#just an eldritch monstrosity to enemies
creepylunaofmars · 2 years
Watching "Control, Anatomy, and the Legacy of the Haunted House" by Jacob Geller and now all I want to see is a run of comics from the point of view of Wayne Manor as a building as alive as its inhabitants.
In its own way traumatized when its beloved family of three left for a movie one night and only the young son returned the next morning, light having left his eyes. Regret that its innumerable shadowy corridors and creaking supports frightened him so that he barely slept where before he barely noticed those things, deep sadness when he left as a young man for years only to return hardened and distant, primal terror the first time he came limping in covered in blood and half dead before the cave was set up etc.
I want the house to become protective in its own mysterious way of the Batfamily. Otherwise sturdy trellises giving way on the tabloid reporters climbing them when they try taking photos through the windows. Suits of armors' grips loosening on their weapons, sending axes careening down mere inches in front of creeps following the Wayne kids around during galas. Goons invading said galas suddenly finding themselves separated from their gang unable to find another living soul amongst the labyrinthine halls and rooms, eventually found sobbing in a corner seemingly glad to see the Batman claiming that "this hellhole was changing on me, the door wasn't there before you came in."
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DP X DC crossover prompt
Sam and Tucker, thanks to living in Amity Park and being overshadowed and controlled by ghosts so many time, had become very liminal. Until an accident while trying to stop the newest ghost enemy led to the two of them becoming halfa’s. Sam’s ghost form looks like what she looked like during the whole Undergrowth thing. And Tucker’s ghost form looks like his King Tuck design.
After a reveal gone wrong, Danny, Sam, and Tucker flee Amity Park. The trio run away to Gotham, and using money Sam managed to snag from her account before they left, they buy a nice sized building right in the middle of Crime Alley. They decide to turn it into a bookshop and cafe. There’s a garden/greenhouse attached to the back end of the building where Sam grows all her plants and herbs. Tucker has his own tech room in the basement alongside Danny’s tiny lab space. They live together in the apartment above the bookshop/cafe.
One day while out on a walk, Danny stumbles across two tiny twin half formed baby ghost cores. They’re nothing more than tiny little balls of glowing light at the moment. Baby ghosts that are just starting to form but are nothing more than cores at the moment. But they seem to be slowly fading. Danny refuses to let them fade away into nothing. He scoops them up, infuses them with some of his ectoplasm to get them going, and then shoved them into his chest for safe keeping and so that they can be close to his own core which starts slowly feeding them energy.
Danny rushes back to the shop and drags Sam and Tucker to the upstairs apartment and shows him the baby ghost cores he’s found. The three all agree that they’re going to help these cores develop into actual ghosts. They switch off on who carry’s the ghost cores around. Some days it’s Danny. Some days it’s Tucker. And some days it’s Sam. Each of them feeding the cores a little bit of their ectoplasm to help them grow.
One of the cores feels distinctly female and has a purplish blue glow to it. The three start jokingly calling her violet. The other core has a distinctly male feel to it. It’s an orangish red and has a small crack along one side of it. Danny jokingly said one time how he (the baby core) kind of looked like Nemo’s egg at the beginning of Finding Nemo and ever since they’ve been calling him Nemo.
The two cores have been developing very slowly, both seemingly unable to absorb the needed ectoplasm, to form into full ghosts, quickly. The trio is fine with this, they can be patient, and wait to meet their twins.
Then one day there’s some kind of massive ghost attack. Maybe a cult or something attempted to summon the ghost king but messed up the summoning and accidentally summoned something else. The Justice League try and fight the thing, but they’re no match for this ghost monstrosity. And the JLD aren’t available to help for whatever reason. The trio decides to step in and help. They kick the crap out of the ghost pretty easily and send it back to the ghost zone. Then Danny, in his King Phantom garb (crown of fire, whispy white fire like hair, a regal looking version of his hazmat suit, the ring of rage on one finger, and a cape around his shoulders, the outside being pure white but the inside looking like the vastness of space) approaches the cult and rebukes them, telling them how even if they had managed to summon him he never would have helped them take over the world.
After that the trio become members of the Justice League. Thanks to some of Danny’s previous time travel shenanigans, and Danny being the ghost king, and Sam and Tucker his consorts/mates(?) the Justice League all think that the trio are ancient eldritch ghost gods.
And then one day when the trio are in the Watch Tower with the rest of the League their twin baby ghost cores come up. Maybe it was time to switch out who was carrying them, and mid meeting or lunch or whatever, Danny just reaches into his chest, pulls out two small glowing orbs. He cradles them close to his chest for a moment, looking at them lovingly, and whispering something soft to them in ghost speak. Then hands them over to Sam, who does the whole cradle them close and whisper softly in ghost speak before shoving them right into her chest.
They look up from this to see the whole League staring at them wide eyed and confused. Danny just casually explains that those are their children but they’re still forming so the trio needs to keep them close to their cores to help them grow, but they like to switch up everyday who carry’s them. Every member of the Justice League becomes super protective of the trio after this. They see it as the three essentially being pregnant (sort of), and they don’t always know which one of them is carrying the baby ghost. So best to just be protective of all three. The trio finds this kind of amusing and a touch bit sweet.
When the twin baby cores finally develop into actual baby ghosts, the two kind of look like a mixture between Danny, Sam, and Tucker’s ghost forms. Though Violet has dark purple hair and eyes and Nemo has bright orangish red hair and eyes.
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ninjk78 · 1 month
I Love Seele vs Vita
I'm gonna make a follow-up post to my last thing to really nail home how asinine what Seele did was.
So its established during the events of the Salt Snow arc that Seele and 'Seele' considered herrschers WAY out of their league. They say nearly that exact thought bar for bar when the team is discussing making a herrscher.
This is pretty in-line with what's happened throughout her life. Like, girl hasn't seen a fair fight in 18 years. I think the closest thing to a fair scrap homegirl got was being chased by that giant missile drone/attack robot at the start of the arc, or that onslaught of enemies she had to protect Bronya from in Kolosten. For the most part her opponents have consisted of Ancient Mantis Supersoldiers(SAKURA and Kevin), or special herrschers like the Herrscher of Domination.
So its almost cruelly poetic that when Seele finally attains the power of a herrscher, a power previously impossible to attain because the gem was with the literal chosen one, a power she thought completely untouchable to someone like her, the very first opponent she faces...
...Is Vita. The literal narrator. The proxy of an omniscient, unironically god-like eldritch monstrosity from the depths of quantum hell.
This is, on paper, so horrifically one-sided. Seele JUST got these powers, and had to do so just to SURVIVE. She wasn't even meant to be the herrscher, that was supposed to be 'Veli!'
Meanwhile her opponent is actively being fed more power and authority by Sa(who is deadass omniscient), can manipulate the actual rules of the bubble universe they're fighting in, and can NARRATE PEOPLES' STORIES.
And yet. Despite the disadvantage. Despite the apparent hopelessness of the situation. Despite being toyed with by this seemingly invincible opponent...
Seele stands up and FADES THE NARRATOR ANYWAY.
I have replayed that fight 5 times, and I still do not understand how Seele won. She is simply built fucking different.
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finalskies · 2 months
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Heart-Purr is another of my dnd characters that has a very unique build. She is a humble, traveling tabaxi bard who plays her enthralling hurdy-gurdy tunes to downtrodden souls. At least, that's how she appears on the surface. Her real name is Fuchsia, and behind her fluffy disguise is a monstrous thri-kreen hypnotic illusionist, a form she trusts very few to see.
In a past life she used her bewitching powers to amass wealth through a host of hapless victims. But in time she realized her ability to pierce into people's minds could be used to help instead of hurt; She could soothe and heal anxious, troubled, haunted minds, a task that felt infinitely more fulfilling than scrambling their brains for coin. Unfortunately, Fuchsia's life of manipulation caught up to her (she may have extorted a wealthy crime syndicate), and was forced to flee from her homeland. From there, "Heart-Purr" found herself in a foreign nation and thrust into a harrowing adventure where the fate of the world hung in the balance. Also, evil clowns.
Now I'm gonna rattle off some fun facts about her build because honestly I'm still proud of it...
Fuchsia is a 3rd Level Eloquence Bard / 2nd Level Archfey Warlock multiclass.
Thanks to class bonuses, the lowest she can possibly roll on a Deception Check is 19.
She has the Mask of Many Faces Invocation, allowing her to maintain her "Heart-Purr" form indefinitely. She also had the Duel Personalities background feature, further bolstering her ruse. The other players did not know she was a Thri-kreen was she joined the party, and Fuchsia managed to go entirely undetected during the campaign. Ultimately, she chose to willingly reveal her true form to the party.
Because her Heart-Purr form lacks the extra arms of her Thri-kreen form, when she dual-wields daggers with those arms, the daggers appear to just hover in midair (she claims to have telekinetic powers to explain this).
Fuchsia prefers to be a "hands off" sort of combatant though; she has low damage output herself, but has several spells and abilities that force the Charmed condition on enemies, making her foes do the dirty work for her.
With the right combination of spells and abilities, she can give enemies anywhere from -3 to -14 to their saving throws, making it extremely difficult for them to resist her mental manipulations. And with her Eldritch Mind, she is also good at maintaining those Charms.
Because she's a Monstrosity, she's protected from a number status spells that only affect Humanoids (notably Charm Person), making her difficult to Charm herself.
My favorite combat moment in the campaign was when she mind controlled a massive, eldritch Iron Maiden that was destroying a city. But then an enemy spellcaster wrested control by Charming it themself, which Heart-Purr did not stand for and Charmed it right back, and from there the encounter spiraled into those two fighting a mental battle for control over the metal monster. It was legit one of the coolest things I've ever experienced in a combat.
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sahaquiel43 · 8 months
My favorite Genshin relationships.
Xiao/Lumine. THE one and only correct male Lumine ship. It's so good, plus there's so much good fanart out there, good fanfic, just an absolutely beautiful ship. And probably the most canon of them all. I just love it.
Sara/Itto: A fun ship, enemies to lovers, all that beautiful nonsense, plus there's a ton of good fanart and fic of it.
Cyno/Nilou. I feel like it's a cool thematically fitting. A great dynamic, and a small but extremely good collection of fanart, it's just so beautiful and aesthetic.
Kazuha/Beidou: I love it. It's just such a fun dynamic, and really hot too.
Jeht/Lumine. I don't really get into F/F ships, but this......THIS....it's perfect, it's tragic, it's so good. Not to mention jeht is virtually the most canonical lgb character in genshin, with the voicelines with Lumine specifically, I love it. (And to add to Jeht's-no-stop-tragedy-train, Lumine's obviously going to outlive her). top quality.
crackship: Candace/Tighnari: I mean, they're both guardians/leaders/of peoples in the desert and rainforest respectively.
Aether: no one really. He's a friend to all, but I don't think he's romantic with anyone really. In a way he's like a benevolent eldritch monstrosity. an otherworldly being helping everyone that he can and looking for his sister.
-YES, I believe Lumine ships work but Aether ships don't. fite me.
Bonus: Razor being literally everyone's family.
--Cyno: long lost brother and can't tell me otherwise
--Bennett, Fischl, Klee, traveller: Best friends.
--Rosaria: older sister. (literally his step sister since both were adopted by Varka).
--Mother/teacher: Lisa
--father figures: Varka, Andrius
--and Razor/Amber feels pretty nice,
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With how bunch of freshmen like team RWBY have been cleaning up the house you'd think Remnant would be free of grimm by now.
I think that's one of the issues where the showrunners wrote themselves into the corner.
On one hand, Remnant is supposed to be this scary world with huntsmen barely holding back literal manifestations of evil. Villages disappear off the map, towns get overrun, the terrifying Goliaths roam the lands and a single mistake can mess up an entire Kingdom.
On the other hand, though, the "good guys" have to have progress and have cool fights (even if there's nobody to animate them anymore) where they win in cool effortless ways (effortless because they miss the point on why people praised stuff like Nevermore fight), get to one-shot the very same unbeatable Goliaths without really having improved in strength all while also cleaning up fodder everywhere.
Yet the viewers also would assume that teenagers who barely spent a year at Beacon would be nowhere near as powerful as actual full-fledged huntsmen, right? The show even tries to highlight that at first with the professors and the like having an absurd level of power.
At the same time, there's an absolute fear of doing anything in terms of human conflict. Can't showcase the more grim aspect of being a huntsman too much either because can't have the good guys' side look even remotely morally ambiguous either. So you just have four kingdoms sort of sitting there filled with overpowered people(and more and more get trained every day).
Just think back to all the good Grimm designs that were built up as ultra-powerful and get deleted in seconds by four kids who haven't even finished their training.
And at the same time the show shies away from any specifics about Grimm or how the threat even works (because, honestly, likely even the showrunners have no idea). They are this basic non-human redshirt enemy mook option that just shows up when the showrunners need to use Ruby as a flashbang.
No wonder half the audience doesn't get why something like Atlas wanting to take the Grimm threat seriously would be a "valid point". Despite what the show tries to tell the audience, super-sci-fi contemporary weaponry, and the like doesn't even seem to be needed. An average literal dog can likely clean out a few square kilometers of land a day.
Honestly, I think that's one of the reasons why they tried adding relics nonsense (beyond it giving them just a very simple plot structure without needing to think why people are where they are) - to invent another reason to make "The Bad Guys" scary. One that the good guys can't simply shoot their way out of. It's why they are attempting to give Salem an immediate goal that she'd be doing (despite her just sitting around for hundreds of years) that would lead to very bad things happening.
It is also why they make ridiculous attempts at over-playing the importance of Salem's immortality (when, if thinking logically, even the nature of the threat of the Grimm is already something that SHOULD be taken as something that can't be eradicated with how the civilization works in RWBY - another unkillable threat shouldn't matter in the face of endless waves of Grimm).
The showrunners, in the crudest way possible, are trying to point at Salem and go - "Look, guys, you should fear her and treat her as an actual real threat to characters you care about. She's not like all the Grimm that plot eyes one-shot after all the build-up. She's the real deal. Look - the threat of Biblical Apocalypse!"
But at the same time, she still...just sits off-screen making vague remarks and not really managing to do anything of note, while her lackeys end up jobbing to kids or, in case of Cinder, undergoing character regression as they throw around temper tantrums.
When all of those factors get put together it's easy to even forget that this setting is supposed to be about civilization barely hanging on against unending waves of eldritch monstrosities. Or that they just had a world war less than hundred years ago and the Kingdoms still don't really like each other that much ("Hey its all fine, guys, we just dropped the entirety of Atlas population into the middle of impoverished Kingdom they tried to literally eradicate eighty years ago, while also creating ultra-scarcity of the resource the entire world runs on - so everyone's friends now").
They could have deleted the Two Gods nonsense in the planning phases and instead used the team separation to expand upon the world and how the threats to it work but alas, Miles Luna wouldn't be able to incorporate a random dream he had into the story then.
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jester-lover · 1 year
Habit with an S/O who isn’t afraid of him and finds him funny
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Warnings: Fluff, mentions of violence, habit being habit
He is so confused istg
He is literally an eldritch monstrosity beyond your understanding
and you’re just, chill with it
“I could literally end you any second now.”
cue you, giggling and slapping his shoulder like you’re chatting with an old friend
Yes, he’s interested
He’ll probably keep you in a house, close eye on you at all times
He sharpens his knives around you, trying to get even a little rise out of you, but it doesn't work
 At some point, whenever he begins having a romantic attraction to you, he just sorta starts moping
“What the hell is wrong with you why aren’t you scared of me?”
Homie is crying screaming throwing up
that is until he figures out the benefits of a person who isn’t afraid of him
Hugs??? Even when he’s covered in blood??
Forehead Kisses??? Before he goes out to destroy his enemies???
Cuddles?? Late at night?? Even though he doesn’t sleep???
He slowly begins to appreciate your nature
And he returns your affection!
(Vinny is terrified.)
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rohirric-hunter · 7 months
Gotta respect the way the Angmarim are so much Like That that even mad science isn't even that mad when they do it.
Like most of the time someone would say, "Let's take wargs and make them venomous" (the game says "poisonous" but I assume what was MEANT was venomous since they can poison you without you having to eat them) and people would be like, "What in Eru's name would you want to do that for?" But when the Angmarim do it it's just like, "Yeah, I bet you want venomous wargs you mad fuckers."
Wargs with rocks? On brand. Plants that eat you? Sure, seems like a classic Angmarim Thing. Plants that eat your brains? Yup. Serums that... *checks notes* make you grow a second head. It's not alive or anything. It doesn't make you stronger or smarter or even talk nonsense to distract your enemies. It's just a second, inert, kinda ugly head. Just exactly the kind of thing you'd expect an Angmarim to be getting up to.
Like when you're far enough away they typically give a reason for the mad science. Breeding wargs and wolves together makes the wolves stronger and more easily able to destroy your enemies! Bats, like any other animal, can be trained... kind of... to attack your enemies! But as you get closer and closer to the core of the affair in Carn Dum the reason part just kind of. Fades away. Yeah, we've intentionally rerouted all the waterflow into one valley, got our eldritch monstrosity to piss in it, and are now Observing the Fallout from a Not Very Safe Distance. Why? Cuz.
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akkreti · 8 months
Something I noticed about Elisabeth Bathory in the Fate fandom is that it seemed like no one is interested in actually being invested in her terrible singing voice?
It’s like, I keep seeing people saying that it’s not that bad, or that it can be fixed, or that the characters are just overreacting and being mean.
That’s boring. Sure, the NP is just a regular screaming, but the story clearly treats it as some kind of eldritch monstrosity that drove people insane, and I don’t blame the dev for not putting the equivalent of styrofoam being scraped into the game
But I at least want it to be treated as actually dangerous in the fandom.
I want her voice to be the voice that can rupture blood vessels. A voice so loud and so mighty that it forces all heart in the vicinity to synchronize and become a tuning fork that beats to the vibration of her voice. A voice that demands blood be pumped to the whims of the Blood Countess regardless whether or not a heart is meant to pump at that high of a rate.
I want her voice to be so mighty that it grinds the bone to dust, and then vibrates the dusts to the point it shreds the insides of the enemy. I want a voice that through sheer force alone is capable of shaking someone’s eyeballs off from their sockets, dangling and jingling by the sheer thrum of her voice.
I want a voice that literally liquifies your brain by sheer force and has the vibes of a horror movie scene just before the killer catches their victim.
I want Eli-chan to sing a song so powerful and so filled with enthusiasm that if she were to be dropped in the middle of a bustling city, there would be throngs of waving hands cheering for her by the sheer virtue that everyone has been turned into a sack made of skin filled with liquified flesh that dance through the sheer force of vibrations alone
That singing voice of hers is fit to be a deadly Noble Phantasm, and I want it to be treated as such
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I DON'T THINK YOU REALIZE WHAT YOU'VE JUST DONE. like /POS though. People liking a band that I love is way more important to me than it should be BUT I RLLY LOVE THEM....also you're so right their songs have such a variety of themes its just easy to choose [except if you're trying to make playlist for eldritch monstrosity's then it's hard:(]
the crane wives are PEAK character playlist like,,,,, hollow moon and the moon will sing grace chastity,,,, allies or enemies lexthan,,,,,, curses literally every main hatchetfield ship but especially paulkins,,,,,,, I ain't done Charlotte (this one is such a stretch but I also believe it so strongly),,,,, and honestly,,, if you take tongues and teeth SO LITERALLY it can be a fun little eldritch monstrosity bop :)
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diinferi · 10 months
[THE HELLSING ORGANIZATION] Founded centuries ago to defend England from the terrors of the night, the Hellsing Organisation acts as the Queen’s sword against any and all supernatural and inhuman threats. Founded by famed vampire hunter Abraham Hellsing, the organisation is now overseen by his great granddaughter, Ser Integra Hellsing. Though their unorthodox methods and employees have nearly left them ostracized by their own government, no other task force has ever proven themselves as capable at combating the monsters of this world.
[HELLSING ESTATE] Located a short distance outside of London proper, this sprawling estate is home to Ser Integra, the Hellsing Organisation, and two of the most dangerous beings alive. The Organisation coordinates their missions and recuperates from their battles here, making it a hub of activity. It’s also usually a nigh-impregnable fortress, just so long as there aren’t any Texan ghouls visiting that day. If you work for the Hellsing Organisation, expect to spend a lot of time here. Just don’t walk your dog on the lawn, I hear they planted landmines. Jumpers with the Hellsing origin may choose to start here.
[FOUR STAR HUMOR] You’d think with so much violence, gore, and wholesale destruction, this place would be a real downer. Instead, it’s fucking hilarious! Quips are clean, snark has the perfect sting to it, callbacks pay off in spades, and everyone’s comedic timing is so goddamn good! Now you are invested with the same spark of comedy that shines through in this show. It’s almost like a team of professional writers are spending months writing your jokes.
[GETTING MEDIEVAL] When facing down the armies of darkness, some prefer the old ways. Integra wields a sabre. Yumi swings a katana. Hell, we’ve got Zoren and Anderson over here using scythes and bayonets. Whether you fight with trench knives, cavalry spears, or another kind of bladed weapon, you’re a master of armed melee combat. With training as extensive as yours, perhaps bringing a sword to a nazi vampire gunfight isn’t such a losing proposition.
[GUNSMITH] With such a variety of monstrosities out there, the warriors of the Hellsing Organisation often needed the right tool for the right job. Thankfully, experienced monster hunter Walter Dormain stepped up and began supplying Hellsing operatives with effective (if sometimes outlandish) firearms and other equipment. Now, you too share his proficiency for weaponsmithing. Need a fifty-pound pistol chambered in 13mm high-explosive? You can make that work. Want to turn that fledgling vampire over there into a one-woman anti-air network? It might take some tinkering, but you can throw together a suitable firearm given time and materials. Really demonstrate the mastery of your craft as you reduce your enemies to red sauce.
[I'M A VAMPIRE HUNTER FIRST] Oh, you’re an old hand at this. Like Walter and Ser Integra, you’re well acquainted with the eldritch horrors of the world and how to best dispatch them. You have a lifetime of experience fighting the strange and supernatural, as well as knowledge of their strengths and weaknesses. You could turn your deadly arts against mortal foes; a human with this perk and the element of surprise could take down a room of soldiers by themselves. But your skills truly shine when facing down honest, inhuman monsters. Walter was just a man (albeit a very skilled one) and he still managed to hold his own against Alucard in single combat. This is no substitute for the supernatural abilities needed to take down the strongest of supernatural foes, but artificial vampires and even some lesser werekin will seem like unremarkable opponents to you.
[SHARPSHOOTER] Sharpshooter: Some people don’t need magic to make their bullets connect. Some people are just damn-good shots. You are a bane to clay pigeons everywhere, with marksmanship to rival the best Hellsing has to offer. These skills scale with your inherent power level, so the average schmuck would find themselves on par with professional military snipers, while a trained professional could match shots with the catholic gunslinger Heinkel. Got the blood of a True Vampire? Well, you’ll be shooting a dozen V1 rockets out of the air from four kilometers away, so long as you have canons that can reach that far. You may not be doing anything unreal without other abilities, but even without vampire powers or giant guns, your sharpshooting borders on the supernatural.
[TERROR] You’re a master of intimidation, giving even immortal creatures pause with your mere presence. Of course, it’s better if there’s some truth behind the fear. Build up a reputation like Anderson, and you could stun a platoon of nazi vampires mid-frenzy. This also applies to a quieter form of terror, letting you sow fear like The Crimson Fucker himself. Whether you communicate by blood-chilling stares or carrier pigeon, you can instill as much fear as your reputation would warrant, right up until you seize the moment and FUCK the fear turkey!
[UNDER YOUR SKIN] You can be a real prick at times. You have the unnerving ability to find the exact thing to say to aggravate people. Some might yell back, some might blindly charge into battle, but they will all be angry when you want them to be. Whether you’re bringing up some brat’s alcoholic father or calling your boss a bitch to her face, you are the Michaelangelo of getting people to hate you.
[STANDARD KIT] Can’t have you fighting the enemies of mankind completely nude. Well, you could, and no doubt some of the folks here might appreciate it, but it would make things a bit trickier. Instead you’ve been outfitted with some basic combat equipment, courtesy of your faction. For the Nazis among you, that might mean an SS uniform and an MP40. For Hellsing operatives and their allies, you’ll get a set of appropriate combat fatigues and a modern assault rifle. Whichever quartermaster supplies your gear, you’ll have durable clothing, any standard-issue equipment carried by the average foot soldier, and a suitable weapon with plenty of ammunition. Not that it will do you much good against the creatures of the night.
[HOLY BULLETS] If you’re going to be fighting monsters, you’ll want every advantage you can get. Jumpchan has secured a contract with the Royal Armory, providing you with crates of sanctified ammunition in appropriate calibers for any firearm you own. Be ready for World War Three with plenty of ammunition! New shipments will resupply your stockpiles at the end of each week.
[WHEELS] Sure, you may be able to run faster than a speeding locomotive, but who wants to be so pedestrian? You are now the proud owner of a luxurious personal vehicle. This could be a private jet from the Vatican, an expensive antique car, or even a stagecoach pulled by purebred racehorses. Whatever your choice, ride in the smug assuredness of luxury.
[“I SEE FOUR”] This is almost a literal ton of explosives. If you set them all off at once, you could create an explosion visible from across the city. This could be a pallet of plastic explosive, enough landmines to surround a country estate, enough 40mm grenades to stave off a charging vampire horde, or enough explosive vests to outfit an entire company of ninja catholic suicide bombers. Yes, really. This supply restocks at the start of each month.
[70-INCH PLASMA SCREEN TV] Exactly what it says on the box, courtesy of Ser Integra. You’ve got a full home entertainment system here, along with a subscription to dozens of streaming services, ensuring that you always have something to keep you mollified. She’s also thrown in a top-of-the-line gaming computer and the highest-quality internet money can buy. Better hope some blonde little shit doesn’t blow this one up too.
[I LIVED IN LEEDS. NOTHING HAPPENED] Something most certainly happened in your childhood. Something bad. Like, bad enough that it led to the darkest scene in Team Four Star history. And you’re not just going to handwaive your backstory away, either. This is going to have real, resurfacing consequences going forward. Maybe your self-esteem will be shot to shit, or you’ll freeze up when your enemies pressure you, or you’ll be too busy hiding behind a cheery face to form meaningful relationships. Whatever the case, you’re going to carry your personal baggage for most, if not all, of your time here.
[JOURNEY ON] And so we must part ways. I hope you’ve enjoyed your time here, and that you bring as much Hellsing craziness as possible with you to your next Jump. See you next time, Jumper.
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infernal-feminae · 4 months
@peppy-jester liked for the Valentine's Day Shipping Call!
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You got Invidia! The half-eldritch monstrosity and fake ass bitch secretary to Leviathan. Hmm, perhaps frenemies or just plain enemies lmao.
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coffinsister · 11 months
what are your fave ship dynamics :D
I was actually thinking a lot about this but I think I will just answer with whatever comes to mind in the spot
Older brother x little sister Older sister x little brother Sister x sister Twincest of any kind I'm also a little fond of Daughter x Mother but only when the Daughter is the active part who's actively going after the mother same thing with Son x Mother
I love brats x tamers so much just as a general
More broad dynamics would be
Whenever there's a sorta special animal if that makes any sense like foxes or such in anime and somebody adopts them and then it turns out they are actually a shapeshifter
I also like if it's really just a millennial creature or eldritch monstrosity/god tentacles creature those are my monsterfucker tendencies
Self sacrificial idiots who keep getting hurt for each other
Rivals who are only rivals not enemies childhood friends who are rivals
Enemies to lovers childhood friends to rivals to enemies to lovers just all those dynamics lol in any order as well
Any Morticia x Gomez Addams sorta dynamic lol
Sun x moon sorta dynamics red x blue as well whenever one protects the other a lot
I really like closed off powerful woman who doesn't really know how to express her emotions x boy who's incredibly in love with her and willing to show it at any moment as long as she doesn't mind
Also just closed off girl who doesn't know how to be honest about her feelings at all x partner who knows her perfectly well and forces her to express her true feelings
Idk if you know devilman crybaby but basically any dynamic that's like ryo x Akira
I do enjoy younger girls with older women even without a blood or legal relationship but I only enjoy it if they really love or want each other and all the same if the younger part is the more active one
This is something rather specific I suppose but whenever an older/inmortal woman finds a little boy and she takes care of him until she's grown up
And I also love poly relationships my guilty pleasure is harems though mostly I only enjoy it if the center of the harem really loves all the members and they all really respect each other but I also really enjoy just wholesome multiple partners
I do enjoy older men manipulating younger girls but not like as something I would ship just as something I would like to examine in media so not really a ship dynamic but I don't mind if the dynamic has erotic/romantic undertones to it
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lordfrezon · 1 year
Round 2 of The Locked Tomb characters MtG Color Identity. Finished Nona so time to add in those characters, plus a bunch I missed. Spoilers for Nona, obvs. Note, again: Do not take this seriously, this is a horoscope for loser nerds. Feel free to disagree with me publically.
Nona: Red/Green. Pure energy and driving force. Connected to nature and rebirth, so very green energy there. Red, I mean, her tantrum is just some big damage X spell.
Pyrrha: White/Red, leaning much more towards white. A soldier, but focuses more on her close friends than on some abstract "greater good". Also an addict.
Commander Wake: Black/White/Green. Her goals are incredibly selfish and antagonistic to everything that isn't her, but she believes they're justified given the danger she views in necromancy. Willing to wield the power of her enemy to destroy them. Also has demonstrated at least some care for the organization that she leads. Really a fascinating character to study and one I wish was discussed more in Nona.
Palamedes: Blue/Black. Maybe hints of white or green. The study of necromancy is first and foremost to him a study, but he goes all the way in. The most blue character, but he's ambitious and wants to obtain as much power as he can through his studies. Also willing to sacrifice both himself and Cam to further their ends.
Camilla: Red/Blue. A true warrior, but genuinely interested in the pursuit of greater necromantic knowledge and figuring out Nona's deal. Notably not particularly devoted to any cause beyond that of her close immediate friends, but not at all selfish and willing to sacrifice herself for Palamedes.
We Suffer: Mono-white, a true commander of the cause, to the detriment of a lot of her own people/interests. Emphasizes the rules until there is a greater gain to be obtained, at which point she figures out a loophole to exploit.
Crown: Black/Red. Not as evil as her sister, but only because she lets her emotions drive her around a lot. But still clearly selfish and ambitious.
Varun: Probably mono-green or green/red. It's real hard to assign a color identity to an Eldritch Monstrosity. But it and its brethren appear pretty devoted to hunting down John's ass and are very anti-necromancer.
Alecto: Probably green/red/white. Follows oaths made millenia prior, but is also the spirit of earth and is PISSED. See Nona and Varun.
Noodle: Green/White, as befits the king of dogs.
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cityandking · 2 years
ok I may not know ranger witch girl’s name but here are some things I do know about her
half elf (wood elf variant) but the other half is something a teensy bit eldritch. she’s got reflective eyes and pointy teeth. maybe tiefling??
snake vibes! her guardian is the Snake of Many Faces and she bears its mark (long coiling snake tattoos). when she takes a hit in a fight they come to life and glow with a faint, pearly opalescence, giving her a little extra protection (i.e. AC)
lots of Green
she walks the ley lines hunting down [insert favored enemy here—either beasts or monstrosities, tbd]
she absolutely deserves a familiar and I’m gonna find a way to give her one (I say like magic initiate isn’t right there)
I think she’s in her upper teens (17-19ish)
she’s super sensitive to magic (which is how she tracks the ley lines) but also has some sort of outcast can-never-go-home thing going on (I just think it’s sexy)
her name has at least one apostrophe
she’s got 0 CHA and 0 patience and alarmingly few people skills
eye scar!
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holdharmonysacred · 2 years
I updated Genshin tonight, and for context I’ve been having a long-running saga of the some of the in-game models glitching out in a specific way that they play normally, but they look like eldritch garbage, and I asked on reddit if anyone knew what was happening once and the best answer I got was that something was wrong with the game’s draw distance VS my graphics card that was turning my models inside-out the closer they were,
And the good news is as of this latest update some of the models have magically been fixed! Not all of them, but some of them,
but the bad news is now others (mostly enemies) have broken in a completely new way where they all look fine, the textures generally look normal, I don’t get a headache looking at them, except for the fact that everyone has spontaneously turned sea green, and now everyone looks like they either got painted teal or are made out of oxidized copper,
and I still have NO IDEA what is causing this, what determines which models get fixed VS which models break, and how to fix all of this. I should probably compile screenshots and send in a bug report, but god....... I mean I will take “several enemies plus Tubby the teapot bird look like they’re in oceanic palette swaps now” over “these items and enemies are horrible blacked-out semi-transparent eldritch monstrosities that will give you a headache just looking at them”, but still......
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