#just some fun/basic headcanons 😊
ursulanoodles · 9 months
Random SDV Emily Headcanons Pt. 1
She has a popular ASMR channel (lots of reiki and personal attention videos)
Makes wire wrap jewelry
Aside from making her own clothing, she also cuts and dyes her own hair
She and Shane are best friends outside of the saloon. She had to wiggle her way into his life, but he has a soft spot for her quirkiness (even if he genuinely thinks she's nuts).
Was the artsy kid in school (drawing, photography, creative writing, choir, band, etc.)
Enjoys hooping in her spare time/for exercise
Smells like patchouli, lavender, sandalwood, and weed (and so does her house)
She's very into tarot cards, crystals, energy healing, sound healing (Tibetan singing bowls), reiki, etc.
Loves EDM but also listens to alternative, indie, and folk
Doesn't do as many drugs as people think she does. Yes, she smokes a lot of weed and doesn't mind doing LSD, Molly, or shrooms on occasion, but she's just naturally quirky, so everyone assumes she's high all the time.
Has synesthesia (can see music, taste colors, etc).
Neurodivergent AF
Sells the stuff she makes at local farmers' markets/flea markets/online (like Etsy)
Spiritual but not religious
Practices yoga/meditation every morning
Was bullied in school for being different (especially by Haley's friends), but she gradually learned to love and accept herself for who she is
*These are my ideas/beliefs about a fictional character, and you are in no way obligated to agree with them. If you disagree with my HCs, please feel free to keep scrolling.
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noemilivv · 8 months
Hi 👋,
If you're still taking requests, I absolutely loved the most recent one you did with Lucifer, Adam and Vox proposing and marrying their s/o.
If possible could you do one similar to that but for Husk and Alastor?
If not, it's totally cool and I'm loving your work 😊
hellooo, dw i’m still taking requests haha, yeah i can do that for you!! the first part was undeniably fun to write so obviously i’ll do it again for ya haha
Warnings: None(?)
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Alastor Proposal + Wedding Headcanons
Alastor never really knew what love truly felt like, until he met you, from that alone — he knew you were the one
His proposal was simple, but still very gentlemanly, his shadows were his band, playing some of your shared favorite songs, and Alastor stood in a different suit than the one he normally wears, a black version with a red streak instead of the white line that goes down the collar
He stood in the center of your room in the hotel, awaiting for you to get back from work, with a bouquet of spider lilies in his hands and a ring box in his pocket.
When you arrive, he has a soft and gentle smile on his face, in contrast to the big grin he usually shows, he didn’t feel vulnerable or at risk with you, so he could wind down with you
He hands you the bouquet and gets down on one knee, taking your ring out of the box, holding it to you, as his other hand takes yours in his and kisses the back of it
“My dearest and truest love, you have made me feel more alive than I ever have, even in my years on Earth.” He started, his radio affect softer than you’ve ever heard it, it’s unlike him, given he usually has a more cheery tone.
“You have showed me what love truly feels like, what in feels like in here —” He said, putting a hand to his heart, “That being said, would you make me the happiest man in Hell and be my lawfully wedded spouse?”
You and Alastor have a wedding almost immediately, thanks to his magic staff.
The ceremony is like any other, other than the fact your soon-to-be husband has a massive fucking grin on his face that did not falter the whole time, other than when you came down the isle, and it seemed to inch up his face more.
When it came to the kiss, he does turn you both around as he does not enjoy displaying affection infront of others, but he also won’t break tradition, so…
The reception is nowhere near boring, he knows how to have a good time, there’s excitable jazz music that has a good chunk of guests swaying and moving their feet
He also may or may not freak out some family members of yours…but that’s okay!
He also does not wish to be in wedding photos, due to his opinions on modern cameras and tech, but will for you, and either way, he knows his grin fucks up the photos in contrast to your beauty so he doesn’t really see the point tbh — but he’ll most likely make you guys use an old camera for effect
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Husk Proposal + Wedding
Husk genuinely did not care to get married, well, he would be fine if you did, but he was content the way you both were, but he knew how much of a romantic you were so…
Quite frankly, he probably had the laziest proposal out of everyone I’ve written for for this, while you guys were laying in bed, bitch asked you if you would ever wanna get married and proceeded to basically chuck the ring box at you.
You and Husk were in your shared bed. It was late, you were just about to doze off for the night, until you heard Husk’s gruff voice pipe up.
“I have a question for ya.” He said, staring at the ceiling with you on his furry chest. “And that is?” you ask, popping your head up in curiosity,
“Would you ever wanna get married?” He asked, looking down at you, a soft and subtle smirked played on his lips. “Oh!- Uh, probably!” You answered, a bit thrown off by the question.
“‘Kay, great.” Husk muttered, plopping the ring box in between you two. “Husk, what the fu-”
Yeah before you could finish he was already asleep 😛
Husk mainly leaves wedding planning to you, not cause he’s a dick, but it’s just not his thing, he will help out when need be though
At the ceremony, Husk is holding back a couple tears, only a few though!
He never saw himself as the sentimental type, and he knows he didn’t really have the desire to do this in the first place, but now? He knows he made the right choice, even if it was at 2 in the morning.
The reception is chill, it’s kinda just sitting around and chatting, and yes there’s a bar, and Husk is pissed he can’t work it.
There’s chill jazz music in the back, but it’s not like Alastor’s where it had people swaying, it was more soothing, and it wasn’t like Adam’s where people were absolutely bopping to music either
You guys still don’t know if you’re having a honeymoon, Husk is still way too tired and way too hungover to make that decision.
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m-jelly · 6 months
can I have some random headcanon of the vets and reader please 🥺
thank you jelly 😊😘❤️
I'm not sure what HC's you wanted? So I just went with basic stuff of being in a relationship with them because there are all kinds of HCs.
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@ladycheesington Thank you for the banner and helping me with the HCs
Reader x vets HCs
Time takes to ask you out: 3 weeks
First date: Cafe
First kiss: After the second date, a bit shy but then becomes passionate due to his built up strong feelings.
First gift: Flowers and tea
First time together: After two months as a couple, he'll be a bit nervous and he'll keep asking you if everything is okay and he'll go at your pace. It's very passionate and sweet with a lot of feelings.
Favourite date: Being at home with you, making your lunch or dinner with a movie or TV show. Sometimes a nice sit in the garden during good weather.
Jealousy level: 6/10 - more possessive than jealous. Trust you but not other people.
Sex drive: Increases the longer you are together and he has learned a lot about you and your body. His drive grows with his feelings for you. Explores more as you become more comfortable with each other. He does enjoy exploring and will try many things.
Contact time: Likes a lot of contact, loves hugs and kisses behind closed doors. Needs to have some sort of contact with you even if it is a slight touch. Loves to spoon as much as possible. Not very keen on PDA but will hold your hand or put his hand on your thigh under the table.
At home: he’s very domestic and likes to do chores together. He enjoys working together as a team and showing you the joys of cleaning and the cleaning tech. Cooking together is always fun for him.
Time takes to ask you out: Few days
First date: Italian restaurant
First kiss: On the second date he would ask you, very light and sweet
First gift: Flowers and a book
First time together: One month as a couple. Rather confident and makes sure it is loving and passionate
Favourite date: At a history museum or restaurant
Jealousy level: 3/10 He’s secure, knows he’s a good partner, and he doesn’t get easily jealous. If someone bothers you he will step in.
Sex drive: Bit more vanilla, but has a very good medium to high sex drive. Does enjoy being a dom.
Contact time: Likes being in the same room as you and just reading a book. He loves your company and presence. he doesn't need constant contact. Happy with PDA, will kiss you and hold you in public. Likes to spoon and enjoys kisses.
At home: Likes to work together with the house. Tends to take the lead a lot though, he mostly is in charge of a lot so if you want more responsibilities you will need to talk to him.
Time takes to ask you out: As soon as he realises he likes you. He will ask you out the very moment.
First date: Arcade or outdoor adventure
First kiss: On the first date
First gift: Perfume
First time together: Month and a half of being a couple. He's very careful and gentle as he is a big guy, so it'll be a slow process of you getting used to him.
Favourite date: Camping or gaming day
Jealousy level: 1/10 Rather confident in himself and finds it amusing if someone tries something with you because he knows they have no chance.
Sex drive: When you are comfortable and okay with the size difference, he'll have a high-ish drive and does a lot to pleasure you.
Contact time: Loves to spoon a lot. Really loves holding you for as long as possible. Likes to nap together too, he's like a cuddly wolf. Very okay with PDA. Likes to pick you up a lot and carry you around. Enjoys nuzzling because you smell incredible. Very passionate kisser.
At home: Does all the cooking, he really loves food so he will always make the food. He is rather good with keeping up with bills and tends to get on with things, but he keeps you in the loop and will work with you as a joint thing on everything else.
@ladycheesington @levisbrat25 @nyxiieluna @li-anne @galactict3a @youre-ackermine @thebobaprincess @2moth-anon2 @cypidity @nbinairyn @bts-spnlvr12 @darkstarlight82 @emilyyyy-08 @notgoodforlife @demonic-bird @searriously @mari-zs
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lampochkaart · 1 year
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Kokichi is asexual and you can't change my mind (and Kaito is an ace too 'cause i said so)
Here is why i think that way
Disclaimer! This post is not created to judge or shame anyone. I created it to explain why i think about them in that way and maybe try to make this headcanon to be more popular. I might sound kinda salty at times here but in general I don't mean to hurt anybody.
It kinda confuses me why so often Kokichi portrayed a little bit too intrested in making sexual comments and jokes. I probably shouldn't be surprised, because I know that we live in a sex obsessed world. I'm kinda used to it at this point. But I think people kinda exaggerate it.
In actual game he doesn't make sexual comments and jokes THAT often and 90% of the time they are directed at Miu who is the MAIN sourse of them in game. I even think that he would not say so many of those things if Miu wouldn't be starting it first.
He even get's confused for a second when Gonta tells him he couldn't catch Miu for Insect Meet and Greet because his "face got hot".
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And in bonus mode Dangan Salmon Team he isn't particularly intrested in that either. In most cases when the player chooses sexual option even though the game states that it was a good option Kokichi will often just change the coversation to a different topic. Yeah, they had fun, but they didn't really talk that much about initial chosen option.
"Let's read a dirty book."
"How about joining my organization instead?" *starts rambling about his organization*
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And yes, I REFUSE to call this protag Shuichi. This is NOT my favorite protagonist. He would not fucking say this.
Look how they massacred my boy *cries*
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One thing Kokichi also does very often is being sarcastic. I really like this scene. But surprisingly I've seen people taking his excitement as genuine and was like ??? How? Have you gone so crazy after you've seen his first phrase that you blacked out and missed part when he went "nope :)". He literally was like "Is that what you wanted me to say? You wish😊🖕"
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I also like how sometimes when the protagonist say something sexual Ouma redirects topic from himself. And he often suggests Tenko as alternative. For a long time I couldn't understand why it was her specifically. And then I realised. It's because Tenko will beat up any man who says something like that to her. He literally indirectly tells player to fuck off.
I can't belive how often those moments are overlooked.
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I think that's all my main points regarding Kokichi. Everything else is not very convincing and can be dismissed. But I just want to point out that his color palette basically resembles asexual flag, because I think that's a neat detail.
Now Kaito. I'm gonna be honest. The main reason I headcanon him as ace is because I headcanon all my favorite characters as asexual. But there is a reason I fully accepted him as ace.
The scene in Talent Development Plan where he's discussing "man's passion" with Leon and Teruteru. While they were talking about girls it turned out Kaito this whole time was talking about chasing passion in more philosophical sense. And by exploring "unknown worlds" he probably meant space (they really should've seen that coming).
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That's pretty much it. I just saw 1 (one) reason to make it canon for me and immediatly jumped on it.
I think that's it for both of them. They're not the only characters i headcanon to be on the ace spectrum (and i also have some on the aro spectrum too!) but they're the ones I think about the most, so I thought I'd explain it.
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cozage · 1 year
Hi Coza. I sent a request in for a part 2 for a lifetime promise, but after reading what you said about writing second parts, I decided to change my request. Instead of writing a part 2 for a lifetime promise, could you do a Ace, Sabo x female reader headcanon where the reader is a water devil fruit user. Like how would a water user and fire user mix as a couple? Thank you. You work is amazing and always love to see what you do! 😊
This was really cute to write about! Thanks for the request!
Characters: female reader X Sabo, Ace Word Count: 600 CW: none :)
You are constantly putting out his fires, literally and figuratively. Ace loves to make a big show of his powers, but he isn’t always aware of his surroundings. 
The ship is of course always the biggest concern. But he’s also been known to accidentally burn down buildings and allegedly, a forest. His destruction rate has been 0 since you came around. You’re always right behind him, watching for stray fires he may not have noticed. It happens more frequently than you expected.
Whenever he says something ridiculous, you always spray him with a little bit of water and tell him “you need to cool off,” or “you’re getting too hot there.”
Water beats fire, of course, and you never let him forget it. He kind of likes that you keep him grounded. 
He feels a little bit more like a person and less like an element when he’s holding your hand. You have to admit you feel the same. You balance each other. 
People on the crew tease him relentlessly about how much he shows his love for you. In response, he’ll throw an arm around you and always say “She’s my weakness, what can I say?” You try not to let him see how much that silly statement makes you want to MELT into a puddle (sometimes literally you begin to melt. You can’t help it.)
After particularly spicy makeout sessions or…other things, the room is FILLED with steam. It’s basically a freaking sauna in there. Sometimes you can hardly see anything besides each other. And when you finally have to open the door and the steam spills out into the hallway, everyone on the floor knows what you guys were up to. No way to be sneaky about that, unfortunately. 
Whenever Sabo comes up with some insanely exuberant plan, you always flick water in his face. “Don’t get cocky,” you warn. You had done it when he demanded to go to Dressrosa, but he had gone anyway. 
You’re delighted to discover your water flick still works on him (and is perhaps more effective) after he comes back from Dressrosa with a fire power. 
You find that since Dressrosa, Sabo has been kissing you a lot more frequently. Even his quick “see you at home” kisses turn into three or four. When you finally ask him about it, he just shrugs and says “I dunno how to describe it. It’s just so refreshing. You’re so refreshing.”
When he gets particularly frustrated in a meeting, he’ll look at you and say “cool me down, babe.” It makes everyone laugh as you pat his face with water, but you know he actually needs you to do it to stay calm. 
Sabo has always been a confident person who is independent and likes to take charge. After he comes back from Dressrosa, he’s still all of those things, but he likes being near you while he does them. You aren’t sure if it’s because of his fruit or if it’s because of whatever happened in Dressrosa, but you like him leaning on you a bit more. 
As he works to perfect his moves, he likes having you around. It takes him a while to get the right power level for the moves he has ideas for and he doesn’t want anything to burn down. Some days he even requests a little water barrier (think like The Birdcage, but with water and not malicious).
Now that Sabo has fire powers, sensations are definitely more heightened for both of you. Even when you all touch each other, the feeling is different compared to when he didn’t have a devil fruit. It definitely adds a new exciting and fun aspect to your relationship, one that both of you are extra eager to explore further.
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helsensm · 7 months
Saw in your tags you have sad explainations for the eating scene? 👀 I'm curious
More like for Kung Lao's eating habits, yes. 😆 I understand that this dialogue was probably written and recorded for funs and giggles, but he sounds almost offended by the fact that Kenshi has some food left on his plate aafGhHH- And I'm a strong believer that there's always an explanation for people's (hence character's) behavior – and I'm sorry, but most of the time it's the childhood trauma. >:D
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So basically it's my last headcanon from this post. Kung Lao doesn't just love to eat - he understands importance of food as a part of our lives and he does not tolerate wasting it. Probably because when he was a kid, his family went through a tough period when they could barely afford enough food. Kung Lao knows the feeling of hunger that makes him stuff anything eatable in the vicinity down his throat, but also his parents most probably drilled into his head the idea to never leave food on a plate. It's a learned behavior.
Also he's a young man and a skilled martial artist who needs his calories 😊 so don't take all of this seriously, I'm just having fun with random headcanons~
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jespardon · 2 months
Jes i will share my puppy sniper thoughts if u share yours (no pressure i just CANNOT shut up)
OKAY GUYS *cracks knuckles*
Let's talk about puppy sniper.
So let's start with our good old usual "stock" red sniper, ie the one i'm always drawing if i don't explicitly state otherwise.
So the puppy thing is both a kink and also kind of a "belief" i would say ? Not a lifestyle because it's not like Sniper is trotting around collared and referring to spy as a master or owner, but it's a position that comforts him, beyond getting him aroused. Being in the privacy of the van or a lost spot in the desert and observing the world through the eyes of a dog feels much easier than acting human, normal, somewhat acceptable to society. It helps his thoughts float better and it gives him hindsight on things.
I think he would have a fixation on leather objects and craft (hence my initial headcanon that he does cobbling) because the texture is a familiar one linked to positive emotions / experiences (both hunting/bushcrafting and the petplay). Of course he'd have a collar, and if he did i think it'd either be : 1.made by himself 2.offered by spy and thus, very high quality leather 3.bought by sniper from a reputable craftman, an authentic market or something along those lines. In any of those cases, a very unique (and thus irreplaceable) old, thoroughly worn collar. The leather fixation + puppy kink + cobbling hobby is an excellent combo for him to obsess over spy's shoes and lead to all sorts of fun shoe play 😊.
Okay now, how does it all work with (red) spy ?
I think of red spy as a prideful egotistical person (among many, many other things), so there's a thorough satisfaction in having an intimidating mercenary a whole head taller than him leashed and at his feet. I also imagine spy being much more at ease with his seductivity and queerness, his job and skills being a huge help in indulging your sexuality in the 1960's without being found out or prosecuted. Sniper, on his end, has grown up mostly in isolation until being thrusted in a violent hypermasculine environment. His already shaky social skills aren't helping him handle feeling attraction towards men. There's lotsa layers here but basically, he starts feeling attracted by the assertive, authoritative yet calm spy. Something about someone that can lead others, resolve situations through talking. Sniper is both envious of the ability and fascinated by it and spy picks up on it very quickly so of course he takes great joy in toying with it and trying to push sniper's fascination further, until of course it backfires by becoming mutual.
The relationship is super imbalanced for a long, long while; sniper is just in stupid gawking admiration at spy, while spy is only entertained by sniper's actions and seeking sexual gratification from it. Neither of them have any knowledge of "pet play" or "puppy kink" per se, but it's natural for sniper to place himself in that position where he views spy as an owner that has the obvious right to dictate him what to do, since he knows better, right ? It does take a while for Spy to figure out that oh, this is actually dog themed like, for real, which he again finds a lot of fun in pointing out to sniper to embarass him. But he does indulge in it and, begrudgingly, finds it pretty hot to have this desperate guy humping on him and whining, far from the theatrical sensual sex he's used to performing (in both senses of the word).
Sniper on his end is thrilled to have his "weird" behaviours found to be acceptable and even appealling to someone and feels (almost unwarranted) gratitude towards spy. There's a real eagerness to please and be found useful ! Praise words are his immediate weakness and, on the opposite, disappointment from spy terrifies him. He's real careful about touching and respecting boundaries, follows commands almost infaillibly to the point of embarassing himself in public if asked to (with some hard limits).
im normal about the psychology of puppy sniper
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badkitty3000 · 2 months
Do you think Five was attracted at all to Viktor as a child?
This is going to be a controversial answer, so before I begin, I would like everyone taking the time to read this to know that I do not consider myself any type of Five or TUA authority. I respect everyone's take on all of the characters' backstories and personalities, etc. and I hope they respect mine in return. After all, this is fiction, and I am in no way trying to offend anyone. I believe we can all share this happy, fun fandom with our different theories and headcanons!❤️😊
With that out of the way, no, I don't think Five was attracted to Viktor as a child. I realize I'm most likely in the minority here, but I just don't see it. And I know, Aidan Gallagher has said that he thought Five and Viktor had a crush on one another when they were kids, so I should probably adopt that as canon, but...I just can't. And this has nothing to do with gender, Five or Viktor's sexuality, or his coming out as trans later in the story. The reason I have a really hard time wrapping my head around that is because of their personalities.
Now, I'm going to say something else controversial here, so please don't throw rocks at my head. Viktor is boring. And kind of whiny. And very annoying. There, I said it...I'm sorry! 😫
He has his merits, don't get me wrong, and I admire Elliot Page as an actor. But the character of Viktor just seems so completely opposite of Five that it's very hard to imagine the attraction there.
Maybe when they were younger, they were close, as stated in Viktor's book. They all seem to have kind of paired off at one point or another during childhood, so that I can believe. The entire family was isolated and brought up under weird circumstances and I don't fault any them for any attraction between one another. But come on...Viktor? He's just not going to do it for Five. At least on a level other than brother/friend/confidant relationship.
Unfortunately, we do not get much of their childhood before Five disappears, or really even after. The only thing we get to see that we can piece together (that isn't in the book, since we only know that from the good folks online that have shared their pics of the zoomed in text) is that Viktor doesn't think Five should jump (they look at each other and he shakes his head), Viktor left out sandwiches for Five after he left, and Five goes to him first to tell him about the Apocalypse when he returns. That's kind of it and it's not much to go on.
Five is such a wild card, and full of energy and smug attitude, and overall asshole-ness, that it's hard for me to picture the two of them together in any romantic way. Viktor is such a wet blanket and I can't imagine Five finding that very attractive. Even as a kid, I just can't see it. Friends: yes; More than friends: no.
Here's another hot take that no one asked for: I don't think Five was wrong in threatening to kill Viktor in season 3. The whole thing with Harlan was irritating and Viktor basically took Harlan's side and risked everyone's life to try and save him. Yes, I know, Five can be called the villain here because he works alone as well, but...at least everything he's done has been with his family's interest at heart. Viktor just up and fucked them over. So yeah...I kind of understood his point.
Obviously, I have some blinders on here, and I admit that. Five is my favorite character and I rarely concede that he does anything wrong. He is the love of my (fictional) life and no one else comes close. So, I'm sorry and I know this is not a popular opinion. Please forgive me!! 😭😂
This got a little out of hand for such a simple question...oops! I fully expect backlash on this, but that's ok. And I truly have nothing against any Viktor/Five shippers out there. Like I said, this is all fiction and it's supposed to be fun!
Peace and love! ☮️❤️😽
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imagineitdearies · 3 months
firstly, perfect slaughter is so brilliant! you must be so proud with what you have created. your characterisation of Tyrus fits so well into the story and his relationship with Astarion is amazing. i don’t have the right words to express how much i love this.
one thing that also really stuck to me was cazador’s characterisation and his sick and twisted obsession with astarion and tyrus, you have clearly done so much research to understand his character.
which brings to my ask (apologies if you have already spoken about this): cazador says some really interesting things about astarion before the fight if you don’t bring astarion with you. it got me thinking about what are the factors that really drive cazador’s obsession with him specifically, considering most info the player gets is from astarion directly. i want to get your take on it, is it a deep rooted, subconscious fear/hatred that astarion has the capability to rebel, like in someways he is similar to cazador before he killed vellioth or is it more ‘simple’ as astarion is just the most fun to torment in comparison to others??
long ask, sorry
Hi anon! Thanks so much 😊 definitely feeling proud of PS, it's really shown me the high-level storytelling I'm capable of when I feel passionate enough about a project!
I think I've talked a bit about Cazador's obsession with Astarion but I'm not sure it was on my tumblr, so I'm happy to throw in my two cents! Like you've already listed out, though, there's multiple theories and likely all are true to some extent.
Thoughts below the cut:
When I think of Cazador Szarr, I think of how much fear can be a poison. A little of it is healthy, but when you let fear drive every decision you ever make, you're on a swift tunnel downward into all the no-good emotions: distrust, loathing, contempt, malice, sadism, etc, turned outward and inward. So yes, when you're a person who's let fear drive basically all your emotions and decisions, what kind of individual would make these ugly reactions flare up even more drastically? Yup, someone you fear. Now why would he fear Astarion extra--I have a few theories:
As you said, he sees Astarion's defiant nature (e.g. "the boy has always been troublesome" he writes in his journal) as similar to his spawn self, and therefore believes he has a similar potential to rebel and overthrow him. (This idea not only plays into Cazador's fears, but also his internal self-loathing.)
I like the fanon idea that Astarion shares a semi-similar personality and even physical traits with Vellioth, which certainly would trigger the hell out of Cazador and fuel the need to go extra hard on him out of anger, but also leftover fear.
When I meet the other spawn in bg3, there's just such a stark difference between Astarion from the very start of meeting him--he retained his sense of self in a way the rest really don't seem to have. They all act and talk a certain way, feel almost actually like siblings despite no physical relation, while he stands out like the black--silver?--sheep of the family. Therefore, outside of just his defiant nature, because it's not like he was always defiant with Cazador (i.e. Leon calling him a "lickspittle"), I'd argue Astarion simply has a resilient force of personality. He won't "drink the kool-aid" and lose himself in the name of survival. And maybe this is a hot take, but I think Cazador deeply fears ridicule and judgment. Having a spawn who retains a personality and even worse, opinions of him beyond fear and submission...how terrifying.
Of course, there are factors besides fear that could be examined. We cannot ignore Astarion's canon line: "He[...]did take special pleasure in my pain--he said my screams sounded sweetest." You can argue Cazador enjoyed Astarion's screams only for deeper, more contextual reasons like those outlined above, but I headcanon (and included in PS) that Astarion had the hard combination of a more resilient spirit but a lower pain tolerance than his siblings. So it was easier to get him screaming, but harder to truly break him, which is a hell of a lot more fun for a certified sadist like Cazador.
Alright, that's probably enough yapping from me! Cazador is quite the interesting beastie, isn't he?
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mactavishwritings · 1 year
Oh my gosh I love your writing! Is it possible to do a Soap request where I headcanon his love language is acts of service/ gift giving and he tries to essentially court the reader this way but reader is kinda just dense and denies people telling them soap likes them until soap has to basically shout 'i do like you'
Pls and thank you 😊
OMG Yes. That's my man
It started out very subtle. You noticed more small trinkets around your room. When you asked him about it, he simply said that he would find them and they reminded him of you. You didn't think anything of it and started to look forward to them.
when that didn't work, Soap went to Price for advice and he told him to go bigger. So he did. He started sending you flowers. When you asked him, he said 'a pretty girl should always have pretty flowers'. it went right over your head and didn't realize he was hitting on you.
At some point, he just figured that you did know what was happening and was just turning you down. It wasn't until he overheard Ghost asking you about the whole thing and you answered with 'he's been very friendly lately.' When Ghost told that it was because he likes you, you answered, 'yea as a friend!'
Soap realized that you were never going to get it unless he just comes right out with it. He came to your room one night and asked you to dinner. "Oh that would be fun! Sure! Who's all going?" You were so innocent and it made Soap's heart flutter. He came over and held your face with his hands. "No. This is me asking you out on a date because you haven't realized that I have been flirting with you for the past 3 months." Your eyes went wide and it finally clicked. "Oh my god I am so stupid." He kissed you to shut that down.
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gingersforeverbox · 9 months
Hi, no one asked for this, but have some Nathan Bateman x Reader headcanons/ drabble ideas
A/n: Howdy, I know it's been a hot minute since I posted something of my own, but I've been a simp for this stupid-genius bastard for a while now, and here is just a dump of the thoughts that are bouncing around in my head about Bitchman himself :)
Fem!Reader x Nathan Bateman btw
Content warnings: Nathan for obvious canonical reasons, the good kush🍃, swearing (probably), suggestive material that is +18 (If I find a minor on my lawn I swear to all that's good that I will tell your parents/guardians that you're being inconsiderate of boundaries Ya lil gremlins), that's all I can think of for now, but let me know if I missed anything! <3
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Pretty little homemaker Reader? Yeah. Pretty little homemaker Reader who got to happily retire once they married Nathan and be a domestic, feminine person without care? Even better!
Pregnant Reader where we learn about what it’s like to be expecting with him (spoiler: he is a pain in the ass up until you have to snap at him to be considerate to the person who will give him his child, then he surprisingly gets his head out of his ass to try and be better for you and y'all's child).
Reader and Nate have to go to a gala or some shit for the first time as an official couple then there’s a bunch of questions from the press and coworkers about y'all being together, and he is basically like "Honey, I own the planet, whatever you don't want public won't be public. it's that simple, now let me show you this ice sculpture that looks like a dick if you look at it right >:)"
Stoned Nathan and Reader. She does it for fun, he insists that he’s gonna be chill, but he is such a fuckin nerd that he babbles about how scientifically interesting weed is while Reader is just like “M’kay babe, keep talkin’, you’re cute like this iloveyou” and Nathan kinda just buffers for a minute before then is high as a kite when he realizes "oh fuck this woman makes me feel things and I'm too high to try and hide it iloveyoutoo"
Nathan getting genuinely confused when Reader treats Kyoko with basic dignity despite her being an AI, and Reader basically being horrified with how he treats her and actively goes out of her way to be nice to Kyoko. Does Nathan learn to be nicer to his AI? Does he still treat them like shit and it bites him in the ass? YOU DECIDE!
Bossy!Reader who is one of BlueBook's communications experts, and he can't wrap his head around the idea of Reader, the same lady who doesn't hesitate to call one of his ideas bad-shit crazy, being the same lady who easily schmooses his business partners for him until he sees her in action at a conference they both have to attend. Nathan then realizing that he likes his organic women to be a lil fiesty.
*forewarning that this one is a little self-indulgent:* Nathan and a Psychologist reader? I would pay Money to watch those two bicker about everything. like come on, Nathan's fuckin' nuts and Reader deals with emotionally/ mentally troubled people for a living. Just imagine BlueBook deciding to assign him a psychologist since he lives in the middle of nowhere all the time, and Reader taking one look at him and being like "Oh, he's not just a narcissistic rich man, he's a narcissistic rich man with a literal god complex.... interesting :)))" then proceeding to actually help him regardless. Bbgorl wouldn't know what hit him.
That's all for now folks, as you were 😊
....psst, hey, if anyone is interested in reading something with any of these ideas I would happily see what I can do to make a lil somethin'-somethin'. Also, if you wanna take a stab at writing any of these, all I ask is that you tag me so I can get some credit and so I can see y'all's awesome work <3
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quackle · 8 months
Hiii it’s jomaria anon again 😊😊😊😊 if you have any headcanons for them PLEASE share. We need more love for themmm ayayyaaa 😢😢
I'VE GOT YOU JOMARIA ANON!!!!!! 🫡 here are ten that i have:
on the rare occasion jo doesn't have any pockets, anne maria holds jo's stuff in her poof. jo acts like she hates it but it's kinda sorta convenient
jo carries around a whistle all the time anyway, but she carries around an extra one too, so whenever their arguments get too heated, she just. blows the whistle until anne maria stops talking (it takes a ton of lung power lol)
jo's face is essentially anne maria's canvas. anne maria practices makeup on jo's face alllll the time. it's gotten to the point where anne maria first practices on a picture she sneaks to take of jo before trying it out on jo for real
jo likes the smell of anne maria's hairspray so she keeps a bottle of it to spray around her room sometimes for comfort
anne maria has been trying to find the perfect lipstick to go with jo's skin. one might think she should simply get jo a bunch of lipsticks to try because it'd be easier. but anne maria insists on leaving kiss marks on jo's cheeks. (it's not because she likes jo (it is), it's because it's the best way to find out (it's not, she's just gay))
who needs a treadmill or some plain dirt path for a running session? all jo has to do is say something nonsensical to anne maria or steal anne maria's spray can of the day so she can have a running partner. (aka anne maria just chases jo lol) it's more fun that way, especially when the runner's high hits
when they "begrudgingly" become roommates (oh my gosh they were roommates...) they start off by trying to claim their own areas of each room, but that epically fails. their items clash next to one another, but they like it that way anyway. like yes, this cute pink salon hair dryer DOES go nicely with this dirty yellow treadmill
anne maria likes to ask jo what color she should paint her nails. jo likes to make it into a game by naming objectively ugly colors, but anne maria knows how to make them look good every time. (that's totally not the bias taking over)
jo isn't much a phone person unless anne maria texts or calls her. she sets a special ring tone for anne maria so she knows whether or not she should ignore her phone
despite their differences in just about anything, their food tastes are scarily similar. so whenever they're out on a date, they order two separate things, then split those things in half so each can have basically the best of both worlds
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intheticklecloset · 1 year
Hey hey- headcanons! Let’s go, Nym! 🤩🤩🤩
If I may, could I request some fluffy SSKK headcanons please? :3 However you go about them is up to you- whatever comes to mind :3
Of course if you’re not feeling up to it, that’s okay too! I wish you a happy day/night and fabulous week! 🥰🥰🥰
Shin Soukoku let's goooooo! 😍😍😍😍 Thank you for the request, friend!! 💖
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Shin Soukoku Fluff Headcanons
Once they got together, Atsushi and Akutagawa started inadvertently introducing each other to all kinds of things. Of course the obvious cuddling, tickling, kissing, etc. - but more than that, just everyday things they never really thought about before.
For example, Akutagawa got Atsushi into metal music by accident. He was listening to it one day when they happened upon each other, and Atsushi asked him what he was listening to. Thinking he would scare him off and be able to have his alone time, Aku let Atsushi listen to what was currently playing in his playlist, but although it took our weretiger by surprise, he was strangely interested and spent the rest of the day/night researching metal bands and music and the like. He even found one that Akutagwa had never heard of and got him hooked on it right back! 😊
As for Atsushi, he introduced Akutagawa to the basics of gaming - Super Mario (I may have watched the movie recently and am in a mood, shush). Aku had never had the chance to just sit and play video games, much like Atsushi, but one afternoon Atsushi asked if he wanted to play Mario Kart, and Akutagawa begrudgingly gave it a try - and got addicted to it. Now it's one of his favorite dating activities. He think's it's interestingly odd (and kind of cute) that Atsushi usually picks female characters - Peach, Daisy, Toadette, etc. True to his nature, Akutagawa usually chooses Waluigi. He likes being the bad guy. 😈
Now for one that's mildly unrelated but dear lord if it doesn't make me swoon for them: You know that trope where the hero gets his ass handed to him and his rival/enemy finds him like that and the hero is expecting to be mocked or beat up even worse but instead the enemy gets this enraged look on their face and demands, "Who did this to you?" That's Atsushi and Akutagawa, 10000% percent. Even before they started going out, but ESPECIALLY after. 🥰🥰🥰
Thank you again for letting me indulge in my Shin Soukoku fangirling ways!! This was so much fun to write! 🖤🤍
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My preference headcanons for every MLB character! (🌈 Happy Pride Month 🌈)
Note: These are MY personal preference headcanons for the characters. Take it with a grain of salt. Our opinions are allowed to differ, but please respect mine and I’ll respect yours.
Marinette: Bi, Female Leaning. I see her going both ways, but the reason why I see her female leaning is:
I personally just like that idea! ❤️
It seems that she’s more comfortable with girls than boys (I know that doesn’t necessarily mean that she’s attracted to girls, but eh. Still like the idea).
Her crush on Adrien seems comphet to me (yes, that can happen to Bi people too).
She can be that “preppy queer” archetype.
Adrien: Pan. I was THIS close to making Adrien Bi (female leaning), but I settled with him being Pan. Why? For the sole reason that I see Chat Noir as Pan (and Adrien IS Chat Noir lol). It makes sense 😄 I’m also starting to see him as Gender-fluid.
Alya: Bi, Female Leaning. Listen, I ALWAYS saw Alya into girls, even before her and Nino got together in Animan to be honest with you. But according to canon, it seems like she’s even Straight or Bi, since she’s shown attraction to boys. I mean, she COULD be a comphet Lesbian, but meh. I don’t want to erase the possibility of her being Bi because of her attraction to boys too. We need more Bi rep. 😜 So basically, I now see her as Bi, but female leaning. She prefers girls, but Nino is a sweetie pie 😊
Nino: Bi, female leaning. Nino prefers girls more, but he doesn’t mind dudes either 😉 I actually ship him and Adrien together. If it wasn’t for the love square and DJWifi, I think Nindrien would’ve been more popular.
Chloe: Closest Bi, comphet. Some people might see her as token Straight or a closest Lesbian, but I’ve finally decided that she likes both genders equally. Similar with Marinette, I just see her crush on Adrien as heteronormativity/comphet and also because she’s confusing her plantonic love for him with romantic.
Zoe: Queer. Tbh, I don't know right now. We don't know if she's gay, Bi or anything else, but we DO know that she's queer. She hasn’t shown any interest in boys in canon yet, but I don’t want to throw out the possibility of her being Bi/Pan yet either. 
Sabrina: Closest Pan. Sabrina is the type who thought that she was just an Straight Ally who doesn’t care who’s with who when it came to other peoples’s happiness. Love is love after all. Eventually she finds out that SHE HERSELF doesn’t care either when it comes to HER preferences lol 😂
Luka: Bi, simple but obvious 😌
Kagami: Pan & Demi. Use to see her as Bi (female leaning), but she doesn’t care as long as she can have a strong connection with them. I also see her as a Polyamorous Demi. She’s fine with being in a relationship with more than one person, but only if she has a strong connection with them. When you think about it, I guess that kind of makes Mari and Adrien Polyamorous too since Adrigaminette is my OTP3 huh? 😅
Rose: Pan. Rose loves everybody and anybody. She doesn’t care who it is 😊
Jeluka: Lesbian. I don’t really see Jeluka with any males and I don’t think that I ever did. She’s my little goth Lesbean! 😊
Kim: Bi. He’s perfectly fine with both, as long as he’s having fun 😄
Max: Biromantic Ace, Male Leaning, use to see him as Pan, but I see him more as male leaning now. Doesn’t mean he doesn’t mind girls though. Ones who are kind, sweet or/and match his intellect 😊
Ordine: Straight. Meh, I don’t really see her with females 🤷🏾‍♀️ Ordine ships like Kagami, Alix and Aurore etc. don’t interest me. Might change in the future, but I don’t know.
Mylene: Bi & Demi (male leaning). Her and Ivan together are pretty cute, and I don’t put it pass her to be interested in other boys too. But she is queer.
Ivan: Straight. Ivan was the first character in MLB that I saw as Straight lol
Nathaniel: Bi. I don’t ship him with anyone anymore, but that doesn’t mean he’s not a bi-bean to me 😛 I’m pretty sure he’ll find someone one day.
Marc: Gay, Trans, and Gender-fluid. I don’t really see Marc with girls anymore, so he’s gay now 😛 Also, I know he’s already Androgynous, but I also see him as Trans & Gender-fluid.
Alix: Aromatic Lesbian & Bigender. Like with Max (Ace), Alix was confirmed Aromatic, but I still do see her as a Lesbian. I don’t really imagine Alix being in an long term relationship, but she is interested in females. I did headcanon her Bi in the past, but I don’t really see her interested in any boys anymore tbh
Lila: Pan. She doesn’t care who it is, as long as she can manipulate them to her advantage…🤷‍♀️ Don’t get me wrong though, I do imagine Lila being capable of love and falling for someone, but not immediately.
Aurore: Lesbian (Comphet). I don’t ship her with any boys at all, and all my ships with her are with girls.
Mirelle: Bi (Comphet). Similar with Aurore. Also, I also ship them on the same level as Julrose.
Gabriel: Straight, but I don’t like the idea of him being the stereotypical homophobic parent. He’s a shitty person and parent, but it’s not because he’s homophobic. I did see him as bicurious in the past tho lol
Emillie: Bi. Meh, she gives off that kind of energy, even if she’s been in a coma 😜
Natalie: Bi. I like the headcanon that she’s a Bi woman who had feelings for Emillie too, as well as Gabriel (formally). I don’t know how true that is now, but meh. Still my headcanon.
Ms Mendeleiev: Lesbian. I see her being into women solely for the reason that I shipped her with Bustier lol 😅
Miss Bustier: Bi, but now just Queer. Similar with Zoe, we don't know if she's gay, Bi or anything else, but we DO know that she's queer/sapphic. 
Socqueline: Queer/Sapphic. We most certainly know she’s into girls, especially cute preppy ones that so happen to attend the same school that she use to attend, sees her as a role model to the point where she adapted her hairstyle, is into fashion, works at her parents bakery and unfortunately tends to have crushes on boys who are dum-dums instead of also acknowledging her obvious attraction to girls! 😤
..Wait wha-?
Fei: Lesbian. Plain and simple. Makes sense.
Felix: Like Zoe, I’m not absolutely sure yet. But I do see him being part of the Ace Spectrum.
The other characters I don’t really care about enough to have preference headcanons for. So if you want to know my preference headcanon about them, ask me.
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th3e-m4ng0 · 9 months
Hi! I've got a question I'm really curious about, if that's okay? I've seen you refer to Megatron as she/her a lot, and I generally don't think anything of it because basically everyone's done it at some point lol (I call TFP Megs ma'am all the time 😂). It's fun! But I've seen you do it almost exclusively, so I'm really curious: Do you have an AU where you headcanon Megs as being exclusively she/her, or is it just meant to be silly? This is a purely genuine question, and I think it's cool either way so I hope my tone doesn't come across as negative! I'm just curious, and either way I find your take on our favourite warlord to be absolutely adorable!
tbh i just like Proyecting my own bigenderness into megatron by using she/her with her (mixing some he/him too from time to time). it's not meant to be silly or anything, it comes down to Personal preference 😊
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the-acid-pear · 5 months
thinking about the Kennedy Parents. because Boy do i have headcanons.
so we've got Marshall Neil and Diane Reynolds Kennedy. lovely people.
some fun facts about these lil dudes:
- Marshall is Irish, technically! he's the son of some descendants of Irish immigrants :]
- he also fought in World War 2! only for a short time, though...considering he kinda got shot in the leg and had to have it amputated.
- Diane grew up in a sort of middle-class household. not...the Greatest people, i'll say that.
- neither of their families were the best. but in comparison to Diane's (emotionally and verbally abusive, as well as very misogynistic and sexist. because Housewives. basically they believed heavily in gender roles), Marshall's were Saints (they were very much "suck it up and deal with it" people)
- they both technically lived in/around the same town, but technically really met in Vegas. Diane was going there to get away from her family for a little while, and Marshall was there on a trip with his brothers (to uh. Distract Him From Some Things. such as his recently amputated leg).
- Diane's family never even Remotely approved of the relationship. things are still tense with them to this day.
- you thought either of these two were neurotypical? oh, absolutely not, where do you think Jack and his siblings got the autism from?
- Marshall swears frequently around the kids. which wasn't too much of a problem...until Jack started repeating them back.
- Marshall, having grown up on a farm but not living in a place where he Could farm, would usually garden. he's where Jack’s interest in plants and their biology comes from :]
- visits with Diane's family are always a nightmare, considering that they try to push their views onto her kids. Which She Doesn't Appreciate, By The Way.
- Marshall's family is better, but...they're all still loud and boisterous. doesn't help with sensory issues, but at least they aren't assholes to the children!
- the only extended family member that the Kennedy Siblings had contact with after their parents died was Aunt Jan, Marshall's younger sister and the Official Wine Aunt. absolute sweetheart <3
- both Diane and Marshall were accepting of Jack when he came out as trans <3
- i feel like if Marshall and Henry ever met, it would be...interesting. Henry would probably sit there for ten minutes and then suddenly go "Ah...I see where Jack gets his...personality from 😊" (< barely restrained annoyance) and Marshall just kinda has to deal with the sudden whiplash as he tries to figure out if that was just an observation or an insult (it is an insult).
- these two would have loved Caroline </3
- considering that i Have said before that Healthy Davesport could have happened earlier in the timeline if things hadn't gone to shit, i feel like they would've found Dave...Interesting. but hey, if This is the guy Jack’s into, who are they to get in the way of that? just as long as he doesn't hurt their little Jackie, they don’t mind it.
- they Do agree with Peter, though, that Jack has the weirdest(/worst) taste in men-
anyway! love these little guys <3
- dogboyjackkennedy
I'm gonna scream I fucking love this sm. These are so good I love these people so much and I'm simultaneously ripping my hair off over their passing. They sound like so absolutely lovely REUUAHUAAHH OT2
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