#nami one shot
sanjisboyfie · 3 months
✘ keep safe : ⁶⁶⁶special ✘
link to original story these one shots/headcanons are based off of <3
a/n : some of the straw hats have longer one shots with [name], sorry </3 it's just some of them i was much more inspired to play around with than others, but I STILL LOVE ALL OF THEM PLEASE. i think it just proves i can flesh out and deepen the relationships [name] has with each straw hat some more!!! which i plan to do in the future :D anyway, this is sosososo late considering we are at 700+ hearts??? help i have no idea how or why there are so many people that are invest3ed in this silly story, but i really want to say thank you. i have been gone for so long and i know i've probably lost a lot of my original support, which i understand, but to those that stuck around: i really hope to not disappoint you in the future. i am so grateful to everyone that has showed me support - on so many different platforms too T.T THANK YOU SO MUCH EVERYONE and i hope you enjoy 
lmk which one you enjoyed the most too !!! i would love to hear any feedback and any comments you guys have <3 love u all sooo much thank u for reading :) 
+ there are some lore drops in here too so make sure to read carefully hehe!!! consider it an apology from me LMAO for my terribly extended disappearance. 
wc : 17k+ ... strap in ..
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monkey d. luffy - piel canela by los panchos
"que se quede el infinito sin estrellas, o que pierda el ancho mar su immensidad, pero el negro de tu ojos que no muera. y el canela de tu piela se quede iguel. si perdiera el arco iris su belleza, y las flores su perfume y su color, no seria tan immense mi tristeza comon aquella de quedarme sin tu amor. me importas tu, y tu, y tu, y solamente tu, y tu, y tu. me importas tu, y tu, y tu, y nadie mas que tu." // "may the infinite be left without stars, or may the whole wide sea lose its immenseness. but may the blackness of your eyes never die. and may the cinnamon of your skin stay the same. if the rainbows were to lose its beauty, and the flower their perfume and their color. my sadness wouldn’t be as immense as that from being left without you love. what matters to me is you, and you, and you. and only you, and you, and you. what matters to me is you, and you, and you, and no one else, but you"
[name] would do anything to ensure that a smile stayed on luffy’s lips.
the unthinkable things he would never say out loud in fear of scaring people away, that he would do to make luffy happy. the unimaginable pain he would bring onto others if it meant that luffy’s joy and dreams were protected.
he would do anything for luffy.
the entire world could collapse around the two them, but [name] would only be looking into luffy’s wonderous brown eyes the whole time. there was a different sense of adoration that [name] held for luffy, one unseen by many and unknown by more. in fact, the only person in the world that could begin to comprehend how serious [name] was in ensuring luffy’s happiness could be ace.
a part of that reason was because of how ace had seen first hand what [name] was willing to do in order to protect those he loved, and the man with h/c hair definitely did love luffy. and secondly, it was because a part of that ideology in [name] lived in ace. wholeheartedly, the two men would do anything in a heartbeat for luffy.
as [name] woke up, he was greeted by luffy’s scent surrounding him. and yes, it was a pleasant scent. ever since [name] joined the crew, luffy and him would bathe together, so [name] was making sure that the man was smelling clean and fresh every night before bed. which is why the smell of the sun that luffy usually radiated was wiped away and replaced with his natural smell (which, ironically, still held a tinge of the sun).
the natural smell that radiated from his captain could only be explained as mimicking the smell of meat, but also, a certain amount of sweetness. and, genuinely [name] hated sweets, but when it was something that naturally came from luffy, he couldn’t bring himself to so vehemently hate it as much as he usually does.
he smiles to himself as he imagines the reason why luffy has a hint of sweetness to his scent is because of his natural instinct of being a kind person. he sighs in content, wrapping his strong arms around luffy’s waist and basking in his presence. he had waited years to be able to do this, just hold luffy again, so each time he could, he never failed to hold him close and hard. to ground himself in reminding himself that luffy was truly with him and wasn’t going anywhere.
as he was shamelessly cuddling into luffy’s side, the man “trapped” in his arms subconsciously welcomed the affection. since he was still sleeping, luffy wasn’t truly aware of his own actions. his arms and legs were moving on their own, wrapping several times over around [name]’s waist and legs to bring him impossibly closer.
as [name]’s chin rested on top of luffy’s messy raven hair, he smiled at the feeling and squeezed luffy back.
this only made luffy smile in his sleep and cuddle closer to his favorite person.
and it was the quiet moments like these where [name] really does come to terms that he would do anything, genuinely anything, to keep luffy safe and happy.
it was a quiet morning, surprisingly. ace was still snoring away in the corner and luffy’s head was resting soundly on [name]’s lap. a bandaged hand was going through his black hair and a soft tune was audibly coming from the man.
“hnnggg, [name] it’s too bright,” luffy whined, cuddling his face into [name]’s thighs to hide away from the sunlight that was seeping into the treehouse.
“that’s called the sun, luffy,” [name] grinned, lightly pinching the rubber man’s cheek. he only whined louder, hugging [name] so tight the man’s air was practically cut off.
“we should go fishing today,” luffy suggested out of nowhere, eyes still closed. “since you’re still healing, i can do all the fishing and you can watch,”
“i don’t know if i wanna spend my morning watching you fish, luffy,” [name] joked, making luffy childishly whine about how mean he was being. “should we go now? so when ace wakes up, he has some food,”
“but i’m tired…” luffy breathed out, shuffling to prop himself up on his palms to properly face [name], “let’s be sure to leave quietly so he doesn’t wake up,”
and suddenly luffy was standing up and full of energy, even though he just claimed how tired he was.
the supplies were gathered and they both jumped from the treehouse to the ground with ease. the moment they began walking to the stream, luffy was draped over [name]’s back and cuddling into him.
“ace always hogs you, y’know,” luffy commented, his eyebrows furrowed in displeasure. “it’s not fair when i was your friend first,”
[name] chuckled at luffy’s words, finding them both endearing and funny.
“it feels like such a long time ago,” [name] said fondly, throwing an arm around luffy’s frame and holding him close. with their difference in size, it was easy to keep luffy so near to him.
“hm, i guess, but i remember it,”
“then i’ll take your word for it. maybe you should bring it up to ace when we see him,” luffy hummed with his head held high, seemingly very determined to seriously put ace in his place over such a trivial matter.
as they were walking through the forest, [name]’s eyes caught a glimpse of something big and shiny resting on a tree trunk. it clicked immediately what it was and he, unfortunately, had to detach himself from luffy.
the younger one whined, but then he also saw what it was that caught [name]’s eyes. and only then did he let out a yell of happiness. he began shaking [name]’s arm back and forth, a wide grin on his face.
and in unison, the two boys exclaimed, “a hercules!!!”
luffy clapped his hands as his eyes sparkled and turned into stars. and seeing such a joyous expression on his face, [name] didn’t hesitate in handing over the beetle to luffy.
“hold onto him lu, we can bring him with us on our adventure,” he spoke softly, smiling at the way luffy’s smile only stretched further.
“he’s so cool, [name]! look at his horn!” luffy exclaimed, placing his hand into [name]’s awaiting one and not wasting a second before swinging their arms back and forth, “he’s so cool, thanks for giving him to me!”
despite [name] never allowing luffy to “claim” the bug that he had found, he wasn’t going to object. seeing how happy it made luffy was enough to make him give up on any possible objections that he could have had.
it had been a couple hours since [name] properly woke up, leaving luffy a slumbering mess in their hammock.
now to fill his time, [name] was watching the ocean sway and move with a bored look on his face. sometimes, if he were bored, he’d force the waves to move to his liking, but then he’d stop to not be caught by nami and her fury.
but one can only stare at the ocean for so long. just as he was about to go find another distraction, a figure came crashing into his back and knocking the air out of his lungs.
”[name]!! what are you doing?’ luffy’s drawled out voice spoke, practically whining into [name]’s skin. “you left me all alone,”
“i did not, i made sure zoro was nearby for you to cuddle,” [name] smiled, turning his head and feeling his smile grow wider when luffy’s face pressed closer and closer to his own.
“blegh, i don’t like cuddling with zoro, he smells,”
“i know, maybe we should force him into bath time with us, lu,” [name] hummed, still not breaking eye contact.
luffy’s deep, dark eyes were so captivating that it was hard to look away. [name] only found himself surveying the rest of luffy’s features. his beautifully tanned complexion that could only be describe as sun-kissed. his dark hair that was oh-so slightly wavy, but for the most part just spikey in all the most random directions. the small, barely noticeable freckles that adorned the high points of his face, credit to the sun exposure he’s gotten over their journey.
[name] smiled, leaning forward and pressing his forehead against luffy’s. the captain, finding the action fun, grinned and leaned further into [name], giggling to himself.
luffy, [name]’s beautiful boy.
innocently unaware of the hold he had over [name]’s heart, morals, actions, ideology. everything. luffy had complete control over it. and instead of abusing it, he remained painfully oblivious.
unaware that with a simple command, [name] would do anything luffy wished.
luffy, the sun-kissed boy, that had captivated the man who related to the moon. an unlikely pair, from an outsider perspective.
without hesitation, [name] leaned in and gently pecked luffy’s nose. this made the younger one crinkle his face in surprise before breaking out into laughter, the signature laugh of his.
“hehe, what was that for?” luffy asked, making sure that their foreheads were still connected.
“dunno,” [name] dumbly answered, grinning as he saw the way luffy pouted at that response. “just felt like it,”
luffy hummed in understanding. then he grabbed both of [name]’s cheeks, pulled him in, and placed a wet, sloppy kiss onto both of his cheeks. [name] grimaced at the uncomfortable sensation, but the grimace was wiped off of his face in an instant when he saw how happy luffy was.
the two started quietly giggling before it turned into outright howling laughter. they didn’t know why they were laughing, honestly, but [name] felt that silence existing when luffy was near wasn’t an appropriate environment. so he started laughing, as did luffy, and now here they were rolling back and forth on deck in each others’ arms, laughing so loud the other strawhats woke up.
“hm, no, luffy, pay attention,” [name] sternly said, holding onto luffy’s hand to squeeze. the action was supposed to trigger luffy into becoming serious, but the future captain still had that childish grin on his face. “this mean “i am” and the black space is where you put your name, m’kay? and you write your name like this — like we practiced earlier!”
luffy simply kept his hold on [name]’s hand tight as he mindlessly nodded along. affectionately, the older one’s thumbs ran up and down the backside of luffy’s hand, encouraging him to try writing it out himself. and it seemed to work as luffy turned serious.
”then you have to write it in this stroke,” [name] said, taking his other hand to hold onto luffy’s and guide him in the proper way of writing. luffy’s tongue was poking out of the corner of his lips and he was deeply concentrated on getting it right. white paper sheets that had previous attempts were scattered around their room, showing how determined luffy was in getting this right.
he recognized how hard [name] was teaching him and he really didn’t want to mess up all the effort he was putting into their lesson. that’s what motivated luffy to try again and again.
“wow! that doesn’t look half bad,” [name] hummed, bringing the paper up and examining it, “you’re getting better each time, lu,”
“i did good?” luffy asked, dropping the inky pen and jumping onto [name], tilting his head into the man’s neck.
[name] chuckled at the blatant need for praise from the boy, but nodded his head in agreement, “very good, lu, you’re making me really proud!” the childish one cheered and rocked the two back and forth to show his happiness at the news. [name] held onto him tight so that they wouldn’t crash onto the floor, laughing along with him.
“should we show ace your hard work?” [name] suggested, grabbing the paper tight in his hands. luffy hummed in agreement, seeing it as a chance to show off to his older brother, and [name] carried the boy on his back to find ace.
in the crow’s nest of merry, [name] had his hands carded through luffy’s dark hair. he would occasionally massage his scalp, smiling when luffy would practically purr in glee at the soft sensation. in the midst of the sunset, the light was hitting luffy so beautifully he was practically glowing.
to know that someone as kindhearted and beautiful as luffy existed made [name] smile.
luffy was busy watching the sunset, he wasn’t all too focused on how [name] was taking in every little detail of his face.
[name] could see every detail so clearly. the freckles that were so small they were only visible when the sun was shining on them, scattered around his eyes, nose and cheeks. they looked like flecks of a paintbrush’s brown paint. how luffy’s eyes were so dark, but still managed to sparkle and look as if though stars were living right in his eyes. they were so cute when they were blown wide in excitement, too, [name] had noticed that since him and luffy were kids.
how luffy’s eyes would widen and you’d see visibly how excited he was about something. it made [name] smile even wider. or, how naturally luffy’s lips were always resting in a small grin and how there was the tiniest mole on the bottom of his lip and how it would stretch along with him whenever he smiled.
how there was no blemish in sight on luffy’s skin and he was practically flawless. [name] hands moved from luffy’s hair and down to his waist, hugging him tight. he ducked his head into luffy’s neck, innocently blowing a raspberry into his skin, making luffy’s giggles fill the air.
“hey! what was that for?” luffy questioned, not at all angry, but instead feeling delighted at the affection.
“just wanted to,” [name] smiled, holding luffy still and continuing to hug him tight in his lap. “luffy, promise me something,”
“anything!” luffy grinned.
“never change, okay? i want you to stay like this forever,” [name] said, a selfish feeling blooming in his chest. luffy frowned, pouting as he thought.
truthfully, luffy was also a really selfish individual who, contrary to what people think, is incredibly self-aware. in the sense, he knows who he is and knows what he wants and how he wants to achieve his dreams. he’s actually a very simple man — he wants to be the pirate king and won’t let anything stop him. and he likes to think that’s one of his strongest suits, his determination and unwillingness to shift positions on what he has his mind set on.
that’s what made [name]’s words were so conflicting to him. because what if he does end up changing because he has to? but also, he cherishes [name] above everything else. he puts [name] on such a high pedestal that there’s never a chance he would willingly say no to him.
“are you gonna hate me if i change?”
“of course not, lu,” [name] said immediately, running one hand up to caress luffy’s cheek, “could never hate you. i just love you so much like this — the sweetest boy i know,”
“hehe, then i’ll stay like this forever if that means you’ll love me the same!”
[name] grinned, planting a kiss on luffy’s cheek and nodding, “you’re the best, luffy,”
“that’s right, i am! the king of pirates can’t be anything else but!”
[name] and luffy laughed to themselves, both looking on at the sun that was setting over the horizon and basking in its rays. well, [name] was too enamored with the warmth and energy that luffy was radiating to really focus on the sun, but luffy was paying attention to it.
the sun watching the sun, [name] thought with a grin, laughing at the funny parallel.
that really does make him the moon, eagerly chasing after luffy. always.
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roronoa zoro - frisky by dominic fike
“we’re drunk in these fancy places, i help you navigate cause nobody around you makes aneffort and i wanna make an effort. what in the world is gonna make you listen? i got a bottle for two and i feel a lil’ frisky! what in the world is gonna make you listen? // don’t be so messy headed, you’ll have your revelation. you’re heavy handed cause you hold it all. step outside, but not to brawl. and, watch you feet — try not to fall. or we’ll make it to the moon all scraped and bruised up”
the moon was shining brightly down on the island the strawhats were docked at. each crew member was doing their own thing, for nami it was seeing the different shops that were scattered around the island, for usopp it was to see what type of unique trinkets the people created, and sanji was busy trying to woo whichever women stepped into his eye sight. and the most energetic, luffy and chopper, were entertaining themselves around the island, leaving some sort of chaotic mess behind them.
the only ones who were holding off on letting loose were zoro and [name]. they were assigned to babysit merry while the others were free to roam around and neither complained when they were appointed the responsibility.
the two were the only ones left on merry, zoro secluded near the railing and seemingly watching the ocean with his swords not far away. [name] was roaming around looking for the green-head, holding a bottle of rum he had found in his hand.
and when he finally caught sight of him, he grinned ear to ear. he quietly stalked towards the swordsman, announcing his presence with a soft, but loud, “boo!” and grabbing each of zoro’s shoulders to shake gently. the goal was to obviously scare him, but zoro only rolled his eyes at [name]’s childish antics.
“really? your loud ass breathing gave you away,” zoro said, a smirk on his face as he easily insulted [name].
the man only rolled his eyes and took a seat beside zoro, placing the bottle down, “come on, let’s get drunk!”
zoro quirked his eyebrow up at the remark, but didn’t bother fighting the urge to take a long swig. and when the bottle was pulled away from his lips, he placed it back down, “you don’t drink,” he easily said, watching with interest as [name] took the bottle.
“i don’t, but this could be a good bonding moment between us,”
zoro scoffed at the excuse, cracking a grin as he saw [name]’s face scrunch up in disgust at the taste of alcohol, “for someone that loves bitter things, i would’ve thought you’d have loved the taste of some booze,”
“blegh,” [name] groaned, sticking his tongue out, “hell no. this shit is so nasty,”
zoro took another sip, “so why even?”
“bonding, of course,” [name] grinned, demeanor flipping in an instant.
“why do we need to this bonding? it’s stupid,” zoro remarked, looking at the bottle with a blank look on his face.
“zoro, quit complaining. nothing’s wrong with me bringing a bottle for two, shouldn’t you be happy you’re drinking booze anyway,”
“i could easily do this by myself, dipshit,”
“bottle for two, marimo,” [name] said, flicking zoro’s forehead, “don’t be so pissy.”
“fine, but don’t you get all whiny on me when you keep sipping this knowing you’ll hate it,”
“oh, shut up, zoro,” [name] said, taking another swig and immediately sticking his tongue out in disgust.
by the time the bottle was halfway done, zoro drinking most of it, [name] was feeling rather tipsy. his face felt hot and he was slouching and swaying in all sorts of directions, despite being in a sitting position. and of course, zoro was holding up just fine and normal.
“zoro,” [name] whined, making the green-haired man click his tongue in annoyance. this is exactly what he was dreading. the possibility of [name] being unable to hold his liquor well and having to babysit the man’s drunken state.
“no,” zoro grunted, already getting up to walk away from the mess of a man that [name] was.
“no, you,” [name] said, quickly grabbing ahold of zoro’s ankles and keeping an iron grip on them.
“hey! let go!”
“no, you,”
“don’t hehe me, you bastard!” zoro bit back, pulling [name] up to his feet by his underarms, cringing at the way [name]’s entire body weight fell onto him. not that he was heavy, but the fact that he was clinging onto him so tight the moment their skin made contact. “i told you not to even bother with this, you idiot. now look, you can’t even stand straight,”
“we should go out,” [name] mumbled, cheek pressed to zoro’s hair. “marimo,” he said in a daze, carding his long fingers through zoro’s short hair, “fuzzy!”
“quit it!’ zoro said, grabbing [name]’s hands in his own and restraining them from wandering anywhere else. “why the fuck did i have to be on here with you, of all people?”
after a couple moments of silence, zoro wondered if [name] did actually fall asleep standing up, or if he was really that offended by his words. the swordsman didn’t know how [name] was drunk so there was a chance he was one of those overly emotional people…
just as he tilted his head up to see [name]’s expression, he was yanked in the opposite direction and was suddenly being dragged elsewhere.
“let’s go!!” [name] cheered, smile evident on his face as he easily used his strength to drag zoro’s entire body weight.
“go where?! and like hell we are going anywhere!!” zoro shouted, kicking his heels into merry to stop his movement, but it was truly no use. [name], despite being drunk, was still really strong.
“see the world!” [name] shouted, jumping off of the side of the railing and bringing zoro with him, “merry, we will be back, don’t go anywhere!” he slurred, waving by to the still ship and skipping ahead.
“hey, hey, hey, don’t drag me into whatever you’re plannin-” zoro’s face was covered with [name] hand as the drunk man shut him up from complaining further. “gthyrhuntuhofame!!”
“you’re so funny, zoro,” [name] giggled, leaning into the man and guiding the both of them to walk forward. well, guide was the wrong word as he was walking as if he had two left feet and swaying the two of them back and forth.
once zoro managed to break free from [name]’s suffocating hand, he screamed, “we are going back to merry, idiot, let’s go!”
“but zoro! we didn’t even get to the main part of town!” [name] complained, kicking his feet into the dirt in protest.
“i don’t give a shit, come on!” zoro grabbed onto [name]’s hand without thinking twice and started dragging him back in the direction of merry. unfortunately, [name]’s eyes caught something shining a couple of feet away and changed his trajectory with ease.
noticing that [name]’s hand wasn’t in his and that he wasn’t dragging the man to walk, zoro looked at his straying figure. “where are you going?!”
”it’s the light bug! what are they called? bug light? dragon light? no…light bug…”
“what are you talking about?! get back here,” zoro scrambled to catch up to [name], cursing under his breath as [name] was not listening to him at all.
“dragon…no, light…” [name] was pouting as he tried to remember what the name was before his face lit up and he remembered. and when he did, he made sure to swivel on his feet to face the incoming zoro, grabbing ahold of him and shaking him back and forth, “fire fly! they’re the fireflies! zoro, look at all the fireflies!”
using the hands on both sides of zoro’s face, he maneuvered his head around to look at all the glowing bugs around them. the swordsman obviously did not care and tried breaking free from his grasp immediately.
“yeah, yeah, the light bugs, whatever! let’s go, you big idiot,” zoro said, taking [name]’s wrists in his hands and tugging him again.
“no! fireflies,” [name] scolded, smacking the back of zoro’s head, “fire-fly! fi-re-fl-y!”
“shut the fuck up about the stupid bugs!” zoro screamed, making [name] laugh at his funny expression.
“the marimo is mad.”
“shut the fuck up or i’ll leave you here!”
“oh, but zoro, look the moon is so bright!” [name] stopped walking, jolting zoro’s body to be near his own, a dopey grin on his face, “it’s sooooo big! and bright! like…like, a bowl of milk.”
zoro deadpanned, rolling his eyes at the childish antics he had to deal with, “yeah, a big bowl of milk in the sky, let’s go now.”
“no, i wanna look at it some more,” he plopped down onto the grass, crossing his long legs over one another and gazing up at the sky.
“fine, find your own way back to merry, i’m not looking at the stupid moon with you,” zoro said, dropping the hold he had on [name]’s wrist and beginning to walk away. [name], seemingly unbothered, only began humming a very familiar song and looking up at the sky with a soft smile on his face.
zoro’s eyes narrowed at his lack of complaint of him leaving, enunciating, “you have to go back to merry on your own.”
[name] only continued on humming.
“i’m not gonna tell them how to find you, you need to go back by yourself,”
the same tune was escaping [name]’s sealed lips.
and, for some unexplainable reason, zoro found himself sitting down next to [name] and resting his chin in his palms, a bored and pissed look on his face.
“stupid fucking idiot, can’t just look at the moon from merry, as if it makes a difference where you look at it from,” he said under his breath, flinching when he felt [name]’s breath on the back of his neck. “back up!”
“if you had one wish, what would it be, zoro?”
“for you to back up off of me,”
“no,” [name] said, hugging himself into zoro’s side with a grin on his face, “that’s not a real wish!”
“fine, my wish would be for you to drop dead,”
“how rude~” [name]’s words were slurred as he spoke, showing that the affects of the alcohol were still lasting, “my wish would be for everyone’s dreams to come true. you’ll kill that stupid hawk guy and claim that title as yours, luffy will be the pirate king…and…i forgot everyone elses’…sorry,”
“that’s stupid. you’d waste your one wish on other people?” zoro judged, giving up on trying to get [name]’s heavy torso off of his own body. instead, he leaned back on the palms of his hands and allowed [name] to rest on his shoulder however he liked.
“it’s not a waste if it’s you guys,” [name] yawned, eyes dreary as he looked at the moon. “not a waste, marimo,”
zoro remained silent, looking down at [name]’s head on his chest and sighing. annoying piece of shit, he thought in his head. then he turned his gaze up to the sky and tried to make himself interested in it. he wondered what [name] was seeing that made him so intrigued in it. maybe his drunk self really thought a big bowl of milk was in the sky. zoro’s eyebrows scrunched together as he was deep in thought.
why would [name] waste a wish on something as stupid as that? — instead of his own dreams. it made zoro annoyed and pissed off. selfless bastard, he insulted in his head.
“do you think the moon is a big cheese?”
zoro deadpanned again. what the fuck was wrong with him.
“if the moon was a big cheese, i’d give you a bigggg slice,” [name] grinned, nodding his head in affirmation, “cheese is yummy,”
“mhm,” zoro hummed in a bored tone.
then he felt the weight on his chest grow heavier and the body against his turn limp.
“oi.” he called out, going to shake [name] awake before holding himself back. the man was sleeping with a tired grin on his face, mumbling incoherent phrases about the moon and cheese. zoro was tuning him out as he just thought about how annoying he was being.
zoro sat up, allowing [name]’s body to hit the ground briefly before squatting down and forcing his tall figure onto his back, “he comes all the way out here,” he grunts, balancing the weight on his back and adjusting his grip, “then has the audacity to fall asleep,” he begins walking down through the grassy fields, “all for a stupid milk, cheese moon…i’ll kill him when he wakes up,”
“marimo, cheese,” [name] said in his sleep, making zoro very tempted in whacking him awake and making him walk the rest of the way to merry. but zoro restrained himself and told himself he would just harshly drop [name] onto the deck of merry the second they arrived.
by some miracle, zoro made it back to merry without getting completely lost. and it seemed that despite them abandoning their post over an hour ago, they were still the only ones that were on board. and zoro withheld throwing [name] onto the floor, clicking his tongue in annoyance as he walked to the boy’s dorm.
then he put [name] down into one of the hammocks, sighting in exhaustion of carrying the much taller man.
“marimo, stay,”
“i’m not a fucking dog, you asshole.”
“marimo, sit,”
“shhh,” [name] put his finger to zoro’s lips, making him shut up, but ultimately only piss zoro off further. “cheese moon,”
“holy fucking shit,” zoro groaned in disbelief, standing up and leaving the room to retrieve a water from the kitchen. surprisingly, the chef was back and moving around the familiar domain as he prepared some dish. “hah? when did you get back?”
“just now, stupid marimo. where’s [name]? don’t tell me you two killed each other?”
“shut up, ero cook,” zoro bit back, going to get a glass and some medication from the cabinet, “the idiot got drunk,”
“[name]? he doesn’t drink,” sanji said, a look of surprise on his face.
“yeah, i know,” zoro said, moving past sanji and getting water from the sink.
”i’ll make him a hangover remedy then,” the chef said easily, rolling his sleeves up without wasting a second.
“you care that much about the idiot?”
“who’s the one getting him medication and water?”
there was silence in the kitchen and zoro stormed out of there with a pissed off look on his face. then he stomped over to the dorms and forced the pill down [name]’s throat, as well as big gulps of water. [name], surprisingly, didn’t complain all that much. only going limp against the hammock once zoro was done. and just as the swordsman was going to leave, [name]’s hand grabbed ahold of his pant leg.
“let go,” zoro commanded, tugging his leg to get [name]’s grip free.
“stay, look at the moon with me, zoro,”
“we’re-” zoro cut himself off, finding the words he wanted to say die in the back of his throat. what he wanted to say was, that there was no moon in sight from the inside of the dormitory.
but just as he was going to, [name]’s hand pointed upward at the ceiling, a blissful smile on his face, “right there,”
now usually, zoro would have said something along the lines of, “you delusional fuck, that’s the wood ceiling,”
but, again, the words died at the back of his throat. instead, he found himself taking a rest in the hammock beside [name]’s and looking at the ceiling.
“yep, the cheese moon is definitely something,” he drawled out, crossing his arms over his chest.
“hehe, thanks, zoro,” [name] smiled, eyes still shut as he was going in and out of sleep, “for drinking with me.”
”yeah, it’s never happening again so cherish this memory,” zoro sarcastically bit back, a mocking look on his face — one that [name] didn’t even see as he was still in a sleepy state.
but even though [name]’s eyes were shut and a blissful look was on his face, zoro was wide awake and left expectingly staring at the other man. and when he caught himself staring, he turned his head to the side immediately and rolled his eyes.
“idiot,” was whispered into the air as he tried to will himself to sleep, body still turned away from [name]’s. “fucking idiot.”
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nami - hit different by sza
“man, i get more in love with you each argument. something wrong with me, i like the way you screw your face up, trigger me right when i need it. you wrong, but i can’t get along without you. it’s a shame and i can’t blame myself, keep on loving you. you do it different. all that i know is, mirrors inside of me — they recognize you. please, don’t deny me”
onlookers were watching the two on the street with terrified expressions.
“quit being unreasonable, [name]!”
“but i’m not, nami,” he drawled her name out, a teasing tone evident in his voice.
the townspeople all flinched at his response, finding him courageous for walking such a thin line in front of someone that was so obviously angered.
[ a couple minutes before ]
[name] and nami were exploring the town, walking side by side and paying attention to all the vendors that interested them. [name] already had some shopping bags in his hands, courtesy of nami’s spending habits, but wasn’t complaining at all.
she would drag him every which way and he wouldn’t say a single complaint. he was in a pretty good mood, so he wasn’t going to drag anyone else’s mood down either, even if he didn’t appreciate being treated like a ragdoll of some sort.
“oooh, do you think usopp would like this?” nami asks, pointing to a patterned bandana inside one of the shops, “i want to pay him back for making the climatact for me,”
“i think he likes neutral colors more, though,” he commented, looking over the options and seeing a more earth-toned bandana.
“really? i feel like he likes colorful things more, radiates his energy anyway…” [name] almost cooed at the underlying compliment nami had given the sniper, before a tick mark appeared on her forehead and she sneered, “loud, annoying, and in your face. maybe we shouldn’t even get him anything! he really did screw me over in alabasta with all those flimsy tricks!”
he rubbed up and down her back to calm her down, “it got the job done, though, so it’s alright. let’s get him one of each then, i’ll pay,” she batted her eyelashes at him, her angry demeanor washing away instantly as she purred about how much of a gentleman he was (she just didn’t want to pay and was trying to gas him up so that he would pay for more things on their shopping spree).
“shut up, i see through your tactics, nami,” he said, lightly flicking her forehead before waltzing into the shop and making a beeline straight to the attendant. she waited outside of the store, smiling to herself as she was not paying for the gift herself.
and she wasn’t standing by herself for long, but in the minutes of [name] being gone, a man had approached her. immediately she grimaced at the sight of him, but he only reacted with a smile to the look on her face.
“sorry for bothering you, miss, but i couldn’t help but notice how beautiful you are-”
“not interested,” she sighed, already wondering when [name] would come back.
“i was wondering if you would be interested in going to dinner with me?”
“i already said not interested,” she repeated, tapping her foot in annoyance.
“are you waiting for someone?”
“yeah, i am actually,” she pointed her finger to the store, “he’s buying something for me and a friend right now,”
“his own money, darling? because i can assure you i have more than whatever he has,” in a way of showing off, he had pulled a thick wallet from his pant pocket. now, nami was not at all interested in the man, but rather the thick wad of beri that was resting in his leather wallet.
just as she was about to try out some of her old techniques in snatching the man’s wallet, the sound of the door behind her opening was heard.
“huh? nami, who’s this?” [name] asked, eyes already narrowed as he looked down at the much shorter man. nami elbowed him in the stomach for interrupting her process, looking up at him and sneering in his direction.
“oh, no one, he was just making small talk, weren’t you?” she directed her eyes to the stranger, trying to convey with her expression to go along with what she was saying.
“well, he can make small talk with someone else,” [name] said, cutting off any excuse the stranger would have also made to stay longer. he motioned for them to leave, looking solely at nami so that she could focus on him and not the stranger.
and with his intimidating e/c eyes now looking at her, she almost caved. but then she caught a glimpse of the wallet and remained steadfast. she wished [name] could read her mind so that he would let her do what she needed to do.
“[name], just go back to merry,” she said in a sweet tone, hoping that that would convince him.
but he was stubborn, obviously.
“yeah, man, go back to merry,” the guy chimed in, making nami internally groan at what men would do to stroke their own ego. and of course, now [name] would definitely not go back to merry after that guy told him to.
“oh, isn’t the lil man a bit demanding?” [name] teased, looking at the shorter male and faking a pout, “why the fuck do you think you have the right to tell me what to do?”
“quit being unreasonable, [name],” nami sighed, feeling her anger beginning to
“oh, but i’m not, nami.” the same tone he used on the man was now being used on her and it made her even more annoyed.
“come no, [name] can’t you see-”
“that you want this guy’s wallet? yeah.”
the man flinched at the quick comment, eyebrows furrowing in confusion. but before he could even react, [name] swiped him across the face and caught his wallet before he could even hit the ground. then he grabbed nami’s hand and began running with her away from the commotion he had caused.
“hey! get that guy! he just punched the mayor!”
“that was the mayor?!” [name] shouted out in a slight panic.
“[name]! what the hell!? why couldn’t you just let me handle it?!”
“he was pissing me off!”
“typical man behavior — you’re pissed off so you go punching everything and everyone!”
“i punched one person!”
“yeah and that one person was the mayor!”
“well, i got his wallet, shouldn’t you be rejoicing?!”
“oh yeah, thanks for doing what i could’ve done with ease in such a terrible way that now we are running from the angry townspeople!” nami shouted, pulling on his ear and dragging her down to her height and making them turn a corner to hide from the crowd.
he was leaning down so that his ear wasn’t being completely ripped off, wincing in pain.
“this is why you should’ve just gone to merry, i would’ve had that wallet in under ten minutes without the violence,” nami scolded, turning silent when a crowd of angry civilians ran past them.
[name] only spoke up when he was sure that the coast was clear, freeing himself from nami’s aggressive grip.
“i wanted to punch him in the face anyway, it was a win-win situation!”
“really? you think this is a win-win situation right now?” nami asked, her voice becoming louder with the more annoyed she was getting.
“uhm, yeah, we have the wallet and i got to punch him,” [name] shrugged, a very relaxed look on his face. “shouldn’t you be rejoicing over this right now?”
“ugh, now we have to rush off of this island, or else they’re gonna eventually catch on,” nami thought out loud, ignoring [name]’s question.
“we are pirates anyway nami, they would’ve kicked us off of the island sooner or later,” he said, bringing his arm up to rest on the wall behind her, leaning into it. he peered down at her with a grin, not at all bothered by the state they were in.
nami crossed her hands over her chest and looked to the side as she thought about how they’d even get to merry without attracting the crowd. the island was small and they were bound to bump into some civilian on the way back. noticing how lost in thought she was in, [name] sighed and pinched her side.
this made her snap her head in his direction with a glare, “are you mad at me?” he asked, making her run her hand down his face.
“what do you think, idiot?”
“no?” he wistfully asked, grinning into her palm as he felt her fight the urge to squeeze his face with all her strength.
“just shut up and let me think,” she began to trying to remember where the rest of the crew was. at least this stop was planned to be quick to begin with or else she would be fuming at [name] right now.
“c’mon, don’t be mad at me, nami,” he whined like a kid, only making her more distracted from her rational thinking.
“you’re only making me more mad,” she huffed, finally looking up at him and scowling at the face he was making. he was attempting puppy dog eyes towards her, but she just smooshed his face (again) with her hand and grabbed him by the wrist. “we have to go back and warn everyone,”
“yes, ma’am,” he obediently chimed in, walking with in a pep in step as he followed her.
their walk back included him humming his signature tune as she was trying to calm her anger towards [name] down. but as they walked back, she realized that her anger wasn’t as strong as she would have liked. she wishes that she could make [name] grovel at his feet and beg for forgiveness from her, for causing such a hinderance in their stop at this island, but the more she listened to his humming, the more her anger subsided.
annoying ass, she thought to herself, squeezing his wrist especially hard, knowing that it wouldn’t actually hurt him. he even had the audacity to giggle to himself after she had done that.
when they finally made it back to merry, she ordered him to get ready to set sail while making sure that everyone else was already on board.
“woah, nami, you look extra pissed, what’s going on?” usopp commented, lifting his goggles off of his eyes and putting down the trinket he was fiddling with.
“why don’t you ask that dumbass over there?” she sneered, making usopp shiver at the sheer annoyance in her voice. then he looked at [name], stomped over, and began stretching his cheeks.
“what did you do to make nami so mad?! y’know she’s just gonna get mad at us now!!”
“well, i didn’t make her mad on purpose!” [name] weakly defended, but usopp wasn’t having it. “some guy was being a creep so i punched him,”
nami’s eye twitched at the reminder while usopp’s soul slowly left his body.
”whatever! it doesn’t matter now! usopp, is everyone on board?!” nami said, making the sniper snap out of his stupor to quickly reply back to the enraged nami that everyone was present. “then tell them to get ready to set sail, we’re leaving now. i really don’t want to worry about a marine ship ambushing us…”
“yes, nami!!” he screamed, running off to follow her orders.
after successfully getting away from the island, [name] walked to the tangerine trees that were on top of merry and grabbed a handful from the delicate branches. as far as he knew, nami went to her cartography room to work in peace, but he wanted to extend some sort of apology to her for ruining their stop at the island.
he didn’t think it was all that big of a deal, but he could tell how annoyed she was at him. so he diligently and carefully peeled the skin away from the juicy fruit, throwing them to the garbage, and neatly plating the now naked tangerines on a nice dish.
when he got her door, he gently knocked and entered after a couple of seconds of silence. nami saw that it was him and immediately rolled her eyes, before seeing that he did not come empty handed.
“what is it?” she questioned, crossing her arms over her chest and swiveling her chair to face him. he stood in front of her, smiling gently as he presented the plate to her. she only looked up at him unimpressed.
“i wanted to say sorry, i admit that it was kind of dumb of me to cause a scene back there,” he scratched the back of his head awkwardly as he saw that she was still not impressed, “you were right about the whole thing. it was just annoying seeing his ego get stroked that high,”
she sighed, dropping her glare and grabbing the plate from him to take a slice.
“it’s whatever now, we are already on course to a nearby island where we can properly restock. it’s fine, [name],” she looked back at her sketched out maps, chewing and swallowing the tangerine with a pleasant smile on her face. “you even brought some tangerines, not that that immediately makes you not guilty, but at least you’re actually sorry.”
“of course i am, caused a lot of trouble for us and you,”
she waved her hand, “just forget about it,”
he grinned, taking a seat on the floor and leaning on one of the legs of the table, “we’ll forget about it?” he asked in a giddy tone, happy to be in her good grace’s again.
she hummed in confirmation, popping another slice in her mouth with a carefree grin. he was about to cheer at the fact, but then she cheekily added in, “for the price of 10,000 beri, i’ll even forgive you for the last time you pissed me off.”
he immediately deflated at the twist, “but i don’t even know when that was-”
“ah, ah, that’s not my problem, it’s completely optional if you even wanna pay that debt off — i’ll just add more interest the longer you don’t pay it back,”
“hey, that’s taking it too far,” he whined like a kicked puppy, but she didn’t falter.
“you wanna argue with me again?”
“don’t know it was kind of fun last time,”
“i’ll kick you,”
“that’s sanji’s forte, nami,” he teased, making her slap him upside the head. he only grinned, weakly rubbing the spot, “you love me anyway, you’d never kick me~”
there was a bout of silence and [name] almost snickered in amusement, until he felt the heel of her shoe dig into his thigh. making him yelp in pain instead of giggling.
”whatever helps you sleep at night, [name]~” she said in the same tone that he used, a mocking grin on her face as he writhed in pain.
she wasn’t actually mad at him, she also didn’t even jab her heel into his leg that hard — he was purposely exaggerating to make her laugh some more. she found it endearing, sort of, and simply watched in amusement as he whined about the “never-ending” pain in his leg.
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usopp - pressure by the 1975
“you’ve seen so many faces that i’ve never seen before. i left an unrewarding message telling you to come. overdramatic, automatically assume i’ll stay the same. there’s a change in pressure. we’re never gonna lie to you. my broken veins say that if my heart stops beating, we’ll bleed the same way.”
usopp was rather intimidated by [name]. similar to how chopper is, however, usopp had never gotten over this irrational fear and intimidation, yet. but it’s not the fear of “what will [name] do to us? will he betray us?” not that kind of fear. it’s more so the fear of being replaced and the fact that [name] could easily fill his space on the ship and do so much more than usopp could.
that’s what his doubts, worried, and voices in his head say at least. put himself down and uplift [name] in the same sentence. it’s a dangerous combination.
what usopp doesn’t know is that, [name] is rather envious of the sniper. he often watches the man and feels how deeply and dearly he wishes he could live life as usopp does. there is just something so envious about how usopp lives. while the sniper may think that he lives his life in fear and in a cowardice way, [name] thinks the opposite.
usopp is very brave, in his eyes. he thinks that usopp is also really selfless. qualities that [name] wishes he had. even on top of that, there are so many ways [name] wishes he was like usopp.
it’s ironic. how usopp beats himself up and wishes he were more like [name], the man himself wishes he were more like usopp.
“don’t you think your experience out on the sea gives you an advantage?” usopp asks, his eyes blown wide as he had heard [name] sincerely confess his envious emotions to the man. he didn’t believe him. how could he? when something as outlandish as the highly wanted man, figure of power ad intimidating, says to him — usopp — how jealous he is of how he lives. it already sounds like a terrible joke and an even worse lie.
“i guess, but that’s not what i’m talking about,” [name] leans forward and points his finger into usopp’s chest, “i’ve lost my heart, usopp, that’s what i mean.”
usopp blinks a couple of times, trying to process the words, but he can’t seem to understand what [name] means. he was a kind man, [name] has shown this ever since usopp has known him. despite the hostility he faced on board merry when they all first met, there was never an ounce of that being repaid to the rest of the crew. he just took the brash attitude with a smile and nod of his head.
“i don’t think it’s entirely my fault, i guess,” [name] continues on, lifting his finger off of usopp’s chest, “environment shapes a person and all…but there was definitely a line i had crossed on my own a long time ago that makes it so you can’t turn back, y’know?” usopp doesn’t respond because he doesn’t know how to.
“usopp, you’re a kind person, very kind. and i’m jealous of how far that kindness stretches. i can only throw my emotions so far before they snap,” he laughs as if what he had said was funny, but it really was a pitiful action. he didn’t think it was funny how cold and devoid of basic human understanding he has become. he thinks its sad…
and usopp still doesn’t completely understand. if he were in [name]’s position, to be so strong and so capable on his own, he’d be the happiest and most fulfilled man alive. to usopp, the answer to all of his problems is to become stronger and stronger until he is simply the strongest. of course, he sees that as impossible. mainly due to [name]’s existence reminding him that there are stronger people out there.
which is why usopp can’t understand what [name] means.
[name], the strong and feared by many pirate, could easily have the world in the palm of his hands with the amount of power he wields. and by that logic, he should feel like he is the most accomplished man. things like emotion wouldn’t really be the biggest deal, wouldn’t it? not when you have such an influence on the people around you due to your strength, right?
“i don’t understand…” usopp says softly, still trying to really wrap his head around it, “you’re stronger than me, isn’t that more important than whatever quality i have?”
[name] laughs, this time usopp can’t tell where it stems from. pity? genuine moment of happiness? stupor?
“you’d rather be strong instead of kind? i don’t think that’s true, usopp,” [name] says, wiping a tear from his laughter from the corner of his eye, “what i had to do to reach this point, you wouldn’t want that for yourself, even if it makes you strong. i want what you have, though, genuine courage and bravery.”
usopp almost sputtered out a laugh at that, thinking that [name] was just playing a joke on him. but with how serious [name] had become, it was clear that the man was not kidding.
“i think you’re brave, usopp, it makes me jealous. i wish i had as many capabilities that you had,” [name] sighs, resting his cheek in his palm, “it’d make life simpler. i wouldn’t have to worry about such stupid things, the stuff going on up here,” he tapes the side of his temple, “they’d all disappear in a moment’s notice. i think about too much. being strong doesn’t mean all of your problems are solved, y’know?”
“i don’t believe that,” usopp says firmly, shaking his head, “if i were stronger from the get go, many things would have been different. and i don’t mean any metaphorical stuff, no, i mean if i were as physically and mentally capable as you — my life would have changed for the better!”
usopp thinks about his hometown, what he could have done for the people there if he were more mature and strong, like [name] was, if he held himself differently, all that could have changed. to think that [name] would call what strength he had a burden, or insinuate it as one, was kind of annoying. usopp would do anything to be as strong as [name].
“well, if two opposites ends of the spectrum talk about the same thing, there would obviously be differing opinions. but i truly don’t think striving for that physical strength is worth that time and effort of yours, usopp. it’s good to be strong, yeah, but…overdoing it shouldn’t be the goal,” [name] advises, “besides, i think you’re fine as you are right now.”
“but there’s so much i could improve on,” a list sprouts in usopp’s head immediately.
“you are your own worst critic, of course there is so much you think you could improve on. but by focusing so much on that, you’re not highlighting your already existing strengths,” [name] looks disappointed as he speaks, petting his hair down on usopp’s bandana, “instead of trying to mimic or compare yourself to others, your practice should be more self-centered.”
usopp was going to emphasize there was nothing particularly interesting about how he currently was, but something was telling him that [name] wouldn’t allow such a critique to slide in his presence. usopp had never been able to see such a side of [name]. it was stern and strict, kind of intimidating, but there was definitely an undertone of nothing but care in his voice. he genuinely cared about how usopp viewed himself and his “strengths.” it made usopp almost turn into mush.
to think someone as strong as [name] cared about him so deeply. in his mind, someone of his capabilities shouldn’t even worry about him. what’s the saying? no one intentionally steps on bugs, it just happens? whatever, usopp thinks to himself, not being able to come up with the exact phrasing. you get what he means! he just never thought he was capable of even crossing [name]’s mind.
but, as he had just found out, it seems [name] thinks about him quite often. it’s flattering, but usopp reminds himself to not grow an ego out of nothing.
“we stand on equal ground, at the end of the day,” [name] says, a sense of finality in his voice, “we are all here for the same one or two reasons. to see luffy become the pirate king and achieve our own personal goals. that’s what we are all here for, on merry. i feel like we always overlook that simple fact. i tend to forget sometimes, too, but ground yourself, usopp. i understand why you would want to become stronger, i really do…but like i said, you’ll only hurt yourself overdoing it,”
“also, i don’t need you to be the strongest. i just need you to be there for luffy,” [name] added in, not hesitating as he spoke, “luffy doesn’t need the absolute strongest people on his crew, he needs support and his friends. if you’re already doing that, usopp, there really isn’t much else that’s to be expected of you. that goes for all of us.”
and with a firm slap on his shoulder, [name] walks away from the conversation with nothing but hope in how he might’ve been able to change usopp’s point of view. there’s no way of knowing for sure if it was successful.
“don’t need to be the strongest?” usopp thought out loud, looking out at the sea of thinking of his original dream from when he first joined luffy’s ship. he wants to be the bravest warrior on the sea…huh, he never realized it, but the word strongest wasn’t the one he was originally thinking of when he set out to sea.
after talking to [name], in an uncharacteristically serious conversation, it felt as if there was a weight lifted off of usopp’s shoulders. the change in pressure was noticeable and usopp really did feel lighter. he didn’t expect his talk with you to play out this way, but he wasn’t complaining. it was eye opening, but not in the way he imagined. he thought that he was going to get an ugly slap of reality; someone of your prowess going to tell him the hard truth that there was no room for weak people in the world, you were going to have carry his dead weight — something like that. but it never came.
instead you simply comforted him, but still gave him a hard pill to swallow. being strong wasn’t as important as he thought it was. perhaps it was because usopp had thought himself to be weak since he was young and you — granted he didn’t know your situation perfectly, but he could assume you were strong since you were young — who had been so capable since you were young. such different experiences, which si what made him feel so much whiplash after your conversation.
but he’s thankful. because he truly does feel relief in this moment. to know you value him and see him for who he is despite his lack in physical or battle strength. he likes knowing that, enjoys knowing that he is needed despite his flaws. he never knew he’d feel such sentiments from you, but he’s glad he sought out this conversation.
he experienced a significant change in pressure and he was lighter than ever.
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sanji - moonlight on the river by mac demarco
“it’s so strange, deciding how i feel about you. it ain’t like, i ain’t used to going on without you. i’m home, with moonlight on the river, saying my goodbyes.”
the sound of a lighter flicking on could be heard echoing on the empty street. sanji’s lips were pursed around his cigarette, holding it steady as his hand was cupped around the end he was trying to light. [name] was too busy watching a family of ducks swim across the river they were walking along to realize that sanji was holding the now lit cigarette for him.
“oh, thanks,” [name] said, taking it into his fingertips and helping himself to the unhealthy treat. he kept it in his fingertips for as long as possible, sadly watching as sanji took it from him after a couple of seconds.
“why’re you always pouting? it’s an annoying look,” sanji grunted, moving the cigarette to the corner of his mouth so he could properly talk.
“cause i want it and you always end up hogging it,”
“well, who’s the one buying them, dipshit,” sanji scowled, taking teh cigarette from his mouth and forcing it into [name]’s, “you and luffy really have that in common, y’know? it’s like you two were born to complain,”
[name] grinned at the mention of luffy before realizing that sanji had just insulted him, making him smack him on the back of his head, “what a polite chef you are!”
“only to the women,” sanji said with pride, a grin on his face.
the two were walking along the river, late at night, just to get a breather from merry. nami had recently complained about the smell of smoke lingering far too long for her liking, so sanji had made it a habit to smoke as often as possible not on board merry. [name] invited himself on these walks, which sanji honestly didn’t mind. the company wasn’t actually that annoying and it was comforting, he guesses.
[name] and him would walk along through the town, making it back to merry in an hour or two and get a good night’s rest. sometimes, they’d even shower at the same time to speed up the process, but that’s a story for another time.
“do you like the taste of it?” sanji asked, breaking the silence. he watched carefully as [name] inhaled and blew out the smoke, the man turning to look at sanji in confusion, “the cigarette - do you like the taste of it?”
“what an odd question,” [name] said with his head slightly tilted.
“you have one of the most sensitive tongues on merry, it was just out of curiosity,” sanji noted, pointing out an obvious fact and why he drew that connection in the first place. this made the other make a sound of realization and nod his head in understanding.
“oh, well, not really? but also i don’t mind it…it’s not the worst thing i’ve ever had,” [name] said with a grin, taking another drag before flicking off the ash that built up at the tip.
“yeah, you and your hatred for sweets is a real pain,” sanji swiped the cigarette, “everyone else likes them and i got to prepare you your own batch,”
sanji didn’t really find it annoying or bothersome, truthfully. if anything, he found it quite exciting. challenging his knowledge on what would be palatable on someone that was picky on stuff like desserts, it was fun. getting to create new recipe and have the perfect tester there to show whether or not the bitter food was good or not.
but sanji would rather drop dead than admit any of that out loud. [name] didn’t need to know all those embarrassing things.
“you never have to, y’know? i can live without those dishes,” [name] said in a carefree manner. that made an angry tick mark appear on sanji’s forehead.
“oh, so your saying that my efforts are wasted? you’re gonna insult me, as a chef, just like that? don’t piss me off,” sanji sneered, covering up his true thoughts with outward hostility instead.
“haha, sorry, sorry,” [name] said waving his hand, obviously not taking sanji’s threats or tone of voice serious as he had a cheerful look on his face.
“why do you hate them so much? i mean, you practically vomited that one time you accidentally ate one,” sanji mumbled, more-so thinking out loud than actually looking for an answer, “luffy even knew about it, and if that idiot knows something is important enough to actually stick, then it must be something you’ve always disliked as a kid,”
there was silence as [name] took the cigarette from sanji and kept a hold on it, “hm, yeah, i guess i’ve always just hated sweets as a kid and i never grew out of it. it just isn’t my cup of tea,” a tight smile was on his face as he explained, “but if that’s the only thing left to eat and i’m starving, i’ll force it down! i also hate wasting food,”
slightly shocked at the confession, sanji peeked a look at [name] from the side, shaking his head in disbelief at how carefree [name] was talking about something so personal, and seemingly, sensitive.
“you won’t go starving anytime soon,” sanji spoke after a couple moments of silence, “somehow you manage to get your fill in with our captain’s big appetite, so i think you’ll really be fine,”
“if you think so,” [name] shrugged, still holding the cigarette between his long fingers. “i just don’t like them at all, the after affects of being hyper and all that, too. i don’t need that type of high-alert energy, y’know?”
the chef supposed he could understand. well, personally, he didn’t mind sweets and definitely wouldn’t turn down a perfectly fine dish simply because it was sweet. but he understands preferences, he was a chef at a restaurant where he got to see all different people walk through the doors.
sanji didn’t mind catering to [name]’s unique tastebuds, as he’s mentioned before.
another bout of silence washed over the two. another cigarette was bumped out of the carton, this time, [name] taking it to light. sanji held the lighter to the tip, watching carefully to see when he could pull away. his head was craned upwards to look at the cigarette hanging off of [name]’s lips.
“what about that tattoo on your back? where’s that from?”
[name] blinked at the question, smiling softly, “you’re awfully talkative tonight,” just as sanji was about to snap at him for saying something like that, he added in, “it’s nice, i like getting to talk on these walks of ours. feels real special.” a cloud of smoke followed his explanation and sanji ducked his head down to hide facial expression.
“i got it a long time ago, just when i was a teenager,” [name] mulled in thought, trying to recall the memory, “i got it a couple islands over from me and luffy’s home. they’re supposed to symbolize freedom…it sounds silly, but i really do believe that wings are what bring us freedom,” [name] looked up at the sky and smiled, “closer to up there is closer to freedom, i guess.”
“what? like some god?”
[name] scoffed, shaking his head, “hell no, just to the ones that watch over us, i guess. those you hold dear that…” his voice trailed off and he cleared his throat to stop himself from saying anymore.
sanji took in his words in silence.
“you get closer to them, you get closer to showing them how much you’ve accomplished. i don’t know, it’s nice to think about, and guides morals, i guess,” sanji remained silent the entire time, looking up at the sky with a conflicted expression.
the moon was shining bright on the both of them, refracting from every surface of the water and lighting up the area around them.
“that’s your idea of freedom?” sanji asked, pointing a lazy finger at the sky.
“i guess, i don’t really know. it could just be that i like the way it sounds,” [name] grinned, feeling mischievous as he spoke.
sanji made a sound that showed he was irked, unable to believe that the man who said something so sentimental was just as childish.
“what about you sanji? your idea of freedom?” [name] asked, taking the cigarette in his fingertips.
“i don’t know, i don’t think about that stuff half as much as you or luffy do,” sanji shrugged, “i don’t think my freedom will be compromised anytime soon, so it’s not something i have to worry about in keeping secure.”
[name] hummed in understanding. more silence before he spoke again, “and what about the ones you care about, what about their freedom?”
“if you’re talking about the crew, that’s a dumb question. do you really doubt everyone that much? think that they can’t protect themselves and their own freedom? their own dreams?” sanji was obviously defensive, an offended look on his face as he surveyed [name].
“no, it’s not like that,” [name] interjected, “you just don’t think about others that much?”
“don’t make it sound like i’m a selfish prick because i’m not,” sanji huffs, getting annoying with [name]’s wording and whatever his intentions were.
“i’m not saying that either. just because you think more about yourself than others doesn’t mean you’re a selfish prick. it was just a question, sanji,” [name] calmly responded, finding no reason to get angry with sanji for his attitude.
the two were capable of having a conversation without yelling directly at each other, shocker.
“it’s good to know what you want, it’s good to think about that — self-reflection or something,” [name] said, as calm as he was before, “it’s good to know how far you’re willing to go, to step up when the time comes. you know what i mean?”
sanji rolled his eyes, finding [name]’s tone aggravating, but decided not to comment on it. instead he snatched his cigarette back, “this type of conversation doesn’t suit a guy like you, it’s way too serious and complex,”
“i’m the one who initiated it, give me some more credit,” [name] whined, slapping sanji’s back as a means of defending himself, “i’m not an idiot.”
“really?” sanji deadpanned, almost laughing at the way [name] glared at him with such venom.
“what?! hey, i was the one trying to have a mature conversation with you and you’re the one who blew up on me, so who’s the more immature one,” [name] called out, pulling the bottom of his eyelid down in a taunting manner.
“i’m not immature, you were just asking some real dumb questions! of course i think about how to protect the crew if the time ever comes, but i don’t ever doubt them! isn’t that obvious? haven’t we sailed together long enough for this to be obvious to you?” sanji questioned, tone sharp as it was now his turn to interrogate [name].
the taller man hummed, “i suppose you’re right, i don’t know why i doubted you.”
“shit for brains,”
“thanks for being so reliable, sanji,” [name] smiled, throwing an arm around sanji’s shoulder with a wide grin on his face, “i know i can trust you. you know that, right?”
“whatever,” sanji said, uncharacteristically quiet as his shoulders and head slumped downward, hiding his facial expressions from [name].
“i mean it! you’re the strongest on merry, of course after me, oh and after luffy…hm, and i guess after zoro!” [name] said that last part in a rush, knowing it’d cause sanji to run after him in a fury. but before he detached himself from sanji’s side, he took the cigarette from him and pushed it to the corner of his mouth.
sanji processed his words, watching as [name] was running off in the direction of merry. then it clicked and he was fuming. his eyebrow became slanted as he pointed a finger at [name]’s running figure, “oi! come back here you dipshit! i’ll kick some manners into you! fucking imbecile!”
[name]’s laughter echoed in the air, along with sanji’s shouts of fury. the trail of smoke coming from the cigarette in the h/c haired man’s mouth disappearing into the night as sanji continued chasing [name] until they arrived on merry.
the blonde watched as [name] jumped onto the ship with easy, throwing the cigarette into the ocean, and teasing him once more by sticking his tongue out. then he was disappearing on deck, probably to the bathroom to shower before bed.
and sanji was breathing heavily as he watched, still on the ground and not on the ship. and he sighed to himself, putting a hand to his chest to calm his breathing. as well as racing heart. the other hand went up to his face, covering half of it as he mentally scolded himself to calm down.
god, [name] really did exhaust the hell out of sanji. in more ways than one.
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tony tony chopper - forrest gump by frank ocean
“you run my mind, boy. running on my mind, boy. forrest gump. i know you, forrest. i know you wouldn’t hurt a beetle. but you’re so buff and so strong. i’m nervous, forrest. // forrest green, forrest blues. i’m remembering you. if this is love, i know it’s true. i won’t forget you. it’s for you, forrest. it’s for you forrest. forrest gump.”
chopper idolized [name], to put it very simply. from their first meeting, [name] had made a strong impression on the boy. first off, he knew he was a reindeer and correctly addressed him, which chopper learned would be a rare occurence since people seemed to think he was some sort of raccoon dog…
and ever since that moment, [name] had only shown chopper how strong and capable he was. sometimes, it makes the doctor feel inferior and not an adequate member of the straw hats because of the strength difference, but those feelings were truly rare. because [name] made sure to treat chopper as an equal as well as a friend, not someone beneath him.
chopper was currently lounging on the railway of merry, near the back of the ship and simply enjoying the breeze. it was a nice day outside and the smell of the sea was something he could never get tired of.
“chopper? what’re you doing?” [name] voice made chopper lift his head from the planks and offer a cheesy grin.
“just relaxing,” [name] smiled at the response, plopping down next to chopper and spreading his long limbs out as he sighed in content.
“do you mind if i join you?”
chopper shook his head, a smile on his face as he watched [name] visibly relax and get comfortable next to him.
“the sun’s not bothering you? it’s pretty hot, y’know,” [name] commented, waving his hand to fan the reindeer, who merely shook his head.
“nope, cause the sea breeze is cooling me off,” chopper explained, making [name] hum in understanding. chopper watched as [name] flapped the bottom of his shirt up and down to allow more air flow, showing that he was affected by the heat.
chopper remained silent, eyebrows furrowing ever so slightly before he decided to not ask the question that was on his mind. as a doctor, he had a hunch as to why [name] was so sensitive to hot and cold weather, especially since their first meeting on drum island. but it was just speculation and theory. he never got a clear answer from [name]. but, then again, chopper never asked.
honestly, he was very curious about [name]. he was like a medical anomaly. dr. kureha and him were probably the only people that knew about how strange his existence was. well, chopper definitely was way more shocked about his being, but dr. kureha simply shrugged it off. this made chopper believe [name]’s case wasn’t all that crazy…
but the more he thinks about it, the more it pesters him. how is something like that even possible?
just as he was drowning in his thoughts, there was a sudden pressure against his nose. he blinks, eyes zoning in on the finger that was pressing against him. he looks up, finding a grinning [name] already staring at him.
“what were you thinking about? i could practically see steam coming from your head, chopper,” his own observation made him chuckle and chopper smiled sheepishly at being caught.
“nothing,” chopper clears his throat a couple of times before speaking again, “say, [name]?” a hum from the man he was addressing, “you’ve been a pirate for a long time right?”
e/c eyes stray away and stare out at the sea before he nods in confirmation.
“then, have you ever met anyone stronger than you? what was the craziest thing you’ve ever seen?”
[name] chuckles at the question, pursing his lips, “what’s up with everyone wondering about strong people and things? i swear, you and usopp are obsessed with that type of stuff,” it wasn’t a mean comment, the fond smile on [name]’s face made that obvious, but chopper still felt his face get warm in embarrassment.
“ever since we’ve left my island, i feel like we haven’t met anyone that exceeded you. that’s why i was wondering if before you joined luffy’s crew you had a run in with someone stronger than you,” chopper explained, feeling shy. “even in alabasta, you didn’t have a lot of trouble with the people we were facing…i didn’t see any fights! but, everyone was so badly injured, and then you were only injured because of the whole falling out of the sky thing,”
[name] laughs at the memory, scratching his neck, “that’s true, i guess. but to answer your question, there are many physically stronger people than me, without a doubt. but i still think i’m the strongest,” he’s confident and chopper can tell the man truly does believe that. it’s obvious in the way he speaks and carries himself. but what he just said was directly contradictory, wasn’t it?
“the craziest thing i’d ever seen…” [name] thinks out loud, making chopper look at him in wonder, “a guy that could control everything in a certain radius! he was a doctor like you, actually. when i first met him, it was kind of scary,”
“woah!!” chopper’s eyes immediately sprouted stars and [name] almost cooed at the sight. sometimes the man forgets how unique his experiences are, especially to someone like chopper. someone that had known only his island and that was it. “did you guys fight?! was he also another pirate?!”
“he’s another pirate, yeah, but…well, i don’t think you can call what happened fighting since i beat him up!” [name] flashed his widest grin at chopper and threw up a thumbs up.
“so cool!!!” chopper exclaimed, clapping his hands.
“i have a lot of stories, if you want to hear them?” [name] offers, stretching his long limbs out and letting out a groan at the relief.
“how about fights and stuff? i wanna see you fight some day!” the stars in chopper’s eyes seemed as if they were going to never go away as he giddily spoke to [name].
“i don’t know…most of them are really lack luster,” [name] sweatdrops, watching as chopper visibly deflates, “but that’s only because i beat everyone before they even had a chance,” and he was back to having stars in his eyes.
“woah!! so cool!!” chopper’s hooves were glasped together as he eagerly waiting for more stories.
“by the time luffy becomes pirate king, chopper, you’re going to have so many more stories than i do,” [name] comments fondly, “i never got to properly thank you, i think,”
“what for?”
“for not telling anyone about,” [name] gestures to his scars, a grin on his face despite the sad reality of his appearance, “i appreciate it,”
chopper only nodded, remembering the first time him and dr. kureha discovered the markings as well as their origins…or at least their theories on where they had come from.
”were you scared when you saw them? why do you look so scared now?”
the poor reindeer flinched at the question causing [name] to start laughing at the reaction. chopper flailed in explaining himself, not wanting to offend the man, “no, i was just, just remembering! the first time i saw them! and no, i wasn’t scared! there was no reason to be scared,” chopper’s voice trailed off as he realized that [name] was only teasing him earlier, looking off to the side to avert his eyes.
“if you say so,” [name] continues on teasing, poking the reindeer’s blue nose to which chopper smacks his hand away.
“me and dr. kureha were studying them,” chopper murmurs, “whoever had done the stitches, considering how miniscule they are, obviously did a good job. but…how were they even able to get the me-”
“pft, that’s not important,” [name] says with a carefree smile, waving his hand, “well, you’re right, the person who did them was a reaaalll professional, but i don’t think it’s important in explaining how or why,”
“was it the pirate you mentioned earlier that did them?” chopper curiously asked.
“definitely not,” [name] laughed, trying to imagine his friend being the one to give him those scars, “no, i’ve had these for a long time, chopper. which is why it’s not really relevant to me in talking about them. it doesn’t matter to me anymore, but i still don’t want people knowing so — shhh!”
chopper blinks a couple of time before nodding his head, “i’ll keep it a secret, [name],”
“thanks, chopper, i know i can trust you,” as [name] reaches out to pat chopper on his furry back, the light hit his silver necklace so perfectly that it made chopper cover his eyes to hide from the shine. that was also a big deal to [name] back then, but it was something that probably had heavy sentimental meaning.
either way, chopper was going to keep everything [name] had just told him a secret.
seeing the pleased and relaxed expression on [name]’s face, chopper was glad to know he had some sort of impact on him. it made him especially happy to know it caused a positive reaction from [name]. for how much the man does for the crew and chopper, such as dealing with his “scaredy cat” antics, the reindeer was happy to somewhat return the favor — even if it was miniscule.
meanwhile, in the back of [name]’s mind, he couldn’t help but feel a dark looming feeling only grow larger. he fought back the urge to frown, reminding himself on how understanding and sweet chopper was for keeping his secret safe. but, deep down, he was plagued with the truth and it stressed him to no end to think about the one day his secrets would have to be laid out for all the other straw hats to know too. even now, chopper didn’t even know the full truth and it was already stressing him out.
but, [name] would deal with that when the time came for it. right now, he was just happy to be looking out at the sea with his dear crew mate next to him.
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nico robin - wurli by dominic fike
“stepping outside for you, then i put links on both wrists cause you got control over me. and you got jokes like you don’t need love, baby. we don’t need long. just follow my lead for once. i can never make up for the time. i’m gone make the wait all worth the ride.”
robin found [name] to be an interesting person to study.
a couple of years younger than her, a significant amount, actually, and still holding onto such a heavy weight of trauma and relatability to her. she smiles softly each time she thinks about him for too long. it’s a sad smile. on one hand, she’s happy that there could possibly be someone in her presence that could understand where she comes from as well as understanding her secrets.
but it pains her to know that someone so similar, with such similarly lived experiences, is beside her side. she wouldn’t wish a fraction of her life onto anyone else, to know that [name] undoubtedly had more than a fraction of it was heart breaking.
to many people’s surprise, nico robin is an extremely sentimental and emotional person. she has just simply forced herself to suppress those attributes of herself due to the world she lives in. but she knows herself, she knows that one of her weak point could be her emotional side.
he’s a grown man, she tells herself, to prevent herself from pitying the man too much, especially because she knows he would not appreciate a feeling of pity from anyone.
“do you want a cup of coffee, robin?” his soothing voice breaks her out of her daydreaming, collecting herself fast enough that she is able to answer with a quick nod and soft thank you. “no problem~”
she watches him expertly maneuver through the kitchen, an obvious sense of comfortability around him as he does.
what robin doesn’t know is that in the same way she finds [name] interesting to study, he feels an immense sense of wonderment and curiosity for the older woman. he knows that behind luffy, she is the only crew member that knows the most about him — beyond the headlines and bounty on his head. the other straw hats had their first impressions of him already set in stone, and he can’t blame them for that, but robin is different.
she had undoubtedly knows more than she currently lets on. only hinting to it briefly before, as far as [name] can recall.
he wonders if she has the wrong idea about him. but then he thinks of her situation and finds it hard to believe she would believe only surface level information about him. he has more faith in her than that. frankly, he’s curious enough to ask her. but he’s too scared.
genuinely terrified to know what it is that she knows, how much of his past does she know and have full capabilities of telling others about. not that she would, but naturally [name] doesn’t like not being in control of what others know about him. he often thinks if its worth it to take that risk and just ask her, he’d probably get the answer he wants.
but, wouldn’t that just be awkward?
he shakes his head as he pours the water over the ground up coffee beans, stealing a couple of whole beans from the bag to his right and chewing on them, deep in thought. he carefully carries the two tea cups to the kitchen table, taking a comfortable seat across from her and sipping his beverage.
“what are you thinking about, [name]?”
“i don’t know,” he answers semi-honestly. he can’t actually tell her where his mind wanders, but what he was thinking about…he couldn’t even collect his thoughts properly.
she only hummed, leaving them to sit in silence. but then out of nowhere, [name] slammed his head onto the table and let out a loud groan. she blinked in shock, poking his shoulder several times across the table.
“are you alright, orphan-san?”
“don’t call me that,” he mutters against the table. “that just doesn’t even sound morally right,”
she laughed behind her hand, apologizing quickly, “well, the government was never one to give morally correct names to wanted pirates,”
“yeah, i’m familiar,” he sighs, running a hand through his hair, “devil’s child, cursed orphan…it’s all such a shit show over there,”
robin isn’t surprised when he brings up her own epithet, “after hearing my name, you knew right away, huh?”
he thinks back to after they had left alabasta, the moment of realization, and nods in confirmation. a name was all he needed to know the woman’s entire history. he frowned, remembering exactly what it was.
“yeah, we’re the same,” he says with zero hesitation. “robin, we have the same enemy, y’know?” she hums and nods, unsure of the direction he was taking the conversation, “so, you know you’re not alone in this.”
she paused, sipping her coffee to avoid looking at him. because if she, she knew his e/c eyes would be expectantly peering at her and waiting for some form of agreement. truthfully, she didn’t want to make some sort of known “alliance” with [name] on where they stood on their shared enemy.
she’d rather not involve him. even if it were partially true.
”i sailed alone on the seas for a long time, both recently and a while ago,” he continued on, leaning into his chair and looking up at the ceiling, “being alone is more painful than getting hurt, luffy said that to me once. and for once that idiot was right about something. that’s why i’m trying to tell you now that that’s not your case.”
“i appreciate the sentimen-”
“i don’t want to get too emotional and dig too deep on stuff about this, though. i think just saying it is enough, if you ever had doubts, y’know?” he suddenly stands up, an embarrassed look on his face, “this is definitely not my style, blegh, i hate getting sentimental out of nowhere,” he hunches his shoulders, his tongue hanging out of his mouth as he digests the situation he had just created.
she watches as he chugs the rest of his coffee down, places the empty cup into the sink, and easily walks out of the room. the kitchen door is softly shut behind him and robin is now left in silent stupor by herself.
she glances at the dark cup of coffee in front of her, smiling softly as she thinks about the man.
“he really is an enigma,” she muses to herself, finishing the last drops by herself, “knowing everything about him is like knowing nothing,”
[name] was on the forefront of her mind the rest of the day, studying him and the behaviors he had shown her the entire time they had been acquainted. he had turned what would have been a soppy, probably emotional conversation, into a curt and brisk one-sided pep talk. regardless, she still had much to think about how he interacted with the others on the crew. what his dynamic was with everyone. and the state of their relationship, even though they had only recently juts met…robin feels a strong connection with him.
he really was interesting to study.
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ace - dress by taylor swift
“our secrets moments in a crowded room, they got no idea about me and you. there is an indentation in the shape of you, made your mark on me — a golden tattoo. pining and anticipation, my hands are shaking from holding back from you. all of this silence and patience, pining and desperately waiting, my hands are shaking from all this. say my name and everything just stops. i don’t want you like a best friend. only bought this suit so you could take it off. take it off. carve your name into my bedpost because i don’t want you like a best friend. // and i woke up just in time, now i wake up by your side. my one and only, my lifeline.”
“ace! c’mere,” [name] called out, making the ravenette’s head snap up and look for the man calling him. he briefly apologized to usopp, who was showing him a contraption he made, and then walked off in the direction of where the sound came from. usopp and chopper watched as ace was eagerly walking away, shrugging their shoulders at the man’s rush.
“[name]? where are yo-”
suddenly, a hang was coming out from around the corner and yanking ace by strands of his hat and into a soft embrace.
“wanna show you merry,” [name] whispered, smiling softly as he felt how warm ace was in his arms. “were you doing something important?”
“no,” ace answered instantly, looking up at [name] and taking off his hat. it was placed back onto [name]’s head and the two were walking through the ship, [name] leading.
their arms were looped with one another to stay close, and because [name] found the warmth from ace so comforting, and soon small talk spurred alive between the two.
“how is everyone treating you?” ace asked first, smirking as he watched [name]’s expression, “they’re all being good to you?”
the man rolled his eyes and shot ace a deadpan look, “why are you acting as if i am a kid and that they’re the scum of the earth? obviously everything is going fine, we’re a crew, ace,”
“sorry, can’t help but worry sometimes,” ace shrugged, tone light and teasing. “gotta look out for you when i can,”
“who said you had to do that?”
“i did, it’s my duty,”
“your duty is to keep yourself out of your own trouble, not worry about others. worrying about others like you do is gonna get you killed,” [name] advised, squeezing ace’s arm against his body and turning them into the dormitories. “well, i guess i’m a hypocrite — i worry about you a lot too,”
“you’re not gonna ask if my crew is treating me well though? that stings, [name],” ace fake winces, taking a seat into a hammock and letting it rock him back and forth.
“shut up,” [name] smirks, pushing ace down and climbing in next to him. ace tries his best to relax, not wanting to show that he was obviously freaking out at [name]’s actions. the h/c-haired man is none the wiser, simply getting comfortable against ace’s chest and hugging him tight.
“i missed you a lot, ace,” [name] speaks softly, like a whisper, “you fucking idiot, you should’ve just swallowed your pride and joined luffy’s crew,”
“or, you should’ve been smarter and joined the whitebeard pirates,” ace countered, resting his hand on top of [name]’s head.
“and leave the pirate king’s crew? don’t be dumb,” [name] shoots back, faithful to the idea of luffy being the pirate king.
ace can only scoff, a lazy smirk on his face. luffy, that brat, had truly shook their childhood selves when he declared what his dreams were as well as so confidently saying that he was going to be the king of pirates. and ace couldn’t believe that [name] so easily threw himself into luffy’s arms and crew, even when they were children.
ace envies luffy in that aspect, he supposes. how he was so capable of swaying [name]. if only ace had that ability, he’d have used it for his selfish leverage at this point. especially with [name] in his arms like this. if he had a fraction of an influence that luffy had, ace would have offered once again for [name] to join his side forever.
but knowing how devoted to luffy [name] was, ace knew it was useless.
so he’ll just cherish this moment now.
“ugh, i’m hot,” [name] groaned, sitting upright and throwing off the shirt that he was wearing. cuddling up next to a human oven was not for the weak!
ace watches with practical hearts in his eyes as he watches [name] move so fluidly in discarding his layers. then his hands reach out and lift the bottom of [name]’s shirt for him, the fabric falling from his fingers the second they weigh into his hand.
“thanks, ace,”
the ravenette can only hum in acknowledgement. he bites his lip, forcing himself into silence to not ruin the moment, and shuffles his body over to accommodate [name] by his side.
the taller man so easily fit into his side. despite the obvious size difference, but neither of them minded.
then ace’s thoughts began trailing off. he can’t help but think about if things were different. his mind often went to that when it was silent. how the present would be if it were ace in the forefront of [name]’s mind, instead of god knows what. he yearns to know what the man truly thinks of him.
he wonders what would [name] think of him he had found out that his name was etched into his skin.
he doesn’t blame anyone for not really noticing the ink. it was on his back and was miniscule in comparison to his whitebeard tattoo. on the backside of where his heart would be, permanently tattooed into his skin is the other man’s name. ace had gotten it as one of his first tattoos, actually, much before he got the whitebeard one.
he was pretty worried that the jolly roger would cover it, but after the artist on the no-name island assured him it wouldn’t, he relaxed. and to this day, the ink remains strong and bold, hardly faded with the time that had passed.
and despite it being small and barely noticeable, ace simply knowing that it’s there is more than enough for him.
ace wonders how [name] would react if he saw it. if he saw for himself how far ace is willing to go to prove his devotion and love for the man. he’d get his name tattooed and so much more, in a moment’s notice with no doubts.
ace was a loyal and devoted man. this [name] knew, but he didn’t truly know the full extent. the freckled man smiles to himself as he thinks about how [name] would react.
he shivers as he remembers the feeling of the needle etching the name permanently into his skin. it stung, but after a certain amount of time, it became a dull, vibrating sensation. he squeezes you close to him as he thinks about it, wishing he had had you there with him in that moment.
“[name]?” he drawls out his name, as if that’ll make the moment between them last longer.
“ace?” he mimics it easily, making ace smile at his behavior. he really hadn’t changed all that much from when they were younger…
“would you consider getting a tattoo for me?” he asks, the question slipping past his lips in a rather meek tone.
there is a hum to show that [name] was thinking before the man finally announces, “i would, i definitely would,”
ace thinks of the tattoo that [name] already had, the one he had seen for himself again when the man discarded his shirt. the expansive wings that were tattooed into his beautiful s/c skin. ace’s finger began dancing on the outline of them, a soft smile on his face as he remembers their meaning.
”what would get for me? something as big as this one?”
[name] weakly slaps his hand into ace’s chest, “don’t say that, don’t be dumb,”
“what? it was just a question,” ace weakly defends himself, but he understands where [name] was coming from. he’d be the only one that did, to be honest, and maybe luffy — if they’re trusting that the younger one wasn’t as emotionally constipated as they thought. “but, what would you get for me?”
“i don’t know, i haven’t thought about it,” he answers honestly, making ace pout at the lack luster answer.
“not even a little bit?”
“i don’t want to get a tattoo for you for a long time, ace. ideally, never,” ace was about to question why, feeling somewhat offended, but catching the distraught look on [name]’s face he bites his tongue. it doesn’t take him long to realize why [name] had said that. silently, he holds [name] close and hugs him. “i never want to get something like this for you,”
“it doesn’t have to be something like that-”
“why would i need a tattoo of you when i know i’ll see you again then?” [name] cuts him off, holding ace tight to his person, scared he’ll slip away, “i know i don’t have to, but the association of it is too much for me…i don’t want to think of it like that, but i can’t help it. i’ll only get a tattoo for you if you die, but that won’t happen for a long time, so just drop it.”
that leaves a long silence hanging in the air.
“you’re right, i won’t die for a long time,” ace finalizes, smiling softly at the way [name] was so easily turned into a vulnerable state of a man. not because he enjoyed the sight of it, per say, but found it heart warming to know he could invoke such an emotion in him. he was stupid for assuming he couldn’t, but insecurities are insecurities for a reason. not insecure of who they were referring to, but rather of luffy. insecure of how much that boy with the straw hat could alter [name]’s emotions and well-being. to know he had that same affect on [name] made his chest bloom with a raging warmth.
“i know you won’t, which is why i won’t think about it for a long time,” it sounds like that’s the final end to their conversation and ace is almost ready to leave it as it is. but leaving it on such a sour note leaves a bad taste in his mouth.
so he says in a light tone, “get a spade for me, right above your heart. that’s all i want,”
another slap to his bare chest is shamelessly delivered to ace and he takes it, this time with a hearty laugh.
“don’t talk about it anymore, okay? i’m serious.” [name] weakly scolds, resting his palm on ace’s heart and trying to immortalize the feeling of his heart pumping against his hand.
at the feeling of his large hand resting on his skin, ace remembers just how badly he had missed this. just being close to each other and being able to just touch each other. being so far apart took a bigger toll on him than he imagined.
“what about you? want me to get another tattoo for you?” ace asks, curious to hear what [name] had to say.
“hm, i don’t know, what would you have had in mind if you did?” now it was [name]’s turn to have his fingers dance on the ink of ace’s skin, “i really like this one already,” ace can feel the smile on [name]’s face grow in size, “i really do,”
“i’m glad,” ace comments, “i got it for you after all, it would suck if you didn’t like it.”
another slap to his chest.
“as for another one…” [name] goes silent, trying to think, “wouldn’t you just get my name? i mean, that’s the only one other thing you could get for me,”
ace blinks, wondering how [name] could so easily read him.
“really, you think so? that’s a pretty big commitment,” ace comments, trying to play it off casually and not show that he was freaking out very hard on the inside. [name] had so easily predicted him! but, at least the man didn’t know that it was a reality…
“i know, but that’s the thing with you — you’re completely committed and loyal. i think you’re definitely the type to just get my name,” [name] grins up at him, teasing him by rufflinf his hair.
“oh, shut up,” ace defends himself, smooshing [name]’s face far away, “i’d never get something as cheesy as that,”
“i never said you would, i was just predicting!!” he puts his hands up in surrender, making ace sigh and release the palm he was resting on his face. “who knows, maybe next time we see each other you’re gonna have my name tattooed on your forehead because you love me that much!”
it was an obvious tease, but it got ace incredibly flustered. he sighed, looking off to the side, trying to hide his blush and be stubbornly in denial of how accurate [name]’s prediction were.
“well, i like this one you have for now and i think it’s perfect,” [name] says, lifting ace’s spirits one last time and tapping the skin before getting out of the hammock and grabbing his shirt off of the floor. “let’s go back up, the crew might have discovered something,”
“you don’t wanna stay here longer with me?” ace whines, half joking and half serious. he wishes he could stay here forever. just with [name].
[name] smiles softly, shaking his head and watching as the ravenette reluctantly gets out of his resting position.
“whatever, next time you owe me a proper nap,” ace grumbled, stretching and walking out of the dormitory area.
“yeah, when’s next time?”
“i don’t know, but i guess on my pop’s ship. i’ll bring you to meet the family, then,” ace shrugs as if it’s no big deal, but deep down he’s eager to have the most important person in his life ([name], if it wasn't obvious) meet his found family.
“i’ll look forward to it,” [name] says sincerely, smiling as he looks at the tattoo on ace’s back. he’d be more than honored to meet them, meet the people that had given ace hope in having a shot in the world — for people to take him seriously.
if he had just shifted his e/c more downwards, he would have seen the commemorative tattoo of the person that had singlehandedly given ace’s life meaning. an etching of ink that was more powerful and sentimental than [name] would have probably realized.
after all, [name] was the first only and only person to make ace realize his life wasn’t completely worthless and that there was hope for him. but that’s a story for another time.
[ .ᐟ ]  if there are any typos, ignore for now. it is 5:55 am (omg coincidence) as im posting this and i plan on knocking out immediatley after i hit publish <3 i will fix any major mistakes hwne i wake up I HOPE U ENJOYED EVERYONE OKKKK BYE (im going to update very very very very soon btw <3) (and i actually mean it by very soon) (porbably tomorrow / technically today) 
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madwomansapologist · 11 months
a new side of her | nami
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Masterlist | Rules | Taglist | Library | More Nami | AO3
synopsis: You didn't trust Nami. You could see right through her. See right through those well thought out words capable of deceiving Luffy. The problem was that you could also see her stiff face, her watery eyes, her accurate fingers. Damned be Nami, her lying lips and your functional eyes.
warnings: smut. erotic dreams. masturbation. accidental voyeurism. oral sex. sixty nine. hate sex. top!nami. female!reader.
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It's not like you wanted to see Nami dead, you just don't wanted to see her at all.
You would make something pretty reckless if you had to see Nami deceiving Luffy one more time. Or if you need to see Nami always checking if anyone was watching her. And Nami guarding her secrets like a knight keeps a promise. Even Nami having those little moments of honesty, what only made Luffy even more sure that she was part of the crew.
And you for sure would something pretty stupid if you had to see Nami walking around the deck with those watchful eyes. Or if you need to see Nami always arguing with anyone who bothered one of you. And Nami being so bossy when Zoro was definitelly about to do something that he would regret. Even Nami quietly apreciating the view, just enjoying the sea's silence.
You both don't get along. Always fighting, yelling at one another, picking on the most unnecessary thing. Nami's orange hair almost floating by the way she gesticuled at you. Your heartbeat silencing the rest of the world. Her eyes burning with rage. Her fingers tapping on the table. Her velvet mouth moving so graciously.
You both don't get along, but that doesn't mean you're fucking blind.
But soon you found that your life as part of the strawhat crew wouldn't be so easy. Not when clowns insisted on kidnapping y'all, or the marines decide that for some reason your crew deserves attention from a vice admiral, or the old ship finally breaking after everything it went through. Ship. That wasn't more than a fucking boat.
You were always trying to invent a new way of winning a fight, helping Luffy with stay quiet for a second so you can help him with whatever he's trying to ask you, trying to make Zoro rest. It was hard for you. A resonable amount of sleep per night? You called that a dream. Privacy? A mith. Time for yourself? Just when you die.
You didn't have time to do any of the things you usually does. No more morning lazyness, or a book with you during your meals, or time to spend with long, hot baths. Or any privacy at night to touch yourself.
That makes you feel a little bit guilty. Your crew barely made out alive from so many conflicts and you're worried about a orgasm or two? Still, it was the truth. You knew that just thirty minutes of privacy and silence would change your mood so quickly, but how could you do that with everyone sleeping at the same place?
It only got worse when all your desire started to invade your dreams. You wake up at night feeling so warm, with your clit throbbing and head spinning. And the worst part was who kept on appearing on your dreams.
Nami wasn't there all times. Sometimes it was a memory from a past experience. Or a situation you always desired to live. A few times characters from books you read were the main actors of many of your wet dreams. But Nami... Nami was starring most of them.
Just another reason for you to hate her even more.
At Kaya's, and you're still surprised that Usopp really knew her, you finally had a chance of enjoying a hot bath. Sleeping on a good, comfortable bed. Eating food made by people that knew what they were doing.
The problem was that you also had the chance of seeing Nami's rested face. Of hearing her singing during her bath. Of seeing her chosing what clothe to wear. Of watching her changing again, and again, and again.
It was like she was trying to prove to you that anything she wear would look pretty on her. And if that was Nami's intentions, fine. She won. You surrender.
"Saw something you like?" Nami woke you up from your daydream. Just then you noticed that you were staring at her on that red dress. Nami had a smirk on her lips, which made you boil in anger.
"Not at all," you tried to act like Zoro. To be mean on purpose, just to make her smirk dissapear. "Quite the opposite, actually."
When you heard Zoro chucking, you thought that maybe it had worked. That your words deceived everyone of what was going on your mind.
And maybe it really did.
But Nami wore the red dress that night.
After Luffy managed to end the dinner sooner, for the first time in a really long time you could lay on bed without anyone calling for help. Without anything wrong happening. It was the first time on a long, long time when you wasn't worried that the silence meant someone may actually be dying.
And with free time, your mind wandered through a lot of places. Of the home you left behind you. Of those boys you just met but still feel like you know them for hoje entire life. Of how many adventures are waiting for you. Of how empty you feel.
You throw the blanket away, finally sure that you have time to do whatever you wanted to. Your hands pressed your breasts through your nightgown, and you tried to find something to think about. You pinched your nipples, they hardened almost immediately, and took a deep breath.
You imagined your hands weren't yours. That your neck was licked, your waste grabbed, your thights bit. You thought about someone looking at you. Seeing more than just you: seeing the way your toes curl when your clit is touched, how you close your eyes when the pleasure is too much, how you try to stop your moans so you won't wake anyone.
The hand on your breasts wasn't yours. The fingers between your thights weren't yours. The tongue warm on your mouth wasn't yours. All those things happening on your mind weren't imagination. They were all true, and were happening all at once.
With your pantie brushing against your hand, you quickly took it off and throw it away. You didn't took your nightgown off, the feeling of the thin layer on top of your hot skin made shivers go down your spine. With the window open, the cold breeze only made you even more sensitive.
Nami didn't mean to enter your room. She didn't mean on seeing your fingers circling your clit, your hand grabbing your breast, your mouth freeing the most obscenes of the sounds.
She really didn't mean that. Nami thought it was a empty room, a perfect place for her to grab old, expensive things to make some money. Nami really didn't mean to invade, to watch, such a intimate moment.
But when she saw you, Nami couldn't look away.
Her mouth went dry. Nami tried to look away, to move her body, to get out of there while you didn't saw her. But her body didn't obey. It just couldn't.
You really were the prettiest thing she ever saw. Since she met you is like your trying to proof it. No matter how many days you have spend without seeing land, or how many times a marine or a clown tried to fight. Pretty. So pretty.
When you chose your clothe from Kaya's closet, Nami tried so hard to not look. To not pay attention. But it was impossible the second you asked how you looked.
Nami didn't knew enough words to really explain how you're as exquisite as the princesses on fairytales.
And she hated you for that. She hated you for being so aware of her lies, of her intentions, of her flaws. She hated you. And she hated how bad she wanted you.
So when she was suppossed to runaway, all Nami was able to do was to keep on looking. To keep on watching you.
Until you saw her.
"Na-Nami," your whisper was almost a moan. You closed your legs, your thights slapping loud. Nami forgot how to breath. "How long have you been..."
"Long enough," Nami said before you could finish. She could only see your sweaty skin, dazzy eyes, messy hair. Nami couldn't stop looking at you. She could spend her whole life just looking at you. "Do you want me to get out?"
"What?" You swallowed hard, your vision blurred. Your mind was so dizzy, shame just ate your last functioning brain cell. "Yes...?"
"But do you really?" Nami finally was able to move. She dropped the bag on her hands filled with things she was about to steal. They didn't matter anymore.
"I heard you," she closed the doors, walking towards you. You never before noticed how she looks exactly like a cat. "At your sleep."
When Nami got near your bed, you tried to push your body up on the bed. You were trying to get away from her, but not hard enough. Soon your head hit the wall, and Nami's knees found a way into your bed.
"Do you know that sometimes you call my name?" Nami crawled to you. Unable to move, unable to think, you just watched as she stopped right before your feet. "That sometimes I do it to?"
You didn't move when she rubbed the back of her hands against your thights. Neither when she supported her head on your knees. "You want me to get away from you?"
You licked your lips. "This won't change anything," you told her. "I still hate you."
Nami laughed. She truly did. "That's fine for me." She looked at you, eyes as sharp as a knife. "Open your legs."
You never before did as she demanded. You always fought, and discussed, and yelled. But this time... your body just behaved. You didn't even thought about shame or any shit like that before opening yourself for her eyes to see.
Nami almost drooled over the sight. She held your thights, grabbing them with force, and breath in. Was she trying to smell you? Did she?
She got near you, so near you could feel her warm breath hitting your exposed pussy. She looked at you, and Nami saw herself in your eyes. She saw desire. And Nami was ready to finally get and end to all this sweet torture between you both.
Nami opened your legs on an angle you didn't even thought about, and slowly slid her tongue against all of you. A instinticve movement took care of your body, but she held you in place. You're pretty sure you'll have marks from her grip.
You kinda of want that.
Her tongue felt so great against you. She exploded you slowly at first, but soon her patience expired. Nami moaned against you, and you felt like she may actually devour you. Like she would really just eat you whole.
Her nose brushed against your clit while she used her tongue to play with your insides. Nami was having fun. She wasn't just trying to make you cum, but was getting off on making you squirm between her hands.
You grabbed her by the hair, putting her face at just the right angle. You didn't even noticed when you started to rub against her face. "Fuck," a murmured sound reached your ears. She slapped your thights. "Delicious."
"Nami," you moaned. You knew this would make her go even deeper on you. "Your clothes."
She understood, even though you were unable to speak, and in one movement she took off her dress. “Fucking hot,” you said.
You pulled her up, making her nose bump against yours, and squeezed Nami's waist. You don't know who started the kiss, nor who took off your nightgown. You just know that she tasted like tangerines and something even sweeter. Something you could get addicted to.
You laid her down on the bed, but didn't climb on top of her. You writhed on the bed, your legs spread so she could get between them, and pulled her by the waist. As you tasted her pussy, you realized you were wrong.
Now that was addictive.
You devoured her as if you were a starving woman. In that moment you really were. Starving for Nami.
What happened was nothing angelic. It wasn't organized. She pulled you close to her face, you grab Nami's waist. She rubbed her face against your pussy, an animalistic noise filling the room. You drooled over her pussy, soaking it.
It was more like a fight. A battle to see who could have the other for more time. At some point you were on top of her, grinding against Nami's tongue. In another, she pinned your head on her legs, unable to notice what she was doing as she concentrated on thrusting her fingers into you.
You came as she moaned against your pussy, murmuring wildly about how you tasted better than she could ever imagine. She came soon after, immersed in your laconic sounds.
And you didn't move away. In that awkward and uncomfortable position, you continued. Just breathing, letting your minds finally go back to thinking. In silence, until Nami laughed.
You quickly followed her.
That night a pirate butler with a troupe of thieves tried to kill poor Miss Kaya. Luffy poisoned himself. Zoro managed to escape from a well but didn't find the right way back to the mansion. Usopp did everything to save his old friend.
And you bet your life that the most surprising thing of the night was Nami kissing you amiably before going out of your room.
Not that you mind.
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if you enjoyed, please reblog! i promise it makes a difference ♡
@ madwomansapologist.tumblr.
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arkive78 · 2 months
One Piece Fic Recs that occupy my mind nonstop
After really getting into One Piece this past spring, I've been reading as much as tumblr and AO3 have offered me in terms of One Piece content. It's been hard to keep track of everything that I have read, however, certain stories/headcanons/posts linger in my mind and I thought I'd share them with you!
Minors DNI with fics marked as NSFW and for anyone, be sure to read the content warnings the authors have mentioned!
Hope y'all enjoy!
Childhood Crush by @analogwriting
does involve violent themes, please be sure to read content warnings for each chapter
Will You Let Me? by @fanaticsnail
NSFW, Pollen AU
Dreaming of You by @fanaticsnail
this also includes Heat and Kid
The Break (Kid x reader x Killer) by @standfucker
Gore, graphic description of injury/pain/first aid, hurt/comfort, confessions, highly oblivious reader
Rotation (Heat, Kid, Killer, Wire x reader) by @standfucker
explicit NSFW content
Loving you is easy by @sheerxfiction
A world we are both in by @my-love-is-sunlight
Kiss by @my-love-is-sunlight
Patching Up Ace's Wounds by @nina-ya SFW
there are more of this prompt with different characters btw!
Help by @sanjisprincesswifey
Open Flame by @willowbelle
Ace + back dimples by @tetzoro
Fated Reunions by @tetzoro
Coward by @mimi-ya
Need by @maddddstuff
Bloom by @tetzoro
brazen by @mydearlybeloathed
"we should get married" by @grandlinedreams
wake him up! by @sleepymarimo
The Right Direction by @willowbelle
with hearts aligned by @eelnoise
2 years overdue by @heyitsdoe
pumpkin by @cloudzoro
touch-starved Law by @maroronoa
the death of me by @weneeya
too sweet for me by @my-love-is-sunlight
there are no conditions by @cozage
Hidden symptoms by @escenariosinfumables
A secret by @missmugiwara
18+, suggestive
you can talk to me, but you already know by @mydearlybeloathed
clueless by @grandline-fics
Bachata by @fanaticsnail
Sapsorrow by @fanaticsnail
has both SFW and NSFW so make sure to read the chapter warnings!
Creative Cures by @discordantwritings
Remember Me by @fanaticsnail
Dancando Lambada by @fanaticsnail
Always return to you by @discordantwritings
Multiple characters
Hey Doc by @fanaticsnail
some NSFW themes depending on the drabble
so very very funny
The Kissing Booth by @fanaticsnail
Paulie, Luffy, Hongo, Smoker, Aokiji, Heat, Crocodile, Sanji, Shachi, Law, and Zoro (right now)
my favorite ones are: Luffy, Smoker, Heat, Shachi !
Competency, Stupidity, Duality by @fanaticsnail
kid, zoro, and killer
Post Injury by @standfucker
law, shanks, rosinate, blackbeard, mihawk
gore content warnings
Gremlin Reader by @standfucker
Straw Hats, Whitebeard Pirates, Heart Pirates, and Kid Pirates
literally the funniest fucking thing I've ever read
they hurt you while controlled by a devil fruit by @grandline-fics
zoro, law, shanks
angst, descriptions of injury, and hurt/comfort
Beauty scars by @cozage
law, kidd
borderline NSFW
Truth or Dare by @cozage
Ace, Shanks, Luffy, and Law
SFW + NSFW, the NSFW section is clearly marked by the author
Oblivious flirting by @cozage
Law, Luffy, Ace
A Plushie Substitute by @cozage
Zoro, Luffy, Sanji, Ace, Law
Five things he says when he thinks you're asleep by @imasimpforshanks
Law, Ace, Shanks
the moment they knew you were the one by @imasimpforshanks
Luffy, Zoro, Ace, Sanji, Shanks, Law, Sabo
Falling in love with them by @imasimpforshanks
Ace, Law
OP to you being clueless to their flirting/feelings part 1 by @astelren
Ace, Luffy, Sabo, Zoro Sanji, Izou, Cavendish, Rayleigh, Law
there's a part 2!
Being scared to have sex with them by @strawhatsoraya
Zoro, Law, Kid, Ace
obviously NSFW
Calling them my love by @lehguru
Law, Sabo, Ace, Kid, Killer, Bartolomeo
Kid, Zoro, Law, & Sanji with a s/o afraid of having sex by @eustasskidagenda
there are 2 other parts with different characters!
A celestial dragon wants their fem!s/o by @uramakimochi
Zoro, Sanji, Law
there's another part too!
Hand placement by @cloudzoro
Ace, Crocodile, Law, Mihawk, Nami, Reiju, Robin, Sanji, Tashigi, Zoro
god the ones about the girls are SO GOOD
affectionate + strawhats by @lehguru
OP boys in a relationship by @moonydustx
growing old together by @usernameforaboredcat
Luffy, Sanji, Zoro, Ace, Sabo, Law, Kid
one piece boys rescuing you by @badgerbl00d
law, zoro
heartstopper by @sleepymarimo
luffy, sanji, zoro, law
party games they'd play as an excuse to kiss you by @imasimpforshanks
luffy, zoro, nami, ace, law, shanks
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scarletttries · 6 months
What The Straw Hats Are Like in A Relationship... (One Piece Request)
Pairings: Luffy x Reader, Zoro x Reader, Sanji x Reader, Nami x Reader, Usopp x Reader (All Fluff)
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Monkey D Luffy
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- Luffy is the epitome of someone who views being in a relationship as just having the Ultimate Best Friend. He loves to collect people who can depend on him, and who he can support and inspire and encourage to be their best and boldest self, and having you as a partner only motivates him to reach his full loving potential.
- Luffy is incapable of limiting the intense amount of physical affection he showers down upon you, regardless of the time, the place, or the present company. He feels practically adrift without a gangly arm draped over your shoulder, or his head resting in your lap. He's 100% guilty of not even realising someone else is in the room when he hasn't seen you in hours, barging around the ship, desperate to fulfil his most basic need to be near you. He'll launch himself at you, wrapping you up in his arms and lifting you into the air for a kiss before you can even protest and point out Nami and Zoro are right behind him. Cue gagging noises that do nothing to quash his frantic kisses.
- Luffy doesn't have much of a sleep pattern at the best of times, but since you came into his life he has completely lost the ability to fall asleep without you. At night his stretching limbs seem to wind completely around you, pulling you closer and making sure there's absolutely no chance of being seperated in the night. If you do need to get up without him for any reason you'll hear the most sorrowful whimpering as you pry his hands off you, breaking your heart until you inevitably see him again, his koala-like nature vigorously renewed by the brief break from your company.
- Without fail, no matter how long the two of you are together, Luffy will never stop marvelling at how happy he is to be with you. He'll smile from ear to ear every single time he sees you, galloping over without a moment's hesitation to scoop you up into a hug. He'll softly sigh out a 'wow' every time the two of you kiss. Whether it's the first kiss or the thousandth, he can hardly believe just how soft and loving your lips feel against his and the flush of warmth it sends through his entire body. He'll giggle basically every time you say his name, like it just sounds so much better coming from you, like you're the only person that was ever supposed to truly see him. Luffy will never take that, or you, for granted.
- Luffy is a constant source of sunlight in the dark and any troubling times you might face. He can never give you enough praise and encouragement, and his smile and support makes you realise just how much you're capable of, especially when you've got the right people around you. But perhaps what's even more special is being the person Luffy turns to when his own brightness is wavering, when he questions himself and his vision. When his smile falters you know it's time for you to be the one to wrap your arms around his waist, feeling his weight collapse against you as suddenly the pressure on him doesn't seem so stifling, and maybe with you by his side he can finally breathe again. His low moments usually pass quickly, but watching his battery recharge as he curls up in your lap is when you really see how much your love means to him.
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- Love and warmth are all new to Zoro when he finally embraces his feelings for you and admits he can't go on without you by his side indefinitely. He's spent so long perfecting his stoic demeanour, living a life of solitude and self-sufficiency until you and Luffy came along, that he's not sure exactly what he's supposed to do now that he can finally call you his.
- As much as Zoro isn't a fan of publicly displaying his affections, he's never far from your side. Wherever you go, he goes, usually clinging to your hand or with an arm around your waist, his emotionless expression hiding the depth of adoration behind each touch. He wants to look nonchalant, like he never hasn't been your boyfriend, like there's nothing that could come between the two of you, two figures locked in a permanent connection, physically and emotionally. He hopes if that's the message he portrays to the outside world, nothing will dare to challenge him for your attention, or have the nerve to try and separate the two of you, Zoro slowly starting to feel like he's more himself around you than he's ever been in his years alone.
- Behind closed doors he's far more expressive, although rarely through his words. Not one for big beaming smiles, Zoro tends to show his love through the unflinching intensity with which he gazes at you, eyes constantly mapping out each of your features as he draws ever closer. His grip is firm on your waist as his broad chest meets yours, long, slow kisses Zoro's favourite way to try and express the deep adoration that devours him. It's overwhelmingly intense how all-consuming it feels when his focus is solely on you, every fibre of his being pouring out unspoken truths. Every so often a simple 'i love you' or 'i need you' will be whispered through the darkness as his fingertips dig into whatever soft flesh is in his reach.
- As well as his undeniable intensity, you also bring out a certain levity in Zoro you might not have seen before. Sometimes you'll catch him furtively smiling your way, or chuckling at a comment you made just loud enough for him to hear, a weight lifted off his shoulders just from being loved by you. He slowly starts to unburden himself around you, opening up a little more about his past, worrying less about looking a little bit silly when he tries something new, thinking less about how others perceive him, and more about how he wants you to see him. He wants to be his most authentic self, the real Zoro rather than the blank mask he's plastered on his face for far too long. Before you, he feared no one could love the man behind that facade, now he wants nothing more than to be loved for the man he truly is.
- Despite being a man of few words, you never have to worry about where you stand with Zoro, and not just because he is so frequently looming beside you, statuesque in his ability to perpetually be by your side. Whilst his sarcastic sense of humour never grows old, when you ask him how he feels or anything about the bond between the two of you, Zoro will answer honestly. He might not spend hours confessing his every waking thought and feeling, but if you worry your feelings are outpacing his, he'll easily admit that he thinks of little but his future with you, that his every dream is about your smile, that he no longer wants to die by sword when instead he could grow old by your side. Zoro falls hard, and he's never fallen like he has for you, so you never have to worry about what's going on behind his expressionless face, because it's always thoughts of you.
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- Sanji truly thought this day may never come. It's one thing falling madly in love, heck before you Sanji thought he'd been in love a dozen times before, but it's entirely different loving someone so wholly and so deeply and then finding out they actually like you back. You wanted him. He could scarcely believe it the day you confessed, and he can scarcely believe it every day since, no matter how obvious your feelings are to every other member of the crew. Although any feelings of yours are so overshadowed by the enormity of Sanji's love for you that it's hard for them to pick up on anything else.
- Sanji has spent a lot of time fantasising about what it would be like to finally be someone's boyfriend, so much so that when he finally takes up the role as your partner he feels like his heart might just burst with excitement. He's not sure he can remember the last time he wasn't smiling, his cheeks threatening to ache as he goes about his day, floating almost weightlessly as if carried by thoughts of you wherever he goes. He wakes up with his heart hammering in his chest as your presence floods his senses before his eyes even open, tucking his face into your shoulder so he can breathe you in and taste your skin on his lips before he has to start the day. Some mornings he bursts out of bed to hurriedly make your breakfast, but other days he feels so enamoured by you that all he can bring himself to do is stare longingly at you as his fingertips trace along your skin until finally your eyes blink open. He half expects you to frown at the sight of him, or scorn him for bothering you, feeling entirely undeserving of your love. But instead you show him that soft smile that has him giggling at nothing, pulling him back on top of you with absolutely no resistance as he hungrily captures your lips over and over again.
- Sometimes Sanji can hardly believe your kindness towards him, a fresh flood of adoration spilling out of him at almost every sweet little thing you do. Every time you compliment his cooking he wants to drop to his knees and cry, like his every life ambition has been met because his dish made you smile and hum. When you thank him for having your back in a fight, or for a thoughtful and elaborate compliment he spills out with wide, wonderstuck eyes, it truly takes his breath away, the sweet feeling of being appreciated more than he had ever dared to hope for. Call him 'your love' and the chef will throw his arms around you, squeezing you desperately as his eyes start to well up, choking out how much he loves you in frantic gasps. He takes immense pleasure in returning the pet name, proudly calling you 'my love', 'my sweet', 'my beauty', 'my everything', 'my whole heart', really anything to celebrate his love and to label you his.
- Usually laser focused in the kitchen, you might be the only thing that can distract him from his arts. That doesn't stop his constantly 'suggesting' that you drop by the kitchen company, never wanting to outright ask you for anything as you already give him so much, but his desperately pleading eyes do a good enough job of begging that you often find yourself perched on the kitchen counter next to him, listening to him narrate his moves to you and occasionally swing by for a kiss. But sometimes one kiss isn't enough, and the minute he steps between your knees he's caught in your gravitational pull. The first quick peck reminds him just how sweet you are, just how good it feels to have his affections reciprocated, so he needs more. He needs to slide his tongue between your lips as his hips press closer, hands finding the outside of your thighs to pull you snug against him. When your fingers comb through the hair at the nape of his neck his eyes flutter shut and he has to hold back from moaning into your mouth, touch starved and smitten and not sure how he ever existed in the same room as you without confessing his every obsessed thought.
- Sanji is really not sure what he ever did to deserve you, like at any moment you might pull away and ridicule him for spending so much time bothering you, but as time passes and the love the two of you share only deepens he starts to finally believe that not only can he do everything in his power to make you happy, but that he might actually be the man to deserve to make you happy.
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- The path to Nami's heart would be slow and winding, months of adventure and trust and support passing before she could truly accept that she couldn't live a life that didn't include you anymore. By the time you two are officially an item, there's little about each other you haven't already shared, your love built on a solid foundation of honesty and deeply relying on each other in a way Nami never thought she'd be able to.
- For all the long nights of deep discussions it took to finally be Nami's other half, once you two are finally together your relationship is surprisingly light, effortless and easy. The darkness of well-built walls has been torn down to give way to a sweet dawn of hope for Nami. With you she gets to feel safe again. Safe to pour out her heart. Safe to sleep with both eyes shut as she feels your slow, deep breath on her cheek where she's rolled onto your pillow to never be too far away. Safe to smile and laugh and trust and explore. Truly with you Nami can feel safe to just be happy again.
- The two of you are constantly having fun. You meander through shore line stalls looking for new fabrics Nami can turn into almost matching outfits for the two. You play games and make bets on everything from the weather to how many times Zoro will scowl at Sanji. You two will play fight when you're supposed to be training, rolling around on the mats together until you're both in fits of laughter and all your limbs are so entwined neither of you can, or wants to, move. You enjoy easy nights passed in bars, watching the rest of the crew try and score free drinks when Nami does it effortlessly. You read books, and have sleepovers in the crows nest, and make little trinkets for the cabin you share. You get to have the fun and family and home that Nami never did, slowly mending every childhood scar and deeply dug wound that a troubling life had left imprinted on Nami, until joy becomes her default over sadness.
- After years chained to a table and forced to make maps, Nami takes great comfort in resting her legs in your lap while she draws, asking your opinion on her maps despite your limited understanding of how on earth she constructs them. The things that she had slowly grown to despite start filling her with joy again when you get to do them together. Nami has spent so much time just trying to make it to her goal of freeing her village, never thinking about her own happiness or the future beyond that. But now with you, her future seems wide open, stretching out in front of her like a sunrise highlighted horizon, full of warmth and light and wonderful possibility.
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- You came into Usopp's life as such an unexpected wonder that he almost struggles to come to terms with his newfound role of boyfriend. Half of his life has been lived in his imagination, dressing up his every memory and adventure until it feels worthy of sharing and declaring to those around him, but now he has you and he can't believe that the best thing that's ever happened to him is actually his reality.
- It feels almost effortless for Usopp to fall in love with you, but being in a relationship takes him a little bit longer to settle into. He finds himself worrying about whether he's told some daring tale that he now has to live up to, like he should be jumping in front of you at every danger and filling every silence with further proof of his bravery. It would take your quiet acceptance of the everyday calm of life aboard the Merry with him to realise that your company isn't dependent on anything but him being himself.
- You'd slowly bring a more honest Usopp out of his shell, realising that he is enough exactly as he is, without embellishment or exaggeration. At the same time the crew would notice he becomes bolder and braver when the situation calls for it, a new source of strength found in his deep love for you. No matter how many times you tell him that he's already your brave hero, in his heart he just wants to keep getting better so he can keep impressing you, and always know that he can keep you safe.
- That doesn't mean he is any less ridiculous of a person in your relationship though. The man is constantly looking for a reason to dance with you, or carry you, or anything that means he gets to hold you close and maybe show off a little, wanting nothing more than to feel your heartbeat against skin as his muscular arms cage you in.
- He also becomes more open about the parts of his past he hasn't shared before; his parents, his obsession with the impending threat of pirates, and the journey that brought him to be a pirate himself. It feels so easy to share with you, letting his words spill out as his head rests in your lap, deep brown eyes blinking up at you as if you were a shooting star in the sky that he's sure could make his wishes come true.
- Usopp is a classic gentleman in some of the ways he shows that he's there for you; opening doors, saving you a seat that he pulls out for you, even standing up when you enter the room. He wants to show you that he's serious about putting in the effort, and the insecure part of him can't help but want to show everyone that he's yours and that he's doing everything he can to try and be worthy of that title.
Author's Note: Thank you so much for all the kind responses to my One Piece headcanons 🥰 please keep sending in requests for these characters, and while i've mostly been focused on fluff so far, let me know if you'd be interested in some similar headcanons for these characters but NSFW.
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forged-in-kaoss · 3 months
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Romance Dawn Trio in Mock town
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bobabisch · 11 months
side rant that probably nobody cares about or agrees with but I need to get this outta my brain. Water 7 made me genuinely upset for Usopp. he was so valid and so right and the rest of the Strawhats were so fucking insensitive and oblivious (except for maybe Nami and Chopper). but like if you seriously think about it, the Going Merry was the only part of his home that Usopp had left. everyone else had their pieces of home. Nami had her tangerine trees, Zoro has the wado ichimonji, Sanji is not only chasing his dream but also fulfilling Zeff's dream (who he owes his life to) in chasing after the All Blue, Chopper has his hat, and Luffy has his hat. you know damn well the rest of them would lose their minds if they lost any of those pieces of their lives and they would be valid in doing so. yet when it comes to Usopp and the only thing he was able to bring from home no one cares? not to mention Usopp ended up being lowkey right about the Merry. Usopp put his everything into that ship. he was the only one repairing her and treating the Merry like she was a real part of the crew and their home. without Usopp's (somewhat shitty) repairs the Merry would've been done with so much sooner than Water 7.
and I'm not saying that Luffy wasn't right about needing a new ship, but the way they went about telling him and how they treated him when he was just upset about it was plain ridiculous. I mean even Luffy was in denial about the leaving the Merry behind but they couldn't even allow Usopp time to grieve losing the last connection he had to his home?? despite all this what really pissed me off about the whole thing was Zoro saying that the only way Usopp could rejoin the crew was if he apologized first. like what??
when it comes to this I'm an usopp defender till I die. I think the crew was seriously effed up for this ngl.
however, I do agree that Usopp's insecurity problems were his own though, and he shoulda delt with that quietly and not projected his insecurities onto Luffy or the others.
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jennortegas · 3 months
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With that price on your head, every bounty hunter in the East Blue will be gunning for you. Not just Luffy. They're gonna be gunning for all of us.
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thewildsophia · 1 year
One Piece//Straw Hats x Winged!Reader
A/N: I haven't seen anything with the entire straw hat crew and a winged!reader so I made one myself. Can be read either as platonic or romantic.
CW: Strong language.
Word Count: 8216
"Read More Link” placed due to length.
Straw Hats w/Winged!Crewmate
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You met Luffy when you were flying before you were forcefully pulled down to the deck of the Thousand Sunny. Luffy had thought you were some large bird and was disappointed when he realized you weren’t edible.
You were dazed and disoriented when you looked up at Luffy and the other crewmembers who had flocked around the deck to gawk at you. After getting a good look at you, Luffy picked you up and without missing a beat asked you to join his crew. The rest of the crew all screamed at him which freaked you out and you tried to fly off. 
“Hey! Where you going?” You heard someone shout before being grabbed by your ankle and pulled back down to the deck. Your head was throbbing from that second pull and was being made worse by Nami screaming at Luffy to be nice to you.
Again, Luffy asked you to join his crew before Nami hit him on the head. Nami apologized to you and simply offered for you to stay on the ship while you orientate yourself.
During your “recovery” time though the crew manages to charm you enough to stay for a little while longer. After fighting by their side during one of their adventures on some random-ass island, you decide to officially join them.
The first few days you were on the ship, Luffy would come up behind you and just…grab them. After a few scoldings conversations about it, Luffy learned not just to grab them, but to at least make his presence known to you before doing so.
Sometimes if you’re on one side of the Sunny’s deck and he’s on the other, he’ll stretch his arm (or arms) out and tap your shoulder before stroking your wings. 
He really just can’t help himself tbh. They’re just so soft!
Once you become more comfortable with it, Luffy likes to just play with your wings. Stuff like opening and closing them or carding through the individual feathers with his fingers while you’re busy doing something else.
Luffy loves to just watch you move around sometimes since your wings have a life of their own. Like when you bend over to pick something up your wings stretch out just a little bit to help keep you balance. 
You eventually became comfortable enough to let Luffy pet your wings when the crew is enjoying some downtime. Ya’ll will be sitting somewhere near the Sunny’s railing and Luffy will be stroking your feathers with a surprising amount of delicacy. 
You quickly become one of Luffy’s favorite playmates without even trying. Whenever you're playing a game of tag your movements make you someone very hard to tag. 
Luffy likes to ask a lot of questions about your wings and what you are. His curiosity knows no bounds and that’s reflected in his well-intended but sometimes rude queries.
You are also one of the first people Luffy goes to when he wants to spar which is few and far in between. He finds that you are a very capable fighter and have a very unique style. When you move your body, your movements are smooth as silk and you are able to contort it in many different ways, similar to his in a way. He finds fighting against you to be a very unique challenge.
Whenever your wings are molting, you don’t let Luffy help you preen them, but you do give the nicer feathers from your wings to him, and my God does he love them. He tucked one of them in the ribbon of his straw hat and showed it off proudly to the rest of the crew and no you’re not crying-
BEGS you to take him flying with you. You say no every time for fear of dropping him in the ocean. You wouldn’t mind doing it if he just didn’t squIRM SO MUCH.
Luffy KNOWS that you can carry him in the air since you’ve grabbed him before in the middle of fights and placed him somewhere else so he pesters you every day about it. 
Knowing that you can carry him, he would purposely get into tight situations in battle so you would swoop down and fly him to safety.
Talking about combat as well, Luffy is mildly surprised at how fast you can move about the field, slipping and zooming between targets in an instant. He also took note of your strength and how much of a punch you pack despite your dainty stature. 
He once watched you kick a guy square in the face and he went flyyyyyying (no pun intended). The moment he saw that guy’s body sore through the air he thought to himself, “Yup, I picked out another great crewmember!”
Overall, he’s thrilled to have someone so unique on his crew and is obsessed with the way that you are just…you. Luffy has good taste in picking out his crew and you are no exception.
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Zoro had found you by complete accident. He had gotten lost on one of the many islands the straw hats visited in the Grand Line and accidentally ran into you.
At first, he thought you were someone who had fallen from Skypeia, but after noting just how large your wings are compared to those on Skypeia he thinks to ask, to which you explain you’re not from there.
He’s quick to ask for directions and you gladly help him all the while you two are chatting as you lead him back to his ship. The moment Luffy spots you with Zoro you immediately become an official crew member you don’t have a choice. 
Zoro never really asks where you’re from or what you are. He’s more interested in who you are and wants to know you personally. Considering he’s a part of a crew that has several devil fruit users, he starts to care less about others' abilities and looks and focuses more on their character.
Zoro is pretty indifferent about the whole wings thing tbh. He thinks they look nice and all, but it doesn’t really change his opinion of you either way. 
But don’t take it the wrong way like he’s disinterested; He’s that way with everyone.
He does enjoy laying against/on them when you two take naps together on the ship. They’re so soft and smell -- while not necessarily good -- nice; they smell like you, and he finds comfort in that. 
Zoro only ever asked you once to touch your wings. It was late at night and you had decided to join him in looking out since you couldn’t sleep. You’re sure he had been drinking. He was very quiet when he asked you, almost as if he didn’t want you to hear him.
The rough callouses on his hands ticked as they carded through your feathers and you stifled a small giggle at the sensation. He made only one comment about how soft they were. Slowly you found yourself drifting to sleep as his fingers methodically brushed your wings. 
The two of you ended up falling asleep together. Zoro’s head rested against your shoulder as you wrapped him in the warmth of your wing. When you woke up in the morning, Zoro was gone :(
Zoro doesn’t take care of his personal hygiene that well (this guy showers like, what, once every week? Stinky…) so he doesn’t really help you preen your wings when you’re molting. Or anytime really tbh. 
And if you’re being honest, he wouldn’t really be that good at it either. He would pull on the wrong ones and be rough when pushing feathers out of the way to pluck others. He wouldn’t mean to hurt you, he’s just not good at delicate work like that.
He doesn’t really collect your feathers like some of the others, but he does keep one of the really long-flight feathers that you gave him. He has it stashed in the Crow’s Nest (he thought it funny to keep your feather in the “Crows Nest” since a crow is a bird and birds have feathers…Just don’t bring it up to him bc he WILL get embarrassed).
Never asks you to take him flying with you, which you’re grateful for. He’s so dense with muscle that you don’t think you could actually fly with him. Plus, Luffy’s begging is enough lmao.
In battle, he expected you to be fast and light, but wasn’t expecting you to be such a hard hitter, you know? He thought you’d have a lighter punch given the whole “angelic” thing you have going on but no, his eyes widened when he watched you absolutely deck this buff-ass dude into the dirt.
Like this man’s whole head was stuck in the dirt and he struggled to pull it out. Zoro was honestly shocked you hadn’t busted his skull open from the impact of such a hit.
If you ever decide to take up swordsmanship, Zoro is glad -- and even a little excited -- to teach you. Just know that he doesn’t take it lightly and, while firm, is a reasonable instructor. He would also encourage you to try out different techniques that are unique to you and that may match your fighting style and mobility better. 
Maybe using your flight would help with sweeping attacks? Zoro doesn’t know, he leaves that up to you to figure out.
There was one time when he was knocked tf out in a long fight and you were the first thing he woke up to -- face pinched in worry and wings disheveled and dirty -- and he honestly thought he had died and gone to heaven, but you will NEVER hear him tell you about that.
Overall, Zoro is not that impressed by the fact you have wings but is instead impressed at how you use them to your and the crew’s benefit. He thinks of you as a very strong and reliable crew member and someone who is genuinely very kind to others.
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The Straw Hats met you pretty early on in their journey at the Baratie. When Nami first saw you, a horrible thought ran through her head, that being she could possibly sell you as some kind of “exotic” item/person to pay off the debt to Arlong. However, she quickly pushed that thought out of her head and is somewhat disturbed at the fact that she ever had that thought. 
After Nami had stolen the Going Merry and returned to Cocoyasi Village, she was shocked to see you with the crew when they came to pick her up. She witnessed firsthand that day just how freakishly strong you are, having been able to beat the shit out of a Fishman by yourself. 
You were the first person to greet her after she got her tattoo reworked. You expressed how relieved you were that she was okay, that you understood why she did what she did, and that you wouldn’t (couldn’t) hold it against her. It was during that conversation that she decided she belonged with the Straw Hats.
You two quickly become friends once ya’ll officially join the crew. 
Whenever the crew docks on a new island, Nami LOVES to go shopping for items for you that would complement your wings. Clothes, jewelry, whatever, she loves to doll you up with or without your approval lol. 
Along with clothes and jewelry, Nami also looks for good soaps and other hygiene products that are gentle on your feathers and skin, but keep them looking and smelling nice.
Nami often asks you for fashion advice. You don’t change your outfits nearly as often as she does, but you slay every single one you wear and she aspires to look as good as you.
Tbh, you don’t know what to say to her since she too also slays and you just throw things together without any particular process.
Nami was the first person on the crew to buy you a pair of padded gloves to protect your hands while fighting as she noticed the copious amount of bruises and cuts to your knuckles.
Depending on how much you already know and understand, Nami shows you how to budget money if you’re ever unsure how to do so.
Something Nami does for you is offer to hold your wings. Considering how large of a bust she had, she understands the most out of the whole crew how sore your back and shoulders become when carrying something heavy like that all day. Nami has you lean into her chest and relax your wings while she holds them at the base where they connect to your back. You are always grateful whenever she does this because holy shit your back feels so light.
She’ll also help you stretch them out whenever you need to. For example, she’ll grab the tip of your wings and pull them out, stretching them to their full span. Keeping them folded all day can lead to some crazy cramps. 
Nami is always willing to help you preen your wings in the spots you can’t quite reach. Every time she helps you, she tells you how soft they are the whole time.
Nami collects the long, straight feathers that fall off and uses them to write with. It started when you gifted one of your long feathers to her and she kept it in the cup on her desk with all her other writing utensils. One day the quill she was using broke and, not wanting to buy another one, she improvised by using the one you gave her. She was shocked at how well it held up and how crisp the lines were and began asking you for more. 
Much like other members of the crew, Nami WILL fall asleep cuddled into your wings if given the chance. But just like the other members of the crew, you never mind when she does :)
Nami never really asks for you to carry her while flying, mainly because she has a slight fear of heights, but you have flown with her on occasion. Whether it be recreationally or to move her out of harm's way, you try to stay as low as safely possible whenever you carry Nami. 
Overall, Nami is not only mystified by your beauty and uniqueness but is also glad to have another strong fighter among the crew. She feels safe whenever you're near.
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So Usopp shot you out of the sky while the crew was sailing in the Grandline. He didn’t realize you were a person, he thought you were a large bird that Sanji could cook up for dinner! Imagine his surprise when you fell onto the deck and BOOM, a whole fucking person is lying there and, oh God are you dead?
Chopper was quick to tend to your wounds. Since Usopp had used a flame star on you, some of your feathers were singed on your left wing, which made it impossible for you to fly even if you wanted to until they grew back. Usopp stayed in the office while Chopper tended to you and waited for you to wake up. The moment you woke up in Chopper’s office you panicked; You screamed and threw anything you could get a hold of at the reindeer and Usopp before bolting for the door. You got out, but when you tried to take flight, you found that you were unable to. After falling to the deck a couple of times in a futile attempt to leave, you eventually accepted that you weren’t going anywhere.
Luffy offered you a spot as a part of the crew that day, but you were unsure. You eventually compromised on letting you stay on the ship until you dock on the next island, to which you could either leave or stay with the crew. Later on, you decided you would stay with them.
When given the chance, Usopp apologized PROFUSELY for shooting you. Like, he was on the ground crying, begging for forgiveness. Before anyone realized it, you had balled your hand up and punched Usopp in the stomach, sending him flying against the guardrail on the other side of their ship. Dazed, Usopp looked up at you as you approached him. Leaning down to face him, you said to him, “I forgive you,” and from then on out it was mostly smooth sailing between the two of you.
Usopp LOVES to draw up ideas on new items and weapons for you to use, either things that attach to your wings or that can be used by you while in flight. 
Speaking of drawing, Usopp also loves to draw, just…you. You’re such a unique subject, possessing a silhouette unmatched by any other (with maybe the exception of the Skypia citizens, but even then their wings were not as large as yours). Usopp just thinks you’re pretty and he likes to draw pretty things :)
Usopp also taught you how to shoot with a slingshot. He figured that while you’re in the air you’d have a pretty clear shot of the battlefield, so you could offer aerial support for the Straw Hats.
He also looked into different fabrics and materials he could make new clothes for you out of; Something that was light and wouldn’t affect your flying, but something that was flame and puncture-resistant. With the help of Franky and Nami, he was able to sew something that provided you with a little more protection in combat than what you typically wear.  
When you first asked Usopp to help preen your wings in the springtime, he refused immediately. It wasn’t because he didn’t want to help you, he just didn’t think he could do a good job at it. You assured him and told him you’d instruct him while he did it. 
It took a while for him to figure out which feathers were ready to come out and which ones were still healthy and alive (He pulled out quite a few good flight feathers…ouch), but by the end of it, all your wings were healthy and shiny. 
You told Usopp he could do whatever he wanted with the feathers and at first, he just kept them in a box in his workshop, not sure what to do with them but unable to just throw them out because, hello, they’re your feathers.
He tries to come up with inventions that could utilize them, but he has yet to design and sketch one up. 
Usopp found out the hard way just how hard your punches hit. He also got to bear witness to it when the crew was fighting off another random pirate crew that thought they could cash in their bounty. Usopp was  s h o o k  when he watched you grab this pretty beefy pirate and just drag him to the fucking floor before beating the absolute shit out of him with your bare hands. Rest assured, he never doubted your capability in a fight after that. 
Overall, Usopp is impressed, and somewhat scared, of your strength and just the general uniqueness that is you. He has just never met anyone like you before (until Skypia that is, but they’re not even as cool as you) and is always in awe of you.
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Oh, where to begin with this guy lmao…
You met Sanji allllll the way back at the Baratie. You had barely managed to escape the capture of a pirate crew that wanted to sell you and found yourself flying aimlessly over the sea, with no idea where you were or where you were going and starving. You stumbled across the Baratie by complete accident and once you realized that it was a restaurant, you practically ran through the doors.
You pleaded with the staff to give you anything to eat -- offering to clean dishes, dispose of trash, or be a bodyguard for the restaurant (that last one got a few laughs out of some of the staff) -- but without any money, you were quickly kicked out.
Before long, a pair of black dress shoes stood in front of where you lay on the ground and a plate of fried rice was placed in front of you. You gasped as you sat up and looked at the person who gave you the food. “No one deserves to starve. Especially someone as lovely as yourself,” He said to you. 
From that day on, Sanji kept a close eye on you. Sanji let you stay and work with him -- with the approval of Zeff ofc -- so when he left to join the Straw Hat crew, you joined alongside him; Thankfully, Luffy didn’t have a problem with it.
Sanji makes special meals for you considering that you have a different diet from the other Straw Hats. If you ever tell him he doesn’t have to do that for you, he insists on making your meals with certain ingredients since he does the same for Chopper (considering he, as a reindeer, has a vegan diet and all). 
You’re also the main person Sanji asks for help in the kitchen the very few times he ever asks for help. He has a lot of trust in your kitchen skill considering you worked with him for a short time. 
Regardless of your gender or sex, Sanji is ALWAYS fawning over you. Are you hot? Here’s a cold, refreshing drink for you. Are you hungry for a snack? Sanji has already cut up a nice gala apple for you! Seriously, this man is just obsessed with you (in a good way, that is).
Like Nami, Sanji loves to go out and buy outfits for you. Dresses and skirts or suits and ties, whatever you want, Sanji will buy it for you.
Sanji is very curious about your life before he met you and how exactly you came to be the way you are. He assumed you got your wings from a devil fruit and was shocked when you told him you were born with them. That was the moment he became more invested in your origin and what exactly you are. 
He never pressures you to tell him anything if you’re uncomfortable with it, but if you are, he’ll fix you both a cup of tea and sit with you in the kitchen, listening intently to whatever you have to say. 
Sanji is also the most likely one to spend time with you at odd hours of the night. He doesn’t have the soundest sleep schedule and is a fairly light sleeper -- at least the lightest out of all the men -- so there’s a good chance he’ll be awake whenever you can’t sleep. Again, he’ll fix you something light to eat or drink that will hopefully help you sleep. 
Sanji never expected you to ask him to help you care for your wings, but bro did not hesitate to say yes. He has you sit in the kitchen’s dining area while he helps preen your wings, handing you the feathers as he goes. When you offered him to keep them he didn’t waste a second more and stuffed them (gently) into his coat pockets with the longer ones poking out of his pocket lol.
He doesn’t keep them in the kitchen (for sanitary reasons), but he does keep them in a small keepsake box where he puts all his valuables in his sleeping area. Sometimes when he’s changing up his outfit, he’ll place one of your short feathers into the suit pocket alongside a handkerchief. It’s so adorable and you smiled so hard when you first saw it.
Sanji would never ask you to take him flying, but if you offered he first declined before quickly agreeing if you insist. He won’t admit it, but the moment he met you he wished you’d sweep him off his feet and bring him into the air with you.
Sanji didn’t think you could fight that well. To him, you looked like a delicate teenager/young adult needing protection. He did everything he could to protect you from the pirates that attacked the Baratie, but it wasn’t until he was pinned down and forced to watch you get jumped by a group of the other pirates that he actually saw just how strong you were. 
Granted, it took you a hot second and you got hit by them a few times, but you still managed to beat the absolute shit out of them (and these were decently built people as well). 
Sanji never doubted your ability to defend yourself from then on, but he still does try to protect you whenever he can. It’s just ingrained in him to protect other people. 
Overall, Sanij was immediately won over by your beauty, but as he got to know you and your personality became more understood by him, a deep respect for your character grew within him. While lovely, Sanji often looks past your wings and sees you for who you truly are.
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Chopper met you along with all the other Straw Hats on Drum Island. You assisted Luffy in bringing Nami to the only doctor on the island, acting as another bodyguard for him along with Sanji. Eventually, Sanji was knocked out and you carried him while Luffy had Nami. 
It took a while for you two to reach the top of the Rockies where the doctor was supposed to be and it was draining on the both of you. You saw a pair of feet approach you and passed out to the sound of Luffy shouting, “They’re my Nakama!” 
Doctorine allowed Chopper to treat you since, out of the four, your injuries were the least severe. At first, the two assumed you were a regular human and laid you on your back while they treated the others. It wasn’t until after Luffy was bandaged up that the two got to you. Removing your coat, Chopper was taken aback at the sight of feathers all inside your coat pressed up against your body. He quickly called Doctorine over and quickly decided to treat you instead and pushed Sanji over to Chopper for care.
Chopper made quick work of Sanji in order to watch Doctorine treat you. He watched intently as she was careful of your wings and placed you to rest on your side instead of your back. You were the last to wake up of the four and Chopper couldn’t hold back his questions about you. Doctorine swiftly dismissed him to allow you to recover as you had developed a small cold on top of your other injuries.
After recovering some and being faced with Drum Island’s “King” Wapol, Chopper was incredibly impressed by how well you fight along with the other Straw Hats. Not only were you wearing somewhat restricting clothing (those coats kept you warm but were hard to move in at times), but you were also still injured and yet you still managed to pack these guys up lmao. He was also very grateful when you covered him from an incoming attack, but also felt guilty that you had to sustain another injury.
After Chopper joined the crew, you were the first one he truly befriended. While he had no problem with the others in the crew, he felt most comfortable with you. He thinks it’s because of your gentle appearance and kind voice, but you think it’s because of your wings and somewhere in this subconscious he connects them to an animal and therefore connects you to an animal, which brings him comfort.
Chopper has many, and I mean many, questions about your anatomy and physiology. You explain everything you know about your body to him, including that you have hollow bones, there are air sacs in your lower abdomen, there are some foods that you just can’t eat, and that your hearing is very sensitive (sorry to my HoH and deaf baddies ilyyy). 
Chopper loves to sleep with you. Whether it’s taking naps together or actually falling asleep at night, he feels very safe within your arms and wrapped in your wings. 
As a doctor, Chopper knows how one’s back hurts when carrying a large weight on their shoulders for an extended period of time, so he’s quick to ask about any back pain you have. If you are ever having any discomfort, Chopper will massage your shoulders and back near where your wings connect to your skin to ease the soreness. He’ll also look into any medicine that helps with back pain like yours.
Chopper gets really nervous whenever you sustain any injury to your wings. While he has been taught how to treat many different injuries and illnesses on a person, your wings are a whole new thing to him and often time he needs your guidance to treat you. He’s very nervous about hurting you more than you already are :( 
Chopper was very excited the first time you asked him to preen your wings. He’d seen some of the birds on Drum Island do the same thing sometimes during the warmer months, but he never quite understood what they were doing at the time. He’s very gentle and always asks before fully pulling off a feather all the way like he does a little tug and asks if it’s ready to go. 
If you ever break one of your blood feathers, Chopper is quick to treat you with the least amount of pain possible.
Chopper uses some of your shorter, stiff feathers as pens to write with similar to Nami. He keeps them in a cup with all his other pens and pencils. The rest of your feathers he throws out since he doesn’t have a use for them and wants to keep his office clean and clear.
Chopper frequently asks you to take him flying and isn’t above begging you to do so.
He’s the only Straw Hat that you take flying somewhat regularly. His small stature and light weight make it possible for you to fly for long periods of time without straining yourself too much. The first few times you carried him with you, you flew close to the deck/ground so as not to frighten him. Once he felt confident you wouldn’t drop him, he began to beg you to fly higher, which you happily complied with. 
Whenever you guys are attacked, you are the first person Chopper runs to for cover (assuming you’re close enough). He’s seen just how strong you are and feels safe with you.
Overall, Chopper first views you as a very unique patient; Someone who he can learn something new from. He then started to see just how genuinely kind you are and began to look up to you as an inspiration for what he wants to be.
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You were already a part of the Straw Hat crew when you met Robin while she was still working for Crocodile. Similar to Chopper, the large, baggy clothing you were wearing gave you the appearance of being a normal human. It’s not until she goes to use her devil fruit and restrain you that she feels something unusual on you; Something soft.
It’s not until you all depart from Alabasta and she makes her presence known on the ship that she actually sees them. With your protective clothes gone, your large, soft wings are on full display and Robin’s interest is immediately piqued. 
Using her devil fruit, she grows an arm out of your back and you freak out at the feeling of her touching your wing from so far away. She’s normally much more polite about such things, but she just couldn’t contain herself at that moment. She promptly apologized to you before joining the crew, much to everyone’s surprise.
Robin is very curious about you after you inform her your wings aren’t the product of some devil fruit. She thinks back on any race -- either modern or ancient -- that had wings like yours, but she could think of none. Not even the people from Skypia had wings as majestic as yours, so she quickly ruled that out.
Robin will often ask you to join her while she sits out on the deck reading. It doesn’t matter what you were doing before, if it’s something that can be done outside then she’ll beckon you over. 
She asks about your origins during one of these times in a non-probing way and very politely. If you tell her you don’t know much about your origin or that you haven’t eaten a devil fruit, she’ll start looking into it while doing her other research. 
The title/nickname she calls you by is “The Avian” or just “Avian.”
Whenever the crew docks at an island and goes shopping, Robin likes to buy little bird-related nicknacks -- stuff like ceramic parakeets and glass canaries. She gifts them to you saying that they reminded her of you. 
You have a shelf in your room that, along with your books, holds all the little birds (Robin smiled so hard when she saw it for the first time and, if I dare say, even blushed a little 0_0). They’re all secured with a little bit of adhesive on the bottom to prevent them from flying when the ship is forced to make crazy maneuvers. 
In the least creepy way possible, Robin likes to watch you sleep. She doesn’t actively try to watch you sleep but if you end up falling asleep next to her while lounging on the deck together, she’ll close the book she’s reading and just…watch you. Not long, just a few minutes max.
She’s very grateful to be alive and that gratitude spreads to her friends and crewmates. She’s happy that you are alive and seeing you breathe and your heart pump brings her comfort knowing that you are alive. 
Robin acts very much like a mother towards you, especially if you’re one of the younger members of the crew. She keeps an eye on you as you soar through the sky and perform cool tricks that impress the others and is always ready to catch you if something goes wrong.
Robin based her one devil fruit move where she grows “wings” of a sort after you.
Robin loves very much to help groom and preen your wings. She’s like Luffy in wanting to touch your wings frequently, but she’s much more discrete about it than he is. 
She’s very gentle when pulling your feathers and removing dead ones. She always asks for confirmation before actually pulling one off. Her fingers are gentle as they card through your feathers and she scratched them in all the right ways. 
She’ll also make sure to reorganize the feathers so that they lay correctly and comfortably when she’s done helping you groom them.
Robin never asks you to take her flying and she’ll turn down any offers you may give her. She may seem aloof and not interested but in reality, she very much wants you to carry her during flight. She’s a little embarrassed about it but mostly feels that you have better things to do than take her for a joy ride.
Whenever you grab her and fly her over to somewhere safe during a fight, she has a little fun while in the air with you.
Robin isn’t all that impressed at your inhuman strength. When you’re as well-traveled as she is you come across so many unique and bizarre people that you eventually become unfazed by it. 
She does admire that, while you’re strong, it does take you some time to deal with a group of enemies. Some of the other crewmates are able to take out a lot of people in a crazy short amount of time so seeing you take a minute to beat up a group reminds her that you’re -- and the rest of the group as well -- still human and very real. You’re not some machine created to kill.
It was still a little jarring for her to see your petite frame bust some large guy’s ass and throw him across the battlefield. It took her a couple of battles to get used to it tbh.
Overall, Robin is very interested in you, both in who you are as a person and what you are as a being. To her, you are the definition of “looks can be deceiving” as you manage to surprise her time and time again.
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When Usopp had come back to the ship bloody and bruised and without the money, you went out with the rest of the group that went to pay his attackers a visit. 
When Franky first saw you approaching with the group he thought you were an angel (bc he’s corny like that). He laughed to himself a little bit thinking about how out of place you looked side by side with the rest of him. He stopped laughing, however, when you socked him in the jaw and sent him flying into a wall that was a few feet away. 
Chaos ensued and the last glimpse he got of you was of your wings swaying as you walked away from the rubble of the Franky House with the rest of your crew.
Time passes and the events of Water 7/CP9 take place and before you know it Franky is now a part of the crew (much to your surprise).
Tbh, it takes you a hot minute to really warm up to him as a crewmate considering what he did to Usopp, but in the end, you decide to follow Usopp’s lead, and if he was willing to forgive Franky then you were too.
Franky’s corny ass asks you if you’re an angel or something similar and you have to tell him no, much to his disappointment. Like he visually deflates when you tell him you aren’t some Godsend.
He does like to place you on his shoulder and say some stupid shit like, “Look! I’ve got an angel on my shoulder!” It’s a little embarrassing when he does that on a new island and locals look at you like you’re insane.
He only once asked about what you were and after you told him you didn’t know he never brought it up again. Bro really just doesn’t care lmao. 
Franky likes to just watch you move about sometimes. Your wings move in a way that is uniquely and completely you. When you lean forward your wings spread back to balance yourself. If you ever trip your wings flutter to right yourself. They’re just really fun to look at for him.
Franky will look at some of the schematics that Usopp made for items related to your wings and will actually make them (with modifications he sees fit). He also creates some of his own inventions for you to try out and if one particular item doesn’t do it for you Franky’s not offended at all and scrapes/revises it.
The first time Franky touched your wings was when he was making an item for you and needed your wings’ specific measurements. He noted just how soft they were and couldn’t help but press his face into them, causing you to laugh lightly.
You kept some of them, but most of his inventions for you were just too heavy/bulky for them to be practical in battle :/
He’ll ask you to try out some of his inventions from time to time similar to Usopp, specifically ones that are better executed from higher places. 
Franky is not the person to ask for help to preen your wings. It’s not that he’s rough like Zoro -- quite the opposite in fact -- but because his hands are just so big. He has difficulty trying to grab individual feathers and often pulls three or four out at a time. 
He is about just stroking your wings though. He uses very light pressure on them as his fingers ghost over your feathers and it almost feels like a gentle breeze instead of someone touching them. 
Franky loves it when you give him your feathers! He often asks you to just give all the dead ones to him and he’ll personally go through them and pick out the ones he wants to keep. 
He uses them for decorating his inventions and other things, as well as writing and just sitting pretty somewhere in his workshop. He even keeps one of them in his shirt pocket claiming that it’s “lucky.”
After the two of you became better acquainted, Franky asked you a few times to pick him up and fly with him. You tried, you really did, but you just couldn’t. You can pick him up relatively okay, but you just couldn’t take flight with him. He chalked it up to being mostly metal and didn’t bother you about trying again. 
Franky learned his lesson the hard way not to fuck with you. His jaw was sore for days after you punched him in the face. He never saw you fight during the CP9 battle, so the first time he actually saw you fight as an ally was after the crew docked at the next island and were harassed by some other pirates. 
Franky watched you throw a guy at least three times your size over your head and a solid twenty-five feet away from you. He then proceeded to witness you break someone’s nose with a headbutt and he was glad you hadn’t done that to him (although his nose is made of metal). 
He then considered getting or making you a pair of brass knuckles to see just how much damage you could do in a single punch.
Overall, Franky is always looking for new inventions to make and your body provides a very unique canvas he can design his inventions for. In his eyes, you’re not only a unique individual but also someone who is forgiving and kind-hearted.
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You met Brook with the rest of the crew near Thriller Bark. Immediately charmed by your beauty, Brook politely asked to see your underwear (regardless of your gender bc bffr he don’t care). Nami is quick to hit him for it.
Since he wasn’t present for most of Thriller Bark he kind of slipped your mind, since you had been dealing with zombies, until you ran into him by accident and he told you how to actually defeat them. Grateful, you do as he says.
After the stressful events of Thriller Bark and +1 more crewmate, you’re all off onto Fishman Island (until you take a detour to Sabaody Archipelago that is).
Brook assumes that your wings come from a devil fruit and is shocked one night when you casually mention you don’t have devil fruit powers. He then asks about it and you tell him that you just don’t know, so he doesn’t ask any further.
Expect this absolute dipshit to ask to see your underwear at least once a week if not more. Brook has a preference for pretty women, but really he likes anyone that’s pretty so you check the box in that aspect at least.
Brook likes to talk about Laboon with you. He feels that out of everyone on the ship, you’d understand his attachment to Laboon the most, even if you hadn’t met him in the East Blue. 
Perhaps it’s because you resemble a bird? Brook isn’t even sure why he feels that way about you.
Brook would teach you how to whistle and mimic other bird calls/tweeting. He thought it fitting and thinks it amusing whenever he finds you somewhere on the deck delivering bird noises to yourself in the early morning. 
It’s especially amusing when an actual bird or two respond to your call and sit with you on the deck.
Brook loves to hug you even if he can’t feel you (small headcanon: Brook is unable to feel since he lacks the nerve endings necessary to do so). He’s not a creep in the sense that he wants to touch you, he just loves the idea that he’s hugging someone since, hello, that man was alone for fifty years so he’s a little fucked in the head from that. 
Tbh, he just likes to be around and in physical contact with you. Again, this stems from his time alone and he feels more safe when he’s with someone, especially you. Maybe, subconsciously, he views you as some kind of angel that’s there to guide him after his death so he feels the most at ease with you, but you’ll never hear him admit that.
Brook would be very good at preening your wings -- probably one of the best if you’re being honest. Since his fingers are nothing but bone they’re very precise in which feather they grab. Although, the lack of friction does mean that your feathers frequently slip through his bones, but two or three yanks later and the dead feather is gone!
Brook started collecting your feathers the first time you let him preen your wings. You know the boa he wears post-time skip? It’s made out of your feathers. 
While Brook can’t actually feel your feathers, he just believes the others when they say they’re soft and will fight anyone who argues otherwise.
Brook is the easiest to fly with out of all the Straw Hats hands down. He genuinely feels like nothing when you carry him and you’ve actually dropped him once due to this. 
Brook seems like the kind of guy to have a fear of heights, so he doesn’t ask you to carry him a lot when flying. He doesn’t mind though, however, when you bail him out of a tight spot in the middle of a fight. 
He’ll actually be screaming and crying and thanking you as you set him down somewhere safe before continuing your own fight with whomever.
Speaking of fighting, Brook is terrified when he first sees you throw a punch. He was expecting some regular, non-devil fruit-type punch that would maybe disorientate someone. What he wasn’t expecting was for you to send someone twice, thrice your size across the room and skit to a halt on the hard, concrete floor. 
He determined then that he would never make you mad and is very glad you’re on his side lmao. 
Overall, Brook adores you, for your beauty/handsomeness, your kindheart, and your immense strength. You are someone he feels comfortable with and that he can form a deep bond with in a way he can’t with the other crewmembers; You are unique to him in that way.
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Straw Hats
Usopp, Luffy, and Chopper all cuddle you when taking a nap lmao. Sometimes others will join you four, but they’re the core group :)
Nami and Sanji are the main people who like to dress you up (you have a whole collection of clothes that the two of them have bought for you), but you’ll often find Robin, Franky, and Brook in attendance at the small “fashion shows” Nami and Sanji “host” for you after they have gone shopping. 
Franky will sometimes find little bird items that remind him of you, but instead of giving them to you himself, he hands them off to Robin to gift to you instead (embarrassed much, Franky?).
You, Robin, and Nami go to spas frequently whenever you get the chance. Nami always makes sure you get a deep tissue back massage there. 
Considering your unique physique, there are many people who gawk at you whenever you enter new islands and towns. It’s mostly limited to stares and whispers amongst others, but occasionally someone will speak up and talk to you. 
Zoro and Sanji are especially defensive of you when this happens. It’s not that they think you can’t handle yourself, it’s just that they want to make sure you have the appropriate backup necessary in case someone does get nasty with you.
There have been occasions when someone grabs your wings without your knowledge/consent, both random pedestrians and enemies.
If it’s a pedestrian then someone from the crew will probably leave them with a minor injury, such as a slap to the face or a punch to the gut.
If it’s an enemy then the crew is on that person in an instant. 
There is one time you can vividly remember an enemy grabbing your wings. You were trying to move Luffy away from someone when you were suddenly grabbed by the ankle and dragged back to the ground, causing you to drop Luffy some feet away. A foot was set on your lower back with a lot of pressure and that’s when your wings were grabbed close to the base and pulled.
The scream that ripped through your throat was haunting as you tried to contort your back away from your assailant in vain. You felt warm blood drip onto your shoulders when suddenly all the pressure on you was gone and you saw the guy lying still on the ground several meters away from you.
Chopper tended to you first that night and noted the mostly minor tearing around the top base of your wings. It took a week to heal completely, yet the scars from it still remain on your back, a lighter color than the rest of the tissue there. 
Overall, the crew loves you to bits and you love them too.
A/N: I was NOT intending this to be so long. I only wanted each character to be like 6-7 points each, but I got carried away as usual. Either way, I hope you enjoyed it!
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meteortrails · 7 months
the thing I keep coming back to at the end of the day here is that luffy’s got some insane latent abandonment issues, and zoro and nami are the absolute surest thing he has. he has those two Locked The Fuck Down so hard he might as well have put a ring on it before they even hit loguetown and he knew they’d be his from the second he saw them. they’re his aces in the hole that he can always count on to help him cut through all the bullshit and get to the heart of the situation. something that always stands out to me is the way that when luffy and zoro end up tied up in a combat situation, it often falls to nami to direct and organize the crew (most notably in water 7); they’re his seconds in command, one to back him up on the battlefield and one to hold down the fort so he’s free to fight as he pleases. and in return for this faith and trust nami and zoro are genuinely the most obsessively devoted motherfuckers they’re capable of being! none of their dreams belong to just them anymore it’s THEIR dream to make luffy king of the pirates, THEIR dream to map the world, THEIR dream to become the best swordsman. frankly if they all loved each other any more than they do they might just burst
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andaniellight · 8 months
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trust Roronoa Zoro with bounty over 1,111,000,000 to freak the fuck out if the crew got separated away from him AND their godly captain
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anystalker707 · 1 year
"Show me how to kiss?"
Pairing: Vinsmoke Sanji x [gender neutral] Reader Summary: Two imagines one in which you ask Sanji to show you what it is like to kiss and another one in which he's the one to ask. Tags: Gentleman Sanji !! / Also babygirl Sanji, ofc / Very sweet, y'kno / Sanji can't help himself / You can't either, but it's nice seeing him caving in / Very romantic Check out (Roronoa Zoro's version)
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If you’re the one to ask him...
          All of that kind of got you frustrated. Robin had recommended you a book, a book that was too immersive for its own good. Since living as a pirate took most of your time, you’d never really thought about it until you started reading that; the book stuck in your mind a little too long, hence it wasn’t difficult hearing the others once in a while telling you to come back to earth.
It was difficult not thinking about the book the entire time. The way the couple kissed... What did it feel like? Having the lips of someone you like pressed against yours, their tongue running against your lip...
“I told you to pull the halyard, (y/n)! Are you listening?” Nami’s voice cut through your thoughts. Fuck, you spaced out again.
“Sorry, Nami-san!” You shout in return, finally doing as said. Damn it. That book really caught you, leaving you wondering whether you liked the story itself or if all those descriptions just caught your attention. A sigh escaped your lips as you finished pulling the sail and, along with Nami and Zoro, you finished preparing the ship for the night.
With dinner already being served, it didn’t take long until everyone was going back to their quarters—or just falling asleep wherever, in Luffy’s case. All the lights were off, only with a dim beam coming from the window on the door of the galley. Today’s night watch was Sanji’s. You sort of had been waiting for that.
Sanji had always been there for you, really—aside from all the flirting, he did take his time to check up on you and hang out, sometimes inviting you to help him finish decorating whatever dessert he was preparing for the crew just so you two could talk. It was something else, so you couldn’t really help looking at Sanji with a different tone after you started reading that damn book Robin recommended to you. His lips seemed extra attractive as he talked to you yesterday when you made him company while he prepared lunch, shaping nicely around every word he spoke. Sometimes you asked him to repeat himself; he probably thought you were dumb, damn.
Only the soft sound of the waves filled the ambient aside from the occasional creaking of wood under your feet as you started heading upstairs to reach the galley. You stood there for a long moment before you finally knocked on the door, sighing, and walked in.
“Sanji?” You closed the door behind yourself; Sanji was by the sink and looked back at you over his shoulder with a smile.
“(Y/n)-chan! What brings you here?” He grinned. “It’s already late, y’know? Why haven’t you gone to sleep already? Such a pretty warrior like you needs a good night of sleep, my dear.” And even if he just had his back to you at the moment, you could still picture how he would’ve winked otherwise. Why did Sanji have to be so charming? He kinda reminded you of the guy in the book you were reading, all romantic, with those kisses... But better, of course.
Okay, whatever, that’s not the point.
You clear your throat, shaking your head as you lean forward with your forearms on the cold surface of the counter. “Right. I want a favor.”
“A favor?” Sanji turned off the sink and turned to you, wiping his hands dry on his apron. He had no blazer or tie this time, with the top buttons of his shirt unbuttoned and his sleeves rolled up to his elbows.
Your eyes quickly met his again and you nodded, taking a deep breath. “Yeah. Something simple, but... Like, you can refuse it.”
Sanji furrowed his eyebrows. “Right, but what’s it?”
Fuck. That was going to be harder than you thought. Your eyes averted away. “Yeah. You’re, like, the only person I trust and also the one who’s probably the best for this,” you mumbled, but immediately paused again—rambling wasn’t a good idea—, “like... Could you show me how to kiss? As I said, it’s fine if you don’t accept it, but it would be really nice if you—”
“...You’ve never kissed anyone before?” Sanji blinked a couple of times.
“Don’t tease me, Sanji,” you sighed, standing up properly and scratching the back of your neck. “I never really had the time, never really thought about it, y’know, but...”
“No, no,” Sanji sighed as he stepped closer. “That’s not what I mean, darling. The thing is, are you sure you’re going to give your first kiss to me? It’s something special, after all. You must think really well about it.”
Why did Sanji have to complicate things? It felt like you’d just explode at some point because of the whole tension, even more with how he acted. You just wanted to vanish or something, pretend that never happened.
“Sanji... You’re, like, special enough.” You shrugged, but then the way he started to blush made you rethink your words. Could that just get worse? “Ah, c’mon, I just...”
“Right, right.” Sanji quickly nodded—maybe he knew what you thought, since he was good at reading you and catching onto clues in general. “I’m honestly honored. You’re very sweet, my dear. I’m going to make it simple, okay?” He grinned wide as he usually did and walked around the counter to come closer, standing right in front of you after you turned around, leaning back against the counter and holding onto the edges.
You nodded, your eyes catching onto every little movement, from the way he adjusted his clothes out of instinct to the way there was a nervous trembling tugging onto the corner of his lips.
Sanji’s tongue poked out, running between his lips as he leaned in, a hand gripping onto the edge counter by each of your sides. His breath fanned over your face, and the smell of his cologne with a hint of tobacco filled your lungs. “Just try to go along with what I do, okay?” He whispered, waiting for you to nod before he finally closed the distance between you two.
Sanji’s lips pressed to yours softly, warm and gentle, as if he was afraid to do something wrong. His mouth broke the contact only for a second as, instead of having your bottom lip between his, he had your upper lip now; you tried to follow his gentle motions, your lips clumsily moving against his. Sanji still remained calm, keeping the same slow pace of the kiss until you could finally kiss back properly.
It was a hard task, actually. How could you keep yourself calm while you finally kissed someone? And, hold on, it wasn’t anyone. It was Sanji.
“Good?” Sanji whispered, his eyes looking into yours so intently you could feel your heart beating more while your face felt so hot; still, you nodded. He smiled in response. “Can I do it again, my dear?”
How were you even supposed to handle that? “Yes, yes,” you whispered, maybe a little more excited than you intended, but it didn’t matter.
Sanji soon pressed his lips against yours again, and things were smoother this time. The kiss felt different, even if it all was essentially the same thing as before. Your heart fluttered in your chest, your fingers tightening a little around the marble as you tried to focus more on how his lips felt against yours; from the way your lips slid together to how his breath fanned against the space between your upper lip and your nose— And oh, also how his mustache would tickle whenever it grazed your skin, the same way it would tickle when his goatee brushed your chin. It was fucking better than anything you could ever have imagined. Better than what the books could have described.
You sighed softly, about to move your hand to his shoulder when Sanji pulled away a little, but he quickly kissed you again, making you gasp when his tongue ran against your bottom lip. It made a shiver run down your spine, having something stirring in your chest as your lips parted slightly.
The kiss finally broke, and your lips still felt tingly even so. You caught your breath, blinking before you finally looked at Sanji, your heart still beating fast and face still warm.
“Was that good, my dear?” There was something different in his voice.
“Of course.” Admitting it out loud made you want to disappear again.
Sanji smiled, exhaling in relief. “That’s great.”
“What’s wrong?” You furrowed your eyebrows; your hand met Sanji’s so easily, just with a light shift as you just wanted to adjust your hand against the counter. You keep it there, though, on top of his.
Sanji’s eyes averted away, a sigh escaping his lips. “It was wrong of me.”
“Wrong to enjoy it while I was just doing you a favor. I’m so sorry, my dear,” he whispered.
“What do you mean?” You glanced away. “I... Sanji, that was so... Like, you made my heart skip beats, that...”
A red tone took over Sanji’s cheeks and his eyes widened before he looked at you. “Really?”
You nodded, chuckling. “Really.”
“Would you mind if I did it again?” He grinned again, wagging his eyebrows a little.
Your eyes averted away and you tried to bite back a smile. “...Of course not.”
.𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟.
If he asks you...
          Sanji didn’t fucking know what he was going to do. The crew had been staying on an island for a while, partying away and relaxing after they saved yet other people from someone who threatened their peace. Unexpectedly, it earned him a date with one of the girls in the city that he met in a local bar through his characteristic flirting. So far so good, right? Actually, no. That was the first person who actually got that far with him, so he didn’t even know how to kiss—the only experience he had was pecking lips with whoever he got closer with, never actually kissing.
Maybe someone would help him with it? Because Sanji sure as hell didn’t want to lose that opportunity. It really was the first time he had gotten that far. He could ask Nami, right? Only if he was ready to hear her teasing at him the whole time and still dare ask him an immeasurable amount of berries for the ‘favor’. Robin would be nice, but it still wasn’t a great choice—she would be a tease in her own, harsh way, and Sanji didn’t want to lose the bit of respect he had with her. The men—out of question. No.
Then... There was you.
It didn’t seem like you would refuse his request, and Sanji was—almost—sure you knew how to kiss. Not to mention that you had such pretty lips that he couldn’t help imagining how they would feel against his and— Okay, that’s not the focus. He just had to get ready for a date, that, shamefully, wasn’t with you.
Sanji stood there in the kitchen, polishing glasses as he observed you finish eating breakfast while the rest of the crew already started to leave the galley; Zoro had chased Usopp and Luffy out of the kitchen most of the others was already off to their duties, only leaving you talking with Robin about a book she had in hand. Robin would lift her book or open at specific pages to show you something while you sipped on your juice until she eventually stood up with a sigh and left, waving at you.
Now was his chance.
“(Y/n)-swan...” Sanji’s voice cut through the galley in its mellow tone, almost as if it were a plea already, making you raise an eyebrow at him from your place at the table. “I may need your help with something, my dear.” He was thankful he was behind the counter so you wouldn’t have a full look on how weak you made you.
“What’s it?” You sipped on your juice as you looked at him. It was normal seeing Sanji blushing and fawning over people, but it wasn’t exactly your case; he used to be shy around you, though not really as squirmy as he was at the moment.
Sanji took a deep breath in a fruitless attempt of easing the fluster. “You know how to kiss, right?” He remembered you would talk with some people whenever the crew would party on islands, which was enough to make him jealous and worsen his nervousness in a way his flirting just stopped working with everyone else. Until now, it seemed.
You furrowed your eyebrows. Why was that even important? “...Yeah, I do.” The way Sanji looked at you made you rethink the events of the last week to check if you’d done anything wrong. Had you? Maybe last night when you—
“I...” Sanji sighed. “Can you come here?”
With a quick look around—was it a prank?—, you downed your juice before standing up. “What’s it?” You stood across from him, on the other side of the counter, resting your forearms over the cold marble.
Sanji took a deep breath. “I would like you to show me how to kiss.”
You blinked. Show him how to kiss. Him being Sanji. Sanji and you with your lips pressed to each other. Kissing. “What?”
“I got a date, but I... I don’t know how to kiss. I would only trust such a sweet person like you with teaching me how to do such an important thing, you know? I really hope you can help me....” His rant faded away into the back of your mind as you could feel your cheeks start to heat up while you digested everything that he said.
A string of curses escaped your lips as you let your head hang, staring at the marble in an attempt to ground yourself to reality. Like, Sanji was cute, of course, with that characteristic grace that laced his movements whenever he cooked and the cute way he smiled at you while saying something reassuring. Still, he never really paid attention to you like he did to the others, but he was there asking you such a favor. It was just a simple favor. Nothing more. Nothing deeper. Nonetheless, the fact he had a date still made your heart sink a little.
You exhaled slowly, nodding as you brought your head up again. Sanji was still speaking. That stupid fuck.
“Sanji,” you cut him off, watching him gulp, his cheeks red. “I can help you. Chill. I’ll help you.” You cleaned your throat because. After all, it was just a little favor, right? Right?
Sanji looked at you with wide eyes, incredulous that you’d actually accepted. He was very convinced that you’d accept it, of course, but not really. Like, maybe you would, but also— Okay, okay, focus. Sanji took a deep breath again and nodded, pressing his lips together. He quickly put the glass and the cloth away. What if he took too long and you changed your mind? He couldn’t risk that.
With quick steps, Sanji walked around the counter and stood in front of you. “Right... What do I need to...?” Despite how serious he tried to seem, he still held onto his apron tightly and his cheeks had that red tone while he looked at you.
It made your heart flutter a little, even if that wouldn’t matter a lot to him. Breathe deeply, (y/n), don’t make it a big deal.
“Relax, okay?” You cut off your own thoughts, cupping Sanji’s face gently. He bit on his lip, and the general way he acted almost made your heart ache. “No, don’t bite your lip.” You chuckled, running your thumb across his cheek in an attempt to help him calm down, but the way he reacted, damn... “Okay, better. Can I?”
Sanji blinked and quickly nodded. “Yes.”
Spending a little while longer looking at Sanji was a strong temptation, but it wasn’t like you were kissing a partner or something like that; there was no need to admire him and take in each detail of how pretty he was before you kissed him. You swallowed dryly and nodded, closing the distance between the two of you. Sanji gasped once your lips met, but you still held the kiss for a little before pulling away, furrowing your eyebrows.
“Is there something wrong?”
Sanji blinked a couple of times. “I—I was a little out of it. Can you do it again?”
Out of it? Or maybe he disliked it? You slowly nodded and kissed Sanji again and, this time, he tried to kiss back, though it was a little messy since he tried to rush things—you pulled away with a chuckle.
“Easy! You need to follow the pace or at least slowly establish one. Also, don’t try to use tongue out of sudden— No, you didn’t do that, but that’s just a tip.” You explained, furrowing your eyebrows a little at how his face fell a little. “Just simple kisses, okay? I kiss your upper lip while you kiss my bottom one and vice versa. No rushing.”
Sanji’s gaze averted away and he sighed, pressing his lips together, but he still nodded. This time, there was no warning before you pressed your lips to his, and he seemed to hold onto what you said, moving his lips—or at least trying to—in the same rhythm as yours, which was quite slow. His lips were warm and smooth against yours, and there was the sweet taste of whatever fruit he had eaten for breakfast earlier along with tobacco, of course. It wasn’t the best mix ever, but there was something about it that had you needing more.
You pulled away, your breath picking up a little; Sanji’s breath fanned over your face, also somewhat uneven. “Was that okay?”
“...Yeah,” he whispered.
“I will try something else,” you added. Why were you still so close while talking like that? Why were you still cupping his face? “Try to copy.”
All Sanji did was to nod this time, already closing his eyes.
It was a little better this time, smoother, since Sanji already started to get used to it, but he still faltered when your tongue slid against his bottom lip. Sanji gasped softly but accepted it, letting you trace his lip with your tongue until you went back to kissing him like before. His hands suddenly wrapped around your shoulders, squeezing them a little with the firm grip he used while trying to run his tongue against your lip as naturally as you had done to him.
If you had opened your eyes, you would see Sanji furrowing his eyebrows gently, focused as he tried his best. He wondered if you could hear how loud his heart was beating because, fuck, that was finally happening. He was finally kissing you.
Sanji’s breath was shaky when the kiss ended again and he could feel his heart fluttering with how your thumb ran across his cheek gently before your hand dropped to cup the side of his neck. His eyes met yours and he gulped.
“Want one more thing?” You suggested and he couldn’t help but nod, biting his lip, and he was the one to lean in this time.
Something was different about this one kiss, and Sanji couldn’t really find out what it was—he just hummed softly, trying to follow your pace and letting your tongue run against your lip until you managed to slip your tongue into his mouth. Fuck, his brain just went blank when your tongue pressed against his, gliding against it and deepening the kiss. He was still trying to process it when you pulled away, hence he couldn’t even take in whatever you said, just able to mumble “again.”
Who were you to deny the request? Your free hand rested on Sanji’s waist and his hands adjusted their grip around your shoulders as your lips met once more. More confidence laced Sanji’s actions this moment, his tongue running against your lip as he kissed you, but you couldn’t help yourself, just pulling him a little closer and nibbling gently on his bottom lip, enough to snatch a quiet sound from him.
Both of you breathed a little heavier, holding onto each other even after the kiss was over.
“Y’know?” Sanji said, making you hum in response. “I don’t think I want to go out with that girl anymore...”
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sanjisboyfie · 9 months
pass the test
-> nami x sugar daddy ! male reader
requested (kinda?) the one where sugar daddy![name] meets all of nami's friends 8k+ word count !!! everyone be fed <3333
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warnings : id say none bc its jus sweeeeeeet fluff and domesticity and jokes between nami her man and her friends.
when vivi got a text from nami, the message reading “fina-fucking-lly!!!” and attached were four images, the woman easily guessed what the context was. the images showed nami cuddled up with her “mystery man” and a pleased smile on her face. the two seemed to be cuddling shirtless in bed together so vivi was able to piece two and two together.
the man, although his face was hidden, was definitely the sugar daddy that nami had been seeing for the past year or so. he was often the hot topic between the two best friends, mainly nami complaining about him never taking a hint or making a move on her while vivi just nodded along. at first, she thought nami was just in the whole dynamic for the money (which she was), but as more time passed, it became clear that nami had caught genuine feelings for the guy.
vivi chuckled at the happy smile on nami’s face as well as her messy hair, typing back a quick “congratulations, i’m glad it all worked out,” as her response. in a second she got a text back, nami insisting that the two have a girls’ night so that they can catch up. obviously, not going to pass up the chance to hear all the details, vivi agreed and the two set a time and place for their hangout.
a couple of days later, nami was getting ready and rushing around the apartment in search of her favorite necklace. [name] blinked at her, wondering what had her so hurried before clearing his throat. she whipped her head around, looking at him pleadingly, “have you seen my gold necklace? not the one you gave me, but a different one,”
scanning his memories of what she was talking about, he could vaguely recall what she was talking about. so he walked off, going into the bathroom, and emerging with the golden necklace in his fingertips. she jumped on him, hugging him tight and singing his praises.
”thank you so much, [name]!” she turned around, taking her long hair into her hands with one sweep and presenting her neck to him. immediately, he acted in clasping teh necklace around her, “i was driving myself insane trying to find it. you’re the best,” she turned around when he finished, going on her tippy toes to kiss him.
he quickly caught her by her waist and pressed himself deeper into the kiss. she laughed at his eagerness before smacking his chest to get him to let her go, “as much as i’d love to just suck face, i’ve actually got places to be,”
“places to be without me?” [name] pouted, seeing his pretty girlfriend especially dolled up, “how can i appreciate your beauty if i’m not with you?”
“sucks to suck, babe,” she winked, grabbing her purse and giving herself the once over in the mirror before grabbing the keycard to the apartment, “meeting up with vivi for the whole day, so don’t wait up okay?”
he hummed, not actually that bothered she was having the day to herself. he just planted one more kiss to her neck, reminding her, “stay safe, text me if you two need anything,” and then pulling away from her. he smiled at her and gave a gentle wave as she walked away.
nami grinned at his sweet behavior, blowing him a kiss before stepping into the elevator to get to the lobby. when she exited the building, she saw a chaffeur already waiting for her and rolled her eyes as she knew that [name] was the one who called him for her.
when she met with vivi at the familiar restaurant, she had to contain a scream of joy at seeing her best friend. the blue haired woman shared the same sentiment, biting her lip to silence herself. instead, the two shared a long hug with each other, swaying back and forth in place as they complimented the other for looking so well.
the two took a seat near the window, still giggling to themselves.
“how have you been, nami? it feels like it’s been so long,” vivi said with a pout, her glossy lips jutted outward to emphasize her words, “don’t tell me that man has you locked in some depressing apartment and this whole meeting is actually a cry for help,”
nami laughed at her friend’s attitude, shaking her head, “it definitely isn’t, just a much needed catch up, vivi,”
her friend squinted her eyes as if she didn’t believe her before dropping the act, “alright, i believe you, but let’s just not talk about men for a good twenty minutes. just girl talk, please?”
nami took ahold of her best friend’s hands and nodded, a genuine smile on her face, “duh, of course. neither of our lives revolve around men, vivi!” the blue haired woman cheered in response before picking up the menu and scanning over their options.
as promised, the first portion of their date was just focused on how the other has been, talking about their jobs and school and schedules that have been keeping them busy. nami learned that vivi was going to soon be taking over for her father’s business, as her dad was just becoming older and older. plus, vivi had a natural leadership bone in her body that her own father could recognize and knew that it should not be wasted.
on the other hand, nami filled vivi in on how she was really eager to just get her degree and be done with schooling. all the schools wree on break now, but when things got started up again, nami knew that it would be the death of her.
“well, getting a master’s is challenging, but i know it’ll be worth it when you get that degree!” vivi encouraged her, making nami nod in agreement, “at least you don’t have to worry about financial debt when you graduate too, that’s a big plus,”
nami blushed, a bashful smile coming onto her face. she bit her tongue to prevent herself from going on a tangent, especially considering vivi and her’s previous agreement to not talk about men, but it seemed vivi could read right through her.
“alright, lay it out all to me, nami. you’ve been practically shaking in your seat since you’ve sat down,”
“i have not!” nami denied, an offensive look on her face which vivi only rolled her eyes at.
”just tell me everything, girl, i’m actually really curious,” nami waited a couple of seconds, waiting for vivi to take it back, but when he saw the girl motion for her to continue, she finally let loose.
“well, me and [name] are finally dating!” she said, trying to contain her voice of excitement to not bother the other patrons of the restaurant, “made it official about a week or so ago, and vivi!!! it’s been so good, i didn’t think that he could get any sweeter but he has and continues to! he’s such a gentleman, seriously! i’m telling you right now — older men are where it’s at, vivi! if you’re ever gonna date someone, date someone at least 5 years older!”
“yeah, more like 9 years older and in a different tax bracket, right?” vivi teased, poking fun at the two’s age gap which only made nami wave her hand dismissively.
“blah, blah, blah! but, seriously, he’s sooo sweet to me,”
“you’re sure it’s not just the bare minimum?” nami deadpanned at vivi’s question.
“do you really think i’d settle for someone that doesn’t meet my expectations?”
“you’re right, my bad for assuming otherwise,” vivi grinned, enjoying nami’s snarky attitude that she had missed so much, “and, nami, if you’re happy, then i’m happy. i’m glad you two finally got together, i know how hard of a girl crush you had on him,”
“god, don’t make it sound so elementary with that phrase,” nami cringed, hiding her blushing face in her hands.
”hey, as long as he has as much of a boy crush on you as you do on him, that’s fine!” vivi teased once more, making nami only bury her head further into her hands.
nami sighed, slapping her cheeks to rid it of the warm feeling before continuing on, “that’s also another thing, [name] always makes it obvious that he’s into me as much as i’m into him. you know how many guys in college don’t even make an effort. yeah, they don’t compare to him. he’s always just saying the sweetest shit, it’d be so icky if it weren’t him. he’s just so…” nami paused trying to find the right word before settling on, “perfect. he’s really the best, vivi. i like him a lot,”
her best friend across the table softened at her sudden genuine tone, reaching across the table to hold nami’s hand, “i’m so happy for you two,”
“and everything right now is perfect. i’m just scared that i’m gonna mess it up in some way, or that our dynamic before is gonna ruin us in some way,” vivi immedaitely shook her head to show nami that she was being ridiculous. but she continued anyway, “i don’t know, i just feel like it’s all too good to be true…? i’ve always wanted a guy that’d take care of, but wouldn’t baby me, and [name]’s just that! it’s like a dream,”
“nami, you’re not going to ruin anything between you two,” vivi assured her, squeezing her hand tight, “you guys are adults. he seems like a mature guy, if anything happens, you can at least be comfortable enough to talk to each other about it. and if that doesn’t work out, then let fate take the reigns. but the point is! you don’t have to be scared of anything because it sounds to me that he’s a really understanding guy and really knows you for who you are.”
nami sighed, nodding her head as she couldn’t deny that most of what vivi was saying sounded accurate. she was just vocalizing her worries because if she didn’t she might’ve just exploded.
“don’t overthink your relationship so much either, you guys are in it together. he likes you as much as you like him, if not more, so don’t worry about things like that either,” vivi smiled, seeing that her words were slowly uplifting nami’s mood. “but there is one thing that needs to happen before you guys can even think of moving your relationship on,”
nami blinked, tilting her head in confusion.
vivi grinned in a victorious manner, winking at nami, “you gotta let him meet all of us before you guys can keep dating! we gotta see if he passes the test or not!”
“what test?!”
“the “are you worthy enough to be dating nami” test, duh,” vivi said with an eyeroll, finishing off the rest of the water in her cup before nodding, “i reckon if he brings some good food to the house party, he’s already warmed up luffy. everyone else is pretty hard to read,”
“oh, you guys can’t be serious?” nami said in an exasperated tone, letting her head hand in disbelief.
”no, we’re completely serious, like genuinely everyone’s been waiting for your relationship to move on like this so we could all meet and approve him,” vivi said, looking at her phone and then grinning at nami, “they’ve already settled for a casual house party to be held in a week from now, bring your man and we can all meet him,”
nami looked at her as if she were the spawn of satan, but vivi just continued smiling on as if there were nothing wrong. then she just dug through her purse for [name]’s card (he slipped it into her wallet before she left) and glared at her, “if you guys do anything weird to scare him off, i’ll seriously kill all of you guys,”
“yes, yes, whatever, let’s just charge his card here and move on from his discussion~”
the two parted ways after about a four hour long brunch-turned-dinner date together. nami made sure vivi got home safe with a safe uber ride, stalking her location as she rode in her own ride back home. she smiled to see vivi arrived at her house safely, thanking the chaffeur of her vehicle before going to the elevator back up to [name]’s apartment.
the first thing she smelt when the elevator door opened was the smell of freshly baked cookies.
”nami’s home, finally,” [name] cried out, emerging from the corner with an apron on and his sleeves rolled up, “was wondering when you’d come home, but i guessed that around the two or three hour mark you’d be on your way back. and i planned my baking endeavors perfectly with your arrival because,” he leaned down to kiss her midsentence, helping her out of her coat as he smoothly wrapped his arm around her waist, “tada! cookies, made them myself — out of scratch and everything,”
nami grinned, squeezing his torso in a tight hug before bounding over to the baking sheet that had chocolate chip cookies laid out on them. just as she was about to grab one, though, [name] caught her hand in his, “but! they have to sit out for maybe a couple more minutes, so no touching until then,”
she shot him a look, quirking her eyebrow, “didn’t you say you had perfect timing,”
“oh, i do, because i know exactly how to fill those minutes up,” he smirked, leaning closer and closer down to her height.
“how do you plan on doing that?” she asked, breathing in his cologne that was mixed with the scent of baked goods, a hazy look in her eyes. instead of properly answering her question, he just pressed his lips to her glossy ones.
then his hands gripped the undersides of her thighs, carrying her up to sit on the top of the kitchen island. she yelped in surprise, but was soon focused back in on the passionate kiss they hadn’t been seperated from.
his hands went to rest on the base of her neck, squeezing softly to illicite a moan from her. soon, his tongue was running over hers and she softly smiled. pushing away from him, breathlessly, she looked at him through her eyelashes, “tastes sweet,”
“got hungry halfway through,” he confessed, eyes still half-lidded and focused solely on her bruised lips. she was going to tease him further, but his lips against her own cut her off. her fingers played with his short strands of hair and allowing him full access to her mouth. she got a preview of what the cookies would end up tasting like with how he adamant he was in keeping their tongues in contact with one another.
their passionate make out session was interuppted, though, when nami’s number buzzed on the table. she cursed whatever notification set it off, knowing that [name] always backed off when her phone got any sort of message.
and just as she predicted, he pecked her lips one last time before pulling away, “anything important?” he asked, eyes trained on her face as she read the notification.
”don’t forget to tell mr. [name] we require his presence at the house party of monkey d. luffy and co!!!” vivi texted, followed my several cute emoticons to get her point across. nami’s eyebrow ticked up in annoyance at the fact that this was the message that had cut off her hot and steamy make out session short. she quickly sent a middle finger emoji back before dropping the phone back onto the counter.
“nothing important, babe,” she answered, crossing her ankles over each other as she watched him work around the kitchen. he was plating the cookies and carefully lifting the now empty baking pan from the counter and into the sink.
he washed his hands quickly before holding on up to her face with a smile, “try it?”
she obviously did as told, eager to taste the sweet treat and almost moaning in pleasure at the taste, “[name]! they’re so good!” she took another bite before throwing her arms around his neck and pulling him close, “my man is sexy and can bake — what more could i ask for?”
“anything and i’d give it to you,” [name] laughed, taking a bite of his own baking to ensure that nami wasn’t lying to spare his feelings. she finished it off, letting him wipe the side of her mouth from the spare melted chocolate. he sucked his thumb clean, grinning in glee at how his baking endeavor successfully panned out.
after they finished off a couple of sweet treats, [name] was carrying her back to their room and helping her get unready for bed.
“did you eat?” she asked him as she was taking off her makeup.
“yeah, had some food down in the lobby’s restaurant. sometimes forget how good their pasta is,” [name] noted, stripping out of his outside clothes and into a comfy (expensive) pajama set that matched with hers. she grinned at how he laid out a cute pair for her on the king sized bed. then he was walking over and hugging her from behind, watching her through the mirror.
“hm, can i ask you something?” she said slowly, meeting his eyes in the mirror and waiting for his “okay” before continuing. when he nodded, she took in a deep breath and finally said what was on her mind, “well, there is a house party my friends are throwing and they invited me,”
“oh,” [name] grinned, “and?”
“well, i was thinking of going, anyway,” she said, dancing around the subject before shaking her head and forcing herself to just say it, “but they told me i could bring you if you wanted to come- they invited you too, i mean to say. so do you wanna come with me?”
[name] smiled, kissing the soft skin of her neck, “they wanna meet me?”
“yeah, they do. think i’ve talked their ears enough about you that they wanna meet the man of the hour,” nami joked, but internally she was wrecked with nerves.
“hm, i’ll go on one condition,” he said, standing up and moving to lean against the counter. he crossed his arms over his chest and had a pretty serious look on his face. so nami halted her movements, nodding and showing he had all of her attention.
“anything, what’s up?”
“one condition is,” he paused for dramatic effect before grinning like a fool, “as long as i get to be your date!”
she almost smacked him in the stomach for scaring her so much.
”go to hell, [name],” she cursed, not finding it funny to be scared half to death. but he merely laughed, leaning forward to kiss her forehead before leaning back.
“obviously, i don’t mind meeting your friends, babe,” he assured her, “for a second, i thought you were going to ask if it was alright if you went out — now that would’ve scared me! asking me for permission on going out is just icky. i was about to be really concerned. but since it was a joint invitation, it's not concerning anymore!”
she smiled to herself at his lax attitude, finding it refreshing.
“the only thing is, it’s probably gonna be on friday. i know you have work, are you sure you’ll be alright going right after work?”
“do you really think i’m an old man?” [name] asked in offense, “i can keep up with you guys, i’m not that much older!”
“you’ll be a decade older than some of the people there,” she noted, feeling the urge to humble her boyfriend. and it worked because he obviously deflated at that comment.
“hey, being 34 isn’t that old…right?” he asked before immediately speaking up, “don’t actually answer that! but seriously, i didn’t think i was that old, oh god,”
“you’re not actually that old,” she assured him, kissing his cheek softly before continuing her skin care, “just putting it out there~”
“you just said that to make me feel old, you’re so mean,” he said with a pout, making her laugh at his childish expression.
the rest of the night, [name] was just watching her as she finished her nighttime routine before carrying her over to bed. nami cuddled into his side, smiling softly when she felt him playing with the ends of her long hair. that was the last thing she felt before she was whisked away to sleep.
before she knew it, it was already a week later and it was the day her friends would see if her boyfriend passed the test. whatever bullshit test they had in mind. she rolled her eyes at their odd behavior, but didn’t bother wasting her time thinking about it now. vivi was probably just exaggerating anyway…
“just park on the street wherever you see a spot,” nami said, noticing that it was a bit more packed than usual, “we’d be lucky to get anywhere near where his house is. ugh, i know all these cars aren’t here for him, either, so that’s just shit timing,” she sighed, mentally flipping off all the cars that were taking up street parking.
[name] chuckled at her pissed off attitude, rubbing up and down her leg to calm her down. after parking a couple of houses down from where luffy’s was, [name] stepped out of the car and then went over to the passenger side to help nami out.
due to how he was coming in from work, he was wearing a suit while nami had more casual attire on.
“i told you to put some extra clothes in the trunk,” she chided, looking at how sullen he was due to his formal clothes.
“i know, i forgot before leaving earlier. now all your friends are going to think i’m some stuck up richass,” [name] complained, shoulders slouching as he thought about how he was already making a bad first impression.
nami joined their hands together and kissed the back of his, smiling softly, “don’t worry, just buy them off and then you’ll be all set in winning their favor,”
he looked at her with his eyebrows furrowed, a look of genuine confusion on his face. she laughed at his obliviousness to her joke, waving off his worries and clarifying that she was not at all serious.
“well, i hope the cookies i baked count for something at least,” he said, holding the container in his non-occupied hand. the same recipe he used when he baked for nami last week were the ones he used to make this batch. and he was sweating bullets hoping that they were going to be to everyone’s liking.
he didn’t get to try one because he was in a rush in putting them in the container, so it really was wrecking his nerves on if they were even good.
“that bottle of wine should also win over sanji, he really likes stuff like that,”
“and this is the same sanji that wanted you for himself, right?” [name] asked, remembering the name to be familiar from somewhere.
“yep,” nami said proudly, popping the “p,” “but don’t worry, [name], i’m all yours now,”
he chuckled, wrapping his arm around her waist as they approached the door of luffy’s house, “should i go easy on the affections in consideration of him?”
“no, there’s no point in that. he’ll be a sulking mess anyway,” nami said, adding in, “he’s a lost cause that poor guy…”
and just as her newly manicured nail rang the doorbell of luffy’s house, several heads inside all perked up.
“i hope you all have the list memorized!” one voice shouted, a stressed look on her face.
“what’s it matter anyway? they’re already boyfriend-girlfriend, right?” a voice whined, a pout on his face as he felt stressed in remembering the list.
“no! it matters a lot, so you better have it memorized! nami-san can’t be dating some sleazeball, who for all we know — could be apart of some crime syndicate and trafficking her! oh, poor nami-san! don’t worry, your real prince will save you soon, my lady!!”
“this guy just can’t accept the fact nami was never interested in him,” a tired voice sighs, obnoxiously yawning at the end of his sentence.
“but, what if he doesn’t check all the boxes on the list? what do we do then?” a curious voice asked, looking at all of his friends, “nami seems really happy, we can’t break them up over it, right?”
“of course we can, we can also forcefully get him to never speak to her again by threatening his entire family lineage,” a very optimistic voice said, making the previous speaker look at them with fear in his eyes.
“alright! enough of that! we need to pretend as if this conversation never happened!”
“what conversation?”
halfway on their walk to the entrance, nami and [name] let themselves in due to how long it was taking for anyone to answer the door.
“you seriously gotta change your locks, luffy, how many times do i have to tell you?!” nami scolded, putting the bobby pin that she used to unlock the door back into her hair. she smoothed out her clothes, looking at all of her shocked friends. “what?”
beside her was a prim looking man that was awkwardly smiling, the expression on his face looking as if he were contemplating life and death. all of nami’s friends looked at him with blank eyes, except for one that was outright glaring at his figure. and noticing where they were all looking, nami took it upon herself to start the greeting.
“alright! well, introductions are in order!” she said, clapping her hands to knock them out of their daze, “everyone, this is my boyfriend [name]! [name] meet,” nami lifted her finger as she pointed at each respective individual, “luffy, zoro, robin, chopper, sanji, and vivi!! uh, there are usually more of us here, but i guess everyone else was just busy,”
“nice to meet you all,” [name] said, waving his hand awkwardly before placing it back onto nami’s waist. that sudden action, though, caused an angry reaction to spark from a certain blonde.
“no! no! no! get your filthy hands off of nami-san this instant or i swear to god i will chop them off with my best set of knives!! get them off-” a hand was clamped onto his mouth to stop his threats from pouring out even more. [name] sweatdropped at sanji’s antics, feeling even more awkward.
no one said anything until a woman with long, light blue hair stepped forward with her hand outstretched, “lovely to finally meet you, [name], we had heard so much about you,” [name] was quick into gently shaking her own, offering her the most calm smile of his (as calm as one can get after being threatened with dismemberment).
he shook their hands for a second before letting go, “nice to meet you as well, vivi. and, haha, i hope they were all good things?” vivi smiled politely, looking back at her friends to remind them of their task at hand.
internally, a couple of the friends watching from the back ticked off a box on the list (”friendly greeting, but not too friendly. polite gesture with appropiate manners” — minor bonus points for slight humor in reply).
“now, sanji, there’s no need for you to be so rude when [name] went out of his way to gift us all something to get our night started,” nami chimed in, looking at her boyfriend to unveil the wine.
“oh, right!” he looked inside of the paper bag that he was holding, bringing out the expensive bottle of wine, “we can either open it tonight or you guys can keep it for another occasion. either way, it’s yours, so please help yourselves,”
sanji stomped his way over, grumbling under his breath as he glared at [name], “whatever, you fucker, i bet it’s just some cheap ass wine you got at the corner store,” he yanked it out of [name]’s hands, who was placcidly smiling at the chef, “yeah, what is it? i bet it’s just generic-”
the blonde’s jaw dropped as he read off the label. then he looked back up at [name], his eyes blown wide. he caressed the bottle of wine as if it were a baby, looking back and forth between it and the man, “where the hell did you get your hands on this?!”
[name] scratched the back of his head, “well, i’ve had it in my cellar for a long time, so i can’t remember originally where it was from. it was probably a gift from my company…but! it definitely came from france because my boss never cheaps out on gifts,” then he dug back into the paper bag, a smile on his face, “but this one i got myself — if you guys are more so into whiskey!”
zoro’s head perked up and he walked over, now intrigued. he was never really a wine guy, anyway.
“this one i got myself for this occasion, so like i said before if you wanna open it now or save it for later, i don’t mind!” [name] saw how interested zoro was so he handed the drink off to him, “you like whiskey?”
“i prefer sake,” zoro ruggedly answered, looking at the bottle in disinterest. but before he could read the label, it was yanked out of his hands.
sanji, the thief, had his jaw dropped once again, “you’re fucking kidding me…”
in his hands was a bottle of Christian Nourissat Clos de Vougeot Grand Cru, which is usually priced at 1,129,610 yen ($8,010USD), and in the other was a bottle of the Karuizawa ‘Fazzino’ 35 Year Old Single Malt Whiskey, which was even more expensive at 3,438,189 yen ($24,380USD). and the fact that [name] took the money out of his own wallet to buy the latter option really made sanji almost fall to his knees.
“hey, what’s the big deal sanji? drinks are drinks! open ‘em up, let’s have some fun!” an energetic voice cried out, carelessly taking the bottles out of sanji’s, practically, shaking hands and running off to the kitchen.
“oi, luffy, don’t you dare think about opening those!! we are saving that for one of our funerals and that’s it! do you hear me?!” sanji said, quick on his feet in running after the idiot ravenette.
“i told you, you didn’t have to bring the whiskey if you already had the wine,” nami scolded her boyfriend, pinching his side.
he winced at the dull pain, looking at her with an unbothered look on his face. the gesture really wasn’t that grand (- to him. to any other sane person, it was), but he still really wanted to make a good first impression, “i didn’t wanna show up with only one type of liquor…what if you guys preferred something else?” it was a weak reason, but it was the genuine one.
the rest of nami’s friends looked at [name] as if he were crazy. admitting to just spending that much money on a good first impression made them almost fearful of the amount of money he had in his bank account.
“well,” vivi cleared her throat awkwardly, “anyone want popcorn? we just popped some before you guys got here,”
mentally, robin ticked off one of the boxes on the list (”makes an effort in impressing us/working for our approval”) and laughed behind her hand. the group gathered in the living room, sanji and luffy still fighting it out in the kitchen and soon everyone was just asking [name] endless amounts of questions.
“so, how did you get a job so fancy!?” chopper was the first to eagerly ask, eyes sparkling at the fancy suit [name] was wearing, “i always thought business jobs were cool, but i’m more motivated to be a doctor! it’s what i’ve wanted to be since i was a kid!”
[name] smiled at the wonderment in chopper’s eyes, “that’s a really respectable choice, chopper. but, i just got it from working my ass off. i started just in a cubicle, but i was always trying to impress my higher ups. i was lucky enough to be in their good favor and now, i’m in this position,”
“how long did it take you?”
“hm, maybe 10 years? it was a long journey, but i’m very fortunate now, so i think it all paid off,” he grinned, “what about everyone else? have any of you already graduated?”
it felt like an odd question, one that [name] hasn’t asked in years since he himself has graduated, but it was just the age gap making itself known.
“i graduated early, but it was because my father wanted me working already,” vivi bashfully said, “i will probably go back to school in a coupe of years, but that’s my situation now.”
“i graduated a couple of years ago,” robin spoke next, “we are probably the closest in age, [name].” his eyes lit up at the notion, but she just smiled and politely said, “you’re definitely way older than me, though, but still!”
and he was backed to being in a slouched, sullen figure on the couch. laughter erupted at robin’s teasing remark, nami pushing her shoulder gently at her comment, but there was no actual hatred or protectiveness behind it.
“but after i graduated, i applied to the local museum and i’ve been working there since,” robin finished after calming herself down from her laughing fit, “it’s been really fun, it’s something i’m passionate about so i’m really happy right now,”
“then i’m glad too! that’s great to hear,” [name] said, quickly recovering from his previus sadness. he looked at the silent green haired male, goading him into telling something about himself.
“i’m still in school, but right now i work at the auto shop,” he said gruffly, taking a swig of his beer, “it’s been stressful, man, but there’s nothing i can do about it but keep getting through the days,”
[name] nodded in understanding, “hopefully with time, you’ll reap the rewards you deserve. you got it! even if the days get harder and harder, you seem like you have a strong fighting spirit!”
vivi checked off a box on her list (”doesn’t assume we’re all charity cases — not just throwing his cash at us”). the previous grandiose action with the liquor was different. if, right now, [name] said something along the lines of, “well, if you need any help wink wink, i’ll be sure to help wink wink” alluding to helping financially with their “problems” then that would’ve garnered a warning to nami.
because something like that insinuates: [name] is so full of himself and his wealth that he thinks that throwing money at problems solves them automatically.
besides, if he even tried offering such a thing to zoro — of all people — he would’ve been embarassedly shot down as the man hates it when his close friends even attempt giving him some outside help. he’s stubborn and likes to handle things by himself. so, unknowingly, [name]’s response had made zoro favor him even more (the bottle of whiskey was really cool, to zoro).
as [name] caught up with and learned more about nami’s friends, sanji and luffy finally joined them on the giant sofa with more food. seeing that sanji had finally come back, [name] reached into the paper bag and pulled out the container of baked cookies.
“and to add onto all of our treats,” he said, presenting the goods to everyone with a sheepish smile, “i know i should have asked more about your preferences, but i thought chocolate chip cookies were pretty universal…or i hope they are,”
sensing how stressed and anxious he was, nami ran her hand up and down his back to calm him down. he turned his head towards her with a thankful look in his eyes, squeezing her knee gently before looking back to the rest of the group.
sanji looked unimpressed, but vivi was grinning ear to ear, “don’t worry, [name], we all enjoy chocolate chip cookies!”
“i love them!” chopper cried out, already snatching one off of the platter.
“food is food!!!” luffy cheered, almost crashing into the table with how eager he was to get one in his mouth.
nami already was chewing on one before she looked back at zoro, “hey, where’s usopp, by the way? he told me he’s be coming,”
“he’s only running late because he’s helping kaya out with something at her place. he should come any minute, though, because he said he’d only be like thrity minutes late.”
she hummed in thought before shrugging and turning back to the rest of the group. what she saw was chopper and luffy completely suffocating her boyfriend as crocodile tears ran down their faces. in the corner, sanji was sulking and crying to his heart’s content as he too was nibbling on his own cookie.
“[name], they’re so good!!! how’d you do it!?!” luffy and chopper cried in unison, shaking him back and forth with their mouths full of chocolate chip cookies.
“they’re so yummy!” chopper added in.
“how the fuck is this bastard so perfect,” sanji scowled in his corner, finishing the last bits of his cookie.
meanwhile nami was angrily smacking luffy and chopper off of [name] with a pillow, “you’re suffocating him! hello?!”
“but he hasn’t answered our question yet!”
“he can’t answer if you’re suffocating him, luffy! be serious!”
“wait?! suffocating? someone get the doctor!! oh…wait!!!” chopper panicked, pushing luffy off of [name] and repeatedly smacking the man’s chest to get a reaction out of him, “oh no! is he dead?! i’ve failed!”
“i’m not dead, just really out of breath,” [name] replied as fast as he could, resting his open hand over his stomach. “thanks, chopper,”
“how about a thanks from me who just saved your life?” nami pointed out, looking at [name] with her arms crossed over her chest.
“thank you, my love, you’re my true lifesaver,” [name] smoothly complimented, getting up and pressing a quick kiss to her cheek. she blushed at the action, smacking him on the chest to quit the pda due to how embarassing it was that all of her friends were watching.
“well, now that we have all the snacks, why don’t we put a movie on or something? i vote a scary one so that usopp can get scared when he comes in,” vivi grinned mischeviously, getting agreement from everyone except for chopper, who just grabbed a pillow to hide behind.
they turned off the lights and got comfortable. [name] took his place at the edge of the couch with nami to his right. he had his arm around her shoulder as she cuddled up into his side. her legs rested on top of his lap, his other arm securely holding them in place so that they wouldn’t fall.
“have you seen this movie already?” he asked her in a whisper, not wanting to ruin the experience for the others that were watching.
”no, is it really scary?” she asked, looking up at him as he smiled down at her.
“no, no, it’s not, you’ll be fine,” he assured her, grin only widening. for nami, she saw that as a sign of comfort, gently pecked him on the lips, and cuddled into him further to get comfortable. but really, he was grinning in mischief because he had already seen the movie and it was pretty terrifying.
but he just held her closer and didn’t bother telling her that. if it meant she would continue pressing herself into his side, he’d take all the skinship he could get.
as the movie continued on playing, [name] laughed to himself at all the familiar jumpscares, letting nami gradually come closer and closer as she was getting more and more scared. by the climax of the movie, she was sitting on his lap and cowering behind the giant blanket.
“[name],” she whined, finding his amusement in the situation annoying in comparison to how afraid she was. [name] pressed a kiss to her forehead as response, the smile on his face not faltering for even a second.
and just when there was about to be a big jumpscare, the front door was slammed open in time with the movie and made everyone in the room shout in surprise and fear. chopper threw the popcorn he was holding into the air, sanji and zoro immediately jumped into action to fight whoever was there, robin and vivi held onto each other, luffy fell onto the ground in shock (and because everyone else jumped up off of the couch), while nami jumped into [name]’s arms whilst he just stared at the front door in shock.
the figure that slammed the door open, in turn, screamed because everyone else screamed and also because of the visuals on the screen.
“what the fuck guys!?” usopp shouted, covering his eyes as he saw the horrific image of the movie staring back at him. “why the fuck are you guys watching this when it’s pitch black outside?!”
“why the fuck are you slamming the door open in the dead of night?! are you an idiot?!” nami shouted, chest heaving due to the adrenaline rush she just got. when she saw that it was just her other best friend, she felt pissed off that her heart was racing this fast just because of him. and not an actual threat.
“don’t shout at me, i’m the victim here!!”
“you’re not the victim, asshole!” sanji and zoro shouted at the same time, huffing as they fell back onto the couch with pissed off looks on their faces.
everyone was just pissed off at usopp.
[name] awkwardly cleared his throat, tapping nami’s thigh to signal her to get up, “since that was the end of the movie anyway, i’m gonna use the bathroom,” nami nodded in understanding, giving him quick directions on how to get there.
“ah, let me go with you,” usopp said, hopping back and forth between his feet (it was his pee dance).
“didn’t you just come from kaya’s? why didn’t you piss there?” zoro asked, looking at usopp with an unimpressed look on his face.
“you can’t pee at your girlfriend’s house, that’s weird…” usopp said, shooting zoro an incredulous look, “hey, man, you really can’t do that. so when you get yourself a girl, please remember that,”
the group broke out into laughter at usopp’s joke, slapping zoro on the back as he only glared back.
so usopp and [name] went upstairs, introducing themselves, “nice to meet you, usopp. that was a really funny entrance you had back there,” [name] laughed, making usopp bashfully scratch the back of his head.
“yeah, that’s me. the jokester of the group,” usopp said sticking his hand out. [name] shook his hand without wasting a second, introducing himself by name as well.
“so you and nami are serious, huh?” usopp teased, nudging [name] with his elbow, “you finally asked her to be your girlfriend, woohoo!”
“well, it was kinda more like her asking me, to be honest. but i’m really glad that we did make it official, yeah,” [name] said, an embarassed look on his face, “she’s really great, i’m glad that we’re dating now,”
usopp smiled at the genuine look on [name]’s face, slapping him on the back, “are you sure you’ll be able to keep up with her though, old man?” he teased, enjoying the way the comment obviously got to him. “i’m just teasing~”
“well, i will be trying my best to keep up with her and i’m very confident in us,” [name] said, trying to ignore the stab to his heart.
“hm, well in the meantime, take a piss, man,” usopp said, pointing to the bathroom, “and do me a favor, please make sure there’s no demon behind the shower curtain…”
[name] gave him a thumbs up before walking in and locking the door. after finishing his business and washing his hands, he did actually check behind the shower curtain and purposefully left it open so that usopp could see there were no monsters. he smiled softly as he dried his hands on a nearby hand towel, walking out to see usopp eagerly waiting.
“no monsters,” he confirmed before stepping aside.
“thanks, man,” usopp said, “oh! and you can go ahead downstairs and tell them to put on something that’s not scary!”
[name] chuckled at the way usopp slammed the door shut, making his way back downstairs.
“usopp said to put something not scary on,” he announced to the group as he settled back onto the couch.
nami took her place beside him, hugging his arm as she scowled, “that asshole, we might as well put on the scariest thing, turn off the lights, hide somewhere he won’t see us, and then scare him when he comes downstairs.”
“i was just about to say that,” robin said, taking another cookie to eat.
“well, i think we should not do that for the sake of usopp’s heart,” vivi said with a deadpan look on her face. just as she finished speaking, her phone pinged and she checked the notification quickly. she read it quickly, spared [name] one look, and then went back to directing how the rest of the night would go.
“that was weird,” nami said under her breath, catching the small action and looking in between her best friend and [name]. the man, however, was oblivious to anything and was too immersed in the conversation of what movie they would watch next.
soon, usopp joined them downstairs and jumped right in between chopper and luffy.
“hold on, before you guys start, me and vivi are gonna pop some more popcorn,” nami said, getting out from her comfortable spot next to [name] and grabbed her friend.
the moment they were in the kitchen, nami had dug the phone out of vivi’s pocket and was snooping through her recent texts. vivi, who was very blindsided to nami’s swift movement, could only blink and stare at nothingness.
“are you two serious?!” nami whisper shouted, looking at the texts vivi and usopp shared. this made the other woman snap out of it, looking at the referenced texts. “you guys actually made a list?”
“whattt? no, we did nottt!” vivi lied, very terribly so. seeing the unimpressed and genuinely pissed off look on nami’s face, she straightened up and held onto her hands to calm her anger, “i know it sounds really bad, nami, but we’re just joking around…for the most part,”
“then why did usopp have to text you, “he washes his hands after using the bathroom — check” vivi, this is not normal behavior,”
vivi sighed, knowing that it looked very weird and creepy, but she was determined to make nami see it from their point of view, “we’re just concerned, i guess?” nami rolled her eyes and groaned, but vivi squeezed her shoulders to get her to listen, “he’s so much older, plus the way you guys met, we just wanted to make sure it was all…real,”
“you guys are unbeleviable, what do you mean “real”?”
“no, that wasn’t the right word, i’m sorry. not real — just that he was serious about you two. he’s so much older and stuff and you really like him, we all know how much you do,” cue nami rolling her eyes again, “and not to say that he doesn’t like you back jsut as much because he definitely does, it was really obvious tonight, we are just really rooting for you two to work and we wanted to kinda reassure ourselves that it would…we really care about you, nami. and i’m serious when i say it was like 90% just for fun.”
nami sighed, handing vivi her phone back, “what you’re saying really doesn’t make any sense, i hope you know that. you’re excited for our relationship, so you made a checklist of everything he does?” the two were silent as nami tried collecting her thoughts. with a finger pinching the bridge of her nose, she spoke through clenched teeth, “but! i’ll just sweep it aside because i know for a fact that you really are supportive of us. you’ve proved that before this whole silly joke of yours, but still! quit it now! don’t worry about silly shit like that.”
“it wasn’t silly, we were looking out for real, genuine red flags, too, y’know?” a single glare from nami made vivi shut up with a slight pout.
“like what?”
”…if he washed his hands after he peed…?”
“why on earth would i date a guy that didn’t wash his hands after peeing?”
“…you’re right.”
the two did end up popping more popcorn, not wanting to turn back up empty handed, but nami hogged it all for herself and [name]. the feeling of luffy staring dead into [name]’s soul began making the targetted man feel pressured to share, but nami cut him off before he could even try.
”ignore the rabid animal, [name],” nami fed him another piece, unbothered by luffy’s eyes watching them.
“don’t worry about him, he’ll find something else to eat,”
“are you sur-”
“positive~” nami said in a sing song tone, eyes completely focused on the movie that was beginning to play.
by the end of the night, they were able to get through 3 movies before everyone felt too tired to watch any more.
“do any of you need a ride home?” [name] offered, holding a sleeping nami in his arms. he carried her with his hands looped underneath her thighs as she hugged both his neck and waist with her arms and legs, respectively. her head was buried into his neck, the suit jacket [name] was wearing earlier was now draped over her shoulders to keep her warm.
everyone but luffy, usopp, and chopper (the two other boys were sleeping over) needed a ride home. they all rejected his offer, wishing him a good night (sanji’s sounded more heartbroken than the others, though).
he carefully put nami in the passenger side, putting her seatbelt on and then gentle closing the door. he got into his driver’s side, using the same gentleness in closing his own and then checking to make sure that she was still sleeping.
he breathed a sigh of relief and grinned when he saw that she was, leaning over and pressing a soft kiss to her cheek.
“ya missed,” she spoke suddenly, almost making [name] jump in his seat at the surprise of her voice. plus the fact they just watched a couple of horror movies made him more on edge, a teensy bit. but he regained his composure and went back to properly kiss her on the lips. it was a gentle, soft kiss, but it left them both with smiles on their faces.
“sleep, princess, we got a pretty long drive home,” he spoke quietly, not wanting to make her wake up from her sleepy daze. he gently patted her knee, rubbing his thumb back and forth on her skin, trying to goad her into sleeping.
and she was just about to, but she said one last thing before letting the rest of the car ride continue in silence.
”you’re the best boyfriend, [name],”
his heartbeat picked up at the simple comment, gently bringing them to a stop at the red light, “you’re the best girlfriend, nami.”
“no, you’re really thee best,” she yawned, turning around in the comfortable seat so that was facing the window instead of him.
just when he thought she was really asleep, she said one more thing before knocking out, “even if you didn’t check all the boxes on the list…”
waiting for her to continue and give him more context, he, unfortuantely, was left with nothing else to work with.
“haha, what do you mean by that, baby?” … “babe?” … “nami, what did you mean by that?”
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agir1ukn0w · 1 year
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the coat comes OFF if you badmouth Nami😡
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scarletttries · 7 months
How The Straw Hats Keep You Company on the Night Shift... (One Piece Live Action Request)
Pairings: Luffy x Reader, Zoro x Reader, Sanji x Reader, Nami x Reader, Usopp x Reader
Author's Note: I am well and truly in my One Piece obsession here so keep the requests coming! 🥰
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Monkey D. Luffy
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- While the rest of the crew moan and gripe when it's their turn to take the night shift, tasked with keeping the boat on course and an eye out for anything dangerous, you never seem to mind when your turn rolls around again. Instead of eight hours of monotonous boredom, your shift is always passed in the supervision of the ship's jovial captain, your sweet, loving Luffy.
- You always start by insisting he should get some sleep. Everyone has to take a watch on their own, you should too, right? But Monkey insists he'd be a terrible captain to leave you out on your own all night, the unspoken truth simmering just below the surface; he's forgotten how to fall asleep without his arms around you and can't bear waiting until morning to see you again.
- As you keep one hand on the ship's giant wooden wheel, Luffy captures the other, interlacing his fingers with yours as he moves behind you, the warmth emanating from his body keeping you safe and comfortable against the night air. His free hand wraps around your waist so he can pull your back flush against his chest, your needy boyfriend making the most of the private moment to express all his affection the way he knows best. Unwilling to let go of you for even a second, his nose nuzzles against your neck, shifting your hair to the side so he can pepper the exposed skin with gentle kisses, feeling you wriggle against him at the sensation and only spurring him on more.
- In a fit of giggles you momentarily release the wheel to capture his face with the hand he hasn't claimed yet, giving him the chance to spin you around to face him, drinking in the sight of your beauty lit only by the stars and the brightly shining moon.
"You know, you're somehow extra pretty up close." He whispers the words less than an inch from your lips, close enough to feel the warmth of his breath before the intensity in his eyes shifts and his lips crash down against yours. He has to pull away every few seconds just to let the smile you bring out of him blossom on his face before diving straight back in for the most addictive thing he's ever tasted.
- Every time you turn ever so slightly to get a hand back on the wheel, he only clings more, pressing closer to you, or grabbing the wheel himself so both your arms can be wrapped around him where they belong. You continue this carefully choreographed dance half the night, the two of you giggling as you twirl around each other and keep the ship on its course, completely intertwined until finally an exhausted Luffy starts to drift off, slumped against your back, clutching you like the life preserver you are in the vast ocean of his affections.
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- It doesn't matter how long the two of you have been dating, or whatever you want to call the arrangement you and Zoro seem to have so effortlessly fallen into, Zoro will deny he's there to keep you company: He's just happens to be sharpening his swords at that hour, and it's too cramped to do it in his room. He couldn't sleep. He thought he heard something and he wants to make sure it's gone. Every week the excuses get thinner, but you still humour him for the sake of his good company.
- He always starts sitting on the other side of the deck. He likes to think he's completely in control of his emotions, and playing it very cool, despite his obvious inability to resist the magnetic effect you seem to have on him. As the moon charts its own path through the sky he inches closer and closer, responding to your nonchalant observations like it's a weighty task. Finally, about half way through your watch, he's sat with his back to the ship's wheel, leaning gently against your leg where you stand, still not acknowledging his actions, even as you let one hand drop by your waist and he reaches up instantly to hold it.
- He'll trace his thumb slowly over the back of your hand, taking his time before finally he looks up at you, seeming so much smaller than he does when he's charging into battle weidling his collection of swords. He'll bring your palm to his lips and then give you a gentle tug, pleading silently for you to sit with him for a moment, to escape everything else and just be two people in love without any of their history behind them.
- And so you do, sinking to the floor until your thigh presses against his, Zoro still clinging to your hand like a lost child in the vast night, but finding endless comfort in your presence. In the quietest moments like this he can finally be vulnerable, whispering his softer thoughts as you run your fingers through his hair, offering the warm embrace he's been searching his whole life without ever realising it was missing.
- When the first rays of morning light start to dance on the ocean's surface, he'll plant a soft kiss on your forehead and then slink back to his hammock, ready to pretend he didn't spend all night falling deeper and deeper in love.
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- Sanji actively looks forward to the nights you have command of the ship, so he can finally have you all to himself and not have to worry about Luffy barging in on the two of you like he manages to every time Sanji gets his hands on you in the kitchen.
- Of course this man prepares a picnic for you, all your favourite cakes and pastries, lovingly made by his own adoring hands and tasting all the better for the amount of infatuation baked into them. He'll get to the deck an hour before you do, laying out a sea of blankets and cushions for the two of you to lounge on as you pass the night in each other's sweet company.
- Sanji is nothing if not open with his undying love for you, and it's more than a little fun to see just how dramatically this man will fawn over you. The way he gawps open-mouthed as you lick sweet frosting off the tip of a teaspoon while staring deeply into his eyes, watching his adam's apple bob as he gulps in anticipation, every ounce of self control holding his hands neatly by his side. Every happy hum and complement to his cooking only makes his heartbeat faster, the arm supporting his lounging frame scooting closer to you until he can almost rest his head on your shoulder.
- If there's one thing Sanji loves more than cooking for you, it's literally feeding you. He'll slowly raise a chocolate-covered strawberry to your lips, eyes growing wide as your lips graze his thumb when you take a bite, yours fluttering shut as you hum in appreciation. In an instant the rest of the berry is thrown haphazardly over his shoulder as he lunges towards you, bright smile across his face as he pushes you onto your back, his legs quickly straddling your hips to keep you pinned under him. He's practically trembling with excitement as his hands grab onto your waist, then run up your side until finally they capture your face, his lips crashing down on yours until he can taste your sweet kiss, mixed with chocolate and strawberry of course. Your back arches up to press against him, practically feeling his heart swelling in his chest as he squeezes you tighter, not sure he's ever going to be able let you go if you keep treating him quite so kindly.
- Every so often you have to pry him off of you to actually keep a little bit of a watch, but it doesn't take long until Sanji is scooping you up in his arms against, spinning you in circles, or pressing your back against the nearest surface until your legs wrap around his waist and your hands bury themselves in his blonde locks, surrendering yourself to his insatiable need for you. The morning can't come soon enough so Sanji can finally drag you back to his room and do exactly what you've had him dreaming of all night.
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- The sneakiest cat burglar in the business, Nami takes pleasure in making you jump when she appears behind you an hour into your night shift. No matter how often she comes to join you, you never hear her coming, the rush of your nervous heartbeat not slowing when she gives you that wicked grin.
"Did you miss me already?"
- Nami doesn't have the patience for watching the horizon with you, after spending most of her day manning the wheel as well, so she quickly finds other ways to entertain herself. She'll start by placing a constellation of glistening wet kisses along your shoulder, nipping and sucking more intently as she reaches your neck, waiting until your eyes flutter closed and a small sigh escapes your lips to pull away.
"Eyes open pirate, you don't want to steer us off course." Her smirk spells trouble and you can only gulp as she starts toying with the hem of your skirt, stepping in front of you before sinking slowly to her knees. She never breaks eye contact as she nuzzles her nose against the inside of your thigh, devilish grin spreading across her cheeks. "You better concentrate. If you get us lost our navigator will probably have to punish you."
- Her lips replace her nose as she starts licking and kissing higher up your thighs, watching your chest rise and fall and your breathing gets more laboured. Concentrating on anything other than the featherlight touch of her fingers climbing the soft flesh of your inner thigh becomes almost impossible, and as they reach the edge of panties you have to bite down on your lip to stifle a moan you're sure would wake the rest of the crew.
"Let's see how much fun I can have before the sun comes up." She purrs as her fingers brush over the thin fabric she's sure will be soaked through and thrown overboard in no time.
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- This sweetheart is more than happy to spend a night in your company, feeling a little bit jealous whenever he has to share you with the rest of the crew, preferring to be the centre of your undivided attention.
- Usopp will start by putting on a one man show of some of 'his' greatest adventures, and acting out every single role in each of the tales. Every so often he'll start clamouring about the action of his great battles, and you'll have to interrupt him with a kiss just to make him stop talking, so you can remind him to keep his voice down so the rest of the crew can sleep. He'll quickly get distracted by the sweet, soft touch of your kiss, chasing that high again and again until he can't remember which story he was telling and he has to start over from the beginning.
- The minute he sees you fighting a yawn though, suddenly his action packed tale becomes much more soothing. He tells you gentle stories of a peaceful village life, the kind of life he hopes to have with you one day, when you've had all your adventures but you still can't bear to be apart from eachother. He stands facing you, running his fingers through your hair, drawing soft circles on your back, his voice gently drifting on the wind like a lullaby. He guides your head to land safely on his shoulder and holds your weight against his chest, until your eyes flutter shut and he can hear your breathing grow slow and shallow.
- With one hand holding you, the other will take the wheel, scanning the horizon with his whole world right in front of him. He always worries about you not getting enough rest, so he'll happily take your watch every chance he gets if it means he gets to feel you wrap your arms around him and melt against his chest, feeling safe in the company of your brave captain Usopp.
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strawhateden · 1 year
Can I request a one shot with Trafalgar Law? Maybe has a crush on reader (someone from the crew or strawhats crew) and they get along really well but he has trouble confessing until he is forced to in some way! <3
I'm such a sucker for clichés. lol
*°~- stubborn love. trafalgar d law.
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prompt: law being forced to confess his feelings for reader.
a/n: i’m so sorry if there’s any typos 😭 REQUESTS ARE OPEN!
warnings: mentions of near death situation!
genre: angst, fluff!
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The heart pirates had arrived on a new island, one of which was just a quick pit stop in the grand scheme of things. They were set out on a journey to find the one piece. You were the cook for the Heart Pirates, and were invited on the crew after you displayed remarkable cooking skills to the crews captain, Trafalgar Law. Over time, Law had found himself becoming more entranced by you. Everyday that went by was a day Law was certain he liked you more than he should. Law wasn’t one for relationships, and especially not one for pursuing them; he knew it would be extremely inappropriate and unprofessional. However, despite this, Bepo and Penguin had noticed and thought differently. They consistently teased Law, and eventually, everyone knew of Law’s feelings except for you. Law was extremely stubborn however, he would never admit he had feelings for you. Not to Bepo, not to Penguin, and especially not to you.
When you guys had docked on the island of Nirvana, everyone separated. You waved goodbye to the crew and found your way venturing into the vast forest. This was always your favorite part of discovering new islands. You enjoyed collecting ingredients in the area. Finding new things you never even knew existed could make good, tasty, food was always exhilarating. You grabbed everything you could, always. Of course, everything that wasn’t poisonous. Your goal was to create the best cookbook on the grand line, and the best way to ensure you could do so was by discovering new ingredients.
Meanwhile, Law and Bepo had separated from the rest of the Heart Pirates, as they made their way into the bustling town center. The two were looking for a very specific item for Law. Suddenly, someone called the two’s name.
“Ah, Law, Bepo!” The man spoke. Purple hair, tall, and with piercings covering him.
“Jeremy? What are you doing here?” Bepo smiled at the man as Law sighed, huffing out. He wasn’t really in the mood to have an entire conversation with this man. Before Law could get a word out, Jeremy approached the two and hugged them, irritating Law, as he pushed the man off. He was not a very touchy person, and did not appreciate being hugged off guard.
“Where is y/n?” The man pouted as Bepo looked at Law and shrugged.
“Looking for ingredients in the forest.” Law replied with a shrug.
“The forest?! No, not her! She’s going to die!” The man dramatically spoke, as Law sighed and rolled his eyes.
“She’ll be fine, I assure you.” Law yawned, looking to Bepo who was shocked.
“Oh no, why?!” Bepo spoke as Law scoffed at him.
“Come on Bepo, he’s just being dramatic.” Law began, before Jeremy interrupted, putting his finger on Laws lips as Law quickly smacked his hand off, incredibly aggitated by this action. Not only was it annoying, but it was gross.
“What are you doing?! Don’t touc-“ He began, making it known he was unhappy as anger dripped from his voice. However, yet again, Jeremy began speaking over top of him.
“Have you ever heard of the Mystic Pond? It resides in the forests here. I’ve heard that it captures you into a trance, and you lose consciousness, and then…boom! It kills you! Once you’re trapped, it’s extremely hard to escape…” He spoke, spooking Bepo as the fur stood up on his skin, Law noting this and instantly grimacing.
“Law, she’s going to die!” Bepo spoke with fear in his eyes and urgency in his voice, as Law grumbled something incoherent under his breath. It was probably some strand of curses.
“Bepo, she’s not going to die!” Law ridiculed him, extremely irked. He seriously couldn’t take this guy seriously, but at the same time, he would be furious if something happened to you. He wasn’t going to take chances.
“Where is the damn pond?” Law sighed with aggravation, locking eyes with Jeremy, as Jeremy began sweating, his breath quickening, cowarding under Law’s stare
“Well, about that, the funny this is, I actually don’t know.” Jeremy laughed nervously, slowly backing away from Law, hunched over slightly in fear, as Laws eyebrows furrowed in annoyance.
“Well so much for that.” Law scoffed, before cursing under his breath again. He seriously could not believe he was wasting his precious time on such a trivial matter.
“Let’s split up Bepo. I’ll take the west side of the forest and you can take the east side.” Law muttered.
“I don’t want to be left al-“ Bepo began to object to Laws order as Law gave him a side eye. Instantly, Bepo gulped and nodded, holding his head low and trudging off.
“I’ll come with you Bepo!” Jeremy chimed in as Law rolled his eyes and shooed them off, before he began venturing into the forest. As Law wandered into the forest, he activated room, attempting to sense you, unfortunately, without luck. Almost an entire hour later, he. egan to get genuinely nervous, and not even ten minutes after that, he felt your presence. He ran in the direction and saw you floating in a pond, as he gasped slightly, using his ability to bring you next to him, without getting too close to the river himself.
“You idiot!” He spoke with fear, his body tensing up as he lifted your unconscious body into his arms, and he felt for your pulse, breathing a sigh of relief when he felt it.
“Y/N, listen, you need to listen to me. You’re in a dream!” He angrily spoke, unsure of how exactly to handle this situation. He was knowledgeable on many things, but this was not one of them. His heart skipped a beat at the thought of losing you and suddenly, urgency became more prevalent in his voice.
“Listen, whatever you see right now is fake! It’s not real!” He angrily yelled, trying to get you to snap out of the trance.
“Listen to me, now! It’s Law! Listen! You need to snap out of this! You’re going to die!” He continued to plead with you, as you continued to stay unresponsive to him.
“Listen, I…I don’t know how I’m going to continue on if I lose you, so I need you to wake up. I can’t cure this, you’re going to have to fight.” However, his voice fell to silent ears.
“Damnit! Listen to me! I love you, and if you die…I don’t even want to imagine that, so, I ne-“ He continued speaking as you interrupted him with a cough, water spraying him in the face as his face squeezed up and he wiped his face, just happy you were alright.
“You’re awake.” He spoke, as if he had said nothing, his voice dropping monotonously now
“You love me?” You spoke softly, coughing still. Law looked away, his face covered in a blush, eyes glaring in annoyance. He stayed silent as you laughed at him, before sitting up and kissing him on the cheek.
“I love you too.” You breathed out, as his entire face turned red, heart beating out of his chest.
“Thank you for saving me.” You smiled as he muttered, still red, looking away so you couldn’t see his face.
“Whatever.” He muttered, as you giggled. He was truly adorable.
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thebunnednun · 4 months
Oye Mami! I wanted to request a One-shot for Koby! He's a character that doesn't have much fanfic! Honestly I don't know why. he's sexy and cute (especially in the movie Red ^u^) so how about Koby with an pirate reader? she can be like Luffy's sister or something...
Unexpected Dinner Guests! Koby x Straw-Hat! Reader
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Somebody knows I got a soft spot for being called Mami,
I thought the Live action Koby looked so cute and their lips looked so fucking cute soft. I love pouty lips.
I have never written this cutie before so please bear with me.
On with the Show!!~
Title: An Unexpected Meeting
The sea was calm as the sun dipped below the horizon, painting the sky in hues of orange and pink. The Going Merry sailed smoothly, its crew bustling with the usual evening activities. On the deck, [Name], Luffy's sister, leaned against the railing, watching the sunset.
Her thoughts drifted to her adventures, the battles fought, and the friends made along the way. Beside her, Uta, their other sister, hummed a soft tune, her voice blending with the sounds of the sea.
"[Name]! Uta! Dinner's ready!" Luffy's voice broke through their reverie.
"Coming, Luffy!" [Name] called back, smiling at her brother's enthusiasm.
"Let's not keep him waiting," Uta added with a grin, her musical laugh echoing in the air.
As they made their way to the dining area, a sudden shout caught their attention.
"Marine ship ahead!"
Everyone sprang into action, readying themselves for whatever was to come. But as the ship drew closer, [Name] noticed a familiar pink-haired marine on deck.
"Koby?" she murmured, surprised.
The marine ship came to a halt beside the Going Merry, and sure enough, Koby stood at the helm, looking as determined as ever. He had grown since she last saw him, now a strong and confident young man.
"Permission to come aboard?" Koby called out.
Luffy grinned. "Koby! Of course, come on over!"
Koby leapt onto the deck with ease, greeted by the crew. [Name] and Uta approached him, curious smiles on their faces.
"Koby, what brings you here?" [Name] asked, her voice warm.
Koby rubbed the back of his neck, a faint blush creeping up his cheeks. "I was on a patrol mission and heard that the Straw Hat Pirates were in the area. I wanted to check in and see how everyone was doing."
Luffy laughed, clapping Koby on the back. "We're doing great! How about you? You've really grown!"
As the crew caught up with Koby, [Name] couldn't help but notice the changes in him. He was no longer the timid boy she remembered. His eyes were sharper, his stance more assured. There was an undeniable air of confidence about him now.
"Why don't you join us for dinner?" Luffy suggested, oblivious to the tension building in the air.
"Yes, stay!" Uta added enthusiastically, her eyes sparkling.
Koby hesitated for a moment, but Luffy's grin was infectious. "Alright, I'd love to."
As they made their way to the dining area, [Name] felt a sense of anticipation. It wasn't every day that a marine joined them for a meal. Ace and Sabo, who had joined the crew for a short visit, were already seated at the table. Ace's eyes narrowed as he saw Koby, his protective instincts kicking in.
"Koby, huh?" Ace said, his tone gruff. "What's a marine doing here?"
Luffy, oblivious as always, clapped his hands together. "Ace, don't be like that! Koby's a friend."
Koby offered a nervous smile. "I just wanted to catch up with everyone. No trouble, I promise."
Sabo, ever the diplomat, smiled warmly. "You're welcome here, Koby. Sit down, make yourself at home."
As they began to eat, the atmosphere gradually relaxed. The crew's usual banter and laughter filled the air, and Koby found himself feeling more at ease. [Name] and Uta sat beside him, engaging him in light conversation and making sure he felt included.
"So, Koby," Zoro said with a smirk, "what's it like being a marine and running into pirates all the time?"
Koby chuckled. "It's definitely interesting. Especially when those pirates are friends."
Sanji set a plate of food in front of Koby, giving him a once-over. "You better eat up. Can't have you getting weak on us."
Robin leaned in, her eyes twinkling with amusement. "So, Koby, do you have a special someone waiting for you back home?"
Koby's blush returned full force, and he stammered, "N-no, I don't. I'm too busy with marine duties."
Franky laughed heartily. "Well, looks like we found something Koby isn't confident about!"
[Name] and Uta couldn't help but giggle, noticing how Koby's eyes kept drifting towards [Name]. "Come on, guys, give him a break," Uta said, her voice musical.
Luffy, still oblivious, looked between Koby and [Name]. "Why is everyone teasing Koby? He's just here for dinner!"
Ace leaned back in his chair, crossing his arms. "Just making sure the marine knows his place."
Sabo elbowed Ace lightly. "Relax, Ace. Koby's not here to cause trouble."
Amid the teasing and light-hearted banter, Koby found himself feeling more at home than he ever expected. The crew's acceptance and warmth were overwhelming, and he couldn't help but steal glances at [Name], who was clearly enjoying the evening.
As the meal came to an end, everyone moved back to the deck to enjoy the night air. Koby stood beside [Name] and Uta, watching the stars reflect on the calm ocean.
"You know," Koby began, his voice soft, "I've always admired you and your brother. Your determination, your strength… it's inspiring."
A playful smile curved [Name]'s lips. "Are you saying you've got a crush on me, Koby?"
Koby's blush deepened, and he stammered, "N-no, I mean, yes, I mean—"
[Name] laughed, her eyes sparkling with amusement. "Relax, Koby. I'm just teasing you."
Koby took a deep breath, his embarrassment fading into a smile. "I guess I walked right into that one."
She leaned in a bit closer, her voice softening. "But seriously, Koby, I'm proud of you. You've come a long way."
Koby's heart swelled at her words. "Thanks, [Name]. That means a lot coming from you."
As they walked back to the crew, the rest of the Straw Hats were watching them with knowing smiles. Luffy was beaming, clearly happy to see his friend, while Ace was still pouting, arms crossed.
"You still didn't kiss her!" Ace grumbled.
Sabo chuckled, clapping Koby on the back. "Give him a break, Ace. He's doing fine."
Nami and Robin exchanged amused glances, while Zoro shook his head with a smirk. "Young love, huh?"
Sanji sighed dramatically. "Ah, to be young and in love."
Koby, flustered, tried to defend himself. "It's not like that! We're just friends."
But before he could say more, [Name] stood on her tiptoes and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. "Thanks for a great evening, Koby."
As she ran off, the crew erupted in cheers and laughter. Sabo winked at Koby. "Better catch up with her, Koby."
Koby, heart pounding and cheeks burning, took off in pursuit of [Name], the crew's cheers ringing in his ears. As he chased after her, he couldn't help but feel grateful for the unexpected meeting that had brought him closer to her and made him feel truly at home.
They stood in comfortable silence, the bond between them growing stronger. [Name] knew that, despite their different paths, they would always be connected by the adventures and dreams they shared.
As the night grew deeper, they eventually joined pinkies, each with a smile on their face and a warmth in their heart.
For Koby, this unexpected meeting was a reminder of how far he had come and how much further he could go.
And for [Name], it was a moment of connection that she would treasure, knowing that even in the vastness of the sea, true friends were never far away.
Epilogue: A Number to Remember
The night had settled in, casting a serene glow over the ocean as the crew began to wind down. Koby and [Name] found themselves standing at the edge of the deck, the sounds of laughter and conversation fading into the background. The stars above twinkled brightly, mirroring the lights of the distant ships and the flickering torches aboard the Going Merry.
Koby glanced at [Name], his heart still racing from the excitement of the evening. He had never felt more alive, more accepted, and more at home than he did in that moment. Gathering his courage, he turned to her with a soft smile.
"[Name], I… I had a really great time tonight," Koby said, his voice a mix of shyness and determination. "I was wondering if I could maybe… get your number? So we can keep in touch?"
[Name] raised an eyebrow, a playful smile tugging at her lips. "You're just now asking for my number?"
Before Koby could respond, [Name] reached into her pocket and pulled out a tube of red lipstick. She took Koby's wrist gently and uncapped the lipstick in her lips, carefully writing a series of digits on his skin.
"There you go," she said with a wink, capping the lipstick and stepping back. "Now you won't forget it."
Koby looked down at his wrist, a grin spreading across his face. "Thank you, [Name]. I promise I won't."
As they rejoined the crew, the rest of the Straw Hats couldn't help but notice the lipstick on Koby's wrist.
"Oooh, Koby got her number!" Ussop cooed, his voice full of teasing delight.
Nami grinned, nudging Robin. "Looks like someone made an impression."
Sanji sighed dramatically, placing a hand over his heart. Uta bounced on her heels, "Put the moves on him [Name]!"
Zoro smirked, crossing his arms. "Just make sure you don't wash it off, marine."
Franky gave Koby a thumbs up, his grin wide. "Super smooth, Koby!"
Ace, still pouting, finally cracked a smile. "Alright, alright. Maybe you're not so bad after all, Koby."
Luffy, as oblivious as ever, laughed and clapped Koby on the back. "Welcome to the family, Koby! Now you've got a reason to come back and visit more often."
Koby, his face flushed with happiness, couldn't stop smiling. He looked over at [Name], who was surrounded by her family, her eyes sparkling with amusement and affection.
Sabo walked up to Koby, placing a hand on his shoulder. "Take care of her, Koby. And don't be a stranger."
"I won't," Koby replied, his voice full of sincerity.
As the night grew darker, the crew's laughter and camaraderie continued to fill the air. Koby stood amidst his new friends, his heart full of warmth and gratitude. He knew that this was just the beginning of a new chapter.
And as he looked down at the lipstick-covered digits on his wrist, he knew that he would cherish this night forever.
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Make sure you check out the a03 account by the same name. I also have more One Piece x Reader's posted in the masterlist! Give it a read if you please!
Be sure to check out my other works and leave likes and comments, they really help. Drop a follow as well if you please. Don't be shy to leave me a little reblog if you want.
I promise I bite~
Don't be shy, send me your requests, I wanna write lots this weekend!
Seen you soon my loves!!~ <<33
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