#honestly Danny would rather go star gazing
tanglepelt · 1 year
Dc x dp idea 85
Danny keeps freezing things. That on its own. Not a big deal. When it takes ectoplasm to melt, naturally or by an ghost attack it becomes one.
He could also just will it away. To bad he doesn’t know that. In Amity it just goes away on its own. How could he know that doesn’t happen everywhere?
Now his parents have dragged him on a cross country tour of all the ghost haunts and attractions.
If only the other vigilantes rouges would stop attacking around them. He keeps having to freeze their feet to the ground. He would not let another joker incident happen.
Rogues are not ghosts.
The other rouges need to be protected from his parents.
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five-rivers · 3 years
Loved 8
Danny found himself without human senses or even a rough analogue of a human body. Even so, he still had an understanding of his surroundings, alien senses leaving impressions on his mind.
His body was soft, boneless, rounded, unformed. He was intimately connected to, part of, and entirely surrounded by an infinitely greater being, whom he was dependent on. He was known, all of him, by this being.
If he’d had eyes to cry with, he would have, knowing that he would never be able to know this being as he himself was known.
Amusement and affection – or, at least, things that were like them – pressed into him as the being contracted around him. An object was inserted into the single orifice he currently possessed.
Slowly, Danny became aware of an intense… discomfort in that area. He couldn’t call it pain. He currently had no sense of pain. But he could feel it and he didn’t like it and it was growing—
He woke up, tangled in blankets, skin slick with sweat, head and teeth aching.
Except, he didn’t. He was in the Dream. But if he were in the Dream, what had that been?
Already, many of the details were slipping through his fingers. He could no longer recapture what he had felt, although the general events were still somewhat clear.
He… had sleeping here somehow peeled back the layers of metaphor through which he experienced the Dream? Or had that just been a different metaphor, no truer than this one?
He sat up – or, rather, he tried to. An unexpected weight around neck stalled him. Overnight, the chain of Clockwork’s Love for him (and his Love for Clockwork in return) had more than doubled in size. It had also been reinforced by thick, colorful, silk ropes wound in and out of the links as well as other, smaller, chains.
There were also two of them, now, leading in opposite directions. As if Clockwork’s Love was simply too great to be confined to a single representation.
More carefully this time, Danny sat up. At least the collar, despite being far, far heavier, was no longer configured like a neck brace. Danny could turn his head to look at things.
The dog, evidently sensing an opportunity, deposited itself in Danny’s lap. Danny, not knowing what else to do, started petting it, running fingers through shadowy fur. He had always wanted a dog. Although, he didn’t remember telling Clockwork that…
“Maybe I should name you,” said Danny. He wasn’t sure how he felt about naming a personification of his hate, but he wasn’t sure if that’s what the dog was, or if the dog was just a container for his hate. It was confusing. “How about Cujo?”
The dog wagged its tail agreeably.
“Cujo it is, then.” He sighed and looked around the room. It didn’t have a door or any other visible opening. Honestly, in comparison to everything else he’d experienced in the Dream, that was pretty pedestrian. He supposed he’d just have to wait until Clockwork came back.
Maybe he could take a look at some of those interesting objects along the wall in the meantime? Something in his mind whispered that they were his and they were toys. They could take his mind off the pain building in his jaw and temples.
He stood up and walked almost all the way to the edge of the depression in the floor before being brought up short. He stumbled and sat down abruptly. What-?
The end of the chain was buried in the floor at the center of the depression.
Oh. Well. This whole room was part of Clockwork, too, so Danny really shouldn’t be surprised. It wasn’t like the chain hadn’t acted like a chain before.
Being forcibly trapped in, well, a crib was infantilizing. Not that everything else about all of this wasn’t. This just seemed like a step further.
The collar hummed lightly against Danny’s throat, eliciting a croon as he reflexively attempted to harmonize. The act settled him somewhat, and he gazed blankly at the runes surrounding the depression. The drop between the depression and the rest of the floor was too high for him to get over by himself anyway… no, that wasn’t right… couldn’t be… he couldn’t see the runes if that was the case, he’d be too short… but the lip there was definitely too tall, he knew it…
He tore his eyes away, squeezing them shut against his suddenly raging headache. The dog, Cujo, padded over to him and sniffed him gently. Danny whined, trying not to cry.
It looks like your horns might be growing in as well, said Clockwork’s avatar, running a hand through Danny’s hair. Poor baby. Teeth and horns all at once. That must hurt.
“Horns? Like Nocturne?”
Yes. They will help you navigate the other layers of the Dream once they are fully grown. With practice.
Danny let Clockwork’s avatar lift his head, resting his chin in its palm. “Layers of the Dream?”
You did not think the Dream was as simple in structure as that place you call reality, did you, little Love? This place you have become familiar with is only the closest layer to that place, no matter how deep you go.
“But—” said Danny, trying to work out how that could be. The answer slotted itself neatly into Danny’s mind. “It’s… like a tesseract?”
More than that, but essentially, yes. The avatar was gathering blankets around Danny again, swaddling him. Danny squeaked and tried to twist away, but the avatar easily anticipated him, and the fight quickly went out of him.
Danny was carried from the room and brought to a long table covered in bowls. The bowls contained pastel orbs of various sizes and colors. A single piece of furniture shaped like a basket woven of silver strips sat next to it. Clockwork’s avatar set him down gently on this piece of furniture and several of the strips peeled off to wrap securely around Danny.
Time for breakfast, said the avatar, happily.
Mentally and emotionally, it was easier to eat the orbs than the obviously alive things of his previous meal. Physically…
Danny asked why the orbs were so tough and difficult to chew. The avatar murmured something about practicing using his teeth. Danny wasn’t exactly in a position to refuse, so he was filled to satiation and beyond, until every piece of food on the table had been eaten.
By the time Clockwork’s avatar lifted him again, he felt exhausted and disgusting.
“Can I go home now?” he asked.
You are home.
“You know what I mean.”
It would be remiss of me to let you go when you are still in so much pain. Besides, sleep is necessary for children such as yourself to properly digest food.
“Don’t want to sleep,” said Danny, alarmed. He didn’t want to go back to the place he was before, where he could not see, hear, smell, taste, or touch.
That is not the only place you may go, said the avatar. In fact, it is rather unlikely for you to return there unless you do so on purpose. It touched the place where one of Danny’s horns would eventually bud. It was tender and Danny whined. Which is not something you can yet do. It paused. Perhaps I could guide you to a… cozy layer. One you might find educational. Would you like that?
“I wanna go home. I feel icky.”
I will set up a bath for you when you wake up.
Danny moaned and tried to tuck his face into the avatar’s shoulder. “Don’t want a bath.”
You do need one eventually.
“Don’t wanna.”
The avatar lowered Danny back into the nest of blankets.
Sleep well.
Danny woke up. This time in an actual crib. A mobile with star shapes hung overhead. He reached up with a chubby baby hand. A medical bracelet jingled around his wrist.
With some difficulty, his hands lacking dexterity, he turned the bracelet over. The writing there was incomprehensible and made him slightly dizzy. He huffed and rolled over before pushing himself up onto hands and knees.
The room he was in was dark, and far more defined than he was used to in the Dream. He could see picture frames on the walls and clocks. Every wall had at least one clock.
He grabbed the top of the crib railing and pulled himself up into a standing position. The rest of the room looked normal. Lived in.
The door opened, letting light in. A figure walked through the doorway and picked Danny up.
“You’re awake already! Ready for the day?”
“Clockwork?” squeaked Danny.
“Hmm, yes. But there’s something else you can call me here, hm?” The figure shifted, light falling on a feminine face and long hair.
“Mama?” tried Danny.
“There we go,” she said.
“Where are we?” asked Danny, lisping his words slightly. He wasn’t sure he had teeth right now. He put his hand in his mouth, feeling his gums. “’s different here.”
“Yes,” said Clockwork, walking out into a hallway. It was bright. There were clocks here, too, evenly spaced on the walls. Danny hid his face. “Oopsie daisy. Too bright, baby?”
“Mhm,” said Danny.
Clockwork balanced Danny on her hip and fiddled with a dimmer switch. The lights dimmed to a more comfortable level. “I’m sorry, baby. I keep forgetting about your eyes.”
“What about my eyes?”
“You’re photosensitive. That’s what the bracelet is for. You need low light.”
“What is this place?”
“Ah,” said Clockwork, putting him in a highchair. “A world within the Dream. Once,” she punctuated the word by clipping Danny into the seat, “it was much like the place you were first born. But we came to understand it completely and everything that thought or dreamed opened themselves to us. We engulfed it, brought it here. Now everyone is happy.”
Clockwork put a sippy cup on the little table on the highchair and then several pieces of cereal. Danny didn’t recognize the brand.
“Do I have to?”
“You need energy for today,” said Clockwork.
“But I just ate so much.”
“Not here. Come on, sweetheart. It’s just a little bit.” Clockwork sat down in one of the chairs at the dinning room table, brushing her hair over her shoulder. She smiled. “Isn’t this nice?”
Danny shrugged.
“I know you don’t care for the other part of the Dream, that you find it frightening, so… If you like this place, you can stay here. It’s just like the other place. The one you like. Would you like that?”
“My friends are there.”
“I can bring them here. It’ll be difficult, but very possible.”
Danny shook his head. Clockwork sighed.
“Well. Let’s just see how this day goes before you decide. Maybe you’ll like being here so much you’ll never want to leave at all. Give it a chance. Just for one day, okay?”
“Okay,” mumbled Danny.
“And that means eating your breakfast.” She ruffled Danny’s hair. “Okie-dokie?”
Clockwork smiled, eyes crinkling. “We’re going to have so much fun today, just see!”
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bubblegumbeech · 3 years
Passing Through
Dannymay Day 5: Doorway
“Don’t go in there,” his mother warned. Her voice shook. “Never go through that door.”
Danny had no intention of ignoring his mother, especially since the night she’d given him that warning was seared so thoroughly in his mind he didn’t think even as an adult he’d ever forget it.
It had been dark, but not any darker than any other night with Danny’s myriad nightlights and glowing stars stuck everywhere he could reach and then some. The night had long since settled, and Danny was supposed to be sleeping and was instead, like any young child, not doing that.
In fact, he’d been staring out his window, arm balanced on the sill and face pressed up against the glass so he could see the night sky in all her glory. It was one of the only times he felt truly comfortable, alone and with his parents and sister asleep. He often imagined himself sailing amongst those stars. Or flying high enough to reach out and cradle one to his chest. 
Jazz always told him that was impossible, that each star was as far away from each other as they were from earth, if not further. He told her she could eat dirt, and she got a hurt look in her eyes that made him feel bad, but he didn’t apologize because she was being mean first. 
He’d been preoccupied, that’s why he didn’t notice it at first. 
When the soft pink touch of the sun started obscuring the night’s stars, Danny realized he’d been up all night and he was probably going to fall asleep in class again. He turned around to quickly dive into bed to at least feign having slept so his parents didn’t scold him and feel like they had to check in on him at night the way they threatened to last time. 
He hadn’t expected the door. 
It was small, very small compared to a normal door. It was just large enough that Danny could crawl through on all fours, and he knew there was no way his dad would ever be able to get through. At least not more than an arm. Maybe his head if he tried to dive through it.
The door was closed, a soft, purple light on the other side painting the carpet beneath where it stood, balanced, in the middle of the room. Acting as if it was placed in the wall like any good door, but missing the wall itself entirely. 
Danny walked closer, his mind off bed times and getting ready for school entirely. Now he was thinking of adventures and stories Jazz used to read him before he could read himself. Stories of exploration and hidden worlds. His hand brushed against the polished brass handle, and a jolt of electricity flowed through him, causing every hair in his body to stand on end. 
He probably should have let go then, released the handle and backed up, frightened. But instead Danny’s grip tightened and he twisted the nob, pulling it slowly open, his heart beating in rapt anticipation. It was barely open a sliver, the tiniest bit of purple light spilling out onto the frame, when his mother ran into the room and slammed it closed. 
She was wearing a hazmat suit, as if she’d just come from the lab downstairs, with thick rubber gloves and ominous red goggles that reflected a twisted version of Danny’s face back at him as she pulled him into a tight, unforgiving hug. 
“Thank goodness you’re safe,” she said, her words heavy with exertion. Had she run up here? How did she know there was a door? 
Danny looked over his mother’s shoulder to take another look, but the door had vanished at some point when his eyes were no longer locked upon it. That was when she gave him her warning. The one he had no intention of ignoring.
The one he was disregarding now, for no reason other than he was sick of it. He was tired of the nights, laying awake and seeing a door that promised so much and had yet to be given the opportunity to deliver. 
His mother would skin him alive if she knew, but she’d probably never find out. Honestly, if Tucker’s theories were true and it was some monster trying to trick him into its lair Coraline-style, it’d probably take at least a week for her to even realize he was gone. His dad probably wouldn’t notice at all. 
Danny shook his head. If anything, Jazz would be the one to forgive him for being dumb. She understood what it was like to have this burning curiosity, this need to know. 
The door didn’t always appear. Most nights it did, but only when Danny was distracted by something, usually the stars outside his window, sometimes a particularly fun video game or a good book. It only ever appeared right on the cusp of night and morning, before the sun rose fully but after the stars hid away. And it always waited for him to look away before it disappeared. 
He didn’t plan on looking away tonight. 
The first night after his mother’s warning, he’d stayed up all night, terrified, waiting for the door to appear. It never did. In fact, the next month, he spent every second awake expecting it to appear and being almost disappointed when it didn’t. 
It appeared again, in much the same way it had the first time, while Danny was star gazing. 
That’s why, now, knowing the rules (or rather what few rules he could tell from this side of the door), Danny was determined to follow through. None of his questions would be answered just waiting for the door to appear or not appear, nor would they be answered by spending time staring at it and studying it from the outside. 
He needed to go through.
The brass knob was cold against his palm, and it turned easily. The click of the mechanism was loud in the night’s quiet. He held his breath. He opened the door.
There was no resistance when it swung open. Almost the opposite, in fact, like it had been waiting for an excuse. The soft purple light that had teased the edges of the door was much closer to a deep, swirling purple that looked almost like mist and obscured the path forward. 
But Danny wasn’t scared. 
He was curious. 
He stepped through, and heard the door close softly behind him. Just like in a horror movie really, and exactly like the stories his mother told him, warning him of monsters and things from the other side. 
It didn’t matter anymore, if he’d made the right choice. He’d made his choice and there was only one path to take. Danny walked into the mists and kept walking.
No more than an hour could have passed, but it felt like much longer. Time seemed to stretch along with the endless path, and Danny hadn’t come any closer to the answers he wanted. 
He sighed. “Hello? Is anyone here?” he tried calling out, to no avail. 
This was turning out to be a waste of a trip. With all the cryptic warnings, he’d hoped it wouldn’t be boring at the very least, yet here he was. The only difference between this and one of Sam’s ‘nature hikes’ was that Danny couldn’t see anything through the damned purple mist.
Or could he?
Danny squinted his eyes, catching something moving just to his left. It was very much hidden, the deep purple of its cloak camouflaged perfectly against the swirling purples all around him. He took a step closer, off the path, and felt the air still around him.
A voice, haunting and deep, startled him. 
“A quick learner,” it said. 
Danny felt his mouth go dry. There was actually someone here, someone that might not be human. Someone that could summon a door into a kids room for half a decade waiting for them to open it. 
Someone who might have answers.
Danny stepped closer, and the mist seemed to gather, catching on itself and folding into a physical shape. The hooded figure. Danny forced himself not to blink. It felt like anything was possible, that if he looked away, he’d miss too much to make sense of it later. 
The hooded figure turned to him and beckoned with one gloved hand, the other holding a twisting, intricate staff covered in shapes and symbols Danny couldn’t quite make out. Danny didn’t step any closer.
It was clear this man wasn’t human, or at the very least hadn’t been for some time. The only thing Danny could see hidden under the cloak was an old clock. But even then, Danny couldn’t tell whether it was something he was wearing on his chest or if it simply was his chest and there was nothing else.
“You’re still cautious, even now when you’ve already made your decision?” the figure asked. “Did you not seek an answer to your curiosity?”
Danny frowned. This whatever-it-was knew more than he was comfortable with. Had he been watching from the other side? How? Is that why the door only appeared when it did? Why couldn’t he just open the door and step out if his goal was to spirit Danny away like in the stories? 
There were just so many questions, and Danny still didn’t have any answers. 
“Do you actually have any answers or are you just going to eat me?” he asked, growing irritated. It had been a long night, made longer by his fruitless walk, and it was starting to affect his temper.
Instead of answering, the figure lowered his arm, tilting his head to the side. “If you thought I was going to eat you, why did you come through the door? You’ve been very good at ignoring it so far.” 
“Yeah see,” Danny said, throwing up his hands, “that kind of stuff only makes you sound more creepy and suspicious, you know! If your goal is child eating you should set up, idk a candy house or something. Pretend to be a grandma, I hear that works wonders provided you stay out of your own oven.”
The figure laughed. It sounded, off, not like a noise Danny recognized, but more like a collage of sounds: a ticking clock chiming with heavy clanking clockwork all wrapped in canary song and it vibrated all the way through Danny from the top of his head to the tips of his toes. It filled the air around them much like the mist once did and Danny felt glee himself, caught up as he was.
He looked up desperately at the figure, trying to keep ahold of himself and how he truly felt, lost in the sudden sea of emotion. The figure’s cloak was bunched up, as if he was doubled over in laughter, his gloves clutching at his staff and the entire collection shaking with slight tremors.
The hood turned towards him, empty, and Danny’s panic spiked. The laughter stopped, and the figure stood once more, pulling the hood further down and hiding the nothingness underneath.
“I apologize,” he said, sincere. “It’s been some time since I’ve felt in such good humor, and you took me off guard. I hope you didn’t get too swept away?”
Danny, who was still definitely feeling the effects of the other’s laughter, shook his head no. “I’m alright. I just- what are you?”
“I am like Clockwork,” he answered readily. “Though the question you should be asking, Daniel, is what are you? That is a much more interesting answer.”
Disagreeing vehemently, Danny shook his head. Like Clockwork? Was that his name? Why he had a clock, er, was a clock? How did that work? What was he? Simply what his name implied? Something more? There were a billion and a half questions he wanted answers to that were more interesting than that. 
Then again, there had to be a reason he said it, right? “Okay Clockwork, I’ll bite. What am I?”
He could swear the thing smiled. “You are halfway there.”
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twoidiotwriters1 · 3 years
Written In The Stars CVIII (Harry Potter xF!Oc)
A/N: Tomorrow I’m posting a hidden moment about what happens once the kids are at school and two former marauders are left alone. Stay tuned! -Danny
Words: 4,225 
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Listen to: ‘Better Off’ -by Jeremy Zucker & Chelsea Cutler
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Chapter Six: Hidden Nightmares.
"Prefect, eh?" growled Moody, his normal eye on Ron and his magical eye swivelling around to gaze into the side of his head. Harry had the very uncomfortable feeling it was looking at him and moved away toward Sirius and Lupin.
"Well, congratulations," said Moody, still glaring at Ron with his normal eye, "authority figures always attract trouble, but I suppose Dumbledore thinks you can withstand most major jinxes or he wouldn't have appointed you..."
Mel took her friend away from Moody in case he decided to continue trying to scare him to death.
"I was never a prefect myself," said Tonks as she walked past them. "My Head of House said I lacked certain necessary qualities."
"Like what?" said Ginny.
"Like the ability to behave myself."
"Same reason why Mel didn't get a badge," Emily walked past her daughter. "I hope this works as a lesson..."
"Sure does, now I know I'm doing something right," Mel smirked.
"What about you, Sirius?" Ginny asked.
"No one would have made me a prefect! I spent too much time in detention with James. Lupin was the good boy, he got the badge."
"I think Dumbledore might have hoped that I would be able to exercise some control over my best friends," said Lupin. "I need scarcely say that I failed dismally."
"What about my dad?"
"Matthew was a brilliant student but Dumbledore knew that giving him the badge would've been like given us green light to go around doing whatever we pleased," Sirius grinned.
"Again, same the reason why Dumbledore didn't give you a badge," Lupin smiled.
"You really think I would let my friends do mischief without any consequences?" Mel feigned indignation.
"Yes," The three adults replied.
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"Well, I think I'll sort out that boggart before I turn in... Arthur, I don't want this lot up too late, all right? 'Night, dears."
Mel walked into Harry just as he was getting up and she stumbled backwards.
"Sorry," He said quickly.
"It's fine..."
"You all right?" Moody asked them.
"Yeah, fine."
"Lovely dinner," Mel smiled tensely.
"Come here, I've got something that might interest you," He told them.
From an inner pocket of his robes Moody pulled a very tattered old Wizarding photograph.
"Original Order of the Phoenix," growled Moody. "Found it last night when I was looking for my spare Invisibility Cloak, seeing as Podmore hasn't had the manners to return my best one... Thought people might like to see it."
Harry took the photograph and Mel leaned closer to take a look.
"There's me," said Moody. "And there's Dumbledore beside me, Dedalus Diggle on the other side... That's Marlene McKinnon, she was killed two weeks after this was taken, they got her whole family. That's Frank and Alice Longbottom — Poor devils, better dead than what happened to them... and that's Emmeline Vance, you've met her, and that there's Lupin, obviously... Benjy Fenwick, he copped it too, we only ever found bits of him... shift aside there–
That's Edgar Bones... brother of Amelia Bones, they got him and his family too, he was a great wizard... Sturgis Podmore, blimey, he looks young... Caradoc Dearborn vanished six months after this, we never found his body... Hagrid, of course, looks exactly the same as ever... Elphias Doge, you've met him, I'd forgotten he used to wear that stupid hat... Gideon Prewett, it took five Death Eaters to kill him and his brother Fabian, they fought like heroes... budge along, budge along... That's Dumbledore's brother, Aberforth, only time I ever met him, strange bloke..."
It was the first time she'd ever seen of her grandfather. He looked a lot like Dumbledore, but he lacked the warm gaze and the fancy robes. He had the same hair colour as her though, and there was a similarity between his nose and her dad's.
"That's Dorcas Meadowes, Voldemort killed her personally... Sirius, when he still had short hair... and... there you go, thought that would interest you! Eh?"
Five people were staring up at them: Petter Pettigrew, Lily and James Potter, and her own parents.
"That's great," She tried to sound enthusiastic. "Look at that..."
"Yeah," Harry's voice sounded heavy. "Er... listen, I've just remembered, I haven't packed my..."
"What's that you've got there, Mad-Eye?" Sirius asked loudly from the table.
Harry left so quickly she almost thought he'd disapparated, she understood though, that picture was full of ghosts, and for some reason, she felt kind of responsible for them– maybe Harry felt that way too, after all, it was him Voldemort was after...
The adults surrounded the table and stared at the picture, there were tons of quiet exclamations and nostalgic chuckles as they examined it, but what made her leave the room was the way she knew her mother and Sirius had finally found their friends' faces staring up at them, she could see something dark and heavy falling on their features.
Mel didn't feel like sticking around to hear stories about when they were all young and alive, when Peter was still Peter and not the traitor that had gotten his friends killed. It was stupid to remember something they couldn't have back.
She was in the main hall when she heard someone crying.
"No! No... riddikulus! Riddikulus! RIDDIKULUS !"
Mel ran up the stairs and found Harry looking at Mrs Weasley... She was sobbing above a second Harry, only that this one was dead.
'Boggart', Mel thought.
"Harry, we need to get help–"
"Mrs Weasley, just get out of here!" Harry's eyes fixed on the vision of his own body. "Let someone else —"
"What's going on?" Lupin rushed in followed by Sirius and Emily. Moody was right behind them."Riddikulus!"
Mrs Weasley wept harder.
"Molly– Molly, don't... Molly, it was just a boggart," Lupin patted her head gently. "Just a stupid boggart..."
"I see them d-d-dead all the time! All the t-t-time! I d-d-dream about it..."
She had been dreaming the same thing that summer– hell, her boggart had been the same thing years before that! Seeing it again that night caught her off guard. A thousand different images of Harry trapped in the cemetery came to her, the pain she'd felt that night, the memory of Cedric's body laying on the grass...
She tried to get out of the room as fast as possible.
"D-d-don't tell Arthur– I d-d-don't want him to know... Being silly... Harry, I'm so sorry, what must you think of me? Not even able to get rid of a boggart..."
"Don't be stupid," said Harry, sounding impressively calm.
"I'm just s-s-so worried– Half the f-f-family's in the Order, it'll b-b-be a miracle if we all come through this... and P-P-Percy's not talking to us... What if something d-d-dreadful happens and we had never m-m-made up? And what's going to happen if Arthur and I get killed, who's g-g-going to look after Ron and Ginny?"
"Molly, that's enough," said Lupin. "This isn't like last time. The Order is better prepared, we've got a head start, we know what Voldemort's up to — Oh, Molly, come on, it's about time you got used to hearing it — look, I can't promise no one's going to get hurt, nobody can promise that, but we're much better off than we were last time, you weren't in the Order then, you don't understand, last time we were outnumbered twenty to one by the Death Eaters and they were picking us off one by one..."
"Don't worry about Percy," said Sirius. "He'll come round. It's a matter of time before Voldemort moves into the open; once he does, the whole Ministry's going to be begging us to forgive them. And I'm not sure I'll be accepting their apology..."
"And as for who's going to look after Ron and Ginny if you and Arthur died," Lupin looked up to Emily and smiled a bit, "what do you think we'd do, let them starve?"
"Certainly not!" Emily kneeled beside her, hugging her by the shoulders. "Not after all you've done for us! After seeing how much you care about Harry! You're one of the best friends I've had in a long time, I would never abandon your children..."
Harry turned and locked eyes with Mel. He had a distraught expression on his face as he watched her cover her mouth, struggling to breathe.
One time when she was six, Mel had to be taken to the nurse because some kids cornered her in the playground and she lost it; a teacher carried her out. When her mother arrived they told her Mel had suffered a panic attack.
A panic attack wasn't exactly a good omen nor the best way to spend her last night before going back to school, but she had no control over it.
"Deep breaths, Mel..." Harry muttered, quickly making his way towards her. "It's okay–"
The boy tried to touch her and that stirred her into action. Mel slapped his hand out of the way and ran out before someone could stop her. She ran up all the way to Buckbeak's layer and she locked herself there until her crying stopped.
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Mel let out a pained groan, her head was pounding after last night and all she wanted was to get to the train so she could take a nap. Mrs Black's portrait was howling, but no one tried to close the curtains since the house was loud with voices coming from every floor, all gathering their stuff before leaving.
"I'm dying," The girl leaned on her mother's shoulder. The woman ran her fingers through her hair tenderly.
"You had a rough night. Been years since you had one of those..."
"It was the stupid boggart," She muttered. "I'm okay now. I'll see Erick, so that's kind of cool..."
"You and Harry haven't talked, then?"
"I'm not trying to force you–"
"Oh, for heaven's sake, Sirius, Dumbledore said no!"
A dog ran into the hall, looking rather lively.
"Oh honestly... well, on your own head be it!"
Mrs Weasley, Emily, Mel, Harry and Sirius all left the house together.
"Where's Tonks?" Harry asked.
"She's waiting for us just up here," said Mrs Weasley.
"Wotcher, guys," Tonks -disguised as an old woman- winked at them. "Better hurry up, hadn't we?"
"I know, I know... but Mad-Eye wanted to wait for Sturgis... If only Arthur could have got us cars from the Ministry again... but Fudge wouldn't let him borrow so much as an empty ink bottle these days... How Muggles can stand travelling without magic..."
Sirius was having the time of his life though, running around chasing pigeons and barking loudly. Mel and Harry laughed at his antics, Emily rolled her eyes and mumbled something about him being a child.
As they walked through the streets watching Sirius chase cats and go crazy with the poor birds, she felt Harry glancing at her from time to time. Mel knew he only wanted to help, and perhaps he was a little hurt about the way she'd reacted last night. However, she was far from even acknowledging that she'd cried in front of so many people.
"I felt it, you know?" Harry said when no one was paying attention. "Your panic attack..."
"I figured," Mel said numbly. "It's the lifeline... doesn't matter, I have it under control."
"I could've helped," He insisted. "When we were little–"
"We're not little anymore," She replied sternly. "You handle your stuff, I handle mine. That's what we agreed on."
Harry's jaw clenched, he didn't speak after that.
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It felt like a type of rebirth when she crossed the platform and found herself in front of the scarlet train.
"I hope the others make it in time," said Mrs Weasley.
"Nice dog, guys!" called Lee Jordan.
"Thanks, Lee," said Harry.
Sirius made a show of himself, acting as the perfect puppy.
"Mel, come here for a moment," Emily drew her away from the group, looking anxious.
"What is it?"
"I didn't say anything until now because I didn't want to make you uncomfortable during your stay but... oh, well..."
She noticed how her mother glanced at Sirius, who was rolling around at Harry's feet.
"Mum... Are you and Sirius... a thing?"
Her mother hesitated.
"I know you've noticed how... I mean, we've... we're not exactly together."
"Oh," She frowned. "Why not?"
"If you want to be a couple, then be one."
"I... you... you're not upset?"
Mel gave her a small smile. "You deserve to be happy. I want you to be happy. If being with Sirius gives you that, I have nothing against it. He's a good man– bit stubborn, but he treats you well, right?"
"He was always a good friend..."
"I hope all goes well, then."
The woman stared as if she'd mistaken Mel for someone else.
"You have more of Matthew than you could ever have of me, you know?" Emily beamed. "I'm thankful for that."
"Sirius would be an idiot if he rejects you, to be honest."
Her mother laughed.
"Don't get your hopes up about this, though..."
"I trust you," Mel brushed it off, hugging her one last time before going back to the group.
Five minutes later Lupin was wishing her a safe journey. Mel held onto him tightly, his scent filling her lungs.
"I'm going to miss you lots," She mumbled against his chest.
"You'll see me soon," Lupin rubbed her back. "Now, just because you weren't made a prefect doesn't mean you're allowed to misbehave. Make us proud."
Sirius ran up to her and crashed against her legs, she kneeled and hugged him as well.
"I'll miss you too, Snuffles... look after my mother while I'm gone, okay?"
He barked, snuggling his face closer to hers.
"Well, look after yourselves," Lupin told the rest of the teenagers. "You too, Harry. Be careful."
"Yeah, keep your head down and your eyes peeled," said Moody. "And don't forget, all of you — careful what you put in writing. If in doubt, don't put it in a letter at all."
"It's been great meeting all of you," said Tonks. "We'll see you soon, I expect."
"Quick, quick," said Mrs Weasley as the whistle blew a second time. "Write... Be good... If you've forgotten anything we'll send it on... Onto the train, now, hurry..."
For one brief moment, the great black dog reared onto its hind legs and placed its front paws on Harry's shoulders, but Mrs Weasley shoved Harry away toward the train door hissing, "For heaven's sake act more like a dog, Sirius!"
"See you!" Harry yelled from the door.
The black dog chased the train barking madly until they turned, then he vanished.
"He shouldn't have come with us," Hermione murmured.
"Oh lighten up, he hasn't seen daylight for months, poor bloke," Ron shook his head.
"Well, can't stand around chatting all day, we've got business to discuss with Lee. Are you coming with us, Lady?" Fred asked.
"Maybe later," She shrugged.
"All right, see you later!"
"Shall we go and find a compartment, then?" Harry asked.
"We're — well — Ron and I are supposed to go into the prefect carriage," Hermione said awkwardly.
Suddenly Mel felt really bad about not going with Fred and George.
"Oh," Harry tensed next to her. "Right. Fine."
"I don't think we'll have to stay there all journey," said the girl. "Our letters said we just get instructions from the Head Boy and Girl and then patrol the corridors from time to time."
"Fine– Well, we... might see you later, then."
"Yeah, definitely. It's a pain having to go down there, I'd rather — but we have to — I mean, I'm not enjoying it, I'm not Percy."
"I know you're not," said Harry.
"I'll tell Erick you say hi, Mel," Hermione offered, thinking that would ease her mind.
"Brilliant," She said without much excitement.
"Come on," Ginny spoke, Mel felt immense relief as she turned to look at the girl, "if we get a move on we'll be able to save them places."
"Right," said Harry, and he looked as pleased as her.
After a while of silent walking, they ran into Neville, which was even better, more people to talk to.
"Hi, guys– Hi, Ginny... Everywhere's full... I can't find a seat..."
"What are you talking about?" said Ginny. "There's room in this one, there's only Loony Lovegood in here —"
"I don't want to disturb anyone..."
"Don't be silly," Ginny chuckled. "She's all right."
They all followed her inside.
"Hi, Luna! Is it okay if we take these seats?"
The girl beside the window looked up. She had straggly, waist-length, dirty-blond hair, very pale eyebrows, and protuberant eyes that gave her a permanently surprised look. Harry knew at once why Neville had chosen to pass this compartment by. The girl gave off an aura of distinct dottiness. Perhaps it was the fact that she had stuck her wand behind her left ear for safekeeping, or that she had chosen to wear a necklace of butterbeer caps, or that she was reading a magazine upside down. Her eyes ranged over Neville and came to rest on Harry. She nodded.
"Thanks," said Ginny.
In the middle of all the movement of putting away trunks and pets, Mel and Harry somehow found themselves seated together. The girl thought it'd look suspicious if she were to move now, it would confirm that she was actively avoiding him.
"Had a good summer, Luna?" Ginny asked.
"Yes. Yes, it was quite enjoyable, you know. You're Harry Potter."
"I know I am," said Harry, frowning slightly.
Her eyes then moved to the next person, which happened to be her.
"You're a Dumbledore."
"Yeah, people keep saying that," Mel said.
Luna moved to Neville. "And I don't know who you are."
"I'm nobody," He said.
"No you're not," said Ginny. "Neville Longbottom — Luna Lovegood. Luna's in my year, but in Ravenclaw."
"Wit beyond measure is man's greatest treasure," sang Luna.
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"Guess what I got for my birthday?" Neville asked them.
"Another Remembrall?" Harry teased.
"No– I could do with one, though, I lost the old one ages ago... No, look at this... Mimbulus mimbletonia."
"Sick!" Mel beamed. "Er- in a good way..."
"It's really, really rare," said Neville excitedly. "I don't know if there's one in the greenhouse at Hogwarts, even. I can't wait to show it to Professor Sprout. My great-uncle Algie got it for me in Assyria. I'm going to see if I can breed from it."
"If you do manage, I'd love to have one," Mel eyed the plant with interest.
Harry did a strange noise next to her and she stared back, daring him to speak.
"Does it — er — do anything?" He asked, glancing nervously at her.
"Loads of stuff! It's got an amazing defensive mechanism — hold Trevor for me..."
Neville put the toad on Harry's hands. Luna was staring again.
Neville held the Mimbulus mimbletonia up to his eyes, his tongue between his teeth, chose his spot and gave the plant a sharp prod with the tip of his quill.
Liquid squirted from every boil on the plant, thick, stinking, dark-green jets of it; they hit the ceiling, the windows, and spattered Luna Lovegood's magazine. Ginny, who had flung her arms up in front of her face just in time, merely looked as though she was wearing a slimy green hat, but Harry, whose hands had been busy preventing the escape of Trevor, received a face full. It smelled like rancid manure.
Neville, whose face and torso were also drenched, shook his head to get the worst out of his eyes.
"S-sorry," he gasped. "I haven't tried that before... Didn't realize it would be quite so... Don't worry, though, Stinksap's not poisonous," he added nervously, as Harry spat a mouthful onto the floor.
Mel cackled, cleaning her face without an ounce of grumpiness.
"That was amazing!"
The door of their compartment slid open abruptly.
"Oh... hello, Harry. Um... bad time?" Cho stared at the lot with an anxious expression.
"Oh... hi," Harry quickly tried to clean his face.
"It's a terrible time," Mel said brightly, "We stink."
"Um... well... just thought I'd say hello... 'bye then."
Cho Chang was blushing when she closed the door. She heard Harry groan and fall back on his seat.
"Never mind," said Ginny. "Look, we can get rid of all this easily. Scourgify!"
"Sorry," said Neville timidly.
"Don't be, that was really interesting to watch," Mel smiled.
Neville blushed at her comment.
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"I'm starving," Ron walked in, Mel quickly made room between her and Harry, which he took without even noticing.
"Well, there are two fifth-year prefects from each House," said Hermione. "Boy and girl from each."
"And guess who's a Slytherin prefect?" said Ron.
"Malfoy," replied Harry.
" 'Course," Ron made a face.
"And that complete cow Pansy Parkinson," said Hermione to Mel. "How she got to be a prefect when she's thicker than a concussed troll..."
"Cheating of course," Mel shrugged.
"Who's Hufflepuff?" Harry asked.
"Ernie Macmillan and Hannah Abbott," said Ron.
"And Anthony Goldstein and Padma Patil for Ravenclaw," said Hermione. "Oh! Erick seemed fine, Mel– couldn't talk to him because of Malfoy, of course..."
"We're supposed to patrol the corridors every so often," Ron explained, "and we can give out punishments if people are misbehaving. I can't wait to get Crabbe and Goyle for something..."
"You're not supposed to abuse your position, Ron!"
"Yeah, right, because Malfoy won't abuse it at all."
"So you're going to descend to his level?"
"No, I'm just going to make sure I get his mates before he gets mine."
"For heaven's sake, Ron —"
"He's not being unfair, is he?" Mel defended him. "If anyone deserves detention, that's them..."
"I'll make Goyle do lines, it'll kill him, he hates writing," Ron then pretended to be the Slytherin. "I... must... not... look... like... a... baboon's... backside..."
Everyone laughed, but nobody laughed harder than Luna Lovegood. She let out a scream of mirth that caused Hedwig to wake up and flap her wings indignantly and Crookshanks to leap up into the luggage rack, hissing. She laughed so hard that her magazine slipped out of her grasp, slid down her legs, and onto the floor.
"That was funny!"
Her prominent eyes swam with tears as she gasped for breath, staring at Ron. Utterly nonplussed, he looked around at the others, who were now laughing at the expression on Ron's face and at the ludicrously prolonged laughter of Luna Lovegood, who was rocking backward and forward, clutching her sides.
"Are you taking the mickey?"
"Baboon's... backside!"
"Hey, Lovegood," Mel grinned. "We're going to be great friends..."
"Can I have a look at this?" Harry asked Luna. He was staring at the magazine she'd dropped. "Mel, have a look at this, will you?"
He was showing her an article over Ron's shoulder.
SIRIUS - Black As He's Painted?
Notorious Mass Murderer OR Innocent Singing Sensation?
For fourteen years Sirius Black has been believed guilty of the mass murder of twelve innocent Muggles and one wizard. Black's audacious escape from Azkaban two years ago has led to the widest manhunt ever conducted by the Ministry of Magic. None of us has ever questioned that he deserves to be recaptured and handed back to the dementors.
"What is this?" Mel asked, her voice slightly shaking with contained laughter.
"Hang on," Harry said distractedly. "This one's about Fudge.."
Cornelius Fudge, the Minister of Magic, denied that he had any plans to take over the running of the Wizarding Bank, Gringotts, when he was elected Minister of Magic five years ago. Fudge has always insisted that he wants nothing more than to "cooperate peacefully" with the guardians of our gold.
Sources close to the Minister have recently disclosed that Fudge's dearest ambition is to seize control of the goblin gold supplies and that he will not hesitate to use force if need be.
"It wouldn't be the first time, either," said a Ministry insider. "Cornelius 'Goblin-Crusher' Fudge, that's what his friends call him..."
"Anything good in there?" asked Ron.
"Of course not," said Hermione. "The Quibbler's rubbish, everyone knows that."
"Excuse me," said Luna. "My father's the editor."
Mel had to bit her lip to not make a sound.
"I — oh. Well... it's got some interesting... I mean, it's quite..."
"I'll have it back, thank you," Luna took back the magazine and buried her face behind it.
The door to the compartment opened again.
"What?" Harry snapped at Malfoy.
"Manners, Potter, or I'll have to give you a detention... You see, I, unlike you, have been made a prefect, which means that I, unlike you, have the power to hand out punishments."
"Yeah, but you, unlike me, are a git, so get out and leave us alone."
The group laughed. Mel felt something crawling up her chest, ready to pounce.
"Tell me, how does it feel being second-best to Weasley, Potter?"
"Shut up, Malfoy," said Hermione.
"I seem to have touched a nerve... Well, just watch yourself, Potter, because I'll be dogging your footsteps in case you step out of line."
"Get out!" said Hermione sharply.
Mel's heart skipped a beat.
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Next Chapter —>
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22 notes · View notes
ayamari-no-goshi · 3 years
Verboten 12 | (T)
ff.net | AO3
Fandom: Danny Phantom (DP)
Summary:   AU. When Danny was five years old, he went missing for 2 weeks. In the years that follow, his family tried to make sense of what happened, only for the truth to be discovered years later.
Warnings: rated T for violence, mentions of death, language. Be prepared for some very weird things
Chapter warning: minor character death. Blood
Parings: Danny/Sam
Notes: originally uploaded to Ff.net. Cross-posted to AO3 and tumblr. This fic is very heavily inspired by folklore surrounding mysterious wilderness disappearances
Chapter 12
After he was cleared to return to school, he found the media waiting for him. Somehow, Danny’s parents managed to keep them away from the house. Actually, that wasn’t too surprising as his dad did have a bad habit of accidentally attacking people who paid unplanned visits to the house. The mental image of a particularly annoying reporter with too much perfume covered in the green goop from one of his parents’ inventions was rather pleasing. Following the events at the campgrounds, the school was closed for a week while the police conducted interviews with the staff and school board The information he got from Sam, whose parents were among those interviewed, suggested the police wanted to verify those involved with the school had nothing to do with what happened. However, a rumor circulated that the staff knew about the original missing person investigation prior to the trip, which prompted the school to release a statement where the park and its employees for the tragedy. That didn’t sit well with the general populace, who began regular protests in front of the school.
Once the school re-opened, the reporters began targeting students for interviews they couldn’t get with the school’s staff. Since most of the students were minors, the police got involved to prevent any potential legal issues. However, their presence did not stop the reporters from trying. Each time one of the students involved in the “mass abduction,” as it was being called, returned to the school, the reporters renewed their attempts.
After successful dodging the reporters, Danny made his way to his locker. Unlike the countless times he previously made the trip, this particular time was different. The tension in the air was palpable as the other students stared at him as he passed.
His friends met him at his locker. When he mentioned the stares, Tucker gave an awkward chuckle. “About that, word got out that you were found hours after the rest of us. There are a lot of rumors about what you might or might not have seen and why you weren’t as injured as the A-listers.”
“Speaking of the the A-listers, which ones are back?” Danny questioned as he grabbed his books. Other than the general aftermath, he didn’t know too much regarding what happened to the other abductees.
“All but Star are back. She lost part of her arm, so she’s in physical therapy. I overheard the queen bee saying something about how Star might end up being transferred,” Sam answered as she kept an eye on some of the students staring at them.
He nodded. “That’s more than understandable.” The noticeable tension gave way to what he could only describer as an overwhelming wrongness.
His friends grabbed his arms to stabilize him. “Dude, what’s wrong? Is it related to your… you know?” Tucker’s voice momentarily seemed distant, and it took Danny a great deal of focus to concentrate on it. “Are you sure you should have returned today?”
“It’s okay… it’s just…”
“FENTON!” The sound of Dash’s voice rang through the hallway. Danny had little time to react before the jock suddenly appeared in his line of sight and pinned him to the lockers. “I’ve been waiting for you to come back. You better have an explanation for what happened that day!” Anger radiated off Dash in waves.
“What is your problem?” He still didn’t understand how he became so sensitive to emotions, but they seemed to affect what Frostbite called his core. “If you forgot, you ran off and left us!”
“Are you telling me that you didn’t see that thing? You didn’t see what hurt Star? You better not be lying to me. You’re the one who gave us that weird warning before everything happened!”
“Get off me,” he snapped as he pushed Dash away. “Regarding what happened to you and your friends, I only know what I was told when I was in the hospital. We,” he gestured to his friends as his chest suddenly seemed to freeze, “never saw you guys after you ran off. So, whatever you saw, we certainly didn’t see it.”
“Don’t play dumb with me. Don’t your crackpot parents study this type of stuff?”
Before he could reply, the cold sensation gripped his chest again as the wrongness from earlier returned. The girl who was on the new the other night walked by and momentarily locked eyes with him. His entire body screamed danger, and his core tried activating in defense. It took all of his willpower to squash it down. The girl just gave him a haughty smile and continued on her way.
“Well, aren’t you going to say something?” Dash’s voice brought him back to the situation at hand.
“My parents aren’t crackpots. If you want information from them, go ask them yourself. Good luck at understanding their explanations though. Come on, guys.”
“Are you calling me stupid, Fenton? Cuz if you are…”
“Dash, even I can barely understand some of their theories, and I grew up exposed to that stuff.” That seemed to somewhat diffuse the jock’s anger as he simply growled and sulked away. After nodding in satisfaction, he caught the stunned looks of his friends. “What?”
“Well, at least we know one good thing that happened from our little romp in the woods, you grew a backbone.” Sam’s satisfied smirk caught him off guard. Was she preening? However, her eyes narrowed as her gaze drifted towards where the underclassman disappeared. “But what was that about? You looked like you were going to have a fit when that girl walked by?”
“You noticed that too? I thought I was imaging things,” Tucker added as warning bell rang.
“Remind me to tell you at lunch. I’m not sure if it’s something others should hear.”
A few hours later, Danny and his friends found themselves huddled at one of the lunch tables at the far end of the cafeteria. While his friends took a few bites of their meals, he scanned the area to make sure no one was close enough to overhear them. His eyes eventually fell on the girl from earlier.
She seemed normal enough, especially since she was sitting next to Paulina. They wouldn’t have let her anywhere near them if they thought she was odd. However, even though her hair and clothing seemed immaculate, there was something stiff and unnatural in her posture. It was almost as if she was trying too hard to sit normally.
“Alright Danny, spill it.” Tucker’s voice made him jump. Glancing back at his friends, he realized they were both impatiently staring at him. “What happened earlier?”
“Let me ask this first: what do you know about that girl?” He gestured towards where she sat.
“Oh, you mean Maura?” Sam’s voice was full of spite. “She’s been trying to suck up to Paulina over the last two years. Apparently, she managed to get into Queen Bee’s good graces enough to be acknowledged as her unofficial successor. She’s just as mean and shallow as the rest of them. Why?”
“Because, according to the news, she went missing on a local trail around the same time we went missing in the forest. Eww! Tucker!”
Tucker’s apology for sitting out his drink was short as he brought out his PDA. After a few quick taps, he brandished it in front of him. After Sam snatched it from him, she and Danny discovered he brought up the article that matched the new report Danny saw. “Dude, that’s really weird.”
“I’d have to agree.” After Sam glanced at the article, she glanced towards the girl. “They found her in a dazed state but uninjured?”
“What was she even doing other there anyways?”
“With your attempts to hit on most of the girls in the school, I’m surprised you didn’t know.” Sam raised a questioning eyebrow towards Tucker. “She’s a member of the cross country team. From what I’ve overheard, it’s fairly normal for her to train on the trails around the area.”
“Oh, I forgot about that.”
“Do you know anything else about her? What?” Danny hadn’t expected Sam to scowl at him. “Look, I get you don’t like her, but the news said something about how her parents said she felt off to them. And when we made eye contact earlier, it was like my entire being screamed something was very wrong and very dangerous.” He glanced in Maura’s direction again. “Look at the way she’s sitting. Something doesn’t feel right.”
“Danny, did you ever think it was possibly less supernatural?” A sigh escaped Sam when he just raised an eyebrow. “She honestly could have just seen something she shouldn’t have. I mean, it’s not weird for drug dealers, cultists, and other people who don’t want to be seen do their business in the woods.” After glancing back over towards Maura, a deep frown crossed Sam’s face. “It is weird that it happened the same day though.”
“Hmm… maybe. I mean, it did happen the same day. Can we just keep an eye on her, just to be safe?”
“I’m cool with it.” Tucker adjusted his glasses before glancing back at the A-listers.
“Of course you would be.” Sam shook her head in disapproval before turning back to Danny. “I think you’re being paranoid, but I’ll let you know if I see or hear anything weird.”
“I appreciate it.” While he knew his friends were humoring him, Danny couldn’t help but feel somewhat relieved. After a moment, a memory from the morning came to mind. “Hey, did either of you see a lot of police this morning? There were a bunch a few blocks away from my house.”
Instead of immediately replying, Tucker paled as he quickly checked something on his PDA. “Damn it, there was another one.”
“Another what?” Both Sam and Danny echoed as Tucker shoved the PDA into Danny’s hand. A brief glance showed the article was about a recent death in Amity Park.
Before Danny had a chance to read more, Tucker launched into a hushed explanation. “You guys know my mom works for the 911 call center, right? Well, she said something about there being a lot of weird deaths recently.”
“Weird how? Like normal weird, as in ‘person’s weird hobby got them’? Or strange weird as in ‘that’s effed up’?”
“Like ‘that’s effed up’. Sam, you need to stop laying off the true crime shows if you’re make distinctions like that. Anyways,” the techno-geek leaned in as he lowered his voice again, “when my mom asked a police officer friend about it, he stated that they think there might be a serial killer.”
“A what?” Danny felt the blood run from his face. Did Tucker really just say what he thought he did?
“Dude, keep your voice down! But yeah, that’s what they’re thinking because the victims all have something important ‘missing from their person’.”
An uneasy sensation pooled at the bottom of Danny’s stomach. “What exactly is missing?”
A frown crossed Tucker’s face before he responded. “You know, I’m not really sure. Mom doesn’t want to say anything about it. I just chalked it up to the police not wanting to spread information on what they have.”
“But you’d think if it was something as simple as a personal item, they’d could at least specify that,” Sam mentioned. After glancing around to make sure no one was nearby, she continued. “That makes me worried there’s something more sinister going on.”
“You’re the true crime expert. How common is that?”
“It’s extremely common for killers to take souvenirs, but it’s insanely rare for them to… err… take part of a body.” Her voice pitched in discomfort as she spoke.
“And on that note, I think I’ve lost my appetite.”
Sam grabbed his arm as he went to stand. “Come on, Danny. That’s most likely not what’s happening here.”
“With everything else we’ve recently dealt with and learned, that’s not something I want to hear. Do you remember what Frostbite told us? Do you remember what you said Plasmius talked about? I don’t want to get paranoid for no reason.” With that, he gathered his items and walked off.
As the week came to a close, Danny noted it almost seemed the entire town was on edge. People on the streets spoke in quiet whispers about what the police were doing. His fellow students tended to go straight home after school instead of hanging out in the normal spots. Even the animals seemed on edge. Several times he caught dogs whimpering if their owners stopped for any reason.
His parents’ research did little to help his unease. Their scanners signaled several times that week. According to his mother, they were detecting electrical abnormalities, but the abnormalities only seemed to last for a few minutes. His parents were concerned about the sudden spike in them and were doing all they could to attempt to find some sort of explanation. People also started calling around the times of the spikes reporting sightings of odd shadows.
To make matters worse, he was having trouble falling asleep. Normally, he’d chalk it up to insomnia, but his body didn’t seem to feel tired in the morning after only three or four hours. It was as if the normal amount of sleep was just not needed. While he wasn’t certain if it was a weird side effect of his ghostly affliction, Sam’s mention of ghosts drawing energy from strong emotions often came to mind. He hoped that wasn’t the case, but he couldn’t outright dismiss it.
Around eleven in the morning on Saturday, he received a text from Tucker. It simply said he had some important information for him and Sam, and that he wanted them to meet up. Sam immediately offered her home as her parents were out of town for the weekend. After sending his reply, Danny got ready and headed out.
Normally, it only took ten to fifteen minutes on his electric scooter to reach Sam’s, but he decided to take a slightly longer route to give himself a little longer to clear his thoughts. Rounding a corner to go through a commonly used alleyway, he came to a screeching stop as a cold chill and the feeling of wrongness overcame his body. Clutching his chest, his breath misted in front of him as he glanced around the alley.
Nothing seemed off, but the feeling refused to go away. Unnerved, he decided he needed to get out of there as quickly as possible. However, when he rounded the corner that would allow him to pass behind some of the buildings he found something he was unable to register what was in front of him.
His mind eventually processed the sound of dripping and an angry hiss, and almost like fog lifting from his eyes, he finally made sense of the scene. Someone was lying on the ground. Blood completely covered his chest and must have come from the large wound in the center of it. Danny was almost certain the man wasn’t breathing.
Something stood almost protectively over the body. It was mostly humanoid, but the sickly gray of its skin and skeletal frame showed it certainly wasn’t human. Black eyes seemed to glow in hatred. Something red and dripping blood rested in its hand.
Danny backed away in fear. He had no idea what the thing was, but he knew it was dangerous. To make matters worse, it knew he was there. Slowly, he decided to back away from it. At first, it seemed like it was fine with his retreat, but after sticking whatever it was holding inside its own chest, it dropped its hands to the grounds and walked forward on its knuckles.
Not knowing what else to do, Danny ran. As soon as he turned his back, the thing bolted after him. He barely made it halfway back through the alley before the thing was on top of him. As it tried to attack, he managed to knock it aside. The thing growled before lunging again. It was too close for him to attempt to escape, so he help up his hands and braced himself.
But no attack ever came. Instead, the thing bounced off of a translucent green wall with a sickening splat. After a few dazed steps and a shake of the head, it hissed while appraised whether or not it could get to him. It hesitantly touched the wall, only to pull back its hand with a yelp of pain. After baring its teeth, it stepped backwards. As it moved, its body jerked, cracked, and popped as it slowly morphed into what appeared to be an old woman.
As it disappeared around the corner, Danny’s knees gave way, and the strange green wall disappeared. He just stared in the direction where the thing disappeared as his mind tried to process exactly what just happened. It wasn’t until his phone buzzed, that he clambered to his feet and ran out of the alley. His fingers shook as he called the police.
The police and paramedics arrived in less than ten minutes. As the police examined the scene, the paramedics treated Danny for mild shock. While he sat on the rear step of the ambulance, he watched the police did their job.
Most of the officers wore grim expressions. Some whispered to each other. One of the younger ones had to excuse himself as he felt sick from the sight of the victim. Eventually, one of the older officers approached him for a statement.
Danny tried to be as truthful as possible. He described the creature as a thin and sickly looking person. After some internal debates, he finished by explaining it looked different as it moved away.
“Son, what do you mean?” There was a deep edge in the officer’s voice. “You better not be messing with me.”
“I… I really don’t know. Maybe it… he had one of those creepy realistic masks or something, but I’m telling you, he looked different right before it disappeared.”
The officer frowned as he stared at Danny. “I don’t think you’re lying, but shock sometimes warps what we think we see. Next week we’ll call you to the station to make an official statement.” He sighed before continuing. “We’ve contacted your parents. One of my juniors will take you home. Take it easy for the rest of the weekend, you hear me?”
After another fifteen minutes, Danny found himself in the front seat of a cruiser. Neither Danny nor the officer spoke for the entirety of the ride, and soon, they were in front of Fenton Works. After telling Danny to stay safe, the officer left him to be swept into the arms of his mother.
His mother was understandably scared. The officer who called the house told her there was an incident and that he was okay, but due to the investigation, he was unable to give any details. After letting her have a few tears of relief, he asked if they could go inside. Maddie ushered him into the house.
His father and friends were waiting for him in the living room. Sam rushed over to him to pull him into a hug while his dad and Tucker shared a smirk. His mother excused herself to go get everyone hot chocolate and cookies. Once she returned, Danny told them what happened. Unlike with the officers, the only detail he left out was the green wall.
He knew his friends would ask why he was so open with his parents, but without knowing exactly what he saw, he figured the two paranormal experts would be the best source for information. And, he wasn’t disappointed.
“Sweetie, you know it was probably a person, but your father and I will do some digging,” his mother promised. “You described something that sounds too much like some of the legends in Native American folklore. And with all of the abnormalities we’ve been detecting recently, I don’t want to be foolish enough to rule it out.”
“Don’t worry, Dann-o.” His father’s grin was infectious. “We’ll find those spooks and take care of them for you. To the lab.”
As the behemoth of a man disappeared down the stairs to the lab, his mother just fondly shook her head. “Get some rest. Sam, Tucker, let me take you home. I don’t think your parents would be too happy with me if I didn’t.”
“Thanks Mrs. F. I appreciate it. Can I take some cookies home? My mom loves your snickerdoodles.”
“Sure, let me go get a container for you.”
When she disappeared into the kitchen, Danny leaned forward and whispered. “Thanks for the distraction, Tuck. Guys, one other thing did happen. I… I think one of my abilities activated. I’ll call you guys later with the details. It’s probably the only reason that thing didn’t kill me.”
Before either of his friends could reply, his mother returned to the room carrying a container full of cookies. “Alright you two, let’s get going.”
Once he was left alone in the living room, Danny decided it was the perfect time to get a shower. After everything that happened, it would help him sort through his thoughts. He hoped his parents were right. Maybe it was just a strange looking man, but the wrongness of what he saw and the thing’s transformation told him otherwise.
Notes: I’m not sure how familiar people will be with it, but Cross Country Running is a type of long distance running, and at least in the US, it’s a Fall sport. However, it’s not on a track or indoors. Runners are usually on fields, trails, the in woods, etc., depending on the area. If you’re in the Allegheny plateau, it’s common to see the trails involve hills and/or some type of wooded area.
The creature is based off of a story (which I still can't find again) was submitted to a YouTuber channel that goes by “Darkness Prevails.” The channel tends to read a lot of accounts submitted to it. And while the stories cannot be verified under most circumstances, all stories are claimed true by the submitters.
The story that heavily inspired it is from a narrator who explained that her dad barred her from seeing a family friend (who she viewed as an uncle) after something that happened after a camping trip. She ended up encountering the family friend a couple years later and was invited to his home. The house was unkempt and stunk, and there seemed to be a strange substance everywhere. The friend and his wife were both acting strangely. After being lured to the kitchen, the friend tried attacking her, and she managed to escape and called the police. She was told her uncle had seemingly up and left a few years prior. After questioning father ended up explaining that when he and his friend were gathering firewood on that trip, they were chased by something that sounded like a pack of coyotes or wolves. The friend fell when they were running back to camp, and the dad lost sight of him. When the dad got back to camp, he tried to get his wife and the friend’s wife to call for help. However, they heard the friend call from the forest, and the friend's wife went to help him. When they returned, they seemed off. They spoke strangely and walked stiffly. Normal tasks seemed to baffle them. The dad didn’t know what happened to his friend and his wife, but he was convinced that what was left was something impersonating them.
Stories like this pop up in folklore, and there are a lot of online stories telling of similar encounters. However, it is difficult to tell what’s a true account and what might be a “Creepypasta.” There is a rather famous folklore entity in First Nation stories in the Southwest US that is sometimes said to wear others skins. The most famous stories are from the Navajo, but other tribes also have them in their folklore. However, there is also a spirit called Kanaima from the Carib tribes that is somewhat similar. Some renditions of Wendigos (traditionally Algonquin) also put them in this category. A Kee-wakw (Abenaki) might also fall into this.
And then I managed to combine the story with some of the information I know about the entity known as a Raven Mocker (from Cherokee lore). It’s another rather unsettling creature, and some accounts have it change shapes.
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theycallmegothboy · 3 years
1-100 >:DDDD REVENGE!!!
FELIXXXXXXXXXXXX >:(( 1. Spotify, SoundCloud, or Pandora?  -spotify  2. is your room messy or clean? -it’s pretty messy i guess  3. what color are your eyes? -blue and grey
4. do you like your name? why? -yeah it’s fine 5. what is your relationship status? -single 6. describe your personality in 3 words or less -certified intrusive thot 7. what color hair do you have? -brown and rn it’s red 8. what kind of car do you drive? color? -i dont have a car 9. where do you shop? -hot topic, goodwill, target 10. how would you describe your style? -comfy emo 11. favorite social media account -of mine, probably discord or youtube 12. what size bed do you have? -twin >:(( 13. any siblings? -i have 1.5 brothers  14. if you can live anywhere in the world where would it be? why? -probably vancouver, idk canada seems lit 15. favorite snapchat filter? -i like the one with devil horns and a tail but its cute 16. favorite makeup brand(s) -i dont wear makeup 17. how many times a week do you shower? -i used to shower every day, but i dont do anything that gets me dirty so like maybe 3 times but if i leave the house then i shower 18. favorite tv show? -stranger things 19. shoe size?  -8 or 9 20. how tall are you? -5′6 with shoes >:(( 21. sandals or sneakers? -sneakers wtf 22. do you go to the gym? -lol no 23. describe your dream date -making some pie or something together and then eating the pie and then sitting on some rooftop looking at stars 24. how much money do you have in your wallet at the moment? -quite a bit actually but i’m saving up for a phone lol so soon it will be like maybe 10 dollars lmao 25. what color socks are you wearing? -not wearing socks but the ones i had earlier were white (ankle length) 26. how many pillows do you sleep with? -just one but it sucks 27. do you have a job? what do you do? -NO BUT IM TRYING TO GET A JOB BUT THE FUCKIN PEOPLE THERE ARE GHOSTING ME AND WONT REPLY TO MY EMAILS SO LIKE SBJHBJS 28. how many friends do you have? -like 4 lmao 29. whats the worst thing you have ever done? -idk nothing super bad but i do a lot of small shit that makes me feel guilty when i realize what i did 30. whats your favorite candle scent? -juniper rosewood 31. 3 favorite boy names -leo, clay, charlie 32. 3 favorite girl names -ivy, uh... idk thats all ive got 33. favorite actor? -no clue 34. favorite actress? -no clue 35. who is your celebrity crush? -not a celeb but i’d smash danny phantom 36. favorite movie? -nightmare before christmas or edward scissorhands 37. do you read a lot? whats your favorite book? -no, but my fav book is probably the prince and the pauper? idk 38. money or brains? -CASH MONEYYYY jk probably brains but if your entire personality is being “smart” like fuck off lmao   39. do you have a nickname? what is it? - a bunch of people call me son (see #49, #100), some call me rat, dumdum, goth boy
40.how many times have you been to the hospital? -just once i think when i was birthed. i also went once with my brother cause he kicked some scissors i left out on the floor and it sliced his toe the fuck open and he needed stitches and i watched him get the stitches and almost passed out :/ 41. top 10 favorite songs -please dont make me do this i dont have it in me 42. do you take any medications daily? -yea i take 20mg of vyvanse but i need to get it raised to 30 cause 20 is Not Enough 43. what is your skin type? (oily, dry, etc) -i got some dry fuckin skin yall dont even know 44. what is your biggest fear?  -it depends. the dark is a pretty constant one though 45. how many kids do you want? -like 2 or 3 eventually 46. whats your go to hair style? -in my face, looking stupid 47. what type of house do you live in? (big, small, etc)  -it’s pretty small 48. who is your role model? -i dont fuckin know lmao  49. what was the last compliment you received? - “i belive in you, my son, you’re an amazing human being“ (same friend mentioned in #100, not actually a parent of mine) 50. what was the last text you sent? -”no it’s a raccoon“ YOU GET NO CONTEXT LMAO 51. how old were you when you found out santa wasn’t real? -i dont think i ever hardcore believed in him, maybe i did though i remember sleeping under the tree one christmas eve waiting for him but i was like “oh yeah that makes sense“ i guess 52. what is your dream car?  -i honestly dont give a shit as long as it actually fucking works 53. opinion on smoking? -cigarettes? fuck no that’s nastyyy. weed? that’s fine i guess but wait till you’re like 18.  54. do you go to college? -no. am sophomore n highschool 55. what is your dream job?  -musician/palentologist 56. would you rather live in rural areas or the suburbs?  -fuck the suburbs lmao, but also im tired of rural, so like.. semi urban?? 57. do you take shampoo and conditioner bottles from hotels?  -no but i take the little soaps >:)) 58. do you have freckles?  -yes 59. do you smile for pictures? -awkwardly, yes 60. how many pictures do you have on your phone?  -dont have a phone but i have like 12 on my computer currently. 4 are of me, the rest are of my cat or random shit 61. have you ever peed in the woods?  -yes 62. do you still watch cartoons?  -cartoons these days kinda suck but like if they were good fuck yeah i would like gravity falls can come hang yknow? 63. do you prefer chicken nuggets from Wendy’s or McDonalds? -i had nuggets from mcdonalds today so i guess them? i dont really care 64. Favorite dipping sauce?  -i got sweet and sour but i dont like it that much. that schezuan sauce was great 65. what do you wear to bed?  -wouldnt you like to know? ;))  66. have you ever won a spelling bee?  -NO ive only been in two. the first one i misspelled the word “turmoil“ cause i had never heard it before and the second one i spelled the word “owed“ as “ode“ cause i was thinking like ode to joy and then i felt like a big Fool afterwards :(( 67. what are your hobbies? -lol what hobbies 68. can you draw?  -i am physically able to draw, but not well, no 69 (haha). do you play an instrument? -yeah i play a few 70. what was the last concert you saw?  -i saw Chicago in either georgia or tennessee i cant remember in like 2016 71. tea or coffee? -hot coffee, iced tea. NOT the other way around. (i love both though) 72. Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts? -starbucks 73. do you want to get married? -sure why not 74. what is your crush’s first and last initial? -dont have a crush 75. are you going to change your last name when you get married?  -idk maybe 76. what color looks best on you?  -i dont know but i wear black a lot and that’s pretty dope 77. do you miss anyone right now? -yeah  78. do you sleep with your door open or closed? -closed 79. do you believe in ghosts? -on the fence. not 100% “oh my god look at these gHoSt oRbS i need to sage my house!!!“ but i accept that there’s some things i wont understand about the world and that i have no answers to. i wouldnt be surprised if there are, and i wouldnt be surprised if there aren’t. 80. what is your biggest pet peeve? -whatever my adhd decides i viscerally hate with a firey passion right at that moment  81. last person you called -my brother (the 1 of the 1.5 from #13 and the one who sliced his toe in #40) 82. favorite ice cream flavor?  -chocolate is dope 83. regular oreos or golden oreos?  -regular double stuff. if you say golden, mint, peppermint, or thin oreos i’m gonna have to euthanize you, i dont make the rules.  84. chocolate or rainbow sprinkles? -rainbow cause it’s prettier  85. what shirt are you wearing?  -queen shirt from hot topic 86. what is your phone background? -i didnt get a phone between question 60 and now but my computer one is some mountains with the moon in the background 87. are you outgoing or shy? -really depends on who i’m around 88. do you like it when people play with your hair? -YES FUCK AAAAAAA (this girl played with my hair literally once in middle school and i was like oh shit and i had a crush on her until the end of middle school true story,,, so ashley if you’re out there-) 89. do you like your neighbors? -to the left they’re fine and their dog is nice but idk what happened to the horses so that’s sus but that’s where our cat came from so they can hang  guess, behind me they’re fine but their boys are loud, to the right they’re fine, and even further to the right are the dope neighbors and waaaaaaaaaay far to the right is a llama and he’s dope as hell 90. do you wash your face? at night? in the morning? -whenever the fuck i remember to/have the energy 91. have you ever been high?  -i dont think so but i wouldnt put it past myself 92. have you ever been drunk?  -not that i can remember, no 93. last thing you ate?  -sloppy joe from a can 94. favorite lyrics right now -”not gonna waste my life, cause i’ve been fucked up“ 95. summer or winter?  -fall. fuck you 96. day or night?  -night but i like it when it’s actually night and it doesnt get dark at like 4 fucking pm cause that makes me depressed 97. dark, milk, or white chocolate? -dark is good, milk is fine, white is only suitable for fancy stripes on chocolate covered strawberries 98. favorite month?  -i vibe with september 99. what is your zodiac sign -sagittarius (was almost a scorpio but i was holding out >:))) 100. who was the last person you cried in front of?  -in person, my mom like 6 months ago, on a discord call, my friend (i love you by the way, you’re the best,,, i dont think he has tumblr but im just putting it out there) like a month or so ago. i hate crying in front of people, i turn into such a hyperventilating snot monster which is not suitable for human gaze and thats the real tea :/
felix this took like 2 hours of my life i will never get back i hate you and i hope you’re happy with what you’ve done <3 <3
also anyone who wants to stalk me, enjoy this information that im handing to you on a silver platter :)) <3
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phantomphangphucker · 5 years
Phango - Not So Strangers In The Night
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(Swagger Bishie + Identity Reveal + Ghost King)
Dash wants many things but there’s two he’s sure he just can’t have, Danny meanwhile, doesn’t think ‘can’t’ is an actual word.
Dash sighs mentally, eyeballing Danny out of the corner of his eye. There had always just been something about how lithe the guy’s body was, the way his clothing would occasionally cling or hang off him giving away the skinnier body underneath. Personally, he would never wear oversized clothing himself, but it was more than a little attractive on people with petite frames.
Watching Danny stretch his arms over his head and yawn in a way that was almost cat-like. He doesn’t know when Danny’d gotten his teeth done like that, the fangs, but they added an even more slender and sharp edge to his face. Moving his gaze up the other teens' jawline to mentally trace out a sharp line all the way past the tapered ears. Everything about Danny’s face was sharp, defined...and incredibly attractive.
Glancing back to Danny’s arms just before he lowers them, the oversized sweater just thin enough and just heavy enough to give away the ever so slight hint of defined muscles underneath. Dash has no clue how that happened and he was honestly a bit hurt and dismayed when he noticed Danny bulking up. How could he not notice? It was so very obvious every time he grabbed around the now practically rock hard biceps to drag the kid off for his daily beating. Or when he snuck a peek down Danny’s shirt, as he always did, when pinning him up against some locker. He knows attacking Danny is pretty stupid, but Dash knows he’s not a smart guy. And really? A jock with a loser? A freak? Never. He’d be a social pariah. So he gets his hands on his secret little crush the only way he knows how. With rough hands and a strong dose of aggression. He does relish the closeness too though with that strange muscle Danny’s built, he does wonder why Danny never truly fights back. He honestly wouldn’t mind getting rough up by the lithe teen. That was half the reason he loved football after all, and working out. The bruises, the cuts, the sore muscles. Pain was a pleasure and carried a feeling of power. Knowing just what your body could do and take. And he’ll admit to testing Danny’s limits sometimes. Seeing just how much pain he could take, which honestly just left him feeling very impressed...and attracted.
But back to why Danny’s muscle growth had bugged him. In the beginning, it did anyway. See Danny had always been skinny, there was a daintiness to him, yet lithe. It’s not like Danny never had muscle, no, it had just been muscle potential hidden away. And wondering just what he could do if that potential developed was a bit exhilarating. Just like getting a new teammate on the field. But his fellow jocks were all rather brutish in their muscle and psyche, which Dash firmly did not have an interest in. And sure, maybe he had gone a little blind, thinking that the only real options were skinny, beefy, or fat.
So imagine his hidden horror with that mindset, when Danny -with the perfect femboy bod, with all the sharpness needed to have a somewhat pixie look- seemed to be transitioning into the beefy category? Over time that worry was quelled, Danny’s muscle was so different. He never seen such a lean tight kind of musculature, Danny even seemed to become more sharp; sharper jaw, the ears, even his eyes had a sharpness. It was, dare he say, exotic. Which if anything, only added to the femboy pixie look. Which okay, sue him, he liked cutesy shit; definitely explained his taste in men. Not that anyone actually knew that. Dash Baxter, number one football star and the example of masculinity, being interested in anything ‘cute’? Never. He had an image he had to keep.
That was one thing he was insanely jealous of Danny over. Danny’s freaky family made it so that it didn’t damn matter what he did or how he acted. Nothing was unexpected behaviour from a Fenton. And he was already a social pariah. Danny could literally transform into a dog or some shit and no one would really be all that surprised. He might get a few new insults hurled at him but that’s it. But Dash? The slight wrong move and goodbye scholarships or dealing with a furious father. ‘Cause don’t let it fool you, regardless of what the colleague heads said publicly, they absolutely did discriminate. Especially in sports. And bi in football? Bi and hocked up with a cute little thing who was a social outcast of the lowest most mocked kind? Surely his life and future would explode right in front of his face.
And of course there was the issue of if Danny would even be interested. Because finally owning up only to get rejected? By said lowest of the low twink? That would beyond worse. So yeah, the risk wasn’t worth it. And he wasn’t quite dull enough to not realise that Danny probably did not like him, the ‘bullying’ and all that. So even if Danny did swing that way, well, Dash’s chances were pretty well nothing.
Making a damn point to jeer mockingly and with a level of intimidation at the weirdo trio as he passes them on his way to class, firmly making a point to not react to picking up on Danny clearly not being fearful and even smirking slightly. It honestly pleased him immensely that Danny didn’t seem to actually fear him. Again, it was something like hidden strength. That was one thing that had always separated Danny from the other skinny kids, he wasn’t fearful. He was bold and loud. Even if that only really showed if you looked for it or caught him on more of his more mirth filled days. Simply put, Danny had never been pathetic. Never been weak. Even back when he was physically very much weak -Dash had to give him fitness training for peats sake- he had never been mentally weak.
Sitting at the back of the class next to Kwan, sneaking glances at Danny here and there. This was something he liked to do in the less important and boring classes, recently anyway. Sure he had always admired Danny with glances here and there but another one of Danny’s changes was just too intriguing not to watch.
Danny often slept in classes, that was boring and honestly made him worry some which is why he went easier on the guy on the days he seemed to be napping more often than not, but when he didn’t and it was one of these more useless classes? He’d go between looked over the other students and scanning the town through the window next to him. The sharpness to his eyes was most noticeable then and there was something about the way he looked over the rest of their classmates. It reminded Dash of how people talked about how gods and angels would gaze upon humans. Like they were impossibly and unimaginably above them yet fond and even protective. It really added to that pixie aesthetic Danny had, made him seem just that more ethereal. ‘Ethereal’ that’s a new one, maybe he got more out of Lancer’s crappy poetry babble than he thought. That thought makes him wonder if Danny would like fancy words and that poetry stuff. All the fae in his moms' romance novels -which yes he did secretly read- seemed to love that kind of stuff.  And sure, he’s pretty sure Danny’s human, ethereal aspects aside, but a guy can imagine can’t he? Dash quickly brings his attention back to the teacher as Danny’s watchful yet distant gaze travels to him. At least he isn’t a blusher, Dash is more than a little thankful for that.
Dash is laying on his bed, quickly turning his head to the side as an explosion sounds. Promptly springing up and sticking his head out the window at spotting Phantom zip by, “WOOOO! Go get him Phantom!”, he can’t help but beam as Phantom glances back and sends him a little wave with a cocky smile.
Dash sighs and flops back against his bed, his crush on Phantom was another dirty little secret. Sure he may pass himself off as ‘his biggest fan’ and he certainly wasn’t nearly as bad -or delusional if he’s blunt- as Paulina, but he definitely was a part of the Phantom Crush Club in spirit. Since of course no one knew about this crush either. Queer thing aside, Phantom was a ghost. Which yes, was part of the attraction so sue him, again the whole ethereal thing. Man that word’s becoming a personal favourite.
Phantom’s glow combined with the white of his hair and skin, that definitely qualified as ethereal. The powers were whatever really, cool and probably really fun but not where Dash’s attraction is based. And really, if anything made Dash’s type clear it was his two crushes. Both of them had the lithe pixie feel to them. Sharp in all the right places and brimming with hidden strength. Though Phantom’s might be much more literal. But honestly, Dash preferred Danny’s less showy nature. Phantom demanded attention, the skin-tight jumpsuit definitely did not help reduce that, and he was loud in a way that could border on obnoxious. Danny was a sleek black cat with piercing knowing eyes, Phantom was a mighty dragon always coiled for a fight.
Blinking at the ceiling, “I’m getting all fancy, man I really need to sleep”. Turning over in his bed only for his hand to brush against the corner of a book, “hurgh?”, pulling it out towards his face and squinting. Staring at the little scrap paper used as a bookmark, “probably a bad idea”, but flicking the book open anyway; a bit curious where he left off.
“I wondered if my head and heart would ever reconcile, or whether I'd just cursed myself to relive this moment for the rest of my years, half assured I'd made the only choice available to me, half always whispering if only, the whole of me filled with bitter regret“ ~ An Enchantment Of Ravens
Dash blinks and grumbles, “you didn’t have to call me out like that”. Deciding to flip around to a random page.
“Are you in love with me?" I blurted out.
A terrible silence followed. Rook didn't turn around.
"Please say something."
He rounded on me. "Is that so terrible? You say it as though it's the most awful thing you can imagine. It isn't as though I've done it on purpose. Somehow I've even grown fond of your - your irritating questions, and your short legs, and your accidental attempts to kill me."
I recoiled. "That's the worst declaration of love I've ever heard!” ~ An Enchantment Of Ravens
Dash chuckles but sighs, “fate hates me”. Deciding to try once more, flipping closer to the beginning.
“My cheeks warmed, and a wistful pang plucked a sweet, sad chord in my stomach. It was simple, really. He didn’t want me to forget him once he’d gone” ~ An Enchantment Of Ravens
Dash blinks, he did always rather like seeing the slight busies he left on Danny. Which now that he thinks about it, they didn’t seem to form anymore or stay for long. Which, okay yes, bugged him, not like he knew why really. Guess it was kind of obvious now. Maybe Danny would See those bruises and remember him. Was that stupid? Likely. Snapping the book shut and sticking it more securely under the mattress, before making a point to force himself to settle down to sleep.
He finds himself waking up way too early for a school day, turning his head to look at the little football-shaped clock, it’s red light glare at him reading ‘3:42’. If non-ghostly objects could be malicious, he’s sure every alarm clock would be. The early morning leading to him thinking back on his current book, the story of a fae royal and human falling in love. Forbidden love that would cost the fae his reputation. Sounded a little familiar huh?
Twenty minutes later and his mind’s still on that damn book, so he throws the blankets off and decides to get dressed. Thankfully sneaking out was relatively easy in his house, normally everyone was so loud that quiet noises went completely unnoticed. So just walking out the front door was a perfectly fine thing to do.
Five minutes later finds him wandering the sidewalks of Amity. If he’s being totally honest, even if Danny wasn’t some social peasant or whatever, he still wouldn’t go for it; even if he was a girl. Why? Hitting on girls like Paulina was easy, expected even. There was no risk. Even if girls like we rejected him, that’s what they were expected to do most of the time. But someone he was actually interested in? That was risky. The thought of trying to take it was thrilling, attractive, fun. Actually trying? Nope.
Kicking a rock down the gravel as he enters the park, eventually bumping into to something or someone. Snapping his head up and cursing his luck -or maybe he should be thanking it?- at seeing it was Danny he ran into...literally. Watching as Danny steadies himself quickly, his hood fällig down in the process. Dash has to make a damn point to not stare and change his face to a scowl when the moonlight practically glows of Danny’s pale skin. Why did he have to be so, um, right, ethereal? “Watch it loser”.
Danny squints at him, then throws Dash through a loop by responding with, “no one wanders around at four am for good reasons”.
Dash blinks a bit at those watchful blue-eyes, losing a bit of the fake bite that Danny hopefully passes off as tiredness, “then why are you here?”.
“Why would I tell you why?”, with that Danny turns back to look over the rest of the park from the little bridge thingy they’re on.
Dash scoffs, “whatever Fentwerp”, joining in looking over the park. The two settle into silence, though it doesn’t take long for Dash to glance at Danny’s back; the dark grey hoodie was arguably in horrible condition but it just looked like a style choice on Danny. Everything probably looked good on him. Flicking his eyes away to avoid Danny possibly noticing, because really, there was no one else here so any staring from him would be rather obvious. That gets him thinking though, when had he ever been just one on one with Danny? With neither of their friends around or teachers? Never. It had never happened. Dash didn’t do lonely, he also didn’t do silence for that matter, and Danny’s friends were practically attached to him. Honestly, he’s pretty sure both of them are crushing on Danny; Valerie definitely still had a thing for him, everyone knew the goth did and the techno-geek had a thing for everyone. And yet none of them were going for him...why? They didn’t really have anything to lose and Valerie already had once. Right, even Paulina had dated him; even if she claimed it was to piss off the goth. Maybe there was just something about Danny that made him easy to crush on but impossible to love? Maybe it had something to do with how he was, what was that word? How could he have forgotten it already?....oh right, ethereal. Or maybe it was because he was ethereal. It was pretty obvious people are, um, put-off? -That sounds right- by things that seem inhuman. What with all the horror movies about such people, and that was a pretty common theme with human/non-human romances. Personally, he didn’t get it. Sharp, predatory, the thrum of potential power or danger, the otherworldliness -he’s pretty sure he’s read it described with that word once- he liked that.
Flicking his eyes back to Danny watching as he opens his mouth to sigh almost soundlessly, fangs dragging across his lips. Yeah, shit like that is going to be the death of Dash. With the silence officially be too much for the jock, Dash mutters, “four am is a stupid time”.
Danny snorts, “perfect for you then”, before pushing off the railing and eyeballing Dash. Smirking slightly, “you still keep a collection of teddy bears?”.
“Oh screw y-”, Dash cuts himself off, there’s not really anyone here to play pretend for. “Yeah, so what I like cute shit, what’s it to ya Fenton”. Including cute shit like you, being left unsaid.
Dash doesn’t miss how Danny’s eyes seem to glint while Danny tilts his head at him before those eyes glance around a little. Dash isn’t sure what he sees or is looking for, while Danny hums before speaking, “so often you aren’t quite what you seem, huh Dash?”. Then walking a bit to stand side to side with Dash, hands in his pockets, “you allow those around you to dictate who you are. Stop that, it’s stupid. You’ll never find what you want or who you fit with that way”.
Dash turns and watches Danny walk off. In some way it almost feels like Danny was never actually here.  Looking back tot the bridge and touch where Danny’s hand had been to find it cold. Was he tired enough to actually be imagining Danny being, well, Danny? He’s not sure he’d even be able to imagine the sharpness of Danny’s eyes. Sighing a bit and not sure if he wished the maybe Danny had stuck around or not. Before deciding to walk some more, the air smelled nice at least and no one was around to give a damn how he acted.
Turning and walking off the bridge only to nearly shriek from some blonde-haired guy just suddenly being there. He doesn’t look friendly and the scar over his face doesn’t help that, yet Dash finds himself frozen in spot. He knew he could move, kinda wants to, but something just feels like he shouldn’t. Maybe it was the piercing blue eyes, how even with the strong moonlight he had no shadow, or the cruel-looking smile that somehow felt kind.
Swallowing a bit thickly as the man approaches, the clicking of his purple walking stick being the only sound. The stranger looks up at him slightly, “restless soul, looking for something in another land. The kind heroes and villains dance upon. You think you know your path best, and yet, are just a vagabond too fearful of quicksand to walk from the desert dunes to find an oasis of blues and greens. You are parched dry from your ways, yet refuse to chase waters deeper than you know”.
Dash blinks, catching the moonlight glint off the strange gear cog collar pins, “what?”.
The man chuckles, “you hold tears of the potential of judgment. A soul of man, whose fading light will one day be at its end. Seeking to paint your existences canvas with the lord of graves. One who you’ll grant find in time, one way or another. Painted soot or painted snow. Regardless. Would you not rather run your hands through the textures while you can enjoy it and endeavour it while having a pulse to half match under your skin?”.
Dash’s brain is pretty well mud right now, “who are you?”.
He shrugs, “I’m a tale of time, that history has lost. I see, I guide, I exist. And you, you are a bird that thinks it’s a boar”.
One thing Dash can always do is pick up on insults, and that was an insult, even if he has no clue what that was supposed to mean, “I’m not a meathead”.
The stranger holds up a finger and smiles, his eyes have an oldness to them that is honestly unpleasant, “precisely. You fear not the dark nor the monster with in, you fear the light and things far weaker than you. The boar charges and fights the bull, the bird lives alongside it. You feign your charges, act the boar, even as your flyer eyes see that the target is something to walk with, not against. You do this so others think you are a boar, why would you want to? boars die foolish. Be glad your bull is more of a lording cat, one that won’t strike you down”.
Dash blinks and steps back a little bit, “er, whatever you weird old man”. To make a point, Dash walls forward and around the stranger, but not too close because seriously, what the fuck?
The stranger doesn’t move but follows Dash with his eyes, speaking again just as Dash walks past, “you may find your lithe cat will enjoy your feathers quite fine. And one more thing”, Dash glances back and the stranger winks with a grin, “it’s not time that’s stupid, it’s what you do with that time”.
To say Dash is confused, as he walks the gravel path feeling slightly paranoid, would be an understatement. Lancer’s weird poetry crap made more sense than that. But the weirdos' last words sounding so much like Danny’s is giving him a weird gut feeling that the guy was somehow talking about Danny. Officially deciding he needs to back to sleep, he must be having awake fever dreams or something.
Dash walks through the school doors, firmly glad he got more sleep. Part of him wants to confirm seeing Danny wasn’t some weird fever dream, the other part is a bit distracted when, in his taking in of Danny’s lithe form, he notices the small gear cog charm hanging off his chain belt. It looked exactly the same as the weird guys' pins, has Dash just walked into some strange fantasy story or something?
Looking away and storming through the halls like he owns them, which he does, when Danny looks to him. Catching Danny’s eyes seemingly becoming sharper for a second and his hand brushing the charm on his belt. Why did he feel like Danny noticing where he was staring was somehow...what was that word? Some that started with a ‘c’?whatever, it was somehow a strong play.
Danny just suddenly appearing and stepping out of a bathroom stall, that Dash is sure was empty, during lunch rather confirms his thoughts. Looking Danny over through the mirror, his head was titled and he quickly locks gazed with Dash through the mirror. This was that sharp edge really showing through, and god damn if that wasn’t stupidly attractive. Snapping at him, “what you being creepy for, you freaky weirdo”.
Danny scoffs and rolls his eyes, “it seemed rather timely”.
Dash blinks a bit at Danny almost jarringly quickly snapping his gaze back to Dash’s face in the mirror. The first thought to worm into his head is that this seemed like a cat stalking after a bird. Then basically getting dropped kicked in the brain by Deja Vu. Muttering at the mirror, “what is it with that bird shit”.
“What, someone give you a weird birds and the bees talk?”, Danny snickers, “thought you were too old for that”.
Dash squints at the mirror, was that what that guy was going off about? Honestly anything seems possible. Looking Danny over, if there was one thing everyone knew it was how used to strange he was. How part of it he was, because of his family. But Dash knows there’s more to it than that, that he was something different and strange all on his own. He’s also sure that’s not just his interest in the ethereal boy talking. Deciding to go out on a limb, not like anyone would judge him for using a Fenton to figure out some weird shit, “maybe? Who knows what’s up with weirdos”, turning around and looking more directly at Danny, who’s looking at him with critical sharp eyes, “some guy going off about drinking ‘oasis’ of blue and green. That my cat will like my feathers”.
Danny smirks knowingly and moves to wash his hands in the sink, “sounds like a riddle if I’ve ever heard one. Maybe think of who you associate with blue and who with green”, chuckling and shaking his head a little, locking eyes with Dash in the mirror again, “and who you think of as a ‘cat’. Otherwise, sounds like someone’s telling you to stop holding yourself back and chase after what you want”. Danny walks out leaving Dash just kind of staring at the sink.
Dash spends the rest of the day casting glances at Danny a fair bit more often than he usually does. Pretty well sure the boy knew what the strange guy meant but was just letting Dash figure it out himself. He finds he can respect that a bit, even if he’s definitely annoyed. The fact that Danny is seemingly brushing up against him in the hallways doesn’t help, or maybe it does. Because fine, yes he likes it. The fantasy of Danny being forward towards him in an attracted way won’t stop circling in his head. But it isn’t until the second to last class that something clicks. Watching Danny suddenly stiffening, like he often did before running off to the bathroom mysteriously, Dash could have sworn Danny’s face twisted in anger and eyes flashed green for a second as he stands and speed walks out of the classroom. Leaving Dash blinking and getting slapped by Deja Vu again. ‘Blue and green’, blinking more at that making other things click in place. Everything about Danny was lithe, he’d even described him as cat-like. Was weird dude telling him to get with Danny? The hell? How did weird guy even know that?
He guesses that’s one way for the universe or whatever to say something’s fate or some bullshit. But real life doesn’t work like that...right? Well okay, ghosts are real so there is some make-believe that’s real. But then Dash, Hell no one, would ever describe Danny as a bull. A bull that’s a cat, that doesn’t even make sense. Shaking his head as class ends.
Walking out thinking of soot and snow, and didn’t that guy also say something about heroes? Soot was black right? Googling away to find that yes it was, as he makes it to his next class. Of course snow was white. So black and white. Well shit, that was Danny and Phantom’s hair colours; and Phantom was a hero. Danny had organised that rescue mission, so could he be labelled ‘hero’ too. Not really, it was a one-time thing after all.
Groaning and hitting his head into the desk only for the teacher to snap at him about paying attention. Mentally shoving all this crap away, basically mentally screaming at it to sort itself out.
Seeing Danny after last class across the hall and walking towards Danny with a glare, because he absolutely needs to take out his romantically frustrated aggression and, if he’s honest, mentally frustrated aggression -because thoughts of that weirdo just will not leave him alone- on someone.
Dash grabs him and slams him into the lockers, speaking without a whole lot of power behind his worlds, because he’s more than a little preoccupied and Danny’s eyes glittering with mirth and knowing does not help, “you know, I kinda feel like making you eat locker, weirdo”.  
Danny speaks with a smirk, “weirdly cute you mean”. Dash sputters and promptly drops Danny, turning on his heel and speed walking off. Though he does throw a glance over his shoulder back at Danny, who looks more smug than anything he’s ever seen before; making Dash blush furiously and then feeling annoyed at blushing.
Dash decides that night that if his head’s just gonna be stuck in a pit of ‘just ask him, you know you want to’ and weird mutterings about painting with the lord of graves -whatever the heck that means- then he might as well finish his book. Well, his mom’s book but still. It seems suiting enough.
He flat-out drops the book when he gets to the point where Gadfly -an ageless fae who can see the future and all the twists and turns it might or might not take- functionally admits to setting up Isobel with Rook. The mortal with the inhuman prince, who -as Dash finishes the book with a fair amount of shock- comes to stand as the King of all fae. The lord of fae. The lord of graves? Was Danny some kind of ethereal prince? King? Or something? And heck! Gadfly was even blonde too! The Hell? And didn’t weird guy go off about Dash painting or something? Isobel’s a painter. Officially finding this a little too weird, Dash closes the book and tucks it away. Looking out the window and deciding that another -not really early enough to be morning but too early to be night- walk might get him more answers.
Somehow, Dash thinks as he watches Danny fiddling with a dandelion puff from afar on the same bridge as before, this isn’t surprising. Shaking himself off and making a point to shove down all the weird stupid feelings, before walking over with his hands in his pockets. “So you’re out here again”
Danny speaks without looking to him, “so are you”.
Dash scoffs and looks at his shoes a little, something tells him Danny wouldn’t be out wandering the night because of a book and some weird guy. The boy would probably handle it without being fazed much at all, “what? do you just wander around in the dead of night for fun?”.
Danny chuckles and side-eyes him, “maybe I do, maybe I don’t. Under the moonlight seems like a great place to be, don’t it?”.
Dash leans against the bridge railing, “it is ethereal I guess”.
Danny laughs and it’s a bit loud, “ethereal, that’s a big word for you. Now I wonder what could make you learn a word like that. Something so applicable to the strange and otherworldly”.
Dash bites his lip slightly at that, feeling incredibly called out, though ha! ‘Otherworldly’ was a word used for it. For people like Danny. Dash scoffs, “whatever, it’s got it’s uses”.
They stand in silence, both looking in opposite directions for a while. Until Dash blushes slightly at Danny humming, recognising the tune as Strangers In The Night.
Now Dash isn’t that much of an idiot, he’s not smart but he’s not dumb. He can recognise a blatant call out when he sees one. Danny knew. And...wasn’t being a dick about it, much. Wasn’t brushing him off. Dash isn’t sure if he’s confused by that or not.
Turning his head slightly to look at where the strange man had been last night before blurting out, “you’re mean”.
Danny laughs loudly at that and looks at Dash, who firmly avoids turning his head further to meet the gaze, “oh yes, says the bully. But you know what they say, ‘he only hits you ‘cause he likes you’”.
Dash jerks a bit and gapes, maybe he underestimated the boldness of Danny. While Danny sighs after a while of furthered silence, “it’s a darker night out hmmm? The darkness always holds something, a secretiveness to it. Where you can watch without being seen or act without being watched. In every story it crawls with monsters, things of depravity. Things people think are wrong, shouldn’t see the light of day. But those things are free in a sense that those who secluded themselves to daylight can never be. Monsters and those who hide, yet even they need to be brought into the sun sometimes. Wouldn’t you say?”.
Dash’s brain had stalled on the monster comment. That weird guy had gone off about monsters too. The whole him not fearing monsters or something? Danny was clearly weird, different. Didn’t people get called monsters in all those mutant movies over being different? And Phantom, well, the Fenton’s literally shouted that he was a monster. This was turning into some beauty and the beast shit. That makes him practically pitch forwards and face-plant into the ground.
Danny catches him and mutters, “geez, are you so repressed that the idea of not being so makes you want to eat the ground you walk upon?”.
Dash just blinks at him as he stands in front of him, because the whole thing with beauty and the beast was the beast transformed. Could look two different ways. And Danny’s eyes were green. Phantoms eyes were green. Danny raises his eyebrows at Dash sputtering at him, “that’s, it’s not, that ain’t”, Dash blinks, this explained a lot and Phantom was so bold, he took what he wanted, yet here he? -They? However it works- was seemingly waiting for Dash to make some kind of decisions thingy. Muttering, “have my cake and eat it too”.
Danny scrunches his face up and laughs, “I never imagined Dash would genuinely confuse me-”, getting cut off by Dash just saying screw it and kissing him, hard.
Dash pulling back but promptly hugging the weird ethereal creature, “I am so many levels of confused”. Danny just chuckles and pats his back, “yet maybe less in some way. Though you know, you really should ask first”.
Dash jerks and basically holds Danny by the shoulders away from him, Dash wasn’t that dumb of a guy but he was definitely a little stupid.
Danny rolls his eyes but smirks, batting off Dash hands before grabbing his shirt collar and kissing back, “you’re an idiot”.
Dash mutters, “you’re a weirdo”, as Danny backs off. After a bit of silence Dash looks at his feet and sticks his hands in his pockets, “so, uh, now what?”.
Danny shrugs and goes back to leaning on the railing, “I dunno, you work through your confusion I guess”, glancing at Dash, “just know that I am never a confused person anymore”.
Dash looks out across the park, well that was as blunt as anything. Why though? “I’ve literally beat the crap out of you for years. And,”, Dash worries his lip a little, blushing slightly from the unusual coldness on them, a coldness from Danny, “and you could have fought back anytime”.
Danny gives him a knowing look before smirking a little, “so you figured that out too huh?”.
Dash doesn’t give him a chance to say anything more, “as of two seconds or whatever ago. My head is mud”, Dash barely cuts himself off from saying ‘congrats’ or ‘thanks’. Who the Hell says that to some who just kissed them?
Danny screws up his face and it honestly looks like something out of a bad movie where the characters make some great discovery. When he chuckles and shakes his head, “so that’s what you meant by the cake thing”, squinting at Dash a little, “now you know I have to ask this, but knowing isn’t why you did that, is it?”.
Dash doesn’t know whether to nod or shake his head because both would be a lie, “I just figured out my two, um, interests, were smashed into one. Excuse me for not being myself, or whatever, enough and pleased, to have some self-control”.
Danny smiles at that, shoving Dash’s shoulder lightly, “lucky you I guess. Who’d you like more?”.
Dash sputters, Danny was a little much, always was, but that’s part of what he liked about him. The fearlessness, the hard sharpness, and he was cutting Dash the Hell up, “you”, Dash keeps talking as Danny raises his eyebrows, “Danny”, continuing when Danny raises his brows further, “Fenton. The weird lithe kid with sharp edges and the whole pixie thing going on”. Dash looks around some, ignoring the slight smirk on Danny’s face.  
Danny bumping shoulders with him, “oh fancy words Dash. You know I love words with meanings, that I love to give out nicknames. Maybe you should be Teddy Bear”. Dash blushes more than a bit furiously at that which just makes Danny laugh, “oh yes, that will do wonderfully”. Danny sighing after a while of Dash blushing and staring defiantly into the distance, “not that we have to be public about... whatever this is”.
Dash looks back to him at that, nodding slightly, “that is...why I never would have tried normally. Weird dude threw me through a loop”, smiling a little and shoving Danny lightly, “I think I’m glad he did though”.
Danny nods, “if there’s anyone who can understand secrets Dash, especially for safety’s sake, it’s me”, gesturing around, “night seems to suit us. It’s always been something of mine. There’s not really anything wrong with hiding in the night, if you care to join me in that anyway”.
Dash gapes a little, that felt like a stupid question. Why would he question if Dash wanted this to be a ‘thing’. Dash should be the one worried about that, “yes. That is- why would you even ask that?”.
Danny chuckles and gives him a smile that’s got a sadness to it, which Dash is officially having none of and feeling more like his rather brazen self, just kisses him again before he can respond. Dash then saying, “it doesn’t matter”.
Danny chuckles and shakes his head a little, “you sure watch me a lot huh. Like what you see?”, Dash forced down his blush this time while Danny smirks and glances around with that searching look before looking back to him, “care to see how I own my night?”.
Dash just nods a little before going slightly slack-jawed at the near blinding ring of light and Danny suddenly being Phantom and just floating around to be away from the bridge slightly, holding a hand out to Dash, “well? I could rip off superman and say I promise not to drop you or you can stop holding yourself back”.
Dash barely wastes a second before grabbing Danny’s hand and letting him pull him up off the ground. Dash asking the only other question he really has or that’s still bugging him as Danny wraps his arms around him and just...goes up, “so weird guy also said something about king of graves?”.
Danny laughs and shakes his head a little, “that cheeky bastard”, before looking down at Dash’s face, “Ghost King, Dash. Something beyond what any ghost or mortal could be”.
Dash again feels slapped by Deja Vu, he’s never going to be able to look at that damn book the same again, “you know, I was reading a book where...”.
Dash winds up explaining his ‘girly’ book interests as they fly around, oddly unfazed and comfortable with the whole fly thing. While Danny simply exists as the strange ethereal being he is, face glowing brightly against the night sky; leaving Dash feeling like he just caught a star in a wishing bottle and think that maybe poetry might be a good idea.
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Awkward Family Matters
Summary: Danny Fenton and Norman Babcock have a chat on the roof of FentonWorks. Ghost stuff is complicated, but sometimes family stuff is even more so.
This is a secret santa present for @kryptopine!
I hope you like it, I’m actually really proud of this one! This is not part of my mystery kids case files series, which is why I posted it on this tumblr instead.
It was snowing when Danny climbed out onto the roof. The snowflakes fell from the sky in a light shower. There was just enough to leave a thin layer of snow on the roof of FentonWorks and for a few stray snowflakes to cling to his black hair.
Danny quickly spotted the person who he had been searching for. He was standing by the railing of the building looking out across the city skyline as the sun contemplated its descent.
Danny walked over to stand next to the fourteen year old boy. Danny was only wearing his short-sleeved t-shirt, so as the wind nipped at his bare arms, the halfa took a moment to enjoy the feeling. Ever since he became half-ghost, his body temperature dropped dramatically and most places felt too warm for him. Then, after he finally mastered his ice powers and cold ghost core, the ice and snow always felt welcoming. His human half still couldn’t handle extreme freezing temperatures, but out here with the wind and the light snowfall, it felt perfect.
“Hey Norman,” Danny greeted as he leaned against the icy railing.
“Hi,” Norman greeted in his normal shy manor.
Danny took a breath and let the feeling of calm wash over him. Standing next to Norman always felt peaceful and relaxing. Usually, his ghost half was agitated. The ghost side of him always wanted to move, to fight, to protect. Even on the most relaxing of days, there was that feeling inside of him telling him that something wasn’t right and he needed to do… something.
But with Norman next to him, the ghost part of him felt at peace. Danny knew it was a Medium thing. It was no wonder ghosts responded so well to Norman.
But right now, even though Danny felt at peace, he could tell that Norman wasn’t.
“Are you okay?” Danny asked, glancing at the boy out of the corner of his eye.
“Yeah, I’m fine,” Norman said almost too quickly.
“I can tell my parents to tone it down if you want,” Danny suggested. “I know they get a little… excited when it comes to ghost stuff. It can be kind of overwhelming.”
Norman shook his head, a small smile on his face. “No, it’s fine. I don’t mind, actually. Usually it makes me kind of uncomfortable when people ask me questions, but they’re just… really nice about it.”
Danny chuckled. “That’s my parents. They can be a lot to handle, but they mean well.”
There was a silence between them as the two of them listened to the sound of the city and the rumble of the cars passing by.
“Danny can… can I ask you a question?” Norman asked suddenly.
“Sure, what’s up?”
“You’re parents are ghost hunters, right?”
Danny raise his eyebrow. He hasn’t been sure what he expected Norman to ask, but it definitely wasn’t that.
“Yeah, they are, but they’re starting to understand that there are good ghosts too. It’s been sort of hard for them, but they’re getting there.”
“I was just wondering... When they finally found out you were half-ghost did they… I mean, were they okay with it?” he asked in a small voice.
Danny’s stomach lurched as he looked down at the younger kid. Why did he want to know about that that?
Norman seemed to suddenly realize that he might have asked something too personal and he turned to Danny with a frantic look. “I’m sorry, that’s weird for me to ask. You- you don’t have to answer that!”
Danny rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. “No, it’s okay.” Danny looked out into the city, finding it easier to talk about this kind of stuff when he wasn’t looking directly at Norman. “I mean, they didn’t take it well, if that’s what you’re wondering. I think what hurt them the most was finding out that they have been hunting me all this time. And then there was that whole shattering of their world view about ghosts thing. That was pretty hard. But uhh… now everything is pretty good.” Danny shifted uncomfortably. “They get I’m still their son even though I’m half ghost and they are even trying to get along with some of my ghostly allies. It hasn’t been easy, but it’s worth it. It’s nice to not have to hide.”
Norman nodded. “Oh, that’s good,” he said softly.
Danny looked over at Norman. “Why did you ask?”
Norman glanced up at Danny and then looked away, squirming uncomfortably under his gaze.
“No real reason. I guess I was just wondering if they ever ignored the fact that you have powers. If they don’t like ghosts, then they might not want to think about it or talk about it-”
“Are you kidding?” Danny interrupted with a loud laugh. “My parents? They might not like ghosts, but they are fascinated by them. In the beginning, they wouldn’t stop asking me questions about my powers and they would always ask me to show them what I could do. Jazz eventually had to ask them to lay off a bit because their curiosity was getting in the way of my ghost fighting.”
“Oh, okay. That makes sense. I was just wondering,” Norman said quickly. He was looking out over the city but his eyes didn’t seem to be focused on any one thing.
“Do… your parents ignore your powers?” Danny ventured timidly.
Norman shrugged. “It’s not their fault. I know it makes them feel uncomfortable. At least they believe me now, so it’s better than it was, you know?”
“Maybe it will just take time,” Danny suggested. “They just have to get used to it.”
Norman shrugged again and Danny had the feeling he said the wrong thing. He really didn’t know what to say. He wasn’t good at giving advice like his sister, and he wasn’t great when it came to dealing with parents. Danny felt like he had made all the wrong decisions when it came to his own parents, so he didn’t really feel like the right person to help Norman.
“It’s nice that your parents are so accepting of you powers,” Norman said giving Danny a sincere smile. “It seems like they really understand you.”
“Uh, yeah, most of the time I guess,” Danny agreed awkwardly.
“There you two are,” a familiar voice called. Danny turned around to see his mother step onto the roof.
“Hi mom.”
“Hi Mrs. Fenton.”
“Norman, dear, I keep telling you that you can call me Maddie.”
Norman shifted his feet awkwardly. “Right, sorry.”
His mom let out a soft sigh. “Danny, why are you out here without your coat?” she asked as she held up his red winter coat. “It’s freezing out here and you’re wearing short sleeves! I don’t want you catching a cold before you go back to school!”
Danny sighed. “Mom, I told you, I don’t catch colds anymore. And I don’t feel cold the same way I used to. I’m fine.”
His mother frowned and walked up to him, holding out his coat to take. “Just because you don’t feel the cold doesn’t mean you have to expose yourself to the elements. Please just wear the coat, Danny.”
Usually, Danny would feel annoyance at his mother’s insistence, but Norman’s presence helped keep him calm, so he managed to bite back any sarcastic remarks.
“Fine, but I’m going to overheat in this thing,” Danny said as he slipped the heavy coat on.
“Well, I would rather you overheat then have your fingers freeze off with frostbite.”
“Mom,” he said in exasperation. “I have ice powers. I can’t get frostbite.”
“Well, you may have ghost powers, but you’re still human too,” his mother countered briskly. “Just… humor me, okay Danny?”
“Okay mom,” he said and he hoped she didn’t hear the hint of bitterness in his voice. He knew she was just being a mom.
“Thank you, sweetie. Now, don’t stay out here too long, okay you two?”
“Don’t worry, we won’t,” Norman assured her.
As soon as his mother went down the stars, Danny sighed and ran his hands through his hair in exasperation. He then suddenly remembered that he wasn’t alone and gave Norman a sheepish smile.
“Sorry about that. I know she means well, but sometimes I feel like she doesn’t really get that I’m not human anymore.” Danny chuckled humorlessly. “And here you were saying how nice it was that my parents understood me.”
“I’m sure she’s just worried about you,” Norman supplied. “It was kind of strange to see some without any kind of coat on out here.”
“I know, I’m probably being too harsh,” Danny admitted. “It’s not really her fault. She only just found out about my powers five months ago, and honestly, I’m not even sure what I am half the time. I can’t expect her to wrap her head around me being not-completely-human-anymore so easily.”
“And even though she might not always understand, she’s willing to talk to you about it. That’s…. better than nothing.”
“Yeah, that’s true… and my parents do try and listen.” Danny glanced down at Norman guiltily. Maybe he shouldn’t be complaining about his problems with his own parents who had accepted him unconditionally when Norman couldn’t even have a real conversation with his own parents. “Have you ever tried to talk to your parents about it?”
Norman shrugged. “I translate for my deceased Grandma sometimes. I know it makes my parents uncomfortable, but they do talk back to her. Other than that… not really. ”
“Do you think that maybe they really want to talk to you about your gift?”
Norman raised an eyebrow at Danny. “Have you met my parents?”
“No really!” Danny insisted. “Maybe they want to talk to you about it, but they don’t know how. I’m sure they probably have a bunch of questions, just like my parents did, but they don’t know how to go about talking to you about it.”
“I guess that could be possible,” Norman admitted. “We don’t really talk about things in my family.”
“I don’t know if this would help, and I’m not really great at giving advice, but maybe if you talked about your powers more they would feel more comfortable talking to you about it too?”
Norman was starting to lose the feeling in his fingers so he stuck his hands in his pockets. “I guess I could try that. It’s hard though…”
“Believe me, I know,” Danny said earnestly. “I totally get not wanting to talk to your parents about ghost stuff. But you can’t expect them to know what to say when you don’t talk about it either. Just like I can’t expect my mom to get the half-ghost thing all at once.”
“That’s pretty smart,” Norman admitted. “Maybe you’re better at giving advice than you think.”
“Heh, or maybe I’m just hanging out with my sister too much.”
“I’ll try it,” Norman said. “It will be awkward at first, but at least it will be awkward for all of us and not just me.”
“Family stuff is always awkward,” Danny assured him “My dad once took me ghost hunting to hunt myself. Now that’s awkward.”
Norman chuckled.
“I told you they would be up here!” Danny heard Tucker shout. Danny and Norman turned around to see Sam and Tucker climbing up onto the roof.
“Hey guys,” Sam greeted.
“‘Sup dudes,” Tucker said with a friendly grin towards Norman.
“Hi again,” Norman greeted.
“What’s with the coat Danny?” Sam asked as she walked up next to him and pulled on his coat sleeve. “Your mom?” she asked.
“Yep. She’s worried that I’ll freeze to death or something.” Danny said while rolling his eyes.
Sam raised her eyebrow. “She is aware you’re a half-dead ghost hybrid with Cryokinetic powers, right?”
“I don’t think it’s fully sunk in yet.”
“That’s parents for you,” Sam said with a scowl. “I’m still trying to convince mine that I will burn anything frilly or colorful that they even try and place in my closet.”
“Yeah, but Danny’s parents aren’t half as bad as yours,” Tucker said. “I’m sure they’re catch on eventually. In the meantime, that coat makes it easier to do this!”
Tucker grabbed a ball of snow in his gloved hand, grabbed Danny’s jacket before he could respond, and shoved the ball of snow down the back of his neck.
Danny whirled around, a look of bewilderment on his face as Tucker giggled to himself.
“Did you… just… pick a snowball fight with someone with ice powers?” Danny asked incredulously.
Norman’s eyes grew wide has he watched Danny’s hand glow and a perfectly sculpted snowball formed in the palm of his hand.
“Oh crap,” Tucker said as he ducked to avoid the first snow ball and then sprinted away to take cover behind a pile of wooden boxes filled with equipment. 
Danny followed after him, pelting his friend with a never ending barrage of snowballs.
“Ah, Sam help!” Tucker said as he ran to her for cover. His barrette was knocked off from a well-placed snowball and his shoulders and scarf were covered in snow. Tucker placed the girl between himself and Danny and grabbed her shoulders like she was a shield. “Sam is base!” he called.
“I am not! You two keep me out of this!”
“Let’s see if Sam can protect you from this,” Danny said as he dropped to his knees and placed his hand on the snowy ground.
Nothing seemed to happen at first, but then Tucker yelped as ice crystals began to form from the ground onto his boots.
“Hey! That’s not fair!” Tucker shouted as he struggled to pull his boots off the ground before they became completely frozen. Tucker managed to get free and ran out from the cover of Sam, scooping up snow as he went.
“If you guys keep this up, one of you is going to slip off this roof and it’s not going to be the one can fly!” Sam called after them.
“Stop trying to ruin our fun!” Tucker shouted back as he currently seemed to have given up dodging Danny’s snowballs and instead just focused on pelting his friend with as many as possible.
Unfortunately, his aim was a little off, and one of his snowballs went flying right into Sam’s face.
The snowball hit her square in the nose, and as the snow dripped off her face, she stood glaring at Tucker.
Danny and Tucker couldn’t seem to help themselves. They both broke out into loud laughter.
“That’s it, you two are so dead,” Sam said as she picked up a snowball of her own. “Come on Norman. Don’t just stand there.”
Norman laughed. “What happened to staying out of it?”
“Someone has to teach these two dorks a lesson.”
“Well, good luck, Tuck,” Danny said as he disappeared into thin air.
“Hey, that’s not fair!” Tucker protested. “No going invisible, you cheater!”
“Where’s the ghost tracker when you need it?” Sam muttered to herself as she looked around, the snowball in her hand, ready to strike.
“Truce until we find Danny?” Tucker offer her nervously.
Sam’s answer was to throw a snowball straight into his face. Tucker yelped and ran to hide behind the boxes of equipment again.
“I’ll take that as a no…”
Sam scooped up another snow ball, her eyes scanning the rest of the roof.
Sam jumped and turned around only to see what looked like the remains of a snowball floating in midair squished against some invisible force. Danny blinked back into view, snow covering his face and tumbling down the front of his jacket.
Sam’s mouth fell open as she turned to look at Norman in surprise. “How did you know he was there?” she asked impressed.
Norman shrugged. “I could just tell where he was,” he explained with a hint of embarrassment.
Danny wiped the snow from his face. “Even when I’m invisible?” Danny asked with an impressed grin. “That’s pretty cool.”
“No, it’s awesome!” Tucker shouted from his cover. “Now we have a defense against Danny’s sneak attacks!”
“Well, we’ll see about that!” Danny said, going invisible once again.
Norman laughed and Danny felt proud he could give the young boy a break from this thoughts. He knew what it was like to be fourteen and to worry endlessly about what his parents would think of him, if they would understand him, or even accept him for who he really was. He hoped things would work out for Norman like they worked out for him- maybe not perfect, but better than he ever expected.
Having briefly met them, Danny had a feeling that Norman and his parents would be okay eventually. It would take time, but if they were willing to try, they would be okay. And if they weren’t okay, Danny was determined to make sure Norman knew that he was always welcome with his own family, because having people that cared about you and who you could count on no matter what… that was the best feeling in the world.
122 notes · View notes
darks-ink · 5 years
For @doddling-goods, happy Christmas Truce! You asked for Plasmius and Dani celebrating the holidays together, and, well, who am I to throw away this perfect opportunity for a redemption AU!
Also on AO3 and FFN.
Dani had honestly thought that she had seen her home – the Masters mansion – at its gaudiest. The green and gold it was typically decorated with weren’t exactly fashionable, after all.
Walking into the house after a month away showed her exactly how wrong she had been, however.
The old decorations, the green and gold and football memorabilia, were all still present. However, shimmering tinsels in green and red and silver and gold had been added, shiny white snowflakes hung from the ceiling, and fairy lights were strung around just about everything in the entry hall.
Not only was it somehow worse than the normal appearance, it was also quite surprising to her that Vlad had altered his carefully put-together mansion.
She wracked her brain trying to come up with a reason for it, but she couldn’t think of anything besides the party happening in the Ghost Zone later that day. And surely that couldn’t be it? Unless it had an equivalent holiday among the living? But she didn’t even know what day it was, let alone what major holidays the USA might’ve celebrated on that specific day.
She glanced around the entry hall, but didn’t see anything to show the date, or Vlad. Shrugging to herself, she pulled her phone from her pocket to check the date. The 25th… She was pretty sure that there was a major holiday that day, but she couldn’t remember anything specific.
That would also explain why Danny had left the Ghost Zone a day or two earlier, before Frostbite had coaxed her into leaving. His parents would’ve been paying more attention to his whereabouts during the holidays, and he might’ve needed to make preparations as well.
Mystery thus solved, she put her phone away again and walked further into the mansion. The decorations seemed to spread across the entire mansion, humming lights and sparkling tinsels everywhere.
She was almost afraid to enter her room, but after cautiously opening the door, she discovered that it had been spared from Vlad’s insane decorating spree. Thankfully.
After quickly unpacking her bags – aka throwing almost all of its contents in the laundry basket and dumping the rest on her bed to sort out later – Dani went to explore the rest of the mansion in the hopes of finding Vlad.
She had honestly expected him in the lab – it’s where he spends most of his time, after all – but found him on her way there, in the living room. Not that she needed to go through the living room to get to the lab, but she could see the light coming from there in the hallway and she was quite curious to see what, exactly, was creating so much light.
Imagine her surprise when she finds a tree, of all things, the source of the light. It had been decorated much like the rest of the house, small but bright lights and shiny tinsel, but also a great number of balls, white and silver and even black, which caught the light on their smooth surfaces. The tree was crested with a single decoration, a glittering silver star.
As Dani’s gaze swept downwards, she was surprised to find that the roots of the tree were hidden by a bunch of… presents? Yes, they must’ve been presents, a bunch of boxes in shiny packing papers, most of them topped off with equally shiny bows.
A soft cough drew her attention away from the rather spectacular tree and towards the sofa, where Vlad Masters sat. A book was held loosely in his hands, so he had probably been reading, although Dani found it hard to imagine that someone could read without being distracted by the tree.
“Ah, Danielle, my dear. I see that you’ve found the Christmas tree. What do you think?”
She shrugged, looking the tree over once more before turning to him. “I dunno. It’s certainly very… shiny?”
Vlad looked at her, one eyebrow raised in a clearly incredulous expression. She wasn’t sure what kind of reaction he had been expecting, but it certainly hadn’t been the one she had given. Looks like someone screwed up her education.
“You… don’t know what Christmas is, do you?”
“Hmm,” she answered, pretending to think about it, tilting her head down and resting it in her hand. Then she snapped her fingers and pointed one at Vlad, grinning widely. “Nope.”
He sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. “You haven’t even heard of it during your travels? It’s celebrated in a lot of countries, not just here.”
She hummed again, this time in real thought. She’s pretty sure that she has, in fact, heard of Christmas before, but she can’t really remember anything about it. “I think I’ve heard the name before, but that’s about it, yeah.”
“I imagine you would have,” he answers, voice returning to its normal smooth purr. “After all, the entire Ghost Zone celebrates the Christmas Truce on the 25th.”
“Oh yeah. I remembered that there was a party and a truce, but I couldn’t remember the occasion.” She walked over to the couch, draping herself over its arm. “Tell me more about this Christmas thing? Seems like a big deal, you even decorated the mansion and stuff.”
The look he gave her was one she couldn’t decipher. But whatever he was looking for, he must’ve found it, because he sighed and looked away, eyes roving over the various decorations before settling on the tree.
“Christmas is a holiday closely associated with… family.��� He licked his lips, and a heavy silence fell as Dani waited for him to continue. “I… was hoping to celebrate it with my real family, this year. With you.”
“Oh.” It was a stupid thing to say, of course. He would’ve been expecting a real reply, but Dani had been stunned beyond words. She knew that Vlad and her were a family of sorts, now. She had been living with him for the past few months, after all, had even taken to calling herself Danielle Masters if anyone asked. And it seemed like he really cared about her, yes.
But she had thought the same last time. And look what happened back then!
This time was different, of course. Danny said that Vlad had really been trying to do better, and she trusted Danny’s judgment. And as nice as Danny’s offer of moving in with the Fenton family was, she knew she couldn’t take it. Sure, his parents probably would’ve accepted her. They were weird like that. But living like that, with them, no matter what anyone said, she would’ve just been… Danny. Even if they didn’t mean to, the others would look at her and see him.
And she didn’t want that. She wanted to be herself, her own person.
So when Vlad offered her his own house, his own love… well, it couldn’t hurt to try, right? If it didn’t work out she could always steal some of his money and go back to traveling the world. And she knew what he was like, now. She wouldn’t be fooled again.
But his care seemed genuine. He really did take care of her like she was his own daughter, just like he promised. And, clearly acknowledging her freedom to leave, he left her a large stack of money in her room in the first week. When she had questioned him about it, he simply said that he “wouldn’t have his daughter starve because of his own mistakes”. And so she had squirreled the money away, in her backpack phased in the wall, where Vlad couldn’t find it to take it away. But he never even tried.
But still… despite his care, and his gentleness, and the fact that despite her misgivings and their past, she had started to care about him too… she didn’t think that he really considered her family. Sure, he called her his daughter, but… she never thought he meant it. Not like this.
She snapped out of her thoughts when she heard Vlad clear his throat, and blushed, shoulders hiking up and her hand finding the back of her neck. “Sorry. I kind of… got lost in thought?”
“I figured as much.” He smiled at her, warmly, but with a hint of… uncertainty? “So, what do you think? Do you… want to celebrate Christmas together? As a… family?”
A few months ago, she would’ve said no. No doubt, no hesitation. She would’ve said that it would never ever happen.
But… the last few months with Vlad had been… surprisingly good. He was clearly trying, and she knew how hard it could be to break bad habits.
So she smiled back, and nodded. “I would love to celebrate it with you.”
The uncertainty in his eyes melted away instantly, and his smile widened into a grin. He must’ve been really worried that she would turn down his offer.
In one smooth movement he stood up and extended his arm towards the tree, still smiling at Dani. “In that case, my dear, how about we start with the Christmas presents? They’re a Christmas morning tradition, after all.”
She followed his gesture to the tree with her eyes, her gaze settling on the many gifts stacked underneath it. “But… I didn’t buy you anything.”
“Well, of course not,” Vlad said as he walked over to tree, crouching down next to it. “After all, you’re still a child. No one would’ve expected someone your age to buy a present for a family member. Friends, maybe, but certainly not for their family.”
Dani pulled herself upright, sliding off of the arm and onto the sofa proper. “So then… Are there any presents for you under the tree?”
He gave her a scandalized look. “Well, of course there are, my dear! Giving presents isn’t limited to just family, after all. Friends give each other presents all the time as well, and Christmas is quite a big deal among the ghosts, as you might’ve noticed.” He glanced back at the tree. “Although I must admit that most of these are, in fact, for you.”
“They are?” She scanned through the presents, or at least those she could see, but couldn’t tell which ones were for who from the couch. “But… I barely know anyone! And how would they...” she trailed off as she saw Vlad’s pleased smile. “You… got in contact with everyone and got their presents for me?”
Vlad pulled one of the presents out from underneath the tree, glancing at the label on it and grimacing slightly. “Well, of course I did. I want nothing but the best for you. Speaking of which, this one is for you.” He held out the present towards Dani, the packing paper glossy and decorated with space rockets.
She took it from him, twisting the box in her hands so she could read the text on it as well. ‘For Dani, From Danny’ it read, and she didn’t try to stop the smile that found its way to her face. She grabbed the glimmering silver bow and phased it off of the present, and then did the same with the packing paper. Call her a hoarder all you want, but it was pretty and Danny gave it to her. She wanted to keep it.
Doing so had revealed a fairly standard cardboard box, and Dani made a face as she considered her options for opening it. Sure, she could phase through it, or punch through it, or burn through it. But before she got too far into considering these options, she spotted the arrow that had been drawn on the box, with ‘OPEN HERE’ written in bold lettering underneath it. Well, way to spoil her fun, Danny. Regardless, she followed the instructions, tearing open the box from the edge where the arrow had pointed.
The contents of the box caught the many lights scattered around the room, the glow reflecting off of a metallic silver surface, and catching on several smaller vials surrounding the bigger object. She grabbed the metal tube, pulling it out of the box and inspecting it more closely.
She knew what it was, of course. She would’ve been an idiot if she couldn’t recognize a Fenton Thermos. But it wasn’t a regular Thermos. The cap had been painted black, with the DP logo in white on the very top. She turned it around in her hands, carefully running her hands across its surface. It seemed like a perfectly fine Thermos, ordinary outside of the paint-job.
She grinned at Vlad, who had raised an eyebrow at the unexpected gift, and then in one swift movement, she uncapped the Thermos and pointed it at him. The Thermos activated with a whir, blasting its blue-white light right into Vlad’s face, messing up his hair. Satisfied that it was functional, Dani capped the Thermos again and stuck out her tongue at Vlad. “Had to make sure it worked, right?”
He glared at her, before making a fairly hopeless attempt at straightening his hair. “Yes, yes. I guess I should’ve known that Daniel would make sure you had one of those infernal devices. Was that the only thing he gave you?”
“Nah, there’s something else in here too. Hang on.” She laid down the Thermos next to her, digging into the box to grab the vials she had seen. They hit each other with clacking noises, clearly made out of glass, before she managed to get her hands on them.
Pulling them out, she noticed that the vials were filled with a thick, green liquid. She frowned, vaguely recognizing the material, but failing to remember what it was. She rolled one around in her hand, seeing the liquid emit a faint glow, and suddenly it clicked and she knew where she had seen it before.
“Ecto-Dejecto...” she whispered, looking at the numeral vials she held. “He gave me more Ecto-Dejecto, in case I destabilized again.”
Vlad hummed from his place next to the tree. “How unexpectedly thoughtful of him. Hopefully you won’t need it, of course, but it’ll be good to have regardless.”
“Yeah,” she agreed, sticking the vials in the pocket of her hoodie. “I’ll make sure to keep those somewhere safe. Wouldn’t want the wrong ghost, or human, to get their hands on these.” She shot Vlad a pointed look, before nodding to the tree. “What’s next? One for you, or are you just grabbing them at random?”
“I’ll just… go in whatever order I grab them in. As I said, most of these are for you, so alternating them would be a hopeless venture.” He reached underneath the tree to pull out another gift, and one that clearly originated in the Ghost Zone, based on the fact that it was faintly glowing. He glanced at the label before rolling his eyes and handing it over to Dani.
Reading the label as well, Dani quirked an eyebrow and glanced at Vlad for confirmation. He shrugged. ‘To: Cub, From: Ghost Zone’s Greatest Hunter’ the label stated. The gift itself was smaller than Danny’s, the box narrower and flatter. The wrapping paper was ectoplasm green, glowing faintly, and the bow a purple also commonly found in the Ghost Zone.
Dani tore through it quickly, uncovering another box, but this one made out of wood, with metal clasps on the side to hold it closed. She was already curious to see what Skulker, of all people, might have given her for Christmas, but now she felt her curiosity rise another notch. Quickly, she undid both latches, and opened the lid.
The inside of the box was covered with a soft, velvet-like material, fitted exactly around its actual contents. And there, lying in the center of the dark fabric, laid what had to be the most beautiful knife that Dani had ever seen. The handle was a shiny black, soft like well-worn leather, and the blade itself was a vibrant, glowing green, with elegant carvings along its sides.
She lifted it up gently, weighing the blade in her hand. It hummed with power, her ghostly core eagerly responding in kind. She twirled it around before quickly placing it back in the box, latching it closed again.
“I think that I’m going to have to talk with my employee about giving my child weapons for Christmas.”
Dani snorted. “Ah, come on, it’s not like I’m not a living weapon myself. There’s nothing that I could do with a knife that I can’t do with my own ghost powers and you know it.”
Vlad sighed, heavily. “Yes, I suppose you’re right, my dear. And based on who gave it, I guess I should be glad that it wasn’t a gun, at least.” He sighed again before turning back to the tree, grabbing another present. He glanced over the label before pulling the present into his own lap, a somewhat baffled expression on his face.
“One for you?” She wasn’t sure why Vlad would be confused by that, though, but she couldn’t think of anything better.
“Yes,” he answered, still looking at the present he was holding. Its paper was glossy white, and it was topped off with a crimson red bow. Nothing about it looked noteworthy to her. Vlad seemed to have picked up on her silent question, however. “It’s from Daniel.”
“Oh.” With this new information, she looked over the present again. It was far smaller than what Danny had given her, a small square box, and far more ordinary. She supposed it shouldn’t be all that surprising, since Danny was the forgiving type, and he did agree that Vlad had been changing his ways. Apparently Vlad hadn’t expected to get a gift from Danny, though.
He carefully ripped the paper away, frowning at the package inside the present. Dani craned her neck to see what it was, but it was too small to see from the couch. She slumped down, giving up, and instead called to Vlad. “What did you get?”
Vlad grunted wordlessly, holding up the present for her to see. Dani barely repressed the laugh that came up, instead making a rather undignified snorting sound.
Danny hadn’t given him a present for Vlad. No, he had given Vlad a present for his cat.
“Yes yes, laugh it up. I should’ve known that the little badger wouldn’t have given me a real present.” He rolled his eyes and turned back to the tree, but Dani could see the fond smile on his face.
“Anyway,” he said, pulling out another box. “This one is for you again.”
And so they continued on for a while, Dani opening several presents for every gift that Vlad received. Turns out that he had been right about most of them being for Dani, as Vlad only received 4 gifts, compared to Dani’s 9.
Most of her presents had been surprisingly thoughtful. Combat boots from Sam (who had clearly remembered Dani drooling over hers), a custom-built phone from Tucker, a beanie and an offer to go shopping together from Valerie, and in-depth research and reports detailing Danny’s growth as a halfa from Jazz, probably because it had become clear over the past few months that there was quite a difference between Vlad and the Phantoms in the way they grew into their powers.
Of course her ghostly friends hadn’t disappointed either. Frostbite had given her a book detailing the various types of ghostly cores and common powers associated with them, Wulf had given her a rock from the moon (which he had apparently retrieved by opening a portal to the surface of the moon), and Dora had given her a beautiful necklace with a sparkling sky-blue stone, with a note that explained that it would shift to an acid-green color if she transformed into ghost mode while wearing it.
Vlad’s presents had been… mixed in quality. Besides Danny’s cat toys, he also received a tin of fudge from Jack Fenton, and a tin of Christmas cookies from Maddie Fenton. When Dani questioned his far more enthusiastic response to Maddie’s cookies, Vlad had explained that, back when they were in college, Maddie used to bake these cookies for the three of them, following a family recipe. The only ghostly gift he had received had been from Skulker, who had given him a ghost tracker honed in exclusively on halfas, made to track them even in human form. Vlad’s initial reaction was disgust, of course, but that had quickly settled when he saw the note that Skulker had added. The tracker wasn’t intended to hunt halfas, but to find them if something ever happened to Dani and she went missing.
Dani looked over her stack of presents, a wide grin on her face. She had friends, who not only cared about her, but who cared enough to give her hand-picked presents for Christmas!
Vlad drew her from her thoughts by clearing his throat, and Dani turned around to look at him again. In his hands rested another present, its shape crumpled, like the contents were soft and pliable. He smiled at her, warm and kind.
“Of course, I’ve saved the best for the last.”
She quirked an eyebrow at him. “How did you know it was the best if you didn’t know what the rest gave me?” Seeing him splutter for an answer, she waved him off. “I’m kidding, I’m kidding. Lemme see!”
He rolled his eyes, fondly, before handing her the gift. Like she had expected, the present was soft, rather than packed in a box like most of the others. She tore open the paper, and the contents fell onto her lap.
It was a sweater, black with the edges on the bottom and cuffs white. In the center, standing out in stark white against the black material, was the infamous DP logo that she and Danny both wore on their jumpsuits.
Dani gently ran her hands over the material, its yarn soft and surprisingly non-itchy.
“I hand-knitted it for you, my dear. I hope… I hope you like it.”
She looked up at Vlad, surprised. “You… hand-knitted it? For me? Why?”
He licked his lips, suddenly awkward. “I… wanted it to be special. Sure, I could’ve bought you anything you desired. But that’s not the point of Christmas. This way…” He cleared his throat, wringing his hands somewhat uncertainly. “This was more meaningful.”
Dani looked back at the sweater in her hands, before phasing out of her hoodie and pulling on the sweater. She fingered the cuff, the material soft and warm. The sweater instilled a feeling of comfort and warmth on her, and she smiled at Vlad before launching herself at him.
Vlad scrambled to catch her, barely stopping himself from toppling over, as Dani wrapped her arms around him in a hug. He smiled and returned the hug, Dani melting away against him.
“Thanks… dad. For everything.”
Vlad gasped, pulling away to look her in the eye. “Did you… Really?”
“Yeah,” she said as she pulled him back into the hug. “Yeah, really.”
He hummed, holding her tightly.
“Thank you, my dear. This is the best Christmas gift that I’ve ever received.”
21 notes · View notes
psylid · 7 years
Fandom Fic Rec Days
Thank you to all fanfic authors whose skill & creativity has floored me since middle school, and who continue to share their beautiful work with the rest of us just for the sake of sharing it. You never get as much recognition as you deserve. 
Unfortunately, I used to have a very bad habit of forgetting to bookmark fics and losing them forever. Here are the ones I managed to keep. Some fics are old enough that I’m not sure the author even uses the account anymore, but I’m going to post them anyway. Have fun with my rare pairs.
Title: boundless as the sea (11k words)
Author: ghostofgatsby
Ships: troffy, shatsome
Summary:  Trott drums his fingers on his desk, thinking hard. It had been a few days since he and Smith had talked, and something had occurred to him. He and Smith had been together a long time, but they weren’t bonded in some sort of magical way. It wasn’t until Ross and Sips came around that the idea of magical bonds had come up. The kelpie could use some closure, some grounding, especially as unhinged as they all felt. Something to bind them together would make their court stronger. To bind Smith to him and him to Smith, he’s doing it his own way. And that means selkie magic.
Notes: One of the stories that hooked me into UMY. Beautifully written. Emotionally intense in the best way. The devotion and trust between Trott & Smith rings from every word of this fic, and I adore it.  
Title: Hot Whisky Eyes (5.8K words)
Author: Roehrborn
Ships: troffy, hatsome
Summary:  Time and time again, Ross has imagined the unthinkable: his two best friends, naked and wrapped in each other’s embrace. ~IRL Hatsome AU
Notes: For all your (consensual) voyeurism needs with an angst/pining appetizer. Very good smut. I can’t even tell you how many times I’ve read this. 
Title: Spring (3k words)
Author: leonandon
Ships: hatsome
Summary:  Breezes through windows, staying too long in bed, quiet intimacy and love, lazy morning sex.
Notes: I’m going to try very hard to not put the word “lovely” in every sentence here. Gently slips you into an established, comfortable relationship and it feels so, so nice. Soft and easy and intimate and everything I wanted; a go-to.
Title: Boys of Summer (31k words)
Author: threeplusfire
Ships: hatsome, shatsome
Summary:  “I’ll send the car on Wednesday morning to take you to the airport,” Sips said, in the decisive tone of someone very used to getting what he wanted. - The unexpected trip out of town seems like a perfect chance to escape the sweltering summer heat. But not everyone can relax, even in paradise.
Notes: First off, there is a lot of sex and the sex is excellent, high-quality. But, this fic is also (or mainly, rather?) a beautifully complex exploration of character dynamics: Trott’s relationship with Smith & Ross, how best to integrate Sips into their personal lives, and how best to separate all of this from their professional ones. Fantastic AU; stunning fic.
Title: Putting the D in Teamwork (5.6k words)
Author: SummerAtLast
Ships: hatsome
Summary:  “Trott.” Ross fixed Trott with his saddest puppy eyes. “Don’t leave me hanging, mate.” “Trott,” whined Smith. “Don’t leave me out.” “Really now, gents,” said Trott. “Teamwork. I can do you both at once.”
Notes: As a heads-up, this fic has the boys as their Minecraft skins, so I guess keep that in mind if you’re put off by non-human dicks. That said, I honestly thought I would be, but I ended up loving this fic a lot. It’s equal parts good smut and funny/filthy banter that feels very correct for the three of them.  
Title: Gives Me the Greatest Peace I’ve Ever Known (4.8k words)
Author: leonandon
Ships: troffy, hatsome
Summary:  Smith's way of dealing with things tends to involve running around in the middle of nowhere for a few days. Trott and Ross have never gone along, but this time Trott asks if he can join. Surprisingly, Smith agrees.
Notes: An absolutely gorgeous fic with ace!Smith, which was really exciting for me to find. I love the wilderness setting and the descriptions -- the space. The quiet, the easy affection, and being mindful of boundaries. Another one I’ve read over and over again.    
Title: what’s done in the dark will be brought to the light (8.8k words)
Author: vosiferous
Ships: troffy, hatsome
Summary: There is a rattlesnake of a man, one with a soft smile, a gaze that slices through souls, and a tongue that rattles lies like saliva. His blood is poison and his laugh are razorblades. He is a collector of fine artifacts, and he sees value in all things.If you are not careful, he will see the value in you.
Notes: This one is technically unfinished, but each of the 3 chapters are pretty much stand-alone drabbles. Dark and gorgeous UMY stories. The writing has a magic and other-worldliness to it that’s perfect for UMY and makes this a fantastic read. Heed the warnings.
Title: Layout (2.8k words)
Author: threeplusfire
Ships: alsipsy
Summary: Lots of comfort, pretty boys and sports. An AU about gymnast!Smith.
Notes: I just have a huge weakness for basically everything in this fic. Takeout, TV, massages. Toys. Sips taking care of Smith in the gym and out. A total feel-good fic. Relaxing and lovely to read. Yet another go-to.
Title: Not Such A Bad Way (5.6k words)
Author: _angelicorn_
Ships: Blue Beetle/Booster Gold (DC Comics)
Summary: (My own, since the author didn’t provide one) Ted makes some upgrades to the Bug, so he and Booster take it for a test-drive. After a disastrous engine failure, they end up stranded in space with no heat and help (in the form of Guy Gardner) hours away. 
Notes: More of my weaknesses. Huddling for warmth. Awkward sex. Best friends’ first time together -- slow & experimental. ANGST. I cry every time, but I promise it all turns out okay. I will love this fic always and forever because it’s such a perfect representation of these dumb men and their beautiful friendship. 
Title: The Policeman Officer’s Seduction (852 words)
Author: kyuuketsukirui
Ships: Nicholas Angel/Danny Butterman (Hot Fuzz)
Summary:  You ask someone back to yours after a night at the pub, that's pretty cliched, isn't it? And what could be more romantic than Point Break? But Nicholas just doesn't seem to get it.
Notes: Another best friends’ first time fic but this one is just cute and funny. Danny’s POV is perfect. If you don’t think this is exactly what happened after the movie, I don’t know what to tell you. 
Title: Happy Beginnings (2.7k words)
Author: ennui_blue_lite
Ships: Control/Tony (A Bit of Fry and Laurie)
Summary: Control has something important to tell Tony. Sometimes, actions speak louder than words.
Notes: So, my friend and I were kind of in love with the ABoFaL skits featuring Control & Tony Murchison -- spies for the British Intelligence agency. We decided as a joke to look for fic, but it just so happened that one of the only people on the planet who wrote Control/Tony fic was also really, alarmingly good at it. I can’t read this without smiling. If you have no idea what I’m talking about here, you can still read this fic, but you will have many questions about it and probably also about me. (You can watch one of the skits -> here <- if it helps.)
Title: None So Blind (25k words)
Author: Brianna Falken
Ships: Mirror!Spock/Mirror!Kirk (Star Trek TOS)
Summary: Spock convinces a blinded Kirk to allow him to create a mental link between them while they are stranded on an uninhabited planet after the shuttle crashes.
Notes: This fic was originally published in a zine in 1997, which I think is very cool, and it’s my favorite Mirrorverse story ever. About learning to trust and lowering guards, even when distrust and distance were all that kept them alive before. Intimate & vulnerable. Even if you’re like me and usually avoid the Mirrorverse, this fic is a lot less dark than most (but still kind of dark, so be safe) and a really good read.
Title: Lay Down Your Burdens (8.3k words)
Author: autotunedd
Ships: Choi Seunghyun/John Lee (RPF)
Summary: Tohn vignettes
Notes: Another instance where a friend and I looked for a weird pairing as a joke, but then the fic was so good that the joke was on us. This is Korean rapper T.O.P (of Big Bang) with John Lee, the director of a movie T.O.P starred in called 71: Into the Fire. There’s no brief way to explain why this pairing exists, so I will just say that this fic ruined me. It is so striking, quiet, and achingly beautiful that I was desperate for more tohn but there really just isn’t any. Even if you have no idea who these people are, I can guarantee you will find this fic incredible. I think you have to make an account, but it’s worth it, ok? It’s worth it.  
Title: The Cusp and the Fjords We Wade Through (9.6k words)
Author: almadeamla
Ships: Rick Grimes/Shane Walsh (The Walking Dead)
Summary:  Written for the twd_kinkmeme prompt: Rick and Shane had a thing before Rick met Lori.
Notes: Such vivid imagery in this. Matter-of-fact writing style that leaves so much unsaid but clearly understood (shows; hardly ever just tells -- mirrors the natures of characters perfectly). I love the tone of this fic to death. Bittersweet. Aches. So good that I sometimes forget it didn’t happen in the show (and other times I choose to forget). My perceptions of the characters were irrevocably changed. For me, this is the story of Rick and Shane.
This is by no means a complete list; I messed up and had to put this together just today. I’ve read so many excellent fics, but some of them were awhile ago. I didn’t have enough time to read through again and do them the justice they deserve in my notes. So, these are the fics I’ve read enough times that I’ll remember them forever. 
Thank you again, fic authors -- our often unsung heroes. 
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soloburn · 7 years
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Sunday mornings are the most vivid in memory. ‘Breakfast is ready,’ would echo through the house. We’d scramble down the stairs excitedly to the dining room table and take our seats, which were arranged oldest to youngest – my father at one end, my mother at the other. Across the table lay a delectable feast of pastries, cereals, fruits, eggs, bacon, the works. My father would enter the room, and the chatter would dim to an audible hush. He’d take his seat and mother would hand him the Sunday newspaper, and freshly brewed coffee. “Milk dear?” he’d nod in approval. He’d hold his mug up to his nose taking in the fresh morning brew, surveying his children like a General surveying his troops before battle.
He took his first sip, but on this particular morning something was off. Immediately he spat it out causing a collective gasp. “This milk is sour!” he said. “It can’t be dear,” said mother, “I bought it just yesterday?” “I don’t care if it was milked this morning. It’s sour. Who is responsible for this?” I hoped that my elder siblings, who knew of my late night weakness for dairy, would protect me. I was wrong. “It was Neil! He left it out overnight.” said Paul my eldest brother grinning sardonically. “Well, boy, speak up, was it you?” said father. I quivered unable to look up. “Yes but I -- ” “Yes, what?” “Yes Sir.” “Look at me when I speak to you.” I raised my head to meet his terrifying gaze. “You were a mistake. Lower than a mistake.” He growled. “I’ll check the fridge for a fresh bottle,” said my mother scurrying out of the dining room. “Stop crying, you sniveling ass, stop your nonsense.” He continued. “You’re just an afterbirth Neil. They should have put you in a glass jar, on a mantle piece. Where were you when Paul was suckling at his mother’s teat? Where were you? Not even born yet were you? A mistake waiting to happen.” “I can run down to the store and buy another bottle Papa? said Mary, my sister. “Hush child. The coffee is ruined. There’s nothing that can be done about it. It’s had. Draaaaainage. Drainage Neil, you boy. Here, if you have milk, and I have milk, and I have a straw, there it is, that’s a straw see, watch it. My straw reaches across the room and starts to drink your milk. I drink your milk,” he said, slurping from my bowl of sour cornflakes, milk dripping from his square jaw. “I drink it up.”*
My mother returned not having witnessed the theatrics with another bottle. “Here’s the fresh milk I bought yesterday dear” she said smiling. “Found it in the back of the fridge. That must have been an old bottle. Shall I make you a fresh cup?” “I’ll take it in my study” he said, exiting the dining room. “Harsh but fair” mumbled Paul through his bloated, confectionary stuffed mouth.
Although it’s painful for me to admit, sequels are a bad idea. Particularly when there’s been a significant gap between the original and its ill-conceived sibling - ten years younger, ten times the cost, the same DNA yet a poor reflection on the original and all who were involved in making it happen. Don’t get me wrong, I’m rooting for the sequel. I want it to be as good if not better than the original. But every time I see one before me, I’m filled with the same contempt that my father must have felt every time I committed some minor indiscretion.
Naturally I approached Trainspotting 2 with a mixture of hope and trepidation. The original movie holds a special place in my heart. Exposed to the film at a young age I could barely make sense of what I was witnessing, but I knew it was brilliant. Parents and schoolteachers alike squirmed as they read the reviews. It was vile, rotten, shocking - “ALL RESPONSIBLE PARENTS MUST WATCH THIS FILM!” But all of those who dared would have sleepless nights, worried that their little Johnny or Janey were only a puff away from ending up in a scag den in some long forgotten council estate in Edinburgh.
The T2 trailer depicted of a group of middle aged, ex-drug addicts who through an unlikely set of circumstances meet again to take care of some unsettled business– in other words, the plot for every band reunion documentary film ever. And just like a reunion concert, this film never should have happened. Watching a group of withered looking men desperately trying to recapture a spirit that could only make sense during a specific time and place was a sad affair. While the original Trainspotting perfectly captured the zeitgeist of the time, the latest film felt about as relevant as a Dad joke albeit a very violent and crude one. The original story felt believable, the sequel seemed inconceivable.
Before you accuse me of being an ageist, I’m not arguing that Danny Boyle, Ewan McGregor or Robert Carlyle should give up making films. I’m arguing that they didn’t need to make this film. The same way Matt Damon and Paul Greengrass didn’t need to make another Bourne film or Ben Stiller and Owen Wilson didn’t need to do sully the image of Zoolander.
Hollywood keep green lighting these films in search of the almighty dollar and suddenly you get this:
“What kind of people are we dealing with here?” “I believe that like me, the people behind these robberies are extreme athletes, using their skills to disrupt the international financial markets.”
That’s not a quote from a Sean Spicer press conference but rather from the trailer of Point Break 2. Keanu Reeves must be glad he chose to star in John Wick 2 instead.
So why do we keep doing it? Making sequels when we know it’s a bad idea? I guess it’s because we’re all addicts, chasing that original high that’ll never be captured again. As Bonehead, ex-guitarist of Oasis puts in the documentary Supersonic, reflecting on their historic Knebworth gig in 1996:
“My attitude then was - give me more, give me more. Now, looking back, I honestly think we should have just went, ‘thank you, every one of you, for getting us here. We were Oasis, and good night, and walked off.”
“We should have,” Noel Gallagher added, “We should have disappeared into a puff of smoke. But you know, it was my idea to keep going, because I keep on fishing for it, d’you know what I mean? I’m an addict. That’s what shit-kickers do. They ride it until the wheels come off.”
In the end we’re all complicit. The only reason Hollywood keep rehashing perfectly good films is because we, the audience, keep paying the price of admission. You could choose to see an original film. You could choose Moonlight, Fences, Manchester by the Sea, The Salesman, or Arrival, or you can choose to be an addict.
*Dialogue paraphrased from There Will Be Blood: --Paul Thomas Anderson. The There Will Be Blood Screenplay. 2006.
0 notes
five-rivers · 4 years
Danny slouched against the back wall of the ballroom, mask dangling from his fingers. He didn't want to be here. If his parents weren't out there having the time of their lives, he wouldn't be here, but someone had to keep an eye on them and keep them from getting sucked into whatever scheme Vlad had this time.
He sighed, tracking the bulk of his father across the dance floor. His mother was harder to see, but she was never far behind.
A masquerade ball. Really. Ancients, Vlad was so pretentious.
(Internally, Danny thought that a masquerade ball could be cool... except, well. Vlad.)
His mother briefly emerged from the crowd, caught his eye, and mimed putting on his mask. Apparently she was watching him, too. With a grumble, he put the mask back on. Vlad had given it to him, and although he couldn't see or feel anything wrong with it, he still felt that it was suspect.
"Did your parents make you come, too?"
Danny glanced over. A girl was standing a few feet away. Her dress was red and puffy, and her mask was golden. Her hair was done up in complicated braids. She was, perhaps, one or two years younger than he was, though it was hard to tell with the mask. She was certainly shorter than him.
The silhouette of her dress crumpled as she also slumped against the wall. "You'd think that a masked ball would be, you know, cool, but it's just a bunch of old people jumping around and trying to talk business with the 'great Vlad Masters.'"
"Ouch," said Danny. "At least my parents aren't trying to do that, I guess."
"Oh, yeah? What are they doing, then?" asked the girl.
"I honestly have no idea," said Danny, watching his parents gyrate across the floor again. "Dancing? You could call it dancing." He shrugged.
"Ah," said the girl. "My name's Ellie, by the way."
"Danny," said Danny. "Nice to meet you."
"Same. So, what do your parents do?"
"They're scientists," said Danny, not wanting to get into the whole 'ghost hunting' thing. This wasn't Amity Park. Most people didn't believe in ghosts.
Ellie bobbed her head. "Cool, cool. I kinda want to be a scientist. Like, finding out new things, it just sounds really awesome?"
"Yeah, it can be fun sometimes," said Danny. "I don't understand most of it, though." He rolled his shoulders. Actually, he understood a lot more of his parents' work than he let on, in some specific areas more than them, even. Admitting that wasn't wise, however. "What field are you interested."
"Astrophysics, definitely," said Ellie, firmly. "Space is the coolest thing."
Danny grinned. "Oh, yeah. There's just so much. I mean, have you ever looked at the Hubble Deep Fields?"
Two teens talking together and having a good time evidently had a magnetic property. Three other high school kids had come to join them, all boys.
One boy was very tall and broad. During their introduction, Danny reflected that if he was on Casper's football team, Dash wouldn't be the star player anymore. Unlike Dash, however, Dustin was quiet, barely speaking at all and always deferring to the others.
The second boy introduced himself as Damien, and he was also tall, but thin and skeletal, like a strong breeze would blow him away. He seemed to realize this, because he had a pair of small enamel pins on the lapel of his suit: a skeleton and a scarecrow.
The last, Dmitri, a redhead, was about the same size as Danny. He reminded Danny of Jazz, for some reason (clearly, her psychology-camp-induced absence was driving him a little crazy). And, less pleasantly, of Wes. He had... a lot of questions. Not quite to the point of being annoying, but still a lot. There was also something wrong with his mask. It was hard to tell, but it looked almost as if one eye of it had been filled in. Danny didn't want to mention it, and ruin the atmosphere, though.
There was an atmosphere. Shockingly enough, these kids liked him, and they were much cooler than Danny would have expected of kids who's parents had been invited by Vlad. Which, yeah, was maybe a weird prejudice on his part. His parents had been invited by Vlad, after all.
Danny liked them back.
"... and the names of the dark matter candidates, whoever thought them up was a genius," said Dmitri, waving his hands.
"Well, yeah," said Danny, grinning, "if they were allowed to pick the names, they probably were the ones to come up with the whole idea for it in the first place. But I think MACHOs might be more likely than WIMPs. You've heard about the exoplanets they found last year?" He let his eyes briefly lose focus. "I bet there are even more of them, that we just can't see yet."
"Yeah, but there have been a lot of tests for MACHOs," said Damien. "You'd think we'd have seen a least a couple. And what about dark energy?"
"I don't think those two are actually related," said Ellie.
"Sure they are. They both have the word dark in them."
"Yeah, but I don't think they actually have anything to do with each other," said Ellie.
"They just have similar names," said Dustin.
"We can look it up, later," said Dmitri.
"Speaking of related," said Danny, "how are you guys related?"
There was a pause. "How'd you know?" asked Ellie. "Like, I could understand if you could see our faces, but..."
Danny shrugged. "I don't know. It just... Felt that way?
"We're cousins," said Damien, leaning forward. His body language spoke of nerves.
Danny couldn't imagine why Damien would be nervous about that, but he probably had his reasons. Family drama, maybe. It wasn't Danny's place to ask, he was a stranger.
Even if he was rather wishing he wasn't. How often did he meet people who shared so many of his interests? Never.
(Well, they were mostly just talking about the one interest, space, but still. And Dustin had mentioned liking Dumpty Humpty.)
"That's cool," he said. He would have liked to have helped. Maybe he still could, somehow? He and his parents were going to be here for a few days.
If he focused, there was an aura of something being not quite right with the cousins. Nothing he could put his finger on, and nothing to do with them as people, but... something.
"Hey," said Ellie, "what do you say we raid the snack table? It can't all be super fancy stuff we can't name, can it? I mean, at least there's punch."
Danny followed Ellie's gaze to the refreshments table. When he'd been over there before, everything had been covered, and he hadn't felt like fighting his way back across the floor and potentially losing sight of his parents. He glanced at them now. They looked like they were having fun.
He lightly bit at his lower lip. He knew Vlad had to be up to something. Otherwise, why bother with all of this?
But... new friends... He liked friends, and Vlad was always up to something. Danny deserved to have a little fun now and again, even so.
"Sure," he said. "We can ruin our dinner."
Ellie snickered. "That's the spirit!" she said, patting Danny on the back and slipping past him.
He smirked at the pun, even if it was unintentional.
"Yeah, better do it now, before there's a punchline," said Dmitri. "Wouldn't want people to think we're in a joke."
Danny choked a little, trying to swallow a laugh.
"That was terrible. You're terrible," said Damien.
"Hey, our new friend seems to like it," said Ellie.
Danny's core did a little bounce when she said friend. He really did want to be friends. "What can I say," he said, shrugging. "Better a joke, than a fist?"
Dmitri smiled broadly. Damien groaned, arcing his long body back dramatically.
There wasn't a line for the punch, or even very many people around the snack table at all. What few people had been there moved off, glaring, when the five children descended on the table. He caught Ellie sticking her tongue out at a woman who was giving them a particularly dirty look.
They gathered cups of punch and piled tiny plates high with pastries before retreating to a nearby corner to resume their conversation.
Danny was having a harder time following it this time, though. He felt tired. Drained. A little overheated. He wasn't used to wearing this suit. He went back to refill his punch a few times.
Words started to blur together. The inside of his head felt staticky. But he also... really content... New friends... His core felt strange...
"Danny?" a hand on his shoulder made him flinch, which made him sway rather dangerously. "Are you okay?"
Danny blinked at Ellie. "I don't feel..." he mumbled. What? What didn't he feel?
"Did someone spike the punch?"
"There's a room back here, you can lie down."
"I'll go get Father, he'll know what to do."
He was gently guided out of the ballroom, most of his weight resting on Dustin. There was a reason he should stay in the ballroom, but he couldn't remember what it was. Was someone missing?
Wait, spike the punch? Was he drunk?
The thought was lost almost instantly. His core, and therefore his mind, was lost in delirium and delight. New friends! But they needed his help, there was something wrong with them. But he could help! So, everything was good, and he loved his new friends very much.
The place they took him to was darker and quieter than before. They laid him down on something soft and squishy, and he giggled, weakly. They were talking. They might have been talking to him, but he couldn't understand aaaaaaaaanything.
He was so happy, helping his new friends.
The light changed as the door to the room opened. Music and other noises from the party briefly grew in volume, and were muffled again as the door swung closed.
"Well, that was faster than expected."
Vlad's voice briefly pulled him back into lucidity, and he struggled to sit up before collapsing again. No, all his energy had to go to his friends. They needed it. No time for Vlad.
Still, he glared up at the older man as he leaned over him. There were two Vlads. Was that because he was seeing double, or because Vlad had split himself?
The question was answered as Vlad picked Danny up. Danny was distressingly limp. He couldn't redirect any energy to his muscles, and thinking was hard. There was a thunk, and one of the walls opened up, revealing a hidden staircase. Vlad carried Danny down, but that was okay, because his new friends came with them, and- Oh!
There was another new friend down here!
Danny's core reached out to his newest new friend.
He came back to himself with only the sensation that something was wrong wrong wrong. He jolted up, only to be stopped by a pressure across his chest and shoulders. He squinted, trying to see. His mask was gone, and the clothing he was in felt different, looser.
"What'd you do with'm?" he demanded.
"They're just in the next room, Daniel," said Vlad. "Calm down. I had no idea you'd get attached to them so quickly. I had a whole program for this week for you to get to know them."
"No," said Danny. He finally managed to get his eyes open. He was in Vlad's lab, lying on something padded. He'd been strapped down, and there were various IVs running into his arms. One of them was a lurid ectoplasmic green.
"Won't calm down. What did you do to me?"
"This isn't nothing." He finally managed to find Vlad with his eyes. The man was sitting almost behind him. It was difficult to bend his eyes to look that way.
"Oh, very well then. I increased the energy levels in your core, allowing you to wake up and us to have this lovely conversation. The rest, my dear boy, was all you. An instinctive reaction on the part of your core, although you, as usual, took it too far."
Vlad walked around the tube, to a position where Danny could see him more easily. "This will require some explanation. I realize this situation isn't intuitive, to one such as yourself." Vlad waved a dismissive hand.
Danny scowled, but had the presence of mind to bite his tongue. He needed to know what was going on. He was beginning to suspect that Vlad had drugged him, put something in the food or punch that only affected ghosts and half ghosts, but he had a feeling that wasn't quite right.
"After you and Jasmine blew up my football field, I came to the conclusion that you would never accept me as a father," said Vlad, with the air of someone narrating a tragedy. "I was forced to reconsider my methods and goals. You see, Daniel, all I really wanted was to be loved."
In Danny's personal opinion, that was a load of crap. Vlad, more than anything else, wanted control, he wanted power.
""To be loved," continued Vlad, "and understood." He looked up at the ceiling and sighed. "And who could understand me, but a fellow half ghost? So, I decided to make one."
"Wait, wait, hold up," said Danny, beyond horrified. "You made someone a half ghost? You killed someone?"
"What? No, don't be ridiculous, Daniel. I cloned you."
He pointed at something behind and to the left of Danny, and Danny craned his head back to see a tall, vertical tube full of ectoplasm. Inside floated a boy who looked just like Danny in Phantom form. The boy's eyes were closed, and there were tubes and wires connected to his body.
"That's just as bad. Oh my gosh, Vlad, you can't just clone people! Why didn't you clone yourself?"
Vlad's face twisted like he had just bitten into a lemon. "I had attempted to do so, initially, however, my ectoacne and other instabilities in my makeup precluded me from doing so. Cloning you was my only choice."
"We cured your ectoacne," said Danny.
"Yes. But I had already started this project. It did take time to grow your brother into maturity, Daniel. Unfortunately, despite my best efforts, David was unstable."
"The name given to him by your other siblings. Do keep up, Daniel."
"Other- You made more clones? Why?"
"I had done some research," said Vlad. "Into how ghosts normal reproduce and stabilize children. I discovered that family members, those ghosts with similar ectosignatures and core properties, play a major role in stabilizing and providing energy to newly formed ghosts. My ectosignature was too different from David's, but I thought that if I could just make one stable clone..." Vlad trailed off, the look in his eyes almost haunted. "I tried everything. A mix of your DNA and ectosignature and mine, extra DNA from your sister, your mother, even your father. Nothing worked!" Vlad threw his hands up, angrily. "They are all more stable, but none of them are completely stable!"
It took Vlad several seconds to calm down, during which Danny put a few more puzzle pieces together.
"Ellie and the others, they're all clones?" That hurt, for some reason. Did they like him at all, or were they only being nice to him because Vlad told them to.
"Yes," said Vlad. "Danielle is the most stable." He smoothed down the front of his lab coat.
"So, you need me to stabilize them. That's why you drugged me?"
"I didn't drug you Daniel. Your collapse was a surprising to me as it was to you. Based on my readings, I can only conclude that your core recognized Danielle, Dustin, Damien, and Dmitri as family, registered their instability, and attempted to rectify it by boosting your ectosignature and sending them energy. Unfortunately, the effort overwhelmed you. You are only a child yourself, and..." Vlad trailed off, almost sheepish, "it is my understanding that they process is usually undertaken by multiple adult family members, and with only one child at a time."
"Great," said Danny. "And you didn't plan for that to happen at all."
"I had believed that you would bond with them more slowly," said Vlad. "That your reaction wouldn't be so extreme."
"Well, it was," said Danny. "But they're stable now, right? So, you can let me go." He tugged against the restraints again. He hoped they were stable. He had heard his parents talk about what happened to destabilized ghosts.
"Sadly," said Vlad, sounding like he was gritting his teeth, "that is an incorrect assumption."
There was a long pause.
"I want to make a deal with you, Daniel," said Vlad.
"You- Are you asking me for help?" Not that Danny could refuse. For one, he was tied up, for another...
"I suppose. For my children. They are children, Daniel, and they will die if they aren't stabilized. Painfully. Perhaps not today, but within the month."
Danny's heart clenched, and his core shivered. Even if Ellie and the others had been tricking him, he didn't want them to die. He would do what Vlad asked, if it stabilized his... cousins.
He was going to go with cousins for now. Siblings felt a little too close at the moment, and 'clones' was sort of dehumanizing. They were the ones who had started it, calling each other cousins.
But even if he was going to cooperate with Vlad, that didn't mean he wasn't going to try to get as many concessions out of Vlad as possible. True, he wasn't going to get very many, Vlad was holding the cards in this game, but he still might be able to get something.
"What kind of deal?" he asked, cautiously.
"You cooperate with stabilizing the cores of my children," said Vlad, "and I will make sure your little town stays safe and protected. Fail to cooperate, and not only will Amity Park be exposed and helpless against any ridiculous poltergeist that comes through your parents' portal, but you will be unconscious. As demonstrated earlier, you do not need to be awake for your core to be at work."
Danny frowned. Apart from the threat (honestly, Vlad was borderline pathological) that was a pretty good deal. Heck, Danny wasn't even supposed to be back in Amity Park until the end of the week.
It was a good deal... too good.
"Exactly how long do you think it'll take, anyway?" he asked. "To stabilize all of them?"
"I don't know, Daniel, this hasn't ever been done before."
Danny scowled. He hated it when Vlad said his name with that supercilious tone of voice. "Fine. How long does it take with ghosts, Vlad? You said you researched it, didn't you?"
"The time varied based on a number of factors," said Vlad.
"It takes a long time, doesn't it?" asked Danny. "I want a cover story. One that doesn't make me disappearing for Ancients know how long my fault. I want to be able to talk to Sam, Tucker, and Jazz whenever I want. And I want to be able to veto anything too invasive or dangerous."
"You're hardly in a position to make demands."
Danny made a shrugging motion, hoping that Vlad wouldn't call his bluff.
"I can do the first," said Vlad, finally, "but if you want it to hold up, the second is impossible. The last is ridiculous. Cooperation means full cooperation, nothing less."
That was about what he had expected. "If I can't communicate with them, they'll just show up here, guns blazing. You know that."
"I think I can handle three human teenagers."
"Sure, but do you want to have to?"
Vlad frowned. "I will consider the merits of your suggestion," he said. "I'm impressed, actually. I didn't think you had it in you, to bargain with lives on the line." Danny swallowed to keep himself from gagging. "But in the meantime, do you agree to cooperate, or no?" He drummed his fingers on something Danny couldn't see.
Between Danny's Obsession, and what were apparently ghostly family bonding instincts, there really wasn't any way for him to say no. "Yes, fine, whatever. I'll cooperate. You can let me out of these things, now." He pulled at the restraints again.
"Oh, no," said Vlad, smiling, then moving out of Danny's line of sight. "Those are for your own protection. You see, your core isn't really mature enough to cope with sustaining five other cores, so we are going to have to significantly supplement your ectoenergy levels."
There was a small click, and the table Danny was on started moving backwards. After a few inches, it angled up, until it was vertical. Danny discovered that there were little platforms under his bare feet, and other supports to keep him upright in his new position. Directly to his left, floated the clone, David, in the glass tube. Danny's core seemed to strain in that direction. His eyelids fluttered.
Vlad walked back over and pulled something with two tubes attached to it from the space over Danny's head. "Open up," he said.
"Why?" asked Danny.
"This is a breathing mask," said Vlad. "It will supply you with oxygen and atomized ectoplasm at three times the levels generally available in the Ghost Zone. But this part," he tapped part of the mask that was fitted with something like a bite guard, "needs to go inside your mouth."
After a moment of hesitation, Danny opened his mouth, and Vlad inserted the breathing mask. Almost at once, Danny could tell the difference. The air coming through was just so much richer.
Vlad pressed the cup of the mask over Danny's mouth and nose and sealed the edges with tape.
"Now," Vlad said, as he began pulling other things from the ceiling and attaching them to Danny, "in a few minutes, I'm going to start giving you instructions. I want you to follow them. Cooperate, do you understand? The first thing I want to do is stabilize David enough that he is no longer dependent on the containment chamber to survive."
Danny was getting a bad feeling. Many of the wires Vlad was attaching to him mirrored wires attached to David. Vlad attached a few more wires, and inserted several needles. Danny tried to hiss at those, but the mask acted as an effective gag. Finally, Vlad inserted two small plugs into Danny's ears and stepped back, half smiling.
As Danny had almost expected, a curved glass barrier sprang from behind him and encircled him, trapping him in a chamber much like the one David occupied. Ectoplasm began to bubble up from below, from a source Danny couldn't see.
"You will be submerged shortly." Vlad's voice rang clear in the earbuds. "This will allow you to intake ectoplasm through your skin. You will also be in the same environment as David."
The ectoplasm hit the soles of Danny's feet, and he flinched. It was rising rapidly.
"Do try not to panic," said Vlad. "Now, I want you to focus on David."
It was at Danny's knees, now. He took a deep breath, reassuring himself that the mask was in place. He wasn't going to drown. He looked over at David. What did it even mean, to focus on him? Danny had no idea what he was like, not really. Like him, he guessed, but not?
"With your ghost sense, Daniel," said Vlad. "Not your eyes."
Danny scowled at him, trying to distract himself from the fact that the ectoplasm was up to his chest. He closed his eyes and tried to do... that. It wasn't something he normally did and had no idea how to go about it but-
Ah. Oh, there it was. There he was, Danny's new friend. That was easier than expected. Danny's core began to purr, some of the euphoria from earlier in the night returning.
The ectoplasm closed over his head.
"Good," said Vlad, his voice slightly warped. "It appears that you have connected. Now, I am going to stimulate and amplify that connection. I want you to stay focused."
Of course Danny would stay focused. He was helping his friend, wasn't he? He always stayed focused when it came to that.
Several of the places Vlad had attached wires began to tingle. His core jumped and he twitched. Everything briefly took on a very severe cast.
It was very hard to think, after that.
Vlad smiled at his readouts. Securing Daniel's cooperation beforehand had been worthwhile. Had he been struggling, it would have been difficult to establish the connection to this extent. David's energy and stability levels were increasing slowly but steadily. Despite the measure he was taking, Daniel's were dropping. Some of the data concerning his human half was less than ideal. That would be troublesome to deal with later on.
He took a moment to check in on his duplicate upstairs. The party was going well. Jack and Maddie hadn't noticed Daniel's absence yet. With luck, they wouldn't until the next morning.
Overall, tonight had been fruitful. With Daniel, he would be able to stabilize all five of the clones, and, perhaps, he would even be able to win over Daniel. He had seen the relaxed smile on his face when he had been with the clones. Vlad knew how powerful ghost instincts could be.
He stood up and walked over to the room where he had asked his children to wait. They should be told that their elder siblings would make a full recovery shortly.
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