#just shown in UTC
sleepygamerotaku · 2 years
i shall now exit this plaine of existence. Until we are to meet again, within the near future, i bid you adieu
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knavesflames · 4 months
Insecure reader x arlecchino
I wrote this just because 😓
Contents: fluff, suggestive towards the end
Word count: 502
Utc 🍒
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A sigh leaves your lips as you stare at yourself in the enlarged mirror of your home. You’re wearing a dress, long, with a leg slit, Arlecchino’s personal favourite. You should be happy, she’s decided to take you to your favourite restaurant, the one that’s so, so hard to get into. Yet, you cannot find yourself smiling, a niggling thought no longer a niggling thought, but a full insecurity. Arlecchino has expressed interest in feminine women on more than one occasion, yet you see yourself and you can’t bring yourself to think that you look feminine at all. Why not, Arlecchino cannot fathom, though, you have expressed distaste in your proportion nearly every time you pass a mirror, and it isn’t like she doesn’t notice the way you look at her chest. With desire, yes, but on days when she wears her suit without her blazer, she senses the slight jealousy in your eyes before you rip your eyes away.
Yet, she adores your figure, the proportions you were blessed with. And when she catches you frowning as you adjust the dress, her dark voice echoes around the room.
“What are you doing? Your dress is fine the way it is. You look nice.”
The way your face twists into a slight scowl as she glances at her own chest, accentuated by the suit she’s chosen to wear tonight, isn’t unnoticed by her, leaving her to quirk an eyebrow as she waits patiently for you to speak. Patience, you’ve learned, is something she has lots of. With a gesture to your upper body, you speak.
“It doesn’t sit right, I fear. Here.”
“It does. You look stunning, it fits you perfectly.”
“It does not. I’m not feminine enough for this dress, I don’t have anything there—“
Her voice cuts you off, sterner and sharper than it was thirty seconds ago, softening at the end of her sentence.
“How many times must I tell you that you are feminine enough? That I do not care for the size of them so long as my tongue can wrap around your nipples. Which, in case you have forgotten, is extremely possible.”
Your head turns away in slight embarrassment at the way she so frankly speaks about such a topic. But you’ve come to expect it from her, she’s not one to shy away or sugarcoat her thoughts.
“I just do not like my body.”
“Well, I, for one, enjoy it immensely.”
Her arms snake around your waist, her chin resting on your shoulder as you both make eye contact in the mirror. Her voice lowers to a whisper as her lips graze your cheek, a shiver running down your spine at her words.
“Your body, you, are a saint, my love. I am merely the disciple that worships it. Have I not shown my love for your body enough? Shall we skip dinner?”
“No, I wanted to have the pasta. After, perhaps.”
“After, it is. I’ll show you just how much I can worship you.”
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liliewrites · 4 months
a/n : helloooo thereee lovely readers of minee:)) here's the pt 2 of my worship series featuring raiden ei!! also, to the ppl who submitted asks, i think i'll be uploading them laterrr or tomorroww:)) i've been kind'of busy for the past few days due to school stuff, but i promise they'll be uploaded real soon!! thanks to Haddy my editor for proofreading & editing
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-warning/s ; somewhat religious motifs(?), NSFW, cunnilingus (r!receiving), biting. -pairings/s ; raiden ei x fem!reader - where in; these three women worship you, their lover, when hundreds and thousands, even millions of followers would drop on their knees to ask for blessings, for mercy, for prayers - and yet for you, at your beck and call, they would do anything you ask as they kneel for you at the same time , as proof of their devotion to you.
(men and minors please dni utc!)
The Archon whispers against your skin, hands trailing down your back and untying the obi of your yukata with one delicate motion. The way she holds you, the way she calls your name so softly, is in stark contrast to how the Archon usually is when in front of her followers. Stoic and apathetic when faced, heartless and without mercy when angered. 
”My beloved wife..”
She whispers once more, tugging on the sleeves of your yukata, revealing your bare shoulders. Acting on feral instinct, Ei immediately bites down on your shoulder, causing you to whimper as you grip on the god’s skin. If it were anyone else who dares to inflict even the tiniest little scratch on her skin, they will be stricken with Inazuma’s unforgiving lightning, followed by a clap of loud thunder, a clear sign that they had just committed a grave sin for even touching the shogun. 
But right now, in this moment, only loud groans that have erupted from the Archon’s lips can be heard when your nails buried themselves into her skin. Ei pulls away, and you are looking at eyes filled with devotion, as if you are the god here and not her, she stares at you lovingly as she gives you a few minutes of respite. She smiles a little at you, before leaning in to kiss your shoulder, akin to an apology for biting down on your shoulder. “My beautiful wife..” she murmured, for a while, you thought that she has return to handling you with a more benign manner, yet to your surprise, strong, firm arms wrapped themselves around your shoulder, lifting you up from the futon and onto the shogun’s lap.
It is now that you realize you have make a mistake. The momentary gentleness she has shown you is never an apology for biting you, but a prelude to what she has in mind for tonight. Ei pushes you down onto the futon once more, causing you to let out a yelp and starts to nip at your skin. Small, little bites before has change into her teeth sinking into your flesh. It is the shogun’s trademark to mark things that belongs to her, especially evident in the beings that she has created where they bear the shogun’s symbol on their neck. But in this case, it is a mutual relationship with you belonging to her and her to you. So as she bites and marks the flesh of your neck and chest, you in return scratch and sinks your nails into her back, marking her back. Moans freely come out of you with groans coming out of her. It is a symphony of mixed, pleasured cries and noises to both you and Ei’s ears. The sounds that you both emit are the most beautiful you have both heard. More so than any prayer or song offered to Ei by her followers. 
Her lips meets your wet folds and with one delicate motion, she lifts your hips up pulling you in towards her. Her tongue starts flicking against your clit, as if she is whispering a sweet prayer to it, before moving on to lap up your juices as if she is starved for water. After all, the sweet juices that drips from you is Inazuma’s best delicacy that can only be offered by her beloved wife. To her, she is more than blessed to be able to taste this delicacy provided by you
To show you her gratitude for granting her such an opportunity is her utmost priority with the beautiful sounds you have been letting out proving that she is inching closer and closer to her goal.
”E-Ei! why.. did you..”
And yet, she drops you for a moment, goes onto her knees and lowers her face close to your soaked pussy. She breathes in your musky scent, gripping onto your thighs as she forcefully spreads it open. “Forgive me, my love, but I wish to savor your taste for much longer..” she mumbles, her warm breath brushing against your clit. She then presses light kisses across the sensitive area, making you mewl and whine at your increasing need for even more stimulation. Feeling your need rising higher and higher, you grip on Ei’s hair making it clear to the archon that you want more, making her feel impatient as well. Feeling annoyed at you for not letting her savor you in peace, she immediately dives right back into you without warning, making you let out a loud whiny moan that sounds so fucking pleasurable to Ei’s ears. It is loud and she hates loud noises, but the sounds you let out is like an aphrodisiac stimulating her ever further, sounding so much more better than the thunders that come from Inazuma’s skies. Licking you, tasting you, driving her tongue in places that makes you shiver and tremble, she holds you down with a firm hand as you squirm in her hold. 
The night is far too young, and the god has intentions to keep worshiping you with her tongue until the sun rises for the next day. So hold out a bit more longer for her, will you?
a/n : hallooo!!:)) ”あなた..” means "anata" which is an endearment japanese couples use, kind'of like saying "my/mine" hihi
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enden-k · 6 months
(Sorry for the ramble but these 2 idiots have been stuck in my brain for days now)
Soo can we talk about the fact that after the meeting with Sunday, Ratio immediately asks if Aven is okay. Like my dude, you're still in the dream and are being watched, that's not how someone who just 'betrayed' another person  acts.
Also, Aven being the one who has to subtly correct Ratio (at least thats the interpretation im going with) reminding him that they still have to act like they hate each other. (They're both geniuses in completely different ways, textbook definition of book smarts vs streets smarts)
ALSO, dispite that slip up from Ratio, Aven still doubting whether Ratio was acting or not (someone get this man a hug and some therapy I swear)
Anyways, I love these 2 idiots, and I hope we get to see more of their dynamic, specifically outside Penacony, bc I suspect most of what we saw was an act to trick The Family, and their actual dynamic hasn't been shown that much
its in ratios nature to be so harsh and not filtering, its just ratio
to shorten it, hoyo literally made him a tsundere. he calls aventurine an idiot and cares about his wellbeing. HIS SHY FACE IS HIM LOOKING ANGRY AND AVERTING HIS EYES HHHHHDHHHH its all so obvious
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my thoughts/short ramble abt their dynamic utc
while all that happened was aventurine and ratio acting and fooling everyone, i dont think much in their dynamic would change outside of it. ratio is harsh and sarcastic and angry and loud etcetc (not out of malice) but he does care at the same time so i see him keep up his usual ratio-typical behavior towards aventurine - altho softening, toning it down, especially when aventurine is clearly suffering/behaving differently than you usually see him (like when he asked him if hes okay or when he thought he offended him) but other times harsh as usual, maybe even more aggressive when aventurine does get under his skin what a tsundere
(also, when you pair him with aventurine, he says (in his usual harsh way) "take care of yourself, i dont need your concern" - i think this shows really nicely how his dynamic/feelings toward aventurine are - harsh and caring in the same breath, aventurine is self destructive after all)
anw yea ig i derailed a bit sorry. i think ratio raised his usual behavior by some lvls than he would usually treat aventurine to not raise suspicions, trying to come off like he doesnt care and like aventurine is an unpleasant annoyance
the cutscene where aventurine is about lie and sentence himself? the look ratio gives him?
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when aventurine is about to open the box that will expose his lie and he looks up to catch ratios gaze before he turns away ?
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maybe im thinking too much into it, theres also prob different ways to interpret this but their lingering gazes, like a silent exchange between them underneath that act and ratio turning away when he gets his answer-
and yea like u mentioned ratios acting, his behavior towards aventurine, being so good that even aventurine is doubting if its an act or his true feelings towards him (giving him that hug myself!!!!!!)
anw thats my (not organized) thoughts tho, maybe their dynamic does change to smth entirely different than what i babble abt here, who knows. anw cant wait to see them reunite and show more!!!
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tvckerwash · 11 months
thoughts on wash's fighting style and his position in pfl because I can (utc because it's really long lol):
wash is very unique among the freelancers for a variety of reasons, one is that he doesn't specialize in one specific area of anything, he's a jack of all trades who is able to fill in for other freelancers if necessary. for example in s9 when york was supposed to be unavailable for lock picking/infiltration duty, carolina immediately went to wash (and we are ignoring that york is not shown to be good at lock picking!) if she trusted wash to fill in for their specialist in one area, I feel it's not a stretch to imagine that he can do so in other areas as well.
need a snipper but north and wyoming aren't available? wash can cover. need someone to get into the enemies' computer systems in place of ct, south, or york? wash can cover. need someone for stealth or reconnaissance in place of florida? wash can cover. etc etc.
wash's combat style reflects that jack of all trades, master of none thing very well too, as the way that he fights is very grounded and pragmatic when compared to the rest of the freelancers. a lot of people like to portray wash as less skilled than the other freelancers, but in truth I believe that wash being able to keep up and compete with the other freelancers despite his lack of dramatic flare is a show of just how competent and skilled of a soldier he is. wash is so good at doing what he does that he doesn't need all that extra bullshit to get the job done. sure, he might not look as Cool and SexyTM as the others while doing it, but completing the mission and surviving to live another day takes precedence over all else.
another way of looking at it is that wash fights in the same way that the odst's do, that is to say that he fights like a human who cannot plow his way through the battlefield in the same way the spartans can. wash's style of fighting is one that employs careful planning and targeted hit and run tactics—this is most obvious in recovery one and s6 whenever he's fighting against the meta.
I also feel it's important to note that wash is not a cqc fighter, he can handle himself if he gets into a cqc situations but his primary weapon is the battle rifle—which is a mid/long range weapon. if I'm being honest wash's way of fighting makes waaaaaaaaay more sense if you look at him not as someone who is trained to primarily fight against other humans, but as someone who is trained to fight against 8ft 2 ton aliens with plasma weapons that can slice through the hulls of UNSC battle cruisers (ships designed to travel through space!!!) like a hot knife cuts through butter and have the technology to raze entire planets to the ground in a matter of minutes.
I also personally believe that wash has the most military experience out of all the freelancers right behind florida, wyoming, and maine (who I hc as a spartan iii). we know that wash did his basic training in the leonis minoris system (a canonical halo system) and that system had two of the three planets glassed by the covenant in 2537, and wash directly references these events in the washed hands interview in the fan guide and the way he says it implies that he likely completed his basic training that same year. now I have some grievances with the timeline given in the book when it comes to the events depicted in the freelancer saga because it's just kinda weird, but everything prior to that bit is actually fine (though I hate the way that they decide to number the timeline lmao).
now in halo canon the human/covenant war ended in 2552, and according to the timeline in the rvb fan guide that was 1 year after alpha was sent to blood gulch. project freelancer is first cleared for funding 7 years BBG (before blood gulch), and recruits the 50 freelancers 5 years BBG. doing some math we can determine that pfl was cleared for funding in the year 2544, and the freelancers are recruited for pfl in 2546. so assuming wash finished his basic training in 2537 that would mean that he was in the military for 9 years before he joined pfl, and while wash is addressed as a corporal (e-4) in the washed hands interview he was most likely demoted to that after he was court martialed, and he was possibly going to be dishonorably discharged from the military because of his disorderly conduct.
using the current standards used by the us marine corps when it comes to rank progression, wash was most likely a sergeant (e-5) who was very close to being promoted to a staff sergeant (e-6). wash as a sergeant would've essentially been the assistant manager/co-leader of the platoon he was in while his staff sergeant was the manager/leader, and that would explain why he was able to even get into an argument with his CO in the first place. I believe wash held a similar position in pfl, as it's kind of implied that he did some management stuff in pfl (talking with internals/upper brass, him feeling comfortable with openly questioning carolina about whether york should be allowed on the sarcophagus heist, and of course he shows the ability to direct and somewhat lead south in recovery one, and him leading church, caboose, and the reds in s6, and him taking charge of the meta in s8).
even if wash wasn't a sergeant as a corporal he would've been in a position to be the leader of a fire team, so basically wash isn't some rookie who had no clue wtf he was doing as many in the fandom like to characterize him; he is an experienced and battle hardened soldier by the time he joins pfl no matter how you look at it.
to put all of that into context, carolina is born 29 years BBG, which would be 2522. so during pfl she's in the 24-28 range and she wouldn't have joined the military until 2540. I actually personally head canon that wash is the same age as carolina, but that he illegally enlisted at 15 because of a crappy home life, but ignoring my head canon and assuming that he joined the military at 18 instead, he would've been born in 2519.
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uroboros-if · 1 year
Whats your advice for other wip ifs on tumblr? Ive got my intro post and everything but it seems like no one is seeing it :(
🥹😭 I'm flattered you think I'm qualified to answer this, especially as I don't consider myself wildly popular or anything! I wouldn't call myself an expert on this, but I'll tell you what I know:
Tumblr's tagging system / Discoverability
Make sure you're searchable! If your blog is too young, or if you have links in your post, or too many pictures, etc. etc. anything can trigger Tumblr's alarm bells. What this means is that your post won't show up in the tags, aka won't be shown when people search it up. Here is a post about actions you can take to prevent it and another one here. Generally you want your blog to be older than 2 weeks, and to be posting a few times on it before it gets any searchability. (This sideblog used to be an old fanfic blog that I've repurposed for the IF for this exact reason!). If you'd like, copy and paste your intro post, and re-post it (if you don't mind losing too many notes on it), or you can just experiment with another post. Tag it with the appropriate tags, and then wait 2-3 minutes before searching Recent posts on the tag (like #interactive fiction). If you don't see it, your posts aren't showing up!
Make sure you're tagging your post. Bigger one of them, I think, is #interactive fiction (since that unifies CS, Twine and visual novels together). You can, however, add things like #twine/#choicescript, #twine fiction, etc... Any tags you personally might use to search posts up. Just make sure people can see your post in the first place with the first bullet above!
Timing. For whatever reason, I get a good amount of traffic around 9PM Pacific time/5-7AM in Europe (UK to Greece)/12-2PM Eastern Asia (Philippines to Sydney, Australia). I have friends from those places, so I memorized the time difference. For reference, this is 4PM UTC time. My guess is that Europeans are waking up a couple of hours around that time, and some Americans and Asians/Australians are active around that time as well. You should experiment with timing with your posts!
Submit your post to Interact-IF. I got more notes when I submitted mine through their blog! They have a page called, "Are you an IF author looking to promote your project?" and they'll put yours through the queue. Here's the link!
Make sure your post is eye-catching, and a pleasure to read. I think what catches the eye is
A header and a title. Find a header that conveys your IF's atmosphere/mood/vibes/aesthetic. Then as far as making it a pleasure, make sure the text guides the eye smoothly. This means:
Organizing your post logically. Synopsis->features->characters makes the most sense to me, as these are the top things people look for besides the characters, which you have to contextualize before you introduce them! You can also...
Mix up formatting--synopsis can be a wall of text, then features can be a list format, and then characters can be a list in prose format, etc.
You may also include breaks, like using a header or line with a title to signal a new section, e.g. the start of the Synopsis, the start of Characters, etc.
Just don't make it hard to read for whatever reason! Your goal is to make the process of learning about your IF digestible and smooth.
In fact, I made a point to make this post itself as a teaching lesson! It could have all been a wall of text, in paragraph/prose form, but it isn't. I organized the sections in a logical sequence, titled them and grouped them, and used a generous amount of formatting available to me (but not too much to hurt the eye).
Intro Writing
Just to discuss certain sections you should pay particular attention to, and what you may want to include in them!
Check for errors. Minimize any typos, grammatical errors, etc. It's totally fine if you're a beginner writer! Just make sure it's polished, lest it may disrupt the flow of reading.
Write an interesting synopsis. Your idea could be the best, but you need to put real thought into how you introduce it to other people! For me, I read other people's synopses for inspiration. You generally want to a) describe who your MC is, b) describe the setting, c) "Everything used to be..." d) "... Until the fire nation attacked!" -- meaning, describe how life used to be for the MC, and what threw all that off-balance, hence revealing the conflict of the plot or the disruption in the story. You can make this section show your writing abilities, but I constrained myself to shortening mine as much as possible (digestibility).
Features. Again, look at other intro posts! Outline what can be customized about your MC (appearance, personality, sexuality, etc.), a brief mention of the ROs (without names) that can be romanced if there are any, cool features your IF may have (a codex, a dice rolling system), a sneak peek into what readers may expect to do in the story, and more!
ROs!! You'll want to tap into what personally inclines you to liking an RO right away, and include that. You can make this section as detailed as you want to be or as brief but effective. Some include character appearances, some don't. All of them mention who they are in the story, and a description of what they are like. Maybe you can hint at their deeper, individual character subplot! Hitting upon keywords of certain archetypes as well may make it easier for the reader to go, "Ah, so this is the X character," in the story. Leaning on tropes a little isn't bad, especially to play it up for the audience to know "this is the cold one, this is the flirty one, etc." so long as your characters aren't merely their trope.
Your Story
Did you notice this is the last thing I'm discussing? Before you change your actual story, you want to make sure you've considered every reason why your intro post isn't very public, which may have NOTHING to do with how interesting or appealing your story is. Think of it like chess--the last thing you want to do is move your king. It's also just simply harder and disheartening to change the vision of your story.
In fact, the vast majority of things covered here are only points to consider, rather than things to actually change.
Do you have a demo? People want demos before investing into a story! a) They want to know if they will like your writing at all, b) demos give a good look into what they may expect from the story overall, and c) it's more promising for an IF to have one, as far as actually finishing the story!
And if you do have a demo, is it polished? Is it short? Does it actually introduce the conflict or any of the characters people are interested in? Does it look good?
Who really is your target audience? Your story is probably written for yourself, but you may want to understand what generally appeals to people. You can't please everyone, hence mainly appealing to a certain audience. If your story is high-fantasy, people want you to mention all the fantastical things your MC can do, see or experience in your story! If your IF is a revenge story, make the MC feel dangerous, and capable of exacting their plans. Mention everything people would WANT to know about your brand of story.
What's the gender ratio of your ROs? The fact that your story may be exclusively/vastly heterosexual, or your story may specifically be a wlw or nlw/mlm or nlm story may influence how much reach it has. I hate to say it, but IFs with mainly male characters are in abundance compared to female interests. However, this doesn't mean you should change your ROs, especially if you intend the story to be heterosexual/lesbian/gay--this is just a factor to consider.
Consider other factors. Does your story have any actual romance? (People really like romance.) Is it only going to be short? (People like long stories generally.) Are you using Twine or CS? (Most people like both, some may have a preference. I almost exclusively read Twine.) Will it feature very disturbing content? (If it does, it may appeal only to certain people).
Closing Thoughts
I am flattered you asked for advice, so I took the time to exhaust everything I know! Of course, again, I am no authority or expert on the subject, so do with this as you will. Either way, I'm happy you asked ! 🥹💕 Thanks for asking!
P.S. If you want, my messages are open on my personal blog! You can send me a DM if you want feedback or an opinion :)
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sapphicrpc · 2 years
discord has a feature that allows you to use universal timestamps in any channel in any server, and even in dms!
the main benefit for roleplayers and roleplay admins is that this simple bit of code will show people any given time in their timezone and preferred format, according to how their device/application is configured. this eliminates the need for messy timezone conversions when posting about upcoming events, opening dates, etc. (no more 4PM EST / 9 PM GMT / 6AM JST (oh wait, but now we've crossed midnight so what day is that?)... it gets confusing really fast, daylight savings can throw the whole thing off, and furthermore the date "5th march" might be shown in different formats depending on where you are in the world. is 5/3 in may or march to you? see... time is chaos)
this little bit of code allows you to bypass all that and just show people the time and date in the way that they want to see it to avoid confusion - you can even use it to do live countdowns!
under the cut you'll find a full tutorial and explanation. don't worry it's not complicated, it's only two steps long - you don't need to be good at coding or anything!
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discord uses UNIX TIMESTAMPS. unix is a form of universal time, presented as a 10 digit number - i won't get too nerdy about it here, but essentially it is the number of seconds that have passed since january 1st, 1970, 00:00 (UTC).
sidenote if you've ever wondered why excel timestamp codes change before and after this date, this is why! again, i'm just nerding out here but it's a fun little tidbit i think.
SO... how do you use it?
first of all you need to get your 10 digit number. you can just google "unix timestamp generator" for this but i will recommend THIS ONE HERE. (thank you to our lord and savior dans tools)
you'll be presented with a page that looks like this - all you need to do is change the date and time to whatever you want. if you're using this to set the time of an event, make sure you set this time to whenever you want your event to start IN YOUR OWN TIMEZONE. this tool automatically updates based on your machine's local time, so this is important. it also makes it super easy, absolutely no time conversions required from you.
so now copy that 10 digit number, that's your unix timestamp. you've done the hardest part.
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now all you need to do is put this into discord. below you'll find a table of outputs. all you need to do is pick how you want your timestamp to appear and use that code (the input column) with the 10 digit number you just generated
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here's an example of how it looks (this is using the Long date/time function)
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note: whether it comes out as 12 hour or 24 hour depends on how you have your computer/phone configured. it uses your local settings so no need to worry about date order confusion or anything like that!
i hope this is clear for everyone - if it helps please give it a reblog as that helps me out a lot and feel free to come to my inbox with any questions.
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raamitsu · 8 months
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No more leaks on Wednesday,*no more raw panels as well.
note: *subject is to change.
Furthermore, leaks are most likely return in a form of text and will be distributed on Wednesday @ 15:00 UTC as usual (dang, it’d be on Thursday morning @ 06:00 AM for me here 💀) according to eagle97jjk on Twitter as shown below. Just in case there is a change in schedule with the distribution, hopefully it brings convenience to all.
Anyways - have a good day 😇✌🏼
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epiicaricacy-arts · 1 year
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(reblogs appreciated 🫶)
and this is my girlfriend. everyday she comes home from work and i’ve done the cooking and the cleaning and i kiss the very ground she walks on. if she gets mad at me i just straight up die.
process discussion utc
it’s the matching one to my lyney drawing 👍
as much as i like the lyney drawing, i have a lot of problems with it, namely the anatomy and how flat all the shapes felt.
the problem is specifically around the pelvis and i think it’s cause he wears a skin tight suit and i didn’t want to have to draw..
well you know what i mean.
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it’s gonna be a problem i’ll have to find a solution to somehow 😭
so, for this lynette piece, my focus was to make sure the shapes felt more 3-dimensional and had actual depth to them, taking care to specifically target the torso area so she didn’t just look like a flat shape
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i also wanted to make sure i actually rendered the latex properly 😭 i don’t know why it didn’t really register to me that that’s what the material is in lyney’s drawing, but i took the extra time to make it shiny!!
these two drawings have been a lot of experiment with strong shadows and light simultaneously, and i think in those areas i’ve definitely improved!
i wanna talk about the composition of this piece since i had a lot of thoughts when making it
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similar to lyney’s, i went through many iterations of the composition, most of which aren’t shown in this post. however unlike his, i had more restrictions in mind when deciding the pose and angle.
i wanted to accurately portray lynette’s personality with her pose, but i also wanted to push it a bit to add more movement to the piece, since i felt lyney’s was a bit stiff in comparison to the thumbnail. i wanted to make sure the energy in the thumbnail translated to the final piece, and i think i did pretty well?
however, i had 2 rules in mind when trying to create said thumbnail:
1) avoid making anything too similar to her splash art
2) avoid posing her in such a way it could be read as sexualization
my problem with drawing girls is always that i want to keep pushing their poses as far as i can, but i stopped to ask myself why when drawing lynette. well, thinking back to media such as Marvel posters and other female character splash arts (both genshin and non-genshin) it’s usually to show off her body..
but since i’ve been surrounded by art like that all my life, that became my instinct. it was natural because that’s what my brain pulled from previous media i’ve seen before.
i almost went with the backward angle for this drawing (as seen by the bigger iteration in the 2nd image) but after considering lynette’s design and the proper anatomy to complete said sketch, i scrapped it.
and of course, not all drawings of female characters are inherently sexual, but given the type of media i was drawing for, it would most certainly be read that way
i wanted lynette’s drawing to mirror lyney’s, but to also be able to function as a standalone piece. lynette, of course, exists outside of her job/her connection with her brother, so i tried to portray that individuality while also acknowledging their similarities (e.g the round framing shape, stepping out of the background, the cat companion)
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in the initial iteration (left), her left hand is almost covering her face. lynette’s role is a “low-profile magic assistant,” so i thought having her try to hide her face would be an accurate portrayal.
however, i decided to go with the second iteration (right), in which she’s using her hand to direct attention towards the cat as she uncovers it with the cloth. as a magician in the spotlight, trying to hide herself away would be redundant, and it would be more professional to divert the audiences gaze rather than hope it isn’t on her.
both a storytelling element and another bit of framing!
i chose to have her other hand behind her back since
1) the composition would be too crowded if it was more visible
2) back to the “hiding away” idea, having her arm visible would just be another piece to potentially have attention on rather than the actual trick. her eyes are also looking down towards the cat rather than at the camera, unlike in lyney’s piece. the attention is all on him, she simply serves to help divert it
and yeah!! that’s all i have to say for this piece. i like writing these discussions, and i’m glad people like reading them! it’s nice to have a place to write about my thoughts behind a drawing, so as long as people are enjoying them, i’ll keep talking 👍
thank you for reading!! 🫶🫶
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hanafubukki · 1 year
i’m literally gonna cry at how different lilia treated malleus and silver respectively 😭 even though i know it’s inevitable that lilia is a little more strict to malleus due to his future status as king, it still hurts so bad knowing how silver got the “fun dad” lilia 🫠 i love diasomnia so much and i absolutely adore reading your analysis of them!!
Hello Anonie🌺🌷💕,
The more I think about the dynamics of diasomnia the more I get hit in the feels, especially now that we see the inner workings of the four.
When you think about all that Malleus went through and all the expectations and how he just wanted a home and a family, it really breaks your heart. You know???
then you think about his relationship with Lilia and Silver and there is so much to just unpack. So much potential, especially as the story is unfolding and we learn more and more.
Thank you! 💕💚🌺 I'm so happy that you love my analyses of them. It really makes me so happy 🥹🥹🥹💚💚💜💜💜💕💕💕💕
(UTC as I talk more about diasomnia dynamics and rant a bit)
I really loved this post where I talked about the sibling dynamics with Malleus and Silver. Because I really do believe that Malleus was the older brother who got all the expectations on him and then as time went on, Lilia learned for the better (with the help of Malleus and the Zigvolts and some observation skills) and changed his way of teaching/parenting with Silver and Sebek. (not to say they didn't go through hell themselves because Lilia kept getting ideas from FMA)
Another reason why I have been so crazy about Diasomnia family is because I have been seeing this weird view??? Where people are stating that Malleus is not seen as Lilia's son and only Silver is????
Which I don't agree with at all. Both Silver and Malleus is precious to Lilia and vice versa so I don't see why I have been seeing they weird view of it.
I talked to a few friends about it and I think it mostly stems from people hating that Malleus OB'd and put everyone to sleep. Which is always a pattern I always see before they find out the backstory and then accept the character. (Also, there are some malleus haters out there and will say anything to make him look bad but I digress)
I really see no reason for there to be competition between Malleus and Silver in loving Lilia and he them.
As mentioned by @/curuxavermella in the same post I linked above
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These are more instances that you can see Lilia care and love him.
It is also shown how Malleus also commented on them having to help Lilia parent Silver.
Hence, the whole Older sibling helping raise the younger siblings and how parents change in teaching style as they grow and learn.
I know people also like to mention how Lilia could be more of an uncle since Lilia grew up with Malenoa.
Which, while that may be the case, I dont think it describes enough the deep bond the three share. Uncles can also be seen as a father figure, you know?
Sleeping Beauty is about true love, and with the live action movie, it is about parental/platonic love too.
Then there's the fact that true love is needed to hatch the egg and Lilia might have been the one to give it the magic and love it needed to do so.
I really want to see this platonic love between all four.
We have seen it between Malleus and Silver, Silver and Sebek, Silver and Lilia, Sebek and Malleus, Malleus and Silver, and Malleus and Lilia.
I want it to be more expressed on Lilia's end. I want them to all hug.
I want lilia to acknowledge he has two sons and those sons to acknowledge their father figure openly.
I want Lilia to yell at them both about how much he loves them.
OH and can we talk about SEBEK????
THIS PRECIOUS CHILD who realizes that he has everything he could wish for and his dream was for others to be happy? For his childhood friend to be happy????
SEBEK deserves the world.
thank you again for sending this in Anonie 💕💚🌺💚🌺 As you can see, I became very passionate again ☺️☺️💚💚💚
Please feel free to send me more asks if you want to talk more about diasomnia family feels or about the different dynamics. I am always down to chat ☺️🥰💚
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From Mako Shark to Manta Ray: The Evolution of the Most Influential Corvette Concepts
Published: 14 Nov 2022, 16:04 UTC • By: 
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During the 1960s, General Motors introduced a trio of stunning show cars that laid the groundwork for the C2 and C3 Corvette. Although many other concepts followed, these three remain the most influential, as they went on to inspire the styling of modern iterations, including the current, mid-engine C8.
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Like the Corvette itself, the notion of a concept (or show) car was born in the U.S., under GM’s roof. Dubbed Buick Y-Job and designed by the legendary Harley J. Earl, the drop-top beauty unveiled in 1940 previewed a series of novel features and design cues that influenced the division’s mass-produced models for over a decade.
When GM decided to build a rival for the European sports cars that were flooding the North American market in the post-WWII years, the same Harley J. Earl was selected to draw it up. To build hype around it, the corporation commissioned Earl and the Chevy team to build a show car which was codenamed EX-122. First shown to the public at the 1953 Motorama in New York City, the concept would become known as the Corvette and with a few minor changes, it entered production a few months later.
Contrary to popular belief, the C1 wasn’t the commercial success that GM had envisioned but it did pique the American buyer’s interest in a homebuilt sportscar, so the corporation poured resources into the development of a successor.
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Under the supervision of Styling and Design head Bill Mitchell, the new Corvette’s design was ironed out as early as 1961 and, as they did in the past, the team created a show car that would help promote it. Like the upcoming production version, the vehicle was designed by Larry Shinoda, who drew inspiration from the 1959 XP-87 Stingray racer.
Gone was the curvaceous, European-looking theme of the C1, with the ‘Vette’s body now boasting far more aggressive lines that look like the sleek shortfin mako shark. Although it was officially codenamed XP-755, the concept car unveiled at the 1962 International Automobile Show would become known as the Mako Shark due to its unmistakable resemblance to the fast-moving predator.
One aspect that contributed to this was the car’s spectacular paintwork. Legend has it that, upon returning from a fishing trip with a taxidermized shark head (some reports state that it was a complete shark) as a trophy, Bill Mitchell hung it in his office and instructed the design team to replicate its coloring on the show car.
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Several attempts to make such an impossible task possible were made but Mitchell was not satisfied. The styling head would put the trophy next to the car and since the paint was not identical, he instructed the team to try again. Annoyed by this, an unnamed member of the team snuck into Mitchell’s office one night, took his beloved trophy, and airbrushed it to look like the car’s latest paint job. In the end, the boss couldn’t tell the difference and, since the car and the shark now looked the same, he finally gave his frustrated team the thumbs up.
The Mako Shark managed to draw enough interest in the C2 as it became a fan favorite at every event where it was showcased. It underwent styling and detail changes over time, gaining front fascia and interior upgrades. The car also lost the distinctive "double-bubble" canopy borrowed from a previous concept and became a pure convertible.
Apart from the unique paint and several flamboyant design cues, its overall styling made it to the mass-produced model. which became the commercial hit that its predecessor never was.
Unlike other GM concepts that were eventually destroyed, the original Shark is still alive and well, residing in the corporation’s Heritage Collection located in Sterling Heights, Michigan.
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Just a few years after the debut of the Mako Shark, the Corvette team began work on the third-generation model which would roll out the factory gates in 1967. While the mid-engine format proposed by Zora Arkus-Duntov with his race-bred CERV II concept was considered, Bill Mitchell's conventional front-engine design was deemed more marketable by GM’s top brass.
Under the codename XP-830, the development of a new concept car kicked off in early 1964 with the C2’s existing chassis as the base. For the C3, Mitchell wanted "a narrow, slim, center section and coupe body, a tapered tail, an all-of-a-piece blending of the upper and lower portions of the body through the center (avoiding the look of a roof added to a body), and prominent wheels with their protective fenders distinctly separate from the main body, yet grafted organically to it.”
Turning this vision into reality took about a year to pull off. Mitchell’s designers completed a full-size, non-running version in March 1965, and days later, key members of GM’s management were invited to see it. Everyone was blown away and unanimously decided that it had to go into production as soon as possible.
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Finished in a similar paint and carrying the same Mako Shark moniker as the XP-755, the non-functional concept was first shown to the public at the New York International Auto Show just a month later. While its exterior design was praised by everyone, its futuristic interior received a lot of criticism for ergonomically-nightmarish such as the yoke-style steering wheel with its complicated transmission controls.
Behind closed doors, the development team was working on a running model that would address these issues and in October 1965, it made its public debut in France, at the Paris Auto Show. Powered by the highly successful and versatile 427 version of Chevy’s Mark IV big block, the functional Mako Shark II had rear-exiting exhausts -as opposed to the static model’s side-mounted variants – and a conventional steering wheel with column-fitted transmission controls.
Although it’s unquestionably the most influential concept car to ever don Corvette badges, shaping the look of America’s popular sports car for generations to come, the story of the second Shark, in either non-functional or functional form, didn’t have a happy ending. Unlike its predecessor which enjoys retirement on top of a pedestal inside GM’s Heritage Collection, the static version was dismantled while the running model was transformed into another show car.
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This leads us to the third most influential Corvette concept. Completed in 1969 it left the Mako Shark name behind (but not the now-iconic paint) and became known as the Manta Ray.
Its front fascia remained largely the same, with the only additions being an extended bumper ring around the vents and a chin spoiler mounted underneath.
On the sides, the Manta Ray featured functional exhausts that were masterfully integrated into rocker panels, but its most distinct upgrade was the profusely elongated, tail. The now-classic four taillights layout was tucked under the rear deck line and a pair of pop-up flaps that reflected light from upward-facing lamps were added. You can see rare footage of them in action below, thanks to the video posted on YouTube by DtRockstar1
The reshaped tail flowed into a sweeping, scooped-out, stinger-style roof that helped accentuate the aggressiveness of the overall design. Speaking of aggressiveness, the car was powered by the newly introduced ZL1 427-ci (7.0-liter) V8, a lightweight, all-aluminum monster that could spit out no less than 430 hp.
Even if the Mako Shark II had to be sacrificed to build it, the Manta Ray was in itself a work of automotive art that captivated the hearts and minds of sports car enthusiasts. Thankfully, after its transformation, GM decided to keep it and it joined the first Shark in the corporation’s Heritage Collection.
Many other concept cars that carried the Corvette nameplate followed in the next five decades, but none were as pure nor as influential as these three. They inspired the look of every mass-produced Corvette generation that followed, including the current and radically different C8. 
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kaoharu · 1 year
OKIE DOKIE UTC CAUSE I INCLUDED IMAGES !!! im using photopea on pc but it shld be the same mobile. if ur using a different editing software uhmuhmmmm . . . idk
so first uu wanna have ur original image ( obv lol /silly ) and then add a blank layer underneath
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then select ur main image and go to the top toolbar select "layer" and click "clipping mask" it shld now look like this :3 !!
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after that i take the gradient tool ( under the paintbucket tool on the left toolbar ) make it white, making sure uu have the correct gradient selected shown here
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then uu wanna go to the layer underneath the main image and do smth like this
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start the gradient from the top to the bottom, but like. dont stretch it all the way to the bottom cause whatever is colored white will show up . . . does that make sense ?? basically uu shld end up w smth like this
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my main advice is to just mess around w how uu apply the gradients and see what uu like :D !!
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ridgeracerpictures · 22 days
Welcome to the world of Ridge Racer!
-- The home of drift racing.
This blog is for cataloguing a personal collection of screenshots from titles within the Ridge Racer series. New post is published each day in 13:30 UTC, and will be tagged with #daily ridge racer picture. One game will always be featured for two consecutive days. May post duplicates in certain occasions.
Notable content types featured in posts are shown below:
#race replay: The most common type of posts; represents replays of races which put focus on either the course sceneries, or the racing machines.
#course preview: Represents pre-race course previews, which have been an element since R4 / Ridge Racer Type 4.
#ui design: Represents user interface and HUD designs of target Ridge Racer titles.
The screenshots will mostly feature race course sceneries, but may also feature other elements of the target game. Additional flairs accompanying the content types are listed here:
Course Sceneries -- #course sceneries
Machine Focus -- #machine focus
Fun Facts -- #fun facts
There's more to the series than just R4...
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If you want to suggest what the blog should feature next, check out the "Suggest screenshots" button! Expand the post for the list of games covered by the blog.
Last edit: 2nd September, 2024 -- 12:52 UTC
Here are the games that the blog has covered with the respective tags:
#ridge racer arcade -- Ridge Racer (Arcade, 1993)
#ridge racer ps1 -- Ridge Racer (PlayStation 1, 1994)
#ridge racer 2, #ridge racer 2 arcade -- Ridge Racer 2 (Arcade, 1994)
#rave racer -- Rave Racer (Arcade, 1995)
#ridge racer revolution -- Ridge Racer Revolution (PlayStation 1, 1995)
#rage racer -- Rage Racer (PlayStation 1, 1996)
#pocket racer -- Pocket Racer (Arcade, 1996)
#ridge racer type 4 -- R4 / Ridge Racer Type 4 (PlayStation 1, 1998)
#ridge racer 64 -- Ridge Racer 64 (Nintendo 64, 2000)
#ridge racer v -- Ridge Racer V (PlayStation 2, 2000)
#ridge racers, #ridge racer psp -- Ridge Racers (PlayStation Portable, 2004)
#ridge racer 6 -- Ridge Racer 6 (Xbox 360, 2005)
#ridge racers 2, #ridge racer 2 psp -- Ridge Racers 2 (PlayStation Portable, 2006)
#ridge racer 7 -- Ridge Racer 7 (PlayStation 3, 2006)
#ridge racer 3d -- Ridge Racer 3D (Nintendo 3DS, 2011)
#ridge racer vita -- Ridge Racer (PlayStation Vita, 2011)
Note for Ridge Racers and Ridge Racers 2: All contents shown that are not exclusive to either game will use both games' tags; any content shown that's exclusive to either of them (i.e. machines, courses) will have its tags limited to that game.
Here are the games that the blog has not covered with no defined time frame for when they will be featured:
R: Racing Revolution (PlayStation 2, 2003)
Ridge Racer DS (Nintendo DS, 2004)
This blog will NOT cover:
Critical Velocity (PlayStation 2, 2005)
Ridge Racer Accelerated (iOS, 2009)
Ridge Racer Drift (J2ME, 2010)
Ridge Racer Unbounded (Windows, PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, 2012)
Ridge Racer Slipstream (iOS, Android, 2013)
Ridge Racer Draw & Drift (iOS, Android, 2016)
All pictures are taken using emulators.
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saturniandevil · 2 years
October 2022 Important Dates
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AKA my notes on The Astrology Podcast’s October Forecast. This episode is hosted by Chris Brennan, Austin Coppock, and returning guest host Diana Rose Harper. Our hosts are in the US but the dates on the calendar are based off UTC.
September recap With Mars in Gemini, Mercury’s ruler Venus in fall (while Mercury was in Libra), and the Sun in Virgo for most of the month, this month has been full of the most stereotypical Mercury retrograde events. For example, GTA VI was leaked online, further delaying the game’s official release; automobiles and theft are both Mars-Mercury significations. Chris also connects this to the death of England’s Queen Elizabeth II, whose Saturn-ruled Capricorn rising posits questions around the place of monarchical authority in the modern world; and additionally this happened just before Mercury stationed in Libra, her 10th house, further indicating a focus on public image and reputation. In light of Uranus-Saturn we can also see this as another foundation that people take for granted falling.
Another Saturn-Uranus event is the power grid failing in Puerto Rico after Hurricane Fiona hit its already weak power grid. This foundation was stress-tested and failed 5 years ago when Maria hit, and no money was put into strengthening it, so this known weakness has shown us murderous negligence once again. This also relates to the flooding in Pakistan where millions have been displaced as the mountain glaciers melted to essentially form a new inland sea.
Also keep in mind that with Mars retrograde upcoming, we’re going to see a return of events that we have already witnessed when Mars revisits these degrees. The upcoming Jupiter-Neptune copresence (a repeat of earlier this year) can be connected to the rise of AI-generated images being used in place of images usually made by hand. Last time Neptune and Jupiter were together in Pisces, we saw a rise of tons of new dyes, only for many of them to turn out to be toxic, and Diana wonders if something similar will play out in visual art. Can we tell what’s “real” or “fake?” How will we define authorship?
October 2nd - Mercury stations Direct Having just regressed into Virgo, Mercury stations in his domicile/exaltation, but is almost exactly opposite illusive Neptune and square tense Mars (and trine Pluto). We want to move forward with clarity about things that are vague and undecided. As Mercury rules Mars, we want to make order out of conflicts as well, but Neptune clouds things. Think divination from clouds or fire, where the traditional guides are extremely specific and ordered, or dream interpretation, where we have to figure out the new rules amid lots of information. Diana describes it like birds chattering while you are trying to do another form of divination--how do we sift the important information from the noise? We can also think of white noise, where enough noise can bring stillness.
Generally, Virgo significations can include pens & writing, spreadsheets & numbers, putting things in order, and going back to the facts to find patterns rather than fitting events into a preexisting narrative. Virgo seeks perfection, which can result in trying to create it but can also involve finding the purpose and function of what’s already there. With Mercury-Mars contacts we can think of doing subtractive sculpture with a chainsaw, where Aquarius Saturn trining Mars says “cool your jets, but here’s a chainsaw.” However, Neptune’s opposition to Mercury makes the lines blurry--measure twice, cut once.
October 8th - Pluto stations Direct In Capricorn, this gives us an elongated trine to Mercury--which goes exact on the 6th when both planets are slowing as they change motion. This is the third of three trines between them, with previous ones at August 2nd and September 22nd. Mercury-Pluto contacts involve the uncovering of secrets and a desire to dig deeper for the truth. With Neptune hanging around, watch out for projection clouding our judgement.
October 9th - Full Moon in Aries
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This is gonna be the last Aries Full Moon for awhile that’s not an eclipse, as the nodes are moving to the Aries-Libra axis. Venus within conjunction (Sun)/opposition (Moon) distance brings in some harmony, with sextiles from Mars and Saturn looking to help (as does a copresence with Jupiter). This lunation and the days around it are a good time to put things in as much order and harmony as we can in preparation for eclipse seasons. Diana compares it to tuning instruments or having backup strings and bows in case of difficulties at the concert. For those of us whose spirits have been brought down in recent years, the Moon in the middle decan of Aries with Jupiter around brings us upright energy--strength to act justly and inspire others through our actions.
October 10th - Mercury reenters Libra When the Moon is in an air sign, this gives us 6 out of 7 visible planets in air signs. With too much air, the wind can scatter the leaves without ever landing any of them in the bucket. This gusty environment can pull us in 50 different directions while flattening our priorities. This year Libra season is bookended by cazimis (began with exact Sun-Mercury conjunction, ends with Sun-Venus), which figuratively can be a calm in the storm where we have sudden clarity. Generally Libra cares about spatial relationships and balance, like taking the bookshelf Virgo organized and making sure it’s placed in the right relationship to the desk and door. Where Gemini wants symmetry, Libra wants to balance asymmetry--a scale doesn’t need to have the same things on either side as long as the weights add up. As a cardinal sign, Libra is always actively harmonizing--you have to tune an instrument before every performance.
October 22nd - Electional Chart
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This election is around 6AM (😰) local time, when the Ascendant is at about 08Libra. Venus, the Sun, and Mercury are all in Libra in the first house (whole signs). Libra is both in domicile and of the sect in favor as this is before dawn. The Moon is in Cancer in the 10th house, applying to a square with Venus, and Jupiter in Aries in the 7th house serves as an angular benefic. The malefics are not in focal points in the chart. This is great for of course Libra/Venusian activities such as art, balance, redecorating. What does it mean to articulate ephemeral beauty? Literary and artistic works are especially indicated, considering Mercury-Venus-Jupiter. On the subject of elections, Chris and Leisa’s report for next year is available now, and next year includes some great elections.
October 20th - Venus and Sun square Pluto (not pictured) We can see the things we’ve tacitly agreed not to get into come up anyway--what you resist persists. Venus-Pluto connotes power dynamics (whether real or projected) or unsolvable impasses. Austin cautions that some things are hidden for a reason, and we can’t necessarily overpower all the dark difficulties we find. With Virgo this can also bring up the impulse to sanitize can result in sterility, or celebrities who start from humble beginnings but can no longer relate to the average person after huge success, making their work less believable for audiences.
October 22nd - Sun-Venus conjunction in Libra The Sun and Venus have both squared Pluto before this cazimi. This is the first Venus cazimi in Libra since 1879, and the first superior cazimi in Libra since 1867, so we can expect feelings of a brand new era with even more air energy.
October 23rd - Saturn stations direct, Sun and Venus enter Scorpio This is the last time Saturn stations in Aquarius before he enters Pisces next year, so for anyone with a natal Saturn or generally experiencing this transit, this is the final storm.
Venus is combust (so close to the Sun she’s invisible) for almost all of October, but in exaltation or domicile (in this case, Libra) a combust planet will still retain its ability to do things. Not only does she lose her protection leaving Libra, in Scorpio she’s especially weak, and then the solar eclipse smashes into her. One may think as a benefic that she can lessen the eclipse a little, but in December 2019 eclipse on Jupiter ended up smashing the benefic (explosion of the virus in Wuhan).
October 25th - Solar eclipse in Scorpio This eclipse is in the sidereal 14th lunar mansion (the Moon’s path in the sky divided into 28 pieces, analogous to the zodiac and the Sun)/tropical 17th, asking us, “what do you do with the resources you have acquired? What are the consequences of actually getting what you asked for? ” Getting what you want isn’t the same as understanding the consequences of getting what you want. What happens after the dog finally catches the car he’s chasing?
The first decan of Scorpio can be described as hunger, and combined with this being a South node eclipse, this event indicates hunger and the question of whether this hunger can be sated.
This eclipse also reactivates the Saturn-Uranus square, which is reaching 1 degree of separation in October--its last hurrah before Saturn enters Pisces. This outer planet tension has indicated economic troubles and disurptions in basic industries or commodities (from the US rail worker strike to increased famine in Syria), which the eclipse only accelerates. Unfortunately the hunger signification (and a hunger for energy) will likely manifest literally in many countries this fall/winter, considering the disruption in wheat, fertilizer, oil and gas supply lines this year. On a local level Diana suggest this is an important time to support your local food bank and other organizations that help people’s basic needs. Uranus has been in Taurus since 2018, and combined with the Saturn square and eclipse, on a personal level our hosts have found many fixed sign clients are making much-needed changes.
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October 28th - Retrograde Jupiter enters Pisces This means Jupiter and Neptune will be in loose conjunction. Jupiter-Neptune has had some economic effects, such as with crashes in cryptocurrency. Bubbles tend to pop. We don’t have time for new ones to form so much as going back to things from earlier this year. The dreams that survive this aren’t just fantasies. Diana also predicts the potential for genuine feasting or escaping into a small fantasy for a minute, especially in November during the almost 50 hours of the Moon not aspecting anything (void of course) immediately after Thanksgiving. Venus’s abilities to help will be curtailed around this time, but we can turn to our domicile Jupiter for some (different) help.
October 29th - Mercury enters Scorpio Mercury will follow the Sun and Venus’s path, meaning he’ll also square Pluto before entering this sign.
October 30th - Mars stations Retrograde Chris compares this to the feeling of eating an extremely spicy pepper, where you have to just sit with the discomfort until it goes away. Diana points out capsaicin requires milk to neutralize--the Moon may be a remedy to these troubles. However, Mars doesn’t sneak up on you, and with a trine from Saturn we can look for coolheaded time-management to best apply our unstable energies. During this retrograde Mars will become increasingly brighter at night and visible for longer periods of time, until the middle of the retrograde in December when it will rise as the Sun sets like a Full Moon.
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flightfoot · 2 years
I’ve seen this issue crop up a lot lately, so I want to inform people who are unaware or have forgotten:
If you use the “Save Draft” function on AO3, check that the Update Date for the most recent chapter you published is correct.
When you publish a draft, the “Update Date” will be listed as the date when you saved the draft, NOT when you clicked “Publish”. You will need to go into the story and manually change the Update Date to the correct date.
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You see this box with the chapter publication date? You can click on them to modify the date. Just change it to the correct date and save!
Another important note: 
AO3 uses UTC time. Make sure to change the date to the current date in UTC time, NOT in your local time, otherwise your fic will not bump up to the top of the updates for AO3. 
Just in general, I recommend checking the Fandom page for whatever your work is posted in after you update it, just to check that it’s shown up. AO3 isn’t like FFN, you should see it update within five minutes after you post a new chapter.
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incarnateirony · 5 months
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Schumann Resonance Today 13/4 17:00 Another blackout interrupted a very intense phase with frequencies all at minimums, judging by the trend of the graphs, which were interrupted at 6 UTC this morning and which resumed just before 12 UTC with the amplitude decreasing to Power 25 today’s max peak may have been very high, but we would never know. The “maximum” shown by these rather useless charts that only show data when there is no need to know was Power 40 reached at 17 UTC.
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