#just the direct comparison is funny
raytorosaurus · 2 years
ray: kisses gerard
y'all: awwwww besties 🥺🥺🥺 brothers 🥺🥺🥺
frank: watches gerard sing a song with a neutral attentive expression, alongside the rest of the band who is also watching attentively
y'all: im gonna be fucking sick this goes beyond rpf we're not crazy i've literally never seen someone yearn so hard
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chubs-deuce · 2 years
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This guy is 70% legs for no reason at all
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insinirate · 1 year
Yeah no tbatf only gets worse and none of it is fun and it’s one of those things that’s like. This isn’t even fun to make fun of it’s just…. Sad
just finished reading it and boy was it something
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potatoesandsunshine · 10 months
saw the barbie movie liked it a lot. great costumes and sets i loved looking at the screen. the musical numbers were fun and the dance scenes were the highlight of the movie for me. the jokes were generally pretty funny and imo they landed most of the time. the movie is at its weakest when it's trying to Have Something To Say and there was one particular line that felt extremely marvel-streaming-series (derogatory) to me, but i had a good time and the relationship between america ferrera and ariana greenblatt was extremely sweet. margot robbie was incredible and ryan gosling was born to play ken; he was the standout of the movie for me.
all in all 8.5/10 i will watch it again but it cannot supplant the place mamma mia & mamma mia: here we go again have in my heart for "movies to watch and cry to when i miss my friends"
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psqqa · 11 months
if possible i would recommend seeing barbie with your sister and 25 of her closest friends
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polakina · 1 year
intensified senses
pairing: miguel o'hara x reader
rating: explicit
outline: being highly recommended by his lieutenants, miguel decided to recruit you into the spider society. wary of you at first, he kept a distance. but you were persistent on getting through the cracks of his stony exterior
warnings: cursing, fluff, eventual smut, miguel being a sarcastic bitch, pining, flirting, masturbation (male), blindfolding, sensory deprivation, blowjobs, unprotected sex, riding
requests are open! hope you enjoy, petals <3
He watched you from afar at first. Crouched from a high tower, dressed in inconspicuous clothing and hiding in plain sight. You came highly recommended. Jess and Ben spoke rather fondly of you, of your loyalty, bravery. You took care of your neighbourhood, of your city. And you were damn fucking good at it.
Miguel didn’t see it. He looked at you with a rather cold stare as you perched from a rooftop, your headpiece laid beside you as you looked out towards the streets. You crouched there with a bagel in one hand, iced coffee in the other. Your suit was all yellow, like the sun. The spider on your chest a deep orange. The sunset made it shine brightly. A pretty amber in the light. Miguel just sort of scowled at you. 
“What do you think, O’Hara?” Jess came through on his earpiece, crackly, but clear enough to understand.
“She’s…you think that she could join the society?” He asked incredulously. “She’s a kid!”
“She’s actually similar in age to you, just with a better skin care routine,” he heard her chuckle lightly.
“That’s funny,” he responded coolly. Sarcastically. As he usually did. But he trusted Ben and Jess’ judgement, and to be fair, he was trying to expand the spider society further. So perhaps you would be an ample addition, in his eyes.
You knew someone had been watching you for a while. You felt eyes on the back of your head. For what reason, you weren’t sure, but they didn’t pose a threatening feel. So you let them be.
It wasn’t until you felt their presence behind you that you felt that something needed to be done about it. You heard his footsteps quite a fair distance behind you, and the hairs on the back of your neck stood up straight. He was big. Very big. Putting your headpiece back on, you stood up straight and kept looking ahead of you. It was only when you felt him get a little closer that you sent your webs in his direction. You heard him grunt as he was webbed to the rooftop door, stuck in place. 
That’s when you turned around to face him. Glad that your face was covered, he wasn’t able to see the look of surprise on your face. The way your eyebrows raised or your mouth fell slightly open. Goddamn. He wasn’t exactly what you had expected to be following you all these weeks.
Dark curly hair. Reddish eyes. A waistline that would put any model to shame. The man was built like a brick wall, but with a face carved from a God or something. You blinked back into focus, not letting him distract you right now.
“Who are you?” You asked, trying to conjure a sort of authoritative voice to not seem so young. Or small. Which you were in comparison right now.
“That isn’t important right now,” he said, struggling against your webbing. “I need you to come with me. I’m recruiting you. That’s the reason I’ve come to find you. Not so we can chitchat and braid eachother’s hair.”
You laughed a little. Miguel ignored how his heart leapt a little at how pretty it sounded. “Wow you’re really good with your people skills. Has anyone ever told you that?” You walked a little closer to him, still hesitant. “Unless you tell me exactly who you are, and exactly what you’re doing in my city, I’m not going anywhere. And by the time that webbing’s structure decomposes enough for you to break free, you won’t find me again.”
He just sighed at you, rolling his eyes out of impatience. “Okay, I’m over this.” talons protruded from his hands in replacement for his fingers, and he sliced through your webbing. Shit, you put so much effort into that webbing too. He sauntered towards you, hips swaying as he looked down at you with a deeply disinterested glare. You backed up until your legs hit the edge of the rooftop, pinning you between him and the ground below. You could have just jumped. Leaned back until you fell from the roof and swung through the streets, far away from him. But you couldn’t. It was like you were frozen in place. “You’re coming with me. One way or another.”
You stepped up onto the ledge, almost as tall as he was now. “As much as I’d love to come back to what I assume is a cute little lair, I’m going to have to pass.” You fell backwards off the ledge and watched his eyes widen as he went to reach for you, but he wasn’t quick enough. Clearly his spidey senses weren’t kicking in today.
You fell, looking towards the ground as it got closer and closer to you. 
But you never did reach it.
It was a blur, a flash of coloured lights blinded you for a few moments. There was a pressure on the back of your neck, as though someone had grabbed you harshly, penetrating skin from the pain it inflicted.
Instead your body collided with a solid stone floor. Hard. you felt somethin crunch as your body hit the ground, sending shooting pains through your entire arm. Blinking your eyes a few times, you adjusted to the bright fluorescent lighting around you. Screens were put up on every wall, a large computer sat atop a much larger desk was raised above you.
“What the fuck?” You whispered, pushing yourself off the ground. Turning slowly in a circle, you tried to gauge where you were, until you came face to face with him again. “You! Where the fuck have you brought me?” You started swinging at him. You don’t really know why. It was a defense mechanism, you guessed? But you swung at him nonetheless. Pointless as it was, it made you feel better.
He just huffed and shook his head, batting away your hands and feet as they came at him, as though they weren’t even hurting him. It wasn’t until he grabbed your wrist which you injured, feeling the dislocation in the bone. You hissed in pain, trying to pull away, to no avail. He said nothing, just snapping it back into place and your cry echoed throughout the room. 
“Asshole!” You cried out, turning away.
“You’re welcome.”
“I wouldn’t have even been hurt if you hadn’t have kidnapped me!”
“I told you I was recruiting you for something.” His voice was so plain, so boring, so calm. Not a smidge of emotion or humanity in it.
“You could have asked nicely! Maybe explained the situation before…teleporting me to your shitty office,” you breathed heavily.
“You didn’t give me a chance. This was the only way.” He turned towards the desk, making his way up to it. You followed, rolling your wrist to alleviate the pain. 
“So why am I here? And who exactly are you?” You walked to the desk, taking a seat in the chair and spinning in it until his face became blurry. You came to a sudden stop when his hands fell hard onto the arm rests, his face inexplicably close to yours. You held your breath as he scowled down at you.
“Get. Off. My. Chair.”
“Who. Are. You.”
He rolled his eyes. But it wasn’t he who answered your question. It was a woman. “Miguel, you’re back! And you brought company. So this is the Lemon Spider? I expected something…different.”
“Lemon Spider? That is not my name,” you chuckled, looking over to see a blonde woman on the screens.
“Well, LYLA is my name. And Lemon Spider suits you, so Lemon Spider is your name.” She smiled, her grin was big and bright.
“And you’re Miguel? I’m glad someone finally told me.”
Eventually Miguel explained why he’d brought you to him. The Spider Society. Hundreds of spiders from hundreds of different alternate realities protecting the canon events and ensuring nothing disrupted them. His lieutenants had recommended you after close observation of how you handled situations within your own universe. You were small but quick, good at getting in and out of places that others couldn’t fit. You had heart. You never acted out of anger, or revenge. Only when someone needed you, needed your help.
It was a noble cause. One that, of course, you would have signed up for yourself if Miguel hadn’t first brought you here against your will. The man really needed to work on his people skills.
Months later, you had worked your way up the ranks. A valued member of the society. Even Miguel was impressed. Not that he ever showed it. You’d even met some other spiders. Pav and Hobie being the ones you were closest with whenever you got a chance to see them.
But Miguel was always the one you wanted to see the most, but you tried to keep that your own little secret.
“So…how ya been?” You asked, spinning on the desk chair once again as he leaned over the desk beside you. He rolled his eyes once again, but his mean demeanour had slightly softened with you around over time. Even LYLA had noticed it, once asking him if he did in fact begin to soften towards you. She earned a low growl in response and never spoke of it again. 
“As always,” you huffed, looking at the same thing he was, a screen with a lot of maps and circles and colours…you understood none of it.
“Shouldn’t you be working? Doing spidey stuff?” He asked, looking over at you, his eyes softening at the way you looked up at him. He brushed it off quickly though.
“My canon events are safe,” you assured. “Besides, I’ll be notified if anything canon related or otherwise is affected or in jeopardy. So until that happens, I have a clear schedule.”
He just looked away, scanning activity on the screen. “Well, that’s great,” he mumbled under his breath, sarcasm lacing his tone.
“Come on, I’m great company,” you smiled up at him.
“Uh huh.”
You sighed, leaning back in the chair, putting your feet up on the desk. “Well, you’d prefer me over Hobie, at least.”
He grunted, pushing himself off the desk and turning towards you. Grabbing both your ankles, he yanked them off the desk, pulling you closer to him, your legs either side of his body as the wheely chair rolled swiftly towards him. “Look, as much as I love the cute little attitude you seem to have,” he leaned closer towards you, his cologne filling your senses. “I have work to do. And you’re a distraction. So either be quiet, or go elsewhere, okay?”
Words escaped you. And Miguel realised exactly what he’d just said. He also realised he’d essentially caged his body between your thighs. You gazed up at him, he noted a little surprise in your eyes, as well as something else. But he couldn’t put his finger on it. Letting go of your ankles, he stepped away. You stood from your chair.
“Well, I wouldn’t want to be a distraction now, would I, O’Hara?” You asked, a little smirk playing at your lips. You patted his chest and walked away.
He hated that he watched you leave, completely ensnared by you as you left the room. 
You stayed at the base that night, knowing that Miguel had his room set up there, a few doors down from the meeting room. You planned to go back to your own dimension, but it was quite boring back there right now. So you hung out in the meeting room, suspended upside down from the ceiling. Tracking the activity of your own city, you were met with absolutely fuck all. No activity. No spikes in crime or anything altered on your own timeline.
Sighing, you dropped down to the floor, preparing to go back to your own timeline. You would have said goodbye to Miguel, but you weren’t exactly sure he wanted to talk to you right now.
Just as you were about to leave, you heard something. Your ears perked and the hairs on your arms stood up. It was coming from Miguel’s room. You shouldn’t have inspected, it wasn’t your place. But your feet took you there anyway. Outside his door, you pressed your ear up against it, listening intently. At first you thought he was communicating with someone. LYLA, perhaps. Until you heard something else. Groaning? Grunting, maybe. But then you heard moaning. And he was saying something. Your name. Your hand covered your mouth so that he wouldn’t hear you. But he sure as hell would have sensed your presence. Wouldn’t he?
You stepped back, knocking into the wall behind you. His noises halted almost immediately. Hearing his footsteps approach the door, you backed away quickly, but he opened the door before you were completely out of sight. His pupils were blown wide, his shirt discarded and his chest glistening slightly with sweat.
“I thought you’d left,” he said, his voice low, gruff.
“I stuck around, kept an eye on the screens for a little while,” you admitted. It wasn’t a lie, for the most part. “Thought you would have heard me, or known I was still here.”
He cocked his head in confusion. 
“Spidey senses? I always know when someone’s around,” you smiled. But he shook his head in disagreement.
“I don’t have those. Wasn’t bitten by a spider, you see,” he revealed, and your eyebrow quirked. “How long have you been stood out here?”
Your heart dropped. “Um…not long. Was just about to leave anyway, so you get back to…whatever it is you were doing. I’ll see you around, O’Hara.”
You turned to leave until his voice stopped you. “Or you could…stay?” You didn’t turn around at first, but you felt him come up behind you. Close. Very fucking close. His heat radiated onto your back. “I’ve been cold towards you, I know that. I haven’t meant to be.”
“So why have you been?” You spun on your heel, almost stumbling as you came into contact with his bare chest. But his hand on your waist caught you.
“If I let myself enjoy your company as much as I do, I’ll become distracted from my life’s work,” he let his head drop.
Confidence suddenly overtook you and you placed a hand on his cheek, tilting his head back up to look at you. “Sometimes a distraction is what you need to be able to do your job.”
He chuckled. The first time you’d ever seen him do that. “You saying I do my job wrong?”
“I said sometimes, O’Hara,” you smiled. “But maybe a distraction is what you need right now.” Taking his hand, you led him back to his room. You expected him to pull away, but he didn’t, he followed. Miguel shut the door behind him and your eyes adjusted to the dimly lit room, the only light source coming from his desk light. His hands found your waist from behind you, his breath on your neck.
“A distraction sounds pretty good right about now,” he purred in your ear, kissing your neck softly. You melted into his touch, your legs becoming a puddle. He kissed down your neck to your shoulder and you turned your head, letting your lips meet his in a gentle kiss. 
This was the gentlest you’d ever seen him. Usually his walls were up, and he was cold and distant from everyone. But here…here he was entirely exposed. To you. You walked him slowly to the couch in the corner of the room, the backs of his knees hitting it before he sat down, his hands pulling you closer.
“You said you don’t have spidey senses, right?” You asked, standing before him. He looked up at you expectantly. 
“What are you getting at here, princesa?”
“Just something I want to try.” You pulled the thick ribbon from your hair that tied it up in a bun whenever you were out of your suit. Your hair fell down to your shoulders, falling in front of your face.
“Oh, we’re trying things? So early on?” He joked, a small smile in his voice.
“Oh shush, I think you’ll like it,” you held the ribbon in front of him and he realised what you wanted to do. He nodded, his trust put in you. Covering his eyes, you tied it around the back of his head. “Just have a little faith.”
“In you, I do.”
You knelt before him, so thankful he was just in sweatpants. You weren’t very good at handling belts. Wrapping your fingers around the waistband of his sweatpants, you felt him tense up lightly. “Easy, O’Hara. Just relax, okay?”
You looked up to see him nod. Smiling, you continued, pulling his sweatpants down to his ankles. He’d opted to go commando under those pants, and you stifled a gasp at what awaited you beneath the fabric. 
Shit. you knew he was a big guy…but you didn’t expect him to be that big of a guy. Miguel’s cock sprang out of its confinement, hard, long and thick. For a moment you worried yourself that you wouldn’t be able to take all of him. Or even…most of him. But you were too pent up and needy for him that you pushed past it.
Wrapping your hand around the base of his cock, Miguel shuddered at your touch. He didn’t want to admit it, but it had been a while for him. Having only his own hand to work with, he couldn’t fathom how good it felt to be your hand instead.
But fuck, the second he felt your mouth envelope his dick, he couldn’t stop the moan that escaped his throat. You loved it, the raw feeling behind his groaning and whimpering. Taking him further in your mouth, you sucked slowly, deeply, your tongue circling the tip so his legs tightened under your hand where it laid, resting on his thigh.
You felt his hand travel to your head, fingers entangling in your hair and gripping it with a firm hold. He didn’t push, he just held you there. The more of him you took, the tighter his grip got. His panting and moaning was like music to your ears.
“Shit…shit…” he breathed, raising his hips up off the couch, his dick pushing deeper down your throat. He was about to come, on the verge of it, you could feel it. His head fell back against the top of the couch, his teeth gritted against each other as he felt the precipice of his orgasm fast approaching. “Wait, wait, wait.” He spoke quickly, racing through his words.
You did stop. Pulling away and looking up at him. “Are you okay?” You asked, worried you’d gone too far, too fast.
“I’m fine,” he panted, head tipped towards the ceiling. “But…” Miguel pulled down his blindfold so it hung loosely around his neck. He gazed at you, his eyes coated in a thin sheen, glossed over. “I’m not gonna be the only one who gets to feel this good though.” He pulled you up and onto his lap. You felt his dick twitch beneath you as your face was ever so close to his, inches away from one another. “So now it’s your turn, princesa.”
Miguel smirked, his hand sliding down the front of your pants, gliding under your panties and came into contact with your bare skin. Your breath shortened as his fingers drifted down to your pussy, already soaked from the moments previously, and he smirked at the wetness he felt there. “Already this wet, hmm? Guess it’s not going to take long for you to be able to take me, huh?” He was so smug. So confident. In any other instance you’d find it annoying, but right now you couldn’t have found it more attractive. All you could muster up was a quiet, desperate please.
He smiled, pushing a finger deep inside you and pulling a soft moan from you. God, he could listen to that on repeat for the rest of his life. Moving his finger in and out at a quickened pace, curving his fingertip to hit that sweet spot you could never reach yourself, he felt you clench around him, your eyes begging for more when your mouth couldn’t form the words. He happily obliged, adding a second finger. The palm of his hand grinding against your clit with the added pressure of his fingers fucking you was driving you to the edge quicker than you thought possible. 
He knew it too. Your eyes rolling back, your hips shifting to rock with the rhythm of his fingers inside you. You were close. 
“You want to come, angelita?” He asked, his words dripping with want, with need. For you. He watched you nod frantically. But he slowed his fingers, his other hand gripping your jaw gently, but firmly. “On my fingers, or on my cock, hmm?” He saw the way your eyes lit up at that proposal. “Oh, honey. I think I already know what you want.”
He didn’t even try and take off your pants, he tore right through them instead, his talons scraping against your skin, but never breaking your skin. Throwing your torn clothes across the room, he lifted you up so you hovered above him. Miguel grabbed his cock by the base, running it along your pussy, soaking the tip with your wetness. 
Words escaped you and your mind went numb when he first pushed his cock into you. At first it felt overwhelming, the size of him frying your senses and fogging your head. Only at about half way in, Miguel started to feel resistance, and the look of shock and the overwhelmed tint in your eyes showed him why. “Just relax, conejita. You’re taking me so well,” he whispered, one hand on your thigh and the wrapped around your back.
His praise and encouragement cleared your clouded thoughts. You nodded, taking your time and sinking lower and lower until you reached the base. Letting out a deep breath, you gave yourself a few moments to adjust. Miguel smiled up at you. “Atta girl,” he mumbled, a smirk on his lips. He shifted his hips, rising up into you, purposefully grinding his dick up into your soaking pussy. Fuck, he loved the way you bit your lip to stifle your noises as to not make too much noise. Not that anyone else was here anyway. He wanted to hear you. 
You started rocking back and forth on his dick, the tip hitting something devastatingly sweet every time and it sent shockwaves through your entire body. You wrapped your arms around his neck, nails scratching into his back, digging crescent shaped indents into his skin as you rolled your hips quicker and quicker. Miguel’s hands both found their way to your hips, guiding your movements and controlling your speed. His head dipped down as he kissed your neck, taking your skin between his teeth and biting gently, sucking deep marks into your neck. 
His lips trailed down, passing your collar bones, down your sternum to your breasts. His tongue circled your perked nipple before he sucked identical purple marks into your breasts, kissing along to the other breast as he did, giving the same treatment to both. 
Mumbles and whimpers fell from your lips, flooding the room with your desperation for Miguel’s touch, for Miguel’s praises, for Miguel’s hands all over you. His fingers dug tighter into your hips, grinding you against him hard, his cock reaching the perfect places inside you to make you squirm, to make you cry out his name. 
“You gonna come for me, princesa? Hmm?” He asked, a smidge of cockiness in his tone. He was good. And he knew he was good. You couldn’t deny it, not knowing that even though you were already so overwhelmed by the size of him, mixtures of pleasure and pain that balanced one another out perfectly, you couldn’t deny that you weren’t already craving more of him. 
But the second he started raising his hips to meet yours, you lost it. Your head fell against his shoulder, and his lips attacked your neck, pressing soft kisses there, biting gently. His hand drifted between your bodies, putting pressure against your clit with his thumb. That’s when your body began to unravel, your senses skyrocketed. You gripped the back of his neck so tightly as you felt your orgasm growing closer, your thighs shaking and your movements started to falter in both speed and momentum. 
Miguel sensed it it too, his hands on your hips becoming the sole thing after a point, that kept you grinding on his cock. He was close too. But he held out with all of his focus. Wanting you to come for him first. Needing you to. “Come on, honey,” he purred in your ear, his lips brushing the shell of your ear. “Be a good girl and come for me.”
You couldn’t hold it in anymore. You let out a small cry, Miguel’s name playing on your tongue. Your orgasm washed over you. It wasn’t gentle either, like it usually was whenever you touched yourself. This was powerful. This was like a tsunami. It tore through you, electrifying your veins and causing you to clench hard. Your thighs caged him, closing tighter around his body as you clung to him. You bit into Miguel’s shoulder, hard enough to draw blood, but it didn’t stop him from fucking up into you. He didn’t stop. Not until your orgasm had finally satisfied the both of you. Your body collapsed against him, your chest heaving as you tried to regain all of your breath, filling your lungs to their capacity.
“You okay, conejita?” He asked, raking his fingers up and down your spine, kissing the side of your head. He chuckled lightly as you just nodded, a quiet groan all you could muster up at an attempt for words.
You lifted your head, leaning back to look at him. A gasp escaped your throat as he shifted beneath you once more, his cock twitching. “You didn’t…” Your words trailed off as you looked fown for a split second.
Miguel shook his head. “No.”
“Why not?” You asked, a mixture of curiosity and a little embarrassment lacing your tone. 
He smiled, leaning back, running his hands up and down your thighs. “You think I can only last one round, honey? I’m offended,” he laughed jokingly. Your eeys widened a little, and you were slightly concerned you wouldn’t be able to handle more right now. Not if it was as good as that. “Don’t look so afraid, baby,” he whispered, lifting you and your legs wrapped around his waist. He carried you to the bed on the other side of the room, laying your down gently, your head settling comfortably into the pillows as he climbed on top of you, his body between your thighs. “I’ll be gentle, I promise.”
You huffed a soft laugh. “Miguel, I don’t think you know the meaning of gentle.”
He matched your soft laugh with one of his own. Rolling his eyes, he leaned even closer to you, your lips almost touching. “I’ll try to be gentle. At first.” His eyes darkened in the dimmed room and your heart beat just a little faster. “But don’t think it’ll take me more than five minutes to fuck you into this bed until all you can do is scream my name.”
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stayinlimbo · 9 days
Hoodie Season
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pairing: lee minho x reader genre/warnings: friends to friends with feelings(?), fluff, subtle realization of feelings(?), or maybe they've been there all along, pitiful attempts at me trying to be funny, mc has hair long enough to be blown in their face, mc's gender not specified word count: 1.13k note: this has been torturing me for months. i really tried my best here, so go easy on me ♡
"We have this conversation every time. Yes.”
“No, and that’s because you won’t admit that you’re wrong,” you huff, biting back the urge to stick your tongue out at your best friend. You refuse to stoop down to his level.
“Because I’m not? Just accept it, zip-ups are better,” Minho shrugs, lightly bumping his shoulder into yours. Or at least what he thinks is lightly before he watches you stumble onto the strip of grass next to the sidewalk and almost hit a tree. 
Catching yourself, you whip your head back towards public energy #1 and glare at the sheepish smile he gives in return as the two of you continue walking past a row of quaint shops lining the vacant street. To where, you have no clue. You don’t even think he knows. Minho just texted you to be ready in ten minutes and wear something warm for another Saturday afternoon of following wherever your best friend’s feet decide to take you. 
But let’s not forget the very important topic at hand. 
“Hoodies are superior and I will not entertain any other viewpoint,” you declare, fiddling with your warm and comfortable and warm, and, oh, did you already mention warm hoodie’s drawstrings.
“What happened to your goal of being a more open-minded person this year?”
“That’s besides the point. This is entirely different,” you dismiss with a wave of your hand. The chilled wind nips at your fingers before you bury them deep into the front pocket of your hoodie. 
“Sure it is,” Minho drawls with a quirk of his lips, ignoring the not-so-subtle side eye you throw at him. “Okay, I’ll humor you this time then. Why are hoodies, in your misguided judgment, so much better?” 
“Hey— okay you know what, I’m going to let that slide this time to save your from further embarrassment while I destroy your—”
“Boo, get on with it already.”
“Don’t rush me,” you scold as Minho raises his hands in a playful surrender. “Thank you. Now, as I was saying —look at me, this is serious— hoodies are an easily available and affordable luxury item; pull them over your head and bam, instant warmth.”
“How is that any different from zipping up a jacket?” Minho deapans. “You’re not very convincing, you know that right? And what if I don’t want to look disheveled with messy hair?”
“Is that supposed to be directed at me?” you ask with a laugh, hair blowing into your face. 
Minho’s smile returns. “You said it, I didn’t.”
“Well, it doesn’t matter,” you continue. “I’m strong enough to admit that hoodies may be a cause for bad hair days but they’re so soft and comfortable that it’s worth it. Not to mention they’re more flattering too. Just look at me.”
“You look like you got swallowed by a fabric monster that decided you weren’t tasty enough to finish eating,” Minho teases, eyes twinkling with amusement as they scan over your heavily clothed figure. 
Okay, he’s got you there with…whatever that comparison means, but it’s not your fault you just so happened to grab the baggiest hoodie you own before rushing out the door. You can’t even think of a comeback before he’s already moving on to his next question.
“What’s wrong with how zip-ups fit anyway? I think I look fine,” he pouts, crossing his arms over his chest. 
You can’t argue with that one either. Fine is an understatement. The black zip-up he’s wearing compliments his physique perfectly, the not too tight or loose fabric accentuating the strong-build of his upper body. Ugh, he’s really not helping you make your case here. 
“You’re an exception,” you admit with a slight shrug of your shoulders, averting your gaze upwards as the rustling leaves above begin to fall on you both. 
Minho’s hand suddenly grabs your shoulder, halting your footsteps and causing you to look back at him, eyebrows knit together in confusion. Heat rushes to your cheeks as he steps closer to you, wordlessly lifting his hand from your shoulder in favor of gently plucking out a couple of stray leaves stuck in your hair and lifting your hood over your head, shielding you further from the crisp air. 
“There, now what were you saying about me being so good-looking that I defy your zip-up expectations?” Minho chuckles, letting his hand drop back to his side. 
Your face flushes even harder. At this point, you’re not even going to need a hoodie anymore with how hot your body feels. 
“Uh, calm down, I never said that.” you defend hurriedly. ”You’re lucky I have my hands in my pocket or else you’d be the one falling on the grass.”
“Leaves you vulnerable, though.”
“Huh? What do you mea— MINHO!”
Your vision becomes blocked when Minho swiftly tugs your drawstrings, leaving only a small oval of skin exposed to the biting wind. His uncontrollable laughter dances through the air around you as you attempt to pry the hood back open, increasing in intensity when it takes you an embarrassingly longer time than it should to reveal your eyes to the world again. 
“Oh, you think that was so funny, huh?” you interrogate, glaring at his hunched over figure.
Minho stands back upright, wiping at an invisible tear. “Yeah.” 
The cheeky grin he wears slightly falters as you stalk a couple of steps forward, bringing your face closer than you ever have to his. Softer pinks hues begin to color his ears and cheeks, likely from the cold wind or his laughter, you think. 
His gaze softens as it trails down to where your hand is carefully lifting up towards his chest, finally resting flat right above the opening of his zip-up hoodie, the proximity causing a flutter in your chest. The wind begins to pick up slightly, blowing your hair into your face again. There’s an unreadable expression on his face as he lifts his hand to brush your hair out of your face and tuck behind your ear, fingers delicately lingering as he opens his mouth.
“I–” he starts.
The polar breeze hits his undershirt as an involuntary shiver runs throughout his body. Your laughter rings happily in his ears, the bright sound floating in the air as it is carried by the wind. 
You pull yourself away from him, backpedaling when he sends you a faux frown threatening to break as his lips try to fight the smile blooming across his features and already residing in his eyes. Giggles escape the both of you when he takes a step forward, rezipping his jacket, before breaking into a run as your shrieking laughter and his lighthearted swears fill the empty street, footsteps echoing on the pavement.
Looks like this time, he’ll be following you. 
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liked this work? want to let me know how i did? please like, comment, and/or reblog; they are greatly appreciated my asks are always open ♡
taglist:  @linospuddin @linocz @spicyhyunn @inlovewithstraykids @stayyyyyyyyyyyy21
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sanicsmut · 19 days
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Gojo Satoru x Confident!Plus Size!Reader
Warnings : she/her reader, fatphobia, mention of food but it’s not related to reader’s weight, use of the word ‘fat’ but positively. I don’t know if it could be considered slight angst if reader isn’t affected by the fatphobia.
Words: 733
Robin’s comment: We need more fics with a fat reader who doesn't feel bad about being fat and doesn't doubt being hot even when confronted with fatphobia. It’s pretty short. I don’t have the attention span to write a long and coherent thing, so I hope it’ll be enough. Keep in mind that I don’t actually write that much, and that english isn’t my first language and I don't have a beta reader. If the use of the word 'fat', even in a positive way, is triggering for you i'd advise you to not read this.
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Like every day, you decided to visit your boyfriend during his break. He wasn’t on a mission, thankfully, which meant you could steal more time with him. You walked through the streets of Tokyo, your black skirt fluttering in the wind as you walked. You thanked your past self for thinking about wearing shorts, you didn’t want all of Tokyo to see your backside, this was a privilege for your boyfriend after all. Your handbag was filled with all kinds of sweets for him — how else would you thank him for being the best partner you’ve ever had ?
You were passing a café near Jujutsu High when you heard people laughing. You didn’t pay attention to it, initially, but when you heard the words ‘whale’ and other very funny — sarcasm — comparisons. It was true, you were fat. Yes, fat, not chubby or plus sized. No, fat, and not in the ‘norm fitting’ way that would make you an acceptable type of fat in the eyes of skinny people and the beauty norms, no you were… just you. Fat. You always said it wasn’t a bad word, people said skinny with no negative connotation after all, so why not fat ? And you weren’t ashamed of it, you loved your body, you loved how your clothes looked on you, you loved your fat and your rolls and even your stretch marks and everything that came with being bigger than average. Really. But that pride didn’t stop stupid and ignorant people from commenting on your physical appearance as if it was the funniest shit ever.
You turned your gaze to a table in front of the café and, surely, a group of people was sitting there. Boys and girls alike were laughing, some looking not very subtly in your direction. You walked towards them and they all fell silent.
“A whale, huh?” You said. You almost wanted to laugh at their dumbfounded expressions.
“We… uh… We weren’t talking about you.” One of the boy managed to say awkwardly. He kept looking everywhere but you.
“Oh but you were. What did you say?” You asked, looking at the girl sitting right next to him. “What was it? There’s gonna be an earthquake if I keep walking?”
She shrunk in her seat. You could be very intimidating when you wanted to.
“That’s funny.” You commented, not looking amused in the slightest. “Now let me tell you. All of you. You’re lucky I’m not ashamed of being fat. As a matter of fact, I’d say I’m pretty hot. So your comments don’t do shit to me. However, there are people out there who aren’t as confident as I am. Do you have any idea of the impact these kinds of comments can have on someone? Do you think people can choose to be fat ot not? Do you think we don’t know we’re fat? Do you think saying this will change our life and create a miracle maybe? It’s our life, our bodies, right? If you’re disgusted by fat people, you’re the problem. Go see a fucking therapist and work on your inner insecurities, because this is pathetic.”
“It’s easy to talk when you think we can’t hear you, but you fall silent when I’m confronting you?”
You scoffed.
“That’s what I thought. Anyway. Next time you see someone who doesn’t fit your beauty standards, maybe keep if for yourself because nobody cares. And try not to insult them, I doubt you’d appreciate if I commented on your very obvious physical flaws.”
They all looked pretty uncomfortable, you simply threw them another condescending glance before walking away. What a group of stupid idiots.
“Now that was pretty hot.”
You could recognize that voice anywhere.
“Satoru!” You exclaimed, beaming.
You turned around and, surely, he was here in all his glory.
“You were a bit late so I went outside to wait for you.” He grinned, taking you in his arms. “I’m glad to see my beautiful girlfriend is still as fiery as ever.”
You practically melted in his embrace, pressing a kiss on his lips.
“I couldn’t let them think they could get away with this.”
“And you did a good job, sweetheart, I’m proud of you. I'd say no one can mess with my girlfriend, but at this point you don't even need me to defend you.”
You smiled, leaning away just enough to take the sweets out of your bag.
“Here, for being the best boyfriend ever.”
“Are you trying to make me fall in love even more?” He said lightheartedly. “Thanks, wanna share them?”
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eff-plays · 9 months
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Found some really good analysis of Astarion having 10 Charisma on a Youtube video, plus comparisons to a bard Tav because bard supremacy.
Text version under the cut!
Youtube comment from user TF2CrunchyFrog:
Astarion having a default Charisma of only 10 feels like the biggest joke of the entire game. Like, the one characters whose background story as a vampire spawn involves is him having spent the past 170 years being basically prostituted by Cazador his vampire master, being forced to rely on seduction and manipulation to survive, the guy that even various NPCs and even the Narrator remark about how beautiful he is canonically... But instead of the game devs making him a Bard, he's the DEX-based Rogue (I mean, he's a darn good Rogue, but) with the potential Arcane Trickster subclass (which needs INT as base attribute). When I played an Origin run as Astarion, I respecced him slightly and lowered his CON from 15 to 14 and his WIS from 13 to 12 and used that to upgrade his CHA to 12. Astarion being a Rogue is the anomaly here... because when did he learn that? If he was a magistrate while alive -- although the writers chucked the rest of his tentative background story from the earliest stages of the games back in 2020 into the dumpster and changed "corrupt" into "tragic", which gave him more depth, so maybe him claiming at first meeting that he's a magistrate in Baldur's Gate is him serving you a double-lie instead of just a single lie (as he hasn't been whatever profession or status he had while alive for the past nearly 200 years).
BiRios replying to TF2CrunchyFrog:
or all his charm is well…superficial. His skills don’t actually lie there. At least that’s how I took it. He’s all this pomp and circuses but by now it’s just…flat
Raikos100 replying to BiRios:
tbh I agree. Feels like he always not taking things serious, like always joking around, so in a sense you usually don't trust him for anything with his attitude, it's not someone you would trust or take a word irl. Guy tells you "only a sip" and proceeds to suck you dry like a capri sun 😂
samisuhonen9815 replying to TF2CrunchyFrog:
I think he has a 10 in charisma because he is naturally and superficially charming. But in reality, he is not a SKILLED charmer or a smooth talker. Someone who has 16 or more charisma, is a capable of lying, deceiving, performing, even at the cost of one's ego. He/she has the skills to adapt and spin new wild stories on the spot, improvising at all times. I don't think Astarion really has that. He knows how to sound fancy. He knows how to be sarcastic and witty. But he is not someone who can appeal to any person and talk his way out of anything. Say he gets blamed for something. His selfish and defensive instinct would be to insult the person back. A true charisma giga chad is able to see that this sort of behavior will not get him/her what he/she wants. He/she is able to de-escalate the situation and redirect it into a direction that gets the rizzler what he/she wants.
river8783 replying to samisuhonen9815:
Exactly. Playing a bard Tav highlights this difference really well. Half the options listed as solutions during conversations are ones you know Astarion wouldn't think of, or fail miserably at because of all the reasons you listed. He's fun and funny, but also he should thank his lucky stars you're there to talk for him cause he'd be so freakin dead on his own.
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erosuguru · 10 months
Shiu word vomit, he's cute
MINORS + AGELESS BLOGS DNI, Shiu and reader are married, Toji calls reader sweet thing/beauty, suggestive near the end, implied toji x reader, 1k words
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"Oh god.." Your husband, Shiu, groaned quietly to you as he turned away. You followed curiously and asked."What's wrong?"
He took a moment, debating on whether he should tell you or not before he tipped his head in one direction subtly. "Don't look now, but you see the big guy over there?" He whispered to you, and you waited a moment before taking a subtle glance at the man, disguising your peeking as just reaching over to pick a product off the shelf.
"He's from work."
"So a colleague?" Shiu nodded at your words. You smiled and nudged him gently. "You scared me. I thought he was your boss or something.."
Just as Shiu prepared an answer to you, he stopped when he noticed the man began approaching you two. "God- just ignore him–"
"This guy bothering you, ma'am?" The man asked you specifically, a grin on his face as he examined you. You stuttered for a moment and shook your head. "Oh no- he's my husband!"
"Very funny, Fushiguro.." Shiu wrapped an arm around your waist, pulling you closely to him as the man, Fushiguro, let out a chuckle. "You're married? To this sweet thing? Bullshit."
Warmth bloomed at your cheeks. You waved off the compliment. "Oh, he's not all bad. Sure, I'd love for him to put away the cigarettes, but it's not a dealbreaker." Shiu pouted at you. You only gave him a glance that said,'What? I'm right!'
"I'm not sure we met, Fushiguro, was it?" You asked as Shiu seemingly refused to introduce the two of you. You held up your hand, offering the man a polite handshake.
The man took your hand, bringing it up to his lips and kissing the top of your hand. "Yeah, but for a beauty like you? Call me Toji."
"Back off Fushiguro, she just said I'm her husband." Shiu's arm tightened around you as you took your hand back. You settled a hand over Shiu's and squeezed gently."So - you two work together? You two must be pretty close then!" You pointed out lightheartedly, noticing a glare in your husband's gaze.
"Not close enough to know he married! I'm kinda hurt here, Shiu!" Toji mocked, and Shiu rolled his eyes at the tone. "Right, we've got grocery shopping to get to, so I'll see you."
You knew your husband's work, you knew not to interject as long as he was careful and came home in one piece, this man exuded an aura screaming at you not to invite him into your home, no doubt he does the dirty work in this partnership.
Toji frowned once at Shiu. "Hmph, sure, whatever." Glancing at you, the same grin stretched over his features; the more he smiles at you, the more you notice that scar over his lip. "It was a pleasure meeting you, miss~"
"Ah, yes! You too!" Was all you could blurt out as Shiu dragged you away, holding you closely and taking away the shopping basket from you. Shiu let out a sigh as soon as you two were out of earshot, he mumbled under his breath. "Can't keep his dick in his pants for 5 seconds.."
"Shiu?!" You yelped at your husband's crude language, making sure no one was around to hear him say that– especially not his work friend. "What? You seriously didn't see the way he was watching you?" Your husband asked as he turned to you fully. His physique took a familiar interrogative stance, one you were used to whenever he'd try to get answers from you.
"What? He just introduced himself and said I was pretty! Nothing more!" You folded your arms, concerned by this sudden territorial behaviour. Shiu continued. "He was practically slobbering over you, staring at you like some discount wagyu beef or something.."
You squinted at him. "What's with that comparison? That was so random.. wait- are you calling me a piece of meat?!" You blushed heavily, feeling embarrassed. He panicked in turn.
"No! No, no, honey, listen– I didn't mean that, I just mean you're gorgeous, okay? And he wasn't exactly respecting that ring on your finger.." his explanation clarified his intention, but you were still offended at his claims. You scoffed at him and turned away.
"Too late, you revealed what you really think of me!" You busied yourself with browsing across the items on the shelf. Your husband wrapped his arms around your waist, setting his head on your shoulder."Honey, I was kidding, I'm sorry, okay? I just got a little... jealous." He spat the word out, unable to believe he was acting like a possessive child over a toy because Toji of all people.
"... fine, but I'm still mad at you!" You gave up. He can tell even after you announced your anget to him, He was always so clear with his intentions and words. This time, it was really a slip of the tongue. He kissed your cheek. "There's my girl, come on, let's finish up and go home.."
You turned to him with a small smile. "You were nagging me to go with you when we were home. Why the rush to get back now?" Shiu hummed, thinking of how to word his answer properly while lowering himself right next to your ear. "I think I need to fuck you to remind you who's your husband~"
You gasped and slapped his chest, he laughed at your flustered state as you could only spout out "SHIU!" In a harsh whisper. "What? Its not a big deal, we're husband and wife, we fuck all the time."
His vulgar language frustrated you and aroused you at the same time as you squirmed while his arms tightened around you. "Maybe we should go back and invite him for dinner, make him watch me fuck you after that.."
Sputtering, you took the basket from him with a pout and turned away as he followed you. "Come on! I'm just messing with you!"
"Time and place, Shiu!!"
Unknown to you both, Toji listened intently to your exchange in the very next aisle and hummed, biting his bottom lip subtly as the idea took root in his head. He hoped you two would invite him to dinner at some point.
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spookychick78 · 1 year
OG Michael Myers One Shot
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A little continuation of the parking garage one shot as requested by the lovely @slasherhoe87​ 🖤🔪
also, its becoming glaringly obvious how much of a Myers simp I am with how much shit I’ve written about this man.
OG!Michael Myers X AFAB!Reader
Warnings: (Y’all knew this was coming) NSFW, Knife play, blood play, choking
Word Count: 3,697
In the following weeks, (Y/n) couldn't stop thinking of the man in the mask. She found herself searching for him around every corner, down every alley way and through every window. It hadn't taken her long to put it together that whoever he was had been the one causing that undeniable feeling of being watched, but why? He had left her with so many questions and now close to a month since it had happened, she wondered if she would ever get answers.
She put her car in park and exited into the cool night air. The parking garage that had so often than not made her uneasy had begun to excite her every time she came home. Though, that night her excitement had started to fade. He was never there and honestly, she wondered if maybe he had been a figment of her imagination after all. She hurried towards the little room with the elevators and as she opened the door she turned and gave the empty lot one more lingering glance. Nothing.
Michael scoffed as he watched her. She wasn't quite as adept as he was at finding her obsession, though he found her efforts amusing. How funny it was that he had become her obsession, he thought to himself. He took note of her constantly wandering eyes that almost always fell in his direction, unaware that he was indeed there, hidden in the shadows. She had been close several times, but it had become a game to him and one Michael was inevitably better at than she was. He had more patience. Usually. However, it was wearing thin. He too hadn't been able to forget the night he had shown himself to her. It had undoubtedly been a mistake to touch her. The feeling of her skin against his hand, though the exchange was mere seconds, had ignited a desire within him he didn't know he was capable of possessing. Michael couldn't deny himself much longer, he wanted to know her and more than just by the surface level knowledge he'd managed to obtain by just watching. Observing from a distance no longer satisfied him, he wanted more. He wondered if she would be frightened when she finally found what she was looking for. Part of him hoped she would be, fear had looked so delicious on her and he hadn't even been the one to cause it, not entirely. He wanted that pleasure, but he wouldn't end her life. Perhaps he would bring her to the brink of death or perhaps he'd let those carnal thoughts guide him elsewhere. He had never given into them before, he wasn't even sure he had ever had them until he saw her. It was maddening not to know what exactly it was about her that had lured him in so completely. Maybe it was how petite she was in comparison to him, Michael did enjoy feeling larger than life. He knew if he was to wrap his hands around her throat they would all but engulf her. His frame pressed against her's could minimize her being so entirely that she would practically disappear from existence within his arms. Or maybe it was the challenge that excited him to the point of discomfort within his coveralls. He would have to exercise restraint like he never had before in order for her to survive being so entangled with him, because in reality he could end her life in seconds if he didn't. Her fate and possible demise would be in his hands the moment they met her skin once more. The entirety of their proverbial 'moon dance' would cascade along that ever thinning line between life and death. He wondered if she had any idea of the fire she was playing with, head canted to the side as he watched her eyes scan the empty garage in search of him once again.
She let out a frustrated sigh and let the door swing shut behind her. She pressed the button for the elevator, just once this time. She intended to waste as much time as humanly possible just in case he appeared. The doors began to separate, filling the room with their high pitched squeaking and she decided to give up on her search for the night. She slipped inside the cabin and reluctantly pressed the button for her floor. She leaned her back against the wall as she watched the doors close in on each other. Before each end could meet, they creaked to a halt. A hand had come between them, it retracted once the doors began to move outward. They were slower than ever as they reopened and she impatiently craned her neck to catch a glimpse of whom she would be sharing the brief ride upwards with, but found no one was there. She furrowed her brows and took a step forward. Before she could look out the doors, she was pushed back against the wall with a hand around her throat. After the initial shock had worn off, she looked up to see the white mask with the blackest holes looking down on her once again. He held her in place as the doors squeaked shut. After he was certain they were closed, he released his grip on her. (Y/n)'s chest heaved up and down as she struggled to catch the breath he'd knocked out of her.
"It's you," she panted.
She wasn't quite sure if it was fear or unbridled excitement she was feeling, but she surmised it was a dangerous, possibly deadly combination of the two that made her quickly reach her hand past him and lock the elevator. She quickly drew her arm back in and pressed herself back against the wall.
Michael slowly turned his head to see what she had done, moderately impressed by the confidence she had just displayed by assuming he wouldn't kill her. He returned his gaze to her and smirked behind his mask when he saw that subtle hint of fear hidden within her eyes. So she wasn't totally confident, but curious enough to trust him. He would have reminded her that it was curiosity that killed the cat, but he wasn't going to grant her the pleasure of hearing his voice, yet. She would have to be the one to end the silence between them if she had the courage to do so.
She had so many questions, but each of them seemed so nonsensical given the fact that he had never uttered a single word to her. She was almost certain he wouldn't answer any of them, but she had to say something. After waiting so long for this moment, it only seemed wrong to waste it.
"Who," she started, but stopped and rethought the first words she wanted to say, "why did you save me from that man? Why did you kill him but not me?"
Michael tilted his head. Would she have preferred he hadn't? It wasn't necessarily that he had saved her, he wasn't even sure that was the right word. Saving her for himself maybe, that would have been a better way to describe it. Someone had merely threatened to take her before he could and Michael wasn't one to share. She would soon learn that, if he hadn't made it clear enough for her before, he was about to. She waited so patiently for a response, her (e/c) eyes seemingly trying to decipher his features behind the mask without physically removing it. Her curiosity made her appear so innocent as she gazed up at him, inadvertently fueling his desire to take that innocence for himself. Though he had to admit, he found it somewhat endearing that she was so entranced by him she didn't even realize the position she could have possibly put herself in, were he not so obsessed with her in his own regard. He brought his hand up to her cheek as he had done before, but this time he let his fingertips explore the softness of her skin. She was truly delicate, he thought to himself as he let them wander down to her lips. She parted them for him. He raised his eyebrows behind his mask as he traced her bottom lip, just barely allowing himself inside her mouth, and felt moisture coat the top of his fingers. He brought his hand up to study his own skin that had been wet by her, the sight of that alone brought an urge to taste her to the surface.
"Who are you?" She asked as she watched his silent observation.
His eyes shot back to her. She had asked that once before, only now he was more willing to oblige her with an answer, to some degree. It was purely based on his own desire, but it might satisfy her questions for the time being. He brought both hands to the back of his mask and slowly peeled the rubber off of himself. He kept his head down and observed what was for the majority of the world his face in his own hands, but for her and only her, he would show himself as he truly was. He knelt down and gently set it aside before towering above her again. As he lifted his head, he told himself he was only doing it because he needed to if he was going to do what he was about to do, that was all. Though even Michael knew there was a part of him that felt she was deserving, even if he couldn't explain why.
(Y/n)'s face started to heat up when she realized the man behind the mask was undoubtedly handsome. He was much younger than she had expected he would be, it seemed he wasn't far off from her age. He had dark curls that framed his near perfectly structured face, the only imperfection being the scar that ran through one of his eyes. His jaw was clenched as though he was somewhat nervous under her gaze, but that subtle movement of his muscles accentuated his prominent jawline further. His brows were knit together in an almost disapproving way over his expressionless eyes, one blue, one milky white and his mouth kept tightly shut as she studied him. Each feature had such a unique and unexplainable draw that she found herself wanting to touch him, to further inspect the ever so silent and stoic man before her. Her hand wandered up, but before she could touch him, he flinched and those disapproving brows furrowed tighter than before. She held her hand in place midair as she watched him contemplate the interaction. He blinked his eyes as he studied her hand, then turned his gaze to meet her's, granting her passage to continue. She slowly reached forward and let her fingertips touch his cheek first, then steadily rested her palm over him to hold the side of his face in her hand. His eyes flickered shut and his brows relaxed at the strange new sensation. She was warm against his cool skin and he found himself resting in her touch, his head fell slightly to the side to give in further. She watched, fascinated by the way he seemed to relish in the minimal contact as if he had been starved a lifetime for it. He finally opened his eyes and took her hand in his to bring it to his lips. He didn't kiss her fingers, he simply brushed them over his skin, unsure of what exactly it was he wanted to do. Her skin was so soft.
"Won't you tell me your name?" She said softly.
Needy, he thought to himself as he began to kiss her fingers. He told himself he'd only tell her so he could hear how it sounded coming from her mouth.
"Michael," he whispered back.
"Michael," she repeated gently.
It sounded better than he'd expected in her breathy, distracted tone and it fanned those flames she'd lit within him further. Her fingers were no longer satisfying him, he needed to explore her further. He wanted her to say his name again against his lips. He dropped her hand and reached both of his forward to cup her face as he pressed his body against her's and engulfed her lips in a kiss so hungry it made her knees weak. As she melted into it she couldn't help but notice the desperation he had for her pressed up against the top of her thigh. She wasn't sure how much he would allow her to do, but as if he had read her mind, he took her arms and draped them over his shoulders in one swift movement before his hands returned to her face. She took some liberty and tangled her fingers in the curls that hung just above the back of his neck. As she tugged on his hair, Michael pressed harder against her and paid no mind to the moan that escaped his lips. He had been absolutely right, restraining himself was going to be a challenge, one more difficult than he'd expected. He wanted so badly to hear her say his name again, but this time he wanted her to cry it out. He needed to regain some control, because she had more than he realized she would with the way her fingers sent chills down his spine every time she pulled on his locks. Then she shifted against him, rubbing him so that it made him ache in such a devastatingly good way. His hand instinctively flew to her throat and wrapped itself around it in a tight embrace. She let out a gasp and he smirked against her kiss, it was the power shift he needed to know he was still in control no matter what she did or what he wanted her to do to him. He broke away from her, hand still tightly wound around her neck to keep her in place against the wall. He watched a smiled spread across her face as he struggled to catch his uneven breath. He wasn't sure what he liked more, to see her frightened or to see her look so proud of what she was doing to him. Her pride reignited that challenge he so adored, it made him want to force her to unravel, to bring her to the brink of death, but in a different way. He would make her beg for mercy and after he was done with her, she would beg for more. A smile of his own spread across his face as he reached his free hand into his pocket to retrieve his knife. When he revealed it to her he delighted in the way her smile fell and fear flickered in her eyes. He brought it down to the bottom of her dress and removed his hand from her throat to pull the material taut before he took the blade and sliced the fabric upwards. The sound of it ripping bounced off of the elevator's walls and combined with her accelerated breath, Michael was entranced. He finally reached the top and let the knife continue it's ascent upwards until the blade rested underneath her chin. She craned her neck up with it and looked at him with that same hint of excitement he'd seen in her when he first entered. She watched his grip tighten on the knife's handle until his knuckles turned pale as if he was fighting the urge to plunge it into her. She hesitantly brought her hands up to his and guided the knife to the side of her neck. If he was going to kill her he would have by now and by this point she was just as eager as he was to continue this dance, so her next words came perhaps a little too easy.
"I trust you, Michael," she breathed as she guided his knife down the side of her neck.
His was captivated by the sight of her blood dripping out from under his blade and down to her shoulder. His pupils became overblown as his desire reached its boiling point. He cast the knife aside and grabbed her by her shoulders to flip her around. He ripped her dress from her body and quickly did away with the rest of the cloth so that no part of her was hidden. He grabbed a fistful of her hair, pulled her back against him and craned her neck back so he could drag his tongue up towards the cut she had allowed him to give her. He collected her blood in his mouth then focused his attention on the wound, sucking with such brutality she could already feel the bruise he would leave forming under his lips. Once he had cleaned her with his tongue, he pushed her forward so that her cheek was pressed against the wall. The sound of his zipper being pulled down filled her ears and in turn, filled her with such a buzzing excitement she could barely wait the few seconds it took for him to free himself. Finally, she felt him line himself up at her entrance and without warning, he invaded her with one firm thrust that shook her to her core. Pain intermingled with a burning and intense pleasure unlike any she had felt before. He hung his head over her shoulder and the sound of his uneven breath filled her ear as he began to set a brutal and unforgiving pace. She struggled to keep her balance as he rocked into her and he seemed to take note. He wrapped an arm around her and rested his other hand against the wall, steadying the both of them as he continued his pursuit to leave her in shambles. At the same time, he himself was overwhelmed by the pleasure her tightly wound body was granting him. Sensations crept upwards from where their bodies met and into his core, tangling together inside of him like knots on the verge of snapping. His hand against the wall balled into a fist, tightening in tandem with those knots as he pushed himself inside of her with more force than before. Her head fell back against him and a cry ripped from her throat, along with a slew of praises. It was then he got what he wanted.
"Michael," she cried out as her face contorted into an expression that could only be described as pained bliss.
He was almost too much for her to take, his size combined with the intensity of his movements made her burn in a way she hadn't before. That searing sensation made her shake in his grip as he pummeled the sweet spot nestled deep inside of her. She desperately needed something to cling to as she neared the edge. She wasn't sure her legs would hold. Her hand flew back in search of his shoulder, but she barely had a sense of direction at that point.
"Michael," she keened once more as she clutched at the blue cloth of his coveralls tightly.
Without warning, he ceased his movements and removed himself from her, causing her to whine from the sudden empty feeling he'd so cruelly left her with. He flipped her around and swiftly hoisted her up so her legs could wrap around his waist. He lowered her back onto him and once he was certain she wouldn't fall, he let his hands find the back of her head so he could force her lips to his again. His fingers tangled in her hair as he attempted to keep her lips on his, but at the pace he was going, it was anything but neat. Still, she returned his sloppy kisses with the utmost enthusiasm as she felt herself approaching her climax. She reached behind her head and guided his hand in between their bodies to a spot he hadn't yet discovered. She placed his calloused fingers over her clit and guided them in little circles. It didn't take long for him to get the hang of it, but still, he followed her lead. With each circle their fingers drew together he could feel her body tightening around him more so than he thought possible. Before long, she broke their kiss and he watched her head fall back, mouth agape as her body fluttered around him. Somewhere between the way she looked, the sound of his name falling from her lips like a prayer and the trembling of her body around his, Michael came completely and utterly undone. His head fell into the crevice between her shoulder and neck as his body all but collapsed into her. It was a concerted effort to maintain his hold on her, but he did and he made sure his grip was tight around her thighs.
"(Y/n)," she heard him breath into her ear before he spilled into her.
She didn't even stop to think about the fact that she hadn't once told him her name, all she could focus on was the way his breath felt on her skin, the burn of fresh bruises on her thighs and how wonderful it felt to have been undeniably marked by him. Michael would never admit it out loud, but in a way, she had claimed him for her own as well. Though his movements had ceased, he didn't want to leave her warmth. He breathed in her scent and pressed his lips to her shoulder as she draped her arms around his neck. There was no doubt she was in shambles, just as he had intended, but he feared he was in a far worse state than he had been in before. When he lifted his head up to look at her once more, that only worsened it. Her face was flushed, her hair disheveled and her eyes were glassy as she smiled lazily at him. He felt his chest tighten in a strange way as she leaned in to press a chaste kiss to his lips, gentle as rain. Obsessed was now an understatement.
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thoughtssvt · 3 months
the fact that megumi's jpn va (uchida yuuma) is the more talkative one between them and it puts yuuji's jpn va (enoki junya) at ease heals something in me. they're so heckin cute and i love their dynamic. uchida's laugh is so precious 😭
disclaimer : i am not shipping the seiyuu's. i just thought it was funny that in this small aspect of them they're reversed in comparison to their characters
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credit : 「uchida yuuma and enoki junya's relationship」 by JustYumataso_Subs on youtube
( i'll include a direct link to it when i wake up )
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abiiors · 6 months
sold to the 1975 😔✊🏼
a/n: i spent way too much fucking time on this and literally no one deserves to be subjected to this yet here we are. GOODBYE. (this is my legacy...)
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when i open my eyes in the morning, the world feels different. the birds don’t chirp like they usually do, the sky is grey and leaves on the tree outside seem wilted and dead. still i drag myself out of my bed and trudge to the bathroom. 
the bags under my eyes are pronounced—a result of cleaning up after my mother when she returns home from her late night clubbing sessions. my lifeless blue orbs (🔵👄🔵) stare back at me. there’s no spark in them anymore… i used to be the curious girl who found beauty in everything. now… i can barely look at myself in the mirror. 
a heavy thudding on the door interrupts my depressive spiral. 
“autumn raine! open this door right now,” my mother slurs, mixing up her words and the syllables of my name and—
“have you died in there?”
the banshee shriek gets me moving. i toss my hair in a messy bun and throw on an old band t-shirt—radiohead, my own little inside joke since no one else seemed to know the band. other girls my age fawned over taylor swift and boys who barely looked old enough to be in high school. i felt like an old soul. 
“autumn!” another sharp rap on the door. “we have guests.”
guests? at 8 am? that piques my curiosity. 
“coming!” i reply and shimmy into my skinny jeans. 
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i open my door and come face to face with my mother’s fuming nostrils. if my situation weren’t so pathetic and sad i’d almost find it funny. 
she takes my arm in a vice-like grip and smiles an ugly smile. 
“what have i done to be cursed with a child like you, huh? you couldn’t dress up even for today.”
“why, what’s—”
“hush now!” she chides, “go put on some lipstick and meet me downstairs in two minutes.”
she pushes my back into my room and shuts the door before i can tell her that i don’t own any make up. the most i can find is some tinted lip balm and old, crusty mascara. the only jewellery i can find is the heart shaped necklace from my dead father, so i quickly put it on. between that and my tattered old converse, i feel like the prettiest girl in the world. 
i roll my eyes at my sarcasm and make my way downstairs. 
the stairs creek in a familiar way and i don’t even notice that something feels way out of the ordinary until it’s too late. 
i don’t even notice the four men sitting on our torn old sofa until i’m right in front of them. 
my mother looks at me with a saccarine smile. “be a darling and make some tea for our guests, autumn.”
“no, that won’t be necessary,” one of them cuts in and for the first time i look at them properly. 
the one who’d just spoken is smaller in comparison to the other three. his arms are littered with tattoos, his hair curly and going in every possible direction. his eyes look hard and cold and brown. 
the other three nod in unison. 
“we need to finish the transaction and get going,” he speaks again and mother pales slightly. 
“of course,” she smiles a fake smile and wrings her hands together. 
“i’m sorry, what’s—”
“autumn!” i shut up the instant she glares at me. i know that look. don’t speak until you’re spoken to. 
“you haven’t told her?” the other one speaks up. his voice is much deeper than his friend’s. his whole vibe is more intense than the rest of them. he’s all sharp cheekbones and bleached, buzzed hair and chipped nail polish. not a man of many words but something tells me people listen when he speaks. 
“i… of course i h-have,” my mother stutters and throws me a look. “she knows, don’t you, sweetheart? tell me.”
tell them what?! 
my heart hammers in my chest and i try to swallow the dryness away. “y-yes. i know”
all at once four pairs of striking orbs are on me and i blush from the intensity of their gazes. (🟤👄🟤 🟤👄🟤 🟤👄🟤 🔵👄🔵) all the attention in the room is on me and with horror i realise they expect me to speak further. 
“she t-told me,” i stutter out and smile at my mother who looks like she’s swallowed a lemon. 
“and did she tell you who we are?”
i think about nodding again but there’s no way i can fib this. the truth it i’ve never seen these men before in my entire life. all i know is that if i went along with my mother’s lie, things might be good for me. even if it’s temporary. 
hesitantly, i shake my head. 
“we are the 1975,” the curly-haired man speaks and i cock my head to the side. what an odd little name… “and you’ve been sold to us.”
“sold?!” i screech as soon as they’re out of earshot. 
“ungrateful bitch,” she hisses back, “keep your voice down! i’ve taken care of you for twenty years and this is how you repay me?” 
“taken care—TAKEN CARE OF ME?” i bellow, unable to keep it down anymore. “all you did was drown yourself in a bottle of wine every night and left your child alone to take care of everything on her own. and now you’re asking me to repay you?!”
“don’t act like you’re a special little gem. the girl down the street was sold to five people last year and she went without any complains.”
my blood boils at the mention of her. lila rose… the girl down the street. no one had heard from her in a year and no one cared enough to find out anything. 
“don’t bring her into this,” i retort. the air around me feels charged and my entire body feels alive. never in my life have i talked to my mother like this before and now that i do, i feel… alive. 
i laugh at the irony. the most free i have ever felt in my life is after being sold to four men i do not know. 
my mother’s hand raises above her head and i know what’s coming—won’t be the first time she’s slapped me. the air around me shifts with the force of it and i flinch away, tightly closing my eyes. i brace myself for a slap… that never comes. 
slowly, bewildered, i open i eyes and come face to face with a… back? 
“you will not touch our property,” the man speaks and this is the first time i hear his voice. 
he’s impossibly tall, perhaps the tallest among them all. half his face is covered in a beard and his hair is tied up in a neat bun. and even when i’m offended at being called their “property”, i can’t help but feel a flutter in my stomach. 
he saved me from getting hurt. 
“o-of course,” my mother stutters. “i was just—”
“you were just…?”
he scoffs when she cannot answer and turns to look at me. 
for the first time i’m truly aware of just how big he is, just how he towers over me. the difference in our size leaves me speechless, and i tuck my hair behind my ears and flutter my lashes up at him. 
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he smiles. “you have thirty minutes. go pack.”
back in my room a sense of sadness hits me for the first time. 
there’s nothing in this house that i’m going to particular miss, apart from my stack of secondhand paperbacks that is…
i thumb through the pages one last time and say goodbye knowing my mother won’t hesitate to use them as kindling the moment i’m gone. not like she’s ever read a book in her life… all she knows how to do is drink, party, cake her face with make up and obsess over men. 
i stuff my clothes into a tattered old duffel bag. there’s no make up i need to pack, just my favourite books and vinyl, if they even let me use them wherever they’re taking me. 
almost on dot, once my thirty minutes are up, the curly haired man from before enters my room. his lip curls in barely concealed disgust as he looks around my room—at the peeling wallpaper and the jane austen bedsheets on my bed, at the random niche band posters that i don’t expect him to know about (oasis, blur, arctic monkeys etc) but he’s gentle when he takes a hold of my hand. 
“let’s go, autumn raine.” he says and i refuse to give him the satisfaction of seeing me cry. instead, i square my shoulders and blink my tears away. 
and then i close the door to my bedroom for the last time. 
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autumn raine ↑ if you even care
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kalims · 1 year
⊹ THOSE EYES | malleus draconia
premise. perhaps the universe really wants to keep him in the dark, unintentionally or not being forgotten yet again seems to be a frequent event in his life. parties aren’t for malleus anyways, nor are people.
but when he’s right next to you, a witness to your shine perhaps you’re the one for him.
content. gender neutral reader, fluff
wc. 4k
note. commissioned by faru who wanted to stay anonymous but wanted a nickname instead <3
sorry for being offline for a few. I was working on this hehe
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lately, the skies seem gloomy, most people would think that it’s perfectly normal but there’s something oddly familiar about the hue of green beyond the dark, rainy clouds. besides the fact that the rain seems to fall on everyone else but you? your mind can’t help but drift to a certain horned man.
the timing seems appropriate. the weather has been like this plenty of times whenever malleus was in a particular, dejected mood. (you’d know because he’d have that certain tone. quiet and slow. If it wasn’t already obvious you can tell from the exaggerated huffs he emits, which you are starting to get suspicious of that he’s actually making it to get your attention.) speaking of malleus, you haven’t seen him around. not even a glimpse, which is surprising because he’s always trailing after you.
to the dismay of sebek who tried to tell malleus that sticking around a human like you, in his opinion: who apparently didn’t live up to the ‘young masters’ glory would lead to no good.
though you don't know what happened or why, you caught a moment of malleus staring in sebek's direction for a second and the latter immediately shut up and looked away. (presumably in shame? but you can't say.) you never really pondered on it seeing as malleus had whisked you away and distracted you with an easy smile.
you do agree with sebek. malleus' glory is unmatched, even if no one bothers to befriend him everyone notices. his mere presence is so strong that everyone can feel him coming, and when he does they stop and stare. even the gods agree! they seem to want everyone to know that malleus is favored.
amongst.. other means besides social.
he's destined. you don't know why he's referring to you as a ray of light in his darkness when he's practically binding everyone. at some point, his power had reached such a level that his emotions can affect the weather.
it's funny. you think, with such a poker face malleus is really expressive.
the sun seems to illuminate its rays brighter when he's happy, you can see its light even from beyond the clouds covering it. it dims in comparison when he's sad, and right after it loses its color it rains for long periods that the weather forecast was being canceled for not being able to predict it.
you've seen lots of people be a victim of this. be it a student grumbling away, soaking wet from the unexpected pour, or the other crying about their now-wet project.
when he's angry the clouds are darker, and the amount of lightning striking depends on the level of his rage. even you can say that being caught in the middle of it is no good when you're trying to predict where the next one will hit.
but it was strange. this week was chaotic, on monday the sun was blaring all the way to tuesday. you were just glad he seemed to be in a good mood until it started raining around the afternoon of wednesday. it just started pouring so fast out of nowhere that the lightning had actually frightened you because the rain was never accompanied by it.
you've only been in diasomnia a few times.
but.. this time you're quite surprised and it's not because of the beauty of the dorm.
the weather was so stormy that you were afraid you were gonna start flying away. there weren't any students stationed before the bridge. you don't question it because how were they even gonna guard the gates when the wind is gonna be the one breaking it open?
it only meant one thing.
malleus was in the dorm, seeing as the dorm seems to be the core of the storm.
even when you're a little way over the dorm you could still hear sebek's yells. it wasn't like the trudge to the dorm was hard, contrary to your belief the wind only whipped your clothes around like crazy. so you weren't going to get flung anytime soon, your struggle though. was the question of whether you'd be able to hang onto your gift all the way there or not.
because you were holding onto that plastic bag with ice cream in it for dear life—praying that the dessert is the right kind of softness he liked.
the time you found out he liked the dessert was by pure coincidence. you had brought a whole cake in to eat whilst celebrating your birthday together with your friends. you were too distracted talking with one of them to notice the grimace on malleus' face once he took a bite.
you were shocked when he confessed after a while.
… no, not the kind of confession you're thinking about. (even though you'd admit you'd like it to be.)
"why didn't you tell me? ahh... I should have bought another dessert, I knew it. I'm so sorry they already ate the ice cream—"
he cuts you off. "there's no need. it won't hurt." he had said, pausing to add: "if it's for you I can do it."
that night you stayed up late staring off into your ceiling before burying your head in a pillow with a warm face. you didn't have a nightmare or a dream. but his face practically engraved it in your mind till all you could think of was malleus all day.
it was driving you insane!
even when you've reached the front door, sopping wet and dripping all over the front porch all you could think of was the fact that you haven't seen malleus all week. which you didn't really think would bother you if not for the fact that you were wrong in assuming how close you thought both of you were.
again, it was driving you insane as you could tell from the amount of thoughts you have of him.
you'd have to apologize to lilia. you know all about how the man hates getting his porch wet.
"oh my."
 oh well. looking like this was definitely not how you wanted to arrive at diasomnia. 
lilia casts a curious gaze at you, ears twitching when he takes in your appearance before his lips curve into an easy smirk. you're suspicious that he knows the reason for your sudden arrival. "If I'd known you were coming, I would have sent sebek for you." lilia sighs like a disappointed mother. he gives you a quick smile before looking back and yelling:
"sebek, be a dear and fetch me a towel would you?" 
you could vaguely hear a rush of heavy footsteps and you awkwardly just stare until sebek appears carrying a folded towel in his arms. you could emit a sigh if it wasn’t so freezing when sebek's face contorted to that of distaste when he saw you.
lilia with a knowing look merely shook his head. "don't just stand there, will you? we have a guest." he chimes and probably had enough cause he ended up snatching the towel right off the boy's arms.
who actually looked like he felt bad for a second.
lilia ushers you in after drying most of the droplets of water away, so you enter without much complaint. a towel wrapped around your body, over your shoulders. you clutch it like a blanket. looking around trying to look subtle.
this one is looking for him. lilia muses with an amused chuckle. you'd be surprised at how gloomy malleus' mood actually is, that boy had practically washed up the dorm with how long the rainy weather had kept going. lilia knew cater forgetting to invite malleus would have some damper to his mood.
but of course not to the extent.
you have perfect timing. lilia knows malleus considers you dear, perhaps even dearer than him and if lilia can't resolve his mood then you definitely can.
"ah that's right. what brings you to our humble abode?" lilia leads through the halls that lead directly to the main area. you clutch the towel a little tighter. feeling the embarrassment seep through your mind. were you gonna tell him that you all but ran to the nearest convenience store and bought a tub of ice cream for malleus because you figured he was upset?
talk about a test of courage.
you grimace. "I-uhm.. haven't heard from malleus so I got worried." 
lilia's face doesn't change from its laid-back nature.
"is he alright, by the way?"
the flicker of surprise in his eyes doesn't go unnoticed by you. "were you at all asim's party, prefect?" he asks, already drawing an answer from your confused face alone. it's not like he already doesn't know, you were nowhere seen at the party after all.
".. no?"
kalim in fact did invite you. but you weren't too fond of the idea when there was a pile of homework from the professors and another one from crowley sitting in ramshackle all alone with no one to do them. so you chose the option that would save you later, and make you suffer currently. 
(plus, you did promise to join malleus for a walk since he asked you earlier. but kalim doesn't need to know that, right?)
frankly, you're starting to get concerned with how many times malleus occupies your thoughts.
lilia places his chin in between his fingers with a hum. you listen to him keenly even when he sits you on the couch of the living room. "malleus got invited you see." that was a surprise to you. you smile from ear to ear. that's great for him! but you're expecting a 'but'.
and boy was there one. "but it was rescheduled earlier, you see." he closes his eyes and casts you a closed-eyed smile. for someone whose 'son' had been forgotten, he seems oddly relaxed about it.. and.. wasn't lilia part of the group inviting everyone else?
as if he reads your mind lilia makes sure to say, "cater was the one who said he's got informing malleus all covered. I'm afraid he had forgotten and the party had already finished." 
that's pretty.. sad.. no wonder the weather was more extreme than usual. malleus was probably feeling a mixture of sadness and anger. 
lilia's eyes drift downwards. and you curse when you realize where he's looking. "what's that you've got there?" somehow every word that comes out of lilia comes out jokingly like he's teasing you. 
there was no point in hiding it was there? you sigh and hand over the plastic to lilia who graciously takes it, spares one glance at it, and casts it aside to the table. probably planning to put it in the freezer for later.
it looks like he knows already but you still answer blankly. "ice cream for malleus."
he seems to brighten up after your clear display of intention. good thing sebek had ran back to his room after you stepped foot in the dorm because if he were here right now he probably would have been suspicious and assumed that you'd somehow put something in the ice cream.
"to cheer him up?"
".. yes."
"ah. how sweet. young love never fails to entertain me."
you sputter. "i—that's not.."
a look for lilia is all it takes for you to shut up. he shakes his head with a laugh. "as the youngsters say, 'denial is a river in egypt' do you get it? fufu.. quite funny." he giggles continuously but you can't help but think that he's trying to make a joke. you deadpan. "I do but that's not the point!" 
an unfunny joke clearly.
point is your practical son needs some severe cheering up if you just witnessed a tree get struck by lightning a while ago.
from your experience, the tea parties held by heartslabyul is a pretty nice way to unwind.
"does malleus like tea?"
he pauses. "why, yes. he's been raised as a noble after all."
never in your life have you been so stressed. you have to give props for riddle, cause you just found out how hard it is to actually organize a tea party. you don’t even wanna think about what jamil does, you swear he grows a white hair every time kalim throws a party.
nearly all desserts had some kind of association with ice cream, you made sure of it. though you do have to give credit to lilia since the man had graciously let you make use of his fridge to place them there until your scheduled tea party had arrived (honestly saving a bunch of residents from his.. ‘special’ meat.)
you had left sebek the job of informing malleus since you were sure that he was the only person that wouldn’t forget about him. the boy actually approved your choice of who you gave the job to and commended you.
but hey at least he liked it, right?
the guests were.. yet to arrive which is making you anxious because malleus himself was about 1 hour early to his own party.
when he approaches you there’s a clear look of joy. you’d fall over from the small, genuine smile of pureness on his face. you almost forgot to question yourself why in the hell he’s here when the party is scheduled to start in.. one hour.
you sweat. few of the desserts haven’t been taken out of the fridge yet to preserve them! "what.. are you doing here?" you nervously ask but malleus thankfully doesn't seem to mind.
"ah, lilia informed me." his eyes crinkled. "I am very happy to be here."
lilia that bastard.. but wasn't sebek supposed to inform him.. but even if sebek did you're sure that this man would have still shown up early.
now you're wondering what happened to poor sebek. that boy is either angry or devastated.
you find malleus' pure and innocent intentions a little endearing.
lilia stands in front of the door that malleus never really opened. ah that child, even in his absence for dorm leader meetings didn't upset him this much. lilia presumes that he must have looked forward to an invitation he hasn't had in.. a long time.
he raises a hand to knock. once, nothing. twice, nothing. lilia guesses he'll have to use that card.
"malleus dear, the prefect was just by here."
almost immediately there's shuffling behind the door and not a second later it creaks open to show the horned man's curious face. lilia smiles. one mention of you and he already responded.
this is is his non-verbal way of saying: 'where.'
malleus tilts his head and looks past lilia's shoulders, who then shakes his head and gains the former's attention back. "they are not here anymore if it is them who you're looking for." 
almost immediately he comically deflates, and lilia resists holding a chuckle. 
"but they did leave something for you." the shorter male adds.
as if the energy in malleus comes back, he immediately brightens. the child of man left something? for him? oh.. malleus releases a long sigh. his heart could leap out of its chest and start dancing if it could.
although it pains him to leave your side malleus did just that. you could say that he was.. feeling under the weather and he doesn't want to face you in a state where his anger could possibly take over.
he does not know what he'll do if he hurts you.
people like you are a luxury that malleus doesn't often come across. it's not every day that he meets someone who doesn't falter at the sight of him or one whose eyes don't fly to his horns but to his eyes instead.
he wonders if you knew who he was at that time. would it be different? would you have turned and left him in the dust? malleus supposes there's no point in wondering about what could have been when all he wants is right here. 
lilia smiles fondly at him. "your favorite. they've left ice cream and an invitation for you."
just like that, all the sadness in malleus pours out like a continuous river never stopping. something warm thumps in his chest and it's all he can hear. it blooms until he can feel it crawl up to his hands and on the tips of his ears. something warm and worthwhile. 
then malleus realizes right then and there. why did he spend so much time worrying about it, since when did he care about the view of others? it's not his fault if they forgot. they should have been grateful that they had the privilege to talk so freely with him.
simple things should not strike such a nerve within malleus.
who needs the other people anyways when he's got everything in his hand? it's not like they have someone their entire being beats for.
but you. weren't you just perfect? malleus had never felt happier. "when and where is this invitation of theirs?" 
you deadpan. you should have never assumed that lilia wouldn't have heard your words to sebek. the walls of diasomnia have ears of their own after all.
you shake your head. "oh uh.. there's a few people that came early—" for once you're appreciative, cause god it would be awkward if it's only the two of you. you're not sure if it's because you'll be having an inner crisis during it or the lack of guests. 
as you can see you definitely weren't all that prepared. you see malleus smile at you from the corner of your eye when you lead him to a table and sit him down, the man doing so without many complaints. 
jamil knows when someone is looking at him. he knew he should have ran back into the kitchen when he saw you staring at him intensely. but before he could even escape you already— "jamil." you say, loudly and he winces.
"why don't you get the others to join us?" you smile at him thinly and jamil understood. there was no room for arguments. he sighs. for a person mysterious to the entirety of NRC you are pretty scary.
oh, fuck did you even look okay? because next to a quite literally sparking, shining man like malleus you feel like you're a bag of trash.
eventually, you find yourself with a strange group, an unlikely group. very weird group. despite malleus being the obvious exception (dare you say he's the most happiest.) there are looks across the table with varying degrees of disturbed, irritation, or just plain fear.
okay, so the fear is mainly from idia who you're surprised even showed up. scratch that. maybe it was just him being nervous?
malleus doesn't look bothered at all.
you laugh awkwardly. "uh.. fine weather we're having?" but two out of five react positively to your words. rook cracks a bright smile while malleus nods slowly.
"indeed! it has been a while since the skies have cleared up." rook chirps, and you sweatdrop. you and a few other people cast a glance at malleus who doesn't seem to be concerned, nor care about the second of attention.
oh god. how awkward, everyone here knows that he's the reason why the weather was so bad.
"I'm just glad it stopped raining." jamil comments, crossing his arms and leaning back in his chair. he's met with several mumbles of agreement. all you could say was, same. no more struggling to keep your school works under the umbrella.
malleus hums. "I must thank you for the invitation, child of man." he smiles at you and you have to bite the inside of your cheek to not let the similar face break out so obviously in yours. "you're welcome." 
jamil side eyes the two of you just staring at each other. if he'd known he'd end up being a witness to this.. subtle lovey-dovey stuff he would have never helped you and trey bake the few treats you asked them to in the first place.
plus rook absolutely eating up whatever you two were doing? yikes. god can kill him now.
speaking of trey he should be here suffering. he narrows his eyes.
.. right. "what are you doing here so early? hasn't lilia told you it starts later?" you inquire. it would also have saved you the trouble of creating a group to surround just one table for malleus. 
shortly, he replies. "I did not want to be late." malleus blinks at you and almost everything he does makes you swoon, you get to see a clear view of his crystal green eyes. "I also wanted to talk with you," he admits.
and.. essentially have you all to himself before everyone starts to hog you like moths to a flame. maybe that's how malleus got attracted to you as well.
should you be embarrassed that he just said that in front of jamil, rook, and 3 other people, or should you be rolling all over the ground out of joy?
"oh jeune amour!"
"malleus-chi at it again earning love points.
your lips wobble as you attempt to hold in the wide smile. you feel like the sun just flashed you in the face from the amount of heat you're feeling right now
"wh… do… uh.." 
you don't usually describe yourself as someone who freezes up like this but clearly, you're proving yourself wrong to assume so. "oh haha.." your finger flies to point at the newcomer to direct attention. "would you look at that? the desserts are ready." 
saved by trey who enters with a handsome smile. how in the hell is he balancing all those dishes with one arm? you have no idea. one step from you and all of those would have crashed down onto the ground.
then you'll blame gravity.
before you know it the tense atmosphere had melted into something warm. even jamil seems to have eased up, idia isn't hiding in the depths of his hoodie anymore, and rook is rook.
and malleus, despite his usual blank look has a faint lining of peace in his expression. it's rare to see it in a place so.. crowded? his lips quirk up further once he spots the dessert on the plate.
"ah, my favorite, tea and.. ice cream?" 
"and crackers." you make sure to add.
he chuckles. "and crackers."
everyone digs into their respective plates. besides malleus' favorite, you made sure to ask what kind of food they'd like to have at the party. it would be rather boring if it were just ice cream, wouldn't it?
well. the ice cream was for malleus only so.
you can't help but sneak glances every now and then. thoroughly enjoying the delighted look on his face when he eats another spoonful. you're suspecting that he might even ask if there's another batch.
coincidentally malleus looks at you the moment you look away. it's a repeating thing. you look, he's looking away. you look away and he looks at you. a never-ending cycle that just results in unsaid feelings.
but everyone knows that if there was ever a god that exists he always has a plan for it.
perhaps once the feelings you bore have bloomed into something mature and people would be the time when you could hold malleus in your arms and worry not about every single thing. it's not always you get to pine for someone.
so I will always love you until you're mine. he thinks. you will be.
malleus casts you a small smirk. "I am hoping you'll spare me that talk later."
"later, please. for now let me finish this." 
seriously. the food trey and jamil cooks are scrumptious. 
he watches you eat, chat with rook and idia with a smile. he can't seem to invite jealousy in his heart because of them when you've so clearly put in the effort to clear the troubles in his.
next time I shall prepare a feast and festival for you. he thinks seriously. 
but that's a plan for another day! one.. you're not exactly aware of.. yet...
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canmom · 7 months
Exordia - advance review
So. I finished the book!
This is not everything I will write about Exordia. That will come when the book is like, officially out, and I feel comfy spelling out the ending and quoting passages at length.
This 'advance review' is split into two parts. The first part is quite abstract, so I'll copy it here.
If Baru took an elliptical path towards its subject matter, by defamiliarising and rearranging the material of history… Exordia just gets straight in there.
How to describe Exordia? Maybe you could call it philosophy-driven science fiction, a thought experiment about ethics. Maybe you could compare it to Arrival, but shot up with black humour (it’s a book that could make me laugh and cry, sometimes at the same time) and real tragedy (at the core is the genocide of the Kurds in the late 80s, and the many betrayals and failures of American imperialism). It’s got a lot of action and military details, with a good few spies and soldiers as central characters, but broadly it’s one of the sharpest eviscerations of the US military and its role in the world I’ve encountered in Western science fiction.
The first two thirds or so lay out the driving, fascinating ‘what the hell is this thing’ mystery lined with all manner of juicy body horror and drama—yet the core high-concept premise is laid out almost immediately, you know what's at stake. The last third… escalates.
It’s full of the usual meaty Seth themes, iterating on the ideas first laid out in Baru. But it’s a distinct flavour of its own. That escalation is… well, I can’t describe in detail, not while the book isn’t even out, but it’s nuts. Not just for the scale, but for how convincingly it sells concepts that if I described them straightforwardly would sound completely ridiculous.
Equally, it’s a study of a markedly diverse group of characters thrown together from all over the world, each constructed with very evident care and nuance. It goes places that so many writers would probably feel ‘damn, that’s probably way too thorny for someone like me to write about’—and yet somehow, it manages to handle it gracefully each time. Certainly, you can perhaps inevitably tell when Seth is writing from direct experience and when they are (as they used to say back in the ’10s) Writing The Other, if only through what they assume you know and what they need to explain as much as everything—and yet there are always all these telling details (the scientist cursing out R) that make these characters come alive with convincing presence and humour.
(Of course the autistic-ass lesbians are my faves. It’s not as overtly a Lesbian Book as Baru was, but there’s a strong current of gay shit.)
A few other reviewers mention Crichton, but I haven’t read Crichton, so… I’ll have to make other comparisons. But then the thing is it’s very self-aware about existing in the fabric of science fiction. This book is set in our world, not in the near future but the recent past, in the late Obama administration. A lot of the things you might compare it to (including a couple I’ve mentioned, Arrival, Crichton) will be invoked as explicit, in-character allusions as these very sharp, funny, modern people try to make sense of their crazy situation. Sometimes it feels like Tamsyn’s use of memes as texture, but it never gets overbearing. The rhythms of Seth’s prose have been refined by Baru into a powerful suite of devices to make you cackle and go, noooo, Seetttthhhhh…
It’s a fascinating blend of hard-ish scifi, with the big ideas carried by surprisingly accurate higher-mathematical technobabble, and what you could probably best call occultism: narrative and ethics and gods and mythology. Seth always tends to deflect when praised for their ability to hop between a dozen different disciplines and pull them together into one unifying story, saying that they’re just good at looking up summaries, or that they had help from the right people. Maybe so, but it works, it passes the smell test, and Seth’s real genius is their remarkable ability to tie all these big grand ideas back into the world of character and emotion.
Since this is an advance review… I gotta be careful how much I say! Usually I assume you’ve read it if you’re going to and dive straight into the spoilers and long quotes, but here I feel like I should take a little care to avoid describing too precisely the exact beats of the story. (Rest assured I will give it the thorough treatment when it comes out in full).
But, I feel like I want to say something a little more substantial. So here’s a description of the mechanism. If all you want to know is whether you should read this book, hopefully I’ve given you plenty of reasons that the answer is god, yes, do it. If you want to know more, read on.
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yeahspider · 8 months
tooth brush 🫀
Ve’s note - this is fluff . i love a good friends to lovers trope and this is exactly what this is . han jisung x gn reader . this was inspired by that one dnce song . no actual smut but illusion to sex and alcohol mentions .abrupt ending as usual bc i suck at conclusions . i’m gonna get better at posting more frequently and proofreading i swear . (also i’ve gotten a lil critique on my writing style recently but i write how i talk . very casual and very realistic . this is 100% a personal choice and won’t be changing anytime soon sorry *kinda*) anyways i hope your enjoy and feel free to request in my inbox !! <3
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you didn’t expect you’d end up here . never in a million years . staring at your reflection in the mirror it’s safe to say you look a mess . bare feet on the cold tiles of the bathroom floor . hair in every which direction . clothed in only a shirt which definitely didn’t belong to you . maybe you had one to many last night . and now you had to deal with consequences .
taking a deep breath you turn on the faucet sink to splash some water on your face . you needed to be 100% awake for the conversation that awaited you once you stepped out your safe haven . just a few steps outside the bathroom door was your childhood best friend han jisung . it’s been awhile since you’ve seen each other . life taking you on different paths . him to a studio and you to college . your bond never severed though .
you had came home from school and decided to have a sleep over with at his house . an event which has happened several times but not once has it ended the way it did last night . you could blame the liquor or you could blame the unresolved feelings that have sitting between you two since you were both 15 .
you knew hiding in the bathroom and waiting for him to leave the room so you could sneak out wasn’t a realistic option . but it was the one that brought you comfort . confronting the hours you spent embraced in each other last night was scarier in comparison . you could smell the breakfast his parents were cooking for you both downstairs . yeah sneaking out was seeming less likely by the second . picking up your sparkly blue toothbrush you left there after your last sleepover you decide to buck up . you were both adults . adults have sex . it’s normal ….maybe not with their childhood best friend but your sure it’s happened before . spitting out the paste you run yours hands through your hair and take a deep breath . you could do this .
“are you going to hide out in there forever or are you gonna come out eventually ?” you heard jisung say from the other side of the door . you could just picture the smile on his face . it leaked through his voice . there went your resolved , down the drain with your toothpaste . your hope of sneaking out officially ruined you grab the doorknob and step out .
“ah there you are i thought you had fallen down the drainpipe or something .” he said as he took in your disheveled appearance . you were rooted to the floor , scrunching your toes in the carpet and gripping the bottom of your - jisung’s - shirt out of nervousness . you couldn’t find it in you to respond to him . and that’s when he burst out laughing . shocking you out of your stance . how could he be laughing right now . this is a serious situation . but the longer you laughed the more weight you felt lifted of your shoulders . you realized that this was just jisung .
you quarter your shoulders . hand on a hip and sled him what exactly was so funny . your tone mocking an anger that you didn’t really feel .
“you’re just cute when your nervous.” jisung’s said as he gestured you to come lay back in the bed . making your way over to him you grumbled something out about not being cute . he pulled you into his lap as you crossed your hands over your chest . pouting at him for laughing at you .
“hey don’t pout it’s okay i have no regrets .” he said as he swirled soothing circles on your bare thighs . bringing a comfort over you as you smile at him . you asked him if he was just saying that to make you feel better .
“i’ve been in love with you since we were like 15 i’m just glad you feel the same way …unless you do regret it ?” he posed the question to you a hint of insecurity in his tone , to which you brushed away as you planted a kiss to the mole on his cheek . you would never regret him .
“cmon my parents made breakfast we can talk seriously after you eat.” jisung stated as he took your hand and lead you out the bed and towards the smell of breakfast .
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