#th: tactical retreat
aeniqmata · 2 years
          @diabolikxyui​ wanted some pain || source
“what? no! no, i’m not going to leave you,” she hurriedly replied, instinctively stepping forwards towards him instead of away. the step contradicted her next words, as yui continued, “i’ll… i’ll stay out your way, i can watch for myself. i’m not stupid, and i’m not always needing to be watched. or saved.”
“but I’m not leaving you!”
she was definitely scared. as she had said, she wasn’t stupid and this situation was scary. yui knew that. she had a vague idea now of what was going on, and realised she didn’t exactly have any skill set that would assist. it was a harsh truth that she was just tagging along beside him.
she didn’t want to be a burden.
but she also wasn’t about to abandon him. that was awful. worries eyes watched him carefully, but there was some steel there too. a determination. even if it was just encouragement from the sidelines, or waiting until the end to patch up a wound (THAT was something she was very good at). she had seen enough bloody things and fighting. she could stand to see some more, even if she didn’t want to.
“there must be something i can do, and if… if we don’t know what that is yet, i’ll think of it. but you can’t just go around ordering me away like that!”
she knew there wasn’t time for him to chat. a hand reached out towards him, hesitant, before she drew it back. “please. do what you have to do. but… don’t tell me to leave. i can watch myself for a while.”
He wouldn’t have the chance to respond, the Shadow they were fighting so much stronger than they’d expected, and it’d handily taken a few of them off the battlefield. As it was, he was doing his best to dodge and keep away from the thing’s weapons, giving his teammates time to leave before he followed with Oracle’s help. So while her response caused a flash of irritation at his orders not being followed, he quickly calmed back down when he reminded himself that she was not a fighting member of the team.
She hadn’t been through all of it like they had, and didn’t understand that he only took that tone when things were dire.
“ Fox! You, Queen, Skull, and Panther take her and head out. I’ll be out when you all are clear. Go, now! “ It was only practice that kept him calling the correct names, slight panic nearly causing him to call out the other’s real name. Joker knew that his commands would be followed, and dedicated himself fully to distracting the Shadow and allowing the remaining two teammates to join the others.
She wouldn’t get the chance to respond, Fox grabbing her around her waist and hauling her over his shoulder as they took off. He’d give a small apology at the treatment, but knew that if a retreat was ordered, there was likely something that the rest of them hadn’t seen.
Joker didn’t give combat orders like that often, knowing his team could handle it without issues. Once Queen had joined them and started teaching the remainder of the group some tactics, plus Futaba’s ever watchful eyes, the most he had to do was give small commands for flanking or tactics changes.
“ He’ll be ok, Fox. You know how Joker is, he’s quick and he’s not about to let a Shadow get the best of him. “ Queen spoke up after a moment, reassuring the blue haired male. And he knew this, knew that his lover was going to make it out even if it took every drop of energy that he took. But still it wouldn’t stop the anxiety from creeping up on him.
“ What if he doesn’t... I can’t leave Akira back there by himself like that. I-- I know he has Mona and Noir, but... “
They’d stopped moving at this point, Fox barely having the wherewithal to put his cargo down before he fell entirely into his anxiety driven thoughts. It was only practice that kept him from running back, knowing full well that the remaining team members wouldn’t leave without him either.
“ He’ll be ok! That guy’s got some weird amount of luck. I mean we all do but man, he’s on another effin level! “
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lemotmo · 2 months
One more! She got a follow up regarding the numbers guestimation.
A. Hi anon 🙂. It's actually relatively easy to figure out spamming. It's not a well thought out plan of action. And why I never understood why they thought it was a genius idea. My friend is a data analyst in his grown up real life so he could be much more technical than me, but I will give you the simple answer. Comment sections are full of the same blogs. The same blog names you can track from ppst to post on Instagram, Twitter and Ticktock. Same on Tumblr. The same group of blogs do all the spamming. It's also fairly easy to decipher which blogs/accounts are being run by the same person. Speech patterns, sentence structures. Posts that feel repetitive or similar to another blogs post. It's not a sophisticated tactic. And I do want to stress that there's not really anything wrong with doing it, except in this case people were doing it to send hate to the cast and to spam the shows official accounts. That's disgusting. And they deserve to be called out and busted for it.
Fandom is supposed to be fun, and it usually is. Smaller fandoms are usually the best kind of fandoms because less people usually means less manufactured drama. They tend to just stay in their lane and headcanon and fanon away with one another. It's great. All fandoms usually end up having de facto 'leader' blogs. It just happens. They tend to become the bigger voices within the fandom. Sometimes fandoms get lucky and they're legitimately cool decent people running them. Sometimes fandoms get unlucky and those blogs are run by douchebags (legit couldn't think of a nicer word, I'm so sorry). Unfortunately for you all, you wound up with the douchebags. The blogs you all ended up following the lead of were basically like politicians who had to manufacture enemies (Oliver and Ryan) and ship wars (Buddie) in order to get attention because their fandom numbers weren't big enough to garner attention any other way. That's the reality. They needed bigger numbers so they pretended to be more people. Only instead of just shipping their ship and enjoying it they used those extra blogs to openly send vile, disgusting and increasingly unhinged things to the show and its cast and anyone else who didn't ship their ship. Openly sending hate to a cast has never led to victory for shippers. It's the dumbest idea of dumb ideas. And inevitably leads nowhere. No one can outrun their hubris. And when you decide to start ranting about being sent private DM's from Tim, something that is blatantly and laughably false, it's the beginning of your end. The good news is increasing numbers of you have finally realized this and are backing away. If you genuinely enjoy the ship by all means ship it as long as it's canon, hell you can ship it once it stops being canon. That's what fandom is for. But you have to acknowledge the reality of canon. You can hate it. You can ignore it, but you have to acknowledge it. And then retreat to fanfic. It's the fandom way. But you don't get to yell and scream about homophobia and other invented wrongs because a higher number of people ship the other ship and the show doesn't appear to be telling the story that that blog and others desperately tried to convince people they were telling. Artificially inflated numbers don't change reality.
Oh, this is interesting. I had a basic understanding of how the detection of spamming worked, but this is very informative and frankly very fascinating as well.
The rest of this is, once again, serving major truth bombs. I'm in awe of the eloquence on display here. I wish I could meet the OP in real life. I have a feeling I'd love to talk fandom with them.
And it's true you know, shipping a couple doesn't have to stop because another one is canon. In fact, we are here doing the exact same thing. BT is canon right now. We know this. We accept it for what it is at the moment, but that doesn't stop us from shipping Buddie, speculating about their future, theorising what will happen in season 8, writing and reading fic, making gifsets, creating art, digging up parallels, discussing our own personal headcanons. We've been doing this for years, through multiple love interests for Buck and Eddie. We never quit and I highly doubt we ever will, canon or not canon.
Thank you again for dropping this in my ask box Nonny! :)
Remember, no hate in comments or reblogs. Let's keep it civil and respectful. Thank you.
If you are interested in more of the anonymous OP’s posts, you can find all of their posts so far under the tag: anonymous blog I love.
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darth-mortem · 6 months
There is a small episodic fanfic about Ghost and Soap.
Soap is bored waiting for exfil, and all sorts of strange thoughts come into his head, which he tried to discuss with Ghost. 979 words.
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The mission was completed. Somewhere down there, in the valley, a terrorist base was burning. Soap blew it up when he and Ghost retreated, having obtained the information they needed. Climbing the high hill to the exfil point, Lieutenant Riley contacted Price and Garrick and learned that they had succeeded too, destroying their target. Now Ghost and Soap just had to wait for the helicopter to come for them.
“Steaming Jesus!” Johnny exhaled and fell into the tall green grass with his arms outstretched. “Why is th’ bloody exfil point sae high?”
Ghost wearily sat down next to the sergeant, unbuckling the straps of his helmet. Then he pulled a flask from the pocket of his tactical vest, opened it, and handed it to Soap.
“I hope it’s whiskey.” He raised himself on his elbow and held out his hand.
“It’s water,” the lieutenant said, “take and drink. How is your knee?”
“It hurts.” Soap answered, sipping from the flask.
“I’ll massage it when we get back to base,” Ghost promised, taking out two cigarettes.
They smoked in silence. The mission was hellish; they were both very tired, and soon Simon was lying close, resting his head next to Johnny’s. The top of the hill was covered with grass and flowers, which smelled so sweet that when Ghost finished his cigarette, he didn’t lower the edge of his skull mask. Its fabric was soaked with the stench of ash, fuel, burnt flesh, and blood. If not for the sounds of explosions and the thick black smoke coming from the valley, the landscape around them could have been considered wonderful and very peaceful.
“Hey, Lt.” Soap broke the silence. “Look how bonny it’s ‘ere. Th’ grass is very soft, th’ sky is almost clear, and the sun is sae warm. It looks lik’ heaven, doesn’t it?”
“I don’t know.” Ghost answered. “I don’t believe in heaven.”
“Och, really?” Johnny turned his head to Simon. “Then what dae ye think will happen tae us after death?”
“I hope nothing.” The lieutenant sighed. “Like someone just turned off the light.”
The sergeant thought about Simon’s words. The MacTavish family was religious, and although Johnny hadn’t been in the church for a long time, he still believed in heaven and the redemption of sins. However, he didn’t consider himself a sinner, because he was doing a good deed—ridding the world of evil. Nevertheless, Soap had never before thought that someone could believe in nothing at all.
In the meantime, Ghost took out his radio and contacted the pilot. It turned out that he was flying to pick up Price and Gaz first, so the wait would be longer than the lieutenant thought. He wanted to tell Johnny about it, but the sergeant was ahead of him, speaking first.
“And what about ghosts?” He asked and smiled cheerfully. “Dae ye believe in ghosts, Ghost?”
Riley looked at him carefully, trying to see if he was serious, and then heaved a heavy sigh. Sometimes Johnny would confuse him with his strange questions and statements, which were more suitable for a child than for an experienced soldier, a member of an elite special unit.
“Just imagine, Lt.” Soap continued without waiting for an answer. “What if ye ‘n’ I become ghosts after death? We could live in some huge old house or even a castle!”
Ghost just rolled his eyes and took out another cigarette. Johnny, however, wasn’t fazed by his silence and continued.
“You, Lt., would be a gloomy, terrifying ghost that scares everyone.” He said. “And I’d be friendly; help find lost things or something else. And do you know what’s most important?”
Simon didn’t answer again. Johnny looked at him and then rolled his eyes and sighed.
“Th’ most important thing is that we’ll love each other even after death!” He exclaimed. 
Soap thought that he wouldn’t answer again, but Ghost moved a little and suddenly asked:
“Can ghosts sleep?”
“Well,” the sergeant answered with a confused smile on his lips, “I dunno, but I think yeah, they can sleep.”
“So if I’ll become a ghost, I’ll sleep.” The lieutenant said.
Johnny laughed, but then he understood that it wasn’t a joke. Not that Simon didn’t have a sense of humor, but he was usually amused by all sorts of sick ’half-a-dog’ type of things.
“All the time?” He asked, and Ghost nodded.
Soap sighed and looked at the sky where small white clouds were. He watched them for a while. They floated slowly, covered the sun from time to time, and reminded Johnny of cotton candy his parents always bought him at the amusement park in his childhood. He wanted to share this memory with Simon, but remembering his upbringing and kept silent. The clouds, meanwhile, changed their shapes, so Johnny squinted and smiled.
“Look, Lt.!” He exclaimed. “That cloud looks lik’ an otter that sits oan a stump! And that one is lik’ a big pie-eater rat! And this…”
“And this looks like Price.” Ghost said it suddenly.
Johnny took a closer look, and sure enough, the cloud’s outliners was similar to the captain’s hat and his unchanging cigar.
“Exactly!” He said and was happy that Ghost had supported this silly game. “And that cloud looks lik’ a…”
“Heli!” The lieutenant tensed and started to get up.
“No, it’s nae!” Soap snorted.
“There,” Ghost pointed in the other direction. “Our heli.”
The sergeant got up too and rubbed his knee. They both watched the helicopter descend, circling over the hill. Gaz was already waving his hand from the landing bay, and Ghost thought that he should be careful not to fall out again.
“It’s time to get out of here.” Riley said when the heli hovered low above the ground. “Fuck yeah!” Soap agreed, and they ran to the landing bay, where Garrick and Price stood and looked at them.
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thewertsearch · 1 year
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How high do you even have to be to alchemize something like th-
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Looks like each troll has their own quarters. I was picturing them all living in the one room, but I'm not sure why - it's a whole laboratory, after all.
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Open the goddamn book, Karkat! My questions about ~ATH have only multiplied since it last appeared!
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This isn't just any old meteor - the trolls were born here, and it seems like they were mixed in pairs of three.
I wonder - does each set of siblings have adjacent blood colors, or were they combined more haphazardly?
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Welcome to your temp job as Alternia's first babysitter!
It's interesting that this is where the trolls chose to hide. Karkat's the one who visited this place, so it's possible that the decision to retreat here was the last tactical call he made, as the session's leader.
It seems to have been a good one, too. The Demon is rampaging through the session, but hasn't found its Players yet. Maybe a particularly important meteor such as this one is particularly well-hidden?
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Hahaha, yes!
Oh my god, look at them all! I love how several of these lil' wigglers are already showing their personalities.
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We only see half of Sollux, of course - and it seems like he was originally green. Can blood colors change?
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honeydots · 1 year
For the angst sentences, I have an either/or since I'd feel bad asking for both:
"I hate what Ive become" for xanlow
"Dont act like you know me" for leokumi
"Don't act like you know me." 1.7k, leokumi from this ask game
Leo doesn’t exactly want to get into how he was captured. He is willing to say, however, that it wasn’t only him, so perhaps that makes it equally embarrassing for them both.
Right now, he’s currently in the middle of escaping some—ugh, he doesn’t know, self-proclaimed death cult—with none other than Prince Takumi of Hoshido. Whoever these lowlifes are who caught Leo off guard, they seemed intent on gathering different kinds of dragon blood—which means Leo needs to deal with both the consequence of their horrendous treatment of prisoners, and this moody enemy prince.
They’re quite close to getting out of their containment, actually. Which isn’t remarkable, this pathetic cult is ragtag and ill-managed. They happened to get lucky in Leo’s capture, and he’ll admit that Prince Takumi is just formidable enough that maybe they got lucky twice, and they’re paying for their lack of preparedness.
All that’s left is for Leo and Takumi to clear one hallway, then they can make a generally clean break for an exit. They’re just… Stuck, presently. The cultist’s tactics for keeping them from moving forward are working, and it’s only a matter of time before someone rounds the establishment and comes at them from behind.
It isn’t a particularly complicated hideout, a crumbling cobblestone fort that’s been out of proper use for decades, and Leo was able to retrieve Brynhildr without much trouble as they ran. Prince Takumi got his bow as well, and they’ve each been handling themselves fine. It’s just this awkward position they’re in now that’s giving them trouble.
The best they can do is pick off the poor excuses for cultists one by one. But it’s hard to do that when they’re firing back. They’re able to get a few of them, sure, but—
“This isn’t working,” Takumi grumbles through his teeth, firing an arrow and then slamming himself behind the wall as a burst of magic flies by. Leo, on the other side of the hallway entrance, scoffs.
“Clearly.” He exhales sharply, then casts a sharp and leafy spell down the hall, and assumes the cut off screams are targets hit. “Focus on the short ranged ones for now.”
Though Leo is feeling the effects of all his magic usage already. Sweat beads his forehead and goosebumps tickle his neck. He can feel his blood getting hotter, too. Forcing out more magic than he has to provide will make his very pores bleed, and fainting from blood loss would be the most intolerable way to lose. Especially around these cultists, who seem intent on using his flesh for the worst.
Takumi charges his arrow in his bow, magic swirling more intently the longer he holds it, then sets it loose. “And then what do we do about the far ranged ones, wise guy?”
Leo clicks his tongue. “I said for now, you fool.” Which earns him a glare. “We’ll retreat and make another way around.”
“Retreat where? Our cell? No way,” Takumi says back. He glances behind himself, then behind Leo, and then fires two rapid shots into the hall. Not even a moment later, he seizes an inhale through his teeth and narrowly avoids a dagger. “Gods. Long range against long range is so damn risky.”
Leo tries to prepare himself for another large spell. He isn’t sure how many more he can cast after this. One, maybe two, at least of the ones with the potency he’s been using. But he’s quickly reaching his limit. “Indeed,” he says, irritated. “But you are a bowsman and I am a mage, so unless you have any better ideas, retreating is our best bet.”
Takumi narrows his eyes, breathing hard. “Don’t act like you know me.”
“Am I acting like I know you by observing you’re using a bow? Primarily, even? And have been all this time?”
“How are you this annoying.”
Leo huffs. “I’m not sure your mumbling has been doing us any favors, either.”
Takumi glances towards the hallway. Then he rolls back his shoulders and exhales a steadying breath. “Hey. Do your big plant spell thing.” Leo nearly corrects his wording to anything but that, but Takumi goes on. “I’m going in right after.”
“Insanity. That spell won’t last long enough to be used as cover,” Leo says. “We’re better off retracing our steps—”
“Just do it! Do you complain about everything?” Takumi snaps, which is ironic, since he’s obviously been the stubborn one. Takumi narrows his eyes. “I can do close range, and I can do it well. You just need to watch my back, Nohrian.”
Leo gives him a look, quite unconvinced. But retreating will only work if they both do, and Leo has been getting ready to cast all this time. They won’t get anywhere if he tries to stall and leave it only to Takumi’s bow, and he won’t be branded as a coward who runs away alone. Especially not by this prince, of all people.
So, not approving of the plan but without another spell to perform, Leo lets magic drip out of him and into his tome, then lets it come back into his veins deeper, in vines and bark and poison.
He casts his forest of magic into the hallway, and Takumi bolts after, staying just far enough to keep from friendly fire. Leo watches, seeing some enemies turn to Takumi, and he uses smaller and more electric spells to keep them occupied.
Leo was quite uncomforted by Takumi’s confidence, but he’s surprised to say he does what he said he would. He keeps his bow in hand, but he doesn’t battle with it except for quick draws and finishing blows. He dodges, and fights by jabbing his elbow or throwing a punch against unprepared archers and magicians. Once he properly enters the fray, Leo doesn’t need to do much to keep him healthy.
It’s both relieving and concerning, in truth. Leo fully appreciates the certainty of getting out of this fortress, he admits retreating was a last resort, but—he didn’t anticipate Takumi might’ve had other skills, not to this degree. He’ll have to consider him wisely the next they meet on a battlefield.
Takumi finally clears the area. Leo doesn’t wait for a signal, he just runs up, fully aware they don’t have the time to waste. They proceed through the fortress wordlessly, steeping over bodies and extremely close to their freedom.
They’re right near the front gate when they hear talking. Instantly, they freeze and hold their breath, backs pressed a wall. There are people just on the other side of the gate, and Leo tries to listen.
“—on, man, just a tour? You guys—you guys do tours here, right? It’s totally tour worthy,” comes a voice clearly trying to sound more laid back than he is. Leo blinks, a little surprised at the subject matter.
“I do all sorts of tours, if you’re interested,” suggests another—was that Niles? Leo listens a little more intently.
“Wait—wait what’s that mean,” says the first voice, and then a female one sighs.
“Neither of you are helping,” she says sharply, as if smiling through annoyance, then speaks more sweetly. “We really just want to look around? We’re not looking to cause any trouble. It’s just, a really, really important thing we’re looking for—”
And who is unmistakably Odin chimes in excitedly, “Of extreme importance! Epic, and maximal, and most certainly heinous if not brought back into our fell, empty, and capable hands.”
Leo thinks if you could hear a cringe, he would’ve heard one from this woman. “Right. All that. Super important. So please?”
In a low voice, Takumi starts to speak, leaning just slightly closer to Leo. “I think it might be my retainers out there,” he says slowly, and Leo raises an eyebrow.
“Funny. I was thinking they sounded like mine, as well.”
Takumi glances at him, then glances at the gate. “Should we just make a run for it?”
Leo considers that for a moment. “I’m sure they’ll know what to do.”
And so, after one more brief and mutual look, Takumi and Leo both burst out of the gate and start running. And Leo was quite correct in identifying Odin and Niles, the former looking shocked and the latter looking highly amused.
“Never mind!” says Takumi’s male retainer, and among some shouts from the guards, the six of them charge away. Odin casts a spell behind them to keep any stray cultists off their backs, and Takumi fires a couple more arrows, seemingly for good riddance.
They find cover in a forest nearby, treading deeply until they’re sure they can take a moment to breathe. Takumi’s retainers start fawning over him immediately, and Niles and Odin give Leo some attention as well. He waves them off.
“I’m fine,” he says, wiping off sticky sweat from his brow. “Just more winded than I’d like to be.” He’ll need some time to recharge. Neither Odin nor Niles look convinced, but Leo isn’t going to be revealing any weakness in front of Hoshidans.
After collecting himself a bit more, Leo looks over at Prince Takumi, who’s smile from his talking with his retainers falls as he meets his eyes. Takumi pauses, then puffs out his chest and grips his bow tightly.
“Next time—we’re enemies,” he says. His retainers stare at him, then give their own unique glares to Leo. Takumi ignores them, gritting his teeth and wrinkling his nose. “For now… Thanks. I guess.”
Leo lifts up his chin, standing tall. “We’re still enemies,” he corrects. And then, with his head held high, he casts his gaze away. “But... Thank you, too.”
He doesn’t care for Niles’s eyebrow raise, nor for Odin’s head tilt. Leo just turns around and walks, and the pair of them follow readily, away from the cult idiots and the Hoshidan prince.
And Leo—he doesn’t look back. Of course he wouldn’t. He meant what he said, this war is nowhere near over. One little collaboration doesn’t change that, and obviously they’re agreed in that regard.
But, still. Even if Leo doesn’t check behind him… Some part of him wonders if Takumi does.
Just a small part.
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dorematrix1 · 3 months
Rediscovering Joy: The Timeless Appeal of Playing Ludo
In an era dominated by digital entertainment and fast-paced lifestyles, the humble game of Ludo stands out as a timeless classic that continues to bring people together. This simple yet captivating board game, with roots tracing back to ancient India, has transcended generations and geographies, remaining a staple in households around the world. As we navigate the complexities of modern life, playing Ludo offers a refreshing retreat into a world of strategy, chance, and camaraderie.
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The Origins of Ludo
Ludo's origins can be traced back to the Indian game of Pachisi, which dates back to the 6th century. This ancient game was played on a cross-shaped board, with pieces moved according to the throw of cowrie shells. The game evolved over centuries, adapting to various cultures and regions. The British, during their colonial rule in India, simplified the game and brought it back to England, where it was patented as "Ludo" in 1896. The name "Ludo" itself is derived from the Latin word for "I play," encapsulating the essence of the game.
The Mechanics of the Game
Playing Ludo is deceptively simple, yet it requires a blend of luck and strategy. The game is typically played by two to four players, each with a set of four tokens. The objective is to navigate all four tokens from the starting area, around the board, and into the home area before the other players do. Movement is determined by rolling a single die, and players must strategize to advance their tokens while simultaneously thwarting their opponents' progress.
One of the most engaging aspects of Ludo is the balance between chance and strategy. A lucky roll of the die can propel a player forward or send an opponent’s token back to the start. However, success in Ludo is not solely dependent on luck; players must make tactical decisions about when to advance their tokens, when to play defensively, and how to best position themselves to take advantage of future rolls.
Social Connections and Family Fun
In a world where digital interactions often replace face-to-face communication, Ludo provides an opportunity to reconnect with friends and family. The game’s simplicity makes it accessible to players of all ages, from young children to grandparents, fostering intergenerational bonding. Gathering around a Ludo board encourages conversation, laughter, and friendly competition, creating lasting memories.
Ludo’s appeal also lies in its ability to bring people together, regardless of language or cultural barriers. The rules are easy to learn, making it an ideal game for diverse groups. Whether played during family gatherings, casual get-togethers, or as a way to pass time during travel, Ludo offers a shared experience that transcends differences and unites players in a common pursuit of fun.
Ludo in the Digital Age
While traditional board games maintain their charm, Ludo has also successfully transitioned into the digital age. Numerous apps and online platforms allow people to play Ludo with friends and strangers from around the globe. These digital versions often include features like chat functions and customizable boards, enhancing the social aspect of the game. The convenience of playing Ludo on a smartphone or tablet ensures that the game remains relevant in our increasingly connected world.
Despite the shift towards digital gaming, the tactile experience of moving physical tokens on a board still holds a special place in the hearts of many. The sight of a Ludo board set up on a table can evoke a sense of nostalgia and anticipation, reminding us of simpler times and the joy of face-to-face interaction.
Playing Ludo is more than just a pastime; it is a celebration of strategy, luck, and human connection. Its enduring popularity is a testament to its universal appeal and the joy it brings to players of all ages. As we continue to navigate the complexities of modern life, taking the time to play Ludo can remind us of the importance of slowing down, engaging with others, and savoring the simple pleasures. So, gather your friends and family, roll the dice, and let the timeless game of Ludo bring a little extra joy into your life.
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abominationvault · 4 months
Session 38: Sat 8 Jun 2024
"I never wash my lucky scalpel."
~ Sprocket
Skabb and Jorg’ath have got chocolate chip shortbread and scones; Nadia is well jel. Baby Wee Jock 1 is not well so Luna, Sprocket and Hartvig (who has gone to their house) are a bit late. Baby Skabb has been demanding macarons - and getting them, this kid’s really got life figured out.
We were in the middle of a fight, and half of us are dead - let’s go!
Top of the round - Skabb. She announces that we’re all ready, then is told it’s her turn. “Ah, bollocks. I’m not that ready.” Can she stop to scoop Sprocket up as we make a tactical retreat? The DM lets her make an athletics check to wallop him out of the room with her wand on her way past. She realises that the hands and the wisps are not reacting as she legs it. Wielding her wand like a hockey stick, she takes aim and - 19! I think?
One of the hands moves to claw at Jorg’ath. 27 to hit, for 7 slashing. Then a ten - miss. Another does the same - ten, then a 16, both miss. Last one goes for Hartvig. He wants to cast Nope but he doesn’t have that spell. 28 to hit, and it takes 8 of his remaining 1 hit point. “I don’t do maths. I’m down.”
Jorg’ath swings his greatsword at the hand? wisp? I can’t see. He wants to grab the ones either side of him in his fists athletics versus their Fortitude saves. Jorg’ath Hero Points his 15 for a 12. “Ohhh… Fuckadoo.” He still has an attempt for the other one though so fingers crossed - 16? No, unfortunately. “How about, meets it beats it?” He is denied.
Luna makes a death save - she is changing BWJ2 so Sprocket rolls for her - 17 and she’s stable.
Nadia takes a potshot and misses, and retreats back down the corridor.
Sprocket makes a death save - natural 20! “I’M ALIIIIIIIIIIIIIVE!” he screams, popping back on his feet with no Wounded condition, and 8hp back! (The DM lets him roll, as a Nat 20 is pretty fuckin cool.)
Hartvig emits gas as a free action, then makes a death save - 6. He is now Dying 2.
A wisp Shocks Jorg’ath but misses. The next one takes three tries - 32, (“Ow!”), 10, and a 7. 9 damage total. The next can only shock him twice. 30, 20 (a miss) for 8 more damage, and the last tries as well but 19 misses.
Is Skabb Frightened? She checks her sheet. No, she’s not. She whips out her wand of magic missile and shoots at a wisp for 12 damage. Nice.
Jorg’ath is flanked, so he has a -2 to his AC. 20 hits now, so he takes some more damage. I miss the exact details, but then it’s his turn. Can he step over a hand to move to the other side of it? Yes, he can. He makes his way to Hartvig to give him a potion and pick him up. 5hp back for Hartvig. For his last action he hurls a javelin at something. 10 misses.
Luna is stable, so she makes no death saves. Nadia runs up and jams a potion down her neck - 7hp back.
Sprocket is up, and he uses an action to stand up. “Well, this is a how-do-you-do.” He flips through his spell cards, looking for something useful. He casts Summon Construct at Level 2, Swarm of Cutlery! He finds its character sheet in his journal, and starts cackling.
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There is something amiss; “Did you do this on purpose to punish me, DM?” Neither of them say aloud what the problem is. Ah; the sheet doesn’t seem to be working properly. A short pause. “Try it again,” the DM says. “… Yaaaaay!” Sprocket reads through the information. It has two actions this turn, so it will approach the wisps and do a nice and simple slice and dice. 1d6 piercing or slashing damage to anything in the area that doesn’t make the reflex save, DC17. 22 for the wisp, and again for the hand, and 16 for the second hand. That one takes all 5. Sprocket, proudly: “I have an Area of Effect weapon.”
Hartvig stands up, and Jorg’ath points out a door that will go back to his sexy torture lady, so if he wants to go straight through there he can just crack on. Hartvig declines and makes a run for it instead, squeezing past Nadia, Luna, and the cloud of fists and dust that is the Swarm of Cutlery and the wisps and hands. One breaks off to go and attack Jorg’ath.
23 hits him for 10 Electricity damage. 22 also hits for 10 more. “Spicy! It tingles.” 32 hits for 12 and he’s down.
One remains in the cutlery swarm and goes to shock it. Does 20 hit it? (Luna: “I feel like electrocuting it would just make it worse.”) Its AC is 16 so yes. It has Construct Armour. Sprocket reads out its immunities, but Electricity doesn’t seem to be on it. It has a Hardness of 3, though, so it can reduce the 5 damage to 2.
It gets shocked a bunch more, however, and disappears.
Skabb shoots her Missile Wand again, and is dismayed to see the light in it start to dim. She considers sending Grabbins on a little mission, and does some measuring. Could she do a little recce? That would be an action, yes? Yes. She could drop a potion on Jorg’ath though, right? Yes, dropping something is a free action. Grabby takes the potion in her little hands and flies off around the corner to drop it on the lizard. 8sies back for Jorg’ath!
There is stinky raccoon piss, but I (fortunately) miss the context. Skabb is told to find a piece of paper - for future reference, she can strap a backpack to Grabby as she can carry 1 Bulk (or 10 negligible) of items.
Grabby becomes Frightened 2, from the flicker wisps (or ‘fuckerwisps’).
A hand turns to Nadia and claws at her, then tries to grab her throat - 6 slashing damage. Athletics check versus her Reflex DC - meets it beats it. It is hanging off her throat. “I do not like this.”
(Jorg’ath: “I think Hartvig would probably like it, though.”)
One of the hands claws at Jorg’ath but misses. “When will it end?”
Another scuttles over and goes for Nadia again and misses. In his excitement the DM announces the damage, thinking that 20 hits her, but it doesn’t. Ha!
Jorg’ath slams a potion, and makes a break for it. he takes a swing on his way and hits with a 27 for 5 slashing. “That is me.”
Luna gets up, and immediately wants to stick her rapier through the hand attaching itself to Nadia’s throat. 26 hits! Does it release its grasp? The DM rules that it does. Nadia: “Yay!” Luna wants to skewer all of the hands and kebab them for Skabb. (Skabb imagines they’d still be twitching. Delicious.) She attacks again, but 15 misses. The DM lets her retcon that if she wants to run instead, as she missed the pre-game scheming. She accepts and makes good her escape.
Nadia runs for it, her two parting shots miss, however. (I can’t wait to be able to do trick shots.)
Sprocket is next, and he runs forward and casts Phase Bolt on a hand. “Die, fool!” (Danny Glover.) Howdydoodis! Confidently, to go with his quippy line. He would do finger guns, but he doesn’t have fingers. He drinks a potion with his last action.
Hartvig clarifies that the wisps are immune to spells but not physical effects; would his needle darts spell work, as he’s hurling chunks of metal? The DM rules that it would hit, for the same reason that magical weapons would hit. Hartvig goes for it and misses, spends a Hero Point but gets even less. “… Okay. Well. I tried. Run away!” he finishes, as he legs it.
Jorg’ath gets shocked again for 8 damage. The other attacks miss. A wisp wafts up to the rafters and shocks Grabby Cat. Skabb, horrified: “NO!” It hits, however, with a 32 which is a critical for 31 damage total and she goes ‘poof’. As she disappears, she writes Jorg’ath’s name in her little book of grudges.
It’s Skabbalina’s go. She points her Wand of Missiles again. 4 more damage to the same flickerwisp as before. Are there any hands nearby…? She scans the map. Jorg’ath is looking poorly. She busts out a 2-actioner for him, begrudgingly shuffling forward so she can get him. Even though he just killed Grabby. 14 hp back for the lizard. “Ya nasty, scaly prick.”
A hand scuttles up to try to remove his fresh hit points. 6 slashing. He’s still hanging on! It’s his turn. Can he overcome the innate urge to Barbarian? No, he cannot! He swings at the hand that attacked him, and crits something! Howdydoodis! He turns it to paste and gets the fuck out of there. Skabb asks if there might be any delicious påté on his sword.
Luna takes aim at a scuttling hand. 14 misses. 25 hits! 15 misses. Nadia misses, hits, backs up.
Sprocket shoots a Phase Bolt at a hand but misses. “Smile, you sonofabitch!” And again. “I said smile, you sonofabitch!!… Sprocket sits down.”
Hartvig checks to make sure we’re all within 30 feet, and does a 3-actioner. We all get 9 hp back, but the undead hand makes its save and doesn’t take damage. Skabb pushes an organ or two back in.
The wisps, flickering next to the altar, go dark.
Skabb also does a 3-actioner, and her wand goes off for 5 more damage to the hand - now the only thing in range. The hand fails this time. “Haha! Up your ass, hand.” She rolls 6 on the dice for healing.
The DM starts counting distance; the hand scuttles off into a hole and we leave initiative. The altar is pulsing with strange blue light, as before, but there are no creatures. Skabb splats some mud on herself.
Sprocket wants to know if Horizon Thunder Sphere would do anything on the altar. It’s made of stone, so…? While attuned to its deity, it’s effectively immune to damage. What if we desecrated it? Skabb offers up her copious amounts of piss.
Skabb crits her mud check for healing. Is she an Expert at Nature? Yes - so she regains 4d8+10 hp, and is very pleased with herself. “She’s head to toe in mud and having a lovely time.” We sit and heal up for a bit, and Sprocket does some Risky Surgery on Hartvig, while standing on his chest. “Don’t worry. I’m a expert.” 25 is a critical success at Expert level, so that’s 4d8 plus 10! Sprocket, pleased: “When it works it works. I never wash my lucky scalpel.”
Skabb splats some more mud on Luna for 19 hp back, and she’s back to full.
Jorg’ath, immediately upon being healed, and not even back to full: “Right, let’s go kill ‘em.” Wait, wait wait. We’re missing Augustus and Grabby, should we hold off until tomorrow? Sprocket Summons Augustus back, and Skabb splats some mud on him for himself and Sprocket.
We send Augustus and Jorg’ath ahead first, learning as we have to put our tanks to good use and keep our mages and ranged fighters out of it. Look at us, doins learnins!
We plan. The tanks are going to draw the creatures out towards us and bring them in range of the ranged ones. Augustus has a great plan but he can’t tell Jorg’ath about it because he only speaks Gnomish and doesn’t like his own speaking voice. The two of them shimmy forward square by square, until the DM yells at them to “Stop right there!”
The wisps and the hands reappear. Jorg’ath and Augustus get to make Will saves. Jorg’ath: “Irrelevant, because Jorg’ath fears no one.” DM: “Wrong.” He talks to himself for a minute while we await our fate. They don’t have to roll after all, but we do all roll initiative.
Luna goes first, and clears her throat. “Right.” (Some shit is about to go down.) She hides. DM: “You’re confident that you’re hidden.” Luna: “Are you confident that I’m hidden?” 20 hits, 17 doesn’t.
(Skabb and Jorg’ath both object to the term organ grinder, which the DM used to describe Sprocket versus Augustus. DM “I acknowledge and disregard your complaints.”)
The hand recognises Jorg’ath, and goes scuttling up to him, excited. Claw attacks, one hits. Another goes for Augustus and hits. 6 slashing, and goes again but misses.
Hartvig shoots a Needle Dart right through Jorg’ath to the one in front of him, but misses.
Nadia misses with a Tanglefoot bag in her crossbow, even with a hero point, and ducks into an alcove.
Jorg’ath gets a howdydoodis, and eats one of the hands!
Sprocket thought the plan was for the tanks to draw them out this way; he forgot to account for the barbarian getting excited and forgetting the plan. Well, there were a lot of hands being eaten. (To emphasise his point, Jorg'ath uses a finger to pick the rest of the hand out of his teeth.)
Augustus does a Fist Slam, 24 hits for 5 damage. 22 misses but only just. DM: “It pops out the way on its nasty fingers.” Augustus casts Shield on himself, and that’s them done.
Skabber. What’s the range on a sling, she wants to know? She can’t find it on her sheet. 50 feet, she is told. “Well that’s bollocks innit.” Jorg’ath tells her to do a little shimmy. She shimmies up to Hartvig and elbows him in the shin. “‘Iya!” 28 hits for 6 damage, nice. She does it again, but crit fails.
A flickerwisp flickers at Jorg’ath forcing a save - 16, and he is Confused. Jorg’ath: “That’s not unusual.” It consumes his confusion and gets some hp back for itself. Another does the same to Augustus, who also fails his save.
Top of the round, Luna. She Hides and shoots again and crits the fuck out of all of it, critting her crit damage as well for MAXIMUM DAMAGE and a howdy doodis! The wisp slumps against the shrine, and Jorg’ath thinks he somehow did that. Luna gets a Hero Point for being amazing!
A hand claws at Jorg’ath and misses.
Hartvig is next, and he does some measuring before critting his Needle Darts attack! Howdy Doodis! It is pinned to the rock behind it. (Jorg’ath thinks he’s doing all this, and he’s loving it.) Hartvig gets a Hero Point as well.
Nadia has a terrible round and wastes her last Tanglefoot bag, and her last Hero Point, in spite of Guidance from Hartvig.
It’s all down to Jorg’ath. 15 is a miss. 30 hits - 15 damage with his additional acid. The light has dimmed substantially but it's still up. 10 misses, and that’s him.
Sprocket is next, and all Augustus’ attacks miss. Luna and Hartvig have used up all the crits.
Skabb is next. She bites something with her Grill and gets the howdy doodis! Excited to desecrate the altar, she clambers up onto it only to discover that she’s run out of goblin wee.
Sprocket thinks that this altar will spawn a new wisp at dawn, every day until there are four. There might be a way to shut it down, but he doesn’t know what. Some manner of occult magic is involved. Hartvig cracks his knuckles and steps up.
He thinks perhaps an idol of an opposing deity might do it, or some other symbol antithetical to Nimboloth. (Nadia asks for a Hero Point for being the only one who remembered the god’s name, and gets one! If there's one thing to be learned from Baby Skabb and her macarons, it's that if you don't ask, you don't get.) Nimboloth is an outer god. She is Chaotic Evil, and can see into this realm through the eyes of will o wisps and the like.
Skabb gets bored and wants to listen at a door - not the one that leads back to Hartvig’s torture girlfriend. She hears absolutely nothing… She opens it, to see a corridor. She goes in to see stairs in both directions. She comes back out and announces what she’s discovered, before sitting down to eat some grubs she’s found.
Hartvig has already experienced the torture of rejection so he doesn’t want to go back and see the lady. DM: “Well, you’re back up to full, so you could probably survive one or two lines of dialogue with her.”
With that we wrap up, after our weekly prayer of thanks to the DM for not killing us. “Well, I do try.”
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hectormcfilm · 10 months
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Ridley Scott's newest historical drama has hit the big screen to a very mixed critical reception. On the lead up to this film I was very excited, loving both the director and lead actor. I was expecting some strong Oscar contenders in this film until the early reviews came out and it was mostly along the lines of mediocre to good nothing amazing but I still went in with relatively high expectations. Personally I think this film is good... but not great.
I'm going to start with the positive aspects which for me mainly shine within two sequences, the battle on the ice and the invasion of Russia. The battle on the ice is a perfectly tense battle scene, it is slow and methodical and really gives a great sense of Napoleon's systematic nature and his pure tactical genius. The way the music builds up with an ominous ticking clock (as a side note the music throughout this whole film might be the best part, the use of classical and traditional French music is beautiful and so atmospheric). The strategic ways Napoleon's army give messages to each other and ready an ambush, forcing their attackers to retreat and then striking them with their most dangerous and intelligent move of destroying the hidden ice, completely outsmarting and Annihilating the combined forces of Russia and Austria. This sequence is visually gorgeous, tense and satisfying, proving how well Ridley Scott constructs and frames battle scenes, the most spectacular shot being one of a horse charging across the ice dodging cannon balls. The other best sequence is the Invasion of Russia, I adore the way the film becomes desaturated and gains acold colour palette to reflect the harsh winter that defeats his army. The scene of Moscow burning and Napoleon's realisation of complete defeat is riveting.
Disappointingly, I am not as positive about most of the film as these two sequences. I believe Joaquin Phoenix's performance is good but nothing amazing, it feels like he doesn't actually get much to do and his character never felt like he was changing too much both mentally and physically. One major problem I have links to this as despite the story spanning around 40 years Joaquin looks the same age throughout, the only change being a slightly receding hairline. I didn't need him to be recast when younger but some slight makeup or hair change like how Nolan made Cillian seem younger in Oppenheimer flashbacks would've been appreciated. Vanessa Kirby has a very strong performance but her character really let it down for me. Within two short scenes of Napoleon and her meeting where they had little chemistry or dialogue exchanged they are married, then instantly she cheats on him and they argue, it felt like their entire relationship was side-lined and rushed, focusing more on strange and kinky sex scenes between the two that just made me uncomfortable and laugh. I also wish we got to see her final moments instead of her dying off-screen.
Now to get onto my biggest problem with the film... the pacing. The first act of this film was a huge shock to me as it felt like it was trying to speed run through Napoleon's history as if it was a slideshow or a YouTube video explaining his history instead of a deep historical character study. The rapid pacing gave me no time to take in the location or really comprehend what year we were in, similarly character would have no introduction and just appear, being given nothing and most of them becoming forgettable or just disappearing. I definitely believe a longer maybe 3 and a half- 4 hour cut of this film would benefit it greatly as it felt simply like important scenes were cut out.
One smaller issue I have is the lack of accents or foreign languages, there is only one use of subtitles for two lines of German dialogue but no French spoken. Most of the actors even keep their American accents and it feels so jarring and unnatural. Something that tackles this issue well is the Vinland Saga manga where if a character is speaking French they write in French what they say then translate it to English underneath, giving an authentic experience whilst allowing the audience to understand them.
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bonky-n-steeb · 3 years
𝗦𝗨𝗠𝗠𝗔𝗥𝗬: Steve is angry on you for behaving recklessly and you decide to let him take his anger out on you in a very unprofessional way...
𝗪𝗔𝗥𝗡𝗜𝗡𝗚𝗦: Unprotected sex, spanking, shower sex, rough sex, hair pulling, handjob, choking, PWP (porn with a very little plot... wait who am I lying to? It’s porn.) 𝙈𝙄𝙉𝙊𝙍𝙎 𝙋𝙇𝙀𝘼𝙎𝙀 𝘿𝙉𝙄!
For my sake, your sake, your mom’s sake and for the betterment of the entire world, if you are a minor, please do not read this!🔞
Beta’d by the wonderful @lex-the-flex But all mistakes are mine
This is my first time writing smut, so please be kind 🥺 It’s filth... absolutely filth, even I can’t believe I’ve written this 🤦🏽‍♀️ I hope to god my mom never finds this and Marvel is probably gonna sue me for writing this.
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You exclaimed as he shut the door right in front of your face. Closing your eyes, you pressed your face to the door and sighed. You wanted to bang the door until he opened and explain Steve that all you did was your job. But you didn’t, instead you went to your own room next door and sulked.
You and Steve were on a mission to take down a hydra base. For the first few days, all you both did was map out the building. Once sure enough of your plans, you had finally breached it this morning.
In the beginning everything was just as expected. But then during the fight, you had spotted a man aiming his gun at an unaware Steve and like the love crazed woman you were, you shielded Steve with your own body.
Gladly Steve realised it before the damage was done and quickly held the shield in front of your both, deflecting the bullet. At your stunt, he had clenched his jaw and given an angry glare to you and had resumed fighting.
You had thought that was the extent of his anger at your carelessness, but apparently you were wrong. Steve hadn’t spoken a word to you after that. He had been silent throughout the entire ride to the hotel.
As he kept on fuming with unspoken anger, you tried your best to mend the situation by repeatedly calling out his name and talking about random things to yourself.
You actually didn’t know why he was angry. Agreed it was a stupid decision to be standing in front of a bullet, but you did it to save your teammate, at least that’s what you justified it with.
The truth was you were hopelessly in love with Steve Rogers. Soon after you had joined the avengers, you and Steve had become best friends. You hadn’t even planned on befriending him, forget about falling in love.
But with all his charm and naivety it was impossible not to fall for him. Not to mention his godly body. With the way he sometimes got flustered in front of you, you thought he felt something for you too, but you canceled it down by calling it wishful thinking.
While you both shared all your problems and worries with each other, you kept your emotions under wraps.
When you had seen the man aim his gun at Steve, your heart had literally stopped beating. The thought of living in a world without Steve in it was much more harrowing than your own death. So you did what you had to.
But now his silence was speaking louder than his words. It wouldn’t have felt this bad if he had scolded you or given you one of his long boring lectures, but this tactic of not talking with you was hurting you much worse.
The entire time you stripped out of your Kevlar suit and bathed, your mind was occupied by Steve’s silence. No matter how much you thought, you still couldn’t understand what had made him so mad.
After all, signing up with the avengers meant you would get into fights and get injured. The mantle of being an avenger came with a few broken bones.
And you weren’t the first to make such risky decisions during a mission, there had been many before you and there would be many after. So what was all this fuss about?
As you were pacing around your room, chewing your bottom lip, you stopped suddenly and took in a sharp breath. You couldn’t go back with this mess. Whatever it was, you had to sort it out and for that you needed to talk.
Deciding that it was now or never, you stepped out of your room and stood in front of Steve’s. You placed your ear on the door to check for any activity but there was none. You hoped to god he hadn’t fallen asleep.
Gathering all the strength you had, you knocked on the door, once, twice... thrice. But there was still no response. This had your mental alarms ringing. Steve sure wouldn’t ignore you this much, what if he was in danger?
Thinking of the worst case scenario, you crouched down and started picking the lock with your hair pin. As you opened the door and entered the room, you finally heard the noise of cascading water.
You huffed out a breath of relief. All this time he was just taking a shower and you thought about the possibilities of him getting murdered; you sure were an over thinker.
You didn’t know why but your feet weren’t retreating from the room. The sane part of your brain was telling you to go and come back later. And yet you stood awkwardly straight in the middle of his room.
You didn’t know how it happened, you swear to god didn’t realise. But all of a sudden you were standing in front of the bathroom door. You were burning with warmth from head to toe and you could listen to your heart beat in your ear.
Placing one hand on the door and the other on the knob, you tried to think for a moment. But somehow, your brain couldn’t process anything, except Steve. You slowly turned the knob and the door creaked open.
If Steve asked you what you were doing, which he definitely was going to, you would answer that you were sleepwalking or maybe you were possessed by a horny ghost. You wondered which one was more plausible.
The sight which greeted you was better than any you had ever seen. Steve was standing with his broad back facing you, glistening under the trickling water droplets.
His muscled expanse was stretched out magnificently under the shower, the water making rivulets into the grooves of his chiseled back. He straightened visibly under your watchful eye as he became aware of your entrance.
You waited for his scolding as you nibbled your bottom lip. You waited for him to tell you how immoral and indecent this was. You waited for him to fire you on the spot.
But nothing came from his side except strained breaths. It was as if he was doing some physical exertion by standing ramrod straight. As he tensed, his back muscles flexed even more and you wanted nothing more than to lick up the water drops.
Your mouth had fallen open and you were already panting and his body wasn’t the only thing wet. Seeing that he was neither bursting with anger nor reprimanding you for your actions, you decided to let your eyes wander further.
Your body lit itself on fire the moment you eyed his sculpted glutes. It was definitely, undoubtedly America’s ass. God, the things you wanted to do to him and the things you’d let him do to you.
You looked up to see Steve had turned his head a little and was staring at you through the corner of his eye. Taking that as a hint, you walked further until you were inside the shower.
The water seeped through your clothes as you stood right behind Steve. You were so close that the only thing in front of your eyes was his broad back. Yet he didn’t turn to face you.
Your hand shivered despite the warm water as you touched his back. That simple contact passed an electric current through Steve and you could hear his audible gasp.
Keeping one hand on his back, you moved your dominant hand further onto his chest. After palming his abs for sometime, you snaked your hand further down.
But before you could reach your destination, a strong hand curled around your wrist, limiting your movements. “Don’t.” It was the first word he had said to you after the mission.
His voice was hoarse and deep and you wondered if it was possible for you to come just with his voice. “But what if I want to?” You really were possessed, because you definitely didn’t have this much confidence.
Unexpectedly, your defiance worked and he loosened his hold, though he didn’t remove his hand. When you finally touched his warm cock, which was standing hard proudly, you moaned and buried your face into his back.
“Fuck.” Steve cursed as you rubbed him. You had heard him cursing a few times before, but listening to it now just melted you into a puddle. You pressed your face further into his back as you kept palming him, his hand was still on your wrist as a reminder, though he wasn’t guiding your movements.
You wondered how he would fit inside you, as you were barely able to curl your hand around his massive length. One second you were jerking him off and the next you were pinned to the wall, facing him. You blinked rapidly to steady your senses.
The hand he had used to pull you forward was now held against the wall and you had placed the other on his chest. His entire body was blushing hard and his face was just as flustered as yours.
Steve placed his hand gently on your cheek, a stark contrast to his previous actions. He bent down and pressed a soft kiss to your lips as first but he didn’t go any further.
Looking up at him through hooded eyes, you stared at him in confusion. Noticing the question on his face, you realised he was asking for permission. Nodding your head rapidly, you replied with a breathy yes.
That’s all it took for him to smash his face into yours. His kiss wasn’t a perfect or a practiced one, but what he lacked in experience, he made it up with his passion and edge.
You were actually tongue fucking each other and you didn’t regret a moment. You were close to eating each other’s faces off when you finally parted.
You panted and arched your back, exposing your neck as he sucked down your jaw to your neck. Without giving you a moment to gather yourself, he tore your tank top right through the middle.
And the only thing your mushy brain capable of saying was, “Holy shit.” It was the hottest thing you had ever seen. The way his arms flexed as he tore the fabric made you gush.
He discarded the now useless tank top carelessly on the floor and bent down to suck your nipples. You were about to go to sleep and thus weren’t wearing any bra. You let out an unholy moan at the sensation and the sight of him suckling you.
You carded your hands through his hair only for him to take your hands and pin them back to the wall. “Oh Steve.” As you moaned his name, he looked up at you through his lustrous blue eyes.
All of a sudden he let go of your hands and nipple and as you whimpered in dissatisfaction, he quickly tugged your pants down. He practically growled at the sight of you naked in front of him.
He placed his hands on your ass as he knead it while simultaneously kissing you stupid. He shifted his hands from your ass to your thighs and in one swift motion picked you up.
You hadn’t ever been picked up by anyone before and for once you were glad that Steve had taken the serum. He carried you out of the shower and into the room.
You were going to complain about how you were going to ruin the carpet with water when he all but gently threw you into the bed, face down.
You gathered yourself on your hands and knees just as he positioned himself behind you. Steve didn’t know what got into him when he saw your ass perched up in the air, but he went absolutely feral.
He wanted to talk and tell you things, but currently he was incapable of doing anything but devour you. He placed his huge palms on your ass and started kneading, but the thing he did next, took you by absolute surprise.
He spanked your ass, hard. At the contact you let out a loud surprised shriek. You had no idea captain America was a kinky little shit, not that you were complaining.
While you were turned on beyond your senses, Steve mistook your surprise for pain. He snapped out of whatever haze had taken over him, “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you.”
You looked back at Steve with confusion. “God. No. Steve, you didn’t hurt me. I liked it.” You said with such shyness as if you hadn’t just given him a handjob moments ago.
“Do more.” You asked and he delivered. Steve understood that you wanted it rough, and who was he to deny. He spanked your ass thrice more, alternating the cheek, in quick succession, only to rub it gently later.
He kept up with the contrast of quick spanks and gentle kneads until you sobbed with wrecked pleasure and delightful pain.
When you came back from your blissful high, you realised Steve was pressing soft kisses to your back. You strained your neck at an odd angle and pulled Steve in for a kiss.
It was gentle and filled with adoration and love, a great disparity to what just happened. Steve was rutting against your ass as he deepened the kiss.
Parting from the kiss, he took hold of his cock and jerked it a few times before rubbing himself against your drenched folds. You were already so dripping that you didn’t need any extra stimulation.
Finally he pushed in the tip and you moaned like in heat at the sweet pressure. Gladly he gave you a moment before pushing slowly further, inch by inch.
No matter how wet, or in a sex haze you were, you both knew he wasn’t easy to take. All the while, Steve was muttering praises and soft words to you.
When he finally bottomed out, you both moaned out with pleasure. After giving you some time to adjust, he pulled back only to push back in with a measured but powerful thrust.
“Oh fuck!” Overcome with pleasure, you slapped a hand on the headboard to hold yourself steady while you clutched Steve’s ass with the other to hold him as close to you as possible.
He began with slow yet hard thrusts but soon he changed rhythm and started fucking you in earnest. The headboard rattled against the wall as Steve held your shoulder with one hand and supported you both with another placed firmly on the bed.
You had got a hundred dreams about Steve railing the shit out of you. But nothing matched the actual thing.
Steve experimentally wove his fingers through your hair and when you let out something between a moan and a demand for more, he clutched and pulled it tightly making your eyes roll back with euphoria.
“Stevveee, I... Stevie, I’m close,,... oh fuck!” The only thing you could do was moan wantonly and take everything Steve gave you.
Just as Steve felt your walls quivering, he pulled out. He groaned with frustration as you were so so close. But before you could formate any words, he flipped you around.
“I want to watch you as you come for me.” He said bending down to press a kiss. This time, he entered you in one swift motion.
Curling a hand around his neck, you held the head board with other as you arched into his touch. He was grunting loudly and his voice was having more effect than it should have on you.
You were close, so very close, but you needed more, something more. “Steve, choke me.” You whimpered. Steve faltered for a moment before realising what you had said.
When Steve placed his hand delicately on your throat, which you had exposed to him, you knew you were going to have the best orgasm of your life.
Steve squeezed your throat, and at that very second, you orgasmed like never before. Your toes curled and legs shook uncontrollably as you babbled nonsense.
You felt as if you saw the deepest crevices of the universe and snorted the most powerful drug as white pleasure enveloped you.
Steve, in spite of his super soldier stamina, gave in to pleasure as your walls hugged him tight. With a shout, he came deep within you.
After the pleasure faded and the fatigue had set in, you both laid limply within a tangle of limbs and in each other’s embrace.
“Steve.” You croaked as he kept on prepping you with kisses. He only hummed in response. “I love you.” At that the kisses stopped.
You worried if this was the end of everything, but when you looked up in his eyes, you knew it was just the beginning. His eyes were filled with love.
“I love you too.” He smashed your lips once again and you responded just as enthusiastically. “I can’t think of living without you. You mean everything to me.
When I saw you in front of the gun, I was so scared. I was afraid I wouldn’t be able to save you.” You caressed his face as you said, “But you did. And I know you always will Steve.”
“That I will.” You knew that Steve would keep you safe. You knew that in his warm embrace, nothing in this world would touch you.
“Steve, if you ever get mad at me, talk to me, scold me, give me on of your boring lectures if you want, but please don’t stop talking to me.”
“If ignoring you is going to lead to this, then I’ll probably give you the silent treatment.” He chuckled as you punched him playfully.
You couldn’t believe you were in love with this goof, or that he was just as in love with you.
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ratsoh-writes · 3 years
3/3 SO gets sucked into the void one day beyond explanation, and skeleton becomes the only person who remebers them. A few months later, they are spat back out by the void (or for the more sciency skeletons, brought back) and are traumatized from not having a physical being for so long. Reactions?
-sunset anon
Well unfortunately this only applies to the sanses. Since they shared the same ability (which I haven’t revealed yet) as their gasters, only they can remember resets and anything that has to do with the void. When SO comes back, it’s still like they never existed. The papyri won’t remember them
Sans: when SO sees him again the first time, he’ll look like death. Sans worked frantically to bring them back. He hasn’t slept in days. Probably hasn’t eaten even longer. All SO gets is a broken sob as he embraces them for the first time in forever. It’s a long road to recovery for both SO and sans. But they can do it together
Papyrus: he has no idea who this strangely beautiful human is and why they’re sobbing into his arms. Or why they appeared in his basement from his brothers machine. Papyrus has been trying to get sans to confess for months about what’s been making him so frantic. Well papyrus never leaves a sad person unattended so he decides to comfort them first
Star: Star may be very smart, but he’s not a scientist. He does however know someone who is. With the help of his undyne, Star has been doing his best to track SO down. Finally they got lucky and pulled them out of the void. Star is a weeping mess holding his SO while twister (underswap undyne) is shouting in victory. Finally people will believe her that the void can sustain life!!! Not the time girl
Honey: one day, a beaming but nervous Star, a crazed and victorious looking twister, and a broken looking human show up at his house. The human pulls honey into a hug crying about how much they missed him. When honey awkwardly pats their back and asks for their name, they just break down. He feels terrible but he doesn’t know how to fix them. Honey makes a tactical retreat to his room while Star comforts the human
Red: this calls for drastic measures. When red’s father fell into the void, he managed to throw his notes up at red for him to catch. Red uses those and his impressive engineering skills to build a small version of a void pocket. But his first attempt was only successful in grabbing the attention of one of his least favorite people. Desperate times call for desperate measures though. And together red and sans are able to recreate the machine in record time, saving his SO only after two weeks.
Edge: he was very concerned when his brother suddenly got a very big interest in the work of their late father. Edge had thought red was over his obsession with gaster. In his frustration, red winds up telling edge all about the void and the resets. Edge doesn’t believe red however until he finally meets his SO again for the first time. He has no memories of this human, but looking at them and he can just feel himself fall in love all over again. Edge believes red now
Mal: he’s lost. An absolute wreck. Mal is not a scientist, or even that well educated. He never got to go past elementary due to his and cash’s bad childhood. To him he thinks SO is forever lost until wine worriedly asks if he remembers them. For months they had been working together with some others to try and access the void until one day SO suddenly reappears. Mal almost doesn’t believe it and actually backs away at first before vaulting into their arms
Cash: a while back, his brother practically screamed at him over forgetting a name he doesn’t know. It’s been months now and cash still feels the tension between him and mal. His brother has been going out lots, and coming back late. It’s stressing cash out like crazy. When mal comes back with some random human one day, they have one of the biggest fights ever since he was an addict. Mal tells him again about the resets and the void and claims this human is his SO. Cash feels bad for the obviously sick human, but how the hell is he supposed to help someone he doesn’t know? Even if his soul is telling him he knows them
Oak: when SO disappeared, oak had a day long panic attack thinking he was going crazy, imagining being in love with a fake person. And poor willow was near panic as well not having any idea what scared his brother. It’s not until willow mentions the next day that this was almost as bad as the day after gaster disappeared that oak remembers what happened to SO. And he knows just who to call. Him and sans had been working for weeks to bring SO back. And of course red remembers and got involved. Like with red, oak gets his back in two weeks tops.
Willow: his brother keeps referring to this person willow has never heard of and it’s starting to freak him out. He’s checked every familiar place he can think of for paranormal activity. Nothing. Nada. Willow is pretty sure he made the entire ghost population go extinct. When oak sans and red come home one day with this strange human however, willow just knows. He may not know their name, but he can just feel they were his.
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johobi · 4 years
A Lycan Dignity
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Word count: 4k
Pairing: Jungkook x Reader
Warnings: rough, penetrative werewolf sex, pregnancy sex, blood consumption, biting, knotting, squirting, very strong dom/sub dynamic, extremely graphic sexual description lol, impreg kink, baby bump worship, masturbation, giant COCK, i mean huge, tiny amount of angst
A/N: This was commissioned by the wonderful @divine-bangtan​ in exchange for a Black Lives Matter donation! I really hope you enjoy it!
Next: Mark of the Beast || Tooth and Claw Masterlist
Sympathetic to the plight of the werewolves your kind have culled to near-extinction, life as a human informant has never been one of safety. However, when you catch the eye of an alpha, your situation only grows more perilous.
After many months of unremitting use, your once solid bed frame had become a rickety, wretched old thing. Its joints ground like those of a horse bound for the knackery. Weeks ago, you thought it near total collapse. Since then, however - though it protested any and all movement - it had remained intact. Because, no longer did you and Jungkook breed with the impassioned fervour you once did. No, these days your bed hosted only the most lacklustre of sex; the sort you never imagined needing endure when you tied yourself to him. After all, Jungkook was an oversexed, testosterone-burdened manbeast with a twelve inch cock and a negligible refractory period. So why was it now so scant? So underwhelming? 
According to him, it was necessary. 
Oh, how you longed for the days and nights Jungkook would run you all the way through, bending you this way and that to offload himself for the third, consecutive time. How he would grow and grow and grow, locking into place in the depths of your cunt and soothe you all the while.
Being that you were now five months pregnant, however, you were the only one ballooning. God, you missed his knot. Missed the intensity with which he once bedded you. Missed the—
“Does that feel okay?”
“It’s fine.”
Presently, Jungkook mounted you with the shallowest of thrusts, barely wetting half his length. The bed swayed beneath you, tapping the wall to the rhythm of his gently rolling hips. Before you’d grown big, it had clapped the cabin’s pine like thunder, and splintered where it struck. Today you clutched a pillow for comfort as Jungkook rocked you into a drowsy stupor.
It was so quiet that his breathing carried across you. It, too, was shallow - hardly laboured - and sometimes there came an occasional grunt of effort. Or perhaps of pleasure? It was difficult to distinguish to what extent the act satisfied Jungkook when he restrained himself so. By the furrow in his brow, it appeared more akin to torture. It certainly was for you. Your libido had grown unruly during gestation, and nothing much gratified you. 
Nothing but your aforementioned, well-endowed mate. Only he could alleviate the nagging ache.
So it was to your utter dismay when Jungkook deemed you too large for such boisterous intercourse, and insisted you be handled like some delicate bijou. It was preposterous! You were tough enough to withstand a decade’s duty in the militia’s vanguard! A few extra inches of cock weren’t like to break you.
In the end, despite two full days of moody back-and-forth on the matter, he tempered your lovemaking significantly. And though your post-coital canoodling was as much to your joy and satisfaction as it ever was, you found the preceding act painfully lacking. Actually, literally painful. Pregnancy was quite intolerable. 
You challenged Jungkook on several, fruitless occasions thereafter. But his constant dismissals would not deter you. Especially not today, when the entirety of you quivered for satiation, and he had been drip-feeding you cock for the past twenty-odd minutes. It was maddening. The path to climax was a sleet-sodden slope that you could never hope to climb.
"Jungkook, please, enter me fully. There’s no need for such caution. I know it hurts you to hold back." And me. “How many times must I assure you that I’m not as fragile as you think me?" You grimaced at the headboard as Jungkook probed your entrance with middling impetus. His girth was such that your cunt begged and fluttered to receive it deeper, distressed by the gaping space that went unfilled.
Jungkook’s considerable weight descended,  blanketing your back to secure your compliance. With his breath at your ear, he interwove your fingers and exerted pressure enough to bow you to the blanket. Your ass, however, remained high and accessible; as submissive a posture there was. By the devilish chuckle that blew across your cheek, Jungkook already thought himself the victor of this quarrel. "And how many times must I ask you not to challenge me? I know my own strength." It was difficult to rebuke him when his lips skirted your ear so. So soft and wet and careful in their pressure.
"And I know your strength just as well. I have been on the receiving end of it for months before th-this—ah!" Pain suffused your neck where Jungkook’s mouth lingered. He curled his lip at your continued defiance. Out of the corner of your eye, his fangs bore a red glaze. 
Mayhaps it was a warning, but it only served to embolden you. 
"Nothing you could do would harm the pups. Please, Jungkook. I'm begging you." He liked being begged. Liked when you relinquished your power and station entirely. Because, outside your bedchambers, you were as important and respected as he. That he liked, too. 
Your particularly bullish nature meant that Jungkook relished your surrender. Especially in the aftermath of contentious discussions. There had been many an occasion where Jungkook’s red-blooded urges almost jeopardised tactical assemblies, because he simply could not ignore them. Particularly the meetings where you butted heads on some divisive detail or another. The tension grew so stark during these exchanges that it cowed the other attendants into silence. You would exchange little else, thereon, but sultry glares, and Jungkook would orbit you in inappropriate proximity, breathing down your neck and rubbing you where others could not see. The sex after those meetings was singularly wild.
Jungkook attested often to his being a tethered beast, but you were the one with the leash. “Please. Put it all the way in,” you snivelled. “Alpha.”
Jungkook’s breath hitched at your urging; you felt him on your back, chest broad and feverish. He did not perspire out of exertion but sheer sexual frustration. It was obvious by the weight with which his balls hung; you spied them between your legs when you looked beneath. "Please, alpha. Take me completely." 
Furtively, you grinned. Jungkook was an astute man. However, he was also a simple, dick-driven creature. 
A snarl seared your ear, drawing gooseflesh in its wake. You tilted your head to behold him; to enthrall him with lust-lidded eyes. But it was you who was captivated. Jungkook would never be anything less than breathtakingly handsome. The type women ripped costly bodices for. He was rugged; as hewn in the jaw as he was in body, and with eyes so honest you could be sup from his soul. Your mouth hung in open appreciation of his masculine beauty. Jungkook’s hips stuttered, then, as you drunk one another in. A fleeting slip, but enough to propel him deeper for a crucial moment. The repercussions manifested immediately. Your eyes rolled in their sockets and out came a harrowing groan. The entirety of your body tautened as your cunt did, grasping at his elusive length as it again withdrew. "Ugh. Jungkook!"
"Cease your attempts to seduce me, woman," Jungkook menaced, butting aside your head and raking his fangs along the angle of your jaw. "Your charms will not work." His tongue laved wherever they grazed, his hands surrendering your hips only to snake beneath and caress your rotund belly. So tender was he in his touches, that your cunt pulled with desire. Jungkook splayed his fingertips, cradling your circumference as best he could in his calloused palms. He muttered something soft and indiscernible about our children as he admired you, your provocation momentarily forgotten.
His cheek came by yours, then, rounded nose drifting to your temple to huff in your pregnant scent. According to him, you’d become overwhelmingly, wonderfully fragrant. Such that he would pine if denied it too long. 
That was what you effused while with child.
Jungkook’s favourite tea.
The headbutt that came next would reasonably incapacitate the average person; indeed, it was so strong that your knees rattled on their hinges. But Jungkook went unscathed, nuzzling a path through your tangled hair, air whooshing through his nostrils as he scented you. "God, you are beautiful. So round, so full. And utterly mine," Jungkook murmured, teetering on the fringes of abandon. He continued his ardent groping with a whine.
Had he really sabotaged his own restraint? 
How funny that his undoing was his own. Positively hilarious. 
That was, until you felt his cock sink deliberately deeper. Jungkook groaned as you did, though you were far more shameless in your desperation. “Oh, God—!”
"Fuck!" The curse word unravelled into a low, ungodly growl.
"Yes, Jungkook. More—" Your hands scrabbled for purchase on his backside, but it soon retreated out of reach as he again withdrew. "Godfuckingdamnit! What must I do to convince you? Please, do it again. I can take it!"
"I will not. It’s too much a risk. What happened was—was entirely unintentional, and I won’t allow it to happen again." He stated it with resolve, but his hips stuttered traitorously, heeding not him but the wolf within him. A rush of breath buffeted your shoulders and then Jungkook's nose was again in your nest of hair, inhaling himself to his senses. "That is the end of it," he murmured on exhale, seemingly sobered. "Now, let us continue." Penetration resumed at its previous, underwhelming pace, maddening you to your very marrow.
"Fine." A growl of your own grew in your chest. "Then I will not submit to you today."
When you dared look Jungkook’s way, the sheer displeasure buckling his features very nearly undid your determination. His brows hung gravely over his eyes, obscuring their usual, gentle glimmer with a severity that stirred your wanton pussy. "You will. You will always submit to me. I am your alpha," Jungkook stated with a snap of his teeth, seeking to subdue you with his hefty physique.
Oh, you absolutely would and should submit but it was imperative you defy him now or you would never see satiety.
With something of such import in the balance, you heaved yourself onto your elbows and then your hands, quaking beneath the werewolf that hung plastered to your back. As you rose, as you straightened your spine in defiance and denied Jungkook your submission, the growl behind you grew in outrage. His cock stalled at your opening, tip still between your folds.
“Not today.”
Jungkook's lips curled back along his gums, a slight tremor to his tautened jaw. Two, prominent fangs confronted you in the candlelight, your skin prickling where they'd countless times pierced. His authority was difficult to oppose when the mere visage of this apex predator was enough to buckle your knees and sodden your cunt. "You're a baffling woman. I've dominated you on hundreds of splendid occasions, and today is the day you defy me? Must I subjugate you again, my sweet?"
As much as you yearned to present him your sopping hole, it would be another five months of unrealised desire if you did. 
To hell with that.
“Come, now. Show me how ready you are to receive me.” Jungkook sought to bow you with nips and kisses, but you would not be bowed. Not this time. When this much became clear, he peeled himself from your back and his cock from your hole. Oh, no. No, this wouldn't do.
"If you will not obey me then you will not receive me at all," he snorted, as enraged and engorged as a hung bull. Truly, he was a marvel that you could not tear your desirous eyes from. Not when he knelt there so, in all his strapping, virile glory. You whined for what you were cruelly denied. Jungkook interpreted your meaning well. "It is your own fault." He vented frustration through his flaring nostrils. "Present yourself to me or I will simply finish all over you."
Your cunt pulsed in anguish and joy. What a dream it would be if he painted you, cock in hand and strangling it of cum. If his sac throbbed with each ejaculation as it fell across your body, hot and sticky. If his lips were bitten bloody and his eyes crinkled closed.
Yes, it would be beautiful. But it would afford you nothing in the end but your own, spiritless fingers to finish with. Jungkook had been so keen a lover that you could not even recall the last time you masturbated. And you weren’t about to start now, as unquenchable as you were. 
So, you persisted. Prayed that your ruse might finally bear fruit. It all culminated with this: "I won't. How about you I take you, so that I may seek my own pleasure? Get on your back. Offer your belly up to me, wolf, so I may sit on you."
In a lightning's flash Jungkook was atop you, one muscular forearm looping your hips and the other strong across your chest, claws toying with the malleable flesh of your swollen breasts. His weight suffocated you once more, but you did not resist when he sought to manoeuvre you into submission. Not when, in the ferocity of his outrage did he then stuff you full with his entire cock, plunging to your depths in one, fluid thrust. It took your breath away. Deprived you of your vision. For a moment, nothing but blood raged in your ears as you fully comprehended just how in want you were. "Oh, G-Gods."
A scramble of depraved utterances streamed from Jungkook's mouth as he handled you as he truly wished. With just the one, greedy hand he bullied your swaying breasts, squeezing them as if to strain you of milk. Every vulgar grope, every pull of your nipples manifested violently in your cunt, throttling Jungkook's monstrous cock in arrhythmic convulsions. "I-Is it truly safe?" He posed it to you as a throaty moan, his other hand charting the flesh of your inner thighs and skimming them like a potter might wet clay. As his thumbs brushed the apex between, willingly and desperately you split your legs further apart, elevating your backside for his inspection. The mere act of yielding to Jungkook sensitised you to him tenfold. Though you were not werekind, his influence was such in its potency that it affected you all the same. A familiar, innate desire to pleasure him overcame you. And as you submitted to him now, nothing thrilled you more than the whines of appreciation that kissed your ears as his full length stretched you silly. Jungkook murmured again; lower and in earnest. "____. Is it truly safe?"
"It is. A thousand times I've said it." As you spoke he shifted within you, and the world shifted too. The gratification was profuse. "The babes will come to no harm," you sang, sliding along the base of his girthy cock. "And neither will I. No, I need this. And so do you."
"I won't deny that." Was all he said before he pinned you like a ravenous beast its beaten prey, hips snapping, momentum rippling through you. Each drive of his pelvis bombarded your cunt with his weighty, bloated balls as he dove in deep. They struck you like a rider’s crop, again and again, until you were sore and splendidly puffy. “Fuck, you’re so deep. I forgot how far back you go. God, you’re made for me. My perfect, pretty little bitch.” Jungkook was quickly carnal. Every phrase concluded in a wolfish whine. 
He rutted you with the vigour of his first heat, feverish and erratic, jamming you to your limits with his colossal cock. His tip kissed your cervix on repeat, greasing your insides with pre-cum as he ploughed apart your unyielding walls. He leaked it so liberally now, so profusely that it dribbled from around him. All the while you yelped up a din beneath him, fully engrossed in your deference to him. You glimpsed night sky in the bedsheets, spatterings of stars combusting before your very eyes. They fell as tears, streaking your cheeks wet with relief.
"Yes, yes—that's it. Oh, you feel so good, my love. S-So good." Jungkook pistoned into you with expert precision, sweeping across your g-spot with every frenzied pass. A glorious ache tugged at your navel as he did so, wringing your insides like a sopping sponge. And, oh, how you were sopping. Vulgarly so. Jungkook juiced your cunt each time he crammed you full, soaking the space between you. It lacquered his abdomen 'til he shined in the lowlight. Gods, he was gorgeous, you could not help but glimpse him past your shoulder, to observe him as he split you apart, his eyes sharp and expression fraught. Your cunt heaved at the sight and sensation of him, and spurred him on.
"You were right. So right." Jungkook's tongue flicked around his gaping mouth, touching on his teeth in concentration. His eyes remained fixed to the site of your messy joining, tracking the drag and draw of his throbbing cock. "You can take anything. You're so strong. So beautiful," he whispered between uneven breaths, adhering himself to your arching back and resuming his earlier, intimate ministrations. As his lower half rippled and rammed you, his upper half cocooned you in comfort, gifting touches so soft they could be whispers.
You sensed it before it came. Hot breath tickled your nape for the briefest moment and then, there it was, sharp and soothing, a bite as familiar as his tender kiss; the bite that affirmed your initial bonding. It no longer induced pain, only a midsummer's welcome warmth. This first bite was the gentlest; Jungkook reasserting his claim. But then he withdrew, and struck again, and again, latching onto your nape for purchase as he pounded himself into your cunt to eke mewls from you.
"Ngh, fuck, it's happening too soon." Jungkook sounded utterly bereft. He did not, however, slow his incessant pace. His zeal had displaced you so far up the bed that the headboard clattered against your cheek. Discomfort was an irrelevant notion when you were having the life fucked into you, however. "I should withdraw."
"No!" It was practically a scream. "Knot me. Please, it's been too long. I need it, I need all of you," you burbled, tears afresh in your eyes. You were so close. Something momentous accumulated in your abdomen; teased glimpses of divine completion.
"Fuck!" Jungkook's hands roved your underside in woeful abandon, gripping at you like he might yet reestablish restraint. Clearly he could not, for his next move was to indulge in the blood that trickled freely from your neck. His long, rough tongue lapped you clean of his excesses, and his lips made sweet reparation. "I want—" A wet, solemn kiss. "I w-want—" A quick, furious thrust between your legs. "I want to fill you to the brim."
"Yes, do it, alpha. Please, please." Your whining rivalled that of the den's neediest pups. "I'm strong, like you said. I can take it. There is nothing more I've wanted these past months than that. Please knot me, Jungkook." As incentive you pitched your backside higher, clenching both orifices for his appreciation. Jungkook observed the gesture keenly, his cock jumping to a stall within you.
With surprising composure, he cupped the back of your head and tilted you toward him. Your cheekbones brushed in passing, and the tips of your noses pressed close. He sifted your eyes for sincerity before pressing his lips to yours in a long, torrid kiss that conveyed all that you needed from him. As you parted, Jungkook's tongue lingered long enough to draw strings. And then he grinned. "Alright. As you deferred to me so readily." His pace quickened, escalating into a frenzy of cunt-cleaving thrusts that drove ruthlessly along your upper wall. "I shall oblige you."
"Oh God—" The reservoir within you burgeoned suddenly, pulsed behind your cunt for release. And as you felt the dam begin to fracture, Jungkook's fingers found your clit amidst your plastered folds. One, establishing touch was all it took to undo you. As the base of his cock began to thicken, a river of fluid rushed around it as you finally, joyously climaxed, eyes half-lidded and sightless as you ascended. Euphoria tinged your every atom and daubed the world white. You convulsed on end and with alarming force, your pussy gulping down Jungkook's rapidly ballooning cock. The stretch of him stung wonderfully, pushed apart your seizing hole without care for your capacity.
"F-Fuck." Jungkook faltered upon witnessing the ferocity with which you gushed. It soaked what little remained dry of his thighs, clinging to their definition. You gasped and moaned beneath him, dizzied by orgasm, your mouth agape and cheek crushed flat to the headboard. His vascular forearms shook to support him as he hurtled toward completion. "You needed all of me, hm?" Jungkook panted, drunk on lust and wild with power. He gloated over you like the primeval beast he was, fangs bared and liberated by instinct. "Your slippery little cunt missed this, didn't it?"
You mustered little more than a gurgle as he continued to ravage your boneless body, fucking through your spasming cunt until he himself began to twitch. "Sh-Shit, fuck," he exclaimed on high, head thrown back and knot taking root. Though you were spent and without much sense, Jungkook's sudden, violent expulsion shot new life through you. Together you groaned, until he began baying, grinding his turgid cock as far as his knot would allow, frustrated by its impediment. Possessed by ferality, Jungkook nipped desperate pleas into your bruised shoulders, grunting with each subsequent spurt he emptied into you. Though he could no longer snap his hips, they nonetheless dug into you as he milked himself of residue. “God. Shit. I—” Monosyllabic cusses continued to fall from him as he prised himself from your limp body. Without a moment’s reprieve he maneuvered himself to his knees so as to better inspect your expanding belly, his hands roaming your bulging expanses. "Yes." It was almost a hiss. "You are perfect. So full of me and mine."
"Indeed, I am." You cast him a struggling smile. When Jungkook returned it, it revitalised you. Your smile grew into a grin. "And what a lucky woman I am."
"Come, let us make you more comfortable," Jungkook muttered with a touch to your dampened cheek. Historically his knots did not always abate in a timely manner. Knowing this, Jungkook clutched you to his chest, adjusting you so as not to tug at your joining, nor disturb your swollen belly. Ever so gently he steered you onto your side, his sweat-slick body clinging to your back. His knot throbbed pleasantly within, interlocking you indefinitely. And you did not object, because this was when you felt most at peace, most loved, most protected. His arms cradled you, encircled your precious load, and all the while he washed you of perspiration and blood. No week went by where your neck and shoulders were not a spectrum of colour due to Jungkook's oral attention.
You did not object to that either.
"Thank you, Jungkook. I really needed that. I genuinely shed tears," you giggled, your breasts askew around his forearm. It tensed and pulled you closer.
"So did I." A growl laced his chuckle. "But I would never harm you or the pups to satisfy my own selfish desires. Forgive me my obstinacy, but I had to be sure."
"I understand. And we are safe. We're the safest with you, my love."
Jungkook suspended his rigorous bathing of you to kiss the crown of your head. "You are. Nothing shall befall you while I still breathe.
For a dreadful moment, your ongoing predicament punctured the post-coital glow. But you resolved not to let it. No, it could wait until tomorrow. In the here and now, you did not have to fret whether Jungkook would return home tomorrow. Whether his dinner would grow cold and your bed perennially so.
In this moment, he was here, as were you. One bonded pair and their six, synchronous heartbeats.
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Just a quick note to elaborate on the reader’s pregnancy, as I appreciate not everyone will have read these asks.
1) She is pregnant with four boys.
2) They develop in utero as wolves, and are born in that form too - therefore they are quite a bit smaller than human babies. So she isn’t particularly overburdened. A few months after birth they will begin popping in and out of both forms until they learn to control it.
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Next: Mark of the Beast || Tooth and Claw Masterlist
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thecreaturecodex · 3 years
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Image © Frog God Games
[”It is very dark. You are likely to be eaten by a grue.” The grues were one of the first memorable monsters in video gaming, from the Zork franchise, so it’s no wonder that the retro-minded Frog God Games made sure to have a grue in Monstrosities. There are two, actually, both similar in their giant teeth and fondness for darkness. I like this sluggy one better than the other, which is just floating fangs. Neither is terrible game accurate: in later installments of Zork, grues are said to have fur, claws, and fish-like heads. I gave my version some earth and stone abilities, in reference to the elemental grues of D&D.]
Grue CR 12 CE Aberration This creature looks like a fat leathery slug, its body mottled and multicolored. Its head is dominated by a huge fanged maw, and beady, disturbingly human, eyes glare out over it.
Creatures of darkness and earth, grues lurk in the deepest, darkest caverns. They despise light, and are rarely if ever found on the surface. Their skin gives them a snake-like appearance from the outside, but they have no bones or even distinct organs, just a viscous, acidic gel comprising their form. Their most solid structures are their teeth, and they can squeeze through seemingly impossible gaps.
A grue uses its mastery over stone to sculpt its lair into a maze of twisty little passages, all alike. It stalks prey through these tunnels, waiting for their light sources to need refreshing in order to strike. Magical lights are quashed with a dust of twilight spell. The grue’s tactics are simple once combat is joined: eat as many foes as possible. If creatures have access to light based spells or weapons that can get through the grue’s defenses, they retreat, sealing off pursuit with a wall of stone or slipping through a tiny crevice in order to make their escape.
Grue   CR 12 XP 19,200 CE Large aberration (earth) Init +5; Senses darkvision 120 ft., Perception +17, see in darkness, tremorsense 30 ft. Defense AC 26, touch 10, flat-footed 25 (-1 size, +1 Dex, +16 natural) hp 172 (15d8+105) Fort +12, Ref +6, Will +11 DR 10/adamantine and slashing; Resist acid 10, electricity 10, sonic 10 Defensive Abilities amorphous; Weakness vulnerable to light Offense Speed 20 ft. Melee bite +19 (2d8+13/19-20 plus grab) Space 10 ft.; Reach 5 ft. Special Attacks swallow whole (AC 18, 17 hp, 2d6+13 bludgeoning and 2d6 acid) Spell-like Abilities CL 12th, concentration +15 3/day—quickened dust of twilight (DC 15), stone shape 1/day—deeper darkness, passwall, wall of stone Statistics Str 29, Dex 12, Con 24, Int 11, Wis 15, Cha 16 Base Atk +11; CMB +21 (+25 grapple); CMD 32 (36 vs. bull rush on earthen surfaces, cannot be tripped) Feats Cleave, Improved Critical (bite), Improved Initiative, Improved Vital Strike, Power Attack, Quicken SLA (dust of twilight), Skill Focus (stealth), Vital Strike Skills Climb +24, Knowledge (dungeoneering) +15, Perception +17, Stealth +20, Swim +24; Racial Modifiers +8 Stealth Languages Aklo, Terran SQ compression, rooted movement Ecology Environment underground Organization solitary or pod (2-5) Treasure standard Special Abilities Rooted Movement (Su) A grue fuses slightly with earth or stone surfaces as it moves along them. It ignores difficult terrain caused by mundane rocks, mud or earth, and gains a +4 competence bonus on its CMD against any forced movement while on a earthen or stone surface. It also can make Climb checks to move at its full speed along earth or stone surfaces. Vulnerable to Light (Ex) A grue is sickened in bright light. This is increased to nauseated in full sunlight (not just a daylight spell).
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mowulf · 3 years
You Gotta be Kitten Me
CH 2: It's only a flesh wound
A note on cat breeds, because I don’t feel like spending an absurd amount of time describing them. (Also only Spy would have any idea what the different breeds are because he’s fancy like that.) From largest to smallest:
Heavy - Blue maine coon. He’s the largest by weight and length and has the cat equivalent of resting bitch face.
Sniper - Savannah cat. He’s the tallest, but he’s lanky and not nearly as long as Heavy.
Demoman - You know those cats that are so black they’re basically walking black holes? Yeah, that’s him.
Spy - Tuxedo cat. Primarily black with white fingers, white chin, and a white triangle on this neck and chest. When he sits up straight he does, indeed, look like he’s wearing a tiny, furry suit.
Soldier - Siamese. He’s loud. He’s obnoxious. And he makes sure you know he’s there.
Scout - Egyptian Mau/DSH mix. Egyptian Maus are the fastest domestic cat breed, reaching up to 30 mph, and can leap absurdly high. While he’s got the build of a Mau, the DSH shows in his calico coat.
Pyro - Ruddy Abyssinian. They look vaguely burnt and, like Scout, are quite small. Yes, they wear a sock on their head. No, you won't be able to convince them to take it off.
“Gentlemen, we have a situation,” Spy said as he looked around the room. The other cats stopped what they were doing and approached. No point delaying the conversation.
“Yeah, tell me about it,” Scout said as he trotted over to shove Spy. “How come y’all get ta be so much bigger ‘n’ me? ‘S not fair.”
“That is beside the point, Scout.”
“That is exactly the point!”
”Scout.” Spy planted a paw on Scout’s head and pushed him away. Sniper got the hint and gently but firmly shooed Scout to the opposite side of the forming circle.
Demoman took a seat next to the awkward pair while Sniper attempted to figure out a way to gently pin Scout without accidentally crushing him and casually curled his tail around his paws. “It’s not all that bad,” he said casually. “We’re smaller, so we’ll be harder to hit. Pro’ly faster, too.”
Spy folded his ears and sighed deeply. “Really? Really? That’s what we’re going with? ‘It’s not so bad.’ Are you listening to yourself?”
Sniper flicked his tail and snapped, “Yeah, mate, we heard him just fine. What’s your problem?”
“My problem is a distinct lack of thumbs. Or did you forget?” The group fell silent as everyone examined their hands. Once he was satisfied that enough time had passed, Spy continued, “We didn’t just lose a few inches. Sniper is, at best, as long as his rifle, I can’t even hold a knife let alone stab anyone, and I’m reasonably certain the intelligence is twice Scout’s size.” He straightened up and settled a glare around the group. “We’re useless at best. Hell, Medic and Engineer would likely have an easier time in the next mission if we all just stayed at base. Especially if they have Heavy.”
A heavy silence descended on the circle. After a few moments Soldier stood up and yelled, “That’s still no excuse to not fight! We have claws! We have teeth! We’ll just have to fight them the old fashioned way!” His tail lashed as he spoke and at the end he reared back and swiped at the air.
Sniper was quick to shut that down by yelling, “That’s assuming we can even get close to anyone!” He puffed up and growled, high and deep. “We’re too small. We might catch someone off guard the first time, but then everyone will know to look out for us. Alone we stand no chance. As a group, we’re too obvious!”
“‘Sides, we need to get their intelligence back to base. Mission doesn’t end until someone has someone else’s briefcase,” Scout snapped, ready to jump up only to be pressed back into the floor when Sniper stepped on him.
“Those are the words of a coward! There are no cowards here! Or do I need to remind you maggots of that?” Soldier took a step forward, legs stiff and tail lashing in anger.
Sniper lowered his head and curled his lips in a snarl. “If you think I’m going to just throw myself into enemy fire with no hope of walking away, you’re a fool.” Scout squeaked as Sniper stepped on him to approach Soldier. Scout wanted nothing to do with the fight that was about to break out. While Sniper had the upper hand in terms of size, Soldier more than made up for that in crazy.
On the sidelines, the other mercs chimed in trying to break up the fight before it began, but no one was willing to actually get close. Even human, Soldier was not a force to be reckoned with. Once Sniper was no longer standing on him, Scout joined the rest in the safe zone.
Sniper and Soldier approached each other stiffly until there was only a few inches between them. Soldier’s tail continued to lash dramatically while Sniper’s only twitched at the end. For a long minute the pair simply glared and growled.
Soldier made the first move. Sniper flinched back when Soldier lunged forward, allowing the smaller cat to latch onto his neck and shoulder, back legs tearing at whatever they could reach. Sniper shrieked, swatted a couple times at Soldier, before running toward the nearest wall and throwing himself Soldier-first into it. Yelling broke out from everywhere, a combination of cat howls and human shock.
The impact didn’t knock Soldier loose and only seemed to make him more aggressive. The cat twisted and sank his claws deeper into Sniper’s shoulder while pulling with his teeth until he felt something give. Sniper responded by slamming into the wall three more times in quick succession, finally stunning Soldier enough to make him start to lose grip. That was all Sniper needed to finally stick his foot under Soldier and rip the other cat off.
He stumbled back a couple steps before lunging forward with a yell, only to be slammed into the ground by Medic. One hand grabbed the scruff of his neck and the other a fistful of loose skin near his rump and hauled him back, spitting and screaming. Engineer scooped Soldier before he could launch back at Sniper.
The two spit curses and profanities at each other until Demoman leapt between them and bellowed “SHUT UP!” Silence. “Soldier,” he turned to face, “this is not cowardice or abandonment. Think of it as a tactical retreat until we can figure out how to get the upper hand back.”
“That’s true,” Spy said. “We’re at a disadvantage. We need to figure something out.”
“But-” Soldier flinched when Demoman trotted up and bopped him on the nose. “We can’t-” Another bop. “Would you-” Bopbopbop Demoman stopped and hopped away when Engineer waved him off.
Once he was sure that Soldier had shut up, he turned his attention to Sniper. “And you!” Sniper bristled but remained silent. “If yer gonna fight, take it outside. You know th’ rules.”
More silence. Everyone waited tensely until Sniper finally sighed and Soldier relaxed. A collective sigh was released and the tension finally drained from the room.
“I’m going to need the medigun,” Medic announced. “I’ll be right back.” With that he released Sniper and left the room.
Soldier wriggled out of Engineer’s grip and the man made another grab for him but stopped when he saw the cats regather into the circle. Scout made a couple laps of the malformed circle, chirping in distress until Sniper finally dragged himself into their original spot, at which point he tucked himself firmly into the larger cat’s side. He made a few more distressed chirps as he eyed the mauled fur and flesh but was silenced when Sniper lay a paw across his back.
“Establishing communication should be our top priority,” Spy said once the circle had been properly reformed. “We can’t do much if Medic and Engineer can’t understand us.”
The other cats nodded and made various sounds of agreement only to fall silent when a deep voice rumbled, “Da.” Everyone turned to see an absolutely massive maine coon staring down at them. Even Pyro did a double take before scooting to the side to make space. There was a moment of reshuffling before Heavy finally took a spot and lay down, careful to tuck his lugs beneath him. “Doktor is dangerous. Keep distance and avoid his room.” He paused for a second, then added, “Avoid medbay, too. Anywhere he keeps birds.”
The circle gave another chorus of agreement. If Heavy was giving the warning, then extra caution needed to be used. Right as Spy was about to resume the conversation, Medic reentered, paused, and said, “Heavy?” Heavy looked up, flicked his tail, and then pointedly looked away. Sniper looked between the two before deciding they needed space. “I’ll be back,” he muttered before pushing himself to his feet and limping over to Medic.
Spy coughed to draw everyone’s attention. “As I said before, we’ll need to establish some form of communication. Does anyone have any suggestions?”
“What about morse code?” Soldier asked.
Spy hummed. “Not a bad idea, assuming either of them know any. I know a little, but not nearly enough.”
“Do you know enough to get food?” Scout whined, stretching and rolling onto his back dramatically. “I’m dyin’ over here!”
“No! Shut up!” He hopped onto his feet and puffed. “I didn’t eat supper on account of I wasn’t feelin’ good, and we ain’t had breakfast. I can smell bacon an’ I’m starving!”
“Mmph! Mr hnng trr,” Pyro chirped, also jumping up and circling in place. Spy smacked his face and groaned, knowing that there was no hope of getting the impromptu meeting back on track. Not with Scout and Pryo now feeding each other’s energy. Best to get them both fed before they worked each other into a frenzy.
“What’d I miss?” Sniper asked as he returned to the circle.
“Somethin’ somethin’ marsh code an’ Spy’s gonna get us food,” Scout announced before anyone else could speak. Pyro hopped over, muffled chattering displaying their excitement over the prospect of finally getting to eat something. The rest of the mercs were eagerly discussing breakfast as Demoman took the lead toward the cafeteria.
Medic and Engineer watched as the cats all began filing out of the room. As Heavy passed, Medic leaned down to try and grab Heavy, only to jerk back when the cat whipped around and snapped at him. Heavy gave an angry huffed before ambling after the rest.
“Well,” Engineer said slowly, “That was… interesting.” He stood up from his spot on the floor and stretched. “What do you recon they’re up to now?”
Medic ran a hand through his hair, sighed, and hefted the end of the medigun off the floor where he’d set it after treating Sniper. “Don’t know. Don’t care. Keep an eye on them. I’m going to call Miss Pauling.”
“Good luck with that.”
Engineer trailed after the small army of cats while Medic heaved another sigh and made his way back to the medical bay. The medigun was easily put away and he took a moment to pet Archimedes before he left in search of the base phone. If he was lucky, Pauling would be free enough to swing by the base. She could wrangle everyone under control and figure out what to do next. Or at least give him some pointers on how to take care of cats. Then he’d have to run to town and get cat food.
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angstsfordays · 3 years
Beautiful Pain (8)
Chapter Eight- It Starts Today
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Enhanced! Reader
Summary: Post-Blip, you started to feel lost when most of the Avengers team are gone. Coping with your loss, you still find hope in the connection with your remaining friends. However, it is not easy as everyone is trying to figure their lives after the Blip.
Having a long history with Bucky ever since you both saved each other from Hydra, you were still glad you had Bucky after all this time. However, as you try to give Bucky space to find himself after being pardoned for his past, you start to wonder if you should ever cross the line of friendship before it’s too late.
That thought might have to be put on hold though, when you, Sam and Bucky find yourselves having to deal with threats that continue to rise in a post-Blip world.
Chapter synopsis: You aren’t sure how to move on from the aftermath of Latvia. Was it time for you to confront your feelings for Bucky or would you retreat back, pretending as if nothing ever happened?
Warnings: Fluffiness. Slow-burn but we're getting there! Perhaps some tear-inducing moments! 😭
Word count: 61k
Notes: Hi! I’m back after my assignment submission. Currently on a short break before an exam is due in 2 weeks. Ever since the series ended, not gonna lie I was a little unmotivated to write. However, I didn’t want to let down all those who have supported this series so far.
Hope you enjoy this chapter! 🥰 Btw, I legit bawled my eyes writing the last part! 🥲
Please give support by leaving likes, comments or helping to reblogs! Thank you! 🙏🏼
Previous: Prologue | Chapter One | Chapter Two | Chapter Three | Chapter Four | Chapter Five | Chapter Six | Chapter Seven
“I’m surprised you’re still here. Figured you would be resting at home after what had happened.” Melissa, the manager of the social service centre you work for came by your desk.
“Sorry, I took urgent leave.” Looking up from the backlog of paperwork that had accumulated, you gave a sheepish smile at how much you had to get done. Melissa leaned her weight on the side of your desk and glanced down to your tired eyes.
“It’s fine, Y/N. But I don’t know if diving back into work is really the best for you now. ” You closed your eyes and let out a heavy sigh. Pinching the bridge of your nose, your eyes opened to see Melissa looking down at you in concern.
You were grateful for her check-in. Despite your so-called Avengers status, she never treated you like you were special. You still recalled the day where you stepped into her office for an interview for an open position on her team. The shell-shocked expression she had when she recognised who had decided to show up for a job interview in her office on a Tuesday morning was priceless.
“I don’t understand. Why would you be applying for a regular job here? I would expect you to continue your superhero career?”
Melissa asked with a hint of doubt before looking through your resume. Tactical negotiation skills do seem like an asset they could really use here in social work….
“There’s no more Avengers now…. Besides, I’m tired of fighting and I’m ready to do something else. I like to believe the real heroic work lies in our community.”
Your response took Melissa by surprise, in a good way of course. There was no hint of superiority that you exuded. What she saw in front of her was a woman who seemed earnest to do good work for her community.
“Any other things you would like to add on to show how you can contribute to the team?” Melissa looked at you in a renewed light and she inwardly smiled at the sight of you deep in thought to find an interesting response like any other nervous interviewee.
“I’m basically a human heater. I could step up to help if the electrical heater is not working in the winter?” The expression you had on your face after giving your reply made Melissa chuckled out loud. You inwardly cringed at your seemingly lame response but eased up when you see Melissa breaking out into a laugh.
“Perfect. Welcome to the team, Y/N.” Melissa extended her hand towards you and yours eagerly reached out to return the gesture.
Working with the social service centre here in New York had been great. You had finally found renewed passion in your life after the events of the Blip and the loss of your friends.
Everyone at the office made up a close-knitted family-like working environment and it was an added bonus that Melissa was an amazing boss too and became an unexpected confidant of yours. You felt like you finally found your place once again.
“Work keeps my mind busy. I much rather be busy than being left alone to my thoughts.” You were referring to your own overthinking with the whole Bucky situation. It had only been a few days since you returned back from Latvia, but it felt painfully long.
Melissa looked over you once more in concern. She knew that you were more than willing to share your thoughts openly with her as you two have established a close friendship outside of work for the past few months. However, she knew that they were still some things that you kept to yourself in private.
While you always maintained an optimistic front, she knew that you were only human and susceptible to darker and deeper emotions especially after all you had been through.
“Hey, Joey is making a coffee run at that new coffee place around the block. They’re having a 1 for 1 coffee deal today. You want your usual?” Nodding gratefully, Melissa gave your shoulder a light squeeze before moving off.
You swivelled your office chair back to face your laptop. The words on the screen didn’t seem to focus as your mind was clouded with the recollection of what had happened after witnessing John did the unthinkable.
What he did back in Latvia had become international news the very same day, the amount of scrutiny and support for him were head-to-head on the internet. The news on television ever since you returned home had been covering it day and night. As you recalled back the order of events that happened back in Latvia, you could feel an invisible weight in your mind and heart.
Sam and Bucky went to find John while you tried to manage the aftermath of everything that had happened. You helped to settle things with Lemar and assisted in the reports that had to be accounted back to the authorities back in the states.
When Sam and Bucky returned back to find you, they filled you in on what happened and you learnt that they had to forcibly take back the shield from John. It was too dangerous to even let John have the shield anymore, given what he had done to Nico. You were sure that it must not have been an easy fight as you recalled the bruises on each man’s face.
The three of you had another meeting once everything was settled. You were disgruntled to learn that Karli and her group were once again on the run and you were all sure that she would now make sure that she’s impossible to be found.
Looking back and forth between your two boys who found themselves at a standstill, you quietly figured that this was the end of the mission regarding Karli. Even if it was for a brief moment, you felt happy to have worked with them. It almost felt like a sense of normalcy as you worked as a team again.
The reality was that you knew Sam and Bucky still had a strict working relationship and you ever wondered if there was a chance for all three of you to work together again as the Avengers. Preparing yourself for the disappointment, you silently watched as your boys exchanged silent looks once more.
“I guess this is goodbye.” You first spoke up amidst the silence. Both men looked up in surprise when you decided to voice out the reality of the situation. You walked over to Sam to give him a goodbye hug and lingered for a moment as he gave you a couple of pats on your back.
“You take care, alright? You know you can reach out to me anytime.” Sam assured you to which you returned a grateful smile.
“Of course, see you soon hopefully.”
As you pulled away from Sam, you turned to see Bucky standing with an unreadable expression on his face. Walking gingerly towards him, you wiped off the non-existent palm sweat on the side of your pants as your heartbeat started to pick up.
“Hey.” It was just one word but you felt yourself choking to utter it out. You weren’t sure how to face Bucky especially from whatever happened back with Karli.
You weren’t sure if you wanted to address the elephant in the room but you figured that you could brush it under the rug if it didn’t seem like Bucky was intending to talk about it too. There was a brief awkward silence before you decided to break it.
“I know you still have unfinished business” Bucky’s eyes glanced off to the side and then to the ground before they met yours. Bucky was not surprised that you understood him so well. Yes, he had unfinished business with Zemo and he needed to follow through with it.
However, he also wanted to badly talk things out with you. Many revelations had come to light unexpectedly from one event to another and he wanted clarity.
“You wanna come?” Giving a brief smile at his invite, you considered it for a brief second. After everything that happened from Germany to Madripoor and to Latvia, you believed you needed to take a step back.
You would have never thought that your deep-seated feelings for Bucky would ever come to light, and it was in the worst-case scenario imagined.
What should have been a private and intimate revelation had turned out otherwise. Karli had inadvertently outed you and you were forced to confront your feelings for Bucky before you were even ready.
As much you wanted to talk things out with Bucky, it was not the right timing. Not with Zemo still out there roaming freely. Unfortunately, work needed to come first in this situation and you had to let it take priority over your heart.
Immediately as you shook your head, you could see the puzzled expression painted on Bucky’s face. He did not expect your response as he figured you would have been more than willing to accompany him.
“You don’t need me, Buck.” You were wrong, Bucky thought. Yes, he could handle Zemo on his own but he wanted nothing more than to have you by his side especially since he had learnt of your deeper feelings for him. He didn’t want to let you leave just yet.
Wrapping your arms behind his neck, you pulled Bucky slightly down in an embrace before placing a short peck on his lips. “See you around, Buck.”
“Change of plans, Sam. Mind if I head back with you?” Seeing you turning your back to walk back to Sam, Bucky could feel a sense of disappointment and hurt washing over him. Tuning out Torres’ comments, Bucky stalked out of the door.
It was not difficult to figure out where Zemo would have escaped to. As the memorial statue to commemorate those who had fallen in the events of Ultron came into sight, Bucky’s fingers clenched tighter around the gun he had been holding.
“I thought you would be here sooner. Don’t worry, I’ve decided I’m not going to kill you-” Zemo could see Bucky in his peripheral line of sight.
“Imagine my relief.” Bucky returned sarcastically. Zemo turned to meet Bucky before he continued to speak.
“Or your pretty friend.” A small smirk formed on Zemo’s face as he sees Bucky clicked the gun in his hand with a hardened look.
“You touch her and I would end you right here.” It was almost satisfying to get a rile out of Bucky and Zemo knew you were his weak point.
He scoffed at how it was clear as day to everyone that you two had something deeper beyond friendship or camaraderie. And yet, the two of you chose to never address it.
Zemo then went on to talk about how Karli was beyond redemption and that warning Sam had been a futile attempt. He believed Bucky had the will to actually do what’s necessary, given that he was indeed programmed to kill.
Bucky was seething with silent rage. He was not a killer anymore. Zemo’s mere insinuation only served to remind him how people never changed their perspective on him. Bucky responded that he would figure out a way that didn’t pander to Zemo’s drastic methods.
Raising his right arm, the gun was pointed towards Zemo. The rush of emotions overcame Bucky as he thought about how Zemo made his life hell, accusing him of a crime he didn’t commit.
Despite some truths to his words, Zemo was relentless and pragmatic in achieving his goals and he was deemed too dangerous to be left unattended.
Gripping the gun tightly, Bucky cocked back the trigger and let it go. Zemo accepted his fate, knowing he had done Bucky wrong. The sound that followed next was not as deafening as the silence that followed next. Zemo then realised Bucky had indeed managed to move on from his past and did not succumb to his darker desires to kill him.
Bucky watched on as the Dora Milajae came to escort Zemo, with plans to take him to the raft where he would face imprisonment for the rest of his life.
Ayo came up to Bucky’s and advised him that it would be best if he avoids coming back to Wakanda for the time being. Bucky agreed that it was fair.
“Give my regards to Y/N.” Bucky nodded once more at Ayo’s words, however, the masked expression on his face did not go unnoticed by the Dora Milajae’s second in command.
“Is there something wrong?”
“No, uhm-nothing. It’s fine.” Ayo gave Bucky a knowing glance before bidding him goodbye.
“Hey, I might have another favour to ask of you.”
Sam: How have you been doing?
Y/N: Alright…I’m busy with work. :)
Sam: Have you spoken with Bucky?
Y/N: Not really, I know he’s probably finishing up business in Sokovia.
Sam: Shouldn’t he be back home by now?
Y/N: To be honest, I’m not sure. I haven’t reached out and he didn’t contact me either.
Sam: Hey, are you alright?
Y/N: Honestly….no…I thought I could distract myself with work but my mind has never been rested ever since Latvia.
Y/N: I don’t know how to face him after what went down. Just wanna bury me in a deep hole or maybe get snapped again. Hmmm….
Sam: Girl, have you gone mad?
Y/N: Maybe
Sam: Hey, why not come over to my place for the weekend? You can finally meet Sarah and the boys.
Y/N: Oh no, Sam. I could never intrude.
Sam: What are you talking about? I invited you!
Y/N: ……….
Sam: Come on! Hey, you ever been on a fishing boat before?
Y/N: Not that I could recall of….
Sam: Then that’s perfect! Come check out my family’s boat, although it’s not in the best shape. Been trying to spruce it up and get it back to its former glory….
Y/N: Alright, dad.
Sam: Hey, watch your manners.
Y/N: HAHAHA ;) See you soon!
You were pumped to head down to Sam’s hometown for the weekend. It was long overdue after hearing about them so much.
Adjusting the strap of your duffle bag, you gingerly walked to the front door and gave a few knocks. Tucking a loose strand of hair behind your ears, you fidgeted on your toes, hoping that you would be able to make a good first impression.
When the door opened, your eyes first looked to see no one until you averted them down. You saw a young boy with glasses looking up at you with curious eyes. Mustering your best smile, you let out a warm greeting. “Hi!”
“Who’s that AJ?” You heard a woman’s voice calling after the boy in front of you.
“Mum, there’s an Avenger at the door!” The boy hollered back before running back into the house. You weren’t sure what to do next so you remained where you stood. Within a matter of seconds, the woman you had heard about so much appeared right in front of your sight.
“Oh, hi! You must be Y/N.”
“Er-yes, I am!” You returned enthusiastically and Sarah, as she introduced herself ushered you into the door. Your eyes roamed around the homey and cosy décor that filled the Wilson home.
“I didn’t expect you to show up so early! Have you eaten?” Nodding in response, Sarah pointed out to where you could put your bag down and went back to hustling in the kitchen. You told her you already had a quick bite before coming over and she looked at you with a pleasing smile.
“Sam’s actually at the dock right now,” Sarah informed you and you blanched at the thought of being by yourself without Sam to be a buffer for your first meeting with his family. However, your worries were for nothing as Sarah welcomed you warmly.
“Don’t worry, you can join me, I’m heading over too.” Her friendly demeanour eased your initial nervousness and you nodded eagerly in response.
As you and Sarah made your way over to the docks, the two of you fell into easy conversation. You learnt from her that she was struggling to keep the family business afloat and how they couldn’t even manage to get a loan from the bank.
Nevertheless, Sam was determined and managed to call in favours from their close-knitted community to chip in some help. A sudden wave of guilt washed over you when you realised that Sam had been facing real problems of his own and that you weren’t aware of it to help.
You had wished that you had been a better friend. Being the kind soul she was, Sarah dismissed your negative thoughts and reassured you that it was alright. From what Sam had spoken of you, she was eager to meet you herself.
“Sam says you always have his back when you are all out there in all the action.”
“Of course, we are a team. Sam’s a great person so it’s not hard to be there for him when he needs it.” Hearing your answer had Sarah throw a grateful smile your way. She was glad that Sam had someone he could trust while he’s out fighting the threats of the world.
As you two approached a medium-sized boat, you could make out the figure of Sam from a distance. You were excited to run up to greet him but it was the second figure on the boat that you stopped in your tracks.
A high-pitch whistle suddenly burst into your eardrums and you realised one of the pipes from the boat was loose. You saw Bucky heading down to help Sam and you gulped nervously as you continued to watch the scene happening in front of you.
You were definitely not expecting to see Bucky here in Louisiana. Why was he even here? Your eyes moved to see Sarah moving closer to where the men stood and Bucky introduced himself with a charming smile.
Sarah returned his greeting politely and looked over to Sam. “Hey, Sam! Look who I brought.”
Back turned, you were hoping to escape unnoticed, yet you were too slow as you heard Sam calling out for you.
“Where do you think you’re going?” Slowly turning your back, you were greeted by the sight of Sam and Bucky looking with equally confused expressions on their faces.
Not knowing what to say, your eyes blinked far more than times than normal as you tried to straighten up and looked convincing. “Toilet?” You muttered out hesitantly. Sam was not convinced at all as one of his brows was raised in question.
“You came all the way to my hometown, the least you could do is say hi first.” Grimacing and giving a sorry look, you made your way to the boat and Sam helped you down.
“Hey, Sam. Thanks for inviting me.” You spoke as you gave him a hug in greeting. Bucky was surprised, to say the least. He was only stopping by to drop a package for Sam but he never expected to see you here.
He had trouble reaching out to you, crafting messages every other hour and deleting them before deciding to not contact you at all. He was wondering if you were still mad at him from when he last saw you in Latvia.
“Wait, what are you doing here, Y/N?”
“Sam invited me to come to stay with his family for the weekend, like a getaway.” Meeting Bucky’s bright eyes always did something to your guts. Your breath hitched at how he could so simply beautiful with the sea view set against his back.
“Or more like I want to introduce you to my family and planned a surprise proposal so that we can be engaged by the end of the week.” Sam’s arm landed with a slight thud around your shoulders. You turned to see him wiggling his brows and donning a mischievous smile.
Eyes widening once you processed his words, you can’t help a chuckle as you knew that Sam was trying to crack a witty joke to mess with Bucky. Bucky looked like he was about to actually combust and kill Sam with his fiercest glare.
“Oh Sam, what a way to ruin the surprise. I expected you to be more romantic.” You quipped back to play along to his shenanigans. Sam ruffled your hair endearingly before looking to Bucky who didn’t seem one bit amused.
“Woah, I’m just kidding. Would you look at his face? Man, I got you good.” A wide smile broke out on Sam’s face before he started cackling.
“That’s not funny.” Buck look to the side and gave out a short sigh of relief. He looked back at you with an unreadable expression. Sensing the tension in the atmosphere, Sam believed it was time to leave you two alone.
“Remember to thank me later,” Sam whispered into your ear before giving you a pat on your shoulder. Your brows furrowed in confusion as you looked at him walking off to the other end of the boat.
Bucky still continued to stand at his spot and you took the first step towards him. He was still silent and giving you an infamous brooding stare. Bringing two fingers to the corner of his lips, you gently lifted each side up to force Bucky into a smile.
“You are going to look physically 106 for real if you continue to frown like that.” You teased Bucky in hopes that he could ease up.
“Blame Sam.” He huffed like a little child who got nagged by his mother.
“Sam was just joking. You know that.” You removed your fingers from his cheeks and Bucky immediately missed the touch that you gave.
“Doesn’t mean I have to like it.”
“Give me a smile.” Seeing your doe eyes looking at him adorably, Bucky felt his icy exterior melting. Pretending to clear his throat, he looked to the side before facing you with a tight but warm smile. His smile widened when he saw you returning a big grin.
For a moment, it didn’t feel like what happened in Latvia had crossed both of your minds. It was just back to the way things had been before. It was safe and comfortable. But was it what you really wanted?
Were you just going to ignore your feelings for Bucky forever?
“Are you two continuing to get lost in each other’s eyes?” Sam’s holler snapped you and Bucky out of your moment. The two of you awkwardly shifted before heading over to where Sam was. You both offered to help Sam on his family boat to speed things up.
It was a truly therapeutic afternoon for all three of you. Free from the world fighting and just hanging out as a bunch of friends (more so of your thought than the boys). The entire time, Bucky was subtlety (or not) flexing his strength as he took charge of most of the heavy work.
You could see the impressive looks from some of the community members that walked past and you smirked at how Bucky was trying his best to look unbothered from the attention.
“My welding machine is broken when I managed to find it, sorry Sam.” One of the elders stopped by the boat to tell Sam and he reassured that it was fine. However, you could still see his worried expression.
“I guess it’s time for me to step up.” You exclaimed while putting down the sanding paper in your hands. You asked Sam to guide you to what needed to be welded together. Extending two fingers together to mimic a gun, you gathered flame-like energy and started to weld the pieces of metal together like it was nothing.
You didn’t realise you had attracted a small crowd as everyone gathered to see the woman who was shooting fire out of her fingertips. “That’s so cool!” A young boy yelled in excitement as he jumped up and down.
Once you’re done, you looked to see the several kids clapping fervently. You gave your best smile and threw in a two-finger salute their way.
“Seems like you have fans now,” Bucky remarked to which you smirked coyly. “What are you talking about? I always have fans.”
After everything was done for the day, Sam brought you all some cold beer to end things right. Clinking your bottles, you took a seat beside Sam as Bucky talked about how he needed to get a hotel for the night before catching his flight out tomorrow.
As he spoke, he looked over to you with an expecting look before he took another gulp of beer. Sam scoffed before convincing Bucky to stay for the night with his family. Bucky still awkwardly shifted as he tried to decline the offer.
You felt a slight jab in your waist and turned to see Sam nodding over to Bucky.
“Come on Bucky, I’m also imposing here too. Don’t leave me by myself.” Just when Bucky was sure that he would flat out refuse Sam, your words managed to bring him back. He chuckled at you giving a sad puppy look before he admitted defeat.
As the three of you returned to Sam’s house, you all washed up and got ready for dinner that Sarah prepared. You offered to help despite her insistence that you’re a guest. It was such a nice peaceful moment when all of you squeezed around the now seemingly small table now that you and Bucky joined in.
Nevertheless, dinner went well and the conversations were great. AJ and Cass heard from the kids in the neighbourhood about what you did and asked you to do a little demonstration before they got silenced by their mother.
“Are you like Uncle Sam’s girlfriend?” You choked on the water that you had just drunk and Sam who was beside you helped to pat your back down.
All attention went to little AJ who looked very serious in having his question answered. All the adults at the table didn’t know whether to laugh or panic at his seemingly innocent query.
Sarah handed you a napkin to wipe your face and you smiled gratefully. Bucky was experiencing a gnawing feeling. Sure, it was a kid asking an innocent question but it bothered him more than it should. His eyes averted to where you sat and he saw how you were trying to come up with a response.
“What makes you think so, kid?” Sam quipped in before extending an arm out to wrap around your shoulders. The spoon in Bucky’s hand was on the verge of being bent into half.
“I don’t know. You never bring a girl home.” AJ’s reasoning had you giggling at his adorable nature.
“Well, how about it babe? Should we tell them?” Sam looked at you with a smug look. You turned to see Bucky trying to look neutral but you knew his irritated look when you saw one.
“Sam….” You spoke in a warning tone before he snickered. Sam threw his hands up in defeat before turning back to his nephew to explain.
“Y/N’s a friend, she’s like a buddy to me.” Sam ruffled your hair before giving a pat on your head.
“You have someone you like, Auntie Y/N? Can I call you auntie?” Cass chimed into the conversation and your facial expression betrayed you before you couldn’t even pretend.
You sent a fleeting glance to a person with bright cerulean eyes before you cleared your throat and nodded to Cass.
“It’s a secret.” You spoke with a mischievous glint in your eyes. Finger raising up to your lips, you let out a small spark of energy which wowed the two young boys. You threw in an extra wink before you all resumed dinner.
The spoon in Bucky's hand was saved from being rendered useless. Letting out a relieved sigh, Bucky's heart started to pick up again as he thought about your response.
When would he able to catch you at the right time to talk?
AJ shared his room with his mum while Sam bunked in with Cass for the night. You took Sam’s room while Bucky took the couch downstairs. Sleep didn’t come easy for you that night and you decided to make your way down.
Once you were on the last step, you could see Bucky stretched out on the small couch. You made sure to be as quiet as possible before going to get a glass of water. Once you had your drink, you walked over and stopped a few feet short of where Bucky was.
The moonlight from the window added a beautiful glow onto him and you smiled at how he had a peaceful expression on his face as he slept.
Taking silent steps, you kneeled down near to where his head was. Seeing how he was letting out soft breaths, you believed that he was deep in a peaceful slumber.
You couldn't stop yourself from reaching out to brush the tips of his hair before sliding your fingers to stroke the apple of his cheeks. You smiled to yourself looking at the endearing sight in front of you.
Figuring you didn't want to stay on acting like a creep, you stood up and tucked yourself further into the warmth of your woolly cardigan.
You tiptoed to the front door and walked out to the lake by the Wilson house.
Breathing in the fresh air, you took in the beautiful night view and admired how the moon was reflected on the lake.
“Y/N.” Your eyes were closed and you wondered if you were hearing things. When your name was called a second time, you realised it wasn't just imagination anymore.
Letting out a shaky breath, you turned to see Bucky walking towards you with a nervous look. It dawned upon you that the inevitable moment had arrived. Now that you both had a temporary moment of peace from the non-stop fighting, you figured it was time to have the talk.
Standing face to face with Bucky, your gaze concentrated on the space beyond his shoulders. You weren’t sure how to face him in the eye yet.
It felt like minutes had passed before Bucky gathered up the courage to speak first. His hands were in his pockets as he looked down on the ground awkwardly.
“Did you mean everything? Every word you said to Karli back in Latvia.” Your eyes fluttered shut before looking back to see his intense blues peering back at you.
“Why would I lie?” You answered back in a whisper. Bucky nodded in understanding before continuing. “When did it start?”
“Remember Romania? We were at the farmer’s market and you were intensely deciding between the plums or tangerines. The poor owner thought you were getting pissed at him or something.”
“That’s what did it for you?” Bucky looked confused at your explanation. He thought it would have been some sentimental or romantic moment that you had realized your feelings for him.
“It’s cute. You’re cute.” You justified yourself nervously, murmuring the last part softly.
“Your definition of cute is weird.” He mumbled bashfully as he looked down to the ground in embarrassment. Shrugging your shoulders, you started to feel shy yourself.
“Were you ever going to tell me?” You let out a hum and thought deeply before speaking.
“I didn’t want to give you something to worry about when you’re still unpacking from the Blip, Steve leaving and your pardon. I also know you had your amends….didnot felt like it was the right time. Never felt like there was ever a right time with all the crazy things happening around us.”
“To be honest Bucky, it might have been hard for me but I would have been okay to not say anything at all. Sometimes loving someone doesn’t mean you have to be with them. True love is when you just want that person to be happy.” When you realised you had used the word love, you bit your lips as if to hold your tongue.
You slapped a hand to your lips before turning your back on Bucky, grimacing at the fact that you went that far in your explanation.
Bucky felt an emotion that was indescribable in words as he processed what you had just said. He then realised that you had always been selfless for him even it meant that you disregarded yourself in the process. How could he ever deserve someone like you?
Placing his hands on your shoulder to turn you back, Bucky was a little surprised to find you tearing up. You quickly wiped them away and averted your eyes away from him. Cradling your face gently in both his hands, Bucky gently wiped away a few more tears that cascaded down.
He didn’t want to see you cry anymore. He realised seeing you like this has brought him greater pain than he could have imagined.
He was at a loss for words but Bucky knew what he wanted to do next. He leaned down to place his lips gently on yours and your hands went to rest on the spot where his neck and shoulders meet.
Bucky hummed when he felt you returning the kiss and slid his vibranium hand down to your waist to pull you closer. Putting all his feelings into the kiss, Bucky wanted to let you know what he truly felt.
He slanted his mouth to deepen the kiss. You let out a soft gasp at the surprise but it was not unwelcome. You had always imagined what it would be like to finally kiss him and it was even better than you had imagined. Your arms snaked behind his neck to pull him down while his hands roamed around your back to feel you closer.
The two of you eventually pulled away for a little air after kissing for what it seems like forever. Bucky’s thumb swiped your swollen lips before learning it for another kiss once more. “I don’t deserve you.” He muttered through his breath.
“Don’t ever say that. Stop thinking of yourself as being unloveable. Know that you're the most precious thing to me. I will go through hell and back for you, always.” You confessed with an absolute resolve before turning shy. Your eyes moved to your hands smoothing down the material of his shirt.
Hearing your confession made Bucky the happiest and luckiest man in the world. How was he able to find someone like you who loved him despite everything he was and had done.
There used to be someone like that for him. Yet, in the end, he left Bucky alone in this world. Looking down at how you were shyly avoiding his gaze, Bucky's heart tightened in a good way.
He kissed the crown of your head before pulling you in for a bone-crushing hug as if he didn’t believe this moment wasn’t real and didn’t want to let go.
Once you two pull apart, his arms were still wrapped around your waist while you held his arms. "I love you so much, doll. You're the best thing that's ever happened."
Looking up to meet Bucky's eyes with renewed confidence, you never want him to doubt your feelings for him. He had gone through so much and you just wanted to never make him feel like he's alone.
"I will always be here for you, Bucky. You are my person to love and protect for as long as I live."
Your words were simple yet they were backed by such powerful and sincere emotions. Before he knew it, tears started to well up in his eyes.
Bucky started sniffing as tears started falling down his cheeks uncontrollably.
You were surprised at the sudden turn of events and you went to wipe his tears away with your fingers.
You found yourself joining him in crying as well but you knew that they were happy tears. Bucky brought his forehead to rest on yours as the two of you both cried silently.
"You're my only person. I will love you forever." Bucky spoke quietly before he leaned in for another kiss.
The two of you didn't want to let the other go that night. Bucky suggested for him to crash Sam's room but you were sure that your friend would throw a fit the next day.
You tried to control the volume of your giggles as you squeezed to fit into the too-small couch for two. Both of your limbs were tangled messily and you both embraced each other tightly to prevent yourselves from falling down.
The rest of the night ended in endless exchanges of smiles, eskimo and deep kisses. Both you and Bucky had finally found a home in each other.
The next morning
The sunlight shone throughout the whole room and you were reluctant to open your eyes. You felt Bucky stirring behind you as he tightened his hold on your waist.
"Oh heck no, did you two dirty my couch? I didn't give up my bed for you to snuggle with grandpa here, Y/N!" A sheepish grin formed on your face before you opened your eyes to see Sam standing with his arms crossed and a mocked disapproval on his face.
"Auntie Y/N likes Uncle Bucky!" AJ exclaimed aloud as he and his brother stepped into the living room.
You felt Bucky's chest rumbled slightly behind your back and you knew that he was amused to have riled Sam early in the morning. Pulling up the thin blanket over your head as if it could save you from embarrassment, Sam continued to go on his rant.
"Morning, my love." You turned to see Bucky looking at you fondly before leaning down to kiss the top of your brow.
Today is only the start of your forever.
"Wolves are known to follow one female wolf until death."
- Moon Lovers: Scarlet Heart Ryeo
P.S This is my all-time favourite kdrama. Check it out if you haven't! I find that the male lead has many similar qualities I see in Bucky and what a coincidence that he is also known as a wolf in the show just like our white wolf here.
Tag list: @tanyaherondale @spookycereal-s @cataves @archaeoheart @conflicted-noxsirius @archaeoheart @idiotinnit @anxious-stitcher @lindseyrae20 @mads-weasley @taina-eny @intothesoul @oopsiedoopsie23 @detecellie @blueboxesandcats
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histoireettralala · 3 years
Friedland and Tilsit
Late on June 6 Bennigsen received intelligence that Napoleon was rapidly concentrating his forces for a counterattack, and so he withdrew the Russian army to Heilsberg, where another sanguine but inconclusive battle was fought on June 10. Concerned about Napoleon's possible flanking maneuvers, Russians left the battlefield and retreated to the town of Friedland, on the Alle River. Wearied and in poor health, Bennigsen, who suffered from kidney stones and had passed out from exhaustion during the Battle of Heilsberg, had barely gotten any rest before he was informed about the French outposts appearing in the woods near the town. The fighting rapidly intensified as both sides committed additional forces, and by dawn a major battle was already raging. Upon receiving news of the battle, Napoleon rapidly concentrated his army at Friedland, and, noticing how disadvantageous the Russian positions were, made quick adjustments to the French dispositions. Around 5:30 p.m. a salvo of twenty French guns signaled the renewal of the battle. The French attack against the Russian left flank proved to be unstoppable, as the advancing French skillfully employed their artillery to maintain devastating fire at the tightly packed masses of the Russian infantry. By 8:00 p.m., with its flanks threatened, the Russian army had begun to withdraw through the narrow streets of Friedland and across the congested bridges over the Alle River.
Friedland was a decisive military and diplomatic victory for Napoleon. It revealed his ability to quickly size up a situation and exploit the enemy's mistake, tailoring his tactics according to circumstances. The battered Russian army, which lost some 20,000 killed and wounded, retreated toward the Niemen River, which marked the boundary of the Russian Empire. On June 19, Marshal Murat received Bennigsen's letter seeking an armistice. "After the torrents of blood which have lately flowed in battles as sanguinary as frequent", the letter read, "[Russians] desire to assuage the evils of this destructive war, by proposing an armistice before we enter upon a conflict, a fresh war, perhaps more terrible than the first." The offer was accepted, and Alexander agreed to meet Napoleon to discuss peace. The Russian military defeats would have lain heavily on Alexander's mind as he traveled to this meeting. But so would have his bitterness at Britain, which seemed to be more interested in consolidating its interests in the wider world than in supporting its allies in Europe. Talking to British ambassador Granville Leveson-Gower, Alexander vented his frustration that "the whole burden of the war [had] fallen upon his armies... that hopes had been held out that a British force would be sent to... Germany- month after month however passed, and no troops were even embarked."
The negotiations between Napoleon and Alexander at the end of June 1807 constituted one of the most dramatic episodes of the Napoleonic era. The meeting between the leaders took place in the early afternoon of June 25, on a specially built raft in the Niemen River. The two emperors, accompanied by their retinues, approached the banks of the river and boarded the vessels that were to take them to the raft. As the boats reached the raft, the two emperors embraced each other; it was said that Alexander greeted Napoleon with "Sire, I hate the English as much as you do." To which Napoleon replied, "In that case, the peace is made."
Over the next few days, the two emperors conducted a series of conferences in which they appear to heave divided the continent. As if to heighten the drama, Frederick William of Prussia was left on the riverbank, riding anxiously up and down the shore in expectation of the outcome of the meeting, which could determine the future of his entire state. After almost two weeks of meetings, fêtes and military reviews, on July 7 Alexander and Napoleon concluded the Treaty of Tilsit, one of the most comprehensive treaties of the Napoleonic Wars. The agreement proclaimed an alliance between the French and Russian empires and effectively divided Europe into western and eastern spheres of influence dominated by the respective powers. Alexander gave his formal recognition to the Confederation of the Rhine, firmly establishing Napoleon's control in central Europe while greatly weakening Prussia, which lost the port of Danzig after the Treaty of Tilsit established it as a free city. Russia also recognized the creation of the Kingdom of Westphalia under Napoleon's youngest brother, Jérôme, and accepted the rule of other Bonapartes: Joseph in Naples and Louis in Holland. In what constituted one of most substantial concessions, the Russian sovereign agreed to the reorganization of the formerly Prussian-controlled Polish lands into the Duchy of Warsaw under formal control of King Frederick Augustus of Saxony, Napoleon's close ally.
The treaty did not stop there. Alexander agreed to offer his services in negotiating peace between France and Britain, and he pledged that if this measure did not produce positive results by the first day of November 1807, he would declare war against Britain and join Napoleon's efforts to eliminate British commerce on the continent. Russia would also force Denmark and Sweden to close their ports to the British and use its naval power against British trade in the Mediterranean. Napoleon led Alexander to believe that in return for those concessions, he was acknowledging Russia's claim to an east European empire. Specifically, Napoleon agreed not to impede Russian ambitions in Swedish-controlled Finland and offered to mediate for peace between Russia and the Ottoman Empire; if the Ottomans refused to negotiate, Napoleon pledged to "make common cause with Russia against the Ottoman Porte", and help Russia expand into the European portion of the Ottoman Empire, with the exception of Constantinople and the province of Rumelia (on the Balkan Peninsula).
Two days after concluding this agreement with Russia, Napoleon signed a separate treaty with Frederick William II, one that was disastrously harsh for Prussia. It effectively eviscerated the Prussian kingdom, forcing it to cede all its lands west of the river Elbe and to accept territorial changes stipulated in the Franco-Russian treaty. This meant forsaking most of the Prussian-controlled Polish lands and the port city of Danzig. These changes resulted in a net loss of half the Prussian territory, from about 89,000 square miles to just over 46,000 square miles. Prussia was required to formally recognize all of Napoleon's reorganizations in Germany, to enter into a military alliance with France and Russia in the event of war against Britain, and to support the blockade of British goods. A separate military convention reduced the strength of the Prussian army to a minimal force (no more than 42,000 men for ten years) while prohibiting any additional recruitment of militias or guards. On July 12, to add insult to injury, Frederick William was coerced to accept the occupation of all of his remaining territory by French troops pending the payment of a vast war indemnity, which was set at 140 million francs in 1808.
Tilsit marked the culmination of Napoleon's campaigns, which in just two years had reshaped the European balance of power. These wars "inordinately extended the range of Napoleon's enterprises, and so made the French Empire merely the core of the "Grand Empire" which itself began to evolve", notes the French historian Georges Lefebvre. Indeed, French hegemony now stretched from the snowy fields of Poland to the rugged Pyrénées and from the sun-swept hills of Calabria to the misty shores of Prussia. For the first time in millennia all of the German-speaking lansd were under some degree of French control, either annexed, allied, occupied, or recently defeated.
Returning to Paris in late July, Napoleon was greeted with almost universal public acclaim. The French capital celebrated his birthday with a splendor that evoked Louis XIV's era. The emperor's speech at the opening session of the Legislative Corps was one of his proudest: it spoke of the humiliating defeats of Austria and Prussia, the collapse of the Holy Roman Empire, and a profound territorial and structural reorganization of central Europe. France's "new triumphs and peace treaties have redrawn the political map of Europe," Napoleon informed the legislators. Not since the days of Charlemagne had a ruler exercised so much power over the continent, deciding the fate of rulers and millions of their subjects. France's triumph over ancien régime Europe was a crucial moment in what German historian Reinhart Koselleck called a Sattelzeit, an epochal threshold that marked the transition from the early modern age to modernity, a moment that facilitated the rise of nationalism, modernization, and state creation.
Alexander Mikaberidze- The Napoleonic Wars, A Global History.
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obeiii-mee · 4 years
Hi I hope you're fine! Can you make the reaction of the brothers to a Mc who managed to overtake Salomon and made 100 pacts, the 100 th being ... Diavolo himself ?! (idk if it is really possible) Thank you love on you
I don’t really know if it’s possible either but I gave it a go anyway! I love this concept tho because MC, being the powerhouse they are, now has absolute control of 100 demons one which is actual prince of hell. Idk why I find that funny tbh.
I hope you’re well too and that you enjoy reading these HCs!
The Brothers Reacting to MC who made 100 pacts:
-*Surprised pikachu face*
-I’m sorry, w a t?
-Not only did an average human,with no magical capabilities whatsoever, beat a spectacular sorcerer in the span of just one year and managed to make 100 pacts before him
-But they also made a pact with Lord Diavolo as a grand finale??? (MC knows how to leave DevilDom with class holy shit)
-If you look closely enough, you can see Lucifer’s wheels spinning inside his head
-And here he thought you were going to get eaten in the first few days
-He needs to sit down for a few moments, his fucking logic has decided to take a walk
-He really went 0-0
-And on one hand, he’s totally impressed and actually very proud of their little exchange student
-But on the other hand, when tf did you have the time to make 100 pacts??
-You talked with at least 92 other demons and didn’t get murdered?
-Are all humans this hard to kill off or it just you?
-Taking aside his confusion and the way he worries like a middle aged parent, he’s actually pretty boastful about your situation
-Pride on another level, I’m telling you
- Pretty smug about it to Solomon too which is concerning because he isn’t really supposed to have favourites in the exchange program
-But he totally does
-“MC, you’re full of surprises aren’t you? You’re ability to adapt here is very impressive. Just don’t get too reckless, I don’t want you getting hurt.”
-Aw your tsundere and arrogant boyfriend actually really cares about your well being
-“But I’m still your first man, right?”
-Literally the first thing that leaves his mouth when he finds out
-Doesn’t matter how many pacts you make, he’s always going to insist he’s your first and therefore your best pact of them all
-He may freak out a bit at first because he doesn’t like the idea of you possibly chatting it up with other demons but he’s pretty chill
-Until you tell him about Lord Diavolo
-“Guess who just made a pact with Lord Diavolo!!”
-“Is it someone famous?”
-He’s a bit scared because the price you have to pay to be in a pact with Lord Diavolo is pretty damn high
-But if you keep insisting you will be fine, his worry will subside
-He’s a bit smug, like Lucifer, knowing you beat a powerful sorcerer in a non existent contest that he just made up in his mind
-Like “In your face Solomon, MY HUMAN got to make 100 pacts before you had the chance. Haha what a loser.”
-I feel like the brothers sometimes wish to just abandon Mammon somehowere so they don’t have to deal with this
-Dude doesn’t care how many pacts you have or with who as long as you remember ‘he was your first man.’
-Of course you of all people would be able to attain such a significant achievement
-You were his human after all
-No matter what you do, he will be even more smitten with you than before
-“That’s cool. Will you pass me my headphones.”
-“Wait....you did whAT?”
-You’re telling him that he barely has the courage to step outside the House of Lamentation but you can go right ahead and start making pacts with demons like it’s nothing???
-Did he just get beaten at life by a normie?? His normie even??
-He’s really panicking because the shit you’d have to deal with when making that kind of bond with Lord Diavolo is apparently very terrifying and he’s scared something bad will happen
-Pacts also mean markings on your body, so his whole jealousy thing kinda sparks here
-Because ‘it’s not fair you have all these people’s pact marks on you while mine is barely visible!”
-Even though his is like, really obvious too???
-Other than that, he just feels like you’re gaining EXP and getting stronger, like a video game character which is cool
-I want him to show up whenever MC gets in a new pact and just shout ‘Level Up!’ at the top of his lungs lmao
-He doesn’t have that much of an opinion on Solomon, besides his cooking, but he’s impressed and a bit scared that you can outdo a human like him in something as dangerous as this
-Lololololo, Solomon got wrecked by a human normie what a noob XD XD #badassnormie #solomoncanteven #gameoversorcerer
-The brothers seem pretty adamant at rubbing the salt into Solomon’s wounds, can we get an f in the chat for our white haired wizard boi
-He knew that humans were capable of a lot of things but what the fuck?
-How is that even possible???? What is the likelyhood of a random human managing to make 100 pacts???
-He is probably the most unsettled because he relies on probability and logic to get him through his day to day life
-And that shit don’t make no fucking sense
-He’s not agitated, just very shocked
-And then he realises the potential threats you’ve been exposed to considering all the demons you’ve had a chat with
-So now he’s just thanking Lord Diavolo that you weren’t eaten alive by some lower level demon scum
-Don’t be surprised if he asks you how you went about when you started making pacts with demons
-You were always a bit of a special case and you certainly stood out from the very beginning but this was something completely different
-For a human like you, that is a very respected achievement you’ve unlocked
-Satan figures that since you made pacts with him and his brothers, you would try to do so with Lord Diavolo too
-But he actually accepted?? You just kinda gave up part of your soul to the demon prince and now you have full control over him???
-It’s amazing how easily you could make demons of all things to trust you
-He respects that and also appreciates your tactical approach to this as well
-It’d be pretty easy to summon a demon to get your ass out of danger if the need arises
-He has no idea what you do to him but it’s strange he would rather let you ramble on about the backstory of every pact you made in the past year than read his collection of books
-Wrath certainly isn’t the only thing in his heart right now
-His partner beat his ex fuck-buddy at making a pact with Lord Diavolo
-Asmo knew you were special ever since that retreat at Lord Diavolo’s palace when you managed to summon him with such power
-But he definitely wouldn’t have guessed you would be capable of something like this
-Your bravery when it comes to this sort of thing endears him a lot
-He will probably want to see all of your pact marks now (haha you’re in danger)
-Unlike his brothers, he knew damn well why you had managed to make around 100 pacts in just one year
-Demons aren’t used to anything genuine or with good intent
-So, it makes sense they would be attracted like magnets to you and your approachable, kind nature
-After all, demons can’t deal with temptation very well
-Solomon is cunning and ominous, not that different from anyone else down there and it’s a fact the brothers don’t even trust him that much
-But Lord Diavolo?
-“MC honey you hit the jackpot! Tell me every little detail!! What happened? How did the topic of a pact come up?”
-He’s not worried about you overall
-Not because he doesn’t care but he believes that if you can survive for a year with the seven avatars of sin and also convince 93 other demons to make a pact with you, then you can handle whatever Lord Diavolo throws at you
-He probably buys a bunch of revealing clothing you can show off all of your marks because they look ‘fabulous’
-It’s the only think he’s gonna talk about for a while because how many other humans can say they have control of the prince of Hell???
-Asmo also acknowledges that Diavolo must have trusted you a lot for him to agree to this which he thinks is incredible
-He will definitely listen if you have any stories on the pacts you made because he finds them very thrilling and he loves the sound of your voice!!
-Again, he doesn’t need human souls, just a mirror, some skin products and drama to survive
-And you, if I had to guess
-The calmest our of the seven about it
-You made a bunch of pacts? Cool, it just shows how strong and independent you are
-Which made him respect you even more to be honest
-He flinches a bit when you tell him about Lord Diavolo because he knows that the prince isn’t the type to agree to anything without being given something in return
-Even if he knows you can handle yourself, he will be right there beside you to help you out
-Also, uh, don’t tell Belphie about the pact thing Diavolo. He might blow a fuse
-You guys work out together sometimes and he is usually utterly mesmerised by all the pact marks you have on your body
-He kinda wishes you would have asked him or one of his brothers to come along with you when you made your pacts
-Just in case things went wrong
-He regrets a lot of things that had happened until now, but one thing he absolutely cherishes is the pact you made with him
-Beel is aware that his brothers think the same and if you think you can deal with the pressure of having some many demons under control, then he won’t nag you too much about being careful
-As for the Solomon thing, he doesn’t have much to say
-I mean, yeah, he is a sorcerer and you’re just a human but if you could make a pact with Lord Diavolo in such a small time frame before he even had the chance to?
-It means you’re just as special as he is
-And definitely a better cook
-ok maybe humans aren’t as stupid as he originally thought them to be
-Making pacts with so many demons is something that takes strength and intelligence, so props to you
-He would never admit it, but you being able to do all this shit without batting an eyelid is seriously restoring his love for humans and their culture
-might take a while tho
-He also wonders when you had the time to make so many bonds, considering he spends most of the day with you at RAD and at home
-Eh, he was probably asleep
-His view of you before the incident did a full 180 degrees
-This sort of thing in DevilDom is something worth praising, especially for an average human like you
-And ‘I guess you don’t look all that bad with so many pact marks on your body *angy boi blush* but I still like mine best!’
-It might be best not to mention the Lord Diavolo thing, otherwise his brain might snap in two
-But turns out, he seems pretty relaxed about it
-Too relaxed, I would say
-“Hey do you think you could use your pact with Lord Diavolo to do something that would tarnish his reputation and maybe embarrass Lucifer while you’re at it, idk.”
-Ah, so that’s what it was
-He’s such a mischievous, spoiled brat
-“No Belphie shush.”
-“I’m just saying-“
-Despite him hating humans way less nowadays, he still holds somewhat of a grudge against them
-Old habits die hard I suppose
-Especially for Solomon whom he never liked in the first place
-He finds it very amusing when he figures out you just beat Solomon at his life’s work in under a year
-He has a good chuckle about it but never actually brings it up in front of him
-Because he knows you’re gonna flick him over the ear for it
-Belphie is the youngest sibling and therefore the spoiled child, can’t change my mind
(Ok so poor Solomon, I kinda want to give him a hug now lol. Hope I didn’t make these too repetitive or short. Thank you for reading!)
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