#just straight up lying… like i don’t expect much from them but damn don’t try to pass it off as your own at least
moving-to-dreamwinged · 9 months
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THE WAY MY OWN WRITING IS ON MY DASH RN??? pr0shitters are a disease holy fuck 😭😭😭
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gozine-translate · 19 days
Terminally-ill Genius Dark Knight - 150
150: Returning from the Mission and an Uncomfortable Break [1]
"Nox-kun? You’ve caused quite a bit of interesting trouble again this time too…! Thanks to you, I have so much work to do as the dean. I’m so thrilled! Hihi, seriously…?!"
I heard the voice of a woman whose eyes were mostly dead. I gulped and desperately avoided her gaze. I was certain that if I got caught, there wouldn’t even be bones left of me.
For reference, right now, I’m sitting in front of Noah von Trinity. To explain how I ended up here would take a while, but to put it simply:
First off, A few days passed after the incident wrapped up. The carriage safely returned to the academy. Just when I thought to get some rest, I was forcibly dragged into Noah’s office the moment I arrived at the academy. As the leader of the team, I had the frightening disgrace of being the first to stand in front of her.
I thought I’d be with my comrades, I never thought it would be just me and Noah's private meeting. Damn it, the problem is that this woman has awfully a lot of curiosities. Besides, I don’t know if she hates me or what, but calling me in alone like this was Noah's secret hobby
Though most of the time I don’t attend, ignoring her now that the mission is over isn’t favorable.
But I, Nox, an arrogant ruffian. I replied with a straight face:
"I’m not sure what you’re talking about. I don’t know what I could’ve done to make you say that, Dean."
"Oh really? So, you don’t need the academy’s reward? We prepared something quite nice this time! What a shame…?!"
"I’d be lying if I said I didn’t put in any effort."
I quickly tried to change my stance. Luckily, Noah seemed to let it slide, giggling.
"Hihi, Nox who is lying even though everything is obvious is kind of cute. Still, I’m the dean! so I need to make sure everything is clear."
Suddenly, I felt a cold chill and sensed that an ice barrier had spread throughout the office. Before I knew it, Noah, now looking like a mature woman, sat across from me and spoke.
“Kiddo, so what kind of demon did you face this time? I already know it was one of the 72 demons, so don’t even think about lying to me.”
As expected.
Noah already knew everything.
Of course, she shouldn't have known about the fact that there was a demon called Jagan in Casino. She just sensed the filthy stench lingering on my body.
She must’ve felt the sticky, powerful energy unique to a high-level demon.
I answered as calmly as possible.
"It was Jagan. He was infamous as an alchemist, so it was quite a tough battle. He was more prepared than I expected. At least, he would've been a difficult opponent as long they aren't sword emperors or sages"
I decided to be a bit honest. I had no other choice.
Honestly, lying in front of Noah is close to a dangerous gamble.
After all, considering that Noah could’ve easily killed me after Paimon, there must be a reason why she’s keeping me alive. Though I don’t know exactly what that reason is.
Noah gave a crooked smile.
“Well, That Paimon is dead, after all. Even if these demon bastards are like bugs, it’s only natural they’d try to prepare themselves a little. Not that it matters since we're going kill them anyway.”
That was a chilling statement. Sure, she’s on our side now, but what if she were an enemy? I didn’t even want to imagine it.
After a moment of silence. I heard a clinking sound. a clear sound of magic manifesting. Noah, who had somehow already unleashed her ice magic, created two ice glasses.
A bottle of strong bourbon whiskey flew from the cupboard. In no time, a large round ice cube formed in the glass as a bonus.
"I've been particularly saving this… Drink up. It's a special gift from me"
"Aren’t you still on duty?"
I frowned, but Noah just laughed and continued.
"Is there anyone here who could hinder me? And do you think I’d get drunk from drinking alcohol? emm… Kiddo, you think too much."
"Well, of course, it’s not a problem for you, Dean. But I’m different. This would be against the rules, and Instructor Vernon might give me a demerit."
"If Vernon says anything, just tell him, ‘Dean Noah share me a few drinks.’ He might be so shocked that his hair grows back."
‘What a wicked woman'
Noah has been talking while even joking about Vernon's already long-gone hair. Considering how she’s talking to that point, it is certainly a fact.
I sighed lightly.
"…You’re as reckless as ever. Alcohol in the dean’s office, really ?"
"It's only natural. There's not many chances to drink with my student like this"
Trickle. The sound of bourbon whiskey being poured filled the glass. I mean, come on, isn’t that a bit much? At that amount, shouldn’t there be something mixed in? Though I don't understand it myself, something to dilute it, or fresh lemon juice? Why is she drinking it straight, without anything else?
'You crazy'
It seems she thinks everyone is the same kind as she is. Sure, she’s a monster, so she can handle it, but for me, it’s like setting my throat on fire, it's not desirable This woman clearly isn’t used to considering others.
“Alright, shall we toast? To congratulate the first freshman ever to complete a red mission and slay a filthy, one of 72 demons! Cheers!”
I barely lifted my glass and took a sip. The undiluted whiskey is burning all the way down, as if scorched my throat, and making its presence known. It was so strong that I could feel exactly where the alcohol stay.
I don't really get the taste.
I’ve never really had alcohol before, not even in real life. Isn't it me who was addicted to Inner Lunatic even when I was dying?
I can't help but worry about the next day's hangover.
It burned my throat more than I expected. If someone held a lighter to me, I’d probably need to gulp down a whole bunch of Erina's potions. Even if you call it healing potion, it's difficult to recover the dead organs.
'This has to be at least 50% alcohol… And she’s drinking it straight? Is she out of her mind?'
As I cursed Noah in my mind. A system notification suddenly popped up, ringing in my ears.
[You have consumed the rare item '50-Year-Old Black Dragon’s Tears'.]
[Your Magic stat increases by 1.]
[Your Physical Strength stat increases by 1.]
While I was still processing what just happened. Noah crossed her legs and rested her chin on her hand.
Then, while she was watching me, Noah in her adult version, wore a seductive smile that was typical of the Ice Witch As if she had expected my reaction.
“Starting to feel it, aren’t you, little apprentice? Your body must be showing some signs by now. This isn’t just any ordinary alcohol. There’s a story that once, an ancient kingdom went to war over this stuff.”
“This is indeed… amazing.”
What an outrageous effect. The moment I saw that notification, that was exactly what I thought.
A consumable item that increases both Magic and Physical Strength stats by 1 just by drinking it?
Such a thing, I've seen 27 endings, but I never even heard a rumor about it.
“…. Now that I’ve tasted it, I can see it’s good alcohol. Not bad at all. Then one more glas..”
"I’m sorry but, after the first drink, there won’t be any more stat boosts. You can drink more, but that’s just how it works."
Without a moment’s hesitation, I responded to Noah’s words.
"I suddenly feel tipsy. It seems like I’m not very compatible with alcohol."
Even I thought that was a pretty shameless excuse. Noah just chuckled and messed up my hair. It felt a bit weird, like she was treating me like a kid, but I didn’t show it. After all, there’s a big enough age gap between us that it makes sense.
The reason I'm staying quiet? I don’t want to get trampled by Noah if I start acting up here.
Even if it's not like that, I still haven’t fully recovered from the internal injuries I got from fighting Jagan.
'My lifespan may have increased, but my body is still in the worst shape. And… though they didn't say it, the others probably guessed my condition too. I mean, I coughed up blood right there.'
Right now, I barely managed to brush it off as just the result of a fierce battle, but… It's fact that the situation isn’t looking good.
As I was organizing my thoughts, Noah suddenly fixed her gaze on me and spoke.
"The demons will start to become even more active."
"There might even be some that not even I can stop. That’s exactly the reason why I accepted this dean position. The students, I plan to develop talented ones among them, so they can stand against the demons."
She discards the useless ones. But to those with potential, she’s endlessly generous. That’s how Noah von Trinity was originally set up in the game.
However, it’s no secret that her behavior has recently changed. You can tell by the way she’s started paying attention, even to students who don’t have any particular talent.
Anyway, she’s begun to fulfill her role as the dean. That’s a fortunate thing in many ways.
But Noah still seemed dissatisfied with the current situation.
"No matter how much I help, the weak ones won’t just suddenly grow. You know that, right? Little kid from the Reinhaver family. And…"
Then Noah paused for a moment, chuckling before continuing.
"Lunatic's agent. Isn’t that right?"
My heart pounded so hard it felt like it might stop for a moment. After dealing with Paimon, I thought she didn’t know anything since she hadn’t said a word. But it seems I was wrong. Noah von Trinity apparently already knew I was a member of Lunatic.
"Huhu… you’ve got quite a cute expression now, don’t you?"
Noah’s hand started reaching out towards me. Without noticing it, my heart kept pounding wildly.
What? I fought with my life and even took down one of the 72 demons, and now I’m going to die in absurd place like this?
‘As expected, this kid is interesting’
Noah von Trinity. She is one of the Four Sages, a picture of talent so awe-inspiring that no one could rival. As if not enough as one of the Seven Stars, she was a monster who had even taken on Paimon and begun to recover her strength while carrying out her duty as the dean of the prestigious Eldain. People across the continent were already talking about how she might have regained the strength and talent of her prime.
But there was one boy who had caught her attention.
Just fifteen years old, but possessing an extraordinary talent that could easily be called one of the greatest ever.
Nox von Reinhaver. He, of course, has a special origin of being a son of a noble family But his talent had little to do with the Reinhaver family’s power. His swordsmanship? That could be changed at any time. Sorry, Theo, but honestly, if he’s not going to inherit the family head position, I think it will be better to teach him another sword
And what about his magic ability? This is also generational talent, absolutely not inferior to Penelope and Leon.
Many exceptional people have dabbled in both magic and swordsmanship, managing to gain some proficiency in both areas.
But case of both becoming a weapon that unleashed the best destructive power ? That’s never happened before.
Nox von Reinhaver has done just that. Although the public hasn’t caught on yet, as more people become aware of his abilities, demons will start to target Nox and those around him, slowly trying to corrupt her disciple.
'I can’t let that happen.'
“Kiddo, let me tell you something in advance. First off, I don’t plan to kill you just because of your affiliation. Even if it’s Lunatic, a criminal organization, which is targeting the Arkheim Empire.”
Noah started with those words. Nox’s gaze that had been directed to her quickly darted around, trying to assess the situation.
He’s a sharp one, as expected.
"You probably know this already, right? It doesn’t matter which organization you belong to. What matters is my judgment. I could take your life right now, but I’m not doing that."
"You're right"
"Don’t you think there’s a reason for that?"
"Please tell me, Dean Noah. What do you want?"
"You need to get stronger, kiddo."
Noah finally got to the point.
She was clearly dissatisfied with her disciple’s recent progress. Of course, Noah didn’t know that Nox had recently started learning the [Moonlight Sword], but it was true that Nox’s magical achievements were still lacking. So, Noah had her reasons for her assessment.
Nox couldn’t let his talent skew too much in one direction and go to waste. That was the conclusion Noah had reached.
After a moment of thought, Noah precariously uncrossed her legs and said.
"You need a better teacher, someone who has a talent to manage you. Your current instructor can’t bring your talent to the limit. Of course, building a solid foundation is important, so nothing wrong with that."
"I’ll introduce you to someone."
"Introduction, you said ?"
“Yes. Soon, someone will arrive at Eldain as a guest professor. Try to get noticed by her, and you’ll become much stronger than you are now.”
"No way… the person coming as a guest professor is…"
Noah refilled her glass and lightly bit her lip.
"One of the Four Sages, just like me, and the owner of the artifact you possess."
I immediately cracked a small smile. <Highest-grade orb of ???> The original owner of this artifact was none other than one of Noah von Trinity’s old friends. So, she was already aware that I had the artifact that had been sleeping in Eleanor’s vault. Moreover, that existence was an extraordinary being from birth, someone beyond ridiculous.
And now she was planning to introduce me to such a person.
Did she figure out my intentions? A smile spread across Noah’s face. Then, before I knew it, she was already back to her young version and said lightly,
"Well then! We should also check out the second reward I’m giving Nox-kun, right?"
Although Nox was still in shock from what he had just heard, he couldn’t miss out on a reward, so he nodded.
"Of course."
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Cuddle Puddle
My first real one shot, A good 1550 words. Did my best to keep MC gender neutral, hope you enjoy!
Thank you, @honeybadgerdontcare394 for being my inspiration mirror and just chilling with me while I wrote this
fic inspired by this pic
MC has been haunted by nightmares of the battle with Ranrok going horribly wrong and living with the guilt of her dear friends dying due to her failure. Cue the Legacy Crew coming to the rescue.
Sitting straight up, gasping for air, I look around the dorm, trying to grasp the reality that I'm surrounded by my sleeping housemates who are very much alive and well. The inkling of my nightmare is still at the forefront of my sleep-riddled mind. Any normal person would get a drink of water and lie back down.
Yet, knowing myself, I'd have better luck roaming the halls or taking care of the beasts in my vivariums. Slipping out of bed, I put my house shoes on and quietly make my way through the common room. House-elves, animated portraits, and ghosts are the only wayfaring occupants of a sleeping Hogwarts. I make my way past the Central Hall fountain as the sound of a door opening comes from behind me. Not a moment after ducking behind a mermaid, hoping that it's not Madam Scribner or a Prefect, a certain troublesome Slytherin sneaks by.
“At this time of night, I should have known it would be you coming from the library instead of Scribner herself.” I mutter just loud enough for Sebastian to hear me. A half-hearted laugh escapes as he nearly trips from spinning around.
“I was so focused on getting back to my dorm that I didn’t even see you hiding so poorly.” The Slytherin chuckles before looking at me. “Actually, why are you awake and wandering about?”
I should have expected the big brother of my friends to pick up on anything abnormal about my own wandering schedule. “For the most part, I’m fine. Just a bit of restlessness.”
If Sebastian Sallow was good at anything mundane, it was making people fidget from his unnerving stare, which is why the water pouring from the fountain has my attention because I know he isn’t buying my lie. Along with the fact that I can’t lie to save my life when it comes to him or Ominis. Damn Slytherin boys.
“You’re having nightmares, aren't you, MC?” he sighs as the sound of feet moves, and suddenly his arm is around my shoulder, and I'm being pulled against his side.
“That’s not fair! I get that I’m horrid at lying, but Ominis can’t even see yet points it out like a sore thumb in fresh snow!” I groaned as Sebastian laughs and guides me up the stairs of Central Hall.
“Either way, I take it you’re heading to the Room of Requirement?” His smirk is annoying, and the itch to zap it off his face is enticing. Nonetheless, the warmth radiating from him settles my nerves—a further tie to the reality that not only am I, but those around me that I care about are safe and very much alive.
The walk to the Astronomy Tower was mostly a blur, save for the few ducks and dodges from a certain poltergeist. I gaze at the stairs until the darkness swallows them. “I don’t feel like being alone. I don’t think my mental state can handle it.” Turning to look at the boy next to me, his face shows an emotion that I’d seen a handful of times.
“Then you won’t be. We can make it a slumber party and invite all of our friends!” Sebastian softly declares as he takes my hand and guides me to the seventh floor of the tower. Once we stop in front of the slowly appearing door, he spins around and smiles.
Taking a step inside, I smile softly at the warmth the room gives off, a home within a home. “Deek, I know it’s late, but I could use your assistance,” I say as I round the corner, seeing the sweet house elf sweeping by the hallway. “Deek would be most happy to assist you. What is it that you need?”
“I’ll head back to my dorm and get Ominis. We’ll send owls to the rest. While we do that, you and Deek can set up however you feel is necessary.” With a smile and a nod, he’s off down the stairs.
“I think that should be enough. What do you say, Deek?” I ask while looking at Merlin knows how many pillows and blankets are strewn in a somewhat organized chaos.
“Deek thinks that it looks like the perfect place to spend time with friends and take a nap.” I smile while turning around at the sound of the door opening. Ominis and Sebastian are quick to enter, and while I must say, seeing Ominis in anything but his usual tidiness is odd, it suits him nonetheless. A warm hug from the Slytherin Prince and a flick to my forehead precede Sebastian, throwing his arms over both of our shoulders.
“Is there a good reason as to why you didn’t come to either one of us, or any of your other friends for that matter, about the nightmares you’ve been having? Or do you think we don’t care or love you enough to listen and help?” His face shows all the emotions his voice doesn’t.
“Neither, nor anything. I’m sorry, but it wasn’t because I didn’t trust or think none of you cared; if anything, the exact opposite was true. I didn’t think they would last so long or begin to feel so real,” I say, looking at the floor. A burp comes from behind me, and a smile forms as I look behind me.
“Ew, Garreth! That was right next to my face!” Amit bemoans as his hand waves frantically in front of him. Poppy and Natty do their best not to laugh as they come through the door.
“We’ve got owls saying that a particular someone is in need of cheering up,” Poppy states as she comes over and hugs me. “The freaky thing about nightmares is realizing that they were created by your own mind. Don’t stop dreaming just because you had a nightmare.” Her embrace is warm, and I lean my cheek against the short Hufflepuff.
Natty comes over and joins in the hug, next moment I’m suddenly the center of a very large hug, laughter bubbles from my lips as I try (and fail) to wiggle around. Amit is the first to pull away and looks around “Are there enough pillows? Other than food I think we’re all set” 
I chuckle as I side-eye Garreth, who’s already eating a random muffin, an innocent smile and shrugged shoulders thrown my way before I walk around the pillows and my friends. “We can always sneak into the kitchens, that is if Amit is willing to be the lookout?” A smile and an open door are all that are needed to urge the mixed-matched group of pajama-clad students to take action. Or maybe it's the mention of food?
“Are we in agreement that if a house-elf shows up, we leave Garreth or Sebastian as the sacrifice?” Ominis snickers at the harmonized ‘hey’ as we file past the portrait. Poppy is already grabbing muffins, mini mincemeat pies, and scones. Natty is in the back by the kegs, no doubt stuffing the charmed bag she’d gotten for Christmas with the mini kegs of butterbeer. I grab a couple of apples and a basket of dinner rolls. Soon, we’re heading back to The Room.
Once back in the room, a table was placed in the center of the pillows. We slowly emptied our bags and robe pockets of the food and snacks. Natty placed two kegs in the center of the table while I conjured mugs. A glance at Deek as he came to join us at the beckoning of Natty and Poppy, and the tendrils of the once-recurring nightmares quickly faded from my mind. Laughter and chatting filled the late-hour air, shortly followed by yawns and groans of full bellies.
“Personally, I am ready to pass out. I’m not sure about the rest of you.” Amit states as a yawn escapes him. A unified agreement rings among us, and we’re quick to vanish any traces of food and drink. Natty and Garreth are quick to go curl up with Amit as they quietly chatter about odd interests. Poppy and I curl up with Sebastian laid out behind us, acting as a pillow. Ominis finds my lap once I settle myself.
I spy Deek at the steps of the hallway leading to the lower room and smile softly at him as he nods back at me, a smile of his own, as he's been a pillar of strength for me since my nightmares started. A yawn slips past my lips as my eyelids grow heavy, and the tendrils of the once-recurring nightmares quickly fade from my mind.
“There's something about kindred spirits. You meet them, and for a moment, this world—no matter how ugly—makes sense. They bring a sense of freedom and clarity to the conversation, just enough to remind you of who you are.”
I love the unexpected friendships I’ve made this year. If not for them being here, I’d have lost myself in a way no one would return from. A smile paints my face as I fall asleep, knowing I’ll never be alone.
Nikki Rowe
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deanstead · 1 year
There Will Be Peace (5): Real Monster
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Chapter 5: Real Monster
Chapter Summary: As Y/N becomes aware of the real monster in this case, Dean and Y/N have to rush over to Sam’s aid.
Word Count: 2K+
Warnings: allusions to sexual assault/grooming behavior, mentions of sexual predators, canon-typical mentions of guns, injuries
A/N: Okay, I know I am the worst, I am sorry! I had to take an extended break from writing in general, and then I had to get back into the groove of this but here's an update! I realize I should have updated this eons ago but too many things have happened! Anyway, let me know what you think if you can!
Chapter 4 || Chapter 6
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Sam headed straight for the guidance counselor’s office, picking the lock and slipping into the room quietly.
He looked around before heading for a chest of drawers, rifling through the files and trying to find a Sarah Smith. “Hello, Sam?” Sam muttered to himself before closing the drawer. If there was anything to hide, the file wouldn’t be in an unlocked drawer.
He glanced around before he found what he had been looking for - a locked drawer tucked under the desk, almost invisible to anyone who didn’t know it was there, or who wasn’t looking for it.
“Come on.” He muttered to himself as he picked at the lock, taking longer than he’d expected, glancing up periodically.
Sam quickly rifled through the contents, finding a bunch of papers and spreading them all out onto the table that was in front of him, his eyes scanning as quickly as he could. There was something weird about all the papers laid out here in front of him now.
Sam bent down to look back in the drawer, noticing something small that must have dropped out of the bunch of papers when he’d taken them out and he frowned as he picked it up.
It looked like a handmade bracelet, one of those things that teenagers liked to make with their friends, but he didn’t have long to dwell on it.
Sam stuffed the bracelet into his pocket, but before he could pick up the notes, his head snapped up at a sound.
“What the hell are you doing in here?”
Crap, too late.
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“Y/N!” Dean yelled, watching you crumple to the ground just before the blinds fell, which only made Dean more nervous.
“Damn it!” Dean yelled, long forgetting that they’d sneaked in as he yelled. “Y/N!”
Dean threw his weight against the door but it wouldn’t budge. The unease settling in the pit of Dean’s stomach was new and kind of confusing, but right now all Dean could think of was getting through that door.
Dean threw himself against the door one last time, muttering to himself that he’d shoot the door down if he had to when the door creaked open and Dean tumbled through.
“What the hell…” Dean muttered but snapped his head up at where you were lying crumpled on the floor just a few feet away.
“Y/N!” Dean scrambled up and towards you, barely touching your arm before your eyes flew open.
You blinked, looking up at Dean before you looked wildly around the room. Dean shook his head. “She’s gone.” He said, bending down next to you.
“Are you okay? Are you hurt?” Dean demanded.
You exhaled. “Dean.”
“What is it, Y/N?” Dean looked worried, as he peered at you.
“We got a problem. We gotta go get Sam.”
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Sam didn’t have an excuse for being here. His FBI badge wasn’t going to get him out of this one, that much he knew. At least he recognized the man standing in front of him now - the guidance counselor.
Sam was getting a bad hit so he really needed to make something up.
But Sam didn’t have any time to get a word in as the guidance counselor pointed his gun right at Sam.
Sam exhaled as he put his hands up. “Andrew, right? Andrew Foster? Listen, I know my partner talked to you this morning. Why don’t you put down the gun, alright?”
Andrew, the guidance counselor, didn’t seem so harmless anymore. Sam narrowed his eyes, knowing there was no way he could reach for his gun without first getting shot but waiting around for you and Dean seemed a bit of a long shot, especially if the both of you were held up dealing with the ghost.
“You found the file.”
It was a statement, not a question and Sam was once again reminded why Dean always said he’d deal with monsters any day. Humans were just crazy.
Sam didn’t respond to Andrew’s statement, instead just watching him, and with barely any prompting from Sam, Andrew started talking.
“At first, it just happened and then I found myself being drawn to her. Things just spiraled out of control.” Andrew went on while Sam was putting the pieces together in his head.
“She wanted to stop. She wanted to report me. I didn’t have a choice, she forced my hand.” Andrew finished telling the story of how he’d taken advantage of the young and vulnerable Sarah and Sam had to take a breath so that he wouldn’t punch the lights out of the armed man standing in front of him.
Sam narrowed his eyes. “So basically you’re saying a teenager turned you into a sexual predator? How many other girls were there before Sarah? Girls that didn’t have the courage Sarah had to try and stop you?” Sam internally sighed, he hadn’t been able to curb it after all. Although he couldn’t imagine what would happen if it was Dean who was standing here now instead of him.
“That, you don’t need to know. I just wanted you to know what you’re dying for.” Andrew said, pulling up his gun now.
Andrew put his hand on the trigger and Sam ground his teeth together before there was another click.
“Drop it,” Dean growled, as Andrew felt the nozzle of Dean’s gun graze the back of his neck just slightly.
Dean held the gun just slightly away from the back of the guidance counselor’s neck, like a trained professional. You remembered that class when you’d been in the academy, the one where they’d taught all of you to stay a short distance away from whichever perp you’d be arresting, so he couldn’t twist the gun out of your hands too easily. You just wanted to give a dry laugh at this very thought. If only your instructor could see you now.
You stepped to the side just a little just in case Dean needed some space, peering in and breathing a sigh of relief to see Sam was standing and looking none the worse for wear.
“I said, drop the gun. Your finger so much as twitches, I’ll blow your damn brains out.” Dean growled, his eyes flicking up to Sam.
Andrew lowered the gun now, pulling his finger away from the trigger, glancing backward as far as he could at Dean. “I knew there was something about the way you were fishing for information. Walk away and no one gets hurt.”
Dean narrowed his eyes. “Big talk for a freaking perv.”
You’d filled Dean in as much as you could while the both of you ran to get Sam. There’d been something different about this ghost, and you’d been right. She hadn’t hurt you, she’d shown you - at least enough for you to know that Andrew was dangerous.
With a sudden motion, Andrew threw himself backwards against Dean, sending both their bodies tumbling onto the floor.
“Dean!” You yelled but even though you held your gun in your hand, there was no way you could shoot, not without the danger of accidentally shooting Dean as they struggled on the floor. Sam hurried forward towards you, opening his palm to show you the friendship bracelet.
“That’s it, Sam but…”
Your voice trailed off. “Alright, I’ll handle the ghost. The two of you…”
You nodded. “I’ll get the police here. Go.”
Sam nodded, heading a little way off so he could burn what was left of Sarah’s things. No matter what, Sarah was killing people and they had to stop her.
You ran into the office now, trying not to be distracted by the sound of the fighting outside, resisting the temptation to make sure neither Dean nor Sam was hurt. Blocking out the sounds you moved behind the desk, finding the phone under the scattered pieces of paper that Sam must have been sieving through.
You picked up the receiver, glad that at least this was working, quickly dialing in the number of the detective that you’d spoken to that morning when the three of you had visited the local precinct. Normally, the three of you avoided police interaction as much as possible save for the early part of the case, but in this case, the human was definitely more dangerous than the ghost lurking around. In fact, you were pretty sure the ghost problem would be solved once Andrew was taken care of.
“Detective, it’s Agent Day. Requesting local police assistance at the school. We have a…”
You were talking fast but apparently not fast enough.
“Y/N!” You heard Dean yell, followed closely by a gunshot.
You didn’t even look up as you dropped yourself to the ground, bringing the phone down with you with a distinct crash.
There were more scuffling sounds and you peered around to check.
“Sammy!” Dean yelled and you peered out from around the huge desk in the middle of the office.
Sarah had appeared right in front of Andrew, looking definitely like the vengeful spirit the three of you had been coming to hunt in the first place. Normally, the three of you would always try to keep the supernatural away from people, guilty or not, but Dean didn’t look particularly interested in getting the ghost to back off yet, considering Andrew had almost shot Sam just a few minutes ago.
Andrew was frozen, staring terrified at the face of the girl he had murdered and Sam paused, the lit lighter in one hand, the rest of her belongings in the bin in front of him, as if he was hesitating to put this spirit to rest.
Thank you.
Sarah’s voice washed over you as you watched her eyes tick up at you and she nodded at you like she was ready. You took a breath and nodded at Sam who now dropped the lighter into the bin and she disappeared.
Dean took the opportunity to hold Andrew down, as the police now swarmed in.
“Y/N?” Dean called.
“I’m okay!” You answered, and you could even hear Dean’s sigh of relief.
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The police had taken Andrew into custody immediately, Sam handing them all the evidence that they needed to put him away for good. Andrew’s face was still white as a sheet and you hoped the scumbag would never forget that moment, ever.
It was only when the three of you were climbing out of the Impala back at the bunker that Dean paused, turning to peer at you.
“Y/N, what the hell, you’re bleeding.”
You glanced down at your arm, a small patch of blood that had formed on your sleeve. “Oh.”
“Oh?” Dean repeated, looking at you incredulously as his voice rose. “Were you shot?”
Sam turned back as he heard Dean’s voice rise.
“I’m fine. It doesn’t really hurt.” You answered, although it gave a stupid throb as if it needed to prove you wrong.
You scowled down at it and Dean rolled his eyes.
“I’ll get the stuff,” Sam said, disappearing into the bunker ahead of the two of you, as Dean reached out for your arm gently and led you inside.
The bullet had grazed your arm but as you had been trying to explain to both Sam and Dean, it really hadn’t hurt. Dean gave you a look as you flinched while he was cleaning your wound. “Until now. Maybe it was the adrenaline or whatever.”
“I’ll go get some food. Be back in a bit.” Sam said as Dean nodded at him, and you heard Sam leave.
There was a silence after Sam left and you tried to focus on not flinching. “Y/N, it’s okay.” Dean said in a low voice.
You looked up at him.
“You don’t have to…” He paused. “Don’t hold it back. It’s okay to show you’re in pain.”
You blinked back at him.
Dean smiled. “Yes, I know I’m not the best person to preach this, but I’m serious. It’s okay.”
You gave Dean a look. “Dean, seriously. I wasn’t holding back, alright? I seriously didn’t feel it until we got back.”
Dean sighed. “Fine, but you have to tell me if you’re hurt alright? Otherwise you’re not coming out for hunts anymore.”
You glared at him and Dean shrugged. “That’s the way it is.”
You exhaled and nodded. “Yeah, I got it.”
Dean smiled, patting your head gently as he slapped on the bandage. “That’s the only way I can protect the both of you.”
You just smiled up at him, the warmth spreading in your chest once again. “Thanks, Dean.”
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If you want to support me, buy me a coffee!
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that1emowitch · 9 months
Villain - Chapter 6: Arkham Knight
Chapter links: Ch. 1, Ch. 2, Ch.3, Ch. 4, Ch. 5, Ch.6
Jason escapes Arkham on his own and starts planning out his villain arc.
Guys just so you know, Jason in this timeline is actually Red Hood, but I'm just using the persona of Arkham Knight as Jay's villain self. He's not gonna do the things AK!Jason did.
Pov of Jason Todd, about a few hours after the last chapter.
I don’t want to go to lunch. Some part of me just wants to let me starve. If I’m going to die again, I’d rather it be on my terms than because the Rogue Gallery beat me to death. But the guards drag me there anyway.
A more rational side of me knows lunch is my best chance to escape.
Not that I have much of a chance anyway. Even with my enhanced healing from the Pit, it’d take me at least a few days of rest to completely recover.
Good thing I don’t have to completely recover for my plan to work.
When the guards force me onto a seat in the canteen and shove a plate of slop in front of me, I take a look around. As expected, all the Rogues coming in are looking at me, but they’re still being escorted by their guards. Right now, they can’t really harm me much.
This is my chance.
I suddenly throw my elbows back, catching both my escort guards in their groins, and quickly snatch a gun and card. A few bullets shoot towards me, but I dodge and make for the doorway. There are a huge number of guards coming after me, with reinforcements on the way, but the two dozen or so guards escorting other inmates, according to standard procedure, are stuck bringing their charges back to their cells so they don’t try to escape either. I can sense another fight going on, between Bane and the guards, but I pay it no mind.
Instead, I make my way out of the door, straight to the locker room where I’m certain all my equiptment’s locked up. I’m running purely on adrenaline, ignoring my legs screaming in agony. I shoot every damn person in my way, making full use of my League training, until I find myself in the locker room. I barricade the door behind me, making sure no one can follow. 
The alarms blaring are now being accompanied by the sound of the whole place being locked down, but it’s nothing a few bombs couldn’t solve.
I find my equipment soon enough and quickly suit up. As I pull on my jacket and helmet, I suddenly feel much less claustrophobic, like the familiarity of the suit is granting me safety. 
Obviously, they don’t just leave bombs lying around in Arkham, but they haven’t found those hidden in my helmet. My trusty guns are gone, I’ll have to make do without them.
It takes me less than a second to blow up the wall. I feel the fresh, cool air, and immediately start running in the direction of the wall surrounding the prison. For some reason, there aren’t as many guards around me as I expected. That’s when I see huge plants breaking away at a wall in the distance, with an armada of guards fighting them, but I don’t wait around to find out what’s going on. 
What happens next feels like a blur— like I’m relying completely on my instincts to get me to safety. I’m vaguely aware of killing a few guards, blowing up another wall, stealing a car, driving to my safe house, then collapsing on the floor.
When I wake up I’m lying in a dried pool of my own blood. Seeing that jerks me awake instantly. My wounds mostly seem to have healed, but I can see a bullet wound I’ll have to reopen to dig the bullet out.
The memories come back to me in a wave— Batman putting me in Arkham, the Rogues, the J— NO!  
I lean against a nearby chair, pulling myself up and shaking the thoughts ut of my head.
First things first. I need to clean up. This is a fucking mess. And I need to know the date.
I check my phone— I’ve been unconscious for 2 days. That’s two days wasted. Quietly scolding myself, I move to clean up the area, getting it done in a matter of minutes.
My stomach’s growling, but my thoughts are elsewhere— the Batman. Bruce. The man who pretended to be my father, then replaced me the moment I was gone, didn’t even bother to avenge me. When I came back he pretended to love me again, just to throw me out the moment I broke his precious rule. Him and his little nest of birds. All fakers.
I slam my fist down on the counter, making a slight dent. I hate them.
I need a plan, I decide. The last time I did this, I made Bruce choose between me and the Joker. He chose the fucking Joker over me! That should’ve been my sign to get far, far away from this shitshow.
“You’re not leaving Gotham,” I whisper to myself. “There’s too many people here who need the Red Hood— the kids , Jason, think about the kids! ”
A snort escapes me as I realise I’m talking to myself. I really have gone crazy, haven’t I?
“You need your revenge,” I continue anyway. Talking out loud, for some reason, makes me feel less alone . “Something to make sure the Bats never haunt you again.”
There’s only one sureshot way to guarantee that, but another voice, deep in my mind whispers, No! We’re not killing them.
For some reason, I agree. But there are other ideas I have. I pull out a notebook from one of my hidden drawers and start scribbling down a name: Arkham Knight.
Arkham’s what started this phase in my life, it should get some credit.
Maybe Batsy will finally get a villain worthy of him.
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greywoe · 3 months
some thoughts on that first episode bc i might as well
- that first scene in the north did not make me very happy… maybe it’s just me who likes negotiations but i was looking forward to Jace’s World Tour of North/Eastern Westeros and his talks and bargains with the different houses (especially lady jeyne! i guess i can understand why they cut it out but i think when it comes to her there’s material to build an interesting character from, but whatever. another arryn L i guess :(), but what did we get but one (1) scene at the wall for some reason. i mean i like the night’s watch as much as the next person but this just felt like straight up GoT fanservice… like what does the threat beyond the wall have to do with this conflict? they could at least have given us some parley but there was barely anything of that either. cregan stark’s going to be important later so i thought they’d do more to establish him as a character now. but literally the next scene we see jace in he’s back at dragonstone….. ok (tho i guess they could return to the north later? idk we’ll see) (also, i care less for the sara snow subplot but i was sure they would do something with it since they love to go with the juicy stuff like forbidden love and whatnot)
- on that note i expect they’re going the singers’ route with erryk and arryk which i don’t really care for (they need to make me care more for those characters first) but it makes sense
- i’m ashamed of the fact that the alyn reveal made me go “ahh” aloud and my mum (who hasn’t read f&b) went “what???” and i just vaguely waved it off because it’s so annoying when people do that and i try not to but… i was surprised they introduced him so early
- aegon ii keeps being the most entertaining character on the show and he was the highlight to me. thank you for bringing a tinge of comedy. i’d say keep it up, but… well
- this is old discourse but i don’t have much of a problem with them showing alicent being groomed and manipulated in the show which probably makes her seem more sympathetic to viewers (and i can’t help but fall for every instance the lingering and complex feelings between her and rhaenyra that still clearly affect her come up) but now i’d like to see her being more active. i liked her confronting otto but (so far) for the most part she seemed a bit uninvolved and inactive (except for the sex scenes with criston… -_- which i guess are intended to bite them in the ass later which is why it’s continuously brought up, but so far i do not care for it). i just want to see her contributing more of her own i guess. but there’s plenty of time for that in the upcoming episodes, especially now after the death of another child 😔
- i sure hope we get to see more of baela and rhaena. this was only the first episode, i will have hope in my heart
- helaena’s line about being scared of the rats felt like clever foreshadowing when i heard it, except that the blood & cheese thing happened just a few scenes later……. suddenly it didn’t feel so clever anymore, nobody will have forgotten it at that point (the best foreshadowing imo is stuff that you maybe don’t notice at first and only catch on your rewatch)
- and about that, as relieved as i am about the violence being toned down, reading the book the whole “damning one child to die but the other one is slain, so now you and your child have to live with the fact that you named him to be killed” business was very impactful so i’m a bit disappointed nonetheless. for a show that so clearly opts for emotional impact, i mean… though i suppose cutting a kid or two out is understandable. but the way they made a whole deal about not knowing the sex of the twins (and the assassins being surprisingly gentlemanly about it lol) made me wonder if they mean to do a big plot twist where helaena was lying about it and actually rescued jaehaerys, but also that (unnecessarily) changes some things and what would be the point of that. 🤔 i did really like helaena’s acting during the scene though, opting for pure shock and dissociation rather than making it a dramatic tearfest. i like helaena as a character too, from what little we have seen of her anyway, and i wish she’d had more moments previously in the show so that we as viewers would be even more emotionally connected to her, but she gets pretty sidelined in comparison to her brothers. we don’t get to know much about her in the book so i feel like that’s what the show is for! expanding upon the book!
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knowltonsrangers · 2 years
ideal location [ch.12]
Nathan Hale x F!Reader
[tw: more foul language than my usual swears. some mild angst ahead.]
It’s like a carpet was ripped straight from under your feet, knocking the wind out of you as you’ve realized what you’ve done.
Everything stopped, all at once.
The television continued on, the music trickling out to start the scene in a chain reaction, goosebumps raising along your arms.
Oh, how you wished you had thought all this through. There was no hesitation, no regret, but—
You gasped, pulling away as you stare into his eyes, seeing the hurt in them at your own reaction. If anything, it made your mind reel.
Scrambling to stand, you launch yourself off the couch, hands running shaking through your hair as you backtrack throughout the foyer.
Nathan asks softly, watching you shuffle around with a mildly concerned look on his face.
You turn, eyes bleary, acknowledging that you’ve heard him, but haven’t quite found your voice to answer him.
“Did I do something wrong?”
He’s clearly upset himself, and it be all at your wild reaction. You had reciprocated, so what was the purpose of your reaction?
“N-no, yes-I—I don’t know,”
You warble, wiping away a few stray tears as they trickle down your cheeks. You weren’t trying to make him feel bad, not at all, but in your inability to answer, you were doing a damn good job.
“F-fuck, I’m sorry, Nathan, I—I need to go to bed. I need to be alone, I’m sorry, I—“
You lose your train of thought, simply turning and trekking down the hallway to your room, where you slam the door, and lock it shut.
Nathan sat, utterly completely stumped, swiping a lock of blonde hair back behind his ear.
Well. If he was expecting a response, it most definitely was not along the lines of that.
You hadn’t hurt him, no. If you were truly offended by his gesture you would have slapped him, yelled at him, told him to get out—no, this wasn’t anger, at least the way he remembered it. You were emotionally confused, embarrassed, whatever he saw in your eyes, but it wasn’t anger.
He’d be lying if he said he didn’t enjoy that kiss. He’d been lying to himself, for the time he’s been here, saying that he didn’t admire you more than in a friendly manner.
Gathering up a handful of courage, letting a few minutes pass, he shuffles down the hall to your room, raising a hand to knock when he hears your crying.
Nathan sighs, but knocks twice, waiting with bated breath for your reply.
You don’t offer one.
He starts, palm coming to the door to lay flat against the wood.
“Was it not to your liking?”
He’s trying to get you to laugh, but it seems that he will have to shelf that jest for a later date. Now is clearly not any time to play the joke further.
“However, I am being honest, y/n. I do have feelings for you. Very much so. It has been rather difficult to…keep them at bay.”
Your heart stops, hand falling to your side as you stand to cross the room, opposite to the door.
Clearly, he sounds shy about it, but is he’s pushing his feelings aside to make you comfortable.
“I can only imagine you reciprocated the gesture because you felt the same way. But I have been wrong, many times before.”
Breath hitching, stopping you dead in your tracks, you know what he’s saying is true. And this only made the relationship worse, because how could you ever say goodbye to someone so important to you?
“I don’t…we really should worry about getting you home, Nathan, not about my feelings for you—“
“So they do exist as well!”
He laughs, tilting his head back. You can’t fight the blush that comes to your cheeks, thankful that he is not there to see it.
“Must you overthink things? Can we not just…live in this moment?”
“Can I explain something to you?”
He replies instantly.
And you feel the anxiety crawl as you gnaw on the inside of your cheek.
“I’m really bad at relationships. They never work for me. The only true one I’ve ever had…it ended really badly. I am just—I’m not sure…”
He waits for you to finish, but there’s nothing more to say.
“y/n, there is never any harm in…just allowing yourself to be happy.”
He’d did it. The one thing that no one was ever able to convince you of, the one fucking sentence that you’ve waited years for someone to say to you. The only thing you’ve ever wanted.
Now you’re a sobbing mess, hands coming up once more to hastily wipe away tears, but more come to replace them. Every time you blink your bleary eyes open, you just catch the white of that damn door.
Yet, he stands there, one hand on the door, and the other on the knob, that refuses to turn.
Was your ex that really of a shitty person, that he makes Nathan look like an angel?
Yes. Nathan Hale is a genuine, kind, and loving person.
Through your eyes, all you’ve been is a nuisance to him. Left him no choice but to carry you through the woods in the rain, made him relive his death every waking moment because of the need to re-evaluate the information and evidence one last time. Rambled on and on about how he needs to get home, like you were rejecting him, and wanted him gone.
But to your own betrayal, it was all lies. You knew the minute he did get back home, you’d be back to wandering the earth, as you felt before you’d met him.
You wanted him to stay, because it was the most you’ve smiled in years.
“Now I’ve gone and said something that has made you cry,”
Sniffling, you brush away as many tears as you can, hand reaching for the lock.
“No, these are happy tears.”
The door opens.
[a/n: I’m not super happy with this chapter, I loved chapter eleven, I wanted this chapter to be something that would be comparable. I re-wrote this three times, taking bits and pieces, but it’s still not 100% for me. all I can hope is I have a clearer picture to start ch13. love you guys 💕]
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tache-noire · 2 years
Rating: 18+ (sexually explicit content)
Ship: Papa II + GN!Reader
Contents: Dom/Sub, degradation, fingering, overstimulation, begging
Summary: You always get what you ask for from Papa, for better or worse. (repost from 2020)
AO3 link
“Oh, gattino mio, what’s wrong? Are you unsatisfied with what your Papa has given you? After all your teasing and bedroom eyes from across the chapel, silently begging to be noticed and indulged… Is this not what you wanted, my dear sinner?”
It is, of course it is. Immediately after the day’s sermon, in front of the whole congregation, he strode straight down the aisle to where you were seated, looking you straight in the eye the whole time. You’d be lying if you said it wasn’t a terrifying sight, but despite the pounding of your heart you’d been frozen in place. Your own pulse drowned out the murmurs of the other worshipers as the dark Papa Emeritus II took your hand and escorted you away, the urgency of his stride causing you to stumble.
This is what you wanted, and so much more. Almost too much.
“Mm, I don’t think you’ve had enough just yet. I think you can cum just one last time for me.”
He curls his gloved fingers inside you, and you whimper pathetically. You’ve lost count, but at this point, one sounds like one million. You shake your head.
“No? After all those times you’ve confessed your dreams of my cock, my “unholy seed” filling you, are you sure you can let this opportunity pass by?”
You cover your face with your hands. He knew. How could you think he wouldn’t recognize your voice? He chuckles at your reaction. Peeking through your fingers, you watch as your Papa pulls off his leather gloves with his teeth and sets them aside. His bare hands on your skin feel charged with electricity. In spite of your exhaustion, simply stroking your sides works your body back to a state of burning arousal. You do want it. Want him.
“That’s it. Don’t deny yourself, cara troia.”
You let him take your hands away from your face and pin them by your head. He shifts closer, settling snugly between your legs, his erection prodding at your entrance. You try to pull him closer with your legs around his waist, but he stays put.
“Tut-tut, little one. I’ll hear you beg first.”
You whine and rock your hips up toward him, to no avail. He doesn’t budge a fraction of an inch. Doesn’t even react to you rubbing against the head of his cock.
You quickly lose patience with his teasing– much as he’d grown tired of yours, you suppose. Dignity be damned, you can’t hold back your desires any longer.
“Please, Papa..! Please fuck me! I want your cock inside me!”
He inhales sharply, pleasantly surprised by your loud outburst. Your heart pounds in your chest as he releases your hands and takes hold of your hips instead, lining himself up to thrust into you. He leans down, and you meet his lips halfway, with equal fervor.
He growls under his breath:
“Come vuoi, gattino. Don’t expect me to stop until I’m satisfied.”
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zoroara · 2 years
Drabble - Job opportunity
I’m just going to be writing a scenario with Vittorio, in his point of view here, specifically what happens directly after his capture after the fight with the Varia.
The first thing that he felt when his senses finally came back, was sheer agony. Their head was pounding and their chest ached. Breathing ragged from the damage done to his lungs he soon choked on a cough, spitting up blood with it. They slowly opened their eyes as they forced themself to stay calm, he observed himself and his surroundings.
The cold room he was in wasn’t so much of a jail that he expected, no it looks rather they had put them in an empty boarding room at the current moment. Though he has the lingering worry this lax treatment is due to lack of time and rather just a temporary arrangement. But seeing no one in the room at the moment they carefully take time to assess their physical state.
That lovely little status can easily summed up as: fucked. The stitches that were probably the only thing holding his organs inside of him weren’t going to be something he relied on in the slightest. The fact he wasn’t wearing a shirt does explain the chill he was feeling though.
“Guess they liked being able to see the goods a bit too much~” More like they didn’t have anything he could wear and his ribs had certainly ruined the old shirt when they ruptured through his chest. Damn Lussuria had played too rough. But the lack of a shirt is the least of his worries. How well is he tied?
Well given his legs are practically wrapped in roped that he feels like he’s going to lose feeling in them. Well that’s certainly not an option to go about... Let’s test the arms. As he wriggles the bindings he can hear footsteps... Well stomping, someone is pissed. Given his knowledge? Definitely the captain, probably trying to seem more intimidating after that fight. They’ll have to do the same, you can’t show weakness with the Varia. That he knows is a death sentence. “Voooooi, time to wake up.”
The captain, a man Vittorio knew to be named Superbi Squalo, hadn’t particularly fared well in their battle. But given the things he’s read about that man... eaten by a shark, punched through the heart.... it was no surprise to them that after being stabbed through the chest and abdomen, then shot after that this man was up again. Though it certainly does not look like he’s unscathed, bandaged up and just as ragged as they felt, Vittorio could not help but to feel a little guilty for the damage done. But he won’t let his glare shift to show that.
“You work for us now.”
This statement from Squalo. This made him freeze, not because it scared him, no because... “I thought you were trying to get rid of me. Change of plans?”
“Something like that.”
He quietly sat analyzing the Captain. He didn’t seem to be lying about this, and they certainly would have killed him. It’d be unlike the Varia to keep a target if they had no use for them. He does take pride in his engineering work but it’s not like the Varia couldn’t have just contracted him... Maybe there really was a change in plans.
“And what are they now?”
“You’re going to be our engineer. We have job for you.” Vittorio soon smiled slyly. A job from the Varia hm? They surely plan on killing or torturing him if he says no. But, he already knows what they can do. He also already knows how well he’d put up against them in a fight. He just needs time, and now they’re letting him play with their equipment? They know how to play this. Keep your head low, but act natural. They’ll escape in no time... But in the mean time, this is a good opportunity to get their hands on material they’ve never touched. This could be veeery fun.
“Well why didn’t you start with that?~ I accept. Now what can I do for the handsome second sword emperor~?”
He sits up straight and gives a playful little smirk to the captain. Who seems relatively un-phased, they can’t help but wonder if Squalo didn’t realize or is just purposely ignoring it.
“Voooi... don’t think tryin to sweet talk me will get me on your good side. We need you to make us something for defenses. More specifically uniforms” Oh his research shows it works veeery well to compliment the man whenever possible, and the grumbling about it rather than aggression only proves it works. But he does nod to Squalo’s request. Already he can think of some major improvements to the combat uniform. It doesn’t even have armour at best it appears to be leather but that does little to protect from the rigorous battles they’ve been put through. “I could do something for you. Just get me your measurements, pencil, paper, and of course untie me. I love a challenge you know, and this? Seems right up my alley~”
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thequietmanno1 · 1 year
Thelreads, MHA 271, Replies Part 1
1) “But it seems like we`ll be focused on Tokoyami, if the tittle and this page is anything to go by. Tokoyami, who just managed to break free from Fatgum`s quirk. Damn boy, you really want to stop KFC from happening, do you?”-  Since you missed the rescue page of Tokoyami jumping in at the last moment to save hawks, this was a mini-flashback showing how he got there in time. I appreciate that Fatgum didn’t actually let him charge back into a dangerous battlefield when he was charged with protecting him and the kids, but instead underestimated how strong Tokoyami actually is with Dark Shadow 2) “what you think they are gonna do? sit around and be safe? stay out of trouble? hell fucking no, they are gonna rush straight towards danger, because they want to happen.
by the time you actually reach Tokoyami you`ll look back and see that those three are right behind you.”- It’s actually a good thing they didn’t, or they’ve have been crushed by Mt lady’s flying bulldozer of a derriere. Sometimes, Lacking Izuku’s instinct to throw himself headfirst into danger is a good thing for future heroes to have. 3) “Oh, now we have the cover page…
Well, it is a pretty cool one, not gonna lie. It`s from the ED au where they are fantasy characters, right? I remember the whole Ida as a knight, uraraka as a magician, Shoto as prince stuff. It was awesome, and god I wish we could have that manga as well
hori pls we need it”- Another mangaka called Hiro Mashima has released about 3-4 different series’ worth of characters that are all in some form mainly reskins of his prior characters in the preceding title, so I could actually see Horikoshi doing something similar with this, seeing at it seems to be a fairly popular concept. 4) “And now Dabi is going to try to cause some more emotional damage to me, and destabilize Tokoyami by pointing at the corpse thrown to the side and going “hey look, want to guess which top hero killed this fucker here, i`ll give you three shots.””- It might also be a tactic to try and buy himself more time for a cooldown, but I found it noticeable how Dabi did seem genuinely off put that the heroes were including kids in their battle strategy, and decided to take the time he needed trying to break this kid’s faith in those he looked up to. I got the sense that he’d already recharged enough by the time Tokoyami was trying to cool down Hawks’ back, especially since he was willing to take a little scorching himself to unleash the necessary finishing blow, but he deemed it actually more important to try and break the idea of a hero inside an enemy rather than rushing to finish them off, almost like he wanted to drag Hawks down not just physically or mentally, but also to those who personally knew him.
   (MHC ch 267) 5) “NOW KID, DON`T MIND THE BODY LYING THERE WITH A SWORD HOLE ON HIS BACK, WE CAN EXPLAIN THAT LATER.”- Dabi will be happy to monologue about it for as long as it takes him to recharge for another blast. 6) “oh fuck you dabi, you want to tell him who was the one that pushed Twice into this knowing what was gonna happen? the one that knew was hurt and yet made him go out there and fight?
Hawks pulled the trigger, but I guess you don`t want to tell who aimed the gun, right? And unfortunately, that dirty trick is going to work, because if there was one thing that tokoyami would never expect would for his idol to kill someone, even a villain.”- ‘Heroes don’t kill’ is a concept that is idealism at its finest, and Dabi is happy to exploit any situation he’s in to prove how even those heroes who want to do good and abide by the rules as much as possible are only human, and will break them when it benefits them, uncaring that they’re still worthy of admiration despite that flaw, as it’s only a last resort.
7) “Oh, we`re gonna have an evil breaking speech? Alright, that gives enough time for Fatgum and his troupe to show up, keep it coming Dabi, you`re doing amazing.”- Time enough for Dabi to charge up enough to unleash enough firepower to finish of Tokoyami and anybody else who came to the rescue too. Back in Deika city, Twice vetoed the idea of unleashing a small crowd of Dabis because of how little the original demonstrably cares for collateral damage. If it benefitted him, he’d unleash a hellfire blast that’d incinerate his ‘allies’ in the PLF, just so long as it was guaranteed to catch his targets in it – hell, that’s exactly the tactic he used with Twice and Hawks.
8) “Alright, at least you haven`t lashed out in anger, that`s good.”- And the thing that puts Dabi on the attack and makes him try to kill Tokiyami, and otherwise unrelated hero to him, isn’t just that he’s rescuing hawks, but that he refuses to give up on believing in him even after hearing of the bad things he’s done. To that end, Dabi willingly takes on a little self-burning just for a guaranteed shot at killing a teenagers who still maintains his idealism even in the face of grim reality.
9) “Well, that was expected. It was not like Dabi would pass the chance of killing a kid and claiming the moral high ground.”- He actually might have, if Tokoyami had fallen for his manipulations and had his faith in hawks shattered by it. I got the impression he really was willing to halt the attack, since he’d gotten some kind of achievement from events already, and calls it off once they’re far enough out of rnage, but pressed onwards for the personal satisfaction of killing Tokoyami when he didn’t lose faith in his hero.
10) “What is it Hawks? Extra dip of ketchup? Don`t worry, it shall be done- Ah no, wait, you want Dabi to keep monologuing? Are you hoping for backup?”- I like that Dabi’s chatterbox tendencies aren’t just a means of him trying to break his enemies psychologically, but also a means of him buying time to properly use his self-destructive abilities for an extended period. @thelreads
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peony-pearl · 2 years
Looking at what goes on with Azula, I feel like it’s been lost on how to actually appreciate a tragically written character. She and Zuko were each other’s narrative parallel; he started at the bottom while she was better than him in so many different ways. He ended up finding his way outside of the Fire Nation and his father’s expectations while she had been so caught up in their father’s favoritism, it held her back and she fell victim to Ozai’s manipulations.
But I’ll be damned if I don’t say Azula is one of the most impressive characters in animated media. But I can also say that the girl was doomed from the start.
It’s tragedy; Zuko started as a tragedy and discovered himself because he had someone who wanted to truly help him. Was Iroh a perfect father? No. But he did want to try to help his nephew, who had been tossed away when Iroh would have given anything to have Lu Ten back. They were two imperfect puzzle pieces that were able to help each other in their own way.
Azula, in having so much of Ozai’s favor, didn’t feel the way Zuko did, and if she ever did, she hid it. She was, after all, so much more talented and smarter than her older brother. She had everything, right?
Until Mai resisted. Then Ty Lee resisted. Then Ozai abandoned her. All of these different motives and intentions crashing down on her need for perfection.
Azula does, imo, deserve to have a chance to be seen as her own person. But to simply go straight to a black and white ‘redemption arc’/’rehabilitation’ sounds strange; like we’re expecting something of her that she wouldn’t even realize she needs to go through.
For Zuko, in the show, people weren’t just saying ‘oh we just need to make him better’; no, people avoided him when he was doing awful things, and his traumatized ass had to WORK for trust and compassion from those he’d hurt.
I think what gets forgotten is all of the different motives and mindsets of the characters when dealing with each other.
Azula being misused by Ozai goes unseen by herself and Zuko because it’s blanketed as love and admiration while Zuko gets half of his face barbecued.
Iroh doesn’t notice that Ozai has put so much pressure on her and is saying hurtful things because she is a potential danger to himself and to Zuko. Her first scene in the show is smiling at Zuko’s scarring, and then she comes to tell them she’s taking them home and is lying to Zuko about Ozai’s intentions, telling him that Ozai wants him home. This is something Zuko has desperately wanted not only for three years, but to hear Ozai wants him home at all?? For all of the verbal abuse he’s put on Zuko? Azula pries that wound open and wriggles her little salt-coated finger in it and smiles when Zuko laments that she lied to him.
To say that Azula deserved a breakdown?? Not something of that magnitude, especially seeing that it was brought on by the toxic mindset implanted by Ozai.
HOWEVER. Azula was still very much partially at the helm of continuing a century of war and devastating an entire world for the sake of her Nation having power over it.
If her friends rebellion and her father abandoning her didn’t happen, and they did end up besieging an entire world, would her status as a used child still matter after she would grow to be Iroh’s age? And she’s helping to strip the world of hope and peace for power, and now she’s sitting pretty on the bones of innocents? Regardless of how much blood she spilled personally, she could have very well have been the Fire Lord while Ozai was the Phoenix King as they controlled every inch of a world that was ravaged by them.
She would have benefited from her father’s and forefathers’ selfishness.
If it had been noted earlier that she was being used, and it was brought up to her, would she even believe them? Because to insinuate she wasn’t in full control of herself, a girl who is so powerful and clever? She’d skin you alive.
And yet she has no idea; and it’s invisible, because of all of the layers of her intelligence, and her loyalty to Ozai. Because she IS still a child, and is naive to how much stronger she is than Ozai in different ways, and yet, with his power, he would never let her know it. So he strings her along until it’s too late.
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hitnran · 3 years
OBSESSIVE EX (gender neutral! reader)
how they deal with you having an obsessive ex
includes: ran, rindou
CW: obsessive behavior, cursing, stalking (ran), phone harassment (rindou), the haitani brothers lowkey kinda scary here (not to the reader) 💀 but i’m just trying to make it fit within their character
Getting into a relationship with someone like Ran, half of the charismatic brother duo that ruled Roppongi, almost means guaranteed safety wherever you go. His title itself is one that is feared when murmured. Whenever you two leave, he always has an eye and a hand on you. Ran knows well that even if he is feared, he can also be challenged and the last thing he wants is for you to get involved — you would make an easy target for his enemies.
You two were out together on a stroll around the city. Although there was nothing neither of you needed, Ran’s favorite thing is showing you off. Sometimes you start to feel similar to his younger brother, thinking that you’re just a shadow and only known as ‘Ran’s partner.’ But Ran’s intentions were opposite. He wanted everyone to know that it was him that belonged to you and it is him that people would have to deal with if you were ever tested.
As you two are walking, Ran noticed your eyes consistently checking itself to the side. He took note of that and eventually brushed it off since you stopped. But then he noticed that you were being especially keen and scanning the whole area.
“Are you okay, love?” Ran slightly hunches down, getting your attention as your face turns his way. He lightly smiles at you. “Did you see something you liked?”
You swallowed down hard. You could’ve sworn you saw a familiar face, but after trying to scan the area numerous times for the past few minutes, you thought it was just you being paranoid. The last thing you wanted was to worry Ran and cause a scene.
“I’m okay,” You shook your head, returning a light smile. You grabbed on his arm, this time a little tighter. “Let’s turn into this corner.”
Ran knows when you’re lying. He knew something made you uncomfortable, but he wasn’t going to force you to tell him. Instead, he’ll make it his own problem too and deal with it himself.
This area was his territory and everyone knew it. It was almost as if Roppongi, a city known for liveliness, calmed down ever so slightly if one or both of the brothers were out. Everyone’s gaze wound be kept low and their conversations would go mute as they walk by.
At that moment, Ran could feel a pair of eyes staring your way. He won’t make it obvious though.
“Love,” Ran called out to you. You looked up his direction and he placed a hand against your lower back. “Rindou’s gonna throw a fit if I don’t bring back food for him. How about you go into the restaurant and order first while I call him and ask what he wants?”
You felt at ease hearing that you two were finally going to be in somewhere indoors, but it made you nervous that he would be separated from you for just a little while.
“Don’t wanna bring something back he won’t like and have him complain,” Ran lightly laughed, trying to ease your clear discomfort. He placed a hand over your head. Taking out his phone to add to his act. “I’ll be quick.”
After some hesitation, you gave in. It was a public space after all, so it shouldn’t have been anything to worry too much about. He watched as you entered the place before turning around, sending chills to the person who had been following you two around this whole time.
“Would be a shame if I left them alone for too long, wouldn’t it?” Ran gave off a sinister grin, slowly walking towards the person. “Wouldn’t want anyone to take them away…especially someone like you.”
Ran knew who this person was. He was an obsessive ex of yours that just would not leave you alone and accept the separation despite it being years passed. He gulped hard, nervously stepping back, not thinking that he would get caught.
“You were so bold to even follow us in the first place, why so shy now?” Ran smirked, hiking up the sleeves of his sweatshirt. “This is the first time you’ve heard of me or something? I should introduce myself to you well and hard then.”
Almost ten minutes had passed since you’ve been waiting for Ran. You sat patiently and waited. Your best guess as to what’s taking him so long revolves around Rindou. Maybe he was complaining about how he wanted food from a different place or being picky about menu opinions. Just as you were about to raise yourself from your seat to check up on Ran, you saw him enter.
“Did I make you wait too long?” Ran appeared, seating himself in front of you. The worse case scenario you had in mind was that he got into a fight, but in front of you, he looked just as how you last saw him. “You know how Rindou is.”
Your chest became relaxed and you gave a small smile, shaking your head, “What did he want from here?”
“I didn’t even listen to what he said,” Ran teased, opening up his menu and leaning back against the chair. You felt his legs sandwich your calves from beneath the table. “He can order it himself. All my money is going to you today.”
And that was how Ran liked it. Although Ran wanted everyone to know that he belonged to you, he knew how important it was for others to know that you belonged to him too. The image of the face of your ex is burned so clearly into his brain — face all bloodied up, mauled almost, as he failed to even whisper for forgiveness.
“I think there’s only one way I’m gonna let you outta here alive,” Ran kicked his body down with force, hearing something shift in his jaw. He couldn’t give half a damn about it. “Do you know what that is?”
Your ex was visibly beaten and weak now, barely able to even blink or properly form a sentence. Though, with his adam’s apple slightly moving from fear, Ran took it as a response.
Grabbing him by his hair upward, Ran bent down, looking straight at him, “You’re gonna leave them alone and never show your goddamn face again. If it wasn’t fucked already before, it sure is now. I promise you I’ll know if you’re even barely visible or a mile away, I won’t hesitate to kill you.”
Ran thought it was so disgusting how someone like you could ever have your time wasted on someone low like this ex of yours. Even if Ran saw him and his brother above everyone else, he always put you above him.
“Maybe even after this, I’ll send one of my men to go and beat the shit out of you every day so you could suffer for as long as you’ve tried to bother Y/N.”
Rindou can’t even remember what it took for you two to even reach this state of your guys relationship. He convinced himself that it was Ran, his older brother who wouldn’t shut up about how he was going to take you if Rindou didn’t make a move.
It genuinely surprises himself even whenever he looks your way, observing every detail and soaking in the idea that you are someone he can call his.
You two were watching a movie, or rather, supposed to. Rindou was too focused on side-eyeing you every now and then. You caught him a few times, but he would brush it off with comments like “this movie is boring” or “I’m just checking to see if you fell asleep.”
He would snap himself out of a trance after hearing your phone ring beside you. You eyed it once, looking at the caller ID and ignoring it. It wasn’t enough to cause Rindou to worry - it’s not his problem if you just didn’t wanna answer a call, it was your guys’ time anyway.
But then it rang once more again. Your ringtone dragged itself out halfway through before Rindou slightly raised his hand from your hip, pointing to the phone on the side of the couch.
“You not gonna answer that?” He asked.
You shook your head, eyes focused on the TV, “It’s fine. It’s an unknown caller ID.”
Rindou shrugged, ignoring it once again, but after a few more calls and your phone receiving back to back text messages, it was starting to irk him. He was close to just grabbing your phone and answering the call himself, but you were quick to act before him, just shutting it off.
“It must be spam or something,” You sighed, sitting back down.
“Yeah, well whatever it is, good thing you shut that damn thing off. That shit was annoying,” Rindou sighed, curling his arms around you again. “Let’s change the movie too or something. This one is boring.”
One thing about dating Rindou is that he seems uninterested in absolutely everything he does. Although you avoid thinking like that when it comes to your relationship with him, you always remind yourself that Rindou is someone who deeply cares for you. He shows it very differently compared to others, but you know.
He can recall a memory from a few weeks ago where you kept getting calls in the middle of your guys’ date. It annoyed him, but not as much as it annoyed you. You’ve pressed the red decline button at least five times now, stressing over it and spilling out everything about your previous ex.
At the end of your rant, Rindou grabbed your phone, picking up the call and saying words as simple as “leave them alone.” It was so simple, but for the next few weeks, it was silent. You finally thought you were free of harassment thanks to your boyfriend, but recently, they’ve been coming back as unknown caller IDs and more frequent than before.
Halfway through the movie, Rindou felt your body become more loose and relaxed beneath him. Your breath became slower and more steady. You had fallen asleep. He thought it was ironic to have someone as angelic as you in the arms of someone like him - a gang member always involving himself in trouble, even just for fun.
He stared at your phone just a reach away and then back at you. The last thing Rindou wanted was for you to be uncomfortable, or really, anything that isn’t where you aren’t happy.
When you woke up, the TV was shut off and you felt a blanket drape over your body. You realized you had fallen asleep from earlier, but you were expecting to find your boyfriend with you as well. That was when the door swung open and you were greeted with Rindou.
“Rindou?” You slowly let out, still adjusting from waking up. “I didn’t know you left.”
He raised a bag up midway in the air, it’s a bag from a bakery you often bought from, “You kept murmuring about it in your sleep. Didn’t want you to wake up all grumpy.”
“I don’t wake up grumpy!” You protested, watching as he took his seat next to you and unpacking all of your favorites.
“Yeah, okay,” Rindou joked. He listened to you puffing out before wrapping yourself around his arm.
“Thank you though,” You murmured out of embarrassment - maybe he was half right.
“It’s nothing,” He replied, softening his face into a grin. “Must’ve been hungry though if it got you talking in your sleep and drooling on my arm.”
You didn’t even know about half of the things he does for you, but he didn’t mind it, because if you were happy, then that was all that mattered.
It made Rindou feel guilty to turn on your phone and look through it. It wasn’t something that he ever felt the need to do - he trusted you and it felt wrong if you weren’t aware that he was using it. Though, at this time, he felt like it was for the better.
While you were silently sleeping, he browsed through your texts. It’s that same person - your ex back again to bother you. Rindou scoffed, making sure it wasn’t loud enough to wake you up, but he was angry. He clicked his tongue whilst composing a message.
Rindou knew you would never be so stupid as to meet up with someone like this, especially not after already experiencing it once. It was a good thing that it was just Rindou posing as you though. How delighted your ex felt to have finally received a response to you - ‘Let’s meet up here.’
Rindou thought it was so pathetic. This guy had no idea what he looked like, let alone that you even had a boyfriend. So when Rindou’s immediate reaction upon seeing him was to throw a punch, he was shocked.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?!” Your ex cried out, trying his best to dodge his attacks but failing in between his words and attempts.
“Me?!” Rindou snapped, pushing him to the ground and twisting his arms. “Speak for yourself.”
The man beneath him screamed in pain, “I-I’ll call the cops on you and have you arrested!”
“Yeah? You think they’ll give me less time if I tell them I was just trying to teach a creep a lesson?” Rindou pulled back on his arms a little harder, tendons and muscles stretching themselves out of place.
“T-The hell are you talking about?!” He stuttered out.
“Don’t bitch around. Might end yourself up in there if you keep this act of yours up - I’ve been once before,” Rindou smirked, pulling back more and more on his arms. “It was fine for me. My big bro and I even got some respect while in there, so what’s gonna happen when they hear about your name from me? You’re fresh meat to them.”
“W-Who even are you?!”
Rindou scoffed, “The same guy who warned you once to leave Y/N alone. I should’ve honestly went to find you myself personally and beat the shit out of you, but I hate wasting my time.”
Your boyfriend let the man go. If his arms weren’t all bent out of place and dislocated, he’d be crawling away by now. It was a sight that Rindou would laugh at. Upon seeing that his phone had fallen out of his pocket, the same phone used to consistently harass you, Rindou stomped down hard, breaking it into bits and pieces.
“Don’t waste my time again. Next time you do, call the cops, I promise you I won’t care if they catch me killing you,” Rindou turned his back around.
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bratkook · 3 years
right now. (m) jjk.
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not yet, almost , right now
pairing. jungkook x reader genre. fluff, smut, idiots to lovers!! word count. 14.8k warnings. two mega fucking idiots<33, miscommunication/dumb assumptions, smut in forms of: fingering, oral sex (f.), orgasm denial, spanking, some spit bc duh, unprotected sex, super sweet & lovey!! also jungkook is a sweetheart pls love him summary. coming to terms with your feelings after getting off to the idea of your close friend is a little harder than you thought, but how long can you take before jungkook decides its time to move on? note. did jlin forget how to write for a few weeks? yes, yes she did....i know this took a long time but life is rough man so forgive me... but anyways lol the final part to the not yet!verse is hereeeee! thank you to @kithtaehyung​ for reading this over for me ily!! thank you guys for enjoying this mini series, the response was really unexpected but im sososo happy over every comment/ask i’ve gotten for this story. once again, tysm for your love and let me know what you think<3
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The evening sun illuminates Jungkook’s apartment, golden hour bouncing off every reflective surface and straight into his eyes the second he walks in, immediately squinting as he makes a beeline to shut the blinds. His head was already throbbing from the hangover that decided to peak around noon, a mean case of nausea putting a damper on his work day. So as much as he loved soaking in some vitamin D today was not the day. 
“Are you joking?” he huffs as he brings down the blinds, hand yanking at the flimsy string in an attempt to get it unstuck. “How stup—you’d think with the amount I pay every month in rent the blinds would work!” 
Alright, so maybe he was a little grumpy today, choosing to take it out on an inanimate object and blame it purely on the bad decisions made last night—definitely had nothing to do with the residual moping of you going on a date. This could be fixed, easily. 
The first order of business? Texting you to see if you’d be interested in devouring greasy food from your favorite place down the street. He’d get to see you and finally put something in his stomach, it’s the best of both worlds really. 
Jungkook forgets about the blinds, leaving them stuck in the awkward position as he walks away entirely, fishing his phone out of his pocket while he enters his room. It’s the same text he always sends when he’s hangry: If I don’t get food in the next 15 mins I'm burning this place down and taking you with me. 
He knows the response he’ll get, either that meme of the child in front of a burning house or an equally hangry paragraph. The phone gets tossed onto his bed as he changes out of his work clothes, needing to dispose of the business casual attire that was suffocating him, his old college hoodie giving him the comfort he needs. 
By the time he’s finally slipping on his sneakers he’s expecting you to come knocking on his door, your impatient attitude always putting a smile on his face. Half of the time your neighbors thought you were having arguments from the way you’d pound onto the slab of wood, saying his name with just enough annoyance laced into each syllable it would fool anyone into thinking you were actually upset instead of being a brat. But when that never comes, he reaches for his phone again. 
A few notifications fill up his screen, some instagram direct message previews, his group chat that he never responded to, and a few emails coming through, but you had yet to respond. Maybe it’s a little creepy, but Jungkook knows you’re home because he passed by your parked car on his way in. So his mind jumps to two extremes: you were either face down, drowning in your bathtub, or that yellow shades wearing wannabe version of himself was at your place. 
Not an ounce of shame sits within him as he speedwalks to the side his bed was on, placing both palms onto the wall before his ear was pressed against the cold drywall. Jungkook’s not really sure what would make him feel good, hearing you and Jung Hoseok together, or hearing nothing at all. His ears strain to hear anything, but the only sound he gets is his own blood pumping. 
With a small pout he pulls back, deciding he’d play the annoying neighbor role today and pound on your door instead. It’s a role he doesn’t take lightly, knuckles banging on the wood loud enough for you to hear wherever you were in your apartment. It takes a few minutes before any sign of life is shown, your door creaking open, and Jungkook is thankful because he was about to head to the maintenance office to ask for a key in case you actually were drowning in your bathtub. 
“C’mon, let’s get food,” he declares instantly, a charming smile on his face as he stands with his hands stuffed into his jean pockets. The smile slowly falls off when he gets a good look at you, hair looking like a mess on your head and your fluffy blanket draped around you as you give out a weak cough. “Are you sick?”
“I think so,” you rasp out, leaning against your door frame and tugging the blanket tighter around you. 
“Did that fucker give you mono?” Jungkook looks irritated, brows pinched together in a grimace—something you’re definitely not accustomed to seeing so you almost don’t catch his accusation.
“Jungkook, no! It’s nothing serious.”
He doesn’t look fully convinced, but he shrugs anyways, positive you weren’t interested in getting interrogated when you were feeling under the weather. “Alright, let me know if you need me to drive you to the doctor if it becomes something serious.”
With a roll of your eyes and a small smile, you wave him off, slowly shutting the door behind you. Your eye immediately peeks through your peephole, not relaxing until he makes his way down the hall and enters the elevator, still on his quest for greasy food. 
“God, how old are you?” you grumble to yourself, yanking the blanket off your body and onto the floor with a huff. Pretending to be sick to avoid your friend was a new low, especially after the post-orgasm epiphany you had last night. A sane person would come to terms with their feelings and confess to them, uncertainty and possible rejection be damned! But you? No, you have to fake a cold like the giant coward you are. 
The guilt only deepens when a knock comes from your door an hour later, a quick peek through your peephole allowing you to see Jungkook setting two plastic bags on the floor before stepping back and walking to his apartment next door. You don’t come out until you hear his door shut, seeing the logo of your favorite diner down the street. No doubt would your comfort meal be inside the takeaway container. 
It takes all you have to not rush over to his place and say you were lying when you see he had also gone ahead and got you cold medication, a few different bottles because he surely didn’t know which was best, along with teas and some cough drops. 
You’re a dirty liar. A horrible friend too. 
That doesn’t stop you from devouring the meal in the takeout box as you’re hunched over your breakfast bar like a little gremlin. “This is just for today,” you mumble out to yourself as you set the plastic fork down and chug some of the leftover alcohol you had in your fridge. It’s your own version of a pity party, except the food feels heavy in your stomach, knowing the man you were avoiding was the one who bought it—bring on the guilt. 
“I’ll talk to him tomorrow.”
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You’re a dirty liar and horrible friend 2.0. Why this time? Because tomorrow stretched out a few more days than planned. It wasn’t entirely intentional at first, getting stuck at work longer than usual and missing the weekly hangout at your place where you got your remote covered in cheeto dust as you argued over what to watch. But it trickled down onto shorter replies to his texts, or you scrambling out of your apartment and into the elevator so fast in order to not run into him, your mind still trying to list all the pros and cons to this potential relationship before you even had the guts to confess to your feelings. 
Jungkook didn’t know thats what was occupying your mind, no he was currently thinking the worst. He notices the change instantly, recognizing it because this was the exact way you had acted while you were with Hajoon, right before you broke the news to him that you needed to keep some distance while you focused on your relationship. So Jungkook automatically assumes that your sudden change in behavior after going on a single date with Jung Hoseok, was because you wanted to make your relationship with this man work. 
His assumption stings—a lot actually—and soon enough he stops initiating conversations altogether. He didn’t want to hear you tell him you had to distance yourself again, he’s not sure his heart could handle that a second time, so he decides to get ahead of the curb and take a massive step away from you. It hurts him to know you’re right next door, and just like before, it’s like you’re back to being total strangers. 
Safe to say Jungkook was currently going on his own downward spiral. 
You could text him like nothing had happened and he’d accept it with open arms, but instead you text your best friend an SOS text, begging her to meet you at your place. She calls you dramatic at first, but once you say it’s about Jungkook she shows up at your place in record time. 
“Did you finally fuck him?” Is her greeting of choice, spoken shamelessly from the hallway with no worry about her volume. She cackles when you yank the bottle of wine from her grasp and tug her into your apartment, letting the door slam behind her. 
“You’re lucky he’s not home you bitch.” An eye roll is her only response, yanking the bottle back and making her way into your kitchen to grab the opener. 
“So you didn’t fuck him?” The cork pops at her question, a curious glance staring you down as she pours the red liquid into an oversized cup. 
“No Seulgi, I didn’t fuck him. But I did...something.” It makes your face warm up as you remember it, gratefully grabbing the cup she hands your way because you definitely need some liquid courage before confessing to your sins.
She hums in thought as she raids your pantry for something to munch on, settling on a bag of mini pretzels before leading you to your couch, needing to know the gossip that led to your sos text. “Okay, did you accidentally send him a nude then?”
“No, that wouldn’t be so bad I think?” Sending him an accidental nude would be laughable, probably resolved by a few screaming texts and dumb jokes before moving on. But new feelings seeing the light of day seemed so much worse. “But I sort of kissed him at a club a few weeks ago to get back at Hajoon—long story,” you cut in when you see her ready to fire off questions. 
“And then I went on that failed Tinder date I told you about, and when I got home I sort of heard him, you know,”— you mimic a jerking off motion with your hand and ignore her lewd gasp, “and then I…” you trail off shamefully. 
“No!” she gasps even louder, hand pressed to her mouth and eyes wide. 
“Yes! And the fucking orgasm opened my eyes and made me realize that maybe that tiny crush you guys always joke about him having is real, and maybe I have a tiny crush on him too.”
“Does he know?”
“That I like him?”
“No, that you rubbed one out while listening to him you dirty slut!” Oh she’s loving this, leaning back into your cushions with a handful of pretzels resting on her boobs, a sly smile on her lips as she takes a sip of her wine. She’s the one who planted the seed in your mind, playfully joking about Jungkook any chance she got, saying he had the hots for you because she enjoyed the flustered look on your face. No doubt would she text the group chat with the news the second you finish this cry for help. 
“Do you think I told him? I can barely come to terms with the fact that I like him. Like what am I supposed to do?”
She sighs dramatically, munching on the final pretzel on her tits before sitting up and dusting off the crumbs from her shirt. “Look, I know you’re just realizing that he likes you so this is still new and fresh for you, but we’ve noticed it for years. It’s fine that you didn’t see it, you had other things occupying your mind.” 
You frown as you stare at the rug beneath your feet, remembering how life was when you first moved into this complex. Getting out of a previous relationship weeks prior, when you had met Jungkook your mind was not interested in pursuing anything with him regardless of how cute you thought he was. It made it easier for you to form a friendship, not worried about trying to impress him, or flirt with him, allowing him to see you for who you truly are. 
Jungkook had his fair share of girlfriends during the years, none of which were entirely serious but by the time he was completely single you had met Hajoon, and he had accepted the fact that maybe you were better off as friends and he would just admire you from afar. That is, until you decided to plant one on him. So technically this is your fault. 
“Jungkook likes you okay, and I’m sure if you just marched next door and told him you like him too he’ll drop on one knee and marry you.”
“Shut up,” you snort, shoving her shoulder with a smile. 
“As a matter of fact, go over there right now!” She stands up from her spot, yanking your arms to haul you up with her. 
“I told you, he’s not home. But, I’ll tell him. I have to.”
Seulgi crosses her arms over her chest as she stares at you, clearly displeased that she wouldn’t be witness to this love story unfolding in real time. “You better. You never know what sneaky little bitch is trying to get him to get over you.”
The sneaky little bitch in question is Park Jimin, currently sitting directly across from Jungkook, guzzling down beer like his life depends on it. It's impressive really, how quickly he empties the cup, eyes shut looking as content as could be even in the dim lighting. Jungkook can only watch with a grimace as his friend sets the glass down and wipes at his mouth with no sense of table manners. 
“What?” he burps, proceeding to pour more of the golden liquid into his cup from the pitcher in the middle of the table. 
“I always forget how absolutely disgusting you are. How do you do it?” Jimin just frowns at the question, not entirely understanding so Jungkook continues. “What switch do you flip to go from sipping champagne to chugging beer like a fucking biker.”
“It’s a talent, I know.” He smiles wide, reaching forward to grip Jungkook’s hand and force him to grab his own cup. Condensation was pooling around the bottom from sitting there untouched, and that just wouldn’t do on Jimin’s watch. “C’mon, drink it!”
“Fine,” Jungkook grumbles, raising the glass and allowing Jimin to clank the cups together before taking a big gulp. He doesn’t clear the cup like his friend did seconds prior but it's enough to appease him. It tastes absolutely bitter the whole way down, settling into his stomach uncomfortably, and the look on his face as he pushes the glass away from him is very telling. 
Boisterous shouts fill the sports bar they were in, huddles of people surrounding the tables and booths as they watched the current soccer match playing on the televisions lining the walls. Jungkook honestly feels like a debby downer now, moping in his seat instead of enjoying the atmosphere with his friend like they normally did. The current game was definitely not the reason Jungkook had texted Jimin to grab drinks, no he needed an outlet to talk about you—preferably in a space that didn’t have walls as thin as his apartment.  
When he barely acknowledges the plate of wings set in front of him Jimin huffs, resisting the urge to dig in because he knew once he did he wouldn’t be able to focus on anything else. “Are you gonna be like this the entire time?”
“Like what?” Jungkook has the gall to ask, acting as if he wasn’t looking like a wounded animal. 
“Like you just discovered your wife of ten years is having an affair with your sister.”
He sits up straighter at that, eyes wide in disbelief. “Jesus.“
Jimin knew the jist of what was happening through the texts he had received the past week, but it seems like Jungkook didn’t want to jump into the topic of it at all now that they were sitting across from each other. He just sighs before deciding to be honest, wasting no time beating around the bush to hopefully be the voice of reason Jungkook needs. “You’ve been simping over her for years JK, and I get it, you think she could be the one. But what about you huh? It’s not fair for you to have your heart wrung out each time she gets a man and decides to put the friendship on pause—“
“That happened once!” He defends, brows pinched on his forehead as he shakes his head, ready to explain your situation because he wasn’t a fan of hearing his friend say anything about you when he didn’t truly know what happened. “The dude was a piece of shit and basically told her it was him or me. I’m not gonna crucify her for wanting a long term relationship to work.”
“Right, so she’s not icing you out again because she got a new man? That’s literally what you told me, it’s why I bought you this sympathy pitcher of beer!”
“Fuck you, you bought this pitcher for yourself.” Jimin had chugged two giant glasses of beer already, and was steadily working on his third, whereas Jungkook’s watered down cup remained relatively untouched. “Besides, I was just...spiraling and assumed when I sent you that desperate text. But I haven’t heard anything.”
Jimin can only stare blankly at the table as he processes what was just said before locking eyes with his friend once more, “Sorry, what? You haven’t heard anything? The hell kind of riddle is that.”
Jungkook sinks into the booth with a look of shame, not wanting to admit to occasionally laying in his bed at night in complete and total silence just to see if he could hear you and the hypothetical version of Jung Hoseok doing literally anything. It’s not one of his proudest moments, feeling like a bit of a creeper as he laid stiff on his bed, too scared to make a sound.  “Nothing, forget about it. Point is, I haven’t seen the fucker come in or out of her place, so what does that mean?”
A deep sigh comes from Jimin, hand reaching forward to push the beer closer to Jungkook, desperately trying to get him to drink and ease up. “It means you pay far too much attention to her. When was the last time you got any action?”
Two weeks ago. From his hand and filthy imagination. 
“A few months,” he grumbles, remembering his last hook up that happened a few days before he discovered you got dumped. 
“Get outta here.” Jimin rolls his eyes as he points to the door. “Literally, go stand at the corner outside, show some thighs or a tattooed titty and take your pick of the swarm of girls that will surely follow you.”
Jungkook thinks he’s joking, but when his friend doesn’t drop his hand and narrows his eyes threateningly he knows he’s being serious. “My tits aren’t even tattooed,”—his large palms press against his shirt covered chest as if to prove a point— “And you sound like a douchebag talking like this.”
“What? She went on a tinder date and definitely got laid, so you need to even out the playing field. Also, it might help you chill the hell out.”
“Oh my god, you’re not helping.” Jungkook really didn’t need that visual again, it had flashed in his mind too often the night of his pity party and now it was once again at the front of his brain. 
“Alright, okay. I’m throwing out my safe word right now.” Jimin leans closer, arms resting on the table with a confused look on his face. “What do you need from me here? Like, do I play the role of a supportive friend who wants you to get over her, or do I play the role of a friend who wants you to confess? Because you’re giving me some mixed signals Jeon.”
A groan escapes Jungkook, fingers rubbing at his eyes before dragging down his face as he sinks even further into his seat. “I don’t know.” 
It’s the truth. Jungkook had no idea what he wanted his friend to do to help him. He knew that although his feelings for you have weighed heavy on his chest for what seems like years, you technically had no idea, so he feels a little guilty over his frustration for the whole situation. You were newly single again and determined to go through this self proclaimed wild phase so Jungkook isn’t dumb enough to think you can’t go out and do whatever you want, even if that means being with someone who isn’t him. 
“Look,” Jimin sighs, pulling him out of his thoughts. “You only have two choices here, tell her how you feel and accept whatever comes with it, or make peace with the idea of just being friends. Either way, I think you need to loosen up and have fun tonight.”
“Yeah, you’re right.” Jungkook sits himself up, wrapping his fingers around the cup in an effort to at least look like he wanted to be here. He couldn’t sit here and mope about a problem like this when he hadn’t attempted to come out and tell you how he feels. 
One night of loosening up to get you off his mind wouldn’t hurt, if anything it might help him come to his senses. At least that’s what Jimin was currently whispering with a mischievous smile on his lips. “It’ll be fine, I’ll make sure you don’t black out and get home safe. Who knows, you might get plastered enough to drunk text your confession.”
Jungkook glares at his friend, not liking the goofy look on his face as he starts to laugh. “I swear to god, you better not let me get to that point. Take my phone away from me.”
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Jimin obviously wants to see the world burn, or at least he enjoys it when Jungkook somehow digs himself into his own grave. That's exactly why he responds with a million laughing emojis when Jungkook texts him asking why the hell he hadn’t taken his phone last night. 
He did a good job hiding his shock when a knock came from his front door, half expecting it to be you, keeping a smile on his face as he allowed  the person who was very clearly not you in before swiftly entering his bathroom. Jungkook wants to stay locked here forever, holed up while he sits on his toilet and not in the living room with company. It wasn’t like it was bad company either, his drunken ass going through his contact list and sending an invitation to hangout the following day to the last person he spoke to, Aillie. 
The girl is sweet, someone he had a casual fling with for months, someone who was used to his random texts so she doesn’t think twice before agreeing. The only silver lining to this was that he hadn’t sent you a typo-filled drunken confession, which is what Jimin responds with before telling him to suck it up and leave his bathroom. 
Jungkook accepts his fate, as well as accepting that he is partially responsible for this. He shoves his device back into his pockets before standing up and flushing the toilet for show, washing his hands just to stall. One good glance at his reflection makes him cringe, stained shirt and sweats combo leaves him looking like the unprepared mess he is. Another detour through his room to change was a must before he has no choice but to step back out. 
“You’re totally hung over aren’t you?” Aillie jokes from her spot on the couch, comfortable enough in his apartment from the time spent here. She locks her phone as she stands up, taking her time to really look Jungkook over. He was not dressed like someone who was expecting a guest, and despite having seen Jungkook at his sloppiest, his previous attire of oversized shirt and slightly stained sweatpants didn’t look like someone who was expecting a fuck buddy to pop over. Even with his new outfit looking more put together, it was obvious Jungkook was caught off guard by her showing up. 
“What?” Jungkook dumbly asks, trying to come up with some lame excuse to justify his earlier appearance but he falls short. His fingers gently rake through his hair, a grimace falling on his face as he looks back up at her. “Actually, a little. Sorry, I got drunk last night when I text you so sober me was not really prepared.”
“Yeah I figured, you sent me some blurry selfies right after. But we can just hang, we don’t have to do anything,” she trails off, a soft smile on her lips. The only time they ever hung out was to hook up, having ten minute conversations before and after the fact. “Or I can leave too if it's weird that I’m here.” 
Jungkook is shaking his head before she can even finish, already feeling bad enough after texting her to come over. How shitty would he be if he immediately kicked her out. This was fine, a nice distraction from it all, decent middle ground that would help him get his mind off you without having to take Jimin’s douchebag advice. 
“No, we can watch a movie or something. It’s not like I have other plans.” Had this been two weeks ago it would be a totally different story. Jungkook would typically be waiting in his apartment as he stared at the slowly ticking clock, just waiting for it to strike 7:30 because that's when you usually got home. Then he’d either get a text from you to come over with snacks or you’d show up at his door and invite yourself over for the weekly game night. 
It didn’t happen last week, or the week prior, so Jungkook is very confident that it would not be happening today either. It’s that same sense of confidence—and saltiness—that allows him to get comfortable with Aillie, blissfully unaware that you had just pulled into the parking garage a few stories below. 
“I swear to god if you don’t go straight to his door the minute you get off the elevator I will never let you live it down.” Seulgi’s voice fills your car through the speakers, fading out as you shut the car off and bring your phone to your ear to continue the conversation. 
“Dude, I just got off work. I need to make myself look decent.” Plastic bags rustle together as you grab the snacks you had picked up on your way home, all full of yours and Jungkook's favorite treats. It was definitely a guilt fueled purchase, hoping the items were enough to distract him from the fact that you were kind of a bitch for ghosting him recently, or at least butter him up into accepting your apology easier. 
“You think Jungkook cares if you’re a little sweaty from work? He’s a grown man, that’s not gonna stop him from going do—“
“Okay, goodbye!” You hastily cut her off as you press the elevator button, hearing her rambling off about being interrupted. “I’m about to get on the elevator, I’ll tell you how it goes.”
With a small sigh you hang up and stuff the device into your purse, stepping onto the lift as the doors open up and pressing the number for your floor. Your hands are clammy as you grip the plastic bag, uncharacteristically nervous about seeing Jungkook again after so long. 
The main obstacle for you to get over was apologizing for being a crappy friend, and if that went well you were going to suck it up and just come out and confess, the odds of him saying no were slim. And even if he did, you’re perfectly content with staying friends, as long as you could keep him close. 
It’s that same optimistic mentality that allows you to calm down as you enter your place and decide to give yourself a minute to mentally prepare. His favorite ice cream gets put into the freezer for later before you decide to shower and give yourself a pep talk the entire time. 
This pep talk of yours is filled with best case scenarios: Jungkook accepting the confession with open arms, finally being able to kiss him properly, everything falling into place the way it should have a long time ago. And as you head over, totally sober, freshly washed, looking and smelling your best, you really can’t picture this going any other way. 
With a deep breath you’re knocking on his front door, quickly pulling back your hand and wiping it onto your pants as you step back. Jungkook hears the knock clearly from his spot on the couch, his gaze tearing away from the television to stare at his front door with a small frown. He hadn’t ordered any food and Aillie had just excused herself to use his bathroom so his brain is having a hard time wondering who it could be. 
He curses under his breath, not putting it past himself to have texted a second person last night with an invitation to hang out. Why was Jungkook a friendly drunk?
As he presses his eye against the peephole and spots you standing there, he thinks he’s imagining things. It had seemed like so long since he had last seen you in person, and the warped fish-eyed version of you has him stepping back and rubbing his eyes before taking another glance. He suddenly feels like throwing up, and he can’t blame his earlier hangover on it. 
For a brief second he contemplates pretending he hadn’t heard you, but the guilt of doing so makes his heart twist, so he musters up the courage to open the door. It’s barely a crack really, just enough for you to see him while still concealing his apartment, something you definitely found strange because you’re usually flinging the door open and strutting right in, but you suppose his reaction is warranted considering your previous behavior. 
“Y/N, hey. Are you alright?”
“Huh? Yeah, I’m fine!” Your fingers tangle together in front of you, not entirely sure what to do with your nerves and Jungkook spots it easily. His own nerves sky rocket when he hears the sound of running water coming from his bathroom a few feet away, knowing Aillie would most likely pop out any second now, and he’s not sure why it feels like a dirty secret that he has another girl over. 
“Did you need something?”
“Yeah, I was actually wanting to talk to you about something kind of important.” Your smile is hopeful, despite the nerves swirling in your eyes. The nervous skip of your heart is felt in your throat, not remembering the last time you had felt this way about telling someone how you felt about them romantically. 
“Right now?” he wonders, fingers gripping the door handle tighter when he hears his bathroom door unlock, the sound of footsteps rounding the corner before stepping into the living room, a few feet away from the door and in perfect view of the wedge Jungkook had opened. 
When your eyes flicker over his shoulder, spotting the auburn haired girl giving you a curious glance, you feel all your confidence slip away. Seulgi had definitely been right about needing to confess soon, Jungkook was a catch and just because you hadn’t realized it sooner didn’t mean the rest of the world was blind to it. 
“Yeah, right now...but you’re busy, so it’s fine!” You want to scramble away from there, feeling dumb the longer you stand there. Jungkook wants to say he’s not busy, kick the girl out of his place and invite you in but that wouldn’t be fair to her, for all he knew your important conversation would be a repeat of the conversation you had over Hajoon, and he really didn't want to get friendship dumped while this girl was in his apartment. He’s pretty sure his Yelp rating would drop a bit if he cried on the couch about you to his old hook up. 
He starts to speak but you cut him off before he can, “Don’t worry about it! I’ll see you later.” You force a smile before walking away, not allowing him to get a word in as you quickly step into your apartment and move to the furthest room away from your bedroom. 
You can feel the cold of your kitchen floor as you sit on your butt, back against your cabinets, the small twinge of defeat spreading within you. “This is fine. Maybe she’s just a friend. I can always tell him tomorrow,” you whisper out. But your fingers seem to think otherwise as they type out a message to Seulgi, informing her that the mission was unsuccessful and you’d be putting on The Notebook like you always did. It was basically protocol to do so when things went south in your life. 
She doesn’t even know how to console you, knowing she can’t tell you it was his loss or that he wasn’t worth it because she knows that’d be a lie and you wouldn’t believe it for a second. The only thing she can offer is coming over, but you’re quick to turn her down, deciding that being alone in the comfort of your bed as you inhaled the ice cream you bought for Jungkook would be best. 
Is being in your room the wisest choice when you know you share a wall with Jungkook—and he has a cute girl over? No. Probably not. But you figure if you hear anything explicit it’s just your dose of karma, so you accept it, turning up the volume of the movie a few levels just to soften the blow. 
However, Jungkook would definitely not be hooking up with her in his bedroom, or anywhere in his apartment for that matter. Luckily Aillie is blessed with the gift of reading the damn room and can easily spot the shift in Jungkook’s mood the second he shuts the door. She’s sitting on the edge of the couch now, hands gently placed on her knees as she gives him a sympathetic smile. 
“I get the vibe that somethings off.”
He looks up at her then, slowing his pace until he’s awkwardly standing in the middle of the room with his hands shoved deep into his pockets. “My friend—my neighbor just wanted to talk about something. But everything’s fine.”
The lie tastes bitter on his tongue, and Aillie doesn’t believe him in the slightest. A small sigh fills the air as she stands up, collecting her bag and approaching him. “Look, I know deep talks really aren’t our thing so I’m not going to even try to dive into this, but you should go talk to your friend.”
A comforting hand is placed on his shoulder before she makes her way to the door to leave, Jungkook already following closely behind her. “No, you don’t have to go. You came all this way because I texted you with way too much tequila in my system.”
“Jungkook,” she laughs, opening the door with a smile. “You’re way too sweet for your own good. It was nice seeing you though.” Her eyes slowly move over to your front door before looking back at him, head cocking to the side in a very clear indication that he better go over. He can only nod in understanding, waving her goodbye and shutting the door once she heads down to the elevator. 
The action sounds of the movie they were watching continues to fill his apartment, whatever chaos was going on only making his brain whirl so he’s quick to grab the remote and shut it off entirely. Now he’s just stuck in complete silence, wondering if he should quickly make his way over to yours or play it calm and collected. 
The total silence allows him to hear the muffled mumbling of a movie he knew all too well. It draws him in, lures him into his bedroom until he’s kneeling on the mattress with his ear pressed against the wall to properly make it out. You were watching the Notebook, at a concerning volume, which could mean a number of things. Jungkook knew none of them were good, usually rooted in issues you had with your ex, or a tough day at work, or any particular day where you just felt like crying. 
With a deep breath, he’s slowly knocking along his wall, almost experimentally, hoping it's enough to grab your attention through the current scene playing. For a second he thinks maybe you’ve fallen asleep while watching the film, but then the room falls silent as you pause it entirely. 
Your hearts racing now, ears straining to hear anything else and hoping this wasn’t how the beginning of the explicit noises would start, but then another knock comes from behind you. It makes you gasp, like you’ve just been caught being the nosey neighbor you are, hearing the soft scrape of his hand sliding down the wall. The ice cream gets put onto your nightstand as you sit up properly, forcing yourself out of the mountain of pillows you were practically suffocating in and turning around to knock back.
Jungkook’s palm presses back onto the wall, smiling at your response before fishing his phone out of his pocket. His fingers find your thread of messages, further down the list than he was used to, and as he opens them up and sees the string of unanswered texts dating back to two weeks ago, it stings just like it did before. He pushes his pride aside though, knowing you had wanted to talk today in person, so he proceeds to quadruple text you. 
Jungkook 8:44pm : are you seriously watching the notebook again?
You’re unlocking your phone the second it buzzes, smiling at the dimly lit screen before typing out a response. 
Y/N 8:45pm : shut up, it’s my comfort movie
Y/N 8:45pm : do you wanna watch it with me? for old times sake
The device is locked and placed face down onto your sheets the second you hit send, sinking into the pillows once again as you try not to scream at yourself because you know he’ll hear you. Why would you invite him over when he clearly has company? You had seen her with your own eyes, had seen how cute she is, had seen how cute Jungkook is, it doesn’t take a genius to put two and two together. 
Jungkook is quick though, texting back in agreement and heading over instantly. If you were watching your comfort movie then Jungkook wanted to make sure you were okay. Putting the past two weeks behind him, knowing you’d most likely have a good enough explanation—an explanation he would definitely be needing before the night was over—he’s knocking on your door before you can even check your messages. 
It takes you a minute to untangle your limbs from your covers as you hastily try to get to your door, sock clad feet sliding along your wooden floors when you finally yank the door open. Jungkook wears a soft smile as he stares down at you, taking note that you had switched your outfit to your usual sad movie binge attire of baggy shirt and lounge shorts. His eyes zero in on your lips when he notices there's something lingering at the corner of them. 
“So, are you gonna share whatever the hell that is?” His finger points at it smugly, laughing when your tongue peeks out to wipe it away. 
“It was actually meant to be for you.” Stepping aside, you let him enter your place. Jungkook almost feels a little strange being here after the weird few weeks, but he pushes it aside, just wanting things to feel normal. 
“Does that mean there’s no more left?” His eyes playfully narrow at you as you step closer, moving on to stare at the kitchen table, and the coffee table in search of the tub of ice cream that supposedly had his name on it. The earlier nerves you felt slowly fade away when you realize he’s not visibly upset about what happened, but it only makes your guilt deepen that despite your ability to be a crummy friend, Jungkook would still try his best to come through for you. 
“There’s about half of it left, it’s probably a little soft now though.” You side step him to enter the kitchen, grabbing an extra spoon and handing it over as a peace treaty, smiling when he gratefully accepts it. “C’mon, I paused the movie.”
Jungkook is not a stranger to your bedroom, especially when sappy movies were playing, finding his spot easily on the right side where he typically handed you tissues whenever you cried. The tissues were missing this time, in place of them being the bag of snacks you had bought, his ice cream on the other nightstand. 
“What part are you on?” he asks, settling onto the bed after fluffing up the pillows, waving his hands so you could pass the tub of ice cream his way. 
“It just started raining on the boat.” Jungkook hums, scooping out some of the chocolate ice cream and into his mouth. He knew this scene very well, and when you press play, he mentally repeats all of the lines. Just as Noah declares he wrote her 365 letters, you awkwardly clear your throat, your own spoon slowly sneaking over to his side to steal some ice cream for yourself. 
“I’m sorry if I made things awkward with your date.” Your voice sounds timid, something he’s not used to hearing from you at all, so he chuckles, laughing harder when you swat at his arm. “I’m serious, I should have texted you before just showing up.”
“Really? When have you ever done that before?” The two of you never notified the other when they wanted to show up, Jungkook had even given you the code to his place once when he was at work and you were desperate for some fruity pebbles—you used that code to your advantage and Jungkook never hated it. But all things considered, it's fair why you think you would have to give him a heads up. 
“You didn’t make it awkward though.” It’s not the complete truth, you coming over is what had made Aillie decide to leave, but Jungkook had to take most of the credit for it. “I kinda made it awkward from the beginning.”
“Why, what happened?”
“I went out last night with Jimin“ —you immediately hum in understanding, knowing very well how convincing Jimin could be with alcohol— “and apparently I texted her to hang out today, had no recollection, so when she showed up I was definitely not ready.”
“Damn, this is how I know you’re a better person than I am. If that happened to me, the second I checked my peephole and saw someone I didn’t remember inviting over, I’m gonna pretend I’m not home.”
“Yeah well, she lives like an hour away so I’d feel like an ass if I did that. Don’t think I’ll be talking to her again any time soon though.” He sighs in thought, gently tapping his spoon on the surface of the softening ice cream. There was one thing weighing heavy on his mind, needing to know what important thing you had to talk to him about, wondering if you were actually going to friendship dump him earlier and he had just made it worse by coming over and hanging out like old times. 
He doesn’t want to come right out and ask it though, not wanting to set himself up for an awkward conversation in case that wasn’t what you wanted to talk about, so he settles for something safe enough that would allow him to get a glimpse. 
“So how are things with Hoseok?” Yeah, that’s a good start. 
“Huh?” Your spoon freezes in its spot, face clearly looking confused in the dim glow of the television, the movie long forgotten now that you were speaking. 
“Tinder guy? Yellow sunglasses guy that gave you mono?” 
It suddenly clicks again, having forgotten all about Jung Hoseok the second you had gotten home from the failed date and came to terms with your feelings. Your lie of having a cold must have been believable enough for Jungkook to genuinely think he had given you something like mono. 
“He didn’t give me mono!” Jungkook rolls his eyes with a playful smile, humming along like he totally believes you. “But I didn’t tell you?”
He frowns as he stares at you, not entirely sure how to take your tone. “Tell me what? That you’re engaged and the wedding is in June?”
“No way,” you laugh, swatting his spoon away with a clank as you grab some ice cream before shoving it in your mouth, fighting against the brain freeze to continue speaking. “Our date was a bust.”
“How? Was it that bad?” He desperately wanted to know, having convinced himself the date had gone spectacularly well and you were now an exclusive item. The small twinge of guilt is felt when he realizes he’s a little too happy that the date had been a failure, but he allows himself to have this small, tiny victory. 
“Mm, it was so good it was bad.” He looks utterly confused, and you don’t blame him, so you elaborate. “He was this perfect gentleman who just wanted to play games, like to the point where he had a notebook where he was tallying our points, and then he walked me to my car and kissed my cheek goodbye.”
“Oh the horror!” Jungkook gasps, setting his spoon down to clutch his heart in dramatics. “How dare he try to romance you with a game night.”
“Jungkook, shut up!” you laugh, finally feeling like everything was right again, sitting in bed with your closest friend as you teased each other. “Look, I’ll give him some credit. The date was nice, he was not the sleazy douchebag his profile made him out to be, and I’m sure he’ll find the perfect girl for him on Tinder. But he clearly wanted something serious and—“
“And you don’t want that right now. It’s fair.” Of course you would turn him down, you had just decided to embark on this new adventure in the single world. It was kind of dumb for Jungkook to assume one date with Tinder Boy would be enough for you to give up your short lived dream. 
You take a steady breath at his words before taking another scoop of ice cream, lips wrapped around the spoon as you slowly pull it out of your mouth. The nerves are trickling back in, making your heart skip and your eyes bounce around. If you don’t come out and say it now, you know you never will. 
Your spoon joins his in the tub of ice cream before you decide to move it back to the nightstand, forcing yourself to look back at him, seeing him turned away as he rummages through the plastic bag full of snacks. “I don’t want that with him.”
Jungkook freezes, the rustling of plastic ceases as his hands come back to his sides and he turns back around. With him. He was the king of jumping to worse case scenarios so his brain has no issues coming to this very horrible conclusion. 
“Have you been talking to Hajoon again?”
“No, Jungkook I haven’t.”
“Are you sure? I’m saying this now, but if you get back with him I will not hesitate to pop him in the face if I run into him in the halls. It’s fair game out there, neutral territory for him to get his ass beat—“
“It’s you.”
His brain short circuits at that, mini versions of himself currently running around and screaming in his head as he tries to make sense of this. The first instinct he has is to crack a joke, to say that he hadn’t been talking to Hajoon again, and laugh it off. But you look a little too vulnerable right now, eyes nervously looking at him and then looking away at his lingering silence. 
“Wait, what?” It’s the only thing he can sputter out, caught off guard by your words, not wanting to say anything else in case the world was cruel enough for him to have completely misheard you. 
“I don’t want that with Tinder Boy or Hajoon, I want it with you.” It gets a little easier saying it a second time, but his reaction is hard to gauge. You had been expecting him to reciprocate the confession instantly, but the longer he looked shocked only made you think that you and Seulgi had been seriously wrong about his supposed crush. 
Jungkook is having a difficult time trying to go from you ghosting him to you suddenly admitting to liking him, the change in emotions not allowing him to say anything he had practiced in the mirror for so long. He can’t come out and give you a speech about how he thinks you’re the one, how you’re obviously a good match together, brain too focused on other details. “How long have you known this?”
“For the past two weeks, but deep down I know it’s been longer.”
His wide eyes glance over at you now, everything slowly clicking into place. “Is this why you’ve been avoiding me?”
“Yes,” you mumble, embarrassed over the way you had acted. The last time you had avoided someone was in elementary school, having a best friend go ask your crush if he likes you while you hid in the bathroom, scared of the answer. “I like you Jungkook and I knew I wouldn’t be able to play it cool. I was scared to say something and have you not feel the same and then have our friendship be weird.”
Jungkook smiles in that adorable way you love, nose scrunching up cutely as he leans closer, large palms coming to cup your cheeks. He has wanted to hear this for so long, and sure, maybe it wasn’t some super romantic confession over a candlelit dinner like he had occasionally dreamed of, but this felt right. 
“You’re so stupid,” he whispers out, thumb softly caressing your cheek as he chuckles, feeling the way your lips turn into a frown at his harmless insult. 
“Jungkook, I’m being serious,” you whine, heart still pounding in your chest. Your hands come up to gently wrap around his wrists, allowing him to continue to squish your cheeks with that endearing look on his face. 
“I’m being serious too Y/N. Did you really think I wouldn’t feel the same?” Jungkook did everything he did with you out of pure friendliness, never expecting to get something in return from it, but there was a small sprinkling of a crush in every one of his actions. “I like you too, and I have for a really long time.”
The relief you feel comes instantly, lips slowly pulling into a smile when you finally have the confidence to look directly into his eyes again. If this is how light you feel after the two weeks spent freaking out, you can only imagine how Jungkook feels. “Really?”
“Yes, really. Now, can I please kiss you?” You’re nodding the second the question leaves his mouth, eyes fluttering shut as his hands glide down to cup your jaw, soft lips slowly pressing against yours. It’s a gentle smack of skin as he pulls back, a smirk on his lips when he opens his eyes, softly rubbing his nose against yours. 
“Wait,” he breathes out, chuckling softly. “Is he still looking?” He has the nerve to repeat the same question that had been the root of your guilt, and when your eyes shoot open and glare at him, he can’t stop the laughter that bubbles out. 
“I hate you,” you mutter out, not an ounce of truth behind it. 
“Mm, no you don’t.” 
His lips find yours again, falling into a steady rhythm, softer and less rushed than the first kiss you had shared at the club. There’s no pounding bass in the background, or the taste of liquor on your lips, but Jungkook prefers it this way. He likes the low hum of the movie continuing to play in the background, the sweetness of the ice cream lingering on your lips when his tongue gently swipes at the seam of them, the way your hands slowly slide around his neck as he deepens each kiss. 
With each shared breath, you slide further down your bed, pulling Jungkook down with you until he’s hovering directly above you. His knees dig into the sheets, one hand pressed beside your head to keep himself stable as you urge him even closer to you. The delicate golden chain he wears kisses your skin, pendant settling onto your chest, the cool sensation is almost enough to distract you as his tongue slowly slips into your mouth. Jungkook groans when you let out a small gasp, your fingers slipping into his hair and tugging gently at the strands by the nape of his neck. 
He wants to remember this kiss instead of the one from the club, embed every gasp you let out into his brain, the way your chest pushes up to feel more of him, how your hands slide down his back, leaving a fiery trail in their path that makes Jungkook shiver. And when you slide your thighs further apart for him, innocently at first, he can’t help it when his lips freeze on yours as you slowly roll your hips upwards. It gives him the same automatic reaction he had gotten at the club, all the blood rushing to his cock instantly, except this time he doesn’t feel the shame he had felt before. There was no ulterior motive to what you were doing, sincerity shown in your confession, shared within each kiss, so Jungkook allows himself to bask in the want he feels for you.
“Y/N,” he groans out when you repeat the action, pulling away from your swollen lips to stare at you through hooded eyes. You’re licking your lips over as your eyes slowly open, a small glimmer evident in them as you tilt your head and pretend to not know what you’re doing.
“What?” you question, leaning up to kiss the edge of his mouth, giggling when he attempts to chase your lips as you pull back, choosing to kiss down his jaw instead. As your tongue gently trails along the side of his neck, you feel the harsh gulp he takes, his fingers bunching up in the sheets beside your head. His neck has always been a weak point for him, turning him into a puddle in seconds, you knew this from the unfiltered conversations you’ve had and it was something you were definitely going to be using to your advantage. 
“You’re doing this on purpose,” he grunts, eyes fluttering shut as you nip at his skin, a visible shiver racking through him. 
“Of course I am,” you hum, letting your hands roam his back, sliding around his front until you’re sneaking past the white fabric of his shirt. When your cool hands meet his skin, he tenses, the muscles on his stomach tightening up as your fingertips trail up his body. You’ve known Jungkook was well defined, lean and toned in all the best places, having seen him shirtless a few times. But being able to touch him like this, feel each stuttered breath and jump of his skin reacting to your touch fueled you. 
Jungkook knows you can feel the racing of his heart now, your palms flat on his chest, each thrum revealing his emotions despite the cool and calm exterior he was trying to have. His hips lower towards yours, resisting the urge to rut into you as you start to suck on his skin. The low hum you let out vibrates against his neck, mixed in with the feeling of your wet lips, and he knows he’s done for. The final blow comes in the form of you swiping your tongue at the blossomed hickey, sweet voice pulling him back to earth as you look at him once more. “I want you Jungkook.”
Oh god, he couldn’t do this. His face pulls into a grimace, begging himself to not instantly cum in his pants at what you just said. How many times has he fantasized about this? Hoped you’d beg him for anything in that same exact voice, dreamed of you kissing and sucking on his skin like you currently were. Jungkook isn’t sure any amount of mental preparation would be enough for this. 
“Say that again please.”
You giggle, finger pushing back a strand of his hair as it falls over his face, tucking it behind his ear. The normal doe eyed look you were accustomed to is nowhere to be found, pupils blown out in lust as he stares at you. Being on the receiving end of this stare fills your stomach with butterflies, the flapping of their wings intensifying as he nudges his nose into yours. 
“I want you.” It’s breathless, spoken so softly through the background noise like a personal secret just for him. Jungkook doesn’t think he’ll ever grow tired of hearing you say it, that much is proven true when you repeat it in between kisses, trailing back up his neck in the same path you had taken until you're speaking the words directly against his lips. He swallows them down greedily, groaning into your mouth when his tongue tangles with yours once more. 
“Fuck, you can have me baby.” He chuckles against your mouth when you start to tug at his shirt, yanking the thin material until he has to pull back and slip the tee off himself. The balled fabric gets tossed aside without a care, dark swirls of ink on his arm fully revealed now, each tattoo reminding you of how long you’ve known him, remembering the two pieces that he had when you first met. When he leans back over you, taking his time trailing kisses down your neck, onto your chest until his own hands are slowly tugging your shirt off of you, you decide there’s other things to focus on besides his glorious tattoos.
“Ah, Jungkook,” you sigh, fingers tangling into his hair when he kisses the swells of your breast, warm tongue sliding over your nipple before his lips are wrapping around it. His large palm gropes the other, thumb flicking over the pebbled bud, smirking when you push your chest further out for him.
“What baby?” He pulls back to blow a gust of cool air on your nipple, the wetness of his saliva making your skin break out into goosebumps. 
“No teasing.”
Jungkook’s laughing now, eyes peering up at you through his lashes. “Oh, you think I’m not gonna tease you after what you did?” He tsks in disapproval as he continues to kiss down your torso, letting his hands trail down your sides, not stopping until he reaches the hem of your shorts. A kiss is placed above your navel as he pulls the shorts down your legs, toying with the waistband of your black underwear. “I’m gonna take my time with you.”
The build up before pleasure will always be your favorite part. The way his hands grip your thighs after tugging your underwear off, fingertips trailing up until his palm is pressing them further apart. It’s impossible to look at him now, the visual of his long hair framing his face as he starts to press wet kisses on your skin is too much to handle. You can feel the warm huff of air when he laughs as your head drops back onto the pillow once more, eyes slipping shut while you wait with anticipation. 
Jungkook wants to comment over how wet you are already, boost his own ego about being able to rile you up with just kissing, but he can see the way you’re already on edge, and he decides he can tease you some more later with what he has in store. Instead, he gives you what you’re mentally pleading him for. Finally pressing his soft lips to your folds, the short gasp you release as his tongue glides up before gently flicking across your clit has him shutting his own eyes, reveling in the way you react to his touch. 
His long fingers spread out your folds before he’s messily spitting onto them, watching the way the glob of saliva trickles down before he’s diving in, falling into the perfect pace with ease. It has your hips rutting up instantly, your hand uncurling its grip from your sheets to travel down your body and find its place tangled in his hair. Jungkook groans against your clit when your fingers grip tightly, yanking the dark strands as the prettiest moan flows out of you. 
“J-just like that, fuck,” you whimper, finally lifting your head up to stare down at him when he latches his lips around your clit and sucks. It sends a spark down your spine, stomach tensing at his rhythm, fully intent to have you fall apart. 
Jungkook wants to push you over the edge, knows he’s talented enough to get you there in record time—he was cocky in the best way—and the way your thighs tremble as he slowly sinks his finger into you proves his point. The slick coating your entrance allows a second finger to slip through with little resistance, a shuddering breath filling the air as he begins to spread his fingers apart, stretching you out in the most delicious way. 
It’s not until his fingers curl up, rubbing along the sweet patch inside of you and you moan out his name, that he realizes he has you right where he wants you. He can’t get himself to look up at you, to see the way your jaw drops as you plead for more. Jungkook knows if his eyes lock with yours too soon he’ll be too weak to be as cruel as he wants to be. 
The pleasure blooms inside you, hips rolling up into his in a way he welcomes, smirk spreading onto his lips when your moans get breathier. He eats you out with determination set in his brows, not satisfied until you’re tightening around his fingers, thighs threatening to close in on either side of his head. The messy way he slurps against you sends you reeling, rutting up into him with need, the wet thump of his fingers blending in with your moans of his name. 
“God, Jungkook, I’m gonna cum.” He believes you, eyes finally opening up to stare at you. The visual is enough to make his cock throb in his pants, your glassy eyed stare locked onto his, chest rising and falling in time with each choked breath. When he playfully winks at you, your walls pulse around him, seconds away from being pushed over the edge, and that’s when he pulls away. 
The warm glow of your orgasm approaching, just about to crest, gets ripped away from you instantly. It makes you gasp, thighs twitching as your hips attempt to push up back towards his mouth, but he’s having none of that. His shiny lips smile up at you innocently, head tilted to slowly kiss your trembling thighs, chuckling at the small cry of frustration you let out. 
“You taste good baby,” he hums, smooching the skin at the juncture of your thighs, circling around your clit without relieving the pressure you felt. The dull ache has your fingers releasing his hair in defeat, a frown etched onto your lips. 
“Jungkook, that’s mean,” you pant, sitting up and resting on your elbows to properly stare at him. 
“A little, but you deserved it don’t you think?” Jungkook didn’t want to tease you too much, he just wanted to get even for the past two weeks. “You could have had me between your thighs every single night if you would’ve said something soon, so I think you can be patient.”
A firm kiss is pressed to your swollen clit and it makes your whole body shudder, your head dropping back as you take a deep breath to control yourself. “I can’t be patient Kook,” you whine, head leveling back out to give him the most convincing stare you can muster. There's that crease between your brows that he likes when you pinch them together, hands gently raking through his hair, teeth pillowing out your lower lip as you bite down onto it. 
“Please, you can torture me later if you want but not now.” Your words have him cocking up his brow, hands once again gripping the meat of your thighs before he crawls back up your body. The feeling of his chain dragging up your skin has you shivering, breath catching in your throat when he hovers inches above you once more. 
“I’ll hold you to that,” he murmurs, pressing a soft kiss to the corner of your mouth before his hand slips between your thighs again. A groan reaches his ears as his fingers circle your clit, covered in your arousal and his saliva, gliding with ease as he works you back to your ruined orgasm. 
His lips find yours, swallowing down the moan you let out when he quickens his pace. You can taste yourself on his tongue, tangling with yours with more urgency than before, messy and desperate in a way that had more arousal gushing out of you. The earlier pleasure reignites inside you, your hands sliding around his neck to keep him close, kissing him with fervor, quiet moans and whimpers slipping past between each smack of your lips. 
“Jungkook,” you barely manage to squeal, a few more flicks needed to finally push you over the edge. Your lips are slick with spit as you pull back, jaw slack as you lose yourself in the feeling, and Jungkook easily bookmarks this into his brain to go back to and daydream of whenever he’s bored at work. Your eyes are squeezed shut as the feeling flows through you, not able to see how Jungkook stares at you in awe. 
“Holy shit,” he whispers, slowly pulling his hand away when you keen at the sensitivity, thighs twitching on the sheets as the pleasure rolls through you in waves. You’re looking up just in time to see him slip his messy fingers into his mouth, tongue licking them clean and savoring the taste of you. Just as he slides them back out, your fingers wrap around his wrist and lead them directly into your mouth, sinking onto them with your eyes locked on his own. 
Jungkook’s cock jumps in its confines when you suck, tip of your tongue circling his fingertips before popping them back out with a smirk. There’s a brief moment of shock on his features before he’s jumping into action, quickly unbuttoning his jeans in haste that left you giggling on your sheets. 
“What happened to patience?” you tease, laughing harder when he pauses with one foot stuck in the hole of his jeans, a playful glare thrown your way. 
“Oh, now you want patience?” He kicks his pants the rest of the way off, slowly shuffling towards you as he stands beside the bed in just his boxers. Your hands make grabby motions for him, reaching for the waistband of his underwear to tug them down, licking your lips over as his cock springs out. It bobs in the air for a second, thick and heavy, precum collecting at the tip with the prettiest veins on the underside of it. Of course Jungkook and his pretty privilege would have a dick worthy of leaving you speechless. 
Jungkook allows you to ogle at him, confidently wrapping his palm around the base of his cock, hissing slightly at the sensation as he looks down at it, allowing spit to accumulate behind his lips before a string of it escapes and lands right onto his length to help the glide of his palm. Your eyes widen at the sight, hand replacing his as he guides your motions, giving an experimental squeeze and enjoying how his abs tense up. 
“I’ve been patient for a long time Y/N. You said you want me right?” You’re nodding instantly, eyes looking away from his shiny length to stare up at him. “How do you want me?”
“Jungkook, just get over here.” He doesn’t resist when you let go of his cock, hands gripping his arm to yank him back onto the bed in a clumsy heap. His legs are a tangled mess, nearly ramming his forehead with yours from the force, shared laughter filling the air as you situate yourself. Jungkook had pictured this a thousand times and this is exactly how he imagined it, full of soft kisses, hushed laughter and goofy smiles, playfulness mixed in with lust all coming together perfectly to make the two of you. 
As he settles between your thighs, your sodden folds inches from his length, you can see the look on his face as his eyes glance in between both of your nightstands. Already knowing the question that was about to spill out, you beat him to the punch. “You don’t need one, if you don’t want to. I’m on birth control, and haven’t been with anyone since…” you trail off, not needing to specify.
Jungkook tries not to look too excited, really, but it’s hard. Every one of his lewd fantasies had involved being able to feel you entirely, and if your thoughts from that night were anything to go by, you definitely want the same. It takes him a second to speak, having to swallow properly to prevent himself from choking on his saliva and embarrassing himself in front of you. “I’m clean, I promise.”
“I trust you,” you smile, biting down onto your bottom lip as he fists his cock, slowly leading it to your dripping center. His free hand rests on your inner thigh, softly palming the skin as the head of his cock nudges against your entrance, pushing past the tight ring of muscles and into your heat. With his gaze locked down to where you connect, he sees inch by inch sink into you, finally bottoming out with a shared gasp.
Jungkook leans over you properly now, hand sliding up to lace with yours as the other rests beside your head, just taking a moment to enjoy the feeling of your velvety walls wrapped tightly around his cock. You welcome the stretch, the curve of his length inside you, how he cages you in with his body, eyes full of want staring directly at you, giving your hand a reassuring squeeze because he knows he can’t properly form a sentence right now. 
“Fuck me, please.” With his hips pressed flush against yours, he’s slowly inching back, letting you get used to his size with each thrust. It doesn’t take long before he’s rearing back entirely, thrusting forward with a wet squelch, corner of his lips curling up into a smirk when you moan out his name. Your hand curls around his shoulder, fingers digging into his back to keep yourself steady from the force of his hips. 
Each time the head of his cock would nudge against your bundle of nerves, your nails would sink into his skin, leaving half moon indents that left him groaning in pleasure. Jungkook hadn’t outright told you, but it had become increasingly obvious that he has a slight kink for pain, practically mewling above you as you scratch his back, fucking you with more determination than before. 
“You feel so good,” he rasps, slotting his lips with yours in a messy kiss. The back of your headboard starts to rattle against the wall, bouncing back in time with his hips, and it brings you back to the filthy thoughts you had before. How often you’d hear the same sounds on the opposite side, mixing in with the sharpness of skin connecting together, and you want it. So badly.
“J-jungkook,” you breathe out, letting him pepper more kisses onto you, hips never slowing down. “Can you do something for me?” The tone you use, coated in sugar so sweet he couldn’t say no even if he wanted to.
It’s hard to concentrate on anything else while his cock continues to fuck into you, turning your mind into mush each time he sunk all the way in. He can see the way you try to focus, eyes falling shut with the cutest pout on your kiss swollen lips, finally grabbing onto the reigns of your mind as you spit it out. “Wanna feel you—fuck—spank me, please.”
Only then do his hips slow down, cock throbbing inside of you, fighting the urge to cum before fulfilling your request. The only confirmation that he was agreeing, wholeheartedly, comes when he pulls out of you, moving too quickly for you to protest at the loss of contact. The room spins for a second as his hands grip onto your hips and flip you over with ease, palms gripping the globes of your ass and softly patting them with a chuckle.
“Of course baby,” he murmurs, hooking his arm underneath your stomach to haul you up onto your knees, allowing you to steady yourself before he’s sliding into you once again. The change in position has you keening, his cock sinking deeper than before, the wetness dripping out of you helping him maintain the earlier pace he had. Your hands fist the sheets beneath you, back arching in ecstasy as he hits your g-spot with precision, a tiny shriek of his name making him smile.
Jungkook keeps you on edge, strong hands gripping the skin of your hips tightly, mouth dropping open while he pants at the way you pulse around his cock, leaving it coated in your slick. His hand slides down to your ass, a gentle touch being your only warning before he’s pulling his hand back and delivering a swift slap to your skin. Your reaction is immediate, an unrestrained moan sounding like music to his ears. The sharp sting spreads directly to your core, your head bowing forward as you mentally beg him for more, your wish being granted seconds later when he repeats it on the other side.
If the wet sounds of his cock fucking you weren’t filthy enough, the added slap of his palm across your ass definitely topped it off. Jungkook had never seen you so needy, thighs coated in your arousal, gushing around him each time he spanked you until you were creaming his cock. The greedy way your walls suck him in, wanting him closer, deeper than ever, left him mesmerized. 
His hand soothes the dull throb on your skin, a trembling breath reaching his ears as he leans over your back, lips kissing up your spine up until reaching your shoulder. Hot pants of breath hit your skin, making you shiver as his lips trail along the edge of your ear. “Feel good?”
“Y-yes,” you mewl, voice trembling from the pleasure, rutting your hips in time with his. 
Jungkook’s way of love was a breath of fresh air for you, rough enough to exhilarate you, the force of his hips leaving you scrambling for purchase to prevent you from face planting onto the sheets, gripping onto your hair and tugging it back with enough force to make your body tingle. But it was intertwined with adoration, sweet praise whispered into your ear, lacing his fingers with yours to let you feel secure.
“You’re never getting rid of me baby,” he groans out. The low rasp in his voice makes you tremble, neck straining from his grip in your hair but the burn feels too good to pull away. His small confession has your heart skipping, eyes slipping shut to bask in the overwhelming feeling surrounding you.
“Good,” you manage to pant, “would never dream of it.” After four years of friendship, the beginning stages of getting to know each other, figuring out the right ways to flow with your different personalities, it's all out of the way now, so it’s incredibly easy for you to picture a steady future with him. The breakfast gossiping, shameless club outings, chaotic game nights with snacks thrown at each other, you want everything you already have with him and more. What you have, so rooted in sincerity, built off mutual respect for each other, blossoming into love so pure, you can’t imagine having this with anyone else.
“Y/N,” he gasps, the pulsing of your walls bringing him closer to his climax. “I’m close.”
You can only hum in agreement, burying your face into your pillow when he releases the grip he has in your hair, nipples rubbing against the sheets in time with his thrusts, the sensitivity sending sparks throughout you. Both his hands grip your hips again, dimpling the skin as he quickens his pace, the tantalizing roll of his hips intent to send you over before him. His eyes trail over the curve of your back, how you arch it further to feel more of him, sliding down to your ass, seeing the way it bounces back with each snap of his hips, how you weakly rut back onto him, pussy clamping around his length as your orgasm approached. 
Jungkook slides his hand around you, trailing across your tummy before slipping between your thighs to the spot you needed him most. Even with your face buried in the sheets, the moan you let out is loud enough for Jungkook to hear perfectly, body shuddering as he flicks across your clit in tight circles.  
“Kook, I’m cumming—fuck,” you shout out, white heat enveloping your body as you get sent over the edge. Your mind blanks for a minute, the intensity of your orgasm crashing over you so suddenly, making your limbs tense up while every nerve ending lights up. The only thing you can think of is him, chanting out your name while you pulse around him, sweet words coaxing you through your high, thumb rubbing along the skin of your hips as he never slows his pace. 
As he fucks you through it, groaning out at how tight your walls are around him, you have to turn your head to gasp in a breath, face feeling hot from it all. You can feel how sweaty your skin has become, the back of your neck feeling sticky as your turn to get a glimpse of him, body still shuddering from the aftershocks. 
Jungkook doesn’t have a care for his own volume now, moaning unabashedly as he pistons his hips into you with less grace than before. The soft mewls of overstimulation you let out just bring him closer to his release, thrusts getting sloppier as the pleasure takes over him. 
“Fuck, baby-” he grunts out, mouth dropping open as he moans even louder, finally falling apart. He pushes further into you, head falling forward as his hips press flushed against your ass, warm spurts of his cum filling you up in a way that fulfills your dirtiest fantasies. A few more shallow thrusts has the two of you gasping, hearts pounding in your chests, coming down slowly as he finally stills.
A serene silence falls over you, the movie long turned off in the background, only the low glow of the television letting you know it was still on. With great hesitation, Jungkook finally pulls out of you, gulping when he sees the thick globs of cum spill from your core, dripping down your thighs before landing on the sheets in a sinful mess. Your sheets are well and truly ruined, Jungkook would honestly suggest tossing them in the trash judging by the damp spot directly beneath you.
With a small groan, you’re flopping fully onto your stomach, thighs no longer able to keep yourself up, the exhaustion creeping up on you. Jungkook chuckles when he hears you, soothing your back with a gentle massage. “You’re not sleeping in here babe.”
“Why not,” you slur, cheek pressed against your pillow, eyes already shut. All you wanted to do was lay here, preferably with his arms wrapped around you, but Jungkook clearly has other plans. 
“Because it’s disgusting,” he laughs, giving you a few more seconds of rest before he’s moving around. The dip in the bed lets you know he’s gotten off, one eye peeking open to search for him, seeing him gathering his belongings from the floor.
“Where are you going?”
He shimmies back into his clothes with a grimace, gathering your own items before approaching you once more. “We are going next door and sleeping in my totally clean bed, c’mon.”
You only put up a fight for a second, secretly enjoying the way he helps you get dressed in your earlier clothes, heart swelling in your chest at how domestic it all feels. The mess in your room would have to be dealt with another day, the only important item being the ice cream that finds its way back into the freezer as you both head out of your apartment and swiftly enter his next door.
He’s just as delicate and careful in the shower, taking turns cleaning each other, large hands gripping your ass and giggling like a child when you wince at the small throb of pain you feel. Soft kisses are shared under the showerhead, warm water soothing your body as the room fogs up, sweet confessions scribbled on the glass in his messy writing, topped off with a heart. Jungkook stops you before you can wipe it away, shyly telling you that he’d like to see it reappear the next time he showers.
His bedroom was one you weren’t too familiar with, used to lounging in his living room the most, so as he settles into his bed after getting cozy in his pajamas, you wait for him to call you over before joining him. The coolness of his sheets has you sighing, snuggling into his side with a smile on your lips, one that Jungkook sees as he stares down at you before pressing a kiss to your forehead. Seeing you draped in his clothes, cuddled up beside him in a way you’ve never done before, makes him feel like a giddy teenager. 
“Can I be honest?” he wonders, arm wrapping around you to pull you even closer to him. When you hum in confirmation, he laughs sheepishly. “I thought you were going to friendship dump me today.”
“What, why?”
Your head bobs up as he shrugs his shoulders. “The way you were acting reminded me of the last time you told me you wanted to focus on your relationship. I was just scared I was going to lose you again.”
The tone he uses makes your heart ache, the same guilt you felt these past few days coming back when you put yourself in his shoes. You had no idea that the way you were acting would affect him this way, never once imagining that he thought you would cut off this friendship while you were just coming to terms with the fact that you harbored strong feelings for him. 
“Jungkook, I’m sorry,” you sigh, palm resting on his chest, feeling each beat of his heart, no longer racing like before, confident and steady in it’s pace because he knows you’re not going anywhere. “I’m stupid, and freaked out after what I did, and just needed to gather my thoughts before saying anything.”
He cranes his head away from you, a confused look on his face. “After what you did? What did you do?”
“Uhm,” you start with a strained laugh, refusing to look up at him out of embarrassment, but the truth has to come out so you power through it.  “So, the night of the date, I sort of got home earlier than I told you I did.”
His eyes narrow at you, refusing to give anything away before he knew where this was going. “Okay, go on.”
“And I sort of heard you through the walls.” You look up at him now, your guilty stare spelling it out for him. His eyes widen before he can conceal his surprise, cheeks warming up instantly because oh boy, he knew exactly where this was going. “And then, I sort of...joined.”
“You lied to me!” he shouts, shocked smile on his face as he recalls the way you had replied to his texts, telling him you had just gotten home and going the extra mile to say you were in a totally different room when in reality, you were sprawled out in your bed after just getting off to the sound of him.
Filthy. And also kind of hot. Jungkook was definitely into that, something he’ll totally proposition you into doing again because why not.  
“I know! I couldn’t help it, it was so hot, and I felt so guilty. But, you’re technically the reason why my orgasm gave me my epiphany and let me realize I really do like you. So, I think I did us both a favor by being a dirty liar.” He’s laughing instantly, fingers gripping your cheeks to turn your head up, planting a firm kiss onto your lips obnoxiously.
“Alright, you’re forgiven. Plus, consider us even because I have definitely heard you getting off on your own plenty of times too.” A squeal of surprise fills the air as you swat at his chest, burying your face into his shirt and feeling the rumble of his laughter. It really wasn’t ever intentional. The walls are thin, you weren’t exactly quiet, and he couldn’t just lay there and ignore it. So call him an opportunist, or a pervert, because you were one too. 
Jungkook is cheeky though, knowing how to get under your skin in the best way, and you can already tell you’re in for a ride when he gets close to your ear and whispers, “You wanna show me how you did it?”
“Wouldn’t you like to know,” you snort, peering up at him with mischief in your eyes.
“You did say I could torture you later.” He smiles innocently, fingers pinching your chin as he kisses you again. “It’s later.”
The sweet laughter that escapes you makes his heart skip a beat, still not able to come to terms that this was happening and wasn’t some dream of his that he’d wake up from. He kisses the tops of your cheeks first, then your nose, before reaching your lips, his hand gently caressing your skin. Jungkook had no intention of torturing you tonight, knowing how tired you typically were after work on a normal day, and after drawing two orgasms out of you that left you shaking, he knows how close you are to sleep with the way your eyes droop. 
“Aren’t you glad you didn’t give up on crushes and love?” he mumbles against your lips, inching back to stare down at you. 
“I’m glad I stopped looking for it in the wrong places.” Your hands wrap around his neck, toying with his hair before pulling him back to you, reattaching your lips because you just couldn’t seem to get enough of him. 
Every single moment you shared, from moving in and awkwardly trying to get to know each other, the ups and downs of failed relationships, the push that started it all at the club, and every almost moment in between brought you full circle to right now. There probably won’t be a moment where you don’t wish you had done this sooner, worked past your worry of ruining a good friendship in fear of what could happen, but the past helped mold you into who you are, strengthening your relationship to be the way it is now.
Right now had you thinking of the future, and there was nothing more exciting than that.
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Cypher x a quiet/secretive reader (She/her)
Like maybe he was first interested in her because of how secretive she was even if it did frustrate the hell out of him. I don’t know, I just love your writings and there is very little cypher content out there. Thank you.
aww that's so sweet! i'm flattered ^^ if you really like cypher content ii highly suggest you check out @agentgumsh0e! she loves cypher and writes for him a lot too!
You weren't a new agent, people just knew so little about you that you were practically one. Sova, with a lot of difficulty managed to track you down and invite you to the protocol. You both used to work together you see, but after you parted ways he lost all contact. Thankfully, he remembered the one piece of information you let him have: every year, you would be in Kiruna watching the northern lights during September.
Safe to say that he was shocked that you, save for your face and physique, looked completely different from the last time he saw you. But, considering how you were he couldn't say that he wasn't expecting it. As you watched the colors in the sky dance that mid-September night, you felt a familiar hand place itself onto your shoulder. You greeted him warmly and offered him marshmallows you had been roasting. He accepted them with a smile and started to converse, recruiting you in the process.
When you first came in, Cypher was already on the case. Hell, he was on the case way before that but what had him drop it for a while was the distinct lack of information there was on you. Now that he had the subject in proximity, he could do a little field work.
He approached you as you were cooking brunch for Sova and yourself, potatoey goodness sizzling on the pan and freshly made ones sitting on the ivory plate beside the stove. He started to make small talk as he brewed some coffee, trying to see what he could get from you. Unfortunate for him, you answered in short phrases and most of your answers were generic.
"So what's your favorite food, [Agent Name]?"
"I like everything."
Then a minute of silence until he asks another question.
The air was so god damn dry and he was losing it. How can someone have nothing interesting to share about themselves? If you were lying, he couldn't even tell! Nothing gave it away and you were very focused on cooking those damn pancakes. A few moments passed before you waved the man goodbye and went to sit down with Sova in the dining room.
Seeing as you weren't answering much, he decided to have a chat with Sova after you left to train in the range instead. To his disappointment, the initiator didn't have much to say about you either other than you loved travelling and could deliver insane punches. He took note of that and went back to his workshop.
Weeks passed by of this variation of Vogue's 100 questions and to his surprise (and thankfully to cease his frustration), he got SOMETHING. It was after he had helped you fix your intricately designed prosthetic legs.
"How is it?"
You paced around the room, testing them out. He looked on in interest as you stood up on your toes as a ballerina would and held your leg straight up. A needle.
"I used to do ballet when I lived in France, shame I can't dance like I used to."
You waved him goodbye and exited his workshop. It wasn't the intel he wanted, but it shifted his interest in you for the sake of knowing everything to slight curiosity as you would with meeting someone new.
The second time you said something about yourself, he was listening intently. The two of you were just lounging around on the soft sofas in the living room. Most of the other agents had returned to their quarters or were practicing in the range so it was empty, save for you both.
You were drinking your own blend of coffee, Aamir had not seen anybody else drinking the same so he decided to try his luck and ask about it.
"Oh, I worked at a fairly bougie roastery when I was in Vietnam. Coffee there was perfect in quality and ever since I had a taste, I couldn't drink normal coffee anymore! I've spoiled myself quite a bit, haha."
It was the longest you had spoken at a time that day, he was all ears and when he heard you laugh? His heart, for the first time in a while skipped with joy. He was so enraptured by the little emotion you let ooze through your voice that he was stunned for a few seconds, before giving a quip in response upon seeing your gaze staring into his.
With each following conversation, you unveiled more snipets of your life. The info broker was hooked on each word. And, with each smile and giggle you sent his way, he found himself wanting to see them more and burn it into his memory.
Safe to say, you captured this man's heart without even trying. He'd sit down next to you during break and you'd tell him about the wonders you've seen. Off-handedly, you said you'd take him to see some of your favorite spots and honestly you nearly killed the man. He was blushing under that mask so hard, even Raze's most vibrant red spray paint couldn't compete.
He was in love, very much so.
Oh, and don't tell him this: but you definitely saw the stink eyes he gave Sova. You'd just be talking to the initiator, reminiscing the good times you both had and Cypher--jealousy written all over that mask of his--would burn holes through Sova's back. He'd then drag you away to his workshop to ask for your opinion on something he was working on.
Sova noticed his actions as well but decided he wouldn't interfere for a while. He and the sentinel don't have the best of relationships but he trusted your judgement in people so he let it be. Brother figure Sova is looking out for you. He'd definitely murk the man if he did anything bad to you.
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Don’t Make Me Jealous Again
Summary: You’re the only muggleborn Slytherin in the history of Hogwarts, and you suffer about as much as one would expect because of it. You didn’t think it was so bad at first as you’d made the unexpected acquaintance of a certain ice prince who was always there to help you when no one was looking. So can anyone blame you when you started developing a crush on him? You even thought that he might like you too. And so, armed with the stupid valor of youth, you made a confession to him in front of the whole dining hall, expecting him to break out into his sweet grin and take you into his arms, and you could finally be together without hiding. 
Instead, he brutally turned you down in front of everyone and proceeded to treat you like the dirt under his shoes lest you even make the mistake of thinking you’re worth anything to him again. 
So why was he now, a year later when you’d finally moved on from him and everything that happened, so furious that he’s caught you sneaking out from the Gryffindor dormitory after fooling around with Soobin?
Genre: Smut, Angst
Warnings: NONCONSESUAL!!!!- mind control- face fucking- masturbation
A/N: longest summary i ever wrote but I had to explain the backstory since this just jumps straight into action lol
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This is a nonconsensual fic. Be careful and read at your own risk!
You had left the gryffindor dormitories blushy and giddy after having had a slight rendezvous with your long time crush Soobin. He was such a gentleman, and as sweet and shy as you are so you felt more than safe messing around with him despite your inexperience, knowing he'd never hurt you. In fact, you think he might ask you to be his girlfriend soon.
As you made your way back to the Slytherin dormitories however, treading through the midnight darkness of the ancient castle, that feeling of safety dimmed more and more until your skin crawled with the feeling of being watched.
You nearly shriek out when you round a corner and bump into someone, their hard body not yielding and instead your own body being flung back. You're sure you would've hit the ground if it wasn't for the mystery person's arms snaking around your body and pulling you up to steady you against the wall.
"T-Taehyun?" You gulp, coming face to face with the intimidating prefect. The ice prince. The man whose mere gaze could bring you to your knees.
But he's not looking at your eyes, preoccupied instead with the tie partially hidden under your shirt. "Why are you wearing a gryffindor tie?" His soft voice makes you shiver, scaring you more than anyone's shouts would.
Your throat was suddenly parched, making you struggle to form any words. "I-I... Soobinie..."
As soon as you say the other male's name, Taehyun's eyes snap to yours, and you could feel your knees buckling under his gaze.
"This is his?" He asks, thumbing at the brightly colored tie. You would smack yourself if you could, but he was holding you too tightly for that. How could you ever think this could be a good idea, sneaking off from your crush's dormitory with his house's tie around your neck? You thought you were being cheeky, high off the endorphins you got from your encounter with him. But in reality, you were just stupid.
"You snuck into the Gryffindor dormitory to give him a taste of your cunt?"
You gasp at his crude words and try to wriggle out of his grasp but he just presses his body harder against yours and traps you completely against the stone wall.
"You're so easy. At least make him work for it."
"You're wrong. We didn't do anything." You squeak. You don't know why you're lying. You didn't have to justify anything to him. You can do whatever with whoever you want, yet still you find yourself hoping he'd believe you.
"Don't lie to me, slut." He grabs your shirt and tears it open, sending the buttons flying everywhere and exposing your bare breasts to him, Soobin having taken your bra in exchange for the tie.
"What are you doing?" You try to cover yourself with your hands but Taehyun quickly mutters a spell under his breath that has your hands pinned against the wall. With your arms now out of the way, he's free to grope your breasts.
"What are all these hickies then?" He tuts, his hands rough as he squeezes your breasts and pinches your nipples. "You've really let him do whatever he wants to your whore body. That makes me really mad, baby. I thought you liked me," He lets one of his hands drop between your legs to stroke over your pussy. "but I guess you'll go to anyone who'll fill your holes."
"Stop it. Why are you doing this?" You cry, struggling against your invisible bounds but not even making them budge. "You rejected me."
"Because you're stupid! Asking me out in front of everyone. You know I can't be seen with the mudblood. Doesn't mean you're not mine." He growls, hand slipping under your panties and pushing a finger into you. It's a tight fight despite your regrettable wetness at his ministrations. "Shit, you're so tight. At least you weren't that much of an empty headed whore to let him take your virginity. That is mine, baby."
You pale at his claim. "Are you g-gonna--"
"Fuck you?" He finishes for you and you wince as his finger pumps in and out of your pussy. "Yes but not here. I'll have you in the prefect's quarters so we can get all the space and privacy we need. It's going to be a long night for you."
"But I don't want to."
He laughs at your protest. "It's cute that you think you get a say in this. You can't be trusted after you've shown yourself to be a loose whore who'll run after any dick that offers."
The tears stream freely down your face now. "I'm not a whore! Me and Soobin like each other."
He slaps your face, anger filling up his expression. "Don't fucking say his name again. You think anyone would love a mudblood like you?"
You don't know what possessed you to defy him. You know the punishment will be severe just from the fury on his face but it's the only thing you can do, the only form of protest, the only way you can hurt him, so you do. "Soobin loves me."
What he utters is something you would have never expected in your wildest dreams.
You don't even get to express your shock before the spell takes over your body.
"On your knees." He commands hoarsely, and your body smoothly falls to the ground, no hint of resistance from your muscles, and you wonder how much he practiced that spell to be able to do it so seamlessly.
But the horror just keeps on coming. Now eye level with his crotch, you see clearly as he undoes his pants and pulls his cock out, but instead of putting it to your lips right away, he drags the hardened length all over your face, humiliating you as his precum smears over your skin and he lets out little gasps of pleasure. "That's it. That's where you belong, mudblood. On your knees for your master."
You can't even cry anymore as he finally presses the head of his dick against your mouth. "Open."
He hisses as you easily take his length in, the spell making it so you don't gag or flinch away as his length pushes down your throat. "Gonna wipe his name from your whore mouth."
Taehyun is ruthless as he fucks your face, and even though your body gives him no resistance, it still hurts to have his cock repeatedly ram down your throat and his crotch slap into your face.
You're making an embarrassing mess around him in no time, saliva and precum gurgling around his cock and dripping over your chest, obscene sounds filling the ancient hallways around you.
You wonder if anyone would hear and come to your rescue. You wonder if you even want to be seen like this, even if it meant you'd get to escape from the cruel man above you, moving your head over his cock like you were a disposable toy for him to use.
But ultimately you know no one would hear you. Taehyun is smart, and it wouldn't have slipped his mind to put a silencing charm around you, and if he could use an unforgivable curse with such ease then he certainly knew a spell or two that could divert any unwanted attention.
You vision starts getting foggy from the lack of oxygen and you wonder if he'd even notice if he killed you. How would he know when he has total control of your body and you have no way of warning him of your impending loss of consciousness.
To your surprise, he somehow senses it, pulling back from your mouth with a lewd squelch, his cock dislodging from your mouth dragging a gush of spit with it.
"Fuck, you look like a mess." He strokes your hair, almost fondly but you can't look up to see if his face is as soft as his tone. All you see is his slick and swollen dick hanging heavy between his legs.
"Pull your shirt open for me." He murmurs and you immediately obey, pulling apart the fabric that had fallen to cover your chest again. He grunts as your breasts come into view.
"That damned tie." He wraps the tie around his knuckles until there is only a small part between his fist and your neck then he pulls on it, tightening the knot around your neck and restricting your breathing. "Touch your tits."
You do as he says, and if you could move, your body would shiver as soon as you touched your nipples, and for the first time you feel lucky that you can't.
You hear a slick sound as Taehyun starts pumping his dick to the sight of you. "Play with your pussy." He whispers, and immediately one of your hands goes to rub at your clit, shameful pleasure burning in your belly at your own hands touching yourself and you wonder if the imperius curse can control your pleasure too.
Yeah, that must be it. You can't possibly be aroused under these disgusting circumstances. It was all the work of the sick man standing over you.
But Taehyun can't even let you lie to yourself, as he suddenly takes the spell off you, and you body immediately jerks at the pleasure.
He groans out loud as he sees your body react to your own touch. "Yeah, that's it. Make yourself cum for me, baby."
You marvel at how you still have the resolve to disobey after all he put you through, stopping your movements in spite of his command.
Cold fury passes over his face and you flinch, immediately regretting your small act of defiance. He tightens the tie around your throat again.
"Would you rather I choke you on my dick then? Maybe after I cum in your mouth I should leave you strewn on the floor for everyone to find you in the morning."
"No!" You cry, your voice barely coming out of your abused throat, and you quickly put your hands back on yourself, touching yourself for him like he wanted.
He sighs at your quick defeat, leaning back into his own touch again and loosening his grip on the tie. "You have so much training to go through before you can be my perfect pet."
"Please let me go." You choke out, still rubbing your fingers over your nipples and your pussy even as you beg. "I don't want this."
"I'm sorry, baby." He didn't sound sorry at all, his face twisted in euphoria as he neared his orgasm. "I promise I won't be so harsh in the future. You just gotta be a good pet and not make me mad."
His hand lets go of your tie and falls to your chest to palm your breasts. You instinctively arch in his touch, and when his fingers pull lightly on your nipple, you cum.
Valiantly, you try to conceal your orgasm, biting down on your tongue to not make any sounds but it's no use, he can see the fucked out look on your face and the way your body shudders with the intense pleasure.
"Yeah, like that. Good girl." He groans, hand faltering over his dick as he too cums, his seed spurting over your face and dripping down to join the mess on your tits.
He continues lazily stroking his dick as he looks down at you, clearly proud of the mess he made of you.
"You look perfect." He purrs, content. "You look all mine."
"Don't make me jealous again."
A/N: anyway if you have a yandere or hybrid txt idea send it to me and I might write something like this for you too (but most likely way shorter)
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logmosswrites · 3 years
That Hum of Night
Fandom: Overwatch
Pairing: Hanzo Shimada x fem!reader x Jesse McCree
Words: 4k
Warning: NSFW! 18+ only. Definitely PWP, wet dreams, BDSM dynamics, Dom Hanzo and Jesse, Sub reader, dirty talk, humiliation/degredation (verbal and otherwise), praise kink, nipple play, dry humping, rope bondage, vaginal fingering, vaginal sex, orgasm delay/denial, vibrator use, unsafe sex, creampie, oral sex/cunnilingus, come marking, aftercare. No y/n.
Author's note: cross posted to AO3.
There was nothing but heat. No up, no down, no world at all outside of the bodies pressed against yours. Your legs parted to make room for them, urging them closer still with every whimper and moan rolling off of your lips. You were hopelessly desperate, open and dripping for anything that would fill you. Fingers lazily fucked you open, joining a writhing tongue inside of your pussy. Hanzo and Jesse were everywhere all at once, sating your hunger as quickly as it appeared. Their mouths claimed every inch of skin they could find, the hot flash of teeth and tongue on your neck leaving you to gasp for air. You thrust your hips forward, shame long abandoned to the overwhelming pleasure coursing through your body. Please, you begged, just at the precipice of orgasm. Suddenly, deft fingers latched onto your aching clit, hard and punishing; you rocked with them, winding tighter and tighter until-
You woke up.
Slowly, the world came back to you, trickling in like a leaking faucet. Your mouth was dry; your heart pounded in your ears. You felt overheated, damp with sweat where you were sandwiched between Jesse and Hanzo- oh shit, Jesse and Hanzo .
And there was Jesse.
He was leaning over you, lit up by the moonlight filtering in through the curtains. Bracing yourself, you looked into his eyes, surprised to find concern instead of the amusement you expected.
“Are you alright, darlin’? It looked like you were having a pretty intense nightmare, there.”
Wait- nightmare?
“You nearly pushed me off of the bed,” interjected Hanzo from behind you, voice betraying his worry. It was only then that you noticed the rumpled blankets, piled up where you had tried to kick them off. Shit.
In response, you simply rolled over and tucked your flaming face into Jesse’s chest, unwilling to correct their conclusion. Jesse allowed this for a moment, but soon took your chin in hand, forcing you to look at him. “Hey, now, you don’t have to hide from me–from us. There’s no shame in bein’ a little shook up by a bad dream, sweetheart. Hell, even I get scared by what my brain decides to cook up sometimes,” the man said, sealing his words with a kiss to your forehead. You felt a tiny bit of guilt gnaw at you as he settled back down onto his side, bleary eyes watching yours for any sign of distress. But it wasn’t really lying, right? How would they ever even find out?
“Come here,” said Hanzo, snaking his arm around your waist. You went freely, fighting a shiver as you felt his familiar body conform to yours. “You are safe, my love,” he whispered, “in this bed, you are safe.” With that, your boyfriend pressed his lips to your neck, ghosting over it as he had in your fantasy. Your body reacted accordingly, hips rolling forward and a gasp hitching in your chest. You slapped a hand over your mouth, but it was too late; the room was fraught with tension, none of you daring to even breathe. Well, fuck.
Silence once again.
“Do you need us to sleep somewhere else, darlin’? It’s alright if-”
“No!” you exclaimed, eyes wide. Jesse searched your face for the truth, scrutinizing your awkward expression. You avoided meeting his eyes, shifting under the weight of Hanzo’s arm. Slowly, the cowboy seemed to put two and two together, lips pulling together into a dimpled smirk.
“Hanzo, I don’t think our baby girl had a nightmare."
Kill me, kill me, kill me, you chanted inside of your head, feeling Hanzo’s grip tighten as he caught up to the idea. For a split second, you considered actually lying, dismissing it just as quickly when you saw Jesse's smirk turn devilish.
"Is that true, beloved?” Hanzo asked, breath warm on your ear, “Are you trying to hide something from us?”
This time, you couldn’t suppress your shiver. Damn, Hanzo and Jesse knew just how to play you.
“You naughty little slut,” admonished Jesse, “Let’s see how wet you are under those panties of yours.” Lightning-quick, the man reached under the covers, hooking his fingers into the offending piece of fabric. Viciously, he tore them down, yanking your knees forward in order to get them all the way off. Your breath caught in your throat as he brought your panties into the hazy light of the bedroom, showing off the soaked inner lining.
“Well, would ya look at that? Our baby girl made a mess of herself, Hanzo. What should we do about this?”
Holy shit, you were going to die, right here in this bed.
“I think,” spoke Hanzo, voice gravelly, “that we should make her clean it up.”
And fuck, if that didn’t make you even wetter. Jesse considered you for a moment, eyes gaining a ferocious gleam as he noticed your quickly-growing arousal. Without preamble, he pushed your underwear into your mouth, wrapping them around two of his thick fingers. Instantly, you began to suck, tongue working around the cloth. Jesse pushed deeper and deeper in response, nearly activating your gag reflex. As it was, your eyes swam with tears, barely able to make out your boyfriend’s face turning deathly serious as he concentrated on you. Hanzo, unwilling to be left out, began to knead his hands into your flesh, pulling your sleep shirt up in order to play with your quickly hardening nipples. His scorching-hot mouth then sank onto your skin once more, lavishing your neck with kisses. You could hardly think, hardly breathe. Desperate sounds came from deep in your chest, muffled by Jesse’s unrelenting fingers.
Minutes, or maybe hours, flew by before your panties were taken from your mouth. You drew in a greedy breath, panting from sheer desire. God, how much more could you take? You were positively soaked at this point, aching with a need for friction. You knew better than to try and seek your own release, yet you still gasped when Hanzo snatched your hands away from your throbbing clit, reprimanding you with a harsh bite to the shoulder. A hoarse cry tore from your throat, reverberating loudly in the dark bedroom.
“You,” drawled Jesse, “have been a bad, bad girl, princess. First, you made a fucking mess of your panties, which you tried to hide from us. Then, you went and played with your tight little pussy even when you know you’re not allowed to. I think you’ve earned yourself a punishment, slut.”
Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck , that could mean anything. Punishments from Hanzo and Jesse were rare, but you knew you were in deep, deep shit regardless. And if his predatory grin was any indication, Jesse knew exactly what you were thinking.
“Hanzo, put her on her back. I want her begging by the time I’ve finished tying her up.”
With that, your world was disoriented, your view changing to that of Hanzo’s face right above yours. You felt more than saw Jesse getting off of the bed, quickly distracted by your other lover smothering you with a savage kiss. You did your best to reciprocate, but you were no match for Hanzo’s overwhelming influence. You could feel his hard cock pressing into your thigh where he straddled you, covered only by his cotton briefs. Before you could even think about moving your hands towards it, though, they were captured once more and pressed up above your head; holy shit, Hanzo moved fast.
“What a little whore,” Hanzo spoke, finally allowing you to draw in a breath, “So desperate for cock, you poor thing. How did you ever survive before we came along?”
Jesus Christ.
Hanzo, satisfied by your stunned silence, turned back to the task at hand, finally tearing off your shirt and sucking hickeys onto your bare chest. His goatee was coarse against your feverish skin as you rose up to meet him, writhing beneath his iron grip. You threw your head back, only opening your eyes when you felt Jesse grabbing your now-unoccupied wrist. In his other hand you saw a length of red rope, a frequent addition to your bedroom activities.
“Color?” Jessie asked, momentarily abandoning his dominating façade. Hanzo paused as well, considering you like he might consider his bow; serious and straightforward. You sucked in a deep breath, stomach swooping in anticipation when you croaked out a confident “green”.
With that, you were pulled back into Hanzo’s blazing inferno, hands and teeth and tongue setting your skin aflame. As Jesse maneuvered your wrist into a complicated cuff pattern, Hanzo took hold of your nipples once more, rolling one between his fingers as the other was caught between his teeth. Christ above, it was like someone had injected fire straight into your veins.
“You likin’ that, baby girl?” Came Jesse’s voice, off to the other side now and distinctly smug. You sent him a glare, tempered by the heady sensation of satiny rope being pulled against your sensitive skin. Jesse merely winked back, his roguish attitude written all over his relaxed-yet-confident posture. With one final flourish of the cowboy’s fingers, your hands were firmly tied to the headboard, spreading out to either side of you in a comfortable stretch of your shoulders. Before you could get too settled, however, Hanzo was moving his rough, calloused hands towards your hips–with a jerk, you were pulled flush against him, his erection just barely grazing your sex. Two forearms planted themselves next to your head, decisively caging you in.
“Jesse, tie her up like this. I want to make sure we have plenty of room to fuck her without restraint.”
God. You couldn’t believe Hanzo’s mouth.
“You got it, boss,” Jesse replied easily, taking your ankle in his hand. Heat curled low in your gut as your legs were spread wide by the cowboy’s unyielding grip, exposing you to Hanzo’s hungry gaze. The heat multiplied as Hanzo adjusted his hips, your own twitching up to meet him halfway. Yes, yes, yes, you thought, nearly salivating in anticipation. Slowly, ever so slowly, the archer began to roll his pelvis against yours, finally giving you the friction you had been craving. It was heaven; it was perfect. Hanzo steadily began to increase his rhythm, grunts of pleasure growing louder and louder along with your punched-out gasps. The man loved to do this with you, spending hours grinding on you as you cuddled to watch a movie or even as you were falling asleep in his arms.
“That’s it, beloved. Can you feel my cock? Do you want it?” Frantically, you nodded, head swimming in a slurry of arousal and desperation. “Then beg for it, you whore.”
Fuck. You could barely think a coherent word, much less say them–but you tried anyway, panting a quiet oh and yes and please as sweetly as you could. The archer only gave a noncommittal sigh in response, clearly unimpressed by your performance.
“How disappointing, Jesse; it sounds as though our little whore doesn’t want to be fucked after all,” came Hanzo's patronizing voice, sinking low in your stomach–the man never made empty threats, especially in the bedroom. A teasing slip of Jesse’s hand set you to begging, words tumbling past your lips before you could even process them. “God, please, please, Hanzo, fuck, Jesse, please, fuck me!” you cried, pleading your case in a way that could make a porn star blush. After a moment of stunned silence, all three of you came back to your senses.
“Fuck,” Jesse snarled, chest heaving. “Fuck.”
In a flurry of motion, he was tying you off, finishing the cuff on your other ankle; then he was diving towards you, capturing your mouth with his in an animalistic mix of lips and teeth. Small, possessive noises issued from the cowboy’s throat, buzzing on your tongue like the bubbles of a sweet champagne. A scorching hand burned down the lines of your body, setting your newly-formed bruises alight with sensation. You shivered in anticipation–you wanted, needed Jesse and Hanzo inside of you now.
All thinking stopped, however, when deft fingers finally reached your oversensitive clit; you jackknifed upwards, breaking your kiss with Jesse. Your hips bucked under Hanzo’s weight as you gulped in air, starving for oxygen and touch in equal measure.
“That’s it, slut,” Jesse said, voice rigid. His eyes were positively wild, stormy with need from where he was hovering over you. A glance at Hanzo’s face revealed much of the same. You imagined that this is what it must feel like to be a ship in a storm, to be something so small in comparison to nature’s unparalleled power. You opened your mouth in silent prayer as Jesse’s fingers laved over your sopping cunt, dragging them over your lips like the pages of a book. Without warning, he slipped two thick fingers inside of you, stretching you open while working his thumb in small circles over your clit. Oh, God. Your dream couldn’t even begin to compare to the actual feeling of Jesse’s hand, moving in and out with enough force to rock your whole body. Lewd noises filled your ears, setting off yet another round of sparks fizzling through you. A familiar surge of pleasure began to crescendo in the pit of your stomach, drawing out more breathless whimpers from somewhere high in your throat. However, just before you could reach your orgasm, Jesse’s thumb slipped from your throbbing clit, leaving you to clench around his fingers to no avail. Fuck, fuck, no! Just a little more...
Your eyes opened to meet Jesse’s face, finding that his impish smirk had slipped back on.
“Awww, darlin’, ya look so sad,” the man teased, crooking his fingers just to make you whine. “Don’t worry though, we’re just getting started…”
Equal measures of excitement and dread shot through you at his words. Hanzo and Jesse, while loving boyfriends, knew exactly how to push every single one of your buttons; in short, they could be assholes. Beautiful, sexy, lovable assholes. Paying your trepidation no heed, Jesse withdrew his hand from your hole, leaving you empty and shivering. Jesus, you were a mess.
“Wanna taste?” Jesse asked–but he wasn’t talking to you. No, he was offering his hand to Hanzo, who regarded the cowboy with relentless heat in his gaze. A silent something passed between them, before Hanzo was leaning in and taking the slick digits in his mouth, staring into Jesse’s eyes the entire time.
“Good, right?” Jesse said, voice gravelly once more. Hanzo simply hummed in response, before withdrawing once again. Another tense moment slipped by, in which it got harder and harder to remember how to breathe. Jesse’s eyes flicked downwards, then back up to Hanzo, seeming to ask a question; nearly imperceptibly, the archer nodded, drawing in a short breath when Jesse’s hand moved down to grasp the hem of his underwear. You bit your lip as Hanzo’s cock was revealed, red and leaking at the tip. With just a touch of Jesse’s fingers, precum was dripping onto your stomach, increasing your own arousal tenfold. Leisurely, the cowboy began to jerk Hanzo off, grip loose and taunting.
“Look at our girl, Hanzo,” Jesse commanded, swiping his thumb over the other man’s cockhead. “Look at how fuckin’ desperate she is for you”.
Hanzo’s eyes snapped to yours, and you felt the full weight of his attention crash down on you– fuck, he looked feral, lips pressed in a snarl and dark hair falling just past his chin. You couldn’t help but look away, feeling suffocated by Hanzo’s gaze; however, a metallic hand grasped your cheeks, wrenching your head back to look at your powerful lovers above you.
“Eyes up here, slut,” Jesse reprimanded, “I want you to watch him as he ruins that pussy of yours, understood?” You nodded. “Good. And don’t you fuckin’ dare cum before I tell you to, or else I’ll edge you for a week straight, got it?” Another nod, and he finally relinquished his hold on you, leaving a dull pain that you hoped would flower into bruises.
As you were told, you kept your eyes trained on Hanzo’s face, watching his eyes flutter as his cock was guided to your entrance. Once, twice, he slipped out, before he was slowly pushing in, inch by inch. God, he filled you perfectly. Finally, as Hanzo sank completely into you, Jesse relinquished his hold, stepping away to admire how the archer curved around you like a great beast getting ready to devour a meal. Arms shaking, Hanzo fell onto his elbows for support, hot breath sweeping over your face. He was close enough now that you could see beads of sweat beginning to form on his brow. You were the only one who got to see Hanzo like this, aside from Jesse–it was a fact that never seemed to get old, no matter how many times you had joined him in bed. Equally as tantalizing was the slide of his cock inside of you, beginning to move in short, calculated thrusts. Instinctively, you clenched down, earning a warning glare from Hanzo–but you were already in trouble, weren’t you? What would be the harm in doing a little teasing of your own?
Staring Hanzo in the eye, you purposely flexed your muscles once more, feeling a hot rush of slick slowly drip out of you. In a momentary lapse of control, Hanzo buried his head into your shoulder, letting out a strangled moan. You couldn’t keep from responding with a shit-eating grin, putting Jesse’s own signature smirk to shame. However, your expression dropped as you caught Hanzo’s thunderous face, towering over you as he rose back onto his hands and knees.
Oh, shit.
“You. Worthless. Whore. ” the man hissed, jaw clenched, “It seems as though you need to be reminded of your place.”
With surgical precision, Hanzo bottomed out inside of you, pausing for just a moment before retreating once again. Another thrust, and it was clear that your self-control would be pushed to the limit; already, you were falling apart, legs shaking from the sheer effort it took to hold back your orgasm. But Hanzo took no mercy on you, setting a steady rhythm that had you moaning helplessly. Fuck, this was getting difficult-
“Jesse, bring me the vibrator.”
God fucking dammit, you thought, your stomach dropping. Without so much as a stutter in his hips, Hanzo took the wand from Jesse’s outstretched hand, watching you intently as he nestled it right next to your clitoris. Your eyes flickered between the two sights, drinking in the sheer power your lover held over you. Then, with a click of a button, you were straining upwards, feeling as though you were being wrenched straight out of your body. Another click, and the vibrations grew even more intense; you longed to bury your hand in Hanzo’s hair, to scratch your nails across his muscled back, to do anything but sit there and take it. Each breath you drew in was cut off by the next, a staccato beat matching the rhythm of your racing pulse. You were close, so close that you could taste it on your tongue– shit!
“Did you really think I would let you cum, slut?” Hanzo asked, still thrusting in and out of your hole without care. Your whole body shuddered helplessly, hypersensitive after being denied once again. As you attempted to catch your breath, Hanzo reached down and twisted your swollen nipple, forcing you to lock eyes with him.
“I asked you a question, whore; answer me,” the archer commanded, practically growling, “Do you think you deserve to cum on my cock?” As if to punctuate his question, Hanzo slammed his hips forward, fucking you hard enough to pull against the ties at your ankles.
“Fuck! No!” you screamed, on the verge of tears. Your voice was wrecked with desperation, hoping beyond hope that the teasing would be over soon. However, you were soon at the mercy of the vibrator once again, letting out a whine at the feeling of it on your tortured clit. Hanzo sped up his pace, sitting up on his knees to watch every inch of your thoroughly marked body writhe underneath him. “That is right, you cumwhore. You do not deserve the honor of an orgasm at my hand. You are lucky that I am willing to fuck you in the first place.”
The vibrator was shut off once more, and you humped against it frantically, reserve long abandoned. “Go ahead, you stupid whore,” Hanzo encouraged, “Humiliate yourself. I want to see how pathetic you look when you cry.” A sob flew from your lips as the toy buzzed to life, only to be shut off seconds later, then turned on again, a sadistic pattern that made your hips jump and stutter on Hanzo’s cock. You could feel the archer’s perfect rhythm begin to falter, signaling his quickly-approaching climax; his moans burned hot on your skin, sending wave after wave of throbbing pleasure through your trembling body. Finally, you felt Hanzo seize up, almost uncannily still in the wake of his orgasm. Scorching cum flooded your hole, arousing enough to make your battered walls flutter with desire. A few heartbeats later, and Hanzo was crashing back down over you, gulping in air like a dying man. Tenderly, he pressed his sweaty forehead against yours, love and awe written in his furrowed brows and slackened mouth. As he breathed against you, you could feel your own hitching breaths slow, agonising desire fading just slightly into a dull roar.
Two pairs of hands whispered over your body, freeing your limbs from their confines, massaging the marks imprinted upon you by the ropes. You felt yourself float away just a little, untethered by chaste kisses pressed to your cheeks and soft hands stroking your thighs. Hanzo’s shifting body weight brought you back to the present, where Jesse was taking his place between your legs; Hanzo unceremoniously flopped to the side, grace all but forgotten in his post-orgasm haze. Your eyes opened slowly to see Jesse looking down at you, positively fit to burst with quiet affection. You smiled back, tensed and eager all the same.
"Ya did so good, darlin'," Jesse said, tone far softer now, "So good for us. Are ya ready for your reward?"
The praise melted into your skin, smoothing the raw edges that had been so expertly laid bare by Hanzo. With a simple nod, Jesse leaned in to kiss you once more, as slow and saccharine as honey. You embraced him in return, palms gliding over the coarse and ruddy plains of his cheeks; you felt like you were glowing from the inside out. Like a wave drawing across the sand, Jesse retreated, hands whispering down to your thighs. The rest of his body followed close behind, settling down between your legs with practiced ease.
"So beautiful, sweetheart," Jesse praised, "I can't wait to make you cum."
And there it was again, the knife's edge of hot desire. Almost subconsciously, you weaved your hands through Jesse's locks, giving them a tug. Jesse groaned deep in his chest, rekindling the flames in your gut. Your cowboy was so responsive. You pulled his hair again, set alight as Jesse muffled his moans into your sweat-soaked thigh.
“You’re gonna kill me, darlin’,” Jesse threatened, kissing his way towards your drenched pussy. A witty retort died in your throat as his tongue flattened against your swollen lips, lapping at the obscene mixture of cum and slick slowly dripping out of you. “Fuck,” you breathed, struck senseless by the hot-wet pleasure of Jesse’s plush mouth. An answering groan rang in your ears as the cowboy finally dipped his writhing tongue into your hole, drinking in the lewd slurry with feverish dedication. Your hands tightened into fists, pulling Jesse further and further in until his nose was pressed flat against your pussy. You whined; a sharpness ran through you along with pleasure, heightening each in a whirlwind of sensation.
Breathless, Jesse pulled back for a moment, sucking in air like a drowning man. In the low light, you could just make out the shine of your slick soaking the cowboy’s goatee–holy shit, that’s hot. Then, with fervor, Jesse was back to it, making you yelp as he latched onto your clit. You ground against him, his tongue sending shockwaves up and down your body; you were shaking with the oh-god-too-much of it all. Every inhale was a battle. Every movement made you see stars. Then, finally, finally, Jesse tore himself from your body, looking you in the eye as he said, “Cum for me, sweetheart."
You felt the command flow through you, breaking down walls and crashing into your nervous system. Jesse bent his head and sucked your clit hard, bringing you to the very edge once again. Mmm-hmm, mmm-hmm, he encouraged you, nearly whimpering; he was bucking his hips, and fuck, fuck, fuck, shit! You were cumming into Jesse’s mouth, vision whited out by a dazzling starburst. Your legs crashed into the cowboy’s face, pinning him to your gushing pussy as you rode out your orgasm; your whole body was spasming, uncontrollable with pleasure. Then, like a puppet cut loose, you were limp, releasing Jesse from your death grip.
The cowboy shot to his knees, ripping his boxers off as fast as possible; his flushed cock was bared, aching and practically dripping precum. "Fuck, babygirl," he moaned, hand flying, "I'm gonna-fuck, I'm gonna cum!" A final groan, and Jesse was falling off the edge with you, release streaking against your rolling abdomen--followed quickly by Jesse actually falling on top of you.
"Holy shit," you laughed, "Get the hell off of me, you jerk!" A gargled mess that might have been a "no" was your only response for a moment, before the pile of sweat and various sexual fluids that was your boyfriend rolled off of you. You couldn't help but giggle at his dramatics--god, you loved your idiots. A moment of silence permeated the room, until you yawned; oh yeah, it's like three A.M...
"If you two are done, I believe it is time for some aftercare," said Hanzo, sounding equally as tired. With his help, you got up, only to fold in half from the sore feeling radiating through your pelvis--fucking fuck, you forgot how much of a bitch this could be. Seeing your discomfort, Hanzo scooped you up, carrying you to the en-suite bathroom. You heard Jesse follow you in, fetching a second set of sheets from the linens cabinet. Carefully, you were set by the toilet, Hanzo turning to allow you some privacy. After finishing your business, you were escorted to the shower, where the archer tenderly cleaned you off. From there, things got blurry--you vaguely remembered the smell of arnica cream, the feeling of a soothing wipe on your swollen lips, strong arms carrying you to bed, and a tender kiss placed on your forehead. Then, you were off to sleep, dreamless and peaceful.
A/N: Thank you so much for reading! Likes are appreciated, reblogs/comments keep me writing! Let me know what you thought, your favorite passage, or even what time you're reading this at (bonus points if it's 1 A.M. or later). Toodles! ʕ•́ᴥ•̀ʔっ
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