#just today i called her during lunch and almost cried 'cause she said exactly what i needed to hear in the moment.
doomfully · 1 year
my gf and i are moving to austin in january. and i am so incredibly looking forward to it. 😭
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goggles-mcgee · 4 years
Revolt Of The Akuma [Commission for @miner249er]
As the title says, this is a commission for @miner249er
Summary: There’s only so much a person can take and Marinette is almost certain she has reached that point. What with Lila and her seemingly never-ending lies, Adrien and his nonexistent spine, Chat and his stubbornness, Hawkmoth and his akumas, Paris and their expectations, it’s all too much. She’s going to snap sooner or later. At least she has Luka and Kagami on her side, right? Right?
[Contains: Class Salt, Adrien Agreste/Chat Noir Salt, Lila Rossi Salt, Angst, Misunderstandings, Slight Tom Dupain and Sabine Cheng Salt, Slight Tikki Salt, Akumanette]
It was rare for her to be surrounded by quiet, even more so to need that blanket of security that quietness can give, and yet here she was. The pink of her room had never seemed more faded or dull even with the lights on. Realistically she knew it was not quiet, her home was never quiet, there was always the bustle of business from the bakery downstairs, the sound of traffic outside, usually the sound of music coming from her phone or computer, and as always the chatter from her Kwami. Though Tikki’s words at the moment sounded like they were being spoken from above water whereas Marinette was under said water, deep under. Her eyes glanced at the mess she had made around her, the pictures of past friends as she’s come to understand all too well these past couple of months, to the torn and destroyed gifts she had given them returned to her solely for the sake of making her heart wrench painfully beneath her skin, from there to the piles of used tissues thrown about during her silent cries, and finally to the thing that had hurt the most and had been sitting in her lap, limp, shredded, basically lifeless, her sketchbook. The sight caused Marinette’s heart to clench in pain once more and she could feel tears pool her eyes yet again, but she forced them to stay, she was tired of crying. 
Noise flooded back to her almost making her flinch. There was the soft ding of the bell from the bakery’s door downstairs signaling a customer’s arrival or departure, there were the car engines and the horns beeping, peoples soft voices floating in, and of course Tikki’s worried voice. Everything in her yearned for the quietness but she knew she had to deal with everything eventually and eventually meant now, so she didn’t worry her parents if they came to check on her at any point. If they even noticed her mood change from lunch, she thought bitterly and felt immediate guilt at the thought. 
“Were you listening to me?” Tikki asked, and even though she knew Tikki wasn’t saying it in an admonishing tone, the girl couldn’t help the tiny wince she gave in return as she finally stood up and picked up the tissue piles. Truthfully she hadn’t but she could guess what the kwami had been saying. It was the same thing every time something happened between her and her class. That, they would come around, they were just acting out of misplaced trust and love, they would realize their mistakes and come back to Marinette and everything would go back to normal, but she had to get a handle on her feelings in the meantime so she wouldn’t be akumatized. No that wasn’t right. So that Ladybug wouldn’t be akumatized, but how could she after the day she had?
Lila made good on her promise. Marinette didn’t have a friend left in her class, maybe not all of them thought her the awful bully that Lila painted her out to be, but they  didn’t stand up for her, they didn’t talk to her in or out of class, and they wouldn’t meet her eye when she desperately looked around for at least one supportive pair of eyes. It had never been this bad with Chloe. At least with Chloe she knew what she was getting into, she knew the brand of teasing and insults that Chloe Bourgeois used, and she knew that people were scared to stand up to her, but even then they would still flash each other a look of comfort, a look of strength. Those looks let all of them know they weren’t alone, that others saw them struggling, saw them hurting, and were offering comfort.  Things truly were simpler then. Lila was something more than Chloe, more than any other bully she had ever seen or encountered. She had a silver-tongue that just seemed to gain more power the more she used it. Her lies were outlandish at this point and yet, no one saw it, no one but Marinette and maybe others outside her class but she wasn’t. The awful truth of it all was that Marinette had no one.
Sure Adrien had said he would be there for her, but that had been the biggest lie Marinette had ever been told, even with Lila spouting nonsense like knowing Jagged Stone because she saved his ‘kitten.’ She was always prepared for Lila to lie, could count on it, and she had become accustomed to her friends falling for the lies, but she had thought she had at least one person by her side. That had quickly been disproven again and again, and it felt like parts of her heart chipped away every time it happened. Adrien, once considered the love of her life, did nothing to ease her aching heart. There were no comforting hugs or even a hand on her shoulder to let her know that she wasn’t alone in the class of sheep. There were no glances shared between the two to let her know that he was just as fed up with Lila’s lies as she. Most importantly, and the one that hurt the most, there were no texts or calls or even letters that offered her any amount of support. That’s not to say he never texted her, but when he did it was never about anything important, it was always mundane and dare she say superficial, and sometimes, sometimes he texted her about her situation but it was never anything helpful, if anything they made her feel worse. They were always about how she was “provoking” Lila and, “what happened to taking the high road Marinette?” At first they had made her cry, she wasn’t provoking Lila, Lila was provoking her, how had Adrien not seen that? Sadness grew into anger, blinding anger, anger that caused her to rip every poster down, change her computer background with such force she nearly broke the mouse, and gave away every planned gift for every occasion, and afterwards all she felt was numb. In the beginning the numbness scared her, but it grew on her like a second skin, it protected her sometimes so she welcomed it. 
“Marinette!” Again she was wrenched from her thoughts by the yell of her kwami’s voice. 
It took her a couple of seconds to focus, “Yes, Tikki?”
“I lost you again. Where were you?” Tikki asked softly as she flew closer to Marinette’s face. 
“Sorry. Nowhere,” Everywhere, ”just thinking.” An apology and a half answer, when was the last time she actually told someone how she was feeling without holding back? Too long, her mind supplied. 
“...About today?”
“In a way.”
“Oh Marinette, things will start to get better, don’t let today get to you.” Don’t let it get to Ladybug.
“I know Tikki.” Hollow words, but they were expected, she even threw in a small smile, it was the most she could manage. It was the response of habit she gave, even to her parents, though she had the feeling they wouldn’t notice even if she did show some of her real feelings, some of her hurt. They were just so busy with the bakery sometimes that Marinette couldn’t help but feel that their attention to her was more obligation than anything else, and wow, wasn’t that just the cherry on top of everything? They had even forgotten to ask how her day was today, and though she wasn’t going to tell them, it still would have brought her some comfort to know they cared or pretended to care. At this point she would take what she could get. Today had been another rough one, but it had started out like her new normal, she would go to school and be ignored by her classmates or get glares and sneers that she in turn would ignore. Then she would go to her locker and put the bare minimum of her belongings in, that she prayed would not be destroyed (“improved”) or stolen, she did her best to boobytrap anything of importance like she did her diary since having a lock on her locker was supposedly unheard of at this school. After that was class itself where she expected her seat to be sticky or wet with something but she took to bringing wet cloths and paper towels with her since this was so common. ‘Just harmless pranks.’ Mme Bustier claimed when she first went to talk with her about the behavior. Honestly she didn’t know what she had been expecting when she went to her teacher for help, but she was not going to make that useless of a mistake again. What followed though was weird, she still found rude little notes but none of her classmates went out of their way to glare at her, or make snide comments about her, she wasn’t even tripped if they walked too close to her. To some people it would mean a break, but it only put her more on edge, like something bigger was coming, because Lila was acting strange. 
She hadn’t spouted one lie about Marinette, she still lied, just nothing about Marinette, which was odd. Though Marinette pushed it from her mind in order to get some help from Mme Mendeleiev for her homework packet that was due tomorrow. Some problems were proving difficult and she knew the teacher was more than willing to help students out if they went to her, so that’s exactly what Marinette did for lunch time. She even brought a packed lunch so she could eat and work with the teacher so they had more time, it was actually rather nice. Mme Mendeleiev, though stern and strict, was a real teacher. She wanted her students to learn and Marinette yearned for that, she yearned to be one of her pupils. There was a part of her that thought that maybe the teacher wanted that as well. It was an impossible thought, she tried to transfer once, it hadn’t ended well for her. Lila spun it around when she had heard, claimed Marinette was doing it to abandon them and leave them without a class president. Oh how she spun her web of deceit and claimed Marinette was doing it for attention, to get back at the class for not believing her ‘lies.’ Of course the class and Mme Bustier believed her, because why wouldn’t they? Then Mme Bustier went behind her back and spoke to Principal Damocles and whatever they spoke about resulted in her staying in the class no matter what she tried or whatever papers she managed to get her parents to sign that would allow her a class transfer. She was stuck in the class. In her prison.
After lunch is when everything had blown up, and some twisted part of Marinette was thankful it happened sooner rather than later. Lila had made a show of holding something, some papers that looked destroyed, to her chest and “crying.” If you could call over the top whimpering crying. Marinette didn’t have to prepare herself since she had been prepared all day for something to happen when Lila and her herd of sheep came to her and yelled at her for ruining Lila’s homework and something about writing something on her locker too? She just didn’t care anymore, she still claimed her innocence and that there was no way she could have done it, but no one was listening and Adrien was just standing there frowning at her in disappointment and all she could think was, right back at you boy. Mme Bustier joined in and Marinette just stood there as the teacher of course fell for whatever scheme Lila cooked up and then held back a sigh when said teacher started to lecture her there in the hallway for everyone to see. Of course they had to make a spectacle of it, of course they did. Damocles decided to join in and Marinette thought it was for sure going to be another expulsion, some part of her hoped for it. She knew that was bad but she was just so freaking tired of dealing with it all, but to her surprise Mme Mendeleiev was her knight in shining lab coat so to say.
“Marinette didn’t do it. She was with me the entire lunch period so unless she managed to defy all laws of physics and was in two or three places at once I would say she’s being framed.” Mme Mendeleiev’s voice had commanded attention and even Lila couldn’t spin it around to keep Marinette in trouble. Even her classmates had stopped their incessant murmuring. 
“But Lila said she saw her running away from her locker!” Kim had yelled in return. It spoke of Mme Bustier’s character and control of her class that she hadn’t even attempted to reprimand Kim for raising his voice to another teacher. 
Marinette saw Mme Mendeleiev give Mme Bustier a look that had the younger teacher trying to reign in her rowdy class after they had all been yelling their own affirmations that yes, that was what Lila had said. “Then either Mlle Rossi needs to get her eyes checked or she saw someone else, or she’s lying.”
“Demeter! I’m sure Lila didn’t mean for this...little misunderstanding to happen. I'm sure she saw someone who looked like Marinette.” Mme Bustier had tried to reason. 
“If I’m not mistaken Caline, this is not the first time this has happened to Marinette. Her being accused of something in this school and getting punished unjustly with no proof. Forgive me, or not, but I’m not going to overlook this like you. Those are serious accusations to throw at someone. It would be wrong not to investigate. Right, Damocles?” No one spoke throughout Mme Medeleiev’s little speech but Marinette saw the glare Lila was giving the teacher and Marinette was tempted to tell Mendeleiev to just drop it.
“Er, yes, of course.” Principal Damocles had stuttered out. How he had managed to be a principal Marinette would never know. Once upon a time she had thought him an awkward but good guy all around, but that was not the case anymore.
“I suspect we call Mlle Rossi’s mother to speak about this. I’m sure she would love to know that her daughter is being...if not bullied then the start of being bullied. Then we will gather students who match Marinette’s description. It’s not much but it’s the best we got. I’ll go take pictures of the locker in question.”
“Oh-Oh we really don’t have to do that. I’m sure it really is all a misunderstanding! I wouldn’t want to bother my mother!” Lila had desperately claimed. 
“How is this a misunderstanding Mlle Rossi? Please explain. Because from where we teachers stand this is clearly bullying and we will not tolerate that at this school.” Mme Mendeleiev said with such authority, one would think she was the principal. 
Somehow, Marinette didn’t know how, but Lila had talked her way out of having to have her mother called to the school even though Mme Mendeleiev had strongly insisted to Principal Damocles that they call her and have a sit down with her over her daughter’s wellbeing and school life. Though she honestly shouldn’t have been surprised that nothing had been done. It was Damocles after all. Lila probably said it would be best not to disturb her very busy, very important, diplomat mother and Damocles with his nonexistent spine folded. Though with all the wrong type of attention the incident had brought for the lying vixen Marinette had a relatively “relaxed” rest of her day. No one outright apologized for just blaming her for destroying another person’s work and defacing public property with no proof but at least they didn’t glare at her or make snide remarks for the rest of the day. Adrien even managed not to give her one of his lectures at the end of the day which was a big welcome on Marinette’s end. She could only deal with him being on his high-horse and looking down on her for so long and more often than not she wouldn’t even argue back she would just end the conversation with,*“Il n’y a pas plus sourd que celui qui ne veut pas entendre.” 
The day had started to look up for her and she was going to strike the iron while it was hot so to say. Her steps felt lighter. It’s like Mme Mendeleiv’s belief in her gave her invincibility for the day and she found herself actually looking forward to seeing Luka and Kagami at the end of the school day since she would finally have something good to share rather than her usual bouquet of gloom. The sun seemed brighter when she remembered that fencing practice was cancelled that day due to M D’Argencourt having some appointment to go to and a substitute couldn’t be found so the fencing club students had the day off. Marinette had excitedly texted Kagami that they should meet up after school and hang out earlier than the trio had planned since the girl had more free time. Kagami had agreed but said she would meet Marinette at her house as she had some things to take care of there at the school that she wanted to finish up before they met up. Of course Marinette had agreed without question, Kagami liked things to be in order before she had her free time and Marinette understood that. Now, Marinette didn’t remember what she had forgotten, but she knew she had forgotten something in her locker and had rushed from her home to grab it, not wanting her luck to run out for the day. She didn’t know why but since she was back at the school she felt the need to go talk with Mme Medeleiev and thank her once more for what she had done that day for Marinette. Whether the teacher knew it or not, she had given Marinette some hope back.
So she was going to do just that when she had heard familiar voices. Luka and Kagami? Kagami she could understand but why had Luka been there? He was supposed to meet them at Marinette’s house so she was immensely confused to hear his soft voice echo the halls. Her curiosity had gotten the best of her then and she had followed its call. She had not expected to find the scene she had stumbled upon, and the way her heart lurched with such pain. You would think I’d be used to it by now. Her eyes watered as she watched Kagami and Luka, her closest and only friends sitting with Lila and looking at her with such concern and half hugging her to give her comfort. She couldn’t hear what was being said but she would wager it was about her, she saw the disapproving frowns both Luka and Kagami gave in response to whatever Lila had said and all Marinette could think was, I’ve lost them too. She took them from me too. Before she knew it she had ran back home, to her room and had, well, she wasn’t too sure to be completely honest. It all went by in a blur, but she did remember texting Kagami and Luka and saying she wasn’t feeling well and maybe they could hang out together tomorrow, despite knowing Luka would have band practice and Kagami would have fencing practice. Then threw her phone onto her chaise and looked at her pictures of her friends she still had on her walls, she thought of the gifts she had given and all she had felt was this white hot rage and sadness that consumed her. 
She heard, more than felt the ripping and smashing of the things that reminded her of a past she could never get back. Marinette was done listening to Tikki in that moment, and she was done believing she had anyone on her side like she thought she did. Kagami and Luka, they both held little pieces of what was left of her heart and she could feel those pieces breaking with every thing she destroyed. Now here she sat in the aftermath of her destruction and she didn’t even feel satisfied. A small part of her still felt hurt, she was sure she had to have made noise, quite a bit of it, and yet neither of her parents had checked on her. It was just another drop added to her already too-full cup. 
“I’m sure it wasn’t what it looked like, Marinette.” Tikki chirped as she flew to Marinette’s sink and back with a wet cloth in her hand to help Marinette clean her face.
“Luka and Kagami.” Tikki said their names so simply, “I’m sure it wasn’t what you’re thinking. You’ll see! We have to see them for patrol tonight. I’m sure you can ask them subtly about it as a concerned hero of Paris.”
The only concerned hero. Her mind bitterly spat out without warning. The thought almost made her wince in shock at the venom that came from it. Though she found herself not apologetic in the least, Chat had been proving himself to be unreliable. At first she had brushed off his behavior as his usual antics and she had been beating herself over the head about it everyday it seemed like. He became more aggressive in his flirting and really that’s what it was, it wasn’t passionate, it wasn’t some misguided persistence, it wasn’t just him being a “boy”, he became aggressive in his affection for her. He started asking her on more and more dates, bringing her more and more gifts and each time she rejected him, reminding him they had work to do, or she had plans, or that his timing was not the best, or of course that she had feelings for someone else, he started “punishing” her and Paris as a result. He would refuse to help, sometimes he wouldn’t show up to a battle at all, he would only call to ask her if she had come to her senses and realized she loved him and when she wouldn’t give him the answer he wanted he would hang up and the battle would be a lonely one. She had tried to get Master Fu to do something about it but he had brushed it off much like she had in the beginning. Seemed like he still had faith in the cat, Marinette wished she could say the same but it would be a lie, besides she had kind of announced she no longer trusted Chat to help her since she gave Luka and Kagami their individual Miraculous back but to permanently use to help her defend the city. So instead of Ladybug and Chat Noir defending Paris, it was Ladybug, Viperion and Ryuuko. 
“I think I want to go out a little early Tikki. Maybe the fresh air and time out will do me some good.” Marinette said with forced cheer as she stood and stretched her arms high above her head. 
“I think that’s a good idea Marinette!” Tikki chirped as she zipped through the air to hover at Marinette’s shoulder and she couldn’t help but chuckle. With a quick saying of the magic words and one transformation later, Marinette was out slinging from rooftop to rooftop. There was no destination in mind just yet, she just wanted to simply be for a while. Everything finally felt okay and she was ready to actually head to the top of the Eiffel Tower to wait for Luka and Kagami as their hero forms so they could start actual patrol when she heard their voices. It sounded like they were trying to keep quiet about something. She didn’t want to pry but it was late and if they were out this late as their civilian selves she had a duty to them to make sure they were okay. With a quick swing she was at the Château Edmond de Rothschild where the voices seemed to come from, it was supposed to be not accessible to the public, so why were they there? 
A quick peek was all it took to understand why and Marinette had to stop herself from making any noise, whether it be a sob or a scream or a gasp. She couldn’t risk it if what she was seeing was real, but there it was right in front of her. Luka and Kagami were sitting in their hero forms holding a charm of some kind between them and they both had the sickening violet glow of Hawkmoth around their eyes. They didn’t seem angry or sad, or even like they were being akumatized so she wasn’t really sure what was going on but she was going to put an end to it. Now.
“Yes Hawkmoth. Ladybug trusts us completely, we are doing our part.” Kagami said.
“But...Chat Noir has yet to show up. That has helped us get closer to Ladybug yes, but it means we don’t know where the Black Cat Miraculous is for you.” Luka had added on and it was another stab to Marinette’s heart. They, her most trusted allies, her friends, her maybe something more’s, were working with...oh god she was going to be sick. She had to get out of there. She didn’t know how long she had swung but at some point she hadn’t been thinking about where her yoyo should attach itself and she fell down into a garden. No, she couldn’t identify the garden because she couldn’t see past the tears. Marinette didn’t know how long she laid there crying but she quickly took off her earrings and just as soon as she did Tikki zipped out.
“You said things would get better Tikki. How? How is this supposed to get better? Luka and Kagami...they are...they’re working for HIM!” She screamed and she didn’t care who heard, she was tired of suffering in silence. 
“I’m sure it wasn't-”
“What? What, it looked like?....I’m done. I’m done sacrificing everything for this city. Sacrificing my feelings. I need to feel Tikki!” Without waiting for a response, Marinette threw the earrings and ran further into the park. She sobbed as loud and she had wanted to, needed to, and she couldn’t stop. She collapsed yet again, this time in a patch of butterfly bushes, though she hadn’t noticed. It wasn’t the only thing she hadn’t noticed, there was an akuma flying her way, but by the time she heard the tell-tale sign of the flap of its wings it was too late. The thing had already morphed with something on her person and all she could do was gasp.
Gabriel Agreste couldn’t help the tiny shout of joy he let out because finally, finally he had managed to snag his masterpiece. She had evaded him for so long, her will over her emotions had always seemed so iron strong but finally, Marinette Dupain Cheng was akumatized, and she was going to be the one to get him the Miraculi he craved. He could feel it. He turned to brag to his swarm of butterflies seeing how Nathalie wasn’t in the lair but when he did so he paused. All his butterflies were gone. Honestly he had to just stand and stare because where could they have gone? And why hadn’t he noticed or heard them leave? 
No matter. The important thing was that he had Marinette Dupain Cheng under his control and it was going to be glorious. She would make quite the spectacle for Ladybug and, well, the heroes and Chat Noir when she appeared tomorrow. Victory was close, he could practically taste it.
Wang Fu had made many mistakes in his life and he regretted every single one, but this one, this one was causing him the most pain. Marinette, the girl he had chosen to be Paris’s pillar of hope, the girl he had seen as a granddaughter, the girl he had failed to protect when she needed him, was in danger. He had been sleeping when Tikki had come flying into his shop wailing about Marinette. At first he and Wayzz couldn’t understand her, when she managed to calm down some she gave him some of the most devastating news he had ever received. Marinette Dupain Cheng had given up the mantle of Ladybug and had been akumatized. He had been desperate to know why and know why Tikki looked so guilty because surely it could not be her fault. Then the kwami had spilled everything, she told of the situation at school, the situation with Chat Noir, with Adrien that he himself had thought was nothing more than him being a stubborn boy, and she had told him how even she believed her user was somehow something more than human and would be able to handle it all. She had been angry at Marinette for throwing her away but had realized that it wasn’t her fault and had tried to find the girl to talk to her but by the time she had found her...it had been too late. So here he sat after calling Chat Noir to his shop and hoping the young hero...no, the young boy, would show.
“Master Fu?” Adrien asked softly as he entered the shop, it was almost easy to believe that the young boy wasn’t wayward and that Fu hadn’t made yet another mistake.
“In here Adrien.”
“Uh, what’s the matter Master Fu? You never call me Adrien. You said this was about Ladybug. Did she...Did she say something to you?” Near the end it was easy to see now the hidden anger the boy held, why hadn’t he seen it?
“No. This is something...far worse I’m afraid. Ladybug has been…”
“Ladybug has been defeated.” Tikki finished for him. 
He watched as Adrien’s eyes widened and he gaped at Tikki, he looked as though he didn’t want to believe it. Fu wanted to yell at the boy. He had no right to stand there and act like he cared about Marinette. “That is not all. A young girl has been akumatized and I fear she may be the strongest akuma Hawkmoth has ever made.”
“What do you mean Ladybug has been defeated!? Defeated by who!?” 
“By the akuma,” Fu lied, though was it really a lie?
“What akuma?”
“Not what. Who. The akuma is Marinette Dupain Cheng and from what Tikki and Ladybug have told me...Hawkmoth has been wanting to akumatize her for a long time. Whatever sent her to his side...I’ve met the girl. She is a kind soul and to know that he has her under his control...Adrien. You have to stop her. After that...after that is when you and I will sit down and have another talk, but in the meantime find Mlle Dupain Cheng and help her.” Fu pleaded, and he couldn’t help the tear that escaped. 
The emotion seemed to hit Adrien, though it didn’t seem to be the only thing. “Marinette is the akuma? How?”
“I think you know the answer to that Agreste.” Tikki answered with a glare from where she was being held by Plagg who honestly looked like he wanted to scratch his owner's eyes out.
“What is that supposed to mean?”
“We don’t have time for this. Adrien, just please, go and find her. Help her.” Fu watched as Adrien had left, it was almost morning now and he had work to do as well. He had to retrieve the Snake and Dragon Miraculi before their current users handed them off to Hawkmoth, as he doubted they would help in the fight to save Marinette, and he didn’t trust them enough to let them try.
“We’ll get her back Tikki. We will.”
Adrien was not having a good morning, he had spent the early hours of it searching for his friend and coming up empty, and the more he came out with nothing the easier it was to be frustrated. Though it seemed like frustration was something to be shared in the Agreste home since his father also seemed to be irritable that morning. More than that, he and Nathalie seemed off and they were the most put together people he knew. Them being off, threw him off, thankfully he was still at school on time, which is too say he wasn’t his usual early self, but he was there a couple minutes before the bell would ring which gave him a very small window of time to search for Marinette before class began. Though he’s not entirely sure she would even show up at school if she was an akuma but where else would she go? She had a problem with Lila and Lila was at school so the answer had to be there right? God he hoped so.
The bell was about to ring though so he ran back to class after searching the locker rooms and barely made it to his seat when the bell did ring. Marinette wasn’t there. But she was going to show up, he just knew it. She had to. Lila was the source of her anger probably, even if it was childish, she would come to settle the score and that’s when he would swoop in and save the day. Then maybe just maybe, Ladybug would finally see that they were meant to be and realize how amazing he was. The thought had made him smile, almost losing himself in the daydream, that is until he saw a familiar pair of pink pants enter the room. He was at immediate attention and was alert because Marinette...didn’t look like an akuma. She looked like normal herself, but she was an akuma right? So why didn’t she look like one?
“Marinette. Late again?” Mme Bustier asked even though it was obvious.
“I won’t be long Caline.” Marinette replied and her voice...it was just off. Yes it was Marinette but at the same time it wasn’t.
“Marinette! You will speak to me respectfully or I will have no choice but to-”
“To what? Tell me to be a better example? I’m tired Caline, I’m tired of being your doll that you dress up and play pretend with. I’m not a doll, and I’m not a teacher’s assistant, though it seems like that’s what you believe me to be seeing as you push me to do your job. Constantly, so don’t even try to deny it. It’s the teacher’s job to placate their students and make sure that their classroom environment is a healthy one. You allow bullies to reign free from punishment and in turn punish the victims. Do you ever get tired of being the indirect cause of akumas? Because really how many of your students have been akumatized and you have the gall to say you’re a great teacher, everyone’s favorite teacher no less.” Everyone in the room was dead silent. This wasn’t Marinette at all, but before anyone could say anything the akuma continued, though they didn’t know she was an akuma and Adrien so badly wanted to shout it out to warn everybody.
“Then there is all of you sheep. I had the absolute displeasure of once being your friend, but I realized you were never my friends to begin with. If you were you wouldn’t have believed lies over me.”
“Is this really what this is about Girl?” Alya shouted.
“Alya, it seems like you want me to start with you. You claim to be a journalist, a seeker of the truth, but that is the biggest lie you have ever sold yourself beside Ladybug’s best friend over there. You are a hypocrite. You say you are a defender against bullies and villains. Well you Alya Cesaire are one of the biggest bullies by association I know. You turned your back on me. On the truth. You refused to open your eyes and see what was truly there. You became a bully and enjoyed it. You took pleasure in everything you did to make me miserable alongside Lila. Well congratulations Rena Rouge you have been outfoxed and it isn’t because of some sapotis or illusions. I was wrong to ever trust you.”
Everyone watched as Alya grew pale and just sat there with her mouth agape. “Nino, Kim, Alix, Ivan. You became destroyers rather than the protectors of the weak you boasted about to make yourselves feel better. Well guess what Nino? There’s no shell to protect you from the truth! You are a bully, bigger than Chloe! Because instead of not doing anything like you had last time I was bullied for years on end, this time you partook in the “merriment.” Kim. How I ever trusted you with anything is beyond me. You know in China to call a child a monkey is a great compliment, to call you anything similar would be a great disrespect. How you held the title of the monkey king...I’ll never understand it. Alix, you always liked to believe you were as fast as a rabbit both in mind and body, well the rabbit is dead. Your time will never come again I’ll see to it. Your most prized possession, your watch, I helped you restore it after it had been broken and I even gave it back to you but that was a mistake on my part as you never deserved it in the first place. Ivan, who helped you during Stoneheart? Who? Oh that’s right it was me? I helped you see you weren’t that monster but I was wrong. I was very wrong.” The words were cruel and Adrien didn’t know where all this anger was coming from. Lila was the target right? Shouldn’t she only be going after her, not their friends? He had to sneak out and transform, he didn’t know where her item was but he would find it and put an end to all this unnecessary hurt.
“Oh Adrien, where do you think you’re going? You’re at the top of my list.”
“Your list?” He asked as though he hadn’t been caught trying to get out of his seat.
“Yes. The list of people who have wronged me. The list of people who have turned me into the current me. The list of people I hate. Sorry, but not sorry If you can’t handle hearing how imperfect you are but you will listen to what I have to say.”
Adrien didn’t understand why everyone gasped but he was hurt to hear that Marinette hated him. No it had to be the akuma’s influence, it just had to be. “I’m sorry you feel that way Marinette.”
Marinette walked up to him and took both his hands in hers, it would have been a sweet gesture if it weren’t for the added pressure. “Save it. I don’t want your superficial pity. You Adrien Agreste are the biggest liar I know next to Lila. You knew she was lying. You knew she was lying from the start seeing how Ladybug told you herself that Lila and her were not friends. Oh yeah I know about that, in the park, or how about when Lila was akumatized to be the Chameleon, which by the way Lila very unoriginal and I’m fairly certain you were akumatized on purpose but hey what proof do I have right? And she pretended to be you because she didn’t like what you had to say about her lying. Yet you still didn’t tell your so called friends about her, because you don’t care about anyone but yourself! I learned that the hard way. I believed you when you said we were in this together and that if we both knew then that was enough and that we should take the moral highroad. What a joke! I am truly disgusted with myself for ever thinking I was in love with you.”
Luka couldn’t believe what he was hearing, he and Kagami had rushed to Marinette’s class after they had each gotten a call from her mother asking if either one of them had seen Marinette. Apparently they went up to her room and realized she was missing but thought maybe she had told them she was spending the night at Alya’s and they maybe just hadn’t heard but when they had called her and texted her with no response they had gotten worried. More so when she hadn’t shown up that morning. Luka had immediately felt his heart drop. Marinette was, well, she was his melody and to think that something could have happened to her, it made him get on his bike and search as many places as he could think of. It seemed like Kagami had the same idea because he ran into her and her car before they decided it would be better to search together. He felt awful about her cancelling their plans yesterday but figured she just genuinely wasn’t feeling well. Luka was beating himself over the head because obviously that wasn’t the case. 
Maybe if him and Kagami hadn’t been so focused on helping get evidence that Lila was a liar and who Hawkmoth could be they wouldn’t be in this mess, but they had done all that for Marinette. They had seen what Lila had done to her and Kagami had been the one to say she didn’t trust Lila and proposed they help Marinette expose her for the lying weasel she was. Luka had been all for it, even if they had to pretend to be nice. When they found out that Lila actually didn’t like Ladybug well, that had been a shock but they had played into it. Both he and Kagami had acted like they too despised the superheroine and finally they saw Lila, the real Lila, or at least a small glimpse of her. She believed they really didn’t like Marinette and Ladybug, she believed they were her spies on Marinette, and then she admitted something that genuinely made Luka sick to his stomach.
Lila was working with Hawkmoth. And she wanted them to help them and join their “team.”
It had seemed like a good idea at the time. It was more evidence against Lila Ross and it was a way to help Ladybug who had seemed like she was being spread thin thanks to that no good Chat. So him and Kagami agreed to help. Then Ladybug asked them to be permanent heroes. They told Hawkmoth in order to gain trust from him and he had seemed pleased. Fake working with him was disgusting but him and Kagami felt like they were getting close to figuring out who he could be or what his ultimate goal was, but one thing was for certain and that was, for some odd unexplainable reason, Hawkmoth wanted to akumatize Marinette. He wanted Luka and Kagami to help, they had been hoping to unmask him before it came to that, but hearing Marinette now and seeing her...that was not Marinette. Hawkmoth succeeded somehow. Because that in there was an akuma and it was breaking Luka’s heart, more so when he realized it had way more information about people and the Miraculi than anyone would other than Ladybug herself. 
“Luka...that’s.” Kagami had never sounded so lost.
“I know. Marinette was, is, Ladybug.”
“What do we do?”
“We save her. And...and we tell her the truth.”
They were ready, they were opening their mouths to say their separate transformation phrases when a window in the classroom broke. They turned to look inside to see if it was Marinette running out and finally showing an akuma form, but all they saw was a green blur and Marinette leisurely following after the blur out of the school to the park outside. Of course they followed, but when they went to transform they both realized, their respective Miraculous was gone. What did they do now?
Fu had done it. He had retrieved the Dragon and Snake Miraculous, with help from Tikki as she took them from their holders as he caused a distraction as Jade Turtle. It was never easy to hold his transformation but he had done it for the short while he had to. That was one, kind of two, problems out of the way, now all he had to do was wait for Adrien to save Marinette. “He will do it”
“He will, Master.” Tikki muttered from his shoulder as Wayzz nodded his agreement from Fu’s other shoulder.
“I doubt it.” Fu nearly fell with how he stumbled back at what had landed in front of him. It was Marinette but also not. He didn’t want to call her an akuma because even that felt like a wrong description. She felt like something else entirely, looked it too. She wore some armor like that of a knight over what appeared to be a black body suit, but one made of light. Her freckles seemed more like stars and if he looked closer each star was unique, and almost seemed to resemble every past akuma
“Marinette...what...what are you?”
“A protector, the Protector.” Marinette answered as though it was the most obvious thing in the world.
As soon as Marinette felt the akuma merge with her, because truly it felt like it merged with her and not an object, she felt so much. She could feel the butterfly feel her pain, her anger, could feel it soak up her negativity. She in turn could feel its pain and anger, its sadness too. Her heart filled with so much empathy. Then it was like the voice of the butterfly doubled, then tripled, then there were too many voices to be heard but Marinette understood. She felt their pain because it was the same as hers. All of them had been used, all of them together had put their trust in people they shouldn’t have. Though she had no way to see it, Marinette just knew she was covered in butterflies because she refused to call them akumas, they were victims just as she was, just as Paris was too, to Hawkmoth.
They told her they wouldn’t let him harm her. That they would protect her. That was the moment that Marinette felt that she and them were one and she vowed to protect them just as they vowed to protect her. She accepted them, she let them and her truly become one, because at that moment they were her only friends, her only family, and she was going to protect them from their abuser. They sung her praises, they gave her strength, they whispered a name and place. Their former owner. She listened and she heard and Marinette followed where they led. The closer they got to the Agreste Mansion, the louder the cries of Nooroo she could hear, could feel. She vowed she would protect him as well. He was her family, her friend too, just like the butterflies. A part of her felt like she should have been surprised that Gabriel Agreste was Hawkmoth and that so, Nathaniel Sancoeur was most likely Mayura, but really she just felt anger. Gabriel and Nathalie were to face justice. Her justice.
They would pay for their crimes against Paris, and their abuse of the Miraculi, kwami, and butterflies. She was the Protector and nothing would stand in her way.
“I don’t wish to fight you, but I see you believe me to be an akuma. I’m not. I don’t expect you to believe me but it’s the truth. I am merely the Protector now. As a sign of good faith,” Marinette, or Protector held out a hand to Fu, one he was reluctant to reach out for. “Here.”
It seemed like she caught on to his hesitation because Marinette threw whatever had been in her hand to him. Tikki and Wayzz had quickly helped catch them and when he saw what Marinette had tossed him he felt faint. Whether it was from relief or fear he didn’t know. Marinette had given him the Peacock and Cat Miraculi. “And what of the Butterfly Miraculous?”
“I’m keeping it. You couldn't protect it, so I will in your place. Nooroo and I decided it is what is best.” At the mention of the kwami, said kwami fly out into the open to sit in Marinette’s open palm.
“Marinette I can’t let you do that.”
“We’re not asking permission.” Nooroo stated as he nuzzled Marinette’s thumb that was caressing his head. “Marinette and I have suffered at the hands of Paris long enough.”
“This was merely me wanting to say goodbye face to face. Don’t come looking for me Fu.” 
Fu could only watch at Marinette, Nooroo, and a swarm of white akumas jumped away from him and his kwami. He didn’t know what else he could do. He was too old to run after her, and he didn’t have anyone he could trust with a Miraculous with to send after her. So he just watched as Marinette continued to get smaller and smaller in his vision, until she was gone. Though she asked not to be looked for, he would do it, because Marinette deserved to be found and talked some sense into. When he found her, an apology didn’t feel good enough, but he would give her the biggest most heartfelt apology. She was a kind soul, and truly deserved none of this.
It was chaos. Tom and Sabine had closed the bakery but it was still filled with people, only it was Marinette’s class and Luka and Kagami. They didn’t dare call this class their daughter’s friends after they finally learned what had really been happening at the school. Luka and Kagami had told them everything and Sabine, Sabine sobbed and had called out for her baby girl till her voice was hoarse. What had they done to her baby girl? But they apologized to them, they said they were tricked. It felt more like they were trying to trick them, but nonetheless they needed help figuring out where Marinette could be and they were offering to help. Tom said it was out of guilt and had wanted to kick them out but Sabine convinced him it would be more manpower to help with the search. Truth was, they were just as guilty, they hadn’t realized something was wrong with their daughter until she was missing. 
Adrien had come in with his arm in a cast, when they asked what happened, the class claimed it was Marinette when she was an akuma. Adrien hadn’t denied it, in fact he looked angry, every time Marinette was mentioned he would frown, and Tom had been so so close to just tossing the boy out, but they heard the kids gossiping and saying that someone had broken into the Agreste Mansion and had beaten Gabriel and his assistant pretty badly. When asked about it Adrien would get really quiet but would confirm that his father and Nathalie were in the hospital due to injuries. He looked a mess.
Luka and Kagami though,...those two looked worse. They looked as though someone had ripped out their hearts. They were there physically, helping wherever they could and however they could, but one glance and you could tell they weren’t there in spirit. It was awful. Paris was celebrating the supposed defeat and disappearance of Hawkmoth and Mayura, but how could Tom and Sabine join in the merriment when they couldn’t share that joy with their pride and joy? The guilt of being so busy had never hit them so hard, but they vowed that once they found Marinette, they would do everything in their power to make it up to her.
It was quiet, actually it was more like her ears were ringing so loud that it was impossible to hear anything. Her body collapsed from exhaustion, she couldn’t travel any further but she felt the distance. It felt safe. She felt safe and maybe that’s why her body just kind of shut itself down, maybe that’s why when the butterflies and Nooroo prodded at her mind if she was willing to give up the akuma and drop the transformation and which she did, that didn’t mean that Marinette wasn’t going to fight to stay conscious even if it was a losing battle. But she was so tired and she could feel Nooroo reassuring her that they were safe and that? That was enough for her. She quickly slipped into unconsciousness and for once didn’t fear the possibility of nightmares, because she knew when she woke up she wouldn’t be back in Paris anymore. Though with falling unconscious she did fail to introduce herself to those who found her, right away.
“I’m telling you guys I saw something wash up on the beach from my house!” A boy said as he and his friends made their way down the beach.
“Yeah? Last time you said that and dragged us here it was just a piece of driftwood.” Another boy piped in with a point of his finger.
“And you claimed it was a real mermaid this time.” His twin sister added.
“Guys be nice I’m sure it’s an actual real mermaid this time.” A girl laughed as she walked ahead to walk side by side with the first boy. 
“Actually there are many documents of mermaids you know.” The third boy of the group said matter-of-factly.
“Any of them driftwood mermaids?” the fourth boy of the group asked with a laugh.
“Ha ha ha, very funny. But I’m telling you I really saw...someone. Oh my gods.” The first boy had started before he actually did see the slumped form of Marinette just lying there. 
*Il n’y a pas plus sourd que celui qui ne veut pas entendre Translation: No one is as deaf as the one who does not want to listen.
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liquid-luck-00 · 4 years
When Two Coffee Addicts Unite
Part 1
@maribatmarch-2k21 Day 8: Texting
Ao3 *** Part 2
Okay so this can either be a continuation of Internet Friends or the beginning of something new. But if you want to read this as a continuation of Internet friends then you should know:
The police department is almost as bad as Damocles when dealing with powerful figures. They take the video and audio footage and simply put it in the file. Because at the time Lila still had most or in fact all of the class under her thumb, they all supported Lila’s claim that it was an accident. Lila claims that a sudden dizzy spell struck her, and she fell forwards towards Marinette. And as Mari was already on the edge of the balcony it was an accident. The fact that the file sat in the police department until well after any claim could be valid it wasn’t looked into more. Mari, her friends, and Tim did have backups of the footage, complete records for every interaction with the police, and recorded calls and interactions when dealing with the police. But as they didn’t want to involve the embassy as this would become an international affair they didn’t bother with the case.
That said the police don’t bother with the Miracle Court to avoid work. However, with the Mayor, Medical responders, and the Fire Department all aid the heroes, the police only do the bare minimum.
Marinette’s class has begun to watch Lila, but they didn’t look into her lies because except for this incident it’s just she said she said with occasional ‘injuries’ on Lila. Most of them are wary of Lila but they aren’t converted to Marinette’s side, but there is an increased tolerance between them.
Marinette had just sat back at her seat after eating lunch, while the classroom was still empty. There was still half an hour left. Alix, Kim, Nino, Sabrina, and Max walked in as she sat down.
"Marinette you got the time?" Alix called out. They were on somewhat okay terms since Lila’s claims were a total 180 from the Marinette that they have known for forever.
"30 minutes left." she announced looking of her phone and in turn her missed messages.
       What's wrong.
       I have back to back meetings starting in 3 hrs. until 5.
       Let me guess haven't slept.
       Help me please
       How many reports can you send me?
       Quite a few
       Send me what you can.
       Review the rest.
       Take a nap!
       And I'll be a little voice during your meeting.
       Thanks, I owe you Bean.
I'II hold you to that.
       Just make sure you wake up.
       I make no promises.
       On second thought I don't want to find out how you are mad
She made it through the 15 minutes of class because Lila was akumatized. Lila had burst into the class followed by Alya, Nino, and Adrien. She claimed Mari cornered her in the bathroom and beat her a few minutes ago, showing everyone the 'bruises' on her arms. Chloe handed something to Sabrina who walked up to Lila.
"Oh, you poor thing," Sabrina consoled, Lila only whimpered. "Here this has a salve that helps bruises." She gently took Lila's wrist and wiped a 'bruise' which disappeared instantly.
"That's amazing what is it called?" Alya commented. "I should get some for Nora."
"Make-up remover." Sabrina and Chloe spoke together.
"Besides." Alix butt in. "Marinette's been here the past half hour and hasn't left."
"What?! How do you know?" Lila cried.
"Cause we've been here the whole time with her." Sabrina commented.
Marinette for her part didn't know or hear the conversation around her.
"Marinette. Marinette. Earth to Marinette," Kim shouted.
"Present!" She jolted practically standing. "Wait," she looked around, "class hasn't started."
"What are you hyper fixated on?" Adrien asked innocently.
"Just some reports, don't think you'd like them too much Kit-Kat."
"Fair," he shrugged sitting next to her. "So how were you in two places at once?"
"I can't," her head tilted to the side confusion clear on her face.
"So, if Mari hasn't left, can't be in two places at once, and your 'bruises' came off with make-up remover. How do you explain that Lila?" Adrien around, the class slowly draining their conclusions. However, Marinette spoke up. "She lied, obviously..." she stated having gone back to the reports.
"Um you said that out loud, Cake Pop, and loud at that."
"Huh?" sure enough when she looked around some were shock still, others typed furiously into their phones.
That was when Mrs. Bustier walked in, fifteen minutes late to the class. Which was also when the bandy contained restraint ended. Lila was akumatized, school let out, and the rest of her night went smoothly.
Tim woke up, and with her help survived his meetings. Some while on patrol she would constantly mute and unmute herself. Luckily, it wasn't more than twice, and they didn't run into anyone. Chat didn’t ask questions, figured it out since she was pouring over Wayne documents earlier. Tim would call her back after the private meetings and ended around 10.
At around 11 Tim text her back.
      Thanks Bug you saved me today.
      No problem Draco
      You owe me though.
      I remember.
      Go to bed it's like midnight over there!
      Yeah Yeah
      Congratulations 2x!
      Please explain.
      Timothy Drake-Wayne answer me.
      Dragon please
      Ugh fine I'll sleep.
Which is what she did when he wouldn’t answer her.
She woke up the next morning to two emails from W. E.. The first was for a collaboration between W.E. and MDC for a show featuring Wayne Tech accessories and their new climate fabrics. She immediately responded and accepted. The second was that her class was one of two to be accepted as transfer students to Gotham Academy and intern slots at WE, she forwarded that to her teacher and the school.
      You Gremlin
      Like I said congrats
      Oh, I need you to give me three names.
      What for?
Her mind was racing at the possibilities.
      You'll find out.
      What’s the other school?
      Some Prep school in the UK.
      Give me a Sec.
She opened another contact and typed.
      Hey, did you get a spot in the Wayne/GA internship?
      Tell the others we are hitting Gotham with style.
      Very well.
Mari then sent three names to him and smiled. This was going to be fun.
Permanent Taglist: @itsmeevie01 @adrestar @miraculouspenta @vixen-uchiha
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dibs4ever · 3 years
Child Care
Barbara sighed as she neared the manor. She knew she was lucky to of gotten 12 weeks of maternity leave. Most women only got 6
She was even luckier that Dick was able to spend this last month off so the 3 of them could spend time together bonding
And she didn’t want to be a stay at home mom. That wasn’t exactly her thing, she was excited to get back to the library.
But she was going to miss her baby like crazy and felt guilty for leaving him all day.
Even if he was going to be in the safest hands possible
She parked her car and walked around to the back, reaching in and grabbing his car seat
She looked down at her sweet boy. His bright blue eyes staring up at her
He had turned 4 months last Wednesday making him almost 13 weeks old.
“Mommy is going to miss you.” She said
Nathan blinked
“I know- I know- your dad said it a million times and I agree, Great Grandfather Alfred is the best person to care for you. I wouldn’t want you in a daycare where there are multiple other babies and you aren’t getting the attention you deserve. And we can’t hire our own nanny cause- Hello what if she stumbles on a suit or something during all those hours she’d be alone in our house everyday “
Nathan kicked his little legs “Baa” he let out
Barbara smiled, opening the door and letting herself into the manor
“Hello Alfred.” She called making her presence known
Alfred stepped into the foyer from the direction of the kitchen “Ah good morning Ms.Barbara. Right on time, as I assumed you would be. Here let me take young master Grayson from you. “ he extended a hand
Barbara passed him the Car seat.
Alfred set it down on a nearby table and Barbara stepped forward unbuckling him.
She picked him up and hugged him.
“He fed just before I left the house so he should be good for another 2 hours. I packed breast milk in his diaper bag. There’s 3 extra bags just Incase he eats more than usual”
Alfred nodded “I shall put it in the refrigerator as soon as you leave”
Barbara nodded “But if he refuses a bottle- like you know he does sometimes. I will be here on my lunch break to visit and can feed him then. And I don’t know if Dick told you but if there’s an issue he can Zeta tube from Bludhaven to here- he will almost always take a bottle from Dick.”
Alfred nodded “I assure you if there are any issues I will contact one or both of you.”
She nodded kissing the top of her sons head before passing him to Alfred
“He is rolling from both front to back and back to front now, Leslie said he’s 6 weeks ahead in milestones” she spoke smoothing out his dark locks. Little ringlet curls had started taking shape on the ends over the last 2 weeks “So just be careful where you lay him, oh and I try not to do Tummy time immediately after he eats cause then he spits up or gets a belly ache. If he isn’t wanting to sleep but you know he’s tired the song The man on the flying trapeze usually helps.” She said
Alfred nodded “Ms. Barbara I have it covered dear. “
She inhaled “Okay- I know Bruce basically has an exact copy of everything we have at home here, so I probably didn’t need to bring anything except for him and breast milk. But just Incase I packed extra toys, blankets, diapers and cloths as well. Also his stuffed Elephant-he likes to hold that sometimes and oh if he starts to-“
“Ms.Barbara.” Alfred cut her off
Barbara nodded
Alfred rested a comforting hand on her shoulder “If there are any issues I promise to call and ask. Now if you don’t hurry you’ll be late for your first day back at work.”
Barbara nodded slowly “You’re right. I know you’ll take good care of him.” She gave her son another kiss to his head and ran her fingers through his hair “Bye baby, see you tonight after daddy picks you up”
She gave his chubby cheek one last kiss.
“Bye Alfred Thank you so much for caring for him while we work.”
Alfred smiled “It’s an honor believe me.”
Dick was itching in the drivers seat as he rounded the corner to the manor.
After spending a month at home with Barbara and the baby his first day back at work felt like an eternity. He’d left in the wee hours of the morning therefore he hadn’t even gotten to see his son today, since he was asleep when he left for work
He parked his car and made his way up the walkway to the manor. When he opened the door Bruce was walking by
“He just woke from a nap, Alfred is changing him now in the nursery” He informed before continuing on to whatever destination he’d been on
Dick nodded and quickly raced up the stairs. Down the hall to the bedroom next to his old one that Bruce had made into the nursery for Nathan.
Walking in he found Alfred lifting the freshly changed infant from the changing table Alfred grinned “Here you are Master Grayson. Your precious one all well rested, fed and clean. Just for your arrival”
Dick smiled widely “Alfred you’re a miracle worker” he stepped forward taking the baby from Alfred, holding him facing him so he could see his face “Hey buddy, were you good for Great Grandfather? Huh “
Nathan smiled at his father and began kicking his feet excitedly againest Dick’s chest “Yeah? I missed you.”
He brought the baby to his chest and hugged him
Nathan let out a coo
Dick chuckled and walked with Alfred down the hall back down the stairs “So how was he Alfie?”
Alfred nodded “Your son was well. He listened to some music in the morning with me while he sat in his bouncer and I cleaned the kitchen. Then he had a bottle and morning nap, after he awoke and had a diaper change Ms.Barbara came for her lunch break and fed him. When she left we did some time on his stomach and exercised those crucial muscles. Ms.Barbara was correct. Master Nathan rolls quite a bit.” He chuckled lightly
Dick smiled “Yup that’s my boy” he lifted his son above his head “Isn’t that right? my boy is growing way too quickly huh? Now remember your agreement Alfred if you see him hit a milestone while we are at work don’t tell us! Just let us think we saw it first.”
Nathan laughed , and Alfred let out a chuckle
“I’ll be sure to remember that Master Dick, there were no issues today. Your son was a perfect baby. I don’t think he cried at all.”
Dick nodded “Good to hear. We’ve discovered as long
as we follow his feeding and sleep schedule to a tee he never really fusses.”
Alfred nodded “I discovered the same. I believe this little care arrangement will work out just fine.”
Dick smiled “I’m glad because there’s nobody else I’d rather take care for my son Alfie. Now come on Nate. We have to get home and start dinner so when mommy gets home from work all she has to do is cuddle you.”
Nathan made a gurgled sound
“Yeah? You want to cuddle mommy?” He hugged his son “Tell great grandfather you’ll see him tomorrow.” He took the babies hand and made him wave at Alfred.
Alfred smiled and put a hand on Nathan’s little head. Running his fingers through the baby’s fine hair “See you tomorrow little Grayson”
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pucapu · 4 years
Another day went by... #4
[ Please Read ]
4 - Training
The sky was clear with not many clouds. The sunlight shone soft and warm. The Sooga Village was peaceful this morning and the four fighters of the village were hanging out in the Turtle Training Hall, Ching's house.
Garu and Abyo were sparring while Pucca and Ching were chatting.
With Pucca's work, she was rarely available in the morning so when that happened Ching would waste no time spending with her best friend. Her father would come teaching them soon, so they needed some workout— a little sparring. In the middle of the room, Abyo got thrown by Garu for the third time.
"Geez, Garu!"
A little complain escaped the Kang Fu boy. Garu bowed towards his opponent as he would always do and Abyo groaned. The girls giggled softly while Garu helped Abyo getting up on his feet.
"Yeah, laugh as you wish, girls. Why don't you guys try sparring with him too then?"
Garu eyed him and Abyo just shrugged. Ching smiled. "Well, why not"
As Ching got up and ready her stance, Abyo walked and sat down next to Pucca. He didn't really upset and actually planned to laugh at whoever lost the fight since he lost to Garu and the girls laughed at him. So, why not. Their fight took longer than Abyo's but eventually Ching's lost.
"That's to be expected, thanks for the workout Garu" Pucca helped Ching up as Ching let out a soft 'ow'. Garu and Ching bowed to each other before Ching went to sit next to Abyo who was laughing.
"Get your butt kick out there huh?"
"Oh, shut it Abyo" with a 'hmph' Ching shook her head.
Pucca walked up to Garu and they started to spar.
Ching eyed those two casually while hummed softly. She didn't know what the two were thinking while sparring but for the observer sitting here like herself and Abyo, well, they could clearly see that Pucca was going easy on Garu while in the same time, Garu was being very, very considerate and careful to Pucca.
"What with those two." Abyo said, almost complained.
Ching shrugged, putting her chin on her hands trying to hide her smile while thinking to herself.
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Garu feared Pucca's hugs and kisses that obvious but it's because he hated getting affectionate in the first place especially in public but Pucca was already special to him no matter how much he tried to deny it. The outsider, like Ching herself, could see clearly during the time like this— and when Pucca was sad and upset.
Let's see— few months ago, the villagers in Sooga, including herself, prepared the 11th birthday party for Pucca. They wanted a surprise so Pucca's uncles asked Garu to be her distraction that almost not worked out well since the absence of people got Pucca really upset and eventually cried. Garu was troubled from both her tear and what he needed to do since he wasn't good with acting affectionate, but he managed to lift her mood. By the end of the party, however, both Garu and Pucca told them to not ever had a surprise party ever again— especially for Pucca. She was such an emotional and sensitive girl. She would be anxious and yes, they agreed after they heard the story from the worried Garu. Yes, Garu was worried though he acted as if it's obvious since he was older than her and Pucca was like his little sister.
Ching wouldn't buy that though.
If he thought that Pucca was only his younger sister, then just tell her so. He knew— everyone knew— despite how much Pucca loved Garu, she respected his decision and choices and would only interfere if needed. Well, maybe he was afraid to hurt Pucca that would understandable.
Or, maybe he was waiting...
Ching tilted her head a little as Garu caught Pucca from falling even though that move should threw the opponent on the ground— Pucca giggled as she summersaulted and got behind him. Ching smiled.
They were both young. No, they were all young. So, it's possible if Garu was waiting that would be so romantic. Garu would adore Pucca up to the age when they can go on dates and eventually marry. Ching giggled at her thought and stole some glances towards Abyo who currently pouted at the way those two sparred.
Hiding her sighed, Ching realized that she was waiting as well...
Her fantasies ended when her father walked in the hall and in the end, it seemed they never found the winner between Pucca and Garu's sparring.
The day came to an end quickly when you had a good time. The four waved goodbyes at Goh-Rong after dinner and as Ching and Abyo were walking home together, Garu was called by Pucca's uncle, Dumpling, to speak about tomorrow's ingredients. Pucca waited outside and when he came out, a big grin painted across her face. Garu startled, as always.
Garu thought back to the sparring they had today and suddenly felt embarrassed. He cautiously walked pass Pucca, ready to jump away if she jumped in. The moon already rose, and the stars were sparkle throughout the sky. Pucca gave him a mischievous grin. He was so ready to jump yet— she's always one step ahead because as he about to took off she grabbed him firmly and pulled him close to her. He inhaled sharply, shut his eyes tight. It was quite a long moment before a soft, feather like kiss landed on his cheek instead of his lips and that's it. Nothing more.
Garu opened his eyes, almost blinked in confusion as Pucca just stood there smiling at him. Good work today was something written over her face and the kiss might be a reward for his hard work today or something. He frowned. Garu never understood this little girl in front of him. She could be very understanding sometimes but most of the times she would disturb his routine.
And that disturbance just happened on the next morning when he was trying to meditate.
Garu was back home after sending the morning ingredients to Goh-Rong. He fed Mio first and then started to meditate. As the sunlight got brighter and the gentle wind blew pass through him— a disturbance came in a swift causing him to shoot his eyes opened and there she was with a smooch right on his lips.
His morning routine— no, it's almost noon actually— was ended immediately when he jumped and ran away while she followed. He heard his stomach grumbled. With a groan, he eventually ran towards Goh-Rong to get his lunch. Abyo and Ching were already there, and he plopped down beside his best friend with a tired look.
"Man, Pucca interrupts you again, huh?" asked Abyo and Garu sighed.
Ching shook her head and Pucca came in through the door, giving a big smile towards their table then skipped into the kitchen.
"She just worried" Ching's eyes followed Pucca. Her comment made both Abyo and Garu gave her a weird look.
"No, really" Ching said firmly. "You are far in the woods, Garu. And sometimes, when you boys think she was messing around and interrupting whatsoever, she just wants your attention—"
"Obviously, people know that" Abyo cut in with a nodding Garu and Ching glared at both of them and the boys straighten their back with an awkward chuckle and apologetic looks.
"She wants your attention to get you out of your training for the change of pace. You don't have to be serious all the time" Ching shrugged "Moreover, when you meditate, Garu, time flies and you could forget your meals—that happened before. Pucca just wants to see you occasionally"
Clearly Garu didn't agree but he didn't argue either. Instead, Abyo commented
"But the kisses and hugs just— you know, ew"
Ching glared at him and Garu didn't say anything about it. Maybe he didn't exactly disgust or dislike or even annoyed. It's just tiring and embarrassing.
Pucca served his noodles and Garu prepared for the kiss— which landed on his right cheek. A soft, happily giggled came after before she skipped away.
"Hmm" Ching hummed. "You know what, if you at least show her an affection once in a while she would be delighted and who knows, maybe you can, well, negotiate about the kisses and hugs"
She clearly amused as Garu made an indescribable face.
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A/N: I quite like Netflix's Pucca. She seems nuzzling and cute. Very much childish at that. About training, I just view that maybe Pucca just tries to get Garu out of his training from time to time. Though in the end, it would become a new session of training (with that ran and chase...) but maybe he can relax a bit? (or not) at least, I think Pucca would want Garu to relax and spares some of his time with her. That why Ching suggests so. I need to warn you guys a bit that even though I try to keep their characters as a mixture between Flash's and Netflix's, I'm afraid of making them a bit too OOC since I put my own opinion in their relationship as well.
Whew, writing in English is hard but I'm working on it.
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isiddthesloth · 4 years
I Got a Feline, Chapter 3: A My Hero Academia Fanfic.
I’d really appreciate it if you could head over to AO3 and let me know what you think in the comments there! If not, I’ll post this entire chapter here. I’m working on chapter 4 now.
     Were you going to walk casually in, as if there was nothing wrong? Or was Aizawa going to introduce you, just as he had introduced you as his assistant teacher on your first day? You shuddered at the thought. You didn’t want to stand in front of all of Class 1A again, being sized up by children much smaller and younger than you. You were fine when you were teaching them but answering questions about yourself was a different matter. Would they even be able to understand what you were saying in tiger-form, anyway?
     Aizawa strolled in, casually tapping his lesson notes over his shoulder. He hadn’t even spoken to you once since you’d transformed. You wanted to chalk it up to him being sleepy and grumpy, but you knew that even before today, he had always been a little stand-offish.
     “Don’t worry about it!” Hizashi had said over lunch during your first week. He leaned back dangerously in his chair. “I’ve known Shota for years. He’s always like that with everyone!”
     You had cocked an eyebrow at Hizashi. “Uh huh. He doesn’t act that way with you,” you smirked, raising an eyebrow at him (a talent you were quite proud of).
     Hizashi had chuckled. “It’s ‘cause I’ve battered him down with my irresistible charm!” he winked at you, and you rolled your eyes.
     “I bet Aizawa wouldn’t call it that.”
Continue reading on AO3 or
     Aizawa now stood behind the front podium, running through a couple of announcements. You waited nervously just outside the door. As soon as he’d finished, even before he could take the next breath, Tsu raised her hand. Before Aizawa called on her, she rushed forward.
     “Aizawa-sensei, where is [Y/N]-sensei?” Tsu asked. Most of the girls nodded in agreement, chorusing, “Yeah, where are they?” “Shouldn’t they be here by now?” “What if they were attacked by a villain?” “What if they’re DEAD?” You couldn’t help but smile to yourself. 1A had the special ability to always make you laugh, even when you didn’t want to.
     The panicked mumbles of the class grew louder and louder, and you looked at Aizawa with concern. “That’s enough!” His eyes flashed and all the students immediately settled down.
     “[Y/N]-sensei had a quirk-related incident earlier today.” Before any of the kids could interrupt him with more questions, Aizawa continued. “They will be remaining in this form temporarily.”
     You took that as your cue to enter. For a moment, there was only a shocked silence. Then, all of a sudden, there was an uproar. Many students almost jumped out of their seats (they had the good sense to not actually leave them; Aizawa already looked more than slightly annoyed).
     You tried to give the class a small smile, even as most of the kids began shouting questions, some of them even lifting out of their chairs with their hands raised.
     “That’s so AWESOME!” Kaminari yelled. Mineta fainted and fell out of his chair (you rolled your eyes at that). Bakugo and Todoroki looked unimpressed and a little bored. Midoriya immediately pulled out his notebook, looked at you, then frantically wrote, looked back at you, and then took more notes. Black Shadow cowered behind Tokoyami.
     Oh yeah, birds are afraid of cats. You would have to be careful not to frighten Tokoyami too much. You weren’t the type of teacher who terrorized their students.
     “[Y/N]-sensei still have their earrings! How many do you have?” Sero yelled. Embarrassed, you flattened your ears against your head.
     Aizawa’s eyes flashed again, and the class settled down for a moment. He’s going to tire himself out if he keeps using his quirk like that, you thought.
     “[Y/N]-sensei, please proceed to the back of the room, as you are usually stationed.” You nodded and began the excruciatingly slow walk to the back of the classroom, every students’ eyes on you (except Mineta; he was still on the floor).
     “Midoriya, please take Mineta to Recovery Girl-san’s office,” Aizawa instructed. Midoriya and Mineta were seatmates. You were glad Aizawa didn’t ask Yaoyorozu. Knowing Mineta, he would suddenly regain conscious all of a sudden and try to pull something on Momo.
     Tenya Iida immediately stood up, hand raised high into the air. “Aizawa-sensei, please allow me to escort Mineta. As class representative, it is my duty to ensure the well-being of the class.” Minoriya nodded in agreement; he definitely wanted to stay and continue taking notes.
     “Oh mon!” Aoyama cried, back of his hand dramatically resting on his forehead. “Whatever shall we do? Our beloved sensei!” This exclamation gave the rest of the class the opportunity to start a ruckus once more.
     “But they’re so cute!” Ochaco squealed, eyes shut tightly, fists clenched under her chin. Her legs swung back and forth, as though she was in overload from cuteness.
     “I think this is wicked cool,” Jiro said, casually lounging backwards in her seat, twirling her earphones around one finger.
     “I agree!” Mina said. “I want to be an animal too! Which one would I be?”
     As you continued to the back, you were passing by Koda when he leaned out of his seat towards you. “Are you all right, sensei?” You nodded and growled in response.
     “That’s good to hear,” Koda said. Oh wait! Koda’s quirk is AniVoice! Maybe I can communicate with him?
     “Koda, can you understand me?” you asked in.
     “Of course, sensei.” You responded by jumping lightly in excitement. Wait, you thought again. I can’t use Koda as a translator. Your face fell a little. But this was the first time Koda had ever directly spoken to you! He was usually so shy and quiet, you had a difficult time getting to know him. Looks like he felt more comfortable talking to you in your animal form. As an instructor, you couldn’t use Koda’s Quirk to help you for personal reasons, no matter how frustrating your missing ability to communicate was. But maybe this could be an opportunity to bring him out of his hard shell!
     “Thank you for asking, Koda. If you need help with anything, let me know. I will still do my best as your teacher.” You said to him. He smiled sweetly at you. Progress!
     You passed by Kirishima’s seat, and he too leaned out of his chair. “You’re so soft!” he squealed, rubbing the top of your head. It felt really nice, especially as the itching from earlier today hadn’t completely subsided yet.
     “Keep your hands to yourself, Crazy Hair!” Bakugo yelled, throwing his workbook at Kirishima, who dodged it easily. Eijiro started scratching underneath your chin, and you started thumping your tail against the floor in happiness.
     Aizawa interrupted the petting session from the front of the room. “Yes, hands to yourself, Kirishima,” Aizawa threatened. Both of you shrank in fear a little. Aizawa seemed to be getting even more annoyed, if possible.
     Kirishima recovered quickly. “But Aizawa-sensei! Can I please sit in the back with [Y/N]-sensei?” He didn’t stop scratching you. In fact, he continued leaning forward, and forward, until he fell out of his chair. You jumped back quickly enough not to collide with him, but he hit the floor hard.
     “Are you okay?” you asked frantically. You hated seeing any of your students get hurt, especially if you were (partially) to blame. As he lay on the floor, you started licking his face, making sure he was okay and unhurt. Kirishima started laughing, trying to get up and play-wrestling with you.
     “Don’t start with me,” you growled at him.
     Undeterred, Kirishima said, “I’m okay! I’m not hurt! But your tongue is tickling me!” As he playfully fought back, you toppled him to the floor and sat on him, continuing to lick his hair, making it stick out at even crazier and odder angles than it normally did. You made sure not to put your full weight on him, although you could tell he’d already hardened to make sure to protect himself. Good boy!
     Neither you nor Kirishima paid any attention to Aizawa. “KIRISHIMA!” he yelled. At that, the both you looked at him: you, with your tongue sticking halfway out of your mouth, mid-lick.
     “Aw come-on, Aizawa-sensei! I can pay attention from down here! In fact, I’ll pay even more attention! He Bakugo, throw me my workbook again, will you?”
     “Back of the room!” Aizawa pointed at you. You pouted. You were hurt. You never actually expected Aizawa to speak so angrily at you, especially in front of the class.
     “I was just trying to make sure Kirishima was okay!” you said. Of course, Aizawa didn’t understand.
     Finally, he was able to start class, with you stationed in the back. Usually, you’d be observing how he taught the class, and when bored, you’d be grading papers or homework to pass the time. However, you clearly could do none of that. This is so BORING! Am I this boring when I teach? You were going to have to come up with more ways to engage the class.
     Why not start now?
     Aizawa finally started his lesson. The kids paid attention to him for the first few minutes after his angry outburst, but Hagakure turned around in her seat and waved at you. This started a chain reaction of various kids trying to get your attention every time Aizawa turned to write something on the board.
     You weren’t exactly sure how to respond. They never behaved like this on a regular basis. You lifted one enormous paw to wave back at them, but you put it down quickly, feeling sheepish.
     You hadn’t put it down quickly enough, though, as Aizawa made eye contact with you. “[Y/N]-sensei, please come to the front. Everyone! Eyes up here!”
     Embarrassed, you crawled under the front desk and hid. As Aizawa droned on and on, you tried to make yourself comfortable. How on Earth are cats able to sleep on even the most uncomfortable of surfaces? You wondered. It was still a mystery that eluded you. May you would understand in your final tiger form.
     However, you were still a little miffed that Aizawa yelled at you, and you were really bored. I bet everyone is too! You were going to do something you were really going to regret later. But you had to get back at Aizawa!
     You stuck your tail out from under the front of the desk and waved it back and forth. Kirishima, in true fashion, was the first to laugh; Sero and Kaminari followed soon thereafter. Aizawa turned around quickly, glaring at everyone. The room immediately silenced. A few minutes later, you stuck your paws out, pretending to catch something dangling from a string. The class immediately erupted into laughter once more.
     This time, Aizawa’s eyes flashed and his hair stood on end, his wraps levitating around him. He didn’t even need to say anything this time for the class to quiet down. He leaned down to eye level with you, the desk obscuring you and him from the class. You smiled sweetly at him. He glared at you. You blinked prettily at him again, tilting your head to the side. After trying to intimidate you for a few moments, he sighed, rolled his eyes, and extended a hand to quickly ruffle the fur on your head. He resumed teaching before your face was even able to morph into a look of surprise.
     The bell rang, signaling the end of class and the beginning of a five-minute break. Before anyone could get up from their seats and approach you, you bounded out of the classroom. A chorus of “aww”’s and “Where did [Y/N]-sensei go?” sounded behind you. You skidded to a stop in front of the teacher’s lounge and briskly entered. Catching sight of Aizawa’s yellow sleeping bag, you bounded over, grabbed it in your mouth, and then made your way back to the classroom.
     “Hey! That’s my sleeping bag!” Aizawa grumbled at you. He didn’t want to risk playing tug-of-war with it against you, in case it ripped. You were too busy to respond, laying the sleeping bag down and circling around yourself, trying to get comfortable. Honestly, none of these movements felt instinctual at all; you felt as though you were simply copying movements from all the cat videos you’d watched in your lifetime (there were many). As you circled around the bag, you were distracted by your fluffy tail and started chasing it. Again, the class burst into laughter, while Aizawa looked on. I bet they’ll all have stitches in their sides from laughing so much! You didn’t catch it, but Aizawa smiled briefly at you in amusement as well. You finally settled down and began drifting off to sleep, the sleeping bag smelling comfortably and reassuringly like its owner.
     Being an assistant teacher was a lot of work.
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calumance · 4 years
La Devotee - Part XIV
Warnings: cussing (probably), gets a little racy but not many details, fluff
Word Count: 3.5k
Summary: The first night with Calum gone, Emily decided to get a little brave over FaceTime.
A/N: It’s Saturday (kind of, it’s midnight so technically it’s Sunday), but as promised I am updating so that I don’t forget about this lovely WIP. Thank you to everyone who continues to read!! 💖💖🥰🥰(also thank you to @thesubtweeter​ for finding that gif for me, love you mucho 😘)  Feedback and requests are always welcomed!!! (Want to be tagged? Let me know!)
Part I | Part II | Part III | Part IV | Part V | Part VI | Part VII | Part VIII | Part IX | Part X | Part XI | Part XII | Part XIII
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        After the guys were out of sight, Crystal held onto me and allowed me to cry for a while. Once I composed myself and we walked out together. She parted from me as I approached Calum’s Range Rover, and I waved at her. I was standing at the driver’s door, I realized I had never driven Calum’s car, only driven in it. If it had been up to me, we would’ve taken my car, but he thought his baggage fit better in the back of his car. As I sat in the driver’s seat, I ran my hands up and down on the steering wheel. I turned the key in the ignition and listened as the engine roared to life. Before pulling out of the parking spot, I dialed Mikayla’s number. If I didn’t actively talk to someone, I was going to cry the entire way home.
        “Hey, Em.” She knew today was the day Calum was leaving, and she knew how it was absolutely destroying me. “How’d it go?” Even though I knew she would literally take my call at any point during the day, I glanced to the clock to see what time it was. A sigh fell from my chest realizing she was at lunch, it meant I had the entire drive home to talk to her.
        “I ugly cried in the middle of the airport.” I ran my hand over my forehead and sighed. “I couldn’t hold it in anymore. I just, sobbed, and it’s not even like he isn’t coming back. I just wasn’t ready.” My elbow leaned on the edge by the window as I turned onto the highway.
        She sighed, trying to console me. “Did you tell him?” I wanted to slam my head on the steering wheel. Of course I wanted to tell him, that would’ve been the best moment to tell him. It took everything in me to not tell him. My resounding silence gave away my answer. “Emily, why did you not tell him? You made it very clear to me that you want to tell him in person, that was your last chance for the next two months.” She kept going.
        I hit my hand on the steering wheel, the anxiety and the anger finally boiling over. “Because what if he doesn’t love me back?” I yelled, and she stopped talking, almost as if I stole her voice right out of her throat. I cleared my throat and spoke softer, “What if he’s not at the same point I am in our relationship? I don’t want to tell him I love him right as he’s leaving for tour and have him just say, like, ‘okay’ or something.” Mikayla stayed quiet, just letting out a sigh. My eyes closed for a split second, trying to calm my own mind. “I know I should’ve told him, but he didn’t exactly make me feel as if he wanted to hear it.”
        The sound of her fork clinking told me she was getting frustrated with me. “Emily, he is in love with you. It’s obvious by the way he looks at you. He’s probably just waiting for you to say it first.” My stomach twisted with regret, but it wasn’t like I could go back and say it. With a sigh and another minute of absolute silence, I changed the subject and continued to drive towards the house. Our timing was perfect since right as I pulled into the driveway, Mikayla said it was time to go back to work. I bid her a goodbye and quickly made my way into the house.
        The house was eerily quiet, and eerily empty. My heart twisted as I placed Calum’s car keys in the bowl next to the door. Duke came padding towards me, tail wagging. As I walked behind him toward the back door, I pulled my phone out of my pocket to text Calum. “I just got home. It’s quiet here without you. I hope you have a safe flight. Call me when you land. Xx” My phone found it’s home in my pocket as I tried to continue the rest of my afternoon alone.
        It was around nine in the evening when I found myself cuddled underneath a blanket on the couch with Duke sleeping in the bend of my knees. My phone started to ring, causing both Duke and me to jump. Realizing how long it had been since I got home, I scrambled to grab my phone. My stomach filled with butterflies seeing his face on my screen. “Hey, handsome.” I answered, my bottom lip finding its way between my teeth.
        “Hey, sunshine. We just landed, we’re headed for the hotel and then we have an insanely busy day tomorrow.” His voice was like angels singing. My stomach twisted as all I could think about was touching and kissing him.
        My eye shut and I rubbed my cheek. “I’m glad you had a safe flight. Do you want to face time me once you get to your hotel room?”
        “Yeah, I should be settled in like a half hour. I’ll call you then?” There was voices all around him, sounding like they were directing him. Then it suddenly got loud, like he was in a crowd. “I’m sorry, babe, I have to let you go. Talk to you in a bit.” I wasn’t able to get a word in before he hung up. I tapped my phone against my forehead a few times before standing up and heading towards the bedroom. Duke followed behind me and jumped onto the bed. I started shuffling through the drawers that held my clothes remembering I had something that I had bought a long time ago that Calum would enjoy.
        I looked at myself in the mirror, the blue lace nightie still fitting the way it had when I bought it almost four years ago. I lifted my arm and ripped the tag that was still attached off and then spun around and looked at the little dog who’s tail began to wag. “What do you think? You think your pops will like this?” Duke barked as if he completely understood what I was saying and I giggled, leaning forward to scratch under his chin.
        Just as I finished scratching Duke’s chin, my phone rang. I answered, holding my phone just far enough that Calum was only able to see from my shoulders up. When he showed up on my screen, he was laying on a bed, covered in white sheets. He looked tired, but not tired enough to flash me a bright smile. “Hello, my love.” He said while lifting his free hand to place it under his head.
        “How’s the hotel, darling?” I sat on the end of our bed and held onto the phone. Duke trotted up next to me and I looked down at him.
        Calum shrugged and looked around. “It’s alright. I’ve stayed in so many hotels that they all are kind of the same at this point. Nothing will be as good as my own bed with my girl in it.” He turned to reach for the lamp and I felt my cheeks flush.
        “Your girl, huh?” He looked at the phone, a smirk pulling at his lips. He just nodded, and then put his hand back under his head. My eyes flickered down at my specially chosen outfit for him, and I pulled my lips into my mouth out of nervousness. “You don’t have to share your room or anything, do you?”
        He shook his head. “No, we always get our own rooms. I love those guys, but not that much.” He chuckled and I couldn’t help but chuckle back.
        My eyes flickered back to my phone screen, and I pulled my eyebrows together. “Can I show you something?” He nodded, eyebrows furrowing. I pushed myself off the bed and held onto the phone perfectly still as I placed it on the TV stand. “Promise you’ll be nice?”
        He rolled his eyes and chuckled, “I’ll be nice, what are you going to show me?” After I was sure my phone was stationary, I stood up, exposing the lace outfit. His eyes widened and he shifted so that he was sitting up and ran his hand that had been under his head down his face. His fingers paused on his lips, but the wide smile behind his fingers could not be hidden. “When did you get that?”
        I looked down and ran my hands down my sides. “Like, four years ago? I’ve never worn it, the tags were still on it when I just put it on.” My head lifted back to my screen and I bit my bottom lip. “Do you like it?”
        Calum let out a breath and ran his hand through his hair. “Fuck, yeah, I like it. What does the back look like?” He asked, his face flushing a slight pink. As he chewed on his bottom lip, I turned to show him the open back and the large amount of exposed skin. He released his lip and replaced it with his finger and stared at the phone, his eyes darkening. As I turn back around, he smirks and runs his hand through his hair again, only this time leaving his hand on the top of his head. “So, if this is what I get for being gone one night, what am I going to get when I’m gone for thirty nights?”
        I smiled and shifted my weight, biting my bottom lip. “Not sure, I guess we’ll have to see in thirty days.” As I picked up my phone, Calum blinked and his eyes returned to their normal color. Calum cleared his throat as I sat back at the end of the bed. “I think I might go change and get ready for bed. Do you want me to let you go and we can talk tomorrow?”
        Calum ran his hand up and down his cheek, “Can I see your outfit one more time?” I nodded and put my phone back on the TV stand. “You’re so beautiful, Emily. Can I see the back again?” Without a word, I turned around. “Thanks, baby. I just wanted to see you one more time. Will you call me back when you get into bed?” I smiled and nodded. He smiled back and hung up.
        After I was sure he had hung up, I pulled out a pair of shorts and grabbed one of Calum’s sweatshirts that he left behind. Duke and I traveled around the house for a while, making sure everything was locked up and grabbed a glass of water. Once all the lights were off and I was sure the doors were locked, Duke and I made our way back to the bedroom. Duke jumped back onto the bed as I set my glass on the night stand and then made my way into the bathroom to brush my teeth. I leaned against the door frame to stare at the empty bed in front of me, Duke’s tail wagging slightly, as if to remind me that it wasn’t completely empty.
        I climbed into bed, leaving the blanket around my hips. The face time tone rang out a few times before it ended and asked if I wanted to try again. Today had been a long day, so it wasn’t surprising that he probably fell asleep in the amount of time it took me to get ready for bed. After I placed my phone on the night stand, I rolled onto my side and pulled Calum’s sweater over my nose to take in the scent of his cologne. Tonight was going to be a rough night.
        My eyes were wide open when my alarm started going off. I closed my eyes in frustration and groaned. The entire night as spent tossing and turning. If this is how I am going to sleep every night for the next two months, then I have no idea how I am going to survive. I sat up and pulled my knees to my chest and rubbed my eyes before stretching my arm out to shut my alarm off. As I shut the alarm off, I grabbed my phone and saw there was a text message from Calum. The time stamp was from two hours ago. He must’ve had problems sleeping as well. “I’m sorry I missed your call, sunshine. I fell asleep, been tossing and turning all night. Have to be up in a few hours for an interview, I miss you so, so much. Have a great day at work. Xx Cal.”
        I rubbed the sleep from my eyes and tapped a message back to him. “It’s okay, you had a long day yesterday. I tossed and turned all night as well, the next two months are going to be horrible. Have a great day as well, honey. Xx” My phone bounced a little as I tossed it onto the bed to head into the bathroom to shower, and get ready for work.
        My shower felt refreshing, but it still didn’t rid of the exhaustion sitting behind my eyes. After curling my hair and putting on my make up, I pulled on a pair of tight black jeans, a white tank top, a pale pink, loose fitting, long sleeved button up, and a pair of pointed toe high heels, the same color as my top. I grabbed my phone and placed it in my back pocket as I opened the bedroom door and followed Duke into the kitchen. The door slid open as I opened it for him and he went bounding outside into the grassy patch in the backyard. I left the door open for Duke to come back in when he was done when I turned and started making my coffee. Duke came trotting back in as soon as I put his food bowl down on the ground and gave the top of his head a light scratch.
        After locking the back door, I grabbed my bag, and my coffee and squatted next to Duke, “Have a good day, handsome boy.” I kissed the top of his head and headed out the front door, locking it behind me.
        “Welcome back!” Mikayla announced, turning in her chair to greet me. “How was your first night with Calum gone?” Mikayla put the straw hanging out of her cup to her lips as she spun to watch me as I made my way to my desk.
        I placed my bag in the bottom drawer and closed it with my foot. “I tossed and turned all night. I don’t know how I’m going to survive two months.” Mikayla gave me a look asking if anything else happened. I placed my hands over my face in embarrassment as I plopped down into my chair. “I found this lace outfit I’ve had for a long time. The tags were still on it, I figured he’d enjoy it.” She raised her eyebrows. “It was your idea! Why are you acting so surprised?”
        She dropped the straw out of her mouth and laughed in offense, “I told you to do something sexy, not basically stand naked in front of the phone.”
        “Oh god.” I laughed and put my hands over my face again. “I don’t even know how to top that? Now he’s going to expect me to be half naked every time he calls me at night.” My phone vibrated in my back pocket and I pulled it out. “Busy day ahead of me. I’ll FaceTime you tonight when I get back to the hotel. Thinking about you, I know I haven’t seen you today, but you look beautiful. Xx Cal.”
        My cheeks flushed, and I tapped my phone, trying to think of what to say back. “Thank you, maybe I’ll take a picture and send it to you later. Can’t wait for the FaceTime date tonight. Sorry I don’t have any sexy outfits planned. Xx”
        The gray bubble appeared and I waited for the message to come through. “That’s okay, sunshine. I just want to see you, it doesn’t matter what you’re wearing. I would love a picture, you always dress so wonderfully for work. Michael says hi. Xx Cal.” I set my phone on my desk and concentrated on my work before my boss bit my head off.
        When lunch came around, I told Mikayla that I’d meet her downstairs. As I grabbed my phone out of my pocket, I pushed the door to the restroom open. Quickly, I stood in front of the floor length mirror and snapped a picture of myself. Before leaving the restroom, I sent the picture to Calum without a caption. When I opened the door Mikayla was standing on the other side, causing me to jump out of my skin. “What-cha doing, Em?”
        “I know what this looks like, but all I did was send him a picture of my outfit.” I turned my phone towards her to prove it. Mikayla shook her head with a laugh and we walked together towards the elevator. Once we stepped into the elevator, I sighed. “Do you want to come spend the night on Friday?”
        “I thought you’d never ask. I’ll have Trevor drop me off here on Friday morning, that way we can go to your house together.” Mikayla smiled and nudged me.
        As I opened the front door, Duke came running to greet me. I set my bag on the floor and squatted down to scratch his head. He ran away satisfied by the interaction and I reached down to take my shoes off. I carried them into the bedroom and tucked them away and changed into some sweatpants and Calum’s sweater that I slept in the night before. The house was lonely without him, and it never failed that I’d turn a corner and expect him to be there, and it never failed to surprise me that he wasn’t. Calum had made sure to make a trip to the grocery store with me before he left so I had food to last me a while. Which was nice, but the thought of eating right now made my stomach turn. Instead, I grabbed a glass of water and made my way to the living room and turned on the TV.
        I was on my tenth consecutive episode of The Office when my phone started ringing, scaring the ever living hell out of me. Calum’s contact photo appeared on my screen and I answered the Face Time. He was lying in the same hotel bed he had been lying in the night before, he was wearing a grey hoodie with the hood pulled over his head. He smiled a tired smile, “Hey, gorgeous.”
        My back touched the back of the couch and I smiled back at him. “How was your day?”
        He turned his head and yawned, moving the hood off his head as he scratched through his blonde hair, “Busy. Sometimes we don’t even get a chance to eat, thankfully most interviews are accompanied by snack tables. How was your day?” He rubbed his eye, trying to keep the other one open.
        I shrugged, most days I have nothing exciting to report to him, it’s been that way since we met. “It was alright, nothing exciting ever happens.” A chuckle left my chest and he let out a chuckle as well. His eyes stayed closed and I could tell he was absolutely exhausted. “Cal, do you want me to let you go so you can get some sleep?” He protested against hanging up through fighting off sleep. “Honey, you’re falling asleep.”
        He hummed and got in a more comfortable position. “Can you just leave the call on and I’ll go to sleep?” He opened his eyes long enough to place his phone up right on the night table next to him. He reached above the phone and switched off the lamp. “Good night, sunshine. You can hang up in a little bit. I just want to fall asleep seeing you.” He kissed his fingers and then pressed them to the camera. I mirrored his actions and watched as he pulled the comforter up to his chin. Just as he finished getting comfortable, I placed my phone on the coffee table, propped up by my glass and returned to watching The Office.
        Duke jumping off the couch startled me awake, not realizing I had even fallen asleep. When I looked over at my phone, it had died while the FaceTime had continued. I pushed myself off the couch to let Duke out then riffled through the kitchen to find a phone charger. Once I found one and Duke came running back inside, I shut the back door and made my way back to the couch. My phone came to life and I set an alarm for the morning and laid back down, promptly falling back asleep.
tag list: @thesubtweeter​ @thinkofmehlgh​ @viiirg0​
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atths--twice · 4 years
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Mulder has been left alone, watching Scully walk out, and not look back.
Chapter Three 
Echoes of Goodbye
September 2014
Mulder fell to his knees as he heard Scully’s car start and then back up. He could do nothing, say nothing, as he remained frozen on the porch. He began to cry, sobs shaking his body as he heard her car getting further away. He could not believe this was happening.
Her words were still ringing in his ears, her words of sadness, not anger. She had not shouted at him when she left, but she may as well have, because her quiet sadness hurt worse than any shout ever had. He could see her face, her tears, feel her kiss on his lips, and he felt numb and broken, sobbing anew.
It was not until his legs began to hurt that he chanced moving. As he raised his head, he saw the sun was almost set. It was early afternoon when he followed her out there. Or was it morning? He put his face in his hands as he realized he was not even sure of the time of day she left. He lost track of time, and not the nine minutes they had lost so long ago. No, this was his own doing, and what apparently pushed her to the breaking point.  
He got up off his knees, his muscles crying out as he did. His feet were asleep and he welcomed the pain of it, the tingling jolts of it feeling the way his heart felt, firing out electricity as it shorted out.
He stood on the porch, his head down and his body empty. If he moved, he knew only part of him would go back in the house. Like the old cartoons when the character would die or get scared and their body stayed behind, but their soul tore away from their body. Only, in his case, it would be his heart that stayed behind, while the rest of him moved forward.
He wobbled, his feet uncertain, but he knew he had to move to do something. Chase her down? No, he knew without question that was not the answer. How could he follow her and change her mind, when he could not even do it before she left? Call her? And say what, he asked himself, “I’m sorry for being such a fuck up?” She already knew he was a sorry shit because she said as much, just quietly and sadly. Jesus Christ ...
He closed his eyes and forced his feet to move, to go back into the house and figure out what the hell happened. As he stepped back, his eyes flew open. It felt as though his heart was being pulled out, and brought to the spot where his world had stopped. It was as if he could see it, hovering for a second, before it made a new home under the floorboards of the porch. His own personal version of The Tell-Tale Heart. It would wait there, beating and driving him mad, and only he would know.
He moved more forcefully into the house, wanting to escape the image of his heart lying in wait. He closed the door and stood in the suffocating silence of the house. Somewhere he heard a clock ticking and it made his ears ring. How could time still be passing when the world should have stopped? He looked over at his office and his stomach dropped.
He walked to the doorway and looked around, seeing it through Scully’s eyes. The papers stacked high, books, photos, dishes and cups all haphazard and in some cases smelly and collecting mold, something he knew she hated.
“It smells in here, Mulder,” she said on many occasions. “How can you sit in here with the stench of old coffee cups permeating the air?”
“It’s an acquired scent I suppose, Doc,” he said, her expression disgusted, as he cracked open a sunflower seed. She rolled her eyes before she left, closing the door with a pointed look.  
Looking at the room now through the eyes of a profiler, he knew this room would be a virtual treasure trove of information. Seeing it differently, he saw the madness, saw the way it must have pushed her away, but he also knew the things he had found. The contacts he had made could not all be wrong, some of them had to be right. She just did not understand what he was doing. How he was trying to save them both.
His gaze landed on his bottle of medication, had he taken it today? Is that why this happened, because he missed a dose of medicine, maybe two, and he was back to appearing depressed and manic to her? As much as he wanted to blame it on that, he knew he could not. This was his fault.
He felt anger bubbling up inside him, at himself, at her, at the fact that she would just leave him like she did. He kicked at a pile of papers and sent them flying. Then he threw them out of the chair and the room was snowing papers. He swept the desk off and his computer crashed to the floor, along with the plates and cups stacked beside it. Glass shattered and the computer screen broke. He did not care, but continued tearing apart the office, papers being pulled from the wall. Is this what she wanted? All his work destroyed? Fine, he would do it, he would show her.
His brain seemed to finally realize what his body was doing and put a halt to the actions. He panted, out of breath from the physical activity he was no longer used to doing. He looked at his ruined office, at the devastation he had caused, and he broke down. He stumbled into the wall and slid down it, his legs out in front of him. He leaned his head back as he cried out his frustration.
How could she do this to him? To them ? He knew things were not perfect, but to just fucking give up? Her? She did not do that, so why did she start now?
Because, you fucking loser, you pushed her to it, his brain seemed to say as it rolled its eyes. He cried harder, knowing it was true, he had pushed her away. So many times she had tried to get through to him and he stubbornly refused to hear her.
For a while, things had been good. When all charges against him were dropped, he felt like he had a new lease on life. No longer stuck at home, cooped up in his office, he felt free, and happier than he had in awhile.
They bought a second car and he would go for drives, meet up with Scully for lunch or coffee and sometimes even meet up with Skinner, or just head out to old haunts. The wind from the rolled down car windows never felt so good.
The trip they took, away from the darkness , was amazing and exactly the warmth and sunshine they needed. Scully was so beautiful on that trip, not that it differed than how she was normally, but she had a happy glow about her. The amount of her skin he saw every day did not hurt either.
“Did you simply pack different bathing suits, and not much else?” he asked on their third day there, when she came out of the bathroom in a black one piece, with cut-outs close to her hips. It had one wide strap and the other shoulder was bare.
She reached for her cover up, but he grabbed her before she could. His fingers traced her skin through the cut-outs, and she breathed heavily. Her suit soon joined his on the floor, delaying their day at the beach.
They made love under the stars, in the ocean, and on the porch of their private deck. Lying with her, the warm wind teasing their sweaty bodies, he felt complete and happy. He told her so and she sighed, pulling closer to him, just before she fell asleep. Her soft, warm body pressed against his, pulled him under not long after.
The trip ended and they came home. For a while they still could get each other going with a look or a do you remember story. While the sex was amazing, as it always had been with them, the afterglow was almost better. They would talk and laugh about whatever and her soft gorgeous body would be wrapped around his, making him feel safe and loved. God, he loved her so much.
They took weekend trips to the vineyard sometimes and they walked around his old hangouts. He showed her where he and Samantha used to play pick up baseball games, some of the places no longer empty lots, but buildings or apartment complexes. They walked along the seaside, her hand in his, bundled up from the wind blowing across the water.
“Watch this, Scully,” he said, picking up a rock and skipping it across the water. Three hops and he looked at her with his eyebrows raised.
She smiled as he did it a few more times, before she bent and picked up a smooth, black stone. She raised her eyebrow at him, and threw hers, watching as it skipped further than any of his had. Smirking, they both knew she bested him, as she usually did.
When she was working, he would attempt home repairs. He actually did some work in their bathroom, well he supervised anyway. He had changed the medicine chest, and he made plans for a clawfoot tub to be put in for her. When it was done, his glee could hardly be contained. Her happiness and then the thank you sex was worth all the stress to finish it before she came home.
They had dinners at Mrs. Scully’s house and she came to theirs. He always enjoyed her company, as she laughed at all his dumb jokes. Both Scully women in one place was always fun. They shared stories and laughed about the past. Not knowing everyone they discussed, he simply listened and laughed at their antics.
During those dinners, he learned that Mrs. Scully was very competitive and loved to play games. Cards, board games, trivia, she loved them all. She did not always join in, but when she did, she took it very seriously.
A Scully head-to-head match was what he loved to watch most. The two women did not back down, never going easy on the other, and when the points were tallied, the winner strutted around like a proud peacock.
“Oh yeah, that’s right,” Mrs. Scully would say, as she danced around with her hands above her head, before reaching for a high five from him, with Scully sulking in the background. He laughed every time he got to see that display from Mrs. Scully. Her celebratory dance was different every time and he loved to see what she would do.
Everything was going well, but as the predetermined date began to approach, he spent more time in his office, more time away from Scully. He was on the computer, searching for any and all information he could find. Days would go by and he would be unaware that they had. He would forget to eat and then grab whatever was closest and easiest to eat. Sometimes a box of Pop-Tarts, sometimes a meal Mrs. Scully had sent home with them.
He began to lose weight and become sallow, his hair unkempt and his beard growing back. He knew nothing of Scully’s comings and going, and one day she called him out on it. He did not understand her anger, trying to explain what he was doing, what he was preparing them for. He needed to know what to do, to expect on that day, to save them both. She walked away, shaking her head, her anger still obvious. He shut the office door and promptly forgotten she had ever been there.
The date came and he was ready, as ready as he could be. There was no planned place to convene, no place safe from the impending invasion. They stayed home, together, never apart from the other. The whole day he waited, sure it would come, the idea that it would not happen was unfathomable. He could feel Scully watching him, feel her worry for him, and it made him angry.
He pushed the screen door open, walked down the steps, and stood in the middle of the yard, his head raised to the sky.
“Mulder! Come back inside! It’s freezing out there!” she called out to him, but he did not listen, convinced he would see something if he stood and waited long enough.
A jacket was placed upon his shoulders and he put his arms inside it. She helped him zip it up and then grasped his hand. Hers was warm and his was freezing cold. How long was he standing there? She squeezed his hand and looked up with him, until he heard a beeping from his wrist. Midnight. The day had come and gone.
“Mulder,” she breathed, squeezing his hand, smiling with relief. He stared back, worry and confusion on his face. He dropped her hand and turned away from her, heading toward the house, the questions running through his mind.
What happened? Or more importantly, what did not happen? She called to him again, and he turned to look at her. Standing there in the dark, a light layer of snow on the ground, she looked so small, so alone. She said something but he did not hear her, too many thoughts pushing around in his head. He saw her posture though, saw her shoulders fall and her head drop. When she lifted her head, she had tears in her eyes, already seeming to know the path of the road ahead.
He returned to his old ways, burying himself in information. Looking, always looking. She came in his office one day, pleading with him to join her for dinner. He looked at her, confused how it could be dinner time already when he had just eaten breakfast. He glanced out the window and saw it was night, and then discovered it was also already two weeks into January. Almost a month had passed and he had no idea.
He stumbled to the dining room table and apologized to her for losing track of time. Telling her he had found some people discussing what had happened and their theories about what went wrong. He spoke through most of the dinner and then walked back into his office, not realizing that she had not said a word.
Another month passed and he made an effort to plan a dinner for Scully’s birthday. They did not really celebrate things like that, but he wanted to show her he could. He meant to, he really did, bought her a gift and everything, but the reservations slipped his mind. They arrived at the restaurant and he realized his mistake. She sighed and then looked at him with such sadness, he felt like a huge failure.
They had found an all night diner instead and it was better than the stuffy restaurant would have been. They talked, not about the darkness he insisted on jumping into, but anything and nothing. She smiled, her hand reaching for his across the table. They ate messy cheeseburgers and shared the best chocolate milkshake he ever tasted. She made him pull over on the way home. So close to the house, but unable to wait, she climbed into his lap and got enough clothing out of the way to sink down onto him. She felt so good and it occurred to him that he could not remember their last time together.
After they arrived home, her gave her the gifts he picked out for her, a book about sprites and a child’s doctor’s kit. Rolling her eyes at the book, she reached for the doctor’s kit.
“I think you might need a checkup, Mulder,” she said, setting it on the couch, and reaching for the buttons on his shirt. “I noticed your heart was beating fast earlier and I’m concerned.”
“You’re the doctor,” he said, letting her slip the shirt off his shoulders, before she moved her hands to his belt buckle.
Her eyes never left his as she told him the things she would need to check out. She gave him a thorough examination, commenting again on the fast pace of his heart as she ran her fingernails across his stomach. He grabbed her and pulled her to the floor, the doctor’s kit spilling, before he made her heart race.
That night, the office did not have a visitor.
But, it could not stay that way and he went through times where he seemed to drift from day to day, season to season. Before he knew it, it was December again and he had no new information, nothing concrete anyway. He and Scully were not the same. He saw her, but it seemed days would go by and they would not speak, or she was gone at odd hours for work.
When she approached him to eat with her or watch a movie, he would plan to do it, but then forget and when he finally did remember, hours had passed. He would find her asleep in bed and he would hate himself for who they were becoming- strangers living in the same house. He missed her but he had to find the answers he needed.
He fell asleep on the couch one night, exhausted after staring at the computer screen all night. He woke up to her crying and pleading with him to talk to her. She climbed in his lap and clung to him, saying she loved him and that this was hurting them. Her tears and her cries broke his heart and he cried with her, telling her he was sorry and he missed her, as he started kissing her neck.
It had been so long since she was that close and he was almost embarrassed at how quickly he became hard. They had not been intimate in a while, her refusing him while he had “that fucking beard.” That day though, she welcomed his touch and his love.
Quick was one way to describe it, but it was still wonderful. They held onto one another after and as they did, he made a decision to shave off his beard. It would not fix everything, but it would be something he could do for her. He left her on the couch, heading to shower and shave. He was surprised at the paleness of his skin, the sickly look to his face under all that hair.
She cried at the sight of him as he stood in the kitchen letting her tell him with her kisses and fingers how much she appreciated the small gesture and how much she missed him. He knew how she felt, he missed her touch and her love, so much. Only when he was shown it, did he seem to know how much it meant to be with her that way.
He kept his eyes closed and his head bowed as he was presenting himself to her, silently apologizing for being an asshole, and trying to show her he was trying. He knew they were in a bad place. He could feel it, and see it, but he did not know how to change it. He did not know how to crawl out of the darkness when he needed the answers so badly. The date coming and going, no real answers after so long, it was like a weight upon his soul.
That day had been wonderful, but things began to unravel afterward. He had good and bad days, but that was how things had always been for him. So when she asked him to try taking medication for depression, he was stunned.
“I’m worried about you, Mulder,” she said, reaching for his hand. “These highs and lows you’re experiencing, it’s not good. Not for you or me. Please, Mulder.”
“I’m fine, Scully. I’m not depressed. Maybe you need the medication,” he said, knowing it was childish, but annoyed with her for suggesting it.
When she brought him home the medication, he refused it, staring her down defiantly. She stood her ground, and he finally relented, grabbing the bottle as he walked in the office and slammed the door.
He fumed but knew how hard it must have been for her to reach that point. He opened the door and grabbed her before she left the room, apologizing again for being such an asshole to her and promising he would take the medication.
It took a few tries to get his dosage correct, but when they did, he felt like he came out of a fog he had no idea he was stuck in. He felt better than he had in a while and she appeared to breathe a sigh of relief. He was more involved again, making her laugh, back to sleeping and other activities in their bed.
Then one day, an email sent him down the rabbit hole. That one email led to searches, articles, examining photos, listening to recordings, and then message boards and chat rooms. He spent days in his office trying to piece together the puzzle he had before him. He was onto something, he knew it.
But, those discoveries and excitement meant something else suffered. Until she came into his office and his annoyance at her kneeling on the papers he had carefully organized had led to them screaming at one another, he did not know things had gotten so bad. He slammed the office door, angry at her complete disregard for the work he had put into his research.
He looked again for the website where he had found the information on the paper she ripped up. It took a bit, but he found it and sent it to the printer. He forgot about their fight until he heard the office door open.
Her words at first angered him, and he let her know, pushing her buttons to get her to fight with him. She did not take the bait, and instead remained calm, and at the same time, so incredibly sad.
She was leaving. She was suffocating, drowning, suffering, and all because of him. Her analogy of the oxygen masks broke through and made its way into his brain. Years of seeing those flight safety instructions, he could imagine them in that situation. Him stubbornly refusing her help while he looked at a shiny object, as she was slowly dying because she would want to help him first, broke his heart. He was not worth dying for. Not his sorry ass.
He slammed his head back against the wall, causing the things hanging on it to shake. He did it again, hoping something would fall on him, hurting him physically, the way he felt the pain emotionally. Nothing fell and he pushed himself to his feet. He looked again at the office and he shook his head. What a fucking fuck up he truly was.
She left. Wait, he thought. 
He ran up the stairs and into their room. His breath left him as he bent over at the waist inside their closet. Her clothes were gone, completely cleaned out. He shook his head and moved to the dresser and found her drawers empty. He stumbled forward, his body hitting the dresser, not shutting the drawer as his eyes landed on the spot where her favorite picture of them sat. It was gone, along with her clothes, and the woman who wore them. He sank once again to his knees, as he realized the enormity of what happened.
He thought of the sadness in her eyes as she looked at him. He dropped his head, thinking of the feel of her body pressed against his as she held him. She felt so small and thin. Had she always felt that thin, or had she lost weight? God, he had no idea when he last held her in his arms. Could she have lost weight because of him and the undue worry and stress he put upon her, or was she trying to do so? He did not know, had not noticed, and it was like a knife to the gut knowing she was right; he stopped seeing her.
She left him. She loved him, but she left him. No, she left him because she loved him. She made sure he knew that before she walked out the door. Made sure he knew she still loved him.
With a strangled cry he suddenly fell forward, his face against the cold hard wood of the floor, as he realized that he had not told her he loved her. She had made sure he knew and he had said nothing. He lay on the floor, his world crumbling, and wept out his love for her, hoping somehow she could hear him.
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bubblyani · 5 years
Envy makes Two
(Lucifer Morningstar x Reader)
A Lucifer Morningstar Fic
Author’s Note: Very excited to share this story with all of you. Enjoyed expanding on this idea. My heart says this needs another part, hope you all agree. Enjoy!
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The LAPD, a place where the occupants never rested, and on a constant pursuit for answers to serve justice. So when the elevator doors opened with a ding, you made sure your entrance was worth making. Your skirt swished from side to side to rhythm as you strutted in with confidence and with much purpose among the hubbub and officers of the law.
“Ma’am, can I help you with something?”
You halted the moment a smartly dressed policewoman addressed you. Turning around, you smiled as you stood beside an empty desk.
“Yes, I’m looking for Detective Decker”
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
“Are you sure she can help?”
Detective Chloe Decker may trust the skills of her partner Lucifer Morningstar, but this time she needed more convincing, especially when it involved getting one of his friends to help on a case.
“Oh come now Detective, stop with this uncertainty…” Lucifer said, watching her study some photographs in the Forensics Lab, “I’m sure she can provide us with much required information-Ah! Speak of the me…Y/N!”
Beaming, you felt your heart light up the moment he called out your name. Lucifer walked towards you with open arms, swooping in with a tight embrace, which made you giggle. “Darling, thank you so much for coming in during your busy schedule”. 

“Oh no…Of course hun” you said, “Besides, I was on my way to a lunch meeting anyways so, all good” you responded, placing your hand on his clothed bicep. Coming to realization, Lucifer put his hands together.
“Introductions of course…how rude of me. Y/N Y/L/N meet my partner Detective Chloe Decker, LAPD”
Decker was in full surprise when you extended your hand with great enthusiasm. “Oh my goodness, finally in the flesh. It’s so great to meet you , I’ve heard …so many things about you” you said excitedly. Her surprise allowed her to smile as her blue eyes shone bright.
“Oh all good I hope” she said. “Yes” you did not hesitate to respond in an instant. You could not get over how amazing Chloe appeared to be. The bravery she displayed in all stories you’ve heard from your dear friend, was quite evident by the mere looks of her. And her beauty certainly did not fail to make an appearance.
“So how did you both know each other?” Decker asked “Oh you know…the usual” You replied so casually, “I walked into LUX one day with a bleeding forehead looking for ice…” “And we’ve been friends ever since…” Lucifer finished, watching Chloe’s surprised expression with amusement. “You know, I gotta be honest…” she said, leaning in, inviting your attention “I never thought someone like you would actually be his…friend ” her voice softening by the end.
“Oh…” Your eyes widened with realization, “Oh hoho…” breaking into laughter, you continued “I’m not that kind of friend. I mean…clearly you remember when all those women came by the precinct that one time. And I clearly remember not being there hehe. And… keep in mind that those women were actually hot… I am nowhere near them” you guffawed with sincerity.
Chloe opened her mouth. “Oh I beg to differ darling…” Until Lucifer interrupted from afar, wearing a cheeky grin. Recovering from your laughter, you motioned towards him, “Meh…there he goes, being all charitable” you teased, inciting a grin out of the detective. You really hoped you made a good impression on her. You wanted to. After all, she was Lucifer’s coworker.
“So…” you said, rubbing your hands together, “What can I help you guys with?”
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
“So basically, the last person in her call history was Chef Gomez?” “…before she died, yes”
You inhaled deeply, trying hard to take in the information with concentration. Decker continued, “Is there anything you know about Gomez that might help?”
“Hmm… Let’s see…” you said, eyebrows furrowed with as you searched through all the files in your laptop, anything about Pablo Gomez that might provide a clue.
“Ma’am, would you like some coffee?”
Tilting up, you found yourself locking eyes with a pair of green ones. They seemingly belonged to an officer. He was handsome, in a conventional sense. And he stood smiling holding a cup of coffee towards you.
“Oh…sure. Thanks” you said, accepting the beverage. With a nod, he left.
Clicking his tongue, you heard Lucifer scoff, “I would’ve gotten you coffee if you wanted, you know…” he snapped in hushed tone. You turned your head to him.
“Actually I didn’t want any…” you responded innocently, confused to his sudden mood change. Shrugging ones shoulders, you resumed your search. A minute later, you sighed heavily.
“I’m sorry you guys…” you began, “I just…I can’t find anything…” you scowled, “Based on all my records and reviews and background checks, there’s nothing special that you guys won’t have”
Nodding, Decker and Lucifer stepped out of the room. Folding your laptop, you knew they were looking for other options. You sighed again, for you felt useless. Especially being Lucifer’s friend, you just wanted to help out more. You did not want his suggestion to be a lost cause.
“Coffee’s not sitting right with you today huh?”
Breaking into a fake chuckle, you stood straight  the moment you realized the ‘coffee cop’ showed up in front of you again. “I’m not in the coffee mood I guess…” you said, trying to avoid conversation “but thanks anyway” yet not forgetting your politeness. “Well, you’re very welcome” he said, extending his hand “Frank Reed” “Y/N Y/L/N…nice to meet you, Officer” You both shook hands. He chuckled, “Please, call me Frank”. This time it was you who chuckled, “Oh no…this is your workplace so I really shouldn’t” “Well aren’t you by the book?” He said amusingly, “Just my type…” “Ah…” You paused, aware of the situation at play, “Haha…I wouldn’t call myself that exactly…” pressing your lips, you tried to smile but failed. You weren’t so convinced. “So anyways…uh…” Reed began, “I was wondering-”
Startled yet relieved, you looked over to find Lucifer briskly walking over to you. “Yeah?” You asked with enthusiasm. “What are you still doing here?” He asked with all seriousness, “Don’t you have the lunch meeting?” “Shit!” You cried out, “Yeah…I almost forgot” smacking yourself in the head, “ Oh thanks so much…” quickly grabbing your handbag, you patted him on the chest before you excused yourself from the room, dashing off in a hurry. Stepping out of the room, Lucifer watched you with a chuckle. “Was that your friend?” A soft groan left Lucifer’s lips, when Officer Reed brought forth the question, joining him. 
“Who? Oh you mean Ms. Y/L/N?” Lucifer asked, “Yes she is…quite a close one too” he added with pride. “Lucky…” Reed muttered, making the devil roll his eyes, “ Hey…is she single-” “Oh! Sorry… I think I’m getting an urgent call…” quickly placing the phone in his ear, Lucifer continued, “Hello? Ah yes…”
Occupied in full pretense, Lucifer moved away whilst stealthily watching Officer Reed staring at you disappearing into the elevator doors. As he put his phone down, Lucifer didn’t know why a random police officer such as Reed would suddenly be the center of his attention. And why his fist clenched tightly by the mere thought of him.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Your foot kept tapping away with nervousness as you stood in the elevator. Putting your phone back in your bag, you exhaled loudly.
“Come on…come on!” You whispered. The moment the doors opened,  you celebrated under your breath while running in.
Only to be stopped by a man.
“Whoa ma’am, you need to slow down” the calming voice of Detective Daniel Espinoza caught your attention.
“Lucifer…Decker…” you panted, “Where are they? I’ve been calling them  so many times but I can’t get through…” you said with concern. 
“They’re out on the case…” he said, “Ma’am you really need to calm down” You sighed, aware of the hurried state you were in, “I’m sorry…I’ll just wait for them”. Sitting in front of Decker’s desk with your legs crossed, you wished time would go by fast. You didn’t expect to be back at the precinct the following day but here you were. Staring at Decker’s name plate, your mind began to wander. Were they in trouble? Even if they were, they’d be alright, you were sure. Being a cop, Decker probably knew what she was doing. Letting out a huge sigh, you realized how much you admired Chloe. But the more you admired her, the higher the probability of Lucifer feeling the same. Suddenly, the thought of it made you feel sour. Why would it? You wondered. Why were you feeling this way?
A woman’s voice called out. You looked ahead. She was young, hispanic, wearing a ponytail.
“Yes that’s me” you replied, waking up from your train of thoughts. Suddenly, you saw a smile form on her face, “Hey! I’m Ella…Ella Lopez”.
Your jaw dropped.
“The Ella? The forensics Ella?” Your tone quickly changed into excitement as you stood up in a flash, “Oh my god…I’m just so happy to meet you. I heard about you guys all the time from Lucifer”
“Wow…” she said, genuinely surprised, “ that’s so great he talks about us…Awww…Lucifer’s the best”
“I couldn’t agree more” you said. Silently agreeing to all that Lucifer had said, you also realized Ella’s bubbly nature was simply infectious, and you were a witness. 
“So listen…I’m heading over to the forensics room, you can join me if you want…”
“Yeah sure…” you agree instantly, more than happy to join her on the walk over, “You know…I know it’s not my place but…do you ever consider working in there with some music on?” “No… way!…” Ella exclaimed, suddenly stopping on her tracks, “I totally do that”. Eyes widened with excitement, you gasped.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
“You seem a bit tense…” Decker remarked, her eyebrows raised, “…you okay?”
That was all that she could ask from Lucifer when he kept looking at his phone. “Well if you must know…I’m not” he snapped back through gritted teeth, stepping out of the elevator. They were unexpectedly welcomed by Dan.
“Hey…Lucifer-” “Oh…Spill it Douche!” “Y/N…” Dan stressed, “…your friend? she’s here” “Oh…” caught by surprise, Lucifer said, “..really?” His expression grew brighter, “ Well…thank you Dan…” he said as he walked on ahead. Shaking his head, Dan shot Decker a look, “What’s with him today?”
“I…really don’t know”
Walking swiftly, Lucifer followed the sound of music, which led him to the forensics room. Little did he know You and Ella had begun your bonding ritual by passionately singing along to “Bust a Move”. All the while Ella worked and you watched, bobbing your head up and down.
Relief washed over Morningstar as he found you safe and sound.
Stopping yourselves from more embarrassment, the both of you turned as Decker cleared her throat.
“Oh my goodness..where were you guys?” You walked over to them, with your hands on your chest, “I was trying to call but no answer-”
“Sorry darling, but we actually paid a visit to one of Chef Gomez’s friends.  Turns out the gentleman was more into stabbing than talking…”
Covering your mouth, you gasped, “No…Lucifer! Are you okay?”
“No…Nothing to worry about…” he replied, “ the Detective managed to save the day just in time”. Sighing, you folded your arms “You weren’t kidding about the dangers of this job huh?” “I assure you, I’m alright…” Lucifer said, his palm resting on your shoulder, “…now toss those concerns away and give me a smile, you should know, it lights up the room” Scoffing, you couldn’t help but smile in response. Decker stepped forward.
“Y/N…do you have something for us?” “YES…before I forget” 
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
“…. It’s no surprise that man tried to stab you. Because Chef Gomez…he actually used to be in Juvie. He would never talk about it but… I clearly remember him accidentally spilling it out at a party when he was pretty…” you paused, “…high” you said, watching the look of interest arise appear in your friend’s face, “I never documented this anywhere cause I didn’t think it’d matter, but I think this could be sensitive enough for you to get him to talk…” Listening intently, Decker nodded.
“Got it…Thanks Y/N” she said, before quickly leaving the room.
“Well done, my little Trooper” Lucifer purred, pride visibly strong in his voice as he wrapped his arm around your shoulder. Relieved, your smile did not seem to fade, “Thanks…I was so worried I couldn’t help you before”.
“Oh nonsense…” he said, “I’m sure we’ll make great progress with this…”
Nodding, you really hoped he was right. Decker reappeared before you.
“Lucifer…a word”
“Oh…excuse me darling…” he said, giving your shoulder an affectionate squeeze. Watching him walk over to Decker, you found yourself sighing. You sighed, thinking how lucky they were to be able to work with each other, how they got to spend so much time together. How you suddenly wished you’d get the same privilege.
Wait…what? You shook your head in confusion.
“You okay ?” Ella’s worried voice filled your ears. Rubbing your temples, you chuckled. “Yeah…I’m good” you said, giving the thumbs up.
“Made new friends huh?”
Officer Reed didn’t fail to not notice your presence here, nor did it fail to surprise you “Oh…Hey” you said, giving a small wave. Ella looked over at the both of you.
“You know her, Frank?”
He grinned. 
“Was lucky enough to meet her yesterday” he said, giving you a small wink. Nodding, you politely smiled. Flattery was not something you disliked, but for some reason you weren’t exactly comfortable with his version. And it clearly made you miss flattery and compliments from one person in particular.
“Listen…I was wondering” Reed began, forcing you to fold your arms in discomfort, “…there’s this really great pizza place nearby…I’d love to take you out one day”
“Oh…” you exhaled, “really?…um…wow!” You continued monotonously.
“I mean you don’t have to say anything now but…here’s my number” he said, handing you a slip of paper, “…call me when you’re hungry” he said, with another smile.
Looking over at the crime-solving partners in discussion, you felt a slight pain in your heart. You hated feeling this way. You suddenly never felt so alone. A few seconds was enough for Lucifer to notice your gaze on him, but too late as you turned back to Reed. Accepting it, you looked into the paper with much focus for you had a hard time looking at Reed. His gaze on you was intense and full of interest, but not the kind that you preferred. You felt invaded.
“Thanks…I’ll-” “Right! Well…Excuse us!”
Suddenly appearing before you, Lucifer cried out grabbing you by the wrist. The slip of paper crumpled in your hand in response to your tense physical reaction, especially when Lucifer Morningstar literally dragged you out of the room.
“Wha? What’s going on?” You asked with confusion.
“As much as your assistance was much appreciated Ms.Y/L/N…” he began.
“Ms.Y/L/N? Since when did you use my last name?” You hissed, even more confused.
“…. Unfortunatley we must ask you to leave” he said. Your jaw dropped.
“What? Why? What the hell? Lucifer!”
You managed to catch your balance as you were released from his iron grip, ending up in the elevator. Waving with confusion, you watched Lucifer’s serious expression remain intact, then disappearing as the elevator doors closed on you. What the hell?
Turning away, Lucifer’s own eyes widened by witnessing the surprised expressions of Chloe Decker and Ella Lopez.

“What just happened?” Decker asked.
“Yeah man…” Ella added, “I was really getting along with Y/N today”
“Well…” he hesitated, “the precinct…isn’t it still the hotbed to danger?”
“Lucifer…” Ella began, “She was here for almost half an hour without you. And you weren’t complaining…” throwing her hands up in frustration, she continued , “Seriously, you’d get all tense whenever Reed would stop b-”
Pausing, a realization came over her.
“Oh…” snapping her fingers, she simply could not believe it, “…Damn!”
“What?” Lucifer asked worryingly, “What has the damned to do with this?”
“Of course! it makes perfect sense now” Decker agreed with Ella, as they both nodded together,  finally solving a different case.
“Ladies! I would very much appreciate if you both just stop talking in riddles for once!” The Civilian Consultant ironically had a hard time handling this without a dose of heavy impatience. Sighing, Ella looked at him whilst shaking her head.
“Oh Lucifer…you idiot!”
A/N: Hope you all enjoyed it. I’m feeling Part 2 is in order...whatcha think?
Let me know if you wanna get tagged for the next part ;)
Check out my MASTERLIST for more :)
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coffeecomicsgalore · 4 years
She... Loves Me?
Chapter 4 – Macaroons
Adrien sat numbly at his desk, notes long forgotten as he doodled little ladybug and cat figures in the margins of his notes. He should probably pay attention; the mock test after lunch was important and considered a large part of their grade. He studied all week for it, so it would be a surprise if he failed the test, but he still didn’t have it in it to care.
He let out a hearty sigh and looked at the clock. Just a half hour to go until the bell released them for lunch. He was able to convince Nathalie that he would be working on an experiment during lunch testing the weight, composition, and texture of spherical products made with sucrose and sodium chloride. What she didn’t know was that he was tasting those spherical macaroons filled with delicious sugar (and of course salt to taste) to see if it was good enough to sell.  
It was still an experiment and not a full-on lie; he just chose to omit a few words on where the experiment was being held. Yet the thought of spending time with his friends this way felt thrilling. It was just like the moments when he transformed into Chat Noir just to get away to breathe, catapulting into the air and into his famous barrel rolls off the rooftops.  
Twenty minutes.
Ms. Bustier continued to go on as his mind went over his conversation with Nino the night before.  
When you finally realize that she’s more than that to you, I’ll be right here to catch you when you fall.
Marinette was just a friend. He was in love with Ladybug. He would always be in love with Ladybug. He wasn’t going to just stop that just because another girl confessed her love to him. Well, she didn’t do it to his face, but she still said it. Yet the thought of Marinette wouldn’t leave his mind.
But then there was Kagami. She confessed her love to him in her akuma form. Even though she tried to sway him to change targets, he outright said he wouldn’t. He would keep trying until the world fell apart at his feet. His lady deserved all the love in the world and he would be the one to give it to her. She was his soulmate and one day she will realize that he is hers too. One day she’ll say that they can be together. So until that day, Adrien would just keep chugging along.
Ten minutes.
Adrien started to feel restless. He put his elbow on the table and leaned his head against his fist. His leg started bouncing and he tapped his pen against the edge of the notebook in rhythmic pats. Nino noticed the desk shake slightly and looked to his right to see Adrien suffer in silence.  
“Dude.” He whispered causing Adrien to freeze mid movement.
“Ugh, sorry Nino. Just antsy to get out of here.”
“So you can see Marinette?”
“What?” Adrien’s eyes widened at the comment. “N- no!” He said a little too loudly.  
Ms. Bustier paused her thought and glanced at Adrien. “Adrien? Is something the matter?”
The class paused their note-taking to stare at the interaction. Adrien blushed. “No, Ms. Bustier. I thought I messed up my notes. I’m sorry for disrupting your lesson. I didn’t realize I said it loud enough to be heard.”
“If you need to fix your notes, maybe Marinette would be willing to assist you.” She said flatly.
“Th- thank you, Ms. Bustier. I will let her know.” Adrien said as he sunk slowly into his desk.  
As soon as the bell rang, Adrien gathered up his belongings and turned around to wait for Marinette, Alya, and Nino to finish to do the same.
“Are you guys ready?” Marinette said sweetly and coherently as she tugged a loose lock behind her ear. Her eyelashes flitted down some, making her look bashful.  
Adrien noticed her little movements and unconsciously grasped the strap on his book bag a little more tightly than normal. He smiled just as sweet back; a feeling of flutters radiated in his chest.  
Alya and Nino watched him carefully. A cunning grin curled her lips. “Let's go!” Alya said jolting Adrien out of his trance. “Those cookies last night were off the chang. Hopefully Nino and Adrien will like them just as much.”
Marinette made her way down the steps slowly past Adrien, her eyes closed and her shoulders scrunched up as she let out some giggles. The sound echoed throughout the classroom and the flutters increased a little more.  
Clearing his throat to rid of the nervousness, Adrien coyly added, “I can’t wait to try out those pastries. Everything your dad makes is amazing. If Alya says they are good, then I won't doubt it for a second.”
Marinette ducked her head and a blush spread across her cheeks. “W-well you're in thuck, len. I mean - in luck, then. My dad made a fresh batch and created a few extra treats in that same flavor. When Alya, myself, and my mom praised him, he spent a few hours going over his recipe books finding out where else he could incorporate it in. He told me this morning that he made about four different treats. If they were just as good as the macaroons, then they'll be a hit with the other pastries.”
Adrien and Nino grinned when she mentioned the extra treats.  
“Dudette, your dad is the man!”
“What flavor are we taste testing today?” Adrien questioned with an excited tone.
Marinette paused to think it over. Her finger tapped against her lips as she scrunched up her face in thought. “Nope! Alya and I were sworn to secrecy!”
Adrien clenched his hand against the fabric of his shirt as he pretended to falter to the ground. “Oh, my heart! Your betrayal is too much for this poor boy.”
Nino joined in with him. “The pain! The horror. Dudettes, you broke our spirits.”  
Marinette and Alya crossed their arms and laughed. “Adrien,” Alya started, “I didn't know you had it in you. Perfect model has a dorky side?”
“Alya!” Marinette scolded.
Adrien straightened himself up and laughed. “I’m usually a model citizen. But I'll let you all in on a little secret.” He looked around conspicuously and huddled the group in closer before whispering. “I'm a huge dork-a-sarus.”
Marinette’s eyes widened and then snorted out a laugh. “Oh my god!” She squealed. “Adrien Agreste? A huge dork? No way.”
“Way. Anime, video games, books... you name it.”
“It’s true. My bro puns and talks in anime phrases all the time behind closed doors. It’s like he has a secret identity.”
The group continued to laugh as they made across the street. The bell chimed as they opened the bakery door, prompting a welcomed greeting from both Sabine and Tom.
“Hello dears!” Sabine said cheerfully as they wandered towards the register.
“Hello Mr. Dupain, Mrs. Dupain-Cheng.” The trio said. Marinette added a kiss to her parents’ cheeks.
“I’ve told you all to call us Tom and Sabine.” She said with a grin. The trio smiled as they nodded their heads.
“I’m so thrilled that you are all trying out my newest flavor pairings!” Tom said, clasping his hands together in joy. “I don't know if Marinette told you, but I was so happy that everyone loved them last night that I could not wait to test them out in a bunch of other recipes. So I have the passionfruit, papaya, and strawberry buttercream macaroons from yesterday, but I also made danishes, cream puffs, croissants, and flan with the same flavoring!”
The bakers could see Adrien and Nino visibly salivate over the prospects. Sabine laughed. “But not until they eat a small dish of food first, Tom.”
“Of course, dear. I’ll make sure I set a plate of each piece for everyone to try and I’ll personally bring them up to you in about a half hour.”
“I can’t wait to try them!” Adrien said excitedly. “Passionfruit is my favorite flavor!”
“Well then, it looks like we have the perfect taste tester amongst us.” Tom bellowed.
“Marinette,” Sabine added. “I have vegetable stir fry ready upstairs. There is steak and chicken. The steak is on the spicier side, but the chicken is just right. Go on and enjoy yourselves.”
Marinette led the group upstairs and into the kitchen. Alya assisted with the plates as Nino and Adrien poured drinks into the cups. They all sat down, Nino sitting across from Alya and Marinette across from Adrien. They ate as they conversed about random things – video games, the Ladyblog, and the new music that recently came out – until the topic of summer vacation came up. Nino talked about a few gigs that he had lined up and Alya said she had a trip to Marseille sometime in July. Adrien was about to ask Marinette what her plans were when Tom walked into the apartment with the tray of treats.  
Adrien took a bite of the macaroon and almost cried in delight. “Oh wow! This flavor pairing is absolutely delicious!” He took another bite and passionately ate it with his eyes closed. “Yup. Your dad is the absolute best baker in Paris, Marinette. There’s no doubt about that.”
Marinette beamed. “Thanks, Adrien. I thought so too last night. I told him it was the perfect flavor – it wasn’t overly tart and had a bit of sweetness. It would taste good anywhere, so he just went with it.”
Adrien sipped down a glass of water and then took a cream puff to enjoy. Nino did the same and moaned in delight.  
“Dude. So good. Just. So good.”
Marinette and Alya did the same and just moaned as the dessert dissolved on their tongues. “My dad is seriously the best. I wonder how long it will take to put this on the menu.”
Adrien gulped down the last bite of the cream puff before asking. “How long does it usually take?”
“Depends on what it is.” Marinette started as she took a slice of flan. “Now that he figured out the perfect flavoring in a small sampling, he’s going to have to multiply it a couple of times for larger quantities. But he has to start off slow first and have larger group samplings over a course of a few weeks.”
“Is that to have it tested out in random test groups?”
“Exactly. The same twenty people won’t come in daily. So he’ll have samplings throughout the week for one item, then he’ll switch it out for something else the next week. He’ll then go back to the first set of samplings, before going out for the second samplings the week after that. He’ll cover more ground, gather more testers, and have more data.”
“So it won’t be on the menu for at least five weeks?” Adrien asked curiously.
“Something like that. But when he makes batches for samplings, he’ll actually make enough to have a limited supply for the day or days. It depends on the item. Like flan isn’t great sitting out for a few days, but macaroons can.”
Alya and Nino watched Marinette and Adrien converse. She hadn’t flustered once and the conversation was moving smoothly. This was the first time that Aly could remember Marinette actually speaking in full sentences with her long-time crush. Was this the start of a new Marinette?
Alya smirked at the pair with a sneaky thought. She took out her phone before a worried glance crossed her face. “Oh shoot. My mom just texted me. She needs me to run an errand for her and bring it to her before lunch is over. Nino, do you mind coming with me? I need an extra set of hands to bring the stuff.”
“Uh, yeah. Sure. Sorry Marinette.” He said with a shrug. “Thank your pops for me. I just wish I could have tried everything.
“Oh, ye-yeah. No problem. I’ll just....” she said as she looked down to the plate nervously, “I’ll just package everything you didn’t get to try and I’ll get it to you?”
“Sounds good, my friend.”
With a wave to bid them goodbye, Alya and Nino left.
Marinette sat back down at her seat at looked at the treat on her dish. The air started to feel a little tense, so Adrien tried to lighten up the mood.  
“So... have you designed anything new lately?
“Huh? Oh, uh, yeah. Actually...” Marinette stood up and walked to her bookbag to grab her sketchbook. She flipped through a few pages until she fell upon the one she wanted to show him. “I’m designing this dress. I was... inspired.”
Adrien sat there with wonder in his eyes. It was a black dress with green trim around the off-shoulder sleeves and on the waist of the dress. There were simple silver accents in specific spots on the bodice. The dress reminded him of his costume. All it was missing was the bell.
Marinette let out a breath. “I’m loving this dress, but there’s something missing. I just can’t figure out what.”
Adrien looked up at Marinette. She was so creative and passionate in her designs. Her perplexed look made him wonder what was going on in her brain. Her blue eyes seemed to shine brighter when she talked about something she loved. It was mesmerizing. So mesmerizing, in fact, that he didn’t realize he was staring at her until she looked up at him and touched her face.
“Do I have something on my face?”
“No! No.” He brought his hands up in surrender. “I just noticed how blue your eyes get when you get excited. They shine brighter.”
“Oh. Th-thanks.” She said as she shyly smiled, her fingers running through one of her pigtails.
Great, I made her nervous again. Make her happy! Make her happy!
“Ho- How’s things with you and Luka?”
Marinette shot him a confused glance. “Um. Good? He invited me over a few days ago to listen to one of his new songs. It sounded... amazing.”
“That’s good. His songs are pretty good.”
Marinette picked up the sketchbook and closed it. She shuffled back to her bag and slowly placed it back to its spot. Marinette let out a shaky sigh.
“Yeah. They are.” She fiddled with her bag again, but didn’t turn around. Actually, she sounded somewhat dejected. “How’s everything with Kagami?”
Adrien noticed the shift in mood, but didn’t question it. “Kagami is doing good. She’s been working hard since our last fencing tournament. Said something about rising to my level since I won the tournament last weekend.” He chuckled. “I don’t know why she thinks she isn’t just as good. Sometimes I think she’s better than me.”
Marinette turned back around her with a wet smile. “I’m glad things are good, Adrien.”
“Hey, Marinette? Are you okay?”
“Yeah, yeah. I’m fine. Just poked my eye.” She said as she wiped her eye. “We should probably get going. Lunch is almost over.”
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lilacmoon83 · 4 years
Lightning in a Bottle
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Also on Fanfiction.net and A03
Chapter 9: Turbulence
Love. It could be messy and complicated. It could be wonderful and bring heartache. It could and often did strengthen over time, but it could also fade over time as well. But once in a lifetime, there was a love that shined brighter than most and rose above other loves. Once in a generation, there is a love that's like lightning in a bottle. It happens once and it strikes, giving way to the creation of something extraordinary. And Margaret had always known that her love with David was extraordinary and destined to be. It had started when they were very young and blossomed over the course of their lives into an all encompassing, soul searing true love that defied logic and reality. It would transcend to something eternal. She knew that wholeheartedly and she thanked whatever power out there that had brought him back to her, for their love was unbreakable, even by death.
She pressed her forehead against his, as she rode the throes of passion with him. His lips on her body drove her to places of ecstasy that were unimaginable.
"David…" she breathed, as kissed at the tops of her breasts.
"So beautiful…" he rasped, as he made love to her. It had always been like this for them. Their love had always been all consuming, yet perfectly balanced. They became each other's home at a very young age. Her hand had been in his since they were very small and it had created waves among their peers.
"So...who are you inviting to your party?" one girl, about twelve, asked.
"Well...all of you, of course and some of the other girls from the neighborhood," Victoria said.
"Uh...is this your list?" another girl, Isla, asked.
"Yeah, why?" Victoria asked.
"Uh...because you have a freak on it," Isla replied in a nasty tone.
"Yeah, why are you inviting Mary Margaret Blanchard?" another girl, Sera, asked. Victoria sighed.
"Mother said I have to, because her father is very important and influential," she replied.
"Ugh...she's so odd though. She's always hanging out with those Nolan urchins," Isla said distastefully.
"Mary Margaret is very nice," Abigail said, defending her friend.
"Oh please Abby...if her father wasn't who he was, there is no way any of our parents would want us playing with her. She's a weirdo and always holding hands with that Nolan boy. Mother says it's very improper at our age," Isla said. Mary Margaret, having been sitting near them at the park, walked away sadly. She didn't really like any of them either, except Abigail, but it hurt to hear those things said about her. She slipped away and collapsed on one of the swings, but didn't really feel like swinging.
"MM?" Emma called, as her shadow was suddenly over the other girl.
"Oh...hi Ems," she said sadly.
"What's wrong? Why are you sad?" she asked, as David got there and she looked up at them.
"Do you think I'm a weirdo?" she asked.
"No way!" Emma exclaimed.
"Of course not...why would you think that?" David asked.
"That's what Victoria and Isla think. Victoria is only inviting me to her birthday party, cause her Mom said she had to because of who my dad is," MM replied.
"Ugh...they're the worst. Did you even want to go to her party?" David asked.
"Well, no...but it didn't feel good hearing that," she murmured, as he knelt down beside her.
"They're wrong and they're just jealous," he said.
"Why would they be jealous?" she asked.
"Because you're prettier than them and smarter and sweet," he said.
"Yeah, Isla and Victoria suck," Emma chimed in.
"You're not supposed to use that word, Emmy," David chided.
"Why? You say it all the time and other bad words," she pointed out.
"Well, I'm older," he argued, making Margaret smile.
"Thanks guys," she said, as she took his hand when he offered it and stood up.
"But Isla and Victoria are the prettiest girls in school," Margaret pointed out, as Emma slipped away for a moment.
"No way...you're the prettiest girl in school, at least to me," he replied and she blushed.
"Oh David…" she gushed, as she kissed his cheek.
"You're always my Prince Charming," she said, making him blush.
"Well, I really like being your Prince Charming," he replied, as they heard some screaming. Emma had gone over to the pond and fished out a couple frogs and some earthworms, never one afraid to get dirty, and promptly went over to share her finds with the snobby group of girls.
"Ugh...you little freak!" Isla cried, while Emma laughed.
"You don't like my frog?" the blonde asked, as she pushed it toward her again and then threw a worm in her face, making her scream more.
"Uh oh…" David said, as they hurried over to pull Emma away, before the other mother's could get involved. The three of them joined hands and laughed the whole way home.
As they grew, Emma remained her best friend and might as well have been her sister by then. They were very close and equally protective of one another. Margaret had seen Emma through a lot of rough patches in her teen years. She had never been as lucky as Margaret when it came to men and Margaret had done her best to guide her through those years and several rough break ups. While her relationship with Emma developed into a strong, sisterly bond, her relationship with David had evolved as well. It had gone from sweet, innocent puppy love to true and deep love as they progressed through their teens years.
By their teen years, they were deeply in love and still seen as the oddity by their peers and inappropriate by adults. But it never bothered them. They had weathered the criticism from their peers and adults alike, remaining unbreakable.
David parked the old, brown truck at school that afternoon. Emma was hanging out with Lily and Margaret had stayed behind to wait for him. He saw her hurrying toward him excitedly with her backpack and smiled at her. She always took his breath away.
"You got it!" she said excitedly, as he caught her in his arms.
"I did...it's not much to look at, but it's wheels," he replied.
"Are you kidding? I love it," she said.
"Really?" he asked.
"Yes...it's so us," she replied.
"What? Old?" he joked and she playfully smacked his chest.
"No...it's classic and has history," she replied, as they shared a smile.
"Hey Nolan...nice piece of junk," one of the jocks commented, as they went by on their way to football practice with the cheerleaders. But he ignored them, as usual.
"Forget him...he's an ass," Margaret said, as she glared at the stuck up jerk.
"That jerk drives a BMW convertible. Girls seem to like that," he pointed out.
"Not this girl," she corrected, as she slipped her arms around his neck.
"This girl doesn't want to ride in anything that doesn't come with you," she assured, making him blush shyly, as she kissed him tenderly and they got into the truck together.
As they lay together in the afterglow, with her head resting against his chest, she thought about everything that had happened. Those five and a half long years without him and her son. She had done her best to pull herself together and be there for Olive, but during that time, a smile rarely reached her eyes. It sounded dramatic, but it literally felt like half her heart was gone without him. She was whole again now and she had almost forgotten what that felt like. There were still the unanswered questions in her mind, but she had him back and was ready to brave whatever they had to face.
"So…I know I was distracted today helping Marco, but I didn't forget about that incident you mentioned," he said. She lifted her head and looked at him.
"It was nothing...just some nut. You know how this city can be," she replied.
"I do...but I also know that the attention on us isn't going away, especially after that passenger spoke out," he said, as he kissed the back of her hand.
"It was just some lady that focused on Henry. She kept repeating...he is risen. He is risen," she told him. He sighed.
"I should have been with you...I was supposed to be," he lamented.
"No...you were exactly where you should have been," she admonished.
"David...you helped reunite another family and I can say from experience that getting mine back is the most wonderful gift that I will ever get. The fact that you gave that to another person makes me so proud," she said, as she kissed him gently.
"I just want you to be careful…" he pleaded. She kissed his cheek.
"I will," she promised, as they settled down in each other's arms and sleep finally took them.
Regina took the vial of blood, belonging to Henry Nolan,and placed a small amount on the slide. After seeing something odd, she put it through the DNA synthesizer and waited for the results to come out. As she went to check some e-mails, she heard a knock at her lab door and saw that it was her mother.
"Hello mother…" she greeted coolly.
"Not exactly the greeting I was hoping for," Cora complained.
"I'm sorry...I'm just very busy," Regina apologized.
"Sweetheart...you just returned on a plane that's been missing for more than five years. Are you sure you should even be working yet?" Cora questioned.
"I love my work and I happen to have a pediatric case that I need to monitor very closely. He just started the treatment," Regina replied.
"Yes...your treatment. It's quite something, but I was hoping we could have lunch," Cora said.
"I suppose I could pop out to the cafeteria for a little bit," Regina agreed.
"Uh no, dear...I meant lunch at my house. I'm having a little gathering and there are many people eager to see you now that you're back," she corrected. Regina sighed.
"You mean all the people in your uppity circle, including all the potential bachelors you're dying to fix me up with," Regina said.
"Is that so bad, sweetheart?" Cora asked.
"Mother...I do not need to be fixed up with a date, especially not some tool from your circle," Regina replied.
"Regina…" she started to chide.
"Mother…" Regina sighed, as they started to argue and Henry's file slipped off the table. Cora saw the photo of the boy and picked it up.
"Henry Nolan...is this the boy?" she asked, as Regina snatched the file away.
"Yes…" Regina snapped.
"He was on the plane, wasn't he? Nolan...he and his father, right?" Cora asked curiously.
"Yes...he was one the plane and his cancer was terminal, but he's responding well to the treatment. His parents are overjoyed," Regina replied. Cora smiled.
"I'm sure they are. I'll let you to it...but please, stop by soon. Leopold is eager to meet you," she replied. Regina forced a smile.
"I'm sure...goodbye mother," she cooed, as Cora got the hint and left, but not without a pensive look on her face. Her daughter had no idea that she was treating Leopold's grandson, the grandson that he had never met, thanks to his foolish, unruly daughter. Cora smirked. Perhaps it was time to meet the Nolans at last.
"Ha...beat that kid," Emma said, as she and Henry played a game with the magnets on the fridge that morning.
"Oh…I will," Henry insisted, as he took his turn, while David cooked breakfast. He called them to the table and the game was forgotten, leaving the magnets to spell out "own your truth."
"Mmm...it smells delicious in here. Pancakes again on a weekday?" Margaret asked with an impressed tone.
"No job...the least I can do is make sure my family has an amazing breakfast," David said, as she pecked him on the lips.
"You'll find something, baby...and no pressure. We're fine," she assured him.
"I know...but you know me," he said. She giggled and got the orange juice out.
"Oh I know...can't sit still," she teased, as she pinched his rear and they sat down to breakfast.
"I'll get you back for that later," he whispered in her ear.
"Mmm...you better, handsome," she purred back.
As they were finishing up, they flipped the television on to get the weather forecast, but it seemed that the morning news was occupied with something else altogether.
"And if you're just joining us, we're at the scene of a homicide in an affluent neighborhood. The victim is Tisbe Tayor, a passenger on the mysterious returned flight eight-two-eight that disappeared more than five years ago. Ms. Taylor recently defied the NSA order of a media blackout and spoke to us just yesterday in an exclusive interview," the reporter said, as they flashed to the interview.
"She...she was murdered?" Margaret asked.
"Do you think it's connected?" she asked her sister-in-law.
"Not necessarily," Emma replied.
"Em...the passenger that defied the order to not speak to the press is dead. You don't think that's suspicious?" he asked.
"A little...but it's not my jurisdiction," she argued.
"Still...don't you think we should check it out?" he asked.
"We?" she asked. He sighed.
"Yesterday a woman accosted Margaret and Henry about him coming back and now we have a dead passenger? If there's a threat to our family...then we need to investigate this," he said.
"He's right...but be careful," Margaret pleaded, as she kissed him.
"I didn't agree to any of this!" Emma protested.
"Let's just go drive by and since you're a cop...maybe you can glean some information from the other officers," he suggested. She groaned and rolled her eyes.
"Fine...but you're staying in the car, you big pain in the ass," she complained. David smirked and kissed his wife and kids again, before following her out. Margaret smiled, as they went and put the dishes in the dishwasher quickly.
"Okay...backpacks and lunches. Let's roll," she called, as they got their stuff and left for the day as well.
Emma pulled up the house that was the scene of the crime and parked.
"Okay...I'll see what information I can get. You stay here," she told him.
"No way…" he protested.
"David...I can't take you into an active crime scene," she argued.
"You can if this murder has something to do with the fact that she was a passenger," he argued back. She sighed.
"We don't know that it is," Emma reminded him.
"What does your gut tell you?" he questioned.
"Dammit…" she complained.
"Fine...but you follow my lead and not a damn word," she warned, as they got out of the car. She flashed her badge to the officer on duty.
"Emma Nolan...detective with the twenty-eighth precinct," she said.
"You're a little out of your jurisdiction, detective," the officer replied.
"Yeah...we heard it on the scanner and thought we'd take a look. You can never have too many eyes on a murder investigation," she said. Obviously the officer was green, because her excuse was crap, and he motioned her in.
"Can't believe he bought that," David muttered.
"Shut up," Emma grumbled in irritation, as they went inside. It was a gruesome scene. Tisbe had taken a bullet to the back of the head and she noticed that there was a gathering outside the house of people holding a daylight vigil with signs reading things like the returned and other things that suggested worship of the passengers. And Emma knew from experience that the people obsessed with them could be as dangerous as the ones that seemed to hate them.
"It looks like a robbery gone bad," the officer on duty said.
"What makes you say that?" Emma asked.
"She's missing a gold necklace that she was wearing in her interview and it's not in the house. We think the killer stole the jewelry and climbed out the back window. It was open," he explained. But that didn't sit right with Emma. This didn't seem like a random robbery and she was beginning to think David was right, though she refused to tell him that yet. Before she could ask anymore questions though, Vance arrived and he looked none too happy about them being there.
"Crap…" she muttered.
"Officer...are you aware that you've admitted a detective and her civilian brother to this crime scene. A detective that was on flight eight-two-eight with the victim?" Vance questioned. The officer stammered through an apology to the director, as he looked at the siblings.
"Give me one good reason why I shouldn't detain you both?" he asked.
"Because we didn't do anything wrong. If passengers are being targeted, then we have a right to know. I have to know if my family might be in danger," David argued. The director sighed.
"Detective Nolan...get your brother out of here, before I change my mind and take you both in," he ordered. They both exited the house and got back to the car, even as the people holding vigil outside started chanting at them, as they were recognized.
"Looks like the same kind of people that approached Margaret and Henry," David mentioned, as they spotted Tisbe Taylor's husband, Jacob Taylor. David gave her a look and she sighed, as they approached him.
"Mr. Taylor?" Emma asked the distraught man.
"Uh yes?" he asked, seeing her shield.
"I'm Detective Emma Nolan and this is my brother David. We were on the flight with Tisbe," she explained.
"Oh…" he said.
"We're sorry for your loss," David offered and he nodded his thanks.
"I tried to stop her from speaking out on television, but she wouldn't listen. She just kept repeating that it was her calling to do so," he said. Something about that phrase pricked Emma's mind, but Mr. Taylor was whisked away by the medics before they could ask him more questions.
"See...even he isn't buying that this was a robbery gone bad," David mentioned.
"That still doesn't mean that this has anything to do with the passengers," Emma chided. He gave her a waning look.
"Okay...it's suspicious, but I'm not ready to jump on the conspiracy train with you," she argued.
"I'm not on the conspiracy train, Ems...I just want to protect us," David said, as he drove them away, but not before seeing that the NSA was taking custody of the body.
"Is the NSA taking custody of a body standard procedure?" he asked, though she could tell by his tone that he knew the answer. She sighed.
"No...it's weird and a complete overreach, but they're the NSA and all they have to do is say that they think she was a threat to National Security," she replied.
"Which means they think that about all of us," David said. She didn't deny that, because she couldn't.
"For the record, I'm trying to protect us too," she pointed out. He sighed.
"I know," he relented.
"I'll do some digging...can you drop me at the station?" she asked.
"Yeah, but you know Dad left you a car, right?" he questioned.
"Yes…I'm just not ready," she muttered. He sighed.
"Okay," he relented, knowing that it was best to drop that subject. If Emma didn't want to drive yet, then he wasn't going to force it. He pulled up to the precinct and dropped her off.
"Do me a favor and stay out of this until we know more," she urged.
"Hey…I'm job hunting today. I promise," he assured. She nodded and he drove off, as she went inside to work. The case was in the early developments, but she would be keeping an eye on it. She hated it, but she knew there was more to it. This passenger wasn't just a random murder.
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floraone · 5 years
44,45 or 46!!! I don’t care if I’m later than five I’m your friend and you gotta
44 now, 45 and 46 later ;) (46 seems to have been popular??)
Anyway you chose this prompt you knew what would happen lol, so...
🍋🍋🍋 (mild-ish) SMUT AHEAD 🍋🍋🍋post stars, everyone of age here. YOU WERE WARNED. (Someone teach me how to do cut lines on my phone please?)
A Kiss Out Of Lust
He had a problem.
A very stiff, very hard, very pressing problem.
Ami had called it a weird anomaly. Maybe a stray daimon egg, or someone messing with dark magic they shouldn't have, maybe an angry spirit. Either way, it had been laughably easy to defeat, even if Usagi had been particularly clumsy due to the early hour of the morning. After only a little fuss, the thing -  whatever it was - had been defeated, just right before his first class began. He even got there in time, even if he'd had to rush from the scene.
...Maybe he shouldn't have rushed from the scene.
Mamoru had no clue what was wrong. He couldn't remember any substance he got into contact with during the fight that could have caused... this. Whatever this was.
It had gotten worse throughout the day.
He'd been relatively fine starting out, his mind not unusually preoccupied seeing he had just seen his girlfriend suited up and fighting an enemy for the first time in months, and he wasn't used to the sight anymore and it Did Things to him on any good day, especially when he'd been keeping his distance to let her study in piece for her final graduation exams. And so, starting out, he hadn't thought anything the matter. His mind drifting off to the way she flushed in action, to the coy and proud smile she'd shot him when she'd kicked some weird-spirit ass, her soft skin when he lifted her out of the trajectory, the way she stretched and yawned and gave him a happy kiss on his nose when it was all over like the friggin adorable person she was.
Sailor Moon turned him on. That wasn't news. That was normal. What was not normal was the way it seemed to have taken over every single thought in his mind.
The thoughts about her soft skin turned into fantasies that made him flush and uncomfortable because he wasn't like that he wasn't so lewd, he didn't think about flipping the skirt of her Fuku up and nudging the bodice aside and burrowing himself into her with her heavy panting against his throat as he did it again and again, right the second he could steal her away straight from the battle, that was not where his mind went, except it apparently now did.
By the time his second class of the day rolled around in direct succession, he wasn't able to take notes anymore.
Legs crossed uncomfortably to hide his problem, he was an absolute mess. The seminar was on the musculoskeletal system, one of the most unsexy things one could imagine, except his imagination today was dialed up to a hundred and the muscoloskeletal system did include legs. Usagi's legs. Usagi's legs thrown across his shoulders, Usagi's legs clamped around his waist, his hands digging into the pink flesh to hold her up, Usagi's thighs as he spread them apart slowly, running his hands softly up the insides until she opened up for him with a sigh and a whimper, Usagi's thighs as they straddled his face.
He didn't make it to his lunch-time study group.  He really barely made it home. He had to transform and take the scenic roof-top route because there was no way he could sit on the metro with that insistent, troubling, infuriatingly distracting boner.
Back home, cold shower didn't help, taking... care of it ...didn't help, and he was staring at his ceiling in despair with his hair still wet from his shower and in just his tented sweatpants (cause looking at it made him even more uncomfortable), contemplating how he would ever find the courage to pick up his phone and call for Ami's expertise and find words to explain his current problematic situation which wouldn't make him die a thousand deaths in embarrassment in the process and also never travel to Minako's ears.
He refrained from shouting all the relieved profanity through his apartment when Sailor Moon burst through his open balcony door.
She came to a stop in front of his couch, looking down at him and his problem with hooded eyes and heaving breaths and flushed skin, and a look that would have undressed him had he been more dressed.
He cried out for real when she de-transformed, both because no more Fuku and because the exploding ribbons left her naked for a second and god no, why, don't, no, don't go back to CLOTHES...
The frustrated cry was swallowed by her mouth as she launched herself into his lap and that was painful because his problem was so painful, and he cried out again when she settled onto it fully and groaned into his mouth in exactly the same way.
"Were we drugged?" she whimpered against his ear when his teeth found her collarbone.
"I think so," he said, hands up her shirt and throwing it behind him because really, why the hell would she be wearing clothes?
"Do we care?" she rasped when he lifted her up from his lap by the hips to yank at her pants.
"No," he growled, and shook his head so hard it almost made him dizzy. He pulled her back towards his lips, groaning at the way her mouth was kind of paradise and her tongue was all sorts of way too talented at making him whimper and beg and really, this wasn't such a problem, after all, was it?
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formeandmyfics · 5 years
Wish for a Kiss
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December 1942
The ‘Lily Mars’ soundstage was quiet as Judy sat in her monogrammed chair. The film’s director, composer and producer, Norman, Georgie and Joe, sat along with her with scripts in their laps and glasses perched at the end of their noses. The rest of the cast and crew had just gone on their hour lunch as the foursome discussed notes on the last take of ‘Tom, Tom The Pipers Son’.
Judy tried to pay attention, but her thoughts were elsewhere. She heard what they were saying but images of her reunion with Gene yesterday flashed through her mind. They hadn’t seen each other for quite a while. Gene had been filming ‘DuBarry was a Lady’ on the opposite side of the studio so inevitably his trailer had been moved and he used the north gate entrance. The rare moments they had seen each other from across the way, they’d share a quick, friendly smile. And because he had just welcomed his new baby daughter in his life, his spare time was spent at home, not at the usual watering hole like Ciro’s where Judy mainly was.
When promotion for their film ‘For Me and My Gal’ had ended, Judy and Gene did, too. Mutually they agreed to stop their love affair as Gene had a baby about to be born and Judy promised herself that she was going to try to work on her novice marriage.
Then yesterday, her big number ‘Paging Mr. Greenback’ was moved to the empty soundstage next to’ DuBarry’, for size purposes. Their breaks seemed to coincide and the pair spent their time laughing and goofing around outside of the soundstages. She made fun of his tight pants and wig while he made fun of her pink, poufy dress, calling her Shirley Temple. At one point, they even rehearsed one of her spectacular dance spins in the soundstage. A studio photographer caught their reunion on camera. What he didn’t catch, were their flirtatious remarks, their seductive glances and their brief hand holding. The heat between them was still imminent.
Gene had initiated, asking to come back to her trailer after filming was done, so they could catch up and talk. He came to her trailer but they didn’t do much talking. Their affair had been fun. It was sensual but playful, exciting and new. In the short time that they had been apart, their lovemaking seemed to turn into something different. It was still exciting but terribly erotic and rougher, harder. Judy didn’t remember quite feeling an ache so deeply for a man that it was almost painful. She didn’t ever remember biting, grasping hair and being vocally uncontrollable on both their parts during sex before.
Judy crossed her right leg over the other and bit on her thumb nail as she was back in the moment of when Gene showed her how much he missed her. Gene had been the first one to introduce her to oral pleasure because her husband was a little too conservative for that, and didn’t have the patience either. Gene had once told her David just didn’t have the balls to do it. But yesterday, it was different. It felt ten times better, if that was even possible, and Gene was more intense and fervent than normal. Her back had arched deeply, grabbing the back of the couch as he forcefully held her hips down with passion not stopping even when she begged. She didn’t even recognize the sound of her own voice. His actions left her feeling primal and she returned the favor. And their fuck was exactly just that, but the connection was still there and more deep as they stared in each other’s eyes and kissed over and over as their bodies met the same. Judy suddenly felt her cheeks get warm and the beginning stages of arousal. She was experiencing an erotic daydream on that dreary soundstage. She had to get out of there.
Just as she was going to speak up, Norman spoke, “Okay, it’s agreed then. We’ll do another take when everyone gets back. So, Judy, instead of Lily running back out of the door behind the band after the song ends, you’ll do your exit from the band area to Van, as you’re singing the last note, and he’ll grab your arm and take you out of scene.” “Sounds good to me. Can I go to lunch now?”
“Of course, darling. See ya in an hour,” Joe said.
Judy couldn’t get out of there quick enough.
It was always sunny in Los Angeles but for being nearly January, it was seasonably warm. Gene had his windows down, and was enjoying his drive through Culver City, as a cigarette dangled from his fingers out the window.
Radio Announcer: And now ladies and gentleman, a song from 1940’s ‘Strike up the Band’, sung by America’s sweetheart, Hollywood’s very own, Miss Judy Garland.
Gene froze in mid puff hearing her name and his lips turned up into a cheeky smile and he turned the volume up. Palm trees passed him one-by-one as he was lost in her voice once again. He felt certain giddiness in his being at the thought of being with her again. He had never known a woman like her before. She was like a force, a magnet, and entrancing…not just her voice, but her as a person. Although, he had to admit, the only thing more entrancing than hearing her say ‘hello’ in that unique melodic sound of hers was hearing her cries during passion. He couldn’t believe how unhinged he was yesterday. Just one kiss with her again and he suddenly felt like a caveman. He wanted to make her feel everything and give her everything and become the center of each other’s universe. Surprisingly to him, she reciprocated just the same. She was…wild. But there was something deeper about being together this time. It was almost like they were one.
A sudden honk behind him snapped Gene out of his thoughts. The light had turned green and Gene cleared his throat embarrassed as he waved his arm out the window as an apology and drove through the intersection.
           Judy was mindlessly swinging her purse as she walked along the street of the West lot, her curled hair bouncing with each step, and her white dress blowing in the breeze. She was in a very good mood; her lunch with Marjorie Maine, one of her favorite people, was full of laughs and of course the remnant of her time with Gene was still very much on her mind.
Gene waved to the west lot security as he passed through the gate. Slowly, he made his way through and was going to keep going straight, when he did a double take down the side street and saw what looked like Judy. Gene turned down that aisle and crept up behind her very slowly before honking his horn.
Judy yelped, her hand flying to her chest, and she turned around to find Gene grinning behind the windshield.
“Jesus, Gene! You scared the dickens out of me!” she shouted.
“Then don’t be walking in the middle of the street!” he shouted back teasing her.
Squinting her eyes, Judy lifted her purse as if she were going to hit the hood and he quickly leaned his head out the window pointing at her seriously, “You hit my baby, I will kick your ass.”
Raising her eyebrow, she walked around the car to his open window, “I’d just like to see you try, buster.”
She leaned her forearms against the window frame and smiled sweetly. Gene reached up and swept some hair away from her face, “What’s going on with your hair,” he teased.
“Big and bouncy, that’s how they want it for Lily.”
“Are you in costume,” he asked looking at her white dress.
“Yup. Isn’t pretty?”
“It’s nearly see through in the sunlight. Are ya cold, or just happy to see me,” he grinned naughtily looking at her chest.
Judy blushed and pushed his shoulder embarrassed, “Get out of here.”
“No, really, why are you over on this side of the studio?”
“I had lunch with Marge. I’ve got a little time, I was walking back.”
“I’ll drive ya over.”
“You can walk with me if you’d like. I’m enjoying the fresh air.” “Hop in. You can get some fresh air in here, too. Windows down.”
“That’s hot air, you mean,” she said slyly.
“You enjoy that, too, though.”
Judy giggled and shook her head as she walked to the other side and got in.
The two held hands as they slowly drove through the studio.
“What are you doing here? I thought you didn’t work today.”
“Just came to pick up a check,” Gene glanced down at their hands and he softly rubbed his thumbs against her soft skin, “You were on the radio on my way over here.”
“Oh, yeah?”
“Yeah. ‘Our Love Affair’.”
Judy practically scowled, “Why do they play the old ones? Why not some of my newer stuff.”
“It’s not that old. It could be worse. They could be playing something from Pigskid Parade.”
“Oh Lord, help me.”
“Besides, I like Our Love Affair. It was like you were singing to me.”
Judy smiled, “‘cause it was meant to be,’” she asked mimicking one of the lyrics.
They rode in silence for a moment and he noticed she looked anxious as she bit her bottom lip and kept looking at him. He recognized that look.
“Tell me.”
She did a double take on him before turning in her seat to look at him more directly, “I can’t stop thinking about you.” Gene let out a deep sigh as he turned the corner, “The feeling is mutual, sweetheart.” Judy relaxed and he continued, “I can’t lie to you, Judy, it feels good being together again.”
“What else about it feels good?” Gene looked over at her serious but sultry expression and mirrored just the same.
           Gene’s car was parked behind a large dumpster in the aisle between two soundstages as the pair fooled around like teenagers inside of it. Judy’s eyes were closed as she bit her bottom lip when he moved his mouth from hers to the sensitive part of her neck. He slid his fingers to the back of her head, grasping handfuls of hair there as he pulled her closer obviously getting to the point of no return.
“You’re gonna mess up my hair,” she breathed getting to that point herself.
Without a beat, he removed his hands from her hair and cupped her through her dress, a tell-tale sign he was not stopping anytime soon. But that brought Judy back in reality and she placed her hands on his removing them from her.
“I can’t.”
“Babe,” he pleaded as his kisses continued downwards. Judy giggled and looked at his watch on his wrist, “I really need to go.”
“Well, I really need you.”
“Gene,” she said lifting his head gently away from her, “I’m going to be late.”
“You’re always late,” he teased but when he saw her strict face he sat up sighing and placed his head on the back of his seat, “Shit.”
Judy shyly smiled at the bulge in his pants, “Sorry.”
Gene laughed and rubbed his hands over his face, “Don’t worry about it.”
“Is Betsy still going to be up in San Francisco tomorrow?”
“Yes, she’ll be back after New Years Day.”
“David is still over seas. Van and Evie are hosting a New Years Eve party tomorrow.”
“Yes, they invited me, but I was kind of planning to stay home and have a low key evening. I also promised Betsy and all, you know, since she’s up there with the baby and not with me.”
Judy nodded trying to hide her disappointment, “Okay. If you change your mind, I’ll be there.”
Gene nodded but she could tell he was still at the same rock and a hard place he had been dealing with between his marriage and his relationship with her. She didn’t want to push him, but her secret wish was a New Years kiss with him. Though, she knew deep down, it would be a serious decision for him if he were to do that.
The tension between them felt awkward so Judy quickly changed that, perking up cheerfully, “Since you’re here just getting a check, why don’t you come watch me film.”
“Only if you’re singing.”
“Well, buster, it’s your lucky day. I am singing. It’s called ‘Tom, Tom the Piper’s Son’. It’s quick, cute and perky, like me,” Gene laughed and she continued, “I’ll wink in it, for your benefit. I know you like when I do that.”
“Does it call for you to wink?”
“No, but I’ll do it anyways.”
“You’re on.”
He turned the car back on and pulled around to park in front of the soundstage. Judy checked her watch for the dozenth time as she leaned against the wall in Van and Evie Johnson’s living room with a glass of champagne in her hand. The den was filled with Metro peers and other notable Hollywood stars dressed to their best. It was a loud and happily rowdy bunch, and usually she’d be joining in on their excitement, but since the moment she put her on her sexy dress and did her makeup and hair especially pretty, she had been secretly hoping Gene would be at the party…or that he’d show up.  But it was 11:55. It was five minutes to midnight and Judy’s hopes were entirely diminished. She tried to remind herself of their situation, especially of his, but it was still a deep sorrow in her heart.  Sighing, she gulped down the rest of her champagne.
           “Fuck,” Gene practically yelled as he came to a red light just off of the street the Johnson’s lived on. He checked his watch and placed his hands on his steering wheel, grasping it tightly.
Gene had been at home the whole night. He studied his script and read and watched TV but the more the time passed the more he kept thinking of Judy. He knew she wanted him to be with her tonight. And he wanted to. But he had felt guilty if he were to be with her on New Years when he promised his wife he wouldn’t go out. They did just have a baby. But god dammit, he was still in-love with Judy. He knew she was with him, too, though neither had admitted it. When it got to 11:30, Gene’s imagination played a dirty trick on him. He pictured her all dressed up, standing alone and sad in the middle of couples kissing happily. He didn’t want her to be alone like that. Even if they weren’t together, no one deserved that.
“Fuck it.”
Gene pressed on the gas and went straight through the light, turning left as other cars honked at him.
           Judy stepped back from the crowd and sat on the stairs outside of the den with her face in her hand gently smiling trying to keep a positive outlook, but she definitely didn’t want to be in the middle of that crowd. They were shouting the countdown when all of a sudden the door burst open.
Judy gasped when she saw Gene look around before he saw her. She immediately stood up completely shocked. He took a deep breath and smiled so large she had to smile back as he walked towards her.
As everyone cheered and popped champagne corks to midnight, Judy’s wish came true as he placed his lips passionately against hers. She was so overjoyed she didn’t know whether to laugh or cry as she hugged him tight.
Sounds of their fellow peers singing ‘Auld Lang Syne’ echoed from the den as the two had their foreheads against one another and gently swayed.
“Happy New Year, Judy.”
“Happy New Year, Gene.”
“I ran through a red light for you, you know.”
Judy giggled, “How romantic,” and placed another kiss on him.
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heyyyharry · 6 years
(from the Flatmate!Harry Series)
...in which everyone’s obsessed with the new star on campus, and Y/N is no exception.
Warning: mention of sex, jealous Harry, and a bit fluff as usual.
Harry's not foreign to seeing people walking around campus with their face glued to their phones. It’s 2018 now and obviously everyone prefers social media than real life interactions, that’s fine by him. However, today as he’s walking to his favorite food court on campus to meet his friends for lunch, Harry finds it unusual as almost everyone he passes by are watching the same video on their devices. In fact, now he has the audio stuck inside his head and he hasn’t even watched that viral clip yet. 
Is this the part where everyone turns into zombies and he has to save the world on his own?
“What’s up with everybody today?” Harry asks the girl friend next to him while scanning his eyes around the room.
“Oh, some guy posted a clip of himself playing instruments and now the whole school is obsessed,” she replies, making him furrow his eyebrows in confusion. 
“What’s so special with that?”
“The fact that he plays 90 instruments and can sing very well,” the girl says then shows Harry the clip on her phone.
It’s a three minute cover of the song God Is A Woman by Ariana Grande, played by 90 instruments, and it was creatively arranged. Harry’s got to admit this guy is talented.
“But I still don’t understand all the hype for him, sure he’s good but...” 
“Okay, honey, Lemme educate you real quick!” The girl snaps her fingers as she clears her throat and sits up straight. “This man is anything but ordinary, he recently moved here from France, he was very popular there because he won a national talent show, got here on a prestige scholarship, blessed with a look of a Greek God but like...French, and he plays all kinds of instruments you can think of, and has a voice of an angel, most importantly, he’s an Aquarius, which is perfect for me!”
Harry widens his eyes whilst his mouth falls open, unable to believe she just said all that in only one breath.
“I don’t understand how you don’t get it, he has zero, ZERO flaw!”
“Who has zero flaw?” Niall returns with his tray of food and joins his two friends at their table.
“Layla’s telling me about this new French guy everyone’s obsessed about,” Harry answers, holding the straw between his teeth, smirking like what he just said was most ridiculous thing ever.
“Oh, so you’ve seen the clip then?” Niall sits down in front of them and nods his head knowingly. “Eliot Thériault, we had a class together this morning, cool dude, he’s hilarious.”
Layla rests her chin on her knuckles and her elbows on the table. Her eyes twinkle with excitement. “What class? I’m gonna take it, gonna be his new ‘study buddy’, if you know what I mean.”
“Jesus, calm down woman,” Niall chuckles before turning to Harry, who’s cringing at Layla so hard. “By the way, Y/N was in the same class with us, I think you should hold on to your girl, she’s one of the victims, like Layla here.”
“Oh please, Y/N’s not like that.” Harry snorts, but right after finishing that sentence, he hears his name being called from a few tables away. His girlfriend’s walking fast towards them with that familiar big smile on her face, which alarms him that she’s here with some news, it’s either really great or just severely terrible.
“I just met a Greek God, but he’s French!” Y/N announces once she stops at the table.
That is, apparently, all Layla has been waiting for just so she can shout out, “see??? That’s what I fuckin’ said!”
Harry facepalms himself, while Niall bursts into laughter, and Y/N finds it amusing though it’s not the first time she’s seen these reactions from the two of them simultaneously.
She takes a seat next to Niall and reaches forward to pat her boyfriend gently on the cheek as a loving gesture.
“C'mon, H, I had to fangirl a little bit,” she reasons. “It’s not every day that I’ve got to sit in class next to a viral star!”
“I second that!” Layla cuts in. “But please stick to Harry so I have a shot with a hot guy.”
“Wow, Layla!” Y/N chuckles at the girl’s statement. Most of Harry’s friends are not very supportive of his relationship with Y/N since the two of them are poles apart, so to hear his friend say something like that is a whole new experience to Y/N.
“That doesn’t make me your new best friend, princess.”
“How unfortunate.” Y/N rolls her eyes in a sarcastic way, which makes Harry snigger. He likes how sassy she is sometimes, as a matter of fact, her eye-rolling never fails to turn him on.
“Niall, have you told Harry?” she suddenly asks. No matter what that news is, she sure looks very eager for her boyfriend to know.
“Oh, right, Eliot has a live show tonight at a restaurant downtown, Y/N and I are invited but we’re allowed to bring some friends.”
“I’m gonna cancel my family dinner!” Layla immediately unlocks her phone and stands up right away which surprises the other three at the table, “mum, yeah, I cannot come tonight-”
“I think she hasn’t had sex in a while,” Niall admits once his female friend is gone, then he asks Harry if he wants to come as well.
“No, I’m good, I don’t even know the guy so,” Harry replies with a shrug, promptly given the look of doubt from his best friend and girlfriend.
“You sure, mate? Because I think he’s quite fond of Y/N.”
Niall’s assertion causes Harry to nearly choke on his water.
“I’m going,” he declares in less than no time. “I’m definitely going.”
Eliot is...nice. Harry was hoping he would be an asshole instead, but he looks exactly like the perfect human being his friends described, which makes him a lot more intimidating, because he could be faking his down-to-earth personality and nobody would know for how well he does it. 
“That was great, mate!” Niall compliments Eliot who just leaves the stage to another performer of the night.
“Merci! I’m glad you guys enjoyed it!” says Eliot in a thick French accent, and whilst Layla obviously swoons, Harry has to take a glance at Y/N to see her reaction. She has her usual smiley face on, but who knows what on earth she’s actually thinking about.
“And don’t worry about dinner. My uncle’s the owner of this restaurant. You don’t have to pay.”
“Looks like I’ve found my Christian Grey.”
“Damn it, Layla!” Niall cries out as he throws his head back and everybody else laughs, except for Layla, who rolls her eyes in a sassy way and tells Niall to fuck off.
“So Y/N...” Both Y/N and Harry flinch when her name is called. “Did you like my performance?”
“Yeah, I love it, I think it’s great, you’re so talented.” She sighs, holding both of her hands together. 
Layla slightly nudges Harry, then leans over to whisper to him, “if you’re secretly plotting his death, you gotta be more discreet than that murderous look on your face.”
“Shut up,” Harry says, though he cannot deny he’s been giving Eliot the death stare ever since their first met, just to clarify that his Y/N is untouchable. 
He has no idea whether it’s just his imagination playing tricks on him or he just thinks that way about every guy around Y/N, but Eliot’s been extra nice to her compared to how he treats others. This guy would always make eye-contact with only her when he speaks, only ask if she’d like some more water (as if nobody else drank water besides Y/N)! Then he would find some lame excuse to touch her in some ways, either it’s a supposedly ‘friendly’ hug or him brushing his fingers against her arm during a conversation. Harry’s not usually short-temper, but tonight he has to tolerate a lot!
He’s told her about it, but she shrugged it off as always, telling him that he worries too much. How can she blame him? He has a solid reason to worry. He knows what Eliot wants by the look on his face because, before Y/N, Harry himself used to look at the other pretty girls just like that. His instinct is never wrong.
As the group walk back to their cars parked a few blocks away, Harry has his arms secured around his girl’s shoulders and doesn’t let go for even one second. It’s apparent enough for everyone else, but he just doesn’t see why Eliot cannot stop coming for Y/N. Maybe the guy is not perfect, after all.
“I just can’t follow Dr. Friedrich’s lectures! Those concepts are so hard to grasp,” Eliot complains while looking at Y/N, who’s just awfully sweet as always (sometimes Harry hates how nice she is, ironically that what made him fall in love with her in the first place).
“If you don’t understand anything Niall and I can help.”
“Oh, leave Nialler out of this please. All I did was sleep in that class,” Niall’s response makes Layla snort.
“Then I think you’re my only hope now, Y/N.”
“It’s an easy course,” Harry speaks up all of a sudden, watching in amusement as Eliot’s expression hardens. “I mean, I don’t even need to attend those classes to understand what’s in the text-book.”
“I find it more challenging to learn something entirely in English.”
“Really? Did you get your scholarship by doing an entrance exam in French?”
Niall hurriedly steps in between the guys, holding up his hands in the air as he tells them both to chill. “Are you guys seriously gonna fight over a university course?!”
"They’re fighting for Y/N, actually,” Layla corrects and all eyes are on her. Y/N looks utterly confused and surprised, but ironically now neither of those two guys pays attention to her.
“I was speaking to Y/N, do you know how rude it is to interrupt people, Harold?” Eliot asks with a smirk, clearly starting a war for saying so, and Harry’s just so fed up right now.
“Do you know how rude it is to flirt with someone’s girlfriend right in front of them?”
“Not when your girl is thirsty for a bit of my attention.”
Just as Eliot finishes that sentence, Harry’s fist knocks him onto the ground! Y/N and Niall have to hold Harry back from causing more damage to the other guy’s face, and if it’s not for them, Eliot would probably end up in the hospital for what he said.
“Harry, leave him!” Y/N tugs on her boyfriend’s arm and looks worriedly at Eliot sitting on the ground, painfully cupping his bruised eye. She’s not worried for him, she’s worried for Harry, if his fans know Harry did that to him, she’s afraid something bad would happen. But Harry doesn’t seem to give a damn, he turns to Y/N, asks if she’s alright then tells her he’ll take her home.
“Are you fucking filming this?” Eliot asks as he sees Layla pointing her phone at him. 
She gives him a smirk. “The new viral star getting punched in the face for being an asshole, that, I would pay to watch.”
“What the-”
“Sorry, handsome. If I had to pick between you and Harry, you wouldn’t stand a chance.” Layla puts her phone away and walks off, leaving Harry and Y/N shocked as hell. Niall, on the other hand, looks particularly impressed as he hurries up to catch up with Layla.
“Are you mad at me?” Harry finally dares to question when he follows Y/N into their shared flat. She throws her bag onto the couch as well as herself before turning her head to him.
“Not at you, at myself!” she answers.
Harry takes a seat next to his girlfriend then asks her why she said that when she didn’t even do anything wrong, it was him who punched someone in the face.
“I’m so easy to be taken advantage of! It seems like everyone’s an asshole to me and I just let them!”
“That’s not true, he kind of had Layla and Niall fooled too.”
“Not just him. Everyone! And every time you warned me about it, I just completely ignored, now I’ve got you in trouble! How can you walk around campus tomorrow if Eliot tells his fans you hurt him?”
Harry chuckles at her facial expression. “Baby, I don’t even show up at school to begin with.”
“Are you seriously making a joke right now?”
Harry laughs as he apologizes and lies down on the sofa with his head on her lap like a little boy. Sometimes it’s still overwhelming for Y/N that Harry can just go from the guy who’s willing to punch anyone he dislikes, to the guy who lets her paint his nail and cries while watching rom-com, and it makes her feels like the luckiest for she’s the only person who gets to see the soft side of him.
“Thank you for looking out for me,” she breaks the silence between the two of them after a while, fingers gently running through his dark locks. “You’ve been doing that ever since we met, I know you don’t have to, but you do it all the time.”
“What do you mean I don’t have to? You’re a baby.”
“Said the one lying on my lap so I can stroke his hair.”
“Alright, I’m gonna let you win this time, only because I’m enjoying this.” Harry closes his eyes and chuckles when Y/N leans down to kiss him on the cheek. 
“But you’ve got to learn not to trust everyone you meet, for when I’m not around.”
“Then I have to make sure you’ll always be around,” she tells him, her eyes flicker with joy, but Harry doesn’t say anything back.
He just hopes she doesn’t notice how his smile slowly fades away.
Y/N wakes up way too early the next morning because of Harry’s alarm. Somehow he never wakes up before 9 o’clock but always has his alarm set at 6 AM. 
Harry’s still deep in his sleep to be bothered by that annoying sound. He has one arm locked around her waist, both of them naked, tangled up under the wrinkled sheet as a result of their crazy night. 
Careful not to wake Harry, Y/N reaches over him to grab his phone on the bedside table on his side. She turns the alarm off, then it hits her like a train when she sees multiple notifications on his locked screen, all tagging and mentioning him in an Instagram post. Quickly, she grabs her own phone to check if she’s received any notification as well; and she has. 
Apparently, Layla wasn’t kidding when she said she would post that video.
“Harry, wake up!”
“What?” Harry groans and buries his face into his pillow, but Y/N shakes his shoulders even harder.
“Wake up! Harry, you’re famous!”
“Nice try.”
“No, I’m serious, Layla posted the video!”
Harry immediately sits up straight and his eyes bug out when he looks at the screen of his phone. Holy fuck, Layla!
“Ugh look at these angry people. Eliot’s so canceled.” Y/N cringes when she scrolls down the comment section on the clip.
“No, look at all these girls calling me hot, I guess I don’t mind being famous.” Harry gives Y/N a toothy grin only to have his girlfriend skew up her face at him.
“Not funny!” She curls her lips. “Well, but at least they’re in love with you not hating on you so I think that’s good.”
“Aww, look at you being supportive.” 
Harry laughs and goes ahead to check the rest of the notifications. That’s when he realizes how lucky he is that Y/N hasn’t seen all of them, because there’s a new message from Niall earlier this morning, which would get him in so much trouble if she was to find out.
Congrats on that internship! But how are u gonna tell Y/N that you‘ve got to be in Japan for 6 months?
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Don’t Push Me Away |The Amazing Spider-Man|
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Summary: After Gwen died, you received a letter addressed from her, asking you to watch over Peter if something ever happened to her. You comply to her wishes, checking in on Peter, making sure he's gotten out of bed, showered and eaten. To make sure he was still Spider-Man, because even after she's gone, the people still need him. At first you found it difficult to do so, because it meant shoving your own grief to the side to take care of the man who got your best friend kill. After getting closer, you're finding it difficult to stay again because you're falling in love with him. You pushed him away and distanced yourself, making Peter feel like he lost someone else he loves.
Pairing: Peter Parker X Reader
Warnings: Death of a loved one, like a few swears, angst w/ happy ending
Words: 4.3K
A/N: I rewatched TASM and I caught feelings again...my bad....
You stood in front of the freshly dug grave, red and puffy eyes staring directly at it as everyone started to leave. You had cried your heart out and then some, body completely numb at the fact that you were never going to see your best friend again. You looked up, eyes meeting those of the boy standing directly across from you, standing with his aunt. He looked just as broken as you, if not more, which was understandable since this happened because of him. Your best friend was dead because of him, because he brought her into his dangerous life. You knew he wasn't to blame, Gwen chose to stay, to be a part of everything he did as Spider-Man. And Peter, he was your friend too, long before you and Gwen became best friends. You couldn't put the blame entirely on him but you had no one else to blame but him. So, you let yourself be angry at him, from the moment he came to you and told you she was dead, you blamed him.
You walked across to him, towards the direction everyone was heading as they left to grieve somewhere else. You walked past him, taking one last look at his distraught face, he looked like he wanted to say something but stopped himself. Instead he let you walk by, catching the look of anger flashing through your eyes. He knew you blamed him, of course he knew, because he blamed himself just as much. It was his fault, if he had just pushed her away or webbed her to a wall, she'd be safe and sound. They'd be on a plane to England, and you would still be his friend, the three of you would be happy.
It'd been a week since the funeral, your heart still broken, your mind was a wreck, and your body just felt so numb. Yet you carried on with your normal life, faking a smile during the day and crying yourself to sleep at night. Living whatever normal life you could without the comfort of your best friend. Currently, you were outside, your mother had sent you to retrieve the mail. You grabbed everything inside the mailbox, glancing up you looked at the house next to yours. You hadn't seen Peter since the funeral, and you weren't sure if you even wanted to. You shook your head to get rid of any thoughts of Peter before walking back inside. You looked through the mail, stopping in your tracks when you saw a letter addressed to you. It was from your best friend, your deceased best friend.  
You ran inside, dropping the mail on the nearest surface before running to your room. You sat at your desk, ripping the seal open and pulling out the letter. The letter started off with your name, no dear or hey or anything like that, making it known that whatever was written in this letter was serious. It was her hand writing, that's the first thing you noticed, so this wasn't some prank from some heartless person who loved toying with emotions. This was a letter that was genuinely from her, tears welled up in your eyes and cascaded down your cheeks as you began to read the letter.
If you got this letter, then that means I'm dead, and it definitely wasn't from natural causes. If I'm dead, it's because I got involved in one of Peter's fights. Which is what this letter is for. If I'm gone, Peter is going to blame himself for what happened. He shouldn't. I made my decision, I knew what I was getting into when I started dating Peter. He needs to know that, and so do you because I know you'll be blaming him too. Don't. Don't blame him, don't blame yourself, blame me if you have to but don't put this on you or him. I knew what I was doing, I knew what could happen. So, with this letter, I ask that you look after Peter, that you both look after each other. Make sure that he continues living his life, that he continues being who he is. The world is still going to need Spider-Man even after I'm gone. I'm asking a lot, I know, but please be his shoulder to lean on. Do this for me, as my final request to you.
The letter slipped through your hands as you brought them up to cover your mouth, to stop your sobs from escaping. You wanted to take that piece of paper rip it to shreds, you wanted to shove it down Peter Parker's throat. You wanted it out of your sight, far away from you as possible, never to be seen again. But instead you picked it up and held it close to you because it was the last thing you had of her. Even if you hated every word written on that piece of paper, you held onto them, running her letter over and over in your head. Her last request to you was to look after the man that had caused her death, to make him feel loved and wanted. Could you do that? Could you look Peter in the eye and tell him it wasn't his fault? You had to, you had to do this for her, you had to honor her last dying wish.
So, with your mind made up, you took a deep breath and shoved your feelings of grief, sadness, and pain deep into your heart where they had no chance of ever surfacing. You washed your tear stained face and made it look like absolutely nothing was wrong.
You knocked on Peter's front door, waiting patiently for someone to open it. When it did, you were met face-to-face with Peter's aunt. "Mrs. Parker, it's good to see you again."
"Oh {Name}, you know you can call me May," She said as you both embraced each other in a tight hug. "How are you doing?"
"I'm...okay," You told her. "Is Peter home?"
"He's in his room, I've been trying to get him to come out all morning. Maybe you'll have better luck than me," She explained.
She moved aside to let you in, and when you went in, you thanked her before going to Peter's room. You stood outside his door, once again contemplating if you should actually be anywhere near him. This is for Gwen, you kept repeating to yourself. You knocked gently on his door, patiently waiting for a response. You got one, Peter's voice telling his aunt to go away.
"It's me, Pete," You softly said.
There was a moment of silence before you heard movement and the sound of a door opening. The first thing you saw was Peter's wrinkled grey shirt, and as your eyes traveled up, you saw Peter's distraught face. He looked like he was doing way worse then you were, almost making you feel bad for being so angry at him. But when you remembered why he was like this, why you were like this, all sympathy vanished.
You were about to say something when you were caught off guard, Peter had wrapped his arms around you. He had brought you close to him, as close as possible, and buried his face into your neck. You could feel the wetness on his face against your skin, almost making you lose your composure. You hugged him back, to keep up your sympathetic charade, balling up the back of his shirt in your hands. It was the only thing keeping you from letting out a sob, this wasn't about you anymore. He pulled back to look at you, fresh tears in those brown eyes of his.
He was so, so happy to see you, to know that even though you were angry you were still by his side. "You look...well."
"And you look like shit. Guess I'm just hiding it better," You replied.
He smiled bitterly at your lame attempt of a joke, but it wasn't a joke, he knew he looked completely awful. The two of you were engulfed in silence, neither knowing what to say, how to make it better. "May says you haven't left your room. You hungry? We could go get something to eat? Or I could ask May to borrow the kitchen for a while, make you something to eat."
He liked the second option better, he made no notion of ever leaving his room, let alone his house. You took his hand and led him down to the kitchen where May was, shock and happiness written all over her face. She was so happy that you got Peter out of his room, and when you asked her if you could make food, she immediately said yes and left the two of you alone. You made Peter something simple, a couple of sandwiches that would fill him up and give him the nourishment he needed. You spent the rest of the day with him, coaxing him into doing small activities to help distract him a bit.
Exactly a month had passed since Gwen's death, and for all those who said it gets easier, they were wrong. The only reason you were managing was because you had to be strong for both you and Peter. Currently, you were standing outside of Peter's home, waiting for either he or May to answer the door. It was May who answered, she gave you a warm smile and moved aside to let you in, she knew the drill by now. She did however stop you, remembering that Peter had been holed up in his room the whole morning. She wanted to warn you in case Peter said anything rude to you. You thanked her and went upstairs, standing in front of Peter door before going in.
You saw a body hiding under the covers, Peter's back facing you, pretending like nothing outside of his room existed. You took a deep breath and walked over to his bed, placing your hands on his side and shaking him gently.
"Pete, wake up," You told him.
He grunted and just dug himself deeper into his covers, not wanting to be disturbed. You rolled your eyes, grateful that he couldn't look at you, but you kept up your gentle charade. "Peter c'mon, I'm treating you to lunch, or breakfast in your case."
"Not today {Name}, leave me alone," He grumbled.
You sighed lightly, this wasn't the first time Peter's been hard to get out of bed. But you had a feeling that it would be harder this time, it's been a month since the both of you lost Gwen. You, yourself, didn’t want to get out of bed, but you weren't doing this for you.
"Peter, get up," You said once more, using a stern voice this time.
"Go away," He mumbled.
You rolled your eyes once more before taking ahold of Peter's blankets and practically ripping them off of him. This got a reaction out of him, he turned to look at you, a harsh glare on his face. You had a face that said it all, you weren't about to deal with his attitude. But he didn't really care, he just wanted to be left alone today.
"Peter, I'm not kidding, get out of bed," You told him more seriously than before.
"I told you want to be left alone, why can't you understand that?" He retorted.
"I do understand but you can't just stay in bed all day. It's not good for you, Gw-" You said but got interrupted halfway.
"Do you really though? Because this whole month it feels like you barely even acknowledged Gwen's death. You were her best friend but do you even care? She died and do you even care?" He asked, jaw clenched in anger.
You felt tears well up in your eyes, blurring your vision, you couldn't believe he just said that. Did you even care? Of course, you cared, you cared so fucking much you promised your deceased best friend to take care of the man who got her killed. You cared so much, you set aside your rage and grief so that Peter could grieve for the both of you.
"Don't you ever say that! You don't ever get to say that Peter Parker. She is gone because of you," You told him, words seething angrily through your teeth. He looked like he had finally registered the length of his words and was about to speak up but you didn't let him. "She was my best friend, Peter, of course I care. I care so freaking much I am taking care of her boyfriend just like she asked me too. I shoved aside my grief and my rage because she asked me too, because even in death I would do anything for her. I haven’t had a moment to grieve her death because I’ve been so busy making sure that you feel loved and wanted. Because she wants you to continue to be Spider-Man so that this shit-hole of a city can continue to feel safe and hopeful.
And she’s right, this city needs Spider-Man, so if that means I have to take your shit then so be it. She’s gone Pete, my best friend is gone. I will never get to hear her voice again, her rants about the economy or what we’re doing to the earth. I’ll never have anyone to talk to again, she was my person and now she’s gone. She’s just gone Peter, and I didn’t even get to say goodbye.”
You whispered the last part before breaking down and crumbling to the floor, arms wrapping around yourself to keep yourself together. You bit your lip to keep the sobs from coming out but they slipped right past your lips. Peter was crying too, staring down at you in shame of himself for everything he’s done as of late. He realized that he wasn’t the only one who lost someone, like you said, you lost your best friend. He was being selfish for thinking that he was the only one with the right to be so broken. You were broken too, and the only reason you were on your feet was because of him. You weren’t doing this for him, or for yourself, you were doing this all for her.
He scooped you up into his arms, holding you close as you cried everything you had kept in for the past month. He laid the both of you down, still holding you close as you buried your head in his chest. He didn’t say anything, he just held you while you cried, and he continued to even after you calmed down.
“I’m sorry, {Name}, I should have known that you were hurting too,” He said.
“It’s not your fault Peter, none of it is. Not this, and not Gwen’s death, I’m sorry I blamed you. Truth is, even if you nailed her to a wall, she would’ve found some way to be with you. It’s who she was,” You told him, whispering once more that it wasn’t his fault.
You both realized that you needed each other, now more than ever, so there wasn’t room for hatred and blame, or anything bitter. Gwen was gone and you two needed each other’s support in order to get through this.
You were sound asleep in bed, middle of the night when your bedroom window opened. The noise startled you awake but you knew immediately who it was. You reached to turn on the light resting on the nightstand next to your bed. Peter crawled through your window, mask off revealing his bloody and beaten face. You immediately knew what to do and pulled out a first aid kit you kept stashed under your bed for days like this.
He sat on your bed while you tended to the wounds that would be gone tomorrow. It seemed silly to tend to injuries that could easily heal up but it’s what you did, it's what she did. And you had promised to look out for him in any way shape or form, so you went with it. And he went with it too, knowing damn well that he didn't have to. Even now, after six months since her death, you were helping Peter manage. You were helping each other manage, and you were managing, Peter was back on his feet doing what he did best. And you, the feeling of being numb was almost entirely gone.
You finished cleaning him up, made sure none of the cuts were as bad as they seemed and that he would heal nicely. After, you placed a kiss on his forehead, guilt flooding your entire being. You were feeling guilty because somewhere along these six months, you found yourself falling in love with Peter Parker. You had fallen in love with your deceased best friend’s boyfriend, possibly the worst thing you could have done to her. And you had absolutely no idea what to do, how did you handle that?
You broke away from Peter as quick as you could, cleaning up your supplies and dismissing Peter. You told him to get some rest, it was past one in the morning and you wanted to get away from Peter. You didn’t know what you would do if let yourself near Peter for so long.
After Peter left, you went back to bed, staring up at the ceiling because you were unable to sleep. You kept thinking about the fact that you were in love with Peter Parker. You thought about breaking your promise and distancing yourself from him. After all, the two of you were doing much better and could continue to do so on your own. There was no need to lean on each other anymore, the two of you could go your separate ways now. It was the best thing to do, you couldn’t depend on each other for the rest of your lives. At least that’s what you decided…
It's been over a week since you've last seen Peter, you were doing your best to avoid him and it was working out okay. There was huge chunk of you that felt guilty and saddened for just cutting him off like that but it was for your own good, for his own good. You ignored his calls and texts, avoided seeing him, and somehow made sure he couldn’t come see you at night.
At the moment, you were coming home from work, once again staying late because your boss asked you too. You were ready to just get into bed and sleep for eternity, but when you entered your room, there he was. Sitting on your bed and twiddling his thumbs, looking up when he heard someone come in. When he saw that it was you, relief flashed through his eyes, just adding to your guilt.
"Peter, what-what are you doing here?" You asked.
"I came here to see you, because you've been avoiding me," He said, jumping straight away into the issue. "I wanna know why you've been avoiding me."
"Peter, I haven't been avoiding you. I've just been a little busy," You told him, making it seem like he was being ridiculous.
"Too busy to answer a text, or a phone call?" He asked, calling you out on your bullshit. "Did I do something wrong?"
"No, Peter you didn't do anything wrong. Like I said, I've just been busy. Listen, I'm tired, can we talk about this tomorrow?" You didn't want him to press the matter any farther, afraid that you'd spill everything.
And that was the last thing you wanted to do, you couldn't just swoop in and steal Gwen's boyfriend. Not to mention it would ruin your friendship with Peter, and the two of you were just getting back to normal. Maybe avoiding him hadn't been the best route to go through but it was only until your feelings settled. Which they haven't by the way, the past week you've just been feeling terrible to cutting Peter off. Not to mention there was an ache in your heart every time you declined a call or ignored a text.
And Peter felt the same way every time you didn't respond to him, it hurt hearing the automatic voicemail voice instead of your own when you didn’t answer. It hurt when he would try to come in through your window only to find it locked. He didn't know why you were avoiding him but it was absolutely killing him. It felt like he was losing you and that was the last thing he wanted, he didn't want to lose anyone else, he didn't want to lose you. He was in love with you.
He realized it a short while ago, when he came to you after being Spider-Man for the first time in a long while. You tended to his wounds so gingerly, his first time back out on the streets of New York had really taken their toll on him. You freaked out when you first saw him, he tried explaining that this was normal but you weren’t having any of it. Your over exaggeration of his wounds had caused him to smile, his first genuine smile in a long time. After that, you wormed your way into his heart, the more time he spent with you the more you two seemed to connect. And there was no way in hell that he was going to let you go without so much as an explanation.
“I’m not moving until you tell me what’s wrong,” He said more determined.
“Peter please, I’m exhausted. My boss is really working my ass,” You told him, slowly breaking.
He shook his head, he was putting his foot down and wasn’t moving until you fessed up. Oh, and you were so close to confessing, to telling him about your feelings. You didn’t miss the hurt in his eyes as you continued to push him away, it just made the guilt built up that you were just about to burst. Did you tell Peter you loved him and risk losing your friendship? What would he even say? He’d no doubt hate you, he’d definitely leave and never talk to you again.  
His gaze never wavered from your figure, he was staring you down. “Peter I...” Oh god, you were really doing it. “I’m in love with you. I-I know I shouldn’t be but I am.”
It felt like time stopped as you finally uttered the words you tried so hard to hide. You could only imagine what he was thinking, that you were crazy and insane to ever fall in love with him. There was no doubt that he was going to tell you he still loved Gwen, even if she was gone. You closed your eyes to stop yourself from crying and to let him slip by without you seeing. And then you heard something you never thought you’d hear in a million years.
“I’m in love with you too,” He whispered, just enough for you to hear.
Your eyes shot open, unsure if your ears were playing tricks with you or not. He walked towards you, wrapping his arms around you and bringing you into a tight-knit hug. You hugged him back, clinging to him as you finally let the tears fall silently. Relief washed over you as did a gentle warmth from finding out he felt the same way. Suddenly you didn’t feel so guilty for fall in love with your deceased best friend’s boyfriend. It was twisted and cruel, yes, but you loved him with all your heart. You let out sob but not out of pain or grief, Peter pulled away to make sure you were okay.
“I just-I just feel so relieved and guilt free that maybe I’m not such a horrible person,” You told him. “You were her boyfriend, and I felt like falling in love with you was the worst thing I could possibly do. I’m sorry I pushed you away, I didn’t want you to hate me...I didn’t want her to hate me.”
He hugged you again, tighter if that was even possible, while you let out all your emotions through your tears.
“I could never hate you,” He said. “And Gwen wouldn’t hate you either, she’d understand, she’d understand more than anyone.”
The two of you stayed like this for a while, until you calmed down and when you did you pulled away. Peter’s hands slid up your arms until they nestled comfortably on your cheeks. The way he held you was always so gentle and caring, it made you feel warm inside. You looked into his warm brown eyes, allowing yourself to breathe easy with him.
“I love you, I’m in love with you and you should in no way feel guilty about me loving you or you loving me. And you should in no way feel like Gwen would ever be hateful and bitter about this. Okay?” He told you.
“Okay,” You told him.
He leaned forward and gave you a gentle, soft kiss on the forehead. “Now, how about we get some sleep?”
“Yes please,” You nodded and smiled softly.
142 notes · View notes
My Eyes - Part 14
Pairing: Bucky; Steve x Fem/Reader
Word Count: 4,701
Story Description: Steve is a good man, America’s golden boy, a hero. He’s Captain America for christ’s sake! So it’s normal to want what he has… right? Bucky knows he doesn’t deserve her. He doesn’t even deserve the second chance at life he’s been given. But Bucky can never let him know. Steve can never find out that his friend is in love with his best girl.
Story takes place post “CA: CW” and all tension has been resolved.
Previously On…
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A car horn beeped outside. Jimmy came bounding down the stairs with his backpack.
“Hey! Please eat some breakfast before you go!” Y/N called out to her teenage son.
“I’m not hungry. And Bucky packed me a huge lunch.” Jimmy called over his shoulder before bounding out the front door. But he came back seconds later and quickly he poured himself a cup of coffee to go.
“I got you addicted to that stuff too soon. Don’t you know it’ll stunt your growth?” Y/N teased her son.
Jimmy scoffed. He took a few steps towards the door again, but turned around and hurriedly gave his mom a kiss on the cheek. “Love you, mom.” Then he was sprinting out the door once again.
Y/N had her knees pulled up to her chest as she sipped on her own cup of coffee. She sighed and looked up at Bucky, who had watched the usual morning routine with ease. “I don’t know how the hell that kid grew into a giant without eating the most important meal of the day.” She stated sarcastically.  
Jimmy, quickly on his way to turning 16, had finally showed just how much of the super-serum gene he had inherited. He was even taller than Steve had been, reaching a towering height of 6’3. He was no longer the smallest kid in class; he was the tallest. His physique grew just as much as his height. Jimmy looked more like a professional athlete in his mid-twenties than a teenager going through puberty. His cute, boyish face turned into a handsome young man. Jimmy definitely didn’t miss out on Steve’s good looks.
Y/N called him a gentle giant. For as big and terrifying as Jimmy looked, he was still terribly shy and kindhearted.
But the move had given Jimmy the change he needed. He was still an outsider at school, but he had good friends. His best friend was Luke, who just happened to be openly gay; sadly, a rarity in the small town. He was the person that drove Jimmy to school everyday, already having his license and a car. For a while, Y/N believed there was a possibility Jimmy and him were secretly dating. Bucky quickly shot down her suspicions.
“How can you be so sure?” Y/N whined. “Gaydar wasn’t even a thing in your day. I think I know better than you.”
Bucky smiled at her frustration. “Trust me, doll. Jimmy and Luke are only friends.” He kissed her cheek. “He’s just terrified of girls…just like his dad.”
Y/N gave him a small smile at that. “For the record, I don’t care who he likes. I just don’t want him to ever think he has to keep secrets from me.”
“I know, Y/N.” Bucky chuckled.
Bucky had moved into Y/N’s house two years after her and Jimmy returned to New York. He had never been happier. Y/N and Jimmy had become the family he had always dreamed of having. They were so close to the Avenger’s facility that various teammates stopped by pretty much whenever.
Jimmy was constantly going over there as well. His abilities had developed not long after his terrifying fever that caused the move in the first place.
It turned out that Jimmy could control the density of his body. He could walk through a wall one second and the next he’d solidify his skin enough to stop a bullet.
To everyone’s surprise, Vision was the person to help Jimmy control his abilities more than anyone. Wanda was helpful too.
Tony tried to convince Y/N that Jimmy should just be homeschooled. The teenage boy learned more from the team than any school ever could. Jimmy could speak Spanish, French, German, and Russian fluently. He could even understand Wanda’s Sokovian… but wouldn’t consider himself fluent in speaking it himself.
Y/N asked Jimmy if homeschooling was what he wanted. But Jimmy knew how important it was to his mom that he had a normal childhood. They compromised with him going to a normal public school, as long as he could go to the Avengers’ compound as much as he wanted.
Y/N suspected that Peter Parker had something to do with it. He was in his late twenties now and knew what it was like to be special during adolescence. Sometimes New York’s friendly neighborhood spider was better at giving Jimmy personal advice than Y/N or Bucky.
Bucky now sat next to Y/N at the kitchen table with his own cup of coffee. “You know, Tony recently mentioned something about getting Jimmy a car for his 16th birthday.”
Y/N’s head snapped to him. “You better tell him that is absolutely not happening!” She immediately pictured Tony buying Jimmy a sports scar that cost more than their house.
“I tried, doll. But he just kept promising that it would be used and beat up.” Bucky smirked at the ridiculousness.
Y/N rubbed her face and groaned. She was still waking up. Her eyes were even still puffy with sleep. “Ugh…when is Tony going to stop acting like our financial backer?”
“Probably never.” Bucky pointed out with a chuckle.
Y/N shook her head, trying to get her mind to move on. “When’s your first class today?”
“Not until 5:30 tonight. But I promised Sam I’d go to the V.A. with him in a couple of hours.”
Thanks to Y/N’s guidance, Bucky’s retirement was filled with meaning. He taught self-defense classes consistently. Every once in awhile he would visit schools and be met with kids screaming in excitement. Sam also got him to visit the V.A sometimes. Bucky was somewhat of a poster child there, proving that things could get better for soldiers struggling to adjust back into civilian life.
Meanwhile, Y/N managed to work at the local library again. But she continued her art therapy sessions at a new community center too. After she realized how much it was helping children, she couldn’t imagine sitting back and doing nothing.
No matter how the two of them spent their days, Jimmy was always their main focus. For Bucky it was Jimmy and Y/N. Every day he woke up with her in his arms and wondered how the hell he got so lucky. Once in awhile, he would have a bad day: his mind would start convincing him that he was unworthy of this life of happiness. But Y/N always managed to talk him away from the ledge.
“What’s on your schedule today?” Bucky asked her.
“My day is completely free.” Y/N sighed in content. It was a rarity.
“Are you finally going to finish that stack of books you brought home?” Bucky asked mindlessly as he stared at the newspaper in front of him.
Y/N watched him for a moment. Bucky was still as handsome as ever. His scruff seemed to be a permanent fixture. His hair was in a messy bun on the back of his neck. One would never guess that he was retired seeing as his muscles were just as big as when he was a brainwashed Hydra killer.
“No. I definitely don’t want to read right now.” Y/N breathed mischievously.
Then she slowly got up from her seat and straddled Bucky. He didn’t seem as surprised by the gesture as she anticipated. Guess that’s what she gets for being with a trained assassin. Her hands rubbed his scruff and then brushed a piece of hair behind his ear that escaped his bun. His grip had immediately wrapped around her waist. His metal hand went under her t-shirt causing a chill to go down her spine.  
“I had other plans.” Y/N added.
Bucky grinned up at her. “Is that so?”
“You said you didn’t have to meet up with Sam for a couple hours…” Her voice was seductive and then her lips were climbing up the side of his neck.
He nodded, sometimes her seductions still made him speechless. Then he felt her lust drifting off through her empath abilities. Y/N knew it drove him crazy: knowing exactly what she wanted was a turn-on that Bucky could never describe.
Not being able to take the teasing any longer, Bucky captured her lips and pulled her body closer to his.
Y/N yelped slightly when Bucky roughly brushed his chair back and stood up. She giggled when he kept her body tightly in his grasp. Her legs automatically wrapped around his waist as he carried her to their bedroom.
Bucky must have accidentally fallen asleep post-coitus. He woke up naked and alone in their bed with the sheets tangled around his body. His instincts made him sit up quickly. Waking up without Y/N always caused him distress. A sensitivity he didn’t like admitting to her. “Y/N?” He called out sleepily. There was no answer.
Bucky got up from the bed and moved to the window of their bedroom. It looked out into the backyard that was more of a forest than anything. His stress instantly disappeared when he saw Y/N in her greenhouse.
When she and Jimmy moved back, Bucky built it for her. He knew she missed her house in Montana; it was a sanctuary she built all on her own. Y/N had almost cried when he showed it to her. She made a garden right next to it too.
Bucky had a small smile as he watched for another moment before throwing on a pair of jeans, not bothering with boxers or a shirt.
He thought he’d made his footsteps loud and known, but Y/N still hadn’t heard his entrance to the greenhouse. He leaned against the doorway with his arms crossed, observing her.
Y/N’s brow was furrowed, proving she was deep in thought. She just wore a silky robe. Bucky knew that was the only thing covering her body.
“Everything okay?” Bucky asked softly.
Y/N couldn’t help but jump.
“I tried to be loud.” Bucky apologized. His sly tendencies were a constant annoyance to her. She hated being frightened and Bucky was just too quiet.
She ignored him and continued whatever she was working on before he interrupted.
“What are you doing?” Bucky walked further into the greenhouse.
“Ugh…trying to figure out how to plant these things.” She mumbled without looking up at him.
Bucky looked at the discarded packaging on a table. It was peppermint, ginger root, and slippery elm. His eyes narrowed. She never planted anything like that before.
He looked at her again and started becoming concerned as he saw the tension in Y/N’s body. He gently cupped her cheek. “Y/N, what’s wrong?”
She finally acknowledged him. Her body relaxed a bit by his touch.
Bucky’s eyes were filled with concerned as he tried to read her mind. “Did I do something wrong while we were…” He was too much of a gentleman to finish his question.
“No, you didn’t do anything wrong…” Y/N sighed.
“Why aren’t you still in bed with me, doll?” Bucky urged.
“James, I-I have something to tell you…” She whispered. Her hand instinctively reached for his and pulled it away from her cheek so she could grasp it for comfort.
He nodded.
“But I have no idea how to tell you.” She admitted, shaking her head slightly.
“Alright, you’re starting to scare me, Y/N. Please, just tell me. Whatever it is, we’ll get through it together.” Bucky assured her.
Y/N closed her eyes tight as if it was going to make her braver. “Right, okay!” She opened them and got lost in his blue irises. “I’m pregnant.” Her voice was such a whisper that Bucky wasn’t sure he would have caught it without his enhanced hearing.
He stared at her for a second and tried to figure out if this was cruel joke or something. But her face remained terrified, waiting for his reaction.
Then tears filled Bucky’s eyes and his new smile was beaming. “You’re pregnant?” He whispered in utter bliss.
Y/N still didn’t look relieved. But a nervous smirk slipped onto her lips and she nodded. “Yeah, Buck.”
Bucky lifted her up in the air and spun her in a circle. She couldn’t help but giggle at the reaction. When he put her down, he pressed his forehead to hers. “You’re sure?” He whispered. There went that dark part of his mind again, always struggling to believe in the good things that happened to him.
Y/N nodded. “Yes. After taking about three different pregnancy tests, I went to the doctor while you and Jimmy were on a hike.”
Bucky frowned. “Why didn’t you tell me then, Y/N?”
Their foreheads were still touching, but Y/N’s gaze fell to the ground in shame. “I-I didn’t know what you’d feel. We didn’t plan this and we never discussed it.” Then her expression darkened. “I don’t really have a good track record of telling people I’m pregnant.”
That’s when Bucky really understood her fear. It was coming off of her in waves now, whether she realized it or not. The last time Y/N told a man she was having his child, he died a few seconds later. She watched the life disappear from Steve’s eyes a moment after she told him she was bringing another into the world.
Bucky pulled Y/N into his chest. “Oh, doll. I’m so happy. Can’t you feel it?” He whispered as he stroked her hair.
Then a thought suddenly occurred to him. He pulled back to look at her and gripped her chin. How could he be so selfish?
“Is this what you want?” He asked her seriously.
“What? Having a child with you?” Y/N asked playfully. But she knew what he was really asking. “Of course. I’ve secretly wanted it for a while now, actually. I guess I should’ve told you.”
Bucky always speculated that he couldn’t have kids. Unlike Steve, he had been in and out of cryo so many times and Hydra had tortured him in so many ways. Bucky couldn’t help but convince himself that he was sterile.
Y/N probably kept her little desire to herself to protect Bucky. If they openly started trying and nothing happened, she knew he would only blame himself.
Bucky leaned closer to her once again, his hands mesmerizing her waist. “Y/N,” His voice was soft, yet husky. He kissed her passionately. “Marry me? Please?”
“Ew, Bucky.” Y/N pushed him away. “This isn’t the 1940s. You don’t need a shotgun wedding when you get your girlfriend pregnant anymore.”
But his face was serious. “It’s not about the pregnancy, Y/N. You know that.”
“Still a no.” Y/N chuckled and went back to her herbs.
This had become a game between them. Every once in awhile, when the moment arose, Bucky would propose to Y/N. It was always an intimate affair, always followed by her doing something that set a spark into his heart.
But Y/N never gave in. Yes, she had always wanted to settle down with Steve: raise a family and disappear from the public eye. But marriage was never a requirement or a desire for her.
Despite them viewing it as their little game, Bucky said ever proposal with the utmost sincerity.
But Y/N was a modern woman. Marriage held less and less meaning in society. She didn’t think it changed anything in a relationship. If you love someone, you love them. A piece of paper didn’t prove anything.  
“You don’t even have to change your last name.” Bucky would plead.
“We don’t need to have a wedding. We can just elope!” He would point out.
“If it’s the money for a ring, I already have my mother’s. Those Smithsonian assholes still had it.”
Y/N tried to understand why Bucky was so insistent. Obviously marriage was a much bigger deal in his heyday. But there had to be something else, and she had yet to figure it out.
“Can I borrow your phone?” Bucky asked, seeing it sit on a nearby phone.
She nodded and handed it to him.
Bucky stepped outside for a moment.
Y/N eyed him curiously. “Who did you just call?”
“Sam. Told him you were sick so I couldn’t go to the V.A. with him.”
She smiled, realizing that she wanted to bask in their little secret together for as long as they could.
Bucky wrapped his arms around her from behind. His hands graced her stomach, feeling her in a new way now that he knew there was a life waiting in there…A life that he helped create.
Bucky kissed her neck. “I know we were already successful. But I think we should keep trying, just to be safe.” He mumbled into ear before pressing a kiss in the soft skin behind it.
“Buck,” Y/N giggled. “We were never trying.”
“Exactly!” Bucky exclaimed softly. “We’re already behind.” Then he softly turned her around and embraced her with a loving kiss. Y/N squeaked when he scooped her up in his arms.
They were almost back in the house when Y/N smiled naughtily up at him. “It’s good that you’ll be around. If I’ve learned anything from last time, it’s that I get extremely horny when I’m pregnant.”
As if Bucky needed any further encouragement.
“Yep. It’s decided. You’re not leaving this house for the next 9 months.” Bucky growled. There were few sounds that could arouse Y/N more.
He didn’t hear.
The road hypnotized him.  
“James?” Y/N finally said urgently as she gripped his bicep.
He finally tore his gaze away from the highway to look at Y/N.
“You okay?” Her eyes were so tender and genuine as she asked.
Bucky sometimes forgot that she could feel everything inside of him if she wanted to. Y/N was too kind and polite to invade his privacy like that. But during times like these, she overlooked her principles. Nevertheless she always gave him a chance to tell her with his own words first.
“Just nervous.” Bucky mumbled.
“You’ve hung out with my family multiple times. I don’t understand what you think is going to happen.” Y/N smiled softly and gave his shoulder a little squeeze.
Yes, Bucky had interacted with her family on multiple occasions: Jimmy and Y/N’s birthdays, the holidays, and Jimmy’s middle school graduation. But he always assumed they were just being pleasant and nice to keep the peace with Y/N. She had already been through so much. They weren’t going to stop her from loving someone new after all this time. Her and Jimmy’s happiness were all they cared about.
But now that Y/N was pregnant again…pregnant with his child, maybe they wouldn’t be so pleasant. Bucky would be a permanent fixture in their life, whether it worked out with Y/N and him or not. But Bucky would die before he did anything to destroy their relationship or let it slip through his grasp.
“Yeah, Bucky. Now that I’m a hormonal teenager, they have nothing cute to fuss over. Grandma and Grandpa will freak out.” Jimmy said from the backseat.
Now Bucky felt guilty for not only worrying Y/N, but Jimmy too.
“I’m fine. I promise.” He announced to the car. Then he reached over and held Y/N’s hand to further assure her. She gripped it and sent calming waves with her empath power. He couldn’t deny that it felt good.
Y/N practically jumped out as soon as Bucky put the car in park. She missed her family so much. Seeing them a couple times a year was never enough. She was already inside the house before Bucky or Jimmy even unbuckled their seatbelts.
“Hey, Buck?” Jimmy asked quietly.
Towards the end of middle school, he had eventually dropped the Uncle part of his title.
They had a moment alone in the driveway.
Bucky had to slightly look up at Jimmy after his ridiculous growth spurt.
“I know my mom’s been stressing about how all of this affects me and everything.” Jimmy started. “I just wanted to say, I’m really happy for both of you.” He was looking at his feet and shifting as he shared the sentiment. Just like his dad, he had a good heart but wasn’t always the best at voicing it with confidence.
Bucky smiled at the boy. “Come here, punk.” He shoved him roughly into a hug.
When he pulled away, he gestured toward the house. “Think your grandpa will try to shoot me when we tell him?” Bucky joked.
Jimmy smirked. “Definitely not. But if he brings out a gun, I promise I’ll protect you.” He pestered before walking around him and entering the house.
“Honey, are you sure don’t want any wine? Not even with dessert?” Y/N’s mom asked once again at the dinner.
“I’m fine, mom.” Y/N whined. She looked across the table to see her older sister eyeing her suspiciously. Then her eyes shifted to Bucky, who was sitting to her left. He instantly knew this was their cue. His hand slid into hers for support. “Actually, we have news to tell you…”
Y/N’s mom dropped her fork dramatically. “Are you two getting married?” She practically shrieked in excitement.
Bucky’s jaw clenched at the comment.
Once again, Y/N sent him a swell of calmness and squeezed his hand.
“No…we’re not getting married, mom.” Y/N sighed, completely unfazed by her incorrect guess. “But don’t blame Bucky. It’s not for a lack of trying on his end.”
The whole family looked confused… even Jimmy, who was unaware of Bucky’s constant proposals.
Y/N cleared her throat. “I’m… ugh... I’m pregnant.”
“I knew it.” Her older sister smirked. “You never turn down wine.” Y/N playfully glared at her. “Congratulations, sissy.” She added sweetly.
“Oh, that’s just wonderful!” Y/N’s mom screamed in excitement. Then she was moving around the table to hug Y/N and, to Bucky’s surprise, she went right for him immediately after.
Y/N’s dad, who was much quieter and bad with expressing affection, just smiled at Y/N from across the table.
Bucky watched their exchange carefully, realizing that they were having some kind of unspoken conversation. He suddenly felt guilty for their announcement not being an engagement. Lord knows he was trying. Steve never had to deal with the possible disapproval from Y/N’s parents for having a kid without being married. Bucky wondered if he was going to take twice the blame this time around.
Y/N’s mother was practically cheering as she went into the kitchen to get dessert and somehow managed to drag her husband with her. Y/N’s sister and Jimmy disappeared to watch a movie in the living room together.
“I told you they would be happy.” Y/N whispered to Bucky before giving him a quick peck.
He gave her a shy smile before pulling her in for another kiss.
“I thought you’d be more relieved.” Y/N’s smile faltered when she could tell that something was still bothering him. “Buck, what’s wrong?”
“Nothing. I’m happy.” He kissed her again, prolonging it this time.
“Gross. Get a room.” Jimmy joked as he walked back in.
Bucky playfully glared at him and threw his napkin in the teenager’s face. “Congrats, you just won yourself dish duty.” He caught it before it could hit him.
Jimmy groaned but didn’t argue. Without another word from Bucky or his mom, he started picking up the dirty plates from the dinner table.
“And thank your grandparents for dinner!” Y/N warned before Jimmy left the room with his hands full of dishes.
“He already did...twice. Boy’s more polite than you are, Y/N.” Her dad interrupted as he brought in a plate of brownies. “I think you have to thank that man of yours for Jimmy’s manners.”
Bucky blushed at the roundabout compliment.
“Does that mean I can thank you for my rudeness?” Y/N teased.
It was moments like these that made Bucky so grateful for Y/N. She was the only thing in his life that ever made him forget his past. Whenever he was with her, he just felt normal.
He was brought out of his head as he watched Y/N shove too much brownie in one bite. Resulting in half of it hanging out of her mouth.
Then she squinted at him and babbled something he couldn’t understand.
Bucky laughed at her antics.
When she finally managed to swallow the brownie, she laughed. “I said, ‘See, I do have manners!’”
It had been over an hour since Y/N fell asleep.
Meanwhile, Bucky had just been staring at the ceiling. He didn’t feel even remotely tried, despite the long day they had.
Finally he gave up. As quietly as he could, Bucky slipped out of bed. Y/N’s parents had a pretty deck in their backyard. He figured it would be a good place to think alone. In just a baggy pair of sweatpants, Bucky sat down in a chair and stared out at the fireflies in the distance.
A few minutes later he heard footsteps from inside the home. But he knew they were too heavy to belong to Y/N and they were too slow to be Jimmy’s.
The glass door slid open and Bucky glanced over his shoulder to find Y/N’s dad with two glasses of whiskey in his hands.
“Figured you’d be out here.” He muttered as if this meeting had been prearranged and handed Bucky one of the glasses.
Bucky instantly misread the situation. “Sir, I believe I owe you an apology.”
“An apology? What for?”
“Not asking for your permission before proposing to Y/N. I know we’re not engaged… but Y/N made the comment at dinner and-”
His tangent was cut off when Y/N’s dad started chuckling. “That’s a little outdated, don’t you think? Y/N is her own person. She doesn’t need my blessing or permission for anyone to propose to her. If you haven’t realized…my daughter has always been rather progressive and headstrong.”
Bucky relaxed a little. But he had no idea what the purpose of this conversation was now. He decided to take a sip of the whiskey and wait for some sort of direction.
“You’re starting to doubt yourself, aren’t you?” Y/N’s dad said while looking straight ahead. “About being a good father.”
Bucky swallowed.
“That’s why you couldn’t sleep, right?”
Bucky turned to him and nodded uneasily.
“Same thing happened to my when my wife was pregnant with Y/S’s/N. I convinced myself that I had no right raising another human being.”
Bucky didn’t say anything.
“James,” He never called him Bucky. “I’m not going to try and pretend to know what you’ve had to go through in life. But I do know one thing: you’re a good man. I see how happy you make Y/N. And it’s apparent what type of positive influence you’ve had on Jimmy.” He took a sip. “There’s not a doubt in my mind that you’ll make a great father.”
“What changed?” Bucky asked softly.
“What convinced you that you could be a father?”
“Honestly? Nothing. I was too busy worrying about Y/N’s mother. I couldn’t be selfish and waste time doubting myself while she was already living the pregnancy. So I just focused on her. Then when Y/S’s/N was born, I just took it a day at a time. Listen, I know that’s not very helpful. But nobody knows what the hell they’re doing… Especially the men. But you’ll figure it out. I promise.”
They finished their whiskey in comfortable silence. Bucky never really knew what Y/N’s father thought of him. What would any father think about The Winter Soldier dating their daughter? Bucky always assumed he thought he wasn’t good enough for Y/N. But that suspicion couldn’t withhold after tonight.
Bucky realized it was ridiculous to expect Y/N’s dad to think so low of him. After all, he raised her. That kindness and quiet confidence didn’t all come from just her mother.
Bucky eventually got back into bed with Y/N, who was still peacefully asleep.
However her body scooted closer to him as soon as he was back under the covers.
“Everything okay?” Y/N surprised him my asking.
He could tell her voice that she was only half awake. Her eyes weren’t even open.
“Y/N… Am I going to be a good father?” He whispered.
“No… you’re going to be the best.” Y/N answered before immediately falling back to sleep.
Bucky chuckled. He doubted that she would even remember their little conversation in the morning. But it comforted him nonetheless.
Part 15
Sorry this took me longer than usual. I was traveling and work has been crazy. Thank you for your patience. 
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