#just reread the au chapters xD
writerfae · 9 months
Aiden in Silver Lining be like
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rafyki · 2 months
Goth! Nico/ Surfer! Percy AU Part 9!
I'm back!! I hope you missed me as much as I missed posting lmao This chapter wasn't planned honestly, I wanted to write directly their beach 'date', but then this happened and I decided it's gonna be one more chapter before the date - sorry xD I bet y'all are tired of this slow burn, but i promise they're gonna get together soon!
(I hope the texting format is easy to read here on tumblr, but otherwise you can read it on AO3)
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8
You can also read it on AO3!!
Percy: Ehi, Nico! You have the afternoon shift tomorrow, right? Let’s hang out at the beach again after it?
Me: Percy, hi!
Me: So you really do know all my shift hours, huh?
Percy:  What can i say, Im a great obsever
Me: Huh, are you?
Percy: For important things at least
Percy: so is that a yes?
Me: of course
Me: No need to tell you what time I finish, I guess
Percy: nope 
Percy: 20ish right?
Me: yeah
Me:  see you tomorrow?
Percy: yep
Percy: see you tmorrow! 
Nico had been rereading the conversation for the best part of the previous night, and the first thing he had done after waking up had been checking his phone once again to make sure he hadn’t just made it up in his dreams. He knew the short exchange by heart now, yet he kept staring at it, reading it over and over again. Part of himself was afraid it would disappear if he so much as locked his phone and looked away for a second too long.
Their chance meeting at the beach three days prior still felt like a waking dream, like he had hoped so much for something like that to happen that he had started hallucinating. He wondered if hallucinations always felt so real, if they would let you to feel the water splashing against your legs, the warmth of the setting sun on your skin, or the pressure of a hand holding yours, the touch soft and warm, everything and more Nico had let himself dreaming about for the past months. The way Percy had smiled at him had been so beautiful that Nico’s mind probably wouldn’t have been able to conjure something like it if it hadn’t been real.
Still, it didn’t feel real.
Leo and Jason would have probably blamed the feeling on Nico’s self sabotaging tendencies. You’re allowed to have nice things, Nico, they would tell him.
Was he? Could he let himself hope that he could really have this? His heart was going berserk in his chest at the sole thought.
Percy had stopped to talk to him at the beach, Percy had taken his hand and held it while walking in the water, Percy had memorized his schedule and asked for his phone number; Percy had texted him first and asked him to hang out again.
For important things at least.
Percy had said that. Important. Nico wanted to scream.
His phone's sudden ringing almost made him jump out of his skin. It was Jason’s number, but it was Leoìs voice that greeted him from the other end of the line.
“Hi there, goth boy, so how ya feeling for your date today?”
“Not a date, Leo, shut up- and why are you calling me with Jason’s phone?”
Of course, Nico’s traitor heart stumbled on the word date. It wasn’t, and he couldn’t simply assume otherwise, it would make things awkward, wouldn’t it? And so far nothing had ever been too awkward with Percy - Nico surely wouldn’t be the one to make everything between them crumbling down for expecting too much.
“Not important-”
“He lost his phone”, came Jason’s voice. “Again. By the way, hi Nico”.
Nico rolled his eyes at their antics. “Hi Jason”.
“Anyway!”, Leo jumped in. “How are you feeling for your ‘not date’ then?”
“I hate you, Valdez”, Nico groaned, letting himself fall backward on his bed. His heart didn’t seem willing to stop running like crazy anytime soon, his hands were sweating from anticipation and tension.
“You’re freaking out, aren’t you?”
He put his phone on speaker just so he could set it aside, take a pillow, and scream into it.
Apparently, his suffering was extremely funny to Leo, because his obnoxious laugh came as a reply. “I’ll take it as a yes”, he said.
“Nico, I’m sure everything’s gonna be great”, Jason said. “You’ll have fun, get to know him better, and then-”
“Then you’ll finally date, hopefully”, Leo finished.
Once again, Nico’s heart skipped a beat and did a little dance in his chest. He threw the pillow aside. “What if I make a fool of myself though?”
“Well, your boy has made a fool of himself plenty of times already, hasn’t he? I mean, he knows your schedule by heart”, Leo replied. “So I’m sure you’ll be fine”.
Jason laughed at that, and after a moment Nico joined him.
Nico expected his shift at the kiosk to last an eternity, stretching on and on to keep him apart from finally seeing Percy in the evening. And, truth be told, the first couple of hours were just like that, long and boring and way too slow.
It changed when his phone notified him of a new text.
Percy: i got work today so im coming to teh beach latr 
Percy: ill meet you at the kiosk!
Nico’s heart was starting to become extremely good at doing somersaults in his chest. There were no customers at that moment, so he had time to reply, his fingers shaking just slightly as he wrote back.
Me: alright, I’ll meet you here then
Me: What time do you finish at work?
Percy: What, you wana learn my scdheule too?
Me: It's only fair, isn’t it?
And so, they ended up texting back and forth for a while and, after that, the time seemed to move faster, the day shining brighter, and Nico’s customers’ smile felt just that tiny bit more honest.
Nico’s internal list of the things he knew about Percy kept growing longer by the minute; he liked to text and wasn’t afraid to double text, his spelling mistakes were so atrocious they left Nico smiling and feeling so endeared it was almost ridiculous.
Nico’s nerves eased with every new text, his heart now beating out of excitement and anticipation more than fear and anxiety. The evening couldn’t come fast enough.
Me: Why are you spending so much time texting me instead of working
Percy: Why, arent you enjoying it :( 
Me: not what I said!
Me: i wouldn’t be replying if i weren’t enjoying it
Percy: :D 
Percy: im on break anyay
Percy:  what abot you, youre also on your phone instead of workin
Me: there aren’t many customers today
Me: no one to buy the same old blue drink
Nico put the phone aside for a moment, hiding his smile behind his hand and hoping that no one would think he was a creepy psycho smiling for no reason. He had every reason to smile. Flirting was easier through text, even if he kept spending minutes on end before forcing himself to press send. The downside of it was that it was way more difficult to avoid it when Percy flirted back.
Percy: aww you miss me?
He wrote and then deleted a reply a few times. He was lucky Jason and Leo weren’t there today to see him being like this or they would have made fun of him for the rest of their lives. 
It was strange. Nico was feeling embarrassed, but in an easy lighthearted way, and that made him feel just that little bit braver. Maybe it was because Percy was willingly spending his break texting him instead of whatever else he usually did; maybe it was the fact that he had the feeling Percy was feeling just like him.
He wrote a reply, looked at it for a few seconds and pressed send before he could overthink it too much.
Me: Maybe
Just then, before having the time to send a second text for damage control, a customer came and Nico had to put his phone down to serve them. His heart kept hammering in his chest the whole time, and his eyes kept stealing glances at the phone, hoping to see it ring. It was taking a little longer than usual for Percy to reply, and Nico didn’t know if it was because he had scared him away or flustered him too much.
When it did notify him of a new series of texts, he was still busy with new customers, and it took him all of his willpower not to make them wait while he checked his phone.
Finally, he thanked and said goodbye to the last customer of the queue, he moved so fast he almost stumbled on his own feet; and when he read what Percy had written, his heart was ready to jump out of his chest and start dancing on the counter.
Percy: me too
Percy: maybe
Percy: goot thign were seeing each other in a couple huors
Percy: cant wait
He read the words, reread it again and then again, once again feeling like they were nothing but a pipe dream. He blinked, and they were still there when he opened his eyes again. 
Maybe he really could let himself hope this time.
Me: me too
Time definitely couldn’t pass fast enough. 
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popatochisssp · 3 months
Hey pop!
I’ve been thinking about roadside attraction lately,(absolute banger chapter 5, I’ve reread it like 2-3 times now!)
-and I am so curious about what was it that inspired you to make another chapter? Random inspiration? Hyper-fixation beam? Have you been to a diner yourself lately?
Whenever I eat at my town’s local diner I always get reminded of roadside attraction, (he’s just like me fr haha,) so I was curious if the same was true for you?
I love your fics! Thanks so much for making them. ◡̈
I find writing UF pap is so hard, but you make it look so easy?? I love your characterization of him, you’ve really nailed the whole vibe of ‘ut pal but add years of impossible decisions and unfathomable violence’, like you can TELL he’s got the heart of ut pap in there, but it’s changed because of the world he’s grown up in. He’s had to become a protector young to keep his family of two safe. (Something that ut pap would do too, in his own way. Probably a lot less violently.)
It’s really cool to see where they’re similar, where ut pap ends and where uf pap begins.
I can’t wait to see uf pap’s happy ending, he’s earned it. <3
Oh, and the little interactions with him at sans at the ends of the chapter?? I LIVE for those, they’re so funny and cute. Arguably, they might be my favourite part of the chapter, like a little treat at the end of dinner.
Aaaa thank you, I’m really glad you’ve been enjoying the fic so far! <3
As for what inspired me to write a new chapter, I’m kind of embarrassed to admit it because it’s so predictable of me lol
But…I actually just reread Bones, Picked Clean again, which is probably my favorite fic. A long time ago, it’s what got me more interested in AUs, and Horrortale, and what inspired me to start writing fic in this fandom in the first place. I guess it did it again because I read through it and then cranked out a full chapter in just a couple days. I hope I remember this trick next time I get writer’s block! XD
The end-notes of the chapters are definitely one of my favorite parts, too! I love getting to show a little peek of what those knuckleheads are up to when they’re off-screen, so to speak, since it’s usually something dumb. Best way to wrap up a chapter is with definitely with idiots being idiots!
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tmntxthings · 2 years
∑一Heart to Heart Pt. 2。・゜・
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author’s note: it was a close race in the polls but here we are ladies and gents! the sequel :D it has been awhile so i suggest rereading the first part if anyone’s confused, alsoooo i feel like this chapter is kinda all over the place but we posting it anywayssss here’s to hoping y’all enjoy xD
warnings: impending angst, multiple povs, fluff, female reader, cloaking brooch au, unedited, cursing
previous - next?
Previously. . .
“Now give me back my cloaking brooch!! NOW!!” Missiles were firing as Leo finally undid the necklace. It was a miracle he could do so while in a full on sprint. His true form shifted back into view and Leo clenched the chain in his left fist as he pulled out an odachi with his right, slashing for a portal and shooting a wink at his enraged twin. “Buhbyeee~~” he cackled. Watching as everyone lunged for the portal. He wondered how the turtle pile felt without him as they all fell short to the pavement.
One week and a few days had passed by since then. You had almost forgotten about the encounter entirely. Though dark green eyes like those were hard to dismiss completely from your thoughts. It was your day off, Saturday, and you had plans. These plans had been months in the making. College was hectic, so getting a volleyball intramural team together was pretty tough. Everyone had different class schedules. Everyone worked whether it was internships or part-times. This was one of the first games of the season! It was imperative that all of your teammates showed up. Everyone had said they would. But they said the same thing for all the practices too. And let’s just say there was never a full attendance during any of those.
Your hopes were high despite what the past indicated. You were optimistic! It was two hours ‘til the game and you were out on a quick trip to a sports store. In your experience as captain for the past two years, one thing remained the same. Someone always, always forgot their knee pads. Literally the only thing they needed to remember. It was kind of ridiculous so you made sure to keep a spare. That was one of the reasons you were going, another was because your pair was getting a bit tattered. They had lasted through the practices but with the first game of the season coming up, you rather just get a new set while you were buying the spare anyways. Two birds, one stone.
Keeping your pace as a quickened step, you got off the bus and made your way down the street. It wasn’t that far of a walk, New York was jam-packed with stores. And rats. You thought as one scurried in front of you. Holding back a scream, you continued on your journey. The mental clock in your head ticking as you finally reached your destination. The sliding doors whisked open for you, the cool air from the a/c immediately making your shoulders relax. “Alright, knee pads, knee pads..” you muttered to yourself. Most all-inclusive sport stores had a very small section for volleyball. It just wasn’t as popular. Football/soccer? Rows upon rows. Basketball? Baseball? Same thing. Little space was left for the rest of the odds balls. Including in your humble opinion, volleyball, golf, swimming, rugby, and ping pong! You knew this store well enough so you went for the quickest route. Straight through the four basketball isles and then—
You sped-walked right into someone. With a resounding smack as your nose collided into a chest. “Ow, shitttt! I’m sorry!” You apologized, super embarrassed and already trying to escape the situation. Just get the damn knee pads and get the fuck out! “That’s alright, are you okay? Sounded like you took the brunt of it!” Now you had only sidestepped to move out of the way. So when you heard his voice it was one that you faintly recognized. Which led to you lifting your head, turning it to the side and meeting those deep green eyes. “It’s you!” You stated in shock, eyebrows lifting in surprise. “Ahhhh lookie here is this fate or what!”
Two rows deep in the basketball area, the bus stranger you had practically forgotten was here! “Something like that I guess,” you couldn’t help but agree. Out of all the stores in New York. Out of all the people and just the sheer luck of timing!? “Looking for more Hamato gear?” You questioned though you weren’t planning on sticking around for the answer. You didn’t have the time! Though the encounter was neat you had plans and the captain could not be late. “You remembered my favorite too? Have I been occupying your mind?” He sounded like he was following you with a smug expression. You kept your back to him, making your way out of the basketball section and into the small row for volleyball. “Hardly! I just have good memory,”
“Uh huh,” he hummed. Then he was walking right beside you. Stopping when you stopped as you gave him an inquisitive look. “Well I too seem to remember that night and some sort of a deal?? That pertained to..” he pointed a finger out to the sign that hung above them. ‘Volleyball’ That was right, you had said something along the lines of playing a match with him. “I don’t even know your name!” You started with your first excuse. “Easy, Leo’s the name, and you?” You shook your head. Walking ahead to the knee pads and looking at the sizes as you replied. “Pretty,” he said smoothly, continuing by your side and picking out a pair of knee pads. “Ah, look, todays not a good day I’ve-“
Your second excuse was interrupted by a vibration in your pocket. You grabbed for it, answering on the third ring. “Hello?” The phone call was one that you were hoping not to receive. One of your teammates canceling, and apologizing profusely. “It’s alright, thanks for letting me know,” you sighed. It seemed they weren’t feeling good, something about a headache or a stomach ache? You had tuned most of it out because you were watching as the bus stranger kicked off his shoes. He was trying to pull up the knee pads he selected but they were wayyy too small for him. The phone call ended and you couldn’t stop your laugh. “Too small dude,��� and you handed him a larger size for him to try. The pair had hardly went up his calves.
“Thanks!” He smiled as he traded you. You put the small pair back on the shelf. Then it struck you. “So as you were saying? Todays..?” You cleared your throat as you kept staring at the pads. “Todays actually perfect, I’m down one player so if you’re free-“ he cut you off excitedly, “Heck yes!!! I’m totally free!! So this is like an official match?!?” He wanted all the details and he forgot all about pulling up the knee pads. You told him about intramurals, how it was a official game, one of the first this season. He was practically buzzing! You grabbed another pair for yourself and headed for the checkout. “But we gotta head there like now if we wanna be on time!” Leo had quickly shucked the pads off, put his shoes back on, and was bounding after you. “Can’t be late to my first game ever!!” He beamed and easily passed you, grabbing your free hand and tugging you along.
He let go once the two of you had reached the registers. He sure was forward, or maybe he was just easygoing? Both of you paid for your gear and then you were back out on the sweltering sidewalks. “Thank god this sport is inside,” Leo spoke up, swinging his bag that contained his purchase to and fro. “Yeah, the college gym has a pretty big facility. They have four courts altogether so we’ll have plenty of room!” The bus ride to said gym was filled with questions. He wanted to know the positions. Which position would he be playing? Who was the enemy team and were they any good? Among many other questions…
[🐢 Leo’s pov.💙 ]
Talk about coincidence! Now this was.. what his sixth time sneaking out with the cloaking chain? Yeah we’ll go with sixth, because honestly he lost count after the second time. Leo had convinced Donnie he had lost the cloaking device, and the purple brother had almost drilled him. Thankfully Raph didn’t condone murder so he was safe for now. Probably until Donnie finally figured out that the cloaking chain wasn’t lost and that it was in fact around Leo’s neck right now as he stretched out around a bunch of other college students. You had introduced him quite quickly before telling everyone to start warmups. Yeah. Donnie would probably choke him with said chain. Oh well, Leo planned on never being found out!
That lasted all but two days if you wanted to count the fact that Mikey knew… BUT he was swore to secrecy. Anddddd Leo was also sharing the chain with him when he wasn’t using it. So there! Anywayyys Leo was chatting it up with his fellow teammates, practicing bumping the ball among other volleyball techniques that he didn’t know the name of. All he knew was that he was good. Damn good. Because everyone caught oohing and ahhing which in turn inflated his ego so much that he could probably float all the way back to the lair later. But the compliments that mattered most came from her. From you. Because as he watched everyone else practice he could tell you were better than them all. Now it was Leo’s first day and all, but he liked to think he was right behind you skill wise.
That may just be his inflated ego talking though. Insert metaphorical shrug here. Now Leo would loveee to go into detail about the game. But let’s just say they won. He won. And sure he got a volleyball to the face more than once, but that didn’t matter! Nope a win is a win in his book. The rest of the team dispersed after celebrating, talks about the next game and when the next practice was. Leo had the dates in his mental calendar. He was totally on the team now. “Hey thanks for filling in!! You were great out there!” Ending your sentence with a smile. Leo beamed back, “No problemo, I’ll be your fill-in anytime!” Giving you a smirk and a quick wink.
Leo watched as you shook your head, completely unfazed by his antics by now. He had upped his game during the actual volleyball game. Once the team had a pretty big lead he had quite blatantly flirted with you. Who could blame him?! You looked absolutely divine with your hair up. Cheeks flushed from doing your best during the game. “I told you they didn’t quit! This was just a one time thing!” Rightttt, Leo wasn’t actually on the team. Though he felt like he fitted right in! Leo made a face, pouting, “So what happens when someone else bails hmmm?” You chose to ignore him, pulling down your knee pads to your ankles. Leo took this opportunity to creep forward silently, and when your frame moved to upright itself he watched as you jolted backwards. He closed the distance again, “C’monnn Captain, you know I’m the best player you got!! My skills slayed on the court, add me to the team! Please? Pretty please??”
Leo wasn’t above begging. And he kept up the charade until he watched your eye twitch, then you blew out a long winded breath before holding out your hand reluctantly. “Alright gimme your-“
Of course Leo wouldn’t let you finish! He grabbed your hand shaking it vigorously whilst saying you wouldn’t regret your decision. And thanking you in abundance. Then going a step further, pulling the hand he held to him, smiling brightly as you stumbled forward into him. Squeezing you into a hug and picking you up off the ground to swiftly twirl you with limitless excitement. “Woah, WOAH! Hold up- Wait- LEO!” He released you seconds later smiling sheepishly. “I was asking for your phone you dummy!!” Your face was a darker flush than before, hand still outstretched for his phone but you were no longer looking at him. Cute. Were you embarrassed? Leo thought so. Hehe. Cute. You were absolutely adorable.
“Ohhhh rightttt my number huh? Couldn’t wait?” He teased further. Enjoying himself throughly as you turned a shade darker. “I swear to god I’ll change my mind rig-“ Leo was quick to place his phone in your hand. Still smiling more to himself but decided he wouldn’t push his luck any further. The game has definitely brought the two of you closer. The whole team had to work together but with Leo’s skill level almost to yours, the two of you played really well with one another. It had bolstered his pride and confidence, making him a bit more insufferable than usual. “Here,” you handed him back his phone. He checked the screen, noting your contact was added with a volleyball emoji. He’d have to change that later. It was fitting but maybe something more blue?
“So what’s the plan now? Wanna go grab something to eat? I know this great pizza place!” You made a face and he almost did a double take. How could someone not like pizza?!? Until he remembered you worked at a pizza place. Rightttttt. “Or you know whatever you feel up to eat!” He amended. He wasn’t a picky eater. You were slipping off your knee pads finally, stuffing them in the bag that carried the spare. “Uhhh yeah I know a place, it’s pretty good do you like Mediterranean?” Leo blinked. That was a big word. A Donnie word. He just nodded along, he’d figure it out eventually! Turns out he did like Medtiranean-whatever-its-called!
From that point on Leo spent more time with you. He messaged you often, and saw you at least twice a week. The perks of looking human were immense. Leo found himself not wanting to share the cloaking chain with Mikey, but he was threatened on more than one occasion that said brother would snitch. Luckily Donnie was building another one, and the nerd definitely made sure it was known that Leo was not allowed to use it. Which was fine since he had his own. Leo felt like he was being conspicuous with how much time he was spending with you. Whether it be checking his phone at random or giving odd excuses to leave the lair. He thought he was being pretty smooth but Mikey had informed him that Raph and Donnie were getting suspicious.
He’d have to get them off his trail somehow. And no, he would not be spilling the beans or telling the truth. That was not an option. Lest he be choked to death remember?? Other than that things were going well for the blue turtle. He enjoyed the competitions and the practices. He enjoyed being able to go out topside and not worry about ninja-stealthing. Or wearing layers upon layers of clothes. Or acting like he was a cosplayer. But what he enjoyed most was you. And he was starting to think you liked him too.
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starrcrossrose · 5 months
hi! first of all I just wanted to say I've read all of your works and they are literally my fav rottmnt fics to exist :) second, do you know any good leosagi fics?
WAAAHHHH thank you so much! I have so much more I want to write and SOOOO many one shots just. Sitting in my drive 🤣 maybe I’ll post some to the public someday~. I’m currently working on an update for V!Leo AU too so I hope you look forward to that! Thank you so so so much for reading, it means the world to me that people like anything I write 🥹
Also YES YES LEOSAGI FICS. I don’t know like too many bc I’m very very picky, but I have two specifically that I love so much I keep coming back to them. They live in my head rent free~
Give me something that’ll haunt me when you’re not around by Taizi (I have reread this fic a horrendous amount of times but I just really love how it’s written; also it’s complete)
So In Love And Yet Nothing To Talk About by rosesofenvy (the visuals! The ideas! Soulmates! Augh! I loved this one so very much it was creative and excellent. Also complete!)
I have read some other ones that I also enjoyed tho too so I’ll put those below.
no refunds by bobtheacorn (this one is incomplete but I loved the honest approach to the big feelings first love can have at a younger age. I don’t know how else to describe it other than me reading it and going “oh yes that’s so similar to things I felt when I was that age and liking someone who liked me back” but it CAN get a little heavy at points. Most specifically in the last updated chapter so do with that what you will) They have a collection, actually, for these two so I’ll plop that here as well
When Worlds Collide by celestiangel (this one was very cute, I enjoyed it! It is also complete.
That’s all I have rn. There are a few others I’ve opened up to read but just haven’t started yet, alas. I’ve been writing a lot for myself instead xD Hope you like these!
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flightfoot · 9 months
ML Fanfic recs for 2023: Under 2K Words
So I’ve been going through and adding particularly good fics I’ve read throughout the year. Only Complete fics, of course. Enjoy!
Markov wishes to get to know the Alliance AI better, and discovers an unusual chatroom as a result, one filled with some very surprised creatures who wish for him to convey messages to the class...
After Hawkmoth and his accomplice Chat Noir’s defeat, Marinette wants nothing to do with Adrien Agreste - until she watches him at school.
After Pollen’s capture, Chloe’s feeling some inexplicable sensations - hunger, pain, and fear without cause. For some reason her sister is as well.
Financial advisors have seen it all. Which includes planning for a billionaire supervillain.
The universe is homophobic. It is very bad at it.
All this and more below the break!
Trust by @bisexually-finger-guns
They thought that because they believed Lila’s lies, they would not be trustworthy to Ladybug anymore.
They thought wrong.
I just love how sweet and kind this is to Alya and Nino, and how understanding Marinette is here. Neither Marinette nor Adrien are going to blame their friends for falling victim to Lila’s lies. They just want to help their friends heal.
The Markov Alliance by CrochetJellybean
Slight spoilers for season 5!
Markov was excited to use Max's class time to learn more about the AI system within the Alliance rings. In his exploration, he accidentally discovers a chat room of 14 non-humans connected to the Alliance network, so he decides to join it.
This was hilarious and fun and heartwarming. Markov accidentally stumbling across the kwamis and them hinting as best they could about what to do and who to tell about them (as best they could without spewing out bubbles) was great, along with the Miracuclass’s reaction to finding out about them. 
Also their groupchat name is “plagg is oblivious” due to Plagg not figuring out that Nooroo was in the same house as him all this time, which is just perfect XD. I’ve reread this fic several times, it’s so good and bite-sized!
oh, look now, there you go with hope again by @ladyofthenoodle
After the defeat of Hawkmoth and his accomplice, Chat Noir, Marinette is ready to return to her normal life, but she can't escape Adrien Agreste, who was sentenced to a fate many consider worse than prison: public school. Specifically, her public school.
Still, that doesn't mean she has to interact with him, does it?
Except, if she doesn't... who will?
I love a good enemies au, and seeing the aftermath of an enemies au... that’s rare. She’s wary of Adrien, but with how he’s being bullied, and how he’s just taking it in the hopes of being accepted, she can’t help but reach out to him.
SCP-136: The Cheese Gremlin by Distraught_by_your_Love
The SCP Foundation was transporting a shipment of assorted cheeses for reasons relating to the study of an SCP.
Upon arrival at the European Facility, it was discovered that all of the cheese had disappeared somewhere along the journey.
A replacement shipment was requisitioned, this time with added security measures including closed-circuit security feeds.
This was when the Foundation became aware of SCP-136: The Cheese Gremlin.
Plagg has fun threatening the Foundation for cheese, and Ladybug is exasperated. And I have fun reading about it!
It Started With by imjustabirb
When a kwami and their holder become close enough, the holder starts to get the instincts of the animal their miraculous represents.
I adore fics where the holders get animal instincts! I especially liked the Alya and Zoe chapters, with Alya being comforted by still having animal instincts after Trixx was kidnapped, and Zoe getting Black Cat instincts because she bonded with Plagg even in just the few hours she was his Holder.
She’s Cheating On You! by MsSkywalkerWeasleyParkerStark
Lila thinks she finally has it. The thing that's going to break up Adrienette once and for all and allow her to finally get Adrien for herself.
She just didn't count on the love square.
It’s the classic “people catch Adrien and Marinette making out as Marichat or Ladrien while they’re dating as Adrienette and/or Ladynoir”, and it’s as funny as ever XD. They actually decide to play it up a little before revealing that they’re fine with it.
Can’t Sleep Either, Huh? by EmeraldButterfly
Chloe gets up late at night. Turns out she’s not the only one who’s worried about Pollen.
(AU where former Miraculous holders have an empathetic link with their kwamis)
This is a very interesting AU. Chloe and Zoe are both able to feel Pollen’s emotions and even things like her hunger, and end up taking solace in each other to try and cope. It’s just really sweet.
Alya Cesaire Should Be Allowed To Swear by @stripesandblossoms
Akuma attacks don't stop just because Alya is no longer a Hero, but that's fine, because she can still help clear civilians from the danger zone. Even celebrity-friends like Adrien Agreste.
Hey guys this is an amazing one-shot, even with as short as it is. I love how it goes into Alya's thoughts and feelings about why she doesn't swear (because you can't do that on-air as a journalist and she has little sisters that she can't swear around anyway) and her coming up with ways to suppress her swears when she's tempted.
Then of course, she finds out a secret that makes all of that go out the window...
Seriously this is really funny, please read it!
Gabriel Seeks Financial Planning Advice by @uptoolateart
As Gabriel accepts his imminent demise, he decides to make plans to protect Adrien's inheritance and livelihood. This is the letter his trusted financial adviser writes to him, summarising the key points of that meeting.
This is hilarious. The financial advisor just takes all of Gabriel’s statements and aspirations at face value and writes up a letter to help work out what to do, no matter how ludicrous it all sounds.
Tapestry by @hamsteriffic
Luka’s tattoos mark each milestone in his life, but none is more important than the one prepared for him by Grandmaster Su Han for completing his training.
I love the description of the various tattoos Luka has, it helps to develop him as a character, show what matters to him, and the fic even includes artwork of Luka and all his tattoos!
Back to Life (Back to Reality) by @2manyfandoms2count
Toxinelle and Griffe Noire return to their world after their night in the canon timeline.
I loved seeing these two talking a bit more amiably, especially with Toxinelle commenting on how silent Adrien is as a civilian. That doesn’t appear to be something he really wants to dwell on.
Here’s Hopes For Moving Forward... by allthingsasian
Gabriel finds out his son is Claw Noir.
Set just after the Paris Special...
I loved seeing Gabriel’s perspective here, finding Claw Noir broken down, crying on his son’s bedroom floor, and realizing what that means. How badly Adrien must have been hurting, how he’d been lashing out and hurting everyone he could reach, including himself, with the self-cataclysm. 
But now, Adrien and Gabriel are ready to talk, with Adrien getting the hug he’s sorely needed for a long time.
Where We Go Now by @trishacollins
After going to the other world, after his life-changing meeting with his other self - Adrien comes back to his silent room, in his silent house.
Just because he changed doesn't mean the world has changed to keep up.
Where do you even start?
I love the “What Now?” energy of this work, and Adrien and Marinette talking through things after getting back to their world. They’ve changed, but the world hasn’t. I especially liked the attention paid to how silent Adrien was as a civilian, compared to how chatty he was as Claw Noir. That seemed purposeful.
oh, no, not again by @bittersweetresilience
Félix doesn't want to broach the subject, but he won't be able to after they leave.
So this is a glimpse into a time-travel fix-it story, with various wielders being sent back into their younger selves. But Felix doesn’t think he’ll be helpful, because well... his backstory. He would be unable to step out of line. It’s pretty angsty and I love Chat’s reaction to learning about how bad Felix had it.
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gojonanami · 3 months
Hi Sab, I just reread your Actor AU again, and I love it so so much. I think it really is what’s gonna save me from JJK depression (are you depressed because you’re JJK fans or are you JJK fans because you’re depressed?) and now I’ll just remind myself that they’re actors and that JJK isn’t real whenever Gege releases a new chapter and kills yet another dilf haha
I will now read the Actor AU like it's my personal bible heh.
Yay! We get to see Nanami! When Nanami’s character got killed off, did he become Gojo’s agent?
Suguru tilts his head with a small grin, “Are you lonely? Why don’t you find someon—“ OMG THIS HAD ME SCREAMING! You can just see in your head the shit eating grin he has on when he says that!
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“They would be lucky to have you — do you know how many people say you were their favorite character? They were ready to fight me and Satoru for you,” he adds with a chuckle, lips ghosting over the swell of your cheek, “I think they would beat us with sheer numbers,” “Nah, I’d win,” Satoru says.    OMG THIS HAD ME SCREAMING TOO! Of course he’d say that! Of course! Someone has gotta show him all the nah i’d win memes! Now I’m just imagining another press/interview video where they make Satoru rank all the nah i’d win memes on a tier list ahahhahaha and he’d see one like this but with reader chan’s character instead, and he’d rank it S tier ahahahahah
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I just love the dynamic between reader chan and satosugu. Their relationship together has such funny banter, and super duper sweet moments where they take care of each other, and how jealous satosugu got when reader chan had to do her scenes with Sukuna XD and when they noticed her having her panic attack at the end and calmed her down <3 it really was a treat to read
Thank you so much Sab for writing. Every single one of your ideas is brilliant. Every single one of your works will make someone's day that much better. Thank you Sab 🙏🙏🙏
ahhh I’m so glad 🥹💕 because I truly love the actor au fic 😭 it was so fun to write and it makes me happy you even reread it 😭 that’s so funny because I have a little thing that says that exact phrase from a con and I love it so much 😭
hahaha yeah that’s what I implied because I can see nanami getting sick of stardom and deciding to become an agent (but then going back to acting because he gets sent to deal with gojo 😭)
haha I had to include “nah I’d win” somewhere but he definitely would lose against fandom tbh 😭😭😭 oh my god, he so would though and he would look into the camera and just deadpan
awww I’m so glad the dynamic was good 😭🥹 I worried about how it would come off but honestly their dynamic is so perfect for me so I’m glad you enjoyed it too 🥹💕ahhh yes I hope you enjoy prof gojo 🥹💕
thank you for being here and enjoying my writing — all of your asks and comments and reblogs truly make my day and make my day brighter. I love you 🥹💕 this message made my day truly
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faeriexqueen · 1 month
Encompassed in Glass (Revised: 8/18/2024)
Title: Encompassed in Glass. Fandom: D. Gray-Man. Pairings: Yulma. Rated: T. Words: 198.6K+. Tags: Fairytale AU, Snow White AU, Snow White Elements, Slowburn, Canon Elements, Fantasy, Eventual Romance, Angst, Royalty, Angst with a Happy Ending, Drama (Please see AO3 for full list of tags and warnings). Chapters: 29/29. Summary: In a land where innocence is used to fend off akuma, exorcists serve royal families, and trust is fragile. When a prince unknowingly becomes a part of a plot to break this trust, he is forced to flee — but perhaps he has a chance of survival, with the help of a few rogue exorcists. (Fairytale/Snow White-inspired AU)
Read on AO3. ((Hi all! Just revised/edited this old fic from 2018. Was feeling inspired after watching the Snow White trailer, and remembered I have a Snow White AU for Alma and Kanda. XD Nothing drastic has been revised plot-wise, and the writing style is still old — but it’s been cleaned up for those who would like to reread! Or possible read for the first time, if you haven’t already. ;D))
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iheartgod175 · 8 months
Some MORE Thoughts…
—I’ve actually had the hankering to do some art again after like a month, haha ^^ Taking a month hiatus from creating to refill my creative well has done me some wonders, because now I feel a lot more inspired and ready to write and draw!
—An idea that I’ve had for the last couple of days was including Dragon Tales into SRBA. My childhood lives! I love how at this point, the remastered SRBA is kinda becoming the MCU, lol—after all, I kinda have it set that the Super Readers would meet WordGirl and the characters from Santiago of the Seas, so why the heck not XD That means I’m gonna have to go back and fix the timeline again to include this.
—And in case anybody was wondering what other shows would be featured in this AU, it’s currently Santiago of the Seas, WordGirl, Dragon Tales and (possibly) Arthur. The later I put in brackets because I’m not sure how it’d work yet ^^;
—I am still working on that KonoSuba/Star Fox story, but most of it is just brainstorming fifty million ideas. I do have some cool ideas for a potential sequel starring either Slippy or Beltino. Why? Well, I wanted to challenge myself writing a character that I eventually grew to appreciate—as I wrote in the original post, Fox and Falco would fit in with KonoSuba perfectly, but it’s too obvious a choice. Putting in a happy-go-lucky mechanic with no sense of flying in a world like KonoSuba’s would be hilarious—or a mild-mannered scientist like Beltino. All I know is that either one of them would end up in Kazuma’s party, and Slippy and Aqua would butt heads because of her hatred for toads, LOL.
—2024 is not being kind to Love Livers thus far. I still think the whole “Love Live disappears but Revue Starlight is eternal” meme compilation is hilarious, though. Power creep and insane rates will not stop this game, I swear. Oh, and speaking of Revue Starlight, it’s been loving me again?? I’ve had better luck getting the 5-stars recently than I have had getting the birthday cards the last few years?! Which is good news for me, because my Wind, Moon and Space teams SUCK and I needed some better cards in order to prep for both Star Arena matches and future Trophy Roads.
—Kinda hopped back onto my Multo/Zeeter mood again, so I’ve been working on Love Language in between working on that StarFox/KonoSuba idea. I’m trying out a new writing routine, and hopefully, I can finish the first chapter sometime this year!
—Speaking of them, I was rereading my notes for that Revue Starlight inspired AU and I need to write out a post yelling about that. I literally have like six to seven pages of notes!
—Started Atelier Resleriana and it’s kinda cute! I’ve heard of the Atelier series, but never got a chance to play any of the games. But I’m liking it so far.
—Racing to get to the next few chapters of HI3rd. I’m kinda stoked for Part 2!
—And since I also got hit with the mood for it a few days ago, I’m going to be doing some in-depth notes about the Cerulean Avenger story, namely regarding the characters and what all to expect. The reason for that? It relates to the art I’m going to drop after making this post! 😁
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paintedkinzy-88 · 1 year
So I have to know, is Dream basically gonna be adopted as the Noghtmare Gang's collective little brother? Cuz I just reread the last dragon au chapter w/ Dust and Dream and I can definitely see the Murder Trio and Cross collectively deciding that Dream isn't jsut their Boss' brother but he now THEIR brother too
I mean. No ish?? I was aiming more for a BSP + Dream vibe XD But it’ll also probably not be super detailed simply because I’m very Eh when it comes to writing Developing Romantic Relationships, especially between many people?? But it is tagged in the fic itself so I’m not secret about my shipping agenda XD
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cacodaemonia · 11 months
20 questions for fic writers
Thanks for the tag, @flowerparrish! :D
How many works do you have on ao3? 213, but somewhere between like 85 and 100 of those are just images.
What’s your total ao3 word count? 1,049,952
What fandoms do you write for? Clone Wars
What are your top 5 fics by kudos? Many of the top works are art-only, but if I sort through, looks like most of the fics are those that I have never reread or re-edited, so 😬
That’s Not How It Happened (This Is How It Happened) - My first fic, which I have re-edited since first posting it. Chip arc fix-it
Orbital Decay - Haven't touched this since I posted it. Codywan
Modulation - Also don't think I've re-edited this at all. Echo/Fives
Will You Walk With Me? - The only one of the top five that I care much about XD; Waxer and Boil (platonic or pre-relationship)
Kintsugi - Not re-edited. Codywan
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? Yes! I love replying to comments with my usual unhinged yammering :D
What is a fic you wrote with the angstiest ending You're Just Harder to See Than Most, but it's part of a larger series where the sad stuff in this gets better. As a stand-alone, though, it's very angsty 🙈
What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Hah, so many XD Maybe Count Every Beautiful Thing?
Do you get hate on fics? No, I've only gotten it for art, and thankfully AO3 isn't infested with pearl-clutching busybodies like Tumblr is, so I've only had one (honestly hilarious) hate comment there. It was on like the 6th chapter of a a very clearly tagged sketch dump in which several of the previous chapters were fairly explicit smut. And then on that last chapter, the person was like "Ew, they're brothers! This is disgusting." Hah, okay pal, seems like you were really enjoying it if you got to chapter 6. 🤣
Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Sure do! Uh, a variety, I guess, though I suppose I haven't written anything that would be considered heavy kink?
Do you write crossovers? Nope
Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not that I know of, but I've had TONS of art stolen.
Have you ever had a fic translated? Nope
Have you ever co-written a fic before? Yes!
What’s your all-time favorite ship? This is very hard to answer because I tend to latch onto ships for many years at a time. But no other characters before the clones ever inspired me to write fics, so I'll go with Waxer/Boil 🧡
What’s a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will? I have an AU fic where the war ends shortly after Geonosis that I really want to write but can't make the brain go very well on it, for some reason. I have pages and pages of notes, some sketches, and like a chapter and a half drafted, but I keep getting stuck. I wouldn't say that I doubt I'll ever finish it, though. I probably just have to shake things around to knock loose whatever is gunked up.
What are your writing strengths? Maybe natural dialogue?
What are your writing weaknesses? I want to describe all the things. I want to put what I see in my head into your eyeballs. But I also tend to over-describe like, logistic-type stuff, I think—stuff that no one but me cares about XD
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic? Like a real language or a conlang? I don't know any of either well enough to include much of them in my fics, but when I use a bit of Ryl (which I've largely made up), I really limit it because I get annoyed when there's a ton of conlang in fics I'm trying to read. Scrolling to the end notes constantly is not very fun.
First fandom you wrote for? Clone Wars
Favorite fic you’ve written? Hmm, well I have a soft spot for Will You Walk With Me? but I think my two objectively best fics are My Heart's Red Muscle (78K Waxer/Boil cyborg AU) and We Could Breathe Underwater (5K Force-sensitive Waxer/Boil).
That was fun!
No-pressure tags: @lizardberries @elismor @valkeakuulas @blackkatmagic @amukmuk
And because I always long for a blank version of these tag things to copy/paste, just the questions below the cut:
How many works do you have on ao3?
What’s your total ao3 word count?
What fandoms do you write for?
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
What is a fic you wrote with the angstiest ending
What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Do you get hate on fics?
Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Do you write crossovers?
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
What’s your all-time favorite ship?
What’s a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
What are your writing strengths?
What are your writing weaknesses?
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
First fandom you wrote for?
Favorite fic you’ve written?
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sugoi-and-spice · 2 years
Do you have any bnha fic recs? Btw im such a sucker for ur bully dabi fic…. Hes so hawt
Thank you so much, I'm really glad you're enjoying it!! And oooooh, ok, this is fun lemme think.
Let's start with some Dabi fics.
I am absolutely obsessed with the Us series by @nohoney these days. All of their work is amazing, but this Dabi x Reader x Hawks series especially is just such a poignant, compelling, and (at time frighteningly) accurate representation of toxic relationships, depression, and drug use.
Loveless by Clashgirl07 is an amazing slow-burn with a really exciting and well-plotted AUish adventure. It still takes place in the hero world, but with a completely alternate story and timeline - SUPER fun! I can't even believe how talented this writer is for how young they are and I'm really excited to see what else they put out in the future.
oh you pretty thing and a bad day by an Anonymous writer who I would literally DIE to read more work by are so gd good. Very sexy and compelling mean Dabi x Reader x Shigaraki dubcon/noncon.
And now for fics and authors that are not Dabi-centric, but that I can never NOT recommend.
@shig-a-shig-ah has a really lovely Dabi one-shot, Full Circle. But the majority of their content is Shigaraki-centric and HOLY SHIT are they just a master at it. Addicted to Bad Ideas (In-Progress) and Paper Skin (Complete) are absolute masterpieces, and I'm also a particular fan of their one-shots Tutelage and Assistance - two noncon voyeur fics guest-starring All for One and Redestro respectively.
@nonobadcat also writes a lot of amazing villain content - including multi-chapter fics for underwritten characters like Mr. Compress and All for One. Their Shigaraki long fic A Taste of Your Own Venom is so well-plotted and has such an interesting MC, and it's currently left off in a really satisfying place. ^_^ A Blistering Affection is some A+ yandere Chisaki too.
GRIEFING by rotworld is the quintessential Shigaraki fic. It hasn't been updated since 2020, but I think it leaves off in a decently satisfying place and is always worth a reread imo.
[[save scum]] by @feral-creep is another masterpiece (damn, all you Shiggy stans are so talented xD). Super unique concept, great MC, and the beginnings of some sweet Dabi/Reader/Shigaraki action.
The Danger Next Door by @ratmonky is freaking chilling. AU Stalker!Shigaraki where they actually still have quirks! I'm not sure if they're planning on finishing this, but god, it's so compelling and creepy that I think it's definitely worth a read regardless.
That's what I got for now! There are so many stupidly talented writers in this fandom, particularly in our lovely little villain corner so this list is definitely not exhaustive, but I hope this gives you some fun new reads in the meantime!
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quinloki · 7 months
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Me when I saw you posted the last chapter
Now I’m like, no thoughts head empty except for the uh… ya know 👀👀
Between the tongue and the fire following scratches thing, idk which is gonna take up more real estate in my brain
Once again thank you Quin for solidifying Marco as my blorbo and writing such a good story for him 🫡🥰
I reread magic trick a lot, but I suspect that now that this is done it’ll get a good reread here and there (or at least… certain parts >>)
XD thank you!
I think it really came out with a good balance of cute, sexy, a little angsty and a *lot* of adorable.
I want (and need) to show love to other titles and blorbos, but there’s definitely going to be more.
Sabo’s fic will debut on his birthday cause why not, and in the mean time I want to get as many Kid and Law titles updated that i can. With Birds done I’m going to try an actual schedule - not for updates, sadly, but just which title on which day, so I have something definitive in mind when I start writing, vs losing time trying to decide XD
There’s Between the Three of Us as well, which includes Marco, but might be put on a back burner for a bit, or I might work it away from being a poly-title to just a Marco reader (my apologies to any Shanks fans, but the more people hate on Kid the more I’m not vibing Shanks, even when they aren’t comparing them. It’s a flaw, but I can’t seem to shake it.)
I’m trying really hard not to dive into the Host Club AU or anything else until I can wrap a few more open titles. If I can hover around 12 I can at least make a 2-week rotating schedule, and have half a chance of focusing.
I mean, it sounds big and it is a lot, but I’m enjoying it, so that keeps it from being daunting. Everyone always worries about my stress levels 🥰 but I’m not stressing 😘
I’m just going to be writing these stories until I’m Marco’s post time skip age xD (and beyond, let’s be fair.)
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elibean · 1 year
ALREADY staving from LC and shiguang please give me more fic recs 🔛
m-more!? ok i'm assuming you've seen this already then https://elibean.tumblr.com/post/728985811273596928/im-also-canon-complaint-picky-or-when-the-have
let's see what others i can provide to you...
https://archiveofourown.org/works/50285425 this one is nsfw, short and sweet but i really really love how they've captured them here. i've reread it a bunch of times already even though it's new haha. latest to join my bookmarks
https://archiveofourown.org/works/50468140 this one is so so sweet.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/44457526 nsfw again. cxs constantly walks around the house without a shirt in an attempt to seduce lg. eventually it works (fucking hilarious and also just fun)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/41502306 nsfw but only at the end. this is the big 30k monster i was talking about before. it's really, very, truly good. also one of the only fic/fiction in general i've read that made me tear up.
https://archiveofourown.org/works/39945561/chapters/100028658 nsfw but i think only the last chapter. this is auish which i tend to avoid but it's so tame in that department it gets a pass (the only au part is that it's an au in which they get to keep elizabeth lol). it's really funny- multichap where every time things between them get heated, elizabeth gets in the way xD i'll be honest i kind of skimmed it to get to the last chapter xD i love how bratty cxs is in this one, it's great
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skyward-floored · 9 months
Just reread all of the chapters in “what does anyone in this family know about normal?” And I’m cackling over the one where Sky tries to give Legend a pep talk and he ends up jumping off the roof. The ending when Sky gets that phone call from Malon and wars tells him to “hang up” absolutely kills me every time I read it! Lmao! Just wanted to thank you again for creating this au and writing such great content for it!! I love it lol anyway hope you’re doing well!
That’s one of my favorites, I’m glad you like it! XD that line of Warriors’ still makes me giggle hehe
And thank you anon 🥺 I’m so happy people like this au! It started as a silly idea I just wanted to mess with a bit and look where we are now :)
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cuubism · 2 years
Love love love your "In Waking Dreams"! It's one of my comfort fics, rereading it always cheers me up.
I get why Dream wouldn't want to reveal himself to Hob in the waking world. If you've read the endless nights(I think I got the title right) there was a similar situation where this alien, Kilala, sees Dream in her dreams who falls in love with her and follows her to the waking world. But she cheats on him in the end. Morpheus probably doesn't want a repeat of that
Also, I was wondering, did Eleanor exist in this AU? If she did, how did Dream react to her? I suppose Hob would just stop having dreams about Morpheus for a big while.
ahhh thank you!! and so sorry for leaving your comfort fic on a horrendous cliffhanger XD that's so sweet though
yeah Dream has a few reasons for not wanting Hob to know he's "real" which comes up in the next chapter which is finally his POV. and I think... in my head Hob never got married in the waking world in this AU. every time he considered it he kept having these thoughts of like 'but i'd be unfaithful to my dream husband...' FULLY knowing this is irrational, too. he's like that makes no sense and yet-- It wasn't Dream giving him daydreams either just Hob's own brain maybe subconsciously feeling that Dream was real and was actually his husband. He's had flings, slept around, 'dated' people in whatever way that existed at various time periods, but married, no, I think he had a mental block about it.
dream would definitely have had some very very complicated feelings about it if he had haha XD (dream: how dare he cheat on me?!?!!?! jessamy: my lord you are a figment of his imagination dream:....still!!!!)
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