#just needed to rant and vent somewhere
sanshofox · 5 months
Currently at a mental low. Just want to vent what’s been accumulating. I will still try to open astarion commissions for january but depending on my health I might have to start later just fyi.
Like I said before I had several trigger points at my left shoulder blade that took me awhile to wring them out with massages and warmth treatment. Wanted to give myself a pause.
Now for two-ish weeks I am noticing that my upper body is tilting a bit towards the left side when relaxing (standing or sitting). I know that I have scoliosis but it was never a severe case. Doctors let me go just like that when I was a kid except for a bit of regular physio. But now I have the feeling that I maybe had the shoulder blade pain because it‘s gotten worse. I am scared shitless. It’s right before christmas I am not getting doctors appointments til next year and I am afraid of what’s to come because none of the three main treatments sound good, more like a burden to my life quality/body feeling. Currently always fixing posture when I feel like I tilting again and I am so frustrated and fed up. It’s constantly on my mind because of that and things like reading or drawing that were once enjoyable and my relaxation nr1 I am now afraid of doing because of posture.
Another thing I noticed is that my left arm has lost strength. Maybe through whatever I had in my shoulder blade. Like I said before in a post I powered through drawing for 2 months straight. Maybe that resulted in muscle loss. Holding my phone in my left hand is much more straining from arm to shoulder blade than my right side.
So yea I hoping that it has nothing to do with my scoliosis but instead smth else. Even while writing this, holding my phone in both hands my left arm almost hurts from holding it up for long. 2023 has been a shitshow and this was the moulding cherry on top for me.
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kbius6 · 2 months
TEN year anniversary for the Tokyo Ghoul anime has me dead. TEN YEARS?!?! REALLY?!?!?! IT'S BEEN TEN YEARS?!?!?!
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This was the first manga I ever read start to finish(and reading it made me kind of hate the anime lol(I don't hate it, but it deserved better). The fact that it's turning 10 just absolutely boggles my mind. I was going through so much at that time, grandpa dying from cancer, being in the closet and terrified to even admit it to myself(pan & proud 🩷💛💙) my depression coming back in FULL swing and then some, and on top of it finally being a teenager(14 in September 2014). It's always gonna have a special place in my heart. It helped me get through so much, and honestly it's probably what really kicked off my love Japanese metal/rock music(I know Unravel is just a meme at this point but TK's music fucking slaps)
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maudiemoods · 11 months
Every few weeks I remember that as of right now my life really isn't going in the direction I want it to go and I have a little month long freak out about how I'm wasting my life and how I absolutely need to find a career
I'm trying to make a list of goals and the steps to get there but it's hard. I'm so worried about investing all my time and energy into something I end up not liking. Idk I have a lot of fear in my heart. Makes things very difficult for me skenksmdjsjn
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grumpybabybat · 7 months
Wanting and needing a caretaker so bad but also not because I’m so picky and also weirdos on the internet and I’m honestly not that smart and don’t always pick up on things, but don’t care because JUST WANT A CARETAKER but I’m annoying and so clingy and mentally unstable so I’m a lot of work, and feel like a lot of caretakers want a bubbly and cute small one who has no problems at all and I’m not, also I can be a bit bratty and completely defiant but I’m also not?? Know people don’t wanna deal with that so I’m just stuck without a caretaker and watching everyone else get one when I don’t, plus I have a partner so it feels off to just ahhrvahrvdbvrbevr
Sorry for the ramble
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fromthemouthofkings · 9 months
I know I'm rather late to this particular train but in light of the new wave of Covid kicking back up again, I just want to express
that I am incandescently furious about these past few years of watching many of my fellow humans, friends, family, coworkers, hypocrites who claim to care about accessibility without lifting a finger to actually do anything about it, and most especially those doctors and policymakers whose duty it is to care for their people and provide a clear example and leadership, decide that my life is expendable and not worth even the minor inconvenience of wearing a piece of paper over their face some of the time.
I'm so tired of being treated like I'm crazy for still taking precautions against a disease that could further disable me if not worse, and that has already caused serious effects on my life, and more tired of being locked out of the public life and my own community on pain of death or debilitating illness. I know you can't control other people's actions, but it still feels insane to be pleading for my life and have most of my community, the same people who took me in and loved me when my family of birth and my religion shunned me for being queer, utterly refuse to do even the most minor fucking thing to help me (and themselves!)
and yes some people are still taking precautions. and more people would probably do more if the CDC recommended it or if the guidelines were built around something other than politics and the economy and just accepting that abled people will get Covid once or twice a year and the rest of us will just have to die about it. And lots of people simply don't know any of this and have no reason to, and would be doing more if they did
but I'm still mad. And, more than that, betrayed. And helpless, because how do you fight apathy without looking like the fun-hating, party-spoiling paranoid? How do you cope with your options being go to work and the grocery store and see your family and let all the people around you put you into grave danger, or lose access to those things altogether? it's not sustainable, and I'm looking ahead at this fall and winter, and I am already so tired
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exp123mon · 3 months
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Gonna steadily (re)post art in bulk fried in Glaze.
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rosalind-hawkins · 28 days
Personal negativity below the cut.
Haha! I finally made a Snapchat account, and I got a friend request there from my sister.
For context: I've chosen to block my entire immediate family on my phone because I'm so sick of their hypercritical and emotionally abusive crap.
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"Wants to be your friend"???
Oh yeah, sure you do. Bitch, you didn't even congratulate me when I told you I was getting married. You wouldn't even talk to my now-husband the first time I brought him home as my boyfriend to meet my family. HE STAYED WITH US FOR THREE DAYS AND YOU REFUSED TO TALK TO HIM, YOU FRIGID-ASS BITCH. Then when I said I was getting married, you said you couldn't congratulate me because "you didn't know him." Bitch, you had the chance, but you never took an interest in him or in my relationship. You judge me so hard for being scared of bugs but if I even say the word snake, you have to get up and leave the room. YOU GET PISSED AT ME FOR GETTING THE HICCUPS EVEN THOUGH I CAN'T CONTROL IT.
Now you want to be my friend? Yeah, okay, sure, I totally believe that. 🖕 Fuck you.
The problem is that my family thinks they've never done anything wrong, and I'm the screwup. Everything is my fault. So no, I'm not accepting that friend request and I don't feel guilty for it, because I guarantee you that she still thinks I'm the problem.
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lovelyhan · 9 months
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attroxx · 2 months
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rant under the cut i'm just tired of being an adult ((:
every time i think i'm ahead i just get pushed back. i just spent 300$ on tires and my grandpa calls me and tells me my back tire is going flat. and i'm not sure if those are the new tires or not but either way, either i gotta replace the rest of my tires or the ones i just bought are bogus. i'm on the verge of tears. i have a trip coming up in 2 weeks and i've been so excited cause i need a break and UGHHHHHHHHHHHH
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poppin-fandoms · 2 years
Bro i just finished season 3 and there’s too much mileven ;-;
I mean I do think they’re cute but NOT ROMANTICALLY. Platonic eleven is where its at.
It makes me lose hope lowkey but then I remember that season 4 exists and Mike Wheeler is NOT straight at all. As straight as a mfin circle. You cant tell me he wasn’t infatuated with Eddie CMON its confirmed he even grew his hair out to be like him 😭
I get scared sometimes tho 💀 like what if they don’t break up. But they def will. Honestly as long as Mileven breaks up PLZ
Mileven just doesn’t have that chemistry that Lumax and Jancy and even Elmax and Byler have. And they never will and its so OBVIOUS like you don’t even have to be a Byler to notice it. Bro even one of my teachers said Byler has so much more chemistry than Mileven and she thinks will and Mike should get together and I love her for that 😭 and shes like in her late 40s sooo
It’s not even delusional to think it’ll be canon like there’s stuff everywhere cuz everything is so intentional. Its so POSSIBLE and in my opinion they ARE endgame 100% idc you cant change my mind.
I mean the szn is really good and I like the aesthetics too like the MALL and the OUTFITS r all so cool. it’s fun I mean I love Stranger Things but I just hate how apart Will and Mike were the whole season and the way Mike ACTED like dude chill tf out 💀💀 and then Will was hardly ever shown again, this is like the last few episodes of the season.
But ofc we have the famous “its not my fault you dont like girls!” Mike, your internalized homophobia is showing 🤭
Its funny cuz I always LOVE the first 2-3 episodes of each season and then obviously it gets sad 😭 and hella action too but its still good BUT I HATE WHEN CHARACTERS DIE LIKE POOR ALEXAI WTF?? He deserved better and so did Bob obviously.
Nobody better die in season 5 istfg. Like all of the OG cast has to survive PLEASE LET THEM LIVE.
I also watched the first ep of season 4 and I love Chrissy but ofc, vecna put her out of her suffering, and unfortunately I think Will is also gonna get vecnad in szn 5 cuz my boy has been thru it ALL. When is he not being hurt in some way he deserves nothing but happiness.
Like whats gonna happen after Will confesses to Mike? I mean I still can’t believe it, it’s actually happening and the painting and all that and then he’s gonna be so sad cuz he’ll think Mike doesn’t feel the same and I have SO many fanfic ideas honestly
Also I adore Elmax SO MUCH I honestly wish they could be canon I just love them they’re so prefect for each other. Max is the #1 Mileven anti lmao. I keep remembering how she wanted to be friends with Mike in szn 2 but he was so rude to her like BRO WTF. I still like Lumax but like…consider Elumax.
But El deserves better and she does deserve to be on her own away from Mike.
Also Robin’s coming out scene will never not get me I LOVE HOW SUPPORTIVE STEVE IS i freaking love Steve I mean like honestly who doesn’t?
So is it rlly a reach to say Mileven was straight bait cuzzzz
I rlly love Robin and Vickie which r definitely ending up together (with Byler cuz they also kinda parallel each other) but I am very fond of Ronance I love it.
AND THEN JOPPER I ALSO LOVE THEM. Remember when they were like “theres nothing romantic between us we’re just friends.” And then the “we’re a team” and it reminded me so much of that one Byler scene in szn 4 which im pretty sure has been pointed out but yeah the PARALLELS.
And also Jancy had that “oh we’re just friends” moment before they got Murrayed like Jopper. Murray getting matchmaking all the Byers? PERIOD. He better finish that in season 5.
Also why do I lowkey ship Murray and Alexai like that wasn’t just me right? Fuck it
But yeah just some thoughts…
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felinecryptid · 1 year
i feel like whatever American media is doing with south asian females leads is just atrocious, especially about romance
ive yet to see a desi teen girl deal with romantic feelings in a way thats not 'oh fuck i wanna sleep w him but im such a loser and my mom is such a prude'
the fuck kinda message does that send? 'the only kind of love is the one given by boys, the one that leads to sex and babies'
there's always misunderstanding with the moms (its infuriating ik, my mom is the same but you gotta try to understand, they're not out to get us)
no good relationship with their dads as well he either dead or wants to marry his daughter off to a random dude
and why is she always full of prejudice like calm tf down just cuz your father died doesn't mean you should become a fucking n*zi
all she wants is popularity yet she puts down these 'posers' and 'wannabes' all the fucking time
and her arc is always about sex, whyyy, why does the white teen there get a narrative about accepting the loss of innocence childhood and a full coming out story with a lesson about keeping loved ones close but this girl here is fixed by sex
maybe if it was some metaphor expressed through sex id be more forgiving but its always about boys and popularity and sex and marriage, its bollywood by a different name
its always a name which is technically desi but not a real one, white washed and easy or just outright white
and ive not seen one queer desi person in american media, its not like we don't exist like what the fuckk
and then people ask 'why do you like k dramas and indie alt books' bc there's nothing that isn't mindless buzzing about how the older generations perceive us, give us inclusive media and we'll appreciate our culture more, how do i exist in a community which does not perceive me, how do i find a place for myself when most of us are expected to conform in a way which has become irrelevant, not just to me, not just to my age, not just to my gender but to the entire world, how do i love myself for who i am, when you tell me to be what others expect me to be????
im done.
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awakefor48hours · 7 months
In case this needs to be said: don't trauma dump in a stranger's tags. It's disrespectful and not something people really want to see.
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powdermelonkeg · 2 years
Hey Uber Eats
Why/what the fuck
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the-gayest-sky-kid · 2 years
and im getting backed up further and further into this corner and im in too deep and there's no way out anymore and my only options are going fucking splat or dying in some other way and all I've been is prolonging it and fuck i dont think i can do this anymore and ive had talks with my mother and she told me that there's thousands of people out there who have it worse and they still get through it so i need to suck it up and that if i dont stop maybe i do need to be put in the hospital like a 'crazy person' (because the doctor had attempted to before because i opened up about being a bit suicidal because i couldn't keep doing this) and fuck i dont know what to do anymore okay and now my fucking throat hurts from crying
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lindira · 1 year
I am perhaps unreasonably angry at my brother and his wife for eating the rest of the Chinese food I bought for my family. Yet, here we are. Like, they didn’t even ask to have it?? And they didn’t even thank me for providing their dinner?? I was hoping to have some leftovers to eat for lunch or a snack tomorrow... *grumbles*
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lol how do i tell my sister-in-law, who is currently complaining about this, that the reason none of her siblings or sibling-in-laws comment on the pics of her kids that she puts in the family chat is because her eldest (2.5yrs) was born in the height of covid and while she wanted to keep him safe, all she did was ensure that no one was allowed close to him (legit have never hugged/ held him, save for 5 min when he was 3weeks old and she had to pee), so now the kid has no rapport with anyone other than his mother and grandfather and will actively ignore everyone else, and her youngest is 4.5 months old and i've met him like twice. like, i'm sorry, but you have done nothing to encourage a relationship between your children and their relatives - going so far as to actively not include us in anything related to the kids (can't make name suggestions, never invites us over, actively hid that she was pregnant the second time around till she was 5.5 months in, started packing up her own child's little family birthday party when we pulled in the driveway because we arrived a bit later than she wanted after only telling us the plan for the evening that morning), and now you're cross we don't fawn over your kids? especially when you post about a dozen pics a day? there are people i follow on instagram who post pics of their kids, and i feel about the same level of reaction to those pics as i do to the pics of my own nephews because i have about the same level of interaction! but we can't say that because my SIL is one of those always-the-victim people who doesn't see herself as being part of the problem.
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