#just gonna go through the ones in the inbox currently if anymore are sent in before I say it’s open I’m just deleting them I’m sorry
cagedcats · 2 years
Leopardfoot x Thrushpelt for my rewrite? Thank you
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Two kit litter, both make it to being Warriors, one Tom and one Jack.
Cuckoobelly (listen I know his name doesn’t fit 100% but it’s fine I swear) and Smokenose.
I’m sorry this took me so long :( work and schooling (which school is over for a couple more weeks thankfully). I hope you enjoy these two!
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arkhamcalamity · 2 years
Meta for Amity + how history is told?
meta meme // Accepting! @libertytaken i love u so much north
*rubs hands together* SO honestly, unless you have The Old Book of Gotham, no one seems to know about Amity. (with an exception i'm about to get into) If the town purposefully wanted her to be erased from existence, they did an amazing job. because when it comes down to it, there's pretty much only two ways you're gonna know about her origins: The Old Book of Gotham, or, your family participated in her burning and they kept an oral history passed down by generations. Which is impressive given it only takes one person deciding it's nonsense to kill the tradition, but what I find super fascinating is the families that DID keep an oral history, and the ones that didn't.
The Dents and Waynes didn't keep an oral history. Harvey had no idea why there was some teenager who set his house on fire whose voice sounded like nails on a chalkboard. Bruce took a long time to put together the Silverlocks were being possessed.
Oswald Cobblepot though, knew who Calamity was ON SIGHT. His family actually managed to keep an oral history through (give or take) 360 years! And a semi-accurate one. And I think it's because the Cobblepots haven't ever really had a shame about doing awful things to keep their hands on power. Whilst the Dents & Waynes at some point became too hesitant to admit their participation in murder to their children.
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The other family that kept a very accurate history is the Lydeckers. Whom mak has sent in my inbox so they're getting their own meta in a second, but TLDR; they managed to go from enemy list to allies REAL fast.
And I wonder how much of an advantage/disadvantage certain families had depending on if they kept accurate oral histories. I don't have enough examples to say for sure that knowing you're always going to be hunted by Calamity leads to better survival rates or not, but I'm going to take an educated guess that it puts you at a disadvantage if you don't know
And amity loves it.
surprise is the best element! not only that, her fading into little more than an urban legend means there's no one really looking on how to take her down. Something she's been really strategic about. You need 2 things to banish Amity: The Old Book of Gotham, and her bones. and her bones aren't in her grave anymore. Even if you were lucky enough to get the book, she knows it's going to take time for anyone to sleuth out where she's currently buried. And the fact that, unless you have the book, you might never figure out the Silverlocks are actually Arkhams, is just bonus. Another step of distancing herself from her favorite puppets. it makes it really hard to figure out what's really going on with Silverlocks becoming Calamity for generations
while I think most people fear being forgotten and your legacy being little more than a speck in the wind- I think Amity's actually kind of embraced it. She's been lingering here SO LONG; she's seen people live and die and their memory vanish with time. it's in the satisfaction of actually ending bloodlines she promised to and watching their second death when no one ever speaks their name anymore. it's inevitable. but at least she can use humanity's short memory to her advantage for her own revenge.
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smolycule · 8 months
for the smosh asks, 10-17 :)
the way this has been sitting in my inbox for half a year i am SO fucking sorry anon LMAO. thanks for humoring me with that ask game i reblogged months ago 😭 idk if you even care anymore BUT heres a response! better late than never i guess oops
10. Fave smosh song?
dixon cider is up there unfortunately. also girls are gross. and any of the lil jingles tommy made throughout the years :3
11. What's something you want to see come back?
i need another smosh seasonal games EXPEDITIOUSLY... plus as an Older fan a part of me is always gonna want the ex cast to appear again in some capacity, mainly ogsog 🤧
12. Do you own any Smosh merch?
yes i have a baseball tee with the "questionable quality humor" design on it which i got mid 2010s (i love the design but i unfortunately got it in a too small size so it's kinda dysphoria inducing 😭). and they had a deal at the time i ordered it where they sent an extra random piece of merch along with the order for free so i also have a kinda silly looking tshirt based on the assassin's creed 4 song that has text that says "cause i'm a pirate" 😭 cannot wear that one in public
13. Do you ship anything/love any friendship pairs?
why yes i do 8) but i already kinda go over that in my pinned post so i don’t feel like typing it all out again lol. as of late though my brain has been Consumed with spourtney, spommy, and shaynse among the expected others. and more tbh
14. What is your favorite 'era' of Smosh?
truthfully it is the current era but also including early 2023. i think when let’s do this was airing it was the most consistently i was having fun with smosh uploads ever. i see the current era as basically the early 2023 vibe but part 2, though anthony returning was certainly a very high point despite ldt ending 🤧 tho im NOT gonna lie 2016-2018 smosh, particularly for the pit uploads and general cast dynamics, comes in 2nd for me. bc im a nostalgic bitch
15. What castmember do you think you are most like?
HONESTLY. IDK… maybe courtney due to the Queerness, nonbinarism, humor style, fashion style (kinda, im not as fem as them), and history of parasocial tendencies and ability to get Extreme joy out of witnessing people being cute and affectionate with each other. our joint ex-larry shipper slay… but also tommy for the Anxiety and queerness and humor and love for noise music <3 (can u tell theyre my favs)
something i find FASCINATING though is that i VISCERALLY relate to shaynes specific social anxiety about Emails and avoiding them in a cycle bc u get scared u missed something important so u just avoid them more 😵‍💫 when i first heard him say that i went BONKERS bc what other fucking celebrity who deliberately puts themselves in the public eye would be that dysfunctional about that 😭 idk i just felt seen… (granted my avoidance issues are Much worse than that and affect way more facets of my life haha but. yeah)
16. Have you met any friends through Smosh?
no… 🫠 ive always been a recluse esp in fandom spaces hskskskfngfkld
17. What do you want to see now that Anthony's back?
this question definitely was more fitting when this ask game was relevant months ago LOL but still i want to see anthony interacting with the cast more on pit and games. all the time even
OK DONE FINALLY. if you read all that… thank you 🫡
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kjunginger · 4 years
Hey, do you plan on updating the baby sawamura au. or is it done?
Okay, I need you all to understand something. And I want to be transparent. The truth is, I recently emptied my entire inbox. Because most of it had been about questions about my comics from the Baby Sawamura AU to the Kara & Sisters AU.
It’s been giving me anxiety going into my inbox for nearly 2 years because I knew I could no longer deliver on what people want from here, and I feel like I’ve betrayed my followers.
I recently finally had the courage to go in, read them all again, and then delete them hoping to rid myself of my anxiety, and just slowly build myself up again on social media.
You guys have to understand that I am phsyically and mentally not in the same place I was 2/3 years ago. I moved out of my parents home, I moved to another country, I have a more solid job. And while I’ve settled down, I still find myself floundering. I overwork myself, I’m regularly sick, and by the time I have free time I’m just so tired. What little energy I have left goes into social interactions because even most games I play I only play because my friends drive me to keep going. Otherwise I’d just sleep everything away and I’m close--Always so close to falling back into depression.
I’ve only recently found my footing again, falling in love with Fire Emblem again and getting motivated to draw in my free time.
I haven’t touched Sports anime and Osomatsu-san much or at all in the past 2 years because every time I do I’m reminded of my anxiety and failure to deliver on my comics.
I’m trying to get better. I’m trying to get back into comic making. But I’m still only at the first step. I have barely moved forward. I have been drawing more. Many of which I don’t post especially since I also do more original things now.
I’m even currently developing an original comic--Something I’ve wanted to do since I was a child. But even that is in its early stages and I’m also balancing that with some Fire Emblem fanart and comics I have on the backburner.
I’m still aware how I’ve failed. I’m still aware there are those still waiting for the hiatus on those comics to be lifted. I know I keep giving people false hopes that maybe it will continue again one day. But please understand. I also wish I could continue them some day. At least create all the comics I still have planned. But I’m just not there yet. I can’t bring myself to go back in. I can’t even bring myself to watch the animes or read the manga. My anxiety won’t let me, and I’m stuck in a self fulfilling hole of loathing the more I let it go on.
But these sort of asks aren’t helping me at the moment. So I’m just gonna have to say that I will no longer reply to them. I just can’t stand to see them anymore.
Maybe it would be better if I just outright said and decided that they will never be continued. But the thing is, both these comics also hold special places in my heart. They helped me through some really tough times and connected me with so many people.
But I’m not ready. I’m just not. And even now that I’m trying to pick myself up again... I don’t even know how long it will last. Working from home in this pandemic has afforded me a good work setup at home and more free time. But this pandemic won’t last forever and I can’t work from home forever and so even that will change. And that scares me too. That I get back on my feet only for things to change and I’m floundering again.
To the anon who sent this; I’m sorry this was such a lengthy reply and doesn’t even answer your question. This was more a general response to all the messages I’ve received like it, but have already deleted. So for that I really do apologize.
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thedumpsterqueen · 4 years
Standards of Performance, Chapter 3: Boundaries and Text Messages
Regular weekly update! Look at me go! This one took me ages to write for absolutely no reason, and then ages to edit because the AO3 text editor kicked my ass. Hopefully the formatting isn’t a dumpster fire, and hopefully you enjoy! Sidenote: you are always welcome to scream about Hotch, nsforwork or not, in my inbox.
Chapter 1, Chapter 2
AO3 Link
Summary:  You’re the BAU’s newest intern, desperate to prove yourself amongst an established team of much more experienced profilers. Agent Hotchner, the seemingly infallible team leader, sets strict expectations for your performance. He commands your respect without even trying, but is there something more to your relationship than a simple desire to impress your stony-faced boss?
Chapter: 3, Boundaries and Text Messages
Chapter Summary: You discover that the unsub isn't what he seems, and overstep some boundaries you probably shouldn't have.
Words: 2291
Rating: Explicit, 18+
Pairings: Hotch x Reader, Hotch x You
Back in Hotch’s hotel room, the three of you were sitting on the ground, surrounded by textbooks and torn-out pages covered in the seemingly mindless scrawls of the suspect. Well, you and Morgan were on the floor; Hotch was at the desk chair. Hotch wasn’t really a sit-on-the-floor type of person.
Morgan groaned and rubbed his temples for the third time in an hour. “It means nothing, man. He researched all this shit so he could commit the crimes in a way that would fuck with us.”
Hotch sighed and nodded in agreement. “It certainly seems that way. That explains the inconsistencies in the profile. However, we can still understand the subject by the signatures he chose.” He pointed to a scribbled note in a textbook section about the psychology surrounding different methods of murder: “Slashing throat? Effective + easy.”
He looked at you. “What can this note tell us about our subject?”
“Um, it doesn’t sound like the cause of death is important to him. Like it’s just something he needs to do. A necessity. Right?” you responded, somewhat unprepared for this sort of pop quiz.
“Exactly. And this tells us more about him. This isn’t about the kill; it’s about what he does beforehand. It’s about the rape,” Hotch said. “Don’t be so humble. You know more than you think you do.”
Your face felt hot, and you looked at the floor - an increasingly regular occurrence around him.
Morgan spoke up, still visibly exasperated. “If he spent so much time trying to throw us off, why did he pick victims that were so easy to tie to him?”
“He’s an idiot?” you offered before you could stop yourself.
Really professional. Holy shit, please shut up.
The faintest trace of a smirk graced Hotch’s face. “You’re not entirely wrong. He isn’t particularly intelligent, based on the information we’ve gathered so far. Not nearly as complex as we initially assumed.”
“Yeah, well, either way, he’s a nut. And Gracia can’t find anything about where he might be, and I’m starving,” Morgan said, standing up. “I’m gonna pick something up. You guys want anything?”
“Get me whatever looks good,” replied Hotch, focused on whatever written ramblings he was currently dissecting.
“You?” Morgan asked you.
“Just get me whatever you get him,” you said. “Thanks, Morgan.”
Morgan nodded and grabbed his jacket. “Be back soon.”
He closed the door, leaving you alone with your boss that you definitely didn’t have an erotic dream about the night before. You tried to focus on the textbook, but the words swam. After a few minutes, you huffed and set the book down.
“Shouldn’t we be looking for him right now instead of reading his weird psychobabble?”
Hotch looked up from his work with a raised eyebrow.
You continued, “I just mean, isn’t it more important to stop him from killing again? We already know he did it based on the stuff he wrote in the books, we don’t need to fully understand his motivations to confirm that.”
“Yes,” Hotch said, “but these offenders rarely cease their behavior out of nowhere. His appetite is alarming; he took three victims at once. We don’t know if those were even his first assaults or kills. Given that Garcia couldn’t locate any family or friends, we have no idea where he might be, so our time is best spent learning how to predict his actions and respond if someone else goes missing.”
He was correct, of course, but it just didn’t feel right - like you were sitting and waiting for something terrible to happen before you could do anything. Hotch must have sensed your frustration, because he leaned forward towards you, elbows resting on his knees, and continued in a slightly softer tone, “I know you feel helpless. We all do in situations like these. But trust me, we’re accomplishing more here than we would be trying to canvas the entire city.”
“I know,” you mumbled. “You’re right. It’s just, seeing the photos of those girls, knowing the type of person that’s out there, it’s hard to convince myself I’m doing enough just sitting here.”
“You’re not just sitting here, and you know that,” Hotch said, sternly. “You’re doing your job. People will die with or without us; our job isn’t to save them. It’s to catch the people that kill them.”
“But how do you deal with it?” you asked, growing more bold than you probably should be. You weren’t just asking about this case anymore, and you weren’t sure whether or not you wanted him to understand that. You wanted to ask him how he did it - how he woke up every morning alone, how he suffered an unimaginable loss at the hands of some of the purest evil society could produce and went back to the job that showed him more of that evil every day.
Judging by the hard set of his jaw, he knew exactly what you were getting at.
“I do it because I have to,” he said. Every word sounded measured, like he was explaining something he had dozens of times before.
“You don’t,” you whispered, but you knew you were wrong, at least to him. You knew he felt it was his responsibility to shoulder the burden so other families didn’t have to experience what he did. You had a background in psychology, and this was pretty low hanging fruit. A therapist would have a field day with him, but you weren’t a therapist, and you certainly weren’t in any position to tell your boss, a leader with decades of experience in the field, that he shouldn’t be taking all of this on.
He evidently didn’t find your comment worthy of a response, as he went back to picking through the pile of evidence. You’d hit a nerve though - his posture was more rigid, his almost-permanent scowl even more pronounced. The tension built with every second of silence, and you suddenly wished you could go back and erase the conversation.
Thinking better of trying to repair the damage you’d done, you kept the subsequent conversation focused on the profile. By the time Morgan got back, you had a fairly good idea of the suspect’s psychology, and after a quick break for fried rice and a video chat with the team, JJ set up to deliver a press conference from the police precinct in Vegas. Hotch switched on the news on the hotel TV, and you sat back to watch.
“The man currently suspected of committing the triple homicide that left bodies here in Vegas, in Phoenix, and in San Diego is an obsessive sexual predator,” JJ said to a waiting crowd of reporters and police. “He displays characteristics of a stalker, and women who interact with him may describe him as creepy or off-putting. Though murder is not his ultimate goal - in fact, he may not be completely comfortable with the act - he views it as a necessary step to dispose of his victims post-assault.”
“Do we usually do this?” you whispered to Morgan, “Release the whole profile publicly?”
“Nah, but with this guy, we want him to know we’re onto him,” he said back, trying not to disturb Hotch, who was watching JJ’s address intently. “He put so much effort into throwing us off, we gotta let him know we see through his bullshit. It’s the only play we got right now, considering we got no idea where he is.”
You turned back to the screen, where JJ had moved on to talking about the suspect. “His name is Ellory Matthews,” she said, holding up his ID photo. “He’s a 24 year old white male, about 5’9” and 200 pounds. We have strong reason to suspect he is involved and currently trying to evade the police. He is considered armed and extremely dangerous, so if you see him, please do not approach and call 911 immediately.”
Hotch, apparently having heard enough, stood up and turned off the TV. “Hopefully someone has seen him and can tell us where he is. If not, this should be enough to scare him into making a mistake.”
You tried not to think about the fact that a mistake still probably involved someone being hurt or killed.
“Get some rest. I’ll clean up here. Morgan, before you head to bed, call Garcia again and see if she’s found anything that can point us to where he might be.”
“Got it, I’ll let you know. Night, Hotch,” Morgan said.
You echoed Morgan and headed back to your room.
After getting ready and tucking into bed, you found yourself completely unable to fall asleep. The conversation with Hotch kept replaying in your head - how resentful he’d looked when you asked him how he does his job, knowing that you were asking about it in relation to his family members’ deaths. He was a reasonable man, and you knew you hadn’t done anything wrong on the surface, but you shouldn't have pushed it, especially since the events you were referencing had been relayed to you by JJ in private. You weren’t even sure he wanted you to know about what happened to his wife and kid.
Shit, I might have really fucked up.
You rolled over and yanked your phone off the charger, and before you had time to convince yourself it was a bad idea, you sent him a message.
Me: Hey, sorry to bother you, I know it’s late. I just wanted to apologize if I offended you during our conversation earlier. You’re an incredible agent and boss and I didn’t mean to imply you shouldn’t be in the field for any reason.
You scrolled through Instagram mindlessly, waiting for his response, but he texted back almost immediately. Knowing him, he hadn’t even made an attempt to go to bed; he was probably still up reviewing the case.
Agent Hotchner: I understand. No need to apologize. I knew you’d hear about what happened sooner or later, and it’s natural to question my judgement, considering. I hope my actions in the field haven’t done anything to lend credence to that concern.
A weight lifted from your shoulders at his response, knowing he wasn’t angry with you.
Me: No, not at all, Sir. You and the team have been incredible and I’ve already learned so much. If I ask a question, please know it’s for my own learning rather than questioning your decisions!
Agent Hotchner: I’m glad to hear that. Please always feel free to ask questions.
Me: Thank you so much! Will do!
Satisfied with conversation, you set the phone back on the nightstand and rolled over. A few moments later, though, it buzzed again, and you looked at the screen.
Agent Hotchner: “Sir” is a little formal for text messages though, isn’t it?
You blinked, struggling to process the tone of the message. Was Aaron Hotchner making a joke? You messaged him back hesitantly.
Me: Can never be too formal! :) Is there something you’d prefer?
Agent Hotchner: Oh, I’m sure you can figure something out.
Your eyes widened at that, and you sat up in bed, staring at your screen. If you thought he was messing with you before, this was more; this was almost… flirting.
Ok, let’s not get ahead of ourselves here, you thought, trying to calm your embarrassingly high heart rate. He’s older. Way older. He probably doesn’t text that much, and he probably doesn’t realize how that came off.
Me: I’ll let you know when I do.
Agent Hotchner: Please do. Sleep well.
You placed the phone back on the bedside table, almost shaking with adrenaline. What was wrong with you lately? First you have a sex dream about your boss (who’s old enough to be your parent, you might add), and now you’re freaking out because he texted you something that could possibly be, in some interpretations, construed as flirting.
Hotch was attractive, of course. You’d have to be an idiot not to admit that. He was handsome in a way you didn’t see often - not the obvious, in-your-face stunning like Morgan was, or even the adorable, put-together look that Reid gave off. Hotch was old-school handsome, like he should be in a black and white movie smoking a cigarette while his doting wife made him dinner.
Or something. It’s not like you’d thought about this before.
But even if he was handsome to such a degree that seeing him with two buttons on his dress shirt undone nearly gave you a heart attack, leaning into this fantasy you were unconsciously creating where your relationship was anything more than boss and intern had the potential to destroy your career. Hotch could read people like a book, and if you were unable to conduct yourself normally and effectively at work for any reason, your internship and aspirations would be tossed out to the street.
Time to stop being an idiot.
Sometime during your mental dissection of the text conversation and its implications, you must have fallen asleep. You were awoken to a still-dark room and someone gently squeezing your shoulder, saying your name.
“Wha- oh, it’s you. I’m so sorry, did I miss something? What’s going on?” you asked, still not fully conscious.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you,” Hotch replied, standing over you. You were suddenly thankful for the dark room and the blanket that were covering your lack of pants. “I tried calling you and knocking, but you didn’t respond. I figured you’d forgotten to turn your ringer on.”
“Shit, yeah, I did. I’m so sorry,” you said, sitting up. “What did you need?”
“It’s Ellory Matthews. Police caught him trying to kidnap another girl. He’s in custody.”
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pinkjeanist · 4 years
“dreamer.” || shouto todoroki
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desc.: When Shouto is denied a seat on the mission to walk the new world, he finds himself in need of your company. He doesn’t have to ask for you to oblige. [futuristic/space travel au - 1k words]
a/n: i just really like space [navigation] [dreamer.]
“Mind if I sit?” 
Shouto turned around from where he sat on the platform overlooking the planet below, his figure framed only by the lights emitted from the control panels around the bridge. You saw him nod, and came to sit next to him in front of the pilots’ stations, tucking your knees close to your chest. He held out his bowl of cold noodles. You shook your head.
“Eleven hours until the mission starts,” You said, not knowing if there was anything else you could say with the severity of the situation. It was weighing on everyone’s minds from the bridge where you were currently sitting, clear to the deepest corners of the engine rooms. Even with all the work to be done in the labs, you couldn’t imagine how hard it must have been for Shouto- stationed only aboard, bombarded with questions and expectations being the captain’s son (as if he and his dad even talked, anymore). 
Shouto shifted restlessly next to you. He finished the last few noodles in the bowl before muttering, “I should be going down there.”
“I know,” You whispered back. You put a gentle hand on his arm, and he slid closer until his thigh pressed against yours. He still smelled like the last experiment you’d been working on in the labs. It wasn’t the most pleasant scent, but you could still smell his cologne underneath. That was enough to get your shoulders to fall and your breathing to steady. “He shouldn’t keep you up here like this.” 
“I spent my whole life wanting to go on that space walk, and he keeps me up here for my “safety.” Fucking cheap.” 
“It’s unfair,” You agreed, resting your head on his shoulder. His entire body was tense beside you. After a moment of consideration, you said, “Maybe you can get an audience with the admiral?”
He just nearly scoffed. “As if.” 
“I mean it,” You said, turning your head towards his ear. “Admiral Yagi knows you. You can probably get a request sent back home through Lieutenant Hawks. He isn’t a snitch.” 
“It’ll all come down to the captain’s decision, anyway. He’s never listened before. There’s no point.” You sighed through your nose and laced your fingers through his.
“Well, if we can’t do anything about that, maybe we can do something else?” You suggested. He hummed. “All of the samples they’re gonna bring back are going straight to the labs. If you can’t go down there, maybe you can at least have a part of that world for yourself? No memories needed.” 
“Are you suggesting I commit theft against earthbound, Japanese law just for the aesthetic?” He smirked. 
“I mean. It wouldn’t be inaccurate to say that your assumption may or may not be somewhat partially correct.” You smiled, and he laughed. It was a heavenly sound that didn’t grace your presence much anymore. It sent a warmth to your belly, as if it was the blossoming of your relationship all over again. But your own feelings aside, you hoped some good ol’ fashion near-treason might make Shouto feel a bit better. 
You eyed the empty bowl in his other hand that wasn’t holding your own. “Were the noodles any good?” 
“Well. They were definitely boring, but they were noodles. I think.” 
“There wasn’t any sauce or anything?” 
“Someone at HQ decided it would be nice to gift their cadets with the occasional noodles and didn’t think of sending any special sauces with it, so no. I’m cursed with carbs and carbs only.” 
“Maybe they just like plain noodles at HQ.” 
“Name one person you know who indulges themselves in plain noodles.” 
“I mean, sometimes back home, I would take a couple noodles from the strainer before I put them with the rest of the dish. You know, for the flavor.” 
“Yeah, but would you honestly sit there and eat the entire strainer of noodles?” 
“You don’t know what I’m capable of,” You both laughed again, gazing out the window. It was still nighttime on this side of the planet, and luckily for the crew, it was currently the nightly-portion of the daytime cycle, which meant that you should both be asleep, but instead you were trespassing. You weren’t even supposed to be on the bridge in the first place, no matter the time of cycle. It didn’t really matter much to you then, though. He didn’t seem to care either. You’d spare some regret if you got caught.
You sighed. “But besides noodles, I think this view is a whole lot to take with you, isn’t it? Being on a planet’s surface is overrated.” You pointed to a glowing, azure area in the middle of one of the smaller oceans below. “Just look at that. You can’t see that shit from the ground. Uraraka said it’s a huge pool of radioactive alien algae. It’s pretty sick.” 
He hummed in reply. You squeezed his hand. “That is pretty sick.” 
“Too bad we can’t get a sample,” You pouted.
“Why not?” 
“Oh. She said it would probably melt our faces off if we got within five miles of the outskirts. I wanna steal shit from the lab, but I’d rather not die and melt everyone aboard while doing it. Well. Maybe I wanna melt Mineta, but I really like some of our other coworkers, you know?” He smiled with a small nod. 
After a few minutes of silence, he said, “Thanks for coming to sit with me.” 
“You don’t have to thank me. I’d sit here with you forever if your dad wouldn’t boot us into the endless vacuum of space for trespassing on his bridge in a few hours.” You both smiled again, and you pressed yourself closer to his arm in an almost-hug. “Just don’t try to take all this weight on your own. I’m always here for you.”
“I know.” He pressed a kiss into your hair. You melted under it. “It means worlds to me.”
“A philosopher once asked, ‘Are we human because we gaze at the stars, or do we gaze at them because we are human?’ Pointless, really...’Do the stars gaze back?’ Now, that's a question.”
     - Neil Gaiman, “Stardust” 
TAGLIST: @keigos-dove​ @knifeewifee​ @hanniejji​ @katsukis-sad-angel​ @wesparklebitch​ @bvnnyclouds​
- dm/inbox to be added/removed from a taglist.
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snarkwrites · 4 years
-- about my writing --
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I’m currently taking requests / asks for headcanons [ can be either NSFW or just in general or a specific idea ] or fluff/filth Alphabet letters. These are the only requests I plan on taking. If you send me prompts / one shot ideas.. I won’t do them, sorry.
To see what the questions are for the fluff / filth alphabet, see [this post]
[ To my thots anon whomst I love with every cell in my body... Your thots are all going to fall under NSFW headcanons so please.. By all means.. Feel free to send me all the thots you want because I really really really really really enjoy writing them!!! Also, you can find the thots you’ve sent me on my nsfw masterlist, they’re not going anywhere. They were so good I had to add them to a masterlist somehow, I couldn’t resist. At everyone else out there, the same applies to you guys.]
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So.. Here’s the thing.. I’ve decided that I’m going to be taking 3 kinds of requests. Those are as follows: Headcanons { filthy, fluffy or themed specifically at your choosing }, fluffy alphabet and filthy alphabet letters. These are the only kinds of request I answer so don’t send me prompts / one shot requests or ideas unless I specifically say otherwise.
Bearing the above in mind, I have some guidelines.
I’m only accepting headcanons (nsfw / fluff / specific theme &/or reader), fluffy or filthy alphabet letters. If you send me one shot ideas or prompts, I’m going to delete them because I don’t do one-shots.
One character per ask. I don’t care how many asks you send. But I ask that you only send one character per ask because that makes things a lot more simple for me.
You can send up to 4 letters in each ask if you’re asking for either version of the alphabet. Be sure to let me know whether you want filth or fluff or a mix of both. IE, you could send me something like this; character name - a, b {filth} & j v {fluff}. I’m not saying your ask has to look exactly like this but it does need to clearly state which version you’re asking for. The format I just did above was just the easiest way that came to mind for me.
The more precise you are with the headcanon requests you send, the better I can tailor them to you. If you just want an overall NSFW headcanon or overall fluff, that’s totally fine. But if you want a specific scenario ( friends to lovers, date night, weddings, the sky is the limit here) you need to tell me that. The same goes for if you want a specific reader (POC, plus size, sick, shy, virgin, imprint, etc) then I need to know that. It’s like I said.. The more specifics you give me, that’s more I have to work from.
As far as headcanons go, the things I won’t write are rape, incest / huge age gaps between reader / character. I’ll only write abuse if someone is getting their just desserts at the hands of character on readers behalf. Any asks containing rape / incest / huge age gaps are going to be deleted.
All asks must come to my inbox. I don’t take requests through DM or in comments on a post. If it helps, my anon is on, so you can request to your hearts content.
If the ask box is closed, this means I’m currently not taking headcanon or fluff/filth alphabet requests. This will also be noted on my blog bio and possibly a post stating why/for how long. Anything sent in after the ask box is closed will either be gotten to the next go around or it’ll be deleted, depending on the situation.
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First of all... My content is meant strictly for adults. I do write some things that people underage can safely  read, but that is not always the case. I realize that I can’t stop minors from reading my work, but I can tell you outright that I’d rather you skip over it if you’re underage and it clearly states that it’s not written for anyone underage. Again.. I can’t do anything to stop minors from reading my NSFW content beyond just choosing never to post writing on the internet. And I don’t plan on stopping, so.. yeah.
I put warnings on everything. Reading those will definitely save you time and upset. If you keep reading something I’ve written and it upsets you in any way, I’m sorry but I can’t help. I warned you. You chose to take the risk -and most likely, you chose to skip the warning I gave before the post even started... It’s strictly on you now. It’s out of my hands. Any complaints or things of that nature are gonna be laughed at and deleted out of my inbox because I’m not here to argue or censor myself. I’m not your parents, just a peer. If you as a minor choose to look at me, an adult adjacent person, as an authority figure of any sort... First of all, why? Ya’ll.. no.. please don’t. I’m a hot mess, okay? To look at me like any trust worthy authority figure is... A huge error on your own part. Secondly, please don’t. I’m here to enjoy my favorite fandoms / post content for them. I’m not here to please people / censor myself and my content to make everyone else happy... Let me repeat. I put warnings on everything I post. If you keep reading and you read something you’re not supposed to this is now solely your own problem. Sorry, I guess?
I’ve seen other adults saying that they block minors on here. While I’m not gonna do that.. I will not tag minors in my NSFW content knowingly. If I find out you’re a minor and I’m posting something NSFW for a fandom you’ve asked to be tagged in, I will not be tagging you. Sorry. As much as I say I’m not here to parent you and I’m just your peer and you need to think of me like that instead, I’m also not willing to risk anything, either. I’m truly sorry in advance.
While I’m talking about tagging people / my taglist...If you want me to tag you in my writing, you need to be on my taglist. The taglist can be found [ here ] or you can dm / send an ask telling me you want to be added and I will be more than happy to do so. Don’t be afraid to ask me. I don’t mind at all! 
Every now and then, I’ll tag my friends in things I write. If I tag you in something and you don’t want me to, let me know. I won’t do it anymore. I’m not here to overwhelm or annoy anyone and I don’t want to come off as pushy, either. SO.. if you’re getting tagged or whatever and you want me to stop tagging you, all you have to do is let me know.
If you’re not on my tag list (or I don’t know you well enough to know whether you’d potentially want to read something) I will not be tagging you. If you’re a minor and I know for sure/think  you are and it’s smut, I will definitely not be tagging you.
Content I’m not willing to write or  you probably won’t find here: Incest and Rape. Those are my hard no’s. Just the thought of writing something like that makes me feel gross. I’m also not going to be writing huge age gaps in romantic stories either. (the closest I’ll come is like.. 18/19 and up to 24...) I mean absolutely no offense against people who can and do write things like this, I just can’t? 
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American Horror Story; tate langdon, ben harmon, kit walker, kyle, dandy mott, jimmy darling, james patrick march, michael langdon, xavier plympton and night stalker.
Arrowverse; oliver queen, john diggle, slade wilson/deathstsroke, barry allen, cisco ramon, ray palmer, mick rory.
Bands / Celebrities; ask before sending because I haven’t done many of these and I’m still adjusting… Off the top of my head I’ve written for / feel comfortable with Nick Groff (ghost adventures), Jon Bernthal.. There are lots of others but alas, I’d stretch this out so badly if I added too many more names.
Boondock Saints movie; Connor Macmanus Murphy Macmanus & Rocco.
Breakfast Club movie; John Bender.
Castle Rock tv series; Dennis Zalewski, The Kid.
Criminal Minds; Derek Morgan, Spencer Reid, Hotch, Tobias Hankel & Adam/Amanda.
Crybaby Movie; wade walker.
CSI tv series; Greg Sanders, Nick Stokes, Warrick Brown, Gil Grissom, Tim Speedle, Ryan Wolfe, Eric Delko, Danny Messer, Don Flack, Mack Taylor.
Dazed & Confused movie; Randal Pink Floyd, Mike Newhouse, Ron Slater, Fred O’Bannion and Kevin Pickford.
DC Cinematic; Digger Harkness.
Detroit Rock City movie; Tripp, Lex, Hawk and Jam.
Fast & The Furious series; Dom Toretto, Han.
Four Brothers movie; Angel, Jack or Bobby Mercer
Friday Night Lights tv series; Tim Riggins, ,Matt Saracen, Landry Clarke, Bobby Riggins, Vince.
General Hospital tv series; Sonny Corinthos, Jason Morgan, Johnny Zacarra, Dante Falconeri, several other of the guys on here…
Ghostbusters 80′s version movie; Ray Stantz, Egon Spengler , Peter Venkman, Winston Zeddemore.
Gotham tv series; Jerome Valeska, Jim Gordon, Joker, Riddler.
Harry Potter movies; Sirius Black, Severus Snape, Fred Weasley, George Weasley, Neville Longbottom.
Horror movies various; Billy Loomis/Scream, Charlie Walker/Scre4m, Wade/ House of Wax, Tom Hanninger/My Bloody Valentine + others. Trust me, there are... So many others. I just didn’t have the brain power to think of them all at the moment.
Law & Order tv series; Barba, Carisi, Stabler.
Lucifer tv series; Lucifer Morningstar.
Luke Cage; Luke Cage, Shades Alvarez.
Marvel Cinematic; Bruce Banner/hulk, Captain america/steve rogers, bucky barnes/winter soldier, eric killmonger, hawkeye/clintbarton, thor, loki, pietro maximoff, venom/eddie brock, starlord/peter quill, ironman/tony stark, wolverine.. I’m a marvel ho.
Mayans MC tv series; Angel Reyes and Ez Reyes.
NCIS tv series; Anthony Dinozzo, Timothy McGee, Marty Deeks, Greg Callen.
On My Block tv series; Spooky Diaz.
Punisher tv series; Billy Russo, Frank Castle.
Riverdale tv series; Jughead Jones, FP Jones, Reggie Mantle, Sweetpea, Archie Andrews.
Shameless tv series; Lip Gallagher.
Sons of Anarchy tv series; Jax Teller, Chibs Telford, Clay Morrow, Juice Ortiz, Opie Winston.
Stranger Things tv series; Jonathan Byers, Billy Hargrove, Steve Harrington, Jim Hopper.
Star Wars movie series; Han Solo, Kylo Ren, Ben Solo, Poe Dameron, Finn.
Supernatural tv series; Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Crowley, Benny Lafitte, Kevin Tran.
Teen Wolf tv series; Stiles Stilinski, Scott McCall, Derek Hale.
The Crow movie series; Eric Draven and Jimmy Quervo/Wicked Prayer.
The Lost Boys movie series; Edgar Frog, Allen Frog, David, Michael Emmerson, Sam Emmerson.
The Outsiders book/movie; Two Bit Matthews, Dally Winston, Darry Curtis, Soda Pop Curtis, Johnny Cade, Steve Randle.
The Walking Dead tv series; Daryl Dixon, Shane walsh, Rick Grimes, Negan, Glenn Rhee.
The Vampire Diaries tv series; Klaus Mikaelson, Kai Parker, Kol Mikaelson, Jeremy Gilbert, Damon Salvatore.
Twelve Rounds 3 movie; Detective John Shaw.
Twilight movies/books; Jasper Hale, Emmett Cullen, Jacob Black, Paul Lahote, Embry Call.
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I’m gonna be honest here. I post on my own time, at my own pace. Some days I post constantly, sometimes it’s days or even weeks, and occasionally, a month before I post anything. So.. Now ya know.
If I’m not on and posting, odds are I’m busy, taking a break or whatever. But I’ll come back! I always do. 
Basically, what I’m saying here is I have no set posting schedule. At all. I post what I want when I’m in the mood to do so. Just something to keep in mind when you’re asking for headcanons / nsfw alphabet letters with characters.
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canyouhearthelight · 4 years
The Miys, Ch. 84
Somehow I managed to get this chapter written, despite a pinched nerve that left me, essentially, on bed rest for two days.  I keep telling myself I need to make a buffer of chapters, but my life has decided not to cooperate...
I hope everyone out there is staying safe and healthy. Where I live, we are currently under a stay-at-home order, and my company (essential) finally got us up and running to work from home this past week. So I at least have that, and I’m aware how fortunate I am for that.
As always, my inbox and ask box are wide open, so feel free to drop me a line.  I love interacting with people on a normal basis.
Somewhat more disturbed than usual, I left Xiomara’s office with Charly in tow.  I was about to let her know she was okay to head home when I realized I didn’t really have a choice - Xio made it very clear that I needed an escort with me at all times.  Conor was still at work, Tyche stayed behind with my fellow Councillor, and Maverick was likely off work but at home.  Charly, however, was right here and one look at her face let me know she was taking her new duties seriously.
“I can call GK,” I tried in vain.
“Nope.” She popped the ‘p’ emphatically. “I have a job to do, and ulterior motives. Ninja grandma isn’t taking my spot.” I arched a brow in inquiry, and wasn’t left disappointed. “Ma’am. Suspected cult leader? Attempted viking overlord? And this person clearly has it in for you? Do the guys know? Does Derek know? Hell, does Arthur know?”
“Why do I feel like Arthur outranks my actual partners in that list?”
“He was a warlord, and apparently your bestie in a past life? Stop stalling and talk. Start at freaking cult leader?”
“Sophia Michelle, I swear to - “
“That’s not my middle name.”
“And that’s not the point!”
Well, I tried. With a sigh, I surrendered to the inevitable.  “A bunch of people have been acting suspiciously lately, all over the Ark.  Anti-social, darting eyes, hushed whispers, all that stuff.  Tyche and I thought it was just us, until Noah and I were walking one day and a group of them just plowed into us.”  I stopped and ran a hand through my hair anxiously. “If it had happened even a week earlier, I would have just shrugged it off and been done.  The issue was this.” I tapped my temple emphatically.  “Tyche insisted that I get the proximity update to my implant, to avoid being triggered by people walking into me.”
“Well, yeah, that makes sense,” she shrugged brightly.  “Not like I didn’t notice… I can’t exactly sneak up and hug you anymore.” She scowled comically.
I let a small smile creep onto my face before continuing. “Right. Well, this was a group of about eight people.  They either all ignored the alert, or somehow turned it off.  We - well, Derek and Zach - are still trying to figure out which it was. Either way, it was a cause for concern, so a bunch of us brought it to Xiomara. We suspected it might be a cult, so Grey was also consulted.  They agreed there was a possibility, but pointed out we need inside information. Jokull Bjornson, recipient of your feral tendencies, is our best guess for the leader if it is a cult. So, Xio said she would look into it, but essentially told me that anyone associated with me would be out of the loop.”
“So why is Tyche…?”
“I don’t knowwww!” I whined in frustration.  “And it’s not like she can tell me, so I can’t exactly ask, because I don’t want her to feel bad, right?”
“Ugh, that sucks,” she agreed.  “And you have no idea why this guy hates your kidneys?”
“Eyeah, as far as that goes? You know as much as I do, and I know that isn’t much right now.”
She shrugged before bouncing on her toes. “Don’t worry.  I’ll talk to Coffee, he’ll probably agree to shadow you some of the time.  And it would be from a distance, so you wouldn’t feel like a kid being walked to kindergarten.” When I looked at her, skeptical, she shrugged again. “He likes you.”
“He’s spoken maybe four words to me,” I pointed out.
“And yet, you understand him.  That means he likes you.”
My mind reeling, we made the rest of the way to my quarters with small talk.  However, when we arrived, Charly refused to head home until she saw Maverick and the door closed behind me.  I swear, I get confronted once…
“Why did Charly look like an attack marten?”
Nuggets. “There was an incident today,” I groaned before peeking up at the ceiling. “Miys? Were you recording in Xiomara Kalloe’s office between 1800 and 1900 subjective ship time?”
“I was not, Wisdom.”
Figures.  Special ops of whatever flavor Xio had been did not lend well to being surveilled.  “Okay, thank you.” I looked back at Maverick.  “I don’t want to explain this again, so give me a second.  I was recording, because I knew this would happen.”  After some fidgeting to isolate the conversation in Xio’s office, I flicked the file over to Maverick.  “It’s audio only, but it at least saves me some time.”  I left him to watch it while I wandered into the food prep area for a drink.
I managed to swallow my second sip of wine before an angry shout came from the living room. “What the hell!?” was followed by Maverick striding into the kitchen and checking me over. “Were you hit? Did he fucking touch you?”
My arm was tangled in my shirt before I was able to stop him. “Mav… Maverick.. Babe! Stop! I swear, I’m fine.  Even Charly is fine - “
“Charly being fine is Coffee’s concern - “
“But we are both okay,” I finished.  “I swear, he didn’t even touch me.  Charly shoved me out of the way before he could.”
“I’m gonna - I need to get Conor, we’re gonna kill - “
“Listen to the rest of the recording,” I begged.  “He didn’t just walk away, I promise.”
After a couple of deep breaths and another glance to make sure I was okay, Maverick nodded. “I’m going to play this entire thing when Conor is home, probably after securing him to something that is bolted to the deck.”
“Well, that’s one way to keep him from flying off the handle,” I mused.
“Uh huh,” he replied sardonically, not even a bit fooled by what I was implying. “I don’t think even that is going to distract him.”
“It was worth a shot.”
“I think French toast has a better chance.”
“Gotcha.  French toast and lots of restraints.”  
That got a laugh out of Maverick, and he finally let go of my shoulders.  While he shot a message to our third to skip the overtime, I started getting ingredients together for a hearty breakfast-for-dinner meal.  We managed to time it just right, so the main dish came out of the oven just as Conor was finishing his shower.
Any hope that we even partially fooled him was dashed right after he sat down and saw the spread.  First he grinned, then got serious, and one glance at the broiled tomatoes gave it away.  “Neither of you like those,” Conor pointed to the offending dish with a whine. “Something bad happened, didn’t it?”  He glanced at our expressions before sighing and filling his plate.  “Alright, what gives? Another plague?  Ship stalled in space? Lost forever in subspace or whatever?”
“Something happened today,” I ventured carefully.  “I sent Maverick a recording, and he can play it if you want…”
To his credit, Conor held up one hand while he shoveled a piece of French toast into his mouth as fast as he could chew, quickly followed by one fried egg and two pieces of sausage. Finally, he nodded. “Okay. Got enough to make sure I’m not reacting on an empty stomach.”
“I just ask that you listen to the entire recording, no matter how bad it is at the beginning?”
He sighed again, held up his hand, chugged a glass of milk.  “Okay. I will do everything in my power to sit right here and not touch anything fragile or talk until I hear the whole thing.”
I really couldn’t ask for more than that, so I nodded to Maverick. Once he pulled up the audio recording, we sat tensely until it finished.  The only sounds outside of the record were Conor grinding his teeth and both men clenching their hands tightly enough to pop the joints.  Their expressions were a kaleidoscope of emotions, finally settling on determination when they heard Xiomara insist that I have an escort until further notice.
Snagging seconds of everything, Conor nodded to Maverick. “Us, Tyche, apparently Charly.. You think that Farro bloke?”
“He would,” Maverick agreed, digging into his own now-cold plate of food.  “Don’t forget Grandma Kim.” Conor pointed emphatically with his fork at the suggestion.
“Wait, what are you two doing?” I sputtered.  “Putting together a hit squad?”
“Ach, no,” Conor dismissed my suggestion.  “Escort detail.  If we wanted to take the fucker out, we’d leave it to Tyche and Farro and be done.”
“Not you?” I was so confused.
Maverick shook his head, gesturing with one finger between the two men. “We would feel guilty and regret it, probably the rest of our lives.  Those two, especially with someone who is endangering you again?  Probably would sleep better the night they did it.”
Conor nodded enthusiastically. “But I’m rather fond of your sister, and the Farro fella is alright I guess, so I’d hate to see them sedated and popped out an airlock at FTL speeds.”
“Oh,” I replied dumbly. I expected to have to calm them down, not to see them make such merciless decisions so quickly. “Um. In that case.  Charly said she’d talk to Coffee about shadowing me some of the time?”
I jumped when Conor hit the table with one hand. “See, that’s what I’m talkin’ about! We’ll keep you safe, Sophie… Aw, shit…” He jumped up and knocked the chair over as I dissolved into tears.
My eyes were closed so tightly that I actually lashed out as arms circled around me.  It was only when a smooth cheek pressed against my own that my body recognized it was Maverick and surrendered to protection.  Vaguely, I could hear Conor speaking, but just enough to register that it wasn’t directed at me, so the words just didn’t register as important.
When I finally calmed down, I was curled tightly in a ball on a soft surface, black hair obstructing my vision.  Maverick’s voice was speaking, an almost-chant that was soothing me. “I’m right here. I won’t let anyone hurt you. You’re safe. I’m right here…”  I realized he was rubbing me briskly, alternating between my arms and my legs.
With a sniff, I lifted my head.  “I’m sorry,” I started.
He shushed me. “You didn’t do anything wrong,” he assured me.  “It was a tense situation, and you expected one of us to get angry, so when Conor hit the table, your body didn’t realize it was a cheer and not anger.  You just heard someone you expected to be angry hitting something. It’s okay.”
“Conor…?” I started to ask, not able to make the words go.
“Not mad,” a voice from the door assured me.  When I wormed my way to see his face, Conor was sitting on the floor, back against the door frame.  “As soon as I saw your face collapse, I realized what I did.  I’m sorry, Sophie.  But I swear I’m not mad. Or upset, or disappointed, or any of those things that your mind is trying to over-pick at.  I just feel like an idiot, that’s all.”
“You’re not a idiot,” I insisted.
He grinned. “And you’ll defend me to your dying day, I think. But I should have been more mindful, and I will be. I swear. No loud noises when Sophie’s nervous - it isn’t a huge request.  I can leave the room, just like when I’m mad, right?”  That grin never lost its sunny nature, and I knew he meant it.
He stood to come over, and I felt Maverick’s arms tighten around me. “You upset her again, I’m going to knock your lights out,” a voice warned over my shoulder.
“I’d let you do it, mate,” Conor replied sincerely, holding out his hand.  I reached for it, but he merely squeezed my fingers before reaching further.
He wanted Maverick’s permission, I realized. Not just mine.  Tension flooded what I now realized was our bedroom before Maverick finally took Conor’s hand.  “I mean it,” he insisted with a warning tone.  “Do better, or I’m going to knock you out every time you, personally, upset her.”
“Someone should,” Conor agreed sincerely.
“Violence is not the way to handle this,” I sniffed. “There’s a learning curve, but it’s pretty steep with all the anxiety on the ship right now.” Wriggling so I could see them both, I tried to muster a stern look. “Episodes like this are going to happen. We’re just going to have to learn, together, how to navigate them.”
“Still, no loud noises when Sophie’s nervous.”
Maverick nodded. “That definitely seems like a good starting point.”
I couldn’t exactly argue with that.
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humanperryfic · 4 years
A Twisted Time
There are two timers on Perry's wrist. One counting down until he meets his soulmate, the other counting down until his soulmate dies.
The good news? The first timer runs out today.
The bad news? So does the second one. 
Read on FF.net here and AO3 here. 
TW’s: Major character death, blood, injury, and disturbing hallucinations. 
Perry stares at his computer screen, watching the loading bar creep slowly across the screen.
Another half hour, and his operating system will be up to date- by early 2000's standards.
It's not like he can really complain. It would be a waste for him to have any sort of fancy tech in his cubicle, what with how often he's away from headquarters. It makes much more sense for him to have a better watch.
Sure, the computer is definitely a product of the ever-dwindling OWCA budget, but as long as it can still print his paperwork and run the report program, he's alright with it.
If, y'know, it would actually finish updating. He's been sitting here for almost an hour, waiting for the update to finish. At this point, he's considering just borrowing Agent W's computer.
If only he had stuck around a few more minutes yesterday to finish his report.
So he waits, scrolling through his inbox on his phone. One of the few programs actually running at the level expected of the current year.
Apparently the dish is down, so Monogram will be giving assignments in person today.
His phone buzzes in his palm. A text from Candace.
You're meeting your soulmate today, right?
Perry grins. Yes, yes he is. He pushes his sleeve just enough to bare the first vibrant purple timer on his wrist. Only ten minutes and thirty seven seconds until he meets his soulmate.
Only ten and a half minutes!, he texts Candace. I'll send you a picture when I meet them.
His grin falters when he catches a glance at the second timer on his wrist. The one that he hasn't shown the kids- or anyone, really. Only Lawrence. It's also on his OWCA papers and medical records, but that's different.
The calculations come naturally to him- he's only been doing them since he was old enough to understand the numbers.
He has six hundred and nineteen seconds until he meets his soulmate, and eight thousand, five hundred and forty six seconds until he loses them.
Ten minutes later, Perry's still staring at the green bar crossing the screen.
He picks up the ruler from his desk and holds it against the monitor.
Ten minutes, six millimeters. He leans back in his chair and does the mental math. One and two-thirds millimeters per minute, that's 0.0278 millimeters per second. Converted to miles per hour and...well, that number would be easier read in scientific notation.
Carl knocks on the cubicle wall. "Hey there, Agent P."
Perry waves. Good morning, Carl.
"We have a mission for you. If you'll follow me?"
Perry stands up, shoving his phone in his pocket.
Either way, he follows Carl through the cubicles.
"As you've likely read, the dish is down this morning," Carl says. "Besides, the Major wants you meet someone."
He looks up, just in time to not run headlong into the door frame of Monogram's office.
Instead, he runs straight into the agent already in there.
His wrist heats up, right where the timer is. Is this his soulmate? He wants to check, but it would be rude.
The agent turns around. "Well, hello there." Perry smiles. The man's voice is rough, with a strong German accent.
Perry shakes the man's outstretched hand. Hello, he signs, hoping that this man knows ASL.
"Oh, you prefer sign." The other agent nods. Hello, my name is Heinz. He pauses, a sheepish expression on his face. My grammar may not be the best anymore, sorry.
Perry smiles. I'm mute, not deaf, so you can speak if you'd rather. As an afterthought, he adds, Don't worry, your grammar is fine.
The Major clears his throat. "Agent P, meet Agent O. He's the top agent in OWCA Seattle."
Agent O (Heinz) beams. "Agent O, this is Agent P, our top agent here in the Tri-State Area."
Perry smiles and shakes his head. Best agent might be a bit of a stretch.
"Don't sell yourself short, Agent P. Anyway, you two are going to be going on an incredibly dangerous mission. You will be right here in the Tri-State Area, thwarting the menace known as Professor Puzzlement. He's jumped up seven notches on the Villain Scale, likely due to his new army of robot minions. Your job is to get in there and thwart him."
"Hang on. This evil guy is a local, and you brought me in from Seattle? Your top agent here should be able to take him. No offense, Agent P."
None taken. Actually, Perry takes some offense, but not towards Heinz. He's read the files on Puzzlement, the man is possibly the lowest man on the villain totem pole.
Monogram coughs. "I wasn't done."
Heinz looks sheepish. "Oh. Carry on."
"As I was about to say, Heinz, you were brought in from OWCA Seattle because of your mechanical abilities. We don't want these bots just taken down- we want to understand the tech behind them as well."
Well, that makes sense. When it comes to beating up evil scientists and blowing up their robot armies, Perry is the best in the game. Ask him to explain the how of those bots, and he's utterly useless.
Perhaps OWCA is looking to improve their tech through slightly uncouth ways.
(He can't say that he blames them. The budget dwindles more every year.)
"Once we get the dish back online, we'll send the coordinates and files to your watches. Good luck, Agents!"
They salute. Perry leaves the office, with Heinz right behind him.
As soon as the door closes behind them, Perry pulls Heinz into a nearby empty office, out of the hallway.
"Wait- Agent P- what are you doing? I don't even know your name."
My name is Perry, he signs, pulling his sleeve back just far enough to show his first timer, and I think you're my soulmate.
Heinz's mouth drops open. He scrambles to pull his own sleeve up, baring both of his teal timers to Perry.
The top one is at zero. Perry tries not to look at the second one, but he catches a glance anyway. Apparently, he's got some fifty years until he kicks the bucket.
The universe is cruel.
"Wow," Heinz breathes. "Soulmates with the cute agent I'm partnered with. Okay, I definitely don't regret taking this job."
Perry smiles, his face heating up at the compliment. You think I'm cute?
Heinz's cheeks flush a brilliant shade of scarlet. "Um, yes?"
This is going a lot better than he thought it would. Hopefully Heinz won't ask about the other...
"Say, can I see your other timer?"
...timer. Perry's blood turns to ice. He looks away, unable to meet his soulmate's eyes. He racks his brain for something to say, some explanation that won't give away the secret.
"Actually, I think I'd rather not know. It'd be kind of depressing, really. Especially if, like, I'm gonna die tomorrow. Yeah, I don't think I want to see."
Perry barely manages to keep himself from sighing in relief. Heinz has no idea how close he was to the truth.
At least he doesn't have to break the news.
Their watches both beep at the same time. The coordinates and files for the mission. The dish must have been fixed.
Shall we go stop a villain?
"Yeah, let's go." Heinz opens the door to the office, then holds out his hand.
Perry takes it.
Heinz insists that he drive over to the warehouse where Professor Puzzlement is said to be. Perry agrees, preferring to ride rather than drive the OWCA hovercars. Despite all his agent strengths, he's a horrible driver.
The wind whips through Perry's teal hair as they fly. Perry flips through the files on the Professor, looking for something he may have overlooked earlier, but there's really not much there. It seems like this mission is another case of over-inflated reports.
He turns his watch off and sits back, relaying his findings to Heinz.
"Yeah, it seemed pretty exaggerated. With anybody else, I'd believe an army of bots. Not this guy."
According to the records, his worst invention before this was a machine that was designed to cover the entire Tri-State Area in mashed potatoes.
"And they're sending two of us to deal with him."
Yeah. I mean, I'm not going to complain. It'll make things a lot more fun.
Heinz smiles, a bright beam that reflexively brings a smile to Perry's face.
"An easy job with my soulmate. What a day, huh?"
What a day.
"We'll probably be done before lunchtime. Do you think your Major will give you the rest of the day off?"
Probably not, but all I'll have to do is reports, and I could do those in my sleep.
"I have a feeling this one won't be particularly complex."
You're probably right. Perry pauses to consider something. When we get done, do you want to get lunch together?
"That would be great."
Heinz takes his right hand off the wheel to hold Perry's left, bringing a light pink blush to both their faces.
Perry doesn't tell him that the timer, the one only inches away from his fingers, won't let him live past noon.
A ring of bots greet them when they walk in the doors of the warehouse.
Apparently the scientist had built a robot army. Who knew?
(Well, OWCA knew, which is why they sent Perry and Heinz.)
No big deal, really. Perry's fought through far worse, and on his own.
"SURRENDER OR BE DESTROYED, OWCA SCUM," one of the bots booms in an electronic voice.
Perry and Heinz both draw their respective weapons. For Heinz, an EMP blaster designed to take out electronics. Perry doesn't really know how it works, but that doesn't matter. He prefers his own fists, reinforced with special fingerless gloves that prevent him from breaking knuckles on solid metal robots.
They grin and nod at each other before becoming a whirling flurry of attacks.
Heinz drops bot after bot with both EMP blasts and well-placed kicks. Perry kicks up off one bot and lands on another, piloting it into other bots as he punches in its head.
They make their way through the mess of mechanics, landing blow after blow. Perry jumps from bot to bot, prompting the mechanical monstrosities to fire on each other.
He watches as Heinz drops one bot with a blast, another with a spinning kick.
Perry's pretty much figured out why this guy is Seattle's best.
Soon, all the bots are either destroyed or deactivated. Perry jumps off the last bot, a fist of wires ripped from an exposed joint in one hand, landing on the floor next to Heinz in a fighting stance.
Heinz reaches out and fixes Perry's slightly askew fedora. Perry feels a blush come to his face, for the fourth (fifth? who knows?) time today. He smiles and straightens up, dropping the wires.
Their moment is interrupted with a loud, booming voice.
"Good morning, Agents," the voice says, "how utterly expected."
Perry looks up. A metal cage falls from the rafters. He pushes Heinz out of the way, narrowly avoiding being trapped himself.
The voice grumbles. Heinz laughs. "I've seen better traps from my grandmother."
"You insolent fools. I will soon become the supreme leader of the world, and you two will be the first I throw in lava."
Might want to start with the Tri-State Area, Perry signs, and Heinz grins.
"I really don't appreciate all this talking behind my back in front of me," the mysterious voice booms.
And I don't appreciate having to force myself through an army of bots, but here we are. Heinz disguises a laugh as a cough.
"If you have something to say, say it to my face."
But I am, Perry signs, summoning his most innocent expression. This time, Heinz's sharp laugh rings out.
Perry could listen to it all day.
"And you, his companion. I do not appreciate being made fun of."
Heinz elbows Perry. "Maybe we'd be more afraid if we, y'know, gazed upon your godly form or whatever."
"My godly form or whatever," the voice echoes, clearly patronizing.
"Yeah," Heinz agrees. "Like in the Greek myths, where if you gaze upon the god's true form, you die. Except you're mortal."
"I am a fan of Greek mythology," the voice admits. "So I shall allow you to gaze upon my 'true form'."
A pair of bots descend from the rafters, holding a man on their shoulders.
The professor steps off the shoulders of the bots.
Heinz lets out an incredulous laugh. "You? You're going to take over the world?" To Perry, he mutters "Even a real platypus could thwart this guy. And they don't do much."
Perry can't help but agree with Heinz's statements. The man standing in front of them is the stereotypical picture of a decrepit old man. Hunched, clutching at his back, holding tight to a cane with bony fingers.
"That is why I built the robots."
Perry takes a closer look at a felled robot near him. The design seems simplistic, and there are even more weak points than he had found during the brief battle. Heinz could probably point out even more.
"Are you even paying attention?" the Professor asks. Perry crosses his arms and leans back. Am I?
"You agents and your secret languages. Speak English," Puzzlement says.
Perry rolls his eyes. Would if I could. He dodges a robot lunging at him, then punches in its chestplate.
"And quit destroying my robots. Do you realize how long they take to make? You ungrateful OWCA agents..."
Perry tunes out the Professor's senile rant quickly. It's only a matter of time before he starts nattering on about his lawn. Considering that Heinz parked on the grassy strip in front of the warehouse, he just might. Perry turns to sign this to Heinz, who is elbow deep in the chest cavity of a robot. "Psst, Perry, come look at this."
Perry looks to where Heinz is pointing. To him, it makes no sense, but obviously Heinz can understand it.
Heinz continues to whisper. "I think I can fuse two of these bots together to create a single bot, that when moved in a specific way, will trip this kinetic motion sensor, causing these wires here to overheat, producing a mass of heat and light that we can harness as a weapon."
He looks at Perry's blank, confused stare and sighs. "Exploding robot nunchucks."
Perry grins. What do you need me to do?
Heinz has a streak of soot from one of the exploded robots across one cheek. Before he can stop himself, Perry reaches out and gently brushes some away with his thumb.
A soft smile crosses Heinz's face. Perry's hand lingers on Heinz's cheek.
No words need to be exchanged. The look in Heinz's eye tells Perry everything he needs to know.
Perry leans in, pressing his lips gently to Heinz's. His eyes slide closed, reveling in the smooth slide of Heinz's lips against his. Heinz slips his arms around Perry's shoulders, pulling him in close. Perry's hand moves to the back of Heinz's neck, fingers toying at the soft hairs there.
Too late, Perry feels the prick on the back of his neck. He rips himself away from Heinz to see the Professor, cuffs dangling from one bony wrist, wielding a hypodermic needle. A drop of something spills out the needle's tip.
Both he and Heinz lunge for the evil scientist.
Only Heinz makes it. Perry stumbles, spots dancing across his vision. The ground is rolling beneath his feet, he struggles to stay upright. The doctor tosses aside one syringe, but two hit the floor. Heinz punches the scientist, his fist shattering into a million pieces.
Perry's wrist erupts in pain. He falls to his knees, watching as the numbers there begin to twist themselves into different shapes, oozing blood.
He looks back up at Heinz and the Professor, fighting on the ground, but he can't tell who is who. A dull ache blossoms behind his forehead.
"Do you know the legend of Sisyphus, Peregrine Fletcher?" A whispering voice swirls around Perry's head, coming from both inside and out. When Perry doesn't answer, the voice continues.
"Sisyphus was an ancient Greek man who thought he could cheat Death."
The voice laughs. The blood emerging from the numbers on his wrist morphs from black, then green, then back to crimson red. Perry's hands tremble, his stomach twists up in knots.
"It didn't work out for him. In fact, when he reached the Underworld, he had a special, eternal torture waiting for him."
The voice spirals around and around. Perry turns his head, but he can't see anything. A dark fog has descended around him, leaving him in a spotlight of sorts. Muffled, mangled screams cry out from somewhere.
"Do you know what that torture was, Peregrine?"
Perry scrapes at the ground. Patterns erupt in the cement, spinning and twisting. The blood on his wrists turns to insects, crawling up his sleeves. He slaps at his arms, trying to get the bugs away, but they don't move.
"Sisyphus was cursed to spend all eternity pushing a boulder up a hill. However, whenever he was about to reach the top, the boulder would roll right back down. A futile endeavor. A metaphor for stopping death. A perfect reminder that nobody is above morality. Nobody, Peregrine."
A dark, hooded form descends in front of Perry. The form lifts Perry's chin with one cold finger, sending a shudder running down Perry's spine.
"Nobody can cheat death, Peregrine. The best doctor cannot save every life, nor can the best agent." The form spits out the word agent like a curse. Bile rises in Perry's throat. "Your lover will die today. Heed the legends. Do not try and prevent it."
Boulders fall and shake the floor. Dark dust rises, choking Perry, forcing him to cover his mouth and nose. The patterns on the cement still whirl, making Perry's eyes dip in and out of focus.
"You cannot save anyone from death, Peregrine Fletcher. You can try to be Sisyphus, but it will always turn out the same. Your loved ones will die, you will die, and you will be punished."
An hourglass appears, its sand frozen in place. The timers on Perry's wrist twist themselves into an identical hourglass, still dripping warm blood.
"Let the timer run out, Peregrine. It is inevitable."
The dark form snaps its fingers. The hourglass explodes, sand stinging Perry's skin. The one on Perry's wrist screams in pain. Perry opens his mouth in a silent scream. A hot, angry tear falls from his eye. He can't, he won't let the figure be right. He can change the timer. He will, he has to.
He blinks, and the mud, the boulders, the fog is gone. The cold of the cement bleeds through the fabric of his pants. Perry yanks down his sleeve to look at his bloodless numbers.
Two minutes left. Two minutes to do the impossible.
Perry pushes himself to stand. His head pounds, likely an aftereffect of the drugs. Black spots jump around his vision, threatening his balance.
He blinks rapidly to clear away the black patches. A scream rings throughout the warehouse.
Heinz. It has to be him.
Perry lunges towards the sound, his legs shaking. Forcing himself to move.
The scientist stands over a table, a bloodied knife in one trembling hand. Perry launches himself at the madman. The Professor falls to the floor, hitting his head, Perry landing right next to him. Perry pulls his handcuffs from his hat, cinching them tight enough to leave marks.
It's just a second too late. Heinz is bleeding from a gash on his side. He's strapped to the table, and Perry cuts the bonds. Heinz tries to sit up, but Perry pushes him back down.
You're not going anywhere with that cut. Perry pulls off his waistcoat and presses it to Heinz's side, attempting to staunch the bleeding.
"No," Heinz protests, pointing behind Perry. "Robots!"
Perry whirls around. A wall of metal monstrosities descend upon the duo. Heinz hands him the EMP blaster, and Perry manages to fell a few.
Too soon, it becomes crystal clear that they'll never make it this way. If Perry was alone, he could take the bots easily, but with an injured partner, the risk is already too high.
Perry hands Heinz the EMP blaster, then picks him up. His shoes slip on spilled liquid as he runs- he doesn't want to think about what it might be. Who's it might be.
The front door is miraculously unguarded. Perry runs through, kicking it shut behind him to buy just a few seconds.
He sets Heinz down in the front seat of the hovercar, jumping in the driver's seat. He presses his thumb into the scanner and the car's engine starts.
The car takes off, flying away from the warehouse. Perry's wrist heats up- a warning. He glances over at Heinz, who is both pressing the waistcoat to his side and firing off EMP blasts at the few robots giving chase.
His sleeve slips. Less than a minute. Perry presses his foot to the accelerator, willing the craft to go faster. Why did the warehouse have to be so far out in the middle of nowhere?
A blast rocks the the hovercraft, shaking the passengers inside. Smoke erupts from the back of the craft.
Perry barely manages to land the hovercraft in a field, carving divots into the muddy grass. There's a road not too far from their crash site, so Perry picks Heinz up and runs over. The robots are long gone, leaving the duo alone, on a dusty road between fields.
Perry twists the dial on his watch, sending out the agent-down signal. He has to try. One last fight.
Perry holds onto Heinz's hand. He's done all he can, but it's too little, too late. Heinz has lost too much blood. Perry's timer ticks down, seconds slipping away.
Heinz opens his eyes. Perry realizes for the first time that Heinz's eyes are a beautiful, icy blue.
"Perry," Heinz whispers, "show me your timer? Please?" The desperation in his voice is palpable.
A tear rolls out of Perry's eye. He nods and rolls up his bloodied sleeve to reveal the two timers. One stopped at zero, the other with twelve seconds left.
Eleven seconds.
Heinz looks at the timer, then back at Perry.
“You knew.”
Perry nods, tears flowing faster and faster, carving clear paths down his soot-stained face.
“And you still tried to save me.”
Again, Perry nods. He twists his watch again, willing the medics to come faster.
"Perry- I-" Heinz starts to speak again, but chokes, gasping for air.
He coughs, blood dribbling out the corner of his mouth.
Heinz manages to clear his airway. His grip on Perry's hand tightens.
"I love you," Heinz whispers, voice hoarse, eyes never leaving Perry's.
A smile ghosts onto his lips, and he closes his eyes.
Heinz's hand goes limp. Perry's hand darts up to his neck, checking desperately for a pulse, already knowing the answer awaiting his questioning fingers. There's nothing there.
Sirens wail in Perry's ears. Tires screech and doors slam. Paramedics lift Heinz onto one stretcher, Perry onto another. They're lifted into separate ambulances, then sped off towards the OWCA medical facilities.
Paramedics ask him questions, bandage his wounds. Perry only stares blankly at his wrist. The inked zeroes, formerly a vibrant shade of purple, slowly fade to black.
The next day, Perry sits in his cubicle, watching the bar cross the screen. This time, he doesn't check his inbox, or answer texts, or drink coffee.
He simply sits and watches the bar go across the screen, his eyes rimmed in red.
The green bar, just a single millimeter from the end, pauses.
The lights go out to groans and curses.
A few seconds later, they come back. A small outage, nothing unusual. Likely someone in Equipment testing something new.
Perry presses the power button again, and the now-empty bar comes back up. The green bar begins its crawl once more.
A futile endeavor. His modern-day rock of Sisyphus. His punishment for thinking he could defeat Death.  
Perry takes pride in the villain being wrong. But what do you do when the villain was inside you, playing on the inevitable reality of your worst fears?
What do you do when the villain is right?
Perry turns away, his nails digging into the flesh of his palms. Fresh tears spring to his eyes, threatening to spill over.
His shoulders shake in a silent sob, his stoic expression breaking down into one of pain.
Perry pulls his sleeve down, covering the stopped timers on his left wrist. The numerals inked in jet black. Zero hours, zero minutes, and zero seconds until he meets his soulmate.
Zero hours, zero minutes, and zero seconds until his soulmate dies.
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princessparkerxo · 5 years
King Sized Dick
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Starker Fic - Warning; Tony’s cheated and just a lot of angst with sad little Peter! Peter is of age, I’ve based it that he’d be a college at 19/20 so. Also it’s only a little short thing, I’ll write more similar if you guys like it? Anywho, please enjoy! Oh, and prompts are always welcome in my inbox!  
Peter hadn’t seen Tony in just over a week, every single day after the first he’s counted down. He’d gone out of town on a college trip to a bunch of museums, that at first sounded so exciting but then the idea of being away from his boyfriend… Well, not so exciting. It dawned on him a few days before where he curled up in Tony’s arms on their kind sized bed, whining about not wanting to go. Of course, Tony not wanting to hold him back from anything – including education – ushered the younger male along, said everything will be fine, it’ll be over before he knows it and they’ll be back curled up in that bed.
God, that king size held the most amazing memories for Peter. Their first time together, his first time ever. Every single night since has been amazing with Tony. How could it not be? Peter’s completely in love with the man. The slow, sensual moments shared between the couple, gentle, passionate kisses meant everything to Peter and they’ve been played on repeat through his brain the entire time he was away.
Tony was Peter’s first in everything, Peter hadn’t had a boyfriend before. They shared their first kiss one late night in Tony’s lab. Everything was just heaven with Tony, he was always so loving, even when he wasn’t, ever when they let things get a little too rough, Peter felt safe.
The coach journey home felt like the longest ride in Peter’s life, he had his headphones on, gazing out the window. How long has it been now?
Glancing down at his phone, he flicked on his screen. No new texts. Tony’s probably in the lab, so maybe that’s why he hadn’t text him back. Peter just turned his music up a little louder and let his head slowly roll back onto the headrest.
The next time Peter’s eyes are fluttering open, the couch has come to a steady stop outside his college, so he pushed his headphones off his ears so they fell around his neck and grabbed his phone. Still no new texts. He’s sure Tony promised to pick him up – “I’ll see you at the gates, baby, go, you’ll be late” – he remembers him muttering between quick kisses.
“You doing okay, Pete?” MJ asked, grabbing her rucksack and shrugging it over her shoulder.
Her hair is falling messily over her face, another sign of how damn long this coach trip has felt. Everybody looked at tired as they felt.
“Yeah just—” God, stop checking your phone, you look insane. “Yeah, fine.”
With a bag over his shoulder, Peter hopped down the coach steps and glanced around. Hm, maybe he’s just running a little late.
“Wanna catch a taxi with us?” Ned gave Peter a soft clap on the shoulder when he saw his friend glancing around.
“Um, no, it’s okay. Tony’s coming to get me, I’ll see you guys later, yeah?” The sweet smile on Peter’s lips was enough to convince his friends as they head towards the big black gates.
Peter leant there for what felt like hours, a currently dying mobile phone in his hand. He’s already sent Tony three texts with no response, he can’t text him again, but the walk back to their home isn’t the nicest.
Clicking onto his boyfriends’ number, he lets it ring out for a few seconds. A few seconds more tick along, the phone ringing out before it cuts off. He tried again; he doesn’t quite know what he’s hoping for because the phone just rings out again then cuts straight to answer machine.
“Hey, sorry can’t get to the phone. Don’t leave a message unless it’s life or death.” Tony’s husky voice chuckled, making Peter smile sheepishly.
“Hey – um, it’s Pete, don’t come pick me up if you get this, I’m gonna start walking home. Haven’t heard from you in like, forever… Love you, won’t be long.” Peter mumbled before hanging up and tucking his phone into his back pocket.
Walking home it is. Peter pulled his sleeves down to cover his fingers when the wind started to pick up and picked up his pace too, it’ll only take him twenty minutes if he really got a pace on. He convinced himself that Tony’s busy, he’s a busy man. Constantly working so Peter wouldn’t blame him if he’s tucked away in the lab, time just gets away with him in there.
Peter’s woken up some nights to Tony still not being in their bed. He’s gone downstairs to find Tony half asleep with his head resting on a counter top, tools in hand. He works too hard, but there’s no telling him, he loves his work.
The sun started to set just as Peter was rustling around in his pockets for his house keys, checking just once more to see if he’d got a text from Tony, then slots the key into the door and twisted until heard a little click.
“I’m home!” Peter’s voice was all sing song and soft as he shut the door behind him, letting his bag slowly fall from his shoulder onto the floor with a soft thud.
No response.
Next to come off was his coat, letting it fall on top of his rucksack before making his way further into their empty looking home.
“Tony?” Peter asked, peeking his head around into the kitchen. The entire home seemed too quiet, too still.
He tried the door to the lab but it’s locked.
Pushing the living room door open, Peter reached up to knock on the light switch. No Tony. No, no boyfriend but there were two glasses of Tony’s best whiskey on the coffee table. Maybe Rhodey came around for a drink, that would explain why Tony wasn’t answering his phone for sure.
Peter was just about to ring Tony again, because the uneasy feeling was starting to tickle through his stomach, twisting uncomfortably and making him feel uneasy when he heard a floorboard creak above his head, the master bedroom. The phone was quickly tossed aside and Peter made his way straight towards the stairs, that horrible feeling in his stomach rising up his chest and into his throat, making it difficult to swallow.
There’s another noise just as he started up to the stairs, a movement in the bed, a soft creak and a breathy groan makes Peter’s heart twist.
His hand rested on the door handle when he gets to the top of the stairs and something makes him stop, something completely glued Peter’s feet to the floor. It doesn’t feel right, Tony wouldn’t just ignore him, he wouldn’t.
“Tone, I’m home from- “The words caught in Peter’s throat when he twisted the handle, pushing the door open and he instantly feels like all the air is punched from him, his entire world seems to come to a screeching halt.
A young red headed boy  – probably around Peter’s age – was sprawled on his bed, legs wrapped around his boyfriend’s hips with his fingers tangled in his bedsheets. They’re both completely naked, Tony’s back towards him with his hips snapping at a sinful pace, making the little redhead beneath him squirm and cry out.
The next couple of seconds seem to spin around him in slow motion, because Peter can’t find it in him to move. His ears started ringing, loud and fuzzy, making his whole body feel floaty. Tony must have noticed him because there’s a blur of movement through Peter’s tearful gaze of the two scrambling apart, both stumbling for clothes.
“Baby, Petey, sweetheart,” Tony pleaded, but Peter only flinched at each pet word that let his lips.
Now Peter barely flinched when the redhead pushed past him, quick to remove himself from the situation as he ran down the stairs with shoes and shirt in his arms.
“You… You were supposed to pick me up.” Peter mumbled; voice numb as he bit back the bile that stirred up his throat.
“I…” Tony frowned, taking a small step closer.
He reached out, about to try and touch Peter’s shoulder, to pull him in closer and ramble a long list of apologises and reasons and anything to get him off the hook.
“Don’t!” Peter shrieked, jerking back. “Don’t… Don’t fucking touch me.”
Another silence.
“Who was he?” The boy questioned.
His voice doesn’t sound angry, in fact it’s choked through tears  and when he doesn’t get an answer he started to back away from Tony, straight out the bedroom and his legs finally manage to catch up as he jogged down the stairs.
“Where are you going? Please, I’m sorry!”
Peter can barely hear him through the pounding of his racing heart, stumbling just enough to the front door where he grabbed his rucksack with shaky hands.
“You can’t leave-“
“Was he good?”
“What?” Tony sighed. “Peter, don’t do that-“
“Don’t do what?” Peter bit down on his bottom lip to stop the sob but he still sniffled. “Was he? Am… Am I not enough anymore?”
Peter didn’t even want to hear the answer, he feels sick. His body is running hot then cold and he feels himself sob again when his eyes meet with his boyfriends.
“I… I loved you.” Peter whispered, tugging at the sleeves on his jumper before bringing the fabric to his lips, tugging nervously. “What did I do wrong?”
Of course, that’s where Peter’s poor mind goes first because maybe he’s not good enough. Maybe the lack of experience on his part was why Tony wanted to be with somebody else, somebody that really knew what they were doing. Somebody that didn’t need to be taught, or that could suck cock better than Peter had.
“You didn’t do anything wrong. I’m the one who fucked it up, I’m- fuck, Peter, I love you, I don’t know- I mean…” Strong, callous hands collect Peter’s hands up tight together, taking them from his lips where he’s nibbling his shirt and pulling them close to Tony’s chest.
Peter grimaces, the flashing images of Tony touching somebody else, the sickening feeling of all those glorious memories of laughter and giggles, moaning and everything in between is completely torn apart with this new memory.
“Please get off me.” Peter’s voice is barely audible and Tony had the audacity to look hurt, really hurt when he slowly let go of his lovers’ hands, dropping his gaze. “I-I… I think I need to leave.”
That really hit a nerve because Tony’s head snapped up and all the colour seemed to drain from his face. Peter did everything to not look at him, he couldn’t else he knows he’d crumble. He’d fall back into Tony’s arms and let him convince him that everything’s going to be okay.
“No, no no, please-“ Tony begged, stepping closer. “Baby, please.”
Peter doesn’t speak, he doesn’t think he can because he’s using everything he’s got in him not to scream and cry and fall to the ground. His entire life feels like it’s falling around him and he can’t do anything to stop it.
Peter swung his bag over his shoulder and headed to the front door, it’s only a strong grasp on his wrist which stopped him. When Peter finally looked, Tony was almost on his knees, clinging to the younger male’s wrist in pure desperation.
“I fucked up, I know, I don’t expect everything to be perfect… I won’t – ever, but don’t leave me, Peter. You’re everything to me, I can’t lose you.” Tony practically begged, keeping the boy still with his grasp but not holding tight enough to hurt. “Please.”
Peter feels all the energy drain from him in that moment, his eyes searching over Tony’s face as he exhaled a shaky breath. The moment their eyes lock together, Peter felt his bottom lip quiver and he can’t hold it anymore, his knees practically go from under him and he started to cry, really cry. Tony’s there to catch him, letting him cry, not even trying to shush him.
“I’m sorry.” Tony repeated, letting Peter cling to him as he sobbed.
The poor thing was broken. Tony was the only thing in his life that ever felt stable, that felt like it was really his and now he didn’t even feel that anymore.
Strong arms slowly scoop Peter up, easing him into his arms and carrying him straight back up the stairs. Tony would have been stupid to take him to their room so he carried him straight to their guest bedroom.
“I-I’m sorry I… I went away,” Peter cried hopelessly, the sobs making his breathing catch in his throat and splutter. “I’m sorry I’m not good at everything and that I’m still learning and I’m- I’m so-sorry-“
“Shh, doll.” Tony sighed, gently resting him down on the double bed.
Peter couldn’t find it in him to say anything, he’s hiccupping through tears as his body curled up into a tight little ball. Tony doesn’t try and get any closer because he knows he doesn’t deserve that. He doesn’t deserve to have Peter cling to him like he’s saved him, he hasn’t. He’s the one who’s broken the kid.
“I love you, Pete.”
No response. Maybe Tony’s lost him.
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idontworkforsega · 5 years
My queen! Your majesty! I have come here to ask of you a prompt! For I know no other who is better at the precious sonamy more than you! Please accept my humble request for a classic sonamy fluff! A jealous blue hedgie included is this prompt will be greatly appreciated!!
Jealous Classic Sonic!?!? Yes? All of that?! (Also, thank you, you’re so sweet >///wn///
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(Art is by @drawloverlala Or her DA->(https://www.deviantart.com/drawloverlala) who has given permission to let me use her art as a Preview Art Image for my prompts! Please support her as well!)
If you’d be okay with me using your art on my prompts, please send me a message letting me and @cutegirlmayra know!
PROMPTS ARE CLOSED. DON’T SEND ME ANY PROMPTS UNTIL THEY REOPEN! That will be when all the current prompts in my inbox are completed. Again, DO NOT SEND ME PROMPTS AT THIS TIME. (People are still sending them in, so please stop or the prompts will never re-open T-T)
*Also, this blog is for organizing my prompts for fanfiction. When prompts reopen, please submit prompt requests there. :)b
A jingle and a click, then there was music sounding through Classic Amy’s headphones.
She nodded her head, enjoying the classic rock that kept her heart upbeat as she stretched, getting ready to run.
She had been training for so long. All she wanted was to manage that loop-de-loop so she could keep up with Sonic.
One time, while pursuing her darling Sonic, he had raced through one. She saw him curl up and bolt off like a slingshot in a pinball game.
Her heart sank as she stopped rushing after him and skidded her feet against the moist and furtile ground of the earth, the grass bending to her force.
“Oh… Dear.” her face slowly recoiled in its joy as she faced the terrifying obstacle.
A full loop. No stops, just a drop if you slowed down…
A death fall.
The last time she had been through a loop-de-loop, she was being hauled off by a metal version of Sonic.
She took courage, stepping back with powerful stomps to work herself up to it. With a wiggle of her butt and straight up to her tail, she charged at it.
Needless to say, she flopped and her poor face was red with the trauma.
She didn’t even get to the curve…
So today, she was going to face up to her fear and overcome that death loop!
Her nostrils flared with bravery once again, her body honed for speed and balance, there was no way she would skid her face against its slick dirt coating this time!
Unbeknown to our little heroine, a certain Sonic The Hedgehog was sitting happily in the shadows of a few camouflaging trees. He had been passing by when he saw her in her workout clothes, her classy sweatband replacing her girly clothes that were now jazzy kinda workout colors and designs.
Immediately, he popped his popcorn–so to speak–, and set up camp.
He had heard the horrible PLOP from behind when she had first attempted the loop-de-loop. He had stopped in curiosity and flicked an ear back, racing over a ramp he had previously scaled to see what had happened.
It was a conflicting moment. He wanted to rush over and make sure she was okay, but he also didn’t want her seeing him laughing.
She had the saddest look on her face, and his snickering ended as he waited for her to call out to him in help.
Except she didn’t.
She surprised him by remaining silent, wiping her eyes and the bright dirt from her face, kissing her own booboos and glaring at the obstacle that had previously blocked her from following him the rest of the way.
He had stared almost mesmerized by the way she held her own. Where was the doting cry of help? The wimpy, whining high pitch voice? Was she really not going to cry out for him to coo and comfort her?
It’s not like he wanted too, but… he was prepared to do it, that’s all.
Now he felt a little confused, and seeing her prepare to take it on again today, he decided to watch from a distance and just ‘spot’ her, if she did end up getting hurt.
He flopped his hand and poured another shoveled amount of popcorn into his mouth, swishing it around to mush it up and watched as she took a runner’s stance on the ground.
Arching her butt up, she then took a deep breath and angled her body, looking up with pure determination as she raced up the loop-de-loop.
His eyes followed her, swallowing and reaching for his drink’s straw when his eyes fell flat to the ground again.
Another PLOP.
“Wah!” she cried out, making his eyelids lower a bit as he waited for her to cry out to him.
“Ow… Umph.” she rubbed her head, “…Maybe I gotta get a firmer footfall. Curl up on the ending?” she worked it out in her head, and again, Sonic’s grip on the drink tightened slightly.
She wasn’t aware of him.
Why would she call out for aid?
Why would she ask him for help?
He ‘Pfft’d and continued to flip through music CDs, deciding on a hit and letting it play.
When she tried again and PLOPPED, then he turned the music up louder.
“Offph! Darn, gotta go again… huh?” Her music was drowned out by another’s, and she looked over to excitedly see Sonic bobbing his head to his hard punk rock.
“Oh, Sonic! What are you doing here?” She dusted herself off and then held her hands together, the typical puppy-love he was used too seeing from her.
He put on shades and gave her his best ‘cool dude’s smile.
“Oh? Are you here to… to…” her eyes slightly shrunk in fright. “Watch me?”
He seemed to wave it off, suggesting that he was there to watch her really do it, if she did manage it.
A fear suddenly rose in Amy, and she held herself a moment. “O-oh…” she looked away, ‘Is he really going to sit there and watch me fail?’ she looked back at him, lowering her head.
He continued to bob his head to the music, making Amy think he was agreeing silently to that inner thought.
She puffed up her cheek, “Well, I won’t have it!” she told herself out loud. “That Sonic’ll respect me!” she huffed and turned her backside to him, her quill sticking out and shaking in rage as the rest of her head’s quills followed shortly after in her anger.
“Just watch me then! I’ll do it!” she stretched again, “I’ll make it over no matter what!”
He took off his shades again, hearing her from a distance. He smirked to himself. There was no way Amy Rose wouldn’t ask for her sweet hero’s help.
She’d fall again, this time on her butt, and beg for him to show her how, or just carry her through it.
She’d dote on him, but he’ll just have to live with it.
He sighed and shrugged, as though it was inevitable and he should just take it with patience.
However, as the day went on, Amy kept getting bruised up by all the falling…
Now Sonic was getting concerned.
His toe tapped in the air, his arms folded, and his tolerance going down…
He didn’t want to watch her fail… it wasn’t amusing seeing her hurt and then getting up to do it again.
That was just stupidity… right?
She rubbed her eye, on the verge of tears from that last fall, actually getting about decently high on the first stretch before rolling down it again. She looked behind the loop-de-loop, then moved to see the curve and attempted to curl up.
“…Well, she’s got the right idea.” Sonic didn’t like talking much, especially to others. But something about Amy not giving up… not reaching out for him… made him suddenly jealous of her unrelenting charisma.
She was so naturally likable.
He sunk further in his chair, the music turning to a Song that’s lyrics annoyed him even more.
‘She’s a well-oiled machine! Beauty queen of the world! She don’t need a man, she don’t want your hand, OW! She’s a star~ In her own right! She’s a star~ With just her own light! She’ll shine through the night, leaving you crying! Wishing! On her own beautiful face-! That somehow you could be apart of her space!”
He clicked it off, not liking it anymore.
But Amy turned around, “Hey! I liked that song!” her cute little voice sent a chill up his spine. Why was it cute!? When at all other times, it was usually so shrilly and out of place?
He turned it back on though, mumbling incoherent words as the song picked up again.
“Bright light shining, she’s a five-star, golden lottery. She has the courage to face her demons. She controls the ring, she’s the tiger working through the jungles to face the king! She’s the queen of her own galaxy! She don’t need no help, she’s the best! She’s got the whole world wishing on her-bright-staaarr!”
She did jumping jacks to the music, breathing in and out as she curled up, trying to speed in place but was getting dirt everywhere and wobbling too much in it.
Sonic’s anger mark was throbbing on his head, listening and watching her struggle without so much as giving him any attention at all.
“She’s the best! Don’t require the rest- she’s a star! Star, star-ar-arrr! She’s a well-oiled machine! Beauty Queen of the world! She don’t need a man, she don’t your hand, OW! -click-”
“Hey!” Amy uncurled, looking back to Sonic, “I said I was-!… huh?” she looked to see an empty chair.
“Sonic?” she turned to look around, before seeing he was right beside her on the other side, sizing up the loop-de-loop. “Wah! Oh… you scared me.” She touched her chest, breathing hard as his speedy appearance spooked her. “What’s wrong? Gonna show me how it’s done?”
He nodded.
“Hmph. Took you long enough. Why weren’t you helping me before? I just need some pointers, then I can do it!” She gripped her hands together, eager to learn and get through her latest struggles.
“Ah…” he turned to her, surprised again. She was waiting for… him?
Was he just being that selfish? Thinking he needed her to ask him over when he could have been right here helping her all along?
“I like to take on challenges, but it’s way more fun with a friend!”
There it was.
The cutest thing Sonic had ever seen.
A positive attitude.
He shook his head, smacking his cheek a moment as though to get his thoughts back to where they needed to be.
He was still jealous of her obvious moxie to do it herself, but he was also strangely attrac-… EHEM, impressed by her diligent resolve to get it done herself.
“You need more speed.”
“Well, that’s obvious. Coming from you.” she folded her arms, but he was again taken aback that she didn’t freak out at him talking.
It wasn’t like he socialized a lot… even Tails felt honored to hear his voice.
“Okay, Miss Rose, what else is so obvious?” His trademark attitude was showing again, as he placed the back of his wrist to his hips and leaned toward her. “Go on. If you already know what I’m about to say.”
Now her face shied away a little.
“Hehe…he… b-bu-but how do I do that?” she sweat-dropped, showing she really did want some advice.
He smiled, “That’s a little better.” He looked to the ground, “It just rained, right?”
“Yeah, why?”
“Well, your not getting proper footing so-”
“I KNEW IT!” she shrieked out, “I knew it was my footing!”
He waited, showing her his annoyance by just staring at her with a deadpan expression.
“…Heh…hehe… Teehee?” She knew he was a bit upset at being interrupted again, and with her being such a chatter-box, she acted cute about it and placed a finger to her mouth, looking away.
She was going to be silent now, eh?
“Anyway…” He rolled his eyes, “Try and curl up over by that patch of hill. If you run down it and curl, you should get a good start up. You could still fall a bit coming down, but that’s just because you aren’t as fast as me and Tails. Try and just get yourself to the other side, even if you fall doing so.”
“I’m not afraid to fall.” She said that strongly, standing bravely.
The song triggered in Sonic’s mind but he looked back to her to see her dirtied, banged up body and clothes again.
“…Yeah.” He looked worried, “I know.” he studied her eyes… “Just… Don’t uncurl this time. You’ll get pretty high up there.” He looked to the loop-de-loop.
For one of the first time’s since meeting Amy Rose, Sonic felt genuine concern for her safety.
“If you uncurl… you could get-”
“H-huh?! Crazy girl! I wasn’t done!” he saw her dart to the hill, and reached out for her. For some reason, this girl made him more animated than usual… “You’re not listening again! It’s dangerous! Just don’t uncurl!”
“I’m a star~ In my own right! I’m a star~”
“Crazy!” he called out to her, seeing her doing a little dance while she sang the previous song and got ready to sprint.
“With just my own light!”
“Stop!” he rushed to her side but she raced down while he moved up. “Don’t-!”
“I’ll shine through the night, leaving you crying! Wishinggggg-!” she curled up, gaining lots of speed.
“..No… No…” He shook his head, his heart beating fast. “Ammmmyyy!!!” It was a true cry of fright. Though he believed it was possible for her to do it, he was terrified she’d really get hurt if she fell that far, that hard, and that fast to the ground this time. He took off, curling up, and heading up the loop-de-loop after her.
She scaled the first roll. ‘On my own beautiful face, that somehow, you could be, apart of my spaaace~’
Time seemed to slow down, two blurry and balled colors flying up the loop-de-loop.
Through the spinning, Amy could feel herself start to fall, and Sonic saw her ball form leaning towards the other side.
‘Will she stay curled?’ his thoughts turned to joy as she hit the other side and rolled down, not breaking her curl.
He uncurled in his joy, reaching his arms out, “You did it!!!” he shouted in praise before smacking his head against the other side of the loop-de-loop. “Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow…” He smacked back and forth all the way down the ramp…
She uncurled safetly down at the bottom, “Yay! I did it!” she cheered as well, turning to see Sonic smack a few more times down before lifting up a ‘thumbs up’ to her.
“Hehe! Now I can catch up with you~” she flirted, poking his face that was buried in the ground. “You know… I thought about uncurling… just to make you catch me.”
He peered up, a slight glare in his eyes.
“But then I heard how loving your voice turned when you thought I didn’t hear you… I didn’t want to upset you, only play around… so I decided to really, truly land the ending. I was scared. I fibbed about not wanting your help… but I’m really glad you were here.”
His glare softened.
“I’ll always want you by my side, Sonic The Hedgehog! And now, I can always be beside yours!”
Under the earth, she didn’t see his kind smile.
He lifted up and shook the dirt off, now his bruises would match hers.
“Rascal.” he winked, playfully.
“Hehe~ Only for you~” she puckered up but he sped off. “Hey! You can’t hide in a loop-de-loop now, Sonic! Teehee~” and sped off after him.
The popcorn was tilted over, and the boombox stayed quietly posted next to the turned over chair…
(Jealous of Amy’s independence? Yes? No? Lol, I just wanted to make something new with the ‘jealousy’ theme XD I do it a lot, you know.)
Fanfiction Entry 602 (x)
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angryteapot · 5 years
Take Your Shot
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Avenger!Reader
Summary: You and Steve are always bickering, but after a mission goes awry, you both take stock of your tangled thoughts. It’s a shot in the dark, and you hope your decision won’t ruin everything. 
Warnings: Cursing, slight angst, mentions of violence and injury
Word Count: 2083
A/N: This is for @barnesrogersvstheworld ’s 4k “Challenge” Challenge! The prompt is in bold. 
To be added to the taglist, send me an ask or dm! My inbox is always open if you want to chat or rant! <3 
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"Contact left! Hostages in play, dozen gunmen, suspected sniper. Request backup!" Steve threw his shield, knocking out more of the charging Hydra goons.
You vaulted over the explosion debris on the opposite side of the building, two throwing knives now embedded in the enemy's chests. God, they were everywhere. You sprinted to retrieve the knives, wiping the blood off on your sleeve as you stepped over the bodies.
"Backup imminent, Cap. Location?" You took a minute to breathe as you waited to hear his location.
"Southeast corner, it'd be nice if you hurry!" The location was accompanied by the grunts and hard breaths of hand to hand combat.
Grumbling to yourself, you ran through the remains of the building, on your way to assist the idiot. You mocked his earlier assessment of the situation during the morning's briefing meeting -
"Abandoned building, my ass. 'A few guards with hostage analysts,' he said. 'In and out job,' he said. Bullshit! It was supposed to be easy, but noooo, the idiot just had to trip the alarm and summon half of Hydra," you huffed, annoyed as you came up on the southeast side. Why did the damn building have to be so expansive?
"You know I can hear you, right?" Steve grunted and you could hear the sound of fist meeting flesh, then someone's bones crunching. "Any ETA on that backup?"
"Oops. Yeah yeah, gimme a second."
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Scaling your way up the wall onto the roof, you reached over your shoulder to grab the sniper rifle that was slung across your back. You settled in and started picking off Hydra agents one by one, but more kept pouring out of the tree line.
You growled in frustration as you ran out of ammo, "Why won't these bastards just die?"
"Y/N, I appreciate the expert sniping, I really do, but when the hell is our backup getting here?"
"Cap, I am the backup. Are you going senile already? You'd said it would be an easy job, so it's only me, you, and Falcon. And he's currently occupied with evacuating hostages, so you're stuck with me."
You rolled your eyes at Steve's frustrated cursing.
"Honestly, it's like you don't know me at all, not gonna lie I'm a little insulted," you sighed and discarded the rifle you had "borrowed" from Bucky.
Unsheathing your katanas, a gift from your friend Wade a lifetime ago, you gave them a twirl and jumped off the roof breathing out, "Maximum effort."
Hydra didn't stand a chance after that. You may not have been enhanced, but you were well-trained and ruthless. Your katanas swung like lightning, taking down countless Hydra goons as you made your way closer to Steve.
You had nearly reached him when you saw him getting ambushed from behind. Pushing yourself to run harder, you were mere feet away from him when, out of the corner of your eye, you saw a sniper a little ways off taking aim at Steve. Jump-tackling him, you pulled out a pulse grenade and shouted, "Shield!"
Confused but already complying, Steve pulled you to him and covered the both of you with his shield as you lay on the ground. Tossing the grenade into the air, it released an energy pulse that sent all the surrounding Hydra assholes back about ten feet, each one knocked out cold.
Both of you groaning, Steve helped you up, gritting his teeth and saying, "C'mon Y/N, we've got another wave coming."
Right when you stood you heard the discharge of a bullet and blindly pushed Steve away, gasping in burning pain as the bullet clipped you in the side, going clean through and leaving you with a large bloody gash.
"Y/N!" Steve's palpable concern was touching, but now you were pissed off.
Shouting in anger, you charged at the incoming Hydra group with renewed vigor, pain and bleeding be damned. By the time Sam arrived to help, you were covered in more enemy blood than even the Captain. A few stragglers remained, but Sam picked them off from above.
"That was stupid," Steve admonished as he helped you up from where you were now sprawled on the ground.
You tried not to flinch from the anger in his voice as you spat back, "Yeah well, I saved your life. And I do stupid shit all the time, so I don't know why you're so surpri- mother fucker!"
You hissed as he put pressure on your side, right where the bullet had clipped you, as he threw your arm over his shoulder to help you walk.
As he flew overhead, Sam's voice came over the comms, "Cap, Y/N, jet's ready for takeoff. You guys all good?"
"Yeah Sam, we're good. A little injured, but I'll make it 'til we get to med bay. Hostages taken care of?"
"Yes ma'am, they're in the cargo hold. I'm heading to the jet, see you both there."
Steve remained stoic, you could practically feel the pissy energy he was emitting. Choosing to also remain silent, you continued to the jet, keeping the tense silence until the hostages were dropped at S.H.I.E.L.D. and you were back at the compound.
After landing, you gave Sam a friendly slap on the back on your way off the jet. Next stop - med bay.
Dr. Cho tried to convince you to use the regeneration cradle, but the thing gave you the heebie-jeebies, you'd rather have a scar than simulacrum "skin." Blech.
Freshly stitched up, you trudged back to your room to shower all the blood and exhaustion off. You took your time under the hot spray, letting it wash away your frustrations. As the water beat against your back, your thoughts turned to Steve - the cause of your frustrations. His silence and contempt on the earlier mission was maddening.
Sure, what you did might have been stupid, but you all made stupid decisions when a teammate's life was on the line. He may not have approved, but saving Steve's life was something you wouldn't compromise in a million years. He was too precious to you, but of course the big idiot didn't know that. To be fair, nobody else knew either; you hid it a little too well behind sarcasm and anger.
Sighing and shutting off the water, you stepped out and toweled off, cursing as you saw the seepage on your bandage. You dried off and slathered on some lotion, getting dressed in your underwear and low-slung sleep short, opting to put on a sports bra only so as not to agitate your wound any further.
"Barely out of med bay, and you've already managed to re-injure yourself?"
You looked up to see Steve leaning against your desk, arms crossed and muscles bulging from his smedium shirt.
Feeling a little flustered and defensive, you drawled, "Come to ogle a girl, Rogers? I thought you 40’s boys were more polite."
"Not ogle, berate," he corrected as he reached behind him and pulled out a first-aid kit. He gestured for you to sit on the bed, and you did, albeit reluctantly.
"I was going to do that myself, y'know. I'm not a child that needs to be coddled by mommy dearest,' you sneered as he knelt in front of you.
"Really Y/N? Because you'd have a hell of a time trying to patch yourself up, judging from the location of the bleeding."
"Ow! Gently, you asshole! Or if you're gonna be medieval about it, at least give me a damn bottle of whiskey to numb the pain." You winced as he tore off the seeping bandage.
"I thought you went to med bay for this. Didn't Dr. Cho fix it for you?" Steve looked equal parts concerned and aggravated.
"I don't want to be made of plastic, I'd rather have a scar. So yeah, if by 'fixed me,' you mean 'stitched up,'  then she did indeed fix me."
You heard him mumble something about 'stupid girl,' and tried very hard to not unleash your full fury.
"I'm sorry, what was that? You wanna talk about stupidity? That's rich coming from the guy who jumps 30,000 feet out of a plane without a parachute!"
He raised his voice right back as he cleaned the wound with antiseptic, "I'm enhanced! You are not. You could've died, and that would have been on me."
"If I hadn't pushed you out of the way, the bullet would have pierced your heart. Try walking that off, asshole. See how much your enhancements help you then. Besides, better me get killed than you, I’m less important than Captain America."
"Not to me! I can't lose you, dammit Y/N, don't you understand that?" He angrily, yet still so gently, tended to your wound and placed a new bandage over it as he berated you.
You were stunned. Since when did Steve care if you lived or died? All you ever did was fight. Granted, you bickered to cover your true feelings, but he always seemed genuinely frustrated with you. You took in his slightly elevated breathing, his steady hands as he picked up the dirty cloth, and his unwavering glance when he looked back at you.
"I don't want to fight anymore," you said quietly, more meaning to the words than he knew. You were so tired of hiding your feelings. You glanced at him again, seeing something soft in his eyes as he sighed in agreement, you hoped you weren’t imagining it. His warm, gentle fingers skated over your side, checking his handiwork as he knelt in front of you again. You decided to throw caution to the wind. If this bombed, then at least you'd have your answer instead of this stupid pining.
"Hey Steve?"
"Yeah?" He looked up at you, still kneeling before you, with his stupidly blue eyes and gorgeous lashes.
"I'm about to do something stupid."
"Well we've established you're always doing something stupid, so how is this any different?"
"Right. You'll probably ignore it anyway."
You look at him for a second longer before grabbing his face, taking a moment to look into his shocked and confused eyes, and then you kiss him fiercely.
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Go big or go home, right? Well you certainly went big. Not just a peck or hesitant kiss, oh no, you put everything you had into that kiss, all the feelings you'd been holding back for so long. After a beat, he'd started to kiss you back, albeit hesitantly.
You pulled away, blushing and breathless. Steve was struck speechless and blushing, lips now a pretty shade of red to match his flushed cheeks. His expression, however, was very closed off.
"Yep. Okay. Sorry, message received, it won't happen again. You can sweep it under the rug like everything else."
Well you were thoroughly embarrassed now, and slightly heartbroken, yep it was time for an escape. As you tried to get up, Steve - still kneeling in front of you on the bed - snapped into action and moved his arms to cage you in.
"What if," he licked his lips and cleared his throat. Well damn, if he was going to reject you, could he do it a little less seductively?
"What if I don’t want to sweep it under the rug? What if I want… What if I want you to do that again?"
Steve readjusted his hands, thumbs now caressing the bare skin of your hips as he spoke, oh so softly.
"What if I want a redo? A chance to kiss you back properly? What would you say to that, hm Y/N?"
His voice was gravelly and sinfully low, causing a shiver to run up your spine, and the soft caress of his thumbs on your hips had your mind in a tizzy.
"I'd say," a deep breath and you continued, "I'd say that whenever you want to yell at me, you should kiss me instead.”
He leaned in closer to you, whispering against your lips, "Then I guess we'll be kissing more often than not."
"Asshole. At least you'll finally be putting that pretty mouth to good use," you smiled against his lips.
"Mmm, that's not very nice," he murmured, silencing your next words with a very thorough kiss.
If he kissed you like that every time you fought, you’re brain would be too mushy to form words, so you supposed there would indeed be more kissing than bickering in the future. But you were entirely okay with that, and you were sure Steve would be too.
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bamsara · 5 years
a little update on irl stuff and incoming chapters for eee and ns. (I know I disappeared from tumblr for a while so if you’ve sent me something and I haven’t responded, I’m sorry!!!)
alright where do I begin. uh irl stuff:
been going through some stuff. long story short, got cheated on and a long-term relationship ended. Been dealing with that. Not gonna lie, I’ve been depressed as all hell but I’m back on my meds and I’m working through it? Yeah? hopefully lol.
You guys know my horrible, no good unreliable laptop? Yeah the screen got smashed so it’s 75% just white/black cracks on the screen, as well as the usual bluescreens and crashes it has. (I've figured out a way to hook it up to my tv for a monitor, so I've got that going for me until the new one comes in.)
NEW LAPTOP COMING IN! Execpt it’s been delayed multiple times and I have no when I’m going to get it because Amazon is mean and even though I paid premium shipping it’s super duper late. I mean I know I live in the middle of nowhere but c’mon
College is pain
Living is expensive and I don’t really have a job anymore and I’m WAY too shy to ask for help on tumblr because I’m 100% sure that someone out there has it way worse than me. I’d love to do commissions but ti’s a big risk with how my laptop is at the current moment.
chapter stuff:
I have, for the most part, already planned out EEE and NS so they’re def getting updates in the future, I’m just having a horrible time actually having the time/technology to get them to you. Art is also happening, my mutual have already seen some of the stuff I’ve made but I’m trying not to post anything that belongs to a chapter that hasn’t even been posted yet as well as the overall pain of having a terrible, horrible, laptop.
Also if you’ve sent me an inbox message or dmed me and I disappeared off the face of the earth, I apologize. It’s been a horrible month for me but I love you guys and I wanna come back lol.
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The latest episode is here! Below the cut is a transcription
Hello everyone, welcome to Royal Magic Academy Radio, a podcast about Wizardess Heart. I’m your host, Mari. So uh. YEAH, we had a lot of big stuff happen since the last episode, so let’s get on with the show.
Event-wise, we got a joint Romance Point slot that brings back some of Elias and Luca’s past stories AND CGs. So it’s a combo of two guys AND stories and CGs. There’s a new star collection event, All Aboard the Mystery Express. I have to say I never expected to get a mystery train event, but I’ll take it. I think it’s a good theme and I like Hugo’s story. I haven’t read any of the other stories because I don’t care about them and I don’t have Klaus’ yet. 
We got Joel’s sequel! His main route early bird is still running, so we’re getting like Double Joel. Or in my case, triple Joel since I’m transcribing his main route so. It’s Joel season y’all.
We also now have quite a few new features. After years of asking, we now have a greet all button. While I’m glad this is a thing since a lot of people are happy about it, I personally don’t use it because using greet all and then sending people messages for that extra 20 Lune is a nightmare. I did a time comparison using my personal account and then the one I use to screen record stuff for Ceragon Dubs, and if you use greet all and then go into your friend list to send messages it’s a lot longer. But it wasn’t as long as how much time I spent screen recording, logging in and out of facebook accounts, and video editing and breaking out my phone and screen recording that for a timer.
There’s also a new feature on consumable items. I mean, that’s the best way to describe it. So basically, there’s now a thing called limited time items. As the name suggests, they’re only available for about 15 days, and if you don’t use them in that time, they disappear. So far, we’ve seen this with Story Tickets and Muffins. I imagine it will probably go over to the other snack items, but I don’t know about the others consumables. Time will tell, I suppose.
Okay so since we’re now getting the next batch of sequels, if we’re going in the order of the poll, Hiro’s is next. That is all. Although I do think we're gonna get season 10 first. But yeah, Hiro's should be next. Sequel-wise, at least.
And now we have the long awaited response portion of call and response! Everyone’s favorite segment where I have no clue what I’m doing, I take shit from Love Live!, and I am met with the realization if I were an idol my call and response would be the worst because I can’t think of anything, which is why we make Love Live references. Ngl I feel like my call would be like “Who’s my favorite audience member?” and then the audience is like “me!” and I fake mishearing them and I’m like “memes?!” and then we all dab or some shit because that’s my brand. Dabbing at everything. Okay but yeah so. I asked you guys to rewrite character bios so. Let’s have some FUNNNNN.
Okay, and I sort have things in the correct places so I can just read them. I mean "sort of" because I have to go through DMs and stuff, but... Okay so our first one is from @nadia-the-wizardess. And hers is for Hugo which of course it is, I love you dude. So she submitted... And I'm not gonna try to be a complete ham. I'm gonna try and have some dignity while reading these. "Friend or foe? The masked man seemed to be at every turn, either helping us or using us to his advantage. He claims he has come from the future to help put us on the correct path and change our tragic destiny. We still don't know what Hugo is truly planning, but despite all this, I've decided to put my faith in him and join him in his journey through time and save his-- our future!" And then her sidenote, "(God I hope I did this right sbhdnsns)." You did! You are all good and I - you know I love Hugo, probably… well…  probably just as much as you. Hugo is my best boy, so.
Okay, so. God, this segment is cursed. I… This is literally the fifth time I;ve tried recording this one little story because like my mic just keeps like cutting out. I need a brand new mic like this one is not cutting it anymore but anyway. So this call and response has a funny story behind it. So essentially like when I first get responses, I don't necessarily read them carefully at first, like I'm just kind of aware. Like “okay, like some.” So when I first did the call and response a while ago, um, I was vaguely aware that I had two and one was from Nadia and the other was from an anon. And so obviously like I push it back and then, uh, me and my friend have been chatting, who's not Nadia. That's the only identity clue I will give you cuz I'm not going to say who it is but um, *laughs* she's gonna be so mad though. So anyway, so me and my friend were talking and she was like, “Oh hey, I have a question so ‘theoretically’” in quotes, if she had sent a call and response answer to me like, would she have to make a new one or like whatever, like trying to figure out what's going on. And I said like honestly I’ll use whatever you give me because I do literally like whatever people spend in and I will use so it's a free-for-all, like I’ll use anything. 
And then she told me that was good because she forgot what she, and I air quote this, “theoretically” sent. And I was like, “Well you”... This was before I checked my inbox cuz I was like, “Oh, I’ll just go in and like copy paste in and put in our chat. So I was just like “You could always ask me to send you things” like if you don't remember what you do - andthis goes for anyone. Like if you send a response by not DM by like inbox and you don't remember what you wrote like you can totally just message me and be like, “Hey I sent this, I don't remember how I worded it exactly I'm worried that I messed it up could you please tell me what it was” and like totally go ahead and do that like I don't mind. So then, you know, like I went into my inbox so I was like, “Okay let's see what she said” and um. This is what she said. “Call and response for Sigurd (Feat. Leslie) - Sigurd's the only student who can equally terrify the staff at Olive Garden along with Klaus. With his overbearing obsession and appetite for any sort of pasta, he's best known as Klaus' right-hand man when it comes to needing a bud for their 2 for $12 appetizer promotions.” Not sponsored by Olive Garden. “I hear even though he currently majors in Magical Creature Taming, rumor has it he'll be switching to Culinary Magic for... ‘Reasons.’ Personally, I'd rather not know,” Same. “but if you insist...*Shrug”
And anyway this is cursed and yeah, I can understand why my friend did not want to like, confront me about this. Oh God, RIP. We got through it, she's fine.
So our next one is from @uraminowaltz and she has two and they're both for Klaus because of course they are. I should just rename this segment to me roasting my friends. Okay, so her serious Klaus one is: “Likes: Tea, sweets, challenging games, cooking. Dislikes: Coffee, Zeus,” Girl me too. “Irresponsibility, abuse of authoritative power. Hobby: Cooking, inventing magical tools. Skills: Unintentional romantic gestures, endurance with magic, WORKAHOLIC.” Yeah I-I felt that. I felt that. So the joke one: “Likes: His giant personal ring of 500 different keys. Dislikes: Losing his keys.” Also same. “Hobby: Making copies of his keys. Skills: Losing his keys PLEASE HELP HIM FIND HIS KEYS HERE IS A CROWDFUNDING LINK TO FIND HIS KEYS IT'S FUNDED AT 60%.” Oh, Klaus. Klaus. Honestly though when they did the Klaus II profile and it was like, thing that worries him, uh, losing, uh, lost his keys I was like goddammit. Like it just… It was one of those things that I didn’t realize was on brand for him, but then once I read it and saw it, I was like “Oh God yeah yeah that's his brand that's his... poor baby, that's his brand.”
Okay so our second to-  Actually, it might second-to-last I haven't checked the notes of that post so I guess I have to do that too. Okay so anyway, @sigurdcurtisholdsmegentle said… uh, did some, and you're going to be surprised who it was for. It was for Sigurd. So their joke one and they said… Their personal note for this was “Please actually kill me for this.” No I will not. You must atone for your sins. Uh... “Likes: Pasta. Dislikes: People who don't like pasta. Hobby: Naming spices in the pasta sauce. Skill: Cooking Pasta.” I'm very glad you did not put anything else because I would not want to read that out loud and that is NOT a challenge to anybody *laughs* So their serious one is: “Likes: Jazz music, Puns, The Rain, Make up.” Hell yeah. “Dislikes: His father, Himself, Ch… *laughs* CHICA,” I… We’re going for it. We’re going for the discourse and controvershy. The controversy. I can’t talk. Uh. Also dislikes “Blood. Hobby: Writing letters, Playing trumpet, Playing chess with Klaus. Skill: Decorating, Well timed exits, Running on little to no sleep.” Poor baby. But yeah I mean yeah. That's him. So the next one is... that they did was for Mel so it's “Likes: Apple cider, Plants, Perserving wildlife. Dislikes: Time Magic, Sol Felia,” It’s feh-lia not fee-lia, right? Like it’s not… I don’t feel like it’s fee-lia? I’m like pretty sure it’s feh-lia. Okay, it’s feh-lia now, I’m making the executive decision. It’s feh-lia now. Uh. “Oranges, Explaining.” God I felt that like whenever I reread Sigurd’s route, Mel's like “I don't want to explain” I’m like please shut up stop it like please, just explain. Good God. Like you're just making more trouble for yourself my dude. “Hobby: Sleeping in the greenhouse, Reading lore. Skill: Botany, Making wands, Flower” Oh my God, flower arrangements, that’s so cute. Oh my God, I love that actually. Like, I mean honestly like I liked all of them, but like that's so cute. That was super cute, I really like that one.
So, I don't think my call and response post had any notes. Except from people just liking it but I'm going to double-check cuz I'm not 100% sure.
Okay so it's time for our final call and response which will be my own. I literally have to bring up the my inspiration, my muse to *laughs* to do this. Okay so like, my whole inspiration for this prompt was the fact that like Azusa never got like an actual profile. Like it's all just question marks and um, we're going to fix that. And that's why I got the idea like, “oh that be really funny like everyone just rewrote things.” Let's go for the serious one first. That way I can do that and then I can goof. So my serious profile rewrite for Azusa and I did not write this beforehand, so… yeah! Let’s see… “Likes: his brother. Dislikes: hypocrites, himself.” Uh, that’s such a… *laughs*
That's such a mood. Every dude in this game is like self-loathing and some way. But I mean that's just how people are so I mean I guess it's not actually like that much of a stretch. But anyway. “Hobby… ………” Uh. You know, it's bad that I can't think of anything not just because like, I can't think of anything, but because he's one of my favorites and I'm like, “does he even have hobbies” like I'm not - I'm sure he does but I mean… “Hobby: telling Randy to shut up” I don't know. Uh, “Skill: onmyojutsu” just because we're basic and that was our serious one. And now for the fun one.
Um…. okay so, “Likes: his family. Dislikes: people. Hobby: ……….. you know. Skill: being a jackass” I don't know. I'm not even going to try and improv a description. Oh, poor Azusa. Although I do wonder if- when he gets a sequel, I wonder if that… I wonder if they’re gonna, like, continue making the, you know, kinda like additional info thing or if we’re gonna get like, a real profile for- Okay like, okay. I would be so fucking mad if like once he gets his sequel and they put like his like, um, like second profile thing and it's literally just all *laughs* it’s all question marks. I would be so fucking mad. I’d be like “come on PLEASE. PLEASE DON’T DO THIS TO US.” Okay anyways, so that was call and response. Thank you guys for coming on this journey with me. Um, that was fraught with recording problems and I'm not looking forward to transcribing this, but sometimes you just got to do what you got to do.
All right, so it’s time to review Sigurd’s route. His route had come out a bit before I started playing, and I vaguely remember getting a notification about it, but honestly I don’t remember too much about it. I was playing Yukiya at the time and while I thought Sigurd was cute, I was too lost in the Yukiya sauce to do anything but Yukiya-related stuff. 
It honestly took me a while to play Sigurd’s route, like i played it for the first time last year, and like. I just genuinely enjoy Sigurd so much. Like he’s such a funny guy and so sweet. Falling in love with a guy like that just feels natural. And the story handled it super well too. The story balances plot and romance very well and they feel very cohesive. 
The plot was really solid, with enough ends left to get resolved in Mel’s route. But then again, I’m very partial to this mystery series and no, I’m not just saying that bc I cosplay sol maiden!Liz. It’s a good story idea, bront. Not to mention there’s like, a lot of fluff in Sigurd’s. I mean it absolutely has upsetting moments, but it’s just. Okay like I don’t mean to get on a soapbox or whatever, but it’s just. I feel like my culture gets inundated with these images of cishet relationships where men don’t treasure their partners. I acknowledge it’s toxic and it’s a serious problem and all, trust me this sort of thing is something I’ve taken enough classes on to consider it an unofficial minor, but like I’M SO TIRED OF SEEING THESE CISHET MEN BE JERKS TO THEIR CISHET GIRLFRIENDS. Like really, we’re gonna romanticize a dude being a jerk to his girlfriend and not show the repercussions of this sort of behavior and act like it’s normal? Really? That’s what we’re gonna do? So like any media that portrays a guy as being loving and smitten and affectionate with his partner is just. That’s so refreshing and so WONDERFUL like I eat that stuff UP. Like it’s so clear Sigurd is so taken with the MC and it’s just like hot chocolate on a cold day. 
So yeah the plot’s good and Sigurd is just. Wonderful. But I also love how much lore we got in this route. We got country names, continent names, what sort of extra curriculars the academy has. Even some Goldstein lore. In my opinion, the best routes usually have some hella cool lore details and this route had a lot. 
And this is a minor thing but. As someone who was raised with their cousins and stuff, they just nailed the cousin interactions between Klaus and Sigurd. I have a cousin who, as of now actually since birthdays, is the same age as me, although usually I’m older. My cousin and I mess with each other all the time and he bullies me constantly. I’m just kidding, I’m definitely the Sigurd to his Klaus. And like Sigurd and Klaus, we actually play a lot of games together, or play the same game at once. We’re both really into video games and his latest hobby is bullying my brand new Fire Emblem husband Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd. But in all seriousness, the game handled then well and the only way they could’ve made it more realistic is if they kept poking each other and making weird noises at each other. I mean, do you REALLY have a cousin if you don’t greet them by screeching like a pterodactyl? 
Typing this all out makes me realize how weird my cousin and I are. 
Okay but anyway. This route is very good and Sigurd is just an absolute doll. I highly recommend reading.
And that’s it for us today!! Thank you guys for tuning in this week. I’m sorry this episode is late. I was going to record it yesterday but something happened and basically made me give up on doing anything I wanted to do yesterday. But anyway, I hope you guys enjoyed this episode and hopefully next episode will be on time!! With that, have a great week! This is Mari, signing off.
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rainbat · 5 years
campaigning through disney affiliated companies is more effective than non-disney affiliated ones tho bc they’re never going to sell the rights to their competitors. in the extremely unlikely case that the show gets picked up or continued in some capacity, it would be disney themselves doing it - most likely either on disney channel (as they’ve reversed decisions before) or disney+ bc those are their family friendly networks/platforms.
but how wouldn’t an email or a letter be less effective than social media based campaigns? spamming instagram comments as fans have been doing (just look at any of disneychannel’s ig posts - it’s all #saveandimack #renewandimack) is good, but the people in charge of these decisions aren’t running the disneychannel instagram account. wouldn’t something sent directly to gary marsh be more likely to be seen by him than a comment on a post made by a social media employee?
i mean, sadly i think disney is the only hope (and it’s very little hope at that). they’re not going to give their top show to netflix or nickelodeon or anything.
Hey this is all totally valid if the show was JUST cancelled. Unfortunately it wasn’t. As I’ve said before, it was cancelled in February (or before, I just know that’s when Josh found out). Because of the late press announcement, I’m assuming there was a long period of time where Disney tried to see if they could get it picked up by another one of their networks, and the final answer was: no. Unless they knew they were gonna get a lot of backlash and they purposely waited but.. I really don’t think that’s why since the show has a small following.
Second point: An email/letter is less effective cos each is individual. The way the forms work is that 1 person could be sending in 50 of the same thing, they don’t have real numbers. Whereas comments and tweets you can see the individual accounts/likes/support, you get a better estimate on where your numbers are. #’s are, honestly, the MOST effective thing in our current social-media driven lives. 
Similarly, Gary Marsh is not reading your emails or letters, his intern or assistant is, which is the same level as the person running the accounts. They have their own personal emails they use, not the ones you think are theirs that are posted on websites.
When you tweet or @ people, however. It isnt just them seeing it. It’s everyone  who follows them or follows someone who follows them, etc. Theres a HUGE train that leads people there. An email? No. It goes to one person’s inbox to be read or ignored by one person. There’s a point where tweets cannot be ignored. If SO many people interact with something that has @ someone, that person will reply if it has enough engagement.
Look at B99 for example. Disney (FOX) owned it. They decided they did not want it anymore. This was MONTHS in the making. We (fans of the show previously) knew it was coming, just as we knew AM was coming. Obviously it had a much bigger following than Andi Mack did, so the public outreach was greater. But in the end, it was social media that got it saved. All the #s, all the celebrity outreach, all the noise, it was what got it through. And what picked it up? NBCUniversal. Nothing connected with Fox or Disney. 
I’m not saying thats the case with everything, obviously. But B99, Fox’s best rated live-action comedy, getting cancelled and given off to NBC is definite proof to counter your point: “they’re never going to sell their rights to competitors” Because they do if they don’t care.
And I just,,, do not think Disney cares at all. 
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honeyparker · 6 years
nederlander — t.h.
summary: it’s a lively and lovely night at the nederlander theatre
a/n: this is from the first request ever sent into my inbox a loooooong time ago. whoop im so sorry. i used the tour cast instead of the way cast. ben is ben cook and josh is josh burrage. also i START HIGHSCHOOL TOMORROW so fics will be coming out more slowly, so sorry
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“I’m going to be on Broadway.”
The words tumble out of your mouth faster than you prefer, faster than you wish they had.
You’re not sure what to expect from your friends. Yes, they all knew your time on Spider-Man would be short. A small part of Homecoming, that was set in stone from the beginning. They knew that all along. However, they did believe they’d have a little more time then a month or two.
And they also knew that, while you love screen acting, Broadway was and is your dream. It’s everything you love — dancing, singing, acting, live audiences — and they knew they should be happy for you. Most of them are.
“Oh my god,” squeals Zendaya as she wraps her arms around you. “What show? What part? When did you even audition? Answer me!”
“Well uh, I went when I told you guys I was seeing my parents,” you admit, twiddling with your fingers shyly.
“What?” Laura replies, shocked. “Why?”
Your voice comes out gentle and timid. “Well I, I just didn’t want to get my hopes up by letting other people know, so I kept it to myself.”
“Okay, so,” Jacob says excitedly. “What role? Show? When do you leave?”
“Well,” your cheeks turn red with excitement and happiness. “Katherine Plumber in Newsies!” You scream, unable to hold your excitement and eagerness in for much longer.
“Oh my god!” Zendaya puts her hands on your shoulders. “Isn’t that like, your favorite musical?”
“Yes, yes, yes!” You jump up and down, a hyper feeling filling your body.
“I’m so proud of you!” Laura giggles as she pulls you into a tight hug, rocking you back and forth.
Jacob pipes up from next to her. “Seriously, me too.”
“Tom?” You ask as you pull away nervously, pulling your sweater over your hands and onto your palms. “What do you think?”
You know you should be happy with your accomplishments, with what you’ve done. And the reactions of your other friends, the support they’ve shown you and are currently showing you. But you can’t help but wonder what Tom thinks, what’s going on in that beautiful and complex head of his, why he isn’t happy for you, or so it seems.
“It’s great,” he mutters dejectedly before standing up, turning away, and walking out the door.
You don’t say goodbye to Tom before you leave for New York. You try to, you really do, but he avoids you. When you walk into a room, he walks out. When you say hello, he mutters a quiet and short response before leaving.
You text him the day you leave. Standing in the Atlanta Airport, waiting for your flight.
To: Tom Holland
hey. am boarding soon. just wanted to say goodbye.
You sit send with a quiet sigh caught in your throat, by the lump that’s taken it’s place.
It’s a lively and lovely night at the Nederlander Theatre. Three months into your run of the show, three months of fulfilled dreams and happiness. Three months of little to no Tom.
You miss him. That much you can admit to yourself. Because as much as you don’t want to, as big of a dick he was before you left, your heart hurts and is heavy for the boy who’d become your best friend. You’re not sure what the two of you are anymore.
“Y/N,” Ben knocks on your dressing room door. “Five minutes,” he reminds you before shutting the door.
“Okay, thanks, Ben!” You call after him.
There are benefits to not being in the first couple of scenes of the show. You can listen to the audience and how they’re doing, what they’re reacting you. You can take your time getting ready. You can do extensive warm ups. You can long for a text from your best friend. The last one might be exclusive to you.
“Katherine, those boys are counting on you,” you recite, pushing yourself into your fake set chair. You can barely see the crowd, too blinded by the bright lights of the stage and the fourth wall, but you can feel them. You can feel their heat and their energy as you belt out your last notes before stomping off stage.
The rest of the show goes perfectly. Often, there are problems, like the splitting of the boys’ pants, or dropping of the newspaper. But it goes perfectly tonight, a rarity. You feel pride swell in your chest.
“Knock knock,” Ben says happily, opening the door to your dressing room. “Did you already go to the stage door?”
“Yeah,” you pull an earring from your ear. “Really nice audience tonight. Met a real cute little girl at the stage door, dressed as Katherine.”
He takes a seat on the little couch in the corner. “Think I saw her too. Simply adorable. Anyway, there are people waiting for you in the hallway. Also, stage manager got flowers for you. Someone dropped them off. Spider-Man?” He says, voice layed in confusion
“Really?” You stand up excitedly. “Why didn’t you tell me?”
“Calm down,” Ben laughs. “They’re not going anywhere.”
You bolt out the door, quickly pushing yourself through waves of cast members and friends. “Oof, sorry Josh, yeah, okay, sorry!” You scream in apology over your shoulder.
Laura is the first one you see. She’s got a bright smile spread over her face, her arms crossed as she checks her phone. Zendaya, Jacob, and Angourie stand next to her, basically doing the same.
Their heads snap up. “Y/N?”
You squeeze Jacob, holding him tightly. “I didn’t know you guys were coming!”
“Well,” Laura starts. “We were in New York for a few scenes and couldn’t pass up surprising our favorite Broadway star! You were great!”
“Yeah, really amazing,” agreed Zendaya. “Now I see why Newsies is your favorite.”
“It really is the best, huh?” You joke, hands on your hips.
And then you hear it. A soft voice, laced underneath a British accent and a layer of light. Tom.
“Guys, the bathroom is— Y/N, hi.”
“Hi?” You reply awkwardly.
“We’re gonna give you guys some space. Meet some of your friends,” Jacob says as he pulls the girls away.
“So,” you rock back and forth on the heels on your feet. “Hi.”
Tom stuffs his hands into his pocket. “Hey.”
“What are— what are you doing here?” You motion to the room around you.
“I missed you,” admits Tom. “So much.”
The lump in your throat gets bigger. “We would’ve stayed in touch, if not for you.”
He looks down at his shoes, voice caught in his throat.
“Why do you do it, huh?” You press, pushing his chest with your finger. “Do you know how much it hurt? I thought you hated me! I still do. You were my best friend and you broke me. Didn’t even say goodbye.”
His voice cracks. “Were?”
“That’s all you got of that whole spiel, really? Selective hearing.”
You’re angry. Red hot, white hot. It’s clouding your vision and and your senses and your judgement. You can’t listen to a word that’s coming out of his mouth, too upset and too hurt. Sadness and anger were always something that went hand in hand with you.
“I—,” Tom moves his feet awkwardly. “Was scared. Am scared. Because, well I was losing you.”
“So you chose to lose me even more?”
“I’m stupid, I know,” he runs his hands through his hair. “But I’m just so goddamn in love with you, the thought of you leaving hurt me so bad. Because I thought if I pushed you away, it would hurt less, but God, Y/N, it still hurt so bad. Even more, I guess.”
“You’re so fucking stupid, Tom,” you cross your arms. “So fucking stupid.”
“Yeah, I know.”
“But I fucking love you, you fucking dumbass.”
“Yeah,” you mutter as you pull his lips closer to yours. “So much.”
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