#just imagine remus making sirius read the lotr books
hazy-cosmic-skies · 6 months
au where remus grew up with his muggle mum so he has a super deep interest in something like star trek, or like ancient egypt or lord of the rings, and sirius, who had never heard abt these muggle things could listen to him talk for hours
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le-panda-chocovore · 7 months
Hello.... If you don't mind me asking, who are your favorite romantic relationship's couples in books/ manga/ anime/movies/tv series (can be canon or non-canon)? Feel free if you want to write the reasons or not of why you love them...Thanks if you want to answer....
Hello !
That's a dangerous ask, I don't know if I'll be able to answer... Do you have any idea how many books/manga/movies I read/watched and how much I loved them ? Making me listing things is like the worst thing you could ask T_T
I'll skip books because 1. I don't usually ship people -or all my ships are canons- when I read a novel and 2. there's way too many books I can't sort them all.
Let's try this game ~
Okay I'll only talk about my absolute favs, even tho I know it'll still be too long
Manga / Anime !
MHA/BNHA : EraserMic, BakuDeku (i KNOW they're toxic but I have a very precise idea of their relationship)
JJK (I'm already crying why would you make me do this) : SuguSato.
AssClass : Karushuu, Karmagisa, GakuRen (no I couldn't choose one true pair)
Haikyuu (ah... you lost me here, good luck for reading lol) : Iwaoi, KuroKen, BokuAka, UshiTen, BokuAkaKuroKen (yes the four of them), MatsuHana, TsukkiYama, KuroTsukki, AkaKen, BoKuroo, AsaNoya, KageHina, SugaSawa
ATLA : Zukka, Sukka (suki x zuko x sokka), MaiLee
ORV : Kim Dokja x Yoo Jonghyuk
OP : Shuggy
Death Note : L x Light
19Days : Jian Yi x Zheng Xi
Shows & Series (animated or not)
Helluva Boss/Hazbin Hotel : Static Moth (vox x val), FizzarOzzie, AngelHusk, Charlie x Vaggie
The Sandman : Dreamling also known as centennial husbands ( Dream x Hob Gadling)
Good Omens : AziraCrow also known as ineffable spouses/husbands/wives/idiots, Adam x Warlock, Newt x Anathema
Loki disney+ : Lokius
TGP : all the canon couples
Young Royals : WilMon
Movies :
Avengers/MCU : IronFrost (Loki x Tony Stark), Stucky
LOTR/Hobbit : Gigolas, Bagginshield, SamFrodo
HP (I know, we do NOT talk about this franchise) : WolfStar (Remus x Sirius)
Let's stop there because I can't think of anything else right now and there are already way too many ships lmao. It'll be worse if I justify them, anyway most of them are obvious so I won't need to lol
Just gonna precise some little things :
About AssClass my vision is Karmagisa / GakuRen when we're talking about Junior High but Karushuu if I imagine the after-manga when they're in High School
Haikyuu is just, multiship, allship, ship everywhere and everything, heterosexuality doesn't exist anyway. Polyships ? Of course, since they all love each other !!
Hear me out for One Piece, Shanks and Buggy are that messy ex-couple that hate each other because they were never able to move on, so they still fuck sometimes.
Never ask me something like that again, I will lose myself in thoughts (please don't hesitate to ask for more, I love talking)
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goodtweetbadtweet · 8 months
19, 22, 24 and 32! ❤️
Oh thanks for asking 💜 I’m gonna put my rambling under a cut.
19. Tell me a story about your writing journey. When did you start? Why did you start? Were there bumps along the way? Where are you now and where are you going?
I have been reading fanfic since I was about twelve, starting with LotR, but the earliest thing I really remember writing were these stories about this group of online-turned-offline friends that I had when I was fifteen. We all wrote a different ‘alternate universe’ versions of our little group going on some adventure. In hindsight, the stories were relatively cringey and obviously full of inside jokes, but to put it in cliche terms, it ignited a spark. Around that same time I read a really popular HP/marauders fanfic that actually inspired me to read the HP books and then I was brave enough/inspired to write my first fanfics. At first I wrote something that I thought people would want to read (in my own language) so I tried writing stuff like Sirius/Remus, and I was so used to constant praise for my writing (because my readers were all my friends) that it started to feel fake almost. Eventually I just wanted to write something that nobody I knew would ever see, so I chose a username nobody would think to connect to me, started writing in English and wrote something I actually wanted to write which was a self-indulgent, practically self-insert OC romance fic. Cringe, maybe. But so much fun.
So I’ve been writing on and off for nearly 18 years, mostly off, and you don’t even need all your fingers and toes to count the things I’ve finished. I’m not the most productive. It’s the same as with any hobby; I get really into it for a while and then eventually it fizzles out. I take breaks that last months, years even. I am at a point where I don’t know if I’ll ever call myself a good writer, but there are certain parts of my writing that I actually really love. For the first time I’m also writing with intent and not just making stuff up as I go along and I want to challenge myself a little more, exploring some darker themes etc.
22. How organized are you with your writing? Describe to me your organization method, if it exists. What tools do you use? Notebooks? Binders? Apps? The Cloud?
Not very. I am generally an organized person, but when I write I put the whole story and everything related to that into one Google Doc. I can’t stand having to switch between documents or having anything separate.
24. How much prep work do you put into your stories? What does that look like for you? Do you enjoy this part or do you just want to get on with it?
Honestly? Not enough probably. When I have an idea for a story, it can be anything from one scene that evolves into something entirely different or a whole story arc that just appears out of thin air. Like, Kendall/Avery literally started off as ‘Kendall meets a girl in rehab and has sex with her’ and was meant to be a one shot. And Lukas/Gia came to me sort of fully formed late at night. My plans are usually very short, just a quick list of things that happen in each chapter. Since I write exclusively romance/smut/relationships, I start writing from the point where the characters meet because that’s usually very clear in my mind, and then I write a bunch of unrelated scenes that I have already imagined taking place. Eventually I backtrack to the actual beginning and try to write chronologically, but it’s a lot of back and forth and connecting these scattered scenes with each other. But there is always a plan, even if it is constantly evolving it doesn’t fundamentally change, and I always know what I’m writing towards. So basically, no, I don’t do a lot of prep work, but while I’m writing I’m working on the entire story at once. I also don’t like prep work, but it is helpful and it keeps me in check.
Back when I did zero planning, I started writing and posting a Bucky Barnes/OC story chapter by chapter and it went off the rails a little bit and eventually turned into a Tony Stark/OC story which… made sense and it was kind of like the characters had a life of their own, but obviously that wasn’t what my readers had signed up for. If I had a plan, maybe that wouldn’t have happened or I would’ve realized it was inevitable while planning. Idk. That story was/is 130k words and technically I never finished or wanted it to end where it did, but I lost interest and a few years later I came back to it to see that it had run its course and the ending actually kind of worked as ‘the finale.’ Sometimes I have a hard time ending things; a plan helps with that.
32. What is a line from a poem/novel/fanfic etc that you return to from time and time again? How did you find it? What does it mean to you?
“You all know, don’t you, that if people are frightened very often, they sometimes become invisible.”
From the short story The Invisible Child by Tove Jansson. And I don’t know if it’s this line specifically, but off the top of my head this is a story that comes to mind as something that has held meaning for me since I was young and now again as a parent. It’s about Ninny, who has literally turned invisible due to living with her child-hating, abusive aunt. In a nutshell: she comes to live with the Moomin family, finds respect and love and learns to speak for herself. In many ways I relate to Ninny a lot and I think somewhere along the way I overcorrected and instead of being invisible, people pleasing and afraid I became almost confrontational and too tough. Inside I will always be Ninny, though.
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Ninny in the Moomin anime
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sehnsuchts-trunken · 2 years
Hello! I was wondering if I could get a merlin, lotr and marauders era hp matchup/ship request? Thank you! My pronouns are she/her and I’m bisexual.
Personality: I originally come off as quiet, and aloof. It can seem standoffish but I don’t mean it too I just don’t trust very easily and am uncomfortable with strangers/new environments. I am my best when I am by myself or with my closest friends. With my closest friends I’m quite open, fun and talkative especially when talking abt things that interest me. Im quite the good listener as well when it comes to my more extroverted friends. Im also introverted, imaginative, creative, individualistic, reserved, structured and picky in my own way, all sprinkled with a little bit of sarcastic humor.
Hobbies: Digital Art is probably my biggest hobby. If I could I would spend all day at home with my trusty tablet and stylus drawing with an audiobook of my favorite novel/tv show running in the background. Apart from art I absolutely love working out. I kickbox and weight lift most days of the week. Lastly I love playing video games, spending time at comic book stores, the movies and coffee shops.
Interests: I work in the digital media arts and love creative coding, interaction design, and computer graphics. I think my favorite thing is that combination between the artistic and the technological.
Love language: this one is definitely acts of service.
Thank you!
oh hello again, i remember you from last time! because you got a hobbit matchup back then, for the lotr matchup i definitely am going to specifically use lotr characters, so hopefully you'll enjoy this one too! (it is a good sign you came back, isnt it?) btw sorry i couldn’t work your digital art into this well, all of the worlds kind of dont have tech? but you can imagine that its digital
for merlin,
I ship you with
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- Guinevere is as sweet as they come, but that does not mean that she’s not totally fierce too. It was easy for you to fall for her, just as it was easy for her to fall for you. 
- She adores watching you work on your art, especially when you give it to her after. She has a whole drawer in her desk just for all the pages you draw onto. When you work, she’ll read a book, though she most often won’t read and instead stare at you over the rim of it. She’s not very subtle, either, so even if you’re concentrated you can basically feel her eyes burn into your hands. 
- She always blushes when you do something for her, though you do it often. She’s used to doing the work around the castle, so when you suddenly pick up the things she’s supposed to carry or take the books from her hand or sweep when she’s busy otherwise, she doesn’t quite know how to react apart from thanking you and smiling so deeply her dimples show. You think it’s the moments she’s the most beautiful. 
for harry potter, 
I ship you with
Remus Lupin!
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- Remus is as out of this world as you are. He matches you perfectly, your sarcasm meeting his halfway out of your mouth, your quiet exterior but chaotic mind the same his is. With him, you can share anything and everything and not fear misunderstanding. 
- The first time he saw you working out, he dropped the things he was holding and had to try three times to make a spell work that would put his broken ink bottle back together and the spilled black ink back inside it. After that, he watches you whenever he can. He doesn’t join in, even if you ask him to, he’ll just deny it, and he’ll always have some parchment or book in front of him, but both of you know that that’s a ruse and nothing else so that he can stare at you train. 
- You absolutely turn every conversation into a sarcasm competition, and every snide remark that you can think of he’s also thinking of, and then it’s “who can say this faster and win”. Sometimes you team up and throw so many sarcastic comments at your friends for doing something stupid that James will end up screaming and dragging Sirius and Peter out of the room while you’ll turn to look at Remus and the two of you will double over with laughter. 
for lotr, 
I ship you with
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- Haldir is quiet, he thinks before he says or does anything. As an elf, he has the time to. Unlike you, this doesn’t change when he gets to know someone better. He’s always like that, but you don’t mind - you can sit for hours in silence with him, especially outside. While you draw, he’ll braid your hair or read a book or work on some paper or just sit and enjoy the time to think. 
- It’s different though, very different, when you work out with him. While you focus on the body itself, he, as most elves, uses bow and sword, and he’s as talented as none other with both of them. But he lets you walk him through your routine once, and he does the same for you. The both of you rather stick to your own things, but you do gladly practise together. He’ll use an old sword for training as you do your best to sweep his feet from under him or get his face, and when you lift him up, he shoots at trees and later on, orcs. 
- He’s not as used to physical closeness, so he won’t be the guy who necessarily cuddles up to you, but when you ask him to hug you or kiss you, he always will. And when you do something for him, especially when you take out an enemy that was his to fight, he gets the deepest, most genuine smile on his face and always catches you in his arms, pulling you close to him and placing a kiss on your head. Or, well, not in battle, but once you’re both safe and sound again. 
can’t tell if you’ll like your results, so if you don’t, gladly come back for another round! 
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casualmaraudering · 4 years
so i can't get family feels out of my head so have some headcanons feat wolfstar having their first baby
Sirius is immediately so excited at first
and even though it's a nine month long wait (even longer with a procedure of getting a surrogate and all) he's so very happy
he physically cannot go shopping without coming back with at least one bag of baby stuff
the socks are so tiny, he's not strong enough to resist
he clears a room in the house right away. Remus doesn't let him turn it into a nursery that fast, but they designate it as the baby stuff pile and so Sirius puts all the shopping bags there
and really, Remus acts as if he's more calm about the whole ordeal but he also contributes to the baby pile quite fast
Sirius will randomly grin to him and go "we're gonna have a family" and how can you not love this man when he's this happy about it?
around the halfway mark is where things turn different
it's when they start painting the nursery, buying furniture, and slowly coming up with names when Sirius has A Thought
it being: what if i end up like my parents
what if the baby hates me like i hated my dad and mom
what if they won't feel at home here like i did
he panics, and internalises it, and therefore freaks himself out even more
he lets it slip during a dinner with James and Lily. the remainder of the dinner is spent with everyone telling him what a fantastic dad he's going to be and why are his thoughts such bullshit
even Regulus texts him the next day saying the kid will be happy to have such a home
they don't have a baby shower so to say, but there is a gathering of friends and family where everyone gifts them things. and also there's cute cupcakes (gender neutral ones, cause Sirius and Remus 1 don't want to make the gender a weirdly big deal 2 they want to find out at birth so no gender reveals) and James cries a lot about being an uncle
Sirius quits smoking finally
Sirius decides he doesn't need instructions to put furniture together
he is immediately defeated by an ikea wardrobe
Remus puts it together with surprising ease. he uses the instructions though
the nursery is yellow (Remus's favourite colour)
Sirius buys so many glow in the dark stars. so. many
the stars and the moon are a theme, of course. there's a little mobile with some stars and the moon in the centre, the furniture has star shaped handles, there's a little space rug, and there's also wolf and dog plushies - they go all out and yes, it's sappy, but it's their baby okay, they get to be sappy
they spend a lot of nights just cuddled together and talking about the family they'll have
Sirius cries so hard when he sees the baby for the first time
Remus also cries. but Sirius honestly tears up every time he sees the baby for like. the entire day
just imagine those two boys holding hands and having the biggest smiles on their faces looking at their little baby
the few black hairs on his head and the tiny hands and the little feet and small chubby cheeks
they name him Leo
(Regulus has no excuse not to visit now)
they talk to the baby a lot
Remus reads him his favourite books as a way to pass time. Pride and Prejudice, Dorian Gray, LOTR, all that. he also comments quite a lot, pretending as if he's having an actual discussion with a one month old baby
Sirius's favourite past time is just holding his baby, or just literally lying there while Leo sleeps on his chest. it's so simple and yet he's so happy about it
Sirius starts to wear his hair in a very secure bun. having a baby pulling your hair is very much not a fun thing
Remus has a pretty unregulated lifestyle anyway so he's mostly up at night, while Sirius loves to get up in the morning so he's in charge of breakfast and entertaining in the mornings
sometimes if it's particularly early and Remus argues he doesn't want to get out of bed yet, Sirius will just put Leo into bed with Remus and they'll just hang out there, it's extremely adorable
Sirius sings french lullabies, and talks in french quite a lot. basically any time Remus isn't around his brain wires back to french and so the baby will absolutely be bilingual at this rate
Remus goes back to work when Leo is around 6 months old - he's a very work oriented person, he'd honestly go insane if he had to stay at home all the time
Sirius is more than happy to rebrand to a stay at home dad
it only results in a handful of disasters a day at first
Remus doesn't need to know ok
Sirius likes to say he's got his shit together emotionally and then Leo says his first word (which is 'dada') and he cries so hard
Remus will have Leo on his lap when grading homework and will, of course, chat with his dutiful assistant quite a lot
"Can you imagine Maddie wrote this? This is the worst paper of hers I've ever read"
"Exactly. I'll have to have a word with her on Monday"
James visits them at least twice a week, he can't just not see his favourite nephew less often ok
Leo's first Halloween, Sirius dresses him up as a little ghost
they don't go trick or treating, but they take a lot of pictures. and then when the baby sleeps the adult eat far too much candy and watch horror movies and snuggle
Sirius has always had a Christmas spirit, but when it's Leo's first Christmas it hits So much harder than usual
he decorates the house on the first of december and nearly falls off the ladder several times
his Google history for the month being: "can a 9 month old drink eggnog" "can a baby eat gingerbread cookies" "can i take a baby sledding" and whatnot
despite that the house has too many decorations, Remus really doesn't mind the holiday spirit cause Sirius is truly in his element every December, and now he seems twice as happy as usual
he, of course, puts mistletoe on the doorframe of the kitchen. cause yes they're married with a baby but that doesn't mean they can't make out in the door like teenagers
James puts a hat with antlers on Leo and proceeds to take so many pictures and send them to literally everyone he knows
Lily and Sirius make and decorate gingerbread cookies and this time there's only a few penis shaped ones. they've all grown up yall
Leo gets the most presents, of course
and by the time he's in bed sleeping, and everyone leaves after Christmas dinner, Sirius and Remus curl up by the fireplace and talk about what a good year they've had
and when New Year's comes along, their only resolutions are to try and make their little boy as happy as possible
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ghoste-catte · 4 years
G, Q & T! ♥
G - Do you remember your first OTP, if so who was in it?  
Ohhhh, the halcyon days of my youth ... My veryvery first OTP was Merry and Pippin from Lord of the Rings. A friend introduced me to the concept of fanfiction because her big sister was really into it, and I very quickly went from “well this is weird” to “actually I love this”. My entire justification for shipping them was pretty much “they’re my two faves”, lol.  In my defense, I was in like seventh grade and the LOTR movies had just come out (dating myself here), and my friends and I were all absolutely obsessed with them. Like, watching all the deleted scenes and actor commentary ... it was a whole thing. Anyway, that was back in the day where a lot of content was scattered across people’s private websites, various LiveJournal communities, and (gag) fanfiction.net. So it was really hard to find content, which there wasn’t a lot of for that ship to begin with, and I pretty quickly moved on to other ships and fandoms. 
Q - A ship you’ve abandoned and why  
I used to be a huuuuuge WolfStar (Remus x Sirius from Harry Potter) shipper. That was back when the Harry Potter books were still actively being published (between books 3 and 5 I believe), and there was so much content, which I absolutely soaked up like a sponge. I can’t really say why I moved on from it. I just sort of gravitated to other fandoms after the last book, I guess. I’ve occasionally dipped back in to see if I could catch some of that spark again because, genuinely, my obsession with them was consuming--I read so much fic, I made art, I make mixes, I made collages on the floor of my bedroom--but I just haven’t ever been able to really recapture it. And of course in recent years, canon has left an increasingly sour taste in my mouth, so it’s hard for me to imagine returning to it. 
T - Do you have any hard and fast headcanons that you will die defending, about anything at all (gender identity, sexual or romantic orientation, extended family, sexual preferences like top/bottom/switch, relationship with poetry, seriously anything)  
My headcanons are generally pretty flexible? I sort of start out fresh and new with each story and build around what I want the story to be about, rather than having a preestablished fanon world in my head. Hell, I bend canon to fit my needs all the time too. 
The one thing I would say I really, really feel strongly about is that interpreting Gaara’s violent childhood as the result of schizophrenia in modern/non-Naruto AUs is a fundamental misunderstanding of his character and the nature of his mental health in canon. Gaara does not experience psychosis in canon. He has neither the positive (hallucinations, delusions) nor the negative symptoms (withdrawal, self-neglect, catatonia) of schizophrenia. He is perfectly aware of the division between reality and his own thoughts, it’s simply that what is going on around and within him is, y’know, magic bullshit. If anything, he’s too firmly immersed in the pain of his reality to the point that it’s inescapable for him and the only way he can cope with it is through externalizing. And using the fact that he had a literal demon sealed inside him and that he was an extrajudicial murderer as a teen (because all the Naruto characters are murderers, really, it’s just a matter of whether or not that murder is sanctioned by the state) is just ... a gross misinterpretation of both what Gaara went through and why he was the way he was AND what schizophrenia is at the same time. Plus it plays into very nasty, very ableist tropes about people with psychosis being violent and murderous, especially when the AU has Shukaku manifesting as a command hallucination that makes Gaara hurt people. I can be sold on a lot of different mental health issues as a modern OR canon interpretation of Gaara’s experiences (and I’ve written him with a variety of different struggles in my own fics), and I’m not wholly opposed even to him having psychotic symptoms, as long as the line isn’t drawn from “he has psychosis” to “and that’s why he hurt people as a child/teenager”. 
fandom meme: come at me friend!
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leta-the-strange · 6 years
A far too long, fever-induced Unpopular Opinion, likely first of many, (keeping in mind that is it an opinion and not expressed at all in mean spirit): The casting/character ages in Fantastic Beasts.
Again, this is likely a wildly unpopular opinion because I’ve never come across anyone who has even touched slightly on the subject, but it is an, admittedly minor, detail that got me thinking a little. Again, in the grand scheme of things, it doesn’t matter a great deal and I’m sure I’m still going to enjoy the series either way but it’s just a personal opinion I’ve had nonetheless.
I do understand the organic nature of film and the flexibility you need to allow. Sometimes the character will be pitched or imagined as a certain age, but it doesn’t translate into film well (think LOTR or GOT, etc) or the casting directors like an actor who is obviously much younger or older so much that it trumps the desired age bracket. And most times, it is purposely done that way especially in teen-based movies and tv shows (90210, Smallville, Gossip Girl, PLL, etc, etc) which lead to wildly inaccurate expectations of what teenagers look and act like (in my high school experience anyway). Sometimes for legal and professional reasons, its more convenient to have adult actors portray younger characters. 
Often pre-imagined characters evolve and change to fit the actor that is set to portray them whether it be gender, race, age, hair colour, eye colour, relationships, characterisation, etc. Sometimes this is celebrated, goes unnoticed or is a disappointment.
I suppose what I’m trying to say is that I understand that it comes down to a matter of priorities.
Neville, Petunia and Dudley were all blondes in the books. Did it really matter that the actors weren’t (and didn’t dye their hair for the role?) IMO, nah not really. I know a lot of people still can’t forgive the ‘you have your mothers eyes’ issue. I can. Partially. Personally, I didn’t mind Harry’s signature “green as a fresh pickled toad” eyes being blue in the film because Daniel Radcliffe couldn’t wear the contacts. Only auditioning actors with green eyes, the rarest eye colour on the planet, would exclude a lot of talented actors and potentially perfect Harry’s. I don’t believe green eyes were essential to Harry’s character (but I can’t speak for everyone), I think there were more important qualities. Geraldine Somerville, who played the older Lily Potter, also had blue eyes. But then, after making a huge deal over Harry having his mothers’ eyes, they cast young Lily, with whom they do close up, full face scenes of, with big brown eyes. I’m not saying she didn’t do an excellent job – she did wonderfully. I suppose it was just a strange decision in the eyes (pun not intended) of a lot of fans that the casting of a two or so minute role precluded what seemed to be such an integral theme that had been woven through each book and movie so frequently. This is just an example of the questionable, dare I say for lack of a better word ‘lazy’, ‘just imagine for the sake of the plot that he/she…’ attitude that I get from HP/FB at times.
Getting back on the topic of age, one thing I did have a problem with in HP was James and Lily’s age. I don’t think I’m entirely alone in this. 21 seemed old when I was a wee one reading Harry Potter for the first time. It was only when I got older that I realised how young they were and how it added quite fundamentally to the tragedy of their short life and death. It was heartbreaking either way, don’t get me wrong, but seeing (an actual 21-year-old actor portraying) a 21-year-old young mother slain in the first flashback in Philosophers Stone would have been truly shocking. It would also add to the tragic aftermaths of Sirius and Remus too. However, I did later realise that this was probably due to having to match Alan Rickman’s casting as Snape, and later, Gary Oldman and David Thewlis (which I think were all fantastic in their roles). So, they sacrificed the canonical age of James and Lily for the casting of Snape and the Marauders (possibly). Whether this was something the fans agree or not, they prioritised what was most important, in their eyes, to the film. But then, after all of that, for some reason they keep James and Lily’s age of death as 21 on their gravestone??? Therefore, casting two barely-speaking roles to a 43 and 34-year-old who they expect the film going audience to believe are 21??? I assumed that when they did the full casting and knew that Alan Rickman, Gary Oldman and David Thewlis would look far too old for their long-deceased classmate counterparts they would just make the characters older in the films but now I think they wanted to keep film Snape, Remus and Sirius in their early to mid (and eventually late, by the end of the books) thirties and didn’t want it to look painfully obvious. I think a lot of films and tv shows do this to try and pull off the age differences. A 27-year-old actor portraying a ‘high school student’ can often pull it off until you stick them next to a real life 15-year-old. I like to believe it’s that or something other than lazy writing but I can’t know for sure. 
This brings us to my current thoughts about Fantastic Beasts which has some of the most wildly strange actor vs character casting age I’ve seen in some time. As a quick refresher (or if you don’t know…) here are the actors ages vs what their characters age is (if I’m not mistaken)...
 Eddie Redmayne - 36 / Newt Scamander – 29
Zoë Kravitz – 29 / Leta Lestrange - 29 (probably given that she was in the same year as Newt)
Ezra Miller – 26 / Credence Barebone - 18 (from an interview but still unconfirmed from filmmakers)
Katherine Waterston – 38 / Porpentina Goldstein - 25
Alison Sudol – 33 / Queenie Goldstein – early 20’s/hopefully not late teens (she’s younger than her 25-year-old sister so 24 at the absolute most but I’d say younger given the dynamic). I haven’t found a confirmed age anywhere.   
Dan Fogler – 42 / Jacob Kowalski – 26
Callum Turner – 28 / Theseus Scamander – 37
 Try and keep in mind that there is no mean spirit intended in my opinion on this. My opinion on the acting ability of each of these people isn’t necessarily relevant to this particular discussion though I do commend actors who can convincingly pull off different ages though I certainly can’t fault actors who can’t as there is only so much you can do sometimes. This is purely about what is most important – character or actor – and the relevance of it.
Eddie Redmayne, in my opinion, seems to have features that allow him quite an amount of leeway in terms of age. He starred in the mini series based off one of my favourite books, Pillars of the Earth (definitely an underrated series I heartily recommended) where he portrays his character as a teen all the way up to a man in his forties/fifties and, in my opinion, is quite believable. I think I have more trouble believing that Eddie Redmayne is 36 than I do believing Newt Scamander is 29/30 (as his birthday is in February, I’m assuming he is 30 during Crimes of Grindelwald) and even if that weren’t the case, I think a six-year difference at those ages can be neither here nor there with some people especially with the right clothes, mannerisms, etc...
Zoë Kravitz – hold on to your hats, a 29-year-old playing a 29-year-old. I haven’t done my in-depth research on the other actors not aforementioned, but I believe this may be the only occurrence of this happening in this film series.
Ezra Miller said that Credence was 18 in an interview. This is probably true, and I would’ve guessed around that age anyway. I think I double checked it on the characters wiki and it matched. As a side note, as a general rule I don’t tend to take the actors words as gospel truth until its confirmed by the writer or director. I feel like, in this film series, there are some actors that get maybe somewhat carried away and speculate rather a lot about their character and sometimes it isn’t entirely accurate. Of course, actors are usually allowed some creative control over their characters and often get little titbits about their past/future that help with their portrayal, but I have noticed some actors’ thoughts about their character don’t add up at all to what the filmmakers have also said and I know which side wins out. A lot of actors are shocked/surprised/disappointed/elated when they find out developments about their character - not even they always know what’s around the corner and sometimes what they think isn’t necessarily true. No matter how deserving, creative or insightful they are about their character, it doesn’t solely belong to them. I think a lot of fans forget this. They go on about ‘so and so said this’ and ‘so and so literally said…’ while blatantly disregarding anything J.K or the FB filmmakers say and again, I know which ones actually run the show. This has nothing to do with Ezra, to be honest, it’s just a quick observation I’ve noticed.  I’m so off topic! Anyway, Credence I would’ve put as a late teen/20-year-old at most from his character and I think Ezra has one of those faces that, like many, can float around in the weird young adolescence stage that you can can’t quite pinpoint whether they’re late teens or mid-twenties (I’m in university and pretty much anyone between 18-27ish is indistinguishable to me). Either way he’d be carded at the uni bar. I think if I met a modern-day Credence Barebone I wouldn’t think twice if he told me he was 18.
Katherine Waterston is the one I am most anxious writing about and the one I’m sure a lot of people are cocked and ready to come after me about. She’s probably also one of my two biggest irks with the age issue. Just to get this out the way, I am not the biggest Tina fan (yet). At first, it was casual indifference. I didn’t (and don’t) hate her, I just didn’t really take to her in the first film (I already have hope that the new film may sway me). It really started as simply as that. I will write a separate post on all my thoughts revolving around this because there are many. All I will say is that if you don’t love Tina or ship Newtina based on the first film, it is a very cruel and vicious fandom to be part of. At least in my experience. But that’s a different issue. Let me say firstly that I think Katherine Waterston is very beautiful and I would be happy to look like that at 38 (obviously not the same as she is very Caucasian and I’m a nut-brown Maori, but you get my point). Obviously, I don’t know how the story will unravel and how important it is but was it absolutely necessary that Tina had to be 25? I think 30 would have been passable. Or even better, she could’ve been a little (or however much) older than Newt? Normalising relationships where the woman is older than the man is something I’m here for (my sister is two years older than her boyfriend – 19 and 21 – and it’s so controversial to people??? But I know lots of relationships in the reversal). That would’ve been my ideal scenario if they had Tina originally set for 25 but discovered they really loved Katherine Waterston and decided it would be inconsequential if they wrote Tina a bit older than originally planned. However, I do think it might be the other way around. Maybe it is important that Tina is 25. This might be one of the reasons why I haven’t yet meshed with this character or either of the Goldsteins for that matter. I do admit that I forget that they are in their early and mid-twenties. I do forget that Tina is (apparently) only 25. I honestly believe that I would have liked – or at least had a lot more understanding and sympathy – for Tina’s character had it been obvious she was so young. I will explain more thoroughly in the separate post I’ll eventually write that, had FB been a book before a movie, I would likely have really enjoyed book!Tina. Please understand this particular opinion isn’t about the actor. I’m just saying that I, personally, feel like it was easy to lose sight of the fact that this character is only 25 when the actor playing her is nearly forty years old. Please don’t twist this and interpret it to being me ‘coming after’ the actor. I don’t know why age is regarded as such an insult. It’s the most beautiful, natural thing. Katherine Waterston is 38. There’s nothing wrong with that. She’s healthy and pretty and could easily pass for younger if she so desired. But again, I think sometimes why I don’t find Tina endearing at all (yet) is because I see (not in terms of the actor, the character) a 38-year-old (or round about) woman acting like a 25-year-old. This might be even harder for me to combat in the next film as she is supposed to be quite younger than newcomers Theseus and Leta (ridiculously younger than Theseus) whose actors are both twenty-somethings joining Ezra as the babies of the cast. Don’t come at me about insulting her about her age. Carmen Ejogo is 45 and she cancelled everyone in FBWTFT. A lot of people grow more and more beautiful with age. Older doesn’t mean less beautiful so let’s put that to rest immediately.
Alison Sudol looks like a fucking earth angel and she was a great Queenie. I loved Queenie’s character. Did I love Queenie as a person? No. There is a difference – again, that ties in with what I’ll eventually write about my feelings about those two. I don’t know Queenie’s age, but she is younger than Tina so at the absolute most she would be 24 but I would wager given the big-little sister dynamic they seem to be following, there’s likely more than a year’s difference. I wouldn’t have thought Queenie was so young had I not known otherwise. There are some who find her character a little more annoying than cute, but I think if she were portrayed by someone who was in fact in their early twenties, she probably wouldn’t have come across as so naïve and a little airy. A lot of development occurs in your twenties and there is a tremendous amount of personal growth by the time you hit thirty. The same issue with Tina I suppose. You can forgive a lot of Queenie’s quirks when you remember how young she is but sometimes it’s easy to forget when physically she seems older. I will have to keep in mind how young and impressionable she is still while watching her actions in Crimes of Grindelwald because again, I think I forget sometimes.
I had no idea how old Jacob was, admittedly. I guessed anywhere between 32-40 (I assumed Jacob and Queenie had a bit of an age gap either way) but I was way off. Apparently, he’s 26. My head is in my hands at this point. I know Jacob’s been through a lot (and I’m not saying Dan Fogler isn’t a cutie!) but if some guy told me he was 26 and I arranged to meet him and Jacob Kowalski (again, based on first impressions. I love Jacob) walked in, I’m calling the fucking police. There is no way he is TWENTY-SIX. I love Jacob and Newts relationship, but I never saw Jacob as being the younger one. The fact that he is younger than Newt, Leta and Theseus (again! 11 years younger than Theseus!) when he looks like he could be their fucking uncle is unreal. I don’t really know why they made Jacob so ludicrously young when there was honestly, in this case, no need. I had to track down his age because it had zero (0) relevance to the film. Only thing I can think of is maybe to make his relationship with Queenie not come across as creepy? Who knows. 
This one really hurts me. Theseus, my poor boy. The FB team really are just gonna swing around and do THAT. Callum Turner is, in my opinion, a great Theseus from what I’ve seen so far. From interviews, it looks like he adores Zoë and he has great chemistry with Eddie. They’ve also done well to find an actor with similar physical characteristics and mannerisms as Eddie Redmayne making him a very believable casting for Newt’s brother. Though later it was revealed that Theseus is supposed to be eight years older than Newt making Theseus 37/38 which I think was completely unexpected for most people. We knew from the first film that Newt was the youngest brother and even with Callum Turner only being 28, I thought with the right clothes and such they could make him look older – or at least old enough to look like he could pass as Newt’s older brother. But nearly forty? With the kind of trauma Theseus has been through not to mention the likely constant drama of his troublesome brother and fiancée (and his brothers’ new friends and extremely messed up future brother-in-law)? Does he exfoliate with the Philosopher’s Stone? Drop that skin case routine, Theseus. Again, I don’t know what the film is going to bring. Perhaps Theseus must be significantly older than Newt for plot related reasons. Maybe for the sake of the story, he had to be old enough to not attend school with Newt, or maybe their father died early on and Theseus had to grow up quickly to fill a father figure void (that could explain the complicated nature of their relationship) or it might be for any number of reasons. My only hope is that it is specifically relevant to his character and not an inconsequential detail that could easily have been adjusted when they cast such a young actor. It can be a risk having a cast of actors in their thirties and forties playing a cast of twenty-somethings convincingly, and I’ve mentioned why, but it can be pulled off though I think it’s a strange move casting an actual twenty-something year old, one of the youngest cast members, to play a character 10+ years older than some of the oldest cast members characters. I think, like with the Goldstein’s, I will have to be constantly reminding myself when understanding the character that Theseus is that much older than Newt and Leta and even more so than Tina, Queenie and Jacob. 
Again, I’m not saying the actors haven’t done a good job with their respective roles, it’s just my 4am cough medicine powered thoughts on how they’ve made some interesting choices regarding what age they’ve kept the characters vs the actors real life ages and how it, for me at least, has affected the way I’ve interpreted the characters and would I feel any different about them had they made the characters similar ages to their actors or vice versa. I might be the only person who has thought about it and it’s not even a complaint on the cast itself (it’s a great collection of actors), it’s just an observation not at all eloquently put by a flu-riddled person. 
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lvb-writer · 6 years
I was tagged by @abbywritesfiction. :) I’m doing this both to procrastinate doing my homework and assuage my guilt over my lack of participation in numerous tagging games over the last several months.
Name: Lauren
Nicknames: My classmates on my debate team call me LVB because those are my initials (hence the username @lvbwrites). Other than that I don’t really have a nickname because Lauren unfortunately just isn’t a name that works well for forming nicknames...
Gender: Female
Zodiac Sign: Aquarius
Height: 176.5 cm
Languages: English and (kind of) Spanish. I have also dabbled in studying French, Welsh, Dutch, and Irish on Duolingo (but mostly Irish -- Dia duit writeblrs!!). I also love Quenya because I’m a HUGE Tolkien nerd and LOTR fangirl (if you ever want to rant at me in my messages about anything related to middle earth, I am totally down for that FYI).
Favorite Fruits: Blueberries, apples, oranges, bananas, blackberries, strawberries...just about anything except for pineapples (sorry Shawn Spencer) and kiwis (not the bird, though, I like the bird).
Favorite Scent: One word: Petrichor
Favorite Season: Definitely autumn. I love the crispness that comes into the air, the changing colors of the trees, and the wild moody beauty and tempestuous nature of the clouds in the sky.
Favorite Color: Gray. Not a hard dark gray but a soft light gray. Most of my clothing is gray.
Favorite Animal: Wolf. I used to be obsessed with wolves and read just about any book about them I could get my hands on (Julie of the Wolves, Never Cry Wolf, Call of the Wild, White Fang, etc.). I was a wolf for Halloween two or three times (not a werewolf, just a wolf).
Coffee, Tea, or Hot Chocolate: Coffee, but I’m usually too lazy to make it for myself and too broke to buy it from Starbucks so I don’t have it very much. I like green tea though, and I’m a member of the tea club at my school (okay, mostly because my tea-obsessed friends formed it and I do it to hang out with them, but yeah). I don’t like hot chocolate because most of the time I make it I end up with a burnt mouth.
Average Hours of Sleep: I don’t even know anymore. My sleep schedule is so erratic. I get anywhere between five or four hours of sleep on weekdays to eleven hours of sleep on the weekends. I’ve pulled several all-nighters though writing essays and finishing up English homework. :/
Favorite Fictional Characters: Agh this is a bad question; I have so many! Jane Eyre, Josephine March, Jane & Skye Penderwick, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, Hari Seldon, Julian Delphiki, Paul Atreides, Dustin Henderson, Burton Guster, Doctor Who, Donna Noble, Faramir, Aragorn, Eowyn...the list could go on forever, honestly.
Number of Blankets I Sleep With: Only one, but during the winter I have an electric blanket that I use.
Blog Created: September 2017
What I Post: Poems and information about my fiction writing. I have many ideas about where I want to go with this blog and what else I’d like to post, though. Hopefully I can implement those ideas soon.
Favorite Songs: Right now anything from the Black Panther album. Specifically The Ways, All the Stars, and Pray for Me. I also love Alan Walker’s Alone, Faded, The Spectre, and Tired.
Favorite Artists: OneRepublic, Coldplay, The Weeknd, Imagine Dragons, Ellie Goulding, Twenty One Pilots
Favorite Books: The Lord of the Rings by JRR Tolkien (Ikr, big surprise), Watership Down by Richard Adams, Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen
Last Movie I Watched: Paterson because it had Adam Driver in it.
Last Thing I Googled: Paterson to check the spelling because I thought it might have been “Patterson.”
Do I Get Asks: Yes but…not really. I’d love to get more, but I guess I have to make myself more interesting first.
Followers: 237
Lucky Number: 2 or 14, because when I was younger I would always get 2nd place at track meets for running events and 14th place at cross country meets.
Instruments: I used to play the piano, but not anymore. I sang in a lot of choirs for a very long time, but not anymore. I’m not really a music person tbh, but my dad did buy a guitar recently and every once and a while I pick it up and practice chords on it.
Dream Job: Ooooh, this is another hard one. I have so many ideas of what the ideal job for me would be. It would be cool to be a board game designer (I love board games) or a board game store owner. It would be MEGA cool to be a member of the Lucasfilm Story Group and have discussions about and plan future Star Wars movies, or a screenwriter for a popular TV show. It would also be awesome to be a journalist for the Wall Street Journal (my favorite newspaper). Or a computer programmer. Or a plumber. (You’re probably thinking I’m crazy at this point, but I think that would actually be an interesting and fun job. And it pays well.) But mostly I want to be a science fiction or speculative fiction author.
Dream Trip: Ireland. I’m infatuated with that place even though I’ve never been there. I think it’s because of that house hunter show I used to watch.
Hair Color: Dirty blonde. It sucks. I hate my hair.
I’ll tag @mj--writes, @westywrites, @elysianink, @danielle-writes, @snek-friend, @forpoetry, @sanctuaryforascrivener, @thewriterandthestoryteller, and @dont-feed-the-rover
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