#no doubt Batman is aware of what happened
tanglepelt · 11 months
Dc x dp idea 85
Danny keeps freezing things. That on its own. Not a big deal. When it takes ectoplasm to melt, naturally or by an ghost attack it becomes one.
He could also just will it away. To bad he doesn’t know that. In Amity it just goes away on its own. How could he know that doesn’t happen everywhere?
Now his parents have dragged him on a cross country tour of all the ghost haunts and attractions.
If only the other vigilantes rouges would stop attacking around them. He keeps having to freeze their feet to the ground. He would not let another joker incident happen.
Rogues are not ghosts.
The other rouges need to be protected from his parents.
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damianbugs · 3 months
comics are in and of itself, an unreliable narrator.
i say this because i started my comic journey with jason todd. i read all his robin appearances, pre and post crisis, then read hush and under the red hood, and all i could think about was what the fuck. what the fuck batman. how did you become this. what happened between 1988 and 2006. how did the the man who's life revolved around caring for this child, teaching this child, learning from this child, protecting this child, losing this child — become hurting him.
it was so baffling to me i found myself slipping into the batman shaped void that many never return from (lol). and so now, i have read over 1500 batman comics, over 300 different writers, spanning over 80 years of publication. i finally get to what happened between 1988 and 2006, and how batman as a character has become as unrecognisable as he has remained familiar. i see the events of alpod, knightfall, cataclysm, no man's land, the 200 individual batman issues and 200 individual detective comics issues alone that had passed, not taking into account the the other long runs, mini runs, short stories or collaborative comics that were released in those 18 years. the people he had met, lost, been betrayed by, abandoned in those stories.
it has only been about 5 years since jason todd died for bruce wayne. 5 years that have felt like two decades.
it has only been around 4 years for jason since he climbed his way out of his grave. 4 years that felt like less than three.
so when reading as jason, i felt betrayed. how could batman do this? how can't he see? he knows how i would have mourned him, he knows how fiercely i love him, how all i want is for him to prove he ever loved me the same way. how can he not change after all these years? how is he not aware that he is not the change gotham needs? (how does he not see that he is what i need — needed.) how will he save gotham? he can't. he can't save gotham. he can't save me. but i can. i can fix it.
then i read as bruce and i am betrayed. who is this? why does he doubt how much i loved him? what changed? why did he change? (am i the one who changed? no, surely not.) after everything, the people i have hurt, the people i have lost, the people i have sacrificed for gotham, how can he doubt? he would have never asked me to do this before, he understood, i'm sure he did, before. i won't choose. i can't choose. where is my son. where am i. i can't save gotham. i can't save you. but i can fix it. i can fix you.
they're both wrong.
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DPXDC prompt. Ghost King uses Uno Reverse Card
Ghosts are not a race of evil creatures that most people think they are. And Danny was really happy when the Infinite Realms were able to make peace treaties with most countries of the human world. Ghosts, however, are a very vindictive race. At least that’s how young Phantom explained himself to Batman afterwards.
It just so happens that a couple of hours before the event aimed at expanding intergalactic unions most of the JLeague members due to an emergency call went on a mission. Which means people who had any authority in Phantom’s eyes became unavailable for a while.
So Shazam and Phantom as the most known outside the Earth were assigned to greet the guests and most importantly to entertain the visitors until the founders of JL return.
According to Phantom, Batman, being such a good detective with a bunch of backup plans, should have known that Danny’s favorite cereal ran out this morning, that he was late for first class, and that after school he had a fight with his parents. No, seriously, aren’t so-called scientists supposed to be able to admit mistakes in their own judgment? Danny got tired of being constantly ashamed of their behavior near other ghosts. It's bad enough that his authority as a ruler is sustained only by the support of those Ancients with whom he maintains friendly relations. Average citizens still doubt that he is a is sufficient to claim the throne. He’s had enough of being accused of not being a full-fledged ghost.  He’s not ready to hear rumors that he supports his parents' racist judgments too. In short, his day sucked. And all his ghostly nature now wanted to do something nasty to his neighbors to get rid of the tension.
Alien leader stretched out a hand to Phantom and Shazam. “Your Majesty Phantom, Champion of Magic. It’s an honor to meet you. I hope I learned the proper greeting gesture of the local intelligent race.”
And with that Danny’s reserve of conscience ran out. It’s a perfect moment to feed his need to be a little shit.
“The local intelligent race?’ Danny had this extreme bewilderment on his face. “Which one do you think..? Earth was the home of the Gods and of various inhabitants of the galaxy but it was a long time ago.”
Woman is clearly confused. Great. “E-Earthers. I think they’re called that.”
“Earthlings, intelligent race? You must be mistaken.” Danny faked a giggle. “Who told you that crap?”
“Phantom, what are you doing?” Batman hissed at him from an earpiece. Danny turned the sound off with a clear conscience. “I mean, seriously, there’s not a single serious study in the science library in this galaxy or any other galaxy that says humans are intelligent. Shazam, do you think they’re..?”
For some reason, Billy immediately remembered watching a man spend his entire salary on lottery tickets last week. And of course he was careless enough to shake his head and snort. That was all Phantom needed.
“Exactly. Earthlings don’t have to be intelligent to mimic the behavior of more evolved species. Surely you are well aware that Martians and Kryptonians, and many others have visited Earth at different stages of human development. My supervisor Clockwork and I have long been observing this strange species. In many ways, their behavior resembles a mixture of instinctive reactions of specimens from the 126 sectors of the nearest SBc Galaxy and several other creatures from planets of the galaxy KV59. However, even I, as an anthropologist with extensive experience of observing human species in their natural habitat, still have to explore and discover many of their secrets.”
“I do not understand. According to the documents among the delegation that greets us there are Earthlings. I mean I don’t question the scientific evidence of a respected Chronos or you, but why then..”
“Of course you don’t! It’s really quite simple. For the purity of the clinical experiment, which we are conducting now, it is necessary that Earthlings feel themselves ostensibly full participants of the «society» consisting of members with developed intelligence.”
“So, any luck, colleague?” Shazam, who realized that Batman would now skin them anyway, decided to at least participate in this theater so that the punishment would be at least deserved.
“Well, we’ve certainly come up with some interesting preliminary insights about the adaptive capacity of the human brain in limited contact with Martians. Of course, humans do not have real emotions to be full participants in communication, but their attempts and zeal are very inspiring.”
Meanwhile, Fentons watching a live broadcast of what was supposed to be an interplanetary friendship encounter are beginning to realize that if trying to punish a rebellious human teenager has always been difficult for them, the attempt to control the behavior of the 14 y/o half-ghost may become a nightmare not only for them.
Jack: Honey, I think Danny’s still a little upset about our old theories about the ability of ghosts to feel or think.
Jazz, sitting between them with the face of a man resigned to the chaos around her, could not restrain the sarcasm: Really? Why would you think that?
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gilbirda · 26 days
I'm just a simple guard, man
Part 6 of my Danny is an Arkham Security Guard AU (og tumblr post)
[Read on AO3] [Read on FF.net]
<< Prequel - Clown around and find out | First Part
There was silence and tension as they watched Batman go through the motions, tying up the unmoving but awake Joker and moving him to somewhere closer to the entrance. Joker was surprisingly responsive and lucid, just mellowed and obedient. Somehow it made it better — if he was a vegetable Jason knew Batman wouldn’t let that go until Danny undid what he had done.
The Ghost King.
Jason didn’t know exactly what that meant. Heck, until today he didn’t know that ghosts were kind of a thing. Mythical creatures, he could buy. Apparitions, imprints of conscience that were unavenged — that he could buy too. But a Ghost King implied an organized society with status and a legal organization. A power structure.
“Oh yeah, forgot to mention that.”
He turned towards the doctor well aware his face showed every emotion.
“The fuck?”
“Did that really happen?” Duke was trying to keep calm, but his eyes were wide open and his hands slightly trembling.
“Yeah?” She lifted an eyebrow.
“How the heck—”
“ — how did he do that —”
“ — did he set him on fire!”
“ — and is he even human?”
“Children,” Alfred stood from his seat, positioning himself between the brothers and their guest. “Let her breathe.”
“It’s okay, Mr. — uh…” She blushed as she realized she never asked for his name.
“Alfred,” the butler smiled, “Alfred Pennyworth.”
“Mr. Pennyworth,” she nodded politely. “I’m fine. I am aware that after that… theatrical spectacle, explanations are needed.”
“Indeed.” Batman cut in the conversation. “Proper explanations are in order. After I deliver the Joker to Arkham.”
“You can’t be serious!” Did the old man go crazy? Back to that place?
Jazz frowned, seemingly sharing his thoughts. She leaned closer to the microphone and spoke in a controlled voice. “Where are you delivering him? In the hospital.”
Bruce took way too long to answer, so Tim did it for him. “Through the front door?”
Jazz didn’t find it funny. “Wait for me.”
“I said, wait for me.” Jazz reached for her discarded jacket, eyeing the door to the elevator back to the manor. “Joker is my patient and I need to be there.”
“What for?”
She turned to look at Jason. “He doesn’t deserve to be left at the mercy of some of the people in the Asylum. They could—”
“He can rot for all I care.”
The vigilante walked up to her, getting in her way and using his height and build to scare her into submission. Jazz held his gaze, defiant, muscles tense and ready to throw down if needed.
“You don’t know that place like I do.”
Jason huffed. “Whatever the inmates want to do to him, he deserves it.”
“I wasn’t talking about the inmates.” Her teal eyes steeled with fury. “Arkham has a history of staff abusing their authority.”
Duke glanced at Alfred, unsure what to make of that statement. He quietly stood up, getting ready to intervene in case Jason decided to get violent; but Alfred held him back with a gloved hand on his shoulder.
“Again, he deserves it.”
Tired of craning her neck to look up at him, Jazz stepped back. “He deserves the judgment of the people he’d hurt in the past — something my brother and I can promise you will happen.” Given what they saw in the camera feeds, nobody doubted the siblings could ensure it. “But I’m not going to tolerate that my patient spends his last years alive being unnecessarily abused.”
“I told you—”
“What do you think,” she interrupted Jason, her gaze cold and her body tense, “will happen if someone dies full of rage? If in their last moments they wish they could enact vengeance on those that harmed them?” She narrowed her eyes, knowing her words were hitting something in him. “What do you think will happen to the Joker’s soul if he’s abused and tortured at Arkham, and probably killed, after he crosses the Veil?”
“A huge pain in the ass, it’s what will happen.”
The tense silence could be cut with a knife. Duke couldn’t understand how Jazz not only managed to stare down the six foot something tank that Jason was, but she also commanded the attention and respect. He was a newcomer to the place and he had done more than enough crazy stuff during his time in a gang; but he still struggled with openly challenging Jason and Cass. And Tim, but that was when the vigilante fell into his weird mumbling-in-the-dark episodes.
“I’m taking you there.”
He grabbed her arm and pulled her towards the garage section of the cave. Jazz yanked her arm free and stopped to cross her arms.
“I can walk on my own.”
Jason bristled, opened his mouth to continue their fight, but apparently that was when Alfred had enough.
“If you want to get there in time,” his voice was neutral, controlled, and his face wore his signature arched eyebrow, “I'd recommend leaving right now.”
His tone was final.
Jazz and Jason looked at each other, frozen under the certified Alfred glare. They nodded and walked quickly towards where Jason’s signature red bike was parked.
Arkham Asylum was a mess when the duo arrived — police cars flooded the entrance, and the Batmobile stood out like a sore thumb in the midst of all the red and blue lights flashing around.
Jazz cursed under her breath. She would have preferred to not turn the situation into a circus.
They managed to walk through the sea of cops and civilians looking in the compound from the metal gates. Funny enough, the few guards blocking the way didn’t move to stop them once both glared at them at the same time.
Jazz made a beeline at the Director chatting animatedly with Batman. Black Bat was standing a bit back with Red Robin, probably discussing what just happened with Danny, but the Arkham doctor didn’t care about them.
“I demand I see my patient.” Jazz didn’t beat around the bush.
The Director blinked and slowly looked away from Batman, as if he couldn’t believe someone had the audacity to interrupt this moment. “Miss Fenton—”
“Doctor.” She corrected him.
The man cleared his throat, throwing a nervous glance at the silent Dark Knight.
“Doctor Fenton,” the word was spit like it was a curse, “your shift doesn’t start until eight.”
“But the Joker is my patient and I know he’s in there.” She gestured at the looming Asylum with her hand. “After such a traumatic event I need to see him.”
Someone coughed a laugh behind the Director. At least the man had the decency of hiding a smile.
“The Joker is not going anywhere, Miss— Doctor.” He added when she glared at him. “You can schedule a session tomorrow. That is, if your patient is up for conversation.” With that, the man deemed their conversation over and turned back to Batman. “Once again, thank you so much, Batman. I’m not going to ask how you did it this time, but we will certainly appreciate the results.”
Jason was as happy as everyone else that Joker wouldn’t be a problem anymore, but the way this bastard was treating Jasmine was outright criminal. He squared up for a fight and tried to step forward, but a cold hand on his forearm stopped him. Jazz moved her eyebrows up and her eyes went over his body before she looked back towards the police. Several new vehicles joined the party — all the Gotham news channels were here to record the event.
And he wasn’t wearing his suit. Right.
He nodded and remained where he was, but made a gesture towards where the Director was waxing poetry about how good Batman was for their city and how much the city owed him.
Do you want me to beat him up for you? He wanted to ask.
Jazz chuckled, hiding her smile behind her hand. She shook her head and patted his arm a few times.
“Thanks,” she whispered, “but not today.”
He didn’t know how serious she was. This was the same person who pulled a gun at Red Hood and five seconds later forced him into a therapy session. The same lunatic that was excited about having the whole bat flock in her apartment so she could question them.
For the first time since the alarm sounded about Joker’s escape, Jason let himself relax a little bit. Jazz was crazy enough to take on Arkham’s finest and leave victorious.
“Director Kallwick,” her voice was pure steel, “I’m afraid it’s imperative I see my patient after such a traumatic—”
“I think there’s something you are not understanding, Miss Fenton.”
“And what is it?” She crossed her arms.
The Director raised an eyebrow, now fully facing her. It didn’t escape Jason how the man squared his shoulders to look bigger and overpower Jazz. He had seen that behavior way too many times, in many different situations — and he didn’t like it when men like the Director used it against people that couldn't fight back, specially women.
He glanced at Bruce, trying to gauge how much the old man would flip if he intervened anyway. He trusted Jazz, but he really didn’t like the Director right now.
“I’m positive that after today’s… development,” he smiled, “things at Arkham will definitely change. For the best, of course.” He raised an eyebrow. “Starting with streamlining our staff and making sure we count on experienced doctors to treat the patients that really need it.”
Was he implying…?
Jazz hummed, regarding the man with as much contempt as she allowed herself to show. “I know you don’t like me, Mr. Kallwick. You never did. I know you hired me because you needed cannon fodder to sacrifice and keep the Joker entertained.” She smiled. “I’m young, but I’m not stupid. And I know men like you — weak, scared, and cowardly.”
“Hey there young—”
“I know you’d rather let your staff die than develop better and healthier outlets for patient’s destructive tendencies.” She lifted a hand and walked closer, poking the man’s chest. “I know that you look the other way when guards and doctors mentally and physically abuse inmates because you actually think they deserve it.” She poked him again.
“I don’t—” He went to grab her hand.
She moved away from him so quickly and so smoothly that it looked like a dance step.
She smiled. It wasn’t nice. “And I know all about what you’ve been doing with the funds and donations.”
Even in the middle of the noise from the crowd at the gates, you could hear the man loudly swallow.
“I know about the embezzling and the bribes and the interesting filing mistakes and convenient registration mishaps, Mr. Kallwick.” Her eyes slowly turned greener. It was subtle, but you could see that her usual teal color suddenly looked greener than blue. A trick of the lights, you could think, but the bats knew better. “I know you don’t care how or why the Joker is unresponsive, but I do; and if you want me to stay in my lane I highly recommend you stay in yours.”
The man processed her words, the thoughts clear in his eyes. He was probably thinking how she could have found out, or who told her, or how was he going to silence her better.
Jason saw the switch to the later thought as clear as day.
Bruce saw it too.
Before the man said or did anything else, the tall and quiet shadow of Batman placed himself behind Jazz, one hand on her shoulder as an obvious sign of his support. The other two bats placed themselves on the sides of the Arkham doctor, arms crossed, looking down at the man who was realizing too late the mistake he made.
“Are you still mad?”
“You sound like the old man.”
Jazz glared at him, violently stabbing her ice cream cup and breaking her plastic spoon.
“You may need to deal with those anger issues. Have you thought about going to therapy?” He said with a bright smile.
She stood up, not caring about attracting attention. Who was going to pay attention to them, Jason didn’t know. It was way early in the morning — or late at night, it depends on how you see it — and Jazz had demanded they go to the closest ice cream place that was open.
Luckily he knew a place, because of course only in Gotham someone would be crazy enough to have an ice cream shop open at this hour.
“Some vigilantes, and some rogues, really like ice cream. It is an untapped market.” The man running the place said when asked, shrugging like it was obvious.
Jazz sat back down, now with a new spoon, and continued eating her sweet monstrosity of layered chocolate and dulce de leche.
“If you are this mad I highly recommend you take it with Bruce. I’m sure he will be very understanding and accept your feedback.”
She kicked him in the shins, rolling her eyes at his sarcasm.
“Whatever you say, mister Daddy Issues.”
It was his turn to kick her, but she was expecting the movement and moved away before he made contact. She smirked, taking another bite of her ice cream with a smug smile on her face.
God, he hated older siblings and their knowing smiles.
He prepared to kick her again..
“Don’t even try,” a new voice said, the person taking the empty chair on their little table. “Jazz is like a ninja when she really wants to.”
Jason wanted to differ and explain he had trained with literal ninjas, but the speed at which she whipped a gun on him not that long ago came to his mind. Was it a liminal thing? Or a Jasmine thing? Maybe a Fenton thing?
“Hey back at you.” Danny sighed, taking Jazz’s ice cream cup and biting directly from the top layer. “That bad, huh?”
Jason bit his simple chocolate cone, watching the siblings talk.
“She’s mad because B scary dog privileged his way into making the Arkham Director submit and it undermined Jazz’s authority. She did a neat speech and everything.” He shook his head. “All wasted.”
She huffed and stole her ice cream back. “I didn’t need his support.”
“I know you don’t.” Danny glanced at Jason. “But it’s better if you have Batman’s backup, yes?”
Jazz ignored him.
Jason took the chance to look at Danny, trying to find anything that was different about the young man. He still had the scene back with Joker burned in his mind.
King of the Ghosts.
He would have never guessed, given the scrawny and sleep deprived raccoon of a man sitting next to him. He was still wearing the same shirt and under the fluorescent lights of the ice cream shop, it was easier to see the scars on his arms and hands — and the ones peeking from under his collar.
“Spit it out.”
Danny rolled his eyes. “You have questions. Ask.”
“I don’t—” He tried to deny it, but thought better about it. Jason bit his ice cream and cleared his throat. “I want to ask about —”
“Of course you want to ask about what happened.”
A soft thump! came from under the table, and given Danny’s glare at Jazz then she probably kicked him for the sass.
“What do you want to know?”
“Why are you being so forthcoming?”
“I’m feeling charitable today.” Another kick from under the table. “Ok, ok! No need for violence.” He sighed. “Jazz’s right. This is not my territory. If we want to stay, we have to play nice with you guys.”
The way he said it, and the way he made a face when he said it, told Jason that Danny was really struggling with trusting the bats with the information. Trust issues he could understand — one wasn’t in their line of work without being betrayed or hurt enough to warrant these issues.
No. It was something deeper.
“Why what?”
There were many questions burning in his mind and he didn’t know how long they had. “Why… Gotham? Why Arkham? Why a guard?”
“You just wasted your time man. You already know the answer for that.” He pointed at his sister, who nodded in agreement. “I followed her.”
“And I came here because I was interested in the rogues.” She added, licking her spoon clean.
Jason shook his head. “I meant — why is the King of the Ghosts… just… here?” He lowered his voice, glancing at the ice cream man. The man was half asleep on the counter and clearly not listening. “Don’t you have better things to do?”
Danny responded with a dry laugh. “I have no interest in being the king of anything.”
He looked away, suddenly very uncomfortable.
Jason glanced at Jazz, but she was glaring at the table.
“What happened?” He poked the siblings, trying to be soft. It was obviously a touchy subject, and whatever happened was painful enough that they’ve been avoiding any mention of their past before Gotham like the plague.
“It was… It happened a few years ago. I defeated the previous Ghost King, but nothing happened for a while. I thought… I thought things had calmed down since ghosts stopped attacking my town so often. And then, after I graduated highschool, the Observants started harassing me about taking the throne.”
“Did they hurt you?” Jason didn’t know what these “Observants” were, but he could guess from context.
Danny shook his head, stealing Jazz’s ice cream again. “They were fucking annoying, but they couldn’t touch me. As the Prince, I was technically their superior and untouchable.” He bit the cold treat and chewed. Somehow Jason wasn’t surprised Danny never got a brain freeze. “It was a few more years of avoiding them and trying to keep peace in town, as well as trying to get to know the Infinite Realms.” He chuckled again. “I even considered, for a moment, that being King wasn’t even that bad.
“It was a pretty normal day when it happened. I went to the mall with my friends. Sam, she — She had a fight with her parents and went there to cool down and cheer her up. The ghosts came first,” he pushed the ice cream back to his sister, and avoided Jason’s eyes, “but nothing was out of the ordinary. We fought. I defeated them. More and more kept coming, faster than I — than we could contain them.”
“I was away at college, but I later learned that it was a massive all out attack on just Danny.” Jazz placed a hand on Danny’s. “It was a coup attempt.”
“I didn’t know. I didn’t know that so many people were against me being King, and all that time they were planning the attack, and if I just paid a little more attention… If I wasn’t so—”
Another kick under the table. Danny cleared his throat and tried again.
“The GIW came as well. Things went from bad to worse, and by the end of the day it was an all out war between us, the ghosts doing a coup and the GIW. With our parents at the head of the attack.”
Jason frowned. “But you guys knew they worked with the GIW.”
Jazz gave him a warning look. “We knew they collaborated and consulted for them. We knew about the patent weapons.”
“But we didn’t know that they’d lead an attack on me.”
Danny did a brief pause to breathe, and stole more ice cream from his sister. She just pushed the cup towards him, apparently done with the treat.
Jason followed where the siblings were going. “They knew you’d be at the mall. That… That Phantom would be at the mall.” Danny looked up, his tired eyes confirming his thoughts. “They knew.”
It wasn’t a question.
Jazz nodded anyway. “We don’t know how long they did, but the truth is they knew about Danny. And went for him anyway.”
Minutes ticked by. Jason and Danny made quick work of their ice creams, lost in thought. Jazz checked her phone, frowned, and typed a few messages before putting it away.
“People died.”
Jason blinked at the non sequitur. Danny swallowed the last of the ice cream and wiped his mouth with a napkin.
“Neighbors, friends, people I knew. That day. They were fine and then they were dead.”
Guilt. It was clear as day.
“Is not your—”
“Don’t.” He cut him off. “Please.”
Jason nodded and decided to move on. “So you won the fight?”
“Barely. The ghosts were either captured by the GIW or retreated when they became outnumbered. Tucker and Sam managed to mess up with the idiots in white’s machines and weapons long enough for us to retreat. But we knew that wasn’t the end of it.
“We packed what we could and I hid at Sam’s, with the excuse that I would help her while she recovered — she broke her arm at the fight. We were a hundred percent sure if… if Jack and Maddie actually knew I was Phantom or not, but just in case.”
“I stayed. They didn’t target me so we were positive they didn’t know about me being liminal, so I stayed home.”
The vigilante frowned at Jazz. “What for?”
“Someone had to monitor them to see what they knew exactly. I also hid away any weapon they could potentially use against Danny.” She shrugged. “Not that it actually helped, because neither came back home in the weeks after the incident.”
“They were at the GIW base.” Danny crossed his arms and leaned back on his seat. The young man looked tired. “Because of course there was work to do with the captured ghosts.”
Jason hummed. “So they’ve been working on experimentation since then?”
Jazz shook her head. “We were telling the truth when we said they weren’t involved in that, at least not by the time we left Amity Park. Back then they were more involved in investigation on ghost containment and weapons research.”
He nodded, and turned back to Danny. “And the coup?”
The young man cursed under his breath. “Dealt with them.”
Jason waited for him to elaborate, but he didn’t. He cleared his throat and tried again. “What—”
“Listen, man.” He slapped the table and stood up. “That doesn’t matter. They don’t matter. I dealt with it. I accepted the damn crown and then told everybody to fuck off. And they have done that so far.” He breathed in, breathed out. “I’m nobody’s king, I’m just a simple guard now, okay? Nothing more, nothing less.”
With that, Danny walked away and left Jazz and Jason simmer in the tense silence. He looked at her, trying to gauge if he had said the wrong thing, but Jazz appeared apologetic.
“Before you ask — I don’t know either. Nobody does. He just… after we took down the GIW base, he took the captured ghosts back to the Realms. He came back two days later, hurt and barely coherent, and never spoke of what happened there. To anybody.” Not even me, the hurt statement was implied. “He was… changed. He didn’t say what happened but from what we could piece together it was bad, very bad.”
A myriad of possibilities crossed Jason’s mind. How bad is “very bad”? How much did Danny stir things up at the Realms that he had remained unbothered ever since? He tried to map the scars that he saw, and grimaced at the idea of two straight days of fighting after doing a raid to the GIW base.
Danny was done. With being a hero. With fighting. With trying to do the right thing.
What was even the “right thing” here? Going back to being the King of a dimension that doesn’t want him and he doesn’t want in return? Give it up, and risk someone worse taking control of so much power? Destroying the GIW? Going after their own parents?
He thought about the Joker. He asked Jazz when she was back from checking on the clown, and she willingly shared some details about his state. Jason never felt sorry for the fucker, but gained a new appreciation for Danny and his abilities.
The power to take someone’s soul and seal it inside their bodies — what else could he do? What other otherworldly and potentially devastating powers did he have at his disposal?
What else was he choosing not to face? What else was he running away from?
He stood up and followed Danny outside, finding him standing in the cold morning rain of Gotham. It wasn’t pouring, but it was easy to get soaking wet if you underestimated it.
“I don’t want to talk about it.”
“I wasn’t going to ask.”
Both ignored the door when Jazz quietly followed them out of the ice cream shop.
“Good.” The younger man looked up at the gray sky, maybe looking for the sun. Water droplets fell down his face, and he welcomed them with a relieved, albeit tiny, smile. “Because I don’t have anything else to say.”
Jason rolled his eyes. What a drama queen.
He glanced at Jazz, who was shaking her head. “Whatever you say, edgelord.”
She pulled Danny to her chest for a hug, which he only protested with a tiny grumble. Jason chuckled before he was pulled in too by a surprisingly strong grip.
“If I have to suffer sisterly hugs then so do you.”
Jazz giggled but welcomed the addition to her arms, not caring that she could barely hold both of them and her arms fell short. She squeezed them harder towards her chest, humming in delight.
Great, she was a hugger. Jason really didn’t need another Grayson in his life.
<< Prequel - Clown around and find out | First Part
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ametrictonofaudacity · 10 months
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Yandere! Platonic! Justice League x Isakai! Reader
Based of the Justice League Animated Series and Justice League Unlimited (loosely).
Trigger Warnings: betrayal, gaslighting, manipulation the use of telepathy to erase a memory, general yandere behaviors, and Batman’s famed paranoia and mental issues. Bittersweet ending, but not for reader lmao
When there’s an alert about a flux in dimensional energy, they are all wary, aware. Batman monitors the area obsessively, cameras and audio devices and sensors on in an attempt to ease the very real concern they all felt.
And then you practically appear, at the Daily Planet. Your clothes had been ragged, been worn, and you had been clutching your bag tightly, like at any second someone would come and take it away from you.
When Clark saw you, he had felt terrible for you, and he had come over with a kolache from the break room and an apple juice from the vending machines. He hadn’t expected you to take them.
But you do.
And when you look at him, seeing his face for the first time, Clark sees your eyes widen. Hears the way your heart picks up, sees the way your muscles loosen and relax. You’re looking at him like he had hung the stars and moon, like he was your idol, with the sort of wonder and awe reserved for Superman.
And he knew that you knew.
For a moment, he had panicked. How could you possibly have known? He had never met you, never seen you, and he knew that Bruce would have told him if he even so much suspected that Clark’s identity had been compromised.
But then you had taken the kolache and you had smiled at him, bright and trusting and warm, and Clark knew without a doubt that he could trust you with his identity. Knew that you trusted him, wholly and completely.
“Thank you.” You had smiled, and he remembers smiling gently at you. Something about you had been disarming, although maybe it had been the way you had relaxed in his presence, fully confident that if anything were to happen, he would protect you.
“It’s not a problem. Do you need anything else?”
The question “Do you need help?” had went unasked, but it had hung in the air between the two of you, and he could see the way you had sighed, nodding.
“Yeah. Would it be alright if.. we talked in private?”
Clark had nodded, guided you to his office. It was one of the most secure rooms available at the time, Bruce had set it up for him early on, and when he had closed the door, your entire body had screamed nervousness and anxiety but you had explained everything anyways.
When you finish explaining, showed him the evidence of what you could, your hands shaking and nervous, he had smiled at you, gentle and reassuring and placed a warm hand on your shoulder.
“We’ll get you home. Promise.”
The reveal that you knew their identities went over strangely. Bruce had suspected, of course, and you had told him outright, not bothering to hide your knowledge from him or even attempt to. His remark that you were oddly forthcoming about that information had been met with a huff and a smile.
“You’re Batman.” You had almost laughed it out, like the idea that he wouldn’t be able to figure you out was hilarious. “You would’ve realized anyways.”
He had felt a surge of.. not quite pride. That hadn’t been the words for it. It was a strange mix of pride and caution. You had said it like you knew him. He supposes in a way you did.
When he tells you that there may be no way for you to return home, that it may be an impossibility, but that he would ensure you would be taken care of, you had smiled at him, accepting his words as truth. Accepting that he would do everything in his power to return you to your home dimension, accepting that it may simply be beyond what he could do.
A part of him wished the stories had been a bit more accurate. It would have felt like like a betrayal to you, to the trust you had placed in him and the League so eagerly, without reserve.
The more pragmatic part had been glad that the stories had painted him the way they had. A selfless defender of a broken city, a protector of children, someone to be depended on and trusted. He couldn’t see it, not really, but in your world he was fiction and fiction was always prettier than reality, always less grim.
Because if he was the person you believed him to be, you would not be staying at the Watchtower. You would be somewhere, tucked away and hidden, far away from the villains of their world, not so very close to all of them, in the line of fire.
But he cannot stand the thought of you so far from them, from the people who would protect if the secret of your origins was revealed. There would be no one to save you, if Luthor or the Joker or Ra’s Al Ghul were to discover that you had such sensitive information. You would be there one day and ripped from them the next.
He gives you a phone, and you are so very grateful you don’t think to check it for any tampering. He spends hours upon hours going through your texts, your emails, ensuring anyone you had contact with met his standards. Anyone who did not was quickly dealt with, in some way or another. He didn’t threaten them, that would be traced back to him too easily and you would not understand, not fully, but they would suddenly lose your contact or be locked out of an email. You rarely left the Watchtower anyways, and he trusted his fellow Justice League members to be able to determine if you were with someone trustworthy or not.
Even as he works to get you home, there is always the question of if he were to simple.. stop. If he were to allow you to remain here, with them. If he could keep you safe and close and protected.
He had eventually abandoned his efforts getting you home.
Not because he had felt it was impossible, but because they had been too close.
Things come to a head when you are laughing alongside Barry bright and bubbly and warm. You are sitting and talking and laughing, and no matter how much Barry wishes it wasn’t true, sometimes his mouth ran faster than his thoughts and he had smiled and laughed, telling you that he was glad you were happier now.
And maybe something in his tone had tipped you off. Maybe you had seen the way Batman was softer around you, the way Wonder Woman gave you fond looks. Maybe you had seen the reluctance to discuss your home dimension. Maybe Clark, the terrible liar he was, had accidentally clued you in a few times.
But your smile had slipped away and your eyes had filled with something, clouds hiding the stars Barry was used to seeing, and he had felt his heart drop.
You hadn’t accused them.
You hadn’t said anything.
You had simply stood and walked away, and he hadn’t even been mad at Bruce for the way the man had chewed him out for hours afterwards.
He tries making it up to you, distracting you. He brings you treats, small hidden things for you to nibble on because Bruce was too strict about your diet, and tells you jokes. He gets Hal to help him convince Bruce to take you to an amusement park, but you show no interest in going even though you had been so excited not a month before. He drags you out of the room as often as he can, taking you to Central City, showing you his favorite places.
Anything to make that clouded, lost expression go away. Anything to ease the guilt that bubbles in his stomach, anything to get rid of the knowledge that this would all stop being so complicated if they just sent you home.
Eventually, he stops dragging you out of your room.
He marches up to where they all meet, the viewing port in the Watchtower, and the sight of so many stars makes him almost sick.
“We have to do something.” He announces. “They’re barely eating, and I couldn’t even get them excited about Power Rangers! They love Power Rangers!”
The announcement had been met with varying agreement. According to Bruce you had barely been earrings. Diana had said that you were listless while you trained, something you had developed a passion for. Clark said that he heard you crying, sometimes, and his voice had been so pained and so hurt that Barry had winces, his chest aching.
J’onn had said that your thoughts had turned dark, and Barry sees the way Bruce’s posture shifts.
“I already know what you’re about to say. Don’t even think about it.” He had immediately argued, the words coming fast in what could be panic or anger. Barry loved Bruce, he really did, but sometimes the man was willing to go to lengths none of them would even consider.
“I haven’t even said anything.” That was all Batman, there, not Bruce, and Hal jumped to Barry’s defense.
“We all know you were thinking it, Bats. You were gonna ask J’onn to alter their memories.” Hal hadn’t sound.. disapproving of the idea, and Barry had thrown him an angry glare.
“It’s an option.”
“It’s not. For one, I doubt J’onn would even agree, and for two, it’s wrong, and you know it!” Barry had shot back, irritated on your behalf.
“And what we’ve been doing now hasn’t been?”
Bruce’s words are brutal, making Barry flinch. Making Clark cringe to, and Hal avert his eyes.
“All of us, not just me, have lied to them. Monitored them. Mislead them. We may have been doing it for their own benefit, but that doesn’t change that in the standard sense, our actions are morally reprehensible. Having J’onn alter their memories will spare them a lot of pain, and he has already agreed to do so, if there’s a majority vote in favor of it.”
“You all discussed this, didn’t you? While I was out with them.” He accused, and Bruce had nodded.
“Yes. Hal, myself, and J’onn already agreed. Clark and Diana disagree. You’re the deciding vote.”
Barry had felt the pit of his stomach drop at the thought. That was such a horrible responsibility, whether to take away your pain or leave it there because it was yours.
And then he thinks of the clouds in front of the stars in your eyes and the way you looked numb when you stares into space, and he sighs.
“It’s safe?”
“As safe as it can be. With me monitoring them, there will be no issues.” J’onn had assured, and maybe Barry had been thinking too much with his heart and not his head.
“Fine. Fine, just.. I don’t want to be there. I don’t want to see that.”
J’onn had nodded. Barry had left, not wanting to see Clark and Diana’s disappointment, not wanting to see Bruce’s relief.
When J’onn alters your memory, the stars in your eyes come back. You laugh with Hal and Barry, go to your lessons, go shopping with Bruce, work with Clark on the projects scattered around the apartment. You trust them, just as much as you had before, and even though you believe you can’t go home anymore, there’s an almost tangible supernova of hope around you, a determination to live in their world and grow and be better.
Too many of them decide they don’t regret it. And when J’onn takes you aside sometimes, ensuring that the false memories held, too many of them felt a surge of relief.
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xxmrs-waynexx · 3 months
Bruce Wayne x Daughter!reader
Warnings: PTSD, cops, alcohol, angst, reader is mentally unwell
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Bruce wasn't always aware of where his daughter was. While he did have a tracker on her phone, she chose to leave her phone behind often. 
Tonight was no different. 
He had asked where she was going and of course her answer was “out.” She had been so short with people lately and very unwilling to participate in anything anymore.
He wouldn’t follow her. He didn’t want to betray her trust. Especially not if she was already having such a hard time. But this didn’t stop him from worrying. He was used to staying up for nights on end and he was more than alright with doing so to ensure his daughter’s safety. The rule was: come home before sunrise. Y/N was grown and he didn’t have as much authority over her as he did when she was younger. This newfound freedom proved not to be good for her. 
The Batman decided that since he was up, he may as well go on patrol. It was a quiet night in Gotham, and for that, he was grateful. He was able to take down a few criminals and was still able to keep his eye out for his daughter. Again, not following her, at least that’s what he was telling himself. 
As he sat on the roof of one of the many office buildings, he listened to the police radio. There wasn’t much happening that the cops couldn’t handle. It seemed that the month straight of capturing the really bad guys paid off. 
However, if he were a dog, his ears would’ve perked up. 
He heard the two codes he was hoping to avoid all night; 10-81 and 10-103m. They were requesting a breathalyzer and reporting a disturbance caused by a mental person. These two codes together had his daughter’s name written all over it. 
He arrived at the scene, staying hidden in the shadows. As much as Bruce wanted to intervene and help out, Batman had no business with a drunk driver. 
The screams and cursing coming from his daughter as she tried to resist the arrest made his chest tighten. To keep himself secret, he would just have to wait until she called him or Alfred from the jail. And that was torture. 
She was thrashing, kicking, and pulling on her handcuffs. Two cops had her by her torso and one had her by her legs. It was clear she was terrified. Y/N was someone with PTSD and especially in this state of mind, Bruce doubted she even understood what was going on. She most likely was in the middle of a flashback and wasn’t aware of where she was. Thankfully, Commissioner Gordon knew this and always took care of her when she was arrested. 
The cops drove off with her in the back and all Bruce could do was head home, get dressed, and wait for the phone call.
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epiemy · 3 months
Jason Todd x Fem!Reader from our reality! Pt. 2
Warnings: just cursing (you’re a crazy bitch and Jason too)
Part 2 of 5 - Part 1
A/N: I missed this app so fucking much but I’m back :) hope you like this part of a series project.
Sorry for Grammar mistakes, enjoy!
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"Oh boy, we are going to have a big job with this one." Words from a tired Jason.
“Hey, I’m still here, you know that?” You speak in disbelief. It still felt like a dream, where else would you get to see your favorite characters? You had never been able to shift before, so you faithfully doubted that was the case.
Jason just rolls his eyes saying “Unfortunately I noticed, you won't shut up for a single second” - and there goes your sympathy with him.
“Why are pretty people always jerks? - You're an exception Dick, shush” You say but stop as soon as you see Batman's cloak coming towards you, no longer able to control it, you end up smiling more than you've ever seen in your life, after all he was her childhood hero “My gods, Bruce Wayne? Batman? I could pass out!”
“Jason, no!” Dick speaks in warning before the youngest even opens his mouth, but even so he lets out a sneer and says:
“I could make YOU pass out” Jay mutters and you give him the middle finger “You already did that, idiot”, turning your attention to Bruce.
“Why is there a teenager in the cave, who apparently knows our secret identities? I'm only going to ask once” Batman speaks monotone and looks at the boys with his arms crossed and his mask removed.
“Ehm… well… funny story” Tim starts to say while scratching his head lightly, but Jason rolls his eyes.
“I brought her here, I heard some druggies talking about a girl falling from the sky and I went to check it out. I don't know how a demon can fall from the sky but there she is” He speaks ironically and you just stick out your tongue, murmuring that the only demon in this house was him. The boy continues “When I got close to her, she was cursing more than a sailor and had a fangirl attack shouting “Jaaaaason”, I erased her and brought her here. History end"
Bruce raises an eyebrow at Jason and sighs deeply, rubbing his temples. He honestly needed a break from all this, he couldn't take it anymore. “Currently, Barry informed us that there was a rupture of some barrier between universes caused by some meta, it turns out that she was brought from another reality and that is possibly why she knows our identities. Am I correct, miss..?”
“Y/n, and yes you are right. Finally someone with neurons- no offense Timmy” You mutter and the boy just shrugs, then continues talking “If the kid idiots had listened to me instead of fainting, I would have told them that in my reality you are all characters from a brand , so I theoretically know everything about each of you.” There was a silent pause “That seemed kind of scary, my bad.”
Minutes later, Bruce releases you from the place where you were tied up “As long as we don't know what happened, you are welcome to stay in the mansion, Alfred is already aware of this conversation and will prepare a room for you” He speaks calmly, you he just nods with a small smile in gratitude. He turns to his children “You. I want everyone in the mansion during this time, apparently you don't have an alternative version of her in this universe and she will have to stay here for some time, so we need to train her” He says leaving the Batcave.
“Soooo… Dick, can you and your nice ass show me my new room?” You say with a wide smile and you only hear Jason snort in the corner “What’s up, red bird? Do you want to show me instead of Richard? Come on come on, take me then” A hand sign is made by you, as you walk towards some stairs where Bruce had gone but Jason grabs your waist, changing the direction to the left “Oopsie, thanks kitty” You hear the laughter behind you.
“You’re going to be the death of me,” Jason says, walking up the correct floors with you.
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celaenaeiln · 7 months
I saw in a panel one time that when Dick revealed his identity to the other Fab Five, Batman happened to catch him right in the middle of it and confronted him about it
Though of course Dick stood his ground verbally, stating his trust in them after what they’ve been through.
You think that might’ve played into the long arc of Bruce and Dick having differences between them emerge as Dick grew older and more distant from being that chipper partner Bruce could have by his side?
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The Titans (1999) Issue #42
The Titans love Dick's independence but Bruce hates it.
I think you're mostly right but I think it's not so much of differences as it is freedom and self-governing.
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Nightwing (1996) Issue #134
The thing about Dick's robin, Dick has always been a little too good to just be Batman's sidekick. Too good at fighting, too good at detectiving, too good at being an equal, a partner.
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Batman/Scarecrow Issue #1
He can read Bruce's mind like he's eating candy. He's used to Bruce letting him do whatever he wants, but now all of a sudden, Bruce is telling him what to do and what he can't do. It's getting on Dick's nerves that one second he had all the freedom in the world and now Bruce thinks he can't do what he's so used to.
Dick think Bruce's sudden distrust in him is because he thinks Dick can't keep up or that he's doubting his skills somehow. So he starts acting out. What he doesn't understand is Bruce isn't doubting his competence, he's being protective. After a decade Bruce has finally realized that it's too dangerous for a child to be going around doing the things he has been doing, so it's not a reflection of Dick's abilities, but increased self-awareness and responsibility that Bruce has gained.
And this is what causes the friction.
The resolution of Dick's earlier conflict is this-
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Nightwing (1996) Issue #135
Dick is fully capable of holding his own, of solving his own mysteries, and fighting his own cases. But Bruce believes that because he's too young to be at that level. So Dick sets an ultimatum. While Dick was looking forward to it like a kid waiting for his 18th birthday, Bruce was counting down the days like Doomsday Clock, dreading the moment. At finally when it was time, he made his move first because it's easier to fault the other person always.
It's not their differences really that caused them to fall apart. Their difference is what caused Bruce to love him. He loved that Dick was such a joyful, energetic, and eager child. It fear that turned into protectiveness that turned into control which soured their later relationships.
While Dick may have been excited and ready about becoming his own hero, Bruce ruined the moment because he didn't want to let go. That's partly why I think their later years were so tumultuous. They both knew what was coming, they just had different ideas of it.
He was mad that Dick ran away the first time, so how do you think he's going to react with the knowledge that Dick is going to officially leave him? Hence the firing.
You know in hindsight, this is probably another reason why Bruce will forever hate the Titans. He probably thinks they're the reason Dick's turned away from him and he hates that.
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mydarlingbat · 1 month
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Batman Europa #3 lemme just inform everyone that i did not feel like making this one, and It's only because I have to do two parts to Batman Europa #3. there's so many wonderful moments in this issue. It'd be illegal for me not to show all of them. Alright let's talk about the first cutout panel from Batman Europa'#3 I would like to elaborate on Batman's patience here. I've already said this before, however Batman has so much patience with the Joker. He literally just sighs and ask the Joker can he stop his babbling. Batman here is obviously just trying to start a fight. He's once again grabbing the Joker recklessly. Batman you can just ask him you know? Plus he already mention he told you, so this just let's me know you want to argue a little, or even chat a little, but I do think he's also making sure the Joker isn't setting him up. The Joker telling Batman is hypocritical question is so funny to me, and Batman responds with 'heh that's funny' I swear theses two are so married. Batman doesn't tell the Joker to shut up until he talks about them murdering each other. I wonder why? What I really wanted to point out that the Joker listens to the Batman and be quiet for a whole hour? I'm in awe to be honest. The fact that Batman is complimenting the Joker again, and chucking too. It gives me life. Batman is so free around him.
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Batman's over here thinking. 'What heart?' Nah, I'm just joking around. I have no doubt that he's just flabbergasted by the Joker right now. He is finding out something new about him, and he's just surprise by it, but I love how his mouth slightly hangs open in befuddle way, like is this really happening too.
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I can't entirely believe that Batman just stands by, watching the Joker. He so fascinated with this man!!! Batman also refers to the Joker as his closet enemy. What he really meant is his closest friend. It's in disguise. I'm telling you. I mean but why did he choose those words though? He could've have said my greatest enemy. Bruce please stop playing with us here.
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Like Bruce are you saying that the Joker has charm? I actually love this page, because Batman's aware of the Joker's charm. The Joker doesn't need to look amazing in appearance. What makes up for his appearance is his charm itself. It's why Batman can be so intrigue by the Joker, and find him attractive. Batman also wanted to know how it feels to be the Joker, and again Batman's kind of complimenting the Joker here.
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I just can't with Batman always trying to start a fight here. The Joker refuses to fight with the Batman while they're working together, but Batman continue to try to go back with the usually routine. Let's fight a little. Batman looks like he misses it more than the Joker here to be honest, but here's a theory. I believe Batman desires the touches from the Joker. He's not fighting with him, which involves a lot of touching. This is Batman way of getting that from the Joker, without making it obvious, and the reason I believe this is because after the Joker's touches Batman arm to call him down He relaxes and doesn't seem the littlest mad to be honest. Batman also grabs the Joker constantly, and even chokes him throughout the comic run. The Joker on the other hand isn't trying to fight with Batman, because he feels free touching Batman whatever way he pleases. Batman's the one who has to stop him. I mean Batman can clearly see no one's laughing. The Joker isn't laughing neither. Batman just find a reason to grab the Joker. He waits for the Joker to say anything about him to attack, that's the only way to touch him without him feeling wrong about it. Now this is just a theory. It definitely might not be true, or maybe it's something I deeply want. Lmao
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And the way Batman willingly let's the Joker push him away says a whole lot, and not Bruce raising his hand to ask a question. Oh my god! I'm dying. The Joker just over here like 'bats shut up' and Batman is raising his hand like can I ask something. I can't even think of another villain Batman has done this with? It's so funny to me. I just love, love how the Joker speaks to Batman like he's a child, and Bruce takes it. It's just my opinion.
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riddle-me-ri · 10 months
I apologize if I sent this already but I honestly can’t remember, if it’s alright could we please have the scarecrows when they get jealous??? 🙏🏼🥺
A/N: no worries, you're all good you haven't sent it in yet! And I have no doubt these wee boys can be quite envious lol.
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Jealousy Scenarios w/ The Scarecrows
Arkhamverse Scarecrow: 
Jonathan thinks that, much like fear, he’s above jealousy.
Which is exactly why he’s not…jealous of you spending time with the Arkham Knight.
He’s mostly confused, you should be by his side…he’s the orchestrator of this whole night. 
Jonathan will likely think he’s hiding his displeasures, but he actually makes it painfully obvious. 
Jonathan insists…almost demands you stay with him. He finds tasks for you to do…he even begins being more physical with you.
You know you shouldn’t push it, but you enjoy the idea that he cares enough to be jealous in the first place. 
And you don’t miss the soft lool on his face when he notices you staying with him more often. 
Nolanverse/Murphy Scarecrow: 
Jonathan didn’t want too think much of the new psychologist at Arkham Asylum.
He didn’t…at first until they began openly flirting with you. 
Jonathan could barely swallow his resentment when he saw you smiling and laughing with them.
He’d grit his teeth and clench his fists. 
You were far too kind and welcoming for your own good. 
Jonathan makes an extra effort to be more present at Arkham. 
You’re surprised to see him more often, but you’re enjoying having him with you more. 
He sneaks kisses on your cheek and whispers compliments in your ear…
However, you can’t help but wonder where that new doctor went…who has been missing for almost a week now. 
Batman The Animated Series Scarecrow: 
Jonathan aways knew it would be a bad idea to allow you to meet his more…eccentric colleagues. 
But he didn’t think it would be because they were trying to charm you off your feet.
Jonathan is silently seething in the corner, steam about to burst out of his ears. 
Jervis made you giggle. Edward made you blush…
It took everything for Jonathan not to drag you away and keep you to himself again. 
But he didn’t want to take any chance to upset you, so he silently seethed.
Until you come over and hug him…showing appreciation in him trusting you to meet his friends.
Jonathan instantly melts when you kiss his cheek, instantly comforting him without you knowing. 
The New Batman Adventures Scarecrow: 
This Scarecrow…was always weary of someone better coming your way. 
You are so bright and joyous, you deserved better than him.
It was only a matter of time, until the proper partner for you came along. 
He’s unsure what to do when he sees you hanging out with a co-worker. 
Jonathan wants to snatch you away, make your co-worker undergo a terror they’ve never imagined…and just keep you to himself from now on. 
Just before he could dig himself deeper into his envy, you show up with your bright smile and a welcoming kiss. 
You love him openly, unconditionally every time…and this dissipates the gnawing jealousy in his heart.
Fear State Scarecrow: 
Like other Scarecrows, this Jonathan is incredibly observant. 
He’s aware of you being extra cheerful or distracted lately. 
It doesn’t take long for thoughts and assumptions to come up in his mind. 
Some childhood friend of yours has come back to town. Possibly some feelings being re-kindled as well. 
Ironically enough, he feeds himself into his own fear of losing you to someone else. 
He will come up with a plethora of excuses to get you to stay, or have you run errands to keep you busy. 
Anything to keep you near him, but not hinder his plans. 
It’s obvious to you what’s happening, and you can’t help but find it a tad bit amusing. 
Year One Scarecrow: 
Jonathan is extremely protective and defensive of you.
You’re the first bit of peace and happiness he’s found in anyone.
He sure as hell isn’t going to lose you to anyone.
Jonathan gets jealous easily, moreso than either of you like to admit. 
Actively drags you away from someone else and tries to take up your time.
He’s just really used to being abandoned or abused and…he’s not sure he can go through that again with you.
But every time you reassure him, you continue to stay by his side. 
Jonny grows more secure in the relationship and less jealous…eventually.
Masters of Fear Scarecrow: 
Like earlier Scarecrows, he tries to ignore it. 
He knows you’re faithful, he knows you love him and wouldn’t leave him…
But just so everyone knows you’re his…
Jonathan will always keep a hand on your person. 
Whether it’s your hand, your shoulder, or the small of your back. 
He will conveniently come up with plans so you couldn’t go out with someone he feels threatened by. 
It doesn’t take long for you to notice his jealousy. 
You’re quick to reassure him that he has nothing to worry about
Harley Quinn: The Animated Series Scarecrow: 
Definitely tries to hide his jealousy.
But masks it….terribly.
He can’t help it…he adores you, but he knows other people like you too!
How could they not want to spend time with you?
Jonathan tries not to show his discomfort, but you can tell from how fidgety he is. 
His fiddling with his hands, he’s shrugging, and is less sure of himself…more than usual. 
You try to includ ehim, if you can’t, you assure him that you two will spend some quality time together. 
Jonathan instantly perks right up and doesn’t learn why he got jealous in the first place…
Until he gets jealous again.
Happy Halloween Scooby-Doo Scarecrow: 
Likely believes he’s too old or mature to ever get jealous.
Unlike other Scarecrows, you’re likely to try and make him jealous than do it by accident.
Just to see what he’s like…and maybe prove a point out of spite.
Not much works, since he can tell you’re trying to get a rise out of him.
When he does get jealous, it's when you least expect it. 
Jonathan becomes clingy and more physical; holding you, pulling you closer to him.
His attention is now on you tenfold, but he also steals glances at whoever it was that set him off…
This is the closest you will get to seeing him jealous, and you’re absolutely enjoying it before you rub it in his face.
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Au where Danny is Damians twin. He had gone on countless solo missions since the time he was six and niether he or his brother had ever failed. This time however, was a bit different.
Dr's Jack and Madeline Fenton were playing with forces beyond thier comprehension and endangering the entire world with thier actions. They were clearly aware of it too if thier sketchy work with the government was taken into consideration. Daniel's job was to infiltrate thier lab and copy all thier data into a flash drive before killing the parents and destroying everything. Simple enough, but he made a crucial mistake.
He got curious.
Isn't that always how the eldrich and unknown gets you? You start asking questions and before anyone knows it you're a raving lunatic.
Once he had completed his first three tasks, Danny had put on one of the suspiciously numerous white and black and child sized hazmat suits and went into the beckoning maw of what was mentioned to be the portal. He looked down to step over a bundle of wires and in his momentary distraction hit a button on the wall with his hand.
The next thing he knew everything was tinged green and he was screaming.
Awaking to find his form had changed, leaving him with glowing green eyes, pale skin and white hair he was confused. Mother and Grandfather did not have a meta-gene and according to mother thier Father-the Batman- also did not have it.
Then It clicked. The scientists were studying the afterlife, more specifically the spirits of the dead and how to invade thier realm. Daniel, at the tender age of eight, had died. Whats worse is that he apparently had the ability to flop between life and death at will. Fearing what kind of experiments his Grandfather would no doubt subject him to he finished his mission by rigging the place to blow far more spectacularly then planned and fleeing into the portal.
The resulting explosion could be seen for miles. Upon seeing it from her place on a park bench with her friend, Jazz had immediately knew something terrible had happened.
Three years later Daniel- now going by Phantom- found that the portals maw had survived even if the portal itself did not and it was reactivated by a pair of nosy teens. Amity Park was being attacked by ghosts and the Justice League, a group of famous heros lead by his Father, Wonder woman and Superman, refused to even answer thier calls for help. Odd.
Phantom stepped up and began fighting them both with his powers and his training from the League of Assassins. The people hated him for being dead. The dead hated him for stopping thier rampages and his annoying ability to just disappear. (He's so glad he kept the half living thing to himself, even if it meant he often had to sneak away to living realms to get human food)
As it turns out, the Fentons had a back up location that niether he or the League of Assassins knew about where they stored notes on thier theories about the nature of ghosts and how "evil and mindless" they were. A government based group eventually formed called the Ghost Investigation Ward, or as the locals called them, The Guys In White who then passed a set of laws called the anti-ecto acts.
Daniel had grown up hearing tales of his Father. A paranoid man who thought of everything and had eyes and ears in every sector of the government. He and his League of Justice would never allow this...and yet days passed since the announcement of the acts. Then weeks. Then a month with no words speaking out againsts laws that essentially stripped the rights of an entire species. Did Father believe the lies and slander from the government and the remnants of the Fentons "research"?
If he knew about him would he think he was a monster? A threat to be eliminated?
Daniel fiddled with his domino mask as he began applying the weekly dose of phase-proof paint to the metal of the portals blast doors. He loved his mask. It made him feel just a little bit safer. Yes, he knew logically no one would ever think that a dead child would ever secretly be a living one, but facial recognition software was a very real thing and it wouldn't be long before the GIW modified it to work the blurriness out of ghost photos. Even if they didn't (which they might never considering the groups overall intelligence) people have eyes
Daniel wasn't technically living in Amity Park. At least not legally. He stole whatever he needed and stayed hidden away in abandoned houses and underground caves. Not the most luxurious life, but better than a scapel and rib shears. He shuttered at the thought.
It was almost a week after his and Damians birthday that he saw his parents again. They were fighting in the streets near Polter Heights, the rich side of the city. He wondered what they were there for. He had long taken the portal deep underground where no one could access it without intangibility and Amity really had nothing to offer otherwise. They couldn't possibly know who he was, could they?
He flew closer invisibly, listening to mother state that she planned on recruiting this "ghost child" into the League. Interesting. She didn't know it was him.
Batman. His own father argued that she knew nothing about these creatures and that they were dangerous but handled by the local authorities. Daniel couldn't fight back his sneer. The GIW did nothing while Phantom did all the work and he highly doubted any of the living considered him an "authority". Nevertheless, this proved to Daniel his fears of his Father hating him was well founded.
He did however, find himself surprised at the familiar chill of a blade at his throat. How? Then his brother, his beloved twin ordered him to surrender. Not a chance. Not even for him. Phantom fought his brother that day, no matter how much it pained him. The GIW have been chasing him relentlessly since thier founding and would do anything to get thier grubby little paws on him. If he was taken into custody by any form of law enforcement or was an immediate Game Over, even if it was the Justice League.
Daniel managed to escape but Damian left knowing he recognized that fighting style.
Damian ended up telling the rest of his family about his twin, Daniel and how he had died and how he suspected the ghost protecting Amity was his lost brother.
Unfortunately, Daniel had overheard what Batman had said to his Mother and believed his change of heart and attemps to get him to come home with him were a ruse to get him to let down his guard.
Thus begins the chaotic time in Amity Park where his Mother and Father both try to convince Phantom to live with them.
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thebigbadbatswife · 6 months
Internal Conflict (Part 3 of 3)
Pairing - Batman x F!Hero!Reader Series - Under Your Skin Part 1 here | Part 2 here
Summary - In the aftermath of Harley's ambush, you and Batman actually have a civil conversation with each other. Could this be a fresh start for the two of you?
Warnings -Potential medical inaccuracies. Injury mentions. I think that's it?
A/N - This is getting posted a lot later than I had wanted, but life happened and kept getting in the way. But it's here now and, as always, hope you all enjoy 💜
Taglist - At the end of the fic. Please message me if you would like to be added/removed.
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The first thing that Bruce was aware of was the dull throb in the side of his head. He groaned as he opened his eyes only for him to immediately shut them again as the light assaulted them. His first thought was a concussion. Which made sense since the last thing he remembered was Harley and her damn mallet.
He opened his eyes again, this time slower. Giving them time to adjust to the bright lights of the batcave’s medbay so he didn’t overwhelm them again. Slowly, and certainly against what he should be doing, he began to move to sit up. He groaned again as he rested against the back of the bed. Fuck, it had been a while since he had last felt this bad.
Since he was still alive, it was safe for him to conclude that you had managed to deal with Harley. Not that he had doubted it, but he was mad. At you. At Harley. At himself. The fact that it had happened at all and only because you hadn’t listened to him to begin with. He exhaled slowly. Getting worked up was making the tension in his head worse. Besides, maybe if he tried to calm his anger before he saw you next, there might be a chance for the two of you to start over.
“Finally decided to rejoin us I see.” Alfred walked over to the medbay, silver tray in hand. A glass of water and a couple of slices of toast sat on the tray.
“How long was I out for?” he asked, reaching over for the water.
“Several days,” he replied. “Mr Kent brought you back to the cave.”
Clark had brought him back here? Then what had happened to you? Were you okay? Since Alfred was unable to tell him, having been focused on assessing just how badly injured Bruce was, he texted the last person he knew to have seen you.
“You could have just texted back,” Bruce grumbled as the Kryptonian approached his medical bed. He shrugged.
“I was going to come by anyway so I figured I’d just tell you in person,” Clark replied.
“So what happened? How is she?” he asked again, slowly getting more frustrated.
“She was shot and she needed surgery, but she’s wake and doing well.”
Some of the tension faded at hearing that you were doing well. Though his brow furrowed a the thought of you being shot. There was no doubt in his mind that you were pissed off yourself at everything that had happened. If he approached his future conversation with you with his own anger, he was sure that the distance that had already painfully grown between the two of you, would grow further. And that could put the entire team in jeopardy. 
This could be his chance to fix things, but only if he managed to keep the conversation civil. Which meant swallowing his anger and doing his best to be more open and forthcoming. It was going to go against every instinct that he had, but it was likely the only way that was going to work to try and bridge this gap.
Now all he had to was wait for his opportunity to get out of here and back to the Watchtower.
The lights of the medbay were fluorescent and were making your eyes and head hurt. They had been since you had woken up here a few days ago. By all accounts you had got lucky. Very lucky. The worst of your injuries had been the bullet wound. You had needed surgery to remove it and repair the damage it caused. While your arm and ribs had been bruised down to the bone from the force and strength behind the throw and hitting the hard ground. You had been told that if you had landed just a little bit wrong, your arm likely would have snapped. Again, you were very lucky.
You don’t remember much of what happened after getting shot and triggering your SOS beacon. A lot of it blurring into one as shock settled in and you quickly lost blood.
You had yet to see or even hear from Batman yet. According to Dinah and Oliver, when they had come to visit you, Superman had taken him back to the batcave to recover there whilst Wonder Woman had made sure that Harley Quin was returned back behind bars.
As far as you knew, he had yet to return to the Watchtower. You were sure if he had by now, you would definitely know about it since you were sure he blamed you for the entire situation happening to begin with. Hell, you blamed yourself. You shouldn’t have allowed yourself to become distracted like that. If you hadn’t managed to take on the hyenas and Harley, your mistake would have got the both of you killed.
Since there were no complications following your injury and, other than the pain that radiated from your ribs that the painkillers you were on barely touched, you were good to go home and rest there.
It was a slow process for you to get your suit on, your body protesting every movement, making you curse under your breath. If you’d had any other clothing on the Watchtower you would have chosen those instead, but you didn’t. Your ruined suit was all that you had. You made a mental note to bring some the next time you came back. You were already dreading removing it again once you were finally home.
“You were shot, you should be resting.”
You didn’t need to turn around to know who it was.
“Not here to shout? Blame me for what happened?” There was no bite in your words. Between the pain and the lack of energy you couldn’t be bothered.
“No. I’m not.” 
You stopped what you were doing and looked at him. What? Was he feeling alright? You scoffed. “Damn, she must have really hit you hard in your head huh?” You turned away again, returning your focus back on making sure all of your equipment was there.
You heard him sigh softly. “It’s not like that…”
“Then what is it like?” 
It was a fair question, you thought. Considering he currently had you cornered in the medbay right now. And all you wanted was to get home.
“We really need to talk.”
You sighed, but nodded. For once, he wasn’t wrong and you had known from the moment you woke up that this was coming.
“About how I fucked up? About how I almost got both of us killed?” The anger in your voice, for once, wasn’t for him. The longer you had to dwell over all of if, the more mad you had got at yourself.
“About everything.”
You looked at him again, an eyebrow raised. If he was anyone else, you would have assumed it was a joke. But you knew he was dead serious. Batman didn’t know how to joke.
“Really? Everything? Right here where anyone can overhear us?” You gestured to the wide open space of the medbay around you. Batman looked around and then gestured with his head for you to follow him.
You followed him through the Watchtower at a pace that didn’t aggravate your injuries too much. You were sure he noticed because he adjusted his own pace to match yours, while still staying ahead of you. He led you into his laboratory. As soon as you both entered the room, he locked the door. Now the only concern was Superman, though something told you that he likely already knew so what the hell did it matter anyway?
You didn’t wait for him to offer you a seat, instead grabbing the nearest chair and carefully lowering yourself onto it. You could feel his eyes on you the entire time.
“I’m fine. It’s not the first time I’ve been shot.” 
“Doesn’t matter if it’s the first time or the hundredth time, that’s still a severe injury. Not to forget the amount of bruising you have,”  he replied.
“Thought medical records were supposed to be confidential? Even here?”
“Superman told me about you needing surgery for the bullet and, taking my strength into account and the hard flooring, it would make sense that you either broke something or ended up badly bruised,” he said very matter of factly.
You nodded. “So where are we even supposed to start after months of bullshit started by both of us?”
He hummed, but didn’t say anything. Which made you scoff as you realised.
“Really? You tell me I should be resting, considering I was shot, then you say we need to talk and you don’t even know where to start? Fuck me.” Your pain killers were starting to wear off and your patience for him was wearing thin. 
“In my defence, with how you’ve been ignoring me, I didn’t think we would even get this far.” His voice remained calm, as did his body language. There was no sign of him becoming agitated despite the fact that you had snapped.
“Then how about we start with Star City?”
The conversation between the two of you was a long one. The longest that you both had had without it ending in a yelling match or sex. It certainly came as a surprise. As did his honesty.
“I shouldn’t have snapped the way I did. I let my emotions take over and I shouldn’t have let that happen.”
“Was any of what you said true?”
He nodded. He had meant what he said about making sure you could handle the burden that came with saving the world on a semi regular basis. But he had come to the conclusion that you could handle it just fine within the first couple of months. His aim had been to try and hurt you and he had no excuse for it.
You never thought you would see the day that he actually held himself responsible for his own actions. It was also likely as close to a “sorry” as you were going to get. Which was fine as it was more than you had been expecting to begin with anyway.
“I didn’t have to yell like that, could have just walked away instead. But that doesn’t mean I regret what I said.”
“Most people don’t.”
“Yeah, I can’t imagine why,” you replied, a small smile forming on your lips. I wasn’t hard to imagine the amount of people who must have yelled at him in a similar way because of what a dick he was being. 
It felt good to not need to have your guard up around him all the time, waiting for him to start on you. It was clear to you that this was his try at a do over between the two of you and you agreed. It was needed. It didn’t mean you had to be best friends with each other. With all that had transpired you doubted that would possible, but if you could be on friendly terms, it would benefit the rest of the League a lot more. 
By now your pain killers had fully worn off. Batman noticed before you could even say anything. He was up and out of his chair and left the room, without even a word to you. Which had left you wondering “”what the hell?”. Your confusion was answered when he returned with pills and a bottle of water in hand. 
“I could’ve got them myself. I’m not completely helpless,” you said as he handed them both over. He shrugged and took his seat again. You muttered a thank you before chasing the pills down with the water. 
Whilst you were waiting for the medication to kick in, he decided to keep the conversation going. Making sure that there was no chance for an uncomfortable silence.
“I never should have dragged you into that storage room to begin with. Clearly it made everything between us worse.”
His words almost had you choking on your water as you snorted.
“I could have escaped your grip and told you to go fuck yourself,” you replied, with a small shrug. “We’re both to blame for the way that escalated.” 
It was the truth. You didn’t have to go along with him any time it had happened. You could have easily walked away whenever and you hadn’t until you had finally hit your breaking point. Things never should have been allowed to escalate that far, but both of you had let it. You knew that. As you were sure that he did as well.
Batman nodded in agreement. “Are we good now?” he asked. 
“I mean, we’re better than we were. I think at least. Definitely not bestie though,” you replied.
“Of course not. That would be too far.”
You looked at him like he had just turned into his name sake. Had he just tried to joke? Today was just filled with firsts, it seemed. And it took you off guard enough for a small chuckle, which you immediately regretted as pain flared through you.
“You should get home and rest,” he said, standing up and he offered you his hand. You decided to take it. Anything to make your life just a little bit easier right now. 
“I was trying to, you know, until you decided that you wanted to talk.” Your tone is lighthearted, making sure that there is no malice within it. He scoffed softly.
Batman walked with you toward the zeta tubes. Which you were sure the others would deem a strange sight if they saw it considering your past with each other. You activated the console and selected your destination. As the machine powered up, you felt his hand on your shoulder, prompting you to look at him.
“Since you’re already involved now, and the way you handled Harley, when you’re fully healed, I want your continued help on my current case.”
“You haven’t told anyone else yet?” 
He shook his head. “I still need some to time to go through everything from the funhouse. Once I’m finished then I’ll inform the rest of the team, but since I involved you first, I thought I would ask for your help before going to anyone else.”
You nodded. You were sure it was taking him a lot to be so open. Hell, even asking for help, again, probably went against everything within him. 
“Yeah, of course. You can count on me.”
Taglist - @the-last-twin-of-krypton @bakugous-bakahoe @fromfoolishpeopletodeadpeople @little-rivers @callalily2000 @geminicinderella @warsaur @theclassicvinyldragon @aniya7 @bluebear19 @jdream55 @x-ratedhimbo
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tanglepelt · 11 months
The acts Unmasked
AO3 prev Master next
Danny panics in the alley.
Danny was just lost. Just waiting for some ball to drop.
Why would they help?
The girl, the black bat, gave him chalk and they didn’t bat an eye at frostbite. They just didn’t make sense. No one had ever listened before. He had fully expected them to go back to doing whatever sketchy stuff they were up to on that rooftop. He hoped.
He had also hoped his parents wouldn’t touch Ellie.
That didn’t pan out.
Yet this group actually did.
It was obvious these three were in some type of group. Working together with no need of talking. Non-verbal responses, and nodding of heads are obviously trained. Nodding to one another. It would be three against one. Well, one and dead body weight. Who knew when Ellie would wake up?
The alley had to be beyond cold. Even he could feel it now. His core was free for most to feel. Ellie needed more ectoplasm frostbite and said she just needed to rest and balance out. He couldn’t stand the waiting.
It wasn’t safe. It was always a matter of time until someone found and attacked them. His ectoplasm was already leaking into the air. Mixing with the dead vibe of Gotham. 
Batman was slow to approach them. Cautious likely. Danny did go making a few big threats here and there. You know.
Suggesting the end of the world and all.
Danny didn’t really want to hear the man out he just wanted his sisters. Both of them, Ellie was still asleep, and who knows how long it will be and Jazz was off somewhere in Gotham. No matter how much he pushed his ectoplasm into her it felt like nothing was happening. It just wasn’t replenishing as quickly as it had been taken.
Blood blossoms are deadly to ghosts. It makes sense it would take a while to recover.
When the man finally made it in front of him, he discussed moving out of the alley. Getting somewhere safer.
Batman offered two options.
When a spaceship thing in space was mentioned, man Danny really tried not to be in awe. No matter how cool that was, he thinks an ambassador wouldn’t get starry eyes over something like that. Out of everything he went with, why an ambassador?
What did they even do?
Batman did make plenty of points on why staying on Earth could be bad. With the passing of the acts, the United States wasn’t safe. No duh, they literally bought his little sister. Plus, there was the whole extraction thing Jazz had mentioned at one point. Ellie was probably... maybe… at least equivalent to a fugitive.
Total not his little obsession with space acting. It's not his fault ghost cores required them, once he fully recovered from the operation he’d have more control. It’s just like how little kids have issues regulating their emotions. His love of space just happened to be his problem. Danny wasn’t a kid he just really had to focus on not being distracted by it. He was a master at focusing.
So, it was just the logical decision to agree to go to space.
They just needed to find Jazz for him first. She was no doubt worried, and she’d help keep Ellie safe while recuperating.
And…. Well... hopefully Jazz could help him tell Ellie what was going on.
How does one say oh… yea… by the way you’re a princess. The core transplant kind of made you a member of the royal family. We just didn’t bother to tell you that part.  And you may have been outed just a tad bit even before you were aware. Oh… and by the way. Don’t out me as royalty as I did to you. That just wasn’t going to go well.
Jazz had warned him to let her know. Not to just spring it on her as the council did to him. She at least wouldn’t have Fright Knight showing up in the middle of movie night announcing himself as bodyguard to the king.
The trio had thought Pariah was back and coming to take them on. 
It was such a great way for the council to inform him of his position. 0 out of 10 would not recommend it.
Fright Knight just kept following him around. If he was human frighty, was invisible and hovering. The dude did not appreciate Dash at all. Frighty wanted to send him off to his nightmares. Proclaiming how he was bound to serve and protect the royal family. Which he didn’t get the whole bound to the royal family nonsense. The man just had no chill in his humble opinion. Danny just wanted peace and quiet, not the fright knight announcing him to all his rouges.
The faces he got were almost worth the annoyance. The look on the box ghosts face had been his favorite. 
Frighty had stayed way too long.
It took weeks to convince him he was fine.
Only for Vlad to ruin his peace after Ellie first came into existence. Fright Knight had made a second appearance after finding out he had been cloned.
Danny blamed all of it on the fruitloop for destabilizing the king's core and forcing Danny into this position. The old king never would of been freed, and Danny never would have absorbed Pariahs core. He could in fact wait to be king. Vlad just had to try to gain power from the ring and crown.
The Fright knight had been ready to throw hands at the fruit loop. At first, following the madman around after the events of Pariah's core fizzling out. Returning to announce himself as Dannys supposed body guard crown and ring in hand. Only to then offer Danny the chance of disposing of him, after the reveal of the whole bodyguard thing. At first, he was very confused by the question.
Like why had frighty offered?
Danny had no intentions of sending Vlad to the nightmare realm for all eternity.
The fruit loop just needed to calm down.
Just like Danny needed to calm down.
How long does it take to find a person? Why haven’t they brought Jazz to him yet? He gave them her university and the location of the apartment, what more could they possibly need?
He just had to be patient. Once she got here, they’d all ditch this death-filled town. Not just out of the country. No someplace off the earth.
It was totally the safer option. Yea… jazz, she would definitely agree. mentioned extradition in previous contingency plans. So, like. Other countries are not that safe. They needed to be prepared for anything.
Honestly, there had been no good ideas.
But SPACE. That’s a new one. That’s an unknown. Never before had they considered that option. In theory, he didn’t need to breathe when ghost. At least he is assuming. They tested it underwater once. No issues there. The cold of space wouldn’t even bother him. His cores base was ice after all. The cold only bugs him when he bottled up his powers.
He should test his theory and just fly to space. Wait no. There was that spaceship thing.
This was apparently on a thing called the watch tower. But they couldn’t leave the alley with the agents yet. He had no guarantee that Jazz would be with them if not.
Ellie needed to wake up. Jazz needed to show up. He was getting antsy.
The agents still remained. Restrained as they were.
Batman claimed people were coming to collect them. To at the minimum move them. Jack and Maddie were already taken away. A person who had hardly given a second look at him and Ellie. They deserved the Harsh treatment the man in red gave them.
Words were spoken between the two. But man, he didn’t care what they had to say.
Batman had just grunted at him. Like he didn’t approve or something.
He didn’t even feel bad that whatever was coming for them would be far worse than the prison. Walker may be obsessed with his made-up rules but overall, the prison wasn’t that bad. Jailbreaks were easy enough from there.
Now Fright Knight on the other hand has an entire nightmare realm who knew what else they had in the realm? It would be handled by someone else. Frostbite had always assured him that they would get what was coming for them. Honestly looking back that was more said to himself than to Danny. Frostbite had been waiting for this moment.
The dungeon at Fenton Works had nothing on the one in the king's keep. That’s an entire area he avoided when there. Gave off tyrant vibes. Slowly it was morphing into his personal preferences, meaning fewer torture devices. Hopefully, that lower level entirely disappeared.
He did not need to think about the keeps torture chamber. Nope. He needed to focus on the alley. Where even less agents remained. He needed to focus.
There was no one else to rely on.
It was just him to protect Ellie. Can he actually trust this guy? The dud has kept away from him, which was nice. But adults don’t care. When Spectra gave the school the ghost flu, the adults just accepted the answer with no care. Jack and Maddie caused property damage left and right with no citations. The GIW just come into town, and they all just accepted it. The acts hadn’t passed but no one batted an eye.
Why was he just going along with this?
He needed to leave.
No, he needed to-to… Needed to breathe. He needed to stay calm. Ellie would wake up. Jazz would show up. It all would be fine.
Where were they?
Honestly. What was taking this long? He wanted Jazz.
Not to be in some alley with a man who wanted to be a bat.
Did one of the agents twitch? Yeah... definitely.
He wouldn’t let them get her again. Never to one of their labs. He has stopped them before. The ghost hadn’t even know what happened. That exams table was never used.
Three months of attempts at capturing another speciemen.
Three months of stopping them.
If they ever got one, they were free within an hour.
It had been so easy when it was just his donors. HE never thought the first four months would have been so nice. Only dealing with the ghosts and blundering oafs of his parents.
Nocturne had been such a snooze.
Undergrowth only needed to chill out.
He had even kept Vortex from leaving Amity.
He’d rather take on the three ancients than see one of those rooms again. The GIW twisted it all. Weapons designed to sting and hurt. To linger and fester.  The pure white of the room.
Barely avoided that disaster.
How many times had this universe just had to make a name for itself? Why study ghost here? WHy force a hole through reality? just why get noticed by the realm?
Why couldn’t he just focus on what was happening in the alley?
Danny still hasn’t told the council about the missile. How could he? It would have destroyed the realm and every other dimension. It would have ended everything in just a blink of an eye.
Wouldn’t that make this place an even bigger threat? Would the stopping of the GIW even save the planet? Would this even work? Where was jazz? They were twitching. He couldn’t help but despite how close she already was but pull her in closer. The air dropping in temperature even more. She needed to wake up. Why did his donors have to be like this? If they had listened even once. This wouldn’t have happened. Jazz and he went off on them over and over. But of course, no they didn’t listen. Facts vs science, with the “science” oh so falsified and based on personal beliefs, and don’t get him started on The GIW just shoot first and wouldn’t listen, shot after shot. No one ever helped no one ever liste-
He’s human right now, that’s right. The air was important for his human half.
Did Batman just have to remind him to breathe? The dude really just reminded him of a vital bodily necessity and then backed off. Which he means. Well, it’s actually nice. Not to be hovered over.
Did someone just groan?
Ellie, she just groaned.
She was still half asleep, but awake. He couldn’t stay in the alley. It had been too long. Too much time had passed, and his ecto signature ran rampant in the town. Just because the agents o and k’s groups were down. They had plenty of others. It would only be a matter of time until they were found out again. The air was thick with his own ectoplasm the GIW had multiple ways of tracking it. Amity just had too much residual to get anywhere specific unless you used the boo-meranang. That was a direct tracking device.
That device at the least had been in the lab. It should have gone out with a bang.
Who knows what else his parents had sold to the government? Anyone willing to sell a child of any dimension had no morals.
Danny managed to ask the bat about Jazz. According to the bat, Jazz wasn’t in her dorm or the apartment.
She was probably out looking for him. She’ll summon frostbite eventually, At the 24-hour mark, as per the agreement with the realm. A whole shebang he argued against for hours which he lost. The realm insisted on knowing where he was and how he was. They needed check-ins, updates, and everything under the sun. 
Which come on. If the realm can force a crown on him, he should be allowed to do as he pleases. He can't be that bad.
So, what if he did the same with Ellie? She is only 12 and has a non-existing and unstable core.  He didn’t care that Jazz agreed with the council Danny was nearly 16 it was not necessary. This wasn’t about him tho.
He just had to focus on Ellie.
Get away from the alley.
Get away from amity.
Get as far away from his donors as far as possible.
Dragging a half-asleep sister into space was the best solution. The bonus of space. No risk of extraction as there was in a separate country.
Seeing as there were no more blood blossoms, no chains, and not even any attempts to secure him and Ellie. If this was a trick….. well it would be a good one. He was still confused about who exactly the league was, only having one group's perspective was not ideal.
He blames Jack and Maddie. The two didn’t believe the news, it was all fake. No newspapers, nothing. If only Sam or Tucker was here maybe, maybe they would know who they were. The Batman was just watching him, waiting for him to give his okay. It was just odd. No, forcing him the guy wasn’t even forcibly starting a conversation. Just the one time when he was panicky and even then, it was just one word and then answered his question about Jazz. Just patiently watching.
It was now or never. Danny, holding the bulk of Ellie’s weight as she moved had at least nodded in response to leaving the alleyway.
Out of all the ways they could end up in space, he wasn’t expecting some form of teleportation. That was the one skill he had yet to see in the realm. The question he’s sure Tucker would be asking is if it’s science or magic. He really needed to get ahold of Sam and Tucker.
More things just kept popping up.
But He could see the stars.
So much better in space than any observatory he had been to. Amity didn’t have the best one around. All the lights from the lab, the constant green glow from the town border. He swears sometimes he can even see a dim green glow in the sky. The green light pollution really lost sight of the stars.
How could anyone focus with a view like this?
It was so amazing. So vast. Stars aplenty.
“Danny focus” Did Ellie really have to smack him on the back of the head? “You can fangirl over space later.”
He wasn’t that bad… it was just space. The stars were just so bright. His donors took away the possibility of becoming an astronaut. He could always fly up, but that wasn’t the same. Right focus.
Rapid blinking and shaking of his head… right. Not going to look at the windows or everything around them. Definitely not going to look twice at what appeared to be an obvious alien. No ecto signature so he couldn’t blame the green skin on that. Didn’t feel human either. They were in space. Anything was possible.
Shoot... yea focus.
Oh man, he really most overused his powers. His head was absolutely pounding.
No, not focusing on the random headache. Focus on Ellie and the weird ship in space. They were in an unknown situation. Ellie still wouldn’t be able to transform, so the air was a must. No noping off into space for them.
His momentary lapse of focus had unfortunately definitely been noticed. He was definitely selling his position of power. Well, the observants called him unfocused and immature, so yea this track.
Batman and the green man were looking at him. Ellie was just giving him her version of Jazz's disappointed look. It was adorable. He couldn’t help but notice the man in a trench coat, who felt all sorts of messed up. Human but something more was up, he felt split up? Yea, split up that felt right.
That man was just staring Ellie down. His face went from confused to a very concerned one. That look when you know you messed up. Could he tell she wasn’t fully human?
No… man why can’t he focus.
Right, Batman had a room for him and his sisters to wait?? Rest... honestly not too sure. He didn’t really ask too many questions, just knew that Ellie needed to get off earth not in the realm and they promised to bring Jazz.
Concerns for a future date. Preferably when he could freak out with Jazz and after the whole princess reveal.
He just had to follow them. Ellie was more aware at least. Her sass was back so that was good. He just needed to follow them. Not look at the stars in the windows. Why were there so many windows in space?
Now Ellie was elbowing him. He lost focus yet again. Why did she elbow him? Oh…. they were at a door. 
@serasvictoria02 @ivymala07 @perfectwastelandcreation @imgonnaeatthatglitter
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msfcatlover · 1 year
Every Monster Can’t Be Your Kid, Bruce.
Inspired really heavily by You, Me, and the Humanity in Between by JUBE514, which I misunderstood the first time I read it and thought they were all going to be different types of monsters. So Dick & Jason are very close to that story in their origins here. You should absolutely read that fic, because it’s fantastic, but the major take away for my AU is that if you pour enough love into something, it can come to life, and the more life & love it carries the more “real” that life becomes.
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Dick is an antique doll, handed down through generations of Graysons, becoming gradually more alive & aware as time went on. It was John Grayson and eventually his wife Mary who managed to tip Dick over into being animate even when people were watching him. Dick only became more & more real from there, as John & Mary shared their love of flying with him, and eventually shared the spotlight & love of their audience. The circus as a whole saw Dick as a blessing, being fully aware of his inhuman nature but accepting him as a source of good luck… until John & Mary fell, leaving their doll-son behind. Dick could actually see his place in the family he’d been part of turn towards superstitious whispers, as his movements stiffened and his joints became more visible. He wasn’t anyone’s good luck charm anymore.
Bruce also saw how everyone turned on that poor little boy, and rushed to give Dick a place to stay, haunted by the whispers of his own childhood that found ways to blame Bruce for what happened to Thomas & Martha Wayne. Bruce isn’t exactly great at expressing his love, but Dick never needs to doubt it when he can see & feel the evidence right there in his own body. And when Robin met the rest of the hero community, they loved him too, giving Dick the chance to actually grow up for the first time in almost 150yrs.
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The first thing Jason ever experienced was love, as the city itself brought him to life. The second thing was freedom, as Jason slipped from the rooftop he’d been carved for and for the first time experienced flight. The third was agony, as Jason struck the ground and his wings snapped right off.
Jason’s not technically a gargoyle. Gargoyles are structurally important, directing water away from the building, and basically never come to life. Jason is a grotesque, carved for decoration & to ward off evil spirits. Without any family to go to, Jason stuck to that second job, protecting the people of his neighborhood as best he could. Batman investigated what he thought was a new vigilante, and found a boy carved from solid stone who could almost pass for human if he stayed out of the light. Bruce worried Jason would suffer the same rejection Dick had, and offered Jason a home; it took some convincing to tempt Jason away from his territory, as it is in Jason’s nature to stay in place in order to protect, but eventually Jason agreed in exchange for training.
(The new Robin doesn’t bend or jerk the way the last one did, but he hits the ground like a meteor strike, and rakes gouges in brick with his claws. He doesn’t shatter & grin through any injury, because most weapons glance off or shatter themselves against his stony skin.)
(Joker submerged a boy carved from centuries-old limestone in an acid bath, and by the time it was drained there wasn’t enough left to animate. Bruce still called every magician he knew, hoping to hear someone say Jason was still alive despite that.)
(Talia had a marble sculpture carved, and had what was retrieved from Jason’s coffin sealed at its core. It still took one hell of a ritual to bring him back, now with a tail that lashed & wings that swept the ground behind him to go with the fangs & claws he’d always had. The new body was perfect in the way only sculptures can be, and Jason just kept himself covered up rather than bother painting & repainting color onto his skin every time he went out in public, lacking the love to lock it in.)
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Tim was the opposite of his brothers. If you love something, anything, you can bring it to life; if something goes unloved & ignored, on the other hand… Tim just slowly faded into the background of his own life. Nobody talked to him at galas. His parents overlooked him at dinner. Other kids avoided him, while staff wouldn’t look him in the eye. Until one day Tim’s teacher was calling attendance and called Tim’s name three times before Tim abruptly stood up, chair screeching across the floor, and snapped, “I said, I’m right here!” The whole class stared wide-eyed, as though Tim has appeared from nowhere.
Tim learned to take advantage of it. He learned what he could do, as something reality itself sometimes ignored (if Tim closes his eyes and has no one else observing him, he can even bypass laws of physics to move through walls or take a few steps out on open air.) Tim tried to convince himself it was just meta-powers manifesting, and it was pure coincidence how closely his condition mirrored mythical Echo (at least people always hear her voice.)
The only time it doesn’t work is if someone wants to notice Tim. A paradox, as first they need to know the true Tim well enough to want to notice him, rather than their own preconceived notion of Tim or one of the masks that Tim puts on. On the plus side, once Tim became Robin that meant he had people he could reach out to who would answer the phone & talk him through it when reality felt especially swimmy or Tim’s own sense of self might waver. Being overlooked is also just one hell of a superpower, and Tim puts it to good use.
(Tim is eternally annoyed once he starts getting close to people and can no longer slip past them. He demands to know why they can see him, and they’re like, “Because we want to? Because we care about you?” and Tim’s like, “Well that’s inconvenient!”)
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Finding a decapitated teenage girl caught under one of the docks was just an especially depressing day for the Gotham PD. Finding a corpse that grabbed back when the coroner went to move it meant it was time to call in the Batman. Steph didn’t know Morse code and her eyes & ears were currently stuck somewhere in muffled darkness far away from the rest of her, so communication was rough but they eventually got her story out of her. Revenants come back for specific reasons, so it was expected she would be there when her father was apprehended; the words he screamed when he saw her corpse, and the beeline Steph made for the box under his workbench put any remaining doubts to rest. Steph picked the lock by touch, and retrieved her head with a huff of relief.
Then Robin said, “Did you find it?” and Steph jumped, throwing her head at him on instinct. It was very embarrassing for both of them, and when Robin handed Steph her head back and she balanced it back on her neck, she immediately started blushing.
(Bruce buys Steph a whole lot of beautiful “necklaces” to help keep her head balanced. Spoiler is the Headless Horseman of Gotham, and Steph finds it hilarious to play into the image. She no longer experiences true pain, just deep discomfort, and gets very good at lobbing her head like a grisly dodgeball at anyone she dislikes.)
(Steph’s a lot more lively than most people expect of the undead, eating & chattering, even getting sick sometimes. She loudly proclaims that the best part of losing her head is that she no longer has to taste it when she throws up, as long as she’s quick enough removing it—when Steph does puke, it’s mostly bilge-water, no matter what she put in her stomach ahead of time.)
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Cass is a homunculus, but I have no details. Damian’s got his “mixed DNA clone” origin going on. That’s where I’m at with this one.
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spideyanakin · 2 years
Expensive Things
Synopsis - When you start secretly dating Bruce Wayne, Gordon starts worrying about where you got all these new expensive things
Warnings - mentions of blood, injury, and gordon thinking the reader has a sugar daddy lmao
Masterlist 🧚🏻‍♀️
Bruce Wayne Masterlist 🌻
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Bruce Wayne.
How could you describe him?
Self-centered? Loner? Smart? A bit Over the top? Shy? Handsome?
The last one made your heart leap in your chest when you thought about it. But you didn't think he liked you this way. No, to him you were most likely just his good only friend from high school, the only friend who he had somehow managed to keep for so long.
You weren't part of the high society of Gotham and had a tad of a passion for investigations. Sometimes you even thought your talent for quick conclusions spooked Bruce, causing him to push you away lately.
But then you met The Batman, and he left you and your little heart to be torn in pieces.
Your passion to play detective had landed you a good job as James Gordon's assistant, making you his right-hand woman when handling Batman-related things.
And of course, what you felt like Bruce didn't see in you, you felt like Batman did. When Bruce would often put you aside when things got rough, when you tried to help with your detective skills. Well, Batman seeked your help. He trusted you. He didn’t push you away from a mission, or didn’t push you away when things got rough.
And now you felt yourself list all the ways you could describe him.
Smart? Loner? A bit over the top? Trusting? Handsome?
Now you had to take a minute to rethink. Handsome? You had never seen the top of his face.
But your mind travelled to the times when he made eye contact with you. When his piercing grey eyes made your heart do flips and turn your stomach upside down. Your mind travelling to how his voice brought shivers down your shoulders. How his jaw line contrasted with the black of his cowl.
You had a crush on both Batman and Bruce Wayne. Batman had torn your heart in two, leaving you to doubt your feelings and being a mess in front of both.
The worst part was, that Batman flirted with you all the time. Even to the extent that Gordon would ask him to stop and to ask you out already, or simply stop for his own sake.
But everything became less confusing when Batman came tumbling down your window, all bloody and bruised up.
You panicked, the sudden noise making you jump awake and aware. You had been dosing off while writing a report and his sudden arrival made you wide awake. You grabbed the knife you always kept under your desk and quickly turned around, your face dropping at the sight.
Batman had fallen onto your white carpet in a pool of his own blood.
"Holy shit" You dropped your knife and came near him, crouching to get a better sight.
You placed a hand on his shoulder, slowly turning him around to see the half of his face that wasn't covered by the mask.
"Y/n-" He mumbled.
"Bats what happened?" You frowned, trying to calm your own panic down before scanning his body to see his hand clutching his side. The pannels of his suit had been destroyed to reveal black fabric soaked in blood. The side of his face was badly bruised and blood was smeared on his chin.
"Bad guys" He groaned trying to keep his eyes open.
"I'll be right back." You frowned again before standing up and making a mental list of what you had to grab; towels, warm water, your first aid kit, bandages...
You thought that maybe you should call Gordon, or a Doctor? No. You couldn't bring him to the hospital...
You breathed. You could do this.
You came back to him, your heart beating like lighting as you saw him sprawled in a starfish position, still in the same spot beneath your window. He was muttering something under his breath that you tried to understand but couldn't seem to make out, maybe trying to keep himself from passing out.
"Are you ok to move, bats?" You asked carefully and he tried to nod. "I at least need you to sit up against my bed, ok?"
He listened, and with your help he was sat up, his head resting against the bed as you held his shoulders. You analyzed him carefully until you spotted the bloody area.
"I'll probably have to take your shirt off, bats. Is that ok?" You touched the side of his armor and looked at him. His bright eyes looked back at you and he nodded before closing them back again.
"Never thought you'd be the one to undress me first."
"Shut up and let me work." You bit back a smile, the flirty comment reassuring you that he would be fine. You frowned again when he winced at your touch.
Each piece of armor was carefully dropped against your already stained carpet until only the thin black shirt was revealed to you. It was already torn into pieces from the fight, making the removal easier.
"I hope you own more black shirts."
"You'd be surprised." He attempted a smile but gave out a big 'oof' instead as you started patching him up, the gash on his side too distracting to make you blush at the sight of his toned body or even think about who was under the suit just by how his abs looked.
You had one mission; save him so he didn't die on your bedroom floor.
"I'm sorry." He broke the silence.
"For?" You didn't look up from the wound as you replied.
"Coming here, like this..."
"Bats, you know it's alright-"
"You're the only one I trust, Y/n/n" He cut you off, the nickname rolling off his lips as if he had been saying it all his life, making you lift your gaze up to meet his. You didn't know what was different about this, maybe the way he used your nickname for the first time, or the haze in his voice. But you felt your blood rush to your cheeks more than it already had.
Maybe it was a tiny bit more than a crush...
"What about Gordon?" You attempted.
"He doesn't know me like you do." Your hands stopped moving and your eyes kept focus on his face, trying to figure out what he meant.
That was a lie. Gordon had started to work with Batman even before you had arrived in the G.C.P.D.
You didn't seem to know what to reply, and the eye contact was getting longer by the second.
Batman grunted as he leaned on one arm to scoot closer to you, his other hand attempting to reach yours. He tried to focus all his strength on sitting up without resting against the bed - making you grab the side of his arm so he wouldn't fall over.
"I'm sorry about being so distant lately." He whispered, and if you weren't so close you might have not been able to hear him.
His words might have confused you, but something about the change in his voice felt so familiar, so comfortable - as if you had known him your entire life...
Before you could think of something to say or wonder what he meant, his lips were on yours.
Your eyes went wide open until you registered what was going on. Your eyelashes brushed his face as you closed your eyes, gripping his arm to deepen the kiss.
Your other hand wrapped around his neck as his held your waist. You subconsciously reached to place a hand in his hair but were quickly stopped by the edge of his cowl, making you come back to earth.
You didn't know who you were kissing...
But damm it felt nice.
As if he had read your mind, he pulled away - eyes scanning your face for any reaction, but all he could see was your hesitation to kiss him again.
With a small sigh, he kissed your cheek and slowly brought his hands to his cowl.
"Wait-" you took his wrist in yours. "Are you sure you want to do this? I mean-" He shut you up with a kiss.
"Yes." He mumbled, squeezing one of your wrists.
He took one of your hands in his making you reach for the edge of his mask. The fabric felt smooth and almost cold under your skin, contrasting with the warmth of his hand on top of yours.
He closed his eyes and took a breath, you blinked slowly - the moment almost feeling like slow motion as he made your hand hook with the back edge of the cowl and slowly slipping it off.
It was a staring contest as it slowly moved away from his face.
Your breath caught in your throat.
The same grey eyes that you had been staring at your entire life were staring back at you.
"Bruce." You whispered and he leaned against you, faces inches apart. Your breath was caught in your throat, and all you could do was keep your gaze on his.
Somehow it made sense. The way Bruce had been more distant. The little times you saw him he seemed more sleep deprived than usual and less talkative. More reserved.
Batman, on the other hand, he was everything Bruce had been during your childhood. Cheeky jokes and sarcastic comments with more flirting and a good extra dose of charm.
"I wanted to tell you" he stopped to sigh "for so long."
Your brain moved faster than you could comprehend and your lips were on his again. Shushing him with a kiss, trying to tell him it was ok, that you loved him, but also trying to convince yourself that he felt for you just as much.
You pulled away, and smacked his chest with the back of your hand.
"Ow!" He whined, "what was that for?"
"Not telling me sooner" before he could reply you kissed him again, but the kiss was broken by your growing smiles.
"So I take it you like me as well?" He raised an eyebrow and your eyes went wide.
"Like you as well? Bruce, I’ve been head over heels for you since high school"
And the rest was history.
It would be a lie to say that Gordon didn’t notice a change. You started coming to work with a grin and a small step to the way you walked. You seemed happier, more at peace.
It didn’t take him long to figure out.
And it only took a month for you to actually say it.
You were planning a mission with Batman, and like always: his flirting was annoying Gordon, but today in particular he didn’t seem in the mood to take it anymore.
Gordon's head was bowed over the map while you looked at it, trying to figure out where to put the little figurines of you and Batman to show where you would position yourselves to spy on your next mission. You smiled a little to yourself as you remembered going into the toy store and finding a little Batman stocked in the corner of a shelf.
Batman was collecting information via his computer, trying to focus on the little information you gad until a light smirk covered his lips when you slightly bent over the table to place the toy in your hand on the map.
"You look good in those jeans." He smirked.
You felt heat come to your cheeks and eyed him with a furious look. His flirts were only growing bolder since the two of you were together, and you 1. didn't want Gordon thinking something was going on between you two and 2. getting embarrassed in front of your boss.
Gordon who had way pass enough his tolerable dose of flirts for the night lightly slammed his hand on the table and glared daggers at Batman.
"Can you please cut the flirting, please" Your boyfriend raised his hands up in defeat.
"Yeah." You chimed in. "I should warn you, my boyfriend wouldn't like it" You gave him a cheeky smile and eye contact only he could decipher.
"I'm sure I could take your boyfriend down easily"
"You think so?" You teased.
Gordon wasn't wrong, you had someone.
"I didn't know you had a boyfriend." Gordon thought at loud, his curiosity breaking the coded bickers between you and Batman.
"Oh yeah, I forgot haven't told you." You look back down at the map in a poor attempt to change the subject.
"How long have you two been together?"
"About a month." You nodded.
"What does he do for a living?"
"What is this? An interogation?" You looked up at Gordon who looked like he had been caught in the middle of a heist.
"I just want to know who you're dealing with-" You wanted to laugh at his choice of words and side-eyed Bruce who was trying his best to keep himself out of the conversation.
"My relationship is not a criminal case, Gordon. He's a great guy that I really like, and can you accept the fact that maybe I don't want to tell who he is just yet?"
"Because if you knew you would make a full case file on him. And don’t act like I didn’t see files of my ex opened on your computer after I told you his name back when we started dating."
"You did that?" Batman chimed in with a light chuckle.
"You're not in this conversation." Gordon snapped.
"Just please, trust me."
And even though you knew he didn’t, at least he stopped asking questions.
Until four months later where his worries increased.
And who’s fault was that?
Your dear boyfriend who kept showering you with gifts and expensive things.
"Bruce, you have to stop" you made a desperate face as your thumb glided over the fabric of the Versace heels he had just gifted you.
"I saw you eyeing them when I was getting a new suit" he gave you a light smirk as he watched you bit your lip. Your words might have told him the contrary but he knew you were fan girling over these shoes and couldn't wait to wear them.
"I love them but, babe, you have to stop." You whined as you put the shoes back in their box and went to peck his lips.
"My closet is becoming fuller and fuller of designer clothes and people around me are starting to notice" you squeezed his shoulder a bit. "I even feel like Gordon is starting to get suspicious"
"Then don’t go to work in the things I gift you"
"Bruce, it has taken over my entire closet"
And exactly a week later, your predictions came true.
"Y/n, Im worried about you." Gordon stopped you as you were heading out of the building.
"Umm ok?" You blinked, holding onto your phone a bit tighter in your hand. It was late, you had a diner reservation and Bruce's car was parked a block away, waiting for you.
"Well…" Gordon shifted his weight from feet to feet, sighing before digging both his hands in his pockets and looking at you. "I’m not going to deny that you look… happier."
You raised an eyebrow as you tried to guess where he was going with his statement.
"But, this man you’re dating, he’s been giving you an awful lot of fancy gifts" he pointed to your brand new Burberry coat and the expensive heels you were wearing. Not to mention that he didn’t spot the thousand dollar dress you were wearing under the beige fabric. You were speechless, almost instantly knowing where he was going with this. "And.. I can see that he makes you happy I just- I’m worried that- and of course I trust you, I know you don’t let yourself be seduced by fancy things- but” He took a breath for courage. "I’m worried he’s got a grip on you with gifts- and-"
"Are you worried that I have a sugar daddy?" You tried to hold a laugh.
"Well- I wouldn’t-"
"Gordon." You put a hand up to his shoulder. "Please do not worry" you let you a short laugh at his antics. "He’s my age. And I’ve known him forever" you bit your lip so another laugh wouldn’t escape you.
Gordon’s eyes seem to soften as you explained.
"Trust me, I ask him not to get me all this" you pointed down to your clothes. "But that’s just who he is, I guess" you smiled a bit as you thought to the little meaningless fight you’d have over gifts. "So no, I am not a sugar baby" you chuckled as the words left your lips.
"That’s good." A tight lip smile fell across his features and a short silence lingered, you knew he wanted a name, to put a face on the one who would make you late for work, make you mindlessly smile when you thought of him, the one that bought you all these new things you kept changing into after work.
"I know you want his name" you broke the silence. "But not yet." You shook your head. "I promise you’ll find out and can make your police report on him to make sure he’s a good guy for me or whatever-"
"I wasn’t-"
"Gordon we both know-"
"Fine but-"
"Please trust me on this one. As I’ve said, I’ve known him forever. He’s a good guy, but I just can’t tell you yet." Your phone buzzed as you said that, a red heart filling the space for the name.
"He’s waiting for me." You smiled as you showed him your phone, Gordon sighed before moving and letting you through to the front door. "I’ll see you tomorrow."
Your 6 months anniversary was supposed to be perfect.
And apart from the rain that was pouring out onto Gotham, nothing could stop this moment from being amazing.
You were both sitting at a restaurant that gave out a beautiful view of the city. Its skyline almost looked even more beautiful with the rain hitting the river and making the street lights flicker.
You were deep into conversation, half of your appetizers already gone as you let the night take its course.
Those big grey eyes were looking back at you as you smiled, it was almost intoxicating how much you were falling more and more in love with him by the second. Everything about the way he was with you was warm and brought you comfort. He somehow felt like home, a home that you could find refuge to forever. Even with the over-exaggerated amount of gifts that you knew you couldn't level up with.
Everything was quiet, you could barely hear the chatter from the other guests, your table being too far and too hidden from the rest of the big room, to hidden for anyone to even notice the prince of Gotham was there.
You were about to break the short loving silence that had slithered itself into the evening. About to express the burning feeling in your heart-
but of course your work phone cut you.
"You can’t be serious?" you sighed and a short ugh sound left your lips as you threw your head back in desperation, Bruce frowned.
You had specifically told Gordon not to call you in case it was a big, batman level emergency.
He melted a bit in his seat at the thought of this night getting cut off by some Batman business, he started picking at the W engraved cufflink as he watched your face for a reaction to the call.
"Hello?" You heard muffled noises. Sounded like car tyres and an engine, maybe even the heavy rain ringing in the distance.
"Y/n-" the sound became less muffled, and suddenly you heard gunshots. Bruce watched as your face twisted with horror.
"I need you to meet me at the bat-signal, now. Light it up, I’ll be there when I can."
"Gordon what is happening? Are you ok?"
"Yes, I will be. I have to go-" more confusing sounds came from the other side of the line until it was cut by silence, and Bruce’s voice.
"What happened?"
"I- I don’t know- I heard guns, he was in a car- he- he told me to meet him at the bat signal, light it up. It sounded really bad"
He had that calm collected look he always did when he was trying analyse the situation and his next moves.
"Alright let’s go."
He took your hand as you walked back to the counter. You chewed on your bottom lip in anxiety as you tried to figure out what could have possibly happen to Gordon while Bruce figured out the entire paying and getting his jacket and your bag back from the coat check. You barely heard him ask for his car keys instead of someone bringing his car to him, something about being in a hurry.
But now you had other worries.
Spring had called to you being dressed in a long sleeveless dress and shiny heels, not only will you be meeting Gordon like this but your shoulders were barely covered for the rain.
And of course, the parking had to be in another building, leaving you to walk a block in the rain. You heard Bruce mumble a complaint about how this fancy restaurant could at least have a parking in the same building.
The second you were met with the flooding rain he shrugged his jacket off and laid it on your shoulders despite your resistance.
The leather of the car ended up getting soaked, so did your dress and Bruce's jacket that was now securely wrapped around your shoulders. Bruce was soaked just as much as you, his hair was unevenly poking around like the back of a hedgehog.
The two of you would have probably laughed at the situation if this had been different, but right now his eyes were focused on the road and yours on trying to get news from Gordon.
The bag signal lit up in the sky as your answer. He probably was already there, safe and away from who ever was chasing him before.
"What an anniversary."
"Tell me about it."
He parked right in front of the abandoned building, watching you as you slipped the sleeves of his jacket on, an attempt at shielding yourself from the storm that was waiting for you outside of his sports car.
"I’ll see you in a few minutes" you leaned your forehead against his.
"I love you" he mumbled before kissing your lips and reluctantly letting you go. He made sure you were inside before firing up his engine.
Gordon looked pissed.
The side of his jacket was ripped out, his glasses were crooked, he was dripping with rain just like you, and he was pacing around like a maniac, mumbling things as he did.
The sound of your heels came before your voice.
“What in the world happened?"
His wide eyes scanned your figure for a second and you realised he had noticed your outfit.
Of course he would
“I didn’t have time to change, I was at a restaurant.” You defended, bringing Bruce’s vest a little closer to your body as a shiver passed down your spine from the accumulated rain.
“I’m sorry I cut your evening” he sounded really desperate, not mad at you or frustrated that you came into work dressed in clothes more expensive than 3 months worth of both your paychecks united and heels that would definitely made you unable to run in case of emergencies.
"It’s alright, I just want to know." You pleaded again, taking a step closer to him.
"I found them, the base we have been searching for. I found half of their crew trying to smuggle something- I don’t know what yet, but it’s at least another clue. I know where they’re hiding now. But as I made my way out one of their guys spotted me-" he continued explaining the goose chase that had been going on while you were at diner. You carefully took in the information, trying to piece out the puzzle of this case.
You thought that maybe this would lead you to the Joker, or some other villain trying to put any version of your boyfriend’s head on a spike as well as rule Gotham’s darkest corners.
As he finished up his story, there he was, Batman. The shadow you had fallen in love with, a different version of him from the one you had been with barely 10 minutes ago.
"Nice fit" he looked at you up and down, not bothering to cover the way he was checking every piece of you out - and if you weren't dating the man behind the suit you would have probably wished you could disappear into a puddle with the rain.
"What are we here for?" He asked as if he hadn't known the danger Gordon had been in 20 minutes prior.
"Found them, they chased me around, I need you to bring us back to the station, I had to crash my car so they would stop following me" He winced at the memory. "We need to figure out what they want and what they're dealing so we can attack again. " He removed a usb plug from his pocket.
"What's that?" you frowned.
You had forgotten how being in the Bat mobile felt. It was almost like a race car but everything was ten times more intense. You thought it might have even been similar to how formula one drivers felt. A swarm of buttons covered the dash, and when the inside of the car lit up, you remembered you'd have to be in the cramped back seat. Half of the space had been taken by version engines. You didn't even know if you could call this a seat.
"Sorry, princess," Batman mumbled as he opened his door and moved his seat forward so you could climb in the back. "Promise I'll give you a better ride next time." He winked and you wanted to hit him in the ribs to stop, but you quickly realized that it would be really dumb to do when he had his suit on.
That's when Gordon noticed the shiny button of Bruce's jacket that you still wore. Your hand was placed on top of the car as you made a movement to get in, the street light was reflecting on it.
His eyes focused on the engraved letter on the button.
He closed his eyes as he realized.
How could he have been so blind?
'I've known him forever' your words came back to him.
You were dating Bruce Wayne.
Of course, you were.
The gifts, the fancy dates, the wishing to keep the relationship a secret.
He snapped out of his realization and slid into the passenger seat of the batmobile, a smirk lighting up his features.
"You need a ride?" Batman offered as you yawned. You smiled as you put a file back in a cupboard. It was 3 am, you were finally satisfied with what you had come up with: a small plan that consisted of the three of you kidnapping the main boss and getting the information out of him.
Gordon looked up from his glasses before you could answer.
"I need to talk to her alone before, I'll give her a ride. Sorry Bats." He gave him a tight slip smile and you could see Bruce trying to keep his expression neutral.
"That's alright" He nodded, giving you a 'i'll be waiting for you at your place' look "I'll see you guys around."
"Bye bats"
Before he was even out the door you opened your phone to text him.
"One second I'm just texting my-"
"Bruce Wayne?" He took the words out of your mouth.
"What?" You froze.
How did he figure it out? was all your mind could play as you tried to find words to get out of this.
"Your boyfriend, Bruce Wayne." He folded his arms.
"Is that what you wanted to talk to me about?"
"Don't change the subject, Y/n" You swallowed as you knew there was no good way out of this.
"No?" It sounded like more of a question. "I'm not dating Bruce Wayne- he's- he's my friend."
"Right the friend who you went to diner with and came back with his jacket" He pointed to the vest you were still wearing.
Your eyes went wide and you noticed the W buttons.
"I promise I was going to tell you- I was just waiting-"
"Y/n, it's alright."
"I get why you haven't told me, and I promise you that this time I won't make a file on him" He smiled a bit.
"You're not mad?"
"Why are you smiling you usually hate my boyfriends"
"Y/n. You're a family friend, I've known you since you were a kid. But you forget I've known him since he was a kid." He pointed out. "The two of you weirdly fit together, Bruce is a good guy, I approve"
"You do?" You stayed baffled for a few seconds. 'Well that went better than expected'
"So you will stop asking me questions about my relationship?"
"Oh thank god."
"But just one condition, you ask Batman to cut off with the flirting or else I'm calling your boyfriend to tell him what's happening when he isn't around." That made you smile.
"Alright, I will"
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thisisapaige · 2 months
Tagged by @mercurialkitty. Thanks! This was fun :-)
20 Questions for Writers
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 59
2. What's your total AO3 word count? 645,479
3. What fandoms do you write for? Just Supernatural. I have the brainworms and they are in the shape of Thee One and Only Castiel.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
stay, In Just Saying It, Non Solum, Still Waters Run Deep, Sleeping Together
5. Do you respond to comments? Most of them. I do get kind of overwhelmed (with love and joy) if someone comments on all the chapters as they read, so I'll often reply to their final comment. And if the comments are rude, I ignore them (doesn't happen often, but it has).
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Thee fic that started it all: Empty Spaces. A bold choice for my first posting, lol. At least I wrote a sequel? :-P
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Probably Something Blue. I wrapped that up with a bow. As a commenter wrote, "Holy happy ending, Batman!!!!!"
8. Do you get hate on fics? Mmmmm, not sure I'd call it hate but I did have a commenter who wasn't happy with the direction The Angel went in. Thankfully, they figured out the fic wasn't to their tastes and decided to leave halfway through.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Yeah. It's fun to write but, whew, very difficult to edit, lol. As for what kind... somewhat-idealized- romantic-everyone-has-a-good-time-and-feels-their-feelings kind of smut, I think. Most of the time... Murder the World was a lot more angsty.
10. Do you write crossovers? Nah. I don't really have the fic bug for other fandoms.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not that I'm aware of.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? Yup! A couple in Russian and one in Chinese.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? No. I don't know if I'd be able to. I don't think I'd be a very good partner :-P. I don't even like a beta to look at my stuff 'till the draft is done and I read it though a couple times.
14. What’s your all time favorite ship? It's the DeanCas of it all.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? The Path of the Righteous Man (my reverse verse fic) is like, my white whale. I keep going back to it and never adding a single word. The block is strong on that one.
16. What are your writing strengths? Introspection and action. Both are sooooo fun.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? Dialogue. UGH. Dialogue. How do people talk? Hell if I know.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? Sure. My monolingual ass won't, though.
19. First fandom you wrote for? Posted? SPN. Written on loose leaf paper as a tiny child, which has been lost to the ages (thank goodness)? Final Fantasy VII.
20. Favorite fic you’ve written? This is a mean, mean question. I cannot chose one! I cannot! So have a selection (answer subject to change in 30 seconds):
stay for being my fix it that allowed me to continue enjoying the show after that fiasco of an ending.
The Angel for being the fantasy epic I always wanted to write.
insi(de an)d outside for being some of my strongest writing.
Still Waters Run Deep for being my first bang and also because I have prints of the art reafre made and that still blows my mind.
Something Blue because it took me on a very personal journey (and also I just posted it so it's fresh in my mind).
I *could* probably post most of my fic, honesty. I like my stuff. I wrote them for me, after all.
Tagging: @angelcasendgame @hornystiel @wormstacheangel @bloodydeanwinchester if you so chose to participate!
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