#just for you 🫶🏻
honeys-marmalade · 5 months
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“A love that consumed me... a passion and adventure unlike any other. There's nothing more I could ever want other than for it to last forever.”
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aarchimedes · 8 months
for context: I read the hobbit first over the course of two years when I was like 13, but I'm only now starting to read lotr. having a blast tho!
anyways, reblog if you feel like it 🙌🏻
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paulawithsharks · 3 months
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i have to do everything myself
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emmyrosee · 6 months
Suna Kaiya kicks. Like a lot.
In your tummy, she kicks like you wouldn’t believe, far more than Akito ever did, and it fills you with so much excitement to know she’s happy, she’s healthy, and she’s excited to meet you both.
She’s moving more than usual today, and your hands come up to cradle your stomach, smiling down and letting your thumb soothe over it.
“Morning momma,” Rintaro says, and you smile as Akito sits happily perched on his dads shoulders.
“Morning, mumma!” Your six year old chirps, and you laugh at the duality of them. At the sight of your hands, two pairs of green eyes fall to your stomach, and two wide smiles grow. “Is Kaiya kicking?”
“She is bud,” you beam, moving to pour him a cup of juice as Rin sits him down at the table. “You wanna feel?”
“Yeah!” He says excitedly. With his juice you walk over to him, letting his tiny hands press against your swollen stomach, and he giggles at the feeling. “My baby sister is crazy!” He takes the juice from your hands and brings it to his mouth to sip.
“Rin, you are wanna come feel?” You ask, and he chuckles and shakes his head. He’s always loved your baby bump, loved the kicking of his babies that are growing inside of you, but lately, at his touch, Kaiya’s been kicking more furiously, roughly, and it’s taking its toll on your back.
He’s thrilled she’s already in tuned with his touch. But he hates the effect it has on you.
You roll your eyes, “Rintaro, Kaiya will always kick and hurt my back, you may as well feel her while she’s active and not resting.”
He gives you a small nod and a nervous sigh, stalking over to you and gently resting his hands on your belly. Instantly, the baby kicks at the warmth of his hands, but you’re sure to not pull a face or shift away while he does.
“She’s going crazy,” he laughs, looking at the bump fondly.
“Told you,” you say, gently carding a hand through his hair.
“Dang,” he chuckles, leaning over to kiss your head. “We really made that…”
Both of your eyes widen and instantly dart to look at Akito, who’s cheeks are stained with strawberry juice and dark brown eyebrow quirked in interest.
“Time to get dressed!” You chirp, moving from Rintaro’s grip to meet your son, whose eyes are curved in confusion.
“But I haven’t had breakfast yet!”
“Breakfast in the living room today, whoo!” You quickly say, looking at Rin nervously who merely laughs at your distress, shaking his head before he starts making breakfast.
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ineed-to-sleep · 4 months
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Sometimes a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do
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daysofyellowroses · 6 months
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carmen berzatto x reader | 1.9k | based on this absolutely adorable request from my darling @thecapricunt1616 enjoy it then i am beyond happy 💗🌼🫶🏻
It didn't matter how many times you shook the plastic stick, the little pink plus sign didn't fade. You tossed it in the trash can, where it joined three others with matching pink pluses. You couldn't really get your head around it, you'd been careful, taken things relatively slow..well, kind of. 
Things had just progressed a little quicker than you'd expected. One minute you're applying for a hostess job, thinking you probably won't even get an interview, seeing as it was a Michelin-starred hotspot, then next thing you're front and center at a fancy restaurant and spending large portions of your shift flirting with the head chef. 
It was never serious flirting, it was just silly and fun. You made flirty comments to everyone, you just particularly meant them with Carmy. He finally seemed to get the hint when you asked him upstairs after he'd dropped you home for the 10th time. 
Nothing really happened that night, you just shared a drink, cheap wine from your refrigerator, and made each other laugh with stupid jokes. You told him you meant it when you flirted, he insisted you were joking. It was only when you kissed him that he finally got the message, kissing you back with a fervor that had your head spinning in the most wonderful way. 
From there you two developed a relationship that suited you both. You were professional at work, still had some nights apart when you were both exhausted or just needed some alone time. But you had spent hours sitting on his kitchen counter watching him cook, told him stories from your past, encouraged him to tell you some stories too. You watched movies that you didn't pay full attention to, you read your book with your legs over Carm's lap, rolling your eyes with a grin when he would tease you for looking so serious. 
It was the best relationship you'd ever been in, and while you weren't sure what the future held, you were positive Carm would be a big part of it, that you two would keep going, develop your relationship.
Sure, you had thought about kids, marriage, a home together etc., but in a kind of just-for-fun-daydreamy kind of way. 
Now, one of those things was becoming a reality. It wasn't exactly how you would have planned it, you and Carm weren't even living together. Sure, you stayed at his most nights of the week and had more than a few personal belongings left there, but it wasn't the same.
It felt like moving in should have been the next step. The excitement of starting to really build a foundation together. You were just skipping ahead a step or two, apparently. 
Eventually you left the bathroom and chose to sit on your bed for a while instead. You called your doctor and made an appointment, more as a formality. Maybe it would feel more real when your doctor told you rather than seeing it on a plastic stick you'd peed on.
Once you were dressed you went to make a coffee before stopping yourself, wondering if it was ‘allowed’, even though it was so early on. You decided to play it safe, having a herbal tea instead, which you nearly choked on when your phone rang, Carmy's ID flashing up on the screen.
Did he know? How could he know?
“Hey,” You smiled as much as you could, trying to feel normal. “How are you? How is everything?”
You hoped you didn't sound too unusual or not yourself, feeling annoyingly aware of yourself.
“Hey, everything's good,” Carm replied and you felt yourself relax a little. “Just..there's been a slight change of plan for today.”
You stifled a laugh, nothing Carm could say could be a bigger change of plan than an unexpected pregnancy.
“Oh? You raised a brow, lightly tapping your nails against your cup. “What's up?”
“So, it turns out that apparently I promised Richie and Sug that I'd babysit while they have some meetings. I hate to ask when it's your day off but..could you help me?”
You couldn't help but laugh, resting your head on your head on your hand and letting out a soft sigh.
“Of course I'll help, don't worry. When do you need me?” 
An couple of hours later, you found yourself at Carmy's apartment, smiling as he opened the door looking flustered, a toddler on his hip and a doll in his hand.
“Perfect timing,” He smiled, stepping aside to let you in. “I'm outnumbered.”
“Who said I'm on your side?” You raised a brow, smiling at the little boy on Carmy's hip and gently stroked his cheek as he giggled. “I'm here to help the kids gang up on you.”
“Oh good,” Carm nodded, lightly tapping you with the doll. “Bring it on.”
You made your way to the living room, smiling as you spotted Eva on the couch, giving her a little wave.
“Hey girly girl,” You grinned, going to sit next to her. “Hope you've been keeping your uncle busy?”
“Yeah,” She giggled, leaning over to you as Carm came into the room. You leaned down, smiling as she whispered in your ear.
A half hour or so later, you went to open the living room door as there was a knock, adjusting the toddler on your hip before opening it and trying to keep a straight face as you met Carm's eyes.
“Hi, can I help you?” You asked, raising a brow.
“Uh, yeah, actually,” Carmy nodded, trying to keep a straight face. “I have an appointment, I'm a little early but..maybe you could squeeze me in?”
“Maybe,” You nodded, biting your lip softly. “Come in, follow me.”
You turned and walked further into the room, gesturing to the couch. “Take a seat.”
“Yes ma'am,” Carm nodded as you walked to the kitchen door and opened it.
“Your two o'clock is early,” You said, glancing back to Carm for a moment.. “Do you want to fit him in now?”
You nodded before turning back to Carm and gesturing to the kitchen. “She'll see you now, come through.”
You walked into the kitchen and smiled as you watched Carm walk in, the smile on his face as he spotted the makeshift beauty salon that had been set up.
“Take a seat,” Eva gestured to the seat across the counter, an adorably serious look on her face. You placed the baby into his high chair by the table, smiling as you heard Eva boss her uncle around.
“Hands in the bowl, keep them still.”
You went to the fridge, taking out a little light blue lunch box before glancing over to Carm with a smile.
“What color do you want?” Eva asked, pointing to the handful of nail polishes sitting on the counter. 
 “Hm, I'm not sure,” Carm mused, looking at the colors. “I got a big date tonight, I wanna look my best. What do you think will suit me?”
You smiled to yourself as you put the lunch box in the microwave, laughing softly as you heard Eva tell Carm to hold still.
After lunch and Carmy's nail appointment, you decided to take the kids to the park, feeling a new wave of love for your boyfriend that he made no attempt to remove the red nail polish. When you were taking the stroller to the lift, one of Carm's neighbors passed you in the hall and smiled at you and realized that it wouldn't be long before the baby in the stroller would be yours.
You brushed off the thought, trying to focus on just having a nice, fun day. As you were en route to the park, Carm asked if you could have a little detour, and you were sure the look on the kids faces when you arrived at build-a-bear would never leave you.
Carm took his nephew from the stroller and placed him on his hip before taking him to pick out a teddy, your heart swelling in your chest, moreso when Eva took your hand and asked you to help her choose.
You found yourself subconsciously placing your hand on your stomach, wondering what it would feel like to hold your own baby on your hip, feel their hand in yours, see the excitement in their eyes when they were presented with a cute little toy.
Carm's nephew had picked a bear (perhaps with a little nudge from his uncle), that ended up in a chefs uniform (that one was a total push), while Eva chose a bunny that she chose a performance outfit for. 
When you got back to Carm's, you were more than happy to chill on the couch, though you practically melted into it when Carm got a book and read to the kids (and their new toys) til they were asleep. 
“Not a bad effort,” You smiled, looking over to Carm and trying not to imagine the toddler that could be in his lap one day. “You might actually be pretty good at this whole uncle thing.”
“I might just be,” Carm grinned, reaching out to touch your hand. “Had help from the best though.”
“You're welcome,” You smiled, gently stroking his hand. “I presume that's why you're taking me on a..big date, was it?”
“Oh absolutely,” Carm nodded, looking serious for a moment before he grinned. “the biggest.”
“Hm, guess I'll have to get glammed up,” You smiled, looking over to Eva. “Maybe I'll see if I can get a last minute appointment.”
That evening, after a quick trip home to grab a change of clothes, you were back in Carmy's apartment. It felt so quiet without the kids, you found yourself putting on music just for background noise. 
When you were in the bathroom putting on your makeup, you felt a wave of nausea hit you, more out of nerves than anything else. You hoped it would leave, but before you knew it you were bent over the toilet, taking a deep breath as you waited for the inevitable.
There was a knock on the bathroom door when you were washing your hands, looking up at the mirror taking a deep breath. Even with makeup you still looked unwell. 
“Hey,” Carm smiled as you opened the door, the concern evident on his face. “Are you okay? I thought I heard..”
“I'm fine,” You nodded, taking a deep breath and letting out a sigh as the concern didn't leave his face. “I just..need to talk to you.”
You walked into the bedroom, sitting on the bed and trying to think of the right words.
“Okay,” You began. “this is..really not what I thought would happen, and I don't know how you're going to take this but..oh god..”
As you buried your head in your hands, Carm was immediately by your side, his arm around your waist. 
“Whatever it is you can tell me,” He assured you. “I promise. Just let it out, we'll handle it.”
“I'm pregnant.” You said before you could stop yourself or build it up more, lowering your hands and looking over to Carm.
“You're..wow,” Carmy nodded, rubbing his jaw. “Well, thank fuck for that. I mean, I knew, but I thought you were dumping me.”
“Wait what?” You raised a brow. “You knew? How did you know?”
“I just knew,” Carm shrugged with a smile. “I mean, I guess I hoped I was right..I know it's skipping ahead a little but..I want what we had today, all the time.”
“Can you stop being so perfect for like one day?” You rolled your eyes with a grin, resting your head on Carmy's shoulder. “Or maybe just after the big date.”
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petrichorium · 2 months
also on my hands and knees dying to know about ur divorce (and perhaps reconciliation maybe…) with sir croc
Firstly I wanna say croc is THE reason for the divorced tier I had everyone in the husband/fiance/bf (and cusp + complicated) tiers I had the list downloaded and then I looked at croc in the husband tier and I was like no. Divorced………
Anyway I think you’re a marriage of convenience at first. Crocodile needs a wife to look more like An Upstanding Citizen Ready To Settle Down for his plans in Alabasta, you need the stability and rapport for your own reasons. A deal was struck (including a nice shiny prenup and an easy way out for both of you), the wedding goes off without a hitch, and now you’re cohabitating.
You’re all but a stranger, truthfully, though he’ll admit you were one of the most beautiful brides he’s seen walking down the aisle. And he finds your presence in his home less distracting than expected—you stay out of his way mostly, though the pair of you eat meals together and sleep in the same bed and you are always expected to be on his arm for formal occasions. You’re more than decent company, slowly warming to him and growing more open; willing to give advice on occasion, even, and it’s good advice he’s prone to heeding.
Which is why he’s blindsided when you drop the papers on his desk. There’s little he can do—they were practically already signed before the wedding, and in the surprise he can’t compose himself enough to think up a proper protest. All he can do is fold his hands together as you turn to leave, clear his throat, and call out, “Might I ask why?”
You shrug. It almost seems sad. “I want something more. You’re a very busy man, I don’t think you can give that to me.”
And those words haunt him, all the more because every trace of you is gone in the span of a few days. He lays in his bed, alone, pondering how much you truly lived in his home and how much he truly had to give you. He thought he made sure you wanted for nothing—but, clearly, that wasn’t the case. And if he’d known you’d be gone in the span of a few years…
In hindsight perhaps he’d been a bit distant. His work took up the vast majority of his time. All those meals were more often than not spent in silence, with Crocodile leaving long before you finished your food; you were often asleep before he came to bed, still slumbering when he woke; he’d arrive to those formal events with you on his arm and part ways almost immediately, drawn to meet with some politician or another and leaving you on your own.
The bed feels empty.
And then he gets a report about Nefertari Vivi. It all goes downhill from there. The empire he spent years building crumbles beneath his feet, toppled by that godforsaken princess and the upstart pirate with a straw hat. And as he’s carted off to Impel Down… he still thinks of you.
It’s perhaps a good thing that you left when you did. In a certain sense it saved you, severing ties with him when you did. But foolishly he wonders about the timing—wonders if it would have happened at all if you’d stayed. Logically he knows the rationale is anything but sound.
Instinctively… whenever he gets out, whatever he intends to do next, he thinks he needs you at his side again.
So when the break-out happens, and Crocodile is given a freedom he’d nearly given up on, the first thing he does is begin to track you down.
It takes more than he thought it would. His web of informants isn’t half of what it once was, and his name no longer pulls as much weight, forced to remain in the shadows as he now is. You, meanwhile, catch onto the mystery person trying to keep tabs on you far too quickly for his liking—flighty thing, never quite setting down roots, quick to flee at the first sign of danger. A trait that has only seemed to worsen in his absence, it seems.
But it’s only a matter of time. He’s Sir Crocodile after all, back from banishment to the depths of the ocean, sure to see the sun again. His men close in on you within a year as he builds up his numbers again, but Crocodile ensures he’s the first to make contact.
He intends to show you immediately how things will be different this time.
You’ve made temporary home on a quaint little island, sharing a house with a little old granny who lets him in eagerly when he presents a bouquet and says it’s for you. There he waits, served tea and biscuits that he doesn’t taste.
And then the door opens. You pause when you see him, eyes wide—donning a breezy sundress you’d never have worn for him in Alabasta, your hair wind-tousled so unlike the meticulous updos he always saw you in, with a basket of produce under arm—and the sight of you has his chest unwinding. It’s like he can breathe again.
Not that he had any intentions to before, but the smell of your familiar perfume steels his resolve to never let you disappear again.
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seiwas · 11 months
boyfriend iwaizumi hajime fixing your posture every time he sees you hunched over and slouching—the way he holds your shoulders and straightens it by rolling it back, thumbs pressing into your shoulder blades.
he gently pushes your lower back whenever he notices you curling into yourself, runs his fingers up your spine too.
and he does it all quietly, your only warning the feel of his hands on you.
it’s almost like he has a radar for it, some posture-sense that tingles every time your back is anything but straight.
when you complain about back pain, he snorts, mumbling a ‘wonder why’ before coming over to knead out the knots anyway.
he buys you an ergonomic chair to hopefully help out, even leaves x-rays and scans of bad backs lying around to give some subliminal message of what could happen if you don’t fix it now.
and when he takes you from behind, pushing down on your lower back to give him that arch he likes, he’s teasing, telling you that you only seem to listen when he has you like this.
he’s really starting to think, should he start fucking you with your back straight?
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my-lonely-thoughts · 6 months
Aroace culture is finding out as an adult that sex and romance is not just an over exaggerated concept but a very real thing people like/do 😵‍💫
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rodolfoparras · 11 months
Don't mind me just imaging old man price and unconsciously caressing his happy trail while cuddling watching TV 😖
Okay but imagine this…
Old man Price sprawled out on the couch wearing nothing but a pair of ratty sweats he’s stolen from you, watching whatever show is playing on the tv that he’s not really paying attention to.
He momentarily pauses his show to look at the clock hanging on the wall, noticing there isn’t much time left til you’re back home again.
Sometimes Price hated being retired and longed for the days where the two of you would be out together on the field, working and enjoying each other’s company.
However he couldn’t deny the fact that he enjoyed the comfort of being in your shared home, wrapped up in your blankets and wearing your clothes that still smelled of cologne while watching his shows and hearing the rain enviously tapping on his window.
The sheer thought of it has a contented sigh escaping his lips, eyes fluttering shut as he sink further into the cushion beneath him.
All that’s missing is for you to crawl up by his side, insisting that two full grown adults can fit perfectly on the very small couch, a back and forth argument that would only result in pecks being placed on his lips, as your eager hands touch all over his body.
While thinking about it, he starts moving his hand in lazy circles on his soft abdomen, in the same way you’d do it, with blunt nails lightly scratching at his skin and fingers tugging at the coarse hair dusted on his body. Although his hand feels nothing like yours, this little fantasy of his is enough to have blood pooling to the lower half of his body.
Without even realizing it, he spreads his legs, the blanket that’s been covering him carelessly falls to the floor and his fingers latch onto his nipples, tugging at taunting the sensitive numb, in the very same way your own fingers would do it.
A shaky breath escapes his lips, cock twitching in excitement and hips effortlessly buckling up in search of any sort of friction he could get.
If you’d been here you’d tease him more, make him beg and whine and whimper before you touched his cock but you aren’t here and he’s oh so eager to have a hand on him so he quickly shuffles down his (your) sweats and wraps a hand around his length.
His cock is warm and already fully hard, precum trickling down his knuckles. Despite his age you never fail to make him feel young again, playing his body like a flute even if you're not physically there.
He can't help but smile at the sheer thought of it but it quickly drops from his face as he starts languidly stroking himself.
“O-oh“ he moans out, eyes squeezing shut and hips bucking up into his own touch.
He continues to indulge in his little fantasy, pretending you’re there on the couch with him, your body weight caging him in, the smell of you surrounding him and with your face smiling down at him. As he does so he feels himself increase his pace, slowly but surely inching closer to the edge.
“Please sir please” he hears himself say, desperately asking for you, to be here, to touch him, to make him see stars in the way only you can.
It doesn’t take much before he’s tipping over the edge, a string of curses tumbling past his lips as ropes of cum paint your sweats.
For a moment he’s so lost in bliss, eyes squeezed shut, hand still stroking his dick before he’s broken out of his trance by the sound of a familiar voice calling for him.
“Sweetheart what are you doing?” And as he opens his eyes he’s met with the familiar sight of you standing there in front of him, eyes swirling with desire while smiling down at him.
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daintyytulip · 1 year
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and i bet you think about me
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conjuring-ghouls · 1 year
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Terzo funny moments (3/?)
So me and @sxnnelysister are back with more parts for the Terzo series we've been working on! As always, you can check her blog for the next part (and give her a follow if you haven't already! 🖤)
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toshidou · 28 days
Heyyy so I saw that you like chubby readers and I was wondering if we could maybe ask for some headcanons on Logan with a plus sized reader? I completely understand if not, but I thought I would ask since you and I seem to be excited about it☺️
hi sweetheart!!! absolutely, i would love to share some plus size reader headcanons with you <33
tags: nsfw 18+, plus size!reader, gn!reader, cum play, possessiveness, marking, biting
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☁︎⋅ After countless years spent on the run, accumulating as much trauma as is physically possible for a man of his age, it's not uncommon for him to feel wary around the very few people he trusts. Fearful that despite his best intentions, they may wind up hurt because of him; his strength, his temper, his past
☁︎⋅ But then came you, embodying aphrodite with every curved swoop of your skin, with each crease of your gorgeous skin that envelops the one below. You make it clear you're the furthest thing from fragile, strong willed, strong minded, your body akin to a weighted blanket as lie atop his chest, nose nuzzled into his throat
☁︎⋅ It's freeing, finally having someone in his life he isn't scared to touch, knowing he doesn't have to think before sinking his fingers into the meat of your thighs, watching as your skin dimples against the pads of his calloused digits, grounding him in the reality that you're here, you're not going anywhere, he can't break you.
☁︎⋅ There's nothing he loves more than wrapping his arms around you, your back to his chest, he'll cling to you like you're the only thing keeping him tethered to Earth. He'll do it whenever physically possible, if you're cooking, cleaning your teeth, in the shower, he'll take every opportunity he can get to cocoon you to his chest, his nose pressed into your hair, savouring every moment you give him.
☁︎⋅ Despite his usually snarky attitude and grouchy demeanour, he loves you with a gentle quietude, pressing his love into your skin with every kiss his brushes against your curves, whispering soft confessions of adoration as though they could soak into your pores. He'll never let you forgot how gorgeous you are, the words crooning from his lips, making sure you don't shy away from his tactile affection.
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☁︎⋅ Logan will be the first to confess his thoughts stray to the impure far more than they ought to, unable to help the way his hands wander absentmindedly. What usually starts as an innocent arm around the waist is quick to wander; fingers dipping and flexing until they make their way to your upper thigh. Irises darkening as he hears a quiet hiss slip through your gritted teeth, his fingers pressing into a fresh bruise from the night before, when he had you on your back, knees pressed to your chest as he grinds his cock into you, teeth buried in your shoulder.
☁︎⋅ It's no secret that he loves to manhandle you, to manoeuvre your body whatever way he sees fit. And it really shouldn't turn you on as much as it does, but the knowledge that he can drag you around, lift you up, toss you onto whatever surface he so decides without breaking so much as a sweat has you whimpering every time.
☁︎⋅ His favourite way to take you usually involves his arms under your thighs, with you either pinned against a wall or his chest as he snaps his hips up against your ass, all-consumed by the feeling of your weight in his arms, knowing your body is completely surrendered to him. you've lost count of the amount of times he's taken you in the hallway of your home, unable to spare the effort to walk to the bedroom, much preferring to practically pounce on you the second you step through the door.
☁︎⋅ As should be expected, he talks you through it, lips pressed to your ear lobe, your temple, your throat as he groans praise into your skin, words pouring out of him uncontrollably as he loses himself in you, "that's it baby, you take it so well, let me fuck you so good," his speech almost slurred, like he's drunk on the feeling of you clenching around him, the plush of your thighs melting into his fingers.
☁︎⋅ You never see him more animalistic when he cums on your body, though. Regardless of where he'll decide to finish, he'll grunt and pant breathless expletives as he pumps his cock over you, watching his release drips onto the bruised flesh of your thighs, the plush of your stomach, your tits, eyes zeroed into the way pearlescent white settles onto your skin. He'll be in a trance as he brings his fingers down to paint his cum across your flesh, the action primal and possessive, soothing the voices in his head that yearn to mark you as his.
☁︎⋅ As if anyone could mistake you for anything other than his, not when you bear every mark, every bruise, every bite mark with beaming pride, only emboldening him to leave more and more into every square inch of you, just to
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emmyrosee · 4 months
HI EMMY!! CONGRATS ON YOUR MILESTONE!!! <3 i'd like to request family time w atsumu where they visit his childhood home for the weekend, please! <333333 (i am so predictable)
The car tires crunch over familiar concrete as the butterflies in Atsumu’s stomach start to flutter. Nothing has changed, barely down to the businesses that are still standing from when he was a kid. Behind him, Kousei rattles a toy, and Hisako talks his ear off, about how she can’t wait to play with her grandmother’s jewelry box, how her crayons are better then the ones at home, and how she makes the best breakfast ever.
Atsumu’s cheeks hurt from smiling, and he uses his hand closest to you to rest on your thigh, thumb stroking over the muscles happily, more than eager to see his family and be back at home for the next few days, his new family joining him on the trek to become one with his old.
Next to him, you’re encouraging Hisako, only to then rest your hand on top of his, squeezing him lovingly as he turns onto his street.
“Daddy, you think Kousei gon’ walk today?” Hisako asks, and Atsumu looks at her in the rear view mirror, “well, it’s a tossup, honey. But maybe Grammy has that magic to make him walk.”
“Grammy has magic?!” She asks in amazement, and Kousei squeals in excitement. “Grammy magic!”
“You said your first word at Grammy’s house,” you tell your little girl, and atsumu offers you a soft ‘thats right’ in confirmation.
“Really?” She gasps. “What I say?”
“Berry,” he says, and in the mirror, he sees her eyes light up. “Although, when you said it, it was ‘bewwy.’”
Hisako giggles and eagerly looks out the window to stare at the passing trees, bouncing in her seat as you trail down the road before turning a right, and finally the form of Miya Atsumu’s childhood home comes into view, his heart soaring at the sight.
He sees Osamu’s car parked outside, along with his two other Uncles vehicles, and he smirks as he parks behind his brother, trapping him from leaving. On the porch sits his mother in a rocking chair, and he barely opens his own door before Hisako unbuckles herself and lets herself out of the car to dash to the arms of her grandmother. “Hisako!”
You pat his thigh, “let her go. We’ll reinstate the terrors of leaping out of a car later.”
“You’re right,” he sighs, smiling and nodding his head towards the babbling Kousei in the back. “Get the little man, I’ll grab his baby bag.”
“You got it boss,” you giggle, slipping out to grab your son from the back of the car. Atsumu steps out, takes a deep breath of fresh air, and a giant grin splays on his face as he relishes in the feeling of home.
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gen4grl · 28 days
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you would think after all the yapping i do about these losers i would have a plethora of art uploaded … no… so here is my first kantrio post lol
i did these over the last month while watching the olympic weightlifting and jamming to kpop (stan red velvet and kiss of life BTW!!!)
#pokemon#pkmn#trainer red#rival blue#trainer leaf#i made them classy and smoke from a joint idk maybe i should of done the classic aussie teen experience and make them smoke from a water#bottle bong 🤩 red is a massive foodie so ofc he has the multiple options of snacks ready lol my go-to fried food was a capriccosia pizza 😭#i’m always conflicted on the blue smoking hc (just cigarettes yall lol) i often see fanart of professor blue smoking and i see the vision#50/50??? let me ask the audience 🗣️ i think i’m bias cause i am cursed with thinking men who smoke are extremely attractive lmao#there is 100% lore behind that second piece but i am so burnt out and i don’t think it’ll fit in tags lol#also just have a raging fear of sharing anything kantrio related LOL like raging projectile vomiting level anxiety#blue fears repeating the toxic cycles he grew up in but oops he’s doing exactly that in the second piece 🧐#wowzers … as kieran would say lol … i love writing and thinking about blue and his emotional growth over those 3 years red was missing#but hey sometimes something hurts so badly it takes you back to that sad and scared child version of yourself right?#strength to me is like: red >>>>>>> leaf >> blue🤷🏻‍♀️ they technically both canonically beat blue in gamecanon so … my girl is strong sorry#ain’t standing shy timid leaf in this house …#also - despite being acespec myself i didn’t know demi was under the ace umbrella! i think it suits red super well imo :p#pan aswell bc i don’t think he gaf 😭 also shout out to one of my fave pkmn artists kiriato 🫶🏻🤧 i was going through such bad art block and#their work inspired all of these :3 i love their stuff sm espcially their comics 🥹 i drew all of these using their brush sets too!!!#trainer blue#blue pokemon#red pokemon#leaf pokemon#pokemon art#pokemon fanart#pokemon frlg#trainer green#rival green#my art <3#kanto au
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erik-christine · 1 year
just the difference between the two.. nick jonas I’m so sorry 😭
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