#just the basics right now with a bio coming up soon!
spicy-apple-pie · 11 months
I did warn you…
Okay so idk if a lot of people know this, but Damian was originally given up for adoption right after he was born before his story was reconned.
So in this comic, Damian is 9 years old and in the foster system in Gotham, unknowing who his parents are. He’s never stays long in a home because he’s very aggressive. He’s smart though, so he orders a DNA testing kit to hopefully find a relative to take him. Imagine his shock when he finds out his father is Bruce Wayne.
So this 9 year old walks into WE by himself, toddles up to the secretary, and asks to see Bruce Wayne. The secretary is like “haha okay, let me help you find your parents.” And Damian is like “you can. My dad is Bruce Wayne.”
And then Tim shows up!! And he’s like, “who’s your dad?”
And Damian is suddenly really nervous and shyly passes Tim the DNA test results. Tim looks them over, and Damian thinks he’s going to get turned away. But then Tim smiles at him and asks him if he has time for a drink.
Damian basically explains his life story over a cup of hot chocolate to Tim. Tim listens and tells him that he’ll make sure Bruce sees it and gives him his number if he has any questions (Damian doesn’t have a phone). Damian gets up to throw out his cup but Tim is like “oh I can throw that out for you. Talk to you soon!”
Cut to the BatCave where Bruce is staring at the DNA test results. Showing him and Talia as the parents. Tim stands behind him. “I doubled and tripled checked.” He says. “Not to mention he’s the spitting image of you.” He mumbles under his breath, knowing that Bruce isn’t in the mood for jokes right now. Alfred places some Tylenol beside Bruce using his butler powers to sense his on coming headache.
“And you said he walked into the lobby by self?” Bruce asked.
“Yeah, he said he took the bus.”
“Oh dear,” Alfred comments, “that is certainly not safe for a boy his age in Gotham. I wonder if his social worker knows about that…”
So the next morning, Damian finds that he’s out of custody from his foster parents. And he’s like “but I didn’t do anything this time!” And his social workers like “no, they’re getting charged with child endangerment. We already have a place lined up for you.”
Lo and behold, his new foster home is Wayne Manor. And he meets Bruce for the first time and he’s really nervous. And Bruce has to turn away because he almost starts crying. And Damian asks Alfred if he did something wrong and Alfred’s like “no, he’s just very happy to see you.”
And that’s basically it. But I also have this idea of how he discovers his Dad is Batman.
He comes downstairs in the early morning for a snack before going back to sleep to find Red Hood raiding their fridge. He runs to Bruce and he’s freaking because fucking RED HOOD broke into their house.
And Bruce groans and is mildly annoyed about and Damian is like “???? Does this happen often????” Bruce brings him downstairs and Red Hood is still there, but making a grilled cheese with his helmet off.
“Jay, how many times do we need to tell you know masks in the house?”
“I dunno. How many fucking children are you going to adopt?” He gestures to Damian hiding behind Bruce.
“He doesn’t know yet, Jay. I was going to wait until he was more comfortable.”
Jason is a little sheepish because he did give the kid a bit of a fright, so he turns around to apologize and introduce himself. And instantly is like “holy shit, that’s a bio kid.”
“Language, Jay…”
“Don’t language me, where the fuck did he come from???”
“What is happening??!!” Damian finally yells.
And then Bruce shows him the BatCave.
I did warn you I’d talk your ear off. I came up with this circa. 2018 - 2019 but I feel like I finally have the skill to draw it. And I honestly fell in love with it again, so I might lol.
Edit: I did it
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madaqueue · 6 months
Practice Makes Perfect | Chapter 4
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synopsis: you and yuji have been best friends basically as long as you can remember, and you made a promise to each other to stay friends and help each other be the best versions of yourselves for your future partners. but will things change when yuji finally starts looking for a relationship?
pairing: yuji itadori (18+) x f!reader
themes/content: modern college au (characters aged up to 18+). language, fluff, angst. some suggestive language at the end. 18+, MDNI
word count: 2.0k
a/n: RAAAAAA it’s getting real lmao
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Sitting towards the back of the room, you take note of the messy black hair and all black clothes. You walk over to him with a smile on your face. “Megumi?” you question.
The boy looks up from his notes and meets your eyes. “Oh, hey, Yuji’s friend. I didn’t know you were in this class,” he says, gesturing at the seat next to him and inviting you to sit.
“I could say the same to you,” you respond, setting down your backpack and getting settled next to him. You have never been this close to Megumi before, and notice his very subtle cologne that leaves a warm and almost smokey scent hanging in the air around him.
“I’m a biology major, so it kinda makes sense I’d have to be here,” he says, turning back towards his notes. You notice a small smirk forming on one side of his mouth as he does so.
As soon as you open your mouth to reply, your professor waltzes in at the front of the lecture hall, her heels softly clacking against the wood floor and the room falls quiet except for her voice. You and Megumi sit in silence for the rest of the class as you furiously scribble in your notes, trying to keep up with what Dr. Ieiri is lecturing on. Halfway into the class you glance over at Megumi’s notes and see he’s just…doodling? His page is full of drawings, from dogs to birds and frogs, covering the lined paper in front of him. He notices you staring and glances up at you out of the corner of his eye before turning his attention back to the paper. His drawing style suddenly shifts as he sketches a new shape. You watch him, mesmerized, as you realize he’s drawing…you?
Dr. Ieiri seems to end abruptly as she dismisses everyone, but you stay seated, waiting for Megumi to finish up his work. He tears the page out of his notebook and hands it to you without a word before putting everything on his desk into his backpack. You begin to pack up, unsure of what to say. After all, nobody has ever drawn you before - are you supposed to thank him? Should you give it back? In a panic, you stutter, “U-um, I’m going to go study at the library, if you want to come with me?”
Megumi glances up at you and softly responds, “Sure,” before tossing his backpack over his shoulder.
The two of you find a quiet table in the back corner of the library, dimly lit from the overhead lights and warm afternoon sun pooling in from a nearby window. You get started on your work quietly until Megumi clears his throat. “So, you never answered why you’re in Dr. Ieiri’s class,” he invites.
“Well, I’m an engineering major, but I’m still not sure what kind I want to be yet, so I have to take all these classes that are supposed to help me figure it out, and biology is one of them,” you explain. Megumi nods in response, before you continue, “I know I like to work with my hands, but I also like to think about problems before I have to solve them, which makes it hard to decide on a path. I know I don’t like computers, but I do love math. And I really didn’t expect to like Dr. Ieiri’s class as much as I do, so now I’m not sure,” you trail off. You pause for a moment, hoping you weren’t rambling. “You said you’re a bio major, right? Why’d you choose that? Also, I didn’t see you in her class last week, but we had definitely already met at Yuji’s, and you weren’t really paying attention today-” you stop yourself, realizing you were definitely rambling this time.
Megumi looks down. “Yeah I’m um…I’m actually retaking this class, so I kind of know it already.” You wait for him to continue. “Last fall my sister got really sick. Well, she got more sick, I guess. I had to take some time off to take care of her, so I ended up failing Dr. Ieiri’s class the first time I took it. I was gone last week because my sister was supposed to have this really big surgery and I wanted to be there for her, but they ended up postponing it, so I just stayed at the hospital with her for the rest of the week. She’s actually the reason I’m a bio major - I want to be a doctor so I can help people like her. It’s not fair what happened, and I want to make sure it doesn’t happen to anyone else.” He stops, realizing his hands had formed into fists as he was talking. His body relaxes and he shrugs, trying to ease some of the weight from the information he had just shared with you.
“I think it’s really sweet that you care about your sister so much,” you say. “It sounds like she is really important to you.” Megumi nods, still not looking up from the table. Unsure what else to say, you reach a hand out to touch his shoulder, hoping it provides some comfort. He leans into your touch, resting his cheek on the top of your hand. The feeling of his hair brushing against your arm gives you the ever-familiar butterflies and you try not to visibly blush. The two of you stay like that for a moment, comfortable in the silence, before you hear your phone buzz in your pocket. Megumi lifts his head up so you can use your hand to answer it, and he slowly gets back to work as you pull your phone out and look at it.
Incoming call: “YuYu”
You smile at the nickname he put in your phone for you when he first gave you his number back in highschool. You answer it and hold the phone up to your ear.
“Hey! Sorry I keep calling you randomly, but I have a bit of an emergency. But, this time it’s a good emergency, I promise. Remember that date I was supposed to have tonight? Turns out she can’t go anymore, but I already have a reservation at this new sushi place I have been dying to try, and I knowwwww you love sushi,” he says, and you can practically hear his smile through the phone. “I already know you’re going to say yes, so I’ll meet you at your place at 6:00 and we can walk over together. Oh, and it’s kind of fancy but not too fancy, but don’t worry about it too much! Okay great, I’ll see you then!” he finishes before hanging up.
You didn’t even get a word in for that entire conversation, but it looks like you now have plans tonight. Glancing at your now unlocked phone screen, you realize it’s already almost 5:00. “Shit,” you mutter under your breath. “I’m sorry Megumi, but I have to go,” you say, turning your attention back to the boy across from you.
“No worries,” he says with a soft smile. “This was really nice, we should study again sometime. Here, let me give you my number.” He holds his hand out for your phone and you give it to him, watching him put in his contact information before handing it back to you. You collect your study materials and wave at him as you walk out of the library.
When you arrive at the restaurant, you are shocked by Yuji’s definition of “kind of fancy.” The place is absolutely gorgeous, with natural wood and stone forming high ceilings, small fountains and mini waterfalls creating a soothing ambiance as the water collects in a river that winds throughout the restaurant. You walk over small bridges that decorate the interior to reach your table, surrounded by plants that provide some natural privacy. You felt slightly out of place despite wearing your nicest dress and heels, especially compared to Yuji in his black slacks and sport coat. You have to admit, though, the boy does clean up nicely.
Without getting a chance to even look at the menu, Yuji orders for both of you when the server returns. You gently smack his arm from across the table. “Hey, why did you do that? How could you assume what I wanted?” you ask playfully.
“I told you, I know you,” he shrugs. “Besides, dinner is on me since I dragged you out here last-minute. There’s some stuff I’ve been wanting to try ever since this place opened, and I got some things you’ll like, too,” he explains through a toothy grin.
“How generous, getting me things I’ll actually like,” you smirk, rolling your eyes. “Speaking of ‘dragging me here,’ what happened with your date?” you ask, trying to hide any remnants of jealousy.
“Oh, she just had something come up with a friend, but we rescheduled for next week. Plus, after the last practice date kind of went to shit, I figured it would be nice to actually get used to this place before the real-deal,” he says nonchalantly.
For some reason, his words sting more than you expect. Referring to this girl as the real-deal means that he must think you’re less than her, less deserving of his time or energy or-
Your thoughts cut off as an enormous pile of food gets set down on your table. There seems to be everything from nigiri to sashimi and tempura, all of it looking mouth-wateringly good. Yuji thanks the server and immediately starts digging in. Your stomach growls involuntarily and you’re forced to push your thoughts aside as you take a bite.
“Oh, my god,” you practically groan through the rice. “This is insane.”
“Right?” Yuji agrees, his cheeks puffed out from being so full of food.
The two of you eat in silence, savoring the combination of flavors in front of you, until Yuji pulls his phone out of his pocket. He smiles down at it and starts typing a message, and you can almost feel your blood boil. In an attempt to defuse your emotions you glance down at your phone, which unlocks to the recent contact page with Megumi’s information open on it. What the hell you think, typing out a message to send to him.
You: “hey Megumi, thanks for hanging out today, it was really nice”
Your phone buzzes almost immediately.
Megumi: “If this is who I think it is, I agree. Are you free tomorrow? There’s a new cafe off campus that’s really cozy, and I have some exams next week I need to study for. I’d love to see you”
The message makes you feel warm inside - he would love to see you? Of course you have to say yes.
You: “i’m free, how’s 11:00 sound? meet at your place?”
He ‘love’ reacts your message, which you take as affirmation of your plans. You put your phone back into your purse and look back up to see Yuji still smiling down at his phone. “Hey, it’s rude to be on your phone at the table,” you tease, but it comes out more irritated than you intended.
“Sorry, Nobara just said something funny and-” he cuts off, looking up at you realizing he had never told you the name of the girl he actually had feelings for, even though you already knew from seeing her name on his phone this morning.
“Oh, so is this ‘Nobara’ the one you were supposed to take out tonight?” you ask slyly. Yuji just nods blankly, trying to read your facial expressions. “Well, she must be quite special then,” you respond, desperately attempting to shove down any lingering jealousy as you maintain eye contact. “I actually have a date tomorrow, too,” you continue, not looking away from him. He cocks his head to the side, waiting for you to continue and taking another huge bite from the dwindling pile of food between you. “Speaking of which, I actually was hoping to get some practice too…” you trail off. “I want to suck your cock.”
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bonefall · 10 months
Given how first litter went, how did Poppyfrost react to being pregnant again? And basically everyone who knew about the Situation? Was Jayfeather the one to do the check up and tell her the news? Did Cinderheart had war flashbacks and just tell her straight up 'Poppy I SWEAR TO GOD if you drop another litter on my head I will kill you and then Berrynose AND then myself' (to which Poppy does a peace sign and fades away like that one meme)? Just Bad Time for everyone involved?
Oh lord, it was SOMETHING for everyone.
Poppyfrost Herself
Her key trait is being avoidant. She wants to move on from her love for Jayfeather SO badly, she'll take anything.
Berrynose made her feel special, good, important...
So, having his kits felt good, too. She wants to focus on the kits she can raise with her mate so she can... forget move on from the churning feeling she gets in her belly, when she looks at Dovepaw and Ivypaw.
She would be trying to make small talk as Jayfeather does her check-up and confirm her pregnancy, just blowing RIGHT past the butter-thick tension in the room like she can't even tell it's there.
(She CAN tell it's there. Jayfeather can too. You could cut the tension with a knife. But she's straightup just trying to power through it.)
Is she REALLY just... talking to me like she's never been pregnant before?
She's asking for tips she knows???
Do I just... do I make a comment on it?
Even Jay "has a witty comment for everything" Feather is absolutely dumbfounded here
CAN he even say anything, when Berrynose is right there and being snarky would reveal everything? Is that why she's being like... this??
?????????????????????????????????????????? live jayfeather reaction
But as time goes on, he starts to see the truth of it. She's really just trying to forget that they had kittens together.
He thinks, again, to Leafpool. Is this what it was like for her? When Crowfeather had Breezepelt so soon after they'd parted ways?
He sorts through this in his mind, thinking about Crowfeather and Poppyfrost... no, they were quite different as far as cats go. But still, he wondered if the feelings he's having are things she had gone through as well.
They're still awkward with each other, though, so he still won't ask her. Lionblaze is closer to Leafpool than Jayfeather is-- Jay's still parsing his feelings towards his aunt, second mentor, and secret bio-parent.
Oh god Berrynose is multiplying
Uh, also whatever Jayfeather said.
(honestly he doesn't really have strong feelings on the drama, he's thinking about the Clan, his daughters, and the prophecy he only learned at the end of BB!Po3)
Honeysnake and Cinderheart
For Cinderheart, Poppyfrost dropped a litter on her, directly caused Hollyleaf to snap and vanish, and then GHOSTED HER MAKING THE WHOLE THING FOR NOTHING
Cinderheart is coming hot off the heels of an arc about mindfulness, when she was younger she would have confronted Poppyfrost and revealed everything and caused a massive drama explosion
But nowadays, she's able to understand that this is a destructive impulse, she has two kittens to consider, Jayfeather is the Cleric and this revelation will ruin him too, Poppyfrost is moving on...
"I AM FULL OF GOOD WILL FOR MYSELF AND OTHERS," -Cinderheart, through gritted teeth
However, she does get closer to Honeysnake as a result
Because Honeysnake is, honestly? Kinda pissed
She broke off with Berrynose for a reason, he was awful to her while she was recovering from her snake bite and then made her Honor Title all about himself! He's a jerk! And Poppyfrost just WALTZED in!
She's supposed to be her sister, but now she's mates with her ex and pregnant with his kits.
Honey and Cinder are united in their frustration towards Poppy. Cinder can't reveal her secret, but it makes her feel better to listen to Honey gnash her teeth about the whole thing (and join in).
Thankfully, none of the three girls involve Mama Sorreltail in the drama. Grandbabies are grandbabies, and so soon after Brackenfur died... They're all on their best behavior as a group around her.
Moleflight up in StarClan is happy for his sister. He wishes things could have been different and Jayfeather renounced his clerichood, but... he wishes Poppyfrost happiness.
Daisy is going to see her first grandkits! Berrynose is a snot, but he's also really close to his own family. Toadstep, Rosepetal, Hazeltail, and Mousewhisker are all very excited for him, and Poppyfrost loves her in-laws
(especially since Honey and Cinder are kinda... distant right now. And she loves her mom but Sorreltail's taking Brackenfur's death pretty roughly)
No one else in the Clan is aware that Jayfeather is the biofather of Dove and Ivy. He shares this secret with only Lion, Cinder, and Poppy herself, plus Holly who deduced it on her own and didn't take it well.
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isfjmel-phleg · 5 months
Who is Rietta?
Today, May 1, is my OC Rietta's birthday.
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Rietta Opelle Verina Philene Valencourt was not intended to be queen. She was born the first child of King Etriat and Queen Tietra of Faysmond and expected to be the elder sister of a male heir who surely was coming along soon. But Etriat unexpectedly died in a train crash, leaving the throne to his three-year-old daughter. The provisions of his will made Tietra her regent and appointed a Regency Council to support her. Unfortunately the Council and many other Faysmondians were hostile to Tietra, who had married Etriat as part of the terms of the resolution of a war against her homeland, and she in response retreated to a residence isolated in the countryside, where she could raise Rietta with a minimum of interference.
Rietta loves her mother and loves the castle where she has grown up, but by age fifteen, she feels stifled by the limitations of this existence and longs for a chance to rejoin a wider world. She wants to become a capable monarch, but disputes about her education have hindered the hiring of any definite instructor, and instead she runs wild on the castle grounds. That is where she meet and secretly befriends Rachel Doncath, a local girl of a background Highly Unsuitable to associate with the Queen. Rietta can't really afford to make mistakes at this point; her kingdom is financially struggling, and now that she's getting older, she needs to arrange the right match. And if her undesirable behavior goes too far, the Regency Council has an ultimatum for her: toe the line, or Tietra gets sent back to her homeland.
Rietta is caught between responsibilities and personal loyalties. Is it right for someone in her role to seek what she personally wants? What is her duty and what is the agenda of others who want to use her, and why are these so hard to tell apart sometimes?
Why I Love Her
Rietta is the first OC I created for the earliest version of this story, and she's been through a lot of versions, including some that were rather unkind to and dismissive of her. Not fair. She's high-energy and quick-tempered and easily distracted and impulsive, but she has intelligence and courage and strength. She once blew her entire allowance on lemon drops. She got kicked out of council meetings after she at a young age threw a heavy object at the Head of the Council for treating her mother badly. She knows that her future is a very important business arrangement and has been writing what basically amount to cover letters to various other monarchs, offering herself a prospective wife for any of their young sons. She makes friends quickly and easily and commits hard to any friendship once it starts. She's good at math and geography and has a lot of practical knowledge of plants. She cosplays as fairy tale characters so she can pose for photographs she makes Rachel take. Every year she visits her father's grave and plays a one-sided game of cards "with him." She is aggressively, insistently fond of the castle cat even though it clearly hates her. She's a lot, but that includes being a lot of fun, and I love the challenge of getting into the head of a character who is nothing like me. Flawed though she may be, she has an unapologetically big heart, and in some ways, she just might be the best-adjusted of my protagonists.
Rietta, at nearly sixteen, now wore her hair up and her skirts floor-length. But no matter how skillfully she subdued those masses of black curls into their pompadour, several always sprung out of place, and the skirts always rustled a little from her habit of bouncing on the balls of her feet. Years of training in etiquette and a quiet manner could not hide that her very bones seemed spring-loaded. Her stateliest tread threatened to break into a gallop at any moment, and her laughs burst like thunderclaps from a long mouth that curled up at both ends when she smiled, which was often.
Further Info
There are lists of random OC facts for her here and here. These are somewhat old lists, created when I was still trying to more fully develop the character, and I might need to revisit/rethink them, but you get the idea.
The Other Side of the Door (at age thirteen)
Horrid Old Beautiful Ruin (shortly before Book 1)
Over the Boundary Wall (shortly after Book 1 Chapter One)
Book 1 Chapter Two from Rietta's POV
Venturing In (later in Book 1)
The Boy with the Botanical Box (still later in Book 1)
Short dialogue between Rietta and Delclis (unspecified later date)
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15minlatewithbatbucks · 10 months
untitled janet/talia, Bruce's bio kid Tim AU pt. 1 (NOW no choice but to love you)
AO3 Link (a little behind, but better edited)
Janet scheduled her appointment with Bruce Wayne for a Tuesday.
Mondays were for business matters that came up over the weekend, easing back into the daily grind, and not much else. Wednesdays were notorious for dragging on and putting everyone in a poor mood. Thursdays were basically the weekend and Fridays for men like Bruce Wayne were simply not.
It had been a struggle to get such a short notice appointment, but she was wily and knew how to sweet talk assistants and secretaries alike and as such she earned herself her preferred time.
Tuesday morning at 9:30 am.
Sitting in her car at 8:53 am, Janet could only continue driving herself mad with her own swirling thoughts and recriminations. On one hand, she could leave and say “fuck it” to all of her hard work getting this meeting with Gotham’s unofficial official prince. Who would know? Not Bruce Wayne or the paparazzi, that’s for sure.
Unfortunately, she’d learned the hard way that avoiding this particular problem hadn’t made it go away. No, something had to give and she knew it was going to have to be her.
The thick stack of divorce papers on the passenger’s seat said as much.
She wasn’t much for dithering, not really. She’d gotten her crying out in the shower this morning like an adult and she wasn’t keen on revisiting it. She would have to redo her whole face, probably while walking through Wayne Enterprises to avoid being late. She could only imaging what the soulless corporate drones would think of her.
She let herself wallow until the clocked ticked over to 9. Then she killed the engine and climbed out, smoothing her business casual blouse and skirt. Checking her reflection in her side mirror, she fiddled with her ponytail and squinted over her eyeliner – was it uneven? Oh well. There wasn’t time to fix it now.
Before she walked away, she grabbed her purse from the backseat and checked its contents.
This was a first for her, she thought with a humorless smile; one of the most important business meetings of her life and she was walking into it armed only with a child sized toothbrush and a hairbrush. She would have to stop for replacements on her way home and thought that maybe Tim might like to go with her. The toothbrush was from a passing interest in dinosaurs and these days he was more of a superhero type kid.
The young woman at the front desk – the girl, really, was Bruce recruiting out of middle school? - rattled off a list of rules and restrictions for visitors as she efficiently issued Janet’s visitors pass. Tacked on at the end, she gave impressively detailed instructions on how to get the elevators and which one to take.
Janet nodded easily and was just about to move around to the plainly visible elevators behind the desk when a man appeared and slid into the vacant chair beside the girl. He gave her a little paper cup and kept the other one for himself.
“Sorry,” he said with an easy grin. “You treating our guests right, Becca?”
“I did the badge all by myself,” she confirmed, a slight smile peeking out from behind her general teenage apathy.
“Sorry,” he said again, turning his attention to Janet. He glanced over her pass quickly. “It’s bring your kid to work day, but you don’t need to worry about that if you’re visiting Mr. Wayne. His kids don’t like coming here any more than their daddy does. And the littlest one isn’t going anywhere soon!”
Janet’s answering smile was glass.
“My son actually loves coming to the office with me,” she said, choking back heavy guilt. She never should have come here. She should have made different choices ten times over, never should have dragged her son down with her. “He thinks shuffling paper is the single most important thing any businessman can do. I think he likes the sound of the paper on wood.”
“And he’s right as far as I can tell,” the man – his name tag read “Ron” – agreed easily.
Janet faked a laugh and extracted herself with a friendly shrug before bee-lining for the restrooms. She found a stall and firmly locked herself in before her face screwed up in misery. She shook her hands out, wanting to press them into her eyes or grip her hair, but she couldn’t ruin her mascara or her ponytail.
She forced herself to stop and took her phone out instead. Her phone background was a breathtaking view from a rented home in Tambobamba. She felt, if possible, shittier. Other mothers had their children as their background or lock screen.
Turning her screen off and then on, she stared judgmentally at the picture there of her and Jack. She would have to change that soon.
Then, just because she was deep in her self-loathing, she clicked through into her photo gallery. The last picture she’d taken of Tim was almost a week old from when the two of them went for ice cream after she’d fought with Jack – it had been a desperate grab for normalcy and she’d immediately posted it to her social medias, desperate for someone to see how hard she was trying and-
And what? Praise her for doing the bare minimum?
Tim was a cute kid, he was. But he was so sticky and clingy and he always talked too loud and after Tim fell asleep in his car seat on the way home Janet had cried herself nearly sick.
Janet swiped back to the home screen to search what she’d originally intended when she took her phone out.
Talia al Ghul due date
From the gossip rags, it looked like Talia would have a late summer baby. A son. Bruce Wayne’s “first” blood son.
Just after Tim’s birthday, she thought. Which was... just over two weeks away at this point. She had nothing planned yet. What did people do for sixth birthdays?
…Hiring a clown was probably out.
Janet didn’t sigh, very aware that there were other people coming in and out of the public restroom. She double checked that her phone was set to silent before stowing it away again. Not that many people were clamoring for her time, not anymore. She was viciously glad of the fact. Let Jack choke on all the emails he couldn’t bother reading for all she cared.
Janet slid the lock and stepped out into the fray once more.
She still washed her hands because she wasn’t a savage and quickly exited the bathroom. Now that she knew to look for it, a few of the people she saw around did look too young for the workforce. Stepping into the elevator she needed, she was joined by a couple of employees dressed smartly and a girl around Tim’s age in a shimmering mermaid tail dress.
This had to be a punishment. This was as close to Hell as she believed in.
The little girl chattered happily up until the 21st floor when she was pulled out of the elevator by her mother. The other employee got off on the 25th and Janet rode nearly to the top all alone.
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accio-victuuri · 2 years
so it’s not enough that yibo’s car door gets opened by a crazed fan days ago, trackers placed in his work van before, nasty rumors left and right, random people bullying him, melon accounts claiming they know things about his personal life and now this. “getting a fan pregnant?” at this point, even passerby who don’t know yibo at all are seeing a pattern. they just throw around random things to see if something sticks. none of them do because it’s all lies. i say that this is expected because he has btf promotions coming soon but i have come to realize that this should not be considered normal. these people can get away with basically a slap on the wrist and how about yibo? how about his reputation? the thing is these proceedings take very long to get a result. we don’t even have a resolution on the escort allegations, which yuehua already reported to the police and sued. level headed people can see through the lies but it’s out there. damage done.
just to show how pathetic this is, it’s a random girl commenting on another “beauty blogger’s” post. ( this online personality is somehow connected to du meizhou but like i don’t even care. so whatever.)
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AND IF YOU LOOK AT HER PROFILE, It’s obviously a troll account. The number of followers and likes says it all. Also her intro bio. I mean. It’s so obvious why this dummy account was created. 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️
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And now it’s deleted. See? They can stir shit up like this then up & leave. Their UID will be tracked and all that but see how fast they can disappear? In the meantime, Yibo and his team have to waste resources for this.
AND WELL THE CIRCUS CONTINUES. HAHAHAHAHAHA! This person is so dumb. You so dumb. So very very dumb.
After Yuehua released their statement, This girl posted an “alleged” photo of them and conveniently adds a blur effect. ⬇️⬇️⬇️ captioning it share picture.
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What’s funny is netizens, not even yibo fans noticed that the photo have a watermark ID on it that’s not hers. If you’re not familiar with Weibo, if you upload something personally, it will automatically have your username as a watermark.
it ends in “ra” and looking at this troll’s username, it does not have “ra” on it.
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moments later, it was discovered that it’s this photo she used. i mean. who. what. 🤦‍♀️ same initial watermark.
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dude. let me just blur out a random photo of two people and say it’s me and yibo. that he got me pregnant. humanity really continues to disappoint me. 💀💀💀💀
Chinese netizens are known to gather evidence, I mean with the amount of scandals getting out, they already know how to verify things. Look at how they discovered what time and where that photo of CFY’s was taken. It’s no surprise they noticed this little detail and knew right there and then that this girl is a fraud.
AND THAT “BEAUTY BLOGGER” (李恩 LIEN_) gets criticized, now i see she posted like 4 short statements regarding it. Commenting on people. Basically distancing herself from it. Must be nice getting all the traffic while slandering Yibo right? Ugh. Disgusting.
It’s still on HS tho. but most ( if not all ) of the posts are ridiculing the troll account who lied. I mean, at least we have that……
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I’m sad for Yibo. Angry at these jobless bottom feeders. Amused at their stupidity. Insulted that they think people are so easy to believe and manipulate. Please leave Yibo alone. Yibo-Official just opened their YT & IG yesterday for international fans, who is getting nervous again? Lol.
this is why he rarely interacts with people in public unless it’s a controlled crowd ( road shows for example and even then he is unresponsive once outside ), rarely posts personal things, has bodyguards with him at all times, keeps his distance etc. trying to avoid crazies and companies who want to see him get cancelled combined. and people wonder why he shouted at fans who were crowding at his hotel that one time? i mean, if you live the life that he does— i think shouting at people who are invading your privacy is actually being kind.
PEOPLE FORGET THAT HE IS HUMAN TOO. Ever since he started in this industry, it seems like he can never catch a break. C-ent is so dirty. 💀💀💀 I love everything that Yibo puts out : songs, live performances, dramas, movies etc but times like this I am reminded at what cost.
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yamayuandadu · 1 year
Do you think Zanmu and Hisami could ever indulge in a proper romantic relationship, as supposed to the one sided crush poor Hisami is trapped in right now? Additionally, do you think Hisami is actually connected to Izanami, or just another member of the youkai species her servants are?
I think this is the first time in ages that I got a shipping ask. I’m pretty happy about this. I actually like talking about shipping a lot even if my blog is dominated by posts like “check out this obscure religious pamphlet, really illuminating on the connection between Matarajin and Iizuna Gongen”. Zanhisa is probably going to end up in my top 3 of Touhou pairings. Might even dethrone Mokoukeine as the #2 (side note - Keine needs more than 1 pairing with some canon backing). So, thanks for asking about it. Due to length the response to your two questions has been placed under the cut.
Realistically? It’s probably not happening in canon because even if ZUN’s intent really is to present Hisami as romantically interested in Zanmu, as we are hoping, this is a heavily status quo dependent series. I’m afraid Hisami is as likely to change her relationship status as Okina is to actually find replacements for Mai and Satono. On top of that, recent “loyal henchman” characters are often struggling with reappearances. I’m pessimistic if Hisami will fare any better in that regard than Mai, Satono or Mayumi, especially with no new print works in sight. Subjectively?  I think what I already said makes the answer obvious - of course I think it can work. It’s the classic henchman ship, the lifeblood of f/f pairings since 1800 BCE (or earlier). The whole game is a boon to people who like that sort of setup when you think of it (unless you like Shou/Nazrin - not much on that front tragically). They clearly have interests  and lifestyle choices in common, too, and that’s basically a solid chunk of what makes a relationship work. I think whether a relationship between Zanmu and Hisami can work is something that depends more on Zanmu than Hisami, though. The fact that we have direct confirmation that Zanmu doesn’t know why Hisami acts the way she does is a plus, since it’s not hard to imagine that Suika’s accusations, which do not seem baseless, have a lot to do with her being seemingly able to figure others out. So, someone who doesn’t really fall in this category already has the benefit of being on more equal terms with her than anyone else. The fact that Hisami’s bio mentions she generally gets involved in Zanmu’s schemes and it’s not a one off thing imo does indicate Zanmu cares about her on some level. I’d imagine she would’ve replaced her with someone else otherwise, given that she presumably messes up on purpose often enough for Zanmu to be aware that’s going to happen. Once again, in the light of Suika’s comments about treating others instrumentally it feels sensible to me to assume that there’s some genuine sympathy at play. A lot depends on how you interpret Hisami’s ending, also - if we’ll learn at some point that Zanmu invites her to parties regularly, it’s probably not very meaningful and just professional courtesy. If it’s a first, which is the impression I got, I would say from a shipping perspective it’s basically like a date. That’s how I plan to use it in a fic (coming soon), fwiw. It’s true Zanmu doesn’t take her to the other party, but perhaps that boils down to it being a political event. Given what sort of blog this is, I think I should point out that a relationship, or at least experiencing some other form of intimacy, would actually fit Zanmu’s whole corrupt slash eccentric monk gimmick. Not following the prescribed rules on celibacy was actually one of the more standard criticisms in the texts where the idea of corrupt monks turning into demons originates in. And on top of that it seems Zanmu’s historical counterpart according to a legend was a student of Ikkyu, a notably anti-celibacy eccentric monk who is famous for, among other things, his relationship with a certain Mori, a biwa hoshi (wandering blind musician) who is mentioned in many of his poems. What I’m saying is, thematically being in a relationship feels as appropriate for Zanmu as not being fond of tengu is for Okina. She should indulge in it.
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She even already has the skeleton thing going on, like Ikkyu does in art. She just needs to get a girlfriend and she will truly live up to the Zen eccentric standards. As for the second question: while we do not know how this works in Touhou, there are no “generic” yomotsu-shikome in real myths. They only ever appear in the myth of Izanagi’s escape from Yomi. No source actually explains where they came from, but alongside the yomotsu-ikusa (similarly of unspecified origin) and the thunder gods born from Izanami last minute they chase him on Izanami’s behalf both in Kojiki and Nihon Shoki. The latter clarifies there are only 8 of them, and to my best knowledge there are no additional more obscure sources which would contradict any of this. I personally think it’s fair game to assume Izanami does exist in Touhou, unless ZUN explicitly confirms Keiki and Eika have genealogy incompatible with their origin myths (Tsukuyomi and Amaterasu can in theory exist without Izanami). So, by extension I do not think there’s any reason to assume the yomotsu-shikome have nothing to do with her, at least if you’re the sort of fan who likes digging for backstory material in genuine mythology and folklore. Note that both Tsukasa and Biten directly reference the Izanagi and Izanami myth involving yomotsu-shikome, too. This being said, I do not think there’s much of a reason to have yomi as a separate location in Touhou in the present day, or to have Hisami be disconnected from the Ministry. We do not really know much about the position of yomotsu-shikome in the setting so far - I honestly doubt we ever will - but in AFiEU Hecatia mentions that there were various entities in hell who were there before yamas and oni started organizing it, and that some of them support the yama and oni way of doing things. It seems like a natural spot for Hisami, seeing as “hell” in Touhou seems to encompass multiple types of afterlife, not just the Buddhist-style hell. Specifically when it comes to shipping, this would give Hisami a point of connection with Zanmu, who’s also in hell by choice.
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let’s talk about this! was going to tag her but I’m pretty sure she blocked this blog so about the topic of jeffrey marsh:
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“most”? girl, one person potentially doxxed and threatened her children. the rest of us were basically just calling out her lies for what they were. none of us advocated for anyone being physically threatened or doxxed. I don’t endorse that. no one should be doing that shit. anyone that is deserves what they get.
but you lot - because you’ve made it patently obvious you yourself are a terf - physically threaten and doxx trans people all the time and tell trans people you’re going to get their kids taken away from them. don’t cry now just because some fucked up asshole did it to one of you. how many threats do you think jeffrey has gotten just this week?
also: there is no evidence jeffrey is grooming anyone. shumirun cropped and edited videos of them and screen recorded 18+ content that children were never invited to and was locked behind a pay wall and posted on a 13+ app when she knows some of her followers are 12, 13, 14, 15. her being a muslim is irrelevant to me and most people I’ve encountered, and doesn’t mean she can call people groomers without solid proof.
as someone on tiktok said themselves, why have none of you pretended to be a minor on jeffrey’s 18+ patreon to catch them out? because there have been thousands of accounts calling them that in their comments and such for ages, shumirun just took it a step further by posting the accusations on her page then doubling down for 7 million followers to see. you’re telling me not one of you thought to pretend you’re a minor and attempt to talk to them? I’m guessing some of you did try that and didn’t like the answer you got, eh?
next part!
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jeffrey isn’t doing anything at all suspicious.
shumirun’s discord however was literally a playground for actual predators. multiple kids from it said people were interacting with them in a weird way. where is this energy for her? I don’t think she is a predator, don’t get me wrong, I’d never accuse someone of that without evidence but you’d be dragging jeffrey’s name even more through the mud if that was them with that kind of discord and they admitted to playing roblox with 12 year olds. you’d also be dragging their name through the mud id they’d lied about having a health condition to get a job and endangered kids in the process.
also: her using their pronouns (not preferred in jeffrey’s case, they’re just their pronouns) doesn’t change that she used a transphobic (and homophobic) stereotype against them, follows an anti-trans group on twitter and liked tweets that were maliciously misgendering them.
last part!
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ding ding ding, there’s the terf dogwhistle! the fact you would have less sympathy for a child being murdered because they’re trans (brianna wasn’t murdered by “males”, one cis boy and one cis girl have been charged with her murder) says far more about you than it does about me, “bestie”. also the fact you support all these conservative laws? you realise they’re coming for you too, right? 😬 don’t worry though. we “evil TRAs” will be fighting against any anti gay legislation even if you won’t fight the anti trans ones.
and you have said so much abhorrent shit about trans folk but a lesbian calling himself a dyke in his bio is where you drawn the fucking line? lmfao what the fuck 😭
have a nice day and enjoy the block that will be coming your way very soon 🥰
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polaroidcats · 5 months
"why not chocolate"
I have been vegan for over a decade. If there ever is a vegan cake anywhere, you want to know what flavor it is???? It is chocolate. Either basic brownie type or a chocolate mousse cake. My fave cafe in the city has had one vegan option since 2013 and it is a chocolate mousse cake. It is what nice non-vegan people make to their parties so I could have cake too. I have been forced to either have chocolate cake or no cake at all for A CENTURY and I just want to have something with berries and cream and caramel FOR ONCE. There will be NO CHOCOLATE CAKE in my wedding!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I always knew we were doomed to end up divorced again, but I didn't see it coming this time bat :(((((((((( "Oh no there is chocolate" has never been one of my problems, I'm sorry, I'll add chocolate haters DNI to my bio, and cry silently (while eating chocolate). You understand that hating chocolate is like hating everything I ever loved, right? Not to be dramatic or anything... I guess we can get divorced now, you're marrying Reg soon enough anyways you won't need me or chocolate then... 😢😢😢
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bioticbooty · 1 year
Snippet Sunday Wednesday
Tagged by @swaps55 like two weeks ago but my life is a chaos fire!
Since it's not actually Sunday anymore, I'm future tagging @ad-astra13, @cr-noble-writes, @elaadens, and anyone else who wants to have an excuse to post immediately come Sunday morning.
From The Great Rewrite of Crosshairs
Ashley blindly sprays bullets behind her as she runs, hoping to god her shields hold till she finds cover.
Everything went to shit over the god forsaken dig-site with the old Prothean beacon. At least, that’s what she thinks she heard the LT, god bless his unlucky soul, call it. She’s not a scientist, she’s a marine.
Right now, she’s a royally screwed marine.
She slams into a rock and rolls behind it for cover, praying to god that the heat sink on her gun cycles in time to lay down cover fire. Her HUD is haywire, Henrick is also dead so there’s no getting her HUD fixed, and it’s just her and what seems like an entire fucking platoon of geth come to wreck shit up on Eden Prime for an old rock. Right now, she fucking hates scientists.
“Come on, baby,” she murmurs as the vents on her gun continue to cycle.
She’s long since run out of grenades.
She hasn’t crapped her heat sink like this since Basic.
Her gun finally cycles, but before she can even swing out to shoot, the sharp crack of a sniper rifle sings through the canyon and Ashley whoops for joy. The geth that had been honing in her rock is dead on the ground, though Ashley puts a bullet in the head for good measure, just as the sniper rifle sings again.
Another geth near her position collapses and a third geth is enveloped in a shimmering field before being unceremoniously hurled over the edge of the cliff.
Between her rifle and the unseen helpers, they make short work of the remaining geth. Sabotage mines, more biotics, and even more cracks of the sniper. The cavalry has arrived!
Two marines file out of the canyon, and Ashley glances behind them to look for the stragglers, but there aren’t any. She’s completely thrown when she returns her gaze back to the two marines and realizes Commander Fucking Shepard, War Hero of the Blitz, is the one in the lead. Fucking Alliance gold standard. And now she’s standing there right in front of Ashley, with a biotic marine watching her flank like nothing’s gonna get past him alive. Considering the pyrotechnic display, Ashley rather believes the marine — the Lieutenant — will put a bullet or a biotic punch in whatever tries to get past him. Nothing’s gonna touch the Commander’s six on his watch.
“Thank you, Commander,” Ashley says by way of greeting. “You pulled my ass out of the fire. Gunnery Chief Ashley Williams of the 212.” She glances at the LT again, then salutes the Commander. “Or what’s left of it.”
Shepard dismisses her salute with a casual wave. “Are you wounded, Williams?”
“A few scrapes and bruises. Nothing serious,” she says, and realizes she’s touching the blood on her armor by the way the LT is looking at her. She drops her hands. The blood isn’t hers. “The others… weren’t so lucky.”
“I’m Lieutenant Kaidan Alenko,” the LT says, “let’s get you checked out just in case.”
Ashley nods and let’s the Lieutenant do his thing. Biotic and a medic. Hell of a six to have.
“Is it just you two?” she asks him while he syncs her hardsuit to his, adding her bio-feeds to his HUD.
Alenko nods, but his lips thin momentarily behind his helmet. “Was three,” he says.
The Commander is nowhere to be seen, so Ashley twists and finds her scouting the perimeter, inspecting the downed geth. The Commander stops when she reaches the bend, and Ashley knows precisely what it is she’s looking at. “Dragon’s teeth,” she says.
Alenko looks up at her from his omni-tool. “What?”
Ashley jerks her head towards Shepard. “The Commander just saw the Dragon’s Teeth.”
Alenko will see them soon enough, too. Ashley’s seen too many. And it’s only been two hours since everything began. Two hours ago, she had a unit. Now the whole area’s choked with death and gunfire and Dragon’s Teeth mutilating their dead.
“You’re good, Gunny.”
“Hmm,” she says. “Don’t feel good.”
“No,” Alenko replies after a moment, “nobody would.”
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oddballwriter · 2 years
Hey here's an idea: mh guys with an SO who wants to adopt/ foster kids?
Warnings: None that I know of
Author’s Snip: This idea is so cute! I love it!
I’ll shut up now. Enjoy!
So I mentioned that I feel like Tim is actually great with kids, regardless of age
But I did also mention that he’s a bit scared of being a caretaker or guardian because he feels like he won’t do good by the kid
But I hc that this man wants to be a parent or guardian sooo fucking bad  
I’m gonna assume that you and him (and the rest) have been in a fully committed and confirmed relationship for a long time in order to bring this up
Tim would gladly raise kids with you whether it be bio or you adopt/foster, it doesn’t matter to him
He doesn’t mind your want at all but he does mention that he at least wants to get everything straight and in order in your lives because he wants to feel ready to be able to do it
You guys can just be a co-habituating couple and adopt/foster if you’re not comfy with the whole process of getting married but at least let him get his shit together first
Once he feels like he has his shit in order and can properly take care of a child/children then he’ll tell you and you guys can start the process
He’s gonna be a bit scared but he’ll do fine he has dad vibes already
He’s already on board with the idea
He gets on board way too fast dude
I mentioned in a previous post that Brian secretly likes the idea of basically playing house with you as his partner
So something about adding kids into the equation just feeds into it a bit more
I feel like he respects the idea if you just wanna foster/adopt the kids and not be married but if you do offer marriage/say that you wanna get married first then he won’t mind that either, it just feels into that little fantasy he has
He does talk about it with you a bit since you guys need to make sure that you can properly take care of them both physically along with emotionally and mentally
But once you guys have everything set he can’t wait
I have this weird feeling that Jay isn’t too into the idea of having kids
He doesn’t hate kids, he just doesn’t really vibe with the idea of being a foster or adoptive parent or a parent at all
It’s more like kids aren’t in his life plan right now
But he’s very respectful of the fact that you want to potentially adopt or foster
He sort of promises a “later” 
He just doesn’t really feel ready 
Of course there is the idea that you foster or adopt on your own but he does feel like since he’s your partner that he’s going to have to be a part of the kid(s) life/lives too
But rest assured that if you’re gonna wait till he’s ready then he swears that he’ll be on board with it later on
... but later is not right now or anytime soon
He’s not really ready to be a dad either and honestly didn’t really have kids planned in his life plan either 
So when you bring it up he’s kind of like “Oh...”
Alex doesn’t really come off as parental to me 
I kind of feel like he’s more dedicated to being a film maker than being a parent 
He respects that you want to foster or adopt
He finds it some great that you wanna give a kid a home
But he also kinda feels like he won’t be much help
He sort of tells you that he’s personally not ready for that kind of thing
He says “maybe later” to make you feel better about it
Maybe you just need to get him used to the idea since he’s never really had that idea come to his mind
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flynnridcrs · 1 year
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inspired by: flynn rider // tangled ; schmidt // new girl ; jack dawson // the titanic ; ron weasley // harry potter ; johnny bravo // johnny bravo ; connor walsh // how to get away with murder ; jimmy steve lishman // shameless us 
the basics ;
FULL NAME horace eugene fitzherbert NICKNAME(S) flynn rider AGE AND DATE OF BIRTH 26 / july 28 HOMETOWN corona, germany CURRENT LOCATION elias, california GENDER cis male PRONOUNS he / him MYERS BRIGGS estp / the entrepreneur ALIGNMENT neutral evil  TEMPERAMENT sanguine TRAITS charming, caring, narcissistic, rebellious FACECLAIM ch*se st*kes
life as eugene fitzherbert ;
flynn’s bio can be found here.
*tw: parental death* born to king edmund and queen alexis, rulers of the dark kingdom, horace eugene fitzherbert was meant to be a prince. but when an opal dropped down to their land and began to wreak havoc, the king had made the decision to destroy it. in a failed attempt to do just that, an event that ultimately killed horace's mother and destroyed the kingdom, the king had no choice but to send the citizens away for their own safety - including his infant son.
he grew up in an orphanage in corona and went by his middle name, eugene, although to this day he's under the impression it's his first and he has no middle. with nothing but his imagination to fill in the blanks of his past, eugene grew up to focus on helping the other kids at the orphanage and dream of his parents as heroes meant to come back from him when the time was right.
at seventeen, he escaped the orphanage and left a past he knew nothing about behind, adopting the moniker flynn rider (after his favorite storybook character) and went on to leave eugene fitzherbert and all of his undiscovered history behind.
life as flynn rider ;
the trials of adulthood came fast and flynn realized way too quickly just how much money and resources were needed for daily survival. he quickly adapted, however, when he found himself surrounded by people who could teach him how to do just that - by taking it himself.
this new life of theft got him in trouble, of course, the kingdom of corona eventually becoming littered with wanted posters that donned his gorgeous face. there was something exciting about this extended era of, well, running from the cops - but it catches up with him eventually. it's, in part, what makes him run to elias.
as soon as flynn gets to elias, he runs into reagan - a girl he had only met once before but managed to make a permanent impression on him all the same. when he found her unexpectedly, locked away in a tower - it turned into a 3-day adventure that started with an escape heist and ended in a lantern festival he could never forget. showed him a side of himself he never got a chance to see before. reuniting with the girl only brings that out in him again.
the move from corona to elias allows for a bit of a flynn rider soft reset. allows him to find the adventure without the risk of wanted posters flying around elias, too.
what's to come ;
at this time, flynn has no idea of his royal background. he had learned to accept, in his own way, that he wouldn't know about his birth parents or the life stripped from him when he was dropped off at the orphanage. he had created the story himself in his head and was okay with accepting that as fact. but soon, the truth behind the downfall of the dark kingdom will unveil itself. king edmund has been waiting on the right time to potentially revive the land. and when he does - the dark kingdom will need its prince.  // this will be updated later, but for now you can read about flynn learning of his lineage ( and not believing it ! ) here .
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ichcrblood · 9 months
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( sohan pague  +  twenty-three  +  they/he )  look who has entered camp halfblood college !  meet ANDRZEJ BLASZCZYKOWSKI ,  the child of THANATOS .  they have been living in long island for four years and are currently studying biology. when someone describes them, they are often described as DETERMINED and SELF DEPRECATING. zeus believes he/they are responsible for stealing the lightning bolt but is that something they are capable of doing?
full name: andrzej kazimierz blaszczykowski nicknames: andy, andrew this one isn't technically a nickname it's the anglicized version and they hate it A Lot age: 23 years old   gender: transmasc pronouns: they/he orientation: gay godly parent: thanatos powers: enhanced durability, invisibility, shadow travel, minor hypnokinesis, minor umbrakinesis fatal flaw: cowardice status: alive
(tw for allusions to past dv/abuse, past bullying)
you're quiet. that's something a lot of people tend to notice. or, rather, a reason you go unnoticed. you don't mind it much, though. you're used to being on your own by now, and you prefer it, for the most part. there are worse options. you should know. you'll take people blinking in confusion when your name is mentioned over learning to make yourself small, hoping no one sees you're there, even if whatever words they have to fling at you are nothing compared to what you'll go home to. being invisible just feels...safer.
you're the youngest of three, by a wide margin. by the time you're starting school, your brother is almost out of high school entirely, and your sister is halfway through middle school. which is good news for them, because it means they're able to never be home, or find easier ways to duck out, to just not be in the way. you don't get the luxury. you're little, and you're clumsy, and you speak too loudly and play too obnoxiously and-- and, honestly, your father just doesn't like children. and he doesn't seem to like your mother, either. you don't think he likes anything.
you're still young when it starts happening, though. you still remember the first instance. you hadn't been trying to knock anything over. you hadn't been trying to make noise. but you turn and stumble back, and you knock into the end table, and when your arm flies out to catch yourself, the picture frame goes flying, and smacks into the wall. you freeze, terrified, knowing the scuff on the wall won't be waved away. but when your father comes in, angry, yelling, just knowing it was you, even as you stand, frozen, he-- he doesn't see you. he must not, because you're right out in the open, and he wouldn't pretend to not see you. but he doesn't react. anger morphs to confusion, and he picks up the frame himself, puts it back, muttering to himself about stupid kids and old houses and whatever else.
from there, it seems like you just stop being seen. people walk right past you, stumbling and confused when they bump into you, unable to parse out what just happened. as you get older, stranger things begin to happen. you mostly brush them off, however. the shadows stretching out too far are clearly just you misremembering, and there's plenty of reasons someone might suddenly be so tired. you are not the reason, because that's stupid. and impossible. you learn soon, though, that the realm of impossibility is not nearly as big as you once thought. you don't go to college right after high school. there's no money for it, and you never wanted all the fuss. you struggled in school, anyway, were glad to be rid of it.
but then you're at work, taking out the trash, and this-- this bird thing --you think it was a bird? you have no idea at the time-- attacks you, and this time while it seems to lose sight of you a couple of times, it doesn't leave you alone, and you'd be dead if not for serendipity. you think that's what it must be. from there, things spiral. talks of gods and halfbloods are-- they're ridiculous. impossible, even, because even if these things are real, they can't apply to you. you know your parents. they're not great, your mom too passive and your dad too easily agitated, but. but they're mortal. human. which makes you one too, right?
yeah, wrong. the truth comes out eventually, after the attacks keep happening. your mother cracks. she tells you the truth. your father isn't the man whose roof you've lived under your entire life, but a god. thanatos. which...alright, maybe you had to look him up. you could have cried laughing. of course. of course. if this absolutely insane story was going to be real, and your mom was being honest, of course you'd have the creepy death god for a father. the attacks were continuing, and it was putting everyone at risk. staying wasn't an option. you'd worried, though, leaving your mother along with your-- with her husband. but she'd all but pushed you out the door, shoving the money for a plane ticket into your hand and not letting you so much as protest.
so you leave, and you end up in new york, at this-- college? it was strange. you'd never let yourself think about college. as it is, the major you chose was mostly random. you're alright at science, so why not. your cabin isn't bustling like some of the others. but you've never minded it. you like it better this way, to be mostly left alone. you've grown more accustomed to being seen, but it's still comforting to just disappear when things are too much. and in time you've learned to hone other skills. shadow travel has to be your least favorite. you can't travel very far, and it makes you sick to your stomach. the sleepiness --hypnokinesis, you learn-- isn't something you can do much with, more a leftover from the closest of thanatos and hypnos. overall, you're not the most impressive. you don't mind it, though.
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smolcuriouskitten · 10 months
🚩 🚩 🚩 { just curious }
Oh shit you are trying to put me on a soap box, aight hear me out. 1. AESTHETICS DONT MEAN SHIT IF YOU CANNOT WRITE. It makes me so SICK to see how the roleplay community is about how pretty you make your blog look but you cant even use your and you're correctly my g. Not shitting on anyone for using grammar incorrectly, it happens to the best of us but if I cannot comprehend a word you say in your response, decorating should be the last thing you worry about. Reading a book takes just as much time as decorating the blog, maybe pick up one.
2. NOT HAVING MOBILE FRIENDLY LINKS ANYWHERE IS CHILDISH. Me personally, I came to tumblr during a time where I had to do a mini scavenger hunt to find rules, information, etc on a blog bc pinned comments and linking in bios didnt exist. That was 3ish years ago and it sucked navigating as a mobile user back then because we werent as recognized as desktop. Its a new era and not alot of people have access to computers, dont be an ass and inconvenience others bc you cant be bothered to pin and link something. AND AN ADDITIONAL POINT. You cannot get upset with those who ask to see your rules or other pages on your blog bc you dont have it easily accessible. This is ESPECIALLY important if you are mutuals only, send the stuff and dont be an ass about it.
3. ON THE TOPIC OF MUTUALS ONLY, IF YOU ONLY ROLEPLAY WITHIN THE FANDOM OR WITH 5 PEOPLE, YOU CANNOT COMPLAIN ABOUT OTHERS BEING VERSTILE. Now dont get me wrong, new fandoms use mutual only systems as a form of protection, Im not talking about them. Im saying for example, marvel muses who only roleplay within the marvel fandom (like only roleplaying with avenger muses and no one else) and dont venture out! Thats boring and shows you cant switch up your style or go outside of your comfort zone for writing. I get it, some fandoms are more niche than others, require more knowledge than others, once again not talking about them. I mean popular fandom canon muses who do not interact with ocs, other side characters, and keep a small circle of roleplay buddies then complain about the lack of interactions or lack of new people coming to the blog. Most people can tell right away that their blog wont mesh well with yours since you only roleplay with the same 5 people! Babe, it turns us off.
4. and a bonus bc why not. IF YOU ARE MUTUALS ONLY HAVE THAT SOMEWHERE EASILY ACCESSIBLE/EASY TO SEE. I know to read rules as its basic etiquette when it comes to rping but most people do not have it big and bolded that they are mutuals only. Im one of those people who need to see it as soon as I go onto a blog. Respectfully if you have it as a rule, dont wait until I click on your caard, put it on the 20th rule, or put it in a really obscure spot. Put it in your bio! Even if you are selective seriously!
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anime-related · 2 years
I just finished Stars Align/Hoshiai no Sora
There are spoilers in this post. Do not read unless you have watched it all the way through to the end.
I have a lot of thoughts on the finale.
First of all, it makes me think that it was the plan all along. If the writers were rushed into finishing the show and just stuffed that in there for no reason, I dont think it would be so tightly fit in there.
I think it was supposed to have more of an arc though. Maybe (definitely) something to do with Toma. I mean, they both threatened it for each other, I think Toma was supposed to be involved.
Maybe Toma got hurt by him. Maybe Toma kept staying at their house just in case he came by (and perhaps for a taste of escapism from his own home life) and he wasnt happy with it.
I have a couple cenarios running through my head. Either Toma has Maki hide for trauma reasons, or for some reason Maki is out, leaving Toma alone in their apartment.
Kenji spouts some bullshit about how if Toma doesn't want Maki to get hurt, he'll have to take it for him, or basically just hurts him to get through to the money— something like that.
Once Maki finds out, that's what triggers it.
Or, alternatively, Toma is the one to do it. I think i like this idea more, simply because it's already stated in the show, but I also think it's less likely.
Shame on me for reading so far into it, but I feel like the act of legitimately killing his own father is symbolic of Maki's growth as a person. He's moving on. He's making a life for himself.
I'm not going to lie and say I'm upset that he killed his father. I am glad that sob is canonically supposed to be dead. I just think they rushed it because they didn't have much of a choice.
I know a lot of people choose to ignore the finale, which I 10000% understand and respect, but I'd like to write a season 2 directly following the ending scene.
Okay, well, maybe not directly following. I don't really feel like writing a murder scene. But right after that.
It's really upsetting that the show ended so soon. Hell, even if it ended like that and then got a renewal I'd be happy.
And genuinely, I care less about Maki's home life when I say that. He got closure. His father is gone.
I want to know how Toma and Ryouma handle their new home situation. I want to know if/how Futsu meets his bio mom and what she's like, and how their family dynamic might change.
I want to know how Tsubasa deals with his father, and see more of his relationship between him and his brothers. I think it's a crime that we don't see much, if any, of Itsuki's current home life. Who does he live with now, do we even know?
I wan to see Yu come out to their family and friends, see them wear a skirt to school. I want to see the diverse reactions that come with being nonbinary.
I'd like to see what happens with Nao and his mother. Maybe she gets murdered too, idk (/hj). I want to see Shingo's relationship with his sister and mother.
I want to see how Mitsue finds a new audience with her art. I want to see more of Shou.
I want to see more queer anguish and crisis.
I want to see how everyone reacts to the information that Toma initially paid Maki to join the team.
There's so much stuff that they weren't able to tie up in the end. And while I'm glad they tied up Maki's story with his father (and I do think that was the best choice out of the ones I listed in the short time they had), there's still so many questions I have.
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May I please ask for headcanons for Joseph and Janice reacting to what their counterparts did after the sawp please. Sorry I have no idea if the other two was sent cause internet connections.
Can do! I'm working this on my PC while the Chromebook glitch works
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You were basically right with Joseph's step-mum having a not so legal business. She sells some phony products and likes to Mega-Karen complain and blackmail/gaslight the buyer and even Joseph to not tell anybody this
When he went home he was instantly kicked out by his bruised faced father, told to not come back until he and his wife get respect.
Confused, he contacted Charles who was like, "Dude, you beat your old man and that bitch a lot, how can you forget??"
Yeah he instantly went to the Kemonohito household very emotional
Joe was ready to apologize as soon as he saw Joseph but-
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Joe was very confused by the sudden hug, even more when he didn't smell any weed on the man
"Thank you...you saved me from a life time of pain..."
As it turns out he really wanted to move out but was unable to due to his step-mum taking all his savings for her "business" and hobbies and now with them literally tossing him out he can make a move and have his own place. Of course he has to stay on the couch of Jac or Charles first but that's great!
Joe still apologized for the mess he made and offered to help Joseph move for free
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Okay, how she found out was by strange reviews that didn't make sense about the diner
Stuff like how the staff was unfriendly and the fish was not cooked etc
After going to Sia they found out it's her OG family
just following the gut, Janice calls up Jane who quickly folds and apologizes severely
Unlike Joseph Janice was very pissed off and actually yelled at the poor girl before hanging up. She's not mad at what she did but more so...scared...
She sat down and explained it to her uncle who was like "Huh, that makes sense then..." after hearing about the swap
They both talked and Janice admitted she's actually scared of what her bio-family will do to them and Jane, how they controlled her life so much that now she will has to deal with there control again despite their asses being kicked to the moon and back
He calmed her down and she did call Jane to apologize for the yelling before and the two talked
Talking soon calmed with what they missed and also about their certain light hair cuties
"Maria asked you to the aquarium~" "Did she??" "Mmmmmmhm. But I told her "I" would be free this Friday." "You're awesome!" "I know~"
Janice's uncle blocked and banned the family from the diner's Yelp reviews and the diner itself while she went out with Maria the next day
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