#just tryna spice things up a bit
tsuunytsuun · 1 year
I wanna read a matchablossom fic where Joe is gay and Cherry is bisexual..
just tryna switch things up a bit I dunno :P
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jessequinones · 6 months
Writing Advice: Chapters
A lot of my advice comes down to, having beta readers, and “it’s up to you” which doesn’t sound like good advice but when it comes to writing, everyone writes differently so there are different ways of doing the same thing. So, what’s my advice when I talk about chapters?
To me, a chapter is a section of the book which talks about a certain event. There’s no right or wrong way for how long the event should be, and there’s no right or wrong way of how the event can start or end. Here’s how I write my chapters and what I’ve learned along the way.
Starting the chapter:
Before I start the chapter, I need to figure out what the main event is gonna be. Will this event be informational? Action pact? Suspenseful? It can also be a combination of a few events as well, such as having my characters find information, but something goes wrong and now they have to escape.
After I figure out what the main event is gonna be, I start writing and once I complete that event I end it and move on. I try not to carry on too much after the main event has finished because I feel like my chapters might drag if I do.
Writing the chapter:
When it comes to a chapter, I try to have a beginning, middle, and end section. (Keep in mind this doesn’t work for every chapter.) Let me explain what I meant about those sections. The event in this example is Nix and Dante are tryna get information, but something goes wrong after they get said information. So the chapter starts at the beginning where Nix and Dante enter a secured location. The middle is where they get passed all of the alarms and hacked into the network. The ending is they got the information but an alarm gets triggered anyway.
Expanding the chapter:
So, I wrote the beginning, middle, and end, the event is done, but it was kind of boring. Let’s expand it to them escaping. This is where I think chapters start to become long. Some people combine two events into one chapter and some events are longer than others. Escaping a secured facility sounds more difficult than sneaking in. So, adding an escape attempt can spice up the chapter, but you need to be careful with how you do it.
I think when people complain about long chapters, one of their reasoning is “This feels like it could’ve been split into two chapters”. It might be the fact there are two separate events, both with their beginning, middle, and ends. If you want to expand upon your chapter, I would change how the beginning, middle, and end originally played out so it feels more natural when you go from one event to the next. This will take practice and beta readers can help if a chapter sounds too long or just right.
So instead of sneaking into a place, getting the information and having to escape. I would get rid of the middle part where Nix and Dante were sneaking and just show them entering the building, maybe talk for a few paragraphs before they reach their end goal because I already know escaping is gonna add several more pages. It’s a trial and error, and some readers might prefer the sneaking portion, while others might enjoy the fast pace. The end result is what do you like?
Continuing chapters:
What about chapters that don’t need a beginning, middle and end? Those chapters are what I call, continuing chapters. The most obvious examples of continuing chapters are the final climax of a story, like a big battle. The big battle might take multiple chapters to get through, and starting at the beginning, middle, and end of each chapter where the main event is the final fight, might get a bit tiresome. A simplified way of taking a large event, like a big fight, and breaking it over several continuing chapters is having each chapter be its own thing. Let’s say it takes three chapters to finish the final confrontation. The first chapter is the beginning, so there’s lots of build-up, but nothing too bad. The second chapter is the middle and is normally the longest out of the three. It’s the one with the most fighting and maybe a character dies at the end as a cliffhanger. The third chapter is where the villain is defeated and the fight is over thrust concluding the three sections.
That was a very simplified way of explaining continuing chapters, but yeah, not every event can be told in a single chapter, sometimes you have to space them out a bit. I would recommend letting the readers know that said event will most likely take a long time to complete so they'll be aware it's gonna be a long read.
Length of a chapter:
People often ask, how long should a chapter be, and there’s no real answer to that. Some can be a page, and I’ve seen others that are thirty. (Looking at you DragonFire). I personally don’t try to go for a word count or page limit. Often times when I try to make my chapters reach a certain goal, I find there’s a lot of filler that could’ve been cut. This is why I like to write my chapters as if I were writing an event and just focus on the event itself. If I need to expand or get rid of something, I can do that later.
My chapters are normally three pages in length, whenever I go over that, I try to tell my readers the next upcoming chapters will be long. This kind of tactic will depend on your story of course, but let’s go back to Nix and Dante.
In the example, Nix and Dante went into a secured location, took some information and got caught, now they needed to escape. If I want to add the escape portion in the same chapter because breaking in was kind of short, I might tell the reader before said chapter even began that “This mission won't be an easy one”, or “You’ll need to be real careful stealing the information because if you get caught, guards will come.” So, by the time Nix and Dante do get caught, the reader should be aware, the chapter will continue for a few more pages.
Oh yeah, if you’re gonna write a long chapter, make sure to have at least one smaller chapter to break it up. (DragonFire) Having long chapters, after long chapters, is, at least for me, very tiring. I don’t like to stop reading midway through a chapter, but reading thirty pages in a day is very difficult. So if you know you have some long chapters, throw in a few short ones.
Readers might also hate long chapters because they feel like there’s a bit too much filler in them. (Filler-in chapters aren’t the same thing as filler chapters).
Filler-in chapters might appear in one of two ways, either there’s too much filler to get to the main event, or there’s too much filler and the chapter should’ve ended already. Beta readers are a good way of telling you if there’s filler in a chapter or not. Keep in mind, that you, as the writer know what’s best for your story. Readers can only tell you how they feel. If you feel the “filler” part isn’t filler, but a lot of people say it is. Finding a workaround can be difficult. Unfortunately, I don’t have any advice on this kind of topic because this kind of writing problem is unique for every writer. Writing groups might be able to help as they’ll have your text and can help figure out what's going on.
Filler chapters:
There’s nothing wrong with filler chapters. Not every chapter needs to focus on the main story. I personally like filler chapters. They’re fun chapters which explore the characters and the world. A bit of a refresher after an intense fight is fine. When people complain about filler chapters, it’s often because there’s a bit too much of them. Or they came out of nowhere and killed the pacing. For example, if everything has been dark and gritty, having a chapter that’s more on the upbeat side is strange. Also if the chapter ends with a character's death and the next one ignores it, readers might not like that. This is one of the reasons why I don’t like POV swapping between every chapter. If someone dies in character (A) POV, and the next chapter switches to character (B) POV where they’re on the beach…I might get a bit annoyed. Even if Character (B) POV isn’t filler, I just witnessed someone die, I wanna know what’s going on and not swap to another POV.
Also filler chapters tend to be on the shorter side as well. If a filler chapter goes on a bit too long, then it might feel like the story is losing its focus a bit.
Beta readers can help point out which chapters are filler and where to add in filler if that's something you want to do.
Chapter Endings:
Ending a chapter is always interesting, do you want to end it with a cliffhanger or not? Does your chapter flow smoothly from one to the other? I don’t mind cliffhanger endings but try not to make every chapter a cliffhanger. At some point it becomes a bit much for some readers such as myself, I prefer to stop reading at a good stopping point. Cliffhangers aren’t a stopping point, I need to see what’s gonna happen next. Creating a cliffhanger after a long chapter, for me is a bit much. Long chapters already drain me, and forcing me to continue to get to an actual stopping point will make me enjoy your book less. (I understand no one is forcing me to read a book, but I just really, really hate stopping at cliffhangers). Not to mention if there are multiple cliffhangers in a row, I might put the book down and not pick it up for a long time because I’ll have no idea how many cliffhangers I’ll have to deal with before getting to an actual pause in the story. Personally, as a reader, I feel like there needs to be good stopping points. Places where it’s safe to stop reading and the reader can pick it back up later.
If you end a chapter in a city and the next one starts in a jungle, that kind of scene change might be a bit confusing so again, just send it through a couple of beta readers and see how you did with the transition portion of going from one chapter to the next. The same thing goes for tone as well. If the last chapter ends with a death, and the next one is in a circus, the tone shift might be a bit much. Just pass it along with a beta reader.
That’s about it for chapters. If you want some more detailed advice on certain chapters then let me know, but chapters are one of those things where it comes with practice. The length, the event, the ending, all of this stuff will be determined by your ability to write. Beta readers are a great way of pointing out how they felt while reading a chapter and you can go from there.
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petrichor-idyllic · 1 year
Can u do Minho x reader where reader is just gawking at minhos arms and he catches her 🤭 it can be a gender neutral reader with spice ☝🏽
Alright, alright, I know, I have been very MIA, very sorry, life is a lot atm.
But this request is an easy one, so I'm tryna get through the easy ones. (Totally not cause I'm procrastinating a massive request and have fallen back into my OBX phase or anything shhh)
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SUMMARY: See above. GN! Reader x Minho. Takes place before the arrival of Thomas.
WARNINGS: Inappropriate language, you're a simp, sorry, spice.
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You like to pretend that you're a level headed and controlled person. That things such as desire or general human nature don't faze you and you're focused on work and helping around the Glade.
And, for the most part - that is completely believable.
Mainly because Minho is always out in the Maze. Thank God.
Because every time you guys are in the same room, you can't take your eyes off of him. His shoulders, his back, his weirdly perfect hair, that stupid blue shirt that just clings to him in the best way- and his arms.
(Something you and a specific future Greenie and ex-WCKD member would have in common.)
His arms.
His fucking arms, man.
You just can't help yourself. He walks back into the Glade every day, sweaty and dishevelled, his blue shirt sleeves rolled up as he casually glances at you as he walks past. Sometimes, you swear he walks past you on purpose .
Newt suspects you purposely hang around the Map Room so he has to.
It's been months, and you just can't seem to force yourself to get over it. You've tried, but Minho is the hottest guy in the Glade.
You're fucked, basically.
That is no different when it comes to Bonfire night. A new Greenie pops up, every gets hammered, Gally gets in a fight, Alby looks like he's gonna have a stroke.
But it's all in good fun.
Minho doesn't normally join in the festivities. He's a very stressed individual. Sometimes, you think about attempting to convince him to join in so he can let off some steam, but you don't.
I mean, most of your thoughts are about him letting off some steam. If you get what I mean.
But, this specific night, somehow, Newt, the absolute Lord and saviour he is, has managed to convince Minho to play a game of beer pong.
Well, not beer pong, but "Gally's suspicious special brew pong" is a bit of a mouthful.
You sit at the sides with a couple of boys, watching Minho laugh along as he throws a ball (a screwed up piece of tinfoil) into a cup across the table. Cheers break out in his success, but you just stare.
Minho's arms flex under his shirt, the curve of his upper arm visible through his shirt, his forearm tenses as he goes to throw the ball agsin you swear you can see the blood pumping veins from here.
"You're drooling, mate." You're snapped back to reality as you look at Newt, who passes you a drink.
"Huh?" You catch on. "What? No - I'm not." You attempt to lie, but the heat rising through your face is a bit of a hint.
"Yeah - you are. As always."
"What? What's that supposed to mean?"
"You know what it means." You look away in respond, groaning as you rub your face with your hands.
"Shut up."
Newt snorts at this, rubbing your back with a mocking "There, there."
You want to punch him.
"Yo, (Y/N)!" You look up, heat rising in your face as Minho shouts you. "Ben just bailed on us, you wanna take his place?"
You open your mouth to speak, but your words catch in your throat, causing Newt to cringe in second hand embarrassment.
"Jesus Christ," he mumbles. "Yeah! They'd love to join." He nudges you. "Right?"
You clearly your throat. "Uh, yeah? Yeah."
Minho chuckles at this. "Come on, then."
You look at Newt again, as he nods his head to go join. Awkwardly, you stand up, walking over to join Minho's team.
"You know how to play?" He asks you.
"Uh, yeah- yeah, I know how to play." You attempt to sound confident.
"Cool - I should shuckin' hope so, you've been watching like a hawk." Oh God, he noticed. He noticed you staring. Hopefully, you can play it off as just being interested in the game.
"Y-yeah. Looked like you guys were having fun."
Please don't notice. Please don't notice. Please don't notice.
Minho's eyes flicker down you, almost like he's examining you, but also like he's drinking in your appearance, a slight smirk playing on his lips before he looks you in the eyes again. "Uh, huh."
Oh, God.
You immediately look away as another Glader passes you the ball for your turn. You miss, instantly as your body feels flushed, and then the game continues.
This goes on for quite some time.
You would think that any normal person would look away, now. I mean, Minho has noticed and Newt is undoubtedly going to bully you for it later. But, you are not that person, and you just can't help yourself.
Up close and personal, Minho looks like a God carved him out of stone. And when it's his turn, your eyes fall on his arms.
Because of course they do.
The way he rolls his sleeves up further, his muscles tensing, his veins flexing as you follow them down his forearms and down the back of his strong hands. You're seeing stars and your brain feels fuzzy.
"You good?" Minho's voice snaps you back to reality once again. Your eyes flicker to his face, his eyes narrowing as a smirk creeps across his face.
"You were staring."
"No, I wasn't." You say a bit too quickly, making his smirk turn into a grin.
"You sure about that? Positive you were just, checking me out?"
You blink at him, your face rising in heat.
"Yo," Clint snorts, having been also playing the game. "You were perving on Minho?" He drapes an arm over your shoulder, clearly drunk, but the implication making you more flustered.
"What? N-no. No. I wasn't."
"Mhm - I'm sure he doesn't mind." Clint snorts.
"Yeah, I don't mind." Minho agrees, grinning.
"I wasn't!" You attempt to defend yourself. "Ugh, shuck this." You grow irritated, shoving Clint's arm off. "I've had enough of this game."
You say, starting to walk away.
"What?" Minho's smile drops as he shouts after you. "We were just messing around! (Y/N)!" He huffs, dropping his head, watching you walk away. "Shuck's sake." He mumbles under his breath.
Newt, who has been watching the whole thing, stands from his seat and walks over. "Go on."
"What?" Minho asks.
"Go after them. I'll take your spot."
"Dude- why would I-?"
"Shut up, shank - you know you're just as bad."
Minho freezes at this, blinking at Newt.
Well, he's not wrong.
Minho has been listing after you for about just as long as you have him. And Newt has more social awareness skills than the both of you combined.
Minho huffs, but he turns on his heels, following after you, jogging to catch up as you make your way to the Deadheads.
"Yo! Hey! Wait up!" He says, slowing to a walk.
"Why? So, you can bully me again because you thought I was checking you out?" You snarl, mainly out of pure embarrassment.
"...But you were checking me out."
"Fine! Whatever!" You throw your hands up in frustration. "I was checking you out! Big shuckin' deal! I can't help it, okay?"
Minho blinks, not expecting the sudden out burst. "Okay."
"Okay? Cool, okay? It's not my fault that you're hot, okay? A-and it's not fair that you look that good! All the time! Like, how is that fair? And how the fuck is your hair always flawless? You run for miles everyday - and somehow, you look like you've escaped Vogue! And your arms... how am I meant to even pretend to cope, you prick?"
Minho blankly stands there. "You done?"
You blink at him. "Yeah, I think so."
Minho slowly nods, stepping towards you as you both stand near the edge of the Deadheads, the drama of the Bonfire a now distant memory as he stands in front of you. He's so close and tall and generally intimidating in a way you shouldn't find attractive.
"So, you like my arms, then?" Minho acts, clearly enjoying the not needed ego boost. All you can do is blankly look at him.
What the hell is happening here?
"Do you?" You nod in response, slowly and unsure. "Okay, you can touch them, if you want?"
Your brain has melted and burnt. "...What?"
Minho huffs, simply grabbing your hand and putting it on his arm. You eyelids flutter, swapping between his face and his arm. "Don't be scared." He murmers.
Slowly, you drag your fingers down the fabric of his sun faded blue button up over his bicep, feeling the muscle and the curves of his left arm, tracing delicate shapes over the material. You move further down, passing the threshold where the fabric stops and the bare skin of his forearm starts.
To your surprise, Minho's breath hitches slightly at the contact. This is the first time you've ever touched him, and even he didn't expect the feeling to send chills down his spine and goosebumps dance on his skin. Your palm contacts with his forearm, rubbing down to his hand, feeling the visible veins as he creeps closer to you.
Your eyes go from his arm to his face, flickering to his lips as he stands directly in front of you. He becomes bold, raising his arm, your hand still loosely around his wrist as he touches your cheek. Slowly, he closes the gap.
Your chest feels like it's about to explode as his lips comnect with yours. He breaks the kiss, trying to figure out your reaction, but when you kiss him again, he takes the hint.
He's slightly taken aback from the passion and the heat, humming against your lips unintentionally as he kisses back. You're letting out the months of tension you've been feeling, your hands coming around his shoulders, feeling the muscles and caressing the tops of his arms as he backs you into a tree.
You gasp, your back hitting the back as he pushes his body against, his hands grasping at your sides. It seems that the kiss gave him all the answers he needed. His hands move down before slipping under your shirt and brushing at your bare skin - almost like he's becoming desperate for direct contact.
Pushing yourself forward, you can already feel Minho through his trousers, the kiss already getting him worked up.
For a second, you genuinely consider just letting him take you then and there when Newt clears his throat.
You both snap in the direction of the blond boy. Minho's chest rises and falls as you look away, using Minho's shoulder to hide yourself from your friend.
"As much as I hate to interrupt - but let's be real, this has been a long time coming, the others want you back at the game because apparently I have klunky aim." Newt shoves his hands in his pockets, casually rocking on his heels.
"Are you serious, right now?" Minho asks as you pant into his shoulder, clearly able to maintain his composure better than you.
"Yeah." Newt responds. "And I don't think Alby will be happy if he finds his favourite Runner fooling around in public."
Minho looks at him, before dropping his head. "Alright, give me a second."
"What? Need a moment to calm down?" Newt teases.
"Shut your shank mouth."
Even you can't help but chuckle at this as Minho starts to grin before sighing and stepping back. "I'll uh, I'll catch you later, maybe?"
A half-smile creeps across your face and you nod, your heart banging against your ribcage. "Yeah - yeah, sounds good."
"Good that." He slowly steps back, smiling at you as he walks over to Newt.
"You good?" Newt snickers at his friend. "Sure you can walk straight so lightheaded? I mean, lack of blood to the brain is a bad thing. Especially when-"
"Shut the shuck up, Newt."
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Ahhhh I'm back. Kinda.
Don't bet on it.
But anyway, I've actually written something for the first time in weeks.
Hope y'all enjoy :))
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lemmetreatya · 2 years
this was very clearly his side job.
club bouncer!sukuna is well aware he didn’t have to commit fully to it, but he’d be lying if he said he didn’t enjoy the pompous power that the job brought him.
club bouncer!sukuna doesn’t believe he has favourites. every club had their fair share of sleazy gropers and pumping loud music. but he definitely looked forward to working at a certain club in particular — spice’s munchkins.
staffed majority of woman (bar the owner, kiyotaka ijichi himself) who were few of the most likeable people he knew, club bouncer!sukuna felt a tendency to look out for them more than he did the customers. because he’s not gonna lie, they were all stunnas in their own right. glamorous — with hairstyles that suited their features and outfits that accentuated their curvaceous bodies. it was sadly often that people would try to treat them like pushovers or start unnecessary trouble, but club bouncer!sukuna made it his mission to protect them. especially you.
“you good?!” you shout over the music towards club bouncer!sukuna as you clean up your work station.
the bar area isn’t too busy concerning the ‘entry before 12am = free drinks’ is over and most people are on the dance floor, and so club bouncer!sukuna takes the chance to lean onto the bar counter, his eyes freely dancing over the top half of your figure.
“a martini pornstar if you dont mind.”
with a roll of your eyes, you scoff in his direction albeit your smile is light.
“boy, you know i’m not allowed to pull those typa favours. Iji’s already warned me twice.”
“yeah, but i’m your favourite. you’ll let me slide, wont you?”
the two of you hold each other’s eye contact for a brief second. you’re sure you encounter something deeper, something more carnal than just a casual stare, but you easily relent and look away first.
“fine! but at least pay for one through the employee discount. i’m really not tryna lose my job.”
club bouncer!sukuna has his eyes linger on you a bit longer before he agrees with a grunt.
you quickly set the card machine up so that he can pay for his drink but then you move to the otherside of the bar to start making his drink.
however, halfway through you accidentally dropped the lick of dark red de kuyper onto your shirt, the sticky substance automatically seeping through. with a curse under your breath, you suddenly rush towards the toilets behind the bar.
seeing you randomly boister off, club bouncer!sukuna doesn’t think about why — he automatically follows you through behind the bar area, thinking something was dearly wrong.
“everything okay?!” club bouncer!sukuna’s voice is gravel as he speaks upon pushing the door open, but he doesn’t expect to see you with your shirt mildly wet with the buttons popped and your bra on display. instantly he backs up.
“oh, shit. my bad.” he gruffly mumbles but you stop him before he’s able to leave.
“no, it’s fine. you’re fine.”
you move around the man to pull him back into the staff bathroom before shutting the door behind him and for a second, club bouncer!sukuna feels his dick jump in excitement.
“fuck…” he breathes once you let go of him. you back up so that you can stand against the sink with your spine against the cold porcelain.
“what?” your lips look like glass beneath the toilet’s neon lights and club bouncer!sukuna is just dying for a taste.
“i know you feel that.”
“feel what?” you ask up at him with wide inquisitive eyes.
club bouncer!sukuna’s hands start to flex by his side as he feels his inner demons become stirred. he can hear his walkie talkie click for his presence but he dutifully ignores it because surely there was something deeper to your actions yet all you do is act clueless.
taking a step closer in your direction, club bouncer!sukuna bares his teeth as his lips curl upwards. yet his large hands quickly find solace atop your waist.
“don’t make me sound it out, woman. this. this thing between us.”
“what, you think i got the hots for you?” you say, despite you allowing club bouncer!sukuna‘s hands to knead your skin whilst you lay your hands over his chest.
“i know you do.” he snides, but then he’s pressing his tenting crotch against your thigh. “luckily, i feel the same way.”
club bouncer!sukuna doesn’t mind that you offer to suck him off because he’s singing low moans into the echoing bathroom once you do, his hands on your cheeks as he pretty much fucks your face.
but then he remembers that hes determined to treat you and so he finds obligation in eating you out against the wall as you stretch one of your legs wide open. messy juice stains his mouth but now its your turn to tug at club bouncer!sukuna‘s hair as you caused you to writhe and buck your hips into his mouth.
but because he’s a menace, club bouncer!sukuna doesn’t let you dip after he’s made you cum twice. no, club bouncer!sukuna is fucking your sweet cunt whilst cursing every profanity he knows because you’re exactly what he needs and wants to willingly. and his walkie talkie is now requesting the both of you, unsure of where you were.
club bouncer!sukuna doesn’t usually stay close to quick fucks — hasnt really got the heart to face them — but it’s something about you that makes him do something stupid, something so intimate.
whilst he’s zipping his trousers up and youre drying her blouse in the hand druer, club bouncer!sukuna groans.
“uhh…fuck. i dunno, man but…” club bouncer!sukuna kisses his teeth before nodding his head towards the door. “there’s a 24 hour food stop just up this street. you wanna grab somethin’ with me after our shifts?”
your eyes widen for a second but not for long. giggling with the man, you sweetly nod.
“sure. thought you’d never ask.” you say with a sigh of relief.
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just a girl 6
Warnings: this fic will include elements, some dark, such as possible cheating, low self-esteem, noncon/dubcon, and other untagged triggers. Please take this into account before proceeding. It is up to curate your online consumption safely.
Summary: you move in with your sister when your luck turns for the worst.
Characters: Walter Marshall, possible Andy Barber
Author’s Note: Please feel free to leave some feedback, reblog, and jump into my asks. I’m always happy to discuss with you and riff on idea. As always, you are cherished and adored! Stay safe, be kind, and treat yourself💜
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You wash away the tang of the barbeque sauce with the wine. In your nervousness, you lost track of how much you’ve drank. Even as you eat, with nothing much to say, he watches you. Walter’s intensity is as roiling as the waves that rippled off the grill. 
He’s on his second can of beer but hardly seems affected. You think it’s not as strong as wine. You look at your glass and the last mouthful. 
“Don’t wanna waste it,” he leans forward and winks. 
“Oh, uh,” you gulp then put the crystal to your lips. You force yourself to swallow the last little bit. 
He stands, causing you to wince. He chuckles as he grabs the wine bottle and uncaps it. You watch him with wide eyes. 
“You’re so jumpy, relax,” he purrs as he fills your glass again. You watch the blush liquid with dread. “That lawyer idiot’s got you on edge.” 
“It isn’t...” you chew your lip and look away, “I think I’ve had enough.” 
“Bah, we’re just getting started,” he winks and plunks the bottle back down, “I’m gonna grab another beer.” 
“Right,” you agree without further protests. 
You sit back and pout into the glass. You want to go but he’s completely correct. Andy has you all twisted up and out of sorts. You can’t go back there. Not yet. You’re stuck here. Walter is every bit as intense as your brother-in-law just in a very different way.  
You stare up at the sky. It’s getting dark. You really don’t want to walk home drunk and you can feel your eyes getting foggy. You feel a bit jittery but that could just be the usual. Unthinkingly, you take a swig to soothe yourself. You see how it can be so dangerous to drink. 
The screen door snaps again and Walter reappears. Your eyes round and flick back up to the sky as you see him. Oh. 
He wears only a pair of short grey-blue swim trunks, thought they look more like boxers. They’re short enough that the muscles of his thighs are on displayed in thick cords and the hair along them stands stark against his skin. He is thick all over. The peek of the dark hair the trails from chest to pelvis stains your mind. Don’t think about that. 
You wipe your forehead with the back of your hand. 
“Come on, let’s have some fun. You know, the hot tub is actually a great way to cool off,” he cracks the tab on the can in his hand, “or spice things up. Whatever you want.” 
You turn the stemmed glass and fidget, “I’m good.” 
“Don’t make me drag you,” he kids. “You ever have fun or do you just sit in the dark and listen to grunge?” 
Your eyes dart up to him as hurt creases around your lips. He sounds like Andy. He thinks you’re pathetic too. 
“Look,” he lets out a long breath, “I’m pulling your chain, tryna loosin’ you up. I didn’t mean anything by it. Just... you could use a hot soak. I can see the tension in your shoulders. They’re almost touching your ears.” 
You drop your shoulders decisively. He’s not lying. You’re so rigid, you’re quivering. It might be nice if you were alone. 
“Well, you get that wine down and come join me when you’re ready.” He nears and you shy away. He taps the side of his can against your glass, “cheers.” 
He takes another dip gulp and turns away. He strides off, tramping down the steps, as you watch the muscles in his back. If he wanted to put you in the tub himself, you’re certain he could. You’re a guest and you don’t want to be rude. Even to him. 
You blow out between your lips and tamp down the last of your worry. If you clench your jaw any tighter, your teeth might just break. You’re tired of the stress, of the tension, of the constant self-hatred. If the wine can make you forget all that, it can’t be that bad. 
You nearly gag as you choke down the rose. You hold back a belch and stand, finding yourself off-balance as you get to your feet. You shake your head and grab the bottle of wine. You leave the glass on the table. 
You come down the steps as Walter sighs and leans his head back, his arms stretched around the side of the hot tub. His eyes are closed as he basks in the cooling air. You walk as the wine sloshes noisily in the glass. You see his can sticking out of a cup holder built into the trim. You find another and plunk the wine into it. 
You back up and stare at the tub, contemplating. You look down then up again. His eyes are open as he reaches for his beer and watches you. You tap your fingers against your thighs. 
“Well?” He raises his brows. 
“Um,” you swallow. 
You turn away so you don’t have to look at him. You’re really going to do this. It’s no different than a swim suit, right? You pull of your tee shirt and reveal your cotton bra. You fold it up and leave it on the folding table near the tub. You take your time untying your converse and peeling off your socks. 
You stand again and undo your thigh, the noise of the jets droning in your ears. You push your pants down and hear a low noise. You step out of the denim and face Walter as he tilts his head, his teeth sinking into his lower lip. 
“Looking good,” he purrs. 
You cross your arms over your stomach and put your head down. You approach the edge of the tub and quickly climb over the side. You ease in opposite him and he clucks. He shifts to claim the seat next to you. You turn your attention to the sky. 
“Don’t gotta be shy,” he reaches past you, leaning close, and grabs the wine, “come on.” 
You eye the bottle and take it from him. You drink from the long neck and pop your lips off. You twist up your mouth and put it back. The heat is not helping. You vision is ringed and fuzzy and your body feels loose. 
“You good?” He rubs your shoulder, his hand hotter than the water. You blink and look over at his touch. 
“Think so,” you choke out. 
“Mm,” his thumb rubs circles into your skin, “you really are built nicely.” 
“Um,” you close your eyes and steady yourself, “thanks... I guess...” you remember the smell of wood chips and feel hands around your hips, the saw buzzes loudly. Your eyes snap open as he tickles along your neck, “I don’t feel too good.” 
“Gotta let the wine settle,” he purrs and leans down to kiss your shoulder as his hand creeps up the back of your neck. “You’re good.” 
“Uh huh,” your eyes roll in your head as your skin speckles with hot and cold. His beard tickles along your collar bone as his curls brush your face, “what--” 
He grips your neck and buries his face in your chest. You gasp and jolt in the water but find your limbs heavily and clumsy. You press your hands to the plastic grooves to keep from slipping as he brings his other hand up to cup one side of your chest. 
“Walter?” You croak. 
“Mmm, it’s alright, baby,” he speaks against your skin, “I’ll treat you right,” he hooks his fingers under the band of your bra, tugging until one side of your chest falls free, “you just relax.” 
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suethesocks · 2 months
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Third villain for my Egyptian Ben AU, Morningstar!! Michael was my favorite to work on so far and do my own take on him. Ive always been a big fan of his design and how his powers looked
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The first sketch i did of him, i more or less knew what i wanted to do with his design immediately much like all the villain designs ive done so far haha. I just ironed out a few details in the final design more or less
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After that was designing Michael himself and figuring out how i wanted him to look. I wanted to make him look more like a charming beautiful man and also make him look kind of twinkish, contrasting with how bulky and scary he looks with the armor
For his outfit i mostly figured that out later as youll see later in this post but basically it was mostly the same as the show, since i feel like it has that lowkey douchebag-y but still kind of stylish drip to it that i couldnt top myself. It couldve done with a bit of spice though so i did change around some stuff
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Heres Michael being a piece of shit as usual. I imagine in his Morningstar era when he's scheming hed be more whimsical and in the moment about it, matching his smiley mask. Michael does kinda give me theater kid vibes
I imagine Michael is the kind of guy who speaks really eloquently and with a lot of charm, but once you push him over the edge or he can speak freely or thinks noone is listening, he speaks in this really gross distasteful way once he has no facade to keep up. Michael is definitely misogynistic and thinks of the women as objects
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And finally for the most wild part of this, Goldstar. I noticed while refreshing my memory on Michael that he really doesnt really get supercharged all that often. It just happens once in his debut, once as a fakeout in the ult kevin arc, and once in that charmcaster episode. And only really his debut had that oomf to it from what i remember
So im tryna focus on it some more, making it more flashy and stuff and giving it a more creepy design that changes his body. I also wanted to make it more fun by having it affect his surroundings changing his clothes colors and making his armor turn golden and changing the shape of the buckles on his belts. Taking some inspo from like dragonball or sonic transformations
I think it'd be really fun to have the goldstar form be a seperate thing to access from michael regaining his beauty, cause it gives more opportunity to see him without first having him gain enough energy to revert his ugly-ness. Of course not too much though, cause it kinda loses its punch if he does access it as often as goku goes supersaiyan
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twilightmalachite · 9 months
Love Letter - Mirror mirror 5
Author: Umeda Chitose
Characters: Yuuta, Rinne, Niki, Hinata
Translator: Mika Enstars
Proofer: Kirin
"Ughh, I never want you to call me a chuunibyou ever again…!"
[Read on my blog for the best viewing experience with Oi~ssu ♪]
Season: Winter
Location: Staff Dining Hall
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Rinne: Hey, hey, who are ya callin’ cursed?
Yuuta: I said the worst, not cursed… No, both of those apply to you, don’t they, Rinne-senpai?
Rinne: So I’m a man who carries the burden of being the worst and being cursed? What is this, didja catch a case of chuunibyou, Yuta?
Yuuta: Ughh, I never want you to call me a chuunibyou ever again…!
Niki: Now just hold on, Rinne-kun! The employee canteen is a place for eating, so I’d like it if you quieted down.
Rinne: How come there's nothin’ in your hands, Niki? Where's my food?
Niki: How am I gonna serve you anything if you don’t place an order for it. Please use HoldHands and order properly.
Rinne: But I wanna eat your yummy food for free! C'mon, quit your grumblin’ and get on cookin’…☆
Yuuta: Rinne-senpai, how are you not embarrassed extorting food from someone?
You'll spend money on gambling, but spending L$ for a meal is too much for you?
Niki: Ooh, razor-sharp argument there…! You're super right though, the only things I can provide Rinne-kun here are water and seasonings.
Yuuta: Here, help yourself to some seasoning if you want. We have cayenne pepper, tabasco, and death sauce you can eat, or I guess, lick?
Rinne: What kinda infernal line-up is this… Actually, what’re ya doin’ eating even more spicy food, Yuta?
Those rice crackers from earlier were fine, but now even the smell of spice is so strong it’s makin’ my own mouth sting…
Yuuta: Hehe, if you really don't wanna order through HoldHands, you’re welcome to take a bite from my plate, y’know! ♪
Rinne: Naw, hold on… Didja just add death sauce on that before offerin’ it to me?!
Yuuta: Ehehe, oops, you saw that?
Rinne: Hey, Yuta? You know that hurting yourself with spicy food is usually a way to cope with stress, right?
Right now, you’re tryna overload and erase your own pain and stress by overwhelmin’ your senses with spice and more pain, y’know.
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Yuuta: Please don’t doubt my love for spicy food. Extra spicy food is my favorite, and that’s all it is. It has nothing to do with my stress—
Niki: Oh! Is the thing you told me ‘bout earlier what’s stressing ya out, Yuuta-kun?
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Yuuta: (Shiina-senpai, no one asked…!)
Rinne: Talkin’ ‘bout what earlier…?
Niki: Some argument over 2wink's unit plans, I think. Somethin’ like that, right, Yuuta-kun?
Yuuta: (You're telling him about it, too!? I know you don’t mean any bad of it, so I can’t really get mad at you though…!)
…Yeah. Well, a bit. There’s all sorts of things.
Rinne: Gyahaha! ☆ Ya can't just keep sayin’ “all sorts” like that! ♪ Ya keep tryin’ to play it off, but your face is sooo sour!
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Yuuta: ……
Rinne: See, what a great face! I’ve gotten invested in this sibling quarrel of yours. So if ya need any help, I don’t mind helpin’ ya out, ‘kay? ♪
Yuuta: You say that, but you’re just here to use us as entertainment, Rinne-senpai.
The last thing I want to do is accept your help… I mean, who knows what you’ll do, or want me to do.
Niki: That’s right, Yuuta-kun! It’s better to not listen to what Rinne-kun says!
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Yuuta: (…Ahh, but… If I do let Rinne-senpai help, I wonder if it’d surprise Aniki. I wonder if he’d get worried about me…)
(Eventually going, “Yuuta-kuns become a bad kid!”, or something. I wonder if he’d be at a loss, or even feel regret…)
(When I said those harsh things to Aniki earlier, he just went silent without a word. He didn’t even talk back.)
(You know why? It’s definitely because Aniki gave up! So he swallowed his words!)
(I wish he would just… Talk back to me without holding himself back! What do I have to do to make that happen?)
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Yuuta: ……
Rinne: …Niki, look! I think he’s considering it!
Niki: Come on now, he seems to be seriously pondering over it, so what are you doing making a joke of it?
Yuuta: (…Hey Aniki, you know what I should have told you? If you’re going to keep on sacrificing yourself for my sake, then…)
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Rinne: Ya sure took your time, Yuta. Your food’s probably cooled all the way down by now, huh?
Yuuta: Who do you think's the one making me waste my time? If you want to pay me back, then lend me a hand.
Rinne: Oh?
Yuuta: To be honest, I don't feel good about it. But, I thought it’d be the most effective way to get things done.
I’ll take it, your hand.
Rinne: …♪
Location: Break Room
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Meanwhile, in the break room…
Hinata: Ha… Haaaah~….
(What am I even doing…! Didn’t I see Yuuta-kun’s face at the end there?! That's definitely going to haunt my dreams tonight~!)
(Still though, I’d be happy to get to see Yuuta-kun in my dreams… No, nevermind that. What I need to do now is use this time to figure out what exactly I did wrong.)
(I need to cool my head too, not just Yuuta-kun. I need to calm down, and figure out what I should’ve done instead for Yuuta-kun.)
(…Wait, hold on… How come I get the feeling that there isn’t even anything I could’ve done in the first place?
(Hey, Yuuta-kun… What should I do for us to be able to have fun, together?)
[ ☆ ]
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queen-mihai · 9 months
Aight it's recipe time again yall.
This time we makin' brussels sprouts
If you a professional chef and you got a million better ways to make this, that's fine. I ain't no chef, I'm just tryna show people how I do it so they don't think it's so scary.
Aight let's go
So you take your bag of sprouts, right? I think the bag I had was half a pound.
First off, you get'chu a cast iron frying pan if you got one or can get your hands on one. Heat that bitch up and melt some butter on it. How much? *SOME* Mfer. We ain't making pastries. We go off the vibe in this bitch.
So you put some butter on the pan and wait for it to melt. You should have a thin layer across the bottom of the pan. Once that's done you dump all them damn sprouts in there.
Next you find your salt. Put a couple pinches in there and make sure you sprinkle it all over the place. Act like salt bae I don't care. Don't none of this matter so you might as well have fun with it.
Next you wanna get some seasonings. Whatever you got laying around is probably fine. You don't wanna put too much. If you got "everything but the bagel" or some other similar type of seasoning, that's actually pretty good, and then you don’t have to find a bunch of other stuff.
OK, so now this is the most important part. You need two things, if you can handle them. Something SWEET. and something SPICY.
Now I like to use maple syrup and chili oil. But it basically don't matter. If you gotta use something like sugar, make sure you add some more oil or butter or something to keep the sprouts from sticking to the bottom of the pan.
Now you got all that done, you stir them bitches around. Then cover the pan and stir again maybe every 30 seconds or a minute or so until they start to look different. A little smaller, a little softer. Different than when they were raw. That's how you tell they're almost done.
At the last minute, you uncover the pan and let some of that moisture escape. That'll make your sprouts a tiny bit crispy and then you're done.
The sweet and the spice will offset the natural bitter taste of the sprouts and the rest of the seasonings will just make them taste good as fuck. Put that alongside some rice or something and come find me when it's time to cook again.
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This is what mine ended up looking like
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throwaway-yandere · 2 years
Otome anon again ❤️ thanks for the reply! I'm quite happy about it. And yeah I'm a little late to your works bc of school so there's a bunch of works that I need to catch up on 😭 Really hoping we get a small break soon. From the looks of it, your newer works are gonna be WILD 😳 I mostly got introduced to your blog bc of your Alhaitham and Tighnari fics: Vision Qualifications and Creative Differences. I was particularly very interested in how you portrayed Tighnari in CD and adored the way reader being a writer was portrayed.
And yes! It's a game that will be downloadable and I've been learning a bit of renpy to achieve this. It's surprisingly simpler than I imagined. All the tutorials are helpful and the folks in the renpy server are very nice 👌 So far routes aren't 100% finalised but I will say that there ARE secret routes that you can unlock if you choose the right options 🤭
I'm thinking of trying to make a survey to decide some routes but I'm not overly sure what to put on it.
Thanks for all the support!!
"your newer works are gonna be WILD 😳"
??? wdym, after the last 4 fics ive written im being incredibly merciful rn in the secret pen pal event lol.
I mostly got introduced to your blog bc of your Alhaitham and Tighnari fics: Vision Qualifications and Creative Differences. I was particularly very interested in how you portrayed Tighnari in CD and adored the way reader being a writer was portrayed.
you guys are free to hate me for this: but those two fics are my least liked fics i've written hAHAHAHAH. not enough spice for me. not enough violence or dubious "food". i still question why people wanted part 2 on that tighnari fic when for me it was the blandest story i've written i am SORRY it just IS for me ya know what I mean it's just BLAND NO SPICES NO FLAVOR- i wrote about cannibalism, a dragon diety!reader, and a bunch of weird things, my small brain does not calculate why these two has more attention than the ones I actually use my brain for hAHHAHAHAHA- (like seriously, both those fics had little research whatsoever while I'm pulling out sht like Japanese & Filipino mythology, KPop culture, and fricking Abraham Lincoln's biography (no joke.) on other fics hjdasjas)
All the tutorials are helpful
my dumbass who spent hours tryna figure out how to remove the dialogue box for a CG scene: haha yeah g-good for you...
I'm thinking of trying to make a survey to decide some routes but I'm not overly sure what to put on it.
as a dain simp you know who i'd vote for so if you don't want a biased poll don't let me find that survey hAHAHAHAH
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considering that you like otome games, I'm recommending this one: "I Got Reincarnated As A Server NPC In An Otome Game But A Capture Target Won’t Leave Me Alone". Don't be discouraged by that title, it's not a comedy LN at all. It contains violence and a mentally deranged cold duke of the south diluc lol. my fave blorbo.
O Capo! My Capo! can be a pretty grim series considering how I was inspired to write it because of a bad ending in an otome game fandisc. There are major character deaths (and it's 100% the readers' fault when an LI dies because of votes), mentions of drug abuse, etc. But if you like Piofiore perhaps you'd appreciate it too. Capo!reader is basically "what if Lilia had Dante's occupation and Gilbert's charisma-- oh and I guess your Nicola is Alhaitham for some reason" lmao.
ps: i think i saw you posting a question on r/otome_games about how to make the MC's personality. i agree with the majority that, honestly, you should just go wild lmao. make MC have some fighting spirit. the bar is low--
in any case, I wish you luck!!! have fun coding the game <3
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t4kalcvr · 1 year
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About the tsukki fic i want to make, tbh i might just go all out on that one and just use everything i got in me because idk i just want to seems like fun
But anyways, i was wondering if i should make the reader part hispanic ?? like i don’t wanna say mexican but hispanic because i myself am part mexican and spaniard and it’d be kinda fun
NOW DONT GET ME WRONG i’m not saying like i want it based off of my race or ethnicity or anything but it inspired me!
and i’m not tryna make the reader 100% or 50% anything, the amount of hispanic will be totally random and i won’t specify it i’m saying PART hispanic
i think it’d just be interesting and fun and cool to add a wee bit of basic spanish terms ( or some fun phrases ) into the fanfic and ofc i’ll add every translation into the notes, end or beginning of the fic!
please help me, Im debating so hard! I’ve come up with so many cool things for this fic with the reader being a hockey player and riding a bike and stuff, i just don’t know how people feel about this extra sprinkle of spice :’)
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somereaderinblue · 1 year
I now I'm bombarding you with asks at this point BUT I really wanted you to be witness to my Kane's Kitchen crew brainrot dkdkd (mainly ocs, so don't read if you you're not into it!! Just being silly sjsjs)
the crew down at Kane's Kitchen is a tough one; every single inch in that place screams rock and roll, classic Chicago scene. You could see Escobar clearly smoking in a corner with Al Capone and not question it.
And the crew? Man.
Man, did Mikey have a trip...
Ricky smells like a man; Mikey's been around them all his life, from foster home to foster home.
Some are clean shaven and cologne riddled and hide the evil behind their eyes just fine. Some smell like poverty. Ricky, with his faux Gold around his neck, and Gotham knights shirt, and his smile like a razor blade smells like both.
It's a bit surprising his favourite bat is Black Bat.
Tweety's name isn't really Tweety-- Mikey thought it was, and TJ laughed till he choked on his cigarette, -- his name's actually Jean St. Bordeaux, but he says its a mouthful, and no one pronounces it correctly anyway.
He doesn't know why; He's very quiet. Quieter than Mikey, who's too afraid to talk on a good day, but be talks through cakes, and they understand eachother. He wears SPOILER merch to piss Ricky off.
Trina scares him; Plain and simple. Chi Chi says that's a good thing. Men would be better if they feared women more.
She's like Gotham; She's beautiful and old and deadly and doesn't forgive weakness. She notices cutting meat grosses him out, and puts Mikey on the grill until his skin smells like roast and smoke. She's Spanish, --
", cabron, -- don't go around saying that Hispanic Individual bullshit. You're gonna get the shit beat out of you."
Mikey blushes, hiding his gaze in the bucket of onions he's been chopping for a few hours.
She smells like fresh bread and spices and faint fruit soap one of his foster mothers used. " Your eye don't hurt?"
" No. I mean, -- I cry a lot, so I don't really, -- I don't really notice."
"Huh. Gotta teach me that sometime."
Her favourite is red hood; it's pretty accurate.
" saved my dumbass son from gettin' locked up," she snorts, but that little silver of fondness slips to the surface and gives her away, " Told me you got your ass kicked when he got jumped. Tryna check out early?"
"No. But it wasn't-- it wasn't fair."
She takes him off the grill and shares her cigarettes with him after, even if he always turns them down.
" who's your favorite?"
He has to think about it. Everything about Mikey is so new, and clueless, and not exactly made for this place. But when you walk in Gotham, you don't walk out. So he better get used to it.
"...Robin and Signal."
Ricky snorts, which isn't a surprise-- his purpose in life is to make Mikey's hell, it seems. " Course shorties pick eachother. What, you got a problem with young women being superheroes or something?"
" No! No, I--"
" cause that's very small dick energy of you, pipsqueak "
" ignore him, " tweety's voice is like whiskey when he messes up Ricky's grill, " His daughter's showing him new slang."
" Uh, yeah, cause she's a fuckin', like, English innovator."
Chi Chi smirks a little bit. " Ricky."
Two hands up, a symbol of surrender.
" who's TJ's favorite?"
"What, isn't it obvious?" She smiles, looking over at the man, -- Mikeys not sure what they are. They do what's conventionally established as ' boyfriend girlfriend things' (he wouldn't know, he never had one) and looking at them when they kiss or hug or laugh makes him embarassed in a fond way.
A corner girl went Into labor while Batman and Two Face were destroying their joint. They took her to the hospital with no argument.
TJ's talking to that little person like it gets him. Hand gestures, teasing jabs, bopping them on their nose.
He talks to Mikey the same.
"It's Batman."
I am honored to be witness to this dirt-crusted golden AU.
Ricky sounds like the guy strangers are sus with but friends would trust to get drunk around bcz he'll take the secrets that matter to you to his grave. He likes Black Bat and I wholeheartedly approve. Man has taste.
Idk why but I vibe with Tweety. Can't blame Mikey for thinking that's his actual name. Name purgatory is a thing, yk.
Trina, she can step on me and I'd thank her. That's all imma say. Absolute queen and TJ knows it.
Mikey seems to lowkey embody the Audience Surrogate trope but unlike some characters, he doesn't come off as a burden. The babygirl is a little wet behind the ears but he manages to keep up. Kinda like a cub in the wild. Yeah, it's a literal adorable baby but its in the wild and adapting is just wired in its bones.
Far as I'm concerned, Gordon Ramsay's got nothing on TJ.
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dip-the-stick · 2 years
Seven. Fourteen. Twenty6
7: what do u look for first at an aquarium?
shark ive never seen one bigger than a guitar shark i want to see a shark irl so bad oh my goddddd. but aside from that i think sea urchins are cool
14: do you think you're dehydrated?
oh desperately. actually imma fill up my water bottle rn i almost never drink water its bad
26: how's ur spice tolerance?
bad its real bad my mom never made very spicy food so at this point i can even handle hot cheetos but im tryna get better bit by bit. i no longer thing orange chicken from panda express is spicy but they might've just changed their recipe tbh
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gotatext · 2 years
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𝐣𝐮𝐝𝐞 𝐝𝐞𝐦𝐩𝐬𝐞𝐲 ;  ʙᴏᴍʙꜱʜᴇʟʟ ʙᴇᴀᴄʜ ʜᴜᴛ ᴘʀᴏᴍᴘᴛ !
how are you feeling about entering the villa?
  “ i’m buzzing, me. it’s absolutely mint to be fair. look at that weather !   fackin ell, you don’t get that in manny on the map, i’ll tell you that for free. ”
who are you most interested in getting to know and why?
      “ for me to know and you to find out, haha. nah, it’s actually so hard to say because everyone’s so fit. i do fancy romi, but i feel like they’re proper into marcus, and they’re mad popular on twitter. but then again, she fucked maddox in broad daylight so maybe i have a shot. naomi’s a spice, i won’t lie, but she also knows she’s a spice and has all these lads queueing up to lick her bumhole and i don’t wanna do that. her ego’s phat enough already. jenny’s proper fit. she’s not been given the best light in here, but i reckon she wants something actually real, and like, her heart’s in the right place, you know ?  plus, she looks bendy as fuck so i reckon we’d have a good time together. basically everyone haha. ”
which couples seem the most solid to you? least solid?
    “ thing is, mate, no one’s actually solid ?  marcus and romi are basically in the bin after she fucked maddox. personally, i reckon they’ll end up married with babies, but right now they are shaky as, man. naomi and dylan might seem solid, but they could definitely be prized apart i reckon, and i’m not afraid to step on toes. callie and frankie did that whole u-haul shit and are basically married off, but hands down frankie will fuck someone in casa and cry about it, i’m calling it. that girl does not want to be tamed. i actually think jenny and josh might be the most solid, which is a fuckin’ laugh. guess we’ll see about that. ”
what people do you see yourself getting along with? 
  “ seb is a fun time, so maybe i’ll get along with him. romi, i reckon, whether things end up spicing up or not — they’re cool, we’ve got like, fuck loads in common, so i can’t see why we wouldn’t get along. i think i could get along with dylan and callie provided i’m not an arse. marcus seems like my kinda guy. could probably teach him some breakdance for when he gets up on stage, though i reckon he’s more of a zayn than a harry. ”
what people do you see yourself not getting along with?
  “ maddox. public school prick and massive tory wanker, need i say more ?  josh probably won’t like me since i’m tryna cop a feel of his bird. maybe rhys, too, he seems pretentious and i don’t care for that. we get it, you’ve read shakespeare. so have i and you don’t see me screaming about it. pipe down. ”
casa amor is a unique time to enter love island. what do you hope to get out of the experience?
 “ mate, i’m here for the memories, innit — get me on that jet2 holiday ting !  nah, i’m messing. i actually think it will be so cool though to see it from like, a filming perspective. like how a show like this operates. i have a mate from the big old landan town who’s reyt successful now cos he got a job on snog, marry, avoid. am i allowed to talk about snog, marry, avoid on here ? no ? okay, well cut that, then. i think it’ll just be a good experience. i actually had like, a pretty shit time recently with a girl i was mad keen on and since then dating’s felt a bit of a minefield, so it’s a good opportunity to speed-date and test the water, see if there’s a spark. would be nice to get back to the villa in one piece  — that’s probably my main goal. ”
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dejwritesarchived · 2 years
hi deja! tooootally random question but i'm tryna get some opinions. i'm thinking of cosplaying as toji from jjk for halloween this year and while I love his design i wanna spice it up a lil bit, especially w/ jewelry. i can see toji wearing a chain definitely, but do you think rings would also fit w/ toji's vibe? i can't emulate toji's dilf energy so i'm trying to make up for it in rings and chains LOL
i think you should just stick to the chain to add your own thing to the cosplay. i feel like the rings are going to throw the cosplay off a lil bit. you know how when you wear too much jewelry it kinda takes the attention off your actual outfit if that make sense. anyway, i hope you have fun cosplaying as toji this spooky season. i been seeing so many jjk cosplays lately tbh
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Never thought i'd see the chapter where a side character is creepier than the main guy but here we are! Well, at least for now. Ew, ew, ewwww... Julianna really needs to chill out about reader. That playing dress up comment, blegh.
The cracks in the marriage are getting bigger and bigger, fights are happening around kids and now Bucky is getting bolder. Going to reader's room and making a pass at her? Oh boyyy its only a matter of time now!
Julianna is like toptoeing along a really weird line of is she into reader or is she tryna be friends or is she just super strange? Like maybe she's just done with hanging out with housewives and is reverting to being a bit juvenile? Or maybe she wants to 'spice things up'.
And Omg Bucky and Jules' argument would have me choking. I don't think I'd even come up with an out, I'd just walk away like nah, not doing this rn ahahaha. And Bucky took it as well I aint fucking my wife so maybe...
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words: 1.5k rating: m additional tags: canon compliant, mentions of mexico, mentions of trevor (but not by name), late s10, mickey's pov, spoiler alert: ian wants mickey to top him for the first time and he feels weird asking, they don't fuck yet - it's the convo and a lil lead-up to separate spice
summary: one night while sitting on the couch, ian's got a proposition for his husband. and it's got nothing to do with the year-round holiday tree lip and tammi are doing.
✨ just a lil sumn sumn to get the writing juices flowing ✨
“So I’ve been thinking…”
The wave of dread that surges through Mickey escapes him in a long, drawn out sigh. 
“Christ, Ian - thought we vetoed this shit like an hour ago.” (They did.) “Just ‘cause Lip’s doin’ the whole ‘christmas tree for every holiday’ schtick that doesn’t mean we gotta.”
The look Ian sends him from the other side of the couch is irritated, but has cooled off considerably from when they discussed this topic at length this afternoon. 
He hasn’t reached The Chin status. 
“You can relax, alright? I’m not talking about that.”
The mindless little thumb stroke he’s been working over Mickey’s ankle bone as they watch TV, however, falls still. Now it’s just a big, heavy hand where Mickey’s socked feet rest in his lap. 
“Whatchya thinkin’ ‘bout then,” Mickey tries.
He waits, for a good few beats of the Bob’s Burgers intro.
When he doesn’t get an answer he wiggles his foot, bringing Ian’s hand along for the ride. “...‘ay…”  
Ian’s eyebrows jump lightly as he’s pulled out of his thoughts, then mellow out while he just barely glances at Mickey and then back toward the TV. “Nothin’...” he says. “Never mind.”
Well that’s just not gonna fucking happen, is it?
Mickey grumbles, turning his foot again. But this time it’s to dig his toes annoyingly into Ian’s belly. “...‘nothing’, my ass. Spill it.” 
His foot is already being dragged away by the ankle and out of belly range. But the tiny crease in Ian’s brow is obvious. 
Oh yeah. It’s definitely something. “Ain’t ‘nothing’, so you might as well tell me before I break out the big guns.”
Mickey’s not super sure what ‘the big guns’ are in this situation. But his husband seems to know exactly what ‘the big guns’ are over there, judging by the tightness of his jaw. “Fucking annoying…” 
“Yup,” Mickey confirms with a serious, unsmiling nod. Even holds his hand up to flash his wedding band as a little reminder that his dumb ass recently married him, so who’s the sucker here? “Now talk.”
Another moment passes. 
Up in the air.
It could really go either way.
And then… 
“You know Mexico…?”
The knee-jerk reaction to patch over the sting with a joke will probably go away with time, but it still kicks up hard whenever that stretch of time gets brought up. “Heard of it, yeah.” 
There’s a reason Ian’s bringing it up, though. There always is. 
He says it carefully, his hand heavy where it’s still draped over Mickey. “‘Member how I said we could switch shit up…? …if we ever wanted to…?” 
Mickey blinks.
He does remember that. Just as much as he remembers how they did not do that. Even a little bit.  
It’s not that they were actively avoiding it. Some things just slip through the cracks when you’re barreling toward the border to escape the law like goddamn Queer Bonnie and Clyde. 
And yeah… They’re not running anymore. They’ve got time to do whatever the fuck they want now. That little suggestion just got shoved back into the corner of Mickey’s brain with the rest of the Mexico shit, is all. And Ian hasn’t said shit about it since. 
Until now.
Mickey fixes his eyes on the carefully projected pride that puffs out his husband’s chest. 
Ahh. He gets it now.
“...you tryna bottom for me, Gallagher?”
Ian doesn’t look at him. “Why the hell not?”
And whoa - “Easy, tiger. Not fightin’ ya on it.” But Mickey has to chuckle. Can’t help the tease that slips into his tone just as easily as the lick of interest that slips up his spine. 
In fact, he should probably shut the fuck up for a second or two while it all works through his system so he doesn’t spook him. Because one look at Ian bristling over there keeps perspective real clear. 
Ian’s been working up to this. Feels like he’s gotta puff up like a damn bullfrog to save face - to keep Mickey from giving him shit. Like they didn’t just commit their entire stupid lives to each other. Like Mickey wouldn’t do fucking anything to make this man understand how gone he is for him.
“...‘ay…” Another nudge of his foot into Ian’s tummy. But it’s softer this time. Urging. “Say more-a that shit. Already into it.”
Ian chances a look over at him. Cautious eyes in flickering light. “Really?”
Too cute for his own good. Even as a bullfrog. “Really.” 
Ian’s thumb falls back into soft, mindless circles over Mickey’s ankle bone again. More soothing for himself, probably, as his brain works over the words before they trickle from his mouth. “Done it before. …few times.”
It’s a test of Mickey’s patience. A test of his self control to not launch into his ‘flipping a quarter to see who has to bottom is a red fuckin’ flag’ routine, because that’s not what this is. And he and Ian have had their own fair share of red flags throughout the years. Mickey’s just petty when it comes to the thought of other men, so fight him.
But Ian doesn’t need that from him right now.
He settles on, “Uh huh.” Sidesteps and comes back in at a safe distance. “And that was…?”
A leading question. Ian chews on it for a second with narrowed, searching eyes, before his head tilts to the side with his answer. “It was fine…”
Purposefully unspecific. 
Mickey brings his bottom lip in and worries at it to shut himself up. 
And it’s absolutely the right thing to do - to give him room. Because before he knows it, Ian is shifting a little to look at him, his gaze no longer lacking purpose as it locks onto him in the dark.
“Mick…I want it to be you,” he says, not looking away. “I just know it’ll be good if it’s you.”
It sends another swoop of interest blossoming inside Mickey. Arousal. Intrigue. Fucking pride.
And Ian’s still talking. “You used to top all the time, so you know what the fuck you’re doing-...” The circles over Mickey’s ankle build in pressure. “But I also know we’ve never-... Like… Even as kids. That’s not how we do it-”
“Who’re you tryna convince here? You know I’m already sold.” 
Ian swallows up whatever else he has at the ready. Whatever’s been building building building in his brain as this moment neared. 
He looks back over at him.
Mickey grins. “Yeah. It’s fuckin’ happening, so I’m not sure who all that convincin’ is for.”
A pent up breath escapes Ian’s nose, his blink heavy with obvious relief. “You’ll do it?” 
And seriously, it’s like he’s asking if Mickey will strangle a man to death for him. (Which he’ll also do, off the record. But Ian already knows that.) 
“You know, not everything’s gotta be a big goddamn negotiation, huh?” The couch creaks as Mickey pulls his feet back into himself. “Don’t gotta break out the fuckin’ quarter anymore, sweetcheeks.”
Whoops. And after all that self control, too.
Ian rolls his eyes, both hands falling into his empty lap. “Never shoulda told you that.”
But his mounting attitude is quickly snuffed out by Mickey invading his space, his grin lethal as he closes in, “Mm-mm…” and then seals the deal with a hungry, instigating kiss. “...‘course I’ll fuckin’ do it. Thought about it before, to tell ya the truth…”
Ian decompresses against him, falling into the rhythm of his breathing as he asks it. “...really…?”
“Mhm…” Mickey grins, “...fuckin’ hot…” He keeps it close. Keeps it steamy. Keeps both their mouths moving, just in different ways. “Prob’ly make the most fuckable faces with my dick in ya - huh, lover…” 
The nickname is supposed to make Ian laugh, but what he gets instead is a huffy, bitten off groan. The makings of a whine. 
And damn, that’s so much fucking better, ain’t it? This is gonna be fun.
Mickey’s grin widens at the greedy hips pressing up into him, visions of what’s to come nice and tasty as they unravel for him in his head. “You want it right now…?” He could give it to him right now. They could absolutely do this right fucking now.
But before he can get too ahead of himself, he’s being swept into a different but gloriously familiar direction, Ian’s arms wrapping around him and lugging them both up until he’s carrying him toward the back of the apartment. 
“Way too fuckin’ horny to deal with that right now,” he admits, and it’s breathless. Kinda like how Mickey’s feeling up here as Ian hurries them into the bedroom with very clear purpose.
And you know what, Mickey is A-O-Fucking-Kay with that shit. “Next time,” he promises through a kiss.
“Next time,” Ian agrees, and then dumps Mickey onto the bed and crawls on after him.
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