used to erase patients memories of traumatic events in their life. You swallowed a lump in your throat.
“Oh, I’m not gonna kill ya,” he grinned, rotating the shock sticks beside your head, “I’m just gonna hurt ya. Really…really…bad.”
All of a sudden, the small amount of fear you felt in your body was gone. You no longer felt anything but a want to prove that you could handle what he dished out.
“You think so?” You asked, your body no longer shaking, “Well, I can take it.”
The Joker snapped his belt off and folded it in half making a snapping sound as he tightened it. Then he placed the leather material into your mouth making a barrier between your teeth.
“I wouldn’t want you to break those perfect, porcelain cap teeth when the juice hits your brain.”
Then all of a sudden you felt the electroshock surge through your head and you tensed up, your back arching off the gurney. Your telekinesis had a mind of its own while you were incapacitated; the leather straps holding you snapped themselves in half, a table was thrown against the wall, and the lights shattered. It all excited the Joker more and more, making him understandably curious about you but knowing that this was the end of the line for both of you. He’d always have you sketched into his brain and he knew he had left a permanent mark in yours. He just failed to realize that you wouldn’t give up on him just because he caused you a lot of pain.
You practically made it your mission to seek him out; you quit your job much to your families surprise, and you spent every waking day mumbling to yourself as you searched for the Joker. He wasn’t a hard man to track down and when you did manage to find him, he always seemed to need something that involved your telekinesis. You didn’t mind but you had hoped that all of your help would make him consider taking you in and making you his. But it never seemed to work out that way and you were finally getting frustrated, even desperate for him to acknowledge your love for him.
One night you were waiting on the side of the road outside his club, hoping he’d come out and see you. However, you were left disappointed again when you saw him in his purple Lamborghini, driving to God knows where not even sparing you a second glance. You had half a mind to flip it over, show him you aren’t someone to ignore but you didn’t want to hurt him, instead you stole someone’s motorcycle, using your powers to shatter the chain that was used to keep it from being stolen. The owner didn’t know he’d have to protect his bike from thieves with telekinetic powers. And who could blame him as these abilities weren’t common, even in Gotham.
You followed the Joker on the bike, speeding up so that you could catch up to him. Finally you were able to pull up beside him, looking his way in hopes he’d notice you. He did, of course, but his reaction wasn’t one that thrilled you. He pulled his hand up beside him as if trying to block you from his line of sight. Hurt and anger surged through your veins as you let out an irritated yell. You sped up, taking the lead in front of him. Little parts inside you could feel his annoyance creeping across your skin but you didn’t care. Once you were a good distance away, making sure by looking back, you turned the motorcycle on its side and let it scrap against the midnight black paint. Sparks flew and you were positive that the paint on the side was done for. When the bike came to a stop, you hoped off of the part you had been standing on and planted yourself firmly in front of it, any fear in your bones having been erased that day in Arkham.
To anyone looking at it, it looked like the Joker had no intention of stopping but instead had every intention of running you down in the road. However, with an annoyed grunt and a roll of his eyes, he came to a quick, jerky stop.
“You’re not leaving me. You’re not leaving me!” You yelled, slamming your palms into the metal of his vehicle.
“You…you really are a pain in the ass.”
Just as the Joker exited his vehicle, an eighteen wheeler pulled up behind him.
“I have done everything you said. Every test, every trial, every initiation. I have proved I love you. Just accept it.” You pleaded, tears pricking the corner of your shining eyes.
He lifted his hands, “Got it, got it, got it, got it. I am not someone who is loved.”
He clapped his hands in front of your face.
“I’m an idea. A state of mind.”
The eighteen wheeler started honking while the Joker spoke. But it didn’t deter him.
“I execute my will according to my plan and you, doctor, are not part of my plan.”
He had done a complete circle around you and was now standing back in front of you, so you pulled your hands up to touch his face. His skin felt nice against your own, almost like they were made for each other and you wondered why he didn’t see that.
Once again, the eighteen wheeler honked this time more frequently.
“Let me in,” you pleaded, “just let me in. I promise I won’t hurt you!”
He had pulled himself away from you, laughing at your words just as the trucker exited the drivers seat of the eighteen wheeler.
“A promise, promise…ha…ha…ha…”
“Hey dickface!” The trucker yelled, “Mind screaming at your bitch somewhere else.”
The Joker continued to laugh, completely ignoring the trucker. Your mind moved on its own and soon the Joker’s personalized gun was removed from his leather jacket. It floated through the air before your mind pulled the trigger, shooting the asshole who was interrupting your conversation. His body fell to the ground with a thud.
“I was gonna say,” the Joker said, “I wouldn’t do that if I were you.”
He had stolen a quick glance at the dead trucker before returning his gaze to you, this time the floating gun pointed directly at him. The cool metal barely grazed his deathly pale flesh. He rested his forehead against the barrel of the gun and raised his hands up playfully, grinning.
“Don’t hurt me,” he joked, “I’ll be your friend.”
You held your gaze, never tearing your eyes away from the gun letting it continue to float as your mind willed it to do. The Joker hummed, his voice deepening as his smile and joking behavior disappeared.
“Do it. Do it, do it, do it, do it, do it.”
“My heart scares you,” you gritted, “but a gun doesn’t?”
“Do it!”
But you couldn’t and he knew you couldn’t. So within a mere second, he snatched his gun out of the air and your mind stopped buzzing. A headache growing from the overuse of your ability. You were mentally exhausted and the Joker could only laugh, pushing his own gun against the side of his head.
“God, if you weren’t so crazy, I’d think you were insane.”
He was glaring at you now, his expression dark and uncalculating. A few tears slipped off of your face and dropped onto the ground as you stared at the man you told yourself you loved. Even now.
“Go. Away.” He said.
He left you standing there, getting back in his Lamborghini and driving off. You choked back a few sobs, using the back of your hand to wipe away your tears before walking in the opposite direction he had driven off in. What you didn’t see was the Joker watching you through his rear view mirror. Even though he kept trying to deny it, you were interesting and the more interesting he thought you were, the more captivated he felt by your presence. He knew you loved him but he wasn’t sure how he felt about you. He took his eyes off of you for a split second and when he tried to look at you again, you were gone. It was almost like you had never been there, at least that’s what he would have thought had the dead trucker not been laying in the road still.
Grumbling to himself and slamming his hands against the steering wheel, the Joker pulled a sharp u-turn, the tires screeching against the cement road. Hitting the gas pedal as hard as he could, the Joker sped off to find you, wondering why he couldn’t keep you out of his own thoughts.
He found you not too far away from where the two of you had conversed. You had your arms wrapped around your body as you walked, sulking harder with each step. Quickly, almost harshly, the Joker yanked his car in front of you causing you to stop walking. Your eyes widened as he climbed out of the driver's seat and made his way to the passenger’s seat. Quirking an eyebrow upwards, you watched as he opened the door and looked at you.
“Well,” he muttered when you didn’t move, “get in.”
It was a small gesture, even after your conversation with him just a second ago, but you still smiled hard and hopped into the passenger’s side. He closed the door behind you, got back in his own seat, and sped off, not telling you where the two of you were headed.
You weren’t expecting to be taken to a chemical plant. The words “Ace Chemicals'” faded into the building walls telling you this place had been out of use for some time. It smelled too and you had to hold your breath until you could stomach whatever that stench was.
The Joker watched you intently as your eyes wandered taking in everything it passed. He was fascinated by how curious your little head could be but he wasn’t going to tell you that.
Finally the two of you reached a room that was layered with nine vats of chemicals at the bottom. The Joker and you were standing on top of the black, metal that held you above the acid. The metal was slick with water from whatever but really it was as safe as could be. You followed the Joker to the edge before peering down at the vats of chemicals that covered the floor. They were bubbly and made weird hissing noises making you wonder if they were incredibly hot.
“Question,” the Joker started causing you to look away from the chemicals and up at him, “would you die for me?”
You didn’t even hesitate with your answer.
“That’s too easy,” he muttered, “would you…would you live for me?”
The question meant something so different than his first. Life was cruel and there were so many things to hate about life, dying was easy because there was no suffering. So in a sense, he was asking you if you’d suffer for him. Which you would.
“Careful,” he whispered, “do not say this oath thoughtlessly.”
He brought his tattooed hand up to your face, his fingers grazing your cheeks causing you to shiver. His touch had you so intoxicated that it felt like you were drunk from a whole day's worth of drinking.
“Desire becomes surrender, surrender becomes…power.”
His fingers traced over your face, slowly sliding down the sides of your cheeks barely gripping your chin until he rested his finger against your lips. His eyes flickered hungrily at your mouth and you desperately wanted to close the gap between the two of you.
“You want this?”
Again, you didn’t hesitate. “I do.”
He tilted his head back, keeping his hand on you.
“Say it,” he rasped, “say it. Say it. Pretty, pretty, pretty…”
His voice got softer until it faded and you felt your heart throb with both love and lust.
“Please,” you whimpered.
“God,” he chirped, “you’re so…good.”
He gestured to the edge of where you two were standing. You walked over to it and peered down at the vats of chemicals again. Your logic was screaming at you to change your mind but you couldn’t afford to listen to it. You were almost there, he was almost yours entirely. All you had to do was fall into the chemical and he’d have you. You turned to face the Joker, his eyes watching you intently. You extended your arms before falling backwards letting gravity carry you. The cool air felt nice against your skin as you plummeted; your eyes fluttered close as you thought about all of the things that you were about to experience. While most people would be terrified if they were in this current situation, you found peace with it.
The Joker peered over the edge and watched your body splash into the dangerous liquid. He had finally done it. He’d gotten rid of you. He turned on his heel and headed towards the exit. However he wasn’t able to make it past a few steps as he remembered all of the kind things you had done for him throughout his time of knowing you. Using your telekinesis, you had given him a small amount of freedom from the straight jacket he’d been chained up in for months. You didn’t snap at him or say anything to him out of anger like most the doctors did, you seemed to actually care for him. Even after he tricked you into giving him the machine gun and using the electroshock therapy on you, you still wanted him. And for some reason that filled the Joker with a sense of guilt that he didn’t even think he could feel. With a low growl, the Joker removed his leather jacket hurriedly and went back to the ledge where he jumped in after you.
He reached forward and took hold of your sinking body, pulling you tightly against his body. You fit perfectly against his muscular frame. The two of you floated back to the top, the Joker’s lips on yours filling your lungs with life. You let out a soft gasp as he pulled away, your eyes staring into his as you searched for a trick but you couldn’t find one. He leaned down again, your fingers finding their way to the back of his head, and the two of you kissed.
After only seconds, the Joker pulled away, keeping you wrapped in his arms, and started laughing. The color from your clothes mixing with his. You smiled, pulling yourself closer to him. He was yours, and you were his. Forever.
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keffirinne · 5 days
WIP Title Game
RULES: make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
Thanks @thegreatwicked for tagging! Most of my titles are WIP, I usually name the fic at the end, so it's even funnier now.
Having fun with Lalo / Better call saul (Lalo Salamanca x Reader)
Please not him / Birds of prey (Roman Sionis x Reader) yeah, I said I finished it but I still have a few drafts I might or might not post.
Don't lose control / Gotham (Oswald Cobblepot x Reader)
For the king/ Far cry 4 (Pagan Min x OC)
The worst best birthday gift / Birds of prey (Roman Sionis x Reader)
You would look good in red / Birds of prey (Victor Zsasz x OC)
Mortician's daughter / Birds of prey (Victor Zsasz x Reader)
#sharingiscaring / Birds of prey (Roman Sionis x Reader x Victor Zsasz)
Locked up with a monster / DC, based on Harleen comic book (Joker x OC)
Hit the clubs with Maggie / Gotham (Oswald Cobblepot, Maggie - @house-of-slayterr's OC)
Read it if you want xD - that's the most random I didn't plan to find - fanfic from 2017 about polish national football team. Was really hyped about Euro back then.
Not that many, but I already forgot I even started writing some of them.
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jokers-bat · 9 months
Every Joker and Batman Fic Idea I Have
I’m currently working on other projects but here’s what’s been buzzing in my mind lately!
None of these have titles or plots right now so:
2004 Batman Thingy
Takes place after the episode where Batman goes into Joker’s mind. Dr. Strange decides to keep exploring with Joker’s mind and it quickly becomes a form of mental and psychological abuse. Batman finds out but by then Joker’s mind is so broken he has amnesia. He brings him to Wayne mansion to help him recover only for Joker and Bruce to form a friendship that is later tested when Joker’s memories start returning. (Angst, hurt/comfort, possibly redemption and romance)
Joker’s Sisters
This is partly inspired by the Jack Stauber’s Opal short. Joker has two younger sisters who he left behinds when he became the Joker. Depending on the story, Ruth and Emily either believe their brother is dead or Ruth knows the truth but made a deal to keep it a secret from Emily as long as Joker never involves them in his crimes or does anything that could potentially harm them (I’ll post drawings of them sometime).
High School AU
Imagine if Bruce were a typical student at a school for troubled and traumatized youth. Though he puts on a cold and standoffish exterior, he feels lonely in this new school but with classmates like John, a class clown who everyone calls Joker, Selina who rescues and takes care of stray cats, and Ozzy who pushes everyone away, Bruce finds he’s not alone in this cruel world. (Basically a fic where Batman befriends all his enemies in a high school setting 😆)
And I really want to try a post apocalyptic society kind of fic too but the idea keeps changing. 😅
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igot-the-juice · 1 month
The Scarred - Chapter 7
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Summary - Penelope Miller works at a florist shop in Gotham, barely getting by in the corrupted city. Her life is shrouded by trauma and judgement with little light to find her way with. However, when a certain painted face starts making himself known to her, things take a turn.
As Penelope slipped her key into the lock of her apartment door, her hand shook. Almost expecting him to be in her living space once more. However, when it opened and no one was there, there was no relief to be felt. It was only a matter of time that he showed his face to her again, and it didn’t have to be whenever she got home. It could be at any moment, at any time, at any place. The only comforting thought about the situation was that he hadn't killed her. She assumed that if he wanted her dead, she already would be.
Penelope made her way to the fridge, pulling out leftovers to reheat for a quick dinner. As the microwave ran, she stared at the countertop in thought, facing the living room.
Even if no one else was there, his presence somehow lingered. She recalled his scent, however disturbing it was. She remembered the smell of gasoline and smoke, yet it held a sweet undertone. Burnt sugar, almost. Never would she have thought that he would have smelled of anything even remotely sweet.
She shook her head, itching to get those thoughts out of her head just as her microwave sounded. Switching the TV on, she bundled up in her blanket, food in her lap and started nibbling away. It was a good enough distraction for the time being, however temporary. And when she finished, she debated if she would even be able to sleep.
Putting the dishes away, she pulled out her phone and went to her call history, deciding on not being alone for the night. After the phone rang a few times, it picked up.
“To wha’ do I owe tha pleasure, miss?” Penny smiled lightly.
“Would you mind having company tonight? I can’t sleep…” Her voice faded at the end in embarrassment.
“I’ll do ye one better and ‘ed o’er ta yer place, yah? Tha’ way we can work on ya feelin’ safe in yer own space again. ‘Ow’s tha’ sound?” The woman took a deep breath in thought.
“Okay… Yeah, that’s fine.”
“Be o’er in a minute, miss.”
She decided to keep her bandages on with him coming over. It was uncomfortable, yes, but she couldn’t help but feel naked with them off in front of others. Not even Emma has seen her without them. She wasn’t sure if she would ever take them off in front of anyone, no matter who it was.
Barely over a minute later, there was a knock at her door. She peeked through the peephole, making sure it was in fact Liam before opening it for him. “I’m sorry if it’s a bother -“
“Oi.” Liam cut her off. “What’d I say abou’ apologizin’?”
“C’mon now, let’s get ya some sleep, yah?” He rested a hand on her back and led her to her bedroom. Liam decided to stay above the covers while she climbed underneath, her head in his lap while he draped an arm over her. He watched as her eye finally began to close, keeping a close eye on her until she fell asleep.
“J -“ The woman gasped. Her mind was clouded with the movement of his hands as they caressed her. Her mouth was parted, eye fluttered shut and head tilted back against her soft pillow as he guided her into oblivion. Their mixture of sweat and pants only ignited the atmosphere and he buried his head in her neck to lick a trail up to her jawline, earning a shiver beneath him.
Her eye opened again to see a face without the paint. A bare face with maniacal scars resembling a Cheshire smile. Yet the face itself was all too familiar. A face she hadn’t seen for years. It brought nothing but comfort and security.
The bell above the door rang as she stepped into the warmer air. She trudged towards her chair, energy dampened from the night before. Just as she took her seat she heard footsteps coming from the back, heavier than usual.
“You okay, Emma?” She tried. No response. The footsteps grew closer, louder, heavier.
“Yeah, just moving this bad boy to the front.” Emma grunted as she waddled a heavy and filled vase through the doorway. Penelope let out a breath she didn’t know she was holding.
“Don’t scare me like that, you nearly gave me a heart attack!” She practically shrieked.
“You wanna come over here and carry this and try having a casual conversation?!” She exclaimed with hands on her hips after setting the vase down. “I’m too old for that, I nearly broke my back.” She exhaled while dramatically wiping her dry forehead. Penelope chuckled to herself and the woman tossed her a look. “I’m gonna go grab some water from the store, you want anything?”
“I’m good, thank you though.”
“What? You said you want lemonade?”
“No -“
“Lemonade, got it.” She backed out the door. “Cya!”
“Geez!” Penelope jumped from her seat, the unique voice popping through the doorway of the back room. “I was wondering when she’d stop all that racket.” The Joker vocalized shamelessly, a natural habit she’d been coming to find out. Penelope’s original fear slowly drifted into irritation.
“You have a bad habit of catching people by surprise.”
“Oh - well the reaction is the best part!” He meandered his way over to the front of the counter. “Besides yours. You were a little bland this time - do better.” He leaned his forearms on the wooden surface.
“As in there’ll be a next time, I’m assuming?”
“See? Ya get it! These people really need to start catching on. They never seem to take a hint, ya know?”
“How’s that when you apparently kill nearly every person you meet?”
“You watch too much of the news, they only ever show the boring parts. So much goes on behind the scenes that nobody knows about.”
“And why’re you telling me this?”
“Can’t a guy just have a conversation?”
“You’re not just ‘a guy’.”
“And you’re not just a girl, hm?” Something glimmered in her eye. “Oh - come on - try and tell me that I’m wrong. Go on, do it.” Silence followed, but Joker patiently waited. “It takes one to know one, toots.” He clicked his tongue with a wink. “Don’t get it twisted.”
“Why’re you here?”
“I have a proposal.” He stepped back to round the counter. “Proposition?” He rolled his eyes. “An offer.” He jumped up to sit on the counter directly next to her, her head following his every move.
“Which is?”
“Well, I wouldn’t say an offer, cause I’m not really giving you a choice -”
“What do you want me to do?” He paused, eyes rolling over to her with a devious look.
“I want to show you what it means to really have some fun.” His voice took on a darker, more serious tone.
“I don’t think you and I have the same definition of ‘fun’.”
“Well, you won’t know unless you try, hm?” Her eye drifted off in thought.
What is he playing at? She asked herself. Even if she wasn’t being forced, she couldn’t deny her curiosity getting the best of her. She wasn’t sure why, but something about him drew her closer. It made her want to know more about him, why he did what he did. And going through with what he offered may give her some answers, no matter how dangerous it seemed. And what did she have to lose, anyways?
“Midnight at the docks. I’m sure you know that area very well.” He looked at the clock on the wall before hopping off of the counter, slapping the counter with a gloved hand before heading towards the back room. “Cya then, toots!”
Just as he left, Emma walked through the door to see Penelope giving her a confused expression.
“What?” She asked in her own confusion. Penelope just sighed and rested her head on her hand.
As the work day came to a close, a jolt of nerves flooded her abdomen. She left the shop, bidding her goodbye to Emma before turning to make her way to her apartment. The lavender smell that usually provided comfort only made her nauseous with anxiety, deciding against eating even with a growling stomach. It wasn’t purely nerves, however. She was anxious, and dare she say a little excited.
Penelope simply showered, got dressed and plopped onto her bed in a poor attempt to get some sleep before heading out. The soft ticking of her nightstand clock filled the otherwise deafening silence, creating an illusion of it growing louder with each tick.
She wasn’t sure when, but she eventually found sleep. It didn’t hit her until she woke up. She jolted upright, snapping her head towards her clock.
Another batch of nerves struck her. She took a deep breath and moved towards her bathroom, reapplying new bandages. As she pressed on the last bit, she made eye contact with herself in the mirror, practically snarling at its reflection before aggressively turning away from it to put her shoes and coat on.
The city was eerily quiet, except for the occasional drunkard and criminal walking the streets. She debated on walking, but being how late it was, decided that driving was safer. It was an ironic statement considering what she was getting herself involved in. Who she was getting herself involved with.
She slowly rolled into the parking lot, seeing a black van already sitting in it. No doubt, it was The Joker. She put the car in park and stepped out, two men she didn’t recognize following suit soon after. One had a bag in his hand, both had rifles hanging around their torsos. The one with the bag stepped forward, and then everything was black.
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prettyyoungandbored · 2 years
Becoming Mrs. Wayne [The Dark Knight] Twelve
Pairing: Christian Bale!Bruce Wayne x OC
Summary: Demetria Gallagher knew her cozy life would change the second she became engaged to Bruce Wayne. But what she doesn’t know is she’s getting more than what she agreed to. (I am trash at summaries.)
Warning: Angst. Pure angst. Cursing.
Taglist: dragonballluver, disgraceful-marvel-trash, barikawho, claudiahxrdy , @christianbalefanatic, @librarianafterdark​,  @rosegxoxo​
Author’s Note: This chapter is dedicated to the anon who wrote me and said they got so into reading this series that apparently, their mom whoop their ass. I apologize for past and any future ass whooping.
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A silence was shared between Demetria and Alfred as they waited on bated breath for Bruce’s return.
Demetria twirled the pendant of her necklace as Alfred checked his watch every few minutes or so. The old man’s eyes shifted to the young woman.
“What exactly did Master Wayne tell you about the night his parents were murdered?” Alfred questioned.
She thought for a moment. “Just that they were leaving the theater when some guy from the mafia shot them down in an alley,” she recalled. “He told me the name but it’s escaping me at the moment.”
“Did he ever tell you that it was Gordon who found him?”
She shook her head. Alfred went on. “Gordon called me that night and told me he had Bruce in his office. He offered to bring Bruce to his house and then drop him off in the morning. I assured I could pick up. When I arrived, Gordon was with Bruce in his office. Another officer said Gordon wouldn’t let anyone else near him. Made sure he knew that that boy was safe with him. I suppose he might’ve forgotten that, but I can assure you, Bruce hasn’t.”
The weight of the situation felt clearer. It also made sense to Demetria as to why Gordon was Batman’s confidant. Bruce trusted Gordon.
The grumble of the platform rising down to the Batcave broke the silence, the two watching intensely.
Bruce kept his eyes to the ground, rolling his motorcycle to where he kept his other transports. Demetria and Alfred watched his every move when the old man gently nudged Demetria.
“I’m going to let you handle this one,” he whispered.
She gave a nod. The old man turned to Bruce. “I’ll meet you back at the penthouse, Master Wayne.”
Alfred was met with silence. Demetria mouthed “thank you” as the old man gave her a reassuring smile.
She turned her attention to Bruce, watching as he made his way to the desk. He leaned over the desk table, his head hung low.
Her heart fell to her stomach and she wondered if she was up for this challenge. She made her way toward him. What seemed so natural felt so awkward. She feared being clingy or overtaking his space, but still yearned to show love and support.
“Bruce,” she spoke up. She stood behind him, but gave him enough space as to not crowd him.  “This isn’t your fault.”
He didn’t look at her. “Joker wouldn’t exist without Batman.”
“Given Gotham’s history, I kind of doubt that.”
He turned to her as she flashed an apologetic smile. She took his hand in hers, quietly surprised he accepted it. “You knew when you took this on that there were going to be days like these. Unfortunately, this one was personal and I get it. I meant it when I said I’m here for you. But that doesn’t mean I’m also going to sit here and let you blame yourself.” She gave his hand a squeeze. “And I don’t think Gordon would want you to blame yourself either.”
He pulled her to him as she wrapped her arms around his waist. His forehead rest against hers as he melted in her arms and touch. There was something about the way Demetria would touch or hold him that brought out a vulnerability in him that he had pushed away since the death of his parents. She knew how to make him feel a peace he had sworn he’d never feel again.
“I don’t deserve you,” he mumbled, loud enough for Demetria to listen.
She pulled back and held his cheek in her hand.
“Don’t say that, ok?” she said. “I’m serious, Bruce. I never want to hear those words come out of your mouth again. If you don’t want me saying it, I don’t want you saying it. Understood?”
He nodded, taking her hand off his cheek and gently pressing his lips inside the palm of her hand.
“I need to be alone,” he told her gently. “Text me when you get home so I know you’re safe.”
She nodded understandingly. “You get home safe as well, ok?”
“I promise.”
She turned on the shower when she heard her cell ring. She looked to see the caller ID. 
She contemplated answering, but given what happened hours earlier declining it didn’t sit well with her. She turned off the shower and answered. “What Harvey?”
“I need to see you. Can you come down here so we can talk?”
She sighed. “I’ll send you upstairs. It’s safer up here. Bruce isn’t home.”
“I don’t-.”
“If you’re not gonna listen to me, then stop wasting my time because it already cost you a life today.”
Her tone was laced with a kind of venom she had never used on him before. She was surprised he didn’t yell at her or even hang up, indicating whatever it was had to be serious.
“Please let the front desk let me up,” he sighed.
She hung up and dialed the front desk. After informing the front desk to let Harvey through, she set the phone down on the bathroom counter. She changed into black sweatpants and a grey turtleneck.
“Heads up, Harvey is coming in for a moment,” she informed Alfred as she walked past the kitchen.
“I assume I shouldn’t offer him tea or water?” the old man remarked.
She smiled before opening the door to see Harvey standing there. “What do you want?”
“Can we talk inside please?” he asked, a slight annoyance in his tone.
“We can go out on the balcony.”
She motioned for him to follow her. She led him outside and then turned to him again.
“You were right.” he sighed. “You were right and I’m sorry.”
Her eyes met the ground, lips pursed back. “I know you are. But I also know you enough to know there’s a favor you’re about to ask me so let’s just skip right to it.”
“I need to keep Rachel safe and she says this is the safest place in the city,” he said. “While I’m not completely convinced she’s safe here given what happened last time she was here and what happened to you at the party, I have to trust her. I know I have no right to ask anything of you, but I trust you more than I trust anyone right now.”
“Is it because no one else is around or did you finally get your head out of your ass?”
Impatience filled the sigh he let out. “Demetria-.”
“Gordon’s dead because you and the mayor just had to have your little parade-.”
“The Joker is coming for Rachel.”
Demetria stepped back, her anger subsiding to shock.
Harvey shoved his hands in his coat pockets. “One is his goons was disguised as an office at the memorial. His name plate said Dawes.”
It was her turn to sigh. “Oh shit.”
“I need you to promise me you won’t let her out of your sight,” he pleaded.
She nodded her head. “Of course. Whatever it takes.”
“Thank you. I appreciate it.”
“Does she know?”
“I told her.”
“Ok. Yeah. She’s good here.”
He went to make his way out, when Demetria said,“Harvey?”
He turned around.
“Do you remember what you told my dad the first night the three of us had dinner? He asked you why you wanted to stay in Gotham, and you told him it was because you wanted to give the city hope for a better, safer future. That’s what he liked about you, the fact you actually cared and you meant it.”
She paused. “When that Harvey comes back, let me know.”
With that, she walked past him and into her room. She grabbed her cell phone and texted Bruce.
Call me when you can.
Demetria stepped out of the shower and into the bedroom when she heard the distant sound of voices from the other side of the door.
Not only did Rachel arrive, but it sounded as though Bruce had as well.
Demetria changed into black flared yoga pants and a matching zip up hoodie.
Walking out of the bedroom, she noticed Bruce and Rachel confined to the back corner of the living room. While normally she didn’t bat an eye to their close relationship, something about this moment felt oddly intimate and that her presence was bound to ruin it.
“Everything alright?” Demetria spoke up.
Bruce opened his mouth to respond when Rachel beat him to the punch. “Bruce, has something he needs to discuss with you.”
She motioned to Bruce, whose eyes fixated on the floor. “You need to be have this conversation with her,” she lectured him.
“If this is about him being Batman, I already know,” Demetria reassured.
“It’s not that,” Bruce said, looking up. He turned to Rachel for moment before turning to Demetria. “I am turning myself in tomorrow.”
Six words formed a punched that knocked her out in seconds. Her mouth fell open slightly, body frozen still.
“Thats it?” she questioned, her voice low. “You’re not gonna discuss with it me? I don’t get a say in this?”
“There’s nothing to say, Demetria. I already made up my mind. What else is there to discuss?”
Once again, his words packed a punch, this time in the gut. She was beginning not to recognize her own fiancé.
“You’re kidding me, right?,” she scoffed. “What about the fact that the city wants your head because they think you’re responsible? What about the fact that The Joker could come after Alfred or Lucius or Rachel or me just for being associated with you. You turn yourself in, you put your love ones in danger.”
The room fell to an immediate, harsh silence. It was a kind vitriol neither Bruce nor Rachel had seen from Demetria. Even Demetria was taken back by her tone. But she stayed firm, even as her heart raced and stomach churned. The young woman shook as she pointed a finger at Bruce.
“I am sick of being talked down to by men, especially by the ones who are supposed to have my back!” she screamed.
The rage and fury inside her made her dizzy, but she persisted. She had to.
“What don’t you get?! He won’t stop even if you turn yourself in. He will not stop even if he has full control of the entire city. He won’t stop because he has nothing to lose, unlike you. You will lose everything. You reveal yourself, you lose your life. You lose Alfred, you lose Rachel, you lose the city. Investors will pull out of Wayne Enterprises. Funding for your charities, including the orphanage is gone. Everything you fought for, your parents fought for is gone.”
“What about you?” he inquired. “Do I lose you?”
Hot tears filled her eyes. She couldn’t answer. Any strength she had left was gone, unavailable to be used.
Bruce gave a nod.  “My decision is made.”
That was it. The final twist of the knife. She was about to turn when she when she felt him grab her hand.
“Don’t fucking touch me!” she seethed, poisonous venom laced in her tone.
Bruce’s eyes stayed on her, almost pleading. Demetria tried to pull away but he pulled back. Rachel, having seen enough, pulled his hand away.
Demetria’s face softened to Rachel, giving her a thankful nod. She went into their shared bedroom, slamming the door and locking it.
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