#jonathan is sooo cute
dstrome · 24 days
Best. Interview. Ever. #TeamNA #WCH2016
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Another adorable Jonmina thing I noticed (and I’m going to keep noticing them) is that Jonathan was definitely being put into some kind of trance by Count Dracula when they’re on the way to the castle. The endless stops, the circling back, the wolves, etc. I don’t know exactly how, but I think it was to lull Jonathan into a state of exhaustion or panic he couldn’t get out of so he’s more susceptible to suggestion and doesn’t notice anything off about his surroundings at all. Or he does, but he’s too scared to fight back against it, it’s unclear to me which (I’m sure y’all have a better idea!).
For the most part it works except…that’s right, folks!!! He remembers Mina again.
“Was this a customary incident in the life of a solicitor's clerk sent out to explain the purchase of a London estate to a foreigner? Solicitor's clerk! Mina would not like that. Solicitor—for just before leaving London I got word that my examination was successful; and I am now a full-blown solicitor! I began to rub my eyes and pinch myself to see if I were awake.”
Remembering Mina, while it doesn’t take away his fears entirely, does make him pinch himself to wake up and remind him why he needs to get out of there. Plus, it keeps him observant enough to notice that the Count and the driver almost seem like the same person…hmm. He might’ve noticed it regardless, but who’s to say?
Also, I find it cute that he remembers her in a sense of her hyping him up like “no Jonathan!!! You’re a solicitor now! Give yourself the right title.”
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multivstx · 2 years
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the way he loves his boys…
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lonely-dog-song · 2 years
Dracula update thoughts: I'm so excited for mina to get this dang letter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But also.... i am remembering things..... but not clearly enough to know for sure about something, but enough to make guesses as to the future plot (😢)
also I wonder how mina gets this letter bc im pretty sure she's just visiting whitby. Who sent this to her (also idr why she's in Whitby!!!!!!! I think for Lucy & Lucy's mom's health?? Or maybe its just a fun vacay) (UNLESS SHE GOES BACK TO LONDON SOON & that's how she gets the letter)
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spidernuggets · 4 months
hey hey girly anon here🎀
I was thinking about some jason hcs about what if jaaon and reader were hiding from a vilain but they had to hide by like pulling into an alleyway and like making out lmfao
I think with civillian reader would be so cute bc he like saves her n stuff
Idk how to word this properly but i love what u do sm
i like the way u think anon
Jason Todd x Reader
Sooo Jason definitely gave you some sort of emergency contact button. It's quick and easy, but you left it at home in another jacket or something like that.
But you think "Oh well, nothing bad's happened before."
It's dark, and you wanna get home as soon as possible so you take the shortcut that Jason told you so. many. times. not to go through. But you go that way anyway.
You run into, idk, let's say Scarecrow/Jonathan Crane. Crane has a new liquid toxin he invented, and since you just so happened to run into him, he believes you'd be a great test subject.
As soon as Crane gets close to you, Red Hood swings in, tackling him to the ground. He tells you to run and that he'll be right behind you.
You hide yourself into a nearby alleyway.
A very narrow alleyway.
When Jason is running around, trying to find you, you call out to him. So, he finds you, runs to you, and squeezes in with you. There's barely extra room. Jason's frantic and asking if you're okay or if Crane hurt you, but you're so distracted with his chest all puffed out right at your face.
Jason takes his helmet off because he's just so worried for you that he needs to breathe. But you ruin that opportunity by pulling him in for a kiss. It was supposed to be a sweet kiss. A little "thanks" for him for saving you.
But the kiss lasts longer than intended, and like two seconds later, the two of you have your tongues down each other's throats. You feel Jason's grip tightening around your waist, and your fingers tug against the hairs at the back of his neck.
The two of you almost didn't hear the "Come out wherever you are," from Crane.
When the two of you finally broke the kiss, Jason sighed because the moment was cut short. He pulled out the pistols from his holsters and was about to step out of the alley to fight Crane, but you pulled him by the collar of his leather jacket, crashing your lips against his for another starved, wet kiss before telling him to kick Scarecrow's ass.
Obviously, Jason does beat Crane's ass. Scarecrow's unconscious on the road and GCPD.are on their way because Jason has better stuff to attend to. Like his girl patiently waiting for him to come back.
"Where were we," he grunts, his hands finding their way to your ass.
He lifts you up, pinning you against the brick wall, kissing you once more.
This goes on for a while until the glare of red and blue lights appear from around the corner.
"We can continue this at home?" You suggested. Jason was quick to nod, pulling you towards his bike, wasting no time to drive the two of you to your shared home.
This isn't the first time it's happened, btw.
You have a tendency to be out at night. Is it to see Jason in action because you can't resist how good he looks? Yeah, maybe. But it's usually only minor criminals around the parts that Jason patrols. Jonathan Crane showing up was a happy accident. Either way, Jason still looked so fine while fighting.
Unfortunately, the two of you have no shame. You just loved Jason too much to care about your surroundings. So when you are out and about, and Jason is on patrol with Dick or Bruce, he's always out to see if you're wandering the streets.
One time, he saw you getting mugged, but then you kicked the criminal where the sun don't shine.
"That's my girl," he'd say to himself. Then he'd come right in front of you, pulling you to a secluded area, pulling you into a heated kiss.
But you hear someone calling out for him, but the two of you decide to ignore it. But you hear someone clear their throat.
You two turn your head and see Dick awkwardly standing their and Bruce behind him, shaking his head in disapproval.
Jason just scoffs and kisses your forehead, telling Bruce and Dick that he'll be back on patrol after he brings you home <3
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leslie057 · 1 month
rating things owned by nancy elizabeth wheeler
because she’s got a lot of little things. mostly they are very cute and strange little things.
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starting off strong we have the prettiest tissue box in the world. 9/10, i think if i were sick it would make me feel better to have such a nice tissue box.
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i’m fairly certain this is her diary beside it because her diary looks pink in the upside down version of her bedroom. so this is probably it? 11/10, i want to read it so bad. and very sweet pic with mom—7.5/10.
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next up these pinstripe pants !! 10/10 i love them so much. oh and the index finger ring is there obviously, 8/10, such a consistent piece of her character.
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a ribbon for being the bestest girl ever in the world. 10/10. also the card of cardinals: 6/10, probably just a christmas card or something rather than a symbol of her love for birds. but i still like it.
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mr rabbit gets 11/10 for the name alone. and why does he look dead. i love him. he’s me.
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descent from xanadu: QUITE LITERALLY 0/10. at first i was SO excited to cheer her on for reading a sex and drugs book at school but as it turns out? bizarre and gross. seems to go heavy on nonconsensual stuff. i snagged a free pdf and command f’d for whore and bitch. lots of results obviously (one use of c*ck crazy bitch…lovely). it seems men in this book say a lot of sexist stuff that the women pretend to hate but love which i can’t imagine is great for a teenage girl to consume. also just not sexy at all.
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literally so bad, and this is not the worst of it.
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sooo bad. the author was what 70 (??) writing that his female character got clinically DIAGNOSED with being a slut for every guy she comes in contact with. i know options for sexy literature were probably limited at this time but…please go check out something else. i wanna bonk her on the head with this book (paperback) and hug her. you don’t need to read this to be cool and sexually aware. moving on.
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on the other side of that, the blondie calendar gives us a sense of the GOOD media she’s consuming!! a 10/10 no questions asked. we don't really get to see many of her hobbies or interests outside of investigation so this is a much appreciated detail.
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of course like all good things in life the blondie calendar does get replaced. its replacement is what i will call Weird Antinaturalist Art Piece #1 seen in her room in s4. i give it a 4/10 because idk what’s going on really.
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and here is a very crunchy screencap of Weird Antinaturalist Art Piece #2 from s4 which i will give a 5/10. note the boyfriend typical photography above it, for sure a 10/10.
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there is also Weird Antinaturalist Art Piece #3 which gets an 8/10 because i like the composition and the piano player. where did she get this and why. interior decoration is her passion.
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the sleeping bag and crochet pillow setup. 7/10. would take a cat nap here.
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pluto!! 15/10, the best mickey mouse character i would say. i hope her cousin is taking good care of him.
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bulletin board 10/10. i love how obvious it is that she has had this up for forever. probably a nice constant in her life.
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and my favorite pic up there is this precious one. look at herrr. 5000/10.
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her floral weekender bag. 6/10, i like it, but not as much as i like the speedwalk and the toss into the backseat. she was SO ready for her lab takedown road trip.
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trapper keeper is a 9/10 because they probably put anything and everything on trapper keepers back in the day and yet still she chose this lovely understated hot air balloon. elegant.
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tom cruise poster is 1000000/10 actually. she is so loyal to that man. actually though not a great pic of him all things considered so maybe i give it a 999999/10. (i love it so much because i know for a fact that jonathan byers works proactively to never acknowledge this poster, because he is more mature than that.) (he is not more mature than that, in fact he is a little pouty about mr cruise.)
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KITTY FIGURINE. 10/10. i thought it was just in s4 but i found it on her other nightstand in s1. very very adorable. i imagine it is now one of the first things she sees in the morning (well that and her blue telephone: 8/10) which is bizarre and cute. the mixtape drawer gets a 10/10 for reasons that i don’t think i need to get into.
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white fingerless gloves! 10/10. so chic for monster hunting.
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black fingerless gloves from s4. hmmm 3/10, they're cool i guess but they don’t feel very nancy and the white ones are so much better. especially because you may get the splatter effect of monster blood on them in a battle scenario, which would be badass.
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piggybank (with her name on the side). 2/10 unfortunately i don’t like him. he looks at me like i took out his whole pig village and i just need some quarters. also did she paint this herself? in that case, 3/10 for customization lol.
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pastel underwear drawer: 10/10. her committment to the hollistic aesthetic and color palette of her room is impressive here. it was a good idea to use this drawer as a deterrence against her little brother and a money hiding place but clearly he has no manners and is a THIEF.
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STRIPED SOCKS. 10/10. i realize it's hard to see because she's moving so fast (slow down he is not going anywhere) but they are indeed stripey even though i would have guessed solid white. and wow what good sleeping socks. stripes are just cozier. hope she got lots of sleep in those.
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bangsinc · 1 year
pre collider spot going on a date with reader? hes just all flustered and shy and sweaty and clammy and nervous and waaaa. buys reader flowers and goofy stuff like that please just fluff overload. gender neutral is fine!!
First Date with ‘Jonathan Ohnn’ (spot), (Hcs!)
This is sooooo cute!!! Jonathan Ohnn seemed like such a cutie pre collider and writing about him might be hard but tbh he probably is just as much as a goober as the spot is. No warnings! Just fluff! Also I’m using ‘spot’ for this just cause I get the ick saying jonathan, I’m just so used to ‘spot’!
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If he were to actually confess to someone, expect him to be a horrible, terrible wreck. He never expected to fall in love, but when he’d met you things never seemed to fall into place anymore. He found himself more clumsy, prone to accidents he couldn’t have imagined being into in the first place.
Might offhandedly ask for your favorite flower MONTHS (or weeks.. probably days.. maybe a few hours) before he ever promptly asks you out, so it can be a wonderful suprise to get your favorite kind!
He’s not one for grand dates. Restaurants aren’t his thing, movies mean you can’t talk to the person you’re with.. so his perferred place would be maybe a park or sunset. Maybe you paint together, or share some pasteries?
Of course, once the date actually begins, he’s not even sure what to do. He doesn’t know where to put his hands or what he should do.. would it be rude to ask for boundaries? It’s a first date, so he shouldn’t be doing anything anyways but.. your hands look so soft!! :(
He tries to start conversation, but doesn’t exactly know what to talk about unless it involves rambling about his work. Of course, he’s a great listener though! He could listen to that lovely voice of yours for hours.
Might accidentally ramble more than he intends to, he doesn’t mean it, but he wants to make sure you understand everything he says and that he doesn’t come off as misunderstood!!
Might compliment you here and there shyly, his words laced with insecurity and uncertainty if he was making you comfortable or not. The idea he might scare the one person he’s ever been romantically interested in only raises that tense feeling building up within him.
If you compliment him, he probably won’t be the same for the rest of the date. His cheeks flush a dark pink upon hearing your words, not used to hearing such endearment. He didn’t consider himself attractive, and the best shopping he did was at thrift stores, but..
(Kinda unrelated but I just had the cutest thought that, maybe the more as dates progress, he just gets SOOO CUDDLY. He’s so big and fabshehehwhjshasbbxnd)
(Here’s a refrence of what he looks like pre-collider to readers who don’t know! I’d know I’d probably want refrences HAHA)
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the-s1lly-corner · 1 year
i think it would be so cute if you wrote headcannons abt silly little things johnathan ohnn would do around alchemax when him and reader are coworkers. imagine their desks next to each other 🥲
Random hcs for Jonathan Ohnn and his coworker!
Didnt know if you wanted this romantic or platonic so I'm writing this as
Both?? If that makes sense?? Like majority is neutral with a more romantic segment at the end?? Help
Side note I love this gif
Anyways not proof read we die like uncle Aaron
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Obligatory you guys leave things on each others desks; notes, snacks, a drink, ect ect ect
You both also have your own set of inside jokes, and probably gossip about y'alls other coworkers
Probably just a me thing because I love dynamics like this but yall are just. Constantly bubbly around each other, like
Yall can glance at each other and make a slightly goofy expression and the other is trying to hold it together
I just wanna see Jonathan happy, man :( his whole Jonathan to spot transition kinda actually makes me sad like bro was just doing his job
I feel like Jonathan can get fairly wrapped up in his work; forgets to take breaks.. he really appreciates when you come over and leave a bottle of water on the edge of his desk, makes him feel cared for
Side tangent but I personally hc that even before becoming Spot he never really had many friends, much less ones that look out for his wellbeing like that. Doesn't help that he's kinda
Awkward and closed off but hes not
Evil or mean spirited (yet/hj)
"Jon you gotta start standing up straight" "UHHHGGHH *fine* dad/mom!!🙄/j" and similar interactions
Whenever you two are assigned hands on work/experiment shit yall are both just. Bouncing off each other the entire time if that makes sense
Like yall are a power duo; you guys get the work done in no time and actually?? Have fun?? Work goes by fast when you're doing it with someone you enjoy being around
Hopping back in the silly stuff he would NOT stand up for himself if someone was taking his lunch; and if he does he makes like. A piss poor attempt at standing up for himself sooo if you're on the fierce side (or just have a backbone) he would really appreciate it
"Excuse me he asked for NO pickles!"/j
Now onto the romance yahoo
Tbh I dont know if alchemax would be the type of company to outright ban coworkers from having relationships with one another, I can kinda see it swinging either way
But I've never been good at writing hcs for characters needing to slink around so let's say it allows that stuff
Jonathan is an awkward sap, like
Imagine glancing over at his computer and seeing him looking up pickup lines (bad corny ones)
He uses them 5 minutes later on you
Stuff like that
Also while I dont normally like characters that dip into the clingy/jealous category Jonathan/spot is an exception simply because I legitimately cant see him not being at least a little insecure
But the good news about being a scientist is that hes good at problem solving; he communicates!!
You guys are both so
At least he is; one good compliment and hes red in the face
Outright flirt with him and hes basically glowing red
Back to the bad pick up lines he will be over the moon if you say one back
Building off the "you guys leave things on each others desks" thing he leaves like. Flowers and candies he knows you like on the desk
A moment of silence for your desk when your birthday or valentines day happens 😔
Imagine someone hits on you and he just
Wanders over, puts a hand on your shoulder and just
"Theyre taken"
But like, in a cringey ☝️🤓 way
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lousypotatoes · 2 months
Hi I love your korekiyo fic it was sooo cute :3 would you be ok with writing korekiyo/and or Gundam tanaka x reader (gn) who loves monster mythology and reading classic books like Dracula or Frankenstein. Pls & Thx
oh my goodness this is favorite request so far!! I absolutely love old horror classics <33 Enjoy~
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Monster Stories Gundham/Korekiyo x G/N! Reader
Gundham Tanaka
Song Recommendation:
Teeth - 5 Seconds Of Summer
This has some suggestive content. Mostly making out but still.
It had been a super exhausting day. You had tests in almost every class, and you had to deal with Hiyoko throwing a temper tantrum, luckily Mahiru was there to calm her down.
Walking into your dorm room, you kicked off your shoes, grabbed your book, and plopped down on your bed.
After about 20 minutes, you heard a knock at the door.
"Come in!" you called out, not taking your eyes off the pages of the book.
The door opened and your boyfriend, Gundham walked in, his scarf and coat swaying behind him.
"What are you reading, my dark monarch?" he asked, sitting on your bed.
"Dracula, by Bram Stroker," you said, leaning into him. "You've probably heard of it."
"Indeed, I have," he said proudly, reading the words on the page. "How did you aquire this book of dark energy?"
"I wouldn't call it dark energy," you chuckled. "Shuichi let me borrow it."
"I didn't know that he had the same kind of 'dark power' as you and I."
"Shuchi's full of surprises, I guess," you said, distracted by the scene in the book. "Jonathan just met the brides,"
"Perhaps my favorite part in the whole book,"
You closed the book, smirking. "Why's that Gundham?"
Gundham blushed, pulling his scarf over his face. "Be-Because my dear, it shows the demon and seductive energy that Dracula's brides have," Gundham said, making you giggle.
"Excuses, excuses," you said, leaning in to kiss him.
Gundham didn't waste anytime kissing you back. Your lips molded perfectly together, his lips rough, but in a comforting way.
His tongue swiped over her your bottom lip, asking for entrance. Giggling, you parted your mouth, and he immediately invaded it with your tongue, exploring every inch. Your tongues intertwining together, you moved your hands to the back of his neck, forcing him closer to you. Gundham moved his hands to your hips, pressing your chest against him.
After a few minutes of making out, you both pulled away from each other, both breathing heavily, a string of saliva connecting the two of you.
"Maybe next time I should ask you about your favorite scene in Doctor Sleep," you joked, panting.
"The scene where Rose The Hat and Snakebite Andy make love, my monarch," he growled, nipping at your neck.
"Fair enough," you breathed out, pulling him into another passionate kiss.
Korekiyo Shinguji
Song Recommendation:
All Of Me - John Legend
Being The Ultimate Mythologist, you absolutely loved studying myths in your free time. But by far your favorite mythology to study was monster mythology.
You were in the Hope's Peak Academy library, reading books about The Loch Ness Monster, The Minotaur, and other ancient monsters.
As you were reading, you heard footsteps behind you, but assumed it was the librarian. So, you were pretty surprised when someone sat in the chair next to you. You jumped up so suddenly that you almost knocked down one of the books.
"Sorry love," your boyfriend chuckled. "I didn't mean to scare you."
"It's fine Kiyo," you said, catching your breath. "I just didn't expect you to be here, that's all."
"What are you reading, dear?" he asked, looking over at the pages.
"Just some monster mythology stuff,"
"What creature are you reading about this time?" he grabbed onto your hand.
"The Minotaur, right now," you said, squeezing his hand.
"Ah, The Cretan Bull," Korekiyo said. "Very interesting, my dear."
The two of you sat there for the next few moments in silence, reading and enjoying each other's company.
After about ten minutes, you closed the book.
"Finished reading already?" he hummed.
"No, but we should leave," you said, getting up. "I have homework to do, and my textbook's in my dorm."
"Would you like me to accompany you?" Korekiyo asked, also getting up.
"I would like nothing better," you smiled, kissing his cheek.
i really really REALLY want some double stuffed oreos
and a rootbeer float
stay safe and drink lots of water <33
xoxo, Izzy
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mirrorballdazai · 2 years
BYLER HEADCANONS but it’s mostly random thoughts or me projecting
will is actually good at sports, he likes football a lot, while mike can barely run and is sooo jealous of people who are good at it (even if he pretends he doesn’t care). will knows and acts like he doesn’t know how to do anything sport related so mike can look like he’s the tough guy of the couple because he thinks it’s cute
when they start dating they’re so awkward around each other they don’t even kiss for the first month, mike initiates the kiss but will is the one who keeps the kiss going
mike’s feet stink and will always makes fun of him for it, mike gets so embarrassed about it that one day he starts cleaning his feet for an hours straight before will goes to his house but he isn’t done when he arrives and when will realizes what mike is doing he laughs so much he starts crying
will’s favorite the smith’s album is meat is murder, mike always makes fun of it saying the name is weird because “it’s not like it’s cannibalism, will!”
nancy is the first one to notice they’re together, jonathan obviously knows about will’s crush but they never really talk about it so when nancy starts whining about them doing all lovey dovey things and says “i get that they’re together but god they make me feel single and i have a boyfriend!” jonathan is like “THEY’RE WHAT???”
mike at one point starts to basically live at the byers’ and joyce and hop get so used to his presence that when he gets sick and stays at his own house for just one day they start asking will questions like “where is mike? is he okay? did you two fight? will he come home for dinner?”
mike is the little spoon and when the party finds out at a sleepover they start to call him princess, he hates it at first but when will does it to tease him a few times he actually likes it and finds it cute
karen suspects something but doesn’t say anything to respect her son, except one time when her and mike are talking about him having a sleepover with the party (and she knows that it’s a lie and it’s just him and will) and she slips out “isn’t will gonna be mad if you’re late again?”. mike panics so she adds “i know him and lucas care a lot about punctuality”
max and will become best friends and they start joking around about dating each other and how they should get married and how the other is probably such a good kisser and stuff; mike sometimes gets a bit jealous so when he kisses will he says “hope this was good enough for you because i’m not gonna make room for max”
mike writes little stories about boys who fall in love with other boys and doesn’t want will to read them because it would be too embarrassing since the love interest of the main character is always inspired by will
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whenmemoriesfrost · 2 months
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100 days of productivity // day 23
worked on my short story, the first draft is at 2000 words now :)
reached p1000 of jonathan strange + mr norrell
went for a walk with my family
added buttons to my newly finished knit (it’s sooo cute)
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tonberry-yoda · 2 years
* wakes up* Its time🫠
Sooo, Narancia and a reader who looks intimidating and no one has the courage to approach him, but they approach Narancia and reveal themselves to be just a complete sweetheart that could break you in half but they never would (like Jonathan) and they're also love cute things and plans to give Narancia a cat :D
omg hello lovlie!!! I am so so so so sorry this took so long i have been busy as hecc! but im back everyone! im alive i swear! this idea was so so cute thank you for the request my love! i love writing for you!! <3
Narancia with an intimidating looking reader who's actually a sweetheart
Pairing - Narancia x reader
Warnings - none!
Word Count - 417
Notes - thank you again! this was a super cute idea and i loved writing it! i have never written for narancia, so this was super fun!!! thanks again @osanapolnarefflover have a great day love and stay hydrated! <33
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You felt so… apart from the gang. The only person who truly would talk to you was Bruno. You saw him as a parental figure, nothing more. So you really felt like a no one. Someone to fear. It felt like you had no friends in this gang, but honestly… that was okay with you. You had one job and that was to help Bruno with anything. Be there for him and his gang. Protect them. You didn't need friends anyway.
But Narancia? He was different. Something about him sparked something in you. You had never gotten butterflies before, but here you were, falling in love with the sweetest, cutest guy ever. All while you had to be this intimidating character. You were jealous and craved something, anything, that would bring the two of you closer.
You didn't know how you built up the courage, but you did. You walked up to him, like your legs were just moving on their own and you smiled at Narancia. He looked at you with some slight concern, but you didn't mind, you were used to it anyway.
“Narancia, wanna see something cool?” You held out your hands to reveal a butterfly you had found in the front of the restaurant. It immediately flew out of your hands and landed on Narancia’s nose making you both giggle.
Narancia couldn't help but be shocked. He wasn't expecting you to be so… sweet. “y/n, what’s gotten into you?” He pulled up a chair and you immediately sat down, taking a slice of cake from the table you were all sitting at.
“What do you mean?”
What did he mean? Not even he knew the answer. To be honest, he never really knew what you were up to, so how could you change? Maybe it was your terrifying demeanor, someone who could knock out an enemy stand user without even using your stand. Everyone loved you, but kept their distance. Maybe Narancia was starting to regret that.
“S-Sorry, y/n… I…” He rubbed the back of his neck, his face going bright red.
“Narancia,” you slid your hand over to his, gently holding it. Who knew your touch could be that gentle. “Don't worry about it.” Your voice was so soft and… comforting.
He nodded and grabbed your hand with a smile. “Sorry we’ve never talked before now.”
You shook your head. “It's okay. Do you wanna… go to the pet store with me?”
“The pet store?”
“I heard you like cats.”
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summercourtship · 2 months
Hi Kyra! this post will just be me commenting my favorite moments from this chapter ( it’s so funny bcs this IS my favorite chapter so far… to be fair, every chapter that you post becomes my new favorite chapter….) so don’t be surprised of how LONG this will be…
I ABSOLUTELY ADORED THE FIRST SCENE!!!! how could you think of not putting it in??? it’s SO GOOD!!!! i loved edward getting conflicted about telling his fantasies to the mc, only to say it anyway bcs she basically said: “pretty please with a cherry on top 🥺🥺🥺” and after it he even strokes her hair??!!?! what a man….
I want to congratulate you on the build up and immersion that you created when Jonathan was guiding us to the basement! Holy fuck! that was INSANE!!!! i was genuinely scared while reading it, like i knew that he wasn’t going to actually hurt us BUT STILL!!!! and him (angrily) taking his glasses off when talking about Bruce (like i have this gut feeling that he still holds a resentment to him for dancing with us) was TOP TIER!!! and jesus fucking christ i don’t even need to say the smut part of it all so fucking good… the small gestures of yearning that he did (that could -it is- be him manipulating us BUT WHO GIVES A FUCK?) the “have you missed this?” YEAH I DID!!! and i KNOW he did too!! you can’t fool me!!! everything about was just perfect… goes to show that Jonathan Crane is intoxicating…. that jerk…
Bruce Wayne is the people’s princess, he IS the ultimate damsel in distress, EVERYONE IS OUT TO GET THAT MAN!!! but seriously, the scene where the reader is deciding that she is going to betray Bruce and he just smiles at her and she realizes that SHE CAN’T HURT HIM!!!!! IT MELTED MY HEART ❤️ him being worried and still being there for her…. BRUCE NATION WE WON SO HARD WITH THE PECK IN THE ROOFTOP AND WE ARE GOING TO A PARTY WITH MISTER WAYNEEEEEE!!!!!! WHAAAAAT??!!! him asking was so funny and cute too!!!! i absolutely LOVE their dynamic!!!
Thank you so much kyra!!! thanks for sharing your amazing story! i know how personal they are! i don’t think you get thanked enough!!! i love your art, i love the passion you have for it… so yeah thanks!!!
ahh! thank you so much! I love getting these asks, I love hearing everyone's thoughts and analysis of what I've written it really makes my work feel appreciated!
I was very nervous that the first smut scene would feel unnecessary or OOC but decided that it didn't matter! I also don't really think there's going to be anymore Edward smut (in this fic, at least) so I wanted to treat you all to some more since a lot more people liked their dynamic than I thought would when I was planning the fic! He's sweet now but he is also... volatile.
Thank you! I was so excited to write the basement scene with Jonathan and I'm glad you all are enjoying it! Jonathan definitely doesn't like Bruce, the extent of which will be revealed slowly. I also loved writing the contrast between Jonathan's downright tender moments and the gross filthy stuff. Both of which are, indeed, ways he's trying to regain his control over the reader.
Bruce and the reader's relationship is FINALLY moving somewhere lmao. I know y'all have been SOOO patient. It is so funny to me, though, that the reader is like to Batman "please please protect Bruce!! he's a lil baby, he can't protect himself!" because girl.... that IS BRUCE. he'll be fine. It also adds another layer to their conversation that is, to me, delicious. I really enjoy dramatic irony, can you tell?
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thesolarangel · 8 months
A touch of cinnamon and spice
Chapter 2
Summary: Eddie meets the handsome stranger again and finally learns his name.
2.566 words · Rated: G · College AU, no upside down · fluff, pining, getting together, cozy cute fall fanfic with minimum drama and zero angst or warnings!
Btw, Eddie is just kidding, he secretly digs Tears for Fears! Also: Freddie Mercury being bi probably wasn’t widespread knowledge in 1987, but it’s important for the plot to mention this.
Read on AO3 here
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Chapter 2 · October 20th 1987 
Two weeks had passed and of course Eddie couldn’t get him out of his head. His mind was constantly spinning around the most beautiful man he had ever seen.
Right now Jonathan, Argyle and him were at the cafeteria, standing in line to get  lunch. Eddie was shoveling tater tots onto his plate when he heard a familiar voice behind him.
“Hey, um, you’re the artist.” 
He turned and saw the handsome stranger from art class standing next to him. His hair looked perfect and so effortlessly styled as the last time Eddie saw him. He was wearing a white tee with a Queen print on it as well as tight blue jeans and a dark blue coat. Play it cool, Eddie thought to himself.
“Oh hey, I almost didn’t recognize you with your clothes on.” Eddie blurted out. Not like that.
The brunette made a bewildered face. And not just him, Jonathan looked reasonably confused as well. Argyle just giggled at Eddie’s comment.
“I’ll explain later”, Eddie murmured to his friends. He turned to the handsome stranger. “Hey… you.” he ended, smiling awkwardly.  
“Steve”, he responded, slightly amused.
“I’m Eddie”, he introduced himself, “this is Jonathan and Argyle.” 
“Oh, we have English together, right?” Steve asked Jonathan.
“Um, yeah, I remember you”, Jonathan replied and then gestured to Steve’s band shirt. “Great taste in music, man.”
“Thanks!” Steve beamed at him. “Hammer to fall is one of my favorite songs.”
Pretty, big dick AND loves rock music? Eddie looked at him wide-eyed. He wasn’t sure this guy was even real. 
Before he got caught staring again, he tried to set up a conversation: “So what do you study?”
“I wanna be a middle school teacher. English and PE. I was just helping out with the modeling thing”, he shrugged, like it was nothing, getting butt naked in front of a full class of strangers.
“Um, wanna share a table?" Eddie asked, putting his tray down on a nearby table, where the group had sat down.
“Oh, I already had lunch, I gotta go, see ya!” Steve waved.
Eddie watched Steve leave the cafeteria, leaving him quite astonished. Did he just come over to say hi to him? To get his name?
“He’s really pretty…”, Argyle commented while absentmindedly digging into his pasta.
Jonathan mustered Eddie’s face curiously and smirked “So, what was up with that comment? Did you meet in the showers for the first time or what?”
“Oh, noo, much better.” 
In the evening, back at Eddie’s and Jonathan’s dorm room, they were munching on some pizza that Argyle had brought with him. Eddie had just told them the whole story about how he met Steve. In the nude. And how he got caught peeping. But Steve didn’t react badly and called him a freak, which is how this scene would have probably played out at Eddie’s old high school.
“He seemed amused, I guess?” Eddie ended, taking a big bite of his pizza.
“What a sight he must’ve made, dude”, Argyle mumbled with his mouth full. “I am totally not immune to pretty people like him, jeez…”
Jonathan took another slice and reflected on what Eddie had told them “So, he seems like the stereotypical jock… do you think he likes guys?”
“UGH, I don’t knoooow, I’m already crushing so hard, fuck!” Eddie cried out, slumping back into his chair dramatically, hiding his face beneath both hands. Jonathan patted his knee sympathetically.
“Oh! OH!” Argyle blurted out, waving his arms around with a slice of pizza still in his hand “He likes Queen and Freddie Mercury is bi, sooo...”, he looked at his friends, eager to get a big reaction.
“I guess that means he’s definitely not homophobic. But bi? I dunno…” Eddie frowned. “It seems too good to be true, I guess?”
“Nah, don’t think like that, man. You gotta believe that the universe has good things in store for you, that’s how I do it”, Argyle laid out his wisdom.
Jonathan and Eddie stared at him for a few seconds and then burst out in laughter. 
Since the day at the cafeteria it seemed like Eddie met Steve everywhere on campus.
In the hallway, when he went to get some books from his dorm room and heard some high pitched laughter behind him. He turned and saw Steve, a few feet away. He was currently being swarmed by a flock of four pretty girls and couldn't seem to shake them off. One girl, Tammy Thompson, brushed over his arm flirtingly and laughed. Eddie recognized her annoying voice and big curly blonde hair. She was in one of his art courses this semester. Rolling his eyes at what he witnessed, Eddie fetched his books, shut the door a little too hard behind him and left for his next class.
 The next time he ran into Steve, he literally crashed into him at the library.
The books and pens Eddie had been holding fell to the floor. “Oh god, sorry!” he muttered and knelt down to pick everything up. When he looked up to see who he had bumped into, his eyes met… Steve’s, who was now also on the floor, helping Eddie. He was wearing a pair of slim round framed glasses which suited him exceptionally well. 
“Oh, hey.” 
“Hi…” Steve offered him a charming smile. When he handed him the last pens that had fallen out of his pencil case, Eddie realized how close they were and his heart made a sudden jump. Steve smelled so good… woodsy and slightly sweet, maybe cinnamon? 
“Thanks…” Eddie smiled back as he got up again and so did Steve. 
“What are you working on?” Steve asked.
“German Romanticism”, Eddie replied, pointing him to the cover of a large illustrated book on top of the pile he was carrying. “We’re supposed to create our own painting in the style of that period.”
“Sounds tough, those look really detailed”, Steve said as he studied the book cover.
“Oh, I’m all about romance, so it shouldn’t be too hard.” Eddie joked, giving Steve a wink.
“Right, um…” Steve blushed and adjusted his glasses awkwardly. “I'd better go, I have a paper to write. See you around!” And so he left Eddie standing there a little lost. 
Maybe he was straight after all.
Eddie tried not to give it too much thought. But his first few drafts of his assignment on German Romanticism turned out to look very gloomy.
The third time their paths crossed was when Eddie’s art course was practicing dynamic sketching. It was a sunny, mild October day and their tutor had agreed to let them go outside to sketch as long as they stayed on campus grounds.
He found a cozy looking spot under a large orange oak tree. From there he had an excellent view of the front entrance of the building, students walking around or enjoying their break on the benches and tables nearby. 
Eddie put on his headphones, pressed play on his walkman and let himself immerse into some Metallica while drawing. The best way for him to concentrate was and had always been with metal.
He had been sitting there and sketching for a while when he saw someone come up to him in the corner of his eye.
“Hey, Eddie.”
Steve stood in front of him, smiling. He looked dashing as ever, dressed in a cozy multicolored sweater and a pair of blue jeans. He wasn’t wearing his glasses today.
“Hey”, Eddie greeted him, taking off his headphones. “What brings you here, Stevie?” he said, giving him a charming smile back.
“I have a free period and thought I’d hang out here since the weather is so nice today”, he said, sitting down comfortably in the grass beside Eddie. “What are you drawing?”
“Oh, I’m just doing some sketching of things and people around me, nothing special”, he fidgeted with his sketchbook.
“Can I have a look?” Steve asked politely.
“Sure”, Eddie replied, handing him his sketches. 
Steve skimmed through the pages, occasionally pausing to take a closer look. “Woah, you’re really talented”, he said in awe. “Can I see the drawings you made of me the other time?”
“Sure, hang on.” Eddie’s heart began to thumb violently in his chest. Steve asked to see the nude drawings he had made of him in class. He took the sketchbook from Steve and searched for the right pages. “Here”, he said and handed it back to him.
A cool autumn breeze blew through Steve’s hair, leaving it slightly disheveled, but it didn’t bother him. 
“These are beautiful…”, he whispered while observing the drawings Eddie had made of him. 
“Thank you…” Eddie’s face went a little red at that. He still couldn’t deal with compliments very well, but he tried.
“Would you draw me again?”
Steve quickly added “My portrait that is…” when he saw Eddie’s shocked expression.
“Right now?”
“You gotta practice, right? So, draw me!”
“Um, okay…”, Eddie indulged him, browsing the sketchbook to find a blank page.
“How do you want me?” Steve grinned at him cheekily.
Eddie grinned back and asked “Can I?”
“Go for it.”
Eddie put his hands softly on both of Steve’s shoulders and turned him slightly.
“And then… just turn your head a little to the side, but not all the way…” Eddie carefully tilted Steve’s chin with one hand. He felt a little stubble beneath his fingertips. Eddie felt warm all over, touching him, being so close to him and knowing Steve was watching his every move closely. “Alright, stay like this, okay? I’m gonna need maybe 10 minutes or so…”
“Gotcha.” Steve affirmed, a small smile on his lips.
Eddie started sketching the rough outlines and proportions of Steve’s head and shoulders with a pencil. Then he mapped out his beautiful features one by one: His big eyes with thick eyebrows, his strong nose, pouty lips with a prominent cupid’s bow and his square jaw and Adams’ apple.
He did his best to capture the shape of Steve’s bright hazel eyes that were watching him closely. He duplicated his numerous cute moles and freckles on his cheeks and throat onto the sketchbook. 
Eddie paused and held the sketch at arm length away from him to see if he got the proportions right. He studied Steve’s face once again and he could have sworn he caught Steve staring at his lips for a split second. He smirked, but decided not to say something and continued his work.
Steve’s ears were mostly hidden by his brown hair which framed his face perfectly, the way it flowed up and curved down. He outlined Steve’s sideburns and then drew some individual strands of hair on the top of his head and the sides to give it more depth. Then he proceeded to replicate the pattern of Steve’s sweater onto the paper and added some soft shading to the whole drawing. Eddie continued until he was satisfied with the likeness of the portrait. 
“Alright, I’m done.” Eddie sighed and turned around the sketchbook for Steve to see.
“Oh, wow…this is amazing”, Steve’s eyes swept over the details of the drawing and then back to Eddie. “This is how you see me?”
“Do you not own a mirror, man?” Eddie raised his eyebrows.
“I do, but that doesn’t answer my question.” Steve interrogated him further with a daring smile.
“Oooh, you want me to tell you how pretty you are, is that it, pretty boy?” Eddie teased him, leaning forward, one hand on Steve’s chin again. 
Steve’s face and neck went ablaze and he started stuttering “You – that’s not –”
Finally. He had rendered Steve to a babbling mess. 
“You’re so cute when you’re all flustered.”
“Shut up.”
Eddie grinned from ear to ear, feeling very satisfied with himself. 
Steve was still a little pink, but he tried to get a hold of himself again and straightened out his back. “Hey, what have you been listening to before?” He wanted to know, gesturing to Eddie’s walkman.
“Oh, uh, Metallica… the album is called “Ride the lightning”, do you know it?”
“Not yet, can I have a listen?”
Eddie handed over the walkman to him and Steve put on the headphones. Eddie skipped the cassette tape to “Fade to black” since it was his favorite song of the album.
Steve laid back in the grass with his legs drawn up. He listened to the whole song with his eyes closed while Eddie went back to sketching for his art course.
After a while Steve sat up and took off the headphones. “This is really cool, I might have to get that album”, Steve said, a faint smile curling his lips. Eddie was elated to hear that he liked it “What else do you like besides Metallica?”
Eddie felt a spark of joy at being asked about his music. Naturally, he dove into a whole enthusiastic monologue about his interests with Steve listening closely and asking questions here and there. 
Eddie talked about the best metal concerts he had visited, that time they had to drive 6 hours to see Judas Priest live, but it had been so worth it and the time he had met Gareth, when they were twelve and founded their band Corroded Coffin. 
“We started out by doing covers, just the standard stuff like Metallica, Dio, Black Sabbath. But right now, we’re working on some original songs and Jeff, he’s our guitarist, his writing is so great!” Eddie ended with a bright smile.
Steve grinned, studying Eddie’s face.
“What? What did I do?” Eddie chuckled.
“Nothing…” Steve blushed, still smiling, but looking away. He ran a hand through his hair, leaving it disheveled, but in a really hot way. “You’re so passionate about all of this stuff… I don’t think I know anyone like you.”
“‘Course you don’t! Nobody is like me! Only I am like me”, Eddie commented playfully.
“You know what I mean”, Steve laughed.
“For what it’s worth, you’re not at all what I thought you’d be like… you know, not a typical jock”, Eddie shrugged.
“Gee, thanks!” Steve blurted out.
“What I meant was… I always see you surrounded by girls, you’re very popular and you’re obviously very handsome and I just know your type, ok!” 
The type that bullied me in high school… 
“At least I thought I did. But… I’ve changed my mind about you. You’re not just a pretty face, you’re actually fun to be around.” Eddie, who was slightly blushing now, scratched the back of his head and looked back at Steve.
“Thanks…” Steve’s expression was kind. Eddie was relieved. Opening up like this wasn’t his strong suit.
“What about you? Any favorite artists?”
“Tears for Fears, definitely!”
“Oh god, no, Stevie, noo.” 
Later that day, Eddie was back at his dorm, unpacking his backpack when he found a bright orange piece of paper in the side pocket.
He unfolded the paper and it read in large black letters: “Halloween bash at Jared’s!” with an address underneath.
But on the back someone had scribbled in neat handwriting:
See you there, hopefully – Steve
Eddie grinned to himself. Steve must have sneaked it in there this afternoon. He already knew what his costume was gonna be and if the party meant he would see Steve again… he’d better make it tempting.
To be continued...
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tag list: @starlady66 @bananaphanta @runawaymun @mistergandalf @fenharel-enaste @queenmeriadoc @elronds-pointy-ears @hbyrde36 @hammity-hammer @corrodedbisexual @spoookysix @rozzieroos @cranberrymoons
devider by @firefly-graphics
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bibylers · 5 months
Ships // opinions // rating // endgame or not? 🤔
Okay, so I got this idea to share my opinions on different ships, and what I think will happen to them in s5!
I DEFINITELY think this is endgame. Like I’m talking 100000%. I think the only reason it wouldn’t become endgame is if Max didn’t wake up (which SHE WILL.)
This ship is over all a perfect 1000000000000/10 for me.
I love them in all the seasons but especially in s4!!
10000000000000% ENDGAME.
There is nothing in this world that will make me not believe that Jopper is endgame.
I loved them in every season but ESPECIALLY s3 and s4!
Solid 1019101001011901/10.
Yeah, I think you already know.
But if you don’t, ENDGAME.
If they don’t become endgame I will DIE.
110101010101001010101010101010101010299293921/10 💙💛
I think there’s a very small possibility of Mileven becoming endgame.
I would LOVE THEM as platonic bffs but just not romantically.
I loved them in s1-s2, but in s3 they just became uninteresting to me.
Overall a 2/10!
I don’t think it’s gonna be endgame but in another universe okay ☹️☹️
Obviously love them the most in s4 😭
1110000101010101010/10 🛐🛐🛐🛐
1000000000000/10 ‼️‼️‼️
I loveeeeee the concept of this but I really don’t think it’s gonna be endgame 😭😭☹️☹️
Definitely wish they would’ve built it up more as a friendship atleast 😞
OFC love them bcs of the FRUITY FOUR 🛐🛐💓💓‼️‼️
7/10, love the concept but I never really saw it as a possibility 😣
✨ A M A Z I N G M A S T E R P I E C E. ✨
10000/10. 💕💕💕
We didn’t see ALOT of them but I still LOVE THEM.
LIKE 100000%.
8/10. ENDGAME.
Super cute 😭😭😭😭
LOVED them in s3 (only one scene BUT THATS OKAY!!!)
10000% endgame.
8/10. Adorable. ☹️💓
I never really saw it IM SO SORRY 😭😭😭
Season 1 was the best season for them I think but I still never really thought they were that cute ☹️
I kinda think theres a SMALL CHANCE of them becoming endgame, and that would literally TEAR APPART THE HEART OF JONATHAN BYERS. 😭😭😭😣😣💔💔💔 (and Robin)
(No one hurts a Byers. NO ONE. 😡😡😡)
Anyway those are all of the ships I can currently think of! 💙💛
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annab-recs · 7 months
what i read this month - oct. '23
❀ = nsfw/mature content, minors dni
reminder to read the warnings before a fic & to support writers & reblog :)
organized alphabetically by fandom, then by pairing, then by author
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harry potter
— ron weasley —
the yule ball - @marvelslut16
type: oneshot, genre: angst, fluff summary: you wanted ron to ask to the yule ball but you get asked by someone else. jealous!ron ensues. commentary: the perfect mixture of jealousy and playfulness and love confession and cuteness all in one 😍
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— peter parker —
peter p. blurb - @webslingingslasher
type: blurb, genre: hurt comfort summary: peter helps you grieve the loss of a loved one commentary: so sad yet so sweet 😭
peter p. blurb - @webslingingslasher
type: blurb, genre: fluff summary: you find out peter's hair is curly commentary: this was so cute like i need to read more of your stuff because i LOVED the two things i read this month
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stranger things
— eddie munson —
no more tears - @aphrogeneias
type: oneshot, halloween, genre: fluff, hurt comfort summary: it’s halloween night, 1986. you want to celebrate your favorite holiday after the year you and your friends just had, but after being dumped by your, now ex, boyfriend a week before puts a damp on your plans. eddie munson, however, has a different plan for you commentary: i loved the dynamic between eddie and the reader in this one sooo much! and the payback andrew got was 🤌🏼
eddie m. blurb - @eiightysixbaby
type: blurb, friends to lovers, genre: fluff summary: play wrestling with eddie turns into more commentary: absolutely so frickin adorable 🤍
❀ what about you sweetheart? are you scared? - @lilacletter
type: oneshot, halloween, genre: fluff, smut summary: when your plans fall through with the younger kids, steve gets a brilliant idea. that you and the rest of the gang should go explore the old creel house. reluctantly, you all agree, having nothing better to do. eddie is quick to sneak away with you once you’re there, determined to find out how scared you really are. commentary: story - 10/10, smut - 10/10, and the ending is hilarious! if you love soft sweet eddie but also hot sexy eddie, this is the fic for you (update: op, unfortunately, deactivated so i can't link it, but believe me when i say this was a phenomenal fic)
i wanna be more part 1 & part 2 - @maxxxineminxxx
type: twoshot, genre: fluff, angst summary: y/n tells eddie she wants to join the cheer squad he has a bad reaction at first but then he calms down. y/n thinks everything is fine until she sees her replacement standing at eddies locker. they look close? & y/n attends the party she was unsure about going to, only to find out that eddie's there as well with his "girl?'' eddie is still ignoring y/n and she is determined to find out why. commentary: my heart was broken but then it was mended with part two ❤️‍🩹 love love love this!!!
— jonathan byers —
hurtless - @stveharringtn
type: also steve harrington x reader, oneshot, cheating (of the emotional variety, not physical), genre: angst, hurt comfort summary: after having an argument with jonathan about how he depends on nancy far more than he does on you, steve finds you once he's heard about your fight commentary: hurt my heart for the reader but it was so good
— steve harrington —
steve h. oneshot - @katsu28
type: oneshot, genre: fluff, angst summary: based on these prompts: "you called me your friend." "was i not supposed to say that?" "you really think i'm just your friend? after these last few weeks?" commentary: so well written and so easy to feel what the reader was going through and connect with her! 100000000/10 <3
steve h. oneshot - @lovebugism
type: oneshot, genre: fluff, hurt comfort summary: steve comforts you after a no good, really bad day commentary: steve is a sweetie pie and is the best protector/comforter in the world
steve h. blurb - @luveline
type: blurb, genre: fluff summary: you're used to doing all the chores and things since that's how it has been for you in past relationships. however, you come home to steve doing some of those chores and freak out about it commentary: another one for sweetie pie stevie 🥺🥰
hurtless - @stveharringtn
type: also jonathan byers x reader, oneshot, cheating (of the emotional variety, not physical), genre: angst, hurt comfort summary: after having an argument with jonathan about how he depends on nancy far more than he does on you, steve finds you once he's heard about your fight commentary: hurt my heart for the reader but it was so good
nail to the coffin - @thetargaryenbride
type: series, byers!reader au, genre: fluff, angst summary: y/n byers wondered what would end up being the death of the small town she lived in. she never expected that the last nail on the coffin would be hammered by monsters from another dimension who would end up hunting down her friends and family one by one… commentary: i finished season one, two, three, and i think i've got a couple chapters left in season four and i absolutely LOVE THIS!! the way the storyline is altered is so good and still fits the stranger things vibe
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