#joker: ic
aeniqmata · 2 years
          @diabolikxyui​ wanted some pain || source
“what? no! no, i’m not going to leave you,” she hurriedly replied, instinctively stepping forwards towards him instead of away. the step contradicted her next words, as yui continued, “i’ll… i’ll stay out your way, i can watch for myself. i’m not stupid, and i’m not always needing to be watched. or saved.”
“but I’m not leaving you!”
she was definitely scared. as she had said, she wasn’t stupid and this situation was scary. yui knew that. she had a vague idea now of what was going on, and realised she didn’t exactly have any skill set that would assist. it was a harsh truth that she was just tagging along beside him.
she didn’t want to be a burden.
but she also wasn’t about to abandon him. that was awful. worries eyes watched him carefully, but there was some steel there too. a determination. even if it was just encouragement from the sidelines, or waiting until the end to patch up a wound (THAT was something she was very good at). she had seen enough bloody things and fighting. she could stand to see some more, even if she didn’t want to.
“there must be something i can do, and if… if we don’t know what that is yet, i’ll think of it. but you can’t just go around ordering me away like that!”
she knew there wasn’t time for him to chat. a hand reached out towards him, hesitant, before she drew it back. “please. do what you have to do. but… don’t tell me to leave. i can watch myself for a while.”
He wouldn’t have the chance to respond, the Shadow they were fighting so much stronger than they’d expected, and it’d handily taken a few of them off the battlefield. As it was, he was doing his best to dodge and keep away from the thing’s weapons, giving his teammates time to leave before he followed with Oracle’s help. So while her response caused a flash of irritation at his orders not being followed, he quickly calmed back down when he reminded himself that she was not a fighting member of the team.
She hadn’t been through all of it like they had, and didn’t understand that he only took that tone when things were dire.
“ Fox! You, Queen, Skull, and Panther take her and head out. I’ll be out when you all are clear. Go, now! “ It was only practice that kept him calling the correct names, slight panic nearly causing him to call out the other’s real name. Joker knew that his commands would be followed, and dedicated himself fully to distracting the Shadow and allowing the remaining two teammates to join the others.
She wouldn’t get the chance to respond, Fox grabbing her around her waist and hauling her over his shoulder as they took off. He’d give a small apology at the treatment, but knew that if a retreat was ordered, there was likely something that the rest of them hadn’t seen.
Joker didn’t give combat orders like that often, knowing his team could handle it without issues. Once Queen had joined them and started teaching the remainder of the group some tactics, plus Futaba’s ever watchful eyes, the most he had to do was give small commands for flanking or tactics changes.
“ He’ll be ok, Fox. You know how Joker is, he’s quick and he’s not about to let a Shadow get the best of him. “ Queen spoke up after a moment, reassuring the blue haired male. And he knew this, knew that his lover was going to make it out even if it took every drop of energy that he took. But still it wouldn’t stop the anxiety from creeping up on him.
“ What if he doesn’t... I can’t leave Akira back there by himself like that. I-- I know he has Mona and Noir, but... “
They’d stopped moving at this point, Fox barely having the wherewithal to put his cargo down before he fell entirely into his anxiety driven thoughts. It was only practice that kept him from running back, knowing full well that the remaining team members wouldn’t leave without him either.
“ He’ll be ok! That guy’s got some weird amount of luck. I mean we all do but man, he’s on another effin level! “
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ca-3 · 4 months
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something something, maybe Sumi shouldn't have been in P5S 😔💔 /hj
Collection of Sapporo based comics that spawned goofy doodles too... because people's twt comments make me laugh
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toytle · 3 months
hello dc community, i finally have merch ideas i can offer 🤲
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littlest pet superheroes,,,
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nelkcats · 1 year
The Cat Statue
In the center of Gotham stood a cat statue, its eyes were emeralds and glowed toxic green. It always seemed to be looking at you.
No one in the city dared to do anything against the statue. There were rumors that the last time people tried to demolish it, all the construction equipment was damaged, and the workers were sick for weeks. There were people who tried to steal it eyes, but their skin burned without explanation after touching it.
Unlike most inhabitants in Gotham, Selina was not afraid of the statue. She adored it. She asked it questions from time to time, and though no one believed her, the statue always answered; a whisper in her ears, snowflakes in summer, the touch of a hand on her shoulder.
Selina knew the statue wasn't normal, she'd known it since she was a child. But instead of fearing it, it made her feel safe. That's why she used to keep the bats and other rogues out of the place, it was her place, no one else's.
Danny was trapped in the Infinite Realms so he'd been looking for ways to entertain himself. One of them: Statues. Statues hidden in every dimension, statues that brought comfort to those who leaned on them. Though the connection was tenuous, Danny could interfere with their lives if they asked.
Selina had become one of his favorite persons. It was for that reason that when he saw her injured and she asked him for shelter, a great dome of ice formed around her, the statue's eyes glowing brighter than ever.
The Joker backed up a few steps, frowning as he noticed the dome, he had chased Catwoman to the spot and thought he had her cornered. He was about to make another move when spikes of ice began to form on the dome as a warning. Honestly, Danny wouldn't mind killing the clown.
For his part, Batman watched the scene from the roof. An indescribable look on his face.
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gasstationpopcorn · 7 months
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i'm still laughing at the DIFFERENCE in vibes i can't
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tanglepelt · 1 year
Dc x dp idea 85
Danny keeps freezing things. That on its own. Not a big deal. When it takes ectoplasm to melt, naturally or by an ghost attack it becomes one.
He could also just will it away. To bad he doesn’t know that. In Amity it just goes away on its own. How could he know that doesn’t happen everywhere?
Now his parents have dragged him on a cross country tour of all the ghost haunts and attractions.
If only the other vigilantes rouges would stop attacking around them. He keeps having to freeze their feet to the ground. He would not let another joker incident happen.
Rogues are not ghosts.
The other rouges need to be protected from his parents.
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sollattes · 10 months
"So why did you decide to take psychology?"
To fix them duh 🙄🙄🙄 I can fix them fr fr
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stealthywing · 3 months
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battyforpumpkins · 5 months
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Batman: Death in the Family (2020)
Happy Birthday Jason!
It’s hard to put to words how important you are to so many of us. Your 40 years of existence in the dcu may have been arduous and unforgiving, but everything you stand for will always resonate with fans who know and appreciate you.
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aeniqmata · 2 years
@sevenxvirtuesx​ found a friend || source
she had to just assume he was a demon. after all they were in the devildom. and his clothing was.... strange. incredibly so. like, what was with the mask? and the jacket? like was it some kind of fashion statement. though yuki couldn't understand what the statement was supposed to be.
even when he spoke, yuki was still unconvinced. it was only on slightly closer inspection that she wondered if he was actually just a normal guy.
for one thing, that looked like a normal phone and not a d.d.d.
she laughed, unabashed and not hiding it. well, it was just brilliant. right? she loved the demons. LOADS. but wasn't it exciting to maybe see another human? to get to show them this brand new world, watch out for them, get them home?
"uh, you know, i think that counts as physical abuse at this point. you might want to slow down with the tapping before you injure yourself," she remarked, nosy and ready to get herself involved. if he really WAS human then he needed more help than just trying to get into an electronic device.
"i would say i'm sorry to interrupt but that would be a lie and a bad foot to start off with," she said, giving a shrug and holding out her hands in a soft surrender motion.
"do you need a hand?"
One moment he’s in a Jail, looking into something for his contact at the police station, the next moment he’s somewhere decidedly not anything like any city he’s ever seen. Between the darkness of the surrounding sky and the fact that there were any number of ‘people’  that he’d been forced to flee from, he could only assume that this was some other version of a Jail, or something in the MetaVerse.
It was only when someone spoke to him, having drawn his attention with her laugh, that he realized that nothing of what he’d experienced before would prepare him for this world. Though she looked human, he knew that she could be anything but if the bruise he had from someone else grabbing him was anything to go off of.
“ akira... “
It took him hardly a moment to pull the mask from his face, disappearing in a flash of blue flames and summoning the winged figure of his eternal companion. Nearly three times the height of his master, Arsene is all too pleased to stand immediately behind the boy, ready to scoop him into his arms at a moment’s notice should she or anyone else threaten him.
“ I-- yes I need a hand. I don’t know where I am, and I’d rather find my way back to Tokyo as quickly as possible. “ He kept his voice steady while he spoke to her, calmed by his companion’s presence. The phone wasn’t working, no signal and barely reacting to his touches at all. For now it would get stowed in his pocket, not taking his eyes off the stranger.
“ I don’t suppose you have somewhere safer than the street to talk, given I’ve been assaulted a few times already. I don’t think that people would appreciate me leaving a crater in town trying to defend myself. “
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youresupervalid · 2 months
Do you think villains trademark their names?
Like what’s the joker doing if he runs into a smaller villain also named the joker who’s whole thing is telling very mean jokes or something?
What is scarecrow gonna do when he meets a smaller villain named scarecrow who literally goes around stealing people’s hay and terrorising the local crows?
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mint-ty · 8 months
It's still so funny (and cursed) how they got drunk and:
Bojan spiraled after seeing Tavastia pics, professed his love to Jere and Alessandra on the boob picture, and then proceeded to search out the gayest comments on Twitter to repost them on ig (supposedly so Jere sees it?)
Nace started googling jance fanart and returned to like @luluxa's marriage one (which I'm convinced he saw the first time when it was posted but now being drunk he decided he needs to like it)
And Jan just waffled about logical paradoxes, probably while giggling uncontrolably, curled next to Nace
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nelkcats · 1 year
Lover Fight (Or Not)
Danny didn't know why he was in Gotham. Honestly, Clockwork just pointed him the way to see something "interesting" that would help him to "calm down", so he had no further clues as to what was going to happen next.
He continued to fly over the city without a care, until he saw one of his biggest nightmares walking. A fucking clown. The halfa scrunched up his face before realizing that the clown had a weapon? What the fuck Clockwork? Incredulous, Danny continued to follow the clown.
A man in a red helmet and a woman with a large hammer seemed to be waiting for him in the middle of the street. The halfa raised an eyebrow doubtfully, before he could wonder what was happening, the woman tried to smash the clown with the hammer saying that her "darling" had betrayed her. Maybe it was a lovers' quarrel?
Still curious, Danny approached the man in the red helmet and after becoming visible he asked him if he was dating the clown too. The man had an extreme reaction and yelled something similar to "What the fuck? He killed me!"
That didn't answer Danny's question, of course, both his parents and most of his ex's had wanted to kill him. But maybe his scale was just broken. He asked the boy in the red helmet if he needed help.
Jason, still confused by the situation, agreed. A few seconds later (after Harley managed to hit him with her hammer, apparently) the Joker had turned into a block of ice. Jason stared in disbelief at the boy next to him, who had a mischievous smile on his face.
Danny really hated clowns.
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hotcat37 · 5 months
Since Yuri on Ice movie had been cancelled could you make an ice skater!Jance moodboard?
Coach! Nace x Skater! Jan (also it sucks that the movie got canceled anon 😢)
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