#just random sy gifs
aenslem · 1 year
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solarisgod · 6 months
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viking-raider · 1 year
Sy's Therapy Barn
Summary: Austin Syverson is newly retired from the Army and struggling to cope with his PTSD. Until he decides to take a chance on a hobby, most wouldn't think could help, and the person there to help teach him how to do it.
Pairing: Syverson/Reader
Word Count: 5k
Rating: M - Quick-Burn, Language, Angst, Fluff, Mentions of PTSD, Combat Fatigue, Trauma, Wine drinking, Flirting, Support System, Movie Quotes, Leap of Faith, Mentions (but no depictions) of Mental Illness, Domestic Violence, Alcoholism, SMUT - Light, P in V
Inspiration: I saw this Instagram video of a handsome, buff gentleman that ran a pottery business and promoted it on the site.
Author’s Note: I hope you enjoyed it. I am so sorry to any Pottery people for butchering it.
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Syverson wouldn't lie, even though he had thought the hobby was stupid, the first time he thought about it. But, upon seeing a poster at an outdoor market he had decided to attend one, warm Dallas weekend, to get out of the house. Something inside of Sy had urged him to save the number in his phone, before finding the ale stand.
It wasn't until almost a month later, after waking up in the dead of night. He laid curled up in a ball, hugging his knees and struggling to breath. With the blankets and pillows thrown off the king-sized bed, and the black fitted sheet beneath him drenched in his sweat. Aika pressed against his back and whimpering at her owner's distress. It was then that Sy knew he needed something more, other than just denial, the gun range and booze to deal with his PTSD and Combat Fatigue.
He wasn't about to go sit down on some squeaky metal, folding chair, in the basement of some random religious church, listening to other Vets talk about their combat experience. Everyone nodding their heads and offering sympathy and the Word of God. Sy had stopped believing in God over a decade ago. Because, how could some magical man in the sky, with some grand plan for you, before and after you died, allow such bullshit evil into the world.
He didn't want sympathy, far from it.
Austin Syverson, also didn't do sympathy.
So, he pulled up the number from the outdoor market and gave the business a call.
“Mini's Pottery Haven, how can I help you?” A cheery voice chimed on the other end.
Sy let out a hard breath. “Hi, I saw your poster at a market, a couple weeks ago, for a pottery class.” He said, rubbing a palm over his buzzed head, feeling stupid for calling a pottery business, thinking it would help him, in any way, with his trauma. “I was wondering, if you're still doing classes?”
“Yes, we are!” She confirmed, happily. “We have one tonight, with two spots left, if you'd like to join it.”
“Oh!” Sy started, surprised, not expecting one so soon, hoping for a day to work up the nerve to call her back and cancel. “How much is it?”
“Thirty dollars, for just one person, and sixty dollars for a couple.” She informed him, pressing her phone to her ear and bringing up the planner on her computer. “You can pay when you arrive at the class.” She added, distractedly.
Sy paced his kitchen for a moment, before pausing and straightening his back. “I'll take one of the spots and pay the thirty, when I arrive.”
“Excellent! Can I have your name, please?”
“Syverson.” He answered, out of pure habit.
“All right, we look forward to seeing you tonight, and what you create!” She told him, her voice upbeat and optimistic, like she expected Sy to be the next Michelangelo, before hanging up.
“The boys would lose their shit, if they ever find out I tried pottery.” Sy said, stuffing his phone into the front pocket of his jeans.
Later that night, Sy found himself standing out front of the humble, little pottery shop, the full window front was bright from the lights inside, which was flowing with people, all standing around chatting with each other and holding glasses of wine.
“At least, they have booze.” Sy commented to himself.
“First time?” A soft voice asked, from behind him.
“Huh?” He frowned, turning around to find a gorgeous woman standing behind him, a large bag slung over her shoulder, as she regarded him with a kind expression. “Oh, yeah. You?” He asked, trying to be polite.
“Naw, I've been getting my hands messy with clay for years.” You smiled at him, patting your bag. “I assume you're here for the class.” You asked, motioning towards the shop.
“I am.” Sy nodded, licking his lips. “Just working up the nerve to go inside.” He explained to you.
“Ah, yeah. We pottery nerds can be dangerous.” You teased, smirking up at him. “You make one reference to Ghost in there and they'll turn you into a clay mold. If not, pelt you out of the shop with lumps of it.” You giggled, moving by him to step up onto the curb and grab the door handle.
A laugh rumbled out of Sy's broad chest, a genuine smile spreading across his face. “I'll make sure to keep the Ghost quotes to myself then.” He said, turning his sparkling blue eyes towards you.
“Well, no time like the present.” You told him, pulling the door open and holding it for him.
“That's true.” He nodded, his smile softly fading as he joined you on the sidewalk, stopping beside you for a moment. “Thanks for the pep talk.” He said, giving you a gentle nod, before going inside.
The place was a buzz with voices as he paused by the counter, taking out his wallet to pay for his admission for the night's class. He glanced over his shoulder to see where you'd gone, but you had vanished somewhere into the crowd. Shrugging, figuring you'd paid in advance or had some sort of membership, he handed over his bank card to Mini, the owner of the business, who was a sweet looking, elderly woman, dressed in a loose and colorful, bohemian strap dress. Taking his card and the Hello, My Name Is: sticker she handed back with it, Sy turned away, spotting the small wine station, also surrounded by numerous black sharpies. He headed over, scribbling Sy, on his sticker and poured himself a glass of some kind of red wine, before finding somewhere quiet to stand, to wait for the class to start.
As he stood there, sipping his wine and looking at a wall of finished clay figurines, cups and other knick knacks, he felt a pair of eyes on him. Clearing his throat, he glanced sideways, figuring you were checking him out, which he was more than fine with. But he discovered it was another woman giving him eye-candy. She was tall, with bleach-blonde hair and in a hot-pink tracksuit, she felt out of place for a pottery shop. Though, Sy knew he shouldn't be one to speak, standing there in a Lynyrd Skynyrd t-shirt, that had been to war with him, tight blue jeans, a pair of cowboy boots, with a black stetson cowboy hat.
The way she lifted her wine glass, however, suggested she wanted to jump his bones.
Which only amused the retired Army Captain.
“All right, ladies and gentleman!” Mini called, clapping her hands together and coming around the counter to regard her customers. “If we can all head towards the other end of the shop, where all the potter's wheels and everything are. We can start the class.” She smiled, motioning everyone to the back.
Everyone moved to the back in a messy, single-file line, still sipping the rest of their wine and chatting with each other. The woman in the pink tracksuit lagging back to walk with Sy, fluttering her lashes at him.
“Ma'am.” He acknowledged her, touching the brim of his hat, but didn't give her much else.
“What's a man like you doing in a pottery class?” She asked, biting the corner of her lip.
Sy licked his lips. “I got nothing better to do.” He said, not willing to admit the real reason he was there to her.
“I'm sure a big, strong, handsome man like you could find something to do.” She insinuated, fluttering her lashes at him.
“Pottery is just fine, thanks.” Sy replied, offering her a weak smile.
“Everyone, please find a pottery wheel and it doesn't matter which one.” Mini said, motioning to the dozen or so pottery wheels in a circle, a round lump of clay already waiting on them to be shaped.
Sy waited until almost everyone was seated, not wanting to take the chance of getting stuck sitting next to the woman hitting on him, far from that mood tonight. So, taking up a pottery wheel and grabbing the provided apron, he took off his hat and set it on a shelf behind his wheel, and slipped on the apron. Sy chuckled, sitting down on the comically small stool before the wheel, as he balanced his large, muscular body on it, smirking up at the rest of the group; seeing some of them sit on the stool like they'd done it a million times and others wobble.
“The first thing we're going to do, before we start shaping our clay,” Mini began explaining, sitting at wheel herself, apron on and perched on her stool, like the forty-plus year pottery maker she was. “is to assign our first timers, helpers. I will be giving instructions and so forth, but your helper will be there for you, just in case you need a refresher or get frustrated.” She told the group, looking around at everyone. “But just remember, just like us, human beings, we are all unique and beautiful. It doesn't matter how many times your clay refuses to shape into what your mind's eye thinks it should, or tears apart, or even if it doesn't bake right in the kiln. It is still beautiful! You still brought it into this world with your own two hands, and you should be proud of that. Because it's something no one else in this room did.”
Sy blinked at her, slightly taken aback by her statement. So used to Army instructors drilling into him about, if it's not perfect, you're dead or your buddy next to you, is.
“So, helpers, I'll let you pick your person. You've all worked here before, so you know how to identify them.”
“And how do you do that?” Someone blurted out, making Mini and the helpers chuckle.
“Well, that's one way for us to find you.” One of the helpers quipped in an Australian accent, moving across the room to said person. “But, it's the name tags, mate, or Ryan, I should say.” He smirked, offering out his hand to the newcomer. “I'm Joel.”
“Those of us here that don't have a name tag, are old pros.” Mini smiled, resting her forearms on the edge of her potter's wheel, while the rest of the helpers spread out.
“Good to see you made it all the way into the building.”
Sy looked over his shoulder and grinned up at you. “Yeah, I had a little bit of help.” He replied, glad, and a bit surprised, to see you were one of the helpers.
“Well, you're about to get some more help.” You said, glancing at his name tag. “Sy.”
He felt a lump lodge in his throat as you said his name. “That's great.” He rasped back. “I'm going to need it. These hands have only known how to do one thing, for the last twenty years.” He told you, holding up his calloused mitts.
“Oh, you got good hands for clay shaping.” You said, taking one of them in both of yours. “I'm sure we can teach these pups a new trick or two.”
“Can you teach this ol' pup any?” Sy asked, smiling at you.
“I might.” You nodded, pulling a stool up beside him. “Let's listen to Mini first, then we can find out what you want to make that clay into.” You told him, giving him an encouraging smile, that cracked open the door to a place he had tried to keep shut.
“Everyone have their partner?” Mini asked, looking around, then nodded. “Good! Now, you're going to learn your proper posture for molding.” She began, leaning forward and started her instruction for the next several minutes.
“Christ, I don't know if I can remember all that.” Sy said, blowing out a breath and shaking his head at his mound of clay. “I'm just a simple country boy, fresh out of the Army.”
You giggled beside him, lightly patting him on the back. “That's why you got me.” You reminded him, sweetly. “Now, what do you want to make? And, I swear if you say a dildo, I will get up and leave.” You warned him, seriously.
“Have people actually asked you that?” He frowned, cocking his head at you.
“Yes, more often than you might think.” You huffed, shaking your head. “I'll make anything else though.”
“To be honest with you,” Sy started, frowning down at the clay and shaking his head. “I don't know what to make. I've never been the artistic type. I always failed art class back in school.”
“Well, that's the wonder of art, and clay for that matter, Sy.” You told him, softly. “You can make whatever you want. You don't need to be artsy for it. What's the first thing that comes to your mind? Anything at all.”
“My dog.” He blurted out, biting his lip, feeling silly for it.
“All right, what about a dog bowl?” You suggested, tossing out the first dog related thing that came to your mind.
“Could we make a bowl?” Sy asked, looking over at you.
“Absolutely!” You nodded, grinning. “If you wanna make a bowl for your doggo, then we'll make one. I'll use all ten years of my clay making experience to help.”
“All right, a bowl for Aika, it is.” Sy nodded back, inspired.
“That's a sweet name.” You commented, watching Sy position himself, much as Mini instructed, then drizzle a little bit of water onto the clay and cup it in his large hands, almost hiding it completely in his palms as he started to work the wheel with his foot. “Good, that's a great speed. Keep it up. Little less pressure though.” You reminded him, watching the clay start to pancake a bit.
“Sorry.” He apologized, letting off on it.
“You're all right.” You answered, shaking your head. “So, what made you try out pottery?” You asked, reaching out, instinctively, to add a little more water.
Sy was quiet for a long moment, playing with and shaping his clay, watching the thick residue from it cover his fingers and palms. While trying to find a way to answer. He could give you the same answer he'd given the pink tracksuit lady or he could be honest. Spying you from the corner of his eye, he noticed you weren't waiting for a reply, not being pushy or intrusive. You had simply asked him the question and given him the space to answer it, when and if he wanted to with no hard feelings.
It was a breath of fresh air to him, just like feeling the wet clay in his hands. Knowing he was creating something, not harming it.
“I was hoping it would help me,” He finally answered you, licking his lips, deciding to be honest. “With my combat PTSD.” He added softer, waiting for your reaction.
“It can be quite calming.” You admitted, no ill reaction on your face. “It can also be rather frustrating.” You chuckled, with a smirk. “I about tossed the piece I was working on this morning, when one of the sides collapsed on me. I'd only been working on it for six hours.”
“Six hours!” Sy exclaimed, sitting back to look at you more steadily.
“You suffer for the art sometimes.” You told him, with amusement at his expression. “But, it's well worth it in the end. Most of the time, at least.”
“Christ, I hope this doesn't take that long.” He said, looking down at the weirdly shaped, almost oblong bit of clay on his wheel.
You looked around the room, before leaning close to Sy. “I think you're wonderful, Oda Mae.” You whispered into his ear, so none of your friends could hear you, knowing the complaints they'd give you for the reference after the class.
A huge smile crossed Sy's face and he howled with laughter, catching everyone's attention.
“I crack a good joke, we all know it!” You told them, grinning with guilt.
“I like you.” Sy said, once everyone's attention went back to their own station. “You're the first person that's made me laugh, like that, since I came home on retirement from the Army. A year ago.”
“Oh yeah?” You grinned, feeling a hot rush through your body that wasn't the glass of wine you had earlier. “Well, if you think I can crack a good joke, you'll see how good of a pottery teacher I am.”
“You take any students?” Sy blurted out, before he knew what he was thinking.
You floundered, mouth hanging open. “Um, no.” You admitted, shocked he'd asked, then saw the light start to fade in his blue eyes. “But I could consider it.” You said, quickly. “Especially if it helps you cope with your PTSD.”
“I think it just might.” He proclaimed, finding himself smitten with both pottery and you.
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You laughed, throwing up your arm as Sy flicked the wet clay on his fingers at you. “Austin!” You tried to duck the mucky droplets as they splattered all over your apron, the side of your arm, face and hair, still giggling.
“You were looking a bit dry over there!” He guffawed, grinning at you. “What the heck, are you shapin', anyhow?” He asked, balancing himself back on his stool and eyeing your kaolin clay, seeing the strange, cup-like shape you had going.
“I don't really know.” You sighed, shrugging your shoulders at the grayish-yellow clay before you. “I'm just trying to understand it, and make something. That will hopefully not crack in the kiln. If I ever get around to firing it.” You told him, leaning forward again, feeling the soreness in your lower spine and forearms from working in that position for so long. “What about you?” You asked, cocking a brow at Sy, without looking away from what you were starting to consider your Frankenstein.
“Another ceramic grenade cup.” You smirked, curving your thumb into the center of the clay. “Or, what was that tea pot you made?” You asked, giggling as you recalled pulling the craft out of the kiln.
“I don't want to talk about it.” Sy replied, sounding disgruntled.
You laughed, nodding your head. “That's right, it was supposed to be a turt—Austin!” You shrieked, as his big, wet clay covered mitt swiped across your face. “Oh my god!”
“It was nothing, woman.” He huffed at you, with mischievous eyes, as he sat back down. “But I do have a question for you, babe.”
“Oh?” You replied, standing up to wipe the streak off your face before it dried.
“I was thinking,” He paused for a moment, chewing on his bottom lip as he continued to work his clay. “I still have a large chunk of my retirement payment from the Army, just sitting in my bank account.” He said, scowling as one side of the clay started to collapse.
“All right.” You nodded, staring down at him, as you stood between your two pottery wheels in the garage of Sy's house, situated on the ten acres he owned.
“I've been considering,” He licked his lips and sat back, to look up at you, wanting to see your face when he said aloud what had been on his mind for the last year and a half. “I want to open up my own shop.”
You blinked at him a couple times, processing his words. “Your own pottery shop?” You asked for clarification.
“Yeah, I want to open a pottery barn, to help Vets, like myself. Hell, to help anyone with PTSD or trauma. It helped me through so many nights of episodes and flashbacks.” He explained to you, babbling out the idea that had been swirling around him, and looked back up. “You helped me.” He whispered quietly, before shaking his head and squeezing the clay on his wheel.
“It's a stupid idea.”
Watching him destroy the piece he'd just spent the last hour and a half working on, stung you, but it hurt you more to hear him say his idea was stupid. You thought it was incredible. That it was so thoughtful and sweet of him to want to share a hobby that had given him so much in the last two years.
You were flattered to be a part of that journey with him, as well.
Your big bear.
“I think it's a terribly-” You sat down in his lap, wrapping your arms around his neck. “good idea, Austin Syverson.” You declared, kissing him lovingly. “And if I hear anyone say otherwise, I'll pelt them with wet clay, until they think it is.”
A bright smile pulled across Sy's face as he rested his chin on your shoulder. “So, you'll come be my first employee?” He asked, nosing the side of your neck, smelling your perfume mixed with the earthy scents of pottery, tinged with a light sheen of sweat from how warm it was in the garage.
“Oh, I'm going to work for you, am I?” You cooed, amused. “What position, do I get?”
“Hmm.” He hummed, pressing his lips to your skin. “How about the head of pottery?”
“What's your job going to be?” You asked, eyes fluttering shut.
“I'm the boss.” He chuckled, tugging on your ear. “I'll have a bunch of jobs. But there's no one I trust more than you, with all your infinite wisdom of pottery, to run that area.” He told you, his hands pushing under your tank top. “I do only have two years of experience, compared to your thirteen.”
“Oh, laying it on thicker than a glaze, Captain.” You purred, feeling his fingers leave trails of drying clay on the skin of your back. “But I do like the sound of it. Do I get to boss you around during classes?” You asked, cupping the back of his head in your palm and rubbing the short hair there with your thumb, while your other hand dripped to the strings of his camouflage apron.
Sy smirked, giving your neck a sharp bite and making you gasp. “You boss me around already.”
“I do not!” You huffed, with an amused flash in your eyes, pushing his head back to look up at you.
“Whatever you say, my darling.” He replied, blue eyes sparkling.
“That's what I thought.” You smirked, kissing the bridge of his nose.
Pulling his hands from your tank top and gripping you by the hips, Sy pushed you up and pulled your legs across his lap, so you straddled him. You moaned at the straining bulge in his black sweatpants, pressing down against it through your short-shorts, sucking lightly on your bottom lip.
“What are we calling your little pottery business?” You hummed, reaching between your bodies to slip into the waistband of his sweats, finding his thick manhood and gliding your hand along it, drawing out a shivering sigh out from him.
“I don't know.” He rasped, clawing at your hips and the band of your shorts, leaving red marks in their wake. “Maybe, Sy's Therapy Barn or something.” He puffed, losing focus on the idea of running a business and growing more interested in tearing your shorts and underwear off.
“I like it.” You nodded, slipping off his lap, smiling at his hands grabbing to bring you back, but stood and took your shorts and panties off, before straddling his thick thighs again. “Rolls of the tongue and easy to remember.” You told him, taking his burning shaft in your hand, stroking him firmly as you guided him towards your glistening entrance.
“Mmhm.” Sy mumbled, his mouth latching onto your collarbone. “Whatever you say, babe.”
You chuckled, caressing your free hand over his head and gripped his shoulder, using it as leverage to sink down onto him, with a soft sigh and leaning forward to rest your forehead against his.
“I love you, Syverson.”
“Ditto.” He rumbled back, wrapping his arms around you and locking you against him.
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“Welcome to Sy's Therapy Barn!” You grinned as a man came through the door, the bell above it chiming through the building, his ripped muscles making the fabric of his Under Armor shirt scream, his tattooed arms showing below the short sleeves. “Are you here for the classes or to look about?” You asked, motioning around the grand shop with beaming pride.
You and Sy had found a thousand square foot warehouse, filling it with all your pottery and therapy needs and dreams. Sy had even decided to go to school and become a licensed therapist, allowing him to help the people coming into the Therapy Barn better. While they got their hands cupped around the little mounds of clay, during your classes, so they could shape it into whatever their minds wanted or needed.
Part of the warehouse was set up with kilns of all sizes and kinds, tall and wide shelves to hold pour molds and drying creations. While another section was where you and Sy held the classes for the therapy groups, either for former or active Combat Service people or, those who Sy referred to as Regulars, members of the public who hadn't served. All of them there to try and remedy their PTSD, trauma, depression, loss, domestic violence or anything else along those lines.
People that didn't require therapy were also welcome, of course.
But the two of you catered to those in need specifically, and so far, business was booming. Sy had gone to the several local Veteran Centers in the Dallas area with fliers promoting the business's program, as well as the VFW Canteens and posting on the internet. Even calling some of his old comrades. Sy had been worried and a bit skeptical with your first pottery class, sure that no one was going to show up to it. However, when the time rolled around, the bell above the front door started dinging with customers, most of them were middle aged or elderly, but there were several your and Sy's age, looking apprehensive.
It made you smile to see that look on their face, it was the exact expression you'd seen on Sy's face, that night you met in the parking lot of Mini's Pottery Barn, before he discovered the magic of forming clay. You always looked forward to seeing it change into the wonder of how amazing it is, to see your brave Captain use his fresh Bachelor's Degree to help them work through the same struggles he had. The struggles you had woken up at one or two in the morning, to find Sy in the garage, in nothing, but the shorts he'd gone to bed in, hunched over his pottery wheel, his muscles tight and teeth gritted, but his hands cupped gently around the piece of clay he was working. Trying to chase away whatever he had been awoken by.
“I'm here for the class, with Dr. Syverson.” He replied, looking around uneasily, like he expected a bomb to go off in one of the teapots you'd crafted and had on sale in the front window of the shop.
“That's great!” You grinned at him, trying to be open and encouraging towards him. “The class will start in ten minutes. You can either take a seat or have a look around. There's coffee, tea and water on the table with some cupcakes and snicker-doodle cookies, so help yourself.”
“No booze.” He mumbled, eyeing the table.
“No,” You answered, giving him an emphatic look. “Some of our potter's are recovering and sober, so we don't offer it.” You explained to him, glancing over at one of your regulars with a nod. “To repress the urge to relapse.”
He looked at you for a moment. “That's—actually, very thoughtful of you.” He said, blinking as it came over him.
“We do our best.” Sy said, appearing from the back. “Pleasure to meet ya.” He offered his hand to the other man. “Captain Syverson, 1st battalion, 3rd SFG(a). Also Dr. Austin Syverson, the co-owner of this here Therapy Barn.” He introduced himself, always giving his classifications to the Vets, knowing how at ease it made them and started that thread of a bond with him.
“Pleasure to meet you, Captain.” He replied, shaking Sy's hand. “Lieutenant Daniel Burton, 3rd recon battalion, for the Marines.”
“Well, it's good to meet you, Lieutenant.” Sy nodded, then smiled over at you, his hand moving to rest on the small of your back. “I'm sure my fiancee has given you the introduction to our business.”
“That she has.” Daniel nodded, giving you a kind smile. “Though, I'll admit, I'm a little apprehensive as to how this is going to help me get straightened out. I watched some videos on pottery on Youtube and it just doesn't seem like much.”
You and Sy looked at each other, a smile and knowing look on each other's faces.
“It seems that way. I thought the same thing, myself, at first.” Sy confessed, a winking at you. “But, all you have to do is take all your emotions. All your pain, all your love, all your passion and all your rage and work it into that bit of clay we give you on that pottery wheel and the rest comes with it.”
You looked at Sy, it had become a thing between the two of you, and in doing so, that line had become his motto. It had become part of the business's motto, and few people actually caught the reference. But that was all right. The two of you still got through to people in the end. Saving them from their dark past through horrible movie quotes, a man that took a chance on a hobby and your skill with moving clay, sculpting a life and a business out of it.
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honestsycrets · 1 year
Neglection [Ivar x Healer!Reader, Past!Hvitserk x Reader]
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❛ pairing | ivar x reader, past!hvitserk x reader
❛ type | oneshot
❛ summary | touched with eir's healing powers, it's your custom to care for the great heathen army. ivar doesn't appreciate the order you care for others in.
❛ tags | NSFW, non-graphic mention of ivar's wound, healer!reader, blind!reader, religious references, past!hvitserk x reader, heavily jealous!ivar, jealousy.
❛ sy’s notes | forgive the looseness of this piece, i'm attempting to complete random freewrites to get into producing more works.
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Stubborn, that was how you would define Ivar. Even if he was one of the commanders of the Great Heathen Army, he was also as stubborn as a mule. Pain, he claimed, was one of his deepest allies. He was surrounded by it from birth. 
“Ivar,” you trilled, coming into the great church where Ivar set up his base. “Ivar-- are you here?” 
You tiptoed past sleeping comrades holding the bottom of your skirts, prancing over a viking’s sleeping body, egged on by the nagging urge to chase your injured commander. His rich scent filled your nostrils: blood and breaks, smoke and honey. His slight huffs of pain, slight as they were, led you to this room.
“Hush,” came the snapping reply. “My brothers are sleeping.” 
Your foot bumped against cold stone steps. “Where are you?” 
“You’re close.” 
The night was always a trying time for finding the right man. Ivar’s thick candle, flickering in the moonlight, casted little light by which you could guide yourself through the large room. You climbed over the heavy steps by sliding your feet slowly over the stone floor. Then, bumped into another body. 
There was no answer. You bend at the knees and casted your fingers over the crumpled body on the floor. It wasn’t right-- no, his sides were too narrow. His hair in long braids. And when he moaned, your ears were full with a gruff but inviting voice. “Prince Hvitserk,” you mumbled.
“Yes, Prince Hvitserk,” Ivar chided. “You always loved Hvitserk.” 
You left his side with the assumption that Ubbe would be sleeping close by. Wherever Hvitserk was, Ubbe was. You knew that. Bjorn wouldn’t be in this room-- he was keeping watch tonight. “I don’t choose who to heal first, Ivar. The goddesses do.” 
“You can lie better than that.” 
“Please don’t mock me, Ivar. I just want you to be safe--” 
“Safe?” He hummed. “I’m not interested in being ‘safe’, my sweet.” 
Sweet, you flushed. You hoped that the bright light wouldn’t illuminate your cheeks, flush with embarrassment. Then again, you would never know. “You’re blushing, hm, do you like that?” 
“That’s enough. Just come to me.” 
“Why should I? If memory is escaping you,” he bit out. His voice clear, filling your ears with dizzying certainty. He really was close. “I was shot in the thigh. Find me yourself.”
Seconds later, your knees collided with a great wooden chair. Then betrayed you. You fell forward and caught yourself by slamming your hand down on a firm, but fleshy surface “Gods!” he shouted. 
“By Eir!” you snapped back, hands flailing to find the proper wooden surface. “My Ivar, I’m--” 
“Sorry, yes, I know. Congratulations, you’ve found me. Now get on with it.” 
“On-- on with it?”
“Did you not come here to heal it?” he asked. In the hazy field of your vision, you knew he was scrutinizing you. You ran your hand over your long skirt, smoothing it down. Whatever he was staring at, be it your thick braid over your shoulder or the dry blood caked over your hands from a long day of work, you weren’t sure. “Or are those magical hands only for Hvitserk?” 
“Why do you insist on Hvitserk?” 
His head, angled toward his brother, snapped to you. “Given how much time you spend with him--” 
His body tensed. Your fingers ghosted the scratchy fabric of his pants, still splattered with blood, and you realized he too hadn’t washed down. You hovered over the wound, the place where his scent originated from. 
“I do not.” 
“You only serve him breakfast and dinner,” he spat to the side again, stiffening as you moved up to loosen his belt. His hand snapped to your wrist, grip crushing the bone. You lifted your head to him, coming close enough that you could make something out of the face you once knew.
“Don’t do that.” 
“I need a clear working area. It isn’t as if I can see your…” you snaked your hand away from his grip to try and loosen his pants again. He snapped his head one way, then another, watching as you kneeled between his legs. He remained silent as you slid his pants down his thin legs to his ankles. 
 “You’ve seen Hvitserk’s,” he huffed under his breath. 
“How many times do I need to tell you? I’ve not been with him. For years,” you searched through your bag for the right essentials. Yes, another healer had cleaned the area on your request-- but it wasn’t done to your liking. The cloth was loose, the area unpurified. “I don’t even remember what he felt like.” You mumbled.
Ivar’s lips parted with a slight smack. He was wordless for an instant, his head shifting to face his brother. “He was that… immemorable?” 
The air was thick. He, curious. You, exhausted. Ivar’s large arms turned one over another. He twitched his thick muscular thighs as if to urge a response from you. Your hand came over his firm muscles to keep him in place. 
“We were so young. Ubbe was training him,” you said, cleaning the area with a soaked cloth. When you bumped into him, the wound oozed. Your lips pursed and you would blow soft air over his thigh which caused his muscles to tighten. “Besides, I don’t remember much from before Eir took my sight, Ivar. Only the small memories we shared.” 
“But not the dick,” he laughed. Your fingertips swatted the side of his thigh. 
In your mortar, you mixed a mixture of herbs that he only recognized from his mother’s witchery cabinet to soothe his aches. Your lips moved in the strangest of prayers, sanctifying the blend to aid in his healing and pain. Then you slathered it on his thigh, tingles ripping through his thigh to his spine. He wasn’t sure if the mixture or your lips healed the soreness, sweeping over his thigh with a soft kiss. He trembled. 
“You have nothing to be anxious about.” 
You lifted his thigh, drawing the bandage in sturdy loops around his thigh. Then, securing it in place, removed his musty pants and boots. It took a moment to locate his other pants. Ivar took them and drew them on, clicking his tongue against the roof of his tongue to urge you on. “I don’t want to be his.”
“Then whose?” 
Somewhere, in the back of your mind, you were aware of what he was about to say. Though you couldn’t see, you could feel. Feel the intensity of Ivar’s presence, his eyes following you around camp, his endless neediness. His hand shot out and snatched the cords of your dress. You knew you shouldn’t have worn his dress to deal with Ivar. There was no way to unpeel his strong grip from your cords by will alone. 
“Be mine.” 
There were certain things that you knew the gods wanted. Healing of their finest warriors, the mitigation of pain, and hard workers. Your eyes, glazed as they were, served only to be a liability. To a man like Ivar-- your hands connected with his naked shoulders. His muscles enticed you-- far-- far too well. It had been years since you last had a man. Perhaps, in part, due to Ivar’s consistent scowls and glares.
“I can’t, I-- I swore to Eir,” you murmured. Though the words came of your lips, they did not convince you. You traveled his sturdy shoulders to his neck, then his jaw-- peppered with stubble. God, he knew what the sensation did to you with waves of excitement dancing over your skin. You weren’t convincing anyone.
“What does she care? Does she demand some silly Christian oath?” 
“No, but I--” He grasped your backside, pulling up the skirts over your knees. Then, jerked you onto the throne with legs on either side of his own. His voice softened into a soft honey-like hum, rivaling the soft slick that gathered between your legs. “Let me convince you otherwise, hm?” 
“Hvitserk is here.”  
“Forget him.” Ivar coursed his hand underneath your skirts. It was frustrating how often he could not listen. You could tell Ivar that the sky was blue and he’d debate you! With his calloused fingers guiding there way to the junction of your legs and pelvis, you knew there was nothing that you could tell him. No, nothing that you wanted to tell him, that would change this. Even with your complaining, you longed for the attention. It had been years.
Ivar inhaled air as he brushed your vulva, dancing his thumb across your neglected lips. He slid between the slit, parting your lips with ginger care. It was nearly embarrassing how easy it was for Ivar, running the pad of his thumb up and down. “See? You want me.” 
You wracked your mind for the last time this had happened. The last time a man had his eye on you-- oh, but you remembered, the night you lost your vision. Hvitserk-- whose kind heart soothed your grief-- warmed your body to comfort you. As you traced the memory, the ache of his absence panged strangely in your heart. Oh, how easy a man’s heart was to sway.
“Focus on me,” Ivar sank his fingers into your warm cunt. Your hips shifted in response, flush against his chest, breasts in his face. Your body tensed around his fingers to keep him in place. Ivar wasn’t the sort of man to be held back. Not by a pathetic cry, no. He was guided by the things he was passionate about. “Good--” 
“Please, Ivar, I’ve not--” he curled his fingers, massaging your walls as you hadn’t in years. It was warm, wonderful. His other hand came to your front, massaging a soft spot that only one other had. He rolled in the softest of rhythms, circling purposefully slow. Then quick. The pleasure bloomed-- the ugliest of flowers that you told yourself you wouldn’t have again. That you would devote yourself to Eir, swear off all thoughts of lust and love. All at once, Ivar stopped. He drew his fingers back from massaging your soaked walls and flicked your clit with a soft laugh. 
“No,” you lowered your hips, yipping as you settled against the bulge between Ivar’s legs. “I should-- I should go.” 
“Then go.” 
You didn’t move. No, your hands were knit to Ivar’s shoulders like thread and cloth.
"That is what I thought." You felt frozen in place even as he pulled himself free of his pants and fondled his shaft. The tip of his cock eased along your lips: forward, backward, and forward again. 
“If you stay,” Ivar breathed, slapping his cock against your mound. His breath was warm against your chest, urging you to slide your chest against his. Oh, you knew you were doomed. The memory of sex was all too enticing. Your body clenched, aching at the memory of how it felt. “I won’t let you go.” 
And though he said that, you reached between your legs and lined the warm head of his cock with your aching hole. He snapped your hips down an instant later, his wide grin widening with every bit of his cock that filled your core. Your fingers cringed on his shoulders as he seated himself comfortably in your cunt. Your lips parted, shaking loose noises that you knew would wake up his brothers. 
“Hush,” he leaned in, rocking his hips despite the pain wracking up his thigh. Your hips shifted, rolling down along his cock alone. He didn’t even have to move, no, you were too happy to do this on your own. His thumb found your nub again, spazzing along the little button as you rode him. You missed how it felt: how his warm words filled your soul with bliss, and his dick filled the places you didn’t know needed to be filled. It was what Ivar did-- with his voice, as desirable and silky as honey. 
It ruptured a hole straight through you. Blossoming low in your belly, the pleasure ripped through your cunt. Your body clamped on his, working his orgasm free. He seized your chin, aiming it toward him. And though your unseeing eyes could only see the shadows of his face, your mind was scarred by the memory of his haughty eyes and the bob and weave of his head. You didn't need to see to know what he was about to say next. “You’re mine.” 
You were wrong for this. But it was too late to take it back.
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oopsallwhimsy · 4 months
Random, but seeing all notifications from you makes so many sys members excited :] -Floyd/JD
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Hey you!! 🫵 Thank you for the smile!! It makes me unreasonably happy knowing I gave you guys some joy! Have a doodle just for you 💕
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cemetaryvampire · 2 months
Stares at you…
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hi my name is vin and Dante andddd I do stuff sometimes
here’s some important info:
-pdid sys host
-I forget everything pls remind me if you tell me stuff I have shit memory PLS/gen
-neurodivergent and mentally unwell /lh (autistic, anxiety, hyperrose, p-did, and bpd (please be patient with me)
-Artist, animator, music maker, therian, furry, and othur stuff
-guess my birthday and I’ll toss you a penny
-learning Italian and Russian but pls don’t speak to me in those languages if much rather be spoken to in english
-vampire and jackalope otherkin
-feel free to flood my inbox with questions or just random shit lol
-favorite bands/music artists: femtanyl, System of a Down, Alex g, tv girl, mccafferty, the front bottoms, mindless self indulgence, Melanie Martinez, nine inch nails, destroy boys, the scary jokes, nirvana, ken ashkorp, insane clown posse, the front bottoms, modern baseball, will wood, of Montreal, Mitski, torntails, and lots more (I love music!!!!)
-MY PLATONIC BOYFRIEND @w33zerbluealbum!!
-@showerwaterr @vatterson dni /j
-use she/her or any fem terms on me and I’ll block you (if you knew that I hate it) (just dont misgender me,,)
-pretty tone deaf, pls use tone tags when speaking to me
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Other blogs;
@daily-oj - oj ii daily
@graywingsinhaler - personal/vent acc
@andyfromthediner - Regretevator oc ask/rp blog
@alien-kitty-cat-stuffs - oc ask blog
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my strawpage (pls read
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fandoms (ones highlighted are main):
inanimate insanity
warrior cats
ride the cyclone
clone high (sort of)
yfmts (don’t listen to the music(sort of)
panty and stocking
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That should be it ig :3
(last edited 6/23
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20 notes · View notes
murruspins · 3 months
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Welcome to my blog!
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Hello!! Welcome to murruspins :3!
This is a special interest blog, however it also kind of acts like a diary. I write down what I’m thinking or hyperfixating on, same goes with my regular interests! This blog will also have alot of alterhuman content, as it’s a big part of my identity!
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About the owner of this blog…
My name is Murruyu! I’m a transfem enby, and would prefer if you used they/it/xe on me aswell as fem + neutral terms! If you don’t respect my pronouns, I’ll simply block you, no biggie! 🤍
My special interests are mcyt (hermitcraft & life series specifically), horror, metal music and bio! When I say bio and horror, I mean all aspects. I love horror games, movies, shows, etc. And I love all biology paths/subtypes! (Eg: wildlife bio, botany, palaeontology, and more!)
I’m the host of a minor bodied DID system, however I won’t get into that much on this blog, as this is my personal blog! However, I will talk about our physical disabilities because they impact my everyday life, and this is a diary blog after all! [I will mainly talk about my EDS and CFS]
As I said before.. I am an alterhuman! More specifically, here is a link to all my kintypes!
This list may be updated/edited in the future, but for now, these are all of my (known) kintypes! Some stronger than others. More specifically, I have a super strong connection to the feline clade, more so than my other kintypes. Obviously, due to being alterhuman, I do not identify as human. I instead identify as my kintypes, I may post about my alter-humanity frequently 🫶
I am ALWAYS looking for moots/friends!! Click here to see my interests + adult mutuals are okay, just no dms!
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• People who hate on ANY of my special interests. No offence, but you’re not welcome here, this is my safe space! [PS: being afraid of horror or animals is not the same as hating on them, if you have a phobia of something that’s completely fine! Just don’t insult my spintrest on my page 🤍]
• Anti alterhuman, Anti Age regression, Anti pet regression
• Endogenic systems, Profic/Proship/Darkship/anything that fits into that category.
• FURBY BLOGS!!!!! Furby centred blogs/Blogs with furbys as their theme/pfp dni. Moots r okay but please add a warning whenever you post them 😭🫶. I’m terrified of those little things.
• I’m autistic, I need tonetags! If you’re going to ask anything, I’d appreciate you using tonetags so I can understand you better! :3
• Adults may not ask to be my friends, No offence, just for boundary and comfort reasons, I am a minor after all. Mutuals are fine!
• I generally do not engage in discourse, if that’s something you’d like to know before following! This blog is focused on being diary, alterhuman and interest themed!!
• This is my main blog! If I’m active, it’s probably here. But my side blogs are…
> @liostims , my stim blog
> @lovesicksyndicate , our sys blog
> @faunafeature , my animal info dump blog
> @kiyoscove , my agere blog
> @murrupurrs , my petre blog
… Please keep in mind many of these blogs may be inactive, as this is my main!
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Finishing up/Extras…
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. . . Emoji games!
How these games work; ask via the ask option, and write an emoji + any other info you’d like, and I’ll answer! Just a small game for fun!
🐾 , info dump about a random animal I’m fixating on at the time! (Please include if you don’t want a specific animal due to a fear, for example: bugs).
🐈 , song of the day! ask and I’ll give you a song that’s been stuck in my mind recently, or just a random song off my playlist!
🐍 , daily check in! I’ll give you a small rant about my day so far, and tell you how I’ve been recently! (I’ll try to keep it positive.)
"(Therian/biology/metal/anything related to my blog) culture is…" asks are also always appreciated!! I love seeing them, and I love interacting with people!!
Blog tags . . . !!
#murru mews 🐾 | my general tag! Diary entries!
#murru hisses 🐍 | vent posts
#murru’s asks : replies to my asks!
#murru’s rants : rants!! Either in response to the emoji games, or just to infodump :]
#murru’s playlist : anything to do with music!
#murru’s toybox : anything to do with my collections!! I collect a lot of things, so this tag will be full of things in my collection :]
#murru’s games : an additional tag, just for my emoji games!
PS: blog creation date.. Jan 30th 2024!
Thank you for reading !
. . . Enjoy your travels, dear friend!
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48 notes · View notes
gummydummy19 · 6 months
Hi Gummy<3
Sorry in advance but:
In answer to who's going to distract you from studying, the options are:
A. Sherlock Holmes because he is so clever. One glance at your quiz and he'd give the answers in an instant (also because he's bored as hell and nothing is interesting for a week), while you are trying your best to finish these questions on your own.
"Sherlock! Shut up! I'm trying to study here." You yell at him.
And he'd give you this look: ↓
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B. Captain Sy because he's being such a good boyfriend. Bringing you biscuits, sliced fruits, protein bars and coffee so that you can always feed yourself with the snacks.
"You really have to stop, honey, or I'd gain two pounds before lunch." You pout at him, when he scratches the back of his head and chuckles in embarrassment.
Him saying he'd be out of your hair in a sec: ↓
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C. Napoleon Solo. He offered to steal the answers for the finals when you sigh for the hundredth time in the morning. "I'll have Gabi to stake out-" He is ready to dial the numbers.
"Why don't you kidnap my professor and torture him to hand us an easier paper-" You roll your eyes.
"That sounds fantastic, sweets."
He nods. He fucking nods and grins at your sarcasm.
"That's not- Please don't- I need some peace and quiet to study, please?" You sigh for the hundred and first time, placing your hands under your chin, blinking your eyes as adorable as possible.
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D. Clark Kent. Equally buried in books as he needs to pass his finals for the course Media and Communiation. He lies on your thighs, holding his book right above his face before -
A dull thud and the book lands on his face, snapping him completely awake. Also making you nearly jumping on your feet.
"... Ouch." He scratches his nose, removing his glasses, "Which chapter are you at - *yawns* now?"
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Bonus: August Walker, who ordered a random IT guy (Benji: I deserved a Thank You at least!) to alter your marks in the system, making sure you'd get straight A's no matter what.
And he took you to a concert/opera/club/... before the test to help you loosen up. (It didn't help at all.
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(take your pick :3
Okay…you…you are a menace, Jam😶 A MENACE I SAY!
Alright this needs a bit of thinking…
I study Journalism so Clark would actually be of great help to study together…+ naps together during breaktime are so so so so so welcome 😭🫶🏻
Sy…my beloved…big grumpy men being all soft and caring makes me SHHWJZHDJAHSHZ🫠🫠🫠
I can just imagine him in the kitchen fumbling around with fruits and trying to plate everything up nicely without making too much noise. I feel like he is also such a great cook tho?? He would definitely be on cooking duty during my entire exam period. Grilling steaks the size of your head because he claims “its good for your brain” and “you need to be strong and energised”
He would definitely make everything way easier for me. He would get all my summaries finished in about a quarter of the time it would have taken me and he would be amazing in teaching me ways to remember stuff more easily.
And with all that extra free time he just created…well…he claims he deserves a reward for being such a great tutor as he presses kisses on your neck and slowly drags you to the bedchambers…..
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sngtch-smgs · 10 days
Hello! So this is a side blog for @echostarsys !!
It'll be run by Smg3, and Smg4 mainly! Occasionally Meggy and Mario might show up, and the chance of our Mr puzzles showing up is lower than Mario
So ig I should do a basic thing for the blog?
The main trigger is the IGBP arc.
I mean, we'll still look at the stuff for it, just may take a moment to make sure I'm good is all
{Another sys member is catching up on the lore so if this changes this will be edited!}
If we don't act exactly like canon that's why!
-Side note from 3: If you think we're gonna perfect copies istg that is not how that works
Some tags we will use:
Sys Wide Art Tag: #EchoStarArtz
Smg3's Art tag: #Snitch3artz
Smg4's '': #Glitch4artz
Sys Wide Asks/Random Tag: #EchoStar Rambles
This blog Asks: #SnGtch q&a
Reblogs: #SnGtch rb
-These are for the members interacting with the blog! Each person will have their own tag at the end or start of the post/tags-
Smg3: #Snitch3📒
Smg4: #Glitchy4✏️
Meggy: #Megs🖌
Mario: #Mayro🕹
Mr Puzzles: #Puzlvison🧩
Ty for reading this far if you did! Much appreciated! I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day :] -Smg4
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Thicker Then Water Final
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Summary: being a vampire is not what youd expected. There are odd instincts and strange protocls you adhere to. But one thing remains an issue, diet. Sherlock decides enough is enough, if you cannot stomach the donations then you will live feed.
Warnings: vampire au, feeding, coercion, gore?, fluff, swearing and poorly written vampire lore😅
A/N: here is the final chapter! Woohoo! Im glad i got this finished for Halloween, that was my goal. So yay! Anyway i have enjoyed writing this and am happy with how it turned out. I hope you all enjoyed this little fic!
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The last few weeks had been the strangest and most euphoric of your life being with sherlock and the boys was just? Something else. You were complete. There had been a mundane emptiness in your mortal life. Worry, money, health, bills, food everything was just so? Fucked up! You hadnt realised how inconvenient makeing food was or just how much your period impacted your entire life, not just that one painfull week. It was insane but you felt like you could live your life properly. The vampirism had freed you from a very constricted human life.
Thats not so say adjusting was a walk in the park though. You still did daily human things, watching and fretting over the news. Sometimes you forgot what you were and made a coffee only to curse and tip it in the sink going into a rage swearing the house down before curling into sherlock after having the man eye you sternly. You quickly aplogized and sulked about how yoh didnt meant to be so ratty. But it never lasted long, hushed words and gentle kisses always helped perk you up. And sex. Yeah sex helped alot, youd be a liar if you said you hadnt faked a few tantrums to get some tough lovin'
And sure the diet was still shit, the others still insisted that it would get better. They tried to use mikey as an example but the boy was only three weeks ahead of you and still joined you at the sink spitting out blood occasionally. Sometimes you just couldn't force it sdown and you seemed to set one another off. He'd mention it was salty, then you would notice it, then hed get up heaving spitting it into the sink and you'd be right on his heels doing the same.
And you did miss the sun. Not that you never saw it, saw it from inside. The uv protective glass letting you admire the huge star. But then you fell asleep after a few moments of sunrise, it was the type of sleep anesthesia gave you. A blanket suddenly smothering you and then nothing. You fought it, each night... day? You were like a child wanting to stay up later with everyone else. But you failed each day time passing out. Only to wake the next night curled up in sherlocks daybed with him drawing light patterns across your skin as he read what ever book had captured his interest.
But there were other unexpected changes to being a vampire. Random embarrassing vampire quirks, and they were pissing you off now. Your fangs dropping randomly, the sniffing and scenting, growling and purring even some ridiculous possessive. It was just so wierd, the others found it sweet as you began falling to instinctive behaviour.
You roughhoused with mikey and clark who were both young enough to give in to almost pack like playfulness. You'd hiss and pounce at them nipping one another as if learning your own strength and bite pressure. Youd been embarrassed at first as you squabbled and tussled with them like a child. But sherlock was quick to sooth you, explaining it was all part of the change. It was a natural process just like many other predators you were learning through play fighting.
The worst part of your new instincts revolved around sherlock himself though. You'd randomly get protective over him a rush of fierce anger and indignation would wash over you if the others got too close to him. Youd race over putting yourself between him and who ever was. Bareing tiny newborn fangs at them.
You felt so proud when youd made sy back away when he moved to fast around sherlock. Youd climb onto sherlocks lap almost too fast for you to even realise you had moved. Youd sat on sherlocks thighs crushing the new paper hed been reading not that he cared. His heart swelt as you gave into the protective pull. You glowered up at sy snarling savagely rising slightly as he blinked down at you smirking scoffing at you muttering how cute you were comparing you to a puffed up pomeranian small and feral
You slumped feeling a little pathetic, disappointed that you hadnt scared him. A wave of sadness washed over you. How were you going to defend your maker when you cant even scare a single lone vampire off! You flicked your gaze beack up. And grinned excited as Sy paled and backed off quickly retracing his steps and retreating. You spun to your mate proud as punch, beaming up at him
"Did'ja see that!? I made him run off! I did it, i did it!" Sherlock wrapped his arms around you tugging you close not willing to tell you it had been he who'd frightened sy off, bareing his own fangs at the boy releasing a growl you felt rather then heard. Eyes glowing and pupils lengthening to slits warning sy off.
"I did see, your becoming a fearsome little fledgling already. I will have to watch my back, soon you'll be challenging me for the top spot" he hummed laughing softly nuzzlung you sweetly soaking in your scent.
Sherlock would never let you know who sy had actually retreated from. He'd never break your little heart like that. He wanted you to become confident in yourself, you had to believe in yourself and your new abilities. Find your feet and trust in the change,not just accept your new outlook and little quirks but hone them, thrive even. Over the years sherlock had found that a fledgling that was confident and proud of themselves and their achievements accepted their change quicker. Self esteem was important, it helped avoid morbid thoughts and resentment.
And you were certainly a little firecracker, having already nipped august and walter when they had been too careless with their words. Youd drawn blood on both occasions, and felt absolutely terrible afterwards. Youd cried some5hing fierce upset youd attacked them. But it was natural, they had unknowingly challenged you and youd whipped them into place. You were the alpha female, second in command despite being newly turned.
August and walter hadnt minded much, infact they both felt a tad sheepish afterwards. They had forgotten themselves and paid the price, it didnt help that after youd succumb to your slumber that day sherlock had made a spectacle of them infront of their brothers chastising the both of them. It had felt like turning the clock back as he upended one and then the other making them both retreat to their rooms afterwards feeling sorry for themselves and embarrassed.
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"What is going on?" You asked peaking out from the games room as you heard scuffling in the hall. Napoleon and august froze on the spot quickly trying to cover the third person with them. A sniffling shaking human that stunk of acidic urine who was pleading in half sobs, a bag over his head.
"O-oh shit" August grunted looking like a deer caught in some headlights. Leon glanced from you to his brother and then back to you, words failing him. You crept out of the games room fully to face the trio. You scrunched your nose sniffing the air once before shaking your head at the stench.
"August? Leon? Whats going on? You know how sherlock feels about this whole... role play thing in the house" you uttered recitin one of the unofficial rules pf the nest. No human sex-capades or role play fantasies within the home. Especially not with fledglings in the house. One drop aof blood and you and mikey could go apeshit... perhaps not this mortal though? He smelt of piss and panic. Salt, sweat grime. Ew.
"Its not roleplay-i do not roleplay with men;agh fuck! LEON?!" August quickly grunted, seemingly insulted you thought he'd be into those kind of extracurricular activities with his own sex. He was cut of with a swift punch to the gut, leon had spun and stuck him true. They gleared at one another, august snarling makeing to retaliate but you stopped him by speaking up.
"Not role play? August? That human has a bag over his head!" You exclaimed waving a hand to the dank human in a 'what the fuck?' Motion. Because what the fuck?
"He is a gift!" Leon huffed and gave a rough sco.ding shake to his bagged charge as his knees almost gave out under him. You blinked perplexed by the statment. August sent a sharp loo, to leon but sighed nodding in agreement. You got the feeling you werent supposed to have been told about this 'gift'.
"A gift? For who?" You asked flic,ing your eyes from one assassin to the other. They shrunk under your gaze for a moment, deliberating whether to reveal just who was receiveing such an odd gift. Finally they seemed to agree and both looked at you.
"You Mother" the two words confused you. They were giving you a human? To do what? A pet? Do vampires have pet human? You hadnt heard about it before? Perhaps you were deemed old enough to get introduced to the darker side of vampire life.
You shook your head frowni g at them and shifted on your feet not con ecting the dots. Just as you gave up and made to ask sherlocks voice called out from a doorway you swore had never been there.
"Boys? Oh good you found him! Brilliant; this way, take him down into the crypt" sherlock said in a chipper tone. But despite his s,ile here was so thing else? A chill in his gleeful words. Ice in his eyes that burned, stinging and swift. Leon and august both quickly shuffled into the doorway, managing to squeeze through woth the human tucked between them. You sworethere were faint aplogetic whines from them as they passed their maker.
"Crypt? We have a crypt? What crypt; Wait sherlock? Do you know about this gift?" You questioned stretchingnonto yourmtippy toes trying to follow where leon and august had just dragged the unfortunate human. Sherlock tipped his head to you before capturing you in his arms, pulling you to his chest when you tri÷d to sweep past him. You grunted and swerved, now far to intrigued to let this go. You had a fucking crypt! Maybe it was spooky with candles and coffins!
Your mind wandered, conjuring scenes with armands nest from invterview with a vampire. Sherlock chuckled at your excitment thrumming through the bond. But quickly spun you and rested his chin on your crown amused when you whined. You hated that, it was a short thing apparently. He coiled his arms around ou and began slowly letting you follow his sons into the crypt.
"Yes love. Well no, we dont have a crypt persay, but we do have a concrete vampire proof safe room incase anything unfortunate happes. But mostly it has been used as a time out. Its just a room thats stong and easy to clean." He spoke with amusement as you grunted and tugged him along with determined steps, making your way down the once concealed hallway.
"But yes i did arrange for a little present for you." Sherlock finalised. Before halting you, weaving arohnd you and pressed a neavy hand on your shoulder squeezing once and then tentered the room where the human was nos sbdued. A large manacle on each writst weighingnthem down, each one connedted to the floor with a few yards of chain.
You hovered by the door for a moment. The room was plain. Cpncret walls and floors a simple spotlight in the center illuminating the space in a dark orange glow. Ou ould make out the slight tilt to the floor, a grate covered drain in the center below the humans feet. It was like a big sink, designes to let everything find the drain. You shuddered for a moment there was only one thing meant to be drained away in this room.
Sherlock strode in like he owned the place. But the again he did so no surprises there. Both leon and august moved back from the human as sherlock prowled around him. Making his shoes grind on the floor with a slight twist. His grin darkened as the human began sobbing in earnest shaking and twitching, turni g his head trying to follow sherlocks movements.
Your mate finally came to a halt before the human and glared at him sinisterly. And then he beckoned you raising a hand, palm up waiting foryou to enter the room. You felt both leon and augusts eyes on you, their excitement growing. Sherlock pivoted his head to you and then spoke softly.
"Come my love, dont be so aprihensive. This is a gift. For you. I know how hard it is to feed from livestock and I want you to be healthy and well fed." You crossed the space between you and held his hand tightly. He squeezed it reassuringly before be8nging your hand to his lips kissing it gently.
"So today we start your vein feeding"
"really? so soon" you asked quietly, bearly whispering. Your stomach dropped and suddenly you were tense. There was something dark about this. Sherlock wasntmyour sweet lovable mate. Since entering this room he had become your master, your maker, a predator and more frightening then anything you had ever seen in your life.
"It easier when you hate the human. You have less guilt if you accidentally kill.You need to learn to feed from the vein eventually, this is the easiest way" sherlock explained sharply, cleary letting you know he expected you to obey him in this, this was serious business.
"I... i cant i dont think;" your throat tightened as you vocalised your defiance. Your chest hurt, it was unnatural to go against your maker. Your eyes teared, red blurring your vision and you shook your head glancing at your mate lleading with him silently. You wasnt ready for this.
"Love, im afraid you must. Its something we all must master, feeding and handling human frailty. And the bagged supply isnt as healthy for us. You are falling behind, soon you will become ill we must act now prevention is better than cure" sherlock insisted softly, cooing at you making sire to be gentle but firm. You were going to have this lesson today. Here and now because he will be damned if you let yourself waste.
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Though he was pleased with your progress in other areas you were under nourished, you were failing to feed as much as you needed to, and were a few weeks behind in development. You should be strong enough to sprout your secondary fangs and a few pin teeth by now! But your weren't even close. It unsettled him. You need to vein feed, higher nutrition in a smaller amount. And he couldnt very well bring in some human livestock and pay out a hefty insurance for an accident and be black listed. It just wasnt worth the risk right now. So hopefully this will.
"But what if?" You began questioning sherlock,peering up at him but he hushed you quickly.
"If he dies he dies. Come lets see what our boys have brought you" sherlock uttered rubing his hands up and down your biceps, holding you infront of him.
"Mother here he is!" August announced and tugged the bag from the humans head revealing your gift. You froze, gasping as you took in the sight. You felt sick to your stomach, quivering and tried backing away but sherlock hushed you, coaxing you to take some calming breaths as he blocked your escape. He will not let you run from this mortal, you ahd no reason to fear.
"Tada! The one who caused you such pain" August finished and slapped the him on the back drawing a yelp from him. You bearly heard the vampires gloating. Your entire being was transfixed on watching your tormentor as he blinked rapidly still sobbing whilst trying to adjust to the light.
"He can pop your vein cherry so to speak, or if you dont want to puncture him i have these new interesting figit spinner knives;" leon began getting excited and was about to launch into how you could slice and dice to get the best out of your prey.
"Leon" sherlocks voice was nothing but a rasp, a gravely threat echojng off the barren walls. He stepped around you slightly dropping his hands from you entirely and stood tall befor Leon with a stern look.
"Sorry father, i got excited" leon had the decancy to look sheepish and ducked his head away from his fathers gaze. Sherlock eyed him for a moment before sighing.
"Yes well im beginning her lesson. August, i will call you and walter down to clean up once we are done" both august and leon took that as their cue to leave and inched past you, each placing a kiss to your cheek wishing you a happy feed. And just like that it was you sherlock and the terrified mortal.
A few moments of silence fell over the room, the harsh breaths of your would be victim seemed to become the backing track to you and your makers stareing contest. You hadnt been aware you were challenging him at first. You were at a loss. You didnt want to feed from a mortal yet. Certainly not this one!
Sherlock hovered and his eyes narrowed, head tiping forward you could practically hear him 'What do you think you are doing?' Finally you looked away unable to endure his unwavering stare. Your fingers twisted your top nervously and you made a point to knaw at your lip glancing around the room avoiding eyeing both your lover and the whimpring man in chains.
"My love i wanted to take the pressure off. You dont have to be worried about ending his life. Because if you kill him during a feed it will be one hundred times kinder then what death i have planned for him. slow, painfull as he deserves for ever hurting you. No one survives attacking my heart" sherlock reasoned, trying to make you come arohnd to his way of thinking. You wanted 5o argue, but there was never any arguing with sherlock. Especially when he was in this dominant kind of mood. You hadnt seen him this extreme before, but you knew when he would budge. And now was not the time.
You nodded to your mate in a reluctant acceptance. The sooner you faced this the better? It might not be that bad. Bite suck
Leave right? What happened dow here after you fed wasnt your business. If sherlock killed him the it was a natural death right? A predator ending his prey. Thats how the food chain worked. You inched closer to your maker finding yourself agreeingnto give this vein feed a try. It was the least you could do after august and leon had hand delivered your meal. It was like just eat! In a morbid kind of way.
"Ana! oh My god your alive!?" The spell was broken as the male finally recognized you as you stepped closer.
"God ive been so worried! We were looking but never; the vampires? Everyone assumed you were dead!" His words were desperate, lies dripping with a panic that so ehow felt relieved. Like he now bthought yoh wouldnt dare let anything happen to him. That you were obligated to protect him despite all he had done?
But then again if you were mortal you probably would vouch for him. Feel some sense of responsibility for him because your were kin. Mortal. Human, that being the same species placed some kind of responsibility on you?
It was an odd realisation. That your humanity had somewhat vanished in that respect. Were you scared? Of course, did you fear your violent nature? Yes. But your fear wasnt about the act, or worry for your would be victim. No your aprihension was somthing more selfish. You feared youd cross a line and become a monster driven only by hunger and greed. You feared making yourself a murderer. You did not fear the act of killing, or the consequences.
"Ana? Ana where? Your here? Youve been here all this time right? They thought you were dead! But your here! You can! Ana please! You gotta help me out here... ana?" The hope in hos words was tangible, you could feel the desperation and pleading undertone in every hushed syllable. It made your stomach churn. Yet sherlocks grin widened, his fangs clearly elongated from the excitement. He looked frightful.
"Why are you just standing there!? Help me! Talk to them! Tell them this is a mistake! Your close to them; friends even!" Anger seeped into the male as his panic rose. Yet you watched on, trying to figure out how to avoid this mess. Not just to escape live feeding, but also to avoid this particular reality.
You could ignore what youd become all the while drinking from blood bags and coffee cups. But this? This was something no one could mistake. It was a hurdle, possibly the final one to solidify your acceptance. You were not human anymore. You were a vampire, a predator, a killer. And tonight it seems was your night to prove it to yourself and make peace with it.
"Ana? Wait... ana... whats wrong? You look different." You hissed through your teeth as sherlock slowly crept closer to you, coaxing you forward so the once cruel now pitiful mortal could see you properly.
"Oh... oh god, oh god no! No! NO ANA NO, PLEASE NOOO!?" The penny finally dropped and he began to scream once more, louder and shrill. He had realised he was beouht here to endure a fledglings feed. And wouldnt make it out.
You whined, shivering and shook your head, hands snapping over your ears as the man youd once cowered from screeched high enough to hurt your sensitive ears. Your ear drums threatening to burst.
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Sherlock snarled as he saw and felt your discomfort. The terrifying sound echoed off the barren chamber walls and he lunged hands gripping the human startling him into silence. Whimpers and harsh yet quiet breaths drowned out everything around you. Sherlock left you to clm down, feeling the way you eased again. Clearly uncomfortable about what must be done but like all obedient feldglings you were willing.
"Here my sweet child. The first lesson, you grip here. The hair at the base of the scull" sherlock called you closer, lulling you as he did so. His hands were frim on the mortal, controlling his head and neck with one well placed fist in the hair. His words captrued your attention and you lowered your hands to your sides slowly.
"Normally youd caress gently, coo soft reassuring words. But we dont need to be as delicate with this prey now do we?" You nodded absentmindedly agreeing with sherlock. This human was undeserving of any mercy. Thats what sherlock felt, and honestly youd be lying if you didnt admit to thinking this was somehow karma? But you realistically youknew it wasnt karma. Your confusing rage and conflicting though were from revenge.
"Come, its fine he wont harm you. He is small, weak. Insignificant. He has no power over you anymore love. You are stronger then he will ever dream to be." Your mates coaxing was topped with subtle command. You couldnt find it in you to refuse him. Your feet carried you closer and finally you stood beside your lover warily, shifting on your feet eyes seeking out his willing him to let you leave this lesson for another day. But the pleading gazr did nothing to sherlock. He had slipped into another head space. For the time being you were not his heart, you were his child, his weakened fledgling that bordered being malnourished. And you will obey him, come hell or high water you will feed properly tonight.Thats not to say he will be a brute about it.
"Its okay my love. See hold here, see how you can twist his head around, side to side, front to back? You can choose your side" his voice was calm, soft but somehow still firm. He directed you gently pulling your hand to the quivering humans hair and perssing you to latch on with a tight fist tangling into the strands.
You moved you hand slowly, testing out your grip. Twisting your victims head this way and that. And then stopped grunting as the thundering vein on the column of his throat caght your atention. The blood pumping furiously below the thin skin capturing you in a trance.
"Ah, i see your instincts are awakening. And youve choseen the correct side. The right side is always better full of oxygen rich blood, it has the most nutrients. High in iron, exactly what a new little fledgling needs" he announced, excitment bubbled inside of you from the praise, you smiled at him casting your lover a glance. Sherlocks hand moved towards your victim and before you knew what you were doing youd snarled at your maker ferociously, warning him to back off whislt suddenly jerking your meals head to the left and tried to bite.
But for all the speed you instincts gave you sherlock was older and faster. His hand captured your jaw with frighteneing precision and held you still a breath away from the violent thudding vein. He moved another hand to you, wagging it in your face before tapping you on the nose and scolded you.
"Ah ah, no. We do not just dive in, we are not werewolves fighting over a carcass. We are refined creatures and i will not have such an ill-mannered fledgling" the chiding words made you whine up at him with wide eyes. You suddenly felt like a small child being told not to chew with your mouth open.
"Now pretend this is wine, or a fine meal. Savour it. Scent him first." All embarrassment left you as you took in his words, drawing in a few deep breaths trying to find the subtlety hidden in your meals scent.You paused frowning and drew another breath and grinned.
"See? Its so much better when they are frightened; it gives them a light acidity like lemon but maybe sweeter citrus" sherlocks explanation should have troubled you. But it didnt? Was this it? Was thisthe moment of true transformation? When you let go of humanity and embrace your nature. Accept your new fate and food?
"Oh like err oranges?" You asked quietly, trying to block out all the frightening questions that roamed you kind. This wasnt meantmto be a thinking moment. This was instinctive, you were meant to learn, not question the morality of your new diet.
"Yes, you dont get the same... seasoning from the blood bags. Each emotion add a garnish. Fear citrus, lust and sex adds a honey or maple sweetness, hate and anger is like a smokey hint" you blinked at him nodding as much as his hpld on your chin and jaw would allow, but couldnt help your gaze flicking down to the mortal impatiently. Your not sure at what point youd stopped caring about the life of your meal, or your human morals. But they had dissolved, crushed under your new undeniable need. Sherlock chuckled shaking his head at you. You were a darling little fedgling, he almost felt for you. He'd triggered you on purpose, drawing you close to your meal, letting you lock onto your vein before moving unexpectedly. Forcing you to react in a natural food aggression. Once you had let yourself subconsyourself seperate the concepts of human life and food, it was easy to give in.
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"Now i belive we have waited long enough darling" you swallowed dryly as sherlocks hand dropped from your jaw. He smiled nodding to the vein subtly encouraging you. You frowned unsure if it was a test? Lost in this strange primal feeling yet still trying to hold back and behave. You didnt want to disappoint your maker a secodn time. So carefully sniffed the human again with your eyes still watching your maker.
"No no, its okay love, drink up you need it" with that you threw caution to the wind and clamped down harder then you probably should have. You whined feeling something shift inside of you as your fangs descended into the flesh of your tormenter. As if the odd transition from mortal to immortal had finally been complete. Any fear or guilt youd have around feeding left you as you tore into you meal. A Ravenous hunger spurring your every movement, for the first time since your own bite you could taste something reminiscent of human food, the bloods salty copper twang was overpowered by a fearful citrus flavour. Sweet orange with a light sour note. You understood now why som many vampires accidentally killed their first few meals. After relying on bags of sickly salt monstrosities having something fresh to taste was heaven. You couldnt stop. You wouldnt.
Sherlock watched you with a light smile, pride lighting his gaze. His hands resting on your hips as you drained your first human. It was a morbid act, terrifying and horrific to a human. But for makers it was a proud moment, it meant their feldgling would survive. It was private and signified the final stepping stone in a vampires creation. Sherlock could now officially grant you your rightfull place beside him as his mate and the mother of his nest. And he could now reveal you publicly to the night society. And he couldnt wait to flaunt you.
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torreshalstead · 9 months
I’ll show you mine - part 7
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Summary - He didn’t fit. His clothes were too nice, his hair too neat, he was raising all the red flags for Hailey. She didn’t think he was part of the crew she was trying to take down, but why else would he be in such an establishment on a random Tuesday night? But then he muttered the words into her ear that she had least expected - ‘I’m police’.
Chapters - 7/?
Notes - thanks for the love on the last chapter, it’s time for these two to enter their secret dating era! Happy Reading ❤️ AO3 Link
The heat of Jay’s body against her bare back and the weight of his arm tight around her waist, just tucked under her breasts would normally send Hailey running for the hills. But instead, when her eyes opened and were greeted with an alarm clock reading 6:08, she snuggled backwards, letting herself get lost in the comforting sensation of feeling safe and cared for.
As she wiggled herself backwards, she smirked, feeling Jay hard against her backside. She didn’t need that to remind her of their night together, the ache between her legs was enough of a physical reminder and she was sure she had left a mark or two across Jay’s back. She had dug her fingers in fiercely to his skin needing something to hold on to as she tumbled over the cliff again. Jay didn’t seem to mind, if anything it seemed to spur him on - not that he needed any spurring at all. Hailey grinned to herself as replayed the memories behind her closed eyes.
‘If you keep wriggling like that Detective Upton, I’m going to have to write you up,’ Jay muttered into her ear. She hadn’t realised he was awake but she wriggled a little extra just for good measure before turning around his arms. Jay’s eyes were still closed, his features relaxed but a sleepy smile was pulling at his cheeks.
‘We are the same rank,’ Hailey sassed back, giving him a little poke in the ribs with her finger. ‘You can’t write me up.’
‘I’ve been in the unit longer, you’re practically a rookie,’ he smirked, his eyes still closed but he pulled her just a little closer to his chest, removing what minimal space had remained between them when Hailey had rolled over so now their chests were tight together.
‘A rookie,’ Hailey said, eyes wide in mock offence. ‘Not sure you should be sleeping with a rookie then Detective,’ she said, raising an eyebrow.
‘She seduced me, I can’t be held responsible for my own actions,’ Jay said, opening one eye slowly to look down at Hailey before chuckling and rolling them over so Hailey was resting on top of him.
‘I think it was a pretty mutual seduction,’ Hailey said, burrowing her face into his neck, taking full advantage of their new position.
‘Mutual seduction leads to mutual pleasure,’ Jay said and Hailey scoffed loudly.
‘Does that line normally work for you?’ She asked, letting her hand trail across his chest, joining one freckle to the next with a featherlight touch.
‘Well I currently have a very beautiful and very naked woman on top of me so I’m going to say yes,’ Jay said and Hailey felt his chest vibrate from his chuckle.
‘This naked woman wants to go back to sleep so if her pillow could stop moving, she’d like him a lot more,’ Hailey said, nuzzling even closer and breathing in the scent that was uniquely Jay, fresh and clean with a wood-sy edge, the smell lingering even after their sweat filled exertions from the night before.
‘Then I shall do as the naked lady says,’ Jay said, tightening his arms around her. Hailey let herself fall back into a peaceful sleep, lulled by the gentle raising and falling of Jay’s chest under her. It was better than any other sleep aide she had ever used, and she’d tried them all when her bouts of insomnia became too damaging to her everyday life.
Weighted blankets had worked for a while but after being tackled by a 200lb man who had managed to get her to the floor during a chase, it had felt like he had been sitting on her chest anytime she had dragged the thing onto her bed. It now stayed scrunched up at the bottom of her closet gathering dust.
She had tried listening to calming sounds, something Vanessa had suggested. And as much as she wanted her friends suggestion to work, the beach waves and rainforest noises had made her need to pee, the white noise had just irritated her senseless and the tinkly tinkly melody that V had said sent her right off had reminded Hailey of a kids television show that she had then spend the next three hours trying to remember the name of - not very conducive to a good nights sleep.
She had tried counting sheep, warm drinks of milk before bed, not using her phone an hour before she wanted to sleep, reading the dullest books she had got out of the library but still, sleep never came easy to Hailey.
That was until now, falling asleep with Jay’s arms around her, using his entire body as a mattress, she fell asleep before she could even finish her current thought which was regarding how comfy she felt.
When Hailey woke for the second time that morning, she was met by Jay’s smiling face. She didn’t ask but she guessed he had been awake for a while judging by his lack of drowsiness when she suggested they take a shower together to greet the day. Purely to save water of course, even if that water was running cold by the time they both climbed out and wrapped towels around themselves.
‘As much as I would love to spend the day with you,’ Jay said as she poured them both a cup of coffee in the kitchen. ‘I promised my brother I’d see him today.’
‘Okay,’ Hailey said calmly, and she truly meant it. As much as she had had visions of a day filled with little clothes and christening some areas of the apartment that had not been graced with the sight of Jay’s naked body yet, she was just as content to spend the day solo. She could do with a run and there was a book on her bookshelf that had been calling her name for the past week.
‘I really mean it but if I bail on him he’ll give me such crap,’ Jay said apologetically.
‘I said it’s okay Jay,’ Hailey said, handing him over his coffee and letting her fingers drag down his wrist as he accepted. ‘If you get bored of him then I’ll be right here but I can’t promise you’ll be more interesting than my book so you might have to find a way to entertain yourself.’ She smirked when his cheeks reddened slightly.
‘I’m sure I could do that,’ he said, his voice a little deeper than it had been a moment before. Hailey was reminded of their first date at the bar when she had realised that Jay’s deeper voice wasn’t his Ryan voice, it was his ‘I’m incredibly turned on voice.’ Hailey grinned at the memory and took a sip to hide her smile.
‘But we should probably talk about Monday,’ Hailey said seriously, setting her drink on the counter.
‘Yes, the no one can know we slept together or are in fact together situation,’ Jay said, pondering out loud but Hailey just grinned at his turn of phrase.
‘I mean I’d have just said our relationship but I guess that works too,’ Hailey chuckled.
‘Well I didn’t want to seem too forward,’ Jay said bashfully.
‘We discussed this last night Jay, I’m all in, you’re all in. It’s a relationship,’ Hailey said with a nod which Jay returned.
‘Okay then yes, we should probably establish some ground rules,’ Jay said, walking out of the kitchen and taking a seat on the couch where Hailey joined him a second later.
‘I guess first is no touching,’ Hailey said a little gently. Although Jay had agreed the evening before to them keeping their relationship under wraps, they hadn’t actually discussed the practicalities of it before and she didn’t want to come across as too demanding. But it was her career more on the line here than his was. Both because she was the newbie in the unit, but also as the woman. The weight on her shoulders was always going to be greater.
‘Agreed,’ Jay said with a gentle smile, reaching across to rest his hand lightly on her leg as if he could sense she needed a little reassurance right now. ‘And we should probably tone down the flirting,’ he said, his smile turning into a smirk as he squeezed her leg.
‘Easy,’ Hailey said, her apprehension lessening almost immediately. ‘We also shouldn’t arrive or leave together,’ she added realising if they always drove in together the nights they had slept together, the pattern would start to be obvious to the team. They did work in an elite unit with some of the best cops in Chicago - someone was bound to put two and two together and get to four.
‘Smart,’ Jay said. ‘And we should make sure we spend time with the unit as a group, no bailing on group events just to spend time together.’
‘That makes sense, it’ll be clear if we both just don’t show up all the time,’ Hailey nodded.
‘But if we haven’t had some alone time in a while then I reserve the right to give you a sign and we sneak out of their early,’ Jay winked and Hailey giggled in response.
‘I think I can agree to that,’ Hailey said. ‘And we deny it if anyone asks, we are just friends. Colleagues who occasionally spend time together - just in case anyone sees us together outside of the district. But we should probably avoid places where officers frequent, just so people don’t get the hint…’ she trailed off to stop her rambling.
This had all seemed so simple in her head, just don’t tell anyone and don’t rip his clothes off in the middle of the bullpen. Easy. But the more she thought about it, the more ridiculous an idea it appeared to be.
‘Hails,’ Jay said, giving her leg another squeeze to pull her back into the conversation. ‘It’ll be fine. The team is smart but pretty oblivious to things. Took them multiple times of meeting my brother to figure out we were related. And I’m about 97% sure I introduced him as my brother,’ Jay chuckled and a fraction of the weight that had come crashing down on Hailey started to lift.
‘Okay,’ Hailey said with a weak smile. ‘If you’re sure.’
‘I’m sure Hailey,’ Jay said firmly. ‘We got this. It’ll be fine.’ He placed his empty coffee cup down on the table and stood up. ‘I gotta go but I’ll text you later and if you’re up, I’ll come over?’ He asked and Hailey nodded. ‘Okay then,’ he reached down and pressed his lips to hers. As he tried to break apart Hailey chased his lips with hers, keeping them joined for a second longer.
‘Have fun,’ she said with a smile as he headed towards the door. ‘I’ll be up,’ she added and Jay winked at her before closing the door behind her. Maybe this secret relationship thing wouldn’t be as hard as she thought, Hailey thought as she sipped on her coffee, tugging her legs up onto the sofa and wrapping an arm around them. Maybe they could do this.
Or maybe they couldn’t.
The number of times throughout Hailey’s first day in Intelligence that she wanted to casually reach out for him, throw a sassy comment his way that was highly suggestive or even times that he just made her smile like a fool were excessive.
Hailey got in early on Monday morning, Jay having not slept over the night before. They had both decided it would be easier for them to begin their clandestine relationship if they hadn’t been sharing the same bed just a few hours previously. That was their first mistake. It meant that they had had an extra few hours for the sexual tension between them to brew to an almost unbearable level. Hailey felt like an infatuated teenager, unable to keep her urges in check and behave like a regular human. Her mind was full of images of Jay’s naked body and the things he could do to her, she was certain her cheeks were a shade of scarlet the entire day.
Jay had smirked at her across the bullpen when she walked in, because of course her version of early would be his version of late, but it meant they had a couple of moments alone to get used to the idea of being in each other’s company on a purely professional level.
‘Morning Detective,’ Hailey said with a grin, trying to wring out the final bit of flirtatious energy that was still coursing through her veins.
‘Good Morning Detective Upton,’ Jay said, his head tilting to the side slightly, his green eyes glistening as he let them roam over her body. Her first day outfit, jeans and a light coloured flannel shirt, was perfectly suitable for a Police Detective but she knew Jay was considering what it would look like on a pile on her bedroom floor later that night. ‘Welcome to Intelligence,’ his grin was shining just as wide as their alone time was interrupted by a set of footsteps coming up the stairs.
He winked quickly at her and she raised an eyebrow in response before turning round to greet her new Sargeant.
When the rest of the team arrived, she made a note to remind Ruzek that being on time was the equivalent of being late in your first week when he was the last one to climb the stairs, Voight called them all to attention in the middle of the bullpen.
‘Alright, not too many pleasantries because we’ve got work to do but welcome to Detective Upton and Officers Atwater and Ruzek. I’m sure you all got a chance to get acquainted on our last case but say hello on your own time,’ Voight barked gruffly at them and Hailey had to stifle a grin. Pleasantries and Voight were two things she had already learnt did not belong in the same sentence.
‘Going to shake up the partners but it’s purely a test period so don’t get too comfy,’ he said, Hailey saw Jay shift slightly from the corner of her eye. She wondered if he had any inclination on who was going to be paired together. Part of her wanted them to be partnered up, she trusted him and even from their short period of time working together she knew he was a great cop. But in the next instance she knew it would be increasingly difficult to keep her hands to herself if they were riding in the same car day after day.
‘Halstead,’ Voight said, tugging Hailey from an inappropriate thought which involved herself, Jay and the interior of his grey truck whilst on surveillance. ‘You’ll be paired up with Atwater.’ Jay nodded but Hailey saw his shoulders deflate just a tiny bit but when he made eye contact with Atwater, Jay gave him a warm smile. It was a good partnership, Kevin was a little green sure but he was a great cop and Jay would help to bring out the best of him, Hailey knew it.
‘Burgess, you and Upton will ride together,’ Voight said and Hailey grinned at the young officer, a smile which Kim returned with equal enthusiasm. She hoped as much as Jay would be able to impart his wisdom and experience onto Kevin, she would be able to do the same to Kim, whilst still learning about the specific nuances to Intelligence from her.
‘And Al, you’ve got Ruzek,’ Voight said with a sense of finality. Unlike the other two members of Intelligence, when this partnership was announced, Olinsky didn’t look particularly impressed although Hailey wasn’t sure he ever did. Still, she was happy Adam was going to be taken under an experienced cop’s wing. He meant well but could be a loose cannon sometimes, something she didn’t think Olinsky would facilitate.
‘Alright, so today’s case,’ Voight started and Hailey began to take mental notes as the board in front of them began to fill with pictures of suspects and information about the victims.
The morning was long but she enjoyed riding with Kim, having been the only female officer in her previous unit, it was nice to have some more oestrogen on the team. She had managed to keep Jay out of her mind, at least for the majority of the past few hours. But when he cornered her in the break room at midday, she didn’t pull away.
‘This is harder than I thought,’ Jay muttered into her ear as he pressed her against her locker, his body crowding hers. He’d shut the door when he had entered but there was still a very high possibility they could be interrupted. It didn’t stop Hailey from sliding her hands underneath the hem of his shirt and letting her fingers trail over the warm skin she found there however.
‘What’s harder?’ She muttered even though she knew the answer. She had found the day equally testing.
‘Being around you and not getting to touch you all the time,’ Jay said, sealing his lips to her neck and letting his tongue trace a pattern across her smooth skin.
‘Are you going to make up for that difficulty tonight Detective?’ She asked breathlessly, letting her head fall back against the lockers with a soft thud.
‘With vigour,’ Jay said with a chuckle, pulling back slightly before pressing a soft kiss to her lips. She was just considering throwing caution to the wind and deepening it to remind him quite of what he was missing but they both jumped apart as the sound of chatter was getting closer to the break room door.
‘Until tonight,’ Hailey said with a wink as she straightened her shirt, and opened her locker to look busy as they were joined in the locker room by Atwater, Ruzek and Burgess.
They were adults, Hailey thought to herself as she kept her focus on her locker praying her cheeks would return back to their normal colour. They could do this. They could do this, she repeated in an effort to actually believe the words she was telling herself. It took all her strength not to flick her eyes back over to where she had left Jay, she could spend all the time in the world looking at him when they were off shift. But here, in the presence of their colleagues, she, no they, needed to control themselves.
Easier said than done, she was sure of that.
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lysarria · 2 years
Gestures of love
This is a random idea I had for a short fic while I was taking a break from gaming and painting my nails 😜. I am very new to writing but I'd love to share random ideas I get. My writing isn't great. Please be kind ☺️
Warnings: Fluffy fluff fluff
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We sat snuggled up together on the couch. Sy had returned home a couple of days ago after being away on tour for almost 11 months. Sy always loves it when I play video games. He says I make the cutest faces when I am really involved in the game. He always requests that I show him the game I am currently playing whenever he is home.
Being apart for many months we both always to do little things for each other to show our love when we are together. Little love notes, extra touches and kisses, baking a favorite dessert, cooking favorite meals, massages. The little gestures of love always mean so much.
I had my legs on his lap while I played my video game. He rubbed his rough hands over my legs and feet and watched the game. I can't stop smiling. All the love I have for this man. He begins to massage my feet and notices I am staring at him. Sy looks at me and asks "Are you okay Sweet pea?". Placing my hand on his face and feeling of his beard. With a big smile and a heart full of happiness and love - I tell him I am great and extremely happy. Sharing a sweet kiss and looking into his beautiful eyes. I almost forgot I was playing a game and then he randomly tickles my foot. Scrunching my nose and giving him a look and letting him know how I will get my revenge later when least expected. Sy busts out in laughter and tells me "good luck with that darlin' ". Raising my eyebrow and looking away I noticed my nail polish set that I brought out earlier and had left on the Ottoman. Sy has painted my nails dozens of times in the past and actually seems to enjoy it. I ask my big bear if he'd like to paint my toenails and of course he said absolutely. I told him to pick whatever color he wants to use and I unpaused my game while he is browsing all the colors. Just like he loves the faces I make while playing video games - I love the faces he makes when he's busy and concentrating on a task. While he is painting my toenails I pause the game and admire the man who has my heart forever and always. My big tough bear showing one of his little gestures of love.
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tallyhallow · 2 months
meet the people at tallyhallow!
new in depth introduction general - sys sysname - tallyhallow collective subsys count - 2 collective name - rob collective age - chrono 14 / intra35 collective pronouns - he/him collective sexuality - achellian, graysexual, polyamorous collective gender - male, transmasc we're transplural alters sign off with their names we're hypersexual and this is an nsfw safe blog
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talllyhallow hosts joe hawley - he/him - delusion holder - hyperhost john lennon - he/him - bpd holder - host
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tallyhallow freq fronters faul - it/it's - persecutor video - it/they/he/static - fictive kurt cobain - any/all - factive
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spins: the beatles john lennon tally hall joe hawleu just dance - hyperfixes: eminem nirvana dhmis
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please interact: radqueer proship/comship/darkship transids systems fans of my spins or hyperfixes joe hawley supporters sh blogs nsfw blogs
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dni: mean antirq joe hawley antis ross and andrew antis not pro-consent under 13 chrono over 39 chorno politic blogs most dsmp fans most beatles fans
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byi: we're radqueer we're transid we're a proshipper we're a paraphile we have BPD, ADHD, anxiety, hypersexuality we're awkward we support joe hawley we're a john lennon irl we're sensitive
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socials: coming soon!!!!
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tags: #the hall of random - random posts #hallowhoard - hoard #tallyboxes - userboxes
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the-edgy-fuckerz · 3 months
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× Welcome ×
Abt us| we are an osdd-1b system, we are collectively ftm, we love music, we might sign off on posts might not,
Important!: if your a sfw blog we are interacting on behalf of our little blog @crayon-pals
So if your a regressor/ sfw only that's the blog you're looking for
This blog| this blog is just for us to reblog and ramble about random stuff,
The-rainbow-sys -> the-edgy-fuckerz
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yours-truly-oz · 4 months
♡ Intros, Tags, Boundries, DNI ♡
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{ Hey . . . Can you hear me ? }
This blog is run by Your Living Doll! {🎀✨🪽}
Hello! My name is Ozzy, but you can also call me Wren, Silly, or Smile
I'm the host of our sys, i am a non-introject, I'm Laurian, Aceflux but primarily grey asexual, And Gender fluid. I sign off with -Oz If there's no sign off it's also me.
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Intros/pronouns, tags, boundaries, and DNI are below!
{ Neurodivergencies and others! }
OSDD-1B { no blackouts but no emotional connection to other alters memories }
RSD { Rejection sensitive dysphoria }
ADHD { Combined presentation }
C-PTSD { Childhood PTSD }
ASD { Autism Spectrum disorder }
ARFID { Avoident Restrictive Food Intake Disorder}
GAD { Generalized Anxiety Disorder }
Inara/Octavia is our co-host and peacekeeper, doll is Aroace, Angelenic, Angeldollgender, and Female { 😇 }
Noa/Doe is my (host) personal protector, non-introject/non-human. Berry is agender, Aroace, and Heteroflexible. flower signs off with {🍓}
Quincy/ivy is the little and a split from host. She's Agender, Dollgender, and Snowstarthing along with others. Ice signs off with {🪽}
I use Light/Shine/He/She pronouns but it changes so just use they/them or you can ask.
Inara uses She/Light/Shine/Angel/Doll pronouns and they/them is ok to
Noa uses Berry/Flower/soft/they pronouns. Please dont use he/she for flower
Quincy uses She/It/doll/Ice and her neos change depending on her mood.
{ We're all friends , aren't we ? }
I do:
Random posts
Things i find interesting
Posts answering questions (sys/alter or other)
Alter Faceclaims
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I won't do:
Answering questions im not comfortable with
{ I can't exactly greet you with my full hospitality . . . }
My Boundries:
Don't ask for people to front unless I specify its ok
Don't Fake-claim or ask to see "proof" of anything I will just block you
Basic DNI stuff! { Racists, extremists, y'know }
No endos/tulpas/supporters please! I dont need protectors getting into fights with you about wether its valid or not
Anyone who uses ""Sysmed/Traumascum""
Here to just start fights
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Credit to @lovesick-nagi for the basic layout of this intro (if you don't want me using this or feel uncomfortable i will take this down if you want me to)
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crowskullls · 5 months
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HAIII!! Pinned post finally >:D I'm Andrew (Or Graveyard sys) He/Him, or It/Its if you're feeling silly! 18 Bodily, Trans man, mlm, aroace spec. all that fun stuff. I'm insane about MCYT always. Primarily hyperfixated on Lifesteal right now :3 I may talk about other SMPs though! Inbox and dms should Alwaayys be open to anyone!! Drop hcs or thoughts and I will be SO happy. Especially anything about Minute, Jumper, Wemmbu, Pentar, and Mapicc. Love those losers.
I am a part of an OSDD system. Ask for our system card if you want! Keeping that private from now on, though. It's also possible we'll post mcytshipping stuff (CHRACTERS/CUBITOS ONLY OH MY GIOD.) Pleeease don't yell at us for it. Unless it's fr problematic and we weren't aware.
You can also find me @Crowskulis on Twitter!! I also might go by @UntreadCrow on some things, like Twitch and Discord :D
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MY TAGS!!! #Crowskulls art - All of my art! #Crowskulls posting - My yapping about interests or just random thoughts I may think #Graveyard system mentioned - Any talks of our system and headmates
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