#just my personal feelings when i watch friends and family get more religious or get into iskcon or whatever
metamatar · 9 months
ngl I do feel like there is a deep and difficult to bridge chasm between those of us who have lost our faiths, struggled and permanently changed relationships w communities and family and those that seek to acquire that very same faith. I feel like a small, but very present moral obligation to dissuade someone when they talk about going to find faith, to warn them esp but I know its too personal and too tangled up with my own experience to be the right thing to do but I still feel the urge.
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thebleedingeffect · 6 months
#okay I'm talking in the tags of this post cause shit is happening in my life and I gotta talk about it somewhere#one part of it is my step brother crashing and burning before my very eyes and there's nothing I can do to stop his own destructive actions#so it's just me watching this poor kid ruin his relationships and blame everything and everyone around him as he does so#despite the fact that he's undeniably been treated horribly at times- he's just turned that anger back onto others and himself#and I have no idea what to feel as I watch him get arrested. have drug problems. because I'm just waiting for the inevitable spiral#it doesn't help that my mom has been comparing us and saying that I'm the much better child and she wishes he was like me#not understanding that I could’ve been him if I was just more angry at the world at that age instead of being so sad and scared#and that leads me to my fucking mom cause like- I love her. we've been through alot of bad shit with her#I've almost done some really bad shit for her and I know that she loves me more than anything else#but it feels like its been getting more and more suffocating cause I'm not sure she's able to start seeing me as an adult#and start loosening her grip around me and let me breathe. to have my own experiences without her by my side#to be able to go places and imagine a future without her constantly by my side#she talks and it's like she doesn't even think to wonder that perhaps I want to form my own experiences#and experience the world on my own terms because I feel like I've spent my whole life having so little damn control#religious family. shit and neglectful father who turned into the exact opposite and nearly killed me. family who refuses to listen and talk#having to move and run immediately. put survival above all else. go to school. get out. and god I just wanna breathe#she loves me so much and I love her too. but I feel like I'll be sooner crushed if I stick here for long enough#I'm just mad that my life has been nothing but absolutely no love. sudden waves of intense love. absolutely nothing. sudden spike#and I feel like I'm just finally starting to form good. healthy relationships on my own terms and actually make friends#because I had no idea what I was doing when I was a kid cause I was so fucking lonely and hurting#now I just. gotta figure out how to tell my mom that I can't carry this expectation that I'll continue to stay forever by her side#it just feels like I'm her child first and a person second. and it sucks. it really sucks.#ough. spins and spins and spins and spins-
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duchess-of-mandalore · 3 months
Star Wars, friends. I know this is not why you follow me, but please make this my most shared post.
You are here.
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We're living the lead-up to Revenge of the Sith, and it scares me so much a) it feels like there is so little we can do, and b) young people are acting as if there is nothing we can do.
If you don't know what's going on, I need you to wake up and get engaged.
I have two history degrees. My whole life I've always been the person saying, "When people say, 'This is the most important election ever," it just shows how little they know about history.'"
So please believe me when I tell you that THIS is the most important election (cycle, not just presidential race) that you will likely ever be a part of.
Trump is not Hitler. He's too stupid to be Hitler.
But our democracy only held together in 2020 because of a few people like Mike Pence who were willing to stand up against Trump when it was truly the last line of defense. I know that's hard for some of you to hear, but whatever you think of his beliefs, Pence showed he has integrity and stands by the Constitution.
There will be no Mike Pences this time around. Trump will not make the mistake of surrounding himself with those who are not fully committed to him.
Trump is a convicted felon. He is running to avoid his convictions and likely jail time more than anything else. If he wins, he will be able to pardon himself of his federal crimes, but he's going to keep acting like Donald Trump. If he's still alive in 2028, do you think he will leave the White House peacefully and just submit to further cases against him?
Please watch John Oliver's recent expose on Project 2025 and Trump's Second Term. It is linked in a comment below.
Trump and his administration are already putting in place plans for sweeping reforms that truly will make America look like The Handmaid's Tale. Presidents usually will push for more when they're in their second term because they don't have to worry about another election campaign, but this is different. This is about dismantling the democratic system so that it only benefits the most radical conservatives and Christians.
Christians, I am one of you. I was raised Evangelical (capital E meaning politically motivated culture warrior), and I am still evangelical (lower-case e, referring to theological beliefs). This is not the posture of Christ-followers. There is no good that comes from state-mandated religion, which both coerces people to claim that they are believers for social and cultural clout AND waters down the true religious fervor of the church because most people are only nominal believers.
There is NOTHING about Christian Nationalism that is in the best interest of Christians or in the best interest of the neighbors Christians are called to sacrificially love. If you need a reminder of who your neighbor is, read Luke 10:25-37.
Please start talking with your friends. Young people, please register to vote and bring your friends to do the same.
I know so many of you are disillusioned. I am too. Things that are going on in Palestine and Ukraine and so many other places make it very hard to vote for people with "D"s behind their names (especially after the recent presidential debate).
But punishing Joe Biden is not the revenge you want to pursue here. Are you unhappy with him giving Israel $12.5 billion? I am too, but do you think that number won't be repeated multiple times under Trump? Again, I was raised Evangelical. A staple of (politically-focused) Evangelicalism is that Christians (and thus America) must support (the modern state of) Israel no matter what because they have a hyper-literal understanding of the verse where God tells Abraham that he will bless those who bless him (including his descendants who became Israel).
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Do not underestimate the importance of that view in their ideology. Nearly every member of my biological family has shunned me for suggesting that this is not a blanket endorsement of every action the modern state of Israel takes.
Trump is a criminal running for president to save his skin. He supports Benjamin Netanyahu, the prime minister of Israel who is now himself wanted for war crimes. Trump has aligned himself with the authoritarian leaders/dictators of Hungary, China, North Korea, and Russia. He is open about his love for Russian president Vladimir Putin's authoritarian regime and stands against Ukraine's democracy and national sovereignty.
This is what happened before World War I and World War II.
I know this isn't what you follow me for.
But George Lucas was showing the dangers of authoritarianism. He shows that democracy is hard. It's frustrating trying to negotiate with people you disagree with vehemently. It may seem like nothing gets done.
Go and watch the Naboo picnic scene. Go and do it. And after chuckling at all the funny memes it's given us, let me tell you why it scares me so much.
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Because Padme laughs.
Anakin tells her who he is, and she laughs.
She passes it off as a joke, or as flirting, or maybe even as just the ignorant views of a boy who views life as far more black and white than she knows it to be.
But the alternative to all of that frustrating democracy, all that gridlock in the Senate, all those choices and compromises you have to make in order to benefit the people at all ... the alternative is a dictator who says, "I will make all the decisions for us."
That's why there are people who applaud Palpatine. That's why we as viewers see Bail and Padme as the reasonable ones and think it's crazy that anyone would applaud, but they do.
The applaud because Palpatine says, "You don't have to be frustrated anymore. You don't have to be worried about those who disagree with you anymore." Safety and security and ease are powerful temptations when you live in a polarized society, and Palpatine offers them all of those things.
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That's why many people applaud Trump, too.
There were also people who applauded Palpatine who did see the danger of what he was doing. But they applauded because it was easier to do so. He had already amassed power because they didn't stand up to him before. They applaud him now because standing against him now would have dire consequences they wouldn't have faced if they had stood against him before.
So vote. And get your friends to vote.
If there is any part of you that believes Star Wars has important things to tell us about real life, then I need you to fan that flame into a fire.
Otherwise, you won't be living in the prequels anymore. You will be living in the time of the Empire.
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bucca2 · 1 month
okay not to wax poetic about a minor side character in Skyrim that annoys the fuck out of most people, but it really does sadden me that most people are like “he’s annoying, kill him!” and then do no self reflection on the fact that they only killed him because of a petty personal gripe and because they were sent to do so by a power tripping traitor who LATER ALSO TRIES TO KILL THE LISTENER THEMSELVES.
For a long time I’ve had Thoughts™ on the phenomenon of Gamers (derogatory) who treat any NPC who is even slightly an inconvenience with disproportionate and often violent vitriol, but this post is already getting long. General musings on the tragedy of Cicero’s character and how it’s objectively the wrong choice to kill him below.
Thanks to my partner @wrenanigans I’ve had reason to re-examine Cicero’s character, and his past just makes me so deeply sad. Of course, his journals only cover DB-related events, so maybe he had a personal life he just didn’t write about, but it kind of struck both of us that he feels the loss of his fellow DB members so keenly and yet never really mentions any personal relationships outside of obligation to his fellow assassins. (i.e no family or lovers pre-insanity when he was a normal, extremely capable man) Like of course he went insane. The organization that was his entire life’s purpose not only promoted him to a position where he could no longer do what he joined them to do, but then he watched the organization dissolve around him and all his friends be slaughtered.
Then he was alone with the Night Mother waiting for her to talk to someone and give him direction for eight fucking years!!! Of course he went completely off the deep end! If I was isolated, paranoid (but is it paranoia if they’re actually out to get you?) and constantly on survival mode for that long, I’d be relieved if being a little quirky and doing little dances was the extent of my deviant behavior! (The murder comes with being in the Dark Brotherhood, so I don’t wanna hear any whining about him being stabby. Murder isn’t OK if the Dragonborn does it, but suddenly immoral if people you don’t like do it. In video games.)
I think for most people who don’t put much thought into Cicero and his actions, they just vaguely think “oh, Cicero betrayed the family and tried to kill Astrid, so killing him is justified irrespective of her later betraying us”, which is simply not true. There’s a very interesting post I saw floating around lately about how you can’t treat religion in fantasy worlds like TES the same way you would with religious groups IRL, because in TES there is tangible proof that gods exist, and they can and will fuck with the mortal world for their own whims. The point of the DB quest line is that the Tenets matter, and straying from them and the Night Mother almost snuffed the DB out for good. The narrative of the game explicitly justifies Cicero’s actions and QUITE LITERALLY tells you that killing Cicero is not the right call.
TES has a lot of creative interactivity with picking your own outcomes and going with your own solutions, but quests don’t usually end with “go kill this guy. but you can also spare him… ;)” They usually don’t give you an old wise dude whose spirit you can summon who tells you not to kill that clown. And then if you spare Cicero, he comes back and is a potential companion. Like…I don’t know how much more obvious it can get that you’re not supposed to kill Cicero. I get for most people it’s not that deep, but this is TES. We talk about lore here.
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blueninjablade3 · 2 months
Yandere Frollo Alphabet
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Real quick for my regular readers who are waiting for the Hades Angst I’m working on it at a snails pace but it’s shaping up nicely. I’m publishing this solely because it’s been in my drafts taunting me.
TW: Yandere themes, Slurs/ talks about slurs, genocide, medieval torture, isolation, abuse, gaslight, lack of right, racism, and religious themes.
If you are uncomfortable with any of this scroll on. I won’t be offended. If you are in a bad mental state I don’t recommend reading this Yandere relationships are extremely toxic and dangerous. If you or someone you love are in an abusive relationship, please remember you have resources to help you. I believe I’ve covered most of my bases so without further ado Yandere Frollo alphabet. Ps, left a little music if anyone wants to listen to that while they read.
Affection: how do they show you love and affection? How intense can It get?
I view Frollo somewhat like “I never quite learned to verbalize my feelings so I’m going to do very small things to tell you I love you.” Also, he brings you grapes. It’s every day he brings you grapes. (Unless you’re getting punished.) He does do the traditional kiss-your-cheek and forehead tho.
Blood: How dirty is he willing to get when it comes to you?
He’s willing to burn down all of Paris to find you. You and Esmeralda are gonna be best friends and shit talk Frollo together.
Cruelty: how will they treat you once kidnapped will he mock you?
Yes. Wtf do you think I would say “No he’s an angel” Brother has no problem calling someone a slur. Hell, I’d put money on the fact that he’d call a black person the N word hard R to their face. (He’s seriously the worst tho. Get y’all a man like… uh Prince Naveen. He’ll treat you better)
Darling: besides kidnapping you would he do anything else against your will?
Being an active part of the Romani people’s slaughter, being horrible to Quasi, and whipping people are the ones that are off the top of my head. I’m probably missing others but the point is he absolutely would.
Exposed: How much of his heart do you bear?
I think you actually bear 40%. The other 60 goes to the Bible and Christ. Don’t worry that’s still more than his family ever got.
Fight: How would he feel if you fought back?
CHOOSE ME OR YOUR PYRE BE MINE OR YOU WILL BURN~! But in all seriousness, he’s going to be so upset and do the same thing that he does to Quasi.
Game: Is this a Game to them? Would he like watching his darling try to escape?
No! This isn’t a game! Those filthy gypsies can’t be trusted! (it feels wrong even typing that 😭) They’ll harm you! You need to stay safe. In the bell tower.
I also don’t think he’d enjoy you escaping. He wants you at arm’s length at all times.
Hell: Your worst experience with him.
After one of your little “stunts” he had you flogged for a few hours and then you didn’t get lunch for a few days. (like three)
Ideals: what he sees in the future with you.
He sees a traditional Christian marriage (pretend male x male relationships were most of the time accepted by the church), a couple of NORMAL kids (he is the worst), and all the Romani people dead. (ICK)
Jealousy: does he get jealous and if he does, does he find a way to cope or will he lash out?
He gets very jealous and never controls it. He always lashes out. At this point, don’t even look at a fly anymore. He’ll get jealous of it.
Kisses: How does he act around you?
He’s possessive, creepy, and lustful. Think about how he behaves with Esma and multiply by two.
Love letters: how would he go about courting/approaching you?
He’s very traditional. He’s the type who’d buy a goat to give to your dad and then just be like “Gimme.” But he would approach you beforehand and have some small talk in passing.
Mask: Are his truth colors different from what people think?
No. He’s very publicly creepy and weird it seems. People also fear him and view him as dangerous which you can say firsthand is true. Creepy bitch.
Naughty: how would he punish you?
He’s the type to flog you for a little, isolate you, and then limit food consumption. You’re extremely afraid of acting out or acting against him for fear of his reaction.
Oppression: what rights did he take away from you:
Freedom, religion (if you’re anything other than Roman Catholic you’ll have to practice and pray in secret.), privacy, and if you’re American the right to bear arms. Really any weapons he’ll take away. (Maybe see if you can hide a dagger?)
Regret: does he regret kidnapping you? Will he ever let you go?
Haha! You’re so funny if you think he’d let you go or think he’d regret kidnapping you! The Lord brought you two together! You two were meant to be! Now stop struggling unless you wanna go back to the palace of justice.
Sigma: what brought this side of him?
I think his lust, pride, and lack of getting any bitches over his years all contributed. He got lustful for you, and he didn’t know how to react, then instead of admitting that he was in the wrong his pride got the best of him, and blamed you. When his lust won caused his Yandere actions.
Tears: how would he feel if you cried screamed or Isolated yourself?
He doesn’t care! You’ll learn to love him eventually. If you don’t… you won’t like what’s gonna happen. But do go ahead.
Unique: is there anything different from a normal Yandere
He has a massive superiority complex? He also can have people flogged and not be questioned.
Vice: what can you use to escape him?
I’m not quite sure. I guess maybe you could hide in the court of miracles?
Witts end: would he ever hurt you
Without a second thought.
Xoanon: how much does he revere/worship you and to what extent is he willing to go to win you over
He’s willing to go to extreme lengths. I know I’ve talked a lot of shit about him in this but in all seriousness, he views you as a gift from the heavens. An angel sent to him. His angel.
Yearn: How long before he snapped and kidnapped you?
He’s a patient man. I’m going to say if you play your cards right and Quasi is still young about 1.5 years till he snaps.
Zenith: would he ever break you?
Oh definitely.
Thank you for reading! Please remember that rebloging, likes and comments are much appreciated! ❤️
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syoddeye · 5 months
🥺🥺🥺 your drink headcanons are precious 💕 farah, alex, nik, and alejandro’s are my favorites. idk if you do requests but could you do first dates too?
hi friend! i'm glad you liked the asking them to watch your drink post. i do not formally take requests but i love when people pop in with ideas. and i really really like this one! i gave it a go
price. he’s never beating the traditionalist allegations. he is arranging the entire thing, picking you up right on fucking time with flowers, and taking you to dinner somewhere you’d never take yourself. does a poor job of hiding how pleased he is to pay, even worse when he persuades you into a walk and has you on his arm. he asks a lot of deep questions that coming from anyone else would put you off, but he’s not dating to fool around, if you catch my drift.
gaz. this man is so plugged into the music scene. follows bands, artists, and venues religiously because he doesn't get many opportunities to see live music and actually enjoy it. so he asks you for a genre, then sends a redacted screenshot of concert tickets. you grab drinks then head to a hole-in-the-wall. it's always nerve-wracking seeing a musician you know nothing about, but gaz nails it. three dates later and he sends you a personalized playlist. ugh, dreamboat.
soap. listen while i do picture him as a very outdoorsy and active guy, i think for a first date he's going to take you to a drink and draw. it's casual and scales to the mood, meaning it can be both an intimate and cozy experience, or fucking hilarious and a rowdy time. plus it gives him the chance to show off. draws a mini you and him at the end surrounded by trees. what’s that? oh that’s date two. a casual camping trip.
ghost. dinner and a movie. no, he did not just look up 'first date 101'. he's just not big on public places, and he knows that's a hurdle in dating. so he video chats you a few times before arranging the date to get you comfortable with him and to see his place, because babe, he's hosting. he's not the world's best cook so he'll order takeaway if you prefer, and if that goes well, he'll let you pick the movie. what happens after who knows
alejandro. he's the guy that knows the guy that owns the farm that supplies the bougie restaurant you've been wanting to try. and that guy owes him a favor. he drives you out there in his truck and has a table with candles and flowers waiting. he has you sit with your drink of choice and watch him prepare dinner, busting out all the tricks to impress you. yeah, he could’ve taken you to his ranch, but that’ll happen when he figures out he’s serious about you. date three.
rudy. rudy the foodie has a nice ring to it, doesn’t it? it’s weird at first when he insists on picking you up in the early afternoon, but when you arrive to a local food festival, you get it. you need the hours to slowly walk around, and to digest the amount of bite-sized dishes and snacks you sample. he gushes about his family’s cooking, how he wishes he had more time to dedicate to cooking and play around with recipes. gets a little sheepish. you have him eating out of the palm of your hand when you take him to a cookbook store on date two.
kate. in my heart she is a patron of the arts. similar to gaz, she doesn’t get a lot of time to soak it up, so she finds galleries and museums through personal recommendations. she’s got a broad network, why not use it? she’s not a snob either. elbow to elbow at some gallery opening, staring at a befuddling piece of art, she’ll swirl her glass of wine and lean over to whisper, “do you want to get out of here? i can’t make heads or tails of this.”
nik. you are going up in that heli. asks if you want to take a nighttime helicopter ride to see the city by night. jokes about this time a young sergeant fell out and he thought he killed him. ha ha ha. the ride culminates with him landing on the rooftop of a friend’s building, and taking the elevator a few floors down to said friend's restaurant. not feeling fancy? that's okay, to the basement then for gambling and drinks.
farah. it's a surprise. she asks for your physical limitations. hm. what is she playing at? but you trust her. you receive strict instructions on what to wear, and then what extra clothes to bring. hmm. you end up at a rock climbing gym. at first you think, oh god, exercise and a new skill in front of someone cute? but farah is so encouraging and supportive. after, when you clean up, she whisks you away to a reservation that just so happens to be at your fave place. you compare biceps over dessert, and she’s shoots you a sly look when she squeezes your muscle.
alex. if you're up for it, he’d love to take you somewhere in nature. a hike or simple walk at the local park, doesn’t matter to him. he’s more relaxed and himself outdoors, and has the kind of energy that makes you open up. you find a good spot to picnic and talk for hours. real sweet, a good listener—so it surprises you when, at the end, he’s a smidge forward. “so next weekend…”
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my-castles-crumbling · 5 months
I have a problem Cas… I think im in love. 
Okay so, there’s this girl. We’ve been best friends like 5 years. I mean i’ve always- okay I don’t know how to explain this. 
I’m basically a fan-fiction come to fucking life. 
So i’m Demisexual, and last year I decided to come out to my family. I don’t know if other Demi ppl have preferences of gender, but I don’t. Honestly labels confuse me. I’m not sure if technically i’m Biromantic and Demisexual but hey, the point is- and what I explained to my family- that i’d be open to dating anyone. 
Basically i was telling them I wasn’t straight. (Obviously Demisexual is also about sexual activities and people and stuff but I wasn’t gonna try and explain to my parents that I don’t really get attracted to random ppl- cause they don’t get it- and I didn’t want to accidentally start talking abt sex). 
So anyway, they were not happy. Have you watched Brooklyn Nine-Nine? There’s this clip where the character Rosa comes out as Bi and her parents are like “That’s okay, since you can still date a man and marry a man and be normal” and they were like that for me (i’m a girl in case that wasn’t obvious- so they wanted me to date a man).
And I didn’t really care to be honest. I had an equal level of straight friends to queer friends, I felt suitably in both worlds. I truly love my family. They’ve always been good to me. But they did imply if I did end up with a girl, they wouldn’t want to meet/know her.
Not to mention the religious trauma. I spent a shit ton of time listening to ppl tell me that same-sex marriage and relationships are a “sin”. Hell- there was this one rlly lovely women at church when I was like 9, but she got kicked out when they congregation found out she was a lesbian. (Okay- not kicked out but like bullied into leaving).
So it was fine for me to accept that I could potentially date a women since i’ve never felt immediate attraction to anyone, it never felt totally real. 
BUT NOW I HAVE A PROBLEM. So my best friend (who is also a girl) of 5 years. She’s amazing. She’s literally the funniest person i’ve ever met, she’s so generous and has helped me so much, and she’s just adorable. She’s like fucking sunshine. And ngl, I don’t often like people who are so cheery all the time because it feels fake and I like people around me to be honest. 
But she just, she has this way of finding the beauty in the stupidest things and it’s so cute. We got splashed by a car the other day, drenched both our outfits, and instead of being mad, she got all excited and had us do a photoshoot in our crazy soaked clothes, and then got all excited that we could cuddle under a duvet and watch a movie with snacks once we got home cause apparently that’s the only acceptable thing people can do after being covered in water (which is exactly what we did).
And she’s not unreasonably happy, you know? Like when people try to cheer people up at bad times and make everyone more sad, she’s not like that. Whenever i’m upset, or mad, she’ll doodle these cute little flowers on coloured paper and write things she loves about the world on the back of them, and once i’m done ranting abt how annoying the world is, she’ll give it to me and smile. She has the best smile.
I have this jar, I write the date on them and put the paper in the jar. 
We’ve been best friends five years, she started doing that like four years ago and i’ve had the jar pretty much from the start. 
It’s always been easy to be around her. We sort of knew each other for like a year, and then I blinked, and we were best friends. I read all the books she gives me even though the plot is super cheesy cause she loves talking about them, I learnt how to bake all her favourite snacks her mum made, cause she’s pretty far from home and honestly a tragic baker. And she cooks dinner (don’t ask how she can’t bake to save her life but is the most incredible cook, it’s unbelievably ridiculous) for us a lot, she learnt to make my fav food. 
We technically live together, we’re at the final year of uni (maybe not tho depending on our next courses, I dunno) so we’ve been living together this year, but before that, I basically spent most of my time around her place anyway.
So yeah, we’re friends. But I realised a few months ago that i’m pretty, definitely, in love with her. I think i’ve felt like this for about a year and it just hadn’t quite clicked yet. 
(I had this awful day and came back to our place to see her genuinely painting our wall a different colour of white. She paints as a hobby and accidentally splatter a ton of blue paint on the wall and freaked out and tried buying white paint to cover it when it wouldn’t wash of and she was sat on the floor with white paint all over her and the wall still blue. 
She told me the story and I burst out laughing. I explained you often need white primer first, to cover the blue, and then to buy the correct shade of white, since ours was sort of chill white and she’d bought bright white. 
It’s the type of thing that would’ve annoyed me so much at the end of such a tough day, but because it was her, I just found it adorable. That’s when it clicked, I love her. She noticed I was tired immediately and felt bad cause she realised i’d had a bad day. I said this cheered me up, cause it did. Then we made dinner together and spent the night reading on the sofa with music on. 
We went to the shop the next day to get the correct stuff and luckily our wall is back to looking almost exactly the same). 
So yeah, I love her. Plus like, being demi, I don’t usually find ppl attractive… I mean i’ve always known she’s aesthetically pleasing, she has good fashion sense and stuff, but like, I tend to view all people as the same sort of level of attractive. BUT NOW ITS LIKE- SHES FUCKING BEAUTIFUL. It’s kind of annoyingly actually. How is everyone not spending all day gazing at her eyes. They’re fucking caramel, like a book character. She says they’re brown but she’s wrong. In dull lighting they seem brown but they’re like dark orange (amber i guess) with little hues of green, but in the sun they’re really bright and caramel and warm. 
She’s a lesbian btw. So theoretically I’ve got a shot. Also, i’ve always been good at reading people and I know she’s had like a small crush on me at least twice in our friendship. You can tell sometimes. 
But recently, it’s been a wreck. I’m so distracted cause i’m in love with her I can’t think, and my friends keep telling me she loves me back but I can’t keep my head on straight long enough to try and tell. 
But. If I do get my head out of my ass and tell her and she does end up wanting to date me, what the fuck am I supposed to do then. Cause if it does work out, i’m pretty sure it’ll last. 
My parents never totally liked her (they probably saw this coming- but I think in the homophobic, all queer ppl date each other, way and not the, they’re meant to be together, way) and if ended up having to tell them i’m actually dating a women, they’d be pissed. 
I always thought i’d end up with man, since it’s easier. No religious guilt about that. But I can put aside my own brains stupidity for her. But I can’t change my parents. But aside from this, they’re literally amazing. But I also know them and I truly don’t think they’ll change.
All my friends having been saying me and her should’ve been dating this entire time. I don’t know, I like to think now would be kinda perfect. I always knew she was gonna be in my life forever, I guess I just got so used to imagining myself with a man I forgot she was an option? That I could be with her romantically forever. You know, assuming she wants to date me.
(We’ll see about that. I’m really not sure. But i’m totally shit at keeping my own secrets so i’m planning to tell her soon if not just for the sake of my own sanity. All my friends say she’ll reciprocate, if she doesn’t, then I guess i’ll go from there, she’s not the type to be weird or bothered that we live together despite it. And if she does… then I have to decide what to do next. My other best friend is literally always right when it comes to our friends dating lives, and she has faith we’ll end up together, so we’ll see I guess) 
But if she does. If she does I’ll have to get into it with my family. I don’t want to lie to them. And I know I shouldn’t judge, but I honestly don’t think they’ll change their minds. I think they’ll say I can come visit whenever, but not bringing my partner. And I won’t want that. And we’ll all argue.  
I never liked knowing my parents didn’t accept this side of me, but I guess I never considered it would be an actual problem i’d have to deal with someday. 
I spend a lot of my time trying to figure myself out. I haven’t had the easiest path in life. But with her, it’s so easy. It’s easier to understand what I like, it’s easier to talk about things, and I fully trust her not to be weird. Or leave. Or get mad for nothing. I don’t have to walk on eggshells around her. I trust her. We don’t argue much. We have, what she calls, three different type of arguments. 
One, “bad mood argues”. She finds it so hilarious that it rhymes. You have to say it with the syllables. Bad-Mood Ar-Gues. We have these cookies in the freezer that we make every month. If one of us is having a bad day, we cook a few cookies to eat and I bought this dumb fridge magnet of a cookie to put on the fridge to signify it’s a cookie worthy bad day. 
Another one is “justifiable anger”. That doesn’t happen much. When we first met, she had this tendency to not tell me when I did something that upset her, and it’d spiral, and i’d be mad she wasn’t talking about why she was mad. So we have a rule to always talk about problems, even the little things. For example, her yelling into the phone to her family for hours while i’m trying to study- she has planned days now, so I can go to the library or she can go out if necessary, or keep the convo below 45 min, her mums like half deaf so she does have to shout, but it’s also VERY loud. Basically we comprise. And make sure no anger builds up.
The third type of argument is, what our friends call, “married idiots”. As in, she shouldn’t use the siri talk thingy while driving cause it never understands what she’s trying to say and so I get jumbled texts that mean nothing and then she thinks she’s told me something she hasn’t told me. She’s nearly understanding that one 🤦‍♀️ And you know, the classic colour of something argument (it’s purple- she’s wrong).  
Anyway. I forgot my point. Oh yeah, everything’s easier with her. I feel comfortable. If i’m being totally honest… i’m pretty sure if I ask her out, she’ll say yes. Like 80% sure. Im just scared to fuck this up, and cause family problems. Cause yeah, she’s worth the drama, but also, it’s her that’ll be being insulted right? She very likely won’t be allowed in my house. I don’t want this to ruin what we already have. 
So yeah. That. I could really do with some advice ❤️
Hi <3
If you do not ask this girl out, I will physically pass away.
Like...I'm not usually so pushy with asks, but you're describing a relationship, hon. This is a relationship. I'm not sure if you follow me because of the Marauders, but you two are literally Wolfstar, And I'm shipping the two of you so hard right now.
If, for some insane reason, she turns you down, it's because she doesn't realize she's in love with you, too.
As far as your family...again, I'm going to be more blunt that usual. You're going to have to face their lack of acceptance for you at some point. It's absolutely shit that they don't accept you, but like...don't let that stop you from being with this girl. Because even if you put off their feelings now, you'll have to deal with it someday, and then you might miss out on an amazing girl.
Please update me. I need updates. I am so invested. I am DYING for updates.
God, I'm rereading all the things you wrote and I'm kicking and giggling. You two are ridiculously adorable. Please kiss her already (with consent).
I'm naming you purple anon. Please write back.
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lizzaneia-elizalde · 1 year
First off, love your writing, IT MAKES ME FEEL THINGS😭😭 but…
Can we please get more of yandre emo boy Ashton I JUST READ IT AND IM DROOLING SCREAMING CRYING GIGGLING AMD KICKING MY FEET😭🧎‍♀️🤪🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️
THANK YOU❤️❤️🤭🤭🤭
(If not that’s okay, ignore this bae🫶)
Yandere! Stereotypical! Emo and his beloved popular bitch
Ayo, thank you for the compliment! I'm glad my writings made you feel things (I don't know what though LMAO)
Actually, I'm not planning to follow up Ashton, but hey, at least it would break my writer's block (lol it's just laziness) so here ya go!
Sorry that it took days though 😔
Read the yandere emo fic here!
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💌Little Ashton was misunderstood a lot as a child. He never really liked the same things the other children liked, and he had this morbid curiosity with death and occult.
💌Of course, this undoubtedly scared his family, making him out to be some sort of psychopath.
💌This irked Ashton of course. He's just... That. He still loves his parents, and nothing would change that.
💌But the fact that they're so conservative that it's actually bringing Ashton down is what drove him over the edge to find a school far, far away from his family.
💌A small, quaint town, yet filled with teenagers. It was kind of a nightmare when Ashton found out, but he gritted his teeth and thought that maybe, with the current years, maybe they won't judge him. Maybe.
💌So, he indulged more in his Emo lifestyle. He religiously listened to green day, Panic! At the Disco, My Chemical Romance...
💌He even got into writing poems as a way to put out his feelings that he never got to tell other people.
💌 He's actually very sensitive with emotions and feelings. So technically, he should be a great friend candidate, right?
💌But once he got into the school year, that's when he knew, that his life would be living hell. Stereotypes left and right. Mean cheerleaders and jocks that ostracized his choice of clothing, snobby rich students that turn their noses on him just because he's not that rich, geeks and nerds that keeps getting in his way, thinking he's one of them.
💌"Fuck. Get me out of here. Nobody understands me."
💌He didn't realize himself, but he's also slowly being a stereotype. Always alone, writing poems, and being unnecessarily nihilistic.
���Until of course, one day, you transfered. You, your pink rover, and your slutty little outfit.
💌God, just looking at you and your charming personality made Ashton hard fall for you.
💌He wants you. So bad.
💌So he dabbled back into the occults. He found an old book in an abandoned "witch's hut" that he went on a mad hunt for weeks. Apparently, the witch that lived there was a matchmaker witch, who gave love potions to those really desperate.
💌At first, Ashton didn't believe it. Especially that it involves sampaguita, a flower not native to his town. How did the witch even get the flowers?
💌But there he was, mixing and creating the potion under the moonlight and putting your hair and his in the pot. Creating a love potion that smelled like the sampaguitas he had to smuggle in.
💌He wrote you letters everyday, obsessing and hyper fixating on your allure and beauty. Confessing over and over again on paper that looks old and aged with writing that looks like it came from a fountain pen. With a spritz of the love potion, he would put it in your locker.
💌God, who knew that it would work?
💌Day by day, he watched you read the letters. At first, you were disgusted (much to his dismay) but slowly, you started to read the letters with a neutral face, then a smile, then with a squeal and then a desperate plea for him to come and fuck you already.
💌Maybe putting his... Semen on your love potion got you desperate for him carnally, rather than romantically.
💌But no fretting, he would just make you fall for him.
💌And as you moan and scream out his name as he pounds into your tight hole like the feral, fuck machine he is,
💌He was pleading to the moon to see his bleeding heart and bare soul to make you his.
💌And if the moon won't allow it,
💌Well, it's nothing more love potions won't do.
💌"my beloved, why don't you drink this sweet tea I made? Why is it pink and smells floral? It's a new tea from Japan. Sakura, from what I know. It's glowing? Nonsense, love. It's probably just the lighting."
💌"Now drink up, don't let a drop go to waste."
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sundew199 · 1 month
Random Reiner HCs (sfw)
A/n: a mix of relationship and non-relationship, some are modern day. Again these are just my headcanons, and just for fun :)
Will sing girly pop songs with you in the car, does not care.
Cannot sit on the couch for longer than 5 minutes or he’ll fall asleep and stay asleep for the rest of the day, you better hope and pray y’all don’t have plans
Has a HORRENDOUS farmers tan 💀, looks like he’s still wearing a shirt when he takes his off
Will only play videos games if Gabi and Falco ask him too, other than that he doesn’t play that often, but does like to watch you play your games. It’s like having your own narrator/commentator :)
Sets at least 10 alarms to get up for work in the morning but doesn’t wake up to any of them, you have to wake him up after the nth alarm by practically shoving him off the bed
Garbage disposal, will eat anything you cook without hesitation and don’t even think about buying snacks because they’ll barely last a day
Physical touch is one of his love languages 100%. If you don’t feel like cuddling in bed he’ll still find a way, like making sure his foot is touching yours 😭
He’s Bob the builders long lost brother, you’ll mention wanting a piece of furniture vaguely and he’s already putting together a mental list of the materials he needs to build it for you
Naturally fit, doesn’t need to go to the gym often to maintain his physique
Bisexual. (And I will not be elaborating)
Doesn’t mind doing skincare with you or letting you use him as a makeup canvas you just gotta convince him first,
Ironically isn’t that great with money, not extremely irresponsible but you have to hold onto his wallet or he’ll buy the entire store if he feels like it
Played sports in school, but never got that into them. He was naturally good and coaches loved him but couldn’t find the passion
Old man trapped in a younger body, swears he feels 50 when he’s only in his early twenties
He snores but SWEARS he doesn’t
Lowkey really bad at texting people back, prefers to call. And if he does call, clear your schedule cause it’s not going to be a quick one (you don’t mind hehehe)
He can be sooooooo dramatic if he wants to be. Over little inconveniences mostly he just wants to be babied, baby him >:(
Drives a truck and I mean like a 90s model Chevy pickup that he’s had since high school that he’s fully restored and is insanely proud of. Has not even considered getting a newer truck because he just can’t let go his older one (first big purchase he made, so it’s sentimental, leave him alone)
Very rarely has a filter, and not in that kinda way, he just sometimes says what he thinks out loud and you have to pretend you didn’t hear him and move on 😭
Is so blind to flirting, like total blindness. You had to finally spell it out to him that you LIKED him and not as a friend for him to realize what you were doing. It’s gotten worse since you and him have been together because he still doesn’t realize when other people flirt or throw themselves at him (he can be such a himbo, I love him)
Cat person
Very in tune with his emotions. Wasn’t always like that since he had a rough childhood but after going to therapy after high school he doesn’t conceal his emotions anymore and can be upfront at times
Does NOT play about you. Reiner is a very sweet caring person but the second he notices you’re uncomfortable around a guy/girl a flip switches and he turns into the intimidating beefy dude that no one wants to fuck with. (It’s lowkey so hot)
Worships you, (obviously) by buying flowers at least every week or two so that way they never die. Date nights, weekend trips, the whole nine yards. He loves spending time with you and showing you how much you mean to him
Grew up catholic, doesn’t practice anymore due to the conformity pushed onto him. Isn’t really religious in general but does believe in a high power.
Wants a big family. At least two kids, maybe more if you’re willing. Doesn’t like the idea of his child not having siblings like him and also just loves family orientation in general. Definitely a big family guy. 
Good with kids 😈
If you use any lingo around him like say: girl, girly, pookie, bae, dawg, homie, bro, etc. he will eventually start to use it unironically until he can’t stop. (I may be projecting but it’s funny so idc.)
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mothwingwritings · 1 year
can you do Oliva hc and smut pls, i read your valentine post about him and i'm just a smiling mess because of it
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Waaaaaaaaaah TYSM darling!!! I love Biscuit!!! ( ˃̣̣̥ω˂̣̣̥ ) Top tier man and one of my favorite Baki boys!!! I have a few fics in mind for him, but here’s just some cute little stuff in the meantime!
WARNINGS: Mentions of sexy stuff under the cut, so 18+ only, but the rest is pretty tame.
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Biscuit was SUPER nervous to meet your family/friends for the first time. He holds you in such high regard that he was terrified of the impression he would make on your loved ones. He’s a nice, charming, wealthy gentleman-but none of that changes that fact that he’s a convict, and he was deeply concerned that those close to you would not accept him as your partner for that reason alone. He plans to be by your side till your dying day, so he wants the people most important to you to understand how strong his love is and realize he is not a threat, but a protective force.
I know this is not everyone’s cup of tea, but I really love the idea of a poly relationship with you, Biscuit, and Maria. If Maria is still in the picture, I imagine Biscuit has a very hard time staying away when it’s just the two of you hanging out. Though he’s happy neither of you are alone, he wants to be a part of what you are doing SO BAD it nearly drives him mad. The two of you could literally just be hanging out watching TV and he’ll be hitting up your phones nonstop asking what you guys are up to, talking about how much he wishes he were with you, sending pouty face selfies waxing poetic about how much he misses his beautiful loves. You and Maria definitely gang up to tease him, replying with suggestive texts or hinting at saucy interactions (even if literally nothing is going on) to rile him up. It’s all in good fun, but you do make sure to give him plenty of love and attention as soon as he comes back to you.
Even with how big he is, he loves being the little spoon.  It doesn’t matter how much smaller than him you may be, he melts when you hold him in your arms. He’s not a religious man, but he can believe there is a heaven when he’s drowning in your embrace, because he’s found it in your hold. ପ(๑•ᴗ•๑)ଓ ♡
Biscuit is not one to argue with you, and usually concedes to spats or disagreements with you pretty quickly. In the rare instances where he does need to put his foot down, he feels so guilty about it afterwards that he lavishes you with so much affection and so many treats that he ends up negating any stern punishment he had previously tried to impose upon you.
He gets really grumpy when other men flirt with you. He knows you are beautiful, charming, funny, and smart, so it’s only natural you will catch other people’s eye… but that doesn’t mean he has to like it or accept it. You are HIS and everyone needs to know and respect that. If he is around and sees someone eying you or chatting you up, he will get extremely handsy and overbearing to make said person back off. If they do not, there will be a problem. :)
On the flip side, if someone is rude or mean to you in any way he will outright beat their ass. They honestly may die.  No one talks shit about his baby, and he’ll pummel their sorry ass until they realize just how bad they fucked up… And then beat them a little more, just for good measure. ₍꒢  ̣̮꒢₎
He loves going for long drives with you, especially when it’s on his motorcycle. There is nothing quite like tearing down the highway, wind whipping full speed, just you, him, and the open road ahead. He loves the feel of you r chest pressed flush against his broad back, loves it even more when he speeds up and you grip on even tighter. Sometimes he’ll even pull a surprise trick to get you to squeeze him even harder, but he’ll feel bad if he scares you too much. He always wants you to have just as much fun as he is.
He is definitely the kind of guy that always wants to be matching you, if not outright in the same outfit, then in corresponding fits. He will go out of his way to find out what you plan on wearing for the day, just so his outfit can complement yours. Even if you personally find that kind of thing embarrassing, he will make the saddest puppy eyes imaginable at you until you give in and dress up with him. He always takes pictures of your matching sets-they flood any social media he may have.
NSFW Headcanons under the cut!
He is EXTEMELY vocal in bed-You make him feel so fucking good that he just can’t help himself. Whether its moans, dirty talk, praise, screams of pleasure, he’s not shy about letting you know just how excited he is to be making love to you. He’s so loud other inmates can most definitely hear it, but no one has the balls to say anything to him about it (except for maybe one Jun Guevara who will give you massive shit about it should he ever happen upon you alone in the prison, laughing while doing so over what a pretty shade of red you are turning).
He has a huge praise kink, both giving and receiving. If you were to purr in his ear that he is a good boy he would probably cum right then and there, no further foreplay required. He loves showering you in compliments during the entirety of the love making, and he’ll dreamily relay to you how gorgeous you look stuffed with his cock, how pretty you sound whimpering in pleasure, how stunning you are in the afterglow. He’s so overcome with his attraction to you he could speak on it endlessly and still only scratch the surface of how you make him feel.
Whenever he has to travel, he’ll take mementos of you with him on his trip. Most of them are wholesome, but he always makes sure to bring one that no one else can know of. More often than not it’s a pair of used undergarments he pocketed, plucked off your body himself the last time you made love. He can’t have your body there with him in person, but he can at least have this small token with him to help him along when he’s feeling in the mood. He’d often call you to initiate a conversation, working himself up as the discussion grew increasingly raunchy, stroking himself against the soft silk of your panties until he spilled himself all over the delicate fabric. It wasn’t nearly as good as making love to you in person, but it would work in a pinch.
Biscuit loves to take his time with you in the bedroom, refusing to rush even if you are pressed for time. It’s maddening how slow he is, the languid ghosting of his hands over your body mixed with the leisurely kisses he plants over every inch of you is enough to drive you to the point of insanity. You beg for him to stop teasing you, pleading for him to pick up the pace and let you cum, but that only makes him go slower. It’s the only time he’s ever ‘mean’ to you, but he wants to drag your pleasure out as long as possible. He gets so lost in you that he wants the moment to drag on forever, and he’ll do all he can to elongate the process to try and make that a reality.
To Biscuit, you are royalty, and he will never treat you as anything but. Your pleasure always comes first to him, and he gets majorly embarrassed when he comes before you do. Poor guy, it’s just as torturous (if not more so) to be in his shoes when you two are fucking, and it takes all his strength to not be overtaken by the ardor he feels for you. Looking down on you as you are writhing in pleasure, your face contorted in lust, wantonly begging for his love… He deserves an award for how long he is able to hold back before he completely loses control.
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lambilegs · 17 days
do you do sfw lee requests?
bc oh. oh boy do I think that high school sweethearts lee x reader is so so charming and hey, maybe I’m just a sucker for sweet tooth rotting fluff (also wlw duh)
you and Lee who had been inseparable, tied at the hip “best friends” for a while. you and Lee who fell for each other at the same time, who held hands under the table, who pretended to be straight until after high school where you moved in together immediately.
Lee had always been anxious. but you made her anxious thoughts go away when you lay your head on her chest. Lee had always been scared of her future, but you’re here now. you’re holding her hand through it all.
thank you 🙏
high school lee harker x reader living out their queer coming-of-age storyline
(oh my god??? this is so sweet I am in love. (and yes hehe I definitely do sfw requests!!)
lee who always felt a bit unsettled in high school, finally becoming more aware of social cues, expectations, behaviours, and feeling herself so distanced from performing those naturally
sure, she had a tight knit group of friends, but she didn't feel like she moved through the world, through interactions, as easily as they did
but, you were there. the peer in her history class who directly pointed out her behaviours, but in a way that was free, casual, that made her feel like there was nothing wrong
you were patient, taking your time with getting to know her, and reaching through the layers of stoic distance and hesitation
it started off slow... asking her if she wanted to go to study hall together, since you both had a spare period, and watching her carefully as she poured over her infamously meticulous essays (seriously, everyone knew she was the teachers' favourite in the history and law classes). then, it turned into seeking her out at lunch and lying that you got an extra cookie from the vending machine and you thought she'd like it (you once saw her eating it during morning period, and you didn't even like the flavour), blushing bright red at the sight of her friends confusedly looking between you two.
slowly, she gave back to you, in both subtle and clear ways. she started walking you home, even though it added an extra twenty minutes to her walk. she started helping you with your essays, showing you the right ways to do citations. when she found out gossip had spread about you through the halls, she went to the perpetrator and asked them to stop, her eyes frozen on the tiles and everyone shocked to see lee harker speak up... and for someone else?
you started meeting outside of class, hanging out on the train tracks of your boring town, visiting the pond that you walked by everyday after school, and sharing meals at the nearby plaza. she listened to you like no one else ever had, hanging onto your every word as though she were watching you in the process of creating a master artwork. and you listened to her, and god, how that made her feel... like what she had to say could be taken seriously, and not just be dismissed. she didn't have to be infantilized just for being seventeen years old and less outgoing than her peers. someone saw her as a person worth paying attention to. it started off slow, with her only sharing tidbits of her life with you. the day she confessed to you to the weight of religious guilt that loomed over her day and night, in the privacy of your childhood bedroom, she had never felt so tenderly held.
soon, everyone knew you two were attached at the hips. you spent the summer break together, visiting the gas station before heading to the park, where you guys would talk. and talk... that's all you guys did. constantly talk about your days, your families, school, what your futures beheld. she talked to you of her past dreams of becoming an actress -- when you asked why, she said she had spent her life wanting to be anywhere but here, transported into a new world, and she thought being an actress could do that. now, she said, she thought about law enforcement, wanting to help people and make a change she felt she was too limited to do in your guys' town. you told her if anyone could do it, she could, and she shuddered at the sheer hope you ignited in her.
slowly, though, things changed... you started thinking more of what she thought of you, in ways you didn't with your other friends. the innocence, or perhaps ignorance, towards your feelings, that existed as a safe veil over your eyes, began to lift. suddenly, you wondered if she thought you were pretty. you found yourself longing to know what she thought of romance -- if she pined for it, wanted it, and if so, who she wanted it with. when she received a bashful confession through a candy gram, you went home and cried into your pillow.
little did you know, you were just crossing the threshold into a room she had occupied alone for years. she knew, two weeks in, what it was she felt for you. and here you were, nearly a year later, struggling to comprehend it
but, once you did, every single moment with her felt more fleeting. every walk home felt like a mere second, every lunch break felt like a quick snack, every moment with her held an import that you could barely handle, using every spare second to decipher her and what she felt
your secret feelings crumbled to the wind when you discovered someone had asked her to your school's fall formal. your friends told you the rumour was that she had agreed. that night, on the phone, when she had admitted considering it, you hung up on her. the next day, she practically cornered you in the halls, focused gaze zeroed in on you. you couldn't contain it. you broke down, weeping to her about your feelings, begging her to not tell anyone, fear churning in your stomach of what your peers, what your community, would think of you.
she hugged you, took care of you (when did she not?) and with a shaky voice, declared, "I like you too"
eager youth you both were, immediately confessing to wanting to be each other's girlfriends, whirling into complete bliss together. the autumn of senior year was spent with tenderly written love notes left in each other's lockers, interlaced fingers beneath the cafeteria table, shy first kisses exchanged behind the bleachers. lee carrying your bags home whenever you guys walked, letting you sit on the back of her bike, and finally admitting why she couldn't have you over, why things with her mom were so hard. you bought her her favourite candy without her having to ask and you called her to wish her luck on the evenings of long studying sessions. you sent her a pathetically romantic candygram that she carried in her wallet, which really had nothing much but some spare change for bus money and the receipts of all your dates.
sure, there was pain in it too. your respective friend groups were privy to your relationship, but the rest of the world wasn't. your guys' relationship forced lee to acknowledge yet another big part of her life she couldn't share with her mother. your guys' shared moments were things you had to reserve to nooks and crannies. you couldn't tape the photobooth pictures of you guys on your wall, you couldn't declare to nosey relatives that you had someone who loved you. when it got hard, you two would talk about all the things you'd do once you left town and went to college in a year. the way you'd hold hands under the sun.
and in what flashed by your guys' eyes, a year passed. and finally, you walked with her, far from the bleachers, hand in hand, back to the home you guys built. the home that finally had the pictures hung up.
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butterflywithsass · 2 months
The good, the bad, and the ineffable omens. What makes Good Omens special.
I'm not very good at making posts on here so sorry if the formatting sucks. It's the anniversary of season two, and thinking back on everything, it's incredible how much has happened since it came out. I might get a bit long-winded, so if that's not your thing, just scroll on by. I'm just gonna take a look at why I love Good Omens, why I love the Good Omens fandom, and what the future holds for all of us who love this story.
I guess you could say I'm a bit of a new fan. I watched the first season in 2019. I liked it but I didn't really think about it until I heard it was getting a second season, and I decided to watch it again.
This second watch came at a very strange time in my life. I'd left my very introverted homeschool life behind to go to an art school in another state. I was studying creative writing, and just beginning to dream that I might be an actual writer someday. I've always gotten intensely invested in stories, a part of my ADHD that I've always struggled with. I find a story, and it consumes my soul. I have difficulty expressing emotions in real life, so stories have been an outlet for me to feel things in the persona of a character. It's this incredible power that makes me love storytelling so much. I could go on and on about the beauty of this, but that will get a bit to much so I'll move on. Mah point is...
whenever I would get really invested in a story, my parents would indulge me, but would always feel the need to mention, "You know it's not real, right?"
Anyway, for the first time, I was away from home and I could really indulge in stories without the pressure to disconnect from it to avoid the judgment of my family. For the first time, I could just be in love with a story.
A lot happened during the first year away from home, not all of which is relevant, but around this time I started owning up to my identity as bisexual. Being at an art school meant I was surrounded by queer people from all backgrounds, not all of them had the same support I did, and I witnessed secondhand as my friends went through the pain of having homophobic families who would control what art they made and who they spent time with, threatening to withdraw them from the school if they used certain names or pronouns. It was common for my friends to have a sort of shorthand code for when it was safe to use their preferred name or pronoun. Some came from very religious households, and so religion had been linked very closely to repression.
Good Omens came at a time when I was stretching my wings both in my identity as a person and as a writer and has informed what I write about ever since. As a writer, my work often focuses on themes such as fate and free will, religion and passion, divinity and humanity, and apocalyptic images. Additionally, Good Omens encouraged me to embrace comedy in my writing and to explore the absurd and whimsical. It helped me let go of the vice that held me back from writing things I thought weren't intellectual enough, or weren't creative enough.
I also became aware of the people behind the show, and of course, I grew to admire Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman. I admired how Neil Gaiman seemingly defied the inevitable fate of obscure and unsuccessful writers. To me, Neil Gaiman was an example of how writers could actually make it out there in the world. Terry Pratchett, I admit, took less of an interest in because he had been long dead before I became acquainted with Good Omens, and I mistakenly gave Neil Gaiman more credit for the tv show. If you want to know more about why I saw "mistakenly," check out @vidavalor where they talk about the other writers on the show and how much they contributed. It's really quite eye-opening and it gives me hope that the show can continue well enough without Gaimen.
I also grew to become a fan of David Tennent and Micheal Sheen. And when I say a fan of David Tennent, I mean a BIG fan. The Good Omens to Doctor Who pipeline is so f*cking steep I felt like Crowley during the fall. Not just Who, though, I watched stuff like Taking Over the Asylum, Einstein and Eddington, Around the World in 80 Days, Broadchurch, Jessica Jones, Escape Artist, f*king Single Father lol. I even got into Shakespeare because of David Tennent.
The love displayed by the actors for Good Omens feels truly special. Micheal Sheen's devotion to the story shines through in everything he says about it, and David Tennent, though not originally a fan, seems to have grown more and more fond of the story. I think it's not a reach of our imagination to say that the story has become very special to both of them, even more so than to us.
It's rare to see actors treat their roles as more than just a job. The occasional publicity stunt and press tour interviews aside, the roles actors take seldom stick with them, and I think it's a testament to the power of Good Omens that this is not the case for Micheal and David.
Season 2 came out of course, and we all know how that went down. I was has heartbroken as everyone else by the final 15, but I never had any doubt that the story was destined to have a happy ending.
Unlike some shows, where the story likes to flirt with tragedy to keep viewers hooked, Good Omens is not that kind of show. Amidst the pathos and drama of the Christian/Apocalypse setting, with literal heaven and hell involved, the story is relatively clean. I enjoy some Ineffible Husbands spicy fanfiction of course, but I'm glad that Good Omens has remained relatively kid-friendly. Queer themes are so often included only in "adult media," paired with dark themes and often explicit moments making them inaccessible to kids and cementing the idea that Queerness is inherently inappropriate. While Good Omens has the occasional adult reference such as Madam Tracy's side gig as a dominatrix or the 'seamstress,' they are veiled enough to pass. Even the sex scene with Anathama and Newt is comic enough that it can hardly be classified as one. As for heaven and hell, it would be easy to try and stress the darkness of hell through plenty of disturbing subtexts and the brutality of heaven, but here the show errs towards comedy, portraying both sides as corporate systems -- both funny and much more relatable evil than torture or traumatic scenes. It's easier to understand rude co-workers, degrading comments, overbearing bosses and endless paperwork than it is to understand the sources of our perception of good and evil.
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Putting Adam Young as the center of the story of season one focuses the entire narrative. At the end of the day, Good Omens is about the ineffable nature of humanity defying all odds (or gods) betting against it. It's a humanist story, showing us that no matter how much the forces of good or evil might like to influence us, whatever we do will up to us.
This theme is constantly referenced, from Crowley's habit of taking credit for anything evil humans do and claiming it was his idea, to Aziraphale's constant assertions that humans are inherently good. It's exemplified by the baby swap disaster, which is a microcosm of this theme. No matter how much the powers above and below might scheme, they're plans generally end up being irrelevant to the choices of humans.
It's why Crowley and Aziraphale love humans so much. Humans are a guide for them, showing them how they can be more than just good and evil, and on our side, it's a hopeful thought to have, that the powers of good and evil looking down on us, instead of judging us, might actually have fallen in love with us along the way. It shows us that we are allowed to love ourselves.
The love that Aziraphale and Crowley have for each other is also at the heart of this story. While it has been discussed at length, it's for good reason. Because we all need a good love story. Amidst the uncertainty and ceaseless change, there is a constant, unbreaking bond between Crowley and Aziraphale-- steady as the revolution of the cosmos. Nothing in the scope of space and time is certain, but this is. We know that because we've seen it. Good Omens manages to create a love story on both a personal and an archetypal scale. On one level, this is a love story between two people from different worlds finding something familiar in each other. It's got the drama of starcrossed love, the steadiness of an age-old love, still with the butterflies of new feelings. As a queer love story, the hope in it is even more important.
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Crowley and Aziraphale have all the qualities of two characters that are doomed by the narrative, and as much as I love those types of stories, this is a story about hope and it demands a happy ending. After all, if those two idiots can't get a happy ending, what hope do the rest of us have?
All this is to say, that while the final 15 was shattering emotionally, and still is, I never once doubted that all would be well eventually.
The recent accusations against Neil Gaiman came as a shock to me. I admittedly didn't know all that much about him as a person, but I looked up to him as a writer, as I said. The more that is revealed, the more truthful they become. I hoped that these allegations would end up as a big misunderstanding, and I questioned the timing just after David Tennent was attacked online for his support of the lgbtq community. However, the more information about Gaimen comes to light, the less it looks like a mistake.
This leaves us in a difficult position. It is not selfish to worry about the future of Good Omens. It is not foolish to be surprised. It is not naive to feel betrayed. It would be easy to come to the conclusion that 'no one should be trusted,' or to feel that the whole story has been tainted. It's so easy to write off the whole story as 'ethically complicated' so you don't have to examine your feelings critically. It's easy to 'boycott,' something so you don't have to deal with it, as if by not engaging with it, it's not real. I would urge you not to do this. boycotting a story is not as simple as just refusing to buy a product. Stories are part of culture and identity, to a certain extent, the person you are hurting the most is yourself.
There's a reason I spent so long describing why Good Omens is such an incredibly powerful story, because Neil Gaiman's actions negate none of that. The meaning of Good Omens is not dependent on the actions of the author. A truth is still true, even from the mouth of a liar.
Before I loved Good Omens, I loved Harry Potter. Despite JK Rowling's general shittiness, Harry Potter has brought goodness to people's lives, and even though some themes in the story ought to be examined more critically, the joy and comfort those stories brought also cannot be ignored. I was ten when I started reading Harry Potter. I was too young to grasp the homophonic or anti-semetic undertones in the story, and ironically, Harry Potter taught me to by an ally before I even knew I was queer. Before reading Harry Potter, I didn't know what gay was. After hearing Dumbledore was 'gay,' I did a google search and looked up the term in a dictionary. I remember my thoughts being, "you can do that?" and then, "why are people so upset?"
The point of this Harry Potter tangent is to say that while the intentions of the author may influence a story, the author ultimately can't control the effect the story will have on others. Once it is published, a significant part of it no longer belongs to them. They can't control what messages other people find in it, and they lose the right to decide what messages are true or not. If Neil Gaimen were to say today that Good Omens is all a very complicated metaphor for masturbation, that announcement would mean zilch.
Additionally, Neil Gaiman isn't even the only author! You don't have to give him all that credit to start with. Once again, refer to @vidavalor for info on the other amazing people who may have had a bigger hand in writing our favorite moments that we thought.
The Good Omens fandom has taught me not to be ashamed for loving a fictional story. I've been in the Lotr, Star Wars, Star Trek, Harry Potter, Marvel, Sherlock, and countless other fandoms, and I can easily say that Good Omens is the most supportive, the most accepting, the most decent online fan community I've found.
We can hang in there. We've loved Good Omens since the book came out, we've loved Good Omens since before I was born, and we loved it even when we lost Terry Pratchett. We loved Good Omens when we thought there would never be a show, and when we thought one season was all there would be. Good Omens has so many kind and talented people behind it and so much love for it. Neil Gaimen will not sink us now. He doesn't have that much power.
@davidtennantgenderenvy also has a video on this that is very thoughtful.
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narrynukezankielover · 5 months
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I know this scene in ep 17 has been talked about before but what I found interesting is that Naomi is talking like she’s getting Cas ready for when he finds the angel tablet and he’ll be forced to kill whoever is with him. She doesn’t specify Dean or Sam yet of course Cas is forced to kill hundreds of Dean clones. This tells me that she assumes Cas will be with Dean whether it’s because he’ll need help and she knows he’s the one Cas will go to because he trusts Dean or Dean wouldn’t let Cas do it by himself and will go with Cas.
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Sam is surprised that Dean prayed to Cas even though he’s calling him an ass. Obviously Sam doesn’t know that Dean has prayed to Cas hundreds of times since he prayed to him every night in purgatory and a bunch of times before and after. It’s only now that Sam realizes that there’s something wrong with Cas yet Dean knew as soon as Cas came back. So Dean knows something is wrong and that’s what’s makeing Cas act weird yet he still trusts Cas to watch over Sam. It’s amazing because Dean isn’t a religious person and he has no faith in god or the other angels. All his hope and faith is in Cas. If Cas dies his hope and faith is gone and he can barely function.
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This scene is amazing. One of the best scenes I’ve seen so far in terms of acting and storyline. Dean tells Cas to get the angel tablet Cas will have to kill him first. That’s usually something someone says if they are planning to fight back yet Dean does nothing but let Cas hit him. It’s beautiful that they won’t fight each other even in a situation like this where Cas is being mind controlled. Then there’s Deans speech. I know you. It’s me. We’re family. We need you (swallow). I need you. The I know you and it’s me is saying the same thing I just said Dean knows Cas wouldn’t intentionally hurt him of all people. Then the we’re family. That’s a big thing for Dean. It means I trust you, I’d die for you and I know you feel the same way. First he said we need you as in him and Sam needs Cas as an angel but then he swallows and gets the courage to say I need you. This is also big. Dean has said this to Cas before but it was different. Before it was a I need you in my life whether you’re an angel or not. This time it was clearly Dean not haveing the courage to say I love you but the next best thing. This time it’s more about their profound bond as Cas said. I know originally Dean was supposed to say I love you but I personally don’t think he’s ready to say that yet. Then Cas goes to fix Dean but Dean doesn’t know if Cas is going to kill him or what he’s going to do yet all Dean does is grab Cas arm.
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The beginning of ep 18. Sam asks Dean if there was anything he wanted to talk about and what had happened with Cas. Dean said like my feelings? Sam said sure if that’s what you want to talk about. Sounds like Sam knows about Deans feelings for Cas and is letting him know that he’s willing to listen. This look was Dean realizing Sam knows but there’s no way he’s talking about it yet.
Lastly I just want to share this. I had a conversation with my friend a few days ago and she watched Supernatural just not the last season (it’s not on netflix or it wasn’t when she was watching it). She also isn’t on tumblr or instagram and hasn’t watched any of the con interviews so she has no idea about what people say about the show. She’s half homophobic. She doesn’t mind gay guys but she doesn’t want to see it. I asked her what she thinks Deans sexuality is. She said bi. I asked if it was because she knows I’m a Destiel fan but she said no it’s pretty obvious considering the scenes. Then I told her about Cas confession speech and how Dean was supposed to say I love you and a bunch of other stuff that was supposed to happen and how the changes didn’t change Destiel at all and she said I knew it.
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romanarose · 9 months
Inner Youth
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No Outbreak!Joel x fem!reader
Join my taglist : Masterlist
Summery: You lead an extremely shelters childhood and youth, homeschooled and not allowed to partake in a lot of things other people your age had. This has left you disconnected from your generations. Maybe that's why you like older men.
Joel watched Mean Girls with you.
Warnings: Brief mentions of religious trauma and family issues stemming from that. Mentions of homophibia and sexism.
Immersibility: Reader is fem and afab.
A/N: I was homeschool v strict most of my life so this is personal lol
Texas didn't often have snow, but that's climate change for you. Another thing you were taught growing up wasn't real. The snow in Texas certainly didn't help anything, no matter how many times you tried to explain to the old men at the cafe that this was actually a sign of climate change, no one listened to you. Your family certainly didn't, the first time you'd admitted you believed it was real and they called you a dirty commie. You weren't entirely sure what communism had to do with climate change, but you leaned not to question it. They didn't even want you going to college in the first place but that movie secured that you would get no support as long as you were in a "liberal indoctrination school."
Joel listened to you, though.
You'd met him while waiting tables at the cafe he often went to for lunch. Sometimes he was alone, sometimes with his brother, sometimes with his daughter, who you later learned was about your age. That's why Joel was hesitant to date you, he didn't want to be a creep.
You were hesitant to date him too, not thinking that an older, southern man was going to mesh well with your own ideals. Addmittedly, you put him in a box with all the old, southern men you grew up around. Quickly, however, you learned he was not like them.
Firstly, Joel respected women. It was shocking to you how proud he was when he told you on an early date that his daughter got into a STEM masters program. You had gone for teaching, something that placated your family because they thought you would homeschool your children just like they had homeschooled you. A masters degree was out of the question, and STEM was for men.
Another sign was when he mentioned a few of his friends and casually said "Tess, Bill and his husband Frank". Later, you'd learned one of his daughter's friends that Joel had largely taken in, Ellie, was also gay, and none of this seemed to phase Joel at all. When it came to meeting your friend who was non-binary, Joel admitted he didn't really understand being trans or gender but was willing to learn. Most importantly, however, was the fact that it didn't matter if he got it or not, he called them what they wanted to be called, and treated them with respect.
That was the thing with Joel. You learned he was a young, and even before then he was busy taking care of his younger brother after his mom dad and his dad was a useless alcohalic. Joel didn't have time to form opinions on a lot of things. All he knew was to just be kind, and go from there. When Sarah and Ellie grew up and went to college, Joel suddenly had more time to spend with men his age, and was frankly disgusted.
Hadn't those words fallen out of vogue?
Why were they talking about women like that when they were married?
You disowned your son for wearing a skirt?
It wasn't until Tommy introduced him to Tess, and through Tess Bill and Frank that he found a group of people who thought more like him. They didn't have to get it to not be a dick.
So, you and Joel made a good couple.
It was easy with him. You didn't fight, you talked things through like adults, he didn't accuse you of being hysterical or downplay your feelings, he just listened. The way you grew up made you angry and defensive, and when you explained more of this to him, he understood better.
Nights like this were your favorites. You and Joel had been making your way through several shws you thought you'd both like. Shows like Succession, Breaking Bad, Narcos, but this movie was his idea.
Lights were off, central heating was off, you and Joel using a space heater instead to heat the bedroom under a pile of covers. Texas was not equipped to handle much snow, so you were doing your part to not overwhelm the cities electricity, lest there be blackouts. You still had your own apartment, but this was a great excuse to stay with Joel most nights. Besides, he lived near the school you taught at so he drove you to work and picked you up every day. It was all so domestic.
Ellie and Sarah had visited this weekend, Sarah making a movie reference Ellie and Joel laughed at, but you didn't. This was a common occurrence. Shows and movies allowed in your home were pretty minimal, and despite the last 5 years to catch up, you still could never fully 'get' pop culture references around you. You had accepted the fact you would always be a little on the outside of your generation, especially with other girls.
When they realized you hadn't seen it, Ellie's eyes were wide as she asked, 'Really?!' and you saw Sarah subtly nudge her. Ellie meant to harm, but had less of a filter than Sarah did.
So, when Joel and you settled on the bed, you resting your head on Joel's plump belly, Joel asked if you wanted to watch Mean Girls.
"Phht, you don't wanna watch Mean Girl, Joel-y"
You knew he loved you because he lets you call him Joel-y. "Yes I do!" You feel his belly bounce with laughter under you. "It's a good movie, Used to watch it with Sarah all the time."
You're glad he convinced you, because when Regina George got hit with a bus, you laughed so hard you farted.
"I never knew how many memes came from this movie. Get in loser, we're going shoping, raise your hand if you've ever been personally victimized,"
"You go Glen Coco."
"Yeah" You giggle with a smile, an arm wrapped around the swell of his stomach like you might hold a teddy. "It's frick'n funny" All these years out of it, you still can't bring yourself to say fuck. You noticed Joel doesn't say it either. Whether it's from his southern baptist upbringing or because he knows you won't say it, you aren't sure. Ellie and Tommy certainly have no problem.
"We can keep doing this, y'know." Joel says and the movie credits roll, his hand stoking your hair.
You begin to drift off, mumbling sleepily. "Do what?"
"Watch movies and shows you missed out on. Even the girlie ones."
You cran your head to look up at him. "Hm?"
"I mean," Joel moved you off him for a moment, making you pout, but it was only long enough to turn off the tv and settle into a sleeping position. "That Sarah and Ellie are your age, I know at least the big movies and shows the kids were into."
"Joel..." You shake your head. "I love you, but you don't wanna sit around watching shitty teen movies from the 2000's with me."
He kissed the crown of your head. "And you and Frank didn't want to watch doomsday preppers with me and Bill for 5 hours but we did. I'd sit through all of Glee if it meant you felt less left out. I just want you to be happy."
Smiling, you nuzzled in against his softness, feeling safe and warm and cared for in Joel's grasp. "I mean... I wouldn't complain if you wanted to watch The Notebook..."
"The Notebook it is, baby. Now, get some sleep. First day back at school tomorrow."
You groan dramatically just to feel his chuckle again. "Those kids are lucky I love them."
"They sure are."
This was supossed to be a quick thing but then there was a long backstory and now i wanna write more XD maybe scenes of Joel recreating memories that reader never got from being homeschooled or sheltered.
I had a similar idea last year with Benny Miller actually haha.
Anway, my usual tag list BUT tagging a few people I thought may also enjoy
@fandxmslxt69 @runa-falls @k-ra @whatthefishh @ahookedheroespureheart @mikaelak @littlenosoul @stevenandmarcslove @pikapuff-316 @del-ightfulling @faretheeoscar @harriedandharassed @my-secret-shame-but-fanfiction @campingwiththecharmings @ramblers-lets-get-ramblin @milly-louise @casa-boiardi @joeldjarin @mrs-oharaxx @pedge-page @ninebluehearts
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chouxsardine · 9 months
The Lucky Ones -- Danny Wagner x reader
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Summary: Does superstition still work its magic when it comes to love? --a spontaneous new year tradition leads to confessions between you and Danny
Pairing: Daniel Wagner x reader
Word Count: 3229
Warnings: mention of alcohol, cussing, superstitions, slight allusion to previous abusive relationship, insecurity
Genre: fluff, COTTON-CANDY-GRAPE LEVEL OF SWEETNESS, friends to lovers
Author's note: Here is a VERY LATE Danny's Birthday/New year fic and also my first time writing Danny! Inspired by the viral tiktok trend about amusing new year traditions. I find them very interesting. I wish everyone a belated happy new year and all the best wishes. Please enjoy :))
🎧: The Lucky Ones by Lana Del Rey (by now titles from song is canon lol I'm so sorry)
You have always been a superstitious person, not religious, not believing in magic or the supernatural, just superstitious. Yes, you do believe ghosts exists, and you try to cover your eyes and ears when watching horror films. You hold awe and veneration for some “higher power” like your primitive ancestors. Since childhood, you have always been meticulous about the details, from the direction in which your slippers are pointing at when you take them off before bed to what to eat for breakfast the day of your school theatre showcase. Growing up, many people misunderstood your behavior as symptoms of OCD, but only you know that it is merely the result of your obsession with coincidences and the compulsion to recreate the happiness they have brought to your life; far from being diagnosed as an disorder.
You are going to spent the New Year’s Eve with Danny. You have known each other since you were little kids and have been best friends for over two decades. Friends and families have been teasing you two about being together, and almost everyone thought at least one of you was going to make a move during Christmas. But, alas, nothing happened as the days passed, and here you are, about to draw an end to another year of your friendship. Your feelings for Danny have certainly have developed beyond just platonic level, but you also didn’t want to ruin the precious friendship you have built throughout the years. Plus, you have to admit that you are waiting for a sign. Ah, yes, it is your superstition at work—you believe that there will be an omen indicating the time is ripe to confess your true feelings for Danny. It is not very often that he gets a break from touring and returns home. For now, you just want to be close to him, spend quality time together, and create more memories.
It is safe to say that you nearly jumped off the couch when you saw the trend about “eating twelve grapes under the table at midnight of New Year’s Day for good luck.” How are you only seeing this the afternoon of December 31st? You are already at Danny’s, and the only food you brought over is your renowned passion fruit cheesecake.
“Danny? Do you have any grapes left?”
“What?” Danny yells back from downstairs.
“Do we have any grapes?” You look around the room. The fruit bowl on the counter is filled with limes, which are for making margaritas later. Oh, you should have known better.
“I don’t think so. Do frosted grapes count?” Danny enters the living room and opens the fridge door.
You watch expectantly as Danny opens the freezer section. To your disappointment, there are only five freezer-burned round objects that could hardly be identified as grapes huddled together in a ziplock bag.
“What’s wrong, y/n? Suddenly craving some grapes?” Danny asks amusingly.
“No…well, yes,” You defeatedly close the fridge door and show Danny the post you just read. “It says you’re supposed to eat grapes for good luck.”
“Hum…”Danny’s eyebrows knit in concentration as he skims the article. “I think grocery stores are still open today.”
That’s the thing about Danny. Although you try to hide your superstitious behavior from others, you are never afraid to be yourself in front of him. Instead of thinking you are weird or childish, Danny finds your “little rituals” cute and endearing. He never presses on with questions, which only makes you more willing to explain them to him. And Danny is one hell of a listener.
Nothing compares to the last grocery run of the year. Maybe last-minute Christmas shopping comes in a close second. You are prepared for sensory overload when you see the preoccupied parking lot.
“Looks like everyone forgot something for their dinner,” Danny pulls open the passenger’s side door. Panic suddenly struck you.
“What if everyone has read about it and grapes were sold out?”
“I guess we will find out in a minute.”
Your worries almost became reality. There were only a few bags left on the fruit shelf, and they were obviously being picked over—from the plastic packaging, you saw a few were squished and watery, the ones near the bottom looked withered and brown. But you were positive that you could knock together twenty-four grapes from them.
“I swear you’re my lucky star, Danny. I bet there would be none left if you didn’t come with me.” You sigh in relief as you put all the remaining three bags into the cart.
“That’s a lovely to hear, y/n. Anything else we need for auspiciousness?” Danny asks half-jokingly.
“Actually, we do!” You remember the title of the little pop-up link as you scrolled to the end of the article and saw it mentioned collard greens and black-eyed peas.
Collard greens were easy to find; the panic threatened to twist your stomach again when you didn’t see any canned black-eyed beans.
“Kidney beans…chickpeas…romano…lentils….” Your eyes move fast down each row. “They only have bags of dry beans and we don’t have time to soak and boil them!”
Danny is scanning the label with you until he reaches to the top shelf and grabs a can of mixed beans.
“Look, there’s black-eyed peas in mixed beans. We can just pick them out,” Danny suggests.
“Oh my god, that’s genius!” You perk up immediately.
“Just making good use of my height advantage, I guess,” Danny beams.
On the way home, you are humming along to Queens playing in the radio and clutching the grocery bag containing a bundle of collard greens, a can of mixed beans, and three bags of grapes in your arms, as if you are taking home a puppy from the shelter. Danny couldn’t help but smile at your little expressions of contentment; he loves how you are always able to preserve the childlike innocence to appreciate all the tiny beautiful things.
As soon as you get back home, you dive into further research. By dinner, you had watched a dozen of different videos and five more articles about how exactly one should eat the grapes, answering your question of which colour grapes should you eat (both are fine, and you made sure to buy both red and green ones), whether you should eat them at the countdown to the new year or the first minute of the new year (the latter) , and whether you should sit under a table while eating it (answers vary on this one, but you decided to do it under the table anyways).
Danny is washing the grapes at the kitchen sink.
“Y/n, do you want to pick out the twelve you’re gonna eat?” He asks as he drains them in the strainer basket.
“Oh yes! Thanks for washing them, Dan,” You scamper over. Danny looks so cozy and relaxed in his sweater. His curls tied back into a small pony tail, a few stubborn strands framing his face. The hot, attractive drummer on stage that has the fans screaming and swooning is so different from the huggable human-sized teddy bear that you get to see a lot more often, but it still has the little girl inside you all rosy-cheeked and fluttered nonetheless. For a moment, you are lost appreciating his profile, his lips slightly pursed, long eyelashes casting shadows as he looks down in concentration. The grapes look delicate in between his strong and lean fingers.
You are pulled back from your thoughts and bump right into Danny’s mossy brown eyes staring at you. You feel your cheeks getting hotter. Is it still normal to feel the butterflies even after you’ve been friends for so long?
“You are doing this together with me, are you?” You ask as you hold up two grapes to the light, turning and inspecting them as a gemologist. You never wanted to push your own habits and rituals onto others. You have learned from that mistake in past relationships and have since been careful about not coming across as the superstitious version of the lunatic “horse girl”. Although Danny has been considerably supportive about this—buying the grapes with you, coming up the clever solution with the beans, and now this grown ass man is leaning over the kitchen counter and being the judge of a “grape beauty pageant” —the insecurity deep down still peeks around the corner.
“Of course, my dear. I wouldn’t say no to some good luck for the new year.” You can tell Danny’s smile is genuine. Upon seeing the curve of his lips, you could heard the bubbles of second thoughts in your mind popping.
“Look, we even got the cotton candy kind of grapes, those are your favourite.” Danny holds up a bunch of particularly green and shiny grapes.
You almost let out a chirp at the sight of it. You must’ve ignored the label as you hurriedly picked them up at the store. As the name suggested, they do taste like cotton candy. When your teeth break open the skin, the juices are like pure honey pouring down your throat. “And they make the best frosted grapes too!”
“You’re right. We can make another batch with the left overs to ‘replenish our frosted grapes arsenal’.”
You feel a warm, tingling sensation on your palms. Itchy palms are a good sign, right?
Half an hour to the new year, you have already situated yourself under the bar table in the kitchen, the only table in the entire house that is high and spacious enough for two grown adults to crouch under.
“Mind your head!” You extend your hand to pad the underside of the table as Danny gets down on his knees and scoots next to you, almost bumping his head.
“Ooops, close call,” Danny sat down cross-legged. “You know what, I just realized my house probably wasn’t the safest if there was an earthquake or something.”
“Shhh….Danny!” Out of your superstitious habit, you immediately put your fingers on his lips to shush him without much thinking. “Knock on wood!”
Danny pliantly knocks three times on the table above his head, laughgin at your seriousness.
You withdraw your hand, the softness of his lips lingering on your finger tips. “I don’t think this little table is going to do much anyway if it really comes to that,” you said.
“Don’t worry, I’ll protect you.”
The phrase came out his mouth so naturally, without a single second of hesitation. It transported back you into the time in kindergarten when you were pushed aside while waiting for you turn to play on the slide, you looked up through tear-blurred vision; the time when you were on a camping trip and you were nervous about stepping off from the canoe onto the river bank; the time in the scary escape room where your palms were all sweaty and your teeth were biting your bottom lip so hard that it almost drew blood…all these times, there were always a pair of steady hands beside you and a calming voice saying, “Don’t worry, I’ll protect you.”
You quickly blink a few times, getting back to reality and focusing on the two plates in front of you. It must looked like the weirdest “Girl Dinner”—a forkful of boiled collard greens, one tablespoon of black-eyed peas rinsed and drained straight out of the can, and twelve grapes (six green and six red).
“Okay, enlighten me on how to do this,” Daniel asks.
“So I looked into it a bit more. We are supposed to eat each grape along with each chime of the clock once it strikes twelve, but realistically I don’t think anyone can do that without choking, so we just have to make sure we finish all of them by 12:01. Then we eat the veggies and the beans.”
“Uh-huh, weird combinations,” Daniel muses.
“I know. That’s why I got us champagne afterwards to wash it all down.” You point to the two glasses not very far from you.
“Damn. All teed up.”
“Oh I almost forgot! One more very important thing: you are supposed to think about the wishes for the new year as you eat the grapes, one for each month!”
Your palms grew slimy again as your eyes glued to the counting down on the phone screen.
“Oh my gosh, Danny we are doing this…six, five, four, three, two, one!”
You close your eyes and start popping grapes into your mouth one by one. The excitement and adrenaline crush down the twelve preformed coherent wishes in your mind into word soup. Apart from the recurring ones like “health,” “safety,” and “happiness,” the letters spelled “Danny” again and again. Wishing Danny to stay happy and healthy, luck and success for the band and touring, hoping you get to see Danny more, spend more time with Danny, be with Danny….
You swallow down the last bite of your grapes as you open your eyes. You see Danny looking at you, smiling, his cheeks still puffed like a hamster from chewing. There is something magical about seeing the person you wished for right there the moment you open your eyes. It is like seeing the fairy godmother popping up on your birthday cake after blowing out the candles. You giggle as you both devour the greens and the beans, and your glasses clink together as you gulp down the champagne, releasing the satisfied “ahhh” exhale afterward.
“Oh wow.” You hold up the phone. The both of you watch as the seconds tick to 00 and the minutes change from 0 to 1.
“Happy New Year, Y/n.”
“Happy New Year, Danny.”
You two still sit in the not-so-comfortable position under the table, listening to the echoes of the chimes and the sound of fireworks in the distance, savouring the imaginary freshness of the new year, taking it all in like sniffling the smell of ink on the crispy pages of brand new books. Suddenly, you feel the warm feeling slipping away from you, as if visualizing a red line dropping on a thermometer. You don’t know if it’s the sight of the empty dishes and glasses or the adrenaline ebbing away, you aren’t prepared for the previously tamed insecurity to suddenly resurface. The aftertaste of the grapes turned sour in your mouth and made your skin crawl.
“What’s wrong, y/n?” Sensing the change in your mood, Danny turns to you, immediately finding your hands and soothingly brushing circles on your palm with his thumb.
“Danny, are all these…am I…too much?” Your voice are incredibly quiet, fearing it will break. Before Danny can answer, you continue, “do you think this is too….childish and crazy?”
“Okay, y/n, take a deep breath,” you felt the warmness of Danny’s hands steady on either side of your cheek, grounding you in his loving gaze and gentle touch, “you’re not going to cry on New Year’s Day, that’s not good.”
You take in a shaky breathe, trying your best to ease the stinging feeling in your eyes as the tears threatened to spill.
“Good girl. Now, talk to me. What happened? Why are you sad all of a sudden?”
“Danny, I just felt like…” you are plagued by the flashback of the hurtful words of your ex, it still stings as you recite them, “I need to grow up and quit these stupid superstitious nonsense, quit fooling around like a five-year-old…and, and treating everyone around me like one!” You inhale deeply again to regulate your breathing.
“No, y/n. Look at me, and listen.”
“You don’t make eye contact with the microwave timer when it’s has 13 seconds remaining. You always try your best not to step on cracks on the pavement, which makes you sometimes do those goofy strides. You always visit every wishing well in the cities we travel to.”
Your eyes widens as Danny recounts each of your weird little habits chapter and verse. Wait, he remembered all of them?
“I don’t give a fuck what other people have said about them, and I wish you don’t either.” Danny always tries not to swear in front of you, so you know he really means it when he pulls out those words.
“They are what makes you…you. They are an essential part of being y/n, and that’s important. You should never second-guess or change yourself just because some asshole yaps about it. Remember that one time you told me you always cling on superstitions because you feel like good things don’t often happen to you in life, so when they do, you want to remember the way they come and try to make sure they visit the next time?”
You nod, your heart melting.
“Hearing that breaks my heart, y/n, because I think you deserve all the good things in life. It’s my wish that in the new year, this beautiful, kind, and wonderful girl in front of me will stay away from toxic people, keep the people that love and cherish her close, and always prioritize her own well-being.”
“My wish and my luck is seeing you be happy, you know that? I’m the luckiest man in the world when my girl is the happiest.”
“Danny…” You lean into his touch, closing your eyes for a few seconds to savour the moment. You feel like an air ballon fueled by the love in your heart, free and fearless.
“I really like you, y/n,” he said, “as a friend and more than a friend.”
“I like you too, Danny. My feelings are mutual.” The words automatically fall out your lips, as if they have been prepared for this moment for years.
“Yeah? You know what my other wishes are? I hope y/n can be my girlfriend. I want to prove to her how lucky and deserving she is of all the good things.” He is looking at you as if you are the most precious being in the whole world, and in this moment, you truly are.
“I think…I can make that wish come true.” You say timidly, your hands also cupping his jaw. You can feel the pulse on his neck, eager and quick.
“You know it’s also good luck to kiss loved ones on new year’s day, right?” He whispers as he draws your chin to pull you close. Without any hesitation, you attach your lips to his. The kiss is soft and loving, with the residual sweetness of cotton candy grapes.
Because you were closing your eyes and making your wish, little did you know, Danny was watching you every time he popped a grape into his mouth. Every wish he whispered silently in his heart is related to you. He hoped that you’d be by his side for all the twelve upcoming months. He would be the happiest man in the world if even one of your wishes included him.
It turned out that good things don’t always need a sign to happen. True love is always on the hunt; it may creep up on you or catch you by surprise, but either way, it will always find you in the end.
Yeah! you made it! Thank you SO MUCH for reading :))
any comments and feedbacks are greatly welcomed and deeply appreciated
Do let me know if we want a tag list :D
Some more of my works: Mariner's Complex || Permission to Fall
Ticked (all my boxes) || Love is a four-legged word
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akkivee · 10 days
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ik i’m not that stage btch but i’m going to pretend i am for a second and do this thread of questions lmao
1. so far, which stage play is your favourite and why??
mine is bb vs dh actually lol!!!!! ofc canon’s btch prefers the more canon stages lol but i also really love how they handled dh’s emotional beats
like!!!!! the rosho vs ichiro as produced by sasara is top tier stage moments!!!!! sasara revealing that rei was on his team and the disbelief on ichiro’s face???? and the way ichiro hit him with that yung thug look when sasara started pry???? sasara being that asshole and setting up the entire fight, cheering on rosho like his personal cheerleader???? rosho demanding (ichiro) to stop look acting like he’s just some side piece/stepping stone to sasara and that’s when ichiro properly looked at rosho, impressed as hell and that’s when their true battle started???? except sasara, the orchestrator may i remind you, could see both rosho and ichiro genuinely getting into it for the thrill of a good battle so he put a stop to it???? AND ROSHO FINALLY CALLING SASARA OUT ON HIS BULLSHIT????? AND SASARA TRIED TO APOLOGISE BUT ROSHO WASNT HAVING IT AND STORMED OFF????? AND SASARA LOOKING AT HIS FAN WHERE THE CHARACTER FOR LAUGH IS WRITTEN ON IT TO REMIND HIMSELF TO SMILE THRU IT ALL BUT HE GENUINELY CANT AND EXITS STAGE LEFT TEARFULLY ohhhhhh i’ve already written an essay and it’s only the first question let me stop lol
2. who's your favourite actor in the first generation cast? (including actors who were recast before graduation) does your favourite actor play your favourite character, or are they different?
i feel like fav actor implies i cared/knew of any of these actors before hypstage which would be very false lmao. but akira-san was a real one and fck nelke for taking his ichiro away from us, ayukawa-san was so adorable and friendly and it made his jakurai genuinely adorkable and fck nelke for making him cry, and hirono-san i will not shut up about if you get me started and fck nelke genuinely 😌
3. which stage original division is your favourite? who is your favourite original division character?
uhhh i think it’s a toss up between north bastard and d4. i love kazu so much y’all don’t even know lmao he’s ichiro’s very own unami; childhood friend who loves him very dearly (*grips heart* i…..icchan….) but has a complicated family situation that drives him to do bad things and he does his best to make sure ichiro stays out of his way bc he doesn’t want to hurt him by doing said bad things but ichiro is stronger than that stronger than him and it makes kazu want to step up so he can stand on the same stage as ichiro again AUUUUUUUUUUUGH KAZUUUUUUU—
and d4 being written as characters from the worst sides of tdd is so ingenious bro wtf 😭😭😭😭 ibuki’s drive for revenge for his older brother vs the side of him that’s just a really nice guy???? arima’s unmatched violence and the way they portrayed it as a weapon with focus???? jyobu being so into ill doc the assassin and therefore never letting sensei forget his roots???? rindo being the og chuuoku spy and therefore ramuda’s discarded predecessor???? bruh 😭😭😭😭😭😭
4. did you watch any of the 1st gen cast seiyuu x haiyuu division leader cross talks? which was your favourite?
i watched all of them and went out of my way to record the hayama✖️hirono one bc i’m very not normal about it lmao
5. did you watch any of the new cast seiyuu x haiyuu division cross talks? which was the best for you?
i watched all of them and i watch the bat one what feels like every other week lmao. i also watch the mtc one religiously lmao
6. which rep lives did you watch? which one was your favourite, and what performances or moments did you enjoy from them?
this is completely my fault but i watched all the rep lives except dh’s SFHDASGJKDAAGHJFS gomen 😭😭😭😭😭 my favourite ones were bb for its short story, bat for the performances and mtr for all around best lol. everyone’s best songs came out from the rep lives tho i hope y’all know lol
i remember loading up the mtr stream and i could tell even from being behind the screen the energy in that venue was kinda crazy and the actors were all feeding off of it which gave us some really fantastic performances lol. also 😭😭😭😭 dohifu playing around with jakurai in an adlib scene where ayukawa thru sensei confessed it’d been a very long time since someone goofed off with him like that and he could barely get the sentence out bc he was trying to not laugh and stay in character uuuuuuuuuuuuuuu…………
it’s so hard talking about hirono kuukou without feeling like i’ll explode the moment i start lol but his energy levels reaching a frenzied peak where he shouted NAGOYAAAAAAAAAAA until he blacked out mid song kinda leaves an impression on you and how much he loved the role lol
that bb story was so funny lmao hey siri play ‘can’t keep it cool’ by takano akira for how badly ichiro panicked at the thought saburo got a girlfriend and how he roped jiro into pretending he’s the princess of aoyama so he could practice leaving a good impression on her (even tho saburo DID NOT get a girlfriend and quite literally broke down into tears bc his brothers are stupid and it overstimulated tf out of him lol)
7. favourite song and character from track.1:
KAZUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU and my fav song is actually buster bros vs mad trigger crew vs north bastard lol. idk like, that first stage was incredible for a lot of reasons and one of those was showing how masterful the stage is juggling storylines and character beats, depicting the rap battles and all to some banger music
8. favourite song and character from track.2:
*jinpanchi voice* JINPACHI lol he’s my lightning meow meow 🥺🥺🥺 and my fav songs were blast wolf and asakusa bounce!!!!! i attempted to learn blender for the first time after watching ayukawa jakurai dance in that song, i wanted to immortalise that choreographed lean that happens in the song it’s so hhhrrghffgggnnffrff
9.favourite song and character from track.3:
i like danjo lol i think he’s horrible and funny!!!! his song i think also stands out to me in that play as well
10.favourite song and performance (and character i guess lol) from track.4:
i uh, don’t really remember any songs in track 4 and i also hate track 4’s main theme *wheeze* i like ramuda in track 4 tho!!! like that is a mean ramuda lol and i always respect someone who tries to make everyone as miserable as they are when provoked lol shout out to jakurai being the actual villain in that play
OH YEAH and who can forget come back to me!!!!! troy bolton wishes he had the power samatoki does in his longing for nemu song lmao
11.favourite song and character from track.5:
fav character is probably rindo??? or maybe jyobu???? arima deciding gun violence solves everything is so funny tho but ibuki’s ichiro foil-ness is really peak i—
as for songs, uhhhhhhhh all of the themes???? king of kings is peak jailbreak rock like bruh and shout out to the revolution still gives me chills track 5 bro 😩🤌 immaculate work
12.favourite song, performance and moments from DH vs BB:
pls refer to the first question for my answer lmao but i can also add i really liked the reirosho talk date number. i’ve always liked that scene in canon, where rei opens up a little bit to rosho and they both are vulnerable towards each other and getting it in song and dance form with a hell of a lot of jazz was sick lol
13.favourite song, performance and moments from BAT VS M:
i don’t revisit this play much lol but i love the scene where jyushi gets separated from kuukou after they raid fragrance and jyushi has his very own shinjuku meltdown LOL. i also really liked kuukou seeing the error of his ways and in order to fix them, he decides to act like the villain he very well could be lol but jyushi the goober wrecks that vibe and hits him with the funniest kuukou impersonation LOL
14.favourite song, performance and moments from FP vs MTC:
15.have you seen New Encounter yet? what did you think of it? who is your favourite new cast member? do they play your favourite character or someone else? what new song do you like most?
i liked new encounter!!!! i haven’t rewatched it since my first few initial watch thrus tho so i can’t remember the music all that well save for the OI OI OI parts in bat’s song and the way nakanishi-san gave it his all to fill the hole hirono kuukou left behind is commendable!!!! but the mtc actors kinda stole the show lol that samajuto cigarette kiss??? the way uehara samatoki beckoned juto over with a grunt and the tilt of his head so he could light em up???? samariou bonding in a different way from canon but hits even harder????
ik it was everyone’s first stage back and it kinda showed but there were plenty of moments that made you think ‘oh they still got it actually’ lol
16.are you going to watch grateful cypher? what do you hope to see from it?
YEAH and i’m most curious about kuukou’s writing as y’know, your local kuukou enthusiast and stalker lol. seven divisions is a lot tho, so i hope there’s focus!!! they know who they want to challenge and they pull thru on it while still feeling like there is enough pie for everyone lol
17.favourite actor, song and character from Renegades of Female:
ALL OF THEM ARE QUEENS and i’m fond of the oriwomen!!!! like i can’t really say i liked the music lol??? i did but i also didn’t lol they were bops but they sang so much but the songs were catchy god why did they sing tho the callbacks tho in nemu’s songs were so powerful otome’s could rally soldiers honobono like yaaaaaasssssss the singing tho—
18.what made you a fan of hypstage? have you ever attended a show in person (or plan to) or watched a live stream?
i’m pretty sure i’ve watched at least one stream for each show except track 5 (i was off the grid) and dh rep live (IM SORRY) i don’t plan to go to jp to watch one either, unless these new gen actors somehow blow my mind in ways the legends era never did. but that’s a tall order bc the legends era defined so much of the characters despite not being canon. it was fun seeing the way the stage grew and how the actors grew into the characters and how it kept evolving until that era’s end
2019 hypmic’s clowned on the stage upon initial announcement bc what story could they possibly tell. well lmao!!!!! track 1 set the story straight and that’s when i knew the stage had magic 😭😭😭😭
19.do you own or collect any hypstage merch? what's your favourite? what confuses you to this day? what's your holy grail item?
not really lol. i own all the dvds in season 1 and track 5 but none of season 2 (which is tragic bc i enjoyed season 2 far more 😭😭😭). i did splurge a little after bop2023 bc i believe in retail therapy lol and i care about them so much 🥺🥺🥺
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does hypstage have freaky merch??? or is this bait to talk about the hypstage plastic wrap WHICH IS INGENIOUS BTW
20.have you followed any past or current actors from hypstage and seen their other work? what did you think?
i follow hirono-san wherever i can lol he’ll always be a kuukou and therefore i’ll support him 😌 i also poke around the nmcd actors works and maybe bc he’s such good friends with hirono-san, i often see fukuzawa yuu in my media too lol (he dropped a killer ep recently by the way outside of his usual group y’all should check it out)
(and watch nanashi while you’re at it it’s peak fiction lol)
21.what are your thoughts about the new original division, WESTEND-MAFIA (hachioji division)?
sick designs!!!!! as much as i hate seeing the echoes of the old oridivis lol!!!! i’m excited to see what they cook since they haven’t missed with these oridivis yet lol
22.are there any characters you wish interacted with each other more in the stage plays (or even between the stage and main canons)?
pls go back to my kazu answer from question 3 and tell me that’s not just kuukou rebranded for the stage lol. a best friend who left but suddenly reappeared??? will do anything for family??? admires ichiro’s strength and wants to stand with him on stage again??? snake imagery???? had a really fcking gay duet with ichiro????? i’m so sick they never got to interact together like yeah i get it hypmic is the samatoki ichiro show so everything’s gotta lead back to their dynamic hence why we were getting another stage with north bastard and mtc (and fp lol) but north bastards’s initials are nb and their unifying symbol were green bandanas and green is red’s complimentary colour IT WAS SO OBVIOUS NORTH BASTARD STOLE NAUGHTY BUSTERS FLOW BRO AT LEAST LET KUUKOU AND KAZU HANG OUT LOL
i’m also really sad jakurai and jinpachi never saw each other after their fall out 😕
23.is there an event in the main canon (that is, the audio drama tracks) you hope they cover in the stage plays that hasn't been depicted yet?
i wonder lol!!!! i would have loved a leaders play to balance out having a tdd play in the legends era and ig i can still ride with one now!!!! but where canon’s at with its story makes me grateful the stage rebooted bc i personally couldn’t have seen how the stage would have adapted post 2nd drb stuff with its notable lack of women and the division beef resolving itself
maybe we can get the honobono hifumi doppo dynamic in stage tho!!!! get a proper nemu and samatoki duet!!!! lol do me a solid and have samatoki and ichijiku fight over nemu we got possibilities now with proper women
24.or do you prefer when the stages have their own, separate storylines and canon? if so, what kind of story do you want to see one day?
that’s a great question lol and one i don’t think i have an answer for. like the stage thrives in a state of non-canonicity but it drives me insane that there’s a subsection of hypmic fans who look at stage kuukou and don’t see how self-immolating he can be for others and have no reason to suspect he is. he’s the coolest and most shallow version of kuukou but that’s their canon and i genuinely hate it lmao
i’m a little partial to these quasi canon stories tho!!!! like i don’t think we would have ever seen nemu rise to her current rank without the stage so it’s neat to see the stage get utilised in that way. i’m personally interested in worldbuilding details no one else would be unless they were balls deep with no plans to pull out lol so the stage can keep surprising me there
25.who has the coolest mic onstage? silliest? most lethal?
i like that asakusa’s mics were all based on oni lore lol like jinpachi had an oni’s spiky club, doshiro had an oni axe and masamune fits in the silliest with a sake cup mic since oni are also known to love drinking lol
i also think kokuri’s drill mic was also silly lol and it’s so funny nobody knows why he has it
and most lethal??? gotta be arima’s gun right lol????
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