#just one chance kaya
beanghostprincess · 2 months
I am so fucking gay I want her so bad somebody please break my leg right now so this sweet doctor can treat me I am so gay oh lord women save me Kaya save me please Kaya just one chance please
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eureka-its-zico · 9 months
Chaos in Their Bones Ch. 2
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Ongoing Series
Synopsis: All your life you’d listened to your friend, Usopp spin wild tales about pirates and adventure. Pirates weren’t a thing that came often to Syrup Village, but one straw hat pirate and his crew changed all that the day they arrived. Now, you aren’t so sure if your sleepy little village was always pirate-free or if no one had been paying attention. 
Pairing: Roronoa Zoro x Reader
Genre: friends to lovers, frenemies to lovers, slow burn (I hope y’all like aching) eventual smut
Words: 6k+
A/N: For this chapter, I played with the idea of having Zoro’s POV. It felt necessary for the story progression that I had in mind. This chapter was a tad fun to write, and I hope that translated well into the story. Originally it was going to be longer, but I realized I wanted to save the dinner to go with all the action to end the Episode 3-4 story arc. Thank you guys so much for the love you’ve given this little story. I hope it continues to be one you enjoy 🖤 Much Love, Jenn
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This place is a maze. 
That thought rang true with every hallway you entered and the endless number of rooms within. With every step you took inside Kaya’s large estate, those words kept echoing through your head. How many guest suites could one house possibly hold? But also, why would you ever need so many?
You’d been wandering the halls for what felt like an eternity. Your head poked into each room after a brief knock. Yes, a brief knock before plunging head-first into someone’s private space wasn’t much of a warning but at least you were knocking. 
And all of this just to find Zoro who may or may not help you expose whatever metaphorical skeletons this butler had stuffed in his metaphorical closet. Or an actual closet. The possibilities felt endless. 
You weren’t even sure how you were going to explain to him exactly why you were searching for him without sounding like a creep. You would just have to cross that bridge when you came to it. 
You were about to give up trying to locate him because you were pretty sure you’d just passed that same exact clock for the second time in a row. You let out a raspberry as you placed your hands on your hips. Was it plausible you were lost? Inside a ginormous house like this? Yes, it sure as shit was. Maybe you should’ve been dropping breadcrumbs to find your way back to your own room when this was over. 
Rolling your tongue around your mouth, you looked down to your right and realized there were only two more doors left. What could it hurt just to look? You were already down here anyway. 
With a shrug, you moved towards the second to last door near the end of the hall. You weren’t in a rush to check what was behind either one, but you were also not leaving any stone unturned and all that. If your earlier dozen room checks were any indication of what to expect, you were willing to bet that you were going to find absolutely nothing waiting for you. The joy of joys. 
You were just a few feet from the door when you heard the lock click. The sound caused you to stop dead center, facing the door like an absolutely terrified rabbit caught in the headlights. What were the chances that whoever opened that door was going to be Zoro? And what were the chances that he would be willing to listen to what you had to say? 
The possibility of your questions being answered ebbed the panic in your chest down just a tad. Enough that when the door finally opened and Zoro was, in fact, standing before you, you silently thanked the universe for your suddenly award-winning luck. 
That was until you realized he was just standing there. In a robe. A silk robe with his swords slung over his shoulder and because of his current hold on his swords, said robe in question was flashing a peak of his chest. You immediately wanted to take back your previous thank you letter to the universe. 
This should be illegal. 
The worst part? You were pretty positive from the way Zoro was staring at you - his eyes taking you in from top to bottom lord HELP you - he did not seem as impressed with you as you were of him. Why in the hell couldn’t you say a word? Yes, he was attractive - stupidly so - but he was also just another guy. 
A guy in a thin silk robe and hair still damp from a bath. 
You watched as Zoro’s body began to relax, or relax as much as someone like him could. It was when he let out a sigh as if your very presence was keeping him from something important, that you felt your feet remove themselves from their spot in the carpet and spring you forward. 
There was a split second when Zoro’s eyes registered your movement. His eyebrows raised up in surprise as the almond shape of his eyes widened just a tad before he braced for whatever you were about to do. Zoro was planning on an attack and his body was primed to force you back. Instead of violence, he was met with your hands shoving him back inside his room with your foot kicking the door swiftly closed behind you. 
Once you knew you were both securely back inside the room, you stopped shoving him. You waited for your eyes to adjust to the dim lighting of the room before you looked around. It would be embarrassing if you’d done this and someone else - Nami or Luffy or anyone else really - had been inside with him. The only thing you noticed, however, was his previous clothes strewn across the room. 
When your eyes ventured back to Zoro you found his earlier shock replaced by what you could only guess was his usual stonewall expression. 
“Look,” he began the timber of his voice causing you to jump. “You seem nice and all, if not a little disturbed, but I’m not interested.” 
You looked up at him with your confusion knitting your brow together. 
“Not interested?”
You weren’t sure why it took you that long to realize what he meant, but it was dawning on you at warp speed and your confusion was quickly replaced with horror. 
“Oh my god! No, no! I was not trying to like, do anything to you like that.”
The disbelief in his eyes told you plainly he didn’t believe you, and by the tick in his jaw something was bothering him about your statement. 
Shit! He thinks I’m a perv 
You wanted to crawl under the nearest rock and die there. You followed his eyes as they trailed down his chest to find your hands were very much still attached to him, practically groping him. 
“Then why are your hands still on my chest?”
A small squeak of surprise left you as you dropped your hands down to your sides and shook them like it would be enough to get rid of the feeling of cupping his very pronounced…chest. You took a step back from him in hopes that giving him space would save the entire interaction. 
“Sorry about all the ugh…touching,” you mumbled. “But I did come here to speak to you about something.” 
“This is going to be good. Is it to convince me you weren’t trying to grope me?”
“God, you aren’t going to let it go, are you?” 
Closing your eyes you took in a deep breath and slowly let it out. When you finished, you opened your eyes again and gave him the best smile you could muster. 
“Okay, let’s start this again. I,” you motioned towards yourself, “have come to ask you if you noticed anything weird.” 
Zoro cocked an eyebrow at you. His arms moved to lock his arms across his chest somehow exposing the peek of flesh from the robe even more. 
“You mean weirder than right now?”
You purse your lips together tightly as you try to exhale all the annoyance from gathering in your body. 
“Let’s just move on from this moment, ok,” you began. “I came to talk to you about the butler.”
Without warning, Zoro rolled his eyes and dropped his arms from his chest. His swords clanging against his leg reminding you that he wasn’t making any move to set them down anytime soon. 
“Here we go again about the butler,” he groaned, and the very sound shouldn’t have sounded as enticing as it did.
“Oh, save it!” You snapped. “I saw you, okay? The way you looked at Klahadore before you followed your friends inside. You looked at him like you recognized him. Like you’d seen him before somewhere.” 
Zoro regarded you coolly. The hardness that had disappeared while he’d teased you earlier slid back into place until he was as unreadable as stone. 
“I’ve never seen that butler before in my entire life.” 
“Why are you lying?” 
You couldn’t keep the exasperation from your voice or how your desperation was starting to creep back in. Could you have been wrong about Zoro this whole time? Did you just see what you wanted to see?
No. You know what you saw and you were not going to be called crazy. You took a step towards him and weren’t surprised when he didn’t move back. Instead, he tilted his chin, his full pouty lips still very much pouting, as his eyes carefully watched you. 
“You know, that I know, that you looked at that guy and went, ‘hmph, something’s not right there’.” 
Yeah, that felt like a solid argument. 
You waited under Zoro’s cool gaze for him to reply. For him to show any sign of anything, really. He was literally the most unmoving person you’d ever meet, and you were starting to wonder if he was even real. The shitty part about waiting in silence, besides the uneasy commentary your brain was beginning to make, was the smell of the vanilla and sandalwood that wafted off him in mini waves that assaulted your senses. 
You were so intently transfixed by trying to match his unblinking gaze that when he finally moved his head down to be eye level with you, you’d almost jumped out of your skin. 
“Is everything okay with you? Do you suffer from any brain damage?” 
You wish you could say you handled the next few seconds with grace and poise. Things that all upstanding future doctors did when faced with adversity. However, that was most definitely not you, and you weren’t able to keep an exacerbated yell of frustration from cairning past your lips. 
“Oh! You are literally the most infuriating man I have ever met!”
“And you are the most perverted woman I have ever met,” Zoro shot back, this time taking a step towards you. 
If he was trying to intimidate you, he should’ve tried back when you weren’t ready to tear him limb from limb. 
“I beg your pardon?!”
“Who just pushes a semi-naked man into a room so they can grope him?”
“I wasn’t trying to grope you! I was trying to interrogate you for information!”
God, that sounded so much worse. 
“That sounds a lot worse, actually.”
Of course, Zoro would state the obvious, and was he - was he smirking? Your eyes rapidly blinked as you tried to make sense of what you were seeing because as fast as you’d noticed it, that devilish smirk had disappeared. Now Zoro once again looked as serious as before. You began to move back towards the door with your hands up in mock surrender. 
“You know what - fine! If you don’t want to help me, that’s your choice, but you know I’m right. And I’m going to prove that something is wrong here with or without your help.”
You shot one last look in his direction before turning on your heel and giving him your back. You were at the door, your hand on the doorknob when Zoro surprised you with a question of his own. 
“Why ask me to help you?”
Glancing over your shoulder, you expected to see that smug smirk on his face or to get the cold shoulder. What you found instead were eyes so intent on you - waiting for your response - that it caused your lungs to collapse. A million replies played over through your mind, but only one of them mattered. 
“Because out of everyone here, I thought you would believe me the most.” 
It didn’t matter if it was the answer he’d been looking for or the one you thought would win him over. You meant what you said and you hoped he’d felt your admission genuinely. If Usopp didn’t want to believe you, and if Zoro, who you still believed knew or at least felt something was off here, wasn’t going to be able to help you, you would just have to do it yourself. 
Did you know what that entailed? Hell no, but Naan didn’t raise a quitter, and you weren’t going to roll over and just give up just because it was hard. Not when someone’s very life depended on you. 
After your incredible failure of finding a co-conspirator to help you on your quest for answers failed with flying colors, you weren’t exactly sure what to do with yourself. Usopp no doubt must have snuck in by now to see Kaya - sans your “gift” - and the others were probably in the ridiculous closet looking for dinner attire. While you could’ve gone just to socialize with everyone else, Kaya had sent a dress to your room. 
Sham had looked absolutely miserable dropping it off and that was a joy all on its own. 
You considered heading to the closet just to see Luffy again. Luffy radiated optimism like sunshine; at the moment, that sort of unyielding optimism was the mood booster you needed. 
Unfortunately, you knew Zoro must have made his way there by now and you weren’t necessarily ready to face him again. The disappointment was clinging to you and that’s what you hated the most. You didn’t understand why you’d seemingly put all your eggs inside the Zoro basket. Just because he’d looked at Klahadore weird didn't mean he’d sensed something off. 
Shit, Klahadore was weird and deserved every side-eye glance he got. 
All it meant for you was going back to the drawing board for a new plan. One that was going to be able to get you next to Kaya. At least long enough so you could perform some kind of assessment. 
You rounded the corner to what you hoped was the hallway your room was down. The earlier thought you’d had about getting lost turned into an accurate one. You’d spent just as much time trying to get back to your room to get ready for dinner as you had searching for Zoro. 
Even just thinking about him made your jaw clench with fresh irritation. What was more infuriating than your most recent conversation was the fact you could still feel the strength of him in the hollows of your palms. The sharpness of his jaw and the high sculpt of his cheeks- 
No! Absolutely not, you chastised yourself. 
It was maddening how little he believed you - mocked you - and yet, here you were acting like some lovestruck teenager. He wasn’t that handsome. 
You were lost in your thoughts to the point you weren’t aware of your body's attempt to warn you. The hairs on the back of your neck stood on end and a sickening feeling began to rot in your gut and made sure all the imaginary - very imaginary - butterflies disappeared. 
The goosebumps that rose along your exposed skin informed you that the grand hallway, filled with all its riches and fine cherry woods was as ice cold as the dead. Has it always been this cold and you just never noticed? Or the eerie silence that made the manor feel more haunted than alive. 
Your feet involuntarily came to a halt in the middle of the hall. You couldn’t explain the panic that was building in your chest, but it felt like you were being watched. Your heart rate sped up until you could practically feel it thundering against your ribs. 
“You are being silly,” you whispered to yourself. “It’s just an old house.” 
“Old houses do have their quirks, don’t they?”
You wish you could say that when Klahadore spoke from behind you, you’d reacted with grace. With dignity. What actually happened was you screamed sharp enough it could raise the dead. 
The whiplash you gave yourself as you turned to face him was dizzying. You wanted to kill the fear that widened your eyes and pressed your brow into your hairline. Your mouth was painfully dry as you took in his presence and the absolute shit-eating grin he wore. 
He enjoyed seeing you afraid. 
“Oh dear, Doc, did I give you a fright?”
Klahadore gently tipped the frame of his glasses with the edge of his palm. You wanted to smack them off his smug face. 
“What do you want, Klahadore?”
You struggled to regain your composure. You refused to give him the satisfaction of seeing you afraid. It was what he wanted after all and didn’t take much to notice. He was already trying to close the few inches your retreat had given you. 
“I was simply wondering why you were wandering around the manor. You’ve been showing highly suspicious behavior ever since you and your friends arrived.” 
Your eyes narrowed in on him and as you held your head high. 
“Have you been following me?”
“Oh, come now, don't be silly. To have someone followed means you’re worried about what they’ll find, and you? You are the last thing I would be worried about.” 
Klahadore dropped his head down until he was eye level with you, but somehow used his size to remain imposing. A thinly veiled threat to remind you exactly what he thought of you; nothing. 
The first time you’d ever received an insult from Klahadore had been just like this. Alone and away from anywhere Kaya could hear him. He’d made sure that Usopp and you were together just so he wouldn’t have to repeat the insult twice. 
“I know you two must feel exceedingly special having Miss Kaya ask for you to come keep her company, but I’m afraid this will be the last time you ever come over unannounced or not. We can’t allow her image to be tarnished from being seen with unwanted children.” “Unwanted?” Usopp had been so confused - he knew he was wanted; wanted by Kaya and you. Klahadore saw in that confusion an opportunity to place doubt in his mind and completely tear him apart.  “Yes - unwanted. So unwanted that your father never returned, and your mother chose death as a final way to be rid of you.” “You son of a bitch!” You’d snarled and snapped. You were only kids.  The world had taught you early on about hardships and fairness; how the world and the people in it could lack kindness. But Naan always made you look for the good in the world, and in the people who sometimes allowed the ugliness of others to warp them into someone they weren’t.  It was a concept child you never understood. Teenage you were barely beginning to grasp it, but when Klahadore spoke those words so full of hate and venom at your best friend: there weren’t enough flames left in hell to cover up your rage.
The memory of that day left a black mark on your soul and you find it replaying at the most inconvenient of times. A harsh reminder of the first time you’d ever considered murder as a means of healing. The world would have to be a better place if someone like Klahadore wasn’t in it. Right? 
Naan, as always, talked you down from doing something rash. From allowing someone like Klahadore to have the last laugh and ruin all the plans you had for your life. 
But Naan wasn’t here to talk you off that ledge or to remind you who she knew you were. Your rage shouldn’t define you. Looking at Klahadore’s retreating back, you weren’t all too sure if it wasn’t you because if he ever showed up needing any form of medical attention, you weren’t so sure if he’d leave on his own two feet. 
A body bag would suit him nicely. 
You watched him until he completely disappeared leaving you alone once more inside the hallway. It felt weird to take those first steps back towards your room. To go inside and see the dress Kaya had sent to your room and know you were going to put it on and share dinner with that man standing in the same room. 
There had to be a way to show everyone here exactly who Klahadore was, and you would spend the whole dinner trying to do just that. 
He’d been searching for a drink since his interaction with you back in his room. Zoro wanted to call you crazy - hell you acted crazy enough, but you’d done something he hadn’t expected. 
You’d surprised him.
He didn’t want to admit it then but he did get a weird vibe from the butler. The minute his eyes landed on Klahadore it had sparked a nagging feeling of a memory he just couldn’t quite place. 
And you’d noticed. 
After you’d left his room, he couldn’t shake the conversation you’d forced him to be a part of. Teasing you had been easy. He’d expected you to be a bleeding heart, but as you’d turned to leave, stomping your feet and spitting back words that stung for just a second, it had been Zoro’s turn to notice something about you. 
It was the fire of your determination that piqued his interest.  
While Zoro wasn’t sure why you held such a stick up your ass exactly about the butler, he was positive you had a reason. Besides the fact he couldn’t seem to pull up a clear memory of why the same butler piqued his own interest, and that was beginning to piss him off. 
What was even more annoying was the fact you’d brought it up enough that he’d asked Nami and Luffy if the butler seemed familiar. He didn’t know why he’d asked. If it had been more for him or for you. 
That pissed him off more. 
You seemed to be good at that. Pissing him off and getting under his skin. 
When he came downstairs, Zoro expected you to be there already. A quick glance around the room informed him you weren’t there, but a row of flutes filled with what he hoped was alcohol most certainly was. 
He carefully set down his strap of swords and moved closer to the drinks. No one else made a move towards them and, for a split second, Zoro was worried maybe the flutes were nonalcoholic. He reached out and wrapped his fingers around the delicate crystal and quickly brought it to his lips. 
The smell of the liquor hit him first and his muscles relaxed instantaneously. 
God. This was exactly what he needed. 
“Zoro! You gotta try this!”
Zoro didn’t bother looking because he’d seen the appetizers being served when he came down the stairs. He wasn’t impressed. Plus, if he was going to make it through this evening, he was going to need way more booze than what was inside these little Crystal flutes. 
“I got all I need right here,” he replied and brought the glass up to his lips. 
The first sip erased all the tension that had been binding up his muscles. The next pull from the glass relaxed him completely, and he downed what was left in one giant gulp. He placed the now-empty flute back down on the tray and swiftly grabbed another. 
Zoro was vaguely aware of all the chatting going on around him. The sound of Usopp and Luffy sharing stories and Nami doing whatever it was Nami did during fancy dinner parties. He meant what he said - he did have everything he needed to make it through this dinner inside these glasses. At least, that’s what he thought until the sound of a heel echoing off the step brought his attention to the top of the stairs. 
He was sure the new flute with his latest drink was at his lips. Zoro inhaled the sharp scent of liqueur with every breath he took. He just couldn’t seem to make his elbow bend enough to drop it from his face. 
You were making your way down the staircase, oblivious to the world around you as you came down with a hand carefully placed on the railing. 
The dress you wore was covered in article flowers; all of their small bold colors were bright against the backdrop of black chiffon. The top of the dress left your shoulders exposed, and the style you’d chosen to wear your hair, with beads of pearls intricately placed within each strand, made you seem ethereal. 
You looked like moonlight inside a garden; soft and wild and for the first time Zoro forgot that breathing was important. 
Once you reached the last step, your eyes finally moved up from the safety of your feet. Zoro was vaguely aware the rim of the glass was still resting on his bottom lip, and that he’d yet to take a drink. He felt frozen - helpless - until your eyes found his rooted frame - helplessly waiting - and the smile that curved your lips brightened up the room. 
It was in this second that he realized he was fucked, and the annoyance of that realization was enough for him to finally upend the glass in one large gulp. 
Zoro had looked at you for less than a millisecond before he’d upended the contents of his glass in one large gulp. His disinterest was evident enough throughout his entire body. With one last glance in your direction, he turned back to the waiting tray of glasses. 
Well, that wasn’t the reaction you’d expected. 
The disappointment scraped raw across your chest as you watched Zoro take up another glass. His gaze was steadfast at the wall as he downed whatever was inside. What felt more disappointing was the fact you’d cared. 
For all intents and purposes, Zoro was an asshole. So, it begged the ever-present question: Why did it bother you so much? 
Yes, you’d painstakingly gotten ready around the dress Kaya left inside your suite. Was it your usual taste? You weren’t all that sure, to be honest. It’s not like you’d ever been invited to any fancy dinner parties before. You weren’t sure if this was the proper form of dress or if you’d gone overboard with your hair. 
At least Nami had a feather inside her hair and it looked as if she’d given her blood-orange hair some curls. She looked absolutely gorgeous and you made it your mission to tell her.
“Wow, Doc you look-“ Usopp began. 
You turned beaming towards your friend as you waited for him to acknowledge your hard work. Maybe at least Usopp, of all people, would say something nice. 
You could practically feel your smile deflate at the edges. 
“What did you put in your hair?” Luffy asked around a mouthful of meat. 
“Oh yeah, I was wondering what looked different. It’s the hair,” Usopp confirmed with Luffy. 
The both of them smiled and nodded at one another as if they just solved world hunger. Your tongue rolled around your cheek as you debated on what to say. Maybe you’d expected to much out of a bunch of men. 
“They’re pearls,” you huffed. 
“That’s silly,” Luffy chuckled. “Why would you ever put pearls in your hair?”
“It’s to look nice.”
“I never knew hair needed accessories,” Usopp offered before taking a bit of his appetizer.
“Nami put a feather in her hair,” Luffy offered before taking another bite. “Maybe you guys can talk about putting random stuff in your hair.” 
There was no way this conversation could be real, and yet…
Luffy was still wearing his genuine smile while he and Usopp continued to enjoy the appetizers Sham passed around. This evening was turning out to be the last time you’d ever consider wearing anything like this again. What was even worse was that out of the three of them, Zoro was the only one properly dressed. 
While Usopp went with his usual no shirt underneath his jacket, Luffy was wearing just a petty coat and miraculously found dress slacks that didn’t even reach his ankle. They looked like their usual selves, just dressed in black. 
But Zoro…
No! Absolutely not.
“I’ll go look for Nami so we can discuss…putting things in our hair.”
“That’s great! I’m sure it will make her happy. She seemed frustrated earlier when she asked for help.”
“I can’t imagine why,” you mumbled, as you turned to find Nami speaking to Merry. 
Well, it looked like that was going to be a bust too. Man, she really did look very pretty, though. You were considering what your options were. You weren’t comfortable just injecting yourself into whatever conversation Nami and Merry were having, especially not when she was rubbing his arm like that. 
Luckily for you, the sound of Klahadore announcing Kaya’s entrance kept you from having to go with your final option, which was to get a drink. Next to Zoro. 
You all collectively turned to watch as Klahadore helped Kaya make her way down the stairs. You couldn’t help but smile up at her and her current choice of attire. While she’d made you look like a garden, you could only assume she was the sunshine that hovered above it. The only problem you had with the golden silk material was that it somehow made her sickly pale skin appear paler. 
She must have picked the color in hopes it wouldn’t do that, but all it did was raise the alarm bells in the back of your mind. You’d allowed a pretty dress and a fancy meal to cloud the real reason you’d come in the first place. Instead of being a doctor, you were playing dress-up. 
You were still scolding yourself when Kaya finally made it to the end of the staircase. Her smile was bright and happier than it had been in a long time, as she regarded Nami and the dress she’d chosen. It hadn’t even registered that any of the clothes you currently were wearing belonged to her deceased parents. You made a mental note to make sure to take extra special care not to ruin the dress with any droplets of food. 
“Oh, Doc, I’m so glad I picked this,” Kaya breathed. “You look absolutely magical.” 
You couldn’t help but look down at the dress again. It was an incredibly delicate dress. A work of art to be worn on the body. Maybe that was why you felt like such an imposter wearing it. 
When you looked back at her, you tried to give Kaya a convincing smile. One you could even make yourself believe you felt worthy to have it on. 
“Oh, Kaya you are too nice,” you replied, only for her to shoot you down with a wave of her hand. 
“Nonsense. Usopp is always telling me about all the good you do for everyone. It’s time you let yourself be appreciated.”
Your earlier response to Kaya’s welcoming smile was one of your own, but at the mention of your supposed good deeds, you felt it tighten into a grimace. 
It means nothing if I can’t even help you.
Up close, her color wasn’t pale - it was ashen. The whites of her eyes were devoured with a yellowish tint and - 
Like the parasite he was, Klahadore was there pulling Kaya gently by her elbow to lead her back to the conversation between herself and Merry. Your eyes followed him as he made sure to plant her a few feet in front of you; her back excluding you from following to join. 
Once he made sure she was safely away from you, Klahadore stationed himself a few feet away next to the penguin pillar at the base of the stairs. He thought he was sneaky and that he had stopped your trained eyes from being able to do a quick evaluation.
Unlucky for Klahadore you were quicker than he thought. 
You were getting ready to head over to him when you caught Zoro walking back over to the tray. He was doing his usual of placing down an empty glass only to grab a fresh one, except this time he was talking. To Klahadore. 
What a fucking liar!
You couldn’t think straight as you watched the exchange. The way Klahadore overplayed the flabbergasted victim. You didn’t have to be close to them to know what Zoro was asking him, because just like you’d suspected, he did seem familiar to Zoro. 
It felt like you could breathe fire, you were so pissed. 
At some point, Klahadore ended the conversation by interjecting himself into someone else’s conversation. You didn’t care what it was. They could’ve been discussing flying pigs for all you cared. Your eyes were still honed in on Zoro who regarded you for a split second before he sat back down in the parlor’s middle seat. 
You started making your way towards him when Klahadore called out it was time to eat. You suddenly weren’t hungry. 
Zoro must have sensed you coming for him because in one swift move, he was out of the seat and standing. The strap that held his katana’s back over his shoulder as he followed Sham behind the double doors.
“You son of a-“
“Doc!” Usopp whisper-shouted as he nervously took your hand in his. “Sit next to me. Please.” 
You were still seeing metaphorical red. Your brain firing rapidly on only one main thought and that was to get a hold of Zoro and throttle him. 
It wasn’t Usopp’s fault that Zoro was a dick, and he looked genuinely terrified. Stuffing your current bad mood as far down as you could muster (you were about to see said moss-haired reason for your fowl mood in t-minus two seconds), you planted on a smile and gently took Usopp’s hand. 
“What kind of wingman would I be if I didn’t?”
“Oh, thank god,” he laughed. 
The both of you followed closely behind Merry and the others as you were all escorted inside the dining room. Merry quickly took his seat at the end of the table, and you noticed rather quickly Zoro had claimed the seat closest to the door. 
Without thinking, you took the seat beside him and motioned for Usopp to take the last one. The one directly beside Kaya. For a moment, Usopp looked at you wide-eyed and uncertain. You did your best to make him comfortable. 
“You got this, Usopp,” you whispered. “Don’t overthink it.”
His response came in a small nod that did little to erase the terror that shined in his eyes. You gave his arm a light squeeze for reassurance before you straightened up in the chair. Glancing over, you watched as Zoro poured what looked like a freshly opened bottle of wine into a glass. 
You waited patiently for him to finish and when he went to set the bottle down you made your move. With a slight lean to your right, you swiped your hand out to grab a hold of the glass. Zoro caught the movement too late, but you now had his full attention. His nostrils flaring the only indication that he was irritated by your sudden drink stealing. 
“What do you think you’re doing?” He questioned. 
His dark eyes never left your face as he waited for you to answer. 
“Being petty.”
To bring the point home, you tilted the glass in his direction in a silent salute. You made sure he watched as you brought it to your lips and took a sip of the blood-red wine within. 
Zoro’s jaw ticked in irritation as you gave him a devious smirk, and when Sham came by Zoro waved her over. 
“I need a new glass.”
Now the smile that graced your lips was genuine and you made sure Zoro was aware of it. It was time to have a little fun of your own and that included hogging as much of his alcohol as humanly possible. 
As always, thank you for reading. Reblogs and comments are always welcome.
Taglist:@thegreatesttttttttt @katiemrty @sorasolarium @ponyboys-sunsets @flowersgirl02 @spilled-coffee-cup @instabull @charleslec-airlines @dixonsbugaboo @amanda08319 @moony-artemis @iloveautumn1 @yoheyyosup @ghostyycat7 @csmbrainrot
If I missed tagging anyone please let me know!
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dira333 · 4 months
In every other Universe - Zoro x Reader
Part 3 - Absinthe poem
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3. Absinthe poem
with the stars like fish in the sky 
that swam when we dipped our toes in
and made ripples, laughing, with our limbs
like broken swan wings  
From the moment you opened your eyes and saw the string, its vibrant mossy green tied to your pinky, you’d known the trouble ahead.
Because while everything you knew and loved was on this island, the string led straight away from it.
“Take me with you,” you say to anyone who will listen.
But you’re just a little kid.
“Take me with you,” you say to anyone who dares to stick around.
But you’re just a gangly teenager.
“Take me with you,” you press a handful of Berry into the Captain’s hand. 
His grin sends shivers down your back, but who knows when the next ship reaches your little island?
It’s hard work, being a pirate. Dirty work too. 
They say the crow’s nest is no place for a little girl, so you prove yourself and climb up first thing in the morning. 
They say a kitchen knife is the best weapon for a woman like you, so you learn how to wield a sword, then two. 
Your life might be nothing but you proving others wrong, but you can live with that, as long as you’re in motion, knowing you come closer to the other end of your string with every day that passes.
- - -
“Do you believe in Soulmates?” Robin asks over Dinner once. 
The question, innocent as it may sound, leaves the table in shambles. 
Sanji’s convinced that the mole on his back is a Soulmate Mark leading him to Nami, who, in turn, refuses to even consider that idea.
Usopp, however, has already found his one true love in Kaya, takes the chance to rave about her beauty once again while Luffy, never missing a chance, empties the plates of those otherwise occupied.
Robin’s dark eyes land on him.
“A string, huh?” She asks, as if she could see it, the neat little bow tied around his pinky.
He puts his hand down as if he hadn’t just stared at it like it would start talking any second.
“I don’t know what you mean.”
“I’ve got one myself.” She raises her hand, looks at it in the burning light of a drowning sun. “There are days where I wonder if I’ll ever meet them.”
“It’s not like I’m searching for them,” Zoro huffs, because he isn’t, wasn’t, will not. 
There had been a time when he’d hoped it would be Kuina standing on the other side of this string. It had been a foolish idea, born from the mind of a little boy.
“We don’t have time for Soulmates anyway.” He calls out and takes his leave, a bottle of beer in his hand.
“You know,” Robin is hard to shake off. She looks at him from where her head has grown out of the wall. “It wouldn’t be that bad to have a Soulmate.”
“Not if you have to leave them behind. We’re moving toward something big and I’ll be damned to stay behind.”
“Sure, sure, but what if… you know… they’d come along?”
He stops, beer bottle pressed against his lips.
The thought is new, though not outlandish.
What if, he thinks, but doesn’t dare to finish the sentence.
- - -
By the time you leave your third ship you’d almost consider yourself talented in the act of disappearing.
There’s certainly some talent to it, honed by practice. You’ve spent months avoiding the Captain or other particularly nasty men who thought a woman on board meant having a wife on board. 
Your string is still taut, leading you further and further away, into the unknown distance.
But you’ve made a name for yourself, as the bounty posters proclaim.
Maybe, just maybe, there’s more to this than hunting down the supposed love of your life.
Maybe, just maybe, you could enjoy this, this life at sea.
- - -
There’s a tug on his string, just enough to shift his focus.
Zoro follows suit. Sanji and his damned market can wait. This is more important.
He tugs the string back, hopes and dreads an answer.
Another tug. He picks up speed.
The island’s rather small, from what he’s heard. If you’re on it, he’ll find you. 
But the string leads him away from the port, through narrow streets, and into the forest, up a hill he doesn’t remember seeing before.
Zoro tugs, you answer. Whoever you are, wherever you are, you don’t seem to mind that he’s about to find you.
Upon the hill, the trees give space to a clearing, just small enough for him… and you.
You’re out of breath, hands on your knees as you try to speak.
“You,” you both say at the same time.
You laugh, the sound new, yet welcoming him home. Zoro pulls you in, warm skin against warm skin, chests rising with each breath.
Maybe in a minute, he will ask for your name.
Right now, words are nothing but sparks in the face of a burning forest.
- - -
There’s nothing quite like swimming at night when the sky is clear and the stars swim in the sea just like you.
Zoro drifts in the dark water, arms crossed under his head as he looks up at the moon. 
You crawl laps around him, splash him from time to time to keep him from drifting to sleep as well.
“Hey…” You draw closer to him, dig your nose into the soft skin of his arm until he turns to pull you close, to press his warm lips against your cold cheeks. “Do you believe in Soulmates?”
“Funny.” He grumbles, squeezing your hip. 
“Do you think there are other worlds out there?” You ask, looking up at the moon. “Where we’re us, but not us? Like, I could be a medic or some really smart girl that studies the ocean…”
“I’d be a knight,” Zoro’s voice is firm, “For sure.”
You giggle, but can’t help the doubt wash over you again.
“But would you love me? In every other Universe?”
“Why wouldn’t I?” It sounds so simple when he says it. “In every other Universe, you’d still be you and I’d still be me. And I love you and you love me.”
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Dedicated to: @revasserium
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inspector-m3 · 2 months
One Piece headcannons, reader with allergies.
I have a desire to write but the ideas are moving to fast in my head lol. My requests are open and I can write full stories/oneshots not just headcannons. I promise i dont bite :]
(This one is intended as platonic because, well...bros a reindeer.)
You got incredibly lucky finding this guy, no matter what time you joined the crew. Since chopper is a doctor he definitely feels like a blessing. As soon as he found out about your allergies he started his research (if he didn't already know about it). Finds a cure or a medicine to help with the symptoms and reactions for your allergies. This precious doctor even warns the other crew about what you can't have near you.
In return for his kindness you are now his designated hiding spot for when shit goes down.
He was definitely curious as to why you were constantly taking medicine or having to stay with chopper since you were unwell. Eventually he just outright asked what was wrong with you. He didn't get it at first but once he did he responded with...let's say an interest?
He loudly makes sure that whenever everyone's eating that the food (if you're allergic to a food) is nowhere near you, but let's be honest he probably eats it before it gets even a metre from you, saying something like "I was just keeping Y/ N safe!" when someone complains about their food being stolen. However, if you're allergic to a specific animal or item he makes sure it non-existent on his ship.
Just like luffy she makes sure the allergen (the thing you're allergic to) is nowhere to be found. Since you mean so much to her she'd be willing to part with some money to pay for medicines or doctors if chopper couldn't help (luckily for nami thats a rare chance).
sorry this ones so short, I've never really written anything for nami before.
If you have a food allergy this man is catering to your every need, making new recipes or even a completely different dish to the rest of the crew if needs be. Oh, you like spaghetti but you're allergic to pasta? Bam, special pasta you're not allergic to, just for you. He can and probably will fight luffy to keep him away from your special food.
If youre allergic to something that isn't food his dramatic ass would probably follow you around in new places to make sure it's not anywhere near you. (and if this gets annoying just give him a compliment, he'll pass out from blood loss and leave you in peace)
When you're allergies are bad and it leaves you bed ridden, sniffling or coughing, he'll tell you stories just like he did with kaya. You'll be laying in bed, cursing your allergies while trying to not break your ribs from laughing at ussops silly tales. He always makes you feel much better.
He probably didn't even know what an allergy was lmao. Maybe he thought it was some sort of pest (close enough)
If youre allergic to food we already know sanji will be making sure you're safe but zoro is definitely jealous that he can't do anything about it....unless.... if you guys are on a new island and you're not sure if your food has your allergen in it, zoro is the first to offer his help (well, it was luffy first but we all know what would happen).
If your allergen isn't food, just like sanji, he's following you around but he's definitely more of a silent protector compared to sanji. A plant you're allergic to in your path? not on his watch, it's cut down before you can even think of how to get around it.
Let me know if you have any tips or if there's any mistakes!
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snippychicke · 8 months
So kuro IDEAS..
How do you feel about like...enemies to lovers? Like so if Kuro has like a weird relationship with one of the staff of the mansion? Kind of one upping each other to care for Kaya.
Heh, I was working on this… and then my beta reader/friend pointed out it was more hate!sex vibes than enemies to lovers. So while I will be posting that in the future… It also meant I ended up restarting this, which is why it took so long. 
You and Klahadore were rivals, though not in the common sense. 
You had been taking care of Miss Kaya since she was just learning to walk. First as more of a babysitter/playmate when you were a young teen, and then as her personal maid as you both grew.
So when Klahadore had somehow assumed command of the household staff and was obviously trying to garner the new lady of the house’s favor, you were less than thrilled. 
Kaya was your charge. You didn’t care for the rest of the manor, or anything like that. But he was not about to usurp your position. 
So your rivalry was for taking care of the teen after the death of her parents. Though Klahadore was more the strict parental figure that had a soft spot whenever Kaya gave him a pleading look (Such as when he discovered Usopp visiting). Whereas you were more the big sister, happily conspiring with her in various plans. 
If she wanted some fish instead of the ‘medicinal soup’ that seemed to become the mainstay of her diet, you’d sneak down to the village and buy something freshly fried and bring it to her. If she wanted to travel into the village--which Klahadore was very much against due to the unseen dangers-- you and Usopp would find a way to keep the butler distracted for at least a few hours. 
Well, you kept Klahadore busy while Usopp escorted her into town. And keeping him distracted but not suspicious was a trial in itself. At first it was difficult, and Klahadore caught on more than a few times--whether it was for when the two teens were sneaking out, or if Usopp was merely visiting-- and was never happy. His protective streak fueled his irritation, and more often than not it ended up with you  
But then you started to actually learn about Klahadore, and then your ‘mission’ became easier…and also more enjoyable. A very weak question of ‘what’s your favorite animal’ revealed he was fond of cats, which had been the crack in the mystery of Klahadore. 
Because you loved cats. And convincing Kaya to request a few cats to ‘keep the vermin away’ was an easy task, meaning soon there were a few felines wandering the manor and the sprawling estate. You even caught Shem and Buchi playing a few times with the new ‘recruits’, making you smile. 
Discussions about the latest antics of the manor’s newest residents led to talking about other things with the butler. You found out he did enjoy a glass of wine once in a while but despised drunkards, he had been to several different islands around the East Blue before washing up on the shore of the Gecko Islands. He insisted he was neutral when it came to the Marines and the World Government, but you didn’t miss the slight sneer of disgust when news of them were splayed in the newspaper.  
Then there were the things you learned without really talking. He was constantly on high alert. There was no  chance of trying to sneak up on this man. He was also rather suspicious, verging on paranoid. There had been a lot of odd looks when you had first begun…and hence how often he figured out you were trying to distract him purposefully. Add the fact Klahadore was rather sharp-minded, and you had a feeling he was well aware what you were up to, but was instead amusing you along with Kaya. Maybe because he was as soft on the girl as you suspected… 
Or maybe he enjoyed spending time with you, just as you were. 
The realization hit you when he sought you out for once. You had been ironing some of Kaya’s favorite outfits when you felt a faint tap on your shoulder, making you jump. There was a sly smile on Klahadore’s face when you turned around, causing you to narrow your eyes and wave the iron threateningly towards him. “Are you trying to get burnt?”
His smile never wavered as he gently took the iron from your hand and set it down. “I’m finding that risk isn’t as great as I once thought,” he answered, which made little sense to you, but that was pushed out of your mind when he took your arm in his and pulled you away from the ironing board. “I found something I believe you should enjoy.” 
You were really confused as he led you down to the cellars, where the vast amount of Kaya’s parent’s wine collection sat (mostly) untouched. Back in the darker corner, you heard soft little mews before Klahadore pulled back one of the heavy curtains that hid the open window in the stone wall. Laying in a nest of scraps of fabrics you recall had gone missing over the last few weeks was one of cats with a litter of multicolored kittens. 
“Oh my god!” you whispered as you pressed closer to Klahadore (completely as a way to keep you from picking up the newborns. No other reason.) “Babies! I thought she was looking like she was about ready to pop.” 
“I stumbled upon them just this morning,” he explained softly, kneeling down and pulling you down with him. “I assume she gave birth sometime through the night.”
“We should set out some fresh water down here for her, and food. Oh! And I’m sure there’s some old towels that would keep them warmer than those scraps. I wonder…” you trailed off, happening to glance at the man beside you. Those dark eyes were focused on you again, full of warmth and amusement as he smiled softly. Something about his expression made your heart flutter and your face warm in contrast to the cool air of the wine cellar. “What?” 
“Your compassion never ceases to surprise me,” he admitted, which did little to help your blush. “It’s… endearing.” 
“I recall someone not too long ago called me a bleeding hearted fool for assisting Kaya to sneak down to the fireworks festival.” 
Something shifted in his dark eyes as he looked back to the kittens. “I admit, I am prone to being overprotective of the girl. And I don’t take others sneaking around my back very well. But in hindsight, I’m aware you only have Miss Kaya’s wellbeing in mind when you allow such things to occur.”  
You bit your lip before sighing. “I’m sorry, Klahadore. I really don’t like it either, but I just can’t seem to say no to her. But, on the plus side, I got to know you better. And I’ve really enjoyed that.” 
His free hand reached up to touch your hand that was still wrapped around his arm.  “I have as well. Which is why I was wondering if perhaps you had any plans this weekend. I overheard that Miss Kaya and Usopp have plans in town, and was hoping maybe we could have an evening to ourselves.” 
Your blush returned in full force and your heart traveled to your throat. Was it your imagination running away? Or was he intending to have that sound rather romantic? Especially with his fingers still gently caressing your knuckles. “I-I think I could clear my schedule. For you.” God, why did you have to say it like that?!
The internal-criticism fell silent as he looked back to you, his smile widening. “Then it’s a date.”
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tessiex17 · 6 months
You will be happy to hear that this is a 2 parter (second part is in development) since this is infact already 2,147 words WHICH IS KINDA LONG FOR ONE CHAPTER
This does have a fem reader BTW!!!
Short description: set when rayman is attending collage in America before he became famous and he gets invited to a party where he meets y/n
(Also if there are any mistakes/errors in my spelling PLZ let me know as written helps me improve with my dyslexia so any feedback will be amazing 😋)
Tw: alot of swearing, smoking and alcohol, abusive behaviour
"What am I doing?"
Rayman muttered to himself regretfully as he walked down the cold grid iron streets to the address the party was supposedly located. Rayman has always been a social creature, he loved the idea of meeting new people and going on adventures with them but that mindset had been slowly chipped away during his time in America. Specifically American school. He struggled to make social connections in his classes and was quickly deemed an outcast by his peers which was heart breaking for Rayman because he know it was only because he was alien, the people that liked to make fun of him made that fact pretty clear. It was something he couldn't change and even though he didn't choose to look the way he does or be where he's from he still got hate for it and he never really understood why.
Which is why he was shocked when he was invited to a house party by one of his class mates. He just knew he couldnt miss this opportunity to finally mend his social status and make a friend! Which leads him here. Walking towards the door of a house he's never been at before. He let's out a Sigh before raising his fist and firmly knocking the door. He knew he was at the right place, the sound of music and enthusiastic people could be heard quite clearly through the door (it made him almost feel bad for the neighbours).
Before rayman had the chance to knock once more the door swung open revealing the very drunk but very happy class mate that invited Rayman in the first place
"BROOO! You made it! I thought you where gonna be a no show"
The class mate ushered rayman in shutting the door behind him.
"Hehe what can I say, im a man of my word"
Rayman chuckled slightly nervous but intertained by how friendly his class mate was being. He finally takes a look around the house to see that this party was a lot bigger than he thought. There was at least 10 people in each room. Some where in groups chatting away to eachother, some where playing drinking games and others where dancing. A small smile started to grow on raymans face. Everyone seemed to be having fun so it shouldn't be so hard for him to join in right?
"If you wanting a drink feel free to grab whatever you want in the kitchen!"
The drunk class mate spoke a lil more slurred but still sounding enthusiastic. Rayman just gave him a smile and a small thanks before watching him stumble back to a group of people he must have been previously chatting with. 'Now what?' Rayman asked himself as he looked around anxiety curling in his gut like a snake. Does he just go up and chat to someone? He decides before doing anything he should take his coat off which he then hung up on the pegs by the door. He walks further into the house seeing people having fun. ' they make it look so easy' he thought to himself sullenly but a small creature in the corner of his vision distracts him from his thoughts.
"A cat!"
Rayman says aloud to himself before following the cute Calico cat into the kitchen. He doest pay much mind to the people as they seem to be talking amongst themselves. He crouches down In front of the cat petting it gently
"Arnt you just a sweetheart~"
He cous while scratching behind the cats ear. He spots a purple collar and a little silver name tag around the cats neck reaching for it to find out what the cats called. He flips the little silver tag and reads it
"Well hello kaya, aret you a cutie~"
Kaya looks at him Acknowledging he is speaking to her. She let's out a high pitch soft meow that makes rayman chuckle. He always loved animals.
"Of course your making friends with the animals considering you practically are one"
A voice filled with poison and Sadistic Humor spoke from behind him. He looked away from the cat and up to the owner of the voice. It was a guy in a very generic outfit and a blue hat.
"Excuse me?"
He spoke confuse hoping maybe the guy was meaning it as some sort of distasteful joke? Oh lord how he hoped.
"Who the fuck invited this thing to the party!"
Blue hat guy shouted loudly while pointing at rayman looking around the room as he did so. A few people began to giggle and rayman could feel all hope for having a fun night disappear.
"I'm not a 'thing' dipshit!"
Rayman retorted embarrassment making his face feel hot.
"Well what are you then huh?"
He leaned in close to raymans face. There was a short moment of silence before he continued
"Because all I can see is some sort of alien freak!"
The smell of alcohol was reaking from his breath. Rayman didn't like how close he was. How angry he was getting the more he talked. He opened his mouth to speak.
"What the fuck is your problem!"
An angry feminine voice spoke causing both rayman and the drunk guy to turn and face her. She stormed towards the both of them before pushing the drunk guy away from rayman.
"You asshole!, what gives you the right to speak to anyone like that!"
Oh lord was this girl mad. Rayman looked up at her in disbelief as she shouted at the guy who was previously insulting him. Was she defending him? She stood tall in front of rayman making sure she was blocking him out of the drunk guys line of site.
"Hes a fucking freak just look at him!"
The drunk guy slurred his words trying to justify his point but the scowl on the girls face just grew deeper.
"Your fucking disgusting"
She spoke lowly to him
"Thinking you have the right to speak to somone like that, do you think your better than him because he's not from here or something?"
She asked with genuine confusion In her voice
"Is that why? Do you feel more entitled than him because he looks different from you?, because if that's the case then that sound pretty fucking racist if you ask me"
She quirks her brow as if asking a question. He stays silent but his anger is clear on his face
"Men like you disgust me"
She spoke her words laced with anger before she turned around and faced rayman. She jerked her head to the side indicating towards the door
"Let's go"
She said kindly to Rayman who looked up at her like she was some sort of godess that saved him. He nodded quickly before grabbing his jacket and following her outside.
"Well that was a shit show"
He muttered to himself while following after her. She made her way to the sidewalk before taking a seat on the edge of it. She looked over to rayman and patted the place next to her offering him to sit down which he does. The air is chillie enough to see your breath as a moment of silence fell apon them. She pulled a packet of cigarettes out her pocket before offering one to him which he decides to take.
"Thank you..."
Rayman spoke timidly.
"Not just for the cigarette obviously but for everything that went on in there"
That got a little giggle out of her. She brought the cigarette up to her lips taking a long inhale of it.
"It's okay, that guys was being a prick"
She faced rayman with a slightly sullen expression.
" I'm y/n, I don't think I got your name?"
"It's rayman... thank you y/n"
She chuckled again a small smile growing on her face.
"You've already thanked me"
She spoke sweetly
"besides I couldn't just stand and watch. That guy was being cruel for literally no reason"
"People stand and watch all the time"
Rayman spoke sadly but honestly his eyes avoiding hers
"Your the first person who hasn't..."
He looked back up at her to see her intently watching him. There was something behind her eyes he couldn't quite place. Anger?, sadness?, he wasn't sure but he just knew that the feelings weren't directed at him.
"Don't say that man, your gonna make me cry"
She joked half heartdly the sound of her voice wavering was clear.
"Oh nonono!, im so sorry!"
Rayman spoke in a panic
"I wasn't trying to upset you-"
"No no, don't worry!"
She placed a finger over his lips in order to get him to stop talking. He's silent. Pleading eyes staring up to gentle one's as she moves her hand away from his mouth.
"It just makes me upset that nobody was willing to help you before. Don't feel like you need to sensor yourself for my benefit"
She spoke softly to him. Rayman was starting to feel like he didn't have to be so much on edge now that it was just them two alone which was new for him. Usually he had to be more alert if hes gonna be by himself with somone. Even thought he didn't know y/n that much he still felt safer alone with her than back in the house. She took a deep drag from her cigarette and so did he.
They sat there together for a while. Talking and laughing between cigarettes and alcohol. Y/n decided to share a good few bottles of her own alcohol with rayman. It wasn't the nicest of drink but it was good enough and strong too. It didn't take long for the both of them to be intoxicated. They where sitting closer together now the alcohol making them loose the concept of personal space as they chatted.
"Hey this place blows, why don't we go back to my place?"
Y/n suggested as she took another swig out her bottle
"We have been sitting outside getting drunk ourselves, would be warmer at yours too"
Rayman spoke semi to himself as he pondered on the idea
Y/n whined as she grabbed one of raymans shoulders and shook him playful chanting "My house! My house!" Over and over while laughing
"Okay okay!"
Rayman laughed placing his hand ontop of the one y/n placed on his shoulder in hopes it would get her to stop shacking him
"It is better than staying outside the party we kinda just walked out on"
He chuckled as he stood up reaching a hand out for y/n to help her up. She takes it as rayman pulls her up onto her feet. Y/n thanks him before giving herself a big stretch followed by a pleased groan
"Ahh~ Alright!, let's go!"
She glanced over the floor making sure she didn't leave anything behind before looking at rayman a smile spreading across her face.
"We're actually not that far from my house probably like a 10-15 minute walk roughly"
She tilts her head a little to see if raymans okay with that. He gives her a smile and a goofy thumbs up.
"All good, lead the way!"
He smiled enthusiastically. Y/n just laughs before turning around and walking down the street. She checks over her shoulder to see if rayman is following and motions with her hand for him to catch up. Rayman jogs up next to her before sticking to a walking pace. He doesn't know if it's the alcohol or not but he's having more fun tonight than he has in a while but whatever it is he doesn't want this good feeling to go away. Then suddenly y/n gasps
"Oh my god! I just released somthing"
Y/n spoke in a shocked voice
"What is it?"
Rayman look up to her worried as they walked.
"I can order McDonald's!"
Rayman playful hits her shoulder while chuckling
"You bitch, I though you where gonna say something serious"
"I am serious!"
They both laughed as they walked
"Somthing to eat does sound good though"
Rayman agreed and nodded with this idea they began cooking up
"I just want food"
Y/n whined as she walked down the street and before they knew it they where at her house.
"Home~ glorious home~"
Y/n sung aloud to herself while approaching the door making rayman chuckled in amusement. She reached into her pocket and pulled out her key sticking it into the door and opening it. She stood to the side of the door before doing a little bow while gesturing rayman to enter
"Ladies first?"
She teased as rayman walked by rolling his eyes but the smirk on his face was hard to hide. She chuckled at his lack of a reaction before closing the door behind them
End of chapter 1
So what did u guys thinkkkkk 😋😋
I gave the reader and rayman a silly lil dynamic bc I love bammy interactions I think it's so funny so I made them bams
If you have any feedback LMK and i wanna hear ur opinions of if it should stay platonic between rayman and the reader or should I make it more romantic 🤭
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quotedfictions · 10 months
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Synopsis: What if Miyo had a twin sister? What if the Saimori's had three daughters instead of two? Miyo's twin was sent off to marry the only son of the Raiden family under the assumption that she would end up like Miyo and begging on the streets for money because of her lack of spirit sight.
Themes: Crossover, AU, My happy marriage, fluff, soft Scaramouche, hidden power, Time skips Husband scaramouche
Warnings: Depictions of trauma, Violence, depictions of depression. physical abuse
Word Count: 1,450
Note: My phone published this before it was finished I apologize readers for the double notification from this post.
It had been weeks since the meeting with your father. Miyo had been sent off to marry Kiyoko Kudou, and Kaya was to marry Kouji; you've been hidden from most people because your father was ashamed to have two giftless children, unknown to your father. You had a gift; you had been keeping it hidden to protect you, lovely twin sister, from being alone through the abuse. When she was sent off to marry, you were lost, no one to talk to you, no one there to comfort you when you were denied your requests to leave the Saimori home. One day, your father called you to a room for a meeting, and something inside you felt excited and scared.
Reaching the door, you gently knock on the shoji. "Father, it's me, Y/n." Your voice is soft and quiet, your father responds, allowing you to enter. You sit on the floor, your ankles tucked underneath you as you use your left hand to open the door; you bow gently before standing up and stepping over the edge of the tatami while turning to close the door before waiting on instruction. "Y/n, do not just stand there. Sit." You jump a little before gently pulling out a pillow to sit on, sitting the way you were when you opened the door. When you have the chance, you look at your surroundings. You see an unfamiliar woman with soft purple hair in a thick braid cascading down her back, her purple kimono nicely complimenting her hair and sparkling lavender eyes.
"Y/n, this is Raiden Ei. You will leave to meet your fiance, her son, in three days." Your soft eyes widen; you are leaving this awful place. It was still a form of freedom even if you were marrying someone you had never met. You nod politely at Ei before excusing yourself to pack your things. Outside your room, you can hear Kaya and her mother celebrating that the second useless child would now be gone; luckily, you were celebrating that you could finally use your gift freely and have it documented for the first time. You never once used your powers in the Saimori home, didn't want to be separated from your sister, and didn't want to be married off because of your abilities. As you finish packing, you open the floorboard and place a beautiful pink braided cord with sakura flowers your mother had woven for you before she passed. You then place your belongings to the side, ready to go to bed, before a servant comes and hands you a lovely purple kimono lined with gold, telling you to wear it the day you leave.
Sitting in the back of a car, you watch the trees pass by you. You had never been this far away from the saimori house, and you hoped that your new fiance liked you because you had nowhere else to go if you were rejected, but your father and his mother had already signed a betrothal agreement. Like he did for your sister, your father gifted you a fresh kimono suited for meeting your new fiance without putting the saimori household in a bad light. You smile softly at the trees and farmland you pass, knowing that even if you were kicked out, you would be happy to work. Anything would be better than the abuse from your stepmother and half-sister.
The car slowly pulls to a halt, and you are greeted with a gorgeous home, with large cherry blossom trees everywhere, touching your heart as it reminds you of your sister and mother. A young woman dressed in a servant's kimono helped me get out of the car and offered to carry the small luggage. You politely declined and asked to be shown to your new room for the afternoon before meeting your future husband. You place your stuff in a drawer and explore your new home. Stumbling across a small kitchen, you smile softly, reminded of how much time you spent with your twin learning to cook.
You and Miyo spent much time together, but she focused more on surviving. You honed your homemaking skills just in case you were to be married off to be a housewife; like your sister, you knew how to cook and sew, but you also spent time learning flower arrangements, caretaking, and calligraphy. You wanted to be prepared to have a middle-class housewife's responsibilities instead of a noblewoman's. You were lucky that your father even agreed to marry you, especially with how well hidden from the public eye and other people you were. When the saimori house had visitors, you would stay in the kitchen or your room. You assume that Lady Ei was there for Kaya under the presumption that Kaya had not yet been engaged, but when you got summoned by your father, you knew you were bound for freedom.
You familiarized yourself with the household, your new maid following you quietly. You had already gotten acquainted, and she was kind enough to ensure you wouldn't get lost while exploring your new home. You've heard from some of the staff whispering that your Fiancé is blunt, with a heart of ice, but my maid, Aki, Reassured you that he was kind at heart, much like Miyo's fiancé Lord Kudo. As you venture around the house, you hear soft but upset footsteps from a hall just ahead. Not paying any attention, you pause with Aki behind you to look at the cherry trees that lined the property.
You begin to venture back to your room, but your path is blocked by a simple, pale purple kimono with a white haori resting atop it. You gasp softly and bow your head, apologizing profusely for not paying attention before the taller male huffs. "Do not apologize. You have done nothing wrong; I was the one who blocked the path." You keep your head down but stop apologizing as ordered, scared you will be punished by the man in front of you; his attitude and how he carries himself are intimidating. You slowly lift your head, observing the male before you; he has jellyfish-cut indigo hair and sharp violet eyes. You could tell he got his looks from his mother, but you couldn't say about his personality.
The male grabs your chin and inspects your face before letting go and huffing, "So your Y/n Saimori?" Your eyes widen in shock as you bow gently, being briefed by Aki on how to greet your new fiancé. "It's a pleasure to meet you, lord Scaramouche; please treat me well." Scaramouch rolled his eyes, pulling you out of your bow and making direct eye contact. "You are to call me only Scaramouche, understand? None of that Lord crap." You nod softly as he releases you and starts walking. "It's almost time for dinner. Are you joining me or not?" His tone was stern, but you could hear the curiosity and concern. You follow him quietly, dismissing Aki to the kitchen.
Months had gone by; you and Scaramouche had gotten married before the incident with Miyo and your father, and you had learned of your Usaba bloodline through your now husband after the incident with the Saimori's. It was interesting being Lady Raiden Y/n, especially with how long it takes for you to even sit next to your husband when having tea. You had grown relatively close to him after your wedding. You had spent a lot of time together. Over time, you had learned how to control your telekinesis, and you had even informed Scaramouche of it, but something seemed off lately; it was becoming irritated when you called his name.
That evening, you couldn't seem to sleep and were staring out at the cherry blossom trees and their falling leaves as the fall season grew close. You feel a pair of arms wrap around you, and you melt softly; all those rumors you had initially heard before meeting him had disappeared quite a bit ago, shortly after your marriage. "Scara-" "Its Kunikuzushi, I just go by Scaramouche. I should have told you sooner. I've been annoyed that my wife wasn't calling me by my actual name, but god knows why my mother named me Country Destroyer." You try to hold in your giggles, but they spill through. Kuni looked at you with a strange look before you turned and kissed his cheek. "Better late than never, I guess." You both smile softly.
You both walk back to Kuni's room; tonight, he invites you in, and you spend the rest of the night enjoying each other presence and company, and you talk until you both doze off in each other's arms.
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fuxuannie · 1 year
↳ pairing : dan heng x gender neutral reader
↳ prompt : hanggang notes lang yung gusto kong sabihin sayo, pero kahit alam na alam ko na di ko kaya isabi sa mukha mo, mamahalin kita from afar.
↳ authors note : for my non-filos, the prompt is essentially writing everything you want to say for a person in your notes app and admiring them from afar <3 this is me self projecting & taking this chance to practice some filo
↳ brief disclaimer : this is for my hopefully existing filipino audience! i will be providing translations and such if people want it
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Stelle and March 7th dealt with your constant rambling of your 5th 'happy crush' this year. "Promise! Iba na to, I sweaar!" You'd giggle, but the two just gave each other a look and back at you. "Whatever you say..." Knowing damn well you've said that every single time, and they were in fact, not different.
Just like clockwork, at the same hour and at the same place, Dan Heng quietly walks by the table the three of you were seated on. His earphones in his ears as he's kept busy with whatever is on his phone, you catch a quick glance and you start to cover your mouth and giggle. "Haysss, ampogi ni crush." You'd say while kicking your feet, and Stelle and March 7th's jaw DROPS at the realization.
"SIYA??" The pair said together, slamming the table and jolting up from their seats, the same baffled expression as they looked at you. "Oo, b-bakit? Mali ba desisyon ko?" You stammered, putting your hands up in the air while smiling awkwardly.
Stelle crosses her arms, and March 7th puts a hand on her hip and the other points at you. "Ingatan mo ang puso mo bhie, reputation na rejecter yun. Sobrang cold sa mga tao nagcoconfess sakanya!"
"Super super cold yun. As in parang aircon." Stelle huffs, nodding her head in agreement to March's statements. "Ang weird ninyo, of course hindi ako magcoconfess!" You retaliate, grabbing your phone from your hand and passing it over to them. "Hanggang notes app yung rants na sobrang pogi niya, wala naman akong plano sabihin sakanya eh." You watch as Stelle grabs it from the table and March 7th takes a peek at what you were showing.
"Crush ng bayan yan, wala naman akong chance." Was the last thing you added, shrugging your shoulder as you accepted your feelings most likely not being reciprocated.
Stelle looks at the phone, looks at you, one more look to the phone and finally a disgusted stare in your direction. "Corny mo."
"Alam ko naman."
"You're hopeless." March 7th sighs, going on her phone to what you could only assume to be and check whatever notification made it go off and buzz.
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beanghostprincess · 4 months
Usopp has never celebrated Valentine's Day. And it's not that he hasn't had the chance, because he has. In fact, Kaya was always the one saying they should be doing something together, even as friends. But... But Usopp has never liked it? He knows saying that out loud would cause a world war inside the crew because he's aware of how beloved the day is for some of them. But it's just... Isn't it dumb? He thinks it's basically just another way capitalism and big corporations have of taking people's money. If you truly love somebody, you show it every day, not just on a random day in February. Besides, his mom always seemed a bit sad and lonely this time of the year, and Usopp never liked thinking about his parents this way.
But Sanji? Sanji adores it. It's a day of joy and love and he has an excuse to give Nami and Robin flowers and chocolate without being seen as weird. It's still weird but, you know, less weird because now there's a reason behind his actions and they're always just a bit softer on this day. Sanji himself is way softer. He gives Luffy more meat and barely argues with mosshead, and if somebody asks? It's just a day for love. He cannot be bothered to be angry today. His mom loved February 14th. It was one of her favorite days because she kept saying she celebrated all kinds of love, not only the romantic ones. Sanji was always excited to see her at the hospital on those days.
So when they start dating and February comes... They have different reactions to it. It's- It's a bit hard to handle at first.
The sniper realizes it's Valentine's Day right when he wakes up, and he kind of sort of wants to die because he hasn't gotten anything for Sanji and he knows how much this day means to him. Usopp just never thinks about it or remembers until Sanji explicitly screams about it. He blames Nami for not reminding him either. Not that it's her responsibility, but the girl could've helped. Whatever- He's not panicking. He's not. It's a dumb, stupid holiday and there's no need to do anything. He doesn't owe Sanji a Valentine's Day because it's dumb.
Besides. They barely started dating. And Sanji only ever gets gifts to the girls. There's zero chance he's gonna prepare something for Usopp.
Or so he thinks. Because the second he wakes up, there's a box right next to his bunk bed and he knows he's fucked. He doesn't want to open it. He truly doesn't. But if course he does. It's a beret. One he fell in love with a long time ago. Back when they weren't even dating. Back when even the possibility of dating Sanji was just a faint dream. So he- He doesn't even want to ask how the hell Sanji got this or when, but there's so much guilt inside of him that Usopp doesn't want to get out of bed.
But he has to, doesn't he? So he does. And he hates himself a little too much during the whole day. Sanji kisses him oh so sweetly. The pet names are over the charts. The guy won't stop speaking in French, which he knows makes Usopp weak in the knees. He cooks his favorite meals, and aside from the beret, he gives him a bunch of flowers he says he has been growing himself in secret (oh lord, for a botanist that's peak romanticism). And Sanji hasn't even paid much attention to anybody else. Not even the girls. It's as if only Usopp existed. And the thing is-- Usopp is expecting Sanji to throw a tantrum or get angry or be mad about Usopp not doing anything for him.
Sanji doesn't expect anything in return, apparently, and he doesn't seem that bothered about it. That's what ends up fucking up Usopp the most, in the end. Because he knows why Sanji is like that. He knows why Sanji doesn't care about it. He hates it.
He tries to approach the topic subtly:
Usopp: I... Hey, Sanji? Sanji: Yes, mon trésor? Usopp: I'm sorry for not getting you anything for today. It's just- You know Valentine's Day is not my thing and I sort of forgot- Sanji: That's alright. Do you think I'd reduce our relationship to only today? Usopp: No, of coruse not. But, just saying, that if you want to be angry, I don't mind. You have the right to want these romantic things. Sanji: As long as you like what I have planned for you, that's all the gifts I need.
But it doesn't sit right with Usopp. The fact that Sanji never thinks about himself this way and yet keeps showering him with love and gifts instead. So he waits until nighttime because he knows it's Sanji's turn to watch the ship and he knows he'll probably be in the kitchen more often than not. It's not much, but he thinks about something he can do for Sanji.
Everybody is asleep when Sanji finds a letter, a notebook, and flowers on the dining table. While Usopp watches his whole reaction from the door, hoping not to get caught. It's a stupid, overly romantic letter that Usopp has written in no time because whenever he thinks about Sanji, the words just come out of him easily, like a story he never wants to stop telling. The notebook is basically just his sketchbook, and it isn't a gift because it wasn't planned to be one, but it is all the drawings he has made of Sanji over the time they've been together, and Usopp thinks that's way better than just any letter. Meanwhile, the flowers are just the most peaceful and beautiful ones of his garden. The ones he uses more for scents rather than explosives.
It's not the best gift he could've made. It really isn't. But he thinks it's enough to show Sanji that he deserves these things too. He doesn't want his boyfriend to spend any other Valentine's Day assuming he won't be getting any form of love from Usopp.
What the sniper isn't expecting is Sanji to start sobbing all of a sudden. That's when Usopp realizes he needs to step into the kitchen. He's panicking a little while Sanji cries, sitting right next to him and holding his wet cheeks in his hands to check if he's alright. Maybe he has truly fucked up with the gift? Maybe he didn't like it? Perhaps he shouldn't have gotten involved. Fuck. Fuck.
But... But Sanji starts laughing? For some reason? He laughs between tears and grabs Usopp's hands in his and kisses them, holding him close.
Sanji: I'm sorry. Shit. I hate it when I get like this. I'm sorry. I'll stop. Usopp: What? No- No, Sanji. What's wrong? Did you not like it- Sanji: Huh? How could I not like it, dumbass? I'm crying because it's the sweetest, sappiest most romantic thing somebody has made for me and it's from the love of my life. How could I not- Idiot. Shut up. Usopp: I'm... The love of your life? Sanji: Did I not make it clear today? Usopp: Then you... You like it? Sanji: Idiot. Yes. I do. Usopp: Well, then expect all of our Valentine's Days to be like this from now on and forever, because your fantastic boyfriend Usopp will be known as the king of Valentine- Sanji: Dear, I know you love doing that. And I adore it. But the king of Valentine's Day is me and I'm not letting you have the title. Usopp: But we're together. Then that means we're both kings. Sanji: We would if we were married. Usopp: Then... We should- Sanji: Stop right there. Usopp: Huh? Why can't you let me be romantic?! Sanji: ... If you say it I don't think I'll be able to handle it- Usopp: Oh, shit, you want to marry me for real? Sanji: Yes? No- Not yet. Someday. I- Please, don't make me cry again.
Usopp truly can't wait for the next Valentine's Day with him.
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Sweet dreams (part 1)
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Usopp x reader. This is part one of two. This fic is dedicated to the lovely @ushoppu.
Neru means to sleep in Japanese - or at least I hope!
There were three things Usopp was sure of, enough to bet his life on it.
First: three months after meeting her, he had a huge, undeniable crush on (name).
Second: if he did not declare his feelings soon, he would end up losing his mind. 
Third: today was his chance. 
At the very least, it had to be. Usopp had found out he was terrible at hiding his feelings, especially when (name) was involved. He had attempted to impress her with his stories, even more grandiose and absurd than those he had once recounted to Kaya, and only ended up making a fool of himself; also, for some puzzling reason, every time he did something with her, talked to her or even just found himself in her proximity, Usopp started stammering and became much more awkward and clumsy than he usually was - like the several plates he had let fall and break on the floor once that he and the object of his passion were helping Sanji clean up after dinner one day could attest. 
Not that (name) had any fault for his behaviour; brave and strong-willed, she was also a kind, friendly girl, who never made fun of or criticised any of his shortcomings, but who always seemed interested in whatever Usopp did or said, and appeared to appreciate his company. They had become close friends in the three months since she had joined the crew; whether (name) would be interested in him as more than that, Usopp had no idea, but after dwelling on the matter for more than one sleepless night, and having noticed another man flirting with the girl on the last island the crew had made a stop on (fortunately she had ignored him, but the event had been enough to make Usopp realise that the girl might not remain single forever) he had decided it was time to make his move, if only to stop making a fool of himself every time he approached her. He would tell (name) he liked her, he really really did, and then perhaps he would discover his feelings were reciprocated… or perhaps they were not, and (name) would tell him she’d rather they remained good friends.
Which would be disappointing, but still better than nothing. 
Fortunately, today the Straw Hat crew had set anchor in what was widely considered one of the most beautiful islands of the Sea, as well as a popular destination for couples’ holidays and weddings. Such a romantic place was probably the perfect place for his declaration, or at least, Usopp sincerely hoped, it would convince (name) to grant him at least one date, and consequently the opportunity to show her what an affectionate and attentive and protective boyfriend he could be. Usopp was ready to give his best shot: he had washed his hair, put on a new shirt, and even stolen some cologne from Sanji’s cabin; when he joined his friends on the deck to go ashore, his heart was beating hard enough in his chest he was sure the others could hear it.
Then he realised (name) was absent.
The day was relatively cold but clear, not a cloud threatening the almost blinding azure of the sky as the five young pirates gathered on the deck, the island’s little harbour behind them. Nami, standing near her beloved tangerine trees, was the first to speak. “Alright, we can go; if someone gets lost…” she started, glancing significantly at Zoro, who ignored her “We’ll meet here tonight. As far as I know there are no Marine bases on the island, but newspapers are delivered here, so let’s all be on our guard in case someone recognises Luffy.”
The small crew’s captain smiled proudly, as usual when someone mentioned his bounty; he took Usopp’s arm under his. “Right! Let’s go explore this island!” he exclaimed, but the sniper hesitated, glancing anxiously at the door behind him, the one closer to the girls’ cabin.
“Are we not waiting for (name)?”
“Oh, she’s not coming.”
Nami shrugged, as if to express that the decision had not been hers. “I thought she would come as well as usual, but she said that since we now have the treasure, it would be wise to keep one person on the ship at all times, in case a thief or another crew tries taking it.”
“We should take turns, then.” Sanji mentioned.
“That’s what I told her; but (name) said she was fine with staying the whole day, I don’t know why. Perhaps she has a book she wants to finish reading.”
(name) was an avid reader, regularly taking advantage of the Merry’s small library and buying new books on almost every island they docked at; Usopp respected that, as well as her commitment to keep their treasure safe given the fact she had provided them with the chance to acquire it. On the other hand, that was probably the worst occasion the girl could have chosen to have a day in…
Or maybe not?
“Well, we’ll bring her some food from the market.” Luffy said, clearly disappointed (name) would not join them but determined to enjoy the outing nonetheless “Let’s go, I wanna see what’s good to do around here…”
Usopp cleared his voice. “I think I’ll stay behind as well.” he said.
“What? Why?”
“Well, there are a few things I wanted to do… I’m building a new slingshot, and… I think I’m coming down with a cold, I’d better stay in for today…”
He was blabbering, and even though his dark complexion should have made it harder for his friends to see he was blushing, Usopp was sure Luffy and the others would easily see through his words; and indeed, a moment later he saw Zoro grin, while Sanji and Nami exchanged an amused glance.
“That’s good; you and (name) can keep each other company.” Luffy said. Usopp wondered whether his captain had also perceived his real intentions in deciding to remain on the Merry, or actually thought he was just worried for his health “Take care of the ship, you two.”
Usopp promised he -I mean, we- would; he looked at his friends departing towards the harbour, waving their hands and wishing him good luck for your new girlfriend - I mean, weapon, and hoped that good fortune was indeed on his side.
He returned below deck and, struck with inspiration, he reached the ship’s kitchen to prepare two cups of tea, choosing (name)’s favourite blend; he surely wasn’t as good as Sanji’s, but he hoped she’d appreciate it nonetheless. He’d knock on her cabin, and say Hey, I didn’t feel like going out either, wanna do something? Maybe we can fish, and… there is something important I wanted to talk to you about…
But (name) wasn’t in her cabin; Usopp found out when, after knocking for a while, and hearing no sound coming from inside the room, he opened the door just a little, and found it empty. Where could she have gone? To the toilet, perhaps? He could wait for her to return, hopefully before the tea got cold…
And finally (name) did return; Usopp saw her striding along the corridor, a determined expression on her pretty face. She stopped abruptly seeing him, clearly caught by surprise.
“Usopp… what are you doing here?” she asked; for a moment the sniper had the impression she was not happy to see him, at all “I thought you had left with the others?”
“W-well…” he stammered, forcing himself to swallow before quickly thinking back to the excuse he had used with the others only a few minutes before “I decided to stay in to work on my new weapon… and I made some tea for both! It is jasmine tea, your favourite.”
“Oh! Wow, I didn’t…”
For a few seconds, (name) clearly struggled to decide how to react; then, finally and to the huge relief of Usopp, she smiled. “That was very kind of you. I really appreciate it.”
“Don’t mention. What do you have there?” he asked, noticing her right fist was closed around something “Is that… the key to the warehouse?”
The warehouse was actually a small, windowless room near the stern of the ship, that the crew had mainly used to store provisions, sails that needed to be repaired and whatever they thought they would need one day but wanted to keep out of the way; in the last week, their treasure had also been kept there, the only key in Nami’s possession.
At least, Usopp had thought it was. “What are you doing with it?” he asked, his tone devoid of any accusation or suspicion; nevertheless, (name) seemed to blush.
“I… I thought we should get an idea of how much the treasure is worth, since we may need to begin spending some of it soon.” she explained in the end “Obviously I have asked for Luffy’s permission, and Nami gave me the key.”
“I see.” Usopp said, impressed; they had all celebrated finding the treasure, but until that day no one had thought about checking its actual value, even though the content of the chest was literally everything they owned and without it, they would soon find themselves starving “Well, if you want I can help you.”
(name) smiled. “I’d really like that, Usopp; thank you.”
They walked to the storage room, located at the end of the corridor; having unlocked the door, (name) placed the key on a table, while Usopp did the same with the two cups of tea. 
The large chest they had retrieved from its hiding place a week ago was at the back of the room, hidden behind a pile of wooden planks; it was heavy enough that the two young pirates had to pull it together closer to the lantern on the wall, the only source of light in the room. Usopp opened the lid, and smiled at the sight in front of him, the inside of the chest filled to the brim of coins and precious stones.
“I bet there are enough berrys in here to pay Luffy’s bounty.”
“I’d rather not put it like that, but I think you’re right.” (name) said, and smiled “Before we make sure, I thought we had a drink to enjoy.”
They sat cross-legged on the floor, their knees brushing against each other; (name) took a sip from her cup, and smiled appreciatively. “Usopp, this is delicious! Jasmine tea is my favourite, but this is especially well-prepared. Did you ask Sanji to teach you?”
“I didn’t; I must have a talent for it.” he confessed, proud of himself; a moment later, though, his smile dimmed “I… I used to make tea for my mom; she was sick, too sick for doctors or medicines to help her, but she liked tea, just like you, and I thought that somehow, if I made it exactly like she wanted, like she preferred it… it might help. It didn’t, of course, but it made me feel less useless.”
“I’m sure your mom appreciated your help, even more than the tea.” (name) gently said. She took his hand in hers, a chaste, comforting contact that filled Usopp’s heart with tenderness; so many years after she had passed, talking about his mother was still painful for him, but Usopp was happy to have shared that intimate memory with (name). 
“Luffy told me your dad is part of Red-Haired Shanks’ crew.” she said after a while as they enjoyed their tea, a quiet, vaguely romantic intimacy having filled the dark room. 
“He is! One day I’m gonna meet him, and by that time I’ll have become a great pirate as well.” Usopp said excitedly; he was proud of his father, and all he wanted was for Yasopp to be proud of him as well, of how stronger and resourceful he had become “What about you? Do you have a family somewhere?”
(name) thought about it for a while, her eyes following the sway of the lantern on the wall. The girl had already been on her own, travelling the world, when she had met Luffy and the others, and Usopp had never heard her talking about her childhood or her parents “Well, I have a father, technically speaking, even though we have never lived together; he preferred his other family, with his older children and the wife he had already been married to when he started seeing my mother.” she said in the end, her tone only marginally bitter “And my mom still lives in the town I was born in.” 
“Are the two of you close?”
“Not as close as I wish; but I know she loves me, and one day I’ll see her again, I’m sure.”
A smile passed between them; no matter how determined he was to tell her how beautiful and amazing he thought she was, and how much he liked her, Usopp found he liked simply sitting with her, talking and pretending no one else existed but them.
Unfortunately moments like those rarely lasted, and after a while (name), having enjoyed her tea to the last drop, stood and offered her hand to Usopp to help him do the same.
“Let’s take care of our treasure, shall we?”
She seemed excited, even anxious about it, which was perhaps to be expected, since she had been the one to propose they looked for the treasure. One day, roughly a week before, she had mentioned a story she had heard previously, about a neighbouring island -actually, nothing more than a rock in the middle of a particularly dangerous stretch of sea- where a precious treasure was said to have been hidden, guarded by some kind of monsters. On hearing the story Luffy’s face had immediately lit up, the others hadn’t even tried to dissuade him, and their young captain had immediately decided they would make the treasure theirs - which they had, even though the crew had been lucky to escape with their lives, since the rumours about the presence of monstrous guardians were true. After all, searching for and finding treasures was what pirates did, and the whole crew had celebrated their first success, not to mention the fact they now had a way to support themselves.
Usopp and (name) got to work, deciding at first to assess how much money the chest actually contained; they spread the coins on the room’s floor in piles, and found out they did have enough to pay for their captain’s bounty, and then some.
“Thirty-two million three thousand fifty berries; that’s quite a sum.” Usopp happily considered as he wrote, having retrieved a pen and a notepad from his cabin to keep count “And we also have the gems!”
“I have no idea how much these are worth.” (name) confessed, admiring what seemed to be a ruby almost bigger than her hand, her feet surrounded by other precious stones “But I bet it’s a lot. We’ll have to find a bank or a rich merchant to exchange them, and hope we don’t get ripped-off.”
“We’ll find a way; at least we have enough money to eat and repair the ship if we need to. Oh, there is still something…”
A lone object, almost invisible in the relative darkness of the room, laid on the bottom of the chest; Usopp retrieved it, looking curiously at the trinket now in his hands.
It was not another gem; it didn’t look particularly precious either. Roughly as large as his hand, the statuette seemed to be made of marble or another heavy rock, and it was carved in the shape of an elephant, its trunk raised and a tiny gem placed in each of its orbits. 
Strangely enough, even though its position and the lack of windows kept the room’s temperatures low and the statuette had been hidden at the bottom of the chest for days, untouched, the little elephant was warm, just like the teacup had been in Usopp’s hands half an hour before.
It was pretty, Usopp considered as he observed the statuette and tried to assess its value, unaware of how (name)’s eyes had focused on him, and on it, the sort of trinket one could keep on display on a shelf or use as a sentimental gift, but he doubted it was worth much. Perhaps they could find a lover of stone baubles, or a fan of elephants, who would be willing to buy it…
“That’s cute.” (name) murmured quietly as she approached. 
“I agree. If you like it I bet the others would let you keep it, I doubt we could get even a few berries out of it…”
She didn’t answer; had Usopp looked at her right then, he would have seen how tense and worried she was, and the sadness that filled her eyes. He did not, too busy wondering why such an uninteresting and -at least apparently- valueless object was part of the same treasure as heaps of gems and enough money to ransom the most powerful pirate in the East Blue, but Usopp blinked when an hand entered his field of vision to gently but firmly take the elephant statuette from his grasp and place it on a crate nearby.
(name)’s hand took his as the girl lowered them both on the floor; Usopp had always thought she had lovely eyes, brighter than any of the gems spread around them, but now there was something in her gaze he had never seen… an emotion that was determination and sadness and shame all in one. “(name), what…?”
“Usopp, can I tell you something?” she murmured; a moment later, as in a dream, he felt her hand rest on his cheek, their thighs now pressed against each other. Usopp felt a wash of heat filling him; they had never been so close, especially not when alone, and there was something different, new in her… a sort of sweet, vaguely shy but intense desire he had no name for but that he knew perfectly, having felt the same for months…
She took a deep breath. “I… I like you. I really really do, much more than you usually do with friends. I think I have cared for you since the day we first met, and just being close to you is enough to make me happy. I think you’re amazing, clever, kind, and… and very handsome. I… I have never felt this way before…”
She looked at Usopp under her eyelashes, shyly waiting for his reaction, but he didn’t have one to give; it was as if his brain had stopped working.
“Usopp? Oh, Gods, I’m sorry, this is… so inappropriate…”
“Are you serious?”
“Do you really mean it?” he insisted; he knew that was not the sort of declaration one uttered lightly, not to mention (name) would not play with his feelings with the intent of hurting him, but he couldn’t believe it: he had hoped that day he would find the courage to declare his affection, but receiving that sort of confession himself was… was beyond his wildest and most ambitious dreams!
“Y-yes. Yes, of course I mean it, and I hoped… you would feel the same…”
His heart was singing. He looked at (name), still embarrassed but hopeful his feelings would be reciprocated, and for a moment Usopp was so overcome with emotion he was unable to speak. 
Fortunately, it passed.
“This is the happiest moment of my life.” he whispered, and he saw the happiest, most relieved smile ever open on the face of the girl in front of him.
“Really? I’ve always thought… you look uncomfortable when we are together…”
“Of course! (name), you are… you are amazing! I’ve liked you since the first day, and I was not uncomfortable; it was just that you are so sweet and beautiful, any time I tried talking to you I ended up making a fool of myself.” Usopp confessed; he gently took her hand in both of his, and swore to himself he would never let it go “The truth is… I stayed on the ship today in order to talk to you; I wanted to tell you how much I liked you, but you beat me to it. I… I don’t really know what love is, that sort of love at least, but I think you might be the one to teach me.”
“Oh… oh, Usopp…”
For a whole minute they simply stared at each other, hand in hand, too overwhelmed with emotion to speak. Usopp swallowed, suddenly wondering whether it would be too… too forward to try and kiss her, but suddenly he saw something change in the expression of the girl in front of him… a sudden sadness filling her eyes, the melancholy of someone who remembered a past happiness that was lost forever. 
And at the same time he started feeling weird; tired, in a sense, even though it was still early afternoon and he had slept just fine the night before - not to mention that, excited as he was, he should have felt more awake than ever. He was not; in fact, strangely, he suddenly felt… drowsy, even sleepy, as if his last rest dated back to a week before…
“Believe me when I say I am sorry, from the bottom of my heart.”
“(name), what…?”
And then her face was much closer to his, close enough Usopp could feel her breath on his face; he gulped, already anticipating what would happen in a moment, but even then, he felt an unexpected, unshakeable wave of sleepiness wash over him. What was happening to him?, he wondered vaguely, his mind already struggling to form coherent thoughts, this was not normal, he was fine two seconds ago and he had not exerted himself to the point of needing to rest in the middle of the day; there was something strange going on, something he could not…
“May I?”
… explain…
A moment later, (name)’s cool lips pressed against his. She used a scented lipstick, Usopp had heard her mention to Nami once, but the only taste he could perceive at the moment was hers, and it was the sweetest, most delicious thing he had ever experienced. He moaned softly, eagerly returning the kiss, but when he tried to raise his hand to caress her hair, he found out he couldn’t; his eyes were closing, not for an instinctive impulse to let him focus on the heavenly sensation of (name)’s mouth on his, but rather because he simply didn’t have the strength to keep them open…
Oh, Gods; he was going to fall asleep while he and the girl he had pined after for months shared their first kiss. Usopp didn’t think he could survive the shame, not to mention even the most devoted woman would get offended, but more than embarrassed, he was startled, because this was not normal, something weird was happening to him, he was falling asleep, maybe to never wake up again…
He felt (name)’s hands rest on his shoulders, ready to support him. 
“I… I can’t…”
“I’m so sorry, Usopp.” she murmured, and he wanted to ask why, for what, but he didn’t have the time. He fell forward, and by the time (name) had supported him and laid him down on the floor he was already fast asleep.
You wonder for a moment if it would be appropriate to take a blanket from your room to cover him with, since the room is relatively cold, but you have no time to waste, since you don’t even know yet whether there are regular ferries to Koa and you need at all costs to be there before midnight.
You stand with a sigh to walk to the crate, and retrieve the object you are doing all of this for; the small marble elephant looks harmless, even uninteresting as you turn it in your hands, but it feels strangely warm, as if it had been stored in a furnace instead than at the bottom of a chest. Whether this is due to the magical powers the statuette is purported to possess, or it is just your imagination, you don’t know and even less you care; the only important thing, that you hope and have ceaselessly prayed for weeks, is that it will help you - that it will be enough to do what is now now more important for you than anything else.
Even more important than your own feelings; even more important than the shame of hurting and breaking the heart of a person who has done nothing to deserve such a treatment, but rather who has always been kind and friendly to you, and who now you know shares and reciprocates your affection.
You contemplate Usopp’s unmoving form at your feet, laying on his side with an arm bent under his cheek; he sleeps soundly, apparently deep in a pleasant dream given the faint smile on his lips. This is the easiest way, the only way, you could have done it; he will sleep profoundly for at least ten hours, or until the others return and wake him up, which won’t happen before the end of the day, and by that time you’ll be far away, hopefully having used the statuette as you were asked to do. You couldn’t tell him and the others what you needed to do; after all they have told you the deal would be off if you didn’t come alone, and you would never be able to forgive yourself if your friends got hurt. 
You need to go now, and any moment you waste is one she could get hurt, but no matter how worried you are for her sake, you can’t stop looking at Usopp, at his chocolate-coloured skin and braided hair, feeling at the same time on cloud nine for the sweet moment you have just shared, and heartbroken at the thought you are going to lose him forever. Confessing how much you care for him only served to unnecessarily complicate things, as well as probably to make him feel even worse when he’ll wake up and realise you have left, but you couldn’t help it: your feelings for Usopp have never ceased growing since you first met, and as you struggled to hide how scared you were for her and realised you might have to leave the friends you had quickly grown fond of soon, the only moments you felt completely at ease, even happy, in were the ones he was with you, with his sweet smile and ridiculous tales. 
And now you’re going to lose him forever. You don’t know whether Usopp is the One -truth to be told, you’re not even sure you believe in soulmates to begin with- but what he said about discovering what it means to be in love by meeting you touched your heart… not to mention you feel exactly the same. You still know each other too little to make plans for the future, but you could have been happy together; and you know you’ll keep him in your heart forever, as well as the kindness and affection of the best friends you have ever had.
For the first time, after three months of fear and having spent days agonising about what to do, you feel anger - anger at the bastards who not only have kidnapped her, which is horrible enough already, but have also forced you to take responsibility for it and to betray your friends. You had been travelling for two years on your own before meeting Luffy and the others and you were perfectly happy with your life, but those five young pirates have quickly become a second family for you, the brothers and sister you never had and always wished for; you already miss them terribly, and you don’t even want to know what they will think of you for abandoning the crew without telling the other and after having neutralised -non violently- one of your crewmates. 
They might despise, and even hate you; you accept it, because you can’t do otherwise, and keeping her safe is worth whatever sacrifice you might be asked, but at the same time you can’t help mourning what you are about to lose… especially Usopp, who has opened your heart to feelings you had only heard expressed in love songs, and makes your heart beat faster every time he smiles at you. 
His notepad is on the floor, the page covered by Usopp’s tiny, spidery handwriting; you turn it, wondering for a moment about what to write, and in the end you decide that while it would be tempting to explain why you are leaving the crew, you can’t risk them running after you to help. You might not be a member of the Straw Hats anymore, but the last thing you want is for them to get hurt. 
In the end, the only thing you write is DON’T LOOK FOR ME; before you can stop yourself, you add a tiny heart on the page, then place the notepad back on the floor. You retrieve the elephant statuette as you still look at Usopp, wondering if he will hate you as well.
“I’m so sorry.” you murmur, too low for him to hear, and then turn to walk out of the room as you force yourself to stop sobbing.
“Usopp, wake up!”
“Are you sure he’s alright? Maybe we should look for a doctor…”
“He’s asleep, not sick. I’ll fill a bucket with water, that’ll do the trick…”
“Shut up, all of you! Usopp, can you hear me? Can you open your eyes?”
He tried, still partially asleep and as a huge yawn escaped his lips, finding his crewmates gathered in a circle around him, their faces expressing various degrees of worry and perplexity.
“Usopp, are you alright? Where is (name)?” Luffy asked. The sniper didn’t immediately answer; he felt as if he had slept for a month, a slumber deep enough to border on coma. 
“I need coffee.” he mumbled.
“What? Usopp, it’s almost dinnertime…”
He could not stop yawning. “Please. I need a cup of coffee - wait, make it two. Wait, make it two mugs of it - I think I’ll never wake up completely again…”
But wake up he did, after drinking the coffee Sanji had poured for him in the largest cup of his arsenal, and then sticking his face under the kitchen sink to let freezing water pour on it. 
By that time, the others were still waiting for an explanation, but Nami had checked (name)’s part of their cabin and reported her backpack had disappeared, together with a few clothes and other essentials, and the latest book she had bought. 
“Where has she gone? Didn’t the two of you have to talk and stuff?” Luffy asked; in the meantime, the others had retrieved the notepad from the floor, openly staring at the brief but determined message written on it.
“She’s gone.” Usopp murmured; still groggy after the deep sleep (name) had plunged him into, he felt heart-broken, fully convinced that the girl had taken advantage of his affection to neutralise him and… what? Why had she done that? And how? “We were here, she told me you guys had given her permission to enter to check the treasure, we counted the money together, and then we… we started talking, and she…”
He couldn’t say it. The shame was too deep. He had actually thought she cared…what an idiot he had been!
“... she touched me, and I suddenly felt sleepy, like I hadn’t slept for a month or someone had hit me on the head, it wasn’t normal! And the last thing I remember is her saying she was sorry…”
The five young pirates shared a look, all of them both perplexed by the behaviour of their crewmate and instinctively worried for her, before Nami handed Usopp the notepad, the page turned to the one he had written. “Check if something is missing.” she urged him.
Usopp obliged, quickly examining the heaps of coins and precious gems on the floor, and assessing the situation was the same as before his long nap.
“She didn’t take anything.” he summarised, completely bewildered; he had instinctively thought (name) had put him to sleep (how?!) to then steal the whole treasure and disappear, but the truth seemed to suggest the opposite. Usopp, still in the dark regarding the girl’s motives, felt guilty for immediately assuming the worst “I don’t understand…”
“Unfortunately she has; and given the fact she has taken her things, I don’t think she plans on returning.”
“Well, wherever she has gone, she clearly doesn’t want to be found.” Zoro pointed out, nodding towards the short message on the notepad “Did she tell you guys she had friends around here? Someone she could have gone to meet?”
The others shook their heads. “I don’t understand.” Luffy murmured; he seemed shaken, as if he had seen (name) being dragged away, even though all seemed to suggest the girl had left out of her own free will “She wouldn’t leave us, she is one of us…”
“No, I don’t accept it! Maybe she was afraid for some reason, or she had something important to do…”
He looked at Usopp, silently asking for his opinion and support, but the sniper had neither to give; he opened his arms helplessly, but a moment later his eyes fell on something Nami was silently pointing at on the notepad page (name) had written.
It was a heart, tiny but enough to make a sob escape Usopp’s lips; he pressed a hand to his mouth, for a moment struggling to control his emotions as panic mounted inside him. 
“We have to find her.” he said earnestly “I don’t know what she has done to me, or why, but she didn’t do it to steal or hurt us. She seemed sad, maybe Luffy is right, maybe there is someone who-who has threatened her…”
The others agreed the matter was worthy of investigation; whatever reason had led (name) to run away, and the fact that she had been part of the crew the least time of them all, she was one of them, and they all wanted at least to make sure she was safe. 
“How can we find her, though?” Sanji pointed out “We don’t know anyone on the island, and if she has left hours ago, by this time she could be anywhere.”
The others explained to Usopp they had been forced to return to the ship sooner than expected, having caught wind of a Marines expedition being headed to the island.
They decided to begin searching immediately; Usopp was about to follow the others out of the warehouse, too worried for (name) to think about putting back the heaps of coins and gems inside the chest, when suddenly he realised something was missing: the tiny marble elephant, that he remembered the girl had placed on a crate before leading him to sit on the floor with her to - and here Usopp felt himself blushing again. 
The statuette had disappeared; he quickly checked around the room to make sure. Of all the riches at her fingertips, (name) had only taken that apparently valueless trinket before running away. Why? Was the tiny elephant actually precious in some way, and the girl had stolen it to sell it and keep the money for herself? It was a reasonable explanation, after all (name) had been the one to mention the treasure to the others, but something in Usopp’s heart told him the truth was more complicated than that. 
“Usopp! What are you doing?” Luffy urged him from the room’s door “Let’s go, we have to find (name)!”
Having no way of knowing whether the girl had gone into the island looking for something or someone, or rather she had sailed away, the crew decided to first check at the harbour.  
Sunset was still hours away; Usopp thought for a moment how nice it would have been to admire it as he and (name) walked hand in hand, smiling softly at each other and oblivious to the rest of the world, countless kisses still warm on their lips. 
The harbour was lively despite its diminutive size, the song of the backwash filling the air. Sailors moved to and fro to load a cargo, checked the passengers disembarking or took care of the upkeep of their vessels; none of the ships flew the Marines’ flag, which was reassuring, but they all knew they had to leave as soon as possible in any case. Zoro, Sanji and Nami spread to talk to the owners of the few boats docked at the wharf, while Luffy followed Usopp to the small building that housed the office of the harbourmaster, who they met as he locked the door behind him.
“You’ll have to return tomorrow, boys, I am done for the day.”
“We just need an information, sir.” Usopp said as he stood in front of the -older, taller, much bigger- man to stop him from leaving “We are looking for a friend of ours who might have asked you about ships for some islands around here.”
“No one asked me anything today; I was too busy with paperwork.” the man explained with a sigh; he seemed anxious to leave “I need to go home, now.”
“Please, it’s very important; our friend is roughly our age, this tall, with (colour) hair…”
“I really don’t know what to tell you; perhaps this girl spoke directly to the captain of a boat bound for the place she had to reach. This sort of transaction doesn’t really concern my office, so I have no way of knowing…”
“How do you know it was a girl?” Luffy intervened.
“... sorry?”
 “”He said we were looking for our friend.” the young captain pointed out “But you knew already this person was a girl and not a guy; you called her she. You saw her, didn't you?”
The man bit his lip; he looked embarrassed, and clearly unhappy at having been exposed.
“Please.” Usopp insisted; he had never been so worried for anyone since… well, since his mother had started falling sick “We have reason to think our friend might be in danger, that someone might want to hurt her; tell us where she went.”
The harbourmaster yielded, and told them a girl matching (name)’s description had approached him as he took a smoke break out of the office to ask for a passage to a tiny island called Koa, not far from there. The man had attempted to warn her, since Koa was infamous as the den of a dangerous band of criminals, but she didn’t seem worried - nor surprised, in fact; no captain would accompany her to Koa and wait there while she attended to her business and then bring her back, but the harbourmaster had introduced her to someone who had then lent the girl a rowing boat so that she could go by herself.
“How far is Koa from here?”
“With your ship? Thirty minutes at most.”
The harbourmaster pointed them to the right direction, and rummaged in his pocket to take something he then offered Usopp.
It was a banknote, folded on the long side as he knew (name) did with her money.
“Your friend paid me to keep my mouth shut on her destination; she knew someone would look for her.” the man explained; he didn’t seem particularly proud of himself for having accepted the deal “Whatever the reason she had to go to Koa, it had to be very important. I really hope you find her.”
Usopp hoped the same. A moment later, he and Luffy were running towards the wharf, calling their friends to tell them they knew where (name) had gone.
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The way I had absolutely not thought about Mantis when deciding reader's powers and still I have completely copied her...
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jesperr-fahey · 2 months
how about something with sanji + usopp for the prompts thing?
oohhh anon you've been reading my liveblogs haven't you. you know i'm insane about them rn don't you. the random word i generated is piano which is an interesting one!! here's what i've got :) don't ask any plot questions i don't have a plot
"We should keep moving," Sanji says, glancing behind, in front, around. The room is quiet and empty, and so are the hallways that he can see, but that doesn't mean they'll stay that way.
"Sanji, come on," Usopp responds with a laugh, spreading his arms wide and looking around. "This place is abandoned. If we can find some old paperwork, it might be helpful, but the guy we're looking for isn't here. And this place is gorgeous."
He has a point there, at least. It might be abandoned, but it's still a mansion, complete with a massive entryway, a grand staircase with gilded railings, and this room they're in now- a ballroom, almost, but smaller, for more intimate dances and performances. Some of the furniture is gone, looted or lost, but the floor is clearly meant for dancing, and there's still a grand piano in the corner, too large and heavy to be moved.
"Come on," Usopp says again, bouncing on his feet. "I'm sure we'll find a kitchen eventually, and you'll want to explore that. Why can't I explore this?"
Sanji sighs, already knowing that he's going to give in. "What interest do you have in a room like this one?" he asks, because he has a reputation to uphold, dammit, and he can't just say yes and be done with it.
Usopp's grin grows softer, mistier. "Kaya had a music room. I didn't actually go inside her house very often, but sometimes she'd sneak me in and try to teach me how to play the piano. I wasn't very good, but it made her laugh. I probably still remember the one thing she managed to teach me."
Sanji doesn't know Kaya- never got the chance to meet the woman from Usopp's home who gifted them the Merry- and he doesn't know much about her, either. Usopp clearly cares about her even still, but it's something he keeps close. His eyes are distant now, though, clearly thinking about her, about home, and Sanji knows how quickly that introspection can turn to grief, so he blurts out, "Go on, then."
"What?" Usopp asks, blinking the emotion away.
"Go on," Sanji repeats, waving a hand towards the piano as if he doesn't care. "You said you still remember."
Slowly, Usopp's face grows back into a grin, and he practically hops and skips over to the piano, brushing some of the dust off of clearly unused keys.
Sanji crosses his arms, watching, as Usopp takes two fingers and begins to pluck out a tune. It's a strange melody, with a quick tempo, dancing between dissonant tones and simple harmony, odd and lovely all at once.
Usopp's tongue sticks out between his teeth as he concentrates, and Sanji allows a small fond smile to dance across his lips. They'll be here a little longer than intended, but that's okay. That's worth it.
(send me a character or pairing and i'll generate a random word and write you a drabble!)
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madwomansapologist · 8 months
a new side of her | nami
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Masterlist | Rules | Taglist | Library | More Nami | AO3
synopsis: You didn't trust Nami. You could see right through her. See right through those well thought out words capable of deceiving Luffy. The problem was that you could also see her stiff face, her watery eyes, her accurate fingers. Damned be Nami, her lying lips and your functional eyes.
warnings: smut. erotic dreams. masturbation. accidental voyeurism. oral sex. sixty nine. hate sex. top!nami. female!reader.
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It's not like you wanted to see Nami dead, you just don't wanted to see her at all.
You would make something pretty reckless if you had to see Nami deceiving Luffy one more time. Or if you need to see Nami always checking if anyone was watching her. And Nami guarding her secrets like a knight keeps a promise. Even Nami having those little moments of honesty, what only made Luffy even more sure that she was part of the crew.
And you for sure would something pretty stupid if you had to see Nami walking around the deck with those watchful eyes. Or if you need to see Nami always arguing with anyone who bothered one of you. And Nami being so bossy when Zoro was definitelly about to do something that he would regret. Even Nami quietly apreciating the view, just enjoying the sea's silence.
You both don't get along. Always fighting, yelling at one another, picking on the most unnecessary thing. Nami's orange hair almost floating by the way she gesticuled at you. Your heartbeat silencing the rest of the world. Her eyes burning with rage. Her fingers tapping on the table. Her velvet mouth moving so graciously.
You both don't get along, but that doesn't mean you're fucking blind.
But soon you found that your life as part of the strawhat crew wouldn't be so easy. Not when clowns insisted on kidnapping y'all, or the marines decide that for some reason your crew deserves attention from a vice admiral, or the old ship finally breaking after everything it went through. Ship. That wasn't more than a fucking boat.
You were always trying to invent a new way of winning a fight, helping Luffy with stay quiet for a second so you can help him with whatever he's trying to ask you, trying to make Zoro rest. It was hard for you. A resonable amount of sleep per night? You called that a dream. Privacy? A mith. Time for yourself? Just when you die.
You didn't have time to do any of the things you usually does. No more morning lazyness, or a book with you during your meals, or time to spend with long, hot baths. Or any privacy at night to touch yourself.
That makes you feel a little bit guilty. Your crew barely made out alive from so many conflicts and you're worried about a orgasm or two? Still, it was the truth. You knew that just thirty minutes of privacy and silence would change your mood so quickly, but how could you do that with everyone sleeping at the same place?
It only got worse when all your desire started to invade your dreams. You wake up at night feeling so warm, with your clit throbbing and head spinning. And the worst part was who kept on appearing on your dreams.
Nami wasn't there all times. Sometimes it was a memory from a past experience. Or a situation you always desired to live. A few times characters from books you read were the main actors of many of your wet dreams. But Nami... Nami was starring most of them.
Just another reason for you to hate her even more.
At Kaya's, and you're still surprised that Usopp really knew her, you finally had a chance of enjoying a hot bath. Sleeping on a good, comfortable bed. Eating food made by people that knew what they were doing.
The problem was that you also had the chance of seeing Nami's rested face. Of hearing her singing during her bath. Of seeing her chosing what clothe to wear. Of watching her changing again, and again, and again.
It was like she was trying to prove to you that anything she wear would look pretty on her. And if that was Nami's intentions, fine. She won. You surrender.
"Saw something you like?" Nami woke you up from your daydream. Just then you noticed that you were staring at her on that red dress. Nami had a smirk on her lips, which made you boil in anger.
"Not at all," you tried to act like Zoro. To be mean on purpose, just to make her smirk dissapear. "Quite the opposite, actually."
When you heard Zoro chucking, you thought that maybe it had worked. That your words deceived everyone of what was going on your mind.
And maybe it really did.
But Nami wore the red dress that night.
After Luffy managed to end the dinner sooner, for the first time in a really long time you could lay on bed without anyone calling for help. Without anything wrong happening. It was the first time on a long, long time when you wasn't worried that the silence meant someone may actually be dying.
And with free time, your mind wandered through a lot of places. Of the home you left behind you. Of those boys you just met but still feel like you know them for hoje entire life. Of how many adventures are waiting for you. Of how empty you feel.
You throw the blanket away, finally sure that you have time to do whatever you wanted to. Your hands pressed your breasts through your nightgown, and you tried to find something to think about. You pinched your nipples, they hardened almost immediately, and took a deep breath.
You imagined your hands weren't yours. That your neck was licked, your waste grabbed, your thights bit. You thought about someone looking at you. Seeing more than just you: seeing the way your toes curl when your clit is touched, how you close your eyes when the pleasure is too much, how you try to stop your moans so you won't wake anyone.
The hand on your breasts wasn't yours. The fingers between your thights weren't yours. The tongue warm on your mouth wasn't yours. All those things happening on your mind weren't imagination. They were all true, and were happening all at once.
With your pantie brushing against your hand, you quickly took it off and throw it away. You didn't took your nightgown off, the feeling of the thin layer on top of your hot skin made shivers go down your spine. With the window open, the cold breeze only made you even more sensitive.
Nami didn't mean to enter your room. She didn't mean on seeing your fingers circling your clit, your hand grabbing your breast, your mouth freeing the most obscenes of the sounds.
She really didn't mean that. Nami thought it was a empty room, a perfect place for her to grab old, expensive things to make some money. Nami really didn't mean to invade, to watch, such a intimate moment.
But when she saw you, Nami couldn't look away.
Her mouth went dry. Nami tried to look away, to move her body, to get out of there while you didn't saw her. But her body didn't obey. It just couldn't.
You really were the prettiest thing she ever saw. Since she met you is like your trying to proof it. No matter how many days you have spend without seeing land, or how many times a marine or a clown tried to fight. Pretty. So pretty.
When you chose your clothe from Kaya's closet, Nami tried so hard to not look. To not pay attention. But it was impossible the second you asked how you looked.
Nami didn't knew enough words to really explain how you're as exquisite as the princesses on fairytales.
And she hated you for that. She hated you for being so aware of her lies, of her intentions, of her flaws. She hated you. And she hated how bad she wanted you.
So when she was suppossed to runaway, all Nami was able to do was to keep on looking. To keep on watching you.
Until you saw her.
"Na-Nami," your whisper was almost a moan. You closed your legs, your thights slapping loud. Nami forgot how to breath. "How long have you been..."
"Long enough," Nami said before you could finish. She could only see your sweaty skin, dazzy eyes, messy hair. Nami couldn't stop looking at you. She could spend her whole life just looking at you. "Do you want me to get out?"
"What?" You swallowed hard, your vision blurred. Your mind was so dizzy, shame just ate your last functioning brain cell. "Yes...?"
"But do you really?" Nami finally was able to move. She dropped the bag on her hands filled with things she was about to steal. They didn't matter anymore.
"I heard you," she closed the doors, walking towards you. You never before noticed how she looks exactly like a cat. "At your sleep."
When Nami got near your bed, you tried to push your body up on the bed. You were trying to get away from her, but not hard enough. Soon your head hit the wall, and Nami's knees found a way into your bed.
"Do you know that sometimes you call my name?" Nami crawled to you. Unable to move, unable to think, you just watched as she stopped right before your feet. "That sometimes I do it to?"
You didn't move when she rubbed the back of her hands against your thights. Neither when she supported her head on your knees. "You want me to get away from you?"
You licked your lips. "This won't change anything," you told her. "I still hate you."
Nami laughed. She truly did. "That's fine for me." She looked at you, eyes as sharp as a knife. "Open your legs."
You never before did as she demanded. You always fought, and discussed, and yelled. But this time... your body just behaved. You didn't even thought about shame or any shit like that before opening yourself for her eyes to see.
Nami almost drooled over the sight. She held your thights, grabbing them with force, and breath in. Was she trying to smell you? Did she?
She got near you, so near you could feel her warm breath hitting your exposed pussy. She looked at you, and Nami saw herself in your eyes. She saw desire. And Nami was ready to finally get and end to all this sweet torture between you both.
Nami opened your legs on an angle you didn't even thought about, and slowly slid her tongue against all of you. A instinticve movement took care of your body, but she held you in place. You're pretty sure you'll have marks from her grip.
You kinda of want that.
Her tongue felt so great against you. She exploded you slowly at first, but soon her patience expired. Nami moaned against you, and you felt like she may actually devour you. Like she would really just eat you whole.
Her nose brushed against your clit while she used her tongue to play with your insides. Nami was having fun. She wasn't just trying to make you cum, but was getting off on making you squirm between her hands.
You grabbed her by the hair, putting her face at just the right angle. You didn't even noticed when you started to rub against her face. "Fuck," a murmured sound reached your ears. She slapped your thights. "Delicious."
"Nami," you moaned. You knew this would make her go even deeper on you. "Your clothes."
She understood, even though you were unable to speak, and in one movement she took off her dress. “Fucking hot,” you said.
You pulled her up, making her nose bump against yours, and squeezed Nami's waist. You don't know who started the kiss, nor who took off your nightgown. You just know that she tasted like tangerines and something even sweeter. Something you could get addicted to.
You laid her down on the bed, but didn't climb on top of her. You writhed on the bed, your legs spread so she could get between them, and pulled her by the waist. As you tasted her pussy, you realized you were wrong.
Now that was addictive.
You devoured her as if you were a starving woman. In that moment you really were. Starving for Nami.
What happened was nothing angelic. It wasn't organized. She pulled you close to her face, you grab Nami's waist. She rubbed her face against your pussy, an animalistic noise filling the room. You drooled over her pussy, soaking it.
It was more like a fight. A battle to see who could have the other for more time. At some point you were on top of her, grinding against Nami's tongue. In another, she pinned your head on her legs, unable to notice what she was doing as she concentrated on thrusting her fingers into you.
You came as she moaned against your pussy, murmuring wildly about how you tasted better than she could ever imagine. She came soon after, immersed in your laconic sounds.
And you didn't move away. In that awkward and uncomfortable position, you continued. Just breathing, letting your minds finally go back to thinking. In silence, until Nami laughed.
You quickly followed her.
That night a pirate butler with a troupe of thieves tried to kill poor Miss Kaya. Luffy poisoned himself. Zoro managed to escape from a well but didn't find the right way back to the mansion. Usopp did everything to save his old friend.
And you bet your life that the most surprising thing of the night was Nami kissing you amiably before going out of your room.
Not that you mind.
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if you enjoyed, please reblog! i promise it makes a difference ♡
@ madwomansapologist.tumblr.
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fullofgutsndopamine · 2 months
“Look,” hasan huffs, his longs between his ear and shoulder, “i don’t fuckin know either.” he watches the water boiling that’s threatening to over boil and spill onto the oven any second, “but my girl all but asked for it, so-“
the person on the other line snorts, which makes hasan roll his eyes. they speak first:
“my girl,” the voice mocks, “i thought you hated valentine’s day-“
“fuck valentine’s day.” hasan confirms with a nod, even though they can’t see him.
“right,” the other voice, Mike, confirms, “So if it’s fuck Valentine’s then why in the world are we celebrating it, much less cooking. you’re a horrible fucking cook, actually-“
“thanks for the confidence, dude,” Hasan huffs, just as water pours over the side of the pan and bubbles onto the stove. “fuck, i’ll call you back.”
he doesn’t give him time to answer before chucking the phone on the counter, running over to turn the flame down.
“no,no, no, no. fuck, dude.”
he grabs the spoon, stirs around what’s left in the pot before groaning.
this was suppose to be perfect. this has to be perfect.
look, hasan doesn’t like valentine’s day. in fact, he borders on hating it, but when he met her, when she talked about how romantic the holiday was, the small gestures were so nice-well, she had a way to make people fall in love. hasan knows this first hand.
hasan knows she’s due to his door any minute. she was so fucking excited to text him-hasan hasn’t noticed he chewed his nails so low, was so anxious about getting it right for once.
he checks the flowers on the counter, with the obnoxious bow he re did again and again until his fingers ached and throbbed-thirty minutes ago, they seemed perfect-the most ideal flowers he could find. now, as shadows cast in the small apartment he imagines the leaves are more wilted, the browning spots
he grabs his phone, seconds away from cancelling, asking for a second chance (ignoring the part of him that aches at the idea of not seeing her, much less disappointing her, but he has to get it right, needs to)
the knock is quiet, but loud enough to set Kaya off, loud barks echo through his house.
he wipes his hands at the apron around his waist, stained from the failed meal he tried to create-her favorite, something he had never heard before but mentioned on a date that he scribbled on a stained cocktail napkin and shoved deep into his jeans- he takes a second, checks his hair in the mirror by the door, messed form his hands running though it, opens the door before he can overthink it.
“Hey!” she smiles, standing straight when she sees him, “happy valentine’s day!”
she also looks nervous, a small bag in her hands that she has a death grip on. she invites herself further into the house before she can regret it, pulls him by his shirt for their lips to collide, crash into one another.
he giggles: “what’s that about?”
his face is bright pink and he fumbles with his glasses like he does when he’s nervous. she shrugs like it’s nothing, like she wasn’t thinking about it the entire drive over here:
“missed you, is all. it’s the best holiday after all.”
his hand is tangled into hers as he leads to the kitchen.
“listen,” he sighs, “i fucked dinner up-“
she immediately goes to the scene of the crime, grabbing the spoon and half empty packets of food, immediately going to work.
“it’s suppose to be valentine’s day,” he groans, “you aren’t suppose to do the work.”
she rolls his eyes: “valentine’s day doesn’t mean i can’t cook-and no, it doesn’t make you sexist for making me cook, before you say it.”
“grab some cheese,” she hums, turning the flame back on the stove and stirring the water, “you didn’t ruin it, i promise.”
hasan obeys, grabs the ingredients, comes back and carefully, slowly, the apron goes around your head, can feel as his hands grab the back of it and ties it for you.
“co chef.” you insist, “this is perfect.”
“this isn’t how i imagined valentine’s day.” he sighs, tries to hide how disappointed he is.
“really?” she says carefully, “this is just how i imagined it. this is perfect.”
“you’re just saying that.”
instead, his hand snake around her waist, his head fits right in the crook of her neck, peppering kisses there.
“happy valentine’s day.” it comes out quietly, unsure, from him.
she reads his mind:
“it’s perfect.” she smiles instead. “happy valentine’s day.”
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lawbin-archive · 4 months
Hi, in your opinioni why Oda gave Robin and Law the same Dream?
Hi, first question hehe! :D
With my delulu mind, of course I will say is to let them develop feelings while pursuing their dream, get married after finding one piece and live happily forever the end.
Ok let's be more rational lol.
I read a theory that Law will sacrifice his life for Robin and let her fulfill their dream. To be honest, if I really think logically, there is a chance this might happen but I think is under one condition - Law & Robin be canon romantically before the sacrifice happen.
Even they have the same dream now, they are at most - friends and Law has declared that "They are enemies next time they meet" so if Law sacrifice for Robin, the reasoning is really thin to me. Like why would he do that for "his enemy"? Just because they have the same dream? Do Law trust Robin so much now he can put his life and dream on her? Just because she can read poneglyph? Is he going to sacrifice for Pudding or Sukiyaki too? I just think their bonding *as shown on screen now*, is not enough for him to sacrifice himself. So to be more impactful or to strengthen his will to sacrifice, I can only think of that because they love each other and he is willing to risk his life for her. Of course there are a few example that the character sacrifice without much deep bonding but most of them didn't really die, and I just think if it's Law and with his personality, the reasoning of his sacrifice wouldn't be that thin.
Plus, Robin already faced a lot of sacrifices - the entire Ohara and the scholars, Saul and her mother. Oda please don't be so cruel to her... and please don't be so cruel to Law too... He already lost his country, his family, Corazon and... *please hopefully his crew still alive*. That's just too sad :(
Another theory is that Law is going to sacrifice for Luffy, that actually makes more sense because they saved each other multiple times, Luffy is a D and well - he is Luffy aka nika the sun god LOL but I'm 100% sure that Luffy wouldn't want that. And he wouldn’t want to be immortal. It’s never his goal. I think if Liffy become immortal would be a very off character thing and kind of against Oda’s message in one piece so imo I don’t think Law will use his immortal abilities to Luffy ever.
So to be honest, I don't want them to be canon now lol because I have a feeling they won't have a happy ending after. They can go investigate or flirt as much as they want until the end :P
Back to the question - Then why Oda gave the same dream to Robin and Law? Maybe the answer is simple. Maybe just because it makes sense. Maybe it's because Robin and Law's journey is too lonely, Oda felt there should be someone to pursue with her/him.
Because most of the straw hats have people in their homeland or have friends that can understand their dream: Luffy: Sabo & Ace & his whole crew Zoro: Kuina, Koushirou(his teacher) & Mihawk Nami: Nojiko, Genzo and Bellemere Sanji: Chef Zeff & Baratie Usopp: Kaya, the kids, Broggy & Dorry Chopper: Dr. Kureha & Hiriluk Franky: Iceberg & Galleyla company Brook: Laboon & Crocus Jimbei: Sun pirates & most of the fish-men
Robin: Saul, her mom, Professor Clover & other scholars (which most of them passed away when she was 8)
Only Robin carrying the dream from Ohara and is working toward her goal by herself for a long time, and before egghead she thought Saul was dead too. Law is also similar, he carry his goal (defeat Doflamingo) for 13 years by himself. He even left Heart Pirates in Zou so that it won't hurt them while he is achieving his goal.
So why not let two people that have been chasing their dream alone for a long time, can share their goals and work together now?
Although I delulu a lot, it also might be Oda is planning a romantic relationship between them. I know he said that he won't be focusing on romantic relationship but It's final saga, it makes sense characters developing feelings with each other during adventures and he probably changed his mind throughout the years. Law & Robin are somewhat popular in japan and Asia too. So that's actually possible!
Hopefully that answer your question! I talk a lot lol but I can't really think a strong reason that why he did that. I will keep this in mind and maybe I will come up another reason once I re-read the chapters. Thank you so much for your question!!
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sailing-ever-west · 7 hours
I love the horror movie vibes they did for opla Syrup Village and it was incredibly cool to watch but it greatly pains me that they didn't really let USOPP be cool
Like he shoots at Kuro once and then just gets knocked out in one hit. It bugs me. There's no holding on against all odds while getting the crap beat out of him, no punching Kuro for insulting his dad. There's no grit.
I think one single change that would've fixed the whole adaptation for me would just be if in that final room where they're all hiding, when Kuro starts mocking Kaya and her parents' death, Usopp loses it and impulsively attacks him. Just socks him in the jaw. Of course he's no match for Kuro and gets slashed and beat up, but that gives him a chance to say his piece narratively. "I don't care that I'm weak, or scared, I won't let you hurt the people I love." And when it looks like he might die for his friends, that's when Luffy arrives to do the heavy fighting.
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loganwritesprobably · 2 months
One Piece Modern Parents AU
Luffy → Garp
Zoro → Mihawk
Nami → Bell-mere
Usopp → Kaya's parents
Sanji → Zeff
Chopper → Hiriluk
Robin → Crocodile
Franky → Tom
Brook and Jinbei are someone's family friends, everyone's uncles
Ace being raised by Shanks, asked by Rouge, and when Ace and Luffy become friends and then brothers at school, Luffy starts looking up to Shanks
Dragon works for some sort of public service and when he finds out about Sabo, helps him get out of his home and simply gives him to Garp or Shanks because Sabo is friends with Ace and Luffy
Robin was just found by Crocodile on the street after O'Hara was burned (rather than an island O'Hara was a block of apartments known to house PhD students) and he just kind of took her in
Hiriluk is old friends with Kureha and so she's auntie Kureha
After Bell-mere is killed in gang violence, her old friend Corazon takes in Nami and her sister, alongside Law who he's been looking after for a while by that point
Zoro's parents died young and when Mihawk heard from his old friend (Kuina's dad) that this young boy who trained so hard at the dojo was in foster care, Mihawk figured a second kid wouldn't hurt
Mihawk also cares for Perona, his "friend" Moria is prone to taking long trips and forgetting his daughter can't fend for herself so several years ago he just gave her a key so she could come over whenever she needed - Moria doesn't seem to have noticed
Yassop got into an injury at work that left him unfit to care for his son. When his best friend and crush's parents offered to care for Usopp for him while he recovered as best as he could, Yassop jumped at the chance. He visits regularly, which is how Usopp meets Luffy, long before they started school
Franky and Robin are a little older than the others, and have been friends for years now. Both were outcast by their peers. Much like canon, despite their age difference, Luffy simply decided they were his friends now. At first they were unsure, since Luffy and his friends were so young, but it turns out Crocodile knows Mihawk and Shanks and so she decides it's okay. It's only by chance that they hadn't met sooner, really
Sanji got into Zeff's care after running away. He was a retired private investigator so with the power of favours and connections, he managed to adopt Sanji. It was always in his plans to go back for the kid's siblings, eventually. But, without them admitting to any harm, he had little to go on.
Brook knew Shanks when they were younger. He'd admired Roger and found out one of his "kids" went to the same school as him. They became acquaintances, and over time friends. He met Ace after Rouge died, and became uncle Brook.
Jinbei knows Mihawk and Crocodile from work. He's a similar age to them, so serves in the uncle role much like Brook does. He's known Robin and Zoro since they were taken in, though never realised the kids hadn't met.
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